HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-96-9 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: November 27, 1995 DATE PREPARED: November 17, 1995 ,J CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-95-13fDearing CASE MANAGER: `4Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Final development plan amendment LOCATION OF REQUEST: 70501 West I-70 Frontage Road North NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANTS}: Daniel R. Dearing, 10501 West I-70 Frontage Rd No NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S}: Same. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.36 acres PRESENT ZONING: PID PRESENT LAND USE: Auto body shop SURROUNDING ZONING: S_N: A-7; E: C-1; W: PID SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: vacant; S: I-70; E: nursery, hotel; W: manufacturing COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Industrial DATE PUBLISHED: November 9, 1995 DATE POSTED: November 13, 1995 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: November 8, 1995 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX ) RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ( ) ( )NOT REQUIRED (XX)NONE ENTER INTO RECORD: ( )COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX }CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ()SLIDES ( )SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (XX) EXHIBITS ( )OTHER _____Ww~ JURISDICTION: -• The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notificaf'ion and posting requirements have een met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-95-13 1. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of an amendment to Planned Industrial development final development plan. The subject property is located at 70501 West I-70 Frontage Road and is used for auto body repair. There is an existing 71,900 square foot building on the property with a fenced outside storage area to the south and west of the structure. The applicant is proposing an approximate 6000 square foot addition to the building. This addition will displace a portion of the outdoor storage area. The impervious area on the lot is reduced to 56%. There will be no change to the landscaped area which is currently at 14% coverage. All other restrictions of the development plan still apply. No information regarding the type of construction for the addition has been provided except that it will be metal. Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met. 11. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies are already serving the property, however some upgrades may be required. Valley Water District may require additional lines or a line upgrade. Arvada Fire District may require line upgrades and possible fire hydrant installation. Public Works will require a drainage report. All public improvements are in place. Colorado Department of Highways is requesting the western-most curb cut be closed. The City and Fire District are negotiating with CDOT as to how this can be accomplished. III. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission Reviewed this request at a public hearing held on October 5, 1995. A recommendation of approval was given for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property, bu4 rather some enhancement. IV. STAFF CONCLUSIONS _ , Staff has concluded with the addition, there will be no reduction in the amount of landscaping on the property. Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan have been met. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given. V_ RECOMMENDED MOTIONS OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WZ-95-13, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met; and Planning Division Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-95-13 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property. OPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-95-13, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 West 1-70 Frontage Road North be Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " 6:\wz9513.sr ~_ t Case No. WZ-95-13 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY Fire: (Arvada) May need to upgrade fire flow and install a hydrant. Schools: Water: (Valley) May need to upgrade service. Sewer: (Fruitdale) No response. U S West Communications: No response. Public Service Company: No response. State Land Use Commission (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: Would like western-most curb cut eliminated. Jefferson County: (Health, Commissioners, Planning) Adjacent City: TCI: CITY DEPARTMENTS Public Works: Will need a drainage study and erosion control plan. Parks and Recreation: Police: Building Inspection: agrefsum.frm ~` RLIN6 Np, I CGittNHRt M~ 51~ ~'I D .~~ ~ - ~~. - - - ~pt~,----- _-~ ~. _ -' ~ u~cs~uaTM clicN LEK- - ~~ -- - 9+'~ ,aS~A s I ND l~~ - ~'ID ~ ,-~-II J ~ - ~ _~ ----' I WZ-Ti-10 ~ I _,. -8 ~~. ~~I_.~~A~~~H ARVADA i ~.~ sAioees Ha-ao-s IrusimK G PID o -~-~ - (f~ N ~4fH AK 5YJI0-~ V _ I i/~//// OFFI GI,hL ® kREA REQUIRING S1TE PL4N APPROVkL S~ ZONING MAP _ ZOO D19TR,G"f FOUNDRY - PARCEL/LOT BOUt\DRY o WHEf~T RIDGE ~ -'` GOLOR}'cD0 ~+~.~ CITY G M TE9 OWNERSHIP) SGV.E I'=4C0 MkP kDOPTEP. one I5, 199-0 - --- WATER PEkTURE Last Rcris)on: Dectmbri 22, I9q.s DENOTES MlF_TI PLE kDDRE55E5 - \_. ~ARI'Bfi ~ q/.py1N6 ND IY'V9,pRg(f -73r7P51 Planning Commission Minutes October-5,:.1995 Page 3 Commissioner CERVENY asked Mr. Ojala how the proposed addition would be constructed. `~ ~~ Mr. Oiala answered=every effort would b_e made to match the addition as closely as possible to the existing structure. He explained. Commissioner CERVENY asked if further documentation was necessary before the case was-referred to City Council? Ms. Recker*_ stated the elevations documentation was not included in the packet. That will be included in the Council packet. Commissioner CERVENY asked if a drainage study would be necessary..- Ms. Reckert stated the drainage study should be available by the Council meeting. Commissioner CERVENY property, had been a added that. if Commis conflict of interest not. He stated that past association. stated that Mr. McLean, owner of the client approximately ten years ago. He lion felt this, in any way, would be a- for him to vote on this case, then he would his decision would not be influenced by this Consensus +~as to :allow Commissioner CERVENY to participate. Commissioner WILL-SANS moved that Case No. WZ-95-12, a request for approval of a rezoning from PID and I to-PID,-and approval of an outline development plan and a final development plan and plat for property located at-4850 Ward Road be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It will-allow expansion of the existing building to the north. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations have been met. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. 2. Case No. WZ-95-13: An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan. Said property is located at 10501_West I-70 Frontage Road ':orth. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report, which included slides. E:_tered and accepted intc the record were the Zoning Ordinance, case file, packet materials and exhibits. ~~. C/ ARVADA OFFI G I i~L J~ D ® AREA REQUIRING SITE PL.gN hPPROVAL 5 IZONI NG aMTII~ ~ ZONE D,STR,GT BOtR.iDRY I' `11 'E~T i~I DGE - PARGEL/LOT BOIADRY -_r ~«+.~ ~] J~ !DESIGNATES OWh~RS+iIP) ° GOLOR,°cD0 ~`.:~s CITY LIMIT LINE `~-E I~~a00 MAP ADOPTED. June I5, 1994 _ _ _ _ WhTER PcATURE LmT Revlsim: December 22, 199a DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES \, '. D'c~AR1'QfT OF Fl.ANVIN6 MD D=V8.OP1'81T - 73S-7B52 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 October 5, 1995 Commissioner OWENS asked if the .existing building was metal. Is there existing brick veneer? Ms. Reckert answered that the office portion of the existing building contained some brick veneer. Staff would like to have this detail picked up on the proposed building, however recognizes that this is an industrial area.. Daniel R. Dearing, 10501 West 48th Avenue, was sworn in. Mr. Dearing pointed out the portions of the existing building that had brick veneer, adding that his preference would be to carry the gray sheeting throughout on the addition. He added that closure of the .West curb cut would not pose a problem, providing the fire department agrees to the closure____ Commissioner LANGDON asked Mr. Dearing of a brick veneer could be applied to a metal building or would it require a special footing, etc. It was explained how the brick veneer could be added by Mr bearing's building contractor. Mr. Dearing stated_he felt the brick veneer requirement would not be unreasonable and that he wanted the building to look nice. He also anticipated doing some landscaping upgrades. Commissioner JOHNSON suggested that the applicant have elevations available at the Council meeting. Ms. Reckert reminded applicant that he must have a preliminary drainage report in review prior to the City Council hearing. Commissioner RASPLICKA noted that the addition was not being made to the office (which .had the brick veneer). Mr. Dearing agreed that was_true and pointed out where the addition would be constructed. Commissioner RASPLICKA stated that if the applicant was added to the off ice,. he .would agree the brick veneer .would be appropriate_ Chairperson ECKHARDT suggested perhaps upgraded landscaping could take the place of the-brick veneer. Mr. Dearing explained. his plans to Commission. Commissioner OPIENS asked why the applicant had~to'go through this process, rather thar_ ust applying for a building permit. Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 October-5, 1995 Ms. Reckert explained that the parcel in question was'a planned development and this process is necessary in order to amend that planned development. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked what the landscape requirement was. Ms. Reckert answered that a minimum of 10a landscaping is the requirement for commercial property. The applicant is slightly above the requirement. Commissioner WILLIAMS stated that brick veneer would detract from, rather than enhance, this proposed addition.- He added that matching the existing structure. would be more attractive- Commissioner OWENS moved that-Case No. WZ-95-13, a request for approval of an amendment to-the Becker Industrial Park final- development plan for property located at 10501-West I-70 Frontage Road North, be Approved for the following reasons- 1. All requirements for a-final development plan amendment have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property, but rather some enhancement. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC'HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner CERVENY brought to Commission's a-ttention an article published by the Golden Transcript in which the Certificate of Resolution regarding.the,ballot issue "STREET WIDTH DESIGNATION", prepared by Commission, was discussed. Commissioner CERVENY read a portion of a quote from the article made by Mr. Vance Edwards "This planning commission is dominated by a good old boy network. They are scared. to death this will take their power away and the citizens will make the decisions and they should be scared to death- If this .passes, the power will go to the citizens and maybe the messages of the good old boys network are starting to-erode-" Edwards also made the following statement regarding planning commission: "They never met a road they didn't wane to widen and they never met a developer they dia_n't like". F r CASE N0: WZ-95-13 LOCATION: 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North APPLICANT(S) NAME: Daniel R.-Dearing O'vJNER(S) NAME: Same. REQUEST:. Approval of an Amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan F.PPROXIMATE AREA: i.36 acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said fist of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by zeference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREP.S, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NO;V, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner OWENS, seconded by Commissioner RASPLICKA,_that Case No. WZ-95-13, an application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of amendment to the Becker Industrial Paxk final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North be Approved fox the following reasons: 1. A11 requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property, but rather some enhancement. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Williams, Owens, Rasplicka, Cezveny, Langdon, Crompton and Johnson N0: None CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION .. r.E.T RIDGE PLANNIiG COMMISSION :~c9513.xes WHEAT RIDGE PL=1VN I CP: _, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 8 - 0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Euilding, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 5th day of October, 1995. The Cily of ~V~Theat Ridge ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Department of Planning and Development 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant~~[)~E ~~ ~7.C~rIAM Address~J~~~~ ~~~~'~~ Phone ~~~ °~.S/~ Owner ~.1~ Address Phone Location of request /OSOI 6U~f~'l~'ffE~ Type of action requested (check one or more of the=actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit Flood plain special exception Conditional use permit Interpretation of code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification __ _ Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation B Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final Solid waste landfill/ (] ** See attached procedural guide Othereral extraction permit for specific- requirements"~.~j 11 1, Detailed Description of request ~-QCZ / I-lf1'/~ ~D ~~~~~ ~C f~'/ r~ .. ~_~ List--all__persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee,:etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE fii~hviFL /2 E~~ iu4 /o rz7/ l~tl ~~'~-try" ~~~- 9Si .. ~: -.. _ _ _ _ _ I certify .that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to-the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the. requested actior. cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney £rom the owner _ _ which approved of this a tion on-his be alf. _ Signature of Applicant - •. Cnl'~crri hcA era ~•._~-^^ to me this ~~ /~~day of. ;uht.e/ ...19, - ,_ __ _ CITY i~ HHEAT RIDGE 0E;2~f96 10:49 A11 cdb HIGH CQUNTRY RECEIPT NG:COOi3^4 AMOUNT P175D ZONING APPLICATION F 100.00 PAYflEidT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 1i~54 100.00 TOTA! 100..0 My commission expires /~~do ~~g ' Receipt No. Case No. _, ,. n0 /~ ~^k ~~ Vm '~W , ~ ;~ .&ordcd :t -o'clock Rerxplion No. M.. QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, Made this 9th. dry of November • 19 90 between Richard R. Gearing and Jacqueline J. Dearing, as to an undivided 50% interest and Daniel R. Gearing and Debra Lee Dearing, as to an undivided 50% interest of the 'County o! Jefferson and State of Colorado. gnntorts), and Daniel R. Dearing whoa legal address is 10501 W. 48th. Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 or the county of Jefferson grid Store of Colorado, grsntee(ak WFTNESSE1N, That the grantor(s), for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration--------------------------------------------------- Do11.ARs the rtttipt and sufficiency of which is hertby acknowledged, ha 5 remind, rtleesed, sold, cronveyed and QUR CLAIMED. and by then presents do 50 remise. mlease, sell, mnvry end QUR CLAIM unto the gunta(sl. h { 5 heir, successors and u8gu, foreser. sIl the right. side, interns, claim and demand which she gnntoRsl has in and to the rtal propettg together with impmsemenb.if any, situate. lying and being in the Cousny of Jefferson atd SWe of colondo. des<ribean rousws: A part of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4 of section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th. P. M., described as: Beginning at a point which is 789.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of the SE 1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West and 303.5 feet North of a line parallel with the East line of the SW I/4, SE 1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West; thence, continuing Northerly along a line parallel to the East line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4, a distance of 181.50 feet; thence, fast parallel to the South line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4, a distance of 299.70 feet; thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4, a distance of 75.75 feet; thence, West parallel to the South line of the SW I/4, SE 1/4 a distance of 30.00 feet; thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4 a distance of 75.75 feet; thence East a distance of 270.30 feet to a point on the East line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4; thence, South 30.00 feet along the East line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4; thence West parallel to the South line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4 a distance of 541.00 (eet to the point of Beginm rag, tALEHI the tact J0.00 feet for roadway purposes, EXCEPT that portion described as BECKER iNDUSTRIAL PARK, and EXCEPT that portion Deeded to the State Department of Highways, recorded tlarch 1, 1982 at Reception No. 82013111, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. also known by stmet and number u: 10501 W. 48th. Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 l0 HAVE AND TO HOLD Ih< same, together with all end singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and ail the estate, right, title, intertst end claim whatsoeseG of the gnntor(sh tither in lew or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and fxhoof o(rhe grameefsl, h i 5 heirs aM assigns forever. IN WCENESS WIiEREOF, The grantortsl ha S executed this deed on the dote set forth sboa:. `7 i and R. Dearin Daniel R. Dearing ) ~. Jac~uel~he J. Dears g '.J~ Debra Lee rin ~ I y STATE OF COIARADO, ' ' , ' ~ ss. County of Thefartgoinginstmmem wss uknowledged befort me this c/.1i4~ day of 7?!ti•e'/'~t'~"'~ •199c• by Richard R. Dearing and Jacqueline J. Dearing and Daniel R. Dearing and Debra Lee Dearing My commission ezpirts~ L .~ / , 19 `J •2+. Witness my hand and o[fic;al seal. '..~n,+,;;;;;;; p„ . ±at:'b~iCO'~yM. :. 'If in Denver. insert "City and." Na. /d7. Re. au. otnr m.amtnren n,.en.a wnn.e~.. •vw am a+,r.s..o,a, eo exu _rwn mean CNT ~ a.ar s'~ LES~rE wtAmRFtcr; 1CEPTION NO. 92011813 L/04/92 11:20 `~•®0 RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFER30N STATE OF COLOR1IRf~7., '~' , , a _:~!!< 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034.0638 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 June 26, 1996- The Wheat Ridge Depa for a~?proval of an at davalnnmr~n} plan Your response tb the would be appreciated date will constitute X303) 234-5900 Police Dept.'Fax ~ 235-2949 The City of ~1Vheat Ridge ctment of Community Development has received a request tendment £o a PTannafl ('nmmarClzl P®veioFmer:t €inal at the property described below. following questions and any comments on this proposal by Jui~l2, 1QQ6 No response from you by this no objections or-.concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-96-9/High Country LOCATION: 10501 W I-70 Frontage Road North REQUESTED ACTION: Eina1 development plan amendment PURPOSE: Approximately 4.000 square foot addition for storage APPROXIMATE AREA: n/a 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO If "NO", Tease explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO if "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (.Valley ) XX Sanitation District (Clear Cxe~k XX Fire District (Arvada ) Adjacent City ( ) Public Service Co. US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div. of Wil`dlife- TCI of Colorado Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board W R Post Office W R Police Dept. XX W R Public Works Dept. W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. W R Building Div. <pc>referralform ~i Rrgvdrd PalWr . ,' i I;,, , r ~,. I , , ;ur m .g~ R '-R R 3 ¢ ~% o O \\..~ S_ _.~ 1. ',' ..~ _ ._.. ._ ~. --'-ILA (p. ~'''' LO gis g49 B i e ~-.°r. S ~n ~ .I .. I \^ ', v i+. $ f.-1 ;a p gE L ~ I Z R r, qpg ypL~~~~> K ~ ' M'..~ ~ 't ~g £Iv~ 448 1~6F •~S~ zl ~ ~~ ~, cnF ~ ~Y>~~~~>Rp~~£A> L ~ 1 ~~ ~r$~ ~< 3a9 s ~Q ( R R i l v~ F~~~~~E ~~~ o ~ I? ~ ,, ao v ~'. a 2 4 ~ l ~ i . F6 !9,a ~~R~R c~~F iv =a~ ~ ~ ~.' ~ . s ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ • ': & -~ 538E 8° BE$F:~;Fi ' ~- Qkf s"' .~ .; ;' ~ 4; ~ gg<E g. ~3 i~ - ~~ ~ R ~e aL~~~~a9~'~s~s 2~~ ~~ ir1 I:, ce 4a~34.c~ s~ ~ '~i~, 'O a`o D ~B~~Br ~Yp ~~c~iq .t Rs ~s~g~ l x n ~`~Y ~ "~ ~ R,~i, as z Q4~'a &F ~ ~i ~ >~ a°~ "pR~ E '~ A R'£ ~k. g L•a:'I: '^ ~': ~ ~ F 4 C' ' ~ Z y ~ y F y sg 4 ~ e I~ O c ~ pgeQ ~>o r ay n ~ r ^ Z ~ ". ~ .~ g C1jCE~b 7 r~?„ D 2 r ;t Ps yr LG Fi~R^ ,ICI O ~r S ~--- ca ~a~a ~ ~ ~~ $$ _ ~~ C) m o o a .~ _° m I ~ ? ~ ~ fb' Q o~ o ~ n ~ n 7CF~' ~,' r Yi, bR ~~ ~:~ ~~~gn. xm m ¢5~~~ yIc gm > < n I~ ~ ma ~ > a~ y < i ~ 0 c ~~~ ~ >~e m y` ~~ r q zF ~n f7 ~~ R>R ~ ~~ N y9 9 o$ z ~a " g g^ O i 3 ~e R Q ~_ c Z I ~ e, " a ~ppF ~ ~~~~FRi . •~A a :~ n ~ y.~ ~ - 3 O f ~ .-~ - qq~g ~ 6~ la ao ~k C ~A p ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ myn' O l ~ ~ Q A` ~Nn r ~ t` ~g*'jti ~' n 1 ~ a ~` s n o F 5 _ > r ' m m ~ _ ~ m ~ g ~ ~ C to - 1 ~~" MILLER I ~ ~ . .. I ~~ 1 ~.« ii Y', ~ ~` i ~ i ,, ,, ~~.I -~._ MlKixp~~ ~.._1 ~ ~ .. _, i ~,, I~ r~UNZ CONSTf;UCTION CO. 427,-moo 11Mt6 WEST 48TH AVENUE WHF_tii RIDGE COLORADO 80033 % !. w b Becker lndus}rial Park AMENDED ~ FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN loss wrsr aerR nvt:. I IFAT p10GE CO~ORaDO ~e009 I r_ '1 ~~.~ .'}. .. .1a:~' ~ • MEMORANDUMS Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner II FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer ~. DATE: September 17, 1995 SIIBJ: 10501 W. I-70 Frontage Road North/High Country Auto Body, WZ-95-13/bearing The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department's referral received on September 8, 1995 for-the above referenced project, and has the following comments: 1. We will-need a drainage study. 2. Public improvements have been constructed to standard along the North Frontage Road, and will not be required. 3. We will need an erosion control plan to verify no related impact(s) to the existing Brown & Baugh Irrigation Ditch running along the west property line. 4. Traffic review has no comments at this time, however review of this site is in progress by CDOT which may result in future comments for this site. cc: Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director John Oss, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic.~ngineer File ~~ ~~ Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHALS' OFFICE P. O. Box 3•D ARVADA, COLORADO 80007 Telephone (303) 425-0850 - FAX (303) 422-4569 September 19, ].995 Ms. Meredith Reckert Department of Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave. P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO. 80034-0638 RE: High Country Auto Body 10501_W. I-70 North Frontage Road Dear Meredith, ~'TY OF WHE,~T R1¢3QE cll~nn ~~ : . I SEP 2 71995 I I IJ ~'LANNlNG & DEVELDpMp~ We have reviewed the site plan for this facility and have the following comments. 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 2, 12195 W. 52nd Ave. and Station 1, 7900 W. 57th Ave. 2. We need information as to the proposed use of the new building to request an occupancy classification from the Building Official. This will allow a determination on what fire protection requirements will need to be applied to-the structure. 3. All-weather fire department access roadways, minimum of 20 feet of unobstructed width will need to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the building. iTFC 91 10.203, 10.204(a). 4. An additional fire hydrant may need to be provided at the site. UFC 91 10.501(a). Sincerely, Arvada(~7~Fire Protection District teve Ste~g Wider Deputy Fire Marshal ( • t VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424-9661 September 20, 1995 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Idheat Ridge, CO 80214 Attn:. Meredith Reckert Dear Meredith: Attached are the comments from Valley Water District regarding WZ-95-13/bearing at 10501 W. I-70 Frontage Road North. I was unable to address item #1 on the response form until Arvada Fire District decides on cahat requirements they will need met for the project and if additional water lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler systems will be needed. If you have any questions, please call me at 424-9661. Sincerely, // l~'i~~~~/r/d~'l/~" Robert Arnold District PQanager RLA/kmk 1'~iTY Of °1NWEAT -RtBGE ~~~ fl[i' `SEP'.~~1 1995 ! i~'t~-U 1.1 PIANNING & DEVELOPMENT • `~ STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region G ~ OT 2000 South Holly SUeet s~ Denver, Colorado 80222 CITY OF WHEAT RiDG~. O (n~ri'(!{1 R(~~ September 22, 1995 I 'SEP 2 $ 1995 Attn: Meredith Reckert '1--~r~7 ~I~U U city of Wheat Ridge pLpNNING & DEVELOPMENT 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 RE: CASE NO. WZ-95-13. HIGH COUNTRY AUTO BODY LOCATED AT 10501 WEST INTERSTATE 70 FRONTAGE ROAD. Dear Meredith: The Colorado Department of Transportation has reviewed this proposal and finds the following: 1. No more than one access shall be provided to an individual parcel or to contiguous parcels under the same ownership unless it can be shown that additional access would. not be detrimental to the safety and operation of the highway and are necessary for the safety and efficient use of the property. 2. As this property has three existing driveways, and no supporting data was submitted, it is unclear as to why three points of access should continue to be used or allowed. 3. The Department at this time finds the Final Development Plan is unacceptable until access issues are resolved. If you should have any questions, please call me at 757-9901. Sincerely, Blea Pro' ram Manager RJB/gt cc: Warner L. Lipp Harding ref file SH 70 rf OCT-l~I 7.48 r_ ~a FARE PROT DIST FAX N0. 30~ I569 P, 02 Arvada dire Prat~ction C istrict aia! wragSHAls~ oPF)CE • P, p. aax 3-~ ARVAOa, OOLORteDO a000! Tt)tphont (30S) +125.OBi0--fAx (30S) 427-4589 Octiober 6, 1,995 Hr. Daniel Daaacing Righ QOUA~2` Autc Body lO60t W, 48~h Ave, Whaat Ridge, 4b. 9008k Degr Dan, thank you !ox Che lettaz of. October 4, i995 for the new add~,tian. I Rave l+aet 'with dohr~ Eckert o~ tehe 4lheat itidge Building Department reaardirs Lhe new adc~i.tion. One question that has some up is will azaY tYPe of welding be done i~ the new adaiitian4 Z9 yatt pould ~orwaa:d that infarmabion to me, we oan gat thus rasolved, and mn Ccoupasaoy Ciaae'ifiaetion deEarm.iaed fvr the new eaaiti~an. Sincerely, Arvada 9'ixo Fratectian Distrxat St'dve~8~ig eddy Deputy i~irv Maretaal Toa Steve Steigleder, ~tegarding the above question in your above li we have no plans at this time to dv welding in `the n. an 1 I l ff //~~ ~ ,c .~ng 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE The Clty 01 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6797 (303) 234-5900 ~1Vheat City Admin. Fax q 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax k 235-2949 Ridge October 20, 1995 Rudy Blea Access Program Manager Colorado Department of Transportation, Region-6 2000 S. Holly St. Denver, Colorado 80222 RE: Case No. WZ-95-13. High Country Auto Body located at 10501 W. I-70 Frontage Road Dear Rudy, This letter is in response to your letter sent to Meredith Reckert of the Planning Department dated September 22, 1995 regarding the access issue for the above location. Currently, this site has three access points. The west access is gated, the middle one is used by High Country Auto Body and the east access is used by the north adjacent property. The City has discussed closing the west access point, however the Arvada Fire Department has expressed concern that the west (gated) access should remain usable because it is the secondary key access they need in case of a fire. Due to the configuration of the property, it might not be feasible to close the east access because it serves the north property (please see plan). Due to the site uniqueness, please field verify to determine if all three access points can remain open with the west access gated for emergency use only. I'll be more than happy to meet with you at the above site to clarify. Please inform me of your decision. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 235-2862. Sincerely, Steven Nguyen, Traffic Engineer cc Meredith Reckert, Planner II G ::~ .u::u;son, Development Review Engineer r~ ,,.. ~ STATE OF COLO RADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OT s~ November 3, 1995 Attn: Steven Nguyen Region G 2000 South Holly Street Denver, Colorado 80222 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West' 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 RE: CASE NO. WZ-95-13. HIGH COUNTRY AUTO BODY LOCATED AT 10501 WEST INTERSTATE 70 FRONTAGE ROAD. Dear Steven: wesf ~ The Colorado Department of Transportation has further ~eviewed this proposal and recommends that the existing easterly gate remain in place but the existing driveway be removed and replaced with curb and gutter and sidewalk. This will provide and enable the Fire Department to access the property if/when there is an emergency. As for the two other existing driveways they can remain in-place up until the time there. is a change of use. If you have any questions, please call me at 757-9901. Sincerely, /~7. rslea Pr ram Manager RJB/gt cc: warner L. Lipp Harding City of Wheat Ridge ref file SH 70 rf • MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Approved Date Meredith Reckert, Planner Greg Knudson, Development November 21, 1995 II Review Engineer SIIBJ: High Country Auto Body, 10501 W. 48th Avenue - Project Status Per your request, this memo is to inform you of the present status of the above referenced project with respect to the site's drainage requirements by the Public Works Department. I contacted Mr. Mike Downing on November 20, 1995 and spoke to him about what will be-the City's requirements concerning drainage related issues for the site which included the following information: 1. A brief drainage study was completed and approved by the City in March of 1988. The study required that a 9500 cubic foot detention pond with a sump inlet at the low point be constructed. A previous conversation with the project's consultant engineer, J.C. Moore suggests that the pond is built, but a pump instead of the sump inlet is draining the pond. Mr. Downing was informed that this method of release is not a standard method_and is in conflict with the original approved study. 2. The proposed structure and subsequent grading of the site will need to be analyzed as they relate to the site and the existing detention pond. Mr. Downing agreed to submit a concise summary letter of one or two pages and a site plan in order to address the above mentioned drainage issues. If you have any further questions, please contact me. cc: File 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE The City of WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6797 (303) 234-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge August 6, 1996 Mr. Daniel Dearing Richard Dearing 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North Wheat Ridge CO .80033 Dear Dan and Dick: This letter is in regard to your application for a development plan amendment at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North. Attached are referrals received from outside agencies regarding the request. There are apparently unresolved issues pertaining to the use of the addition and fire protection. Please contact Steve Steigleder with the Arvada Fire Marshall's office at 424- 3012. A public hearing in front of Planning Commission has been scheduled for September 5, 1996. I will be contacting you the week of August 12 for property posting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 235- 2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw dc: WZ-96-9 " ~, # • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on September 5, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. ZoA-96-8: Amendment to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Zoning Code, Chapter 26. Zoning Code regarding FENCES, WALLS and OBSTRUCTIONS TO VIEW. 2. Case No. ZOAg-96-10: Amendment to the WheaeTRadgenCodeo of Laws, Zonin Code, Section 26-6(D)(2)(c) p g VARIANCE CRITERIA. 3. Case No. WZ-96-9: An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a PID final development plan at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North. Said property is legally described as follows: A part of the SW1/4, SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. described as: Beginning at a point which is 789.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of the SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West and 303.5 feet north on a line parallel with the east line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 of Sec. 16. T3S, R69W: Thence, continuing northerly along a line parallel to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 a distance of 181.50 feet; Thence, East parallel to the South line of the SW1/4 SE1/4, a distance of 299.70 feet; Thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW1/4 SE1/4, a distance of 75.75 feet; Thence, West parallel to the South line of the SW1/4, SE1/4, a distance of 30.00 feet; Thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 a distance of 75.75 feet; Thence, East a distance of 271.30 feet to a point on the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4; Thence, South 30.00 feet along the east line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 a distance of 541.00 feet to the Point of Beginning except the East 30 feet for roadway purposes, containing 1.363 acres, more or less, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 4. Case No. MS-96-8: An application by Keith M. Daly for Wheat Ridge Congregation, UCC for approval of a two-l.ot minor subdivision on R-1 land located at 6310 West 29th Avenue andd 2777 Kendall Street. Said property is legally described as follows: A/4aofeSectionn251oTownship 3hSouththRange169 WEsthofstheh6tht Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described. as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 25; Thence N 89°39'27" E along the South line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 25, 1652.43 feet; Thence N 0°19'29" W, 659.59 feet to the southeast corner of the East 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Southwest 1/4-of Section 25 being the Ture Point of Beginning; Thence S 89°40'02" W 165.25 feet to the Southwest corner of Block 5, amended plat of Henderson's Subdivision; Thence N 0°19'32" W along the East line of said Block 6, 500.00 feet to the Southeast corner of a parcel of land described in Book 983 at Page 135 of the Jefferson County Records; Thence S 89°40'02" W along the Ssouth line of said parcel, 21.65 feet to the Southeast corner of a parcel of land described in Book at Page of the Jefferson County Records; Thence N 0°19'32" W along the East line of said parcel 134.62 feet to the South line of West 29th Avenue; Thence N 89°40'37" E along said South line of West 29th Avenue, 186.97 feet to the East line of the Eat 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the. Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Southwest 1/4 of Section 25; Thence S 0°19'29" E 634.59 feet to the True Point of Beginning, containing 2.4747 acres. I !l /ff( )y J YJli /J / ~V'~ `V l~ ~ ~'l~ ~~ I ~~ ~/i~/.ice Sandra Wiggins; secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: August 16, 1996 Wheat Ridge Transcript b:\b9596.phn P.O. BOX 638 - _ - _TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 - The City Of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE •WHEAT-RIDGE. COLORADO 80034 cWheat August 22, 1996 - ~ldge This is to inform you that Case No. yl~_g6_q which is a request for ~proval of an amendment to:PID final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North will be heard by the Wheat Ridge ,Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at ~.3n p_m_ on September 5. 1996 A11 owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Planning fnmmigginn __ _ As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform "The Carnation City" City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Staff Report TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: September 5, 1996 DATE PREPARED~August 27, 1996 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-96-9/Dearing CASE MANAGER:'~Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Final development plan amendment LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Daniel R. Dearing, 10501 West I-70 Frontage Rd No NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same. ----------------- APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.36 acres PRESENT ZONING: PID PRESENT LAND USE: Auto body shop SURROUNDING ZONING: S•N: A-1; E: C-1; W: PID SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: vacant; S: I-70; E: nursery, hotel; W: manufacturing COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Industrial ---------------------------------------------------------------- DATE PUBLISHED: August 16, 1996 DATE POSTED: August 22, 1996 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: AGENCY CHECKLIST: RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ------------------------------------ ENTER INTO RECORD: ( )COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE (XX) ATTACHED () ATTACHED ( XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ()SLIDES ()NOT REQUIRED (XX)NONE ( )SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ()EXHIBITS ( )OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notrfication and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. C~ Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-9/Dearing REQUEST The applicant request approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan. Page 2 The subject property is located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North and is used for auto body repair. There is an existing 17,900 square foot building on the property wkh a fenced outside storage area to the south of the structure. An approximate 6000 square foot addkion to the building was approved and buik pursuant to Case No. WZ-95-13. The applicant is now requesting a 30' x 136' addkion to the south side of the building for parts storage. The two bay doors existing on the front of the building will be displaced and moved to the front of the addkion. There will be no change to the landscaped area which is currently at 14% coverage. All other restrictions of the development plan still apply. No information regarding the type of construction for the addkion has been provided except that it will be metal. Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met. 11. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies are already serving the property. Arvada Fire District is working with the owner to resolve any fire access issues. Public Works Department will require a revision to the existing drainage report. All public improvements are in place. 111. STAFF CONCLUSIONS Staff has concluded that with the addkion, there will be no reduction in the amount of landscaping on 4he properly. Staff further concludes that all requirements for a final development plan have been met. For theses reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given for Case No. WZ-96-9. IV. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-9, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirement for a final development plan amendment have been met; and, 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping of the property." OPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-9, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for properly located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. ". • b:1wz969.sr ~„ ,. l r i ARVADA 1 1 .~ ,~N~' . 01-1-1GI~"~ V :I AREA REQUIRING SITE PL?.N hPPROVhL S~ ZO~NIgNG nM~'tf' ~/^ ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY W' IE/-lT 1`I DGE - PARGEL/LOT BOUtTDRY ~~` !DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP! fO m _ GOLORPtDO ++W •:: CITY LIMIT LINE °'r-'ALE I~"IO~ MAP ADOPTED: June I5. I994 _ _ _ _ WATER FEATURE Last Revidm: DecunMr 22, 199+ DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES f~°AR•T5f7 OF °VJMN6 h1D ~y$,ppM@(} -13S285Z 'rum PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: WZ-96-9 _ DATE: September 5, 1996 REQUEST: An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a PID final development plan at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North. '~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge City Council on October 14, 1996 at 7:OD p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case~No. WZ-96-9• -An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a PID final development plan at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North. Said property is legally described as follows: A part of the SW1/4, SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. described as: Beginning at a point which is 789.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of the SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West and 303.5 feet-north on a line parallel with the east line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 of Sec. 16. T35, R69W: Thence, continuing northerly along a line parallel to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 a distance of 181.50 feet; Thence, East parallel to the South line of the SW1/4 SE1/4, a distance of 299.70 feet;. Thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW1/4 SEl/4, a distance of 75.75 feet; Thence, West parallel to the South line of the SW1/4, SE1/4, a distance of 30.00 feet; Thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 a distance of 75.75 feet; Thence, East a distance of 271.30 feet to a point on the East line of the SW1/4, SEl/4; - Thence, South 30.00-feet along the east line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 a distance of 541.00 feet to the Point of Beginning except the East 30 feet for roadway purposes, containing 1.363 acres, more or less, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 2. Case No. MS-96-$• An application by Keith M. Daly for Wheat Ridge Congregation, UCC for approval of a two-lot minor _ subdivision on R-1 land located at 6310 West 29th Avenue andd 2777 Kendall Street. Said property is legally described as follows: A parcel of land located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest- 1/4 of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 69 WEst of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 25; Thence N 89°39'27'! E along the South line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 25, 1652.43 feet; Thence N 0°19'29" W, 65.9.59 feet to the southeast corner.. of the East 1/2 of the-West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Southwest 1/4 of Section 25 being the Ture Point of Beginning; Thence S 89°40'02"_ W 165.25 feet to the Southwest corner of Block 5, amended plat of Henderson's Subdivision; Thence N 0°19'32" W along the East line of said Block 6, 500.00 feet tb the Southeast corner of a parcel of land described in Book 983 at Page 135 of the Jefferson County Records; Thence S 89°40'02" W along the Ssouth line of said parcel, 21.65 feet to the Southeast corner of a parcel of land -- described in Book at Page of the Jefferson County Records; Thence N 0°19'32" W along the East line of said parcel 134.62 feet to the South line of West 29th Avenue; Thence N 89°40'37"~E along .said South line of West 29th Avenue, 186.97 feet to the East line of the Eat 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Southwest 1/4 of Section 25; Thence S 0°19'29" E 634.59 feet to the True Point of Beginning, containing 2.4747 acres. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: September 27, 1996 Wheat Ridge Transcript b:\b9596.phn P.0.60X 638 TELEPHONE: 363237-694= ~ The CihJ of 1500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 8003: cWheat ~R.idge September 30, 1996 This is to inform you that Case No. ia~_gF_q which is a request for ~1,-,f an aT'PnAmant to a PID final development .~. for property located at 10501 W I-70 Frontage Road North will be heard by the Wheat Ridge ~;t}~ c'ounc;l in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:00 p.m. . on October 14 1996 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. ,It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. IE you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform "The Carnation City" ' ~I~~~L ~ ~x l t ( ~-.`_ -----~~` . ri FT,~~"iu ^ ~ SS3ki04V Nklfi13ki 3Q1 7~dd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3dOl3AN3 d0 d61 16 83 3101 ~.\ J r ~~ I 2] C) Q ~ Q~ ~ ~ L ` t... ~_ ~~ F <:a~N~ d' O N TJ nt 5. rI d .. p CO ~ I o w _ 7 lr -n F- a m w a U ~ w o _ z ~ ~ _ ° I- w a ¢ ~'E p Q~ O ,~ OQ ~, W ~' ~ o _ ~ O m O J~ 'r ~7 W Q , ll~ w o ao ~~ W~ N (7 O r ~~ ~ ~ ~ W L W F- ~ o o~ 2 ~ r3 ~'~ ~,~'- -"_ C rn d7 ~ W ~ ~ {~" ~" ~nn d J ~ ~' ` z ~ c~ Z ~ 2 ~ v ~ . p g60 413 641 -.~. i ,p 960 413 638 p 96^ 413 639 j rn a a ' CA m m m V ~ •- ~ f~fl ~ m ~ fTl ~ m ~ T ~ ~ ~~{ m ~ ~ ~~y! -Z-I m y z ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ r~ O ~ ~ ~ ¢ O 4`{ O O '~i ~ ~ Q o m of H 1"~ ~ ~b"o ~ o N ~ '~ ~ z€ ~a~> ~ ~ - Ho 'c" ~ ~ 0 ~c n m o~ m sy ~c c ~ o~'o I 1 ~ J Q o$ p1 ; Pt > am Tz a <c C' ~ ~ ~ ~o m ~ <m ~ ~m ° ~ aD ~ ~ w [g 7~. ~ ~m ~ n o I Kl m a\ ~ O Q ~ o'c ~~ 0 So z~ (n f"J ,fl ~fi a" n~ L \ ~ ~ 5 t \ F 1 ~ r ~I ~~ ~~ 0 ti z c G ~ ~ m « w~~ a a I 2 C C 0 N "' v !~ AGENDA ITEM RECAP QUASI-JIIDICIAL X Yes No X PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY ADM_ MATTERS ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS PROC./CEREMONIES CITY ATTY. MATTERS _ ORDINANCES FOR 15T READING BIDS/MOTIONS-_ _ LIQUOR HEARINGS ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING INFORMATION ONLY PUBLIC COMMENT RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Case No. WZ-96-9 SUNIMARY/RECOMMENDATION: This is a request for approval of a PID final development plan at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North. A recommendation of approval is given. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Staff report 2) 3) BIIDGETED ITEM Yes No Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount S __ Requested Expend.S Requires Transfer/ _ Supp. Appropriation Yes No SIIGGESTED MOTION: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-9, a request for. approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 105.01 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirement for a .final. development plan amendment have been met; and, 2. There will be no reduction of .landscaping of the property." City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Staff Report TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: October 14, 1996 DATE PREPARED: October 4, 1996 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-96-9/Dearing CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Final development plan amendment LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Daniel R. Dearing, 10501 West I-70 Frontage Rd No NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same. ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.36 acres PRESENT ZONING: PID PRESENT LAND USE: Auto body shop SURROUNDING ZONING: S"N: A-1; E: C-1; W: pID SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: vacant; S: I-70; E: nursery, hotel; W: manufacturing COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Industrial ---------------------------------------------------------------- DATE PUBLISHED: September 27, 1996 DATE POSTED: September 30, 1996 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: September 30, 1996 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX) ATTACHED {)NOT REQUIRED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: () ATTACHED (XX) NONE - ------------------------------------------------------- ENTER INTO RECORD• ( )COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ()SLIDES ( )SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( )EXHIBITS ( )OTHER -------------------------------------------------- JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-96-9/bearing REQUEST The applicant request approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final developmen4 plan. The subject property is located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North and is used for auto body repair. There is an existing 11,900 square foot building on the property with a fenced outside storage area to the south of the structure. An approximate 6000 square foot addition to the building was approved and built pursuant to Case No. WZ-95-13. The applicant is now requesting a 30' x 136' addition to the south side of the building for parts storage. The two bay doors existing on the front of the building will be displaced and moved to the front of the addition. There will be no change to the landscaped area which is currently at 14% coverage. All other restrictions of the development plan still apply. No information regarding the type of construction for the addition has been provided except that it will be metal. Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met. ll. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies are already serving the property. Arvada Fire District is working with the owner 4o resolve any fire access issues. Public Works Department will require a revision to the existing drainage report. All public improvements are in place. III. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held September 5, 1996. A recommendation of Approval was made for the following reasons: It meets the requirement of a Planned Industrial Development. With the following conditions 1. All requirements for a final development plan have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property. IV. STAFF CONCLUSIONS Staff has concluded that with the addition, there will be no reduction in the amount of landscaping on the property. Staff further concludes that all requirements for a final development plan have been met. For theses reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given for Case No. WZ-96-9. V. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-9, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be approved for the following reasons: Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-9/bearing 1. All requirement for a final development plan amendment have been met; and, 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping of the properly." Page 3 OPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-9, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property locaied at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " b:\wz969.sr ~ i • Thi.WSt , I-. ,~~w _ oux u.-rs-oe 1 caoas aLhss ca~rN~m (~, nLIN! W. ~ ' 1 I i CRliNt6i I, 5°'°n P I D ~ ~~ ' ~ P I D `a_"_' '~ I I HZ-9}, / ____________ SY'h~u~ O I' - - - _ ~ ARVADA - _-~~ E ~ W~0'4aAir' D~T(l~ ~ - - i.. - ( ~ - el ~ $ I H BALM hVE~'t L f K zI ~ ~ ~-:~~I I ND _ - i ,,a.a~., c P I D ~~~ ""~° ~~ PhRG R P~~ ____ IDy PID ~ wi2-0S-'A •$.SCCinTFD WAENOtEE • H •4In h~'E ,~ ~> _ .;;;pip- ~,~/ d ~~~~nL 8 ~ .~,,:: P~ _ - ~ ' I i..sr o-w caartue ap u~rtrn ~-1 .~~. ,_......~...__ - -- ---~ O I I OFFI GI ~L f~, ~V ~ {REh REC7JIRING SITE PL.°?1 hPPROVRL S ZONING M/ \P li~~/.1 ZONE DISTRICT Bq-NDRY WHEt~nT i?ID6E -P~IRGEL,LOTBdJNDRY ~~- GOLOR~DO r_ !DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP! ~® SULE I'~00 CITY LIMIT LINE _ _ _ _ wnTER r=cAriJRE MAP ADOPTeD:.~~~ Is. tn~a Laar Reruon: Deumbrr 22. 199a DENOTS t~'dJLTIPLE ADDRESSES 7?hR'>'91~ GP 9AVmY MO SW_fFNBlt -735-7x57 CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF LdHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE N0: WZ-96-9 LOCATION: 10501 _W 2-70 Frontage Road North APPLICANT(S) NAME: Daniel R Dearing OWNER(S) NAME: Same. REQUEST: Final development plan amendment APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.36 acres GdI-IEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and -WHEREAS, there was testimony received ac a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner TAILLIAMS, that Case No. WZ-96-9, an application by Daniel R Dearing, for approval of a final development plan amendment for property located at 10501 W I-70 Frontage Road North be Approved and forwarded to City Council for the following reason: 1. It meets the requirement of a Planned Industrial Development With the following conditions: 1. All requirements fox a final development plan have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property. VOTE: YES: t4i11iams, Griffith, Rasplicka, Cerveny, Langdon and Thompson N0: None. I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 6 - 0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 5th day of September, 1996. George J. Langdon, Chairperson Sandra Wiggins, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION b:\wz969.res CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PT~NNING COMMISSION CASE N0: MS-96-8 LOCATION: 6310 W 29th Ave 277; Kendall St APPLICANT(S) NAME: Keith M Daly OWNER(S) NAME: Wheat Ridge Congregation, UCC REQUEST: -Two-lot minor subdivision on R-1 land APPROXINL~TE AREA: 2.47 acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and w~EREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the-facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON, seconded by Commissioner CERVENY, that Case No. MS-96-8, an application by Keith M Daly for wheat Ridge Congregation, UCC, fox approval of a two- 1ot minor subdivision for property located at 6310 w 29th avenue and 2777 Kendall Street be Approved for the following masons: 1. The subdivision is required to allow sale of the southern - portion; and 2. A11 requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met; and 3. The church was in existence prior to the dedication of Kendall Street and the current problem exists because the street was incorrectly aligned by Edgewater. The church, which is not located within the city limits of Edgewater, should not be required to correct that mistake. With the following conditions: 1. A five-foot xight-of-way be dedicated fox Kendall Street, beginning at the common boundary between Lot 1 and 2, starting at zero at that point and tapering to five feet to the southern boundary of Lot.2. 2. For safety reasons,-the Planning Commission desires to see Kendall Street aligned, both north and south.. VOTE: YES: Williams, Griffith, Rasolicka, Cerveny, Langdon and Thompson N0: None. Certificate of. Resolution Case No. MS-96-8 Page 2 I, Sandia Wiggins,. Secxetary.to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 6 - 0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 5th day of September, 1996. George J. Lartgdon, Chairperson San ra Wiggins, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION b:\ms968.res Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 September 5, 1996 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Commissioner WILLIAMS moved to approve the order of-the agenda for the meeting of September 5, 1996 as printed. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINQTES Commissioner RASPLICRA moved to approve the minutes for the- meeting of August 15-, 1996 as printed. Commissioner CERVENY seconded the motion ._ Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioners GRIFFITH and THOMPSON abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone co speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing section of the agenda.) No one had signed the roster nor came forward to speak at that time. 7. PUBLIC SEARING 1. Case No. WZ-96-9: An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a PID final development plan at 10501 West I-70 Froatage Road North. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report, which included slides.- Entered into the record and accepted by the Chairperson were the Zoning Ordinance, case file and packet materials. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the proposed amendment would decrease parking on the site. Ms. Reckert answered the owner was looking a remedial measures to gain additional parking on the east and north sides of the building. Daniel R. Dearing, 10501 West 48th Avenue, was sworn in. Mr. Dearing stated the proposed addition-would be utilized to house new parts storage, and would be a metal, prefabricated building. He elaborated. Commissioner THOMPSON asked the applicant if the proposed addition would eliminate the used parts currently being stored on site? Mr. Dearing stated the addition would be for-new body parts. Planning Commission Minutes September 5, 1996 Page 3 Commissioner WILLIAMS asked if the addition would match the existing building? Mr. Dearing stated it would. Commissioner CERVENY moved that Case No. WZ-96-9, an application. by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a PID final development plan at 10501 west I-70 Frontage Road North be approved and forwarded to City Council for the following reasons: 1. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all posting and notification requirements have been met. 2. It meets the requirements of a Planned Industrial Development. With the following conditions: 1. All requirements for a final development plan have been met; and - 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property. Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. 2. Case No. MS-96-8: .An application by Keith M. Daly for Wheat Ridge Congregation, UCC for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision on R-1 land located at 6310 West 29th Avenue and 2777 Kendall Street. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report. Entered into the recorded and accepted by the Chairperson were the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, case file and packet materials. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Ms. Reckert if Wheat Ridge property owners dedicated land to Kendall Street at the time Terra Village was developed? Ms. Reckert answered that through research staff had discovered that the street was equally dedicated from two parcels on either side of Rendall, which would indicate that land was dedicated from the western (Wheat Ridge) parcel. Commissioner THOMPSON stated she was having difficulty understanding why the church should be required to dedicate the five feet. She stated she also had concerns about exiting the driveway. Ms. Reckert stated that the standard section for a local street in Wheat Ridge is 25 feet from centerline. Presently, she added there was only 20 feet dedicated-from centerline, which is why f CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: WZ-96-9 LOCATION: 10501 W I-70 Frontage Road North APPLICANT(S)-NAME: Daniel R Dearing OWNER(S) NAME: Same. REQUEST: Final development plan amendment APPROXIMATE-AREA: 1.36 acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner WILLIAMS, that Case No. WZ-96-9, an application by Daniel R Dearing, fox approval of a final development plan amendment for property located at 10501 W I-70 Frontage Road North be Approved and forwarded to City Council fox the following reason: 1. It meets the requirement of a Planned Industrial Development. With the following conditions: 1. All requirements fox a final development plan have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property. VOTE: YES: Williams, Griffith, Rasplicka, Cexveny, Langdon and Thompson N0: None. I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 6 - 0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 5th day of September., 1996. a--, ~ ~ ~ airperson Sandra Wiggins, COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLF b:\wz969.res r r CITY .COUNCIL MINQTES: October la,-1996 Page -3- Motion by Mr. Solano to reconsider the telecommunications tower ordinance; seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; carried 8-0. Motion by Mr. Solano to postpone this to the next City Council meeting on the 28th of October and to delay its going into effect until after October 28 and that Mr. Dahl write up a moratorium on the construction of telecommunication towers; seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; carried 8-0. Motion by Mr. Solano to move. Agenda Item 15 up to Item 6. B.; seconded by Mr. Siler; carried 7-1 with Mrs. Dalbec voting no. PU8L1C HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. __ Application for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision for property located at 6310 West 29th Avenue for the purpose of construction of asingle-family home. (Case No. MS-96-8) (Keith Daly for W R Congregational U.C.C.) Keith Daly, 2001 Otis Street, was sworn in by the Mayor; he explained that the purpose of this application was to take one building site from their church property and sell it to a party that wants to build a single family home. Mr. Gidley presented the staff report. Motion_by Mr. DiTullio to accept the dedication as shown on the plat; seconded by Mr. Solano; carried 7-1 with Mrs. Worth voting no. ----Item-2. - Approval of an-amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North. (Case No. WZ-96-9) (Daniel Dearing) Daniel Dearing, applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor; gave reasons for his request and answered questions. Glen Gidley presented the staff report. Motion by Mrs. Dalbec that Case No. WZ-96-9, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met; and, 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping of the property; adequate parking will be counted and if not in accordance with zoning requirements, will be part of the agreement that parking will be provided; seconded by Mr. Solano; carried 8-0. ~Np 2J_ LL 1 OFFI GI ~4L ®AREA R)=QUIRING SITE PLAN APPROVAL S~ I ZONING M,4cP _ Wf"fE~tT MIDGE PARGEL/LOTI BOUNDRY Y -°~ - GOLD~?,°cDO (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP} ~ ""'~"" CITY LIMIT LINE SCALE i'=-a00 MAP ADOPTED: June I5, 1994 - "- I"IAT~ FEATURE Last Re~igien: December 22, 1994 - DENOTES MULTIPLE A DDRESSES \: :, 1»ARl1~fi OF PUMVIN6 MD ~=V3U?f8lf -]3rr7852 ARVADA ~~ ~roject: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 if 12 13 i4 n 18 is 20 21 zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET -MEMO PAD SUNRISE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. G k '~ I ,~ I ~ C _ -~~ _--. f ` ~ ~ ~ pp n ~ i Q0_ "' -' -- m ~ ~ ~ _- \~ A ' D + Q~q G pp~t+ ~"I co i ~ v L _~ -~ ~ '~ - ~vEis,jH -~ l ~ r r '~ - t --~ (Z~.` --i- .~, r ~~yypx MiLa WdA ,. .. 31 .,_ _ ~' 'jti ~'.~ i } Z ~ i41„~ , ~ a" y I 4' >~. 1 -\ ~~ _ ~ ~ t, 145 G ~N'I r I ~, ~ _ ~ Z ~ I ! b °~ ~ ~ ~- ~ lw - ~ ~'? ~' I~ ~ o_ ~_ ~ I ~-- - -- _. J , , -~ /~1 ~- Q.f<<V.~ Y"~MC{ ~ _ '2 G_ s Date: q ~ ~ C~1 X ~_ fi Z m r~e ~~ SHEET _ OF _ -^ i ~I ,s -i rip 1N1pp~H N' ~~`Y` ;R37 /yyf~ ~ .r. ~aN(OJ N ~ ~ ~ `.r ~d~ ~~ n9~ ~ ~,15T •9 ry ~ e~~ ~` ~}'~ ~ <.. a ~- I ~ ~ ~7. v~y3R ri~ ~ ~ T 8 m, a~ $ s - t ..r I f d ,r ,= ~, ' A NOyS N _ x u i ~. ~ T 1~ 1. .y '. ~ - O `, OD ...J -~a~~'£ f E Iii; x~ ~D~~ „'. 'L, ,: ~ K ('LA^ oyF"'m - ^R° h f n ;R ~ ~F; ~ '~ :~ ~ -y~C ~~~+QN- v ~ .~ - g ~ ~ V V RS ,.A 3., F~. ~ 9g ~ .,~~ I z r ` ~ ~^4 , \ i r'~~i °kI .,E (~^l n ~ C ~ 8 i ~ .R~ {~- .®.~ '. L J r'zT, n ~ s a I y S O ~ ~t 9p ~ ~ ~: ... ._~_.__ ~. 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CONSTl;UCTION CO. § ,~, » ~ ~~'~ FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 'I p ' * ~, 42:~-9700 11446 WEST 48TH AVENUE ~ smol WEST 4a TH AVE. ' ~ • ~~ ~=~ WHEA'i RIDGE COLORA00 80033 WHEAT RIOOE COLORA00 ~a001i ..:-....v.F i..i ~_aa.r nc~r.. M .,.. :.' :..:i..., a V«d.~ z.7 e x ".al n rte.-.-f rJ3 :,,a~~..lluit 4"i s:, - ~ v~ - 'N' i~ ~;g 1s, C'r~" ka 'M _y ~ 1~. .~._ ~ , r -ir ~ , _ • 3 • , : ~ , ` • . f . . s _ I , F . ~ - ~ L , , - . --x - . , ~ . cy4,YIN6 6 ' i6.~1 APART Of 7HE SWI/4, SE IN _ ' 6 GF1~~t+ uNK, ~iiJ4E - ~ RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.: . ~ ~ _ . ~ 4I _ I i POINT WHICH IS 7SS.OO~ FEET E ~ ~ _ . . ; ~ 1--__ E SE V4 OF SEC710N 16 TOWNSr ~ _ ` ~ FEET N ' C 1 CRTH ON A LINE PARAI . - I SE IJi QF' SEC_ 16 , T3S , R - ,`z I ( THENCE ,CONTINUING NORTHER I ' I , ' ~ ~ • ; EAST LINE OF THE SW I!w , SE I, . , ` :t k. 1NENCE EAST PARR I ~ ~ ttEl 70 T _ , . ; . f , : " _ -1 ~ ♦ A DISTANCE OF 299.70 fEET; r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ THENCE ,SOUTH PARALtEI TO T'. . . ~ .J. 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BUFFALO 14 Y g • , BUILDING AREA g a ent(s) thereof do hereb a `ASH FRAxINUS PENNSYI,YbNIGA S 04 ~ • " JUNIPER., 1'7 9~0~ ~ 3U~ . crib hereo .t ~ erty legally des ed n v . _ a Planned Development in ac ' ~ i:ANDSCAPED AREA. 8.412 n0 14 ys nd condition I uses, restr>ctaons a s"1, EUONYMOUS EUONYtdOlJS PATENS MANHATTEN - {Rsqulred = 0 v a , ~ Ian, and as may otherwise be A.`pEN POPUCUS TREMUtOIDES* 7 ~3i sQ: } p QUAKING:.. SW,,, ' ~ f CrcinagE Ouch •t,450 SF} (we) further recognise that the ~ , . , I _ Development Plan (and Plat) OLD GOLD CHINESIS : AUREA a rt ri ht. Vested = LOCUST GLEDTTSIA'TRiACAN-THOS - 2 e~~ P p p FITZER vested pro e y g SKY[.INE' y PAVED AREA ~Z A7~,j only arise and accrue pursuan / . SUNBURSX' ,1 ~ Jr6 0 of section 26-6 G of Article I o ( ) _ ~ - of the Cit of Wheat Ridge. 59 ,311 . I I lOQ % Y ~ : ~ NEWPOR3 PRUNtiS NEWP • . ~ PLUM 2 Signature of 0 „ . ~c. _ zoNE cLASSiFlcarroN NOTARY PUBLIC INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT ~-.5.~` , Ir anPvw^- RF~;+t~acri IS sTAUS Subscribed and sworn to ` PINYON PINUS CEM ROIDES NOTES - PINE @ EDUCiS 3 I yam, . , . day o f , . , ~ t TREES SHAH 8 Att: E GUYED AND STAKED AS SPECIFIED NG.OF 31GNS ALtQWEO - f . „ ~ ~ - ~ - P~~C Witness my hand and official . ! RQNTAGE --w~ ` 2`. Alt PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE OF SPECIFIED SIZE ON i .PONDEROSA::.. PINUS PONDEROSA. I PLQNT LIST . ANO aHAtL MEET-All OWNER/kRCHtTECT- PIkE ` ~ NQ. OF TREES / SHRUBS REQUIRED ' SFECiFTG~+TiCNt' A:i PEA QUAlfTY . • ~ I TREE PER 2O LINEAL fT. FRONTAGE 2 T . 3, R F r I TREE OR SHRUBS PER ! 00 My ccmmisslon expires E ER T~ SITE NIAN FGR ALL SITE _tAYQUT 0 SQ. FT 59 ~LI~U~°~ ' ,,~D~{~~ SEAL +'ONSTRUCTICN MATERIALS- , NQ. OF TREES I SHRUBS PROVED 87 ' 3 _ MINIMUM 10T ARE A ~ 2t ,78Q SF. OR D. S ACAE ' ` ~ MAX,. tflT COVERAGE 50 °!o . • _ _ ~ htAX. BLDG HEIGHTS ~ ACTUAL _ 230(183 Feet -.lf~~-_ CONSTRUCTION TYPE 02 84 OWNER, StlRViYOR r t • ENGiyEER CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATE O THE -L-EIRK ~tLICETHIS PLAT WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND SHEET INZ 77', 04 Kenneth R. Fenwick WZ 79=4 AWE g Di RW 17000 South Golden Rood RECORDER , IN THE STATE OF COLORADO , AT M. ON THE17 „DAY OF OLPAZI, A.C,,19$3 . W2- 82 - 18` ch Gotdelt , CO 80401, wz 05DW`4 J f U . 2 9 - 7522 f' e'R Do 33 y ot P, COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER I 1' f _ Cf 1 -.TS . I