HomeMy WebLinkAboutZOA-96-15- s N~MORANDUM _ of wHEgT ~ o To: _ _. Planting Commission ~ m From: Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director Re: Zoning Ordinance -Parking Regulations ~~coRpo° Date: December 26, 1996 City Council has directed that an amendment to the Off-Street Pazking Requirements of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 26-31) be brought forward which would revise the manner in which parking requirements are calculated. Jerry Dahl, City Attorney, has prepared the attached proposed Council Bill for consideration in response to Council's direction. Since this issue has been raised and we are considering an antendment to Section 26-1 anyway, planning staff would recommend a few other revisions and a modification to Mr. Dahl's suggestions. The suggestions are as follows: 26-31(C)(12) regardig "Handicapped Pazking", should be revised to be consistent with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Staff recommends revisions as follows: (12) Handicap parking. FOR A.LL USES OTHER THAN ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS, pazking shall be provided for the handicapped at the minimum rate of one (1) space per use or two (2) percent of the total parking space(s)shall COMPLY WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILAITIES ACT (ADA) ACCIBILITY GUIDELINES. Each handicap space shall be marked with a freestanding sign using the standard uniform words and/or symbols that signify the space as parking for the handicapped only. In addition, the handicapped symbol shall loe painted on the pavement. Said parking space shall be located as near to the entrance of the use as practically possible and shall be so designed (unless it is impossible to do so) that circulation between the vehicle and the building entrance shall not involve crossing any azea used for vehiclulaz circulation. The total number of spaces provided for the handicapped shall not be included in the total numbf;r of parking spaces otherwise requirement by this section. 2. Based upon ligitimate concerns_ex.pressed by the Planning Commission recently when reviewing plans for a multifamily development regarding minimum parking, Staff reviewed other cities' parking staridazds and found that we are consistent with the others. However, we also found several that required a percentage (5-10%) addtitional for visitor pazking. You may want to amend the Multifamily Residential parking standazds, (F) Schedue of Required Off-Street Parking, by adding the following: J Memorandum -Planning Commi~r~~ ~~ / ~~ ~~+~ RE: ZOA-96-15 December 26, 1996- Page 2 "ONE ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR EACH TEN (10) SPACES SHALL SE REQUIRED AS DESIGNATED VISITOR PARKING. SUCH PARKING SPACE(S) SHALL NOT BE USED BY RESIDENTS FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL PARKING, NOR FOR STORAGE OF UTILITY OR RECREATION VEHICLES." 3. Recently, there was concern expre;;sed at the Planning Commission and City Council meetings regarding parking for "Office/Wazehouse". This is a type of building that allows for flexibility in useage. It inay be used for any use or mixture of uses allowed in _ the particular zone district where located. As time goes by, this interior configuration `-' may change and the balance of uses may change such that parking becomes deficient. The current standazd is "one space per 600 squaze feet of floor azea devoted to warehouse or work azea plus one per 300 square feet of retail, wholesale, or office azea." You may wanttoconsideradditionthefollowing: ~_____.-_----____...._....,,. _ _._, ? "IN NO INSTANCE SHALL WAREHOUSE OR WORK AREA BE CONSIDERED GREATER THAN 7j% OF TOTAL AREA FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMIINING MINIMUM PARKING REQUIREMENTS." _._. .. ~... . `~ ~~~ MEMORA D M . To: Planning Commission From: Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director Re: Zoning Ordinance -Parking Regulations Date: December 26, 1996 OF WNEgr ~ P _~ o U m ~aL ORA00 City Council has directed that an amendment to the Off-Street Parking Requirements of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 26-31) be brought forward which would revise the manner in which parking requirements aze calculated. Jerry Dahl, City Attorney, has prepared the attached proposed Council Bill for consideration iri response to Council's direction. Since this issue has been raised and we are considering an amendment to Section 26-1 anyway, planning staff would recommend a few other revisions and a modification to Mr. Dahl's suggestions. The suggestions are as follows: 26-31(C)(12) regazdig "Handicapped Parking", should be revised to be consistent with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Staff recommends revisions as follows: (12) Handicap parking. FOR ALL USES OTHER THAN ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS; parking shall be provided for the handicapped at the minimum rate of one (1) space per use or two (2) percent of the total parking space(s) shall COMPLY WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILAITIES ACT (ADA) ACCIBILITY GUIDELINES. Each handicap space shall be marked with a freestanding sign using the standard uniform words and/or symbols that signify the space as parking for the handicapped only. In addition, the handicapped symbol shall be painted on the pavement. Said parking space shall be located as neaz to the entrance of the use as practically possible and shall be so designed (unless it is impossible to do so) that circulation between the vehicle and the building entrance shall not involve crossing any area used for vehiclulaz circulation. The total number of spaces provided for the handicapped shall not be included in the total number of parking spaces otherwise requirement by this section. 2. Based upon ligitimate concerns expressed by the Planning Commission recently when reviewing plans for a multifamily development regarding minimum parking, Staff reviewed other cities' parking standards and found that we aze consistent with the others. However, we also found several that required a percentage (5-10%) addtitional for visitor pazking. You may want to amend the Multifamily Residential parking standards, (F) Schedue of Required Off-Street Parking, by adding the following: Memorandum -Planning Commission RE: ZOA-96-15 December 26, 1996 Page 2 "ONE ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR EACH TEN (10) SPACES SHALL BE REQUIRED AS DESIGNATED VISITOR PARKING. SUCH PARKING SPACE(S) SHALL NOT BE USED BY RESIDENTS FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL PARKING, NOR FOR STORAGE OF UTILITY OR RECREATION VEHICLES." 3. Recently, there was concern expressed at the Planning Commission and City Council meetings regarding parking for "Office/Warehouse". This is a type of building that allows for flexibility in useage. It may be used for any use or mixture of uses allowed in the particular zone district where located. As time goes by, this interior co~guration may change and the balance of uses may change such that parking becomes deficient. The current standard is "one space per 600 square feet of floor area devoted to warehouse or work area plus one per 300 squ~ue feet of retail, wholesale, or office area." You may want to consider addition the following: "IN NO INSTANCE SH?ALL WAREHOUSE OR WORK AREA BE CONSIDERED GREATER THAN 75% OF TOTAL AREA FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING MINIMUM PARKING REQUIREMENTS." :53:83 RIURTF'HX 9.nn-> 3nj [~5 tn5r niynzrnR .- ,.~:;; aQyc;.~Nf>~iN r!a, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO INERODDC'SD BY COUI7CIL I~ffidBSR Council Hill No. ,. _ Ordinance 1~To. , Series of 1996 TITLE: AN ORDI_NANCE AMENDING SECTION 26-31, CONCERNING OFF-STREET PARKING REQUiREhiENTS WHEREAS, Section 26-31 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws governs off=street. parking requirementr±; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to strengthen those requirements. BE IT ORDAINED BY TAE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Subsection 26-31(D)(1} of the Wheat. Ridge Code o£ Laws is amended to read: (D) Definitions: (1} Floor area. F7.oor area shall mean the grpP_a interior floor area of the enr_ire building or portion of building devoted to a apeci£ic use or uses, less the following areas: (a) Mechanical /utility room. (b) Restrooms. (c) 'Elevators, stairwells. {d} Show windows. For the purpose of estimating parking rey',ulrcmcnt8 Wlier2 detalled Caii:UlatiGnB for the above-stated excepticns are lacking, it trill be assumed that such excepted spare covers nn more than ~~~ TEN (10) percent of arose floor area. gP..r;on 2. Subsection 26-31(E) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is amended to read: GPD~5302T376tS0.1 (E) Appeal/Pariances and Waivers to Stand- arils: Variances and waivers to parking requirements, not otherwise specifically provideiz, id'c tiu'1Y BE ui7.oWeiz up tip %e"ti (10) percent b}r the zon~ig" ,,~c,.v.-.~~ ^aSION A:ID C U::CIL AT PI,P.L`.TP.I":G COM.k:I CITY C -- . ` '~, "' dd 53:4'4` RIGHTFHX 4'.8g-> 383`:235.285? RightFA%, rage ~gtkt.:ii i ,.tb THE TIME OF FINAL REVIEW 6F THE PROJECT. IN THE EVENT THE PROJECT DOES NOT RE4UIRE PLANNING COMMIS^a ION OR COUNCIL REVIEW, SUCH WAIVER OR VARIANCE MAY BE RE4UESTED AS A VARIANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 26-7(D). Variance requests of over ten (101 percent to 'the number of required spaces W1'1'1 be reviewed by tixe board of adjustment. Requests for waiver of deaiy-n standards paragraph (C), not otherwise specifically provided, in ex_cesa of ten (10) percent evill be reviewed by the planning commission, Who may approve a modification, waiver or partial waiver of the regulations based on circulation plan and with due con- sideration for overall traffic movement and volume and impact to adjacent prop- erties and street systems. Section 3. Safetv Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power cf i:he City of `vuixeat Ridge, tixat it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of. the public and szr• for the -^~ztion of health and t:^~at this Ordi<-x:x-xce is nece~ r pr..se. . safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare., The City Counoil further d?tF~rmines -that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of compe- tent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its application to ot'sxer persons or circumstances. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen days after final publication, as prcvided by Section 5.11 pf the rte,-ter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of _ to on this day of 19 ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for 19 at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. BEAD, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to ^, this day of , ~_ i9 GID~S312T390a80.1 -2 __ - ~ ~•-~:•.-~-a nauu at nn z.uu-i 3tl3 G35 !b5! hlyll'Ct~H~[ _f'dyC.._d89 __ a SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of a lg ATTEST: DAN WILDE, MAYOR WANDA SANG, CITY CLER% APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY .1st Publication: 2nd Publication: 6iYxeat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: cErnssonu~wao.i -3 - GERALD E. DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY ,.ie.x. MEMORANDUM To: Bob Middaugh, City Manager From:. Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director Re: Case ZOA-96-15: Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments to Pazking Regulations, Section 26-31 Date: Apri128,1997 of ~NHEq P. _ ~ P ~ o v m - cO~OR ADO Please schedule the accompanying Council Bill for first reading on May 12 with second reading and Public Hearing on June 9. This proposal was originated by Council as an amendment only to Section 26-31 (D)(1) regazding floor area and Section 26-31 (E) regarding variances. When the Planning Commission considered that proposal, they added two other amendments which they and Staff believe aze also needed in the Parking Regulations. The amendments added were to Section 26-31, (C)(12), Handicapped Pazking, which increases tha; size of handicapped pazking spaces to conform with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The second amendment Planning Commission added, proposes to revise Section 26-31 (]?), Required Off-Street Pazking, numerical requirements by adding visitor parking space requirements for multifamily uses and by modifying the "Office/Warehouse" requirements by establishing a maximum floor area allowed for "warehouse" an a minimum floor area for "office", both for the specific purpose of calculating required parking. The Planning Conunission held a Public Hearing March 6, 1997, and recommended approval of the accompanying Council Bill. Minutes and a Resolution from that public hearing aze attached. Attachments INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. Ordinance No. _ Series of 1997 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 26-31, CONCERNING OFF-STREET PARKING REQUII2EMENTS. WHEREAS, Section 26-31 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws governs off-street parking requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to strengthen those requirements. BE TT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: ection 1. _ Subsection 26-31 (C)(12) of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is hereby amended as follows:. (12) Handicapped parking. kr a{~Hm FOR ALL USES OTHER THAN ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS, parking shall be provided for the handicapped at the minimum rate of one (1) space per use or two (2) percent of the total parking spaces required, whichever is greater. Said spaces(s) shall have a minimum width of~~-} SIXTEEN (16) feet and a minimum length of eighteen (18) feet. Each handicap space shall be mazked with afree-standing sign using the standard uniform words and/or symbols that signify the space as parking for the handicapped only. In addition, the handicapped symbol shall be painted on the pavement. Said pazking space shall located as neaz to the entrance of the use as practically possible and shall be so designed (unless it is impossible to do so) that circulation between the vehicle and the building entrance shall not involve crossing any area used fir vehicular circulation. The total number of spaces provided for the handicapped shall not be included in the total number of parking spaces otherwise required by this section. ection 2. Subsection 26-31 (D)(1) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is amended to read: (D) Defrnitions: (1) Floor area: Floor area shall mean the gross interior floor area of the entire building or portion of building devoted to a specific use or uses, less the following areas: (a) MechanicaUutility room. (b) Restrooms. (c) Elevators, stairwells. (d) Show windows. For the purpose of estimating parking requirements where detailed calculations for the above- stated exceptions are lacking, it vrill be assumed that such excepted space covers no more than €rfteen-(~3j TEN (lU) percent of gross floor azea. Ordinance No. Series of 1997 _. .Page 2 ection 3 Subsection 26-31(E) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is amended to read: (E) Appeal/Variances and Waivers to Standards: Variances and waivers to parking requirements adntitristr~f~r. SHALL BE PROCESSED AS A VARIANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 26-6(d). •, ection 4 Subsection (F) Schedule of Required Off-Street Parking, of Section 26-31 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, "multifamily residential" use, and "office/warehouse" use "Standard Requirements" are hereby amended as follows: "Multifamily residential: 1.5 spaces per 1 bedroom unit 2.0 spaces per 2 or 3 bedroom unit 2.5 spaces per 4 or more bedroom unit ]?LUS 1 ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR EACH TEN (10) SPACES SHALL BE REQUIRED AS DESIGNATED VISTTOR PARKING. SUCH VISITOR PARKING SHALL NOT BE USED BY RESIDENTS FOR PERSONAL PARKING, NOR FOR STORAGE OF UTILITY OR RECREATION VEHICLES." "Office/wazehouse: 1 space per 600 square feet of area devoted to Wazehouse or work area (MAXIMUM OF 75% OF TOTAL AREA) plus 1 per 300 squaze feet Of retail, wholesale or office area (NIINIlIIUM OF 25% OF TOTAL AREA)." Section 5 Safety Clause_ The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declaze that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfaze of the public and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 6. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason tie judged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the reminder of this Ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Supersession . If any provision, requirement or standazd established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or s1 andazds found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Ordinance No. Page 3 Series of 1997 Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail,. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect_fifteen days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of _ to _ on this day of _ ,1997,_ ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for , 1997, at 7:00 o'clock _ _ p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th ,Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to this _ day of , 1997. __ SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of ,_ 1997. DAN WILDE, MAYOR ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY 1st Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: NOTICE: OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby giveh that a Public Hearing is to beheld before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on March 6, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens aze invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: t. Case No. WS-97-1: An application by Wallace Rice for Albert Family Trust for approval of a seven (7) lot subdivision on Residential-One zoned land located at 12355 West 38th Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows: TRACT A OF MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 74-02, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. 2. Case No. MS-97-1: An application by Edmund Schaeffer for approval of a three (3) lot resubdivision on property zoned Planned Residential Development located at 3500 Pazfet Street. Said property is legally described as follows: LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 OF SCHAEFFER'S PLANNED RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. 3. Case No ZOA-96-13: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge to consider proposed amendments to the Wheat Rtdge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, Section 24. Light Industrial District Regutations regarding uses allowed as "Principal Permitted" and "Special Uses", City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 4. ~Io~TO"~A-9b-1SLAn application by the Cit}~ of Wheat Ridge to consider proposed amendments to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, Section 31, "Off-Street Parking Requirements", City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ATTEST: -- -- - - - Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: February 14, 1996 Wheat Ridge Transcript Planning Commission Minutes March. 6, -1997 Page 2 5. APPROVAL OF MINIITES Commissioner RASPLICKA motio~aed, to accept the Minutes of February carried 7-0. Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded 6, 1997, as written. Motion 6. PUBLIC FORIIM {This-is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing wider Item-7 of the Public Hearing section of the agenda.) There-was no one present to speak. ,~ PUBLIC HEARING vYY/ Case No. ZOA-97-O1: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge to consider proposed amendments to-the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, Section 24. Light Industrial District Regulations regarding uses allowed as "Principal Permitted" and "Special Uses", City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson,-State of Colorado. In-depth discussion occurred regarding this issue. Director GIDLEY provided-an overview of-the memorandum and ordinance provided. Director GIDLEY stated that City Council initiated the proposal originally as a recommendation to eliminate from the District Regulations the Light Industrial .Zoned District Regulations (Section 26-24J. In addition, all Industrial properties would be rezoned to Planned Industrial Development-: This proposal was discussed at the January Planning Commission Study Session as well as some of the concerns relative to the practicality of implementing such a proposal. The basis of City Council's concern related to some of the uses specified as "Permitted Principal Uses" in. the "I" zone which originated from the fact that Commercial-Two zoned district were allowed by "right". There are several C-2 uses that_are objectionable to certain members of Council.- Director GIDLEY provided a City map that indicated the "I" areas in question. He stated that the proposal is not to rezone, but to adopt a set of regulations that would substantially reduce the kinds of uses that would be Planning Commission Minutes March 6, -1997 _-_ Page 3 allowed in the zone by "righ.t" and place the more objectionable uses in a Special Use designation.- Questions were raised by members of the Commission as to how the citizenry would be affected; would new owners have to reapply for- use or would zoning regulations be automatic_(they would have to reapply and zoning would depend on what use ivas_planned); were the people who currently occupy these areas notified (not other than in the newspapers, however, a formal mailing could be , accomplished); and, upon sale of property, are sellers required -- to advise buyers. Commissioner THOMPSON°stated she did not feel comfortable voting on this proposal at this time and suggested that a motion be made to place this item on hold temporarily to allow time to study the proposal more thoroughly. Discussion continued regarding this proposal and its significant importance. The general consensus of the Commission felt the same as Commissioner THOMPSON and stated they wanted more time to study the issues .and would __ appreciate input from the property owners. Commissioner JOHNSON motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded, to allow additional time for consideration of this proposal, certified mailings be made-to all property owners in the Industrial Zoned Districts including an invitation to the Study Session of March 20th where discussion of this proposal will continue, and to postpone the decision until the Public Hearing of April 3, 1997, after input from the property owners-.and further discussion by the Commission. Motion passed 7=0. The question was posed by Commissioner THOMPSON if a decision could not be reached by April 3rd, how-many times could the proposal be postponed. Director GIDLEY advised-that a motion must be .made and a Resolution prepared to advise City Council_- that the proposal has been discussed but that additional time is needed to_further weigh the issues before a final decision is made. Case No. ZOA-96-15: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge to consider proposed amendments to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Planning Commission Minutes March 6, 19'97 Page 4 Chapter 26, Zoning Code, Section 31, "Off-Street Parking Requirements", City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of -- Colorado. Director GIDLEY made corrections to the second paragraph of the memorandum presented to the Commission. He presented an overview of the proposed amendment which includes percentage of-floor area on automatic exemption and appeals of variances, which were referred to .the Commission from City Council. Director GIDLEY proceeded to review the five (5) items included in the memorandum. Each item was reviewed and discussed. separately and motions made as follows: Commissioner ECKHARDT motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance Section 1 as it relates to "Handicapped Parking". _ Motion carried 7-0. Commissioner GRIFFITH motioned,- Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to accept the changes as written on .the proposed ordinance Section 2 _ as it relates to "Definitions, Floor Area". Motion carried 7-Q. Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to approve Section 3 to read-as followsc (E) Appeal/Variances and Waivers to Standards: Variances and waivers to parking requirements SHALL BE PROCESSED AS A VARIANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 26-6 (D) OF THE CODE OF LAWS. F~6~- ~ k i d } i g•ereent ~ ~ ie~arr ~tg a m n strat e~. }}} ~ } d h h ~k € l --..--`- ` `~ e rev ewe ~t e-~eare ^~ ~ 3•ke jtts ° " Ement. __ c i ` - C t i€~ }} i 9~ '- °__ id d &3 fr~i a~Y-E e~_.. ~£ ~.. ci ~v~9£ Tf36 ---v _ ~, ,,~ __.__.._~ __; , , ,-.. spee ea ~~re ..a A.. hA.. v e ; nl .. - -- - ---- ----- --- - d ~ t i - 3 , _ c i,. , • m6 ~ 3 ea 63~ w3 : _ _ ; __ r-- _-__- .. __-. _ _ __ -____ -_~_- _-_.. - _ ~~__~ ___ ___ ___~ _____ r_. - ..r~__ __ ____~_______ Planning Commission Minutes March 6, 1997 Page 5 Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner ECKFiARDT seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance Section 4 as it relates to "Multifamily Residential". Motion carried 6.-1 with Chairperson WILLIAMS voting against.- Commissioner ECKHARDT motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA-seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance Section 5 as it relates to "Office/Warehouse". Motion carried 6- 1 with Commissioner JOHNSON voting against. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARIII'G 9. OLD BUSINESS A. j$ip Ong and 38th Av n~ a er lan _ __._ 1. City Administration is currently reviewing two sites for the new recreation. center. Presently, the center has not been included in the Master Plan due to questions regarding its location_ The Master Plan cannot continue until the Commission is aware of the recreation center site decision because it will greatly affect the overall plan. The Master Plan must be temporarily postponed until .the decision is reached at which point the Master Plan can be immediately continued. A city- wide meeting will be held regarding the new recreation .center at Everett Jr. high at 7:00 p.m. on March 13, 1997. Director GIDLEY invited the Commissioners to attend. B. City Coy c'1 Ac ion Regarding Pr v'o~ Ma r B or the Punning Comm~csion: 1. Public Works Chop Area: .Wheat Ridge Public Works Shops, 45th Avenue west of Parfet Street, Rezoning and Special Use Permit was approved. The CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION ~~~E ~ x'15- LOCATION: City of Wheat Ridge APPLICANT(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge OWNER(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge REQUEST: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge to consider proposed amendments to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, Section 31, "Off-Street Parking Requirements", City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. APPROXIMATE AREA: 9 square miles WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, the following motions were made as stated regarding Case No. ZOA-96-I5, an application by the City of Wheat Ridge, for approval of amendments to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, Section 31, "Off- Street Parking Requirements", City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ecti n 1 Commissioner ECKI-TARDY motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance as it relates to "Handicapped Parking" for the following reason(s): The change amends the handicapped parking requirements to comply with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by increasing the width to accommodate side mounted lifrs. Motion carried 7-0. ec' n2 Commissioner GRIFFITH motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance as it relates to "Definitions, Floor Area", for the following reason(s): The change amends the definition of "floor area" to reduce the automatic exemptions. Motion carried 7-0. Resolution Page 2 RE: Case No. ZOA-96-15 Se n Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to accept the change as rewritten by the Planning Commission as follows to the ordinance as it relates to the "AppealNariances and Waivers to Standards: Parking Requirements" for the following reason(s): 1. The change amends the appeal/variance section to specify that the requirements shall be processed as a variance pursuant to Section 26-6 (D) of the Code of Laws for the City of Wheat Ridge. Motion carried 7-0. Sec ~ 4 Commissioner THOh4PSON motioned, Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance as it relates to "Multifamily Residential" for the following reason(s): 1. The change amends the parking requirements for multifamily residential by requiring dedicated visitor parking. Motion carried 6-1 with Chairperson WILLIAMS voting against. Sect _ Commissioner ECKHARDT motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance as it relates to "Office/Warehouse" for the following reason(s): 1. The change amends the office/warehouse section by limiting the floor area allowed for the lower parking standard (warehouse) to be limited to 7~% for parking calculation purposes. Motion carried 6-1 with Commissioner 10HNSON voting against. WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION I, Marilyn Gunn, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the; Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 6th day of March, 1997. CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: ZOA-96-15 LOCATION: City of Wheat Ridge APPLICANT(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge OWNER(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge REQUEST: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge to consider proposed amendments to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, Section 31, "Off-Street Parking Requirements", City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. APPROXIMATE AREA: 9 square miles WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public heazing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, the following motions were made as stated regarding Case No. ZOA-96-15, an application by the City of Wheat Ridge, for approval of amendments to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning Code, Section 31, "Off- Street Pazking Requirements", City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ect' I ___ _ Commissioner ECKHARDT motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance as it relates to "Handicapped Parking" for the following reason(s): The change amends the handicapped parking requirements to comply with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by increasing the width to accommodate side mounted lifts. Motion carried 7-0. ecti 2 Commissioner GRIFFITH motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance as it relates to "Definitions, Floor Area", for the following reason(s): 1. The change amends the definition of "floor azea" to reduce the automatic exemptions. Motion carried 7-0. Resolution RE: Case No: FDA-96-I S Page 2 io 3 Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to accept the change as rewritten by the Planning Commission as follows to the ordinance as it relates to the "Appeal/Variances and Waivers to Standazds: Pazking Requirements" for the following reason(s): 1. The change amends the appeaUvaziance section to specify that the requirements shall be processed as a variance pursuant to Section 26-6 (D) of the Code of Laws for the City of Wheat Ridge. Motion carried 7-ll. ecti n 4 Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance as it relates to "Multifamily Residential" for the following reason(s): 1. The change amends the parking requirements for multifamily residential by requiring dedicated visitor parking. Motion carried 6-1 with Chairperson WILLIAMS voting against. ec Commissioner ECKHARDT motioned,'Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance as it relates to "Office/Warehouse" for the following reason(s): 1. The change amends the officehvarelrouse section by limiting the floor azea allowed for the lower parking standard (warehouse) to be limited tc 75% for pazking calculation purposes. Motion carried 6-I with Commissioner JOHNSON voting against. I, Mazilyn Gunn, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 6th day of March, 1997. WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Marilyn Gunn, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Resolution RE: Case No. ~~OA-96-15 Page 2 S ti n Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner LANGDON seconded, to accept the change as rewritten by the Planning Commission as follows to the ordinance as it relates to the "Appeal/Variances and Waivers to Standards: Parking Requirements" for the following reason(s): 1. The change amends the appeal/variance section to specify that the requirements shall be processed as a vaziance pursuant to Section 26-6 (D) of the Code of Laws for the City of Wheat Ridge. Motion carried 7-0. Section 4 Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner ECICHARDT seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance as it relates to "Multifamily Residential" for the following reason(s): I. The change amends the pazking requirements for multifamily residential by requiring dedicated visitor parking. Motion carried 6-1 with Chairperson WILLIAMS voting against. ec ~ n Commissioner ECICH?.RDT motioned, Commissioner RASPLICICA seconded, to accept the changes as written on the proposed ordinance as it relates to "Of'fice/Warehouse" for the following reason(s): 1. The change amends the office/warehouse section by limiting the floor area allowed for the lower parking standard (wazehouse) to be limited to 75% for pazking calculation purposes. Motion carried 6-1 with Commissioner JOI-INSON voting against. I, Marilyn Gunn, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 6th day of March, 1997. ~1 . rldl t~' rv w ~mua, rJUUn rv. vv.. - WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHE T RIDGE PLA ING COMMISSION ~p ~~~ ; =: ~:: t~~ A ~~ ~ S ~ ~~ !" --- ~ ~'1Z~~ r ~-- G- .- ~ - --- ,r~-.~- v-l~, ~ y y~' ~~ 4 9U~ $ua.~~ ~~~ _ ~e ~ ~ (~, / //Jf(C,~~2~ ~~.~~ , ~_ ~ __ _ ~ °~ _ _ _` _.- ~~ -~ ~~ 2- Gf - 31, ~~ ~~~~~- a _ f. Cam- ~-.~ ; -~ .~. - - - r~OR~ pGG ~~5 YT/FF~e _~_ --~ (1..) Harzdiccp parkzng._ ,,,,~,__ _ . ~.._.. , -t-~i~cts, parking shall be provided for the handicapped at the minimum rate of one (1) space per use or two (2) percent of the totes! parking spaces required, whichever is greater. Said space(s) shal °~'O~Y~T~-m 4#r4lZ~'t~uio~N~rS ;~h. ~,o, ~~r .Each handicap space shall be marked tivith a free- standing sign using the standard uniform words andJor symbols that signify the space as parking for the handicapped only. In ad- dition, the handicapped symbol shall be painted on the pavement. Said parking space shall be located as near to the en- trance of the use as practically passible and shall be so designed (unless it is impossible to do so) that circulation between the ve- hicle and the building entrance shall not involve crossing any area used for vehic- _ ular circulation. The Lotal number of spaces provided for tre Handicapped shall not be included in the total number of parking spaces otherwise required by this section. °~_---_ -~_ _ - ~- , _ . _-- ~=_= °_=- _~: ~.... __ ......~_ _-_ - _._._._ ;: ,.. _ ,~ ,.~~ ~^~-~^~ ~~ ~ ~y~ _.. _._ _ .. ~-,~~~ ~~ .. -- --- -- - --. -- ® - P ~ ~ - ~ -o ~ ~~ ~ _ __ u~ „ _ 9 _. ~ _ _~ ___ ___ ~~ ~~;~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ __ ,~ ~~`~ ... ~~ .~ .~ ~ ~ ~ § ?5-30 WFDi~T i2IDGE CITY CODE Sec. 26-31. Off•street parking requirements. ''(~) Scope: In all zoning districts, ofi•street parking facilities for the parking or storage of self• propeIIed mococ vehicles and/or licensed trailers for the use of occupants. employees and patrons of the building, structures or premises hereafter erected, altered, used or extended after the efiec• tive date of this Ordinance shall be provided and maintained as herein prescribed, unless other• wise specittcally orovided- The intent of this section is that the oravisians hereof shall apoh• only to new development, major change of use; ~e.g., single-family co olTice: o~itce to rescauranu or substantial extension or expan- sion of uses or structures for •.vhich a building permit or site use approval is required. estab- lished subsecuenc to the adoption of this p:ovi• Sion: unless ochenvise speciGcalh• provided. ?f an increase of less than nvencyfive :25) percent in parking area is needed as a result of a change of u;e or substanciai extension or expansion of uses or structures, the new pazking a: ea shall b<re- cuired to meet only the Collawing design stan- dard; as enemeraced under paragraph ~C? of this section; l11 Suriacing;;il Sight Distance Triangle ?equirements::9! Liable Parking Spaces::131 Marking of Spaces: ~ 1-41 Tr uck•Tractor: Semit: after Parking: ;1S1 Small Car Parking; 1191 Pa: king Space and lisle Dimensions: and '9ll Lae and Maintenance of Parking e~reas. If an increase of twentytive ~?~i percent to uCty i~dl percent in parking area is needed as a result of a change oC use or substantial extension or ex• pansion of uses or structures. the ne~v oazking azea added shalt meet alt design standards as re• quired by paragraph (C) of this section. If an in- crease of more than filly (50) percent in pazking area is needed as a result of change of use or sub• stantial extension or expansion oC uses or ;truc• , Lures, all parking areas shall come into coniorm• ante with the design standards as required by paragraph 1C) of this section. (B) General Provisions: 111 .4dditions. Nothing in this section shall ore- ventextension of, oraddition to, a building, Supp. No. 6 Ii9Y ZO\ItiG :LVD DEVELOP~ic`T § ?&30 strllCLL'ie Or llSe lnCO an e.isting pazking area orovided the same amount of narking spaces taken by the extension or addition i; omvided'oy an enlazgement of the existing " parking azea, or ii additional parking is found elsewhere in accordance with these egulations herein, and provided the total $upp. a\o. 6 1'r 94.1 ZON2NG A:\~ DEVELOP]fEV i number of spaces reouired for aII use; or the lot are met. i2) PlarzneC deeelopment (PRD. PCD, Irdas- trial}, In planned developmenrs, except for unified shopping centers aver one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of floor area as prrn-ided far in.subseciion (i3)(3) below, pazking siiaIl be considered with regard to those limitations for the various use re• quirements. The total requirements for off- street pazking fadlities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses com• puted seoazately. SVhere it is desied to shaze the ozrking spaces between two i?: or more uses. the use of such parking spaces shall be oeedicated upon the proven fact that the uses wi1I not require said parking space at simultaneous times. Only k•here is can be shown that the uses have mutually exclusive operating hours shall shared pazking arrangements be approved. (3) ,hired occupancy and co(lzcticz aerkin.~a. In the case of mired uses on a single pazcel or «ithin a single building, or of collective pazking for several buildings or uses on two (21 or mare pazcefs, escepc far shopoing cen- ters over one honored thousand (100,000) square fret, the total requirements for oib street pa: king facilities shall be the sum of the reouirements for each of the various uses computed separately. OCf-street parking Cacilities for one (1l use shall not be construed as providing required pazking far any other use except as pro~.-ided for under planned develoaments. LtniFed shoo- ping centers with over one hundred thou- sand (100.0001 squaze feet of total combined Cioor azea, which may be either in a single structure or several structures ~~ithin a single unified development, and which may include various kinds of uses, shall be re- quired to provide a minimum parking ratio of four l4) spaces per one thousand (1.000) square feet of total combined gross leasable Floor area. i-(1 Location: (al Off-street parking facilities for any use shall be provided and located on the Suop. ;fo. S $ ?53? same lot as thz use or uszs they are intended to sztve escenc a; provid=_d For herein- (b1 If sufficient pz*king spaces cannot be accommodated on the lot for any use. oti-lot nazking may be used provided said pazking azea is within three hun- dred (300) feet of the neazest point or. the structure or use far which the pazking is intended to serve and the off-lot parking is properh• zoned. in situations where off-lot oazkine is required and the off--lot site is awned by others. a wricien agreement between the ciiy, the oµmer who shall prop ide the additional oar king, and the owme: ci the property seeking the pariung shall 6e entered into. Said agreement shall be recorded as a deed restriction and shall specify the number and locz• clop of the pazking spaces. Said afire=_- ment may be terminated only if ade- quate on•sfte o: ofF•site perking;pace is orovided through other means as ap- proved by the zoning administrator. Szid zgreement shall be recorded wit the Jefferson County Cterk and Record- er's Office and shall be enforced unt[i the three (3) paries sign a release. (Si Poking of tntckdrac:ors ant szmitrai!ers (al It shall be unlawful for any persron to park or siore, or allow the parking o: storing of, truck•cractors or semitrailer s uoon any property located and sicu- aced within the City of A-heat Ridge, or upon any dedicated public sireec or road, or private street or road. or public right-of--way or easement or Dark with in the City of Wheat Ridge except as here- inafter specified. (b1 Notwithstanding the foregoing provi- sions, the following exceptions apply to the provisions of this subsection tBl(Sr 1. any truck-4-acior or semitrailer in immediate and active use, or in the process of actively being loaded or unloaded. 1795 ?0"31 ~'~'c-C=4T RIDGa' CITY CODE ?. Any truck•tractor or semitractor pazked in or upon property- on which a special use permit is granted authorizing the parking of commercial truck-tractors and'or semitrailers pursuant to sections 26.22(E)f77-and 26-23(E)(2), or anv major vehicle pazked at the ~ruck~ stop located at the northeast corner of West 44th Avenue and I.70 evt- bound on-ramp. 3. any truck•tractors and,'or ;emi• tracior trailers authorized our• sLlani t0 seCL10n 26-15(0)(10). z. Any truck-tractor andior remi~ t: oiler pazked or stored upon ~ro~~ ercy wherein the use or ;corage of said vehicle is related co the [tars- . portatior. needs of the business con- ducted on said nrooem_-. 5. \o provisions of this subsection (B)f5) shall apply upon state high- ways within this municipality. {c} Enforcement. Voiwithscanding ar.v ocher provision of this Code of Laws of the City of R'heat Ridge, any ta:ck• tractor or semitrailer, as d2:1.^.2d herein, which is pazked or stored in yi- otatign of the provisions of subsections iBl(5) and (01(141 shall be subject co being towed and stored, ac the owner's spit e:cnense, by a towingcontractor se• lected by the chief of police o% the city. Toe towing of illegally parked vehicles is necessary to ensure tratFic and pe- destrian safety by removing the view impediment created by said illegally parked vehicles and to protect the aes• [befit integrity of the various zoned dis- tricts and neighborhoods ~vichin the city. In addition to the right to too- said iilegally parked truck•tractors and'or semitrailers, authority is granted to im• pose administrative charges upon the owner or operator of said illegally narked vehicle, or the owner of prop~ e:-ty allowing or permitting such illegal pzrking, subject to the fallowing ..*e- quirements: 1. To defray the cost of enforcement of their provision, a charge oC fifty ~uoo. So.S -. -_ dollars (x50.00) shall be imposed for the tiu-st offense. one hunted dollars 1x100.00) for the second of• Tense, two hundred dollars tS200.001 for the third offense. and three hundred dollars(x300.00}Tor the Fourth or subsequent offenses. 3. App person subjected to said ad- ministrative charges wnq obieccs thereto shall be entitled to eit'rer: a. Have the right to request a hearing before tiZe chief qi po- lice, which heazing shall be held no less than seventy-nva X72) hours after the makin; of said request: c.- b. Have a summons and com• plaint issued co him directing his appearance in the «neac Ridge \lunicipai Court. if round guilty in the «heat Ridge ~Iunicibz Court of vio• lacing the provisions of subsx• [ions iB)(5} or ~C)(11i, o: if a gully plea is e.^.tered the:eco. the tour, shall impose riot; as soeciiied in su6sec_ion (B~(5){Ct(II heregi. \o vehicle shad be reieased from storage Trey towing un- less and uncit ail towing and storage charges have been paid, and all administrative charges specitied in this sec• Lion have been paid, or evi- dence is presented Crom the chief of police or the munic• ipal court that the rights granted under subsection (B)(5)(d(21 hereof have been in- voked. Inthe event any tov.-ing is found to be improper, all costs for 'towing and storage shall be reimbursed by the city to the owner. (6) Residential parting restrictions: (a) In residential zone districts. the parking of trucks, vans, buses or Ii- 1796 ZO~t\G A\D DES DLO?lfE~ i ceased trailers which are used for com• mercial nuz•ooses, whether the ccmmer• cial enterorise is conducted From the . home or conducted elsewhere, is pro- - hibited except as follows. ~n occupant ` of a dwelling may park, or allow the parking of, no more than one (1) truck or vag":vhich is used for ,commercial purposes upon the premises or v.-iihin street frontage where allowed; pro- vided, however, that such vehicle does not exceed aone-ton chassis. Parking of trailers which aze used for commer cial purposes is prohibited. (bi In residential zone districts, motorized and nonmotorized campingvehicles (ex- ceoc campers mounted utron pickup trucks), trailer•mounted boats, and other towed vehicles such as, but not limited to, utility trailers shall roc be parked :vichin public street right;- of•w•ay for a period long=: than seventytwo i72) hours; however. (theyj may be oazked or stored upon nropern- owmed by the vehicle owner, p.*ovided such vehicles are parked sir l6) feet or mare inside the front proper} line. Such vehicles w•i11 be simitarly- per mit[ed upon residential rental eraoer• ties where the o:vner of the vehicle re- sides upon the premises, and in the cave of multifamily residential properties, where such vehicle or vehicles do sac displace parking spaces required to meet the minimum vehicular parking standard for the property as set forth herein for multifamily residential land uses. Where it is difficult to determine the public right•of-cvay boundary due to Lack of curb, gutter and/or sidewalk. or survey maskers, such boundaries shall be presumed to be ten f101 feet from the edge of pavement or back of curb. «•her e a sidewalk exists, such boundaries shalt be presumed co be t:vo (21 feet from the outside edge of side- walk. [n cases :where it is desired co maintain such a restricted vehicle ei- ther:vithin six f6) feet of a public street § °_$-3. on private property or within a lawful pazking area on a public street abut- ' ting the front of the property in excess of seventy=tµ•o (72) hours, the property owner may obtain a temmrary pazking permit from the planning and develon• meat department. Such temporary nazking permit shall be for a.time pe- riod not to exceed Fourteen (14) days and no more than one (1) such permit shall be issued each sir (6) months for - the same vehicle. The permit must be placed upon the inside windshield o: side-window on the driver's side sa as to be visible far inspection. Pick:? truck-mounted campers, wizen mounted upon pickup trucks, aze .not subject w these subpart (bl parking restrictions. \othing in this ordinance (Ordinance \o. 1993.9241 will be co..^strued to re- ;t:ict orlimit pazkingof any vehicle w described within this ordinance upon private property so long as said vehicle is parked in accordance.w-ich the limi- tations ofthis subpart (b) and provided that sight distance triangle require- ments of section 26.30(DC?; are met. - (C) Design Stenderds (1) Surf ring. Parking and driveway areas :e: all uses other than one Gamily residences in ~griculturaI zone districts shall be surfaced with bituminous concrete, portland cement concrete, or similar materials. (2) Isles-ds.:~ll parking areas in excess of Gity (~0) spaces shall have at least one (1) inte• riot landscaped island per Ciity (~0) spaces. Each such landscaped island shall occupy the equivalent of one (1) parking space (mir.• imum) and each such required island shall be landscaped with a minimum of one 1! two-inch caliper tree or large: and Four !47 shrubs or accepted ground cover. :fit the discretion of the owner, and with approval of the zoning administrator, based upon the intent and purpose of this section. an acceptable alternative to individual is- lands :voutd be the equivalent ago egate landscaped area developed in larger islands or as interior divider strips. ~uon Nu !d 1797 § ?"031 - - ~'i-'y-3T ZIDG~ CODS (3) Acceleration;"deceleration lanes. In zlI dis- erty and pedestrian or vehiculaz any use providing access to an es- tricts irafiic would be imperiled, or min- , _ pressway, arterial street, collector street or imum recognized engineering de- I.70 frontage road may be required to con• sign and/or safety standazds vrould struct and dedicate acceleration and/or de• not be met, if the accelldecel lane celeration lanes along those streets upon was not extended. which access is obtained. In addition, "acceU (4? Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate decel" lanes may be required for any street any ofTstreet parking azea shall be so a*• within an area which is covered by as ranged as to reflect the direct light glare adapted master nian in the Comprehensive away Crom any adjoining residences and ad- Plan. This requirement shall be determined atthe time of subdivision site plan approval jzcent streets. (far planned developmental, re>_oning o: (5; Landsceped bujjer: building permit re~ie~v. If existing right- ta) LVhenever a narking lot boundary ad- of-way is inadequate to accommodate an zc- joins propery zoned For low• or medium- celldecel lane, the city shall have the right density residential use, or if zoned Ag- to require a dedication therefor. ' riculcural but developed a; residential, The basis for requiringacceleration and de- a landscape buffer of six (6) feet from celecation Lanes shall be as iotlows: said lot boundary shall be required. fa) Access to a site is obtained from the LVithin the six-Coot landscape buffer, a particular street which is being evalu- six•Foot•high view-obscuring fence or aced far an accelldecel lane. decorative wall shall be constructed. In (b) For Colorado State Highways and stair addition, grass or other acceptable regulated interstate frontage roads, the ground cover or trees and.`gr shrubs Colorado Division of High~-ays Access shall be planted within the landscape Code shalt agpl}- except where City o: butler areas as approved by the zoning LLi:eat Ridge requirements are mo..*e re- administrator through a landsczpe striciive, in which case, LVheat Ridge plan. regulations shall aopty. (b) LVhen a parking lot is placed between (c) For all other applicable streets, acceU the public right-of-way and the struc• decel lanes may be required upon a Lure(s), a screening of the parking area finding that: ;hall be established between the right- There is an increase in vehicular 1 oC•way and the parking area. This view . trips co and from a particular site obscuring screen shalt be at least thirty-six (36) inches but not to exceed in excess of either tµenty (20) per• fortytwo (42) inches high and may be cent or one hundred (1001 trips per composed of live plantings, berms, day, whichever is higher; or 2 There is an increase in vehicular fences or walls, or a combination traffic to and from a particular site thereof. in excess of fifteen f 151 trips in any (6? Vehicular access. Vehicular access to any one (1) hour; unless a traffic im• property shall be controlled in such a pact study indicates chat the level manner as to protect the traCEic•cazryingca• of service i; ac or above level of pacify of the street upon which the proo- service "B" on the fronting street, " arty abuts, as ~ve11 as [o protect the value of ic as defined in the Institute ofTratl the adjacent property. Engineers' definition of "level of " (a) For all uses other than one- and two- services ; or 3. An accelldecel lane is in existence famil}• dwellings, no vehicle entrances (or is reserved) upon adjacent prop- or exit; may be closer than t:venty-live Soo >'o. t. 1195 ZO~t`G A\D DE~~~LO?)I~NT § ~S.~i c=used hailer which are used far com• merciai purposes, whether the commer - cia! enterprise is conducted From the '.home or conducted elsewhere, is pro- ' hibiied except as follows. ~n occupant ` of a dwelling may pazk, or allow the nazking of, no more than one (1) truck or van':vhich is used for commercial purposes upon the premises or within sheet frontage where allo:ved; pro• +.•ided, ho:vever, that such vehicle does not exceed a one•ton chassis. Pazking of trailers which aze used fo: commer• cia! purposes is prohibited. (bi In ..*esidential zone districts, motorized and nonmotorized camping vehicl=; (ex• cent campers mounted upon pickup trucks), trailer-mounted boat;, and other towed vehicles such as, out not limited to, utility trailers shall not be parked within public street rights- of•:vay fora period longer than seventyt:vo i i 21 hours; however, (theyj may be parked or stored upon property owmed by the vehicle owner, provided such vehicles aze parked six io; feet ar mare inside the front orooert•: line. Such vehicles viii be similarly ^er- mitted upon residential rental proper- ties where the o:vner of the vehicle re- sidesupon the premises, and in the case of multifamily residential properties, where such vehicle ar vehicles do not displace parking spaces required to meet the minimum vehicular pazking scandazd Far the property as sec forth herein for multifamily residential land uses ~Z-here it is difficult to determine the public righc•oF•:vay boundary due to lack of curb, gutter and/or sidewalk, or survey markers, such boundaries shall be presumed co be ten f101 feet from the edge of pavement or back of curb. «•here a sidewalk exi;cs, such boundaries shall be presumed to be two (2) feet from the outside edge ot" side walk. In cases where it is desired to maintain such a restricted vehicle ei- ther within six (6) feet of a public street on private property or :vithin a lawful oazking azea on a public street abut- ' ring the front of the property iri excess of seventytw•o (72) hours, the property owner may obtain a tem~rary pazking permit From the planning and develop- ment.department. Such temporary parking permit shall be for a.time ne• rind not to exceed fourteen (14) day; and no mare than one (ll such pernit shall be issued each six (6) months for the same vehicle. The permit must be placed upon the inside w•ind;hield or side•window on the driver's side so z; to be visible Car inspection. Pickup truc4•mounted campers, when mounted upon pickup trucl~, aze not subject to These subpazt (b) pazking restrictions. Nothing in thi; ordinance [Ordinance No. 1993.924) will be construed to re- strict ar limit pazkingof any- vehicle so described within thi; ordinance upon private property so long ~ said vehicle is parked in accordance. with the limi- tations of this subpazt (b) and provided that sight distance triangle require- ments of section 26.30(I)l2) are met. lC) Desigr_ Stendcrds: (1) Surfccino. Pazking and driveway areas fo: ali uses other than one Camily residences in :agricultural zone districts ;hall be;urfaced with bituminous concrete, por~land ceme :: concrete, or similaz materials. (2) Islcrzds.:~ll parking azeas in excess of City (~0) spaces shall have at least one (1) inte- rior landscaped island per ally- (50) spaces. Each such landscaped island shall occupy the equivalent oCone {1) pazkingspace (min- imum) and each such required island sha!! be landscaped with a minimum of one I! two-inch caliper tree or large: and four (4i shrubs or accepted ground cover. :at the discretion of the owner, and with aporoca! of the zoning administr ator, based upon the intent and purpose of :his section. an acceptable alte.*native to individual i;- Iands ••vould be the equivalent ago egzte landscaped area developed in larger is[ards or as interior divider strips. ~upn Vu :~~ 1197 ZO\IXG A.\D DEY'ioP>faT ic) For aII uses, corner lots seal! havz r-o o•ehicuiar entrances or exits located closer than cw-enty-nve 1201 feet from any two t2) intersecting street rigats- o%w•ay, except on arceria! or major cot• 3 ?i~3f Soap. \o. 11 179$.1 ZO. iIIQG AND DEVELOPMENT lector streets such distance shall be fifty (50) feet.::' (d) - In all residential districts, curb cuts for - -property ,access shall be not less than twelve [12) feet and not more than twentyfot}r (2~} feet in width. Curb cuts -°'in cbmmercial arid industrial districts "'_ `"'shall hot be~more than thirty-five (35) `'feet in width when serving an indi- vitiual property and shall not in any 'instance be Iess Than twelve (12) feet. A joint curb cut, one which serves more than one {1) property, may not exceed fortyFive (45) feet in width. {e} In cases where it is possible to provide one i1) access point which will serve adjacent properties or where adherence to these requirements would leave a pazcel of property without vehiculaz ac- - cess, curb cut setback or spacing re- quirements maybe reduced or enIazged so as Co permit a single vehiculaz ac- cess point if approved by the public works director. ~E1 The public works director may approve a modiFication co or waiver to the ve• hicle access standards and require- ments stated in this subsection l6), based upon consideration of tratTic char- acteristics, both on and off of the site, 3 ?5-31 wiih the primary purpose of preserving public safety. (7) Sight distance triangle regzurements. For aL uses other than one- and two•iamily dwell- , ings, nc obstructions to view between Forty-two (42) inches and eighty-four t8~1 inches in vertical height, including, but not limited to, fences and walls, hedges or other landscaping, berms, signs or other stru~~ tares, ar pazked vehicles, shall be permitted within triangular azeas measured Fifteen (15) feet into the property from the rignt- of-way line and fifteen (15) feet either side of the curb cut or driveway. For all uses, on corner lots, no obstructicn to view betv+een thirty-six (36) inches and eighty-four c8=` inches as described above shall be permitted within the triangle measured from the pain*. of intersection of the lot lines abutting the streets a distance of twencvfive t25) feet on Local streets and fiftvtlve i55i on collector and arterial streets. The forty-two-inch to eightyfour•inch vertical distance for drive- ways shall be measured from the center of the driveway or curb cut at the right-of-way line, and for street corners from top of curb. or if no curb exists, from edge of pavement. The following drawing illustrates the min- imum unobstructed sight triangles. E- c ~ o ~ F ~ N O ~ W ~ ..] ~ ..t F O U ~ N N Property / R.O.W. Line LOCAL STREET X25' Points of Vertical Heasuraaent Figure 26-31.1. Sight Distance Triangles Sapp. Xo. 5 1799 15 ft. Sight § ?6.31 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE (8) Off-street Ioadirzg. Loading space shall be provided for the handicapped shall noc be provided at a rate deemed necessary by the included in the total number of pazking owner and shall riot be construed as sup- spaces otherwise required by this section. plying off-street parking space. Loading (13) Marking of parking spaces. Pazkingspaces space shall not occupy or intrude into any shall be marked and maintained on the fire lane or required parking space. pavement and any other directional mark- (9) Usable parking spaces. Any parking stall ingslsigns shall be installed and maintained which is unusable due to maneuverability as required by the approved parking plan. difficulties or does not have dear access into (14) Parking lot desigrz standards for truck- and out of its parking space shall not be tractors and/or semitrailers. Where it is de- considered in the count of the total number sired to pazk truck•tractors and/or semi- of available pazking spaces on the Drop- trailers as regulated by subsection iBl(ii) of erty. Double-loaded spaces, that is, oazking this section, a parking plan shall be sub• where one (1) vehicle blacks another, are mitted which shows the location: extent and considered unusable. size of the proposed truck-tractor and semi- !10) Back-out parking. Except for one- and t~vo• trailer parking, and which indicates pro• family dwellings, all parking areas shall be posed screening, lighting, landscaping, cir• designed so that vehicles e.•citing from the culation, type of paving, and any other nazking area will not be required to back feature which wil! help the planning com• out across any sidewalk or public right•of• mission, city council and staff to evaluate the proposal and potential impacts. The fol- way. lowing minimum standards shall be used (ll) One-way traffic flow. Parking which is de• in designing such narking lots: signed for one-way tra&?c shall be clearly indicated as such by the use of a sign or (a) Dimensions: arrow designating the direction of traffic peCt flow and by the words "One-Way.` 1. Tractor only: (12) Handicap parking. In all multifamily, com- Length zs mercial, hospital or industrial zoning dis- Width t2 eliale width ''-g tricts, parking shall be provided for the ' Trailer only: handicapped at the minimum race of one Length ao (11 space per use or two (21 percent of the widch t2 total parking spaces required, whichever is Aisle width a~ greater. Said space(s) shall have a min• 3. Combo tractor and trailer. imum width of twelve (12) feet and amin- Len~h 7p imum length of eighteen (18) feet. Each widch I2 handicap space shall be mazked with afree- Aisle evideh ao standing sign using the standard uniform (6) All parking and circulation areas shall words and/or symbols that signify the space be paved to acceptable engineering as parking for the handicapped only. In ad• standards with bituminous concrete or dition, the handicapped symbol shall be portland concrete. painted on the pavement. Said pazking (c) Each pazking stall shall be supplied space shall be located as neaz to the en- with an electrical outlet to permit ve• trance of the use as practically possible and hicles to be connected to electricity shall be so designed (unless it is impossible while pazked. to do so) that circulation between the ve- (d) Unattended truck-tractors shall not be hicle and the building entrance shall not allowed to idle. involve crossing any azea used For vehic- (e) The use of standazdautomobilepazking ulazcirculation.Thetotalnumberofspaces spaces and/or circulation aisles for Supp. Yo. 5 1800 ZONING AND DEVELOP~fnNT truck•tractor and/or semitrailer pazking or circulation is prohibited. 13) Parking plan required. All plans far the con• struction of any pazking facility must be approved by the zoning administrator and a miscellaneous permit issued before con• struction is started. No such land shaIl be used for parking until approved by the zoning administrator. Said plan must con- ' twin the following minimum information: ia) Number, Iocation and size of pazking stalls. cb) Widths oFaisies and islands. ?c) Location of landscaping azeas and type of landscaping, including size. +d) T}'pe of surfacing. gel Scale and nonh azrow. r~ Location of streets, curb cuts and prop- erty boundazies. fg) Traffic directional arrows, signage and mazkings. (h) Loading azeas. (i) Drainage provisions. (j) Location and direction of proposed Lighting. Location, height, and type of vralls or fences to be constructed. (16) Uses rot specijted. In the case of a use not specifically mentioned, the requirements for off-street parking facilities far a similaz use shall be determined by the zoning admin- istrator based upon compazison to similar uses. His decision may be appealed to the board of adjustment. (17) Fractions. When units of measurements de- termining number of required parking spaces result in the requirement of a frac• tional space, any fraction shall require one (1) parking space. (18) Small car parking. In pazking lots with twenty-one (21) spaces or more, thirty (30) percent of the required pazking spaces may be designated for small or compact cars; pro- vided, that small car pazking area or spaces shall be clearly labeled or otherwise distin- guished from full-sized pazking areas or spaces. Supp. No. 5 lk) 3 ?6-31 (19) Parking space arzd aisle dimerzsian. The to1• lowing table establishes the minimum parking lot space and aisle aimensions for full-size and compact automobiles. .LIIN71fiM PARIfING STAND~SRDS Fte![•S[uc Cars Angle 0° 30° 45° BO' 90' !Par• allell width s 9'6" 9'6" ~ 6' 3'6' Length ''?2' 19' i9' i9' 19' Aisle Width i?' 1?' 13' ..'6' ??' Compccl (,'ors ~P3r• alleil tVidth :'5' T.B.. _ B' ' S' Length !?' 15 15' .5' :5' Aisle width 11' 11' i3' :5 ,3• The following diagram illustrates typical pazking stall layout for tfull•sized and com• pact cars in accordance with the above stan• dards: 1801 § 26-31 :~ 13' u „'e- J A. t e' ~~ O -`:~ Q'~ ~ I QQ• fi~~ Figure 26-31.2- WF~AT gIDGE CTTY CODE - ,F - -- .- - -.1 ... . ~ _~ Sample Parking Lot Configuration far Combination r ull-Size and Compact Cars ~^ ~_ r C- 19• 9, 22',~ ~ P ~I I f --16 ^~ ~- Figure 26-31.3. SupP~No.' 1802 ZONTiiG:1~~D DEVELOPbSENT i20) f2I) :~rfultilamiiy parking lots. Pazking for muI- tifamily development shall not be placed within the minimum front yard setback. Where narking is to be placed within a side or rear yazd which is' adjacent to a public street, a landscape buffer of at least ten (10) feet is required. Use arzd maintenance ofpdrkirzg drea. For aII uses, including one- and two-famiIv dwelling uses, pazking of vehicles shall be limited to those azeas speciFcally devel• oped for pazking and shall not be permitted within landscaped azeas, designated Fire lanes, loading zones, or other azeas not de- signed and developed for parking. All pazking and drive azeas shall be maintained so as to prevent unsafe, muddy, dusty, weedy, or unsightly or blighting conditions. The provisions of this subsection (2i) shall apply to both existing and future condi- tions. (D) Deftnitions: ill Floor area. Floor azea shall mean the gross interior floor azea of the entire building or portion of building devoted to a specific use or uses, less the following areas: ia) ~fechanicaL`utility room. (b) Restrooms. (c) Elevators, stairwells. (d) Shaw w-indows. For the purpose of estimating pazking re- quirements where detailed calculations for the above•stated exceptions are lacking, it will be assumed that such excepted space covers no more than fifteen i15) percent of gross floor azea. t21 Gross leasable area. The total interior floor area designed foc tenant occupancy and ex- clusive use and includes both owned and leased azea, but excludes common mall azea not designed for specific use such as pedes- trian circulation, common physical plant and maintenance azeas. (3) Hospital bassinets. In hospitals, bassinets shall not be counted as beds. ia) Seat. In places of public or private assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy ~upp. Vo. 3 § ?6-3I benches, pews or ocher seating facilities, each Twenty (20) inches of seating facility shall be counted as one c1) seat for the pur- pose of determining requirements for ofi- street pazking facilities under this Ordi• Hance.: (~) Street parking. Street pazking shall mean pazking spaces which are available within the public streets immediately adjacent to a one• or two-family residential lot or de- veIonment, excluding azeas designated as no parking zones. For each one- or two- family dwelling, two t2) street parking spaces shall be provided. In cases where street pazking does not add un to two ~3) pazking spaces per dwelling unit, the dii• Terence shall be made up on the lot or d<_- velapment. f6) Unijted shopping ceater..~ principally re- tailed facility which may also include ser- vice and offlce•type uses in a single main structure, and ownership or common con- trol elements exist so chat the entire devel- opment functions as a unit. ~ E) Appeel/I/arianees and TYaivers to Standards: Variances and waivers to narking requirements. Hoc otherwise soecificallc provided. are a11ow•ed up to tent 10) percent by the zoning administra[or. Variance requests of over ten ~ 10l percent to [he number of required spaces will be reviewed by ['r.e board of adjustment. Requests for waiver oC de- sign standards paragraph tCl, Hoc otherwise soe- cificallyprovided, in excess of tea i 10l percent wail be reviewer by the planning commission, who may approve a modification, waiver or partial waiver of the regulations based on circulation plan and with due consideration for overall trafFc move- ment and volume and impact to adjacent proper- ties and street systems. 1803 § ?633 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE (F) Schedule of Required Off•Street Parking: Use V ec~r single- and two-family residential: -with street pazking -without street pazking Multifamily residential ~+fultifamily elderly housing, exclusively devoted for persons 60 years or older elderly d pup home Congregate caze center Boarding and roominghouse Hospitals, nursing homes or other similar uses Residential group homes for youths 18 yeazs and younger Churches Preschool, daycare, nursery Educational institutions (public or private): -Elementary schools -Junior high schools -Senior high school -College, university, vocational, trade or com- mercial school Places of public or private assembly, such as com- munitybuildings, clubs, lodges, auditoriums, sta- diums, gymnasiums: Standard Requiremerzt 2 spaces per dwelling unit 4 spaces per dwelling unii 1.5 spaces per 1 bedroom unit 2.0 spaces per 2 or 3 bedroom unii 2.5 space per 4 or more bedroom unit 1.25 space for each 1 bedroom unit 1.5 space per 2 bedroom unit if pazcel is 1 acre or tazger, or 1.75 spaces per 2 bedroom unit if parcel is less than 1 acre: 2.0 space per 3 bedroom unit; 2.5 space per 4 or more bedroom unit 0.5 space for each elderly occupant, plus the stan- dard residential dwelling requirement 0.75 space per each bedroom plus 1 space for each employee on ma.~cimum shift 1 per guest room 1 per each 5 beds plus 1 Cor each employee or. max- imum shift 2 per home with street parking or 4 per :home without street pazking plus 1 per each eight beds 1 per each 4 seats in main assembly azea 1 space per each faculty or staff member ^ius 1 off-street loading/unloading per each 8 students or children plus 1 pazking space for each bus or van operated by the child caze facility. 1 space per each classroom or each 20 students, whichever is greater, plus 1 space Cor each teacher and administrative staff. 1 space per each 10 students or 1 space per each 5 seats in auditorium or main assembly area. which- ever is greater. 1 space per each faculty or staff plus 1 space per each 5 students or 1 space per each 5 seats in an auditorium or assembly area, whichever is greater 1 per each faculty or staff plus 1 per each 100 sq. Ct. of class room azea Supp. Fo. 5 1804 ZO V L: i G AD(D DE~~ cL0?>f EN T Standard Requirement f,"se (al For assembly rooms over 500 sq. ft. audito- ' riums and stadiums: -with freed seats -without fixed seats (b) Far offices, activity rooms or meeting rooms Libraries, museums, gallery Amusement/recreational enterprises such as swim- mingpools, skating rinks, health clubs, seas, etc. Gotf course (9 or 18 hole and 3 par) Miniature golf, driving range, skeet or archery range Tennis and racquetball courts or other court games Bowling alley Funeral home or mortuary Post office and public buildings or uses, if not oth• envise listed Medical and dental offices and clinics § ?6.31 1 per each 4 seats • 1 per 100 squaze feet of floor azea or ground area used for seating 1 per 300 sq. ft. of floor azea 1 per 300 sq. ft. of floor area 1 per each 2 persons based on designed use or oc cupant capacity 2 per hole plus 1 per employee on maximum shift 1 per hole or platform plus 1 per employee on max- imum shift 2 per court plus 1 per employee on maximum shift 4 per lane plus 1 per each employee 1 space per 100 square Feet of floor zrea open for public use 1 ;pace per 300 squaze feet of Floor area plus 1 space for each agency owned vehicle 1 space per 150 squaze feet of floor area where 50'0 or mare of a building is to be used for medical or dental offices or clinics; when less than 50°0 of a building is used far medicalldental ofl"ices or clinics, the same standard as for retail, office and service establishments apply Veterinary offices and clinics; and radio and TV studio; and financial institutions Hotels and Motels Theaters linifled shopping centers of 100,000 sq. ft. or lazger Retail, office and servi~ establishments 1 per 200 sq. it. of floor azea 1 per guest room plus pazking for associated uses such as restaiuant er employee on maximum shift quirements, p P 1 per each 3 seats plus 1 per employee on max• imum shift 1 per each 250 squaze feet gross leasable azea 1 space per 200 squaze feet of First Floor area plus space per 300 squaze Ceet for all floors other than first floor Retail or wholesale principally of lazge items such 1 per 300 sq. Et. of floor area as furniture, lazge appliances, Floor covering, etc. Eating and drinking establishments or similar 1 per 75 squaze feet of gross leasable area places of assembly 1805 Supo, Vo. IJ § 26-31 ti~iE?.T RIDGE CODE Standard Requirement Use Drive-in restaurant (excluding drive•up windows) Drive-up windows (food, liquor, bank, etc.) ~'fotor fueling stations, repair garages, tire stores, canvash, etc. Sale or rental of new and used cars, mobile homes, portable buildings, recreational vehicles, campers and boats Lumber yazds OfE-icel~vazeheuse Manufacturing, processing, assembly or similar in- dustrial uses Laboratory Fleet or business-related parking 1 per 100 sq. ft. of Floor azea 6 stacking spaces per window, plus standard pazking as required for inside uses 1 per employee on maximum shift plus 2 per bay or stall 1 per 1,000 square feet of lot azea plus 1 per em- ployee on maximum shift i per 200 square feet of floor area in main sales building 1 space per 600 squaze feet ofer 300es ouazeofeeazof house or work area plus 1 p q retail, wholesale or office azea. 1 space per 500 square feet of Floor azea 1 space per 300 squaze Feet of Floor azea 1 space for each company related vehicle in addi- tion to employee and customer parking NOTES: rL 6L'herever the ward "person" or "student" is used as a unit of measure, the requirement shal e based upon the maximum designed use or occupant capacity. Q moteUrestaurant), the zoning (2) For operations which contain more t oan uted by usingttherymi_xed occupancy" provisions as per administrator shall require pazking P ercent reductions in pazking For subsection (B)(3); however, he may allow for up to fifty (50) P demand peaks will not coincide. secondary uses where it is clearly shown that maximum pazking (Ord. \To. 1968-748, § 1, 2.22.88; Ord. No. 1990-827, § 1, 4-9.90; Ord. No. 1993.924, § 1, 4-26.93; Ord. No. 1994-974; § 1, 8.8.94) 1606 Supo. Vo. to WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 9, 1997 Page -3- Motion by Mrs Dalbec that Case No WZ -97 -3, a request for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan for property located at 4990 Iris Street, be approved for the following reasons 1 A plan amendment is required to allow building expansion 2. All requirements for a final development plan have been met. 3 Staff recommends approval With the following conditions 1 The applicant be allowed to place the trees requested by Staff along Iris and an irrigation system be added to that area. 2 A development agreement be executed for sidewalk improvements on Independence 3 Parking areas that are indicated as reserved on the plan shall be developed upon an order by the Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Director where such parking is needed to met parking demand 4 The applicant get a right -of -way permit from the Public Works Department. 5 Semi -truck traffic be limited to an average of 10 truck trips per week for the 45 it semi - trucks, seconded by Mrs Worth Motion by Mr DlTullio to delete condition 5 , seconded by Mrs Fields Mr DiTullio called for the question, seconded by Mrs Fields, failed 3 -4 with Councilmembers DiTullio, Eafantl, and Fields voting yes Vote on amendment carried 6 -1 with Mrs. Dalbec voting no Vote on original motion as amended carried 6 -1 with Mrs Dalbec voting no Item 3. Council Bill 15, an Ordinance amending Section 26 -31 concerning off - street parking requirements Council Bill 15 was introduced on second reading by Mrs Shaver; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No 1076 assigned Motion by Mrs Shaver for the approval of Council Bill 15 (Ordinance 1076), seconded by Mr DiTullio, carried 7 -0 Item 4. Resolution 1602 - approving and adopting the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) Resolution 1602 was Introduced by Mr DlTullio, Resolution read by the Clerk. Sandra Collins, 3415 Teller Street, thanked Council and staff for efforts on traffic calming on Teller Street; objected to citizens being charged, feels this is double taxation Jo Ann Fisher, 7645 West 47th Avenue, appreciates that the City is looking at methods of traffic calming Jlllian Birnbaum, also thanked Council for looking at this problem She spoke about traffic problems in her neighborhood and the danger to children 47th Avenue and Allison Street have become known as the 44th Avenue Bypass INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Shaver Council Bill No. 15 Ordinance No. 1076 Series of 1997 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 26 -31, CONCERNING OFF - STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS. and, WHEREAS, Section 26 -31 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws governs off - street parking requirements. WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to strengthen those requirements. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Subsection 26 -31 (C)(12) of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is hereby amended as follows (12) Handicapped parking , FOR ALL USES OTHER THAN ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS, parking shall be provided for the handicapped at the minimum rate of one (1) space per use or two (2) percent of the total parking spaces required, whichever is greater Said spaces(s) shall have a minimum width of�1_ SIXTEEN (16) feet and a minimum length of eighteen (18) feet. Each handicap space shall be marked with a free - standing sign using the standard uniform words and /or symbols that signify the space as parking for the handicapped only In addition, the handicapped symbol shall be painted on the pavement. Said parking space shall be located as near to the entrance of the use as practically possible and shall be so designed (unless it is impossible to do so) that circulation between the vehicle and the building entrance shall not involve crossing any area used for vehicular circulation. The total number of spaces provided for the handicapped shall not be included in the total number of parking spaces otherwise required by this section Section 2 Subsection 26 -31 (D)(1) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is amended to read. (D) Definitions- 1) Floor urea. Floor area shall mean the gross interior floor area of the entire building or portion of building devoted to a specific use or uses, less the following areas. (a) Mechanical /utility room. (b) Restrooms (c) Elevators, stairwells. (d) Show windows. For the purpose of estimating parking requirements where detailed calculations for the above - stated exceptions are lacking, it will be assumed that such excepted space covers no more than Fifteen (15) TEN (10) percent of gross floor area. Ordinance No 1076 Page 2 Series of 1997 Section 3. Subsection 26 -31(E) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is amended to read (E) Appeal /Variances and Waivers to Standards Variances and waivers to parking requirements adinttitstttttor SHALL BE PROCESSED AS A VARIANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 26 -6(D). notother"'ise speetfieftily provided, in eteess often (10) pereent will be t-evte"ed bythe planning eottimission, who rnay approve a modifi I i partial waiver of ---- regttlattons based on eireulation plan and with dtte eonsteleralton for overall tm-44�e movemettt and volume and trnpaet to adjtteent properties and street systems. Section 4. Subsection (F) Schedule of Required Off- Street Parking, of Section 26 -31 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, "multifamily residential" use, and "office /warehouse" use "Standard Requirements" are hereby amended as follows. "Multifamily residential 1.5 spaces per 1 bedroom unit 2 0 spaces per 2 or 3 bedroom unit 2.5 spaces per 4 or more bedroom unit PLUS 1 ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR EACH TEN (10) SPACES SHALL BE REQUIRED AS DESIGNATED VISITOR PARKING. SUCH VISITOR PARKING SHALL NOT BE USED BY RESIDENTS FOR PERSONAL PARKING, NOR FOR STORAGE OF UTILITY OR RECREATION VEHICLES." "Office/warehouse 1 space per 600 square feet of area devoted to Warehouse or work area (MAXIMUM OF 75% OF TOTAL AREA) plus I per 300 square feet Of retail, wholesale or office area (MINIMUM OF 25 OF TOTAL AREA)." Section 5. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declare that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 6. Severability If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of competentjurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 7. Supersession . If any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Ordinance No 107 Series of 1997 Page 3 Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to 0 on this 12 t 1 l day of May 1997, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for June 9 1997, at 7 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 7 to 0 this 9th day of J une , 1997 SIGNED by the Mayor on this 10th day of Ju , 1997 DAN WILDE, MAYOR ATTEST fly WANDA SANG, CITY CLEK W VA" Ist Publication May 16, 1997 2nd Publication June 13, 1997 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date June 28, 1997