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SEP-01-1995 09:48 Gorsuch Kirgis L.L.C. 303 296 0215 P.002i007
You requested us to review the provisions of the Wheat
Ridge City Code that govern the location oP group homes. Your
specific queationa concerned whether the City Code provisions were
in aompliarice with the recent I3.5. Supreme Court decision in
Edmonds vR xfard ~Iousg. Tnc., 131 L.Ed. 2d 801 (1995) as well as
in compliance with any other legal requirements imposed on
municipal regulation of group homes. Our evaluation and recommend-
ations arm summarized in this memorandum.
In summary, the Wheat Ridge Code provisions very much
need amendment; T can prepare an ordinance doing so; I believe a
so-day moratorium would be a good way to provide time to da this
and get Council support.
1. Wheat Ridges definition of "family„ (City Code §265) suffers
from the same defect that was present i.n the aity~s zoning
ordinance in the U.5. Supreme Court case of ~y of i~dmor}ds v.
dxfard Hovs® Ina A summary of this case is attached for
your information. The Wheat Ridge definition limits the
residency of a single family structure to either: (i) an
unlimited number of related persons; g,..r (Z) no more than 3
unrelated persons living as a single housekeeping unit (or 5
persons over 60 years pf age}. In other words, related
persons are mare favorably treated than unrelated persons for
purposes of occupying single family homes in Wheat Ridge.
E~q~ involved the application of the Fair Housing Act, as
amended in 1988 ("FHA"), In general terms, the FHA prohibits
disarimfnatiori against persons protected under the FHA in the
rental, sale, purchase, or occupation of housing. The classes
of persons protected by the FHA are broad, and include persons
who are "regarded" as suffering from alcoholism or drug addic-
tion. Discrimination includes a failure to make "reasonable
accommodations" iri rules, policies, practices, or services,
when necessary to afford FHA-protected individuals equal
opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.
If fOheat Ridge attempted to enforce its definition of "family„
in an effaxt to prevent the occupation of a single family home
by unrelated persons who were within a protected class under
the FHA, Wheat Ridge would likely be in violation of the FHA.
The key to avoiding a possible FHA violation is to remove from
SEP-01-1995 09:49 Gorsuch Kirgis L.L.C. 303 298 0215 P.003i007
the city Cade any disarimination against persons prateated
under the FHA.
There are three means by which Wheat Ridge can avoid unlawful
diacriminatian under the FHA in occupation of single family
- - -_
(1) ],imin~tite fk~om the definition af_!'family" any re€erence
~tv a maximum number of persons that would constitute a
family. This revision would permit unlimited number of
persons to oaaupy a single family residence.
(2) _ - as - -- --
dePin9:tian of "famf]y",ta include any group of
persons, regardless of their relationship, that do eat
exxceed an established ratio of residents to square foot-
age of living area or other objeative standard such as
residents to the numbes of bedrooms. Provided that the
limitation is ec;ually applied to all residentt~ of single
family homes (both related and unrelated), this farm of
oaaupancy limitation is ®xempt from the restrictions of
the F1iA as a local restriction regarding the maximum
number of persons permitted to occupy a dwelling. S~e.4Z
TL S.C $ 3607(b)(1).
(3) - :a e_:sPi3iin. ~.T1 thy, definition of "tamilyM any group of
individuals that are protected under the FHA. This would
result in permitting both an unlimited number of related
persons and an unlimited number of "FHA-prateated"
persons within a single family residence, but would limit
the number of unrelated and "unprpteated" persons.
2. Wheat Ridges employs a~.~1 use review for all group homes
with greater than nine (9j residents. The trend among the
federal and state courts in the last five years has been to
invalidate the use by local governmelsts of "aonditfonal" or
"special use" approvals far establishing group_ homes for
persons protected under the FHA.t - -
_s _ _ 19 Olt Et group home
- avw~ sue. bona,„„ 1s. =Rr 19pBaial review nuti. permit _a~- a
_x' g ~n~ aacupax~gy i?y 9 related .persons ynay _evi.denae
~a,~ful ;~,dsc~xm,~r,~tary._ .-~raatice against _FHA-Protected
one. R~here are two alternatives for W3seat Ridge in
addressing this trend in the courts:
' In addition, the 11.5. Supreme Caurt in City of Cieburpe ys
Qieburne hiving Center, 472 U.S. 432 (1985) Concluded that a
special use review process for group homes for the mentally ill was
invalid under the equal protection clause of the IInited States
Constitution because there was no rational basis for believing that
such a home would pose any threat to a legitimate governmental
SEP-01-1995 09:49
Gorsuch Kirgfs L.L.C.
303 298 0215
.,, . j-*e ..~ a,om~ue{;4a bV,. is~aiG,G~s r,iDf7~A,j® a.= .4],Y~.IYg arBa Or
e~ o~ -ec~lve: stdi;dz~xd such c~93 residents to the- number
`~. Ttla.s `arm of regulation is perntitted and®r
the FHA. 42 II.S.C. § 3601{b}(1}. All group homes that
exceed the retie requirement would need to undergo
special use review.
- - -
3. The~ai si, - - -
,til~t ..~ z~~Qr__"group homes!!.:stated in the City
Codes tables Por the residential districts (e.g., R-1 minimum
of 12,500 square feet) and the agriauitural districts (e.g.,
A-1 minimum of 1 aare)~c3Q~113~t ~+ith the requirement stated in
City Code § 2&-30(P}. -This section provides that certain
group homes meet a minimum lot size of 1500 square Peet for
each bed in the group home. This conflict should be resolved.
4. Wheat ltid a City Code § 26-30 P
g ( ) (1) (d) requires that align-be
~~tjz~_e~em~~r~.:f~:ft~en__days. prior to issuance of a
ae cater of occupancy for any group home for mentally ill,
elderly, and disabled persons. ~liis- aotico-s®aairi~ugent map
`g~a_=pro"®`h~itpd d~acria3aatory praatioo-under-tho 88A.
e Ci'Cy does not require similar natiae postings prior to
issuance of a certificate of occupancy for other residential
land uses and, as a result, the requirement would evidence
His crate treatment of --
p group homes At -least cne-=Federal
~--ipvar~[, ,~i~ a,ojsi~a requirement finding -that no_legiti-
~boc-Qppos t3on ~o the group horse and -its residents.
~azom~~ ~D CoC v **nnfiYg~erir County, 823 F. Sapp. 1285
{D. Md. 1993). Moreover, the purported governmental interest
is stated in 26-30(P)(I)(d) as "informational" and to provide
interested partfes a ohanoe to review the proposal? this same
interest would reasonably apply to all issuances of certifi-
aatasr of occupancy regardless of the land use. ,A oourt could
easily find that the notice provision constitutes discrimina-
tion against group homes~ar protected classes of individuai:~
under the FHA. -h,_e~at=>~.~qe ~fiou~d-be adv~,¢a(! to a13.m17~Ate t2ili
_ _
5. Code Sections 26-30 (P) (1) _{aZ~ _(b}-,_ and__(e) permit--the estab-
- -
lishment of ~nlv one:-{3j,of eaoh type of group home. (disabled,
elderly, and -mentally ill) in any one Council district.
However, ~v_ vth_e~>i- r~si~ tial rand- uses _ erg ~i~ilarly rmt~d
- tat. riir.~ ''Lis limita9:ion is likely ~~l~invald
RG1~53027~928764.9 3
To avoid FHA-prohibited discrimination, Wheat Ridge could
consider allowing all group homes as ease-by--right pro-_
vided that the group hams does not erased an tabliahed
SEP-01-1995 0950 Gorsuch Kirgis L.L.C.
303 298 0215 P.005i007
under the FAA as a discriminatory policy. See 42 U.S.C. ~
3615 (state and local laws that would constitute a discrimina-
tory housing practice are invalid}. In a recent: and similar
situation, a federal trial court issued a permanent injunction
against the enforcement of a city ordinance which required
denial of a conditional use permit for any proposed group home
if the papu7-ation of existing group homes in the city exaeeded
a total of 5o persons or exceeded .5~ of the city~$ popula-
tion. Ass9ssiation for Advarioement of the ME!ntat.iv AarAirvanne.4
s~uus~_ _ p~son$ in group aomea
In addition, these limitat
e statewide interest identii
encourage the establishment
residential communities.
gip. 614 (D.N_J.__1994). ~[!i`dtt"
limitation an_ tho tsata]. num-,; _,_
Lts>xtat; a violataa_ o~ _ ths- ~- _
4at or=policy to dirazimfnate
that ytap b® prgteat:ed by the
.ens potentially conflict with
.ed fri C.R.S. § 31-23-303 to
of certain group homes in
s. sections 26-3o(P)(i) (a), (b) and (cy requires ~tiapessai or
=vf each type of group home from like facilities. For
example, no group home far the mentally 311 may be located
closer than~~0_ ez et Prom ano_ther_graup home for the mentally
ill .and no closer than ~ teat from a group home for the
disabled or elderly. Although spacing requirements have been
supported by several courts including the Eighth Cirauit_Court
of Appeals more ~e~serit federal .trial courta~~_haye invalidated-
- _~"g'~re~~msn~a d3:ccrsmiriatory under _tha- FHA,-- she r
e.tt , -p$ty~e of St peat v Citv of ~t Paui-, 923 F.2d 91
(8th Cir. 1991)(supporting spacing requirement as advancing,
integration into communities}; }zut see zon-Houma--nev_
~_--o°-,-nu.-.~--~nwnsn~ n~ ~rpoar &ou ham, on, _804 F. Sapp.
683 (E.D. Pa. 1992}, aff~d, 995 F.2d 217 (3d Cir.-1993) (find-
in aging requirement facially invalid as discriminatory).
rural rulo and,_in li_gY~~ of tide presently existing cans-
-etc d ai,~gglicy,~_~t reasonabl@-and clearly
e _ o~~ ate,..., t tY ~ oppos~sd :-
tis- mlt-or exc~uds group homes, mr-y be legally
-..--.~_1-L - -
The i'.olorad~ st~tu~®s~add~ess._-grvap_ ome spa43.ng--r®quiremeats.
C.R.S. ~ 35~-23-303(2) (b} (II) states that the establishmeintr of
non-profit and owner-occupied group homes for the elderly and
group homes for the developmentally disabled are matters of
statewide aanaern. The stated and evident intent of this
statute is to assist group homes for the elderly and disabled
in Finding locations in residential communities and to
increase the opportunities for integration of these homes in
residential communities. egg .Ds~ttble A Manor v Evergreen
~, 773 P.2d 1046 (Cola. 1989). The statute pprovides
that certain group homes „shall not be located withinEven
~~,~, ~,~,nd i'.lty,. i~Egt of another such group haute, un7.esg
RCfn53027~128784.1 4
SEP-01-1995 09:50 Cmrsuch Kirgis L.L.C. 303 298 9215 P.996/997
otherwise provided for by the municipality." C.R.B § 31-12-
303 (2) (b) .
2'he spacing requirements oP sections a6-3o(P)(1) (a),_(b) ~nd~
(a) of the wheat Ridge city Code are meets--mare raatriativs
._~i~`h) than the state statute (750 feet) and-would likely
e found to conflict with the state statut®~s intent of
attempting to encourage such homes in residential communities.
It mould be my opinion that the language "unless otherwise
provided Pox by the municipality" in C.R.B. § 31-23-303(2)(b)
is intended to permit municipalities to locate group homes
C.Za~BP than 750 feet from each other, not t0 permit municipal-
ities to make it more diffinult Por group homes to locate in
the community by increasing the spacing distances. Ne there-
fore y~.eg M~~~. ~h~_ NhOat _Ridgp_-City Cod® spatsin9t of 3000-
~;~ s -----~..re....y caqua.rwaways---
a e o .~ u e_- 750 ~eet~a~ that #hb ffipaoing require-
~~tgq+on ttnrant types o! -group homes -in the--Cite Cod® -
rsea~tly 75.Q. teeti~__ bo dela~tad. This revision may aid in
eridirig the City from a potential claim that spacing
requirements are discriminatory (as found be several federal
trial courts). If the City code mimics the requirements of
the state statute, the burden of the defense of a claim of
discrimination Could also fall upon the state oP Colorado.
'~• Other revisions of the Code oP Laws could be made to clean-up
and more succinctly address the regulation of group homes.
For example, there appear to be two somewhat different
definitions of group homes found in section 26-5 ("residential
group homes~~) and section 26-30(P) In addressing the issues
raised in this memorandum, wheat Ridge might consider placing
the regulation of group homes under one separate section and
removing references to group homes from other sections of the
City Cade. The separate sections would identify the permitted
coning districts Por the various types of group homes, state
the spacing requirements, minimum lot sizes, minimum ratio of
r®sidents to living area, and any other requirements such as
hearing procedures.
RGff153027~1287d4.i 5
SEP-01-1995 09:51 Gorsuch Kirgis L.L.C. 303 298 0215 P.007i007
SAY OB 011,88
City f dmonds y. AxPord_Tiouse, IriG,, 131 L.Ed.2d 801 (1995}
sackgrouaa Facts: The City of 8dmands zoning ordinance defined
"family" for purposes of single family residential use ass
"an individual or two or more persons related by genetics,
adoption, or marriage, or a group of five or fewex persons who
are not related by genetics, adoption, or marriage."
The aity~attwnpted to enfora® its zonin~crdinance against a p
~~i e 112 rocov®ring alcphol[;s._and-drug addicts-located in a
sngl~=fami].y residential zoning district. Persons suffering from
alcoholism and drums addiction are ~~~ ~he~,;defirtiton of _ "hhndi= ;
pp~B persons" farpurposes of ttxe-FHA.- The group home requested.
that-the City allow the home to continue operation as a "reasonable
accommodation" pursuant to a provision of the FHA which made it
illegal to refuse to make reasonable accommodations in rules
policies, practices, or services when such accommodations might be
necessary to afford persons with handicaps equal opportunity to use
and en'~oy a dwelling. The City refused, and instead passed an
ordinance permitting group homes in multi-family and commercial
zones. The City sought a declaratory judgment that the zoning
ordinance restriction an group homes did not violate the FHA. The
group home counterclaimed for violation of the F~i1- and the United
states AttornQy General's Office filed a separate action against
the City for violation aE the FHA. The United States suit was
consolidated with the ~ case,
issue and 8oldiAgs Thy issue before the Court was specifically
limited to whether the Edmonds zoning code qualified for an exemp-
tion under 42 U.S.C ~ 36U7(b)(1) from the FHA requirement that a
~~reasonable accommodation" be made in rules, practices, or services
when such accommodations may be necessary to afford handioapped
persons equal opportunity to the use and enjoyment of dwellings.
Under ~ 3607(b)(1), a local government's regulation that attempts
to limit the number of residents to prevent overcrowding would be
exempt from the ~'HA. However, the Supreme Court held that the
City's regulation did not appear to be a uniform attempt to gener-
a11y control overcrowding in residences, but that the definition of
"family" had the potential effect of discriminating against FHA
protected persons while allowing others persons unlimited occupancy
based an their status as related, adopted, or married. The City
flid not thereTore qualify for exemption under 42 U.S.C.
§3607(b)(1). The Court remanded the matter to the trial court Por
a determination of whether Edmonds' actions violated the FHA's
prohibitions against discrimination.
RCY\530271128784.1 6
rn~rr~ o arAn
12/29/95 11:23;Bb RIGRTFAS 4.BB->(3B3) 234-5924 RightFA% Page BB1
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22/29/95 12~Z3:3Z RIGHTFA% 4.88->(3831 Z34-5924
Coimoil Hill No. _
Ordi•+~+'~ No.
RightFA% Page 882
series of 1996
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to Fully comply
with applicable laws of the State of Colorado and the United States
pertaining to residential group housing opportunities for the
handicapped, developmentally disabled, mentally ill, and elderly
persons; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with state and federal laws, the
City of Wheat Ridge desires. to provide residential group housing
opportunities for such individuals 'within residential dwelling
units provided that group homes meet all applicable requirements
generally applied to other residential structures and uses for the
zoning district in which the group .home is located; and
WHEREAS, such residential group homes should be
compatible in size, bulk, aesthetics, and intensity of use as other
residential uses for the zoning district in which the use is
8ect~on 1. The definition of "Family" contained. in --
Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is hereby amended as
Fami.Zy. One (1) or more persons related
by blood, marriage, ox--adoption, o e
custodv plus domestic servants employed for
service on the premises, or a group of not
more than three (3) persons who need not be so
related living together ae a single
housekeeping unit. Notwithstanding anvthina
RCW153027114145%.1 1
12/29/95 11:24:08 HIGORFAX 4.00->(303) 234-5924 BightFAX
tea- ~,ar,d'c need persons as defined in Title
VTTT or t~'+e C~V~~ Rig a ACt Of 1968, as
amended by the Fair Housing Amendments
nct of_1988; or
p--~aons with a developmental disability.
as defined by C.R.B. & 27-10.5-102.
rPSiding i.ri a arOUp home WY11Ch ].p
„ ,~ r *he state of Colorado: or
r~ ee3
Section 2. Subsection (b) of the definition of
`~"~~ "Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
7 Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to the definition of "Group Homes for
the Developmentally_Disabled" is hereby repealed,
4arr;On 3. Subsection (c) of the definition of
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 2~-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Lawe pertaining to the definition ofi"Group Homes for
Elderly Persona" is hereby renumbered as aubsectioi~ (b) and amended
to read as follows:
Group Homes for Elderly Person This ie a
residential. facility established as either an
owner-occupied or nonprofit group home for the
exclusive use of persons sixty (60)~years of age or
older who do not need skilled and intermediate care
facilities, plus no more than two (2) live-in staff
persons emo~oyed in the care d supervision of
mentally ill persons as defined by
C R S § 27-10-102 resid~na in a croup
'-ome which is licensed by the state of
o ra o.
1Z/29/95 11~24~42 RIGA'PFAX 4.BB->(3B3] 234-5924 RightFAX Payo BB4
Section 4. Subsection. {d) of the definition of
"Residential group homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Lawa pertaining to the definition of "Group Homes for
Mentally I11 Persona" is hereby repealed and a new subsection (d)
added to read ae follows:
For purposes of this Chanter a "group
home" or "residential arouQ home" shall
not include a household of four (4l or
more persona occupying a residential
dwelling unit and living as a single
houaekeenina unit if the occupants are:
handicapped persona ae defined
in Title VIII or the Civil
Riahte Act of 1968, ae amended
by the Fair Housing Amendments
Act of 1988: or
persons with a developmental
dis ility as defined by
C•R.S. 8_27-10.5-102. residing
;,, a croup home which is
licensed by the state of
Colorado: or
mantel lc~ ill persons, as
defined by C.R,S_. 6 27-10-102.
residing in a croup home which
;a i;~eneed by the state of
Colorado• and
av c+h additional necessary persona
am.+ioved in the care. shelter.
supervision. training. and/or
rehabilitation of such handicapped.
d'sabled or mentally ill persons.
Section 5. The following definition of "Non-profit group
home" ie hereby added to Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code of
Laws to read as follows:
Non-profit group home. A group home
which is owned and operated by a person or
organization which ie exempt from income taxes
pursuant to section 39-22-112. C.R.S.
Section 6. The following definition of "owner-occupied
group home" is hereby added to Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code
of Laws to read ae follows:
12/29/95 11.25.14
RIGRTFflX 4.09->[3831 234-5924
Owner-occupied group home. A group home
which ie owned and operated by an individual
or individuals who actually reside at and
maintain their permanent and primary place of
residence in the group home.
ram e9s
Section 7. Subsection (B}(3) of Section 26-10 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Residential-One District (R-1)"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
(3) Residential group homes for eight or
fewer ,
elderly persons.
(See section 26-30(P) and section 26-5
Section 8. Subsection (B)(6) of Section 26-19 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Agricultural-Two Zone District
Regulations" is hereby amended to read as follows:
(6) Residential group homes for eight or
elderly persons.
(See section 26.-30(P) and section 26-5
Section 9. Subsection (B)(13) of Section 26-20 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled- "Restricted Commercial-One
District {RC-1)" is hereby amended to read as follows:
(13) Residential group homes for eight or
elderly persona.
(See section 26-30(P) and section 26-5
Section 10. Subsection (P) of Section 26-30 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Lawa, entitled "Residential C3roup Homes" is hereby
amended to read in its entirety as follows:
(P) Residential Group Homes:
(1) Residential group homes for eight {8J or fewer
€arelderZy persona. In accordance with C.R.S., 1973, as
amended, § 31-23-303, group homes For not more than eight
(8) ,
®ldsrly p®rsons are permitted under the following
5- K
RCW{53027~141457.1 4
12/29/95 11:25:49
RIGRTFAR 4.88->(3B3) 234-5JZ4
()ate) Group Homes for Elderly Persona:
home for elderly persons, ae defi
shall not be architecturally de
inconsistent with the character
neighborhood. Every group home for
meet all requirements of a--sine
Page BB6
A group
a so as to be
the surrounding
^ly persona shall
s ~ r___ __-'_ '" '_'_- ' the zone
slisr,_-ior i„ ..,t,i.,H tHe_ w,.m,_ ,,. _`_d. No group
home for elderly personejehall~be located closer than twa
~ sever-hund_r d and Fifty (750) feet from
another group home for elderly persons - -+_____
RCW153Q27VI41457.1 5
~Z/29l95 11;2b;37
aIGHTFHx 4.98->(383) 234-5924
ri~~ e9~
eigs~-c8}-or fester meu~ta~~~+-s~
(e~) Certificate of Occupancy: Prior to occupancy of any
group home for the me~~~~~- $~~, '- '----' _____~_,,,_
elderly persons, a certificate of occupancy
must be requested through the department of community
development. The planning division shall review such
requests relative to all zoning requirements, and the
building .inspection division shall review such requests
relative to the building and fire codes prior to issuance
of a certificate of occupancy. ,
(2) Residential group horaea for nine {9) or more
elderly persons. Such group homes, as
defined in section 26-5 and described and conditioned under
subsection (P}(1}(h~} oaf this section, but where nine (9) or
more elderly persons are to occupy
a group home, shall be permitted only upon approval of a
special use permit, after public hearing by the planning
commission and city council.
In addition to the standards and criteria set forth under
subsection (P)(1)(h~),
the following
shall be required in order to provide information for the
planning commission and city council to reasonably assess the
xcanssoznialan.i 6
'~eA-v~13L`~Ct~'6ixtI~7Y the hems' '-~.~~9+u~ '--"'- °--- `~L C*
12/Z9/95 ]1:27:25 RIGRTFAS 4.68->(363) 234-5924 RightFA% Page 898
potential impacts to the community when considering approval
of a special use permit:
(a) A site plan of the site indicating property boundaries
and total area, location and extent of all existing and
proposed buildings; parking and circulation areas;
landscaping and buffering, fences, walla, etc.;
recreational facilities and open space; outdoor lighting
facilities; trash receptacles; or any other physical
features that might help identify the expected character
of the proposed facility.
J ~~~ ~ ~
~.~. i
~ `
3d $
B Ye®
a 8
0~ B
Ya9 ~I ~~t®
(e~) For homes for the elderly, information submitted which
describes the following:
5. Maximum number of persona to occupy the home.
6. Explanation of the general organization and
management of the household.
(3) ResideatiaZ group home for children.
~~elas-. Jm _~J
residential group home for children. as defined in section 26-
~ shall maintain a minimum lot area of fifteen hundred (1500)
square feet for each child residing at the home, shall be
located no closer than two thousand {2,000) feet from another
group home of any kind, and shall provide view-obscuring
screening of any additional structure, such as a trash
dumpster or playground equipment associated with the group
home, which is inconsistent with the character of the
surrounding neighborhood.
]2/Z9/95 11:Z6~H4 RIGHTFAX 4.80->(303) Z34-5924 RightFAR Page 689
In order to assess a proposed residential group home facility,
the following information shall be submitted by the applicant
and used by the planning commission and city council in
considering approval of a special use permit:
(a) A site plan of the site indicating property boundaries
and area location and extent of all existing and proposed
buildings; parking and circulation areas; landscaping and
buffering, fences, walls, etc.; recreational facilities
and open space; outdoor lighting facilities; trash
receptacles; or any other physical features that might
help identify the expected character of the proposed
(b) A letter from the agency licensing the facility with the
following information:
1. The £act that the agency has licensed or ie
preparing to license the facility.
2. Special needs of the residents, such as on-site
schooling or training, and any facilities needed to
meet such special needs.
3. The number of children for whom the license is
being issued.
4. The approximate ages of the children.
5. The proposed procedures and methods to be used in
operating the facility; i.e. permanent resident
staff, rotating staff, owner-occupied residence,
4~ -(e} Any special use permit granted pursuant to this section
shall be limited to its effectiveness to the applicant
therefor, and shall provide, by its terms, for
termination upon cessation of ownership, management or
use of said applicant. The limitation specified in this
subsection (P)~''~.__.r is deemed necessary by the city
council in order to maintain the maximum lawful authority
over the use and user approved by any such issued special
use permit, and ie deemed necessary to protect the
integrity and character of surrounding properties and
neighborhoods. In order to achieve that objective, the
city council, prior to granting such special use permit,
shall be required to determine that the proposed group
home will not have an adverse effect on the residential
character and quality of life in the particular
i i neighborhoods of its location. The council may not deny
a special use permit for a proposed residential group
home solely on the basis of neighborhood opposition,
RCNL530271141437.1 $
22/Z9/95 1l:28:45
BI68TFA% 4.88->(3831 234-5924
Page 87.8
where no valid and substantive evidence has been offered
to show that the proposed residential group home would _
have such adverse effect.
(d) The special use permit for any residential group home ,i,,/y{~~
shall be for a term of one (1) year, and shall be `~,
automatically renewable by the director of the department U/'~A'~
of community development upon receipt of any application
for renewal if, following review of the files of all city //~~
departments and those of the county department of social Cj(/L!-
services, it is determined that no written verifiable ~ ^,
complaints concerning the operation of the group home
during the term of the special use permit have been
received, the application for renewal must be heard by
the city council under the same requirements as for a new
special use permit.
3eetion !4). Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds,
determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under
the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is
promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and
that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and
safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare.
The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a
rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be
Section (5). Severability. If any clause, sentence,
paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any
person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court
of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its
application to other persons or circumstances.
Section f6). Inconsistent Ordinances. All other ordinance or
portions thereof inconsistent or conflicting with this ordinance or
any portion hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such
inconsistency or conflict.
.s~ieCtiOn (7) $ffF'ni-. of Aar~o~l 'nr Mr..ii f; r.~l-; r.r. '~e repeal Or
modification of any provision of the Code of Laws of the City of
Wheat Ridge by this ordinance shall not release, extinguish, alter,
modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, forfeiture, or
liability, either civil or criminal, which shall have been incurred
under such provision, and each provision shall be treated and held
as still remaining in force for the purposes of sustaining any and
all proper actions, suits, proceedings, and prosecutions for the
enforcement of the penalty, forfeiture, or liability, as well as
for the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree, or order which
can or may be rendered, entered, or made in such actions, suits,
proceedings, or prosecutions.
RCWV530275141457.1 9
12/29/45 11:29:32 RICdITFA% 4.98->f3B3) 234-5924 RightFAX
rasp ei1
9ect~on (8). This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15)
days after final publication.
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of
on this day of _~_r 1996, ordered
published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City
o~ Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final
passage set for 1996, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the
Council Chambers, 750.0 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
reading by a vote of to _,, this Y
SIGNED by the Mayor on this
day of 19-
1st Publication:
2nd Publication:
Wheat Ridge Sentinel
Effective Date:
Rcunssozniaiasv.i 10
„ ~. r
$VfiE 1100
TEL EexoNE (303) 299-8900
Fax (303)298-0215
DIRECT D[AL: 303-299-8942
DATE: MARCH 28, 1996
P.O. Box 17180
Please find attached two versions of the amended group
home ordinance for the City of Wheat Ridge. The first version is
a redline/strikeover version illustrating the revisions to the Code
of Laws; this version would be presented to the City Council for
approval. The second version is a "clean" copy of the ordinance
that should assist you in understanding how the revised ordinance
will read following passage. You should note that the regulation
of group homes,-under the amended ordinance, will be streamlined
and simplified over the prior provisions.
As you requested, I have eliminated the special use
review provisions that were contained in section. 26-30(P) and
substituted a reference in that section to_the existing special use
review process contained in section 26-6(B).
Please review these versions and provide to me your
comments and suggestions at your convenience.
y tl
Council Bill No. _
Ordinance No.
Series of 1996
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to more fully
comply with applicable laws of the State of Colorado and the United
States pertaining to residential group housing opportunities for
the handicapped, developmentally disabled, mentally ill, and
elderly persons; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with state and federal laws, the
City of Wheat Ridge desires to provide residential group housing
opportunities for certain individuals within residential dwelling
units provided that group homes meet all applicable requirements
generally applied to other residential structures and uses for the
zoning district in which the group home is located; and
WHEREAS, such residential group homes should be
compatible in size, bulk, aesthetics, and intensity of use as other
residential uses for the zoning .district in which the use is
located; and
WHEREAS, unless limited or prevented by state or federal
law,. the City of Wheat Ridge desires to regulate, review, and
approve residential group homes to ensure compatibility between
group homes and existing residents and existing land uses and
protect the health, safety, and welfare of the City's residents.
Section 1. The definition of "Family" contained in
Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is hereby amended as
Family. One (1) or more persons related
by blood, marriage, er-adoption, or legal
custody plus domestic servants employed for
service on the premises, or a group of not
more than three (3)_persons who need not be so
related living together as a single
~~ ~ ~ ,~~~'^n ~ ~ ~~
s .~ ,~ ~
+ ~. _ _,,,. ~ a
~ .:< " ~"~' , . i=`, , ~ u' f"' DEVELOPMENT `Y , . $28.5
~' burldmgs, whrch~aRttac'h stb the turn.circle (bulb) li gnsleeping, kitchen a d soanitary faczirt es fo~
of a deadeiid stree~"~'~ ~ ` , , the exclusive use of the occupants;
Cul de-sac dot wrdth A cul•de sac lot will have Easement, A grant by a property owner for use p
z . at least ~~?rty (30) het of street frontage. The av- of land for designated purposes by ariother person t{
erage vv t~t1i of this lot shall. be'equal to the min- ublic or private.
' `' 'imam requued frontage of standard lots within or agency, p
any given zonedrstrict ZSeeF~gure26-5.3J Family.One(1)ormorepersonsrelatedbyblood,
g Day care.center. Arfacility licensed by the State mar'r'iage or adoption, plus domestic servants em- ~
v to ed for service on the remrses, or a group of
C.i of Colorado which provides care of children with not ore than three (3) persons who need not be ~t
~. or without compensation. so related livingtogether as a single housekeepin
Day care center, small. A facility licensed by the -unit. -Five (5) people over the age of sixty (6
~ State of Colorado which is used exclusively for the ,sharing one (1) housekeeping unit shall also b
purpose of providing care, with or without cam- 'deemed to be a family. For the purpose only o
pensation, for seven (7) to twenty-four (24) chil- computing the maximum allowable density of
dren. twenty-one (21) units per acre provided for in the
Wheat Ridge Home Rule Charter, the following
Day care home, Zarge. A home which is licensed shall apply: If a single housekeeping unit is de- ~l
under the State of Colorado and which provides signed for the use of more than three (3) unrelated
~ ~ care, with or without compensation, for seven (7) persons, such as, but not limited to, the handi-
J to twelve (12) children, from twenty-four (24) gypped or elderly, each three (3) persons in any
3 months to sixteen (16) years of age, including the such unit shall constitute one (1) family unit. ` ~
caretaker's children, not attending full-day school,
such as a day care, preschool, day nursery or child Family foster home. A family foster home is a
'~•~ care service. residential facility which provides twenty-four-
hour care for up to four (4) children not related to
Day care home, small. A home which is licensed the caretaker. The ages of such children may not
-~ under the State of Colorado and which provides exceed eighteen (18) years old; provided, however,
~ care, with or without compensation, for not more that those children placed in a home or in the
than six (6) children under the age of sixteen (16), custody or jurisdiction of the department of social
including the caretaker's children, not attending services shall be considered a child under this def-
full-day school, such as a day care, preschool, day inition until age twenty-one (21) years old.
nursery or child care service.
Farming. The cultivation of land, including
Dwelling, multiple. Abuilding orgroup ofbuild- ranching for raising of livestock only, unless oth•
ings designed for occupancy by three (3) or more erwise herein spec~cally provided.
families' living in separate dwelling units as ten- gage private An accessory building or an sc-
ants from month to month or for a term longer Cessory portion of a main building designed for
than one (1) month. the shelter or storage of motor vehicles owned or
Dwelling, one-family. A building designed for operated by the occupants of the main building
occupancy by not more than one (1) family- only.
Dwelling, two family. A building designed for Grtrage, public. A garage, other than a private
occupancy by two (2) families living in separate garage, used for the housing or care of motor ve-
dwellingunits as tenants from month to month or hicles, or where such vehicles are equipped for
for a term longer than one (1) month. operation, repaired or kept for remuneration, hire
oracle. ;
Dwelling unit. A building or :any portion of a
building designed for oceupafiey as complete, in•, Heavy equipment: Motorized or non-motorized
dependent living quarters for one (1) or more per- construction equipment of six thousand (6,000)
sons, having direct access from the outside of the pounds or more empty weight.
Sapp. Na. 5
4i.,...', ~ '
• ,r~
-,.,;.~i.,. .
Section 2. Subsection (b) of the definition of
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws which defines "Group Homes for the
Developmentally Disabled" is hereby repealed.
Section 3. Subsection (c) of the definition of
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the wheat
Ridge Code of Laws which defines "Group Homes for Elderly Persons"
is hereby renumbered as subsection (b} and amended to read as
~b Group Homes for Elderly Persons:
This is a residential facility
established as either an owner-
occupied or.nonprofit group home for
the exclusive use of persons sixty
(60) years of age or older who do
not need skilled and intermediate
care facilities, plus no more than
~-- r - • .- - -~,. - . --
Person. Any individual, firm, trust, partner-
ship, public or private association or corporation.
Porch, unenclosed. A porch which is open to the
atmosphere on at least two (2) sides.
Premises. A general term meaning part or all of
any lot or part or all of any building or structure
or group of buildings or structures located thereon.
Public building/use. Any building or land held,
used or controlled exclusively for public purposes
by any department or branch of government, state,
county or municipality without reference to the
ownership of the building or of the realty upon
which it is situated.
Public facility. Any facility, improvement or ser-
vice, which is essential to the general public, such
as, but not limited to, public utilities, energy,
drainage or similar services, which is provided by
the City of Wheat Ridge, a special district or a
public utility.
Recreational facility/commercial. A recreation fa-
cilityoperated as a business and open to the public
far a fee.
Recreational facility/public. A recreation facility ~ (c)
operated by a governmental agency and open to
the public.
Recreational vehicle. A vehicle,such as a recre-
ational trailer, tent camper trailer, truck camper,
travel trailer, motor home or other vehicle with or
without motive power, designed and/or constructed
to travel on the public thoroughfare and designed
for use of human habitation. (d~
Recreational vehicle p¢rk. Any area or tract of
land where lots are rented or held out for rent to
one or more owners or users or recreational vehi-
cles for a temporary time not to exceed three (3)
Recreational vehicle space. A plot of ground
within a recreational vehicle park designated and
intended for the accommodation of one recreational
Residential group homes:
(a) Group Home for Children: This is a resi-
dential facility which is licensed by the Jef-
ferson County Social Services Division for
Supp. No. 15
§ 26-5
the purpose of providing up to twenty-four
(24) hour care, supervision and/or training
for children under the age of eighteen (18)
years. Those children placed in a home
under the age of eighteen (18) but who re-
main in the home after reaching the age of
eighteen (18) shall be considered a child
under this definition until reaching the age
of twenty-one (21). Group homes for chil-
dren do not include facilities for the place-
ment of children by the Youth Services Di-
vision of the Department of Institutions, the
Mental Health Division of the Department
of Institutions, or the Alcohol and Drug
Abuse Division of the Department of
Health, even if licensed by Jefferson County
Department of Social Services. (See section
Group Homes for the Develop ally Dis-
led: This is a resident' acility licensed
by state fort urpose of providing
twenty- -s care, shelter, supervision,
training rehabilitation to develop-
ment y disable rsons and additional
wired staff. (See sec 6.30(P).)
Group Home for Elderly Persons: This is a
residential facility established as either an
owner-occupied or nonprofit group home for
the exclusive use of persons sixty (60) yeazs
of age or older who do not need skilled and
intermediate care facilities, plus no more
than two (2) live-in staff persons. (See sec-
tion 26-30(P).)
roup Home for Mentally Ill Persons: This.
is idential facility far mentally i
sons, as ed by C.R.S. § -102, li-
censed by the for purpose of pro-
viding twenty-fo staff care, shelter,
to ally ill persons and ad3Fb~na1 re-
wired staff. fSee section 26-30(P).)
Residential health care facility. A residential fa-
cility intended for the care of the infirm or aged,
where medical attention is provided as a con-
tinual beneGE.
Rest kome/home for the aged. An establishment,
licensed by the State of Colorado, operated for tllc
_ _ ___ __
__ 7
two (2) live-in staff persons ~
employed in the care and supervision
of such elderly persons.
Section 4. A new subsection (c) to the definition of
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of .Laws is hereby added_to read as fo7.lows:
handicapped persons as defined
in Title VIII or the Civil
Riahta Act of 1968 as amended
by the Fair Housina Amendments
Act of 1988; or
~3Z mentally ill persons, as
defined by C R S. § 27-10-102,
res_idina in a aroup home which
is licensed by the state of
Colorado: and
such additional necessary persons
employed in the care and supervision
of such handicapped disabled, or
mentally ill persons.
Section 5. Subsection (d) of the definition of
"Residential group homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws which defines "Group Homes for Mentally I11
Persons" is hereby repealed.
Section 6. The following definition of "Non-profit group
home" is hereby added. to Section 26-5 of the [~Iheat' Ridge Code of ,
Laws to read as_follows:
Non-profit group home. A group home
which is owned and operated by a person or
RCW\5302'1 \19 1532.1
organization which is exempt from income taxes
pursuant to section 39-22-112. C.R.S.
Section 7. The following definition of "Owner-occupied
group home" is hereby added to Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code
of Laws to read as follows:
Owner-occupied group home. A group home
which is owned and operated by an individual /
or individuals who actually reside at-and
maintain their permanent and primary place of
residence in the group home.
Section 8. Subsection (B)(3) of Section 26-10 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Residential-One District (R-1)"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
(3) Residential group homes for eight or
fewer ~ '
elderly persons.
{See section 26-30{p) and section 26-5
Section 9. Subsection (B)(6) of Section 26-19 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Agricultural-Two Zone District
Regulations" is hereby amended to read as follows:
(6) Residential group homes for eight or
fewer ersons~
_, , ..: , , lderly p
(See section 26-30 (P) and section 26-5
Section 10._ Subsection (B)(13) of Section 26-20 of the
Distri Rid(RC-1)aeis hereby amendedlto read as foldlowsmmercial-One
(13) Residenti group homes for eight or
~., a v....~.,
fewerr r lderly persons.
(See section 26-30 (P) and section 26-5
Section 11. Subsection (P) of Sectrou 2 homes'f isehereby
Ridge Code of Laws, entitled- Residential g p
amended to read in its entirety as follows:
(P) Residential Group Homes:
{1) Residential group homes for eight (8) or fewer
..~.~~ 1,...~.. ..r ,....,,~.,..~.,. r,~ ........... ...~~...___1 __-
______ __ F=v elderly persons. In accordance with
C.R.S., 1973, as amended, § 31-23-303, group homes
for not more than eight (8) a_.._,_~...,._~_,,..
diea3aled; -~=`a_'_1 '_'_'_ r___=-= ,tea elderly persons
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{2) Residential group homes for nine (9) or more
de~e}epmenfa}3~~ai9a~led~e~se~rs e~elderly
persons. Such group homes, as defined in section
26-5 and described and conditioned- under
subsection {P)(1)-(~)- of this section, but .where
nine (9) or more c~e~~~~a~}~disab}ed~r
elderly persons are to occupy a group home, shall
be permitted only upon approval of a special use
permit, after public hearing by the planning
commission and city council, in accordance with
section 26-6(B).
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(3) Residential. group home for children. =mss-a
~~esiaent}ate-€ae}1't ,.....F..,,.,
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A residential group home for
children ae defined by section 26-5, shall
maintain a minimum lot area of fifteen hundred
(1500) square feet for each child residing at the
home, shall be located no closer than two thousand
(2,000) feet from another group home of any kind,
and shall provide view-obscuring. screening of any
additional structure, such as a trash dumpster or
playground equipment associated with the group
home, which is inconsistent with the character of
the surrounding neighborhood. In no instance shall
more than one (1) such group home be permitted per
each council district. A residential group home
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(4)-{e-3- Any special use permit granted pursuant
its effectiveness to the applicant
therefor, and shall provide, by its
terms, for termination upon cessation of
ownership, management or use of said
applicant. The limitation specified in
this subsection (P)~4 "~ is deemed
necessary by the city council in order to
maintain the maximum lawful authority
over .the use and user approved by any
such issued special use permit, and is
deemed necessary to protect the integrity
and character of surrounding properties
and neighborhoods . ' ~ __a,.v ' ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~--~
za-gr-a~i~g-strc~ speeia~-r~ee~e~x-ice
shu}}tee-re~~~ired te~etermine that-t-he
ad~se E€€eet en tke residential
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egposi~w}zere _ ne v-a~id and
aub~~~~~-el_n_c ha~3 been e€€ered to
y~ _l J L L .~ ].....v~~ ~FF.~. ..4
~5 -fd)- The special use permit for any
residential group home shall be for a
term of one {1) year, and shall be
automatically renewable by the director
of the department of community
development upon receipt of any
application for renewal if, following
review of the files of all city
departments and those of the county
department of social services, it is
determined by the director that no
written verifiable complaints concerning
the operation of the group home_during
the term of the special use permit have
been received. If one or morearry-~k
written verifiable complaints have been
received, the application for renewal
must be heard by the city council under
the same requirements as for a new
special use permit.
Section 12. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds,
determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under
the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is
promulgated for the- health, safety, and welfare of the public and
that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and
safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare-
The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a
RCW\53027\141532.1 1
rational relation to_the proper legislative object sought to be
Section 13. Severability. If any clause, sentence,
paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any.
person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court
of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its
application to other persons or circumstances.
Section 14. Inconsistent Ordinances. All other ordinance or
portions thereof inconsistent or conflicting with this ordinance or
any portion hereof are .hereby repealed to the extent of such
inconsistency or conflict.
Section 15. Effect of Repeal or Modification. The repeal or
modification of any provision of the Code of Laws of the City of
Wheat Ridge by this ordinance shall not release, extinguish, alter,
modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, forfeiture, or
liability, either civil or criminal, which shall have been incurred
under such provision, and each provision shall be treated and held
as still remaining in ..force for the purposes of sustaining any and
all proper actions, suits, proceedings, and prosecutions for the
enforcement of the penalty, forfeiture, or liability, as well as
for the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree, or order which
can or may be rendered, entered, or made in such actions, suits,
proceedings, or prosecutions.
Section 16. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15)
days after final publication.
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of
to on this day of 1996, ordered
published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City
of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final
passage set for 1996, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the
Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado-
reading by a vote of to _, this day of ,
SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 1996.
RCW\5302'!\141532.1 1 1
1st Publication:
2nd Publication:
.Wheat Ridge Sentinel
Effective Date:
RCW\5302'/\141532.1 T 2'
Council Bill No. ~-
Ordinance No. ~-
Series of 1996
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to more fully
comply with applicable laws of the State of Color udo o nd nities1for
States pertaining to residential group housin9Rentally ill, and
the handicapped, developmentally disabled,
elderly persons; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with state and federal laws, the
City of Wheat Ridge desires to provide residential group housing
oppcrtunities for certain individuals within residential dwelling
rou homes meet all applicable requirements
units provided that g P
generally applied to other res punt ho e is to atedn andes fort e
zoning district in which the g P
WHEREAS, such residential group homes should be
compatible in size, bulk, aesthetics, and intensity of use as other
residential uses for the zoning district in which the use is
located; and
WHEREAS, unless limited or prevented by state or federal
law, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to regulate, review, and
approve residential group homes to ensure compatibility between
group homes and exisafe t rand welfare of the C t ylsnrdesidentsnd
protect the health, Y~
Sect_ inn ?- The definition of "Family contain
Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is hereby amended as
Family One (1) or more persons related
by blood, marriage, adoption, or legal custody
plus domestic secrr aat gr up °ofd not mo eic~han
the premises,
three (3) persons who need not be so relate
living together as a single housekeeping unit.
Notwithstanding the foregoing; a family shall
be deemed to include four (4) or more persons
that are not related by blood, marriage,
adoption, or legal custody occupying a
residential dwelling unit and living as a
single housekeeping unit if the occupants are:
(a) handicapped persons as defined in Title
VIII or the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as
amended by the Fair Housing Amendments
Act of 1988; or
(b) persons with a developmental disability,
as defined by C.R.S. § 27-10.5-102,
residing in a group home which is
licensed by the state of Colorado; or
(c) mentally ill persons, as defined by
C.R.S. § 27-10-102, residing in a group
home which is licensed by the state of
A household that includes four (4) or more
persons identified in subsections (a), (b), or
(c) above shall not be excluded from the
definition of "family" by the residence in the
household of additional necessary persons
employed in the care and supervision of sucoT
handicapped, developmentally disabled,
mentally ill persons.
Section 2., Subsection (b) of the definition of
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Developme nt lly Disabled°his hereby repealed up Homes for the
Section 3. Subsection (c) of the definition of
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws which defines "Group Homes for Elderly Persons"
is hereby renumbered as subsection (b) and amended to read as
(b) Group Homes for Elderly Persons:
This is a residential facility
established as either an owner-
occupied or nonprofit group home for
the exclusive use of persons sixty
(60) years of age or older who do
not need skilled and intermediate
care facilities, plus no more than
two (2) live-in staff persons
employed in the care and supervision
of such elderly persons.
Section 4_ A new subsection (c) to the definition of
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code .of Laws is hereby added to read as follows:
(c) For-purposes of this Chapter, a "group home" or
"residential group home" shall not include a -.-
household of _four (4) or more persons occupying a
residential dwelling unit and living as a single
housekeeping unit if the occupants are:
(1) handicapped persons as defined
in Title VIII or the Civil
Rights Act of 1968, as amended
by the Fair Housing Amendments
Act of 1988; or
(2) persons with
C.R.S. § 27-1
in a group
licensed by
Colorado; or
a developmental
as defined by
0.5-102, residing
home which is
the state of
(3) mentally ill persons, as
defined by C.R.S_ § 27-10-102,
residing in a group home which
is licensed by the state of
Colorado; and
such additional necessary persons
employed in the care and supervision
of such handicapped, disabled, or
mentally ill persons.
Section 5. Subsection (d) of the definition of
"Residential group homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws which defines "Group Homes for Mentally Ill
Persons" is hereby repealed.
Section 6. The following definition of "Non-profit group
home" is hereby added to Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code of
Laws to read as follows:
Non-profit group home_ A group home
which is owned and operated by a person or
organization which is exempt from income taxes
pursuant to section 39-22-112. C.R.S.
RCW\5302']\141532.2 3
Section 7. .The following definition of."Owner-occupied
group home" is hereby added to Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code
of Laws to read as follows:
Owner-occupied group home. A group home
which is owned and operated by an individual
or individuals who actually reside at and
maintain their permanent and primary place of
residence in the group home.
Section S. Subsection (B)(3) of Section 26-10 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Residential-One District (R-1)"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
(3) Residential group homes for eight or
fewer elderly persons. (See section 26-
30(P) and section 26-5 Definitions.)
Section 9. .. Subsection {B) (6) of Section 26-19 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Agricultural-Two Zone District
Regulations" is hereby amended to read as follows:
(6) Residential group homes for eight or
fewer elderly persons. (See section 26-
30(P) and section 26-5 Definitions.)
Section 10. Subsection {B)(13) of Section 26-20 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Restricted Commercial-One
District (RC-1)" is hereby amended to read as follows:
(13) Residential group homes for eight or
fewer elderly persons. (See section 26-
30(P) and section 26-5 Definitions.)
Section 11.Subsection (P) of Section 26-30 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Residential group homes" is hereby
amended to read in its entirety as follows:
(P) Residential Group Homes:
(1 ). Residential group homes for eight (8) or fewer
elderly persons. In accordance with C.R.S., 1973,
as amended, § 31-23-303, group homes for not more
than eight {g) elderly persons are permitted
provided that such group home meets all
requirements of the zone district in which the
group home is located. No such group home for
RCYI\5302]\191532.2 4
elderly persons shall be located closer than seven-
hundred and fifty (750) feet from another group
home for elderly persons.
(2) Residential group homes for nine (9) or more
elderly persons. Such group homes, as defined in
section 26-5 and described and conditioned under
subsection (P)(1) of this section, but where nine
(9) or more elderly persons are to occupy a group
home, shall be permitted only upon approval of a
special use permit, after public hearing by the
planning commission and city council, in accordance
with section 26-6(B).
(3} Residential group home for children. A residential
group home'for children, as defined by section 26-
5, shall maintain a minimum lot area o.f fifteen---
hundred (1500) square feet for each child residing
at the home, shall be located no closer than two
thousand {2,000) feet from another group home of
any kind, and shall provide view-obscuring
screening -of any additional structure, such as a
trash dumpster or playground equipment associated
with the group home, which is inconsistent with the
character of the surrounding neighborhood. In no
instance shall more than one (1) such group home be
permitted per each council district. A residential
group home for children shall be permitted only as
a special use. approved in accordance with section
26-6 (B) .
{a) Any special use permit granted pursuant to section
26-6 for a-residential group home shall be limited
to its effectiveness to the applicant therefor, and
shall provide, by its terms, for termination upon
cessation of ownership, management or use of said
applicant. The-- limitation specified in this
subsection (P){4) is deemed necessary by the city
council in order to maintain the maximum lawful
authority over the use and user approved by any
such issued special use permit, and is deemed
necessary to protect the integrity and character of
surrounding properties and neighborhoods.
(5) The special use permit for any residential group
home shall be for a term of one (1) year, and shall
be automatically renewable by the director of the
department of community development upon receipt of
any application for renewal if, following review of
the files of all city departments and those of the
county department of- social services, it is
determined by the director that no written
RCW\53027\151532.2 5
verifiable complaints concerning the operation of
the group home during the .term of the. special use
permit have been received. If one or-more written
verifiable complaints have been received, the
application for renewal must be heard by the city
council under the same requirements as for a new
special use permit.
Section 12. Safetv Clause. The City Council hereby finds,
determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under
the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is
promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and
that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of .health and
safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare.
The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a
rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be
Section 13. Severability. If any clause, sentence,
paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any
person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court
of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its
application to other persons or circumstances.
Section 14. Inconsistent Ordinances.__All other ordinance or
portions thereof inconsistent or conflicting with this ordinance or
any portion hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such
inconsistency or conflict.
Section 15. Effect of Repeal or Modification. The repeal or
modification of any provision of the Code of Laws of the City of
Wheat Ridge by this ordinance shall not release, extinguish, alter,
modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, forfeiture, or
liability, either civil or criminal, which shall have been incurred
under such provision, and each provision shall be treated and held
as still remaining in force for the purposes of sustaining any and
all proper actions, suits, proceedings, and prosecutions for the
enforcement of the penalty, forfeiture, or liability, as well as
for the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree, or order which
can or may be rendered, entered, or made in such actions, suits,
proceedings, or prosecutions.
Section 16. This. Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15)
days after final publication.
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of
to on this day of 1996, ordered
published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City
of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final
passage -set for 1996, at_7_c00 o'clock p.m., in the
Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
RCW\53027\141532.2 6
reading by a vote of to _, this day of ,
SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 1996.
1st Publication:
2nd Publication:
Wheat Ridge, Sentinel
Effective Date:
RCW\5302'1\151532.2 7
S mrE 1100
TELEPHONE (303) 299'8900
Fax (303) 298-0215
P.O. Box 17180
May 30, 1996
Meredith Reckert, Planner
City of Wheat Ridge
7500 W. 29th Ave.
Wheat Ridge, CO 80215
Re: Group Homes Ordinance
Dear Ms. Reckert:
Bob Widner of our office has asked that the enclosed
documents be sent to you regarding the Amended Group Homes
Ordinance. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Widner should
you have any questions in this regard.
Very truly yours,
Kathie A. Tabor
Secretary to Robert C. Widner
:-n r
DATE: MARCH 22, 1996
Some time ago we discussed that the proposed group home
ordinance should be further amended to "streamline" the review
procedure language contained in Code § 26-30(P). Because it has
been sometime since our review of the group home ordinance, I need
to confirm with you the intended amendment so we are on the "same
As the proposed ordinance is presently drafted;- there are 5
types of homes:
1. Fair Housing Act (FHA)-protected (Handicapped) Homes ,
2. Homes for Developmentally Disabled Persons ~/~~~`~
3 . Homes for -Mentally 211 Persons ~J~~ • ,y~7~
4. Group Homes for Elderly Persons ~"
5. Group Homes for Children ~ h
Because the FHA requires local overnments to provide (~~
"reasonable accommodations" to handicapped persons, any number of 1 n,
such FHA-protected persons are permitted in any residential unit in / y~
a residential zoning district in the same manner that families of (~
related persons would be permitted. These homes are therefore ~ ~
exempted from the definition of "group home"-under the proposed ~(,, J
ordinance and are not regulated~
Because developmentally disabled and mentally i13 persons {as ,~
these terms are -defined by the Colorado statutes) would also
qualify for protection under the Fair .Housing Act (that is, they
are also FHA-protected Handicapped persons), there is little reason
to create a separate classification for these _persons in the
ordinance. Therefore,. developmentally disabled and mentally ill
persons are exempt from the definition of "group home" under the
ordinance. Any number of developmentally disabled and mentally ill
persons are permitted in any residential zoning district in the
same manner that families of related persons would-be permitted.- --
These-homes must be licensed by the state of Colorado; because the
state limits the number of persons within the licensed home, there
will bs-a limit on the maximum number of persons-within each home.
Because the state statutes protect group homes of fewer than
eight elderly persons, the ordinance creates two separate
classifications for elderly group homes with: (1) eight or fewer
persons; and (2) more than eight persons. Elderly homes with eight
- -
-,_. '~.
or fewer persons are permitted as a use by right in residential
districts. Elderly homes with more than eight persons must undergo
~ecial use review.
Because group homes for children are not protected by either
federal or state law, these homes must always undergo special use_
review regardless of size. -
I understand that you would like to use the special use review
procedures described. in Wheat Ridge Code § 26-6 instead. of having
the group home review procedures which are presently contained in
§ 26-30(P). This revision would merely require deletion of-.the
special use review .procedures that- are in -§ 26-30 (P) and a
reference to § 26-6 as the appropriate special use review
Please confirm for me that this understanding is correct. As
we discussed, I will have the revised ordinance to you by the end
of the month.
Council Bill No.
Ordinaace No.
Series of 1996
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to more fully
comply with applicable-laws of-the State of Colorado o tnnitieslfor
States pertaining to_residential gr'oup_ housing opp
the handicapped, deve-7.opmentally disabled, mentally ill, and
elderly persons; and -
WHEREAS, in accordance with state and federal laws, the
City of Wheat Ridge desires to-provide residential group housing
opportunities for cer"_tain_indvidua].s within residential dwelling
units provided that group homes meet all applicable requirements
generally applied to otfier residential structures and uses for the
zoning district in which the=group home is located; and
WHEREAS, such residential group homes should be
compatible in size,. bulk, aesthetics, and intensity of use as ether
residential uses for the zoning district in-which the use is
located; and.
WHEREAS, unless limited or prevented by state or federal
law, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to regulate, review; and
approve residential group homes to ensure 'coiripatibility between
group homes and existing residents and existing land uses and
protect the health, safety, and welfare of-the City's residents.
Section 1. .The definition of "Family" contained in
Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is hereby amended as
gamily. One (1) or more persons related
by blood, marriage, adoption, or legal custody
plus domestic servants employed for service on
the premises, or a group of not more- than
three (3) persons who need not be so related
living together as a single housekeeping unit.
Notwithstanding the foregoing; a, family shall
be deemed to include-;four (4) or more persons
that .are .not .related by blood, marriage,
adoption, or- legal- -.custody occupying a
residential._dwelling unit and living as a
single housekeeping unit,if the occupants are:
(a) handicapped persons as defined in Title
VIII or the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as
amended by the Fair Housing Amendments
Act of 1988; or
(b) persons with a developmental disability,
as defined by C.R.S. § 27-10.5-102,
residing in a -group home -which is
licensed by the state of Colorado; or
(c) mentally .ill persons, as defined by
C.R.S. § 27-10-102, residing in a group
home which is licensed by the state of
A household that includes four (4) or .more
persons identified in subsections (a), (b), or
(c) above shall not- be excluded from the
definition of "family" by the residence in-the
household of additional necessary persons
employed in the care and supervision of such
handicapped, developmentally disabled, or
mentally ill persons.
Section 2. Subsection (b) of _the definition of - --
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws .which. defines "Group Homes for the -
Developmentally Disabled" is hereby repealed.
Section 3. Subsection (c) of the --definition of
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws which-defines "Group Homes for Elderly Persons"
is hereby renumbered as subsection .(b) and amended to read as
(b) Group Homes for E.Zderly Persons:
This is a residential facility
established as either an owner-
occupied or nonprofit group home for
the exclusive use of persons sixty
(60) years of age or older who do
not need skilled and intermediate
care facilities, plus no .more than
two (2) live-in .staff. persons
employed in the care and supervision
of such elderly persons.-
Section 4. A new subsection (c) to the definition- of
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat.
Ridge Code of Laws is hereby added to read as follows:
(c) For purposes of this Chapter, a "group home" or
"residential group .home" shall not- include a
household of four (4) or more persons occupying a
residential dwelling unit and living as a single
housekeeping unit if the occupants are:
(1) handicapped persons as defined
in Title VIII or the Civil
Rights Act of 1968; 'as amended
by the Fair Housing Amendments
Act of 1988; or
(2) persons with
C.R.S. § 27-1
in a group
licensed by
Colorado; or
a developmental
as defined by
0.5-102,. residing
home which is
the state of
(3) mentally ill-- persons, as
defined by C.R.S. § 27-10-102,
residing in a group home which
is licensed- by the state of
Colorado; and
such additional necessary persons
employed in the care and supervision
of such handicapped, disabled, or
mentally ill persons.
Section 5. Subsection (d) of the, definition -of
"Residential group homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws which defines "Group Homes for Mentally Ill
Persons" is hereby repealed.
Section 6. The following definition of "Non-profit group
home" is hereby added to Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code of
Laws to read as follows:
Non-profit group home. A group home ---
which is owned and 'operated by a person or
organization which is exempt from income taxes
pursuant to section 39-22-112. C.R.S.
ACW\53029\141532.2- - - -- --- - - - - - 3 - -
Section 7,. The_following definition of "Owner-occupied
group home" is hereby added to Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code
of Laws to read as follows:
Owner-occupied group home. A group home
which is owned and operated by an individual
or individuals who actually reside at and
maintain their permanent and primary place of
residence in the group home.
Section- 8. $u$section (B) (3) of Section 26-10 of the
Wheat Ridge Code. of Laws, entitled !'Residential-One District (R-1)"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
(3) Residential= group homes for eight or
fewer elderly persons. (See section 26-
30(P) and section 26-5 Definitions.)
Section 9._Subsection (B)(6) of Section 26-19 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Agricultural-Two Zone District
Regulations" is hereby amended to-read as follows:
(6) Residential group- homes for. eight or
fewer elderly persons. (See section 26-
30(P) and section 26-5 Definitions.)
Section 10. Siibsection_(B)(13) of Section 26-20 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws,. entitled "Restricted Commercial-One
District (RC-1)" is hereby amended to read as follows:
(13) Residential group homes for eight or
fewer elderly persons. (See section 26-
30 (P) and section 26-5 Definitions.)
Section 11. Subsection (P) of Sectiori26-30 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of .Laws, entitled "Residential group homes" is hereby
amended to read in its entirety as follows:
(P) Residential Group Homes:
(1) Residential group homes for eight (8) or fewer
elderly persons. In accordance with C.R.S., 1973,--
as amended, ~ 31-23-303, group homes for not more
than eight (8) elderly persons are permitted
provided that such group home meets all
requirements`of the zone district in which the
group home is located. No such group home for
ACW\53027\141532.2 - - 4
elderly persons shall be located closer than seven-
hundred and fifty (750) feet -from another group
home for elderly persons.
(2) Residential group homes for nine (9) or more
elderly persons. Such group homes, as defined in
section 26-5 and described and conditioned under
subsection (P)(1) of this section, but where nine
(9) or more elderly persons are to occupy a-group
home, shall be permitted only upon approval of a
special use- permit, after public hearing by the
planning commission and city council, in accordance
with section 26-6(B).
(3) Residential group home-for dhildren. A residential
group home.for_children, as defined by section 26-
5, shall. maintain a minimum lot area of fifteen
hundred._(15D0) square feet for_each-child residing
at the home,- shall be located no closer than two
thousand- (2,000)`feef from another group home of
any kind,.- and -shall provide view-obscuring
screening 'cf any additional structure, such as a
trash dumpster or playground equipment associated
with the group home, which is inconsistent with the
character of the surrounding neighborhood. In no
instance shall more than one. (1) such group home be
permitted per each council cListrict. A residential
group home for children shall be permitted only as
a special use approved in accordance with section
26-6 (B) '
(4) Any special use permit granted pursuant to section
26-6 for a residential.-group home shall be limited
to its effectiveness to the applicant therefor, and
shall provide, by its terms, for termination upon
cessation of ownership, management or use of said
applicant. The limitation specified in this
subsection (P)(4) is deemed necessary by the city
council in order to maintain the maximum lawful
authority over the use and user approved' by any
such. issued special use permit, and is deemed
necessary to protect the integrity and character of
surrounding properties and neighborhoods.
(5) The special use permit for any residential group
home shall be for-a term of one (1) year, and shall
be automatically renewable by the director of the
department of community development upon receipt of
any application for renewal if, following review of
the files of all city departments and those of the
county department of social services, it is
determined by the director that no written
RCW\53027\141532.2 5 - - -
verifiable complaints concerning the operation of
the group-home during the term of the special use
permit have been received. If one or more written
verifiable complaints have been received, the
application for renewal-must be_heard by the city
council under--the same requirements'as for a new
special use permit.
Section 12. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds,
determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under
the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is
promulgated for the health, .safety, and welfare of the public and
that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and
safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare.
The- City Council further determines that the Ordinance-bears a
rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be
Section 13. _Severability. If any clause, sentence,
paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any
person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court
of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
impair or invalidate :the remainder of this Ordinance or its
application to other persons or circumstances.
Section 14. Inconsistent Ordinances All other ordinance or
portions thereof inconsistent or conflicting with this ordinance or
any portion hereof -are hereby repealed to the extent of such
inconsistency or conflict.
Section 15. Effect_of Repeal or Modification. The repeal or
modification of any provision of the. Code of Laws of the City of
Wheat Ridge by this ordinance-shall not release, extinguish, alter,
modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, forfeiture, or
liability, either civil or criminal, which shall have been incurred
under such provision.,-and each provision shall be treated and held
as still remaining in force for the purposes of sustaining any and
all proper actions, suits, proceedings, and prosecutions .for the
enforcement of the penalty, forfeiture, or liability, as well as
for the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree, or order which
can. or may be rendered, entered, or made in such actions, suits,
proceedings, or prosecutions.
Section 16. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15)
days after final publication.
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of
to on this day of <. 1996, ordered
published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City
of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing -and consideration on final
passage set for ,_ 1996,_ at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the
Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
RCW\53027\141532.2 6
reading by a vote_ o_f to _,--this day-of
1996. -'- ,
SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 1996.
1st Publication:
2nd Publication:
Wheat Ridge Sentinel
Effective Date:
RCW\53027\141532.2 - - - - - - ']-
To: Planning Commission
From: Meredith Reckert, Planner
Re: Case No. ZOA-96-9/Group Homes
~ Po
U m
~~L ORP~~
Date: August 9, 1996
Attached please find background information and proposed revisions to the City's group
home regtd-aY-ions. Both documents were prepared by the City Attorney's office. In the
ordinance, new language is underlined and deletions are ~`• ~oh:
The primary reason why this proposal is before you at public hearing is that the City's
current provisions which regulate GROUP HOMES for certain classes of people, are facially
unconstitutional. A recent US Supreme Court decision determined that government
regulations which treat GROUP HOMES for "handicapped persons", °'developmentally
disabled persons" and "mentally ill persons" must not be dissimilar from those regulations
which apply to regular homes for families. Generally, we cannot impose different standards
or processes that are not equally required for any other dwelling occupancy. As an
example, a group home for 11 developmentally disabled persons cannot be treated
differently that a home for an 11-member traditional family.
Hence, Assistant City Attorney, Robert Widner has drafted the attached memo and proposed
Council Bill. In summary, it proposes to do the following:
1. Amend the definition of "FAMILY" to include federally protected persons,
(Section 1).
2. Amend the definition of "RESIDENTIAL GROUP HOMES" to exclude federally
protected persons, (Section 4).
3. Amend the various locations of the Zoning Code to delete references made to
federally protected personsfrom "RESIDENTIAL GROUP HOME" regulation, (Sections
4. Amend the specific provisions for SPECIAL USE PERMIT, where still required, to be
consistent with our normal SUP requirements set forth in the Zoning Code Section
26-6. (Section 11).
A representative from the City Attorney's office will be at the meeting to answer questions.
DATE: MARCH 22, 1996
Some time ago we discussed that the proposed group home
ordinance should be further. amended to "streamline" the review
procedure language contained in Code § 26-30(P). Because it has
been sometime since our review of the group home ordinance, I need
to confirm-with you the intended amendment so we are on the "same
As the proposed ordinance is presently drafted, there a_re 5
types of homes:
1. Fair Housing Act (F_HA)-protected (Handicapped) Homes
2. Homes for Developmentally Disabled Persons
3. Homes for Mentally I11 Persons
4. Group Homes for Elderly Persons
5. Group Homes for Children
Because the FHA requires local governments. to provide
"reasonable accommodations" to handicapped persons, any number of
such FHA-protected persons are permitted in any residential unit in
a residential zoning district in the same manner that families of
related persons would be permitted. These homes are therefore
exempted from the definition of "group home" under the proposed
ordinance and are not regulated.
Because developmentally disabled and mentally ill persons (as
these terms are defined by the Colorado statutes) would also
qualify for protection under the Fair Dousing Act (that is, they
are also FHA-protected Handicapped persons), there is little reason
to create a separate classification for these persons in the
ordinance. Therefore, developmentally disabled and mentally ill
persons are_exempt from the definition of "group home" under the
ordinance.. Any number of developmentally disabled and mentally ill
persons are permitted in any residential zoning district in the
same manner that families of related persons would be permitted.
These homes must be licensed by the state of Colorado; because the
state limits the number of persons within the licensed home, there
will be a limit on the maximum number of persons within each home.
Because the state statutes protect group homes of fewer than
eight elderly persons, the ordinance creates two separate
classifications'for elderly group homes with: (1) eight or fewer
persons; and (2) more than eight persons. Elderly homes with eight
or fewer persons are permitted as a use by right in residential
districts. Elderly homes with more than eight persons must undergo
special use review.
Because group homes for children are not protected by either
federal or state law, these homes must always undergo special use
review regardless of size.
I understand that you would like to use the special use review
procedures described in Wheat Ridge Code § 26-6 instead. of having
the group home review procedures which are presently contained in
§ 26-30(P}, This revision would merely require deletion of the
special use review procedures that are- in § 26-30(P) and a
reference to § 26-6 as the appropriate special use review
Please confirm for me that this understanding is correct. As
we discussed., I will have the revised ordinance to you by the end
of the month.
Council Bill No. _
Ordinance No.
Series of 1996
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to more fully
comply with applicable laws of the State of Colorado and the United
States pertaining to residential group housing opportunities for
the handicapped, developmentally disabled, 'mentally ill, and
elderly persons; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with state and federal laws, the
City of Wheat Ridge desires to provide residential group housing
opportunities for certain individuals within residential dwelling
units provided that group homes meet all applicable- requirements
generally applied to other residential structures and uses for the
zoning district in which the group home is located; and
WHEREAS, such residential., group homes should be
compatible in size, bulk, aesthetics, and intensity of use as other
residential uses for the zoning district in which the use is
located; and
WHEREAS, unless limited or prevented by state or federal
law, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to regulate, review, and
approve residential group homes to ensure compatibility between
group homes and existing residents and existing land uses and
protect the health, safety, and welfare of the City's residents.
Section 1. The definition of "Family" contained in
Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is hereby amended as
Family. One (1) or more persons related
by blood, marriage, er--adoption, or legal
cus~~ plus domestic servants employed for
service on the premises, or a group of not
more than three (3) persons who need not be so
related living together as a single
housekeeping -unit.
Section 2. Subsection (b) of -the definition of
"Residential Group Homes" contained-in Section 26-5 of'the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws' which defines "Group Homes for the
Developmentally Disabled" is hereby repealed.
Section 3. Subsection (c) of the_ definition of
"Residential Group Homes "contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws which defines "Group Homes for Elderly Persons"
is hereby renumbered as subsection (b) and amended to read as
Group Homes for Elderly Persons:
This is' a residential facility
established as either an owner- .
occupied or.nonprofit group home for
the exclusive use of persons sixty
(60) years of age or -older who do
not need skilled and intermediate
care Facilities, plus no more than
RCW\53027\141532.1 2
two (2) live-in staff persons
employed in the care and supervision
of such elderly persons.
Section 4. A new subsection (c) to the definition of
"Residential Group Homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws is hereby added to read as follows:
~_ mentally ill persons, as
defined by C_.R.S. ~ 27-10-102,
residing in a cTroup home which
is licensed by the state of
Colorado; and
such additional necessary persons
employed in the care and supervision
of such handicapped, disabled, or
mentally iil persons.
Section 5. Subsection (d) of the definition of
"Residential group homes" contained in Section 26-5 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws which defines "Group Homes for Mentally Ill
Persons" is hereby repealed.
Section 6. The following definition of "Non-profit group
home" is hereby added to Section 26-5 of the Wheat'_Ridge Code of
Laws to read as follows:-
Non-profit group home. A group home
which is owned and operated by a person or_
RCf4\53027\141532.1 3 _ _.._ _
~1-.)- hand_icapped persons as defined
in Title VIII or the Civil
Ri hts Act of 1968, as amended
b the Fair Housing Amendments
Act of 1988: or
organization which is exempt from income taxes
pursuant to section 39-22-112.. C.R.S-__
Section 7. The following definition of "Owner-occupied
group home" is hereby added to Section 26-5 of the Wheat Ridge Code_
of Laws to read as follows:
Owner-occupied group home. A group home
which is owned and operated by ari individual
or individuals who actually reside at and
maintain their permanent and primary place o£
residence in the group home.
Section 8. Subsection (B)(3) of Section 26-10 of the ___
Wheat Ridge Code of .Laws, entitled !'Residential-One District {R-1)"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
(3) Residential group homes for eight or
fewer ,
elderly persons.
(See section 26-30 (P) .and section 26-5
Section 9. Subsection (B)(6) of Section 26-19 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Agricultural-.Two Zone District
Regulations" is hereby amended to read as follows:
(6) Residential group homes for: eight or
~~~'!~ =?' °-___ _ _ -~ ~lderly persons.
(See section126-30{P) and section 26-5
Section 10. Subsection (B)(13) of Section 26-20 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Restricted Commercial-One
District.{RC-1)" is hereby amended to read as follows: _
(13) Residential group homes for eight or
~'--~ ~_• ; ~ ~ -~-s,...~,. -lderly persons.
(See section 26-30 (P) and section 26-5
Section 11. Subsection (P) of Section 26-30 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws, entitled "Residential group homes" is hereby
amended to read in its entirety as follows:
ACW\53027\141532.1 4
(P) Residential Group Homes:
(1) Residential group homes for eight (8)` or fewer
~;-,T'- F~-~ elderly persons. In accordance with
C.R_S., 1973, as amended, § 31-23-303, group homes
for not more than eight (8) _-~.---r---- --
d, ,~, „ •~~ ~a elderly persons
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{2) Residential group homes for nine (9) or more
deve-l-ep-tal.~~c-~isa~~~e~se~xs=-e~ elderly
persons. Such group homes, as defined in section
26-5 and described and conditioned under
subsection (P) (1)-{b-}-- of this section, but where
nine (9) or more c~~elepmar~t-e}}~di~b}ewer _ -
elderly persons are to occupy a. group home, shall
be permitted only upon approval of a special use
permit, after public hearing by the planning
commission and city council, in accordance with
section 26-6(B).
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maintain a minimum lot area of fifteen. hundred
{1500) square feet for each child residing at the
home, shall be located no closer than two thousand
{2,000) feet from another group home of any kind,
and shall provide view-obscuring screening of any
additional structure, such as a trash dumpster or
playground equipment associated with the group
home, which is inconsistent with the character of
the surrounding neighborhood. In no instance shall
more than one (1) such group home be permitted per
each council district. A residential aroun -home
ACW\53027\141532.1 - --
Residential group home for children. '£h~s is-a
res~}dential~~Q~l~t~• laerfall~-lieensed e~
Per-t}f~}ed ~~~d~ffe~sen 8exnty-See~al Seri}ems
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Any special use permit granted pursuant
(4)-('~' ~___ oc_C fir a residential croup
home ~e--~r
its effec
terms, for
°y1 v a licant
tiveness to the PP
and shall provide, by its
termination upon cessation of
management or use of said
The limitation specified in
this subsection (P)~~ is deemed
necessary by the-city council in order to
maintain the maximum lawful authority
over--the use and user approved by any
such issued special use permit, and is
deemed necessary to protect the integrity
and character of surrounding properties
and neicrhborhoods. '' """'"" ""
• ~ - a.. ,~
~-{~}- The special use permit for any
residential- group home shall be .for a
term of one (1) year, and shall be
automatically renewable by the director
of the department of community
development upon receipt of any
application for renewal if, following
review of the files. of all city
departments and those of the county,
department of social services,- it is
determined bv' the director that no_
written verifiable complaints concerning
the operation of the group home during
the term of the special use permit have
been received. If one or morea~sa.~
written verifiable complaints have been
received, the application for renewal
must be heard by the city council under
the same requirements as for a new
special use permit.
Section 12. Safety Clause. The City .Council hereby finds,
determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under
the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is
promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and
that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and
safety and for the protection.. of public convenience and welfare.
The City Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a~,
rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be
attained. -
Section 13. Severability. If any clause,- sentence,
paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any
person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court
of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
impair -or invalidate- the remainder of this Ordinance or- its
application to other persons or circumstances.-
Section 14. Inconsistent Ordinances. All other ordinance or
portions thereof inconsistent or conflicting with this ordinance or
any portion hereof. are hereby repealed to the extent of such .
inconsistency or conflict.
Section 15. Effect of Repeal or Modification.:,. The repeal or _-
modification of any provision of the Code of Laws of the City of
Wheat Ridge by this ordinance shall not release, extinguish, alter,
modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, forfeiture, or
liability, either civil or criminal, which shall have been incurred
under such provision, and each provision shall be treated and held
as still remaining in force for the purposes of sustaining any and
all proper actions, suits, proceedings, and prosecutions-for the
enforcement of the penalty, forfeiture, or liability, as well as
for the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree,--or order which -_
can or may be rendered, entered, or made in such actions, suits,
proceedings, or prosecutions.
Section 16. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15)
days after final publication.
INTRODUCED,. READ, AND ADOPTED on-first reading by a vote of
to on this day of 1996, ordered
published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the-City
of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final
passage set for- 1996, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the
Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.-- __
reading by a vote of to _, this day of ,
SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 1996.
RCW\53027\141532_1 _ - 1 1
1st Publication:
2nd Publication:
.Wheat Ridge Sentinel
Effective Date:
RCW\53027\141532.1 7'2
RUG-14-1996 - 11 13
__ - _ _
GOR9UCH Y.IRGIS___ _-- -- 3032980215.: P.001~006 _ .
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qUG-14-1996 11 13 --- -------'-
v '
bear Jerry sad Bob:
P. 00v0e6
Yau said you would be "deHghtsd' to receive any comments l might have °'°' the
proposed group home ordinance. so here goes.
Saturday you also said you hoped I would encourage everyone to understand that
they had to "bite the bulled' and axept the ordinance as written. I would say
that you are as2ciag them to "bite the cannon' vnth this ordinance, which seems
to go beyond the requiremeata of current ease law.
Yesterday I picked up the ordinance, as well as Bob's memo to Glen and
Meredith's memo to the Plaasting Commission (instead of wattang for the one
delivered to mY office, ~ T could look at it im light of the current rode book, which
I have at home but not at work) eo I have read the rationale for this drastic
Meredith's memo sags that "a recent US Supreme Crnsrt decision de*a~~ned
that government regulations which treat GROUP~HOMES for'~andiaapped
persons"...must sot be dissimilar from those regulations which apply to regular
homes for families:' Bob's memo says that °`B8caR8e the I`I3A ray f;Tea local
governments to pzovide "reasonable ~ecomanodationa" to handicapped persona.
- ---_-_.. __....~....;rrnri in env residential,
Meredith's statement and the underlined part of Hob's memo simply are not what
the Supreme Court ruled is the Edmonds case. Jerry, I know you were a little
ruled when I asked you some months ago if You had read the Supreme Court
ruling and you said "of couzae' Please, without being too upset with me, read
the attached memo which I wrote far our staff, and the two p age excerpt from the
actual ruling- The Court made a point of saying that the FIiA only requires a
"reasonable accommodation" for persons with handicaps, not that, ~ '~ `,
provisions/zeguiataons for the handicapped had to match exactly the regulations
foz famRies.
I find myself in an unusual and difficult position- Commenting ~ mY Position as
working for the Civil Rights Division I suppose I should support any city N+hich
treated any numbex of handicapped persona as a family- And n.o doubt removing
all. restrictions on persons with disabilities would make the Wheat Ridge
ordinance absolutely unassailable from a fair housing challenge
AUG-14-1996 11 13
a. ~' -'tE
But, from the point of view of an old city eouncilmember, and my personal view
that it would not be beneficial either to Persona with disabs7itiea or
tteighborhoods to malts it possible for someone to put severe]. ham®s in a row with
say number °f unrelated people with disabilities in them, I would enc°urage you .
to withdraw the ordinance and, write something less dray h Maya ~ ~~°
have found it legal to put spacing requirements oa gro P
Supxeme Court has not issued say ruling ot~ this. Cities also continue to treat
amall'aad ]ergs Homes diffese~ yeve th®y~vill ~ have differentutreatoient of
ordinance over (again)
homes up to S ia'aumber and homes ou home isauerKaren A~8 sat to touch
base with Denver's attorney on the gr p
1•Iope you will not be too irritat®d with my comments. I never know if someone
reaIly appreciates legal opxa~.ona from non-1awYers!
Lastly, although bomea far tlae handicapped are the big issue,l am startled by
Sob's memo stating that "group horses far children are not protected by either
federal ox state lav+-' Although there is no "reasoaableQ6aecom~m~~~ ~~= 18)
FHA for families with children. "familial status"(lamili ~~ "those
a protected class. And. even if they warea't, I disadl~ess of ai~ There's a lot
homes must always mndexgo special use review regar
'of case law is countless states rulipg that group homes for chit-dxan belong in
residential neighborhoods. I would hate to backtrack on the allowances for
children in foster homes that we have in the current ordinance. Arid hearings
are a nightmare and shouldbe avoided at all cost, partieularly f~the smaller
foster homes. ~~~~ ~ V /yZ~
' RUG-14-1996 11 14 GORSUCH KIRGIS 3032980215 P.004/006
Tq; Colorado Civil Rights CotnmiaaionJDivision
RE; Supreme Court Decision lie Gsoup Homes for Persons with Disabilities
FROiVI: Nancy$naw
DATL: May 19. 1995
Fast Tuesday, bath major newagapera reported a United States Supreme Cyourt
deci~on regarding grouA homes ~ pgzaone with disabilities. The News eitide was
very brief The Post article was much longer,, sad appeared to say that the
Supreme Court had ruled oa considerably wore issues than it really did. That was
fvltowed by as editorial by Deaver Post editorial writer Al Knight, which also
imputed to the Court several things it had not said, and implied that, in the future,
cities might be able to regulate group homes in only one way. if it had maximum
occupsncp codes which were applicable to all residences, whether occupied by the
traditional "family" or persons with disabilities.
Tho decision was °n a much narrower iaeue than that. The City o£Edmaads
claimed that its zoning ordinance-- parfficularly Lhe deSnition of "family" and the
allowance of only families in couple family ~Strictso-was completely exempt from
the Fair Housing Act under the following Phrase: "Nothing in this title limits the
applicability of any reasonable local, State or Federal restrictions regarding the
maximum number of occupants permitted to occupy adwelling-" The governasent's
position, and that of persons representing the baadieapped, was that the intent of
Cvngrress, as expressed in the legislative history, wss that the exemption applied.
only to a real occupancy code, setting out such things as square footage per pereea
for health reasons- (The legislative history also shows that Congress Put dais
exemption in the law when discussing the prohibition against discriminating
against families with children, so that it was clear that a city or county could still
Iimit how many persons could be is units of a certain aizeJ
All the majority on the Court ruled was that the definition of family used in the
zoning ordinance was~.an oecl3RPnM' standard as referred to in the statute, but a
use 'c • n, and so it was not exempt under the above exemption Sn the Fair
Housing Act-
The Court: didn't rule ou anythntg else. It left for lower courts to decide if theme '`
ordinance violated one of two parts of the Feu' Housing Act. 1. that the city's
ordinance discriminates against or "othern*ise makes unavailable" housing for the
handicapped, or, 2. whether the city failed "te make reasonable accommodatiaa° for
persons with handicaps. In the middle of the decision, it mentions that a city onll*
has to make "reasonable" accommodations.
In short, the decision is sat earthshaking. It would have been earthshaking, and
devastating to persons with disab~litces, ~ the Supreme Court had ruled the other
way- That would have meantuhaht ~ a for per one with disabilities ~romons of
family" to totally exclude pro p
residential cb.atrlCts.
' RUG-14-1996 11~-15
"""" - rna_nv. SU3rby4*~7tf~U
IY-I2, 16. Tt is curious reasoning indeed that caaverts
a family values preserver into a malorrium oocupaacy rr
striction once a town adds to a related persons prescrip-
tion "and also two unrelated parsoalt."ss
Edmonds additionally contends that subjecting siagle-
family zoning to PHA sctatiyy will `overturn Euclidian
zoning" and "destroy the effectsveaesa and purpose of
single-family saniag." Brief for Petitioner L1, 25. This'
contention bath ignores the limited scope of the issue
before us and exaggerates the force of the k`HA'a anti-
discrimination provisions. 'We address only whether Ed-
monds' family composition rule qualifies for §S60?(b){i)
exemption. Moreover, the PHA antidiecriminatian nrovi-
ssons. when applicable, require an1,p "resao le'
use~tga~' boos' §§ss04(f)(21{A7 and
. .
The partiaB have preaeatod, and we have decided, only
a threshold guostion: Edmonds' zoning code provision
describing who may compose a "family" is not a maxi-
mum occapaacy restriction ezampt $om the PFIA under
§36O4(b){1). It remains for the lower courts to decide
whether Edmonds' actions against Ox{ord Rouse violate
the P'IiA's prohibitions against diecriminatioa set out in
==This curious reaaoaing drlvas the dissent 'If Edmonds allowod
only :plated pnraoaa (whatover their aamber7 to dwell is a boase fn
n aingle•famlly zone, rhea the diaaent, it aypeara, would aEr`•c that
the ~SBe7(bX 1) exemption is umvaffeble. But ao long de the City
ialxoducea a specific muabes-.¢ay number (two will dol--the City
can inaolate £ts single-Fam11q sons cntlraly 4om t"IiA average. 'The
eaeeptiea-talcsa-tho•rule xee63ng the dfuooat advances ie bardl9 tho
. 'generona eemtruccloa- ~varraamd Far aatidiaarimiuatien pivoarip•
tloae. Bee ThsJ}4ean.re v. McLropatit¢a Li{e Inc. Co„ 409 U- S. 206,
212 (1672).
,a:'~ __
P. 5
' AUG-14-1996 1115 GORSUCH KIRGIS
3032980215 P.006/006
§§3504(f)(1)(A) and {~(S)(B). For the seasons stated, flee
judgment of the ila3ted States Court of Appeala fox th®
Ninth Circuit is
~ ~~~ ~
ICOI SEVENTEENTH STREET FAx (303) 298-0215 P.O. BOX 17180
DIRECT DIAL: 303-299-8930
VIA TELECOPY (894-7830)
August 19, 1996
Ms. Nancy Snow
Civil Rights Division
Department of Regulatory Agencies
State of Colorado
1560 Broadway, Suite 1050
Denver, Colorado 80202
Re: Wheat Ridge Group Home Ordinance
Dear Nancy:
I was pleased to receive your letter of August 13, 1996, and I appreciate your taking
the time to review and comment on the proposed ordinance. You have raised a couple of
issues which I think are best discussed in the context of the statutory and case law
background surrounding the Fair Housing Act, as amended in 1988.
Before discussing the Edmonds case and the federal district and appellate case law, a
disciplined analysis must begin, of course, with the Fair Housing Act itself. The legislative
history of the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (FHAA) describes its intended impact
on state and local government regulatory authority:
"The Committee intends that the prohibition against
discrimination against those with handicaps apply to zoning
decisions and practices. The Act is intended to prohibit the
application of special requirements through land use regulations,
restrictive covenants and conditional or special use permits that
have the effect of limiting the ability of such individuals to live in
the residence of their choice in the community.. .
While state and local governments have authority to protect
safety and health and to regulate use of land, that authority has
sometimes been used to restrict the ability of individuals with
handicaps to live in communities. This has been accomplished
by such means as the enactment of health, safety or land use
requirements on congregate living arrangements among non-
Ms. Nancy Snow
August 19, 1996
Page 2
related person with disabilities. Since these requirements are not
imposed on families in groups of similar size of other unrelated
people, these requirements have the effect of discriminating
against people with disabilities."
H. Rep. No. 100-711, 100th Cong. 2d Sess., reprinted in 1988 U.S. Code Congressional and
Admin. News 2173, 2184-85.
The substantive provisions of the statute itself prohibit, at 42 U.S.C. § 36O4(f){2),
"[a]gainst any person in the terms, conditions or privileges of sale
or rental of a dwelling, or in the provision of services or facilities ,.
in connection with such dwelling, because of handicap of-
(A) that person; or
(B) a person residing in or intending to reside in that
dwelling after it is so sold, rented or made
available; or
(C) any person associated with that person."
Further, 42 U.S.C. § 36041f)(3)lB) defines "discrimination" for purposes of the
subsection to include:
"(B) A refusal to make reasonable accommodations in
rules, policies, practices, or services, when such
accommodations may be necessary to afford such person equal
opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling."
An accommodation is reasonable unless it imposes "undue financial and administ~atrcve
burdens on the government or requires a fundamental alteration in the nature of a prog
Southeastern Community College v. Davis, 442 U.S. 397 (1979); Smith & Lee v City of
Taylor, 13 F.3d 920 (6th Cir 1 yy.i). i ne rriAA also states that "any law of a state, political
subdivision or other such jurisdiction which purports to require or permit any action that would
be a discriminatory housing practice under the subchapter shall to that extent be invalid."
42 U.S.C. § 3615.
As you know, 42 U.S.C. § § 3603, 3604(f)l9) and 3607 provide for exemptions from
the FHAA. One such exemption is that nothing in the FHAA "prohibits the applicability of any
reasonable local, state or federal restrictions regarding the maximum number of occupants
permitted to occupy a dwelling." As you point out, the Supreme Court in Citv of Edmonds v.
Oxford House .held that the City's zoning restriction defining a "family" that may live in a
Ms. Nancy Snow
August 19, 1996
Page 3
single-family residential district, as any number of persons related by blood or marriage but no
more than 5 unrelated persons, did not qualify for this exemption from the FHAA. The Court
remanded the case for determination of whether the restriction violated the FHAA. Of course,
Edmonds merely underscores what we both already knew: that the real action in this area is
taking place in the federal district and appellate courts, where there are dozens of cases
applying the FHAA's restrictions to local land use authority. It is that body of case law which
is and should be of serious concern to all local land use authorities whose group home
restrictions and processing requirements have not been recently updated. In light of the many
cases invalidating almost every feature of the present Wheat Ridge regulatory program on the
subject, it is entirely appropriate for the City to take this issue up without delay.
It is useful to look at each of the key features of the Wheat Ridge group home
regulatory program, in light of the decided case law:
Special Use Permit Requirement for Homes with 9 or More Residents:
Citv of Cleborne v. Cleborne Living Center, 437 U.S. 432 (1985): Decided
under equal protection clause and Fair Housing Act; city ordinance requiring
special use permit for group home for mentally ill held invalid as there was no
rational basis for believing that the home would pose any threat to legitimate
governmental interest; ungrounded fears and biases do not create legitimate
interests; mental retardation is not aquasi-suspect class and so heightened
scrutiny is not required.
Stewart B. McKinney Foundation, Inc. v. Town of Fairfield, 790 F. Supp. 1 197
(D. Conn. 1992): Special permit process for AIDS hospice violates FHAA
because it treats 7 unrelated handicapped persons differently than 7 non-
handicapped persons.
Baxter v. City of Belleville, Illinois, 720 F. Supp. 720 (S.D. III. 1989): Denial of
special use permit for AIDS hospice violated FHAA as both discriminatory intent
and effect were shown.
Ardmore v. City of Akron, 1990 W.L. 385236, (N.D. Ohio 1990): conditional
use permit process violates the FHAA.
Posted Notice Advising Community of Application for Certificate of Occupancy for Group
Potomac Group Corporation v. Montgomery County, 823 F. Supp. 1285 (D.
Md. 1993}: Invalidated a notice requirement finding that no legitimate
governmental interest supports such a requirement and that the notice actually
caused great harm by galvanizing neighborhood opposition to the group home
and its residents. "This requirement on its face creates an explicit classification
Ms. Nancy Snow
August 19, 1996
Page 4
based upon disability and is not supported by any justification ...the neighbor
notification rule, and defendants' proffered justifications for it, necessarily
assume that people with disabilities are different from people without disabilities
and must take special steps to 'become part of the community.' This
requirement is equally as offensive as [a] rule that a minority family must give
notification and invite comment before moving into a predominantly white
neighborhood." 823 F. Supp. at 1296.
2,000 Foot Spacing Requirement
You point out that "many federal courts have found it legal to spacing
requirements on group homes . ." I agree, but I also believe that the trend of the case law
on this issue argues for invalidation of those requirements. Any city is truly gambling by
including spacing requirements in its regulatory approach:
Familvstvle of St. Paul v. Citv of St. Paul, 923 F.2d 91 (8th Cir. 1991):
Supporting spacing between group homes as rationally related to advancing
integration of handicapped persons into residential communities. The
Familvstvle court noted that handicapped persons were not a "suspect class"
deserving heightened scrutiny in evaluating restrictions on housing opportunities
under the FHAA. Therefore, the court employed a "rational basis" standard to
test whether the restriction on handicapped housing opportunities should be
invalidated; if a restriction is "rationally related to a legitimate governmental
purpose," the restriction should be upheld. However, the Tenth Circuit rejected
the Familvstvle court's rational basis test in Bangerter v. Orem Citv Corp., 46
F.2d 1491 (10th Cir. 1995), noting that handicapped persons were a "protected
class" of persons under the FHAA, thus implying that a more demanding
standard other than a mere rational relationship might be appropriate for FHAA
Horizon House Development Services Inc v Township of Upper Southampton,
804 F. Supp. 683 (Ed. Pa. 1992), afifirmed, 985 F.2d 217 (3rd Cir. 1993}:
Finding spacing requirement facially invalid as a discriminatory policy. Provider
has standing to challenge ordinance and can sue without first seeking variance;
spacing requirement facially invalid (rejecting Familvstvle rationale), has a
discriminatory impact and is overbroad; FHAA requirements cannot be avoided
by claims that the city already has its "fair share" of group homes.
Association for Advancement of Mentally Handicapped v. Elizabeth New
Jersev, 876 F. Supp. 614 (D.N.J. 1994): 1,500 foot spacing requirement
found facially invalid under FHAA.
Larkin v. State of Michigan, 883 F. Supp. 172 (E.D. Mich. 1994): City's zoning
ordinance requiring 1500 foot spacing between group home violated FHAA.
Ms. Nancy Snow
August 19, 1996
Page 5
Plymouth Charter Township v Department of Social Services, 501 N.W.2d 186
(Mich. App.), appeal denied, 503 N.W.2d 449 (Mich. 1993): upheld spacing
and other licensing requirements for commercial adult foster care facility against
FHAA challenge on the basis that they regulate a commercial enterprise and
made no attempt to prohibit handicapped individuals.
Limitation to No More than One of Each Category of Group Homes Per Council District
Similar to the requirement for a posted notice or other neighborhood notification,
this restriction will be found to be facially invalid:
Association for Advancement of Mentally Handicapped v Elizabeth New
Jersey, 876 F. Supp. 614 (D.N.J. 1994), holding as facially invalid an ordinance
that required denial of conditional use permit to house the developmentally
disabled if existing community residences or shelters within the township
exceed the greater ofi 50 persons or 0.5% of the population.
Horizon House Development Services Inc v Township of Upper Southampton,
804 F. Supp. 683 IEd. Pa. 1992), affirmed, 985 F.2d 217 (3rd Cir. 1993):
FHAA requirements cannot be avoided by a claim that the city already has its
"fair share" of group homes.
I am aware that the City and County of Denver is considering amendments its group
home ordinance again, and I enjoyed Karen Aviles' presentation at the Colorado Municipal
League conference on this subject in June of last year. I'm certain that she will tell you, as
she told the attendees at that session, that the trend of the case law on these various forms
of disparate treatment is toward invalidating local regulations on the basis of the FHAA. As
the Federal District Court in Potomac Group Home v. Montaomerv County supra, stated:
"Recognizing the purpose and breadth of provisions of the FHAA,
courts have consistently invalidated a wide range of municipal
licensing, zoning and other regulatory practices affecting persons
with disabilities. See, e.g., Marbrunak, Inc. v Citv of Stow, 974
F.2d 43, 47 (6th Cir. 1992) (striking down discriminatory fire and
safety codes); Horizon House Developmental Services Inc v
Township of Upper Southampton, 804 F. Supp. 683, 693 (E.D.
Pa. 1992), (striking down 1,000 foot spacing requirement);
A.F.A.P.S., 740 F. Supp. at 103 (enjoining refusal to issue
special use permit to AIDS hospicel; Stewart B. McKinney
. _ __ ._..
oundation, Inc. v. Town Plan and Zonino Commission, 790 F.
Supp. 1197, 1219 (D. Conn. 1992) (invalidating special
exception process.
823 F. Supp. at 1294-95.
Ms. Nancy Snow
August 19, 1996
Page 6
I am sure that you have noted in your review of the case law that the courts often
closely scrutinize local government restrictions that impose disparate treatment against
handicapped persons. In light of the FHAA's legislative history and the case law, it is difficult
to unconditionally support an ordinance that would place restrictions upon group homes for
the handicapped which are not applicable to other groups of persons. Imposition of such
restrictions should be accompanied by an understanding of the potential risks which include
invalidation of the ordinance and monetary damages. See, e.a•, U.S. v. Citv of Tavlor,. 872
F. Supp. 423 (E.D. Mich. 1995) {court awarded 520,000 punitive and 5285,000 actual
damages for discrimination under FHAA}; 42 U.S.C. §§ 3610-3614 {authorizing FHAA
enforcement actions and awards for damages and attorney fees to prevailing parties).
With respect to your comments on the City's authority to regulate group homes for
children, I think you have correctly identified that "familial status" is a protected class under
the original Fair Housing Act (FHA). Discrimination against persons based on familial status
in the sale and rental of housing is prohibited. Familial status is generally defined to include
a person under 18 years of age residing with a parent or parent's designee. Based on our
research, however, there is no case law applying the FHA to local government restrictions on
group homes for children. This contrasts sharply with the abundant case law involving
handicapped persons. Familial status cases largely address "adults only" housing limitations
and other private restrictions which deny the sale or rental of housing to families with children.
See e.a•, Jancik v. Department of Housino and Urban Dev 44 F.3d 553 (7th Cir.
1995)("mature person" rental policy discriminated against housing based on familial status).
The absence of case law, and the fact that the FHA provisions concerning familial
status have not been applied to group homes, would arguably permit a somewhat lesser
degree of caution in regulating group homes for children. We believe that the City of Wheat
Ridge has the present authority (which it presently exercises) to require group homes for
children to obtain special use permits provided that the permit process is not merely a means
to deny housing opportunities for these uses. While we might certainly agree that to continue
to set requirements is not or should not be good Wheat Ridge policy, the City has the ability
to do so. In contrast, the City's regulatory authority to treat group homes for handicapped
person in this manner is considerably more circumscribed as evidenced by the case law.
As I have said above, the action in this field is very clearly in the federal district courts,
who have been quite vigorous in their enforcement of the FHAA, to the extent of completely
invalidating local regulations containing many of the features of the present Wheat Ridge
approach to group homes for handicapped individuals. We will not have to wait, nor would
it be prudent to wait, for the United States Supreme Court to invalidate a system or systems
similar to that employed by Wheat Ridge. The large body of case law on this subject simply
cannot be ignored. Because of some of the arguably facially invalid portions of the Wheat
Ridge system, a complaint could be filed at any time in the Federal District Court for the
District of Colorado. With the single exception of the spacing requirements, I do not believe
that the changes in the proposed ordinance are at all "drastic," in light of the case law. On
the issue of spacing itself, I do not think any responsible person will tell the Council that they
Ms. Nancy Snow
August 19, 1996
Page 7
are judgment proof. As we discussed on the telephone, there may be a role fora 750 foot
requirement for homes of nine persons and greater.
As you know, the Planning Commission's agenda was very full on August 15 and the
public hearing on this matter was continued until September 5. I hope that we will have an
opportunity to discuss these matters more fully before that time. Obviously, City Council will
not take up the proposed ordinance on first reading until after the Planning Commission
completes its review. I would hope that you would reconsider your view on the matter in light
of the thoughts in this letter and the referenced case law.
As always, it was good to hear from you.
Gerald E. Dahl
DATE: AUGUST 19, 1996
As directed by Council, I have drafted a revision to those
sections of the Code of Laws regulating group homes in Wheat Ridge_
These recommended changes are designed to bring the City's approach
to this issue into harmony with-the federal Fair Housing Act, as
amended in 1988, and as interpreted by the federal courts,
including the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court in
City of Edmonds v. Oxford House (May 15, 1995),__
Before discussing the Edmonds case and the federal district
and appellate case law, a disciplined analysis must begin, of
course, with the Fair Housing Act itself. The legislative history
of the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (FHAA) describes its
intended impact on state and local government regulatory authority:
"The Committee intends that the prohibition
against discrimination against those with
handicaps apply to zoning decisions and
practices. The Act is intended to prohibit
the application of special requirements
through land use regulations, restrictive
covenants and conditional or special use
permits that have the effect of limiting the
ability of such individuals to live in the
residence of their choice in the community.
While state and local governments have
authority to protect safety and health and to
regulate uSe of land, that authority has
sometimes been used to restrict the ability of
individuals with handicaps to live in
communities. This has been accomplished by
such means as the enactment of health, safety
or land use requirements on congregate living
arrangements among non-related person with
disabilities. Since these requirements are
not imposed on families in groups of similar
size of other unrelated people, these
requirements have the effect of discriminating
against people with disabilities."
H. Rep. No. 100-711, 100th Cong. 2d Sess., repri_ non 1988 U.S_
Code Congressional and Admi.n_ News 2173, 2184-85.
The substantive provisions of the statute itself prohibit, at
42 U.S.C. § 3604(f)(2), discrimination:
"[a]gainst any person in the terms, conditions
or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling,
or in the provision of services or facilities
in connection with such dwelling, because of
handicap of-
(A) that person; or
(B) a person residing in or intending to
reside in that dwelling after it is
so sold, rented or made available;
(C) any person associated with that
42 U.S.C. § 3604(f)(3)(B) defines "discrimination"
of the subsection to include:
for purposes
~~(g) A refusal to make reasonable
accommodations in rules, policies, practices,
or services, when such accommodaerson coequal
necessary to afford such p
opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling."
An accommodation is reasonable unless iOVe P ment ordurequireslaa
and administrative burdens on the g ro ram." Souther ??_
fundamental alteration in the nature of a P g _ Smith & Lee~v.
Community Colle4e v. Davis, 442 U.S. 397 (19The FHAA also states
Citv of Taylor, 13 F_3d 920 (6th Cir 1993).
that "any law of 'a state, political subdivision or other such
jurisdiction which purports to require or permit any action that
would be a discriminatory housing practice under the subchapter
shall to that extent be invalid." 42 U_S.C. § 3615.
The FHAA, at 42 U.S.C. §§ 3603, 3604(f)(9) and 3607 provides
for exemptions from the FHAA. One such exemption is that nothing
in the FHAA "prohibits the applicability of any reasonable local,
state or federal restrictions regardingg thTheaSumreme Court on
occupants permitted to occupy a dwellin p
Cit of Edmonds v. Oxford House held that the City's zoning
restriction defihing a "family" that may-live in a single-family
residential district, as any number of ersonss didanot quablifydfor
marriage but no more than 5 unrelated p
this exemption from the FHAA. The Court remanded the case for
determination of whether the restriction violated the FHAA.
Edmonds merely underscores that the real ac ellate court~arwhere
taking place in the federal district and app
there are dozens of cases applying the FHAA's restrictions to local
land use authority. It is that body of case law which is and
should be °homerrestrict ons and processing requirements havetnot
whose group dated.
been recently uP
It is useful to look at ro r m tin 1 ghteofuthe decidedwcase
Ridge group home regulatory p g
S ecial IIse Permit Re irement for Aomes with 9 or More Residents:
Cit of Cleborne v. Clebor al L r tectio'neclause and Fair-
(1985): Decided under equ P
Housing Act; city ordinance requiring special use permit
for group home for mentally ill held invalid as there was
no rational basis for believing tovernme tale wontereste
any threat to legitimate g
ungrounded fears and biases do not create asegsuspect
interests; mental retardation is not a qu
class and so heightened scrutiny is not required.
Stewart t~. ~~~~~..~~~~~~ --- 5 eclal
Fairer ld~-_~90 F. Supp. 1197 (D. Conn:'T992 =
permit process-for AIDS hosppP ce ersons diff rentlysthan
treats 7 unrelaead ersonsa ed p
7 non-handicapp P
Baxter v. Cit of Belleville Illinois, 720 F. Supp• 720
ig`gg) Denial of special use permit for AIDS
(S.D. I11.
hospice violated FHAA as both discriminatory intent an
effect were shown.
Ardmore v. Cit of Akron, 1990 W.L. 385236, (N.D. Ohio
,ca4n1- conditional use permit process-violates the FHAA.
Potomac Grou Co oration v. Mon Invalidated ~a notice
Supp. 1285 (D. Md. 1993)= itimate governmental
requirement finding that no leg
interest supports such a require alvania ng aneighbo~hood
actually caused great harm by 9
opposition to the group home and its residents. "'This
requirement on its face creates an explicit
classification based upon disability and is not supported
by any justification the neighbor notification
rule, and defendants' proffered justifications for it,
necessarily assume that people witYl disabilities are
different from people without disabilities and must take
special steps to 'become part of the community.' This
requirement is equally as offensive as Ta] rule that a
minority family must give notification and invite comment
before moving into a predominantly white neighborhood."
823 F. Supp. at 1296.
~ 000 Foot Spacing Requirement
I believe that the trend of the case law on this issue
argues for invalidation of spacing requirements.
Familvstvle of St Paul v Citv of St. Paul, 923 F.2d 91
(8th Cir. 1991]: Supporting spacing between group homes
as rationally related to advancing integration of
handicapped persons into residential communities. fihe
Familvstvle court noted that handicapped persons were not
a suspect class" deservirig heightened scrutiny in
evaluating restrictions on housing opportunities under
the FHAA. Therefore, the court employed a "rational
basis" standard to test whether the restriction on
handicapped housing opportunities should be invalidated;
if a restriction is "rationally related to a legitimate
governmental purpose," the restriction should be upheld.
However, the Tenth Circuit rejected the Familvstvle _
court's rational basis test in Bangerter v Orem City _.
COrP•, 46 F.2d 1491 (10th Cir. 1995), noting that
handicapped persons were a "protected class" of persons
under the FHAA, thus implying that a more demanding
standard other than a mere rational relationship might be
appropriate for FHAA claims.
rior7.zVU nvuav ~~~~~„ .,.... ~ ____. _._ -_-_--. ,_ _. ..
-. _
Jbper Southampton, 80'4_ F. Supp. '683 (Ed. Pa. 1992),
affirmed, 985 F.2d X17 (3rd Cir_ 1993): Finding spacing
requirement facially invalid as a discriminatory policy.
Provider has standing to challenge ordinance and can sue
without first seeking variance; spacing requirement
facially invalid (rejecting Familvstvle .rationale), has
a discriminatory impact and is overbroad;- FHAA`
requirements cannot be avoided by claims that the city
already has its "fair share" of group homes.
Elizabeth New Sersey, 876 F. Supp. 614 (D.N.~7. 1994):
1,500 foot spacing requirement found facially invalid
under FHAA. _
Larkin v State of Michigan, 883 F. Supp. 172 (E.D. Mich.
's zonin ordinance requiring 150Q foot
1994): City g
spacing between group home violated FHAA.
Services, 501 N_W.2d 186 (Mich. App.}, appeal denied, 503
N.W.2d 449 (Mich. 1993}: upheld spacing and other
licensing requirements for commercial adult foster care
facility against FHAA challenge on the basis that they
regulate a commercial enterprise and made no attempt to
prohibit handicapped individuals.
Limitation to No More than. One of Each Cateao_ry o_f Group Homes Per
Council District
Association for Advancement of Mentally Handicapped v. _
Elizabeth, New Jersey, 876 F. Supp. 614 (D.N.J_ 1994),
holding as facially invalid an ordinance that required
denial of conditional use permit to house the
developmentally disabled if existing community residences
or shelters within the township exceed the greater of 50
persons or 0.5% of the population.
Horizon House Development Services,- Inc. v. Township of
Upper Southampton, 804 F. Supp. 683 (Ed. Pa. 1992),
affirmed, 985 F.2d 217 (3rd Cir'. .1993): FHAA
requirements cannot be avoided by a claim that the city
already has its "fair share" of group homes.
The trend of the case law on these various forms of disparate
treatment is toward invalidating local regulations on the basis of
the FHAA. As the Federal District Court in Potomac Group Home v.
Montgomery County, supra, stated:,
"Recognizing the purpose and. breadth of
provisior_s - of the FHAA, courts have
consistently invalidated a wide range of
municipal licensing, zoning and other
regulatory practices affecting persons with
disabilities. See, e.g., Marbrunak, Inc. v.
City of Stow, 974 F.2d 43, 47 (6th Cir. 1992)
(striking down discriminatory fire and safety-
codes); Horizon House Developmental Services,.
Inc. v. Township of Upper Southampton, 804 F.
Supp. 683, 693 (E_D_ Pa_ 1992), (striking down
1,000 foot spacing requirement); A.F.A.P.S_,
740 F. Supp. at 103 (enjoining refusal to
issue special use permit to AIDS hospice);
Plan and Zoning Commission, 790 F. Supp. 1197,
1219 (D. Conn. 1992) (invalidating special
exception process.
823 F. Supp. at 1294-95. _-
GED\53027\161595.2 - 5
The courts often closely scrutinize local government
restrictions thaht 1of othe FHAA rs legislative his Cory andntdheapase
persons- In lig
law, it is difficult to unconditionhomessfo P the handicapped which
would place restrictions upon group ersons. Imposition of such
are not applicable to other groups of P an understanding of the
restrictions should be accompanied by
potential risks which include invalidation of the ordinance and
U S v City of Tavlor, 872 F. Supp-
monetary damages. See, e-2.~ 000 punitive and $285,000
423 (E.D. Mich- 1995) (court awarded $20,
actual damages for discrimination under FHAA}; 42 U.S.C. §~ 3610-
3614 (authorizing FHAA enforcement actions and awards for damages
and attorney fees to prevailing parties).
With respect to the City`s authority to regulate group homes
for children, "familial status" is a protected class under the
original Fair Housing Act (FHA). Discrimination against persons
based on familial status in the enerally defineciotoh~nclude 1a
prohibited. Familial status is g arent or parent's
person under 18 years of age residing with a p
designee. Based on our re overnmen ~ restrictions on groups homes
applying the FHA to local g
for children. This ed ntersons sharpamilial stat bundases clargely
involving handicapp P housing limitations and other private.
address "adults only"
restrictions which deny tJancikev Deeartment of Hou s n Viand Urban
with children. See e:a., erson" rental policy
Dev., 44 F.3d 553 (7th Cir. 1995}("mature p
discriminated against housing based on familial status).
The absence of case law, and the fact that the FHA provisions
concerning familial status have not been applied to group homes,
abl ermit a somewhat lesser degree of caution in
would argu Y P
regulating group homes for children. We believe that theresently
Wheat Ridge has the present authority (which it p
exercises) to require group homes for children to obtain special
use permits provided that the permit process is not merely a means
to deny housing opportunities for these uses. While to con hasethe
set requirements is a Council policy decision, the City
ability to do so. In contrast, the Citye~son~intshisumannery is
treat group homes for handicapped p
considerably more circumscribed as evidenced by the case law.
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Robert C. Middaugh, City Administrator~G~--
DATE: September 6, 1996
Attached please find a copy of an emergency ordinance that the City
Council will be requested to place on the September 9, City Council
meeting agenda.
The subject of the emergency ordinance is the City's existing group
home ordinance. The emergency ordinance proposes to delete the
provisions in our existing group home. ordinance that limit the
number of group homes permissible in any Council district to one
(1), and also to eliminate the requirement for a posted notice of
an application for a group home. As Council is aware, each of
these provisions have been found to be illegal by the United States
Supreme Court, and a number of other lower courts across the
The significance of the emergency ordinance is that there is
currently an application pending in District III, at approximately
39th and Routt, for a group home. The group home in question,
because of the current group home ordinance on the City's books is
being required to request a variance from the Board of Adjustment
to allow more than one group home in District III. The Board of
Adjustment is scheduled to hear this variance on Thursday,
September 12. Given the respective Court findings on this
particular issue, the Board of Adjustment will have no recourse but
to approve the variance and as such, the whole application is
essentially unnecessary and should not be imposed upon this group
Unfortunately, notice has already been provided to adjacent
homeowners, and there is some level of discussion in the
neighborhood about what is proposed to occur. we are attempting to
provide notice to each of the area homeowners that the item will be
brought up as an emergency ordinance on Monday, September 9, before
the City Council. If residents have a desire to express an
opinion, said opinion could then be expressed directly to the city
Council in its consideration of the emergency ordinance rather than
at the Board of Adjustment meeting on September 12. If the
emergency ordinance passes, there would be no need or requirement
for the Board of Adjustment to hear the variance for this
particular group home application.
09/00/96 FRI -17:00 F,1% 900 298 0215 GORSUCH %IRGIS f~j 002
Council gill No.
Ordinance No.
Series of 1996
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to more fully comply
with applicable laws of the State of Colorado and the United States
pertaining to residential group housing opportunities for the
handicapped, developmentally disabled, mentally ill, and elderly
persons; .and
WHEREAS, such residential group homes should be compatible in
size, bulk, aesthetics, and intensity of use as other residential
uses for the zoning district in which the use is located; and
WHEREAS, unless limited or prevented by state or federal law,
the City of Wheat Ridge desires to regulate, review, and approve
residential group homes to ensure compatibility between group homes
and existing residents and existing land uses and protect the
health, safety, and welfare of the City~s residents.
t'on Subsection (P)(1} of Section 26-3p of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws is hereby amended to read:
(P) Residential Group Homes:
(1} Residential group homes for eight (8) or fewer
developmentally disabled persons, mentally i11
persons or for elderly persons. In accordance with
C.R.S., 19'I3, as amended, g 31-23-303, group homes
for not more than eight (B) developmentally
disabled, mentally ill persons and elderly persons
are permitted.
(a) Group Homes for the Developmentally Disabled:
This is a residential facility licensed by the
state for the purpose of providing 24-hour
staff care, shelter, supervision, training
and/or rehabilitation to no more than eight
(8} developmentally disabled persons and
08/06/86 FRI 17:01 FA% a0a 298 0215 GORSUCH %IRGIS
additional required staff. As defined in
C.R.S. § 31-23-303, "Developmentally disabled"
means those persons having cerebral palsy,
neuromuscular, mental retardation, autism and
epilepsy. A gzoup home for the
developmentally disabled shall not be
architecturally designed so as to be
inconsistent with the character of the
surrounding neighborhood. Every gzoup home
for the developmentally disabled shall meet
all requirements of asingle-family home and,
additionally, shall meet the requirement that
the lot area shall be a minimum of fifteen
hundred (1500) square feet for each bed
contained within the home. No group home for
the developmentally disabled shall be located
closer than two thousand (2000) feet from
another group home for the developmentally
disabled and no closer than seven hundred
fifty (750} feet to a group home for the
e7 a,...i_. -~~ ._
(b) Group Flomes for &lderly Persona: This is a
residential facility established as either an
owner-occupied or nonprofit group home far the
exclusive use of not more than eight (g)
persons sixty (60) years of age or older who
do not need skilled and interniediate care
facilities, plus no more than two (2) live-in
staff persons. A group home for elderly
persons shall not be architecturally designed
so as to be inconsistent with the character of
the surrounding neighborhood. Every group
home for elderly persons shall meet all
requirements of a single-family home and,
additionally, shall meet the requirement that
the lot area shall be a minimum of fifteen
hundred (1,500} square feet for each bed
contained within the home. No group home for
elderly persons shall be located closes than
two thousand (2,000) feet from another group
home for elderly persons. and no closer than
seven hundred fifty (750) feet to a gzoup home
for the developmentally disabled
OEDf33Q171163370_t - 2
09/00/96 FRI 17:01 FtLY 303 298 0215 GORSUCH AIRGIS
(c) Group Homes for the Mentally ill: This is a
residential facility for persons with, mental
illness, as that term is defined in C.R.S.
§ 27-10-102, licensed by the state for the
purpose of providing 24-hour staff care,
shelter, supezvision, txaining and/or
rehabilitation to no more -than eight (8)
mentally ill persons and additional required
staff_ A group home for the mentally ill
shall not be architecturally designed so as to
be inconsistent with the character of the
surrounding neighborhood. Every group home
for the mentally ill shall meet all
requirements of a single-family home and,
additionally, shall meet the requirement that
the lot area shall be a minimum of fifteen
hundred (1,500) square feet for each bed
contained within the home. No group home for
the mentally ill shall be located closer than
two thousand (2,000) feet from another group
home for the mentally ill and no closer than
seven hundred fifty (750} feet to a group home
for the elderly or developmentally disabledT
(d) Certificate of Occupancy: Prior to occupancy
of any group home for the mentally ill, the
developmentally disabled or elderly persona, a
certificate of occupancy must be requested
through the department of community
development. The planning division shall
review such requests relative to all zoning
requirements, and the building inspectien
division shall review such requests relative
Co the building and fire codes prior to
issuance of a certificate of occupancy. ~
~~,~-t-a~i}71 .,._ __ ~._ _
SeC~'~nn ~ Subsection (P}(3) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws
is amended to read:
OS/06/96 FRI 17:02 Fd% a09 298.0215 GORSUCH HIRGIS C~j005
(3) Residential group home for cllildrels. This is
a residential facility, lawfully licensed or
certified by Jefferson County Social Services
Department or the State of Colozado, and
supervised by Jefferson County gocial Services
Department, which provides shelter, care
and/or staff supervision. A residential group
home for children shall maintain a minimum lot
area of fifteen hundred (2500} square feet for
each child residing at the home, shall be
located no Closer than two thousand (2,ppp}
feet from another group home of any kind, and
shall provide view-obscuring screening of any
additional structure, such as a trash dllmpster
or playground equipment associated with the
group home, which is inconsistent with the
character of the surrounding neighborhood. ~
In order to assess a p p
group home facility, the following information
shall be submitted by the applicant and used
by the planning commission and city council in
considering approval of a special use per;~t;
(a) A site plan of the site indicating
property boundaries and area
location and extent of alI existing
and proposed buildings; parking and
circulation areas; landscaping and
buffering, fences, walls, etc.;
recreational facilities and open
space; outdoor lighting facilities;
trash receptacles; or any other
physical features that might help
identify the expected character of
the propased facility.
(b) A letter from the agency licensing
the facility with the following
2• The fact that the agency has
licensed or is preparing to license
the facility,
2• Special needs of the residents, such
as on-site schooling or training
and any facilities needed to meet
such special needs.
09/06/96 FRI 17:02 F~1S J03 298 0215 GORSUCH %IRGIS
3• The number of children for whom the
license is being issued.
4• The approximate ages of the
5• The proposed procedures and methods
to be used in operating the
facility; i.e. permanent resident
staff, rotating staff, owner-
occupied residence, etc.
(c} pny special use permit granted pursuant
to this section shall be limited to its
effectiveness to the applicant therefor,
and shall provide, by its terms, for
termination upon cessation of ownership,
management or use of said applicant. The
limitation specified in this subsection
(p)(3){c) is deemed necessary by the city
council in order to maintain the maximum
lawful authority over the use and user
approved by any such issued special use
permit, and is deemed necessary to
protect the integrity and character of
surrounding properties and neighborhoods.
In order to achieve that objective, the
city council, prior to granting such
special use germit, shall be required to
determine that the proposed group home
will not have an adverse effect on the
residential chazacter and quality of life
in the particular neighborhoods of its
location. The council may not deny a
apeciai use permit for a proposed
residential group home solely on the
basis of neighborhood opposition, where
no valid and substantive evidence has
been offered to show that the proposed
residential group home would have such
adverse effect.
(d) The special use permit for any residential
group home shall be for a term of one (1)
year, and shall be automatically renewable by
the director of the department of community
development upon receipt of any application
for renewal if, following review of the files
of all city depaztments and those of the
county department of social services, it is
determined that no written verifiable
complaints concerning the operation of the
~DU30m[13390.1 _
09/08/98 FRI 17:Oa Fs1S a03 298 0215 G6RSUCH HIRGIS
group home during the term of
permit have been xeceived.
complaints have been received,
for renewal must be heard by
under the same requirements
special use permit.
the special use
zf any such
the application
:he city council
as for a new
Section 3. Effect*ve Date• Emg~rganny Declared. Pursuant to
Section 5.13 of the Charter, the City Council declares that this
ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of public
property, health, peace, or safety and, to that end, adopts this
ordinance as an emergency ordinance, in that it is necessary to
bring the affected portions of the Wheat Ridge Code of haws into
compliance with federal statute and applicable case law concerning
local regulation of group homes, and further, to make the procedure
as amended hereby available to pending group home applications.
This ordinance shall be effective upon passage.
Section 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph,
or part of this Ordinance ar Application thereof to any person or
circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of
competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its
application to other persons or circumstances_
Section 5. Inconsistent Or inances A11 other ordinance or
portions thereof inconsistent or conflicting with this ordinance or
any portion hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such
inconsistency or conflict.
TN'rRODIICfiD, READ, AND ADOP'I'1~ as an emergency ordinance by a
vote of to on this day of 1996, ordered
published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City
of wheat Ridge.
c:Dl5so:7U63390.I _ 6 _
To: ~ P~~ing Commission
From:~Meredith Reckert, Planner
Re: ZOA-96-9/Group Homes °ocoRno°
Date: September 13, 1996
Attached is an emergency ordinance approved by City Council on September 9, 1996. This
emergency legislation did two things:
1. Eliminated the restriction of one group home of each type (developmentally disabled,
mentally ill, elderly and children) in each Council District; and
2. Eliminated the posted neighborhood notice requirement when a group home is
As these provisions were approved and adopted, no action by Planning Commission on
these two provisions are required. Planning Commission still needs to take action on the
other changes proposed which are:
1. Amend the definition "family" to include federally protected persons;
2. Amend the definition "residential group home" to exclude federally protected
persons; and
3. Amend the provisions for Special Use Permit to be consistent with our normal SUP
requirements set forth in Section 26-6 of the Zoning Code,
The City Attorney will be present at the meeting to answer questions.
09/08/98 FRI 17:00 F:1% a00 298 0215 GORSUCH %IRGIS
Council Bill No,
Ordinance No. ~~
Series of 1996
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to more fully comply
with applicable laws of the State of Colorado and the United States
pertaining to residential group housing opportunities for the
handicapped, developmentally disabled, mentally ill, and elderly
persona; and
WHEREAS, such residential group homes should be compatible in
size, bulk, aesthetics, and intensity of use as other residential
uses for the zoning district in which the use is located; and
WHEREAS, unless limited or prevented by state or federal law,
the City of Wheat Ridge desires to regulate, review, and approve
residential group homes to ensure compatibility between group homes
and existing residents and existing land uses and protect the
health, safety, and welfare of the City's residents.
,Section 1. Subsection (P)(1) of Section 26-30 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws is hereby amended to read:
(P) Residential Group Homes:
(1} Residential group homes for eight (8} or fewer
developmentally disabled persons, mentally i11
persons ox for elderly persons. In accordance with
C.R.S., 19?3, as amended, ~ 31-23-303, group homes
for not more than eight (8) developmentally
disabled, mentally ill persons and elderly persons
are permitted.
(a) Group Homes for the Developmentally Disabled:
Thie is a residential Facility licensed by the
state for the purpose of providing 24-hour
staff care, shelter, supervision, training
and/or rehabilitation to no more than eight
(8) developmentally disabled persons and
09/08/98 FRI 17:01 FA% OOJ 298 0215 GORSliCH %IRGIS 1~j00S
additional required staff. As defined
means § 3i-23-303, "Developmentally disabled
those persons having cerebral palsy,
neuromuscular, mental retardation, autism and
epilepsy. A grou
developmentally disabled home for the
architecturally designed so all not be
inconsistent with the as to be
surrounding neighborhood, Character of the
for the developmentally disabled shall meet
all requirements of a single-family home and,
additionally, shall meet the requirement that
the lot area shall be a minimum of fifteen
hundred (15pp) square feet for each bed
contained within the home. No group home for
the developmentally disabled shall be located
closer than two thousand (2000) feet from
another group home for the developmentally
disabled and no closer than seven hundred
fifty (750) feet to a
elderly, ,group home for the
{b) Group Homes for Elderly Persona: This is a
residential facility established as either an
owner-occupied or nonprofit group home for the
exclusive use of nat more than eight {g)
persons sixty {6p) years of age or older who
do not need skilled and intermediate care
facilities, plus no more than two (2) live-in
staff persons. A group home for elderly
persons shall not be architecturally designed
so as to be inconsistent with the character of
the surrounding neighborhood. Every group
home for elderly persons shall meet all
requirements of a single-family home and,
additionally, shall meet the requirement that
the lot area shall be a minimum of fifteen
hundred {],500) square feet far each bed
contained within the home. No group home for
elderly persons shall be located closer than,
two thousand {Z, 000) feet from another group
home for elderly persons. and no closer than
seven hundred fifty (750) feet to a group home
for the developmentally disabled
09/08/96 FRI 1':01 FdS 509 298 0215 GORSUCH XIRGIS
(c} Group Homes for the Mentally ill: This is a
residential facility for persons with mental
illness, as that term is defined in C.12.S.
§ 27-10-102, licensed by the state for the
purpose of providing 24-hour staff care,
shelter, supervision, training and/or
rehabilitation to no more than eight (8)
mentally iil persons and additional required
staff. A group home for the mentally ill
shall not be architecturally designed so as to
be inconsistenC with the character of the
surrounding neighborhood. Every group home
for the mentally ill shall meet ail
requirements of a single-family home and,
additionally, shall meet the requirement that
the lot area shall be a minimum of fifteen
hundred (1,500) square feet £or eacb bed
contained within the home. No group home for
the mentally ill shall be located closer than
two thousand (2,000) feet from another group
home for the mentally ill and no closer than
seven hundred fifty (750) feet to a group home
for the elderly or developmentally disabled-r
„~--~~~~-twee-s#a~3--erA~e-t}t~ eee--(~}
~F3}1T ri ~ 2L ...-_ F~.....~ -.~_ _ __
'meted-s~ithia eaeh eeanei}
~~ s'' - 3 -'c ~'- -1 c' s .
(d) Certificate of Occupancy: Prior to occupancy
of any group home for the mentally ill, the
developmentally disabled or elderly persona, a
certificate of occupancy must be requested
through the department of community
development. The planning division shall
review such requests relative to all zoning
requirements, and the building inspection
division shall review such requests relative
to the building and fire codes prior to
issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 3-s
a~c~€efert the d~ertment---~€ eery
a_-__~______. _._ -. _
Section ~,. Subsection {p}(3} of the Wheat Ridge Code oP Laws
is amended to read:
cmnuaaznimsso.i _ 3 _
09/08/98 FRI 17:02 F.LY 500 298 0215 GORSGCH ~IRCIS
(3} Residentia.Z group home for cl~ildx-en. This fs
a residential facility, lawfully licensed ox
certified by Jefferson County Social Services
Department or the State of Colorado, and
supervised by Jefferson County Social Services
DePa=tment, which provides shelter, care
and/or staff supervision, A residential group
home for children shall maintain a minimum lot
area of fifteen hundred (],500} square feet for
each child residing at the home, shall be
located no Closer than two thousand {2,OOOy
feet from another group home of any Bind, and
shall provide view-obscuring screening of any
additional structure, such as a trash dumpster
or playground equipment associated with the
group home, which is inconsistent with the
character of the surrounding neighborhood. ~
T _ _
~u vraer to assess a proposed residential
group home facility, the following information
shall be submitted by the applicant and used
by the planning commission and city council in
considering aPProval of a special use permit:
(a} A site plea of the site indicating
Property boundaries and area
location and extent oP all existing
and proposed buildings; parking and
Circulation areas; landscaping and
buffering, fences, walls, etc.;
recreational facilities and open
space; outdoor lighting facilities;
trash receptacles; or any other
physical features that might help
identify the expected character of
the proposed facility.
(b} A letter from the agency licensing
the facility with the following
~• The fact that the agency gas
licensed or is preparing to license
the facility.
2• special needs of the residents, such
as on-site schooling oz training;
and anY facilities needed to meet
such special needs.
~ 005
09/06/98 FRI 17:02 FA% 903 298 0215 GORSUCH %IRGIS
3• The number of children for wham the
license is being issued.
4• The aPProximate ayes of the
5• The proposed procedures and methods
to be used in operating the
facility; i.e. permanent resident
staff, rotating staff, owner-
occupied residence, etc.
(c) Any special use permit granted pursuant
to this section shall be limited to its
effectiveness to the applicant therefor,
and shall provide, by its terms, for
terntination upon cessation of ownership,
management or use of said applicant. The
limitation specified in this subsection
(P)(3)(c) is deemed necessary by the city
council in order to maintain the maximum
lawful authority over the use and user
approved by any such issued special use
permit, and is deemed necessary to
protect the integrity and character of
surrounding properties and neighborhoods.
In order to achieve that objective, the
city council, prior to granting such
special use permit, shall be required to
determine that the proposed group home
will not have an adverse effect on the
residential character and quality of life
in the particular neighborhoods of its
location. Trie council may not deny a
special use permit for a proposed
residential group home solely on the
basis of neighborhood opposition, where
no valid and substantive evidence has
been offered to show that the proposed
residential group home would have such
adverse affect.
(d) The special use permit for any residential
group home shall be for a term of one (1)
year, and shall be automatically renewable by
the director of the department of community
development upon receipt of any application
for renewal if, following review of the files
of all city departments and those of the
county department of social services, it is
determined that no written verifiable
complaints concerning the operation of the
'v~' 003
09/06/98 PRI 17:03 FAS 303 298 0215 GORSUCH %IRGIS
group home during the term of
permit have been received,
complaints have been received,
for renewal must be heard by t
under the same requirements
special use permit,
the special use
If any such
the application
he city council
as for a new
~Ct on "~. Effective I?ate• EmP
Section 5.13 of the Charter, the City Coun D 1 dec arse t~t~this
ordinance is necessary for the immediate resezvation of
Property, health, peace, or safet p Public
ordinance as an emer enc y and, to that end, adopts this
bring the affected g y ordinance, in that it is necessary to
portions of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws into
compliance with federal statute and applicable case Iaw concerning
local regulation of group homes, and further, to make the procedure
as amended hereby available to pending group home applications_
This ordinance shall be effective upon passage.
sec {on 4, Sevei rabz~tl, If any clause, sentence
or part of this Ordinance or Application thereof to any personpnr
circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of
competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its
application to other persons or eircumstances_
Sect±on ~, Inconaisten Ordinanr s _
portions thereof inconsistent or conflietingzwith his ord~.nan~e or
any portion hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such
inconsistency or conflict_
r1VTRODUCED, RgAD, Atv'D ADpp~ as an emergency ordinance by a
vote of to' on this
published in Pull in a newspaper oygeneral c`uiation99n~thedCity
of Wheat Ridge.
• Det"mition of "FAMILY" ......................... Discriminatory because it excludes FHA
protected persons!
• Requirement for SPECIAL USE PERMIT .................. Conflicting with other Code
requirements and Discriminatory!
• Lot size standards of 1500 s.fJbed ..............................Conflicting and Discriminatory!
• Posting of Sigu requirement ................................... Discriminatory!
• Limit of only 1 per Council District .......................... Discriminatory!
• Separation Requirement between Group Homes ............................. Conflicting and
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Continued to September 5, 1996
Continued to September 18, 1996
CASE NO: ZOA-96-9 DATE: August 75, 1996
REQUEST: An amendment to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Zoning Code, Section 26-
30(P) pertaining to Group Homes for Handicapped, Developmentally Disabled,
Elderly Persons and Children.
City of Wheat Ridge
REQUEST: Amendment to Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Zoning Code, Section
26-30(P), pertaining to Group Homes for Handicapped,
Developmentally Disabled, Elderly Persons and Children
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a
list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list
of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference,
and made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the
Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts.
NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions
reached, it was moved by Commissioners JOHNSON and ECKHARDT, seconded
by Commissioners CERVENY and THOMPSON, that Case No. ZOA-96-9, an
amendment to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Zoning Code., Section 26-
30(P), pertaining to Group Homes for Handicapped, Developmentally
Disabled, Elderly Persons and Children be forwarded to City Council
with a recommendation for approval with the following changes:
1. Any mention of a 2,000 feet separation between group homes should
be changed to 750 feet;
2. Group homes be required to register with the City Planning and
Development Department; and
3. References made requiring 1500 square feet per bed be deleted.
VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Williams, Griffith, Rasplicka, Cerveny,
Langdon, Thompson and Johnson
NO: None.
I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of wheat Ridge Planning
Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing
Resolution was duly adopted by a 8 - 0 vote of the members present
at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 18th day of September,_ 1996.
George J. Langdon, Chairperson Sandra Wiggins, Secretary
CITY. COUNCIL MINUTES: October 14, 1996 Page -4-
Item 3. Council Bill 45 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws
pertaining to group homes for handicapped, developmentally disabled, elderly
persons, and children.
Council Bil! 45 was introduced on second reading by Mrs. Dalbec; title read by the Clerk;
Ordinance No. 1048 assigned.
Mr. Dahl gave background on the creation of this ordinance.
The following speakers were sworn in by the Mayor and spoke in favor of passage of this
Maribeth Lewis, 10900 West 39th Place;
Hazel Bond, 7105 West 30th Avenue;
Linda Lytie, works for Jefferson Center for Mental Health;
Susan Hartley, 4015 Eaton Street;
Nancy Snow, 11155 West 40th Avenue.
Motion by Mrs. Dalbec for the approval of Council Bill 45 (Ordinance 1048); seconded by
Mr. Eafanti.
Motion to amend by Mr. DiTullio to add the 750 foot spacing requirement; seconded by Mrs.
Fields; failed 2-6 with Mrs. Fields and Mr. DiTullio voting yes.
Motion to amend by Mr. DiTullio to add the staff and safety restrictions; seconded by Mrs.
Fields; failed 2-6 with Mrs. Fields and Mr. DiTuilio voting yes.
Motion to amend by Mr. DiTullio to add the special use permit for large homes (15 people
including staff); seconded by Mrs. Fields; tied 4-4 with Councilmembers DiTullio, Fields, Siler,
Solano voting yes. Mayor Wilde broke the tie by voting no. Motion failed 5-4.
Mr. Dahl recommended the following changes to the Ordinance:
The typo on page 2 and 3 be changed to "24-34-301, C.R.S."; page 3, change for to "of";
page 3, change Title VIII to "Title III".
Mr. Eafanti moved to make all of these changes part of the motion; motion-maker agreed.
Mr. Solano asked for a friendly amendment that on page 8, the sentence "In no instance
shall more than one (1) such group home be permitted per each council district" be
eliminated. And also the 2000 feet spacing requirement be eliminated. This was accepted
by motion-maker and second.
a,. J
CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: October 14, 1996 Page -5-
Motion by Mrs. Shaver to suspend the Fiules and have Mrs. Snow clarify her suggestions for
amendments; seconded by Mrs. Worth; tied 4-4 with Councilmembers Eafanti, Dalbec,
Worth, and Shaver voting yes. Mayor Wilde broke the tie by voting no. Motion failed 5-4.
Original Motion as amended carried 7-1 with Mrs. Fields voting no.
Motion by Mr. Solano to reconsider Council Bill 45 for the sole purpose of clarifying the
number of children in group homes for children; seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; carried 7-1 with
Mrs. Fields voting no.
Motion by Mr. Solano for the adoption of Council Bill 45 (Ordinance 1048) as previously
passed with the clarification with respect to the definition of group homes for children that we
insert the words "for five or more children"; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 7-1 with Mrs.
Fields voting no.
As directed by City Council, City Attorney, Gerald Dahl, drafted an emergency ordinance
regarding a moratorium on telecommunication towers during the break, Clerk assigned
Ordinance No. 1049 and Mr. Dahl read the drafted ordinance in its entirety.
Ordinance 1049 - adopting a temporary moratorium on the acceptance, processing and
issuance of building permits for the construction of telecommunications facilities within the
City, and declaring an emergency.
Motion by Mrs. Dalbec to adopt Ordinance 1049; seconded by Mr. Solano; carried 8-0.
Item 4. Councii__ Bill 41 - An Ordinance amending the Code of Laws. to define and
classify potbellied pigs as exotic animals and to impose requirements on the
granting of exceptions by the Animal Control Commission.
Council Bill 42 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws
pertaining to the keeping of potbellied pigs in the A-2 Zone District.
Council Bills 41 and 42 were introduced on second reading by Mr. Solano; titles read by the
Clerk; Ordinance Numbers 1050 and 1051 assigned.
The following speakers were sworn in by the Mayor:
Dr. Meredith Campbell, spoke in favor of the Ordinances, but suggested that the spaying
age would be four months rather than three; and the weight be changed to 150 pounds.
CITY O? Flc?$A^ :~IDGB, COL02~~0- - _
Ordinance No. 10?8 _ _-
Series of 1940'
wEREAS, the City o wheat Ridge desires to more =ally co;:ply
W1th dDDllCable ldlJS OL t!te Std.te_9i COlOradO aRd t}"!e U.^.1 t.~. Cl $-a=~S _
Dertdi niRg t0 residential grOUp hOUS1ng O~pOrCUn1t 1e5 iOr =._... -, -_-
i'.dP.d'_CaDDed, d°VelODmentallV disabled, mentaliV ill ~ _..~ alder ~_~j
persOrs; dnd -
°A~:=RG~S, in accordance eeith SCatC and iedel"al l3'.d5, Ci'.e C_='v
OL wneaC Ridge GeSll-2J t0 D'_'OVide L'eSi Ll~nti gl g_OUD RO'131i?.^,.-
OD~OrttilRlC?-e5 LOr Certain inCi VldUalS Wi Ch1R reS'_-deRC idl C`.Jeiling
ili11 t5 D'_'OV1Ced tRat grOUD ROmeS meet all aODIiCaDle r2 :. L'r°,^,?_'CS _,
CenerallV dDDl1e0 t0 .Ocher reSiCenCial.SCrUCt"reS dnC USeS t0=. -.._
ZOn1P.C C15C ri Ct '_R 'dhlCll C..^.e grOllp home '_S lOCated; aRd ~ - _ -
~iHEREaJ, Sl1Ch residential grOUp -..^.OmeS ShOllld De CO.^..~at1~~ O- i..^.
512e, OUIk, a°_SC.^.e L1CS, and '_.^.=°_C:S1CV OL USe d5 Otfl°__ _°51 G3:;i'_d? - - -._
US3S ior_~he ZOn'.^.~ d15Cr_Ct _R :OC?iC^ Cf`.° LLS° :5 lOC3t3 :: a^ ._ __
~i--R=AJ, U.niess 111111 teC O. D.°'•i°^_°d b'i.Jta:°_ O_
t:?e -Ci~'i 0= .inea~ ?~d.gH C°_51=°_5 O L"°OLL~3L°_, ~°V 12°'i,
-eSC°_nt lal CrOUO ^OmeS CO eR5'_'re COII:Oa t'_O'_l'_tV Oe Clve~
a.^.C 0:•:15C 1C?;- reS_C_nCS- aRC e:ilst l^ ~ a^.C L'se5 d.^.C
health, Sai3i'•f, anC SJeliare 0= Che ~iCV'S re51d°RtS.
C0~0~?D0, ~a FOLLO~+S
~...... c.O -~.~_
,r0" ....u :2S
S2Ct 10;1 1 The dei iRi tiOn Oi "Fami lV" CO_ _^.Ccl'_P.ed 1R_ $~CC:OR
20'--$ O the °;iheat 3idge Code o' LaWs~is-hereby amended as ~o11a'=a:.
Fami?y. ORe (~) or mor=_ persons related
b•_r blood,. marriag=_ ~-adoption, or leaa_
c'.atodv plus domest_c servants emoloved zor
service on the pr=raises, or a group of no_
more than three (37 Dersons Who need not be so-- _
relaCed living together 3S a. .S1Rgle .. _
h0~15e?ieepiRg Un1t. Fl Ve (S) D20Ole Over Cf:_ - _ - -
age o~ s_:cty (60) sharing one (3) housekeeoirc
unit Shall also be deemed to be a _~ami lei . _
S°ctioR 2. Su~secCioR_(a)_o' the de=iRition o~ "3e5id= -;~~--
Group ~OmBS" CO.^.Cd1Rd~'1 1:"1 $°CC1p:! .2o-S -O C:12 ri~ddt _R1C~° COdd. OI
LBWS *rlhiCh C8'ine5 "GrOLLD ::^Ome .0. ~'lildr8~'" 1S a.(Ilc"'Rded_.O r8ad 3S
_01101JS_ _ - - ..
(=') CrOUO ^Om8 O.r CnildreR; 1^i5 i5 ~ -
..a .._n,.ial -?~ci _CV .Or 'i V8 Or' ^Or .
Ch_1dr8R :v,^,i C?t _S 71C°_:^.52d ~V_ Cf'.°
J8-=8_'50•`! ~0::.^.C~i SOC1a1 S'°:'~7'CCS-D l'v 1S'_OR.
.Or C.^.8 Oi:=OCJS° 0= D'_'OViu1.^.7 L•D CO
CRi lArB^~ OIaCeC __. a R0m8 l;RdBr Ch8 ^a ~.~
OE eig^C°eR (ls) 0liC .uh0 _ei lain-in-C%,~
80618 aiC°~ r83Cni rig Cne age OL eig^%een
(i3) S:;a11 be coasider~d a caild under
C:'.iS de~lni C'_OR URC i 1 rBaC.^.'_ny^ C.^.° dy^° 0=
t`.a°;:Cy-orl=_ (21.) . Grouprlomes for
children do noC include ~acilitie5 -or.
C:^.° D1aC°m°1C O~ G'111QreE1 DV Cil° ~'O[1C^
ServlCeS D1vi Sion OL Che $8Da'_'CmBRC OC
IRSCi CLLCiORS,- Che tlenCdl ve31Ch DL V1S10.^.
Oi CRe ~eOarCmeRC Oi Ii1SC1CUC'O:?S, Or~Che
!alCOh01 dad Druc ?..0L58 [)i ViJ'iOR O. Ch8
DBDarCmenC O. FealCh, eVeR ii 1iCen5ed oV
~' J8i.8rSOP. CouRCV D°partmenC O SOCi ai ---
J°CC 10n ~. J'U~S8CCi0^_. (~D) OE Ch_ .~=i-n~CO`1`O_ °7~S _O_^_..-i
d__ _..
vrOU'•J r:Om2S" COACdinBC v-n-SeCCi OR 20-~ Oi Ch8 :'iheaC R'_d^y°_ Coc O`
LacaS :•::?1Ch C8C1R8S °Cir06:0 c{O~T~S .Or Ch°_ $8 V810o.-:°RCail" t7_Sa O,:°[:"-
i5 hereby r=pealed. - - - -- --- --_ ---
Sect = _
''-0-' „J'.u,.CSeCt_O_- :C) J_ - i° C8' -~
CrOI:_J -i-~--~ _-__._ _ ..
Ld'v1j iJn:Cn C°=1_^:~s. --C~"O _~ ~ - _~ ___ -_ - O_ _ _ _
.., _
._ :~.__._C aS -S LJS eC~lO_- lJ~ c_._, am= - - -. -
(D) C_Oil~--YOPe _O_ ~1G22'_1V ?~=SJI!a: - :nig _
a _e3lden__31 _3,.,17-, w -
i3taJ11sneC a3
eft °_ an Oianer-OCCUpled Or .nOnDrO_i- - ~..
group ho-e Eo: the e:<cltisive use o
aersons sir-v (00) v=ars o age or older
who do not __e~d stilled aid in~e-mediate
Care ~dCliltieS, Dlus n0 ~i.0re than ts0 _. -
(Z) 11V2-'_=t Std'_ OersOI1S B:~iDi OV~d in 'n= _ -
- ~.._
care and suoe--ision o` such elderly
S2Ct1'On b. _ ~_ neli - 3L'03-eCtlOn ~C) - - _. -
t0 t:^.2 Ce__C_~1C::. .O
' - ..
_...1 v
?iCJo _
C - _ -
p r..0mes:
_ ....0^`_____~~ _._ Sect lOn ?j-5 C= t-^d ma
oJe Jt
..~ t
uaiu J' 1J ner°JV aJ~°C Liz ~ -C a^' - j ~ ~- ___ _ _._
Sect 10.^. a_ ._. J'uDS@CC10^ (CJ _Oi the d°_lnltl0n OC "~~"i .o -~_:al
group homes" contained iR Sect-; - ~-d_:.=__--
on 20-5 o_-the iheat Ridce Code o
Laws which decines "Group -ome or ~?entails ill Persons" is hereby
r=pealed. _ _
Sect 10.^.- %.- .iRe CO.I IO:d ^,._"7 d2:1.^.i t:0^ OE "~lOn--O_^.:-_t C_ - _
-. ~~ u• _
hORie" .ls Rereoy added CO $eCtl~,n o-7 OC tI";e i,^,..at 3! ,= COG200~- ._
La:•a to mead as Eolloiasc
Von-p:ofic grog no,,~e. ~ gcouo ho--e .
wi'1Ch 15 OidRed d..^.d Ode ra ted by a ~°_'SO:1_-Or - -
organization which is e:cempt '_ro:~ ir.coa:e taxes
pursuant to section ;9-22-112
C. ;_S.
Sect 10R 3. -The tol lOwi Rg d_'1..^.it10n Or "Q:•:.^.er-OCCL'Oied OrJL'O
home" is hereby added to Section 25-5 oE'the :;heat Ridgy Code-oE
Laios ~o read as Follows:
....^:1:.._ 13 OPined.~__~._O7e_3~...... C?i -._ _._... _'. ~...._a_
Or lnO_~i_CL'alS .. .. __.. __-..:3 ~^ _es_~e d. ^a'_
Pdintdi" Le1r D=ra.'2a a-O lO°1ncr~i .^.=~dC°_ .._
_Oi1d8i?C0 .151 t^? ~rOilO :'O~%e. -. _ _
Section 9. SuJS~Ctio_^_ (3) (3) o Section 2'-_~ o_ t^' :;'ed~ _
hilOg9 COde OL Ld'ws,. e.'ltlt~eQ "~es'_Slent _~_-vnd 1-1. to __1CC-. (~r.) 1j-- _ _
heresy dnd5lded to read as -o1io:•IS • -
(3) Residential croup hones or six to ~ig^_
ar ~c»cr . __ .~._---- ~ __s ~---
___ ___ r..___.., __ _
n~rsons. (Sed section 20-30(2) and- -_
section 25-5 Deititioas.)
SectlOn lO. $11DSdCClO:1 (B) (~) O. SeCC1O:: ?~-L~ O__:n _.~::_?_~ __ ,
i dge Code o= Ldeas, eP.t1t~ eC "~gr1Ci:_U1 rdl -T_'d0 Zo-e-- ~_' S__ _..._ _._ _
Rdgu1dC1Ons" 2S Pereby find:^ded CO rddd d5 iOi1O°.vs:
(6) Residential ,rout pones or sit to sight
persons: (See sectior. 2~--30(9) d-d
section 2~-5 Deiaitior.s.) _ _ . .
JeCt'_On 11 $LOSeCt'_O=? (3)(13) Oi J°CC 1Jn ?~-2O O_ .__ ..__a_..- -_
~iCgd COOd .OL -LdCds, dntzt_eO ~~~, °_S'r1C'.dC COn^S__C1.,.1 C'°_ ~ ~__.___. .. ., ___.~.
(~•~_') ~S .^.d''e 0'v dC~nCeC CO __..... dS LO-:Oia: .. - __- _ - _ _
(i3) 3esice-~tia_ _ouo ::onds .'_.,_ s' ~o e'
_ - - -
persons ..-(See sectio^y-2'-30(2) Y`dad _ __ .
section 26-5 De.zn_tions.l
Jdct?On 12. J'll:J$eCt'O.^. (~) Oi SeCClOn ~~'3O 0= i^d ri?:.
?idge COde OL '~a:•is, entities "_?ds~dentidl grOUp hOiT°s° i_S ('.d=eO~i _
d~enoed tO read 1:^, itS enC i reCV d5 LO> > O'.d5:
(9) R2S1Cen tld? GOLD IdOmeS:
(1) Residential- arou~ domes =or si:c f5) to
- -- -_".-
eldzrl•/ oersa-ls. In dccorddnce o-;ith
C.R.S., 193, as amended, ~ 31-23-303,
group homes nor y~»a si.x (ol.to
a_...,, _, ,. _ c,,
ar=_ oercnitC~d o_ovided that such -arouo
~)TOme me?tS dpi re0UlrementS O t.h°_ ZO^=
d? strlCt 1.^. cln1C^ CC!2 C'_OUO [lO~T.°_ 15
HOC-.°Q. ~i0 9CC'i i __. _ _ .. _- - .... -
=0i-~ _ -0_ ~_i4?__ - - - -
S...L._.•. nLad~'-c ~-,c - -LV--7501 = _ ~ -
a:?o~,~,- ,- - -
- -
,_, „
_~,_~ - _
z~ - _ -
.. -
-~--- - ... ....
~- 'r3 t' ~' ..__.... ~
-0-01 r _T
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~. _.~ - __
/.' 1 [+
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--- _s--_.. ~ ~ . ... .
---~a~- _ - _ -_
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-__._ ___3 ' -- __ - ._ -
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_'11. :11 _1_
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~F,. ~t. .y.y_ _l 1 l.
..i~.~;.~ ... .~' . • ~.. ~.~ ._.~~. ~..~~~ -_ _~.z~- _ _ __
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~"..~.. e..~_.~J '_~ - ~... ~ _.~~ __~.._ ~~ ~
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~._..~~~ .............~~_ ~; ~, _.~....r ' .. . '
. ' ..v..~ .. .. . `. ~ __- . a ..
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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... J'~:1:.~ T :J ~ ~:. i ta L :.i'4'L ~ 1...... .~ .. . _. _ _ _
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... ... ~ _I ' _ . 1 . ~ . ~ . ~. . . ..~
~ .. ...~. ~_.__] _ ~ .~ -...-;.-~ .._ : ._ . _. 6 -
... ,v._ ..:>:: . ~
~~.j - -.1~.' ... .~_ ~..-..._..___ ...... ..... .._
.. ~ .~... T.•- _ t
y~'~ c .- _ .v v_...~ v
./ V T-~3 ...~~.-..-c ___v_.
~) R°S10'2.^ 0131 CJ~OC~ a°!Ot;2°S LOi B? ^2 - (9 f O.
_ - _ _. ~._..... -~......0 .._ _
z7~2r1Y D3=SOWS. JL`CnTCJ.=OL_O y:^.0'125, 2S
d2=in2d in section 2'-5 aid d2sc_ib2d a~~ _
COnd1C10t?2Q. L'nd°= SllbS°CC'O.^. (~).(1)~=0= -
Ci11S S2CC101, bL'C i; is°_2 nine ,(9) Oi ~;:0 _'?
~ ~ i..
-T-~e 0 - _~ __o_:._~~ ~- - a1d2r_ .. - _- -
J9_SOnS d-'_'2.t0 OCC~OY' d Cj_OL'O fi0u^P, S..^.dl~ ._ -. -. _
be g2~mic~~d on'': upon 3gp~o:'zl oc
SD2C'_dl LLS°-D?~'C.1 _. di C2. D11b11C ;12d~'^~ - ,--
by t^=_ plann_a, co-c.ission a-:a ci'
cocncil_ i.^_..acco_~„c~ -; ,5~--r;o-, ~~,_
0'(31 --
_ - - ° _~~ -
S 9 ~ .. , _-3 . _ __
. _ SB: _- ~_..._ _...9.....-. - -
.-.. 2~3.-0 _~ __..s
_, ~ _
__ - ,_, _'
,: ~ .,:
_.___ _
l T:.` _ _ _ __ .
.J .+ '. ..
~~ vim. ~ _ ~ _ .._
........ r........ _
~ '~ •
J `. ...... ...~ .. .a - _ _
(3) 3esident*"a1 grow <:o:~e ~o: c~ildre::.
Tom: _
__,s -- -- s y ____ _a_.._.
S~-<_, -
.. ~ _, Ste .. _.__...___ „_.
_ _..
> >-^ - -a -e-, - -
e'~•'~"--Te° s, resident_a1 group ho~,.e
or children. as de__ned by s~ct~on ~0-5
shall. maintain ~ m_nimum lot area o
ci.t=_en hundred (1500) square =eet [or
each child residing at the home, =:.a__ .._
_ __..._ -tee _..a_o_.._~
-- ':'_nd, and sha11_ orovid=_ vie::- _
obscuring screening of an•/ additions: v_
structure, such as a trash du-aster _
pia;iground eauia^ent assocat=_d ..__~ t.._
group home, 4:hiC~ iy- inCO.^.S15C=^t- .._~_.-__ ___
ii ._',... i.. j
r..~ _
oe_~~-ced only as saec~al use aoo_o~•e~
,~ -accora=~ca cait~ se.:~ion ~-,="(37 =.
_, _ _
~_~ - ~'-
___~--y-- ~__ .._____-V - ---_ __ - ~-_ - __
_ __.
__ _ ..
.~ ._. .~~_......7-i .....__0-~- _..~ - .i ~ ..,.
...C ~ ... ... w._. ..._ ...._u .` .- _ .. _. _. .._
1. t.l.t
_ 1 _ ~
~_) .. ~. ..~ a ~.. ~. .. ~ ~_
_..~~_`.J~~..1 ~. ~_w.____ ... ~ _ - i
~ _ _ ... -
-=^~: _
.. ...r ~.. ~_~. ~_
om. ... ~~~__~.~
__-. ..~,
.n ter. 9`._~.. ..~
C p_
.J .. ~..~a ~.. ... _.n ... .~. r
z_:-y spec___ tse ~-=-~_ =~ --
- -_::t~_
pursuant to sect~o-~~ ~;-, ~o-
- - ~p ho:.. ~ _.___
,....`.__.___ Snag 1 De I2mi ted CO~- _.3
e==ecticeRess to `he a ~_
Chere=0r, ana Shall DrpffiCle, pV _tS
CermS, i0_' termil!at10^. 1:00^
CdSSdt'_OFl OC O:vneYShip, management
or use -o said applicant. Tie
limitation speci~ied in this
SL'DSBCCi On (D~ r) r~~ r_~
L~rr,-- is deame~
P.eCeSSarV DV t(le C1Cy COURC1l 1^
Order CO malntalR the ma7ClmUm Iaw_ul
authority over. t:~e use and user
apprO~ied CV ~nV SuC'? 15SUed SOeC1a_
tlSe pe rmiC, aRd iS deep^,:Od II2CeSSar°:
to protect- the integrity a--
C P.a=aCte_" O_- Su="OU~d' ^g 0"00°j-t i~3
and ne lghfJO-r hOOQS. _._ ,.____ _..
^J r __.... ..._
;___..~_..._ .... _..3.V _.~.. _. ~ V._ -.~~_..
~~ ..-_ o..._~ ~._ _.._
...... _ _ - .. ~._ _..~_... _._....__i... _.V~..
...n _. _....- __~._...._.
(~}~'- The special use permit for a~
reSldent idl CrOllp home shall he LC_
a term o oRe (1? year, and shall be
automatically rene:.~ab1e by t;;^.e
director o_ th=_ department o
community d=_yelooment upon receipt
o~ any application for reneo-ral i,
~011o:•;;ng re:;ie~:/ oi- the ~-files o~ all
city departrients and those o~ t:.=_
county department o~ soci_=.?
services, it is determined by the
d1 reCCOr Chdt RO ~./r1tCeR Ve?'i i1d~0'le _
CO[itDldlnt5 CORCe rR1nC tLl° Ope rd ClOn -..
of the group home curing the term o'_
the special use p=-m_t na,:= bee-
_eceived- £ one or more _.-",- s~==
4ir3t teR ver; =;aht~ coc,o?ai nCS LLa':°_
a5 .Or a^.°:i SO°C1di u5e`^'°=~~C. _
SeCt10n 13. ~dL°tb" C1cinS°. ^° C1 :% ~" -n°`° ___ _ _ -
__ _._ _ .OOU__.._.._. _._O: __...._.n-~ _
deteriilLeS, »__.~ _deC_»~._>S "t!!dL _'.5 `~?_.____'__ _ _0 0`"Onq~ -te0 _'_c_
the gen=_r_~ 00~ 1C°_ OOiv e>`_ O .-07_e C. C_i C~ ii ^:ed~ ~Qu C_ 3.. __ _5
promulgated or th_ t:_, s____ d :•:__-~-- of t:._ ~ ~L'_ _i:d
t Cldt Cf11S Ordinance-1S ReCe55arV 'Or t.^.~ _Or2>°_OdC lp:! 0= ^2a1C~ »_...
SdLet}r and LOr .CI'!e O?'O tepl i_On O. BUD! 1C CLL..^.Ve!a eRCe 8`:.^.~.- t4e~ _»_°_.
Tfle C-1tV-. COll_?C11 ="f Ch2_. Odt?"-'i`~e3 that t.^.e Or0':1a^Cd -Dea_S'» _
rdtlORal relation tD._the_ 7r07er leyiSldtlve OJ]eCt SOL'^yht t... ~e
attained. _
$eCt 10R ? ._ SeVerdJl ~_'-_tV _.... - 1: ail~i C~3US~~.. S2'~t°";. °_'~.. _.
oaragrdDR, Or Ddrt OE tr11S OrC`_naRCe O_" .''-.0011CaC10P tnereOC C0 d:::i
DerSOR Or C1_"CUiSISCd:?C?S shall °_C. d.^.V r°_d50:'. .^_~ ]L'~yeC _' a C.^~'__~-_
Oi COTRUet2n t- ]U?"1Sd1CL10R 1.^.V3~1C, SllC°.? -l is y^T.:2Tl: o.^.ai~ ':O ~_ d: _c__,
1mDdir Or inVallddCe Che re lalnd°r O=. t':^. i_S_ O_C_:13.^.,.8 O_ __o
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Sect_o~. 17. _Ris O_dinan..= s: a_1 ~d:_ ~___ct ___..~_..,_ ;_~)---
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OCtOiJ°r _ 1990, at ?1Q~ O.=.C`1DC~-: D.[il. .^. Cn°_ COll i?Ci? CnafP.::e_"3.
7500 'rlesty-29th Avg:^.c°, irtneat .'.idg=, Colorado.
aEAD, ADO?TED ?.ivD, ORDE?_D ?ii3i~L5 ED on second e.aa --..- _
reaCing DV d VOt° OC 7 CO L C[?_S ~ =' Od'.! OC ~CtO :°- 1 i- _ _ _ _
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G°z.-LLD c. Da3=, -C ~ T`? - _Y03~:E
1st ?ubTicat_on: Ccco~a_ =, 1?95 _
2nd PL'DL1Cat10R: 0.^[obzr 25, I99o
'%1;!°at Ridg° Transcri~c _
S=iZCt'_V° ^at°: \J42RID2; 9, I99o
Restricted Commercial (R-C)
Commercial-One District (Gl)
Commercial-Two District (C-2)
Planned Development (PCD) (PRD, PCD, PID,
Light Industrial (I)
(Ord. Nc. 1990-822, § 1, 2-26-90; Ord. No. 1990-
827, § 1, 4-9-90)
Sec. 26.9. Reserved.
Sec. 26.10. Residential-One District (R•1).
(A) Intent ¢nd Purpose: This district is estab-
lished to provide high quality, safe, quiet and
stable low-density residential neighborhoods, and
to prohibit activities of any nature which aze in-
compatiblewith low-density residential character.
(B) Permitted Princip¢l Uses: No building or
land shall be used and no building shall be here-
aftererected, converted or structurally altered un-
less otherwise provided herein except for one (1)
or more of the following uses:
(1) One-family dwelling,
(2) Parks, noncommercial playgrounds or other
public recreation use.
r- ~ (3) Residential group homes for eight (8) or
~% 1' fewer developmentally disabled persons,
~~ . }' ~ mentally ill persons or for elderly persons.
~ 1^, u ~ (See section 26-30(P) and section 26-5 Deft-
,:" ~ ~~ nitionsJ
~ \4 t'
~ , ~~ (4) Other similar uses or structures as approved
~, ; oP by the zoning administrator or board of ad-
justment and when in conformance with
standards and requirements set forth herein
for similar uses.
(C) Permitted Accessory Uses and Accessory
(1) Detached private garage or carport.
(2) Private storage sheds.
(3) Private swimming pools, tennis courts. (See
section 26-30(I) far related requirements.)
(4), Household pets, limited to no more than
three (3) dogs and/or four (4) cats, plus their
unweaned offspring. ~-
(5) Private stables for the keeping of horses,
.cows, llamas, sheep or goats and similar
animals; however, excluding the keeping of
swine, subject to the requirements set forth
in section 26-30(L).
(6) Private poultry houses and pigeon coops,
and private rabbit and chinchilla hutches,
subject to the requirements set forth in sec-
tion 26-30(L).
(7) Bee keeping, subject to the requirements
set forth in section 26-30(L).
(8) Rooming and/or boarding of not more than -
two (2) persons on a contract basis for not ,
less than seven days. f
(9) Ancillary uses operating within a church's
primary structure (e.g., day care centers,
scout meetings.)
(10) Class I Home occupations which meet the I
definition and standazds set forth in sec-
tion 26-30(Q)(1) and section 26-5, Defini-
ill) Electric transmission or other public utility
lines and poles, irrigation channels, storm
drainage facilities, and water supply facil- ~"'
ities, and other similar facilities. ~ `~
(12) Public and private communication towers, '~"
television or radio antennas, or any other
similar communications receiving or ~,~
sending device which does not exceed thirty- u
five (35) feet in height, whether ground- +r '
mounted or mounted upon a building or ~~~
other structure. For satellite earth receiving
stations, see section 26.30(J). ~i
(13) Water towers or aboveground reservoirs not
in excess of thirty-five (35) feet.
(14) Other similar uses or structures as approved
by the zonirig administrator or boazd of ad-
justment and when in conformance with
standards and requirements set forth for
similar uses.
(D) Conditional Uses: The following uses shall
be permitted only upon approval of the Wheat
Supp. No.7 170$
§ 26-30
(2) Architectural features. Cornices, eave belt- square feet for each be contained
courses, sills, canopies or other similar az- 'thin the home. No up home for
chitecturalfeatures,includingbaywindows, the velopmentally sabled shall be
may extend or project into a required front, locate ser o thousand (2000)
side or rear yard not more than thirty (30) feet from t group home For the
inches. deveIopmen disabled and no closer
(3) Chimneys. Chimneys may project into a re- than seve undr fifty (750) feet to a
quired front, side or rear yard not more than group a for the a rly, and in• no
two (2) feet, provided the width of such yard inst a shall more than a (1) group
is not reduced to less than three (3) feet. ho e for eight (8) or fewer de opmen-
ly disabled persons be per 'ted
(4) Fire escapes, open stairways. A fire escape ithin each council district.
oi• open stairway may extend into any front
, (b)
side or rear yazd; provided the width of such Gr up Home For Elderly Persons: This
yard is not reduced to less than three (3) is a esidential facility established as
feet. eithe an owner-occupied or nonprofit
group me for the exclusive use of no
(P) Residential Group Homes: more th eight (8) persons sixty ( )
(1) Residenti¢l group homes for eight (8) or Years of a e or older who do not ed
fewer ~•^~ _ ---•-~(g~ a+^^~,~~,,~ skilled an intermediate care cili-
or elderly persons. ties, plus no are than two (2 five-in
In accordance with C.R.S., 1973, as staff persons. oup home f elderly
amended, § 31-23-303, group homes for not persons shall no a azchite urally de-
more than eight (8) a^°^~^°-°~°' signed so as to be i consis nt with the
~~f+`~y~e+::+~eree:,®~r- selderly per- character of the sur un ng neigh6or-
sons are permitted el~3e - hood. Every group ho or elderly per-
e.7~; 4r~Yid6d .,~Wx ~' ~ • •
' ~ ' ~t""O ~" ~"`^ ~ Arm
" em
'u'" sons shall meet all r irements of a
) G
} s
ome n ,additionally,
roup omes for the Developme ly
1 ~ shall meet the requ' eme that the lot
Disabled: This is a residential ility ,yFt.
~ area shall be a mi mum of fteen hun-
censed by the state for the p ose of
p viding24-hourstalfcare, •elter
su- P+`~-" 0~ dyed (1,500) squ e feet for ach bed
pe 'ion, training and/o ehabilita- contained with
the home. group
tion t o more than eig (8) develop- home for elde y persons shal e lo-
mental disabled ersons and Gated closer an two thousand f 0001
additional quired s . As defined in feet from a other group home for d-
C.R.S. § 31- 303, evelopmentally erly perso sand no closer than sev
disabled" mean t ose persons having hundred fty (750) feet to a group hom
cerebral palsy, n omusculaz, mental far the evelopmentally disabled, and
retardation, a is and epilepsy. A in no
stance shall more than one (li
group home r the velopmentally grou home for eight (8) or fewer eld-
disabled sh ' not be azc " ecturally de- erl persons be permitted within each
signed so to be inconsis t with the c ncil district.
chazact f the surrounding eighbor- (c) roup Homes for the Ment 11: This
hood. E ry group home forth devel- is a residential facility for rsons with
opme ally disabled shall meet re- mental ess, as th erm is defined
quir menu of asingle-family h e in C.R.S., § -10- 2, licensed by the
an ,additionally, shall meet the r - state for the of providing 24-
q rement that the lot area shall be a hour staf re, shelte , ervision,
inimum of fifteen hundred (1500) tra" g and/or rehabilitation to no
Supp. No. 6
more than eight (8) mentally ill pe -
sons and additional required staf A
~ group home for the mentally ill all
no a architecturally designed o as to
be in nsistent with the ch acter of
the su unding neighbor od. Every
group ho for the men ly ill shall
meet aII re -remen of a single-
family home a a itionally shall
meet the requireme that the lot area
shall be a minim o teen hundred
(1,500) square f et fore bed con-
tainedwithin t e home. No gr home
for the men Iy ill shall be to ed
Supp. No. 6
Y~ ~ .
.-- ~
closer than , , o, tho d (2,000) feet city council to reasonably assess the poten-
from another -' ome for the men• tial impacts to the community whewn-
tally ill and
n, ` o
than seven hun- t:
idering approval of a special use p
dred fifty (7 feet to _ oup home for
the eld y or develop tally dis- n
( A site plan of the site indicating prop-
abled din no
}nstance a more rtY boundaries and total area, loca-
th one (1) group'home for eigh 8) or t nand extent of all existing and pro-
f wer mentally ill "per-sons permi po ed buildings; parking and
within each council district. anon areas; landscaping and buff-
(d) Certificate of Occupancy: Prior to occu- erin „-fences, walls, etc.;` recreational
panty of any group home~fo:-the:me~- - facili£*rps and open space; outdoor
-'~ll~the_dev lopmen~tally,~alzled lighting°facilities; trash receptacles; or
~or elderly persons, a cert~cate of occu- any other hysical features that might
panty must be requested through the help ident~y the expected character of
department of community develop- the proposed facility,
ment. The planning division shall re- (b) For homes for~the developmentally dis-
view such requests relative to all abled, a lettA,r from the agency li-
zoning requirements, and the building tensing the facility with the following
inspection division shall review such information:
requests relative to the building and 1. The fact tl~at'~he agency has li-
fire codes prior to issuance of a certifi- tensed orris preparing to license
cote of occupancy. In addition, the de- the facility. ~
partment of community development ~
2- Special nheds of the esidents, such
shall post a sign on the premises, in a ~or training,
as on•s~te schooling
highly visible location, for a time pe-
£ facilities ne~led to meet
and ai
fifteen (15) days prior to the is-,-
o ~
such ecial needs-
suance of a certificate of occupancy, 3. Thegnumber of persons for whom
with such sign announcing the intent the;`license is being issue
to occupy the premises with a group
home. The sign is for information pur- 4. Tl~e approximate ages of t~e per-
poses only so that interested parties spns expected to occupy the group
may review the proposal in the depart-
. (c) Fg~' homes for the elderly, informat~pn
(2) Residential group homes fornine (9) or more
- elderly l~
submitted which describes the f
persons. Such group homes, as defined, de- 1. Maximum number of persons to oc-
scribed and conditioned under subsection cupy the home.
(P)(1)(b) this section, but where nine (9) or 2. Explanation of the general organi-
c mote i3zdisaltlelderly zation and management of the
persons are to occupy a group home, shall household.
be permitted only upon approval of a spe-
cial use permit, after public hearing by the (3) Residential group home for children. This
planning commission and city council. sidential facility, lawfully-lieensed~r
id~ff edliy~effetsori
In addition to the standards and eria
set f nder subsection (P)(1 ,which vir~?Yarlment or--the=Stat~o~o racig,
aad~upervised by Jeffersost County Sati'dl
apply to grou s for dev~ opmentally 9erv#ees--Department, -whick~ ps~bvides
disabled and elderly pe s the following r s upervisiex. A res-
shall be required in o,,~~' er top infor- idential group home for children shall main-
mation for the ulatCnine commission and fain a minimum lot area of fifteen hundred
Supp. No. 5
(1500) square feet for each child residing at
the home, shall be located no closer than
two thousand (2,000) feet from another
group home of any kind, and shall provide
view-obscuring screening of any additional
structure, such as a trash dumpster or play-
ground equipment associated with the
group home, which is inconsistent with the
character of the surrounding neighborhood.
In no instance shall more than one (1) such
~j '~POra]Z'{ome be permitted per each council
distric . Ids ler to asses§=apropos esi•
dential group home facility,..the b' f~l~o~wing
information shall be submitted by the ap-
~ plicant and used by $1ie planning commis-
sionand city council in considering approval
of a special use permit:
(a) A site lan of the site indicating prop-
erty bo dories and area location and
extent o existing and proposed
buildings; parkin~g and circulation
areas; landscaping'8 d buffering,
fences, walls, etc.; recrea onal facili-
ties and open space; outd or lighting
facilities; trash receptacles; or any
other physical features"that might help
identify the expected chazacter of the
proposed facility:
(b) A letter fromhe agency licensing the
facility with e following information:
1. The fact hat the agency has li-
censed or repazing to license
the facility. `
2. ents, suc
r si
Special needs of t
as on-site schooling r training,
ded to meet
and any facilities ne
such special needs. ,^'
3. The number of chik~dren for wham
the license is being issued.
4. The approximate ages of the chil-
5. The proposed: procedures and
methods to be used in operating
the facility; i.e. permanent resi-
dent staff, rotating staff, owner-
occupied reside c~e etc.
(c) An y special use permit granted pur-
suant~,e-Liris~seetiran shall be limited to
its effectiveness to the applicant
therefor, and shall provide, by its terms,
for termination upon cessation of own-
ership, management or use of said ap-
plicant. The limitation specified in this
subsection (P)(3)(c) is deemed necessary
by the city council in order to maintain
the maximum lawful authority over the
use and user approved by any such is-
sued special use permit, and is deemed
necessary to protect the integrity and
character of surrounding properties and
neighborhoods. ~as~dentflachizet
objective, the city~,ounciI, prior to
grantingsuc pu~alusep __ it, shall
be required'Eo~ern~~~eththe pro-
posed group home will~not have an ad-
verse effec n~he residential character
and q rty of life in the particular
neigh -b.oods- of--its =loeation. The
council may not den especial use
permit for a proposed`residential group
home solelyao~he basis of neighbor-
hoo~p~tion, where no valid and
sub ntive eyiden_ fie. has- offered
to s ~hati the ,op sed residential
group home _ d have such adverse
(d) The special use permit for any residen-
tial group home shall be for a term of
one (1) year, and shall be automati-
cally renewable by the director of the
department of community development
upon receipt of any application For re-
newal if, following review of the files of
all city departments and those o£ the
county department of social services, it
is determined that no written verifi-
able complaints concerning the opera-
tion of the group home during the terrn
of the special use permit have been re-
ceived. Ifany such complaint have been
received, the application for renewal
must be heard by the city council under
the same requirements as for a new
special use permit.
(Q) Home Occupation Regulations:
(1) Class I home occupation. The use of a por-
tion of adwelling or accessary structure for
Stipp. No. 5
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