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__ _ _ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: August 15, 1996 DATE PREPARED: August 7, 1996 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-96.10 CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD final development plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 12851 West 32nd Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT{S): Dwaine Richter, 6565 S Syracuse Way, Englewood 80111 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same and Virginia Richter, 11665 W 39th Place, Wheat Ridge APPROXIMATE AREA 10 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development PRESENT LAND USE: Restaurant, hotel, vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N, W, W: Jefferson County; E: A-1 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: low density rcsid, vacant; S: church, low density; E: I-70; W: low density residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Commercial Activity Center DATE PUBLISHED: July 26, 1996 DATE POSTED: August 1, 1996 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: July 31, 1996 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX) ATTACHED ()NOT REQUIRED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: (XX) ATTACHED ()NONE -------- ------------- ENTER INTO R1=CORD: (~ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ()SLIDES ( XX) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (XX) EXHIBITS ( )OTHER -------- JURISDICTION: . The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ~, . ~~ ~• Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-10 Page 2 1- REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a combined final development plan and plat with sign variances. The property is known as the 70 West Business Center and has a restaurant and hotel on it which were approved in 1984. A parcel of land directly to the east was rezoned pursuarrt to Case No. WZ-96-3 as part of the negotiations to relocate the frontage road. The road has been completed and this parcel has been incorporated into the request, aRhough ownership transfers have not yet occurred. The plan and plat also Include a parcel on Lot 6 which is not in the City of Wheat Ridge. This property must be deleted from the proposal or shown as landscaping. Since this case is not a rezoning a neighborhood meeting is not required. Howeverowne setolreview the holding an "open house" at the LaQuinta and has invited the neighboring property proposal and ask questions. IL REFERRALS Wheat Ridge Public Works has reviewed and approved a conceptual drainage plan. They are in the process of reviewing a traffic study which could affect required public improvements and curb cut locations. They have also had numerous comments on the development plan and plat which need to be addressed. Depending on traffic warrants, a signal at Zinnia may be required. West Ifletro Firc Diatrict is working with the developer to resolve fire access issues. Hydrant installation will be required as shown on the utility plan. p and potion Commission will review this submittal in regard to the ten-foot-wide path location and who should be responsible for construction of the path. Consolidated IAutuat Water District will require a partial water line relocation. 111. pEVELOPd1ENT PLAN , The development plan proposes two different scenarios both of which include a 1700 square foot gas station /convenience store with car wash and 3500 square toot fast food restaurant along West 32nd Avenue. They also both show a 1125 square foot service facility on Lot 5 and a 28,000 square toot officefshowroom facility on Lot 6. The developer has proposed the two development aheraatives to remain flexible in regard to the development market. Alternative A provides fora 11,200 square toot "sit-down" restaurant. Alternate 8 allows for 19,700 square toot of retail in two structures. There are no changes to Lot 4 which Is designated as a duplex. All requirements for landscaping coverage, parking and setbacks have been met. The exception is sign heights which will require variances. The applicant is providing asix-foot-high solid wood fence continuing north from the new 12 foot sound wall to provide buffering. All buildings will match the brick used in the wall. There are some inherent problems with the site plan which must be addressed prior to City Council as follows: ('~ ~ • Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-10 Page 3 1. There arc too many curb cuts too close together for the convenience store/gas station along the east side of the service road. The same is true along the south side of the service road on the north end of Lot 2 for the Country Cafe. 2. There arc no specific parking stalls for the convenience store only. 3. No loading area is shown for the office/showroom space on Lot 6. 4. There arc potential conflicts with cars backing out from parking spaces into primary access aisles on Lots 2 and 6. 5. Aten-foot-wide concrete bike path to allow access from West 32nd Avenue north to the greenbel4 is not shown. The developer is working with CDOT to allow construction on the I-70 right-of-way east of the property. ft is unclear as to who will be responsible for construction of the path. 6. Parking for Lots 5 and 6 extends into Tracts C and D which is to be used for open space, berm and fencing. This is a violation of the outline development plan. 7. On Lot 6, the open spaceJberm area is 20 feet wide where on the plat it is 25 feet wide. This is a specific violation of the outline plan. k needs to be widened to 25 feet. 8. Staff had originally requested the eastern 40 feet of Lot 6 be used as landscaping as there is the potential for a future extension of the straight portion of the service road directly to the north. This area is shown as parking required for the officeJshowroom building. If the street is extended it will displace required parking for the building. If this happens, additional parking will have to be provided perhaps on property acquired to the north. 9. Lot 6 landscape plan requires 25 additional trees or shrubs. We suggest these be placed and maintained on the outside of the fence. 10. There is a total of six signs shown on the property in addition to the two existing 50-foot-high signs for LaQuinta and the Country Cate. Three of the six new signs are 50 feet in height. This requires a specific variance for all three of the signs. Sec Section IV. Variances. 11. The proposed fast-foot restaurant crosses a gas line which will have to be relocated. 12. The signage be amended to reflect any variance approvals or denials. 13. Dumpster enclosures are not shown. IV. VARIANCES There are two existing 5O•foot signs on the property. Staff has concluded that while all of the new businesses arc allowed signs, none of these signs can exceed 25 feet in height. The developer is requesting six additional signs, three of which are 50 feet in height. Staff would support a variance for one additional 50-foot sign. Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance: ~ ~ ~ Planning Division Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-96-10 Variances moat be considered seperatdy from the other caeca and requires agreater-U~en-rnajoriity vote based upon Wheat R'~dge Cale of Laws Section 2-63(s). and Section 266(Ux2). Shdi has the folbwing comments regaMing the uiteria used to evaluate a variance: 1. Can Ure property in question yield a reasonable realm in use, service or income ff permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by rogulation for Ure distrid to which it is heated? If the variances arc not granted, the property can still be used as proposed and provide a reasonable return in use, service and income. The developer feels that 50-foot-high signs; arc essential for I-70 exposure. Staff concludes that the majority of the high signs could be eliminated by combining business information on one or two of the freeway-oriented signs. 2 Is the plight of tire owner due to unique circumstances? Circumstances arc not unique. The sign code is applied consistently to all commercially-zoned properties through the City of Wheat Ridge. 3. ff the variation was granted, would it alter the essential character of the bcelily? Staff concludes that granting the variances would produce a "forest" of very tall signs thus negatively affecting the area. 4. Would the particular physical surrounding shape or topographical condition of tire specific property invdved reauR in a particular hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the slrid letter of the regulations were carried out? The topography of the site in relation to the freeway can be considered a physical hardship as I-70 is elevated at least 16 feet above West 32nd Avenue. his for this reason that staff would support one (1) additional, multi-use 50-foot-high sign. 5. Would tlx conditions upon which fix petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the otixr property within tire same zoning classifawtion? H this request is approved, Staff is concerned that a negative precedent could be set for similar variances. 6. Is fire purpose of the variation based exciusivdy upon a desire to make money out of fhe ProPertY? Staff concludes that the request is for marketing purposes. 7. Has fhe alleged difficulty or hardship been seated by ~Y Pin presently having an interest in tire property/! The physical hardship has not been created by the developer. 8. Would the granting of the variatbns be detrimerrtal W fix public welfare or injurious to otixr property or improvements in the rxighbortrood in which the properly Is heated? ~ ~ ~ Page 5 Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-10 foratravellers on 170 n Thereocould be a negative affect on aestheticsf in the area, especially adjacenttion residential uses. g, WouM the proposed venation impair the adequate supply of Tight end art to adjacentfiproperty or substantially increase the congestion 1n the public atrceta or irrcr~se the danger endanger the public safety or subatantialty diminish or impair property values wdhin the neighborhood? Staff would eonctude that an excessive number of tall signs could diminish and impair property values within the adjacent residential areas. Staff concludes that in general, the variance criteria do not support approval of the request for three additional 50-foot-high signs. However, because of the grade change between the property and 1-70, Staff would support one additional freeway sign, to be located upon the eastern portion of the property. V, SUBDNISION PLAT . Currently, the property exists as seven separate parcels measuring cumulative as 9.9 acres. The proposed subdivision will replat Lots #2, 3, 6 and 7. Minor changes arc proposed for Lot 1 (LaQuinta parcel). Lot 5 (single-family residence already bui~t)'and Lot 4 (vacant, duplex lot) remain the same. As the developer wants to maintain land ownership, Lot 3 will encompass the existing Country Cafe, the fast food restaurant and gas station along West 32nd Avenue and the retail or sk-down restaurant shown on development aRernatives A & B. Tracts "C" and "D" are a part of Lots 5 and 6, respectively. There are changes which need to occur to the re-subdivision plat as follows: 7, Since changes are occurring to the boundaries of Lot 7 current (LaQuinta) it needs to be shown as part of the replat and LaQuinta must sign as owners. 2. Lease lines for building pads should not be shown. 3. Drainage easement location with appropriate language must be shown. 4, Identify the relocated frontage road as "I-70 Service Road West" 5. If the new street is dedicated by deed, the language should read '9-70 Service Road West dedicated by separate document recorded at Reception No. 6. if CDOT still owns the eastern parcel, they must sign the plat. 7, Correct acreage must be shown. 8. Numerous legal description problems. g. A note regarding cross access through Lot 2 should be added. VI. CONCLUSION Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-10 Page 6 Develop~ent?lan , . Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan have been met and that the proposal, these reaisons, anrccommendatfon of Approv I is' given with he follow ng conditions9 regulations. For 1. All concerns from City departments and outside agencies be resolved prior to City Council public hearing; 2. All comments in Section III of this report be addressed. Subdivision Plat _ _ _ Staff concludes that a subdivision replat is required to accommodveebeeen mettl For th eereasoo farther q s: concludes that all rc uiremen's oiven wdhthe followmg I oind tion recommendation of Approval ' g 1. All wncerns from City departments and outside agencies be resolved prior to City Council public hearing; and 2. All comments in Section V of this report be addressed. Variances Staff has concluded that there is no hardship, the developer has options to combine signage-and that a dangerous precedent could be established for similar requests. For these reasons, Staff concludes that criteria do not support the request for three additional 50-toot-high signs. However, since there is a physical hardship, Staff gives a recommendation of Approval for one additional freestanding sign. The development plan will need to be amended to reflect action on the variances. VII. RECOIMfYIENDED NOTIONS: _ Develop- m_ e_ nt Plan _ _ OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-10, a request for approval of a PCD final development plan for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: i. All requirements for a final development plan have been met; and 2, The proposal is consistent with the underlying outline development plan and C-1 zoning regulations. With the following conditions: 1. All concems from City departments and outside agencies be resolved prior to City Council public hearing; and C 2. All comments in Section V of this report be addressed. (~ ~ '~ Planning Division Staff Report Page 7 Case No. WZ-96-10 OPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-10, a request for approval of a PCD final development plan for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. Subdivision Plat OPTION A: "1 move that Case No. WZ-96-10, a request for approval of a subdivision replat for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. A subdivision replat is required to accommodate the new development; and 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. All concerns from City departments and outside agencies be resolved prior to City Council public hearing; and 2. All comments in Section V of this report be addressed." OPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-10, a request for approval of a subdivision replat for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue be Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " Variances OPTION A: "I move that the request for three sign height variances for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. There is a physical hardship due to the change in elevation between the properly and I-70. With the following condition: 1. Only one additional sign may be 50 feet high." OPTION B: "I move that the request for three sign height variances for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be Denied for the following reasons: 1. There is no hardship. 2. The developer has options to combine signage. 3. A precedent could be established." Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-10 CJ Page 8 OPTION C: "I move that the request for three sign height variances for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue be Approved for the following reasons: 1. There is physical hardship due to the change in elevation between the property and I-70." b:\wz9610.sr _ _ _ _ r ~! ~ ..., Case No. WZ-96-10 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY Fire: (West Metro) Working with developer regarding emergency access and fire hydrant installation. Schools: Water: (Consolidated Mutual) Will require line relocation. Sewer: (Northwest Lakewood) No response. U S West: No response. Public Service Company: Can serve. State Land Use Commission (over 5 acres): State Geologist: Colorado Dept of Transportation: No response. Jefferson County: (Health, Commissioners, Planning) Has commented regarding traffic. Adjacent City: TCI: No response. CITY DEPARTMENTS Public Works: Reviewing traffic study. Requires revisions to development plan and plat. Parks and Recreation: Will review at 8/21 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting. Police: Has commented regarding safety issues. Building Inspection: agrefsum.frm ....-_.r } MEMORANDUM T0: FROM: RE: DATE: Wheat Ridge City Council and Planning Commission Ci'fY €~E ~='~EAT R!Q£~~7 ~,,r~nn ~I1? Sip 3 01996 ~~~ ~ FIA,NNiNG & 1J~FlOPMF.PtT Residents of Zinnia Court Between 32nd and 33rd Avenues Development Plans of Duane Richter September 26, 1996 The majority of this memo was presented to the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on August 15th by the homeowners on the 3200 block of Zinnia Court in response to the development plans presented to the community by Mr. Richter on August 8th. The concerns of the neighbors most directly impacted by the development were then shared with the Applewood Property Owners Association on September 11th. 1) A 24 hour gas station in such close proximity to the neighborhood will result in added noise, air, odor and light pollution. The wall, for which the neighbors diligently lobbied and greatly appreciate, will not prevent this pollution from impacting their neighborhood, especially those owning two story homes. To maintain the health, safety and integrity of the area, anon-polluting, non-24 hour enterprise should be considered. 2) Even though the current wall attempts to separate the area into two distinct residential and commercial entities, it is not sufficient. The two parcels adjacent to 32nd and west of the new Zinnia Street are planned for a small office building and a duplex housing unit. This negates the separation of residential and commercial in addition to retaining a direct view of the commercial property from the first two east-facing homes on Zinnia Court. The only way to maintain the integrity of the neighborhood is to extend the desirable levenaif the waal hasnto~ ang eeontohther duplex lot1CeA trun ated tapelr will most likely be necessary as the wall extension reaches 32nd. This will also prevent office workers from parking on Zinnia Court and then walking thr fo htheewalllextens on,tthe cfost building. If the City of Wheat Ridge _is unwilling to pay should be shouldered by the developer in meeting his obligation to the neighborhood and the tenants of his, hopefully soon to be built, duplex housing unit. 3) The integrity of the neighborhood also demands limited access to the commercial development at the northern end of the new wall near the La Quinta. The opening that exists in the wall at the east end of 33rd Avenue must be permanently closed. With alt-night establishments being proposed, this will increase foot traffic, loitering and littering, especially by adolescents, in the neighborhood. Likewise, if the development is successful and adequate parking spaces are not available for the proposed restaurants, their clientele will be tempted to park in the neighborhood and walk through the opening in the wall. The home owner nearest the opening already has circulated a petition requesting the closure that has been signed by nearly 50 residents. Again, the request is not that development be • prohibited, but that the integrity of the neighborhood be maintained. 4} Additional, related concerns that must be addressed include: a) The existing traffic congestion on 32nd Avenue makes it nearly impossible to turn from Zinnia Court onto 32nd. The addition of a senior class to D'Evelyn Junior and Senior High School in 1997 will further increase the congestion. Any commercial development will only exacerbate the problem. The widening of 32nd all the way to Alkire should be considered. along with encouraging the Colorado State Highway Department to construct a west bound exit from Highway 58 to Interstate 70. Such access would greatly reduce the Coors and Table Mountain traffic on 32nd Avenue. b) In addition to' the existing parking spaces for the La Quinta and Country Cafe, over 250 parking spaces are being planned for the new commercial enterprises proposed by Mr. Richter. A single two lane road with numerous, traffic stopping, curb-cuts connecting the development to 32nd Avenue does not seem sufficient for emergency access and adequate traffic flow. Any blocking of traffic will spill over onto an already congested 32nd Avenue. The new road in the development, Zinnia Street should be widened to four lanes with carefully planned curb-cuts. This is the only road into and out of the entire development. c) The likelihood of a new restaurant, planned in proposal A, seeking a liquor license is very high. The negative impact this would have on the neighborhood and the obvious legal battle that would ensue, mitigates against proposal A. A large, popular restaurant also would increase the noise, air, light and odor pollution. The worst case scenario would be a barbecue restaurant spewing intolerable, noxious odors into the neighborhood. The small retail strips of proposal B, open nine to nine, represents the more desirable option for residents. d) The proposed signage with a maximum of 50 feet is entirely unnecessary and unacceptable. West bound traffic on I-70 can readily see 35 foot signs in sufficient time to exit at 32nd and Youngfield. However, due to the curve in I-70 west of that exit and the even further west exit ramp for east bound traffic, even a 75 foot sign at 32nd Avenue would not provide east bound traffic with sufficient time and space to exit for any of the proposed establishments. signage must be kept low and to a minimum since only west bound traffic will be able to see it and exit in time. In summary, the City Council and Planning Commission are encouraged to consider: 1) disallowing a gas station on this side of I-70 since an adequate number already exist on the east side of I-70, 2) extending the new wall to 32nd Avenue thus separating commercial from residential, 3) closing the opening in the wall at the end of 33rd Avenue to avoid commercial parking and foot traffic in the neighborhood, 4) disallowing the restaurant, proposal A, in favor of the two retail strips of proposal B, and 5) limiting all signage to 35 feet realizing that east bound traffic will not be able to see any signs. Your willingness to understand and respond to the concerns of the immediate neighbors of the proposed development is greatly appreciated. Please assist the community in maintaining the integrity of the neighborhood and the Applewood quality of life. Thank you. R' J ' ~ • Planning Commission Minutes October 3, 1.996 __ 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Page 2 Commissioner_WILLIAMS moved to .approve-the agenda for .the meeting of October 3, 1996 as printed.: Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion: - Commissioner THOMPSON asked if it would be an appropriate time to -_ request that. regarding the first case {under public hearing) that _ the request be divided.-into two separate motions. -_ _ _ Mr. Gidley suggested that the appropriate time to-make that- decision would be when Commission gets to that item on the agenda. Motion carried 6-0 to: approve the agenda- 5_ APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Commissioner WILLIAMS moved to_approve the minutes for .the meeting of-September 18r-1996 as printed. Commissioner THOMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0_ 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item- 7 of the Public Hearing section of the- agenda.) No one had signed the roster nor came forward to-speak at that time. 7. PUBLIC HEARING 1-. Case No. WZ-96-10: An application by Dwaine R. Richter for approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined final development plan with sign variances and subdivision plat. Said property is located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue. (Continued from September 18, 1996) Commissioner THOMPSON moved that when Commission is ready to make a decision.-on this :case, two.. motions be made-as follows:- :,:_: - 1. One motion concerning the requested subdivision; and 2. a second motion. concerning the requested sign-variances. _ Commissioner GRIFFITH seconded the motion.- Motion carried 6-0. Ms. Reckert--stated she had three additional-pieces of information ___ to distributE_to-Commission.- Two were letters from area- __' ,_ Planning Commission Minutes October 3, 1996.- _ Page 3 residents and-the third was a sign plan for the Diamond Shamrock monument sign. Ms. Reckert reiterated to .those present that_.this case had bees continued and that. Planning Commission had taken testimony at the Public Hearing. on August 15, 1996..- She added-that included in-- the packet. materials provided to Commission was-all written testimony, as well as copies of the minutes. Ms._Reckert went over-..the revised plan, which was projected overhead for ease in viewing. Ms. Reckert concluded her presentation:-and asked for. questions. Commissioner THOMPSON reported that although she did not attend. __ the public_hearing on the case before Commission,-she had __ listened to the-tapes and--felt she was prepared to make a decision that night. Additionally, Commissioner THOMPSON informed those. present that. the case presently under discussion was brought up at the Town Meeting -she had attended the precious Tuesday evening.- At that _ __ time, she had informed those individuals-who inquired about_the_ _ case, that she could not discuss it as. no decision had yet been made. Commissioner THOMPSQN voiced her concern regarding the following: traffic on West 32nd Avenue; no stop light being .installed at _ 32nd Avenue-and--the Frontage Road; stacking of .vehicles on West 32nd Avenue..; possible re-.development of the area to the north and need for more right-of-way on West 32nd Avenue; adequate room for stacking when headed east and turning into development; on and - off--ramps at I-7Q; transition from commercial uses to residential uses and possible trash problems; light glare; placement-of handicapped parking; developer is trying to pack too much-into _ small space - small retail. apace should not be built;. continuance of wall to_West 32nd Avesiue_; wall should be continued to west 32nd Avenue; no- reason not to, continue wall to north end of the development; one-way-in/one-way-out at Wendy's; location of drive-up window; impact of_showroom on residential neighborhood; -_ berm adequate or should wall be continued at that location; location of dumpsters for, restaurant, will they be enclosed; dumpster for showroom currently located next to residential. area; evergreens being utilized for buffering-and not just deciduous trees. She stated she would like.. to have someone respond to her concerns. Mr. Gidley stated he would go through Commissioner THOMPSON's concerns one-by-one, adding that Bob Goebel, Director of Public.. works, was present and could answer questions regarding _ ___ intersection design, design of West 32nd Avenue, and the traffic-:- signal.. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 October 3, 1996 Bob Goebel answered that_the traffic report did indicate a signal would be-necessary when the gas station-or Wendy's is_built. Funds are budgeted in 1997 to construct that signal, which will be hard-wired to the .signal at Youngfield, the off-ramp on the -- West side of I-70 and the signal at Alkire, which is in Jefferson County. He elaborated. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if mention of the signal should be made in .the motion. Mr. Goebel stated it wouldn't hurt to include it. Commissioner THOMPSON had concerns regarding stacking on West 32nd Avenue and the ingress/egress off from:West 32nd_Avenue-into the site. Discussion .followed. Commissioner THOMPSON stated that if a s-ignal is installed, that would address. the stacking problem. Mr. Goebel agreed it would.- Mr. Gidley offered to talk about some of the other .issues including the transition from residential to commercial. He stated. that generally,-the transition was dealt with in-1974 when certain parameters were built into the outline development plan. He elaborated. Ms. Reckert stated that the landscape plan showed mostly deciduous trees,-with low-growing junipers along West 32nd Avenue. She added the. evergreen buffering would be low_ Mr. Gidley noted that the developer feels that the__combination of landscaping and the berm along West 32nd Avenue addresses the neighborhood.-concerns. He stated that the handicapped parking space-did need to be relocated.. The small building on that lot was extremely tight, and that was been brought to the attention of the developer. It does-meet minimum requirements, he added, but it is a design issue- Mr.'Gidley stated the Wendy's drive-up window was located on the west side. He didn't believe the showroom building would be an easily-marketed building, due to its' location. He added. that the dumpsters for the restaurant. were shown on the plan. Mr. Gidley spoke about the retail building site of 925 square feet, remarking that it might accomplish a "sound barrier"-.objective, making the sound barrier- wall unnecessary. If the building is not constructed, he added, it might be best to have the .duplex access off the Frontage Road, rather than West 32nd .Avenue or. Zinnia.: _ ___ Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 October 3, 1996 _ Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the building was constructed, why wouldn't you recommend having the wall extended_to close o_any opening, so that high school students could not "cut through",. Mr. Gidley answered that more than.likely_the_duplex would have a side yard fence.. _ Commissioner THOMPSON voiced her concern including the small retail building, even though it_met minimum standards. Commissioner ECKHARDT stated it was his understanding that the subject building was previously approved and it was office_space. Mr. Gidley stated he .believed Commission ECKHARDT was correct, it was office space, not retail. Ms. Reckert checked the plan_ Mr. Gidley-stated only "limited retail" was allowed on that site. The building-itself, was not_approved, he added.- The applicant, he stated, had chosen to interpret the outline plan by-the "use area!'_being_designated on the plan to convert into a building~ He elaborated. Ms. Reckert stated that the outline plan does allow retail along that side, however, there ara_limitations. -The building limited to office/warehouse type uses was the_building in back_of the- -- subject building (Lot 6). , Commissioner ECKHARDT noted that with seven parking spaces, the business couldn't be very large. Chairperson LANGIION asked if Commission should hear applicant's testimony before further discussion. Mr. Gidley reiterated that the case had been continued for _ specific purposes. He explained that_those purposes were to address- concerns after the public hearing was closed. The primary purpose to reopen this case,for the purpose of_clarifying the revisions.necessary, based upon the previous submittal -.not to go through the entire public hearing again. Commissioner GRIFFITH asked if, Commission decided against 'allowing the small building and decided in favor of extending. the ___ wall, who. would be responsible to maintain the landscaping? Mr. Gidley answered that it would be~on the applicant's land and would be applicant's responsibility to maintain. Mr. Gidley explained the importance of specifying what Commission wants in that area, whether a building, landscaping, extension of the wall, etc. Planning Commission Minutes October 3, 1.99&. Commissioner THOMPSON asked regarding_the restaurant.,-shown on alternate 'A',-would the restaurant share the dumpster with Wendy's? She added that she did not see a dumpster for the restaurant. Ms. Reckert stated it would be her recommendation that Commission include that a dumpster 'be added for that pad site in their ,_ motion. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if Wendy's traffic circulation would allow only one way in and one way out? Ms. Reckert answered 'angle" parking is shown. which is generally utilized for one way, but full-width aisles are also shown,-which wou a1ldw-two=way movement. They could do-some striping on the lot for circulation purposes. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Goebel how he felt about the small retail site, the curb cut and the location of same? Do-you feel traffic can move safely through this area as the proposal plan indicates? Mr. Goebel stated the amount of traffic generated by such a small retail outlet would not be large enough have a significant bearing on-traffic circulation. He elaborated-. Chairperson LANGDON asked Ms. Reckert if two 25-foot entrances would be adequate. Ms. Reckert stated it would provide for one-way circulation.- She elaborated.. -- Commissioner THOMPSON asked if.it was necessary to address business hours for the proposed development? Mr. Gidley stated that if limits are placed-on business hours, it would be the first application of-.limiting business-hours in- Wheat Ridge. He added that he would have concerns-about setting such a precedent. He wasn't certain that it could be-enforced. - Chairperson LANGDON agreed that it would be difficult to enforce such a limitation. Discuss-ion followed.- Mr. Gidley-noted that one condition that could be placed would be that Diamond Shamrock canopy signage on the west and south not be illuminated.- He reminded Commission that. the applicant had agreed to-lower-sign height along West 32nd Avenue. He elaborated.. Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 . October 3r 199.6 _ _ - -- -- ... Chairperson LANGDON asked if it would be-possible for Diamond Shamrock to reduce lighting at night. Mr. Gidley reminded Commission that there would be two other- types of signs - a 50-foot-sign-and a-ten-foot sign along 32nd Avenue. Chairperson LANGDON stated that when he spoke of reducing the lighting, he was referring more to the ten-foot .sign than the 50- foot sign: Dwaine Richter, the applicant-and owner of 70 west Business Center, came forward to speak. Mr. Richter has been sworn in previously. He went over. items listed on page 2 of the staff report regarding items needing to be addressed relative to the final development plan, bringing those present up-to-date. - Chairperson ZANGDON asked if it would be best to address. each of Mr. Richter's statements now? Mr. Gidley suggested that Commission-allow Mr. Richter to finish - his response. Questions-could then be directed to specific items. Mr. Richter-then updated Commission on the status of corrections to be-made to .the-subdivision. plat and items discussed at the August 15 Planning Commission which were not addressed.- Mr. Richter stated his strong feelings against limiting business _- hours. He pointed-out to Commission a berm and six-foot fence which he had built in 1984. He noted a sprinkler .system had been installed, as well as landscaping and that the project had been quite expensive.- He felt he had. met the City's requirements and added that it was unfair to expect him to do more. He elaborated.- The cost to continue the sound barrier-wall 91 feet.- to West 32nd Avenue would be $10,500. Mr. Richter stated much of the .noise comes from Interstate 70. He elaborated _- He added that a building would provide more protection to the residents than continuance of the sound .barrier to the south. He went on to-talk about building coverage and. disagreed that the site, as proposed, would be too-dense_ -. - - -- Mr. Richter-.went over questions Commissioner THOMPSON had voiced and offered to answer any other questions Commission might have. Commissioner THOMPSON asked-Mr. Richter where the dumpster would - be placed for the retail restaurant. Mr. Richter stated the lot was small_ and therefore, 'he felt the trash accumulation would be small .__ He added he would make certain that it was added.. ___ Planning Commission Minutes October 3, 1996 _ w Page 8 Chairperson LANGDON asked Commissioner THOMPSON if she had further .questions or if any of her previous questions had not been answered to her satisfaction. Commissioner THOMPSON answered that Mr. Richter had covered them weli_ Mr. Richter introduced Mr._ Bob Leigh_of Lee, Scott and Cleary. Following that Mr. Gipson of`Diamond Shamrock-would speak, he added.. Bab Leigh, of Leigh, Scott and Cleary, 1889 York Street, Denver, was sworn in. .He reported that his firm prepared a traffic impact analysis that was required by the City.- Mr. Leigh reported that the overwhelming majority of the traffic would be generated by.the gas station and the fast food restaurant (80%)- He elaborated. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked who would be paying for the signal? Mr. Goebel stated that the City would be paying for the signal as part of an agreement reached between City Council and a judgement placed on the City by the courts. Chairperson LANGDON asked_if Jefferson County would participate. Mr. Goebel answered that_Jefferson County will participate in communications with the signal on Alkire Street. That way, he added all signals can be controlled by computer. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the signature block for the Colorado_Department of Transportation was necessary? Mr. Gidley answered that is a minor issue. He elaborated_ Commissioner THOMPSON asked about Alternate A_and B on the plan_ Ms_ Reckert answered that the applicant has requested approval of both alternatives. Approval of both alternatives would allow more marketing possibilities. Rick Gipson, real estate representative with Diamond Shamrock, 520 E 56th Avenue, Denver,-was sworn in. Mr. Gipson offered to answer any questions Commission might have_._ Chairperson LANGDON reiterated that a motion had been approved to separate the issues. Mr. Gidley answered that there would be a separate motion regarding the signs. Discussion could be heard, however, regarding signage. Planning Commission_Minutes Page 9 October 3, 1996 _ Mr. Gipson pointed out that items No. 5 and 6 (Items needing-to_ - __ - - be addressed relative to-ihe tinal_ development plan), the supplemental document provided at that night's meeting, does reflect a significant.chahge in street signage along West 32nd __ Avenue. It reduces the height-from a 25-foot pole sign with 125 square feet of illuminated sign face to a-5-0 square foot illuminated sign face-with a height of ten feet.- Additionally, the structure would move approximately 10.0 feet east. Mr. Gipson expressed-his confusion ovez.ztem_No__6, whether.the_ concern was... _ _.._ light projection or just what. Mr. Gidley stated that_the reference made was for canopy signs. _ The canopies are quite tall, he explained, and there are residential. areas to the west and south. _-Since the canopies would remain illuminated all night, Staff was requesting that they not be lit. Mr. Gipson explained the sign configuration. He added that the illumination would be "soft'! and would not project light. He_ elaborated._ He said they would be visible nat invasive_ He _ __ stated Diamond Shamrock would certainly. like to retain .the illuminated lights as part of the marketing package of_the facility. There wese_no questions at that time. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Gidley to point out-the changes --- made to the original sign proposal_ Mr. Gidley walked to the Qverhead and pointed-out to Commission locations of_the signs on the original. submittal (Three 50-font- _-, high signs and two 25-foot-high signs, plus signage on the walls).- He-.then pointed out the changes that had been made from that original-submittal. He further elaborated_ _ Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the canopy sign would illuminate _ residential back yards, even with the height of-the sound barrier- wall? _ Mr. Gidley stated he had_never_been in-the back .yards of the _ homes in that area.. He said_the sound barrier. consisted of a, four-foot-.high berm, with a ten-foot-high solid masonry wall_on top of it (14 feet of elevation)._-He thought there was a possibility that they would not. However, he-pointed out that _ the homes from another area would be able to .see the canopy light_ He reminded Commission .that it.is,a commercial ,area and had been zoned as such since 1974.. _ Commissioner ECKHARDT suggested that at 10:00 or 11:00 p.m, the west signs could either be turned off or. dimmed. __ Planning Commission Minutes October 3,-1996 -- Page 10 Mr. GiDSOn;stated due.-to this particular type of signage, if the signs-were dimmed, it would be like shutting them off. --_ Commissioner BCKHARDS suggested the signs may not be,necessasy__ Mr. Gipson stated it_was Diamond Shamrock's desire to have_the signs illuminated, but should Commission decide-the signs are not - necessa~y, Diamond Shamrock would-still do fine at that location. Chairperson LANGDON announced to-those present that these were -- four persons who had. signed the roster to speak. He reminded everyone wishing to speak that only items regarding new information (information presented at-this-.meeting) would be -- discussed. Mike Coen, 13146 West 33rd-Auenue, 'Golden, was-sworn in. Mr. Coen spoke of .plans to install a "trap door'! to service three fire hydrants, should the opening in the wall be closed_ He - thought the trap door was unnecessary.- He was in favor of the continuing the brick wall, .should the .road-be_ constructed. He had concerns about covenants that mad been in place since 1465. He added that he had never seen a sprinkler on his side of the berm, and that the landscaping consisted of-tall weeds and grass. Commissioner-THOMPSON asked Mr. Coen where the fire hydrants-were __ -- located? Is the trap-door needed? `. Ms. Reckert answered. that -the hydrants were interspersed: around- ___ the site and the City had worked with Consolidated Mutual Water. __ and Lakewood Fire District.-on the location of the_hydrants_ She __ added-that the City could verify if the-trap door is necessary. It may not be needed. _ .- _ Commissioner GRIFFITH asked Mr. Coen if he did or did :not want. the wall-extended. - - Mr. Coen stated if the road is constructed, he would like the_ _ wall extended. Commissioner GRIFFITI~-asked if there wasn't a fence there_ already. Mr. Coen stated there. was a six-foot wooden fence.--- Chairperson LANGDON asked who would pay if the wall was extended? Mr. Gidley stated the City had built-the. wall adjacent to the --- public street right-of-way, but if the wall was extended, the developer would pay for-it. - _ Planning Commission Minutes Page 11 October 3, 19.96.. - _ Emilv Bennett, 13206 West-.33rd-Place was sworn in. Ms_ Bennett . stated that some lots in the .development were. still covered by covenants.. She added that-the City of Wheat-Ridge has started a condemnation proceeding tn-relocate street right-of-way and this procedure would also remove the covenants. Ms. Bennett stated she planned to file a protest.. Mr. Gidley apologized for interrupting, but. informed Commission the matter Ms. Bennett was-se-f erring to was in litigation and it was inappropriate to discuss it at that time. It was not an issue for Commission to consider, he added. - - Ms. Benn~_d~sagreed.- - _ Chairperson LANGDON informed Ms. Bennett that the legal process has begun-and Planning Commission was not empowered to interfere _. with that process. The request before. Commission; he added, will not-include the covenants...--Chairperson LANGDON asked Ms. Bennett if she had other. issues she wished. to comment on. Ms. Bennett answered she thought the color of the. Diamond Shamrock canopies would be closer to "kelly" green rather than "holly" green. She was certain that the proposed canopy signs would be.seen from her home. Brad Brauer, 3238 Zinnia Court was sworn in: Mr. Brauer pointed out his home on the projected map. He stated.-he was surrounded- by Wheat Ridge on two sides. He stated he had been asked to_- __ represent approximately 15 residents on Zinnia Court. Mr. Brauer had written the letter__dated September 26, 199.6 handed out that night. He stated his.-and neighbors' concern pas for the integrity of the neighborhood and they appreciated Commission's- concern regarding the impact of this development. Mr. Brauer had concerns regarding access and-inadequate -.roads .servicing the. --- development. Chairperson LANGDON asked if Mr. Bracer's concerns were regarding information brought forward that night? Mr. Brauer disagreed that the-wall need not be extended, as there was no way of knowing when the duplex-might be built. Mr. Gidley stated the site of_the proposed duplex allows only a single or two-family dwelling. _ _ Mr. Brauer stated-that the lot in question has not been-developed now, it's assumed it will be built and act as a barrier.. _ Mr. Gidley stated that was not the building-he was saying would__- act as a barrier. The building he was referring to_was-the , commercial building. Planning Commission Minutes October 3, 1996- Mr. Braises had concerns-about the foot traffic crossing the empty` lot, which is landscaped with natural weeds, grasses and dead trees.: He stated a wall would help buffer the neighbors and keep the trash out. He elaborated. Mr. Brauer asked if_the opening would be .closed. Chairperson LANGDON stated he believed that the opening where the fire hydrant is located will be closed- Mr. Brauer..stated-he appreciated-the closure of that area. He noted-that when the high school-adds a 12th grade, traffic will. increase significantly_ Mr. Brauer stated that. if there is a choice. between alternate 'A' and 'B', the residents prefer alternate 'B'. The reason-for. their choice is that alternate 'B' would reduce the amount of traffic, reduce peak time traffic,-and prevent an "all-night" establishment. Mr. .Brauer stated the canopy=sign(s) will be visible from his two-story home and he was hopeful that the canopy signs would not be illuminated. Mr. Brauer thought that 50-foot signs was overkill and explained why. Chairperson LANGDON asked if the 50-foot sign-would be placed before the 32nd Avenue exit? Discussion-followed. Mr. Brauer ,spoke of the existing traffic congestion and stated that one. of the biggest problems was that there is no south-bound access onto-I-ZO.'westbouhd coming off Highway 58_ -He also spoke of the poor quality landscaping done in 1984-and the broken sprinkler system. Mr. Brauer told of his concern-for light pollution into their neighborhood. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if plans exist to extend the servi-ce road to the north. And, if so, will the commercial office- showroom conform to the parking regulations? Mr. Gidley stated that Planning Staff had suggested on several... occasions that rather than the alignment shown, that alternate alignment occur directly north behind the LaQuinta, across the _ Salter property and connect further to the north_ That alignment was not chosen. Mr. Richter was willing to work with Staff to provide-the potential for that to occur. If that alignment were to occur, -it would remove a long line-of_parking, however, that parking would have to be replaced. He elaborated. Commissioner THOMPSON reiterated that the fire department has approve the plans-and--there is adequate access_ Mr. Gidley answered yes, that was true_ - ~~ Planning Commission Minutes Page 13 October 3_, 19.96 Commissioner THOMPSOAL asked about the statement Mr. Gidley had made regarding a fence around the proposed duplex. She felt a barrier should be constructed between commercial and residential. Mr. Gidley stated there was a barrier, consisting of a four=foot berm and a six-foot .fence on-top of the berm-from east to west. Commissioner_THOMPSON asked why is the responsibility of the duplex owner to provide the barrier? - Mr. Gidley asked if the wall was extended in a north-south fashion, then should the_berm/fence be removed? That is what-you would have in a normal residential area. He elaborated. Mr. Brauer asked to-speak regarding the wall question. He spoke in favor-of the wall remaining. He stated it protected his home from the ugly field and the traffic noise on-west 32nd Avenue. He elaborated. Commissioner ECKHARDT suggested that a solid ferice_be installed along-the west side of-Lot 5, which would be an extension of the berm until such time as the building is constructed. Then extend the berm down to the building-and out to west 32nd Avenue if necessary. Chairperson LANGDON asked if Commissioner ECKHARDT-was suggesting a six-foot privacy fence? Commissioner ECKHARDT answered he thought that would be appropriate. Commissioner-THOMPSON stated some type of a division should be made, separating residential from commercial. Commissioner ECKHARDT.asked Commissioner THOMPSON if his suggestion was reasonable? Commissioner THOMPSON answered yes, it_was Commissioner ECRHARDT stated he-preferred td see the small retail building as strictly an office:building. -He stated--it would have the same exterior as the duplex, and it is probably a good way to transition from residential to_-the west and commercial to the east. Norm Ross, 3135 Zinnia Street, was sworn in previously. He stated h~ was also. concerned-about the quality of life and his property value. Mr. Ross requested-a copy of the revised plan. He was provided same. One of his concerns was the barrier and he -::------.-- was in favor of a four-foot wall being placed on the barrier to block light, noise and trash. Mr. Ross spoke in-favor of Planning Commission-Minutes Page 14 'October 3,-1996 evergreen trees rather than deciduous trees utilized on the berm.- He voiced-his concern regarding the installation-af a traffic - signal to aid in traffic congestion. Signage was another of his .- concerns: He thought 50_-foot signs were not necessary: Mr. Ross felt_the proposed bikeway was located too close.to-i-70. He - suggested it be relocated.to-.the east edge of-the old. service.. road. Mr. Ross inquired when discussion would be_heard regarding- architectural details/building materials? He was concerned that- the traffic movement though the development was-not going to work well in-certain areas:- Mr.-Ross thought approval should be given for-.either alternate 'A' or 'B'. He-was iri favor of limiting- ----- business. hours and turning lights off. at 11:00 p.m. He asked Commission to address unresolved issues. There were no questions at that time. Chairperson LANGDON called a-short recess at 9:55 p.m. Meeting- reconvened at 10:05 p.m. Chairperson LANGDON listed .resolved issues.-from the various lists in the staff report.` Regarding outstaiidirig or uhresolbed- issues, Mr_ Gipson was invited back to- the podium. Mr. Gipson_stated that if Commission did .decide that lighting of the canopy on the west be dimmed or turned off,-to consider early:-- - dark hours -in winter and allow perhaps use of a timer to cut-the - light at a specific-time. Discussion was heard:- Mr. Gipson stated he was .willing to keep the- west canopy light off from 11:00 p.m, to-6:00 a_m. Chairperson LANGDON suggested that Mr. Richter address the landscaping-and the Sprihkler system: Mr. Richter,-stated. the. sprinkler system had been turned off years ago- The flooding Mr. Brauer referred. to was caused by trash clogging the irrigation ditch cleanout which.resulted in over- flowing on the north side of-32nd Avenue= He added that the irrigation pipe had been relocated with the construction of the street and there has been no further problem. He has tried to cut the weeds three times yearly. Mr. Richter stated his objection to constructing a wall. He would not object to constructing a wooden fence. He elaborated- -_ Commissioner WILLIAMS asked Mr. Richter if he-planned to turn the sprinkler system back on and install .some landscaping, on the bean? Page 15 Planning_ Commission Minutes October 3, 1996 Mr. Richter stated the berm was planted in native grasses for .- p - y necessa he arid climate. Thes "rinkler system is not reall Y'Y~ added. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked if Mr. Richter would agree to build a six-foot wooden fence across the property line. _ - Mr. Richter stated he would if that is what Commission wants him „ .. to do, although he doe"s not See the need for an additiona ence. There would be a fence installed when the duplex is constructed. There was no further ,discussion at that time. Commissioner THOMPSON stated she would make the motion,. however she needed to ask one question. She asked Mr. Gidley if it was possible to extend the-plantings and the berm there near the corner to alleviate the problem with the lights that have concerned the neighbors across the street. Also, she asked Mr. Gidley for some further discussion of the duplex wa~~- Mr. Gidley stated that the berm could be extended from 32nd to the I-70 Frontage Road west, so that vehicle lights would not project across the street to the south. The grading plan can be modified to accomplish that, providing that sigYit_visibility at the intersection is accommodated. Additionally, he stated that the landscape plan could be modified to include evergreen trees on the berm acting as a light barrier. Deciduous trees could be planted in other areas of the berm, allowing for visibility into the site. The third issue was a barrier between .the duplex and -- the development. He suggested that one possible solution might be that the owner be allowed to remove the berm and relocate the six-foot-high wall or fence at the property line, giving the owner a bit more usable space, better access to parking facilities and integrating the site with residences to the north. Chairperson LANGDON asked if Mr. Gidley was suggesting that the- decision.be left to the discretion of the owner. Mr. Gidley answered-yes, he was. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked if Commission requires the extension of the fence that the City built, would it be at City expense? Mr. Gidley answered no. He pointed out on the projected map where a berm with a fence on it current exists. and where-the fence would be constructed. Commissioner THOMPSON,moved that Case No. WZ-96-10, an .application by Dwaine R. Richter'£or approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined final development plan be Approved with the following conditions: Planning Commission Minutes October 3, 1.996- Page 16 1. The traffic light on West 32nd Avenue be installed at the earliest possible date. 2. Enclosed dumpsters be provided for all-buildings. 3. The handicapped parking space for the retail development. (Lot 5) be moved closer to the building. 4. That the opening in the sound barrier wall be closed, and the fire district decide whether"a trap door needs to be installed for access- to the fire hydrant.- 5. Lighting for the canopy signs on the.-west side of the Diamond Shamrock building be turned. off from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. daily. ' 6. That a six-foot-high wood fence be continued from the noise barrier to West 32nd Avenue behind retail building on Lot 5_ 7. Whether or not the berm on Lot 4 is removed will be determined at the time of construction of the duplex by the property owner. At the discretion of the developer, a wall or fence is to be constructed-between the two properties. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Commissioner THOMPSON if she had meant to include the signs on the west and-south sides of the Diamond Shamrock facility in her motion. Commissioner THOMPSON stated it was her understanding it was the lighting of the. signs. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if she wanted to include t_he west side of -the monument signs on West-32nd? Commissioner THOMPSON stated that could be included in the motion regarding signage: Commissioner ECKHARDT agreed. 8. That the developer work with Public Works Department on the creation of a berm that will extend-along West 32nd Avenue west as far as possible to I-70 Service Road to aid in alleviating headlight glare into residential property. Evergreen trees be utilized when possible so-long as the integrity of the sight distance triangle is maintained. Commissioner GRIFFITH seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked what would the second motion cover? Chairperson LANGDON answered the second motion would be regarding the requested sign variances. He summarized the changes made- Commissioner THOMPSON stated personally, she felt_the requested number of signs was too many, however, the developer and City have come to a compromise. Planning Commission Minutes October ~, 1.996 ,_ ~~ Page 17 Commissioner ECKH.ARDT stated he-felt the lighting on the west side of_the monument-signs should be turned of.f at 11:00 p.m. along with the canopy sign. However; if evergreen trees-are -_ planted on the berm, it may not be necessary. Chairperson LANGDON stated_he was"impressed with signage he had seen recently which utilized a more controlled lighting that didn't seem so harsh. He elaborated. He thought this was the type of signage that was planned. Commissioner WILLIAMS agreed. He thought government can be allowed to regulate too much.. Commissioner ECKI-IARDT agreed_with Commissioner WILLIAMS although the people living in the area-have rights as well. If the signs are not invasive,.-leave them on. However, he felt that turning the lights off at 11:00 p.m. would-not be a real problem to the _ developers. Mr. Gidley stated that from a functional-standpoint, the signs proposed are prefabricated boxes and it would be impossible to light just one side.- He thought the evergreen trees. possibly - could be placed_so that they block visibility to the-homes on the corner. _ - Chairperson LANGDON stated he felt thaC the monument signs lighting would not be obtrusive to the adjacent neighborhood. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if she should. make reference to the revised sign plan? Mr. Gidley answered if Commission desired to_amend the development plans relating to the issues of freestanding signs then indicate the motion is directed toward modification to the development plan related to freestanding signs and specifically the following signs. -Then state what you wish to_state. Commissioner THOMPSON-moved Eo approve the modification to the _._ development plan for the 70 West Business Center concerning the freestanding signs as follows: 1. The monument sign for the office showroom will-be_10'-5" high and a maximum sign face of-150 square feet; 2. The existing signs for LaQuinta and Country Cafe . Commissioner ECKHARDT informed Commissioner_THOMPSON that-her motion only need to specify changes to the modified sign plan. Commissioner THOMPSON asked_if Commissioner ECKHARDT_would like to make the motion. Planning Commission Minutes _ Page 18 October 3, 1996 - -- _ - Commissioner-ECKHARDT moved that-the freestanding signs be _ approved as depicted .on the 70-West Business-.Center. Official Development Plan. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Commissioner-ECKHARDT moved to approve the 70 West. Business Center re-subdivision plat with conditions as-stated in the staff _ report. -_ Commissioner THOMPSON seconded-the motion. Motion carried 6-0 2. Case No. WZ-96-8: ACity-initiated large area rezoning from Commercial-One (C-1) to Residential-One C (R-1C-)-. and Residential-Two (R-2). -The rezoning area is generally located on either side of West 29th Avenue, _ between Fenton Street and Sheridan Boulevard. Mr. Gidley presented the staff report. Entered into the record _ --: and accepted by the Chairperson were the_Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, case file, packet materials and Code of_Laws. ___ Commissioner:-THOMPSON noted that 2875_Benton Street and 5560 West _ 29th Avenue had two different .addresses. Mr. Gidley .stated .that City address maps need to be updated.. He explained that when multiple addresses occur on a single lot, because of the small scale used, it was often difficult to_ get .._ all address numbers. on the map. Rod Weuve,-owner_of 2860 Ames._Street,. was sworn.in.. He stated h2 purchased the property as income property. The zoning is presently C-1 and he wishes to retain the C-1_zoning. Mr_ Weuve added that .several of hi s, .renters have had businesses they maintained at that location. -He .felt that if t_he City rezones- his property to residential .zoning, it would decrease the resale value and limit his income. One of Mr. Weuve's letters ,had been. _. included in the .packet and he had a_second letter,-which-he provided. for the record as well. Mr. Gidley asked Mr. Weuve if-the businesses which were operated at his property received a business license from .the-City? Mr. Weuve answered he did not know. Mr. Gidley stated he had investigated the property on several occasions; and-never observed any commercial activity from the street. He added that it was a residential neighborhood and the residents would like to--retain the residential. character. - Encroachment into the neighborhood by commercial activities is- why the rezoning-was undertaken. CERTIFiCA-T ION OF RESOLUTION CITE OF ~r7HEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: WZ-96-10 LOCATION:. 12851 W. 32nd Ave. APPLICANT_(S) NAME :_ Dwaine R. Richter OWNER(S) NAME: Same. REQUEST: Approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined final development plan with sign variances and subdivision plat APPROXIMATE AREA: 10 acres TiPHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted alist lisc_o£_factors to be considered with the above request, and said of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON, seconded by Commissioner GRIFFITH, that Case No. WZ-96-10, an application by Dwaine R. Richter for approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined final development plan for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue be Approved with the following conditions: 1. The traffic light on West 32nd Avenue be installed at the earliest possible date; 2. Enclosed dumpsters be provided for ail buildings; 3. The handicapped parking space for the retail development (Lot 5) be moved closer to the building; 4. That the opening in the sound barrier wall be closed, and the fire district decide whether a trap door needs to be installed fox access to the fire hydrant; S. Lighting for the canopy signs on the west side of the Diamond Shamrock building be turned off from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. daily; 6. That a six-foot-high wood fence be continued from the nots5; barrier to West 32nd Avenue behind retail building on 7. ~Ahether or not the berm on Lot is removed will be determined at the time of, construction of the duplex by the property owner. At the discretion of the developer, a wall or fence is to be constructed between the two properties;- 8. That the developer work with Public Works Department on the creation of a berm that will extend along West 32nd Avenue west as far as possible to I-70 Sezvice Road to aid in alleviating headlight glare into residential property. Evergreen trees be utilized when possible so long as the integrity of the sight distance triangle is maintained. Certificate of Resolution - ___ Page 2 Case No. WZ-96-10/Richter _ VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Williams,. Griffith,-_ Rasplicka Langdon and Thompson N0: None I, Sandia Wiggins, Sec~etazy_to the City_of Wheat Ri_dge_Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the_ foregoing -- Resolution was duly adopted by_a 6 -,0 vote of the members present at. their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the .C3\r~dX1-'day of October, 1996. GeorgejJ.:~:angdon,~haixpexson Sandia Wiggins, S t xy WHEAT RIDGE PLANNI G COMMISST_ON WHEP.T RIDGE-PLANNI OMMISSION b:\wz9610a.res- -__ -- -_ __ CERTIFICATI6N OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE N0: WZ-96-10 .LOCATION: 12851 West 32nd Ave. APPLICANT(S) NAME: Dwaine R.-Richter OWNER(S) NAME: Same. REQUEST: Re--stiibdivisioh plat APPROXIMATE AREA: 10 acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to-be considered with"the-above request, and-said list of factors is-attached here to, and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and. tQHEREA5, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon-the facts presented and conclusions __ reached, it was moved by Commissioner ECKHARDT, seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON,_that Case No. WZ-96-10, an application by Dwaine R. Richr_er for approval of a re~subdivision plat for property located at 12851 west 32nd Avenue be Approved with the following conditions: 1. The title should read "?0".-rather than "Seventy"; 2. Drainage easement locations must be shown; and 3. Minor technicalities ielated to the legal description must be corrected. VOTE:. YES: Eckhardt, Williams, Griffith, Rasplicka, Congdon and Thompson N0: None. I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to_the City of wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 6 - 0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 3rd day of October, 1996.. 'Georg J,iLangdon,~ airperson Sa ra Wiggins, Sec ary S~IHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION- WHEAT RIDGE PLANNI OMMISSION b:\wz961Oc.res' .. CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION._. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE N0: WZ-96-10 LOCATION:. 12$51 west 32nd Ave. APPLICANT(S) NAME: Dwaine R. Richter OWNER(S) NAME: Same. REQUEST: Sign variances APPROXIMATE AREA: 10 acres .- _ WHEREAS, the City of wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be_considered with the above reques~,_ and said list. _ of factors is attached hezeto and incorporated herein by reference, _ and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received.at a,public hearing by the _, Planning Commission and such testimony. provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFOP.E, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved_by_Commissioner ECKHARDT, seconded by Commissioner RASPLICKA, that Case No. WZ-96-10, an application by Dwaine R. Richter for approval of sign variances for freestanding signs on property located at 12851 West 32nd Aver-ue be Approved as depicted on the _70 west_Bus_iness Center Official Development Plan. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, tai'_liams, Griffith, Rasplicka Congdon and Thompson N0: None. I, Sandia ~Aiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by a 5 - 0 vote of the members present a*_ their regular meeting held in the Council. Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 3rd day of October,. 1996. ~. /~ George~J. ,L~angdon, ~ airpersoh Sa ra Wiggins, Secr t y WHEAT RIDGE PL.~NNING COMMISSION - WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING ISSION _ .. b:\wz9610b s es The City of ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION ~lVheat ~Rid~re Department of Planning and Development 6 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303).237-6944 Applicantifl.~TRo1~ta[lm Gn~v~~~LLf~+ddress ~ psi ~OT825-;PS'z~T Phone 3v3-`7l3-GSys~.1 s~.v~zy Yoz3z Owner P7~,a„~E 7z, ~~k..- Address ~ ,3 ~,~ Phone ~qG-7a1S~ ~~u~, cu ~xia2g Location of, request _~}oy~-1,, c,s,~sr C~~, ervF2 0 .T-7~1 n.~.Q ?~a''"Q i~c~=~.,cre Type of action requested (check one or more of the--actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone condition__s ~ Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit Flood plain special exception Conditional use permit interpretation of code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final Solid waste landfill/ ** See attached procedural guide mineral extraction permit for specific requirements. ^ Other Detailed Description of request S~ ~a.~ c ~ 0-,1~ L .tFin.«( -For o, }o mo ~ 2 c - ~ - Q,b vG ( I List. all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee,-etc. _ - NA ADDRESS Q~Gi~ ~Gl/~S/L PRONE G fC ~~~ ~T.LoL~Uh? GCNC'~PTS GGG ~~ F2 r Scaa7 ~3 ~/3,o's~ D[ JJ3/I/£ SIC/-f J2 ~ r 9~0 ~ . G//2A2/~ ~'`aA~ 303 '&4-0~~9 E/.it~E/2~ GO ~C121`F I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent o£ those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners ust-submit po -o ttorney from the owner which approved of this acti on his beha Signature of Applicant ~~ Subscribed and sworn to me this /0/~ day of~rn5!~ 19 q ~ /1./?mot/iv-~ J~3.57J ~ pK. N tary P//ublic SEAL /=!i/G(~W0OO~ ~ M ~~ olrtfmission expires Date Received kteceipr rvo. case rvo. _, - _ P~~t oQ~i-oo~t __ REC(=PT'iON ' NO. F4327 2 ~ . QO e""232 RECORDED 3EFFERSON COUNTY, EOI.ORAD~ 12/OB/~)7 9t28i0 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED December gg~~ 'HIS DEED> Made this 3rd~h day of ?['~+^-'~ 3'- • la-9fr :[weep Dwaine R. Richter u a~~ 'ounty of Arapahoe City of Wheat Ridge of the ` State of Colorado, grantor(s), and chose legal address is '7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, W 80215 of [he County of Jefferson ,State of Colorado, grantee(s): I ~.~/ 4is WITNESSETH, That the grantor(s), For and in consideration ol'the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and OthP.r good and valuable consideration ~~F~~' the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,ha S gmnted,bazgained, sold and conveyed, andby these presents do eg grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the grantee(s), lt5 heirs and assigns forever, all the real property, together with improvements, County of Jefferson ,stain of Colorado, if any, situate, lying and being in [he described as follows: See legal description attached hereto as l~chibit A _ z ~ y 3 CY a lL~ ~J $_ 7 (Consideration less than $500 -- ~ doc~ntary fee required) also known by street and number as: TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and [he reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and ull the estate, right, tide, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor(s), either in law or equity, o$ in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances; heirs and TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described with the appurtenances, unto the grantee(s), its assigns forever The grantor(s), for himsei f his heirs and personal representatives or successors, do covenant and agree that he shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFENDthe above-bazgained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee(s), ].tS heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons claiming the whole or any part thereof, by, throng/h oryr)nder the Sa/~Jto~r~(s). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor(s) hag executed this deed on the Qa e~et forth above. ,/ /i~~//.~~lL _ LiWaine R. Richter STATE OF COLORADO ~ t fl ss. City and conmyof Denver December, 1997 da of - -^'1~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me [his 3rd Y ~'Y~*--- bY Dwaine R. Richter- Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires January 24r ~~001 MADONNA M. WYMAN ~ ~A~Q / NOTARY PUBLIC ~'(~,~~ph,~,, i/YL - STATE OF COLORADO N~,uy °° My CnmmVsslon Expires Jan. 24, 2OOt L •lf in Uenve4 insert "City and.T . NU. 16. R¢Y,~-fis• SYECIA[. WARNANT]' DEED Bmdiv. , Nblieh'mg. Stl'S W. 6,h Ave,l.nAcwuN, CO Nn?li- IIDA'-71~A911U 1 _ __ 7500 W est 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/ 237-6944 a The r~ of Wheat Ridge October 20, 1997 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for royal of a Planned Commercial described below. Your response to the following questions and i ,.,t,er 7 1997 No response from you by this date will constitute Dev I ent final d v looment olan and plat at the property vt-..,c any comments on this proposat wouw uc o fated by A^"~---~ no objections or concems regazding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-97-13/Richter LOCATION: 12851 W. 32nd Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a PCD final development plan and plat. PURPOSE: Construction of a 5800 sq.ft. gas station/restauranUcaz wash. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.29 acres. 1, Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES_ NO_: If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES_ NO__ If "NO", please explain below. 3_ Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES__ 1`10_ If "NO", please explain below. 4, Can and will your agency service tease exo lam bel WPment subject to your rules and regulations? YES_ NO_ If "NO"> P P 5: 'Ate there any concerns or problems you agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Recke Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: J{ Water District (Consolidated Mutual) }{ Sanitaticn District (Northwest Lakewood) X }{ Fire District (Lakewood) X Adjacent City( Jefferson Planning) X 7( Public Service Co. X }{ US West Communications X State Lane Use Commission X State Geological Survey 7~ Colorado Dept. Of Transportation X Colorado Div. Of Wildlife TCI of Colorado Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners Denver Water Board WHEAT RIDGE Post Office WHEAT RIDGE Police Deparlment WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division WHEAT RIDGE Building Division rr "The Carnation Ciry ~ STATE O COLORAD O DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region G Ql 2000 Soulh Holly SUeet Denver, Colorado 80222 ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ r~nn.n.. August 9, 1996 AU~ ~ ~ 0 Y~96 Uity of Wheat Ridge _ 7500 West 29th Avenue ~~~~-u P.o. Box 638 jQLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 80034-0638. Attn: Meridith Reckert RE: WZ-96-10/70 WEST-BUSINESS CENTER, I=70/32ND AVENUE The Colorado Department of Transportation has reviewed the proposed West Business Center and we have the following commen sc 1. The access, as _shown, requirements and cannot .access locations is too locations is excessive. does not conform to access code be granted. The spacing between close and the number of access __ If you have any questions,- please contact-Gary Prentiss or Rudy Blea at 757-9886. Sincer~ ,o/~~~ Gary E. Pret~tiss~ R-6 Access/Utility Administrator GEY/gt cc: L. Warner L. Lipp K. Harding ref file I-70 rf Q T August 14, 1996 TO: ~~ry Wardle FROM: 1"-Meredith Reckert Rg: Case No. WZ-96-10 • The City has received a request for approval of PCD final development plan and plat for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue. Pursuant to Case No. WZ-96-3, the City rezoned property directly to the east from A-1 to PCD to facilitate the relocation of Youngfield Service. Road (now known as I-70 Service Road West)- Part of the discussion regarding the-road relocation and rezoning was that an existing bikeway adjacent to the old service from West 32nd Avenue north to Clear Creek was being displaced. The developer who acquired the old right-of=way was directed to participate in the reconstruction of this bikeway. Upon recommendation of staff, the developer's agent has made a proposal to the Colorado Department of Highways for reconstruction of the bikeway on the adjacent I-70 right-of-way. CDOT responded favorably and indicated that a permit will be required for the entity that will be doing the bikeway construction. Please refer this issue. to the Parks and Recreation Commission in regard to location .f or the path and who should be responsible for the cost of construction. Planning Commission will review this case at a public hearing held on August 15, 1996. A City Council public hearing date has not yet been established. ,i~ Director aF Public Works City Of Wheat Ridge 7500 West ?.9th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 E DWATNE R. RICHTER 6565 SOUTH SYRACUSE WAY X1202 ENGLEWOOD, C,OTARADO 80111 TEi,FpHONE ~U7-694-7215 Via FRX & Matl ~~~~~/ ~r~-~ Fax # 2~5-2857 ~ q Ro~9rt,-aaeb~T- i August 9,1996 Re: 70 West Dusinos~ Center. Sike Path Dear Bob: Itt a recant meeting with Meredith Reckert regarding the subject 70 West Business L'enter, we discussed the poss.ibilty of a bike path on or near the subject property. Since we do not have the space foY thfl right of way on my property, we discussed the possiblity of of using the adjacent CDOT right of Way for Y.hn path. Meredith asked us to make the contact wlth Cn0'C. As a result, Ron Hoisington contacted Rudy R7.ea anct discue~acl this idfla with him for a path on the immediate east. edgc of 7n West Business Center. Mr. Blea indicated to Ron that the CDOT does allow such uses on its R-O-W and that a permit must be applied for by the entity that will construct thca bike path. We have gone as far as we can with this mattez. I am Forwarding the .. copy of the application for permit that Mr. Blea rsent to Ron ~o that the City can proceed with this mattez as quickly as passible. Vary truly yours, Dwaine R. Richter - / cc: Meredith Rackarty Ron Itoisinyton ~! Fnx fnrn ?0~7579904a Nulal VI IHIIIu Daet/ i/ttiv. o nW;..< <:;~ iii<:Y tl(s) ~,1•t(06 r• NI)/N'/!'1(, 1.4:14 YH: '!. Tfl FIO. Avg 1 •4ti p.dd tJ~.i)Oz V.O: rAT~ OF CC~'LC)R/'~DC~ ICIYATf9r1 or IGTIQY •I4l!Ul11.tT.-S~lL:A+riLM fM LrvtYeL~IY[ 1FIYlT taY Jtth~itM'..atrl.Y t 11{Ian~YialYr•~IM~tY.Mt1WO~ hitl0n Or6f LF GLarNOtrtMntt.1 iYMNfHrIY~IYn ~ht •al• tt 1tt,~OMwrn W ~{Wlli: IMtuGMChI f1l ldYl+tl'~tYt tvl A YrV' +rtW tt Yn! f I f ~t tht~e s of ry[Mtcr fpMon~ 1. A Itti/1 M rrgwu, vrl atn In IMaianY l/ptMeM 1/ rvtUWd. [. TArta aoa(w tl tM Dlrn W prelltt NaIN di/1Mlut MM tI f(Iht •af•wY fiMa, b) tOtiltY fold If ef1Y /trove. and t7 adlt t( MVa4^t• 3. that tepl tf tf~. ••+utrueelm tfuHe tantrol DlYM m.t tmWw. ee e~+My1,~,gp t Y ' 1 u+t f~,r® T'uff° t. G tANDOfbtton.f baton Yla/1•M rddlt~wflClnvrMllq IM fNall'wr7M plIl1IDm/•"n'•+t Ms OaDIrlMnt rl a. ItYdard YarWn•t eMrwulan ud Nployar+t 411bllle ~4Npr(/f4fat of acew/t1•xl•t (Iltul, tw~trlM dl ttpley/// tNM/d York rt tha da, 1n Mt uatwt rMplrM by Sb/t, to tutu, b. CmpnhanFlw Gtnaral /lbl It LIIbillty and NrOptfty OrNIt Inwlrctt tMily t^luh'.••••.•••••••.IdbD.0001ach huurrraa rrtpew d«•alt...•........MD0.000 /ICh ttrvrraMa ~ c. CtnOrMtMtw wte tlWltitY MIN IfaptrlY OYNI INVraNt+ ItdllY fnlury.. •...........HS0,006 txh utewHM1 rrornrty I.w .............f000.WD a1sY dtlyrclrM NltYY1D1 TN[ itnGGVINO 1u(IINAi1tW AYO 1µ1L Tat CpVGItu iRN MIDI't1U4 a00[UKir{t7n/•riCk. sst0 u1l,tiuxnc nncl, orY5+1, ca. eo1:G. 1},y • • ~ '• ld •,,,,rrP ANgllNnt t{e atMr Na^ ptrnllga)i manta F.roerr[Y-sr Ytllln - _ _ _ NMNI -_ ~ _-- Addlri[<~-- At~M1N1~~~~ r~r"----.~.~-....~_ ......r ~~ - ,~ Allwtlam~---- _ -- -- YtltphtNi lalald'a11:,,,,.__ ~, IMtatlltll^ AQultant/Nl0(It1p0 .,. [tNwl _ NAIMWKI Of WR{nr fatff ily tyrD61t1 st...)1. ~~..•~~ IU)II ITT <IYWr IIN, flat d tN^Mttunl, Oetl(n Prtl/W 1 ar D°tantfYl, t ~-T- ~ 7rwwna (crNYIrCI ,,, Iwltd tA1W( 01 IY/ihGUtlWt _ G1Mltldtf~l <plrllllU , ~trl/l/Iroul(•r+IntM AttaMld a bf W+•Y aeruetuft rutMr.•--._.--'~~"' GDVAtl/Y ftlta NW MD. ~...- G/ViSV Nfby/Ud of Intanrttln6 lutadal <G{M strNt nY•..)t...--~'--'~'~•~- Adatllawl fAN rku _~._.. ...._--"_~~...... .... ..__ -.----`J~--•._.. 10f utOKlrwd Ivan{n:. lnfar•x.t(a+C 'tdtl-~"„~..~~u. ---•~- .^,°'~.T~~~•~_-..- ~-~ _"_~ __ Lr1 gtI0M1_~._~..-."..r.r.~ .~..~ /laMl Atltcn Yr MrY rtittD MaY11.0 haq:rtlpl, a^.vrY.ttf, i)IHNInn/ and dal.lla /f the Y avllt V/ t\ ba Wnt,rrntlltN«YncYMltimra/~th{I ~yyCmpllN~• Ylth th/ DIW Yf tt.tpn, at Ifp' ' ~ YO1YtIlitY~4iD N"IOAG -..--~r.~~-- __ _ _ __ MEMORANDUM F WHEAT O ,p m Approved _ - D C~LORA~~ - --. TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review DATE: October 29, 1997 SUBJ: Applewood Breakplace, 12851 West 32°a Avenue, WZ-97-13/Richter The Public Works Department has reviewed the-Planning Department referral dated October 20, 1997 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. A final drainage report summary letter has been submitted for- review and approval which references the original drainage report for the I-70 West Business Center approved by the City in 1984. 2. We will need engineered construction plans for those proposed public improvements on north frontage of West 32"d Avenue. In conjunction with these improvements; CDOT requirements will need to be met for those public improvements proposed on the I-70 West Service Road frontage 3. We will need a completed Dumping/Landfill Permit In conjunction with the requirements of this permit, an erosion control plan may need to be submitted for review and approval. 4. An acceptable form of guarantee (letter of credit, escrow or -- cashiers check) will need to be submitted for the-value of (as determined by the cost estimate prepared by the project's consultant engineer) those public improvements required to be constructed per-item 2 above (West 32°d Avenue only). 5. The proposed Applewood_Breakplace subdivision plat has been forwarded to John McGuire for review. Subsequent comments will be forwarded in writing to Galloway, Romero & Associates. 6. The traffic impact study has been received, and is currently being reviewed by Steve Nguyen, P.E. Subsequent comments from this review will be forwarded in writing.to Kraeger and Associates. Z 7. 'F'he traffic impact study indicates that the south to be designed as a right-in/right-o'ut access. The traffic drawings will need to reflect this signage regulate this movement,. cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File access is engineered to 4 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/ 237-6944 October 20, ] 997 rt ~ n OCT 2 ~ 1997 The ~f Wheat Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request foreoval of a Planned Commercial Development final develonmentplan and plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by November 7. 1997. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concems regazding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-97-13/Richter LOCATION: 1285 t W. 32nd Avenue Y REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a PCD final development plan and plat. ~ i 1 'Yl1^ "Vµr1CHf1=M1UU 231-A85-9656 PURPOSE: Construction of a 5800 sq.ft. gas station/restaurandcarwrih. _ tl APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.29 acres. ~ ~ (' ~ d 1. Are publicjfacilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? C ~ ~ ~ i~~7 YES_/ NO_ If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO_ If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you hgve adequate capacities to service the development? YES_ NO_ If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and wilt your agency_service this proposed development subject to your roles and regulations? YES_/ NOi If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concems or problems you agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert ~„ Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Consolidated Mutual) X Sanitation District (Northwest Lakewood) X Fire District (Lakewood) X X Adjacent City( Jefferson Planning) X Public Service Co. X X US West Communications X State Lane Use Commission X State Geological Survey X X Colorado Dept. Of Transportation _ Colorado Div. Of Wildlife X TCI of Colorado 7effco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners Denver Water Board WHEAT RIDGE Post Office WHEAT RIDGE Police Deparhnetit WI-TEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Pazk & Rec Commission WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division WHEAT RIDGE Building Division "The Carnation City" • MEMORANDUM TO Meredith Reckert Planning and Development FROM Deri Patt Police Department SUBJECT Case No: WZ-97-13/Richter 12851 W. 32 Avenue DATE November 3, 1997 I have reviewed the plans for the above listed site. I have the following recommendations: LANDSCAPE: 1. All mature trees to be trimmed of branches up 6'-8' from the ground to allow for natural visual observation from surrounding areas to the parking lots and buildings. 2. All shrubs and bushes mature height to not exceed 36". This height reduces the risk of persons hiding. It also allows for natural visual observation onto the property both for the parking lot and buildings. 3. Plants/landscape immediately next to the store, car wash and trash enclosure should be low- growing ground cover, not to exceed 18" mature height to allow for maximum natural visual observation and eliminate concealment for potential offenders. 4. There should be minimal plant landscaping immediately next to parking areas and sidewalks. Landscaping near vehicles and pedestrian areas often raise the perception of crime. 5. Ground cover should not include rock material. Rocks can be used to break glass in buildings, signs and cars. BUILDINGS: 1. The building and trash enclosure walls should be finished with an anti-graffiti paint or sealant. 2. From the site plan, it is not possible to review the interior layout of the store for any crime prevention recommendations. 3. The car wash is located behind the building, out of sight of most of the normal activity of the station. This presents a layout that may be conducive to criminal activity. The potential for criminal activity may be reduced if the car wash is moved to a place on the site that will provide more visual observation by the users and staff of the business. SITE: 1. The trash enclosure is set off from the normal use of business. This layout can be dangerous to employees if used at night. There is no direct line of sight from the store or gas pumps to the trash that may discourage a potential offender from concealment. 2. During construction, the property should be clearly posted with "No Trespassing" signs. This may help deter trespasses, and allow the Police Department to cite offenders with the crime along with any others offenses, such as graffiti, thefts, etc., that may be committed by trespassers. LIGHTING: 1. Exterior lighting around the convenience store, car wash, trash enclosure and in parking lots should be a minimum of 1.5 candle minimum maintained. This will provide for lighted areas that discourages criminal activity due to the illusion/perception of observation and recognition. 2. The illustration of the north side of the building does not indicate an exterior light over the door. There should be a light that meets the same standards as other exterior lighting. From these plans, I have no further recommendations at this time. Revisions in the plans, may alter my recommendations. While my recommendations do not guarantee acrime-free environment, it has been experienced that application of the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) will reduce the opportunity for crime to occur and will enhance the quality of life. Thank you. Deri ONSOLIDATED mutual water _,~~ October 27, 1997 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Department of Planning and Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 u u~~i~G~`t1~, GAT ~ ~ h:Q7 Re: City of Wheat Ridge Case Number WZ-97-13/Richter, approval. of a PCD final development plan and plat fox the property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue Dear Meredith: This will. acknowledge receipt of-your correspondence dated October 20, 1997 regarding the above referenced property. Please be advised that the above referenced. property is in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company. Water service may be provided to .this property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service= The Company's rules, regulations and requirements further require that each separate structure be served by a separa=e eaP oust also~frontla order to receive domestic water service, the p op rty Company main. Fire Protection requirements should be obtained from West Metro Eire Rescue and those requirements forwarded to our office at the earliest possible time. We can then determine if additional system improvements would be required to meet the demands set forth by the Fire District. If you should have any questions or comments .regarding this. correspondence, please contact this office. _ _- Sincerely, ichael E. Queen Rater Distribution Manager - /ds cc: Fire Marshall Mike Zarlengo, West Metro Fire Rescue ... Walter Welton, PLS/PE, CMWCo President Robert J. Rivera, CMWCo Assistant Secretary/Treasurer and Project Engineer ,-. F,_,~ ~r ~r^1 r1 ~~k Deborah Farre~ CQ1~75~Lif3e~'EII'1'C11~rUA~VPATEICCi111'fl?ANX 12700 Wes[ 27th Avenue • P.O: Box 150068 • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 - Telephone 238-0451 • Fax 237-5560 - ...__.._.._. __......... West Metro Fire Protection District 777 S. Watlswotlh Boulevard Builtling 4, Suite 220 lakewootl, CO 60226-4337 Bus: (303) 969-4307 Fax: (303) 989-6725 October 2$, 1997 Ms. Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: WZ-97-13/Richter,12851 West 32nd) Dear iti!`iere~'iit1~: ~(e E E" ~d 1.~S,7 - ~ -: The West Pvletro Fire District requests that no permits be issued for this site until the approved water distribution system has been installed, and all emergency access roads have been paved. Thus also includes the installation of fire hydrants. Respectfully, ~~ ~~~~~ Michael Zarlengo, Assistant Chief Fire Marshal MZ/pt "YVkateverlt Takes"...To Serve ® Public Service® November 4, 1997 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Meredith Reckert Uu~~ ~'d~LiC_~i P~f1Y 0 7 199 Re: Richter, 12851 W. 32"tl Ave., Case # WZ-97-13 Public Service Company of Colorado 55015th Street, Sui[e 700 Denver, CO 81YL02-4256 FAX (303) 571-7877 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the development plans Richter, 12851 W. 32ntl Ave.. To ensure that adequate utility easements are available within this development, PSCo requests that the following language, or plat note, be placed on the preliminary and final plats for the subdivision: Ten-foot (10) wide utility easements are hereby granted on privafe property adjacent fo al! public streets, and around the perimeter of each lot in the subdivision or platted area. These easements are dedicated for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, gas, television cable, and telecommunications facilities. Utilities shall also be permitted within any access easements and privafe streets in the subdivision. Permanent structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said utility easements. PSCo also requests that these utility easements be depicted graphically on the preliminary and final plats. While these easements should accommodate the majority of utilities to be installed in the subdivision, some additional easements may be required as planning and building progresses. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center, at 1-800-922-1987, to have all utilities located prior to construction. If PSCo has existing gas or electric distribution facilities in this area, the developer should contact PSCo's Engineering Department at (303)425-3887 regarding the use or relocation of these facilities. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at 571-7735. Thank You, Teresa Wilson Right-of-Way Processor NM D:Commercialll nd ustrial r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT r TO: City CouaC~l DATE OF MEETING: October 28, 1996 DATE PREPARED: October 22, 1996 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-96-10 CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD final development plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 12851 West 32nd Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Dwaine Richter, 6565 S Syracuse Way, Englewood 80111 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same and Virginia Richter, 77665 W 39th Place, Wheat Ridge APPROXIMATE AREA 10 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development PRESENT LAND USE: Restaurant, hotel, vacan4 SURROUNDING ZONING: N. S. W: Jefferson County; E: A-1 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: low density residential, vacant; S: church low density;_ E: I-70; W: low density residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Commercial Activity Center DATE PUBLISHED: October 10, 1996 '^^ DATE POSTED; October 14, 1996 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX) ATTACHED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: (XX) ATTACHED ENTER INTO RECORD: ( XX) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ( XX) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( )OTHER ()NOT REQUTAED ()NONE { XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( )SLIDES ( XX) EXHIBITS ' JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have. been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. .. Page 2 Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-10 1. REQUEST -• -- ,, _ _, .,.: F The applicant requests approval of a combined final development plan and plat. The property is known as the 70 West Business Center and has a restaurant and hotel on it which were approved in 1984. Attached is a reduced copy of the original outline development plan. A parcel of land directly to the east was rezoned pursuant to Case No. WZ-96-3 as part of the negotiations to relocate the frontage road. The road has been completed and this parcel has been incorporated into the request. Since this case is not a rezoning a neighborhood meeting is not required. However, the developer has held an "open house" at the LaQuinta and has invited the neighboring property owners to review the proposal and ask questions. 11. REFERRALS Wheat Ridge Public Works has reviewed and approved a conceptual drainage plan and is in the process of reviewing the final plan. They have reviewed a traffic study which determined required public improvements and curb cut locations. Depending on traffic warrants, a signal at Zinnia may be required. All major concerns have been addressed. West Metro Fire District is working with the developer to resolve fire access issues. Hydrant installation will be required as shown on the utility plan. Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed this submittal in regard to relocation of the ten-foot-wide bike path and who should be responsible for construction of the path. Consolidated Mutual Water Distrito will require a partial water line relocation. Jefferson County has commented regarding the traffic impact and design issues. They have been working with our Public Works Department in regard to public improvements. 111. DEVELOPMENT PLAN v A. Land Uses The development plan proposes two different scenarios both of which include a 1700 square foot gas station (convenience store with car wash and 4400 square foot fast food restaurant along West 32nd Avenue. They also both show a 925 square foot retail(service facility on Lot 5 and a 28,000 square foot office showroom facility on Lot 6. The developer has proposed the two development alternatives to remain flexible in regard to the development market. Alternative A provides fora 10,975 square foot "sit-down" restaurant. Alternate B allows for 19,200 square foot of retail in two structures. There are no changes to Lot 4 which is designated as a duplex. Staff concludes that all proposed uses shown on both atematives are permitted Pursuant to the approved Outline peveopment Plan. B. Site Building Layout & Design ~_~ Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-10 Page 3 Generally, the overall site layout including building locations, setbacks, parking, landscape coverage, access, building materials and design are acceptable. All buildings will either use brick which matches the new brick wall along the west side, or will use materials, color and accents which match or blend wRh the west brick wall. A landscaped berm with ten foot and six toot wall and fence surrounds the site along the west side, providing a buffer to the residential uses to the west. A short landscaped berm and elevation differential of four feet is shown along West 32nd Avenue. The berm has been extended further west to provide more visual buffer to residents to the south. The landscape plan for this area should be revised to increase the intensity of mid-height shrubs and trees to provide greater, year-round visual buffering. O. Signage Signage includes wall signs on buildings and freestanding signs. Generally, all signs conform to the City's sign code or were already approved pursuant to the 1984 prior approved plan, and subsequent court settlement between Mr. Richter and the City. Staff is pleased by the cooperation of the applicant regarding Signage, however we do recommend the following revisions and~or requirements. 1. Regarding the two 50-foot-high signs, Staff recommends a V-shaped sign design with the two illuminated sign panels oriented toward I-70. This design should mitigate visibility of these tall signs from the western neighborhood, especially at night when they are illuminated. 2. Regarding the Diamond Shamrock canopy signs, staff recommends that the sign upon the west elevation NOT be illuminated, so as not to disturb residents to the west and south. N. SUBDNISION PLAT _; Currently, the property exists as seven separate parcels measuring cumulative as 9.9 acres. The proposed subdivision will replat Lots ff2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. Minor changes are proposed for Lot 1 {LaQuinta parcel). Lot 5 (single-family residence already built) and Lot 4 (vacant, duplex lot) remain the same. gas station a~ong West 32nd Aveanueaand the retailor sit down restau ant shown on developmentt and alternatives A & B. Tracts "C" and "D" are a part of Lots 5 and 6, respectively. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. y, PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION. Planning Commission reviewed this request at public hearings held on August 15 and October 3, 1996. At the October 3rd meeting a recommendation of Approval was given with the following conditions: 1, The traffic light on West 32nd Avenue be installed at the earliest possible date; 2. Enclosed dumpsters be provided for all buildings; 3, The handicapped parking space for the retail development (Lot 5) be moved closer to the building; 4. That 4he opening in the sound barrier wall be closed, and the fire district decide whether a rap door needs to be installed for access to the fire hydrant; Page 4 Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-10 5. Lighting for the canopy signs on the west side of the Diamond Shamrock building be turned off from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. daily; g, That asix-foot-high wood fence be continued from the noise barrier to West 32nd Avenue behind retail building on Lot 5; 7, Whether or not the berm on Lot 4 is removed will be determined at the time of construction of the duplex by the property owner. At the discretion of the developer, a wall or fence is to be constructed between the two properties; g, That the developer work with Public Works Department on the creation of a berm that will extend along West 32nd Avenue west as far as possible to I-70 Service Road to aid in alleviating headlight glare into residential property. Evergreen trees be utilized when possible so tong as the integrity of the sight distance triangle is maintained. In regard to the conditions of Approval, the following has been done: y. The City's Public Works Department has budgeted the installation of the traffic signa! in their 1997 capitol improvements budget. 2. Enclosed dumpsters have been provided for all buildings except for the small building on Lot 5 which will have garbage cans. 3_ The handicapped space on Lot 5 has been moved closest to the building. 4, The opening in the fence along the western property line is shown as being closed with fire department access only. 5. On sheet 70, the western canopy sign is shown as being unlighted from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (Staff recommends this sign not be illuminated.) 6. The applicant has added asix-foot-sign on Lot 5 extending south towards West 32nd Avenue. 7, The applicant has opted not to include a note regarding removal of the berm and relocation of the fence once the duplex has been built on Lot 4. 8. Regarding extending the berm along West 32nd Avenue, pursuant to Sheets 6 and 7, the applicant has extended the berm to the west along West 32nd Avenue but has not added coniferous plant material to help block added glare. (Staff recommends that Council provide staff with authority to require more and different landscaping at the building permft stage in order to meet this objective.) VL CONCLUSION _ _ _ , _ Development Plan Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan have been met and that the proposal, in general, is consistent with the underlying outline development plan and G1 zoning regulations. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given, with the following conditions: 1. Regardinq landscape buffering sloop West 32nd Avenue: J _ Staff recommends that Council require a detailed landscape plan for the area to be approved by staff with the first building permi4 requested. The intent is to provide for ayear-round visual buffer and pleasant landscape feature which mitigates vehicle headlights from shining into residential properties to the southeast, and which: screens visibility of the Diamond Shamrock monument sign from the same residences. 2. Regardinq signage: ,_ Planning Division Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-96-10 a. 50-foot-high signs are to be designed with V-shaped panels so as to mitigate visual impacts to residences to the west. b. The Diamond Shamrock canopy sign, west elevation, shall not be illuminated. Subdivision Plat Staff concludes that a subdivision replat is required to accommodate the new development. Staff further concludes that alt requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. For this reason, a recommendation of Approval is given. Vll. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Development Plan _ __ :___ _ _ __, OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-10, a request for approval of a PCD final development plan for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: i. All requirements for a final development plan have been met; and 2. The proposal is consistent with the underlying outline development plan and C-1 zoning regulations. With the following conditions: 1. Regarding tandscaae buffering sloop West 32nd Avenue: Staff recommends that Council require a detailed landscape plan for the area to be approved by staff with the first building permit requested. The intent is to provide for ayear-round visual buffer and pleasant landscape feature which mitigates vehicle headlights from shining into residential properties to the southeast, and which screens visibility of 4he Diamond Shamrock monument sign from the same residences. 2 Regarding sianage: a. 50-foot-high signs are to be designed with V-shaped panels so as to mitigate visual impacts to residences to the west. b. The Diamond Shamrock canopy sign, west elevation, shall not be illuminated. OPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-96-10, a request for approval of a PCD final development plan for property located at,1285'I West 32nd Avenue, be Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. ". Subdivision Plat Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-96-10 Page 6 OPTION A: "I nrove that Case No. WZ-96-10, a request for approval of a subdivision replat for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. A subdivision replat is required to accommodate the new development; and 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. b:\ccwz9610.sr DWAINE R. RICHTEi: 6930 East Girard ~,k205 Denver, Colorado 80224 TELEPHONE 303-584-0669 FAX 303-584-0669 Via Telefax 303-235-2857 And First Class Mail October 25,1997 Ms. Merideth Reckert Planner City of Wheat Ridge P.O. Box 638 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Re: Electric Power_Poles N. Side of 32nd Ave 70 West Business Center Dear Merideth, ~ ~ t 1 5~ ~ ~e i ' ~ 7"!'"'~ ~ i{ This letter will confirm our previous conversations regarding the subject matter wherein you stated the need to underground electric power at our development. We met this requirement in 1984 when the La Quinta Motel and Country Cafe were.. built. Public service installed underground utilities in the north/south berm along'the.west side of the property all in conformance with Wheat Ridge specifications. There was no requirement then to underg~'ound avenue. Presumably this was because the :cole_ right of way. _ the poles on 32nd ~ were in the public In the stipulation for settlement November 21, 1995 with the City of Wheat Ridge I agreed to take the abandoned the ~ae S~adein ;7e exchange for the R-O-W to be given to 1 did not want the. land with the poles on the property, however, I did accept the trade at the time. In my wildest imagination I never thought that you would put an addirional burden on that strip by requiring undergounding of the power lines. This is anything but a reasonable exchange! I feel that it is quite unfair for the~City to make this trade and then after the deal is done to~requitie erttowhenetheothe these.poles because they will be on my p1=.~p Y _ _. exchange is consumated. '. TAI .g . ., .:...,• ..y F iI4 We sincerely hope that you will agree with the above position so the exchange of deeds can go forward quickly. L"(U~ y ~C Dwaine R. Richter cc: Diane Davies Robert Kessler David Geist Bill Ferguson 5. Where the lots are more than on r. acre in area and public sani- tary sewers.are not accessible, individual dispooal systems conctrueted in accordance with State requirements may be permitted as a temporary method of sewage disposal. When public sewers are available, every lot .` served by the temporary means herein setforth shall connect to the available public sewer and pay the costs therefor. 6. In the event oversized utilities are required, arrangements for reimbursement shall be made whereby the subdivider shall be allowed to recover the cost of the utilities that have been provided by him beyond the needs ^f his development. The method and time of payment under the reimbursement shall be established in accordance with City of Wheat Ridge current policies relating to the emplacement of such oversized utilities. C. Other Improvements. _ 1. Telephone lines and electric lines and other like utility ser- vices shall ba placed underground unless not feasible. The subdivider shall be,responsible for complying with the requirements of this section and he shall make the necessary arrangements including any construction or installation charges with each of the serving utilities for the in- stallation of such facilities and shall be subject to all applicable laws and regulations for the construction of the same. Transformers, switching boxes, terminal boxes, meter cabinet's, pedestals, ducts and other facilities necessarily appurtenant to such underground utilities may be placed above ground; electric transmission and distribution feeder lines and communication long distance trunk and feeder linos and necessary appurtenances thereto may be placed above ground. Such facil- ities shall be placed within easements or public rights-of-way provided far particular facilities. The provisions of this section shall not apply to existing facilities or subdivisions platted prior to the adop- tion of these regulations. 2. Ather improvements not specifically mentioned herein but found necessary due to conditions found on the site by the Director of Public Works shall be required. D. "As Duilt" Plan:,. Finished plans of all aublic improvements as installed shall be re- quired before the City will accept the improvements. The working plans _ Z2 ~_ ,t ~c~ty o~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ] WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 303 234-5900 ~, ~ Vheat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge October 30, 1997 TO: Lowell Bender FROM: Meredith Reckert Rg; Wheat Ridge Case No. WZ-97-13 The following is the list of area residents notified of the last City Council public heazing for the Richter property either as adjacent property owners or as interested parties in the neighborhood. I have not reverified current ownership. If you decided to do a mailing, please copy me for my files. In the meantime, I will be reviewing the submittal and forwarding comments to you. Steve Barnhill 13149 West 33rd Avenue Golden, CO 80401 Sam Barnhill, Trustee 14050 Crabapple Place Golden, CO 80401 Emily J. Bennett 13206 West 33rd Place Golden, CO 80401 Clazk and Linda Brown 3278 Zinnia Court Golden, CO 80401 Brad and Karen Brauer 3238 Zinnia Court Golden, CO 80401 Country Cafe 3292 Youngfield Service Road Golden, CO 80401 Mike and Shirley Coen 13146 West 33rd Avenue Golden, CO 80401 ~, RECYCLED PAPER Cornerstone Christian Fellowship 12930 West 32nd Avenue Golden, CO 80401 Susan Keeney 171 South. Kilmer Road Golden, CO 80401 La Quinta 3301 Youn~eld Service Road Golden, CO 80401 E.H. and Connie Mauldin 3195 Zinnia Court Golden, CO 80401 Linda Nelson 13167 West 33rd Avenue Golden, CO. 80401 Iris Noble 13177 West 33rd Avenue Golden, CO 80401 Resident 3320 Alkire court Golden, CO 80401 Resident 3340 Alkire Court Golden, CO 80401_ Resident 3380 Alkire Golden, CO 80401 Resident 13080 West 32nd Avenue Golden, CO 80401 Steven and Gayle Rice 13167 West 33rd Avenue Golden, CO 80401 .' , Dwaine Richter 6565 South Syracuse Way, #1202 Englewood, CO 80111 Norm Ross 3145 Zinnia Street Golden, CO 80401 Patricia Rubano 13050 West 32nd Avenue Golden, CO 80401 Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Salter 3475 Youngfield Service Road Golden, CO 80401 Darrel and Alda Schnase 13187 West 33rd Avenue Golden, CO 80401 Bill and Jeanette Smitham 3248 Zinnia Court Golden, CO 80401 Michael and Erika Smitham 3268 Zinnia Court Golden, CO 80401 W H E A T 9 5 9 0 W E S T 2 9TH A V E N U E F A C S I M I E ~1HEq T ~\% R I D G E fTi WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 FAX# (303) 235-2857 From: /L1r%'39~7~zT1-~ _ _. Date: ~~ ' 30 - ~ ~ ~. _ .. ..., No. of Pages J - _. (not including cover sheet) Comments: PLANNING AND ZONING - PARKS AND RECREATION PUBLIC WORKS -_ -- ,.. ,.. -_,_° _ -' „~ , - ~U3 235-2$G1 (303)23-286 (303)235-2877 ~ - ~ ) •, y HP OfficeJet Personal PrinterlFaxlCopier Fax Log Report for DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 Oct-30-97 12:18 PM Idenii~catian Result- pries ~ ~ .Time ura . - -- D hon Di astic 97703636 OK 04 Sent Oct-30 12:16P 00:01:09 002486030022 ~.ao • City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6773 (303) 234-5900 Wheat City Admin. Fax q 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax ~ 235-2949 GRidge November 3, 1997 Nanette Neelan Traffic/Transportation Engineer Dept. Of Highways and Transportation 100 Jefferson County Parkway Suite 3500 Golden, Colorado 80419-3500 RE: Wheat Ridge Case No. WZ-97-13/12851 W. 32nd Avenue Dear Nanette: Attached please find a copy of the traffic impact report prepared by Krager and Associates, Inc-, as well as a final development plan and plat for a proposed development within the City of Wheat Ridge at 12851 W. 32nd Avenue. Please review and return comments to me at your earliest convenience. A referral was sent to Jefferson County Planning under sepazate cover. If you have any questions, or need anything else, do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Senior Planner cc: WZ-97-13 file ~~ REC~GLED PAPER City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~Wh e at WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 (303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge November 4, 1997 Lowell I. Bender Galloway, Romero and Associates 5350 DTC Pazkw ay Englewood, CO 80111 Dear Lowell: I have reviewed your submittal for a Planned Commercial Development fmal development plan and plat for property known as Lot 3, 70 Business Center Filing 2 and have determined that the following must be added to the document or addressed otherwise. SUBDIVISION PLAT r-- 1. Case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-74-18, WZ-76-20, WZ- 78-14, WZ-78-20, WZ-84-10, WZ-88-9, WZ-92-11, WZ-96-3, WZ-96-10, WZ- 97-13 - 2. Zoning on and adjacent to the site - 3. Signature line for the surveyor --- 4. Signature block with notarial attestation for any mortgage holders ---3. Signature block with notazial attestation for the Colorado Department of Highways as they are still owners of record ____ 6. Are there any irrigation ditches crossing property? If so, their easements must be shown. - 7. Show the physical location of the Country Cafe -S. Note regarding blanket cross access easement with appropriate language t< ° 9. Drainage easement locations with appropriate language - 10. Any existing easements being vacated should be noted as being "hereby vacated" .~11. The word "community" should be removed from the signature block for the Director of Planning and Development. ~. ~' 12. Property address - 3210 I-70 Service Road West ~-13. In the third line of the document title, Wheat Ridge should be spelled correctly. 14. Additional right-of--way will probably be required to be dedicated for West 32nd _ Avenue. This will be determined based on the traffic impact report. Those c-. CJ RECYCLED PAPER specific comments will be forwarded to Kathleen Krager. 15. A 30-foot wide cross- access straddling the proposed common property line between lots 2 and 3. "~ 16. The following note: "Should future replatting of Lots 2 and 3 occur, the City reserves the right to reassess property access." FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1. The property owner has indicated that there was a 50' high center i.d. sign not shown. This sign needs to be shown on the site plan and included on sheet 1 with the other sign elevations and in the sign table. 2. Where is the center I.D. sign to be located? Please note that both 50' high signs are required to have 30' setbacks from property line. If these setbacks cannot be met, setback variances will be required. 3. Based on building size and formulas given in the sign code, both the monument and highway-oriented signs aze too large and will require size variances. Please consider reducing the azea of these signs. 4. Please clazify the site data information. 5. Pursuant to Section 5.(C)(1) of our Subdivision Regulations, existing utility lines and facilities do not have to be buried. 6. Please give the owners' names, addresses and phone numbers under the signature block on page 1. 7. Please correct the spelling of "Alkire" in the vicinity map 8. Adjacent property owners with map identification can be removed from the front sheet 9. The title of the document should read as follows: "Applewood Breakplace Planned Commercial Development A Preliminary and Final Development Plan for Lot 3 of 70 West Business Center Subdivision, Filing 2 An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" 10. The following note on sheet 1 next to the site lighting detail: "All site lighting shall be in accordance with Chapter 26-30(S) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws". 11. Zoning on-site should be designated as PCD (Planned Commercial Development) 12. We would encourage deletion of the parking spaces on the north side of the convenience store as it will require cars to back out into the internal access for the lots to the north. 13. On sheet 2, the convenience store square footage is inconsistent with the figures given on the sheet 1. Please make these figures consistent. 14. On sheet 3, references are given for Elizabeth Street and I-25. Please revise this chart to properly reflect the property location. 15. On sheet 1, the parking requirements shown should be for the entire, main structure (3648 sq. ft.) or 19. 16. The street running along the western frontage of the lot should be labeled I-70 Service Road West, not I-70 West Service Road. 17. The curb cut to from the service road (not the joint cut farther north) will be limited to right-ins only and should be designated as such. 18. On the site plan canopy fascia signs are shown on the north, east and west, however, the elevations show canopy signs on the south and east. Which is correct? 19. Why are wall signs required on the north sides of the canopy and carwash? 20. A signature block with notazial attestation for the Colorado Department of Highways as they are still owners of record. Other items of concern expressed at previous public hearings regarding the property which may come up again are the lighting of signage on the west and south sides of the buildings, orientation of freeway signs away from the neighborhood to the west, the possibility of business hour limitations, extension of the sound barrier wall to 32nd Avenue, and the requirement for construction of a walkway/horsepath along the east side of the property on CDOT right-of--way at the expense of the developer. Attached aze copies of referral responses received from outside reviewing agencies and other City departments. All of their concerns must be addressed. This case is scheduled for public heazing in front of Planning Commission on December 18, 1997. Please have 15 folded, copies of the revised sets to me no later than December 8, 1997. In regazd to the issue of property ownership, please consider the following. The dedication for right-of--way for the relocated service road and subsequent vacation of unneeded right-of--way have never occurred. According to my conversations with the City Attorney's office, it is up to Mr. Richter to proceed with the transfer. Therefore, technically, this is an invalid application due to the fact that CDOT is not a party to the application, nor is their signature block provided on any of the review documents. Although a public heazing date has tentatively been established, if the City sees no movement on the part of the property owner to complete the title transfers, the public hearing schedule will be delayed. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, do not hesitate to contact me at 235- 2848. Sincerely, l 1 Meredith Reckert Senior Planner cc: Dwaine Richter WZ-97-13 file Received: 11 /16/9 3:32PM; (`lOV-18-97 TUE 15 33 -~CITV OF WHEAT RIDGE; Page 2 P, 02/02 GafloWay,ROrit~t'o&AsSOCia#es _. 5350 BTCperinway Er~Igwood,C480111 (303) na•ae8a FAX: Gam) ~~'~ November 14, 1997 Dear Property Owner: C)n Monday, November 24, at 6:Ofl p.m, an infot'mational meeting concerning a proposed Conoco 13reakplace taci#ily will be held. Tins meeting will be at the LaQuinta Motel , 3301 'Youngfield Service Road, Golden , Colorado The applicant, PCL, is proposing witlvn the City of Wheat Ridge to develop a 1:L8 acre site as a new concept Breakplace store with carwasb and fueling facilities. This site is located at the Northeast corner of 32nd Avenue and the I-70 West Frontage Road. This meeting i5 open to the public and will last appro~mately unti17:00 P.M Should you have gay questions regarding this application please contact me at Galloway, Romero & Associates (303) '770-8884. Sincerely. Gallowa Romero & Associates r~`~ David W. Galloway, P.E. UU I:~OI.COI'13511DOG0.1MLX.'~S:D7S1C. WPD MEMORANDUM Approved _ _ _ _ Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Planning FROM: Gary Wardle, Parks & Recreation RE: 12851 West 32nd Avenue DATE:. November 20, 1997 The Parks & Recreation Commission met on November 19, 1997 and discussed the Approval of PCD Finat Development at 12851 West 32nd Avenue as part of their agenda. A motion was made and carried for the equestrian pedestrian trail along the old frontage road be developed by the developer at the developers cost. 6 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the-Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on°December 18, 1997, at 7:30-p.m., at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are _ invited to speak at the public hearing or submit written comments. The_ -- following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. WZ-97-13: An application by Petroleum Concepts, LLC - ---- for Dwaine Richter for approval of..a Planned Commercial Development final development plan and plat for property located at 12851 W. 32nd Avenue. The following is a legal., description for the property being _ platted. _-- THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF .WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY __ OF JEFFERSON, -STAYS OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED _ AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N89°43-'30"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF .SAID NW 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 710.41 FEET; .THENCE N00°16'30"W A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF .SAID LOT 7-AND AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE AND THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST, SAID POINT BEING THS POINT __-_._ OF BEGINNING; (THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER . OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THE FOLLOWING EIGHT (8) COURSES) THENCE N42°54'31"W A DISTANCE OF 38.41 FEET; THENCE N00°47'12"W A DISTANCE OF 21.94 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°32'12"W A DISTANCE OF 50.91 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS OF 125.00-FEET, AN ARG - LENGTH OF 51.27 FEET TO A-POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE _ _ N24°17112"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 85.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°32'12"W A DISTANCE OF 30.55 FEET,- SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF-23°30'00", A RADIUS OF-75.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 3U .76 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; .THENCE N00°47'12"W ALONG. SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 271.39 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N44°25'54"E A DISTANCE OF 120.67 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°2.6'12", A RADIUS OF 85.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH-OF 134.17 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N89°39'00"E ALONG SAID TANGENT AND ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION - NUMBER OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS A DISTANCE OF 270.84 FEET; THENCE N00°21'00"W CONTINUING .ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF-SAID PARCEL A DIS'~ANCE OE ..25.5.0 FEET; . THENCE N89°39'00'!E AND CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 25.OD FEET; THENCE S06°31'00"W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 559.64 FEET TO A POINT LYING-ON THE_NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE; THENCE S79°09!50!'W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL AND SAID NORTHERLY R_O_W. LINE A DISTANCE OF 194.52 FEET; THENCE S89°43'30_"W-CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY.LINE OF SAID PARCEL AND SAID NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 A DISTANCE OF 42.36 FEET TO THE POINT OF„BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 182,054 SQUARE FEET OR 4.1794 ACRES. The following is a legal description for ehe property being reviewed for final development plan approval: THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29; THENCE N89°43'30"E, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF .SAID NW 1/4, A DISTANCE OF 724.13 FEET; THENCE N00°47'13"E A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER AS RECORDED AT BOOK 79, PAGE 48 (RECEPTION NO. 84076366) JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, RECORDS AND THE POINT_OF BEGINNING, THENCE S89°43'40"W, ALONG_THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 7 A DISTANCE OF 12.47 FEET; THENCE N42°53'53"E A DISTANCE OF 38.41 FEET; THENCE N00°46'33."W A DISTANCE OF 21.94 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG THE .ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°31'33"W A DISTANCE , OF 50.91 FEET; SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL_ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS O_F 125.00 FEET AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 51..27 FEET TO A POINT-OF_TANGENT; THENCE N24°16'33"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE. OF 85.97 FEET TO A POINT_OF_CURVE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°31'33['W A DISTANCE OF_30.55 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET - AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.76 FEET TO A POINT_OF NON TANGENT; THENCE N8.9°43'30!!E A DISTANCE OF 331.72 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF I-70; THENCE S06°31'00"W ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 173.91 FEET TO A POINT ON THE PROPOSED NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE; THENCE 579°09'50"W, ALONG SAID PROPOSED NORTH - RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 194.52 FEET; THENCE S89°43'30"W, CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 29.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 55,828 SQUARE FEET (1.282 ACRES). -- - --- -. -- _ - n'fe Roche, Secretary ATTEST: -_ ,: _- Wanda Sang, City Clerk _ ~..,_ TD be .published: November 28, 1997 Wheat Ridge Transcript -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ThB C/i~Of F.O. BOX 638 __ WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034~Oc35 - _ ~ ~. 13031 231-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax K 23a~5924 Police Deot. Fax = 2352949 Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. [,/zZ - 9r7°l3 __ PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: /'~-/tj -~ I, residing at n a m e aa~re as the applicant for Case No. _ / 0~-- 97"/3 hereby certify that I have posted the Notice o£ Public Hearing at (1 o c a t i o n) on this ~_ day of 17r..-h,. ~er 19 J~~, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: ,~-~ NOTE: This form must be submitted the pub is hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. <pc>pos rev.-05 _ -- - • ~ ~~ THOMAS L. MARES GINA B. DELI 3380 ALKIRE CT 3381 ALKIRE CT GOLDEN CO 80401-1632 GOLDEN CO 80401-1631 _ _ _ GARY HUGH HOLBROOK RICHARD A. WOOD 3320 ALKIRE CT 3340 ALKIRE CT GOLDEN CO 80401-1632 GOLDEN CO 80401-'1632 IRIS M. NOBLE DARREL L. SCHNASE __ 13177 W 33RD AVE 13187 W 33RD AVE GOLDEN CO 80401-1616 GOLDEN CO 80401-1616 SAM TRUSTEE BARNHILL DAVID D. NELSON 14050 CRABAPPLE PL 13167 W 33RD AVE GOLDEN CO 80401-1443 GOLDEN CO 80401-1616 COLLEEN K. LECLAIRE MICHAEL J. COEN 3278 ZINNIA CT 13146 W 33RD AVE GOLDEN CO 80401-1656 GOLDEN CO 80401-1617 MICHAEL E. SMITHAM MICHAEL E. SMITHAM 3268 ZINNIA CT 3268 ZINNIA CT GOLDEN CO 80401-1656 GOLDEN CO 80401-1656 WILLIAM A. SMITHAM SUSAN KEENEY 3248 ZINNIA CT 171 S KILMER ST GOLDEN CO 80401-1656 GOLDEN CO 80401-5080 DWAINE R. RICHTER BRADLEY BRIAN BRAUER 6565 S SYRACUSE WY #1202 3238 ZINNIA CT ENGLEWOOD CO 80111-6754 GOLDEN CO 80401-1656 CHARLES B. HITT RENE. DIEPHUIS 3239 ZINNIA CT 3229 ZINNIA CT GOLDEN CO 80401-1655 GOLDEN CO 80401-1655 JOSEPH BOWER SMITH EUGENE STRASSER 3179 VIVIAN ST 2960 WARD CT LAKEWOOD CO 80215-6525 LAKEWOOD CO 80215-6528 __ UNINGORPORAT~ ~ ~ I I~ I ~ 1 I I I JEFFH250N GO' Y .~ ^, f `V 1 ~m 3 ~- I I f ~ J ~, n., ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 4J~ WZ-0bb N ~ •~ z R S~ ~ ~g A WZ1H-4 - ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 'WR.EWOO~s.,m~ pG p Km 7, R 121xt ~@1T 4 - _ -- -_ _. 14 X20 TO W5T gli51t~55 1 HZ-T4-18 yQ-g4-10 G- i i I 1 t s f ~ ~ I i ~I/ ... UNINCORPORATED ~FFERSON CAUNT'( (~ ~~ ' ^ r V 1 Lvlr . b~ 1 ~l ~~~ R-G c-itir~ =~ ~~ $ ~ s - _~ 3 S g R4 8 ~ _ a LAKEWOOD hlepe Cxwe Paic I I C f l~ i I i i N~~~ _, _ _~_ _~,, -__ _ _ , , Applewood Property Owners Association 14399 Garden Circle Golden, Colorado 80401 (303) 273 - 0425 President Bill Farrell Vice President Chris Stance Treasurer Janet Cheadle Secretary Amy Hodges December 4, 1997 Ms. Gretchen Cerveny Mayor City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Re: Proposed Conoco °Breakplace" at 32"d and Younafield Dear Mayor Cerveny, Please find enclosed a recent letter from our Association (°APOA")addressed to Galloway, Romero and Associates,the engineering firm for the Conoco franchisee, PCL, regarding the above project that includes a gas station, fast food restaurant and car wash to be located just West of the 32"d and Youngfield intersection. As noted in that correspondence, various individuals were copied including the members of Wheat Ridge City Council. Because of your recent election to office, I have taken the liberty of providing additional background regarding this property. I will not repeat in this cover letter the various points of concern that are identified within the attached correspondence, however, I would be pleased to answer any questions that you may have following your review. You will quickly conclude that Applewood is not in favor of a Conoco station. We believe that the primary market served by the proposed "Breakplace' is traffic from outside bofh of our communities. Furthermore, this intersection does not need more traffic. Please also note that there are already three (3) gas stations just on the East Side of the intersection (Amoco, Diamond Shamrock and Conoco) Two (2) of these stations also have car washes. Please be aware that following the City Council's 8 - 0 rejection of the proposed development in October 1996, the Applewood neighbors provided commercial development alfematives to the fast food restaurant, gas station and car wash. These suggestions were verbally conveyed to Mr. Richter and various City Planning Officials at meetings subsequent to the City Council vote. Applewood is part of unincorporated Jefferson County and is contiguous to the City of Wheat Ridge. Most of our residents patronize the nearby stores located in your City. We have appreciated Wheat Ridge's past sensitivity to how development within its borclers can affect Applewood. We hope that we can count on your opposition to the proposed Conoco "Breakplace". Congratulations for your recent election to Wheat Ridge City Council! Sincerely, ~~~~~~~~ Bill Farrell President • __ ., ' Applewood Property Owners Association 14399 Garden Circle Golden, Colorado 80401 (303) 273 -0425 President Bill FartNl Vice President Chrls Seance Tr~surer Janet Cheadle Secretary Amy Hodges November 24, 1997 Mr. David W. Galloway, PE Galloway, Romero and Associates 5350 DTC Parkway Englewood, Colorado 80111 Re- Proposed Conoco Breakplace Facility of 32nd and Youngfield And "Informational Meeting" HAND DELIVERED Dear Mr. Galloway, Approximately one year ago it was proposed that a Diamond Shamrock and fast food restaurant be located at the above site. Our Association was then and remains now, very opposed to this concept in any form. Please find attached the following information that we suggest your client carefully consider before making the business decision to locate at this proposed site_ • Copies of over 600 signed petitions (many with detailed comments 1 from Applewood Property Owners Association ("APOA")membership opposing the above concept. (The number increased from the 527 indicated in the letter to the Mayor of Wheat Ridge ). Our letter to Wheat Ridge also makes note of a flawed traffic study performed in June when two schools located one block away were closed for the summer. • Various correspondence to City of Wheat Ridge City Council outlining our Association's objections to the proposed gas station, car wash and fast food restaurant. • Copy of 1996 APOA bulletin requesting our 1,100 members for their petition in opposition to the above when it was proposed by Diamond Shamrock. • Newspaper article regarding APOA's opposition to a gas station, car wash and fast food restaurant. • APOA Press Release dated October 24, 1996 regarding opposition to the proposed Diamond Shamrock and Wendy's fast food restaurant • Page 2 of 2 _ _ A gas station, car wash and fast food restaurant placed literally at the bedroom windows of the adjacent homeowners, not to mention the added traffic to an already congested area is a clear threat to our property values and safety. Please advise your client, Conoco (or the franchisee to Conoco) that the neighborhood has provided the current owner of this location several reasonable examples of what we would consider compatible to our neighborhood and traffic situation. We are firmly resolved to oppose the gas station "Breakplace" with any means available to us. This opposition may also have ramifications to the goodwill of the existing Conoco site east of the proposed site. In closing, be also advised that this letter is also being sent to other nearby Homeowners Associations with whom we have formed a strThe JCCC wasknown as the Jefferson County Communities Coalition ("JCCC" ). formed in response to situations like this one -where outside interests have attempted to negatively impact the value of our homes and quality of life. The combined homeowner membership of Fairmount and Applewood (east of Youngfield) includes over 6,000 households. Sincerely, r Bill Farrell President C: Flora Andrus President !Fairmount Improvement Association Ed Campbell President / Applewuod Valley Property Owners Association State Senator Ed Perlmutter Wheat Ridge City Council / Conoco Corporate Headquarters Galloway, Romero & Associates Design Engineering Planning 5350 DTC Parkway EnglaNOOd. CO BOt 11 (303)770••8884 FAX: (303)7703636 November 14, 1997 Deaz Property Owner: On Monday, November 24, at 6:00 p.m. an informational meeting concerning a proposed Conoco Breakplace facility will be held. This meeting will be at the LaQuinta Mote(, 3301 Youngtield Service Road, Golden ,Colorado. The applicant, PCL, is proposing witlvn the City of Wheat Ridge to develop a 1.28 acre site as a new concept Breakplace store with carwash and fueling facilities. This site is located at the Northeast comer of 32nd Avenue and the I-70 West Frontage Road. This meeting is open to the public and will last approximately unti17:00 P.M. Should you have any questions regazding this application please contact me at Galloway, Romero & Associates (303) 770-8884. Sincerely. Gallows ,Romero & Associates ~~ David W. Galloway, P.E. F `CLOMSI'81A000O~L'71~DOCSMISCWOT~IC.'1/7D s 4 ~ .. [S ..... l = ,..r... sense, a voice IUve focal [vents. vemment work een effective in ,ns with members n work (or the .pie. That's why elected him Senate ~:r after only ,¢ ever in state leadership make lransu roul~~ ~~ .._. . fiul according to Edie §j~~'' lilt board member fro ~ s plstrlc6D In Denver ant rail Is east l,alcewood• 'Llgh slgnlflcantlhelcold Associated Using I ht of way down Cold Spring. and 5146 for tilt full dlslatue to Dcnver Wesl. RTD Is currently eommot cd to a S 186-tnilllott prof lcnd the downtown fight rail line on the SoulhwestCorrtdor, j~nvcstment Study u M.ay. Cost esllmalcs for two competing lranslnV Ouace on thel avallable.of Dc holy Railroad i g ' revai xn ~ good residents p .~.p~ e 32nd .venue Ciry counia d a courser specific p 6y usn satsrteLlL TM.Mn..m S•nW NM ,y,TMrl{IDGL battle In which Applc- ~wood residents believed hey were In Cor a long haul and de eel therdcal had ra they had bagg whcn the surprise ending Council Wheat Ridge Ctty tanned unaminously dented a p commercial development ap" plleallon Mon anytoldeveloP thr Ttre Unal p t corner of 32nd Avc ~lretybeca mentlhatwould xrvtcadevelop ollulfon and mcroase traffic, p noise. 'Tire pr°P° said Don Phm111Ip- Is a nu[sance. son, an ApPlewood resident. -We urrdersland as a group that this Is a commercial prop- erty: said Wllllam, Farrell, a member of the board of dlrec- lors for Ute ApPlewood Prop- erty Owncrs Assocla fast food` portions concerntdngonvenlent gas stations an stores-those very buslncsscs by their very nature will attract, unwanted noise and nuisance. Applcwood residents asked norlhwcs the council to ellmtnale the [a ulnla Inn hotel two most ob l1u 24-tlour~g~ clue and [-70 Intl ~ etatlonl a dudes a g afe restaurant, the plan' mood Shamrock ~ roved In 1984. elation and fast-food rostau- Wendys (asl-foowarehouse fa- which were aPP (or and ashowroom/ the property pevelopcr Robert t,clgh ad• clltty In the 70 Wrst Busltress Developers working rant- ° woes rest- Wheal dressed t}le halo Cenler at 12851 W 32nd Ave. Dwaine Rtc ar• dents had cited, saying the Council m oVe cthc P d they owner, have worked wl d Tarr bc• Rldgc planners and Ure Wheal development will only sll~jllly couldrit app uaze-foot Ridge Plannhrg on nellhboring Increase the trafOc alrea y to ~ cause the 28,000-sq llu area, of dcvel- showroom/wareholan did [loot rosldantf all agrcas In ApPt~' ~~Ically (tilts type Included In Ure P tan was presecrtcd to opmenl) draws lrafftc LeI h have a spccl(Icd use. The coup- wood- oval wlllr elghborin 1 areas: g ell directed the developetclnC The p - on- come back with a more spe plan. Until then, lire land planned for development will remain vacant- n Solano ar- Councllman•lb Y rove gucd that he could not app the Mat y' of businesses tltta the type laced In the develop~ would be p menL a tan Is more spc- 'Usually P on lt," Solanohsald.eHe Sala develop- ers should be required to cre- ate a final development plan 'that Is specific aerose the board: the property In Currently, 641 I.capco n.co rnlEe a ley developn~en~ dxsp~~er the council for aPprlncludtng veral conditions, scald. He clle~ studies on that developmcn~ se ppjjrr lacement of a irafn dosed venlence Ulat'pcoPle make dccl- p en 32nd Avenue, g s for all bulldln s• t show slows on Ure spot of the mo- meantng lveby d er dumps 50-fool slg l- l ~ , r menl"as they ment wilt noo by l s n l3 a re l ~ac n gait vtsu ll hlcd s op U,e deve lde lractlng paoPl° from s to n denllal area, g turned oli Crom t0 P•d ~led lewood area. rozl- the App b c a.m•, and Increased, an extra landscaping to act as y riser- ma lY 90 Pei entarr(d fast food . he said, m buffer' lewood rest- APP r tra s 'restaurants draw abo~u,9terbp e of P , Howeve by he dents WC d percent and mor redlcls p mc: Leigh said he be e romises ma the comp tanners. d city P c ~l lra Ure increase In train 4 develofxr an were d s s about 20 pereen Applewoo lls en- cct In ~a against Ure p j - Applewood Property Owners Association 14399 Garden Circle Golden, Colorado 80401 (303) 273 - 0425 Prestdenl Bill Farretl Vice Presldenl Chrls Sconce Treasurer Janet Cheadle Secretary Amy Hodges March 18,1997 Mr. Tony Solano District 2 Council Member City of Wheat Ridge 3815 De-Pew Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212 Dear Mr. Solano, In behalf or the membership of the Applewood Property Owners Association ("APOA' ), the residents of the Applewood Gardens Subdivision and other concerned members of the cgmmunity, we wish to once again thank you for your vole on October 28, 1996 against the application of Dwaine Richter for the 70 Wesl Business Center Planned Commercial Development. Your vole against another 24 hour gas station /fast development reaffirmed our belief thal'Wheat Ridge intends to be a good neighbor to the unincorporated Applewood area, many of whose residents regularly patronize merchants willtin the City limits al the Applewood Center east of I-70. Our organization and neighborhood is not against commercial development of the Richter tract. In fact, a number of concerned residents from the neighboring Applewood Gardens Subdivision and APOA have drawn up a lengthy list of retail, office and commercial uses for llle tract, allowed within Wheal Ridge C•1 zoning, which would be welcomed by our community. For aver 20 years our area has opposed a gas station /fast food development on the tract. This position was made clear in the 1977 lawsuit by Applewood Gardens against the Cily and Mr. Richter (Civic Action No. 50459, Civ. 5, Jefferson County District Court ). We respectfully request that in the current litigation the Cily lake into account our long held views concerning these uses and offer us the opportunity to consult with llte Cily regarding negotiations over alternative commercial uses for the properly. In that regard please accept our offer to meet with members of City Council, the City Manager, your attorneys or other representatives, al a lime or limes convenient for you. Please contact me al the number set out above or Harold E. Gosse, with the APOA Growth and Development Committee, al 297-3466 or 271-0574. Si Bill Farrell President cc: Mr. Harold E. Gosse /Chairperson/ APOA Growth and Development Committee Applewood Property Owners Association 14399 Garden Circle Golden, Colorado 80401 (303) 273 - 0425 President Bill Farrell Vice Prestdent Chris Sconce Treasurer Janet Cheadle Secretary Amy Hodges February 10, 1997 Mr. Tony Solano District 2 Council Member City of Wheat Ridge 3815 De Pew Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212 Dear Mr. Solano, The Board of Directors of the Applevvood Property Owners Association { APOA ) at its first meeting of 1997, held on February 7, 1997, declared by unanimous vote, a statement of appreciation for the Wheat Ridge City Council's declination of the Richter development plan as proposed. You will recall that in October and November 1996, various members of the APOA appeared before your City Council and testified regarding the proposed Richter development at 32nd and Youngf'ield Street. The APOA considers various aspects of the proposed development to be very detrimental to the value of neighboring residences. Your empathy for these homeowners and courage to use your authority in a judicious manner are very much noticed and appreciated. The Wheat Ridge City Council's decision vvas clearly based on a "neighborhood friendly" attitude that will be remembered by the APOA for a long time to come. Sincerely, Bill Farrell President _. . : ,.. ~ .. Applewood Property Owners Association Growth & Develo ment Committee October 24, 1996 Mr. Dan Wilde Mayor City of Wheat Ridge 3596 Ingalls Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Mayor Wilde, Attached please find attached 527 petition signatures that have been gathered over the past week from the members of our Association who are opposed to the gas station and fast food restaurant portions of the 32nd and Youngfield Development (a.k.a. 70 West Business Center ). We respectfully request that you consider your responsibilities as a good neighbor to the Applewood Community and not a_ o_ o`~e those two elements of the development when you meet on October 28,1996. We have two areas of concern: 1) Traffic The subject intersection has been notorious for years as being a congested area. The additional traffic that businesses such as gas stations and fast food restaurants generate by their very nature would make this intersection of 32nd & Youngfield and I - 70 even more congested for automobiles and unsafe for students of the two nearby schools (Maple Grove Elementary and D'Eve-yn Jr./Sr. High ). 2) COmpatlbl~ity ~nra..c._ . _ . While we understand the right of the owner to develop this property as it is lawfully zoned, we feel the tyke of acceptable develo We ask that you consider the fact that our neighborhood has beenthwelmatter. esfablished'since 1961. In fact, the proposed commercial development will require the condemnation of protective residential covenants that were written by the founders of the Applewood Community. Page 2 of 2 _ __ _ We hope that you will fake seriously that 527 Applewood homeowners have voiced their concerns that you act as a good neighbor and not approve the gas station or fast food portions of the plan in favor of more pedesfrian friendly alternatives. If you would kindly take the time to review the attached petitions - you will see that there are many additional comments that further address the concerns of our-neighborhood and are not summarized in my cover letter to you. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely/`~ William J. Farrell Applewood Property Owners Association Director Chairman of the Growth and Development Committee 14399 Garden Circle Golden, Colorado 80401 273 - 0425 .~ APplewood Property Owners Association November 18,1996 Growth $ Develo ment Committee Ms. Jean D. Fields District 1 Council Member City of Wheat Ridge 3270 Fenton Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212 Dear Ms. Fields, November 18,1996 Thank you again for allowing the Applewvod residents a Ridge Cify Council on October 28, 1996. We were all ve Council's genuine interest in cur concerns. ppear before the Wheat ry impressed by the If is our understanding That another meeting is scheduled for November 25,1996 and that possibly more will be discussed regarding this maRer. In that regard, we thought the following information was pertinent: 1) The ,.,,,~,,,t,ef s vartic study expert testified on October 28th that the traffic study was pertormed during June and indicated that the proposed development would have on1~20/ increased impact on traffic. Please be aware of the • following material omissions of this study: .. •.. School is not in Session Durin June ,. Maple Grove Rlementary School has 385 total students of which a ' • ' 30°!° (' 130) are open enrolled from areas outside the nei hborhood. 43 students take the bus in the AM and 59 take the bus in the PM. Theoximately • remaining 200 ~or so students walk /are driven•b g A total of :: y parents. •.. U'Evelyn Jr. / Sr.l-tigh School has 702 students r • have 900 students nexl year. This school is a "chorCe^ 'ntly and is scheduled to students from all ouer• the area. Presently 381 take the btrs`inlf~e take the bus in the PM. school that attracts drive. The remaining 300 or so students presiar~~ arid~443 y walk / i Page 2 of 2 _ These are very clever omissions from the traffic study - do you not agree? ( School Traffic Source: Jeffco Bus Terminal 1 Both schools are less than 1 ml. from fhe proposed development) -• (2) The Proposed Project Signs Do Not Help the Praiect -But They Hurt the, Residences _ ._ _ The developer testified that the Fast food and gas station will attract 75% and 90% respectively of what he termed "passer by "traffic. If that is true - then the proposed signs provide only superfluoy{¢ benefit to the ctevetoper since the project depends primarily on existin traffic. We recommend that•additional sign height limitations be imposed. We remain hopeful that the gas stationlconvenjeflce store and fast food restaurant portions of the proposal are permpn~ntlY eliminates6form the development. The impact on franc and quality of life to the adjaceht residences makes those Rortions of the plan very unfair. Thejp are certainly other commercial uses that would mare compatible to this location. Thank you again for your consj~IRr~tion of these issues. Sincerely, •' ~~ William J. Farrell Chair of the Growth and Developmenk Committee Applewood Property Q~r~,A.ssocl~tton 14399 Garden CifcjH •° Golden, Colorado '.t}Q~~~ '" 273 - 0425 ,. IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUESTED To: Applewood Property Owners From: Applewood Property Owners Association Re: Commercial development plan: IVW comer - I-70 & 32nd Ave. AN IMPORTANT COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT MATTER AFFECTING OUR QUALITY OF LIFE IS ABOUT TO BE DECIDED. A 24-hour gas station and a fast food restaurant with two 50-foot signs have been approved by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission for the Richter property - to the south of La Quints and the Country Cafe off of I-70 and West 32nd Avenue. i he w near Ridge Ciry Council will hear this case on October 28, 1996. i nis will be our fmt opportunity to offer our point of view to the Ciry of Wheat Ridge. We are asking you to read the rest of this letter and then sign the "Letter of Petition' to the Wheat Ridge City Council (attached). Mail the "Letter of Petition" back to Brad Brauer at the address given and the Applewood Property Owners Association will see that these letters are brought to the attention of the Council. 13acliground The APOA Board of Directors has been following the 32nd and I-70 commercial development (the Richter development) at the request of the nearby neighbors. The Richter property was annexed some years back by Wheat Ridge and was designated as a "Planned Commercial Development " To date, the developments on this property include La Quints and The Country Cafe. As stated above, a 24-hour gas station and a fast food restaurant have now been approved by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission for the land south of the Country Cafe. Traffic on West 32nd Avenue is already a quagmire. This development will make a bad traffic situation worse and will surely necessitate yet another traffic light so that drivers on W. 32nd will have four traffic lights to contend wi[h in 1/~ mile instead of the current three. You may have noticed that the Youngfield Service Road has been moved to the west side of the Richter property. This road is in violation of the 1961 Protective Residential Covenants, which were put into place to protect the bordering Applewood/Zinnia Court neighborhood. The City of Wheat Ridge has initiated condemnation actions to extinguish these Protective Covenants. APOA's Record on'Growth and Development At the general membership meeting of the Applewood Property Owners Association in June 1995, a resolution was unanimously passed stating that the homeowners of APOA want to make a reduction in traffic on West 32nd Avenue the high priority. Your APOA Board of pirectors believes that the commercial development as proposed is in direct opposition to the spirit of this resolution. Anything that creates congestion of this magnitude is not in the spirit of a "good neighbor.'.' M' What You Need To Do To Be Heard We urge you to read aad sign the enclosed "Letter of Petition" and return it to Brad Brauer no later than October 23,1996. The APOA Board of Directors will write a letter to the Wheat Ridge City Council in opposition to the development as proposed, and we need your support. We believe that the Wheat Ridge City Council has several "neighborhood friendly" members who will listen to our concerns. If you have questions regarding the above, please contact Bill or Brad (see below). Thank you. Sincerely, Bill Farrell Brad Brauer APOA Board of Directors Zinnia Court Neighbor Growth & Development Chairman 279-0408 273-0425 ~~~~r~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What To Do 1. Sign and fill in the information on the enclosed "Letter of Petition." 2. Mail or deliver to Brad Brauer, 3238 Zinnia Court, Golden, CO 80401 no later than Qctober 23, 1996.Or you can write a letter of your own and send it along to Brad. 3. Thank you for supplying your own envelope and stamp. z2 ~ ~i~ .zY ~ . ~'3 ~~~ X03 ~~ b• ,: i `'7"~ _ °~ / -~ '_ GLe__ _` ~~-~-~ _ % ~ ~ . _ _ _- _ __ ~ c-° ~ ~___ _ o - -- 700 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 - Rldge DATE: 12-3-97 This is to inform you that Case No. WZ-97-13 which is a request for aonroval _ of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan and plat for property located at_ 12851 W. 32nd Avenue will be heard by the Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at_ 7:30 P.M. , on December 18, T997 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the PLANNING COMMISSION. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public I{earing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank You. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City " __ _ ,i _ --~~-- RETURN RECEIPT .9 N m C7 Q" d E` it s~ m a 0 .n tr' a co v- m a O ..:I .~ V' 6. - - ~~ I also wish to receive the ~ro~~of r edaitiorcal cervices. following services (for an extra fee): and atldress on the reverse of [his form so that we can return this cab i ~ Addressee's Address ceRnFleu' +Attach this Corm toile from bFEhe mar~,p 'e ~`~°gceb°~"otparmit. 2. ^ Restricted Delivery SERVICE -:The Re m[~Rn ~ec~~ll sBaWTO-whom the arf~le was delivered antl the dale delNeretl. COnSUt postmaster for fBB. -~^ TOTALP - -- - - - 4a. Article Number - - --. - 715fic1e Addressed to: _ __ sENTTO: ~ •---_...._._. - P 966 1J13 796 i = fin +w7 J. Coin P3i.CkSSa'' ~ ~ _ -3.314E '13' 79r3 Ave 4b. Service Type 1314' F' ~~'`--- Lbldam, CtS ~74~1-1u17 ~~i ~ e_ ~ CERTIFIED -- -- 7. Date of Delivery `~ _ _- t / ~, R -- Ivied By: (Print Name) S. Addressee's Address _ \- r _, r; - ~ _ ~„ I (ONLY if requested and fee paid) PS FORM 3800 RETURN pppRE PECEIPT cEPTIf SERVICE _ coral. 1(... _ ~1 ~(dr se or g m1, January 1 'ierr"; 1 and/or 21or additional services. name and address m-the reverse of ih's form so that we can return this caN form to the Front of iM mailpiece. or on [he back rf spat ~>`nd~e~''f-- Rxelot will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. A 1#icksa~? - ~' -~~tlir5aael S. -Sndthat^ 3265 z:A;e,-J_ 3~5~ Zis~i,g - Gt cald+~^, --_ Coldea. _ *'~l&fl1-155G PS FORM 3800 4b. I also_wish to receive the i dwing services-(f-dr-an extra fee): ~ i, ^ Addressee's Address p_ ^ Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. le Number q66-~1-3 797 ~---_ CERTIFIED ' 7. Date of Delivery r 8. Addressee's Address _ (ONLY if requested and fee pardJ '._g. SiVgna-h (dr/es~see or,,,{{{Agent) /~ °I ~~ "~ ~~v Domestic Return Receipt `~ PS FORM 3811, January i99o i _ I . + ~ - I .~.--~------ - - - - i _ __ ___ _ ~-, - SE~76ER ~ ~ ~ -- -_-- - - - Y - - -.. 1 also wish to receive the l - following services (for an extra fee): i • Complete Items 1 antl/or 2 for atldiiional services. i ^ A,ddreaSee'S AddfeSs RETURN p •Pnnt your name and address on the reverse of this Corm so that we can return this card RECEIPT c to YOU. _...__ -_ _ -- _- _. _._ _- ___ - _-__ SEFNICE ~-Attach this Corm to the front of [he mailpiece, or on the back rf space does not permd. -2. ^ Restricted De IVefy -^~ ~Rium Receipt will show to whom the article was tleliveretl and the date deliveretl. Consult postmaster for fee. - -_ -- -- -Aa-Article Number SENT TO' 3: Article dressed to __ p -.-9 6 6 ~ 13 7 9 8 Srxsa~ ~r -son IKeaneq d ~_- 7 t i ' SC r s l E. s 7 a ~ - =- f( y ~}~ ,.~ y +,, {YVl~~~ . y ~ _ ~v nay ~~-y ,)g Y.,]~ ;~ ~ y ~ UVLN~u9 4V (~LVrI~"~J:TV £' --- ~~ i s Received By PnM Nam ` -~r PS FORM 38C ~F 6. Signature: (Ad see or Agent) X ..: :- PS~ORN73811.• S~ 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED 7. Date of Deliv -- --- --- ---- S. Addresse ' dress a (ONLY if r~qu sted)a January 996` ~~ ~ ~ '- -' »..;w .- SENDER - - - -. _- _ _- I also wish to receive the F -complete ~refns r andror z mr addmm~al services. fallowing services (for an extra fee): RETURN I • pdnt your name and adtlress on [he reverse of this form so that we can return this card I 1 ^ Addressee's Address to yo<'. RECEIPT ~ ~'Elhfa°~ this torm to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space tlees not permit. . 2. ^ RESfrlCfed D611Very ~ SERVICE ~?'ffieAeturn Receipt will show to whom the article was tleliveretl antl the tlate delivered. DOnsult pOStmaster fOr fee. ~ ~ SENT TO: r_c€ Tess a- _ - _ _ 4a. A - - rticle Number _ - P 966 X13 799 r^ a , ~radlep ~r3.~ ~ressar ~ ~ -_ = ' O = ~~ ~ ~~ f.L ' 4b. Service Type 3,E ~`~ u.. .a Gcb,~ - ~~~' ~ -~?~4U1-2655 ~, CERTIFIED ...a Ir ~_- 7. Date of Delivery a, -_ _ _ _ - - 5. Received Bv: (Print Namel 8. Addressee's Address O O I~ m 0 .n .~ tr a PS FORM 3_ - -- _ -- _---- (~NCYi req~~ee paid.J ---- -- - 6. Signatures Ad ssee or Ag tJ 'PS FORM 8 1, January 799 Domestic Return Receipt 'ENDER: _ I also wish to receive the RETURN F- ~j~~fm-zyoraea~tional5er~ces - - following services (for an extra fee): I ~~ yair name and address on fhe reverse of this farm so that we can return this cartl RECEIPT to you. 7. ^ Addressee's Address sERJICE • Attdch Chia Porm to the front of the malpiece, or on the back It space does not permit 2. ^ Restricted Delivery - ~•3heh~ie~rn ReCeipCwill show [o whom the article was deliveretl antl the date tlelirered. CiORSnt pOStmaSter for fee. SENT TO __ I e- - s o: Ic a Num er - "- - - - P 966 X13 8~0 ~,,~ .:.~ ~tla» ~ieghuir- 32?4;=2~ Zirmi:s Cz ~°,„~~~ ]:~. CC# X0&02-1695 t + 5. Received By: (Print Name) PS FORti -- - -- -- ~.r~Signature: (Addressee or ,QgEht~ V ~~~ (~ LA 0' M m a 0 .n Q- a POSTAGE I TdORIpkTe Reins 7 afltlrOr 2 (Or addifwndl services. RETURN eHOW TO VJH~ mR~r~YOUr game an ressd~a d m`~ tt~e reverse ortfiis frm s ADDPESS OFD To_ypu. RECEIPT cEFInREO FEP • Ritach this form to the Front of the mailpiece, or on the back SERVICE ' T6'e ~ e urn ecei wi s ow tow om t e aruc a was de rvei TOTPL POeTAGt R ,.r-:~+.rr-1 - lu,,. r. ._resse o: - CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery ~ ^~ 8. Addressee's AddressAddressee's Address paid.! uomesnc lieturn e can-return is card does nol permit. he date eliv~ere David B. ` ~ 2~avid #~ :Telso~s !,3167 ~: `- 231&7 Li. 39z'cl dYe. Cnldoc-, QT 3r33#?7i-1616 Goldvta s C`-` _ ~. Received By:7Prirri Name) PS FORM 3800 - $ Signature: Addressee or AS :. I also wish to receive the I (o~g service~IS~.a~e t[a_f~ey_! 1. ^ Addressee's Address _ 2. ^ Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. e Number P9~6'-~13 795 _ ' 4p. tlervice type CERTIFIED 7. Date of Deliverd~' ..-, f 8. Addressee's A dress~~ ~(f7lJLY ifrequested~~e paid.) -' ° - ° - "-- ' - ~~ - - - ~ PS FORM 11, January 1996 Domestic Return Receipt i t c RETURN RECEIPT SERVICE POSTAGE eHON T(T( MFFS! TCTAL POSTAGE AND FEES pD o- m a '~.lldt' S lleRffi CO Tsixat~te O W O I >WI LL W~~ I~al o T14~occr P7~PTY Tex g~G2b418 U o .~ 2t3D ~. R.as-8~3.ph y ~ -° t~aic~¢s IL bL~581 p,~ J ar C1 PS FORM 3800 US Postal Service rCertlfl d Mail o ~ , - _. - - __ _. - _ i ..... ..._ m- .- i I ^ __ ~~, - f~ POSIIYIAHII Utl uatc r PGSUGE - - RETURN SHOW TO WHOM DATE AND RESTFIOfED ~ ADDRESS OF DeUVeFY ~ OEWERY a O 4 RECEIPT OERTIFIED FEE-RETUPNPEGEIPT -- 2W1 SERVICE ;, TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES LL p ~ SENT T0: " NOT FOP INTEPNATIONAL MPIL - a ~ H g . ..,- __ ' p tt a m f3. 1?e7.R Gina W I z~ '~ 33$1 Alkixe C`P 0 G~xldea, CO 8~?GCil~lb31 ~~~ ~ WQ Cf' J ~ a ~ i I R0001pt fOr a ce PS FORM 5800 US Postal Serv Certified Mail - - _ I ~_ SENDER: ___.. I also wish to receive the I - ate items t and/or 2 for additional services. following services (for an extra fee): I i 4Piml your name and atltlress on the reverse of this Farm so that we can return this card ~ ~ Addressee's Address ~ w ycu. ' r7~HadT this form to the front of [he mailpiece, or on the back if space tlces not permit. 2. ^ ReStrlCted DeIlVery Rl • The Return Receipt wll show to whom [he article was tleliveretl antl the tlate delivered . Ci005Ut pOSimaSter for fee. `D --- - - - -- I e Addressed to: 4a. Article Number ~ _ - P 966 013 944 m --- T ~ ~; 'H'` 4b. Service Type ']~i7~'SE`+~e.- ~ CERTf FIED -- ..~ '- ~-- -- - - ; ~ - - - - - - - 7. Date of Deliver Received By: (Print Name) '-~ 8. Addressee's ddress . (ONLY if requested and tee paio:) 6. S~ig/natu /Adtlressee or g~ _ _ - /~ re!~ Ong ''~"S'~QRM 811, January less Domestic Return Receipt ,_ _s..e~ _ - -_ - - - ~= ~~ =` _` - - _- _- - - _ _ -~ r ~^'SENDER I alsp, wlgt4lto receive the I I ' Co I t gems 1 antl/oe~ for-•dc~rLGO6~ serms~;":C j 1 } ~. ( } f 1 j .i~. j' ~'fnNnwrno ~efVjEPe (for. an.extra feel: I O Q.. [~ m r9 O .~ 6"' a RETURI • mPee r REGEIF ~ Print your jyMe Aj,d atldre55 0}~ ~: reverse of tht~ torfSi; ¢U.C!at V;'= ~y~ ~~tVrn•th!s; ro yob. SERJIC .Attach this form to the 5ront of [he mailpiece, or on the back it space tloes not permit. _. _ . ..- __......, _.._.., .,......_....-s~rdoliverttl-arid the date delivered. r _ - ~ ~r -- 6934 ~. 6f.zntl E245 _ - D~R1'tlVlY> C7l? v~~iN r. Rp!~1\\. PS r Name) ~/ $ lryryq ; QCb see's Address it requested and tee paid.) 1,.Januar1yj7996 tt _ - _, -~7_.__ ~01ffn0ff5tiCRefUrn -~Itiliiiti!I,Ift?~fiflfti!!itiltfiii~liFliiti!!IiF! PR IT n m ra 0 ..0 7' d POSTAGE - RETURN REE sHaJJ TO WHOM, DATE AND ~ DEL ADDPESS OF DELIVERY RECEIPT DERFIFlED FEE i RETURN FECEI~ SERVICE TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES t~alji`32 $!'tSf.~. diSCri IDH PLi%7.d. .1,33£+ x c;~~rg~ rkxarrc~ ~ ~auas. Ds.~»las, T8 75356 1. "IU 'Addressee's vaaress 2. ^ Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. rtiale Number P 966 013 79~ 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED n- of Delivery P6STMAHH OH PS FORM 3800 US Postal Service ~ Receipt for Certified Mail O W a O W O QQ~ az~ o¢ a~ w ~~i ~~I UFi ~~I ¢V¢¢ a~i f= a 0 p. i I - . _~.-..~".. _. __ _- 4 ~ - 7 t I 1 t r rn a Q .n ._o c- m ENDER: - - - - - _ - - - - ' ~ I also wish to receive the .complete items t anaior z mr aaanional serviced following services (for an extra fee): • Print your name antl address on the reveree of this form so that we can return this cartl 1. ^ Addressee's Address to you ~~ ±Yntach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space tloes not permit. 2. ^ RestrCted DEIVefy -~ The Retulh Raceipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the tlate delivered ..~. ~ C.onSUt pOStmaeter for fee. _ F„„~ Article Addressetl tti:- -:- - ----~~-~~----- -- - -- 4a. Article Number - - - ---- ----- - _- _- - P 9 6 6 D 13 7 8 4 ~~.- i. ~~ =~~j~'~~ ~~_~ ~y~ 4b. Service Type ... ~'~~CS3.~~a:F ~-~Sbti2-1~rIG ~ CERTIFIED - _ 7. Date of Deliv~y,~ 1 ~ yyy.~ tt W( °€>: Receiv d By: (Print N e) - - dress S. Addressee's Ad - _ ~ /) ~~ Iq ~ q ~~ - ~ j { `j„~,lJ~~ (ONLY if requested and tee paid.) or A g en t) ddresse e nat u re: (A "8~ i /~ tt 11 // Ji ~ ( ' /i "K~~1 ~,S`i~~~sei PsFORM3$11, January t996 Domestic ReturnHecelpt ,t: r _ ~ - i _-_ .__ _ - --_ ~ E I also wish to receive the SENDER: ~ •COmplete M1en dtor2ior atltlitbrel services. evxrse of this form so that we can return this c h - ~ - following services (for an extra fee): I ~ ~ Addre5se2 5 AddreSS .~~r : _ e r ~~,~m,~ynp ,~ a~a7~ orrt m - ^ RestriCted Delivery 2 ' RETURN to yuu. . gryach this farm to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back it space does rrot permit. deliveretl antl the date delNeretl. . 05tmaster fOf fee. RECEIPT -r'Ifie~etu~n fleceipt--will show to whom the arlide was ~ Artlde NUmber ~ SERVICE _, -=Ar(ide Addressetl to: -a_-_.:. _ r..... :. _ -.. _.,.. _ __ p 966 013 789 ~ - SENT TO _ - ee .'i29. - -_„ .,_ e T i [~- . -- ~ _ 1~Z ~ Crar'ba~P yp ce 4b. Serv ~ g~ ~ ~~~~ Cp 23Q$5i-i~43 ~ CERTIFIED ~ isn _ - -__ .-- .~ ew. _ ~OIg=._ a - --- f Deliver 7. Dateo _ ~v_~ ~ - ~ S ~- _ - -- 8. Addressee's Address y~ 6. ' 5. Received By (Print Name) ~ ~ v-tine ~ ~a (ONLY if request id.) ~'~ ~C +/ r . t} ° , 1 PS FORM 38~~Ignature: (Ad ressee o ~ j ~~ ~ . a~.~ X! Domestic'• RSFORM 3811, January 1996 ~ - - _ -- - ' - ' ~.\ ,_-.- ,, _ _--- ` .,,_-~ _ _ - - - ~ - _ _--__.-_.. - -_ - I also wish to receive the services (for an extra fee): i _ i r ' -: a- . r --- - ~ _-_ _.-._:- - --- - -. _ _ _:. _ _,- P05 ~ Y~°inplate terns t and/pr 2 for adduonai services d address on the reverse of this form so Ma[ we can return Mls RETURN ng - --- ~ follow card ~ ^ Addressee's Address ^ Restricted Delivery qoo ~ print your name an _~__ ._ _ - ermi[. RECEIPT ceRT -- - ~- - -_-- d v w 2. ostmaster for fee. Consult p ~ ered and me date delivere a dei~ sERwcE •-q"a~ ~ ~ fRr~ Pttw it sn~ to wn m me anlda wa TOTAL ~ Article Number ~ n a-dress SENT TO: s. p-966 013 786 ~ _ __ m _ ,~ ~~~ 4b. Service Type a o + ~~~ 1* ~~ ~r~# '~ ~ CERTIFIED .~ Go2dsatt~ ~_ 6n;dt~s6 a~ 8'J+5+3i-ib3:? .,p ~ - --- _ _ _ __ 7. Date of Delivery ~' --- ~ a 8. Addressee's Address ested and tee paid) - 'ved B : (Print Name) (ONLY it requ PS FORM 3800 = ~-- _ - - - _ - ''- 6. Sigft~ture: ( ddresse r A ent) ~""' X N~~ Domestic Return Receipt - - - - - - pSFOR 3 1 ,January 1996 - - _ - -- - ---` - -- - _- • - l - ~ Ti Iso wish to receive the es (for an extra fee : t °---' _ - `rte - d~ a s« addal°nal aervices. ~ _ m so that wa can return this I e f foUc:-, ng sermc - 1 ^ Addressee`s Address cartl or • G~ap1e e rse of lhls and address oMhe revs ~ ^ Restricted Delivery 2 ' ~ print your name mit RETURN the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space tloes Trot Pe RECEIpT to vou. d the tlate delivered ' . Consult postmaster for fee. ro t°rm to SERVICE rAH'e°h th 7{~Return Receipt will show to wham the article was deliveed an ~ Article NUmbef 7 9 2 n1 " a - n- 9 6 6 013 ~~ 0 h . dress SENT YO: r 4b. Service Type R7 'a k y CVIl£~CO ITtC ~-'o'o'~ ~zoportw Rax T}I.a3'aidYt ~ CERTIFIED `n P~ ~~~_ _ ~ C'Ytys ~ 74683 7. Date of Delivery ' '~ o- Ptxr c •' -_ . - - -- a ~ _: _-. -_:_-_-_- ---- _ B. Addressees Ad i[, -° 5. Recei dBY:~(Print Name) (ONLY if req V~ 4~ PS FORM .; _ - -- ~. Z. G- ~ O B. Signature: (Addre see or Agerd) ` X. ' ' Domestic tur u ' - - - JanuarY 1996 - - - ~ ~ S FORM 3811, ' - - - - - ' _ _ - ` ~ r, t t ~ - _ - '~ ' ~ ~ ..._ _ .- - I also wish to receive the , r an extra fee: f ~ - - - . o . •followmgservices ( ~ . _- ~, ' - _ ___ __ -.-_ posrace R ~m~lete items 1 aM/or 2 f« adddlonal se~hoes ddress oRthe rev¢rse of this t«m so chat URN SHOW 1D d _._ _ _. __. - 1 ^ Addressee's ~ddr~ss this card we can re;urn ^ Restricted Delivery a RET popRESS •Print wr name an ° s°pac RECEIPT or on r 2. edoesrrot Pe Consult postmaster for fee. cERrlFleol SERVICE ?Attach this form to the front of [he mailpiece, ll sb°w to wfiom the ankle was deliveretl and the date delivered ~ Article NUmber aoe~ i . io*n __ _.~patum Receipt we sedlo: - t - _ 9 6 6 -Q 13 7 9 3 Q' c e SENT Tt~: - - - p -- r,,. a :~ _ 1#~Sn 1~ _..y~, .- ..~._r..- _ ss. 4b. Service TYPe m ~~~ O~± r a 0 ~ . ~ ~i', .......> 9iF5 ~~ a - '3ri4D1 ~ CERTIFIED - ~slden, ~ 7. Dat~ f Deliver~t._., ~ __ B. Addressees Address ted and fee paid) - _ - eceived By: (Prirrt Name) ~ (ONLY i! reques _ _.... - PS FORM 3800 - ~- ~~- -- g- _ -~_ - Addressee or Agent) ~ -€. Signat ` Domestic Return Receipt _ - - _ .,. - -- - - - ---1' 1996 ~ ~ G-.PS FORM 381 ,January -'r-- 1 P ~ ~~ m k~- m a 0 .n Q' d _ _ _ _ ;SENDER ______.~_ "'_.'_.""-------~-,-- _ - "- ~ Canpl tit = taadmr2faraddaionat services. I also wish to receive the P' `•Print your name~pdatldre„s-onahe reverse of mis form so that we can return this card following services (for an extra fee): RETURN g ~ _- PECEIPT a • Adach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back it space aces not permit ~~ ~ Addressee's Address TneRel 2. ^ Restricted Delivery SERVICE - urn epeipLwill_show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. T~Article Addressed tc_-_--___ _ Consult_postlnastec for tee- SFNT T~ - -- - - --- - ~ - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- 4a. Article Number P 966 013 785 rvlce type '""~ ""~., ~ CERTIFIED 3~` ~ 7.6ae of Delivery V~ _ . 1 F, ~.' ~b. Received By: (Print NarneJ ~ - `ire ... PS FORM 3~ ~' -S'fgnaFure: (Ad see or ) - ~ - X ~ '~ ... -. _ , . , r e ., "~. PS FORM 3 1,. JgnuazY 1996: , , , ... . , . .. .... r t. N iti C~ m ra Q .d 0.. 2 avlgr_r rr requested and tee paid) w J ~..~ _~ o w 4 a 0 wrh( >yI wz LL ~ OQ a= ~~ a iu ¢z W LL Yp U_F ~~ W~ ¢W ~2 ar PS FORM 3800 US Postal Service Receipt for 4 Certified Mail o a ._ ___ _ ~ SENDER: . complete uems t andror z for addnanal sermoes. ~~ I also wish to receive the I following services (for an extra fee): I „ - _I .Print your name and address on the reverse of this farm so mat we can return this card ~ ~ Addressee's Address _ to you. ~7+tfach this form to the front pi the mailpiece, or on [he back it space does rwt permit. 2. ^ RBStrlCted DEIIVery Yh~etum Receipt wll sfiow to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. COOSUIt pOSimaSter fOr fee. ~ r is e t~ddressed to'.= - - - - _ _ '_ _ - 4a. Article Number r -- -- --- - -- P 966 013 776 ~ ` - Gzri3een ~. Iscisire Service Type 46 m ~ _ ~i'~,$ ~~.IIixie CT . a ~ ~a2d~ra~_tS3 9TaGt}i-i65Y --- - --- -- - _ ~~,(( CERTIFIED Jam t -- . '~ - °-_--- -------._._.--------- ---- --------- 7. Date of Delivery tr" ~_ - ~. D_ ` S -eyt6Y: (Printr N /i' A n ^. 8. Addres _ ..!'!1~, ,- °:,, 1, January ~'~'$ ~ O ~ ~a,b o Domes ipt .O M1 tti m a C7 c a ~~'-~ "-' ~ ~ -~ -~"` - - `--~~"~ ~ ~ - - ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ I also wish to receive t e '. ' SENDER: RaTI .. complete items t ahdror 2 ror addltionai services following services (for an extra fee): REG .print your came and atldress on the reverse of tNS form so that we can return this card ~ ^ Addressee's Address to you. SER _ ~ poach Ihis lorm to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space tlces not permit. 2. ^ Restricted DBIIVery ~'i~Be.ReCisn Receip[ wdl_show to w~rom the art evuas ~ive"3re arttlThe date tlelHered. Consult pOSimastef for ee. C ..~. ~-r., -.~.---- -- - ------ - _ - - da. Article Number .. - _ _ - - - -`- - . _ r-==~®lrlen, CO S0~4i-IG55 P 966 013 778 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery f n / / 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and tee paid) 9ressee or r r m O .n Ir a Return -5Et7~ -_.. -_`-`~.._- _ -- - -~ _ __ -- -- .... - DER; - - -- - I also wish to receive the _.-.csmprete nen ; ana~or z for addirwnal services following services (for an extra fee): i`prTlir §cwr name and address on the reverse of [his (orm so that we can return this caN ~ ^ Addressee's Address m you. • AH&ch this farm to [he front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. 2. ^ RestrlCted DellVery >i'1~7ie1Teiurn Receipt will show to whom the article was tlellvered and the tlate deliveretl. CiOnSUf pOSimaSfer {Or {ee. ' - {e -dressed to: 4a. Article Number ;- P 966 X13 924 ,~ A€saanr Asit~ _- 'i~~-~. - -__ - "~ ~s tJD u`I.^.la -_ - - r- - - - - - /~ January 1996 ~~~ ~-- ~~~ -.. I ., ... _ ... ., - 4b. rvice Type CERTIFIED ~:~ ~.rn IOLt/ if requested and fee paid.) !r';~ ~~4~~ 1 f ' f~~:; . 4 i ~~w~~` ~~ ~'.~cNC U _~ ?~ ` ~~ i C' ~ 0 1 ~ .y ~ , v ; u.r i c~ ® 3a 1 ~_. I ~_._ sf __ ` __ __ 'SS3klOW NklfLL3H dO lH`JIFi 3Hl Ol 3dOl3AN3 d0 d01 ltl H3N~LLS 30tl1d ilNtllkfOdWl 6 N~ S Y ~~ ~ A• • E ~ L ~ A ~ U ~ ~ - ~ Q W i U E o > w u~ ad N ~} W z ~` w az ~ M O ~ V W z M ", w ~ we LL~~ ~ ¢ a ~ ~ ~ ~3 w zLL ~ ~ ~ ~ Z o0 .~d7 ~ O 3~ a 'n is ~ ~ p^ Fem. O [ < ~~' ¢ a° 0 4t CS W ,g~ d ~ .r.{~O ~ o ~S ~ o ~ ~ ~ O ~ y~p,,,'C fS m 3(G ro ~ O ~ `s cwi F--. -~ii V~ O A ~ w ~+ ~ a C7 ~. i f ~~ .~~e.. a ~ ~ a ~ ` ~' ~'d ~ ° t mcU7 I ~ ~ • ~ w d ~ - oa ~~ 3 ~w n= ~- 3 ~-. i I r JJ O O c O N (li ~ < n ~ m C'1 ~~ ~~ ~. ~ O t i IMPORTANT. r 6b L ~~ F p 966 a13 7961 m m m IT1 ~ m a t+ Nj Ll -Z-1 m ~ ~ ~ ~ G $• '„P ft ~~~ r • p P4 AT O m of o ~\ m c~ ~~ H .3 a° u' rt v v Kv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~H m °m ~ y m [y (] Dy F{ o ( ~, I w~ ~ ~~ 7 o~ 9~ x 9 °a m } ~,~. ~ m ~~ 'ENVELOPE TO ~ n co' 7RESS__ 3 ~ ISO j,\ ~~~ C ~ ., I ~ ~ = V - D S 'i 7J ~ ti ~ (mA ~ ~ m m N ~ n a, ~ =mow o N ~ c~ ~ Z fn ~ ~m ClTy ~~o~ J~ ~ _l ..~ k C 0' A _ C] ~ m oil r \} -I ~ ~ !y ~ Ay~`+~,~`j; m ~:-,~~ c m m ~ w :,. ~~~~ ~~ - {~ ~Y Z O y ~~G ~R~ I ~ t ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ r I o`9 ., l~l Y i ~~ ., l /~~.r, pp 1 ~:~1~ ' f v :'F: Y~X$c $~! k b. -~ , ~ E CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF PORT TO: Planning Commission r a DATE PREPARED: December 12, 1997 DATE OF MEETING: December 18, 1997 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-97-131PCL ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert development plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST:12851 W. 32nd Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Petroleum Concepts, LLC 4600 S. Ulster Street suite 1180 Denver, CO 80237 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Dwaine Richter Virginia Richter 6930 E. Gira6, # 205 11665 W. 39th Place Denver, CO 80224 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 o- -______-=----------------------- ----------------------------- ~ d ~ APPROXIMATE AREA: Final Development Ptan: 1.28 acres, Resubdivision: 4.18 acres ~ ~ PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant, Restaurant SURROUNDING ZONING: N,S,W: Jefferson Caunty; E: I-70 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N:fow density residential, vacant; S: Church, low density; E: I-70; W: low density residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Commercial Activity Center -_-~--_-~-_ Y~--^~ ~~t DATE PUBLISHED: November 28, 1997 ~~`~ DATE POSTED: December 4, 1997 _ DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: December 3, 1997 ENTER INTO RECORD: () COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS () OTHER ~. ,,. (7() CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS O SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have een met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant request approval of a combined Planned Commercial Development final development plan and a resubdivision plat for a portion of the property known as 70 West Business Center at 12851 W. 32nd Avenue. Within the overall planned development aze an existing hotel and restaurant. The restaurant is located within the portion of the development which is being platted. The two sepazate actions, development plan and resubdivision, have been published with their own legal descriptions and will require sepazate motions althoug t y are being presented in the same report with one case number. II. PROPERTY HISTORY ~ The property was annexed into the City in 1975. At that time, an outline development plan was approved establishing uses and general design parameters for the property. Attached under Exhibit `A' is a reduced copy of the outline development plan. In 1984 the Country Cafe and La Quinta structures were reviewed and approved as a development plan and platting process. At the time of development plan approval, there was discussion with the Colorado Department of Transportation regarding traffic hazazd due to the proximity of the Youngfield Service Road to the I-70 off-ramp. Because of that concern, the City of Wheat Ridge placed a deed restriction on the 70 West Business Center that no further development could occur until the service road was relocated away from the off-ramp. During 1991, the City's Public Works Department went through a series of public meetings and hearings to reach a decision on the placement on the relocated frontage road: The final decision was made by City Council at a public heazing during June of 1991. As part of the negotiation process the City agreed to build a 10' high sound attenuation wall to buffer the neighborhood to the west from the impact of the road relocation closer to their residences. The frontage road at it's new location and the wall were finished in the spring of 1996. Pursuant to Case No. WZ-96-3, the CDOT property which became vacant due to the relocation of the frontage road, was rezoned from Agricultural-One to Planned Commercial Development with the establishment of use allowances and vacated by CDOT. Recently, the deeds for ownership were exchanged and recorded so that proper ownership of the new road and vacated right-of--way is in place. deg ~~Q.'r" In 1996, the owner approached the City with a request for development plan and plat approval on all of the remaining vacant land within the planned development. Case No. WZ-96-10 included either 11,200 square feet of "sit down" restaurant space or 19,700 squaze feet of retail sales space south of the existing restaurant. An 1125 squaze foot service facility was proposed on Lot 5 with a 28;000-square foot office/showroom facility on Lot 6. A~-i~~~are=€QOt gas station/convenience store with ancillary carwash\and~squaze foot freestanding fast food restaurant were proposed in the area subject to the current application. With the exception of Lot 1, the entirety of the planned development wa~ sing repoatted. -~c,+,x.{ I ~ ~~~-~40~ This case was recommended for approval with conditions by the Planning Commission at a public hearing held on October 3, 1996. The City Council denied the r ca~}test at~eir October 28, 1996, public hearing. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on November 25, 1997. -This case is not a rezoning application but a development plan and resubdivision request, therefore, the meeting was not mandatory and no City staff attended. Attached under Exhibit `B' is a synopsis of the meeting from the applicant's consultant. Included under Exhibit `C' is correspondence received by the City regazding the proposal. IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN ~~~~ The applicant is requesting development plan approval on only the southern one-third of old Lot ~t 2. An existing sit-down restaurant is located on the northern portion of this lot (old Lot 2). ~¢ Q ~ Prior to any building permit issuance on the middle portion of old Lot 2 or on Lots 5 or 6, a r ~~ development plan approval process will be required. 1 ~' ~~,~' Design parameters for the subject property established at the time of~o~u~t~line~,development p an v~ appr~l include, fo1lp~nn { Uses permitted: -v All uses allowed within the C-1 zone district `~,' 4~ Maximum building coverage: - 25% Minimum landscaped coverage: 15% The proposed development plan shows a 3241 squaze foot convenience store/fueling station with accessory fast food sales and carwash. With the 880 square foot caz wash and 5 island fueling station, total building coverage on the properly is 7593 squaze feet or 13.6%. Landscaped coverage on the site is 27.98% with 58.42% devoted to hard surfaces. signage on the property includes one 50' high freeway-oriented sign containing 208 squaze feet of signage per face. The freeway sign will be located towazds the northeast comer of the property near the carwash exit. An 11' high, 109 squaze foot monument sign and a 120 square foot tenant identification sign aze located along the West 32nd Avenue frontage. Staff concludes that the freestanding signage shown is consistent with the 1984 development plan and the stipulation and settlement dated November 21, 1995, between Mr. Richter (current property owner) and the City of Wheat Ridge. There will be no wall signage on the west and south sides of the canopy. Internally lit wall signs aze shown on the south, west and east fascias of the convenience store. As part of the development plan approval, the applicant has included a "Welcgme to Wheat Ridge"sign, although the design has been modified and is not consistent with the design adopted and used by the City. See attached Exhibit `D' for the City standard which was recently constructed at the 38th/Youngfield and 38th/Sheridan intersections. If the applicant intends on constructing such a sign, it should be consistent with the City's standard. Landscaping on the proposal exceeds the minimum requirements for amount of coverage and quantity and size of materials used. Berms have been added along the frontage road, 32nd Avenue and I-70 for buffering purposes. Please refer to the cross-sections depicted on sheet 6 . Staff would note the berms were added subsequent to comments made at the neighborhood meeting relative to potential light and noise intrusion into the neighborhood. Architectural materials for the building is brick consistent in color with that used on the existing restaurant in the development with contrasting khaki and dazk green accents. Lighting fixtures will be directed down with shields to eliminate glaze into the neighborhood. Building height is 17-1/2' to the highest portion with a canopy height of 18'. Access to the project will be a curb cut on the frontage road limited to right-hand turns into the project and a joint curb cut with the future development to the north. Adequate reservations for this shared access to occur have been added to the plat face. Public improvements required with this project include the addition of a right turn lane on 32nd Avenue and construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk along the 32nd Avenue and frontage road. a I ght at the 32nd/frontage roadlmtersectionwdl ~ibe warranted bythis developmentlalolne. of The Parks and Recreation Commission has requested the construction of a 10' wide pedestrian equestrian path running from West 32nd Avenue north towards the Cleaz Creek greenbelt along the eastern property line within the CDOT right-of--way for I-70. There is an issue as to whether this location for greenbelt access is appropriate for equestrian access based on safety and proximity to the overpass and I-70 on and off ramps. The applicant has indicated that if this is an exaction the City wants, they would be willing to escrow funds for the path construction when the land to the north develops. Staff concludes that the proposal is consistent with the underlying design pazameters established at the time of outline development plan approval, that it exceeds the City's standazds for commercial development and that all requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan have been met. + `~ V. SUBDIVISION PLAT ~-~1~. The plat submitted allows for the resubdivision of original Lots 2, 3 and 7 of 70 West Business Center Subdivision with the inclusion of land vacated by CDOT. The existing restaurant will be encompassed by new Lot 1 with the proposed project located on new Lot 3. At this time, the properly owner has no plans for Lot 2, although final development plan approval will be required prior to the issuance of any permits for construction. , No right-of--way dedications are required with this document although a sidewalk and signage easement needs to be shown at the 32nd/frontage road radius. The r-o-w dedication for the relocated service road has occurred by separate instrument but will be referenced on the plat. A joint curb with cross access has been reserved along the common property line between Lots 2 and 3. Staff has reserved the right to review this common access point when a development proposal has been submitted for Lot 2. A blanket access easement has been required over all curb cuts, drive aisles and parking azeas within Lots 1, 2 and 3. Existing and proposed drainage easements must be located on the plat face. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. VI. AGENCY REFERRALS Public Works Department has approved a drainage report. They aze requesting the addition of a right-hand turn lane on 32nd Avenue and the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk along both street frontages. Adequate right-of--way is in place, however, a sidewalk and signage easement is required on the plat document for the intersection radius. The installation of the traffic signal will not be required with this project because traffic projections do not warrant it. Future development of this property may warrant a signal. Police Department has offered comments relative to crime prevention. Pazks and Recreation Commission is requesting the construction of a 10' wide pedestrian/equestrian path east of the property on CDOT-r-o-w at the developer's expense. West Metro Fire Protection District can serve the property with improvements at the developer's expense. Jefferson County has commented relative to traffic and design of the site. They have commented . relative to traffic impacts and desirable street improvements and protection of the neighborhood to the west. See attached Exhibit `E'. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff has concluded that all requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan have been. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consistent with the underlying outline development plan and that it exceeds the standazds in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws for commercial development. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given with the following conditions: 1. That the "Welcome to Wheat Ridge" sign be consistent with the City's standazd. 2. If it is appropriate, a 10' wide pedestrian/equestrianpath be shown along the eastern property line of Lots 1, 2, and 3 in the CDOT r-o-w and that the developer escrow funds to allow for future path construction when Lot 2 develops. In regard to the resubdivision, Staff concludes that it is required to accommodate the frontage road relocation and incorporate the vacated CDOT right-of--way into the project. Staff further concludes that all of the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met, therefore, a recommendation of Approval is given with the following conditions: 1. All existing and proposed drainage easements be shown on the plat. 2. A sidewalk and signage easement be shown along the radius at the intersection of West 32nd Avenue and the frontage road. VIII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS DEVELOPMENT PLAN / Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-97-13, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It is consistent with the underlying outline development plan. 2. It is exceeds the City's standards for commercial development. 3. It meets all requirements for Planned Commercial Development final development plan. With the following conditions: 1. The "Welcome to Wheat Ridge" sign be modified to be consistent with the City's standazd. 2. A 10' wide pedestrian equestrian path be shown along the eastern property line of Lots 1, 2 and 3 in the CDOT r-o-w and that the developer escrow funds to allow for future path construction when Lot 2 develops." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ-97-13, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." RESUBDIVISION Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a resubdivision plat for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It is required to accommodate the frontage road relocation and incorporate the vacated CDOTrlght-of--way into the project. 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. All existing and proposed drainage easements be shown on the plat. 2. A sidewalk and signage easement be shown along the radius at the intersection of West 32nd Avenue and the frontage road." Option B: "I move that the request for approval of a resubdivision plat for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue be DENIED for the following reasons: '1. 2. 3." ary of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~1Vheat WHEAT RIDGE, GO 802156713 1303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax : 234-5924 Police Dept, Fax is 235-2949 Ridge December 16-, 1997 Mr. Brett Miller Engineering Service Company 14426 East Evans Avenue, Suite 150 Aurora, Colorado 80014 _ Re: 70 West Business Center, I-70_& West-32nd Avenue - Review Comments Subdivision Plat. Dear. Mr. Miller, The latest review of the subdivision plat received. on December 10, 1997 for the above referenced project has been completed with the following comments noted: 1. Closure has been checked and is within tolerance. _ 2. Please .provide reception numbers for quit claim and dedication. Note 1 would hot be necessary if these deed numbers are shown. 3. Please provide deeds for vacation and dedication of water_ easement. 4. Please change L.S-. number on monuments to 13212. 5. Please show right-of-way width on frontage road. 6. Note 3 appears to be duplicated in "Notice". 7. Title should read; "and a parcel of land-situated in"._ PLEASE RETURN ALL RED LINED PRINTS WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL, Any qu scions regarding these comments can be addressed to Mr J n McG ~re, L.S. at 235-2858. S'n rely, Greg Rnu son, M.P.A. _. -.- Development Review Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr_ Project_Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner ~~ urcvrt-eo anrFN - ____ ~" --- 1` - --- -- -I3g~ S --._ ®%'Za Uu's °~~ 1 ,~~ ~ ~ _ . _ __. _. __~'u6Q ,c~Z¢ ~ Q.. - Lr~ vo ld __. - _ __ ~ cdt agcy u.J~ n-~ r -- ~ 5'3/IJ /3r~ ft f2d, . fra ~v a ~ as vse. i // ~a rr~ ~ l - / ~f3 ~ 9 nn~ rd cr- C~ NG ~GdcOd t ka a~ S ~ n a C d,-,-,tO rbrn f 5 ~ E--~ ~'"°~~ tru,/aes -L45~5 ~ ~Zd~'e-/, rnedrea.,/ o~i~?es~ l~r - __ -~ atic rarz ~ s ~9 ~ ~- z-2~ ~d r'rl - ~; ~ ~~. , hoKSts crn '~.v,n%as~C'S dtornes,~ fhey have wo w~ ~1 hoZY d!~'S. ~ nD ~s~J-~a~all szo~a~~ e~,ya~.~sf /,j~c-j 385 ~- (~tlen~y Coss-t-r ? J3~sc~ 3Z,~t - motif /2~.bawo v°P'Z,q Gtey,~es '~ GP~n . irn pLtGZ~' ~ 6vtc e '~~t r h~ qa S , rl o/ ~a s~` -~o~cs~ !~' ---- Csp~ C Gifu G/L . ~%~`~` - 3 - --. _ - - --- - ~____ ~Q.yid rjh y4~~r -- 325/0 ~lk.ir~ _ .. _ - _. ~_ _ -- -_ _ ~3~~f G.i~""v~' 13 ~ y~ ~'raec ~ ~ yc~ ~~~ ~~ ~-~ '~` ~ y~~~~ ~ ~~ _`~l~ ~~ f~~ ~~ a ( > ~vd ~-~- t,,~:c~.Q Jv-k.. `nra ___ ~; ~~- ~ i PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO• WZ-97-13 DATE: December 18, 1997 REQUEST: A request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan and plat for property located at 12851 W. 32nd Avenue. Position on Request ,(Please checkl /~Y,LO t b ~ E~i~s~ ~OOTt~/~ /2lU [/ !/ iya ro 13~za~a Rd r~ ~ ~~ tic /' ~-u ~~,~ ~r s~itiw~~. ~a~~ -~~-- ~ ~ ~J i~ ` 323 ~J~nu~e~C'^~ ~ , ~~~ ` ti~1 .30 o Z ,~ / >r / /~ ~~ ~//,lclC YYi ~ 'a 2 3 R zr~;uiA ~'~ 1~ 1/ 32(7 tk'ne ~~ >/ '' l ~I Yi Y? 1 .~ ~~~r x ~~ .-~~. ~ rN l /~ ~ ~./f. ~.A /l.~i ~.ief. Yv V- " , J~ ^Y~~~~ `~' +~ -ten J ~iG,-+ ~ ~R.i ~~ ~° ~ 6 ~ C.,~`~ :„ . r a PUBLIC FORUM ROSTER THIS IS THE TIME FOR ANYONE TO SPEAK ON ANY SUBJECT NOT APPEARING UNDER ITEM 6. OF THE PUBLIC HEARING SECTION OF THE AGENDA. Please print name, address and phone number. _l i2~s ~~cl~~A~ a~a~ ,e~c~s~ ~ a4~o ~~ ~r~ ~~ l~~o ~ c~, c~ c~go~l ~l~C-.~~r' ~' K~ 'YYl i N o~ '~ i ~ o r a rrE PA-, ~ c,~ S t CTO ~ c~ ev, ~'b ~E ~ 1 ~~~Q~a~ n~ C~oer~ 131~~ 1~J ~~~ Avg (L„lc~e~ ~~~o~ !~~',.~ ~ ,.~ , >.. f` ~ ~ 1 ors ~ r ~i, f ~ ~ ~~.-~-~, ~f.~s~c'~,..s' ~ ~ ~' ~. ! PETROLEUM CONCEPTS AT I-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION DECEMBER 18, 1997 ~'- e ~~ ~~ ~~ •~ ~ ~ q 0 4 I I I ~, , ~; ~ I I + I ~ ~ ~ I l i ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,'s i ~ q ~ V ~ + ~ {7~ W W W a a. r--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I L-__ ~ ~B ~~ ,' • t ~~ g :. ~ , ~ : r r-s s/s' r-a s r-w ~~ j t-~ 3/6' 1 r-0 3/{' 4 m ;,',r„r•h N4;..:M .. .. Mir. .;p, .. t' Oti U? :99% Vi' 0 m n O ;m .~_ )n z ~o 0 a ~. FREESTANDING 2 POLE SIGN 208 SF/FACE NOT TO SCALE !~~ L56[ zE ~80~~Lt ~~ yap uow 5MO~s;tG~Z\rl:l~Lc`~. JTll~ii7 d`.;~c?\G~ C~13c\ ~~ a7' . ~~._~„ I-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER TENANT AREA TENANT AREA TENANT AREA TENANT AREA TENANT AREA TENANT AREA TENANT AREA TENANT AREA TENANT AREA TENANT AREA BRICK TO MATCH C-STORE I-70 CENTER ID SIGN NOT TO SCALE -%~ _5c> cp cC _; _. ~~~~ .;ort ~.a~ _ ~~_\r7: =~c`9N=4P„-~~, ,~r„ ~'oCc . l~E]__C ,, m 0 0 0 3 N i u"1 a N i--i J T 2 :~ z z G 1 u :J .~~~~~r(~iJLri Car Wash ATM Y o. M O_ I MONUMENT IGN 109 SF/FACE NOT TO SCALE ~" ~ i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given _of a_public hearing to_be held before the Wheat Ridge City Council on January 12, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., at 7500 West 29th Avenue, wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the public hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: I. Ca No. W•- 7- 4: An application by Louis J. Ficco for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan and plat. Said property is located at 6225 W. 48th Avenue and is legally described as follows: THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 3.SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. LYING EAST OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF LAVETA AVENUE AND SOUTH_AND EAST OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF BLOCK 19, BERKELEY HEIGHT SECOND FILING, EXCEPT BLOCKS 12, 16, 17 AND A TEN ACRE_TRACT HERETOFORE CONVEYED TO BELLE BUSH BY DEED IN BOOK 117 AT PAGE 475; SAID LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 13, 786.4 FEET WEST OF THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 13; THENCE NORTH 650.5 FEET; THENCE 5.53°47'W, 123.75 FEET; THENCE N.89°13'W, 104 FEET;_THENCE 5.45°38'W., 140.3 FEET; THENCE 5.30°03'W, 90.3 FEET THENCE S.09°28'E., 109,6 FEET; THENCE 5.15°51'E; 38 FEET;.. THENCE EAST 165 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 259 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 13; THENCE. EAST ALONG SAID SECTION LINE 136 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING,- EXCEPT ANY PORTION LYING WITHIN WEST 48TH AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. 2. Case No. WZ-97-13;_An_application by Petroleum Concepts, LLC for Dwaine Richter for approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined preliminary and final development plan and plat for property located at 12851 W. 32nd Avenue. The following is a legal description for the property being platted. THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY_DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N89°43"'30"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NW 1/4 A. DISTANCE OF 710.41-FEET; THENCE N00°16'30"W A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE AND THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF_THE_INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST, ._ SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; (THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THE FOLLOWING EIGHT (8) COURSES) THENCE N42°54'31"W A DISTANCE OF 38.41 FEET; - THENCE N00°47'12"W A DISTANCE OF 21.94 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°32'12"W A DISTANCE OF 50.91_-FEET, SAID-CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS OF 125.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 51.27 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N24°17'12"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 85.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE - TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°32'12"W A DISTANCE OF 30.55 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CEATTRAL ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.76 FEET TO A-POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N00°47'12"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 271'.39 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N44°25'54"E A DISTANCE OF _120.67 FEET,-SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°26'12",-A-RADIUS OF 85.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF~134.17 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N89°39'00"E ALONG SAID TANGENT AND ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF A PARCEL OF-LAND DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NUMBER OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS A DISTANCE OF 270.84 FEET; THENCE N00°21.'00"W -- CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL A'DISTANCE OF - 25.50 FEET;, THENCE N89°39'00"E AND CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE S06°31'00"W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 559.64 FEET. TO A POINT LYING ON THE NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE; THENCE S79°09'50°W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL AND --. SAID NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE A DISTANCE OF 194.52 FEET; THENCE S89°43'30"W CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL AND SAID NORTHERLY.R.O.W.. LINE AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 A DISTANCE OF 42.36 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY i$2,054 SQUARE FEET OR 4.1794 ACRES. The following is a legal description for the property being reviewed for final development plan approval:. THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY.OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: __ COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST COANSR OF SAID NFI 1/4-OF SECTION 29; THENCE N89°43'30"E, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NW 1/4, A DISTANCE OF 724.13 FEET; THENCE N00°47'13"E A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER AS RECORDED AT BOOK 79,-PAGE 48 (RECEPTION N0. 64076366) JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, RECORDS AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE S89°43'40"W, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 7 A DISTANCE OF _ 12.47 FEET; THENCE N42°53'53"E A DISTANCE OF 38.41 FEET; THENCE N00°46'33"W A DISTANCE OF 21.94 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A.CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°31'33"W A DISTANCE OF 50.91 FEET; -SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS OF 125.00 FEET AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 51.27 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N24°16'33"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 85.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°31'33"W A DISTANCE OF 30.55 FEET,, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEE T. AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.76 FEET TO A POINT OF NON TANGENT; THENCE N89°43'30"E A DISTANCE OF 331.72 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF I-70; THENCE - S06°31'00"W ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 173.91 FEET TO A POINT ON THE PROPOSED NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE; THENCE 579°09'50"W,-ALONG-SAID PROPOSED NORTH RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF_194.52 FEET; THENCE 589°43'30"W,_ CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 29.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 55,828 SQUARE FEET (1.282 ACRES)_ ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be published:-December 19,.1997 Wheat Ridge Transcript t ~ N '500 WEST 29Th! AVENUE F.O. BOX 638 - ~. ~~ ~~ „y of WHEAT A1DGE. CO 8003c.G535 _ 1303) 23~-5900 - Wheat City Admin. Fax ~ 23a~5921 Police Deot. Fax: 235 29x9 _ ~1dgPi POSTING CERTIFICATION S CASE NO. j.~/~ -q7-~~ R. _ PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADNSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: `-/,z-`/'8 ~; ll ~ , I, n a m e residing at ~ ~ (a d d e s s) as the applicant for Case No. ~g'7 /,~ hereby certify that I have, posted t./he Notice of Public Hearing at ~l o c a t i o n) on this ~ day of ~~,.,,,~,~ 19 ~, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: ,i NOTE: This form must be submitte the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. M A P <pc>postingcert rev. 05-19-94 Ca u. . r.„~,,, (~ ~.ricoR~o~~,~ €~=eeso:. ca,::-^~ s~ ~C -- - - L.ON I NG M~i~ - ~^~~~ ~- ~.^:~~ (,7ESiG~A-S OYd~S-,?~ v,~........--...-...,<.--.--..._ I~IHERT RIDGE _-~-~„Y :MIT ~~~ • p~ GOLOR~hDO ~,o.-~ ~,~~~~x.e r.D~a=5~5 - ~ ~.~ ~?=n3„3: _ ~ =!,rS:vG nY7 B9~r~0~r= - 735-~5_ - . _ __'__ „__ . .. ~-----_.. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Galloway Romero & Associates DATE ~ Io2 ~9.''r __ _ _ __ Design Engineering Planning ~j PR~ECT ~ C ~ - ,{,} /2FJ ~ y pl pG~ 5350 DTC Porkway LOCATION ~' 7G7 SCw/'c/ t c ~^'y'*-'a 4~'^5 ~ - Englewood, Colorado 80111 l~ / x' ~ 2 ~ ~~O (303) 77D-8884 0. l J / - ' ` " ~ - (303) 770-3636 fax 1` y--r r ATTENTION j~1~~EE i ~ n r~~!E2T To: r ~u aFGr1~ 2- < ~ f ~ ~e .~ r~ ~, l~ yn2/,5~ :: WE ARE SENDING YOU: ^ HEREWITH DELIVERED BY HAND ^ OVERNIGHT ^ VIA ,- - THE FOLLOWING ITEMS:, ^ PRINTS ^ MYLARS ^ PHOTOCOPIES ^ COPY GF LETTER ^ SPECIFICATIONS ^ _ _, . COPIES DATE OR NO. DESCRIPTIO ,_ _ _- ~_ , . __ ,_. _ , W /.2-22- r _ >. , - __ ~ G L ri, r s THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS INDICATED BELOW ~ f FOR YOUR USE ~ AS RE9UESTED ^ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ^ FOR APPROVAL TIONS ^ - ^ APPROVED AS NOTED ^ RETURNED FOR CORREC REMARKS: - . ~, .. - -~ >~. _ :. _„ - .. ___ -. = _- .. - x .:-- ~ ry _ <- e ., _ COPIES TO: , " _ ~~ ~ ~ .,~, ,. >.-Jt NED u,G -' . SIG CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT RELEASE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN LOT 3 AND LOT 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER AS RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 84076366 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6T" PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N89°43'30"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NW 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 711.27 FEET; THENCE N00°16'30"W A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE AND THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST; (THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0520327 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THE FOLLOWING FOUR {4} COURSES) THENCE N42°54'31 "W A DISTANCE OF 38.41 FEET; THENCE N00°47'12"W A DISTANCE OF 21.94 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°32'12"W A DISTANCE OF 50.91 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS OF 125.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 51.27 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N24°17'12"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE A DISTANCE OF 53.73 FEET TO A POINT LYING NON-TANGENT ON A CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N44°34'43"E A DISTANCE OF 50.50 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 25°22'06", A RADIUS OF 115.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 50.92 FEET; THENCE N89°43'30"E NON-TANGENT TO THE LAST DESCRIBED CURVE A DISTANCE OF 113.36 FEET; THENCE S64°00'00"W A DISTANCE OF 88.64 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS S31°36'23"W A DISTANCE OF 69.65 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 64°47'15", A RADIUS OF 65.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 73.50 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE S00°47'15"E ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 37.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (5,397 SQUARE FEET) 0.1239 ACRES. DATE PREPARED: DECEMBER 30, 1997 DATE OF LAST REVISION: PREPARED BY: BRETT L. MILLER, PLS N0.27609 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 14426 EAST EVANS AVENUE, SUITE 150 AURORA, COLORADO 80014 (303) 337-1393 ,. EXHIBIT SE CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3-1/2" BRASS CAP L.S. N0. 13212 IN RANGE BOX) ~#rir~~ 50" NON-EXCLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT (REC./j85013506) 88.64 PARCEL CONTAINS 5,397 SQ. FT. OR 0.1239 ACRES ~J7 64'47' 15" R=65.00' L=73.50' Ltl7 ~ ~=25'22'06 R=1 15.00' L=50.92' Chd=N44'34'43"E 50.50' N24'17' R=125.00' L=51.27' Chd=N 12'32' 12"W 50.91' INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST {R.O.W. VARIES) PREPARED FOR: DWAINE R. RICHTER 6930 EAST GIRARD, X205 DENVER, COLORA00 80224 PREPARED BY: ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 14426 EAST EVANS AVENUE, SUITE 150 AURORA, COLORADO 80014 NOTE: THIS EXHIBIT DOES NOT REPRESENT A MONUMENTED SURVEY. IT IS INTENDED ONLY TO DEPICT THE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION. CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT SCALE: DSKFlLE POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W.. OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3-1/2" BRASS CAP L.S. N0. 13212 IN RANGE 80X) EASEMENT RELEASE rnl Nip _ '431 OIm Q ~I~ olLa w~ i ro 4,1~ L-IN ~I NI ~I nl W ~~ O Z3 N d M v 3 A PART OF LOT 3 & LOT 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER SITUATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF Cnl nRA~n POINT OF BEGINNING T CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT RELEASE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN LOT 3 AND LOT 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER AS RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 84076366 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6T" PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N89°43'30"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NW 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 711.27 FEET; THENCE N00°16'30"W A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE AND THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST; (THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0520327 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THE FOLLOWING FOUR {4} COURSES) THENCE N42°54'31"W A DISTANCE OF 38.41 FEET; THENCE N00°47'12"W A DISTANCE OF 21.94 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°32'12"W A DISTANCE OF 50.91 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS OF 125.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 51.27 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N24°17'12"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE A DISTANCE OF 53.73 FEET TO A POINT LYING NON-TANGENT ON A CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N44°34'43"E A DISTANCE OF 50.50 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 25°22'06", A RADIUS OF 115.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 50.92 FEET; THENCE N89°43'30"E NON-TANGENT TO THE LAST DESCRIBED CURVE A DISTANCE OF 113.36 FEET; THENCE S64°00'00"W A DISTANCE OF 88.64 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS S31°36'23"W A DISTANCE OF 69.65 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 64°47'15", A RADIUS OF 65.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 73.50 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE S00°47'15"E ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 37.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (5,397 SQUARE FEET) 0.1239 ACRES. DATE PREPARED: DECEMBER 30, 1997 DATE OF LAST REVISION: PREPARED BY: BRETT L. MILLER, PLS NO. 27609 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 19426 EAST EVANS AVENUE, SUITE 150 AURORA, COLORADO 80014 (303) 337-1393 EXHIBIT 50' NON-E%CLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT (REC.~f85013508) R=1 15.00' L=50.92' Chd=N44'34'43"E SE CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3-1/2" BRASS CAP L.S. NO. 13212 IN RANGE BO%) N IZ W NI~ OIm N O PARCEL CONTAINS old 5,397 S0. FT. OR ~I m 0.1239 ACRES ^M I V V YY ; p~ 64' iJ7 ~ W ~ 7'J 1~1~~7 ~J*JL~1~J~ , ~aA1'f~Fi SIN D=64'47' 15" o R=65 00' f I Z . L=73.50' w ~ 'iM Chd=S31'36'23"W ~iM 69.65' ( y :~ rn )'~"r ~ " Z ' ' " N00'16 30 W ~- - S00 47 15 E 40 00- \ z~ nn / N42'54'31 "W I - -/ 38.41 I N00'47'12"W 21. 4 POINT OF BEGINNING ~=23'30'00" R=125.00' I ~ L=51 27' I ~ .._ Chd=N 12'32' 12"W _ ---. _ 50.91' I Q ~, NI p n No INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST ^I Z ~ (R.O.W. VARIES) I M1 g t '3 PREPA?ED FOR: DWAINE R. RICHTER 6930 EAST GIRARD, #205 DENVER, COLORADO 80224 .PREPARED BY: ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 14426 EAST EVANS AVENUE, SUITE 150 AURORA, COLORADO 80014 NOTE: THIS E%HIBR DOES NO7 REPRES~N7 A MONUMENTED SURVEY. IT IS INTENDED ONLY TO DEPICT THE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION. CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT DRAWN BY: SCALE: R.O.W. FIIE~' RHY i"s 40~ Cob :FED BY: DATE: DSKFlLE POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3-1/2" BRASS CAP LS. N .13272 IN RANGE 60X) EASEMENT RELEASE A PART OF LOT 3 & LOT 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER SITUATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. CIN OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ~~ 1Q r CONSOLIDATED MUT DED CAT ON OMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN LOT 3 AND LOT 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER AS RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 84076366 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH STATEI OFLCOLORADO! MORE PARTOICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: RSON, COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF THE NW 1!4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N89°43'30"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NW 1!4 A DISTANCE OF 711.27 FEET; THENCE N00°16'30"W A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE AND THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST; (THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0520327 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THE FOLLOWING SEVEN {7} COURSES) THENCE N42°54'31"W A DISTANCE OF 38.41 FEET; THENCE N00°47'12"W A DISTANCE OF 21.94 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°32'12"W A DISTANCE OF 50.91 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS OF 125.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 51.27 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N24°17'12"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 85.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N21°40'51"W A DISTANCE OF 6.82 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05°12'42", A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 6.82 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N09°55'51"W A DISTANCE OF 23.84 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18°17'18", A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.94 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N00°47'12"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 26.50 FEET; THENCE N89°43'30"E A DISTANCE OF 157.41 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF AN EXISTING NON-EXCLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT, 50 FEET WIDE, RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 85013508; THENCE S64°00'00'9/V ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 100.05 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS S60°37'53"W A DISTANCE OF 13.51 FEET AND CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06°44'14", A RADIUS OF 115.00 THETLAST DESCRNBED COURVE A D STANCE OF 51.23 FEET T!O TOHE POINT OFTO BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (5,240 SQUARE FEET) 0.1203 ACRES. DATE PREPARED: DECEMBER 30, 1997 DATE OF LAST REVISION: PREPARED BY: BRETT L. MILLER, PLS N0.27609 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 14426 EAST EVANS AVENUE, SUITE 150 AURORA, COLORADO 80074 (303) 337-1393 ...I. EXHIBIT SE CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3-1/2" BRASS CAP LS. N0. 13212 IN RANGE BOX) ~ ~ ~, ~ N I ~ `~ W g2_ wl `~ O 0) l 50' NON-EXCLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED w o ~ `, MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT yr ` \I (REC.#85013506) olva `. I tm. I ~~ i = ~ ~• ~ PARCEL CONTAINS 4 Ff wl~ ~ tO O~ i . 5,2 0 S0. Ic v o I ' i ~=Ofi'44'14" ~ ; ~y i R=115.00' r 52; L=13 tC) . Chd=S60'37 53"W ~i] y y, ~- , 13.51' W O M i~ d- 00 z 0=18'17'18" R=75.00' L=23.94' Chd=N09'S5'51 "W ' POINT OF BEGINNING ~ / / / / / / / N24'17'12"W 8.7 ~=05' 12'42" R=75.00' L=6.82' Chd=N21'40'51 "W s.s2' INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST (R.o.w. vARIES) PREPARED FOR: DWAINE R. RICHTER 6930 EAST GIRARD, X205 DENVER, COLORADO 80224 PREPARED BY• ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 14426 EAST EVANS AVENUE, SUITE 150 AURORA, COLORADO 80014 NOTE: THIS E%HIBR DOES NOT REPRESENT A MONUMENTED SURVEY. IT IS INTENDED ONLY TO DEPICT THE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION. CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT DRAWN BY: B'l: R.O.W. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. FOUND 3-1/2" BRASS CAP L.S. N .13212 IN RANGE BOX) aJ Z Ian NI p ~I Z 3 ~I M d I W '3 EASEMENT DEDICATION A PART OF LOT 3 & LOT 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER SITUATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF Cnf nRA~n . .. CONSOLIDATED MUT DED CAT ON OMPANY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN LOT 3 AND LOT 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER AS RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 84076366 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6T" STATEI OF COLOIRADOi MORE PARTOICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: RSON, COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N89°43'30"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NW 114 A DISTANCE OF 711.27 FEET; THENCE N00°16'30"W A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF WEST 32N° AVENUE AND THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST; (THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY R.O.W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0520327 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THE FOLLOWING SEVEN {7} COURSES) THENCE N42°54'31"W A DISTANCE OF 38.41 FEET; THENCE N00°47'12"W A DISTANCE OF 21.94 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12°32'12"W A DISTANCE OF 50.91 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23°30'00", A RADIUS OF 125.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 51.27 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N24°17'12"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 85.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N21°40'51"W A DISTANCE OF 6.82 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05°12'42", A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 6.82 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N09°55'51"W A DISTANCE OF 23.84 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18°17'18", A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.94 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N00°47'12"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 26.50 FEET; THENCE N89°43'30"E A DISTANCE OF 157.41 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF AN EXISTING NON-EXCLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT, 50 FEET WIDE, RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 85013508; THENCE S64°00'00"W ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 100.05 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS S60°37'53"W A DISTANCE OF 13.51 FEET AND CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06°44'14", A RADIUS OF 115.00 THE LAST DESCRNBED COURVE A DESTANCE OF S 23°FEET TONTOHE POWT OFTO BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (5,240 SQUARE FEET) 0.1203 ACRES. DATE PREPARED: DECEMBER 30, 1997 DATE OF LAST REVISION: PREPARED BY: BRETT L. MILLER, PLS NO. 27609 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 14426 EAST EVANS AVENUE, SUITE 150 AURORA, COLORADO 80074 (303) 337-1393 EXHIBIT ~- <- 50' NON-EXCLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT (REC.~85013506) ~, ~ 06'44' 14" R=115.00' \ L=13.52' Chd=S60'37'53"W -r--~---------- w r 0 M M ao z N00'47' 12"W O 18'17'18" R=75.00' L=23.94' Chd=N09'S5'51 "W 23.84' ~=05' 12'42" R=75.00' L=6.82' Chd=N21'40'51 "W R=1 .27' N 12'32' 12"W 50.91' i~I NI ~I n~ I ta! ~~j Q f3 o~ Z ~ N d M v 3 fNTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST (R.o.w. vARIES) COMMENCEMENT DWAINE R. RICHTER 6930 EAST GIRARD, X205 DENVER, COLORADO 80224 ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY 14426 EAST EVANS AVENUE, SUfIE 150 AURORA, COLORADO 80074 NOTE: THIS-E%HIBR DOES NOT REPRESENT A MOtVUMENTED SURVEY. IT IS INTENDED ONLY TO DEPICT 7HE ATTaCHED DESORPTION. CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT HY: + DATE: ~ DSKFILE 43' SE CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3-1/2" BRASS CAP LS. N0. 13212 IN RANGE BOX) .~. iz m NI~ O ~ m O N 01~ ! m w . . . il~ Pa~cEL coNraNS 1~ 5,240 SQ. Ff. = t-IN OR 0.1203 ACRES o f W pr I ~W L~J ~ I ~IM ~LI~L~I;;~~ l;:;N7~H I NIA rn •---------------j ao z N_00'16'30"W d7 > /~ ao-oo,-- _ _ .~.._ -i / N42'S4'31 "W ~ 38.41 N00'47'12"W z1s4 7'~ ~7~~37 BEGINNING ~ ~' i~ ~ N24'17'12"W 85.97 SW CORNER OF THE NW 7/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3-7/2' BRASS CAP LS. N0. 13212 IN RANGE BO%) EASEMENT DEDICATION A PART OF LOT 3 & LOT 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER SITUATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 7500 West 29th Avenue _ ~-"""'L The City of Wheat Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Ridge Telephone 303/ 237-6944 DATE: 123-97 W7 97 13 _ which is a request for apnroval This is to inform you that Case No. - »us i W 3~nd Avenue _ will be heazd by l~at ,for property located at -- the Wlreat Ridge CITY COUNCIL in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7.00 P.M. _-> on January 12 1~, All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration mu t be present at this hearing before the CITY COUNCIL. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any ctuestions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank You. PLANNING DIVISION ~~ "The Carnation City -- - ~-.- aETUI-~~NDER. - - ~ I also wish to receive the ! .Cwnpkfe items t aM/or 2 for additional services following services (for an extra fee): RECE a print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this caN t. ^ Addressee's Address ,~ SERVE-_~~' ~ -_- ~ffachthislorm_to-the_1ronLOLthemailpiece, or on_thr, backiESpace tloes not permit. 2. ^ Restricted Deivery p^ --~i~urn Receipt will straw ~to wham the article was Be'livered an0 the tlale delivered Consult postmaster for fee. SEh -- - s. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number o `°- ~ ~ P 966 013 904 ~ ~_."__ _ KJlacX u~~ f ~ 4b. Service Type ,~ ~1'm ~ '" _ ~ Cq gr~t~2 ~ CERTIFIED D' ~- -- 7. Date of Delivery I_~ --_.- - __ PS Fe- -- ewe -6y:7Print Name) --- - - - ----- - -- - - - - 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY it requested and fee paio:J FORM- 71, January to Domestic Return Receipt - -- -- --- - - r---.~ .. 0 o- m a 0 .1: 4 W a I 0 w~i W O LL ~ °a~ n.z O~ a F. W ~~ UPI rZ~ y (SI Upl QW ari.- PS FORM 3800 US Postal Service - ReC21pt fOr ~ '~ Certified Mail ~ t ..~ m D' rn O .d ' "'~ '-~lalso_wi h~eceive the - I _ END R: following services (for an extra fee): f RETURNIh Complete items 1 arM/or 2 for additional services. RECEIPT •PoM your name antl adtlress on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card 1 ^ Addressee's Address to ycu. SERNCE~_Attadi this form to the from of me manprece, or on me Hock ii space aces eat permit. 2. ^ Restricted Delivery S Return Receipt wll s ow o w o~rir t c a 'c ~delmered-antl the a..te delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. ` _ "~ --- "'°""'-~~~ -"~"' =" 4a. Article Number -3 Article Addressed to: ~~- p 966 013 936 ~~ ° ~r _ ~"iU3.t3g2r ~` '"- - _ ~Reseived By: (Print Name) PS FCC y~=-~:_" January 1996 a. __.__._-. --_. 0 Q' m C7 .n d.. a 4b. Service type CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) 4a. Article um er p 966 X13 908 --- 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED 5. Receivedr y: (Print Name) ~ ~,~ C m r9 O a tr a SANDER: -- ~ ~ `- I also wish to receive the 4 '~ letenems t andror z sor aadlnonal seances, following services (for an extra fee): -gip( your name antl address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card 1 ^ Addressee's Address ' to yw. . ~-A~ach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back it space does not permit 2. ^ R2StrlCfed Delivery Tie Return Receipt will shew to whom the artbk; was delivered and the tl3t2 delivered. Consult pOStmastef fof fee. ~7"F't"~iYNttn ~' i ~ ~h~h~ F~---- ,~--°_ ` _- ~- ~- o M 3811, January 19ss Dbmestlc Return - . T. Date of Dehv@rty., ~~ t 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) B~~ature: (Fjddressee r Ag ^'~"-~~-- -_ - - - - _-_ - - - - I also wish to receive~te I I SENDER: - following services (for an extra fee): I t • Complete Reins 1 nntl/or 2 for aadinonal servbes 1 1. ^ Addressee's Address - Print your name and address on the reverse of this torn so that we can return this cartl yW. •littBCTi Phis farrrt to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit 2. ^ Restricted Delivery r_ ~ The Return Receipt will snow to whom the article was delivered and the tlate delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. `---- =:_---_- -.-__.-=_ --- -:. 4a. Article Number ~.; ~ _- _ - p_966 X13 909 - - ---- 46. Service Type CERTIFIED ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7. Date of Delivery _ _- -t~-a, -~~ S. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) ~6: SiVgnature: (Addressee or Agent - -y X -- ~ Domestic Return Receipt - -- ~. PS FORM 3811, January 1996 ~ r - _ r !' -~^q-^^~'-~€IdDER: I also wish to receive the -.complete hems t andror z rot atltluienal services. following services (for an extra fee): i ~ Print your name antl atltlress on the reverse of ihis form so that we can return this caM to ya,, 1. ^ Addressee's Address • Attach this farm to the Iront of [he mailpiece, or on the tack iF space tloes not permit 2. ^ R25trlCfed Delivery lti .__~.The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consult pOStmaster for fee. O °- _. __. _ _._ ---_ P, isle Addressetl to: - - - _. 4a. Article Number ~- ,~ C-- _ P 966 013 9D7 ~ ~ I ~ilrt3~e O ~ - 5r-YS __~^h _ - -- -- --- 4b. Service Type ..o ~_ ~~~! ,~ ~~~~; ~ CERTIFIED -n _ _ -- ------ f-~- - 7. D e f Delive a = - - -- ~ -'Received By: (Print Name) 8. Addre see' Address n ~ ^ / l~ ~~ ~. ;~ (ONLY if requested and fee paid.J E 6. Signature'- Ar[ resse%"or Agent) `mss FORM 3811, January 19 Domestic Return Receipt ~= _ __ - ___ . -- --SENDER: - I also wish to receive the `-(^omptete items i artdior z for additional servroes following services (for an extra fee): 7- E •Prihl ycur name antl atltlress nn the reverse of this form so that we wn return this card ~ ^ Addressee's Address _~ to yam • Attach this form ro the Front of the mailpiece, or en the back if space does trot permit 2. ^ RBStrlCted Delivery r' ~heReturn Recetpt will show to whom the article was tlelivered and the tlate tleliveretl. Consult pOSYmaster fOr fee. =3.Ertide Addressed to: __ - _ - -~ - - 4a. Article Number m W_„-~-_t.a :33.t~, P 9 6 6 D 13 9 3 7 -- _.° -~ ="` -- =7 rvlce type CERTIFIED ~' - 7. Uate or ueltvery /~ 6. Si~g(natu~re/: ~` 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY rf requested and fee paid.) 3811, Ja- uary ts9s Domestic Return Receipt 0 a m' m a 0 .~ .~ ~" a 4b. Y°- 6-Signature: (Addressee o~e t t PS FORM 3811, January 19. m 0"' m ,a O .n .n o- 4 ' SENDER: ~ ~ ~ ~ I also wish to receive the ' "won,pg-te-ir~~l~rcarorxioraadnional services, following services (for an extra fee): ---~ Pdnt }par name and address o~ tfie rev's e f7 'h~'f~~th~ "re ~n return this rartl ~ ^ Addressee s Address REiU_ to ycu._ RECE • Attach this form to ttre front of the mailpiece. or on the back if space tlces not permit. 2. ^ RestrlCted Delivery sERV~~ T~ Return Receipt will show to wham the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consu@ pOStmaster for fee. --~~ticle Addressed to ~ - - - 4a. Article Number _..__ . . -. _ ~ _. __-__FT .... - p 9 6 6 013 91 D SEA - .. . - .. - - - - - - . - -__ - - ..... _ - F .SENDET~f ~-- --.- - - - ~ I also wish to receive the Complete gems t aneror z far aaaieicnal services. following services (for an extra fee): P ~nr your name and address on the reverse of this form so that vre can return this cab ~ ^ Addressee s Address M Mu. -- -Attach mis lorm to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back it space aoes trot permit 2. ^ Restricted DBlivery fFerY€inm Recatptwin snow to wtrom the arr~cle was delvered and tna date deirrared. Consult postmaster for fee. - -Artie a Addressed to: _ -- 4a. Article Number _ - D a t. [: f11, a 913 ~et~r3x2 Snyr' - C~Slci~xs, ~ ?Rv?Sl ~- - ~. ~~ - - - _- Re-ceived By: (Print Name) e_~ /~ n 46. Service Type CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery 8. Addressees Address ' (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) r.-~ r ~ '-PS FoFtM 3811, Janua s ~ Domestic Return Receipt i y. - - -- - . - ~- .. , . ~ .-, . . e_~.u-~ _ .. _--~- ~ .,__., . r.-- ~- ___ . I - - - -'- -- - _~ ~ ~_ - -- - - '~ SENDER: - ~ ~ .Complete Items t aM/ar z rot additional services ' I also wish to receive the I di _ following services (for an extra fee): I j •Prinl }rout name and address on the reverse of this tam so that we can return this card ~ ^ Addressee's Address '=0 to you. a Aflach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space tlces not permit, ~ 2. Q-RestrlCied DellVery T _ `~ Tha Return Receipt will shrnv to whom [he arfiWe was del'rveretl and the date delivered. CiorlSUlt postmaster for fee. ~ _ ie Addressed to: ~ - - 4a. Article Number m =- P 966 013 938 t7 -+r - - ----. -_::. _._ ~. Ad3,..1~ ~ 46. Service Type .o -f53v _~_ $"041 --- - __ ~ CERTIFIED v- _ - , _~ = 7. Date of Delivery O_ -- -- a~ ~~ Received By: (Print Name) :5 S. Addressee's Address r : (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) ~( // , ' ~ ws FOR X81 ,'January i99s Domestic Return Receipt _F- - . , r „ ~ i - CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery Domestic Return Addressee's Address (ONLY it requested and fee paid.) - _ _ -- -- -- -- '--~-`- - - - - _ _ - _ _ I also wish to receive the I y,-t-1-_SBNDER: - -Complete Items t antl/or 2 for additional services. tam so that we can return this f-thi following services (for an extra fee): I card ~ AddfeSSeO S Address s REl` • Rrinl your name and add~ss'on'the reverse o ou f 1 ^ R2StrlCted De (Very 2 . o y RF4y gttach IIhs Corm to the Seom at Ihn madO~eco, or on the back if space does not permit. rticle was delivered antl the date delivered. h ' . GOfISUIt pOStmaeter fOf feE. e a y Tpy Retum Receipt will show to whom t SEF umber le 4 a_.Ar~ r`' ~ ddresse o: s~~.-_ -- - _ __ .. _ _ . -1x966 613 917 ~ _ ~` Cn ',~i(} 8~;~ ~ 4b. Service Type o - ~~'~' ~ - ~04'Sl ~ CERTIFIED ..~ ~ - - -'Tat Deliver~~ ~~ ~ :~ - -. b. Received By: (Print Name) 8. Addressees Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) P;------_ _ ___ - - _ _ - .. - _ ~~Signature' ddressee orAgenU _ _ - v ~v X -f , _ - - Domestic Return Receipt _ _ _- - - ~- - ~ PS FORM 3811, January 1996 , }., -- - - i ~~ -. . -_ - ~--r- -~~s° - - - a ,p m a 0 ,n a.. - _ ~ --~ - - ~ ~ 1 also wish to receive the `~e,ENDE'R: ~ ~ -' ~ - ~-- fallowing services (for an extra fee): . Complete Hems t ar~d/or 2 for ztlditional services. 1 ^ Addressee's Address ~Prthi your name and adtlress en the reverse of this farm so that we can return this rartl 2, ^ Restricted Delivery to you. Y this form to the front of [he mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. 'i The Aetum Receipt will show to whom the arlble was delivered and the date deliveretl. Consult pOStmaster for fee. - 4a. Article Number ~, - ~cle-Addiesseo to: " - p 966 613 918 >~i.1.7. 1"azrell --~ _ _ '~. Received By. (Print X wFORM 38 1, nuary 1998 4b. CERTIFIED 7. Da~f ~el~ry~ 8. Addressees Address (ONLY it requested and tee paid.) ..- , Domestip (L rrl ET' m r~ 0 o- a p 966 613 912 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED 7. Date of fJ~,liv~y~ ,l J (ONLY i1 requested and fee paid.) ., -. 7L L " 6.-Signature: (Addressee or Agerdl _ _ n r R + rn RarPlnt ~~ ~ PS FORM 3811; January 1998 / """""""" ""'"""'----' - `,~_ --- -_- - - -- f ~SENDERo _ - - - - - - - - I also wish to receive the J..tbmplete items t anaror z for adaiTonal services. following services (for an extra fee): -- ~ Wir~your name antl adtlress on [he reverse of this farm so that we can etum s cartl 1 ~ Addressee's Address p-- Io Wa. ~~ .~ ~ AHadfi [his farm to the front of tfie mzlpiece, axon the back If space tloes not permit 2. ^ RBStrICffid DeIlVery . The Re±urn Receipt will shoe: to whom the article was delivered antl the date tlel'vered. Consult pOStmaster for fee. ---_'-- -------<-------- a~ Arfide Number ^~ ~ - - '-` ~ ~-~~~ ~~- ~~ -- ~ - ~ I also wish to receive the (fdr an extra fee): ~' ~ -ENDER: +Complete Items rand/or 2 ror adtlltional services f this farm so that we can return this ca followin~ rd ~ ^ Addressee's Address F .Print your narce antl address on [he reverse o m 2 ~ Restricted Delivery . m vW. Attach this Form to [he fmM of the mailpiece, or on the bxk if space does riot Per f liveretl antl the date delivered, OStmaster for fee. -n _+ +-The Return Receipt wll snow ro whom the article was tle ~ ArtlCle Nnmbef ,~ . ~ -- -- -- - Article Addressed to: ".-3 -- 916 P - 9 [~ 6 - ~ ~' ~ . rrt ~~ f]f.%Y ~~' 46. Service TYPe ~ ~ ' ~ ` ~ TIFIED Q ~a -t + 3 ~ CER .n Y] -- - --- - - -- -- - Date of Delivery 7 . - F= . -~~ ~ I~-a~ a ...~~° ----- --- - S. Addressee's Address aid. uested and tea P ) ed By: (Print Name) e (ONLY it req iv - c p= - ~ 5. signature: ( ressee or Agent) Domestic Return Receipt 1,January 19 F~?S F 381 / ' -` - ~ -- ` ~ - `~ I also wish to receive the _:~.- ENDER. - - - - --- --- - - following services (for an extra fee): I ~ Complete Hems rand/or 2 tar adtlltieral seances the reverse of this roan so that we can return this card ~ ^ Addressee's Address • Pont your name antl address on 2 ~ Restricted Delivery F to ycu. 11 Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back iF space does not permit. delivered antl the dale delivered. osYmaster for fee. to ~ •TYR Return Receipt wiil snow to whom the aztble was ~ Article NUmber ~ - - fe'AddressedfoT--- - -- ---- -------- -- ---- P 966 013 91 d - - _ fn _ - ~ ~ 4b. Service Type ~~~ ~ CERTIFIED -~ -0 - 7. Date of Delive y fl"' -- - d ---- ------------_..._ - 8. Addressee's A ress , _ ` 5. Received By: (Print Name) -- (ONLY if requested and fee Paid.) 6. Signature: (Addressee r~rtt) =° x ' Domestic Return Receipt - - FOR -3811, January 1996 ~_ _ ti t< - 3 va rl' m O o- 0. ~$ENDER: - I also wisn ro receive ute t ;~ • Compleroirertms 1 a~7rv-iorZ ffit additional servicesr ---- --- _--_-- following services (for an extra fee): t ~ PrIM your name and address on the reverse of this krm so That we can return this card ~ p Addressees Address R' -.Ea you. g • Alfachthis Corm to the front of the mailpiece, or on [he back if space does rM permit 2. ^ RestriCted DelVery °. TFe Return Receipt will show to wham the article was deliveretl and the date deliveretl, COnSnf postmaster for fee. ,r.GCe Addresses _ _ 4a. Article Number - - - -- ---- - --- P 966 X13 914 -~a,~~ -- _ _ ~~.~=J 7..~Y1YS,~tI rah 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery, ~ _ 7 By: (Print Name) 6. Sign Jariuary 1996- -. ------ - ---- - -- 8. Addressee's Atldrees (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) Domestic l_~., -~.- - . - -_.~- _--_...-. ' '.SENDER: _ I also wish to receive the i `~°"~'~'~+Compiete dema ~ artd~E rfo~a aaa~i serv,ces. following services (for an extra Fee): I .aunt your name and atldress on the reverse of this corm so that we can return this card ~ ~ Addressee's Address to you. ~-Atiacfi this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space tlees not permit 2. ^ RestrCted Delivery _ • iFe Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the Gate delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. ~ 3_ArtTcte Jddressed to: _ - - 4a. Article Number tiJ .. ~' -___ P 966 013 925 ~ ~:' _~.:~7,'tt~t' - 4b. Service Type __ 49rr Ci3 s{i224 ~ CERTIFIED '~ `- - I ------ - - _----- -- ---- 7. Date of Delivery - - o. -_. , - S. Received By: (Print Name) - 8. Address ""~~~~~~ ~~ (ONLY i _ si~~rrd ~ 'dJ e. Signature: ( gtt`~: //Ir 9~~7~./ PS FOF(IGt~$`~'1, Jan'uadv 1~96~ t DOmeStiC Fi2Fy~y,~fGCelpt ~, ,. ,~~, .• ,, = ~ -' ~ SENDER:' ~~ ~- - ~ I also wish to receive tF. • Campkte items 1 aM/or 2 far addltanal services following services (for an extr_ '>e): • Prin[ your name antl address on the reverse of this farm so that we can return this card t ~ gddressee's Address ro Ycu. ~i Attach this form ro the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. 2. ^ ReStrlCted Delivery ~ 'iTFe - u n Re~pt will show to whom the article was tlelivered and the date tlalivered. COnsUlt pOStmaSter for fed. N - - rtfc a dressed to: - -- - - - - 4a. Article Number m --- P 966 013 791 rn ;~ dMB R:tsik Income Pustd Inc. ab. service Type ~ - n~aorge ~k:elroq & assoc. ~ = ~ T% ~~~~~ ~ CERTIFIED ..o .._- _ __..-_., .. -9 7. Date of Deliver __ D- --- - - 8. Addresse ' A d ss S. Received By: (Print Name) (ONLY if eques ed and tee paid.) . £_Signature: (Address e r nycnv Domestic Return Receipt `t_pgF 11, Ja uary 199 k _ ~ ~ -~ - I also wish to receive the _ SENDEFiF--` ~ -'~ - - - - - - -- - aes ~ following services (for an extra fee): r Complete dems 1 antl/or 2 for adtlitional serv , ~. ^ Addressee's Address the reverse of this 5orm so that we can return this cartl •Print ycur name and address on ~ 2 ~ Restricted Delivery is form ro the front of tM mailpiece, or on the bzck it space does not permit. r d denvemd and the care delvered. ostmaster for fee. ^- `-~jrgt7acum Receipt win snew to venom ma aside wa ~ Article Number TU - =,~,&rticle Addressed to: P 966 013 929 n _ m ~.t ~~ = 4b. Service Type ~ ~ _ ~_` ~ ~5t7rs1a CT - . Cl3 3yAti1 CERTIFIED .n y fr - - - - - -_ - - _ _ ~~7~~ 7. Dat 0 A ' a. s A essee ..._a:..,..~ Q„~ car;mss Name) i n .-, ,r wr_..rf~ d fee paid) &Signature: (Addressee yr ~yrr ~~~ I \' fl ~ ----- DOmeS~ ti lrn H@C81DS :,;p-S FORM 3811, January.1996 - ' -- - - - - ~ ~ ~ - I _ _ - .-..,.- n - - ".- ""' SENDER: - -- - - . -a Complete items tantl/Or 2 for atlditional services. I also wish to receive }he ~Gfyour name antl atldress on the reverse of this farm so that we can return this - to yaa caM following services (far an extra fee): . 7. ^ Addressee's Address m `~7ttacfi this form to the front of [he mailpiece, or on the back if space tlces not permit • Th 2. ^ RE'sfrlCied DeBVery R1 . e Return Receipt will show to whom the artble was delivered aM the tlafe tleliveretl. - ~kicle Addressed to: Consult postmaster for fee. p ~_ 4a. Article Number "' ra =- ---3,es ~- 8 ii i tt P 966 013 923 o _ _ _ - -° - __ `-.tYd~ ~ - - 4b. Service Type -a - __-_ _ - ~ CERTIFIED o - a ~- - -: ` - -: _ 7. Date of Deliver ~. Received By: (Print Name) 8. Addressee's A dress - - (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) ~~ FFS~oRM3811, January t9ss Domestic Return -_ -,.- ru m o- m ra 0 .n .n o- r~ PoSTAGE RETURN sHIXN TO WHOM, DATE AND RE: RECEIPT PGORESS OF pELIVERY ~ DEL SERVICE CERTIFIED FEE+RETURN RECEIPT TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES e ~ 2~'fs8 i3att~. CL` L~dc€~r~ac7r9R ~ 84235 a 4RK OR PS FORM 3800 us Postal service Receipt for Certified Mail 6 ~,v.... - _ - _ t - ---=_ - -- -- - -- -_~ -- ---- ~- ~ ~ - -- - I also wfsfi to receive the aeruaN I SENDER: following services (for an eMra fee): I ~ Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services aecElRr ~, ^ Addressee's Address SERVICE • Rrint yrour name and address on the reverse of this iwm so inat we run return this c -1o Yau.___ r"' ~-Attacfl this formTO ~~ ron -o C -1pr~a~ oron~the back it space does rat Permit. 2. ^ R85trlCted De (Very N ~. ~ ~ 1T T~:_ ~ The Return Receipt will show [o whom a art~c el-W3~delrvered-antl the date tlelivered. COnSUIt pOStmaSter fOr ee. 6' -_- - - _ - _ - _ e- _ 4a. Article Number -.. .Article Addressed tb: - ~ ~~ P 966 D13 927 o --Tr§ s ~lr' ~ ~~~-~ °~ ~ ~s3i31atir '~ ~~Jl 4 ~~ _ January 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery ___- .8~Address~'s _ _dress (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) - Domestic Return Receipt ... .~.---~- ~~ - -- - - - I also wish to receive the r r SENDER: following services (for an extra fee): I • Complete'pems 1 antl/or @ for atldltional services. ~ ^ Addressee's Addre55 rm so tnai we can return this card t hi o s ~~y"'p~ryogr-nama aM adtlress on the reverse of t ^ Restricted Delivery 2 m you '-i:plTgclr this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit d and the data deldered. i . OStmaster for fee. Q' vere ~ - .The AaNrn Recebl wal show tc whom the article was tlel ~ Article Number ~ o- .-g_ - e Addressed to: - - p 966 X13 919 ~ --('~7S101='Q ~,C. ' jj,~,y,I,S1C3[Y 4b. Service Type p . --._~ ~ i257 ~ CERTIFIED ~ ~ ----CK J3`4Fi~t3 - L~ ~'~ - - -- _ - - - 7. Date of Delivery o. ~_ _ _ S~Received By: (Print Name) S. Addressee's Addaess~~ ) (ONLY if reques or =~€ORM 3811; January 1936 ~ ~ ~'-- - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ '-_ -_--- - --'--r-e - -. -- N to d' m ~o p"' 0. 3`SENUE-R: -- - - - ~- I also wish to receive the ~ • Complete items 1 and/or 2 for utltlitional servbes. fOlOwing Services (for an extra fee): ' • Rdm your name antl atltlress on [he reverse of this form so that we can return this cab m yaa 1. ^ Addressee's Address • Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. 2. 0 Re&trlCted DeIlVery '_. • The Return Receipt will show le whom the article was tlelivered and the tlate tlelivered. COflSUlt pOStmaeter for fee. ..Article Addressed.to_ __ -- _ - _ , __-. - - 4a. Article Number `P 966 013 922 S. P,tltlreSSees Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) - ~ PS FOR 38 1, January 79! is=-. Return Receipt lL 6' m o- a '-SENDER: I also wish to receive the t • CompletA items". ird/or 2 for atltlitional servkes. following services (for an extra fee): -~~-your came antl atltlress on the reverse of this form so that we wn return this card ~,_to~ou 1. ^ Addressee's Address +Aitacfi this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back it space does rM permit. 2. ^ ReSIrlCfed DelVery ~.~f- ~-Aetum-Rece of wll show to whom the article was tleliveetl and the date deGVered Opn$gf_p_ostmaSier for fea. ~~r~le Addressed to: _ - - _ - - 4a. Article Number -- ~ P 966 D13 920 ~_-- ?'Z isa Fa~il~ ~ix~r ~-~ ~ ~ i~~i)1 r- r ~~- IE- By: CERTIFIED 7. Date of elivery 46. Service Type CERTIFIED 7. Date of DeliveGV '~ `7 ~ 8. Addressee's Address ' (ONLY if requested and tee paid) - ~. STgnatu (A ressee or Agerl - ~~ ~:~PS-FORM 3811, January 1996 .~. U7 ri P' m a 0 .n c- a. lieturn SENDER: - - --~- ~ -- _r- - ~ -• Complete items rand/or 2 for atltltllonal services. I aSO wish to receive the i Print your name and address on [he reverse of this form so that we can return this card following services (for an extra fee): - to you. 1. ^ Addressee's Address • Attach this Farm to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if spats tloes not permit. 2. ^ RBStrlCted DeIVery -c!Ihe.Re[urn Receipt will show [o whom the artcle was delivered and the tlale tlelivered. ConSUlt pOetmaSter fOr fee. -~- wle Addressed to: 4a. Article Number E-.. F. ,~ P 966 R13 915 -- ..._ 1$F'rfS'.7 FtX.t,S.lI ?aa 46. G~It~eaa, ~+ 9(74(11 ~. =-~r_Received By: (Print Name B. Signature: (Addressee or Agent) Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) `l?S~SRM 3817, January 1996 Domestic Return Receipt •-. - , CERTIFIED -- - r ' _....--°---~'~-°~---- ~ - ~ - I also wish to receive the ' __$ENDER: following services (for an extra fee): I --.Complete items Land/or 2 for additional services. y ^ AddreS5e8 S Address RETURC-- - ' _. Wfit your name antl atlaress on the reverse of this rorm so that vre can return Mis ca 2 ^ Restricted Delivery REGEIF-- fo you. $ERNC _~ Atfacri this form [o the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not penni e9 a_,. ~.., x3or~alnt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date tleliveretl. ^ t'^I Goln ~Uhe OSimaster f0C fee. m v- m a 0 0" a p 966 013 93 Service Type CERTIFIED e of Delivery I~~~ jressee's Address VLY if requested and fee paid.) PS F~_ -6: Si~g/nature: ( ddressee or Agerd) _ / - /~ ~^^^--\ Domestic - ~ -oe~-cr~nnn 3811, January 1996 0 rn m a a it a t~~- ' _-ter'-'-- - ~_ ~ - ~_ " -- - 1 also wish to receive the i SENDER: ..r 2 for ~aadmonal services ~ - -~" ~ ` iolldWln`9 services (for an extra fee): I Complete items 1 aM!o 1. ^ Addressee's Address i .Print your name ana atlaress on the reverse of Mis form so that we can return this Cara 2 ^ Restricted Delivery _ tO ~' or on the back it space noes not permit. l . Attach this farm to [he Front of the mailpiece, -. __ -_-~.,~.Hm~~~ wham the articie was delivered antl the date delivered , - Con Tuht~postmaster for ee. s - 91aitt>P~t`t _ ° ~33au'aaia C?' then, CY) ~!3~3~1 "_ '-, p 966 01 Service Type CERTIFIED ~. - _ e~BY (Print Name)_-- -- - ec - _. _ _- __ o. ,,,. -- (ONLY if requested and fee paid) -- _ F_ ) gnature: ( dr see or A _S. Si ~ v ° /~ Domestic Return Receipt ._ _ ~~ PS FORM 38 _ ,January 1996 - - - _....~ -"'i =SENDER: I also wish to receive the '~ .complete Hems rand/or z for aaanional services. following services (for an extra fee): I =.=Poor your name ana atldress on the reverse pf this form so Mat we can retum this card y ^ Addressee's Address to ycu. .Attach this farm to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space tloes not permit 2. ^ Residcfed Delivery p0 ~ ~ The Re[urn Receipt will show to wham the article was delivered antl the tlate delivered Consult postmaster for fee. n~ 0.. ~ e ,cle Addressed to: -, ,-- - , - ____, ___ -----_ _ _ - 4a. Article Number P 966 D13 928 m _ f~tiAl a 17 ~~Bn*~`t j;g~p}je p'~, 4b. Service Type -° - -- - _ ----- -- ~ CERTIFIED -~ _ _ _-- ~ a- -- _ _ _ -- _ __ - ~ ~ Z Date of Delivery ~a-a~-~~ a _ ~~. Redeived By: (Print Name) 8. Addressee's Address ____ --. (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) Signatu (Addressee or Agent) r== _ ! -- - - - x - _ '~,PS FORM 38 ~ 1, -January 1996 r , _ r - Domestic Return Receipt , .. , , " . - - r ..-,~~-~----- _-~~~.a._ - _ - -~.-_ - ~.-..a.r-~~._ „.,. 1 SENDER: _ - --~ - ( • Complete items land/or 2!or adtlitional services, 1 I aISO Wish t0 receive the . • Prlnt your name antl atldress on the reverse of this form so that we wn return this card following services (for an extra fee): to vou. ~. ^ Addressee's Address _-. Attach this form to the Front of the mailpiece, ar on the back if space tlees not permit. 2. ^ REStrlCted DeIVery N ~_ ~ The Return Receipt will show to whom [he article was deliveretl antl the tlate deliveretl. ' _ ., CiOnSUlt poSfmaSter for fee, 3 - - 31irGcle Addressed to: - 4a. Article Number m - - ~-- - - ,ay 3~ri ir P 966 013 942 '~ O -, . r --_-- - - _ _ - - -____- _- ---_ -- 4b, Service Type -0 - -- -- --- __ ~~ ~~`~ ~ -- - ~ CERTIFIED _ _ _ [~ 4 _ 7. Date of Delivery ~r Received By. (Pant Name) R. AdAraascc^c Arlrl --- ~ (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) r- SFO - 8 1, Janua 1996 stic Return Recei t x= - _ p F ..D 3 D' m a 0 ..o ..n Ir F ' lISERo I also wish to receive the .Complete items ~ and/or z for atltlitional services' -•--rfm your name antl atltlress on the reverse of this form so that we can return this cab following services (for an extra fee): .-to ya,, 1. ^ Addressee's Address e Attfacfi iha form to the front of the m~ilpiece, or on the back if space does rwt permit. - 2. ^- fRBStrlCfed DeIlVery -a~1» Hefurn Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date tlel'rrered. (~`pnaUlt pO5tma5ter for fee. 3_Artide Atltlressed to: - - 4a. Article Number . -_ - _ - P 9 66 D13 946 _ .V-.~.aIrfi:}n - - cf 33rd IJf? _ - - - - 4b. Service Type ;.~3 cf ~.~_ a'L:i~~, _-- __ ~ CERTIFIED '-f7 ` .--e- --'-/ /w-~' - - - - 7. _Date of_peliver _ _-_ Received By: (Prinf Name) 8. Addresse 's Address - -- - (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) --€. Signa - : (Addressee or Agent) Ps FORM 3811, January ibss Domestic Return Receipt., ~,~ -~- ~ r - ~-----'~-- - - - - - _. 1 also wish to receive t e r an extra fee): f ' ~ ~--~'~- - -- ~ - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ o following services ( ----_--= - r-€NDER: 1, ^ Addressee's Address ~ CpTnPlete hems 1 ant/or 21or additional serv pf'Ihis form so chat we can return Mls card ^ Restricted Delivery me reve Rr .Pdnr pour name and-adaress o" tloes rwt Permit. n the back H space , p. Consult postmaster for fee. . ~ or o m va t~ date delivered. • pttacfi the form to Ne front ot ohwhoniPhe aarticle was delivered ant Article Number 4a t sr-~,~ Return Receipt will show - - . D 13 9 4 0 - P 9 6 6 o -~ Aaare~d;~. ~ ~ - ~_,~,r~y..~~ - _._~~~°s~ ~_ 4b. Service Type m 55 ~ CERTIFIED o X15#:71-2 - ~7 ~ _ _- - - 7. Date of Delivery 1 7 ~ _ _ _ ____ ~ .n ~' - - - ~ 8. Addressee's Ad ress ested and fee paid.) ~- ~ print Name) _.SRdceived BY; (ONLY it requ P~-` -__ --- - - 6. Signature: ( ddressee or g m1 .~ /~~ ~ 1!/~L ~ -- - - Return Receipt ' ~ L Domestic .- ` : PS FORM 3 11, Januar 199 ~ ~ `=""'`4 - - - • ~ ~ - - I also wish td receive the t - vices (for an extra fee): I -°' following ser - - .SENDER: _ - - Complete items t arld/or 2 far additional services. 1 ^ AddreSSee~s Address that we can return this card I • Print your name and adtlress on the reverse of [his form so ^ Restricted Delivery 2 I to v°°~ ~~acr Hlls torm to the front of the mailpiece, or on [he back iF space tloes not Permit, d antl the date delivered. . OetmaSter for fee. ti7 rThe Return Receipt will show to whom the article was tlellvere 4a ArtlCle NUmber ~, Artie e Addressees to: p 9 6 6 013 9 3 3 to - ~~g e,~~t ~ 4b. Service Type o 336"t ',lYiz'~ IC' _ -- C~lc~s+, l9.i 33~'Tl ~ CERTIFIED .~ ,11 - --- ` 7. Date of Deliver 0' - -_ __ __ -_-. ___. _..__._-___ - _ a. _ _-_ ~ ive 'BY: (print Name) ~ 8. Addressee' Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) _ _ ~_. _ _ ~ AiVA ect?e or Agent) January 1996 S f1J U m 0 Q" a POSTAGE RETURN ppD~pEc30F DElNEfiYA~/DEW IR~ RECEIPT CEFTIFIED FEE ~-RETURN RECEIPT SERVICE TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES SENT TO. NDT FOP INTERNATION1~AL~y..MAIPL Cjliti,LA~ 3179 V3viail S~ ~, CC? 8(123.3! , PS FORM 3800 US Postal Service =._,a O LL~ o- Oa - - _. ¢¢(r - A ~ r'O! w?I U ~' awf J2 a l - Receipt for a ~ ~ _~. Certified Mail ~ !, _- I :: . -3 rl O ~^ m O .a Ir a ` ENDER: I also wish to receive the ~~. fomplete items t anaror 2 to addl4onal services. following services (for an extra fee): I t. --~'~~rif your name antl address on the reverse of this form so that we can retum this ca 1 ^ Addressee's Address ~ rW ~i`7C{t~TCh This form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space tlces rwt permit. 2. ^ Restricted Delivery ~TneReturn Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered antl the date tlel'rvered. CiOnsUlt pOStmaster fOr fee. ~Ar Ice ddressed to: - - - ~`- - ` - - -- 4a. Article Num er -T _ P 966 l113 9D1 ~5~~- _. L~~ _ }:Li war t~il~. _f73 v'S4`si '-~i. Rebeived By: (Print Name) ~SSignature: Xa,t, or January 1996 t' -- I4b. Service type CERTIFIED Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) "ENDER: _ -Complete items t aM/or 2 br atlditlonal services. r ~ I also wish to receive the I following services (for an extra fee): ~~ i Rrin( your name and address on the reverse of this form so that v.~e can return this id ycu. cab 1. ^ Addressee's Address ~ :Attach this farm Io the fmnl of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit 2. ^ Restricted Delivery ~ return Receipt will show to whom the article was delvered and the date delivered. Con$uIt pOStmaSter fOr fee. G" ~krTicle Addressed to: _ - 4a. Article Number ~" ' °- 8lel 7 xd d ~ d P 9 6 6 013 7 8 3 u . , oo 0 =-~_~r~Yis-,rtA~,~Y'g Cg 4b. Service Type ~ ..n 8o_I~aa~ CO ~t34~11-^IGG32 - -- - -- -- -- ~ CERTIFIED o- t1 -_ __ - _ _ 7. Date of D li r /~ '-Ta-. ived By: (Print e) ~ 8. Addressee' Address ` ~ N (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) s v atu re: Addressee o~nr) /~ t C° g~FO 11; January Tess _t:1=. - Domestic Return Receipt SENDER -- I also wish to receive the Complete Hems T anaior z rot adtllecnal services . .following services (for_aaextra fee): • Print your name-and atldress on the reverse of this form so that we can return mis carrr ^ Addr Address t ' _:= ro y„e. . essee s Aflach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space tloes not permit, 2. ^ Reetl'ICted DE'llVery ~ a__Tfie fTeWrn Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered aM the date deliveretl, CiOnSUt pOStmaster fOr fee. - t e Addresse3tdi - -- - ---- _ -- 4a. Article Number a - - _ -- - .-- P 966 (J13 902 ~ ~ fin '~ ' - 4b. Service Type W °434SS1 ,- ~ _ - - - ~ CER77FIED , -~ -- - - -- - - -- - -- 7. Date of Deli ry .~-__- -- ' - -- fz 3~ ,~ ~ ~.R eived-By tint - me) / 8. Addressee's Address / ~ (ONLY it requested and fee paid.) .- S. gnature: (Add ee~tr Agent) / , F6RN13B11x January ~ / Domestic Return Receipt m m a 0 .n v- G _~. _ - POSTMAAH Ofl OA~E ° r- - POSTAGE RETURN SHOW TO WHOM GATE AND% RESTR~GTED OELIVEPY / 6 ADDRE55OF DELIVERY Q f° _ RECEIPT CERTIFIED fEE +RETURN RECEIPT SERVICE ~ - TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES - Z W W G. SENT TO: " NOT FOP INTERNATIONAL MAIL D O ~ i__- ( - .. . OZ - ~ - - __ R I ~'~~y y ~~L ~~`7f _ ~ ~ a w . - cT~ & .J~ ~~ ~_ 1.~5. ~ . , ? ~2CtD W 3 ~VE3. i ~ ° _ i %1caLdA~ax, ~ Bi#4CiI ~' w~l i al=-~ _ _ __ _ _ PS FORM 3800 US Postal Service ~ Receipt i`OC F ~ Certified Mail - -- ---- t i ~- _ - - -t I also wish to receive the i ~.,.-i•.= i SENDER: -•L I a(`,omplete items 1 antl/or 21or additional servbes, f this corm so that we can return this c following services (for an extra fee): ab p Addressees Address •Rdnt your name and address on the reverse o you. to ~ ^ RBStrlCted DBIIVery 2 _ . mrAttachlbis farm to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. was delivered and the date delvered. ti l . C.onSUlt postmaster fOr fee. c e Return Receipt wall show to whom the ar - -- - -- -- - -- - Article Number 4a m S - ~~-cle Addressetl to _- - - _ - - - - - . p- `I66 013 782 d ~S--iil-~• ~~~ o~ S 4b. Service Type a - $3$1 _ A1k3Ye~* ~T ~ a ~~~s -~Dtr~1 163 ~ ~ , n ~ CERTIFIED ,.p ~.. _- ~ - ~ te o Delivery 7 D a _ ~ / r (.. G - =- - - - A S.A ressee' Address S.Received By: (Pant Name) (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) ~~~'Signature~ ddressee or eniy-~ _ - ` ;' porrl~stic Return Receipt _.- ~P_S_F 3 19','January1996` +the hack ~ ~ Consult postmaster for fee. _.~.~ .. _ r~ ~rrbnC-ot the mall~oce; o d the date tleliveretl. a _ >e ~Ttzdn s Ipt w II show to wtrom the article was deliveretl an 4a ArtlCle NUmber --a The ReWrn Rece - =prude Adtlressetl to: ~ __ '1 i4 ;i-Trot r v~~ ~ - ~; _ -- C7 - -- - _ -_ ---- -- -- - - -- - _ _- '~ - -Print Name) ~ _ ~. Received By_ C .d. - ent) ~g,9ignature:(Addressee or X ~ p 966 X13 945 - 4b. Service Type CERTIFIED ~ Hate of Delivery ~ --) S.Addresset~-w-~--- aid.) (ONLY rf requested and tee P pORM $811, January 1996 ~S t a: ~ ~ J ' ' . _ _. _ - ~ ~ i ' - - - - 1 also wish to receive the t an extra fee): i f . ~-'~"r' - - - - ---~ `- ---=--~ - or following services ( e's Address se f es --, _-.~ D1 'cR: z tar additional serv~cas~ mat v,,e can mtum this card 1. Q A.dd ~ Restricted Delivery ~ reaems ~-and/or rse of tots Corm so -~ - ~E t ino rave comPi - r~ lur name and address on ermit. ~prmtY T does notp the c 2 for fee. Oonsult postmaster ae oyred and Me tlate delivered. -' ~ ~' ^,~ hoot of the mailpiece, or on d. ~ this Corm lp the [he article was tuber Article Nu qa mo The E Ieturn Receipt will show to whom , 9 41 p 966 ^13 a 3 ~~ -cle Addressed to: - -- - - - -° ~ - - - -- - - - - - w 4b. Service YPe m ~` I: ~ CERTIFIED ,- ._: -y~3-a~~ - "~_ - __. _ _ - - -- -- ~ C$f7~.~1{..~ SJsirZl 7. Date of Del~~ ZYy~ , -o - - tr' `- -- ----- - -- --- - _ ---- --_ __-8. Addressees Address idJ ted and fee Pa - (ONLY if reques Pnrd Name) D' - ~_ Received BY"~ ( ~r / - F - - ~v dQ~ --_.._a ... '',~PSFORM 38ll, dauua,r -- I P 566 013 939 U1 O W m 0 c 0 ti n m (~ ~ /~~ ~~ ". 1f I I ~ O ~ ~ _h IMPORTAN fA n m m fil < m c Z i m y O O m ON P~ p v~0 LN o ~ m ~ ~ am o a <3 i O 1WY - ~< m ~ m C Km ~ ?°' - m' ~a c <; ~' m ~ . ~ 3 s e a T! PLACE STICKER AT TOP OF ENVELOPE TO ~ THE RIGHT OF RETURrv AuuRtss. ~ = V m to S m o T ~ m N r e.-~'~ c~ / 1 O = ~ (~ f m D y`S ^, o A++ j ~ m ~ rT i `~ c ~ m 'm C'T` 00 ~~ n 6t O S z YO I l y Y O a~°~a ~ = m ~ C Z- m O f`n / om / ~ ~iJ m w ,~~: .- 1 -~ \ w - m -a - - fJ C m ~ vV a ~~ -s ZJ ~--- ~'~ ~. 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PLACE STICKER AT TOP OF ENVELOPE TO ` ' ~ I ' - THE RIGHT OF RETURN ADDRESS. yy.... i ~ t _ ,a~a.,. ,'~ P '~" S 7J m 0 0 C O N.. w m ~ t= = V { O ~ ~ _ ~ m I p ~ ~ ~ ~1 m mro Hr.~' n a = n.. c~ m > oQ m ~, z m c ~ m P- 96~ OZ3 935 ~ U) m m m f1l < m c 111 ~~~~~''',,, -I `m y z ~ 0 ~ ~ o o~ p!yy m Cs5 SL $~ g mo di v< m N ~g N na ~O ~m~°g ~ ~ -o - m ryom j x ~ ~ 1 m o~ ~ ~ z ~ R <o Z m ~ ~n ~ LJ \ ~ y m LU o m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ {w .~.. y A~ ~~~.> N y` ..,`~. NI 'ti,'. ~ C ', (~ ~ ~ m "+~ ^\~ )~ ~ J``~E'G i \ ~ N 4) '~`r C ~ ~ rt ~ a ~ a Q rt o ~ ~ ~~ ~9 N .-. ~ \.~ ~l - ] ~-- ~;..~ i~ ' .IMPORTANT! PLAGE STICHER AT TOP OF ENVELOPE TO ~ - ~~ rt~ ~ d ~ ;q ~ ~` ___.. 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'.Tt; Ifni 8~ w -- w - ~ ~ ~~... ~ H "C / r~. c^ ~° l,~, "} -~ Nl ~ m ~~~ ~~ ~ S~-•~^uc..i `.}. - ~. r Kam. , ~. i .:, ~\t s rj ~~ ~ `i -,L.:~ K4 1t ~ ~~' ...{i i •.~_ t l X PUBLIC HEARINGS PROC./CEREMONIES BIDSI'MOTIONS INFORMATION ONLY QUASI-JUDICIAL X Yes No ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS ORDINANCES FOR I ST READING ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM TITLE. CITY ADM. MATTERS CITY ATTY. MATTERS LIQUOR HEARINGS PUBLIC COMMENT Case No. WZ-97-13/PCL SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: A request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined preliminary and final development plan, and a resubdivision plat for a portion of the property known as 70 West Business Center at 12851 West 32nd Avenue. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Staff Report 2) 3) BUDGETED r r ITEM L--j L--j RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: DEVELOPMENT P1,AN Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-97-13, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined preliminary and final development plan for property located at 12851 West, 32nd Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: I . It is consistent with the underlying outline development plan. 2, It is exceeds the City's standards for commercial development. 1 It meets all requirements for Planned Commercial Development final development plan. P", Mum With the following conditions: I A 10' wide pedestrian/equestrian path be shown along the eastern property line of Lots 1, 2 and 3 in the CDOT right-of-way and that the developer escrow funds to allow for future path construction when Lot 2 develops. Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a resubdivision plat for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: I It is required to accommodate the frontage road relocation and incorporate the vacated CDO'Lright- of-way into the project. 1 All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. All existing and proposed drainage casements be shown on the plat. M, 7! w CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE PREPARED: January 5, 1998 DATE OF MEETING: January 12, 1998 ,~Y CASE MANAGER:r'M. Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-97-131PCL ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD combined preliminary and final development plan, and resubdivision plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 12851 W. 32nd Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): 4600 S. Ulster Street LLC suite 1180 Denver, CO 80237 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Dwaine Richter Virginia Richter 6930 E. Girad, # 205 11665 W. 39th Place Denver, CO 80224 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: Final Development Plan: 1.28 acres, Resubdivision: 4.18 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant, Restaurant SURROUNDING ZONING: N,S,W: Jefferson County; E: I-70 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: low density residential, vacant; S: Church, low density; E: I-70; W: low density residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Commercial Activity Center - - DATE PUBLISHED: December 19, 1997 DATE POSTED: December 29, 1997 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: December 23, 1997 ENTER INTO RECORD: () COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS O OTHER ----------- --- (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS () SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have een met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. __ I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined preliminary and final development plan, and a resubdivision plat for Lot 3 and parts of Lots 2 and 7 of the property known as 70 West Business Center at 12851 W. 32nd Avenue. Within the overall planned development are an existing hotel and restaurant. The restaurant is located within the portion of the development which is being platted. The two separate actions, development plan and resubdivision, have been published with their own legal descriptions and will require separate motions, although they aze being presented in the same report with one case number. II. PROPERTY HISTORY The property was annexed into the City in 1975. At that time, a rezoning to PCD and an outline development plan were approved establishing uses and general design parameters for the property. Attached under Exhibit `A' is a reduced copy of the outline development plan. In 1984 the Country Cafe and La Quinta structures were reviewed and approved as a development plan and platting process. At the time of development plan approval, there was discussion with the Colorado Department of Transportation regarding traffic hazard due to the proximity of the Youngfield Service Road to the I-70 off-ramp. Because of that concern, the City of Wheat Ridge placed a deed restriction on the 70 West Business Center that no further development could occur until the service road was relocated away from the off-ramp. During 1991, the City's Public Works Department went through a series of public meetings and hearings to reach a decision on the placement of the relocated frontage road. The final decision was made by City Council at a public hearing during June of 1991. As part of the negotiation process the City agreed to build a 10' high sound attenuation wall to buffer the neighborhood to the west from the impact of the road relocation closer to their residences. The frontage road at it's new location and the wall were finished in the spring of 1996. Pursuant to Case No. WZ-96-3, the CDOT property which became vacant due to the relocation of the frontage road, was vacated by CDOT and was rezoned from Agricultural-One to Planned Commercial Development with C-1 permitted uses and design pazameters established for the property by the PCD. Recently, the deeds for ownership were exchanged and recorded so that proper ownership of the new road and vacated right-of--way is in place. In 1996, the owner approached the City with a request for development plan and plat approval on all of the remaining vacant land within the planned development. Case No. WZ-96-10 included either 11,200 squaze feet of "sit down" restaurant space or 19,700 square feet of retail sales space south of the existing Country Cafe Restaurant. An 1125 square foot service facility was proposed on Lot 7 just to the west of the relocated frontage road with a 28,000 square foot office/showroom facility on Lot 6. A 1700 squaze foot gas station/convenience store with ancillary carwash and 4000 square foot freestanding fast food restaurant were proposed in the area subject to the current application (Lots 1, 2 and 3 shown in bold on the plat). With the exception of Lot 1, the entirety of the planned development was being replatted. This case was recommended for approval with conditions by the Planning Commission at a public hearing held on October 3, 1996. The City Council denied the request at their October 28, 1996, public hearing. Subsequently, the applicant met with City Council and reviewed a revised concept plan for the property. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on November 25, 1997. This case is not a rezoning application but a development plan and resubdivision request, therefore, the meeting was not mandatory and no City staff attended. Attached under Exhibit `B' is a synopsis of the meeting from the applicant's consultant. Included under Exhibit `C' is correspondence received by the City regarding the proposal IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN The applicant is requesting development plan approval on only the southern one-third of old Lot 2 (new Lot 3). An existing sit-down restaurant is located on the northern portion of old Lot 2 which becomes Lot 1 with the proposed plat. Prior to any building permit issuance on the middle portion of old Lot 2 or on Lots 4 or 5, a development plan approval process will be required. Design parameters for the subject property located in Area D on the outline development plan (Exhibit A) established at the time of approval include the following: Uses permitted: All uses allowed within the C-1 zone district Maximum building coverage: 25% Minimum landscaped coverage: 15% The proposed development plan shows a 3241 square foot convenience store/fueling station with accessory fast food sales and carwash. All these uses are permitted in Area D of the outline development plan. With the 880 square foot car wash and S island fireling station, total building coverage on the property is 7593 square feet or 13.6%, permitted coverage is 25%. Landscaped coverage on the site is 27.98% with 58.42% devoted to hard surfaces; required landscape coverage is 15%. The standard minimum landscaped coverage for commercial development is 10%. Both of these standards are met. Signage on the property includes one 50' high freeway-oriented sign containing 208 square feet of signage per face. The freeway sign will be located towards the northeast comer of the property near the catwash exit. An 11' high, 109 square foot monument sign and a 120 square that the freesdtandingtsignage showne stcons~ tenthwith the 1984 dev lopment plan and the eludes -~J stipulation and settlement dated November 21, 1995, between Mr. Richter (current property owner) and the City of Wheat Ridge. There will be no wall signage on the west and south sides of the canopy. Internally lit wall signs are shown on the south, west and east fascias of the convenience store. As part of the development plan approval, the applicant has included a "Welcome to Wheat Ridge"sign to be constructed by the applicant at his cost. The sign is consistent with the City standard an example of which was recently constructed at the 38th/Youngfield and 38th/Sheridan intersections. Landscaping on the proposal exceeds the minimum requirements for amount of coverage and quantity and size of materials used. Berms have been added along the frontage road, 32nd Avenue and I-70 for buffering purposes. Please refer to the cross-sections depicted on sheet 6 . Staff would note the berms were added subsequent to comments made at the neighborhood meeting relative to potential light and noise intrusion into the neighborhood. Architectural materials for the building is brick consistent in color with that used on the existing restaurant in the developrent with contrasting khaki and dark green accents. Lighting fixtures will be directed down with shields to eliminate glare into the neighborhood. Building height is 17-1/2' to the highest portion with a canopy height of 18'. Access to the project will be a curb cut on the frontage road limited to right-hand turns into the project and a joint curb cut with the future development to the north. Adequate reservations for this shared access to occur have been added to the plat face. Public improvements required with this project include the addition of a right turn lane on 32nd Avenue and construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk along the 32nd Avenue and frontage road. Based on the traffic report submitted, the City's traffic division has indicated that installation of alight at the 32nd/frontage road intersection will not be warranted by this development algne. The City is obligated to install the signal when warrants are met. The Parks and Recreation Commission has requested the construction of a 10' wide pedestrian/equestrian path running from West 32nd Avenue north towards the Clear Creek greenbelt along the eastern property line within the CDOT right-of--way for I-70. There is an issue as to whether this location for greenbelt access is appropriate for equestrian access based on safety and proximity to the overpass and I-70 on and off ramps. The applicant has indicated that if this is an improvement the City wants, they would be willing to escrow funds for the path construction when the land to the north develops. Staff concludes that the proposal is consistent with the concept plan previously presented to City Council, consistent with the underlying design parameters established at the time of outline development plan approval, that it exceeds the City's standards for commercial development and that all requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan have been met. t V. SUBDIVISION PLAT The plat submitted allows for the resubdivision of original Lots 2, 3 and 7 of 70 West Business Center Subdivision with the inclusion of land vacated by CDOT. The existing restaurant will be encompassed by new Lot 1 with the proposed project located on new Lot 3. At this time, the property owner has no plans for Lot 2, although final development plan approval will be required prior to the issuance of any permits for construction. No right-of--way dedications are required with this document although a sidewalk and signage easement has been provided at the 32hd/frontage road radius. The r-o-w dedication for the relocated service road has occurred by separate insriument but will be referenced on the plat. A joint curb with cross access has been reserved along the common property line between Lots 2 and 3. Staff has reserved the right to review this common access point when a development proposal has been submitted for Lot 2. A blanket access easement has been required over all curb cuts, drive aisles and parking areas within Lots 1, 2 and 3. Existing and proposed drainage easements must be located on the plat face. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. VI. AGENCY REFERRALS Public Works Department has approved a drainage report. They are requesting the addition of a right-hand tum lane on 32nd Avenue and the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk along both street frontages. Adequate right-of--way is in place, however, a sidewalk and signage easement has been required on the plat document for the intersection radius. The installation of the traffic signal will not be required with this project because traffic projections do not warrant it. Future development of this property may warrant a signal. Police Department has offered comments relative to crime prevention. Parks and Recreation Commission is requesting the construction of a 10' wide pedestrian/equestrianpatb east of the property on CDOTriBht-of--way at the developer's expense. West Metro Fire Protection District can serve the property with improvements at the developer's expense. Jefferson County has commented relative to traffic and design of the site. They have commented relative to traffic impacts and desirable street improvements and protection of the neighborhood to the west. See attached Exhibit `D'.. Staff has the following comments concerning the comments of Jefferson County Planning: ~ • 1, Site Lavout: With the proposed layout, a significant noise source (car wash) is located f est away from the residential area. Other potential locations could result in waiting cars backed up onto the frontage road, potentially impacting the 32nd Avenue intersection. The canopy is located approximately 190 feet from the rear lot lines of the residential area. The intervening landscaping includes 14 trees and measures 35 to 80 feet in width. 2. ces: The right-in only access increases maneuverability of large tanker trucks to serve the site. West 32nd and the frontage road are within the city's corporate limits and County standards do not apply. A signal will be installed by the City when warranted. 3, T andscanine: The proposed landscaping exceeds the City's requirements in terms of quality an minimum coverage. Gi lQ tin Six light fixtures are proposed which are 24 feet in height. The site is lower than t e surrounding roads, further decreasing the effective height of the lights. The pole lights, as well as the canopy lights, are designed to direct the light downward. 5. Hour ~f Ooeration: Use and design parameters of the PCD do not restrict hours of operation. ~I, PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Pl ommendat on of approval~was msade for the prelbminary and final development p$an fo~ the rec following reasons: 1. It is consistent with the underlying outline development plan. 2. It exceeds the City's standards for commercial development. 3. It meets all requirements for Planned Commercial Development final development plan. With the following conditions: 1. The "Welcome to Wheat Ridge" sign be modified to be consistent with the City's standard. 2, A 10' wide pedestrian/equestrianpath be shown along the eastern property line of Lots , 2 and 3 in CDOT right-of--way and that the develop escrow funds to allow for future path construction when Lot 2 develops. In regard to condition No. 1, the plan has been revised to incorporate the City's sign standard. A recommendation of Approval was made for the resubdivision plat for the following reasons: 1. It is required to accommodate the frontage road relocation and incorporate the vacated CDOT right-of--way into the project. 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. All existing and proposed drainage easements be shown on the plat. 2. A sidewalk and signage easement shown along the radius at the intersections of West 32nd Avenue and the frontage road. A 10' wide sidewalk and signage easement has been added to the platting document VIII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff has concluded that all requirements for a Planned Commercial Development combined preliminary and final development plan have been met. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consistent with the underlying outline development plan and that it exceeds the standards in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws for commercial development. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given with the following condition: If it is appropriate, a 10' wide pedestrian equestrian path be shown along the eastern property line of Lots 1, 2, and 3 in the CDOT r-o-w and that the developer escrow funds to allow for future path construction when Lot 2 develops. In regard to the resubdivision, Staff concludes that it is required to accommodate the frontage _ road relocation and incorporate the vacated CDOT right-of--way into the project. Staff further concludes that all of the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met, therefore, a recommendation of Approval is given with the following conditions: 1. All existing and proposed drainage easements be shown on the plat. IX. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-97-13, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined preliminary and final development plan for property located of 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It is consistent with the underlying outline development plan. 2. It is exceeds the City's standards for commercial development. 3. It meets all requirements for Planned Commercial Development final development plan. With the following conditions: 1. A 10' wide pedestrian/equestrianpath be shown along the eastern property line of Lots 1, 2 and 3 in the CDOT right-of--way and that the developer escrow funds to allow for future path construction when Lot 2 develops." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ-97-13, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined preliminary and final development plan for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." RE5UBDIVISION Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a resubdivision plat for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It is required to accommodate the frontage road relocation and incorporate the vacated CDOT right-of--way into the project. 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: All existing and proposed drainage easements be shown on the plat. Option B: "I move that the request for approval of a resubdivision plat for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." ~I1. . RICHTER PLANNED ~RCIAL DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS • Th/s nel9iAOr+aed comrfierc4l atoll ba yasi9ned m bimM wtN the arohlMCmral charecror of ble rulyroorhood, and Oast utilize Nn ' ' exiNlrq cMrecterlsHes of ilia lantl~incWtllrtg tOPO9rophy, access, ~ " vagemHm, view aM 9enenl safety for users o! Nis sl4r and , ro4tlanshipr of b+is sRe, m dtljacmt lantl uses rhall De of ut- . mans impormnee. Prior m spllttlrg lnm Ptusor. ma alto will rot ~ , On tlnveloped aC one timq, but wttl bo phased or stayM as [Aran[ and lmses aro ob4lnetl. The siro is tllv(tlatl Inm Tien areas,. Hach f' , MNn9 its roNr•IIXions as follows Area A: A 26• wide Plantlrq atW berm differ ta'atljaceK ~ I ~, rosldenelel tle+ntopment which Nall have a a Toot ~ . high Oerm with a 8 foot high closed wooden fdnce ' on the top of bx berm which Nall be deoorelive arw Pleasant m look aG. This berm arm buffer ~ i Ana Nall wnmh tlomestic lawn, sprinkler system, . rock and/or 9revel, antl Planf marorials antl shall ~ I .., be main4irad In Perpetuity by the maintenance entity ~ ~ ~ . or this development, its Mnire, successors, or assigns Area A conmins O.>8 acres +. Uses ltmltetl m: t. SingYe /amib dwellings. ' 2. Duplexes. ~ 3: DomosticallY ImProvetl landscaped open space [hut wauid be mnln4lned by the commercial enbtY Sls[ad , . - - { /` ~. • in Arm A. Eac~{I~IT Ana B Oanminz P.aa6 acres +. , -- -Uses Permitted arc all uses 'm We C-['Zane ettcept: ^ ~ ~.~~~-a~ ~~G-L' IU~T ~~ ~t../H f {• '~ I 1. Supermarkets .~ „ ' + 1 ' a. Waretauses •" 'RL r~ t~ ~ , .3.. Large departmePt smros y~rU~l n~~YI~T Y ` a, FIIYrg smtlore (.(/ V tl/tf/ 5. Motala ~~ • e. Wmber yeMS Q~~~-+1~~D~ J Ytit NP tlellvery Nall be permitteE m to rmr or wart ~. (~ .. of thpll slaps, except tlurin9 Hours of 8 a. m. m e P•m., Nwntleys mrgph SaiurtlaY• No xml-teller 'C ' D{~._ ~•~. trVCks WII be penmitted In tMS area. Maxlmam bulltling height - 36r Arm C con4lnc 1.66 acres +• Uses permitted shall ba all uses in tlu exlseing Wbmt Ridge C-1 Zone: Arm D con4lns 5.86 acres +: Usos pcrmitte4 ~ .. ' 1. Omcec ' 2, ~ WareMUSIP9 Tor inaidg storage ~ ~ 3_ Perkirq.• ...-.~ ~ . 4. Small ahops• Theat^e ' ' 4. Minlrtium unobstralctetl Open space < at wootl Garxler4 3, plaMamry vacation of q,Kix~ of i.Pp _ svbd:vlNOn bat lies m the Qrtlh^ Ptan. 8. The berm~ence landscapetl Wffer (Arm P) shall be instalietl In 3 proses. Pfasa one - coindtlmml w(th initial emstructlon of any development on [his , si4; Phase Mp'- coineltlm4l wIM <OmPle[iOn of ,. ' Anas C aM D; PMSe there - coinddmml with - ' smrt of development in Prey E, ~ ~ . >. Gulitlln9 semncks shall be esmblishetl a[ Hie time ~ ' - ' of ba PraUm(nary tlevelopme`M Dlan. - _ Oudi D lapment Plan To41s ' Arm E contains 1.28 ~<res +. ~~~-Gr+ere1 RestricElonr-_ _ t Maximum bulldirg creovara9e Area EA a6XC & O) ' (Wanhouslny Only) 2. Minimum perking rotloc , Recoil 6.5 cars Per [,000 eq. ft. G.L.A. _ ~cea 4.2 cars Per 1,000 sq• P4 G.L.P. Warehouzirg t car per two employees 3, Maximum IlOhtin¢ standard heights - 1]` . 5q• Ft. _ ACns _X BWldirg Coverage re e 100,83] ]30 280 '2.60 ~ 5.900 26.0 80.0 . .. 9 Parxdng and Driveway Cove ea A , X63 1.495 16yb ,. r s r Wa^ LandscaPetl _. x34,650 8.9]6 [00.0 TOTPLS r • __ _ -------- -'FF M~Z-9o-19 ~~ ~~" t \¢ '' 1 1 PGD '~ 1 gavsr~~xnzn ~t:' ~ ~ ~~ g i@ ti ~ '_J ; °~ 3 i xl nz- PGD ~ _ ~LL i Ww ° },D ~ i ~-' ~».xx+o-J v fee n~ r - _'°` ..." ~ w- i cl uo I i c_ (' 1 D i ':i _ r ~` _ - -as `;~~ .? ~:::: ri::'.:::'.::::::'.::: i.::::{ . n 3 Q ,:::::::: a "~ , - ~~ _' ::: ~_ r~' i R:::::::: ~:<:::::::::: •~ Z Lii S'riiirj{{ . ~::::::::::~:i'::':::~~:~ / _ t _ ~-V ~ ~ ~ PJ1 n n ' ..... " L ON I NG MAP _.__ =q~~~.; _~- ~,~.~~ WHET Ri DG~ ix51C-^\A-5 On ~~~-~` _-.- c„Y .IN,- ~ 1~I= N,.qp _JO":=D. _~•.e ,o, 1496 _es' <e'+sr =ervory 8, X995 ==esc, cou:~~ T l ~ / o _ Si.,tiE -"~00 ~=v=."^: G ' r:.•<nV }'F 0"'P~ . ]?3":857 "?~` ~~~. ~ 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ' A motion was made by Commissioner SNOW, second by Commissioner WILLIAMS to approve the Minutes of December 4, 1997, as amended. Motion passed 5-0 with Chairperson THOMPSON abstaining. (, PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing Section of the Agenda.) There was no one present to speak. ~. PUBLIC HEARING ~. A, C•ise No WZ-97-13: A request by Petroleum Concepts, LLC for Dwaine Richter for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan and plat for property located 12851 W. 32nd Avenue. Ms. Reckert entered into the record the letters received from Applewood Valley Home Association, Fairmount Improvement Association and Judith and Michael Forsha. Ms. Reckert stated that she did receive one more correspondence piece which was dropped off at the police dispatch. Ms. Reckert presented an overview of the case. She submitted for the record the case file, staff report, exhibits, and other related material. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction by Planning Commission to hear this case. The action requested is approval of a PCD final development plan and plat. The property is currently zoned PCD and the present land use is vacant and a restaurant. The applicant requested approval of a combined Commercial final development plait and a resubdivision plat for the portion of the property known as 70 West Business Center at 12851 W. 32nd Avenue. Within the overall planned development aze an existing hotel and restaurant. The two separate actions, development plan and resubdivision, have been published with their own legal descriptions and will require separate motions, although they are being presented in the same report with one case number. The property was annexed into the City in 1975. At that time , an outline development plan was approved establishing uses and general design parameters for the property. In 1984 the Country Cafe and La Quinta structures were reviewed and approved as a development plan and platting process. At the time of development plan approval, there was discussion with the Colorado Department of Transportation regarding traffic hazard due to the proximity of the Youngfield Service Road to the I-70 off-ramp. Because of that concern, the City of Wheat Ridge placed a deed restriction on the 70 West Business Center that no further development could occur until the service road was relocated away from the off ramp. In 1991, the City's Public Works Department decided on the placement for the relocated frontage road. The final decision was made by City Council at a Public Hearing during Tune, 1991. The City agreed to build a 10' high sound attenuation wall to ~ ~ ~;.. ~- ,,, buffer the neighborhood to the west from the impact of the road relocation closer to the residences. Recently, the deeds for ownership were exchanged so that proper ownership of the new road and' vacated right-of--way is in place. In 1996, the owner approached the City with a request for development plan and plat approval on all remaining vacant land within the Planned Development as case No. WZ-96-10. Case No. WZ-96-10 was recommended for approval with conditions by the Planning Commission at a public hearing held on October 3, 1996. The City Council denied the request at their October 28, 1996, public hearing in regard to the current submittal Ms. Reckert stated that staff concluded that all requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan have been met. Staff further concludes that the proposal is consistent the underlying outline development plan and that it exceeds the standazds in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws for commercial development. Ms. Reckert stated that staff recommends approval with certain conditions for both development plan and resubdivision. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked if it was a requirement by the City for the applicant to put in the Welcome to Wheat Ridge sign. Ms. Reckert stated that the City asked the applicant to put the sign in and they agreed. Commissioner GOKEY asked a question regarding the joint access and if it will be established during conshlution, should this case moves forward. Ms. Reckert answered yes., Chairperson THOMPSON asked if Ms. Reckert could go over comments and information given by Jefferson County. Ms. Reckert stated that Mr. Goebel needs to answer the questions regarding traffic. Commissioner SNOW asked if the landscaping and design had changed since the last proposal. Ms. Reckert answered yes, some changes have been made. Chairperson THOMPSON swore in Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works, City of Wheat Ridge. Commissioner SNOW asked Mr. Goebel for his comments regarding the access point. Mr. Goebel stated that all issues of access points have been reviewed. Commissioner SNOW_ asked about the lighting issue. Mr. Goebel stated that the person to direct questions regarding the lighting issue should be addressed by the developer's traffic engineer. Commissioner SNOW asked about the need fora traffic signal at 32nd and the I-70 Frontage Road. Mr. Goebel replied that it was not yet warranted. Commissioner GOKEY asked if there was a traffic report done. Ms. Goebel answered yes. Discussions continued regarding street widening projects. Chairperson THOMPSON swore in the following speakers: Dave Galloway, applicant, 5350 DTC Parkway, Englewood, 80111. Mr. Galloway displayed charts to help explain the proposal. He also brought supplemental information for Planning ~ 4 s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~x .a Commission and the audience to review. Mr. Galloway represents a company named PCL, which is a marketer of Conoco products. I-Ie stated that they are at this meeting for approval of a Plamied Commercial Development final development plait and plat. Mr. Galloway pointed out that they do meet the criteria and requirements for this proposal. He then discussed the history of the gas industry. He further discussed the packet that was distributed to Planning Commission for review. He reiterated the discussion items from Ms. Reckert's's staff report and the aerial he brought for display. The applicant discussed the landscaping and stated that he felt that his proposal was on target and a good one because there is buffering between the residential area and there is sufficient landscaping. Mr. Galloway said that they will adhere to the recommendations that the "Welcome to Wheat Ridge Sign" follows the City's standards and that all additional signs will meet all the basic C-1 code regulations. He further discussed the lighting that the proposed project will provide. He stated that he will not use bright lights but instead he will use canopy lights that have a flat glow. The applicants intent is to do more of a modern light pattern and glow. Another point that he mentioned was that the entire development has been pushed as far east as possible, toward the highway. He mentioned the proposed station will operate 24 hours a day. In conclusion, Mr. Galloway reiterated that the proposed plan is nothing different than what is already allowed in a Conunercial-One zone district. Commissioner GOKEY asked if the gas station is owned by Conoco? Mr. Galloway answered no, it will be owned by PCL. Conunissioner GOKEY asked if the Conoco at Youngfield will be open or closed. Mr. Galloway answered, supposedly, it will be closed. Commissioner SNOW asked how many pumps are proposed. Mr. Galloway answered 5 multiple product gas pumps. Commissioner SNO W asked where he thought the customers would come from? Mr. Galloway stated that it would be the neighborhood and the people off the highway using the gas station. Commissioner SNOW inquired about Jefferson County's comments. Mr. Galloway explained the letter to the Planning Conunission. Chairperson THOMPSON asked for Mr. Galloway to expand on comments from Jefferson County regarding ]ayout. Mr. Galloway commented that he doesn't feel that the County is correct asking that the plan be "flip-flopped." He stated that the gas station is better positioned closer to the west then east next to the residential area. Commissioner SNOW asked if the building structure will increase in size if there is a drive thru added? Mr. Galloway replied, no, the sU~ucture will remain the same. Chairperson THOMPSON asked if the proposed gas station will eventually be a fast food restaurant? Mr. Galloway answered, no. Kathleen Kraeger, 1390 Stewart, Denver. She is a professional traffic engineer with the company Kraeger and Associates. She stated that she has 20 years traffic engineering experience. She discussed the intersection at 32nd and frontage road. She recommended that -~ • ~: ;. s» u:: w: - d~"~ the City staff monitor this particular intersection for an increase in traffic. Future traffic projections reveal that this intersection will eventually need to be warranted for a traffic signal. Ms. Kraeger explained the results of her traffic study. Ms. Kraeger explained that the traffic study included the proposal with a drive through section. Another point made was that the majority of future drive flu•ough customers will be station-users, so a fast food drive through should not contribute to an increase in traffic. The last point that she made was that the increase in traffic from the proposed gas station will generate less traffic then sit-down restaurant, bank or doctors office. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked what the initial traffic increase on 32nd and Frontage Road will be due to the proposed development. Ms. Kraeger answered that the traffic will increase by 7.5% during peal: hours at 32nd and [-70 Frontage Road. Chairperson THOMPSON inquired about the traffic study being prepared in June, when the schools were closed for the swnmer. Ms. Kraeger answered yes, that the study was done_in June, however, they did go bacl: in November to re-evaluate when school was in session. Chairperson THOMPSON asked if a traffic signal would be a safety issue for the school children. Ms Kraeger answered yes, but atraffic signal at this intersection is not the only solution. Ms. Kraeger made a recommendation to Planning Commission regarding the light and stated that she felt the signal light was needed. Harold E. Gosse, 14600 Foothill Road.. Wheat Ridge. He is a member of the Applewood Property Owners Association Board of Directors. He spoke on his opposition and discussed the history of the neighborhood and the proposed developments on the property located in the area. He felt there will be an increase in volume to the area and adding another light will not help. Richard Wagner, 14310 Braun Road., Wheat Ridge. He has lived in Yhis house for 30 years. Mr. Wagner stated he was opposed to the proposed project. Bill Farrell, 14399 Garden Circle, Applewood, Golden. He is the president of the Applewood Property Owners Association and is opposed. I-Ie stated that he was disappointed in the integrity of the applicants presentation. He asked if the staff could research the actual number of vehicular trips that ah•eady exist in the area because there are conflicting numbers floating around. Mr. Farrell explained the reason for opposition is the negative impact to there area such as property values decreasing and the safety of the schoolchildren. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked Air. Farrell what type of development would the neighborhood recommend on the proposed location? Mr. Farrell suggested restaurants, clinics, doctors office's or motels which he lelt would cause less traffic congestion then a gas station. Connie Mauldin, 3195 Zinnia Street, Gulden. She represented 5 homes on this street. She stated that she is apposed to the proposed project. The neighborhood concerns are the potential • ~ D~Af' increase in traffic volume. Ms. Mauldin read a letter from her neighbor, Wendy Krasser, 3185 Xenon Street. Ms. Krasser conveyed in the letter her concerns with the traffic increase to the area. The overall consensus from the 5 homes that Ms. Krasser and Ms. Mauldin represented, expressed concern with the increase in homeless peop]e, increase in crime and the unwanted increase in traffic to the area. Chairperson THOMPSON asl:ed fur Ms. Mauldin viewpoint on the intersection light signal. Ms. Mauldin felt that the trail is light is not needed bui her husband feels it isn't. Commissioner GOKEY asked, how long has Ms. Mauldin owned her property? Ms. Mauldin answered, 16 years. Brad Brauer, 3238 Zinnia Ct., Golden. He is representing 29 homes and all of them aze opposed. He stated that all 39 homes would like to see a more appropriate use for this particular parcel. The neighborhood feels the proposed development is a eyesore and will cause the property value to decrease. Another concern is that the quality of life will be quite different. The community expressed that they would like to see any other use then a gas station or fast food restaurant. Mr. Brauer stated that the comnnity wanted to see the-land developed and produce revenue but reiterated they absolutely do not want a gas station or a fast food restaurant. Commissioner SNOW asked if Mr Brauer checked with the Realtor to see what was to be developed on this property when he brought his home. Mr. Brauer answered, yes he did. Commissioner GOI<EY asked Mr. Brauer when was his house built? Mr. Brauer replied 1960'x. Sharon Yablon, 3020 Ellis Lane, Golden. She is currently a legislative representative for Maple Grove Elementary school and a legislative liaison of Wheat Ridge area for the PTA. She explained that there are two schools which she represents and the combined total of the two is 1300 students. She read a letter from the executive board of the Maple Grove Parent Teaching Association signed by l0 PTA board members explaining their opposition to the Conoco's proposed development. The lever expressed concern for the increased traffic the proposed development will bring and it will threaten the safety and quality of life for the students. The majority of the students walk, bike or are ch-iveu to school. The letter conveyed that the traffic congestion is already a problem in the area. Chairperson TI-IOMPSON asl:ed what the PTA's viewpoint is on the on the proposed traffic signal being installed. Ms. Yablon said that they were opposed to the-light because it will only cause additional problems. Chuck Hitt, 3239 Zinnia Ct.,Golden. I-Ie is at this meeting to present a letter from the the Principal, of the De•Evelyn Junior and Senior High-school. The letter conveyed opposition to the proposed development. The traffic congestion is a problem for the area especially at the peak hours. The principle is concerned about the safety of the students and family members. Mr. Hitt stated that the proposed signal light installed will only be a temporary solution to a much bigger problem. the paoposedldevelop Beni ~ I-i~lcbib~cst concern s awithl the potential t affic congestionpo~he to d0° area. Norm Ross, 3145 Zinnia Street, Golden. [-le is opposed to the proposed development. He stated that he feared for his life with regard to the traffic congestion in the area. Brett Liming, 13785 Braun Road, Golden. He is a representative of the new homeowners. The concern of Mr. Liming is the diaracter of the neighborhood is in jeopardy. He feels that the proposed development is too intense ~ use 1'or this neighborhood and will cause too much traffic congestion. The linal comments he made was that the quality of life and the property value will be impacted negatively. The following citicens arc opposed to the proposed development at 12851 W. 32nd Avenue: Eugene Mauldin, 3195 %innia, Golden. David Snyer, 3240 Alkire Ct.,Golden Warren Kelvee,2605 Crabbtree Ct., Golden. John and Sherry Benner, 3255 Braun Ct.. Golden. Ken Niles, 3223 Braun Ct.. Golden. Iris and Mike Fontera. 2925 Kendncl;. Golden. Mike Coen, li 146 W. 33rd Avenue, Golden. Erin Haley, 14310 Foothill Road.., Golden.- Mary Cook, 14310 Foothill Road.., Golden. Rebecca Minor, 3l 10 Gardenia St., Golden. Shirley Coen, 13140 W. 33rd l~VenUC, Golden. Eleanor Paske, 13795 Braun, Golden. Kathleen Kraeger, traffic encineer, spoke again regarding traffic issues. She stated she wanted to address a couple of concerns that seem to beep surfacing during the neighborhood testimony. The first issue she convnented on was the proposed signal light at 32nd and Frontage Road, She explained that the proposed light will not add to the grid lock. The type of signal installed at this intersection will be what Engineers refer to as a "slave signal" and that this type of signal is capable of helping the signals in the area. The second issue of concern was the increased traffic congestion to the area. Ms. Kraeger reiterated that the other uses sugge newbritse to the area n as acceptable such as medical oflicc or a restaurant are going to bring P her opinion. the gas station will brim Irss congestion to the area because the majority of the traffic is already "passing by." ~ DRAFT Commissioner GOICEI' inquired about the Medical/Dental office and asked about the traffic generated fran this use. Ms Kraeger explained that this is the number one trip generator for office uses. The important concept to understand is that the Medical/Dental office uses are all "planned hips" to the area. Cormissioner GOKE1' commented on the traffic congestion and pointed out that the schools have increased the tral'lic to the area by allowing open emrollment. Ms. Kraeger agreed that the open enrollment does cause additional traffic to the area. Chairperson THOMPSON asked about the hours of operation depending on the use(restaurant/Medical office). Ms. Kraeger explained that with aMedical/Dental office that the hours of operation would only be during the day. However, the hours of operations for a restaurant would vary but most likely it would be open late at night unless it was a Denny's or Village Inn. The hours of operation (or the gas station would be 241iours a day. Whether a restaurant has aliquor license ~eould-rilso make a difference oii hours, citizen types and amounts of traffic. David Galloway, 5350 DPC parl:way, Englewood, 80111. Mr Galloway stated once again that the proposed development use was established many years ago and that the site plan does meet all the requirements tin- the C-1 zone district, as well as, the criteria. Bill Farrell, 14;99 Garden Circle. I-ie stated there is.more to be considered then just the legalities. There is a moral issue to he reviewed. The community understands that the zoning and site plan criteria have been met but do not wish to be negatively impacted by this proposed plan. Mr. Farrell concluded his discussion by reiterating that he is adamantly opposed. Chairperson TI-IOMPSON closed the public comment section of the Public Hearing. Discussion continued with the Planning Commission members. A motion was made by Commissioner \~~IT_L[AMS, seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY, for approval of Case No. \\'/_-97-L3 a ri•quest for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan fi>r property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be APPROVED tier the lollowing reasons: 1. It is consistent with the underlying outline development plan. 2. It is exceeds the City's standards for commercial development. 3. It meets all requirement for Planned Commercial Development final development plan. With the following conditions: The "\>Jelcome to Wheat Ridge' sign be modified to be consistent with the City's standard. • •flRAF 2. A 10' wide pedestrian/equesn~ian path be shown along the eastern property line of Lots 1,2 and 3 in the CDOT r-o-w and that the developer escrow funds to allow for future path construction when I,ot 2 develops• Commissioner SNOVd made a motion to add an additional condition which restricts the future addition of a drive through. Ylotion Cai~cd for lack of a second. Chairperson T]-IOMPSON stated her reason for voting no is due to the negative impacts the proposal will have on the neiehborhnod, She also s-Cited that she felt this is a excellent plan but there is too much oppositi~~n. Commissioner SNOW explained her reasons for voting in favor. She stated that the zoning is Commercial-One and the proposal complies with the zoning district regulations. Commissioner SNOW did apologize for being unable to restrict drive tluu and the hours of operation. Motion carried 5-1 with Chairperson TFIOMPSON voting no. A motion was made by Commissioner ~~'[LLIAMS, seconded by Commissioner SNOW, for approval of a resubdicision plat for property plat at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, for the following reasons: 1, It is required to accununodate the frontage road relocation and incorporate the vacated CDOT right-of-way into the project. 2. All requirements of the Subclivisirnt Regulations have been met. With the following conditi~,ns: 1. All existing and proposed drainage easements be shown on the plat. 2. A sidewall: mxl signage easement shown along the radius at the intersections of West 32nd Avenue ands the fron4ige road. Motion carried 6-0. Chairperson THOMPSON asl:zcl Mr. Goebel if the City will monitor the project to see if a, signal light is warranted. \4r. Goebel said yes that the City will review signal light installation warrant for the fi~turc. g, CLOSE PUi1LIC iif:ARI~C: 9, OLD 13USINtiSS • The meeting schedule tor.lanuary is as follows: A. January 8, 1995. B. January 15,1995. 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. DISCUSSION ~\Ni) DECISION ITEMS 12. COMMITTEE ANI) DEPARTMENT REPORTS 13. ADJOURNMGN'C Meeting was adjourned at I I :10 p.m. by consensus. Jenifer Roche, Recording Secretary , The next meeting will be h~ Id .ianuary 8, 1998. Received: 11/26/97 S:t OAM~ 130V-26-97 WED 08 11 ~• E~/~S1T~ ~ ~• MEMO To: File Fmm: Dave Galloway ~,,,, Subject: Nav. 24, 1997 N~ 4 Q oad ~eetsng at La C2uinta for PCi., 32nd & 1-70, 'Wheat Ridge, CO boa d Date: ATovember 25, 1997 A meeting was held T 1-24-97 as described above. The meeting started at 6:00 pm and ended. at approximately 7:30 pm with continued individual discussions lasting until about 5:00 pm. Approximately 13 people representing i0 households attended. In general, the meeting was polite. Ofthe people attending, the following were major speakers: gilt Farrel - President of Applewood Homeowners Assoc. Harold Gorse - Possibly a board member of Applewood 1~.O.A. He is an attorney aad the individual who called Jahn Bennitt. Brad Brauer - Lives at NE corner of 32nd & Zirmia, directly behind site. Indicated he has his house under contract to sell. Comiie & Gene Ivlauldin -Live at S~'V comer of 32nd & Zinnia, immediately ' Kitty corner from site. gill Srnitham - Lives north side of 32nd on Zirmia. DWG presented the project,l'CL, and Breakplace concept and entertained questions from audience. The first person to speak and leave was Mr. Farrell, who presented a letter along with several hundred pages of form petitions used on the Richter proposal from 199fi. His position was that we don't want gas or fast food and Applewood has told Richter this on .many occasi°°s• Tf T'CL wants to $ght all of their power, they stand ready, willing anal able to do anything to stop this project. They will boycott Conoco's existing facility, boycott the PCL facility if built, go to the newspapers to get their story out, etc. etc. Other speakers continued in this vein - we don't want this use and go away. Later in the meeting, Mr. Gorse spoke stating his research has indicated that the City of W h' eat Ridge iatay be loolang favorably on this plan because they are tired of lawsuits and paysng lawyers. Specific comments and requests discussed were: 1. Does this plan iu,elgde drive-thru and fast food? 'I`lae plan currently does not have adrive- thru shown but there is mom to add ozte in the fixture between the store and the car wash. Presently, a deli type operation is planned for the store. PCL would reserve fire right to add other food offerings and adrive-thru in the frrture. a CITY WHEAT RIDGE; Page 3 Received: ~t/26/97 B:tOA~ ~ p, 03/04 NOV-26-97 WED 08 12 Pile Page 2 l~lovember 25, 1997 2. Will this be a Z4-hour facil~Ity? PCL wou]d ]ike the abi]ity to operate 24 haurs a day should business warrant it. PCL wants to Dave the same ability to operate as other businesses in Wheat Ridge. Tt is our understanding that Wheat Ridge does not legislate hours of operation as a zoning matter. 3. Will PCL build au 8' high brick wall around the site? - Na. 4. Berms or Iow bricl: walls - 3'-ti' high would be nice? The site is already planned to be 3' lower than 32nd. PCL will investigate berms. 5. Why so much landscaping on east side of site (behind car wash)? To provide screetting ofbacks afbuilding. 5. Why not more landscaping along 32nd? We will review this area.. 7. Where are signs? Signs presented without commetrt. 8. What do yon need the Sb' high sign fpr? The zon'sng allows this sign. The site is an interstate location; the overpass at 32nd is appmxunately 25' higher than the site. 9, People on east bound I-70 won'k be able to see the sign before they have to erit? PoirtE well taken. 10. Does PCI, knpw that this area is traffic bound? PCL has researched this site, including traffic situation, extensively. 1 ]. Will there be a light at 32nd Avenue anal Frontage Road intersection? We hope so. Qur traii'ic study has investigated this feasibility of this device. PCL wf71. support its installation. 12. Who will pay for traff~e signal? Good, question. We don't have the answer exactly but would assure some participation by this development. 13. Does PCL know there are gravel trucks running every 3 minutes oa Frontage Road? DWG personally wasn't aware, but PCL maybe aware. 14. WiU this facility have diesel? Possibly diesel for pickup type trucks will be provided; however, five is not a truck stop and will not provide facilities for over-the-road truckers. 15. Will the Conoco across I-70 elose? DWG has ~od infa ~ ~o a oo Compet n$'gasoline marketeez street. I would assume that if it elosed, they 8:71AM; WED 08;12 ge 3 vember 25, 1997 Received: 77/28/97 selling other than Conoca products. -> CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE; Page 4 +• P. 04/04 Previous traffic studies did not false into account the schools in the area because counts were talren in dune; does onrs? Not certain about this issue. Will review. Will the canopy lights be like the Conoco at S3rd & Wadsworth? No. We Hal commit to recessed, flat lensed lights on this facility, not the dropped lenses exhibited on the Arvada site. l'CL agrees that those type lights are objectionable. Is PCL willing to negotiate site design: after they complete the public hearings at Wheat Ridge? PCL would 1>7ce to negotiate changes to the plans now with the neighbors in order to attempt to accommodate their concerns and hopefully to get thear support ofthe project. It is unlikely that changes to the plans will be forthcoming once the City passes judgement on them. Will there be a liquor license here? DWG is tzot sure but thinks that FCL wilt probably try and get a 3,2% beer license. This is typically a separate pmcess and not part of the application in front of the City at this tiltxe. Why have the City of Wheat Midge sign? We arc nat Wheat Ridge and it"s ahleady confusing enough to people. The sign was added as a screening device to the intersection. PCL feels iY is a nice amenity; however, we will remove rt if directed by the City. list is not exhaustive but covers maw of the poims brought up. In general, PCL has stated e public that this is not a use hearing in that all of the proposed uses are `uses by right" under zoning, PCL wants to provide a superior project that sets the tone for development in this We feel that we have done this and are sure we far exceed the established standards under oning. ~rsvcot.co~~n~noc:s~M°sarcuaoli'rc.aia~ Applewood Property Owners Association 14399 Garden Circle Golden, Colorado 80401 (303) 273 -0425 President Bill Farrell Vice President Chris Stance Treasurer - Janet Cheadle Secretary Amy Hodges December 4, 1997 Ms. Gretchen Cerveny Mayor City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Dear Mayor Cerveny, Re• Prooosed Conoco "Breakolace' at 32nd and Younofield Please find enclosed a recent letter from our Association ("APOA")addressed to Galloway, Romero and Associates,the engineering firm for the Conoco franchisee, PCL, regarding the above project that includes a gas station, fast food restaurant and car wash to be located just West of the 32"d and Youngfield intersection. As noted in that correspondence, various individuals were copied including the members of Wheat Ridge City Council. Because of your recent election to office, I have taken the liberty of providing additional background regarding this property. I will not repeat in this cover le#ter the various points of concern that are identified within the attached correspondence, however, I would be pleased to answer any questions that you may have following your review. You will quickly conclude that Applewood is not in favor of a Conoco station. We believe that the primary market served by the proposed "Breakplace' is traffic from outside both of our communities. Furthermore, this intersection does not need more fraffic. Please also note that there are already three (3) gas stations just on the East Side of the intersection (Amoco, Diamond Shamrock and Conoco) Two (2) of these stations also have car washes. Please be aware that following the City Council's 8 - 0 rejection of the proposed development in October 1996, the Applewood neighbors provided commercial development alternatives to the fast food restaurant, gas station and car wash. These suggestions were verbally conveyed to Mr. Richter and various City Planning OfFcials at meetings subsequent to the City Council vote. Applewood is part of unincorporated Jefferson County and is contiguous to the City of Wheat Ridge. Most of our residents patronize the nearby stores located in your City. We have aQpreciated Wheat Ridge's past sensitivity to how development within its borders can affect Applewood. We hope that we can count on your opposition to the proposed Conoco "Breakplace". Congratulations for your recent election to Wheat Ridge City Council! Sincerely, ~~~~L-~. BiII Farrell President a ~~ Applewood Property Owners Association 14399 Garden Circle Golden, Colorado 80401 (303) 273 -0425 President Bill Fartell Vice President Chris Stance Treasurer Jarret Cheadle Secretary Amy Hodges November 24, 1997 Mr. David W. Galloway, PE Galloway, Romero and Associates 5350 DTC Parkway Englewood, Colorado 80111 Re: Proposed Conoco Breakolace Facility at 32"d and Youngfield And "Informational Meeting" HAND DELIVERED Dear Mr. Galloway, Approximately one year ago it was proposed that a Diamond Shamrock and fast food restaurant be located at the above site. Our Association was then and remains now, very opposed to this concept in any form. Please find attached the follovving information that we suggest your client carefully consider before making the business decision to locate at this proposed site; • Copies of over 600 signed petitions (many with detailed comments 1 from Applewood Property Owners Association ("APOA")membership opposing the above concept. (The number increased from the 527 indicated in the letter to the Mayor of Wheat Ridge ). Our letter to Wheat Ridge also makes note of a flawed traffic study pertormed in June when two schools located one block away were closed for the summer. • Various correspondence to City of Wheat Ridge City Council outlining our Association's objections to the proposed gas station, car wash and fast food restaurant. • Copy of 1996 APOA bulletin requesting our 1,100 members for their petition in opposition to the above when it was proposed by Diamond Shamrock. • Newspaper article regarding APOA's opposition to a gas station, car wash and fast food restaurant. • APOA Press Release dated October 24, 1996 regarding opposition to the proposed Diamond Shamrock and Wendy's fast food restaurant ` ~~ . , Paoe 2 of 2 A gas station, car wash and fast food restaurant placed literally at the bedroom windows of the adjacent homeowners, not to mention the added traffic to an already congested area is a clear threat to our property values and safety. Please advise your client, Conoco (or the franchisee to Conoco) that the neighborhood has provided the current owner of this location several reasonable examples of what we would consider compatible to our neighborhood and traffic situation. We are firmly resolved to oppose the gas station "Breakplace" with any means available to us. This opposition may also have ramifications to the goodwill of the existing Conoco site east of the proposed site. In closing, be also advised that this letter is also being sent to other nearby Homeowners Associations with whom we have formed a strategic alliance known as the Jefferson County Communities Coalition ("JCCC" ). The JCCC was formed in response to situations like this one -where outside interests have attempted to negatively impact the value of our homes and quality of life. The combined homeowner membership of Fairmount and Applewood (east of Youngfield) includes over 6,000 households. Sincerely, Bill Farrell President C: Flora Andrus President / Fairmount Improvement Association Ed Campbell President / Applewvod Valley Property Owners Association State Senator Ed Perlmutter Wheat Ridge City Council / Conoco Corporate Headquarters __ _ _ __ .~ _ Galloway, Romero & Associafies oesgn Er>A.,ea:,e Plemig 5350 DTC Parkway Engle~wod, CO 80111 1~) naeeaa Fnx:13o3~ na3s3s November 14, 1997 Dear Property Owner: On Monday, November 24, at 6:00 p.m, an informational meeting concerning a proposed Conoco Breakplace facility will be held. This meeting will be at the LaQuinta Motel , 3301 Youngtield Service Road, Golden ,Colorado. The applicant, PCL, is proposing within the City of Wheat Ridge to develop a 1.28 acre site as a new concept Breakplace store with carwash and fueling facilities. This site is located at the Northeast comer of 32nd Avenue and the I-70 West Frontage Road. This meeting is open to the public and will last approximately unti17:00 P.M. Should you have any questions regarding this application please contact me at Galloway, Romero & Associates (303) 770-8884. Sincerely. Gallowa ,Romero & Associates ~~ David W. Galloway, P.E. F.ICLDMSPEIROLCO V7'31~DOCSMISCINON IC. W PD f ~ sense, a voice hive fiscal 4uents. vernment work een effective in ,ns with members o work for the .pie. ThaFs why •lected him Senate ~~r after only .e ever instate leadership make 641 i.capcon.comlteeleY transit rouwo ~~ ..-.. a BR'an. Bul according to p•s Uu board member District-Din Denve n Ut" east hakewood. "I-tghl tall Is significantly cheaper: -Using the old Asso down Railroad right-oC-waY lwren hotel .u ~„~,. .. Cold Spring. and 5146 for the fu1~rD [currelntlycommlltc~ to a S I66-million proJecl to ex- tend the downtown light rail line on the SoulhwestCorridor, ~,pplewood r 2nd Avenue mauls on u~c ••w, .... now rvcstmcnt Study ~u~way. Cost estimates for two competing transit iouttS on the east side of Denver are not ycl available. esidents prevail in development dispute lirely because it was a 24-hour service developme olintlonoand Increase traf[ic, p noise.' sed development "The propo Is a nu[sanc IewoodDresldenltP- son,anAPP -We un erstand as a group that this is a commercial prop- erty," said Wllllam, Farrell, a member of the board of dlrec- lors for the ApPlewo°d Prop- erty pwners Assocladon. "But portions concerning fast Cood, gas stations and convenient stores -those very businesses by their very nature will attract, un P~ewood rsd nts asked th council to eliminate "the :ity council demands pecific plans at corner y Lon scHaL[sLw y }e~vm 5~„y.,IHwn y/arAr L~DGt battle In which Apple- A wood residents believed L a-they were !n for a long haul and developers thougtrt they had bagged the deal had a surprise ending when the Wheat Ridge City Council unaminously denied a planned commercial development ap- pllcaUon Monday nl t. TFte Unal plan to evelop the northwest corner oC 32nd Ave- nue and f-70 included a Dia- mond Shamrock ggas elation, a c Wendy's fast-foodazehousefa- and ashowroom/ Center al 12851 W 32nd Ave s Council members said they couldrit approve the plan be- cause the 28,000-squaze-foot showroom/warehoi~ did Ilnot Included In the p have a specltled use. The coun- cil directed the developeclnc Dome back with a mo IhCP Viand plan. Until then, planned Cor development will remain vacant- Solaro az- CouncllmanTony rove gued that he could not app lire Mal plan without knowing the types o[ businesses Utat would be placed In the develop- ment tan Is more spe- "Usually a p c1Uc when we re voting on lt," Solaro said. He sold d o~c°P- ers should be req ate a llnal oclfico acrosepthe 'that is sp board: the property In Currently. lodes a la9ulnta Inn hotel and Country Cafe restaurant, which were aPPfOVed In 1984. s Developers ltrekpr ~°~, Dwaine Richter, owner, have worked w(th Wheat Ridge planners and Ure Wheat Ridge Plannl[rgCommisslon to avoid I[nposing on neighboring residential areas to Apple- wood. resealed to The plan `n'om P roust with the council for aPP includin several condlllons, g placement of a tra[ilencghged 32nd Avenue, 11 dumpslers for all buildings, 50-foot signs d ac~en tl[o resl- gate visual Imp li hied signs dentist area, g m ~ 6 turned off (com 10 p• a.m., and Increased, detailed landscaping to act as an extra buffer. However, Applewood resi- dents WeTOmiostes made by the the comp tanners. developer and city p Apptewood residents were against Uu protect In Its en- ~ arts of two most obno~ous p ~~ plan - the 24-hour gas tattoo and fast-food,restau- ranl Developer Robecr wo ~r~dj_ dressed ttte trafli sa In the dents had cited, Y slgl~tl nerease the LrafOc sires Y In life area. Urls of Bevel- -typically t type opmenl) draws tra[Rc Lai h (nelghboringl areas, _ g Bald. He eiledd studies on that venlence developments show that "people make deci- sions on U[e spur of the mo- menC as they drive by, meaning Ute develop o eta from ooulside LracUng p P the ApPlewood area. roxl- Gas static Cent of P~sper-by moiety 90 P and Cast-food traffic," he said, restaurants draw abouterby percent and more of pass ~cls trafne." (,elghi ai~~cP~l be Ute increase atwut 20 percent. r ~~ ~~ Applewood Property Owners Association 14399 Garden Circle Golden, Colorado 80401 (303) 273 - 0425 Presfdenl Bill Farrell Vice President Chris Scance Treasurer Janet Cheadle Secretary Amy Hodges March 18,1997 Mr. Tony Solano District 2 Council Member City of Wheat Ridge 3815 De Pew Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212 Dear Mr. Solano, In behalf of the membership of the Applewood Property Owners Association ("APOA" ), the residents of the Applewood Gardens Subdivision and other concerned members of the community, we wish to once again thank you for your vole on October 28, 1996 against the application of Dwaine Richter for the 70 Wesi Business Center Planned Commercial Development. Your vote against another 24 hour gas station !fast development reaffirmed our belief that'Wheat Ridge intends to be a good neighbor to the unincorporated Applewood area, many of whose residents regularly patronize merchants willrin the Cily limits at the Applewood Center east of I-70. - Our organization and neighborhood is not against commercial development of the Richter tract. In fact, a number of concerned residents from the neighboring Applewood Gardens Subdivision and APOA have drawn up a lengthy list of retail, office and commercial uses for lire tract, allowed within Wheal Ridge C-1 zoning, which would be welcomed by our community. For over 20 years our area has opposed a gas station /fast food development on the tract. This position was made clear in the 1977 lawsuit by Applewcod Gardens against the Cily and Mr. Richter (Civil Action No. 50459, Civ. 5, Jefferson County District Court ). We respectfully request that in the current litigation the City lake into account our long held views concerning these uses and offer us the opportunity io consult with ttte Cily regarding negotiations over aitemative commercial uses for the property. In that regard please accept our offer to meet with members of Cily Council, the City Manager, your attorneys or other representatives, at a time or limes convenient for you. Please contact me ai the number sei out above or Harold E. Gosse, with tfte APOA Growth and Development Committee, at 297-3466 or 271-0574. Si erely, ~'~~~/~A '. if Bill Farrell `-~j(_/~\ President cc: Mr. Harold E. Gosse /Chairperson/ APOA Growth and Development Committee _ ~ •~ Applewood Property Owners Association 14399 Garden Circle Golden, Colorado 8040'1 (303) 273 - 0425 President Bill Farretl Vice President Chris Sconce Treasurer Janet Cheadle Secretary ~ Amy Hodges February 10, 1997 Mr. Tony Solano District 2 Council Member City of Wheat Ridge 3815 De Pew Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212 Dear Mr. Solano, The Board of Directors of the Applewood Property Owners Association (APOA ) at its first meeting of 1997, held on February 7, 1997, declared by unanimous vote, a statement of appreciation for the Wheat Ridge City Council's declination of the Richter development plan as proposed. You will recall that in October and November 1996, various members of the APOA appeared before your City Council and testified regarding the proposed Richter development at 32nd and Youngfield Street. The APOA considers various aspects of the proposed development to be very detrimental to the value of neighboring residences. Your empathy for these homeowners and courage to use your authority in a judicious manner are very much noticed and appreciated. The Wheat Ridge City Council's decision was clearly based on a "neighborhood friendly" attitude that will be remembered by the APOA for a long time to come. Sincerely, Bill Farrell President ..: ,, ..: ~• Applewood Property pwners Association Growth & Develo ment Committee October 24, 1996 Mr. Dan Wilde Mayor City of Wheat Ridge 3596 Ingalls Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Mayor Wilde, Attached please find attached 527 petition signatures that have been gathered over the past week from the members of our Association who are opposed to the gas station and fast food restaurant portions of the 32nd and Youngfield Development (a.k.a. 70 West Business Center ). We respectfully request that you consider your responsibilities as a good neighbor to the Applewood Community and not a_ oprove those two elements of the development when you meet on October 28,1996. We have two areas of concern: 1) Traffic The subject intersection has been notorious far years as being a congested area. The additional traffic that businesses such as gas stations and fast food restaurants generate by their very nature would make this intersection of 32nd & Youngfield and I - 70 even more congested for automobiles and unsafe for students of the two nearby schools (Maple Grove Elementary and D'Evelyn Jr./Sr. High ). 2) Compatibilifv wr~ti ~ti,. „__,_ . . While we understand the right of the owner to develop this p- r- op rty as it is lawfully zoned, we feel the tyke of acceptable development is another matter. We ask that you consider the fact that our neighborhood has been well established since 1961. In fact, the proposed commercial development will require the condemnation of protective residential covenants that were written by the founders of the Applewood Community. ,- _ Page 2 of 2 ~• We hope that you will fake seriously that 527 Applewood homeowners have voiced their concerns that you act as a good neighbor and not approve the gas station or fast food portions of the plan in favor of more pedestrian friendly alternatives. if you would kindly take the time to review the attached petitions - you will see that there are many additional comments that further address the concerns of our-neighborhood and are not summarized in my cover letter to you. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely~~ William J. Farrell Applewood Property Owners Association Director Chairman of the Growth and Development Committee 14399 Garden Circle Golden, Colorado 80401 273 - 0425 .,~, ~---:: Applewood Property Owners Association Growth ~ Development Committee November 18,1996 Ms. Jean D. Fields District 1 Council Member City of Wheat Ridge 3270 Fenton Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212 Dear Ms. Fields, November 18,1996 Thank you again for allowing the Applewood residents appear before the Wheat Ridge City Council on October 28, 1996. We were all very impressed by the Council's genuine interest in dur concerns. It is our understanding that another meeting is scheduled for November 25,1996 and that possibly more will be discussed regarding this matter. In that regard, we thought the following information was pertinent: 1) Two (2l Schools Were Entirely Eliminated From the Traffic Studv The developer's traffic study expert testified on October 28th that the traffic study was performed during June and indicated that the proposed development would have only a 20% increased impact on traffic. Please be aware of the follbwirig material omissions of this study: •~. School is not in Session During June Maple Grove Etementary School has 385 total students of which approximately 30% (~ 130) are open enrolled from areas outside the neighborhood. A total of 43 students take the bus in the AM and 59 take the bus in the PM. The remaining 200 •or so students walk /are driven•by parents. D'Evelyn Jr. / Sr. High School has 702 students presently acid is scheduled to have 900 students next year. This school is a "choiCe° school that attracts students from all ouer the area. Presently 381 take the bu's in ftTe-;"Abl std 443 take the bus in the PM. The remaining 300 or so students pr•esvr~b(y walk / drive. i . _ Paoe 2 of 2 These are very clever omissions from the traffic study - do you not agree? ( School Traffic Source: Jelico Bus Terminal !Both schools are less than 1 mI. from the proposed development) -~ (2) The Proposed Project Signs Do Not Help the Proiect - Buf Thev Hurt the Residences The developer testified that the fast food and gas station will attract 75% and 90% respectively of what he termed "passer by "traffic. If that is true - then the proposed signs provide only superfluoq¢ benefit to the developer since the project depends primarily on existin traffic. We recommend that additional sign height limitations be imposed. We remain hopeful that the gas station/convenjepce store and fast food restaurant portions of the proposal are perm7n~nljy eliminatectform the development. The impact on traffic and qu2lity of life to the adjaceht residences makes those Rortions of the plan very unfair. Tht~jp are certainly other commercial uses that would more compatible to this location. ' Thank you again for your consj~ier~tion of tfaese issues. Sincerely, '• ~~ William J. Farret6 Chair of the Growth and Development Committee Applewood Property Owner~,4ssocjj`~`tion . 14399 Garden CifGle ~~`" Golden, Colorado '.$Q~~~ '~ 273 - 0425 IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUESTED To: Applewood Property Owners From: Applewood Property Owners Association Re: Commercial development plan: D1W comer - I-70 & 32nd Ave. AN IMPORTANT COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT MATTER AFFECTING OUR QUALITY OF LIFE IS ABOUT TO BE DECIDED. A 24-hour gas station and a fast food restaurant with two 50-foot signs have been approved by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission for the Richter property - to the south of La Quints and the Country Cafe off of I-Ill and West 32nd Avenue. The Wheat Ridge City Council wiii hear this case on October 2n, 1996. This wiil'oe our last opportunity to offer our point of view to the City of Wheat Ridge. We are asking you to read the rest of this letter and then sign the "Letter of Petition" to the Wheat Ridge City Council (attached). Mail the "Letter of Petition" back to Brad Brauer at the address given and the Applewood Property Owners Association will see that these letters are brought to the attention of the Council. Background The APOA Boazd of Directors has been following the 32nd and I-70 commercial development (the Richter development) at the request of the neazby neighbors. The Richter property was annexed some yeazs back by Wheat Ridge and was designated as a "Planned Commercial Development " To date, the developments on this property include La Quints and The Country Cafe. As stated above, a 24-hour gas staticn and a fast food restaurant have now been approved by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission for the land south of the Country Cafe. Traffic on West 32nd Avenue is already a quagmire. This development will make a bad traffic situation worse and will surely necessitate yet another traffic light so that drivers on W. 32nd will have four traffic lights to contend with in I/4 mile instead of the current three. You may have noticed that the Youngfield Service Road has been moved to the west side of the Richter property. This road is in violation of the 1961 Protective Residential Covenants, which were put into place to protect the bordering Applewood/Zinnia Court neighborhood. The City of Wheat Ridge has initiated condemnation actions to extinguish these Protective Covenants. APOA's Record on'Growth and Development At the general membership meeting of the Applewood Property Owners Association in June 1995, a resolution was unanimously passed stating that the homeowners of APOA want to make a reduction in traffic on West 32nd Avenue the high priority. Your APOA Boazd of Directors believes that the commercial development as proposed is in direct opposition to the spirit of this resolution. Anything that creates congestion of this magnitude is not in the spirit of a "good neighbor." What You Need To Do To Be Heard We urge you to read and sign the enclosed "Letter of Petition" and return it to Brad Brauer no Iater than October 23, 1996. The APOA Boazd of Directors will write a letter to the Wheat Ridge City Council in opposition to the development as proposed, and we need your support. We believe that the Wheat Ridge City Council has several "neighborhood friendly" members who will listen to our concerns. If you have questions regazding the above, please contact Bill or Brad (see below). Thank you. Sincerely, Bill Farrell Brad Brauer APOA Boazd of Directors Zinnia Court Neighbor Growth & Development Chairman 279-0408 273-0425 What To Do 1. Sign and fill in the information on the enclosed "Letter of Petition." 2. Mail or deliver to Brad Brauer, 3238 Zinnia Court, Golden, CO 80401 no later than October 23, 1996.Or you can write a letter of your own and send it along to Brad. 3. Thank you for supplying your own envelope and stamp. :zz- ~ %I~ .z ~ ~'3 ~~~ X03 7 f: ~~ /~3 ~~ ~-~r •~~%3~ _ ULV-11-.7f WGU 11~YV December 14, 1997 • Applewood Valley Homeowners Association 2~i72 Coors Drive Golden, Colorado 80401 (303) 279-2472 r, uliul Sv'heatridge Planning Commission Wheatridge City Hall 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80215 Re: _Conoco/Richter Property at 32nd and car wash, £ast food restaurant Dear Commissioners: Youngfield proposed ~ station, Applewood Oallcy Homeowners Associatioa (AVHA) which has a membership of approx- imately 1700 homes would like the commission to know of our deep coacern that a development of this type is even being considered in an area already deva- stated by a traffic problem so bad that State Senator, Ed Perlmutter, has a special committee studying it. We totally support the Applewood Property Owners Association and the Jefferson County Communities Coalition. Our neighborhoods have a very long history of opposing this type of development which causes a negative impact on the value of our homes and quality of life. Shank you for your understanding and consideration of iriis issue. Sincerely, ~~ ~.,G~z £d Campbell President/Applewood Va11y Homeowners Association C: David B. Geist Petroleum Concepts David W. Galloway Galloway, Romero & Associates Bi11 Farrell President/Applewood Properly Owners Association Flora Andrus President/ Fairmont Improvement Association r ~ ~ ~ FAI • NT IMPROVEMENT ASSO~ TION `Where the city ceases to exist' December 15, 1997 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215-6713 Re: Richter Development- 32nd Avenue and I-70 Dear Members of the Planning Commission: As the representative of Fairmount Improvement Association, I wish to express the concerns we have in the development of the above stated property. Fairmount is a neighboring semi-rural community having a common border with Applewood. Our community has approximately 2,000 households. Both locales are members of the Jefferson Counties Communities Coalition, an alliance of unincorporated areas to uphold the many matters common to such groups. Approximately 7,000 households aze ` . represented by this connection. Applewood has long been a very desirable community in which to reside, not only because of the lovely homes and safe surroundings but also due to the unique low density of the neighborhood. The very presence of I-70 is a distraction but penetrating further into the this section of Applewood with bright lights and exacerbating the present traffic problems is a degradation of this fine community. 32nd Avenue is overburdened with the current traffic and to inflict an additional volume of transit is certainly not prudent. While plans for development of a Conoco `breakplace' on the Richter property at I-70 and 32nd Avenue may present modifications to the previously defeated design for this site, deemed to be architecturally sensitive, it is sU'll a very city-h7ce proposal. The premise for objection to this endeavor is this is not a chy-like community. We implore you not to recommend approval for this gas station/food stop at the 32nd Avenue and I-70 location and consider alternatives more suitable to the character of Applewood Sincerely o.~~ts--~.a~Q , C e~-crti~.~2~ _. Flora A. Andrus President, FIA cc: Petroleum Concepts Ltd., c/o David B. Geist Galloway, Romero & Assoc., David W. Galloway, PE Bill Farrell, President Applewood Property Owners Association Ed Campbell, Applewood Valley Property Owners Fairmount Improvement Association P . O. Box 1297, Golden, Colorado 80402 Phone/Fax: 278-8660 From: Jutlah Hackstaft Forsha To: WR Planning•Altn:Jennifer Dale: 17!17!97 Time: 08:30:16 Page 2 of Z r r • • To: Members of the Wheat kidge Planning Commission - Attn: Jennifer !':oche From: Judith and Michael- Forsha- Date~ 12/1'x/97 - - Re: Proposed Conoco "Breakplace" at 32nd and Youngfield Yesterday at 3:VU p.m., as I was driving along 3Lnd past the lot- of the proposed Conoco "Breakplace,"-I wished that all of you could have been with me to see the-.amount of congestion that fills 32nd, west of=Youngfield, at that-time of the day. Cars are often lined up all the way back to D'Evelyn Jr./Sr. High School during the morning rush hour and from 3:UU-d, 3U or 6:UU in the afternoon. All of .the congestion is funneled along 32nd. There is no other outlet for this area. It surprises me that anyone would .want to put .another gas station/car wash/fast food restaurant in that area when we already - have 3 of them at-32nd and Youngfield. L4e never have to wait in line at the gas station. There-are always pumps available. Why do we need another gas station and all of the congestion that comes -- with it? We wanted to-be at the meeting Thursday night but cannot attend, so we are sending this fax in our place 'so you will know how we feel about the iot adjacent to La Quinta. We are vehemently opposed to - any commercial enterprise that will increase the congestion of-those intersections-along 32nd from Youngfield on west. Please take. this into consideration when you decide i*_ to recommend this "Breakplace_" for approval.: Please help us out and give us neighbors a break. by not approving this unnecessary development. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Judith and Michael Forsha (303) -279-7897 re5~de a-~ 135 ° ~ ' 33r~ C,-~Id.~~ ~oNU~ ~~ 3 a o To:Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 W 29th AV Wheat Ridge CO 80033 From:Colleen L.eClaire 32'78 Zinnia Ct. Golden Co. 80401 This is concerning the Case # WZ-97-13 at 12&51 W 32nd Avenue. I Colleen L,eClaire a resident of 3278 Zinnia Ct in Golden am opposed to a new Conoco i freak place being built at 12851 W. 32nd AV. At this time there ~s a Conoco and a Amco on the intersection of 32nd and Youngsfield. The congestion in this area is very extreme. There is also the problem of the congestion from traffic entering and exiting I70. At this same intersection at S:OOpm the congestion doubles from traffic headed for I70. My daughter must cross this heavily traveled 32nd AV. when she retruns from school I am very opposed to have any more unnecessary traffic traveling on 32nd AV. Please take this into consideration. Thank You Colleen L.eClaire JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHDOO~S JUNIOR & SENIOR HIGH 19200 W. 32nd Pvenua (ioben, CObredO 80401-0614 CMBee: 30&982.2800 F4c 303.832.2601 December 17, 1997 To Whom it May Concern: On behalf of the David S. D'Evelyn school community, I am expressing concern about the proposed development at 32nd and Youngfield. We are a community of 850 students in Grades 7-12 this year and will be a community of more than 900 students next fall. As a school of choice our students travel from all points of Jefferson County. We have fourteen buses ariving each morning. Our parking lot is so full we have leased parking spaces from the church at the corner of 32nd and Youngfield. This church is directly opposite from the proposed development. The traffic from 7:45 a.m. through 8:15 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. is worse than I-25 during the peak of rush hour. I have personally been stalled in traffic in the morning behind a line of cars that extended from Alkire to just north of I-70. The last thing this community needs is more traffic congestion. I am already concerned about the safety of my students and their family members. I believe we already have a situation which creates an unsafe environment. Thank you for giving consideration to the safety welfare of the D'Evelyn community. Si ere I nott Princi al Thomas J. Syn p gs ~~¢ _N c~G 5~ J'•C !/~ wuxucu t iesi 00 X90 ~jt„f-t 1 B I-T' + D ~ ~oard of County Commissioners Gul~r' ;~- ~~ ~ ~ f .j .. ,, -~, November 7, 1997 City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Zoning Department Attn: Meredith Reckert 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Deaz Ms. Reckert, Michelle Lawrence District No. 1 Patricia B. Holloway DisMct No. 2 John P. Stone District No. 3 Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the gas station/restaurant/caz wash development proposal at 12851 W. 32nd Avenue. County Planning Staff has reviewed the proposal and has the following concerns and comments. 1. Site La•~ont - As you aze aware, there are existing single family dwellings directly to the west and south-west of the subject site. The current site layout places the canopy and gas pumps closest to the surrounding residential azeas. Staff suggests that the canopy/pump location and the building location be switched. The back of the building and caz wash could face the residential neighborhood to the west and be screened with intensive landscaping. This layout would move the intense lighting of the canopy further away from the residents. 2. cce s -The first access point (right turn-in only) is not necessary and should be eliminated. The northern most driveway is sufficient to access the site. Also, heavy traffic congestion may occur for traffic turning left from the I-70 service road onto West 32nd Avenue. 3. Landscanin¢ -The landscaping along the west and south property lines should be enhanced to mitigate the visual impacts to the adjacent residential areas. 4. ~ienaee -The signage for the site should be consolidated. Two 50' tall pole signs aze not necessary for this proposal. The proposed signs should be oriented away from the residential azeas. 5. Liehtine -Lighting on site should be limited. Non-essential lights should be shut off during the night. Care should be taken to ensure that the site lighting does not cast direct glare onto adjacent residential property. 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80419 (303) 277-6511 t Ms. Meredith Reckert November 7, 1997 Page 2 6, un„rc of pneration -Staff has concerns regarding the hours of operation of this facility. Due to the close proximity of single family residences, Staff feels that a 24-hour operation is not appropriate for this location. The hours of operation should be restricted. If you have any questions or need additional information please call me at 271-8724. Thank you. Sincerely, ~,to -f -~r'emo`{Y'a, Kris Hiemstra, Planner r ,~ > ~ard of County Commissioners Michelle Lawrence District No. 1 Highways and Transportation Patricia B. Holloway Suite 3500 District No.2 John P. Stone (303) 271-8480 FAX (303) 271-8490 Distract No. 3 November 14, 1997 Ms. Meredith Reckert 'I' - _ _;, „ City of Wheat Ridge ~,r~)~ a ~ 1~q7 ~ 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215-6713 RE: Wheat Ridge Case No. WZ-97-13/12851 West 32nd Avenue Traffic Study Comments Dear Ms. Reckert: Thank you for referring the traffic study for the proposed Conoco Service Center for our review. The Jefferson County Administrative Review Team met to discuss the proposed construction and we have developed the following comments: We would request that the traffic study include a system analysis of the I-70 West Frontage Road/West 32nd Avenue intersection, because of its proximity to three other signalized intersections: the southbound I-70 off-ramp and on-ramp at West 32nd Avenue, the Youngfield Street/West 32nd Avenue intersection, and the intersection of Alkire/West 32nd Avenue. The level of service calculations should also consider a system analysis. We concur with the recommendation of the traffic study to install a signal at the I-70 West Frontage Road/West 32nd Avenue intersection with this development. 2. Jefferson County is concerned about traffic impacts from the proposed development on West 32nd Avenue west of this site, which is a County street. West 32nd Avenue west of this site is currently operating at an unsatisfactory level of service due to high traffic volumes, the existing two-lane configuration of the street, the lack of left and right-turn lanes at intersections, and the existence of eight intersections between Eldridge Street and the I-70 West Frontage Road. In 1995, Jefferson County counted 16,000 trips per day on West 32nd Avenue west of Zinnia Street. The proposed development will add traffic to West 32nd Avenue west of the site, wcrsening the existing situation of queuing traffic on West 32nd Avenue at the unsignalized intersections. The traffic study should be revised to address the impacts of the proposed development on the existing unsatisfactory situation on West 32nd Avenue west of the site. 3. West 32nd Avenue is classified as a minor arterial on the Jefferson County Major Thoroughfare Plan. The applicant should be required to dedicate a minimum of 50 feet of right-of--way along the north side of West 32nd Avenue to accommodate the planned configuration of West 32nd Avenue as afour-through-lane facility, and any additional right-of--way needed for acceleration/deceleration lanes. It is recommended that a continuous acceleration/deceleration lane be provided along West 32nd Avenue and the I-70 West Frontage Road to provide aright-turn lane for the I-70 West Frontage Road and the proposed access locations. 700 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 60419 (303) 277-6511 .. Ms. Meredith Reckert November 14, 1997 Page 2 4. The proposed access locations do not meet Jefferson County's intersection spacing requirements. County standards require an access location to be at least 300 feet from an arterial street. Therefore, it is recommended that the site be limited to one access location, the northern full movement access. 5. If proposed access locations change or are restricted, revisions to the traffic study should be required. We appreciate the opportunity to offer these comments. We ask that any traffic study or site plan revisions be forwarded to us for our information and review. If you have any questions, or require any clarification, please contact me at 271-8455. Sincerely, Joe DeCrescentis Development Review Coordinator copy to: Jeanie Rossillon, Design and Review Engineer Jerry O'Neall, Development Process Administrator Nanette Neelan, Traffic/Transportation Engineer Buck Benke, Road and Bridge District 1 Supervisor III File Reference Case: MC-748 } 4t , ~ _ ]0]', - t it E r. - sa sao--s:~* s ,/ 26 AC, \ C 1 BU R - PHASE, III ~ , _. rta • ~]I1 Di JEFFERSON COUNTY EXISTING; SINGLE FAMILY ~ R1-A aae_ I c W, ]3rd AVE. BE -1 I ~- ~I O U B-1 0.1 :,y . Q Z, Z N 6 I ~. ' ~ H ~ w ' rn _ J G _ ._ } ~ a EXISTING AGFjICULTURAL ZONING A-1 ~ ~ - I _ r _ i r AGCESIS I ~' r; ~ - ' saz' ~ 1 ~ ~ ° .. % a r ~ ll i i ~ %/ ~•l~rr ; 1 ~ I ~ ~ / ~~ 1 ~1 I J ! i I I ~ I L ~ ~ ~' I ~ ~ I rn Q 90' ~ ._ . ,, -r= T- - `a l \ s 1 W \ ' ~--~ ~\ ~ ~ m __ ACCESS I. (.. _ ("~ 1 m n /. l~ ` ~ . .•~,, ~ ~~ 'j 254,350 S.F.±' . 5.86' AC. i 11 I - ry I I rJ - ~ ~ .. ~ Z LL +I I C .. ~` Bg4nl/i .I IM wtM•.t am•r M Ift 1. ®IVCM t. A[°I.naW ~ W ((, \ 1 -_, " G.Nww 4W.WInIm, .wlMMar CxwtYr Calwvos Wncn N O r w Ne ~ J LL Q 555 S F 71 L . I w.x~ w .brq w ..w.nr nM w wt. xa,+.>,n .rc wnM.•t mN..' w .aJ m r o (~ . , ~ .. r. w 61oy 1 . tllW.rca W •na., o Lw JI tMrc. WnumM N P .u.r w , mruM. w Do r:a w lM 2 7 ~ ~ 66 AC +' 1 I rprYlurly IIM w Wevt xJM wrwvl Ilwrc• 5 w"JIr W •1°rv tM I rM . ."un. w w.a auN ~wo u . ulrun". "r w nrl w uw Mnr Z y G7 FI , Q nr [Ym•r W . ' P wa w wt g, ulw'w w w 0 1J MUbwu4 G.NaM •vWnllwwvV Ilv'Mr N n JII.Y W u1rvN ww. W o Lot e . n W i N Ct3 I Ir J • y . »l M ..W.rlr~lM w lM wo W a r .l +w Lot n . s no Dv' w .IVN r u ~ Z ~ -' ~ I ,rr o Lao rwt w .u . IM rortMFlY llw w wlrl UImM J • Jlvt+n W w 'Jl l.4/ Irvt b • W / w ~:: `- ~ ~ "~: `°o ;' '~: ~ " s" ~o ~l: »a c l~ r` N 1 . N : l . , t . w , r : u . LL ACCESS a er.. w »le wt le r tllw.<Y or xm r.rJ 1Y ' il~. w s•la I.w lel tw<. N w°ay' I:.IVw tM wb erw a w..° W X , Loe ID . ar1.M. or Tan.Db r.rl b . pmt a+d rml w.rl or tM ~ W ~ , rcrr4w•t amen Of »IJ LE ID. r•Itl Nlnt D•I/ly Yn tW wr.P/IY I 4 O r'yM-vrrnY Irm o-' IY.vcWrfv NlNnveY Nv. I->D{ Wrrc• uwlMrlY .ImD ~M wrWOrly rrpY-w-war hn. W »le Nmlw.r ror IM (p __,._ ___....- roln~..rm rwr ,.,-.r»w s U /r.>' w . tl~Wrw. w 1lu.x M s D a e + el.bno. w xw. rD n•u a nu Jo• w . J.rvw:r ~i I N / 1 •^J G D°al"I/ v YlNrrcr W 4+5. ]] Ivut w n /yvM r0 [~ / rmurYrlF fif tM uub IIM W IM NN. M SatlCn xJ. r'lSr IJ4YW{ I I{- uwM. s D n DM e . vxe«. or r$ woe b tM un~m hM w vw NN+ W a.IY 5rctlm DI tMlrc. N yU JI.Y 1:.IUp bw wl n IY,r W IM nws w mltl sacllm w • ol.w:. or +Dn.D+ rwl w nw . w IM >vs: ar w NN.: W w J srKUr., ayl ux,r.. , ow wWLCOwww.v uM wtM w~awlm»,Y +r W.. au Www• r nD rra¢ IMMO s aJ" :. w . mwn.r u un.u+ - Mt b • amt 4J> rr•wmt Ur w vn0. Imr v tM SW. w ww y rP _ / ~'~ ! 5•ctl°n SPI awM• N D :N.DV w, pMlltl b IM wrN Ilno °S In• SWn'w Jln tivcllur '!J . Drrtnncu YI ID I.r[{ IMMV 5 W •J.>~ W I .~ ~- \ ' MII•I Iv M rw4n Irn. M II'u 5'M nI m J 5'ctlm N • YI,W[u ~ .. / w S+a Mv.l tMV i» N O N.D' W . Y~ W+nc.rw ~> Iuvl w tJw Mrcn v ` ~ ..~ ^ Ivw v1 Vw SJ.'n .l »i/ A-wliw~ SJI /vx" IY Y JY.i' v\ pnllvl I Y"l • - . b lM vwY IIM °I tM rvW+ DI »iJ `+v[llm pU • YrrWCr e1 x0 II> ~' raN b IM r9M aM w Wv[ aSw Pwruv, » .Mwp. M W pl°f / N MIp Pal•wap C•Nan• $uMlwvlonl lMt. N By YJ.>' l': •IbN \~ py mq, IlM a( w.,l JanY PwJU.. nla.,,w Df >o rmt N tM ---~ ACCESS / »cnm W tM »Nn IrM W »rJ LM I w to tM w.rrt hnr w 1 ~ ~~ ~ - . ' u1U Lot /, VwnC• N D°JrLT W . nMI+M• « Uy rva b tb w/'Irr- i w•W eumvr p »iY La ~1 tnvrir N bU"V.>' G +Iwy yw rwnn 115r II]r 19Sr 11•Ir W »IJ Lw 1 • Yir <e w LID Ivvt lY plot v1 WOlnom. - - wnlm o.lxw ncM., tmcml tNt wn owl»wu m wrW a I °0 2 . vwvr mr naM-w-werl. ~ ~~ Iv .n 11,960 S.F.± a '~ ~~ i 0.274 AC. ~- T'9 115 110 _ _ J ~` ' - I `' ACCESS - _. -. - Y., 4JEST - 32nd -- dVEHUE a . W " 4 -- z W WCITL-!L PNNNEO COMML-RCIAL UIaTWCT Z ~- • ~ EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY rn "~ R 1 -A JEFFERSON on[LavMeDlr Peauurlows ' , . • ANa GI Vw~ W'^^Ptm . .II w r C-I'~uM v.cevl. Tm. nrbroorMw comn'rrNl.l .MU n. tl••IDnm b Ll.w .nm tM I. swwn...n.. . ly •rtM4[NMI cMM[t•r W [M Mr4MwflvlCrl, .w wu upllir W S. 1W rvMUwv Y .xlrtlm clr•ncnnJlcr Pf Vlr laiul IMWtl ! 1°WWMVrvY. •cv'rr r 'a. L•Je Juarlmupt rtoM• wyrutlm. Nm •N PvwMl wfrty f°r umM of tnlr wtrr +^J • .Y. FlllrN v1.UOrw MI•tlvunl n w by .In w +Y'ocm[ InrW u.c. nll Lv W uF P r r N IMlulr m°•[ IrtWrLMr. PrlOr w •plltlup IMO pmwr. M Ilr will rv n. WmLOn rrtl• LY Ym1JWJ at W [Imr,. p,t wlll Ua pumJ °. Wryw nv w ' NU uN1wry Mwll W W^^Ihrtl w W r» urt w W Iww• Jn wNlnw. M uw Ir pvlVnJ IoW Ilw u w.r vavn W YI Ilwm WV•i r c•a JJr'Irrl MNM1 W U J . MNnP I[r MNflcflar n• bllvw•l .r Mu /. rtwyJr `v won V+IIv U •,v Pr A S>' wb• Pl+ntlm •N Wmr UWrrr t° WPC'wY ry t c4• /ull Le WnMll Y In Uxrr u.m. M.IMntlal JYwlymun[ wMCh Mull lu • + Iuut MnnlMrm WIIVVy IwryN - U>r ' Mpll Wlm wrW • U foul nlUn [loom watlwr lw x.r ' Irp ur IM wrnr wnlv'n ulw'1 Lr Yucril'nfiw A arnx µ G cuilnlnu I. W1 uN VImwA Iv 1"W. al. 'Inlr Uu uW Wnun r _ , rw Wvll c ulc br wwr uVf a m m •rWar' VM VlV wl VIw1. Inlu ull M w L1 Pr l 1 all Wr• In Uw wlwnN Uuur Wr'r Y W .u l Ul YrnaJ b u.WY l~Y L y U wJlly w 1 , .. awl WMaI WJW C'-I e of IM1w W~+lolmv 1, Ir , vawvruw ., • /rru rr. , Ana A u'uNal.w V,)u na _ ~ Ann U r'mbu•v n,wl no - m Yl Uwr IIm11rY bl r Ana la Uw• Wmiltw.b ' • I. anNl. r.nvy .MrulrNa, 1, ortbr. x. GWIrM.. ,r waMVarNgV ror maap rwnu. ]. Uunn4pllY rrr'I•rvwal In.vlw.ulwJ lY ~ Nwu Il.i{ 14rMInY , ' nxn.r.rrl weq Darn wale w m.onxmrtl Dv m ..• sm.n Wvn,J , ' 4r Arw A, Thru<•a , • _ ~ C ~r r n - _: --~ •~ ~ COUNTY R1-A EXISTING CHURCH el ona G.+.rol N.vln l M..I n, wJelm c -~L:: !n . c n of e Y .R n r L - Mv.r n wlldr v. aN 'W (woroMUrrnP U+ly) nP". R MInUlur~lw n4 L L c r.IXp W [. G Xut.J D y L } R w'v a w '^ L W Wlvnu. {wr u I r MNWiN ~ I h. Irr , r I•~ Mur~nvur v + .. v lJrvlwvlwJl ' r9>: r n v ur I n Unlr% ll. t J: J.vW U. V I ' rl W r In run P) WJI tl 'I nu Lean-ruv.v IurWUJlrr n ^ l n rv I r wulumrn•nl v V+r IVIIIrJ row rv tlr ul w 111r Y w Yr1 1 I+~ ll r Y ` w In nulrbnlnl l iu I i . nu i. rYrl It, I'IV Pr Wn OI Juvrkryw wY ur r + L. l Ilw Urnr P J• F Urw rt VN,,. W Uu VMwuvrw Y wwl ' I / ~Ilr~~ ilrln wn Irl,m f~~luln IniIIY/N tnrvurnYU IarrvlJ 'J.OV SD.11 laraoN ••W Ixlw»rr urrwrYU+ wW,cm P.uuu tlD.u I .nrn~. +,nna v,vm la.P ' RII;HTE•Rnmrn".ANNEXATION wHn..,...."n..--,~ EAT RIDGE, COLORADO I OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLaN I• N i ~i SCALE; Ir • 40' 11 -Iw ^UOC~ll~ir ~nC. tdl/ IE 1 mm~nv •.nnl 0 wnwr Paonao tlOR e f]051 B9P 3417 6-2075 \_ Y .~ 3,r~H-08-98 THU 15:30 P.DI/04 6eliaway, Romero & Associates `~ ~J DCSign Engineering Planning 535Q OTC Parkway Englewood, Colorado 801 31 t3o3} 77o-aas4 13031 770.3636 EAX E=AX TRAN$lIIIiTTAL ,~~~~~ // ~23 s~- spa ~ . Td: ~'''~ ~`°''i`r-~~ FAX NUMBFA: COMPANY: ~~~~ CITY & STATE: FROM: ~t•!~?urJw'ws' DATE: wFg - ~ .~. . PROJECT: ~~- - 3a f ~ ~ - ~ ~v . - RE: /97~/ X975 - DESCRIP3'[ON OF CONFENTS: ^ NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING TRANSMITTAL LETTER .S COMMENTS: dAH-OB-98 THU 15 28 P. O1/O1 Design Engineering Pia g 5350 DTC Parkway Englewood, Cofarado SOS 31 {303) 770-8884 1303) 770-3636 FAX Gallows ,Romero Ae Associa#es nnin FAX TRANSMITTAL T0: _ COMPANY: - CITY & STATE: ,~3'f-.S~~y FAX NUMBER:~~- FROM: ~ ~ ~~L°`'~~ DATE: ~ ` $ ~ ~ ' _....._._ PROJECT~}~GL 3~~fyl~d ._..._ DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS: _ NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING TRANSMfTTAL LETTER i/_ Pozi.~ js~ Received[- ~/ B/98 3_28PM5 - JAi~-08-98 THU 15 30 _ -- -- _r CITY OF WHEP.T-RIOt3E. ra a < -_--- P, 02/04 2~ow tai ~'4 ~S ~y ~ r~s~ ~ssa~Y ~. pb.Aat,Wtw4 . WMYN tys.lw., S'1."'";-:-=M1'+~ ~evc,usT ! t14. ~~-~- ? ~rrwc dii0. fa~-r7, i. tL-: ~~1?0~51,5. ~7l~w.t-~"tc.w~' d~or't{'{~' ~... C,cltc~~w~.d,C 1.,.+ lrt'~. ~-~'Vw+~.reoZO ©'~` 5t[~.,~.'{'c~tS c.._. ~.[_{~i{i.,.~ ~ts~ reasro ~ . Gye~~o~r,,.vr.~i.. /~~~u.S-i•'r..t, .~rrz/~.t~ic ~~stx (~S. t t 7 ~ .. ~. 1.~aG.rtf.S~C Tr~rTt'i~ ~!N4'L~+~+G(s ~ ~ E u~(CI..,Irc~w~vK -- 3:. .Jc~~.~t~~ -tom.- ~~s~-5 ~cst~*-.~~ ,s~~, ~{,...rc4.a t... w~... , ~C ~.... '~"~- ~ _ ..."fk-.-sc . c.r~c 1-~7~.xr~c _.I~~~~.~s -f~ -Ke Lves~' ~. ~..>-t~,... . ,jQe'Y Gov+~c~t~ M.p~ a-+ lf"tS" . ,~~r lgruv'~4.,. ~Ir~ae,rce.~. ... ~,dti,~t,.r~ ©1>IP w%~5 Sv f~puFc.~ ~ ~s~' ~"""''~. cM.d. r...4$~.t,R~t lc.Fkr_ 1~loc~t •~ pcs.+r.~ !~. ,~~,st~~.. ~._• Ar,{~,~ f, . f~uncnn eT 43t~9 4tebt 33 Rvsnus nteteq !,n Se ed,~~t:ant tlnd Receivetl: 1/ 6/9B 3:29PM; ~AH-D8-98 T+H+U 15 30 i > CITY GF WHEAT RIDGE; Page 3 ~"'~ P. 03/04 rrr!l~rrbr prrprrty rrwrr Er tM prrprrty in qursttan aw !w !M ~. pMt tAS prsprrty eeterr in the Appirurad arse heVr baem sppeard tr ~`-' thlr grvrlaparnt. Flr Ctatrd ihrt they Hww .+sk rtt+t, w. ot.a..~ ~Md tM fflrnprrrsntadCrni4ht hne Aitrn a pgmpstp^~ttp gn hpth ai;~p~ etap thrt the autlit^r drralrp,nant piers !e r ostsd ky t (aa,igsity }t tits hrarnMrtsrr~ rlthsrph theta are atiii ramp pr.~lr pppj~prq; Hr lyti~Wrtrtl thrt Crt+neil epprlNr the autlinr davniopnanf ylan ul Lhput e,sdlficrtirn. N1r rtslrmrnt ib btLached t4 tha MSnut.Ptt erns appasrrd in Oppaeitisn. by ~runcil+erry'fµrnrr; ^I wear thrt t1r dut2lnr drvrlaPMrnt Cplrnnrd roK p Mrs n Carr Yi.7i~Tn bs epprsvad as prrarntsd." Nation ear wcvt+dad by Csunciirrn Drnsldrsn and prrsrq 6-0. (~,~.~ ,~ ~i by GrunGilrsn Nulrby: ^I rerr that Its,e l.R. (~rdinrncr ih. S71 it I.•7Q raid N. 3'R~va~itur) ba naxi dndthr Aprtedr."b Mention rar~r~^r+~ b} i:eue~liran Trrnrr and peered fi.dl. iMrrduoad Gzdlnrnee llr. '17t rn rrednd reeding L t rM rsrd. by tsurrsilwan ~+ri;irhrd and pasted." Medan rp~aroendrd ~~ br eldrrrd pub by Siw,ad Cwrrrs end prrard ~. rrrldrnti~l 6drvriaparnit p2rtt As tlrft stptlht~il'Ser~rr+irr+q/SCa^wlist~ oasiairn. Ppp~r}, of rn rgrrrrbnt brtrean the City end Yillitre Weadceck the it • nwr sense rf lend at 1695 Brlarw Street b CrntinYr s Rt'wiaur ~... grrrrsttt rihich rselrieud b Partlen of ara^4V land for publie urr Sn rrturh prwidirg Mr. yyaddaCk rich wtar far frripatinp Swr+a ana ~~ at 4605 rrlrrs,. Tha public uu lend lr rt Jonnern Perk. ~,~Pex strtad the rpraa^ttnt'rhsuld to rreardrd. ~N~by CstrteiLern Tu+rrtrr: "I +eaw thrt the e9rra+*ant fm~ eorntideratidn the City sf rhR^t Rid r end K. Williar 4ipadeoCk rrgerdinp pth~tpinq rf rrtrr br rppl~rurd end the Fisrk dr dirratsd tr retard 1t." Mtttsdn writ rrea+drd by Csuncilsrn 11u1tly rn4 pgrbd 6-0. 3116 grNtirn rf rixthrr ^tandby Pa': wa mill in rffacL we elariflyd by Mr. feat rt+r atr,ad t~ tiw in rffaeat~rtslef ~Nrrtctea=+dCy~rutYain it. ' ~ ~~P~tls ~ this rretien Mill bs in the Rulits end itrguirtions, and thrt rvrntwlly r.A that It err net the intent r1' Cauneli to rr+se++r strn~V P*'!- by Ceunellran Mrrkl: •. meya that Ms. Malone bs authorized ~ is pw rtx+aby drty pat~dinq aoaptian rf .the Autt+^ and Rrqulrtianr." i llrilen rat peendrp dY Cnurreilrrn Nularv and prasad 6.6. , n M 4pU hetmrlnq Tad Eriekrsn rstirln4 partma.t.r +sf' { rrt i pe wr ntrrnucrd by sruncilmrn Hulasy bnd ra^ rrsd. trd~ Mr!!en rreand d~by~COUt+clita~- Tvrnaruendnparssd 5•tl. r requested that thin ter prreantad to Mr. grickern oetrtciltetm Turns K the next arrtinq. n ere intraduesd by CduncilTan Ccverra and the title 1 are raa0uecn7~ipkerfarnu9eEaautC~bilNLlat~nrervice~$t:rtirrn, ;fir rrpardlnp r7ro 1, rrrrrvnlra ctr. revsrn~rntal bulldings~ 4n.gr cWp ~ en L aPrkeAr.,fln far ter C~'~'~i°.rnr-Fteminp~ SntetWha ~`•t~~itrs~ with m y,du. d dlacn<+rag~~ h+.,~ rrs.rn rampgrgemr ;tpreiri uett 1`+•r :tr~, f, tt+is~reuldthv ~+, permltr^rrnaCTr~Leitli¢t:nn end ere diarrtminatt+ry. 1te ' end tMr h~atnenn ce-~~n,:,tty, nn+' that, tha Cherbar i~. s~a~hgt the t+p1?cini K a i t i :~ a Receivetl: t/ B/9B 3:29PM; -> CITV OF WHEAT RIDGE; -Page 4 :,;: %- ., .. ... :.. .. . : . ~ 1 ~n,~,~r,~ Wz-75~~~ Tas wheaE Ridge City Council RSs Richter Afusexatien atxtiine Oevalogmont plan ih. Mayor, Members a! the Councils xi' name is lls•thur y. 8runtioa, and I reside at 13167 tcaai 33rd avenue adfncent tv and s:ontiganna with the eaptiamd anruexad peat aey. 1 wish to make a statement on mY own brhalE. and em behalf oL the other homeowisors in Applesraed Cardaaa, 1<a you know, the hoinaoorraxe in App;arcod anrdsnr haw succesalnlly opposed aamnercial devalopfneat on the annexed tract for a prsYtracte8 period of time, prisseipally beaausn xe did sot think that there ware euliivient sale guards in i~se term o! bu!lats and amswi Civa in the plant pretlicualy presented. Alto, as ypn may Knox, war az oar designated rapzeseatatives, have has some very prndntYiw dlewss Lone xith Ter. Richter recently. ', The city ardiannee before you tonight, aM the ouPt'^s oevelopaent Plan aadloaled Lhsseln end attached aerew as q.rt ei this statement, is th. xarnlt o! those .dietaseiear and the aompromiaas arch an bath aides. Thet.thir esslprvmis+ xas powiLla Ls o!'signilieartce becnaea it evinces xhae aan be acc~lished when theta is w!lfcieat tiros aliaared !or dirrvrriort. ii shoal6 ha noted that this outline oavelopamf Alan was snppoxud by a mayariry o! tM rontigamss hemeaamar+ but is still oppsea6 by odor, Yor thli raaran. please eon- sidar th:t this outline naValopmenk Alan is a e~+raadse and ;that each and every eemcesaiort made by Kr. Richter has.. inaependaat signilicsnna tv eha honawssares and that xithont ali of the conesrsions, the hoee0wners wpald not '+axe supnotted thir easylramiae, xa, tharalora, aiifeezaly hope that Council will spprove the attached Oatline A.asalopmnt Alan withont rediiicalioa, tad xili eat, in the latnre, giw aszioaa s:oneiderativn to a~ proposed changes iri the l+ian. 'Chank yon. r .F; MIMGTE9 - 7/2t/7S - Cantiauos ~ pogo 7. duly 71, 1975 - - JAH-OS-98 THU 15:52 P. O1/Ol . _ : " '7~.1 'fib e;~' ~ ~,~-~~~~ ,~~,- ~... F i '.~~ A . l:T:'. i; .. r2 ~. C• rtr~G:~x'F. Wiil 17: 'U .,.. !,er t:'.: .•a. . C. Variance x111 hr_ :::rr~lrat.cd 1f the :a!aar.t Gn-;. t~.,' or ^amuves the huulncr:;.^ HOt1an res seconded Gy ikQuncilmen Merul Md paced 5-0. It efitouitl b! noiad nd ana sppes od S + appneittan to thin Crre. Lt7.-.~~.,.,,n applinatirn+ b cralna R4ch*r.~ r ''~~ Y d: , m~tlknc plenngrl eormnerc a eveltepnent nlen fwr grape*t~ }.oL2tc ;• a..£ Avc:."~ a•:. I+7D ru ache-ruled. p •r•a en eta+,ad tFu'at?.auir,~; .e E:rCxitaltp to I-74 rnd thw f.-~+ereei "`o~Lpfnrl Centsr •.:+rn thcSr Caaae4eted '+aE~e :mr: `_raffic leLr:::: titu'_~' • , :iC •+~ t"se r:ne,d fa° lama fan: of bu"ter bsLr~..,..;: ",g, 4,-,' .+:a r•_::'dae•t+r' t°ee tt the be^tr 7. A awAleonveniener-erisntwd eheppkng glaze, aw is prepaawd, could rerve re edCh a buffet as w11 es e1loYing rosaonahls davalt~maant of the land, 3. Thr tuff feels thr plan ae pnerntttl ke en excellent cartCept !pr the utr et the lend. 4. Qne ,rat that saukd peselhly net tenet rho raquiramwnts ~ tht erdr is Lhe 3 tt 'i perking srtir at the 25% 6uiidinq coverage eharn. Norrwr, this rill he Ygrksd out et the preliminary deveioprwnt etege. Applicant Oreinr Richter tear pnamt. Adn Fteiein t punning ew"wltent for Thk 8 Aeaoe. w~leihad t , e t. It it first of r thru phut dswlopnrnt plat,. P. Ttwy hams canal0srwd the rdjac^nt choractwriwticw df the Mighttrrho0d entl ^nvirtrwtsnt: 3. There art 5 basis cress oP tna plan rhich bra: A. Hordes periremter of a 25~ huffs, rich a eprcific uaa d< a landecepe buffsr~r Ths runs f?Olth nntl 0a4~fi. B. 2 parcels rhich rrr identified ew rseldentfel ara!'rill Ue krpt rrektlentiei or apen eoac^. C. Cto Zknrtie st) rill hrve rratriction n» it wllorknq ~ rertrin wrs tf Caametcial-pne property. Thor, net sllrred arc: ~~~ eupormarkets, rarehaunas, large tlent. ateree, tiSling stations, mot.als ~l' end lu bar yards. There will tra a haiyht lintta:ion of 35~. G. Has W. t7 Av¢. lrontega snd ,..orris s+Ila+~ :zll arcs allamrd in Caamercic3~ns,g a~fntng. E. lbrthtwet eras adjsewnt to tfie buff,, rangy -+eu'd hn..•e r8ctrictla~ ml±h the follares nn ucs~ tier !t`eo+: oPf•~,f,::, •re: eiro:+sing, far in~Y~e cLnr::a~, l+nr'~tn;, a alt ehpp~ rd ~• stated tMi 1s ^ reeidtn6 rf L!n edsacant ++wighbwrhwrd end ~^~ rt rrity o: the neighbrrhead ie in unity rlth this prepoead p1en. !le etetYtC she perking rteio of 3 to ~ it tlsrticulx tr Mork rich becruu thrY do net know thr generation of traffic per ewch type rf business rnd Mu racamerndsQ that the etmndard he changed to 4.2 near ptr 1,000 eq. Tt. rf efficee ahd 5.5 sera psr 1.000 aquers feat ggl!MM~~ tree u p rerkbatl in the Urban Land Irtatituta Commercial Arilderr Handbepte. ffi b Yp, ~ '. n V ~ m m O m ~ i; a ~ c°v a m m 0 ~ ~ x 3. ~ m ~ o ~ 6 H CQ a 3i w d querLienad that W. 33 Ave. Sa ahpum to be sicced end ~N~1 tJlrr'i~rtt a dsdieatlan. Hr. Haleinytan rtatrd tf+srr Ss an seisting dwdicetrd readwy. C ileen Barad questioned if the 25r four foot high bests edtn r 6~ fanee on it rues gam unorr hw ght requlrs+nents. Wotan rtats3 it doss opt have any sffact en prepertiee eouL~io the ws! of Ward, bttt rr one goes aeuth a 25~ or 30~ rst>SSCk in Jefferson Caunty, thr height ra,.ld have to drop dean to 42". Ca:ncii+nbtl. Turs~r queatiened tlelivariee in Area C. raetriCLed to ~;p0 ^.a. t0 fi:00 p.m, rtr. ikrieingten stated they h~ra rastrkcted Lha hours snd siss of vehicles. ~,~ ~r g~Lan pf '13'167 Waal 33 Avrnus etetad ha Ss ad~aeenL and ~_ .~... . Mr. Bill Farrell, President Applewood Property Owners Association 14399 Garden Circle Golden, CO 80401 Dear Bill: 57 South Rainbow Trail Golaen, co 80401 10 January 199 In our phase conversation of yesterday, 9 January, you informed me of a proposal coming before the Wheat Ridge city council next Monday evening For public hearing regarding a development on ptaperiy at the intersection of 32~ and Youngfield on the west side of I-70. understand that Conoco is proposing a "break glat:e" for Ibis prt~terty, which has received approval by the Wheat Ridge pleasing board. You asked me if the Colorado Department of Transgortatian had taken any position regarding this proposed development and how I personally felt about it as the state transportatiost commissioner representing Jefferson County. This letter is to respond to your home owners association about bcrilt questions. As nearly as I can determine, CDOT ltas no jurisdiction for access or traffic control, in accordance with the previous agreement with Wheat Ridge concerning moving the frontage road in that area. Also, there has been no discussion with CDOT representatives concerning the impact of such a development on CDOT facilities in the area, such as I-70 and its intersection with Youngfield and 32~. Therefore, CDOT has taken no position a~n the project. I, personally, am somewhat puzzled by the proposal, due to Ure intense traffic activity such a facility would generate at an intersection already causing groat concern to both the city of Wheat Ridge and Jefferson County. It is my uuderslaudiug that ttte current traffic congestion iu this area ig a strong factor in the request for the addition of two directional accesses to I-70 at SH 58. To add to the intensity of ttafTic movement would not seem to be wise, if, indeed, there is acknowledgment that a very real probleut exists today. My gersortal belief is drat such a proposed facility will cause additional problems in the I-70/32"s/Yaungfield area and ultimately adversely impact the flow of traflic an the interstate. Thank you for bringing this proposal io my attention. Jefferson County is growing rapidly, straining its infrastructure in many areas, and taxing its local, county and state officials to solve the related problems. I will continue w work wilts atl concerned to trod solutions that are mutually acceptable and that keep the county a place iu which we all wish to live. Sincerely, 1~,~.. Flodie Anderson Colorado Transportation Commissioner, District 2 I~~ ~~ `~ _~ c Y' L' fl 7500 West 29`" Ave. Wheat Ridge, C'-' „„ q/~.~••~~~\~~~~`` kt~ Planning Phone # (303)23:. P ~,y ~ ~~g~ Parks and Recreation Phone # (30_ ~ ko C,~e Public Works Phone # (303)23 Ve' ;~ ~ . Fax # (303)235-2857 ~p~ .~ DATE ~ . ~ ~ ° ~ ~ _ ~;...:~ f TO . ~~~ ~~~ ~~5~,1,1;~~ FAX# ~~ ! ~~~Q~ z.- FROM ;;..:~;1L~7~t~- ~ i~iC•~"y2~" PHONE.# ~' '~ ~} ``~ _ NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) ~ ~ __ , COMMENTS . ;~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~° ~'' \\Af //~~s~ ~=~ Original To Follow In The Mail ^Yes f~No Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215-6713 ~ard of County Commissioners Highways and Transportation Suite 3500 (303) 271-8480 FAX (303) 271-8490 November 14, 1997 Michelle Lawrence District No. t Patricia B. Holloway District No.2 John P. Stone District No. 3 r-~ ;a-~ j,~ ~ '1 l ... r RE: Wheat Ridge Case No. WZ-97-13/12851 West 32nd Avenue Traffic Study Comments ~}Z~t~saD ccaJOCp SbTb-CIo>J Deaz Ms. Reckert: Thank you for referring the traffic study for the proposed Conoco Setvice Center for our review. The Jefferson County Administrative Review Team met to discuss the proposed construction and we have developed the following cominents: We would request that the Caffic study include a system analysis of the I-70 West Frontage Road/West 32nd Avenue intersection, because of its proximity to three other signalized intersections: the southbound I-70 off-ramp and on-ramp at West 32nd Avenue, the Youngfield Street/West 32nd Avenue intersection, and the intersection of Alkire/West 32nd Avenue. The level of service calculations should also consider a system analysis. Wt: concur with the recommendation of the traffic study to install a signal at the I-70 West Frontage Road/West 32nd Avenue intersection with this development 2. Jefferson County is concerned about traffic impacts from the proposed development on West 32nd Avenue west of this site, which is a County street. West 32nd Avenue west of this site is currently operating at an unsatisfactory level of service due to high traffic volumes, the existing two-lane configuration of the street, the lack of left and right-turn lanes at intersections, and the existence of eight intersections between Eldridge Street and the I-70 West Frontage Road. In 1995, Jefferson County counted 16,000 trips per day on West 32nd Avenue west of Zinnia Street. The proposed development will add traffic to West 32nd Avenue west of the site, worsening the existing situation of queuing traffic on West 32nd Avenue at the unsignalized intersections. The traffic study should be revised to address the impacts of the proposed development on the existing unsatisfactory situation on West 32nd Avenue west of the site. 3. West 32nd Avenue is classified as a minor arterial on the Jefferson County Major Thoroughfare Plan. The applicant should be required to dedicate a minimum of 50 feet of right-of--way along the north side of West 32nd Avenue to accommodate the planned configuration of West 32nd Avenue as afour-through-lane facility, and any additional right-of--way needed for acceleration/deceleration lanes. It is recommended that a continuous acceleration/deceleration lane be provided along West 32nd Avenue and the I-70 West Frontage Road to provide aright-turn lane for the I-70 West Frontage Road and the proposed access locations. w ~(~~,~ jw.,~ t ~ r ~ ~ ?-c,~ .~ 100 Jelferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 00419 (303)271-6517 + ' _.. ' Ms. Meredith Reckert November 14, 1997 Page 2 4. The proposed access locations do not meet Jefferson County's intersection spacing requirements. County standards require an access location to be at least 300 feet from an arterial street. Therefore, it is recommended that the site be limited to one access location, the northern full movement access. 5. If proposed access locations change or are restricted, revisions to the traffic study should be required. We appreciate the opportunity to offer these comments. We ask that any traffic study or site plan revisions be forwazded to us for our information and review. If you have any questions, or require any claz~cation, please contact me at 271-8455. Sincerely, -- Joe DeCrescentis _ Development Review Coordinator copy to: Jeanie Rossillon, Design and Review Engineer Jerry O'Neall, Development Process Administrator Nanette Neelan, Traffic/Transportation Engineer Buck Benke, Road and Bridge District 1 Supervisor III File Reference Case: MC-748 . ~ ~tv s i ~a.,.d~a~n , ~ .` 1.n,,'~prwnt P.,1.~e ~ V~/R~-tQ. ti/..w snt'' _~~ CA.u.SG ~ ~ ~9 CQ,tT~rvt ~ _ Nt ~y ~' ,~ Nw°s~ ot«~. s- :.~.. ~ 32,, ~-- ~ ~"~ . l\ ~[7~k 7 1- "~e~ yp[~V ive~v~9-K?~ l-j ~` `~TTJJ~ nor ~rr~2rir~,~ ~~ (25~. t,-~w~ ~. ~wp °~ c~°~" """' jS •tt1 . W . R . y-{ow -~v. csw. W•R•- ~Ursve ~~~. 'v-e2~i~etMa 0~~2 B~ ~ U __ ~~ ~ pity of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE - 303.2345900 ~Wh e at WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6715 ( ) Ciry Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Uepl. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge November 5, 1997 Kathleen Krager, P.E. Krager and Associate, Inc. 1390 Stuart Street Carriage House Denver, Colorado 80204 RE: Conoco Service Center, 32"d Avenue & I-70 West Frontage Road Dear Kathleen, I have reviewed the traffic impact study for the above site and would like to make the following comments: 1. The study needs to address the A.M. peak period as it did for P.M. peak. 2. The study indicates that the intersection of I-70 West Frontage Road will warrant signalization with the development of any new commercial property north of 32nd Avenue. Does the study suggest that the Proposed Conoco Station warrants a. signal? If so please provide a document in which warrant is met and also provide data to verify it. 3. Since the proposed signal is close spacing to the adjacent signals to the east (at I-70 and Youngfield St.). Please address how this signal serving the proposed development will affect the progression on 32"d avenue. 4. Please analyze the above intersection to determine whether this development would require a left turn lane on 32"d Avenue. If required, the study needs to calculate the length of the left turn bay. Please address the above comments and resubmit for further review. The finaVapproved traffic impact study will have a large part in determining the geometric design and right-of--way required for roadway construction fronting the proposed Conoco Station. Should you have any questions regarding this study I can be reached 235-2862. Respectfully, Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer cc: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Alan White, Director of Planning and Development Dave Kotecki, Senior Project engineer Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Lowell Bender, Galloway, Romero and Associates ~~ R[CYCIE~PAP[R U.U-UL-U~ LIUIY UO~ 14 Kroger and Assoclat~s, Irx. 1390 Stuar[ SveeC Carnage House Denver, Cobrado 80204-1 2 43 (303J 446-262b FAX (303) 446-OZ70 November 2l, 1997 Mr. Steve Nguyen-Traffic Engineer City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Place Wheat Ridge, CO 80215-6713 RE: I-70/West 32nd Avenue Conoco Traffic [mpad Study Qear Steve: ~».~ r. UU UO Thank you for the opportunity to provide revisions for the Conoco Traffc Impact Study. The following are my responses to your comments from your letter dated November 5. 1) Attached please find the AM peak hour tragic analysis. As you can see, the AM peak hour and PM peak hour are very similar at this location. However, background traffic is less during the AM peak hour and so the PM peak hour remains the critical time period. 2) Attached are the peak hour signal warrants based on 1998 total traffic. A signal warrant, based on the PM peak hour with development of the Conoco station, will not be warcanted, but only by a small number of vehicles (approximately 20 southbound vehicles). Because Ehe intersection will be close to warranting signalization, I would recommend that all development in this area be asked to contribute to the future signalization and that the City monitor traffic volumes at this location to determine the appropriate time to signalize the intersection. 3) The close spacing between the 1-70 West Frontage Road signal and signa{s to the east will require that this signal be timed as a slave signal- The green phase for the northbound-southbound movement should coincide with the green phase for the t-70 off ramps. This timing wi4l result in good traffic flow fior through Traffic on 32nd Avenue. Since the north-south movement on the I-70 West Frontage Road requires only a U[~-U1_y1 C1U[Y Ub'• 10 Mr. Steve Nguyen City of Wheat Ridge __ _._. _ _.. _ _. Y. UJ/ UO November 21, 1997 Page 2 small portion of green time, there should be no problem providing this green phase within the existing phasing plan. 4) Due to the restrictions of right-of way and proximity of the bike path and other improvements, my analysis assumes no left-tum lanes will be available on 32nd Avenue. This intersection is projected to operate well without the left-tum Lane. However, if 32nd Avenue is w'sdened at some time in the future, and with the addition of new right-0f-way and relocation of the bike path, alert-tum lane wouid be desirable. ff constructed, the eastbound left-turn lane will need to be approximately 50 feel in length. if you have any questions about these comments, please feel free to give me a ~II_ Sincerely, ~~ Kathleen L. Krager, .E. Transportation Engineer US.U-U1T~i CIUIY Utl~ 10~ ,(• , ~ ~ul~ J~evr T/a~i~ ~~ys6 /Y~~O ~jf,YJGfc~~7PY/. ~sz! ~alG . i~1 OJt 5u:h~ 5t~ ioyr~ ~'~ . sy ~~ 9~ 9~ !I` `P N ~ ^ ~ is ~ zy ~` T h ~L. U4l U0 ~~ 8~ /~ /9z ~- qto ~~ n h ~' ~ . _..._ i _ '~ m h 'n Z ~ ~ ~ E - i o8 jz -1 ` `~ ? (`' ~~7 `' `f o ,~, M 2 `a, `~ I4 ~8 r. wi vo _ vr_v.ui'y~ uuiy uo•io HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d 11-2t-1997 --- Center For Mfcrocomputers In Transportation -__---------n-~saaaam-vscosc_=oovv-----o._.=_-o.c------------- .._--.___ Streets: (N-S) I-70 West Frontage (E-W) 32nd Avenue Analyst' KLK _ File Name: 70471TA.HC9 Area Type: Other 8-26-97 7-8 AM Comment: 1998 Total Traffic Northbound Southbound Eastbound westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes ----> 1 <--- ---~ ~ - -~ ----~ 2 -`-- ---~-1-- ~~ Volumes 1 5 23 115 5 37 32 747 2 19 608 115 Lane W (ft} 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 i2.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Phase Combination i 2 NB Left Thru * Right Peds SB Left * Thru * Right * Peds * EB Right WB Right Signal Operations 3 4 ~ Green 15.OA Ye11ow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combing S EB Left Thru Right Peds ws Left * Thru Right Peds NB Right SS Right Green 11.OA Yellow/AR 0.0 on order: #1 #5 6 * * * * * * 54.OP 5.0 #6 7 8 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group : Adz Sat v/c g/C Approac h: Mvmts , Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS NB LTR- 275 _ 1455 0.109 0.189 19.5 C 19.5 C SB LT 287 1519 0.439 0.189 21.6 C 21.1 C R 297 1574 0.131 0-1.89 19.6 C EB LTR 1773 2850 0.487 0.622 6.1 B 6.1 B wa LT 1345 1807 0-491 0.744 3.2 A 3.0 A R 1172 1574 0.103 0.744 2.1 A Int ersection Delay = 6.4 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B - 0 480 Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Crrt~cal v/c(x} - s U~.V U. Ji ~Wtl Uv'LU lI J1 u f . UU/ UU HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4d i1-21-1997 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation --_____ --------==s~~m_~~>=====6------------------------------------ -- -- ffi~___-------- -----° ----------------------------- Streets: (N-S) I-70 West Frontage (E-W) 32nd Avenue Analyst: KLK File Name: 70472TA.HC9 Area Type: Other 8-26-97 7-8 AM Comment: 2017 Total Traffic -__---_-_--_---_--_=-?nv~~am~.aeesve=esee-casac-_-cove-=--~_---vo,^-----=ee.e Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes > 1 < > 1 1 > 2 < ~ 1 1 Volumes 1 5 34 139 5 44 36 1720 3 28 912 139 Lane w (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3_00 3.00 3.00 3...00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Phase Combination 1 2 NB Left Thru Right Peds * SB Left Thru * Right * Peds * EB Right WB Right Signal Operations Green- 15.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase 5 6 7 8 EB Left * Thru * Right * Peds WB Left * * Thru Right * * Peds * NB Right SB Right Green 11.OA 54.OP Yellow/AR 0.0 5.0 on order: #1 #5 #6 ---- Intersection Performance l _ Summary - Lane p- Grou Adj Sat v/c g/C ch: Approa Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio y Dela LOS Delay LOS NB LTR 272 7442 0.154 0.189 79.7 C 19.7 C 58 LT 257 1358 0.589 0.189 24.1 C 23.0 C R 297 1574 0.155 0.789 19.7 C EB LTR 1750 2813 0.732 0.622 8.7 B 8.7 B WB LT 1233 i656 0.802 0_744 7.5 B 6.8 B R 7172 1574 0.725 0.744 2.1 A Intersection Delay = 9.1 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.759 VNV Va V~ ~lJll VVlU Y /l" FIGURE A-5. PEAK HDUR VOLUME WARRANT x soo 2 f- v 500 wQ w ~ a 400 ~a ~ Q 300 ~ 200 0 100 x 2 OR MORE LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES 2 OR MORE LANES Er i LANE 1 LANE fr 1 LANE 15 f = 400 _600 800 1000 1200 t400 1600 1800 MAJOR STREET -TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES -VPH 'NOTE: 150 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACH WITH TWO OR MORE LANES AND 100 VPH APPLIES~AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACHING WITH ONE LANE. _ _ -- - - U~C-U1-yf fIUN U21~1b . ~. ~ 600 W Q w ~ ~ 400 Na a o ~ 304g0 ~ ~ !YD >> x ~m FIGURE 45. PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT 2 OR MORE LANES b 2 OR MORE LANES 2 OA MORE f.ANES £t 1 LANE 1 LANE $ 1 LAN 1 00 `-' aoo aoo ~ooo i2oo X400 iso0 eau, MAJOR STREET - 707AL OF BOTH APPROACHES - VPH 'NOTE: ,~ ROACH W TH TWO OR MORE LANES AND 100 VPHEAPPRIES'ASOTHE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACHING WITH ONE ERNE. Send Confirmation Report Line 1: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ID: 3032345924 Line 2: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ID: 3032345924 01/12/98 3:22PM Page 1 Job Start_time Usage Phone Number or ID Type Pages Mode Status 781 1/12 3:16Ph1 3'46" 2718490..:...._ ............:.... Send............ 11/11 EC 96 Completed........................................ Total:- 3'46" Pages sent: 11 Pages printed: 0 - --_ _ _ _ _ _. ~~ ~~~ ^ 7500 West 29'^ Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Planning Phone#(303)235-2846 Parks and Recreazion Phone # (303)235-2877 Public Works Phone # (303)235-2861 Fax#(303)235-2857 DATE ~-1~-`~ TO gut: %'~G;.cS-,~,~ns FAX; FROM 'frnya~.,: ; ~~Er~ r PHONE # ~== -~~" NUMBER OF PAGES l lucuiatNUCOVee sueerJ 1 r COMMENTS - non "~Nr~' ~~`~"^ (h< 'L' -'"d'Y"lam ji•t '~F ."A~t tr t' nroc ~ tte,iv rrt~ ~ r ~ ~' Original To Follow In The Mail ^Yes ~o • ~g NCO k~ ~'lr~ 7 eounoeo lssi 00 ~o Highways and Transportation Suite 3500 ~oard of County Commissioners Michelle Lawrence District No. i Patricia B. Holloway District No. 2 John P. Stone District No. 3 (303) 271-8480 FAX (303) 271-8490 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215-6713 January 12, 1998 ~~~~d~~~ JAN t 3 1998 RE: Wheat Ridge Case No. WZ-97-13/12851 West 32nd Avenue Traffic Study Comments i Dear Ms. Reckert: On November 14, 1997 the Jefferson County Administrative Review Team responded to your request for comments on the subject case. As you know, we had several concerns regarding traffic impacts due to this development. Since that time, we have been contacted by a number of citizens and organizations, also concerned about traffic impacts. We would appreciate the opportunity to review a revised traffic study or any other information as to how these concerns have been addressed before the case is finalized. If you have any questions, or require any clarification, please contact me at 271-8455. Sincerely, ~~~ Joe DeCrescentis Development Review Coordinator enclosure copy to: Bob Middaugh, Wheat Ridge City Administrator Bob Goebel, Wheat Ridge Public Works Director Bill Farrell Valdis Zebauers, Duector of Highways and Transportation Jeanie Rossillon, Design and Review Engineer Jerry O'Neall, Development Process Administrator Nanette Neelan, Traffic/Transportation Engineer Buck Benke, Road and Bridge District 1 Supervisor III File Reference Case: MC-748 r; 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80419 (303) 271-6511 CITX~COUNCIL MIN: January 12, 1998 ~ Page -.2- Louis Ficco, applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor. He presented his case and asked for approval. Meredith Reckert was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. - Motion by Mr. Siler that Case_No. W7-97-14, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development Plan final development plan for property located at 6225 West 48th Avenue be approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a_PCD final development plan have been met. 2. All minimum design parameters established at the outline plan phase have been met. With the following condition: The applicant provide-brick accents or_contrasting block accent s. on the southern and western building elevations; seconded by Mr. Eafanti. Motion by Mrs. Dalbec for an amendment that three ,more trees be planted to comply with the intense buffer requirement on the north side of the building; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 6-2 with Mr. Donnelly and Mr. Siler voting no. Motion as amended carried 8-0. Motion by Mr. Siler that the request for approval of a subdivision plat in conjunction with submittal of a final development plan for property located at 6225 West 48th Avenue be approved for the following reasons: 1. Platting is a requirement of Section 26- 25(V)(B)(3) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met; seconded by Mr. Eafanti; carried--8 - 0 . _ _ Mrs. Worth stated for the record that the reason she was voting for this is based on testimony given. at tonight's meeting, not on the_ Planning Commission Minutes, because she feels this was an illegal hearing as one of the Commissioners at the meeting was n_ot a member of the Board. Item 2. Request for approval of a Planned Commercial combined preliminary and final development plan for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, Wheat Ridge. ~C.as~ e~'No ~_ WZ=97-13-) ' (Dwaine Richter) Item 2 was introduced by Mr. Eafanti; title read by the Clerk. ~ITY~COUNCIL MIN~S: January 12, 1998 ~ Page -3- Dave Galloway, 5350 DTC Parkway, Englewood, was sworn in by the Mayor. He works for an engineering,- architectural and planning firm that-has been hired by PCL to represent them and put together the drawings he handed out tonight. PCL is a company who is a Conoco gasoline marketer and a franchise of the "breakplace" concept, which is a new concept in stores for gasoline facilities. He presented the applicant's. case. and asked for approval. Kathleen Kraeger, was sworn in by the Mayor; she is a professional traffic engiheer with Kraeger &-Associates. She has about 20 years experience in traffic. engineering, has conducted numerous traffic impact studies in the City of Wheat Ridge and has served as a consultant to the City of Wheat Ridge in traffic engineering. She conducted a traffic impact study for this site and gave several alternatives for eventually placing a traffic signal at the intersection. She compared gas station usage to some of the other uses allowed for this zoning and concluded that the gas station usage would result in fewer new trips than any of the other uses she cited. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report. The following speakers were sworn in by the Mayor and spoke in opposition to Case No. WZ-97-13: Flora Andrus, 4790 Easley Road, Golden, President of .Fairmount Improvement Association, referred to a letter she wrote to the Planning Commission, in which she asked that Planning Commission not approve this case. She stated that a house in the proximity to the development would have to be listed at a lower price and have fewer prospects; homes contiguous to this would soon become rentals and would not be maintained as well as owner-occupied properties; traffic will increase on 32nd Avenue. Ed Campbell, 2472 Coors Drive, Golden, President of Applewood Valley Homeowners, expressed concern about the school children .at D'Evelyn School and the traffic. Sharon Yablon, 3020 Ellis Lane, past president of Maple Grove __- __ ___ Elementary School PTA, currently serves as legislative chair for the Wheat Ridge area for Jeffco PTA, presented letters with 298 signatures from parents of Maple Grove and D'Evelyn students, asking to reject Conoco's proposal. She also had letters fxom the presidents of Prospect Valley PTA and Kullerstrand PTA, voicing their solidarity with Maple Grove and D'.Evelyn. She also showed a video of .the traffic. ~ITY•CODNCIL MIN~S: January 12, 1998 ~ Page -4- Rene Diephuis, 3229 Zinnia Court, showed six slides of West 32nd Avenue, which depicts the traffic congestion. He is not in .favor of another traffic signal. Harold Goss e, 14600 Foothill Road, Applewood Property Association Board of Directors member, read a letter from George and Virginia Minick, 3105 Indiana Street, addressed to the Planning Commission; it is in opposition to the development. He avoids the intersection and shops elsewhere because of the congestion= Brad Brauer, 3238 Zinnia Court, represents the 29 homes that are closest to the proposed development. He is in the process of moving and sees his. personal loss to be in the range of $30,000. Neighbors ask no gas station, no fast foods; asked that Council choose in favor_ of the neighborhood. Crime is going to increase because of the proximity to the freeway; Conoco will expect to sell-beer. Connie Maulden, 3195 Zinnia Street, also represented-some of her -- -- neighbors on Zinnia Street; feels they will be the most affected; their concerns also were noise, traffic, safety, property values, crime, gas explosion. Asked that Council deny this application. Bill Farrell, President of Applewood Property Owners Association,~ead letters from the principal of D'Bvelyn, Jefferson County and Flat Anderson, Colorado Transportation Commissioner, .District 2, concerning traffic._ Dennis Jones, 14205 Foothill-Circle, is a parent of three .children who go to D'Evelyn; they walk approximately one mile to and from school; his children are not allowed to go across the intersection,, it is to dangerous, no matter what direction you come from. Norm Ross, 3145 Zinnia Street, he will have full view of this development and is against a gas station with a carwash and food- outlet; no need for another gas station, there are three already; there will. be no economic gain for Wheat Ridge. Speaking in favor of the development and sworn in by the Mayor, was JB Wilson, 5565 West Jewel Avenue, Lakewood. He is the president of the Junior Class at D.'Evelyn High School, and represents 990 of the students at the school. CITY•COIINCIL MIN~S: January 12, 1998 • Page -5- The students either like the idea of having the gas station-and carwash there or they could care less;-everybody uses gas, kids could use the deli and convenience store, plans look great and high quality; there will be less .traffic at the intersection by building the gas . station on the west side; D'Evelyn is a closed campus and students are not allowed out at lunch .time. He asked that Council consider. the positive aspects of this development. Mr. Galloway and Mrs. Kraeger-gave a brief rebuttal_ One o.f the points was that D'Evelyn is-guaranteed to be closed within the next three or four years; .any development that goes in will create traffic; every development ever proposed for this property has been opposed by the neighbors; this property has been zoned Commercial since 1975. Mrs. Kraeger stated that an a.m. traffic. count was taken in November when school was in session. CDOT and Jefferson ..County were notified. From a traffic standpoint this is a low density development. Motion by Mrs. Dalbec to suspend the Rules and continue this meeting through Agenda Item 9; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 8-0. Motion by Mr. Eafanti that Case No. WZ-97-13, a-request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development combined preliminary and final development plan for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue, be approved for_the following reasons: 1. It is consistent with the underlying outline development plan. 2. It exceeds the City's standards .for commercial development. 3. It meets all requirements for Planned Commercial Development final development plan; seconded by Mr. Siler. Motion by Mr, DiTullio-for an amendment that Diesel sales not be allowed on this,ste; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 7-1 with Mr. Mancinelli voting no. _ _ Motion by Mr. D.iTullia for. an amendment that a drive-through window not be allowed on Lot, 3; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 8-0. Motion by Mr. DiTullin for-an amendment that the hours of operation be limited to 6:00 a.m. to-10:00 p.m. on weekdays and-6:00 a.m: to 10:30- p.m. on weekends; seconded by Mrs. Worth; tied 4-4 with Cauncilmembers Dalbec, Worth, Shaver, and DiTullio voting yes. Mayor broke the tie by voting no. Motion failed 5-4. _ _ ' ~ITY.CODNCIL MIN~S: January 12, 1998 ~ Page -6- Motion by Mr. Eafanti_ to amend that Lot 3 not be used as a staging facility for buses going to_the tourism sites up I-70; seconded by Mr. Siler;-carried 8-0. Motion by Mrs. Worth to amend that no semi tractor and trailer traffic be allowed on this site other than 10 minutes at a time for deliveries for products to be sold on the site and no overnight parking for semi tractors or trailers be allowed on the .property; seconded by Mr. Eafanti; carried 7-1_ with Mr. Mancinelli voting no Motion by Mrs. Dalbec to amend that the trees that are to be located along I-70, the nine northern most trees, would be instead placed in the buffer zone adjacent to-,the buffer wall; seconded. by Mr. DiTullio; carried 6-2 with Mr. Siler and Mr. Mancinelli voting no. Motion by Mrs. Shaver to amend that the trees to be planted be a_t least 50o coniferous trees; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 7-1 with Mr. Mancinelli voting no. Motion by Mrs. Shaver to_amend that no deliveries be permitted hefore 8:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m.; this was quoted in the outline development plan; seconded by Mrs. Worth. Mr. Mancinelli stated that this was completely unacceptable because the tankers run most of the=- time during the middle of the night and early hours of the morning, to stay off the highways; could be Sunday, could be Saturday, could be Tuesday, whenever they get the order, they go, that's why you have 30,000 gallons on the premises; these tankers are huge, they make few stops to-keep the pollution down and you can't restrict their times. Mr. Donnelly agreed with Mr. Mancinelli, he has seen gasoline trucks delivering late on Sunday nights and feels this is the safest time. Motion tied 4-4 with Councilmembers Shaver, DiTullio, Worth, and Dalbec voting yes. Mayor Cerveny broke the tie by voting no. Motion failed 4-5. Motion by Mrs. Shaver that the equestrian/pedestrian path that is to be built.._there, be actually built, not funds be put in escrow; stuff get's planned and doesn't get built, and years and years go by and then everybody has a different viewpoint; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 7-1 with Mr. Siler voting no. Original motion as amended tied 4-4 with Councilmembers Donnelly, Eafanti, Siler and Mancinelli voting yes. Mayor Cerveny broke the tie by voting yes. Motion carried 5-4. =~ ~ITY~COUNCIL MIN~S: January 12, 1998 Page -7- Motion by Mr. Eafanti that the request for approval of a resubdivsion plat for property located at 12851 West 32nd Avenue be approved for the following reasons: 1. It is required to accommodate the frontage road relocation and incorporate the vacated CDOT right-of-way into the .. ,, project. 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been--met. With the following-conditions: 1. All existing and proposed drainage easements be shown on the plat; seconded by Mr. Siler; tied 4-4 with Councilmembers Donnelly, Eafanti, Siler, and Mancinelli voting yes. Mayor Cerveny broke the tie by voting yes. Motion carried 5-4. Council Bi11 55 - An Ordinance amending Section 2-62,(b) and Section 19-29 ® of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, concerning - the Civil Service Commission. Council ill 55 was introduced on second reading by Councilmember DiTullio. He stated that the City Attorney and-City Manager have asked that-this postponed until_January 26, 1998. Mr. Dahl and Mr. Middaugh wi 1-meet with the Civil Service-Commission this Wednesday and report their comments and concerns and suggested changes to Council. \ Motion by Mr. D~Tullio-to postpone Council Bill 55 until January 26, 1998.seconded b Mrs. Dalbec;- carried 8-0. Item 4. Council Bill 52 - An Ordinance concerning qualification for members off the Election Commission. Council Bill 52 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Donnelly; title read by the Cler}c; Ordinance No. 1105 assigned. Motion by Mr. Donnelly '~or the adoption of Council Bill 52 (Ordinance 1105); seconded by Mr. Di~ullio; carried 8-0._ DECISIONS RESOLUTIONS. AND. MOTIONS Ttem 5. Resolution 1648 -\ roval.,of 1998 Annual Budget. Resolution 1648 was introduced`py Mr.. DiTullio. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that the t ansfer from. the General Fund to the Computer Fund in the amount of $10,000 be retained within the budget but implementation delayed until a~study session is held on the_ computer fund; seconded by Mr. Siler~• carried 8-0. Januazy 12, 1998 City Council Motion for WZ-97-13 pertaining to the Pedestrian/Equestrian Trail: SHAVER: One more amendment and that is, I would move that the pedestrian/equestrian path that's to be built there be actually built not funds be put into escrow. Oue of the problems with this site is that stuff gets plamied, and it doesn't get done and yeazs and years azid years and years go by and then everybody has a different viewpoint -- the owner wants to do this, the neighbors don't like that. This is a recommendation from our Parks and Recreation Commission to have this passed and I would rather see it be-- this part of it be --built instead of waiting until the land to the north develops because that might not develop for 22 more years. DiTRUJILLO:Second. MAYOR: All right, we have a motion in front of us that requires the pedestrian equestrian trail to be built now as opposed to putting funds in escrow. SANG: Motion can~ies 7-1 with Siler voting NO. ~. ~ ~~ ~~~~ 01/12/98 13:15 '8'303 271 8490 JEFFCO Hf4YS ~J001 ~_ t • Jefferson County Hzghways & Transportation ~#K TRANsMM1S5ION COVER SHEET D'att: ~ ~ j .r'-'~~ Tuna: g ~. ~..~` Fay ,~..~~~ ~4`~`C~ `fat} lie: ruse X10, w ~ -q~-j~ - w.~s-t- - gv~.. Sender: ~e~ ,~2 CYPSCt~Yt r fS ~or~sxoUZnl~c.~zvE ~ r,~cE(s~, nvcLVr~mrGTHrscO~ S1~7: IF'~'OUDO 1,10T.t~CEtV.,EALL TIIE PAGt:,S l'l~EA.SE t'~d r r {303} 271- g~5~' ~~~~/ vl~l~ ~rollan~ t~ n ivolo~ ~,~lya~~. s~~asov Calder. Calorada Sf14I9-3500 (303).271-8495 Fuc (3U3) 271,849oD Received: 1/t 2/96 12:11 PM; 303 27t 8490 -> CITY OF 4VHEAT RIDGE; Page 2 01/12/98 1:16 '$'~Oa 271 8190 JEFFCO ]i4VY5 y r Board of County CommtsSlOaerS highways and Ttaasportstiaa Suite 3~I10 i3~] z~rl.s4so usaz ~03> x~t•sa9o January 12, 1998 Ms. Meredith Reckert City a# Wheat Ridge 7541) West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215-5713 Michelle Lawrence Oi~rrot Na Y Pellicle f3. Hallsway t7159iCi Na 2 d4hh ~ $54110 nlshic! No, s RE. Wheat Ridge Case Na. WZ-97-13/12$51 West 32x11 Avenue Traffic Study Comments Dear Me. Reckert: On Navber 14, 1997 the Jeti'ersou ~:ounty Administrative Rev'tcw Team responded to your request for comments an the subject case. As you know, we ,bad several eorleetns regardiag v~a#fiG impacts due to this devclopmrent. Since that time, we have been contacted by a number of citizens atld organizations, also concerned about traffic impacts. We would appxeeiate the opportunity to review a revised traffic study or anY other information as to how these coneenvs have been addressed hafare lire case is finalized. If ,you have any questions, or require any clarification, please contact me at 271-8455. Sincerely, Joe DeCrescen6s Development Review Coordiltalor enclosure copy ta: Bob Middaugh, Wheat Ridge Ciry Adluinistrator Bob Goebel, Wheat kiidge Public Works Director Bill Farrell Valdis ?~ebauers, Director a# highways and Trattspariatian Jeanie Rossillon, Design alxl Review Engineer Jerry O'Neall, 1)evelapmeut Process Administrator I~ianette Neelan, 'l'xaffic/Transportation kngineer Buck $enke, Road and Bridge Aisaict 1 Supervisor III File Reference Case: MC-748 700 Jetferson Gounry Paruway, Golden. Colorado 60479 (3031277.5511 D02 JANUARY 15, 1998~~(~~0~~® JAN 2 2 1998 WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL -----____ __ & THEIR D1TZY, DUMB MAYOR: ENCLOSED /S A LETTER WE SENT TO CONOCO CONCERNING THE SERVICE STATION YOU ARE CRAMMING DOWN OUR THROATS AT 32ND & ZINNA. WE WISH TD THANK THE COUNCIL MEMBERS WHO HAD THE INTEGRITY AND ETHICS TO VOTE AGAINST RAPING OUR BEAUTIFUL NEIGHBORHOOD JUST SO SOME FAT CAT CORPORATION AND SLEEZY RICHTER COULD MAKE A BUCK. TO THE OTHER GOOD-OLD-BOY, BOUGHT-AND-PAID-FOR, IN- RlCHTER`S-POCKET MEMBERS AND THE INCOMPETENT, IGNORANT ('7 HAVE TO SAY EVERGREEN TREES BECAUSE I CAN'T SAY THAT OTHER HARD WORD" --DUH!!I) BLEACHED BLOND MAYOR, MAY YOU ALL ROT IN HELL. WE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO VOTE AGAINST YOU BUT WE SURE INTEND TO VIGOROUSLY CAMPAIGN AGAINST YOUR RE- ELECTION. SINCERELY, ED AND BARB WILSON 3125 ZINNIA STREET GOLDEN, CO 80401 ~r. Distributed to: g Council: Date: ~ Mayor. City Clem ~ City Adm: C'ity'f(eas: ~ City Atty: Dept Heads: a x N a N w ~~ _~ -~-~ ~o r -n me ~_ xm ~~ o-{ ~~ ~_ ~o rn~ m J~ND.~Ry 14, 1998 CONOCO CORPOR.~~ION .~.~2"EN~ION BRIJON 00090 6855 SO'U2"3~3-C.~I~V.~N.~. SZ,LIZ"E 650 ENGLB`1NOOD, CO So112 DE.~LR MR. 00090: ONMOND.~y, J,?~N'Z1.~LRy 12, "WE .~.~2rENDED .~ _ tiV3-CE.~~RIDGE CI~'J C07,1NCIL MEETING 2"O VOICE 01LR OPPOSI2'~ON 2'"O .fit CONOCO/C~[R~IN.~S.7-f/ F.~S~ FOOD DL'VELOP.7v1EN~ .~ BLOC9C FROM 01,LR ~fOME .~L~32ND .AND ZINTII.~ S~REE7IN.~PPLL'WOOD MES.~I. ~.~-CIS 5~.~.71'ONIS ~O~.~LL1J ZtNNL'EDED .~S 2J3-CERE IS .~LLRE.~ID 1J .~l CONOCO/C.~R `bV.~S3-C ON Z"3fE NOR~9-C E.~lS2J CORNER OF 32ND -~-N'D yOZ.INGFIELD .~lND ~3-CERE .SIRE .?1M000 .AND S3-C~IROC.~C S~.?t~IONS ON 2"3-CESOZ.CT~CE.1S~ CORNER OF Z'~CIS INZERSEC2ION ~.~-f2(S, ISIS OB~VIO'LLS ~.7-C.~.7 ~3-CE ONLl~ `NEED' IS P~.1RE rONOCO ~CREEDrir~~ _ EVEN ~.IfOZ1G9-C.~~fE ,OPPOSI7L'ON REPRESENTED Z"3.-C021S.~LN'DS OF.~'IG3-CBOR3-000D RESIDENZ"S , ~3-CE PRINCIP.~tLS .ND PZ".~l OFFICERS OF ~.~CE T(EIG3-CBOR3-GOOD GR.~IDE SC3-COOL .BIND JZ.ITIIOR 9-CIG.~C sC7-fool .AND ~'vEN ~.~l~E JEFFERSON COZ.1N7'y 7"R.~IFFIC CON2'ROL DIVISION, ~3-CE tiV.IfE.~L~ RIDGE CI2~J C011NCIL ~ ~VO~ED. FOZLR. 2J0 FO~.LR ON ~3-fE PROPOS.~IL `1NI~3-f ~3-IE "DIZZ J, BLE.~I C9-CED BLOND M.~1JOR BRE.~7CING ~~CE ~"E _ ~O .~LPRO~VE ~3fE DE~VELOPMENI: ON MOND.~y, J.~-ND-~Ry jg, !1'~E .SIRE .`J-C.~I.`VING O~.LR PROPER~J .~IPPR.~IISED FOR ~V.~ILZ,LE .BIND `WE ~1VILL 3-L~I.~V£' I~ .~PPR.~IISED .2LG.~IN .~F~ER ~3CIS Z.1NT(EEDED S2J.~71"ON IS FORCED ON 021R NEIG.~CBR3-GOOD. ~bVE .ARE 7".9-f~EN GOING 2"O S`[lE CONOCO .AND Z"3-CE CI~y OF `1N3-fE.~7" R£DGE FOR ~3-CE DI~II.T(IS3-fED ~V.~.CZ.IE OF O~.1R 3o yE.~LR .COME. ONE OF T3-CE OPP09VE7S RE.~D FROM CONOCO'S _ SZl1'POS~D COMMIZ"7`MEN~ ~O BEING GOOD NEIG3-CBORS By PRO.~uO~ING ~~CE 2u.~rl~y of LIFE. .~LFZ"ER "WI~'NFSSING 2J3CE `W.~ly y0uR CORPOR~2'~ON BL.~2".AN2~Ly R.~PED O~,1R _ BE.~I~.l~IFuL NEIG3-L~BOR3-GOOD `WE .ARE REZ"Z,IRT/ING O~,LR CONOCO C.~IRD .7I~VYD PROMISE y0u `WE ~1NILL NEVER GAVE you .~IN0~3-CER DIME OF 021R BZ.ISINESS. IF you 2JRULy .~LRE COMMI~~ED ~O BEING "G_OOD NEIG9-CBORS" `Ws-fy DOESN~ y0uR RICIf, P0INERFuL CORPOR.,2l~1'ON Buy Z.~-L~E PIECE OF PROPERZ"y FROM ~3-CE SLEEZy, DIS.IC09V~'S7 OWNER, RIC.~C~ER, ,~'lT!'D ~'~.1RN ~.~CE CORNER INFO .~l NEIG3-CBOR3-GOOD P.~R~C? 'W~Cy DOar~ you GIVE SOME29fING B.~C~C ~'O OZ.1R COMMU9VI7'lJ INSZ'E~D OF BEING 9-CELL BENT OT(' DES~R01JING I7? SINCERELY, ED .~LTI'D B.~RB 1NILSON 3125 ZINNI.~. S~REEZ" _ GOLDEN, CO So4oz 303-278-t 66g E FAX TRANSMISSION CITY OF WHEAT R[DGE 235-2848 FAX: To: Mr. Lowell Bender Date: Fax #: 770-3636 Pages: From: Meredith ReckerC Subject: City Council Minutes of 1-12 fc~i~ _-~~_-_1 __~--- COMMENTS: January 20, 1998 7, including this cover sheet. agrees-to accept, the sum of an Order for Dismissal-with satisfaction of all claims, related to_this litigation. ~~ $50,000.00, payable upon approval of_ Prejudice by the Court, in full expenses, costs and attorneys fees 5. Wheat Ridge shall install a traffic signal at the intersection of the Relocated Xoungfield Service Road and West 32nd Avenue at its expense at such time as traffic studies indicate that a traffic signal is warranted. 6. Wheat Ridge shall acquire by negotiation or otherwise all encumbrances restricting the Richter PCD including that portion of the Richter PCD included in Parcel A. 7. On July 9, 1984, Wheat Ridge approved a Combined Preliminary & Final Development Plan for the Richter-PCD, known as the "I-70 West Business Center" (hereinafter "Development Plan"). The Development Plan describes an area encompassed by Lots 2, 3, and 7. The Development Plan includes a Signage Final Development Plan on Sheet 5 of 6, which allows a freestanding sign on each of Lots 2, 3, and 7. A freestanding sign has been constructed on Lot 2. The parties anticipate that as a result of the construction of the Relocated Youngfield Service Road on Parcel A and the conveyance to Richter of the abandoned Youngfield Service Road (Parcel C) that Richter will replat the area covered by Lots 2,3, and 7 of the Richter PCD and seek to amend the Development Plan. In the event Richter seeks to replat the Richter PCD and to amend the Development Plan, Wheat Ridge acknowledges that the approval of the Development Plan in 1984 entitles Richter to construct two additional freestanding signs in the area encompassed by Lots 2, 3, and 7 on the amended Development Plan as well as the previously approved sign on Lot 6 and the two Center Identification Signs as approved is the Development Plan. Notwithstanding any provisions in this paragraph, Richter may apply to Wheat Ridge for additional signs consistent with the provisions of the Wheat Ridge Sign Code. 8. Wheat Ridge agrees to waive any claim it may have ~,.,- ,.~ar,~ ~~~ attornevs fees in this action. 9. The parties do hereby also agree and stipulate that this Stipulation for Settlement and Dismissal shall become an Order of the Court with the same force and effect as if it had been entered as an Order of .this Court. 10. The parties agree and stipulate that the Court be requested to dismiss this action with prejudice, each side to pay its own attorneys' fees. -3- NOA\53027\137912_1 -- hFIP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Identification _ 97703636 _ ~.co • Fax Log Report for DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 Jan-20-98 12:26 PM esult $ a es ~'ype Date Time utati Diagnostic , _ OI{ 07 Sent Tan-20 12:22P 00:03:50 002486030022 V -~ _ -~ _ r~ m C7 o m p C o ~ m '~ :t3 O = D z ~ ~ I O ~ rn i, r °n ~ ~ n ~ O Z ~ -a z 0 ~ ~ C~ ~ N ~ +;"_ Ei ~ /. w ~ a..- .~ -a = g '°~ r ~ C =-a = ~,- ° ~ °_ z --{ ~--- ~ ~1 ~ m D ~ 0 ~ ~ f-'~"I o /~1 \ f ~ -r l l rnirn 07 C31 ~ GI N .~_ _Z z o 0 O p 9 O ~ m C r ='a o to m ~ - r O Z m ~ _,., z z z ~ c -~ ~ ~ G7 C m _ ~ . r m ~ ~ O ~ cn m -,-i ~ ~ ~ CO ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ cn ~ ~ r-, _ z ° z ~ v' ~ c~ m ~ ~ ~ ° o © ~ r N D W ~ C ~ m ~ ~ o n ~ ~, ~ o O ~7 ~ ~ o Z Z D ~ n O ~7 p O ~ r Z O O ~ D ~ = r rn ITl ~ ~ ~ rn Cy z - 0 0 Z -p ~ ~ ~ _ m c 'Tl ~l A r r ~ _ 6, 9~ a~~~-- o ~ -~ a O z O _ - D -~ 0 c~ m n t~ 0 c Z C7 r=- ~' r - # auo4d # ~+o4d •o~ Qpo~ 7d a ~ ltlold I J ~. ~ u` pi J tse6 gd r'aiea GZ9L a3oN xed ~,y[-3SOd 8I~9I Ix3 86-90-833 Y o . ~~ The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE GWh e at WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 (303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax #234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge February 13, 1998 Mr. Bill Farrell Applewood Property Owners Assn. 14399 Garden Circle Golden, CO 80401 Dear Bill: Attached please find a letter recently received by the City Council from a resident within your Homeowners Association area. Eveh though the City has had a recent disagreement with the Applewood Homeowners Association regarding the Conoco station, Wheat Ridge had hoped to maintain our historical cordial relationship with Applewood. The Wheat Ridge City Council has been nothing but gracious in receiving input from your Association on a variety of topics, not the least of which includes your input on major transportation issues such as the Northwest Parkway. This is not the first letter of this nature we have received from residents within your Association area. Obviously, the tone and sentiment expressed in this letter will do nothing to help the relationship between the City of Wheat Ridge and the Applewood Homeowners Association. You may wish to enlighten Mr. Rich that the "whining" from Wheat Ridge is a supportive position of the Applewood Homeowners Association regarding the Northwest Parkway. Sincerely, ~~ Robert C. Middaugh City Manager cc: Mayor and City Council L2.13 ~~ PECYCLED PAPER ~cab5 F,S4:ir-e :iC.. Golden, CO 5_Feb.,1940 blheatridge City Counci_1 _ I.4heatridge, CO-- Dear- Councilnan unn ~. Eafanti; I see the city of l+Jheatr idge ar,d the city's mnuttipiece, Bob Middaugh ar-c sticking their- nasc-~s into, Golden's business, ~ehining about the proposal to build the f+lorihwest Parkway, ~,nd id:il;e`s possible µl,~n to Guild their- f-,eadquarters on South Tabletop I'4ountain. 4;ope+ully, 'these two pr~:._ier_ts will grzatly decrease the quality o+ many peace#ul neigl-abor-hoods_in Plheatridge, li4ie the ldl-reatridge City Council did to the people of the r=,ppleatood Garden subdivision. - The people around ,2nd and `foung+eld don't want a tuc4cin' thing to do wit., the city or" 4=11-~eatr-idge or the f.uckir-~" ~tJheatridge City.Council, Mind your- own business! I suggest that the people involved in tl-,e decision to ~?ut a <} hGUr gas station in a quiet neighborhood stop sleepir;g with Ricf-ter- you c,i1 nay r_atch somet;:ir,_,! (I- you haven't alr•ead;:!i. Louis F:i ch i The City of • J7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~ ,~ WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 _ (303) 234-5900 W h e at City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Rid ge March 13-, 1998 Mr. Lowell Bender Galloway, Romero.-& Associates 5350 l]TC Parkway Englewood, Colorado 80111 Re: Petroleum Concepts at I-70 Business Center, I-70 Service Road West and West 32nd Avenue - First Review Comments of Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Striping Plan & West 32nd_ Avenue & I-70 Frontage Road West Construction Plans Dear Mr. Bender, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the Petroleum Concepts at I-70 Business Center received on February 18,_ 1997, and have the following comments: Drainage Study & Plan(s) 1. The drainage design-for this project has been based upon the approved final drainage report prepared in May of 1984 for the 70 West Business Center. The appropriate modifying discussion and analysis for the Petroleum Concept s.project was prepared by Galloway and Romero, and submitted to the City on September 30, 1997-and approved. Grading & Erosion Control Plan 1. Please provide the red-lined note regarding tracking control maintenance of the frontage road and w. 43nd Ave. Street Construction Plan & Profile Drawing 1. Please note the proposed PC and PT elevations at proposed those entrances from the frontage road, and intersection of frontage road and West 32nd. 2. Please continue the proposed curb and gutter lip alignment from radii at north entrance. ~) RECVCLEU PPPEP r Mr. Lowell Bender Galloway Romero & Associates Page 2 3. Please locate accurately.the alignment of all existing utilities within public right-of-way. 4. Please locate accurately all fixed objects, (trees, fences, etc.) 5. Pleases note and details x-pan(s) to be placed. in the project. 6. Please provide typical cross sections for both streets in 50-foot intervals. 7. The handicap ramps proposed,-while not a City standard, are acceptable, but will need to meet CDOT standards. A concise typical. detail needs_to be-provided which show ramp color, slope and acceptable placement of tool joints. 8. Please note accurately and dimension the limits of new asphalt paving to be placed on both streets.- 9. The local street. typical section detail will need to-be provided for the Frontage road and the collector street typical detail will need to be provided for W. 32"d Avenue. Both of these details can be modified to cross-section __ required, however all technical information can not be changed. 10_ Please include the general notes that have been provided.. 11. Please provide a vicinity map._- 12. Please dimension flowline and right-of-way widths for frontage road and W. 32na Ave. 13. All proposed drainage structures, if any, will need to be shown on the plan. 14._-Please note existing grade an profile.... 15. Vertical curve data (length of curve., p.v.c, p.v.i., beginning and end grades) needs to be delineated-,on profile. 16. Please note benchmark elevation per City datum. s 9 r Mr. Lowell Bender .Galloway, Romero & Associates . Page 3 Subdivision ,Plat - 1. The_platting document has satisfactorily completed the review process, and is ready for recording with Jefferson County. Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Prior to the commencement of any onsite for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with submitted for review and approval ._ For submittal in the second review package, provided.- Traffic Engineering ?ermit grading, an Application fees due will need to be .your information and a copy of-this permit is 1. Please include signing and_s_trping for the right-turn in only at the entrance, right turn lane on West 32nd Avenue, and lane -- assignment for the intersection. Also, pavement marking arrows need to be included as part of the lane assignment. 2. A stop sign should be should be installed for the drive that leads up to the frontage road. 3. The design radius at the northeast corner of the intersection at West 32nd Avenue and the frontage road should be 45-feet,at _ , the flowline as .has been discussed previously. 4. The City standards for pavement marking materials shall be 3M- A-380_ 5. All sign shapes, sizes, colors and its contents shall conform. to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 6. Please address all red--lined comments as indicated on the plan. PLEASE RETURN ALL REDLINED COMMENTS WITH THE SECOND SUBMITTAL. Any questions regarding these comments can be addressed to Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E. (235-2862).', v Mr. Lowell Bender _ _ Galloway, Romero & Associates. Page 4 Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Guarantee Prior to any construction commencing for-the required public - improvements within the Urban Street right-of-way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate will need to be submitted for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this-estimate, a letter. of credit.. for these cost s_ will need to__be submitted for review-and approval ._ - Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of.the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way ,construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be processed by the City:- Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. If have S nc rely, GegK~iudo Development questions; please contact me at 235-2868. M.P.A. Review Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr.,_Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer 'John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr .. Planner, File y~y. -e- ./>~-ems,'-~- ~ '~"~ vv~-~` A- C1J1s-c.~r~--~~J ~ . ~ ~ ~~ ~k=~~ a ~ ~. ~,~ ~ ? ~„~>~' ~ ~~ ._ ~~~ c f u drPs I -l~ ~ P...Go.o / ~I SS~~~a~csa"'"`X `' ~ ~ ~- (Q-e cL. Lowell J. Bender Associate ~,/~~ ~ Galloway, Romero & Associates Design Engineering Planning 5350 DTC Parkway - ~ - - Englewood, Cobrado 801 17 - - (303) 770-8884 ,r (303) 770-3636 Fax - ' _ __. _. I/I9 V v y L ~, OF WHEAT W H E~ A T E ~-o ~ I D G E __ ~ - - _ - „- m 0.~HEAT R IDGE. COLORADO 80115 7 5 0 0 ~' E S T ~2 9TH -A V' E~N U E~~ cOL OR P~0 gp~g (303) 235-2857 r To: /~~ ~ -Ty c c ~ " ARE` .7"N ~Fr.~e ~rr-T From: ,~--- °~ ,~ Date: %~_~ - ..-.. .. ,_. - ,..,.. .., S No. of Pages ~ I (not including cover sheet) nz I Co mcnts: i L ~~~- Z~l~ i6 tia rs~l -~.~Jy rr~-iN~.------- E r'~5~ -- --- I I ~--- PI,A,\11NG :aND ZONING - PARKS ANU-R C.(-R£ATION_PUE3LICJ1i'ORKS -__.__--"-------__ ....------- (?(Il) );i.?R77 fiUl) 214-2SG1 liU i1 ? i?-?8af, HP Off'iceJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier Fax Log Report for DEVREVFAX 303 235.2857 Dec-17-47 10:57 AM Identi5cation 99826804 Bes_ t OK es 09 Sent Date Time Dnratian Diagnostic Dec-17 I0:52A 00:04:47 002586030022 >ao f j~ H E A T I 7 5 0 0 W EST 2 9TH A ~V E'fJ U E r C S ~~ 'L IE I D G E 1 - } WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO So715 BAX# (303) 235-2857 ~; oue 13~~2 To• - ~. _. ., , From: ~S'®~~~ 4 _,. _. .. No. of Pages ~~--_-- (not including cover sheet) Comments: - ~~°r~-S _= -~. ~- I'I,:~NNIN` AND %ONING_• PARKS ANU^RE(~REA'f1ON PUBLIC'i3,~~R bCl lillil iii-2836 ~_ HP kOfFtce7et • ~ Fax Log Report for Personal Printer/Fax/Copier DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 _ Dec-17-97 11:08 AM j ation Result Paces Tvne Date ime lion Diagnoslic 97703636 ___ OK 04 Sent Dec-17 11:06A 00:01:55 002486030022 ].<0 • CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRANSMITTAL LETTER PROJECT NO. %aJ ~ __ A? . ~~ .DATE: , .. ~,, ,. t ,~ :,.~„~ To: f'~~i: t} C+ --- -From: ~-1.~,,,,° y~, `y~°'•' SUBJECT; _ _ _ ., 3~~ -- --_......_ 2~ _.r.. .~.-~-, .-......- ,: mss,, .-- ~ ___ .:~ - - x~`~ ;. ~ _ - - ~ . ~~ The item(s) listed below: ~ Attached ^ Under Se ara ~ p to Cover ~ IS/ARE ~f`J TRANSMITTED HEREWITH FOR YOUR: ^ Approval ^ Information/Files ^ Action ^ Return ~ Review/Comments ^ Corrections ^ Signature(s) ^ Other IS/ARE ^ RETURNED HEREWITH BY: ~s_: ~a ^ Approved ^ Approved as Noted ^ Disapproved ^ For Revision & Resubmittal ^ Other ^ Additional Comments Attached Return Date: ____ Items Transmitted: ..a. Additional Comments: _ a~ y ~-, , ~ ?' _- _~ _ , ~ ..,_ .-r ~~.-__ ... _ ..,._,_ _m-~,....., ~_..~, --,,., ._,. m.._~,~ ._e,...., ~., ~ _ ~ , n ~ . __ ___... ._>_<, -_...~... _... ~..~..n~.: ~:a.rvmo rn.o rc..a.u a.,. v---. M '.:TG: r r.' -~. ~ ..µ 'i~°: 4~ '~ 1 .: Copy to: 1 C.6.1. ~., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRANSMITTAL LETTER ~'~~-`1P PROJECT NO. _ . -DATE:. _ - , / ! SUBJECT: __ _ w,. ,., ~;-vr .. _ ... . ----- _~.~.___.~ _~_ ~~_.._..........,._..G.,.~.,__., The item(s) listed below: Attached ^ Under Separate Cover ISlARE ^ TRANSMITTED HEREWITH FOR YOUR: ^ Approval ^ InformationlFiles ^ Action ^ Return ~ Review/Comments ^ Corrections ^ Signature(s) Other IS/ARE ^ RETURNED HEREWITH BY: -, _ ^ Approved ^ Approved as Noted ^ Disapproved ^ For Revision & Resubmittal ^ Other ^ Additional Comments Attached Return Date: __ _ Items Transmit ted: ? '~ _r_T_-. __ ..,,-,,. .. ~ Dated ' .~,,, -~~ - r _--- -- - - .. r _._ ~ .~ .. Additional Comments: __ - _., -. -,. ~.~ , ~ t / ( ' ~ ~ ~ 7 - ~ 9 ~-71' ~ '~ ~ ' ~t 1 ~'~ ~' I C ' / ~ ,t lJ r 4'1 ~ }' ~ ~ i i _.av ~ __ ... i Copy to: 1. . ,., ,. „- _ _ __ 3. ;._ _ - ," __ _ 4. - ", ---_ __ C.6.1. - ~~ '.3~'- ,, y ti' , b x1'C 1 Jf} ;F.,y JI~i 1~ / y 1 2~ .. ~Y 2 8 D 1r AD a SCALE 1" = 40' CURVE DATA TABLE COURSE CHORD SENDING CHORD DISTANCE CENTRAL ANGLE RADIALS _ AC LENGTH I N1232'124/ 50.91' 253000" 125,00' 51,27' 2 N123212W 3056' 273000' 75.07 30.26' 3 N44'2554"E 120.67' 90'28'12" MOO' 134.17' 4 3208'20' 115,00' 64.41' 5 5729'00' 75.00' 7525' 6 39'49'49` 125.00 66.90' i 64'17'15" -GS 7350' 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 A RE-SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3 AND A PART OF LOTS 2 AND 7, 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER AND A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S. R.69W OF THE 6TH P M , „ . . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO :irE PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3210 1-70 SERVICE ROAD WEST w A CASE HISTORY DWAINE R. BE] G ME OF LOT 3 AND LOT 1 AND P M A N N " , OWNER OF LOT AN 2, D NAC4NW L RICHTER AS PARR OWNER OF LLOT2, 70 WZ-74-18 WEST BUSINESS CENTER AS RECORDED AT PECEPTON NUMBER BA076366 OF ME JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS AND A PARCEL OF LAND WZ-76-20 SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-OUARTDH OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 IL WZ-7B-14 SOUTH, RANGE fig WEST OF ME 6TH PRINCPA MERIDMN, IN ME CITY Of IEF oLLp N, STATE Of Cq.0AAD0. MORE A F AS FO ILARLY DE CR6ED PARICU NWIf" VICINITY WZ-18-20 COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF NW 1/4 SAID SECipI 2 O ' ' ' NO SCALE WZ-84-10 S N THENCE N89 AIR 1 43 30 E ALONG THE SOUTH ONE OF F yJD NW 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 711.27 FEET; THENCE NW16'30'W A DISTANCE O 40.00 FEET TO A W2-88-9 PORT LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND AT ME WZ 92 1 INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY R.O.W. LINE OF WEST 32ND AVENUE AND itE EASTERLY R W. LINE OF THE INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST, A LEGEND S ID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNIN HENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY R.O.W, UNE OF ME INTERSTATE 70 SCOCE ROAD WEST o SEt 5/8" x 21 PIN g WZ-9fi-3 AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER F0520327 YELLOW RUSTI C CM LS OF ME JEREPSON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS THE FOLLOWING EIGHT ' ^ N0. 27608 UNL _ NGTED WZ-96-1C ,RI COJRSE$) THENCE N4754 31 N A DISTANCE OF 38,41 FEET; THENCE N Y ' ' OTHERWISE WZ-9J-13 a W 12 W A GISTAVIE OF 21.94 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CHORD BEARS Nt2'32'121V A DISTANCE OF 50.91 FEET, ARID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF N89'39'00"E 25.00 133.47' - M IERS-rAT E 70 * NDO21'DO'W C NST 15'20'W 6 2. ( R0W, VA ) - ' ' ------------L 2550 . 9374 31 00"W 559 64' ~ T 1 a. 5 DRAINAGE FA9EMEx i - - - . ' 12.75 I AA I b-6T33'2B" O ~ 1q.77 - )73,90' A A=22.46' NC63100F L=24.92' ' ' ~ Cho 56 051 6] W , 12' O`AfAJie, 7nan CJ ~ 6=35'0707" . (REC.,hDSTB • ' y` Iq L>47.11 Che o-'a7" 25 CROSS ACCES U SENEN` S J O W 46.38 _ .v N _ IE1 ! I - 50' NON-EXC-OSNE CONSOLI0A'EC MJT- W lER COMPANY EASEM NT I v Ojj I Z ! IOU < - J A. (REC.AB5013506) I LOT I ;n Neer a51,~S °arrsE LOT 2 14 LOT 3 PCDIPUMFA COMMERCIAL DEYMOPAEIM ZONING I 1 EXISTING COUNTRY CAFE BUILDING i 91,440 C. FT. OR 56,016 3O.Fi. j ? OR ' T L ! Z 1 ! 3 2.0992 ACRES TtDP O 1.2859 ACRES t N I + 4 LAM® OpMEflCA1 DEVELOPMENT) ZONED PODWAMED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMWn ZONNQ 1 GI I LOT i 31,699 SOFT, W i r i nr ! 07913 ACRES PCD(RAMID COAMI@CiALCfVEIOPMg4Tj ZONNG NOFl21'00M' 148,09' 10' SIDEWALK & UTUTY EASLMENI 1 - AFATEL 50 NON-EXCLUSIVE LANSOL DATED ML UAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT (-Fl 50* NON-EXCLUSNE 'WATER COMPANY EEASIEM Ni J/ EC _ IL i-d 0'47'1 2"W 1 21.94 ' " _ H ~v_ Q l 7 12 W 85.97 _ N00'4T12 W 271.39' 7 -10' smEWALK 2 Lnum EASEMENT INTERSTATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST . _ . APo ((R.D.W. ES) V (REO.}fD 52D 377) - - - - - - - - - - - - -rn wn;r aae1NP89,` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! nnr tna IT I U37 7 PCID(PI-MINEEDCOMMIERCL& DEVELOPMENT ZONING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i----- - T _ _ _ _ - - - - - I - - - - - I I I ( f i i = ! ~ < I ( 1 i i 1 1 I I I i II 1 I II 1 i I I I I i ( I I Lit ~ ~ ( ( i r i 1 I °S1 wnffr kIJBIHn °a w -1111'r 11 L6.7 B OT J L07 4 TIT 5 s I LOT 4 n7 ~ rnklliM nb i ~n tiT)nsr n 7 5A1n nln5k L EJ i n~D9769 ! i ZONING i i i I i I I I I I - - - - i I i I I i i / ZINNIA COURT I I (sa' Row.> `rgbee, II Fy Swvk- Comp" on 6 mA4o rcs Su 13n x it 11ws~3153)331-1793 Faw. 3-1b1 .1 -T I SE CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TSS., A89W., OF THE 6TH RU (FOUND 3_'/2' BRASS CAP L.S. . 13212 IN RANGE BOX) I n I~ -I~ x yip Jp h as I 1 I ! ! ! ZINNIA STREET oET r I ! I RANGE BOX) u•Ypp'e CFRR Win. im ! ,g I r I n~ IOU ~ I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 5W CORNER OF THE NW 1Ja OF SECTION 29, T.3S29.,iS, R.69'N., OF ME SM PM. (FOUND 3-1/2" BRASS CAP L.S. NO. 13212 IN THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, BY MOTION OF ITS CITY COUNCIL DID ON ME_DAY OF IB-, ADOPT AND APPROVE NNE WTMN PLAT At ACCEPT THE DEIGATONS HEREON MADE. ATTEST: CItt SEAL 2530'00", A RADIUS OF 125,00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 51.22 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N24'17'12"W ALONG SAID TANGENT A D;STAHCE OF 85.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; MENGE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD BEARS N12' 32-12-W A DISTANCE OF 30.55 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23'30'00", A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 30,76 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT: THENCE ' 1. ME FORMER LOT 1 OF ME 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER NOW KNOWN AS NW 4712 14 ALONG SAD TANGENT A DISTANCE OF 271.39 FEET TO A , THE IA OUINTA SITE, IS SUBJECT TO A COMMON ACCESS AND CROSS POINT OF CURVE; iHINGE ALONG A CURVE TO TIE RIGHT WHOSE CHORD SEARS N44'25*5/'E A DISTANCE OF 12067 FEET SAID CURVE HAY NG A PAR ]NO EASEMENT THAT WAS RECORDED UNDER RECEPTION NO. , I CENTRAL ANGLE OF 9026'12', A RADIUS OF 85.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH &078458 IN ME JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS. OF 134.17 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE N8939'W"E ALONG 2 NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY SAID TANGENT AND ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 10519306 OF ME JEFFERSON COUNTY, L C ' ^ YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY O ORADO RECORDS A DISTANCE OF 27084 FEET; MERGE 40021 00 M CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY NNE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTANCE OF ' ' ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEWS FROM THE DATE OF TALE CERTIFICATION SHOWN 25,50 FELT; THENCE N89'39 00 E AND CONTINUING ALONG ME NORTHERLY LINE OF SAO PARCEL A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE HEREIN. SGI'WRR ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL A DISTAIRCE OF A THE SUBJECT PROPERTY UES CUMIN OR PARTIALLY WITHIN ME LEGAL 559.81 FEET TO A POM LING ON ME NORMEALY R.O.W. UNE O WEST 32ND ' OECPoPMkt OR EAHIBRS FOUwp IN THE FOLLOWNG RECORDED AVENUE; iNCNCE Sl%09 SW ALONG ME SOUTHERLY UNE OP $Ap PAR N ITSTRUMENi$ ANO MAY MEREPoAE BE SUBIECT i0 THE RAMS, CEL A D 540 NORTHERLY R.O.W. ONE A DISTANCE O 194,52 FEET; TIERCE S8%43'3D. CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF SAID PARCEL AND SAID NORTHERLY R 0 W. ONE AND THE SOUTHERLY ONE OF PAO4510N5, COrflv44R, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, OBLIGATIONS ANO fESERJRpNfi COMANEO iHERDN. SAD LOT 7 A DTs" E OF 4218 FEET TO ME POINT OF BEGINNING. tvPF W nxrol - ' PARCEL CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 182:054 SQUARE FEET OR 4.1794 MASS. 70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER PLAT RECEPTION NO. 84076366 AND HAS LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAD LAND AS PER ME D WIND HEREON CONTAINED UNDER ME NAME AND STYLE OF 70 WEST DIVISION 1 DISTRICT COURT CML ACTION 94 CV 1586 BUSINESS CENTER SUBONI310N FILING NO 2 A SUBDIVISION O A PARE OF THE CITY W WHEAT RIDGE AND ALL MUNICIPALY OWNED ANC/OR COMMON ACCESS AND CROSS PARKING EASEMENT RECEPTION NO. 84078458 MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTNTIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF SAD REAL PROPERTY WHICH ME SO DESIGNATED AS EASEMENTS AND OUR CUM4 DEED RECEPTION N0. 86077115 RGNTS-OF-WAY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION OPERATION, MAINTENANCE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT O TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC 4. BEARINGS USED ON TUS SURVEY ARE BASED ON ME ASSUMPTION TAT , ONES, ROES AND UNDERGROUND CABLES, GAS PIPELINES, WATER THE SOUTH LINE OF TINE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T.3S, R.69W, OF TIE 6TH P.M SEWS NS743'30'E BOUNDED AND REFERENCED BY ME PIPELINES, SANITARY SEWER DIES, CULVERTS, HYDRANTS, ORANIAGE Z MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREON. ONES AND GRANS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO, a BUNG EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY ME UNDERSIGNED THAT ALL 5, BASED M FLOW INSURANCE RATE MAP COMMUNITY PANEL NO 055079 EXPENSES AND COSTS INVOLVED IN CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER ONES GAS SERVICE TINES ELECTRICA ER ODES C COVERING 141E CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND GATED FEBRUARY 4, , , L S VICE LINES, STORM SEWERS AND DRAINS CERTAIN CURBS AND GLITTERS CERTAIN 19138 ISSUED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY ME , , SIDEWALKS SHALL BE GUARANTEED AND PAID FOR AS PROVIDED FOR IN SUBJECT PROPERTY IS OUTSIDE THE 500-YEAR ROW PLAN, STIPUTATG,V FOR SETTLEMENT AND DISMISSAL WED NOVEMBER 21, 1995, OR IF NOT INC IN AI UD 6. ONLY EASEMENTS SHOWN WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS PUT SHALL L ED S D AGREEMENT THEN BY THE SUBDIVIDER OR ARAANGEMEM BY THE SUBDIVIDER T EREF R EXIST BY THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT. ALL OTHER PREVIOUSLY H O E WHICH ARE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, AND SUCH SUMS SHALL NOT BE PAID BY THE EXISTING EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY VACATED. CITY O WHEAT AGE, COLORADO, EXPENDINRES UNDER ME "THE CRY OF WHEAT RIDGE'S ENNVCED SALE TAX INCEMNE PALO (ESTP) 7- SHOULD FUTURE REPLATTNG OF LOTS 2 AND 3 OCCUR, THE CM RESERVES ME RIG T AND/OR ME BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ZONE ((BDZ) PROVISIONS SHALL NOT H TO REASSESS PROPERTY ACCESS. BE DEEMED TO BE SUMS PAID FOR BY THE LRY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COlORA00) AND THAT ANY ITEM SO CCNSTRUCR OA INSTALLED WHEN 8. NNE OWNERS OF LOTS 1, 2 MU 3 OF TO WEST BUSINESS CENTER KONG A ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, SHALL BECOME THE N0. 2, H5 SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS GRMT UNITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGE OF ACCESS TO AND SOLE PROPERTY OF SAID Ott EXCEPT TENTS OWNED BY MUNICIPALLY , FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH ALL CUR CUTS, PARKING AREA AND DANE AISLES WITHIN THESE T FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND/OR ME US. WEST COMMUNICATIONS WHICH LO S, SUCH GRAM OF EASEMENT SHALL BE LIMNED TO THE OWNERS TENANTS CUSTOMERS ITEMS WHEN WNSTAUCTEO OR INSTALLED SHALL REMAIN ME PROPERTY OF ME OWNER AND SHALL NOT BECOME TIE PROPERTY OF TIE CRY , , AND GUEST OF ME OWNERS, AND SMALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS 10, AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THESE AREAS FROM ApRCENT PROPERTIES AND/OR FROM ABURING PUBLIC SHEETS. HOLDER OF DEED($) OF TRUST HEREBY RELEASES CUM TO AREAS DEDICATED TO PUBUC USE 9. ME SIOAM WATER WTENTGN/RETENRM ARFA(Sj SHGNN HEREON SNAIL . BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY NNE OM4 R5, HERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS, IN ME EVENT THAT SAID CONSTRUCTION AND _INTENANCE 140~EFOP LgEO-~- RB NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE ME RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA(S) AND PERFORM TALE NECESSARY' WORK. ME COST OF WHICH SAO OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES 6565 OWNER; 9YMCUSE WAY 1202 N0 TO PAY UPON BLLING. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED 1N ME OETERTON/RFTENTON WE (ER AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS . , . ENCOMOOD, COLORA00 80111 T INFECTING ME NYDR49NC CH4AACR671CS OF DETENTION/RETENTION AREA(S) (303) 654-7245 WILL BE WOE WITHOUT ME APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. 'IRGINL4 L RICHTER 1665 W 39M PI WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SM33-3878 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON SS THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS -DAY OF-_ A.D. 14 BY WITNESS AMY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES'. PUNRe`,C_ . DA.BSSbN CERTIFICATE THIS IS 10 CERTIFY THE WITHIN PLAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE OTY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO. CHMiPERS6R---- 1.-~w I' 111 ~11J T JAN 1998 WHEAT RIDGE INRECTOR DF-PUBLIC WORKS AND CITY 04GINi COMMISSION Ld8NEICABON; I, BRETT LL, MILLER, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, CERTIFY MAY ON NIS 7U WY OF OCTOBER. 1997, THIS PUT WAS PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISOR, AND TO ME BEST OF MY PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF IS ACCURATE. PROFESSIONAL LS. N0. 21609 " IT N' FOR AND ON BEHALF W ENGINEERING SERviW COMPANY CLERK AND R STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON;SS I HEREBY CERTIFY TNT M5 PLAT WAS FILED IN MY OFFICE dCLO:I(_ M. ON ME_OAY O 19 ANDW IS DULY RECORDED IN PLAN TILE FEES PAID . APPLEWOOD BREAKPLACE PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 3370 3 SCALE PL _ TS SITE l o da d, da a mQ `2 p 32M AVE. a 32nd AVE. 2 - an O i W 30 DR, k/li"MITV 1AAo I I L_ II 19'-70" FR NT ELEVATION SCN.E 7 2 i 7'-11 3/4' ~~u uO~O CANOPY CAPSULE SIGN NOT TO SCALE 17.5 SF i-WRITE LETTERS DN / FARE GREEN BACKGROUND 11'-71 3/4" "C" STORE FASCIA SIGN SCALE, 1/4s = f'-D°(34A 5F7 A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LOT 3 OF 1-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER SUBDIVISION FILING 2 PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN .AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DFVFI.OPMFNT DATA LAND AREA WITHIN PROPERTY LINES 55,828 S.F. 1.282 ACRES GROSS FLUOR AREA STORE 3.241 CAR WASH 880 CANOPY 3,472 TOTAL. 7,593 NUMBER OF BUILDINGS TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 7,593 5.F./13.6% HARO-SURFACE AREA (EXCLUSIVE OF BUILDINGS) 321614 SF/58,42% AREA. DEVOTED TO LANDSCAPING WITHIN SITE 15,621 SE /27.98% PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION PCD PROPOSED USES CONVENIENCE STORE WITH 24 HOUR ACCESSORY FASTFOOD, CAR WASH AND MOTOR VEHICLE FUELING BUFF SANDSTONE DO) VOWeadsd breakplace U~„~ 0 Car Wash (I ATM CMU SPLIT FACT BLOCK #4 ab n i M I L__o. 4 3/ CONDUIT z-1o" CROSS-1 SECTION scAtE. 1 2 -D 1X1 FREESTANDING 2 POLE SIGN MONUMENT SIGN 208 SF/FACE 109 SF/FACE NOT TO SCALE SIGN DETAILS NOT TO SCALE INDEX OF SHEETS PARKING CALCULATIONS RETAIL SPACE (CONVENIENCE STORE) = 3241 SF RATIO = 1 SPACE/200 SF = 16 REQUIRED i0iAL REQUIRED PARKING PER PLANNING DEPT.: 16 SPACES REQUIRED NUMBER OF TOTAL PARKING TO BE HANDICAP = t PARKING PROVIDED: REGULAR 22 SPACES HANDICAP 1 SPACE TOTAL, 23 SPACES BREAKPLACE WALL SIGN DATA CONVENIENCE SORE UNEV4 FEET OF BUILDING SIDE SCIIAAE FOOTAGE ALLOWED SQUAW FOOTAGE USED WEST FACE 94'-4" 185 34 NORM FACE 38'-8" 77 0 EAST FACE 94'-4' 188 34 SOUTH FACE 32'-0" 64 34 CANOPY WEST FACE 124' 248 0 NORTH FACE 28' S6 ITS EAST FACE 124' 248 17S 9GDiH FACE 28' S6 C CAR WASH WEST FACE 36'-8" 73.7 0 NORM FACE 24'-0" 48 225 FAST FACE 38'-8" 73.3 0 SOUTH FACE 24`-0" 48 225 SHEET DESCRIPTION 1. GENERAL DATA 2. SITE PLAN 3. LANDSCAPE PLAN 4. BUILDING ELEVATIONS 5. CAR WASH AND CANOPY ELEVATIONS 6. GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 7. UTILITY PLAN NOTE: 'ALL SITE LIGHTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 26-30(S) OF ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS' 101 11 SMH i1111T Fl%TURE POLE AND ANCHOR BOLTS SUPPLIED BY COMPANY i0 BE INSTALLED AND PAINTED CHARCOAL BY CONTRACTOR. fV i BASE COVER SUPPLIED BY COMPANY TO BE INSTALLED AND PAINTED CHARCOAL By CONTRACTOR. SITE LI( NOT TO SCALE OWNER'S CERTIFICATION The below-signed owner, or legally designated .all t{s) theracf, do hernby agree that the prop- erty legally described hereon will be developed as o Planned Development in accordance with the e restrictions and candi",ions cantal"I In this pisn, and as may otherwise be required by law. further recognize that the approval of Flnof Develepment P'an (and Plot) dose lot "late A re led property right Vested property rights may only an and accrue puravont to the Prwlsans of section 26-6(G) cl Article I o' the Code of Laws at the City of Wheat Ridge. owame R Richter NOTARY PUBLIC Subscribed and sworn to before me thla day of Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires NOTARY SEAL PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION Approved this day of _ -_by the Wheat Ridge Plan- ning Com'sell, 7s/ Chairman PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION Approved this - day of by the Wheat Ridge City Council. Mayor Cltt SEAL ATTEST: _ Ca COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE This document accepted for filling In the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jeff erson County at Golden, Colorado, an the day of A,D, 19___, in the Book Page _ Reception Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder By Deputy LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL LOT 1, 1-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER SUBDIVISION FILING Na, 2, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO I-70 CENTER ID SIGN NOT i0 SCALE 1 I I I J I 1 j'MV,^SS25.e5 \ 17POINT OF UTILITY LEGEND: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: `OT 1, 1-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER SUBDIVISION FILING No 2 --ap--- MANHOLE . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO ---H--- VALVE W EXISTING WATER LINE - W - PROPOSED WATER LINE ---SS--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER -SS- PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER ---STS--- EXISTING STORM SEWER -STS-- PROPOSED STORM SEWER G EXISTING GAS LINE. G - PROPOSED GAS LINE ---UE--- EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL -UE- PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL ---a--- EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL -0E- PROPOSED OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL ---UT--- EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE -UT- PROPOSED UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE T EXISTING OVERHEAD TELEPHONE SCHEDULE: O 94'-4" R 31S-S- CONVENIENCE STORE (3241 S.F) 3} EXISTING 6" GAS MAN 20 124' a 28' CANOPY (34]2 SF.) J4 PROPOSED 5' ATTACHED SIOEWA-K 03 CANOPY COLUMN (TYR.. 5) © HANDICAPPED RAMPS PER CITY SPECIFICATION 3 PRODUCT MULTIPLE PRODUCT BLENDING DISPENSER ON 36 36'-8" x 24'-Of CAR WASH BUILDING (BELO SF.) OS DOG BONE ISLAND (TYR.. 5) CANOPY FASCIA ID SIGN {M 2) 3] TRENCH DRAIN O6 . 2-15 000 GA DOUBLE WALL UNDERGROUND 570RAGE ® LANDSCAPE AREA . . TANKS UNDER B CONCRETE SUB 39 NEW 6" FIRE HYDRANT k ASSEMBLY (TYR. 1) O] 9'-0" w I8'-0" PARKING SPACES MP. 23) 40 PRICE Y 10, MONUMENT SIGN 11' HIGH MAX., 109 S.F. aB W-D" r 18'-0" HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE WITH 1 41 FREESTANDING SIGN 80' HIGH O 2- PVC FOR TANK STICK STORAGE - 15' LONG 42 2" UNDERGROUND CONDUIT FOR TELEPHONE SERVICE. 10 TANK OVERFILL ALARM MOUNTED ON LIGHT POLE 7'-O' VERIFY POINT OF SERVICE WIYH TELEPHONE COMPANY AF.G. 4J CAR WASH FASCIA SIGN (TYR. 2) ii TANK VENT RSERS MTO 12'-0" APO, WITH CEDAR 44 EXISTING 12- WATER TO BE RELOCATED T2 TRELLIS ACUIRI iR46N AND AR STAND ON 4' iN1G( CONCRETE 45 EXISTING PORTION OF A SO' EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED P , PAD 46 NEW 30' EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT 13 2-PUBLIC PHONES 47 PROPOSED RELOCATED 12- WATER LINE 44 24' HIGH, 1000 W. SMN SRE LIGHT (TYP. 9 SINGLE) ' " ® EXISTING PUMP PR AND ELECTRIC METER TO BE REMOVED CENTER OF LIGHT POLE IS 3 -3 FROM FLOWLINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 49 EXISTING SANITARY AYH. TO BE REMOVED 15 20' v 10' BLOCK TRASH ENCLOSURE ® EXISTING 8- PVC TO BE ABANDONED 16 CAR WASH DRIVE LANE 51 NEW SANITARY SEWER MAN HOLE 107 1000X-GALLON PRECAST MUD/SAND INTERCEPTOR 52 EXISTING 8- PVC SANITARY SEWER TO REMAIN 16 CODE-A-WASH WITH SPEAKER FOR CAR WASH O EXISTING POWER POLE TO BE RELOCATED W/GU' 19 6- REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVING 64 EXISTING GAS LINE TO BE RELOCATED PROPOSED PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER 55 EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE TO BE RELOCATED 2i BURIED ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FROM TRANSFORMER TO 5fi EXISTING POWER POLE TO BE REMOVED © POINT SERVICE. LOCATION TO BE VERIFIED BY PSCO. EXISTING 12" WATER MAN V ITY 1 E PRIO 5] ASPHALT PAVING L , ER SIZ INE 0 ANY CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATED WITH WATER LINE 68 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT (ASPXpIT, CURS R GUTTER, SIDEWALK) 2J PVC STORM SEWER AS OUTFALL ONES FROM C-STORE, CAR WASH TRENCH SIZE ZE AS NOT 0. E TIE INTO PROPOSED 59 6" KRT. CURB AND GUTTER TYPE ONE OUTLET STRUCTURE 60 REMOVE EXSTNG TREE 1 1/2" TYPE K COPPER WATER TAP, METER @ PIT " 61 RELOCATED UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE 25 1 1/2 WATER TYPE N COPPER MATER SE-CF LINE TO MANIFOLD IN CAR WASH 62 PROPOSED "WELCOME TO WHEAT PoOOE" 510E 2fi 1 1/2- TYPE K COPPER WATER SERVICE FROM MANIFOLD 6l CONOCO "BREAK PLACE" SIGN (Irv. 3) 34 SF. 2] IN CAR WASH TO C-STORE 4" SA RAW SEWER SERVILE FROM C-STORE ADD CAR 64 EXISTING ASPHALT ROADWAY TO BE REAMED WASH IWO IMO EXISTING 8" 86 RIGHT-IN ENTRANCE ONLY ® EXISTING 8" SANITARY SEWER MAN 60 EXISTING SIGN TO BE REMOVED ® 4' CLEANOUT WITH BRASS CAP 6] 1-t0 CENTER 'TENNAT SIGN- GAS METER LOCATED ON C-STORE ® GROUND MOUNTED SPOTLIGHT (TYP. 4) 3T GAS LINE FROM MAIN TD METER ON C-STORE 89 SIGHT TRIANGLE 3Q GAS LINE FROM METER TO CAR WASH JO PAVEMENT STRIPPING ]1 W WIDE SIDEWALK EASEMENT I i II II 11 Uy Ii I NB 43' 'E une rvw T W xMlxw4 n BAM Gf BEARM OF 9 2B (FO EDGE 2 OIY OF WIFARRIOX 3-1 7'W__ _ INRyyfI ~ 1z 6.G________________________ RENTSIONS II I 4P Gaen'M, R- R A-11 N PETROLEUM 600 South UIS , So-eot, o;W h N P-i, ii CONC. WALK it. 1180 80237 L_ - I-, I - Denver, - - CONCEPTS LLC .,(N3,4Colomeo 60T„ 1 coat. wax $ y (303) r0C-oass6 uL (()»o stews NEx I-70 INTERSTATE ON-RAMP SITE PLAN ii PETROLEUM CONCEPTS AT I-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER Snl 2OF7 EVERGREEN DECIDUOUS SHRUB SHRUB NOTES: I t PRUNE as oHRECrzo BY LEGEND 1 1 N I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY FIELD CONDITIONS AND I I - BLUEGRASS SOD 1=i1 SET SHRUB PLUMS NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES - 4' - 6" WASHED COBBLE ROCK WASHED COBBLED PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WTH THE WORK (YY i~ y SERI. MN 7 f ~ftOCK MULCH 2 THE MATERIALS CONTRACTOR NE TO PLAN AND INSTALL PLANT mm AIM=552295 i MATERIALS AS WIDE ALL L PLANT MATERIAL MUST EQUAL I I NV5513.03 A F OR EXCEED THE W CODE OF STANDARDS DS CURRENTLY RE- LE - SHRUB - PREPARED SACKFILL 1/3 COW/PEAT, A 3'MIN 2/3 PIT EXCAVATED 6011 COMMENDED BY THE COLORADO NURSERY ACT, AND IN i / SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 1 MOUND SACKFILL BALL DA. REMOVE CONTAINER SPLIT 0 10 20 1 I R2 BOTTOM 1/2 OF BALL 3. PRIOR TO ANY PLANING OPERATIONS, life AREA TO BE T Uy EVERGREEN TREE SPREAD AND PUNT PLANTED IS TO BE PREPARED NTH 5 YARDS/1,000 U / I SWAB FEET OF ORGANIC MATERIAL. ROTOTILLED A SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL MINIMUM OF 6' DEEP. F SCALE: 1"=20' I N.T.S. 4. EXCAVATE PLANTING PIT TWICE AS WIDE AS ROOT BALL. 1 PREPARE PLANT BACKFILL TO BE 113 ORGANIC MATERIAL o I EVERGREEN DE AND 2p CLEAN TS TREES SOVEE ALL EVERGREEN TREES 1 f TREE TREE TREE AN D ALL DECIDUOUS LEAN EVER 3' GUIDER NTH THREE I 1N 1 ; 1 - OEgW0U6 TREE ALL DEGOUWS TREESAUNDER43" CANTH CROMMETS. LIPER NTH T-6AR~ I^ N / PRUNE AS DIRECTED BY METHOD (TWO STAKES PER TREE). NO EXPOSED WIRES Id p 1 1 1 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHOULD COME INTO CONTACT NTH THE MONK FOR OFFER `1 f0 i CUYpVC METHOD. MEE WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TREES TO ROCK AS ED COBBLE WRAP TRUNK FROM GROUND SECOND BRANCH. / T ( W 1 LEVEL TO SECOND BRANCH NTH IZ I 1 1 APPROVED TREE WRAP 5. ALL M ES AND SHRUBS ARE TO BE PLANTED AFTER - GROUND COYER 3 EQUALLY ` 6'-0' STEEL STAKES-3 ROUGH GRADING AND PRIOR TO PLACING OT GROUND 1 SPFT~SiAKES EQUALLY SPACED COVER MATERIAL DRIVEN FLUSH 6. SOD SHALL BE BLUEGRASS BLEND APPROVED BY OWNER j 12 WRE, DOUBLE & TWST, RUN AND SHALL BE LAID ON A FIRM BED NTH TIGHT .LINTS I I THROUGH GROMMETS ATTACHED TO 3- AND NO V040S BETWEEN STRIPS, SOD TO BE FERTILIZED ry WIDE NYLON WEBBING NTH GRANULAR I%AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE (16-A6-O) AT REMOVE BURLAP PREPARED BACK 111-SEE SPECS RATE OF SIX (6) POUNDS PER 1,000 SQ. tt. FROM TOP 1/3 BALL DIA x 2 TAMP SOIL UNDER BALL BEFORE OF BALL PLACING 7. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN ALL PLANTINGS INSTALLED ' N89'43'30'E 331.72' UNDER THIS CONTRACT UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND (3)MP TURNOVER TO OWNER. r(1)M6p / TREE PLANTING DETAIL & PLANTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE GROWING SEASON. (3)MP SPRING PLANTINGS WLL BE GUARANTEED THROUGH OCTOBER R=75.00'• / li)GL (4)PP P~(2)Pi (2)DJ N.T.S. OF THE SAME YEAR. ANY PLANTNGS AFTER THE MONTH 1 ~r 17 O AUGUST WILL, BE GUARANTEED MROUGH MAY 1 31 I t AND LIBOR L' 3O.IB' 0 y 1 FOLLOWING SPRING ANY PLANT MATERIAL RIAL THAT IS IN 33 EXTENDED 1 ONda3i2' QUESTIONABLE ANTEE AT TIE RTHE RETRQ MAY T O N CAPE 3D.555' ' OIA IN , Y R ANCTOR A AND APPROVAL OF F OF TTHE HE PTE LANDS ANDS A y r 1 Q^ ~I (2)BU / f CON L AR 10 CAPE ARCHITECT. All LABOR A BAD ON OPLANTS N A ARE TWA INCLUDING MATERIALS I / D UPON A CMF-TIME REPLACEMENT, 4 / (2)W H ®I (1)M BA (3)PiL (s)wn 3 \ t I I a (3)~ ~ 9. ALL BEDS TO NAPE P DEEP, 4'-6" WASHED COBBLE ROCK, I (6)RTD I "0 °I SUBMIT SAMPLE TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL. II ® / (I)BL 10. PLANING BED EDGER TO BE RYERSON STEEL EDGER, ,A / r (,t i ® (5)PT ,IOU r\ -_(i)PA i/6' X 4° % 10'. OR EQUAL AS APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 13 y SOD W 3 5 (1)MS4 11, CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY SOD, 2 / \ N I ® I,] MULCH OR SITE IMPROVEMENTS DISTURBED OR DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL I pWl y py✓~j-r'I (i)CBS COST TO THE OWNER. ( 0 F r~ - . V 1~ 12. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE FOR PRORCTIG4 OF ALL A1 (2)W / 9 lI 0l ➢AEc~ 0 UTILITIES, PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PROPERTY, AND PUBLC 1 QNI (3)BJ "T1 SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY OAN GES TO SAME (1 L - I I W r r ~f^ I` NWl (1)GL WTHOUT ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 13. CONTRACTOR FRILL SECURE AND PAY OALL N APPLICABLE CCNOC\ V TARES, PERMITS AND FEES T. CONNECION NTH THE / CONVENIENCE STORE I . W II}q WTM7N UNDER ME CONTRACT, STORE (1)Bc (,)Pp 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP THE PREMISES CLEAN AND 1y ~1 ° A ~(2)RTD , DEORDE BRIS Ai AN APPROVED L~OCATTION OFF-SITE PRIOR AND )M90.- U ZED Nj TO RNAL ACCEPTANCE. (<)Pr tLi71 15. PLACE cDOTRNaE FAawlc (MRAFI #14o -s OR EQUAL) CURB CUik ` (4)Pi I ~'VJ r{♦ Nom! PLANT SCHEDULE I I (3)PP (I)PP k ' r. y I STEEL EDGING ALL BEDS (TYP.) ` d=2329'59' R=125.00' L=51.27' Chd.-N1731'33 ' 7)W (7)cH h)~ t M O I 06 (i)CBS _ OcL ) 50.97 W (7)CX Y i ; (,)CBS l Il.~ V t / (1)PP Ll 1 ; 1 COBBLE (1) +_J (i)RC W ~ (2 1)a ( MULCH S) ALL BEDS) (i)DL (')MSA I C])MSA I (1 SA s ~ (t)CS 219 S .-(t)M5A ABE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME WAN. SIZE REMARKS MSA FAAXINUS PENNSYLVANIC MARSHALL'S SEEDLESS 10 2 1/2' B & 0 'MARSHALL'S SEEDLESS' ASH GL TTLIA CORDATA GREENSPIRE , INDEN 9 2 1/2" 8 & B CBS PICEA PUNL{NS COLORADO < 6'-0' 8 & B 61AVCA BLUE SPRUCE PP P1NUS EDULIS PINON PINE 13 6' B & B RC MAWS SP 'RADIANT' RADIANT CRAB 3 2' 8 & B ' ' PT~ t POTENTILU JAC~KMANI JACKMANN POTENTILU 24 5 GAL. CONT BJ JUNREROS SABINA BUFFALO' BUFFALO JUNIPER 20 5 GAL. CONT MP PINUS MMUCH MUGNO PINE 6 5 GAL CUNT Mucxus . PW VNCA PERIWINKLE 42 OF FLATS MINOR RTD CORNUS ETOLONWERA RED GAG OCGWCW 15 6 GAL CONr COLOUD NSIS . d i W" II o N If~ (42) W n y V C GE OF 500 ~ r' TAGGEAEtA _ - v wi N . a \ "I N i jIl O \____~Dry PO[OPEELING MULCH Al EEL HDGIPyS BED ONLY A c y W I~ CI)GL y II II FEES 0_L _ ~ N ` _ . E h _ III jb ii i S88 4 '30^N ' _ - - ~I Inv.=ssz3a5 i 29.00' (1)°P I _ EXIST. TOCE @ I ~I ASPHALT n' POINT OF BEGINNING WEST 32ND AVENUE N89'4330'W I$ soun,>asr CORNER (R.O.W. VARIES) • \b 12.47 I OF LOi 7 I H PAINTED I MEDIAN pBp'~J' S. LINE NW 1 4 SECTION 29 1 BASIS Of BEARING SE CORNER NW 114 r[+.i H OF SECTION 29 (FOIRIO AS HALT EDGE pry OF WEFGigDCE 3-1 1sw-- 12w-------- - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --12'k - ,ate YRASS.HA-ALRVCf-90.Y1--- Y W_____,zw____{._ - _ _ L POINT OF I COMMENCEMEM -----8'0---------------------- ----------------6'G---------r---- WESF1/4 0SMFA 9EG1Wp 29, 1.3, R.66"' 9P IN AII _ i11 r \ 1 - I CONC. WALLA Tx UNDER ALL ROCK AND PLANING BEDS. 16. LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 17 RRIGA [ON SYSTEM SHALL HAVE SHRUB BEDS AND LAWN AREAS ZONED SEPARATELY, LAMS AREAS TO BE POP-UP SPRAY SYSTEM. SHRUB BEDS TO HAVE FULL COVERAGE NTH EITHER A POP-UP SPRAY SYSTEM MICRO-EMITTER, OR DRIP SYSTEM. 16, ALL HEADS TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDNGS AND WAUf WAYS. 19. BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE M1H GTY SPECIFICATIONS 20. ALL PIPING TO BE PVC CLASS 200, 21. ALL OFFSTE TREES TO BE DRIP IRRIGATED. 22.SHUT-OFF VALVE AND BACKROW PREVENTOR FOR IRRIGAPON SYSTEM SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE CAR WASH MECHANICAL ROOM. I:.FR iLWwNATF,D -wINDOW AWG.. Prv ER FMIOC - ;brekplace METAL STANDING SEAM ARCH AND FRAMING. PREFINISHED ARCHED ROOF TO MATCH CONOCO DARK KHAKI. PAINT ARCH FRAMING DARK GREEN L ~I N :NCERNALLY LLUM,NATED BNIL0INC LOGO SIGN, - WINDOW AWNINGS, ACRYLIC / COALED POLYESTER- HEMLOCK TWEED ~I 'S-EL FR ~ reakplace PAM DAr . GRN DARK KHAKI METAL P4ND S BEY; AO -MODULAR BRICK PAGING "MODULAR BRICK FACING NTERNALLti ILLUMINATED SOUTH ELEVATION "ENDICDL" COPPERTONE -ENDICOT:" GREEN GLAZE BUILDING LOGO SIGN SIADD i1f SM09iH SCALE: 1/4'=1''-0' -MODULAR BRICK FACING MODULAR BRICK FACNG " -DARK KHAKI METAL PANDS NORTH ELEVATION ENDICO GOPPERTDNE `OTT" GREEN GAZE SMOOCH SMCC SMCC LH SCALE V4'=Y-0 MF•TAt. STANDING SEAM ARCH AND FRAMING. PREFINISHED ARCHED ROOF TO MATCH CONOCO _ DARN KHAKI. GREEN' PANT ARCH FRAMING DARK METAL ROOF ACCESS ~IAODER_ PA _T TO MATCH WAL. , PAINT DOOR AND FRAME TO MODULAR BRICK FACING MODULAR 8 FACING TO MATCH BRIC( COLORS "ENDICOTT' COPPERDONE 'ENDICOTT" GREEN GLAZE EAST ELEVATION SMOOTH SMOOTH SCALE 114'=1-0' I "ENDI( Or 'TONE MOT7' GREEN GAZE LO FRAMING PAINTED DARK GREEN SASS BUC* J01NT W/ SNt00 SMOOTH, STktiCTURAL SILICONE NOMINAL PAINT FRAME KHAKI TOP C & EC4 FINISH (CD Jv 9L7 CLlPIUNCE TU° CAR WASH CLOSED } elf REAR ELEVATION FAST ELEVATION SOUTH_ ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = i-0' CAR WASH SIGN, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED RED BACKGROUND WITH WHTE LETTERS DARK KHAKI PREFINISHED METAL FASCIA PANELS -DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE (TYPICAL) -ENDICOTT COPPERTONE SMOOTH FACE BRICK (TYPICAL) -TOP OF FOUNDATION & EQUIPMENT AREA FINISH FLOOR -WASH BAY FINISH FLOOR -MILL FINISH ALUMINUM DOOR NTH GLAZING (TYPICAL) KI, ED METAL INELS i SIGN COPPERTONE "r ACE BRICK AY FINISH iHEH a~ . nI SIDE ELEVATION (EQUIPMENT ROOM SIDE) SCALE: 1/4' = 1` O' NOTE'. TYPIOAIOUNLESS NOTED OTHE ESE. • FROM HIGHEST POINT UNDER CANOPY, PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN IVES A RAGE OF 1 N GRADING -6-MINIMUM TO 16'-O' MAXIMUM VERIFY WTH PLAN. fiRA KI PREFINISHED ;CIA PANELS Y ILLUMINATED NT BAND Jc, 7 E 777 1 F REVISIONS 400 Ntetetate No, Porkway, V Omla~ E.grvx^9 Pmraen9 PETROLEUM smt< 70 o Pa naY CONCEPTS LLC iii) 951x-0558639 iwWf7 0111 ra< (na) noasx CAR WASH & CANOPY ELEVATIONS APPLEWOOD BREAKPLACE ® 1-70 W. BUSINESS CENTER 32nd and 1-70 WHEAT RIDGE, C( Deel ned B PSN Dote: SEPTEMBER 1997 Sot DE 7 FRONT ELEVATION " SCALE. 1/4" = 1'-0 cinF Fl FVATION (CAR WASH EGRESS SIDE 1 S I ~ ryhv~ i'ryPo 1. ~ ah i~ ~ eT ryS 'q I + ®hiI 1 ~6 R6 Y J S„ 9Po' 1 hh~ °3p ° 1 1 I TI E hPo 1 I 9h 1 x I ry: J7 1 I "A, y' 6 1 T n ~9 A 23'30'dpm R -75.00' i .76 1 d =N 3,5J31'33 5' t` M1 1 I 1 1 ~ I 10 h I l \ h~ I A (F A 1 W I A I f CURD CUi~ 1 l 1 W I 1 11 I 1 i /A M1W hPo n i 4 h ° d dPo b® m b 5 Po ry9 .y7~ ®ry~ ryry 41h } 9 I 60 ~ ~ ~ SAN. MH M0 M0 M1 AIM=562295N 9` INV=5513.0 6 ti° Poy M 9Po g0 1 5 `L 6 ryPo6 P . J 5' ry ' ryh m 1 Y •J:.. h 09 ~m9 Ahm R~ m 1 / 26 2 28 / / 29 30 ~~31 1 i Ogg s} a N O i hry • hJ • a^A 0 e 6 JT 'Jh ®h 9Po X27, RA ° 6 7Po h ryPo ti pM P 1.3 µ6R ( J 25 HP y 26.05 26 t4 ~ ~HP z3a o.-.~ 26,1 ® 1 27.0 26.6 1 1 '12635 I I I~ w I 11 ®31 26' TOT ' I 26:2 22. ~ j ll' I 26.65 2)2 TI IF U lU 6 6~ hh • h' ® Jry hh m ry 2 ryro SCALE: T NB p 0Po ® M1~ JC Try / '1' ~ yp 9 y ~ ry9 ° h h s / Poh ~ ry ryry H - M1y . ~ e I I i s I i I I I I T I L I I I i "6 I N 1 1' I I 1 a I N I i 1 I I 1^. I ~ ~ N 1 i I I l I I • I I i •e; 263 251 - / _ ~'gh5M5, 25 / dd I / 25 5 259 ~6 - _ 2i) 25,6 260 I~ FF FF4i T 255 ° 50 K~ Apr) 26.45 262 GI 259 6 26.C TOP 6]5 ~12 CONOCO CONVENIENCE S ORE FF 65 \ 99 0 9 •9'I ry90 Po^® EXIST - . ECGE --I ASPHALT 1 ryp. x° _ - 1 POINT OF J B_ BEGINNING WEST 32ND AVENUE Wit. (P.O.W. MAaES) (s" N574330•W g~$ SOUTHEAST 0' 3Po e" 12,$. a z OF VDT 7 Po 3°' ®J' oT h M ' • 0 p 6 e ® m° ph m9 s I e0. 5 'S PAINTED ' Mi I 7 MEDIAN d 5. ONE NW i 4 SECTION P9 - BASIS OF BEARING EDGE -ASPHALT - _Iy W W yM h l w E POINT OF COMMENCEMENT - G - - - -W'G WEST 1/4 WPNLA O, SELRON 2E, T.3$. R.69w. S 0 9ry 0° o (EOUNO 5/8' REBV+ . i M RICE ~ ~ I ~ryH p• °0 I 7° I I IM I I I I 11 BENCHMARK: GENERAL NOTES: BENCHMARK: CHY OF W1- RIDGE DESCRIBED AS TOP OF I. REWIRENENiO SHOWN ON SITE PUN SHALL GOVERN. DRAWINGS AND 6PEgPCADONS ASS CM IN RANGE BON AT TIE WEBt 1/BMRCORNEA SECTION 29, i3 S, R. 69 W, AT THE INTERSECTION SHOWING OTHERWISE NOTWITHSTANDING, CONTRACTOR TO POINT OUT ANY DISCREPANCIES Of W. 321M AVENUE AND ADORE STREETS TO THE OWNERS REP. PRIOR 70 B10. ELEVATION: 5527.71' eT 1 M1 :°L 2 NO WORN IS TO BEGIN UNTIL ALL PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED- LEGEND g. CONTRACTOR 70 PROVDE ALL £WIPMEN' AND PERSONNEL REQUIRED FOR FINAL -''3-''- - EXISTING OONttlJR CHECKOUT OF ALL FACILITIES BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. PROPOSED CONTOUR 4. ENTIRE INSTALLATION SHALL MEET All APPLICABLE CODES, ---~g}~ 5. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON STE. ap - 2a - PROPOSED .D caxrDUR Ter OTHERS) 6. All FILL 0111 TANK AREAS, OLD BASEMENTS, CESSPOOLS, EQUAL. OTHER EXCAVATIONS OV m28.00 EXISTING RP07 ELEVATION AND INSIDE E BUILDING TO BE PEA GRAVEL OR APPROVED EQUAL, n v 28.0 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION FINAL GLIDES ARE SUBJECT TO MINOR CHANCE BY ANY COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE. NO GRADE CHANCES IN EXCESS OF 0.05' MhiOUt COMPANY APPROVAL. 28,0 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION (BY OTHERS) 6, ANY FILL MATERIAL REQUIRED TO BRING THE SITE TO GRADE SHALL BE CLEAN FILL FF FINISHED FLOOR DINT APPROVED BY ENGINEER AND SHALL BE PLACED IN 8" LAYERS COMPACTED T➢ G 955 OF THE MAXIMUM STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT 7 4 0 TOT TOP OF TANKS 9. SET PROPERTY COMER PINS IN CONCRETE. IF PROPERTY CORNERS ARE DESTROYED I ~ I BY CON ACTOR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR THE EXPENSE OF RELOCATING PCP TI TOP OF ISLAND CORNERS BY A REGISTERED SURVEYOR. TOG TOP OF GRATE 10. THIS DESIGN IS BASED ON A SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION A COPY OF THIS REPORT 15 AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION BY THE COJiRACTORS. i TO TOP OF CURB .L FREESTANDING CANOPY FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY CANOPY CONTRACTOR UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACT ON FOOTINGS FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY GENERAL HP HIGH POINT CONTRACTOR. I L' LOW POINT 12. ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS, FOOTINGS, FOUNDATIONS AND SPECIFIED EXTERIOR ` j FINISHES BY GC. CO CURB OPENING 13. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE, UNLOAD, STORE AND UNCRATE ALL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY THE OWNER AND SHIPPED TO THE SITE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ~ ' ~ EWIPMENt NRNtBHED BY OWNER. M Y 1A. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO STANDARD DETAILS INCLUDED IN THE INV= SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLING EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING PRODUCT DISPENSERS AND RIM 245 .I.I REMOTE READ-OUT EQUIPMENT. w 15 LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ia 26 0 6 6 N 18. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BARRICADE PROTECTION WITH FLASHING LIGHTS AROUND ALL CANOPY COLUMN FOOTINGS TANK EXCAVATIONS AND ALL OFFSTE WORK. TANK EXCAVATIONS LEFT OPEN OVERNIGHT MUST BE PROTECTED BY A MINIMUM fi HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE APPROVED BY THE COMPANY, OTHER METHODS a T OF SECURITY WILL BE ENTERTAINED BUT MUST BE APPROVED BY THE COMPANY. 2T t). GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM GENERAL YARD AND BUILDING CLEAN-UP At COMPLETION OF WORK. SECTION A 18. SEE THE SITE SURVEY FOR SURVEY INFORMATION AF LEGA DESCRIPTION ~ i I t I d 1 Q ) h u I ~ ~ 1 N I V II I 3 31 2l__-_ ~ n n I I I I 3, 19. ALL TOP OF CURB GRADES ARE 6" HIGHER THAN FINISH GRADES SHOWN ON DRIVE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 20. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MINIMIZING DEPO.SOION OF ONSITE SEDIMENTS ONTO SURROUNDING PUBLIC STREETS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 21. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVDE COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN WHICH SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO ANY WORN IN THE PUBLIC A.O.W. 22. ALL LANDSCAPING AREAS SHALL BE GRADED TO AFTHIN G.IO' WITH COMPANY APPROVED TOP SOIL TO A MINIMUM 6" DEPTH. j SECTION B Po h SECTION C Y~ c. c 'T "CMP =2 "AT p I ~3 3f I Via 26 2B-.: it 111 ii ~ I u rc 1 rc w la ° 26 21 I to 21 _ w"Po SECTION D I' i I '~t" Po~1 a Po9 h I ~ e hpro v- hPoO hPoR "R a° a h 1 Po0 ' --n-------"~----------------~~-- SE GORIER NW i/4 OF SEC1gN 39 3_1 ;r IX11' OF 1W}FgR9JCE Y/Y ry a m - _ _ _ _ _ _ 69 9 °h %'N ryPo 0 0' N 9Z li h II p F e a ! I i i I 4 1 l I INV:-552588 UTILITY LEGEND --AQ--- MANHOLE -__w__.. VALVE W EXISTING WATER LINE - W - PROPOSED WATER LINE ---SS--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER -SS- PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER ---S 1S--- EXISTING STORM SEWER -STS- PROPOSED STORM SEWER G EXISTING GAS UNE - G - PROPOSED GAS LINE ---UE--- EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL -UE- PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL ---0E--- EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL -0E- PROPOSED OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL ---UT--- EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE -UT- PROPOSED UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE T EXISDNG OVERHEAD TELEPHONE --H--- PROPOSED MANHOLE NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY TEMPLATES FROM EQUIPMENT SUPPUERS AND STUB LINES ACCORDINGLY. 2. SEE SHEETS SM-2 THROUGH SM-3 FOR OTHER PIPING AND GASOLINE DETAILS 7. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FlELD VERIFICATION OF ALL UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THE PLAN OR NOT, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION REPORT ANY CONFLICTS TO THE ENGINEER 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL TAP FEES REQUIRED. OWNER SHALL PAY FOR ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. 5. ALL TRENCHES AND TANK EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE BACKPI-LED WITH CLEAN PEA GRAVEL OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL. 6. ALL WORN AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO CITY AND REGULATORY AGENCY UTILITY SPECIFICATIONS. RELOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES TO CONFORM WITH REGULATORY AGENCY SPECIFICATION. 8. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SANITARY AND STORM SEWER LINES TO BE 1/8' PER FOOT UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 9. REFER TO PREMANUFACTURED BUILDING PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF ALL UTILITY STUBS. Il l Ii 11 itry LII Itl d i 81F m5 OF SIRING SE CORNEN N'N t/4 I (HOVE 4B D EDGE Drly OF 1 /SPNALT WHENW-DGE Yi Zw-_____a~ BNSg,-Cip_w-p.1NCE.fOx} _ ------------------------------------------------------I L POINT OF COMMENCENENf WEBF 1 4 COINER r--------------- SwToN Zi, i.75, R.- 5 IT (FOUND 6/4r REBAR 2 1 M "WE BOX) ii t 'oNc. Wax SCHEDULE: aT RELOCATED 12' WATER LINE 20 ABANDON 12' WATER LINE TO BE REMOVED O EXISTING 12' WATER LINE TO REMAIN O EXISTING B" SANITARY SEWER TO REMAIN 05 EXISTING B" SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDON © NEW SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE O NEW SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TO BE REMOVED 08 OUSTING GAS LINE TO BE ABANDON 09 2- GAS LINE FROM POINT OF SERVICE 10 RELOCATED GAS LINE BY PSCO 11 4' UNDERGROUND CONDUIT FOR TELEPHONE SERVICE VERIFY POINT OF SEMICE AND CONDUIT ENTRANCE REQUIREMENT 12 RELOCATED UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE BY U.S. WEST tl ABANDON EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE f4 EXISUNG POWER POLE BY PSCO 15 RELOCATED POWER POLE BY PSCO Tfi ELECTRICAL METER "C" STORE AND CAR WASH DISCONNECT MOUNTED ON TRASH ENCLOSURE 11 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TO "C' STORE 18 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TO CAR WASH 19 ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO METER DISCONNECTS CANOPY ROOF DRAIN CONNECTED 4' PVC 21 NEW STORM SEWER. MANHOLE Q NEW 18' RCP OUT FALL PIPE NEW 12" RCP STORM SEWER 24 NEW CATCH BASIN TRENCH DRAIN 2fi 1 1/2" COPPER WATER LINE SERVICE 1 112' WATER LINE TO CAR WISH 29 NEW 4" SANITARY SEWER LIVE 29 WATER METER ® NEW FIRE HYDRANT ]t EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL LINE TO REMAIN 32 EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL LINE TO BE REMOVED ~ ~ 7f1 UUGCT RIICItyGCC t'CAITGR A RE-SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3 AND A PART OF LOTS 2 AND 7 70 I ~ • ~ +J r J,.r ~.7' ~F- )737L~R~i. • 1~•a~ a ~r ■ 3~ AVENUE AND A PART OF AND SITUATED IN THE NW 1 4 OF SECTION 29 T.3S. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE 0 '3 1 ~ ~ . 4' 24' 60° PROPERTY ADDRESS. 3210 I-70 SERVICE ROAD 1 ~ ~ y)T w 5 Ii yJ~ Z 0 12' 4D' 80' ~ M'FST ~ 3~N~ ~ AVENUE SCALE 1" = 40' ~ ~ = z CASE HISTORY Z N N wz-74-18 t CURVE DATA TABLE - ~ Wz-7s-2o COURSE CHORD CHORD CENTRAL RADIUS ARC BEARING DISTANCE ANGLE LENGTH Z WZ-7$-14 IJ 1 N12'32'12"W 50.91° 23'30'00" 125.00' 51.27' WZ-78-24 IYUi~- 2 Nt2'32'12"W 30.55' 23'30'00" 75,00' 30.76' NU SCALE WZ-84-10 Y 3 N44'25'54"E 120.67' 90°26'12" 85,00' 134.17' WZ_8S_g i~~ 4 32'08`20" 115.00' 64,44° WZ-92-11 `i t 5 57'29'00" 75.00° 75.25' WZ-96-3 o SEr 5/8 x 24 PIN & 1 6 39'49'49" 125.00' 86,90' YELLOW PLASTIC CAP l.S. WZ-96-10 N0. 27609 UNLESS NOTED 7 64'47'15" 65.00' 73.50' OTHERWISE WZ-97-13 ~r „ - - N89 39 00 E - 133.4 ' 25.00 1 - - I - NTE ~1A ~7 50' NON-EXCLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED - R,0 158.59 ( •W VARIES MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT ~ , ) (REC.#85013508) N00'21 00 W ° N87'15 20"W _ ~ 252.33' S • ~ „ s5.2s - 06 3 ~ N - OO NI 25.50 a - - 93.74 55g,g _ _ 4 A ~ - _ 145.32' _ - ` 12.75' I i - 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT - - { ~ I ~ - - ~ t 73.90' II~ ! _ « 117.)7 ~ \ I I I _ ~ NO6'3t' - ~ ~ . ~ I I I R-22.46 Oo E i II I i L=24.92 ~ ' , I I i i i I i Chd=S60'57 57"W , , I I ~ I I 23.66' i ~r 1 ~•n7 i_ I I , J~l~l~rl~ppyk r I , , I „ p ~ ~d.;,~ ~3r , ~ t ' 1 I t ' ~ { d . a+ ~t~:J I I I „ v, vti 3 2 1, r~ ~r~ ~ w ` ~-35'07 07 ~ NOTE fit- ' 4 i i I I.. R=76.86 x -,.x, N i I I i ,d,. , ~ ~ 25 CROSS ACCESS ~ I I ~ L=47.11 ,t ~ EASEMENT ~ I Chd=S46'44'47"W \ ~ i I I I ~ 65' UTILITY EASEMENT Q 46.38' ~ ~ Q (BY PLAT OF 70 WEST ' I I I I f°a, i I I I I I i, u . BUSINESS CENTER ~ . ~ ~ cat I I I I i' ~ ~ I , I i' ~ I! I I I r - 50' NON-EXCLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED Z\ ~ i i I ~ ! I I I I ~ I +y~ JJ i ~ ~ MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT z•. ~ E . i II i I ' ~ REC.850i350B ~'`~co ~ ' ~ I Q, ! i ~ i I I I I I N M o=', i ~ I I ( I I t^\ ~ , ~ ( r ~ I I I ~ I ~ ~ \ i iA , ~ { i ~ , I fir I I I I p' rt ~ , 0 ~J~' 9 I , I i~ LOT 3 I I ~ LOT 2 i N a J>~~~~ 9~~~ ~~J 9 D°~~I I { I ~ ° X N NTRY st,44o so. ~r. ~ ~ ; 5s,o15 so.FT. I E IS11 G COU , M p IUD C014M+1ffICiAL DEVB. ZCN~IQ I i I i~ I OR R g I PCDfPLAN OPt~ENT) I Op CAFE BUILDING ~ . ~ l 1.2859 ACRES I I I I ( 1 2.0992 ACRES . © i i I I ! Z I I ~ PCDiPLAi~ OOM~gAL DEVB.OPM~tT) ZONNQ rn P(~(PLAM® Cf)MrERGAL DEVa.OPt+~t? ZON~ICi I v 1 1 1 I I i L4i ~ i F`, I , ~ c i g (I I I I I i p~ , , ~ ! i i i i I ! I I ~ . M . 1 a i ° I I I I I QO i i ~ ' I \ I i , i I LOT 1 I~ ~ . _ I I I I I I ~ i~ , 4 .FT. ~ . i i ' 3 599 SQ ~ - ! I _~r _ ..u. . ' OR 6 J7 ~ I vv ~ ~ ~aJ 43 ACRES I i ~ , ~ , , I co~cw. DEVeor~m zor~a ~ ~ I I I I ~ I , ~0., I I I I I ~ i o ~c~. ! ~ I N00'2100"W 146.09 ~ ~ ~ o., I I I I i i , ~ , T i - 1 I I I ~ l I N i i \~0 i ; I . . , .i i i I N i i i~p ' ~ ' i 50' NON-EXCLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED 1 { ~ A I i i \I ~ MUT AT ~ i - - ~ I I ` I , + ~ UAL W ER COMPANY EASEMENT f (TO BE VACATED) i I I I i i i', ; I I I ~ ~ i k i S00'47'15"E _J . , r I I I 50' NON-EXCLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED ~ I 37,02 - I ~ I MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT i , 7 I I (BY SEPERATE DOCUMENT) ~ I , i\ - - i i I i i ~ 50' NON-EXCLUSIVE CONSOLIDATED ~ i ~ I , ~ ; • ~ 6 ' 3 N00 4712"W MUTUAL WATER COMPANY EASEMENT I I I ~ , (REC,~8501350B} ~ I ~ ; 1 ~ 21.94 I ~ i i ~ ; . ~ n N241712 W I i ~ ~ 85.97 I i ~ ~ ' ' ' '47' 12 W 271.39 2 I I , A N00 - - - 34 UTILITY EASEMENT I I ! ~ BY PLAT OF 70 WEST / ~ I I { ( / ~ I I I A BEJSINESS CENTER} I I \ RTAATE 70 SERVICE ROAD WEST INTE t - - \ PTION NO i~1 ~ I I I -SEE NOTE fit- oJ~ ~ I I ""-►.....~_.__r._..._._..___.--_.._--_..___-__.__ ~ ~ I ! i 50 0 _,(CLUSIVE CONSCL D ED ~ J ~'~~\~~~ff➢ MUTUAL WA. ER COMPANY EASEMENT Itl I i I I (REC.#85013508) Pt~xPLAMI~ CABAL D~l1EL4PIuENT) ZOFNQ - - - - - e - - - - - - ® _ 1 I ! , - - - - T --1- r I i 1 1 I I f I I W I I i f I ! I 1 4 I ( I ~ I I J Z ( I I 1 I I i I 1 I I I I I I ( I { I I i I 1 I I I ~ , I I i ~J~ ~ I I I I - a I a 1 ° 1 I 6 r° ~ I a Jt o4 I o P Apr 1 ° ~ I a r P ► o ~D~ 4 ~ ~ ~Jp ~ 1~~~~~ ~ ~J~~9 ~ I E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ I I _ I I I I I I ~J ia~3~~'~ ~J~le~9d~ I Ma I I i r- a.r9~~~,~') u I I E'erV' I M I I ~-1-A za~r~ ~ I I I I N I I 1 W I I I N I I 1 I v ( 3 I I I I I I I I o I I 1 { I n~ r~~ ` - I I I I 1 I I I I I I o I 1 I I I I \ I I I I --j-------__L_______... I -----a---_..._...__~_~__,_~_! a ~.._..-__--__~---------1----- I I i o ZINNIA COURT I I , (50 R.O,W.) i I Q ~ 1 J FOR AND ON-BEHALF OF v~y "."L _unl yr 19_, AND IS DULY RECORDED IN PLAN O a r ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY RLE . FEES PAI H Ct Li3 P OINT OF 2 U H -t D I COMMENCEMENT CC SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 3 Enuneermg Se vice V y OF SECTION 29, T.3S., R.69W., OF THE 6TH P.M. (FOUND 3-1/2° Q 14426 East Evans Avenue, Suite 150 a BRASS CAP L.S. NO. 13412 IN RANGE BOX) Aurora, Colorado 80014 Phone: (303) 337-1393 Fax: (303) 337-7481 r engineers-surveyors w DRAWER NO: E-432 - DATE OF LAST REVISION: 12-8-97 - _ OWNER'S CERTIFICATION The below-signed owner, or legally designated ogent(s) thereof, do hereby ngree that the prop- erty legally described hereon will be developed as a Planned Development in accordance with the uses, restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. I further recognize that the approval of Final vested property right. Vested property rights may .NT PLAN FOR Development Plan (and Plat) dose not create a only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions BDIVISIGN FILING 2 of section 26-6(G) of Article I of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheot Ridge. AFNT PI ®N n..._t__ n nr_u_- _r ~s r : e ~ Q SALE: v 3310 3 PL NTS _ ~ o w ~ ~ wcn N ~ Q I o SITE Q ~ ~ DEVELOPMENT DATA ~ W U ~ ~ = a d LAND AREA WITHIN PROPERTY LINES 55,828 S.F. 1.2$2 ACRES ~ Q ~ z 2 GROSS FLOOR AREA Q N o STORE 3,241 CAR WASH 880 CANOPY 3,472 TOTAL 7,593 a 32nd AVE. 32nd', AVE. NUMBER OF BUILDINGS 3 TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 7,593 S.F,/13.6% ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HARD-SURFACE AREA (EXCLUSIVE OF BUILDINGS) 32,614 S.F,/58.42% r x w Q o w ~ v z ~ AREA DEVOTED TO LANDSCAPING WITHIN SITE 15,621 S.F,/2i.98% W = z w m J N ~ PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION PCD a z o PROPOSED USES CONVENIENCE STORE WITH 24 HOUR ACCES50RY z FASTFOOD, CAR WASH AND MOTOR VEHICLE FUELING z W 30 DR. N VICINITY MAP DECORATIVE BC~ICK TO CONCRETE MATCH C-STORE 14" CAP 12" x~ xc~ N INDEX OE SHEETS O _ 'r x ® ~ I ® I SHEET DESCRIPTION r,, r a . 1 1. GENERAL DATA N ~ r~ - - - - IT P N _ I__ 2 S E LA =I~~=~~~ ~ I ~~~-ICI- ~iii~ii~ iii; ,,iii,,-i x 2 5 #4 ~ 18 o.c 3. LANDSCAPE PLAN ~t~# 1'-0__ ~ _ ~ m 1'-O~s' ~ 4. BUILDING ELEVATIONS ~2)~5 t 1'-OVz" 2'-0" 3'-1Ye"' 12'-11~s" 1'-OYs 5. CAR WASH AND CANOPY ELEVATIONS 21'- 4" 12" 6. GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN COMMUNITY ID SIGN NOT TO SGALE 7. UTILITY PLAN ,T r 2®'-1 3/16" x ~ o N ( t0 ~~®Q{~ ~~Q~o® N " i / ~ 2'-O 7'-11 3/4" ~ I 1 N 12'-6" 20 o ~ ca r O ~ ~ ~ CANOPY CAPSULE SIGN °m NOT TO SCALE 17.5 SF - e... m - _ 0 t7 WHITE LETTERS ON I o DARK GREEN BACKGRDU~ID ~ i break lace ~ o P a i Pd~: o n~ ~ M ~ ~ I ~ ~ I o Cf' C~ a o d - o N ti a i 't~ ar ash ATM I ~ 11'-11 3/4" w y I a r r z "C" STORE FASCIA SIGN H z C/~AI C. 1 IA" - 1 i A" /2A !1 CCU Q JUYtLG. I, Y I 'U `JY.V Ji"~ I I=I CONTRACTOR. _77=77T I I I_TII~- -TI, FREESTANDING Iill-lll~~~II N GENERAL DATA 2 POLE SIGN- MONUMENT SIGN 208 SF/FACE 109 SF/FACE NOT TO SCALE CD NOT TO SCALE I- PETROLEUM CONCEPTS AT 1-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER w CL SIGN D ETAI LS SITE LIGHT DETAIL 1-70 & 32nd AVE, WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO i cn (D 3 d NOT TO SCALE Designed B : JLB Date: SEPTEMBER 1997 Sht S Drawn B: ELS Scale: NONE 1 OF 7 Checked B : JLB Disk File: ZP51TS i I I UTILITY LEGEND: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: f I I I i ! ---►Q--- MANHOLE LOT 1, I-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO I I 1 I I ---►t--- VALVE I I l I I I W EXISTING WATER LINE I SAN. MH I I RIM=5522.95 I I I W PROPOSED WATER LINE ~ I I INV.=5513.03 I I ti ---SS--- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER ~a I I I I I a us i i 1 I wa I I I 1 - SS - PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER I 0 10 20 I I I I I I ! i ---STS--- EXISTING STORM SEWER I I ! ( I I ! I -STS- PROPOSED STORM SEWER I ~ I i I I SCALE: 1 =20 I I I I I I I i G EXISTING GAS LINE I ~ I I ~ I ~ I ! - G - PROPOSED GAS LINE 1 I ~ I ---UE--- EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL .N I ( I I RrN ~ I I I ~ - UE - PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL rN I I I ~ I o ~ ( N~ ! I 1 p v MpP I I I ---0E--- EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL I Z d US1~R GO ( i I - OE - PROPOSED OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL ~ ~ ~y~G~WP'(E i ! i ~ NOS U~'.`f1P~ 3ypa I I I ---UT--- EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE ~ yp ~,U~„pF gyps ~ I P.~Ep,pN~ gyp. ( I I SpV10 R.~~pei G I 52 pN EP ~ ~ i I 18" RCP - UT - PROPOSED UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE 'R ~ I I I ( T T_ _ CVICTAI(~ l11fCDIJC AA TCI CDLIAAIC _ _ - I I F I I I i o I 5 57 ! I 1 19 44 ~ I ~ 1 I ~ ~ I i 154'-01'.2" I I " ~ N89'43 30"E 331.72 I i / I 12 w I ~ i INV 14.87 ° ,6~ 24 W I 10'R i =23"30 00" 57 o ~ 4'-6"R ~ 4'-6"R 4'-6"R iv 59 I ! STS I ~ ~ I N . 7 1 141 6" 10'R :r'., . R=75.00 ~ 4"ss ~ r ! 59 r 5'R 220L.F. OF 4" PV W 1 I 1 L=30.76' ~ ~ 7 I _ - _ ~ ~ 3a ®1.59: I I I I Chd.-N12'3133" _ o ~ Q I ~ N M.H. i o ~ ~ i 38 I i 14 i5 30.55 ~ I =25.9 \ ~ 14 14 n i _ 10 ~ ~ ~ / ~ I its NV-14.97 ` I w 13 6 I I I 37 69 ~ 45 6 m 0'-0" 1 I 5 14 I~ ~I ~ i I:::.. i ~ ( I / w( N t-- 5 --t ~ 1 ~ I al .I 5 ( ( I ( ~0 ~ S i i.. I I ~I 4 3 ~"S~ i I 1 39 (11 / ~ ~ 18>~ 7„ i " I I 43 38 I 38 8" 1' 1 I / I = ~ / 7 I I 1 I / / \ 7 0 ! I a w ~ ( ( i I a 17 ~ ~ i / I~ ~ I o / 4 6 I I y', I I 6, I/ l o o t N F I I I 1 ~ f, ~o w) I ( ~ , I I ~ 'i I I ~I '''c, ~ t5 4 L ( I 1 REE i 3 / I I Q i I i , I _ ~ I l ~ I I I I / I 19 I I / ( o CONOCO I i 38 / I I I ~ NE I ~ CONVENIE C I 25 37 I I ~ N ~ STORE I 20 R 19 N ~ i i I ca; I I 18 I 3 1 1 47 I ! 4 3 I 63 ! i • I I ~ I 1 59 57 b I I I o ~ I v ~ 14 ~r I ( ( ( I 26 I N ; I I I ~ CURB CUT I pS 35'R I - i i Il 1/2"W 4 G ~ 5 R - 63 I I -G 1 5i 3RI I I I I 32 I ~ ~ 1 I N 56 ° UE ~ ; o 1 I N I 48 ~ I ~ 6 w 2'R I 65 4 3 5 a PP i I I ~ I i I 7~ ' I t I rn / I 1 f _,w~ _ . ~ I i _ ~ I ~ I / 63 I I ~=23'29'59" 3e 14 I 3e I 1 - I I 5 i i t 1 ~ R-125.00 I ! s L=51.27 i 50 59 2 / ~ 1 I ( o I Chd.=N12'3133~W I ~ uE I ~ 50.91' I I ( N I " / ~ ~ 5 ~ , ' N - 1 I 35 -0" 40'-0 12 -0" 35' 7 1 /5 -0" ~ ~ I I I 1 I 4 3 / 1 ° I I i I ~ r r~ 54 I ( I 5 I I 5 / ! ~ 'R 64 I / I 1 49 I J r , ( ~ i I 59 i 4'-0" I SAN MH 12 / I ~ ! I I ~ ` ~ _ ~ ~ i I i W R TO I ~ RIM_ 27.52 ~ / 57 i I I I I J~' 61 ~ INV-17.73 ,~h 0 13 1 / N ! 1 i 5~ ( p N 11 PP - 1-25'R 4 ~ ~ , 59 r.l-- - I q^ ` I ' 21.9 ~ - a I ~ ~ 62 _ ~ ~ I > I NO 6 3 W~ ~i, i PP / g4.52 W 22 ~ - _ 14 I / / ~ ~ I PP " TE . P i INV=21.4 W 3 X68 _ - - 40 n ~ 68 LE ED 20 t~ °N 67 a 68 ii ~ ~ ~ ~ u p--G * O i 38 ~ I I ~ - ~ ♦ - I ~ ~ - _T- I N` r ~ I - I 35 ~ S89'4 30'W - - - - - - ----"~`y I PP INV.=5525.85 I 29.00' 58 I \ I 0'R I ~ I I I EXIST. EDGE ~ i ~ ASPHALT ( I I ~ • POINT OF ti ~ ~ , , I N89'43 30"W ~ BEGINNING WEST 32ND AVENUE ~ ~\~S I ' ~ ~ SOUTHEAST CORNER R.O.W. VARIES) I ~ s'~. 12.47 0~ ~ 0,~ i o OF LOT 7 i ~ ~ I zl r, I i ~ ~ ~ I PAINTED I ~ I MEDIAN _ _ N89°43'30"E I S. LINE NW 1 4 SECTION 29 _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ . „ _ . 1.. - o ' ' ' ' ~13's I BASIS OF BEARING I o \ I EDGE 22 1 ~ ~ I ASPHALT 0 1 POINT OF - I 33 COMMENCEMENT ~ WEST 1/4 CORNER -----___---6"G----r-------------------------6"G----- -_-_--------------------6"G----------------------°- I ~ g a SECTION 29, T.3S, R.69W. (FOUND 5/8" REBAR Z f in IN RANGE 80X) Z I a Ohl I r 1 ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ CONC. Z \ m O \ U \ \ 1-70 INTERSTATE lC7 ON-RAMP a N SITE PLAN CD RM H 0 U = .96 1NV.= .41 PETROLEUM CONCEPTS AT 1-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER w a 1-70 & 32nd AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO C9 3 0 Designed B : LJB Date: SEPT., 1997 Sht Drawn B : ELS Scale: 1"=20' 2 OF 7 S Checked B : LJB Disk File: ZP51SP EYERGREEId DECIDUOUS SHRUB SNRUB N 4TE5: LEGEND PRUNE AS DIRECTED 8Y LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY FIELD CONDITIONS AND 1 I - BLUEGRASS SOD SEi SHRUB PLUMB NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. u°ogo°ouo~ - 4" - 6" WASHED C0B8LE ROCKROCK MULCHBLED 2. THE CONTRACTOR !S TO FURNISH AND INSTALL PLANT MATERIALS AS NOTED. ALl PLANT MATERIAL MUST EQUAL I d ° OR EXCEED THE CODE OF STANDARDS CURRENTLY RE- O - SHRUB 3"MIN, ~ PREPARED BACKfIIL 1/3 COW/PEAT, COMMENDED BY THE COLORADO NURSERY ACT, AND IS ~a ° a~ 2/3 PIT EXCAVATED SOIL SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. wQ MOUND 8ACKFILt- BALL DIA. REMOVE CONTAINER SPLIT 0 10 20 ° X2 BOTTOM 1/2 OF BALL. 3, PRIOR TO ANY PLANTING OPERA110NS, THE AREA TO BE - EVERGREEN TREE SPREAD AND PLANT PLANTED IS TO BE PREPARED WITH 5 YARDS/1,000 ° SQUARE FEET OF ORGANIC MATERIAL, ROTOTILLEO A SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL MINIMUM OF 6" DEEP. SCALE: 1 "=20' N.T.S. 4. EXCAVATE PLANTING PIT TWICE AS WIDE AS ROOT BAIL. EVERGREEN DECIDUOUS PREPARE PLANT BACKFIIL TO BE 1/3 ORGANIC MATERIAL AND 2/3 CLEAN TOPSOIL. STAKE ALL EVERGREEN TREES i ~ / TREE TREE AND ALL DECIDUOUS TREES OVER 3" CALIPER WITH THREE - DECIDUOUS TREE GUY WIRES AND CANVAS STRAPS WITH GROMMETS. STAKE ° 1~ R ~n ~ All DECIDUOUS TREES UNDER 3" CALIPER WITH T-BAR jam. N f d- / PRUNE AS DIRECTED BY METHOD (TWO STAKES PER TREE), NO EXPOSED ~MRES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHOULD COME INTO CONTACT WITH THE TRUNK FOR EITHER a~ ~ WASHED COBBLE WRAP TRUNK FROM GROUND GUYING METHOD. TREE WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TREES TO ° o z ~ ROCK MULCH LEVEL TO SECOND BRANCH WITH SECOND BRANCH. i APPROVED TREE WRAP 5. ALl TREES AND SHRUBS ARE TO BE PLANTED AFTER - GROUND COVER r 3 EQUALLY 6'-O" STEEL STAKES-3 ROUGH GRADING AND PRIOR TO PLACING OF GROUND SPACED EQUALLY SPACED COVER MATERIAL. 2 FT. STAKES DRIVEN FLUSH # 12 WIRE, DOUBLE & TWIST, RUN 6. SOD SHALL BE BLUEGRASS BLEND APPROVED BY OWNER i >I i THROUGH GROMMETS ATTACHED TO 3" AND SHALL BE LAID ON A FIRM BED WITH TIGHT JOINTS WIDE NYLON WEBBING AND NO VOIDS BETWEEN STRIPS. SOD TO BE FERTILIZED WITH GRANULAR DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE (18-45-0} AT REMOVE BURLAP ~ ~ ~ PREPARED BACKFILI-SEE SPECS. RATE OF SIX (6) POUNDS PER 1,000 SQ. FT. ° FROM TOP 1/3 z BALL 6(A. X 2 TAMP SOIL UNDER BALL BEFORE OF BAIL ~ PLACING 7. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN ALL PLANTINGS INSTALLED ° ° N89'43'30"E 331,72' -(3}MP Tq UNDER THIS CONTRACT UNT1L FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND TURNOVER TO OWNER. ° t MSA • : ~ 3 MP 4 PP (2)PT / ~ R=75.00 / { ~ )GL ( ) ~ / ° t 1=30.7x' , , W W ~ Chd.=N1731 33~ o o a a ~ ~ a - 30.55' / ~ i W +4 i JI I y z) {2)BJ W ~ W / I .I a ° w I e ~1 (f)MSq (3}PT W (5}RrD W / (2)sJ w / >o ~I / (s)Rm t 4p 1 tii ( ~1 ~ W y W ~ / / + W W 5 PT W ° W I I r y ~ / W W W / I I W O r^\ / W W Q w W y r o Q I W SOD W 3 r~~ 4 sv ~ ~ y W I ® y, W 4 0 ° ~ I O Oi < i W 1 O W / >0 Q) F t 2 BJ w I I Q ~ % o 1 t) 1 z i ~ i W ( ® ~I 1 REE W L4 I I 3 BJ o 1 Q~I W W ( ) I ~i ® W W W W i O o I I W ° ~ ~ CONOGO W W W W W . 4 ( CONVENIENCE W ■ a - STORE W W y W w y~ I (1)RC W W ° ~ W I 1 W 2 RTD W~ W W y r ° i i MSA ° (4)PT f---,~ W W W ZO CURB CUT (a)PT ( C7 i_ _i w y {2)R ~ ~ W W t I I y w W ° ~ (3)PP W 1 PP W W ~ ~ O W W W W I STEEL EDGING AlL BEDS {TYP.) {1)CH W W 1 _ ~ ~ I (7)BJ W R-125.00 1=51.2T I I (~)cH a W W W Chd.=N1731'3~ W (7)BJ a . a • • 50.91' W I I a W (7)GH 0 o W W ° W I I 0 000 0`~ o 0 0 y .y I a W (1)CBS ® ' 'b u ' W ( I J ($)BJ W ° 4"-6" COBBLE (1)G W _ J Ul (t)RC - - MULCH (TYP. W W W ALl BEDS W W\` (t )GL ) ~ (2)RTO W (i ~ 1 MSA {}}MSA (1)Gl ( (1)MSA ~ (1)CBS ~ y W f w i ~ « 21.9 ~ i ~ > N0 6'3 ~K ' W W W y A y W 9 ~ W 42 W W ~ W W , W W ED( o ( ) W ii IN n W " TAGGERE a 2)RTD i~ W W ~ ~ ~ \ POLE PEELING MULCH W " " W W ~ O ~ W THI BED ONLY W ° y W r` TEEL EDGING ~ W W 1 GL I W y y W W _ W AL~b, BEDS (TYP,~ W y" W W W W W \ W W Y S89'4 '30"W r_ r r r r 29.00' {1)PP EXIST. EDGE 3~ ASPHALT l ~ o POINT OF WEST 32ND AVENUE N89'43 3~'W BEGINNING ~ 1 2.47' p ~ SOUTHEAST CORNER (R.O.W. VAR4ES) ~ z OF LOT 7 V N r' ~r PAINTER n MEDIAN m N89'43'30"E S. LINE NW 1~4 SECTION 29 r r r r _ r _ r sir r r r r r r r w..~ r r n.wr a r r r r r r r r r r a w r r r ~w.rr r r is.e~ r r rrrrr r r x.13' r BASIS OF BEARING a 0 rn o ~ EDGE ~ ~ W ASPHALT o ~ POINT OF ~ COMMENCEMENT ~ WEST 1/4 CORNER a SECTION 29, T.3S, R,69W. 'd cn (FOUND 5/8" REBAR Z u~ IN RANGE BOX) ? I: a N N w i- i wp,~K r ~ G~1yC, s C7 U s-i LL a N LANDSCAPING PLAN CD C.J J Q PETROLEUM CONCEPTS AT 1-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER W d Cn 1-70 & 32nd AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO C~ Designed B : LJB Date: SEPT., 1997 Sht Drawn B : ELS Scale: 1"=20, J Z OF 7 Checked B : LJB Disk File: ZP51SP V . INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED WINDOW AWNINGS, ACRYLIC BUILDING LOGO SIGN COATED POLYESTER- HEMLOCK TWEED P N ZINC PLATED iv LIGHTING FIXTURES I ~ (TYPICAL) ~ i~ a J U 2:1 LOCATION FOR PROMOTIONAL M LIGHTBOXES. STYLE: 40 X 60 CONTINENTAL LIGHTBOX z I _ ~ s ~ I I I 1 I I I ~ - i \ ~ - L___J L___J - ~ - ~ ~ wr`` ~ ; ~ - DARK KHAKI METAL PANELS MODULAR CRICK FACING MODULAR BRICK FACING METAL SPANDREL PANEL MOUNTEf "ENDICOTT~ COPPERTONE "ENDICOTT" GREEN GLAZE TO FRAMING, PAINTED DARK GREE SMOOTH SMOOTH 4'-0" NOMINAL SCALE 1J4'= I ~ N ~ ~ r J I ( P7 INTERNALLY ILLUdINATED BUILDING LOGO 51GN. s.... _ ' u~ I r ~ WINDOW AWNINGa, ACRYLIC ~ COATED POLYESTER- L HEMLOCK TWEED r.-___~ a h e I ~ f~ I STEEL FRAMING, N PAINT DARK GREEN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E z ~e_ __s D P ~n ~y I ~ 1 w fir, r~ 1 i m r T- MODULAR BRICK FACING MODULAR BRICK FACING DARK KHAKI METAL PANE "ENDICOTT" COP~ERTONE "ENDICOTT" GREEN GLAZE LS SMOOTH SMOOTH SCALE 1/'=1 ~~~_6" SCALE 1J4 ®fw0" METAL STANDING SEAM ARCH AND FRAMING. PREFINISHED ARCHED ROOF TO MATCH CONOCO DARK KHAKI. PAINT ARCH FRAMING DARK GREEN. METAL ROOF ACC ESS LADDER, PAINT TO MATCH WALLS EXIT LIGHT1NG TYP. 2 i ..r i i R ~ ~ ~ i c~ ~ ~ ti ~ c~ d ~ I: ~ 'T..:'i [ 3:.-. ~ ~-`I T~._~..,%`I' r, r~ r f ~~--r ~T~ L i:;t-C _i - .1...'.r. ~'I'~"I ~~l ")7:I`:1.<s, t ---'=T~~ - - - _ _ ~ ~ t t ~ _~~~~_z~I-,i:~ 7 ~L:° Lit-Lw:~:w~ - ~ L ~k ...-1 Syr ~s. S, L[`, ~ 1. ' - - - - _ - ~ , r ` F - - - T ~ . r `-rte,? _ , a ~--~r~~.,,w..;..i ~ . ' m n. , ° PAINT DOOR'. AND FRAME TO o TO MATCH 5R9CK COLORS MODULAR BRICK FACING MODULAR BRICK FACING ENDICOTT COPPERTONE ENDICOTT GREEN GLAZE f SMOOTH SMOOTH i SCALE 1/4'=f-0' a N t' r .i h-~ J W CS n. O t!1 z N Z z <r ._j a rax. ~4U,)) //u-3636 i ~a i Q C-STORE ELEVATIONS J Q Q w PETROLEUM CONCEPTS AT 1-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER Cl- s cn c~ 3 Q 1-70 & 32nd AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Dasi ned B : PSH Date: DECEMBER 1997 Sht Drawn B : PSH Scale; 1 4" = 1'-0" 4 OF '7 Checked B : MDC Disk File: ZP51EL1 / GAR WASH SIGN, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED RED BACKGROUND WITH WHITE LEFTERS 0 d i DARK KHAKI PREFINISHED METAL FASCIA PANELS DiRECT10NAL SiGNAGE ~ ~ (TYPICAL) I NDICOTT COPPERTONE x ~ SMOOTH FACE BRICK N (TYPICAL} CAR WASH CLOSED TOP OF FOUNDATION & EQUIPMENT AREA FINISH FLOOR / / / ~ ~ ~ i ENTRANCE WASH BAY FINISH F100R t0 REAR ELEVATION MILL FINISH ALUMINUM DOOR SIDE WITH GLAZING (TYPICAL} SIDE ELEVATION EQUIPMENT ROOM SIDE) SCALE: 1/4" = t'-0" SCALE: 1 SCALE: 1 /4" = 1'-0" DARK KHAKI, PREFINISHED METAL FASCIA PANELS k Q I CAR WASH SIGN M (TYPICAL) ENDICOTT COPPERTONE SMOOTH FACE BRICK (TYPICAL) n ro I ~t AINT DOOR & N FAME TO MATCH I KHAKI (TYPICAL} 0 0 TOP OF FOUNDATION & EQUIPMENT AREA FINISH FLOOR WASH BAY FINISH t° EXIT FLOOR FROG SIDE .ELEVATION CAR WASH EGRESS SIDE FRONT ELEVATION SCALE; 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1 SCALE: T/4" = 1'-0" d x O C~ O; ~ n ILA 1'~ _ - 18" ROUND COLUMN i ro ~i x I CONCRETE 171SPENSER ISLAND STEEL BUMPER GUARD EAST ELEVATION ~ SCALE. i/4" = 1'-0" ARK KHAKI PREFINISHED ~ METAL FASCIA PANELS m INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED N RED ACCENT BAND 0 U QI Cll ~ i$" ROUND DARK KHAKI J RED ELIPTICAL METAL COLUMN COVERS ~ PUMP IDENTIFIER (TYPICAL) r u' a N ap i--i a W ~ a ¢ RE HORIZONTAL BANDING D ~ ON COLUMN (TYPICAL) z NOTE: ALL COLORS AND DIMENSIONS ARE > s~ n TYPICAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. a J WINDSHIELD/TRASH 13 VALET, CHARCOAL CAR WASH & CANOPY ELEVATIONS n - c°~ * J CHARCOAL FROM HIGHEST POINT UNDER CANOPY, PRELIMINARY GRADING (TYPICAL) PLAN GIVES A RANGE OF 14'-6" MINIMUM TO 16'-0" MAXIMUM PETROLEUM CONCEPTS AT 1-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER VERIFY WITH FINAL GRADING PLAN. w CD 1-70 & 32nd AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SOUTH ELEVATION 0 Designed B : PSH Date: SEPTEMBER 1997 Sht SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Drawn : PSH Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5 OF 7 Checked B : MDC Disk Fife: ZP51CCEL r % r ~ 6 0 0 'h ry ~ ~ BENCHMARK: GENERAL NOTES: BENCHMARK: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DESCRIBED AS REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON SITE PLAN SHALL GOVERN. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICAi10NS TOP OF BRASS CAP iN RANGE BOX AT THE I ® ry' ryry' r rye, ® , o ® :4, ® ® ® 1 ~I ryry' i ®1; ® WEST 1/4 CORNER SECTION 29, T.3 S, R, 69 W, AT THE INTERSECTION SHOWING OTHERWISE NOTWITHSTANDING. CONTRACTOR 70 POINT OUT ANY DISCREPANCIES OF W, 32nd AVENUE AND ALKIRE STREETS TO THE OWNERS REP. PRIOR TO 81D. r rx ~ , I j , ~ry' ry0• , ~ i , ELEVATION: 5527,71' / l~ Y i ' ~1 I ` ~ - 'yq~ • • 'ly 6~D ti 2. NO WORK IS TO BEGIN UNTIL ALL PERMITS HAVE BEEN 08TAINED. LEGEND • \ 3. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL REQUIRED FOR FINAL , ry ry ry "rL wz , , I 0 CHECKOUT OF ALL FACILITIES BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. i , i i -~---28----- EXISTING CONTOUR ~ i ~i~ ~ a ~ o , pry, ; - , o r , ~ r W Q I 1 Y I 1 ; ~ ; ) 4. ENTIRE INSTALLATION SHALL MEET ALL APPLICABLE CODES. , ~ ~ ~ ~ PROPOSED CONTOUR ~ , o 6 ~ ' ~ ry , ~ r , 6 6 r ~ ~ ~ r 5, VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON SITE. " ' ' ' ~ 28 PROPOSED CONTOUR (8Y 01HERS) i ~ i i 'r 00 a~ ~0 a a Dc 6~ '7~'`'`, Ory ~ • i r 1 ~a1 0 ~{~~~i , i i r 6, ALL FILL IN OLD TANK AREAS, OLD BASEMENTS, CESSPOOLS, OTHER EXCAVATIONS '7~' rb~` 'dry `b~'--_---- ryry ryry ry~ ry' `L`l'• - - g • r i ryW C ' ry ~ ~ ry ® ~ ry ® ry ry ry _ ry SCALE; 1 -20° ~ ry 0 0 ~ • ry ® ~ o ti o , ® ® ry , ----------,o ' ~ • tii: ~ ~ ~ i o~nn ~Y!~T!n~r. cant ~FVar!ne! AN(l INSI~F RllII(]INf; TO AF PFA !;RAVEL nR APPRf11(Fil F(~IJA! ~ + ry rye' ° ~ ® 0® ~ ry + , ,r~1 4~ R „ ~ In ~h i ~ tK~ ry~ ~,6"~ ry~ ry~ ~a ry i ~ ~ ~ i ,ya• ~ ry~• ~ N ry~• ry ry . ory ® ry ry ® o ®~a ,5 , ; , ~ ® ry~.• . , o ~r to ® e ® ~ ~0 ® ® ~ ry'h ti , ~ i • ' ; ,~1 ~~II,, , I / A (~~~,,II 1 V I ry+ 1 ~ r ' ory ; gh ryry Qr 22 ' - _ ~ N`" , a/ ~o 'h~ R ~~R• 26.3 ~6 ~1 ry ,.`y/ ry ry 23 ' i ryDc• ry % ry~• ,ry/ ® ® ~ `1'k `til ' ® ® ; i o ry a r , o ® 25 24 , ® i 0 1 r % r ! i ~ 1 ry , r ` 1 HP - - r 'S a ~ / ' i 0 0 h 26.05 26 ~ ~ , I ~ ry ry ® ~ _ ,F- " ; 25 a INV-14. ~ , , 'fS+ y..tY 0'13'30 ~ ~ 25.1 ~S + ~ 26.3 I r I ~ , 26.3 _ - + _ } brr 1 0,76 ` ~ - 25 ~ ' _ d.= 31'33" ~ o r. o r, ! ' 1 i , , ~ ri A 26.1 i ~ , i 3 .55 ~ , . ~ r , , ~ I ' ~ ~ + , \ry , ~ I O al 25.25 ~ + I r .Tama ~ 25.9 - 26 27 ~ t 27.0 ( . 3'-" ::a::" i 'r- I 1 28 ' I wl 26.25 , , ~ . 26.6 , ~ , ~ : + r 43, + j I o I 25.6 24 1 ` ~ 29 I LL a i ~ - - a , `1~ ~ i , I ~I / ~ "26.1 26.0 d o ~ i ® ~ 26.35 ~ , 30 I 76:2 4_ , I ~ _ 2 - i Jt / / _ ry + r TOT ~_i / - ' , t ~ 31 _ 22.0 ~ , a ;w , , ' ~ , ( i +d , i ry h~ ~ ~ , 26.75 , ~ FF ¢ FF , a 25 1 rr ry0~ 26 i ( ~ ' TI I / / ~ ~ 25.5 U + 5.0 t- 27 0 ( i I i 1 ry0 ' ® ~ ,I' r r ` i ' b~ o ~ ~ ~ ; ~ I ~ ~ ; w I ~ Q ~ r ' I c>' ~ t 1 u+, I z I 26.45 26.2 25.9 , ` , ; 26 p ~ 27:4 I ~ ~ r r ~ 1 E~ E 26.65 I ~ , , , LL r 1 i ' ~ ~ TOP i i i r 0~ ~ 26,35 I ~ ` ry 0. ~ \ 27.2 ; / f 26.0 I + 2 I ~ ry ~ ~ e~ ( ! r. 0 6' ~ ` ~ ~ TI 26.75 1 i ~ ~ I ; r:.;:::~ ~ , \ `I ~2 , CONVENIENCE ,i i i , 26.05 HP _ STORE ' 1 ( ' i i , , I 27.4 26.9 . i r I d , 26.6 i r i r ~ ~t ~ ' ~ ~ - FF I ' i ; ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 26.4 ~ ~ , ~ ~ , 26.5 26 ~ o , i ~ M ry . . 1 r - ~ ~ I + + ~ ~ ~ ~ \ 27.9 26. r , i ' i I i r C 26.75 - ~;1~%. ~ I ~ VJ CURB CUT , ~ ~ I ~ f ~ 1 `L 28 / 27.1 25.9 \ - I ' I i 1 27 ' TI r ~ ) , r ry~ ~ ~ i u 3 `y ~ ~ 26 1 ~ I r ~ I h - - - 26.fi5 ~ 25 ' i ~ I , - i i i I ` 1 ' I \ 26.85 I, I ~ c 1 ~ e, ~ ~ ' ~ ~ d, =23'29'5' 26.4 l , e 1 , I , 1 I i R=125.00 r \ , ~ 27.5 + 1 I ry L=51,27 _ 27,1 ~ - - \ ~ I , ~3"W TI t , ~ i i i ~hd°-N17 ~ ( ~ I 50.9 ~ ~ ~ ~ o 6.35 ~ I , , 1 29 26.8 ~ ; ~ I 25.65 i ' , I 30 27.4 26.5 ~ / i ' I 28 ® 5 t t i g 31 I , ~ ~ f g~ ~ 26.9 27,1 ; 1 ~ I ~ 1 4r' ~ ~ - TI _ ~ 25.5 , i I ~ ~ i l `'~9 ~ i ` i 32 ~ 26.95 , ~ 3 ~ 26,6 r ,f , t t ® C 27.1 26.5 , 27 ~ Q V1 `V ~ O L ~~V ~ r i 1 O w 21 9 ' \ ~ ; ' ~ I ~ - 0~ O ~ , 25 1 ~ N '3 ~ ~ ~ 52 W ® O 28 _ - 26 U 3 29 - - - - -T~----- / 26 - ' ~ - r ~ t~' 3t ii ~ \ ° ~1 ~ 28 , ~ ~ ary ~Aj i ° ~ ~ 30 ~ rya' 33 29 I \ , a - - 0 a, I~ - _ r ~ ~ ~ ~ p 89'4 3 , i~- rya' ry 29.00 ~ , rya rya ,~0 ® --®`y rya 6 EXIST. EDGE , . i i - - a~ 0® ----~~--`4~'- ` ASPHALT p , , ry ~ - z~ POINT OF H ~o t °c `L, t ~ o B ~Io WEST 32ND AVENUE ~ ~ ~ o N89'43 30"W ~ BEGINNING ~ 12.47' b d' SOUTHEAST CORNER (R.O.W. VARIES) rye ^~h ,~'h a0 Z OF LOT 7 ~ ~ 0 rye'' 0~ ^~ry ~ 0~0 „ m 0• 0• 0• ~j0' ^~0 I 0' C1c a' a. `~0 6• 0 ti QZ 00 ry ® ® ® ~ 0' ® ® ® PAINTED ® d• ® ® ry ; o 'h MEDIAN ; ~ N89°43'30"E S. LINE NW 114 SECTION_29_ - - - - - - - - - _ - 4.1~'- - A IS OF BEARING - b; ~ B S ; o ryni , a EDGE ry ASPHALT ~i ~ v 1 W h~ `7~ ry o ~ POINT OF ~ gyp' gyp' 6 r " COMMENCEMENT a•--~ = ry a• ~ ~ ; ~ WEST 1 4 CORNER ry rya. a~ ``ry a ~ 0 ry rya 6 ,~a Ory a SECTION 29, T.3S, R.69W. g ,~0 ary 0 ~ rye. 0' 0• 6'` cn (FOUND 5/8" REBAR Z ,~0. rya' ,ya• ,~0• ry ry 1. j in IN RANGE BOX) ? N ry~ 0~ { 1 a v ~ ~ ~0 Ot>< ~ ,~0 1 ~K ONC• WA t ~ ,5ry C ~ _q~, CD z r-, 0o D g. GRADING PLAN N O U PETROLEUM CONCEPTS AT 1-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER J O PE H W Q INC, 1--70 & 32nd AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO cn Designed B : LJB Date: SEPT., 1997 Sht C!1 3 Drawn B : ELS Scale: 1"=20' 6 OF 7 2 Checked B : LJB Disk File: ZP51SP i f t i f p I ! p p I f ~ I I UTlL9TY LEGEND SCHEDULE: i ! I ~ f ! f ---tQ---- MANHOLE ~1 RELOCATED i2" WATER LINE SAN. MH ~ ~ ! f I 1 J p , RIM=5522.95 t ! f _ _ _H_ _ _ VALVE ~ ABANDON 12" WATER LINE TO BE REMOVED p 1 INV.=5513.03 f t _ _ _ W _ - _ EXlS11NG WATER UNE ~ EXISTING 12°° WATER UNE TO REMAIN c~a i i ! f f °wQ I , f ! , 1 f W PROPOSED WATER IiNE 4~ EXISTING 8" SANITARY SEWER TO REMAIN I o 10 2a , , f p I , t I ---SS---- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER Q EXISTING 8" SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDON p , , ! r f ! ! , - SS - PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER lJ NEW SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE I SCALE: 1 °'-20' t I P , i I ! , - - -STS- - - EXISTING STORM SEWER 07 NEW SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TO BE REMOVED I f i --ST5---- PROPOSED STORM SEWER OS EXISTING GAS UNE TO BE ABANDON p ~ I I t f I ~ ! p iN i f t ! G EXISTING GAS LINE l'J 2" GAS LINE FROM POINT OF SERVICE 4 ~n ~ ! ! I t~ I f f ! ~ ~ t - G ° PROPOSED GAS UNE 1Q RELOCATED GAS LINE BY PSCO 11 4" UNDERGROUND CONDUIT fOR TELEPHONE I f ! ! o u~ U ~ ! , ! ---UE--- EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SERViCE~ VERIfY POINT Of SERVICE AND p °z I I I a f t CONDUIT ENTRANCE REQUIREMENT - UE - PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL ~ ~ , ~ , E 1 12 12 RELOCATED UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE i ~ , 10 i / f G 10 ---0E--- EXISTING OVERHEAD ELEGTRIGAL BY U.S. WEST Jam' t f 18" RCP OE pROPOSED OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL 13 ABANDON EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE p I 4 t f r ---UT--- EXISI1NG UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE 14 EXISTING POWER POLE BY PSCO I r ! I p .1~ .,n~~„_ ,,,°nr n REI(1(`ATFiI PCIWfR P(ltF F1Y PS((1 ► ! I ' ! I t I t t f I t I ! p p I ~ N$9'43'30" E 331.12' ! p 12»w i I INY=14.87 ~ w f ! t ~-230 00" / 2a 29 r 2s ! s s1s R-75.00 1 / / ss w , p o 220L.F. OF 4 PVC ~ Chd.-N12'31 33" .N o o - 1 N M I ~ f i 30.55 ~ ! =25.9 f 25 NV-14.97 ~ I H i ! ~ ti i o~i ~ I i ~ ~i , •::~:f:~:::~::•: r / I i , ~,i ~ I >0 ai 28 ( f •:::I::::::~: , 17 0 I / i 0 ~i +5~5 i ► r ~ 20 ~ i / ~ ~ ! , ~ I I 8 i ~ I / ~ / W r I v, ~ I / , a I / ? 1 0 J + ~ r~-~ ~ ,j . 2 ` ( L.. f a 19 c~ a I ~ 1 f I ~ ~ ~ ► / i a I , p ~ 2 y Wi I i o ! i ~ U,Y //I i ®Zi ~ ~ i / I ~ I ~ t 20 ~ I I 1 REE / S i ~ ~i ~ I ! I ( I ~ - . c p 7 ! f ! I I CON~NIENCE~°~ ! ! ! I l I I ~ STORE ~ ( ! I I ~ f ! 25 ~ ( ~ ! ! ( 13 ! p ~ I ( I 20 ( , ! ! ~ 23 C ~f 1 1 ! ~ ~ o ~ I v I ® I ! 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EDGE ! ~ \ ( 3~ ASPHALT ( j i N • POINT OF ~c~ I ~ ~~°o t ~ rs, I N89'43 30"YI ~ ~ BEGiNNbNG WEST 32ND AVENUE S I 12.4T b ~ SOUTHEAST CORNER (R.O.W. VARIES} I ~ T ~ ~`,~~Q I z OF lOT 7 f cn ` I , { I ~ ~ ~ I PAINTED I ~ 1 MEDIAN ~ . ~ _ N89'43'30"E I S, LINE NW 1 4 SECTION 29 _ , ~ _ _ ~ __s..,L_ _ _____.r__,.~__..~..__..__.._ ~ e ~ - ~13'~ I BASIS OF BEARING ~ ! o i EDGE 1 ~ ~ I ASPHALT 0 1 POINT OF - `~`,--------~-----~2^w----+~-~,-----------------------------~~'w-- ------------------------------------------irw--------------------------- ~ ~ p- I COMt~ENCEbuiENT ` ~ ~ WEST 1/4 CORNER 1" ~ SECT{ON 29, T.3S, R.69W. Q {FOUND 5/8" REBAR Z I in IN RANGE BOXj Z I t ~ ~~t I i 4 i` ~ _ ~ ~~ti I I n I ~ ~ WALK ~ CONC. Z \ ~ O \ t7 \ \ Ln d N UTILITY PLAID O IM=55 0.96 INV.=5528.41 O PETROLEUM CONCEPTS AT 1-70 WEST BUSINESS CENTER f- w a 1-70 & 32nd AVE. WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO c~ a Designed B : LJB Date. SEPT., 1997 Sht i z Drawn B ; ELS Scale: 1"=20` 7 OF 7 Checked B ; LJB Disk File: ZP51SP