HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-97-8DONALD J. SAAVEDgA • • March 25. 1997 VIA FAX 235-2857 TO'. Meridith Reichart RE Format oFNeighbonc~od Notificaitnn Letter Meridith: Let me know if this format is ok. Thanks...Don Saavedra 321-1994 NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING March 25, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Wheat Ridge Property Owners RE: nleighborhood Discussion A4eetirg . WHEN -April 1, 1997 @ 63D PM WHERE -1st Floor Meeting Room Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 75DD West 29th Ave. SUBJECT -Presentation of Proposed Site Plan and Rezoning Request to allow the construction & development of an (approx.) 7,5D0 retail building on the vacant land parcel located __ at Southeast corner of West 35th Avenue & Wadsworth Blvd. (see attached map) Dear Neighbor: You are cordially invited to attend a presentation to your fellow neighbors by our project architect regarding the above captioned matter. We are sending this letter fo ail recorded neighboring property owners to this land parcel. This infon-nai presentation Will allow adequate tittle for questions and answers in an attempt to address any concerns you may have. Ms. Meredith Reichart, the staff planner from Wheat Ridge will also be in attendance. We hope you will be able to attend, however should you have any questions, please feel free to call either myself 321-1999 or Ms. Reichart 237-6944. Very truly, DONALD J.SAAVEDRA Real Estate Services Dated ~. Saauectia Biker encl. *****AUTO IIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIt111111111111111111111111111111111i111 Walter Buecher & Bazbara Buecher 810 S FIELD ST .AKEWOOD, CO 80226-4 1 1 1 *****AUTO Il ll 1111 lllillllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll 111 111 111111 A Judson Wells Jr. 5 INGLETON CIR KENNETT SQUARE, PA 19348-2000 *****AUTO Ilullllunlnllllullllllllnllluullllulllulllllllllnll Gordon Phifer & James Erfurdt 15875 DOUBLE EAGLE DR MORRISON, CO 80465-9637 *****AUTO Ilnllllnnllllnllllullmlllullulllnlllulllllnllulll A W Hoppa 4030 S WILLOW WAY DENVER, CO 80237-1711 *****AUTO IIuldlnnllduldLllLnIIIJnIImId1111JuIduJ111 Hugh Blevins Jr. & Rosemary Crisco 2155 S OWENS CT LAKEWOOD, CO 80227-1909 *****AUTO 1I1111II1111illlllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllll Hugh Blevins Jr. & Rosemary Crisco 2155 S OWENS CT LAKEWOOD, CO 80227-1909 *****AUTO 16dJIumIJnLIInIunIII111mLILIJJIdIdIllLld OAK HILL APARTMENTS LTD 143 UNION BLVD #550 LAKEWOOD, CO 80228-1827 *****AUTO Ill lllllllll ll llllllllllllllllll 111 111 1111111 llllllllllltlllll Thomas Baird & Dorothy Baird 2100 WILLOW LN LAKEWOOD, CO 80215-1025 i *****AUTO Illl 111 ll llllllltlllll ll 1111111 111 11111 1111111 111 1111 ll 1111111 Joseph Malaney PO BOX 2047 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80034-2047 *****AUTO IIIILILIIILIIIJII/IILILJIILIIIIILIILIIdIddlLllll Bemazd McNulty Jr. & Elaine McNulty 3915 HOYT CT WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-4223 ***"`*AUTO Ilnlllluullllullllnllullllallulllulllulllllullulll A W Hoppa 4030 S WILLOW WAY DENVER, CO 80237-1711 *****AUTO IInIJLunLInIId111L1111111J11JI11JI1JIJllldmll A W Hoppa 4030 S WILLOW WAY DENVER, CO 80237-17 1 1 *****AUTO IIullllnn1111uIdLuLulllllnllnllllullllnlllnll111 Hugh J Blevins & Rosemary Crisco 2155 S OWENS CT LAKEWOOD, CO 80227-1909 *****AUTO ILIIdIudluunllnlL111111111L1111111111111LIdIIL111 James Dieckman & Gerald Benson 2111 S KITTREDGE WAY AURORA, CO 80013-1113 *****AUTO llllululllnllllullnllllulllnulllullllllullluulllll LIFE CENTRE MINISTRIES PO BOX 33 OAKLEY, KS 67748-0033 *****AUTO 111111 lllllllllllllll l/llllllllllllllllllliilllll llllllll 11111 Janet Canfield 4135 AMMONS ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-4441 *****AUTo IInllllnulllluldllllulnlntllinlllnllullllluulull Walter Buecher & Bazbara Buecher 810 S FIELD ST .,AKEWOOD, CO 80226-4111 *****AUTO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIII A Judson Wells Jr. 5 INGLETON CIR KENNETT SQUARE, PA 19348-2000 *****AUTO IInI111nulullllu11111111u111uuII1lulllull11111IIn1I Gordon Phifer & lames Erfurdt 15875 DOUBLE EAGLE DR MORRISON, CO 80465-9637 *****AUTO IIuIIIIuuIIIIuII11u11n111Iu11ulllulllulllllullnlll A W Hoppa 4030 S WILLOW WAY DENVER, CO 80237-1711 *****AUTO ILIIIIIuudllnlllLulnllllllullulllludllulllnlldl Hugh Blevins Jr. & Rosemary Crisco 2155 S OWENS CT LAKEWOOD, CO 80227-1909 *****AUTO ILJIILnnIJuLIIn11nJIIJuILIdd111LLdJulLll Hugh Blevins Jr. & Rosemary Crisco 2155 S OWENS CT LAKEWOOD, CO 80227-1909 *****AUTO IIIdJInu11d111dInLn111Ld1111dLIdILJIJL111111 OAK HILL APARTMENTS LTD 143 UNION BLVD #550 LAKEWOOD, CO 80228-1827 *****AUTO ILIIIILauLIn111dIL111111111111Lldllllllllllunll111 Thomas Baird & Dorothy Baird 2100 WILLOW LN LAKEWOOD, CO 80215-1025 *****AUTO IIIIIJIuJIuoJLdIJ11LIIlunlulloJIL1111ooJ111 Joseph Malaney PO BOX 2047 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80034-2047 *****AUTO IIIIIIIIIIIIII It1111111II11111I11I111/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIII Bemazd McNulty Jr. & Elaine McNulty 3915 HOYT CT WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-4223 *****AUTO IIuI111uu1LInII11u11u11Ilu1LuIIn11L1IIIILulnlll A W Hoppa 4030 S WILLOW WAY DENVER, CO 80237-1711 *****AUTO ILddLnuLLdLlnJudII1111ndInIIInIIJIuILull A W Hoppa 4030 S WILLOW WAY DENVER, CO 80237-1711 *****AUTO IInLILnuIJ11LILuludllJnllnILL11LInIIInJdI Hugh J Blevins & Rosemary Crisco 2155 S OWENS CT LAKEWOOD, CO 80227-1909 *****AUTO IInIJLuILu11JInIInuIIlldLnllnlln111Lnllllull James Dieclcman & Gerald Benson 2111 S KITTREDGE WAY AURORA, CO 80013-1113 *****AUTO II Ilululll1nI111111uI111ulllun111nIII11Iu111uu1I111 LIFE CENTRE MINISTRIES PO BOX 33 OAKLEY, KS 67748-0033 *****AUTO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Janet Canfield 4135 AMMONS ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-4441 *****AUTO Iluldluillnu~IluJlnlluuldin11n11~luJJ~I~nIJI Richazd Martin & Evelyn Martin 7375 W 33RD AVE 9VHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6213 *****AUTO IIu1dluJlunJluJlnlluuldlulduluddJ~luIJJ Jim & Robin Veraldi 7425 W 33RD AVE ' WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6288 *****AUTO IInI~IImIluuJludlulluuldu~lldduil~ld~luldil Leroy & Shavaun Ruterbories 7525 W 33RD AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6215 *****AUTO IIuIJI~i~ILunIL~dLJInnLLnIILLJuLILnILnI Douglas Ingenthrone 7380 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6219 *****AUTO IIuldluilluuJLullulluuldul~lllndlunl~lnulll Mickey Kendrick & Cazol Kendrick 7405 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6220 *****AUTO IIuIJIuJ1~nulluJlullnnlJnli111~nuIJiIJJJuI Jonathan & Jennifer Harris 7425 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6220 *****AUTO Iluldludl~uull~nllullnul~InlJllunl~luldullul Dennis Gallegos 7455 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6220 *****AUTO II~~LII~~~II~~~~~IL~JLJI~~~~LI~dJII~~~LJ~dd~~~lld Errol Snyder 7485 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6220 *****AUTO IInIdInJIunJIuJInIlnnldnldlnd~6Jlluu661 Ty Storey 7340 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6227 *****AUTO IIuIJIudIunJludlnllnuliluldillulJnilJnllul Tom & Kristin Rankin 7395 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6226 *****AUTO IIuldlndlnuJlmllnlluulJlnlduldlndu~IJJ~I Theodore Cole III 7407 W 33RD AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6288 *****AUTO IIuIJIndInuJluJlnllnnLlLJJnLLnLlddLnl Rogene Burcham 7475 W 33RD AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6288 *****AUTO Ilulillu~llmulliullull~ml~lu~llil~l~luil~lil~lluil Laurn Buck 7575 W 33RD AVE WHEAT RIDGE; CO 80033-6215 *****AUTO IIuIdIuJluudlndlulluulJuldudlllndl~wldil Robert Eckhazdt 7400 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6221 *****AUTO IInIdIu~IlundlnJlnllnulJulJ~nllu1~I11uuiIIJ Anne Brinkman 7420 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6221 *****AUTO IIuldludluuJluillulluulJnldu~IlJulllnnnlll Ann Resler & Lloyd Resler 7440 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6221 *****AUTO IIuldlndluuJludlullnnlJulduJldlulludJul Perry Wykoff & Arlene Wykoff 7460 W 34TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6221 *****AUTO ILd~II~~JI~~~~JI~~JI~~II~~~dJ~J~II~~d~~Ildi~~~dLJ William Albert Donaldson 7330 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6227 *****AUTO IInIJImIInuJIuJlolluu61n1iI1mIildJlnnlull Edwazd Goll 7350 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6227 *****AUTO IIuldludluudlnJLJInnIJuld6dululdddJul Grace Clazk 7445 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6228 *****AUTO IIu111Iu11Inu111ulllullnulllnl111nInIullnlllnlU Tonya Payne & Adeline Lukosi 7447 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6228 *****AUTO ILddII1111111111L111111111111LI11111111LILLJJILJJ Walter Schreibman 7455 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6228 *****AUTO IIuIJIndlnndLnllnllnnlJI1LIIJnLuIIIn111nJ Danny Newens & Carla Newens 7470 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6229 *****AUTO IIt1i1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII James Rutherford & Diane Rutherford 7507 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6230 *****AUTO 16dJIudLn1111nJInIInnLInlldlnJm6LluJld Chazles Le Ray Ingenthrone 7575 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6230 -- *ss**AUTO ILJJLuILmdInJLJuLII1111noILInJIdJldull Eldon Campbell & Gladys Campbell 3415 WADSWORTH BLVD WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-4606 *****AUTO IIIILILoIL1oJL11111JLo1Ll111LIIIIIIJdILoIIoJ Howazd Hanson & Karen Hanson 3420 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6251 n ~~ *****AUTO IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIt~I111II11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Melvin & Louise Vanburen 7450 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6229 *****AUTO ILIIIIIn1IInn1lLullnlluullLlllllllnlllullnnnlll Melvin & Louise Vanburen 7460 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6229 *****AUTO ILIIJIudLnnllnJlnlLuILLJInnIIILuIInuLJI Mazlin Wineberg & Joy Mary Wineberg 7500 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6231 ssr**AUTO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Willard Myers & Elaine Myers 7535 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6230 *****AUTO IInIlIInIllnulllulllulluulllullllllllllullulnlllll David Sun 7608 W 35TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6115 *****AUTO IIIILIIIIdInInIL1111nIInIdILLdldolnLJdwLll George Sabell & Lucille Sabell 3385 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6249 *****AUTO IIuIIIIuIIIunIIIuIIInIIunI1111111IIunllllllllul611 John Burgess & Marianne Burgess 3425 WEBSTER ST WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-6250 ~ rrf~ftTAZTZ 1~fTt-~Trr~T~ -~TrITf'IT T'~T~TrrT~'ri~"r~-Tr T~1'r~fTt~rnl ~rr~~~'~1Tr~~Tt'A TTT~T~~rn"~ V ~ III _ _ _. ~ _Vy '; ~ w 3Y~,~i ~--= _ ~~/- 3Y ~~ ~U~_ _-- _ _ -- ~1-- ~'~ o-v~ i _ -_ -: ~~, <<~; ~!' ,4 ,E ---- ------ - ---- - - - -- ~~ - - - - .A _ `; - - - - _ -- ~, -~ ,~ -- - - iii __ - ~s-~o_ .__.cU 3 s~ __ ~7 -- __ - - - ;~ _ l~n4x/E9t-~ /m- ~uTl~~.~~U,C~p....._ _.--75D_7 r~c.~. 3s'~ ./QUE..,--------- .. _ i!I/~i21S~nC ~ ~'rnlz~ .~~l~Inl . ~395_Gc.?~ 35~-`' ~_.-- G - _____ _.._____IIL~ _ - -... __ _.. _. - ___. -.. __ _.__ -. _ .. .,-.__. __ _ _- ~~~ _ _. _ The City Di ~1Vheat Ridge ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Department of Planning and Development 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge,-CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Circ e Applicant Ronald C. Luke Add_Tess 1n74A -Essk .r r;dd'~hone ~gq_gqS1 Englewood, CD 80111 - Owner A. and L. Investments AddreS'S p_n. Bnx 11461 Phone 534-3112 Denver CO BD211 LOCdtiOn Of regUESt_Wadswor_th_Blvd & 35th Ave. Wheatridge GD. .... _ _ _. _ Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change o£ zone or zone conditions ~ Variance/Waiver x Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit ^ Flood plain speoiai-exception Conditional use permit- ^ Interpretation of code Temporary use/building permit ^ Zone line modification Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation - 8 Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final Solid waste landfill/ ^ ** See attached procedural guide mineral extraction germit - for specific requirements.- ^ Other Detailed Description of-request Outline Development Plan and Final Ravalnnman} Plan R~pliCat10R5 - List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property; as owner,.mortgagee, lessee; optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Pasquale-J.. LoSasso P.D. Box 1.1481 Denver CD 80211 534-3112 p=~^~ial D_ A;e11a P.O. Box 11481 Denver C- 802-11 534-3112 I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I' am acting with the knowledge and onsent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requ s'~ed action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other-than owners u b t ower-o£-attorney £rom the owner which approved of this act' ~ ~ alf. Signature of Applicant. ' Subscribed and sworn to me this 5th day of June 1g 97 ~I ' - Notary Public SEAL - - My commission-expires July 18, 2000 Date Received (~-~-~~ Receipt No.CCSU~ Case No. - -- Co~~z~© Ci?Y uF iJHE;=i it1>:~uE !- [tlu fY!"!nLU C LUkE 'f'~'~a i.-~Nil'~~~ Ak~LSC!;tIUN t 144^. Vl' „MULt;? fc[ Cu - , 10•.1, ;; Ii=~ i nL ;I-i'! uF s;Pc'E~~T ki!?GE '(JI'dALD v L'UE E iiECEI"T NO:i:U032?G y?tIUN? ~SG:G F~4~ ZutdltJG Af'FL'SCAl iUt4 f F'n~iiEN? RE%ES'JEil "ra (01 I~ " vii ~:0~ rti) Form No. 1342 (CO-87) °~ Security Title Guaranty Co. The Title Insurance Commitment is a legal contract between you and the company. It is issued to show the basis on which we will issue aTitle Insurance Policy to you. The Policy will insure you against certain risks to the land title, subject to the limitations shown in the Policy. The Company will give you a sample of the Policy form, if you ask. The Commitment is based on the land title as of the Commitment Date. Any changes in the land title or the transaction may affect the Commitment and the Policy. The Commitment is subject to its Requirements, Exceptions and Conditions. _ THIS INFORMATION IS NOT PART OFTHETITLE INSURANCE COMMITMENT. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page AGREEMENT TO ISSUE POLICY t SCHEDULER 1. Commitment Date 2 2. Policies to be Issued, Amounts and Proposed Insureds 2 3. Interest in the Land and Owner 2 4. Description of the Land 2 SCHEDULE B-1 -Requirements 3 SCHEDULE B-2 -Exceptions 4 CONDITIONS other side 1 YOU SHOULD READ THE COMMITMENT VERY CAREFULLY. If you have any questions about the Commitment, please contact the issuing office. CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS (a) "Mortgage" means mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument. (b) "Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice of matters affecting the title according to the state law where the land is located. 2. LATER DEFECTS The Exceptions inSchedule B -Section 2 may be amended to show any defects, liens or encumbrances that appear for the first time in public records or are created or attached between the Commitment Date and the date on which all of the Requirements of ScheduleB-Sectionl aremet.Weshallhavenoliability to you because of this amendment. 3. EXISTING DEFECTS If anydefects, liens orencumbrances existing atCommitment Date are not shown in Schedule B, we may amend Schedule B to show them. If we do amend Schedule B to show these defects, liens or encum- brances, weshall be liabletoyouaccording to Paragraph4 below unlessyou knewof this information and did not tell us about it in writing. 4. LIMITATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our only obligation is to issue to you the Policy referred to in this Commitment, when you have met its Requirements. Ifwe haveanyliabilitytoyouforany lossyou incurbecause of an errorin thisCommitment, our liability will be limited to youractual losscaused byyour relying on thisCommitmentwhenyou acted in good faith to: comply with the Requirements shown in Schedule B -Section 1 or eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B -Section 2. We shall not be liable for more than the PolicyAmount shown in Schedule A of thisCommitment and our liability is subject to the terms of the Policy form to be issued to you. 5. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Anyclaim, whetheror not based on negligence, which you may have against us concerning the title to the land must be based on this Commitment and is subject to its terms `a ~ " -~-: Form No. 1343(CO.87) AITA Plain Lan0ua0e Commitment COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED SY SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY agent for FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AGREEMENT TO ISSUE POLICY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, referred to In this Commitment as the Company, th roug h its agent, SecurityTitle Guaranty Company, referred to in th is Agreement as the Agent, agrees to issue a policy to you according to the terms of this Commitment. When we show the policy amount and your name as the proposed insured in Schedule A, this Commitment becomes effective as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A If the Requirements shown in this Commitment have not been met within six months after the Commitment date, our obligation underthis Commitment will end. Also our obligation under this Commit- mentwill end when the Policy is issued and then our obligation to you will be under the Policy. Our obligation under this Commitment is limited by the following: The Provisions in Schedule A The Requirements in Schedule B-1. The Exceptions in Schedule &2. The Conditions on the other side of this page 1. This Commitment is not valid without SCHEDULE A and Sections t and 2 of SCHEDULE B. First American Title Insurance Company BY~ PRESIDENT BY ~~~ G, 3~,~...~, SECRETARY 6Y ~~~ ~~ COUNTERSIGNED I~ `t~~LE INSGggr, .F x ." ~' c _ v v ,- '. SEPTEME_ft 24. a d~ '• 1968 : ~ ~ • *! 1,1+t~CQ(If {i~`~~4~1 CONDITIONS i . _~..: . r DEFINITIONS (a) "Mortgage" means mortgage, deed of trust or other secur(ty instrument (b) "Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice of matters affecting fhe title according to the state law where the land is located. 2. LATER DEFECTS The Exceptions inSchedule B -Section 2 may be amended to show anydefects, liens or encumbrances that appear for the first time in public records or are created or attached between the Commitment Date and the date on which all of the Requirements ofSchedule B-Section 1 are met We shall have no liability to you because of Yhis amendment 3. EXISTING DEFECTS If anydefects, liens orencumbrances existing at Commitment Date are notshown in Schedule B, we may amend Schedule B to show them. If we do amend Schedule B to show these defects, liens or encum- brances, weshall beliable toyou according to Paragraph 4 below unlessyou knew of this information and did not tell us about it in writing. 4. LIMITATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our only obligation is to issue to you the Policy referred to in this Commitment, when you have met its Requirements.lf we haveanyliabilitytoyouforany lossyou incurbecause of an errorin thisCommitment, our liability will be limited to your actual losscaused byyour relying on this Commitment when you acted in good faith to: . comply with the Requirements shown in Schedule B -Section 1 or eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B -Section 2. We shall not be liable for more than the PolicyAmount shown in ScheduleA of thisCommitment and our liability is subject to the terms of the Policy form to be issued to you. 5. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Anyclaim, whetherornot based on negligence, which you mayhaveagainst us concerning the title tothe land must be based on this Commitment and is subject to its terms SECURITY TITLE GU~NTY CO. 5995 Cfreenwood Plaza Blvd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-4710, (303) 220-9999 i COMiVIITMENT SCHEDULE A Commitment No: W067155A96-5 1. Commitment Date: May 16, 1997 at 8:00 A. M. EIeA W06;155A96 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: Policy Amount (a) Owners Policy - Proposed Insured: $ 90,D00.00 R. C. Luke Holdings, inc., a Colorado Corporation 3. Fee Simple interest in the land described in this Commitment is owned, at the Commitment Data by: A and L Investments 4. The land referred to in this Commitment 3s described as follows: Parcel 1: The South 95 feet of the West 95 feet of the East 470 feet of the West 36 rods of the North 13 1/3 rods of the South 80 rods of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Parcel 2: That part of the NWl/4 of the NW1/4 of the SW1/4 of the NEl/4 of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of said NE1/4, 80 rods North of the SW corner thereof; thence East along the North line of the SW1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section, 219 feet; thence South, parallel to the West line of said SW1/4 of -- the NE1/4, a distance of 125 feet; thence West, parallel to said North line, 95 feet; thence South, parallel to said West line, 95 feet to the South line of property, described in Book 483 at Page 91; thence West along the said South line, 124 feet to the West line of said SW1/4 of the NE1/4; thence North along said West line to the Point of Beginning, except the North 30 feet --Continued PREMIUM: Owner's Policy $ 712.00 Tax Certificate $ 20.00 05/28/97 19:43:47 ve CN1166 crrcocn _ _ 05/28/97 19:43:53 ve CN1166 Ties wos;tssgve ' •8chedul® A - Legal Description~ntinued Order No. WO67155A96-5 thereof, except that part described in instrument recorded in Book 1194 at Page 487; County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. _ __ (for informational purposes only) 3470 Wadsworth/vacant .05/28/97 19:43:50 ve CN1166 _ _ ~ Flea wosr~ssnss Form fNo., 1344-B1 (C0; 88) ~ • AL'SA .Plain' Language Commitment SCHEDULB 8 - Section 1 Order No. WO67155A96-5 Requirements The following requirements must be met: (a) Pay the agreed amounts for the interest in the land and/or for the mortgage to be insured. ib) Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. (c) Obtain a certificate of taxes due from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent. (d) The following documents satisfactory to us must be signed,. delivered and recorded: - __ - 1. Warranty Deed sufficient to convey the fee simple estate or interest in the land described or referred to herein, to the Proposed Insured, Schedule A, Item 2A. 2. Certificate of Incorporation, Certificate of Authority or Limited Partnership Agreement, as certified by the Colorado Secretary of State, or Trade Name Affidavit whichever is appropriate for A and L Investments. NOTE: This requirement is necessary due to the fact that the Company has not been advised as to the nature of business organization of A and L Investments. NOTE: IF THE SALES PRICE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY EXCEEDS $100,OD0.00 THE SELLER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE DISCLOSURE OR WITHHOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S. 39-22-604.5 (NONRESIDENT WITHHOLDING). .05/28/97 19:43:51 ve CN1166 • Form No., 1344-B2 (CO-88)~ ALTA .Plaixi Language Commitment Order No. W067155A96-5 SCHEDL7LE 8 - Section 2 Exceptions flle# W067155A96 Any policy we issue will have the following exceptions unless they are taken care of to our satisfaction: 1. Taxes and Assessments not certified to the Treasurer's Office. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof: 3. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the land would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes, assessments and unredeemed tax sales. 7. Terms of Ordinance No. 147, Series of 1973 recorded June 4, 1987 at Reception No. 87073707. 8. An easement for overhead power lines, as disclosed by ALTA Survey No. 6935260.1 dated April 8, 1997 prepared by Herbert R. Linn. ;05/28/97 19:43:49 ve CN11~ • ~ NOTICB TO PROSPECTIVE OWNERS (A STATEMENT MP.DE AS REQUIRED BY COLORADO INSURANCE REGULATION) 6AP PROTECTION FileA W067166A96 When this Company conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing the legal documents resulting from the transaction, the Company shall be responsible for all matters which appear on the record prior to such time of recording or filing. NECRANIC'S LIEN PROTECTION If you are a buyer of a single family residence you may request mechanic's lien coverage to be issued on your policy of insurance. If the property being purchased has not been the subject of construction, improvements or repair in the last six months prior to the date of this commitment the requirements will be payment of the appropriate premium and the completion of an Affidavit and Indemnity by the seller. If the property being purchased was constructed, improved or repaired within six months prior to the date of this commitment the requirements may involve disclosure of certain financial information, payment of premiums, and indemnity, among others. The general requirements stated above are subject to the revision and approval of the Company. SPECIAL TA%ING DISTRICT NOTICE (A Notice Given In Conformity With Section 10-11-122 C.R.S.) The subject land may be located in a special taxing district; a certificate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the county treasurer or- the county treasurer's authorized agent; and information regarding special districts. and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the board of county commissioners, the county clerk and recorder, or the county assessor. Security Title Guaranty 5995 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111-4710 (303) 220-9999 D& L I V 8 R Y T R A N S M I T T A L DATE: MAY 28, 1997 ORDER NO.: W067155A96 PROP. ADDR.: 3470 Wadsworth/vacant, Colorado OWNER/BUYER: R. C. Luke Holdings, inc., a Colorado Corporation PLEASE DELIVER TO THE CUSTOMERS LISTED BELOW: T0: Security Title Guaranty Company 1333 W 120th Ave #200 Westminster, CO 80234 452-2989 fax: 451-5105 ATTN: Cindey Hawke N0. OF COPIES: 1 TO: Real Estate Services 2000 E 12th Avenue Denver, CO 80206 ATTN: Donald Saavedra NO. OF COPIES: 2 - -------------------------------------- T0: Bank of America -- 6900 Westcliff 3rd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89128 ATTN: Marion N0. OE CO S: 1 ------ ------------------------- TO• Patrick Nook & Co. 9250 E. Costilla Ave. #440 Englewood Co 80112 TN: Patrick Nook ***MAIL*** . OF COPIES: 01 -- -- T0: ~ ~~ ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: ATTN: M NO. OF--COPIES: ------------------------------ ~ T0: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: THE ABOVE SS A LIST OF CLIENTS THE ATTACHED MATERIALS HAVE BEEN DELIVERED TO. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THESE MATERIALS, PLEASE CONTACT SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY CO. AT THE ABOVE PHONE NUMBER. - - PLEASE REVIEW THE ENCLOSED MATERIAL CAREFULLY, TAILING NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECEIVED: DATE: _ TIME ~~~~ ~O ,~ G~\~~O ~~ TO: Keller Williams 9035 Wadsworth Pkwy Westminster Co 80021 ATTN: George Rotola D NO. OF COPIES: 2 D T0: State Beauty Supply 9025 W 44th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ATTN: Ronald Luke D N0. OF COPIES: 1 - D TO: Boatright and Ripp 4315 Wadsworth Wheatridge, CO 80033 _. 423-7131 ATTN: Gerald E. Boatright M N0. OF COPIES: 1 D T0: File# W06l155A96 POWER OF ATTORNEY (LIMITED) A=& L Investments,Owner KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, [hat [.Fas`otlale J LoSasso and Pasoual D, Aiello , of the pity and County of Denver ,State of , Colorad0 ,reposing special trust city of , of the '_,Y;,ea#__&i dge Couny' and confidence in Ronal d C LUke of ,teffer5on _ ,State of Colorado ,have made, constituted and appointed. and by these presen[s ~___, ~ r [ ,t, my true and lawful do make, constitute and appoint the said - attorney to act forme and in my name, place and stead, and for my sole use and benefit, with full power and authority to do and perform each and every act necessary, as fully as I might do if personally present, to accomplish andcomplete the following act or transaction to wit: t0 appear on record and represent Owner i n the rezone , Outline Development Plan, Final Development Plan and Plat of our real property (vacant land-approx. 38,000 square feet) SEC West 35th Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, Colorado. This Power of Attorney shall expire September 15, 1997. "This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by disability of the principal. ~t~ ~'~'~"~r~~~ai ~4~'F~~,l ~an~~~~~ ~~'~~~`~~ 1y15Sh~ ~~~~;~ ~~ ~~~~{~~Y "This Power of Attorney shalt automatically expire by its own terms upon completion of the limited purpose set forth above. EXECUTED this ~~~ day of June , 19 97 -:, _ - A and L Investments ~ . asqua a J. a o, Principal asqu D. Aiello, ~'rincipal STATE OF fnlnrado 1 1 ss. County of flantrPr The foregoing instrument uas acknowledged before me this /TH day of 'nna -. • -'y_~ •_ Pasquale J. LoSasso b~,Pasgual D Aiello ,the Principals Ig ~ __ ~ ~ ~~ Witness m} hand and official seal. ~,,,,,, -. _' `~ - Donald J, Saave - . My commission expires: November 26, 1998 _ *$¢ikC ~CCOLdNf SO I:1CI. Aycnc No. 34L. Rev. 3-92. rowea oe arroeneti' (L[m[76D) (DUx,+st.o) a.,nr ,d Fnhricnine. 1,43 wazee $[.. Denver. CO 80202 -(303) 292-2500 - t?-95 -I:. STATE OF County of SS. ,19 Being of lawful'age, the undersigned hereby affirms that on the day of (s)he had no knowledge of the revocation or termination of the Power of Attorney by death, disabiiity or incompetence of the principal. *Strike vchzrz applimMz according to foci. ~ _ r ~ - T - _. .. ~--.. ~-..; _g Subscribed and sworn on before me this by My commission expires Witness my hand and official seal. I9 19 COLORADO REVISED STATUTES 15-14-501. When power of attorney not affected by disabilih•. (I) Whenevt a principal designates another his attorney-in-tact or agent by a power attotrnry shall beco a effective ptonghe disability f the principal. Wor ima lar words show ng the intent of ahe prin~rpaltthatthe authority confe[red shall pno ipal notwith trandingl [e hdi anti Ity tortincapact ytof the principal t law or later[ uncettaintylasto wh her~he principa ~~ dead oreaGvc~The obHga[ion which the princ pal has or after acquires rye sting to the prin opal or any matter~transactionWOr property. real or personal, tangible or iota Bible, including but not limited to the power to consent to or approve on behalf of the principal any medical or other professional care, counsel, treatment, or attorney-in--fact olreagemC1h wever, lis subject to the same limitations imposed[upon eoun app intedtguardians contained mdse ~tionhl5~t431 (q(a). Additionally, the principal may expressly empower his attomry-in-fact or agent to renounce and disclaim interests and powers, to make gifts, in trust or disaebdiry~ortncomp tenor or unecrrainty as to whMher the prin pal is dead or alive have the ame eeffectd inure to the benefit of and b d the prin opal or his heirs, devisees, and personal representatives as if the principal were alive, competent, and not disabled. If a guardian or conservator thereafter rs i g~thre principal's personal care or account loathe conservat [r on~rnatterstconorn ng the pnntc pal's financial atTairs. rThehconservatorhos the same power ithrel tes to fi ancial mat ers Subject to anylimbtla doorOn ~mpeie~ of the guazdian's powers or duties secforth in the orde Pof appointment and endors d relates to ma[[ers~co¢cernirng the principal's personal care that therpnncipal wou d have had f the princitpalwere ntotedisabled or ineompetengency as it (2) An affidavit, executed by the attorney-in-fat or agent, st deaUt is, in the absence of fraud, eonclusv erpgoof of the nontermi anon of the apower at .,,»..,r L.,..wtedoe of the termination ofthe power of attorney by _^.,.a.. i rn men[ which isrecordable, the affidavit when authenticated for record is Z p, I W O H d' ,.~/1 W W w The death, disability, or i. i-14-501, does not revoke ., n. inrmm~etenCe Of the ice of any principal who ate the agenty as to the acts in good faith under ~. devisees, and personal attorney Be •s. fidavit, executed by the attorney-in-fact or agent, stating that he dia~ok 1, di abilttg ormtncompetence is n the absence of fraud, conclusive :dge of the revocation or termination of the power of attorney by ronrevocation or nontermination of the power at that time. If the exercise of the power requires execution and delivery of any instrument rdable, the affidavit when authenticated for record is likewise recordable. rers of attorney executed for real estate and other purposes, pursuant to law, shall be deemed valid until revoked as provided in the terms of attorney or as provided by law. Other powers of attorney ¢ot revoked until notice of death or rasa a power of attorney in writin&wtthout actual k owledge o~lheodea ct, agent, or other person who, or a ncy AnY atron so taken, unless otherwise invalid or O 0 Q ~i a O t1a Q O .~'. C 7 0 u c )r ~ . 7 .~ a+ s T .~ w N U T .n N day of id U w 0 T C: b 0 V N O w b w 3 0 0 a ~ C o b U ~ ^~ O N .~ b 0 z 0 .~ U N O z a o~ d9 N w 7500 West 29th Avenue • Th•'ty of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ~ZBllt Telephone 303/ 237-6944 RlllgB - June 12, 7997 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval ofa rezoning from Residential- Two to Planned Commercial Development approval of an outline development plan and Rnalplan and lam at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and arty comments on this proposal would be appreciated by April I4. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASENO: WZ-97-8/Luke LOCATION.' 3470 Wadsworth ~~~~ REQUESTED ACTION: Rzoning from R-2 to PCD, approval of an outline development plan and frnal plan and plat. PURPOSE: Construction ofa 7800 square foot commercial structure.. APPROXIMATE AREA: .67 acres of laud area 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES `~ NO. !f "NO'; please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO ~ If "NO ", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO. If "NO ", please explain below. __ 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES ~' NO If "NO ", please explain below. SFL ~rT~9Ci/~17 5. Are there any concerns or problems you agency has identifred which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION.• X X X X X X Water District (Wheat Ridge) Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Adjacent City O Public Service Co. US West Communications State Lane Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife X TCI of Colorado Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X Denver Water Board X WHEAT RIDGE Post Off ce X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X Public Works Dept. X WHEAT RIDCE Park & Rec Commission WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division "The Carnation City" u~~~ ~u ^, ~~.~C- ' 7500 Wesf 29th Avenue • The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Rldge June 12, 1997 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request forgpproval ofa rezoning from Residential- Two to Planned Commercial DevelopJlr ent approval own outline development plan and final plan and olat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and arty comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ri114 ~. No response from you by this date will constitute no objectiorts or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ97-8/Luke LOCATION: 3470 Waasx~orth REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning from R-2 to PCD, approval of an outline development plan and final plan and plat. PURPOSE: Construction ofa 7800 square foot commercial structure.. APPROXIMATE AREA: .67 acres of land area 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES /`~ NO If "NO ", please explain below. 2. Are service Iines available to the development? YES NO If "NO ", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES /NO If "NO ", please explain below. 4. Can and will Your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES ~-% NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems you agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: titeredith Reckert Department ofPlanning & Development DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Wheat Ridge) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Adjacent City () X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State Lane Use Commission State Geological Survey X Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. OJWildlife X TCI of Colorado Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X Denver Water Board X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office _ X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X Public Works Dept. X WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division "The Carnation City " ~_ .. '~ MEMORANDUM TO Meredith Reckert Planning and Development FROM Deri Patt J(/~, _~ ~~~ Police Department d ~ Jyg, SUBJECT Case No: WZ -97-8/Luke ' DATE June 23, 1997 I have reviewed the plans for the above listed site. I have the following recommendations: LANDSCAPE: 1. All mature trees to be trimmed of branches up 6'-8' from the ground to allow for natural visual observation from surrounding areas to the parking lots and building. 2. All shrubs and bushes mature height to not exceed 36". This height reduces the risk of persons hiding. It also allows for natural visual observation onto the property both for the parking lot and building. 3. Plants/landscape immediately next to the building should be low-growing ground cover, not to exceed 18" mature height to allow for maximum natural visual observation and eliminate concealment for potential offenders. 4. There should be minimal landscaping immediately next to parking areas and sidewalks. Landscaping near vehicles and pedestrian areas often raises the perception of criminal activity. 5. Ground cover should not include rock material. Rocks can be used to break windows in the buildings and cars. 6. The proposed evergreen trees on the north side should be eliminated. As the trees mature, a traffic hazard may be created by obstructing the view when exiting the property onto W 35 Ave. BUILDINGS: 1. The building finish should be with an anti-graffiti paint or sealant. These types of paints and sealant allow easier clean up of any vandalism involving paint and paint-type products. 2. A viewer should be mounted in each of the three employee doors (the two on the north side of the building and the one leading onto the deck). This is provide a measure of security for employees prior to opening the doors. 3. From the site plan, it is not possible to review the interior layout of the building for any crime prevention recommendations. FENCING: 1. A fence on the south side should not be constructed of solid material. Any solid privacy fencing/walls should be avoided as they provide cover and concealment, raising the potential for criminal activity to occur and the fear of crime. Fences should be constructed of material or in a manner that allow s for observation through. Material or a design such as wrought iron provides visibility and discourages and prevents climbing over. 2. Fencing should be sealed or finished with an anti-graffiti paint/sealant to aid in the ease of clean up. 3. The proposed evergreen trees may provide an adequate visual break for the neighbors while allowing for their natural observation onto the property as a deferent to crime. SITE: 1. During construction, the property should be clearly posted with "No Trespassing" signs. This may help deter trespasses, and allow the Police Department to cite offenders with the crime along with any others offenses that may be committed by trespassers. LIGHTING: 1. Exterior lighting around the buildings and in parking lots should be a minimum of 1.5 candle minimum maintained. This will provide for brightly lit areas that discourages criminal activity due to the illusion/perception of observation and recognition. 2. The two employee doors on the north side of the building should have lighting mounted above the door. From these plans, I have no further recommendations at this time. Revisions in the plans, may alter my recommendations. While my recommendations do not guarantee acrime-free environment, it has been experienced that application of the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) will reduce the opportunity for crime to occur and will enhance the quality of life. Thank o Deri DENVER VVATE~ 1600 Wes[ 12th Avenue • Denver, Colorado 80254 Phone (303) 628-6000 • Fax No. (303) 628-6199 June 17, 1997 Meredith Reckert Department of Planning and Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 JUIU 1 ~ 1997 Re: Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke Deaz Ms. Reckert: The above referenced project is located within the Contract Service Area Boundaries of the Wheat Ridge Water District, Master Meter Distributor No. 32. This project is eligible to receive water service subject to compliance with the Operating Rules, Engineering Standazds and Chazges of both the Wheat Ridge Water District and Denver Water. Questions on the District's requirements for water service should be directed to the District's Manager, Walt Pettit, at 424-2844. Questions concerning Denver Water's requirements for service should be directed to me at 628-61°" Sincerely, ~~~ James F. Culligan Distributor Services Supervisor JFCIrma N:\WP\7PC\RECKERT.14 ~~ IIII I~IIIAII ~~ CONSERVE - - MEMORANDUM . Approved Date TOe Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer DATE: June 19, 1997 - SIIBJ: State Beauty Supply, 3470 Wadsworth Blvd., WZ-97-8/Luke The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated June 12, 1997 and has the following comments: 1. A final drainage report-has been submitted and is. currently in the review process. 2. The Wadsworth Blvd. street .construction plans submitted-will need to be reviewed and approved by CDOT. A copy of the state's written approval of these plans will be required. 3. We will need a 5-foot wide right-of-way dedication on West 34th Avenue, and a 25-wide right-of-way dedication for - Wadsworth Blvd. 4. We will need street construction plan and profiles for those. public improvements that will be required along the West 34th Avenue and West 35th Avenue frontages. 5. We will need a completed Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due, submitted for review and approval. Please be aware that in conjunction with this permit, and erosion- control plan may need to be submitted for review and approval. 6. An acceptable form of guarantee (letter of credit, escrow check) will need to be submitted for the cost of those public• improvements to be constructed only within city right-of-way as determined by the consulting civil engineer's itemized cost estimate. 7. We will need a plat of the proposed site for review and approval. cc: Jack Hurst, Interim Planning & Development Director Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer- John McGuire, City Surveyor File 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/ 237-6944 June 12, 1997 Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for anoroval ofa rezonine from Residential- Two to Planned Commercial Development apnraval o~an outline development nlan and final plan and plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and arty comments on this proposal would be appreciated by r'114 _ 1997. No response from you_by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-97-8/Luke LOCATION: 3470 Wadsworth REQUESTED ACTION.• Rzoning fro»t R-2 to PCD, approval of an outline development plan and final plan and plat. PURPOSE: Construction ofa 7800 square foot commercial structure.. APPROXIMATE AREA: .67 acres of land area I. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO . If "NO ", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO . If "NO ", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO. If "NO ", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development s ubject to your rules and regulations? YES ND If "NO", please explain befaw. 5. Are there any concerns or problems you agency has identifed val ofthis request? p pro which would or should affect a / ~ ~ ~~~Lc~; x°-7.0-17 Please reply to: Meredith Reckert & Develo ment artment of Plannin De ._ t"~Gt^- ~ Lv~FP~ ~ tti/Z p g p , ; DISTRIB UTION.• X TCI of Colorado X Water District (YVheat Ridge) Jeffco Health Department X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) Jeffco Schools X Fire District (A'heat Ridge) Jeffco Commissioners Adjacent City () X Denver Water Board X Public Service Co. X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X US West Communicatioru X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department State Lane Use Commission X Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey X WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X Colorado Dept. Of Transportation WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division Colorado Div. Of Wildlife X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division Tl:e City of Wheat "The Carnation City" UJ~~flT ~IDG~ ~I~~ ~~Dj~CTIDD DISI~IC1 P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 (303) 424-7323 June 20, 1997 To: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge Re: WZ-97-8/Luke 3470 Wadsworth Rezoning & construction of a 7800 square foot commercial building Dear Meredith, After a review of the proposed request for this project, I am requesting the following issues be addressed by the developer prior to any action by the Planning Commission or City Council: 1. The turn radius for emergency equipment to enter the property and access the front of the building is inadequate. Turn radius needs to be expanded. 2. There are no fire hydrants on 34 Ave and 35 Ave that can be used for fire fighting purposes. 2 fire hydrants will be required for this project, one on 34 Ave, and one on 35 Ave. The water available to the site is less than the require 1500 G.P.M. as established by the Uniform Fire Code, 1991 Edition, therefore, the building will require a complete fire sprinkler system to be installed. This will also require a complete addressable fire alarm system that will be required to be monitored by an outside agency on a 24 hour basis. 3. The building will require aKnox-Box that must be in place prior to occupancy. 4. There maybe additional issues not addressed at this time that will be addressed as the need arises. Should there be any questions or concerns regarding this project, the developer is welcome to contact this office at 424-7323 to set an appointment to discuss the issues. Respectfully, / ...~-- Dave Roberts Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District • ! STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region G ~ OT 2000 South Holly Slreel ~ Denver, Colorado 80222 ~ ~ June 30, 1997 ,~ `~~!/~` City of Wheat Ridge ``~`wG~ ~~ ~~9~ Dept. of Community Development ~`~ 7500 W. 29th Ave. ~'~. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ATTN: Meredith Reckert RE: WZ-97-S/LUKE, STATE BEAUTY SUPPLY FDP, 3470 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD (SH121) The Colorado Department of Transportation has reviewed the proposed Final Development Plan for the State Beauty Supply and we have the following comments: 1. The right-of--way dedication should be more specific. Reference should be made such as,by future subdivision plat or by separate deed or document. 2. The corner curbs at -34th and 35th and Wadsworth should show handicap ramp installation per State Standards. 3. Typical section should be revised to reflect a "2 foot flat area" on the outside of the sidewalk along State Highway 121 before the 4:1 slope starts. 4. Size and type of inlet should be shown on the plans for the inlet on the 35th and Wadsworth intersection. 5. The striping plan should be revised to start the deceleration channelizer at mid-block with dashes prior to that as per Colorado Department of Transportation standards. 6. The plan is acceptable with the above exceptions. If you have any questions, please contact me at 757-9886. Sincerely, ~^` ~ ~~ CC: L. Warner .~ ~"d ~~~1,;~-~ L. LiPP K. Harding Gary E. Prentiss Ref File (SH 121) R-6 Access/Utility Administrator rf GEP/jc gp063006 T~?f+~~/V~,SYSTEMS ~~~Z??_ COy~PO/?.4T10/V /0,~ C O N S U L T A N T S June 30, 1997 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development 7500 W. 29`" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: 3470 Wadsworth Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke Dear Ms. Reckert: This letter is in response to your request for confirmation of the availability of sanitary sewer service for the above parcel. The subject property is entirely within the boundary and service area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatmeht of sewage generated withiri the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District facilities in this area consist of a 6-inch sanitary sewer main in Wadsworth Boulevard and an 8-inch sanitary sewer main in w. 38`" Avenue. This parcel is subject to the assessment of both Wheat Ridge Sanitation District and Metro tap charges. The subdividers and/or developers may be required to extend sewer lines to their project sites and/or share in the cost of providing additional capacity to serve their projects. In addition, you should be aware that the District requires approval of plans for sewer service connections, as well as inspection of construction by the District's Engineer. If you have any questions regarding this communication, please call us at 770-7272. Very truly yours, f ~ ~~ ~~2~y7~T~ r llliam K.K. BrI~E. Engineer for the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District cc: District Office [daartyf 7800 East Union Avenue, Suife 500 • Denver, Colorado 80237 • Phone: (303) 740-8900 Fax: (303) 740-8934 ~~ ~UBDI;VI~I©~1:MEi~~J CONTACT NUMBER: ~, DATE: June 30 1997 SUBDIVISION NAME: State Beau y~ ENGINEER: - NAME: Herbert PHONE: !3031 23 (!TTY REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN 'M GUIPF REMARKS: 1: We will need 15 foot radi; at A~1D CONTACT RECORD SPDAIV K. L;nn -- 3-1016 FAX: (3031 reet infer tion ?: You may note at radii that ; m nsio ar to 10 l;nas xt ndPd 3: Totaharea shown shou~d be a'~ te dedi ;on 4: pease show property corners t o be set 5• _ 6: 7• 8• 10: ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: REMARKS: - . How contact made: person phone letter fax REPRESENTATIVE: City: Engineer: Callback 1 Date: Remark: Callback 2 Date: ___ Remark: Callback 3 Date: Remark: June 18, 1997 Ronald C. Luke 10748 East Crestridge Circle Englewood, CO 80111 Dear Mr. Luke: This letter is in reference to your submittal of an application for rezoning from R-2 to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan and final development plan and plat. I have reviewed the submittal for outline development plan and have determined that the following must be added to the plan face: 1. The title should read: "State Beauty Supply" "Outline Development Plan" "An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" "A Parcel of Land......." 2. The Ownership/Unified Control Statement should be labeled accordingly 3. Contours at 5' intervals 4. The outline plan is intended to be a concept plan. A "bubble" plan delineating major use areas (building, parking and drives and landscaping) should be shown rather than a site plan. See attached redmarks. 5. A consolidated legal description describing the boundary of the two parcels consistent with the final plan and plat is required. 6. Designate ingress/egress locations with arrows 7. Add adjacent zoning and land use 8. A list of allowed land uses 9. Surveyor's certification 10. Development standards should be revised to include the following for the proposed development only: total land area, maximum building coverage (in percentage), minimum landscaped coverage (in percentage), minimum perimeter setbacks, and maximum building height. 11. Please designate correct scale 12. Correct all typographical errors I have reviewed the submittal for final development plan (and plat) and have determined that the following must be added to the plan face or otherwise addressed: 1. The title should read "State Beauty Supply" "Final Development Plan" "An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" "A Pazcel of Land..." 2. The Ownership/LJnified Control Statements should blabeleded accordingly 3. A consolidated legal description of the boundary of the two parcels consistent with the outline plan and subdivision plat 4. Show existing right-of--way centerlines so appropriate dedications can be established. This should be consistent with the plat document. 5. Surveyor's certification 6. Please designate correct scale 7. Correct typographical errors 8. Development standards should be revised to reflect only the proposed development plan. These figures should be calculated on the site area after dedications. Right-of--way cannot be used in the landscaped coverage figures. Please list total site, building coverage, landscaped coverage, parking and drives coverage and other hard surfaces coverage. Ail of these should be in square feet and percentage of the total site. 9. The total number of parking spaces required is 22 including the handicapped space 10. The handicapped parking stall must be 16' in width and be striped appropriately. 11. In regard to the landscape plan, two additional street trees are required along Wadsworth. An additional ?trees or bushes on the property. Staff will require a berm with a DENSE buffer of trees and shrubs along the east side of the building. The missing quantities could be planted in this area. 12. The loading spaces should be ] 8' long, not 15' as shown. 13. Where aze current property lines in relation to right-of--way centerlines? A 65' half width section is required for Wadsworth. Both 34th Place and 35th Avenue require a 25' section from property to centerline. The dedications must be shown as being "dedicated by plat document". 13. The minimum required setback along West 34th Place is 30' where only 20' is being shown. This is a specific variance which Staff will not support. How should we proceed? 14. Where is the mechanical equipment for the building located? How will it be screened? 15. The following notes must be added: "All landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 26-32 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." "All exterior lighting shall be in accordance with Section 26-30(S) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." • _, Finally and most importantly, the platting document required with the fmal development plan submittal has not been included in the application documents. Your case will not be forwarded to Planning Commission without this piece in place. In regazd to the tentative Planning Commission public hearing of July 17, I will need 15 copies of the revised documents plus plat copies meeting the City's requirements to our office no later than June 25. If you feel that you cannot meet this schedule, the case will be delayed until the August 7 meeting. Agency referrals responses will be forwarded to you as they aze received by our office. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Senior Planner cc: Nook & Co Case No. WZ-97-8 i Tr~rty of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE (303) 234-5900 ~]~Th e at WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 City Admin. Fax x 234-5924 ~~-7T~11 Police Dept Far. 8 235-2949 l~ v ~~ ~e June 20, 1997 Mr. Jeff Be11en Drexel-Barrell & Co. 4840 Pearl Street,_Suite 114 Boulder, Colorado 80301-2475 Re: State Beauty Supply, 3470 Wadsworth Blvd.- First Review Comments of Final Drainage Study, Subdivision Plat, Traffic Impact Study & Wadsworth Blvd. Street Construction Plans Dear Mr. Bellen, I have__c_ompleted the first review of the above referenced documents for the State Beauty Supply Subdivision received on June 12, 1997, and have-the following comments:- Drainage Study (Discussion) Cover Paae 1. Please provide P.E.. seal and signature on the final approved report. 2. Please provide the exact address of_project. Discussion - Page 1 1. Please discuss in the appropriate section the major basin that this site is located in. 2. Please note the analyzation as'one basin as historic. 3. Please provide discussion regarding the proposed allowable 5-__ and 100 year detention pond release rates, and confirm that these rates are less than or equal to historic, rates of release. Page 2 1. Please provide more specific discussion regarding the proposed design point locations (note these as well) and the proposed conveyance of flows from the respective sub-basins. 2. Please provide the appropriate discussion confirming the existence of any flood hazard areas and drainage studied relevant to this project. ~) RECYCLED PAPER ~, i r Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrel & Co. Page 2 Note: ro riate section 1. Please provide discussion/analysis in the app p regarding the proposed capacities of West 34th and 35th Avenues. Drainage Study (Appendix A) 1. Please clarify the 5 and 10o year calculations and the, respective design points on SF-1. Apne' n~ B 1. Please provide the appropriate calculations for the 5 year storm on SF-3 as required. 2. Please provide 5-year storm calculations for sub-basin B, and note this form as "developed". Appe! n~ C .. , 1. Please provide the 5-year rate of release, for detention pond calculations. 2. Please clarify why the elevation for the proposed 100 year storm elevation and the total volume provided elevation are the same. Notes: 1. The state will need to review and approve the drainage study proposed for this project•rovidedtto theyCitythe state's approval will need to be p 2. Please provide the appropriate discussion and calculations regarding the required street analysis for West 34th and 35th Avenues. 3. Please include in this report the appropriate discussion with respect to any effects of excess storm water passage from the emergency overflow proposed. Drainage Plan (sheet 2 of 5) Sheet 1 1. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signa ure. _* Mr. Jeff Bellen - Drexel Barrell & Co. - Page 3 2. Please note all surface "types, especially those proposed .for the detention pond area. 3. Please note the existing and proposed right-of-way boundaries on both sides of the West 34th and 35th Avenue frontages. 4. Please note the location(s) of all roof drains on the proposed structure along with the direction of flow conveyance form this structure. 5. Please note the various percentages of grade throughout the site. 6. Please note the existing grades of all the public right-nf- _ ways. 7. Please provide a typical cross section detail for all four property lines in order to confirm the appropriate grading along the respective property lines. 8. Please extend the existing topography information, along the east property line, at least 50-feet to the east to confirm acceptable grading requirements in this area. 9. Please show the public improvements and applicable details (per City standards)that will be required along the West 34th and 35th Avenue frontages. 10. The proposed 18-inch storm sewer-pipe in state right-of-way needs to be included in the drainage report discussion and calculations. - 11. Please provide the appropriate dimensions and referencing as red-lined for the proposed detention pond wall. 12. Please clarify the method of flow conveyance at the northeast corner of the site with respect to how all of the proposed ----- improvements are to acceptably tie-in with the existing improvements. 13_ Please show all drainage related details on this sheet. 14. Please replace red-lined details with the. City standard details attached to the drainage plan sheet (chase section, cross-pan). i ~ Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co. Page 4 15. Please note the proposed depth and flowline elevation of the detention pond flow pan. Notes• 1. A copy the drainage plan needs to be included in the drainage report itself. _._ _ Sheet 3 of 5 1. Wadsworth Blvd. plan, profile and traffic plan will need to be submitted to state for review and approval. Copy of approved . plan will need to be submitted to City. Sheet 4 of 5 1. Please clarify location proposed for trickle channel detail submitted. 2. Please revise concrete: cross pan detail to City standard detail provided. Notes: . 1. Engineered street plan and profile. drawings will need to be submitted for those public improvements (curb, gutter 4-foot wide sidewalk and asphalt paving) along the west-34th and 35th Avenue frontages. Sheet 5 of 5 1. Typical cross section will need to be submitted for the West 34th -and 35th Avenue right-of-ways. Grading/Erosion Control Plan The required grading/erosion control plan was not submitted with this review package. Formal approval of the project can not be given until this plan has been reveiwed and approved by the City. ' West 34tH anQ We.S"L .~J Li+. riv c=,..,.. ., -~..- -------- The City will require engineered street plan and profile construction drawings (in conformance with City standards) for those public improvements (curb, gutter, 4-foot wide sidewalk and asphalt paving) needed along the frontages of_the above referenced streets. Formal approval of the project-can not be given until these plans have-been reviewed and approved by t e City. _„ Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co.- Page 5 Subdivision Plat The "Alta/AGSM Land Title Survey" submitted for this project is not an acceptable document as defined by the terms of the City's subdivision regulations. Please .submit a standard plat document for .review and-approval. Any questions related to- he plat requirements can be addressed to Mr. John. McGuire at 235-2858... Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Prior to the commencement of any onsite for Dumping/Landfill"Permit, along with submitted for review and.. approval. For submittal in the second review package, provided.' Permit- grading, an Application fees due will need to be your-information and a copy of this permit is Traffic Engineering Review A copy of the traffic impact study submitted with this review package has been forwarded to Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E. (235-2862) for review. Any comments as a result of this review will be included in the second letter of: review comments. Also, the necessary traffic review will begin upon receipt of the requested street construction plans. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Guarantee Prior to-any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the West 34th and West 35th Avenue right-of- ways, an itemized engineer's cost estimate Qf these improvements will need to be submitted for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, an acceptable form of guarantee (letter of credit,-escrow check) will need to be submitted for review and approval. Priorto any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s)_and licensing will need. to be processed with the City by the respective contractor(s). Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. e. Mr. Jeff Be11en Drexel Barrell & Co. Page 6 If ou hav any stions, please contact met at 235-2868. ___ Si c ely, M/9 Greg Knudson Development Review Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr..Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File MEMORANDUM PATRICK W. NOOK & COMPANY Republic Park One 9250 East Costilla Ave., Suite 440 Englewood, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-9880 FAX: (303) 649-9870 TO: City of Wheat Ridge Department of Planning and Development ATTENTION: Meredith Reckert FROM: Joe Wicentowich DATE: June 25, 1997 PROJECT: State Beauty Supply Project No. 96019 RE: ODP and FDP Resubmittal In response to your memo to Ron Luke dated June 18, comments as follows: 1997 the package submitted herein has addressed your Outline Development Plan Comments: 1. The title has been revised. 2. The Ownership/Unified Control Statement label has been revised. 3. Contours are indicated on the grading/drainage plan and per our discussion, would not be indicated here. 4. The site plan has been revised into a "concept" plan. 5. The legal description has been revised in conjunction with the replat document. 6. Site egress and ingress has been indicated with arrows. 7. The adjacent land uses have been indicated. 8. The proposed land use in accordance with allowable land uses has been indicated. 9. The surveyors certification has been indicated. 10. The development standards have been revised accordingly. 11. A scale designation has been indicated. 12. All typographical errors have been corrected. Final Development Plan Comments: 1. The title has been revised. 2. The Ownership/Unified Control Statement label has been revised. 3. The legal description has been revised in conjunction with the replat document. 4. The existing right-of-way centerlines have been indicated. 5. The surveyors certification has been indicated. 6. A scale designation has been indicated. 7. All typographical errors have been corrected. 8. The development standards have been revised accordingly. 9. The parking count and designation has been revised to 22 spaces. MEMORANDUM State Beauty Supply To Meredith Reckert June 25, 1997 Page 2 of 2 10. The handicapped parking stall dimensions have been revised. 11. Seven additional trees have been added to the landscape plan. Per our discussion, the bushes along the east property line will not be indicate since the 6'-0" high fence is being provided along the property line. 12. The loading space dimensions have been revised. 13. The property lines (based on the replat document) have been dimensioned relative to the right-of way centerlines. The minimum setback of the building from West 34th Place has been revised from 20' to 30'. 14. A proposed mechanical condenser pad location has been indicated. 15. The notes have been added to the drawings. Additionally, per our previous discussions, the drawings have also addressed the comments from the Fire Marshal, Dave Roberts. The comments from Public Works pertain to items specific to construction documents and not zoning issues, and have therefore not been addressed. One (1) copy of the revised grading and drainage plans have been attached for your information. The balance of all comments from Public Works will be addressed for the submittal of the permit application If there are any further questions or comments, please don't hesitate to call me. STATE BEAUTY SUPPLY DESIGN TEAM ARCHITECT Patrick W. Nook & Company Republic Park One 9250 East Costilla Ave., Suite 440 Englewood, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-9880 FAX: (303) 649-9870 Contact: Pat Nook CIVIL ENGINEER Drexel Barrell & Company 4849 Pearl East Circle, Suite 114 Boulder, Colorado 80301-2475 (303) 442-4338 FAX: (303) 442-4373 Contact: Mike Middleton ~~a~ i i I.o.W. pedication I I = •- -- I ~ n Proposed Use CApproxJ: Offtce/Retatl - 5100 sf CParktng 1/300 sf = Il spaces) Warehouse - 3200 sf CParking I/(oOO sf = 6 spaces; SHEMATIC SITE PLAN STATE BEAUTY SUPPLY Wheatridge, CO Patrick W. Nook 4 Co. 3-19-91 I ash ~I UJ. 34th ,4Y~ ,~ 30~ a~ n n i +_• -soo wesT z9TH A~?ENU~ ~ _ ~ e Cify of P.O. BOX 638 ,_ WHEAT RIDGE CO 80034-OE35 _, ,, _.-. ~3Q31 234-5900. __ R ~ TL ea* City Admin. Fas ~ 234-592 - Police Dept. Fax = 23529.79 - - V~V lil~~el POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. WZ' Q7-R PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) _- _ _ HEARING DATE: June 17, 1997 I, Donald J. Saavedra (n a m e) residing at 2000 East 12th Ave. #40 Denver, CO. 80206 , (a d d r e s s) as the applicant for Case No. WZ 97-8 hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at Thraa (3~ ei~nc nn ~rarant land parcel NF[' Wect 34th Place & Wadcwnrth R1vr1 _,-_ (1 o c a t i o n) on this 30th day of 19 yam, and do hereby certify that said sign has been .posted and remained in place for .fifteen (15) days prior_to_and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case:- The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: o aave ra NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. ~- - - - NOTICE OF PUBLIG HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the Ciryry of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMIS- SION on July 17, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The fol- lowing petitions shall be heard: 2. ~Se No L^.rZ-97-8:' An application by Ronald C. Luke for Pasquale J. LoSasso and Pasqual D. Aiello for approval of a rezoning from Residen- tial-Two to Planned Commercial Devel- opment and for approval of an outline development plan and a final develop- ment plan and plat with a variance. Said property is located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. and is legally described as follows: PARCEL /: THE SOUTH 95 FEET OF THE WEST 95 FEET OF THE EAST 470 FEET OF THE WEST 36 RODS OF THE NORTH 13-1/3 RODS OF THE SOUTH 80 RODS OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SEC- TION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, COUNTY OF'JEF- FERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID NE 1/4, 80 RODS NORTH OF THE SW CORNER THE NORTH LINE OF THE SW 1~ OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION (SIC), 219 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARALLEL _ _ TO (SIC) THE WEST LINE OF SAID ' SW 1/4 F THE NE 1/4, A DISTANCE OF 125 FEET; THENCE WEST, PAR- ALLEL TO (SIC) SAID NORTH LINE, 95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARAL- LEL TO (SIC) SAID WEST LINE, 95 FEET TOT E SOUTH LINE OF PROPERTY, DESCRIBED IN BOOK 483 AT PAGE 91; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SAID SOUTH LINE, 124 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SW 114 OF THE NE 1/4; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF, EXCEPT THAT PART DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 1194 AT PAGE 487; COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COL- ORADO. Marilyn nn by mlc Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary ATTEST: ['hrista Jones i Wanda Sang, City Clerk I Wheat Ridge Transcript 3835-97 Published June 27, 1997 ___ - ,~,. 7500 West 29th Avenue ~:i' ~' The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Ridge June 25, 1997 This is to inform you that Case No. WZ-97-8 which is a request for approval of rezoning from Residential--Two to Planned Commercial Development ap rn ova! of an outline development plan and final develonment elan and slat for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevard wall be heard by the Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:30 P.M.. on Julv I7 I997. _ All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the PLANNING COMMISSION. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City" ~.~ ^ ~^ l t RETURN RECEIPT b SERVICE Ln SENT a _n m m o- a i T: -~--1 i N r~ L~~f m m .n o- o. .~ a u'1 a _.o m RETURN RECEIPT SERVICE RETURN RECEIPT SERVICE 1 •(artr~ete kerns Tana/orziar adtllFlOrlai serv~cex '' -`~ ~ lalso wish to receive the ' Ilj snow To wRO following services (for an extra fee): ADDRE9E of DE• UP y~neme and eddreas on the reverse d this lorm io that we can return ihre card cERTIFlED FEEL ~ '~ t'~^ AddreSSee3Address • Audi qdt lorrn to ire tmnt of ins mailplece, or an the Hack rc'epace'aoes not pBrmlL ~ 2 a, O Restncted Delivery . ,. - - TOTAL GPSTAGE ,ti• 'i -- ~, _ - uo IN sue' ~~ win snow to whom tne_erncla was detl~mrea arM u,e dater ~llve~ - ,~ Consult postrnastef, for fee . r` - . 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Delivery I RECEIPT Ao~ s°s of ,~_,~ _ _ t~'~ CERTIFIED FE • ilre Ffetum Peoelpt vn119haw t0 vrfwm the ertkla was,deli~eretl and the date tlelrvered, COnsuR ppgtmaSter fdf fCe,s _ - sERVICE s Icle Addressed to - "~`~~'-: -~'~°~~"''~"„""`;° 4a Article Num[ier--;_ _ m .. 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'~' Consult postmaster for fee - CERTIFIFDFE le Addr seed ' ru sERVlce TOTU POSTA $". -, mnew~~ -- ws. aa. Article Number 3- -~ ~e, , {.-,. ..i "a+ 3R'~ b ..r+.-cis. -. -..- ...- - ~ P uT SEN"I'TO: N SHOT .~ 0 ;>.X ° ,~f'S. I •-:''s ,_ -' -'.' 963 •361t 512,.,,x.->- - ,r~.. r _• ty,`._- "'"` .~~ .. `~* 4b Service TYPe i - °' '-° ~ '-~;4~]~ 3~«=#,~t ~VB`~ ~ CERTIF.IED Ingets wit `" >`la~ R,~cfge. Colaraldq~ . `~ to 7575 ' ~ ~~ ~~~- 7. Date of Delivery, ' _ v ~Z-~ j -•;. ~ 5: Received By (AnM Name)' _~ _ ~ - - 8. Addressee's Address -_ ~_ - ~i .~.:~.:,_ (ONLY if requested and fee paid) I POSTAGE '°'^,~', ,...ter - -- - ~ - r I RETURN sROw ro ;SENDER: ~ - ~ ~ -.-+ RECEIPT ADDREGS _. Cartplete Rams J arld/or 2 for additional services. ~. _ ' - __ I aISO WISh t0 reC01Ve thB :' - - SERVICE CERTIFED "• frr{IR Y+Wr na1118 3IId 8dtl255 IXI the fetRrse Of 1hi9 fIXm 99 that Y.C Can 2fUR1 thia Wrd fallowing services (for an extra fee): - ''a raTAL PGs,'-- a sqk .- ' - _,- - ~ 1.. ^ Addressee's Address ra .. Aftetli thk form tD the front of the mailpiece, or on the back N space does not permit. Q ~~~ R IN - 2. ^ Restricted DeliJery ~.~_.- '''T SENT TO: N ' .Ti»liatvm RecePpi wai Show ro whom tna ar[ick was delivered and tnp gate aaltvared. Consult postmaster for_fea._ ------- ~ ~ $ Article Addrgssed to ~ -~ ~ - ' _ ::~ ,~. ,,, ~..-Z 4a Article Number h ~,: ~• m ) ~ ;" ~s'/k t" P 963;361 511E pUrQ?55v) ~' 4b. Service Type + _ ~ 3425 , ~;x ~ : Purgras8, 18hn S,•. ,,~ ~" 5lheac ri?~~ ` 34E5.i'ktbster ` ~ ~: a f1Z-47-8 ~ `i~fs.'~a't tt9t3t~t. Colorado .~:tC3 , , ~ CERTIFIED j -~ ~ ~+]"~ ~ ~ 7. Date of Delivery +s- / r ~J. ~- - , _._ ~...-.-,~+s - . sae v#.--- ~-r= fs A _ PS FORM 3800 - 5 Received By (Print NameJ~, - 8. Addressee's Address _- --_ _ ' ~ ~ ~ ' . ~ ~ ~ (ONLY N requested and fee paid.) ' as 811; Janti2ryt tss~! t I t i I [ f I t = { I ; t Domestld $eturn F~eceipt .: ,. i-- -.~~- - --...~~-~ „~„ ,..,.._-. ---_----- SENL,... -- .- i POSUGE ^ Complete Itertn'Y emr« 2 fo[ additarlal serNCaa _ -- I also wish to receive. the - _ ~ RETURN smw Tows - AdM y;ar ~rea~a aPa aaares. a, mo re~a9a rn tnia tam so -mat we am return m a gym, following services (for an extra fee): - ADDRESS OF - -- - _ RECEIPT b}au - q w _'. --: ~,... .. ;-° 1r ^'`AddreSSee S'AddrESS •T_ cEFrtIFIEOFEE • Attach tliti form b llta from of the me0piece, a on ttre beck i(spaca does tat permR - .- 2 ^ Restricted DeIlVery~ ~ , ~ SERVICE - _ roTn: PosTAGE '.The ReturrlReceilit wall ahbw to whom the artk9e was aal„.ered~aFa the data delveed ,;.::_Consiilt postmaster for fee '" p _ ---_~, u.._ -....~_ - u7 SENT TO: I "oT F 3 Article Addressed to->- ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~, . ~ -; ~ qy-Article Number;.' _ -'" .~-,~~.,_--~. ,, .r ~. P 9 6 3 3 61 5 -~ .~ ~ ~3 ~ n: t _. , "' Arielte avl ~Ar1 ®rtei Serra Gtykrafg ~ ab service Type ~.,--- ~- 7466 ~' ° ~ ,~' ~~: 3~th RVenss <. ""'~~ ~ , ,.. mn "~z'~°l~fte3'~`~tid5fes '' ~ CERTIFIED ~''~ ~- 4theai ~'~; g Wiorado £st~b33 ~ ,~ _- "~~~7' ~ r a WZ-S7-'. F ::, -1 --,. „_ -..t a.. A 7. Date of Uellvery~'_ T- _ SENDER:" - - _ _ ~ - ""~O"-~ - ~-~-^ • f~inplate items 1 and~or 2 r« addttioral sarvices _.. --+.., ~ /~ - - I also wish to receive N16 . t FoswGE .qym ~ ~ ~ following~prv'res{for an extra fee :;. ~ RETURN ~~ TO . b.1~ ur name arb atldrbas on tfa reverse-of this fwm so; that we can reNm this airtl ~ t ^_ fiddreSSee'S A_ ddrC39 RECEIPT ADORESR of ^ Ayjph this form b the hart of the matpieca, or on the back if space does not permit - cEPrIFIEpFE • .. 2 ^'RestrrL~fed Deliver ~- SERVICE T$^ Retum~7eceipt will show to whom the artlcle was tle6vered and Ne date delivered ~ ` ~ - "'~'. o ToTU Rosa, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~- Consult fib"stmaster for fee „_: ~ 3 le Atltlressetl to._-~ _~~-~ ~„~ to SENT TO: " ~ eoi `^ '~ . 4a Article Number' ,,,,« `C ^~ ~~~ ~ ~ekh8 rift _, -~_~~_ -" : 4b. Service Typ€-'_-~-- : - - - ~' rr 7$~U Si. 34tb'Aper-ae 1~r .- 3ab Eckh 74~1t? W. ' ~iht~t Etid9$:.Cti-?oreda" ~~ ; ~ cER7'IFIED t ~ :- , ..:..: x : ~~„ . ~' Wheat Ri ~ -'ifa ~sa~,sa~-"' ,-:,, m~~ _ _ __,.= D' ~-97-$ SENDER: -. ~ ~ - - ' ~- -~ -~ ~ ~ ~ - 1 also wish to receive=tfie .comdete henna t ararwztor addiuonel servrcesw, s,,,. ;: __*r4,: following services (for an extra feej; Y Prim your-name end address on the reverse d this form so that wa can xeturrl this card ,,,1z• I>~AddreSSee s AddfeSS: ' I -' ^^- • pitach ihis,iam b the front:aLttre malipacei or on the beck H space daps not permd °- 2 ^ -Restricted Delivery°,~ - i POSTAGE y ~ - "~"`°" i RETURN ssow To • Tfa ~!'"' Receipt wll snow is when tfre article, was delivered end iha date delivered -' Consult postmaster for fee :_ RECEIPT aooRESS o a,Arpcle Atl ressed ,y t$ -"°-'4~ ' ~ ~'° ga=Article Number',::' '~` -'~~""`~~~~ CERPFIEOF r~yy. ..,`7~`~'k ~~ pffi'S'E -71"N~ .iz' '' ~ _ ~ SERVICE ~-=~-<- .~ ~._ ~,-.~,,~.P _:~-~ -- P 9 6 3 s 3 61 _5 U 2~,. _- rorA~POST e+ r r 'p ~ r+M>'; 1 I _ t jc -' _ ~ _ _ H 4b. Service Type"`- - ~ u'I SENT TO: s -. ,h... `Y A- .- -- _ _ j[yr s. ptQ. i?f5X 12$$3; .~ w : ~ C p E UNNY r^ ~~.#~»ve~" ~olara~s 8fi21I `~;'~ r :.:t~-+.r- w ;R vti t q ,.t, s x 7. Date of ~ ~ P ~ ~•L ~ 5 Received By: (Print Nave) '~'~" ""~ - „~~_ -~ 8. Addr ~ 'sl.Ad s ~ -f Denr,.r'. - ~ ~~ _ _ - - - (ONL rre d ~ id) _ 1 SENDER: -. - ' °-"~ ~ 4 ~ - - - ~ ~ - I also wish to receive the ~ - ~ ~~ ~' , .ter ~ ^~ T . carplata rtems t anaror z far addinonaCservices ~ ~ - following serufces (for. an,extra fee) - ~~ i ~'-~ • r_name and addms's_on the reverse of this form so that we can rebm ihrs card _ ~ ^ Addressees AddrESS F I POSTAGE ~' ' I RETURN - snow TO • Attadh this tam b the fmm of iM mailpiece, ar on the back if space does rot pemnH `' ~ 2 ^ ~ FtestflCted Delivery RECEIPT AopRESE •'the Fkturn fleceat unit show fe wham the aNde was deLVSretl and the date deirvered OOnSUIt pOSimaStef fOr fee, _ SERVICE cERTIFIEp 3 Artcle Addressed tom - ---;~-''` ,,,,,,,,.,,,; -~,~"', 4E4 Article Number_ ~ _ ~ > ~Q M1 o TOTAL Pos - .,c ~ .q,-,.~° ':;'•--...-..>' ~ ~.- .~;~...- _.. , P . 9 6 3 3 61 7 ~ 7 r r' SENT TC: " ' , .,. ~ ~' ,= . 4ak• }?•i13 Apartrr+ents Lid: _ , 4b. Service Type ` .~ ~ 34=15 tdads~rth 8ivd ~-~ m flak Hull ~diit;3t:;Ri~ge; CUT4rad0 +J33 CERTIFIED m 3445 lac ' ' ~ LIZ-~7-3 y. Date of Delive !~ - ~ Wheat R'i~ /v 2 ~ l WZ-Y7-G ~ - -' - ~ 8. Addressee's'Address , - a ~ 5. Received By (Print Name) - - (ONLY if requested.and fee paid.) PS FORM 3800 6. Signatur- Ad 'r see or A ~ ) ', R~ ,._ ~ ~ - ~ ~ _ ~ ~ -- E . x .... j PS FORIvt 3 1. , 9 rlUary i'1998 t t i t t t t 1 ! t t t t poin`esttc Ref,Jr`rt Receipt , f .. .. ~. . ,- ,,- ,. ~~ II _.- POSTAGE SEN .~ - ~ a'~ - =~,~~] Aso wish To receive,the _"~ I ^, RETURN sFlOw row>,om •~^!P~a ner~ie{iandr«zroraaClti ~~ -,~ >~ sefylces(fo~an extra fee) I RECEIPT Aooaess«Oe ~ pI.I~,~rr~ame anwU~eddress%t,~ __ - CEFTIFlEDFEE to YOa "FS ~+r:~'~ Addressees Address ~ SEAVICE •Apa~this bon to the fiarRO lhamaliprece;Woo the 6a3c1rspace oes mt Pe Restricted DeliSery,,.,~.~~ O TDTaN POSTAfiE • n-,e PetluoAaoalpE X171 snow to wwm tl _"ankie was del~read ar~i th'e d`a`ta aeln~a},''4 , ~~s~ ~n'sul~pastmaster.fof fee, - u7 SENT TO: NDT Fo I e- - '^T r" '' *~ 4a.. Article Number~y,R~,.~,~? ~ _ ,~ 4b Servlce Type;._ I ~' Jatt~s F M ~ ~-",,,`ri~ ~ tiC Cti1"~i~lc ti;}s~ } ~, -~~ '' r ~ 7550 W. ~~~h . ~ ~ _ ~ ~ CERTIFIED ' ~' Wheat Rid ' { Q- kZ-97-$ ~~ x "*'~.' e r A a ~ . 7*D~C~" rD' e~llve ry_ p'~~~ ~ =Y ' ' tI ~. i ,3 ,~.f q?!x~. .+°.,"{F1SP`'~a4 -~~ .3: b" / '.-'/ _ - ~~ ii _ ocrnoyn3soa~ SENDER:. -~~" - _{ ,~, IalsoWishtoreceme-the - I ~_` PGs E • CanPlete Imms 1 and/« 2 far atltlnnrv.,~°1t'-`..~'~'., .. ~~ing services (for an extra fee) J I I I i ~ a print your name and atlEress on the reverse of tNS_mrm so that we can realm this card- - ' I y > RETURN a"oI E95 o to ~' "` ~ ~- ":: -- ~ - -- - ~.~ 1 ^_Addressee's Address ._'f- RECEIPT • Atmph this f«m m the jr`ant of the marfprece; oror on the back if space does not permit .. 2 ^ F?estncted Deliverer '"i I GERIIFIED FE ~ ~ ~ - .~..1 7 ~ SERVICE - • The Remm Receipt will show m whom the artwm was delivered antl the data delivered _' - '~ . , (',p'nSUIt pOStmaater fOr fee _; Q TOTAL POSTA _ -IN u 3.Artlce AddressEd to'-- - -r--v~ r __"~r'~,''Y's"'"° _ 4a-Article NUmbef;' '~ I ~ SENT TO: --- - ND ~°'Y-~`;; ~-`a tea nfx~ t '` -"'~ ., ''( r-l -- ~.} Nf }w y. 11 t .: + ~ i - . ~ ~.. y..., ., ,.r _: 4 ~~ ) 4b ;Service Type .-- _' m r iCr'ittL'Ftt azu1:F~fileta 88ni~itt" •. I:ri st i sr ~ 9$ ; 1d, "Lit' AVIe. • , m ~,.~ CERTIFIED - ~ 73 t i WhZ~~- Rit3ge. f~torado .~ ~' Whet3t ;i ~. ~ ~~'~ ~ '~ 7 Date of Delivery.' _ ~.~,_ ~~ ,. 5RBCei4edBy (PrmtNameJ ~ '~" "" 8 AddresseesAddress„ ~ ~ -- "- .. "".'''_"_`.~...'__- - ENDERi"":"""'"''`""""..:.._ .. ~.~a' 1 also wish to.~Cecely - - PosuGE . Compete ttema f andfcr z r« additlelmr services -" - -- a follov~~g~services Cfor aii ," RETURN SAaw TO • yart'narre erW adtleess on the reverse of this Corm so wa een re urtt this card' r ~ y ' ADDRESS .. ~ -~ ~ ^ Addressees Ad' RECEIPT -^'~" a ' .r sc _ _ -- _,,,g SEP.VICE cERnFlED Is rm tot the mallpiecF, or on the beck if space doea twipemnlt ~Pf ^~2es_t~~ted Deliv Tout Pos r - loin Receipt von snow to whom ihs article was dehvaretl arM the dam delivered :. Consult postmaster. for.fee O ~„/^` tr't SENT TO: -" ~ ~ le A~ddresto -~ rs ~±t ~ 4a- Article Ntarnbe% __. ~ ~ - ,a - ,. -;5~ mom., '~~~`P 963361 SpS -° '~ x" ~'v~Ci$.. ~!]~~`" ': '' 4b. Service Type _-~ _ _. rr' Jae '"F 1 ~ ~h A .-~ n 7W~1y~..=_,~ s~ ~~Ri . ~larada ~ ; - ? $ ~ CERTIFIED ~ ~ .n a '- .~` .ay - rr WZ-~~-~ x .' _ r ~I ~ .r -~ ` ` "f' = 7. Date of DeliJe~{ ~ ~ ~ - _ U~.~ :.~~ _~ t3 `` ~ a i~`a ---i -- - -- - roceo ~' -AArV _ ~ -.~ - ., :.. _ °' = -- _ .~ .._..,._~..._ _" ENDER: _ - - - ___ _ __. ~° t,a:„. -~ I also wish to receive the~Fw,_,.~I ~ POSTAGE •Cmglem items ~ endi« 2 r« aadmona~ services. .. - -- - -` following services (for an extr~fee}~,. I RETURN show ro i RaiC'yow name and address on the reverie aF this roan so that we'.~iS return iha card- _ ~ g..... : RECEIPT AnoPESS q yap -__ _ ~ . __ - _..{ _ - _ _ __. , _ ~ 1. ^ Addressee's Address.,, ~, CERrIFlED . Adec~i this mrm to the front d the mallplece, or on the back n apace doss not permit 2 ^ Restricted Delivery ~ Iti SERVICE ~a-r - - - -- --- - - - ~~ l '"'TOTAL PO • The Return Recel writ show to whan the artlde was delivered and the tlate delivered ~~ ConSUlf pO5tma5ter fOr fee O ! Lo SENT TO: ' x /++'~le Addressed to =~ - -- , ~ ~ ''' ~" ~ 4a. Article Number._ . ~ u,._. m S '~, r-.: ~'.. _ .' ~ ~ ~ 46. Service TYPe .. .. _ . I _Ryan'.~ggeltan, ~ ~ 7~2L ?,I lg -'r 7~2€3:1J. 3Rtri`,A~. ~ CERTIFIED ~` tiheait Ridge,,. Culora3o E-,, ' ~ Wht"E: v " '°~` ~° ~.: ~;`~~!~ - " 7. Date of De' - - - ' S Received By. (PrinCNameJ ~_.°: ~ ~ '~ ' -~ ~ ' - S. Addre ' -Address -_.: _.: - - ~ -"., `~...:`~''~~ ~~~ _.. ,. ' .. ~ (ONLY Tf requested and fee paidl --._ ~ PS FORM 3800 Ti ` _ a_ - -= s ..... _ _ .. 6. Ski / elute: (Ad see or AgeMJ PS FORM 11 f ,tan ary 1~ fir i t t I i i- (t t o i l t l I:forrt~stiG Reftirn receipt r - ( . );., ._, .--. ~.._ _. - SE, R ROSTAGE • complete came r andiw`z ror addlnonei services -' ~~ ' ~ I also wlsh to7edelve the - ~' 1 sl+cw ro ~ __ -' - ~- foflowmg'servlces (for an e_ ~ __cfra fee); I f ri ~ RETURN ~ Rtn! your name arM etltlress on the revena of thie farm so lhet xe can rebm Ihis cored - ~ g.. ADDRESS OF b yell RECEIPT ~ = m 1 x;^CAddreSSees /idd2SS cERtIFIEO FE • Attaoll lhlsJOrm b tFS from of the ma0pleca ar on the back Hspace dQeanot permk - - ! sERVICE -- - _ f 2 ^Ftestncted Delivery _ C` TOTAL Fosr ' ~ Thor Aetum RecalPt will show b whom the arhde was deltvered antl tFe date dallvered - ^ 7^ - - v- IN u _ Addre ~ -- ..»«,.• ~_ ~,.- Consult postmaster for fee ' .~ SENT 70: • -•, ta~~sr,x rf , " +' "~'" r e f e 4a. Article Number -'- ~ ..~ "' Sohn `.3' ~" ~1~Rr A I . 4b. Service Type ~, m CAesraf:It. ~~ Autcflbptfve';Grot~f~ ~; ~ ~~`~ 1 > 3765 ~adsY~4Ptfl ~ivdi .~ ~ ~ `CERTIFIED' ~`-^~ ' i ~ 376 ~. tA~it dt,~: CoinraciQ { ~~f ~ - y ~C+W3~ f .,~_-.vim ` 7. Date of Delaaiv,e~ry// ~* .;,, ,~..;';~ M , • CgrlpleN Items T and/dr 2 for addklonal services - ~ I aISO WISh t0 reCeiVe ine ` - -- ~-~-3~ - ;~* ~ " following servloes (for an fee' ~ ttlayeur name end address oR the reverse of Nls form so that xe can return this CeM - -- d•ig' I FosTACE E.,...~ -.,, _. ~ •~ -. , . 1. ^~~AddresseesAd ss~ ' - I RETURN SHOW TO •.RitarYitha form to iha front of the mallplece, or on the back d ~~ - ' ~ - ~- ~ r 'fir ADDRESS - spacedoaaratpermlc ," ~ - 2:' ^, RestnctedDeliJe ~.~ RECEIPT DERnRED '~?heFiaturn Receipt will show to when the article was delivered and the data tlelrvered_~ ,- C.onSUt pOStmastef fof fee~:~;;;; SERVICE ~ 3 /IrtICl911tldreaaetl to ~. _ rfs-' e ww= s rOTUP z'+-`• v' s~-'^ N~' ,-~~ ~"~ 4aArticle Number, P~_.- . o SENT TO; -=T ~ '`'`t '"", P 963._361_7~~~ - ~d~i-~ £-`--_ - ~ ,~ n~id ~ tukE ~;•-.~ r' ' . 46. Service Type""''` - _ _ "' WZ•9i-~ 3fS7$~'ESS~- CYeStC1r~ ~~,( m i<anal ;-r ~ Circie CERTIFIED ..---- - Jd. iewood £oiorado, ~'f12i 7. Date Delivery 6. Engi c 1J ,5: R®d'elved B"~( ~' Name) __ 8. Address ~'s Address ~ ,r} -_ - _ SENDER -_- .~.....,.... .+.a:-c_~^m..wur~w,r~,..,.,s~,. ..-a• »~~."'F '. CorrPble keme 7 era/or 2 ror addrcrorlal servroes, r _ _~ _„~., - - ^ '~ _ ~ I also_wish to receive the ~ `_ PS FORM 3800 --~ypur name aea'adares, on ua reverse or thle rorrn'ao Naf°wa aan rebm tnls ra,a_: following services (for an extra fee): - { - --.-. --~-- ~ _ _=~--..--~-^...f.,F,.- ~1 R Addressee s"Adtlress ~- I Ihls form to thefiorlt of the inaiblede or an the back k space does nbYpertnlb s ' Q ^-Restrcted DelNery , I^ PosTAGE •~~um Receipt will show fo wfrorn the ankle was tlelilrered seal the tlate'delrvared "- ' y RETURN - M••y,; ~ COrISUI[ postmaster for fee ~ 1 Ao~RES 3. :Addressed -~,.-~ RECEIPT 1~k ~, '9 - °='S' -c k . ~. _v~.~.-. ' - - _ E~ cERrl IE r ~"~~ ~~'~,,, ~i ~ ~4a Article Number_ ,. -- ~, o ssavlcE ,.', ~4s ~, ~ , ^ - P 9 6 3 :; 3 61 5 2{ll~~'- TOTPLP ,,,,,,}4 _S~~ .- INn SENT TO: " iii `i9..~ ~iUtiSOtt .IY'. ;1"1}S CBS'tr;'~ 4b' Service Type _ , . , '- ar a ;` ~i~gTaton:Ctr. 6roc2; .~ tr ~ ~ *~ ~ ~ CERTIFIED ~ - ~ ~e i 3 ,. 1 ~T't '~'~97 ~~' ~ ' ~ .. . 7. D to of nelPrerv ~ : ~.~-._-' d I9~-:v.SENDER: - _ I also wish to receive ~'he'er ~ _ • Complete items 7 antl/or 2 for additional sarvfces. (•i~• ~ i - ~ - - '- ' - ~ following services (for an ex rya fee) ~-. • Prkd }aur name arM address on the reverse of this farm so Na[ we can rebm Nis card _~ ,tz5• rto yoa~. _ _.,.,. _ . .: -_. -__ ...._ .-... _ ~ 1: ^ Addressee's-Add2ss - _ _ ~ ^ ~SFQR~3$99 . AltsdNhU form b the tmnt of the mailpie<9, or on the back it spores does rat permit ' ' 2. ^ Restricted Delivery "" I ~ . the ~tilrn Jiecelpt will show b whom the orrice was del'Iveretl and the date dalNered. _ Consult postmaster for fee. ` _~_ ~~- I Posu 3 Addressed to__ r -_ - - - --_ 4a, grticle Number - ' --- ~,_ 5- - - sRaw F-~°- - - -_ __. _ ,: . _ I RECEIPT A°° ~"~~'~,.~.j =: .. _-. -' - ' _ - - - - P ~ 9 6 3 - 3 61 ~ 7 0 6 - - _ „p sERVICE TOTAL -c r~ - ~ ` - ~ - 4b. Service T e - - ~ ~ ; D1as>~ and Jiff Bother€olyd_ ; SENT TO: f 5 '•~M _' 75ii7 k#. Stith BYO.. CERTIFIED ~ ! : iJtleat fitMi9e, Cainrado X33 m ~ '- j$'Z..g7 ~ ~ _ ~ . ~. 7. Date of Delivery ' m Liana ~ ~ ~ , .., ,_ ,~ X507 ~ 5 ReceivedBy:(PrintName) n~~'"' - ~~ S. Addressee's Address -.-. - _-- a" Wheat ( _ . tl IO`/ _ - ', ~ (ONLY rt requested and /ee pafd.) a WZ-97 -- - _ _ _ _ 6. Signatu (Addressee or Age - - - - --- - -- -- w ~ "- - _. - PS FORM 3800-~,PSF Rtg1~8t1T,iJ~r~113@~~'"~~i 4'~i:,~''~`~t'~-tl'['il;'~1't"D~lestiCR~t~Ir~l~Receipt-- ;1-- < - .~ SENDER .•. - _~ -, ,-• - -~-__ ~ --~-_ I _.,_,_~.~..-.- -- .. ~ -..~„~. --:-~-r~IIa; r~~«~ ~ `. I alsq.wfsh to receive the -- _ I . panwlete ite'mv t aM/orz ro~ eddobral s~ ,y. - ' 'to116wmg'services {for an extra feet- ( RETURN • IcdM your, name and address on the revao[-ol Mis farm~su tlist we can return Mis cartl _ ~ - -- )f sr, tpyq, - -~.-1. ^'Addressee'sAddress RECEIPT ~ CE • Attach this fdm tc, iha fmrR Ci the meilpleee,-« on me back rc space does roe,perm~t, a - 2. ~ ^ Restricted Delivery:. _ i N SERVICE TO . tr,s getum Peceipt will show to whom fine artlcle xaa derwred and ure date derrvered; :.., Consuk postmaster for'fee ~ -- ~~ _ # a '~grllc#a Ad~ess ay,.~s,,,,, ,- 4a. Article Number ;~~ -_.~_ ~ t~ SENT TO: ~a , ~, ~~' '+z:r< ~ '.` ~ c f~ ~ M a~ ~' q 4s-. .~ 6p ~ r i .n ' ++" ir,r11 ~ ~! _ s ° ~a _ 4b. Service Type' : ~- _ -. ._ fn `~~f I' kYa l~r S~~JPQ# - ~, Hatt ~' 7A~~ ~t '3ath. Av@. ~ ~ CERTIFIED =~° 7455 ~ f3heet Rid>~8, GS'loTaciB X33 ' , e" 7. Date of Delivery rhea :_ i3Z" ~7~ 8::. R>, ,, _.~_l/,,4 _ a ~tZ-9 , :, 6 Received By (Pn erne) r _ 8. Addressee's Address --____ _ --. . ~~'- ~. - ., ~ ~ (ONLYrf regdested and fee pald.) '~ PS FORM 380 •"""~ "` -- :, ..x _- , _. __.__.. 6. 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Service Type : _ _ `" YtZ-97 ~-~ dfc~:,~>ti.,tt'anst !}g1'ot~i$ ~ 8a1rd ~ .«. ~,~tt2~r 1.ri° ~ ~ FIED r _ € ~y~yg~y ~ C03J ~ _,'c.~~~y14Qds~~1#U!"11~i7'~ ~4~ ,h~ ~ to LOUt Laken ~` 5 Receved By (Prin_ CNamel ~ '~ ~ ~ ,y ~ (~ 8. sse Addre ~ ~, ~~',.~.,. if, ste tee pald.)_ _:. _ PS FORM 3800 > ~ ~ .,.. '11~~`„I O~ a 6. Slgnattire (Addressee oc Agents , r~~i X , PS POR ~~ 8 ~1{ Jzriuary` tH9fi- i t t. # t `-mot ~ c.t f ~, _ # a a + Dourest Return Receipt =ad q~ ~`,a ~ _ fta ." $~ ,~ 's' ~5 V CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: PLANNING COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: July 17, 1997 DATE PREPARED: June .~30, 1997 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-97-8/Luke CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Rezoning and final from R-2 to PCD, and approval of an outline and final plan and plat. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3470 Wadsworth NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Ronald C. Luke 10748 E. Crestridge Circle Englewood, CO 80111 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): A & L Investments P.O. Box 11481 Denver, CO 80211 APPROXIMATE AREA:.78 acre PRESENT ZONING: R-2 PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N, S, E: R-2; W: RC-1, R-3 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: vacant; S, E: low density residential; W: church, high density residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: low density residential DATE PUBLISHED: June 27, 1997 DATE POSTED: July 3, 1997 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: June 25, 1997 RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: {X) ATTACHED ()NONE ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE () SLIDES (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS p OTHER JURISDICTION: _____ ~-~ The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a rezoning of property at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevard from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development, for approval of an outline development plan and a final development plan and plat. II. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on April 1, 1997. Those persons attending included the following: Meredith Reckert (staff) Joe Wicentowich (applicant) Patrick Nook. (applicant) Ron Luke (applicant) Don Saavedra (applicant) Bob Eckhardt - 7400 W. 34th Avenue Howard Hanson - 3400 Webster Street Chazles Ingenthrone - 7575 W. 35th Avenue Joe Malaney - 7510 W. 35th Avenue Marlin Timberg - 7500 W. 35th Avenue John Burgess - 3425 Webster Street Marianne Burgess - 3425 Webster Street Diane Rutherford - 7507 W. 35th Avenue Tim Rutherford - 7507 W. 35th Avenue Kristin Rankin - 7395 W: 35th Avenue Emilee Rankin - 7395 W. 35th Avenue Mel Van Buren - 7450 W. 35th Avenue Louise Van Buren - 7450 W. 35th Avenue Walt Schreibman - 7455 W. 35th Avenue James McCormick - 7550 W. 34th Avenue Ryan Eggelton - 7420 W. 34th Avenue The following issues were discussed: What improvements will be required for Wadsworth? Will construction of an acceUdecel lane be required? Whether there is the potential for a traffic signal at W. 35th Avenue Drainage on the property and in the neighborhood to the east Storm sewer project taking place this summer on 34th Place and Webster -could the developer tie-in? Potential connection of Webster between W. 34th Place and 35th Avenue • • Planning Division Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke Potential for the intensification of uses if the proposed owner sells the property Proposed signage Proposed exterior lighting Whether fill dirt will be placed Will any hazardous materials be used and then disposed? Legal protest provisions What.types of vehicles will be making pick-ups and deliveries? Whether the property which currently zoned R-2 is still appropriate for residential use? Attached under Exhibit `A' are letters received regazding the request. III. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The applicant is requesting zoning and development plan approval to build a facility specializing in the retail and wholesale sales of beauty products. According to the owner, two-thirds of the sales aze wholesale in nature with the remaining one-third being retail sales to licensed cosmetologists only. The general public will not be able to buy products from this facility. Occasional evening classes will be held for product use instruction. Based on the use as described above, this business has very low traffic volumes generating about 50 vehicle trips per day. Staff is concerned that other typical retail uses allowed in the C-1 zone district would seriously increase traffic to and from the site, resulting in a negative impact to the neighborhood. For this reason, Staff is recommending that the proposed use be the only use allowed on the outline development plan. Therefore, if and when the property is sold and the use were to change, the buyer would have to receive approval for the new use allowing potential impact to the neighborhood to be analyzed through a public hearing process. The statement of allowed use should be amended to limit use of this property to this specific proposal. General guidelines for development include maximum building coverage of 24.5%, minimum landscaped area of 36.3 %. For the minimum perimeter setbacks, the front setback should be 50', side setbacks adjacent to r-o-w should be 30' and the rear setback should be 20'. Under "Proposed Architectural Character", the second sentence should read "The building should be single story in height, NOT TO EXCEED 25 FEET". Staff concludes that all requirements for a Planned Commercial Development outline development plan have been met. IV. CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning. In accordance with Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, See. 26-6(C.), before a change of zone is approved, the applicant shall show and City Council shall find: i ~ Planning Division Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke 1. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Development plan future land use map designates that this property should be used for low density residential development. The proposed rezoning would be cleazly inconsistent with this designation. 2. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The property in question is surrounded on two sides, the south and the east, by low density residential . development. Adjacent land use to the west is a church zoned RC-1 with vacant land zoned Planned Commercial Development to the northwest and an apartment complex with R-3 zoning to the southwest. Abutting the property to the north is vacant land zoned R-2 with a high density multi-family project further to the north. The closest commercial property north of this site is an office building approximately 450' away at the intersection of Wadsworth and W. 36th Avenue. _To the south, the closest commercial property is an office building located just north of the Wadsworth/32nd Avenue intersection with a separation of 750" from the subject site. If this proposal is approved, it will be the first commercial development within this stretch on the east side of Wadsworth. There aze development constraints such as access and limited visibility which could complicate future rezonings to the north and especially to the south, and provide a basis for denial. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change off zone. There are no social or recreational benefits which would be derived from commercial development of this property. The developer's business is currently located in Wheat Ridge, therefore, no "new money" will be brought into the City. Further, since the type of sales will be primarily wholesale in nature, there will not be a lot of sales tax revenue generated, therefore, Staff concludes that there will not be resulting economic gain. There could be physical benefits derived based on the fact that an "eyesore" property will be developed and the noise and visual buffering the structure could provide for residents to the east. 4. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All agencies can serve the property with improvements constructed at the developer's expense. Planning Division Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke 5. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. Since the property is undeveloped, there will be an increase in traffic in the area, however, the proposed use is a very low traffic generator when compared to other types of commercial development. The applicant has estimated that this business generates roughly 50 trips per day, including deliveries by UPS- size trucks once per week. There will be limited semi-truck traffic to and from the property. If the proposal is approved, this is a condition which should be placed on both the outline and final plan face. The developer will be responsible for the construction of public improvements along Wadsworth including construction of an accel/decel lane and curb, gutter and sidewalk. Based on industry recognized standards, a typical residence generates 10-12 vehicle trips per day. The construction of four units on the property (two duplexes) would result in from 40 - 48 vehicle trips per day. There are historic drainage problems in the area, due to the elevation of Wadsworth in relation to properties to the east. A drainage report has been reviewed which has determined that there will be less storm water released from the property than historic flows. There will be a small reduction in the amount of light and air as the structure is only 24' in height. This is consistent with the height of a two- story house. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. Under current zoning conditions, two duplexes could be built on the property, however, Staff questions the desirability of residential use at this location. Wadsworth Boulevard is classified as a Major Regional Arterial and is one of the most heavily traveled comdors in the metro area.with an average daily traffic count of 36,000 vehicles per day (1995 count). The fact that the property has been mazketed for sale for over ten yeazs and has had no viable offers for residential development supports the conclusion that the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. There is commercial zoning in the vicinity (across the street) and fixrther to the north and south which would mean that spot zoning is not a concern. 8. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives.l. It is impossible for Staff to ascertain whether there is a void in the market for buildings with the specific .~ i • Planning Division Staff Report Page 6 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke user in mind at this type of location. In regazd to the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning request, Staff has concluded that the proposal is inconsistent with the low density classification on the Comprehensive plan and that commercial development generally would not be compatible with adjacent residential development which abuts the site on two sides. However, Staff has also concluded that there aze conditions in the azea which have changed due to the continual increase of traffic on Wadsworth Blvd. which has lessened the desirability of the property for residential development. If the property is to be used commercially, this is one of the lowest impact uses it could be. V. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN A final development plan has been submitted which is consistent with the Outline Development Plan. Sole access is from West 35th Avenue with parking along Wadsworth Blvd. Vehicles exiting the property will not be allowed to turn right to travel east on West 35th Avenue. Staff recommends a mountable "porkchop" be installed to further restrict this type of turning movement. Building size is 7136 square feet (24.5% coverage) with landscaped coverage and pazking/hazd surfaced coverage at 36.3 % and 39.2%, respectively. The rear setback which abuts a single family residence is 20' wide with a landscaped buffer incorporating a mix of evergreens and deciduous trees and a six foot high solid fence. The building being proposed is residential in style with a peaked roof and height not to exceed 26' . Architectural materials include stucco or wood siding with stone veneer accents. One freestanding monument sign is being shown which reflects the materials used on the building. Total sign face squaze footage is 32 square feet which is well below the allowed area of 104 squaze feet for this size building. All minimum requirements of the C-1 zone district regulations have been met or exceeded. All requirements for Planned Commercial Development final development plan have been met. If approved, Staff would recommend the following changes be made to the plan face: 1. Show a mountable "porkchop" on the east side of the curb cut to W. 35th Avenue. 2. Urider the development standards, the azea of the site should be noted as being after r-o-w dedications. 3. Under the same section, remove references to minimum front, side and reaz setbacks. 4. Signature blocks for U.S. West Communications, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development and the Public Works Director be removed. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke VI. CONSOLIDATION PLAT Page 7 The property is currently comprised of two parcels which need to be consolidated as part of the submittal requirements for a final development plan and plat. With.this plat, right-of--way dedications occur for both Wadsworth (20') and for West 34th Place (1.8' to 1.93') to bring these street widths up to City standazds. No right-of--way is needed for West 35th Avenue. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met with the exception of the following items which need to be added to the plat face: 1. Adjacent zoning 2. Existing lot lines 3. The new lot should labeled Lot 1 4. Signature blocks for U.S. West Communications, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development and the Public Works Director VII. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies can provide service to the property with certain improvements. Wheat Ridge Water District will allow the applicant to tap into an existing water line in West 35th Avenue. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has indicated that fire access onto the site is approved. The building must sprinklered with a fire alarm installed. An additional hydrant will be required at at the entrance to the property. Colorado Department of Transportation will not allow access to Wadsworth. The construction of an acceUdecel lane will be required. Public Works Department is in the process of reviewing a drainage study and street construction plans. These documents need to be approved prior to review by City Council. VIII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff has concluded that the proposed rezoning is inconsistent with the Low Density Residential designation on the Comprehensive Plan future land use map. However, since 1978 when the future land use map was created, conditions have changed which have rendered the property undevelopable with the existing residential zoning. Staff has concluded that this is a commercial use which will have minimal negative impact on the residential area to the east and may provide visual and noise buffering Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke Page 8 from the traffic on Wadsworth. Further, the building has been designed to be residential in character with excessive amounts of landscaping. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given for the rezoning and outline development plan with the following conditions: 1. The statement of allowed use be expanded to limit use of the property to this specific proposal. 2. The minimum perimeter setbacks be modified so that the minimum front setback is 50 feet, side setback adjacent to r-o-w is 30 feet, and the rear setback is 20 feet. 3. Under "Proposed Architectural Chazacter", the second sentence should read, "The building should be single story in height, not to exceed 26 feet". In regard to the final development plan, a recommendation of Approval is given for the final development plan with the following conditions: 1. Show a mountable "porkchop" on the east side of the curb cut to W. 35th Avenue. 2. Under the development standazds, the area of the site should be noted as being after r-o-w dedications. 3. Under the same section, remove references to minimum front, side and reaz setbacks, 4. Signature blocks for U.S. West Communications, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development and the Public Works Director be removed. In regazd to the consolidation plat, a recommendation of Approval is given ,with the following conditions: 1. Add adjacent zoning, 2. Add existing lot lines, 3. The new lot be labeled Lot 1, 4. Signature blocks be added for U.S. West Communications, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development and the Public Works Director IX. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS REZONING OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WZ-97-8, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan on property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd, be APPROVED for the following reasons: There are changed conditions in the area which have rendered the property undevelopable under the existing zoning. -~ Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke Page 9 2. This is a commercial zoning which will have minimal impact on the adjacent residential neighborhood due to use limitations and design parameters on the outline plan. 3. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions: 1. The statement of allowed use be amended to limit use of the property to this specific proposal. 2. The minimum perimeter setbacks be modified so that the minimum front setback is 50', side setbacks adjacent to r-o-w be 30' and the rear setback be 20'., 3. Under "Proposed Architegtural Chazacter", the second sentence should read, "The building should be single story in height but not to exceed 26'." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ-97-8, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential- Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan on property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. be APPROVED for the following reasons: I. All minimum commercial development standards have been met or exceeded. 2. The proposed building is residential in character. 3. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions: 1. A mountable "porkchop" be shown on the east side of the curb cut to W. 35th Avenue. 2. Under the development standards, the area should be noted as being after r-o-w dedications. 3. Under the same section, remove references to minimum front, side and reaz setbacks., 4. Signature blocks for U.S. West Communications, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development and the Public Works Director." OPTION B: "I move that the request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final '~, Planning Division Staff Report Page 10 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke development plan for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. CONSOLIDATION PLAT _. Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A plat is part of the submittal requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan approval process. 2. The plat is required to consolidate two pazcels into one pazcel. 3. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. ' With the following conditions: 1. Add adjacent zoning. 2. Add existing lot lines. 3. The new lot be labeled Lot 1. 4. Signature blocks be added for U.S. West Communications, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development and the Public Works Director." Option B: "I move that the request for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. ." Planning Commission Minutes July 17, 1997 - Page 5~ - made. Ms. Reckert stated thatthere is a lot of engineering involved and said that a transitional taper would have to be used: Commission SNO W stated that the case should lie postponed. Ms. Reckert stated that there is a responsibility of Staff since the case was not published the way Commissioner SNOW stated and felt the case should mode forwazd to City Council. Motion failed 4-2. (Commissioners WILLIAMS, THOMPSON, RASPLICKA, BRINI{MAN voting against:) A motion was made by Commissioner RASPLICKA, seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN, "that Case WS-97-2, a request for approval of a six-lot subdivision on, R-1 zoned property located at 12355 W. 38th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. All the lots will meet or excee~lthe R-1 zone district standazds. 2. All the requirements of the subdivision requirements will have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Existing mature trees on the property be saved with consultation with the City Arborist. 2. An eight foot wide walking path and landscaping be installed along West 38th Avenue consistent with what occurred on the property to the east. 3. The 24 foot setback vaziance for Lot 6 be reviewed by City Council. 4. The cul-de-sac is mazked "no pazking". 5. -That there be an escrow account or improvement agreement for installation of the curb and gutter along West38th Avenue when it is reconstructed. ' ` •: ,. . Motioned carried 4-2. (Commissioners SNOW and BR1NI{MAN voting against.) .. .r - , B. Case WZ-97-8: An application by Ronald C. Luke for Pasquale J. LoSasso . and Pasqual D. Aiello for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan and a final development plan and plat - for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. r= Ms. Reckert provided an overview of this request and passed out a memorandum from the Bob , Goebel, Public Works Director.. The memo addressed questions posed by Commissioner ' - BRINICMAN regazding future traffic circulation in this area: She stated that there has been some , concern regarding trucks cutting through neighborhood east of Wadsworth. The Commission _' reviewed the memorandum. Ms. Reckert said that the land is vacant and showed an aerial s photograph and slides to review the surrounding area. On April 1; 1997, approximately 16' Planning Commission Minutes July 17, 1997 Page 6. residents attended a neighborhood meeting to discuss the potential development. Several questions were addressed including drainage, traffic, signs, type of business, vehicles making deliveries, etc.. General discussion occuired regazding the establishment being a low traffic generator, possibility of an additional traffic lane for accel or decel, access to Wadsworth, additional traffic signals, landscape coverage, drainage area, street widening, comprehensive plan inconsistency, building design, development constraints and surrounding land use. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Ronald Luke, 10748 E. Crestridge Circle, Englewood, 80111, applicant. Mr. Luke elaborated on the amount of expected traffic, number of employees, number of cosmetology classes to be held per month, expected number of deliveries per week (1), and pazking. He further stated that is additional space is taken from the lot for a rear alley connnection between 34th and 35th, it would not be economically feasible for the development of the property. Chairperson WILLIAivIS swore in Patrick Nook, 12941 N. 2nd Street, Parker, architect. He ' stated that there was a significant number of letters from adjoining property owners in support of the development. He stated that a fence would be installed at the reaz and further that the owner would comply with all the terms described by Ms. Reckert regarding the technical review and use restrictions. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Jason Rutt, 7385 W. Ohio, Lakewood, engineer for the drainage pond. He elaborated on the design of the drainage/detention pond which is located to the rear of the property. He stated that this design will improve the overall drainage. He stated that the release rate is at the S yeaz storm rate, however, the pond will release at the 100 year storm rate if necessary. He doesn't believe there will be any drainage problems for the surrounding azeas. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Morlin Timberg, 7500 W. 35th Avenue. Mr. Timberg questioned the drainage of the pond. Mr. Rutt elaborated on the pond and drainage for Mr. Wineberg. Chairperson WILLIA141S swore in Mary Ann Burgess, 3425 Webster. Ms. Burgess supports the project and is happy that something is happening to what she considers aneye-sore. She further stated that there has always been a drainage problem with or without a building and feels this project may be helpful. She stated that traffic has been an on-going problem and that the azea as a whole has deteriorated over the years. She feels anything would improve it and as far as rezoning, she stated that no one would build a home on this land. She was asked by Commissioner THOMPSON how she felt about closing 34th or 35th Avenue. She did not think Planning Commission Minutes July 17, 1997 Page 7 • . it was a very good idea. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in James McCormick, 7550 W. 34th Avenue. Mr., McCormick supports the project. However, he is.not in agreement,with closing 34th Avenue and requiring an alley connection. He was-asked by Commissioner BRINKMAN if he had concerns regarding drainage. He stated he has always had a drainage problems but felt that with the proper precautions it may help to alleviate the problem. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Mel VanBuren, 7450 W. 35th Avenue. Mr. VanBuren is against the proposal because he believes it will flood his property. He was assured by the engineer that the detention pond would help alleviate some of the previous drainage problems. Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Joe n%IaIaney, 7510 W. 35th Avenue. Mr. Malaney approves of the development but does not think a loop to connect streets is necessary even if 34th and 35th Avenues were closed to through traffic. He also feels it is an eyesore and cannot imagine anyone wanting to live there. Commissioner BRINKMAN motioned, seconded by Commissioner SNOW, "that Case No. WZ- 97-8, arequest for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan on property located at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevard, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. There are changed conditions in the area which have rendered the property undevelopable ,. . , under the existing zoning. ~. .., _; - . 2. This is a commercial zoning which will have minimal impact.on the adjacent residential neighborhood due to use limitations and design parameters on the outline plan. 3. Staff recommends approval. ..~ .~ .. With the following conditions: ~ • 1. The statement of allowed use be amended to limit use ~of the property to this specific proposal with the language on the plat that any change in use will require a rezoning action with the right of legal protest.. 2. The minimum perimeter setbacks be modified so that the minimum front setback is 50 . feet, side setbacks adjacent to the right-of--way be 30 feet and the rear setback be 20 feet. 3. Under "Proposed Architectural Character", the second sentence should read, ":The building should be single story in height but not to exceed 26 feet: ,..,~,-,; .,.Yr :; 4. •The, review by the Public Works Department of the drainage: is found not to impact the adjacent property owners and that drainage is no more than historic flow.". ,. , . Planning Commission Minutes July 17, 1997 - Page 8 - - Motion tamed 6-0. A motion was made by Commissioner BRINI{MAN, seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON, "that the request for approval of a Planned Cortunercial Development final development plan for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevazd be Approved for the following reasons: 1. All minimum commercial development standazds have been met or exceeded. 2. The proposed building is residential in character. 3. .Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions: 1. A mountable island be shown oK the east side of the curb cut to West 35th Avenue with signage of "No Right Tum". 2. Under the development standazds, the azea should be noted as being after right-of--way dedications. . 3. Under the same section, remove references to minimum front, side and rear setbacks,. 4. Signature blocks for U.S. West Communications, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development, and the Public Works Director be removed. 5. The review by the Public Works Department of the drainage is found not to impact the adjacent property owners and that drainage is no more than historic flow." Motion carried 6-0. A motion-was made~by Commissioner BRINKMAN, seconded by Commissioner RASPLICKA, "that the request for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevazd by Approved for the following reasons: I. A plat is part of the submittal requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan approval process. 2. The plat is required to consolidate two pazcels into one pazcel. 3. -All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Add adjacent zoning. 2. Add existing lot lines. 3. The new lot be labeled Lot 1. 4. Signature blocks be added for U.S. West Communication, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development and the Public Works Director." Planning Commission Minutes July 17, 1997 Page 9• Motion carried 6-0. _ 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner SNOW apologized for'her absence at the previous meeting but due to a personal family illness, she was called away to the emergency. (Ms. Snow's absence has been corrected to excused.) She stated that she was very upset at seeing a Iot of hard work by the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee (CPRC) shredded by the Planning Director. She asked that when the recommendations are presented to the Planning Commission that the Planning Commission respect that they aze a lot 4fhazd work on the part of the CPRC. She asked of the Secretary if the Planning Commission had finally received the comments from all the neighborhood meetings. The Secretary advised that the blue books which were passed out at this meeting included all CPRC meeting minutes from the end of 1996, all neighborhood meeting notes lists, and other pertinent information. She questioned if the Commission had received the density recommendations aswell. The Secretary advised that the information had been distributed prior, but would redistribute. Commissioner SNOW asked the Commission to read and review all information. She stated that she was very concerned about comments recorded at the previous meeting by the Director. Other members of the Commission stated they did not interpret the comments in the same way. Discussion took place regarding the interpretation of the Director.'s comments. Commissioner THOMPSON cIazified the issue by stating that, along with other members, she felt that the Director was stating the Commission should not rubber stamp anything just because it came from Staff or a Committee. 10. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner THOMPSON will be absent at the next meeting of August 7, 1997. 11. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS 13. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. by consensus. Planning Commission Minutes July 17, 1997 Page 10 - Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary The next meeting will be held on 8/7/97. a CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: 7=8~` ' APPLICANT(S) NAME: Ronald Luke OWNER(S) NAME: A3cL Investments LOCATION: 3470 Wadsworth Boulevard REQUEST: Approval of a rezoning and final from R-2 to PCD, and an outline and final plan and plat. APPROXIMATE AREA:.78 Acres WHEREAS, the City of Wlteat Ridge Planning Division ltas submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testiittony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN, seconded by Commissioner SNOW, that Case No. WZ-97-8, a request for approval of an outline development plan on property located at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevard be Approved for the following reasons: I. There are changed conditions iit the area which have rendered the property undevelopable under the existing zoning. 2. This is a commercial zoning which will have minimal impact on the adjacent residential neigltborltood due to use limitations and design parameters on the outline plan. 3. Staff recommends approval. With the following condition: I. The statement of allowed use be amended to limit use of the properly to this specific proposal with the language on the plat that any change in use will require a rezoning action with the right of legal protest. 2. The ntiniittunt perimeter setbacks be modified so that the minimum front setback is 50 fee4 side setbacks adjacent to the right-of--way be 30 feet attd the rear setback be 20 feet. 3. Under "Proposed Architectural Character", the second sentence should read, "The building should be single story in height but not,to exceed 26 feet " 4. The review by the Public Works Department of the drainage is found not to impact the adjacent properly owners and that drainage is no more than historic flow. VOTE: YES:6 NO: 0 [t was moved by Contittissioner BRINKMAN, seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON, that Case No. WZ-97-8, a request for approval of a plamted commercial development final development plan for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevard be Approved for the following reasons: All minimum commercial development standards have been met or exceeded. Resolution - WZ-97-8 July 17, 1997 2. The proposed building is residential in character. 3. 'Staff reconnnends approval. Page 2 With the following conditions: 1. A mountable island be shown on the east side of the curb cut to West 35th Avenue with signage of "No Right Tuni '. 2. Under the development standards, the area should be noted as being after right-of--way dedications. 3. Under the same section, remove references to minimum front, side and rear setbacks. 4. Signature blocks for U.S. West Communications, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development, and the Public Works Director be removed. 5. The review by the Public Works Department of the drainage is found not to impact the adjacent property owners and that drainage is no more than historic flow. VOTE: YES:6 NO: 0 It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN, seconded by Commissioner RASPL[CKA, that Case No. WZ-97-8, a request for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevard be Approved for the following reasons: 1. A plat is part of the submittal requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan approval process. 2. The plat is required to consolidate two parcels into one parcel. 3. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Add adjacent zoning. 2. Add existing lot lines. 3. The new lot be labeled Lot 1. 4. Signature blocks be added for U.S. West Communication, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development and the Public Works Director. VOTE: YES:6 NO: 0 [, Marilyn Gunn, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by an 6-0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 17th day of July, 1997. 1 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ Harry Will tts, Chairperson Marilyn Gunn, Kecordmg ~ecrerary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held, before the City of Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL on August 11, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: ('ase No. WZ-97-8: An application by Ronald C. Luke for Pasquale J. LoSasso and Pasqual D. Aiello for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan with a final development plan and plat with a variance. Said property is located at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevard and is legally described as follows: PARCEL 1: THE SOUTH 95 FEET OF THE WEST 95 FEET OF THE EAST 470 FEET OF THE WEST 36 RODS OF THE NORTH 13-1/3 RODS OF THE SOUTH 80 RODS OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID NE 1/4, 80 RODS NORTH OF THE SW CORNER THEREOF; THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION (SIC), 219 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARALLEL TO (SIC) THE WEST LINE OF SAID SW 114 OF THE NE 1/4, A DISTANCE OF 125 FEET; THENCE WEST, PARALLEL TO (SIC) SAID NORTH LINE, 95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARALLEL TO (SIC) SAID WEST LINE, 95 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF PROPERTY, DESCRIBED IN BOOK 483 AT PAGE 91; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SAID SOUTH LINE, 124 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF, EXCEPT THAT PART DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 1194 AT PAGE 487; COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: July,7l1, 1997 Transcript _. .., _ - - _ PO (iOx 63B TE,L EPHONf S03/?3I-69<a -_Thei~j~'Y O~ ' 7500 WEST P9TH A~E • WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO t3003~ _ (,\!~/~.d~ YY YYY ~-~ ~ !' u~ Jri - O m GR idge POSTING CERTIFICATION cOCOR0.00 CASE N0. GG'~" ~/~,~ PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING DATE: ~'~/~~7 ,. ,, /'1 l I, ~. ( n a m e~~ n residing at ~ri~~~'~~~~ ~~G~,C_/~~svC`~ { ~ '~~~~/l° '-_ _ ( a d d r e s s) as the applicant for Case No. ,/ ~ - ,~,~'~,+ hereby certify that i have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at ( l o c a t i o n) /~g~ on this, ~s day of ~~ , ]9'8' , and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature- NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Community Development. M A P 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 Rldge July 28, 1997 This is to inform you that Case No. WZ 97-8 which is a request for ap rp oval of a rezoning from Residential-Twa to a PlanrzerLCommercial Development and ap rn oval of an outline develop ent plan and jnal development pla and plat for property_located at 3470 Wadsworth $oulevard will be heard by the YYheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:00 P.M., on August II. 1997. All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the City Council. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. Ifyou have any questions or desires to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION "The Carnation City" A and L investments %- P.O. Box 11481 Denver, Colorado 80211 John Morgan Chesrown Automotive Groups 3765 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Oak Hill Apartments Ltd 3445 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Joe Malaney 7510 W. 35th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Kristin and Emilee Rankin 7395 W. 35th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Ryan Eggelton '" 7420 W. 34th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Tames F MC Cormick 7550 W. 34th Ave. Wheat Ridge,Colorado 80033 ~~`~~,o 5~ qs ~~ q3 ~~~r9 Bob Eckhardt Howard Hanson 7400 W. 34th Avenue 3400 Webster St. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033. Arlene and Perry Wykoff 7460 W. 34th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 .~V1. GYti 143 Union Blvd. # 550 CO74. Lakewood, Colorado 80228-1827 ~-- Burgess John S 3425 Webster Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Baird Thomas W and Dorothy 2100 Willow LN CO30 Lakewood, Colorado Ingenthrone Charles Le Ray 7575 W. 35 Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wells A Judson Jr. Trusteetr 5 Ingleton Cir. R002 f~/// Kennet SQ PA 19348-2000 ~rlin Timberg / Diane and Jim Rutherford 7500 W. 35th Ave. / 7507 W. 35th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033/ -- Mel and Louise Van Buren , f Walt Sebreibman J 7450 W. 35th Ave. 7455 W. 35th Avekk // Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Life Lenten Ministries ~ Ronald C. Luke / 3495 Wadsworth Blvd. 10748 East Crestridge Circle V Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Englewood, Colorado 80111 Paulineea Willis 3470 Saulsbury Ct. CO10 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033-6375 ~ x m z~ m a ~~~~~ .R ~ L ~ ~ ~ I= ~ LL ~~ ~ ~~ '3'~ a Tn $, m ti ~ . p d ~ r N V N U ~ ~_L7 o ~ a '~ ~M V D ¢ ... 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O CS C3 O 7 ~ ~ U w v o ~.- .- > r a L °' . - c i ~ ~~ 3 y ~ m ~ W r a° ~~ a ~ c ~ ~ =o~ ~n ~ ~ .., m r. ` v a c n ~C G Q a . T FOLD AND TEAR HERE T ~. } Kue~•• 4 aoinaag }dieoay um}ay 6wsn ~o~ noR • 'ss3aaatl -~~.~~r -.-~ _--~ -.y` 013dO13AN_3 d0~ w II ~~, m _m _ e : ~ Q Z ~ O ~ . ~ ~~ ,... ry y v ~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ G ~ a ~ 3 m ~ ~ E rl .~ W ., - 4. rn'~: ~ ~ c g ~~~E~ ;~,r,i F 9~ y 3 ~ ~ ~r ~ ¢ ' .. ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ _ m . w ~_ . ; > J .Q - ~~ n' d ~- N ~. 'p Z Z __--_-R- .-r {.. ~ ~~ n . 0 ¢, . ~ aw ~ \ . w w ' w ¢ ~ ¢ LL a ~ ' o a .. ( ~ 0o w u ~o LL 6 u oW °w_ a ° . Q c o i ~ o m I ~ ~~; yc, ~ _ U LL ~ ~ T ` ~ U e m l ~~~ {_~yy U, C ~ LL3a aO 1H'Jla 3Hl ltl tl3N~LLS 3~tlld i1NtlltlOdWl i ~ O^^~ i.~f. ~ w d~ ~U S+] M O b Q L U O • ~ > 6 ~ ~ ~ ul L • m ~ ~ ~ N T3 d ~ T73 ~ L i.+ ~.~ w S M T O 0 m LL a ~- ~'t 9EB 'L9E E96 d CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: CITY COUNCIL DATE OF MEETING: August 11,1997 DATE PREPARED: August 4, 1997 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-97-8/Luke CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Rezoning and final from R-2 to PCD, and approval of an outline and final plan and plat. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3470 Wadsworth NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Ronald C. Luke 10748 E. Crestridge Circle Englewood, CO 80111 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): A & L Investments P.O. Box 11481 Denver, CO 80211 APPROXIMATE AREA:.78 acre PRESENT ZONING: R-2 PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N, S, E: R-2; W: RC-1, R-3 SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: vacant; S, E: low density residential; W: church, high density residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: low density residential DATE PUBLISHED: July 25, 1997 DATE POSTED: July 28, 1997 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: July 28, 1997 RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: (X) ATTACHED ()NONE ENTER INTO RECORD: {X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE () SLIDES (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS () OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a rezoning of property at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevard from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development, for approval of an outline development plan and a final development plan and plat. II. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on April 1, 1997. Those persons attending included the following: Meredith Reckert (staff) Joe Wicentowich (applicant) Patrick Nook (applicant) Ron Luke (applicant) Donald Saavedra (applicant) Bob Eckhardt - 7400 W. 34th Avenue Howard Hanson - 3400 Webster Street Charles Ingenthrone - 7575 W. 35th Avenue Joe Malaney - 7510 W. 35th Avenue Mazlin Timberg - 7500 W. 35th Avenue John Burgess - 3425 Webster Street Marianne Burgess - 3425 Webster Street Diane Rutherford - 7507 W. 35th Avenue Jim Rutherford - 7507 W. 35th Avenue Kristin Rankin - 7395 W. 35th Avenue Emilee Rankin - 7395 W. 35th Avenue Mel Van Buren - 7450 W. 35th Avenue Louise Van Buren - 7450 W. 35th Avenue Walt Schreibman - 7455 W. 35th Avenue James McCormick - 7550 W. 34th Avenue Ryan Eggelton - 7420 W. 34th Avenue The following issues were discussed: What improvements will be required for Wadsworth? Will construction of an accel/decel lane be required? Whether there is the potential for a traffic signal at W. 35th Avenue Drainage on the property and in the neighborhood to the east Storm sewer project taking place this summer on 34th Place and Webster - could the developer tie-in? Potential connection of Webster between W. 34th Place and 35th Avenue Potential for the intensification of uses if the proposed owner sells the property Planning Division Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke Proposed signage Proposed exterior lighting Whether fill dirt will be placed Will any hazardous materials be used and then disposed? Legal protest provisions What types of vehicles will be making pick-ups and deliveries? Whether the property which currently zoned R-2 is still appropriate for residential use? Attached under Exhibit `A' are letters received regarding the request. Four (4) of these letters were submitted at the Planning Commission meeting. III. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The applicant is requesting zoning and development plan approval to build a facility specializing in the retail and wholesale sales of beauty products. According to the owner, two-thirds of the sates are wholesale in nature with the remaining one-third being retail sales to licensed cosmetologists only. The general public will not be able to buy products from this facility. Occasional evening classes will be held for product use instruction. Based on the use as described above, this business has very low traffic volumes generating about 100 vehicle trips per day. This translates into five or six customers per hour traveling to and from the site via Wadsworth Boulevard. Staff is concerned that other typical retail uses allowed in the C-1 zone district would seriously increase traffic in the area, resulting in a negative impact to the neighborhood. For this reason, Staff is recommending that the proposed use be the only use allowed on the outline development plan. Therefore, if and when the property is sold and the use were to change, the buyer would have to receive approval for the new use allowing potential impact to the neighborhood to be analyzed through a public hearing process. The statement of allowed use should be amended to limit use of this property to this specific proposal. General guidelines for development include maximum building coverage of 24.5%, minimum landscaped area of 36.3 %. For the minimum perimeter setbacks, the front setback is 50 feet, side setbacks adjacent to r-o-w are 30 feet and the rear setback is 20 feet. The height of the structure will not exceed 26 feet. Staff concludes that all requirements for a Planned Commercial Development outline development plan have been met. IV. CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning. In accordance with Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Sec. 26-6(C.), before a change of zone is approved, the applicant shall show and City Council shall find: • ! Planning Division Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke i. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Development plan future land use map designates that this property should be used for low density residential development. The proposed rezoning would be clearly inconsistent with this designation. However, Staff has concluded that there are changed conditions which have rendered the property undevelopable for residential use. Pursuant to Section 26-6 (C), if a proposed rezoning, "is not consistent with the comprehensive plan, then the request may only be approved if the applicant demonstrates that the request is justified because of changed or changing conditions in the particular azea or in the city in general". If a rezoning is approved which is inconsistent with the designation on the comprehensive plan it shall be reviewed as a future anlendment to the comp plan. 2. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The property in question is surrounded on two sides, the south and the east, by low density residential development. Adjacent land use to the west is a church zoned RC-1 with vacant land zoned Planned Commercial Development to the northwest and an apartment complex with R-3 zoning to the southwest. Abutting the property to the north is vacant land zoned R-2 with a high density multi-family project further to the north. The closest commercial property north of this site is an office building approximately 450' away at the intersection of Wadsworth and W. 36th Avenue. To the south, the closest commercial property is an office building located just north of the Wadsworth/32nd Avenue intersection with a~sepazation of 750' from the subject site. If this proposal is approved, it will be the first commercial development within this stretch on the east side of Wadsworth. There are development constraints such as access and limited visibility which could complicate future rezonings to the north and especially to the south, and provide a basis for denial. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change off zone. There are no social or recreational benefits which would be derived from commercial development of this properly. The developer's business is currently located in Wheat Ridge, therefore, no "new money" will be brought into the City. Further, since the type of sales will be primarily wholesale in nature, there will not be a lot of sales tax revenue generated, therefore, Staff concludes that there will not be resulting economic gain. Planning Division Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke There could be physical benefits derived based on the fact that an "eyesore" property will be developed and the noise and visual buffering the structure could provide for residents to the east. 4. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity... All agencies can serve the property with improvements constructed at the developer's expense. 5. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. Since the property is undeveloped, there will be an increase in traffic in the area, however, the proposed use is a very low traffic generator when compared to other types of commercial development. The applicant has estimated that this business generates roughly 100 trips per day, including deliveries by UPS- size trucks once per week. There will be minimal semi-truck traffic to and from the property. The developer will be responsible for the construction of public improvements along Wadsworth including construction of an accel/decel lane and curb, gutter and sidewalk. Based on industry recognized standards, a typical residence generates 10-12 vehicle trips per day. The construction of four units on the property (two duplexes) would result in from 40 - 48 vehicle trips per day. There are historic drainage problems in the area, due to the elevation of Wadsworth in relation to properties to the east. A drainage report has been reviewed which has determined that there will be less storm water released from the property than historic flows. There will be a small reduction inthe amount of light and air as the structure is only 26 feet in height. This is consistent with the height of a two-story house. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. Under current zoning conditions, two duplexes could be built on the property, however, Staff questions the desirability of residential use at this location. Wadsworth Boulevazd is classified as a Major Regional Arterial and is one of the most heavily traveled corridors in the metro area with an average daily traffic count of 36,000 vehicles per day (1995 count). The fact that the property has been mazketed for sale for over ten years and has had no viable offers for residential development supports the conclusion that the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. __ a ~ Planning Division Staff Report Page 6 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke 7. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. There is commercial zoning in the vicinity (across the street) and further to the north and south which would mean that spot zoning is not a concern. 8. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives.l. It is impossible for Staff to ascertain whether there is a void in the mazket for buildings with the specific user in mind at this type of location. In regard to the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning request, Staff has concluded that the proposal is inconsistent with the low density classification oir the Comprehensive plan and that this commercial development generally would be compatible with adjacent residential development which abuts the site on two sides based on design and use limitations on the outline plan. However, Staff has also concluded that there are conditions in the area which have changed due to the continual increase of traffic on Wadsworth Blvd. which has lessened the desirability of the property for residential development. If the property is to be used commercially, this is one of the lowest impact uses it could be. V. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN A final development plan has been submitted which is consistent with the Outline Development Plan. Sole access is from West 35th Avenue with parking along Wadsworth Blvd. Vehicles exiting the property will not be allowed to turn right to travel east on West 35th Avenue. Staff has recommended a mountable traffic island be installed on the east side of the curb cut to 35th Avenue to further restrict this type of turning movement. Building size is 7136 squaze feet (24.5% coverage) with landscaped coverage and pazking/hazd surfaced coverage at 36.3 % and 39.2%, respectively. The rear setback which abuts a single family residence is 20' wide with a landscaped buffer incorporating a mix of evergreens and deciduous trees and a six foot high solid fence. The building being proposed is residential in style with a peaked roof and height not to exceed 26' . Architectural materials include stucco or wood siding with stone veneer accents. One freestanding monument sign is being shown which reflects the materials used on the building. Total sign face squaze footage is 32 square feet which is well below the allowed area of 104 square feet for this size building. All minimum requirements of the C-I zone district regulations have been met or exceeded. All requirements for Plaimed Commercial Development final development plan have been met. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke VI. CONSOLIDATION PLAT Page 7 The property is cun•ently comprised of two parcels which need to be consolidated as part of the submittal requirements for a final development plan and plat. With this plat, right-of--way dedications occur for both Wadsworth (25') and for West 34th Place (1.8' to 1.93') to bring these street widths up to City standazds. No right-of--way is needed for West 35th Avenue. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. VII. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies can pror•ide service to the property with certain improvements. Wheat Ridge Water District will allow the applicant to tap into an existing water line in West 35th Avenue. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District has indicated that fire access onto the site is approved. The building must be sprinklered with a fire alarm installed. An additional hydrant will be required at the entrance to the property. Colorado Department of Transportation will not allow access to Wadsworth. The construction of an accel/decel lane will be required. Public Works DeparUnent is in the process of reviewing a drainage study and street construction plans. These docwnents need to be approved prior to review by City Council. VIII. STREET CIRCULATION Included under Exhibit `B' is correspondence from the Director of Public Works regazding the street system on the east side of Wadsworth. Occasionally in the past, the Planning and Development and Public Works Departments have discussed the possibility of eliminating the access to West 34th and 35th Avenues from Wadsworth Boulevazd; the idea being that it would eliminate much of the "cut through" vehiculaz traffic using this neighborhood to avoid the Wadsworth/38th Avenue intersection. Attached under Exhibit `C' is one scenario as to how this would be achieved. In this scenario, 34th and 35th Avenues are closed acid the unneeded right-of--way for 34th and 35th Avenues is allocated to adjacent properties The property in question would have primary access$om Wadsworth Boulevazd. A 20 foot wide alley would be required along the reaz, thus providing a "loop" connection between 34th and 35th Avenues. Planning Division Staff Report Page 8 Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke Neighbors who spoke at the July 17th Planning Commission meeting were, in general, not supportive of this concept. The applicant in this case has indicated that this scenazio would render his property unbuildable. IX. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commmission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on July 17, 1997. In regard to the rezoning and outline plan, a recommendation of approval was given for the following reasons: 1. There are changed conditions in the area which have rendered the property undevelopable under the existing zoning. 2. Tlus is a commercial zoning which will have minimal impact on the adjacent residential neighborhood due to use limitations attd design parameters on the outline plan. 3. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions: 1. The statement of allowed use be amended to limit use of the property to this specific proposal with the language on the plat that any change in use will require a rezoning action with the right of legal protest. 2. The minimum perimeter setbacks be modified so that the minimum front setback is 50 feet, side setbacks adjacent to the right-of--way be 30 feet and the rear setback be 20 feet. 3. Under "Proposed Architectural Chazacter", the second sentence should read, "The building should be single story in height but not to exceed 26 feet". 4. The review by the Public Works Department of the drainage is found not to impact the adjacent property owners and that drainage is no more than historic flow." A motion was made for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan for the following reasons: 1. All minimum commercial development standards have been met or exceeded. 2. The proposed building is residential in character. 3. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions: 1. A mountable island be shown on the east side of the curb cut to West 35th Avenue with signage of "No Right Turn". 2. Under the development standards, the area should be noted as being afterright-of--way dedications. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke Page 9 3. Under the same section, remove references to minimum front, side,and reaz setbacks. 4. Signature blocks for U.S. West Communications, Public Service Company, Director of Plamring and Development, and the Public Works Director be removed. 5. The review by the Public Works Department of the drainage is found not to impact the adjacent property owners and that drainage is no more than historic flow." With regazd to the consolidation plat, a motion was made for approval for the following reasons: 1. A plat is part of the submittal requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan approval process. 2. The plat is required to consolidate two pazcels into one parcel. 3. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Add adjacent zoning. 2. Add existing lot lines. 3. The new lot be labeled Lot 1. 4. Signature blocks be added for U.S. West Communications, Public Service Company, Director of Planning and Development and the Public Works Director." All of the conditions of approval have been added to these documents with the exception ofNo. 1 under outline development plan. IX. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff has concluded that the proposed rezoning is inconsistent with the Low Density Residential designation on the Comprehensive Plan future land use map. However, since 1978 when the future land use map was created, conditions have changed which have rendered the property undevelopable with the existing residential zoning. Staff has concluded that this is a commercial use which will have minimal negative impact on the residential area to the east and may provide visual and noise buffering from the traffic on Wadsworth. Further, the building has been designed to be residential in character with excessive amounts of landscaping. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given for the rezoning and outline development plan with the following condition: The statement of allowed use be expanded to limit use of the property to this specific proposal. In regazd to the final development plan, a recommendation of Approval is given for the final development plan. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke A recommendation of Approval is given with regard to the consolidation plat. X. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS REZONING Page 10 OPTION A: "I move that Council Bill No. _, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential- Two to Plamled Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan on property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. There are changed conditions in the area which have rendered the property undevelopable under the existing zoning. 2. This is a commercial zoning which will have minimal impact on the adjacent residential neighborhood due to use limitations and design parameters on the outline plan. 3. Staff and Planning Commission recommends approval. With the following conditions: The statement of allowed use be amended to limit use of the property to this specific proposal. Option B: "I move that Council Bill No. , a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Plaimed Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan on property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan.for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. All minimum commercial development standazds have been met or exceeded. 2. T'he proposed building and use is compatible with surrounding uses.. 3. Staff and Planning Commission recommends approval. OPTION B: "I move that the request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final developtent plan for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. be DENIED for the following reasons: Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-97-8/Luke 1. 2. 3. ." Page 11 C'(1N~QLIAATION PLAT _ Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. he APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A plat is part of the submittal requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan approval process. 2. The plat is required to consolidate two parcels into one parcel. 3. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 4. Staff and Planning Commission recommends approval. Option B: "I move that the request for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. ." • AHD ~~_, April 2,- 1997 '- ~~~'! ,~ ~ ddb - Ms Meredith-Reichert Staff planner Por Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue 6Yheat Ridge, Co 80033 - - - - - Re:Proposed Site Plan and Rezoning at Southeast corner of West 35th Ave and Wadsworth Blvd. Perry and-myself are sorry that we could not attend the discussion meeting last evening (tae even tried to get a ride). The items I am listing are in accordance with Gladys and Paul Roshong 7346 W. 34th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Co 80Q33. We have both lived at .our current addresses over-40-,years (we have (Arlene and Perry Wykoff) been here 43 veers last August 13, 1996, having moved here in 1953.) I talked with Gladys and Paul in their home-yesterday. Thep couldn't attend the meeting (We are nearing age 80) and don't drive at night. In this 43 years we have one to zoning one, which was for a filling sta ~ontinbut thenreasong Inwill~list for are the same now as those other times. Horn*ever, today-we do have three or-more times the non-residential traffic on West_34th Ave than,~ast years- more or less beginning with the building of the. Safeway shopping center at Wadsworth Blvd and north of West 3gth Ave. A lot of ears detoured into West 35th and West 34th. P3. going East and returning to Wadsworth from Teller. The people put up a sign "DEAD END" on West 35th, which it really wasn't DEAD-END, so sae called the_ traffic,engineer from West 34th and asked to have a DEAD_~D sign put up on West 34th at Wadsworth Blvd. We were told we couldn~t have this sign, so"`'~would take it down on West 35th at Wadsworth Blvd. Both streets have a "dog-leg" West 34th Pl~..f~om Wadsworth to Webster ; and West 35th being closer-to Teller at 34th Pl and IIphem.-We did get a"residential traffic only"--not paid attention to. so #1 _ -_ _ problem is TRAFFIC--__ ~ven tYtio~gh a 25 mile sign We still have cars and commerical traffic going downsour•street at 45 to 50 miles an hour--lots of traffic. From my own experience, I was exiting at 34th P1 coming from W 82nd north on Wadsworth, a_nd i signalled at .the crest of the hill from West 32nd, I made my turn safely, but the car that was travelling in front of me, got hit from _behind. Traffic comes over that crest really very feat, and especially if they don't have to stop at a red light. I NO LONGER EXIT AT WEST 34th PLACE.. I exit at West 32nd and go to Teller ..and come home that way. We have observed Commercial vehicles crossing over this-particular lot going to West 35th the big ruts there will prove this., _ _- Page 2 This intex9ection (right hand turns from Wadsworth Blvd, onto West 34th Place) is a very dangereous situation. West 34th One example of the owner of the double West of us at 74$0 about her accident years-.ago. (this double is rented) Her name. is Barbara Buecher, who now lives at 810 South Field St Lakewood, Co 50226. She was hit so hard at that intersection, as she was prepar~,ing to exit onto-W 34th Place from a right hand turn from Wadsworth Blvd, that sYae was knocked through the guy wires on a telephone pole into this lot. She ended up renting this double, and bought herself a new home on Field Street in-Lakewood. We are still friends, Paul Roshong wanted me to be sure and mention the drainage problem on this lot is very inadequate. We are having work done on West 34th Ave. from-Webster to Teller- beginning this.-summer and in Pront-of the Hanson's and across from them are always big puddles standing. These are deep enough that you have to walk into the street.-Some drainage will be put at these locations. So to think about drainage -- a retail building in there-will have to have a-lot of built up off of Wadsworth-onto the lot, which means the house and property that borders on-West 4th pl (they plant a nice garden in there every summer} will no doubt be flooded.. The_big ruts there-now are-mud holes after every snow and rain. To end now, I want to go back to the many zonings on this property, and state at one of the zoning meetings we attended (of course gears ago) we were told that a left hand turn into this property would not be allowed off bf West 34th place, which means the traffic exiting at this intex~dtion would have to keep on going down bYest 34th to Teller and go hack West to the entrance to this business. or picture right hand turns into this property off of badsworth would require a right hand turn-in - which will shorten down the lot_or take away Prom Wadsworth, which isn`'t wide enough now for traffic - - We have. been told to input how Wadsworth can be widened from West 52nd to West 26th Avenue. Then wkat? Sincerely, Perry and Arler_e V/ykoff 7460 West 34th Avenue. Wheat Ridge, Co 80033 Now you may say they will make a right hand-turn onto West 3F.th and. have this_retail bldg:s entrance-off of West_~5th into t. At least that would be better for West 34th Place not to have a'$x~~at-the West 34th place at all. N:aybe plant shrubs there and chose it off completely. from West 34th place, ,~,.-~cz-,.-~ ____• ~_ ~~ ~""` ,~ °~ '~'Y~/~ n 0 D April 2, 1997 ` ` ~~O ~~ `~ S Meredith Reckert ~.~ ,9j City of Wheat Ridge ~~ 7500 West 29th Ave. `~ Wheat Ridge; CO 80215 ` Dear Ms. Recleert: On April 1, 1997 we attended an informal meeting regarding a zoning change for the southwest corner of West 35th Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd., the result being that we feel very strongly in #avor of the change being granted. This property has been vacant for many years and has become an eyesore.- The City must realize-that, this property will never he suitable for a residential dwelling. The proposal of the type of business interested in this parcel could not be better suited to the area, generating little traffic and other environmental changes to the neighborhood. We believe that this rezoning request should be granted since we all know that these proposals have not been very frequent and an opportunity such as this will not present itself again soon. Sincerely, ~ Sohn and Marianne Burgess 3425 Webster Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 cc: Patrick W. Nook & Company State Beauty Supply ~f/t~i1~ 'A-` April 6, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Wheat Ridge City Council RE: Proposed "State Beauty Supply" (land & building) development of 38,000 Sq. Ft. (Vacant Land) SEC West 35th Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. Dear Sir or Madam: We have reviewed a copy of the proposed site development plan for the captioned project and would request you accept this letter as an indication of our support and approval of same. It is our understanding that this project will require the captioned property to be rezoned to accommodate the Official Development Plan currently under review by the appropriate departments within the city of • Wheat Ridge. We would encourage your approval of this project. Very truly y,/// ~ (name) (address) ~ 3 3 , ~~2 ~ (phone) __ April 6, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Wheat Ridge City Council RE: Proposed "State Beauty Supply" (land 8 building) development of 38,000 Sq. Ft. (Vacant Land) SEC West 35th Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. Dear Sir or Madam: We have reviewed a copy of the proposed site development plan for the captioned project and would request you accept this letter as an indication of our support and approval of same. It is our understanding that this project will require the captioned property to be rezoned to accommodate the Official Development Plan currently under review by the appropriate departments within the city of Wheat Ridge. • We would encourage your approval of this project. Very truly, c~~ ~~c ~ ~r ~~ (name) ~~ l~rL,tic.P .ifs/' (address) (phone) ~ • April 6, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Wheat Ridge City Council RE: Proposed °State Beauty Supply" (land & building) development of 38,000 Sq. Ft. (Vacant Land) SEC West 35th Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. Dear Sir or Madam: We have reviewed a copy of the proposed site development plan for the captioned project and would request you accept this letter as an indication of our support and approval of same. It is our understanding that this project will require the captioned property to be rezoned to accommodate the Official Development Plan currently under review by the appropriate departments within the city of • Wheat Ridge. We would encourage your approval of this project. Very truly, •` 1~~~ ~ ,// (name) ay ~ 1 ente 6995 West 38th Avenue (address) 421-5~ 15 (phone) • • April 6, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Wheat Ridge City Council RE: Proposed "State Beauty Supply" pand & building) development of 38,000 Sq. Ft. (Vacant Land) SEC West 35th Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. Dear Sir or Madam: We have reviewed a copy of the proposed site development plan for the captioned project and would request you accept this letter as an indication of our Support and approval of same. It is our understanding that this project will require the captioned property to be rezoned to accommodate the Official Development Plan currently under review by the appropriate departments within the city of Wheaf Ridge. We would encourage your approval of this project Very truly, l ~ 7S %,(~ ~ S ~I.rt~/ (address) (phone) ~_- MEMORANDUM TO: Approved Date Meredith Reckert,•Planner FROM: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: 34th and 35th avenues at Wadsworth Blvd. DATE: July 17, 1997 In the ideas that Glen and -1_had discussed regarding access control for Wadsworth,. it became clear that eliminating existing access points should be seriously considered when any development occurs. 35th and 34th avenues suffer from "cut through" traffic as congestion on northbound Wadsworth occurs. Because of the complaints we have received, the City has placed "lobal traffic only" signs at'the street name signs. .These signs are ignored by most drivers and enforcement is very difficult. The closure of these streets would eliminate this concern. However, closing both streets may cause a concern for .the neighborhood immediately east because it would eliminate their access to Wadsworth and require them to travel to 38th or 32nd for that movement. Glen and I envisioned a loop connector at the rear of the commercial property that would link the two streets together and closing their. access from-Wadsworth. This would be a two way, two lane improved alley more or less. The loop configure ion was chosen rather than a closure of each street_so that long cul=de- sacs would be not be created. The remaining right of way from the loop road to Wadsworth could be traded for-the right of way and construction of the loop road. Eliminating 34th and 35th would- - add 100 feet to the frontage width of developable property along Wadsworth. If the neighborhood supports this idea, I think it should be implemented and also kept in mind for other locations along Wadsworth where similar conditions exist. If the neighborhood does not support this, perhaps we could consider constructing the loop road and eliminating 35th. From Wadsworth, 34th does not appear to be a through street; whereas 35th does. That way we would eliminate at least one of- the access points while still giving the neighborhood access to Wadsworth. Exf-1~13~T 'G' N ~ W/J'X; R~o.tJ. V4CR T/o//'Z .. ~...^ • -- .~ EX/STING PRoOF_RTYLJTlF_ ~ _._ _-__-__--_ i-------, -- -- I f ,C,_~ „~cE~+`rERUrfE t1/. 35TUAVE J J W Z Q N 0 . ~ N' a S ~I --'-~- ex/STrJdG PRoPe/zTY L/n/E Z _ - - -- - - -- - S' APJL(SYED flz~PbRT7'L/N6', Wi/z/ R.O. r~/• f/4CdT/~l~! ~r ~~ .. .. O A ------------- N Soar-E~ 30 ~ µ/. 34 T"aVE. CF_hlTE12Lltil~ 1, ~ JULY 11, 1997 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: MEREDITH RECKERT RE: ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING Attached please find an ordinance for first reading which was inadvertently omitted from the City Council packet for July 14, 1997. This is a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. The applicant has requested a July 14 first reading on the rezoning ordinance to ensure a public heazing by City Council on August 11, 1997. The Planning Commission public hearing is being held on July 17, 1997. If Planning Commission makes a recommendation of denial, the applicant must file a formal appeal and the City Council public hearing on August 11 will have to be postponed to a later date. The applicant has requested the accelerated first reading because of financing deadlines. A representative of the applicant will appeaz at the meeting to answer specific questions regarding the accelerated schedule. ~~~ ', - AGENDA ITEM RECAP QUAS]-JUDICIAL X _ - Yes No AGENDA ITEM July 14, 1997 Meeting Date. _ PUBLIC HEARINGS _ CITY ADM. MATTERS -ELEC. OFFICTALS MATTERS _PROCJCEREMONIES _ CITY ATTY. MATTERS X ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING _ BIDS/MOTIONS _I,[000R HEARINGS -ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING INFORMATION ONLY _ PUBLIC COMMENT ~RESOLUT[ONS AGENDA ITEM T[TLE: Case No.: WZ-97-8 SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: Approval of a first reading for a rezoning from R-2 to PCD on property located at 3470 Wadsworth Boulevard. -_ -- ATTACHMENTS: BUDGETED ^ ~ - 1)Staff Repon ITEM 2) Yes No 3) Fund DepUAcctN Budgeted Amount ~_ _ Requested Expend.~_ Requires Transfer/ ^ ^ - - Supp. Appropriation - Yes No RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: _ _- "I move that Council Bill be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, August 11, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading take effect 15 days after final publication " INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. Ordinance No. _ Series of 1997 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-TWO TO PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOR APPROVAL OF AN OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ON LAND LOCATED AT 3470 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Secti n .Upon application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of rezoning in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. WZ-97-8 and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge maps are hereby amended to exclude from the Residential-Two district and to include in the Planned Commercial Development zone district for the following described land: PARCEL 1: THE SOUTH 95 FEE"t OF THE WEST 95 FEET OF THE EAST 470 FEET OF THE WEST 36 RODS OF 1'HE I~OR"fH 13-I/3 RODS OF THE SOUTH 80 RODS OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SF,CTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW I/4 OP THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE I/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID NE 1/4, 80 RODS NORTH OF THE SW CORNER TE[F•.REOF; THENCE EAST ALONG TEIE NORTH LINF. OF THF. SW 1/4 OF THE NE t/4 OF SECTION (SIC), 219 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARALLEL TO (SIC} THE WEST LINE OF SAID SW 1/4 OF THE NE I/4, A DISTANCE OF 125 FEET; THENCE WEST, PARALLEL TO (SIC) SAID NORTH LINE, 95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARALLEL TO (SIC) SAID WEST LINE, 95 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF PROPERTY, DESCRIBED IN BOOK 483 AT PAGE 91; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SAID SOUTH LINE, 124 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID S W 1/4 OF THE NE 1 /4; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF, EXCEPT THAT PART DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 1194 AT PAGE 487; COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Section 2 Conditions. Approved use of the property is for the retail and wholesales of beauty products to licensed cosmetologists. Section 3 Vested Prooertv Rights. Approval of this rezoning does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuart to the provisions of Section 26(c) of Appendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. ' .~ Ordinance No. Page 3 Case No. WZ-97-8/City of Wheat Ridge Section 4 Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance beazs a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 5 Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect days after final publication. INTRODIJCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this day of , 1997, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge ~~nd Public Hearirig and consideration on final passage set for , 1997, at 7:00 o~clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Cohn~ado. READ. ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote oi' to ,this day of __ ~ , 1997. SIGNED by the Mayor on this ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk day of , 1997. DAN WILDE, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY •' t Page 3 Ordinance No. Case No. WZ-97-8/ City of Wheat Ridge 1st Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: Section 2 Cantlrtlona. Approved a98 of the property Is for the retell and whole- sales of beauty products to licensed cosmetologists. Secrlon 3 Vested Prooerty Rlahts. Approval of this rezoning does not cre- ate averted property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provlsiona of Section 26(c) of Appendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. SwMion 4 Safety Clause. The City _ . _ Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance Is promuF gated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that R ra pro- mulgated for the health, safety and wel- fare of the public and that this ordinance Is necessary for the preser• vation of health and safety and for the net relation to the proper legts7atlve object sought to be attained. ^+ect'on S Ceverability It any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Cade or the applicetlon thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a wurtof competent jurisdiction Invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect ~ dayys after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of $ to Q on this 14tl1 day of J.uIX, 7997, ordered published in full in a newspaper of gen- eral circulation in the Cny of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consid- erahon on hoar passage set for Auoust t t„ 1997, at 7:00 o'clock pp.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final read- ing by a vote of _ to _, this _ day of ., 7997. SIGNED by the MAYOR on this _ _ _ day of _, 1997. _ _ _ DAN WILDE, MAYOR ATTEST: Wantla Sangg,Ciry Clerk APPROVEfJ AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORN~ - Wheat Ridge Tmnscdpt 3958-97 First Published July 76 7997 ---_ _ n The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~1Vheat WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 (303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax !! 234-5924 Police Dept. Pax ;t 235-2949 Ridge August 13, 1997 Mr. Jeff Be11en Drexel Barrell & Co. - 4840 Pearl Street, Suite 114_.. Boulder, Colorado 80301-2475 Re: State Beauty Supply, 3470 Wadsworth Blvd.- Second Review Comments of Final Drainage Study, West 34th & 35th Avenue & Wadsworth Blvd. Street Construction Plans Dear Mr. Bellen, I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents for the State Beauty Supply Subdivision received oh August 7, 1997, and have the following comments: _. __ Drainage Study (Discussion) Cover Paae 1. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on the final approved report. 2. Please provide the exact address of project. Discussion - Page 1 1. Please clarify "green space" referenced in "Proposed Site" section. Page 2 1. Please change "35th Street" to "Avenue" Appendix Flow Calculations-Page 1 1. Note spelling error. Notes: 1. The state will need to review and approve the drainage study proposed for this project. A written copy of the state's ~, RECYCLED PAPER Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co. Page 2 approval will need to be provided to the City. 2. This report has not sufficiently discussed, (or noted on respective plan sheets), how minor and major storm volumes, from the east ends of West 34th and 35th Avenue, are to be appropriately conveyed from this site, to existing property frontages which are not improved. This area needs to be analyzed at least 50-feet beyond the east property line. Drainage Plan (sheet 2 of 5) Sheet 1 1. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature. 2. Please note all surface types, especially those proposed for the detention pond area. 3. Please note the existing and proposed right-of-way boundaries on both sides of the West 34th and 35th Avenue frontages. 4. Please note the location(s) of all roof drains on the proposed structure along with the direction of flow conveyance from this structure. 5. Please note the existing grades of all the public right-of- ways. 6. Please note S and 100-year flow values at all design points. 7. Please note clearly the proposed 100-year boundary and elevation of the proposed detention pond area. 8 W1e34thnand~35th,dfromrthelproposedo4efootnsidewaakareas along 9. Please show all handicap ramps. 10. Please reference all details shown to the appropriate sheet. 11. Please clarify the location of design point #1 as discussed in the report. 12. Please detail further how_ proposed orifice plate id\s to be mounted. Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co-. Page 3 13. Please show the location of the proposed chase section for the detention pond, reference and detail on this plan. Street Construction Plans Shee~f 9 - . 1. Please confirm that benchmark information is per City of Wheat Ridge datum. 2 wayswidth for bothtWa34thnande35th Avenueshe entire right-of- 3. Please show the proposed cross-pan. 4. Sidewalk chase section detail needs to be included on drainage. plan as well. Sheep 9 _ - 1. Wadsworth Blvd. plan, profile and traffic plan will need to be submitted to state for review and approval. Copy of approved plan will need to be submitted to City. . Shee_ t__ 5 of 9 - West 34th Avenue P & P 1. Please correct direction of north arrow. 2. Please note all street names, and the existing percentage of grade for each. 3. Please provide back of walk elevations and note that tooled joints for this walk are to be spaced at 10-foot maximum. 4. Note (if necessary)--all fixed objects. 5. Please differentiate proposed sidewalk and landscaped areas.. ..~, Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co._ Page 4 6. Please note/dimension .clearly on this plan the limits of the proposed paving in relation to ea\existing paving. 7. Please include the City's standard detail for local street sections. This detail can be modified to_match proposed cross section of this project, but all technical notes need to remain. 8. Please note/dimension (if ..:necessary) all existing utilities within this right=of-way. Sheet 5 of 9 - West.35th Avenue P & P 1. Please correct direction of north arrow. 2. Please note all street names, and the existing percentage of grade for each. 3. Please provide back of walk elevations and note that tooled- joints for this walk are to be spaced at 10-foot maximum. 4. Note (if necessary) all fixed objects. 5. Please differentiate proposed sidewalk and landscaped areas. 6. Please note/dimension clearly on this plan the limits of the proposed paving in relation to the existing paving. 7. Please include the_City's standard detail for local street sections. This detail can_be modified to match proposed cross section of this project, but all technical notes need to remain. 8. Please note/dimension (if necessary) all existing utilities within this right-of-way .__ 9. Please show proposed handicap ramps and detail accordingly to City standards. Sheets 8 &_9 of 9 1. All cross sections proposed will need to show those public improvements/landscaped areas and grading -along the West 34th and 35th Avenue frontages. Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co. Page 5 Traffic Engineering Review 1. Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E. (235-2-862), has reviewed Impact Study for the site. For your information, implementation with the third submittal package, Typical Study Contents sheet is provided. the Traffic and a copy of the Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, and Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due, .will need to be submitted for review and approval. Iri conjunction-with this permit, an erosion control plan will need to be_submitted for -- review and approval. A copy of this permit was included with the June 20, 1997 review letter_ review and approval. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Guarantee - Prior to any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the West 34th and 35th Avenue rights-of-way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate of these public .improvements will need to be submitted fog review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, an acceptable form of guarantee (letter of credit, escrow check), will need t be submitted for Right-of-Wav Construction Permit(s)/Contractor Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s), and contractor --- licensing will need to be processed_by the City. Subdivision Plat The City has not received the plat document requested for this site for. the second review. This document will need to show the 5-foot wide right-of-way dedication for-=the West 34th Avenue frontage, and the 25-foot right-of-way dedication requested for Wadsworth Blvd. - Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Contractor Licensing Prior to any construction o-f the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s) and licensing will need to be processed with the City by the respective contractor(s). Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal.. Mr. Jeff BeIlen Drexel Barrell & Co Page 6 If y h e any questions, please contact met ,at 23.5-2868. Si c ely, Greg I~iuds n Development Review Engineer cc:-Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert,, Sr. Planner File The Cify of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE 303 234-5900 Wheat WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 ~ ~ City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 ~ ~idge August 25, 1997 Joe Wicentowich Nook and Company 9250 East Costilla Avenue Suite 440 Englewood, Colorado 80112 Deaz Joe: Please be advised that your request for a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-97-8 for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. wa. approved by City Council on August 11, 1997. A condition of approval on the outline development plan was that the statement of allowed use be amended to limit the use of the property for this specific proposal. Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 1085 and minutes from the meeting. Staff has referred the most recent plan set to Public Works for final review. Any comments generated will be forwazded to you. Their comments need to be incorporated onto the plans prior to submission of the blackline photographic mylazs for recording with Jefferson County. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848. Sincerely, 4 Meredith Reckert Senior Planner cc: Ron Luke Case No. WZ-97-8 ~~ RECYCLED PAPER WHEAT RIDGE CITY COIINCIL MINRTES: August 11, 1997 Page -2- r PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Council Bill 25 - An Ordinance amending the Municipal Theft Charge by increasing the amount taken up to $500.00; repealing all other ordinances in .'conflict therewith. Council Bill 25 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Solano; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 1086 assigned. Motion by Mr. Solano for approval of Council Bill 25 (Ordinance 1086); seconded by Mr. Eafanti; carried 8-0. Item 2. Council Bill 23 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan on land located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. WZ-97-8) Council Bill 23 was introduced on second reading by Mr. DiTullio; title and summary read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 1085 assigned. Patrick Nook, of Nook & Company, architects and planners representing applicant Ronaplp y Luke, was sworn in by the Mayor and gave brief description of their proposed beaut su l business. This will not be open to the public, only to lutterssidewalk and9ands apingntire frontage of the property will be improved with curb, g Jeff Oel[en, was sworn in by the Mayor; he is the project manager; explained-the drainage/detention pond~and answered,Council's questions. Meredith Reckert, Planner, was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. Ron Luke, applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor; he explained that quite a few of his products are for resale and don't get taxed; he expects 50-60 customers per day; he will be . open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Motion by DiTullio that Council Bill 23 (Ordinance 1085), a request for approval of rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan on property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. be approved for the following reasons: WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 11, 1997 Page -3- i. There are changed conditions in the area which have rendered the property undevelopable under the existing zoning. 2. This is a commercial zoning which will have minimal impact on the adjacent residential neighborhood due to use limitations and design parameters on the outline plan. 3. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval. With the following condition: The statement of allowed use be amended to limit use of the property to this specific proposal; seconded by Mr. Solano. Mrs. Dalbec stated for the record that she will support this but she is objecting that we have to require a 25ft right-of-way on Wadsworth; every time we put in a business, we acquire 25 more feet; we have not talked about adding another lane, we have talked about deceleration lane. She also wants something adding regarding lighting so that the neighbofiood is taken into consideration and on the impact of the construction of the deceleration lane along Wadsworth and keeping traffic out of 35th Avenue. Motion by Mrs. Shaver for an amendment to the motion that lighting on the east side be directed downward; seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; failed 5-3 with Councilmembers Shaver, Worth, and Dalbec voting yes. Original Motion carried 8-0. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that the request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan for property located at 3470 Wadsworth 81vd. be approved for the following reasons: 1. All minimum commercial development standards have been met or exceeded. 2. The proposed building and use is compatible with surrounding uses. 3. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval. With the following condition: Drainage and street plans must be approved by City staff before permits are issued; seconded by Mrs. Datbec; carried 8-0. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that the request for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 3470 Wadsworth Blvd. be approved for the following reasons: 1. A ,plat is part of the submittal requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan approval process. 2. The plat is required to consolidate two parcels into one parcel. 3. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 4. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval; seconded by Mr. Solano; carried 8-0. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DiTuilio Council Bill No. ~_ Ordinance No. 1085 Series of 1997 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-TWO TO PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOR APPROVAL OF AN OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ON LAND LOCATED AT 3470 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, CITY OF WHEA"1' RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY "f FIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Upon application by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of rezoning in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. WZ-97-8 and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge maps are hereby amended to exclude from the Residential-Two district and to include in the Planned Commercial Development cone district for the following described land: PARCEL 1: THE SOU'['H 95 FEE"t OF THE WEST 95 FI?li`I' OF THE EAST 470 FEET OF THE WEST 36 RODS OF "fHEi NORTH 13-I/3 RODS OF "1'i-IF, SOUTH 80 RODS OF "CHFi NORTHEAST QUARTEK OF S1;CTION 26, TOWNSEIIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, SPATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: THAT PAR"f OF "I'I [E N W 1/4 OF "THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NB I/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSI~tIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING A"C A POINT ON "I'HE3 WEST LINE OF SAID NE 1/4, 80 RODS NORTH OF THE SW CORNER THEiRE~:OF;'fIIENCE EAST ALONG 3"Hfi NORTH L[NE OF THE SW 1/4 OF'fHE NE 1/4 OF SI~:C"PION (SIC), 219 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARALLEL TO (SIC) THE WEST LINE OF SAID SW I!4 OF THE NE 1/4, A DISTANCE OF 125 FEET; THENCE WEST, PARALLEL TO (SIC') SAID NORTH LINE, 95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARAI,I,EL TO (SIC) SAID WEST LINE, 95 FEET TO THE SOUTFI LINE OF PROPERTY, DESCRIBF.:D IN BOOK 483 AT PAGE 91; "THENCE WEST ALONG THE SAID SOUTH LINE, 124 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO TI-IE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF, EXCEPT THAT PART DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 1194 AT PAGE 487; COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Section 2 Conditions. Approved use of the property is for the retail and wholesales of beauty products to licensed cosmetologists. Section 3 Vested Prooertv Ri 1~ its. Approval of this rezoning does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26(c) of Appendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Ordinance No. 1085 Series 1997 Page 2 CPrtinn 4 Safetv Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public. and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 5. Severability. If any clause, sentence, pazagraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect ~_ days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to 0 on this 14th day of July , 1997, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for August 11 , 1997, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th .___ __- Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PCJBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 8 to 0 ,this 11 thday of August , 1997: SIGNED by the Mayor on this 12th day of August , 1997. DAN WILDE, MAYOR ATTEST: W~ g, City Clerk FORM BY TTORNEY A Ordinance No. 1085 Case No. WZ-97-R/City of Wheat Ridge 1st Publication: July 18, 1997 2nd Pub]ication: August 15, 1997 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: August 30, 1997 Page 3 ,~ w b a ~ ~ J ^~.. J 3~ of ~ ~ I ~ ~~ 3 $.~~ Q, .: ~8 a ;,; ~- ~~~~~~ :~:: _ :;;. .. , • n'; s = J Q' p Q w QO Q N ~ ~ U ~ N O y F- _ Z w (n N d' ~ J ° ~ w~ ~~ ' W U = J > C~ I~il ~ W V=7 w Z 5 J a O¢z wm :~,~ ~ . o , IZ ~ ~ N Z p I .. , W O (q Z N w , ~ ~ N O f w a~rr ~ ¢ z ¢. Z O a.~ W w ~ ~ w ~~~ x o ~U .Cx.7;~} ~ Z, 0 ~ _ =1. O ~ Z F--: Rr~ -~~ ' ,. . "J J W ~ , . t. J':W :..t. J ~ QJ Z Z , .Q , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~N a ~ w > OWt] (nj ~z C N .. w~ z a 4~ ~ ' . m Q~ W . ~,w ,.. W. _ (n ,..Z.~~r C~~~ ~ ~ W U~ Q ~ .` .7 -'~. a '~ oo°O . U W F- >Otj O Q J~ W Vl Z Qa.~ O ¢-.. I, 1- SHOW ~ ~> ~ Z Z~~ J ,' ~ O OQZ. N Q ~ N U Z w W O ~ H ~' : ~'-~ z ~ w _ J ? O J w ~ p ."J O a aQ~ w > z ~ o c~ ~ > ~ o a o O Q n. J X Q p w = ~mg b\~~ In M N ~!' CO,. pj.c ~ ., . N'M r'} vv~ (n lr- !n N ~ ~ ~ rn In c0 I~ M MMd"_ ~~'-~0 .=.~D O 00 N 1~ ,- .- N In 17 N Q Y U W U C7 QW, mmm W Q~Wj ONln V > ~ Q O K > r~r wc~~0 ~} a~O~20WQ oaaaw~a-ice J 21UU=~~~ J Jfn VI J~~~ ¢¢oo¢~~~ ~-1--z~~--- o000OZZz F-~-J=1-~~~ ~~~ N.':I ..5 ~ s ~': ,'i ,~ `i ~ o_ .F ~.. i ~~'. , C k ~ ,~ ~ v ~:~ .: V r t '.. -~ 4 } S r~4~ " , ' ``p' N 1 f! + w N:"., .~ O O , ~' M 7 n, ~ J `^y `~^ U .f7 , WO Zp''.N '~.. M ,O p ~ \ ~ U o d c ' ~ _ ' _ tr . ~ W ~ U J w i. w ' 41 W D .. '~ ~"' o ~~~xs:. q ,~. x , - ~~a C7 Y w »s ,n O~_. ;' ' N ` ~ ~:: a ~: ~~, ~~. 1 ~ 1 ' ' - ~- ,.. " Q 575oq WEST 29TH AVENUE The City of 4 P.O. BOX 638 - {303) 234-5900 WHEAT RIDGE. CO80034-0638 ~IleSt Clty Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge August 27•, 1997 Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co. 4840 Pearl Street, Suite 114 Boulder, Colorado 80301-2475 Re: State Beauty Supply, 3470 Wadsworth Blvd.- First Review Comments Consolidation Plat Dear Mr. Bellen, The first review has been Completed oSubdivs~on reoeivedeon document for the'State Beauty Supp y . August 25, 1997, with the following revisions needed: 1. Please note bearing for Wadsworth Blvd. centerline. 2. Right-of-way dedication statement should read, "hereby dedicated". 3. Please indicate by legend, the pins found or set. 4. Please show the area of Lot 1 after dedication of right-of- way. 5. Please change reception number south of 34th Avenue from 90019436 to 9001916. 6. Please confirm the appropriate dedication of right-of-way for the placement of 15-foot minimum radii at the Wadsworth intersections. of West '34th, and 35th Avenue. Note: The City's records show "questionable" right-of-way on the north and south sides of West 34th Avenue. This plat defines the north line for that right-of-way. Please provide an Alta Survey of this parcel for filing as well. Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal_ If you have any questions, please contact the City Surveyor, Mr. John McGuire, L.S. me at 235-2858. (~ rr.~pd~,r r,.rN. ~iew Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File 4': The Crty of 7~WEST 29TH AVENUE (303)234-5900 Wheat WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-67'13 ~ Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 September 16, 1997 Mr. Jeff Bellen - Drexel Barrell & Co. 4840 Pearl Street, Suite 114 Boulder, Colorado 80301-2475 Re: State Beauty Supply, 3470 Wadsworth Blvd.- Third Review Comments of Final Drainage Study, West 34th & 35th Avenue & Wadsworth Blvd. Street Construction Plans Dear Mr. Bellen, I have completed the second review of Subdaboseorereceived on documents for the State Beauty Supply September 10, 1997, and-have the following comments: Drainage Study (Discussion) Cover Paae 1. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on the final approved report. Notes: 1. The latest submittal proposes that onsite detention storage is now to be released to an existing storm sewer manhole supposedly located at the northeast corner of the site adjacent to West 35th Avenue. This manhole, and any pipe exiting from it, are not recorded on `the City's storm sewer maps, nor can this manhole be located in the field. Please clarify this latest design, and revise all report discussion and related plans to match the actual design and existing field data. For example, the latest drainage plan still proposes a chase section as the release outlet from the proposed detention pond. If in fact the storm sewer manhole and pipe does exist that is now being shown, the appropriate cross sections and details need to be provided 2. The state will need to review and approve the drainage study proposed for this project. A written copy of the state's approval still needs to be provided to the City ~~ RECYCLED PAPER Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell __ _ Page :2 3. This report has still not sufficiently discussed, (or-noted on respective plan sheets)., how minor and major. storm volumes, from the east ehds of West 34th and .35th Avenue, are to. be , appropriately conveyed from this site, to existing property frontages which are not improved.-.This area needs to be_ analyzed at least 50-feet beyond the_east_property_line. Drainage Plan (sheet _2-of 5) Sheet 1 - 1. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature... 2. Please note all surface types, especially those proposed for. the detention pond area. 3. Please note the location(s) of .all roof drains on the proposed structure along with-the direction of .flow conveyance from this structure.., __. , 4. Please note the existing grades of all the public right-of- ways. Street Construction Plans _- _ Sheet 3 of 10 - Horizontal Control Plan & Details 1. Please confirm that benchmark information is per.-City of-Wheat Ridge datum. 2. This., and all related plans need to-show the entire=right-of- way width .f or both W.34th and 35th Avenues. 3. Please show the proposed cross-pan. 4. Sidewalk chase section detail needs to be included on drainage plan as well. ~^ Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell Page 3 Sheet 5 of 10 - Wadsworth Blvd. 1. Wadsworth Blvd. plan, profile and traffic plan still needs to be submitted to state for review and approval. Copy of approved plan will need to be submitted to City. Sheet 6 of 10 - West 34th Avenue P & P 1. The cross section proposing a detached sidewalk is not acceptable as the City does not want to maintain that area between the back of curb and the sidewalk. Pttereandvwalkplan accordingly to reflect the standard curb, gu section detail attached to this sheet. 2. Second lift of asphalt should be grade EX Sheet 7 of 10 - West 35th Avenue P & P 1. See item 1 from sheet 6 of 10 comments section. 2. Second lift of asphalt should be grade EX 3_ Please clarify intention of driveway pipe to be removed to and conveyance ofnflowsappom Westf35thpAvenueWdrainagethis, Sheets 9 & 10 of 10 1. All cross sections proposed will need to show back of walk elevation proposed. Traffic Enaineerincr Review 1. A copy of the Typical Study Contents sheet was provided with the second submittal package for implementation as needed. These revisions were not included with the third submittal package. - - Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell Page 4 A lication for Minor lium r~~ LCi11u L~.i+ -~--"-- Prior to 'the commencement of any onsite grading, and Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due, will need to be submitted for review and approval. Inesteduintthe firsttand permit, an erosion control-plan, regu second review comments, still needs to be submitted for review and approval. A copy of this permit was included with the June 20, 1997 review letter. public I rovements i.:osL ns~i,,,a~~. ~- -------- Prior to any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the West -34th and 35th Avenue rights-of-way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate of these public improvements will need to be submitted for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, an acWeplaneedit be submittedefor (letter of credit, escrow check), review and approval. Prior to any construction of the"public improvements, e necessary right-of-way construction permit(s), and contractor licensing will need to be processed by the City. Subdivision Plat All review comments for the plat have been completed to-the satisfaction of the City. Ri ht-of-Wa Construcuou rniu~l.~. ~ -------- Prior to any constructioonstruction permitps)vandnlicensing will necessary right-of,way need to be processed with the City by the respective contractor(s). Please r~.turn all red-lined prints with the second submittal. If yon ha e any questions, please contact met at 235-2868. r ~ Si c ely, ~-- Gr~g I~ud on, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Dave Kotecen, Traffio Engineerneer Steve Nguy John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File The City of E+ - 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE _ _ (303) 234-5900 e at WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6773 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge October 2, 1997 Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co. 4840 Pearl Street, Suite 114 Boulder, Colorado 8030,1-2.475 Re- State Beauty Supply, 3470 Wadsworth Blvd.- Fourth Review Comments of Final Drainage Study, Second Review Comments of West 34th & 35th Avenue & Wadsworth Blvd. Street Construction Plans Dear Mr. Bellen, I have completed the reviews of the above referenced documents for the State Beauty Supply Subdivision received on September 29, 1997, and have the following comments: Drainage Study (Discussion) Cove__ r Page 1. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on two-final approved reports Note: of the State's approval of the drainage -. A written copy - ~ report and plan and the WasdsworrovBded totthetCity. improvements still needs to be p Drainage Plan (sheet 2 of 5) 1. Plan is approved for construction pending State approval. Street Construction Plans - , Sheet 6 of 11 - West 34th Avenue P & P 1. Please note the diameter range of Type VL rip-rap. 2. Note spelling error. '^~ R'cCYCLED PAPER f ' Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co. Page 2 Sheet 7 of 10 - West 35th,Avenue P & P 1. Please note the diameter range of Type VL rip-rap. 2. Note spelling error. - 3. Please remove reference to storm sewer manhole on east property line. Traffic Enaineerina Review 1. The Traffic Impact Study £or r this site has been approved by Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E. Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, and Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due, will need to be submitted for review-and approval. In conjunction with this permit, an erosion control plan, requested ixi the first and second sesiew comments, still needs to be submitted for review and approval. A copy of-this permit was included with the June 20, 1997 review letter. Public Im rovements Cost Estimate & Guarantee Prior to any construction commencing for'the required public improvements within the West 34th and 35th Avenue rights-of-way, an itemized engineer's cost_estimate of these public improvements will need. to be submitted for review and approval. IIpon acceptance of this estimate, .an acceptable form of guarantee (letter of__credit, escrow check), will need t be submitted for review and approval. Right o£ Wav Construction Permit(s)/Contractor Licensi~he Prior to_ any construction of-the public improvements, necessary right-of-way construction permit(s), and contractor licensing will need to be processed by the City. Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrel & Co. Page 3 If ou hale any questions, please contact met at 235-2868. Si c ely, Gr g Kr~idso M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File The City of ~ n 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE (303) 234-5900 Wheat WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 City Admin. Fax N 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax q 235-2949 Ridge October 13, 1997 Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & CoSuite 114 4840 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado 80301-2475 Re: State Beauty Supply, 3470 Wadsworth Blvd.- First Review Comments of Erosion Control Plan Construction Plans Dear Mr. Bellen, I have completed the levSubdivisionabeceivedeonnOctoberulOnt1997, the State Beauty Supp y and have the following comments: Erosion Control Plan 1. Please add red-lined notes. 2. Please note correct street names. A lication for Minor Dum iu ++a.,......_- - The City has received the required permit, and has the following comments: 1. Please provide the volume of cut/fill to be removed and/or placed. 2. Fees calculated ($64.45) need to be paid before the City can process the permit further. Public Im rovements Cosc L~sl.iuw~.~ `--- The cost estimate received ($13,000:00) is accepleb~er of credit, acceptable form of guarantee-for this amount, roval. escrow check) will need to be submitted for review and app C,l REDVGLED PAPER Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co. Page 2 Note: A written copy of the State's approval of the drainage report and plan and the Wandsworth Blvd. street improvements still needs to be provided to"the City. Right of Way Construction Permit(s1/Contractor Licensin Prior:to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s), and contractor licensing will need to be processed by the City. Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. If you 13hve any questions, Si erely, ~eg, ~ud on, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer please Contact met at_235-2868. cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~Whe at WHEAT RIDGE, CO.80215-6713 (303) 234-59D0 City Admin. Fax N 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax A 235,2949 ~1C~~,p October_23, 1997 _-_. Mr. Jeff Bellen Drexel Barrell & Co. - __ 4840 Pearl East Circle,.,.. - Suite 114 . Boulder, Colorado 80301 Re: State-Beauty Supply Subdivision, 3470 Wadsworth Blvd.- Approval of Final Drainage Report, Street Construction Drawings and Erosion Control Plan Dear Mr. Bellen; This .letter is to inform you that the final drainage report, street construction plans, and the erosion control plan for the above referenced project have been reviewed and approved for construction.- Please be aware of the following items regarding the construction of the projedt: 1. The proposed drainage facilities shall be constructed and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge prior to issuance of .the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Erosion control for the project shall be placed in conformance with the approved drainage/erosion control plan and shall be maintained as needed during the course of construction. 3. A11 drainage improvements shall be ..constructed in conformance with the approved drainage report and plan. 4. It will be the responsibility of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements on West 34th and 35th Avenues and Wadsworth Blvd. as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining West 34th and 35th Avenues, and Wadsworth Blvd. on a regular basis such they are-free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing. the site. 5. Upon completion of the drainage improvements the engineer, Drexell Barrell & Company shall provide to the City of Wheat. Ridge a letter of_certification stating t_hat_the various improvements, as defined in the drainage report and plan,-have been accurately surveyed to confirm that their construction is in accordance with these documents. The certification letter~ shall be written .and stamped by the engineer who prepared the CO FECYCLE I]FFPFF Mr.-Jeff Bellen Drexel_Barrel & Co. - _ Page 2 - drainage report, and shall be submitted for review acid- approval by the City prior to issuance of the Temporary_ Certificate of Occupancy, or Certificate o£ Occupancy. If ou eve any questions, please contact me at 235-2868. S'nc ely, ,-' Greg Knudson, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer _ _ _ GWK cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Alan White, Planning & Development Director.. Dave Kotecki, Sr._ Project Engineer _ Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer __. _ - John Eckert, Chief Building Inspector Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner John McGuire, City Surveyor __ File y - r- g ~'~~ WAUSWOR7H f3QlJLE'IARD ~~~SSCG~ ~"~ ~~ ~~ ~~- ~~'~ ~ ~ D ~~R ~~~ ~ ~ ~~a DECEIARA PION iANE Na ~ s F, ~ ~ > 191 ~4~ DuE npem _ _ ~ ~ > 4 ~ ~ a a ~/ g~ ~'~ ~ N ~~ ~ E~ ~ ~ 0 111 ~, -_- . g F ~ ~' ~ O d v 9 i.~is. 189.31 _ _ _ _ ~ '~ 32A ~ ~ '" ~ ~~~. I I I I ~a t ~ ~ ~ s ~ u ~ i ~ t~ {N~~. 'Q( j ^oD - _ ~_' r '~ $ I ~ m o. iTn , m Y~~¢:`~' 0~ ~ '11m 1'~~ rCJ A.,~ C.J kr' ~~ y~~ ~' ~ ~J _ ~ ~~ nz ' rl I ~ I T $ ~€ ~ -_ a -a~+. ~ ~i . 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A $ . ~ . ~9 F Qy y SN-` ~ . . ~ ~ °es ~ ~m ~~ F ^_~ 0 .. ~ ~n~ °~ N , yL y m9K p O p~y `gm ~i ~ y x ~'e $ `.. i ~m~ ~y. ~~a y$. GpYpt~ ~~ m~q$ :QQ ~4~`~~.. ~~34 t a R~1+~ } .'~~~ -~ ~'{ "` $E g~, ~v~ N ~:. r~ .. ~~bg ' ~$ dbi g'~ >2 ~_ __ °~~-', 7g 3~$~ '~~ 9qS1~1, Y~ ~YNZ' 1~ F ~ a oY. 74~ ' - n $ ~+ ~~~~, ~$ _; ~~s~ o~oag~ ~ y~~= NW ~~~^. ~~ RN$~, $~ ;~8 -~ r Mar-21-97 09:33A DE VR~FAX 303 5 2857 P.02 ~~ ~ we- ~F~LSUN CCUNTY ~~ ~~~~IGIP~L T ~°`~''°~' _ON I NG MAP OYJNER HS I}~ o ,~ ,~~ ~(HE~T ~? I DG~ .MZE OLOR~DO _TiPLE ADDRESSES AP ADOp7EO Jnc IS, f994 rot Rsvifion: Saptsmbcr 19. 1996 • ' CF ftAHYNb /JO OEVB.OPtQn - 7lS~Z857 3\PLANNIN~i\OS\NE26 ---- ZONB DtSTRiGT BOUh1DRY - pARGEI./LOT BOUNDRY (DESIGNATES OhPJER5111P1 DENOTES MLI_TIPLE ADDRESSES W H E A T_ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE FAXli (303) 235-2857 F A C .S I I L E To: Jo Li R I D G E WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 From: lLlc~~~~ /~ _. -- Date: 9~ ' 9a _ - _ No. of Pages (not including cover sheet) r ~pP LW~GS UK. PLANNING AND ZONING - PARKS AND RECREATION PUBLIC WORKS ._- - - (303)23~-28~t6. (303) 235-2877 ~ (303) 235-2$6L 4 Rc vi~l~W~k Persti Minter/Fax/Copier de'~i'fic _---- Result a es ~ypg :.~=`:; 96499870 OK 03 Sent ~.a.o Fait Log Report for DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 Sep-08-97 10:53 AM Date Time Duration Diaggostic Sep-08 10:50A 00:02:11 002184230020 ` W H E A T 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE FAX# (303) 235-2857 F A C S I M L E To: From: /~ ILi$Dl~ _. Date: ~-9a' ~~' _. No. of Pages (not incinding cover sheet) Comments: ~4~~ ME ,~Lt 235 -ZpyB _ JoE R I D G E WHEAT RIDGE• COLORADO 80215 PLANNING AND ZONING PARKS AND RECREATION ~ PUBL[C`-WORKS (303) 23~-2846 _. - (303) 235-2877 `_ = 0303) Z35-2861 -. IMP OffceJet Fax i.og Report for Personal Printer/FaxlCopier DEVREVFAX 303 235 2857 Aug-27-97 10:23 AM Identification Result Paces Tvae Date Timc Duration Diagnostic 96499870 OK 08 Sent Aug-27 10:15A 00:07.26 002184230020 >.ao "' N`~ic`~ '?&~;~~1„~T, V,t ~WhItA1~ RIDGE -~>.R. ~~ _ ,. „~~~;DEPARTMENT OF COML}~.yMUNITY'DEVELOPMENT s.a"~` } ~a - '~717"F'T~>~kS'V}i"+ i~.!~34s-~'r~K ~~-~`..k'~.'~il-e ~-^E7'ArwT+'i1 4 f`"~#~ ~~.~ ' ; . T~RpANSMITTAL LETTER - y.•: Yey~' ~n igS~~yyFF~~.C~"_ Y^.-t ~ jj~.{"c~>e.'Ld,,~i rn4~ ~'~f 7* ^c.+.'~we ~j})~s~. ;,~,7 ~y. ';: F ".~\.1S .4~rnC > grt6.^S1v6~ " " PROJECT' NO ~ ~ ~ C? ~ ~~ ~ ~` A ~ `_Z S ~ ~ sue,-„ <. ~ D TE q ~. ?' ~. ~~yyY~Jr~>,?fb L 1- n3sa`ia ts.. y l:e e .br hro Lr _ - : f 1C Tq a ,b ~ - ~, .,~,.;~ From _ ~ _. };C'Jlr~~rsra~<t? ~f Y'`*y-'y'~^~v. 6,~!rl t': ~' .~.y ~"~y ~ _ ~3^r9'°'.' n-j~.~`:~ k.f~ }~~ A'."4' Y.+~ R ~''_ :A'"~ to ;':n far r• ~ "Q i.: ~ ~`~,,, ^.L"' . 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IS/ARE^ RETURNED HEREWITH BY ~; t. s,E, °~~~~ Q~pproved~`, ^ _ Approved as Noted ^ ,Disapproved b ~' Yf nar*t'p'~ q .yF}."°si~ i{ yrYG.~eR ..~ "~,,fi.~,~y~rnq~~Forev~sion & Resubmittal f ^ ,Other _ k*"` s^~"`""Addit~onal Comments Attached Return Date ~ ~,~,yx its, i?~p'u'a '-r"''~i4iye fir,'.. i kt; ~s. w•u _•~' i ' ~a~~ E If/e~msi Transmttted ' = - ' ~• Co les -- l s-i_YU- ... 1: d.- bn aii'- L -.~Y -t. st s?~afiP+'~i~-frY )Xtf~?JE __~- P y~5 Description f Dated 1 ~ ~ •+R1Tn-~ p ' •p.. T•., ~ ~ -ii{ _,~-`fair ~g --s . :~~r ____ ~~~,g Office3et Fax Log Report for ~. Itersonal Printer/Fax/Copier all 3~ 2857X Jun-19-97 01:25 PM Idenfification esult P8Ee5 Tyke Date Time oration Diagnostic 96499870 OK 02 Sent Jun-19 01:24P 00:01.30 002184230020 ~..o r , ~ ,~111t:.'~L 7 If"l~, ria~i iJ ,;314. 4~V r`tl'V!3 t`~ 'ui:7lYI FYf 4i6v tv f~iL 1diiYIN,~.. ~;n~.a r- .,e ~ e _ ~ .':?L~.~S ''"H FRA~iNIJS P~Nh~„~t.~A.~,l;A MA~SHA~,E~ ~ SEEDLESS ~ i~~]G' l.~~k(vt... `'U.: i.s i~~'`•;r W{.~'I.,'',I Lz~L.IJ'~I~~PS 1.11 t,~~hl!•i ~"~VJ ~'Y...~41X11.3 ~ ~ 4.~NF_,.~' <;=jet- ; i°~.i~~'~ ~~~~~~1 ~~~Ai~ ~~~i~'~~~aei~~~~~~~ ~ . Ezr~~r.'~FN TR~rE AJ`;rR~"'i F?i~iE 3t NlGRA p;° p ~'7fK:~ I ~i~3~.~qf pP~~pp`t p p,~/~ ,y t 1''a q,~~ga~a `'~,;E ~ ~ gt j(*~' r ~~~....,..~.AU'Wi LJE t`11 iJ~t:, ~ ~LNGENS L7LA`~krA . '+d - 8*.a~~ 1iz ,.m.:! 'sm~ F e 7 h ~ ~jS ~ E i E 6 ~t.Gl_~~~lt~ ~ j REG ~ ~ ~ C,CR~t~S ~Ri~..iA BAILEY ~ . ~ . ~ - ~ SHR~;iB , ..,Iw~~N F~RE~; ~Jt.AC S`YRIN'('A ~ , 1 ~1~ ~ d ~~RF?i.ELEA,~ SANS G~ sw"~',~„y, Pr~JN~JS l.a1~._N~A ~ ~ . ~ . a,.~ "~0.~f'i.rl~ !~RIGATIO~1 SYSTE"•1 SMALL BE BE I}~u''i:~~E~ EGR ;=ULL CGV RF.'':' ~ Gf ~~-~~_i. ~.~.'u~(~ f~ATRiA~.~. TI-i~ ~~1~A! i~~(~ ~AL~_ ~:~E Si~~,~lifi~D A Pt1~'T ~~j r~ a ~-iE _APd~,~~~A~iW: ~C~NSTRUCTk~l~# I~u%I1tr~~:N~" TC} BE SujM;TiE~ ;*'O PER~91T. ~~°.i.x~ ~~L.~11'~''r ~O;.A~~~;ufti;; ASE O~'aL~~',l i".Y LOCA~EI~ ~fl (~Jf~lAT t'~~~7i,,;.ol E ~ i~lA WITl~ ~L VELG~'P1tj~~J 1 REGOLATiC~~`_:,. T'rI~ F ~I°.~~:~ L~~,TiGNS SN,tiI~L ,_...~U~3~tITTEL~ ~I-lE LAv~`SCAE CON`~~i~'13~T1~N i:~;~i:l~I'~1~Pi-1' TQ ~ i.~. SUBS': , ~.,8 , OR PF.' .r~iT. r 4PV[~SCARIl~O SN?+_L ~E N A~~tR~)~,N ~IITN S~:~TI~~ 26-~~~~ ~F" G~iE W~{AT P,` , DBE O tAV~S, 'NCJ RiGNT WI EkIST~~t~ QWNE A~Ib ANTl~;1PAT `i I Tl1RN SIGN , C~r~;S. C. LUKE ~Q,OIN (NC~, ~ ~Lf~RADO CORPORft , `,'~l!TF~I ROP~A~~ C. LUKE ~'R _ _ _ _ S4DE'Ath' _ fi TIE O'?~E ' ~3"~~~ TITY A r~ I E~ 9BIC~,.E_. A6OVE S~IA~.L REF~O#~SCBLE FOR ALL THE CONTINUE ~.~~~s~r, I ~~N ~ ~Lri~vl';',~ ~EVEL0~~4 . _~__w r. _1a6.. _ - - ~ ___v . ~ ~5 r r~, i , , _~__m_. _ ; h _ ~ . ~ ~ " _ w K.w....,a °aC.,n,. _ m~..aa~..r ~ 3a,.;,+~ ....,:M...„a « ~ « ~.a~..,~.. ~4 ...ate I! ~..~~'".o °a^*o-.,A Pb .a~w~ .w m.....r w..rsri+ «r a ......ow w~.~n enas.e wp ~ 3~ i ~ ~ ;;",y ' 1 I' i tr THE F'ROl~OSE~3 1, 3~: (7€_ TFi15 BUiLQCN WILL FUN Ti C ON ~E~~IREL'~ ~ ..SIAMESE J p,~ J A SINGLE C?PERATIC}N 1Nt tr. L7(~',i7 t.. f,~ ^~~ryp~ APJI~ `iaF'IT WAREI-IOU`~IRy07» Tk~ j 1~Z~ ~ ~ F? ~ 1 ~ 4..V~iV.~~I~V!'~ ~ D~~~I'€.J ~~t~~ l![-,~~t'43~ 4V~~itia✓~ t.7 ~f'(~fY# ~ U. V~ f'1~ TU' ,.,.,,~r 4 _-A ~r ~ c ~ r SON rah AM TO 4.OG PM Ai..OI;,IG t~ITN PER,OpIC IN~1~r~" ' TI ~ a.~x ~ _ ORAL - _ ~ SAC ONAL GLASS AT hilG!-iT, 1ME V '~.i~. } 1'i ~ ~ i f"1 tats €f11~ hl ~a~ I~~T ~V 4.i~~W4FJ ~/~4 ~~,4ETC~LOGIS i Ct ~~~JRTiON C?E T ~ M ~ ! ~ ~ ,i PROF'CJSEU ~uiLUINC _ _ ~ ~ ~ TF?E 5~1~~'LIES ~'O~ U~RECTSALE, :~~`F'PIiVO A~#D Rt:~f~~~,~,~. 1NlLL BE L#CNT I~ ~CATi~RL, INVOLV ~~GN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I , r _ - ~ - - ~ ~ _ ~ ~ A ~~~0 VdNC= ~ ~ i I as ~ ND L SI,~ALI~ FANS ADO CLR TAE BL1Sa?~E~S WiL~. EMPLOY SIX TO S V N ~ wp E EMRLO ~ 1 . ~ - ; I I _ ~ i ~ ~lt~~._ I~a~~NT ~ " WIDE I CONC. ~ ~ _yr ,p ~ H, TI~w I O_,D C~ESIGN NTENT OF THIS PLANNED DE~r~,LOPIFT WILL INVOLVE A REZONE RRd . ~ _ LOAD#NG S~G~V~ALK O P I_~L,a fi_O CG~r~IERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) !Iv ORCa._,. jC ALLOW FOR TF3E PR~`P~aSt.~7 Bt1 BOA j. 1 ,a„ E~Vt.~.GSUF(~ Bl°'~ Bl~,at.~ ~ F~it,N iil~i~~.l? r~i~: PROPOS~'I~ PS U F~'A,i f .,k ~I ; ~ I ~y x I~ ' fi~i~TC. i ~ A~PFIA~ ' A ~ , „ _ € ~ ~ f, .fir R. s,~,~ld !C ter- _ _ M~ ~ ~ <8 ~9r~~~ , 1 A""!. i ~.i "..~~t..' I,I ~.'li 1~~ M*~~L~Vt ~!Yfi I]11~L/t ~.~11..-., ~Ji~ y. .11 T31!" / fl~^r n. _ E ~ j ~ uE ~ ~..URFiEjv i cvSvt j { ~ ~ RaC.~v'. iU ~ , ~ 12'x" ~ PAD I _ AEU F~,.~~_ ~ ~ ~a.PS~;~,R~; PR PUS O P ~ _ _ _ _ TOTAL LO [ ~Rt. µ 29i1 ~4 SF' E PLAT t ~ ~ TOTAL ~~~~~#f~C~ ~ CVERAE x,136 SF` 24.5 L~~~,LIMENT~-. m_,___ ~ ,,I ! ; LAI~IDSC~IPING GO'~,'ERAOE i ~ _ ICI ,K- ,.OI~~ I~~_TE x,579 SF {36.3, I, ~ ~~,,i ~ III ~"cCHAPJiCAL HARDSCAPE C(~!!ER:~.CL 11 43 SF~ 39:2 I 4 ~ E ~ C~faIL~ f~5~~.R TOTAL. ~~~E~C~F1T , ~ , ~ , MIIv~. f4,r ,.RON ~ , .RD SETBACK z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PAS >d~ ~:~1 ~ v© t ; II~+R.. M~~si1~~i,.~~I YAf~~ z i I' ~ `'4 I,ANuSCAPE ~ ~ L i BACK t iil l ~ i ~ GREEN ~ _ vli~;?~~~llM REAR BARD SETBACK _ ~ ~ ~ ~ E , , k ~ ~ ~ p i y ~ .a . ~i ~ A~., ~ ' C~GAt~ ~~~~NCL- a._._._~ REQt~IRED. OFI=ICE' RETAIL 44p ' 0 SF 15 e .j~, - , r ~ i~a3 „ t ~ I ~ ~ ~IARENOUSII~G {2736. s~ ~ + a ~a , - t~ Vj~ _P~!;] ilf ~4, 1 { ~ ~Af~f L/I Xr./`Y I'" f lA~.r l~.. i. 4 ` ~ ~ i ~ ~ -__~t~?r~r~' ~ T~OTA ~ f ~ s Uf ~K _ _ ~ 22 ! ~ ~ z ~ ~ j ~ I~ ~ lp ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I ~ ~ ~,x ~f { _ . l ~ r~° r .r i .w, ~ , + y ~ - ..__i- - ~ r ,i , 's r' i ri i ~j, ,~i`.iLt,AP SIGN jl +NADSWQRTH . ~ ~ i i , ~]i ih,~,~11~, PER A[~A ~ g 0~ ~ ~ ~ V, , . O ~wVARD ~ _ _ _ , . _ ~a ' SIQEWALK GRASS CRASS ~}N , ,ifi _ _ f _ 1 GRA55 SfrMENT ~a j, ~ i , .C3 , r~ r ; „ ~ ~L it i~ j E m ~ ' ~ E~, -r~.+«..e~m «.o:.,.~.m..,...........:~~...,..a..w..Jp..~,ems.n:...W,....,...r..~~..+uwe•..~«.wu.m.«,u~~.~~..r.,, ~_w.. _ _ . ~ . ~ -......-,c_ _„ten,-,., . 3.m.- ._~..-..~„-.,+.-.-_~-,.....,~.-....~..1.-,...~...m, -x...T-, x 17$,11' N B9' „ ~J 3U s GONG.. _ ~~ai~ATE(~ ~Y ~~~T ~OCI~MNT _ _ ~ ....w. ~..Y__ ~ ~ ~ _ ST~~~o ' ~ _ - TG MATCH BUILDlN ~ ~ I t~ I r ~ STOP VENDER TQ AL NOTES.-, LET'` ' !8 OF 2 SITE PLAN r MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEN:RX-l~'N ~ STATE BEAUTY` ``a.~Pr'LY F.D,P. _ i} EVC ~.t FPM IV l~_f NOTE:._,C.HTING WILL. BE 11 IPROVIDEL r ~ HE 10 40 -7-R OPOSED vOMMENCEM~ENT OF CIONSTRUCTION - SUMMEp 1997 RO. OSE COMPI ETiON OF CONSTRUC IONI - SJMMER 1998 OR ACS - LETTERS g CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, D!RE'CT EAR OF PUBL C WORKS SCALE: 1"=2(Y-0" 2. i._ E;x; f_tRIOR LIGHTING 5HALI.. BE !N ACC 0 R [3 AN C v~ ' ! + SIGNAGE ELEVATION UR C1-10NAL LIGHTING 9 !~N ~ 11 r. .ON E COSMIA A 440 ZF6-30 (S) OF THE WHEAT RIDGES CODE OF NAVY'S. SCALE: 1/4"=l' GAD COLORAW ML CITY F WHEAT t~G , O Di RECTOR r~ PARKS ~ ~ F 3W RKi AND , ECIREA TAO N ~ ~ ~p~ n r~... ~ a,~, s s,r1'^t ~..~,s x k r ate, ~ ~ ~ ' t 9 ~,a~~ ~ # t ~ a 1~ ~ ~1.~ / ~~_~1.. ~~"'+4 joy M~.Y~~ gw ~ ..3 ~ , ~ ~ 4~ ~ ~ ,,a, ~ ~ r~ va ~ L „ t ,r _ ~ t _ } . ` a." a. ~ w. t i s r ~ -r ~ ~ ;.a ~ s, ::~.~k„ Vfh~~n~. k ~ 9 t ~~P' i~! ~ ti I I ~ i .~.,~,,...v„_a..,.~ i _ ~ "`mss ~ .W..:~-~ , . TY°'I'~A~. ELF ~'ATl A , f, r l~ ES. p r : ~tiW: _ _ G~MP~~i~lt~~~v `~H1~1~E R~OEI~IU ~,~.~_~.~ti. 4 ~ ~ `~~~G F~,a~.f::'IA . ~G~~ RIM ~Y~ I NE1~I~, ~T~J~~fl GR f~'.~ , ~ G ~1~~~~ "~R R~JAR PEG IGI ...._e,m~~.~~ti... a.M~~n._ a ~.AP , ,r; ~ . ~ a_~~r~~NE VENEER ~ ~ A , y,.,~..,, .a~ R~iLIN r..~...~. ..~..z.~. ~,e.~,~._..~ . ~L FL~~t~RE:S~E i wy ~ ~ qtr.:...,, I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a. h n ~ _ ~ w_ :v~ ~ . _ e _ _r _ _ r,.._.~ m_.. ~ . __m~__. _ _ w. _ ~ - - kt~ ~ ~ : e ~ - - - a-~ f~ ! . I i~ `I r a r~ ~ ~ F k T ~ _.1,-0., if ~ fl__._ _ 1F.;,'- 1 j.~ ~ fit,. f . ~.w, ~e~~~ ,~1"r.,. ,Ld M ! ~ Iq N ii i ~~1 y ~J i ~ ~ it it it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .I S' 1. ~ ~ '''}1 ~ ie H ;4 I ~ ~ ~ ~ i ' i N. ~ .,ti ~s~ ~ I _ .Y~,~ ~ ~ { ~ ? ! ; I ! E { E~ 4 ' t'. <~l_. 1.7 i llf%4'DIV!'-)tJAL, . CAS L i t H,i~'3 1r~T AND F,N{ HEE ? i lF 2 TO E INED 1 OPTIONAL jet Tr G s, t SLP D,?' 7 ) NORTH 0 4 8 6 BA~~KLrCE . APPR X 3 F TOTAL (7,`; R' A . SCALE: / = l-- ENCAEAWD, COLORADO 80112 M 3W649-9W FAX n.. m ~'a~A ~ ARI~ 1~HE ~GIJTNV~~~T ~UART~.~ 0 ~ ~#4}RTN~~T ~~~,~TER S~;CTI~N TC~WNS~(►~ n~ iT~ f1 i : iYM K vh a.M.~v _ w,~ _ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ _ _ ~ ~a ~ ~ I r r , ~ ~ N ( ~-~-----~tq ~ ~ I t_ ~ s - , e J ~ S E j R t 6~. f ~ ~ s 1 ~ 1 ~ l____._.~.~..~. ~ .~.E._-~___. ~ ~ r ~ , ~ ~ ~ , ~ , 9~ # ' ~ ~ ~ k i ~ ( ~ I ' 4 1~......1~..._.~ i ~ ~ € I k.~.....~..~_ ~Iti_~. _.~.ra_ scar; ~ Sao' I . , + ~ EX15TiNG OWNER AND ANTiC1PATED F'~lTl~'~'L: ~WNEF; SHALu E A SINGLE OWNERSHf%' UNDER THE N `4 ~ R. ~.UKE HOL~JiNGS, INC., A COLORADa CnRPf~RATInN ~ITrI RONALD C. LL.'};;r, PRESIDENT. B ___~...,~~~~.~_.,..._.~,.~..w.__._____ Tf~E ~Wfi~~.R~H1P ~~iT{TY ~~IQi~AT~"~ A~QV~E SHA~.L Q~ r~EP~i~S18L~ FaR A~l_ TNT. ~at~Tif~UEQ MAI~+~ AN ~I~AT40N OF` THE PLANND'DEVELOP ENT.. D OPE E M ` r~ ~ 3 SITE INGRESS - ~.USIN~SS OPERATION ~i'HE F~OI'OSED USE OE THIS BUILDING WILL EUNCTIOI~I E.N ~sRELY AS A SINGLE OF~ERATIQN INCL. t,[~I ~ _ .~,9~ _ ~ _ AND LIGI~iT WAREHOl,1SIN~a. THE Q~ISINESS WILL. OPEP~TE aN ~BKDAYS FROM AM TO x:00 ~ _ _ FROM (70 AM TO a0 PM, ALONG WITH PERIOD#~' INSTRIsCTIOI~AL CLASSES ~T NIGNT. ~fHE BUS j ~ SITE ~.G~tLS , A RETAIL OLfT~.ET FOR ~LlCENSEDCOSMETOLOGISTS. ~ ~'~I~TION OF TH' ~P '{alt. ~ PROPOSED DI.~ LDING WILL ! LAND~;CAP THE SUPPLIES FOR DIRECT SALE. SI~IiPPiG AND RECE''." ; :~:~I(.l, PE LIGHT IN NATURE INVOLVING 1* + + AND INV~~LViNG SMALL, VACS AND VARS. 7HE BUS~E~I:SS WILD EMP . I T P Y~~ LO S ~ ~ SE ~ EM L.O LES, r r D SIGN INT NT ~ 3 , ~ THE PROI QSED DESIGN INTENT Oi< 7f:IS ~LANNyQ DEVEt_aPMENT 1+~~.L INVOLVE fi, REZGNE FROM TI r~ ~ ASPI•i~`;,L1 ~,ONCRETE TO PCD ,~PI_ANNE~3 COMMERCIAL DE44..LOPM~.,;,) iN C)RD~.R TO ALLn1~ EOI? THE PROPOSED BI~SiNE., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PRR~~;l~a~a ~~'F-iiPFING~RECEIVING UIL~J!NG D~.SIGN UNDER TEE PROPOSED P ~ ~IA_L E~4C~,ED A~,L MINIMUM REt~UIREMENTS AND St~~~ i ' ~ ,rv` + MA.XIM~)M REQUIREMENTS (3E THE QEVELnI ","r `~J S I"A~'DA~DS Uh~DE_R THE CURRENT F~~-2 ZnNE. DRiILWAYS LANDSCAPE _ ~ i _ ~ L'1C f {1C3+Af T~ ,~hlf~A[l l',!S`,^ (l ~i i ~ 9 _ { A TOE /',i_ LOT AREA `'~,1 ~4 i i" ~ ~ a+ a TOTA~ DUILDIN.~ CnV~RAGE i,1~ SF ~24.w~~) ' LANDSCAPING COVERAGE 1G ~9 SF }{l6,~~'S+ 9 A f HAf?DSCAPE COVERAGE ~ I;.~) ~~~:?c~la~tad` _ TOTAL HEIGHT M MUM FRONT YARD SETBACK !NI ~p + + MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACK. i ~n ( MINiMUM'R~AR YARD SETBACK N R ~ / -L~ + PARKING- a i RE:f~UIRED: OFFICE RETAIL ~14C10 F + 1 ~ ~ 1 ( W PER X00 o f~ WAREHOUSING X2736 SF 5 ~ ~ PER. s0o + ~ ~ ZQ~I~a R-~~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ .d ~ HANDicA~ SPACE ~ a , r-! na c~ i ^ TOTAL REQUIRED 4r.€ i ~ 1"1 ~.1(~ tai J U r a PROVIDED: 22 ~~~L~1~~i . + ~ ~ + ~ ~t~LDING 1 LIGHT RETAIL CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF WHEA1 RIDGE DEVELOPMENT R GU ATOM S Ti ENTRY ► ) E L I S EC I 2) STOCKNG OF ITEMS FOI; USE. OR SALE> AS SPECIFi~~J iN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEVELOP + SECTION ~C) _ _ R_ v_. ___..N _ _ a_. ~ PR P, R C-1T T ,A I~ T R ~ a a ~ r _ 'i IN ADDITION TO THE OVERALL REDUCTi{3N IN SITE DENSITY AND II~CRERSE 1N GPEN AREA AND LAI I r` i~ PROPOSED QUILDING DESIGN SFIALL QE ~ESPEGTE'i~L a THE S~JRROUNDiNG NEIGNBaR;~tt~OD AND RI iN CHARACTER. TFIE BUil,~3lNC SFIALI. 1E SINGLE STQf~'Y I'~~ NEEGHT,; ~+ITN A SLOPED, HIP RaaF' FORM ANO ASSOCIATED OPENINGS AND MATER4ALS 4~ILl. ALSO BE RCSEDENTIAL iN HARA T R A' G CE, N ~ + TYPICAL COMM~.RCIAL OR DETAIL BUILDING IE. STOREFR NT' , THE R0~ ~ RTC R A Q 5) P ~ OSE~ M i LS MAY II SHINGLE ROOFING WOOD OR HARC~BOARD SIDII~IG ,~YNTNETIC STUCCO STO~d V ~crf~. n~N r E ~ t,.{,.. ER RE! s ~ _ _ LANDSCAPE ~ 5~, ~ ~ , , RRCHITECTURAL IMPROVEMENTS DILL BE DESIGNED TO REMAIN RESIDENTIAL IN CHARACTER; OR S A A ~ DDIrION LL , A WOOD I=ENCE IS PROPOSED ALONG THE EAST PROPERTY LINE TO SCREEf~ THE PI R....~. _ _ _ RES1D N TI.AI. LiQ~`, f~0 M H ,v__ E EC AI`JICAL UNITS WILL BE SITt~ATED ON TFlE ROOF. PR PM NT D D w~ SCHEt}ULE ~ U111~~ ! PROPOSED COMMENCEMENT OF C NSTRUCTION - MM R O SU ~ 197 CGNC, PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION -SUMMER 19g6 SIDEWALK { LVNtJ K-L OF WHEAT RIDGE SHEET 1 OF 1 rI2 STATE BEAUTY SUPPLY` O.D.P. (6---7) SITE PLAN Q~ 0 10 20 40 i 2 6 PATW(,X NOOK COMPANY DEVELOPMENT C TRIA AV SCALE It"=20'-O" PH, 31i9~-- FAQ -303/049--%70 STJJ~►►TE BEAUTY S FINAL ~YELOP~ENT PLA AN OFFICIAL DEVELOP ' PLAN IN THE CITY THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NO OF SECTION 26, TOW~lSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 V '1'~~ ~'k SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT - - COUNTY OF JEFFEF~S~N, STATE QF COLOR ~ LOCATED AT 4~ApS~CJRTH BDULEVAR ANA WEST 35th AVENUE _ ~ ~ ~Y :av~~~6~i i~~W FROM iNiADSWORT 12 _ , TYPICA _E=E n1:J;~ _nrE~: 4 TYP _ _ COMPO~,TI~N SHING~F ~200FiNG _ WOOD cgS~;iA _ WOOD FASCIA TRIM _ SYNTNET'~C S;000 nB C~,~--_- o - _ WOOD OR HARBOAf ~0 SAPPED SIDING r " o 0~°- ~ STONE VENEER - i r ~ ~ v, ~i ~ :rL I T - _ _ _ ANODIZED ALUMINUM _ wir~oows _ _ -WOOD DECK AND WEST ELEVATION - RaiuNc TYPICAL WALL 12 MOUNTED LIGHT 4 TYP FLUORESCENT FIXTURE - O Q p a SlM1E BHA~TIY SOPPLY _ ~o I NAGE: EAST ELEVATION iz'~' HicH LFONT ~ AND FINISH TO BE DETERMINED W/ OPTIONAL 0 4 8 16 BACKLIGHTING SHEET OF NORTH ELEVATION n-~-----~ (APPROX. 30 SF TOTAL COVERAGE) STATE .BEAUTY SUPPLY F.DR (-25-97) SCALE: 7/8"= 1'-0° PATWCK , NOOK & COMPANY MP NY 0 b PH 303/649-9M FAX 303/649-~) R _ _ I I i ~ _ I I ~ G ~I ~ _ W 35TH k~E W 35TH A4E _ - t . ~ i x ~ A -1--- 1 _I _ I T f , ____W 34TH PL ( V r I ~ ~ ~ 1 f 1 I--- - ~ I I SITE ~ T IX I A I IA IY WH Sj y ~R ~ ~~I--~ I 1 f 1 \ ~ ' ~ j ~ I o i I l ~ ~ I T T _ A WA VA ~ ~ . { ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t h A _ ~ Y 1~1R {~'R E SCALE: 1' = 300' + N„y, ~ i i ,~I 1 y1 I i ~ ~Gi EXISTING OWNER AND ANTICIPATED FUTURE OWNER SHALL BE A SINGLE OWNERSHIP UNDER THE ZONED ~?-2 ~ R. C. LUKE HOLDINGS INC. A COLORADO CORPORATION WITH RONA D C. ~ L LUKE, PRESIDENT. 1 0. ~~i I l~ THE OWNERSHIP ENTITY INDICATED ABOVE SHALL BE R SP N i - - - - E D S BLE FOR ALL THE CONTINUED M A AND OPERATION OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. 1a VIA SITE INGRESS I _ _ - - " - - BUSINESS OPERATION \ / - _ ~ ~ C - THE PROPOSED USE OF THIS BUILDING WILL FUNCTION ENTIRELY AS A SINGLE OPERATION INCLL ~ 153.05 i e__ -_~_„r.=_~-- AND LIGHT WAREHOUSING. THE BUSINESS WILL OPERATE ON WEEKDAYS FROM 8.00 AM TO 5:OC 1 ~ FROM 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM, ALONG WITH PERIODIC INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSES AT NIGHT. THE E3 ~ SITE EGRESS ~ ~ A RETAIL OUTLET FOR LICENSED COSMETOLOGISTS. APORTION OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING WILT ' LANDSCAPE - THE SUPPLIES FOR DIRECT SALE. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING WILL BE LIGHT IN NATURE, INVOLVING ~ i"~ , AND INVOLVING SMALL VANS AND CARS. THE BUSINESS WILL EMPLOY SIX TO SEVEN MP Y E LO EE i I ` ~ i~ ~ DESIGN INTENT ~ THE PROPOSED DESIGN INTENT OF THIS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WILL INVOLVE A REZONE FROM ~ ~ ' TO PCD (PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR THE PROPOSED BUSiN - -ASPHALT CONCRETE ~ BUILDING DESIGN UNDER THE PROPOSED PCD SHALL EXCEED A L MINI PARKING & SHIPPING/RECEIVING A I L MUM REQUIREMENTS AND LO D NG , 4 _ _ DRIVEWAYS ! MAXIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS UNDER THE CURRENT R-2 ZONE. LANDSCAPE 1 1 , ~ ~ EVELOPMENT-STAN AR c~ ~ _ , _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ , D D D.. , ROPOSE~J PCB _ I i ' TOTAL LOT AREA 29154 SF 1 J E - i 't ~ ~ ! TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 7,136 SF (24.5%) ~ LANDSCAPING COVERAGE 10 579 SF 36.3% , R,O.W. to be HARDSCAPE COVERAGE 11,439 SF (39.2%) dedlCQted - _ ' TOTAL HEIGHT 26 ~.S MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK s r 5a ~ ~ MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACK 30' ~ E, , r u MINIMUM REAR YARD SETBACK 20 i. ~t ~ ~ Q PARKING- ~ w ~ ~ REQUIRED: OFFICE/RETAIL (4400 SF 15 i Lv z _ Q 1 PER 300 SF J ~ ( ) Z ' ~ o ~ ~ WAREHOUSING (2736 SF 5 O - I ~ ~ ~ (1 PER 600 SF) m Q ~ ZONED R-2 x ~ ~ 07 Q ~ a ~ HANDICAP SPACE 1 4~s 5f w ~ ~ w TOTAL REQUIRED 21 i o ~ PROPOSED ~ ~ ~ PROVIDED: 22 BUI~DINO O 7 136 SF~ }E ~ , PROPOSED LAND USE BUILDING ~ ENTRY - , 1 LIGHT RETAIL CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEVELOPM NT R Q ) E EGULATIONS SEC 2) STOCKING OF ITEMS FOR USE OR SALE, AS SPECIFIED IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEVELI Q SECTION 26-22 C 4. ~ O O 25 _ _ 65 _ _-72' _20.' ~ PROPOSED ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER ~ } i IN ADDITION TO THE OVERALL REDUCTION IN SITE DENSTY AND INCREASE IN OPEN AREA AND L I PROPOSED BUILDING DESIGN SHALL BE RESPECTFUL OF THE SURR OUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD AND ~ ~ ii L IN CHARACTER. THE BUILDING SHALL BE SINGLE STOR~ IN HEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED 26 FEET, I THE PROPOSED BUILDING FORM AND ASSOCIATED OPENINGS AND MATERIALS WILL ALSO BE REST ~ ~ AND NOT EVIDENT OF A TYPICAL COMMERCIAL OR RET~~IL BUILDING IE. STOREFRONTS .THE P ( ) RO l1 ' SHINGLE ROOFING WOOD OR HARDBOAR SIDIN Y TN T ~ D G, S N E 1C STUCCO, STONE VENEER. OTHER I ~ - LANDSCAPE i 153,11 ! ~ ARCHITECTURA L IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DESIGNED TO REMAIN RESIDENTIAL IN CHARACTER, OR i ADDITIONALLY, A WOOD FENCE IS PROPOSED ALONG THE EAST PROPERTY LINE TO SCREEN TH ` - RESIDENTIAL LOT. NO MECHANICAL UNITS WILL BE SITUATED ON THE ROOF. 1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SCHEDUL 6 5' IUIDE CONC. PROPOSED COMMEN T - i lrr 4 CEMEN OF CONSTRUCTION SUMMER 1997 SIDEWALK - ~ PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION -SUMMER '998 L 1. Y 7nt\i~n Q_~ ~vi~Er.V I~ L SHEET 1 OF 1 SITE PLAN STATE BEAUTY SUPPLY O.D.P. (8-01---97) 0 10 20 40 PATRICK W. NOOK & COMPANY 9250 R COSIMLA AVE. SM 440 SCALE: 1"=20'-O" ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80ll2 PR 303/649-9880 FAX 303/649-M SYMBOL TYPE AND SIZE QUANTITY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME DECIDUOUS SHADE 15 MARSHALL'S SEEDLESS ASH FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANIA "MARSHALL'S SEEDLESS" TREE - 2 "CALIPER THORNLESS HONEYLOCUST GLEDITSIA TRIA A T , C N NOS INERMIS B&B GREENSPIRE LINDEN TILIA CORDATA "GREEN P S !RE H LECA~ DESCRIPTION; A N T EVERGREEN TREE 11 AUSTRIAN PINE PINUS NIGRA THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, 6': B&B COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE PICEA PUNGENS G A L UCA 9 PLAN RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: I N MEDIUM DECIDUOUS 29 RED TWIG DOGWOOD CORNUS SERICEA "BAILEY" s , ► COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 2fi; RUNNING THENCE CUE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SHRUB - 5 GALLON FRENCH LILAC SYRINGA V ULGARIS ~H~AT RI~t3E NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 26, A DISTANCE OF 1106.21 FEET; THENCE DUE EA PURPLELEAF SAND CHERRY PRUNUS CISTERIA ~ . A ST A DISTANCE OF 40,00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE DUE NORTH, PARALLEL WITH SAID WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST b ~E NORTHEAST QUARTER QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 191.24 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT 30.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE h 1 SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 89° 58' 46° EAST, PARALLEL, WITH SAID 1. ALL GROUND COVER SHALL BE SOD UNLESS IN I AT D C ED OTHERWISE. E 6~ WEST OF THE NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 178.05 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00' 01' 11" EAST A DISTANCE OF 191.27 FEET NEAT RIDGE NORTH 89' S8 13 WEST A DISTANCE OF 178.11 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE 2. A COMPLETE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL 8E BE PROVIDED FOR FULL COVERAGE OF CO~ORADO CONTAINING AN AREA OF 34,058.7 SQUARE FEET OR 0.7819 ACRE, MORE OR LESS, ALL PLANT MATERIALS. THE FINAL DESIGN SHALL BE SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITT ED FOR PERMIT. 3, ALL PLANT LOCATIONS ARE GENERALLY LOCATED TO INDICATE COMPLIA~UCE WITH _EVARD CI ID1/C~/r1C~'~` nrn-r~r~n A TI„► ~ PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. THE FINAL LOCATIONS SHALL E~~ SUBMITTED A~ PART OF THE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR P T c ERMI . ~I 4. ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE N ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 26-32 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE ~ CQDE OF LAWS. \ 1 t "NO RIGHT 5' WIDE EXISTING OWNER AND ANTICIPATED FUTURE OWNER SHA I`; LL BE A SIN A GLE OWNERSHIP UN DER _ TURN" SIGN CONC. R. C. LUKE HOLDINGS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORA - , TION WITH RONALD C, LUKE, PRESIDENT. ' SIDEWALK _ ' THE OWNERSHIP E T N ITY INDICATED ABOVE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE CONTINUED _ _ _ 116' _ AN[) OPERATION OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPM T 25 EN : o' } ~ 6 ROLL 'CURB - ' 178.05` S 89' S8' ~s;,, - BUSINESS OPERATION 153. 05 - , FIlE- ' __SIAMESE _i - ~ THE PROPOSED USE OF THIS BUILDING WILL FUNCTION ENTIRELY AS A SINGLE OPERATION ~ ~ IN ~ H`~DRANT~- CONNECTIO ~ ANU LIGHT WAREHOUSING. THE BUSINESS WILL OPERATE 0 F N N WEEKDAYS FROM 8:00 AM TO 8-0 W x ' ~ s~' FROM 9:00 AM TO 4: GRASS 00 PM, ALONG WITH PERIODIC INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSES AT NIGHT. TH~ . ~ c, 5 -0 H ~ A~ ETAIL T ~ R OU LET FOR LICENSED COSMETOLOGISTS. APORTION OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING r-- SIGN ~ . ~ ; ° ~ THE SUPPLIES FOR DIRECT SALE. SHIPPING AND REC I; E VING WILL BE .LIGHT IN NATURE, INVOLI i , I a~ / ~ ~ AND INVOLVING SMALL VANS AND CARS: THE BUST' f I ~ , NESS WILL EMPLOY 5iX TO SEVEN EMPLO ~ ~ 1 S' ~ ' _ ~ r ' i ' - j , DESIGN INTENT ry t 5' WIDE ~ PARKING „ i_ CONC. I _ _ c` 6 -0 H. ~ THE POSED DESIGN INTENT OF THIS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WILL INVOLVE A REZONE FR ~ ~2 CAR., KNOX .~i LOADING SIDEWALK - ~ CEDAR TRASH P - TO CD (PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN CRDER TO ALLOW FOR TH BOX ~ - ) E PROPOSED BU ~ _ W ENCLOSURE ' ' ASPNAhT ENTRY -I BUILDING DESIGN UNDER THE PROPOSED PCD SHALL. EXCEED ALL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AP - - _ _ _ _ ~ . , (3 SIDES _ ii ~ ~ ,-LQAQIt~I~_ _-MAXaMUM ~EQUIR€MENTS _ r ~ ~ OF .HE DEVELOPMENT STA~JDARDS UNDER -THE -CURRENT R-2 ZONE R:O.W. TO 4 ~ CONCRf TE _ ~ ~ I`. ' ~ 12x8 CONC. PAD DEVELOPMENT T BE DEDICAT D d- S ANDARDS: PROPOSED PCD ' TOTAL LOT AREA BY PLAT ~ 29,154 SF (AFTER R.O.W. DEDICATIONS) r 1_ DOCUM ~ ~ ' ~ f tp TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 7,136 SF (24.5 ENT ► , ) f ~ , _ LAN CONCRETE DSCAPWG COVERAGE 10 579 SF 36.3 ( ) I MECHANICAL HARDSCAPE COVERAGE 114 ~ - 39 SF (39:20 1 ~ 'r. 0 4 WIDE CONDENSER ~ TOTAL HEIGHT 26 ~ CONC, PAD W/ i1 SIDEWAL _ LANDSCAPE Q - , ,1 _ _ ~ SCREEN w = - ~ W z ~ ~ , ~ Q ~ i „ ~ o ' _ 6 0 HIGH PARKING- : ~ ~ z ' CEDAR FENCE- - REQUIRED: OFFIC R T E/ E AIL (4400 SF 15 Z ~w r . ij w' O PR 1 PER 30 o OPOSED o sF - c ) ~ _ a m Q BUDDING ~ _ WAREHOUSING (2736 SF + 5 7,136 S~ 1 Q -.r ' 1 PER 600 SF _ ~ d~ , o o ( ) w N r~ ' ~ , L1 U ~ ~ w ~o i HANDICAP SPACE o ~ ~ ' ~ - ~ _-WOOF to ~ TOTAL REQUIRED 21 ,ii DESK: A A ~ PROVIDED: ' a 22 1 ~ ~ RAIL ' N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g- Q ~a -~.z . r- _ ai ~ > _ _ : , , „ ~ _ _ 72 ~ 25 -~0 - 18__.0 23....0 4' .1 - ~L _ HANDICAP SIGN ~ ~ ~ WADSWORTH ~ ~ T _~.C- ~ S RIPING PER ADA BOULEVARD ~ \ • . -~r ,REQUIREMENTS ~ SIDEWA K GRASS ON ~ , L GRASS 'i L ! y ~1 ' BERM SEE ' ~ ~ _ _ ~10' UTI ITY ( --i ' SECTION A-A _ ~ - ,i _ _ --GRASS _ ' ~ EASEMENT v co ° ~ ' ~ r-. , ' ~ ' ~ r ~_L_ i ~ ~ , X 1 i p ;i 153.11 ~ ~ - ~ - - k ~ _ - ~ o -~._--_~•1~_~_'~ _ L__. _-.__-~,e,_ - - ~ - =--n-. - ----~-t ~ 178.11' N 89' S5' 3Q" W - _ . N' -i-- ~ _-s - ~ _ SCALE: 1 /8"=1'-0" 5 IUIDE , R . 0 . W. T O B E ~ _ ~ CONC. I ' sIDEWALK DEDICATED BY PLAT DOCUM T EN i _____--SIpING OR STUCCO _ _ _ _ _ _ t - - TQ MATCH BUILDING i ~7I'A'~'l~ _ STONE VENEER T 0 i ! MATCH BUILDING aENERAL NOTES • ~ - - - (N)IVIDUAL SIGNAGE SHEET 1 OF 2 LETTERS 8 SITE PLAN 1. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE N)TE. LIGHTING WILL BE STATE BEAUTY SUPPLY F.D.P. (8-01-97) 0 10 20 40 P , ROPOSED COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION - SUMMER 1997 PROVIDED BY EITHER PROPOSED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION - SUMMER 1998 OR BACK-LIT LETTERS PATRICK W. NOOK & COMPANY R BY LANDSCAPE SCALE: 1"=20'-O" 2. ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION SIGNAGE ELEVATION 26-30 (S) OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 9M E. W COSMIA AVE` STE 440 SCALE: 1 4 =l'- 0 OOD, COLORADO 8M PR 303/649-9880 FAX 303/649-9M t i~ i LEGAL DESCRIPTION; IT PLAN THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF i COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS W 35tH A4E W 35TH A4E - --T--~---- - ;ITY QF WHEAT RIDQE ~ i ` ~.-T i I ( li COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 26; RUNNING THENCE DUE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE i , i NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 26, A DISTANCE OF 1106.21 FEET; THENCE DUE EAST A DISTANCE OF 40.00 , , , ~E NORTHEAST QUARTER FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE DUE. NORTH, PARALLEL WITH SAID WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST W 34M Pl T~~~,' r- ~ i I ~ E 69 WEST OF THE QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 191.24 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT 30.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE I------- ~ ~ Si TE I ~ SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 89° 58' 46" EAST, PARALLEL, WITH SAID !A I A T I iy H A ~ I i WHEAT RIDGE NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 178.05 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00° 01' 11" EAST A DISTANCE OF 191.27 FEET; THENCE f -1-- ~ w S+TH AAA ~ ~ ~ r COLORADO NORTH 89' S8 13 WEST A DISTANCE OF 178.11 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING AN AREA OF 34,058.7 SQUARE FEET OR 0.7819 ACRE, MORE OR LESS, °a j ~ i°.; - A 3 -__t.-. J - I ~ t° 1 . T h N _ ~ 1_ - Y I' ~ SCALE: t" = 3D0' + ,,~,y„ i I I h _ , ' \ _ ~ O l r EXISTING OWNER AND ANTICIPATED FUTURE OWNER SHALL BE A SINGLE OWNERSHIP UNDER THE ZONED 2 0 R, C. LUKE HOLDINGS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION WITH RONALD C, LUKE PR SI NT O I E DE '0 ~ _ THE OWNERSHIP ENTITY INDICATED ABOVE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE CONTINUED MA AND OPERATION OF THE P ANN L ED DEVELOPMENT. I S ~..-t.~..¢..~~ SITE INGRESS r 1 j_ _ - .r---- - _ - BUSINESS OPERA ION ~ - G%~ - ~ THE ~ SE T BUILDING WILL FU ON (RELY AS A SINGLE OPERATION INCLU ~ - _ 1 .0 ~ - D LIGHT WAREH _~USINES OPERA ON W KAY EE D S FROM 8.00 AM TO 5.00 1 I FROM 9.00 AM TO 4:0 PM A LONG WITH PERIODI NSTR I SITE EGR SS ~ UCTIONAL CLASSES AT NIGHT, ' ~ ' E ~ I'~~~ ! ~ ~ LANDSCAPE ~ ~ FINING WILL BE LIGHT IN NATURE, INVOLVING ' ~ ~ AND INVOLVING SMALL V NS AND CARS, THE BUSIN ESS WILL EMPLOY SIX. TO SEVEN EMPLOYEE I ' ~ DESIGN INTENT i ' ' ~ THE PROPOSED DESIGN INTEN OF THIS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WILL INVOLVE A REZONE FROM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ASPHALT CONCRETT° } NI ' TO PCD (PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 1N ORDER TO ALLOW FOR THE PROPOSED BUST ';i PARKING & SHIPPING/RECEIVING BUILDING DESIGN UNDER THE PROPOSED PCD SHALL EXCEED ALL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AND ~ LOADING LANDSCAPE - - - - DRIVEWAYS MAXIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS UNDER THE CURRENT R-2 ZONE. C L, ~ _J _ _ ~ _DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS:- _ PROPOSED PCJ - - TOTAL LOT AREA 29154 SF ~ TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 7,136 SF (24.50 LANDSCAPING COVERAGE 10,579 SF 36.3 R.O.W. to be I ( } ~ i HARDSCAPE COVERAGE 11,439 SF 39.2 _ _ ~ ( ) dedicated , TOTAL HEIGHT 26 r ' ~ MINIMUM FRONT YAR T ~ ( D SE BACK 50' f _ C ' ~ ~ MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACK 0 30' f Y~~. MINIMUM REAR YARD SETBACK ~ ~ 20 ' i, I' t ~ Q 1~- r v~ 'r ~ w i ~ PARKING- W z ' ~ REQUIRED: OFFICE/RETAIL (4400 SF 15 l -1 I Q 1 PER 300 SF -I \ ) 1 ~J ~ i ~ ~ ~ z p ~ ~ WAREHOUSING (2736 SF 5 o r r~ h ~ Q r, • , (1 PER 600 SF) m ~ ~ ~ ZONED R---2 Q ' ~ ~ J ~ ~ d HANDICAP SPACE 1 ~r i E-- ~ TOTAL REQUIRED 21 o PROPOSED ~ ~ ~ PROVIDED: 22 O BUDDING t ~ ' , 7,136 SE BUI t ' PROPOSED LAND USE LD NG ~ ENTRY , 1 LIGHT RETAIL CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEV P ~ ) ELO MENT REGULATIONS SEC 2) STOCKING OF ITEMS FOR USE OR SALE, AS SPECIFIED iN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEVELC Q ~ SECTION 26-22 C 4 . ~ OO 25 _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ __65 _ . _ 72 20' PROPOSED ARCHITECTURAL CHARA T C ER ~ I ~ IN ADDITION TO THE OVERALL REDUCTION IN SITE DENSITY AND INCREASE IN OPEN AREA AND L, I ~ PROPOSED BUILDING DESIGN SHALL BE RESPECTFUL OF TH E SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD AND I ' i IN CHARACTER. THE BUILDING SHALL BE SINGLE STORY 1N HEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED 26 FEET, U V THE PROPOSED BUILDING FORM AN A D SSOCIATED OPENNGS AND MATERIALS WILL ALSO BE REST[ i ~ ~ AND NOT EVIDENT OF A TYPICAL COMMERCIAL OR RETkIL BUILDING (IE. STOREFRONTS). THE PROF SHINGLE ROOFING WOOD OR HARDBOARD SI ING Y T I ~ _ ; D S LATHE IC STUCCO, STONE VENEER. OTHER R LANDSCAPE 153,11 ~ ARCHITECTURAL IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DESIGNED TO REMAI _ N RESIDENTIAL IN CHARACTER, OR , V ADDITIONALLY, A WOOD FENCE IS PROPOSED ALONG THE EAST PR P TY 0 ER LINE TO SCREEN THE ~ i i RESIDENTIAL LOT. NO MECHANICAL UNITS WILL BE SIC•UATED ON THE ROOF. ' - - PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT S H DOLE C E 5' UJIpE CONC. PROPOSED COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION -SUMMER 1997 hA SIDEWALK PROPOSED COMPLETION F 0 CONSTRUCTION -SUMMER 1998 I Y _ 1. ~n~ic'n o ~ ~vivLu n SHEET 1 OF 1 SITE PLAN STATE BEAUTY SUPPLY O.D.P. (8-01-97) 0 10 20 40 77-J---l PATRICK W. NOOK & COMPANY 9M R OST IA AVE. SM 440 SCALE: 1"=20'-O" OOD, COLORADO 8OH2 PR 303/649-M FAX 303/649-9=