HomeMy WebLinkAboutWF-06-01 The City of Wheat Ridge Flood Plain DevelopIPent Permit Application Information Date Z//tr It> t, Telephone '7Lo-5/3-6:'>Q3 ol&Yado aOZl& Telephone3b:"H?too-O&'j 1- 35r~ QtkM'/ Sfye<-f-- toAea.f-7\iJGj€ 4JlBr-d4'z> fa> 3.3 ~ngle Family Residential _Multi-Family Residential Project Description ~ Construction. Substantial - :;>~:'-" Improvement (>50%) _Improvement (<50'to) Rehabilitation . Channelization Fill _Manufactured (Mobile) Home Non-residential _Bridge/Culvert Levee Other/Explanations ", \". . .,..;. c' ',' .... , ' Class of PermJt!F~e Schedule .'- " '. ~s I (structures for non-human occupancy) lass II (structures for human occupancy) $300 $840 (includes public noticing fees) 1:3 rstand and will comply with the requirements of this Flood Plain Permit, 't', ~A 2d.,;0?- Date (To be completed by Flood Plain Administrator) Flood Hazard Data Watercourse Name L.. L..il;( C ~ L. ~)/I The project is proposed in the Floodway Floodway Fringe Y " Base (lOO-year) flood elevation(s) at project site .s ~/c:J Elevation required for Lowest Floor stt- / / NGVD / Floodproofing NGVD Source Documents: Reports/Maps ~.c."'Q,o 5 :;-t, OY)L ;r2-L/'d;€-/ r""-e.~ ,I?,,(~ $/ ,A/ Y...5 ~""oR. .dY.(,I!!:c#; ~M(. / Proposal Review Checklist ;:x Site development plans are complete and depict flood hazard data, --;;c- Engineering data is provided for proposed map and floodway revisions, x Floodway Certificate and data documents no increase in flood heights, Subdivision proposals minimize flood damage and protect utilities, 7'- Lowest floor elevations are above the base (1 DO-year) flood level. _Manufactured homes address elevation and anchoring requirements, _A Floodproofing Certificate certifies floodproofing designs, Other: Permit Action \: Permit Approved: The information submitted for the proposed project was reviewed and is in compliance with approved flood plain management standards (site development plans are on file), _Permit Denied: The proposed project does not meet approved flood plain management standards (explanation is on file), _Variance Granted: A variance was granted from the base (lOO-year) flood elevations established by FEMA consistent with variance requirements ofNFIP regulations Part 60.6 (variance action documentation is on file), :/ - /&I-~-- 0 Date Comments: ?e::If!.}'iF:r cu..-...P/r/t'd.l<'-lt? ,-<-f>().;.<, CaI-'S:rt!t.t.c:.7'IJ;.; ,/;'" c&--~ ~o;L.J1'.;,. J-c....L ......".,-.# 6;e....+ /P/"..( ~L. ,(,kl. jI?,4Z~jI?"'Jt-~ 8:/ A/Y.s L,A.Jd'/k.L~J,J.l~ D-t::r(..p 3-/:>- G:. Compliance Documentation -'f" _Map Revision Data. Certified documentation by a registered professional engineer of as-built conditions for flood plain alterations were received and submitted to FEMA for a flood insurance map revision, _Fill Certificate. A community official certified the elevation, compaction, slope and slope protection for all fill placed in the flood plain consistent with NFIP regulations Part 65.5 for map reVISIOns, _Elevation and Floodproofing Certificates. The as-built elevation of the builiding's lowest floor was certified as NGVD; or the b4ilding's floodproofing level was certified as NGVD; by a registered prOfessional enginetir orlicensed surveyor and is on file, . _Certificate of Occupancy or Compliance Issued on ~.,. .. ~- Date ~ .,. Rev,3/1II03' . . ,.~' -to. . 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AT LEAST THREE DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 2. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO GRADING ACTIVITIES. 3. AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION, ALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND REPAIRED AS NEEDED TO PREVENT ACCELERATED EROSION ON THE SITE AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES. 4. ALL TOPSOIL SHALL BE SALVAGED. TOPSOIL AND OVERBURDEN SHALL BE REDISTRIBUTED WITHIN THE GRADED AREA AFTER ROUGH GRADING TO PROVIDE A SUITABLE BASE FOR AREAS WHICH WILL BE SEEDED AND PLANTED. RUNOFF FROM STOCKPILED AREAS SHALL BE CONTROLLED TO PREVENT EROSION. 5. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO REMOVE MATERIAL IN EXCESS OF 200 CUBIC YARDS TO ANOTHER SITE IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, A GRADING PERMIT IS NECESSARY FOR THE OFF-SITE PROPERTY. IF THE MATERIAL IS MOVED TO A PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN ANOTHER JURISDICTION, EVIDENCE IS REQUIRED THAT THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HAS APPROVED THE GRADING OPERA TION. 6. SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN 30 DAYS TO DISTURBED AREAS WHICH MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE, BUT WILL BE LEFT DORMANT FOR LONGER THAN 60 DAYS. 7. PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER CONSISTING OF SOD SHALL BE USED TO STABILIZED ALL EXPOSED SURFACES THAT WILL NOT BE COVERED BY IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL. GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN FRED AND DONNA GIMENO 3575 QUAIL STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GRADING. EROSION CONTROL. AND SEDIMENT CONTROL GENERAL NOTES. ! I I ~ I w 0::: ti S Y M B D L LEG END Deciduous Tree Sanitary Manhole Unknown Manhole 5360 Ex. Contours 5360 - Proposed Contours -SF' -SF'- Silt Fence e~ Vehicle Tracking Control N 8. FUGITIVE DUST EMISSIONS RESULTING FROM GRADING ACTIVITIES AND/OR WIND SHALL BE CONTROLLED USING THE BEST AVAILABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY, AS DEFINED BY THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, AT THE TIME OF GRADING. 9. THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE MODIFIED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, AS FIELD CONDITIONS WARRANT. 1 o. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRED AS NECESSARY AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. SEDIMENTS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN ONE HALF OF THE DESIGN DEPTH HAS BEEN FILLED. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. 11. WATER TRUCK MAY BE REQUIRED TO CONTROL AIRBORNE EROSION AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. 12. STRAW BALE BARRIER SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE AND BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT LANDSCAPING ESTABLISHED. NOTE: ALL DISTURBED AREAS THAT DO NOT RECIEVE AN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE SHALL BE SODDED. 5" HOT MIX ASPHALT rEXISTING GRAVEL (TYP.) I 15.0 SElrBACK i ./ /..-..r-./"" SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO --- MINltv1UM DENSITY PER SOIL________ CLASSIFICATION, COOT SECTION -------.....:::::7 I m 203.07. := ITI::: =111= 10' MIN.--1 6" AGGRAGA TE BASE ,) Except for observable/visible surface evidence and utility marks placed by unknown parties on the site, no utility locations were researched, marked or located by D&S Surveying Services, LLC. Due to OSHA regulations and the inability to enter confined spaces and manholes, pipe sizes (if shown) are approximate and must be verified prior to use. - -i\,,- - - J- -/- ~ r rrl -f---\. ~ () ^ / DATUM INFORMATION I / I CROSS SECTION OF DRIVEWAY IN ROW NOT TO SCALE Horizontal coordinates are based on a local system "",1- 0 T 1 / ElR OOK 51 Dt'CQ~OLl D ~ TI ON \ PLAT N,O: 1 / ,/ / I I )/ /l // I / The vertical benchmark for this survey is NGS/NOAA Point G412 having an elevation of 5395.11 feet as published in the City of Wheat Ridge benchmark listing. UTILITY IDCATIONS MUST BE DETERMINED PRIOR TO DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION. HVS Engineering, Inc. expressly disclaims, assumes no liability for the underground location of or existence of utilities including but not limited to, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water main lines\stubouts and telephone, electric, gas or cable locations. \ \ NOTES: 1. ALL ROOF DRAINS TO DRAIN TOWARDS LENA 2. THE 1 00- YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION DETERMINED BY THE HOWARD NOBLE PROPERTY ANALYSIS PROVIDED BY FUTURA ENGINEERING, INC., DATED APRIL 17, 2002 AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INDICATES THAT THE 1 00- YEAR FLOODPLAIN ELEVATION ON THIS PROPERTY IS 541 O. ANY HABITABLE PORTION CONSTRUCTED BELOW ELEVATION 5411 SHALL BE FLOODPROOFED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FLOODPLAIN ORDINABaY OF VVHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS DATE Il>/~~ RECEIVED 1"/" /tJt:. tiTMi;)i 46-- A1J:ro~€;Vr UTILITY NOTES / // ,//// / '}, o 5 10 20 ~ I 1 inch = 20 ft. 40 I GRADING REVISIONS REQUIRED BY CHANGE IN ANISH FLOOR ELEVA1l0NS 9/18/06 HH HH HH TITLE: CALL UTlUTY NOTlFlCA TlON HVS ENGINEERING, INC. GRADING PLAN CENTER OF COLORADO 5777 OlDE WADSWORTH BLVD., R-800 FRED AND DONNA GIMENO 1_800-922-1987 ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 PHONE: (303) 940_5807 FAX: (303) 940_5803 3575 QUAIL STREET OR 534_6700 IN METRO DENVER DESIGNED BY: HH WHEA T RIDGE, cae CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR THE MARKING OF DRA WN BY: LMR UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTll1TIES REVISION: DRAWING NO. SHEET NO< DATE CHANGED CHECKED APPROVED DATE: 03/15/06 GRADING.DWG CE-2 BY BY BY REV REVISION DESCRIP1l0N 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colarada 80033 Telephane 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge April 7, 2006 Fred & Danna Gimena 1623 Ogden St. Denver, CO 80218 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Gimena: RE: Case No. WF-06-01 Please be advised that at its meeting of March 23, 2006, the Baard of Adjustment APPROVED yaur request far a Class IT Floadplain Exceptian Permit to allaw canstruction .of a single family home an praperty zoned Residential One and lacated at appraximately 3575 Quail Street far the fallawing reasans: 1. Approval .of the request should nat have a detrimental effect on the 100- year flaodplain as per testimony by the city's directar of public warks. 2. The requirements of the floadplain .ordinance have been met. 3. The floodplain administratar has reviewed and approved the engineer's study. With the fallawing conditians: 1. The propased structure must be cansistent with the develapment standards of Section 26- 806(F) . 2. The proposed structure must maintain a lawest flaor elevatian that is at least one faot abave the base flaod elevatian .of 5,410 feet above sea level. The basement, if any portion is belaw the flaod elevatian, must be "flaad-proofed" ta the standards .of the city as stated in Sectian 26-808 .of the city cade. 3. Priar to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, an elevation certificate shall be prepared and certified by the engineer of record and filed with the city. 4. Staff recommended appraval of the application. Enclosed is a copy of the Certificate of Resolution, as well as a draft capy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision which became effective the date of the meeting, March 23, 2006. Fred & Donna Gimeno Page 2 April 7, 2006 Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, .I(~ ~ Kathy Fie~ Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Certificate of Resolution Draft of Minutes cc: Henry Hollander 5777 Old Wadsworth Blvd., #800 Arvada, CO 80002 WF-06-01 (case file) Building File \\srv-ci-eng-OOl \users\kfield\Kathy\BOA\CORRESP\2006\wf0601approval.wpd t(o[P)( CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 23rd day of March, 2006. CASE NO: WF-06-0l APPLICANT'S NAME: Donna and Fred Gimeno LOCATION: 3575 Quail WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WF-06-0l is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there WERE NO protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAYbe granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL vEDthat Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WF-06-0l be, and hereby is, APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A Class II Floodplain Exception Permit to allow construction of a single family home on property zoned Residential One. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. Approval of the request should not have a detrimental effect on the lOO-year floodplain as per testimony by the city's director of public works. 2. Therequirements of the floodplain ordinance have been met. 3. The floodplain administrator has reviewed and approved the engineer's study. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The proposed structure must be consistent with the development standards of Section 26- 806(F). Board of Adjustment Resolution WF-06-01 Page two (2) 2. The proposed structure must maintain a lowest floor elevation that is at least one foot above the base flood elevation of 5,410 feet above sea level. The basement, if any portion is below the flood elevation, must be "flood proofed" to the standards of the city as stated in Section 26-808 of the city code. 3. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, an elevation certificate shall be prepared and certified by the engineer of record and filed with the city. 4. Staff recommended approval of the application. YOTE: YEs: NO: . ABSENT: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAIR, DRDA, HOYLAND, HOWARD, LINKER None REINHART DISPOSITION: A request for A Class II Floodplain Exception Permit to allow construction of a single family home on property zoned Residential One was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 23rd day of March, 2006. ~~ Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board of Adjustment .DRAFT construction of a single family home on property zoned Residential One and located at approximately 3430 Simms Street. Planning Staff recommended continuance of this case because insufficient information had been submitted to make an official recommendation for the request. It was moved by Board Member BLAIR and seconded by Board Member DRDA to continue Case No. WF-06-02 indefInitely. The motion passed 7-0. f'. Case No. WF-06-01: An application filed by Donna and Fred Gimeno for approval of a Class II Floodplain Exception Permit to allow construction of a single family home on property zoned Residential One and located at approximately 3575 Quail Street. This case was presented by JeffHirt. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of the request for reasons outlined in the staff report. Board Member ABBOTT asked why this request had not been referred to the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District. Tim Paranto explained that the Lena Gulch floodplain has been modified since the 1975 study which was used in tIle evaluation of this case. Those modifications have altered the elevations. In this case, the applicant hired an engineer to establish the best scenario for the floodway. The city is in the process of entering into a contract with Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) to study Lena Gulch inside Wheat Ridge to establish a new Lena Gulch Floodplain study. This study should be completed within a year. He further explained the UDFCD . has no authority or regulatory powers with this case. The city can send plans to them for review, but in this case it was not necessary because of staff expertise and a good report from the applicant's engineer. The applicant's engineer has taken on the liability of establishing the floodplain and floodway elevations for this property. City staff has also analyzed the case to make sure this property would be protected from any flood damage. In response to a question from Board Member HOWARD, NIr. Paranto stated that about 90% of the property is designated as in the floodplain under the present study, but he anticipates about 50% of the property would fall outside the floodplain once the new study is completed. Board of Adjustment 03-23-06 -2- DRAFT Henry Hollander 6600 Allison Street, Arvada Mr. Hollander, engineer for the applicant, stated that he had nothing to add to the staff's presentation. He stated that the proposed house would have a basement that would be below the floodplain. He asked for clarification that this basement could be built if it is flood-proofed. In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Paranto stated that as long as the basement is constructed so that no water could enter the house in event of a flood it could be built below the floodplain elevation. Donna Gimeno 1623 Ogden Street, Denver Ms. Gimeno, the applicant, explained how the house would be situated on the lot. There were no other individuals present who wished to address this case. Board Member AB'BOTT asked for an explanation of "flood-proofing." Mr. Paranto explained that, for a basement to be allowed, the applicant would have to guarantee that everything would stay dry in case of flood. Openings for emergency access and light would have to be above the floodplain elevation. He 'also stated that flood-proofing is addressed in the existing code. Upon a motion by Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member BLAIR, the following resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WF-06-01 is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law, and in recognition that there were no protests registered' against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment Application Case No. WF-06-01 be, and hereby is, approved. Type of Variance: A Class II Floodplain Exception Permit to allow construction of a single family home on property zoned Residential One. Board of Adjustment 03-23-06 - 3 - t For the following reasons: DRAFT 1. Approval of the request should not have a detrimental effect on the 100-year floodplain as per testimony by the city's director of public works. 2. The requirements of the floodplain ordinance have been met. 3. The floodplain administrator has reviewed and approved the engineer's study. With the following conditions: 1. The proposed structure must be consistent with the development standards of Section 26-806(F). 2. The proposed structure must maintaill a lowest floor elevation that is . at least one foot above the base flood elevation of 5,410 feet above sea level. The basement, if any portion is below the flood elevation, must be "flood-proofed" to the standards of the city as stated in Section 26- 808 of the city code. 3. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, an elevation certificate shall be prepared and certified by the engineer of record and filed with the City. 4. Staff recommended approval of the application. In response to a question from Board Member HOWARD, Jeff Rirt stated that if the floodplain exception were to be granted, the applicant would qualify for floodplain insurance. The motion passed 7-0. C. Case No. W A -06-03: An application filed by the Seniors Resource Center for approval of a 13-foot front yard setback variance from the 30- foot front yard setback requirement and an II-foot rear yard setback vallance from the 20-foot rear yard setback requirement for property zoned Residential One and located at 3227 Chase Street. This case was presented by Jeff Hirt. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of the application for reasons outlined in the staff report. Palmer Pekarek 3227 Chase Street Mr. Pekarek is Vice President of Public Affairs for the Seniors Resource Center (SRC). He stated that Jefferson County gave the property at 3227 Chase Street to - 4- Board of Adjustment 03-23-06 -....- "'"-L Oty of \\!he.t Ridge ~\ ~ Deparlm'ml of Public Works MEMORANDUM TO: Jeff Hirt, Planner Tech ~ FROM: Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works cc: DATE: May 25, 2006 SUBJECT: Class II Special Exception Permit, 3575 Quail Street I have reviewed the May 5, 2006 submittal prepared by Jim Devish to address the required flood-proofing of the basement of the proposed new home at 3575 Quail Street. It appears that Mr. Devish does not understand the requirements for flood-proofing this property. In summary, the requirements are generally: 1. Flood-proofing must extend a minimum of one foot above the 100 year flood elevation. In this case, the elevation is 5411. 2. The flood-proofing must assume a direct hydraulic connection to Lena Gulch for an extended period of time. 3. The basement floor and walls must be designed to withstand the buoyant forces (or uplift) exerted by the water elevation of 5411. 4. A sump and pump is required to be constructed in the basement floor to dispose of any seepage into the basement. The sump must be monolithic with the floor and have no openings other than the top. This sump should be placed near a floor drain to accept any water bypassing the check valve and gate valve installed on the sanitary sewer service line. 5. All penetrations through the floor and walls must be designed to be water-tight. As you are aware, the Special Exception Permit cannot be issued until the flood-proofing design has been properly addressed. As always, I am available to answer any questions in this matter. .. CD CD..-.. .... ~ ~ ..- Ocn~ I co ~ ~.E I ~ >< U.Oe ::1/)8: I'-~ I/) M .., c: Q) E<.o ..,0 (/JO ~N . .... 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(j) (/) (j) > 1:: "'0 .:::;' :J,+-:J 0 0) 0)0 EoE-g oroO) 0) (j) 0) ....... 0) o....c !...."'O!....o ..cO)....... :J!....:Jo .......!.... t5~t5'+- o)'+- o..E :J :J 0) > 0 0) "$ .;:;~.;:;cO)O).o (j).......(j)Oco()-",o "'O~"'O"""'O)CcoO) O)cO)~(j)~..cti= (j) 0) (j)o 0) 0) (j) (j) "'0 8.E - (j)O)C O 0.. 0.. ~ 6 "- ....... co o "" ,... 0 co !....0!....(j).............()"'O 0.. 0) 0..._ co !.... ti= !.... O)>O)..............OtO ..c 0) ..c co 0) 'C 0) () I-"'OI-E~o...()~ ~ N . C'? CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Adjustment CASE MANAGER: JeffHirt CASE NO. & NAME: WF-06-01/Gimeno DATE OF MEETING: March 23, 2006 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Class II Floodplain Exception Permit to allow construction of a single family home on property zoned Residential One (R-I). LOCATION OF REQUEST: Approximately 3575 Quail Street APPLICANT (S): OWNER (S): Donna and Fred Gimeno Donna and Fred Gimeno APPROXIMATE AREA: 31,328 (.72 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Residential-One (R-I) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) (X) ( ) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ZONING ORDINANCE SUBDNISION REGULATIONS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION Location Map Subject Property Board of Adjustment Case WF-06-01/Gimeno Jurisdiction All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The property in question is located at approximately 3575 Quail Street, and is 31,328 square feet in size []!1~llmll%L~~i! The applicant is requesting a class II floodplain exception permit to allow for construction ofa single family home ~~~~j~;u1~~I!f~~~Ne~~~ The property is currently zoned Residential One (R-I), and sits vacant with no structures on it. The R-I zone district allows single family residential uses and accessory buildings. The majority of the property is within the 100 year floodplain. All other development standards have been met with this request. Per the Code of Laws Sec 26-808 (D)(I) the Board of Adjustment must hear this case. II. CASE ANALYSIS The Wheat Ridge Code of Laws states that in order for any single family home to be constructed in the 100 year floodplain a floodplain permit must be obtained. Specifically, Sec 26-806 (0) states that any new construction of any residential structure for human occupancy within the floodplain must obtain a class II floodplain permit, and plans must be certified by an engineer to the floodplain administrator that the lowest floor, including the basement, is elevated at least one foot above the base flood elevation. The applicant has submitted all required information, and the floodplain administrator has approved the request ~Ql~Rj,twifg:~ermjp~iffi~~ ~$~~ The applicant has also submitted the required final drainage report from a registered engineer, which indicates that the lowest floor of the house will be at least one foot above the base flood elevation of 5410 feet. This document has been reviewed and approved by the public works department pending the outcome of the Board of Adjustment hearing on this case. Section 26-808 (D)(4) of the Code of Laws contains a number of items that should be considered when reviewing a Class II floodplain exception permit. In response to those items, staff has concluded the following applies: . Best management practices will be employed during the construction process, . The engineer's report addresses danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage, . There are no alternatives to constructing an adequate sized single family home on this property, as the majority of the property is within the 100 year floodplain. . The proposed use is compatible with the neighborhood, and . The property will have access to a public street, II. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the single family home should not have a negative impact on the 100 year floodplain. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. Approval of the request should not have a detrimental effect on the 100 year floodplain. 2. The requirements ofthe floodplain ordinance have been met. 3. The floodplain administrator has reviewed and approved the engineer's study. Board of Adjustment Case WF-06-01/Gimeno 2 With the following conditions: 1. The proposed structure must be consistent with the development standards of Section 26-806 (F). 2. The proposed strueture must maintain a lowest floor elevation that is at least one foot above the base flood elevation of 541 0 feet above sea level. 3. Prior to issuance ofthe Certificate of Occupancy, an elevation certificate shall be prepared and certified by the engineer of record and filed with the City. Board of Adjustment Case WF-06-01lGimeno 3 M M o o CO ZI-O Owo - -w<C ~ h: ct: 0:: - -1-0 I- 0:: (/) ...J - ~...JO alw<(U :::r:O:::luj' >< ...JOC) LU <Ci/)O mlnii: ...JMt- <C W :I: ~ BROOKSIDE CONSOLllJAT/ON PLAT NO. / A CONSOLlDA nON OF A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER SECTON 28, TOWNSHIP 3 $OUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STA TE OF COLORADO N<lA~tCO'<5IT_" _rt.,,,OOIl'UC-1/O ~'~~'::~ ~FOOW}''''''!III.\S5CAP IS ''',~ <.S. ,,"'z ~O':.T!i ':.!NE NORTI!.W!~T gNE-DUARJE5 ~~c:f!--!!8!'!...3'Ef,,! ~s E':.. 8~INGS 1319_91 I Ii: J_.. _""",,,srr:oAAEll Of''''''~'",v. 8loac",IJROO/<SIM o *~. ~tl::Q- ~ ~~~ &2~~ ll:3l1l"i ESTA TE OF LILLIAN M ERICKSON BOOK 1029. PAGE 113 ZONEDR.' POINT OF BEGINNING ~ ~ ~ ~ < ~~ ~~~ l;:~li: '-i=:53 ~~~ Sell.... . . Orlu,b:>c. .."""""".....-. "',.UO ,,,_o;.oo.-.t02~... " ~p . I l- -l:~{N~H:E:::;~~ - - - - -~~;~J- BYTH/SPLAT .-...Sf,.,,...'.... I //' ". I . "'\1~T I _onwoTENOIl...."IK..... + ">:'~F<C'O<"....'...'''''T i"'" '(I"unr.,.,.. SEENO'Ul ...~\ bUEo<fi/;r .....~i:l' L;~,,= . ;~./' - - - - LOT 1 8: I ->'L..../.. 3t,328SQ.FT.(O.l19ACRES) ;'! ;... - I. ,/ "'L~QI'lol""'OE .,~;.." fASiSWII,I<EC.'td''-'' I I I I ,~~ ~SI:""'''' U LOf4. QUAIL COVE" SUBDIVISION ~--- ./ ./ REC.#FI919991 LOT5. QUAIL COIlE' SUBDIVISION BOOK 124. 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OOHERal.$TArs......rTlflSlI<IRl'E1'wJ.SI'RV.<J/C)e.....-"'OOH8E_fOF !1!I.~IORIGG.9<C..;milHlOH"""'EvARf<;WIrs_"""'II'O:Xl.CO<'""""'_" '.<\.IOlTl'<El'l5TArs_r """......""._S/JNrsOIlY NsPl"'rWMPOItEI,.<oW1!'" IIE_""Ec,w>GE."'~O"""".....~HOtKZPOE.INFOIlAU./7ONANPjEl.lEF...A P'1IOff~,.....,.uR\II"tt>'I"'.cca.<lPAHCE..m'APP"C..m.E5r_Di5'0I' fflACJlCEAHD"N(}r"'_IY"'''''''''''''''',<!1I>e1~POll",""Q1 JOI<N'..........-RT,Pl.S",..'. 'I!LVIlDS'(lIID(ItM; """"""''''Klsurrs4JO LAJi'P;>tOOOC08lil18 -,- t_8~CI!>mF~Il<<,,,,,,,,,,,,,'wA!lFI.EO"'TI<E"'FICE"""'" <XJ<B1"ra.""AMJIlK'O'IOERO"JUFER'''''CO/JOITrAr'''''''EliCO<'''''''''' ON .""""....T 0t:l.0C>I...," ~""GE_~/IONN<J~ -lE"ER8()Nr;tJIJH...a"'''~'''CO/IPEiO .. OEI'UrraERI< ""rE""""9AAAOOHNO~Rr.""" RlivrsEO_-oECN6ERt,,,,,,, o C Ql E C) . .... .... 5" ~ 1 .~ '= "'\ \"'6 ::c >< III .s lU o GRADING, EROSION CONTROL, AND SEDIMENT CONTROL GENERAL NOTES. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALt NOTIFY 1l-IE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AT LEAST ll1REE DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 2. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO GRADING ACl1V1T1ES. 3. AT ALL llMES DURING CONSTRUCTION, AlL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CQNlROL MEASURES SHAll. BE MAINTAINED AND REPAIRED AS NEEOED TO PREVENT ACCELERATED EROSION ON THE SITE AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES. 4. ALL TOPSOIl. SHALl BE SALVAGED. TOPSOil AND OVERBURDEN SHAll BE REDISTRIBUTED WITHIN THE GRADED AREA AFTER ROUGH GRADING TO PRO'<1DE A SUITABLE BASE FOR AREAS WHICH WIll BE SEEDED AND PLANTED. RUNOFF FROM STOCKPILED AREAS SHALL BE CONTROllED TO PREVENT EROSION. 5. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO REMOVE MATERiAl IN EXCESS OF 200 CUBIC YARDS TO ANOTHER SITE IN THE CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE, A GRADING PERMIT IS NECESSARY FOR THE OFF-SITE PROPERTY. IF' lHE MATERIAL IS MOVED TO A PROPERTY lOCATED WITHIN ANOTHER JURISDIC1l0N. EVIDENCE IS REQUIRED lHAT THE lOCAL GOVERNMENT HAS APPROVED lHE GRADING OPERATION. 6. SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES SHAlL SE APPLIED WITHIN 30 DAYS TO DISTURBED AREAS WHICH MAY NOT BE AT fiNAL GRADE. aUT WILL BE LEFT DORMANT FOR LONGER THAN 60 DAYS. 7. PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER CONSISllNG OF THE MIX NOTED BELOW SHAll BE DRill OR BROADCAST SEEDED AT TI-lE RATE NOTED BELOW. MULCH CONSISTING OF HAY OR STRAW, AP?UED AT A RATE Of 2 1/4 TONS PER ACRE AND CRIMPED SHALL BE USED TO STABiliZED THE EXPOSED SURFACE. - . 8. FUGITIVE OUST EMISSIONS RESUlllNG- FROM GRADING ACTlVlllES AND/OR W1ND SHAll. BE CONTROLLED USING THE BEST AVAILABLE CONTROl TECHNOLOGY, AS DEFINED BY THE COI..ORADO DEPARThlENT OF HEAlTH, AT THE TIME OF GRA01NG.. 9. THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONlROL PlAN SHAll BE MODlRED BY THE aTY OF \oYHEAT RIDGE, OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, AS FIELD CONDITIONS WARRANT. 10. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPEClED AND REPAIRED AS NECESSARY AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. SEDIMENTS SHALl BE REMOVED WHEN ONE HAlf Of THE DESIGN DEPTH HAS BEEN RllED. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. 11. WATER TRUCK MAY BE REQUIRED TO CONTROL AIRBORNE EROSION AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY OF \oYHEAT RIDGE. 12. STRAW BAlE BARRIER SHAll REMAIN IN PLACE ANO SE PROPERLY MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT lANDSCAPING IS ESTABUSHEO. DATlDI mFOlUW'ION Horizontal coordlnat.e:l are bged on II. local system. The. vertical benchmark for th!ll survey is NGS/NOAA PoInt G412 ha'i'lDg an e!ll~tion a! 5395.11 feet Q publbbed in the City of \lhea.t Ridge bsJ:l<lhnwk llsl.1ng. UTILITY "O'1F3 Eieept for ob.servable/visl.ble surface evidence and utility InlU"klI p1aeed by unknown parUes on the site, no utility loeaUoIlll .-erll researched. marked OJ' located. by D&S Surveying Seniaes, LLC. Due to OSHA reguJat.ions lUld the inability to enter confined splices and xn&11holes, pipe sizes (if shQw:u.) are approximate and must be verif1lld prior to ~,. umm LOCJ.fIOHS lWS'l' BE DF1l'ERKlNED PRIOR TO DESJGN OR ctlNSTRUcnOli. HVS Engineering, Int. expressly disclaims, 1llIlIUIIle8 no liability tor the underground loo.atlon of fir existence of utilities inoluding but D~t limited to, storm se1flll', sanitary se'll1lJ'. water main llnll3\3tuboub and telephOIlll, electric. gll8 or cabw locations.. ~ - GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN FRED AND DONNA GIMENO 3575 QUAIL STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO N ! ~ I" ~\ ~" ~! I \1;./' i 1 / / / / ,"/ // / \~ / ,.4' ~\"i / /'> ~,. /' / ~\\ . / ," / CAll UllUlY NOli FICA liON CENTER OF COLORADO 1-800-922-1987 OR J:;.<:tA_j:l~nn ...,"""""",."",..., CDl1[RIJN[orDlral _? . ~/' ~/' ~~ /' /' -, ~~ /' / / /<jl.J 'I 1j Ii i i I i CJJP54I3'''1 "'''' " I" I! " d ...-.- ~ I" ~ "~ " } /' r I~ o I 15.01 1 III II I WI l /' ' ~ / / / '2_ ~- ~ ~~ /' /~16 / .f / I / --~/.... ~ I "- FF=5:l'17 ~" / /' / <J~ "- / ~d' /' ~ I /' ;, ,so / l~ 2p 1_" 201\. f EXHIBIT 2 HVS ENGINEERING. INC. sn7 OlDE WADSWORTH BLVD.. R-800 ArNAOA, COLORADO 80002 PHONE: (303) 940-5807 FAX: (3D3) 940-5803 OFSIGNEO BY: HH s y M B 0 L LEG END e Deciduous: Tree ., Sanitary Manhole .. UnkllOl'lnMantlole __63iO__ Ex. ContoUfS -""~- Proposed Contoul"3 _SF_Sl'_ Silt Fence @~ VehIcle Tracldnq Control. 5" HOT MIX ASPHAlT (EXISTING GRAV~ (1'YP.) 10' MIN.-l SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO _ MINIMUM DENSITY PER SOll~ ~ ClASSlFiCAllON, COOT SECllON --;;ffi-m 203.07. - =m= S. AGGRAGATE BASE CROSS SFCTlON Of DRIVEWAY IN ROW NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1, ALL ROOF DRAINS TO DRAIN TOWARDS LENA GULCH. 2. THE 100-YEAR fLOOD ~LEVATION DETERMINED BY THE HOWARD NOBLE PROPERTY ANALYSIS PROVIDED BY FUTURA ENGINEERING, INC., DATED APRIL 17, ,2002 AHD APPROVED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INDICATES THAT THE lOO-YEAR flOODPLAIN ELEVATION ON .THIS PROPERlY IS 5410. ANY HABITABLE PORTION CONSTRUCTED BELOW ELEVATION 5411 SHALL BE FlOODPROOFED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE. ~ GRADING PLAN FRED AND DONNA GIMENO 3575 QUAIL STREET II.! =1: VSPS1:E:OOS '00 'a6P!l:IISaliM '1aallS lreno SiSt: ~Ii :.... ,,-;:, 3~OH MaN 03S0dOl:!d n .' :~: iE eouep!sebj s;euuo(] 18. paJd .~ ~ . ~ ~ :I: I 0 ~ I!i ~ ~ ~. b t ~ f'; ~ ~ i2 :tiC> ;)V\ '" lew) 'I- ,- 'III .- ;:z: >< W COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEt-tT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE'. 303.234.5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE' , 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 '. (303.235-2855) APPLICATION s;;'...eo!.... DD~"-'L ~..~<> 3S""!-~ 6('",""'" I $1:- Building Permll Number: Dale: , Property Owner: Property Address: ltractor License No,: , Company: 0/0 'Phone: 3'05 -~~ -C;t;,q?-- N/.lNt\ " ' ' , 'f"Phone: '12D-180 -'q9-l'9 lERlCONTRA,CTOR SIGNATURE of UNDERSTAN~I~G AND AGREEMENT BuiJdinq Dept. Valuation Figure: $ reby certlly that the setback d'is~nces proposed by this perm.'I'appll~atlon are Jrate;imd do npt violate applicable ordlnaryc~, rules or regulations of the City of ~atRld:ge or covenants, ea,!!ements or restrictions of record; that all measurements Nn af.ld allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abIde by all iitlCms printed on this cation a,nd at I assume full responsiblll,ty for Ipllance with the Whea I ge IIdlng Co e (1,8,C) and all other applicable Wheat le Ordinances, for work under Is permit ans s to field InSpectl~~. '. " ./: ~J/"' , DATE ID NER)(CONTRACTOR):PRlN 0 DATE Va1ue:$o2kq~ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:~ Tota1:$ e of Space (descripUon): ' scription of work: ~l\..<J Ie- ~"; (~ ~e~, , Ft. add~d :ONING COMMENTS: ' Approval: ,ZOning: R-\ BUILDING DEP AR1)I1ENT USE ONLY Sq.Ft.: ~~d~" lJ~C ';f~ 09 ' ~~~~lfs' tOO! '~ 1)f2~q>(JIFu=5 i>D1-o.+t/;::~ ~~~-,e._IT'.'<" Z)A- hi'''''''v~ ~,,..o.'c.+"r70N ~rl' 'OF R~"ilb ~~......t,e.,o;e re> C.O'. -s~ ~ s-/-I=..=/.:>. - lUILOING COMMENTS: Approval: 'UBUC WORKS COMMENTS: ApproW'\~J. I .I~, O/(., ~ '31/'1/CAp 'IRE DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: . APPrOvel: Occupancy: Walls:. Roof: . Stories: Residential Units: lectrical License No: ompany: Plumbing License No: .company: Mechanical License No: , Company: xpiration Date: Exp.iration Date: ExpiraUon Date; pprova:~: Approval: . Approval: . (1) This permit was Issued In-aGcordancawith the provIsions set forth lnyourappllcation and is sUbj~cttothe laws bfthestate of Colqrado and to the Zoning Regulations and BuildIng Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordh18n.ces at" the City. ' .' , (2) This permit.hali expire If (A) the work authorized Is not commenced within sixty (90j days from Issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. . (3) If thIs permit expIres, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been orwill be made In the original plans.and specifications end any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (i)-year. 1f changes have beet:'! or if suspensIon or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done thatwill change the natural flow of water causing a draInage problem. If:;) l:nntr.=.clnr !;;n;:!ll MOtif\! the Bulldlnc Insoector twenty-four (24) hours In advance fnr::lll In.r:nl'!r:tinn.. :=nn .."",.,11 ..""......1"... ,....:~_... EXHIBIT 4 \\ "'I '~ 1::\. ~~II.- ----~ ~- ':" '" City of Wheat Ridge \ \ Department of Public Works MEMORANDUM FROM: JeffHirt, Planner Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer :J;I6 TO: DATE: Monday, February 27,2006 SUBJECT: 3575 Quail Street, Class II Floodplain Exception Permit I have completed my review of the 151 submittal ofthe 3575 Quail Street, Class II Floodplain Exception Permit received on February 27,2006, and the following are my comments: 1. The ground cover for the site needs to be clearly identified. If native seeding is to be used, the seed mix and rate of application will need to be shown on the Grading & Erosion Control Plan prior to approval. 2. A minimum oftwo signed and sealed copies of the Final Drainage Report and Plan and Grading & Erosion Control Plan will need to be submitted for approval. xc: Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager File EXHIBIT 5 To Jeff - 3575 Quail Street_Class II Exception (2-27-06).doc POSTING CERTIFICATION CASENO.LJF-{)(P -()j , PLANNING COMMISSION I CITY COUNCIL I BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: 3;03 M~ ~ J ~ ih1 I,T7"ecf.erk Ie E. ~~1.eVlO a1,,c! ~w:L ~l2fL -6J;mb')() residingat /~;?3 ce;(jJM8rtd(n7Y~vw t1J~ /b?18 U (address) as the applicant for Case No.WFO~ -0 I ,hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of PublicHearingat3~1S-~; (<:;)!-Ia{- Wh-ta../-'D~~tc--, (1 0 cat ion) on this t3 day of fJ1:zf(l n , 20~, and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Si~,_~~{A{) NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case ~d will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Community Development Department. ~ '3s"1s-tQv<t,Ist-. MAP e:\planning\forms\postingcert Rev. 1/1/03 - - \ ---~"', / \ .1 I I., i 501 i,,' ~' ~ ~ ~ rt ! ~ I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on Thursday, March 23, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case. No. WF-06-01: An application filed by Donna and Fred Gimeno for approval of a Class II Floodplain Exception Permit to allow construction of a single family home on property zoned Residential One (R-l) and located at 3575 Quail Street. Case No. W A-06-03: An application filed by the Seniors' Resource Center for approval of a 13 foot front yard setback variance from the 30 foot front yard setback requirement and an 11 foot rear yard setback variance from the 20 foot rear yard setback requirement for property zoned Residential-One C (R-IC) and located at 3227 Chase Street. Case No. WF-06-02: An application filed by Patrick and Laura Koentges for approval of a Class II Floodplain Exception Permit to allow construction of a single family home on property zoned Residential One (R-l) and located at approximately 3400 Simms Street. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To be published: Date: Wheat Ridge Transcript March 9, 2006 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge March 9, 2006 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WF-06-01 which is a request for approval of a Class II Floodplain Exception Permit to allow construction of a single family home on property zoned Residential One (R-l) and located at approximately 3575 Quail Street. This case will heard by the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue on March 23, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. \\srv-ci-eng-OOl \users\kfield\Kathy\BOA \pubnotice\2006\wf0601.wpd *------------~---------------: ,60J}-- ~P3/o 6 Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :049188 Y~prpn .OQ/07/200S 7005 0390 0003 7953 0065 ~none :~u~ ~~u ~U~4 YB:1950 Pool: BldgSF:2,151 Ac:l.88 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Parcel :201143 v~=~=A .1?/1h/?002 7005 0390 0003 7953 0058 Phone BldgSF:968 c/' ~ liJ/FtJft-o/ / rb r>n e /12> *---~------------------------: MetroScan / Owner :Green Carol D Site :11254 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :11254 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:l Bath:l.OO TotRm: Owner :Turner Louise Et Al Site :11100 W 38th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :5393 Maggie Ln Evergreen Co 80439 Use :4141 Agr,Grazing Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: *--------------~------------_. YB: 1922 Pool: MetroScan / Jefferson Ac:11.98 Owner :Cook William C Site :3595 Quail St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :3595 Quail St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1999 Pool: *____________________________. MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Cook Parcel Site :3595 80033 Xfered Mail: 3595 Co 80033 Price Use :1155 Phone Bedrm: YB: Pool: BldgSF: Ac: .07 ~~~~-~~:~~~~~~-;i~~-~-------: MetroScan / Je:~rs~(CO)parcel:--~~;~~~~-------* Site : 3615 Quail St Wheat Ridge 80033 ~l~ Xfered: 08/20/2004 Mail :3615 Quail St Wheat Ridge Co 8003i\{) \ll~' ?U,~.s 039.0 0003 7953 0034 Use :1155 Vacant,Residential \~ ""~,,~ Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: BldgSF: Ac: .43 *____________________________: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------------* Owner Parcel :436081 Site eat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/05/2003 Mail Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$329,150 Use : 1155 sidential Phone Bedrm: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac: .06 ~~:~-:~~~~~:~~~~~~~::::-----. Metrosca~~/ ~e:~ (CO)~~~~:~:--:~~~~~~::::---* Mail: 3615 Quail St Wheat Ridge CO 8000J tl: 7005 0390 0003 7953 0027 Use :1111 Vacant/Residential ~u~~ ~ Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: BldgSF: Ac: .09 *____________________________: MetroSca efferson (CO) :----------------* Owner :Gimeno Frederick E Parcel :447517 Site :*no Site Address* Mail :1628 Ogden St Denver Co Use :1111 Vacant,Residential Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: (CO) Parcel Xfprpd :------~---------* 7005 : 420133 :12/05/2003 0390 0003 7953 0041 l:'Iluue BldgSF:1,642 AC: .16 :----------------* : 420134 : 12/05/2003 :$329,150 7005 0390 0003 7953 0010 Pool: Phone BldgSF: Ac:.71 ,\--1-\ \ !\/,' \\1/-.,..-, ___ . -\\ / ....<-'.(< '. ~0//;!t1; '8 \( \ ?q%, j ,(/ /!, ?~/ , '..) ~~) ... ./ ( \ / 1.. <><-- , I / ...:,,;~~ , /' \,,,- "- ~/\~ Information compiledfrom various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no repre:mltatio1Js or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of biformation contained in this report. 1 20') 03 o '" '" 3 ~ '" '" '-' 2') 2') -- .~......- ......-- o '" o o '-' -::: '" '" "' o '-' '--~---'-.-../ 1H~lFd~ 05-088 (15282') (15282') 05-090 (15281' (16602') ,.-_.~_...-_....------ / , , , , , I j 05-023 \ i i \ i I {/-::: '" "'- '" '" ~ '" '-' 0 S v "' o S (13551') (13551') 05-082 oA: ,. "' co 0 .:; q (12781') 05-092 V 05-091 ./ ~\ c/~ '" o i/ 05-108 (16851') "'...~._.....-._.-_.----._. '" (U_n_..... ~ 05-021 v I \ \ I I , I -::: I '" '" co I ~ I (201 0') 04-049 (13370') '" '" '" 3 '" I i I ", , \ \ \ , \ \ \ , \ / ..................... ....--..."'... 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CITY LIMITS OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO ) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT . ~ T ~ ~ ~ . . . ~~ ~& ~~ ~ ~ - * SW28 - PARCEULOTBOUNDARY (DESIGINATES OWNERSHIP) ---- WATER FEATURE * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES ,..-.;l 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN Lc.:..c.J (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) -J , -, -, -, -' -, .~ ,,~ "" CITY LIMITS NW28 @ o 100 200 XX) 4CO fl'cl MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: September 10, 2001 ******************************* * Search Parameters * ******************************* * Jefferson (CO) * 3/9/2006 * 9:48 AM * * * ******************************* Parcel Number...8 39 282 04 049 39 282 05 023 39 282 05 084 39 282 05 085 39 282 05 090 39 282 05 091 39 282 05 092 39 282 05 no . .\ ~~\l ~ :>-- --- .. City of Wheat Ridge : Department of Public Works MEMORANDUM TO: JeffHirt, Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer ;J:J/; DATE: Friday, March 10, 2006 SUBJECT: 3575 Quail Street, Class II Floodplain Exception Permit . I have completed my review of the 2nd submittal of the 3575 Quail Street, Class II Floodplain Exception Permit received on March 10, 2006, and the following are my comments: 1. The native seeding seed mix and rate of application shall be shown on the Grading & Erosion Control Plan prior to approval. 2. Please clearly identifY the area(s) where the native seeding is to be placed. 3. Two copies of the revised Grading & Erosion Control Plan will need to be submitted for review prior to approval of this project. 4. The Final Drainage Report is hereby approved. A copy of the approved FDR is being returned to you with the redlined Grading & Erosion Control Plan. xc: Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager File To Jeff fi 3575 Quail Street_Class II Exception review2 {3-10-06).doc ~ - x x \ \ WIRE NCE/, '\ ~ i'i; \ i:'J'<i \ ) ".... / >< fll SOl ~c; J <:> GRA VEL SOl \ ~ n , ;!l'll 'EC# FO/56212 k> ~'" ~ ~ ",... /' / ...- - __""'4~ - / -r~yg ~ - X X X \ ~ 1 ...... \ \ ........... $,,?- \ \ .J' " ~, '1 \ \ i .\ ~. '1 \ \ II - ()l - 3 \) t ~ ..j::>. 1~ . --" (, ~I ---- - , ......... o ~ -i--l\ -P- ) .:; , ~ l~ \... .J '-I ~ -:: . l' '- ~ 1; t ~ '" ..., / s ~ "- '\ --S ~ .:::.. ~ - ~ ~ ~ \/.~ ,.. ;;; <;; \ I c:n- xO '" 8 [g :c: \ '" ... :':f!l I~ ,.. /; '" n, i ~ !\> \ ~ ~ / '" -.-.- ,.. ........ i!: ) c:; QUAl-t STREE (. / x x x- M M o o CO ZI-O OWO -W<( :Ch:I:~ I- 0:: II) ..../ _~..../O a1iU<i:u -O::luj J:..../oC) ><<(11)0 UJC)"- wll)C:: ..../"'1- <( W J: 3: BROOKSIlJE CONSo.lJlJAT10N PLAT NO. / A CONSOLlDA nON OF A PORT/ON OF THE EAST HALF OF BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER SECTON 28, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STA TE OF COLORADO ""~"""""""'" s~,,~ """'HI"""" ..,c.,. ~T~~':::C'P ~~""j.""~"'P 'S '''''12 . ~s r",~ ~O~T!i ,:!N5!!E!!JI!."'!5..T g~R_TE! _S~C~8~'!...3-ql:E BASIS 2:' B~ING$ 1319.91 I i;: ~ '" o IN89'f3tll'EI 22~ N84'2fJ'43'E 5339' I , ~. ~ I l ~ -l:T~fN~H:E::::~: - - - - -~~/~/]- BYTHISPU,T .../sn?",,"w I // ". I I ,:~~:.:.~ ,~",/~;.r 00"1I1T'-"1' + SEENOrEll "-i/l:;~' EASE"'''' --> ~i~~ LOrt 8: I;;.~'/ 31.328 SQ. FT. (0.119ACRES) ~ ;/ - I." 1I<,wE"""-,...OE r;''' EASEwE,,'RliC'''''_73 I I I I ~~~:; U """"""'fS'CO'!i>fI' or""E~'MlT a'OCl<tl.IYIOO<<S'oi ~-, ~ii~-;- 'd~<l: >t ""Qfa ~3~~ 1 I I ...--...--"'-- ~...-- ~I I ~ k------ TRACT A LOT4. QUAIL COVE" SUBDIVISION ~ REC.IIf1919fl91 LOTS, QUAIL COVE SUBDIVISION BOOK 124, PAGE 25 ZONED PRO ...-- \...-- ...-- ESTATE OF LILLIAN M ERICKSON BOOK 1029. PAGE 113 ZONED R.l N8S"06'54"E 89.48' ". - t,..... _ r &<$!'-"!'....r REG. #F2018988 PARCEL B POfNT OF BEGINNfNG ~ ;; ~ 8 ~ ~ . ~3 ~ ~~- ~ "'<!:li: ~ ~~@ ~ ~~~ REG. #Ft184554 PARCEL A /' ""","",,~E>(lSrlNG ~,osSlJr<>Il'YW /" ;SEI'''''''!'''".=~/ /" /" /" /" /" /" /" -------,/-~---- s..uiITU C01aIIL....GCMI....llIntalllll .& l.tJI%I~ Qrlg,lDc, ,..,.....""_.00<. """"-JoOJ.-""',.... $"".63/) fuJoOJ.-Mo_OH. t..___toO'l~... _Do.......,_....... 589'30'51""" 1(j4,44' €PoST II2BLOCK 12. BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION REC.#Fl6:!2451 PORTION OF BLOCK 12. BROOKSIDE ZONEDR-J 1 . T ;; ~ ~ I ~ I ~ 1 I ...-- /" ...-- I [ i /"L' > /" I ~ I ~ I I ~ 8 ~~ .0 ~~ ~>: ~;:- "' T [ ~I ~I ~ ti ~I ~I I REC.#FJ5324S1 PORTION OF BLOCK 13. BROOKSIDE ZONED R.l ~ ~ I I I I ::< I ~ I ~ VICINITY MAP " I NOT TO SCALE ~ ::; I , "- @ [ G ';: I so 0 I ~ ,. ,. ~ ,".20' ,., I r.A<;F Hf<imRY 1 1115-04-10 I 1 DEDICA TlON. rHEUN<JR/S.aYE{)/tC'''IG"",!'''''''l>'rOF,,,",r'''-'~DC$VIfIW)''''''''''R''''' REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION P>JoCE''''''iUPr>ON"""",Rr".."" ~PAACE'{)FW;<"OCA..{).Nr.4f_'HMJ;r""""tMllTER"""C"""~, ,."..,..""', SOI./fH,IW<Gf'MW!5'<Y""'6r>tP".""5C'l""'O,osFOl''''''' "MlNNWGAr''''''~'''''''''''S>fJdFTE'SO<.lr'''OI'I><E''''''-'''''t'sr~<YI'Hf'CASr _r{E'I'lI<YBi.0C>:".ROOK'''''','5","",''''''~R''cc>'IOro'''I><E'''FtC''''''''C0'>05OF TI<E'U""..""REC""OER5"~CO<IN''''''JliFFER5W< _""'SO<J""'~rEU f...-NC"&<sr'....nn' f~"""-"""'S"Ef'~'OM::T'Hf&<.t'.-.r0lf>;t......ru.st"""-'rE".;!""Ilt."C""'1, ~~ f""M;;E"".' '..,.m f<> "'EPO..,fOl' 8EGI__ tCJOE11<Vl"'''', PA.RCfl..RECEn""''''''''.fR';o,_ A PMe!' 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DEPu""Cl.~,", ~,,~--,~~_..= I /lEVlS'''.<>EOIolBE'' '.200< : BROOKSIDE CONSOLIDAT./ON PLAT NO. f A CONSOUDA TION OF A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF lfjiLOCK 12, 8ROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER SECTON 28, TOWNSHtlP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFEPfSON, STA TE OF COLORADO NORTHWESTCOR.SEC.2IJ . NORTH1IfCC/R.sai2B ~=-~'::~ ~FO<:JN[JS-114'BRAS$c:AP LS132f2 . - U.13212 . NPI!.Tf:I,:!NENOFmf!N!!I!.TENE.aUAR!Ef1 ~t:.C~'!!~I:! BASISE~SEP:!!INGS . 1319.91 J ~ NORTHWESICORNER OFTHEEASTf1ALF, BLOCK 12. BRDOKS/DE i-" ~~O_ it~~o:: "'",~llJ fd~::5~ r:t9(1)1\j ESTATE OF LILLIAN M. ERICKSON BOOK 1029. PAGE 113 ZONEDR-l POINT OF BEGINNING '" Q ~ i ~ t'i <:> lil" 150li ~~~ -~ci "-0 'It:i:::@ (jQ:<: ~2lil LOT4, QUAIL COVE SUSDN/SION .....--- ~ T ~ ~ ~---~ ~ I g .. .....---1 I .....--- REC. # F1919997 LOT5, QUAIL COVE SUSDN/SION BOOK 124. PAGE 25 ZONEDPRD ~ ~~ !>lei ~r:t ,,- ?-J.i5 ~;::- '" ~ 15 IN89'13'OI'4 ~ .....--- .....--- m '" .....---\.....--- .....--- ~ rnACT A ......-- ......-- NB402O'43''E 53.39' $CTl'W1TNES$CORNER~ ~ -- I%~ REC. #F2018988 lil PARCEL 8 89.48' N85'08'54"E --t-- r 8""'-"" - EASEMENi ~ ~ l--ILOTL~~~YR~~ ----~/'/~ I. B~THISPLAT .' . ................................./SBQ1~:;.W I ....;;:i~ I APPROXJMATE NOIUHUNff - /." + 1(0)'EAAFLoooPI..AJN/.JMlT '1"~ f(J'1J7'H../T't' SEENOTE8l.. f,' EASEMENT --{' l~ h~~ ---Lo~----l ~I ?~h/.. 31,328SQ.FT.(0.719ACRES) I ~ ~ /.:/' ~ .... 1/."'/ L/NEDRAINA$E ..... ~:::r"'''''' EASEMENTREC.#B5108873 L' ..... //"'"/ \ ..... ..... THREADOFEXlSTING / I ~AS_ _EMBER,.= >// I / /// I / ---7':::.......---- .-J SB9"3e'51"W 164.44' I!JA8T 1/2Ii1LOCJ( II!, SROOKS//JJE SI.JBfiJWl8/ON /WEC. # Ft5af!451 PQRnON OFiB/.OCK 12, SROOKSIDE ZONEDR-1 It ~ .. '" " " " I I I I S'IffILfTY EASEMEN' U REC. #FII84554 PARCEL A i , I ! , t ! I j i Sellerd&: COHSUL~ cmL BMGOOZRS I '? &, UND~ ., Gria. Inc. t 3SOlJnIOl>BO\lT..-d Phonll' ~-98&-1444 1 SuIte 630 FAX: 303-956-0994- \l<II<.....ood. CoIorcdo 80228 EMlIR: www,sandg+.c.om COPYRlGB'I'C2IlO' T I *1 ~I ~ ,,- ~I SI I 19 '" ~ ~ ~ ?-J g '" ;:! ~ - !r % I.j ~ !l: le fil '" <3 ~ s: ei ~ ~ 1 REC. # F1S32451 POR'fION OF BLOCK 13, BROOKSIDE ZONEDR-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ~ULJUOI&8T!f!. AVENUE ] ... [to . ,. ...] li1 ", ,.- " I:lI SITE l(; c.... ,"is ilij Ll,n.w 32N1J A''iifJ'JI!Ui1 ~ VICfNITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 20 .0 20 .... 1'",.2If ftlet CASE UJS1MY 11015-01-10 I DEDICATION: tHE iJNfJER$JQHED. BElNG 1HEOl/INEROF 'THE FOLLOW/N(JDESCRJBE()PROPEKT'Y: REALPI'lQP'HJ<.TY~fJI: PARCEJ.A:~ " A PARGSLDFUWOWal.1E9lNT1:I!5~q!II!F~0F8ECT1ON2a TOWN8HIP3 SOUTH. JWWl3E89MSTDF1'HEtJ'fHPJt, D~ED/fSFOELDWS: =::'::f:::/:==ZEf's=!J;i/Jllll!JJfJl%~IE~~OF THECl..ERJ<ANDRJfCORt:IERS.4Jf)C€I/JNTY@F~ THENCE SOUTH 1M FEEr. __;<EO THENCE NORTII:f6!j FEtrr ALONG THEEAST LINE OF7HEEASTEASTHALF (E1I2) OF eLOCK 12, 8fdXJKSIDE: THENCEKelT 164-5 FEET TO THE POfNTOF BEGINNING. -,"",. PARCB.B; RECEP17ONN/.JMBER1i2018$81i; APARCS. OFUlNDL0G4.TED/N THENOR1HWESTO/IIl:~,,*SEC71ON28. Tf:INNSHIP8 SJ;JUTH, RANGE6BWESlpFTHEGTHPM., fJE.SCRJBEDA$~ BEGJNNlN(JATTHESOIR'HWEST'CORNEROF'1HENeJFml79!!'FWtt1FTHJFf!!J,.STOIf.~DF BLOCKI2. SROOKS/DE.ASt.!I1f11V1StONRliiXIRDEDINFHEfJFFIt;:iALRE<<ilt/fJSOFrHECLERK ANDRECORDER SAID COUNTY N JEFFER6QN mE 7RIJE POINTOF BEGINNING; 7HENCE~ 1/J,(J7FeET ALONG THEWESTUNEOFSAID-EA$TONE-HALF; 7HENCE N8$"08'$#"E. BUll FEET; 7HENCE N84W43"E. 53..>>Fa;T TO THENOR1H LINE QF1'H= Sf!J/JTH 3a.00 FEET'OF &4lD M?JRTH19ltJ)DFEET; TH/!NCE N89'13'01"E.1t2.2!JFEEr N.ONG SAID NORTH tJNii T07HE NDFlTHEASTCDRN1!R SAlO SOlJ1H3tJ;OOnET; ~~3D.OOPEET,TOTHESOlnHE.4STClJRNl;R'SliffJ~3l1;,OP,FEEn ~.s89"'3'1WW. 1811.66~AU:WG7HESOvmUNESAJDfM)jJ'fH3D.DOFEET TQ~'ffltIl1PD1NfOFBEG1NNJNG, COI:IN'1YOFJSFFERSON.STATEOFCCI.ORADD, STATEOFCOLORAOO ) )$9 ) COIHITYOFJEFFERSON . .m,FOROOWG'WfflUMEIffWASA_ """""'.'.;TH"'.~........ ........... ' '8'Y;HOWARDNOBtE ,> ,,' , . """';'MY"",O__~' ..~,. IJYCCIMt/SSI()NEXPfRES; , . ,: ' .~, ,.J.-:7Z '~A. '. .. ;.. . " " ,..',"""",- '..,,:' GEJrlERALNOTES: " . 1, NOnCE: A.CCORD/NGTOCOWRADOUlW. YOUMYST~"~ I..EGIJ.A(:TJONBlfSEDUPONANYOEFECT W1HiSS/!JIlYEY~ tHREEYEMSAFreRl'OOF/RSTlJ/Sli)C1IIr=RSlJCHDEFEt;:r. II#IC . EVENT. AMY ANY Ar:moN 8I4SE1f} /JPOHAlWOEFECT IN mIS SUR'VEYBE COItIIJIENCEOJ,IORE THAN TEN 'rE4R$PReuTHlf Mn: OF THE CERT1RC4T1ON SHDWNHEREON. 2, ~=~~~TE~CAP'f..AMrelTL.S.1321r a +=SECf7ONCORNE1tORawtRTERCORNER3-WCIlP/Nrt4NGE.BOX 4. BEARlNGSS1*7IW1ON THlSPiAT IREB4sa>ONTHEN6KfHLtNEDFTHESAJD NOR7HWEST ONE QlJARTFR WHICHISASSUItfED TO SJfJtRN8fJ'1a'01"E 6. CI:JNTROUJNGItIONU#ENTS/JSS)FORmJSstlR\'i:YAREASFOLLDw.t- NOR7fM5S1'CCRNERSECTJON28:FOUNf)$.III'~(W>LSI132121147ED19<U PERMONUNENTRECORDf1Y JOHN$.~lMTEDSEP1SI8ER 11, 1986 NORTH 114 CORNER6EGTIaN28: FOUND :/-114" BRASS Q4P PER MOMJJJENT RECORD BY JOHNs.UIIrfBEF(1',1'1.$ 13212,lM1EDSEPfS.lBER8, 19/16 ctiN1ER 114 CORNER SECTION2$: FOUND 2-112" ALu.w. CAP PERMONlIMENT RECORDf1Y JOJfNs. /..AMBEHT, PI.S 1m2, &l\TEDDECEMBfR5,1985 WEST 114 CORNER SECTioN2$: FGUND 2-1Ir AlJJM. O'IP PER MONLINEN'TREOORD BY JOHNs.l.ANlJERT.PI.S 13212,lAA"l'ESNGVSIIBER 1p, 1~ 6. TENFOOT(1(J')WlD661cSEMEN'tSAREHERESYGR/lNTiH1ON~7E"PROPERTY AOJI<CENT roAI.L PUBlJC smEE'1S ANDFRONT AND RJ1AR PROPERTY liNES OFEACH LOT IN THE $1IBDMS1ON OR PLAT7EDARE-4. FIVE FOOT (5') WIPE S4SEMENT$ARE HEREBY GIWfT'S') ON PRiVATE PROPERTY ADJACENTTOAllSIDE LeT UNE$ OFEltCH LOTINJ1ESIJBE)MSJeN(1JRPMn'EO.ARSo\. THESE,~ARt;tiIEJ:JIGII7EDFOR THEIH8TAI..lATION.~ANOREPUCEMl!NTOFELEC1RJC,G4S.TElEII/SJON c.-af;.DRAJNAGEANO~TI€JN$FAC/l.ma.lITR./'FJSSSJW.LAl.S{J8E PERMITTED WTfflIN ANY ACCESS Ell$EltlENTSANO PRIVATE $1REETS1N THE SVBOfVISKJH. PERM/lNENTSTRI.JCTIJRESANlJ WATERMErER8$IW.LNOT BE PERNffTEO W1TH1N SAID fJ71UTY EASEMENT$. 7. THEZON/NGFOR1H/SPROPff(1YlSDESJGNATEDAS~1. 8. THE 1ro 'f5/lll FLOODPLAJN UM/TISAPPROXJMA7E /lND/$ SCl)LEDFROM FIRM MAP" Nl./MBER0lJC69CD2I5E. CITY CERTIFICATION: " APPR(NE[)THJS~DAI'OF)\o,_""" 20()4 ~'-~ CJFj. ..I!J " Jigi~~ . . SI.JRVEYOR'$.STIJ'f1JiM1WT ~J€)Ijf!,~.~... cs",,~."., l.ANfiJ~1NTHE-STA7liOFca.ORADO. " tJ(!)ij~'$fPI.'fI!Tlill.r'7'F@~WMJ'P8EPAREfJBYJlENlfJON8EHNF0F . ~'&'GB1GG,JNC..s{J(J'lfllli€JN'geJVIiEVARI!J,$l;JffE630..l.AICEWOOD,ca.ORAtJ08(J228. :E~-=~~~~iE~ ~Ain>ISNOTA~(iRWARi'WnY.E1THEREXPRlfSSEDOR , I HEREBYCSlTIFYrnAT 111/$ PLAT WASF1t.ED IN TH!:0FFJeE OF THE CCUNlYCLERKAND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON ctlUNTY ATGOUJEN. CDLCRWO ON~2OOf,AT~CL~M... .. 1JOCI1(" GE...1l-~HO~, ~' ., . - .- .', "a:ERKANO:R ..fuD~ A'...J.I . BY.' DEPUTY .. o~i?'~ .~~~;.."~''''-'' 4':', " 't1fi ::I'~ ~( .>;1 ,.,.., ""~~~S",..., ".>:\~,~ . '. ~"'.'~t.<l-,.?- . $:.2.~oY: DA71: OF PREPARATION:NOVEMBER 1, 21)[)4 REVlSE0:DE(':MB6R1,20()4 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department Memorandum TO: Dave Brossman FROM: JeffHirt SUBJECT: 3575 Quail Street DATE: March 10,2006 Attached is updated information ("re-referral") for Case No. WF-06-01, 3575 Quail Street. Please provide comment as soon as possible. Staff reports must go the Board of Adjustment for this case by the morning of Friday, March 17. t 1623 Ogden Street Denver, Colorado 80218 Home: 303-860-0697 Cell: 720-913-0543 March 8, 2006 Re: 3575 Quail Street Neighbors 3500 Block Quail Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Subject: Use Permit Dear Neighbors, On March 23, 2006 at 7:30pm there will be a hearing with the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, at the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building on case number WF-06-01for a Class II Flood Plain Permit. With the issuance of this permit, we will pursue the building permit process, and then begin construction on a single-family dwelling on our property located at 3575 Quail Street. We would love to discuss this matter, share our house plans and address any other concerns you may have regarding this project. There are preliminary plans for the house and a model of the house structure you are welcome to look at. Please contact us at the above numbers or at your earliest conveniece if you have concerns or questions. Sincerely yours, Frederick Gimeno and Donna Starr-Gimeno ,q7~( srID 31--3rp 731-32- 3'1:2 & 3J-C2Y 31-;;Z D 31/~ <;::)112 3M J1db't -t )1rnv.. ?fo4 3 :}Do . 3V1S- Sch/11.:-J-z 3~ V Z 1/aet4A- 3tp02 3&Sg 30'02- 5&~b . 8 (P,/0 3~ft/Q 3&8b &1Ai6rr- fhL :r/O,~ /Jllvt?1~&tm '*4 1 Jeff Hirt From: Sent: To: Subject: Jeff Hirt Thursday, March 02, 2006 3:39 PM Henry Hollender (henry@hvseng.com) 3575 Quail Attachments: WF0601 PublicWorksComments2.27 .06.doc I!!l~ ~ ,;::.=... ,...........=. WF0601PublicW <sComments2.27 Henry, I am processing the Floodplain Exception Permit for the property at 3575 Quail Street. I have referred your information to the Public Works Department and received comments, which are attached. I do not have any comments at this time. It is also my understanding that conditions may have changed slightly with the proposal, and this needs to be indicated with new information if it is the case. All I ask is that the most updated information be reflected clearly. If you need specifics on what needs to be resubmitted, I would refer to to Dave Brossman (303.235.2864, dbrossman@ci.wheatridge.co.us) for the technical questions. The public hearing is Thursday, March 23 at 7:00 pm. information by no later than next Friday, March 10 in the staff report and get comments from Public Works. I need the additional/new order to have adequate time to write Let me know if I can be of any assistance. I hope email is acceptable contact for this permit. Jeff Hirt City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office, 303-235-2845 Fax, 303-235-2857 1 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department Memorandum -'-~~ "'HfAr 1'/ '- 0 - G> '-' '" C'o(OR,IJO TO: Dave Brossman FROM: JeffHirt J Y SUBJECT: Case No. WF-06-0l/3575 Quail St DATE: February 27,2006 The planning division has received a request for a floodplain exception permit to construct a single family home on property located at (approximately) 3575 Quail Street. This particular property, and this specific request has some relevant history and correspondence which is attached to this referral. This process entails the following: . Review of technical information by Public Works. If approved, application will proceed to public hearing. Process is handled through Planning, but review of technical information must be done by public works. . Public hearing before the Board of Adjustment, scheduled for Thursday, March 23 at 7:30 pm. . Review and approval of the engineers study must take place prior to approval of the Floodplain Exception Permit at the public hearing. As such, I would like to request a representative from the public works department to attend this meeting for this case. The following information is attached for your review: . Elevations . Final Drainage Report, dated February 16, 2006. While I do not see it specifically stated that the base floor elevation is above the flood elevation, it is my understanding that we have informed the applicant that spot elevations are acceptable, with an illustration of the elevations for the house. . Grading and Erosion Control Plan . Survey plat . Two letters from 2002, stating preliminary approval of engineering plans by the City based on the information submitted for the subj ect property. Please note that this application was not referred to the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District. A response is requested by no later than Monday, March 13 in order to proceed with the March 23 public hearing. Security Title Guaranty Co. (=? ~' ~-- ~i ~ 710 Kipling # 205 Lakewood, CO 80215 Phone: (303) 237-4860 Fax: (303) 237-4859 Thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide your closing and settlement services DELIVERY TRANSMITTAL DATE: FILE NO.: PROP. ADDR.: OWNER/BUYER: February 23, 2005 S0039957 3575 Quail Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Howard G. Noble I Frederick E. Gimeno Below is a list of clients to whom the attached materials have been delivered. Should you have any closing questions regarding these materials, please contact Security Title Guaranty Co. at the above phone number. If you should have any title questions, please contact title operations at (303) 889-8300. Please review the attached materials carefully. Please Deliver To The Customers Listed Below: o If cliecked, supporting documeutation enclosed ATTN: Debbie Evans PHONE: (303) 237-4860 FAX: (303) 237-4859 E-MAIL: devans@stgco.com DELIVERY: E-MAIL NO. OF COPIES: 1 TO: Security Title Guarantv Co. Kipling West . 71 0 Kipling # 205 Lakewood, CO 80215 TO: Howard G. Noblc 980 Whispering Oak Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104-8467 ATTN: PHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: DELIVERY: MAIL NO. OF COPIES: 1 o If checked, supporting documentation enclosed TO: Frederick E. Gimeno 1623 Ogden Street Denver, CO 80218 ATTN: PHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: DELIVERY: EXPRESS DELIVERY NO. OF COPIES: 1 Ii([ If checked, supporting documentation enclosed TO: Remax 100 71 0 Kipling Street Suite 110 Lakewood, CO 80215 ATTN: PHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: DELIVERY: Ralph Perri (303) 232-4444 (303) 232-6919 o If checked, supporting documentation enclosed DELIVER NO. OF COPIES: 1 2/23/2005 Security Title Guaranty Co. (=7; ~ - ~l :-:::J1) 71 0 Kipling # 205 Lakewood, CO 802] 5 Phone: (303) 237-4860 Fax: (303) 237-4859 DELIVERY TRANSMITTAL (Continued) 0" If checked, supporting documentation enclosed ATTN: Vivian Dnvall PHONE: (303) 864-1571 FAX: (303) 864-1572 E-MAIL: DELIVERY: EXPRESS DELIVERY NO. OF COPlES: 1 TO: Columbine Brokerage, Inc. 7345 South Pierce Street Littleton CO, 80128 2/23/2005 02/23/20053:38;56 te JD File No.: S0039957 STANDARD COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY Security Title Guaranty CO. AS AGENT FOR First American Title Insurance Company INFORMATION The Title Insurance Commitment is a legal contract between you and the company: It is issued to show the basis on which we will issue a Title Insurance Policy to you. The Policy will insure you agaiust certain risks to the land title, subject to the limitations shown in the Policy. The Company will give you a sample of the Policy form, if you ask. The Commitment is based on the land title as of the Commitment Date. Any changes in the land title or the transaction may affect the Commitment and the Policy. The Commitment is subject to its Requirements, Exceptions and Conditions. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT PART OF THE TITLE INSURANCE COMMITMENT. YOU SHOULD READ THE COMMITMENT VERY CAREFULLY. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COMMITMENT PLEASE CONTACT THE ISSUING OFFICE. AGREEMENT TO ISSUE POLICY First American Title Insurance Company, referred to in this commitment as the Company, through its agent Seenrity Title Guaranty Co., referred to in this Agreement as the Agent, agrees to issue a policy to you according to the terms of this commitment. When we show the policy amount and your name as the proposed insured in Schedule A, this commitment becomes effective as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A. If the Requirements shown in the Commitment have not been met within six months after the Commitment date, our obligation under this Commitment will end. Also our obligation under this Commitment will end when the Policy is issued and then our obligation to you will be under the Policy. Our obligation under this Commitment is limited by the following: The Provisions in Schedule A. The Requirements in Schedule B-1. The Exceptions in Schedule B-2. The Disclosures and Conditions contained in this Commitment. This Commitment is not valid without SCHEDULE A and Sections I and 2 of SCHEDULE B attached. 2/23/2005 02/23/20053:38:56 te JD File No.: 50039957 CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS (a) "Mortgage" means mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument. (b) "Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice of matters affecting the title according to state law where the land is located. (c) "Land" means the land or condominium unit described in Schedule A and any improvements on the land which are real property. 2. LATER DEFECTS The Exceptions ill Schedule B ~ Section 2 may be amended to show any defects, liens or encumbrances that appear for the first time in public records or are created or attached between the Commitment Date and the date on which all of the Requirements of Schedule B ~ Section I are met. We shall have no liability to you because of this amendment. 3. EXISTING DEFECTS If any defects, liens or encumbrances existing at Commitment Date are not shown ill Schedule B, we may amend Schedule B to show them. If we do amend Schedule B to show these defects, liens or encumbrances, we shall be liable to you according to Paragraph 4 below unless you knew of this information and did not tell us about it in writing. 4. LIMITATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our onJy obligation is to issue to you the Policy referred to in this Cormnitment, when you have met its Requirements. If we have any liability to you for any loss you incur because of an error in this Commitment our liability will be limited to your actual Joss caused by your relying on this Commitment when you acted in good faith to: comply with the Requirements shown in Schedule B . Section I or eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B - Section 2. We shall not be liable for more than the Policy Amount shown in Schedule A of this Commitment and our liability is subject to the terms of the Policy form to be issued to you. 5. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Any claim, whether or not based on negligence, which you may have against us concerning the title to the land must be based on this Commitment and is subject to its terms. DISCLOSURES GAP PROTECTION When this Company conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing the legal documents resulting from the transaction, the Company shall be responsible for all matters which appear on the record prior to such time of recording or filing. MECHANIC'S LIEN PROTECTION If you are a buyer ofa single family residence you may request mechanic's lien coverage to be issued on your policy of insurance. If the property being purchased has not been the subject of construction, improvements or repair in the last six months prior to the date of this commitment, the requirements will be payment of the appropriate premium and the completion of an Affidavit and Indemnity by the seller. If the property being purchased was constructed, improved or repaired within six months prior to the date of this commitment, the requirements may involve disclosure of certain financial information, payment of premiums, and indemnity, among others. The general requirements stated above are subject to the revision and approval of the Company. SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NOTICE The subject land .may be located in a special taxing district; a certificate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent; and information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the board of county commissioners. the county clerk and recorder, or the county assessor. PRIVACY PROMISE FOR CUSTOMERS We will not reveal nonpublic personal infonnation to any external non-affiliated organization unless we have been authorized by the customer, or are required by Jaw. CONSUMER DECLARA nON STATEMENT This Commitment for Title Insurance may include a Schedule B exception reference to recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate. If such reference is made, there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals or geothermal energy in the property. TIle referenced mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface estate owner's permission. You may be able to obtain title insurance coverage regarding any such referenced mineral estate severance and its affect upon your ownership. Ask your title company representative for assistance with this issue. 2/23/2005 Security Title Guaranty Co. 710 Kipling # 205 Lakewood, CO 80215 Phone: (303) 237-4860 Fax: (303) 237-4859 COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Commitment No: S0039957 1. Commitment Date: February 15, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: Proposed Insured: Policy Amount (a) Owner's Policy $ 160,000.00 Frederick E. Gimeno $ $ 3. Fee Simple interest in the land described in this Commitment is owned, at the Commitment Date by: Howard G. Noble 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. (for informational purposes only) 3575 Quail Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 PREMIUM: Owners Coverage $ 630.00 Tax Certificate $ 30.00 02/23120053:44:04 te ID 2/23/2005 02/23/20053:38:56 tc JD File No.: S0039957 Exhibit A Lot 1, Brookside Consolidation Plat No.1, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 2/23/2005 02/23/20053:38:56 te JD File No.: S0039957 Form No. 1344-Bl (CO-88) AL T A Plain Language Commitment SCHEDULE B - Section 1 Requirements The following requirements must be met: a. Pay the agreed amounts for the interest in the land and/or for the mOligage to be insured. b. Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. c. Obtain a celiificate oftaxes due from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent. d. Provide us the "Affidavit and Indemnity" signed by the parties listed in Paragraph 3, Schedule A of this Commitment and notarized. e. The following documents satisfactory to us must be signed, delivered and recorded: 1. Warranty Deed sufficient to convey the fee simple estate or interest in the land described or referred to herein, to the Proposed Insured, Schedule A, Item 2(a). 2. Release ofthe Deed of Trust from Howard G. Noble and Carol G. Noble to the Public Trustee of Jefferson County for the benefit of GoldenBanks of Colorado to secure an indebtedness in the principal sum of $40,750.00, and any other amounts and/or obligations secured thereby, dated July 26, 1994 and recorded August 8, 1994 at Reception No. 94133150. NOTE: The item shown as No.2 above appears to secure the payment of indebtedness under a LINE OF CREDIT account. NOTE: IF THE SALES PRICE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY EXCEEDS $100,000.00 THE SELLER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE DISCLOSURE OR WITHHOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S. 39-22-604.5 (NONRESIDENT WITHHOLDING). 2/23/2005 02/23/2005 3:38:56 Ie JD File No.: S0039957 Form No. 1344-B2 (CO-88) AL T A Plain Language Commitment SCHEDULE B - Section 2 Exceptions Any policy we issne will have the following exceptions nnless they are taken care of to our satisfaction: 1. Taxes and Assessments not certified to the Treasurer's Office. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the land would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes, assessments and unredeemed tax sales. 7. Any water rights or claims or title to water, in, on or under the land. 8. Right of way for Brookside Ditch as contained in instrument recorded August 6, 1888 in Book 43 at Page 409. 9. Right of way for Creek Traversing subject property as shown on the recorded plat of Brookside Subdivision. 10. An easement for drainage and incidental purposes granted to The City of Wheatridge by the instrument recorded November 8, 1985 at Reception No. 85108873 and shown on the plat of said subdivision. II. Terms, conditions, obligations, easements and notes as shown and contained on the plat of said subdivision. 2/23/2005 JEFFERSON, CO PAGE 1 OF 2 SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY, STY, ST 02/23/2005 01:45PM NC5K CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ORDER: S0039957KP TOF: STATE OF COLORADO, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON MARK S. PASCHALL, TREASURER DATA TRACE, AS AN AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE TREASURER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT AS OF THE CERTIFICATION DATE THERE WERE THE FOLLOWING TAXES DUE AGAINST THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN. INTEREST ON TAXES IS COMPUTED ON A MONTHLY BASIS. PLEASE REQUEST UP TO DATE FIGURES IF YOU DO NOT PAY BY THE END OF THE CURRENT MONTH. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUDE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHICH MAY BE DUE, BUT WHICH ON THE CERTIFICATION DATE OF THIS DOCUMENT HAD NOT BEEN CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY FOR COLLECTION. TREASURER'S OFFICE: 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PARKWAY; SUITE 2520 GOLDEN, CO 80419 - 2520 (303) 271 - 8330 TAXES CERTIFIED THRU 2005-02-15 TAX-ID: 189562 PARCEL: 39-282-05-021 DISTRICT: 3141 ACO DATE: 2001-02-02 LEGAL: BROOKSIDE SUBDIV: 096000 SEC: 28 TWN: 3 RNG: 69 BLK: 012 KEY: DON SITUS: VACANT LAND MAIL: 980 WHISPERING OAK DR CASTLE ROCK CO 80104 IASSESSED OWNER(S) NOBLE HOWARD G PROPERTY EXEMPTIONS TAXABLE DOC#: F1184554 2004 ASSESSED VALUES I 2,270 (0) 2,270 12004 TAXES STATUS INSTALLMENT AMOUNT PAID BALANCE DUE TAX LEVY 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.066 0.538 0.907 0.991 1.000 1.830 2.263 3.425 4.400 8.028 11.250 15.754 39.848 90.306 AMOUNT 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.15 1.22 2.06 2.25 2.27 4.15 5.14 7.77 9.99 18.22 25.54 35.76 90.45 204.98 TOTAL TAXi 1 STlNST OPEN 102.49 (0.00) 102.49 2NDINST OPEN 102.49 (0.00) 102.49 204.98 (0.00) 204.98 DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT(S) COUNTY SCHOOL CNTY OTHER UDFCDSPLAT UDFCD CAP'lL EXP SOC SRVCS DEV DISABL WHR R&B SRVCS LIBRARY WFD WRSD SCHOOLBND CNTY GEN'L SCHOOL GEN TOTAL OF ASSESSMENTS 2/23/2005 . JEFFERSON, CO PAGE 2 OF 2 SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY, STY, ST . 02/23/2005 01 :45PM NC5K CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ORDER: S0039957KP TOF: INFORMATION REGARDING SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE ON FILE OR DEPOSIT WITH THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. CERTIFICATE EXCEPTION CONDITIONS SID: POSSIBLE TAXES OWED: NONE NONE TAX SALES: NONE END SEARCH 2/23/2005 Exceptions 8, 9 and 10 will follow as all are on order from County. Info on All are on the copy of enclosed plat, exception No. 11 2/23/2005 . '. t... VIVLlCI'C I nc /VMIVll: ~IYU .:> 1 T ~t:: ur t;JI'CUV^o>IUl: vVIV;::,VL.IU" f IVIV rL.l'1 f IYV. '1 Ii .:>VClLJIVlo>IVlY vr ..... PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT OF WA 1'; AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALL Y FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR AU SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREET LIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENENCES THERETO. SIGN. D THIS J,l DA Y OF ~~ ..h..r2004. BY: HOW, OBLE, OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) )SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) SU, I,JOI DOh SEU IFU~ RESI PRO! PRA( . . THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS;l.t, 8Y: HOWARD NOBLE WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MYCOMKfISSIONEXPIRES: <f. L . ". ----,Ci'.d-..a I!) LJ " , OTARY UBLIC "" GENERAL NOTES: ...eo....-~___ 1. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, IWI Y ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTlFICA TlON SHOWN HEREON. 2. ~ = SET NO.5 REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP 'LAMBERT L.S. 13212" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 3. ~ = SECTION CORNER OR QUARTER CORNER 3-1/4' CAP IN RANGE BOX 4. BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS PLA TARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SAID NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER WHICH IS ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'13'01'E 5. CONTROLLING MONUMENTS USED FOR THIS SURVEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: NORTHWEST CORNER SECTION 28: FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP LS # 13212 DATED 1984 PER MONUMENT RECORD BY JOHN S. LAMBERT DATED SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 NORTH 1/4 CORNER SECTION 28: FOUND 3-1/4' BRASS CAP PER MONUMENT RECORD BY JOHN S. LAMBERT, PLS 13212, DATED SEPTEMBER 8, 1986 CENTER 1/4 CORNER SECTION 28: FOUND 2-1/2" ALUM. CAP PER MONUMENT RECORD BY JOHN S. LAMBERT, PLS 13212. DA TED DECEMBER 5, 1985 WEST 1/4 CORNER SECTION 28: FOUND 2.1/2' ALUM. CAP PER MONUMENT RECORD BY JOHN S. LAMBERT, PLS13212, DATED NOVEMBER 19, 1984 6. TEN FOOT (107 WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRNA TE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS AND FRONT AND REAR PROPERTY LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. FIVE FOOT (57 WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVA TE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL SIDE LOT LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA. THESE EASEMENTSARE DEDICA TED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDN/SION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILlTY.EASEMENTS. 7. THE ZONING FOR THIS PROPERTY IS DESIGNATED AS R.I. 8. THE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN LIMIT ISAPPROXlIWITE AND IS SCALED FROM RRM MAP NUMBER 08059C0215 E. 2/23/2005 BROOKSIDE A CONSOLlDA nON OF A POR~ NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTEf CITY OF WHEA T Rll NORTHWEST COR. SEe. 28 ~_D"::~ ~~ LS.I3272 FOUND3-1 ,,!-OI}T!! ,=,N!!!E!!T':'.W!~TgNE-QUAR!E! .!,=-C~8!!"'..3~1"! BASIS!?F.B!A_R~"S "'''' 1319.91 J ~ i I I ! ~ollar<ls ., Grice. Inc, I 39~ Union 8D1118Y<lrd Phone: 31)3-986-'....... Su,te630 FAX: 303-986-0994 jlCke"oO<;!,CoIo<od0802Z8 [MoR: www.""IIdg4.eom ~ COPYRIGHT C 2004 NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF. ewe/( 12. BROOKSIDE " &CS<: 0} ct: a.... ::~(;)d: LL.::tS;: 'It:M"CS@ ~....~~ 0:: 3 CI)"~ ESTATE OF LILLIAN M. ERICKSON BOOK 1029, PAGE 113 ZONEDR.1 POINT OF BEGINNING ~ ~ lU Q ~ g lli ~ ti ,,0 1t ~t5 "" '" ~a- '" '" -<:0: l" "0 ~ 'll:j:::@ :rl~~ i 0: '" ! i ! , ~~~~i::- ENGlNEEIlS I LOT4, QUAIL COVE SUBDIVISION ...---- '" T .. lji :l' ---I~ I <0 ~ I ~ OJ /1 I i'l $l_ ~$ ",0 ~o:: ~lil i'l~ ",>- '" / / REG. # F1919997 LOT5, QUAIL COVE SUBDIVISION BOOK 124, PAGE 25 ZONED PRD / / ~ " /\/ '" ~ IN89"3'OI': 22~ / ...---...-- TRACT A ---- ---- N84'20.3"E 53.39' NB5006'54~E 89.48' __ SET..DJfINESS CORNER ---j--- I" 5'UTILITY I EASEMEm l- - LLOTLINEHEREBYR;:~:;; - - - - -//////-r-y- BY THfS PLAT- ........S89.37'5f.WJ1 I. ///// 14.()(f I /f-r6.()1' I APPROXIMATE NORTH LINE ~/ fO'UTlLITY + 100 YEAR FLOODPLAiN LIMIT ",,(<I EASEMENT SEENOTE8lf .-!$'i!5 _1." lz~~ ~7~/_--~;T~----1 I ~/ 81 ~~ 31,3285Q. FT. (0.719ACRE5) I ~ ;'! .....-;../ ... .... -;::.- / ORTH LINE DRAINAGE <Q .-;.J.:/ E<S~E~REC.'''''''''' L~ //1 I I I ~ REG. # F2018988 PARGEL B k ~ g :t <> ~ 1 I I I 5'VTlLlTY EASE<<Em U REG. #FI184554 PARCEL A .....-- --- --- --- THREAD OF EXISTING /" CHANNEl. AS SURVEYED / SEPTEMBER 10. 2003 ~ / / / / / / / / ----,,/- - - - - - 889P30'51"W 164.44' EAST 1/2 BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION REC. # F1632451 PORTION OF BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE ZONEDR-1 T I ~I ljil 11: '" ~I 21 I ~ <0 ~ ~ g: i1l ~ '" ~ '" ~ .. cj ~ lli Cl. @ '" <3 ~ s: o a:: ~ 1 RlEC. # F1632451 PORTION OF BLOCK 13, l ZONEDR-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ~ULJLfc I '"I ~I 1':'\ SITE ilLJ~ '" .. ~ '" 32ND A YENI VICINI T NOT TO 2D o IlCllle 1._21 CASE HlSTC I US-04-1I 5 (Ofilu1ij1/ P'lfkMJ/' >>Ai;;, i I"AlMAfJJ' W'//.!!2 70KSIDE CONSOLIDATiON PLAT NO. I I TlON OF A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISIO 5T ONE-QUARTER SECTON 28, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH P.M. TY OF WHEA T RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STA TE OF COLORADO NORTH 114 COR. SEe. 28 ......... fFOUND 3-fl4"SRASS CAP ~LS.I3212 T I ~I ~l 11: <5 ~I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 REC. # F1632451 PORTION OF BLOCK 13, BROOKSIDE ZONEDR.1 ~ULJUDI38TB. AVENUE ~] SITE ~ US' ....'..)' hLJ~ n' '~N~ 32ND A VENUE ~ VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE '" ~ '" ~ " ~ Cl: ffi "- @ f.' (i ~ s: ci a: ~ 20 o 20 OEDlCA TION: THE UNDERSIGNED, BEING THE OWNER OF THE POLLOWlNG DESCRfBEO PROPERTY: REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A,- RECEPTION NUMBER F1184554.- A PARCEL OF LAND WcATEO IN THE NORTHWEST ONE QUoIR1ER.OF SECTION U. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RAN{;E 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.. DESCRJ8ED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS 798 FEET SOUTH ~ THE NORTHWEST CORNt:Fl OF THE EAST HALF (E112) OF BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE. A SUBDMSfoI.I RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RffCOfWS OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER SAJD COUNTY OF JEFP/!RSON: THENCE SOUTH t65 FEET; THENCE &.SF~.5fEEr: THENCE NORTfi;te5 FEET ALONG THE EAST UNE OF THE EASTEAST HALF (E!112) OF BLOCK 12, BROOK$JDE; THENCE WEST 164.5 F'EETTO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WiTH. PARCEL B; RecePTION NVM8ER "21)18988: A PARCEL OF lAND LOOlTED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP:) SOUTH. RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOI..WWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWESTCORNER OF}"HE: NORTH 7B8 FEET' OF7HE E'AST ON&HALF OF BLOCK 12. BROOKSIDE. A SUBDMSJON RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RaxlROS OF THE ClERK AND RECORDER SAJD COUNTY OF JEFFERSON THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NOO't2'3?W, 19.07 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST ONE-HALF; THENCE N85"06'54"1t. 89.48 FEET: THENCE N84"2IY43"E. 53.39 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 30.00 FEETOF SAJD NORTH 798.00 FEET; THENCE N89"13'017;., 22.28 FeET ALONG SAID NORTH UrIE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER SAID SOUTH 30.00 FEET; THENCE SOO"29'09"E. 30.00 fEET TO THE SOI./THEIlSTCORNCR SAID SOIffH 30.00 FEET; THENCE S89"13tl1"w. 164.66 FEET ALONG "THE SOUTH LINE SAIO SOUTH 30.00 FEU TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTAJNS 31,328 SQUARE FEET (o.T19 ACRES) HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAJO lAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF BROOKSIOE CONSOLIDATION PLAT NO.1, A $U8OIV/SION OF A PAIU OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADOAND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DED/CAn; TO THE CITY OF WH.S4 T RJDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RJGHT OF WAY. AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE AND THOSE WNICIP.AU.Y FRANCHISED /fl/LmES AND SERVICES THOSE. PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMelTS FOR THECONSTRUCnON, INSTALLATION, OPeRATION, MAlNTEJWlCE. REPAIRAND REPLACEMENT FOR.AU. SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUr IS NOT LiMn-ED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES. G.4S LINES. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRIWTS, STORM WA TER SYSTEMSAND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS. STREET LIGHTS AND.AU. APPURTENENCES THERETO. ::1DI\1HlSllDAYOF~2004. HD~LE, OHoWER STATEOFCOLORADO ) is>; COUNTY OF JEFFERSON J " "THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWI..1iDGED BEFORE ME THIS,;1J, BY: HDWARD NOBLE WTTIIlEsS MY HAND /\ND OFFICIAL SEAl.. MYCOMRISSlONEXPIRES: <j. (f~!:J: :.,;::J; 17 .-'. ~TARY"UBL'I ~ GENERAL NOTES: T. NOTICE: ACCORD/NGTOCOLORADOLAW, YOUMUSTCDMMENCE.....'"-oot-- LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEYWlTHJN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST OI5COVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT. .wi Y ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COIofMENCED MORE ~ TEN Yt'AAS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 2. ~ "~~~:::,::l~TE~INUMCAP'LAAI8ERn.S. 13212" 3. + "SEcnONCORNERORQUARTERCORNER 3-1I4'CAPINRANGEBOX 4. BEARINGS SHOWN ON mls PIA T ARE BASED ON THE NORm UNE OF THE SAID NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER W11ICH IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NW13'01"E 5. CONTROLLING MONUMENTS USED FOR mlS SURVEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: NORTHWEST CORNER SECTION 2lJ: FOUND 3-114" BRASS CAP LS #13212 DATED 1984 PER MONUMENT RECORD BY JOHN S. LAMBERT DATED SEPTEMBER 1T, 1985 NORm 114 CORNER SECTION 2lJ: FOUN03-114' BRASS CAP PER MONUMENT RECORD BY JOHNS. LAMBERT, PLS 13212, DATHJSS'TEMBERB, IfKJ6 CEWTER 1/4 CORNER SECTION 28: FOUND 2_112" ALUM. CAP PER MOMJMENT RECORD BY JOHNS. LAMBERT. PLS 13212. DATED DECEMBER 5, 1985 m:sr 114 CORNER SECTION 28: FOUND 2-112" ALUM. CAP PER MONUMENT RECORD BY JOHN S. LAMBERT. PLS 13212, DATEDNOVEMBER 19. 1984 6. TEN FOOT (10') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEI<E8Y GRANTED ON PRJVATE PROPERTY ADJACCNT TO ALL PUBUC STREETS AND FRONT AND REAR PROPERTY LiNES OF EACH LOT IN THE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTEDAREA. FNE FOOT (67 WIDE EASafENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENTTO.AU. SIDE LOT UNES OF EACH LOTIN THE SUBDlVlSIONOR PLATTEDAREA TMESEEASEMENTSAREDEDlCATEOFOR THE INSTAL1.ATION.1MINr&IANCE ANDREPLACEMENTOFELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISiON CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECONMUNI~T/DNS FACILITIES. UTiLffles SHALL ALSO BE pEFWJTTED WfTHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SU8DMSION, peRMANENT STRUCTURESAND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMmED WITHIN SAJD UT//JTY EASEMENTS. T. THE ZONING FOR THIS PROPERTY IS DESIGNATED AS R-I. 8. THE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAJNLIMITISAPPROXIWtTEANDIS SCALEDFROMFIRMWIP NlIMBER08059C1J216E. CITY CERTIFICA TlO,," APPROVED THIS lj, DAYOF 8YTHEClTYOFWHEATR/DGE ~ ~ /.i;Jjr,- o ~(;! ~CTOR{)F, C~ SURVEYOR'SSTAT8 I, JOHNS. LAMBERT. A PROF€}, DOHERrBYSTATErnATTHIS. SEU.ItRDS&GRJGG.INC.,3IJ()( IFURTHERSTATETHATTHESI RESPONSIBLE CHARGE. IS ~ PROFESSIONAL LANO SURVEy, PRACTICE AND IS NOTA GUAP. /HERESYCER'11FYTHAT COUNTY CLERK AND RE' c:Jc:tJiii.'!-,p':..il . 0 ~l,cicj j;~:.,..:.,,:,,-"".y;'i ~i'/' 'I"~ ...'tij:;:~~/~ ~~' .~'E-.:Jgv~ '-"~r;,LOi:t>;"':: 2/23;'2605 ,........ 1-..20' f"t scale CASF HISTORY 1115-04-10 1 <#-.!Il ')OLIlJATJON PLAT NO. f 104-755 IE EAST HALF OF BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, '28, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6TH PM. rvTY OF JEFFERSON, STA TE OF COLORADO DEDlCA TION: THE UNDERSIGNED. BEING THE OWNER OF THE fY}(..LDWlNG DESCRIBED PROPERTY: REAL PROPERTY DESCRfPnON: PARCEL A; RECEPT/ONNUMfJERFI184554: . . A PARCEL OF lAND i.ooI TED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE aUARTUi.. OF SEC110N 28, TOI'mSHIP 3 SQiJrH, RAN!;E69WESTOFTI-IE6THP.M., DESCRJ8I$ASFOLl.OWS: B$INNJNG AT A POINT WffICH IS 198 FEET SOUTH JF THE NORTHWCSTCORNER OF THE EAST HALF (EIIZ} OF BI..OCK 12, BROOKSIDE. A SUBDIVISioN RECORDED IN THE OFFlc1AL RECORDS OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER BAJD COVNTY OF JEEFFER$ON; THJ;NCE SOUTH 165 FEET; THENCE €ASF.!{M.5.fEET: THENCE NORrH:Ki5FE8 ALONG THEEASTUNE OFTHEEAST~HALF(E1I2J OFBLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE: THENCE w.:ST 164.6 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH. PARCEI..S: RECEPTIONNlJMBERF207l1S88: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCol rED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTftR OF SECTION ~ TOWNSHIP" SOUTH. RANGE 69 WE'ST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS: ,..... i.t" dE BffGlNNING AT THE SOLITHWEST CORNER OFTHE NORTH 798 FEETOF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF BLOCK 12. BROOKSIDE, A SUBDMSJON RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE ct.ERK AND RECORDER $AJD COUNTY OF JEFFERSON THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE MXr22'32"W. 19.07 FEET ALONG THE WEST UNE OF $Af() EAST ONE-HAlF; THENCE N85Y18'54"E, 89.48 FEET: THENCE N84'2tr4J"E. 5J.J9 FliETTO THE NORTH UNE OF THE SOUTH 30.00 FEET OF SAID NORTH 798.00 FEET; THENCE N89"1J'OI'E. 22.28 FEffT AtONG SAlO NORTH UNE 10 THE NORTHEAST CORNER SOJD SOUTH 30.00 FEET: THENCE SOO"29'09'E. 30.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER SAID SOUTH 30.00 FEET: THENCE S8S'13'01W, 164.86 FliET .ALONG THE SOUTH LINE SAID SOUTH 30,00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. COUIflY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLOAADO. CONTAINS 31,326 SOUAREFEET(0.719ACRES) HAil!: LAJDotlT. SUBDMDEDANDPLATT1;DSAlDtANDAS PER THEORAWlNG HEREON CONTAINED /JNDER THENAMEANDSTYLE OFBROOKSlDE CONSOLIDAT/ONPt..ATND.I, A SUBOIVISIONOFA PART OF THE CITY OF WH&\ T RIDGE. COLORADOAND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CfTY OF WH&\ T RIDGE AND THE PVB~IC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTr' SHOWN AS RIGHT OF WAY, AND 00 FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE ClTr' OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE UI.1N/CIPALL Y FRANCHISED lfTILfTlES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PRoPERTr'SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. INSTALLATION. OPERATION, WJWTENANCE. REPAJRAND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES SIlT IS NOT UMfTED TO TElEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LINES, WA7E'R AND SANfTARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM WA7FR SYSTEMS AND PIPES. 0ETErm0N PONDS, STREET LIGHTSAND AU. APPIJRTENENCES THERETO. :;N1D", 1h'IS.11 DAYOF~2004. HO~OBLE. OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) )8$ COlJNTr' OF JEFFERSON ) . . 1h'E FORGOING INSTRUMENTWASACKNDWl.l!DGEDBEFORl!ME THIS~ 8Y.HOWARDNOBLE .,' " W1TNl!SSMYHANDANDOFFlCJAI.. SEAl. .. ~~ . MYCOMfJlSSION EXPIRES: <,t q~ !;" :.: - ~TAR;p{;;~/f~ b/7 ~~A GENERAL NOTES r.tr(:Ol: I. NOTICE: ACCORDING TDCO~ORADOLAW, YOUMUSTCOMMENCE ...--- LEGAL ACTION 8IlSED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SI.JRVEYWlTHlN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOIIER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EllENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY ~ COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROU 1h'E DATE OF THE CERTlFICA TKJN SHOWN HEREON. 2. " "'~~S~=:"~E~~~'NUMCAP"LAMBERTLS. 13212" 3. ~ '" SECTION CORNER OR OUARTER CORNER 3-fl4"CAP IN RANGE BOX 4, BEARJNQS SHOWNON THIS PlAT ARE BASED ON THE NORTHLINE OFTHESAlD NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER WHICH IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NfW13'01"E 5. COi'lTROUlNG MONUME/fl"S USED FOR THIS SLIR\I2OY ARE AS FClU.OWS' NORTHWESTCORNERSECTl0N28, FOUND3-114"BRASSCAPLS# 132120ATED 1984 PER MONUMENT RECORD BY JOHN S. lAMBERT DATED SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 NORTH 1/4 CORNER SECTION 28.. FOUND 3-114' BRASS CAP PER MONI.JMe{T RECORD BY JOHN $. LAMBERT, PLS 13212, OATED SEPTEMBER 8, 1986 CENTER 114 CORNER SECTION 28: FOUND 2.1/2" MUM. CAP PER Ir/ONUMENT RECORD BY JOHN S. LAMBERT, PLS 13212, DATED DECEMBER 5, 1985 ~ '14 CORNER SECTiON 28.. FOUND 2.1/2" .ALUAI. CAP PER MONI.JMEm RECORD BY JOHNS. lAMBERT. PLS 13212, OATED NOVEMBER 19, 19fU S. TEN FOOT (10') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRNATE" PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBLJC STREETSANO FRONT AND REAR PROPERTY LINES OF EACH LOT IN THE S/JBDIVISiON OR PLATT1;D AREA. FNE FOOT (5') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANT1iD ON PRNATE PROPERTY ADJACENT" TOALL $IDE LOT LINES OF EACH LOTIN THE SUBOIVISIONOR PlATTEOAREA. THESE EASEMENTSAAE DEDlCATEDFOR THE INSTALLATION. MAINTENANCE, AND REPi.ACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, G4S. TELt:lIlSlON 0lSLE; DRAINAGE AND TELeCOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTlLmES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEUENTSAND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SfJBDIV/$/ON. PERMANENT STRUCTlJRES AND WATER AIETFRS SHALL NOTSE PERMITTED WTTHIN SAID I/TIUTY EASEMENTS. T. THE ZONING FOR THlSPROPERTYISOESIGNATEDASR.1. 8. 1h'E 100 YB4R FLooDPWN LWIT IS APPROXIMATE ANO IS SCALED FROM FIRM IMP NUMSER08Ofi9C0215E. 1/1 CITY CERT/FlCA nON: ~ ECTOR OF COMMlJNfTY DE\lELOPMENT ~~ DIRECTOR OF. UC WORKS SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT I, JOHN S. lAMBERT. A PROFESSiONAL lAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE" OF COLORADO, (JO HEREBY STATE THAT 1h'18 SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY ME AND ON tJCHALF OF SELLARDS & GRIGG, INC., 390 UNION BOULEVARD, SlJ/TE 630. LAAEWOOO, COLORADO 80228. I FURTHER STATE THAT THE SURVEY REPRESENTED BY THIS PiA TWAS DONE fINDER MY RESPONSiBLE CHARGE, I8BASEDUPONWKNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION~8EUEFASA PROFESSIONAL I.ANDSURIIEYOR IN ACCORDANCE WlTHA~BLEsrAN~OF PRACncEANDIS NOT A GUARANTYOR WARRANTY. ElTHEREXPR~D OR'(~/ED. I HEREBY CERT1FY 71V\T THIS PLATWAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COlJNTY Cl.ERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOWEN. COLORADO DIJdft...,,-- .2OO4.AT~'CI..OCKJr.M. - B '-1ZR..;....,PAGE-1L-IiifCEPT/ONNO~. .. o~.c~j . ;f~~;....~~.:~::-...:;:.~ ~t~ ......~ i.;' M.' '1irA . . , <. ...." -;':' '0\.'1 . . ~~s,,'.>.. ~. ~, ,"i!J$;..~. 9,~:$.co.io,?t-~... ;....~ .Jf:I&~;, CLERJ(AN~CORDER k,-'t: A..... ) BY,OEPIJTY ~:=~~Vl:UBER1'f12 /2005 L() L() " ~ , - .... ~ 0 ~ ~' Q '" "- S; Q ~ !!J '" ~ llJ Sl ~ f;? 0 ~ 0 ~ ill '" ~ ~ G 0 -.J III ~ lL 0 ~ lL ". -.J '!i ~ >....; '- ~ '" lIi ~ !J! '-' e ~ ~ ~ ;:: ~ ~ "" lL 0 ~ ~ 0 ;:: ~ 9 ~ is ~ 0 (.) "" ~r I,' l'lliu Ii 1l'1'" "II!!'! " 'II b~ i ~~ ,i, 'I'. ", ! l Ii! II! !Ii " ~ !I! II,! ~ 11' ,!Ii t; ,!l !!l!~ \I> l!!~ I'! " ~ !~, , II . "'1 ~ .."~ 1I ~ l!d !1 ! ,I ! l\:~ ~ il~ ' I '!~ il!, i 1:~! I l!~! !!\~J~.';~. "'ii. !;~' !ff;:'~.~, U:j 'i6i.._~;'IJ,'f:fi.\ I~ ~ {r':;-;,,;'~J~~ _1,1 "i1l1!' . ~ 5 0.: ~ ~ ~ <0 " I-~ () G (iJ~ so' ,. ~ is j II i III !!I! 1'!'!il,NI ~ ~ I i 'II! Ill! ! , II UMd!1 "'- 0 01 ! I I!!' I ! 'I "iI'!"!! ~ ~ IlII'.! !l!l!! 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I 'i I ~~ ,li ~ )1 10'!, \ I ~ I \ +~~ I ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~i \ \ I ~ \ ~. h j \ 1! r ~, \ \ I ~: . \\ .. ----r 0' L _ _ _ ~ - - - - .-J <:l::1 I \ ~} I,!!,' .: II -Ii .. -="~ U '0""'''"' ~:;'. 096661Idll-::J3Y ~~Sl'c:. ~3g~ Ill::lCll"l ]~ !w J -I . ! % ~ ~ ~ ;;: jj~ ...g i>::i5 ~iil 2~ ~15_ ;;j"'1i::'<:tt: Sl':J ..gfil ~~~m ~ [5 " ~ ~i~ I ~n Ii i~~ !i I .1 . h .I '" !j j .!l " '!S! ~g~~! 2/23/2005 FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT GIMENO RESIDENCE LOT 1 BROOKSIDE CONSOLIDATION PLAT NO.1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO FEBRUARY 16,2006 PREPARED BY: HVS ENGINEERING, INC 5777 OLDE WADSWORTH BL YD., R-800 ARV ADA, CO 80002 303 - 940-5807 PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE: HENRY HOLLENDER, PE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Site Location Site Description Proposed Project Description Flood Hazard and Drainage Studies Relevant to Site HISTORICAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM Major Basin Sub-Basin and Site Drainage PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM Criteria Runoff Detention Streets Open Channel Flow Storm Sewers and Culverts CONCLUSIONS Discuss Impact ofImprovement State Compliance with Applicable Criteria Flood Hazard APPENDIX TABLE RO-5, - RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS, C FIGURE 5.l-TIME INTENSITY FREQUENCY CURVES RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS DRAINAGE PLAN PAGE 1 I 2 3 INTRODUCTION Site Location The project is located in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 28, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principle Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado. More specifically, it is located on Lot I, Brookside Consolidation Plat No. I at the south end of the portion of Quail Street that is north of Lena Gulch. The site is bordered by single- family residential properties to the north and west and undeveloped property to the south and east. Site Description Lena Gulch runs through the property, in a general west to east direction. The existing topography slopes moderately toward Lena Gulch and is covered with grass and a few trees. Soil is 44, Englewood-Urban Land Complex, which is Hydraulic Group C. There is an irrigation ditch just north of the property with an overflow that drains into a small culvert just off the northwest comer of the site. Offsite drainage flows onto the site from a small area between the ditch and the property. Offsite drainage also flows into Lena Gulch from the south and west. Proposed Project Description A custom single-family residence is proposed to be constructed on the portion ofthe site north of Lena Gulch. Flood Hazard and Drainage Studies Relevant to Site A portion of the property is in the FEMA designated 100-year flood plain. A Hydraulic Analysis was done by Futura Engineering, Inc. on April 17, 2002 and approved by the City of Wheat Ridge that indicates the 100-year flood elevation through the property is 5410. HISTORICAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM Major Basin The site drains overland into Lena Gulch, which flows through the center of the property west to east. PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM Criteria The drainage basin of the portion of the site to be developed, including offsite drainage draining into it, is 0.58 acres. This basin is .divided into three sub-basins. Sub-basin I consists of off-site drainage and drainage from the portion of the site north of the proposed house that drains into the ditch overflow culvert and is 0.15 acres. Sub-basin 2 consists of on-site and off-site drainage to the west of the house and is 0.05 acres. Sub- basin 3 includes the house and the remainder of the portion of the property that drains into Lena Gulch from the north and is 0.38 acres. Proposed flows were derived using the rational method. Again, the 5-year and 100-year storms were derived for the proposed condition. Runoff In the proposed condition, Qs for basin I is 0.2 cfs. QlOO for basin I is 0.7 cfs. Qs for basin 2 is negligible. QlOO for basin 2 is 0.2 cfs. Qs for basin 3 is 0.6 cfs. QlOO for basin 3 is 1.9 cfs. Minimum time of concentration of 5 minutes was used to compute these flows. These flow rates are shown on the drainage plan. Thus flows from the sight are not significant. Derivation of these flows is included in the appendix. Detention Since flows from this residential site are minimal and due to the proximity ofthe major drainageway through the site, detention is not required. Streets No flow from the site will enter the street. Open Channel Flow The Lena Gulch channel will not be affected by this project. No grading is proposed below the I OO-year flood elevation. Storm Sewers and Culverts There are no storm sewers or culverts proposed on the project. CONCLUSIONS Impact of Improvements The proposed improvement will not result in significant flows leaving the site. State Compliance with Applicable Criteria This project complies with all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Drainage Criteria. Flood Hazard Any habitable portion of the proposed structure that is constructed below elevation 5411.0 (one foot above the I DO-year flood elevation of 5410.0) will be required to be floodproofed in accordance with City of Wheat Ridge Criteria. APPENDIX DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL (V. 1) RUNOFF Table RO-5- Runoff Coefficients, C P ta I . T C d D NRCS H d " S "IG ercen e mpervlousness 1\ pe an WI ro OQIC 01 roups 2-yr 5-yr 10-yr 25-yr 50-yr 100-yr 0% 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.37 0.44 0.50 5% 0.08 0.18 0.28 0.39 0.46 0.52 10% 0.11 0.21 0.30 0.41 0.47 0.53 15% 0.14 0.24 0.32 0.43 0.49 0.54 20% 0.17 0.26 0.34 0.44 0.50 0.55 25% 0.20 0.28 0.36 0.46 0.51 0.56 30% 0.22 0.30 0.38 0.47 0.52 0.57 35% 0.25 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.53 0.57 40% 0.28 0.35 0.42 0.50 0.54 0.58 45% 0.31 0.37 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.59 50% 0.34 0.40 0.46 0.53 0.57 0.60 55% 0.37 0.43 0.48 0.55 0.58 0.62 60% 0.41 0.46 0.51 0.57 0.60 0.63 65% 0.45 0.49 0.54 0.59 0.62 0.65 70% 0.49 0.53 0.57 0.62 0.65 0.68 75% 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.66 0.68 0.71 80% 0.60 0.63 0.66 0.70 0.72 0.74 85% 0.66 0.68 0.71 0.75 0.77 0.79 90% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.80 0.82 0.83 95% 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.87 0.88 0.89 100% 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.95 0.96 TYPE B NRCS HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP 0% 0.02 0.08 0.15 0.25 0.30 0.35 5% 0.04 0.10 0.19 0.28 0.33 0.38 10% 0.06 0.14 0.22 0.31 0.36 0.40 15% 0.08 0.17 0.25 0.33 0.38 0.42 20% 0.12 0.20 0.27 0.35 0.40 0.44 25% 0.15 0.22 0.30 0.37 0.41 0.46 30% 0..18 0.25 0.32 0.39 0.43 0.47 35% 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.41 0.44 0.48 40% 0.23 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.46 0.50 45% 0.26 0.32 0.38 0.44 0.48 0.51 50% 0.29 0.35 0.40 0.46 0.49 0.52 55% 0.33 0.38 0.43 0.48 0.51 0.54 60% 0.37 0.41 0.46 0.51 0.54 0.56 65% 0.41 0.45 0.49 0.54 0.57 0.59 70% 0.45 0.49 0.53 0.58 0.60 0.62 75% 0.51 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.64 0.66 80% 0.57 0.59 0.63 0.66 0.68 0.70 85% 0.63 0.66 0.69 0.72 0.73 0.75 90% 0.71 0.73 0.75 0.78 0.80 0.81 95% 0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87 0.88 100% 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.95 0.96 06/2002 RO-11 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District a:: ::> 0 6 :c a:: .... a.. en 5 .... :c 0 z 4 >- t- en :z ILl t- ~ 3 - 2 1 o o 5-1-84 9 8 7 10 30 40 IN MINUTES 50 20 TIME FIGURE 5-1 EXAMPLE 5.2 TIME INTENSITY - FREOUENCY T. 3 S.. R.66 W. CURVES URBAN ORA'NAG( .& fLOOD CONTRO:" DI$TfllCT 60 Gimeno Residence Lot 1 Brookside Consolidation, Plat NO.1 Flow Calculations 16-Feb-06 O=CIA where: C from Table RO-1, Hydrologic Group C I from Time-intensity-Frequency Curves A - areas Drainage Basin 1 05 =(0.26) (5.0) (0.15) = 0'00 =(0.55) (9.0) (0.15) = 0.2 cfs 0.7 cfs Drainage Basin 2 05 =(0.15) (5.0) (0.05) = 0'00 =(0.50) (9.0) (0.05) = 0.0 cfs 0.2 cfs Drainage Basin 3 05 =(0.31) (5.0) (0.38) = 0'00 =(0.57) (9.0) (0.38) = 0.6 cfs 1.9 cfs ~ DRAINAGE PLAN FRED AND DONNA GIMENO 3575 QUAIL STREET WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO MOUNTABLE RB & ,,-..... ~. UTTER WITH WALK ~ & CONCRETE AN . o G) Li I a ~I T I I I x I x I o 5 10 20 ~ , 1 inch = 20 ft.. ~ I x [LEV A T INLET 5412.781 __5414- --- ___ -54 ::::--~ ~ ~ , / ~...... / ---- / DOG PEN ~ I x I 1 5.0 \ 1 ~x-- ~ I" ~ "'" \ I -5 '--- - /2__ , , , , ~I , ~I , "s7 i , I , s",..f ---- -----"'S<;t 7 ~/, ~ l!) ~ f2 ~/O ,~ ~ e h: ~ G 52"0,9" ~ ~ <:) 0::: ~ ~ ~ S9'a (9, HEADWALL FLOWLINE 5403.55' - -5860-- , x , 1 , I ~ @ 5360 - CONCRETE BOX CUL VERT \ <.n ~ a "l \ ) I I ----- CONCRETE WALL 25.0 / / / // 1/// // / /' \~ J/ ':J~ \ / ~\~ / / ry t.,\') / /~ ~\~ /'J / ~\\ /V:> t>,\\J /~ --- NOTE: ./" CALL UnUTY NonACA nON CENTER OF COLORADO 1_800_922_1987 OR 534- 6700 IN METRO DENVER CAU, 2 BUS~S DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE OR EXCAVATE FOR THE MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER ~ REV REVISION DESCRJP110N DATE CHANGED CHECKED APPROVED BY BY BY SUMMARY RUNOFF TABLE BASIN DESIGNA nON Ac S Y M B 0 L e BASIN 1 BASIN 2 BASIN 3 0.15 0.05 0.38 LEG END Deciduous Tree Sanitary Manhole Unknown Manhole Ex. Contours Proposed Contours Basin Designation Drainage Area Boundary Basin Area (Acres) Drainage Area Designation 100 Year C-Value 5 Year c- Value PROJECT L Q5 CFS Q100 CFS 0.20 0.00 0.60 0.70 0.20 1.90 VICINITY MAP l1TlE: HVS ENGINEERING. INC. DRAINAGE PLAN 5777 OLDE WADSWORTH BLVD., R-aoo FRED AND DONNA GIMENO ARV ADAJ COLORADO 80002 PHONE: (303) 940_5807 FAX: (303) 940_5803 3575 QUAIL STREET DESIGNED BY: HH DRAWN BY: LMR WHEAT RIDGE, CO. REVISION: DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. DATE: 02/16/06 DRAINAGE.DWG CE-1 LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29'b Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) ~~~;ess ~4~ ~~~ts Phone1d2- ~ ~~ Fax Owner Address Phone City State Zip Fax Contact jtrJ~4Ikn:lt/ Addres01;Z=7 ell kbeI~ '*'at> Phone-i!73'-97'i'-.0i1 City ;}t!: fA . 7q State ZD Zip !~t?t? Z- Fax (The person listed contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Locationofrequ~t(address): 351-5 Q~; I S-l-ree-?- \Jt~J 1:Kd tU'Nt1tf!o h Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side o Change of zone or zone conditions 0 Special Use Permit o Consolidation Plat 0 Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) iia1100d Plain Special Exception 0 Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) o Lot Line Adjustment 0 Right of Way Vacation o Planned Building Group 0 Temporary Use, Building, Sign Gi1 Site Development Plan approval 0 VariancelWaiver (from Section ) o Other: Detailed description of request: 13 '-'; \ ,), c ("J J-.:,..~ h '" M,e 0,-, -<: t-e- Required information: Assessors Parcel NumberS;kJvk..JI. #~ Current Zoning: ~ Current Use: V I- /.A-JvJ Size of Lot (acres or square footage): . VlAt'. Proposed Zoning: Proposed Use: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of 0 y from e owner w 'ch approved of this action on his behalf. olary Public . My commission expiresf(:b ()1).. cJmG Signature of Applicanl To be filled out by staff: Date received ;:;J. /;-zID f.t:, Camp Plan Desig. ' Related Case No. Fee $3:%,0. R,SJ'ipt No(].(V.IJ'l23 Zoning /'<..~ I Pre-App Mlg. Date Case No. W P -00-6/ Quarter Section Map N %.;;.. Ii' Case Manager ./e e.c.,' -+?-'?-d- Case No.: App: Last Name: App: First Name: Owner: Last Name: Owner: First Name: App Address: City, State Zip: App: Phone: Owner Address: City/State/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name: City/State, Zip: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Location: Notes: Follow-Up: !wF0601 IFred..~.PQ~~~c.;ime,~Q Ic/o He,llryli(Jllel'lder IGimenQ If.r~.~.~[)onll~_ 15777 Old Wadsworth, #800 !Arvada, CO 80002 1303-940-5807 b 623 Ogden SI. IDenver, CO 80218 1720-913-0543 13575 IQuail Street !wheat Ridge, CO 80033 I~e,t:~ert IActive I I Quarter Section Map No.: Related Cases: Case History: Review Body: APN: 2nd Review Body: 2nd Review Date: Decision-making Body: Approval/Denial Date: Reso/Ordinance No.: INw28. I Class II Flood Plain Exception Permit. . . IBOA: 3/23/06 139-282-05-110 I I IBOA: 3/23/06 I I Conditions of Approval: District: 111I Date Received: )2/17/2006 Pre-App Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 02/17/06 tJ~j,7 Mi ecrU 1111ChCi[! u.k-::: REIEIF'T NO~C:02.)qcr: Ail0UNT :'~O'lE' Pi':,fj Zm~It'1G '~F'FL.Tc.~TIm~ C' ?!~r'hENT F:F.CEI!J[:~D C!< o:;.tR7 TOTA! ij.iH}, 'Hi ~~'!MCiUr"lT 84.0" 00 --------------------- -- -""--- -- --- --- ----" 84.(l"CO 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 December 15,2005 The City of "Wheat Ridge Fred and Donna Gimeno Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gimeno- This letter is in regard to your request for approval of a building permit for construction of a single family home at 3575 Quail Street. This property is located within the Lena Gulch 100-year floodplain. A preliminary approval was given for construction on this property through a flood plain analysis prepared by Lawrence Dezman ofFutura Engineering Inc. in 2002. In a response letter from Greg Knudson it is indicated that a Class II Special Exception permit will be required by the homeowner prior to issuance of a building permit. Approval of the Special Exception Permit involves a public hearing process in front ofthe Board of Adjustment. The application and hydrologic analysis must be reviewed and approved by the Flood Plain Administrator prior to scheduling the request before the Board. The application fee for the Class II special exception permit is $750 with a $90 noticing fee. Another item of concern is the proposed basement. Unless a LOMR (letter of map revision) indicating that the property is entirely out of the 100-year floodplain has been filed and approved by FEMA, a basement is not permitted. Typical construction within the 100-year floodplain requires the first occupiable, finished floor to be l' above the elevation of the floodplain. Please find attached a copy ofMr. Knudson's June 28, 2002 letter, a copy ofthe City of Wheat Ridge floodplain ordinance and an application for approval of a floodplain development permit. Although the floodplain construction has been approved in concept, a cursory review by the Floodplain Administrator has indicated that additional information is required regarding the proposed excavation grading and drainage plan for the property. If you have specific questions regarding the additional hydrological information required, please contact Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer, at 303-235-2864 or Tim Paranto, Flood Plain Administrator, at 303-235-2861. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner c: Dave Brossman City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department Memorandum TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: 1.jln Paranto (v'](Jeredith Reckert 3575 Quail Street December 15, 2005 The city has received an application for approval of a building permit to construct a single family home in the Lena Gulch 100-year floodplain at 3575 Quail Street. The Public Works Department reviewed and gave preliminary approval of a hydrologic study for construction on this property in 2002. Attached is a copy of the study, response letters from Public Works personnel and the plan set for the house. Please review these documents and let me know whether additional hydrologic information will be required. The property owner has been informed that a Class II special exception permit, including a public hearing in front of the Board of Adjustment, must be processed before issuance of a building permit. 1 . DEPARTMEh .bF PUB~IC WORKS -) (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE . WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 June 28, 2002 QreJ-- FP X ") ?I/I 3r?75" (QUO) ';;;5/ Mr. Lawrence Dezman, P.E; Futuni Engineering, Inc. 12741 East Caley Avenue, Suite 126 Englewood, Colorado 80111 . Re: Howard Noble Property Hydraulic Analysis. Letter of Approval Dear Mr. Dezman, This letter is to Inform you that I have reviewed. your letter dated May 28th, 2002 which addresses Bob Goebel's comments regarding the above. referenced property. Based upon this Information, the hydraulic 'analysls for this property Is approved by the City of Wheat Ridge. As noted In your letter, the processing of the Class II Special Exception to the flood plain will be completed by the respective homebuilder. Please be aware that a building permit can not be issued .by the City until this requirement has been met. Regarding the easement vacation request from Mr. Noble, I would prefer that a detailed written request be bmltted foUevlew by City staff. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 3 -2 -2863. S10 ".. LL Greg Kn son, M.P.A. Interim DIrector of Public Works cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Steve Nguyen, Interim City Engineer Darin Morgan, Codes Administrator ,../ File '. .~ ) Thf: ~ity of , 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 (303) 234-5900 ~heat 'Ridge Police Dept. Fax # 235.2949 . May 2, 2002 Lawrence E. Dezman, P.E. Futura Engineering Inc. . 12741 E. Caley Ave., Suite 126 Englewood, Colorado 80111 Re: Howard Noble Property Hydraulic Analysis Dear Larry, I have received your submittal ofthe hydraulic analysis for the Howard Noble property at the southwest end of Quail Street, south of38th Avenue near Lena Gulch. This analysis is a requirement of the Wheat Ridge Flood Plain Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 26, Article Vill, of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Because this is in conjunction with a request to allow for the construction of a single family home by another party in the future, it requires the issuance of a Class II Special Exception to the Flood Plain. Enclosed is a copy of an application for the required pemiit. This application is required to be presented to the Board of Adjustment for approval. As the Flood Plain Administrator for the city, I am required to review the documentation and make a recommendation to this Board. To continue my review, I have several points which need to be addressed or Clarified: o Please verify that all of the referenced elevations are plus 5,400 feet above sea level, and the datum which you used. This documentation will also be required upon completion of the structure when, as the engineer of record, you will provide to the city an elevation certificate for the finished floor completed by a Professional Land Surveyor. o Please provide a cross section in the Lena Gulch low flow channel directly south of your cross section E- E. I am concerned about the 635 cfs meeting the 2380 cfs in the bypass channel below the drop 'structure and the elevation of the flow at this confluence point. o The proposed swale requires 15' of width. The ,existing ground may not allow this width to occur without fill or excavation to create a straight 2% grade from the high point at the NW comer of the lot to the release points of the swales. Please provide a site grading plan which shows the proposed swales, the existing contours and the proposed contours and final grades of the lot. o Please provide an erosion control plan for the period of construction and site grading, as well as permanent control of the release points of the swales. o The north swale discharges to the east without a defined flow path back to Lena Gulch. '\ o RECYCLED PAPER ) ) Please provide this on the grading plan, and erosion control plan. Also, please check the capacity of this flow path. o Since the swales are critical to the floQd protection of the lot development, they must be protected from any encroachment by creating a permanent drainage easement over them. Please show the lot with any existing and proposed eas=ents. Eventually, legal descriptions for additional easements will be required for submittal,review, execution, and recordation prior to construction. . o Please provide in text, the required finished floor elevation of the proposed' structure. o Please provide a cross section at approximately station 63+50 to confirm the 100 year water surface elevation through this reach for 2400 cfs. These additional items will help me continue my review, but may also generate more co=ents which will also need to be addressed. I look forward to your response. Very truly yours, ~1L-. Robert Goebel, P .E. Director ofPubJic Works Flood Plain Administrator c: Meredith Reckert, AICP, Senior PlannerlFlood Plain Coordinator Greg Knudson, City Engineer Mike Garcia, Development Review Engineer Dfu-ll Morgan, Codes Administrator . , ') .... .. .' The City of Wheat Ridge Flood Plain Development Permit . . Application Information Permit 0tA,>'7 1T: Owner Address Contractor Address Project LocationIDirectioDS Date Telephone Teiephone Project Description. Single Family Residential _MUlti-Family Residential _New Construction _ S]lbstantial Improvement (>50%) ~mprovement (<50%) _Rehabilitation _Channelization _Fill ~anufactured (Mobile)Home Non-residential _Bridge/CUlvert _Levee OtherlExplanations Class ofPermitlFee Schedule _Class I (structures for non-human occupancy) A Class II (structures for human occupancy) $150 $340 (includes public npticing fees) . I have read and understand and will comply with the re'l.uirements of this Flood Plain'Permit. Applicant Signature Date (To be completed by Flood Plain Administrator) Flood Hazard Data Watercourse Name UcNA- G.lA.Lcl4 The project is proposed in the Floodway Base (1 DO-year) flood elevation(s) at project site Elevation required for Lowest Floor Source Documents: ReportsMaps Floodway Fringe x NGVD / Floodproofing NGVD ) 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge November 28, 2004 Howard Noble 980 Whispering Oak Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104 Dear Mr. Noble: This letter is in regard to your submittal of an application for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 3575 Quail Street within the City of Wheat Ridge. I have reviewed the plat document and have the following comments: 1. Add the following case number to the case history box: MS-04-1O. There is no zoning action required so the "WZ" reference can be removed. 2. Designate Quail Street on the vicinity map. 3. Remove the Planning Commission certificate. 4. Since this is an administrative review, modify the title certification from "City Council Approval" to "City Certification". 5. Modify the signature block for the "Director of Planning and Development" to "Director of Community Development". 6. Modify the City Approval signature block to read: "approved this _ day of , 2004, by the City of Wheat Ridge." 7. Add an address and telephone number for the surveyor of record. . 8. In note #5, correct the spelling of "controling" to "controlling". 9. Add a note designating the existing zoning on the property (R-l). 10. Show the location ofthe 100-year floodplain limit. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies. Public Works Department: See attached letter from Dave Brossman dated November 29, 2004. A red-lined plan has been included. Consolidated Mutual Water District: See attached letter from Michael Queen dated November 23, 2004. Westridge Sanitation District: See attached letter from Raj Lotfi dated November 22, 2004. 1 ) , ) c Urban Drainage and Flood Control District: See attached copy of email from Bill DeGroot dated November 18, 2004. Additional referral response received after the sending of this letter will be forwarded to you. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. For clarification on any-of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the Development Review committee members: Community Development Public Works Meredith Reckert Dave Brossman 303-235-2848 303-235-2864 Once the changes have been made, please submit two copies of the revised plat plus original redmarks. If you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235- 2848. Sincerely, Ji/ Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner cc: Case No. MS-04-10 Dave Brossman 2 / ') . ~SOLIDATED mutual water ) .~~ November 23, 2004 Ms. Meredith Reckert, Case Manager City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th AvenuG Wheat Ridge; Colorado 80033 Re: City of Wheat Ridge Case Number MS-04-1 O/Noble to Consolidate Two . . . Parcels of Land Into a Single Lotat 3575 Quail Street Dear Ms. Reckert: This will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated November 16, 2004 regarding the above referenced property. . . Please be advised that the above referenced property is in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company by virtue of a Distributor's Contract ..' with Denver Water. Domestic water service may continue to be provided to this property subject fo compliance with- the Company's rules, .regulations and requirements for such service as well as the water tap allocation poliCies as established by Denver Water. The Company's rules, regulations, and requirements state that each separate structure be served by a separate tap and meter, and' in order to receive domestic water service, the property' must aiso front a Company main. Consolidated further requires that a duplex have a separate water tap-and meter for each unit within the duplex, regardless of ownership. . The Company requires that a new application for water service be completed by the owner and returned to the Company at the time there is a change in use. . The Company considers the subdivision of a-property as a "change of use." THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue . EO, Box 150068 . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Telephone (303)238-0451 . Fax (303)237-5560 ') ) Ms. Meredith Reckert, Case Manager City of Wheat Ridge November 23, 2004 Page 2 Fire protection requirements should be obtained from Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and those requirements forwarded to this office by the Fire District at the earliest possible time. We can then determine if additional system improVements would be required to meet the demands set forth by the Fire District. . . If you should have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please contact this office. Sincerely, wt!-- Michael E. Queen Executive Vice President Ice cc: Doug Saba, Wheat Ridge Fire Protection Fire Inspector Walter S. Welton, CMWCo President Greg M. Stroeder, CMWCo Water Distribution Manager John M. Allen, CMWCo Project Engineer Neal A. Santangelo, CMWCo Project Engineer ) @ I ~ " . 0 " ,'I "I " , . 'I . ~ ~,I ;;..~N lO~-~ I = "., >- ci z ~ z 0) x N :::< OJ 0 0 0 l!; '" w ~ :;:: .J 'ii '" <( "' 31VlS .. ::J ci 3otk)loo~ ;:;~ I- ::J :::< vi ., 0 ,..; w ~ a; ,. '" z 0 d m :J w b ~ 0 Ul ~ 1 III .., .... 1 Z ..... . '" 0 ;;; :.. N 0 0 Z '" z w 5 ~ :I: I- ~ c \ w o III c:!i u.i cl5 '" ?,( 'ii <D I . ,a ~ ~ ~ ,j . !I ~~ -- ~.<< .. '" ... = "lS ,iVno' w - , , '11 1I lON)I OOOM31dd'9' 0 ~ :i III n s j 't H Z N 't 8 " 0 0 1:. '" <D .' , , -- . r I @ NOISWCIans "il..., " ! ns_ ~~ .- " < . , ~ lil~ "' "IS SV'lV'lIS .' ,..,-""'-"' ----------------.-.-- >I O~8 i' ii ii ip< ~ '-'--i. \ ~ -z. o z w '" w ~ u Ul Z o in ~ '" ! ~ . . , , " ~ " z " 0 ~ . ~ " N ~ ! . ~ ; ~ ! d 0 , g - ~ , I i j , , 1;; , , . ~ t ~ s " :; . , . , . z g ! ! 0 ~ ~ . ~ - " ~ . ~ ~ ; !i ; - . I ~ !i , , ! ~ . c c ~ I . 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ g g :3 ~<~s~~.. CSS~~S ~~~;?:~;!;;~;;!;;;!;~ :::!;;:;:::!;~~~::;~~~ .....,.., . +"'<O~~;!~~~~ III I! I I" II' I!! Ii! I!! Ii! III Iii " ~ ~ " 3w <" ,- " .; o " o z ....:51-':~ ~~~:i (Ji-,;E;2w ffig~~~ ~ lI...{)Z sji7J~g 0"; ::>C:O~:l;1-1 ') ) WESTRIDGE SANITATION DISTRICT 3705 KIPLING STREET, SillTE 101 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 303 - 424 - 9467 November 22, 2004 Ms. Meredith Reckert, Case Manager Department of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 REF: Case No. MS-04-10/Noble, 3575 Quail Street, Wheat Ridge, co. Dear Ms. Reckert: Reference is made to your request regarding proposed development at Lot 1, Rec. #Fl184554, Wheat Ridge, Colorado The referenced site is within the boundaries of the Westridge Sanitation District. At present, the District is not serving.this.property. There is an existing sanitary sewer facility of Westridge Sanitation District's near by the proposed development site, however a future sewer service extension/connection to serves this lot may have a conflict with the Lena Gulch Channel crossing. The Westridge Sanitation District can serve the proposed development of this site subject to compliance with all applicable District rules and regulations and subject to availability of downstream capacity at the time of actual formal application for sewer connection permits. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office at 303-233-2058. I would be pleased to discuss this matter with you in greater detail at your request. District cc: District Office File: W54-0 \ ) ) Page 1 of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Bill DeGroot [bdegroot@udfcd.org] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:04 AM To: Meredith Recker! Subject: Case No. MS-04-10/Noble We have no objection to combining two lots. We don't know the purpose of doing so, or whether it will lead to new development, potentially in the Lena Gulch floodplain. Bill DeGroot, PE Manager, Floodplain Management Program Urban Drainage & Flood Control District 11/19/2004 ) ) \ tl. " .,..1, "'hX\' l~i,- .._y' . ,-Iv Oty of Wheat Ridge \ i Department of Public Works DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 November 29,2004 Mr. John S. Lambert, P.L.S. Sellards & Grigg, Inc. 390 Union Blvd., Suite 630 Lakewood, CO 80228 Re: First Review Comments of the Brookside Consolidation Plat No.1 (Howard Noble project), located at 3575 Quail Street. Dear Mr. Lambert, 1 have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received on November 15, 2004, and have the following comments: Final Plat 1. In the Legal Description: Complete the sentence ofthe 8th line of the description of Parcel A. 2. Please identify Parcels A and B. 3. Show the line between Parcel A & Parcel B to be removed during the consolidation as, "Lot Line Hereby Removed By This Plat. " Please return the redlined plat with the next submittal. Please provide 2 copies of the Final Plat with the next submittal. rfyou have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, :J~~ David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner File ) ) Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: 17 October 2002 Attending Applicant(s): Howard Noble Ralph Perri Address/Phone: 550 15th Street, suite 800 Denver, CO 80202 710 Kipling Street suite 110 Lakewood, CO 80215 Attending Staff: T. Crane, M. Reckert, M. Garcia, S. Nguyen, D. Brossman Address or Specific Site Location: 3575 Quail Street Existing Zoning: R-1 Existing Compo Plan: Park & Open Space Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: Resolve existing floodplain issues and create a sellable lot. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application subniittal? No Planning comments: Access to the subject property appears to be an issue. Currently, Jefferson County shows a small strip of ambiguously described property to the north of the subject property. Jefferson County has Lillian M. Erickson listed as the owner. If in fact the small strip of land just south of Quail Street and to the north of the subject property is owned by Mr. Noble, sufficient access can be provided. A quiet title should be further explored for the small strip of land just south of Quail Street,rAny proposed ' structure for the property will be subject to review by the Board of Adjustment via a Class' II flood-plain permit. " .- Public Works comments: There are two separate issues in respect to the flood plain. The first is the current location of the flood plain channel easement, which was granted to Urban Drainage. If Mr. Noble wishes to adjust the flood plain channel easement, the adjusted channel easement area should be legally described and agreed to by Urban Drainage. This new boundary shall then be given to Dave Brossman, City Surveyor, for review. A copy of the approval letter from Urban Drainage for the adjusted channel easement shall also be supplied to Mr. Brossman. [The second issue in ,lspect to the flood plain is the limit'or-'he 1 DO-year flood plain boundary. There was some discussion about a study that was performed, which suggested the 1 DO-year flood plain boundary has been revised. This study should be provided to Urban Drainage and FEMA to begin the process of map revision for this property.' A final plat will need to be prepared and submitted to the City for review. The plat shall meet all standards as set forth in Article IV of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. If Mr. Noble is successful with the quiet title of the small strip of land just south of Quail Street, it. should be shown on the plat. If Urban Drainage agrees to an adjustment of the flood plain channel easement, the existing easement and proposed easement will need to be shown on the plat as well. Building comments: none . Streetscape I Architectural Design comments: none , Other comments: , .. , : Futura Engineering Inc. Engineers and SUNeyors Denver Metro Office 12741 E. Caley Ave., Suite 126 Eoglewnnrl. r.o1nrado.. 8Cliti~ (303)649-9292, Fax (303)649-9499 Emailldezman@futuraengineering.com . . May 28, 2002 Colorado Springs Office 5050 Edison Ave., #1 06B Colorado-Sprmgs; 00 80915-3544 . (719) 573-2400, Fax (719) 573-2250 Mr. Robert Goebel, P.E. Public Works Director City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 RE: Howard Noble Property Hydraulic Analysis Project No. B4802.001 . Dear Bob: The following are responses to your May 2,2002 letter. We discussed them via telephone on May 14, 2002. You noted you would talk to the City Manager and Urban Drainage regarding an easement vacation during that telephone conversation. There are three topicsoutstanding. 1. Technical issues of your letter. 2. Application for a Class II Special Exception to the Flood Plain. 3. Vacating the easement across the southern part of Mr. Noble's property. Technical Issues o Please verify that all of the refe.rence elevations are plus 5,400 feet... All elevations noted as XX.X on the previously submitted drawings are plus 5,400 feet. The home builder will supply an elevation certificate upon completion of construction. o Please provide a cross section in the Lena Gulch low flow channel... The 635 cfs and 2,380 cfs will not occur simultaneously during the 1 OO-year event. Six hundred thirty five cfs of the 2,380 cfs 1 OO-year event flows onto the north bank upstream Noble's property due to lack of channel capacity. The remaining 1,735 cfs stays in the channei flowing to the drop structure and channel change designed for the entire 2,380 cfs. o The proposed swale requires 15' of width. The existing ground may not allow... o Please provide an erosion control plan... construction.. .as well as permanent... ;" Page 2 of2 Mr. Goebel May 28, 2002 a The north swale discharges to the east without a defined flow path... a Since the swales are critical to the flood protection of the lot development... . Cl Please provide in text, the required finished floor elevation of the proposed... A contoured plot plan with erosion control measures, details of the flow path back to Lena Gulch and finished floor meeting the City's flood plain ordinance requirement should be required as part of the home-builder's submittaL Spot elevations Were checked indicating the swale will work with a 2% slope. A concept design of the swales. and finished floor was presented as part of the previous submittaL Cl Please provide a cross section at approximately station 63+50... The Lena Gulch flood channel information presented in the previous submittal was taken from the City's plans. The plan/profile sheet includes the profile of the 1 DO-year flood based on detailed hydraulic modeling. Application for a Class II Special Exception to the Flood Plain The home builder should apply when the home has been selected. Vacation of the Existinq Easement The easement across the property was for an previous Lena Gulch channel alignment. The constructed channel was south of the original design. Mr. Noble believes the north 20-feet the easement is .no longer needed and should be available for vacation. He owns the ground on b.oth sides of the vacation; he is the only eligible owner. A legal description will be submitted upon approval by Wheat Ridge. In summary, I believe the technical questions have been answered. The processing of the Class II Special Exception to the flood plain will be completed by the home builder when the house footprint is selected. Mr. Noble is requesting a binding written opinion noting the exception will be granted when specific requirements are met by the home builder that purchases the lot cc: Howard Noble Futura Engineering Inc. Engineers and Surveyors Denver Metro Office 12741 E. Caley Ave., Suite 126. Engiewood, Coiorado 80111 (303)649-9292, Fax (303)649-9499 Emailldezman@futuraengineering.com Colorado Springs Office 5050 Edison Ave., #1068 Colorado Springs, CO. 80915-3544 (719) 573-2400, Fax (719) 573-2250 April 17, 2002 Mr. Robert Goebel, P.E. Public Works Director City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 . .;,tt"t. " ,'.' <) '1. v \~\~ ~7;. l- . RE: Howard Noble Property Hydraulic Analysis Project No. 84802.001 Dear Bob: Thanks for meeting with Howard Noble and I a few weeks ago at the site. I have incorporated the city mapping with the Lena Gulch plans by Sellards & Grigg, the old floodplain mapping by Love and Associates and hydraulic calculations. It is feasible to site a house on Howard's lot. Attached Figure 1 shows the building envelope on Howard's lot. Several house footprints we use for homebuildersfit in this envelope. The property lines are approximate to show feasibility and do not represent a boundary survey. R-1 setbacks are shown.. Figure 2 is a copy of the City of Wheat Ridge mapping recently obtained with cross section locations and flow distributions. The edge of th~ shallow flooded area has been transferred from the Love and Associates mapping (sheet 4, Lena Gulch 1 00 Year Floodplain, by David J. Love & Associates, rio date, used by the City for a LOMR). It should be conserVative since its northern extent pre-dates the existing flood improvements. The edge of the flood plain and local elevations are consistent. - Working. downstream, left overbank flow is estimated at Section B to be 690 cfs. Five- . hundred and forty cfs of this returns to the historic Lena Gulch channel. One-hundred and fifty stays on the overbank approaching the Noble residence. Section G flow is restricted between the Noble residence and the house northwest conveying 95 cfs between the houses and pushing 55 cfs back to the Lena Gulch channel. Section C, upstream of the rock wall in the Lena Gulch channel, conveys 580 cfs, the 540 cfs overbank flow plus 40 cfs through the 30"x19" low-flow pipe. The downstream Page 2 of 2 Mr. Goebel April 1 7, 2002 reach of the channel conveys 635 cfs. The capacity of the channel is on the order of 1 ,000 cfs and will not baCk-up flow onto Howard's property. Section F and the weir at elevation 16.8 convey 32 cfs toward the Batug subdivision, 30 cfs along the historic ditch north of the existing fence and 33 cfs crossing the northwest corner of Howard's property. This flow distributions ignores existing fences. Section E is a typical lot-line swale along both the west and north sides of Howard's building envelope. Twenty cfs requires 0.7 feet of depth on a two percent slope: The swale flow line shall be the elevation at the northwest property corner minusO.7feet. Finished floor is recommended as the swale flow line plus 0.7 feet of flow depth plus one-foot required by ordinance. The water surface wilL be below the historic water level. Section D crosses at station 66+00 of the Lena Gulch flood projei:)t (City of Wheat Ridge, Continuation of Lena Gulch Schedule V, Quail Street to Approximately 600 Feet Upstream of Quail Street, Sellards & Grigg, Inc., 3-31-97). The channel has been designed to carry the entire 2,380 cfs 1 DO-year event (see Section D calculations). The drop structure near Section B is also designed to carry the 1 DO-year of 2,380 cfs. Flood contour elevations (5413 and 5414 between the drop structures at 64+ and 68+) are indicated in circles on Figure 2. Ultimately, when the entire flood control project is completed, there will be no overbank flooding. In the meantime, this analysis presents a conservatively high estimate of left overbank flow in that it ignores a tilt of the overbank water surface from north (21.1 ) to the 5418 flood contour above the drop. Attached are calculations for each cross section. Notes and arrows on Figure 2 indicate 'detai!ed flow patterns. Adjacent to flow distribution arrows are flow elevations. This information is submitted to meet the requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge flood plain ordinance. ,,,,~~~I9~/Jluestions, please call. ~~~...ir....!~~ sincerbllY, !~. E.{).~..~~ : ~(:):e: : ~7: g . . = . - ~\ ~ ~ .a::s . " ~ . "'It ..~/a~$ L E ~.. ~''''S:'<S awrence . . . ,,~;,$' '" . \. ~~) ~.... P 'd t ~I,..,....i ~'\,~~ resl en "fIN'''ll,,'1 . \\':\i~"\~ .f I hI . Attachments cc: Howard Noble ~~ 15 - te+~ Cross Section Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method 'Soive For c:lhaestadlfmwlnobl e. fm2 section b-Ieft 120' Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 0.035 0.006000 Wit 21.10 ft 151.02 cfs 21.0 20.9 20.8 20.7 g c .Q 20.6 - OJ .> Q) [jj 20.5 20.4 20.3 20.2 20.1 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Station (ft) 80.0 100.0 120.0 04/17/02 10:26:35 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.13 Page 1 of 1 i Worksheet Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:\haestad\fmw\noble. fm2 section b-Ieft 120' Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Input Data Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Elevation range: 20.20 ft to 21.10 ft. Station (ft) Elevation (ft) 0.00 21.10 47.00 20.20 60.00 20.40 120.00 20.60 0.006000 ftlft 21.10 ft Start Station 0.00 End Station 120.00 Results Wtd. Mannlngs Coefficient Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perimeter . Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Is subcritical. Water elevation exceeds lowest end station by 0.50 ft. 0.035 151.02 cfs 67.55' ft' 120.51 ft 120.00. ft 0.90 ft 20.88 ft 0.024481 ftlft 2.24 ftls 0.08 ft 21.18 ft 0.53 04/17/02 10:24:27 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 ~evr "B> -le tt=- . Roughness 0.035 FlowMaster vS.13 Page 1 of1 ~a-r "& - ~ 11;. Curve Plotted Curves for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:\haestad\fmw\noble. fm2 section b-Ieft 120' Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Constant Data Channel Slope 0.006000 ftIft Input Data Water Surface Elevation Minimum 20.20 Maximum 21.10 increment 0.20ft 200.0 Discharge vs Water Surface Eievation 60.0 / / I / / / / , / / V .- / / / .....--- ------ 180,0 160.0 140.0 (j)120.0 'ti ~ <D e> 100.0 <ll .c () "' is 80.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 W.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 Water Surface Elevation (ft) 20.9 21.0 21.1 04/17/02 10:25:26 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. '37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 756v1666 FlowMaster v5.13 Page 1 of 1 t7cc:r 13- lI~k-t Cross Section Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description . Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:\haestad\fmw\noble.lm2 section b Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Section Data Wtd. Mannlngs Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 04/17/02 10:28:09 AM 0.035 0.013000 ftIft 21.10 ft 539:77 cis E" ~ ~ - / / / / / \ j"--- ~ ,/ I \ J - 21.0 20.9 20.8 c .Q 20.7 - co > OJ ill 20.6 20.5 20.4 20.3 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 Station (ft) 400.0 450.0 500.0 550.0 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road WaterbUlY, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5,13 Page 1 of 1 Worksheet Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File . Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c;lhaestadlfmwlnoble.fm2 section b Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Input Data Channel Slope . Water Surface Elevation Elevation range; 20.40 ft to 20.90 ft. Station (ft) Elevation (ft) 120.00 20.60 160.00 20.40 220.00 20.60 320.00 20.50 390.00 20.70 490.00 20.90 520.00 20.90 0.013000 ftlft 21.10 ft Start Stat/on 120.00 End Station 520.00 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perimeter . Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritlcal. Water elevation exceeds lowest end station by 0.50 ft. 0.035 539.77 cfs 186.00 ft' 400.70 ft 400.00 ft 0.70 ft 21.02 ft 0.024605 ftlft 2.90 ftls 0.13 ft 21.23 ft 0.75 04117/02 10:28:23 AM Haestad Meth.ods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 '-tar 13- V'6!.tt: Roughness 0.035 FlowMaster v5.13 Page 1 of 1 ~~ 'B-v'lj we Curve Plotted Curve.s for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Ftow Eiement Method Solve For c:\haestad\lmw\noble.lm2 section b Irregular Channel Maiming's Formula Discharge Constant Data Channel Slope 0.013000 ftlft Input Daia Minimum 20.40 Maximum 21.10 Increment 0.20ft Water Surface Elevation 800.0 / -/ 1/ / / / . / / ./ - / ./ / / Discharge vs Watei Surface Elevation 700.0 600.0 500.0 ~ -t ~ OJ ~ 400.0 '" 1: o .!!l o 300.0 200.0 .100.0 0.0 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 Water Surface Elevation (ft) 21.0 21.1 04/17/02 10:29:05 AM HaestadMethdds,,]nc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 {203} 755-1666 FrowMash~r v5.13 Page 1 of 1 0CX. 6 - (p fi:. Cross Section Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:lhaestadllmwlnobl e. 1m2 section g - [~ Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Water Elevation Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 0.035 0.015000 tuft 18.99 ft 95.00 cis 18 -= - . '. 5 .9 5 , 5 ~ . ~ "- 7 ~ ......... 5 ~ ~ 6 .......... "- ......... ~ - ~ ~ 18.9 18.8 18. 18.7 4? ~ 18. c o :;:; Cll > 18.6 0) ill 18. 18.55 18.5 18.45 18.4 18.35 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Station (ft) 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 04/18/02 11 :26:48 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5. i 3 Page 1 of 1 Worksheet Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Fiow Eiement Method Solve For c:lhaestadllmwlnoble.lm2 section g - (e rt" Irreguiar Channei Manning's Formula Water Eievation Input Data Channel Siope 0.015000 ftllt Elevation range: 18.40 It to 18.80 It. Station (It) Elevation (It) 0.00 18.80 90.00 18.40 Discharge 95.00 cIs Start Station 0.00 End Station 90.00 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Veiocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Fiow is subcritical. Water elevation exceeds Lowest end station by 0.59 It. 0.035 18.99 ft 34.69 It' 90.77 ft . 90.00 It 0.59 ,It 18.93 It 0.026188 ftllt 2.74 ftls 0.12 It 19.10 It 0.78 04/18/02 11 :27:04 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 75,5-1666 '1BC-T <6 - ltt+t Roughness 0.035 FlowMaster v5,13 Page 1 of 1 '7GG\ q - V lj k--C Cross Section Cross Section for irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:lhaestadlfmw\noble. fm2 section g-right . Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 0.035 0.015000 flIft 19.00 ft 55.86 cfs 18 7 .95 .9 85 .8 . 5 .7 - 5 C ~ 1l-lA[.,\. 56, 18 18. 2 ~ c o 18 '" l'il > Q) ill 18.7 18 18.6 18 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Station (ft) 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 04/18/02 11:26:19 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster vS.13 Page 1 of 1 Worksheet Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project Fiie Worksheet Flow Element Method' Solve For c:\haestad\fmw\noble. fm2 section g-right Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Input Data Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Elevation'range: 18.60 ft to 18.60 ft. Station (ft) Elevation (ft) 0.00 18.60 50.00 18.60 0.015000 fVft 19.00 ft Start Station 0.00 End Station 50.00 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Veiocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritlca!. Water elevation exceeds lowest end station by 0.40 ft. 0.035 55.86 cfs 20.00 ft. 50.80 ft 50.00ft 0.40 ft, 18.94 ft 0.026075 fVft 2.79 ftIs 0.12, ft 19.12 ft 0.78 04118102 11 :26:34 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06706 (203) 755-1666 "Y'i3Li b -n5v:c Roughness 0.035 FlowMaster vS.13 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Eiement Method Soive F0r c:lhaestadlfmwln obi e. fm2 section c irregular Channel Manning's Formuia Water Eievation Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 18.0 16.0 15.0 14.0 g c 0-1"2 n .- ....,...., - ro > Q) ill 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 0.0 04/18/02 10:32:39 AM 0.035 0.005000 ft/ft 14.09 ft 580.00 Cfs 70:..""'- L - ~*d 5"V1 bed ~f,.;fX- -Ddwt4t ~ds of C(,..o/,fIAe(. W~ ~(,ope. wtPVld Ix.. "ppv-o>, \4.-,1-10,4- :=.O,Olto 1-'3U 20.0 40.0 60.0 Station (ft) 80.0 100.0 Haestad 'Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury; CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.13 Page 1 of 1 Worksheet Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Eiement Method Solve For c:\haestad\fmw\noble. fm2 section c Irreguiar Channei Manning's Formula Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.005000 flIlt Elevation range: 8.50 ft to 17.50 ft. Station (ft) Elevation (ft) 0.00 17.50 10.00 16.00 20.00 14.00 23.50 12.00 25.00 10.00 30.00 8.50 38.00 10.00 44.00 12.00 50.00 14.00 75.00 16.00 100.00 16.40 Discharge 580.00 cfs Start Station 0.00 End Station 100.00 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area "\fetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Fiow is subcriticai. 0.035 14.09 fl 96.66 ft2 34.20 ft 31.65 ft 5.59 ft 12.91 ft 0.014501 flIfl 6.00 flIs 0.56' It 14.65 fl 0.61 04/18/02 10:32:55 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 '7e;c....... (; Roughness 0.035 FJowMaster v5.13 Page 10(1 t7~<;'-"T C. Curve Plotted Curves for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:\haestad\fmw\noble. fm2 section c Irregular Channel Manning's Formuia Water Elevation Constant Data Channel Slope 0.005000 flIfl Input Data Discharge Minimum 50.00 Maximum 650.00 Incremeht 50.00 cfs 15.0 AvFl<oy 14..4--... /1- ./ l4.\ "'" / .........---- ~ \ ...--/ V ./ V / V / I. / / Water Elevation vs Discharge 14.5 14.0 13.5 ~ .~13.0 c o '" co ~ 12.5 iIj L. .CD ~ ~ 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0 550.0 600.0 650.0 Discharge (cfs) 04/18/02 09;56;34 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755R1666 FlowMaster v5.13 Page 1 of 1 I ,- - I I , I I I I t..' I ~:" " I r I , , I r t f i [ I I r ro. t 600 500 ___ ?\.~ 400 ...5~~ ........ 00 20 HW/D ENTRANCE SCALE TYPE 10 II) SqUor~ edo;lt with 6 headwall 12) GrooY~ ,nd with 6 headwall 5 (3) Grove .nd 4 proJlclinq 3 \5\ X 97 3000 136 x 87 2000 12111 77 113 x 72 1000 600 106 X 68 98 x 63 91 x 58 Ul W :J: o Z Z W 0- 0- J <( > o lL o ........ ......... 83 x 53 ........ ........ ........ 200 --- 6x 48 68 x 43 Ul/ ~ ~ 100 ~ 80 - , g '~-6 ~ 0 60 x:sa - ~ . 53 x 34 a: >< 49 x 3-2 z <( 0- 45 x 29 w !:! Ul 42 x 27 /30X19 2 1.0 23x 14 EXAMPLE Sin: 76".: 48" Q-300 ch .!rt!.* HW o (full (I) 2.8 11.2 (2) 2.2 8.8 {3} 2.3 9.2 *Oin h,l To U 10:0.11 (210r(3) dro a ,'roioht line 'rOUGh knownvoluu of .11:1 ond di.choro, 10 int.ructlcole(i). From poinl on Icole (lr praJlel hori:r.onloHy 10 solullon 011 lifhtrtcol. (2) or (3). . CHART' 3 (2) (3) ..4.0 I\A-I<' 4.0 4.0 3.0 - 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 .0 1.5 1.5 0" ~ ;!; ..--1.5 :J: w Ul a: lL 0 1.0--' 1.0 If). 1.0 ::E a: .9 .9 w .9 t- z .6 .6 :J: '.6-'---' t- O- W 0 .7 .7 .7 tr. w ~ '" .6 .6 0 .6 <( w :J: __.5_.~_._:':"_ _ _.L____:4 . _. .4 C::S1 c=.21 HEADWATER DEPTH FOR OVAL CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS LONG AXIS HORIZONTAL WITH INLET CONTROL ifW ::: (ifl.O - Il;0)1 _ ___~'1II-z... ~ ~'f7 BUREAU OF PUBUC ROADS JAN. 1963 5-23 \)1c,c.\,.IA12-b6 ftZolV1 fLOOD c.t-lA-J 1'J.€"L- iD .H\. '51012-\(:..... l-6f.Jpt 6IJvC.A-1 (.,irl-A-r,:H.J..e:L- 1ttiZ-U 3D'11' Iql( ~c..e 4-.4- 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 ~ 60.0 ~ () ~ Q) Ol '50.0 ~ ro .c . () . .~ 0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 G. 16.8 04/17/02 11:11:58AM 4err- t= ( EL Or" --->< ~ 0- lb.") '1 n.D 1- 1 (1, \ 4-'1 11:2- 11, ll-"'J lob Curve Plotted Curves for Irregular Channel WE) e.. @ tb. f; Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:lhaestadlfmw\nobie. fm2 section f Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge L~ \7.0' C. z..S l{k C u-t 1/........ Constant Data Channel Slope 0.014000 ftIft ;"' Input Data Water Surface Elevation Minimum 16.80 Maximum 17.30 Increment 0.10ft Discharge vs Water Surface Elevation 3 ~' 16.85 16.9 16.95 17.0 17.05 17.1 17.15 Water Surface Elevation (ft) 17.2 17.25 Haestad Methods, In.c. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755~1666 FlowMaster v5.13 Page 1 of 1 Worksheet Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:\haestad\fmwlnoble.fm2 section f Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Water Elevation Input Data' Channel Slope 0.014000 ftlft Eievation range: 16.80 ft to 17.80 ft. Station (ft) Elevation (ft) 0.00 17.80 60.00 17.10 140.00 17.10 228.00 16.80 Discharge 32.00 cfs Start Station 0.00 End Station 228.00 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Welted Perimeter Top Width Height. Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy. Froude Number Flow is subcritical. Water elevation exceeds lowest end station by 0.36 ft. 0.035 17.16 ft 23.90 ft2 173.74 ft 173.37 ft 0.36. ft 17.13 ft 0.038151 ftlft 1.34 ftls 0.03 ft 17.19 ft 0.64 04/18/02 11 :32:27 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 <7BZ---r 'J;- Roughness 0.035 FlowMaster vS.13 Page 1 of 1 'JELT 1) '. Cross Section Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Fiow Element Method Solve For c:\h'aestad\fmw\noble.fm2 section d ' Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Water Elevation Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 0.030 0.003300 Nft 13.45 ft 2,380.00 cfs 17.0 ~ -e 0 - 0 \ \ 0 ~ - I , , 1/ I - ~ ~ '---- ---- - , -40.0 -20.0 0.0 Station (ft) 20.0 40.0 60.0 16. 15. 14. g13.0 c o :;::; ro ~ 12.0 iIi 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 -60.0 04/11/02 02,S7;18 PM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FJowMaster v5.1 3 Page 1 of 1 7E-CT [) Worksheet Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project DescrlpUon Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:\haestad\fmwlnoble.fm2 section d Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.003300 ftlft Elevation range: 8.88 ft to 16.30 ft. Station (ft) Elevation (ft) -56.00 16.30 -36.50 9.61 0.00 8.88 36.50 9.61 45.00 11.50 45.00 16.00 46.00 16.00 55.00 16.18 Discharge 2,380.00 cfs .. Start Station -56.00 45.00 End Station 45.00 55.00 Roughness 0.030 0.040 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity . Velocity' Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.030 13.45 ft 352.65 ft' 95.49 ft 92.68 ft 4.57 ft 12.32 f! 0.009572 ftlft 6.75 ftls 0.71 ft 14.15 ft 0.61 04/11/02 02:57:12 PM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FJowMaster v5.13 Page 1 of 1 0c.c...T f::; . '. Cross Section Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:\haestad\fmw\noble. fm2 section e Irregular Channel Manning's Formula . Water Elevation Section Data WId. Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 0.025 0.020000 ft/ft 0.69 ft 20.00 cfs 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ~ ~ c: ,Q 0.4 - ro > <J) ill 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Station (ft) 12.0 14.0 16.0 04/16/02 11:17:12AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FJowMaster vS.13 Page 1 of 1 Worksheet Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For c:\haestad\fmw\noble. fm2 section e Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.020000 flIft Elevation range: 0.00 ft to 0.75 ft. Station (ft) Elevation (ft) 0.00 0.75 7.50 0.00 15.00 0.75 Discharge 20.00 cfs Start Station 0.00 End Station 15.00 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area We.tted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number , Flow is supercritical. 0.025 0.69 ft 4.83 ft' 13.97 ft 13.90 ft 0.69 ft 0.76 ft 0.012661 flIft 4.14 flIs 0.27 ft 0.96 ft U4 . 04/18/02 11:17:23 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 4cC'T S Roughness 0.025 FlowMaster v5.13 Page 1 of 1 t:Q0 ,,0 $ ~ <:) "Q:' 9,'<; ~'<; q,"< t _ t:Q0 ~.~ '-J ~ ~' is kf ,,"< ~ /;S' ,,0 Q:' eJo .hf c, \" ~':It) /; ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ .fS . ,,0 ,f ~ .-tl C? 'S~ ~. ~ ~, ~01('. o . " ? t0 C\J Lu ../ ,./ 1!4B02..00l '-' - ." .~- ..- ... . - _.'-" .,-;"" ..:-\ ..r-' . ...//........ ---"". -' ~ Jr.... .13M\:::. tIl.4P \ <:>0..\<:> / CiTY D~ W~'T 1?w'b€ /.oN.TT tJA-9l,O~ lop ~NA bUUA~.S:c..(;feJ)Lll.,E" /.QUML... ~jlU:;--er -ro ~f'I2D~IMhn::(..'1' CO 'fE€\ UP$'i1Z.eAM,Ol'" Qi..W'(.. ~-rn:: . UD R.-1) e\..l.A\Z..i)~li.'6~L6~IIN'-'i 3i~llql . I ........ .. .p' / - Q N =B II .~ LOT -1;tJ L ~'Dl e~\J6lW"e . . ......- ( .-.." ........ . -....---...... I 'fJ:q. It:16 'V" . ~'0''' I ~~ '~~I' ,~_.:;r\~> .<. .'~ - - - - - ~ -- - ~ /~ ..I....<l. / . Q:' v' ~ /..' ,,0 \)< ~ ~ ,_ '1i , ..... . ,0' ~,~ ~/j ~0 o' . "Q:' q,'V 13- ~ ~'0 " ~S ~ . . >:J~ 4' "Q:' ~ ':<) [ 0t79> 3-Q~ ,g' <fY" . I c;~ ~ /,,'i ''.., (. ." , -..........-. ~.. ~o\J~~'D\? :wo~giY .' lja' ------ -. - .-- \k.i9' - X .....-.--';>--- '" ~'" "' ---<.. , t I'~~ - , ...1 '" -.t' -: I'" c.\2A\d' _ ~ ,,0 . "I..-'" . ~J iF:> 1;,1- 9.'<;~01 fF~ lb,~ >:J~~ I --" :s~ ..s\ I, S , lie I I-;;:l--~'- ------ . I ~ . I 16 / '" . 1 I", .. ~ . ;V ~ i ~~~D~ /'~l ) "Q:' "C'l . ') .' tn~ ~ \ I ~\)~. ~~ ~rS' , / c.c.J ~C'l ,{/ ., L .. // rf' ?/ .. ~ 1.;,(; i ~\..J . .r .- ------------- -- ~ ~"< ~ ,,0.1/ . c../ /r.4J' . "Q:' o ~ ~ q - '" f'C\ FLAGSTONE ORCH[ . ~I ~lJ .' --5 B'" )<....'" . . ....-=1 ""q> . E"DE!c O;::-qoT I-hST i=/.tX!.z; '. .., PCJ\: 11-1 _ : X&'", ~ .~ X,<O, "i'i'", . 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