HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-92-8• • CITY QF WHEAT RIDGE D ~ 9, The City of ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATIO AU 5 ~~ ~Theat - ~ ~ - ~Rid~re Department of Planning and Developm C~ 7500 West 29th Ave. , Wheat Ridge, CO ~i~riNG & T Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant Jol'_v Rancher Address frh~t ?'die C~_?hone (303)422-1456 2355 47au'kegatt load Owner izaf Inc. Address L,annocf-~, IT-, 60 '_S Phone (7~g)g40-7500 Location of request 5060 Tdard Road T,iheat Ridgy Colo-rar~o 40033 Type of action requested (check one-or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) ^ hange of zone or-zone conditions ~ Variance/Waiver Site. development plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit Flood plain special exception Conditional use permit interpretation of code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation - B Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final Solid waste landfill/-- ^ ** See attached procedural guide Othereral extraction permit for specific- requirements. _ ~ G®NSo1~1DA~'~f~ION PLV+"(~ Detailed Description of request Building ?X_°ans~-°n of_~•aafacturi,-~~; ar`d 4 warehouse facilities. List. all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Leaf Inc. 2355 ~~lal.e~an Road, Ba~~zocuurn, ,LT, 60015. C7C~)~40-7500 _ I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted-are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested actior, cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this act ono his be alf. Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn t me this ~ day of _19 ~a~ - ~- - - i ~ ~ ~~~ - Notary Public 5a0y0 Ward i?oad ~ - SEAL h ~{'~~Ql~~ov.0.1S95 My commissi~i ~o~.,m,~ __.~ ec:~:acv Date Received Receipt No. Case No. AGENDA iTEM......_~.,......, AUG 2 4 ~gg2 CITY OF-WHEAT RIDGE MEMORANDUM T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Robert C. Middaugh, City Administrator SUBJ: JOLLY RANCHER REQUEST FOR ACCELERATED PID REVIEW DATE: August 18, 1992 Attached please find letters-from the Director of Planning and Development and the Plant Manager for Jolly Rancher regarding a request for an accelerated PID review. As the members of the City Council are aware, Jolly Rancher is planning an expansion of their facility in Wheat Ridge in order to increase the production capability of the plant. Jolly Rancher's expansion has had the assistance of the City, the County, and the State, through the assembly of a financing package to assist in the plant expansion. As Jolly Rancher is now preparing to proceed with their plant expansion, the company has requested that the City assist their. development by providing an accelerated review of the required PID. The attached memorandum from the Director of Planning and Development outlines the impacts which are associated with an accelerated PID review. My staff and I plan to meet-with representatives of Jolly Rancher prior to the City Council meeting in order to further explore the needs of the Jolly Rancher company and the methods. which the City can assist in the plant expansion. It is recommended that the members of City Council enact the suggested motion in the attached memorandum from the Director of Planning and Development, supporting an accelerated review of the Jolly Rancher PID. Respectfully submitted, --~/Cyr Robert C. Middau h City Administrat RCM:ly Att. - _ M E M O R A N D U M TO: Bob Middaugh, City Administrator FROM Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development RE: Jolly Rancher/Leaf - Request for Accelerated PID Review DATE: August 18, 1992 As per the attached correspondence, Jolly Kancher/Leaf, Inc. is requesting an expedited review process to meet their fall construction schedule £or Phase I of their building expansion plans. Jolly Rancher's property is zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) and has an_approved Outline Development Plan. In order for them to proceed with building construction, a Final Development Plan must be reviewed and approved by Planning Commission and City Council, after each holds public hearings. An accelerated schedule allows for the following steps to be shortened as indicated: A. EXTERNAL & INTERNAL REFERRAL & REVIEW Rather than waiting 3-4 weeks for results of external (referrals) and internal review to be completed before setting the Planning Commission hearing date and activating required notice procedures, staff would immediately set the date and activate notice procedures:. This results in a 3-4 week time savings for the applicant, provided that they immedia elv respond to concerns and problems raised during that review process so that there are no major outstanding issues at the Planning Commission hearing B. CITY- COUNCIL HEARING DATE ACCELERATED Rather .than waiting until after the Planning Commission hearing(s) have been completed to set the City Council hearing date-and activate notice procedu=es, staff would set the hearing date for City Council for the next regular meeting after the Planning Commission hearing, and activate required notice procedures therefore. This-saves 3-5 weeks based on Council schedule. This means that if Planning Commission-continued the case, City Council hearing would also be continued. It also means that Planning Commission minutes may not be available-for the City Council packet or hearing. It-also means that the staff report to City Council will not include a summary of Planning Commission actions Memo to Bob Middaugh Page 2 • August 18, 1992 since the hearing may have been the Thursday prior to the City Council meeting. We will have tb make a verbal report on the Planning Commission actions. SUGGESTED MOTIpN•- L.move that staff be authorized to follow an accelerated processing schedule relating to the Jolly- Rancher Planned Industrial Development, Final Development Plan processing procedures. It should be understood that although procedures may be modified, there is no guarantee of waivers or variances to development requirements or standards associated with the proposed development. GEG:slw <pc>ggmemo8/18 . AUG-17-9'2 MON 14:43 LEAF, INC. SOEO VJA~D GOAD, WHEAT ~IOGE• CO E0033 - TM August 17, 1992 Mr. Glen Gidley Director of Planning and Development P.Q. BOX 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 i Dear Glen, We are in need of rapid plant expansion at our Wheat Ridge Jolly Rancher Plant. We plan to make submission of required documents very soon along with the required drawings. Through this letter I am requesting any help that you or the City of Wheat Ridge might give us to accelerate the process required to begin construction. Sincerely, LEAF TNC. DENVER Jolly Rancher Candi s Keith Krickbaum Plant Manager •KLK/jp P, 02 AUG-24-92 ttON 16:03 ~&K FAft N0. 3595 1393 P. O2 PARC L A• THE SOUTH 17 PEST OP THE WESY 25l BEET OP LOT 15. STAHOIET HElOHT4. 0.V0 THE NEST Sit. 12 FEET OF LOT 17, EXCEPT THE SOUTH 25 FEET THEREOF. STANDIEY HEIGHTS, EXCEPT ANT PORTION THEREOF FALLING WITHIN HARD ROAD, JEFFERSON COLHTY, STATE OF CCLORADO. ' PA L 3 THAT PORTION OP LOT 13, $TANDLEY HELGNTSr Of5CR18E9 AS FOLLONS: OEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH L3NE OP LOi 13r STANOLET HEI6nT S, PROM Wn1CH T:iE SOUTHEEST CORNER OF SAID LCT 13 BEARS 589°lI.9'W A 51 STAtaCE OF 251.02 FEET; THENCE Nt9°11.9'E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SALD LOT 1ST DISTANCE OF 251.}p FEET i0 p PO[N7 53i •97 FEfT GST OP THE NEST LINE OF THE $ESl4 DF SECTION 1T, TOWNSHIP T SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE STN PRINCIPAL MERIDIANS THENCE '1D°OA.2"a °~u14TANCEXOP THE HEST LINE OP THE SOUTHEAST 374 OF SA[p SELTi 6V l7r 17.0 FEET; THENCE 589°11.9'N A DISTANCE OF 257.10 FEET: THENCE 6pep ~, 2•E A DISTANCE OF 17.0 PEST TO THE POINT OF oE01NNINC. JEFFERSON COVNT"L, STATE OF COLORADO, PARCEL C• A TRACT OP LAND LOCATED IN LOT 1T, STANOLEY HEIGHTS, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED LN THE OFFICIAL RECO0.D9 OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, OESCRI3ED AS FO LLON3: 0EG1NM LNG AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OP SAID LOT 17; ~~CTO APPOINT ONLTHE NORTHE IINElOP WE37A5 OTHOPUCEAASLCONVE~YE PT05 .Op JEFFERSON COUNTT 8Y SN3TRUMENTS RECORDED iN DOOK 987 AT PAGES 407 ANO WESTO$OTHIPLACEi ASARECOROEDS [NTSA3l DE80DK°987 AT pAGES 47 ANDTA091A OP Dt3TANCE OF 750. IT FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OP 9E0_[NN;NQ] THENCE :It®°59.O~e ALONG THE NORTH LINE OP vEST SOTH PLACE AS REGORDtu in SAID 8O0K 987 AT pAGES 407 AND 409 A DISTANCE OF 286.12 FEET TO THE xOR4Q ASµTOCORN ER OF WEST 50TH PLACE A7 RE C00.0ED IN SAf0 800K 987 AT PAGES GHE67'CE7HENCE S83.49.OGNTPAR4LLELLiOETNE SOIVTHLLINE7DF SAI DALDT O) AIS.d0 Dj3YANCE OF 232.87 FEET; THENCE NO.07.6•N PARALLEL TO THE EAST L[NE OF 9AID LOT 17 A DISTANCE OP 0.80 FEET; THENCE SSB°59.OTNEN[AP SO°03t6'E E SOUTH L]NE OP SAID LOT 37 A DISTANCE OF 49.00 FEET; PAMLIEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 37 A DISTANCE OF 0.80 FEET; THENCE 588°59.0'Y PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17 A DISTANCE OP 10.2° FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BELNC NO°03.6•L PARALLEL TD YHE LINE OFHNE3T $OTN3PLACE]AS RECOROED][N65A OEBDOK0987 ATT PAGE 4p N~O0.OTM 4o9s THENCE 588~57.O+W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OP SAID LOT l7 A DISTANCE OP 6D.46 FEETr THENCE 50°03.6•E PARALLEL TO TNe EAST LIN6 OP SOVTHLLINE OP SAiD~eT t1 AlO1STANCEiOFN4T OSSfEET9~THENCE HO°03.6 WTNE PARALLEL TO THE EAST L[NE OP SAID LOT 17T„~~TSa9°L1F91vSALON6ETHETO A Pp[N7 ON THE NORSN LINE OF SAID COT 1T; NORTH LINE Of SAID LOT L1 A DISTANCE OF 76. SG0 LDE538T12AF6FTNefitNG A2 p@ET EAST OP 739E NESS LINE OF SAID LOT 37, DISTANCE MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES r0 THE vEST LINE OF SAID LOT 37; THENCE SO°OM1.2•E.PARAILEL T'O THE HEST LINE OP SAID LOT 17 A DISTANCE OP 389.80 FEET TQ A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF NI:St SOTN PUCE AS ¢ECORD£D 1N SAitf B00~4so~ PIP,A~CEESAS REGORGED INTSAID ONDOK 9i70AT PAGES THE NORTH L[NE .6 407 AND °O9 A DT STANCE of 231.93 TO THfi TRUE POINT of eECTNN3N4- PARCEL ~i A NONEXCLt31VE EASEMENT FOR UTI LI7[ES. INGRESS AND EGRESS, Of SCRI eCD A3 FOLLONS: FNt9rT MLP+BER 52%• A T OF LAND LOGTED iN LOT lA, STANDLEY HEIGHTS, A SUBDI VI3TCN RECD IM THE OFF[C IiL R£COR95 DF JEFFERSON COUNTT, COLORADO. OESC ED AS fOLLONS: BEGINNING At THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 17. SAID ANOLEY NEIGNT9; THENCE It0.03.6'N ALONG THE vEST llNe OF SAID LOT DISTANCE OF 15.00 fEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF NEST $OTH p6AG CONVEYED TD JEFFERSON COUNLY BT INSTRUMENTS RECORDEb iN GOOK 987 FADES 407 AND 40! OF SAID pPPt clAl RECORDS; THENCE N8B°59.0•E ALOR NE EMEttDED t10RTN LtNE OP NEST 59TH PLACE AS RECORDED In SAID POOH 7 AT PAGES 407 ANO A09 A DTSTANCE OP 50.00 FEET; THENCE g8~0 •E PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 14 A DISTANCE OF SO.J ET; THENCE 5t8°54.6'N PARALLEL TO TtIE EXTEN1R1D4NORTH Lya9 OAP NBST PLACE AS RECORDED IN SAID BOOS 987 AT PAGES OT AND pj5[ OF 50.J0 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NEST LINE OP SAID LOT 10; . ., .°°: c~N ntJ1NG YHE PEST LINE Of l0T i¢ A DISTANCE OF 25.00 LEGAL ABSCRIPTIONS Leaf, Znc. - Jo11y Rancher Facility AUG-24-92 MON 16:03 ~S&K FAX N0. ~ 595 1393 P. 03 PARCEL _: NON-E%CLOSVENl~S OVER THE FOLLOWitU: DES~RL BED~EASEMF+ITSADLNG ANO VNLOADING FA EM-NT EE !oU A TRACT O1~1Ni0 LOCATED tN LOT 17, SiaHDLCT HC1CnT5, A su601v[SfaN RECORDED of TNG OFFICIAL RECORDS Op JEFFERSON COUNTT• COLORADO, ETC 17gET CgONO•g4.2'WAL NG TiIE HESS ZINC oPS Sa D~~ O7 $AAID DISTANCE 25.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LSNE OF Mta7 50tH PLACE AS NYEYEO ~07JAND 404NOF0 SAID OFFICIAL RECOAOSEC~E~NCE IN BOOK 987 vAGES SA[D eDDK 870 AT PAGES 40T ANDE409 A D35TANCEPOFCfi673.12g FEE~TED iN THENCE ND 3.6•H PARALLEL TO TnE EAST LINO OF saiD LOt l7 A Oi5- 0.47 FEETI THENCE 588.59.0'U PARALLEL TD THE SOUTH LtNG TANCE of I OF SAID 77 A DISTANCE OF 15.60 }SET; THENCE NO°03i 6'W PARALLE TD THE EA LIKE OP 5A1D LOT 17 A DISTANCE DF 80.O3ALF~ Po=pNTADE/N0 pti THE SO H L[NE OF PARCEL A AS OESCR[8E0 PaOVE• YNE T INT OP CGT !NG rnEN CE 588°39.0'H n+eK~ETt~in•n3D6„Y n sTA^ICE. OT 59.50 FEETI ~ scar •. Llnc ar - ~ ----- - AIANG Tilt PEST LINE OF SAID THENCE N88°59. D'E PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH L M6N6C NBB•39~'E2 PARALLEL TAHCE OF 2L0-29 PELT: THENCE SO.03.8't PARAtlEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SA[4 LOS 1T a DO'TANID L0T117 A OISYANCE OF 232.87 FEET TO A TO THE 50UfH LINO SALD LOT 17; THENCE SO.OS•6~fiPOfNT0240E60 POSYT ON THE FAST LINE OF EAST L[NC OF Sa10 LOT 17 a OISTANGE OP x0.00 eK~CE stt•39. q'N Peer NORTH OF iN8 SOUTH LINE OF sA1D LOT 17, PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LIRE OP SA[D LOT 1T A DISTANCE OF 232.87 pEETi THCICE NO.03.6~ENCEa9 8'59 O'VEPARALLELNTD TNEASOUT1tTLINE OFS SAI CCE OF 0.80 FEET; LOT 37 A DISTANCE OF 43.00 FEET] THENCE SD•03.E'E PARALLEL TO T EAST LINE OFTNEL SOUTH LINE OFSSAIDLDT 318A 0T57ANCE OFE IO~ZL3 FEETµ PARALLEL TO SAID POINT BEING Ii0•o3.6'M PAAALL64 TO THE EAST Li NE Op TO A POINT, Lpi 17 A DISTANCE OF 213.6a FEET FRON A POINT Dti THE NORTH LINE 0 WLST 50TH PLACE AS RECORDED IN SA3D BOOK 982 A7 PADES 467 AND 4097 THENCE 581°59.OiW PARALLEL TO rnt 50lITH LL NE OP SAID LOT 17 A 015- TANCE OP 60.46 FEET: THENCE 50°03. 6'E PARALLEL TD THE EAST L1 NE OF Tat THE SDUTHALINETOP~SAID LOTi 17PAE DISTANCE OP837g530 FEETATQ THE F NT~G' SENENTS9-----•- N~OERl2 VE. A TRACT OP LAND LOCATED 1N LOT 14. STAVOLE7 NE16HT5. A SVeDtv[SI O'+ RECORDED IN TMC OFFICIAL RECORDS Op JEpFER50N COUNTY COLORADO, oESQieED AS FOLLOWS: aEGINN[NG AT THE 50UTHEA57 CORNER OF LOT 17. SAID STANDLE7 HEIGNTGJ THENCE NO°03.5'N ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SA10 LOT 14 A DISTANCE OF 23'00 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER Op HEST SOtN PLACE AS CONVEYED TO .tEFFEA30N COLNTT eY lNSTRUMENTL RECORDED SN 600R 98j AT PAGES 407 AND 409 Of SAID OPPlC1AL RECORDS SA10 POINT 6E1N6 TnE TAU! POINT of OECINOFN235 66N FEET oTHENCE NS 8o 39T 0E'EWPARALLEL TO SAID L T i t5 ANc THE SOUTH LLNE OF SA[D LOi 17 A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEETS THEN g0.03.6't PARALLEL TO THE NEST LINE qP SAID LOT 14 R OI STPlICE OP pl3.ACE0ASAECORDEDP/NNSAI6 EOOKL98INAt PACES 407NANDF409;DTHENCESOTN 588.39.D`W ALONG THE EMENDED NORTH LINE OF NEST 30TH PLACE AS PEET~TO lHGNTRlFDPOiHY OF7BEGINNLND.4o7 AND 409 A DISTANCE OF 50.30 -z- AUG-24-92 MOK 16:04 PHS&K F'AH N0, 303 byb 13y3 P, 04 PAAGSL ~: cracr o! la¢tl loeaeea in Locs 14 en4 1?, 5'idHDLE'f HEIGEfS, a subayvrsioa tacOrtle6 is cRe e£Eiexal tetoraa ai Sai£arsa¢ Cou¢ey, Cal¢raao da¢er:aod at -oLiovs, ~iII~NII+S dL the .SORttd.~'e CCU cz slid Ise 17: rta+z !A a 04.2'W a]aL7 'cha hest Lrn of snid Sat 17 a dLsmoos a£ 25.00 Lfae m a D>:m Qs thS tSV.t11 t ss,n Of Wu°+"e 30th Yla7a as m'sti'~S@d m Seffeeta~m 034rt7? 07 ` ~~ fa Ho~lr 987 at Pesg~s 407 an3 4pD O?` tSid o£tScial :cosrisr tl>~t>d t438 0e¢vae 59.0'E aImg rte tsatll 13rC aP f~i'^C SOCK Place a9 a~dai In said •7oye 987 st Pages 407 and 409 a ai.^~~ aP 750.]2 Eex: 3faz~ ill DegCeOS 03.6'W pamllal is the East ]lee o! said tae 17 z dia*~s+ea ~ Line at said J ~ 7 Otssaflm of e~,SStitK:: tsf~ 688 59.0'w psal]el 60.46 ft~t: tt10o03 Sfl Degcesa 03.6.6 frea73c1 ba ti~a Face ]tae DS? Said IOC 1T a diaCe[C9 OC 2Llb Lead t=fasoa S88 l 59.0'w patayle], fp me SafcIIf ]1m of said lac 17 a asasae~ oS 97.04 feeC tlseooa iO 0egaeaa 03.6'w P~ t0 Yea PA4t )!sx CR said Sac i~ 3. ~ ~ 795.06 Feet m a paler Crt rtB Lk7ctR 71ssa e4; said Tat 17: testa N89 bagcoes o! said Tat 17: Portlf 23na of said Lac 17 n disttf+oa a! 443.59 imt m t8a t~atheest oottsac _ ttcfx:a 50 DeSieees 03.6'E ala4T~ ~ ~ ~¢ ~ 7etava~ssrves Ana aSatteSfeesLmar.7a.7' ale9 ins-magara i>z<ne acs a ascee, 00.3' . 9lsoaa sadiua is 270.Sb Lest, and a crave m tt~ zight, ~a rsttsal angle ~ 67 O~e~ _ ~tnaa e~sl hems 837IItlgeen QL.9'E a dS et 798.66 ~ u Dell zn Sa~ssiti leas o£ the aaaaesled SOiiCt ].isle dE Said Ise 17: Li70~ 588 De<3~ _ sfsid IOt L7 a diate77oeti of 200.66 Seat m 'Wa ~a lifA sid Zfle 7:7 a diatxal~ ~` 9.5.60 East 17s tifsfm SO Oe~a 03-6•E P'~ ~ oi: weaC .ArSt Ylaoa at rawer is rsict says ~1 se I3~9~ tD a p]1iS C6 ttlL a7i0a1dai AbYUs 407 sad .~9r ~ssoa SBS ~ 59.0'Si a1aQ ttta av;tsd0d N3t'if Sian aP tic SOtls YS.a~a +~ xeazsfsa >n eoo[c ~/ at Pe<]~ 4.07 am 40D a dlata~ea o£ 9700 LOat m the 7~ ~4t~}T°Z West '.Oils IAmm as xatod'iaa iii BD714 987 at PaOm QO7 sits d09i tlr9ect !A Ge ~ Q~N m rtes Feat 21ea ~ assld LoC U a ~i^~'A11°a o! 99.60 lases tseo~ S4i8 Degsfes ~ 17~ Hfa Saatlt 1im a2 asiA. IOt 17 a dLsC~ a£ 232.9f ta0t: ttsIIa 3~ 71e~EOa59.0'M ~ma17eL m tt7a tffi Frert 13aa at said SAt 17 a dram ~ of 0.80 Lead tlsaooa 898 Co~.6'6 SOilli 1life OF rlald fat i7 a .i~.er,..~w 43.OJ flEr: 't~Oa ~ ~ ~.0~w ~ ~~~1°g F>stt ••ro 4sg said 70t 17 a diSOS+OS ~ 0.80 feats tleraxi 88H OE,gA~a Sands leaf at aald sat 17 a dlatt[IOD of ]A.26 Seat m iha'IIi7E FffiSC 05' ice. P79CF7. G baGeesa. HaaG7LC Etr.7C7 Q.7.e a rs.yn.urn ape a.fr.¢.i~ eel ae esmOal by FJfs~Ct ~t xacfxdad Jaa'ia .i0. L9m. Oif!^''^' Carpaatlm and L S Z C~nAt1Aa. a Lb]OCad:s 87p468?$s Aa °i"~"_ ` er ~~ tie hmuis aE z~e3r. ac3act nnla0a•a~ oS as a as sae, mom, faLloWS: F11~ >~ ~% a tZLCC at l8d ]aCabBd Sa Ioe 37'. °"S~,S`: 7~i. a StlhdivSaiea te03dad S6 rte aEtletst -3- AUG-24-92 ICON 16:04 ~5&K FRf{ H0. 3D•3 595 13,93 P, 05 S o_ J -' --- SLY. ~'~Od '~ Fallgs. EEX3IPII~[II t' at ...e Saixa-.xsc ~ of said IG: L7: tt1a18 4A 379~ee9 04.Z'W asas3 tY7e S~SC ~'~ ~ tC .70fi~1 Cam+-Y bYO£ 25. W :®et: m a ~z m 'd1n Itai#i lisle aE Wnsc SOtit Ply aQ sus tt~ tID8 !sees tsaosded is Pack 9S/ at Fer,7as 407 an3 449 aas :n :aid 8odc 9B7 ae Pa9Q¢ 54.0'E aluzJ the llptdl 73na of 4in9e 50~ Plata ¢3.6'W 1SmL1e1 ID t27a Fst.rt line ar 4071 an3 C09 a dL^caae Of 667.12 £eec t27~aC3 hXi 15 'pia S88 59.0'N said r~ l7 a dist~toa of lla.a7 Eset m ea ~ssaffi 2'oII1P ~ ~'~' ao.a'w ~ailel ID tha 7aQ,SKi Ltne of a1d Inc 17 a dtStm7~ oR ]5.00 Zees t27e[1Q; l7Om77R~ ~ Sisn prnil®7. to t37a asst lsru of sold rat 17 a assmi+s o~ ~ rse sou's~ifaa of sass rs~l a c~ P~1 A ae deaetlk~d ahalles tha'G9 tffi 54. to tim Fast line aE ssid Iot 17 a a d2rtaeloe OF 1$.00 taeC thane SO 63.6 8 p~'~ Aan.e.rm o£ 60 C0 rneC m tha 'ft~i POIId! Oc 8~.Lt[tL~+. x .....e...i..~.p mm~ i~ ip~a and ege'° de.~bad ffi iiot]ote: fin' NfA86R g4JO: ._ . _ - A ts.9CC of Ind ]O~St31 is1 tnt 17. BII(~r d S7lesivlgiaa S8C'~ 2A 221® aEfSC131 ~q a= +~~y..m5 pw3LY. ~• aTd as L~L7Ow?' ' at tS1e 5aadsase a~>e= of saa:3 Lae 177 tlkiLe !JO ~ 06.2'v a2mg ziTa WasC lisr of geid ~ of 25:00 Feat m a W2AC tit t31e N07CtL lisp o1 West ~onC d09 d ~~~tle1 x~e>s~sT tilsa N 88 iTrtest7~tti3 xoaaedad in Hmie 967 aC P~ d07 ysy eyd gds 467 at Pages p60teQS 59.0'E alaOQ StB ti0ctls lsaa of West 90th P]ea ~ zea>a7W tt>eaoa to Omar O:i.6'W 407J smd a09 a dist'eeer uC 6aa'2t.12 Ere to thn'ALB St~C C4' i piLa11P1 m SAB PYJYC litltl ae m7d 206 17 a dim ~ iga.a7 Ewt m n 1~~ as tta Garth line of E~a¢oe]. r as dexdbeb O2aasT t!/~i tz88 megar 59.0'E als7og t276 SOlith 2ta o! lsdliS Plttv_'1 A s 825ta1m o! 37.'S isC tt7eifoa 90 tt>~ 03.6'E pa7:a„at m rise 1bsC 11[E of said IqC 17 s ditfOStlaa of 1Sa-a7 Feat m a pa6sta at tha tim:tL 7Jsa a6 Wrt 50th 1S1s~B ns xeam7eG is mid 8adc 9$1 aC Aeps 407 enS at79s tt>e>m 586 CH~10e6 59.0'W aLOO<3'~ 2ia~h lira d Weoe 90tia P7~ a: zm~ded in mid Hack 967 aC 1?agei 4Vl and a09 a d38ta~ of 37.55 feat m tffi 71fiJG R]iHP ~ . ~ri7n t'aet: ?2.5 feoie aE tSta a17OCa dEaQt~ "-®"°^~ ~' ALSO ~ tawd 7'i¢ m31.it$ R?i>~a• W tamalasc ~' tt74 ~• siv1e~01, DYplaacr~c• 11Be aryl ~ : etCStdt7g iY1~+ qes. ~~r alaetdaal CauP1r a>d waaet Seef11t3eB denslbarl E~ 1ttt~BFIt'1SiCd'E: 7lsda+saasded ia'C7a a}u..~,>> A r3'!•7C og 1ss1d lamW 1A I.at: 17r 1~r~~~ ,y at 1378 SOSt27RSC a>n~ s+maas+OS ag Jeffe>o,R ~'-Yr ~• da1a~ affi -'- - AUG-24-92 t10K 18 05 ~S&K FAX K0. ~ 595 1393 P• 06 ~ seed Io't i7; c~,ca to 04.:'W n1aX; its Wale l.-:a o8 saiA fat i7 a ~•~•..•.•• o£ 25.0.' °~ae >a a ~Giat Gt tI1G NCCCS Lim OF wa*,t 50th Playa a5 6Smeye3 tp J0~ai9sa Catnip bg '17sLZms° iffi s~vstled 3a Hock 987 at Fags 407 gad 409 of ~.id O!£'~r~ Hacv~s: tifan~n t$8 Dagxev 59.0'8 along tiia eLSetls line aE Wese 50th P1ars as staotadod in mid Bak 997 at Pages 407 mx1 409 a ~r«s a£ 694.67 Pene m tta 71~E R7ftrt OF OFTIIS82G: ttmB !U II~,om 03.6•W petailel, to tn0 Fast lies oP mid fat 27 a .~+a•,•,••• of ?15.60 ~ to a p~iat m ua St¢ttl iirfe of Petrel n as davrilsed ahoaas titaioa 7~8 > 59-0'E alarJ tir. Scc[th line et said Pacest :. a dLsegnC of 70.7(1 fsa~ t2iatm SO 17e~ 03.6'E P~1 to tir_ Page ilsss o! said ZaC l7 a ~+~b aC 255.60 Yeec tsa a p71IIC m tin riOCtii , t.+. eL tY6t SOtts Plet$ eS i~Sed is &~td 6tfolt 987 at PFG08 407 and 4096 ~ 888 Da~aea 59.0'W slay the Noitis s+^r oP etaeG 5'Oth D]aw of ~ee»>xlea 3n said Fbdc 987 at Doges 407 am 109 a dtataas of 70.70 free to tan na1E EOIId OE »G. Drags H: A1faY@~`1a9SVe.e39aaaS far ttilitlnns-i+~ art e~+asfo as ceetisd hy-8~ant tirmt: arasmd py, wn +. ~,. a. 8nwtaati a/k/a wSl'..w ]>5t7.Yi$t7~t 6~ sii IIaaeap C 9avwttalleJa mcussy C,etS21a N®n tD easaetm itiodr W., a ~, ~.••~ ~>~ gad [.5I ~.'pocatlm. a fbtami0 C~»cat7m. za0mtial Jisia 30, 2961. ns~'r'•'. Ae~ffi C~ 7~Sa~t CDraap CSS7atdo; Aeclptiat 2U. 820EGB29. error pcaptasg, dtvr~8ed as SoLta+a: E15tS~IIa .>a'ffit SDC: A txat:C o! held lem'Ea1 is Sat 16, 5'J711~fiY t~S, a siksllv'.t.., tsar to ti,e dal Po~a a2: J~ COaA.Y. Fads. deszlDOd r +c.,t..~. >? n'dr 9eatlsaR e~YY' aL iat 27, mid 8'Dai~ t6i>r:~Si throe d0 Dtlgnty 03.6'it alat>Q'ria IatsC line a! std.iot 14 a diaaatoa of 25.00 ilsat m tie tUC4>@t mIDP2 ~ Wet ~ Placta as eta m ioc[Rfotri OFriy !sf ~•'°••••••••Le zno®dad !a 8eaie 9B7 at Ebgee 407 anG d09 a! mid eert.,nn yy~; t>:r~oe t•He ~ 59.0.8 a]OOq vla e>eteadad t1a: W Sits of iicst 50th FSeca as samcbad 1a setd si°'- 997 at Ps3tts 4?J e~ 409 a dial a! 50.00 feac7 zhsos 50 Dx}LeeS 09.6.8 .rrwyat°t !a tea Fist Sinn at S6iE let b4 a 81s®~ of 50.W ire: tt+~aa 389 A9rea 59.D'w r +'•, m tin btttar]m !Lath Sine a5 WnsC SOfh Plaea m xamxda1 iii said flOCle 987 at A+as 409 gad 409 a diata~ of 50.00 feaS m a vaitet m ~ wt:c.llm.o£ seid fae.lds tls2s ND 0a7w6s 09,6'w .. -along rlfa weCe Liss et Tut 14 a disRaocs d 27.00 feet to She 7VOrS 08 ~3aIIi~i.. PAR7eL-Z• A 1131-abC'ltirSW ea:71®eC fCC eta xeDa2r, •""^"°""°° ttso a<ld std a¢2aareat o! ea e.ef a.+~ =y r.....: 4,Q ~,;t ae a+aarid bP Y+ane~s 6sasa aooasaG bF wlliiba D. 6taren a/k!a w,,,.... nomt+gam litamaett mtd Dxp6fy C. Hetoaea anue Domtl~ 030a1ie 9aiznaeet m erciaa Ftai3 m., a b*t ~+"a Oapotai4n ari fAI a O.slaCtslo Oapsatlat, xscca'dei Jtrie -5- AUG-24-92 t10N 15:05 PHS&K FA!{ hIO, 3g3 595 1393 P, 07 ~, z981, ~lr.i ~eoaw c. Je~~l C.za:ai, 9nxP'=ci No. a1OS6824. wit ~saY, d~ihed as fallous: A 17_00 fine cr(da aaee ffi latri ;aamd Sa IOe 14, c,~.e.r:.y ~, a n~a••,+ e•••• zso~ zn rh• Ct~=' A~sls at sdt~.mm'm~mcY. mlersb. mn3 a.30 Sic m aka sWe at rLe L~Lleodag dss~2+s6 oeaact2ao: ie tfia 7~SC10eBt ~ 08 Tit 17, ss3Q 5t7~ t~St C8a9 90 DeQ9ea9 0.9.6'$ alma fS@ FI;ZC y>s OL• Safe IOC l4 a 'N"^"""' OE 13.7J faeC m a nan-ran9eoe F~lis m a aiave, sale! mtae beseg a Entae o! aaaas~sai rflanOg cw..a.a..ri ~zeeQ a aava m Ca xlgCte ratnaa es~1 aag:ta 18 66 D~ 16.9•. wuoEe x'edlua fS 262.04 Saee, aed eseoeea Curt Mmes SS7 25.6'6 a dioLanoa of ?86.39 fees 'ao a polset.m tt~s Sown itna ert Eazvl E ffi aes~t~a amae..salil 7~ 2~ sea 59.0'u a dts®oa of 9_13 tmt fxr7s ~a emet ~Y mmRe of mid tllso9l E. and saki Entnt heteq tx~s 'IIi8 ECat7t tr ,: ma~os eia~ a Caw m wn agsse aeeaoe es:aEl aesale as i5 ~YS s0.0', d~ redleffi 29 262.06 $lEt, aed siatea ~fl be® 616 Dsgsaa 23.z'fi a dt'Jtmtm a~E 7LZ8 flint m a '[aiRC o2 'GYiGa 58 D09z~.4 18.I'E 8 di9mL~4 aE IIa.63 £eaC m a LSltat d ^^^~^^s• rhaeYS alegj a oeaca to the ]sLt eiar aea~l aesf]a is 66 Deus 27.8'. ~s~ a~ditl.la 262.04, eod ee»m etea~t hsea 841 De~CE dZ.O'E a dtstaoea at 237.21 fleet m a p01dt m the ~CDdO Sa xd~ ~t mC~a Pi~o£ oel~A YES aai e~F ~ ~? '~ P~ G;. t~a7 tlfa ~cly arai Nest¢iY 19see aP tAta dace OF *tdCi aaCi .utsod Ban tta SCltittl 11i1e oL Emil Paiffi7. E m the t h.m of SalC ICC 16 a<d'!!7a Ntrct?e¢Lp s~e,~nCOt-vs2 liaa Of as24 Oslaeado 8tuth~ Cml1r~ A17. ilSV6e6 iii 'tde Wtmcy o! ~c80e, StIIDa C£ GU2ntade. -6-~ • ~ ~ • CASE NO. WZ-92-8 ~ ~'~°~~ EXHIBIT 'A' 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE The City of P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303) 234-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge September 3, 1992 Mr. Keith Krickbaum, Plant Manager Jolly Rancher Candies 5060 Ward Road Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Dear Mr. Krickbaum: This letter is in regard to the expansion of the Jolly Rancher plant at 5060 Ward Road pursuant to Case No. WZ-92-8. I have reviewed your submittal document, which is a Final Development Plan, and have found that the following items must be added to the face of the document: 1. Legal description of the boundary of the site. 2. The document must be "to scale" with accurate dimensions and a vicinity map. 3. Specific information regarding signage or the following statement: "All signage shall be in accordance with Chapter 26, Article IV of the City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws". 4. A landscape plan or the following statement: "All landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 26-32 of the City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws". 5. Any fencing, existing or proposed, must be added. 6. A lighting plan or the following statement: "All exterior lighting shall be in accordance with Section 26-20(S) of the City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws". 7. Maximum building height. 8. Elevations of the proposed addition or a written description of the architectural style, materials to be used, etc. 9. Is any outdoor storage being proposed? If so, it must be designated on the plan and screened from view with a six-foot solid fence. 10. Where are loading areas? They need to be shown on the plan. il. Owner's certificate, with owner's name, address and phone number (see attached). 12. Name, address and phone number of plan preparer. 13. Certification blocks for Planning Commission, Director of Planning and Development and Mayor. 14. Recorder's certificate. 15. Title, as follows: "Jolly Rancher Planned Industrial Development Final Development Plan, An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge". 16. The following language must be added: "Performance standards shall be in accordance with Section 26-25(3)0) of the City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws". 17. A note should be added verbalizing the need for expansion. ~l ~ • Mr. Keith Krickbaum Page 2 September 3, 1992 The document "as is" may be sufficient for review purposes, however, this information must be added to the document prior to recording. In addition, it is my understanding that a drainage report, traffic impact analysis and consolidation plat are required for review. At the time of this writing, these documents have not yet been submitted. It is strongly recommended that these outstanding items be provided in a timely fashion allowing for adequate staff review. Staff has legitimate concern regarding ultimate build-out and the impact on the surrounding street system. Also, with the lack of detail on the existing plan, it is difficult to ascertain required public improvements. The Planning Commission public hearing is scheduled for September 17, therefore, I will need 13 copies of the plan and plat by September 10 for packet distribution. The City Council public hearing will be on September 28. Please have 15 additional copies of the plan and plat by September 18 for City Council packet distribution. Attached are referrals received from outside agencies regarding the proposed expansion. 'Their concerns or comments must be addressed. If you have questions regarding any of the requirements or need further clarification, please feel free to contact me at 235- 2848. Sincerely, (~ J Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw attachments cc: WZ-92-8.file Lane Engineering CASE NO. W~-92-8 EXHIBIT 'S' 0 K O 3 R W 50TH AVE v+ z ~ = ~ ~ ~_ ~- ~ I ~ I ~ I I ~ I ~ I i ~_ r. - i i I I I I Qtio~. W c __ ~ f .._ f_ '_ COLLECTOR STREET ~~m~~~~~~n ARTIERIAL STREET „_~__~ ~.. ^ ,¢-, 1 , ';~ ~ . "; * as - , ' ' ~ ~ ~ t~XHI$I~ C ~ .~.. [' _. `~.t~ '~, ~ ~ _ gym- # 'K ~` ' ~ ~ - _ ,.ss_ r-_} ~_..__ ~~. a -- f - -~- - -~V~~T N~3 AU ~-= Fyc S 4 $ ~ ` jc r ~-"'9W N! 'ktiy ~„' S~ y tt Y -_ t r~ ~~~ L.~ - ire. .....~~.....~ F6^'^" - ~. .J. - ~ f l't~ .gym ~'YM1^ak^'~. L4. .S ~- ~_ _ ~ ~ - v- _-_ ~-~• ct.•P. e~.. ~ ~/_~~m!:,.._""`.`~„F'~~-. ~3!~~~.air. ~} `-f. ..a~x.~i~_i„~iL.e ;~`~i ~^~ ~ ~ ~ F y yy ~~.._ i r i/ ~~~ M# . ~ ~w -50TH PIS r x r ~ ~ a .~ c }. Y ~ ~~~ q J4 j . r # ~ Ia~~r~~r a :~ ~. es.~ 3 i~~}~+"y~` AFL ~~i '.n F Y !`# ~E V h ~ ` '~"pe^ ~. ~ ~ p. Jr`-° ..J F t °9 ~ «^'"" .. ~ ~~ Yy _ ~ ~ _~„ ~ ice` - _ ... ^NC. ~'-' l~-__'..~- _ ' - .. ~ ~ zy- '~:. __ ~` Vii} i s.. .. ~. " ~- ~ ~. ' ~' ~.:-. ~'~~ --^§~_,- .. Y. _. '~'~ ~. - ~. .,~ ~ :~ - _. _. {r ~~ "' - . , r - - mss:' - _... September 10, 1992 ~SE NO. WZ-92-8 EXHIBIT 'D' CITY OF WHEAT RBDG~ u~ Stir 1®1992 ~ 1 I The City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Meredith Reckert Dear Ms. Reckert, J Uu~,.._..- - PLANNING & DEUEL©PMENT This is in reference to the notice you sent concerning a request for an amendment to the Planned Industrial Development plan for property located at 5060 Ward Road (Jolly Rancher). Currently the traffic volume exiting from 50th Place to Ward Road is heavy during shift changes at Jolly Rancher. This creates a back up of traffic at the stop sign adjacent to our property at 50th Place. This makes it difficult for our tenant's customers to exit from their business. Our tenant found it necessary to install ballards along the property line and to lock off his own front access from Ward Road in order to keep vehicles from cutting through his car lot as they try to avoid waiting for the 50th Place traffic. It appears the proposed expansion will increase traffic congestion at the 50th Place stop sign. I feel that consideration should be given to minimizing this congestion. Several options exist, one might be a stop light to replace the existing stop sign. I appreciate your consideration of my concern. Sincerely, ~ o.~~ ~~o~~~ 9~~-7~3~ § 28.25 Supp. No. 5 WHEAT RIIIGE CITY CODE plant materials shall be indi- must be indicated if proposed. sated. Location and type ofir- Description of any proposed rigation system shall be indi- temporary or interim uses of sated. All landscaping shall land or existing buildings meet the requirements of this prior to development in acwr section as well as section dance with the approved final 26.32. development plan. f. Location, extent, types of ma• m. A development schedule indi- teriais and height of all walls sating the approximate date and fences. on which construction of the g. Exteriorlightingdevices;type, project can be expected to height, location and orieata- begin and approximate dates tion. whenconstructionwill be com- b. Location, extent, maximum pleted. If a multiphased height, number of floors and pmject,indicatetimesforeach total floor area of all build- phase (see subsection (VII) for ings and structures. limitations) i. Total number of dwelling n. The final development plan units and typical floor plans (and plat) shall be recorded for residential projects. with the Jefferson County j. Elevations and perspective ClerkandRewrderand,there- drawings ofall proposedstrut- fore, must meet their basic tu- turesand improvements, indi- 4uirements for recrordation: sating architectural style and buiIdingmaterials.~Thedraw- The following certifications, and lags need not be the result of approvals, in addition to the re- final architectural design but quired surveyor's certificate, shall of sufficient detail to permit also be placed upon the final de- evaluation of the proposed velopment plan (and plat): structure(s). OWNER'S CERTIFICATION k. Off-street parking and loading plan which indicates the size, The below•signed owner(s), or legally designated location and number of agent(s) thereof, do hereby agree that the prop- parking and loading spaces ~y legally described hereon will be developed as and which shows the proposed a planned Development in accordance with the circulation of vehicles and pe• uses, restrictions and conditions contained in this deatrians within the planned plan and as may otherwise be required by law. I development and to and fiom (we) further recognize that the approval of Final effisting or proposed public Development Plan (and Plat) does not create a thoroughfm'eS• ~y sp~~ an' vested property right. Vested property rights may gineering features and traffic only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions regulation devices needed to of section 26-6(G) of Article I of the Code of Laws facilitate and ensure the safety of the City of Wheat Ridge. of this circulation pattern, in- chiding fire lanes, must be ' Signature of Owner(s) or Agent(s) shown. NOTARY PUBLIC L Indicatioaofallproposeduses Subscribed and sworn to before me this for all buildings, structures day of . 19-. and open areas. Outside storage and display areas Witness my hand and official seal 1766 .:F ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT My commission expires NOTARY SEAL PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION Approved this day of . i9_, by the Wheat Ridge Plan- ning Commission. /s/ Chairman PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION Approved this day of 19_, by the Wheat Ridge City Council Isl Mayor CITY SEAL ATTEST: City Clerk COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIF- ICATE This document accepted for filing in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder ofJefferson County at Golden, Colorado, on the day of A.D. 19_,ia the Book Page _. Reception Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder By: ... ~-. ,,,,. Deputy In addition to the above cert~cations and re- quired Iaad surveyor's certificate, the following approval signature blocks shall be placed upon plats and subdivisicns. Public Service Company of Colorado § 26.25 City of Wheat Ridge, Director of Parks and Reo- reation ° a (b) Review Procedures: Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph City of Wheat Ridge, Director of Public Works 1. Staff review. Upon filing of an ap- plicationand other required docu- ments, the planning and develop- ment staff will refer copies of the plans to affected departments and agencies for review. All comments shall be forwarded to the appli- cant so that necessary revisions may be made by the applicant prior to scheduling the application be- fore the planning commission. Once staff is assured that all re- quired documents and revisions thereto have been received, notice of public hearing shall occur is ac- cordance with requirements set forth in section 26.6(F). 2. Planning commission hearing. Planning commission shall hold a public hearing and within ninety (90) days ofthepublic hearingdate, exclusive of time requested by the applicant for continuances, shall adopt a resolution which rewm- mends to city council approval, ap- provai with modifications, or de- nial and such resolution shall state the reasons for action. 3. City council hearing. Upon receipt of the planning commisswa's res- olution; the city clerk shall schedule a public hearing before city council and cause public no- tice as required by section 26.6(F). City council shall hold a public hearing and within ninety (90) days of the public hearing, exclu- sive of time requested by the ap- plicant for continuances, shall ap- prove, approve with modifications or deny the application. Supp. No. 5 1767 LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE. INC. ~~~ 2 ~ }~92 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ~ ' ^I~ I ~ n~"('j'"}'-j' 9100 W FOURTEENTH AVE. IAKEW000. CO10 50213 PLriI,'NINGv& DEVELOPMENT STEVEN ~. LISTER TELEPHONE 231.4042 RICHARD M. ROMBERG Prolesslonel Lend Surveya Profeealonel Engineer To: Gentle Transmitted herewith are set of drawings/ copies of the following checked (X) below: ( ) Preliminary Plat ( ) Final Plat ( ) Improvement Plan ( ) Construction Drawing (~) Legal Description ( ) Certificate of Survey ( ) Drain ago Ro or L• ( ~) 'Cupoyraptiy Map (~) Other I~ ~-~- ~~u~ /7~x~~~-~j, ~tu~.~ These are transmitted for the following reason/purpose checked (X) below: (~) For Your Use ( ( ) For.Review"and Comments ( ) For Verification & Correction ( } Return Your Plans ( ) Approved as Submitted ( } For additional Infor- mation ( ) Resubmit after Correction As Per Request For Approval (if needed) ( ) Approved as corrected ( ) As Requested ( ) Send Additional Drawings ( ) Other Comments Date • ~ ~' /~ ~' FILE ~ ~ ~' ~ ;y ~ ~ • DESCRIPTIOW THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 13, 14 AND 17, STANDLEY HEIGHTS, A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE N.89'll'27"E., ON AN ASSUMED BEARING ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 29.85 FEET; THENCE 8.0'18'19"E. A DISTANCE OE 429.86 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH 17.00 FEET OF SAID LOT 13, SAID NORTHWEST CORNER BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE N.88'S6'S7"E. PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 13, A DISTANCE OF 508.12 FEET; THENCE 8.0'18'19"E. PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 13 A DISTANCE OF 17.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE N.88'S6'S7"E. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17, A DISTANCE OF 528.19 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE 8.0'18'07"E. ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 17 A DISTANCE OF 5.27 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, WHOSE RADIUS IS 270.54 FEET, WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 66'59'55", WHOSE CHORD SEARS 5.57'16'58"E. A DISTANCE OF 298.64 FEET, FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 316.35 FEET: THENCE 5.88'43'27"W. PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17, A DISTANCE OF 200.44 FEET TO A POINT 50.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE 8.0'18'07"E. PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 17 A DISTANCE OF 215.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST 50TH FLACE AS CONVEYED TO JEFFERSON COUNTY BY THOSE DOCUMENTS RECORDED IN BOOK 987 AT PAGES 407 AND 409; THENCE 5.88'43'27"W. ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF WEST 50TH PLACE A DISTANCE OF 1086.35 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE N.0'18'19"W. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOTS 17 AND 13 A DISTANCE OF 408.93 FEET THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 10.410 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PREPARED BY: STEVEN D. LISTER FOR AND IN BEHALF OF, LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. 9500 WEST 14TH AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215-4716 ._: t - SURROUNDING OWNERS -- JOLLY RANCHER HARMSEN & SONS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 8035 NEWMAN STREET ARVADA, COLORADO 80005 WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER LTD. 5130 WEST 101ST CIRCLE WESTMINSTER, COLORADO 80030 GENERAL AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY POST OFFICE BOX 396 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63166 ELFLINE PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 12098 WEST 50TH PLACE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 THOMAS BEYER 165 DUDLEY STREET LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80226 APACHE STEEL CORPORATION 12280 WEST 50TH PLACE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 JACQUELINE S. OGLEVIE SHAUN BAKER POST OFFICE BOX 280851 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80228 WARD ROAD VETERINARY HOSPITAL P.C. 5015 WARD ROAD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 JOSEPHINE D. GILBERT POST OFFICE HOX 534 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 i -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ThB Cify Of P O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO &0034-0638 (3031 234-5900 cwhe at City Admin. Fax m 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax ~ 235-2949 Ridge August 25, 1992 ~~C~.4'JEa ~1~~~ 2 3 f992 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for roval of a rezonin from A-1 to PCD and a roval of a final lan and lat at the property described below. Your response'to"the following questions and-any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ;,gptember 11 1992 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-92-7 LOCATION: 5000 Robb Street REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of a rezoning from A-1 to PCD and approval of a combined development plan and plat ~ PURPOSE: Construction of an office/warehouse development APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.5 acres 1. Are public Facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES N0~_. If "NO", please explain below.~f(,~.~~. ~~~ 2. Are service li es available to the development? /~~~-4~ YES NO~. If "NO" , please explain below.-~'e~ Cti~, 3. Do y have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES~_ NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your'agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: /~~~~Orx-~~~ ~~-~-'L~'''~ r2 Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: X American Cable Vision X X Water District.( Valley ) Sanitation District (Fruitdal~ Jefferson Co. Health Dept. X Fire District (Arvada ) Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners X Adjacent City (Arvada ) Wheat Ridge Post Office X Public.-SQrvice Co. Wheat Ridge Police Dept. X US West Communications X Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. State Land Use Commission X Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation State Geological Survey X Colorado Div. of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Transportation Wheat Ridge Bldg. Division <pc>referralform 06-26-92 :a ~; ~•,,,., • -500 WEST 29T1i AVENUE The City of P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (343) 234-5900 ~1Vheat City Admin. Fax # 2345924 Police Deot. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge August 26, 1992 The Wheat Ridge bepartment of Community Development has received a request for a royal of an amendment to a final development plan at the property described below. Your response`to the following questions ahd any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ~egtAmber 10,~• No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE N0: WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher RECt.rbE® ~4u~ ~ ~ ~~~~ LOCATION: 50.60 Ward Road REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of an amendment to a final development plan PURPOSE: Expansion of the Jolly Rancher plant APPROXIMATE AREA: 19,240 square feet of additional building area 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development'? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES ,( NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: fJ~~~2~~ I'~~' ~'~`" M. Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Valley ) Sanitation District (Fruitdal~ XX Fire District (Arvada ) XX Adjacent City (Arvada ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey XX Colorado Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 XX American Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools XX Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colorado Div. of Wildlife XX Wheat Ridge Bldg. Division VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WFIEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424-sssl August 31, 1992 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of S4heat Ridge P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Dear Meredith: CITY OF WHEAT R1DG'~ D r~ 2i1Sj1_~. 5~p p 11992 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT In reference to Plaza 5000 Business Center and Jolly Rancher, I offer the following. Valley Water District has met with Cliff McKissack, repre- sentative of the Plaza 5000 Business Center and Richard Todd and they are aware that a new 16" water mainline from the north edge of the Kunz property to this. property at 5000 Rabb will be needed. Also, a new 8" water mainline on site and three fire hydrants will be needed to meet the Arvada Fire Protection District's requirements. I have discussed with Keith Krickbaum, Plant Manager for Jolly Rancher and it appears current service taps will handle the expansion. Attached are your questionaires for both projects. If you have any questions, please call me at 424-9661. Sincerely, G~ Robert Arnold District Manager RLA/kmk r `; 500 WEST 29TH AVENUE The Clt Of P.O. BOX 638 Y WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303} 234-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax;; 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax x 235-2949 Ridge August 26, 1992 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request I for approval of an amendment to a final development plan at the property described below. Your response to the Following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ~ptPmber 10 7992• No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher LOCATION: 5060 /7ard Road REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of an amendment to a final development plan PURPOSE: Expansion of the Jolly Rancher plant APPROXIMATE AREA: 19,240 square feet of additional building area 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES XX NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES XX NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do yyou have adequate capacities to service the development? YES xX NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES XX NO If "NO", please explain below. Please See Attached. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified cahich would or should aff',e~~c~~t,,..--~~app~rova/~l''o-~fXp~this request? Please reply to: fJ~~i2.C:LVtti~- ~~~"" 1 M. Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Valley ) XXSanitation District (Fruitdal~ XX Fire District (Arvada ) XX Adjacent City (Arvada ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey XX Colorado. Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 XX American Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools XX Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colorado Div. of Wildlife XX Wheat Ridge Bldg. Division G ,~.. . , r,..,. Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHALS' OFFICE P. O. Box 3•D ARVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephone (303) 425.0850 - FAX (303) 422-4569 September 8, 1992 Ms. Meredith Reckert Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80034 RE: Jolly Rancher, 5060 Ward Road. Dear Meredith, We have reviewed the Amended Final Development Plan for this project and have the following comments. 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 2, 12195 W. 52nd Ave._and Station, 1, 7.900 W. 57th Ave. 2. Additions to the building may require the installation of an additional fire line and sprinkler riser to_serve the proposed additions. UFC 88 10.301(c): 3. Additional fire hydrants may be need to serve the additional sprinkler risers. UFC 88 10.301(aJ 4. The company will need to submit information as to the proposed storage and storage height in the new warehouse as the provisions for High Piled Combustible Storage from Article 81 of the Fire Code may apply. 5. Fire Lanes will need to be dedicated on the plat and be posted, No Parking Fire Lane with signs that meet City of Wheat Ridge Standards. UFC 88 10.207(1). Sincerely, Arvada Fire Protection District ~C~~ Deputy Fire Marshal Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHALS' OFFICE P. 0. Box 3-D ARVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephone (303) 425-0850 - FAX (303) 422-4569 September 18, 1992 Ms. Meredith Reckert Department of Community Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80034 RE: Easements for Jolly Rancher 5000 Ward Road Dear Meredith, ~I i Y OF WI-{E.4T ~ n~nnrn SEr~ 2 2 1992 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT The existing building needs to be provided with a 20 foot emergency access to the existing fire department connection located on the South West corner of the building and the norm east corner of the warehouse. Additional emergency access lanes may be needed if the new warehouse is provided with a separate sprinkler riser and fire department connection. Sincerely, Arvada Fire. Protection District teve~tei e e Deputy Fire Marshal ~~ -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ThB Clty Of P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303) 234-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax n 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax ~ 235-2949 Ridge August 26, 1992 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of an amendment to a final development plan _.__._..,s_ _._- --___._ - - - ` - _at the property describe elow. Your response to `the"following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ~ptPmber 10,x• No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher LOCATION: 5060 Nard Road REQUESTED ACTION: Approval ,of an amendment to a final development plan PURPOSE:. Expansion of the Jolly Rancher plant APPROXIMATE AREA: 19,240 square feet of additional building area 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? . Please reply to: f~dG~2ti~ /~~~'`~~~ M. Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Valley ) XX Sanitation District (Fruitdale XX Fire District (Arvada ) XX Adjacent City (Arvada ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey XX Colorado Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 £~1~~STi,Jc ~Y~s 3 GK K~[i~ LL .G`it e~,~~~ ~~~~-t XX American Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co.__Schools XX Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colorado Div. of Wildlife XXyJheat Ridge Bldg. Division Ca u,. ,,;,.. v.,..,. Id .- i • DATE: _~entemtaer 1 199? TO: Meredith Reckert F~pt of Plan /Dev i City of Wheatridoe FROM: Rov R Craftan Engineerino~aervisor~ NMR SUSJ: Genital Improvement Proposal Received In Engineering PROPOSAL NAME: Case # WZ-92-8IJoliy Rancher ADDRESS: S~a6U Ward Raad GOVERNING AUTHORITY: City of Wheatridge DATE RECEIVED IN ENGINEERING: August 31, 199^ I have reviewed the site plans far this proposal. P.S.Ca does have adequate facilities in the area to serve this customer. Some extension, relocation or reinforcement of our facilities may tae necessary. Depending on the electric and gas load additions the work should 6e minor in nature. Thanrks ~~\~`~~ Ray R. Craftan t;iTY QF V9ih~aT RI J;" ~: ~ _c~.~~. SEA 01 1992 ~ { U -~---- J ~1ANNINu & >;3E~lEI.DPMEPlT .~ -500 WEST 29TFf AVENUE The City OI P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT FUDGE. CO 80D34-0638 (303) 234-59D0 Wheat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235.2949 Ridge August 26, 1992 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of an amendment to a final development plan - at the property described below. Your response to-the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ~eyt-Amber ~0 i992• No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE N0: WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher LOCATION: 5060 Ward. Road REQUESTED ACTION: Approval ,of an amendment to a final development plan PURPOSE:_ Expansion of the Jo11y Rancher plant APPROXIMATE AREA: 19,240 square feet of additional building area 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this deve~~opment? YES NO dd If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service tin s available to the development? YES NO ~ s If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adef~ate capacities to service the development? YES NO v If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and~gulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please. reply to: f~~~~2L~`-~ ~~~' ~~~ M. Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Valley ) XXSanitation District (Fruitdal~ XX Fire District (Arvada ) XX Adjacent City (Arvada ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey XX Colorado Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 XX American Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools XX Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colorado Div. of Wildlife XX ydheat Ridge Bldg. Division as u.. ,. e,i r+.,., City of Arvada 8101 Ralston Road P. O. Sox 8101 Arvada, Colorado 80001-8101 September 4, 1992 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue, P.O. Box 638 Wwheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 WHEAT ~~~E O Sip ~ $1g82 .,. OEVE~O4t~AE~S e~Nta1N0 & Planning Department (303) 431-3020 Fax: (303) 431-3085 Re: WZ-92-8, Jolly Rancher, Amendment To A Final Development Plan Dear Ms. Reckert, The City of Arvada Planning Department has received your referral in reference to the proposed amendment to the development plan for Jolly Rancher at 5060 Ward Road. The City of Arvada has no comments in reference to the proposed amendment at this time. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this case. Sincerely, . ~~ Greg r Planner cc: Mike Smith, Manager of Planning and Zoning ,'500 WEST 29TFiAVENUE P O. BOX 638 The Clfy Of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 8003a-0636 (303) 234-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax # 234-592a Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge August 26, 1992 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of an amendment to a final development plan at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by GP-p amhPr l0. 19 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher LOCATION: 5060 Ward Road, REQUESTED ACTION: Approval,of an amendment to a final development plan PURPOSE: Expansion of the Jolly Rancher plant APPROXIMATE AREA: 19,240 square feet of additional building area 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve th's development? YES ~ NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES~~ NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your ru and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identifi d which would or should affect.- app/r'~oval of this request? ~p~ ~/.,~/~%~~~~-e Please reply to: f~~~/tit-<-~ ~--~~`-"~'~ M. Reckert // Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Valley ) XX Sanitation District (Fruitdal~ XX Fire District (Arvada ) XX Adjacent City (Arvada ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey :.{X Colorado Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 c, ~ . XX American Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools XX Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colorado Div. of Wildlife Wheat Ridge Bldg. Division - ~. -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE Th6 City Of P.O. BOX 638 ' WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303) 234-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax ~ 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax ~ 235-2949 Ridge August 26, 1992 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval o£ an amendment to a final development plan at the property described below. Your. response `to-the following-questions and any comments on this proposa would be appreciated by ~eptAmber 10, ] 92• No response £rom you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher LOCATION: 5060 Nard Road REQUESTED ACTION: Approval,of an amendment to a final development plan PURPOSE: Expansion of the Jolly Rancher plant APPROXIMATE AREA: 19.240 square feet of additional building area 1. Are public facilities ar services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are YES service NO lines available If "NO", to the please development? explain below. 3. Do YES you have NO adequate capacit If "NO", ies to please service the development? explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: ~/G~~~%~`~ /t~~ M. Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Valley ) {Sanitation District (Fruitdal~ XX Fire District (Arvada ) XX Adjacent City (Arvada ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey XX Colorado Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 XX American Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools XX Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colorado Div. of Wildlife XX Wheat Ridge Bldg. Division C, r.. ,,;.,~r.,,,, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS District 6 2000 South Holly Street Denver, Colorado 80222 (303)757-9011 September 4, 1992 ~. ~~ RIDGE ~p p 31992 PLP~SV~11~1~ & ~1T °F N x°~ ~'s ~: 4 FEE OF COL~O~ Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 , RE: Final development plan for- Interim Expansion of the Jo11y Rancher located at 5D60 Ward Road. Dear Meredith: Access to this development has been previously determined. No access to the Highway will be granted. If any work is within the Highway right-of-way it will require a permit from this office at 5640-East Atlantic Place, Denver, Colorado 80224. If you have any questions, please call me at 757-9901. Sincerely, ORVILLE A. RHOAIIES Maintenance Superintendent III 1~ Y BLEA Acce s and Utility Coordinator RJB/drg xc: Vidal/Reisbeck Rhoades/Bell Prentiss File (SH 72)R RF STATE OF COLORADO • ME3U10RANDUM Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner FROM: Steve Nguyen, Civil Engineer DATE: September 8, 1992 SUBJECT: 5000 Robb Street, WZ-92-7. Approval of a rezoning from A-1 to PCD and approval of a combined development plan and plat I have reviewed the above referenced plan and have the following comments 1. We will require a drainage report. 2. We will require a curb and gutter plan on Robb Street front- age. 3. Thirty (30) feet of right-of-way is needed on Robb Street frontage. We will also require thirty (30) feet of R.O.W. along the north property line and a development agreement for the future construction of W. 50th Avenue as a collector street. 4. Chuck has checked the plat and has the following comments: Individual lots need bearings. Point of beginning needs to be indicated on the draw- ing. The dedicatory statement shall be labeled "Dedicated by this plat" or "Hereby dedicated". Dimension 226 is incorrect with respect to dimension 256. 5. The developer will need to make sure there is adequate sight distance available for the driveway on Robb Street. cc: Karl Buchholz, Traffic Engineer ~ ME~UIORAND~VV1 TO: FROM: DATE: Approved Date Meredith Reckert, Planner Steve Nguyen, Civil Engineer September 8, 1992 SIIBJECT: Jolly Rancher, 500 Ward Road, WZ-92-8 Approval of an amendment to a final development plan I have reviewed the above referenced plan and have the following comments: 1. We will require a drainage report. 2. We will require a curb and gutter plan on 50th Avenue front- age. 3. We will require a traffic impact study. The study shall in- clude build-out conditions and an analysis of the Ward Rd. intersections at W. 50th Place and W. 52nd Avenue. 4. We also have some concerns regarding access to the site. It appears that the intersection of 50th Place and Ward Rd. will not have sufficient capacity to handle the high volume of traffic during shift changes. It is strongly recommended that the developer consider a driveway easement for access to 52nd Avenue. This should be addressed in the traffic impact study. 5. We will also require at least ten (10) feet of additional right-of-way along Ward Road frontage in accordance with the City's Comprehensive nevel~ Pment Plan. Since Ward Road is a State Highway, the Colorado Department of Transportation may require additional R.O.W. for future widening. cc: Karl Buchholz, Traffic Engineer STAT~OF COLORADO EXECUTIVE CHAMBERS 136 State Capitol Denver, Colorado 80203-1792 Phone (303) 866-2471 CITY OF WI-IEFlT RIDL," SEP 1 & 1992 ~.'.~rJt~ll iJ p1.A,t1hL'^ x DE'JELDpVtEtylr pF Cp< ~~= °~ y~~~'~ •** * 1876 ~ September 15, 1992 Meredith Reckert Department of Planning and Development 7500 W. 29th Ave. P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 Dear Ms. Reckert: Roy Romer Governor This letter acknowledges receipt of information regarding the application of Jolly Rancher, which pertains to Case No. WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher. The Colorado Land Use Commission does not have any specific comments regarding same at this time. Thank you for the submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 866-2155. Sincerely, Cole Finegan Chief Legal Counse CF:lan STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DisUict6 Maintenance CITY OAF ~W H'n~:AT RI[)G'E ~T 5640 East Atlantic Place I (iJ~ I t~ n~I ~~ Denver, Colorado 80224 (303) 757-9514 September 17, 1992 D ~ ~~~SEP 1 ~ 1592 ~i~~~Lf~ PLRfdNi"^ 'i DEYELOr^^t~?€?dG Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 RE: Final development plan for the Jolly Rancher at 5060 Ward Rd.. Dear Meredith: We have reviewed the plans sent to us and we find that our concerns have been previously addressed. Any work within the right-of-way will require a permit from this office at 5640 East Atlantic Place, Denver, Colorado 80224. If you have any questions, please call me at 757-9901. Sincerely, ORVILLE A. RHOADES Maintenance Superintendent III . BLEA Access and Utility Coordinator RJB/drg xc: Vidal/Reisbeck Rhoades/Bell Prentiss File (SH 72)R RF CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: PLANNING COMMISSION Date Prepared: Se,,pJ~tember 9, 1992 Date of Meeting: September 17, 1992 Case Manager: :`Meredith Reckert Case No. & Name: WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher Action Requested: Approval of a final development plan & plat Location of Request: 5060 Ward Road Name & Address of Applicant(s): Jolly Rancher 5060 Ward Rd., Wheat Ridge Name & Address of Owner(s): Leaf, Inc;. 2355 Waukegan Rd., Bannockburn IL 60015 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate Area: 10.3 acres Present Zoning: Planned Industrial Development Present Land Use: Manufacturing, marketing and distribution of candy and liquid and granulated sweeteners Surrounding Zoning: N: I, PID; S: I; E: I;, W: Jefferson County Surrounding Land Use: E: vacant; ~: vacant, automotive; N: vacant, office/warehouse; W: general office uses in Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan for Area: Industrial ----------------------------------------------------------------- Date Published: September 3, 1992 Date to be Posted: September 3, 1992 Date Legal Notices Sent: September 1, 1992 Agency Check List (XX) Attached ( ) Not Required Related Correspondence (XX) Attached ( ) None ---------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER INTO RECORD: (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance (XX) Slides (XX) Subdivision Regulations (XX) Exhibits JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Commission Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-92-8/JOLLY RANCHER I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a Planned Industrial Development final development plan for the Jolly Rancher plant located at 5060 Ward Road. The plant is currently used for the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of candy and liquid and granulated sweeteners. The property was rezoned in 1983 from C-2 and A-1 to Planned Industrial Development. The applicant is now proposing expansion of the plant as shown on the attached development plan. II. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN The submitted development plan proposes an additional 19,000 square feet of_building area including new employee facilities, wrapping/packaging area and a new warehouse. Included on the development plan is parking for 95 additional cars and additional landscaping. All minimum setbacks have been met by the additions although there are existing nonconforming setbacks on the property. Building height is limited to 50 foot which is consistent with the Industrial zone district regulations. Staff realizes that the document presented to Planning Commission does not meet the requirements for a planned industrial final development plan. Staff, however, believes that the intent o£ the requirements has been met and that it is generally adequate for Planning Commission to review. All requirements for a Planned Industrial Development final development plan must be met before the document is recorded and a building permit is issued. See attached correspondence labelled Exhibit 'A'. III. CIRCULATION/STREET SYSTEM At the time of rezoning, there was discussion related to the expansion of West 50th Place to a collector status with alignment to the east to connect with Ridge Road. Subsequent to that discussion, the Major Streets Plan has been amended to provide for a connection of Ridge Road with West 52nd Avenue. This was done because .there currently is no traffic signal, nor is a signal possible at West 50th Place, whereas there is a signal at West 52nd Avenue. Please refer to Exhibit 'B' which is a portion of the Major Streets Plan. Additionally, staff concludes that this is not the proper location for a collector street as West 50th Place functions more as a private street for the plant. Allowing general through-traffic would. create severe traffic conflicts between plant employees, semi-tractor trailers and local traffic in the area. Staff has requested a traffic impact report from the applicant, however such has not been submitted at this time. Staff concludes that an additional access is necessary based on the amount and types of vehicular traffic for the current and expanded use. • Planning Commission Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-92-8/JOLLY RANCHER West 50th Place as it intersects Ward Road is an unsignalized intersection and will remain unsignalized. Staff feels it is imperative that secondary access be shifted to a signalized intersection, therefore, we recommend that an additional access point be provided to the north at West 52nd Avenue. As to how this connection is accomplished is the responsibility of the developer, however, it should be a feature of this plan. See Exhibit 'C' for alternate routes to West 52nd Avenue. Staff feels that the proposed twist wrap packing and warehouse addition could interfere with internal circulation and potential access to-the north. Without more specific information regarding ultimate build-out and the resulting affect oxi the surrounding street system, we cannot comfortably give a positive recommendation regarding that portion of the proposed expansion. Staff has no problem recommending approval of the small additions in the northwest portion of the site. The owner of property at 5040 Ward Road (directly to the south of the plant) has submitted a letter labelled Exhibit 'D' regarding traffic on West 50th Place. IV. CONSOLIDATION PLAT One of the requirements of a final plan approval is a platting document. The applicant has provided a platting document which meets this requirement. Four parcels are being consolidated into one large lot. There are eight easements which currently cross the property. A number of these easements needs to be vacated; however, they have not yet been determined by the applicant. This will need to occur prior to recording. A right-of-way dedication will occur for Ward Road. It appears that a 10 foot dedication will be sufficient for the eastern half of the street.. This figure must be added as being "hereby dedicated". Staff recommends approval of the plat document with the condition that the deficient items be added prior to recording. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding outside agencies can provide service to the property. Colorado Department of Highways will not allow additional direct access to Ward Road. Department of Public Works is requiring a drainage report and a traffic impact analysis. At the time of this writing, no information regarding traffic has been submitted. Planning Commission Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-92-8/JOLLY-RANCHER V. STAFF CONCLUSION In regard to the plat, Staff concludes that all requirements of the. Subdivision Regulations have been met and gives a_recommendation of Approval with the following conditions: 1. A 10-foot right-of-way dedication occur along Ward Road; and 2. Easements that need to be vacated be specifically noted. Regarding the development plan, Staff concludes that the intent of the planned development regulations have been met and that the document presented is adequate for Planning Commission to review., Staff further concludes that West 50th Place is inadequate to handle the increased capacity of the proposed additions. Staff recommends that the plan as presented be approved, with the condition that no _ __ building permits can be issued for the packaging and warehouse addition without adequate proof that the secondary access has been secured and will be constructed so as to be functional at the time a Certificate of Occupancy is requested. This allows for some administrative flexibility in the redesign of building and parking layout in order to accomplish this connection. We furthermore recommend that the deficiencies .outlined in Exhibit 'A' be added to the document prior to recording and-that the requested traffic study be submitted and that the drainage report be submitted prior to review by City Council. VI. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: CONSOLIDATION PLAT "I move that the consolidation plat proposed pursuant to Case No. WZ- 92-8 be Approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met;, and 2. Staff recommends Approval. With the following conditions: 1. A 10-foot right-of-way dedication occur along Ward Road; and 2. Easements that need to be vacated be specifically noted." DEVELOPMENT PLAN "I move that the development plan proposed pursuant to Case No. WZ-92-8 be Approved for the following reasons: 1. The intent of the Planned Industrial Development regulations has been met; and 2. Staff recommends Approval. Planning Commission Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-92-8/JOLLY RANCHER With the following conditions: 1. That prior to any building permit being issued for the packaging and warehouse addition, the applicant secure an access route at least 25 feet in width to West 52nd Avenue, and prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued such access route shall be constructed with a paved driving surface. -Staff shall have authority to allow variation to the site plan regarding building and parking locations to accommodate this northerly access route, provided that all general development regulations are met. 2. All deficiencies outlined in Exhibit 'A' be added to the document prior to recording. 3. That a traffic impact report and drainage report be submitted prior to review by City Council." Gpc>srwz928 CASE NO. W7-92-5 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY XX Fire: i No res onse. Schools: XX Water: (Va v) an Serve XX Sewer: rsn rPar~aP XX US West Communications: 1JO YPC~OnCP XX Public Service Co: ran RPY'S1P XX State Land IIse Comm. (over 5 acres): Nn rPCnt~nRP State Geologist: XX State Highway: No access will be allowed to Ward Road. ~ Jefferson County:(HEALTH, COMMISSIONERS, PLANNING) No response. XX Adjacent City: (Arvada) No problem American Cablevison: CITY DEPARTMENTS XX Public Works: Will require draina e lan & traffic impact analysis. Parks & Recreation: XX Police: No response. XX Building Inspection: No problem pc/Agencyrefsum 1 c A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on September 17, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. -Case No. WZ-92-8: An application by Jolly Rancher for Leaf, Inc. for approval of an amendment to a final development plan and consolidation plat for property located at 5060 Ward Road. Said property has Planned Industrial Development zoning and is legally described as follows: THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 13, 14 AND 17, STANDLEY HEIGHTS, A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE N.89°11'27"E., ON AN ASSUMED BEARING ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 29.85 FEET; THENCE S.Oo18'19"E. A DISTANCE OF 429.86 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH 17.00 FEET OF SAID LOT 13, .SAID NORTHWEST CORNER BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.88°56'57"E. PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID-LOT 13, A DISTANCE OF 508.12 FEET; THENCE S.Oo18'19"E. PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 13 A DISTANCE OF 17.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE N.88o56'57"E. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17, A DISTANCE OF .528.19 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE S.O°18'07"E. ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 17 A DISTANCE OF 5.27 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, WHOSE RADIUS IS 270.54 FEET, WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 66°59'55", WHOSE CHORD BEARS S.57o16'58"E. A DISTANCE OF 298.64 FEET, FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 316.35 FEET; THENCE S.88o43'27"W. PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17, A DISTANCE OF 200.44 FEET TO A POINT 50.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE S.Oo17'07"E. PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 17 A DISTANCE OF 215.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST 50TH PLACE AS CONVEYED TO JEFFERSON COUNTY BY THOSE DOCUMENTS RECORDED IN BOOK 987 AT PAGES 407 AND 409; THENCE S.88°43'27"W. ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF WEST 50TH PLACE A DISTANCE OF 1086.35 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE N.O°18'19"W. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOTS 17 AND 13 A DISTANCE OF 408.93 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT pF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 10.410 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ._ 1 I 2. Case No. MS-92-1: An application by Roger Knight for approval of a three-lot minor subdivision for property located at 3370 Simms Street. Said property is legally described as follows: Tracts A and B of Valley Brook Subdivision, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferso , State of Colorado. 2 ~~ Sandra Wiggins, retary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: September 3, 1992 Wheat Ridge Sentinel <pc>pnwz928/ms921 P.O. 60X638 TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE .WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 - heat September 1, 1992 Ridge This is to inform you that Case No. Wz-92-8 which is a request for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan and a consolidation plat for property located at 506D ward Road will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:30 p.m. , on September 17, 1992 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Plannin{~ ('t~mmiaait~n As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnotice£orm x °`T;ae Carnation City" x m N ~ y ~ w ~ ~ T.~ i c ~ > o N N ~ ~ O .~- do-~a o d uyi Tmi E L U ~ i O 3 ~ a m ° `m o y ¢ ¢ ~ E N ~ ~_^ ^ O Z p ~ N U N -Q P .E g' d n 8 W L o w a a~~ m $~~ n~~ zm $ a~~ w ~S~? o`~ m 5 ~"~ v ~ ~E~ o ~ E~~ _ _ g' o ~' a - sv~ ..~_°... Kok ~ O ~ M1 , ~ ~ ~ N fU LL. ~~ d a a 0 ~ ~ w N U •101..` V j ~- ~ Q ` ~ 1 ~ ¢o v n o~ ('V ~~ ~~ ~3 ~p'~# Y!F 1^1 M acs a ~ ~s ~~ a ~~ 6 LL ~_ p° E{ ~~ ~ ~ ~_ { ~N W n ~ w ~°~ ~ o a - F O ~ cwi 'K ~ = (3 Z ¢ 6 N ee m~ ~y~M~ W V W ~~ r.~ W~~ 1"'f r! .i G3 r sa W GI fl 11 m~ ~~ w .L. j( N T ~ O N ~ w0 d N Q ~' h d O ~ a m ~ O ~ W a ~ y m E ~ N° w IL - LL w ~ a w . n O p ~ I ~ y O y Q~ ~ ~ ' ~ m Q '' W U T` m < 3 ~~ ^^~ Z ~ r m'- l ^ ~ o' N ~ ' ~( " ' q{~ °~ d. ~ ` u ' ~' ~ a i : z n o a p E~ d .a a r W s g F € ° ~ ~ 8 ~ a c ~ `~` E n ~ S 4~ ~ x„8 {I m `~~~ ~ ~ E g` 3 0 •wSI !~ C,a r ~~~ m 5 ..a ~ Gtt r. m H ~~~ ~ ~ " e ~~~ p f ~ tj ' , . ~ ' o ~ ~o$ C3 _ ~ o spa ~tt3 G °1 ~; ~ o ~ ~ ,-t u Cs I ra 3 ova =p u. ~ ~a ~ d -gLL ~ o ~~ ~ a z ~ ~ ~ m ~i ' '~ ~ ~~~ ~ m ' m ~ • I I vvc E ~ o f ~ 6 ? a ~6QT b~m6L E E U ~ r.'f W ~ ; GpG~~Q3~~ p a i~P'M x - V o•••$...o n'i fC U N W O O W LL. ~ w r /'~ V a r F- a a W U a W w ~ C Z N (p F a ~ W a ~ _ ~ U y F ~~ W ~ g .Q o 0 ro fn I +'~f I ~ `` ~ ~ f a'~ m ~~ m 1 ~ ~ ~ Gf ~ m E a p c@ °' m Z` ~~ r +$ I ~ +~ .}} b c3 E K ~ x s~ " m _ ~° K ~ m a 'n ~ \ ~ a i ~ w 'f ~ wJ a of o ` w ~~ ~o ~ w ri ca LL .. a_ ~ r `` < w <~ ^Cf ~a-f ~ ~e~~ ~ o w w l ~w _ r .~ .~ ~ v =g ¢ o, 1 = a N "' ~ ~LL o w ~! •1 F N Q 2 /y~ ~q ~[ ~a i+[ W y M• I ~ $ b¢ W r u'1e I 0 ~a ~ 0 ~ + o ~° N~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .~ o ~, ~ ms ~ ~, ~ • o ~ {(~ e ' ~ ~ y I > w Yf i"{ kY (n . .W l W W l¢j l C Q N O SL a26 E26 d 45Z X26 E.26 d .. .. . _..,.. ... ,~ r .~._.~ O s~ppi ~ o ids Ali ~ U ~G ~~ ~ ~~ ~ r.f ~ 0 m a z° I ~ ~ ~ ~ M E m id a ,-t ca t a~ .. a w U w 0 0 m a Q. 25L 026 E26 d ~- F _____._ __-i =t.__. _ _. __ ___ ` _ w a ~ t- ~, ~ ~ w ~ n: x a ~. r- m U ~ m a y a_ m~a~ r a W ..n tx~r~ o" U _ ~c'o >3 m p S N mo a S B. 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F m 1 ` c Q Q I I ~i !"~ QQ~ ~ m 5.2 m ~ ~ fw ~. • s Lt Z `~ C1 ~ ggzr M '.' ~ E ~ LLL CV a r} ~_ UG ~ a ~ w ~ v N z 3 °- i N ~ c h, Y 4 a a U a U m ~ ~ Z ~ Z p~ a ~ N ~ W D g W ~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ U > No U H ~~ °~' F- ~ ° N U1 _ "' ~ ~ ~ J ~ Q ~ Q Q r c6 P! M o („? a m ~ ~ Fpa ~ °' s a 'S3 > d $' m m o' ~ i Z _7 Z Q ~ r ~ ~ ~ r m ~ m m ~ M [j S m , ~ c c E ii m of ` iy a ~ m ~ ~ Sri co a LL O F LL a ~-- a ~ U is W ~ W i O U O C d ~ c ~ ~ m ~i L3 .Y °+~ CLS z y{ !rj xy Q &1 €A ~ ~ $a O Q ~7 p j ~ M N ~ 6i O ` ~ (~ lL 7 ~ ~ ~ - I.L a u ~ a ~~ 1 w W> Y C I °_ ~ ~~ LL a 0 t ry w a $p ~ e t ~ 20 ~ C 6 Z 1- 4 U ~~~ `------ 9hL X26 E26 d iL X26 E:2.6 d y1 Y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge City Council on September 28, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: 1. Case No. WZ-92-8: An application by Jolly Rancher for Leaf, Inc. for approval of an amendment to a final development plan and consolidation plat for property located at 5060 Ward Road. Said property has Planned Industrial Development zoning and is legally described as follows: THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 13, 14 AND 17, STANDLEY HEIGHTS, A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE N.89°11'27"E., ON AN ASSUMED BEARING ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 29.85 FEET; THENCE 5.0018'19"E. A DISTANCE OF 429.86 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH 17.00 FEET OF SAID LOT 13, SAID NORTHWEST CORNER BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.88056'57"E. PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 13, A DISTANCE OF 508.12 FEET; THENCE 5.0018'19"E. PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 13 A DISTANCE OF 17.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE N.88056'57"E. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17, A DISTANCE OF 528.19 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE 5.0018'07"E. ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 17 A DISTANCE OF 5.27 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, WHOSE RADIUS IS 270.54 FEET, WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 66059'55", WHOSE CHORD BEARS 5.57°16'58"E. A DISTANCE OF 298.64 FEET, FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 316.35 FEET; THENCE 5.88043'27"W. PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 17, A DISTANCE OF 200.44 FEET TO A POINT 50.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE 5.0017'07"E. PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 17 A DISTANCE OF 215.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST 50TH PLACE AS CONVEYED TO JEFFERSON COUNTY BY THOSE DOCUMENTS RECORDED IN BOOK 987 AT PAGES 407 AND 409; THENCE 5.88043'27"W. ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF WEST 50TH PLACE A DISTANCE OF 1086.35 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 17; THENCE N.O01S'19"W. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOTS 17 AND 13 A DISTANCE OF 408.93 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF $EGINNING, CONTAINING 10.410 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. , Sandra Wiggins, cretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk- To be Published: September 10, 1992 Wheat Ridge Sentinel <pc>pnwz928 P.0.80X 6J8 TELEPHONE: 303/237.69Ed The Cify o1 ]500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WFIEAT fi1DGE. COLOfSADO 8903 c`J~heat Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE N0. ~A ] ~? _ ~ T _ Pj PLANNING COMMISSION - HEARING DATE: ~'f _ %_~ I, residing at COUNCIL BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT name ~ Z~~ t a a a r e s s as the applicant for Case No, W ~ - G(2 - ~ hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of .Public Hearing at o c a t i o n on this ~-` ~ day of J•~`~ ~ , 1~ ? , and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: E,B~f.~/~- ~=-P~c~ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicants case file at the Department of Community Development. (Circle One) P.O. BOX 638 TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The City Of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 _ GWheat Ridge September 11, 1992 This is to inform you that Case No. WZ-92-8 which is a request for approval of a Planned Industrial Development final devel-p-"""'~ ^'' ^d a consolidation plat _ for property located at 5060 Ward Road will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7.30 p.m.. On SPntamhPr ~8~ 1999 - All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this bearing before the ('its C'onnnil •-. ___ __-- _ _, As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform "The Carnation City" F 923 92^ 745 P 92.3 920 746 P 923 92^ 753 Cn ~ cn T, ~ y o iD ~ ~ ~ o fi o ~` ~ D .-i K' h W a ~ ~ ~ a m o ~ a c ~ p 3 z °tr ~ m n o m +~ 1 ~ w \ v „m a .,_ w .: ." ~ ~. i `$ I T 0 a ~ ~ J W 0 o p h a~ 4 s~l~ im m ~ n m i 1 A N 1 N !/ v N~ m O A 2 n i Cn 0 a 0 >~ i ~1 -° ~ m ~ m i i 1 L N 1 N t m N Y 0 ~QG~C • ~ C ~ >;, ~ tr 4.O U W i x :.:. ~; (~ fiJ of nNn a Q ca v: z• p ~: ~ N O zr. o N tG z N N n, N fv ~~ STi W 'pi m e v' m m } < m c (j -Q D m~- .../ O o° c 0 R ° a w w ~dC~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ss 1 -.1 ~ .1 3 - ~., j I I ~Y 1, p~ ~a~ ~y, 1 o a S ~ .:y>. ~o a +.° ,3 iG v ~ - x '.~ `~ t S ~' g~ ~~ ~ , ~. N ~~ Z 3 Y: p, Z 'r~- F ~ _ {~ S`A ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ X39_ ~ t ~ ~'. ~0 iiifff °'A a a ~ ~- ~~+yj ~ A GI v +b QQ~O' pl''' g~ ~ ~ ii m °'S ra ` r - ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ t>A ` ~ ` T ~~ E { $$pp,, ~ r f' 3m t~ Q ~ ~~ s~ , ~:- ~ ~ g~. -~.. a.. A ~.a-. _ Co V .P ~..~ 3, S ~ w Q O _ -, Q -,~ .o ~,,, m ...gym ~o- o µ m ' <~'< o -;. 2~'O" -. 8'- V+>r -.; ~ 'r .;(~ , ~ SCt ~ t~ OE ~~C' 1 , N 3 ~ ~ rb', ro ~. ~ n ~ ~ rn n p w sa o ~ m D ,y; ~ N N m~ 'v~a~ ~': .- 0 ~ ~ w ~,~ m x- w 4m m ... ~- m wm .-. ~' ~ "' ~ ~ „. ,.. sr,..-.mot..=~..,!;~,~_. m ~._,_.. -- --. ~...,,.._~..~.,._..,_.. .~....-y .. _.. _.,...__'~....{ ~ sin m :i N Fh ~~ ~ C ~ e x e~ `a~~ a H r~ 61 [L, O 0 Y p 923 920 754 U N P 923 92~ 748 m ~ <~ ~ w a a m m m o n ~'OW ~' m~ ~ ~ Rr~ '' ~~Z ~ Cirri ~ ~ ~ " NWm ~ ~ W 4~C+ w ~ U~ ' m C W ~" f'r ~' ~" O L F} +~+ n ac+ °o ca r'~ W O °-a ~` ° i ~ ~ W ~ r '~ W H W ~~ ~ - y ~c R ~ CL ° g' E '~ K ct C: ~„ o o Ho m - i !6 ~ C a m I rt rtr Sim o~ m G W a~ ~ o m'= - o ~ F.y,{ z v mg ~ {r ~ n ~~le `~ '3 a a ma ~N ~ m O ri ao i m S7 O H S >`- ca m ~ o n ~ °~ m x C ,< to w T e m o6~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ pit ' ry. gag Y oD w ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ fir. ~~ ~ F ~. .~ ~ a < m N S k~ ~- ~ ~ c~ W ~~ w ~:~ - m ~.. $ .n ~ ~ ^~~ Icy ~ m m ~ a ~,.OO$~. w 3p"~~~, A r~ ~ ~ ~ - m ~ r 1 ~ ~' m ti' P 923 92~ ?49 v w O 0 m f7 1 N 1 CJ r 7 K:~m s ".S am t` • k F+" O ~ w• ~ t'' I~ of m 0 ~. a ~ (A m ~ n N 27 m ~ ~ O O ~ m g N 77 m A m P 922 901 856 (~ r~ C7 ~y w t Gs ^u~ r V we rs• • '~, C ~xm m u' C W• 4~ N 0 ` ~, n Et +a ~+ m n m 0 n '. m ~ , ~. N T m v m D a~A _. r ~ '~ I : IMPORTF' _ ,. ~ + ~_ ~- yI I ~ • -y~ ~ !vim ~ ~ j ~ ~$ ~ ~~ ~~t N ~ ~~ ~M N ~ ~ b~. a ~. a a$s ~ . Q'1 ~ 4~~ 3 _ ~~$ L .. ~ ~ g~ o ~ ~ s , Q._. ym ~~~ ~ ~ .~ ~~oo~~. m m ~ w ~ `m ~ ~~:~.~~ ° ~ ~$~~~ ~ m~ ..~;-• m .JI N i O Li .: .. .. ~ ' ~ s ~ ~ ~ . ~. ~ -'• ~i ' j 2 ~, _ ~ _ , . ~~ R g s t - '.! s s 2E~ . ~as~ s !! P 923 920 747 !i¢ TTT Cn ~ a ~ y ]~iI I ~y m < m c ' II1 ~ O H O b -zl m -~i z ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~~m o ~ m '. ~ 3 a~ ~ ~, ~ ~:~Q+ z~o c HS ~ ~ ~ Q~ O oA n m o~ m ~~ ' z <o 0 ~ q~ D ~~ ~- cn m 2 » om rt a ~o =~ ~ ~ a, m a m ~: ~ 0 E ~ 1 o ~ i ~i m ,-u.~.. _a - _ ,. ~_ ,. ~ y,~...s... y ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~j@3 a . ~ .. ~{~F t 4 E ~ i :_. w.ti; tom. ~ -' ~ 4 3160 i ~,~.. V ! Dy NI at '~ a ~~ , `. ,y~j` : ~ ~ , ,, .s S _ „ Q '~ V A ~ 6 ' ~*--'r ~ '? .. ~ _ ;~ ~ ~ ~ ' o^ a . ~o ~ d _ < .m >~- ~ . s ~ p 0 ~~ N ~ t .,~ , ; , ~"~ ' ~ ~ - ~. ~ C7 ~.m v _° N w .Q N O ,1 a a ~N' ~, y_y ~'. ~ ~ ~ .O S»a~~~ w ~ ~ ~ 3 m ~° o m --. ~'o m N T ~ 3 ~~ ~ ~?~d~ ~~ ~ ~_I P 923 92^ 752 i 'p (/J m m . m i ~' x .e.rfi~ "' <=~ i ~ l6 ~' [~. b -I m y ~ to r~ m ~ ~ rto x ° o rt ~ c° L7 A. M f1' '6 ~ r ~ ~ I i ~ ~ °a m m o0 07 Ui N ai n .o N O~ 6 y ~ l r ~ ~ \ INN m~ . Q H 9 n ~m m P+ .'t', io a ~ xr o n w ~m i~ m m wti K ~ I o m m w w ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ i i T w m 0 P 923 92~ 750 rt ti I N m !r t+ ~ Y r•. Nr Cs 6 Y ~ ~~ w tD ~ {D ~G w~ 0 C2 it F+ Q~~ mYtt~ one w lD w Ar m a ~ m c ~ p 9 9 ~ n -i ~. P 923 920 751 w (n m m m r' r F~ m ~ m c W G 4Y 1 m y z ~ ~ g r g ~ p~ G G W II ~.°'~ C.Yp "oy m ~ "#", gg o • k ~ ~ zN ~ - v ~o ~ f: ti o o~ emK g a= m m f ~ m > oo y •~ m ~ KT a6 < a N g ~ C~ s s9 ~N ma j w o o n m ^ c m ci mg m~ r~ oa ag ~ n m ~ I i 1 v ~ ~ w .. < r m o N \ ~ `~ o m ~ `~{ "U n~ ' <o ~~~ r ~ 3 ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~~ -. ~ ~_ ~~~ ~~ t x~ ~~, ~ ~~ a ~ ~ ..- e ~ s - ~ _2a ~' 7..;D ~ r L N S ~ ~ ~„~~ ~r. n ~` i ~' N m .. f~l'I., ~ a .G 111 W ~ O ~`~ 3 ~ ^ O t~ ~ re m .(% ~ ~ -= ~ s~ ~_ m ~8 m ~~~ ~ E ~ m'. : ru . ~ o ~ w ~ ^' Z .: ~ v a ^ ~ m~~a~ . ~. m m : ~~~ ~' '^ o sz.~= "dm~ m ~ ' ~: m ~ m ~ ~ ~ - z ,,~, ~~. .. ~ x,.,.~ _... . - _, V - ~_: ~ ~, ~ a m .~ :~ -+ LD m , v - ;. : N o tG N .~ t+ ..k.. ~~~~ ~~ %~_ ~ ::: ~~~ s ~_ ~ S~ 4 ,- ~ ~ , ~ ~' Q N ~ ~ _ oo~~ f~~ ~~ l2D N y O ~. ~ o ~ ~. September 15, 1992 T`he Jolly Ranoher Plant aver the years hms had a steady growth that until 1988 was very predictable. 7n 1988 the demand for the product increased beypnd anything we aoul$ have expected. Plant capapity was adequate unfi.l the and pf 1991, The increasing demand has cpntinued to this date. All passible resaurcea have been used to produce enough product to ]reap up with the demand. We are now in need of a larger plant building to accommodate additional machinery as well as needing more building to prpvide far a muoh larger work force. Keith Krickbaum ICI d E' Z Z Z Z 6 ' 9 S °6"O .. • ME1V10RAND~ Approved Date TO: PUBLIC WORKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM:. JOHN OSS, SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER RE: 50TH AVENUE, JOLLY RANCHER DATE: 15 SEPTEMBER 1992 Recently City Council approved Jolly Rancher's request to fast track the review process for major development at their site. In conjunction with their onsite improvements, Jolly Rancher will be required to construct new curb, gutter and sidewalk along the north side of 50th Avenue from Ward Street to their easterly boundary. They are also proposing minor street work to blend the existing pavement to the proposed new gutter line. 50th Avenue is currently exhibiting signs of severe distress. The existing pavement surface is extremely oxidized and is raveling and the pavement structure is showing alligatoring throughout the majority of the surface. We expect truck traf- fic, which is already quite dense to increase as Jolly Rancher expands the facility. The indicated repair to the street is either a reconstruction or a structural overlay with the former option costing about twice the latter option. If Jolly Rancher constructs their new curb and gutter to match the existing pavement surface and place the required skin patch- es, the City will be forced to reconstruct the street in the immediate future. This reconstruction will be necessitated because the depth requirements of a structural overlay are such that we need to place 3 or 4 inches of new pavement material to obtain a satisfactory service life. Placement of this much material will leave a 2 or 3 inch lip at the gutter even if we mill along the gutter prior to placement of the overlay. Several alternatives have been discussed at the staff level to which address the scenarios discussed above. In one alterna- tive, we are proposing that the City accept an escrow from Jolly Rancher for their required street improvements along 50th Avenue and the City construct the curb and gutter and place the struc- tural overlay in the future. This alternative may cause coordi- nation problems between Jolly Rancher's on site improvements and what the City would construct later on. Another alternative that appears to be more acceptable to both Jolly Rancher and the City would be to have Jolly Rancher raise their proposed curb grades 3 to 4 inches and build their on site improvements and curb and gutter to meet those grades. The City would construct curb and gutter on the south side of 50th Avenue and finish the street improvements with a structural overlay as part of the overall street improvement project. Funding for the City~s share of the improvements would be taken from Capital Improvements Fund 30-303-851. This account was established to allow participation in joint projects of this nature. We are asking for a consensus of this group to proceed with negotiations with Jolly Rancher to implement either of the above discussed alternatives. P. 01 ~ 09-1T-1992 17:03 ~ • • ,Attorn~~s' T~tl~ guaranty Fund, Luc. 1800 Glenarm Puce • Suite 800 • Denvez, Colorado 80202 'I'eleplione (303) Z~2-3055 • National WATS 800-525-6558 ~ax(303) 297-0929 E~.~SIM:Z~1E ~C7VER SKEET Date: ~ i - pages ixicluc~izlg cover T~: I~rozz1: Re: :s Fax #: ~..~.~ - ;/o~~~ ;~-~- Please gall, if all 1?ages o.E this facsit~lile axe xlot received. 09-17-1992 17:04 P. 0 2 American Iand Title Association Owrrx's Policy (10-21-87) -Colorado 04E3ER'S PgL2CY NC1: flP-500730 Case No: QN7.064-90C6 . cr~rwtxtt.F A AMOi3r1'r OF II~tSt}RAN."~: $1,fi50,000.00 Date of Policy: January 24, 1992 at 7:45 A. M. 1. Name of T^S+~T"~: Leaf, IflC_, a Delaware Cazporation 2. The estate or interest in the lard which is covered by this policy is: a fee simple 3. Title to tha estate ar interest in the land is vested in: Leaf, 7s:c., a Delaware Corporation 4. The land referred to in this pglicy is situated in the County of Jeffexson and state of Colorado and is described as follows: PARCEL A: A tract of land located in Lots 14 Arid 17, STS I c~iTS, a Subdivision ,rrr,rr1e13 in the official records a£ Jefferson County, described as follows: HL~LNNIIaG at the Southwest corner' of said Iot 17; thence NO -s 04.2'W along the West line of said Lot 17 a distance a£ 25. CA feet to a point on the Noz`!h lisle of west 50th Place as aa'rveyed to Jefferson County by instr~u:~ents ~° in Hoak 967 at rages 407 and 409 of said official reaor.Y)sJ theme NpR Degsaes 59.0'E along the Nortk~ line of West 50th Place as recorded in said Badr 987 at Pages 407 4o09~d distanca o£ 750.12 feet; thence N() Dejreas 03.6 W para11e1 to the East Let 17 a distancz of 215.60 £eet to the 'T'RUE PpLNP OF BEGxNNN7NG; ttletx~ S88 DegYLes 59.0'W parallel to the South lirw of said Ivt 17 a distance of 60.46 feet; thence SD pegrees 03.6'E para11e1 td the East line of said Lot 17 a distance of 21.14 feet; thence S88 De~~'ees 59.0'W parallel to the South line of said Lot 17 a distance of 97.05 feet; thenca N0 s 03.6'W parallel to the East lire of said Lot 17 a distance of 195.06 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 17; thence N89 Degrees 11.9'E along the Noz~th line of said Lot 17 a distance of 443.59 feet to 'the Nox-Yheast porc~r of said Lot 17; thence SO Degrees 03.6' E along the East line of said Lot 1'/ a distance of 5.27 feet to a rrsrtaixtent point on a curve, said point hpir~'t a point of cuxvature; theme Southeasterly along a curve to the right, whose Central angle is 67 D 00.3', whose radius is 270.54 feet, alit whose chord bears 557 Degrees 01.9'S a distacx~e of 298.66 feet to a point 240.60 feet North of the exte;ded South lire of said Lot 17; theslce S88 Degrees 59.0'W parallel to the South lirn of said Lot l7 a distatx~e o~yf-,~.2~00.44 £eet to a point 50.00 feet Sast of 'the East lino of said Lot 17; thesrx 50 '"~:7~~ 03.6'E parallel to the East Sine of said lot 17 a distar~oa of 215.60 feet to a point on tha extended North line of West 50th Place as r~dex3 in said Hods 987 at Pages 907 arr3 409; ther:~ S88 Degrees 59.0'W along the (Continued) CalptteYFFSigaled: W A tharizsd Officer or Agetrt • 09-17-1992 17:05 E7~iBIT Attac3red tt] and fac'misrcJ a jrr~z't of OlY7es' No: [M7.064-9006 Irateci January 24, 1992 Sc}xxlule A P. 0 3 P,~-o~ Nor't-1'r line of (rarest 50th Plaoe as recoxY3ad i.n Book 987 at Pagers 407 acrd 409 a distance of 50.00 £eet to 'the Noxtkraast C17rirE.r of West 50th Plate as i'ooaYded in Hook 9$7 at Pages 407 arrd 409; thence NO 03.6'W al°acJ the East line of said Lot 17 a distance of 215.60 feet; thence 588 Degrees 59.0'W parallel to tha South line of said Lat 17 a distanoe of 232.87 feat; thel7c~: NO 03.6'W parallel to the East line of said Lot 17 a distarrre of 0.80 feet; thence 588 Degn~s 59.0'W parallel to the South lure of said Iot 17 a distanoa of 43.00 feet; thence 50 Degrees 03.6'E parallel to the East line of said Lot 7.7 a aistan~ of 0.80 feet; tt>erroe S88 r ~w4 59.0'W parallel to the Scxsth line, of sa!'d Lot 17 a distarx5e of 1[7.24 feet to the TRUE P07NP OF BFIOINNING. PAF~L $= 'lhe following easgrn.r-Its as created by F°a°R`~*+t Agreesrent between )3eatriCe Foods Co. , a T~-aware tipn, a Coloradp Corporation, recx~zded June 30, 1981, Dffici.al Co>poration arJCt L S I Co ~~~, ~~ ~. 8104682$: An exclusive nerlt for the Reo~xds of Jeffers County, ~ arr3 repiar~nerlt of an existing track scat-e de-gibed as ~qe~ oF)P,T"a'ti~, Iilail]teTlarlDe, re follows: EASII~Nt' ~ttJ~'>BIIi ONE: A tract of land located in Lpt 17, STANDLESt ~'follows:vBEGIT`IIa ~ at the Southwest oorrPx re~riis of Jeffes~son County, Colorado, des' of said lot 1'7; thence NO Dew-'mss 04.2'W alccx7 the West lizle of said Lclt 17 a distarx~e pf 25.00 feet to a L~~t a+'~ ISoith line of West 50th Plane as oanveyed to Jeffers County bI' instxwnents-reor~rded in )3ook 987 at Pages 407 and 409 of said pffici~ wire i% 98 ~~ D2gr~5 59.0' l: alcx~g the TQOr th line pf West 50th Places ~ ~ el to the East litre of 407 arxi 409 a distarx:e of 667.12 feet; the t+~ Degz'eeS 03.6'W parall 59.0'W A9ct-arY'p of 114.47 feet to 'the `~ FOINT OF )BEGINNING; tYreu'rce S88 Degrees said Lot 17 a ..-__ of 15.00 feet; the rx? NO s 03.6'W parallel to floe 5cuth line of said Lot 17 a distance ~t on the South line parallel to the east litre of said Lot 17 a distacneSo~fOBE.a~lorfig~tYre~~ 19rr? of said Paxr~- A of Parcel A as desez'ib~ a)x~ve; therx;L 1`788 OE parallel to the East line of said L7t 17 a a distar~ of 15.00 fast; thence SO Degs:ees ciistarne of 80.00 feet tp the-TRUE POINT of BEGINNING. A non-exclusive ~.~-~'nt for ingress acr3 egress desC~'~ed as follows: ~,c~p NUNIDER ZWO: A tract of land located in Lot 17, 5TANDLEY HEIG'H'TS, a subdivision x~eobrded i' records of Jefferson County, Colorado, described as fallaas: ~~~ at the of said Lot 17; thence Tao 17egr'ees 04.2'W along the West line of said Lot 17 a (Continued) Countersigned by: ,~~~~- L~rizea O fioe7" err Agent ~ the official Southwest aorr>ex' distalrae of 25.00 ~ ~ ~ ~ 09-17-1992 17:05 E}giLBST P. 0 4 Attacf~ed to aixi faxmisr3 a part of Orc7es No: Qvi1064-9006 Dated January 24, 1992 ~-~~+~e A feet to s point on the North line of West 50th Place as nanveyecl to Jefferson County by inatSL~ntS recorded in Boo}i 987 at Page-s 407 a~ 409 of said official records; firierne N 88 59.0'E al the North line of Wsst 50th Place as xrooo~led in said Bank 987 at Pages 407 ~ 409 a distance o£ 652.12 feet to tYve TRUE POINT OF' BEGiMJ1NG; thence NO De~ree9 03.6'W parallel to the East Line of said Lat 17 a distsix~a of 194.47 feet to a point on the South line of Parcel A as described above; t N88 Degrees 59.0'E a1o~ the South line of said ParcQ1 A a distanC~ of 37.55 feet; therx3e 50 Degrees 03.6'E parallel to the East line of said Lot 17 a distance of 194,47 feet to a point on the North line of West 50th Place as rea~rded in said Book 987 ~t Pages 407 a:rl 409; thex~oe 588 Degr~r-.s 59.0'W along tha North line of West 50th Plane as rea7rdQ,d in said Act>lc 987 at Pages 4O7 and 409 a distance of 37.55 feet to the 'TRUE FOINP OF HEGINNINC'. The Fast 22.5 feet of the above described easement shall 21so be used for utility purposes. An aacar~+nt for the maintenance. repair, rn~">ewal, xepla°emant, use and operation of any existing telephone, gas, seta-r, electrical powPx, and water facilities described as follca.:s: EASII~:TTP NUhffiER T!-Il2EE: A tract of land located in Lot 17, STANDLESC HEIG21'i'S, a subdivision reoor~ied in tl~e official records of Jeffersari County'. Colorado, deSCriY~ed as follaas: BE~i1NNING at the Southu>est corner of said Lot 17; therm NO Degrees 04.2'W along the West i;,,a of to Jeff lersan Countance of 25.00 feet ~ a point ~ 'dam ~~ Lifer of West 50th Place as conveyed R~tru~ts recnrded in Book 987 at Pale 407 and 409 of said Official Fie~xr3s; tt~etx;e N88 Degrees 59.0'E along the North line o£ West 50th Place as recorded in said Book 987 at Pages W 407 and 409 a distance of 689.67 feet to the TFIJE FOINF OF BkG1NNU~: th~~ ~ Des parallel, to the East line of said Lot 17 a distanr~ of 215.6D feet to a point on the South line of Parcel A as described ahwo; there N88 Degrees 59.0'E along the South line of said Parcel A a distarx.e of 70.70 feet; the SO Degrees 03.6'E parallel to-the East line of said Iot 17 a distance of 215.60 feet to a paint on the North lime o£ West 50th Place as recorded ~ said Book 987 at Pages 407 and 409; thesrca 588 D~.'ees 59.0'W slang the North its of West 50th Place as recorded in said Hook 987 at Pages 407 and 409 a distance of 70.70 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C: Acon-exclusive ~°°^°nt for Utilities. i acs and egr'esS as created bS' ~`~T~t ~1t executed by William D. Hazmsczt a/kla William Dorrington Narmsen and Dorothy C. Haxmsen a/k/a Dorothy Cet+elia Haxrnspxi to Beatrice Foods Co. , a Delaware Corporation and LSl Corporation, a Colorado Corporation, z~rded June 30, 1981, Official Rer.~rds of Jefferson County, Colorado, option No. 81046829, over PrtS'. ~-~ ~ folla.vs: (Continued) Countersigned bye `^ .~~~s~,tiU L IA~,~. Au prized Officer or Pgent • • • • 09-57-1992 17;06 • • • EX[iL82T Attadied to and forniizg a paste of prier No: X11064-90C6 Dated January 24, 1992 Sd~edule A EASED7EN!' NUN>BEFt SIX: P. 0 5 A tract of land located in Iot 14, STANDLfiY HEIC~IS, a subdivision x~ecprd~xl ~'tr>e Official Rxnrds of.Jeffex~soa Camty, Colorado. t~ribed as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeast coxriex' of Lot 17, said STPSIDLEY HEIGFITS: 'thox'ca NO Degra2s D3.6'W alarig the West line 8f said LOt 14 a distance of 25.00 Peet to the Northeast aor'nex' of West 50th Plane as conveyed to ,7efferscn ~~.~, ~, iii~s recorded i.ri Book 987 at Pages 407 aryl 409 of said Official Records; thence N88 Aeyreas 59.0'E along the escbended North line of West 50th Place as resx~xried isi said Beck 987 at Pages 407 and 409 a distarica of 50.00 feet; theme SD DegL~es D3.6'E parallel to the East line of said lot l4 a .~t~*,~ of 5D.00 feet; thc~xr~e 588 De97-'ees 59.D'W parallel to the extended North line of West 50t'h Place as recorded in said Hook 987 at Pages 407 ~ 649 a a~~~ oldest 13s~e of Lotal4oa distance a 25.00 feet todthe PDIbiP O~~BEGIt~IIVIs PARCEL b: A nCri-p~iClu3iVe easaiient for ~ the rePai-x. Snain'~"""`p, u`~ a~ °1~'atian and replaariwnt of an ~cisting railroad spur tract as created by Eas~rnnt Gx'ant execute3 by William D. Hannsex> a/k/a William A~rrirrjtm'i Hannsen and Dorothy C. Haz'si>~n a/k/a Dorothy Cecelia tH ~s?nx~~ trice Foods Co., a Delaware Corporation and ISI Corporation, a Colorado Corpora 30, 1981, Official ReW>'ds of Jefferson County, Colorado, RecePt'-°r' No. 81046829, Over prpppz-1.y, described as follows: EASENENP NUb9BER NINE: A 17.00 foot wide tract of land located in Lot 14, STADIl7LEY HEIC~`F5, a subdivision z~oxded in the Official R~rdS of Jefferson Ccxtnty, Colorado, ~'~ 8.50 feet ~'i eacYi side of the followi rx,7 d~'-sa'j1~3 cen'~'li~: ~~~ at ~ "mot "T of IAt 17, said ST71I~IDLEY IiEIC4iTS: their SO Degrees 03.6'E along the Y7est line of said IAt 14 a distance of 13.77 feet to a non-tarige~nt point mi a curr+e, said point ha; m a point of curvature; theme Southerly aiorig a curvvL to the right whose central angle is 65 Degrees 14.9', whose radi-us is 2b2.04 feet, and whose chord bears 857 Degrees 25.6'E a distance of 286.39 feet to a point on the south line of Parcie]. E as desrxibecl above, sa3.d point being 888 Degz~s 59.0'W a distance of 9.23 feet fran the most Easterly corner of said Fasr~-1 E, grid said Lx'int b~'g the TRUE P07~1'i' OF' BF~INNING: thence along a curve to the right whose central arr3le is 15 Decji-'ees 50.0', whose radius is 262.04 feet, and whose r1'»xd bears 516 Degrees 23.1'E a distance of 72.18 feet to a point of tar~gericy; '~~ s8 ~''~ 28.1'E a distance. of 114.63 feet to a point of curvature; 1.Yie~ along a ~~ to the left whose central angle is 6b Degrees 27.8', whose radius is 2b2.04, and whn<ae chard bears Sol D~gxnes 42.0'E a distano2 of 287.21 feet to a Point art the Swtl~rly line of said Lot 14, said point being an the Nortt».xly right-of-way line of the (Continued} Countersigned by: Au rued Offices or Ag~it P. 06 89-17-1992 17:07 • • • • ~..~:iiE}y-~i Attadred to and farming a part of Qrder No: Q~II064-9006 Fated January 24, 1992 Sd~edule A Colorado Saithern Railway as sho4m on tha Plat of said STAtaJLEY HEIGHTS, and said point }lairn u+a kiviiit of uiu iua`i uic c~`x+'. i"y" aiu iue`-a ~Yiy iurS ui uu.8 W-at+~ 3i v+iaiu'1 Chi Cit-emu i;iuli the South l,iuie of said pazoel E to the Scutl~erly line of said Lat 14 ar~3 t~l~e Nartr~esly right-~of-way line of said eolorado Southern Railway. All sitaate in 'the Counts' of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Countersigned bY~ Au rued fficex o~ A~r1t • • P. 07 09-17-1992 17;00• • American Iaix3 Ti'C1e Association owner's Policy (10-21-87) -Colorado OWNF3t'S POLICY N0: OP-500730 Case No: CM1064-9006 SC[~[JLE B ~7.Z0[~S FF~Fi ~M1iF This policy does rnt insure against loss or damage (and the Oar~ailY will rot pay cx~sts, attorneys' fees or p Y°*~~) which arise by roams of: 1. Rights or claims of ~~;es in possession not spawn by the public reaorrls, 2. Easgnents, or claims of easeal~ents, r,ot skx~m by 'the public x,~ords. 3. Di~pan<-3~, ~lict~ in FbtlrldaiY 135. $hOrtagF~ in ax+Es3, ar~rwntmants, a~ any fits ~.rh a oorreot survey and inspection of the pranises would c'lisc7-ose and whicYs are not show by the public rm~rds. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for servioes, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public records. 5. Urlpatented mining claims; rerexvations as exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance th4[eAf: water rights claims or title to water. 6. Any and all ~uxpaid taxes, assessments arx3 unrede~tleci tax sales. !J0'I'fi: ITFM NLR+'IDi~tS 1-4 ARFi I~ DEF,~PID. 7. Taxes for the year 1992 arld subsequent yeaz,°s. Taxes not yet due or payable. , r~i~ve and g_ FacrnrPnt arri right of way to iay, maintain, operate, reP~, ~n arr3 Uarothy replace a sewer line or urns, as gr~~ to William 0arrington r~i;a ~, ~ ,~ instrument ~ queer 18, 1965 in Hook 1828 at Page 678, a££ectixx~ the foil-owl deserihec3 ProP~Y: '~ fly 20 fit of riot 14, Sta~1sY Heights, lyir~ ad~aoent to the North line of the Colorado and South.xn Raylr~wd right of way; also a strip of land 15 aeeta mint an the West !-na of saidfFpt 14~2S1feet d scribed as folltxas: He~3~13 ~ North of the intpT'~t' an of said Lot 14 alit the South l i r,a of Iot 17, Stand].ey H2aght~; 'thence Fast at right angles to the West line of said lot 14, 15 feteot; thence ~~ pa:ca11e1 .rp the West lim of said Lot 14, 316.7 feet, more ar less, line of said Lot 14: thence Westerly 15.7 feet, mare or Less, to the Southwest corner of said Lot 14; theme North 321.3 feet, more or lass, to the point of b~iruting. is as granted by and 9. Terms, ag,^~snants, previsions, cxuxtiticns, restra.ctions arrleasemPn Cbxporation and L ~.~~ ~ F?~rnnt Pgt betweprl F3eatrice Food CA, A Official F~eooxds of S I Coxporation, aCo~.loradao ~pti~ Nd. 810468 8June 30, 1981, Jefferson Catuzty, 10. Tee-zns, agn~nts. Lsrovisions, rnndj.tiar~s, restrictions arxi eas~~ts as granted by F~crxmnt Grant hetw~en L S I Corporation, a Colorado Corporation and William D. IFazmsen arrt Dorothy C. FFarn~gen, recorded June 30, 1981, Official Rec~'dS of Jefferson County, Colnrada, Rec~Ption No. 81046830. (Continued) Countersigned: +/ ~',~n ~4tn y~ ~ I )~~ F~'a t uthorized Officer or Agent P. 0 B 09-17-1992 17:08 • • • • ~7' Attached to and facmixrg a part of Caunitult~nt ar Policq Case No: ~Li064-9006 Dated Jan„arv 24, 1992 Sc3~erJule 8 FS~oeptions. Il. Terms, agrestpnts, provisions, oa•1ditiCi]s, restrictions 2nd aaa~>pnto 2s granted by Ea~xmnt Grant between William D. Haimisen a/k/a William Dorringt~cn Har~nsesl ansl Dorothy C• Harmsen a/k/a Dorothy Cecelia risen and Beatrice Foods Co., a Delawaze Coxporaticm and L S I Corporation, a Colorado C,orporatian, recz~rded June 3D, 19$1, Official Recnnds of Je££ersGn CA[mty, Colorado, fteoeption No. 81046829. 12. Terms, agreements, prWisions, ccxxiitions, and obligations as contained in Jolly i~cher Caddies/a^weetxsers Inc. Planner Irr3ustrial pgVglo~t Plan recorded ber~nber 15, 1983 as 1~eption No. 83119172. Note: The follewlrr,~ ~soepticns will appear on the Owner's Policy to bz issued 13. !Cernis, C~-'tuns and [~rovisicvLS of Option Agree~~nt between Opti~er arrJ OPti~~ee dated hfiy 16, 1991, and recoxr}ed play 3D, 1991 at Repeption No. 91045389. This policy does not ins~u: a or 9uax~an't~ perFo~~ b1' ~ ~~~, his heirs, ~+,~'Gsors and assigns, of the terms a1x1 ~i.siotas of said Option Ag~ient. 14. Terms, agr~nta. PYO~'i~-~, corlciit~ions arm obligations of iuireoorded 7sx7w^ttt'ia1 Trac•.k Pt~t between Burlingtcm Northern Rai7snad CompanX, Sweetners InC., W.D. Hannsd'1 and Jolly Rairl~es' Candies dated February 14, 1985. Co~sltersigned by: A rued OtfiCEr Or Agent __ • Planning Commission Minutes September 17, 1992 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Page 2 Mr. Gidley asked that an item be added under NEW BUSINESS regarding Chapter 2,_Code of Laws, regarding Boards and Commissions. With that change, Commissioner ECKHARDT moved to approve the agenda for the meeting of September 17, 1992 as amended. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner ECKHARDT moved to approve the minutes for the meeting of September 3, 1992 as printed. Commissioner QUALTERI seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7, of the Public Hearing section of the agenda.) No one was present nor signed the roster to speak. 7. PUBLIC HEARING. A. Case No. WZ-92-8: An application by Jolly Rancher for Leaf, Inc. for approval of a Planned Industrial Development final development plan and consolidation plat for property located at 5060 Ward Road. Mr. Gidley presented the case, which included slides. Entered and accepted into the record was the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, -case file, packet materials, slides and exhibits. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if there currently is sidewalk along Ward Road. Mr. Gidley answered no, there is not. Commissioner QUALTERI stated he had noticed a traffic signal being installed at. West 48th Avenue. He thought the traffic signals at West 52nd and West 48th Avenues could be, synchronized. He added this could make West 50th Avenue a viable alternative. Mr. Gidley stated this is why a traffic study is being done. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if possible a right-turn-lane-only onto West 50th and adding a lane on Ward Road might alleviate the problem. ':~4` ~, 'R Mr. Gidley stated the additional 10-foot requested would allow for an accel lane, according to the City traffic engineer. - • Planning Commission Minutes September 17, 1992 ` ~ f . ~ ,.w, .q ~,, . - ~ L? .~ ~ {r .m d u: v"A :t " i ssi Page 3 Further discussion regarding possible alternatives to alleviate traffic congestion and other difficulties. Keith Krickbaum, Plant Manager, Jolly Rancher Candies, 5060.-Ward Road was sworn in. Mr. Krickbaum stated he was hopeful the traffic impact study would be available by next week. Guv Paradiso, Project Manager, 1430 Branding Avenue, Downers Grove, Illinois was sworn in. Mr. Paradiso .stated he was concerned about the requirement that Jolly Rancher acquire access to West 52nd Avenue prior to issuance of a building permit and that this access would have to be pave prior to issuance of a. Certificate of Occupancy. He added that Jolly Rancher was attempting to get the project completed and the building occupied as soon as possible. He was hopeful that additional time could be allowed to accommodate this requirement. He explained further. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if Jolly Rancher owned or had an option to purchase land to the north of the candy plant. Mr. Paradiso answered they_did not. He further explained the importance of proper placement of the access. Mr. Krickbaum stated that Jolly Rancher was ultimately planning some further expansion and that time was necessary to explore options with landowners. Commissioner JOHNSON asked if Jolly Rancher owned the railroad spur into their property. Mr. Krickbaum answered it was. Commissioner JOHNSON asked what was the width of the right-of- way. Mr. Krickbaum stated he did not have that information. Commissioner JOHNSON asked if the railroad spur would be left. Mr. Krickbaum stated yes, it would be left. Commissioner QUALTERI asked for further explanation regarding Exhibit 'B'. Mr. Gidley answered Exhibit 'B' was a revision of the Comprehensive Plan, major streets plan. Commissioner QUALTERI had questions about the portion going south on Tabor St. He asked if Tabor Street would be opened from.Ridge Road south. Mr. Gidley stated it is now open. _ ~:, ;~ . ~, ~v,. . ~~ ~ .~: Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 September 17, 1992 Discussion followed regarding access problems in the area.' Mr. Gidley pointed out on the overhead indicated "City streets" versus "interim access" points on Jolly Rancher property, which could be terminated once long-term permanent access is achieved. Mr. Paradiso noted the 4 1/2 to 5-foot grade difference at the railroad track. He added that further study of the situation will be required once the drainage report is complete.. Commissioner CERVENY had questions regarding the building schedule. Mr. Paradiso explained the hope was that the buildings could be complete in February, 1993. Commissioner CERVENY asked Mr. Paradiso how much time would be needed to complete the necessary tasks prior to acquiring the required access. Mr. Paradiso answered he did not know how much time would be needed. He explained the multitude of unknown factors preventing a decision in this matter. Commissioner CERVENY stated it would be difficult for Planning Commission to allow the applicant addition time to acquire access, when the applicant had no idea how much time might be necessary. Mr. Gidley stated he understood the applicant's preference was that no requirement be imposed for secondary access at the time of this development phase. Following this phase and prior to any subsequent phases, the access issue would be resolved by applicant. Commissioner CERVENY was concerned that the access issue could be postponed indefinitely. He asked what businesses use West 50th Place currently. Mr. Gidley stated a steel business, environmental trucking firm, electrical company, plumbing company, landscape company, a laboratory currently use West 50th Place, generating approximately 200 trips daily. Mr. Gidley explained the accellerated schedule Jolly Rancher requested and received from City Council and the problems it creates for Planning and Development, Planning Commission and City Council. Normally, the missing information - traffic impact study and drainage study - would be in hand. Mr. Gidley stated Planning Commission-could continue the case until the missing information is available. This would pose a substantial problem to the applicant. ~:, ,, ;~ -:r _ ... _. s~~ kas~ Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 September 17, 1992 He added that Jolly Rancher has said that the traffic impact study should be available mid-week. City Council will be hearing this case September 28. Chairperson DiCROCE stated her frustration making a decision to either continue the case or make a decision on the case tonight, without having any answers. Commissioner LANGDON asked if it would be possible to allow the building permit to be issued and prior to Certificate_of Occupancy the access/drainage situation be rectified. Mr. Gidley stated that is possible, however, the applicant would likely have problems with the inability to occupy their new- completed buildings. Commissioner LANGDON asked the applicant if it was necessary to secure property in order to have access. Mr. Paradiso it would be necessary to acquire property for access. That acquisition will be made as soon as possible: Commissioner LANGDON asked if the traffic situation on West 50th Place the main problem. Mr. Gidley stated that it was his belief that it was. He doubted- there would be a drainage problem. The other issues have been resolved. Commissioner LANGDON asked what the. consequences. could be if the Planning Commission would recommend approval without some type of guarantee the problem(s) would be solved. Mr. Gidley stated Council would probably grapple with the case in the same way as Planning Commission has, unless additional answers have been provided by that time. Commissioner LANGDON asked what the consequences might be i£ the case was denied. Mr. Krickbaum stated it would delay the project several months. Commissioner LANGDON explained his reluctance to approve the .case without assurances that the necessary access to West 52nd Avenue would be acquired in a timely fashion. Mr. Krickbaum stated the applicant is making every effort to resolve this problem. Not all land owners have yet been approached. He .added that he understood Commission's reluctance in recommending approval without the necessary information.. Commissioner JOHNSON asked if applicant had met with the water district. ^~ F .'y :.~ .... * ~ ... ..i v:J r1 ~ ~ Planning Commission Minutes. September 17, 1992 Mr. Krickbaum stated they had. Page 6 Commissioner JOHNSON asked if additional water would be necessary. Mr. Krickbaum stated_plenty of water exists on site. Commissioner QUALTERI recommendations could Mr. Gidley offered to Commissioner QUALTERI approach. Chairperson DiCROCE a speak. asked if condition 1, page 5 of staff's be modified. draft a possible alternate condition. stated he felt that would be the best slled Jacqueline Oglevie to the podium to Jaccueline Oglevie, 1395 E. Amhurst Ave., Denver was sworn in. Ms. Oglevie stated she is part-owner of the building directly across the street from Jolly Rancher. She is in favor of the proposed expansion, however was concerned about increased traffic congestion. Guy Paradiso and Keith Krickbaum returned to the microphone.- Mr. Paradiso asked why a ten-foot right-of-way dedication along Ward Road was required, since the building is only 20 feet from the street. Mr. Gidley explained that should the traffic study indicate only an accel lane north onto Ward Road and a right turn lane on West 50th Place is necessary, then an additional five feet may be required on West 50th Place and an additional ten feet on Ward Road. This would be in lieu of an additional access. Mr. Paradiso asked if a proposed storm sewer system existed for that area. Mr. Gidley stated to his knowledge no such plan existed. Discussion Followed. Mr. Gidley stated it is a standard requirement, however, the timing and extent needs to-be negotiated with the Public Works Department. Commissioner QUALTERI asked why the parking lot does not exit directly onto Ward Road. Mr. Krickbaum stated such an exit exists, however is not used for safety reasons.. -~ ,:; : . ;,., ~4;s ~,~~ T , ~~:~ `` Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 September 17, 1992 Chairperson DiCROCE asked for further explanation of the retaining wall between Jolly Rancher and Ward Road. Mr. Krickbaum stated it is about 4 1/2 high concrete wall. that, runs parallel along Ward Road. This wall protects the soil and keeps the water out of the parking lot by deflecting the runoff from Ward Road. Commissioner CERVENY mentioned some alternate routes out of the Jolly Rancher parking lot to alleviate traffic congestion. Commissioner ECRHARDT felt that additional access onto Ward Road could cause other problems. Commissioner QUALTERI felt a right-turn only onto Ward Road would not be detrimental. Commissioner ECKHARDT had some doubts that additional access to Ward Road would improve the situation. Mr. Gidley read for Commission's consideration a suggested' alternate condition to be substituted for number 1 condition on page 5. "Based upon the conclusions and recommendations reached by a traffic impact report, a level of service "B" is the lowest acceptable level. if._the results of the traffic report indicate this addition will cause a level of service "E", then mitigating options must be implemented. Options could include lane widening and re-striping for turn and accel lanes or, alternative access routes to West 52nd Avenue, as discussed within the staff report, whichever is necessary to maintain a level of service "D" or better. Mr. CERVENY stated that because of past problems, he felt some type of guarantee should be required. Discussion followed regarding possible ways to guarantee compliance. Commissioner LANGDON asked the applicant if the"substitute condition on page 5 drafted by Mr. Gidley was acceptable. Guy Paradiso answered he could not make guarantees, but that one the traffic study is complete he was confident that an arrangement could be made to suit both the applicant and the City. Commissioner JOHNSON asked the applicant if Mr. Gidley's statement was satisfactory. Mr. Gidley paraphrased his draft alternate condition. He added that until he .spoke with the traffic engineer, he had no way of knowing what Public Works Department would think of his alternate condition. > ~ , i. t. .; v/ ~% Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 September 17, 1992 Mr. Krickbaum stated he thought the alternate condition was acceptable and he was hopeful-that in the near future more solid _ information would be available. They were eager to alleviate the traffic problem at West 50th Place and Ward Road. Commissioner JOHNSON moved that the Consolidation Plat pursuant to Case No. WZ-92-8 be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met; and 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions: 1. A 10-foot right-of-way dedication occur along Ward Road; and 2. Easements that need to be vacated be specifically noted. Commissioner CERVENY seconded the motion. Commissioner ECKHARDT pointed out that previous discussion had been heard regarding the 10-foot right-of-way along Ward Road may or may not be necessary, depending upon the forthcoming traffic impact report. He suggested a notation to this effect be added to the motion. Mr. Gidley stated Ward Road is a State highway and an arterial street. Therefore, must be improved to comply with Comprehensive Plan as well as State highway standards. He added that the entire 10-foot right-of-way may not be necessary. Motion carried 6-0. Commissioner JOHNSON moved that the Development Plan proposed pursuant to Case No. WZ-92-8 be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of Approval for the following reasons: 1. The intent of the Planned Industrial Development regulations has been met; and 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions: 1. Based upon the conclusions and recommendations reached by a traffic impact report, a level of service 'D' is the lowest acceptable level. If the results of this traffic report indicate that this addition will cause a level of service 'E', then mitigating options must be implemented. These options could include lane widening and restriping for turn and accel lanes, or alternate access routes to West 52nd Avenue as .discussed within the staff report, whichever is_ - necessary to maintain a level of service 'D' or better. ` ' -^s Planning Commission Minutes ~;,, _, .,~ .~ ~~ 0.tPag~' 9 September 17, 1992 2. All deficiencies outline in Exhibit 'A' be added to the document prior to recording. Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded the motion. Commissioner ECKHARDT moved the original motion be amended so that curb, gutter and sidewalk be added to both West. 50th Place and Ward Road. Commissioner CERVENY seconded that amendment to the motion. Motion carried 4-2, with Commissioners JOHNSON and QUALTERI voting no. Commissioner CERVENY moved that if the level of service drops below level 'D' and this drop is to be determined to be the result of the expansion of Jolly Rancher Candies, any economic incentives that are being provided by the City, .will be witheld until the level of service is corrected to a 'D' or better. Commissioner LANGDON seconded the amendment to the motion. Motion carried 5-1, with Commissioner JOHNSON voting no. Pursuant to the original motion as amended made by Commissioner JOHNSON; motion carried 6-0. Chairperson DiCroce called a brief recess at 9:39 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:46 p.m. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Mr. Gidley told Commisison of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 2-53, Qualifications of Members Appointment and Term and Vacancies. He felt that Commision should be aware of this section and promised to provide copies to Planning Commission. 11. DISCUSSION AND DECISION ITEMS 12. COMMITTEE & DEPARTMENT REPORTS 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business Commission JOHNSON moved for adjournment. Commissioner LANGDON seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:04 p.m. Sandra Wiggins, Secretary {„ CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: WZ-92-8 LOCATION: 5060 Ward Road APPLICANT(S) NAME: Jolly Rancher 5060 Ward Road, Wheat Ridge OWNER(S) NAME: Leaf, Inc. 2355 Waukegan Rd., Bannockburn IL 60015 REQUEST• Approval of a Planned Industrial Development • final development plan and consolidation plat APPROXIMATE AREA: 10.3 acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto-and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing heard by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner JOHNSON, seconded by Commissioner CERVENY, that the ['nnsolidation Pla pursuant to Case No. WZ-92-8 be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of Approval for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met; and 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions: 1. A 10-foot right-of-way dedication occur along Ward Road; and 2. Easements that need to be vacated be specifically noted. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Qualteri, Cerveny, Langdon, DiCroce and Johnson NO: None. I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Motion was duly adopted by a 6-0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 17th day of September, 1992. Commissioner JOHNSON moved that the Development Plan proposed pursuant to Case No. WZ-92-8 be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of Approval for the following reasons: 1. The intent of the Planned Industrial Development regulations has been met; and 2. Staff recommends approval. .~ :? Certificate of Resolution Page 2 Case No. WZ-92-8 With the following conditions: 1. Based upon the conclusions and recommendations reached by a traffic impact report, a level of service 'D' is the lowest acceptable level. I£ the results of this traffic report indicate that this addition will cause a level of service 'E', then mitigating options must be implemented. These options could include lane widening and re- striping for turn'and accel lanes, or alternative access routes to West 52nd Avenue as discussed within the staff report, whichever is necessary to maintain a level of service 'D' or better. 2. All deficiencies outline in Exhibit 'A' be added to the document prior to recording. Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded the motion. Commissioner ECKHARDT moved the original motion be amended so that curb, gutter and sidewalk be added to both West 50th Place and Ward Road. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Cerveny, Langdon and DiCroce NO: Johnson and Qualteri I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Motion was duly adopted by a 4-2 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 17th day of September, 1992. Commissioner CERVENY moved that if the level of service drops below level 'D' and this drop is to be determined to be the result of the expansion of Jolly Rancher Candies, any economic incentives that are being provided by the City, will be withheld until the level of service is corrected to a 'D' or better. -- VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Qualteri, Cerveny, Langdon and DiCroce NO: Johnson I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Motion was duly adopted by a 5-1 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 17th day of September, 1992. The vote was then taken on Commissioner JOHNSON'S motion, as amended by Commissioners ECKHARDT and CERVENY. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Qualteri, Cerveny, Langdon, DiCroce and Johnson NO: None LJ Certificate of Resolution Case No. WZ-92-8 ~-~ -~ ~ ,.K , . Page 3 I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission,_do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Motion was duly adopted by a 6-0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat. Ridge, Colorado, on the 17th day of September, 1992. Judith DiCrooe, Chairperson WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Sandra Wiggins, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION <pc>resowz928 ~~ ~• CASE NO. W'-92-8 EXHIBIT fA' I ~ ~ I r- September 10, 1992 The City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division Meredith Reckert Dear Ms. Reckert, CASE NO, WZ-92-8 EXHIBIT 'C' DIN pF WHEAT RIDGE ~ n~n._a.n.. SEi~ 141£92 '. ut~lfiU PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT This is in reference to the notice you sent concerning a request for an amendment to the Planned Industrial Development plan for property located at 5060 Ward Road {Jolly Rancher). Currently the traffic volume exiting from 50th Place to Ward Road is heavy during shift changes at Jolly Rancher. This creates a back up of traffic at the stop sign adjacent to our property at 50th Place. This makes it difficult for our tenant's customers to exit from their business. Our tenant found it necessary to install ballards along the property line and to lock off his own front access from Ward Road in order to keep vehicles from cutting through his car lot as they try to avoid waiting for the 50th Place traffic. It appears the proposed expansion will increase traffic congestion at the 50th Place stop sign. I feel that consideration should be given to minimizing this congestion. Several options exist, one might be a stop light to replace the existing stop sign. I appreciate your consideration of my concern. Sincerely, ~,o.~~ ~~o~s~ ~~~ C~ . ~o z z ~ 9~y-~~30 ~ MEMORANDIJfvt Approved Date TO: BOB MIDDAUGH, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: JOHN OSS, SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER RE: JOLLY RANCHER / 50TH AVENUE DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1992 Recently City Council approved Jolly Rancher's request to fast track the development review process. The Subdivision Regula- tions'require Jolly Rancher construct their side of West 50th Avenue (the north side) to meet current street standards for that street classification. Jolly Rancher has shown these required improvements, which consist primarily of construction of curb and gutter with minor pavement repairs on the preliminary plans we have received from them. The existing street is in serious disrepair.. The surface is raveling, there is substantial alligatoring and areas where the street has settled. The appropriate methods of rehabilitation include reconstruction or a structural overlay. A structural overlay consisting of approximately 3 or 4 inches of new pavement material is about half the cost of a street _reconstruction. If Jolly Rancher is allowed to construct their new curb and gutter to match existing pavement grades, the City will be forced to reconstruct the street in the near future because a structural overlay will be 3 inches higher than the gutter lip. If Jolly Rancher is required to construct the new curb and gutter 3 or 4 inches above the existing street grade, the City can place a leveling course and a structural overlay after placement of the new curb and gutter: We are recommending Council authorize Staff to work with Jolly Rancher during the review process so Jolly Rancher can design and construct the new curb and gutter high enough above the existing pavement to allow a structural overlay to be placed. Upon final- ization of Jolly Rancher's construction schedule, the City would either include the structural overlay work in a City project or work with Jolly Rancher's contractor to place the material in accordance with the City's Standards and Specifications. The estimated. ost for the structural ov lay is $30,000. Funds for this type of project are typically taken from Capital Improvement Fund Account 30-303-851, Miscellaneous Street Pro- jects. In 1993 funds from this account are earmarked for the Reconstruction of Tabor Street in conjunction with the develop- construction eoftthe curb and guttery along W.s50th eAvenuencfunds would be available in the CIF Unallocated Carryover Account. At this time we are'requasting authorization from Council that will allow us to require Jolly Rancher to place their curb and gutter higher than the existing street payment so we can follow up with a structural overlay on West 50th Avenue. Once we have a firm time frame and dollar amount associated with this work, we will return to Council for authorization of expenditure of funds. Please take this item to the meeting of September 28th for Council discussion and action. I am including the memorandum presented to Public Works Advisory Committee at their meeting of the September 16th as additional information and will prepare other visual aids as requested. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I MOVE THAT PUBLIC WORKS BE AUTHORIZED TO CONTINUE WORKING WITH JOLLY RANCHER SO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THEIR NEW CURB AND GUTTER WILL ACCOMADATE THE PLACEMENT OF A STRUCTURAL OVERLAY ON WEST 50TH AVENUE BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE." X500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOY 638 WHEAT FIDGE. CO 807734-0638 City Atlmin. Fax # 234-5924 September 14, 1992 C1TY OF WHEAT RIDGE >~ n [1i'?-~~~-~~ The City of U ~~F3~~4~~ Wheat r_ 9 Ridge ~~u ~,~ - PLANNING & pEVELQP~E~~ The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for a royal of a consolidation plat as required by a final d v~ eloomen~_ a r at the property described below. Your response to-the following questions-and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by 1ep mher ~a 1092 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher y.: ~_ LOCATION: 5060 Ward Road ~} REQUESTED ACTION: Consolidation plat as required for a final development plan approval PURPOSE: Expansion of Plant ~Xap~~p~~~1~~~,}{~¢j$y, PLEASE NOTE WHETHER THERE ARE EX -__ __~_.r .... .... nwr rnrmon'ra 1. Are public facilities or servicCS r~~~-~~~ --= s--- serve ti's development? YES / NO if "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. ry V agency adequate 3. Do youth e adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject your ru1Q~ and regulations? YES / NO If "NO", please explain below. . ~ VTS~~~ to ~~~ ..~ ~, n~ `~Y' SN to 5. Are-there any co-^-terns ar prob-l ems your agency has identified which would or should affect 'appro-val of this request? j,p ~ Please reply to: ~/(.~~d"""'L' ~C~~ M Reckert epartment of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: Water District (Valley ) XX Sanitation District (Fruitdal~ Fire District (Arvada ) Adjacent City ( ) Public Service Co. US West Communications State Land Use Commission XX State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 <", ~ , . , American Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co: Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept. Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept.' Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreati~ Colorado Div. of Wildlife ; Wheat Ridge Bldg. DivisioT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ \ III.TI/lAlf - - ~ ~~ IIVJI RVVIIVI\J. 6 ~f' T ~~~ qfa `~ [/(diiltGCt ^ PLEASE HANDLE j( ~ ~ O. BOX 9. 12101 W.52ND AVE. P ^ FOR YOUR INFO. . WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 ^ PLEASE RETURN 611 I° TELEPHONE 424-9661 ^ FOR YOUR APPROVAL RETURN ^ REVIEW , DATE: 9-22-92 `KITH COMMENTS • TO: Meredith Reckert ^ PLEASE SEE ME SUSPENSE DATE: ^ MAKE COPIES PROM: Bob Arnold ^ OTHER SUBJECT: Case No: 92-8/Jol I Rancher ^ FILE In reference to your request, I have reviewed the proposed consolidation Plat. I would not see the need for an new easements for Valley Water at the current time. The only ,exception to this would be if the Arvada Fire Protection District were to require additional fire hydrants and new water mainlines to serve the hydrants. ,. ~. ~y~ A It3GE t~~ ~~~~~}~~~~ i~1'I~~~~ ~{ i I ~ ~~' ~ ~ nT~l~ j .. 8~-' - - M E M O R A N D U M TO: ity Council FROM: ~eredith Reckert, Planner RE: WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher DATE: September 23, 1992 Please find attached a copy of the traffic analysis prepared by Transplan Associates, Inc. regarding the Jolly Rancher expansion. Staff did not receive this until after the packet was put together. MR:slw attachment ,4~-''-22-1992 15 ~ So^ ~t7P1 ~RNSPLRN RSSJC I RTES I hJC rRansPC~rn ~7SSC7~7f~Ti=S, Ir~C Consulting Engineers • 2345924 P.02 September 21, 1942 Mr. Guy Yaradiso CNI Consultants 1430 Branding Avenue, Suite 134 I7awncrs Grove, IL 50515 Re: Jolly Rancher Plant Expansion; TP-12112 Dear Mr Paradiso: Per your request, we have prepared a traffic evaluation, incorporating the intersection at Wand Road (CO 72)/W. 50th Place and immediate area, as it relates to the proposed expansion of dze Tally Rancher Plant. The purpose of this evaluation was tv address the traffic congestion concerns associated with W. 50th Place, a non signalized intersection, providing the Plant's only access. In pezfamiing our evaluation we have taken AM and FM traffic counts at the intersection of WatdlW. SOth, measured intersection geometry, and surveyed the suaounding area. Additionally, we have discussed the issues with. Glen Gridley of the City of Wheat Ridge staff and with Hal Ruth of the CDoT staff. Findingss -Based on the above infazmafian, we offer the fallowing summary: A) The location of the site shown on Figure #l is at the intersection of Ward Road (CO 72) and W. 50th Ylace. B) The existing 1~M a++d AM peak traffic counts for the WardlW. 50th intersection are displayed in Figure #2. C) There is cw~rentiy a signal at the Wazzll'S2nd intersection 850 fGCt w the nort}t. 1?) A signal is currently being constructed. at the intersection of Ward/4$th 1700 feet to the south. B) The westbound left #xrrziztg lrafCu: at the 54t1z(WWard intersection currently expcricnxs level of service (L05) F in both the AM and PM peak hours (see Tables #1 Sc #2), with some delays as long as 85 seconds and an average delay of 25 seconds in the PM peak. F) The proposed plant expansion will increase site generated traffic by apgroximately 50e1v during the peak hours. 'Phis growth will result in increased ssfety pt+oblems and longer delays if the existing single access with stop sign conttnl is retained. 7375 Wa1nUt Streef Suite 2T 1 Boulder, Colorado 80342.526,3 (3D31 aa2-3t3t1 FAX (903) 442-37.3s 1 SEP-22-1992 _1558 ~RO~RRNSPLRN RSS(JCIA7E5 INC ~ ~ 2345924 P.03 Mr. tatty Paradiso Saptcntbcr 21, 1492 Page 2 G) The Wheat Ridge long range Master Street Plan includes an extension of Ridge Road wcsecrly w intersect with 52nd Avcnuc (Pigurc k2). The extension of existing St7th to the east to intersect this rosdway has also been sugges#ed. s~ Fl) The Ward Road~50th intersection is under the jurisdiction of CDoT. It is their position F that this is a poor location for a traffic signal, thus signal installation will not be permitted Conclusions -Based on the above-described facts and prvjec6ons, we have identified the following alternative solutions; t) Siunaliratinn - Pmvidc a traffic signal at the Warci/W. 5(lfh intersection, Flased vn cu>Yent peak hour trafftc volumes the intersection meets a signs]. warrant outlined in the Manual On CTnifvrm Traffic Control Devices t1VIU1'CD 1988 edition). Due to the large volumes on Ward Avenue, any traffic volume increase on W, 50th will further satisfy this warrant. Although the location of W. 50th between 48th and 52nd is not ideal for a traffic signal, it would allow for reasonable signal progression between 48th and 52nd. Installation of this signal would require widening of W. 50th to accommodate a right turn lane and should include a northbound acceleration Iane (Figure #3), Ilowever, given the R.O.W. lintitativns north of the Plant site, act a~lcrdtion latte wind only extend about 400 feet and requires the relvcadon of the concrete wall which parallels Ward Avenue. Installation of a signal would result in an intersection LOS of A. Z) Altema~,~ tc Access - I£ signalizatian Danner be approved by C17aT, the alternadve soludan would be to pmvidc another access point that avoids a ran signaliatd intersection at Ward, This solution world require the acquisition of an easement across dte private properties that lie between the north praperiy line of the Plant and 52nd Avenue (sea Figure #2), Such a route would allow the Plant traffic w utilize the existing traffic signal at 52nd Avenue to access Ward Road, thus providutg a safer alternative to the existing left turn out at 50th. Implcmcntation of this torte would require the extension of the easement across the Plant to SOth and installation of a rats crossing for the loading spur. With the connection of 50th to 52nd, it can be anticipated that traffic other than Plant activity generated will also use this route. Other businesses located on SOth may ftsid ik a beneficial alternative in peak periods. Additionally, traffic currently using 52nd and Ward tray use it as a bypass to avoid that signal. Consequently, the Plant opexaaen would have to recognize these potential conflicts. Finally, as shown in the Master Plan, when the extension of Ridge Road is implemented, this easement is unlilrely to be practical to retain and it would probably be abandoned. SEP-22-1992 15:5g ~ OM~RANSPLRN RS50CIRTES INC ~ ~ 2345924 P.~4 Mr. Guy paradiso September 21, 1992 Page 3 Ia summary, it is our opix~ioa that either of the stove solutions will accommodate the existing and future traffic on W. 50th Place. However, CdvT believes that alternate access is more appropziate. We will ~ haPPY ~ discuss our findings and conclusions at your request. Sincerely for kJ" yP,rspn f~j~ Ronald J. Hensen, ., P.E. principal R1H/rng cc: Keith Krieckbaum, ~7olly Ttanchcs Candy Glen G~d1ey, City of Wheat Ridge •SEP-22-1952 16 88 ~RO~RRNSPLRN RSSOCIRTES INC ~ ~ 2345924 P.~S 4 JELLY RANCHER ACCESS STUpY VfciNty Map ~n~: SEP 22-1992 _16:40 F~1 ~N9F'LAN ASSOCIATES INC T~ • 2345924 P.~6 W. 52na Ave, ,~~._ 1 - ~ - R 1 +° . ~ v: ~ A o ~ 4 d h^ ~~~r~at~~Y~ `~~4. ~,a~~ RANCHERS ~~ .~ ////////////t/// ~ i `~-,~ W. 50th P~. t~ ~ ~.,..-~-~y ~~ ~, l m ,~ ~~ a AM/PPoh } ~ \ ag/51 Tra4tic `~. ~57 i 54 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ALTERPfATIVE AGCI=SS Counts ! ~ i ~ i~ i n i r i e n i i i FUTURE ALIGNMENT \ ~ ~ pP,oPOSED HY CITY ~ ~ ~ L \ a ~ 4 d r~ N c R f s i • 'vJ, 44th Ave, ~' -~~...~ ~, J[7LLY RANCHED ACCESS STU1]Y ~nrr~r~nrr Future R~s~.lignrngnt ,95500/P, TES,/r/c. P jJr4wn 6 RAC J©b # TP-9211 FI ure 2 of 3 Cnnsulting Ertginearx Ncyfi ~o Scale I]at. 4/21/92 2345924 P.87 5EP-22-1992 .-15;F'~1 ~RD~PRNSPLRN RSSOCIRTES INC TO • ~ 1~ 1 ' i~ I I I , i ` I I I I I t iI ~I ~ ~ i i VIDflUJ7G FOR !Ei AC~ki. LMT I ~ ~ 1 I I ,!____ PROPERTY ~ I it I I VIOEIdNG FOR RIOR T11ZN LM7C 3 ~ f"" W, 56`.h PL N } i ~ '~ I II JgLLY RANCHER ACCESS STUDY I rr'l7n~rcnr Lane Conf 6guratton ~ql/AYE'S, Inc. NI]T T^ SCALE -ate 9/1/92 Drawn 6 RAC Jab # TP-5211 Fi ure 3 of 3 Caniuning Eng/naer~ ~ ~ ~ • ,~S EP-22-1992 16 01 FR6M RANSPLRN RSSOCIATES INC 2345924 P. 78 LEVEL OF SERVIGE TABLES JOLLY RANCHER TRAFFtG IMPACT STUDY TABLE #1: Existing Volumes LEVELS OF SERVIGE AM PEAK PM PEAK MOVEMENT EXlSTINCw 51GNALIZED EXISTING Slt",NALIZED Left Out P C P G Right Quf A C D C Lett In D A D A South Through NA A NA A North Through NA A NA A Intersection NA A NA A TABLE #2: Projected Volumes LEVELS OF SERVIGE AM PEAK PM PEAK MOVEMENT EXISTING SIGNALIZED EXISTING SIGNALIZCD Left Oui F C F C Right Qut A C D G Left ?n D A D A South Through NA A NA A North Thrrugh NA A NA A Intersection NA A NA A TOTRL P.98 r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: CITY .COUNCIL Date Prepared: Se~p,~t/ember 21, 1992 Date of Meeting: September 28, 1992 Case Manager:~'Meredith Reckert Case No. & Name: WZ-92-8/Jolly Rancher Action Requested: Approval of a final development plan & plat Location of Request: 5060 Ward Road Name & Address'of Applicant(s): Jo11y Rancher 5060 Ward Rd., Wheat Ridge Name & Address of Owner(s): Leaf, enc. 2355 Waukegan Rd., Bannockburn IL 60015 Approximate Area: 10.3 acres Present Zoning: Planned Industrial Development Present Land Use: Manufacturing, marketing and distribution of candy and liquid and granulated sweeteners Surrounding Zoning: N: I, PID; S: I; E: I;, W: Jefferson County Surrounding Land Use: E: vacant; S: vacant, automotive; N: vacant, office/warehouse; W: general office uses in Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan for Area: Industrial -------------------------------------------- Date Published: September 10, 1992 Date to be Posted: September 14, 1992 Date Legal Notices Sent: September 11, 1992 Agency Check List Related Correspondence ENTER INTO RECORD: (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Zoning Ordinance (XX) Slides (XX) Subdivision Regulations (XX)_Exhibits JURISDICTION' The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. (XX) Attached ( ) Not Required (XX) Attached ( ) None ---------------------------------------- (XX) Case File & Packet Materials City Council Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-92-8/JOLLY RANCHER I. REQUEST The applicant requests .approval of a Planned Industrial Development final development plan for the Jolly Rancher plant located at 5060 Ward Road. The plant is currently used for the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of candy and liquid and granulated sweeteners. The property was rezoned in 1983 from C-2 and A-1 to Planned Industrial Development. -The applicant is now proposing expansion of the plant as shown on the attached development plan. II. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN The submitted development plan proposes an additional 19,000 square feet of building area including new employee facilities, wrapping/packaging area and a new warehouse. Included on the development plan is parking for 95 additional cars and additional landscaping. All minimum setbacks have been met by the additions although there are existing nonconforming setbacks on the property. Building height is limited to 50 foot which is consistent with the Industrial zone district regulations. III. CIRCULATION/STREET SYSTEM At the time of rezoning, there was discussion related to the expansion of West 50th Place to a collector .status with alignment to the east to connect with Ridge Road-. Subsequent to that discussion, the Major Streets Plan has been amended to provide for a connection of Ridge Road with West 52nd Avenue. This was done because there currently_is no traffic signal, whereas there is a signal at West 52nd Avenue. Please refer to Exhibit 'A' which is .a portion of the Major Streets Plan. Additionally, staff concludes that this is not the proper location for a collector street as West 50th Place functions more as a private street for the plant. Allowing general through-traffic could create severe traffic conflicts between plant employees, semi-tractor trailers and local traffic in the area. Staff has requested a traffic impact report from-the applicant, however such has not been submitted at this time. -Staff concludes that an additional access may be necessary based on the amount and types of vehicular traffic for the current and expanded use unless other alternatives can be provided by the applicant, such as a signal at West 50th Place. See Exhibit 'B' for alternate routes to West 52nd Avenue. Staff feels that the proposed twist wrap packing and warehouse addition could interfere with internal circulation and potential access to the north. Without more specific information regarding ultimate build-out and the resulting affect on the surrounding street system, we cannot comfortably give a positive recommendation regarding that portion of the proposed expansion. City Council Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-92-8/JOLLY RANCHER Staff has no problem recommending approval of the small additions in the northwest portion of the site. The owner of property at 5040 Ward Road (directly to the south of the plant) has submitted a letter labelled Exhibit 'C' regarding traffic on west 50th Place. IV. CONSOLIDATION PLAT One o£ the requirements of a final plan approval is a platting document. The applicant has provided a platting document which meets this requirement. Four parcels are being consolidated into one large lot. There are eight easements which currently cross the property. A number of these easements needs to be vacated; however, they have not yet been determined by the applicant. This will need to occur prior to recording. A right-of-way dedication is required for Ward Road. It appears that a ten foot dedication will be sufficient for the eastern half of the street... This figure must be added as being "hereby dedicated". Staff recommends approval of the plat document with the condition a ten-foot-wide dedication be shown for Ward Road and appropriate easements to be vacated be identified. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All responding outside agencies can provide service to the property. Colorado Department of Highways will not allow additional direct access to Ward Road.. Department of Public Works is requiring a drainage report and a traffic impact analysis. At the time of this writing, no information regarding traffic has been submitted. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on .September 17, 1992. They recommended approval of both the Consolidation Plat and the Final Development Plan subject to the following conditions:- A. Re: Consolidation Plat 1. Add 10-foot dedication for Ward Road. 2. Add easements to be vacated. 3. Curb, gutter and sidewalk be constructed along Ward Road and West 50th Place City Council Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-92-8/JOLLY RANCHER B. Re: Final Development Plan 1. Add all outstanding items to the Development Plan as set forth by staff's letter dated September 3, 1992 to Keith Krickbaum. (These items have been added to the development plan.) 2. Since a traffic report is not available at this time, the potential traffic impacts are unknown. Staff has suggested alternate access to West 52nd Avenue as a means to mitigate the existing and potential future traffic problems. There may be other alternatives acceptable, such as a traffic signal at West 50th Place, lane widening on West 50th Place and an accel lane on Ward Road, development of the Ridge Road/West 52nd Avenue connector street, etc. that will work equally as well. Therefore, the results of the traffic report must be completed and reviewed before a specific action is required_or accepted. Since this information is not currently available, and since the applicant desires to begin construction as soon as possible, a decision on how to meet this problem will be delayed until after a building permit is issued. Staff needs to work with the applicant to insure that level of service at the West 50th Place and Ward Road is not diminished, and indeed is improved, if possible. The only leverage that the City has to insure that the traffic problem is resolved is future economic development incentives and expansion phase approvals. Hence, Council should use those future approvals to insure compliance and resolution of the traffic problems. VII. STAFF CONCLUSION In regard to the plat, Staff concludes that all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met and gives a recommendation of Approval with the following conditions: 1. A 10-foot right-of-way dedication occur along Ward Road; and 2. Easements that need to be vacated be specifically noted. Regarding the development plan, Staff concludes that West 50th Place, as it exists today, is inadequate to handle the increased capacity of the proposed additions. Staff. recommends that the plan as presented be approved, with the condition that no Certificates of .Occupancy can be issued for the packaging and warehouse addition without adequate proof that the secondary access has been secured and will be constructed. or that other alternatives such as a light at West 50th Place be resolved as confirmed by a traffic impact analysis. This allows for some administrative flexibility in the redesign of building and parking layout in order to accomplish this connection. Staff City Council Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-92-8/JOLLY RANCHER further recommends that no future expansions be approved until resolution of the traffic problem has been completed and implemented. V2I2. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: CONSOLIDATION PLAT "I move that the consolidation plat proposed pursuant to Case No. WZ- 92-8, a request for approval of a final development plan and plat for 5060 Ward Road, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met; and 2. Planning Commission and Staff recommend Approval. With the following conditions: 1. A ten-foot right-of-way dedication occur along Ward Road; and 2. Easements that need to be vacated be specifically noted. 3. Curb, gutter and sidewalk be constructed along both Ward Road and west 50th Place." DEVELOPMENT PLAN "I move that the development plan proposed pursuant to Case No. WZ-92- 8, a request for approval of a final development plan and plat for 5060 Ward Road, be Approved for-.the following reasons: 1. The intent of the Planned Industrial Development regulations has been met; and 2. Planning Commission and Staff recommend Approval. With following conditions: 1. That a secondary access be secured and constructed or that other - alternatives such as a traffic signal at West 50th Place, lane widening on West 50th Place and an accel lane on Ward Road be determined and implemented as confirmed by a traffic impact analysis. Staff shall have the administrative authority to evaluate which alternatives are acceptable and to alter the site plan to help implement the acceptable solution. 2. No additional future expansions shall be approved until resolution of the traffic problem be completed and implemented-: 3. Should an acceptable solution to the stated traffic problems not be resolved and implemented by the time a Certificate of Occupancy is requested, the City may withhold economic development incentives previously agreed to." <pc>srwz928 CASE NO. WZ-92-8 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY XX Fire: (Arvada) Can serve. Schools: XX Water: (Valley) Can serve. XX Sewer: (Fruitdale) No response. XX US West Communications: No response. XX Public Service Co: ..Can serve. XX State Land Use Comm. (over 5 acres): No problems. State Geologist: XX State Highway: No a will be allowed to Ward Road XX Jefferson County:(HEALTH, COMMISSIONERS, PLANNING) nTn raGponGP: XX Adjacent City: (Arvada) No problem. American Cablevison: CITY DEPARTMENTS XX Public Works: Will require draina e plan & tra££ic impact analysis. Parks & Recreation: XX Police: No response. XX Building Inspection: No problem. pc/Agencyrefsum s • CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Robert C. Middaugh, City Administrator $UBJ: JOLLY RANCHER APPROVAL OF A FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PLAT DATE: september 23, 1992 During a meeting of the City Council, members of the Council voted to approve a fast track approval for a project being proposed by the Jolly Rancher Company on Ward Road. Jolly Rancher has proposed an addition to their existing facility to enable additional manufacturing capacity. The Jolly Rancher proposal has been submitted and reviewed both by the staff and the Planning Commission. With certain conditions, the plan as submitted has been recommended for approval by both the staff and the Planning Commission. Planning Commission Minutes are attached for review of the members of the City Council. The attached staff report reviews the history and significant issues associated with the Jolly Rancher proposal. With the exception of a few issues, Jolly Rancher has complied with the City's requirements for the planned expansion. Issues highlighted in the staff report which are addressed as conditions of approval, include the following: 1. A requirement for the construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk along Ward Road and West 50th Place needs to be addressed. 2. That additional access to the planned expansion be secured by Jolly Rancher in the immediate future, and that the resolution of the traffic situation be a condition for the granting of future expansions and also for the provision of economic incentives which have been discussed consistent with the planned expansion. Also attached please find a copy of a memorandum from the Engineering Division regarding improvements required to W. 50th Place. As indicated in the attached memorandum, the Engineering Division is suggesting that a structural overlay be accomplished on W. 50th Place and that the overlay be built in conjunction with the required curb, gutter, and sidewalk improvements to be completed by the Jolly Rancher Company. The estimated cost of the required structural overlay is approximately $30,000 and funds are proposed to be taken from the City's capital improvement account in the miscellaneous street project line item. Three separate motions are recommended for the City Council action on the Jolly Rancher proposal. Two motions are found in the Planning and Zoning staff report on page 5. One motion relates to the consolidation of-the plat and the other motion relates to approval of the development plan. The third motion which is suggested to the members'of the City Council relates to the coordination of the structural overlay on W. 50th Place and is found on page 2 of the attached report from the City's Engineering Division. Respectfully submitted, ~~' Robert C. Middaugh City Administrator RCM:ly Att. 9/23-3 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Robert C. Middaugh, City Administrator SUBJ: JOLLY RANCHER PROJECT APPROVALS DATE: October 7, 1992 Attached please find information originally submitted to the members of the City Council for the August 24 meeting relative to a planned expansion of the Jolly Rancher facility. Also attached please find a memorandum providing updated information from the Director of Planning and Development relative. to a Jolly Rancher facility. Action on August 24 was postponed to allow some additional time for Jolly Rancher to formalize plans with an adjacent property owner for parking to service the expanded facility. Since the August 24 Council meeting, Jolly Rancher has been able to formalize their plans as reflected in the attached memorandum from Mr. Gidley. One of the staff's principal concerns at the time of the August 24 City Council meeting, was that an action relative to parking and traffic control be formalized by Jolly Rancher. The only new information which is offered is that contained in the October 6 memorandum from Mr. Gidley. The Council members will note that as a result of the new information, the suggested staff recommendation has been altered as suggested in Mr. Gidley's October 6 memorandum. Members o£ the Council should disregard the suggested motion found in the original staff report that was prepared for the August 24 City Council meeting. In addition to the suggested motion found in Mr. Gidley's October 6 memorandum, the Council will still need to approve of the road improvement on 50th. Avenue as outlined in my August 24 memorandum to members of the City Council. The suggested motion for the street approval is found in my August 24 memo to the members of the City Council. It is recommended that the members of the City Council approve of the Jolly Rancher project as recommended by the staff-for the planning approvals and by the Engineering Division for the street improvement. Respectfully submitted, Robert C. Middaugh ity Administrator 10/7-4 __ .--=I. ~ 1 "-`~ M E M O R A N D U M TO: ob Middaugh, City Administrator FROM: Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development RE: Jolly Rancher Expansion Plans DATE: October 6, 1992 Jim Grubiak of Leaf, Inc. informed me today that they have signed a letter of agreement with Mr. Harmson, owner of the property north of the Jolly Rancher plant. This agreement provides for a lease/purchase of the Harmson property for the purpose of developing an employee parking lot north of the plant, with direct access to West 52nd Avenue. They intend to build a gravel parking lot and a north entrance to their plant. I believe that this will alleviate the traffic impacts at the Ward Road/West 50th Place intersection by channeling most of the traffic volume to the signalized Ward Road/West 52nd Avenue intersection. Normal development standards would require paving of this new parking lot, and development of public improvements along Ward Road and West 52nd Avenue. I would suggest that these development requirements be deferred until the Ridge Road to West 52nd Avenue connection is developed, or until development of any future additions for Jolly Rancher beyond the current request, whichever occurs first. This deferral option should be approved by City Council, otherwise I will be obligated to follow normal development requirements and require the parking lot paving, street dedications along Ward Road and West 52nd Avenue, and construction of lane widening,-curb, gutter and sidewalk. I would furthermore recommend that the curb, gutter and sidewalk which is required along Ward Road along the existing plant frontage, also be deferred so that improvements to Ward Road occur at the same time. A development agreement can incorporate these stipulations. SUGGESTED MOTIONS• !In lieu of those found in the staff report) CONSOLIDATION PLAT "I move that the consolidation plat proposed pursuant to Case No. WZ-92-8, a request for approval of a final development plan and plat for 5060 Ward Road, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met; and 2. Planning Commission and Staff recommend Approval. Memo to Bob Middaugh Page 2 October 6, 1992 With the following conditions: 1. A ten-foot right-of-way dedication occur along Ward Road; and 2. Easements that need to be vacated be specifically noted." DEVELOPMENT PLAN "i move that the development plan proposed pursuant to Case No. WZ-92-8, a request for approval of a final development plan and plat for 5060 Ward Road, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. The intent of the Planned Industrial Development regulations has been met; and 2. Planning Commission and Staff recommend Approval. With following conditions: That a secondary access be secured and constructed or that other alternatives such as a traffic signal at West 50th Place, or a new parking lot for employees be developed north of the plant with direct access to West 52nd Avenue. Staff shall have the administrative authority to evaluate which alternatives are acceptable and to alter the site plan to help implement the acceptable solution. 2. That such access, signalization, parking lot or other acceptable means of mitigating the traffic impact be developed and operational prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued for this expansion phase. 3. Based upon the urgency and current development and traffic characteristics of this general area, the standard requirements of parking lot paving of the new parking area to the north of the plant (if this option is exercised by Jolly Rancher), and public street improvements including curb, gutter and sidewalk along Ward Road and West 52nd Avenue shall be deferred until either the Ridge Road to West 52nd Avenue connector is completed, or until development of any future addition phases for Jolly Rancher beyond the current request, whichever occurs first. GEG:slw OFFICIAL -~ ~ I I I '8N79 UPDATE ~~ !HEAT RIDGE COLORADO ~'I gar EFFECTIVE•OCT.24~1980 '! OftpINANCE <2Q APPROVED OCT.13.19B0 IF AMENDMENTS APPROVED BY )~ AiPXWN~SiITES BO.LNIE SCOM• WPWN' 0.YNX4 <GM69]M ATTEBT a g I/6. SFIkII> . Q~ r r~ E y WHF'x^' RIDGE L /ypU.QTf, i a CEPN~DER L? W.?-R4 6 I '';J(KLY A'AlIlCHEfi'!N~ ~' ,~. 'i ~- 2.~- ~t:IFI /1 PDw / . L µP\tR~P~ ' l/ ~~[NER" COWRPDat PNO WZ-73-22 I r---_ __~..- i ' X ~ ~.^ POW ER ORN P RK ~. pv ' ~ ,w "0te- ~ PID WZ-83- 6 LAKI ~+ ?' '~ MS -85 .; PB -8 - >~4 /VlC ;HOB %S PCD wz-so-e WYATT BUS PARK ~ ~ ~ c i RESr ~ Pin ~~, N/CHOLAS F ~~~ ' wz-4,30 =' GARDENS PlD wz-9c `~ MS-85-~~ ~ rRACr s _ ~ ~ ~ WZ--75-04 J.~. ~'~ .',I GQ R{;~DE I _!!~1. - ~- N G ° W NOTE 1) GENERALLY BOUNDED BY THE FOLLOWING STflEETS~ W~52n0 AVE W. 48th AVE GIMM3`$T (E%T) W~kT 2) ZONING CASE N0. INDICATES A CONDITION OR GTIPULATION~ PLANNED DEVELOPMENTe OR INOUSTPoAI REZOMING. 3) AlL ZONING DISTRICT BOVNORIEG 60 TO CENTEfl AF STREET zOrgDp~5R7Y' '41 AEABI.NED OMIENBN]NO ON 7NI8 MAA AUY BE MUCCIIRATE FOR AGCUAA74. Q~ ~ AARI ~7d~fli4'N ~ !'~ ' ~"REFER TO'iHE LEfi11L'DBDCIIRTION OF TFIE RE20NW0'ORDINANCE'OR ~ . i MEMORANDUM Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner II FROM: Steve Nguyen, Civil Engineer ~~ DATE: October 26, 1992 SUBJECT: WZ-92-8/ Jolly Rancher, 5060 Ward Road I have reviewed the above plat and have the following comments: 1. We need a quit claim for the Ward Road right-of-way. 2. The bearings on the East and South lines, as indicated on the printout, do not agree with the information provided by Sellards & Grigg, Inc. Please provide us with copies of deeds. 3. Public Works Department does still desire to obtain ten (10) feet of additional right- of-way along Ward Road Frontage as mentioned in the previous memo. 4. I have met with Richard Romberg of Lane Engineering on October 23 to discuss the City's comments of the first drainage plan submission. 5. We will need a site plan which shows the proposed access to W. 52nd Avenue. Please see me if you have any questions regarding this memo. cc:John Oss Karl Buchholz ,, CONSULTING ENGINEERS r•. J~ Mr. Chuck Braden City Surveyor Department of Public Works City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 SELLARDS & GRIGG, INC. One Union Square • 143 Union Boulevard. Suite 280 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 I t ..W ~~ (303( 9861444 November 16, 1992 Re: CONFECTIONERY SUBDMSION CONSOLIDATION PLAT - Interpre- tation of Lots 13, 17, 18 and 14 STANDLEY HEIGHTS S&G No. 91865-28 Dear Mr. Braden: It has come to our attention that during the plat review process by the City of Wheat Ridge for the plat known as CONFECTIONERY SUBDIVISION CONSOLIDATION PLAT, there is a difference between that which was submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge by Mr. Steve Lister of Lane Engineering versus the City's interpretation of the various lot lines for STANDLEY HEIGHTS. It is our understanding that the City of Wheat Ridge is utilizing the lot interpretation as developed by Sellards & Grigg, Inc. which was developed in 1986. During the first week of November, you and I spoke by phone about the various differ- ences between the Sellards & Grigg, Inc. interpretation and that done by Lane Engineer- ing. You subsequently came by the office and left various materials for our review. At approximately the same time, I had received a call from Mr. Lister requesting that he and I meet to resolve the differences between his development and ours. On Friday, November 6, Mr. Lister came to this office for discussion. From the outcome of that meeting and further review of our work performed in 1986, we have the following to disclose. 1. The foIlowirg ite.~.s are in agreement with both Sellards & Grigg, Inc. and Lane Engineering. a. Our controlling section corners for the SE 1/4 of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West are agreed to. b. Our bearings along W. 52nd Avenue and Ward Road have been accepted by Lane Engineering. c. The westerly lot line and lot corners for Lots 13, 17 and 18 fronting Ward Road are in general compliance i.e. plus or minus .1 to .2 of a foot. Page 2 d. The north lot line and lot corners for Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 fronting W. 52nd Ave. are in general compliance, i.e. plus or minus .1 to .2 of a foot. The differences between Sellazds & Grigg, and Lane Engineering for the lots front- ing Ward Road and 52nd Ave. are due to the acceptance of road right-of-way widths for Ward Road and 52nd Ave. versus Lane's method of prorating the public way. 2. The point at which Sellazds & Grigg, Inc. and Lane Engineering differ is at the lot line common to 13, 17, 18 and 14. From review of our notes of 1986, it is apparent that when the lot lines between 13 to 17 and 17 to 18 were developed, these west to east lines were held parallel with the W. 52nd Ave. section line bearing. Lane Engineering developped the common north-south line between lots 13, 17, 18 and 14 based on a supple 1mear proration of the calculated length of that line against the 'Record' three lot segments along that line. Platted length of 1136.4' vs calculated length of 1121.7'. The difference between the two above stated methods creates approximately an 8 foot difference at the southeast comer of Lot 17 and approxi- mately a 5 foot difference at the southeast comer of Lot 13. As further evidence to the method utilized by Lane Engineering, Mr. Lister provid- ed past surveys performed in the general area which showed fencing along the common line between 13 to 17 and 17 to 18 which would demonstrate that the occupational lines, i.e. fences, better accommodate his method of proration versus ours which was done in 1986. For the record, the Lane Engineenng drawings uti- lized as evidence are Drawing No. J39-1-3.1, dated June 2, 1964 and a second drawing, Drawing No. J39-3-7.1, Sheet 1 of 2. Approximate date 1981. Conclusions 3. At this time, we find it incumbent upon Sellards & Grigg, Inc. to embrace the method utilized by Lane Engineering to develop the rear lot corners to Lots 13, 17 and 18 as they are common with the west line of Lot 14. 4. As to the City's concern regarding the potential for additional change to this half section map, we believe that this is an isolated problem along the common Lots 13, 17, 18 and 14 and will not affect the right-of-way as developed for Simms Place, Swadley Street, Tabor Street, and Taft Street as shown north of the Colorado Southern Railroad. However, the ending points for W. 50th Avenue (7015 & 7028) will have to be adjusted. We shall make that correction and forward a revised AutoCAD floppy disk. 5. We would not see it necessary for the City of Wheat Ridge to file a revised ore-half section right-of-way map to the County because of the above stated revisions. We wish to thank the City of Wheat Ridge and Mr. Steve Lister for bringing this matter to our attention. Your concerns, openness and patience were greatly appreciated in resolving a discrepancy in our earlier half section development of STANDLEY HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION. Thanks for allowing us to be part of your solution. Page 3 • ' n If you have any further questions, please give me a call. Very truly yours, SELLARDS & GRIGG, INC. SL.~M~ Joh S. Lambert, PLS Su ey Manager JSL:mc cc: Mr. Steve Lister a:bradenl.jsl