HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-94-4~ ~. • ~ -. ... ..._. . . ~ ` E: , . F~'B.s2 3 1994 1=;` . ~~~ • , ~ ~ ~ Krager and Assodates, Inc. F r ~. February 22, 1994 Mr. Pau1 Crabtree Colorado Land Consultants 8480 East drehard Road, Suite 2000 Englewood, Colorado 80111 re: Wheat Ridge Wal`-Mart ExpanSion file: 2.~4111pc Dear Paul: Per pour request, I have reviewed the Wal-Mart proposal to expand their store in Wheat Ridge, Colorada from 105,000 square feet to 130,000 square feet. Although trip generation rates are traditionally applied to the qross square footage of a building, the assumption that traffic mill inorease in direct proportion to the building size would not be valid in this aase. The expansion of the Wal-Mart Store will accommoclat~ a larger inventory of stock in a more spacious design. This redesign of the sfiore arill provide better retail services to their eaistinz~ cus`tomers and, hopefully, increase the amount o~ merohandise that each customer purchases. The retail market ~or this Wal-Mart has already been well es~ablished. An expansion of the retail area is unlikely to draw new customers to Flal-Mart who are not currently shopping at Wal- Mart. I would expect orrly a smali increase in traffic generaked by this site expansion. The site wil7. continue to have goo$ acaes~ to three arterial str~ets: Wes~ 38th Ave~nue, West 32nd Avenue, and Youngfield Street. This access arrangment allows £or a dispersion of trips throughout the site. It is my opinion that the access points to this site will operate verp similarly ta their current level. If you have any questions regarding this infoYmation, piease feel free to call me. Sinc~rely, / ~h een . Rr er, P.E. 4090 Estes Street Wheat Ridge,'Colorado 80033 (303J 425-0805 FHX ~303~ 467-Z354 8480 E. Orchard Road • Sulte 2000 Englewood, Colorado 60117 (303) 770-5600 FAX (303) 770-2349 Colorado Land Consultants, Inc. March 4, 1994 Mr. Glen Gidley Director of Planning and Development City of Wheat Ridge PO Box 638 7500 West29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 RE: Applewood ~Ilage Wal-Mart Expansion Dear Glen: ~ Planning/Engineering~Land Surveying Landscape Architecture The proposed expansion ofi the Wai-Mart Store at Applewood Vilage Shopping Center wiil have negligible impact on drainage for the site. In fiact, the impervious surface area wili decrease since the building expansion will take place over existing paved surfaces and landscape planters will be added. No change in drainage paths or quarrtities are anticipated. Please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, ` uu DO LAND ~NSULT~TS, INC. ~ ~ Paui Crabtree, EIT Project Manager M affliate of Civil Land Consultanis, Inc. ~ ~ rne c~ry ot ADMINI5TRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION ~Wheat ~Rid e Department of Pianning and Development g 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (3Q3) 237-6944 Applicant General Manaqement Co. }lddress 13900 E. Harvard Ave. phone 671-5220 Aurora, CO tsUU14 Owner General N3anagement Co. Addres's same as above Phone 671-5220 Location of request Applewood Village Shopping Center 38th & Young£ield Type o£ action requested (check one or'more oP the actions 7.isted below which pertain to your request.) ] Change of zone or zone conditions ~ Site development plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit ' Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision a Subdivision Preliminary Final j] ** See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. variance/Waiver Noncon£orming use change ~ Flood plain special exception ~ Interpretation o£ code Zone line modi£ication s Public Improvement Exception Street vacation Miscellaneous plat ~ Solid waste land£ill/ mineral extrac~ion permit ^ Other Detailed Descr3ption of request ~ndment ~#5 (Phase 1) of Planned Commercial Develoz~nent; in order to expand wal-MarL 5rore. _~ __ List all persons and companies who hold an interest in ' " the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE C,~neral Manaaement Canpanv 13900 E. Harvas'd 1~ve. Aurora, CO 80014 671-5220 ,K., ~ ~ I certify ~that the information and_exhibits rewith submitted are he true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorn from the owner which approved o£ this act'o o~n> his b half. ~ Signature of Applican ~L~+%~'l _ ~'~~~• ._ / i ,,~T~ /~ scribed and sworn to p+~his ~~' day of , 19 % ~-~~a~~~~..T....-_-- / , - ! PAM~i.~~ ~~~~. ~;c~; irvso~ r y ~~1 fi ~~~ '~,~ ~ ~ ,7,.r N '"F~RI , L;.~t_I:; ~r ~ -: Notary P~bli~ j:=a ~;:~~~iia~iV~~~~y'ty~y ~~'' SE~+Ti6aTEOr.~-~ni.Uf'~"..i)p l , t~'~C~~f31fv~ ~~-«a- =-~~-~ My commission expires y Date Received ,~-/d-~~/~}" Receipt No. _. ~ll~,~~ _ Case No. , ~ ~ ffiIBIT A PAGE 1 A. SUBORDINATION, ATTORNMENT AND NON DISTURBANCE AGREEMENT E2ECORDED JANUARY 23, 1991 AT RECEPTION NO. 91mm6426. (AFFECTS PARCEL 3} B. AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED_ FEBRUARY 5, 1991 AT RECEPTION NO. 91m10272. (AFFECTS FARCEL 3) C. FINANCING STATEMENT F'ROM FRED SCHMID APPLIANCE AND TV, D[+:BTOR, TO GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORP., RECORDED FEBRUARY 1.9, 1.991 AT RECGPTION NO. 91m13958. (AFFECTS TENANTS LEASEHOLD INTEREST) D. FINANCING STATEMENT FROM GERALD M. BIEHL, DEBTOR, TO METRO NORTH STATE BANK, SECURED PARTY, RECORDED FEBRUARY 10, 1992 AT RECEPTION NO. 92014109. (AFFECTS PARCEL 3) E. F'INANCING STATEMENT FROM GERALD M. HANIC, SECURED PARTY, RECORDED JANUARY ( AF~'ECTS PARCEL 1 AND 2) BIEHL, DEBTOR, TO METRO NORTH STATE 15, 1992 AT RECEPTION NO. 92005130. F. ANY AND ALL LEASES AND TEDIANCZES. NOTE: UPON COMPLETION OF' ITEM 3 OF SCHEDULE B- SECTION l, ITEM NO. F ABOVE WILL BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: RIGHTS OF TENANTS, AS TENANTS ONLY, UNDER THE FOLLOWING UNRECORDED LEASES AFFECTING THE PROPERTY. (TO BE PROVIDED} G. APPLE4JOOD VILLAGE ADDITION OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN RECORDED JUNE 1m, 1992 AT RECEPTION NO. 92069129. . H. FIRE LANE EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, RECORDED SEISTEMBER 18, 1992 AT RECEPTION NO. 92116833. (AFFECTS PARCEL 3) I. Deed of Trust from APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING GENTER, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, to the Public Trustee of JEFF~RBON County, for the benefit of METRO NORTH STATE HANK, securing an original' principal indebtedness of 55,632,451.24, and any other amounts and/or obligations dated OCTOBER 15, 1992, recorded OCTOBER 16, 1992 AT RECEPTION NO. 92132347. Assignment of Rents in connection with the above Deed of Trust recorded OCTOBER 16, 1992 AT RECEPTION NO. 92132348. J. Financfng Statement from APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHIPPING CENTER, Debtor, to METRO NORTH STATE BANK, Secured Party, recorded OCTOBER 16, 1992 AT RECEPTION NO. 92132349. K. TAE EFFECT OF SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 5, 1992 AT RECEPTION NO. '920142828. L. AGREEMENT FOR USE AND POSSESSION OF REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AND THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, RECORDED MARCH 12, 1993 AT RECEPTION NO. 43032730 (AFFECTS PARCELS I AND 2). CONTIN[TES.........:. -. .~ ~ i EXIiiBIT ~., PAGE 2 L. AGREEMENT FOR USE AND POSSESSION VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, A COLORADO COUNTY OF DENVER RECORDED Mr~RCH 12, (AFFECTS PARCELS 1 AND 2) ~ OF REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN APPLEWOOD GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AND THE CITY AND 1993 AT RECEPTION DIO. 93032730. M. EASEMEYST AND RSGHT OF WAY S~TWEEN APPLEWQOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AND TAE CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER RECQRDED NOVuMBER 10, 1993 AT RECEPTTON NO. 93186124. , S~,Ci.JR=TY =TLE GtTAR.ANT COMPANY > 994,5 GREENWOOD PLAZA Bl,~ SUSTE llm GREENWOOD V~GE, CO 80111 (303) -` 22m-9999 4 SCHEDULE A Commitment No: £~H71217-4 1. Commitment Date: JANUARY 4, 1994 at 8:0m A.M. 2. Po11cy or Policies to be issued: Policy Amount {a) Owners Policy - Proposed Insured: 50.00 {b) Loan Policy - Proposed Insured: S16,b50,e00.m0 GW1534002: 107.12 AIATIODiGIIDE LIFE IN5URANCE COhIPANY, AN OHTO CORPORATION (c) Proposed Insured: ` S0.0m 3. Fee simple interest in the land desc~ribed in this Commitment is owned, at the Commitment Date by: APPLEGIOOD VILLAcUE SAOPPING CENTER, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP 4. The land referred tb 1n this Commitment is described as follow5: ~.. y SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTIC~1 ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF ................. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO (for informational purposes 'only} 3240-3300 YOUNGFIELDIIIZ556 W. 38TH AVE. PREMIUM: Owners........... 50.00 Mortgage......... Sm.00 I Mortgage......... 50.00 I: Z'ax Cert......... 5120.00 Form - 107.12..... S2,372.00 Form - 110.1 ..... 50.00 JAN 12, 1994 wkl MB Form No. 1344-8 (1982) ALTA•P2ain Language Com~enC , . • SCHEDULE B - Section S Order No. DH71217-4 Requirements The following requirements must be met: (a) Pay the agreed amounts for the interest in the land and/or for the mortgage to be insured. '(b) Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. (c) Obtain a certificate of taxes due from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorfzed agent. (d) The following documents satisfactory to us must be signed, delivered and recorded: 1. An ALTA/ACSM Lan~ Tit1e Survey in form, content and certification'to SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY COP4PANY and FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY as may form the basis for issuing endorsement FORM 100 in connection with the LOAN policy to be issued hereunder and/or deletion of items 3-4 from Schedule B of the FORM 107.12 EbIDORSEMENT policy ~o be issued. NOTE: Exception may be made to any adverse matters disclosed by the ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey. NOTE: THE ABOVE SURVEY REQUIRES A CURRENT CERTIFICATION DATE. 2. PROVIDE A LETTER IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE COMPANY FROM THE ZONING DEPARTMENT STATTNG.THE FOLLOWING: A) ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF SAID LAND. ~, _ B) DEFINITI~N OE~ USE OR USES iSNDER SAID CLASSIFICATTON, TOGETHER ,.WITH ANY CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS OR REQUIREMENTS THEREOF. C) THERE ARE NO,PRESENT VIOLATIONS OF,TAE APPLICABLE ZONING, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: BUILDING SITE AREA, FLOOR SPACE AREA, BUILDING SETHACKS AD1D STRUCTURE HEIGHT. 3. PROVIDE THE COMPANY AN AFFIDAVIT AND SNDEMNITY AS A NON-RECORD TITLE RIGHTS FOR REVIEW TO DETERMINE THE DELETION OF PREPRINTED EXCEPTIONS NO. 2- OF SCAEDULE B- SECTION 2. 4. The following items, which may not necessarily be recorded, must be furnished to the Company to its satisfaction to-wit: THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIOI~ SHALL BE S[3BMITTED TO THE COMPANY FOR REVIEW TO DETERMINE WHETAER MECHANICS LIEN PROTECTION MAY HE GRANTED ON THE POLICY TO BE ISSUED L3NDER SCHEDULE A, PARAGRAPH 2(B): (A) COhITRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT (SEE CONTINUATION OF SCEIEDULE B- SECTION 1, IF AI3Y, OAI NEXi PAGE) (CONT~TION OF SCHEDULE B- SEC~7 1) ~ • , `~ 5. Th2 "AffldaVit 2rid Indemnity to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY" signed by the parties in Paragrapri 3, 8chedule A of this Commitment and notarized. 6. THIS COMMITMENT IS SUBJECT TQ SUCH REQUIREMENTS AND/OR EXCEPTIONS AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY UPON REVIEW OF CONIMITMENT BY COUDTSEL FOR THE COMPAtdY, ITS AGENTS OR SUSSIDIARIES. ~~~ I:EFAL DESCFSPTIOY - CCfi4i~E37T P?0. . 1TH71217 • ' P,~RCEZ 1: A portion of th~ East ane-half o~ th~ North~rest ont-quarts= o~ 5ection 29. T~wnship 3 So~ath. Range 54 ~Jest o# tha 6th P. ?S.. d~scribed ss t'ollovs: Be~inning at a point 654.32 ~~2t North of t3~t South Iine og r.},~ Northwest one-quarter~of said Seetion 29, and 60.00 feet Ea~t of the West lir.e of i3;~ E~st one-ha~f of thz North~tst one-quartes o~ ~aid 5eciion 29: thence N 0 da~ra~s 51.8' H par~Iltl ta 4h~ ~Tast iin2 af t5e East one-half of the Northwest one-qusr~~r of. said S~ction 29 a dist~nce og 6d7.82 f~et to the 5outh line of the Nnrtheast on~-quarter of the North~aest os~~t-quarter of said S~ctios~ 29: thance N 89 degr~~s 2$.1' £ along the South Iiae of the 3Jorti:-ast onz-e~unrztz oP thP Northwest one-quarttr o~ said Section 29 a diet~ase of 150.00 fe~t: thence N 0 degzees 51.8' 3I p~rallel to thm W€st line ef ~~e East one-half of th~ h'orth~+QSt one-qusster o~' said SPcYion 29 s dist~nce of 30D.90 feet; thence 5 39 degrees 28.1' W yarallel to the Sou~h lin~ of the Nor-~~~ast on~e-quarter of the Northwess one-quast~r of'~said S~c2ion 24 a discance Qf 150.04 €eat; thene,e N ~ deareQs 51.8' it parallel to thv S~~st line of the East ~ne-half of the Nortnveat or.z-quartez of seid Section 29 n distance o~ 135.19 feet to a poiat of curvature: tDence on e curve to the right whos? zadius is 182.00 ~Pet. and whose chord bears N 37 degraes S1.]' E a distanc~ of 227.5fi fset t~ a point o~ t~ngQncy: thenca N ~5 d~grets 34.4' E along the ~~uzherly liae of Nest 33th Avenue s distane• of 7U1.69 fe~t to tht ?~orth~~r~st corner of RIDGEVIEW ACRES TH'r .J FILING. A Platt~d • Subdivision in the o#ficial records o£ 3effezson County. Calor~do: th~nce 5 L' degr~es ':3.5' £ a1on~ the West lina o£ s~id RIDGEVIEk' ACRES THIRD FIZING a distanc~ of 670..1 Pe~t to tae South line of t~e Nu*thea~t one-quart€r of the Northwest one-quart~r of said Se~ti3on 29; th~nce 5 89 d~grees 28.1' H aiong the South line o£ th~ ~lorth~asti orse-quaztar o~ the horth~est on~-qua.rter of said Section 29 a diat~nee of 0.57 ~':st Lo ~ point vhich is•~85 feet East of the West lin~ af th~ East on~-half of th~ I~orthvest on~-qu~rt~er of said Section 29. th~nz~ S 0 degrees 51.8' £ par~llzl t~ the iJest Iine af the Eaat ~~~s~±-hal~ of th~ NorLhwest one-qusrter of ~aid Szction 24 a dis~~a~ct of 1152.99 f~€t to a poini 150.00 f~et North of ~~i~ South line o£ the ~osth~+est one-quartez o~' said S~ctSon 29: ~hence S 89 degrees 31.7' W psrall=2 zo th~ South line of the Northvest one-qu~rtez ef raid •~'Ssction 29 a dist~nce af 192.34 feet: th~nce S 8 d~egrams 51.8' E pasallel La th~ West liae o# the East one-half of the Northwest or.~-~uast~r e~ said Sec°tion 29 a distance o~ I30.OD feet: thenct S 89 ddgsees 31.7' W pera21e1 to the South line of the Nosehvest on~-.~umrter ~f aaid 5ection 24 a~3fstanzt of 342.fi6 feei to a poi~t 350.00 f~at Esst of th~ Hast line of the East one-half o£ thc ~torth•,~est oa~:-qunr2er of aaid Section Z9; thence N 0 degrees 51.8' W psr~lls2 Lo Ehe West liae of thz East one-half of the N9r2hw~est on~-qu~rt~z of said Saction 29 a distance of 600.40 fPet: thense 5 89 s3~greas 31.7' td par~llel to ihs Sou~h 13na of ih~ Northvest ona-qu~rt~r of ~aid Section 24 a d?,s?ance of 150.00 f=zt; th~ncs N 0 degz~~s S1.$' 6~ parall•el to ~he Wzst lin~ of' the B~st one-half of tht North~.~esL an~-quart~r o£ said 5~ct3bn 29 a dis*ance o~ 24.32 fset: th~nc~ S 89 dagzees 31.7' W parallel to th~ Sovth lins of t~e Northw~s~ on2-quAster of Sect3o~ 29 a distancz qf I40.00 f~~t Lo t~e Tru~ Yoint af Beginning. Coun~ty of•J~ffer~on. S"taie of Colorado. ~~GE i OF 2 7,E~C,~I~ DESraIPx7o~d (corrratru~ot~t't~~'r ?a~. DH7i21~ ~A..QGEL 2: LoLa 19 and 20. $lock !, APPLr'~'OOD VSLE.ACE, County of Jeffxrs~a, Siat¢ af Colorsdo. • PA~CEL 3: That part of the 5outheast quarter of the Vorthw~st quarter of Section 29. Tdwnship 3 Soveh, Rang~ 59 ~I~sr of th~ Seh Princ3pal Mazidisn. in the City of Wheat Rid~+e. Gounty of Jeff~s~on. State of Colas~do described as: Co~^encing at th~ ~oint of intersection of th~ East ri~Y~t of w~y line o£ Yaungfield Street and the South li~e of ~he RTerthwest quarter of said Section 2?. wh~nce 3he W~st quart~r es~rntr of a33d Section 29 bears South 89 d~gre~s 32 minutrs 12 sxconds LJest. 13&2.42 fe~t nnd the Southwest corner of the South~ast quarter of said 2~oz~hwest quarter bears 5outh 89 degrees 31 minu2es 12 sec~nds Wsst 64.~0 fe~i: zunning thencQ North OD d~gr~ees 51 minutes 48 seconds Hzst, p~rnli~l with th~ ~iest line o£ said Sovthenst quarter o£ zhc ~'orthwest quartes and along said East rig`t of way Iin+e +~f %ou~~fi~1d Street. 190.00 f~et to the True Point of Beginning: ther.ce coneinuing al~ng said £ast right of way lin2. AForth 00 de~rzes 51 minu~ts~s 48 ~ecands ilest 274.32 feet: thence 1eev3ng said East righ4 0£ way Iin~ Morth ~9 3egrees 31 minutes 12 aeconds East. parall~l wit4 the Sauth lin~ of said Northaes~ quarter. 150,00 feet; 2henc~ Nosth 00 degre~s 51 minutes yB seconds West, parallel with said East sight of way ISne 175.58 ~'~~t: thence North 84 dagrees 31 miaut2s 12 seconds East 150.00 f~et: tnenc~ South DO degrees 51 minut~~ 48 secoads East. par~ll~l u~ith sa3d £ast right of way line. 450.00 feet: thence South S9 degr~~s 32 min+ltes 12 second West parallel wish the South lin~ of sald 37or~hwzst quartPr. 290.00 feet, more or less. 2o th~ Trux Point of Beginning, Coun2y af J~fferson. Szat~ of Colosado. PilGE 2 OF 2 ' , ~ ~ Form No.1344-B2 (CO-88) ALTA Plair. Language Commitment SCHEDULE H - Section 2 Order No. DH71217-3 __ Exceptions Any policy we issue will.have the following exceptions unless they are taken care of to our satisfactiun: 1. Taxes--and Assessments not certified to the Treasurer's Office. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but wtzich could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making,inq~_tiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflirts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroacnments, and any facts which a correc~ survey and inspectzon of the land would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Any li~n, or right to a lier., for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 6. .Any and all unpaid taxes, assessrnents and unredeemed ta:: sales. _ 7. THAT, EXCEPT AS OTHERWiSE EXPRL~'SSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, THERE ARE NO LIENS, ENCUDtBRANCES OR OTHER MAT'TERS SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS, A'r'FECTING SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST, OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN IN SAID POLICY NO. GW1534002, EXCEPT: _ ` • . ~ w-~• ~ NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE OWNERS {A STATENIENT MADE AS REQUIRED BY COLORADO INSURANCE REGULATION 89-2) GAP PROTECTION When this Company conducts the c].osing and is responsible for recording or filing the legal documents resulting from the transaction, the Company shall be responsible for_a11 matters which appear on the recorci prior to such time of recording or filing. MECHANIC'S LIEN PROTECTION If you are a buyer of a single family residence you may request mechanic'.s lien cove~age to be issued on your policy of insurance. If the property being purchased has not been the sub~ect of cori5trc,~ction, improvements or repair in the last six months prior to the date of this commitment the requirements will be payment of the appropriate prernium and__the compietion of an AfEidav+_t And Indemnity by the sel.ler. If the property beinq purchased was constructed, improved or repaired within six months prior to the date of this commit!~ent the requirements may in~olve disclo~ure of certain financial information, payment of premiums, and inctemnity, among others. The general requirements statect above at~e subyect to the revision and approval of the Company. SPECIAL.TAXING DISTRICT NOTICE (A Notice Given In Conformity W~th Section 10-11-122 C.R.S.) The sub7ect land may be located in a special taxing district; a certificate of taxes due listing each taxing ~urisfliction sha11 be obtained from the coianty treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent; and information regarding special districts and the bouttdaries of such d'lstricts may be obtained from the board of county commissioners, the county clerk and recorder, or the county assessor. ~~~ ~ 7500WEST29THAVENUE . P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 March 11, 1994 (3Q3) 234-5900 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 ~ The City of ~Wheat ~Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Community D,evelopment has received a request for _aAbroval of an amendment_ to a Planned Commercial Development ~~n~~ r7ctsalnrlmPn} ~lan ~ ~ " ' .. '_at_the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments,on this proposal would be appreciated by p,qarr:h ~F iaaa . No response from you b this Y date will constitute no ob~ections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-94-4 LOCATION: 3600 Youngfield/General Management Company REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of an amendment to the Applewood Village Shopping Center final development plan PURPOSE: Z5,OOb square foot expansion of existing Wal-Mart Store APPROXIMATE AREA: 11.02 acres 1. Are public £acilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO . If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO I£ "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service -this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO . If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should a£fect approval of this request? Please reply to%~~~Gi+~~v ~~~~ . nrt Rarkar+ Department o£ Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Consolidalted Mutual Je££erson Co. Health Dept. XX Sanitation District (Westridgel Je££erson Co. Schools XX Fire District (Wheat Ri$ge Jefferson Co. Commissioners Adjacent City ( ) Denver Water Board XX Public Service Co. XX W R Post Office XX US West Communications XX W R Police Dept. State Land Use Commission XX W R Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey W R Parks & Recreation Com. Colorado Dept. o£ Transportation W R Forestry Div. Colorado Div. of Wildlife XX W R Building Div. TCI o£ Colorado <pc>referralform ~e ~r„„n,ir„v~~, THE CO~OLIDATED MUTUAL WA~R COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue • P.O. Box 150068 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 Telephone 238-0451 March 22, Ms. Meredith Reckert Department of Planning City of Wheat Ridge P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado and Development 80034-063$ 399~iTY nc V~I'~'' ^T R(I]GE D (~ ~~ r~l ~~ ~ fs"~; R. 2 4 1~~34 ; ~i~~~U IJ '~,-~ _ ~ PIANNlNG & DEVELOE?MEN~_ Re: City of Wheat Ridge Case Number WZ-94-4, proposed approval of an amendment to the Applewood Village Shopping Center Einal develop- ment plan to allow the Z5,000 square foot expansion of the the exist3ng Wal-Mart Store, 3600 Youngfield Street Dear Ms. Reckert: This will acknowledqe receipt of your correspondence dated March 11, 1994 regarding the above referenced,.project: Please be advised that the above referenced property is in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company by virtue of a Distributor's Contract with the Denver Water Board. Our records indicate that the property ac3dressed as 3600 Younqfield Street is currently receiving -domestic water from the Company through a 3-inch -meter (CMWCo Tap -I~Ttimber 13419/Accaunt Number B-5009901). Domestic water_.s_ervice may continue to be provided to this property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service as well as the water tap allocation poZicies as established by the_Denver Water Board. The Company requires that a new application for water service be completed by the owner and returned to the Company at the time there is a change in use. The Company considers a remodel or building addition as a "change of use". The Company's rules, regulations and requirements further require that each separate structure be served by a separate tap and meter, and in order to receive domestic water service, the property must also front a Company main. If the future planne'd use of this property is within any of the above categories, the owner, engineer or architect should contact this office as soon as possible so that we may determine what water system improvements will be needed to serve this property. ~ Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge March 22, 1994 Page 2 ~ Fire protection requirements should be obtained from the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and those requirements forwarded to this office at the earliest possi.ble time. If you have any questions or comments regarding this correspond- ence, please contact this office. Sincerely, ~ ~~~ Michael E. Queer_ Water Distribution Manager MEQ:jl cc: General Management Company, Applicant Dave Roberts, Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District Walter Welton, PLS/PE, CMWCo President John Allen, CMWCo Junior Engineer ~ ~ IU~~RT ~IDG~ ~I~~ ~ROj~C~I~~ ~IS~~IC~ P.O. Box S07 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 (303) 424-7323 March 23, 1994 Meredith Rechert City of Wheat Ridge Department of Planning & Development 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge Co., 80033 RE: Case No. WZ-94-4 3600 Youngfield General Management Company Requested Action: Approval of an amendment to the Applewood Village Shopping Center final development pZan. Purpose: Z5,000 square foot expansion of existing Wal-mart Store. Dear Meredith, After a review of the proposec3 development plan for Wa1-mart, there are no current objections at this ti.me. If the proposal is approved, plans must be submitted for approval prior to construction including the required upgrade of the existing fire safety systems currently in place. There may be unforeseen items and or issues not addressed by this agency at this time. Additional items and or issues will be addressed as the need arises. cc:file R~. espeCtfu~ ~.s G Dave Roberts Fire Marshal Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District oF WHeAT ~ MEMORANDUM i ~'' ~'o ~~ m ~ Approved Date ~ `~LORA~O - - TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer~ ~, DATE: March 28, 1994 SUBJECT: WZ-94-4/3600 Youngfield Street - General Management Co. The Public Works Department has reviewed the site pian for the above referenced project and has the following comments: 1. We will need a revised drainage report which reflects the changes caused by the proposed expansion. The residences to the east of the Walmart store is experiencing a drainage problem. The residences are receiving storm runoff from the Walmart store in a undetained manner. 2. We will need a plan for the proposed West 38th Avenue improvements. Handicap access shall be included for the public street frontages, the proposed driveway on 38th Avenue and the sidewalk connecting 38th Avenue and the building. 3. The Engineering Division strongly suggests the use of a perimeter drive. Carrying primary thru traffic at the store fronts creates conflict because emphasis is place on pedestrians. This creates driver frustration which causes drivers to seek their own way around the conflict (cut thru at their own discretion). 4. The proposed landscape in the pazking curb islands in front of the building might creates sighting problem for pedestrians and the traffic. S. Currently, our right-of-way map indicates the right-of-way on 38th Avenue frontage is questionable ( uncleaz title). We need the developer/property owner to quit claim the 30 feet from the centerline of right-of-way on 38th Avenue to their property. cc: Steve Nguyen, Civil Engineer +~'A; f ~r s',sieRT Rpla~~ ~ ~ . ~~~~~ i~';:~:~ ,, n ~:j~~~ __~ l~J I~ U ll L'_7 ~ P1ANNfNG & DE'dcLiFe:trifT • ~ Public Service° March 23, 1994 The City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue P.O. BoX 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 Gi l ~ ItC i' - ~;nnr p Ui a~tlL~~: e'.~.,. ,. _ .. ~~; t i~~t4~ .ni' `t t`~ril~ LU R ~j . y~ ~ i PublicService Company of Colorado 2701 W.7th Avenue Denver, CO 80204-4774 Public Service Company acknowledges receipt of the preliminary plot plan of 3600 Younafield #WZ-94-4 Project Title We have examined the proposed plot plan of the above-captioned project and suggest that de£ining easements for electric and gas service should be delayed at this time. Easements cannot be adequately delineated at this time due to the uncertainty of the service needs and locations to allow for the most desirable and economic system design. Easements shall be granted to Public Service Company when service locations are made known for the construction, operation, maintenance, and replacements of their facilities as may be necessary to provide service within this subdivision or property contiguous thereto, through, over, across, and under streets, utility easements, and other public places or common areas. Approval of electric and/or gas service to this property is subject to Public Service Company of Colorado rules, regulations and tariffs on file and in effect with the State Public Util.ities Commission, State of Colorado. If you have any questions regarding the above subject matter, please contact Terasa Wilson at 571-3735. '~ ~~ R. J:'Selecky ~ Electric Distribution Engineering Manager RJB/lm 3 ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BQX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 March 11, 1994 (303)234-5900 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 ~ The City of ~Wheat ~Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request £or approval of an amPnc7ment to a Planned Commercial Development fi„al rlo~~a~n~mant nlan ' " - _ ~ ' at the property described below. Your response to the £o].lowing questions and any,comments,on this proposal would be appreciated by nnar,;h ~r,~ 1q94_ NO response from you by this date will constitute no ob~ections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE N0: WZ-94-4 LOCATION: 3600 Youngfield/General Management Company REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of an amendment to the Applewood Village Shopping Center final development plan PURPOSE: 25~000 square foot expansion_o£ existinq Wal-Mart Store APPROXIMATE AREA: 11.02 acres 1. Are pubiic facil3ties or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES~~ NO . If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are servi ce lines available to the development? YES ~ NO , If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YE5 // NO . if "NO", please explain below. ~. Can and will your agency service this proposed development sub~ect to your ru s and regulations? YES NO . I£ "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? ~i/O // Please reply DISTAIBUTSON: ~ Water District (Consolidalted Mutual XX Sanitation District (Westridg~ Xg Fire District (Wheat Riage Ad~acent City ( ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Commun3cations State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div. of Wildlife TCI of Colorado 'tOl~~~~~~~"`" _ ~~;~il"~ , T„T RPrlrPrj- _ Department o£ Planning & Development Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board XX W R Post O£fice XX W R Police Dept. XX W R Public Works Dept. W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. -~X W R Building Div. <pc>referralform r~ ,<,,,,,r~ir,,,,.., ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax # 234~5924 March 11, 1994 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 ~ The City of ~Wheat ~Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a requast £or aooroval of an amendment to a Planned Commercial Develooment finol Ac~IOlrlr+mGnt rll~n . - - at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposai wou].d be appreciated by ~,a,-,.h ~ti _ i aaa . No response from you by this date wi11 constitute no ob~ections or concerns regarding this proposal< CASE NO: WZ-94-4 LOCATION: 3600 Youngfield/General Manaqement Company REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of an amendment to the Applewood Village Shoppinq Center final development plan PURPOSE: 25,000 square foot expansion of existing Wal-Mart Store APPROXIMATE AREA: 11.02 acres • ].. Are pubiic facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES x NO . If "NO", piease explain below, 2. Are service lines available to the development? gi~RVticE 41~VG ~~ n YES NO . if NO , please explain below. R~.+oCATW/.1~CoIJST(Z~GT~ON bwrd~R,. Q~5-~on~S,b«.t'r`( AT Cc~l.1 COST. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES ~( 210 . Yf "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and wiil your agency service this proposed development sub~ect to your zules and regulations? YES ~( NO . If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns oYr problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to~~G~L~ /~~~`-'~ M FA-kP+-t Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Consolidalted Mutual XX Sanitation District (Westridgel XX Fire District (Wheat Ri$ge Adjacent City ( ) XX Pubiic Service Co. XX XX US West Communications XX State Land Use Commission XX State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div. of Wildlife XX TCI of Colorado ~a ,e.~,~.~rr .,:,. Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board W R Post Office W R Police Dept. W R Public Works Dept. W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. W R Suilding D=a. <pc>re£erral€orm ~ ~ . VJ ~ ~" L ~ ~ Q~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 March 11, 1994 (303) 234-5900 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 ~ The City of ~Wheat ~Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for aoproval of an amendment to a Planned Commercial Development ~ final Acvalnnman+ ~1~an ' at the property described below. Your response to the £ollowing questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by _Ma,-,;h ~ti_ iAqa No response from you by this date will constitute no ob~ections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-94-4 LOCATION: 3600 Youngfield/General Management Company REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of an amendment to the Applewood Village Shopping Center tinal development plan PURPOSE: 25,000 square foot expansion of existing Wal-Mart Store APPROXIMATE AREA: 11.02 acres 1. Are public £acilities or seroices provided by your agency adequate to serve is development? YES ~ NO I£ "NO", please explain below. 2. Are serviae lines available to the development? YES NO . I£ "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you }iave adequate capacit3es to service the development? YES / NO . If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development sub~ect to your~r}~~es and regulations? YES v NO . I£ "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? ~p ( Piease reply to• /,q~/ CC~~c,~G'l~ l~~L~-~~ M Rarkarj- ~ Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTIOI3: XX Water District (Consolidalted Mutual XX Sanitation District (Westridg~ XX Fire District (Wneat Ri@ge Adjacent City ( ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land L3se Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div. of Wildlife TCI of Colorado Je£ferson Co. Health Dept. Je£feison Co. Schools Je£ferson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board XX W R Post Office -~ W R Police Dept. X~ W R Public Works Dept. W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. XX W R Building Div. <pc>referralform c, ~~,~.,~~,~.~r~,,,.,, ~ March 29, 1994 Dear Area Resident: ~ An application has been submitted to the City o£ Wheat Ridge for approval of a 25,000 square foot addition to the Wal-Mart Store within the Applewood Village Shopping Center at West 3$th Avenue and Young£ield. To solicit input regarding the proposal from the surrounding neighborhoods, the City has scheduled a neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, April 5, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting wi11 be held at Ridgeview Baptist Church, located at 3810 Youngfield Street. Representatives £rom the Planning and Development Department, the Public Works Department and the City Administrator's office will attend the meeting to e£fectively respond to any questions you might have. Representatives from the Applewood Village Shopping Center will al.so be in attendance. Plans o£ the proposed addition will be available for review at the meeting. The plans are also available for review at the Planning and Development Department on the seoond £loor o£ City Hall, 7500 West 29th Avenue. I£ you have questions about the meeting or the proposed expansion, do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw . ~ ~ _ ! <S~~~n/- t~ ~ _ ~S',~f~- ~ __-_ `~- s - 9 ~ ~ ~ __._:~_ -----_. ._~____.___~___ _.___..____. __w_._.____._ _~_____.__~..__.__~______ ___ `~' __~%~tir~ ~ _ ___~_ _._ ~?~~~ss - -- ~~ ~ , ~ . _ _ _ ._, ~ ~ /I~cl~Il ~z - --- -~~ ~1 _G~d~~~,/~7- <ST - --~~2~~ r~ .7`~ ~"~ ~ 80 ~. ~ /~ ~' , ~ ~, ,~-~~~ ~~ ~!~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~v ~ i ~-;K.~ -_ _.._. _ __..._.., _ - _ __. __... _ . __ _ ~...'~'k~ ~t~ 7!l~fJC~f~~ 3801 ~~ ~~; CZ', ~o ~,~ ~'~ c~ ~ ~a_~a ~ ~ 3 ~ ,9~~ ;,~,~~ [ s ~ u~/J~C-PS - --- ~~Co _ c~v~~`~QJ~P- ~ ~ C_-- ---- ~ ~~ _ ,; - L°'~r _ _ ___ _ 3 ~'Y~ ~' ~~~-~ __ -- ; --_~___~ __ - _____. -._._.._ ____ _ ___ _... _ .._ _. _ . - -- __. __._ _____. _---..,~~._ ~ _ _ . ___._.____..________ _.. _._.__.__._..._.____ _._-- --_ ._ ---__.___.__ -~ ----- _ . _ _. _ _ ___________ _ ___. .._. ._._ _ . ... . _._~.. ___ _ .. ~ _ _ .. _ _... __ .. _..~.~.. ~., ___ _.. -- . . --__ __ __- -_ ._ ___ _. . _ _.__. _., ~~ __~. _. -- -- _ _ _ _ .._ . _ _ __ _ _- __ . _.__.._ _. ~ _. ; ~ r~ ~~ ~~ ~~ l~ ' ~ 2 ,; . - ,~- ~~/ . w~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ,. __ -- ~ . ~ /~,' ~ .~~.u..~ ~~ ~~'~~ - - _- , ~~ ~ °, ~~ ~ --~, ~~~ ----__ -_ ___ _ __ _ ~ . _ __ --- _. ___ _ _ ,'I ~ - i; ~ ~-~~~~-~ __ _r.._-~__ ~ ;~~.~ ~~~r-~- u~ , ~, ~~~-C-~'~- '~.,a ~-- ., ;~ ~ ,~-r`''~___.__-_ ~ - ~ _ . _ ,~ ', " ~, _ oz~. ~ ~~_ ~-- ~ _._ -__ _ -~-~. --- - . ~_ __~ __.__ - ~ ~~'_ ~ ~-~ , . y~- ~ _ ~0 ~'v~c.-vt. -~ ,.~~~ 0~~~- ~- a~.o-cr-4-~ - ~ ~ ~ - - J~" ~ ~.'2''~c~C~-~~ - - ' ; I ~~'Y~~ -c-~e~.~ _ ~-~-~c.~~~a'v`-~ _ ~U'`~'~' '' ~~~~ ~ ~-~ - --___..._ __ ___ __ __ _ __ _---. - - . _ `, ~~ ~~ . ~ _---="~~z~~ ~ ~_~2e. . - ~ ~' !/~ -~--/~-~-. ~+:22~X~~ ~fiw- ~~'~-- .~~H. ..~~i£~t..,ef~L.i -- ~, ~ --;1 ~~~9~'-~l~~c.~. - - _ - _ ._ 6~'t~t- ~ _ __ ---~~ ~ - ~ ~ --G'2~`~._-~' - ii __-.__ /1 _ _ ._ _ . _ _ _.C:li~/~v`~ ~ rt~ - ` _ -° .., .. ~. _ ~- --- - - -- - -- ~~~~-~~- ~-~ ~ ~ ~ p~~~r°~__~~u ~ ~_ ,' ,~~- -:~~-~~ -~-~ -z-f ~ ~ - . ~---~ - - ------___.__...._ , _.. ~~-~-~-- ~.~-~ ~~~- /.z - -~ ' ~~. - -- - - - - - a - ----- - ~ ~ __ ~__._ _- -- - - -- - _. __._. _ _.. . - - --- ~ __ _~_. _. -~o ~/~~ U .A.~Q ~_ GL~-- v ~. ~.__ ~_~___ _ _ _._ _~_. ____. . _. _ ._ _ .~ _ __ -- __ ,. ----- - ~ ~. ~ ~C~~i~~ ~ ~ - .. . . - - -- --__.. ._._.. . . _ . ., . _ ~. .__. . _ . . _.. - -~ ~~~L _ e ,~~ . ~!'(~~ - --- _. CJ o_ , G~ ~~G.c~-c~G~ ~ ~-~ ....... ..- _._ . .... __ . .---.-.- _._~ _ ___.. __- -------- ~.~ . /~U__~~ _- >~??~-~ ~-U"t~r~~ ~/i~ --. . - -T - - ----c~~~~~e-m ,~ -~ TG ~ C 7'z~ ' - - -~ - l ---`i_`Z' - ~ ___ -~ . ,.~/~^~-- - < i , ~~o ~ ~_-~/1~--~--~~, , + . - --- ~ ' `~ ! ~ . _ .._. ~ ~~~ ~ __ ~-=--- --- , /J --- _ __ /~ ,, l/'~ ~vw°__. n ~ ~ iCi'~~`„'~~_ " .__ .. _' _ " _' ~ J /~ / ~ iq p ~ 4J rsi~p.~y ~.~ ..`~ .. - .."~4`\a_ _ _._.._.. '__ _ '_ ' ' " ' ~~(. ~ l/ ,.~i~ ~/ ~~z~%~-~-~ . _ ~"~. / ~ '~ 9- _ . ~ ' ~ ' ~~ .. . . . . ... _ ___.__ . _ _ __ __ ~ /~~ ._~......_ _ ....__ . '. // ... ,...._.__.. 1) /_f_ __... ~ ~''!(~'~rt!~~~~ ~/~y'1A'~ ~ ~i~~A~ ~~ .'/M1~/Ii~' \. If ~' " ~~ Y ~ .... _ ... . __ , . . ' _ _. _ _ __ _. __. _ '".__.___._.. I t ~ - - ~~ - ~ `" __-____ - _ . . . - - --_ _ .~ `~2~ ti's~Z,~- ~~it~`-~ . ~~- ~-- ,~t- _ . ,- - ~`- ~ 7500 W~ST 29TN AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 ~ WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80034~0638 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 April 11, 1994 (303) 234~5900 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Mr. Jerry Biehl, President General Management Company, Inc. 13900 East Harvard Avenue, Suite 190 Aurora CO 80014 ~ The City of ~VVheat ~Ridge RP: Annlewood Shonnina Center - Wal-Mart Exnansion Dear Jerry: APter reviewing your site plan submittal for the Wal-Mart expansion, hearing from the neighbors, and receiving input £rom the Public Works Department, we have the following comments and recommendations that wiil be incorporated into a staff report for the Planning Commission public hearing on April 21. The comments and recommendations are divided into three parts: A. Those issues that directly relate to this proposed expansion which we expect and recommend are accomplished by you and/or Wal-Mart; B. Recommendations that relate to the shopping center as a whole and some off-site impacts and issues that we expect and recommend are accomplished by you as owner of the shopping center at some time in the near future; and C. Those issues and concerns which the City, through the Capital Improvement Program, should aocomplish at some time in the near future. A. PLAN SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Regarding the "Garden Center" a. In addition to the iron fencing shown, some additional view-obscuring screening should be used along the north and east sides. b. Lighting should be designed so as to pr,ohibit direct glare and/or excess light bleed onto the properties to the north and east. c. No outside loudspeakers or audio broadcast systems shall be used. 2. Regarding the building addition and exterior renovation, staf£ recommends that the architectural treatment, including color and use o£ gable facades match that o£ the building which extend to the south. 3. The proposed freestanding sign be revised to include the Applewood Shopping Center design element used on other signs in the Center. 4. Regarding parking lot and street access and street improvement issues: C~ r,,,,,,, n~~,;,, ~~/ .. fi ~ ~ Mr. Jerry Biehl, President Page 2 April 11, 1994 a. Extension of a sidewalk along West 38th Avenue to the east will be required. b. It is recommended that an additional main drive be provided toward the western side. You currently have a drive going south from the westerly curb cut. That drive could be curved to align with the drive behind Blockbuster, or it could remain as is. The City would re-stripe West 38th Avenue to accommodate a west-bound left turn lane into the shopping center. Additionally, we recommend that all parking ends be landscaped and that the transition of the building front drive at the south end of Wal-Mart be improved in design. B. LARC,ER SHOpPJNG CENTER ISSUES 1. There are existing (historic drainage problems that the shopping center has caused £or the surrounding residential areas. We recommend that you and the City work together to correct those drainage problems. Those facil3ties that would be located on your property would be your ~inancial responsibiiity, whereas those beyond your boundaries would be the City's responsibility. Your costs could be partially recovered through the ESTIP program. Timing of your drainage improvements should correspond to the City's pro~ect. 2. Vehicular circulation coming £rom the south (West 32nd Avenue) is very poorly designed. We have received many complaints from citizens and elected officials. I have sketched a possible solution (see attached) that would provide more structured channelization. This would be eligible for partial repayment through the ESTIP program. C. r'rmy TSSUF.S 1. The neighbors to the north have requested a sound wall and cZOSUre of Wright Court. We will approach Council for approval and funding of this project. 2. There needs to be a le£t turn-in lane (west bound) at your easterly curb cut. The City will re-strip West 38th Avenue. 3. The City may eliminate the free right turn at the intersection of Youngfield and West 38th Avenue; thus increasing the corner land area for landscape improvements. This con£iguration contributes to the confusion at this intersection. 4 ~ ~ Mr. Jerry Biehl, President April 11, 1994 Page 3 4. O£f-site drainage needs to be properly collected and conveyed via a storm sewer system. Those portions of the system that are beyond your boundaries will be recommended to City Council for Capital Improvement Program. A meeting has been scheduled at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 12th with Public Works Department to discuss these issues and £inalize staf£ position. It would be very help£ul if you could attend. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sin rely, Glen Gidley, Director Planning & Development GEG:slw attachment etV tMCI. irE OCSCAIfL10~ O~ iNC COMIAOI ~~Mti Yf£0 /M TNIS MlAVCf AaC fMw ~Il01eKi~ CIXKAEfC lIAIWM1C 04 IM_~CAPIHL• li lAVf~ q1~t~ LMIMICLroFiION 6I TXIf {UIYCY. 1. [wu[ii L. 4A11[. OG M«[~x I~At! i1Ni iNC iVlfKr Of iK oCfcal~~ iMCT Wf ~MDQ UMJLa 1fY'4l~il~ltlti Sµ1T SUrERVIiiOM IHO <K<KIMG. AMO. TO iF1E ~CST 0~ MY ~+pN,[DGC. ~H T~~ ~~ELllf~ IM KCWWHC! YITM /~l.t AT~ON D~SiA~Ci, M~LICMIC COLORMOO STANTLS~ ~URACXT 4FVIffD CO~T~ON~ f0 Af ~T ~aTK ~K <«~'E ~~' '~'RT~CtC fl• '~ O(STRICT SCQ~ON 10}. TNE IOItO+(ING CpWfMTS lEUtlxG TO ~'AR f6aCNTf All[ K4C~T wMC A ~~f oI TMIf VAtEA DISIrt(p0. CE~~~riG~ti~oa. E.~rr ~. ~µe `~'~T L. ~ IeNE lM41MCfAI1K S[IIVILf~ IMC. ~` ~ ~ 1500 v[Si I~TX AYfWf y (u` ~ IAKCW00~ C0~04M0 ~Of15 E D iElCPrqnE US-40Yi COtORApp MJqfR V ~ 438 ~ 9a~'ho ..,~C- ~ ~ HEI ~%ISTNb~R`.h1~~ YD ill`. N~IINE ~f TtNE bEN4FJl ~4A~K BQ4RD E.ASEMtNi. ~CEfLACF R~`+~~ a~-` ~REES W~LICE NO TREEh E%~ST. _ , ~ 162.99~ ~~"~K ~ ~.i...ii ,, , . /,;; , . /.. .y e t1' / ~' ~+~~~ jiJ^ J. // ,~R /" t~ i ~ ~- ~ / ~ `~ '~~,.~ ~i . .~...,,,... - - ~ -- ~ - _ - °'a~ _ - ~ ,~~~~ c. .~TRK. C.P~SL°MENT y` PTOPQSED W.M(TLW~~ ~ '°~°~•r~--~1'""-" ~lbB Py'C C yB4 "\.\ No CMV[ ~~ ~ri ` , ~..J\ -~-- ~ i nIEW ENC~OSED DOCK 4'$Y I I (AMENDUENT'3) ~~ ~pJ;~ h r ti i ~_: ;,,~~;: V U ~ J £ ~1 ~ ~~~£ iI~ ~ ~ 2 ~Y • -~h5 1 'K~14fi 5001'ER5 ~.. ' 11r1~(jn ~ ~ ~ i NEW GANOPtYS '" ` ~~[1 ~ ~ (AMENDM[~It 3) .., . ~- ~ ~FN I 1 ~ O /~~'~ ~ ~. .. r~t-) ,' rs._[ J i i ~ ~~ // i ~. ~ ~~. ~~j i o ~ ; ~ ~,'~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ , ,. , ~ 0 ~~ ~-P ~ ' .~T ~ °~ • ~, ~ i ~ ii ,J ~ I ~"TI . I \III I ~I! I ~ ~ i I ~ /~ , • „ i ~~ ~~~ ~.; /. ~ j. ...-~.r r^9 ~~ KTAIL . ~ % ~?," !/ in„ ~~" '/ M ~ ~ _ "'~" "f,. . r m .~ . ~ ~ ' i; Y ~ ~ ~.~ /" ~~ ~ j ~ r a --- -' WC ~ IK !<.4L Y! 1~ ru~Y• (XC ~p(~I40f n[nR.4rtA~lOM 0f MIA ~q~( l. Wa[ 1 A1 M~ IM MC~IDlf ~p~~~~{.![.:t w~ie LotaY1W a R! WOCtf~1~pM1l3~ ~ -.~u.rs er w:~xe+tea ro use ar ~,Y,u;~p~ 5 ~OC%l WiC4G~MIMC DI[tS1~UTIpNS /,~q f~,Yl GCHlI4llT WL1q1l1. ~... . New Co~vcrz~re ('~,~,~ ` NF~ ~tdDScAP(Nb S'EI.EL. EA~ME.l~[T ' OdC Ib°~ G o6o PP6 io'TLlEP1~Y~CiEEAYJJ~GI~ r / /.t7?r7;h~~7G~% ) ~ ~IU~o~y TlC' ~1W_l~L `JII'F /H/~j ~ 1~' 'i `~.4~ ~ ~~' ~ ~ I ~~~ ~~ . ~ ~ ' cc«c Rec wv i e si a.•~ 3: ., . . . ~ ~ ~z~ fu I ~Y~'•. {6 3 r ~~~ PROPCt>2D f.ESTAlN4.NT C~ ADDfT10N . r- y „o..~. a~oaw~a ~'____'"'"'~..._"""'.."'. ;: ~ ~ '. I~WII R(L WLLL I EYl ~ ~ 0 ~J~AI~I~ ~~E_.~...yT l, . .~.r ~bSL Pni~ a61~~I~~ ~~~' r%' /~ L'Yf• r ^/;l'+r'~.f[i!':% ... ~ . ~'~l~31.'I "'1 b l~V~ 1S bcIS~4 ChMpNR #~#•3b .~', ~~' ~ ns rr~e x~ -s__''~^?2.` `Ra ~ . -- -__._~~ - J-1--- , ~.-_ i5 ~~. ... ~...~~ • -'-7EA6[.MWT"5C4/_r.4~tri a~u ~'. .~.} ~~-----1-- i ~ i J.PPLEJAGK I FFCD ~. :IIqU~s ~ SGHHIp i • a~.a~. sr._; ~ ~°~"q ~'~__-4-=.-'i ~l FLT'~- f8n ~- n~m epxr <---- 1 ~ ~ i C3~c~.c - ~ ~ wv+ oaT_ -> ~ O F ~ Y U ~ V'~ `- _ Q 1D' Y ~ `~/ BAMS Ci ARI2~.'q (~i X( MOEM~j ~ ~ ~, ~~ - ~~ ,~t K. ~-- , ~ '~ - _ ,-~ 1 ~' ~ 3 s i ~ ~~ / ;; HK OF ' ~ l a wooo ~ 3 m,t~ N ~~ ' ~tt~~7y~ Y ~+N ~' ~ ~...., 'M &iSEM~T~_ . ~,'~ _ ~ ~ ~ ^ IJ ./1J////%/ /ii/// /iii/iN~ ~ ~ Evaluation of parking space requirements for Applewood Village Shopping Center. Site Development Statistios Use Restaurants 30 employees Banks, Offices Storage Retail Sales Gross Area Net Area 12,485 18,382 1,Q00 287,292 12,485 18,382 1,000 244,198 (Admendment #2, last amendment) Ratio Sgaces 1/150 83 1/15 20 1/300 61 1/500 2 1/200 1,220 Totals 319,159 276,065 1,386 (parking required) 1,482 (parking provided) Site Development Statistics (using current requirements and the addition of 20,000 sq.ft.) Use Gross Area Net Area Ratio Spaces Restaurants 12,485 7.0,612 1/75 141 Banks, Offices 19,382 16,474 1/200 82 Retail Sales 307,292 261,198 1/2Q0 1,305 Totals 339,159 288,284 1,528 (parking required) 1,382 (parking provided, due to loss from the addition) Site Development Statistics (using the "Unified Shopping Center" requirements and the addition of 20,000 sq.ft.) Use Gross Area Net Area Ratio Spaces unifiea Shopping ~~`~ Z~3 ~7, d bs r l y8' Center 3~ 288,285 1/250 ~Y53 Totals 334,159 288,284 ,~a o9 1,382 fparking provided, due to loss from the addition) ~.,"~ Y' P.0.80%b98 • :~ TELEPHONE:3~1@77•694a The Ci1y ~ _ " 7500 WEST 29TH AVFNUE . WtiEA7 RIOCE. COLORADO BOOJi c`JUheat ~Rlt~ge POSTTNG CERTIFICATIDN CASE N0. WZ-94-4 PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJllSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: April 21, 1994 I~ Anna, pearson / General Mana~ement Company ~ ~ ~ ( n a m e ) t"esiding at 734pp E Harvard, Suite 190, Aurora, CO 80014 ~ ( a~d d r e s s) as the applicant for Case No. WZ-94-4 , hereby certify that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at 3600 Younefield Street, Wheat Ridge, CO ( 1 o e a t i o n} on this 7th day of April , 198~ 94 , and do ~ hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. S i g n a t u r e: l,fiG~LK.Pi~,L~ A.! ,g-~i--.~~ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the publie hearing on this case and will be placed itt the applicant~s case file at the Department of Community Develooment. M A P ~ -. ~ ' ~ ~) ~ ~ ~f ~,m , ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ m m~aY~ A ~ ; ~ GD( , :~ ~,i ^ ~~°~7 ~ 1 ~ PC .~ ~, i ~ R- _ / ,, yycsK E t~~ .G-! ~ I ~T ~ I- I ~ ~ ~- , ~ ~ v_ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on April 21, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Aii interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard; 1. ea~a Nn. zOA-94-~: A proposal to amend Wheat Ridge Code o£ Laws, Chapter 26. Zoning Cocte relating to right of Zegal protest for Special Use Permits and Day Care Centers as Special Uses within residential and agricultural zone districts. 2. ~rz=44-4~ An application by General Management Company for approval of an amendment to the Planned Commercial Development final development plan £or the Applewood Village Shopping Center located at approximately 3600 Youngfield Street. Said property is legally described as £ollows: PARCEL 1 A PORTION OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 654.32 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, AND 60.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N 00~51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 667.82 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, THEN N 89~28.1' E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE N 00~51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE S 89~28.1' W PARALLEL TO THE SdUTH LINE OF THE NOftTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE N 00~51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 135.19 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE RADIUS IS 182.00 FEET AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS N 37~51.1' E, A DISTANCE OF 227.66 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N 76~34.0` E ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 701.69 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RIDGEVI$W ACRES THIRD FILING, A PLATTED SUBDIVISION IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COIINTY, COLORADO; THENCE S 00~43.5' E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID RIDGEVIEW ACRES THIRD FILING, A DISTANCE OF 670.33 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S 89~2$,1' W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHW$ST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 0.67 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 885.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S 00~51.$' E PARALLEL TO THE WEST'LTNE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTIiWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 1162.99 FEET ~ ~ TO A POINT 160.00 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S 89~31.7' W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 192.34 FEET; THENCE 500~51.8' E PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF `I`HE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 130.00 FEET; THENCE S.89~31.7' W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 342,66 FEET TO A POINT 350.00 FEET EAST OF THE W~ST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N OQ~51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 6Q0.00 FEET; THENCE S 89~31.7' W PARALLEL TO TFIE SOUTH LINE OF THE NOEtTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTYON 29, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEE`P; THENCE N 00~51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 24.32 FEET; THENCE $ 89~31.7' W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWE5T ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING AN AREA 29.969 ACRES MORE OR LESS. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: April 5, 1994 Wheat Ridge Sentinel Sandra Wiggins, Secretary ,.~..~ <pc>pnzoa943/wz944 ~ T00 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 60034-0638 City Admin. Fax ~ 234-5924 April 7, 1994 (303) 234-5900 Police Dept, Fax # 235~2949 The Crty of GWheat ~Ridge This is to inform you that Case No. wz-94-4 which is a requast for anoroval o£ an am~ndm?nt ±~ +t,a z+nniPU,~n~ Gt,~nr,;,,~. ('on+cr final [i~Up~~[1mAr~+ Sl~.~ Por property located at q~(~(1 VnvinrtficlA S+roo+ will be heard by the Wheat Ridge _~7 ann i nrt r~m,~,; ~~ ~9,., in the Council Chambers o£ the Municipal Complex, 9500 West 29th Avenue at 7.~n ~m_ , on n~„-;, o, i oon , All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under considera~ion must be present at this hearing before the 1 annina CoI)1SiliSSion • As an area resi@ent or interested party, you have the right to attend this Pub.Iic Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform . ~, ~:,~~„~...~~„~," . .n Dear Adjacent Property Owner: 2£ you have received this notice, you reside adjacent to a property involved in a land use processed by the City o£ Wheat Ridge. ~ or own property case being This notice is intended to inform you of the process 3nvolved in land use development applications. Prior to application for rezoning or special use permit; the developer is responsible £or holding an informal neighborhood meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the opportunity for citizens to become aware of a proposed development in their neighborhood and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns in the design of their project. All residents within 600 feet are required to be notified of the meeting. A sta££ planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind ~hat this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as te5timony, it is the public hearings in £ront of Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decis3on- making process, it is imperative ~hat you attend the public hearings. The public hearings you will be attending are quasi-judicial in nature. Please do not contact your Planning Commissioners or Council people to discuss the merits of a case prior to the public hearing. It could jeopardize your representatives' ability to hear the case. If you are an ad~acent progerty, you may have the right to file a "legal protest" against the application. The result of this filing is that it requires a 3J4 majority of City Council to approve a request. If you have questions regarding any of the information given above, do not hesitate to contact a planner at the City of£ices by calling 235-2846. The Planning & Development Department is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. <pc>adjpropowner ~,__,_ f,. .. -' ` d r"~ -^-'' `~ ~I~ saNifRS. ~y~ ~C1t~rn 11~~ ~ °-^ 1 udja 2 tor atltl ~ thal ~ ~e `p P~f^ii. _..._ --~' -~~ SENDEP: t1i!s ~'~ ~ 1 POSTMAVIK'.~ . comp~ceaercs3,~aean. reva~sem ~~....--- ~ ¢ ,~ ~ CanP~a ilerts ~d aGlress o" the ,~ a a~ ihe ba ~'~ rtu nqe~. to a~d /tre ~- -^" ' • Print YW~ na~ ~~ ~~px.. ~pw Ihe ~vered _~ i - ~ ..--- "` ~ ~ '~ ~ ~F~tach 9i~ tonn to t ~ ~ ~^ on U~s ~~IP ~Wre d lt~ L s 4 ._--"~'~~_ PO5~AGE PESTRtGTEO 6 .~ :\~e R¢tU1nA6C~F6aW1 P~k1nYW 10~~~9^~,o.NO~ ~irv~re+ T~pen+maac~ RETURN po~~ss ~~nlaNa[cE~~T ¢ ',l data of delrve .a~~ to: REGE4PT cEP~~osEE+aE r~K~11GE TOULPOSTnCeN~F~vE~PAbNi 0 ~' r r ~ A ~ ~ ~ a .~ ~ r t'- .Il .n m ~a s [L gow ae°kgh.~ Street 3803 Wri4 ~p SOQ~3 wy,eat Ridg8 PS fOR~A 3800 f_,'~ ~'-`'"""_ ~- e ~ -- ~--^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ppSTPGE ~~ ~~mED ',~.~ 5V1tlN N4Y~iOM~Ay G PEtt1PN nWr~SS~~ ~ I R~~IPT GErtW1EDGEE+nENPN~GEIPI r~RVIGE TpTAlPO~TM~'EANOFEES Yl O.. ~n~ MAII .~~ Glenn/Barbra Biilin9s 3435 Wrigh'~ Stree$pQ33 Wheat Ridge CO r c~ r r ~ ~ tT1 a u' ~ P ~ M3V~~ ~~-"~,,.~,. G .~^^`~~~'-~ ~-.r-~.°""~. / C ppSTTGE ~~ 4 G ~~w+ro oFOEi~av~f REiURN ApOPES~` q RECE~7T GEµ~6~EDF[.E+RE~ANftEGE~PT , SERUICE totA~eosTacEa~w~Es . ._... c VE __...~ uAIOL _f BoW Benkeht Street 3 s~rig gp033 ~~~~~ Rid9e CO~ 5. s. ~ PSF 1" q '°y^ {O~~~W~~Jpdd2ssees Addres~ 1. Dalivery i 2 ^ Resiricted , ».~Gter for f~.. cte Num~~ 6 6~ p qy3 ~ CERTiF1ED --- --~-Address ! Addressee s (ONLY if re9~~d and 1ee Pe~-~ . ~ CERTIFIED ;e of Qe11~ _ (A9ent~ DOMEST{C RETURN REt,~~~ • 811,Novameer ~9so p-qy3 ~6~. `~6 " -~ ~ __ ~ ~ -ees Aao~G~~ yid.) ~ Address uested and fee R (pNLY if rs4 Glenn/$arbra B~llia~9s 3~g5 Wry9h6 SCO e8Q033 Wb~at R~~9 , . ~ /~, ~ ~~-- gn2ture " ~^"` . en1) 6. Si9n21ure " lA9 ,Novem~C i990 PS Form 3~11 12531~~ 35th Avenue Wheat Rid3e CO 8Q033 v~ •IW" ~ GERT~F~ED :e at Del[~verY 5 Atlqren~ Addressee ~d y~d fee p~~d~~ ~QNLY it re4u~ C R gunt~-n A~enue sa'~gnalure"~_!`~'y 7VV °Li w 35th /T~'K( 12531 Cp 80033 t~~~ ent) pOMESTiC RI Whea'~ Rid5a e.signa~ 3811,Nov~m~r 1990 PS Fo~ m _ RECEIPT FOR CERSIF-ED MAl Pg FpRM 3800 w+n-~ P0.5TAGC ~" RETURN SHOWSOVh10M.DATENbD RES1PlGTEO ' ~ DE m' / ~ ~ PECEIPT LN[ a~RESSOFOEUVEm CEFIIFIEOFEE+qEIURNRELEIPT C SERV{CE ~ I TOTAL P~STAGE AND iEES ¢ ~ no ixsoxnnce covexw~a vnmvm - F JCNI IO. NOTFOP`HTEPNAl10NRLMAIL e ~n~. uK~ rv .n '9 Tony Ficco m 12425 W 38th Avenue ~ Wheat Ridge CO 80033 0. , . ~. .--....,.-. ._....,~_^--._..__....~, I PoSiaGE ~ f~ET~Jflf~ ~ flECEIPT ' S11fM'TOWHOM.DFTEMID/ pELR'~EF E~I ~ ~' A~~SSOFDELNEqY SERVICE I CEF~IFlEOPEE+RENHNqEGBPT I 4 i cQ li TOTALPOSTAGEqNOFEES [L _ t a NU IN~UHqry{~t 4UVGAIq(it PHOVIpEp - SE~T TO i~ : NOTFORMiE~NAT~NALMAR N ~ ~ M a a' ' a Pasquale/JoAnne Fillipone 3733 Wright Street Wheat Ridge CO 80033 PS FORM 3 800 ~ . RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED ~ ~ ux~osnas ~ .. ~~1. .. ~..~. Po=_.RlS=mxE t~aw.m. n~~ PosmGE < POS REIURN SIIOWTOWHOM,OFTEPNO FE3TNIGTEO / ~{ Y ~ DEfIVERY RECEIPT _ A~OqESSOFpEIJVEF CERTIFlEOFEE+qETOPNRECE~PT ~ SERVICE C~ TOTqLPOSTAGEANDFEES ¢ Q SENT TO: NO INSIIIWNI:t 1:UVtNP4C YNUVIUeu ~~ N~ERNPI{ON0.LlMIL ~10TFOR [~- ei mx~c xmE, P 37 ~3 Wright Street Wh~~t Ridge CO 80033 ~ . .. i 5. Signature - (Addressee) - ~C~ r~c~rn ~O ,~~~---c~9 S nature - (qqent) `~ PS Form 3811, November 1990 'l~ v.~..v v+vµ..avaa 12680 W 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 N ~ „0 Jerry/Jane Gleason ,^I' ~I ~' !r m ~ 126$0 W 38th AVeIIllO 5.Signature-(Ad~essee) Q''~.. ' Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ~( ~~' ~ ~- 6. S g a~e -(A~nf( ~ I (~ 4a. Artcle Number P 913 667 774 ~ 4b. Service Type , ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery ~ ,-/! -~ ~, 8. Addkssees Address ' (ONLV if iequested and tee ,oaid.) ~' DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT _ ___-r~ ~er~-vo-.- .u,,.-~--- 46. Service Type ~~ ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paidl ~ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 4b. Service Type ' ~ CERTIFIED ~ 7. Date f Delive ~ ~i~~-~~ 8. Addressee's Address ~ $~~~~,~~` ~(ONLY i( requested and fee paidJ f~~ PS FORM 3800 pS Form 3811, November 1990 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED M MS~iPLSFMICE ~f~ • ~ ~ -__ , SENDEfl: .,.. ...._ .....,.._._ -T .. ~ ._. __ _. ~ ...e - ._., ...._-_ . _._ ._ ' ' _ ._' __ POSTMAAR ';~mvk~e aems i a~ia z m~ aaaa~o~ai serv~~es h ( I also wish io receive the Oomple~e i~ems 3, antl 4a 8 b. • Print your name antl aWress on ths m~erse ot ihis iwm so ihat We can reWm Mis card 1 fO~~OW IOg S8NIG8$ (fOC a~ y%((a (P,e~: 1 ' :°YO" ' Attach Ihis torm to ihe front of Ng mailpeCe, y~ un ~he bsck if space tlces ~qt permit ~ 1. ^ Addressee's Address ~ . , ~ Wrile "Re~urn Recei~l Requested" on Ihe mailpe~ peloW ths azlicle number he Retu~n fiecei~t Fae will P~vk~e yw ~he 5igngNre of ~he psrso~ tleliva2tl to arq Ihe 2. Q ReSfflCfEd ~E{IVery ~~ !~r" m~~~^~ -~ ConsWt postmaster for fee ' 3. Arlicte Atldvessetl to: . ~ Tony Ficco 12425 W 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 , ~ .,.,.. , ,. ~ 5. 5~' nat~ure - ( ressee) __...~~ ~~~0~~~,~ ~ ~ POSl'MQ 6. Signature - (Agent) " G~ ~ PS Form 3811, November 7990 ! .~.-.~ .~., -~,.~..._._ _u ,_~. ~__ _ pa uale/JoAnne Filli one w DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ' • ~4 -J_'; I also wish to reeeive the ~ee~. + i .,..~--- ~ - - ~- ~ ,~ .'.- --- --^ "^- '~' ~ ~ ~,~r' sENOER: followir5 services (for an extra +... f.-..- .^"^"_ ~..-'~.~-,-. ~ PQ$TM{lAA1 ~ ComPlete ilems 1 aritl/4s~ br atldil'wimi services. ~ .. ~ ._ .co,.n~e~eaemsa,e~ ~.^Addressee'sAddress - pDSiACE , ~, . prin~ your narne and aMress on ihe reverse ot this fwm w lhal ire can refum ihis cartl ~~L~RV io ~ aces nat permit. 2~ ROStfiGted DeliV9ry • A~tach thle form iro~d ot tl~e ~~ Ipace, °r on Ihe bsck it space PETUflN 1 no9R sros oF OEi~AVauo aESre.~Eo , sted" a~ Ihe mailP!ece betow ihe article numbet. ,_ 7 ~ • Write "RelU~n Rece n tlelrverad to and :he FECEIPT ~E~~~O FEE+pETIFN PEGEIPT , • The ftetum Re~eqt Fee viA~ INovide yw ~hs v9"a~re o! Ihe Peso Consult postmaster tor fee. sgawce - I `. ~~a ~e cr«~~~ 4a. Articie Number p.., _ __ 1o.a.eosTn~EUUOFEES 3. Articte Addressedfo: !~ r _ m..,ry~OFQINTEP{aTOCN~ LMN4 ~- S- 913 h 6 7 7~ 9 rv SENT TO: , ~ 4b. Service Type r, Avis Goehl ~ „n 3623~tt'ight Street ~ CERTfFIED ' ~ 3623 WriSht Street Whea~...Ridge CO 80033 - I~' m Wheat Ridge CO 80033 - -- "' - - 7. oa~ of oei~very - `, '~ ~ 8. Addressee s Address ~ ~ a - _ 5. Signature -(Addressee) ~ /~ (~r~y if requested arrd fee naid.l n ~ PS FORM 3800 l also wish to raceive the ; ~~~or rnrs,C,EEt7]F1~J?~ sENOER: followlrty services (for an extra teel: d ~ ~~ .~,~;~_,,,~ ~ Cpmp~ete ilems t aM/a 21a adtlitional servicas. e fOSTMhA Corm~e~e^e"~3•a'aaaen 1, ~ Addressee'sAddress ~ ~~ACE . ~• PriN yoo~ nama arW address on tlre re~~se N ilrs twm so tha[ vre can retum this ca~tl 2~ ResKicted Delivery FETURN ~ .MOW TO vMOM.0.4TE aN0! t~Li~VER~( ~ / ~ ~~ Atfacn Ihls iwm lo ihe tYOnf of the m9ilpiece, w on ih¢ back iF sPace tloes no~ permH. ~l1SU~f pO5If112S'~Ei fOi f00. , 1 nooaESS oF oeuvE~v . yy~ite "ReNm Receip[ Req~ested" on ihe'~ ~~~b~w ~~a~rsp~~~~v~~ed lo arA ~hz R[CEIPT ~ • The Relw~ ~caipl Fee wilt praable Ya' ~mir~EOFEE+AE~uap~ECeror , ~fe~~~N~ qa.ArlicleNumber ~ sE~icE ° p 913 6 6 7 7 8 7 7~ i pa,r,~E quu FEes 3. Articte Addressed to: C,- - n~in~uw.rv~~wv~w.~r..:o7~5-6- ' - _ ~ SEN7 TO~ M~TFORMIEFNArO~~~~~~ _ ~` Paul Goodrich 4b. Service Type r- 3653 Wri9h~ 5treat ~ CERTIFIED '~ Paul Goodriah Wheat Ridge CO 80033 _ .n ' m 3653 Wright StZ'20't 7. Date of Delivery ,a Wheat Ridge CO 80033 _ __ ~ Q- _ , _ _... _ f~ ~~ " ~ also wish to (eceive the ~' a ~~~ tollowing services {for an extra fee): ~~I 1 s~+oEa: Add2ss ~ comn~i~ ~~e""s ~ aridfu z tw wa~ro~ai s~~s. ~^ AddresseaS !• Pnn{ ~ n~ ~~ ~R~ ~~~ ~~rse o~ ihis iorm so thal we ~n return th5 ca 2~ Restricted Delivery I~ ~ : ~q~fete ilems 3.:u~Aba & b. ~ PS FORM 3800 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED M~ ~~'~a~n ~n~ tnnn+o u~e ~'°~ ~ Jhe m01~e, o~ on me ~~*'? ~~ dces ~~ ve+m'~ ~n~~t postmaster for iee. I _-.--._--..-.-•-•---- ~~-r.-_~.--~_ ~~ T~he~ReNnrPCCO+P~F~ues~.~~~ hel ~ aWrea it~iever ondetrveredroaMthe -~~~ ~~_ qa: Artic~e 913r 6 f~ 7 7 8 D ' acsince c POSTMhf ! ame.of~~~rv. F7 - _ l. 3. pAicfe Addressetl [o: ~~~ fiETURN ~ Ao°~aFSmoFOENERYANOI ~LI~VEFJED~ / ~ • i RECEIPT cE~Fi~o~E+aerunrvRECEiP* ~ ~ ~ prno].d Kuether 4b.ServiCelYPe SEANCE ¢ 3s11 wxisn~ ~ouxt Q SOTALPOuTPC.EPN~FEES a~~"3 ~ CERT1FfED (~ rv01N~~OHIN'IEPNP OIWIMPII I ~~ ~yg.~ R1dCJ0 C~ - r- SENT TO: A.» ~ ~ j,y _- - - . 7. Date of Del~ 4~C ~ ~~ h . ~ ~~ ~ i ,~o::r,~ i . .0 ATnOId K~tO'eh'9~ '~ , ' f g. Addressee s Address 3811 Wright Court `~ (oNLY it requested and Iee pa~d1 a Wheat Ridge CO 80033 5J~ature-lAddressee) ~~ ~j_~ ~- l~~` %, 4 d °~ ~ ~ ' 6. Signature - lAgent) ~ ~ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ~; ~ fs PS FORM 3800 pECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAI PS Form 3819, November tsso _ u ~. i ~"~ ° E~ ~ ~~ o' jI Q ti I ~ ( ~ 1 ~ m a o^ a. 0 1~ [~- n _n .n m N 0^ ~ I aOSWGE I f-.~., ¢ RETl/RN ~ SHOWTOtM~OM,oATEAND RESTa~ciEo RECEIPT I ADDPESSOFDEWERY I DELNEFY I ~ ¢ SERVICE I CEHIIFIEOFEE+(iENRNRECEIPT I g I TOTALPoSTAGEANOiEES I C NV IN~VMN{4t VOVEMGtYHUVIIIED~- SENT TO: uorronwreaxnnoru~nwa ~•E aixrc <io~~ Ken Lewis 3840 Wright Street Wheat Ridge CO 80033 PS FORM 3800^' ~ ^ I fQSfAGE I PETURN s~iowi0vaioM,o.4~auo PESTHILTE~I I ~ qECEiPT AO~FESSOFDEWEflV CELNERY G[HpFlEOFEHRETOFNRELEIPT I SERVICE TOTALPoSTAGEANDFEES I SENT TO: NOIN]Y W1NL[ VUV[I414t YNV VIUtU ~ ~ NOTPoPINIEPNATIONALMFIL «~~. .~..~ ~._.__.._~ _ _' - " _ .._ ___ -._ - . -,. _~ .~ , _ ,-..- _. . ~~ ~EljDER: POSTMA h ~ ~te11Pf1,s ~~~ z~ ~~ . ~ ~' ~ a , ~~~i serv~~es. ~~ Complete ilems 3 and 4a & b I also wish to receive the . . I• Prin~ your name antl etldress on ihe reeerse o~ ~his fwm so thet we can roWm Mis cartl folbwirg services (for an extra fee): ; :° Y01 I Attach ihls forcn ro ihe fmnt of ihe meilp"rece, or on Ihe back if space tloes rwt psrmit. ~• WAre "Retwn aecei~~t Requestetl" on ~he mailpiece bebw the article number. • T 1. ^ Addressee's Address ; 2. ^ Re3t~iCted Delivery i he Relurn Receip~ Fee will provitle you Ihe sgne~ure of ihe pyrspn tlelivered fo aM the aare oi dei~,~. ~ Consult postmaster for fee 3. qrticle ndaressed to: 4a. . Article Number Ken Lewis P 913 667 7p9 3840 Wright Street 4b. Service Type Wheat Ridge CO 80033 =e - i , "~' "~ - - - - - - 5. Signature - (Addressee) ~ ^ POS r ~ ~nature -~~-~> ~ / ¢ ~ 6 c ~ PS Farm 3811, Novem6er 1990 1 „ Mike Lewis ~ 3812 Wright Court Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Mike Lewis ~ 3812 Wright Court Wheat Ridge CO 80033 _._~_. .. . ~r_ , , -- _ PS FORM 3800 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED N 5. Signature - (Addressee) • /~ ~ "°'~' °'~' ~" \ - ~--' - ~ _..__ , - 6.Signature-(qgenty ~ ` I POSTAGE ~ POSTMI~ RETUflN ^ ~ SHWl ID WHOM.OqTE ANO/ ~LI Elfl ED I / ~ RECEIPT ~ ADOfiESSOPOEWERV ~ S Form 3811 November 1990 ~~~E ~ II CERTIFlEOFEE+qEIDqNFEGEiPT ~ ~ , m p' I TOTALPOSTNGEANOFEES - I 6 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ N SENT TO: ~ NOTFOR[FN ~FNAlIONqLMAIL f "°'"s°'"„`r°°"E"""`PHOONeO- ~ary~ xatnteen M1 , McCulloch -n `tl 3395 Wrogjt Street Gary/Kathleen Wheat Ridge CO 80033 ~ McCulloch 'y ~ 3395 Wrog~t Street ~ ~ f - '~~ Wheat Ridge CO 80033 5. Signature - (Addressee) 2 • ~. ~ 6. Signature - (Agent) PS FORM 3800 ~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED ~t ~ ~! pS Form 3811~ November 7e9o ~~ N Portw sE~E i i' pq ,, ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery ~ / ~' 9' ~L 8. Addressee's Address / (ONLY i/ requested and fee paid.) DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT P `113 6b r rltr - 4b. Service Type ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date of Deliver ~~/~-~~ 8. Addressee's Address I (ONLY it iequestetl and fee paid) DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 4b. Service Type ~ ,, ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date of Delivery '~, 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) ~~ i DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT I ~ * ~~-'"'--'.~. ..~ -~ -~ .__ " ~ ~ Ad s -^^ ices. re m tn~s ca R ~ted De e fee. e -_" ~rw+ai ser+ ~ ja~i we ~" ~ noi ~mn. fo 2. ~ Postrti%~ter` for `_^ 1ar,d7uRtw~ ~n!a°m' ~~5~1ft i. SENOE~eAeMS Aa~b. ~~2~secd ~kii~un~b5*~ ydifk °~ `- POSTMAflK .r-- ~ a b . ca,ww~a~ 3• a"°aae~ess a~ ~, on ~ ~ ~~~n ~rv~ LO NUmtier ~ (1 ~ .- - ~^ • Cos*4 ea~d 2~W~' befw'~ ~ t1G1e ~ ~ ~ _ . _ --~. _„__ / ¢ r ~ tpp iro s~.. apmlhe ~u g~i'~Wte d tha P~9° n ~ ~I . _ ,.r-- ~ ~ ~ Pdnt Yo" ~ '9]~ ~ctEO ~ ...~-.-~""~ epSmGe r~ ~ . Nk1~~m~qece!pF~~11P`°ah'~Y~ SFq'HT~YhiOM`~RANO/ oEV~nv ~ e.~yQe l ~ ~ -fh~ FygU1R~ AENRN npoaESSOF p~pur.~~ ¢ 4d.SeN[C ~~FlCOFES* aa~ ot ee' pGdressed{° GERTIFIE pEGE1PT _ ~. 3. Artic~ ~ D oFEES ~ M3.ia.ez SER~IGE SOTAL~~'Gq~ W A1tONP1-IIA~ ~ NO~NOTFOPMtEPN , ~ C'ur.~jp~ gh~ gtrge~ . o SENT To: 80033 ~. Date of ~eliverY h ~ Mi17.ex 3773.e gid9e CO ~ aress dl , a h~a ~ g. Add ssee t~ y~d fee 1~ '~~ t` CuY~~D~~~YYt St'~~0~0~33 W ~~~Y if recluas s 3773 W R1d9e CO $ _, WhggG . ~ ~r• ` ~deesse ¢' * ~.Sig atute t entl ppt,llE.S?IGRETURNREC~-~pj , .~-r1~,en ~. d F~~o~^~^'~~ nature' tA9 ~.- --= "`_ r Gs~g ,,,~ ~- ' pg FORM 3~~ ~F..f.~.IPS- ~ PQSIMA~~ vember i990 _.... ~c~ uN m r "7 ? a$ ~-----"" 11,~'!O ,_..: ....~ ,~. w+ 1~ ~,6 _,_,~-l" / ` a pgFocm3$ ,,,~~--= p 9 ~ ~~~•---"~ ppSTAG£ ~~~ ` " , y f c t ~i~w~ 4 ~,~'"''^ sr.ct++T~wH~i~p.iNl~ T' ` ..,-...-+..-~"'""~.. ~yETIJRN pppRESS~ RNpECE~ ~' ~1 FEE+flEN ~ ~~ gerviceT P ~~ia7 cermFreo ~~c~~~~dressedt° ~ K,{ GERSIFIED eor5~~ N'~.~chQ ~ gF3{VICE .mN-ooST^G~GdFEES porN~~i.Uri - ,. m ~+o~~FOaiN~nrm+i Wil1iam~~ht ~o~o tg~033 S~ rv sENT To: ~~ y,~itahall 38p2 ~ R d4y 7 Da1e ot Dellv rY F7 _~ v r Georg W~g& , pi{dress fe~' Paid.} ~ .n ~illiw~i9ht ~ourtS0033 ~~ S Addcesseesuested and y 3802 Rid9g CO ~ON~y if ~eq m Wheat '~ r~ lAdd2ss~0~ ~ ~. ~.. 5 Signature ~ TURN REC~~P~ ~ ~ ~~.s,,~ ~_/ ~•" , pOM~S'lIGR~ r - Y ~ PS FORM 3800 ~ :•--"k~°R'`~~~~- FUSSMABK'Y' S, -- u~y - t~ge ~ ~~~., -"' y, p -- `~ GERTIFIE~ Eo ~ ¢ Novembef 599 ! ~ ~.,+---""`"`.~ e°s'°GE ~ ous a+o j~ IL~`v mr a ~~ g~orm 3811' -,...~_y'°::.R.s.- ~"a'0 ssa~~'~' ~-/'~'~ ~ of DeliverY t p~,tuaN ~ owE+o Eav aECe'vT c ~, P ..,...,...,. 7. Date . ~ FEE+{tENPN ' _ ~..~.-•. ~ . , ~~ nECEwT cEanc~oT~E~o~ES .. `i~~,~~' ' Address ~av~cE ,o*n~~ v ,",°~.a~~ b 8. Addressees ed ~d fee Pa;'~ ~oscoa~N~n~+^T'onn ~ y ~.~. (ONLY if teQUBSt ' m SENT T0: T.. re - tA esseel ~ `~ y . 5. S'~9 ~ 'g 3621 Wr~9h~ S CO e 80Q33 tag ESTIC RET~ ~y~ ~~ ~ 00't R~dZJe 6. S'~9nature - entl pQM Wh '~ 811,November t390 ~ [5"' ' ~~ pS Form 3 +3- CER'fIFtE~ MA 380o RECEIPT F~R ~t ~ pS FORM w ~r~,E` _ ~ ~. .~- -'-- ,~1-.,.~~. ° ~~ ..-- ' ., _ .. -' m~ card ~~• ""~ ~twnel %erv`~s. s So~m s~ tnai We ca~ talutn t cet ntt. ~~ + 9 tor add.. s ra !s !~ ~ & POS1MPPi` SEft~PEplete~l~ 3aand~~y on the rev~~ °; ~ op ~ b~,k 4~rn~'~' ~ a~d th~ ^""~ g•~M ~p,~[ N~ ~4 tl~e matk'~'~ uekN+ ~aj~ deF1ef68 ~~ _...-. °"" ~--^'~`~ srnwTEO j ~ .Q1 t' ~~h ftewr Pec~~4ieR~.p ~ -,~ Y~*' ~'Hiulure d A ..~..~.,~-^ ` pp54AE ..unM.DRtm~~I OEL1`IE~ ~`~ • itke{i?~~~fl¢CO~.._ , gabe~~l~~r`d~ paee n~. ~ 3g75 `~r1 a e S CO 80633 ~hea~ gi 9 ,,~, _, . ~ -~ GEF~I~tED e of oe11~ ~':' dress~ fee paia.) addressees Ad (ONLY ii requ~ted ,~....-. ,'~81~,.. _. ..~.---_. ~, ~.67' _- TA~cYY ~1°.'~~,Aaemen~' `"~ h].90 PS FUn,"„'- ~ ~ ._--,--'"- ~ .,_,,.;.~..-^ p~ryGE .-r^ "^'.` ~\ _....u io WHOD fOlloWin~Se •,° tlCey~ pddressees 1. De1Wer1 ~ ~ye~ricled er for t~e. I ~ 2' ..~~ nnS~Ii~~~ 1 nr~p 913 bb? 784 ~= ~errY ~~MariaSe en e °#190 Au~p~ a CO v 80 1~` 1,N°~1~90 ~h~a~ Rid58 /C~ J80033 ~ AdUre~e ~ tee Paid.) ~~ddressee s (ONLY if ~eqUested ~ addr~- gs ges Adtlres~d fee paid'1 taNLY ~t re~~2sted aS FOkr+' „"_ _ FiEStIPN pECE~PT SEfNICE ~ r gL E ~ ,,,_._ .--- -'~" .~ ^ ~' ~ ~ ^ tnk card ce% ~ reium ~--- ^--"`- ~ '•-. la 2 foi adtlit'a~1 sern h~ ~fm so that v~ p9$'(M~ SENDER: ~e °t t ~,~ il sP~ ~9 not p~m~. gtgde~~~ 4a&C. rse F =~ s • C9PoP~e~cert~3~~addreasanihe 'd, onlM1~ 'd a~~~ '.~ ~ ComP ~e a~d me I~'. « b¢pw tha ~~~ pg~'~~ed to pasrneE , a ~' ~ niint Y~"r nen ~ imnt d t a ~~ ma~W~tura d tnel~' 4 SH6M1'TOWH~M.DAqYANPf ~h'EP~'/~ th's1o~InW tRe0.~5t07. tl~es'rdn2 a :~ i'AUacn Re~ witl IX~v~ `~ MppES50F~E1PtE PECEIP~ ' • Wiii¢ RW ~~Fee GLirtIFlED~ 6 y '• Th° PR . ~~~~ d3k d5 deih' ~. 3. A[ticte Addressed i°- g~.0 TOTAL PQSTAGE A1~DGEFS 1 Y (~ ~ µpTFORINTEHNA110NAlMPI . ~3T~g `.d~y'L~n3 ~ h/3QSep ~ r~ .~.o Raiph/1oSephyn~ Santangelo 38p1 Wrigh~ Cour'~80033 a Wheat Ridge CO ~' o_ ________--" PS FORM 3soo RECEIPl' P~R CERT~F~ED MAI' ~w„~~ros . ` ~su~ ~y~~~N . "q REGEIPT y c~pV1GE ~~. r SEN'~ ~ ~ ~-~~~ ~ ~w'- e aesmw~eo j G ~T~~oEiNER~~f ~~~ RENRNAECEM'T ~ ~,~(if1F~E0 ~E ~ .. sc'ocees ~' o--~ ~ iOiPLPOSTA~.u ...nONAIi.U`N' i~ son~iebei~. Geo~geJMaht str~et e .n 337~' ~RidS CO 80033 Wheat ~ m ~ rfi p a ~y__~ ~ ,..--- ~ ~-- c F ~ pg F01~M 3~~''' J e I ~,~_-~ TMaE pESTfNGTEO ~` ~~^ sHOwT~vA~oMi~mrnwo! net3~~`" c ~ ~NFN ao~~~ unECE~P~ ~ ~ RECEIP` GEATIFlEDFEE*p`t~ $E{"NICE iOTN-PP~tAGE~ FEES PRON NPIµ0iG0RINhftN~ONAIMPb- ^ ' ~ SENT TO: r ' ~ gl p~ Wr 9r'~ S Cp e 80033 -u , 38 e~~ gid9e .'1 ~ I ~' , ~, ~- F ` P5 FORM 3800 Wh 3801 Wri.9ht CCO &Op33 Wheat Ria9g - _ ' ~-- ~ ,Py"..... 811, Nov 1 ber 1990 ~ ~~~ ~ BSS~d t Geor9~~MarY Styeet e14 33`~~ Wri~h~ ~Q 80033 Wh~a~ RiBgg _ ~ _';~«.-, -, ~ " :.~ ~ , 5` )S~~atU ~ ~pdeSces 6 S~~ature - IA9en~1 ' PSForm3Qll'HOVember 1~~ ~'~ t _- - ~Addresse ) 5 Sig ~ ~~ ' ~ ~ g S~ nature - ~A~enH 3$11,Novemner t990 pS Form ~ CER~FiE~ , ~ I ' _' 4 REC~tPT FOR , folto; ~~ Add2~ee's Add~ess 2. ~] RestRCted OeGvery ~ _ m~<ter for 4eE cie q~°3 ~~7 ~78 P = ~ GERTIF~E~ iateor~1'(~~~ ~~_ «~ ~ Addressees Address f~ ~~d.a (ONLY if req~~esied Tnd AriicleNumu°~ 7yy p 913 66~ SeCViCe ~YF"' ~ CEFtTIFIED ~~ - of De~1~`T`,'1 ,,. ~. Date ~d X addressee`s Address ~d.) ~ (ONLY if requ~red ~'d fee p ~ .,~r,~tn=u add sre sees Aau~o~~~ d ~~ paid.! tQN~y ii requ~ted an Rl I'~ N M1 ~ ~ m ra ~ ~ qrr ~, °°s'"`'E ^- RETURN 1 I ^ ~ RECEIPT SH~T01W1fOM,0ATEqNO RESTPICTED' /OOqESSOFDEWERY ~ pE~qy ~ SEFn/ICE CERIIFIEOFEE+qEiUqNqEGEIPT ~ I ~ I TOTALPq9TpGEqNDFEES ' SENT TO: "°' „o FO ' q NTEqN TONqL MAIL U err * .,~R~ i , , PS FORM 3800 ~ N N r ~ .e m ~ ^^ a Q' ~ h M1 ~ ~ m ~ Q^ t7.. RETURN 1 RECEIPT ~ SERVICE , SENT TO: ~ 6 - P M »._._-:..,' -,--~.~ .__ -.,- --.. .. .,-... ..._ ..-. -'. _ " _...~ ... . .. I a tiI~~ECo~iere nems i.~naio~ z ror aadaanei serv~~s. I also wish to receive the '~ N 1 •Campleteitems3,v~tl4a8b. fOIIOWI services foranextrafee 6 IC • Pnnt your name and address on fhe reverse o( ihis fo~m so Ihat we can retum ~iis card ~ ~ ~' i :°}'01~ 7- ^ Add2ssee'sAddress ~" ' Al~xh ihis form to fhe hon[ oi 1he mailpiece, or on Ihe beck if spece tlces nol pe~mh. ~ • w~+te •aemm aeca~Pi a~~,ered° on me ma~i~e nebw tne am~ ~n~,. 2. ^ Restricted Delivery • 1he Reiurn fiece~pt Fae will provxla yuu nie sgnature W the person deliw.red to ar.a Ihe ~pnsult postmaster fw fee. da~e of Ael'warv. ~ ~ 3. qrtide Adtlressetl io: ~ qa. Article Number Louise Spano ~ ' P 913 667 712 12498 W 35~h Avenue ~ L~ise Spano ' Wheat Ridge CO 80033 1Z~498 W 35th Avenue Wh`eat Ridge CO 80033 4b. Service Type ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date of ~elivery r^' S.Sig t - (Addressee) ~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED M~~ J~~~~ ~~~~~ w~-E- ^'i . .-.-_ ----. ---- ign~ture-(Agent) ~'/ c POSTMAR r POSTAGE SHOWTOWHOM.DHlEN10 flESiRIGTEU / y ~ nooaESSOFne~rvear ~ oEUVeav _ ; PS Form.38~ 1, November 1990 GE(~TIFIEOFEE+RETU~NPEf.EIPT E TOTAL PPSTAGE ANO FEES 6 nV ~ NOT FORp NiEmFNa TIONPL Mflll V_ 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY i/ ~equested and /ee paid) DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT i ~ ~ -r~'G~..Fui_T--J.~-err-~..r.wa -~.~. ~~ ~..~r F.~... .-.._ _ ~ I, ~~ 3. Article Atltlressetl to: M4a. Article Number P 913 667 776 Franciszek/Stanislawa Franciszek/Stanislawa Krawiec Krawiec ill ~ 3405 Miller St er St 3405 M Wheat Ridge CO 80033 '' Wheat Rid e CO 80033 ~ 5 ! ~ _ __ ~ _.. i r _~; ~ . i ~ _„ l . ign ure - (Ad ssee) ~ ~ ` -~ oc Gnrinn aanp ~ ^ f=`Yv''° ~ . /IE~ . _ ~ ~~ ~ POSTAGE ~ E POSTN 6.Signature-~(Agent) flETURN SHOW TO WI10M.ONlE ANO PESTfiICTEp I / ~ I ^~~SSOrDEUV ¢ f ~ Eav oEtrveqv RECEIPT ~ $ERVICE I CERlIFlEOFEE+qET11FNqEf,EIPT I 4 y i PSForm3811 NOVember1996 ~ ro.n~aosracer,rvoFEES ~ ~ , XV INSI1flANClI:WEMtitYxVV1UEU- SENT TO: NOTFOP~NTEPwNeTIONALMPIL : ~ ~ wn~at Ridge CO 80033 John Thomas 3405 Wright Street Wheat Ridge CO 80033 _ ,~.,,~,, ~ _ 5. Signature - (Addressee) ~6. ignature - (Agent) PS FORM 3800 ~ ~ ~'~~"`~'~G~ ~~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED f PS Form 3811, November 1990 urow¢onares SfLL5ET4CE ~~ ~ 4~tn Service Type ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date f f~elyf~r~~, / ~ ( J ~% 8. Addressee's AddrLsk ~ (ONLY if requestedland fee paid.) ~ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT '' ~ CERTIFIED 7. Date of ~eliver ~-f ~-~/~-/ 8. Addressee's Address~ ~ (ONLY if requested and fee paid.) DONIESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ~i ~ ~ t - I also wish io rece ve me I following services (for an extra fee~: ', ' S a_ ,_....~ SE~m~ R: ~~ a~~a2Wradditione~s~r"'ces. diaSS _,_., ~, (] AddresseesAd ~ ,_T ^,,,, _.,._. .---- ^^' ~ POSTMIRI,~ ~ ~~(¢ tlems S.~an eiWre s ~ ~~ fe"ersa o~ «s ~orm ao lHat ~~ ~a^d~$ ~; ~~`m 2 ~ Restr'acted Delivery ~ ~~ ~ ~ . ,. Ptint Yow nz~ i,e n~a i~ ~~ tmaster or f,,._ ._.-~- ¢ the mailp~,. °i hebw ihe N.i b~~ C0113U~t P~S ""'^'~`~'_ `a P0.5TAGE j ~''. • q113cI~ lht5 i0YfI1101h~E ~ro111 d., , r{- ~~ • Nhita "ReNrn Recv~Pt Rem!estecl on ~ the ~~1uB ot t1~e 4ers°~ deNve2d to PEiUftN sria++i~.''"~Aq qND~ ~L"~'EavED e Iqa. Article Numbe 7 7 5 , pAORESS ~~~ .~ The Reium R~e~t Fea vnN pa`~ Y b 6 7 p ~i date ot tlolHer~. ~] ~~ 3 PEGEIPT CEpT~RE~FEE*qGNRNRECFIPT '~ 3.liftiGlEAddfPS5Edl0: ~ CEFNIGE ~py pp$SAG£ ~'~ ~ES I vi -- yo~NSUanNCe~°~~"~E°aov~o - 4b. Service Type r ~ SENT TO'. L »orFOaFFrew~nnow+~n~n~~ pri~hOriY ~ ~ Vecchiarelli_ ~ ~ERTIFIED ~` ~ W 35th AVenue 12395 gpp~3 _~ .~n p,nthony Vecchiarel~i ~heat Ridge ~~ f7.DateoPDelivery '"n 12395 W 35th Aven~~033 ,? ~ - ~ ~ m ~ at Ridge C~ ~~. f ~ ~- .. ;. ,~3 ::,: , :. f~=. - ~ Whe ~ s.., „-. ~ a~~o wish to receive the followi~xJ services (for an extra fee)' f y, ~ Addressee's Pd ress ~ ~ iENCoinp~ere items 1 arAfa 2 tor additional sernces. ~um th~s ca~d - • Cmqlale ~tem5 3, NM-0a X b, raverse oi tM1~s ipm 50 tltat we cen ~, 7~~~~ ~,,,,, „ame sr~ aasress «~ ~ Ce ~s ~oi ~ 2; ~ Restricted Delivery ame '^0t' I ~o vw~ ne~ow me anwie `u'"'~'. ~nsult postmast~r for~ R~CEIPT FOR CERTIFIED ~;~~' e h~~urn Rec~Pt Re0.~~ ~ l~~ ~'+s°~ n~f ~+~+~ ~~" de1"1ef"' a an~ ~~ pg FORM 350~ • The Petum Receipl Fea wtl~ W°- '=~ qa, Article Number ~ 6,~ 7 91 ~ "~~ "'~~Ne dressea to: p `113 ~~~~~ ^ 3. brtic~e Pd _ ~ - urts eonns[~ _.- ~ ~ ~ y,an mwxo~n w,e ~~ oEU~ °~ ,, 4b. Serv~e TYPe _ ~.c~vmv ~~~oFOeiMar ' ~ , , ~20 and Weller ~. ' . [tECEiaf ^- c,~rsnr~eocee ~ ae~oawACCCwt a .~, ~right Street ,~ (,ERTIFI~.~ - s~avice ~ Wli`~~t Ridge Ca 80033 ~ ~ IOTN-~STM=F~`DGEES QE ' ~ How~~"o`a~ix~ar~anow.~w.a ` 7.Dateof~efrvery - r- ' SEfvl t0: ~~ _ T , _ F -~- - ~ ~ ~' ~ ~' - II. Addressee's Address aid. `~ goland w011er 5. Signature -(Addressee} (ONLY if requested and tee p 1 ' 'A Wrigh~ Street _ ~ m 3385 Cp 80033 J~ Q~ GJ , d ,~ ' - ~ Wheat Ridge --~~~`Y~~E. ~ 6.Signa ure - (Agerdl _ ~ ppMESTIC RETURN REGEIPT ~ ` a ~-- -. - ~ PS Form 3811, November 199~ , PS FORM 3800 ~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED M1~ , ~~~ - ~,.~. _ . .. ~ - , , ~ ~ 12531 W. 35th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Co., April 14, 1994 Planning Commission, Attn: Meredith Reckert PO Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Co 80034 0638 Gentlemen: ~ CITY OF WHEAT RID` ~ ~ , r~n.,~ n~r-, APR 1 s 1994 ~~~-u ~ : ptq~{~~~,,; ~ DEVELOPMEt~~ I appreciate the notification of Planning Commission Meeting on April 21st concerning the proposed addition to the Applewood Village Shopping Center. It is suggested the Planning Commission consider recommending a n63,~~ ~Tdinan~e be passed to cover the noise in the center as part of the approval of the-~,ffi~ndnt~:xt ~:rs• the :~PP3~wvr~d-°~hapg~~g Cen~er.-- s4 ~3~ . of the Boulder noise ordinance is attached. The need for a noise ordinance is apparent. I have communicated with Walmart since they opened, with little success. This included a petition from the residents bordering on the center which was mailed to them but was not answered. Finally a personal inqniry resulted in the answer they were not aware of any letter. A registered letter to the Walmart Corporati.on failed to get an answer, but the manager did call and they finally agreed to consider a cover to the loading dock. This is part of the present plan. The cover to the loading dock is oniy a small part o£ the problem. As you are well aware, the Applewood Village Shoppin~ Center is unique in that the loading' docks are adjacent to t3ie back yards of residents bordering on the center. Walmart will promise to control the use of the compactor or unloading of empty pallets at night and the next week it starts up again. I have made many calls at 2 AM to discontinue use of the compactor. We requested they get rubber tires on one of their pallet jacks because of the noise of the iron wheels vibrating. The noise at night from the pallet jackets is much more annoying than trucks passing thru. Their answer was it would be too expensive as the rubber tires would wear_out. I even offered to buy them a set of rubber tires. I realize Walmart is a valuable asset to the community and to the City of Wheat Ridge but they should be a little more conscious of their neighbors. You work with them on a problem and then they change managers and you need to start all over again. It is believed a noise ordinance would solve many of the current problems. Walmart is not the only pro6lem. Other stores have trash trucks picking up bins and dropping them late_at night, and diesei trucks unloading with motors running. Your assistance would be appreciated. Sincerely, i~ C.R. untin Incl. ~.. ~ ~, 4elJoUtf,~L 7~'T{~. GITY ~ . ~ RIDGE NIE~HBQRFfaOD CO~LFIFION • • • WE THE FQLLOWINC~ UNDERSIGNEA WHERTRIDGE F'fZQ~'Ef2TY t7b31VER5 DO HERE$Y F'ETITION THE CITY 0~ WHEATRIDGE~ TI-IE CIi'Y CUUIVCIL, RLf-~IVIVING CdMMiSSION~ GLANNTNG RND ENGTNEEftIIVG bE~'(~i~TME1Vi"S, LUTLDTNG DEGAR7iHEIVT AIVD ANY dT1-lER AF'GR~VRL AGENCY TO REOUIRE THE OWNER(S) AND TENANT(S) OF THE WRLhIAR7 ST~RE LEGALLY LQCATED TN fiHE AG~'LEWQQD VILLAGE CEfVTER - F'LAfJNED COMMERICAL DEVELOF'MENT - RMENDED ~'INAL GLFIN ~ dFFICpL DEVELOPMENT F'LAIV, AMEIVDMENT #k5~ PHRSE 1~ T~ CQN1l~LY YiV i'OTAL TC3 ALL CITY AIVD STATE CODE~ ZONItVG~ ENC-,INEERING~ DRRTNAGE REG!USREMEIVTS AND TH4aT THE OWIVERS/TENRNTS GOST SURE7Y ~SDNDING FOR THE COIVSTRUC7'IQN AhiD IMF'LEME~ITATIOi+1 OF T4-IOSE AND INCLUDING THE FOLLOWIIU6 ITEMS: i.INFfi-STRUCTURE: FURNISH A STflRM ARATNAGE REF'G1~T FROM ON SITE 70 I}OWN 57[~Et~l'~I~ IIVCLUDING CDNTWMIIVATiON Q~ I#2RTGRTTOh! WRTER~ MAJOR ERROSION TO f-t PF2SME GREENBEL.T RREt-1 f~ND PRIVFITE RESTDENCESy SURFpGE FLOODING ~F NGRTH RESIDENTIAL AREA. SURFACE St-iEET DRAII~lRCiE SHALL L~E DIVERTED TO fa NEW UNDERGRGUND STORI~I 5YSTEM AND ON SITE DETENTTON, 2.INFR-STRUCTURE: hIEED A TRAFFTC STUDY AND DESIGIV SC1LU'fION FDR GERIMETER OF CENTERy iNCLLIDSNG W. 387H AVE AND YOUIUGFIELLI STREE7S, WHERE MfaNY ACCIDENTS OCCUR RT NORTH EXIT T~7 W 38TH AVE AND R RECEIVT FATALITY AIVD MfaNY INJURIES F1T W 38'ft-i ANII YOiJfV~FIELD. NEED TO AD77RES5 SEMI-TRUC~.S R TRAILERS faCCESSa E6ftESS flND PRRKING QN SITE. iVEEA TCi F'ftOVTDE RE-AL2GNMEIVT CiF W 38TH RVE AND YOIJNGFIELD ST. THE WRTGNT CDURT SNTERSECTiON WI7H W 38TH SNOULD PE CLOSED TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC~ W 38TH flUE SHALL RE IhIMi~ROVED WiTH StlLID 5+7UIVD FENCTlVG DIU THE NORTH, hIEAIAN AIVI7 PERIMETER LRlVDSCtaGING FOR SDUND f~BATEMEI~IT h1NIJ Tp FURM A VERTICflL VISUA~ TRANSi'fION FROM A 4Q~FT 1-II~}-1 COMI+1ERTCRL STRUCTURE T~ A RESIDENTIAL SCALE ON THE NdRTN. IS THERE A GWRK (V RID6 ~R A MAJQt2 RTD TERI~IINAL~ NEED TO SOLVE~THIS RUS TRAF~IC? 3. EXF'ANSTON GLAI~ES: SULiMITTAL NEEDS TCI COMGLY TO ZONIIVG ftEQUIRMENTS GIVING EXISTSNG RIVD NEW E~UILDING RF'ERS, PA~ti:IiV~ NEW AND EXISTIIVG~ AND ACCURACY flF X'LANS-ELEVATIOh7S SE, WIDTH OF GAf2DEIU SHOP ON El..EVWTSQtJ IS 7.4•FT WIDE AND ON F'LRN DIMENSION IS 33FT. T{iERE IS IVO ACTI.JA~ ~'.,R~iDE VARIATIGN SNDWN ON THE DRAWINGS, EXISTItVG GRADE 13ROP8 EI'70 1~hFT FRnM CQRN£R DF EXYSTIIV~, BUTLDIN~ TQ W 387N FLC7W LTNE, THTS IS A MAJOR ICE Ai~tD 4JlaTER PR~&LEM DURIIVG WINTER CONAI7If]NS AND f~LSO INCREASES COMMERICRL BUTLDIN~ MASS T^ SOME 4~F1' HEI~HT ABOVE NORTH RESIDENTIAL DISTf2TCT. THERE IS ONLY 10X OF TOTAL LANA DEDICATED T~ LARfDSCAF~IiVG THSS IS RELRTIVIL.Y LOW l~ND i'NEftE f5 iU0 Ci~NSIDERATICIN DF SCREENING F~ARKEll VEHICLES ON hIQRT4i AIVD WEST GERTMETERS EXISTIN6 F'L.AiVTING IS INRDE~UATE. SF'pCIN6 OF ~ICKETS AT ~RRDEIV SH~P PEf2IMETER IFtQ1V FENCE SHRLL BE M7NIMUM ~F 4 IN. OfC. ~ ~. .~ ~ ~ -~- ~ BLlILDIIVG DEST~,N IS N07 COMGATIL~LE WITH ADJRCEIVT CENTER IN SCALE~ MASSIN~i AND C~LQR IT ALSO DQES NUT ~~Rt7VIDE ANY TRRN5ITIQNAL MRSSSNG OR COLOR COi+'IG'ATRfiIL,TTY TO THE ADJpCEIVT RESTDENTIAL DISTRICT. IT SEEMS R WEST EXPAI~SIpiV T~ THE NEW VESTIBULE WOULD SOLVE THE ARER REQUIRI~IEN75~ AND GR~VTDE A DI5PURSED F'ARI:ING SOLUTIiJN WITH BETTER ACCESS FRqM NORTH RND WEST FIRTERIALS, Ti-fE PRO~'OSED F'RRKT146 SDLUTSON DUMPS G75 VEHICLES ONT^ R 3@F7 WIDE, PEDESTRIAfiI CROSS-OVER HANDTCf~F~, DRIVEWC-1Y AIVD DOES NpTHSNG BUT COf~lGEST diV SITE i+'tQVEh9EhIT AMD OVERLOADS THE NQRTN EXIT. ~ GUBLYC NQTIF'ICATION O~ ALL CHfaNGES TO F'LANNED COMMERICRL DEVEL0~IMENTS IS REOUIR~D BY LRW, IF WE HAD IVOT F~ROTESTED THTS MGDIFICATION Tt] TFIE GLAh!!+lIIV~ DEPARTMEIV~, WE MAY NOT !-IRVE BEEIV F~RI+7ALLY NOTIFIED OF A iVEIGHL-~ORHODD InEE'fSN~. WE 7HE UNDERSSGNEI7 RECUEST THR-f' ITEM5 CQI4TAIh1ED NERE SIV EiE IMMGLEMEN7ED BY THE F'RqROSER R1VD THAT NO AF~PRQVt~L OF THIS F~ROJECT BE GIVEN UNTIL [~LL REQLIIRMENT5 HAVE E~EEN RF80LVED, p~tu. fVRME ~ ADDRESS `_ S GNAT E DflTE~ l ~a~.Pt~ P. S/+~.-r~.o i $I~ 3sun N/1u~~C~•1~U~.CO ~'-~ --.-^ ___~_ .~ a f ~~rt+~-~. ~a • 5r~u7avrdu.~ ~, ' // „ ,~ `~~ l9~ 9'4 (_I 380 ~ Wa~r~z G-r . W I~. cp ~_ ~ ~ 3 michael ~. Le.~iS ~/7~.,:~/~/!~' ~.~.~~_. ~/-/7-9~ 3$~a ~~ris~hl- C f. ~x12. C,C~ j 4 5~nnort ~I- . I._e~~5 ~`~tc~rnmrt~Q'~.~s-~ l7 3S12~ l~'lriohfi Ci". I.JIZ. CI~ '~~ ~ ~~~vz~•~~IA~~~ /7 i~ ) ~~'~ ~ Gt~/1~~=f, ('~ /..I~'~ ~ // ~ ~ i ~ ~/tl1- %, .~~Y~Y11,vr ~ -, _ P -.. - ^ '~/f7-9sC ~ - ~ ~~~~~,/lT,er-.C.c ~~~ _ ~ .~ ~/i.,~i~af ~ . ~ ~Jah~ ~ ~7 9~- ~ ~ A~~Jo~fl ~ KJ~r.~~~ ~}.~w.a~.l.t~ ~un 7~~, ~---~~-5`~ ~f~ I Q~l W'~~G~Z' CT~ n I 1 $ ~ i~:l/ ^i7~c~ie.// Gr/°YL%~~~ `~/7~y • ~ ~~~~ ~r,sy~ G',~ - ~~.~~r, ~~.~.z,G'~i' ~i~2if,.~, .i .- />-95~, ~ oa ~~ i~~~J'~~i `b VnrOJ !'1 i J~1 ~ ! 0 GU ~ / / ' \ J.~„ACJUA-- /7 ~ ~~ ~/ / ~/ 7 7 3 ~ ~v~ ~-~TC,~ Co/'~,~~ U ___ ___(~ ~ ~~ ~A2t.~S f1 , ~c~u~F L~- ~~ ~'~ur,(.~ ~1~1g. 5~ i~~ ' ~~z w?r~r C..~.wWn, ~ ~ _ ( ^ # ~ ~ ~ j~ -a- DATE S~ ~~f-~~/ / ~ ~J.~s u~ 3~ G~-P, ----.--~----_- =~ ;~- ,j• yir~ ~ I SIGiV(aTUFZE iVf~ME_R_ADDF~ES5-f_----- ~„ ~~~ - ~~- ~ ~,~v • ~~_~~~~"~ ~' ~3 ~~1~i~'I~'c~Y U,~c~~ .7~- ,~~ ~o,r~.~ ~.~rr - - I,. ~ _/,~`~~rv,3~ir"'S'~v r~~ , ~ ~-~x-9s~'i ~ i.. r~ -e ~ ~ ~~ ~~fh ~,~ - _. _ ~----~I _`--`- ~, o ~.~c~a--= ` ~` ~ ~ ~l ~()J_[' ~ n ~+ !J C i /rY.,~e'_ M. ~S ~ ~ °~.-il ~l n r` ta 1.~. ~ 7'd.~~ _ ---"~^ ' ~.~ ~r ~~4 ~ ' G~ S.S' ~R N '/ / -~f 3 s~~~ w~3 ~ q_ ~ S%•.- --=- , ~. ~ ~- ~ti 3 ~' t'` ~T ~ ~,~v ~ r ~ - ~o~.~ ~ ~._ ~ ~ c____ ` `-'-__- , - ~I - I £r- ~' ~1. ~ ` ~ -.~C ~ .. ~ ~~ag ~ ~ 3a ~ v~ ____-___ _ -- ~ ~.~~----- ~~~: q~ ~ .t~i ~~ `~~~ ~' , i~.~~a3 C~.~11~~' - -__ - ~ r'.~"-H~~''_, ( 2b GG ,. 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'~~~' aC-~' _ s'yv Gd ' -~' '~ _ ~ ~-_ 3 ~~..9'~ ~21 ~DRoTy ~• ~v~.s . _ - • ,~g~r, c. ~~~;~~.5~ -- - ----- - ~~ ~g /~y rj-~ --- ~ ~ ~ ~~ i hJ L~~~9f1' /I:~ '~ ~~i.d'LG(,i 1~ -~./j y. / il'7 a. ~--_ _ ___ / z y~ 7 ~r.,~ 3sS'~_~~ _ -s ._ t ' . , ~ O, NAME R ADDRESS SIGNATUR~ DATE _... --- _. ~ ---- . ~ ~ / ~ tric'/Y.~ ;q///J fi /d,.Sc7 e} ~' -- r /t v1./G~ /~-~Jis~is.~y Y~- ~ O-y /2.S Cl ~ ~~ .~j ~`z".~ hs'~u'~~ i~~ n vi ~.. ,. - , jr~l P v^ - ~-A-~i i.AJ a~.J'Q -%S~ i f o? ~~/G 7 ~ ~.-~ll~. ~~~ _ ~ :----_ -- - -- -4- • ~ I • _~ ~ I ~ f-- ~ i it ~ ~f ~- ~ ~ ( I I i ; i i ~ ~ 1 1 _ '__"_ ".... ;+ ~ ~j ~1 ~ ~ . - F E ~ ! _ _ _. - F t f ' ~ } `~ . __.-...__ _'__-__ _ s~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission Date Prepared: Apr31 7, 1994 Date of Meeting: April 21, 1994 Case Manager ~Meredith Reckert Case No. & Narae: WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart Action Requested: Approval o£ an amendment to a£inal development plan Location of Request: 3600 Young£ield Stre.et Name/Address of Applicant(s): General Management Company 13900 ~ Harvard Avenue Aurora CO 80014 Name/Address of Owner(s): Same ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate Area: 29.9 acres Present Zoning: Planned Commercial Development Present Land iJse: Retail Surrounding Zoning: ~ R-1; ,~ R-2, RC-1, R-C; Ei R-2, R-lA, RC-1; W• I-70 Surrounding Land Use: N: church, low density residential; ~ commercial, low density residential; ~ low density residential; W: I-70 Comprehensive Plan for Area: Commercial Activity Center -------------------------------------------------------------- Date Published: April 5, 1994 Date to be Posted: April 7, 1994 Date Legal Notices Sent: April 7, 1994 Agency Check List (XX) Attached () Not required Related Correspondence ( ) Attached (XX) None ---------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER INTO RECORD: (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance (XX) Slides ( ) Subdivision Regulations (XX) Exhibits JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ',, ~ ~ Planning Commission Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart 2. ~REOUEST The applicant requests agproval of an amenchnent to the Applewood Village Shopping Center final development plan. II. SITE PLAN The purpose of the proposed amendment is to facilitate the expansion of the existing Wal-Mart store on the northern portion of the shopping center. Wal-Mart currently has around 105,000 square feet of interior store space plus the existing £enced garden area on the north end o£ the store. The existing development plan shows 6,000 square £eet o£ fenced garden area, however, this area has been expanded illegally throughout the years. _ The amendment proposes a 22,219 square foot expansion to the north, a 3700 square £oot enclosed garclen center and 14,700 square feet of outdoor garden center. A ten-£oot-high wrought iron £ence surrounds the garden area. The vestible at the £ront has been increased to 9,000 square feet in size and the loading dock on the east side in the alley will be enclosed. The eastern-most curb cut on West 38th Avenue has Leen moved to the west. The brick building at the northeast corner o£ the site will be demolished to aCCOmmodate the expansion. With the proposed addition, the shopping center would have 27~ building coverage, 62~ parking coverage and,9$ landscaped coverage. The shopping center as a whole has adequate parking. II2. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on April 5, 1994 attendance were: Meredith Reckert Glen Gidley John Oss Bob Middaugh Jacque Wedding-Scott Jerry Biehl - General Management Anne Pearson - General Management Paul Crabtree - Colorado Land Consultants Kent Prinslow - Colorado Land Consultants Jerry Nemitz, 3621 Wright St Bill Mitchell, 3802 Wright Ct Georgia Mitchell., 3802 Wright Court Tony Ficco, 12425 W 38th Ave Ken Lewis, 3840 Wright Street ArnoZd Kuether, 3$11 Wright Ct Mike Lewis, 3812 Wright Ct Ralph Santangelo, 3801 Wright Court Those in ~ ~ Planning Comm3ssion StaP£ Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart Chris Tjapkes, 3810 Youngfield Donna Miller, 3773 Wright Anthony Vecchiarelli, Z2395 W 35th Ave Concerns expressed included the £ollowing: Garden center screening Aesthetics of the Wal-Mart store - it needs to be consistent with the rest o£ the center Outdoor loudspeakers used in,the garden center Closure o£ the branch post of£ice Drainage problems created on W 35th Avenue, W 38th Avenue and the Wright St area north o£ the center Runof£ from the center into the irrigation ditcI'i The RTD bus terminus on the property The confusion £or vehicular tra££ic at the Youngfield/38th/I-70 intersection Operational concerns regarding on-site trash Semi-trailers and shipping boxes on the property On-site vehicular circulation IV. AGENCY REFERRAL3 Ali outside agencies can serve the property. Public Works 3s requesting that drainage on the property be collected and conveyed to a future storm sewer placed in West 38th Avenue. They have agreed to re-stripe West 38th Avenue to accommodate a left-hand turn into the property. The Pree right-hand turn £rom Youngfield onto West 38th Avenue may be eliminated. V. STAFF RE(:OMMENAATIpNS There are three di££erent types o£ issues which have been raised regarding this request. A. Those issues that directly relate to this proposed expansion which staff expects and recommends are to ba accomplished by Wal-Mart and/or the owner o£ the shopping center; B. Recommendations that relate to the shopping center as a whole and some off-site impacts and issues that staff expects and recommends are accomplished by the owner o£ the shapping center at some time in the near £uture; and C. Those issues and concerns which the City, through the Capital Improvement Program, should accomplish at some time in the near future. A. PLAN SPECIFIC RECOMMFNDAmIONS 1. Regarding the "Garden Center" a. In addition to the iron fencing shown, some ~ Planning Commission Sta£f Report Case No. WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart ~ Page'4 additional view-obsci~ring screening should be used along the north and east sides. b. Lighting should be designed so as to prohibit direct glare and/or excess light bleed onto the properties to the north and east. c. No outside loudspeakers or audio broadcast systems shall be used. 2. Regarding the building addition and exterior renovation, staff recommends that the architectural treatment, including color and use o£ gable facades match that of the building which extends to the south. 3. The proposed freestanding sign be revised to include the Applewood Shopping Center design element used on other siqns in the Center. 4. Regarding parking lot and street access and street improvement issues: a. Extension of a sidewalk along West 38th Avenue to the east will be requ3red and that handicapped access be provided into the development from West 38th Avenue. b. It is recommended that an additional main drive be provided toward the western side. There currently is a drive going south from the westerly curb cut. That drive could be curved to align with the drive behind Blockbuster, or it could remain as is. Additionally, staff recommends that all parking ends be landscaped and that the transition of the building front drive at the south end of Wal-Mart be improved in design. B. LARGER SHOPPING CENTER ISSUES 1. There are existing (historic) drainage problems that the shopping center has caused for the surrounding residential areas. Sta£f recommends that the owner and the City work together to correct those drainage problems. Those facilities that would be located on private property would be the owner's financial responsibility, whereas those beyond the private property boundaries would be the City's responsibility. Timing of on-site drainage improvements should correspond to the City's project. 2. Vehicular circulation coming from the south (West 32nd Avenue) is very poorly designed. Staff has sketched a possible solution that would provide more structured channelization, See attached Exhibit 'A'. ~ ~ Planning Commission Sta£f Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart C. CIT~' ISSUES 1. The neighbors to the north have requested a sound wall and closure of Wright Court. Sta£f will approach Council for approval and funding of this pro~ect. 2. There needs to be a left turn-in lane (west bound) at the easterly curb cut. The City will re-strip West 38th Avenue. 3. The City may eliminate the £ree right turn at the intersection of Young£ield and West 38th Avenue; thus increasing the corner land area for landscape improvements. This con£iguration contributes to the con£usion at this intersection. 4. On-site drainage needs to be properly collected and conveyed via a storm sewer system. Those portions of the system that are beyond the shopping center boundaries wiil be recommended to City Council £or Capital Improvement Program. Although the details have not been worked out, a storm sewer system would be instalied in West 38th Avenue running north in Wright Street and dumping into Clear Creek. If this concept is approved by City Council, it would most likely occur next summer. RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move that Case No. WZ-94-4, a request by General Management Company £or approval of an amendment to a Final Development Plan £or the Applewood Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation £or APPROVAL, based upon the following £indings and with the recommendations as set £orth in the sta££ report, Section V. Findings: 1. There is jurisdiction £or the City to consider this request; 2. Al1 agencies indicate that they can serve the proposal; and 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordinance have been met, or will be met based upon the conditions recommended. <pc>srwz944 ~ ~ CASE N0. WZ-94-4 ~ AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY ~ XX Fire: rr,,r.o~+ a;,~,.oi r,~ ~-,-,.r, ~m.. ° Schools: XX Water: Irn„Gr,i;~a+P~ M„+„aii Can serve_ XX Sewer: (Westridael Can serve. XX US West Communications: XX Public Service Co: -. State Land Use Comm. (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: ~- - Je££erson County:(HEALTH, COMMISSIONERS, PLANNING) Adjacent City: American Cablevison: CITY DEPARTMENTS XX Public Works: c~~ ~+->~~ ~~^v~_ -. Parks & Recreation: Police: , XX Building Inspection: tvo nrohlemG_ pc/Agencyrefsum ~ ~' . ~ V ' ,-::.;, ' ~ ~ o! ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~,~ r I ~~ ~ 1 ~_ . . ~ -- ~~ ~s ~~~ ~ ;+ OL 31V1Stl3LN1 . I ' 1 r ~ 'Im ~ i~ ~ai~-e,r - ---- ---- ---- ---- ~ _ --- ~ ~. ~, ,, . . ~~ ~ $I N ~ ~~~~ ~ A~~ ~ ~ }a~ ~r- ~ t- ~ ~ a ~ J ~~~F~ ~ F~ ~ J O r}- ~ ~~ U ~ 1 I ~ + LJ- V ~ ~ ~ Q Q ~ F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V Z ~ ~' '{'j'" Z ~ O ~ O - ] ~ ~ ~ ~ N 30 ~ ~ ~ Hts ~ico ea sn~ tFa~ e~' YWM 01 txt <p+ ( Wa~ ocsUl~i~~ ~MS( t1u~ OtftRi~~tia{lk0~Cµ1~{TiC ,..pRiia+~~es iT~~x'E'ies~osuKO t~ o'~ce, ~~q~~S ~~ ~FE i~ WLt J` 1 p~~:kE GaMM1G ~~ 0~ E v11C0 li fI~YEO ~ twtEt'1 t. ~cYtCKiNG.TtJti•~~,~tMt*EtAS4NG YO ~~•R ~~.GAP{M~i SU![RYIS5~~0 OV,09 4tA 4N~ C~[X Afl~ICA6lf 1~ lOll~ t. CM~CtfIE fU~~K 9A SCCitO`1 161• - Y GE~t If f C~~ 1~• o StAY1U~ lM~~ MS ~tqµ OISTIttGT. ceWE(i l. VxE +VfHUC GO~WMa ~~ER 1.N~E f1WlNRTIKIFi ilGl ~SOp yfit 1~App tOSIS . OISSFICT. TRE ~E t~y~j.404~ _.,^ , NEyJ ~ "~c~Ti[~16 fE c. ~ SNE ~SC~~Y'J ' ~~h E%1~jZ. =~a p~~~~' O~yy . . . . . . ~ ' " ~ ~ ~ 1162.99 ~- ~ ~ p•5L8 E . C ~ ~ ~nWi °~ tt 5 ~ a. ~,c ~pp05 tW . ~~~^~~...~ ,_._ _..- ~~See~ r ~_. ~•J.IyKR~ti `L Y~' . : p ~~~• x _ ~~0~~ K 0~ 1 NEYJ ~pµfN'( "~3~ ~ ' ~ r ~Kf^ ~ ' (AMEN ::. flPi ~ ~ ~ M1 ':,.;: .~~1~i 5 u ~ ~ ~S~i or E ~cs 1 .KlN6 SO ..., '.. , J~ .cns 1 NEW LaNONSt -,, n NaME 31 '` ~ ~ (AME 1 p.,s. W'~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~. t n~t~T ~ o~ ,, ~' ~~~ ~,~ i ~! ~ /~ ~ ~ ~ 1 r ~ ~' t~ ~l,~ ,1 F' 1 ~^~ v n~,~' r ' II ~l' 4~~ /~~ P f ? t ~ _Sv a~% ~ ~ /~~~a O~^ ' r `~o}~ O ~. •tGm~~~µyw s. ~ ~r wr""~`' . NEuJ ~~~b ~'ttKb~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~~~ ~f~bS~PWb. 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N WOO4 I} v ~ A R1 ~E T t ~ f~D ~ ~ I f,PPLE-.lAS , SGnn~D ~ ,~..~,,; ° ^ ~ ~ I :L~au~ ~;;QU +~i ~ : ~ :- ~ ~ ~' ~ ~, ~ ,~..-. ~ PUBLIC HEARING SP~CEAS~ LIST CASE N0: WZ-94-4 DATE: 04-21-94 REpUESTS An application by General Management Company for approval of an amendment to the Planned Commercial Development final development plan for the Applewood Village Shopping Center located at approximately 3600 Youngfield:5treet. i ~ ; SPEAKER~S NAHE ~ ADDRESS (PLEASE PRINT) I / i.~ ~°/~° .a.~.. -.? ~ ~!~ ~1~~'t~~G~C:"I: , , ~ ~~~ ~ ~s ~ , ; %~"' _ -~.,~ ~;,~e L~p ~ t / vlC~ ,~f"`~{} n,-`: "1 R/'~ , ~ ~~M':- ~{~~~'" ~~ , ~ ,:_ ~ _ . ' ±:,r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ~ i ~ i i ._ i i i i Position Qn (Please IH FAVOR ; Reque~t; Check) ; OPPaSED ; ~ ~ ~/ ; v,, , , , , ., , ~ ' , ~ ; l ~ ;~,. ~ !.~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .; ~ _~ ~ ~ ~ Planning Commiss3on Minutes April 21, 1994 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA ~ Page 2 Vice Chairman ECKHARDT requested the addition o£ two items under New Business; 1) State Legislature "Takings Bill", and 2), the recent joint meeting with City Council. With those additions, Commissioner JOHNSON moved to approve the agenda £or the meeting of April 21, 1994 as amended. Commissioner CRUMPTON seconded the motion.' Motion carried 5-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Chairman ECKHARDT pointed out typographical errors on page 12, last paragraph (the misspelling of his name and extra words "be could") in the last line. He requested that the words "to connect with the Greenbelt walkway along the East" be added to the eighth sentence in the paragraph. On page 14, £irst paragraph the word "was" should be added following the.word "he" in the second sentence. Commissioner CERVENY noted that he was absent from a portion of the meeting and he wouid vote to approve the portion he attended. With those corrections, Commissioner CERVENY moved to approve the minutes for the meeting of April 7, 1994. Commissioner LANGDON seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner JOHNSON abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time Por anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7, of the Public Hearing section o£ the agenda.) No one signed the roster nor came Porward to speak at this time. 7. PUBLIC HEARING t~'~ 1. Case No. WZ-94-4: _An application by General Management ~ Company for approval of an amendment to the Planned Commercial Development final development plan for the Applewood Village Shopping Center located at approximately 3600 Youngfield Street. ~/ Mr. Gidley presented the staff report. Entered and accepted into the' record were the Zoning Ordinance, case file, packet materials and exhibits. Commissioner LANGDON asked if RTD would park on the street? Mr. Gidley stated that if the owner terminates the easement, the City would encourage bus stops be placed on both sides o£ West 38th Avenue. ~ Planning Commission Minutes April 21, 1994 Commissioner LANGDON asked how wide is 38th Avenue? Page 3 Mr. Gidley answered it is a 60-£oot right-o£-way, however, it is somewhat wider near Young£ield. Commissioner CERVENY asked i£ additional impervious material would be added to the development with this addition? Mr. Gidley answered there will be no increase in impervious surfaces. Commissioner JOHNSON asked i£ there would be a curb cut on the northeast? None is shown,on the plan. Mr. Gidley stated a curb cut currently exists that is used as a service drive. This would not change, he added. Commissioner JOHNSON asked i£ the trucks would make a U-turn to back into the docks? Mr. Gidley answered there is another way, however, he hoped it was not being done. The trucks could come through the neighborhood. Comments from the audience indicated the trucks were now going through the neighborhood. He added that if that is true, then signs should be installed prohibiting same. Commissioner LANGDON asked about the trucks backing into the tlocks aPter pulling out into West 38th Avenue. Mr. Gidley stated that trucks could come of£ Young£ield end of King Soopers and down and around. Commissioner CERVENY asked Mr. Gidley to explain further the straight-through drive aisle he had suggested. to the about ~ ~ ._ .- ,~ Mr. Gidley pointed to the location of the current straight- through drive aisie. He drew on the transparency pro~ected overhead a possible drive-through aisle location. Discussion £ollowed regarding parking lot variables. Paul Crabtr.ee, Colorado Land Consultants, ,~tave Wilson. Colorado Land Consultants, and Jerrv Biehl, General Management Company were sworn in. Paul Crabtree stated he represented the appiicant. He added that he had reviewed the staff recommendations with Wal-Mart and found nearly all acceptable. He explained. Concerns with staff's recommendations he mentioned were building elevation, gables and painting and also mentioned that audio broadcast systems could be lowered to an acceptable level and parking ends might not all be ~ ~ Planning Commission Minutes April 21, 1994 ~ Page 4 landscaped at once. He noted that the parking lot configuration might change until a workable plan could be found. Commissioner JOHNSON asked if there had been a drainage study performed by an engineer done on the parking lot? He thought the timing would be good iP on-site grading was planned. Mr_ Crahtree stated he was unaware if a full drainage study had been done on the entire center. He noted that landscaping would be added and therefore, less impervious material used. Drainage patterns would not change. Vice Chairperson ECKHARDT asked Mr. Gidley if a drainage study was done for the entire shopping center. Mr. Gidley stated there was no current drainage study. The Department o£ Public Works did not require a study, since drainage patterns are not changing. He added that when the City improves West 38th Avenue, a runo££ study and analysis would be necessary to determine how much water is coming off the center, where it's going and how it can be collected. Commissioner LANGDON was concerned how and where the water drains currently. Mr. Gidley stated that drainage is a neighborhood issue and has been an issue for many years. He elaborated. Vice Chairperson ECKHARDT asked about sidewalk along West 38th Avenue. Mr. Crabtrea stated,,.~hey,planned_..to;,.aontinue.~he.ex~sti~g. ... ;.: ~~sidewalk to the end o£ the property. Tonv Ficc~, 12425 West 38th Avenue was Sworn in. Mr. Ficco was in favor of retaining the free right turn lane; he stated he thought the parking lot plan was ridiculous; he complained that the proposed additional sidewalk goes nowhere; he noted ongoing _ drainage problems; Mr. Ficco saw problems with the garden center con£iguration; and stated there would be a serious elevation change at the north end. He discussed drainage problems at length. Vice Chairperson ECKHARDT stated that City engineering would study further the £ree right turn lane onto 38th. He asked i£ Mr. Ficco's comment about the parking lot design concerned the elimination o£ the north-south driving aisle? Mr. Ficco stated that the north-south drive aisle had been removed to accommodate parking £or customers generated from the proposed addition. He felt this would create multiple problems to a parking lot that is already very congested. ~ Planning Commission Minutes April 21, 1994 ~ Page 5 Vice Chairperson ECKHARDT asked about Mr. Ficco`s comment about the garden center. Mr_ F;cco stated that an area had been provided for loading, however, the parking plan was poor. Vice Chairperson ECKHARDT addressed Mr. Ficco's comment about the proposed sidewalk going nowhere. He added the hope was that the sidewalk eventually would coritinue to the east, however the developer is responsible to provide sidewalk to the property line. Regarding Mr. Ficco's concerns about drainage problems, Vice Chairperson ECKHARDT stated presently the Pubiic Works Department is investigating the situation. Mr_ Fir.nn pointed out that when a developer comes to the city with a plan to build, he is required to properly handle drainage water. Vice Chairperson ECKHARDT noted that this is was not a new project but a preexisting situation. Otherwise, the developer would provide a drainage study, etc. Commissioner LANGDON asked Mr. Ficco to describe the drainage problems following a rainstorm. Mr_ F;~~Q_did so, using the site plan pro,jected overhead. He reiterated that the drainage problems need to be addressed now. Ralnh Santanaalo, 3801 Wright Court was sworn in. Mr. Santangelo stated he was a longtime resident oP Wheat Ridge. Amor~g his concerns were existing drainage problems, the lack of ~.,cuzUs_/gut.t,ers,,ponds, acell=/decell.lanes-indicated on the plan. - No traffic study was performed. He elaborated. Mr. Santangelo suggested only one entrance/exit on the north side of the center. At this time, he submitted a petition, which was labelled Exhibit 'A'. He added that he is not opposed to the addition, he just wants the design to be compatible, and the problems he mentioned remedied. _ Mr. Gidley read into the record, a letter from Kathleen Krager, P.E., dated February 22, 1994, who per£ormed a traffic study. She indicated no traffic increase with this addition. Mr_ Santannelo noted that the traffic engineer did not address on-site circulation, additional parking required, etc. Mr. Gidley stated she was addressing the impact on the public street system only. Mr_ Santan~reln was hopeful that the entrance/exit onto West 38th Avenue could be impro~ed and a sound barrier, landscaping and curb and gutters installecl. i ~ Planning Commission Minutes April 21, 1994 ~ Page 6 Vice Chairperson ECKHARDT asked Mr. Santangelo i£ he was asking for curb and gutter on the north side o£ West 38th Avenue? Mr. Santannelo stated he was. He £elt West 38th Avenue should be improved and the tra£fic problems be solved by widening, etc. with the completion of the addition. Mr. Gidley the city did give thought to providing an additional lane on the south edge of West 38th Avenue, however, it would require removal of all mature trees along the north side of the shopping center. Ae elaborated. Mr_ SantanaPlo said that a 60-foot right-of-way was more than adequate to handle three lanes of traffic. Mr_ ridle~ said the city could stripe three lanes of traffic. He added that when this case goes be£ore City Council, decisions can be made to proceed with Purther studies to alleviate I.ong- standing drainage and traffic problems. Discussion £ollowed. xen LPwis, 3840 Wright Street was sworn in. Mr. Lewis and his family are long-standing residents, He listed among his concerns noise, dirt, traffic and trash generated by the shopping cen~ter. Mr. Lewis suggested the city close Wright Court prior to Wal-Mart starting this project. He elaborated on drainage problems su£fered many years by surrounding residents. Mr. Lewis informed those present that Applewood Shoppinq Center is colleCting from the City rebated tax dollars amounting to approximately $90,000 per month. He added that if Wright Court is closed, signs should , be.placed_on-,Wright Street.and West .38th Drive_stating-"not a~ through street". He elaborated. Commissioner LANGDON asked for further information.regarding the tax rebate program. Mr. Gidley stated the rebate.stated the maximum time period for the tax rebate is ten years, The maximum amount that can.be collected is approximately $2.5 million. This program, called ESTIP was adopted in the late 1980s to encourage existing Wheat Ridge husinesses to expand and to attract new retail business to the City. He added that the funds rebated are to be used £or improvements on and around the center. He elaborated. Commissioner LANGDON stated that if he understands correctly, the rebated funds could be used for needed_storm sewer improvements, curb and gutter, etc. Mr. Gidley stated a portion of the funds will be used to make some of the drainage improvements. He added that the city ~ Planninq Commission Minutes April 21, 1994 ~ Page 7 departments had discussed the needed improvements, although no plans exist at present. He elaborated. Commissioner JOHNSON asked who administers the ESTIP program and what are restrictions? Mr. Gidley stated City Council negotiates directly with the property owners, and an agreement is signed by the owner and city. He explained £urther. Commissioner JOHNSON asked if the intent of the program was that funds reba~ted would be utilized £or 3mprovements to in£rastructure? He wondered where the funds were going. Mr. Gidley explained how the program can be utilized £or anything exterior in which public good would be derived. For eaample, improvement to the £acades of buildings, parking lot lighting, landscaping. Commissioner LANGDON asked approximately what date the maximum rebate amount would be achieved at the shopping center. t~tr. Gidley stated he estimated the owners of the shopping center would receive the maximum amount allowed by the end o£ this year. Mr. Gidley reiterated to Commission that their responsibility was to make a recommendation on the timinn o£ necessary improvements. City Counc3l must determine where £unds will come from. Mjke Lewis, 3812 Wright Court said he was in agreement with the closure of Wright Court. ,,,,. ,_ Mr-_ _ C ~. R_ B~~nti.a,,. ;,12531 West 35th Avenub was sworn • in. He stated he represented 16 persons living east oE the center. The main concerns he mentioned were noise and trash. Anthonv Ver.chi_arel.li, 12395 West 35th Avenue was sworn in. He stated most o£ his complaints had been mentioned by other speakers. He suggested ~hat the request be,denied until all issues are addressed. Jerrv Bi.eh]., 11115 West 38th Avenue had been previously sworn in. Mr. Biehl stated he had made a commitment to v,+ork with the city in order to resolve the drainage probiems. The drainage problems cannot be solved, however unti2 an interceptor line in West 38th Avenue is available. Referencing the anticipated traffic problems, he stated they would be £lexible and if traffic patterns needed to be changed or altered, they would do tha~. Commissioner LANGDON asked Mr. Biehl how much time would be lost regarding the planned addition, should Planning Commission denp the request. ~ ~ Planning Comm3ssion Minutes _ Page 8 April 21, 1994 _ _ _- Mr_ Siehl stated it could mean six to 12 months' delay. Commissioner LANGDON asked why it would take so long Mr_ Biehl stated he couldn't understand why the request would be delayed, since they had been working with the city all along. Commissioner LANGDON stated_that according to the staP£ report, many questions have been left unanswered. He wondered if the best time to correct the deficiencies was now. Would denying the request aid the process? _ Mr. Gidley answered the-city could not ask the developer to. "design a tub" when the city cannot presently provide an outlet. He thought Capital Improvement funds might be available in 1994 that could be utilized. Mr. Gidley noted that this project is not on any Capital Improvement plan at this time. He stated it would do no good to deny the request. Commissioner LANGDON spoke o£ his.desire that the multiple problems surrounding this proposed addition could be resolved without disrupting the project. Mr_ R;_ahl stated until there is a collection line constructed in West 38th Avenue he could not continue with a drainage plan. Vice Chairman ECKHARDT recapped the ma~or concerns. Commissioner CERVENY moved that Case No. WZ-94-4, an application _ by General Management Company for approval of an amendment to the Planned Commercial De~elopment final development plan for the „ Applewood Village_5hopping Center located at approximately 3600- Stoungfieid Street be forwarded to Ci-ty Council with a recommendation for Approval based on the £ollowing findings and with the recommendations as set £orth in the staf£ report Section 5 and with the following conditions: 1. in con~unction with the development, city address the proper drainage £rom the shopping center and proper traffic control for the neighborhood. In connection with Section 5, Commissioner CERVENY did not go through the section in detail, but as printed, made the following additions: A. 2. Regarding the building addition exterior renovation, that be left up to coordination between the property owner, Wal-Mart and the city; A. 3. Regarding the freestanding sign, that be le£t up to an agreement between the City, Wal-Mart and center owner; ~ ~ Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 April 21, 1994 (A) 4.b.Regarding interior circixlation, a traffic study be provided to City Council that would address concerns o£ traf£ic problems the addition might create within the shopping center. (A) 6. Regarding landscaping of parking end caps, coordinate with City, owner and Wal-Mart. Commissioner LANGD~N made a£riendly amendment that Section V B. the phrase "owner o£ shopping center sometime in the near future" be changed to "owner o£ shopping center sometime in the immediate future". Mr. Gidley stated that could be tied to the issuance of a building permit. Mr. aiPh~ requested that it be tied to a construction year. Mr. Gidley stated that if a building permit is issued in 1995, these improvements would also be constructed in 1995. The Certi£icate of Occupancy would be issued only when'improvements have been designed and construction started. Commissioner JOHNSON suggested an amendment to Commissioner LANGDON's friendly amendmen~t that the recommendations be approved at the issuance of a building permit and be completed by the time the Certi£icate of Occupancy is issued. Commissioner CERVENY further e~cplained that his motion stated referencing the timing of the improvements, the traffic and drainage would be addressed by City Council and taken care of at „ the time the improvement.was c.oming through, . Commissioner JOHN50N stated he wanted to put a time frame on 3t. Commissioner LANGDON agreed to the amendment to his friendly amendment. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded Commissioner CERVENY's motion. Commissioner JOHNSON restated his friendly amendment that the conditions (regarding improved drainage and tra£fic) be required at the time the permit is issued and be completed by the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Vice Chairperson ECKHARDT paraphrased the motion. Commissioner CERVENY added that as a condition improved drainage and tra£fic problems i.e., Wright Court and the west exit at West 38th Avenue be (as Commissioner JOHNSON stated) addressed at the time of approval by Ci-ty Council and required to be completed by ~ ~ Planning Commission Minutes Page 10 April 21, 1994 the time of Certificate of Occupancy. He added that the property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Mr. Gidley stated that the public improvements time frame issue was not controlled by the applicant, but by City Counoil. He doubted that Commission could make that a condition. It could be made a recommendation to City Council, however. , Commissioner CERVENY agreed that this was a recommendation and not a requirement. Motion carried 5-0. Vice Chairperson ECKHARDT called a short recess. Meeting reconvened at 10:05 p.m. 2. Case No. zOA-94-3: A proposal to amend Wheat Ridge Code o£ Laws, Chapter 26. Zoning Code relating to right of legal protest for Special Use Permits and Day Care Centers as Special Uses within residential and agricultural zone districts. Mr. Gidley informed Commission that this case had been referred by City Council as a legislative proposal. He passed around a copy o£ the proposed Council Bill. He rev3ewed his memo summarizing the proposed changes. Commissioner CERVENY asked i£ the proposed regulations were consistent with most other communities? Mr. Gidley stated yes, it is. He added that the chart, in one area, is-misieading in that with day care centers and small day care centers the chart states that they were not allowed in residential zone districts prior to Ordinance 945. However, they werP allowed as an accessory use to a church. Commissioner CERVENY asked if they were allowed as a freestanding Pacility. Mr. Gidley stated no. Commissioner CERVENY asked for further explanation of a"legal protest". Mr. Gidley did so.', Commissioner LANGDON asked Mr. Gidley if this change would accomplish anything. Mr: Gidley stated he believed it would. He explained that he believes it is a better proCess than rezoning. He added he thought more control would be maintained by leaving the zoning as i ,;ASE NO: WZ-94-4 APPLICANT(S) NAME: OWNER(S) NAME: REQUEST: APPROXIMATE AREA: ~ CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: General Management Company Same. 3600 Young£ield-Street Approval of an amendment to a final development plan 29.9 acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list o£ £actors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereo£; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing heard by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner CERVENY, seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON, that Case No.. WZ-94-4, a application by General Management Company for approval o£ an amendment to the Planned Commercial Development £inal development plan £or the Applewood Village Shopping Centez, located at approximately ~600 Young£ield Street, be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation ~r Approval based on the following findings and recommendations: 1. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all noti£ication and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is ~urisdiction to hear this case. 2. a. Regarding the garden center, in addition to the iron £encing shown, „ some,ad~lit7-onal,view-obscuring screening should be usad_along_the north and east sides. b. Lighting should be designed to prohibit direct glare and/or excess light bleed onto the properties to the north and east. c. No outside loudspeakers or audio broadcast systems shall be used. 3. ' Regarding the building addition and exterior renovation, we recommend that sta££ work with Wal-Mart and the owner to try to achieve the architectural treatment, including'color and use of gable facades that matches that of the building which extends to the south. 4. Sta£P shouid work with Wal-Mart and the owner to try to insure that the proposed freestanding sign include the Applewood Shopping Center , design element used on other signs in the Center. 5. Regarding parking lot and street access and street improvement issues: a. Extension of a sidewalk along West 38th Avenue to the east will be required and handicapped access shall be provided into the development from West 38th Av~nue. ~ ~ CertiPicate of Resolution Page 2 Case No. WZ-94-4/General Management Co. j b. The applicant prepare a traffic study to be provided to City Council that would address concerns of traffic and interior vehicular circulation problems. 6. Staff should work with the owner and Wal-Mart so that all parking ends be landscaped and that the transition of the building £ront drive at the south end oP Wal-Mart be improved in design. 7. There are existing (historic) drafnage problems that the shopping center has caused £or the surrounding residential areas. Planning Commission recommends that the owner and the City work together in the near future to correct'those drainage problems. Those £acilities that would be located on private property would be the owner's financial responsibility, whereas those beyond the private property boundaries would be the City's responsibility. Timing o£ on-site drainage improvements should correspond to the City's project, however engineering design and financial commitment should coincide with building permit issuance for this expansion and a Certificate of Occupancy should not be issued until such has happened. 8. Vehicular circulation coming from the south (West 32nd Avenue) is very poorly designed. Staf£ has sketched a possible solution that would provide more structured channelization, packet Exhibit 'A'. The shopping center owner should work with the City to make such improvements in the near future. . The neighbors to the north have requested a sound wall and closure of Wright Court. Council should approve funding o£ this pro3ect to coincide with the Wal-Mart expansion. 10. There needs to be. a le£t turn-in land (west bound) at the easterly curb cut. The City should re-stripe West 38th Avenue with this expansion. 11. The City..should study the possible elimination of t~e free.right turn at the intersection of Youngfield and West 38th Avenue; thus increasing the corner land area £or landscape improvements. According to the Public Works Department, this configuration may contribute to the, con£usion at this intersection. VOTE: YES: Eckhard~, Cerveny, Langdon, Crumpton and Johnson NO: None I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 5-0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Buiiding, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 21st day of April, 1994. 'i% ~"v~~ ~~ -P~~ ~ 'ur,~ ' - Robert Eckhardt, Vice Chairperson Sandra Wiggins,~ retary " ~'iEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION ~.pc>resowz944 .. , ~ ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge City Council on May 23, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. at 7500 West 29th-Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ~71 interested citizens are inv3ted to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The £ollowing petition shall be heard: 1. wZ-94-4: An application by General Management Company for approval of an amendment to the Planned Commercial Development £inal development plan for the Applewood Village Shopping Center located at approximately 3600 YoungPield Street. Said property is legally described as follows: PARCEL 1 A PORTION OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 654.32 FE~T NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, AND 60.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N 00~51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALE OF THE NORTH[nTEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 667.82 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE ~F THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, THEN N 89~28.1' E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE N 00~51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE S 89~28.1' W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANGE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE N 00~51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 135.19 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ON A CURVE TO TAE RIGHT WHOSE RADIUS IS 182.00 FEET AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS N 37~51.1' E, A DISTANCE OF 227.66 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N 76~34.0' E ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 701.69 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RIDGEVIEW ACRES THIRD FILING, A PLATTED SUBDIVISION IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO; THENCE S 00~43.5' E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID RIDGEVIEW ACRES THIRD FILING, A DISTANCE OF 670.33 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF TIiE NORTHWEST ONE~QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S 89~28.1' W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER DF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OE 0.67 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 885.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S 00~51.8' E PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-fiALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 1162.99 FEET TO A POINT 160.00 EEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE S 89~31.7' W PARALLEL TO TFiE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 192.34 FEET; THENCE 500~51.8' E PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ~ ~ ONE-HALF OF Tf3E NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 130.00 FEET; THENCE S 89~31.7' W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 342.66 FEET TO A POINT 350.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF TI-IE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE N 00~51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 600.00 FEET; THENCE S 89~31.7' W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF'THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID $ECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE N 00~51.8' W PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 24.32 FEET; THENCE S 89°31.7' W PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING AN AREA 29.969 ACRES MORE OR'LESS. ATTEST: Sandra Wiggins, Secretary Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: May 3, 1994 Wheat Ridge Sentinel <pc>pnzoa943/wz944 ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 May 20, 1994 Dear Area Resident: (303) 234-5900 Police Dept. Fax k 235-2949 ~ The City of GWheat ~Ridge This letter is in regard to the proposal £or a 25,000 square foot addition to the Wal-Mart Store within the Applewood Village shopping Center at West 38th Avenue and Youngfield. Planning Commission approved the request for expansion of the store at a public hearing held on April 21, 1994. The £inal public hearing has been scheduled be£ore City Council on June 13, 1994. There are still outstanding issues of concern to the neighborhood which staf£ would like to resolve prior to the City Council hearing. As such, we would like to invite you to attend another neighborhood meeting to continue discussion regarding the proposal. The meeting is scheduled £or May 31, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at Ridgeview Baptist Church, located at 3810 Young£ield Street. Once again, representatives from the Planning and Development Department, the Public Works Department and the City Administrator's office will attend the meeting as well as representatives from the Applewood Village Shopping Center. Should you have questions about the meeting or the proposed expansion, do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848. Sincerely, ~~~G'~-~2 ~z~-c~-~ ~?~~'.~' Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw Ci RorvrlrAP~ya~r _ • ; - -~ ~ , -~OD WES7 29TH AVENUE ~ ~ °.o. BDx s38 4'lHEAT RIDGE. ~O 60034-0638 ,3031234-5500 C',ty Admin, rax ~ 234-59?4 Police Deot. Fax # 235-2G49 May 26, 1994 This is to in£orm you that Case No. The C~ty of ~1Vheat ~Ridge w~-9a-a which is a request £OT ~nnrnval of an a~gendmant tn +Fy~lawti~A Rhnnnin~ ~'an+cr fi nal rlovcl nnmon+- r+l an £or property located at ~nn Vnnnrtfia~r' R1-YPPF will be heard by the Wheat Ridge r;+<r ~'ni+nr~ i in the Council Cham6ers of the Municipai Compiex, 75~0 West 29th Avenue at 7:00 p.m. , OII ~Tiina 1 "3 _ 1 q9fl All owners andJor their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration m~~st be present at this hearing before the r;+v rn,,.,n; l As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or suHmit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other pezsons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticePorm C~ r,~, .. r,,,,,~,~ _...:.~i * * ~ Dear Adjacent Property Owner: If you have received this notice, you reside os own property adjacent to a property involved in a land use case being processed by the City of Wheat Ridge. This notice is intended to inform you of the process involved in land use development applications. Prior to application for rezoning or special use permit, the developer is responsible for holding an informal neighborhood meeting, The purpose of the meeting is to provide the opportunity for citizens to become aware of a proposed development in their neignborhood and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns in the design of their project. All residents within 600 feet are required to be notified of the meeting. A sta££ planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulatfons and the process involved, however, the planner will remain impartial regarding viability o£ the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in £ront o£ Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are renderecl. If you want input in the decision- makfng process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The public hearings you will be attending are quasi-judicial in nature. Please do not contact your Planning Commissioners or Council people to discuss the merits of a case prior to the public hearing. It could jeopardize your representatives' ability to hear the case. I£ you'are an adjacent property, you may have the right to File a "legal protest" against the application. The result o£ this £iling is that it requires a 3/4 majority of City CounciY to approve a request. If you have questions regarding any of the in£ormation given above, do not hesitate to.contact a planner at the City offices by caliing 235-2846. The Planning & Development Department is open Monday through Friday 8:34 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. <pc>adjpropowner ~ ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council Date Prepared: June 3, 1994 Date of Meetiag: June Z3, 1994 Case Manager:~eredith Reckert Case No, & Name: WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart Action Requested: Approval o£ an amendment to a final development pian Location of Request: 3600 Youngfield Street Name/Address of gpplicant(s): General Nanagement Company 13900 E Harvard Avenue Aurora CO 80014 Name/Address of Owner{s): Same Approximate Area: 29.9 acres Present Zoning: Planned Commercial Development Present Land Use: Retail Surrounding Zoning: Nz R-1; Si R-2, RC-1, R-C; E: R-2, R-lA, RC-1; W• I-70 Surrounding Land Use: ~ church, low density residential; ~ commercial, low ~ensity residential; E: low density resic'.ential; NT: T-70 Comprehensive Plan for Area: Commerciak.ACtivity Center Date Published: May 3, 1994 Date to be Posted: May 30, 1994 Date Legal Notices Sent: May 26, 1994 Agency Check List (XX) Attached () Not required Related Correspondence ( ) Attached (XX) None -- -- ------------------------------------------ ENTER INTO RECORD: (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Case Fi1e & Packet Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance (XX) Slides Subdivision Regulations (XX) Exhibi~s JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ~ ~ City Council Staf£ Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart 2. REOUEST The applicant requests approval of an amendment to the Applewood Village Shopping Center £inal development p3an. II. SITE PLAId The purpose of the proposed amendmerit is to £acilitate the expansion of the existing Wal-Mart store on the nortlzern portion of the shopping center. Wal-Mart currently has around 105,000 square feet of interior store space plus the existing fenced garden area on the north end of the store. The existing development plan shows 6,000 square £eet o£ - £enced garden area, hbwever, this area has been expanded throughout the years. The amendment proposes a 22,219 square foot expansion to the north, a 3700 square foot enclosed garden center and 14,700 square feet of outdoor garden center. A ten-foot-high wrought iron fence will surround the garden area. The vestibule at the £ront will be increased to 9,000 square feet in size and the loading dock on the east side in the alley will be enclosed. The easteTnmost curb cut on West 38th Avenue will be moved to the west. The brick building at the northeast corner of the site will be demolished to accommodate the expansion. With the proposed addition, the shopping center would have 27~ building coverage, 62$ parking coverage and 9~ landscaped coverage. The shopping center as a whole has adequate parking. III. NEICHSnRHnI]D MF.F,TING Meetings for neighborhood input were held on April 5, 1994 and May 31, 1994. Concerns expressed included the following: Garden center screening Aesthetics o£ the Wal-Mart store - it needs to be consistent with the rest o£ the center Outdoor loudspeakers used in the garden center Closure of the branch post office Drainage problems created on W 35th Avenue, Wright St area north of the center Runoff from the center into the irrigation The RTD bus terminus on the property The confusion £or vehicular tra££ic at the intersection W 3Sth Avenue and the ditch Youngfield/38th/2-70 Operational concerns regarding on-site trash Semi-trailers and shipping boxes on the property On-site vehicular circulation ~ ~ City Counc3l Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Ai1 outside agencies can serve the property. Public Works is requesting that drainage on the property be col].ected and conveyed to a future storm sewer placed in West 38th Avenue. They have agreed to re-stripe West 38th Avenue to accommodate a lePt-hand turn into the property. The free right-hand turn £rom Young£ield onto West 38th Avenue may be eliminated and related tra£fic control improvements made to the intersection. V. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIAN Planning Commission this request at a public hearing held on April 21, Z994. A recommendation of Approval was mad'e with the £ollowing findings and recommendations: 1, The property is within the City o£ Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 2. a. Regarding the garden center, in addition to the iron fencing shown, some additional view-obscuring screening should be used along the north and east sides. b. Lighting should be designed to prohibit direct glare and/or excess light bleed onto the properties to the north anc3 east. c. No outside loudspeakers or audio broadcast systems shall be used. 3. Regarding the building addition and exterior renovation, we recommend that staf£ work with Wal-Mart and the owner to try to achieve the architecturai treatment, including color and use o£ gable £acades that matches that of th~.building which extends to the south. 4. StaPf should work with Wal-Mart and the owner to try to 3nsure that the proposed £reestanding sign include the Applewood Shopping Center design element used on other signs in the Center. 5. Regarding parking lot and street access and street improvement issues:__ a. Extension of a sidewalk along West 38th Avenue to the east will be required and handicapped access shall be provided into the development from West 38th Aveaue. b. The applicant prepare a tra££ic study to be provided to City Council that would address concerns of traffic arzd interiar vehicular circulation problems. 6. Staff should work with the owner and Wal-Mart so that all parking ends be landscaped and that the transition of the building front drive at the south end of Wal-Mart be improved in design. ~ ~ City Council S'taff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart 7. There are existing (h3storic) drainage problems that the shopping center has caused for the surrounding residential areas. Planning Commission recommends that the owner and the City work together in the near future to correct those drainage problems. Those facilities that would be located on private property wou7.d be the owner's Einancial responsibility, whereas those beyond the private property boundaries would be the City's responsibility. Timing o£ on-site drainage improvements should correspond to the City's project, however engineering design and...financial commitment shou7.d coincide with building permi~E issuance for this expansion and a Certificate o£ Occupancy should not be issued until such has happened. 8. Vehicular circulation coming from the south (West 32nd Avenue} is very poorly designed. Staff has sketchecl a possible solution that would provide more structured channelization, packet Exhibit 'A'. The slzopping center owner should work with the City to make such improvements in the near £uture. 9. The neighbors to the north have requested a sound wa11 and closure o£ Wright Court.' Counail should approve funding o£ this project to coincide with the Wal-Mart expansion. 1Q. There needs to be a 2eft turn-ir~ land (west bound) at the easterly curb cut_ The City should re-stripe W~~st 38th Avenue with this expansion. 11. The City should study the possible elimination of the £ree right turn at the intersection of Youngfield and West 38th Avenue; thus increasing the corner land area for landscape imprbvements. According to the Public Works DepartmEnt, this configuration may contribute to ~he con£usion at this intersection. In regard to the recommendations made by Planning Commission Staff has the Pollowing comments: Item 2a. Aclditional screening material will be placed on the inside of the fence. Item 2b. A note has been added prohibiting outside lighting glare to the east and north. Item 2c. A note has been added prohibiting outside loudspeakers in the garden area. Item 3. The applicant has agreed to match the entire Wal-Mart to colors but not to architectural features (i.e., gables) used throughout the center. Item 4. The £reestanding sign has been redesigned to match center design elements. Item 5a. A sidewalk will be extended to the east along West 38th Avenue. Item 5b. A traffic engineering consultant has been retained and will address this issue at the Council meeting. Staff has discussed severa7. options with the owner. He would prefer ~ ~ City Council Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart to develop the parking lot as proposed, with no midpoint drive. If the traf£ic patterns demand such a eonnection, then he would create the drive connection. Item 6. The owner doesn't want to extend irrigation lines to the middle of the parking lot to sustain the landscaping. He indicates that i£ the City recnnstructs the West 38th Avenue/Young£ield intersection as proposed, he will landscape the corner area. Item 7. The City has agreed to undertake a capital improvements project in West 38th Avenue to install a storm sewer to transport storm drainage to Clear Creek. The developer will install an interceptor in the alley and hook into the new line in West 38th Avenue. Item 8. The owner and staf£ are ~ointly working on a solution to this problem, however, it is unrelated to this request. Item 9. As part of the storm sewer project, the City will build a sound barrier along the north side o£ West 38th Avenue. Wright Court will be closed to northbound traffic o£f of West 38th Avenue. Item 10. The City will re-stripe West 38th Avenue to have an eastbound left-hand turn lane into the center. Item 11. The £ree righ~ hand turn £rom northbound Youngfield to West 38th Avenue will be replaced with a controlled stop. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS _ _ _ There are three di£ferent types of issues which have been raised regarding this request. A. Those issues that directly relate to this proposed expansion which sta£f expects and recommends are to be accomplished by_Wal-Mart and/or the owner o£ the shopping center; B. Recommendations that relate to the shopping center as a whole and some off-site impacts and issues that sta£f e~ects and recommends are accomplished by the owner o£ the shopping center at some time in the near future; and C. Those issues and concerns which the City, through the Capital Improvement Program, should accomplish at some time in the near future. A. PLAN SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Regarding the building addition and exterior renovation, sta£f recommends that the architectural treatment, including color and use of gable facades match that of the building which extends to the south. 2. Regarding parking lot and street access and street improvement issues, it is recommended that an additional main drive be provided toward the western side. There currently is a drive going, south £rom the westerly curb cut. That ~ ~ City Council 5ta££ Report Page 6 Case No. WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart drive could be curved to align with the drive behind Blockbuster, or it could remain as is. B. LARf;ER SHOPPING CENTER ISSUES 1. There are existing (historic) drainage problems that the shopping center has caused for the surrounding residential areas. Staff recommends that the owner and the City work together to correct those drainage problems. Those facilities that would be located on private property wouid be the owner's £inancial responsibility, whereas those beyond the private property boundaries would be the City's responsibility. Timing af on-site drainage improvements should correspond to the City's project. 2. Vehicular circulation coming from the south (West 32nd Avenue) is very poorly designed. Staff has sketched a possible solution that would provide more structured channelization. See attached Exhibit 'A'. Staff will continue to work toward a solution with the owner. C. S=TY ISSUE,~ 1. The neighbors to the north have requested a sound wall and closure of Wright Coust. Staff will approach Council £or approval and funding o£ this pro~ect. 2. There needs to be a le£t turn-in lane (west bound) at the easterly curb cixt. The City will re-strip West 38th Avenue. 3. The City may eliminata the free right turn at the intersection of Youngfieid and West 38th Avenue; thus inoreasing the corner land area for landscape improvements. This con£iguration contri.butes to the con£usion at this intersection. 4. On-site drainage needs to be properly collected and conveyed via a storm sewer system. Those portions o£ the system that are beyond the shopping center boundaries wi11 be recommended to City Council for Capital Improvement Program. Although the details have not been worked out, a storm sewer system would be installed in West 38th Avenue running north and dumping into Clear Creek. If this concept is approved by City Council, it would most likely occur next summer. RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move that Case No. WZ-94-4, a request by General Management Company for approval o£ an amendment to a Final Devel.opment P1an for the Applewood Shopping Center Planned Commercial Deve7.opment be approved, based upon the following findings and conditions as stated: ~ ~ City Council Staff Report Case No. WZ-94-4/Wal-Mart Findi.ngs : 1. There is ~urisdict3on £or the City to consider 2. All agencies indicate that they can serve the 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordinance have be met based upon the conditions recommended. Conditions: Page 7 this request; proposal; and been met, or will 1. Regarding the building addition and exterior renovation, the architectural treatment, including colors snd use of mansard roo£ and gables shall match that of the building which extends to the south. 2. Regarding the parking lot western access £rom West 38th Avenue, that a circulation drive be maintained through the parking Tot as recommended by staff. 3. Regarding drainage, that the owner be prepared to construct or pay the City £or construction of, drainage £acilities within the shopping center that will connect to the City's storm sewer system in West 38th Avenue, when completed. 4. That staff and the owner continue to work on solving traffic circulation problems through the shopping center to West 32nd. Avenue. <pc>srwz944 w CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: June 13, 1994 Page -~+- Motian by Mrs. Behm that Case Pio. wz-9u-3, a request for approval af a rezoning from A-1, .rc-1 and R-2 ta Planned Residential Develapment an~ for approval of .an outline ~evalopment plan for properties located at 10241 West 38th Aven»e, 10150 West 40th Avenue and 3975 Niller Court be approved for the following reasons: 1. The request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. It is compatible with adjacent land ~~se and zoning. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a rezoning support appt~oval of this request. With the following conditions in r=gard to the final Development Plan and Plat stage: t. The street system should be legally described as an "out-lot traet" and designate3 fire lane with specific design and maintenanee provisions specified, inel~~3ing parking restrictions. 2. Resalution of the various agency comments regarding fire and police access and services, public works comments, planning department comments, ete. should bP incorporated intc the final plan and plat. 3. ryat a traffic study be 3ane that ad~resses the issue of a single entrance, impact to the street system an3 the proposed intersection. Further, the study should investigate the possibility of other access points. Zt should not exceed 150 units. Seconded by Mr. cafanti. Motion by hir. cdwards to amen3 the motion that it not =xeeed 140 vnits; seconded by Pirs. Worth; carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Siier, Behm, and Eafanti vating no. Original Motion as amended carried 8-0. Authorization of Capital Improvements in the area of 38th Avenue and Youngfiel3 Street. ``'~'"`"~ ,9r. t4iddaugh explained the need for roa~ .'irainage and othsr ~apital imp~^ovements and answered Councils yuestians. t~lr. Edwards wanted noted for the record that he has :iiscussed Item 5.A. with Mr. Lewis and Mr. Ficco, but not 5.B•, which is quasi-judicial. After lengttiy-diseussian~MFS. Worth moved to postpone this Item untfl it could be ~iscussed at a Study Session, and that t•tr. Biehl, the owner of Applewood Shopping Center, be invited to participate; seconded by Mr. Edwards; failed 3-5 with~Councilmembers Edwards, Fields, and Worth voting yes. ~ Mrs. Behm intraduc.ed Item S.A. and ~lerk read the title. Ralph SantanRelo, 3807 Wright Court, was sworn in by t~e i~layor. He complimented some of t~e Councilmembers and staff who "ad taken car~e af many of t`~e problems addressed at neighborhood meetings; he hoped this cooperation would continue and problems in t;^.e area wovld be resolved, such as major drainage problems. ~ ~~ t " CITY COUNCIL MINUTES:, June 73, 799u . Ken Lewis, 3840 Wright Street, was sworn the Walmart projeet and drainage projeets simultaneously. -~`~i Pa6e -5- in by the Mayor; he asked that be aceomplished Notion by Mrs. Behm that the City's capital improvement budget be amended to refleet the addition of $$00,000 af improvements in the a~ea of 3$th and Youngfield Street in 1994; that improvements to 38th Avenue between Cody and Kipling be shown no sooner than 1995; and that the sehaol sidewalk program be altered to reflect projects in 1996 through 1999; I further move that the 199~ budget be amended to refleet the addition of the 38th Avenue and Youngfie2d Street improvements in the amount of $800,000 and that sueh funds are consi3ered to be appropriated for u~ilization in the completion of said improvements and that the i944 budget be further amended ta refleet the deletion af 2.4 million dollars for 3&th Avenue improvements from Cody to Kipling and that such improvements be ref2ected in the 1995 buQget at the earliest; I further rnove that the staff be direeted to immediately undertake the design and construction of capital improvernents in the area of 38th Avenue an@ Youngfield Street as a priority project and camplete sueh projeets as expeditiously as possible; secon~ed by Mr. Ha11. Mr. Solano ask4d for an amendment to the motion to take out $15,200.00 from the $800,000.00 to refleet the amaunt for the Hammerhead turn- around. This was accepted by motion-maker and second. Motion carrie~ 5-3 with Councilmembers Worth, Edwards, and Fields vating no. ~ Request for.approval of an amendment to the ~y S ,,.~~r„ ' ~a, Purpose is for the sxpansion of tne existing WaI-Mart store. (Caatinued from May 23, ~994) i~leredith Reckert presente~ the staff report. Paul Crabtree, Colorado Land Consultants, Eng7.ewaad, representing WalMart and the applicant, Gener~al Management Company, was sworn in by the Mayor. He stated they had been working with staff and worked out compromises and come ta a good prajeet. Kathleen KrieRer, Traffzc Engineer, 4090 EsCes Street, was swarn in by the Mayor; she explained that the expansion af WalMart does not mean an increase in traffic. She answered Councils questions. Jerrv Biehl, 11115 W. 38th Avenue, owner of Applewood Shopping Center, was sworn in by the Mayor and answere~ questians. He has supplied the City with detailed recor~s as to how the ESTIP money '~as been spent. The following speakers were sworn in by the Mayor: Sue Wilsan, 3390 Hol2and Street, representing the owners of the Apple Gold Gift and Gourmet Shop, asked for approval of the WalMart expansion. C CITY COUNCIL MiNUTES: June 13, 1994 t'age -b- Raloh SantanRe.to, 3801 Wright Court, questioned the number of parking spaces and the width af at least one aecess point to accomodate bus t~^affic. Ken Lewis. 3840 Wright Street, also wondere3 about haw many parking spaces would be lost; hopes the loudspeaker noise will disappear; questicned the use of the words "final development plan", maybe it should be "Iatest devel.apment p1.an"; questl.oned sxactly how big the extension will be <answer was 22,000 feet); what size is the fence going to be; public hearing sign was not up at alI times; how da you amend an Ordinance wit!~out an Or~dinance; (Mr. Niddaugh explained that this matter did not require an Ordinanae--all Counezl actions do not require an 0~^dinanee; this is nob changing the land use, it is a generic use of ~he word "zoning"; this wss adopted in 1988; it is a final 3evelopment plan and_does not require an Ordinance? so2ve drainage problems. Tonv Ficca, 12425 `r+. loading zone; can't has never seen such came ~~p with a nice unanswere3. 38th Avenue, can't see ~ars going out inta the bus see where water is gaing--nothing is show^ on plans; vague plans; staff ~id a 1ot of work on this and drai.nage plan, but a lot of questions are.left Motion by Mrs. Sehm that ~ase No. WZ-94-4, a request by Gsneral Kanagement Company for approval af an amendment to a rinal Development Plan for the Applewoo~ Shopping Center Planned eommercial Development be appraved, based upon the fallowing findings and canditi.ons as stated: Findin~g~: 1. There is jurisdictian for the City to con'sider this request; 2. All agencies indicate that they can serve the proposal; and 3. All requirements of the Zaning Ordinance have been met, or will be met based ~lpon the conditions recommend=d. Conditions: 1. Regaflding the buil~ing addition and exterior renovation, *_he arohitectural treatment, iacluding colars and use of mansard roof an:~ gable shall match that uf t`~e buil~ing which ext=nds to the soutr. 2. Regarding the parking lot western aecess from S6est 38th Av?n~s, that a cit^cu].atian drive be maintained through the parking lot as recommende3 by staff. 3. Regarding drainag?, that the owner be prepared to construet or pay the City For consti^uetion of, .~rainage facilities within the s'~opping center that will oonnect to the City's storm sewer system ia West 38th Avenue, when complet°d; that we have a 3evelopment agreement to take cars af this; 4. That staff'and the owner continue to wark on solving traffie circulation problen~s through the shopping center to iiest 32nd Avenue; seeonded by ~tr, Eafanti. After ~iscussion 1~Irs.'Behm removed Condition 2. from her motion; second aocepted this. Motian by A7r. ~dwards to postpone t:~is Item until the next meeting because more questionshave been raised than answere~~! dur^ing this hearing; seconded by Nrs. Worth; carried 5-3 with Councilmembers Hall, Eafanti, and Behm voting no. Motion by Mr. Hall to suspend the Rules an~ continue this meeting until tomor~row at 7:00 p.m. It is now 1:05 a.m., tempers are getting short, p~ople have to go work the next morning; ,econded by ?irs. Behm; fazled 6-2 with Councilmembers Hall and Behm voting yes. ~ ~ M E M O R A N D U M TO: Bob Middaugh, City Administrator FROM: WNieredith Reckert, Planner RE: Case No. WZ-94-4 DATE: June 21, 1994 Please let__this memorandum serve as a follow-up to questions raised by City Council regarding parking for the Applewood Shopping Center. Total gross building coverage on the property would be 375,684 square £eet, Parking ratios for retail space are figured based on net building coverage which i.s 85$ of gross or, in this case, 319,331 square feet. The required parking £or shopping areas over 100,000 square feet is one space for every 250 square feet o£ net or 1277 parking spaces £or the entire center. If the £enced garden area is included the numbes o# required spaces is increased to 1327. Total spaces provided are 1598. If the Wal-Mart store was considered separately the £ollowing figures would apply: 137,,869 sq. ft. of gross building area X.85 117,188 sq. £t. o~ net area 117,188 sq. ft. = 25Q 468 spaces required If the fenced garden area is included ttie number of required spaces is increased to 518. The number o£ spaces provided in Pront of Wal-Mart store = 579. Please note that the statistics provided on revised sheet 1 (attached) do not use the 85~ net square footage rule. MR:slw attachment <pc>mrmem621 ~ , . ~. .~ AGFsNDA ITEM RECAP --4UAS2-JUDICIAL X Yes No _ PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY ADM. MATTERS ELEC. OFFZCIALS MATTERS PROC.-/CEREMONIES CITY ATTY. MATTERS ORDINANCES FOR 15T READING BIDS/MOTZONS LIQUOR HEARINGS ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING _ INFORMATION ONLY _ pUBLIC COhIlNENT X RESOLUTIONS AG$NDA ITEM TITL&e A Resolution authorizing closure of West 35th Avenue west of Wright Street. STJNaSARY/RECOI~II~SENDATION: Neighbors in the vicinity of West 35th Avenue and Wright Street have complained of truck traffic servicing Applewood Shopping Center and have asked for this closure. No property would be denied access to a public street. Emergency access will be retained. Staff recommends appr6val. AJ."1"AI:lYC1L'"1V'.LS : 1) Resolution No. 2) 3) MOTION: I move that Resolution No BIIDGETED, ~ ~ ITEM Yes No Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount S Requested Expend.5 Requires Transfer% ~ ~ Supp. Appropriation Yes No be approved. ~ ~ RESOLUTION No. Series of 1994 TITLE: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF WEST 35TH AVENUE WEST OF WRIGHT STREET WHEREAS, West 35th Avenue right-of-way terminates approximately one hundred feet west of Wright Street; and WHEREAS, only two single family homes access onto West 35th Avenue in this section; and WHEREAS, citizens of the immediate area have continuously complained of truck traffic, coming or going to Applewood Shopping Center and using West 35th Avenue as a rear access; and WHEREAS, no property would be denied reasonable access to public streets should West 35th Avenue be closed to traffic at its' westernmost portion. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Wheat Ridge authorizes clasure of West 35th Avenue approximately one hundred feet west of Wright Street. Such closure is intended to prohibit regular vehicular travel between West 35th Avenue and Applewood Shopping Center, however, pedestrian access and emergency vehicle access shall be maintained. Furthermore, said closure shall be aestheticalfy designed with landscaping, but designed to allow emergency vehicle access. DONE AND RESOLVED by a vote of to on this day of October, 1994. Dan Wide, Mayor ATTEST: Wand Sang, City Clerk ~ AGENDA ITEM RECAP ~ QUASI-JUDICIAL X Yes No X PUSLIC HEARINCS CSTY ADM. MATTERS' PROC./CEREMONIES -C2TY ATTY. MATTERS BIDS/MOTIONS LIQUOR HEARINGS INFORMATION ONLY PUBLIC COM2~NT AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Case No. WZ-94-4. _ ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS -- - ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READZNG x RESOLUTIONS SIIMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: This is a request for approval of aa amendment to t~ Applawood Shopping Center final development plaa. Purpose is fos the espansic of the esistinq Walmart stose. Staf~ recommends approval with conditions. ATTACFiMENTS : ~ 1) RCM memo w/supplemental info.~ 2) J.OSS memo 3J M.Reckert memo HIIDGETED ~ ITEM: ~ Lx, Yes No Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount S Requested Expend.5 Requires Transfer/ ~ ^ Supp. Appropriation L Yes No 3IIGGESTED MOTZON: I move that Case No. WZ-94-4, a request by General Management Company for approval of an amendment to a Final Development Plan for the Applewoo~ Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development be approved, based upon thf following findings and conditions as stated: Findincrs: 1. There is jurisdiction for the City to consider this request; 2. All agencies indicate that they can serve the proposal; and 3. All requirements of the Zoning ordinance have been met, or will be met based upon the conditions recommended. Conditions: 1. --That the developer be required and staff be direct,ed and authorized to enter into a development agreement which at a minimum shall specify: a. That the developer is obligated to construct storm drainage improvements consistent with a conceptual plan submitted to the City council on June 27,1994, and as finally approved by the City's Engineering Division. b. That drainage improvements be constructed as part of the City's contract for drainage on W.38th Ave. and that appropriate costs be borne by the developer for the on-site drainage improvements. c. That adequate soil and erosion control measures are provided for construction activities associated with the Applewood Shopping Center expansion. 2. That staff and the owner continue to work on solving traffic circulation problems for the shoppinq center to W. 32nd Avenue. ~ ~o~vnv~ A~pp~roved ~ TO: BOB MIDDAUGH, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: JOHN OSS, SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER ~ v RE: APPLEWOOD CENTER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS DATE: JUNE 22, 1994 Date`~ ; During the last Council meeting Council and th expressed concerns about control of drainage, scheduling of related improvements durinq expansion Store in the Applewood Shopping Center. These issues are discussed in detail below: DRAIDIAGE: e neighborhood erosion and of the Walmart Council au~horized a major drainage and street improvement project to address traffic and drainage concerns along West 38th Avenue and Youngfield Street. This project includes construction of a 100 year frequency storm event storm sewer system. The owner of the Center has engaged Lane Enqineering Services to prepare a drainage report for the entire Center site. This report will be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and approval. The report will be prepared in accordance with UDFCD's Storm Criteria Manual. Expected time of submission of the final report is the end of July. Final design of the City's storm system is dependent upon receipt of information from Lane. Lane has agreed to send preliminary information to the City so design of the City's storm drainage can proceed. this memo. Lane Engineering will also design a drainage system £or the Center. This system will be sized to accept the 100 year storm and collect and convey as much of the on site qenerated runoff as possible to the City's system in West 38th Avenue. The proposed design will also minimize the amount of storm water that enters the irrigation ditch that crosses the site. The design of the system will be reviewed and approved by the Enqineering Division. A conceptual schematic prepared by Lane Engineering showing approximate locations of onsite improvements is included with TIME OF COMPLETION OF THE ON3ITE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS There have been a number of concerns about when the onsite drainage improvements would be completed. Construction of the onsite drainage improvements should not be undertaken until the City's storm system in West 38th Avenue has been constructed and 1 ~ i on the plans as it was presented to the members of the City Council. Neighbors have had an opportunity to view this fence elevation in three neighborhood meetinqs. As a result of discussions with the neighbors, specifia changes were made to the landscaping between 38th Avenue and the screening fence to provide for additional landscaping to help soften the impact of the screening fence. The fence itself is also to be decorati.ve in nature. No additional changes are suggested on this particular point. 4. Buildinq Size. There was some confusion in the last City Council meeting on the precise size of the building expansion. The actual size of the building and its location relative to 38th Avenue has not changed on any of the plans which have been presented to the Planning Commission or to residents. Some confusion probably originated from an original version of the plan that did not i2lustrate the dividing line between the expanded portion of Walmart and the existinq portion of Walmart. In neighborhood meetings, an attempt was made to estimate the size of the addition absent a specific dividing line and an improper estimate may have been made. The current plan shows the dividinq 2ine between the expansion and the existing Walmart store and the cover page of the plan.sheet has been changed to correctly identify the square footage involved in the expansion. 5. step Dowa of Buildinq Additioa. At, the Council meeting, a statement was made that oriqinal plans showed that the building addition was to be stepped down from the existing store's floor elevation. A building step ,down has never been discussed or proposed by the staff or the developer at any point in time. It is not proposed and is impractical in the retail setting which is the subject of this particular planning item. 6. Parking. Attached please find a memorandum from the Planning Division regarding parking requirements for the Walmart expansion. As indicated, the parking spaces available are sufficient to deal with the City~s requirements for the expanded area. A new cover sheet and Council motion has been suggested in light of the information contained in this memorandum and which is attached. Approval of the Walmart expansion is recommended. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Robert C. Middaugh City Administrator A627.2 ` ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDG$ TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Robert C. Middaugh, City Administratar SUBJ: SSOPPING CE2dTER EBPANSION DATE: June 22, 1994 ON CASE WZ-94-4, APPLEWOOD At the last meeting of the City Council, the Applewood Shopping Center expansion was addressed by the members oE the City Council and continued to the next regular meeting so as to allow the development o£ supplemental information. As a result of discussions with the developer and the City staff, the following information is offered for the City Council's attention. The items are itemized for simp2icity of review. 1. Draiaage. In discussion with the developer's engineer, we have agreed to a conceptual drainage plan that is more specific than the original submission to the members of the City Council. Zn the attached information from the Engineering Division, members of Council will notice the conceptual plan that illustrates drainage to the east of the expansion area as we21 as to the west in the main parking lot. The drainage issue will be specifically addressed as to its design and approval in a development agreement between the engineer and the City which will also incorporate a provision that the drainage work will be completed as a part of the City's contract and paid for by the developer. The significance of including the drainage work in the City's contract is that the work will then be more closely coordinated with the City's project and there will be little or no opportunity for it to be done in a fashion which is otherwise than approved by the City and the City Council. 2. soil and Erosion Control Measures. Typically the City insures that adequate soil and erosion control measures are incorporated into the construction agreements for our projects or for other projects being constructed in the City of Wheat Ridge. As Councilmembers will note in the attached information from the Engineering Division, we are suggesting that a specific provision in the development agreement be included to address adequate soii and erosion Control measures. This will alleviate potential concerns of residents to the north of the shopping center as it relates to the construction of the various improvements. 3. Gardea Area Fence Elevation. At the City Council meeting, some concern was expressed regarding the elevation of the fence which is used to screen the expanded garden area to the north of the Walmart store. The particular fence elevation has always been represented 7.~;°t ~. ~r ' .'r"°~:~ ~'~'y~~€'~ ~ , ~ .~'. ., , .. , . . is ready to accept runoff from the Center. We have discussed several alternatives" with the owner and have recommended, and he has agreed, that the onsite drainage improvements be constructed under the City's construction contract. Costs incurred by the City for construction administration and onsite improvements will be borne by the owner. The drainaqe related improvements to the site should be completed, based upon an early February start, in April or early May of 1995. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Lane Engineering and the Engineer for the Walmart expansion will be required to prepare erosion and sediment control plans for the improvements under their areas of responsibility. The erosion and sediment control plans are required to be prepared in accordance with UDFCD's Best Management Practices Manual and will be xeviewed and approved by the Engineering Division. DEVELOPMENT COVENANT The issues above will be included in a Development Covenant between the City and Jerry Biehl, the owner of the Applewood Shopping Center. Executiori of this document by Mr. Biehl will be required as part of the review process for the Walmart Expansion. 2 ~, s M E M O'R A N D U M TO: Bob Middaugh, City Administrator FROM: ~^~Meredith Reckert, Planner RE: Case No. WZ-94-4 DATE: June 21, 1994 Please let this memorandum serve as a£ollow-up to questions raised by City Council regarding parking for the Applewood Shopping Center. Total gross building coverage on the property would be 375,684 square £eet. Parking ratios £or retsil space are £igured based on net building coverage which is 85$ of gross or, in this case, 319,331_square feet. The required parking for shopping areas over 100,000 square feet is one space £or every 250 square feet of net or 1277 parking spaces for the entire center. If the fenced garden area is included the number o£ required spaces is increased to 1327_ Total spaces provided are 1598. if the Wal-Mart store was considered separately the foilowing figures would apply: 137,869 sq. ft. of gross building area X_$5 117,188 sq. ft. of net area 117,188,sq. ft. = 250 468 spaces required If the £enced gasden area is included t2ie number of required spaces is increased to 518. The number o£ spaces prov3ded in £ront of Wal-Mart store = 579. Please note that the statistics provided on rev3sed sheet 1 (attached) do not use the 85$ net square footage rule. MR:slw attachment <pc>mrmem621 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 27, 1994 Page -3- Mr Edwards made a point of order He stated that Mayor Wilde's comments at the beginning of Public Comment were not appropriate The chair was only allowed to respond to public comment, but no comment had been made at that time This was not according to the Council Rules The statements read by the Mayor may have been his comments and approved by a majority of City Council, but he certainly was not aware of them and he didn't think Mrs Worth and Mrs Fields were consulted either PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING , Item 1. Approval for an amendment to a Final Development Plan for the Applewood Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development (Case No WZ -94 -4) (General Management Company) (Continued from June 13, 1994) Mr Middaugh stated this was a continuation from June 13 and additional information that had been requested was provided tonight Ken Lewis 3840 Wright Street, was sworn in by the Mayor, he stated Council had no jurisdiction to hear the case at this time, the sign posting was not adequate, signs were down at certain times, questioned if neighbors had been notified by registered letter, (Mr Gilley stated that certified letters, return receipt requested, had been mailed to neighbors) last week nobody from the staff was sworn in before they gave testimony, including the Mayor, last week's meeting was invalid Ralph Santangelo 3801 Wright Court, was sworn in by the Mayor, thanked Council for their approval of the Capital improvements on 38th Avenue last week, hopes when the addition to the Center is complete, all the infrastructure will also be complete Tony Flasco 4440 Reed Street, was sworn in by the Mayor, reminded Council of procedures on how to amend a Development Plan and read from the Code of Laws Tong Ficco 12425 W 38th Avenue, was sworn in by the Mayor, felt it was difficult to give citizen input since not enough information was provided by the City Many questions are left unanswered Motion by Mr Edwards that this process be tabled until this can go back to the public hearing process through Planning Commission and establish an ordinance and go through first and second reading of City Council, seconded by Mrs Worth, carried 6 -2 with Mr Solano and Mr Hall voting no Motion by Mr Solano to hold an Executive Session under Section 5 7(R)(1) of the Charter, seconded by Mr F.afanti, carried 8 -0 EXECUTIVE SESSION WAS HELD. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 27, 1994 Page -L4- Motion by Mr Siler to bring the Motion to table Item 1 off the Table, seconded by Mrs Behm, carried 6 -2 with Mrs Worth and Mr Edwards voting no Item 1 was introduced by Mrs Behm, title read by the Clerk Mr Hall asked that Mr Middaugh go through the information that he had prepared for Council to answer some of the citizens' questions Mr Middaugh and Mr Gidley presented the information Motion by Mrs Behm that Case No WZ -94 -4, a request by General Management Company for approval of an amendment to a Final Development Plan for the Applewood Shopping Center Planned Commercial Development be approved, based upon the following findings and conditions as stated Findings 1 There is jurisdiction for the City to consider this request, 2 All agencies indicate that they can serve the proposal, and 3 All requirements of the Zoning ordinance have been met, or will be met based upon the conditions recommended Conditions 1 That the developer be required and staff be directed and authorized to enter into a development agreement which at a minimum shall specify a That the developer is obligated to construct storm drainage improvements consistent with a conceptual plan submitted to the City council on June 27, 1994, and as finally approved by the City's Engineering Division b That drainage improvements be constructed as part of the City's contract for drainage on W 38th Avenue and that appropriate costs be borne by the developer for the on -site drainage improvements c That adequate soil and erosion control measures are provided for construction activities associate with the Applewood Shopping Center expansion d That a temporary Certificate of Occupancy be granted allowing Walmart to occupy and use the Walmart building upon completion of expansion P That a final Certificate of Occupancy not be granted until the developer has completed their part of the drainage project for 38th Avenue and Youngfield and has tied in with the drainage plan previously approved by Citv Council 2 That the staff and the owner continue to work on solving traffic circulation problems for the shopping center to W 32nd Avenue 3 The exterior incorporate gables as presented in the Council Meeting on June 27, 1994, seconded by Mr Siler Mr Solano asked for an amendment to Section P that we have specific completion date attached to the Certificate of Occupancy That we add the words "to bp completed by June 27, 1995" This was accepted as a friendly amendment Motion carried 5 -3 with Councilmembers Worth, Edwards, and Fields voting no Mr Edwards :foes not feel the proper procedure has been followed Item 2 Council Bill 59 - amending the City - adopted Model Traffic Code of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to modify the basic rule regarding speed limits within the city Council Bill 59 was introduced on second reading by Mr Edwards, title read by the :lerk, Ordinance No 965 assigned . Y t ,~ I ~S ~ October 17, 1994 Paul Crabtree, PE r ~ CLC, Inc. 8480 East Orchard Road Suite 2000 ~ Englewood, Co 80111 , ~~ : r' RE: ;'Walmar drainage plan Dea.r Paul,.__ ' ~ ~~~//~;r I/~\ ~~ ~~ I received the latest revision of the drainage plan from Jerry Biehl late last week and have been reviewing it. The following are my comments: , A: Alley behind Center comments: 1. Please provide a detail of the type 13 inlet showing dimensions, curb opening where applicable, casting numbers, etc. We have the same concern about the inlets proposed for use in the parking lot. 2. What is the capacity of the curb, both 8 inch and 6 inch. Will the inlets south of West 35th Avenue accept all the runoff or will there be some carryover that spills into West 35th Avenue or the inlets to the north of West 35th Avenue. 3. How much of the existing alley do you plan to remove, will the curb be cast as curb and gutter or placed upon the top of the concrete slab? What wi11 be the degree of spread in the alley during the minor and major storms? 4. What will be the contribution to this system from the splitter in the irrigation ditch? Is there enough capacity in the proposed pipe for this additional input. 5. Show the correct connection at design point m to the City's proposed system. Also show the type 13 inlet in the cross pan and a stubout with elevations. Make sure there is adequate capacity in the type 13 to accommodate the onsite and street flows from the landscaped areas along West 38th Avenue to accommodate the 100 year event. The type 13 inlet in the cross pan will serve as an overflow for the alley system until the city's system is constructed. Construction of this feature will minimize disruption to the alley during construction of the 1 f ~ ! ~ ~ ~ . City~s project. B: Parking lot comments 1. Please show design contours in front of the Walmart improvements so we can see where runoff is intended to go. 2. The three type 13 combination inlets located at the south end of Walmart appear to be area inlets because no curb head is shown. Is this so? 3. The total outfall from this system is 83 cfs. The total Q's shown at the several sets of inlets totals 106 cfs. 4. There is a high point about 40 £eet east of the PCR for the east side of the bus entrartce. Runoff flow5 from there to the existing entrance. Additional inlets will need to be sited here to accommodate existinq drainage patterns or the north line of the lot regraded .to convey runoff to the banks of inlets at the bus entrance. The inlets shown at the west side of the bus entrance are located near or at this high point. 5. The inlets shown on the east side of the bus entrance will only collect a minor part of the runoff that flows north to the north curb line. The inlet placement is at or near the high point of the curb line there, also. 6. Show construction of the terminating manhole and a stubout that extends into West 38th Avenue for this section of. line. This will minimize disruption to the entrance during construction o£ the City's project. 7. According to the contour lines presented, the new entrance will serve as an egress point for drainage from the parking lot. This is not acceptable. 8. The curb head along the north line is about 4 inches higher than the pavement surface. This will considerably impact the capaoity of the combination proposed unless the landsaaping behind the curb head or the curb head is raised to provide the required inlet water depth. 9. I reviewed our information relating to the grading across the bus entrance. Creating a high point at ~least b inches above the existing pavement to provide adequate depth to contain the runoff will be very difficult to do and maintain a drivable entrance. We would like to see some detail work on this matter or another design alternative looked at. C: Conclusions: The results of the runoff calculations for the site are in general conformance with those we prepared prior to CLC's involvement in the drainage issue. t 2 0 STO~ RA R W SH LA Rt~S AREA IN4~Y8 . +^'~'~ ~ 1 Y gTOR~ W Clt WiTK QG Rt$ 'NLETS ~ s" _,~..-- ~ ...-.~.. l~.. < ,,,e-' ''`~ a~~, ~ .~.---' ` ~,~ w-!~ _ _••-~-""'"'~ ; ~ -'„' ....--~~ ww ~ a P~ ~ ~ ; 1~'~ s ~ ~ ~ ~: 1 . ~.- ~ _ ~ ~- ~~~ ~ , 1i «~ ~'°' - pROPpS~' Lp ~RALAWI?H pREA N~ETS ~-,iG. ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~< ~n r ~~~ _ .~... s~,~ , ~ L ~pN ~EPT ~ MpRpV EMENTEN -~ER S~ORM pRAI APP L~'w~~D v ~ NA~,E ~N~PP~N~ G ` L~ A~ E ,~~y~ ~ 1994 PgEPAREQNO G78-~ p~Q~~CT ~ . : PROAOSEO STORMI ~RAIN • LATERAL WITH BATTERIES OF AREA INI.ETS ~- -- _ - : 19 1 ~~ . . l '1 ~ .~ • ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ NEW CITY STOP ORAIN WITH CURB INLETS r-''T ~-~ w~t wRt 4 ~ ~ ~. ~ •' ' .. ~ . ~ *_' j ~w au,~ 1 ' ~~~~~ WIFT~et , wKY~E p IYW ~ s H u/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ -- ~- . r~ / ~~~ ~ / ~ ~c~ ~ a ]` J '~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ ~~ a~.a J m n a`°~ 1 ~ ~y ~ c v~ ~v a~ c v~ v~ ' ~ . , ~T T ~ ~~ . , ~ - - -..~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mo~ . ~ aaws ~~ ` ~~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ C . ~~ - (. ~t Eue~ I ~ ~ - -- s. . ~ YQJV~~6D fi} ~ PROPOSED STORM DRAIN , LATERAL WITH BATTERIES OF AREA INLETS a LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. ~ ~ q. "ri:.-: . , . • ' ~ ~[{n+ " . . ' ..~ ~`~w:~'= .i.~~" ' . - . ' _, .~~~•'~ ~ . . _ . ~ . S ,~ PROPOSED STORIA DRAIN ~ - LATERd1L WITH . BATTERIES OF ~ AREA INLETS , ~ - ~~ r-- •- •- .-- -- - (~~ o ~~ ~~ W ~ ' ---r-F--- -- i1 ~ / ~~ ~ <o v~ ~a v~ c ~ , ~ _ r/ ~ ~ NEW CITY STOF ORAIN WITH CURB INLETS ~--- . *~ Md ~1op . ~ ww. wwt w~a~s A ~'~T~ f s w 1 ~~ ,.._r-t ~ ~ ~ ~~ r~~vwcvv~ ~v / d ~ m m _/i ~ J ~~ o~.a co L J~ m da ~ ~~~~. ~~T~ ~ m , .~. _ _ ...~ ~ ~, r.,.r ~ ca ~p~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~, , n~ ~.a ~ I ~ ~ Q-~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ^ ~ y !~ . ~ _ . ~ ,~ ~°' ~ , s ,,.,,,.w..C~., ~~