HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-95-11l .. , me cny o/ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Wheat Rid a Department of Planning and Development ' g 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant Carmel Companies Inc. Address950 S. Cherry #1100 phone759-5123 Owner Golden Properties, Ltd. Address 1600 Jackson St #150_ phone 277'7003.-_ Location-of request 44th Avenue and Eldridge Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) [~ Change of zone or zone-conditions Site development plan approval-- Special use permit Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision- Subdivision Preliminary Final ** See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. ^ Variance/Waiver O Nonconforming use change Flood plain special-exception Interpretation of code --- Zone line modification -.-- Public Improvement Exception Street vacation Miscellaneous plat - Solid waste landfill/ -- mineral-extraction permit ,[Other pu.;elBX~Tlcnt Detailed Description of request __ , .:. S€e_a_t_t~a_ched Annexatiion_Aoreement an Petition or nnexatibn List all persons and oomparfies'who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee; lessee, optionee, etc. NGolden Properties -Esther Kettering F15b~0 Jackson #150, Golden 80401-PE7003 I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing-this application,- S am acting with the-knowledge and consent of those persons listed above; without whose consent the requested actior; cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of=attorney f=om the owner which approved of this Signature of-Applicant v+~ Subscribed and sworn to me this a~ 5 day of 19 ~~ ~_~ n ary Public -. '~"pV1 My commission expires .c itv i C4 Receipt No,__ _ _- Case No. _ _... ,f : _ - - ANALYSIS OF THE W. 44TH AVENUE LUXURY APARTMENT COMMUNITY PROPOSAL LOCATION: 44th Avenue Immediately West of I-70 and North of SH 58 DEVELOPER: Carmel Companies ACREAGE SIZE: Approximately 50 acres SCOPE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Carmel Companies proposes to build a complex of "Apartment Homes" which will rent in the middle to high middle income range. The complex will include club-house amenities such as swimming pools, spas, decks, courtyards and the like. The apartment buildings will be three stories with twenty apartments per building. Carmel proposes to develop in phases with a first phase of 250-350 apartments. Carmel's original goal is to complete 5 buildings (100 units) by late 1996. First phase build out is projected by 1998. A second phase of similar size and type is projected to begin in 1999. Phase three is the construction of approximately 50 units of townhouse or single family units which would be sold rather than rented. The total projected build out is approximately 700 rental units and 50 sale units. RENTAL UNIT MIX: # Redrooms One bedroom 1996 Rent Allocation a~ 40% 700-850 $650-850 Two bedroom 50% 900-1100 $850-950 Three bedroom 10% 1150-1300 $950-1050 DEMOGRAPHICS: Age: 55 + 35-55 Income: 67% 22,5% $48,000 per household (average) IMPACTS/REVENUE (extrapolation from Urban Land Institute formulas): Sales Tax (annuaUat build out) $ 250,000* PSC Franchise (annual) 41,000 Property Tax Highway Users Trust Fund 7effco Open Space Colorado Open Space Total Annual Use Tax on Project Construction (one time) IMPACTS/LIABILI'I'IES: Police Protection (annual) Public Works (one time/interchange) (ongoing maintenance) i'd'L _os- o _ oa __ atri enance - _ _ Recreation (brochure distribution) Total Anmral- NET PROJECTED INCOME TO WHEAT RIDGE (First year after build-out) 20,000 5,000 38,550 2,000 $356,550 160,000 0 (no cost to city) 0 (no add'1 cost to city) ~__ S 00.E _ 560 $1__65,560 50 0 0 one time ,99D artnual~ - Assumptions: Sales tax derived on $5,376 household expenditure on food in Wheat Ridge and on $9,120 household expenditure on a car purchase (Source: Urban Land Institute). June t, 1993 ~ h`~ , ~'} SECTION 41: M-C MINERAL CONSERVATION DISTRICT A. INTENT AND PURPOSE 1. The Mineral Conservation Zone District (M-C) is intended to provide conservation of a mineral resource. No land shall be rezoned to M-C after June 1, 1993. (orig. 6-1-93) 2. Contained In this Section are the allowed land uses and other general requirements specHied forthis District (odg.6-1-93) B. PERMITTED USES 1. Conservation of any minerai deposit (orig. 7-13-75) 2. Agricultural uses as allowed (n the Agricultural-One and Agricultural-Two Zone Districts, public parks and/or recreation areas, provided such use does not include any permanent structures or otherwise permanently preclude the extraction of commercial mineral deposits. (orig. 6-t-93) 3. Oil and gas drilling and production, subject to Section 4 of this Zoning Resoution. (odg. 10- 17-83) 4. Special Uses: a. The folowing uses shall be permitted as an approved special use only upon review by the Planning Commission and approval by the Board of County Commissioners. (orig. 6-1-93) (t) Mining operations and accessory uses. (orig.s-t-93) (2) Inertiandfills. (orig.6-1-93) (3) Modification to any previously approved special exception granted by the Board of Adjustment for mining or attendant operations in the M-C Zone District; however, the special use hearing and resolution shall only address the provisions sought to be modified and shall not reopen the entire special exception. (odg.6-1-93) b. The Planning Commission in reviewing special use applications for the purpose of mining any mineral deposit within the M-C Zone District, and the Board of County Commissioners in making its decision upon such applications, shall consider the following. (orig.6-1-93) (1) The consistency of the proposed use and operations with the goals and policies of the Jefferson County'Mineral Extraction Policy Plan; authorized by 34104, C.R.S., 1973. (orig.6-1-93) (2) All provisions of Section 1 of this Zoning Resolution, (Criteria for Decisions in Special Use Cases). (orig. 6-1-93) Section 41 Page 1 June 1,1993 • • a All special use mining operations and special exceptions previously approved by the Board of Adjustment shall meet the following minimum standards unless specffically modified by the Board of County Commissioners. (orig. 2-20-80: am. 6-1-93) (1) Fencing: Safety fencing, as deemed necessary by the Board of County Commissioners, shall surround the entire she of mining operations. Such fencing must surround the entire area of operations and be maintained throughout the iffe of the mining operation. (odg. 1-13-75; am. 2-20-80; am. 6- 1-93) (2) Roadway Construction and Maintenance: All roadways longer than 100 feet, used for ingress and egress from the public roadway to the area of mining operations, shall be paved to Jefferson County standards for the local street template and deaned and maintained to minim(ze fugitive dust generated by vehicles. Such cleaning will also be accomplished, with approval of the appropriate highway agency, at the point along the public roadway where this ingress/egress road is located. (orig. 2-20-80) (3) Excavation Shape, Setback, and Safety: (a) The outer limits of excavation must be at least 30 feet from the property line and at least 200 feet from occupied dwellings. (orig. 1-13-75; am. 2-20-80; am. 6-1-93) (b) Rkiges or peaks created by the mining activity shall not be narrower than 30 feet in width at any poim. (orig. 1-13-75; am. 2-20-80) (c) All final slopes created by the mining operations, where a lake is the proposed after use, shall rise at a rate no greater than 1 vertical foot per 3 horizontal feet. (orig. 1-13-75; am. 2-20-80; am. 6-1-93) (4) Water: All water resources used for mining and/or reclamation purposes shall be ident~ed by the applicant and submitted to the State Engineer for review. (orig. 2-20-80; am. 6-t-93) (5) Air Quality: All activities shall meet applicable air quality standards as set by the Coorado Air Quality Control Commission. Any violation of such standards shall be certified to the Board of County Commissioners by said commission or its designated represehtative. (orig. 2-200; am. 6-1-93) (6) Hours of Operation: Hours of operation for open mining activities, maintenance excepted, shall not exceed 6:D0 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, for any operation wfthin 1,500 feet of a residence. (orig. 12-6-71; am. 1-13-75; am. 2-20-80) (7) Blasting: All blasting shall be conducted in a manner which will not cause a peak partide velocity on any adjacent or nearby property which exceeds 1 /2 inch per second. (orig. 1-13-75; am. 2-20-80; am. 6-1-93) (8) Noise Pollution: in every case, mining and ail associated activities and uses must meet County, State of Colorado, and federal regulations regarding noise pollution. Any violation of such regulations shall be certified to the Board of 75; am. 2-20-80; am. 6-1-93) .r. Section 41 Page 2 June 1, 1993 ~ ' (9) Monitoring: Monitoring may be required by the Board of County Commissioners for any of the above standards as a condition of the special use permit (odg. 6-1-93) C. ANNUAL REPORT: The operator shall prepare an annual report for any previously approved special exception and, unless waived by the Board of Courity Commissioners, for a special use which report shall comply with the requirements of Section 3 of this Zoning Resolution. (orig. 6-1-93) Section 41 Page 3 I ~~~ l ti~~ t Mr. Dan Wilde 3596 Ingalls Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 . _ C O M P A N I E S May 23, 1995 Dear Mr. Wilde: Thank you for meeting with me regarding our proposed annexation and development of the 50 acres along 44th to the west of I-170 not to exceed 750 residential apartments. Your input and feelings are invaluable in our planning to make this a premier community contributing to Wheat Ridge's economic, community, and quality housing stock. Since our meeting the following studies have been accomplished: 1. Traffic Study: We have put each of the intersections neaz the site under a microscope and the report concludes: A level of service comparison for the long-term future is provided on Figure (attached). Overall, it is evident the site generated traffic will increase volumes at each of the study intersections, pg l~hour ieveis of servic ;~ not be adversely affect. In other words, the study intersections will..... operate at acceptable levels of service with or without site generated 4raffic. Site Background Study Intersection Traffic Traffic Ward Road at WB I-70 Ramps 3% 97% 9ti% 44tfi-Ave. at the EB E-70 Ramps W 4% 94% . W. 44th Ave. at Ward Road 6% 12% 88% W. 44th at Youngfield i t 44th and Youngfield w e are contributing 100% on Even though we only contribute 12% to the intersect a of the cost up to 5100,000 to signalize and improve this intersection. 2. Tax Impact to Wheat Ridge trade azea (for a shopping center)... generally extends [according to the Urban land institute the primary three to five miles from the site, and is usually no more than a 10 minute drive" which provides both a support for Applewood as well as future development within the current or extended Whea[ Ridge boundaries. Our current rent surveys show these residents have average household incomes of over 548,000 annually. According to the US Department of labor this income category spends 11.2% on Food (55,376 annual to) ~ ~iCity on transportation ($9,120) both of which aze taxable to Wheat Ridge. Extending this buying po Sales Tax revenues, Wheat Ridge benefits in excess of 5250,000 annually. Additiona1541,000 in revenues would be generated by the 3% PSC Franchise fee on all Gas and 3% on alt Electric consumed within the city and property tax at the 2.7% mils represents roughly $20,000. The net positive income to Wheat Ridge is at least 5300,000 annually in addition to the significant infusion at construction of at least 5500,000 Crom on-site appliances, lumber and materials. 950 S. Chcrrv Suite l 100. Denver_ Colorado 80222 (303) 324-0720 Fax 770-1593 i Additionally, this self contained wmmunity has a small dependence upon public services provided by Wheat Ridge. The exact impact is presently being evaluated by the city staff. In summary, we aze most interested in contributing to Wheat Ridge as we develop this community. We will be submitting our request and diligently following the Wheat Ridge Guidelines towards approval. We hope through this process to win your support. We especially believe this community represents a unique value to the entire populace of Wheat Ridge and opens rewarding future possibilities represented by extending Wheat Ridge to the west. Thank you again for your valuable time and effort. °We aze looking forward to working closely with you and wish to extend an open invitation to you and your constituents to contact us at anytime in this plazuring process. Sincerely, Dave Wedmore Carmel Companies 950 S. Cherry Sui[c 1100, Denver, Colorado 80222 (303) 32~-0720 Fax 770-3593 C O M P A N I E S SII.Z HEINZ N 15745 HWY 34 FORT MORGAN ,CO 80701 May 17, 1995 Dear Wheat Ridge resident: Carmel companies is proposing to annex 50 acres that lies west of I-70 along 44th avenue up to Eldridge into the City of Wheat Ridge. , The proposals for further development at this site of a first class apartment community of up to 750 apartment homes will then follow this annexation. As a resident or property owner in the neighborhood we value your input and review of our proposal. To initiate this relationship we have scheduled an informational meeting for you. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 24th, 1995 7:00 PM Quality Inn West 12100 W. 44th Avenue 467-2400 1st Floor conference room (take elevator down from entrance to door on right) We will be happy to answer any questions and incorporate your input into our proposal. You may also call me anytime at 324-0720. Thank you in advance and we look forwazd to meeting you Wednesday. Sincerely, Daue Wedmore Carmel Companies 950 S. Cherry I Ith Floor * Denver, Colorado 80222 * (303) 324-0720 * Fax 770-4593 L THE LOCATION OF THIS MEETING IS THE TIME AND DATE FOR THIS MEETI THE PURPOSE FOR THIS PROPOSAL IS -- guy= ==ate auc,pzea a requirement that, prior to application for rezoning of property to a higher use, or for properties in excess of one (1) acre, and for Special Use Permits which allow a special use of land, an applicant must notify all residents within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose for this meeting is to allow the applicant to present his proposal to the. neighborhood and also to allow the neighborhood to express directly to the applicant, their concerns, issues and desires. A staff planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front_of Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision-making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The kinds of concerns residents normally have include the following: * Is the proposal compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning? * Are there adequate utilities and services in place or proposed to serve the project? * What is the impact on our streets? * Where will the storm drainage go? * How will the project be designed to enhance rather than detract from the neighborhood? * What specific. changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? After attending the following space and concerns, issues or proposal. Please s required to provide application. a ~ `_ ~ r D,~ , `. v ~. i,~ ~ NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING FOR REZONING Neighborhood Input Meeting, please use the the back o£ this form to list any specific suggestions which you may have regarding this Lgn it and give it to the applicant, as he is these forms to the City along with his IS PROPhOS2NG A REZONING FROM PRINT NAME ADDRESS PHONE <pc>notice/neighborhoodmtg/zk 4. 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The petition and agreement pertain to the Golden Equities' property described on map "A". It does not include or pertain to that area described on map 'B", which is the C-58 right-of-way intended to be annexed first in order to meet the one-sixth contiguity requirements. Please review these documents and give me your comments/concerns, etc. Also, how do we move forward with annexation of map "b" without a petition? They are preparing an Outline Development Plan to accompany their rezoning request to Planned Residential ~ Development (PRD) district. I have developed the following tentative processing schedule: 6/29: Publish for Planning Commission 7/20 Rezone Hearing 7/10: City Council Meeting A. Consider resolutions finding trie annexation petition either eligible or ineligible B. If eligible, conduct 1st reading of annexation •~ - ~ ordinance and rezoning ordinance:•-Set hearing date for 8/14. Question: Is public testimony taken on both steps A & B? No`f`mally, no public testimony is allowed on 1st reading of rezoning ordinances: 7/13,20,27 & 8/3: Publish annexation notice four times and rezoning ordinance once 7/20: Planning Commission holds a public. hearing to consider proposed rezoning to PRD and Outline Plan 8/14:. City Council holds three separate public hearings: A. Annexation of C-58 (map "B") B. Annexation of map "A" area C. If A & B pass, then consideration of rezone/plan proposal. R. Page 2 Memo to Gerald Dahl , June 1,, 1995 gig: Effective date of ordinances pursuant to "15 days after publication" procedures'. Please let me know if this schedule is problematic. GEG:slw attachment ' ~ 1%SOryWJ~ST 29TH AVENUE ,y ---'~ `~ ~ P.6: 80X.638 _ - - WHEAT RIDGE. CO 8003~~C638 - -:3031231-5900 City Admin. Fax ~ 234 5924 June 9, 1995 Police Dept. Fax x 235-2949 . The City of Wheat Ridge The Wheat Ridge Department of Communi for anncva+inn +n +ha (`i},~ of Wh aa+ R Development has received a request e Ft rezoning t0 DlannnA ^ XX XX XX XX XX XX XX Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ,T„nP ~6 7995 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-95-11/Carmel Companies LOCATION:- approximately 13500 West 44th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Annexation, rezoning from Industrial (Jefferson County) to Planned Residential Development (Wheat Ridge) & approval of an outline development plan PURPOSE: Development of 750 multi-family residential dwelling units APPROXIMATE AREA: 50 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO XXX If °'NO", please explain below. Attached 2. Are service lines available to the development? N/A YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO xxx If "NO", please explain below. Attached :.~ 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to - your rules and regulations? YES XYX NO if "NO", -please explain below. - CITY OF ~. -'T RIDGE 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency h n~ifi~ rw~ would or should affect approval of this request? ' ,I~,; ~ '. ;' Please reply to: ~~GtifLeGC/lil~j~-t"~ p k r+ T[ ' l.• ~ . +~ j ~~'' Department of Planning & Development u ~~""'~ DISTRIBUTION• ~ pLANhING & GEVELOPMEN~i, Water District ( Valley ) Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Sanitation District (N. Table ~ltn./Fruitdale7efferson Co. Schools Fire District (Fairmont) XX Jefferson Co. Commissioners Adjacent City ( ) Denver Water Board Public Service Co. W R Post Office US West Communications XX W R Police Degt.`?~~~ State Land Use Commission XX W R Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey XX W R Parks & Recreation Com. Colorado Dept. of Transportation W R Forestry Div. Colorado Div. of Wildlife W R Building Div. TCI of Colorado XX City Attorney """'"'""'""'XX Jefferson Cty Planning .~ ,, ' _. Case Number: W7.-95-I1/Carmel Companies Location: t,35UU W. -4~ Acenue (approximately) Annexation to the City oi' Wheat Ridge and Rezoning to planned Residential Development 1. Are public facilities or services provided by tour agency adequate to serve this development^. NO We are advised by C'ocle Enforcement and for every unit planned. there will be an average increase of 2.5 persons. Por 750 units, at 2.5 persons jeer' unit, the total increase of population will be 1,3'5 persons. For adequate police protection.. we will need to request t~c~o {?1 additional police officers. (One officer per 1.000 persons) 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development' NO In addition to the requested police officers. there will be related equipment costs and training. The equipment anti training costs may include, but are not limited to, police vehicles, uniforms. commtinication equipment. necessary and required .training to maintain an efficient level of expertise. ~~__~'~ • CASE NUMBER W2-95-11 CARMEL COMPANIES I:OCATION: 13500 W. 44TH AVE. i IF COMPLEX IS GATED OR GUAF.DF.,D. POLICE MUST HAVE ACCESS IN AND OUT OF COMPLEX. ENCLOSED ARE STATS FROM OTHEP. AGL-NCIES WHO CURRENTLY HAVE CARMEL AFARTM1fENT COMMUNITIES IN TI3EIR CITY. THESE STATS INDICATE THAT THE MOST PP.EVALENT CRIMES IN THESE COMMUNITIES ARE TRESPASS AND BURGLARY. TO P.EDUCE THESE CRIMES, CPTED (CP.IME PREVENTION THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN) CONCEPTS MiiST BE APPLIED. PARKING LOTS MUST BE,4~ELL LIT AND PLACED WHERE THERE IS NATURAL SURVEILLANCE FROM RESIDENTS. CAN ACCESS TO THE PARKING LOTS BE CONTROLLED? DOES THE PROPOSED LANDSCAPING OF THE PARKING AREAS OBSCURE OBSERVATION TO AND FROM THE AP.EA, OR INTERFERE WITH THE LIGHTING? CAN POLICE UNITS EASILY PATROL ALL SIDES OF,OF THE PARKING LOTS AND BUILDINGS? BUILDING SECURITY- -DEADBOLTS ON EXTERIOR DOORS -DOUBLE LOCKS ON WINDOWS -180 DEGREE EYEVIEWERS ON ALL FRONT DOORS -SHRUBS, BUSHES TRIMMED BELOW WINDOW LINE -TREES TRIMMED UP 6-8FT. FROM THE GROUND ANY OTHER QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS, CONTACT OFF. SUSAN JOHNSON OR OFF. LYNDA COOPER SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT AND EDUCATION UNIT ' ~-- CASE NUMBER W2-X35-11 CARMEL COMPANIES LOCATION: 13500 R'. 44TH AVE. (APPROXIMA'PEL1') POTENTIAL TFAF'FTC PRnBi.EMS/CONCERNS DUE TO AN INCREASE IN TRAFFIC IN THE AP.EA, THE NEED MAY ARISE TO CONSTRUCT A TRAFFIC LIGHT AT 44TH AVE. AND YOUNGFIELD ST. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF REPORTED TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS FROM 07-01-94 TO 06-.30-95 A'C 44TH AVE. AND YOUNGFIELD ST. DAY DATF. TIME CASE # TYPE SATURDAY 07-09-q4 16:25 94-14876 PD MONDAY 07-11-~4 16:30 94-15048 PD MONDAY OS-13-94 13:40 94-18136 PD WEDNESDAY 09-14-94 07:47 94-20691 PI THURSDAY 09-29-~94 00:38 94-22001 PD SATURDAY 11-OS-94 12:13 94-24956 PD THURSDAY 12-OS-94 UNK. 94-27270 PD IF A TRAFFIC LIGHT IS NOT FEASIBLE, AT LEAST A THREE-WAY STOP WILL BE NEEDED. AT HIGH TRAFFIC TIMES, EASTBOUND TRAFFIC WILL BACK UP AND CAUSE DRIVERS TO BECOME IMPATIENT. THIS WILL INCREASE ACCIDENTS AND OTHEP. TRAFFIC RELATED INCIDENTS. 44TH AVENUE MAY NEED TO BE MODIFIED TO ACCOh1MODATE TRAFFIC FROM THE APARTMENT RESIDENTS. (ADDITION OF TURN LANES, THRU LANES, ETC.) ANY OTHER QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS, CONTACT OFF. SUSAN JOHNSON SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT AND EDUCATION UNIT ~+ ~"" 01/01/9:, 07/05/95 1) EVT l 004007'27 9508173 06/27/95 07:26 8398 W EAST"h1AN F'L TA F'F' 2) EVT 5971c049 950376V.iO 04/19/95 20:49 .8398 W fr(aSl"MAIN F'L„ . i"RESF' 3) EVT 996704181. 9503613'7 04/15!95 04:10 8398 W Er'~S"I"MAPJ i='L ATi"EI+1PT 21VD DEGREE E~URGLf-IRY 4) EVT 99610329 95034033 04/09/95 03:25 8358 W EAST"MAN F'L 2ND DEG TRE:SF'AS5 5) EVT 995900141 95033224 04/07/95 00:00 8.3'38 W ERS'7"I*1AN PL F'ED 67 FI 95033224 04/07!95 00:15 8398 W ERSI'MAiV F'L SBJ CONTACTED RIDING BIKE THROUGH 7) EVT 99582330 95033211 04/06/95 23:28 _83'38 W EASTiVAN F'L 'THEFT C ATT 8) EVT 99570205 95032572 04/05/95 02:05 8.;98 W EASTMRN F'L 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS. 9) EVT 99480636 9,:,0'29860 0,:;/_27/95 06:35 -8398 W EASTInAN F'L ° 2ND DEGREE PURGLARY 10) EVT 994'21238 95027923 03/21/95.12:38 8398 W EASTMAN F'L CRIM MISCt-i MORE - RETURN TO CONTINUE, LINE, OR 'EX° TO EXIT 8398 EASTh'IRN F'L (E010'~'83987 0i /01 /93 - 07!05/55 11> EVT 98671234 95001523 01/05/95 12:32 8398 W ERSTIhA1V F'L T RE 5F' END OF INFORh1ATION - LINE, 'EX' OR RETURN TU EXIT .. .. • i 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 f303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax ~ 234-5924 June 9, 1995 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 The Wheat 'Ridge Department of Communi for ,.,,ova+;nn to +RP City Of Wheat R: The City of Wheat Ridge Development has received a request a & rezoning to planned RPC~rIPni-ial nevPlOgment at the property described below,- Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ,Tnnp 2h, 1995 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-95-11/Carmel Companies LOCATION: approximately 13500 West 44th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Annexation, rezoning from Industrial (Jefferson County) to Planned Residential Development (Wheat Ridge) & approval of an outline development-plan PURPOSE: Development of 750 multi-family residential dwelling units APPROXIMATE AREA: 50 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO if "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject'to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are-there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? ~i ~ Please reply to: ~'~ v D M RPCk~rt °Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District ( Valley ) Jefferson Co. Health Dept. XX Sanitation District (N. Table ~Itn./Fruit.XX Jefferson Co. Schools ~y Fire District (Fairmont) XX Jefferson Co. Commissioners Adjacent City ( ) Denver Water Board XX Public Service Co. W R Post Office XX US West Communications XX W R Police Dept. State Land Use Commission XX W R Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey XX W R Parks & Recreation Com. XX Colorado Dept. of Transportation W R Forestry Div. Colorado Div. of Wildlife ,. W R Building Div. XX TCI of Colorado XX City Attorney ~~ "`'^''ii1Poj`'XX Jefferson- Cty Planning Fairmount Fire Protection District 4755 Isabel) Street Golden, Colorado 80403 (303) 279-2928 June 20, 1995 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Department of Planning & Development P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 RE: WZ-95,11/Carmel t;ompanies 95-035 Ms. Reckert: Fax: (303) 278-1252 C)'fY t3F WHEAT RIDGE nr?nn n~ ~' I?.r n uL~(J U~~ PLANNING & DEUELOPMENT I haue received and reviewed the drawings of the above referenced case for annexation and rezoning to planned residential development. I have also completed your availability of services form and enclosed it with this letter. The following are comments I would make to the development at this time. 1- I have no objection to the annexation and proposed rezoning. 2-Development drawings, showing access roadways, water lines, hydrant locations and available fire flow will need to be submitted for approval. Roadway widths and fire flow requirements will be based on the type of construction and occupancy of the buildings. 3- Construction drawings should be submitted•for comments and compliance to the 1994 edition of the Uniform Fire Code. 4- Ali weather surface roadways, hydrants and street signs will need to be installed prior to any above ground construction. If I can be of further assistance regarding this project, please contact my office. Respectfully, ~lu., ~ E~2c tephen F. Legault, Fire arshal Fairmount Fire Protection District encl. VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELErxoNE 424-9661 June 20, 1995 Meredith Reckert City of [Jheat Ridge 7500 L7. 29th Avenue [~dheat Ridge, CO 80214 Dear Meredith: In reference to Case i`r~rdZ-95-11, Carmel Companies at approx- imately 13500 [9. 44Th Avenue, I offer the following. Valley [dater District has met with Dave [4edmore of Carmel Companies regarding the proposed project and discussed the requirements of the District to serve the development. Valley [Dater District has held a public hearing on the in- clusion of the property into the District's service area. The Board has tabled a decision on this matter until the July 11, 1995 meeting pending review and opinion from legal counsel and objections from P7orth Table Alountain Baater and Sanitation District. If you have any questions, please call me at 424~~C~C~l~ID~~ Sincerely, Robert Arnold District t9anager CI'~Y ~~~~~ ~~~ u~ Q~NNING f RUIiDAIE SADIiRiIDD ~ISiRICi 11460 West 44th Avenue WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 Phone: 4245476 June 22, 1995 Ms. Meredith Reckert CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29th Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 RE: Case No. WZ-95-i1/Carmel Companies Dear Ms. Reckert; C1TY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ ~~~~~ n~ J.IfrN'2 G X995 ;~P1.ANN(NG & DEVELOPMENT ff Fruitdale Sanitation District does have adequate capacity in its West 44th Avenue trunk line, east of Ward Road, to serve residential use of the referenced property. The District will provide service subject to inclusion of the tract into the District and subject to applicable Rules and Regulations of the District. Service to the site will require extension and possible upgrading of sewer .facilities west of Ward Road. Necessary improvements to the District system of facilities would be at the sole cost of the developer. Very truly yours, Richard M. Romberg, P. . Engineer for the District cc: District Office file: F24-0 .~ Public Service June 23, 1995 The City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 Public Service Company of Colorado ~" ~~ WHEAT RIDrF 2701W.7thAvenue "'" ~ `~ r'~ Denver, CO 80204-4114 _. ..• .~n~ ~~~~ ,: ~~I~ ~ ~,a~~~ ~ ~a~~~ru PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT .. ~, . Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) acknowledges receipt of Carmel Companies, #WZ-95->> Project Title PSCo has examined the proposed plot plan of the above-captioned project.- PSCo has gas and electric distribution facilities within this proposed area. Please have the developer contact Mr. Dick Miller at 425-3811 regarding utilization or possible relocation of these facilities. PSCo would like to remind the developer to have utilities located before beginning construction. If you have any questions regarding the above subject matter, please contact me on 571-3735. Teresa Wilson Right of Way Processor TW/pg 6 ~` TO: Janet Bell, Planning Depaziment FROM: Administrative Review Team (ART) DATE: Tune 22, 1995 RE: Wheat Ridge Annexation; 13500 West 44th Avenue ART has the following comments: 1. West 44th Avenue is designated as a minor arterial on the County's Major Thoroughfaze Plan. The right-of--way width is 100 feet, or 50 feet from centerline, with the possibility that additional right-of-way may be required to accommodate turning lanes at new intersection(s). 2. If West 44th Avenue is not annexed, Jefferson County will require review and approval of street construction plans and access locations. The plans need to comply with Jefferson County standazds for street design. Right-of-way will need to be dedicated to and accepted by the County. Access locations will need to meet Jefferson Countystandazds. Drainage facilities in County right-of-way will need to be designed to County standards. Subsequent to County approval of the plans, construction permits will be necessary for work in the County right-of- way. The proposed development has the potential to generate thousands of trips per day. A traffic study should be required. (A study is essential in ART's opinion.) The study should address the impact on the adjacent and neazby streets and intersections, and the need for street improvements and signalization. ART requests the opportunity to review any traffic study provided with the annexation. Further comments regazding traffic impacts may be provided subsequent to our review of the traffic study. 4. The property owner on the north side of West 44th Avenue (Archdiocese) may be making arterial and intersection improvements in the near future as a result of its expansion plans currently being reviewed by the County (Case No. E15-4-95. 5. This site contains a lazge amount of fill material hauled from a prior reservoir project. ., • Janet Bell June 22, 1995 Page 2 6. Storm water from a lazge off-site drainage basin affects this pazcel and needs to be considered when designing drainage facilities for this project. 7. Modification or relocation of the Reno Ditch (if still in existence) would require approval of the ditch company or shazeholders. If you have any questions, please contact me at 8489. O~ J ry O'Neall Development Administrator JO:pt Attachment/ copy to: Jeanie Rossillon, Design and Review Engineer Nanette Neelan, Traffic/Transportation Engineer Brad Sheehan, Development Review Coordinator File (2) STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Regionb CITY Q~ your- OT 20008outh Holly Street l' ~ !:aT RI~{j~ ~~r Denver, Colorado 80222 ~'~. r-s fl f'1 June 26, 1995 Attn: Meredith Reckert The City of Wheat Ridge P. O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 RE: DEVELOPMENT OF MULTI-FAMILY LOCATED AT 13500 WEST 44TH AV Dear Meredith: D ~, ~ ~. _ ,. C~ 1995 ~`~~U iJ~ PLANNING & D;=4'~:u~-r„~_yj RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS ENUE. The Colorado Department of Transportation has reviewed this proposal and finds the following: 1. No access from State Highway 58 will be granted. 2. The 275. 38 foot distance along the west side of the Colorado Department of Transportation Maintenance site is 20.88 feet more than what the Department's plans indicate. This results in an encroachment into the State Highway 58 right-of-way corr-idor as shown on-Sheet No. 3. The fence line on Sheet 3 should lie just south of the north right-of- way-line of State Highway 58 (see now attached right-of-way sheet showing this- distance as 254.50 feet, with related deed Parcel 145, Rev. 2). Deed (Course No. 1) gives distance of 569.00-feet wick is the sum of 94.10 feet and 120.20 feet-and 254.50 feet on the right-of-way plan. Unless or until-new thru lanes are added to State Highway 58, the Colorado Department of Transportation has no legal responsibility and no program to construct noise barriers to protect residences built after 1976. Many of the residences may be within earshot of State HigY:way 58. The developer/builder should consider constructing noise abatement 'measures with the residences. If you should have any questions, please call me at 757-9901. ~ ^. Si~cerel . ~ ~ /'~ Ru J. Blea Program Manager cc: Warner "City of Wheat Ridge L. Lipp Ref. File (SH 58) Harding rf . ~-! . ~ ~ 7500 WEST 29?H AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 _. WHEAT RIDGE. CO 800340638 13031234-5900 City Admin. Fax z 234-5924 June 9, 1995 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 The Wheat Ridge Department of Communi for annexation to the City of Wheat R: • The Crty of Wheat Ridge Development has received a request & rezoning to nip oa Ravi rlani-ial 1~pvplOpmPnt -at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ,Time 2h,__1.22~. No response from you_by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-95-11/Carmel Companies LOCATION: approximately 13500 West 44th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Annexation, rezoning from Industrial (Jefferson County) to Planned Residential Development (Wheat Ridge)_& approval of an outline development plan PURPOSE: Development of 75D multi-family residential dwelling units APPROXIMATE AREA: 50 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES `Y NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES \/ NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified whic would or should affect approval of this request? ~'~~ ~~ i~ ~, Please reply to: ~G~='~Z/1/l~~k,P.c-~rN" 'M Re ker# ~~~'""'"""'"'K ~~ `'Department of Planning & Development p1i'~~2~,N~r ~ M~ DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District ( Valley ) Jefferson Co. Health Dept. XX Sanitation District (N. Table ~Itn.~Fruitdal~efferson Co. Schools ~{ Fire District (Fairmont) XX Jefferson Co. Commissioners' Adjacent City ( ) Denver Water Board ~{ Public Service Co. W R Post Office XX US West Communications XX W R Police Dept. State Land Use Commission XX W R Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey XX W R Parks & Recreation Com. XX Colorado Dept. of Transportation W R Forestry Div. Colorado Div. of Wildlife W R Building Div. XX TCI of Colorado XX City Attorney """'"~"'XX Jefferson Cty Planning e I ~ ~ TELEPHONE 279-2854 NORTH TABLE MOUNTAIN WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT 14806 WEST 52 NO AVENUE, GOLDEN. COLORADO 8 04 0312 2 8 a., Department of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colo. 80034 REF: CASE NO. WZ-95-i1/CARMEL June 23, 1995 The 50 acre property at approximately 13500 W. 44th Ave. proposed for annexation by the City of Wheat Ridge was annexed into the North Table Mountain Water & Sanitation District in 1991. In accordance with the Annexation Agreement for this property, the District is to supply water and sanitary sewer service. There is a possibility that litigation may occur if other agencies provide utility service to this property. As indicated on the attached referral sheet, the District has adequate facilities and capacities to service the property. If any further information is needed, please contact the under signed. NORTH TABLE MOUNTAIN WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT L~ Haye/~ District Engineer/Manager LH:bjs C1Ty DE WHEAT RfDGE ~n~?~n nrar~, ~~"! 2 ~ ?ass c~u~ & 1 ' . ,_... lv~nml~~r.rv°+ rf raaltim®..~h~ - - _-._ ,~~..:.. ~, m : ,. 4• t ti's ~ `:~ n 'r(y. iel. '~to. J •' i 4,~ ~"~, ~ e ter" ~~61.5~.)1)!11'Ict~C. / ~:. a , o• 1 p 'fi`n `~ , . i L ,op0/ ~8 s ~, If ° File ° a ~, GB' ~'• a\°°.9 any " ~,'. i "/ ° ;°~ °j,~ ,', e °° .6• .T °aIo° e° ~. . ~ yr A / ,' I ~+ °t ~ L~ ea '~ .~ `~ ~/~ Y O;;;e `ti a '• .~ 4 ~ ,~ ~ ,; .s`a. k Yo. J ° /. ~Z ~~ ~ ~ y b •- "'V `/ ,'> 1,j ' 333"' /S ~~Q~ ~c~ ~Pe r°c ~. e c pp OIW ~m 1;; JJ~~ WOm m J 'T ~ 1 1 4N i n u~~ l y ~ N'B 4~ (~ ~VR y ~/,~, Q ~ / pL'~~ E~~' S ~Y Y~ V Y o V ~ } ~ T ?'' ' ryb yr d 4 ~ ~ ~ H ' \ ~ ,~ ¢ 4 `1~ , O 9 % O 4 ~ Cy 1 1 ~ I.~ ~ . ~ 'Qt ` (,~' ho .`5° ;' ~ II ,~ 11j~ N ~ q ~\ ' , R 1 JN 11j~ P n? / 1 • ` '•'• ~ o~ ` ~ Y ~ ~g` ~ ° ~ y f• 44 i,1 G S ~ M, ` , r ~~y C 34 ~ ~ ; A ~ ~ • mT ~ .i f . ~ ~ ' m e~" o ~ w ~ ;; I ~ © ' ~ i ~. ~ 'O \ 1 {~n8 ¢ . ~ 10 z ,~• / ;, ?~ .:% / ~ ; / ~:$ O ~ by ; v ~ ~'.' 3 r T / W N / ~ m -~ F 'a W !11 ~ Cq ~ ~ • a vy Gpe.IrwO ~P' E~ ' / Q~ ~a~ Of )A ~ ~ s ~• ~' g ~ ,~ 1 O' p _ / s / ~ O ~ r' /~ ~ ~/ / ~ 1u~ ~ / O / /~ // O. %,/ ~ A / l '/(\/ / 11/ / ' ' ' / > / / ' / ' ' YI, glWl GIT•bry IpgpaN 1! / r~~~'/YA ~ ' ®1 , 1 1 ~. / ~ O~ d x ~~_ `` 4i - O ~e _ r rye/ i ~ ~~ ~4 ' . ti ~\ \`,s ,` f '`y&~ ~ e c V I ~ 310 ~ ~\ a ~,a a •~\~~ 'S V w /~ W m o 0 O 0090 / ~ ,, i. ••~fr ~/n / ° c.o o p ? Y 7 l i s E 2 ~ y.F a-, E p+_ 3 ~ ~ [ ~ wig s' \ ~ a I m E 5 ~~1~1 -~ .F'~ S° H ~':+ ^4 > , ~I~ A =1~ ® ~ ~ 4 09(3® i -Y yi & w .~" `. 'i .F im of ~.• ~ ~ S `g @~ G~~ O ~' 31a. r ~IJ vTa ~ .' ' a 6 'f s• f~a r 3 ~ ors f Is.o ,sod'r.~.w,~o., -- . ?~ / ~ ~ !g b ~ °y'r4 f ti ~ _ T m SS/o Pr ~~•y ,u• 4 MI'SU~/+~~°~s,OV ~ ~ e ~ - .~/E'r$ a a; ~`6= sy ~E 3~ ~~ O ~ox~J°O~/G$ O-- 1 ~ ~ ° tiu 9 ~~ .y / i O 6 ~m n3 i ~ y ~ Ayl ~i ~ ;j9$.&~ ~•`~~¢F ''° 313 ~°o 'nn ~? =e o~, pL~S ~° ~~ ~ ~~' >y~•qq ~¢ ,4.~ µ3'~+i' L ~ y o~ a° ~ a i a° E y o a ~~ ~ ~ Y F ~p~ : d o KO~. ~ R 3 ° 3 ~'~ Z.'c O 6 Z I K ~ (~/'~~`'~f .~ y • ~ 33 ~ ~I 1 m i ~. ~ ~ ~1 MV m 'O N i / _ m N _ ill 4~ ~ n O ° vo%~/'~'' u ~ - b 3 ~~ D m ® >~ ydrmg Rk °v '~_ `x ~.so° n 8 a o ~~ 7g13~o ~' ~ ~`2, m~ o-I~A •~~ /' xg~ffi ym~sy ~\~ s w~' .ng~p= °~$~~e~ ~ a ~''; PF+Wg .~m¢9 YS 3 ° w ~ e RI 4AF"1 p ~~ '~ :, S n s,A s Y~ ~ w `~ ~ pp oooap ~ P.O. BOX 638- TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 Wheat Ridge July 6, 1995 _ ~vs .. ~~o~~HEATRG v m - ~otoRao° This is to inform you that Case No. wz_gs_11 which is a request for approval of a rezonina from Mineral Conservation (17ef£erson County) to Planned Resident~,al Development (Wheat Ridge) £or property located at 13500 West 44th Avenue (approximately) will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Plann;nq Cc~mm;ss;on in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at '7 :3p p_m_ , on Ttt1y 20, 1945 Ali owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Plann;na Commission As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting.' If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform "The Carnation City" __~._.~a...__ __._- ~ - -- °- a ~~ x ~ '' ` m U ~ >~$ z o m c w 6 mo ~ m 0 ~ Z 1h ' o ~ m as d fTl r ~ ~~I i o~ N E E .~ W v m~ j D ~. b y m c m s LL ~" a`Ni ~ F h ~ ~ 'm ~ O h Q~ ~ .~ S N ~~\ ~ Q a) ~ F _~ C~ O^ C J M1 FT V ~ N O' U O. j ~' r N ~ N ~' U gyp( ~ N ~ (~ ~ N f O b ~S JL1~ ~ N J cw ~ > N N 9 L a~pp ~ ~ ~ ¢ ~ 0 (A `m ___ d r C I N O d $~~ ~ ~~~ ~' n~ £ i ~ xy~ ~~~ E .~ 3'S ~"1 a Q m d [w € m ~ o~~ k ~ ... F .~. d v ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~€ ~, ~ ~ ~ rn vQ ~ v a s goya al iY3 ~ ~ Qj i0 nt ~ 4 +i m .i ( ~ oaf ~~~ ~ ~ ~ a 'Q '~ 's5' +4 1 D c~ [~' ~ 1 a m t~ A LL 'p CL ~9 g'd `~ Iii r Q t L~~2 M M F Q i+i Y 7 ¢~v~ ¢$9~ I~ Zls(g~~~i~oL D ~ ~ m ~ IL ~ ~ ~ W O_I ~~ ~o e w ~ w ow w o ~ oQ a a ' }~`~ LL a °N 8 ~ a ~ ~~ ~ o 4 N< 2 ~ W 2 d U 1=- U Q Q t3 Cs ~ o i f~t ~ ~ t35 , +... 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The JEFFERSON SENTINELS 1224 Wadsworth Blvd ' Lakewood, CO 80215-5108 239-9890 _ 07/07/95 THE CITY CLERKS OFb'ICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 INVOICE: LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION Our number: JW0116.706 Your identification: r PUBLICATION DATES: 95/07/06 through 95/07/06 NUMBER OF LINES: 68 COPIES REQUESTED: 3 Printing: 28.56' Copies: '0.00 TOTAL DUE: $ 28.56 Thank you for .advertising in the Jefferson Sentinel Newspapers! MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Robert Middaugh City Administrator Mr. Glen Gidley Director, Planning & Development FROM: Jack Bu Chief of SUBJECT: PROPOSFlD ANNEXATION AND RE• WZ95-11/CARMEL COMPANIES DATE: 07/11/95 i Personnel from the Police Selective Enforcement/Education Unit reseazched the issue of annexation and development proposed for the area of 13500 W. 44th Ave. The addition of approximately 1500 to 1800 residents, regazdless of demographics, indicates the eventual need for two additional police officers. The fact that this is a secure, gaited community only mazginally affects the need for additional police personnel. It is impossible to anticipate the number and type of police calls that will be associated with this type of development. A survey of cities which currently have this type of residential community indicates the primary types of police calls to be thefts, burglaries, and trespassing. The frequency of calls will vary from year to year. As the development ages the frequency of calls will increase. For scheduling purposes, five police officers are required to fill one police position twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. The addition of two officers is, therefore, a fraction of one officers over atwenty-four hour period of time. Each new officer has an initial budgetary impact of $75,000 to $80,000 per year. These figures were recently calculated to apply for a federal police staffing grant, and remail fairly accurate for purposes of this study. Increased traffic volume and use in the azea of W. 44th Ave., and Youngfield St. will likely cause a demand on police resources; however, traffic control improvements may lessen the need for police response to this intersection. The addition of police personnel should coincide with the occupancy rate of the development. The additional police personnel can be phased-in over a period of time. A~ 07/13/8b 13:36 $3031 8490 JEFFCO HV4Y5 ~ f~UOl/002 TO: Meredith Reckert, City of Wheatridge PHONE: 235-2848 FAX: 234-5924 FROM: Michael Lee Schink PHONE: 271-8469 FAX: 271-8490 Please find attached a copy of the County's Minor Arterial Street Template. I was unable to get a copy of the Clear Creek Trailcross-section I dial Snd out that Mark Hearon, the County's Open Space Trails Planner, should be able to help you. Mazk's phone number is 271-5937. If you have any questions about this fax or need additional infomu~tion, please call me. A ty 8480 M•o•a 3N1'1 N31 N3~ : tROQV 'tv9j823wwaS a --~-~--r-~s.----Cif 0 JEFFCO HVPYS . C .•. L ?. W ~o .~ ~. '" o0 0~ V R V v 01 N ~ ~ 0 G 10 .H L W L~ ^.f d "1 O) r a w a F- o vea, m o ~ 1 w ~ ~ i ~ d R d ~ a.o~ v L a L ~ W O d 9 Crl >~ L m O+~ O 0. L L 10 ~.+ a R m aLUa Wa a m ,~+ e a ~rtv m R '" `~ e a~ n ~ v t ° 4 a ~ ~ ea ' r a ~ +~ ~+ ° ° 'i a ,~ ~ c v i - w O p m Ol i 0 L 'd d ~ O'w N C O N ~ C {0 'em ao ~~ . u A a w ar o m mm@ ma O1 0) 0S b d C 5 ~F O d F v vv v 10 'C 03 L C S 0 +i ~ R 07 00 ",.7 'i3 d 7s ? O) tll ~ O O3L I A3 + 'O ~ ri 4 0d LT. A 0) +-~ A m ~ o m ~ ~ ~ a x ~~ w+ w ~ O 3 O m C >+ 1 l0 p R u7 E N 0. +~ C C~ 0 a m O E _- m a iE m p: ~ N 47 ~' en ~ O Vf .N .-i P' +~ di ` `0 ~ ` ~a x dy mo a~ma o~ iw . ~ m ~ p HQ ~ Wp ~U1 CO)O W4) ~ ZN HJ' EN HQ.~.> $GO - - rc~ a~ ~ Qj " v ~cC ~ a m c o W .o•a y ~ ° z z 0 F Q z F Q a N } 3 ~_ .~ ~~ L V o Z c iat a la, v ~ a ~ ~ f"~~ J e s ~oao,a ~o~~.~„ Parks & Recreation Commission Meetiag ~', July 19, 1995 City of Wheat Ridge The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson, Janice Thompson. Commissioners present: Betty Day, Janice Thompson, Sue Wilson, Bonnie Jackson, Edgar Johnson, and Emery Dorsey. Staff present: Gary Wardle, Director and Michelle Roath, Secretary. DETERMINATION OF OUORUM With 6 Commissioners present a quorum was established. APPROVAL of MINUTES Motion by Edgar Johnson the minutes of June 21, 1995 be approved. Seconded by Sue Wilson and approved 6-0. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Jim Johnson, 4499 Everett Drive; Gene Shirley, 4495 Everett Drive; Dave Wedmore, Carmel Companies; Bob Olson, Chronicle. ITEM 4 - SHIRLEY/JOHNSON ACQUISITION Mr, Shirley and Mr. Johnson attended the meeting to offer to sell their property that is in the greenbelt to the City of Wheat Ridge. The property is located east of 44th Avenue and north of Clear Creek. A portion of their back yards cross Clear Creek. People tend to trespass on their property regularly and they are concerned about ~- liability issues. Mr. Shirley, 4495 Everett Drive, expressed he was open to negotiations as to the square footage of the property and the price. He would like to retain the property on his side of the creek. . Mr..Johnson, 4499 Everett Drive, expressed. that he would be interested in trading his property for a piece of the Bowser property next to where the barn burned down. Mr. Johnson also discussed a portion of the Greenbelt Analysis that states that the barn near his property, which burned down earlier this summer, would be replaced by a picnic shelter. He would oppose a picnic shelter due to the fact that is would be right beside his backyard. The Park -Commission agreed that the Analysis should be changed so the location of the picnic shelter would not be exactly identified. _- Motion by Edgar Johnson the City pursue a land acquisition and/or possible land trade with Mr. Shirley and Mr. Johnson. Seconded .by Bonnie Jackson and approved 6-0. A future agenda item will be setting a time for the Park Commission to tour the property. ITEM 5 - ANNEXATION.& REZONING 13500 W. 44TH AVENUE Dave Wedmore with Carmel Companies attended the meeting to display exhibits of the property and request a reduction in the land dedication fee. This request is based on the fact the community PARRS AND RECREATION COMMYSSION 2 MEETING - JULY 19, 1995 C: ,. being proposed is an isolated site and there are many amenities in the interior of the site such as pools, fitness facilities, club house, and tennis courts. Being proposed is 750 apartment homes. The Park Commission discussed their concern over the heavy impact and the lack of safe access to the greenbelt this new community will have. The increased uses of the ballfields and soccer fields are also a concern. Motion by Edgar Johnson the Park Commission recommend $75.00 per unit in lieu of land dedication based on the stipulation that the other amenities Carmel Companies is proposing be constructed in the interior of the community. Seconded by Betty Day and passed 6-0. ITEM 6 - OPEN SPACE. 1996 & 5 YEAR BUDGET The Park Commission received a Open Space budget prepared by Gary for 1996 and also a 5 year budget plan for Open Space funds. The projected revenue for 1996 are $825,265.00. There is a fund balance carry over of $617,250.00. This gives us a total 1996 revenue of $1,442,515.00. The Commission also reviewed the acquisition projects and development projects in the budget. Also discussed was the'work l to be done at the park shop and the possible purchasing of land for, a new park shop in 1997. Accurate surveys are being proposed for the parks. ITEM 7 - CONSERVATION TRUST 1996 & 5 YEAR BUDGET The Commission also received a Conservation Trust Fund budget for 1996 and a 5 year budget plan. The 1995 revenue in the Conservation Trust Fund is $215,000. There is projected revenue of $218,000 in 1996. The proposed projects in 1996 that were reviewed by the Park Commission was the Hayward Park Improvements and a new roof on the Anderson Building. New backstops on all four fields at both Panorama and Randall Parks are also in the proposed budget. Motion by Sue Wilson to approve the Open Space and the Conservation Trust Fund 1996 & 5 year budgets. Seconded by Edgar Johnson and passed 6-0. PROJECT IIPDATE ITEM 8A - CROWN HILL ACQUISITION The Park Commission received a copy of the City of Wheat Ridge's Resolution that went to City Council as well as a copy of the City of Lakewood's and Open Space's 'Resolutions. A purchase has been approved with a 50% Jefferson County, 25% City of Wheat Ridge, and 250 City of 0 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - MEETING - JIILY 19, 1995 .' Lakewood split. Jefferson County Open Space does want to be reimbursed for the interest they will lose on the Cities portion of the money that will be 'spent on the property. Last Friday Jefferson County closed on the property., At the City Council meeting several citizens spoke opposing a recreation center or any other development on this land. The City of Lakewood appears to want some active development. ITEM 8B - PROSPECT PARK EXPANSION The second public meeting was held on July 11th. The turn out was not as large as the first meeting but seemed to be positive. A open play area was a popular idea with some citizens. A parking lot was largely opposed. There was support for another restroom. The master plan will come back to the Park Commission on August 2nd for approval. COMMISSION CONCERNS 3 After a discussion on land banking, the Commission agreed to have a Recreation Center Site placed on the September agenda. Edgar Johnson commented on Mountain View City Hall and the new park there. This is at 43rd and Benton. Betty Day inquired about the development near Lovejoy that the City was to receive 2 batting cages from. Gary said the development plan has not been finalized yet. Sue Wilson asked if the picnic shelter was going to be built behind the motel. Gary replied that Coors has not yet agreed to it. Janice Thompson inquired if the City could purchase the book "Wildlife and Recreationist: Coexiststance Through Management and Research" that was advertised in the Urban Newsletter. The Parks & Recreation Department will purchase the book. Janice also asked what the Park Commission should do in response to comments made by City Council regarding the letter the Park Commission sent to Jefferson County Open Space regarding the Crown Hill Acquisition. After discussion the Commission decided to write a letter to the Mayor and City Council asking what mistake the Park Commission made in writing the letter to Open Space. The letter should state that the code authorizes the Parks & Recreation Commission to establish relationships with other governmental agencies. The Commission was showing support to another board, the City Councils position on the acquisition. ADJOIIRNMENT Motion to Adjourn by Emery Dorsey. Seconded by Bonnie Jackson and approved 6-0. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: July 20, 1995 DATE PREPARED: , July 12, 1995 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-95-11JCarmel CASE MANAGER: "Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone from MC to PRD LOCATION OF REQUEST: Approximately 13500 West 44th Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Carmel Companies, Inc., 950 South Cherry St., #1100, Denver NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Golden Properties, Ltd., 1600 Jackson St., #150, Denver ------------------------------ APPROXIMATE AREA: 50.22 acres PRESENT ZONING: Mineral Conservation (Jefferson County) PRESENT LAND USE: vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N: PD, A-2; S: PD, A-2; E: A-1; W: PD SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: vacant, cemetery; S: CDOT maintenance yard, highway; E: I-70; W: commercialJindustrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Infill Development, Recreation Vehicle Parks, Retail, Office, Light Industrial, Residential up to 15 d.u.Jacre DATE PUBLISHED: July 6, 1995 DATE POSTED: July 6, 1995 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: July 6, 1995 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX) ATTACHED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ENTER INTO RECORD: ( XX) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ( )SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( )OTHER (XX)ATTACHED ( )NOT REQUIRED ( )NONE ( XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( )SLIDES (XX) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is proposed to be annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-95-11(Carmel I. REQUEST_ The applicant requests approval of a rezoning from Mineral Conservation (Jefferson County zoning) to Planned Residential Development for property located at approximately 13500 West 44th Avenue. The property is subject to an annexation petition to the City of Wheat Ridge, The property is bounded by West 44th Avenue on the north, Colorado Highway 58 and a CDOT maintenance facility on the south, Burlington Northern Railroad tracks on the west and I-70 on the east. It abuts the Wheat Ridge Corporate limits on the east side. 11. OUTLINE PLAN , At this time, the developer is requesting approval of the PRD zoning and outline development plan. The intent of the outline plan is to establish a general character of the proposed development, establish allowable densities, perimeter setbacks and major access points. Prior to any construction on the property, a preliminary and final development plan and plat must be approved by Planning Commission and City Council. A plan has been proposed showing up to 750 residential units. There are two use areas shown on the plan. Use area 1, containing 41 acres, would allow up to 700 multi-family units and recreational and other community facilities for the development. Use area 2, comprised of nine acres, would allow up to 50 single-family, two-family and town house units plus accessory structures. Overall gross density for the development including both areas 1 and 2 would be 15 units per acre. The primary entrance to the development would be from West 44th Avenue on the eastern end of the property, the location of which to be determined at the time of final development plan. An emergency access will be provided upon final build out. The plan provides perimeter setbacks for main buildings from West 44th Avenue and C-58 of 30 feet, however, does not discuss minor structures such as garages, or side yard setbacks (east side and west side). Staff recommends a minimum ten foot setback for minor structures from the east, south and west perimeters and 30 feet from the north perimeter. A 35-foot height limitation is being proposed. These setback and height restrictions are consistent with other residential development in the City. Although the plan does not include detailed "Character and Intent" language, the applicant has submitted a separate detailed description of their proposed development together with their analysis of the possible impacts and benefits to the community. (Exhibit 'A') This substantially meets the requirements of the planned development regulations and should be considered as part of the Outline Plan. Staff concludes that all requirements for an outline development plan have been met. III. JEFFERSON COUNTY The current zoning on the property is MC (Mineral Conservation District) within Jefferson County. Permitted uses within this classification are mineral deposit conservation, and agricultural and recreational uses. This site has already been excavated for its mineral resources and was subsequently reclaimed by earth fill and regrading. The North Plains Community Plan designates this parcel as an infill area allowing a mix of retail, office and industrial uses. Residential development is also allowed at a rate of 2 d.u.'s per acre, low impact Planning Division Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-95-71fCarmel housing up to 10 d.u.'s per acre, or senior housing up to 15 d.u.'s per acre. A specific land use suggested for this area is recreational vehicle parks (not storage). West 44th Avenue between the Wheat Ridge city limit and Golden is designated as a minor arterial by Jefferson County requiring a 50-foot section from centerline. A multi-use path should be integrated into the design. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Fairmount Fire District can serve. Valley Water District can provide water with line extension in West 44th Avenue. The district is holding a public hearing on August 8 to consider district inclusion. Fruitdale Sanitation can serve subject to inclusion into the district. The developer will be responsible for line extension and possible upgrading of sewer facilities west of Ward Road. North Table Mountain Water and Sanitation District may pursue litigation if they don't serve the property. The District has inadequate facilities and capacity to,serve based upon the applicant's investigation. Wheat Ridge Police Department will eventually have the need for two additional police officers. Wheat Ridge Public Works has requested more information regarding the.traffic study. They will allow public improvements along West 44th Avenue to be phased. The improvements built to a collector standard should extend east to the existing improvements under I-70. Individual accesses to West 44th Avenue will not be allowed. See attached Exhibit 'B'. Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Commission will review this request at their July 19, 1995 meeting. Wheat Ridge Economic Development Coordinator has given estimates of revenues from the project. See attached Exhibit`C: V. CRITERIA CRITERIA FOR REZONING REQUESTS In accordance with Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Sec. 26-6(C.), before a change of zone is approved, the applicant shall show and City Council shall find: 1. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with the Cily of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan and other related policies or plans for the area The City of Wheat Ridge has an extraterritorial land use plan which has adopted Jefferson County's North High Plains Community Plan as a guide for future land use. The County's "North Plains Community Plan", which was adopted in 1990, includes this property and proposed a wide range of possible uses including the following: a. Recreation Vehicle Parks b. Retail uses c. Offices Planning Division Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-95-71JCarmel d. Light Industrial e. Residential Uses y. Up to 2 d.u.Jacre 2. Low impact multifamily up to 10 d.u./acre (Handicapped Housing) 3. Senior citizen housing up to 15 d.u./acre The proposed zoning for Planned Residential Development, at 15 d.u. per acre, exceeds the character and intent of the County's plan relating to residential uses. Based upon the site location and characteristics, it is highly unlikely that low density residential uses at 2 d.u./acre would ever been developed here. That leaves one of the other optional uses. From a general land use planning perspective, and in accordance with the Denver Regional Council of Government adopted Regional Development Plan, it is appropriate to encourage higher density residential uses along major thoroughfares, such as I-70 and West 44th Avenue, rather than on local streets. It is also appropriate that such uses be encouraged to develop within the "Urban Growth Boundaries" of the metro area rather than in the hinterland where adequate infrastructure is not present, and where valuable agricultural lands and open space would be displaced. 2. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Development surrounding the area includes Mt. Olivet cemetery to the north, light industrial development to the west, 1-70 on the east and Colorado Highway 58 and a CDOT maintenance facility to the south. Precautions must be taken at the final development plan stage to ensure "livability" of the project including landscaped buffering and noise mitigation due to the existence of high traffic volumes on I-70 and C-58. This development will increase traffic on West 44th Avenue, however it will not decrease the "level of service" (LOS) to unacceptable ratings. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefds to the community derived by the change off zone. There will be economic benefits derived by an increased property tax base and increased buying power .within the community and it will offer a residential living opportunity, in terms of the proposed high end character, that currently does not exist in this area. 4, That adequate infrastructureJfacilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All utilities can serve the property with the infrastructure improvements discussed under Section IV. 5. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce Ight and air to adjacent properties. Traffic congestion should not be a concern if the project is properly designed. This would include limiting the number of access points to West 44th Avenue, providing enough internal stacking distance and the construction of accel/decel lanes. Adequate drainage facilities will be provided on site. The reduction of the amount of light and air to adjacent properties should not be a concern because of the nature of the adjacent land use. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditans. Planning Division Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-95-11~Carmel Existing zoning conditions allow agricultural and recreational uses. This is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan. Staff concludes that the property cannot be reasonably developed under existing zoning conditions. 7. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Spot zoning is not an issue as there is residential land use to the northwest and east of Youngfield. 8. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available attematives. There is an apparent void in the market for higher-end rental units. VI. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 24, 1995. Those in attendance were: Glen Gidley -staff Dave Wedmore -applicant Mary and Curt Anderson -4330 Vivian Street Gary & Margie Krieg -4320 Vivian Street Wayne Jensen - 12505 West 44th Avenue Keith Meakins -4340 Tabor Stree4 Janice Thompson - 12290 West 42nd Avenue Janelle Shaver - 8890 West 35th Avenue The following items were discussed: o Overall density and quality of the project o Improvements to the neighborhood o Expansion of Wheat Ridge to the west o Traffic impact to the area A second neighborhood meeting was held by the applicant on a later date for the neighbors north and west of the site. Both residential and industrial land owners attended this meeting. The prime concerns were related to traffic impacts and potential truck weight limits that may be imposed by Wheat Ridge. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Generally, the proposed rezoning to PRD for the purpose of residential apartment use as described would fill a void in the market, as well as a void in the residential needs of citizens in this area. The character of the proposed development, based upon the applicant's description and based upon staff visit to similar developments by Carmel Company, will be high quality construction and well-maintained. There will be increased traffic on West 44th Avenue and the general street system, especially east of the development. The City will install a traffic signal at West 44th Avenue and Youngfield this year in order Planning Division Staff Report Page 6 Case No. WZ-95-17/Carmel to address existing traffic problems unrelated to this proposal. This signal should accommodate increased traffic loads. By separate agreement, related to the annexation of this property, the applicant has agreed to pay a traffic impact feet to the City so that the City will have additional funds available to address traffic concerns in the vicinity. The amount proposed by the applicant, and acceptable by City Council, is not yet finalized. The applicant is also encouraged to utilize the RTD Park N Ride facility on Ward Road in order to mitigate traffic impacts. The County's plan for this area includes potential uses that could generate greater traffic volumes and/or be less desirable for the neighborhood. A retail center would generate substantially greater traffic volumes, although certainly be more attractive to the City from a revenue base perspective, Industrial uses could bring heavy truck traffic to the area and result in unsightly outside storage and use areas. Staff concludes that the proposed use is a better use of this parcel considering the alternatives and the potential impacts which they could yield. It is highly unlikely that very low density residential, handicapped housing or senior housing would occur at this site. We recommend approval of this rezoning and Outline Plan request based upon the above findings and conclusions, with the following additional recommendations and conditions: 1. That the additional perimeter setback standards discussed under Section II of this report be incorporated into the plan. 2. That Exhibit A be accepted as a representation of the intent and character of proposed development and that it be used to guide Planning Commission and Council when reviewing final plans for the project. 3. That when preliminary and final plans are presented, those plans include details for development of West 44th Avenue to a full City collector standard, and that plans for encouraging use of the RTD Park N Ride facility be included, which may include a pedestrian link north of West 44th Avenue and I-70, and/or may include a shuttle service by the development. b:~wz9511.sr i ~ Case No. WZ-95-11 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY Fire: (Fairmount) Can serve. Schools: Water; (Valley) Can serve. Sewer: (Westridge) Can serve. U S West: No response. Public Service Company: Can serve. State Land Use Commission (over 5 acres): State Geolggist: State Highway: No access allowed to Highway 58. Jefferson County (Health, Commissioners, Planning): Adjacent City: TCI: CITY DEPARTMENTS Public Works: See attached. Parks and Recreation: Will review at their 7-18-95 meeting. Police: Will eventually need two more officers. Building Inspection: c:~wp60~pc\wz9511.ars I. Applicant Information: CASE NO. WZ-95-11 ' EXHIBIT 'A' ~, coe~Pawa~a Carmel Companies is the premier locally owned and managed developer of multifamily communities throughout the Derwa metro area Ron Zeffis the applicant and developer of the proposed community, Carmel has developed over 7,000 apartment homes each with a unique style to fit the community into which each has now become an integral part. Carmel's philosophy of building quality homes and maintaining ownership and management has set the highest standard of excellence in the Denver apartment market place. We aze proud of and would welcome review of our most recent Apartment Communities: The Villas at Homestead, 6857 S. Homestead Pazkway, Englewood (312 homes) The Covington, 2234 S. Trenton Way, Demrer (384 homes) The Windsor, -8400 W. Eastman, Lakewood (352 homes) Carmel is pleased to have this opportunity to extend this tradition,of quality rental homes to tins unique site at I-70 and W. 44th Avenue into the City of Wheat Ridge. The Multifamily housing demand in this azea is unmet when considering options for existing residents to stay in the area in a new full featured quality community. Additional housing needs from newcomcrs and move-up young residents make this apartment home community an asset to Wheat Ridge's economic vitality. This need and this uniquely attractive and isolated site makes this application warrant speaal consideration and incorporation into the City of Wheat Ridge. II. Land Description The land is approximately 50 acres located on the western border of Wheat Ridge at Intestate 70 and West 44th avenue. The borders are 44th Avenue on the north, I-70 Right of Way (ROW) and shops on the east, Highway 58 ROW on the south, Burlington Northern Railway eastern border on the west. The boundary is more particulazly described on the survey shown with the annexation map. Historically the site was mined in the Brannan Sand and Gravel company in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The site was then reclaimed and filled under supervision with the organic excavation from the Maple Grove reservoir in the mid 1980s. A Colorado Mined band Reclamation Boazd reclamation plan has been in place for the site. It is presently under lease as agricultural for horse and livestock boarding. The topography of the site begins at a base of 5439 feet in the North east comer and rises gently over the reclaimed portion of the site toe the west at 5472 feet. The reclamation added a bench in the middte 1/3 of the site at 5465 feet rising to 54;7 feet in the middle. The western border uniquely shelters the Mt Olivet and Fairmont neighbors to the north by a ridge along 44th avenue rising 30 feet above the planned development level on the east tc 38 feet above the development level on the west. This rise shelters the planned maximum 35 foot roof height on the communities average roof height. An Emrronmental Assessment Phase I and Phase II has been completed on the site and found no on-site contamination ~ i III. Area Services. The bite is sewed by Pubtic Service high voltage lines on both the north and west property boundaries. Gas service is also on the western and norttrem property border far easy access. A water line for North Table Mountain is located across 44th and Eldridge to the North and West of the property. Tlu entire property was included into the North Table Mountain water district in conjunction with the 15"sewer line addition arrows the North East comer of the property in 1991. In 1982 service was extended to the property by Valley Water district in the form of a 12" stubbed offfeed at the enhance to Mt Olivet in 44th avenue. Fruitdale Sanitatim also has a 9" line in W. 44th avenue and the eastern 1/3 of the property was included by their extension in 1981 The property is is the Fairmont Fire and protection district. IV. Community Proposal Tlu proposed community would be built in phases in an antiapated 10 year time frame. The initial phase of 250 homes to 350 homes would begin development in 1996 with late 1996 delivery of roughly 100 homes in 5 buildings. The clubhouse andinterior inira- structrrre would be completed in this same time frame. The improvements to W. 44th would consist of widening the south half of 44th avenue adjacent to phase I to the required Wheat Ridge Minor arterial status and extension of a sidewalk under I-70 to coffied with the existing pedestrianwalltways. 12oughly 24 homes per month would be delivered throughout 1997 for a total yearly buildout of 288 apartment homes with a completed 1st phase in 1998. Subsequent development timing would be dependent upon market conditions. The second phase would begin upon the completion of Phase I in a likely 1999 time frame 1st unit delivery. Architecturally the c~++^+ty would be similaz to Carmel's presort c~++^+ty at The Covington (2234 S. Trenton Way). The typical Community and interior features are shown below: Apartment Style Mix Be"Iwnnmc Allnr~tinn Cie 1996Rexts lid oxe ao~ goo-gso $6so-~so ~_ Two s0°.6 900.1,100 $8s0-$9s0 Three 10°6 1,150-1,300 $9s0.$1,OS0 L~ Commnstikv Features and Benefits to Include: Luxurious 5, 000 foot Chrbhouse Graxd Pools and Spas with Large Sunxing Deck Frtensive Landscaping, Court Yards, aid F_rterior Plait Features Clubroom with Vaulted Ceilings aid Fireplace Hi Tech Fitxess aid Aerobic equipment in Seahh 8c Fihrb ess Center Business Center with Computer, Fax, Library aid support Home Amenities Including Private Marble Entry with Individual Security Alarm Crowx Moldings and 9 foot Yau)ted Ceilings Designer Coordinated Interior Romax Tubs aid Two Satter ix 2 and 3 Bedroom homes Private Patios aid Balconies Spacious I3'alk in Closets Extra Phone liner for Computer aid Fax Gas Firrreplacer with Mantel and Marble accents • W. 44th Avenue Apartments Carmel Companies Luzury Apartment Community Proposal C~ Y Traffic Impact: The site is uniquely located near major arterials avoiding neighborhood thoroughfares and single family residential interference. A traffic study on the area has been completed by Felsburg Holt and Ullevig in the last two months. Figure 5 is attached from this study showing the background traffic volumes without any site development. Figure 8 from the study shows the eventual build-out site generated traffic. The site generated traffic impact as a percentage is shown to be: Study Intorsoction Ward Road at WB I-70 Ramps W. 44th Ave. at the EB E-70 Ramps W. 44th Ave. at Ward Road W. 44th at Youngfield Sito Backgrownd Traffic Traffic 39'0 97% 49'0 96% 6% 94% 12% 1?$% Figure 12 from the conclusion of the study is also attached showing the long ternr level of service with the sits :intersections operating in an A Level of service and other intersections not &opping below their otherwise acceptable level of service. Notably the site generated traffic is less in the peak hours than would other wise be generated by alternative uses to the site. Carmel companies recognizes the impact of site genaated traffic will occur in the 44th Avenue, Youngfield and Ward area. As a result up to $100,000 was dedicated to improve this intersection at the time the property concept was generated At the time of this annexation submittal the City of Wheat Ridge had moved forward on signalizing this intersection. The $100,000 troffte dedication has remained to contribute to the City's discretionary needed improvements whether it be for the Youngfield intersection or other future immediate area needs. VI. Economic Impact. According to the Urban Land institute "the primary trade area (for a shopping curter)... gencally extends three to five miles from the site, and is usually no more than a 10 mimrte drive" which provides both a support for Applewood as well as flrhxe development within the cture~ or extended Wheat Ridge boundaries. Our current rent surveys show residents in similar communities average household incomes of over $48,000 annually. According to the US Department of labor this income category spends 11.2% on Food ($5,376 armually}and 19% on transpcatation ($9,120) both of which are taxable to Wheat Ridge. Extending this buying power into 2.5% City Sales Tax revenues, Wheat Ridge benefits in excess of $250,000 annually. Additional $41,000 in revenues would be generated by the 3% PSC Franchise fee on all Gas and 3% on all Electric consumed within the city and property tax at the 2.7% mils represents roughly $20,000. The net positive income to Wheat Ridge is at least $300,000 annually in addition to the significant infusion at construction of at least $500,000 from on-site appliances, lumber and mateHals. VLi_ Community Resident Profile Carmel Companies through extensive analysis of communities similaz to the proposed community has generated the following profile of residents from rental applications. The two chazacteristics shown below aze income and age. The income distribution by household is shown be]oa'to average ova $48,000 yearly: VILLAS ' n-O•maa5.7-b A•D The Villa's Monthly Income Distribution Monthly Household Income $7000-8000 {6.7%) $0-2000 (6.39'0) $45005000 (9.0%) $4000-4500 {12.5%} '~ul $3500-4DDD (6.7%) $2000-2500 (15.3%) $250D.90D0 (13.79'0) $30003500 (12.9%) The age distribution from the resident lease applications is shown below. Notably the 67% of the ;ximary lease holders are over the age of 55 W. 44th Avenue Apartrnents ViLLA5 M-~t-M•R•.x•T-R•A•D .-'~, ~-. rr; ? i. '~ ~r tr n:+r r i^^ T n7nr•' '! nartmrnt Community Proposal The V'dla sApe Distribution X °FAinglsueFloNonMMlaP VIII.. SchoolImpacts The property is located in the Jefferson County R-1 school district. Camzcl compatries has assembled cxtensivc infotxnation from our communities to anticipate the needs for schools from our new developments. The chart below shows the anticipated "yield" entering the area schools. Notably the elementary ages are the most impacted with roughly 8 elementary school additions projected in 1996 and a total of 28 elementary students projected for the 1st phase buildout through 1999. YIL~LAS .[ t i •O•MI •C•'J•7••ti•M•D School Age Children Number of Residents by Age N u m b e r 0 f S t u d Student Age Student Yield for The Villa's 312 units Elementary Ages 6-11 29 9.29% Middle Ages 12-14 9 2.88% High School Ages 15-17 5 1.6% ~~ Overall 43 13.78% Additionally, Carntel's two communities directly on the north side of Hampden Avenue have the following school age population for 599 homes: Hamptons and Huntington Apartments 599 Units - Clu1d Population by Unit Type Elem IviiddleHigh Total Apt Type 6..12 13..15 16..18 Count 1/1 4 3 2 9 211 22 5 3 30 y2' 30 10 10 SO Count 56 18 I5~= 89-=~ Experienced Yield .09 .03 .025 .15 W. 44th Avenue Apartments _ ,,,,,, [;~; .~~;,f ['1111 C~1!~ CUTnlttTlrlit}'r1Y/110fi,11 The area schools in the immediate vicinity of the community are shown below with published capacities and projected earollmerus. The information is for information purposes only as the Enrollment Projection report from Jefferson County R I shouid be consulted for more extensive details on non-resident, open enrollment and other statistics. 44th and Youngfield Area Schools and Capacities ARVADA'9VEST AREA P~oer am Capacitx Enrollments A a School Tvae New ('~rrent 9:3-94 94-95 95-96 Arvada West Fairmont Elem 486 459 4.i3 445 460 Arvada West Drake Middle 802 802 8n5 882 901 Arvada West Arvada West High 2115 1677 1~i20 1615 1628 Wheat Ridgc Kullcrstrand Elem 351 324 3'?9 331 327 Wheat Ridge Maple Grove Elem 378 405 338 ,391 393 - Wheat Ridge Everitt Middle 754 754 7:37 , 734 738 Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge High 1312 1555 1.356 1466 1467 * Enrollment Projection Report 1994, Plannin g Services, Jefferson county Public School> W. 44th Avenue Apartments Carmel Companies Luxury Apartrrrent Community Proposal ~pHEAT RIDGE AREA C~ IX. Parks and Recreation Carmel Companies provides a fir11 amenity package in all of our communities as outlined above. Our residents typically take exclusive advantage of the pools, fitness centers, outdoor basketball and tennis as well as extensive planned and maintai aed open spaces. Carmel is therefore requesting a Pazk Land Cash in Lieu dedication of $40 per unit far regional pazks and a reduction of $35 from the norrnai $75 per unit fee. This reduction is requested based upon the lack of immediate azea neighborhood parks and therefore the long term savings to Wheat Ridge on both the purchase and maintenance of this "pocket° pazk Cooperation from neighbors on the north is being sought to provide a pedestrian access to the RTD regional park and ride. We intend to request this connection upon beginning of the first phase and are dependent upon the landowners petmissior. and access. X. Police and Patrol Each of our existing communities and the proposed community has courtesy patrols anfl extensive management support to avoid the need for City patrols aad greatly lessen the required responses. Additionally, this community is expelled to fo low the trend towards gated luxury apartment communties to limit vehicle and visitor access to authorized residents and guests. The details of this gated and patrolled community is in process for your review. XI. Fire Protection. The property is within the Fairmont Fire protection district and Carmel Companies intends to follow the guide roes utilized by the district. TO: FROM: RE: DATE; Approved Date ~ MEMORANDUM CASE NO. WZ-95-11 EXHIBIT 'B' GLEN GIDLEY, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT JOHN OSS, SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS RELATING TO PROPOSED ANNEXATION AT WEST 44TH AVENUE AND I70 JULY 12, 1995 Staff has reviewed the traffic impact study and other information provided by the Developer and has the following comments: 1. Previously made comments at a meeting with Mr. Wedmore have not been addressed. These comments and request include: a. We requested a study be made of the short and long term affects with the main entrance to the development located .across from Mount Olivet's entrance. We still feel this is a viable alternative entrance. b. The traffic study as presented at this meeting didn't recognize the free right turn for north bound Youngfield to east bound 44th and assigns a low level of service indicator. The study needs to be revised to account for the free right turn movement. c. The proposed traffic split from the development is 85% east and 15~ west on 44th Avenue. Also certain assumptions were made relating to traffic on I70. We requested additional information discussing the rational for these assumptions. d. The proposed main access point and possibly the secondary access points to the development are in existing horizontal and vertical curves on 44th Avenue. The sight distance for each of these access points needs to be investigated in depth to insure that motorists can enter and leave the development safely. Any changes to the horizontal and/or vertical alignment of 44th Avenue to provide safe access will be the responsibility of the developer. e. Secondary access points for the development will be required at the east and west ends. We will require a minimum of two access points for phase 1 and three for phases 2 and 3. The scheduling of these will be deter- mined by the extent of the phasing and the requirements 1 of the fire department. 2. We understand this development may be a gated community. If this is so, we will require adequate stacking distances on 44th Avenue for right and left turns into the development. 3. The development is proposing a series of units along the top of the berm along the north side of the development. We understand the developer proposes these units to have direct access to 44th Avenue. Direct access along 44th Avenue, which is a collector class street, will cause additional conflicts between through traffic and traffic entering or leaving driveways. We recommend that this direct access be denied and the developer be required to provide a frontage road or other methods of providing shared access points at more acceptable intervals. 4. We will require public improvements to a collector street standard along the property's 44th Avenue frontage. These improvements may be keyed to proposed phasing of the development. 5. We are requesting that the developer's public improvements, including curb, gutter and sidewalk and pavement, along the south side of 44th Avenue be extended to the existing improvement under I70. 6. We understand the developer is proposing phasing construction. We will require appropriate development agreements outlining particulars of the relationship between scheduling public improvements on 44th Avenue with the development's phasing plan. 7. There are continued problems with the annexation plat. Some of these include: PARCEL 1. 1. Overlaps with CDOT right of way. 2. Closure not OR. 3. East line bearing and distance incorrect. 4. Neither of the 970 ft distances agree with City Datum. PARCEL 2. 1. 1/6 Contiguity not OK. (10 ft short). 2. Closure not OK. 3. Bearing on plan does not agree with bearing in legal. 4. Gap between Parcel 1 and Parcel 2. 2 8. We will require a master drainage report addressing the entire site. This may be modified later as the several phases are built out. CASE NO. WZ-95-11~ EXHIBIT 'C' ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED W. 44T13 AVENUE LUXURY APARTMENT COMMUNITY PROPOSAL LOCATION: 44th Avenue immediately West of I-70 and North of SH 58. DEVELOPER: Carmel Companies. ACREAGE SIZE: Approximately 50 acres. SCOPE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Carmel Companies proposes to build a complex of "Apartment Homes" which will rent in the Waddle to high middle income range. The complex will include club-house amenities such as swimming pools, spas, decks, courtyards and the like. The apartment buildings will be three stories with twenty apartment per building. Carmel proposes to develop in phases with a first phase of 250-350 apartment. Carmel's original goal is to complete 5 buildings (100 units) by late 1996. First phase build out is projected by 1998. A second phase of similar size and type is projected to begin in 1999. Phase three is the construction of approximately 50 units of townhouse or single family units which would be sold rather than rented. The total projected build out is approximately 700 rental units and 50 sale units. RENTAL UNfT MiX: # Bedrooms One bedroom Two bedroom Three bedroom DEMOGRAPHICS Age: 55 + 35-55 Income Allocation 40% SO% 10% Size 700-850 900-1100 1150-1300 1996 Rent $650-850 $850-950 $950-1050 67% 22,5% $48,000 per household. (average) IMPACTS/REVENUE (extrapolation from Urban Land Institute formulas) Sales Tax (annuaUat build out) $ 250,000* PSC Franchise (annual) 41,000 Property Tax Highway Users Trust Jeffco Open Space Colorado Open Space Total Annual Use Tax on Project Construction (one time) IMPACTS/LIABILITIES Police Protection (annual) Public Works (one timeJinterchange) (ongoing maintenance) Recreation (brochure distribution) 20,000 5,000 38,550 2,000 $356,550 $500,000 160,000 no cost to city no additional cost to city 560 NET PROJECTED INCOME TO WHEAT RIDGE $500.000 one time (First year after build-out) $195,990 annual *Assumptions: Sales tax derived on $5376 household expenditure on food in Wheat Ridge and on $9120 household expenditure.on a car purchase. (Source, Urban Land Institute.) ._ .~•. ~` ~ . ~~ CASE NO. WZ-95-11 EXHIBIT 'D' D~p~~ WEST 44TH AVENUE APARTMENTS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSTS Prepared for: Carmel Companies Inc. 950 South Cherry Street, Suite 1100 Denver, Colorado 80222 (303} 691-3232 Prepared by: Felsburg Holt & Ullevig 5299 DTC Boulevard, Suite 400 Englewood, Colorado 801 I 1 (303) 721-1440 FHU Reference Iso. 95-049 May 1995 V. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The significant findings as a result of this study are summarized as follows: Existing Conditions The intersection of West 44th Avenue and Youngfield Street warrants sisnalization based on existing traffic volumes and accident experience. Therefore, this intersection should be signalized by the completion of Phase 1 of the project development which is proposed to include about 350 multi-family (aparhnent) units. In the loner term future, site generated traffic at this intersection will account for less than 15 percent of the total peak hour traffic demand. Short-Term Future For Phase 1 of the project development, only one,site access intersection has been proposed along West 44th Avenue on the eastern portion of the property. Overall, this access will adequately handle the projected Phase 1 traffic volumes since the intersection will operate at acceptable levels of service. The following are findings and recommendations associated with this eastern site access: The eastern access should be stop sign controlled with a separate outbound left-turn and right-turn lane. The access roadway should be divided with a raised median. Speed change lanes should be provided along West 44th Avenue for this access, including: - A westbound left-turn deceleration lane/bay with a recommended length of 315 feet and a taper of 140 feet. - An eastbound right-turn deceleration lane with a recommended length of 295 feet and a taper of 140 feet. o The eastern access should have a minimum centerline offset of 600 feet with the Mount Olivet Cemetery Access or any other intersectioh along West 44th Avenue. • The eastern access will accommodate site traffic demands for two-thirds of the proposed development (approximately 500 dwelling units). • The segment of West 44th Avenue between the proposed eastern site access and the I-70 overpass should be constructed with four through lanes and SO feet ofright-of--way. • The signalized intersection of Ward Road at the WB I-70 Ramps will operate at poor levels of service ranging from LOS E to LOS F during peak hours. This is primarily due to heavy background traffic demands. Site senerated traffic accounts for less than 5 percent of the total peak hour intersection demand. y • The signalized intersections of 44th Avenue at Ward Road and 44th Avenue at the EB I-70 Ramps will operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS C or better. • The intersection of West 44th Avenue at Youngfield Street will operate at a LOS C or better with traffic signal control. 21 I ~~ Long-Term Future D A second site access intersection should be provided west of the proposed Phase 1 Access in the long term future (i.e. after two-thirds of the development has been completed). The following are the findings and recommendations associated with the proposed western site access: The western access should also be stop sign controlled with a separate outbound left-turn and right-turn lane. This access will operate at acceptable levels of service. o Speed change lanes should also be provided along West 44th Avenue for this access, including: - A westbound left-turn deceleration lane/bay with a recommended length of 315 feet and a taper of 140 feet. - An eastbound right-tum deceleration lane with a recommended length of 295 feet and a taper of 140 feet. The western access should have a minimum centerline offset of 600 feet with Eldridge Street or any other intersection along West 44th Avenue. • The signalized intersections of 44th Avenue at Ward Road and 44th Avenue at the EB I-70 Ramps will operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS C or better. • The intersection of West 44th Avenue at Youngfield Street will operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS C or better. • By the build-out of the project site, an additional eastbound through lane should be provided along West 44th Avenue from the western site access to the eastern site access. • Daily traffic volume demands along West 44th Avenue (between Eldridge Street and the I-70 overpass) will range from about 10,700 to 14,050 vehicles per day and will be sufficient to justify a four-lane cross-section. Site generated traffic will account for approximately 6.5 percent of the daily traffic volume west of the project site, 13.8 percent adjacent to the project site, and 28.8 percent east of the project site. Otker Considerations It has been suggested that a slip ramp be provided along westbound SH 58 to allow direct access to the proposed development, thereby reducing site traffic at the Ward Road/WB I-70 Ramp intersection and other critical intersections in the study area. Such a design will not be allowed by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) since SH 58 is classified as a Category One Highway along which private accesses are not be permitted. 22 CASE NO: WZ-95-11 REQUEST: PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST DATE: July 20, 1995 An application by Carmel Companies, Inc. for Golden Properties, Ltd. for approval of a rezoning from MC (Mineral Conservation in Jefferson County) to PRD (Planned Residential Development in Wheat Ridge) and approvals of an outline development plan for property located at 13500 West 44th Avenue. SPEAKER NAME, ADDRESS & PHONE (PLEASE PRINT) Position o Please IN FAVOR Request heck OPPOSED pp,, $$ to W ~ 35`~h Aug.. J1/ e n~~~s~ ~-~'~ ~~t ~ ,St yas ~ l ~ / ,. ,~ .,. MINIITES OF MEETING~f~ July 20, 1995 V CITY OF WHEAT-RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson at-7:33 p.m., on July 20, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, wheat Ridge, Colorado.... 2. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENP: STAFF PRESENT: Jay Rasplicka Carl A. Cerveny George Langdon - Wallace Crompton Warren Johnson. Robert Eckhardt Harry Williams James Owens - EXCUSED ABSENCE EXCUSED ABSENCE Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Sandra Wiggins, Secretary PUBLIC HEARING The following is the official copy of_Planning Commission minutes for--the Public Hearing of July 20, 1995. A_ copy of these minutes is retained both in the office of the Ci-ty Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. _ Nom; YU' `«t~ ti~.sgt~ ' qq ••,r V ~~ u µ Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 July 20, 1995 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Mr. Gidley requested the addition of two items under Item 12. Committee & Department Reports. By consensus, the agenda was approved with that change. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner CERVENY moved .to approve the minutes for the meeting of July 6, 1995 as printed. Commissioner WILI,IAMS seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0, with Commissioner CRUMPTON abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing section of the agenda.) No one signed the roster, nor came forward to speak at that time. 7. PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Gidley explained to Commission that even though the subject site was not within the city limits, Planning Commission had . jurisdiction hear the rezoning portion of the case. However, he added, City Council cannot take final action on the rezoning, until the annexation has occurred. Mr. Gidley noted that the applicant requested the zoning matter be reviewed simultaneously with the annexation request:- Planning Commission has no authority to hear the annexation request. 1. Case No. WZ-95-11: An application by Carmel Companies, Inc. for .Golden Properties, Ltd. for approval of a rezoning from MC Mineral Conservation in Jefferson County) to PRD (Planned Residential Development in Wheat Ridge) and approval of an outline development plan for property located at 13500 West 44th Avenue. Mr. Gidley presented the _staff Yeport. ,Entered into the record and accepted by the Chairperson were the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, case file, packet materials and exhibits. Chairman ECKHARDT voiced his concern regarding increased traffic on Youngfield, between West 44th Avenue-and West 38th Avenues. He noted that no referral had been received from.the school district. Planning Commission Minutes July 20, 1995 Page 3 Ms. Reckert stated that Kathy.Tully ha_d informed her that she would wait to comment at the final development plan and plat stage. Ms. Tully had some concern regarding school capacity. Discussion was heard regarding possible solution(s) to traffic __ problems at West 32nd and Youngfield. David Wedmore, Carmel Companies, 950 South Cheery Street, #1100, Denver, was sworn in. Mr. Wedmore explained why he believed the site would be an-excellent place for a residential development. Ron Zeff, Carmel Companies, 950 South Cherry Street, #1100, Denver, was sworn in. Mr. Zeff-gave a brief history of the Carmel Companies. He added that Carmel Companies had developed over 10,000 homes in the Denver area, mostly multifamily in nature. Mr. Zeff had slides of various properties developed and maintained-by Carmel Companies. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked for the addresses of some of Mr. Zeff's properties. Mr. Zeff supplied the requested addresses. Commissioner CERVENY asked if the development would have garages? Mr. Zeff answered that it would depend on the market. He felt it likely a combination of units with attached, detached and no garage would be constructed. ~7anelle Shaver, _8890 West 35th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, was sworn in. Ms. Shaver stated that the proposed development did not belong at this location in Wheat Ridge. She added that she was representing Wheat Ridge United Neighbors, who passed a resolution recently opposing the rezoning. Ms. Shaver spoke of her concerns including: the entire parcel would not be developed; the surrounding .neighborhood is not in favor; light industrial businesses were concerned about the congestion on West 44th Avenue; and the practicality of signalization at West 44th Avenue and Youngfield intersection. She. asked Mr. Goebel if additional lanes could be .added to West 44th Avenue at Youngfield. Mr. Goebel answered possibly one eastbound lane could be added, depending on placement of the abutments. He couldn't say for certain. Ms. Shaver stated she doubted that the "Park N Ride" would serve the proposed development, since expected income portrayed on a pie chart she saw was quite high. She added that she thought it unfair that consideration was being given to .waiving the normal park land acquisition fee for .this proposed development, because of amenities that were planned for the residents of the Planning 'Commission Minutes July 20, 1995 Page 4 development only. City ball fields, etc. she thought would be used by the residents. Commissioner CERVENY asked Ms. Shaver what use she would suggest for trie subject parcel. Ms. Shaver stated possibly a golf course, recreation center, or a facility with less impact to traffic. Chairperson ECKHARDT stated that multi-family housing comes closer to paying its way than single-family residential use. Commissioner CERVENY stated he thought the proposed site was a better location for multi-family housing than anything else in the area. Ms. Shaver stated that District 4 has a lot of multi-family housing units. Dean Bonger, 4340 Vivian Street, Wheat Ridge, was sworn in. Mr. Bonger spoke of his concerns regarding increased crime and traffic, should the rezoning be allowed. He stated he opposed the rezoning. Wayne Bonger, 4340 Vivian Street, Wheat Ridge, was sworn in. Mr. Bonger asked members of the Commission if they were employed or affiliated in any way with Coors. Chairman ECKHARDT stated that none of the Planning Commission members were employed by or affiliated with Coors.' Mr. Bonger stated he opposed the plan because the increased number of residents would create additional traffic and over- crowding of schools. As a long-time resident, he suggested the property be a game preserve,- golf course or a recreation facility for youths. Mr. Bonger voiced concern that the Fruitdale Sanitation District could service additional-properties. Chairperson ECKHARDT stated the report from the school district indicated that children from the proposed development would attend Arvada West schools - Fairmount, Drake and Arvada West or Wheat Ridge schools - Kullerstrand, Maple Grove, Everett and Wheat Ridge High School. Mr. Bonger asked how the school's capacities were. Where they full? Chairperson ECKHARDT answered some were, others were not. Chairperson ECKHARDT stated that according to the staff report, Fruitdale Sanitation District can serve the. development. Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 July 20, 1995 Mr. Bonger stated he-had been told by Fruitdale that because they were "coaxed out", they were dumping into the Denver system. Chairperson ECKHARDT stated he thought most small sanitation districts were dumping into the Denver system. He explained further. Mr. Bonger reiterated his concern regarding traffic problems on West 44th Avenue. at Vivian, Youngfield, etc. Chairperson ECKHARDT called Nancy Anderson to speak. He was informed that she had left the meeting earlier. Curt Anderson, 4330 Vivian Street, Wheat Ridge, was. sworn in. Mr. Anderson stated he was wary of doing major home improvements because of the uncertainty of the neighborhood. He added that he felt the proposed development would decrease the value of -this property. Mr. Anderson thought the-increased traffic, along with current traffic problems, could cause the neighborhood to become more transient. Storms drains in the area were inadequate-and he thought a retention pond of some kind would be necessary. He questioned how much tax revenue would end up in Wheat Ridge. Mr. Anderson had concerns regarding adequate water levels and the continual building of new homes. Chairperson ECKHARDT noted that new developments are required to install detention ponds for storm water control. He elaborated. The. water district, he added, has stated they can handle--the increased demand. Commissioner CERVENY asked Mr. Goebel about the firth that prepared the traffic studies for the proposed project? Mr. Goebel stated the company mentioned is a very reputable firm and he didn't dispute their capability. The only question Public Works had was directional splits they indicated. He explained. Mr. Goebel-stated that regarding traffic in the Ward Road/Youngfield/West 44th area, there is more traffic turning right up Youngfield than turning left onto West-44th Avenue. Commissioner CERVENY asked Mr. Goebel if the signal to be-placed at Youngfield and West 44th Avenue would improve the .current situation. _. Mr. Goebel stated it would make a hugh difference in the level. of service at-that intersection. He elaborated. Discussion followed. Planning Commission Minutes July 20,.1995 Page 6 Commissioner CERVENY asked if there was another way to improve the right-hand turn situation from West 44th Avenue onto Youngfield. Mr. Goebel thought possibly there could be. .Further consideration would have to be given to the matter. Chairperson ECKHARDT summarized the case before Planning Commission, highlighting the positive and negative aspects. Commissioner RASPLICKA commented that change is inevitable. Commissioner RASPLICKA moved that Case No. WZ-95-i1, an application by Carmel Companies, Inc. for Golden Properties, Ltd. for approval of a rezoning from MC (Mineral Conservation in. Jefferson County) to PRD (Planned Residential Development in Wheat Ridge) and approval of an outline development-plan for property located at 13500 West 44th Avenue be approved with the following conditions: 1. .Setback standards be revised according to Planning staff - _' recommendations; and 2. Details be worked out with staff when the final development plan is submitted. For the following reasons: 1. City of Wheat Ridge has been encouraged by Jefferson County to incorporate into the City those areas currently receiving City services. This area seems to be a natural extension of that policy. 2. The development is abetter use of-the ,land than other uses proposed on the long range plan. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the .motion. Motion carried 6-0. 8. CLOSE THE PDBLIC HEARING Chairperson ECKHARDT called a short recess at 9:15 p.m. Meeting reconvened. at 9:27 p.m. 9. OLD BIISINESS A. Discussion of Planning Commission Powers & Duties and related Charter provisions By consensus, this item was postponed until Commissioner LANGDON can be present, since he requested the item be placed on the agenda. Planning Commission Minutes July 20, 1995 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. DISCIISSION AND DECISION ITEMS 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS A. City Affairs Committee Meeting 1. Nonconforming Use Ordinance 2. Planned Development Regulations Review 3. Billboards Page 7 Discussion was heard regarding the meeting that Mr. Gidley attended. Commission members will try to attend the August 10, 1995 meeting. This meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. A joint meeting dinner meeting has been scheduled with Public Works Advisory Committee on August 3, 1995 at 5:15 p.m.' The first portion of this meeting will be held in the Glass -- Conference room on the second floor. The purpose of the dinner meeting is to discuss the proposed .Capital Improvements budget. The proposed Planning & Development departmental budget will be discussed following the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. B. DRCOG's Metro. Vision 2020 Process Mr. Gidley passed out an information packet-regarding Metro Vision_2020 for Commissions perusal. This item will discussed at the August 3, 1995 meeting. Commissioner JOHNSON asked Mr. Gidley if had any success getting traffic counts as per his request. .Mr. Gidley answered yes, they were coming. Commissioner RASPLICKA noted that-the $2M excess has been added to the'Capital- Improvement Fund balance, and this will be discussed at the July 31, 1995_City Council study session. Commission was encouraged to attend this meeting. Discussion followed.. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, by consensus, meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Sandra Wiggins, Secretary CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION _ ' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION _ CASE NO: WZ-95-11 LOCATION: 13500 West 44th Ave. APPLICANT(S) NAME: Carmel .Companies, Inc: OWNER(S) NAME: Golden Properties, Ltd. REQUEST: Rezoning from (MC Mineral Conservation in Jefferson County) to PRD (Planned Residential Development in Wheat Ridge) and approval of an outline development plan APPROXIMATE AREA: 50.22 acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted . a list of factors to be considered. .with-,the above request,-and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. - NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it-was moved by Commissioner RASPLICKA, seconded by Commissioner-JOHNSON that Case No. WZ-95-11, an application by Carmel companies; Inc. for Golden Properties, Ltd. for approval of a rezoning from MC (Mineral Conservation in Jefferson County) to PRD (Planned Residential Development in Wheat Ridge) and approval of an outline development plan for. property located at 13500 West 44th Avenue be Approved for the following reasons: 1. The City of Wheat-Ridge has been encouraged by Jefferson ,-_- County to incarporate_into the City those areas currently- receiving City services. This .area seems to be a-natural , extension of that policy. 2. The development is a better use of_-the land than other uses proposed on the-long range plan, With the following conditions: 1. Setback standards-be revis-ed according to Planning s-taff- `_... .. -_- =I recommendations; and 2. Details be worked out with staff when the final development plan is submitted. Certificate of Resolution Page 2 Case No. WZ-95-11/Carmel Companies, Inc. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Williams, Rasplicka, Cerveny, Crumpton and Johnson NO: None. I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 6-0 vote of the members present. at their regular. meeting, held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 20th day of July, 1995. Bo Ec ardt, Chairperson San ra Wiggins, Secretary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION b:\wz9511.res NOTICE OH PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on August 17, 1995 at - 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. WZ-95-11: An application by Carmel Companies, Inc. for Golden Properties, .Ltd. for approval of a rezoning from MC (Mineral Conservation in Jefferson County) to PRD (Planned Residential Development in Wheat Ridge) and approval of an outline development plan for property located at 13500 West 44th Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows: A tract of land located in the E 1/2 of Section 19 and the NW 1/4 of Section 20, T3S, R69W, 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the SE 1/4 of said Section 19 thence S 00°08'26" W 275.38 feet along the West line of said SE 1/4 to the northerly right-of-way line of Colorado Highway 58; thence S 87°01'49" W 2456.00 feet along said right-of-way; thence continuing along said right-of-way N 76°20'56" W 199.73 feet to the West line of -said SE 1/4 of Section 19; thence N 00°22'41" W 278.94 feet along said line to the southerly line of West 44th Avenue; thence along said right-of-way by the following courses: (1) 107.62 feet along the arc of a 995.00-foot. radius curve to the left through a central angle of 06°11'50", the long chord of this arc bears N 80°08'35" E 107.57 feet; (2) N 77°02'40" E 3093.84 feet; (3) 315.95 feet along the arc of a 1392.50-foot radius curve to the-right through,a central angle of 13°00'00" the long chord of this arc bears N,83°32'40" E 315.27 feet; (4) S 89?.57'20'!•E 530.•82 feet to the East line of the SW 1/4 of the-NW 1/4 of said Section 20; .thence S 00°19'43" E 119.94 feet along said East line to a point on the northwesterly right-of-way of Highway I-70; thence along said right-of-way S 64°06'29" W 33.20 feet; thence continuing along said right-of-way S 31°10'20" W 609.87 feet to the South line of said NW 1/4 of Section 20; thence-S 89°09'29" W 971.10 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 51 acres,-more or less. ~,~~nl ~/L.Ut/ ` Sandra Wiggins, r tary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To-be Published: .August 3, 1995 Jefferson Sentinel b:\72095.phn P.O. BOX 638 - TELEPHONE: 303/237-6944 ~ The City Of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 ~f Thea~ Ridge August 1, 1995 **ALI~ PREVIdC*S T'ESTIMONY WILL BE MADE PART OF THE RECORD FOR CITY COUNCIL. ONLY NEW TESTIMONY WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS PUBLIC HEARING<** This is to inform you that Case No. WZ-95-11 which is a request for approval of a rPOt~n,na f,-„ nR;.,.v_, „__ (TPff_ ... _ _. ersOri- O m tV) to PlannP~ RPq;APn+' 7 n ~ nmanr (Tih aat RAT) _ for property located at _]_3 Gnn WPS+ ad+h AZ,PnnP (~pnrnuima Pini - will .be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning !'nmmic ;gin in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at ~p p_m on Auaust 17 1 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must'be present at this hearing before the As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you-have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform "The Carnation City" ~ The JEFFERSON. SENTINELS 122'4 Wadsworth Blvd ' Lakewood, CO 80215-5108 ,- ,.. ;'239-9890 r". ~ ~ 08/04/95 THE'CITY CLERKS OFFICE'. ' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT.RIDGE, CO 80033. INVOICE: LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION Our number: JW0136.803 Your identification: PUBLICATION DATES: 95/08/03 through 95/08/03 NUMBER OF LINES: 67 ' COPIES REQUESTED: 3. Printing: 28.14 Copies: 0.00 'TOTAL DUE:. $ 28.14 Thank you for advertising in the Jefferson Sentinel Newspapers! The JEFFERSON SENTINELS 1224 Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood,`CO 80215.'-5108 „239-9890' 08/04/95 THE CITY CLERKS: OFFICE CITY .OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, .CO 80033 INVOICE: LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIGATION Our number JW0136.803 Your identification: PUBLICATION DATES: 95/08/03 through 95/08/03 NUMBER OF LINES: 67 COPIES REQUESTED: 3 Printing: _ 28.14 ,Copies: 0.00 TOTAL,DUE: $ 28.14 Thank you £or advertising in the,Je£fers4n Sentinel Newspapers! I /y Wands Sa,W Cily Q~a.~k -~. Publphad;"A uat91986. pubihbed In Tlia Jefleri?n Se'dind Jwolse.ero CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT (REVISED) TO: Planning Commission ' DATE PREPARED: August 10, 1995 DATE OF MEETING: August 17, 1995 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-95-11/Carmel CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone from MC to PRD LOCATION OF REQUEST: Approximately 13500 West 44th Avenue NAyIE & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Carmel Companies, Inc., 950 South Cherry St., #1100, Denver NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Golden Properties, Ltd., 1600 Jackson St., #150, Denver. APPROXIMATE AREA 50.22 acres PRESENT ZONING: Mineral Conservation (Jefferson County) PRESENT LAND USE: vacant SURROUNDING ZONING: N: PD, A-2; S: PD, A-2; E: A-1; W: PD SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: vacant, cemetery; S: CDOT maintenance yard, highway; E: I-70; W: commercialJindustrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: ILightl dust al,nRes dent al up o 15 d uafacreRetail, Office, DATE PUBLISHED: August 3, 1995 DATE POSTED: August 2, 1995 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: August 1, 1995 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX)ATTACHED ( )NOT REQUIRED RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ENTER INTO RECORD: ( XX) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ( )SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( )OTHER (XX)ATTACHED ()NONE (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (5-17-95 & 7-20-95 hearings) ( )SLIDES (XX) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is proposed to be annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-95-11~Carmel PRIOR HEARING Page 2 Planning commission reviewed this proposal at a public hearing held July 20, 1995. Because City Council continued their originally-scheduled decision on the annexation resolution related to this property the rezoning hearing was premature pursuant to State annexation law, which requires Council adoption of a Resolution finding "substantial compliance" prior to initiating rezoning proceedings. Therefore, this second hearing is required since Council adopt said resolutions (copies attached) on July 24, 1995. Our City Attorney has advised that the record of the July 20 hearing be incorporated into the record of this hearing. Since the July 20 meeting, the applicant has revised the plan to incorporate your prior conditions and has reduced the density to 600 units. REQUEST _ The applicant requests approval of a rezoning from Mineral Conservation (Jefferson County zoning) 40 Planned Residential Development for property located at approximately 13500 West 44th Avenue. The property is subject to an annexation petition to the City of Wheat Ridge. The property is bounded by West 44th Avenue on the north, Colorado Highway 58 and a CDOT maintenance facility on the south, Burlington Northern Railroad tracks on the west and I-70 on the east. It abuts the Wheat Ridge Corporate limits on the east side. II. OUTLINE PLAN At this time, the developer is requesting approval of the PRD zoning and outline development plan. The intent of the outline plan is to establish a general character of the proposed development, establish allowable densities, perimeter setbacks and major access points. Prior to any construction on the property, a preliminary and final development plan and plat must be approved by Planning Commission and City Council. A plan has been proposed showing up to 600 residential units. There are two use areas shown on the plan. Use area 1, containing 41 acres, would allow up to 600 multi-family units and recreational and other community facilities for the development. Use area 2, comprised of nine acres, will be natural open space. Overall gross density for the development including both areas 1 and 2 would be 12 units per acre, which is considered as medium density pursuant to our Comprehensive Plan. The primary entrance to the development would be from West 44th Avenue on the eastern end of the property, the location of which to be determined at the time of final development plan. An emergency access will be provided upon final build out. The plan provides perimeter setbacks for residential buildings from West 44th Avenue and C-58 of 30 feet, and a minimum ten foot setback for minor structures from the east, south and west perimeters and 30 feet from the north perimeter. A 35-foot height limitation is being proposed. These setback and height restrictions are consistent with other residential development in the City. Although the plan does not include detailed "Character and Intent" language, the applicant has submitted a separate detailed description of their proposed development together with their analysis of the possible impacts and benefits to the community. (Exhibit 'A') This substantially meets the requirements of the planned development regulations and should be considered as part of the Outline Plan. Although not shown on the plat, the applicant has agreed in the annexation petition to either construct a sidewalk connection north of West 44th Avenue & I-70 to connect to the Ward Road RTD Park-N-Ride, or Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-95-11~Carmel Page 3 if they cannot obtain an easement from Mt. Olivet, then they will develop a bus shelter at an RTD Bus Stop near their main access on West 4th Avenue. Additionally, the applicant has also agreed, by annexation agreement, to construct an 8-foot-wide asphalt path between West 44th Avenue and Clear Creek along the east side of Youngfield in order to accommodate the tenants and area residents, who desire to walk or bicycle to the Clear Creek greenbelt trail. Staff concludes that all requirements for an outline development plan have been met. 111. JEFFERSON COUNTY _ _ The current zoning on the property is MC (Mineral Conservation District) within Jefferson County. Permitted uses within this classification are mineral deposit conservation, and agricultural and recreational uses. This site has already been excavated for its mineral resources and was subsequently reclaimed by earth fill and regrading. The North Plains Community Plan designates this parcel as an infill area allowing a mix of retail, office and industrial uses. Residential development is also allowed at a rate of 2 d.u: s per acre, low impact housing up to 10 d.u's per acre, or senior housing up to 15 d.u: s per acre. A specific land use suggested for this area is recreational vehicle parks (not storage). West 44th Avenue between the Wheat Ridge city limit and Golden is designated as a minor arterial by Jefferson County requiring a 50-foot section from centerline. A multi-use path should be integrated into the design. N. AGENCY REFERRALS Fairmount Fire District can serve. Valley Water District can provide water with line extension in West 44th Avenue. The district is holding a public hearing on August 8 to consider district inclusion. Fruitdale Sanitation can serve subject to inclusion into the district. The developer will be responsible for line extension and possible upgrading of sewer facilities west of Ward Road. North Table Mountain Water and Sanitation District can serve, however adequacy of line capacity is still being evaluated. Wheat Ridge Police Department will eventually have the need for two additional police officers. Wheat Ridge Public Works has requested more information regarding the traffic study. They will allow public improvements along West 44th Avenue to be phased. The improvements built to a collector standard should extend east to the existing improvements under I-70. Individual accesses to West 44th Avenue will not be allowed. Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed this request at their July 79, 1995 meeting and recommended assessing $75 per unit fees in lieu of land dedication. Planning Division Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-95-71/Carmel Wheat Ridge Economic Development Coordinator has given estimates of revenues from the project. See attached Exhibit C. V. CRffERIA CRITERIA FOR REZONING REQUESTS In accordance with Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Sec. 26-6(C.), before a change of zone is approved, the applicant shall show and City Council shall find: 7. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring tl~e property into conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The City of Wheat Ridge has an extraterritorial land use plan which has adopted Jefferson County's North High Plains Community Plan as a guide for future land use. The County's "North Plains Community Plan", which was adopted in 1990, includes this property and proposed a wide range of possible uses including the following: a. Recreation Vehicle Parks b. Retail uses c. Offices d. Light Industrial e. Residential Uses 1. Up to 2 d.u./acre 2. Low impact multifamily up to 10 d.u./acre (Handicapped Housing) 3. Senior citizen housing up to 15 d.u./acre The proposed zoning for Planned Residential Development, at 12 d.u. per acre, exceeds the character and intent of the County's plan relating to residential uses. Based upon the site location and characteristics, it is highly unlikely that low density residential uses at 2 d.u./acre would ever been developed here. That leaves one of the other optional uses. From a general land use planning perspective, and in accordance with the Denver Regional Council of Government adopted Regional Development Plan, it is appropriate to encourage higher density residential uses along major thoroughfares, such as 1-70 and West 44th Avenue, rather than on local streets. It is also appropriate that such uses be encouraged to develop within the "Urban Growth Boundaries" of the metro area rather than in the hinterland where adequate infrastructure is not present, and where valuable agricultural lands and open space would be displaced. 2 That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Development surrounding the area includes Mt. Olivet cemetery to the north, light industrial development to the west, 1-70 on the east and Colorado Highway 58 and a CDOT maintenance facility to the south. Precautions must be taken at the final development plan stage to ensure "livability" of the project including landscaped buffering and noise mitigation due to the existence of high traffic volumes on I-70 and C-58. This development will increase traffic on West 44th Avenue, however it will not decrease the "level of service" (LOS) to unacceptable ratings. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change off zone. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-95-17/Carmel Page 5 There will be economic benefits derived by an increased property tax base and increased buying power within the community and it will offer a residential living opportunity, in terms of the proposed high end character, that currently does no4 exist in this area. 4. That adequate infrastructureJfacilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All utilities can serve the property with the infrastructure improvements discussed under Section IV. 5. That the proposed rezoning wilt not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. Traffic congestion should not be a concern if the project is properly designed. This would include limiting the number of access points to West 44th Avenue, providing enough internal stacking distance and the construction of accel/decel lanes. Adequate drainage facilities will be provided on site. The reduction of the amount of ligh4 and air to adjacent properties should not be a concern because of the nature of the adjacent land use. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. Existing zoning conditions allow agricultural and recreational uses. This is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan. Staff concludes that the property cannot be reasonably developed under existing zoning conditions. 7. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Spot zoning is not an issue as there is residential land use to the northwest and east of Youngfield. 8. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering' available alternatives. There is an apparent void in the market for higher-end rental units. VI. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on May 24, 1995. Those in attendance were: Glen Gidley -staff Dave Wedmore -applicant Mary and Curt Anderson -4330 Vivian Street Gary & Margie Krieg -4320 Vivian Street Wayne Jensen - 12505 West 44th Avenue Keith Meakins -4340 Tabor Street Janice Thompson - 12290 West 42nd Avenue Janet le Shaver - 8890 West 35th Avenue Planning Division Staff Report Page 6 Case No. WZ-95-17/Carmel The following items were discussed: o Overall density and quality of the project o Improvements to the neighborhood o Expansion of Wheat Ridge to the west o Traffic impac4 to the area , A second neighborhood meeting was held by the applicant on a later date for the neighbors north and west of the site. Both residential and industrial land owners attended this meeting. The prime concerns were related to traffic impacts and potential truck weight limits that may 6e imposed by Wheat Ridge. The weight limits extend east of Tabor Street on West 44th Avenue and are not proposed to extend West of I-70 since there are industrial uses in that area that need to use West 44th Avenue for access. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Generally, the proposed rezoning to PRD for the purpose of residential apartment use as described would fill a void in the market, as well as a void in the residential needs of citizens in this area. The character of the proposed development, based upon the applicant's description and based upon staff visit to similar developments by Carmel Company, will be high quality construction and well-maintained. There will be increased traffic on West 44th Avenue and the general street system, especially east of the development. The City will install a traffic signal at West 44th Avenue and Youngfield this year in order to address existing traffic problems unrelated to this proposal. This signal should accommodate increased traffic loads. By separate agreement, related to the annexation of this property, the applicant has agreed to pay a $25,000 traffic impact feet to the City so that the City will have additional funds available to address traffic concerns in the vicinity. The applicant is also encouraged to utilize the RTD Park N Ride facility on Ward Road in order to mitigate traffic impacts and they have proposed either a sidewalk connection north of West 44th Avenue & I-70 to the Park-N-Ride if they can obtain an easement from Mt. Olivet, or if not they will develop their own bus shelter near their entrance. The County's plan for this area includes potential uses that could generate greater traffic volumes and/or be less desirable for the neighborhood. A retail center would generate substantially greater traffic volumes, although certainly be more attractive to the City from a revenue base perspective, Industrial uses could bring heavy truck traffic to the area and result in unsightly outside storage and use areas. Staff concludes that the proposed use is a better use of this parcel considering the alternatives and the potential impacts which they could yield. It is highly unlikely that very tow density residential, handicapped housing or senior housing would occur at this site. We recommend approval of this rezoning and Outline Plan request based upon the above findings and conclusions, with the following additional recommendations and conditions: 1. That Exhibit A be accepted as a representation of the intent and character of proposed development and that it be used to guide Planning Commission and Council when reviewing final plans for the project. 2. That when preliminary and final plans are presented, those plans include details for development of West 44th Avenue to a full City collector standard, and that plans for encouraging use of the Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-95-11~Carmel Page 7 RTD Park N Ride facility be included, which may include a pedestrian link north of West 44th Avenue and I-70, or a bus shelter along West 44th Avenue. VIII. SUGGESTED MOTION I move that Case No. WZ-95-11, a request by Golden Properties and Carmel Companies for approval of a change of zone from Mineral Conservation (MC) to Planned Residential Development (PRD) and approval of an Outline Development Plan be forwarded to City Council with our recommendation of Approval for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zoning and Planned Residential Development at 12 units per acre is in substantial conformance with the City's rezoning criteria set forth in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Sec. 26 6(c); and 2. There is evidence that such housing is needed in this vicinity; and 3. The proposed development conforms to the City's development regulations for Planned Residential Development; and 4. The proposed development of medium density residential in the form of luxury apartments is more acceptable and desirable over other more intrusive uses that could be developed on this site according to the Jefferson County plan for this area, including industrial, outside warehousing and storage, or recreation vehicle storage, or other uses that may generate greater traffic volumes and/or substantial truck traffic. And, with the following conditions: 1. That Exhibit A be accepted as a representation of the intent and character of proposed development for the purpose of future plan approvals. 2. That when preliminary and final plans are submitted, those plans include details for development of West 44th Avenue to a full City collector street standard, and details of how the RTD bus connection or shelter will be designed and developed. 3. A phasing and staging plan for all private and public improvements be submitted with the final development plan. b:~wz9571.sr ANALYLSIS OF W. 44TH AVE./1-70lSH 58 APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT BY CARMEL HOMES VARIABLES/ASSUMPTIONS Developer's Scenario Alternate Scenario # of Apartments/Townhomes 750 600 Population @ 2.15 persons per unit 1613 1290 School Age Children 119 95 2 Average number of autos per unit 2 Total number of automobiles 1500 1200 Total,sales tax eligible, expenditures (i.e., food and transportation per * 10000000 8000000 houshold = $13333) ANNUAL ADDITIONAL REVENUE TO WHEAT RIDGE** Sales Tax due to WR Houshold expenditure X .025 250000 200000 Public Service franchise fee 41000 32800 Property Tax 20000 1600 INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS Highway Users Trust Fund (1) 5000 Not able to be calculated 4000 Not able to be calculated County Road and Bridge(2) 5200 Cigarette Tax Motor Vechicle Registration (same as footnote 2) 6500 Not able to be calculated Not able to be calculated Jeffco Open Space (3) 38550 30840 Conservation Trust Fund (4) 2000 1600 276040 Total 363050 ANNUAL LIABILITIES TO WHEAT RIDGE Police Protection (5) 160000 160000 2 FTE (Officers) @ $80,000 P/year Public Works Interchange Currently being negotiated 5000 Additional Road Maintenance (6) 5000 Recreation Brochure Distribution 560 560 Total 165560 165560 ANNUAL REVENUES LESS LIABILITIES 197490 110480 SALES AND USE TAX FOR CONSTRUCTION OVER 10 YEARS (n 500000 430000 * Source, Urban Land Institute adjusted for single occupants '* 1995 dollars. (No adjustments for inflation.) 1. Public Works Estimate 2. Based Upon Comparative Assessed Value with Other Communities in Jeffco 3. Estimated at $25.8 per vehicle 4. Conservation Trust Estimate 5. W.R. Police Department Estimate 6. Public Works Estimate 7. Developers estimate. THE CASE NO. WZ-95-11 EXHIBIT 'E' NORTH PLAINS COMMUM'TY PLAN T{ze North Plains Corrzrriirnity Plan is confainerl in two cfoa~rnents. Part 1: Goals & Policies Part II: Design Giiir]elines :•"- ~~ ~~ <., ~, .<.~~ ~~ 4 ~. FAIRM0~7NT~ I -3: ~~ _ i ~ #~. ,< < ~ <~,~ 25 Resident~aliup to 3.5 dulac ~ AREA TYPE OF IAND USE '~ t 1 .. j ~`~ 26 Resident~~llup to 2.5 dulac {; j , _; , . , 27 Residentfal,up to 2 dulac adjacent to Va Bibber ~ $TAMD EY 1 Cemetery floodplaim~ },,,, ~ _~ 2 Existing Parks and Recreation Areas, Schools : 28 Residential~up to 2.2 dulac"' ` h A }? i+A DA g Residential up l0 4 dulac ~ ~ ~ esrdbfitlal~updo2, Wac r 30 ~ - Wes464th Qven~~e & Mclnlyre Streity Center. 13 Residential up to 2 dWac Resiildtuial'uptol5.du G, Retail, Ottic Light ~ gerld Ave. 19 bareaF. it Office, ~yght Iwfp.Stdal.Restdential up Industrial ~ - 1015 dulac .-Residen ial up to 1.5 dulac ~ r 20 _ Infillarea. Recreational Vehicle Park~.tibf6iErGt1 ~~a~ -~ # tp/, 6(rirl - Ave. Light Industrial, Residential up to 15 dulac ~r - ~'Y~'flesidenlial,up to 7 dulac , A~'~.~~",,;..,` ~ a Co ervati rrbecau5e Geologic Hazard 21 Mized Use Area. Abalance of OHlce, Light lnduslrial, 34 ~t3'pert space~,ys~ ~ •. Retail, Community Facilities, and Resldentlal Aria~ist'sg• ~ 22 OHfce = Ranching ah~Agucgltu 9 iPdS lstent wdh ~.e currentzor~ng,arep~prr itt r n -Qlprth 23 Resldentlal up to 2.5 rJulac outside existing Relai~,y plains. d` ~, i `~'^r~,f,~P Office and Industrial areas ;•• See Hazar s.M~q$k Policies for information whit '~' 2q Residential up to 3 dO/ac ~ .74th AYS, can model ~ ended land uses. ~ ....5' ARVADA PARK du/ac: dw ling unitsperacre ~ Ve'. 72nd ~ Ave. N ~`i ti;~~kQ ~>rk E ~, ; ~ ...... G~ t?? ...: • .c.. R~~SlOTl ~ :... ....r •. ,; „'~. ..,.~~ ARVADA E...... . . ssth Ave. H n W. S4th Ave. r ~; 9 ~9 ~~.,° 0 29 ye -i 26 25 ~~ Ra'rston ~~V W. 58th " 32 0 ~ ~ "' W. 584h Ave. 19 ~/~ ;c ~$ ~r 26 r Yee' ~ `'~ VA AKR 19 33 w. Sgch AY®. 13 •• ..... I CC,, ,,Q 24 : PY _ T l ~' - ~ ~ 2 ~ 34 > . CEA E E 23 ... ~o w. Som AYe. 77 ~ „roo .~" ~ ~ in GOLDEN 26 4._ WEST 44TH AVENUE APARTMENTS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Prepazed for: Carmel Companies Inc. 950 South Cherry Street, Suite 1100 Denver, Colorado 80222 (303) 691-3232 Prepared by: Felsburg Holt & Ullevig 5299 DTC Boulevard, Suite 400 Englewood, Colorado SO111 (303}721-1440 FHU Reference No. 95-049 July 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................1 A. Background ...................................................1 B. Area Land Uses ................................................1 C. Area Roadway Network ..........................................I D. Purpose and Scope of Work .......................................3 II. EXISTING CONDITIONS .........:...................................4 A. Existing Traffic Volumes ......................................... 4 B. Analysis of Existing Conditions ................................... 4 III. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS ............................... 7 IV. TRAVEL DEMAND ANALYSIS ...................................... 10 A. Site Trip Generation ........................... .................. 10 B. Site Trip Distribution ........................................... 10 C. Future Traffic Assignments ...................................... 12 V. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ........................................ 17 A. Intersection Capacity Analysis Description .......................... 17 B. Analysis of Future Conditions .................................... 17 VI. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................. 22 APPENDIX A EXISTING TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT DATA APPENDIX B -LEVEL OF SERVICE MEASUREMENT AND QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTIONS APPENDIX C INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS- I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND _--- _ - Carmel Companies is proposing to develop a 50 acre parcel of land which is located in Jefferson County at the western city limits of Wheat Ridge. It is proposed that the property be annexed by the City of Wheat Ridge and zoned for residential (multi-family) use with a land use density of approximately 12 dwelling units per acre (this translates into a total of about 600 apartment units). The project site is situated west of I-70 and south of the Mount Olivet Cemetery between West 44th Avenue and State Highway 58. A single site access point is proposed along West 44th Avenue. B. AREA LAND USES The project site is currently vacant and is zoned M-C (Mineral Conservation) in Jefferson County. The Mount Olivet Cemetery is located north of the site, (adjacent to 44th Avenue) between Eldridge Street and Ward Road. Other adjacent and surrounding land, both developed and undeveloped, is zoned Planned Development (PD), Planned Commercial Development (PCD), Commercial (C-1), Industrial (I-1 & I-2), Residential (R-1), and Agriculture (A-2). C. AREA ROADWAY NETWORK The area roadway network in the site vicinity is illustrated on Figure I. Critical roadways that serve the project site are described as follows: West 44th Avenue is a two-lane roadway that runs east-west adjacent to the site property and can•ies an estimated 8,500 vehicles per day (vpd). At the I-70 overpass, West 44th Avenue widens to a four- lane cross-section. Access to and from eastbound I-70 is provided from 44th Avenue. The I-70 EB ramps forma "T"-intersection with 44th Avenue east of Wazd Road. This intersection is signalized. Youngfield Street is a two-lane roadway that runs south from West 44th Avenue along the east side of I-70. It is estimated that this street carries about 16,000 vpd south of 44th Avenue. At the 44th Avenue/Youngfield Street intersection, the eastbound approach lanes and the northbound left-tam lane are stop sign controlled. An auxiliary northbound right-tam lane is provided at this intersection, and a "free 'right-turn movement is allowed onto 44th Avenue. The westbound approach is not stop controlled; therefore, left-taming traffic does not yield to eastbound through movements. Ward Road is a four-lane arterial that runs north from 44th Avenue to the City of Arvada. The intersection of Ward Road at 44th Avenue is signalized. Access to and from westbound I-70 is provided from Ward Road. The intersection of the WB I-70 Ramps with Ward Road is signalized. This intersection also provides access to the RTD Park-n-Ride facility. D. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of this report is to estimate the site traffic volumes generated by the proposed multi-family development and to address the impact of this traffic on critical intersections and roadways in the site vicinity for two future design horizons. Future traffic projections were utilized to perform capacity analyses for the critical study intersections. Based on these analyses, lane geometry and intersection traffic controls were identified. O \~ O m ~~ cq m rnv ~~ om 1~I 1N r~ T 965(750)-~ ~ r 515(520) Ward Road ,.1 i L. ~ 5( 31,500 750(525 ~ 7 r r 1355(1080 -~ 10(15 ~ ono N ~~ ~~~ ~ as m > y ~ w J J -~ W O ~ LL S ~ O o 0 c r; o ~ ~ m ~~ r T m N O T n ~ O ~ I I m...,.... .J + 105(115) ~ ~ r NN 595(790) ~ + ~ ~ ~ `ss s~~ ~`s£ ;, 5, r r \ ~ N O O Lf) L~\ I '----~ ~1 ,1 I 1~ 1 ~` I 1 hW- 11 ~', ~ ~ ~1 I 3 ~1 I :` :I 1 i ~1 ~I ~1 ,I ,,1 i o ,` ~ J 0 0 0 ai T Street ~~7t7 m E U o R ,- Y >+ ~~ o m a Q a ~~ ~~ X X X X X X X X N to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 LL p U rn rn C _~ X W m s z <° 5 3 Sa= 5 III. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS Per the request of the City of Wheat Ridge traffic engineering staff, two future design horizons were evaluated and are described as follows: The first (short-term) design horizon is five years subsequent to the date of the traffic impact study. Phase 1 ofthe project development, which is proposed to include approximately;50 multi-family dwelling units, is expected to be completed within this five-year time period (i.e. by the Year 2000). The second (long-term) design horizon was requested by City Staff to be the build-out year of the proposed development. The project site, which is proposed to include a total of 600 multi-family dwelling units, will be fully developed within aten-year time period (i.e by the Year 2005). In order to account for existing traffic volumes on the azea roadway network and for the growth of this traffic not attributable to the proposed development, non-site generated traffic or "background" traffic projections were made for both design horizons. These projections are based on growth trends of daily traffic volumes along critical roadways in the study area and on volume forecasts from a regional travel demand model for the Denver metropolitan area. Overall, it is anticipated that traffic volumes will experience a moderate amount of growth in the next five to ten years ranging from 1.7 to 2.0 percent per year. Short- and long-term background traffic volume projections are provided on Figures 4 and 5, respectively. 7 0 ~~ O 0 r o" N Ward Road .-,~ ~ 1( 37,200 885(620 ~ ,600(,2753-- `l r r 15(20, ~ ~ O ~n N N O O O / ~~ w mm ~l 1160 885 -} 610~6153~ Ir ~' °o in o. mm c7 m ~, ~~,_ m > fn f- W J J J - W O -~ LL 2 ~ ° o ~ ~ ~ ~ , o m p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O m °O~ ~ o~ N ~ `' ~ 11. i p ~~ ~ ~ m y I I J + m r } 125(135) . --~ ~ r °m ~~ m m ~ C1C 0(935) -~ ~ ~ \ j ~ N OS~ ~ ' ~ O 150,_ rn u i S ~ 3 ~ ; 550, t r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~n o ~ [73 N ~ O m n N J N ~- O O O O r OOS~B Youngfield Street ~ ~ `~\ i ~ '----I /-70 1' ,` ~, ~ y ' o °' ti i ° N ~ , C) ~ ~ ~ I N ~ C ; N ~ ~ 1 v > , ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 2 F- ~ , Y T 3 ~ 4 , ~ a~ a ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ 1 1 ~ n u ` i ~~ ~ X X ~ x X ` I X X i ~ o , o , ___J 0 T t 9 co c a, o _` _~ ~ ~L ++ Q. .` r ~~ VJ w O Z ~a s ~~ W ~ ~ Ward Road 100 0 O O t0 C 5(5) -. 0 o ~ ~ r i ~ 5(20) N V 1 ~/s`J s rr 00 0 T cs i ~ w - m > ~ F w J J J w O -~ LL 2 ~ N N OI 20(45)-~ ~~ o O (,~~ - ~-- ss(5o) 1 25(15) i r .----, N ' N ( ~1 ~ ~` FW- '~1 ~ ', C N L '1 1 3 ~~ ~ ,~ ~, ,~ ;` ~, Q 1,\ ,~ ',- 2 ~ -~ m m o° o' ~ o ~ m N ~ LL i p } U ~... w N .~. ~ ~ ~ Y' C L ~, ~ ('~ ^O ~ 'y^ ~~ V/ /^ Street I-70 N N E >° U H U ~ N 2 H Y ? R ~~ a o m ~ m a `m n n n x x w x X w x X ~ x e P a 6 5 3 0 ~a t Z 73 o 0 o `r m ~ n r ~ m p N ~ ~ O N~ iLL L. p ~ r m~ (~ \ to co nv °o ~ U 1 v _' N~f1 v c 115(125) -3 ('~ t0 `91' L ~ L ~ 0 0 ~ .655(880) ~. o~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ rn o ~ r ~ L• / ~/pS2 O o .~ g ~ no 145(145) °~'~ o2~F N 1 40) zo ~ ~ I.. Ward Road .J ~ io( j ~ 34 400 x15(570 -1 3 ~ t r N~ ~ 14x0(1180 -. ~ N ~ ,5(20) inoin m~ NNE O O O O N O r r o OS8 ~ Youngfield Street ^ N O O O ....~ N ` nN RO I ,~ ` nM /N.n ~ ~~ l'70 ' ~ 95(50} ~ 25(15) , 1075(820)--~ 'l¢ 580(670)-~ __ _ tir - ---~ I~--~/ CN ~ I o O n.n J~ N W ~ O "l `~ 1 I ,1 , .I I ~ F ~ ~ ,i ~ C N 1 ,, L , ~ I 3 :1 '` ,1 1 ,, ~ `1 i ,, I CJ , ~ ea - _ _J 1 m > ~ O ~ ~ ~ w ~. J J J W O J LL 2 ~ l5 N d E 3 v ~ U 7 ~ O ~ = F- y T ~ '~ a ~ ~ .m m a m ~ > u u ~ X lil X X X X ,Wj X 0 0 M T N ~_ 2 i 7 3 0 Z ~a V. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS A INTFR ECTION CAPACITY AN T ySIS D SC TPTION Intersection capacity analyses were performed for critical intersections in the site vicinity. The capacity analyses utilized level of service techniques as published in the updated 1994 Highway Capacity iLlanzral (TRB Special Report No. 209). The end result of such an analysis is a level of service (LOS), which is a qualitative assessment of the traffic flow characteristics described by a letter designation ranging from LOS A to LOS F. Traffio conditions with essentially uninterrupted flow and minimal delay are described by a LOS A, while LOS F describes the breakdown of traffic flow where there exists excessive congestion and delay. An unsignalized intersection capacity analysis produces LOS results for each vehicle-movement which must yield the right-of--way to conflicting traffic in the intersection. A signalized intersection capacity analysis results in an overall LOS representative of all movements through the intersection. Tables are provided in Appendix B that describe levels of service in greater detail for both unsignalized and signalized intersections. B. ANALYST OFF TURF ONDITIONS Future peak hour traffic volume demands at the proposed access intersection were evaluated with criteria outlined in the State Hightivay flccess Cade to determine the need for speed change lanes. From this evaluation, it was determined that speed change lanes will be required along West 44th ,Avenue at the proposed site access intersection, including: a westbound left-tum deceleration lane/bay and an eastbound right-tum deceleration lane. While an eastbound right-tum acceleration lane would be needed if Wes[ 44th Avenue were a state highway, such a speed change lane is not recommended as long as an additional eastbound through lane along West 44th Avenue (east of the proposed site access) is provided. Slrort-Term Future (Year 2000) Total Traffic I/ofumes Using the short-term total peak hour traffic volume projections provided on Figure 9, intersection capacity analyses were performed for the critical intersections as identified previously (analysis worksheets are included in Appendix C). The resulting levels of service for each intersection are illustrated on Figure 1 I, along with the lane configurations needed to accommodate future traffic demands. The following summarizes the key findings of the short-term intersection capacity analyses: The signalized intersection of Ward Road at the WB I-70 Ramps will continue to operate at poor levels of service ranging from LOS D to LOS F during peak hours. This is primarily due to heavy background traffic demands. The signalized intersections of 44th Avenue at Ward Road and 44th Avenue at the EB I-70 Ramps will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS B or better. 17 The intersection of West 44th Avenue at Youngfield Street was analyzed as, a signalized intersection since it warrants a traffic signal. The results ofthis analysis indicate that it will operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS C or better. The proposed site access intersection along West 44th Avenue will operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS C or better) with stop sign control. Long-Term Future Totu! Truffrc Volumes Using the long-term total peak hour ttafnc volume projections provided on Figure 10, intersection capacity analyses were performed for the critical intersections as identified previously (analysis worksheets are included in Appendix C). The resulting levels of service for each intersection are illustrated on Figure 12, along with the lane configurations needed to accommodate future traffic demands. The following summarizes the key findings of the long-term intersection capacity analyses: • The signalized intersection of Ward Road at the WB I-70 Ramps will experience long delays and will operate at a LOS F unless modifications are made to the intersection geometry. Intersection operations would be improved to a LOS C to LOS D range during peak hours if dual WB right-turn lanes and dual SB lefr-turn lanes are provided. However, site generated traffic does not impact these movements. • The signalized intersections of 44th Avenue at Ward Road and 44th Avenue at the EB I-70 Ramps will operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS C or better. • The intersection of West 44th Avenue at Youngfield Street will operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS C or better. • The proposed site access intersection along West 44th Avenue will operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS D or better) with stop sign control. Intersection capacity analyses were also performed for future (long-term) conditions without site generated traffic volumes. This analysis provides a means of comparing traffic operations at critical intersections with and without traffic generated by the proposed development. A level of service comparison for the long-term future is provided on Figure 12. It is evident that while site generated traffic will increase volumes at each of the study intersections, peak hour levels of service will not be adversely affected. 1n other words, the study intersections will operate at acceptable levels ofservice with or without site generated traffic. , 19 U °' U tD + '\ ~ ~ [0~ m~°~,~)II ,~ o of ii Ward Road }rte r Oo Oo _~ # ~I U~ Um ~j~ 0 0 ~~ii ~~~ t i~ _ Um~ V ~' U ~ c 0 ~ ~ U d _ m O ~ N ~ N ~ i O ~ L~ N ~ ~ O } C fA O O ~ j U ~ L ~ ~ L L Q~ C C J Street r {i ~` 1~ii U ~ U ~ / o p ~ ~ (7 ~_ W C9 > m ~ w J J J W O J LL 2 ~ ro m m m~> '~.. ~ J (6 J 70 N C O = O U tlS E ro ~ ~ ;n a m E ~ 3 - E ~ ti R m Uv~ c~ c0 O p N ..J y n N t0 ~~W ~ O ~ p U t ~ .C1 Z Q 3 ~ W Z Q ~~' ~Q ~ \~'\ '~ B/A ; ,r- C/D ~ ~~ L___I l-70 } 1~ I ,1 ;` i ~ 1,` d G '1 'I Q _ ~ ,1 '1 1 1 1 'I '~ I, ,1L-.~ N N o p m ;~ .~ .~ a a U U 0 0 E E >° >° v a C U_ C M N ~ O U N ~ ~ ~ R ~ Ot- O~ J 7 d 7 N ~ O ~ O ~ O m 2 0 = o s R O ~ L F' h d0 a~ o m ~ ~ ~ m .D °'L °"U E 3 ¢ Z Z 11 II Il Z U °' U °' W ` o C7 w U~ U~ -~ 0 0 z m m c d E 0 a ~ E C J L L O U ~ tE ~ O N ~ a ~ c ~ c o ~ ~ c m ~ E +~ in ~ U ~ O o ~ m m i ~ II ¢ II n II >- 11 '~ ~a= Z 21 In the long-term future, the average daily traffic volume demand along West 44th Avenue (between Eldridge Street and the proposed access point) will be approximately i 0,950 vpd. Since there are no existing or planned developments along this section of roadway, rivo-lanes should adequately handle this projected traffic demand. Other Considerations It has been suggested that a slip ramp be provided along westbound SH 58 to allow direct access to the proposed development, thereby reducing site traffic at the Ward Road/WB I-70 Ramp intersection and other critical intersections in the study area. Such a design will not be allowed by , the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) since SH 58 is classified as a Category One Highway along which private accesses are not be permitted. 23 August 17, 1995 To: Arembers of the Planning Commission 3e: Item 7 -Public Hearing - Case 7o. WZ-:95-11 Wheat Ridge United Sdeighborhoods (WRUId) has serious misgivings concerning this public hearing for rezoning on property outside the city's boundaries. Over and over again we have been indoctrinated by city officials regarding tax issues. We hear repeatealy °the city does not exist on property tax - we need sales tax". Ilow the above procedure seems to be going forward to rezone some 50 acres of unincorporated land lying west of I-70 between highway 58 on the south and W. 44th Avenue on the north for the building of hundreds of apartments. We question the t~risdom of this proposal. As we have worlted with the Economic Development Committee, the subject of annexation was discussed. The focus was always to increase the sales tax base TIOT to increase population. Since almost all other communities are applying a "go slocr, caseiixl.ly analyzed approach" to growth, Llbeat Ridge should use extreme caution in such matt~rs.- With more and more awaxrenesa of the impact of growth on the quality of life, there would have to be extra-ordinary beneficial results to even ^~nsider a development of this nature, which would only benefit the applicant. We believe the primary reason far this request has to do with the County`s moratorirm on residential constt¢ction except on lots already plotted in a subdivision. We, therefore, respectfully urge ytsu to deny th;s rezoning. Respectfully, WHEAT RIDGE UMTED Dorothy Thompson NOTE: This letter was read into the record on Auqust 17, 1995 Planning Commission public hearing regarding Case No. WZ-95-11. PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: WZ-95-11 _ _ DATE: August 17, 1995 REQUEST: An application by Carmel Companies, Inc. for Golden Properties, Ltd. for approval of a rezoning from MC (Mineral Conservation in Jefferson County) to PRD (Planned Residential Development in Wheat Ridge) and approval of an outline development plan for property located at 13500 West 44th Avenue. 'SEP-06-1995 13 31 JEFFCO CORRECTIONS 3032714840 P. 02 JEFFERSON COUNTY MEDIATION SERVICES PROGRAM TO ea Program Administrator Jefferson Connty,Mediation Services Program 900 JeffCO Parkway, Suite 355, Golden, CC3 80401 R,~egZ:®d G~1l~IE~1°~ i2>/JG~ Cl7'~l CoUN~IL 1~1' uame ritla ~~~ ~ - Z~ ~ ~V~ ~.JNE~I? /2lT~ ~ C ~ Depaz cment add=eas M~t~o~2 ya-n.' ~l ~v~ - Z3~- 2~© o Telephone Message /Pages Pax CC) T - EN~ RC~~YNT PR EEDW~5 check all ChaC apply / could a!leet mediation and complete inlo=oration Yet[Iie®t@d ^ Ccu=t Case Numbe= ___ Next Ceutt Date Q Reatsaining Oxder ^ Cau=tJxgency Contact Name Agency Telephone Message/Hag®= Hex ^ Citation/of£enso aunbr= Titlo CppN 1_ICT ~~ G/7-~-r dF r~/~~ 2/r~e,-~ /~gs ~v ~-yPLti~~a~l SUM~ARY fey max ioo xoraa P~UK~ ~ti~Ni iri/L.9~/n/~x~I~t! " ~N~~~'' ®~ ~O ~ ~~ ~c . ~/n A-i- /3~0© ZJ Z/ L/ ~~~ ~d2 GGN - s~rJU"xU ~ OF ClP TD fD0 ~. U/S~l~/~C~s #uk-9S-l~. .~ ~ ~ /J-s~r...,,s T ~~. / ~` 9 S ~- PUBL /G {~g~2~nrG- U/~9cP . ~.~.. rE SIG~c/E/~ U3~ -rn 7L~TiPN C/7'7 CevnlG/ z l Q'/v / ,ice ~ ~. ~ yl~ G9l:~E so 7~ GrY~/ I~c~iivi.v ~-- ~f~~ - ,-~,-,ic, no~F?_ ~' ClT/~71/S O.~ G/ffG-~J~ lzfd 6-r~ ir' ~€:~-et3 ftrv' r~~EP-IftBGC L~-Y'-~Z OF IJ~~Lr~/~/''1'~'ri1 I , Please copy and attach file information relevant do this dispute. Page I 5EP-06-1995 13131 JEFFCO CORRECTIONS 3032714840 P.03 DISPUTANTS pamea, addresses, telephone numbers oc diapataate. if Haze than Pour. list tlxe Feux ma or coataetat indicate baLoW Chit mole are invely®d. ~ C/7"`~ ®F uJN'~K" ~~L~b~ C/7`'1 GovNGjL Has been Name/s caatacted and agreed ~~00 t~ Z g ~ ~~U~ t0 txy addre66 mediation Ci'LE~1 VOLE") yf~~~c//LOF J~LA'/JNln//r- S~ f7~ -~q~~3~-~g~Y rw,..n rn.vnJ (Jn ,~~n/ SJ~ a..~i~,~» - 9J, G-.-7Q~ X ^ YOA ^ $e n u ''~ Haa bees contacted sad agreed t0 try medintioa ^ Yve ^ Hv Ha$ bee6 centacted and agxced to try, msdfatfwn ^ Yes ^ Ho 7f'i Has been contacted and agreed to tip msdfatipn O Yo9 ^ Ho Home Phone Nork Pboae Hsasaga/Pager 1Js}IrE /nIED~U(LE flame/8 ~ZJ S C~iL,~ ~! ~T~ / / ~' /~l~J 1/~ ! ~ Rddreas .31 y - CJ'FZcJ _ Home Phone Work Phoae Heeaage/Pager S G/Ti nddteas Home Phone Mork Shone yessags/Pager YA'I"' i DUS C t T7 ~c`XlS ~~ C~3~//J/CD/~d~dJ2~ `~~~~CQ~ flame/s address Homo Phone Work Phvna Nesaage/Pager elre there more than four disputantsT '~ !rea C7 Ho re pea, boor many? _„_ Nate: Please copy and attach i"ite information relevant to this dispute. Por mvxo intormatioa about Kedfatioa aexvicea Program call z71-5066. tta***t,r,r*+,-rr,rr#*+r*tsir****ie,et,tirw,r+k4i~•#~+r#it*t*tt,trnr,rtnt**i4t**+kt*ttrnrt+rie,F To be cwmpletod by ataEle ASSIGNMENT case No. Date Notes Mediator Co-Mediator 2/map/l cdocl0a Page 2 rev 4/95 TOTS P.03 C O M P A N I E S September 07, 1995 Dear Neighbor: You are cordially invited to attend an informational and feedback session regarding the proposed Multi-Family Residential community along 44th Avenue west of Wheat Ridge. We obtained your name from the Wheat Ridge City Council and would appreciate the opportunity to explore this community with you and other interested a*ea residents. Tlris meeting is scheduled for Thursday September 14, 1995 - 6:3-0 PM Denver Marriott West Main Floor meeting rooms 1717 Denver West Pazkway (279-9100) We would appreciate yolir attendance so that we may accurately relate the community progress as well as have your input into this community's development. If you should have any questions you may reach Dave Wedmore at 324-0720 for any questions or information. ~i;teerely, '~- Ron Zeff ~ Carmel Companies 950 S. Cherry 11th Floor * Denver, Colorado 80222 * (303) 759-5123 * Fax 758-0898 Carmel Companies Inc. City of Wheat Ridge Annexation Request- for 50 Acres Quality Local Developer - Excellent Planned Communities Traffic Impacts analyzed and mitigated Water and Sewer readily available Fairmount Fire Protection District Coverage School impacts addressed and minimized Site Planning to minimize neighborhood impacts Site Soils, Environmental, and Topography ideal Best comparable site utilization Provides diversity of housing to neighborhood Strong Positive Economic Benefit to Area Carmel Companies Inc. 950 5. Cherry Suite 1100 Denver, Colorado 80222 (303) 759-5123 Faa 758-0898 _, «-~ , 7500 WPST 29TH AVENUE - __- __ The City O{ P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303) 234-5900 ~1Vheat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge September 12, 1995. Mr. Dave Wedmore. Carmel Companies; Inc. 950 South Cherry Street, #1100 Denver- CO 80222 Dear_ Mr. Wedmore:. Please find enclosed an .invoice for costs incurred through August 24, 1995 regarding Case No. WZ-95-11. Please remit this amount at your earliest convenience. Should you have any questions regarding these costs, do not hesitate to contact me. _ '~ S' cerely, Sandra Wiggins Secretary slw enc. e, «,,,,,,..~,~„~,., ,. . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80215-6713 INVOICE Carmel Companies, Inc. 950 South Cherry Street, #1100 Denver CO 80222 ATTENTION: .Dave Wedmore Costs associated with Case No. wZ-95-1i through 08-24-95 07-06-95 Certified letters 10 sent @ $2.82/ea. $ 28,20 07-06-95 Notice of Public Hearing 68 lines (Sentinel) 28.56 07-29-95 Rocky Mountain News Publication, Resolution No. 1478 792.30 and Resolution No. 1479 912.00 08-01-95 Certified letters. 31.02 it sent @ $2.82/ea. 08-03-95 Notice of Public Hearing 67 lines (Sentinel). 28.14 08-03-95 Notice, Resolution & Petition Parcel #1, 234 lines (Sentinel) 238.68 08-10-95 Notice, Resolution & Petition- Parcel #2, 368 lines (Sentinel) 375.36- -- 08-24-95 Notice, Resolution & Petition Parcel #1, 234 lines (Sentinel) 98.28 TOTAL DUE $2532.54 c:\wp60Miles\carmel.inv ~~ U ' ~s' ~'' b _- WEST 44TH AVENUE APARTMENTS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Prepazed for: Carmel Companies Inc. 950 South Cherry Street, Suite 1100 Denver, Colorado 80222 (303)691-3232 Prepared by: Felsburg Holt & Ullevig 5299 DTC Boulevard, Suite 400 Englewood, Colorado 80111 (303)721-1440 FHU Reference No. 95-049 July 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS awe I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................1 A. Background ...................................................1 B. Area Land Uses ................................................1 C. Area Roadway Network ..........................................1 D. Purpose and Scope of Work .......................................3 II. EXISTING CONDITIONS ............................................. 4 A. Existing. Traffic Volumes ......................................... 4 B. Analysis of Existing Conditions ................................... 4 III. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS ............................... 7 IV. TRAVEL DEMAND ANALYSIS ...................................... 10 A. Site Trip Generation ............................................. 10 B. Site Trip Distribution ........................................... 10 C. Future TrafFic Assignments ...................................... 12 V. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ....................................... 17 A. Intersection Capacity Analysis Description .......................... 17 B. Analysis of Future Conditions .................................... 17 VI. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................. 22 APPENDIX A EXISTING TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT DATA APPENDIX B LEVEL OF SERVICE MEASUREMENT AND QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTIONS APPENDIX C INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS- LIST OF FIGURES Pa e 1 Vicinity Map ....................................................... .2 2 Existing (1995) Traffic Volumes ........................................ . 5 3 Existing Intersection Geometry and Level of Service ........................ . 6 4 Short-Term Future (Yr 2000) Background Traffic Volumes ................... . 8 5 Long-Term Future (Yr 2005) Background Traffic Volumes ................... . 9 6 Site Trip Distribution ................................................. 11 7 Short-Term Future (Yr 2000) Site Generated Traffic Volumes ................. 13 8 Long-Term Future (Yr 2005) Site Generated Traffic Volumes ................. 14 9 Short-Term Future (Yr 2000) Total Traffic Volumes ........................ 15 10 Long-Term Future (Yr 2005) Total Traffic Volumes ........................ 16 11 Short-Term Future (Yr 2000) Intersection Geometry and Level of Service ....... 18 12 Long-Term Future (Yr 2005) Intersection Geometry and Level of Service ....... 21 LIST OF TABLES Paee 1 Site Trip Generation Estimates ......................................... 10 I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND. Cannel Companies is proposing to develop a 50 acre parcel of land which is located in Jefferson County at the western city limits of Wheat Ridge. It is proposed that the property be annexed by the CiTy of Wheat Ridge and zoned for residential (multi-family) use with a land use density of approximately 12 dwelling units per acre (this translates into a total of about 600 apartment units). The project site is situated west of I-70 and south of the Mount Olivet Cemetery between West 44th Avenue and State Highway 58. A single site access point is proposed along West 44th Avenue. B. AREA LAND USES The project site is cun•ently vacant and is zoned M-C (Mineral Conservation) in Jefferson County. The Mount Olivet Cemetery is located north of the site,(adjacent to 44th Avenue) between Eldridge Street and Ward Road. Other adjacent and surrounding land, both developed and undeveloped, is zoned Planned Development (PD), Planned Commercial Development (PCD), Commercial (C-1), Industrial (I-1 & I-2), Residential (R-1), and Agriculture (A-2). C AREA ROADWAY NETWORK The area roadway network in the site vicinity is illustrated on Figure 1. Critical roadways that serve the project site are described as follows: West 44th Avenue is a two-lane roadway that runs east-west adjacent to the site property and carries an estimated 8,500 vehicles per day (vpd). At the I-70 overpass, West 44th Avenue widens to a four- lane cross-section. Access to and firo'm eastbound I-70 is provided from 44th Avenue. The I-70 EB ramps forma "T"-intersection with 44th Avenue east of Ward Road. This intersection is signalized. Young field Street is a two-lane roadway that runs south from West 44th Avenue along the east side of I-70. It is estimated that this street carries about 16,000 vpd south of 44th Avenue. At the 44th Avenue/Youngfield Street intersection, the eastbound approach lanes and the northbound left-tum lane are stop sign controlled. An auxiliary northbound right-tum lane is provided at this intersection, and a "free" right-turn movement is allowed onto 44th Avenue. The westbound approach is not stop controlled; therefore, left-turning traffic does not yield to eastbound through movements. Ward Road is a four-lane arterial that runs north from 44th Avenue to the City of Arvada. The intersection of Ward Road at 44th Avenue is signalized. Access to and from westbound I-70 is provided from Ward Road. The intersection of the WB I-70 Ramps with Ward Road is signalized. This intersection also provides access to the RTD Park-n-Ride facility. ~D~ E m a _G O .+ 'j~ ~_ ~~ 1 1 I I ~ I D I I o v i I '_" ~ I p m 0 ~ ~ o I N O I 1 ~ I Q I I I t - - - - - - I - - -.~ OL-! N Q a C 3 (CD D ;aa~;S ~ <~ n ~ ~ t° o w m o m a ~. Z N n c1 n o s 0 ~ ~ o ~ o o ~+ ;aal;S a~.f;ufayy ~ y 2 ~ m } k ~ cn m } w ,~ . ;aa~;S euerpuf ;aal;S a6pr~Pf~ n ` ~," ~ %' ~ 1 I m m ~ ~; :; '; t ~ I `^ L I m t~ ~ ~ 1 L4 ,1 I l I ~ 1 I t ~ n I ~ ` i N` ~ ~ ~tf~ i 1 3 _ N t I O I I 4~::.~fi.. , I J/ ~ :;:; I ,,;;<: ':~ ' ' , I \ a? ro I I I 1 f peoy p~eM C 4 t A A _ S C W ~ - 1 0 ~_~ r O m r r r m ~ w < ~ - s+~ c c~ ~ ~ w N Q a m a m D PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of this report is to estimate the site traffic volumes generated by the proposed multi-family development and to address the impact of this traffic on critical intersections and roadways in the site vicinity for rivo future design horizons. Future traffic projections were utilized to perform capacity analyses for the critical study intersections. Based on these analyses, lane geometry and intersection traffic controls were identified. II. EXISTING CONDTTIONS A. EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES AM and PM peak hour turning movement counts were conducted in April I995 at four critical intersections in the site vicinity as requested by the City of Wheat Ridge. These intersections include the following: • Ward Road at the WB I-70 Ramps • West 44th Avenue at the EB I-70 Ramps • West 44th Avenue at Ward Road • West 44th Avenue at Youngfield Street Existing daily and peak hour traffic volumes in the site vicinity are illustrated on Figure 2 (intersection fuming movement count data is provided in Appendix A). B. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITION Utilizing the intersection capacity analysis methodologies documented in the updated 1994 Highway Capacity Manual (TRB Special Report No. 209), the study intersections were analyzed for the existing AM and PM peak hours. The results of these analyses are shown on Figure 3 (analysis worksheets are included in Appendix C). Levels of service are described in greater detail in Appendix B and in Section V of this report. As shown on Figure 3, the existing intersection capacity analyses indicate the following Delays are being experienced at the signalized intersection of Ward Road and the WB I-70 Ramps. During peak hours this intersection operates at levels of service that range from LOS D to LOS F. Intersection delays are primarily due to heavy turning volumes, specifically the SB left-turn on Wazd Road and the WB right-tum from the I-70 ramps. Both of these movements have volume levels that wan•ant dual turning lanes. The Ward Road/44th Avenue intersection and the 44th Avenue/EB I-70 Ramp intersection both operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS B or better. Both of these intersections are signalized. At the intersection of 44th Avenue and Youngfield Street, critical intersection movements operate at levels of service ranging from LOS C to LOS F during peak hours. These critical (stop controlled) movements include the NB left-turn and the EB through movement. A signal warrant analysis has been performed by the City of Wheat Ridge at the intersection of 44th Avenue and Youngfield Street. The findings from the City's analysis indicate that the heavy traffic volume demands and the extensive accident experience at this intersection are at levels that warrant signal installation. Overall, a traffic signal will improve intersection operations/safety and will provide additional intersection capacity. 4 O O \ O O m r O~ T (O In ~ „ sc Ward Road ~ ~ 5( 31,500 750(525 ~ ,355(,080 -. ~ r r ,0(,5 ~ N.~~--~ ~~~ ~J y say 750 -~ '-~ 515~5203~. c7 ~ ~ ~. m ~ ~ W J J -J W O ~ LL 2 ~- O N (A o ° °> N c ~ ~ ~ o ~ u~i m ,- ~ O r ~ ~ Ll. orn nw o~ U in N ~ N 05(115 3 '~ 5(790 ~. ~ II + lfl iv 4 ,j~ 2 s oin ~ s ~~ 1 /S, so~~ i r O tq Y Of N (n N ~ W O O N l I•,~ - ~•~ ~ ~~~ i j tI '----I i' '` ,1 ,1 ~` 1 ~ ~_ ,~ N 1I d L ,1 I 3 ~~ ~{ ,1 I ~1 ,~ 1 ,1 0 ,1 ~~_~ 0 5 O 0 m of T h Youngfield Street I-70 m d E >° ~ U_ ~ ~ R = F Y T O_ ~ N a ~ m` u u X X x X x X x 0 6 L B 3 a V Q Z 9 sD~ f S a ~ ~~ ~©X z -t ~ 3 z a s _~ -°o m ~ ~ Cll m m ~ cn ~ n U ~ ~ - o v v ~ ~ ~ ? a 2 a = o o ~ $ v s ~ m < v m ~ 3 N O m z 0 OL-l ;aal;S m x 5 tQ ~ 5 ~ a -+ CD ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ -~ ~ . . ~ ~. z W r m G7 m z 0 2 /, ~ ~ 11 ;1 ;1 1 ~ , 1 D m 1 i N m i1 (0 ~ ~ ~1 ~ ,~ C~~ T ~ ~~ iii ~~~.i 11~~ W W iii C 2 'r7 r O m r r r m ~ ~ < m - w c O 9 ~ ~ l~~L W ., iii ~~ v r ~ 'n peoy p~eM ~~ _, 0 III. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS Per the request of the City of Wheat Ridge traffic engineering staff, rivo future design horizons were evaluated and are described as follows: The first (short-term) design horizon is five years subsequent to the date of the traffic impact study. Phase I of the project development, which is proposed to include approximately ;50 multi-family dwelling units, is expected to be completed within this five-yeaz time period (i.e. by the Yeaz 2000). The second (long-term) design horizon was requested by City Staff to be the build-out year of the proposed development. The project-site, which is proposed to include a total of 600 multi-family dwelling units, will be fully developed within aten-year time period (i.e by the Year 2005). In order to account for existing traffic volumes on the area roadway network and for the growth of this traffic not attributable to the proposed development, non-site generated traffic or "background" traffic projections were made for both design horizons. These projections aze based on growth trends of daily traffic volumes along critical roadways in the study area and on volume forecasts from a regional travel demand model for the Denver metropolitan area. Overall, it is anticipated that traffic volumes will experience a moderate amount of growth in the next five to ten years ranging from 1.7 to 2.0 percent per year. Short- and long-term background traffic volume projections are provided on Figures 4 and 5, respectively. 7 ~ ~~ x x x x X x x u u < ~ m v ~ ~ ~ m v o ~ -i x ~ ~ n ~ m n O C N N jaa~JS r m c~ m z 0 0L-1 cfl W r---1 0 0 ,` ~ ~1 ,~ fI ;1 2 m --t m N_ W O I 8 13 1 i1 c x -n r O m r r r m ~ ~ m - s~ c c~ x ~ ~ '~ W W ~~ f~S~ O A (T ~i m m ~ +4 ~i ~~.~ i i r ~~~..~ o0 r~ cD w 0 0 L7 07 O ~ ~ (Q ~ . O ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ CD ~~ ~~ o~ O ~ ~ O 'A m~ uiI o ~~ 3~S as~ `~ } II \ ~n u me t 000 -ANN I ~ ~-4SLLl)5L41 ~ .J ~ ~ (OL5)5l8 OOE ti£ ~ 4l o r PeOH p1eM ~ (SE HS ) ~ am (SEl)OZL ~~ ~~ N^~ ~ 0 0 (098)05 1 9 ~ NO O ~ 0 0 v ,~~ j-(5Zl)SLL o O rr ~~ ~ f0 i' ~ i w ~ 0 ({~ ~ 1 v W 0 0 O ~ C- r i f 0 0 a N '~ ~ ~ 1: ~~ ow Ward Road i ~ t 37,200 sa5(s2o ~ r 1soo~12~s; --~ ~ r I 1s~zo~~ ~o~ N N ~- 00~0 c~ ~ cs ~°e- m > ,~ ~, w J J J W O J LL 2 ~ ~~ O N W m f+ ) 1 1160(885) 610 615 'l r ( ) .-,.-. u~ o a mw, N O. ~O CJ ca m O O O O T 0 0 u~ r ~J + ~~r ~D N c0 I~ m uNi °m~ m~ ~~- ~fo s os~~s~,~~'a rr N O nnn / L L,\ ,\,,l •----~ 1, ~~ 'I ~1 '~ 1,1 ~1 ~ i 1 `n C N ~1 I ~~ ,` '1 ,~ ~1 II 1 '1 o ,` `1---J O r `~ ~ aNi a~ ~ O ~ N ~ LL L ~ R1 > V .... ~ 7 ~ ~C ~ C ~ ~ Y ~ U ~ (~ c ~p 0 Street I'7Q O 0 N M N Z z w co w N G1 E U R 7 0 Y f0 N f1 a .. X x x x x x U a .~ N Q) ~~ X x x X ~a Z 9 IV. TRAVEL DEMAND ANALYSIS A SITE TRIP GENERATION The proposed development will include a total of 600 multi-family (apartment) dwelling units. Phase 1 of the site development is proposed to include about 350 apartment units and will be completed in the short- term future (i.e. within a five-yeaz time period). The project site will be built-out in the long-term future (i.e. within aten-year time period). The amount of traffic that will be generated by this development was estimated using trip generation rates documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) 1991 publication entitled Trip Generation. Table 1 provides a summary of the trip estimates associated with the proposed multi-family (residential) development. As shown, the site will generate a total of approximately 3,800 vehicle-trips per day, with - about 264 vehicle-trips in the AM peak hour and 294 trips in the PM peak hour. A trip is defined as a one- way movement either in or out of the project site. TABLE 1 STTE TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATES AM Peak Hour Tips PM Peak Hour Taps"( Land Uses,; Size (DU) <Daily Trips In 'Out . Total In Out Total::', Apartments -Phase 1 350 2,200 37 117 154 110 62 172 Apartments -Final Phases 250 1,600 26 84 110 78 44 122 Site Build-Out Total 600 3,800 63 201 264 188 106 294 Trip estimates based on 1991 ITE rates documented in Trip Generation (5th Edition). DU = Dwelling Unit B SITE TRIP DISTRIBUTION Figure 6 illustrates the estimated site trip distribution. Distribution of site traffic is not expected to change between the short- and long-term design horizons. The directional distribution percentages shown on this figure are based primarily on existing and future attraction zones that influence residential trips. Travel patterns of existing traffic volumes were also reviewed. Overall, it is estimated that the majority (approximately 80 percent) of site generated traffic will be oriented to or from the east via 44th Avenue. The remaining 20 percent will be oriented to or from the west via 44th Avenue. 10 m c ~ ~, o _m ~ V- 'C ~-+ ~_ a .~ I- m .. in N n N~ 0y t tq 6 6 J J J W O ~ LL 2 '~ ~a t Z ~1 M 3 The distribution of site generated traffic is estimated to be as follows: Approximately 55 percent of site generated traffic will be oriented to or from I-70 with: 35 percent in the eastbound direction. Major attractors and areas of influence in this direction include eastern Denver, DIA, downtown/central Denver, I-25 (north Denver), and I-76 (northeast Denver). 20 percent in the westbound direction. Major attractors and areas of influence in this direction include the Denver West office/shopping development, Jefferson County, C-470 (south-southwest Denver), Colfax/6th Avenue (west Denver), and some mountain destinations. About I S percent will be oriented to or from Youngfield Street. Less than 1 percent of this traffic is expected to access I-70 via 32nd Avenue. Major attractors in this direction include Applewood Village Shopping Center, Westlake Shopping Center, and the Denver West office/shopping development. Approximately 20 percent will be oriented to or from the west via West 44th Avenue. A relatively small portion of this traffic (less than 1 percent) is expected to be oriented to 32nd Avenue via McIntyre Street. Major attractors and areas of influence in this direction include the City of Golden, the Colorado School of Mines, Coors Brewery/Tech Center, Jefferson County, SH 92, and Black Hawk/Central City. About 5 percent will be oriented to or from the north via Ward Road, and about 5 percent will be oriented to or from the east via West 44th Avenue C FtITURF TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENTS Site Generated Traffic Yolu»:es Utilizing the trip generation estimates and the directional distribution assumptions identified previously, site generated traffic was assigried to the area roadway network. Short-term site generated traffic volumes are shown on Figure 7. Phase I of the site development will be completed in the short-term future which is estimated to be within afive-year time period. Long-term site generated traffic volumes are shown on Figure 8. The site will be fully developed in the long-term future which is estimated to be within aten-year time period. A single access point is proposed to serve the site in both the short- and long-term future. Future Total Traffic Volumes Short-term total daily and peak hour traffic volumes were estimated by combining site generated traffic volumes with short-term background traffic volumes from Figure 4. The resulting volumes are shown on Figure 9. Long-term total daily and peak hour traffic volumes were estimated by combining (buildout) site generated traffic volumes with long-term background traffic volumes from Figure 5. The resulting volumes are shown on Figure 10. (Note: a 25 percent over design factor was applied to the buildout site traffic to provide a conservative estimate of long-term traffic operations). 12 o 0 ~ ~ r ~ ~ N I y n - \ 5(20) ~ ~ m o ~ N `~-' r S Ward Road L. F--6(5j 0) I 100 5(s) -. ~o nc°~/ 0 n r OgE N N o ~- ~ /~ I''~ ``~ m ' I- 95(50 ; ~ ~ ~ 20(45) ~ ,~ 25(15 i -- -- ~~ N r r, , ~ a ~ ,1 it ` ,` ~1 ~ ~t ~ ~ C 1 d I ~1 I < ~1 I ~ 3 , i 1 ,~ 1 1 ~ 1I ,` Q ~ ` w 1 __ J m _ ~ r w J J J w O -i LL 2 ~ - - - _ 13 o ~ ~ m ° o ~ N LL i p } U 0) c~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ Z3 LL ~ ~ C ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ .-„ ~ Street 1 ~7~ N d 7 U L F U 7 ~ Y T a o ~ m m a ~ `m u n ~ X X w X X J X ?C a a' Y ~a s Z frl ~D~ f S i 0 8 m a r X X G7 m X X O n n m w ~ ~ ~ m O ~ N ~ ~ x -i a w 1 n 1 v 0 S m t~P O ~,__~1 ~~ ~l ,1 1 i i ,I tl N ~~ m I l t ~~---- ~ ~ 1 D 11 C ,1 ;1 ~1 '} ,, ~ (os)os~ `l ~so~)saz-~ o~-t ~~ ~/ 0 ~~~..I aaa~1S ~!? r ~ o m ' (I) ~ _ ~, --I ~ ~ ~. _ n ~ ~ ~ C (C O O m ~ ~ m w m 0 0 ~o ~ ~, W ~, L(ss)se fi 0 i -- (or)s N W \ IwI~II .1+ 1 O~~s ! o /~ ~ A i ~-~ ~, ~ ~ ~ (os)s n ~~ 3 w 0 m 1 CJl w 0 0 1 ~ o .t -~ N "' w O N ~ O ~ ~_~ r O m r r r m ~ ~ < m - s~ c ~ O osa P~o~f PIPM 0 0 r o ~ r- r i f O O ~7 r 6.G O O N r ~~o ~~~ 145(145 '- 985(144 Ward Road ~ io(zoy 34,400 a~s(s7o ~ 480(„ 80; -- ~ T r ,s(2o)~ ~ o - N N '- / O O O 0 0 v r .J ~ "`"~ to N e~ ` N O T m m I ~ ~ ~ 1 L . v s fz v s s` zse ~ rr o; ~ O O r r l~ .-. ~ ~ m o ~ O ~ N ~ LL ~ j ~ U v ~ ~ y O Street J ~ ~ m ~- 95(50) ~ ~. ~ 25(15) 1075(820)-~ ~ } 580(810) I i }t r ---- 0o ~v ` I ~ N 0o r in y~ m~ ~ o ~( i ~ N 1 ' o E ' O 7 ~ I M p ' ~~ T N U 1 F o , fn I R F- v 1 C N , ~ ~ ~ 4 1 ~ = F L ~ , Y _>. ~ 1 3 I ~ ~ ~ a ~ o { ~ ~ d ~ a '~ ,I ¢ ' ' u ¢ u 1 i , O Z X X 1 I W X X ~ X C7 ~ 1 I J x X 6 C7 - _ _ _. ~ - ~___J o m ~, ~ ~ w rn u. 2 ~ _ 15 "e m a° 3 ~~= s ~LJ F a 8 3 in S m a k X ~ m X X p II II < ~ m d V ~ ~ m p ~ w m x ~ o v ~ ~~ ~ m 0 c m OL-! yl 2 N w tJ O O ~aa~lS 9L r---1 0 ,1 1 ~ tl 1 '1 ,I ,1 A ,~ ,~ ~ N ~ m tI m '~1 ,I ,1 '~` ~l l 1+~ r IT 1 ^W A O (08)OS~ ~SOL)Saz i ~~~. ; ~~•~ ~I ~~~ ~~ ~~ ° ~, i W r o ~ ~ A °>; rW wo cQ ~ --( ~ j (SSSL ~ u~ ° (08 p2 S 0~~8 a m 0 0 p ~ as1 o ~ ` ~ ~ ~} ~~ ~^ N V rr ~ ~ i O .~..`~ LU ll o~ ~ ~ T O ~ .1 (p 0 V v ° ~ O m `v / ` y f n ~~ _ _ ~ 0 ~ w A A ~~\ .~~~ ~~~ 00 ~I 'L(OLL)S49 L. ,~(SB8)09LL ~r 000 -+NN •-- ~saz~eees L .~ Ozs C 2 T r O m r r r m ~ y < m - w c O 9 ~ i7 OSti`L£ ~~~~~r 3l ~~~ N i A O 0 ~\ 0 PENH PfaM V. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALY hDESCRIPTION Intersection capacity analyses were performed for critical intersections in the site vicinity. The capacity analyses utilized level of service techniques as published in the updated 1994 Highway Capacity Mamral (TRB Special Report No. 209). The end result of such an analysis is a level of service (LOS), which is a qualitative assessment of the traffic flow chazacteristics described by a letter designation ranging from LOS A to LOS F. Traffic conditions with essentially uninterrupted flow and minimal delay are described by a LOS A, while LOS F describes the breakdown of traffic flow where there exists excessive congestion and delay. An unsignalized intersection capacity analysis produces LOS results for each vehicle-movement which must yield the right-of--way to conflicting traffic in the intersection. A signalized intersection capacity analysis results in an overall LOS representative of all movements through the intersection. Tables aze provided in Appendix B that describe levels of service in greater detail for both unsignalized and signalized intersections. B ANALYSIS_OF FUTURE CONDITI Future peak hour traffic volume demands at the proposed access intersection were evaluated with criteria outlined in the State Highway flccess Code to determine the need for speed change lanes. From this evaluation, it was determined that speed change lanes will be required along West 44th Avenue at the proposed site access intersection, including: a westbound left-turn deceleration lane/bay and an eastbound right-turn deceleration lane. While an eastbound right-turn acceleration lane would be needed if West 44th Avenue were a state highway, such a speed change lane is not recommended as long as an additional eastbound through lane along West 44th Avenue (east of the proposed site access) is provided. Short-Term Future (Year 2000) Total Traffic Volumes Using the short-term total peak hour traffic volume projections provided on Figure 9, intersection capacity analyses were performed for the critical intersections as identified previously (analysis worksheets are included in Appendix C). The resulting levels of service for each intersection are illustrated on Figure 11, along with the lane configurations needed to accommodate future traffic demands. The following summarizes the key findings of the short-term intersection capacity analyses: • The signalized intersection of Ward Road at the WB I-70 Ramps will continue to operate at poor levels of service ranging from LOS D to LOS F during peak hours. This is primarily due to heavy background traffic demands. • The signalized intersections of 44th Avenue at Ward Road and 44th Avenue at the EB I-70 Ramps will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS B or better. 17 SL S V f i r ( © X s y ~ n u u n u -i to ~ z 8 ~ v N a. v "~ ~ mo w fD O - 7 d ~ •~ _- S V = "O ~ O O ~ t N S ~ r S < P1 r ~ m ~ N O m ~ m n w 0 OL-! jaaf~S O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c r ~ ~ o CD ~ ~ -, o ~ ~ ~ ~ „ ~ ~ N ~ c ~ O ~ ^` O _ ~~ 1 _~__1 ~ ,I ~'~ ~ m •~ o ~ '1 ,` 1< I1 1,1 I 1 1 ~~ ,1 ;~ ~ ': m ----~ " 1 j ~~~ ~ .,dro ~ ~i \~'~: D ~l .., ~ iii ll~~l ~. iii 11 ~.~ W ,. , iii l ~ yl~ ~~~~ _, O C = T r O R+ r r r m ~ ~ < m - w c ~ ~ c~ P1aM The intersection of West 44th Avenue at Youngfield Street was analyzed as a signalized intersection since it warrants a traffic signal. The results ofthis analysis indicate that it will operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS C or better. The proposed site access intersection-along West 44th Avenue will operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS C or better) with stop sign control. Long-Term Future Totu[ Traffrc Volumes Using the long-term total peak hour traffic volume projections provided on Figure 10, intersection capacity analyses were performed for the critical intersections as identified previously (analysis worksheets aze included in Appendix C). The resulting levels of service for each intersection are illustrated on Figure 12, along with the lane configurations needed to accommodate future traffic demands. The following summarizes the key findings of the long-term intersection capacity analyses: • The signalized intersection of Ward Road at the WB I-70 Ramps will experience long delays and will operate at a LOS F unless modifications are made to the intersection geometry. Intersection operations would be improved to a LOS C to LOS D range during peak hours if dual WB right-turn lanes and dual SB lefr-turn lanes are provided. However, site generated traffic does not impact these movements. • The signalized intersections of 44th Avenue at Ward Road and 44th Avenue at the EB I-70 Ramps will operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS C or better. • The intersection of West 44th Avenue at Youngfield Street will operate at acceptable levels of service with a LOS C or better. • The proposed site access intersection along West 44th Avenue will operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS D or better) with stop sign control. Intersection capacity analyses were also performed for future (long-term) conditions without site generated traffic volumes. This analysis provides a means of comparing traffic operations at critical intersections with and without traffic generated by the proposed development. A level of service comparison for the long-term future is provided on Figure 12. It is evident that while site generated traffic will increase volumes at each of the study intersections, peak hour levels of service will not be adversely affected. In other words, the study intersections will operate at acceptable levels of service with or without site generated traffic. , 19 A breakdown of the percent of site generated traffic with respect to total intersection traffic is provided for each of the study intersections, as follows: Study Intersection Site Generated Background Traffic Traffic Ward Road at the WB I-70 Ramps W. 44th Ave. at the EB I-70 Ramps W. 44th Ave. at Ward Road W. 44th Ave. at Youngfield St. 2% 98% 4% 96% 6% 94% 11 % 89 20 Ward Road .~ ~ ~ ' o m w I~}~ ~~ ~o _~ C Uo Uo ~1~ ~~ii ll~ ~ r~ ~~ Umc ~ U t 0 a -' ~. m ~ ~. U _ 3 ~ N ` N ~ 11 C~ } U` o C' to U O ~ i ~ U ~ `~ ~ 3 y J 1L i ~ N ~ C C Street r ++ m n U °i. U °' ~ -'' 1~ifi U ~ U ~ / 0 0 ¢ ~ ~ ~- m > ~ F, w J J J w O -~ LL 2 ~ o N ~~> r ~J R J ~ .y.. O C = m~~ i ~ L_ E c 3 c6 N U (n ~~ ~O 0 o m ~ •m n •c ~_a~m ~~W ~ ~ _ t ~ .fl --~~¢ 3rn W O Z U°' Um ~ ¢1~ [0~ o ,)I o` i I t +y ~, \~~\ ~ B/A ; ,~ CID ~ ~~ L___~ 1 '~ '1 ~. 1~ '1 ~~ W c ~1 m Q K ,1 3 .1 ,1 I ,' '1 ~I 1`'-! 1-70 m U1 N y O ro ~ ~ fr ;7 .~` ~ o '~ '~ Z m ~ U U y 0 0 ~ E E d ~ ~ ~ ~ >° >° °" a c v v c y °~ E C <a ~ m ° i a c e ~ ~ O I-- U1 O `~ C J C -~ o ~ o 'm 7 ~ 7'O m O N 2 ~ 2 ~ ~ a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c d (9 n. m N~ acs 0 O C '~ E C rn O~ ~~ ~.°'.. ~ ~ N E _ m v a ~ d V1 ~ ~ U b ~ ~ o m 3 II Q Z II Z II ~ ¢ II II in II f= II W ~ V o ` V o ` © ~ ~ W U m U m i -~ 0 0 ~a Z 2~ VI. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The significant findings as a result of this study are summarized as follows: Existing Conditions The intersection of West 44th Avenue at Youngfield Street warrants signalization based on existing traffic volumes and accident experience. Therefore, this intersection should be signalized by the completion of the first phase of the project development. Future Conditions Operationally, a single access point will adequately accommodate both the projected Phase 1 and the projected buildout site generated traffic volumes. The following recommendations are associated with the proposed access point on West 44th Avenue: o The site access should be stop sign controlled, since the projected traffic demand at this access will not warrant a traffic signal (according to the criteria documented in the FHWA's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices). o The proposed access roadway should have afour-lane cross-section with a raised center median in order to separate outbound left-turning and right-fuming traffic, and to provide secondary/emergency access. o If a single access point serves the project site, then a circulation roadway, towards the western end of the property, should be provided within the site. o Speed change lanes should be provided along West 44th Avenue for the proposed site access, including: - A westbound lefr-turn lane/bay with a recommended deceleration length of 230 feet, plus a minimum storage length of 40 feet, plus a taper of 140 feet. - An eastbound right-turn deceleration lane with a recommended length of 230 feet plus a taper of 140 feet. The site access should have a minimum centerline offset of 600 feet with the Mount Olivet Cemetery access or any other intersection along West 44th Avenue. If the project site is gated near the entry at 44th Avenue, then adequate storage should be provided along the access roadway between the gated entrance and West 44th Avenue. This will prevent vehicles from spilling back onto 44th Avenue. It is recommended that this storage length be a minimum of 100 feet. The segment of West 44t1t Avenue between the proposed site access and the I-70 overpass should be constructed with two eastbound through lanes,and one westbound through lane (the minimum right-of--way should be 80 feet). The westbound lane drop that is presently provided along 44th Avenue at the cemetery access should be maintained. 22 In the long-term future, the average daily traffic volume demand along West 44th Avenue (between Eldridge Street and the proposed access point) will be approximately 10,950 vpd. Since there are no existing or planned developments along this section of roadway, two-lanes should adequately handle this projected traffic demand. OtJter Considerations It has been suggested that a slip ramp be provided along westbound SH 58 to allow direct access to the proposed development, thereby reducing site traffic at the Ward Road/WB I-70 Ramp intersection and other critical intersections in the study area. Such a design will not be allowed by . the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) since SH 58 is classified as a Category One Highway along which private accesses are not be permitted. 23 ®~ Caunker treasures Site Code : 000004f1 N-5 Street: HARD E-41 Street: 14TH Tiee Begin 6:30 b:45 RR TOTAL 1:00 AM 7:15 1:30 7:45 RR LOYAL 8:00 RM B:ib Froa North RT THRU li 135 0 204 125 0 222 260 0 42b 82 0 252 112 0 210 155 0 257 t02 0 245 451 0 1024 i43 0 210 113 0 146 Moveeents by: PriearY Fra East froe South RF THRU LT ---- - RT THRU LT ----- !19 ------- 66 -- 0 0 0 0 151 b7 0 0 0 6 210 133 0 0 0 0 138 43 0 0 0 0 168 63 0 0 0 0 184 72 0 0 0 0 177 84 0 0 0 0 bbl 2b2 0 0 0 0 173 66 0 0 0 0 122 38 0 0 0 0 Braak 4:00 PM 130 0 198 191 9i D 0 0 0 4:I5 l28 0 164 t73 15 0 0 0 6 4:.30 87 0 231 210 101 0 0 0 0 4:45 148 0 194 211 103 0 0 0 6 HR TOTAL 493 D 781 785 370 D 0 0 0 5:40 Pit 126 0 216 232 96 0 0 0 0 5:i5 I43 0 147 253 109 0 0 0 0 5:30 102 0 140 237 123 0 0 0 0 5:45 120 0 144 211 85 6 0 0 0 NR TOTAL 44t 0 691 933 413 0 0 0 0 OAY TOTAL 1951 0 3334 2950 1282 0 0 0 0 PARE: i FILE: MARD44TH DATE: 4/12/95 -------------------- Froe West ' Vehicle RT TRRU U Total 0 10 42 636 0 33 ~1 639 0 103 83 1275 0 10 43 628 o s2 i5 no 0 70 8b 824 0 b4 tl3 79! 0 282 327 3013 0 65 23 680 0 58 )7 59a 0 93 132 835 0 112 1(0 762 0 139 1~2 90D 0 t00 133 889 0 444 501 3386 0 l09 i36 915 0 118 1?6 946 0 96 1~4 822 0 93 108 7b1 0 116 {91 3444 0 13b8 1511 12396 3 t~~3~31 1 J7 FA aE . ut31 0i/17/95 11: i'3 a 30.i SSA lltl7 Counter Measures Site Cade ~ 00000111 H-5 Street HARD E-N Street: 11TH . Novaients bye Pri~ary PfAK PERIOD kMALY5I5 FOR tHE PERIOD: 715 AN - 815 AM 512 0 982 1494 307 277 584 of 0 WARD DIRECTION START PEAK HR ........ YOLUNES . ..,.... FROM PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru Left Total Notth 115 AN 0.41 512 0 982 1141 East 715 AN 0.95 702 285 0 98] South 115 AN 0.04 0 0 0 0 Nest 7:15 AN 0.80 0 271 301 581 Eatire Intetsection North 1~i5 AN 0.91 512 0 982 1491 East 0.95 702 265 0 981 South 0,00 0 0 0 4 Nest 0.80 0 277 301 581 WARD ~ `<:''. PA6E~ 1 FitE~ NAR0~IIH DA1E~ 1/12/95 .... PERCENTS ,.. Right Thre Left 34 0 66 11 24 0 0 0 0 0 47 53 31 0 66 1i 24 0 a o 0 0 41 53 702 987 285 - L 0 . ~_ ~ °~ 0 0 0 0si17i95 I3: ,S a-SSS ;,~~ 1177. . Countor Measures Site Code ~ 00000441 H-S Streat. AARD E-Y S[reet~ 44TH Move+ents br~ Prl+arY PEAK PER10D ANALYSIS fOR THE PERIOD: 4:45 PM - 545 PM D1AEC110N START PEAK HR ,...,... 40lUMES .. ..,,.. .... PERCENT S .,. fROM PEAK HOUR (ACTOR Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left North 445 PH 0.93 519 0 747 12b6 41 0 59 East 445 PM 0.94 933 431 0 1364 b8 32 0 South 445 PH 0,00 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 teat 445 PH 0.96 0 423 519 942 0 45 55 faire latersection Harth 445 PM 0,93 S!9 0 747 12bb 41 0 59 fast 0.94 933 431 0 13b4 68 32 0 South 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nest 0.9b 0 423 519 942 0 4S 55 519 423 942 0 WARD to . a.; PA6E~ 1 F11E. ilARD44TM DATE 4/!2!95 933 1364 431 L 0 0 0 ~ 0 - 1 a:.i7.3s ii:s: a aas s.;~ iier :..- Site Coda ; OOOb2l52 M-5 Slreet~ EB I-10 RAMP f-H Street: /iTH T i+a Begin b:30 6:45 HR TOTAL '1;00 AM J:15 7:30 7:45 HR TOTAL 800 AM e:ls Fro+ Mortb RT THRU LT 84 0 I 121 0 20 231 0 27 105 0 15 14D 0 24 !b2 0 26 157 0 24 564 0 89 13b 0 28 90 0 20 Countar Measures Move+ents by: Pri+ary Fro+ East Fro+ South RT THRU 1T R1 THRU LT 15 101 4 0 0 0 3! 91 0 0 0 0 46 '.92 0 0 0 0 23 76 0 0 0 0 14 91 0 0 0 D 21 94 0 -0 0 0 IS IOf 4 4 0 0 79 365 0 0 0 0 10 f43 0 0 0 0 zz 7a o 0 0 0 flreak 4:00 PM 151 0 15 l/ 131 0 0 0 0 4:i5~ 141 0 14 23 107 0 0 0 0 4;30 18f 0 20 16 i34 4 0 0 0 4.45 186 0 23 2) 128 0 0 4 0 NR TOTAL b59 0 72 80 496 0 0 ' 0 0 500 PM 18b 0 36 28 142 0 0 0 0 5:15 215 0 28 18 147 0 0 0 0 530 201 0 25 10 159 D 0 0 0 545 !64 0 25 12 132 D 0 0 0 HR TOTAL 766 0 114 68 580 0 0 0 0 DAY TOTA! 2426 0 350 305 1806 0 0 0 0 PA6F; 1 FIIE~ D444TH ---------•-------------DATE.--4/12195-- Fro+ Yeat Yehicla RT THRU tT ToUI 0 6i 2i4 481 0 92 183 524 0 156 B73 f005 0 88 281 511 0 108 2~4 621 0 107 280 63b 4 119 3B6 b05 0 422 X84 2403 0 105 170 552 0 106 1~2 450 .------------------r---•-----•°----.. 0 137 1~4 602 0 14{ 1$2 56I 0 184 186 717 0 147 147 658 0 612 419 2538 D 160 1¢5 717 0 164 141 I23 0 141 95 631 0 133 1~4 574 0 548 IS 2b41 0 1999 2703 9589 Oi/17/95 11:5: 'S 303 303 1107 Counter Measures Site Code ~ 00062152 1 N-S Street: EB i-70 RAMP E-W Street 44TH Nove~ents by~ Priiary DEAK PfR10D ANALYSIS fOR TkE PERTOD~ 1:15 AN - 8.15 AN DIRECTION START PEAK HR ..... ... YOlUNES .. ,..... .... PERCENTS .,. fRON PEAK kOUR (ACTOR Right ihru left Total Right Thru left North 1:15 AN 0.93 545 0 102 697 85 0 15 East J~TS AN 0.95 b6 392 4 458 14 8b 0 South 7~IS AN 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (lest 7:15 AN Q.89 0 439 820 1259 0 35 b5 Eat ire Intersection North 7~t5 AN 0.93 595 0 102 647 85 0 15 East 0.95 b6 342 0 458 14 86 0 South 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yest 0,89 0 439 820 I2S4 0 35 65 EE3 I-70 RAMP <fii:3 :~ ~{ W '.OS PAOE~ ! FIIE~ I704iTN GATE; 4/i2/95 E--- 697 -~ ~ bb - '- 458 392 620 ~ 0 , 439 1259 O ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 RAMP ea.r~.es -rr:ss a aa; ;,, ira- Counter Neasures Site Code ~ 00062152 H-5 Street: EB 1-70 RAHP E-N Streets <4TH NoVe~ents by: Prirary PEAK DERIOD ANALYSIS fOR THE PER100~ 4:45 PM - 545 PH DIRECTION START PEAK NR ........ VOEUNES ... ..... fROH PEAK NDUR fACiOR Right ihru Left Total North 4r45 PN 0.93 788 0 112 460 Eaat 445 PN 0.41 83 576 0 559 South 4:45 PN O,OD 0 0 0 0 Neat 445 PN 0.90 0 612 5S8 1170 Entire Intersection North /~45 PM 0.43 788 0 112 900 fast 0.91 83 576 0 654 South 0.00 0 0 0 0 (lest 0.90 0 612 558 1170 E$ I-70 RAMP 788 j 0 ~ 11I2 900 J 558 612 1170 o f PA6£~ I iitE: I)014TH OAFE: il12/95 . .. PERCENTS ,.. Right Thru Left BB 0 12 13 87 0 0 0 0 0 52 48 88 0 12 13 87 0 0 0 0 0 52 48 _~ 83 659 576 0 i r~ ° ~ 0 0 0 ES I-70 f2AMP _, ea.r7.es tr:sa a 3~]S s~~ 1197 _. .; Counter Ks~ sures Site Code ~ PABE: I N-S btreet~ WARD RD FItE~ WARD174 E-W Street I-70 WB RANP S Noveients by; P111dfY DA1E~ 4/12/95 Tiee Fr oN Horth froe East Fr oe South Fr oe West 4ehicle Begin RI THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT Ri THRU tT Tatal b~30 3 299 108 158 1 40 2b 130 S 0 0 2 712 6.45 2 304 182 158 2 42 26 166 0 1 2 4 885 NR TOTAL 5 b03 290 316 3 82 52 24b 5 1 2 2 Ib51 100 AN 11 307 151 116 3 24 22 153 6 3 2 i 749 1.15 5 316 Z13 151 1 34 24 218 1 2 1 b 996 730 1 381 187 152 1 31 28 242 0 0 1 i0 1024 7;45 3 318 141 190 1 29 32 267 t 0 2 ~l 1035 NR iDTAI 20 1352 142 609 6 318 106 880 8 S 6 2 3854 B:QO AN 0 30] 151 158 1 46 26 169 t 0 1 0 86b 8:15 0 246 131 142 2 57 19 174 1 0 0 0 771 _...-°---- ---°-------- ----- ------------- --°----- ------ --- Break -----.. ...----- ------------------ --------?-----------_•__--_ 4~OD PM 3 284 111 I75 3 42 36 282 5 2 1 ?1 951 415 b 243 103 233 1 48 26 256 1 1 2 ;7 921 4:30 0 2b6 122 204 4 47 2b 312 6 S 2 ~6 100D 445 4 294 il6 211 3 45 23 317 4 3 4 ~6 1030 NR TOTAL 13 1087 452 823 11 182 111 1161 16 I1 9 i2b 3408 5:00 PN 1 285 143 216 2 56 32 332 4 1 0 II 1013 5;I5 4 301 121 201 0 36 25 350 4 1 3 ~6 1060 5:30 4 146 142 245 0 43 43 315 3 3 4 ~3 1001 5:45 2 206 119 238 3 55 32 283 4 3 4 i3 952 HR TOTpI I1 988 525 906 S 192 132 1284 15 6 li ;13 4086 DAY TOTAL 49 4583 2291 2454 28 b77 446 3971 46 2S 29 143 !5148 94/17/?5 11:55 $ S93 S.i3 !197 Counter Measures Site Code M-S Street: WARD RD E-W Street I-70 116 RAMPS Move~ents bye Pr Lary PEAK PER10D ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM OFRECTION START PEAK NR ........ YOtUMES . ....... FROM PEAK HOUR ----- - FACTOR Right Thru left Total ----------- North -- - 700 AM 0.93 20 1352 742 2114 Eaet 7130 AN 0.92 b42 5 163 810 South 7:15 AM 0.84 110 89b 3 1009 West 630 AM 0.58 6 5 3 14 - Entire Intersection .... PERCENTS ... Right ihru left 1 64 35 79 1 20 i 11 89 0 43 36 21 ?.dd PA6E: 1 FIIF~ AARDI70 DATE: 4/12/45 North 715 AM 0.93 9 1352 748 2109 0 64 3S East 0,40 b51 4 140 795 82 1 16 South 0.84 110 846 3 1009 11 89 9 hest 0,6) 2 5 1 8 25 62 12 WARD RD ~<::~:;:; h r-ten r.rn nni.anc 9 11352 4 74J8 2104 J 1 5 8 ,- 1009 3 1896 1110 04i1ii?5 11 57 a ses rs llav Counter 14easures Sitt Coda H-S Street: HARD RD E-H Street: I-70 HB RAilPS Movctents by: PriMary PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERI00: 4:00 P!f - 6:00 PM DIRECTION START PEAK HR ........ 40LUME8 .. ...... fROH PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru left Totel North 4:30 PR 0.97 9 1146 502 1657 East 5:00 Ph 0.93 906 5 192 1103 South 4:45 PM 0.96 123 1314 15 1452 hest 4:00 PM 0.88 11 9 26 46 _ Entire Intersection North 4:45 Ph 0.94 13 1016 522 1611 East 0.43 B7S 5 182 106b South 0.46. 123 1314 IS 1452 West 0.67 8 11 1b 35 ..., PERCENTS ... Right Thru left ----------------- 1 64 3D 82 0 17 8 90 i 24 20 57 b1 32 =.a? PA6E: 1 FILE: HARDI70 GATE: 1/!2/95 82 0 17 8 90 1 23 3! 46 N W !- 1611-. -~ r 879 i 10166 5 - ~ -- ,o~ 1452 15 1314 123 aa.t7.~s ri:=_s a a~3~ a.;~ iru7 Counter Measures Site Cods : 142 M-8 Street: YOVMfifIELD E-N Street: 14TH Move~enta by: Pri~ary Tiwa Fr og Morth Frog East fr oe Sou th Begin RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRV LT 6:30 0 0 0 0 68 133 64 0 32 6:45 0 0 0 0 65 127 44 D 23 MR TOTAL 0 0 0 0 t33 256 106 0 55 I:00 AH 0 0 0 D 45 80 68 0 28 7:15 0 0 0 0 60 115 95 0 35 7:30 0 6 0 0 17 150 96 0 21 1:15 0 0 0 0 71 115 110 0 35 MR~TDTAL 0 0 0 D 253 460 3b9 0 119 8:66 AM 0 0 0 0 11 138 53 0 12 8:15 0 0 0 4 61 90 81 D 22 -•---------- --------°-- ------ ------------ --------- ----- ---- Break ------- --°--- ---- 4:00 PM 0 0 D 0 76 145 176 0 26 1:15 0 0 0 0 82 12i lb8 0 21 4:30 D 0 0 0 57 131 223 D 33 4:45 0 0 0 0 86 Ib5 l89 0 31 MR TOTAL 0 0, 0 0 301 562 156 0 119 5:00 PM 0 0 0 0 11 151 190 D 27 5:15 0 0 0 0 19 113 196 0 39 5:30 0 0 0 0 70 155 ~ 178 0 28 5:45 0 0 0 0 52 153 159 0 33 HR TOTAL 0 0 0 0 272 b32 723 0 I27 DAY TOTAL 0 0 0 0 1091 2142 2090 0 454 =.:a PARE: 1 FEtE~ TOVM644 4ATE~ 4/12/95 Froi Neat Vehicle RT 1HRV L1 total 20 48 '0 3b5 10 30 D 249 30 18 0 b64 18 45 ;0 284 25 b2 i0 392 27 d0 ~0 431 31 13 '0 435 101 240 D 1542 22 3i ;0 33! 21 54 - ~D 329 28 49 ~0 502 31 54 IO 483 30 {B ~0 522 34 44 ~0 549 123 195 ~ 0 2056 35 55 j0 524 25 48 ~0 560 27 42 IO 506 28 42 0 46] 115 187 ( 0 2056 412 789 ~ 0 6918 i i i aa:t7.ss ii:se a gas ~;3 ire? Gaunter Measures Site Code :412 H•S Street: YOUNGFIEL0 E-A Street: 11TH Move~ents by: Priiary PEAK PERIOD ANALY515 FOR THE PERIOD 7~t5 AN - 8:15 AM DIRECTION STARS PEAK HR ,....... VOLUMES .. ....., FROM PEAK HOUR (ACTOR Right Thru Left Totei North 12~OD AN O.OD 0 0 0 0 Eaat 115 AN 0.88 0 279 518 197 South 7:15 AK 0.79 351 0 103 457 bleat 715 AN 0.81 105 230 0 335 Entire Intersection North t~i5 AN 0.00 0 0 0 0 East 0.88 0 274 518 797 South 0.79 354 0 103 451 Wost 0.81 105 230 0 335 0 230 335 105 797 L 457 103 0 354 ELD ~,;, PA6f ~ i fIIE~ YOUHG41 UAiE: ~/12/95 ..,. PERCENTS ... Right Thru Left 0 0 0 0 35 b5 I7 0 23 31 b9 0 0 0 0 0 35 65 77 0 23 31 69 0 Site Cods : 412 N-5 5treat: YOUN6FIELD E-W Street: 41TH 03~i 17195 1?:09 $ 393 333 1107 CaOnter Measures Noveients bY~ PriearY PERK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD 4145 PN - 5:45 PN DIRECTION START PEAK HR ..,..... 40LUNE5 .. ...... fRON PEAK HOUR - ----- FRCTOR ---- Right Thru teft Totai ----------- North ------ - 445 PN 0.00 0 D 0 0 Eaat x145 PN 0.94 0 306 b44 950 50utfi i~45 PM 0.93' 753 0 125 878 West l.i5 PN 0,8b 121 189 0 310 Entire Intersection North 4145 PN 0.00 0 0 0 0 fast 0.94 0 306 644 950 South 0.93 753 0 125 878 Nest 0,66 121 189 0 3I0 0 L~ °1 189 314 121 YOUN6FIELD ?._- PpGE% i FILE: YOUNfi44 ' DAIE~ 4/t 2/45 .... PERCENTS ... Right Thru Left 0 0 0 4 32 68 86 0 14 39 bl 0 0 0 0 i 0 32 68 86 0 14 34 ~ 61 0 i __ v I 950 306 i L 644 I 878 125 I 0 1 753 LD APPENDIX B LEVEL OF SERVICE MEASUREMENT AND QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTIONS TABLE Bl LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA FOR TWO-WAY STOP CONTROLLED (TWSC) INTERSECTIONS Level of Average Total Delay Service (sec/veh) A < S.0 B >5.0 and <10.0 C >IO.Oand<20.0 D >20.0 and <30.0 E >30.0 and u15.0 F > 45.0 Adapted from: Highway Capacity Manual, TRB Special Report 209, 3rd Edition, 1994. TABLE B2 LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA FOR SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Level of Service Stopped Delay (sec/veh) Qualitative Description A < 5.0 Good progression, short cycles, very few vehicle-stops. B >5.0 and <15.0 Good progression, and/or short cycle lengths, more vehicle-stops. C >15.0 and <25.0 Fair progression, and/or longer cycle lengths, some individual cycle failures, many vehicle-stops D >25.0 and <40.0 Noticeable congestion and cycle failures, unfavorable progression, high v/c ratios, several stops. E >40.0 and <60.0 Limit of acceptable delay, poor progression, tong cycles, high v/c ratios, frequent cycle failures. F > 60.0 Delay is unacceptable to most drivers, volume exceeds capacity, breakdown of traffic flow. Adapted from: Hightivay Capacity Manual, TRB Special Report 209, 3rd Edition, 1994 APPENDIX C INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: UhsgnaIized Intersection- Release 2.1 Page 1 File Name ................ YNGFLDAE.HCO Streets: (N-S) YOUNGFIELD STREET (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE Major Street Direction.... NS Length of Time Analyzed.,. 60 (min) Analyst ................... LCL Date of_Analysis.......... 7/25/95 Other Information......... EXISTING (1995) .CONDITIONS - AM PEAK HOUR Two-way Stogy No. Lanes Free-Right Volumes PHF Grade MC' s ( o ) SU/RV's (a) CV's (o) PCE's ~-controlled In' Nort hbound L T R 1 0 1 Y 105 355 .9 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 :eisection Westbound L T 0 1 1 N 520 280 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 Eastbound L T R 0 1 1 230 105 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 L T R 0 0 0 0 :r * + :r :t ,r ,r-*,r:r-:~-x-+-+-*-:t-~-:r-~-,r :r x~ * * ++-x *,f ,r ,r * ~x * * :t :r,r,r~,r :~ :~ t a- ~-++* * *+ * * * ,t * :t * * x * :~ :r+ Intersection Performance Summary F1owRate MoveCap Movement v(pcph) Cm(pcph) EB T 266 .335 EB R 122 755 NB L 129 371 SharedCap Avg.TOtal Delay Csh(pcph) Delay LOS By App_ 48.4 F 35.0- - 5.7 B 14.9 C 3.4 Intersection Delay = 7.3 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation ACS: Unsi.gnalized Intersection Release 2.1 Page 1 File Name ................. YNGFLDPE.HCO Streets: (N-S) YOUNGFIELD STREET Major Street Direction.... NS Length of Time Analyzed... 6'0 (min) Analyst ................... LCL Date of ,Analysis.,........ 7/25/95 Other Information......... EXISTING (1995) Two-way Stogy - No. Lanes Free-Right Volumes PHF Grade MC's (o) SU/RV's (°s) CV's (°s) PCE's >-controlled Ini Northbound L T R 1 0 1 Y 125 755. .9 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 :ersection Westbound L T R 0 1 1 N 645 310 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE CONDITIONS -_PM PEAK HOUR Eastbound L T R 0 1 1 190 125 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 l.I L T R 0 0 0 ------- 0 ----- ---- *+*++++:r***+*:~**+**+*~**:e*-*++*~+++**+*:r*******+*+~*+***:e~*+*++:r*+ Intersection Performance Summary F1owRate MoveCap SharedCap Avg.TOtal Delay Movement v(pcph) Cm(pcph) Csh(pcph) Delay LOS By App EB T 220 220 188..0 F 116.2 EB R 145 652 7.1 B NB L 153 313 22.4 D 3.2 ^ Intersection Delay = 16.8 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2.1 Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection Step 1: RT from 44th Avenue WB = EB ------------------------------ Conflicting Flows: (vph) ---------- ------ --------- 520 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 755 Movement Capacity: (pcph) _ 755 Prob. of Queue-free, State: 0.84 Step 2: LT from Youngfield SB NB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 1030 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 371 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 371 -Prob. of Queue-free State: 0.65 Step 3: TH from 44th Avenue WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 625 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 513 Capacity Adjustment Factor. due to Impeding Movements 0.65 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 335 Prob. of Queue-free State: 0.21 Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) -------------------------------- Left Turn Major Road -------------------- *6.40 -------------- 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.00 3.3~ Left Turn Minor Road 6.50 3.40 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-25-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) WARD ROAD Analyst: LCL File Name: WARD44AE.HC9 Area Type: Other _ 4-20-95 AM PEAK _ Comment: EXISTING CONDITIONS Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound 'Y I -L T R L T R -L-- T R -L-- T R No. Lanes Volumes Lane Width RTOR Vols 2 2 310 280 12.0 12.0 0 2 1 285 705 12.0 12.0 0 2 1 985 515 12.0 12.0 0 Lost Time 13.00 3.00 -- ~ 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ----------- -------- ----- -' 4 p Si nal O erations Phase Combination 1 . 2_-_ 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB heft * * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left _ SB Left Thru - * Thru Ri ht g * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green 15.O A 30.OA Green 30.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 90 s -- ^ ecs Pha se combination order :_ #1 #2 ------ #5 ---------- ---- Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1493 3539 0.218. 0.411 5.8 B 5.8 B T 2152 3725 0.144 0.578 - 5.7 B WB T 1324 3725 0.238 0.356 ,13.2 B 7.0 B R 1178 1583 0.630 0.744 4.4 A SB L 1258 3539_. 0.849 .0.356 21.3 C 17.0 C R 915 1583 0.593 0.578 8.6 B Intersection Delay = 11.7 sec/veh Inte rsection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.601 . Center :For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2.1 Page 2 *******************:r*******:~**+********:r******** **************+* Worksheet for TWSC Intersection Step 1: RT from 44th Avenue WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 645 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 652 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 652 Prob. of Queue-free_State: ---------------- 0.78 ------------------------------ Step 2: LT from Youngfield SB NB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 1145 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 313 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 313 -Prob. of Queue-free State: ---------------- --- 0.51 - --------------------------- Step 3: TH from 44th Avenue WB ---°--_ -------------------- EB - Conflicting Flows (vph) 770 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 430 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MQVements 0.51 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 220 Prob. of Queue-free State: 0.00 Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap _(tg) Time (tf) ------- Left Turn Major Road ___ *6,40 . 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.5 0 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.00 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 6.50 3.40 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-25-1995 Center For Microcomputers- In Transportation ------- ----- Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) WARD ROAD Analyst: LCL File Name: WARD44PE.HC9 --- Area Type: Other 4-20-95 PM PEAK Comment: EXISTING CONDITIONS Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 2 2 2 1 2 1 Volumes 520 425 435 935 750 520 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ---- 3.00 3.00 - ------------------- Signal Operations -------------- Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6' 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left_ Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green 15.OA 30.OA Green 30.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR'S.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs -Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1485 3539: -. 0.368 0.411 6.6 B 6.3 B T 2152 3725 0.218 0.578. 5.9 B WB T 1324 3725 0.363 0.356 13.9 B _.10.5 B R 1178 1583_ 0-.835 0.744 8.8 B SB L 1258 3539. 0.646 0.356 16.5 C 13.4 B R 915 1583 0.598 0-.578 8.7 B Intersection Delay = 10.4 sec/veh-Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.832 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-25-1995 Center. FOr_Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) EB I-70 RAMPS Analyst: LCL File Name: 44TH70AE.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 AM PEAK Comment: EXISTING CONDITIONS Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Volumes Lane Width RTOR Vols Lost Time 2 2 820 445 12.0 12.0 3.00 3.00 2 1 395 70 12.0 12.0 0 0 3.00 3.00 1 105 12.0 3.00 1 595 12.0 0 3.00 ------------------ Signal Operations - Phase Combination l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green __20.OA 25.DA Green 30.OA Yellow/AR ~5.0 S.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 90 s ecs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 ------ Intersection Performance Summary, Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1585 3539 0.544 0.522 7.5 B 7.0 B T 2152. 3725 0_228 0.578 6.0 B WB T 1118 ._ ....3725 0.391 0.300 .16.3 C 16.1 C R 475 1583 0.156 0.300 -15.0 B SB L 629 1770 '0.176 0.356 12.9 B 8.2 B R 1003 1583 0.624 0.633 7.3 B Inte rsection Delay = 9.1 sec/veh Inte rsection LOS = B Lost .Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0_549 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-25-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE _ (N-S) EB I-70 RAMPS Analyst: LCL - File Name: 44TH70PE.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 PM PEAK Comment: EXISTING CONDITIONS Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound. L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes volumes Lane Width RTOR Vo15 2 2 560 615 12.0 12..0 0 1 1 115 790 12.0 12.0 0 2 1 580 85 12.0 12.0 0 Lost Time. 3.00 3.00 ~ 3.00 3.00 X 3.00 3.00 ---------- - Signal Operations Phase Combination . 1. 2 __3_ 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left * Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right *_ WB Right Green- 20 .OA 25.OA Green 30.OA Yellow/AR 5 .0, 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs-.Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 --------- Intersec ------- tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio .Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1614 3539 0.365 0.522 =. 7.1 B 6.7 B T 2152 3725 0.315 0.578 6.4 B WB T 1118 3725_ _ 0..574 0.300 1Z.8 C 17.4 C R 475 1583 0.187 0.300 15.1 C SB L 629 1770 0.192 0.356 13.0 B 12.5 B R 1003 1583 0.830 0.633. 12.4 B In tersection Delay = 11.2 sec/veh Intersection hOS = B Lost-Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec .Critical v/a(x) = 0.748. IiCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-25-1995 Center-For Micr ocomputers In Transportation --------- Streets---(E-W) WB I-70 RAMPS ====___= ===(N-S) WARD ROAD Analyst: LCL File Name: WARD70AE.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 AM PEAK Comment: EXISTING CONDITIONS - ----------- ---------- --- Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbou nd L T R L T R L T R ---- ---- -- -- L T ---- R No . Lanes 1 1 < 5 5 5 - --- ---- > 1 140 5 ---- 1 655 1 2 < 5 900 110 1 2 750 1355 1 10 Volumes Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols Lost Time 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 -- 3 -- .00 3.00 - - 0 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0 3.00 ----------- _. --------~---- S g i nal O p erations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * _ NB Left Thru * __ _ Thru * Right * Right * , Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left * * * Thru * Thru * * Right * Right * * Peds - Peds NB Right Eg Right SB Right WB Right Green a.OA 14.OA Green S.OA 45.OA 37.OP Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 0.0 0.0 .5.0 Cycle Leng th: 120 secs Phase combination order: #1 #2 -------------------- ---- #5 #6 #7 ------- - - --] ---- Intersection Performance Summary Lane P Grou Ad' Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS ----- EB L ---- - 88 1770 0.056 0.050 41.3 E 41.4 E TR 86 1723 0.116 0.050 41.4 E WB LT 237 1777 0.642 0.133 41.4 E 23.8 C R 871 1583. 0.791 0.550 19.9 C NB L 109 1770 0.046 0.033 19.8 C 39.8 D TR 1191.. 3664 0.937 0.325 39.9 D SB L 755 1770 1.045 0.808 62.0 F 26.0 D T 2608 3725 0.574 0.700 7.1 B R 1583 1108 0.010 0.700 4.1 A , Intersection Delay = 29.2 sec/veh Intersection LOS = D Lost Time/ Cycle, L = 9.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 1.108 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-25-1995 Center For Microcompute rs In Transportati on Streets: (E -W) WB I-70 RAMPS (N-S) WARD ROAD Analyst: LC L File_Name: WARD 70P E.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 PM, PEAK Comment: EX ISTING CONDITIONS Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R ---- -- -- L T R --- No. Lanes --------- ---- 1 1< - --- ---- > 1 ---- 1 ---- 1 2< 1 2 1 Volumes 20 15 10 185 5 880 15 1315 1 25 525 1080 15 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0. RTOR _Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 .00 3.00 - - -- 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.. 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ---------- - ----------------- S -p - i nal O g erations Phase Combi nation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru *_ _ Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left' * SB Left Thru * _ Thru Ri ht g * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 4.OA 22.OA Green 4.OA 26. OA 44.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 0.0 5. 0 5.0 Cycle Length: 120 secs Phas e combination order:.. #7. #2 #5 #6 #7 Intersect ion Perf ormance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS ES L 88_ 1770 D.237 0.050 3$.7 D 36.0 D TR 87 1748 0.309 0.050 36.2 D WB LT 355 1776 0.563. 0.200 29.5 D * * R 778 _ 1583.: 1.190. 0.492 *. NB L 107 177.0 _0.150- 0.017 14.5 B * * 'TR 1409 3675 1.130 0.383 SB L 534 _ 1770 1.036 0.558 64.1 F 25._2 D T 2390 3725 0.500 0.642 7.5 B R 1016 1583 0.016 0.642 5.0 A Intersection Delay = * (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = (g/C)*(V/c) is greater than. one. Calculation of D1 is infeasable. Center For. Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2.1 -- - Page 1 +:r***+**+*:trt******+:r*++******~~+,r***+*+++**++,r*+xt****+**++:e:r+* File Name ................ DWYA44A1.HC0 .- Streets: (N-S) MAIN SITE ACCESS (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 60 (min) Analyst .................,.. LCL Date of Analysis.......... 7/26/95 Other Information......... SHORT-TERM TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES - AM PEAK HOUR Two-way StoF No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's (o) SU/RV's (o) CV's (°s) PCE's ~-controlled Int Eastbound L T R 0 1 1 N 365 5 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 .eirection Westbound L T R ---- - 1 1 0 N 35 420 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 Northbound L T R 1 0 1 25 95 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 Southbound L T R ---- 0 0 0 0 **+~**+*******+*++-x*-+:rat**+*+*~t*+*:~*+*,r,r***+****+:r ,r***~r**~**~+**++ Intersection Performance Summary F1owRate MoveCap SharedCap Avg.Tota1 Delay Movement v(pcph) Cm(pcph) Csh(pcph) Delay LOS By-App NB L 29 342 11.5 C 6.0 NB R 110 904 4.5 A WB L 41 1142 3.3 A 0.3 Intersection Delay = 0.9 Center-For Microcomputers_-In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2.1 Page 2 *-***t-*-*~-*-~-k-r-+-*-t-*-**,t**t,t*~-*-t*:r***:t:t,rt**+t:t***:r**+~+:a+*x-kt+,~~+t*x:r Worksheet for TWSC Intersection Step 1: RT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 365 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 904 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 904 Prob. of Queue=free State: 0.88 Step 2: LT from Major Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 370 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1142 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1142 Prob. of Queue-free State: 0.96 Step 4: LT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 820 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 355 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.96 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.96 Capacity Adjustment-Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.96 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 342 Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 5...00 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5.50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.00 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 6.50. 3.40 Center-For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2.1 Page 1 File Name ................. DWYA44P1.HC0 Streets: (N-S) MAIN SITE ACCESS (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 60 (min) Analyst ................:.. LCL Date of Analysis.......... 7/26/95 Other Tnformation.__...... SHORT-TERM TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES - PM PEAK HOUR Two-way Stogy No. Lanes Stop/Yield volumes PHF __ Grade MC' s ( o ) SU/RV's (%) CV's (%) PCE's ~-controlled.In# Eastbound L T R 0 1 1 N 345 20 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 errection Westbound L T R 1 1 0 N 90 475 .95 .95 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 Northbound L T R 1 0 1 15 50 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 Southbound L T R 0 0 0 0 +*+-:r+**x-+-r,r;t:r~+-xt*,r,rt*~:r*:r**+:r~r+++~r:t++++*++*t:r*+:rt++t+**~****t*tt Intersection Performance Summary F1owRate MoveCap SharedCap Avg.Total Delay - Movement v(pcph) Cm(pcph) Csh(pcph) Delay -- App LOS - By NB LV 18 286 13.4 C 6.3 NB R 58 926 4.1 A WB L 105 1149 3.4 A 0.5 Intersection Delay = 0.7 Center-EOr.D4icrocomputers Sn Transportation - -- -- - HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2.1 Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection ----------------------- -------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street ----------------------------- --- ----------------------- NB SB -------- ----- - Conflicting Flows: (vph) - 345 Potential_Capacity: (pcph) 926 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 926 Prob. of Queue-free State: 0.94 Step 2: LT from Major Street ------------------------------ WB EB ---- --- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 365 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1149 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1149 - Prob. of Queue-free State:- 0.9.1 ------------ ---------------------------------- Step 4: LT from Minor Street ---------- NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 910 Potential_Capacity: (pcph) 315 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.91 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.91 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.91 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 286 Adjustment Factors Vehicle Maneuver Left Turn Major Right Turn Mino Through Traffic Left Turn Minor Critical Gap (tg) ------------------------------- Road 5.00 r Road 5.50 Minor Road _, 6.00 Road 6.50 Follow-up Time (tf) 2.10 2.60 3.30 3.40 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center-For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S} YOUNGFIELD STREET Analyst: LCL File-Name: YNGFLDAI.HC9 Area Type.: Other 4-2$-95 AM PEAK Comment: SHORT-TERM FUTURE - TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES Eastbound- Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Volumes Lane Width RTOR Vols Lost Time 1. 325 12.0 3.00 1 135 12-_ 0 0 3.00 1 2 565. 335 12.0 12.0 0 3.00 3.00 1 120 12.0 3.00 1 385 12.0 0 3.00 Signal Operations -Phase Combina tion 1 - _ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left_ NB Left Tyyy-u * Thru Right * Right * Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds NB Right * EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 20.O A 35.OA Green 20,OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cyc1e'Length: 90 s ecs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio .Delay LOS Delay LOS EB T 455 1863 0.751 0.244 -25.0 C 23.1 C R 387 1583 0.367 0.244 18..5 C WB L 728 1770 0.818 0.411 20.3 C 13.7 B T 2566 3725_ 0.145 0.689 3.1 A NB L 433 1770 0.291 0.244 18.0 C 7.2 B R 1091 1583 0.371 0.689 3.9 A Inte rsection Delay = 14.3 sec/veh Intersection LOS.- = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 9.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.657 I3CM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2,4 07-2.6-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation --- Streets~ (E-W) WEST=====--=----------- 44TH AVENUE ------------------------- (N-S) YOUNGFIELD STREET Analyst: LCL File Name: YNGFLDPI.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-25-95 PM PEAK Comment: SHORT-TERM FUTURE - TOTAL TRA FFIC VOLUMES Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes ---- ---- ---- 1 1 ---- ----- 1 2 1 1 Volumes 250 145 705 410 150 825 . 'Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12:0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost-Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left NB Left Thru - * _ Thru Right * Right * Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds NB Right * EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 18.O A 37.0_A Green 20.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 90 s ecs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Gr oup: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approac h: Mvmts Cap Flow. Ratio Ratio Delay. LOS Delay LOS EB T 414 1863 0.635 0.222 22.7 C 21.7 C R 352 1583 0.435 0:222 -20.0 C WB L 767 .1770 0.967 0.433 .34.4 D 22.6 C T 2566 3725 0.177 0.689 3.2 A NB L _ 43.3 1770 0.365. 0.244 18.5 C .9,4 B R 1126 1583 0.771 0.711 7.7 B Inte rsection Delay = 17.3 sec/veh Inte rsection LOS. = C Lost Time/Cyc le, L = 6.0 sec. Critical,v/c(x) = 0.739 , HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center For Mic rocomputers In Transportation ------------------------- Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) WARD ROAD -------------- Analyst: LCL File Name: WARD44A 1.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 AM PEAK. Comment: SHORT-TERM FUTURE - TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES ___________ ________________ Eastbound _____________- Westbound ---------------- Northbound ----------- Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 2 2 2 1 2 1 Volumes 370 350 320 770 1075 580 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green 15.OA 30.OA Green 30.OA Yellow/AR 5.0- 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 -------- Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio -Ratio Delay LOS - Delay LOS EB L 1473 3539 0.264 0.411 6.0 B 5.9 B T 2152. = 3725 0..179 0.578 5.8 B WB T 1324 3725 0.2.67 0.356 ,13.4 B 7.6 B R 1178 1583 0.688 0.744. 5.1 B SB L 1258 3539 D.927 0.356 26.6 D 20.8 C R 915 1583 0.668 0:57$ 9.8 B Intersection Delay = 13.6 sec/veh Interse ction LOS _= B Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.6 67 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH .AVENUE (N-S) WARD ROAD. Analyst: LCL File Name: WARD44P1.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 PM PEAK Comment: SHORT-TERM FUTURE --- - TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES --------------------- --- ----- ----------------- -------------------------- Eastbound -------------- Westbound ---- ------ --- Northbound ---------- - Southbound- L T R L T R ---- L T R ---- L T R' No. Lanes ---- ---- ---- 2 2 ---- ---- 2 1 2 1 Volumes 580 490 500 1020 820 610 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 --------------------- Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru *_ * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB --Left Thru * Thru Right * __ Right, Peds Peds NB Right _ T EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green 15.OA 30.OA Green 30.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: . Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1493 3539 0.409 0.411 6.9 B 6.5 B T 2152 3725 0.252 0.578- 6.1 B WB T 1324 3725 0.417 0.356 14.3 B 13.8 B R 1178 1583 0.911 0.744 13.6 B SB L 1258 3539 0.707 0.356 17.4 C 14.5 B R 915 1583 _0_702. 0.578 10.4 B Intersection -Delay = 12.1 sec/veh Intersection LOS.= B Lost Time/Cycle, L _ 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.912 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center_FOr Microcomputers In Transportation _- --. Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) EB I-70 R_~MPS Analyst: LCL File Name: 44TH70P1.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 PM PEAK Comment: SHORT-TERM FUTURE TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES _ Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R ---- ---- -- - L T R No. Lanes ---- ---- ---- 2 2 ---- ---- ---- 2 1 1 1 Volumes 630 675 635 95 125 880 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0'12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 -- 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ------------------------ Signal Operations - Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left *_ * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green 20.OA 25.OA Green 30.OA Yellow/AR 5.0_ 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: #1 #2 #.5 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS ----- 3539 EB L 1626 0.408 0.522 7.4 B 7.0 B _ T 2152 3725 0.347 0.578 6..5 B WB T 11.8 3725 0.627 0.300 18.4 C 18.0 C R 475 1583 0.211 .0.300 15.2 C SB L 629 1770 0.210. 0.356 13.1 B 18.5 C R 1003 1583 0.924 0.633 19.3 C Intersection Delay._= 13.4 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, Z _= 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.828 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version -2 .4 07-26-1995. Center.For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) EB I-70 RAMPS Analyst: LCL File Name: 44TH70A1.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 AM PEAK Comment: SHORT-TERM. FUTURE - TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- No. Lanes 2 2 2 1 1 1 Volumes 935 490 435 75 115 655 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ------------° -----~--- -----g p _ Si nal 0 erations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left *__ * NB Left - Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB -Right SB Right * WB Right Green 20.OA 25.OA Green 30.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: #1 #2 #5 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach:' Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1590 3539 0.619 0.522 8.2 B 7.4 B T 2152 3725 0.252 0.578 6.1 B WB T 1118 3725 0.430 0.300 16.5 C 16.3 C R 475 1583 0.166 0.300 15.0 B SB L 629 1770 0.192 0.356 .13.0 B 9.0 B R 1003 1583 0.687 0.633 8.3 B Intersection Delay = 9.6 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L-= 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.605 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-25-1995 - Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WB I-70 RAMPS (N-S) WARD ROAD Analyst: LCL File Name: WARD70A1.HC9 -- Area-.Type: Other 4-20-95 AM PEAK Comment: SHORT-TERM FUTURE - TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLIIMES Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R -- --- L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1< - ---- > 1 1 ---- ---- ---- 1 2< ---- ----- 1 2 ---- - - 1 Volumes 10 10 10 170 10 715 10 985 145 815 1480 15 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR V_ols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Signal Operations - Phase Combination 1 2.- 3 4 5 6 7 8' EB Left * NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green ---- 3.OA 11.OA Green 4.OA S1. OA 37.OP Yellow/AR 4.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 0.0 0. 0 5.0 Cycle Length: 120 secs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 #6 #7 Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c gJc Approac h: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 59 1770 0.186- 0__033 43.1 E 44.5 E TR 57 1723 0.383 0.033 45.2 E WB LT 193 1779 -0.986 0.108' 86.4 F 34.5 D R 897 1583 0.839 0.567 .21.4 C NB L 94 1'770 0.117 0.017 20.4 C 65.1 F TR 1188 3.654 1.052 0.325 65.5. F SB L 829 1770 1.035 0.892 56.2 E 22.7. C T 2794 3725 0.586 0.750 5.3 B R 1187 1583 0-.013 0.750 2.9 A Intersection Delay = 36.5 sec/veh Intersection LOS = D Lost Time/Cycle, L = 9.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 1.154 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUNIMARX Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center-For Microcomputers In Transportation_ Streets: (E-W) WB I-70 RAMPS (N-S) WARD ROAD Analyst: LCL File Name: W_aRD 70P1.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 PM PEAK .Comment: SHORT-TERM FUTURE - TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R --- ---- -- -- L T R --- - No. Lanes ---- ---- ---- 1 1 < - --- ---- ---- > 1 1 - 1 2 < 1 2 1 Volumes 25 20 15 240 10 960 20 1440 150 570 1180 20 Lane width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 -- .00 3.00 3.00 - --- - 3.00 3.00 3. 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ----------- --------------- S -.. g p i nal O erations Phase Combi nation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left _ _ *_ NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right * Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds _ Peds NB Right EB Right " SB Right WB Right Green S.OA 26.OA Green S.OA 29.OA 40.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR p.0 0.0 5.0 Cycle Lengt h: 120 secs Phase combination order: #1 #2 ~ #5 #6 #7 - Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio- _Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 103 1770 0.252 0.058 35.2 D 35.7 D TR 102 1743 0.364 0.058 36.1 D WB LT 415 1778 0.636 0.233 29.0 D * * R 818 1583 1.236 0.5.1'7 * NB L 115 1770 0.183 0.033 15.8 C TR 1286 3675 1.367 0.350 SB L 520 .1770 1.154 0.542 * * * * T 2204 3725 0.592 0.592 .10.3 B R 937 1583 0.022 0.592 6.5 B Intersection Delay = * (sec/veh) Intersection LOS.= (g/C)*(V/c) is greater than one. Calculation of D1 is infeasable. Center-For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection .Release 2.1 Page 1 ~+***++++*****~***+**++*~r***+**,r+*+****+*:r**+***+++**~~*++*****+ File Name ................ DWYA44A2.HC0 Streets: (N-S) MAIN SITE ACCESS (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed.._ 60 (min) Analyst ................... LCL Date of Analysis.......... 7/26/95 Other_Information._.....:. LONG-TERM TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES - AM PEAK HOUR Two-way Stogy No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's (o) SU/RV's (%) CV's (a) PCE's ~-controlled Int Eastbound L T R 0 1 z 1 N 395 15 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 :ersection westbound L T R 1 1 0 N 65 455 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1:1 Northbound L T R 1 0 1 50 205 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 Southbound L T R 0 +*****:r++****+:r********++*:r~+*+*:r*++***++*x~**+*******:~:r+~: ****,r** Intersection_Performance Summary FlowRate MoveCap SharedCap Avg.Total Delay Movement v(pcph) Cm(pcph) Csh(pcph) Delay LOS By App NB L 58 292 15.4. C 7.6 NB R 238 873 5.7 B WB L 75 1093 3.5 A 0.4 Intersection Delay = 1.8 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2.1 Page 1 *~**:~***~****++**,r+**:r**+~**+*~*+*~r*++++~*~*****+*x*****~*x***** File Name ................ DWYA44P2.HC0 Streets: (N-S) MAIN SITE ACCESS (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE Major Street Direction.... EW Length of Time Analyzed... 60 (min) Analyst ................... LCL Date of Analysis.......... 7/26/95 Other Information..:.....:. LONG-TERM TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES - PM PEAK HOUR Two-way Sto No. Lanes Stop/Yield Volumes PHF Grade MC's (%) SU/RV's (o) CV's (o) PCE's ~-controlled In' Eastbound L T R 0 1 1 N 375 45 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 :eisection Westbound L T R 1 1 0 N 190 515 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 1.1 1.1 Northbound L T R 1 0 1 30 105 .95 .95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 ----------__ Southbound L T R 0 0 0 0 Intersection Performance Summary FlowRate MoveCap SharedCap Avg.Total Delay Movement v(pcph) Cm(pcph) Csh(pcph) Delay LOS By App NB L 35 200 21.8 D 8.5 NB R 122 _- 894 4 . 7 A WB L 220 -1081- 4.2 A 1.1 Intersection Delay 1.5 Cen-ter For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2.1 Page 2 ***:r:r*+*tt*tt:r~**++*:r++:r:tt++x* ++*~-t+:r:r*+***+***+:r~+*~~+tx~++:r :r+t Worksheet for TWSC Intersection ---^- ------ ------------------------------ Step 1: RT from Minor Street ---------------- - ------ SB NB -- - -------------- Conflicting Flows: (vph) 395 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 873 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 873 Prob. of_Queue-free State r 0.73 ------------------- ---- -------------------------- Step 2: LT from Major Street - WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 410 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 1093 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1093 - Prob. of Queue-free-State: 0.93 Step 4: LT from Minor Street NB SB _ Conflicting Flows: (vph) 914 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 313 Major LT, Minor TH _ Impedance Factor: 0.93 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0.93 Capacity Adjustment Factor due-to Impeding Movements 0.93 Movement Capacity: (pcph) __292 _ Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap (tg) Time (tf) Left Turn Major Road 5.00 2.10 Right Turn Minor Road 5:50 2.60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6.00 3.30 Left Turn Minor Road 6.50 3.40 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-25-.19.95 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) YOUNGFIELD STREET Analyst: LCL File Name: YNGFLDP2.HC9 --- Area Type: Other 4-25-95 PM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE TOTAL TR~F'FIC VOLUMES Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- No. Lanes 1 1 1 2 1 1 Volumes 310 170 760 525- 185 890 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Signal Operations - Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right 'Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds NB Right * * EB Right _. SB Right WB Right Green.- 25.OA 45.OA Green-._ 20.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.-0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle. Length: 105 secs Phase. combination order:.#1 #2 #5 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB T 479 .1863 0.681 0.2$7 25.4 D 24.1 C R 407 1583 0-.440 0.257_ ___21,6 C WB L 792 1770 1.010 0.448 45.7 E 27.7 D T 2732 3725 0.213 D.733 2.9 A NB L 371.....1770 0.526 0.210 24.9 C 4.8 A R 1538 1583 0.609 0.971 0.6 A Intersection Delay = 18.5 sec/veh Intersection LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle, L = 9.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.806 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Interseotion Release 2.1 _ Page 2 Worksheet for TWSC Intersection ---------- ------------------------------- Step 1: RT from Minor Street ------- NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 375 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 894 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 894 Prob. of Queue-free State: 0.86 Step 2: LT from Major Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 420 Potential Capacity: {pcph) 1081 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 1081 - Prob. of Queue-free State: 0:80 Step 4: LT from Minor Street NB SB Conflicting Flows: (vph) 1080 Potential Capacity: (pcph) 251 Major LT, Minor TH Impedance Factor: 0.80 Adjusted Impedance Factor: 0:80 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0.80 Movement Capacity: (pcph) 200 Adjustment Factors Vehicle Maneuver Left Turn Major Road Right Turn Minor Road Through Traffic Minor Road Left Turn Minor Road Critical. Follow-up Gap (tg) Time (tf) 5.00 2.10 5.50 2.60 6.00 3.30 6.50 3.40 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation ------------- Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) YQUNGFIELD STREET Analyst: LCL _File Name: YNGFLDAB.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-25-95 AM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE - BACKGROUND TRAFFIC. VOLUMES ---------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1 1 2 1 1 Volumes 270 125 615 330 125 420 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 .3.00 3.00 Signal Operations -Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left NB Left Thru * -- Thru Right * Right Peds _ __ Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds - ---- - Peds NB Right * EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 25.OA 45.OA Green 20.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 105 secs Phase combination order: #1 #2 #5 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS ----- ---- ------- ----- ----- ----- --- EB T 479 1863 ._0__593 0.257 23-.5 C 22.6 C R 407 1583 0.324 0.257. 20.6 C WB L 792 1770 ..0:817 0:448 21.0 C 14.4 B T 2732 3725 .0.133 0.733 2.7 A NB L 371 ..1770 0.356 0.210 -23.2 C_ 9.0 B _ R 1085 1583 0.407 0.68.6- 4.8 A Intersection Delay = 14.6 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L 9.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0__648 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center For Microcomputers Sn Transportation ____ Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) YOUNGFIELD STREET Analyst: LCL File Name: YNGFLDA2.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-25-95 AM PEAK Comment. LONG-TERM FUTURE TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES Eastbound L T R Westbound L T R Northbound L T R Southbound L T R No. Lanes - --- ---- ---- 1 1 ---- ---- 1 2 ---- ---- ---- 1 ---- 1 -- -- ---- ---- Volumes 435 165 615- 385 135 420 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12_0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.0.0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Signal Ope rations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds NB Right * * EB_ Right SB Right WB Right Green 25 .OA 4$.OA _ Green 20.O A Yellow/AR 5 .0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 105 secs Pha se combina tion order: #1 #2 #5 Intersec tion Perfo rtnance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB T 479 1863 0.956 0.257- _47.0 E 39.9 D R 407 1583 0.427 0.257 21.5- C WB L 792 1770 0.817 0.448 21.0 C 13.7 B T 2732 3725 0.15.6 0.733 2_7 A NB L 371 1770 0.383 0.210 23.4 C 5.7 B R 1538 1583.. 0.287 0.971 0.1 A In tersection Delay = 18.9 sec/veh In tersection LOS = C Lost Time/Cyc le, L = 9.0 sec Crit ical v/c(x) = 0.756 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2:4 07-26-1995 -- Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) WARD ROAD Analyst: LCL File Name: WARD44A2.HC9 ` Area Type: Other 4-20-95 AM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE - TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L- T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 2 2 2 1 2 1 Volumes 425 435 355 830 1160 645 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vo1s 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 - Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB -Right Green- 20.OA 35.OA Green 35.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 105 secs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 Intersec --------------------------- tion Performance Summary -------------- Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio -Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1516 .3539 _ 0-:295 0.448 - 6.8 B 6.7 B T 2200 3725 0.219. 0.590 6.5 B WB T 1313 3725 0.299 0.352 15.9 C 10.0 B R 1161 1583 0.753 0.733- 7.4 B SB L 1247 3539 -1.009 0-.352 43.6 E 32.5 D R 935 1583 0.726 0.590 12.0 B Intersection Delay = 19.8 sec/veh Intersection LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.720 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-20,-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) YOUNGFIELD STREET Analyst: LCL File Name: YNGFLDPB.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-25-95 PM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE - BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R ---- ---- L T R ---- ---- ---- L T R ---- ---- -- -- No. Lanes ---- ---- ---- 1 1 ---- 1 2 1 1 Volumes 225 150 760 365 150 890 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 D 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Signal Oper ations - Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left NB Left Thru * Thru .Right * Right Peels Peels WB Left * SB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peels Peels NB Right * EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 25.OA 45.OA Green 20.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.D Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 105 secs Phase combinat ion order: #1 #2 #5 ------------- ------ Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS. EB T 479 1863 0.495 0.257 22.1 C 21.7 C R 407 1583 0.388 0.257- 21.1 C WB L 792 1770 1.010 0.448 .45.7 E 31.3, D T 2732 3725 0.148 0.733.-__2.7 A NB L 371 1770. 0.426 O.Z10 23:8 C 14.9 B R 1085 1583 0.863 0.686 13.4 B Intersection Delay = 2 3.2 sec/veh Intersection LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Criti cal v/c(x) = 0.763, HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) WARD ROAD Analyst: LCL' File Name: WARD44AB.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 AM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE - BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Volumes Lane Width RTOR Vols 2 2 365 330 12.0 12.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 2 1 335 830 12.0 12.0' 0 2 1 1160 610 12.0 12.0 0 3.00 3.00 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 ~ 3.00 3.00 -------------------------------------------- - Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left- * * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green 20. OA 35.OA Green 35.OA Yellow/AR 5. 0- 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 105- secs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 - Intersec ----------------------------- tion Performance Summary ----- -------- ---- Lane Group:- Adj Sat v/c g/C Approac h: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS. EB L 15.18 3539 0.253 0.448 6.6 B 6.5 B T 2200 3725 0.165 0.590 6.3 B WB T 1313 3725 0.283 0.352 15.8 C 9.9 B R 1161 1583 0.753 0.733- 7.4 B SB L 1247 3539 1.009 0.352 43.6 E 32.6 D R 935 1583 0-.687 0.590. -11.1 B Int ersection Delay = 20.3 sec/veh Inte rsection LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Cri tical v/c(x) = 0.701 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center For. Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) WARD ROAD Analyst: LCL File Name: WARD44P2.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95_-PM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE - TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES --------------------------------------------- Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 2 2~ 2 1 2 1 Volumes 650 550 575 1105 885 710 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 -1200 RTOR Vols - 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 -----------------------------g- p _ Si nal 0 erations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left- * * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right. Peds - Peds WB Left SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds _ _ Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green - 20.OA 35.OA Green 35.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 105 secs Phase .combination order: #1 #2 #5 ----- - --_-- -p------J----------------- Intersection Performance Summary Lane Grou Ad~ Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1543 3539 0.443 0.448 8.0 B 7.4 B T 2200 3725 0.276 0.590 6.8 B WB T 1313 3725 0.484 0.352 17.4 C 25.4 D R 1161 1583 1..002 0.733 29.8 D SB L 1247 3539 0.770 0.352 21.6 C 18.4 C R 935 1583 -0.799 0.$90 14.3 B Intersection Delay = 18.1 sec/veh Intersection LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.984 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Centex For Microcomputers In Transportation. Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) WARD ROAD Analyst: LCL File Name: WARD44PB.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 PM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE -.BACKGROUND TRAFFIC. VOLUMES Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R -------- ---- --------- ---- ---- ---- -- No. Lanes 2 2 2 1 2 1 Volumes 615 500. 515 1105 885 615 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 -----3_00_-----3_00 -----------------------------cam-- p Si a1 0 erations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left * Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green 20.OA 35.OA Green 35.OA, Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 105 secs Phase combination order: #1 #2 #5 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1534 3539 0 422 0.448 7.7 B 7.2 B T 2200 3725' 0.251 0.590- 6.7- B WB T 1313 3725 0.433 0.352 16:9 C -25.6 D R 1161 1583 1.002 0.733 29.8 D SB L 1247 3539 0.770 0.352 21.6 C 17.4 C R 935 1583 0.692 0.590 11:2 B Intersection Delay = 17.8 sec/veh Intersection LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0-sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.973 HCM: SIGNALIZED INT$RSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4. 07-26-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST. 44TH AVENUE (N-S) EB I-70 RAMPS Analyst: LCL File Name: 44TH70A2.HC9 Area_Type: Other 4-20-95 AM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE - TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES Eastbound_ Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 2 2 2 1 1 1 Volumes 1060 540 470 85 125 715 Lane-Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12..0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 --- - 3.00 3.00 - 3.00 3.00 ---------------- ---~---- _ Si nal O erations g p Phase Combination 1 2__ 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left *_ * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left Thru * T'hru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green 28.OA 27.OA Green 35.OA Yellow/AR 5.0__ 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 105 secs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #~ Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB _h_ 1674 3539 0.667 0.600 9.8 B 8.7 B T 2200 3725 0.271 0.590 6. 8. B WB T 1029 3725 0.505 0.276 21.0 C 20.7 C R 437 1583 0.204 0.276 18.9 C SB L 624 _ 1770 0.212 0.352 15..4 C 9.8 B R 1055._ 1583 0.714 0.667 8.8 B Intersection Delay = 11.3 sec/veh Intersection LOS = B Lost Time/Cycle, L = _6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.653 ^ HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMP_RY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) EB I-70 RAMPS Analyst: LCL File Name: 44TH70P2.HC9 -- Area Type: Other 4-20-95 PM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE -.TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES _____________________________________________==______________________=_ Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R I L T R L T R No. Lanes- Volumes Lane Width RTOR Vols Lost Time 2 2 705 730 12.0 12.0 3.00 3.00 2 1 695 100 12.0 12.0 0 3.00 3.00 0 Signal Operations 1 135 12.0 3.00 1 985 12.0 0 3.00 Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Lefb * * NB Left. Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB, Left SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green 28. OA 27.OA Green 35.OA Yellow/AR 5. 0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle. Length: 105 secs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Gr oup: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1725 3539 0.430 0.600 8.8 B 8.0 B T 2200 3.725 0.366 0.590 7.3 B WB T _ 1029 3725 0-.747 0.276 2.4.5 C 23.9 C R 437 1583 0.240 0.276 19.1 C SB L 624 1770 0.228 0:352 15.5 C -27.0 D R 1055 1583 0.983 0.667 28.6- D Intersection Delay = 18.1-sec/veh Inte rsection LOS = C Lost Time/Cyc ------------- le, L ----- = 6.0 --------- sec Critical v/c(x) = --------------------------- 0.914 ----- -------- ---- HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY. Version,2.4 07-26=1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation _ --------------------------- Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) EB I-70 RAMPS Analyst: LCL File Name: 44TH70AB.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 AM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTLIl2E - BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES ------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Volumes Lane Width RTOR Vols Lost Time 2-- 2-- 2 1 970 525 '465 85 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 0 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Signal Operations ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 1 125 700 12.0 12.0 0 3.00 3.00 ------------------------ Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left *- * NB Left Thru * * Thru • Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green 28_.O A 27.OA Green 35.OA Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 105 s ecs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 ------------- ------ -------- Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approac h: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1673 3539 0.610 0,600 9.2 B 8.3. B T 2200 3725 0.264 .0.590 6.8 B WB T 1029 3725 0`.499 .0.276 20.9 C 20.6 C R 437 1583 0.204 0.276 18.9 C SB L 624 1770 0.212 0.352 15.4 C 9.5 B R 1055. 1583- A_698 0..667'' 8.5 B Inte rsection Delay = 11.1 sec/veh Inte rsection LOS. = B Lost Time/Cyc le, L 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.640 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation ------------------------------------------------------------------ Streets: (E-W) WEST 44TH AVENUE (N-S) EB I-70 RAMPS ----- Analyst: LCL File Name: 44TH70.PB.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 PM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE - --------------------------- BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES ----------------------------- ---------------------------- Eastbound --------------- ------------------------------------------- Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 2 2 2 1 1 1 Volumes 660 725 685 100 135 935 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost~Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 --------------------------- - --------------------------------------- Signal Operations . ----- Phase Combination 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * * Thru Right Right Peds Peds WB Left SB Left Thru * Thru Right ~ * Right Peds - Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right * WB Right Green.. 28.OA 27.OA Green 35.OA Yellow/AR 5__0 5.0 Yellow/AR 5.0 Cycle Length: 105 secs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 Intersec - - ------ tion Performance Summary ---- Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 1722 3539 0.404 0.600 8.6 B 7.9 B T 2200 3725. 0.364 0.590, 7.3 B WB T 1029 3725 0.736 0.276 .24.3. C 23.6- C R 437 1583 0.240.. 0.276' 19.1 C SB L 624 1770 0.228 0.352 __15.5 C 19.7 C R 1055 1583 0.93 2 0.667.. 20.4 C - ,Intersection -Delay = 15.6 sec/veh Intersection LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 ---------------------------- sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.875 ---------------------------------------- ---- HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 _I Center For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WB I-70 RAMPS Analyst: LCL Area Type: Other Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE - --------------------------- Eastbound L T R No. Lanes Volumes Lane Width RTOR Vols Lost Time 1 1 < 10 10 10 12.0 12.0 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 ---------------------------------- (N-S) WARD ROAD File Name: WARD70A2.HC9 4-20-95 AM PEAK TOTAL TRAFFIC-VOLUMES Westbound T R > 1 2 195 10 775 12.0 12.0 0 Northbound L T R 1 2 <- 10 1070 180 12.0 12.0 0 Southbound L T R 2 2 < 885 1605 15 12.0 12.0 0 3.00 3.00 .3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3'.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left. Thru * Thru * Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 6.OA 20.OA Green 5.OA 29.OA 45..OP Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 _ Yellow/AR 0.0 0.0 5.0 Cycle. Length: 120 s ecs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 ------- #5 #6 ------ #7 ------- ---- ---------- --------- -------- Intersec --------------------- tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approac h: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio .Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 118 1770- 0.093 0.067 40.0 D 40.2 E TR .115 1723 0.1.92 _0.067 40.3 E WB LT 326 1778 0.663 0.183 .3.8.1 D 22.5 C R 1478 3167 0.624- 0.467 -18.9 C NB L 101 1770 0.109 0.033 _16.5 C 39.3. D TR 1428 3647 0.967 0.392 ..39.5 D SB L 2023 3539- 0.475 0_.542- 13.4 B 13.1 B TR 2356 3720 -0.760 0_633 12.9 B Intersection Delay = 22.1 sec/veh Inte rsecti on LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle, L ------------------- = 12.0. -------- sec. Critical v/c(x) = --------------------------- 0.857 ------ ------- ---- HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-Y995 Center-For Microcomputers In Transportation Streets: (E-W) WB I-70 RAMPS (N-S)_WARD ROAD Analyst- LCL File Name: WARD70P2.HC9 Area_Type: Other 4-20-95 PM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM FUTURE - TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES Eastbound I Westbound Northbound l Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes Volumes Lane Width RTOR Vols Lost Time 1 25 12.0 1 < > 1, 2 1 2 < 2 2 < 20 15 305 10 1040 20 1555 180 620 1285 20 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 0 0 0 0 .00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ---------g p Si nal 0 erations 3.00 3 Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left * * Thru * Thru Right * Right * Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left * * * * Thru Ri ht g * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 4.OA 23.OA Green S.OA 15.OA 58.OP Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 0.0 0.0 5.0 Cycle Length: 120. s ecs Phase combina tion order.:.#1 #2 #5 #6 #7 Intersec tion Perfo rmance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approac h: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 88 1770 0.294 D.O50 42.3 E 43.3 E TR 87 1742 0.425 0.050 44.1 E WB LT 370 1777 0.897 0.208 51.7 E SS.i E R 1188 3167 1.042 0.375 .59.9 E NB L 125 1770 D.168 0.033 11.4 B 50.9 E TR 1834 .3668 1.045- 0.500 _51.3 E_ SB L' 1453 3539.. - 0.463 0.308 17.,7 C 13.0 B TR 2323 3717 .0.62.1 0.625 10.9 B-_ Inte rsection Delay = 38.7 sec/veh Intersection LOS = D Lost Time/Cycle, L =. 9.0 sec Crit ical v/c(x) = 1.010 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4- 07-26-1995 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation ------------------ ------------------ Streets: (E-W) WB Analyst: LCL Area Type: Other Comment: LONG-TERM I-70 RAMPS FUTURE - Eastbound L T R ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- (N-S) WARD ROAD File Name: WARD70AB.HC9 4-20-95 AM PEAK BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES. ------------------------------------------- Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 1 < > 1 2 1 2 < Volumes 10 10 10 165 10 775 10 1060 130 Lane Width 12.0 12..0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2 2 < 885 "1600 15 12.0 12.0 0 3.00 3..00 3.00 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right * Peds Peds. WB Left * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green --_._ - 6. OA 20.OA - Green 5.OA 29.OA 45.OP Yellow/AR 5. Q 5.0 Yellow/AR 0.0 0.0 5.0 Cycle Length: 120 secs Pha se combination order: #1 #2 #5 #6 #7 Intersec tion Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approac h: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 118 1770 0:093 -0.067 40.0 D 40.2 E TR 115 1723 0.192. 0.067 40.3 E WB LT 326 1779 0.567 0._183 35.7 D 21.7 C R 1478 3167 -0.624 0.467 18.9 C NB L 102 1770 0.108 0.033 16.5 C 33.2 D TR 1435 3664 0.917 0.392 33.3 D SB L 1998 3539 0.480 - 0.542 12.6 B 12.8 B_ TR 2356 3720 0.758 0.633 12.8 B Intersection Delay = 20.0 sec/veh Inte rsection LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle,'L ------------------ = 12.0 ----------- sec Critical v/c(x) = --------------------------- 0.816 ------ ------- ---- ACM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Version 2.4 07-26-1995 .Center For Mic rocomputers In. Transportation --_-_---_ Streets (E-W) WB I-70 RAMP S===== _====(N-S)JWARD ROAD Analyst: S,CL File Name: WARD70PB.HC9 Area Type: Other 4-20-95 PM PEAK Comment: LONG-TERM. FUTURE - BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES wEastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R -- ---- -- -- L T R -- No. Lanes ---- ---- ---- 1 1< ---- ---- ---- > 1 2 -- 1 2< 2 2< Volumes 25 20 15 220 10 1040 20 1550 150 620.1275. 20 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 0 0 0 0 Lost Time 3.00 3.00 3.00 - 3.00 3.00 3.00 -- -- 3.00 3.00 3. 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ----------- --------------- g Si nal 0 erations p Phase Combination 1 _.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * NB Left * * Thru + Thru * Right * Right * Peds Peds WB Left * SB Left Thru * Thru * * Right * Right * * Peds _ Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 4.OA 23.OA Green 5.OA 15.OA 58.OP Yellow/AR 5.0 5.0 Yellow/AR 0.0 0.0 5.0 Cycle Length: 120 secs Phase combination order: #1 #2 #5 #6 #7 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow 12atio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 88 1770 0 294 0.050 42.3 E 43.3 E TR 87 1743 0.425 0.-050 44.0 E WB LT 370 1778 0.656 0.208 36.0 D 55.9 E R 1188 3167 1.042 0.375 59.9 E NB L 126 1770 0..167 0.033 11.3 B 44.1 E TR 1838 3675 1.023 0.500 44.4 E SB L 1453 3539 0.463 0.308 17.7 C 13.0 B TR 2321 3714 -0.616 0.625 10.8 B Intersection Delay = 35.4 sec/deh Intersection LOS = D Lost Time/ Cycle, L = 9.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.998