HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-95-12l~ rnec;ryor ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Wheat Rid a Department o£ Planning and Development g 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant -Alan C. McLean Address 4850-.Ward Rd. _, Phone 425-0510. Owner Alan C. McLean Address 4850 Ward Rd. Phone 425-0510 Location. of request 4850 4860 Ward Rd Wheat Ridge Colo. Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) X~ Change of zone or-zone conditions X Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval. Nonconforming use change Special use permit Flood plain special exception Conditional use permit - Interpretation of .code Temporary. use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation 8 Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final Solid waste landfill/.. [] ** See attached procedural guide mineral extraction permit for specific requirements. ^ Other Detailed Description of request Rezoning and modification to existing planned development - l~~/Jtn/6-~D[lTZCn/B a~ l~~R~~ Gia1,RZ- r~tr P«"y S'' (x.AT List-all persons and companies who hold an interest_in the described. real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc NAME ADDRESS PHONE Alan C. McLean 4850 Ward Rd. 425-0510 I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those_persons listed above, _ without whose consent the requested actior. cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this_action an his behalf. Signature of .Applicant IiC~C~..-, ~~ ~-~e~~ J~ Subscribed and sworn to m his ~O day of ryxei~~,.~'j' 19 ~ Notary Public SEAL My commission expires ~` q ~~.,. Date Received ~ ~! a ~7 o xeceipL rvo. ~ ~ Tw ~aSC ~~~ ~- i 7500-WEST 29TH AVENUE P O BOX 638 - - _- The City of WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80034-0638 - -303) 234-5900 - heat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax ~ 235-2949 ~Rldge August 21, 1995 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for a rezonincr from PCD and I to PCD appr_o~ra~ of an ont~~n plan and ` at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by Gf,rN-Pmhar 5 1e95 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-95-12/Graphics West LOCATION: 4850 Ward Rd. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezoning, approval of an outline plan & final development plan and plat' PURPOSE: 15,700 square foot building expansion APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.85 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO I£ "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are-there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: A~ ~~"~"`V M. Reckert epar~of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Valley ) XX Sanitation District (Fruitdal~ XX Fire District (Arvada ) Adjacent City ( ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey XX Colorado Dept. of Transportation Colorado Div. of Wildlife TCI of Colorado Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Denver Water Board W R Post Office W R Police Dept. XX W R Public Works Dept. W R Parks & Recreation Com. W R Forestry Div. XX W R Building Div. <pc>referralform ~~ 2,~~r~~d r,w„~. ~MOx~vnuM~ i Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Plaimer II FROM: Greg,Rnudson, Development Review Engineer DATE: September 8, 1995 SIIBJ: Graphics West/WZ-95-12, 4850 Ward Road The Public Works Department. has reviewed the referral for the. above referenced project and has the following comments: 1. We will need a drainage study. 2. We will need an application for minor dumping/landfill permit completed and submitted for review. Earthwork quantities may require that an erosion control plan be submitted for review. We will need construction drawings for the frontage along Ward Road. 4/ We will need to process an access permit through the State. lll.../// Traffic is waiting for additional comments from CDOT for this project. 5. The plat has been received and is in the process of being reviewed. Subsequent revisions-will be coordinated by Chuck and the project consultant, Contra Engineering. cc: Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director John Oss, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffie Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Chuck Braden ROW Technician L~ ,. File ~~ W v- Gf~~~~ -. __ ~' ~~ ~^ - Arvada Fire Protection District ' FIRE MARSHALS' OFFICE P. O. Box 3-D ARVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephone (303) 425-0850 - FAX (303) 422-4569 September 5, 1995 Ms. Meredith Reckert Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO. 80034-0638 RE: Graphics West Site 4850 Ward Rd. Dear Meredith, We have reviewed the site plan for this facility and have the following comments. 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 2, 12195 W. 52nd Ave. and Station 6, 6503 Simms St. 2. The total building footprint appears to be in the area of 50,522 square feet not including any second floor areas of the building. The available fire flow at the site is 3,476 gallons per minute. We would need the total floor area for the entire building and construction type to determine if sufficient fire flow is available at the site. If fire flow is not sufficient increase water line size or automatic sprinkler protection throughout the entire building may be needed. UFC 91 Appendix III-A. 3. A minimum of 1 additional hydrant would need to be provided on Van Gordon St, prior to above grade construction.. UFC 91 10.501(a). 10.402. 4. The proposed access lane on the North side of the new addition will be a dead end access in excess of 150 feet and needs to be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of file apparatus.- UFC 91 10.204(d). 5. Need information on the proposed storage in the new warehouse as to type of storage, rack or pallet, height of storage, and how and what will be stored to determine if the requirements from Article 81 High Piled Combustible Storage will apply. LTFC 91 Article 81. Page Two Sincerely, Arvada Fire Protection District ..~_ ~, Steve Steige'x' Deputy Fire Marshal i • STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region G OT 2000 South Holly Street Denver, Colorado 80222 September 8, 1995 CITY OF td~HEAT RI~+~. ~_. City of Wheat Ridge ~~~~ ~~~ P. O. Box 638 - _ ~ ~~~ ~ $ ~~~~ Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 Attn: M. Reckert ~i'1'"~`~~ RE: GRAPHICS WEST - 4850 WARD ROAD (SH 72) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT The Cclcradc Department .cf Transportation has reviet:•~d the Graphics West development, and we have the following comments: 1. Only one access will be allowed from Ward Road to this site. CDOT R.O.W. plans indicate that the existing R.O.W. line is 5 feet further east, (35 feet from the 1/4- section line to the R.O.W. line). Nicholas Gardens plat has 30 feet from 1/4 section line to west line of Tract 5. CDOT acquired additional 5 feet in 1971, BK 2321, Pg. 183 recorded 11-30- 71. Also, in 1971 CDOT acquired permanent easement (E-109) - east 5.0 feet of west 10.0 feet of Tract 5, Nicholas Gardens, BK 2321, Pg. 185. Contact Dave Hasselblad at 757- 9924 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~~ G-/~. Prentiss R- Access/Utility Administrator GEP/gt cc: L. Warner L. Lipp K. Harding/DH ref file SH 72 rf Public Service August 25, 1995 City of Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development 7500 West 29th Ave. P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 ~tN o~~C4C! R1i"t ~~ ~C? t ~ 3 ~- ~g~5 P ~~ ~.~ 1 . ~~o ~Lp,NN1NG & Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) acknowledges receipt of the plot plan of of Colorado (7th Avenue CO 80204-0114 C*ranhics West (4850 Ward Rd) #WZ-95-12 Project Title PSCo has examined the proposed plot plan of the above-captioned project and suggest that defining easements for electric and gas service should be delayed at this time. Easements canhot be adequately delineated at this time due to the uncertainty of the service needs and locations to allow for the most desirable and economic system design. Easements shall be granted to PSCo when service locations are made known for the construction, operation, maintenance, and replacements of their facilities as may be necessary to provide service within this subdivision or property contiguous thereto, through, over, across, and under streets, utility easements, and other public places or common areas. Approval of electric and/or gas service to this property is subject to PSCo rules, regulations and tariffs on file and in effect with the State Public Utilities Commission, State of Colorado. Please note, PSCo has gas and electric distribution facilities in this proposed area. The developer should contact Dick Miller at 425-3811 regarding utilization or relocation of the existing facilties. Psco would also like to remind the developer to have all utilities located prior to construction. If you have any questions regarding the above subject matter, please contact me at 571-3735. Thank you, ~~~ Teresa Wilson Right of Way Processor TW:pg VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424-9661 September 5, 1995 City of Wheat Ridge _ T500 bd. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80214 Attn: Meredith Reckert Dear Meredith: In reference to Case No. WZ-95-12, Graphics West at 4350 F7asd Road, attached are the Valley Water District's comments. If you have any questions, please call me at 424-9661. Sincerely, ~~ Robert Arnold District Manager !~~' - ~~~~' U9/28/95 14:15 303 424 0828 VALLEY WAT~ST -.i-. CITY OF 59R ~ _ Q1001 Y ~ r t ~ ~ p `tf gd~Cl~ fi/Q.yfl~ f./ • . . P_O_BOX 9 42107 W_ $2Np AVE 'r'. IAIHEA7 RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 ATTENTION: DATE: - NO.OF• PAGES: . ~_ FROM: ~ FAX: . MESSAGE: .. ~`'c - c.ve r.p n (~c ~ T DG-ne.^• ~~~ ~ ~ Q.~ r ~~ ~ Use gEFAX~TbeErasebleAeusable Fax Gayer SbeetF~ Help Save~f T'reel n ~ ou.- r - Cf.~ ' 09/28/ab 14:18 303 424 0828 VALLEY 9VAT~aT -r-» CITY OF {9R .. _^~ Op WEST 29TH AVENUE o. aoxs3a The Gityof wHEATRtOGEC080034.Oa3a ~ (303)2.34-5900 G~'heat City Admin. Fmc ~ 234-5924 Aolice Dept F2x p 235.2943 ' . ~dge August 21, 1995 ~J 002 The wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for 9 ..,5...,,-.._,.. r_~ ,,,...,. __~ -r z_ ,..,._ --- - - - - tour response to 'the following questions-and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by ~Sem-Q,,,i.,,,r ~~ T9R5 NO response £XOm you b~* this date wi11 constitute no objections -or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE Na_ WZ-9S_J.2/Graphics West LOCATYON. 485D Ward Rd. ~~e~,~E~ REQUESTED ACTIQN: Rezoning, approval of an outline p7.aa development platL and plat- , ~s,~`~+ & final PilRPOSl±: 15,700 square foot building expansion AFPROR rMa~'x' AREA,: ,3.85 acres 1. Are .public facilities or ~-armi r• yirovided by your agency adequate t4 serve '~5 development? YES 1~t0 - If "NO°. Please esplair,}, below. ~ at prns2nt-will. with AFPD a~ a~~~,TpT- tO d,#scvss addl. 7ii]PS sub. hy'd t0 meet AFPD ,~~,,,;,-mnani-e 2. re sezvice~linbs available to the development? YES X NO If °NO"; p7.~ase explair.below. 3 YES X~vNO~telf pNOities to service ~ttxe development? " °, please eap3.aan. belCna. 4. Can and will your agency sexviag this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations2 YES X' NQ If °NO°, please explain below. 5. Are there-arty concerns or problems your agency has identified. wh3.ah would or should affect approval of~this request? Please reply td'. @~G~y%GGG~r- ~ M Reckert %Department f Planning & Development DZSTRISUTION: &: Water. D3striot (va-J.Iey ? .7S Sanitation District (Fruitdalk ~[ Fire DistrictE (Ay-vada } Adjacent Cites ; } X PUbliC Service CO. X US West Cpmm+mlCatiOnS State Land VSe Commission State Geological Survey X Colorado Dept_ of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wi_1.dlife TCI of Colorado 3efferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson CO. Schools Jefferson Co_ Commissioners Denver Water Board W R Post office W R Police Dept. XX W R Public Works DEpt. W R Parks & Recreation Com. W'R ForEStry Div. XX VI I{ Building Div. <pc>referralform ~ AnvL+r•Y.~ _... September 25, 7995 Ms Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department P.O. Sox 638 Wheat Ridge, OD 80034-0638 Re: Graphics West - 4850 Ward Road {SH 72) Dear Meredith, o jala ~ company I am in receipt of correspondence dated Septariber 8, T995, frcm the State of Colorado Department of Transportation, (copy enciosed)regarding access to Graphics West. First of ai i, f would 1 ike to make it very clear that we are not applying for new access to the Graphics West project. Secondly, we obtained by permit, two {2) curb cuts off Ward Road when the Graphics West project was approved in T976 and we have no intention of giving up either of the two curb cuts. The reason for this correspondence i s pure 1 y to have our pos i t ion a matter of record. Sincerely, ~~ Al ian R. Ojala for Graphics West cc: Alan McLean 6425 West 52nd Avenue, Arvada, Colorado 80002 Telephone 303-420-5656 _5. Y ~~.. 23"4 5924E C# OF ~h!HEAT RIDGE .~:. ?3 Page 272 "~b .G41 Se,p 19 Tu'e~ 7351.0 X1995 ;;- _: STAT~~ of ca~.oo DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~~ ~ H~ ©~ Region 6 2000 South Fhli Streee Denver, Colorado 60222 `-.~'~._~~ September 8, 1995 C4TY QF WHEAT Rli)Cc D ~~nn ~t~ t, _ City of Wheat Ridge 81~3'~'- P. a. Sox 538 ~~~ 1 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 _`r Attn: !i..Reckert ~~ U ~ RE: GRAPHICS WEST - .4850 WARD ROAD (sH 72) P(}S,NNiNG & DEVELOPMENT The Coldr3dc Department of Transportation has revie~ted the Graphics West development, and we have the following comments: 1. only one access will be allowed from Ward Road to this site. 2. CDOT R.O.W. plans indicate that ttxe existing R.O.W.~line is 5 feet further east, (35 feet from the 1/4 secticri line to the R.O.W. line). Nicholas Gardens plat has 30 feet from 1/4 section line to west line of Tract 5. CDOT acquired additional 5 feet in 1571, SK 2321, Pg. i83 recorded 11-30- 71 east s5. of feet 1ofD we t g10r0 =feet ofnTract 5,~ttiichi7~as Gardens, BK 2321, Pg. 185. Contact Dave Hasselblad at 757- 9924 if you have any questions. Sincerely, rG~~~r Prentiss R- Access/Utility Administrator GEP/gt cc: L. Warner L. Lipp IC, Harding/DH raf file SH 72 rf ,~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing_is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on October 5, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All.. interested ..citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or .submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: ._ ~k~~ ~ 1. Case No.WZ-95-12f An application by Alan C. McLean for approval of a rezoning from Planned 1 Development and Industrial to Planned commercial Development, for approval of an outline development plan and a final development plan and plat. Subject property is located at 4850 .ward Road and is legally described as follows: A resubdivision of a part of Tract 5 and Tract'3, Nicholas Gardens, located in the southeast one-quarter of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described 'as follows: Commencing at the. South. l/4 corner of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of-the 6th P.M.; thence northerly along the north-south centerline of said Section 17 which is also the centerline of Colorado Department of Highways #72 N 00°18'19" W, 375.14 feet; thence S 89°08'50" W, 31.03 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of said C.D.H. #72 to the True Point of Beginning; thence northerly along the said east right-of-way line of C.D.H. #72 N 00°20'50" W, 329.62 feet; thence N 89°02'40" E, .322.72 feet; thence N 00°18'19" W, 135.00 feet; thence N 89°02'41" E, 302.18 feet; thence S 00°20'54" E, 135.00 feet; thence S 89°06'48" W, 10.00 feet; thence S 00°20'54" E, 330.01 feet; thence S 8g°.Q B;.',SQ,!'.W.,, 615.00. feet. to the True_Point of `-Beginning-,- `- "' containing 5.59 acres, more or less. 2. Case No. WZ-95-13: An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final 'development plan_ Said property is located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North and is legally described as follows: A part of the SW1/4, SE1/4 of•Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. described as: Beginning at a point which is 789.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of the SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range b9 West and 303.5 feet north on a line parallel with the east line of the.SWl/4, SE1/4 of Sec.'16, T3S, R69W: Thence, continuing northerly along a line parallel to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 a distance of 181.50 feet; Thence, East parallel to the South line of the SW1/4 SE1/4, a ._ a distance of 299.70 feet; Thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4, a distance of 75.75 feet; Thence, West parallel to the South line of the SW1/4, SE1/4, a distance of 30.00-feet; Thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4, a distance of 75.75 feet;. Thence, East a distance of 271.30 feet to a point on the East line of the.SW1/4, SEl/4' Thence, South 30.00 feet along-the east line of the SW1/4, SE1/4; Thence, West parallel to the South line of the SWl/4, SE1/4 a distance of 541.00 feet to the Point of Beginning except the East 30 feet for roadway purposes, containing 1.363 acres, more or less, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. S ra Wiggins, e ary ATTEST: _. _ _ Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: September 21, 1995 Jefferson-Sentinel b:\c10595.phn v-SCC tfiJEST29TH A'JENUE P.o. pox esa The City of WHEAT P.IDGE. CC 30C34-C633 - (303) 234-5900 ~1Vheat City Aomin. Fax ~ 23=-5924 Police Deot. Fax # 235.2:yg Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. l/J ~ -~5- ("L PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADNSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: ~b ~$- (~j y-- I, residing at n a m e ~. a d d r e s s as the applicant for Case No.~+,~~ S-/~ hereby certify that I-have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at o c a t i o n on this ~ day o£ S~~( 19 ~( Ste, and do hereby certify that said sign has been .posted and remained in place for fifteen (i5) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: ~! A ~~ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. G u 4 <pc>postingcert rev. 05-19-94 T'me JEFFERSON SENTI~LS 1224 Wadsworth Blvd ~Lakewobd; CO 80215-5108 239-9890 THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE CITY OF-WHEAT RIDGE .7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO .80215 i ~vZ 09/22/95 INVOICE: LEGAL NOTICE 'PUBLICATION Our number: JW0160.921 Your identification: PUBLICATION DATES: 95/09/21 through 95/09%21 NUMBER OF LINES: 98 COPIES REQUESTED: 3 e~n Printing: 41.16 ~1~ (/. Copies:- ~ 0.00 TOTAL DUE: $ 41.16 Thank you for advertising in the Jefferson Sentinel Newspapers! e The JEFFERSON SENTINELS 1224 Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO 80215-5108 239-9890 THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 09/22/95 INVOICE: LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 'rn:i~o., Ea+i ei.ww. a xil.ao r«1 Ifos inl ontM ESSt lino ollM SW7/!, Our number: JW0160:921 Your identification: ~Th,~ somhaoaote.lal«uma...l ~ une Mm. sw+u.sElcs: ~ Thomq WM'-W!.~!I Io tM South Iine PUBLICATION DATES: 95/09/21 througYi .95/09/21. ~~+ ~dega~~«~a ~+ NUMBER OF LINES • 98 Ea.+ so r«i ror ,unar.r, a~wo•«. COPIES REQUESTED: 3 c~~~°°!°~~ /5/SoIMf41MtW+n. Printing: 41.16 !iiw;oea.~ "~`~°_"-` Copies: p., 00 .w,pe. cpycl.rw ' TOTAL DUE': $ 41.,16 RiW6hod tn:;p Jyrorwn, SoMinol JW0IB0A21 Thank you for advertising in the Jefferson Sentinel Newspapers! -5004VE5 i 29TH AVENUE °.O. 6OX as^38 .VHEAT =1DGE. CO 80034-Cc"3$ --.303) 234-590b ~.i;y Aorr~~. Fax N 234-5924 September 21, 1995 Police Dep,.~ Fax # 23~-c 49 ~- -The City of _~Wheat Ridge This is to inform you that Case No. w~-05-1~ which is a request for ~pFs9va1 of a rezoning from ~ D~and I to PCD, approval of an- nntl ; na naval opIlte_n_t- and a f-final development Man and -plat for property located at 4850 Ward Road will be heard by the Wheat Ridge planning ('ommicSion in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:30 p.m. on nntohar 5. l9 5 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the P1 anyZi ng [-'nmmi cci nn ~ ' As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform <^o i~~ Dear Adjacent Property Owner: If you-have received this notice, you reside or own property adjacent to a property involved in a land use case being processed by the City of Wheat Ridge. This notice is intended to inform you of the process involved in land use development applications. Prior to application for rezoning or special use permit, the developer is responsible for holding an informal neighborhood meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the opportunity for citizens to become aware of a proposed development in their neighborhood and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns in the design of their project. All residents within 600 feet are required to be notified of the meeting. A staff planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front of Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision- making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The public hearings you will be attending are quasi-judicial in nature. Please do not contact your Planning Commissioners or Council people to discuss the merits of a case prior to the public hearing. It could jeopardize your representatives'' ability to hear the case. If you are an adjacent property, you may have the right to file a "legal protest" against the application. The result of this filing is that it requires a 3/4 majority of City Council to approve a request. If you have questions regarding any of the information given above, do not hesitate to contact a planner at the City offices by calling 235-2846. The Planning & Development Department is " open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. <pc>adjpropowner _L-----°'-~-y-- __ m ~+ $ m ~, m ~ ~ ~n N ¢ ~ O N U i t0 ~ d ~ ~ O N 0 o y m D W y E -~ v d c y rl ~ _ W U N N m ~ E fL U ' ~^^o Z ,a ~ ~ - ~ GV U N ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ O U ` a ~ N a ~n 0 a ~ `~ v r v E 1 ~ ~ F o o .~ m a$'_ v ~E~ ' m c H~$ z~~ ~a °~ B~~ vt E ~' 3'a a a y m ~ ~E~ Q v ~ . ES S J$ ~ . a .~ Eli CM ~ o s~~ ~ ~ ~~ osy E ~ , ~. ~nw E ~ H) ¢~ v W~O,T L~Q9 cP'cC mN..~ N ~ {iF o ~~ E s~ t c~ ~ i4 \ V f ~~ ~ o E a~ 0o w f 30 ~ oN w ~ k ~=a ~ a U l ww~ 6 6 Ul _ ~{ t F ~ -~.» ~ M ~+ ~ ~ as °' ~ v ,~ a r! tti ~ 1"'~ "'Q ~ y S l~.f 5Z9 4ph 246 d D n N m ~ °o ~+ x ~ N N N N ~ ~ J D Z °¢o a W U W Z H W U W O D C W y ' ~ a m E " v C d ~ D T ~ ~ r m m ~ ~ 5 M m _ 1 m E ~ `~1 ~ L° n id a a i I a i w W ~ m ~ L L m ~ ` ~ ~ N LL LLLLLLLL CJ °' Q m m ` 'ff.. ~ N ~ o ~ ~ _ ~ N Y' na N ~ ~V Q ~~~ly~~~. v ~ ro I' I +r1 !'~7 ~ ;; i ~ ~~ ~ i f ~ 4 {~ ~ ': p ~ iE I'R 4 ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Q ~ ~~ ` ~ u ~ ~ I W ai ~° ~~ M J C ~~ O LL H a w U ~ o ~ ~ ~ ¢ ~~ o w u ~ z ~F a ~ w ~g w~ a a~ ~o w ~~ ° ~ a o 8 ~o € ~ 0 ~ Q m O LL z=~ ~ w ~ w w a w Q Q N j ~` ns ~ ~ O ~ ;3: ~ w ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C - :~ '~ d m __~ _ I pZ9 4ph 246 d `~ W LL ~~ U ll ~~ l T `m v r f M E LL a LL z w e° w~ w~ ~F ~ a U e L a ~, a ~ _ W ~ T `m O r 'U M ~4~~ ~} v ! 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H W U O LL F a w U W r a a N _ >~~> a r. °. ¢ a w °`°'°' ~ ~ ~ ~ ac $ m m a ~ ra _~~ w `~ ~ i ~W I N ~ ~ • L U m i r~ O ~_ LJ ~ ~ ~ i ~ `- N ~k ~o r°'nG¢ ~ m W m~ ¢ ~ ~ a o ~ ~ m B E N ° > N V N d I Q~ p ~ LV (" m ~' v lc~ o m .~ W ~ ~ m_ UI - O °a `m Kul P' ~2 ~ '> ~ O~1 ~~ W .E ~ v a r ro ~ ' ~ ~ ~ O ~ g E € -° ~ SAY 8~~ n ` - a '"ITT I x ~~m F t omd o m a,m ffi o to cr .~. .a C .-i SYt 9~ ~ ~~s '`~` o rn ~ .- a 4°~ N y Oap o~a # ~ ~ » N d lf ~ ~ .NO an d ~qq~ 'CJ tV iT5 h m I M C} M7 N E `aa~ t3$ o j ~'J ~ ~ I !f# C} tt c m m r ~~i o 's t*i ~ I i ~ '- .r2~ E? ri • > > ~f C• OJ ¢oa'' o~¢$'~ 1'? ai ~ 6fa ~ m `o i r$ FF..~~ pp ~ E ~ i~4~4a ~<#~da in w ~ [ r{ ~i CY N ¢i co a ~~ o y ~ N e W o W LLIa F U U ~ ~ OI O ~ ~ ~ ~ \ a_ w~ a W w w w ~ ~ ¢ ~~ ~ ~w o ~,° ~1 ° w w s< ~ as < Z N /$ C ~ ~ W $~ ~ IM C,? 8 ~> Q LL W ~ ~) OW Q Q V6 ~3 FSw W ~ LL 'fM~I DES ..++R~~., i ` 200 W U' ~LL W SV ~' ~ _oZ ti/ f~ ~ ~ ~ 30 W ~ ~~ ~ ~i W OON w 1 ~ ~ OFW t: ° sgs~ at ~ ~ o 1 0 m~ v ~ ~ ~ u ~o ~ 5 ~ 'i ~ N ° a --. - -ri ~ ~ -- `~ ~ r~ i`- ~ ~ - ~ Z ~, of C7 ~ ~ 1 ~ w > Z ~ ~ ~ ~- (n r ~ ¢ W (O- .. d ~ ¢ ¢ m ~ ~ ' `) hZQ 'Lph 2'C6 d ; 69g `Cph 2`C6 d u ~sqq //~~~~/~ October 5, 1995 ~: CITY OF tia3EAT RIDGE PLANNING CC)NF~IISSION FROM: ALAN C. MCf,RAN 'IO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: PLEASE CONSIDER THIS LETTER AS MY AUTHORIZATION FIOR ALLAN CJALA 'ICJ REPRESENT ME AND ACI IN MY RF'FTAT,R AT TONIG[3T' S PLANNING C-l'~I`~]MISSION MEETING TO CONSIDER MY REZONING CASE WZ-95-12/GRAPHICS WEST. SINCERELY, ~_~ ALAN C. MCLEAN 4850 Word Rood, P.O. Dox 208, Wheor Ridge, Colorado 80034,. Phone 303 425-0510, Fax 303 421-1153 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: October 5, 1995 DATE PREPARED: September 26, 7995 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-95-12JGraphics West CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Rezoning, approval of an outline and final plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4850 Ward Road NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Alan C. McLean, 4850 Ward Rd., Wheat Ridge NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same. APPROXIMATE AREA: 5.6 acres PRESENT ZONING: PID & I PRESENT LAND USE: vacant, industrial SURROUNDING ZONING: N: PCD, I; S: C-1, 1; E: PID; W: JeffCo SURROUNDING LAND USE: N S: Commercial, industrial; E: industrial; W: Ward Rd -JeffCo COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Industrial ---------------------------------------- DATE PUBLISHED: September 27, 1995 DATE POSTED: September 21, 7995 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: September 21, 1995 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX ) RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ( ) ENTER INTO RECORD: ( XX) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ( XX) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( }OTHER ( )NOT REQUIRED (XX)NONE (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (XX) SLIDES ( XX) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-95-12/Graphics West REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a rezoning from Planned Industrial Development and Industrial to Planned Industrial Development, approval of an outline development plan and final development plan and plat. The property in question is located at 4850 Ward Road and currently contains 4.6 acres. A development plan showing an industrial building on the eastern half and an office restaurant building on the western half was approved in 1976. The property was platted into two lots in 1986. Only the eastern portion of the property has been developed with a 35,000 square foot light industrial building. The applicant also owns the lot directly to the north and would like to build a 15,700 square foot addition crossing this common property line. In order to accomplish this, a rezoning, a revised outline plan and a revised final development plan and plat are required. There is already a freestanding building on the rear of this northern lot which will remain. 11. SUBDIVISION PLAT The applicant has submitted an amended plat which consolidates the eastern parcel and the parcel directly to the north of it into one lot. There are no changes to the front parcel. A five-foot dedication is required for Ward Road. No additional right-of-way is needed for Van Gordon Street. All easements of record are shown including a 50-foo8 access easement for the front parcel. Detention easements with a maintenance note have also been included. Aside from problems with the legal description, all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. III. OUTLINE PLAN An outline plan has been submitted showing basic use areas for both lots. Uses allowed are all C-1, C-2 and Industrial uses. There is some question as to whether an access to Ward Road from Parcel One will be allowed. The applicant is working with CDOT to resolve this item, however, this issue relates to development of Lot 1 which can be resolved with a building permit or revised final plan for Lot 1 at a later date. Both outside storage and billboard placement are prohibited. All requirements for an outline development plan have been met. IV. FlNAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Development on the front lot (Parcel 1) is dictated by a development plan approved in 1981. all conditions of that approval still apply. The development for Parcel 2 shows existing building coverage on both the north and south parcels as 37,338 square feet. The addition will raise this figure to 53.070 square feet or 32%. Parking and drive coverage will be 42% with 26% of the property as landscaping. Planning Division Staff Repor[ Page 3 Case No. WZ-95-12/Graphics West The addition appears very close to Van Gordon Street, however, because of the consolidation, this will be considered the rear of the lot. Section 26-24(H) of the Code of Laws allows rear setbacks along public streets to be 15 feet. The setback proposed is roughly 20 feet. The addition will be 25 feet in height and will match the construction type and materials used in the main building. All requirements for a final development plan have been met. V. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies can serve the property. Arvada Fire District will require a fire hydrant on Van Gordon. Public Works will require a drainage study. There are legal description problems on the plat. CDOT is allowing only one access to both lots from Ward Road. The applicant is pursuing a future curb cut predicated by development of the front parcel. VI. REZONING CRITERIA CRITERIA FOR REZONING REQUESTS In accordance with Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Sec. 26-6(C.), before a change of zone is approved, the applicant shall show and City Council shall find: That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Industrial. Both the current and proposed zoning on the northern parcel are consistent with this designation. The rezoning would consolidate zoning and use for property under ownership of the applicant. 2. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The proposed zoning and use will be an extension of the existing light manufacturing use to the south. Zoning on all sides of the development is either zoned I, PID or PCD and is used commercially or industrially. Staff concludes tha4 the proposal is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benef"ds to the community derived by the change off zone. There will be increased economic benefits to the community as this is an extension of the owner's current operation. There will also be visual benefits as the property will be developed with parking lot paving and landscaping where there is none now. Planning Division Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-95-72(Graphics West 4. That adequate infrastructure~facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All agencies are currently serving the property. There is adequate infrastructure to serve the expansion. 5. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. There may be increased traffic because of the business expansion, however, the streets have adequate capacity to handle any increase. Drainage will have to follow historic flows. The amount of air and light to adjacent properties should not be a concern as the addition will be 25 feet in height. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. The property is being used in conformance with the current zoning. Rezoning will consolidate zoning and development on the two properties. 7. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacerd or nearby areas. Spot zoning is not an issue as there are industrial and commercial zonings on all sides. 8. That there is a void in an area or commundy need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available aRernatives. The rezoning will allow for 4he expansion of a very successful business in the City of Wheat Ridge. Staff concludes the criteria support approval of this request. VII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS Staff concludes that in order for expansion of the existing building 40 occur, a rezoning, outline plan and final development plan.~and plat is required. Staff further concludes that the rezoning evaluation criteria support approval of this request. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given with the following condition: Legal description problems on the plat be resolved. VIII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: _ OPTION A: "1 move that Case No. WZ-95-12, a request for approval of a rezoning from PID and I to PID, approval of an outline plan and final development plan and plat for property located at 4850 Ward Road, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. 14 will allow expansion of the existing building to the north. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations have been met." ~~ Planning Division Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-95-y2~Graphics West With the following conditions: t. Legal description problems on the plat be resolved. OPTION B: I move that Case No. WZ-95-72, a request for approval of a rezoning from PID and I to PID, approval of an outline plan and final development plan and plat for property located at 4850 Ward Road, be Denied for the following reasons: 2. 3." B:~wz9572. sr CASE NO: WZ-95-12 PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST DATE: October 5, 1995 REQUEST: An application by Alan C. McLean for approval of a rezoning from Planned Industrial Development and Industrial to Planned Industrial Development, for approval of an outline development plan and a final development plan and plat for property located at 4850 Ward Rd. Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 October 5, 1995 3. PLEDG$ OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF TAE AGENDA Chairperson ECKHARDT stated that, since Mr. Gidley could not be present at this meeting, the discussion regarding Ridge Home Property (Item No. 11) would be postponed to our next regular meeting.- With this change, the agenda was approved by consensus.- 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES No minutes were approved at this meeting. The minutes for the. meeting of September-21 will be included in our next packet. Commissioners LANGDON AND CERVENY arrived at-7,34 p.m. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing section of the agenda.) No one had signed the roster, nor came forward to speak at .that time. 7. PIIBLIC REARING 1. Case No. WZ-95-12c _An application by Alan C, McLean for approval of a rezoning from Planned Industrial Development and Industrial to Planned Industrial Development, for approval of an outline development plan and a final development plan and plat for property located at 4850 Ward Road. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report, which included slides. Entered-and accepted into the record were the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, case file, packet materials and exhibits. Commissioner WILLIAMS noted a discrepancy regarding the parcel size. Ms. Reckert stated the current planned development is 4.6 acres; but with the addition of the adjacent parcel,. the parcel size increases to 5.6 acres. Allan Ojala, 6425: West 52nd Avenue, Arvada was sworn in. Mr. Ojala stated he was not the applicant, but had been authorized to represent the applicant. Ms. Reckert confirmed that Mr. Ojala was authorized by Mr. McLean to represent him tonight. He announced that he was prepared_to answer any questions from Commission. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 - October 5, 1995 Commissioner CERVENY asked Mr. Ojala how the proposed addition would be constructed. Mr. Ojala answered every effort would be made to. match the addition as closely as possible to the existing structure. He explained. Commissioner CERVENY asked if further documentation was necessary before-the case was referred to City Council? Ms. Reckert stated the elevations documentation was not included in the packet. That will be included in the Council packet. Commissioner CERVENY asked if a drainage study would be necessary. Ms. Reckert stated-the drainage study should be available by the Council meeting. Commissioner CERVENY property, had been a added that if Commis; conflict of interest not. He stated that past association. stated that Mr. McLean, owner of the client approximately ten years ago. He' lion felt this, in any way, would be a .for him to vote on this case, then he would his decision would not be influenced by this Consensus was to allow Commissioner CERVENY to .participate. Commissioner WILI;IAMS moved that Case No. WZ-95-12, a request for approval of a rezoning from PID. and I to PID, and approval of an outline development plan and a final development plan and plat for property located at 4850 Ward Road be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It will allow expansion of the existing building to the .north. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations have been met. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion: Motion carried 8-0 2. Case No. WZ-95-13: An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan. Said property is located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report, which included slides. Entered and accepted into the record were the Zoning Ordinance, case file, packet materials and exhibits. • Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 October 5, 1995 Commissioner OWENS asked if the existing building was metal. Is there existing brick veneer? Ms. Reckert answered that .the office portion o€ the existing building contained some brick veneer. Staff would like to have this detail-picked up on the proposed building, however recognizes that this is an industrial area. Daniel R_ Dearing, 10501 West 48th Avenue, was sworn in. Mr. Dearing pointed out_the portions of the existing building that had brick veneer, adding that his preference would be to carry the gray sheeting throughout on the addition.- He added that closure of the West cusb_cut would not pose a problem, providing the fire department agrees to the closure. Commissioner LANGDON asked Mr. Dearing of a brick veneer could be applied to a metal building or would it require a special footing, etc. It was explained how the brick veneer could he. added by Mr. bearing's building contractor. Mr. Dearing stated he felt the brick veneer requirement would not be unreasonable and that he wanted the building to look nice. He also anticipated-doing some landscaping upgrades. Commissioner JOHNSON suggested that the applicant have elevations available at the. Council meeting. Ms. Reckert reminded applicant that he must have a preliminary drainage report in review prior. to the City Council hearing. Commissioner RASPLICKA noted that the addition was not being made to the office (which had the brick veneer). Mr. Dearing agreed that was true and pointed out where the addition would be constructed- Commissioner RASPLICKA stated that if the applicant was added to the office, he would agree the brick veneer would be appropriate. Chairperson ECKHARDT suggested perhaps upgraded landscaping could take the place of the. brick veneer. Mr. Dearing explained his plans to Commission- Commissioner OWENS asked why the applicant had to go through this process, rather than just applying for a building permit. ! r Planning Commission Minutes October 5, 1995 Page 5 Ms. Reckert explained that the parcel in question was a planned development and this process is necessary in order to amend that planned development. Commissioner WILLIAMS asked what the landscape requirement was. Ms. Reckert answered that a minimum of 100 landscaping is the requirement for commercial property. The applicant is slightly above the requirement. Commissioner WILLIAMS stated that brick veneer would detract from, rather than enhance, this proposed addition. He added that matching the existing structure would be more attractive. Commissioner OWENS moved that Case No. WZ-95-13, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan-for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property, but rather some enhancement. Commissioner RASPLICICA seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0_ 8. CLOSE THE PIIBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner CERVENY brought to,Commission's attention an article publ-ished_by the Golden Transcript in which the Certificate of Resolution regarding the ballot issue "STREET WIDTH DESIGNATION",. prepared by Commission, was discussed. . Commissioner CERVENY read a portion of a quote from the article made by Mr. Vance Edwards "This planning commission is dominated by a good old boy network. They are scared to death this will, take. their power away and the citizens will make the decisions, and they should be scared to death.. If. this passes, the power will go to the citizens and maybe the messages of the good old boys network are starting to erode.'! Edwards also made the following statement regarding planning - commission: "They never met a road they didn't want to widen and they never met a developer they didn't like". CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE N0: WZ-95-12 LOCATION: 4850 Ward Road APPLICANT(S) NAME:. Alan C. McLean OWNER(S) NAME: Same. REQUEST: Rezoning, approval of an outline and final development plan and plat APPROXIMATE AREA: 5.6 -acres --- - - - -- WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to_be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts.. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner WILLIAMS,~seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON,-that Case No. WZ-95-12, an application by Alan C. McLean for approval of a rezoning and outline and final development plan and plat fox property located at 4854 Ward Road be Approved fox the following reasons: 1. It will allow expansion of the existing building to the north. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations have been met. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Williams, Owens, Rasplicka, Cerveny, Langdon, Crompton and Johnson NO: None. I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 8 - 0 vote of the members present st their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 5th day of October, 1995. WHEAT RIDGE O~ COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE b:\WZ-95-12.res -- ' ' Notice ie hereby given the City of Wheat Ridge 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West interested citizens are submit written comments NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING that a Public Hearing is to be held before City Council on November 27, 1995 at 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. -All invited to speak at the Public Hearing or The following petitions shall be heard: Case_LTO.WZ-95-12: An application by Alan C. McLean for approval of a Planned Industrial Development final development plan and plat. Subject property is located at 4850 Ward Road_and is legally described as follows: A resubdivis_ion of a part of Tract 5 and Tract 3, Nicholas Gardens, located in the southeast one-quarter of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the South 1/4 corner of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M.; thence northerly along the north-south centerline of said Section 17 which is also the centerline of Colorado Department of Highways #72 N 00°18'19"_W, 375.14 feet; thence S 89°08'50" W, 31.03-feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of said C.D.H_ #72 to the True Point of Beginning; thence northerly along the said east right-of-way -line of C.D.H. #72 N 00°20'5D" W, 329.62 feet; thence N 89°02'40" E, 322.72 feet; thence N 00°18'19". W, 135.00 feet; thence N 89°02'41" E, 302.18 feet; thence S 00°20'54" E, 135.00 feet; thence S 89°06'48" W, 10.00 feet; thence S 00°20'54" E, 330.01 feet; thence S 89°08'50" W, 615.00 feet to the True Point .of Beginning, containing 5.59 acres, more or less. 2. Case No. WZ-95-13: An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan. Said property is located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North and is legally described as follows: A part of the SW1/4, SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. described as: Beginning at a_point which is 789.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of the SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West and 303.5 feet north on a line parallel with the east line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 of Sec. 16, T3S, R69W: Thence, continuing northerly along a line parallel to-the East line of-the SW1/4, SE1/4 a_distance of 181.50 feet; Thence, East parallel to the South line of the SW1/4 SEl/4, a distance of 299.70 feet; Thence,_South parallel, to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4, a distance of 75.75 feet; Thence, West parallel to .the South line of the.SWl/4, SEl/4, a distance of 30.00-feet; Thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4, a distance of 75.75 feet; Thence, East a distance of 271.30 feet to a point on the East line of .the SW1/4, SE1/4; .Thence.,. South 30.-00 feet along the east line of the SW1/4, SE1/4; Thence, West parallel to the South line of the.SWl/4, SE1/4 a distance of 541.00 feet_to the Point of Beginning_except the East 30 feet for roadway purposes, containing 1.363 acres, more or less-, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ATTEST: ~` Sa a Wiggins, e ary Wanda Sang, City_Clerk To be Published: November 9, 1995 Jefferson_Sentinel b:\c112795.phn '500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.J. BOX 638 WHEAT nIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (3031 234-5900 City Admin. Fax # 234-@924 November 8, 1995 Police Dept. Faz t 235-2949 The City of ~V6~heat Ridge This is to inform you that Case No. r,,» _AS_~~ which is a request for a~pro~Tal t~f a ra~nning -f rnm PTiI and T--t r, yC,n. a~groval of an--outline development and a final development p]_an and plat for property located at 4850 Ward Road will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:00 p.m. , On NnvamhPr 27, 10QS .. All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration mu be present at this hearing before the Citg oun.il As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform Ci K.. ~. h~e Yepm .-_ Dear Adjacent Property Owner: If you have received this notice, you reside or own property adjacent to a property involved in a land use case being processed by the City of Wheat Ridge. This notice is intended to inform you of the process involved in land use development applications. Prior to application for rezoning or special use permit, the developer is responsible for holding an informal neighborhood meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the opportunity for citizens to become aware of a proposed development in their neighborhood and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns in the design of their project. All residents within 600 feet are required to be notified of the meeting. A staff planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, it is the public hearings in front of Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision- making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The public hearings you will be attending are quasi-judicial in nature. Please do not contact your Planning Commissioners or Council people to discuss the merits of a case prior to the public hearing. It could jeopardize your representatives' ability to hear the case. If you are an adjacent property, you may have the right to file a "legal protest" against the application. The result of this filing is-that it requires a 3/4 majority of City Council to approve a request. If you have questions regarding any of the information given above, do not hesitate to contact a planner at the City offices by calling 235-2846. The Planning & Development Department is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. <pc>adjpropowner CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE' OF MEETING: November 27, 1995 DATE PREPARE~,D~November 15, 1995 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-95-12/Graphics Wes4 CASE MANAGER:" Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Rezoning, approval of an outline and final plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4850 Ward Road NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Alan C. McLean, 4850 Ward'Rd., Wheat Ridge NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same. APPROXIMATE AREA: 5.6 acres PRESENT ZONING: PID & I PRESENT LAND USE: vacant, industrial SURROUNDING ZONING: N: PCD, I; S: C-1, I; E: PID; W: JeffCo SURROUNDING LAND USE: N S: Commercial, industrial; E: industrial; W: Ward Rd -JeffCo COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Industrial DATE PUBLISHED: November 2, 1995 DATE POSTED: November 13, 1995 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: November 8, 1995 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX ) RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ( ) ENTER INTO RECORD: _ ~ ~ v (XX) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ( XX) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( )OTHER ( )NOT REQUIRED (XX)NONE ( XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (XX) SLIDES ( XX) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-95-12JGraphics West REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a rezoning from Planned Industrial Development and Industrial to Planned Industrial Development, approval of an outline development plan and final development plan and plat. The property in question is located at 4850 Ward Road and currently contains 4.6 acres. A development plan showing an industrial building on the eastern half and an officeJrestaurant building on the western half was approved in 1976. The property was platted into two lots in 1986. Only the eastern portion of the property has been developed with a 35,000 square foot light industrial building. The applicant also owns the lot directly to the north and would like to build a 15,700 square foot addition crossing this common property line. In order to accomplish this, a rezoning, a revised outline plan and a revised final development plan and plat are required. There is already a freestanding building on the rear of this northern lot which will remain. II. SUBDIVISION PLAT ___„_ The applicant has submitted an amended plat which consolidates the eastern parcel and the parcel directly to the north of it into one tot. There are no changes to the front parcel. A five-foot dedication is required for Ward Road. No additional right-of-way is needed for Van Gordon Street. All easements of record are shown including a 50-foot access easement for the front parcel. Detention easements with a maintenance note have also been included. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. III. OUTLINE PLAN An outline plan has been submitted showing basic use areas for both lots. Uses allowed are all C-1, C-2 and Industrial uses. There is some question as to whether an access to Ward Road from Parcel One will be allowed. The applicant is working with CDOT to resolve this item, however, this issue relates to development of Lot 1 which can be resolved with a building permit or revised final plan for Lot 1 at a later date. Both outside storage and billboard placement are prohibited. All requirements for an outline development plan have been met. IV. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Development on the front lot (Parcel 1) is dictated by a development plan approved in 1981. all conditions of that approval still apply. The development for Parcel 2 shows existing building coverage on both the north and south parcels as 37,338 square feet. The addition will raise this figure to 53.070 square feet or 32%. Parking and drive coverage will be 42% with 26% of the property as landscaping. Planning Division Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-95-'12JGraphics West The addition appears very close to Van Gordon Street, however, because of the consolidation, this will be considered 4he rear of the lot. Section 26-24(H) of the Code of Laws allows rear setbacks along public streets to be t5 feet. The setback proposed is roughly 20 feet. The addition will 6e 25 feet in height and will match the construction type and materials used in the main building. All requirements for a final development plan have been met. V. AGENCY REFERRALS A11 agencies can serve the property. Arvada Fire District will require a fire hydrant on Van Gordon. Public Works has reviewed and approved a drainage study. CDOT is allowing only one access to both lots from Ward Road. The applicant is pursuing a future curb cut predicated by development of the front parcel. VI. REZONING CRITERIA CRITERIA FOR REZONING REQUESTS In accordance with Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Sec. 2Crti(C.), before a change of zone is approved, the applicant shall show and City Council shall find: That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Industrial. Both the current and proposed zoning on the northern parcel are consisten4 with this designation. The rezoning would consolidate zoning and use for property under ownership of the applicant. 2 That the proposed change of zone is compatible with 4he surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The proposed zoning and use will be an extension of the existing light manufacturing use to the south. Zoning on all sides of the development is either zoned I, PID or PCD and is used commercially or industrially. Staff concludes that the proposal is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use. 3. Thak there will 6e social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change off zone. There will be increased economic benefits to the community as this is an extension of the owner's current operation. There will also be visual benefits as the property will be developed with parking lot paving and landscaping where there is none now. • Planning Division Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-95-12/Graphics West 4. That adequate infrastructure(facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All agencies are currently serving the property. There is adequate infrastructure to serve the expansion. 5. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. There may be increased 4raffic because of the business expansion, however, the streets have adequate capacity to handle any increase. Drainage will have to follow historic flows. The amount of air and light to adjacent properties should not be a concern as the addition will be 25 feet in height. 6. That the properly cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. The property is being used in conformance with the current zoning. Rezoning will consolidate zoning and development on the two properties. 7. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Spot zoning is not an issue as there are industrial and commercial zonings on all sides. 8. That there is a void in an area or commundy need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facil""dies especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. The rezoning will allow for the expansion of a very successful business in 4he City of Wheat Ridge. Staff concludes the criteria support approval of this request. VII. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on October 5, 1995. a recommendation of Approval was made for the following reasons: 1. It will allow expansion of the existing building to the north. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations have been met. VIII. STAFF CONCLUSIONS Staff concludes that in order for expansion of the existing building to occur, a rezoning, outline plan'and final development plan and plat is required. Staff further concludes that the rezoning evaluation criteria support approval of this request. All the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations have been met, therefore, a recommendation of Approval is given for Case No. WZ-95-12. IX. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Planning Division Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-95-12~Graphics West OPTION A: "I move tha4 Case No. WZ-95-72, a request for approval of a rezoning from PID and I to PID, approval of an outline plan and final development plan and plat for property located at 4850 Ward Road, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. It will allow expansion of the existing building to the north. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request, 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations have been met." OPTION B: °'I move that Case No. WZ-95-12, a request for approval of a rezoning from PID and 1 to PID, approval of an outline plan and final development plan and plat for property located at 4850 Ward Road, be Denied for the following reasons: 7. 2. 3." B:lwz9512. sr -RECEP TION NO.~BBBb 6.00 0 COLO TY PG: 0001-001 7/05/95 10:28 74P .. , RECORDE~IN JEFFERSON COUN L ~ hRVADh ..:... ... ., T :.'_ N $ ~- _ _ WMAT RIp9C ~ it ~ . WZ-00.19 WL-61E SW ~ ~~ . .~ RPI.aTRIAL LTD. N - N - e^ LI . ] wz-es-s 111 _ ~' - ° ~, R ~~PID z 8 ~ ~ ~ _ - , , ~ W~ ~ Y L~ JDLL.Y RANL HL INC. . ~~ wwrl+wvE I - . - ~ r~ ° ~ ~ - - - ""~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ - ~' I D ~ ~ w ,,¢ z-w-T _,a_~ ,~D ~ ~ . 2 ~~ ~ ~,, ~ ~_ ~L LL ~~~ / ~ ' ~ ~~ O HO PAR P V $ ' i ; ~,tr INO Sl 3D l~t I sln. lD PID - -' ' ~ ~ ~~~~ .S .:~... .:~y...,.ii. N~Ic~A.s a~wDa+s Gp~ +z , :::::4L : :::::::::::.~,:::::: - ,1 ..:.Riiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii~. i w2-~rs-w 1 - ' ~ ':~ i~ ~' F¢-Te-u9 I ~ ~ ;~._ --- ~ ~ ~ __ 'ii;'"~ mo ~ ~ ; ~ : o _ Mf TI-TO _ __-_-~` I} FFI GI O J~L ~ ZONE DISTRICT 80UNDRY ] /~ ZONING M~T~ -FARCE/LOT BOUVDRY WHEr°c T RIDGE O WNERShiIPI ( D E IGN :~; A ~L E C I TY ,Y ., P fI I D GOLORI~DO ---- WATER FEATURE - - DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESS°_5 MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: Nay 10, 1995 _ - M0..MTAIN VISTA ~! PGD QeTns~e:rt cerFax+lx +4~' ~```N ~. j ~„~. wzjw-II 5~ ~~ -~e.__. _.r- ~.._ NaISIN o m wo SGAL.E !'=400 ~/ D9hR'!hBli DF P(NCJIN6 AfID DEVBOPrBdf -735-205] ~- AGENDA ITEM RECAP ' AGENDA ITEM Meeting Date QUASI-JUDICIAL X _ Yes No _ PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY ADM. MATTERS ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING PROC./CEREMONIES CITY ATTY. MATTERS x _ BIDS/MOTIONS - LIQUOR HEARINGS ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING _ INFORMATION ONLY PUBLIC COMMENT RESOLUTIONS _ AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Case No. WZ-95-12/Graphics West SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: Consider a rezoning from Planned Industrial Development and Industrial to Planned Industrial District for property located at 4850 Ward Road 'and for approval of an outline development plan. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Council Bill No. 2) 3) BUDGETED ~ O ITEM Yes No Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount $ Requested Expend.S Requires Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation Yes No SUGGESTED MOTION: I move that Council Bill be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, 19.94, at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Bldg., and if approved on second reading take effect 15 days after final publication. i _ PUBLIC HEARINGS _ PROC./CEREMONIES _ BIDS/MOTIONS INFORMATION ONLY AGENDA ITEM TITLE: .AGENDA ITEM RECAP QUASI-JUDICIAL Yea No _ CITY ADM. MATTERS --_ CITY ATTY. MATTERS _ LIQIIOR HEARINGS PIIBLIC COMMENT _ ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS ORDLNANCES FOR 1ST READING X ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING RESOLUTIONS Case No. WZ95-12/McLean for Graphics West SIItdtlARY/RECOMMENDATION: Consider a rezoning from Planned Industrial Development and Industrial to Planned Industrial Development, approval of an outline development plan and final development plan and plat. Property is located at 4850 Ward Road. A mrecommendation of approval is given. ATTACHMENTS: BUDGETED i) C.B. ~ ITEM: Yes No 2) RCM memo 3) Btaff report Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount S Requested Expend.$ Requires Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation Yes No SUGGESTED MOTION: I move that Case No. WZ95-12, a request for approval of a rezoning from PID and I to PID, approval of an outline plan and final development plan and plat for property located at 4850 Ward Road, be approved for the following reasons: 1. It will allow expansion of the existing building to the north. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordfinance and Subdivision rEgulations have been met. ~~' CITY COIINCIL MINIITES: November 27, 1995 Page -5- Item 5. Application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan, far property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North. (Case No. WZ-95-1~ Case WZ-95-13 was introduced by Mrs. Worth; title read by the Clerk. Daniel R. Dearing, applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor and presented his case. Glen Gidley was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. Motion by Mrs. Worth that Case No. WZ-95-13, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a final development plan amendment have been made; 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property; 3. The curb cut on the frontage road be for emergency access only. 4. No permit be issued until the revised drainage plan has been submitted; seconded by Mr. Solano; carried 8-0. Item 6. Council Bill 28 - an Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning from Planned Industrial Development and Industrial to Planned Industrial Development District on land located a4 4850 Ward Road and for approval of an outline development plan, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No: WZ-95-12> (Alan C. McLean) Council Bill 28 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Solano; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 1010 assigned. Allan Ojala, representing the applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor; he asked for approval of the application. , Mr. Gidley presented the staff report. Motion by Mr. Solano that Case No. WZ-95-12, a request for approval of a rezoning from PID and I to PID, approval of ari outline plan and final development plan and plat for property located at 4850 Ward Road, be approved for the following reasons: 1. It will allow expansion of the existing building to the north. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations have been met; seconded by Mr. Eafanti. Mrs. Worth asked for a friendly amendment that landscaping be provided as on the plan. Mr. Solano and second accepted this. Motion carried 8-0. - ` i ' '~ 1~ INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER soL6xo Council Bill No. 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1010 Series of 1995 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FROM PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ON LAND LOCATED AT 4850 WARD ROAD AND FOR APPROVAL OF AN OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Upon application by Alan C. McLean for approval of rezoning in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. WZ-95-12 and based upon recommendation for approval and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge maps are hereby amended to include in a Planned Industrial Development district the following described land: A resubdivision of a part of Tract 5 and Tract 3, Nicholas Gardens, located in the southeast one-quarter of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the South 1/4 corner of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M.; thence northerly along the north-south centerline of said Section 17 which is also the centerline of Colorado Department of Highways #72 N 00° i 8'19" W, 375.14 feet; thence S 89°08'50" W, 31.03 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of said C.D.H. #72 to the True Point of Beginning; thence northerly along the said east right-of-way line of C.D.H. #72 N 00°20'50" W, 329.62 feet; thence N 89°02'40" E, 322.72 feet; thence N 00°18'19" W, 135.00 feet; thence N 89°02'41" E, 302.18 feet; thence S 00°20'54" E, 135.00 feet; thence S 89°06'48" W, 10.00 feet; thence S 00°20'54" E, 330.01 feet; thence S 89°08'50" W, 615.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, containing 5.59 acres, more or less. Ordinance No. 1010 Page 2 Case No. WZ-95-12/Alan C. McLean Section 2 Conditions. The outline development recorded at reception number 81021952 on April 1, 1981, shall control development on Parcel One. The outline plan approved with this rezoning shall control development on Parcel Two. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper Legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severabilitv. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be judged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgement shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect ~,~ days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of s to 0 on this z3ra day of October 1995, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing antl consideration on final passage set for NovNov mfr 27 , 1995, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of $ to 0 ,.this 27th day of November , igg5. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 28th day of November , 1995. DAN WILDE, MAYOR Wanda Sang, City Cleck.- Y Ordinance No. 1010 Case No. WZ-95-12(Alan C. McLean 1st Publication: November z, 2nd Publication: December 7, Jefferson Sentinel Effective Date: December 22, Page 3 APP A~ M B~TTORNEY GERA D DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY 1995 1995 1995 c:\wp60\o rd\wz9512.o rd