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rn® cry or Wheat Ridge ..~ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Department of Planning and Development 7500. West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 phnne f3031 237-6944 .. Applicant ~J}Jl/(~(. ~i ~E~Address ~OSD/ GU 7d /a'U~Phone ~ ~ -~~~ Owner -G~~~ Add`r/e~srys Phone Location of -request /~.~D/ ~7"d ~~~ Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change pecial use permit Flood plain special exception Conditional use permit Interpretation of code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision Public Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation Preliminary Miscellaneous plat 8 Final Solid waste landfill/ ** See attached procedural guide mineral extraction permit for specific requirements. ^ Other Detailed Description of request ~~,' ~ /D ~~~~/V~ ~~/Lf List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~DA-~y~E~ ~C' Li /N4 /DSO/ Gd~i~N/G-'~ ~~~ 9S/~ - ._ _ __ _ _ e - - -~.- `-- ~ .. ~ ~___ . ---- I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this tion on his b .alf. Signature of Applicant ~ f''"`~ Subscribed and sworn to me this ~~ay of ~~~ 19 9c~ ~--- My ~er~m~rsien~iE~ire~-gF69/97 Notary blic G3551:'aid Eoa~ SEAL 4N^':, ;: •ti,0^,4 My commission expires .~ ~ ,r Date Received ~'v/- ~~xeceipz rvci. c.-yv~~ ~a~= ~•~• .&oNed ct o'clock -M., ~~ :CEPTION N0. 92011513 RecrplionN Rrern L/04/92 11:20 5.00 _ _ -~.__---.. ._ - - • RECORDED IN QUIT CLAIM DEED - -COUNTY OF SEFF'ERS`ON STATE OF COLORADO nd /~~ as ~^ ~~ Vm ~~ i~ THIS DEED, Mad<this 9th. day of November ,19 90 _~ - betw«n Richard R. Dearing and Jacqueline J. Dearing, rt 'f~' as to an undivided 50% interest and Daniel R. Dearing ,. ' and Debra Lee Dearing, as to an undivided 50% interest of the 'County of Jefferson and state or Colorado, gmntor(s), and Daniel R. Dearing whose legal address is 10501 W. 48th. Avenue ~ Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 of the County of Jefferson and Snte of Colorado, grantee(s), WCCNESSETH, That the gmnlor(s), for and in consideration of the sum at One Dollar and other good dnd valuable consideration---------------------------------------=-----------DO1~,ARs the rettipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknsnvledged, ha 5 mniud, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, end by these prcunts do ge remise, r<lecoe, sell, convey end QUIT CLAIM unto the gnnta(s), h i 5 heirs, successors end cosigns, forever. sIl the right, title, interest, claim end demand which the grantor(s) has in and to the seal property, together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson andSwe of Colorado, deseribed as follows: Apart of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4 of section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th. P.M., described as: Beginning at a point which is 789.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of the SE 1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West and 303.5 feet North of a line parallel with the East line of the SW 1/4, SE i/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West; thence, continuing Northerly along a line parallel to the East line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4, a distance of 181.50 feet; thence, East parallel to the South line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4, a distance of 299.70 feet; thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4, a distance of 75.75 feet; thence, West parallel to the South line of the SW i/4, SE 1/4 a distance of 30.00 feet; thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4 a distance of 75.75 feet; thence East a distance of 270.30 feet to a point on the East line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4; thence, South 30.00-feet along the East line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4; thence West parallel to the South line of the SW 1/4, SE 1/4 a distance of 541.00 feet to the point of Beginning, txCEN'I the East 3u.00 feet for roadway purposes, EXCEPT that portion described as BECKER INDUSTRIAL PARK, and EXCEPT that portion Deeded to the State Department of Highways, recorded March 1, 1982 at Reception No. 82013111, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. also known by strtel and number co: 10501 W. 48th. AVenUe Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all end singular the appurtenantts end privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereuno appertaining, end all the estate, right, title, intertst and claim whatsoever, of Ne granor(s), either in law a equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantor(s), hj S heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The grantor(s) ha 5 executed this dad on the date set forth above. '~/p~/~~9 (/f~ ~ ,(, C 9'll.~ ~ ~ V-k-~GL L C L 1. ~ _ Lt-Q d R. Dearin Daniel~R• Dearing ~, - n , - ,. .: i c Jac~uel he J. DearlVlg 'J' Debra Lee rin~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ STATE OF COLORADO, ss. County of The fomgoing instrument was acknowledged befort merhis ~.rs4 day of ~!vC2`e~'~LL''w ,1990, by Richard R. Dearing and Jacqueline J. Dearing and Daniel R. Dearing and Debra Lee Dearing My commission expires' L' „3 ~ . 1992. tartness my hand and official seal. ,,~+,^,;;1;;~„ Navy NNk n 'If in Denver, insert "City end " __ No. 9t3, Rw, 3A5. QInT 1:1.A1M n¢rn ~ a,.a(o,a PUFI1,Fin,, Sr^. W fiN Me., I~kewd, C0 meta - fnn13l)dGla C N'r *sr ~'e. LES~tE t.JFlinRa;KE 1'~ 7500 WEST 29TH A`JENUE P.O. BOX 63S ThE City Of WHEAT RIDGE. C05003a-053S x,303; 234-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax ~ 234~592~ Police Dept. Fax k 2352949 Ridge July 26, 1995 Mr. Dick Dearing High County Auto Body 10501 West 48th Avenue Wheat Ridge- CO 80033 Dear Mr. Dearing: This letter is•concerning property located at 10501 West 48th Avenue within the City of Wheat Ridge. The property is currently zoned Planned Industrial Development and is developed in compliance with the existing final development plan (known as Becker Industrial Park). Any increase in the building footprint will require approval of an amendment to the final. development plan. This procedure is similar to a rezoning process in that-there are. required public hearings in front of Planning Commission and City-Council. In regard to the-questiori of_whether-a metal building addition is feasible, please consider the following: The City of Wheat Ridge does allow the use of metal buildings, as long as all building and fire codes- can be met. However, Planning Staff will be making the recommendation that there be brick veneer or other similar material on at least the side of the building fronting I-70. Keep.in mind that the process-for plan amendment is quasi-judicial in nature. A recommendation from Staff does not guarantee what is approved by City Council. If you have questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 245-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw cc: Becker Industrial Park file -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.o. aox s3s _ _ - - -= The Crty of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0636 -- -_- 1.303) 234-5900 ~1Vheat City Admin. Fax T 234-5924 Pc:~ce Dept. Fax k 235-2949 Ridge September 8, 1995 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for aznrnval of an amendment to a PID final development plan at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by GPp+amhar 22, 199R No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-95-13/bearing LOCATION: 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North/High Country Auto Body REQUESTED ACTION: Amendment to a PID final development plan PURPOSE: 5900 square foot building expansion APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.36 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or shoul d affect approval of this request? / ~ Please reply to: /1~G1,, M. Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Valley ) Jefferson Co. Health Dept. X Sanitation District (Fruitdal~ Jefferson Co. Schools X Fire District (Arvada ) Jefferson Co. Commissioners Adjacent City ( ) Denver Water Board Public Service Co. W R Post Office US West Communications W R Police Dept. State Land Use Commission X W R Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey W R Parks & Recreation Com. X Colorado Dept. of Transportation W R Forestry Div. Colorado Div. o£ Wildlife X W R Building Div. TCI of Colorado <pc>referralform <1 n," ~., r~,d r~~~~~ t MEMORANDUlVi~ Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner II FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer ~. DATE: September 17, 1995 SiTBJ: 10501 W. I-70 Frontage Road North/High Country Auto Body, WZ-95-13/bearing The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department's referral received on September 8, 1995 for the above referenced project, and has the following comments: 1. We will need a drainage study. 2. Public improvements have been constructed to standard along the North Frontage Road, and will not be required. 3. We will need an erosion control plan to verify no related impact(s) to the existing Brown & Baugh Irrigation Ditch running along the west property line. 4. Traffic review has no comments at this time, however review of this site is in progress by CDOT which may result in future comments for this site. cc: Glen Gidley, Planning & Development Director John Oss, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic ~En~gineer File Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHALS' OFFICE P. O. Box 3-D ARVADA, COLORADO 80001 Telephone (303) 425-0850 - FAX (303) 422-4569 September 19, 1995 Ms. Meredith Reckert Department of Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave. P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO. 80D34-D638 RE: High Country Auto Body 10501 W. I-70 North Frontage Road Dear Meredith, ~~?y OF WHEN RIDGE n SEp 2 7 7995 ! I I:- plANN1NG & DEVELppM~ We have reviewed the site plan for this facility and have the following comments. 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 2,.12195 W. 52nd Ave. and Station 1, 7900 W. 57th Ave. 2. We need information as to the proposed use of the new building to request an occupancy classification from the Building Official. This will allow a determination on what fire protection requirements will need to be applied to the structure. 3. All-weather fire department access roadways, minimum of 20 feet of unobstructed width will need to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the building. UFC 91 10.203, 10.204(a). 4. An additional fire hydrant may need to be provided at the site. UFC 91 10.501(a). Sincerely, Arvada Fire Protection District Steve~te'g der Deputy Fire Marshal VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424-9661 September 20, 1995 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue GJheat Ridge, CO 80214 Attn: Meredith Reckert Dear Meredith: Attached are the comments from Valley Water District regarding WZ-95-13/bearing at 10501 W. I-70 Frontage Road North. I was unable to address item #1 on the response form until Arvada .Fire .District decides on what requirements they will need met for the project and if additional water lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler systems will be needed. If you have any questions, please call me at 424-9661. Sincerely, ~~~~ Robert Arnold District P4anager RLA/kmk CITY pf'WWEA'f'Rt~ g ~ (af?~fl.~i `SEP~'11995 ~~pLpNNING & DEVELOPMENT STATE OF COLORF~DO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region G OT 2000 South Holly Street rrtttwfat Denver, Colorado 80222 -. ~ ~tTY OF WHEAT RIDGE; ~ ~r~nn n~ September 22, 1995 ' 'SEP 2 $ 7995 Attn: Meredith Reckert ~r ~u city of Wheat Ridge PLANNING & DEUELOPMEkT 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 RE: CASE NO. WZ-95-13. HIGH COUNTRY AUTO BODY LOCATED AT 10501 WEST INTERSTATE 70 FRONTAGE ROAD. Dear Meredith:. The Colorado Department of Transportation 'has reviewed this proposal and finds the following: 1. No more than one access shall be provided to an individual parcel or to contiguous parcels under the same ownership unless it can be shown that additional access would not be detrimental to the safety and operation of the highway and are necessary for .the safety and efficient use of the property. 2. As this property has three existing driveways, and no supporting data was submitted, it is unclear as to why three points of access should continue to be used or allowed. 3. The Department at this time finds the Final Development Plan is unacceptable until access issues are resolved. If you should have any questions, please call me at 757-9901. -- Sincerely, . Blea Pro ram Manager RJB/gt cc: Warner L. Lipp Harding ref file SH 70 rf OCT-1~~95 , ., AR FIRE PROT DIST FAX N0. 303~I569 , ~ ~~ ..,~. .......~,...~....r-- Arvada Fsre Protection District _~ FIAB I~AfiSMM(-S' OFFICE A, p, Sex 3-~ ARVAOn, caLOga.no aoo9i Tefophene (3oa) ~2e•oaso--PAx taoa) ate-4589 Oetaber 5, 1995 Hr. Da~nial ppa,xing Nigh Caun~xy Auto Bodv lQSQi W, 49th Ave. Wh®at Ridge, 46. eoo8m P. D2 Deax' Dan ~ '1'harik you !ar tha lettaz of. ogtaber 4, 1995 for the new addition. I h+eva met wa.th Jahn Evkert aE ieha Wheat Etid9e Building Dep~irtment zapardir8 tha new addi.ti.on. One Question that has come up is will •a~Y tYPe of weidin~; be dvaa in th4 hew additien7 x~ yatt isould $orwazd that i;aft~rroabian to me, we aan get t3+i~s twialved, and an Ocaupanag C1aae~.Fieetiaft determined far the nrw Addi~3.v~. , gincerelY, Arvada 9'ise pratactian pietrs.at 8~~i6 eder 'peputg ~'irv Marshal ~o; Steve 5teigleder, pegarding the above 4uestion in your above we have no plans at this time to do wei8ing ~ ~ e nn t ;e a$dit~ . r !e ~ng . 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE The City of WHEAT RIDGE,C0.80215-6797 _. (303)234-5900 _.~hea+ City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge October 20, 1995 Rudy Blea Access Program Manager Colorado Department of Transportation, Region-6 2000 S. Holly St. Denver, Colorado 80222 RE: Case No. WZ-95-13. High Country Auto Body located at 10501 W. I-70 Frontage Road Dear Rudy, This letter is in response to your letter sent to Meredith Reckert of the Planning Department dated September 22, 1995 regazding the access issue for the above location. Currently, this site has three access points. The west access is gated, the middle one is used by High Country Auto Body and the east access is used by the north adjacent property. The City has discussed closing the west access point, however the Arvada Fire Department has expressed concern that the west (gated) access should remain usable because it is the secondary key access they need in case of a fire. Due to the configuration of the property, it might not be feasible to close the east access because it selves the north property (please see plan). Due to the site uniqueness, please field verify to determine if all three access points can remain open with the west access gated for emergency use only. I'll be more than happy to meet with you at the above site to clarify. Please inform me of your decision. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 235-2862. Sincerely, y \'~~ Steven Nguyen, ]j E~'-' Traffic Engineer cc:-Meredith Reckert, Planner II Grg Knudson, Development Review Engineer STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION - O~, Region G 2000 South Holly Street Denver, Colorado 80222 November 3, 1995 Attn: Steven Nguyen City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 RE: CASE NO. WZ-95-13. HIGH COUNTRY AUTO BODY LOCATED AT 10501 WEST INTERSTATE 70 FRONTAGE ROAD. Dear Steven: wes-f' ~ The Colorado Department of ,Transportation has further ~eviewed this proposal and recommends that the existing easterly gate remain in place but the existing driveway be removed and replaced with curb and gutter and sidewalk. This will provide and enable the Fire Department to access the property if/when there is an emergency. As for the two other existing driveways they can remain in-place up until the time there. is a change of use. If you have any questions, please call me at 757-9901. Sincerely, /J~ . Blea Pr ram Manager RJB/gt cc: Warner L. Lipp Harding City of Wheat Ridge ref file SH 70 rf MEMORANDUM Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner II FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer (, DATE: November 21, 1995 SUBJ: High Country Auto Body, 10501 W. 48th Avenue - Project Status Per your request, this memo is to inform you of the present status of the above referenced project with respect to the site's drainage requirements by the Public Works Department. I contacted Mr. Mike Downing on November 20, 1995 and spoke to him about what will be_the City's requirements concerning drainage related issues for the site which included-the following information:' 1. A brief drainage study was completed and approved by the City in March of 1988. The study required that a 9500 cubic foot detention pond with a sump inlet at the low point be constructed. A previous conversation-with the project's consultant engineer, J.C. Moore suggests that the pond is built, but a pump instead of the sump inlet is draining the pond. Mr. Downing was informed that this method of release is not a standard method and is in conflict with the original approved study. 2. The proposed structure and subsequent grading of the site will need to be analyzed as they relate to -the site and the existing detention-pond. Mr. Downing agreed to submit a concise summary letter of one or two pages and a site plan in order to address the abovleasetibned drainage issues. If ,you have any further questions, p contact me. cc: File Y > - ~ .. ~ .... NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing .is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on October 5, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All- interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No.WZ-95-12: An application by Alan C. McLean for - approval of a rezoning from Planned Commercial Development- and Industrial to Planned commercial Development, for approval of an outline development plan and a final development plan and plat. Subject property is located at 4850 .Ward.-Road and is legally described as follows: A resubdivision of a part of Tract 5 and Tract 3, Nicholas Gardens; located'in the southeast one-quarter of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of- Colorado, more particularly described 'as follows: Commencing at the South 1/4 corner of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M.; thence northerly along the north-south centerline of said Section 17 which is also the centerline of Colorado Department of Highways #72 N 00°18'19" W, 375.14 -feet; thence S 89°08'50" W, 31.03 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of said C.D.H. #72 to the True Point of Beginning; thence northerly along the said east-right-of-way 'line of C.D.H. #72 N OD°20'50" W, 329.62 feet; thence N 89°02'40" E, 322.72 feet; thence N 00°18'19" W, 135.00 feet; thence N 89°02'41" E, 302.18 feet; thence S 00°20'54" E, 135.00-feet; thence'S 89°06'48" W, 10.00 feet; thence S 00°20'54" E, 330.01 feet; thence S 89°-08'5,0,!', W, 615:..0-0-feet to the True Point of Beginning, ' containing 5.59 acres, more or less. 2. -Case No. WZ-95-13: An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan.. Said property is located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North and is legally described as follows: A part of the SW1/4, SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. described as: Beginning at a point which is 789.00 feet East of the Southwest- corner of the SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 59 West and 303.5 feet north on a line parallel with the east line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 of Sec. 16, T35, R69W: Thence, continuing northerly along a line parallel to the East -~ line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 a distance of 181.50 feet; ` Thence, East parallel to the South line of the SW1/4 SE1/4, a _ ..t,; _. distance of 299.70 feet; Thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4, a distance of 75.75 feet; Thence, West parallel to the South line of the SW1/4, SE1/4, a distance of 30.00 feet; Thence, South parallel to the East line of the SW1/4, SE1/4, a distance of 75.75 .feet; Thence, East a distance of 271.30 feet. to a-point on the East line- of the SW1/4, SE1/4' Thence, South 30.00 feet along the east line of the SW1/4, SE1/4; Thence, West parallel to the South line of the SW1/4, SE1/4 a distance of 5,41.00 feet to the Point of Beginning except the East 30 feet for roadway purposes, containing 1.363 acres, more or 7.ess, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Sa ra Wiggins', e ary ATTEST: ~_. _ ___ _ Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: September 21, 1995 Jefferson Sentinel b:\c10595.phn The JEFFERSON SENTi~iELS 1224 Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood; CO 80215-5108 239-9890 09/22/95 THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE 'CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE .7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO .80215 .INVOICE: LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION Our number: JW0160.921 Your identification: PUBLICATION DATES: 95/09/21 through 95/09%21 NUMBER OF LINES• 98 COPIES REQUESTED: 3 Printing: 41.16 Copies:- ~ 0.00 TOTAL DUE: $ 41.16 Thank you for advertising in the Jefferson Sentinei Newspapers! The JEFFERSON SENTINELS 1224 Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO 80215-5108 239-9890 THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 ~y.t3 ,~Z` 09/22/95 (~ D ~Q r~ INVOICB: LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION Our number: JW0160.921 Your identification: PUBLICATION DATES: 95/09/21 through 95/09/21. NUMBER OF LINES: 98 COPIES REQUESTED: 3 Printing: 41.16 Copies: 0..00 TOTAL DUE: $ 41..16 Thank you for advertising in the Jefferson Sentinel Newspapers! v -500 V"JEST 29TH AVENUE P.o. sox s3s The Cify of WHEAT =1DGE. CO 80034-0638 ,3031 234-5900 cwheat City Aom•~. Fax # 234-5924 Police Deot. rax ~ 235-2949 Ridge September 21, 1995 This is to inform you that Case No. W7.-95-1~ which is a request for approval of an amPndmPn+ i-n a PTTI final development for property located at i nsni GJP G+- T-7f1 Frnn+a gp RnaA Tjn r}~y will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Plann;n~ (`nmmiacinn in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at ~.3n p_m_ on October 5. 1995 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration mu be present at this hearing before the Planningr Commission As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform ~, ,;, •- Y a ~ m w ~ ~xd~~ ` ~~~~ r ~ ti O N ~ "~ m a m a W y L ~ N ~ ~ _ p LL 3 ~ a aNi °_ ~ ~ S ~ ~' ~ y ¢¢ w E N T ~ ? N ~ g' ^ ^ o Z ra F- O m O ~ N~ ~~ U ~ 0 N U ` N ~ O Q ~- (n R a ~ ^ a a ~ r a c N ~ E -- ~ ~ E g o a8'~ NNN E-q U U L C 44 YC N A y'~ $ s CS ;n a~~ M ^~ ~ ~ ~ E _s5 o o +d .. ~ ad ~ ~ r w *; ~. -' m '~g' ~ pf ~ w ti+,'1 N ® 7 A `o '68~ ~ [R 411 a _ #~ ~~'~ IT ~ ~ u 4 N' + §v8 ~~$ ~ 'V i o ~{ '~ pe' i~ i ~~ W ~(]~ N ~l q t vr t YW 6 N ~ © ~ F m C M ~: a $- a t a U ~ ~ w ~ ~' . Z ~ ° .n a OC o :? `O ~ H ~ E a W ~ y ~ V F ~ a n y E N - ~ ~ ~ (NU ~Q. 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Dearing, 10507 West I-70 Frontage Rd No NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S):' Same. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.36 acres PRESENT ZONING: PID PRESENT LAND USE: Auto body shop SURROUNDING ZONING: SAN: A-1; E: C-1; W: PID SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: vacant; S: t-70; E: nursery, hotel; W: manufacturing COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Industrial DATE PUBLISHED: September 21, 1995 DATE POSTED: September 21, 7995 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: September 27, 1995 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX ) RELATED CORRI=SPONDENCE: ( } ENTER INTO RECORD: ( )COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ( )SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( )OTHER ( )NOT REQUIRED (XX)NONE (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( )'SLIDES (XX) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-95-13 I- REQUEST The applicant requests approval of an amendment to Planned Industrial development final development plan. The subject property is located a4 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road and is used for auto body repair. There is an existing 11,900 square foot building on the property with a fenced outside storage area to the west of the structure. The applicant is proposing an approximate 6000 square foot addition to the building. This addition will displace the outdoor storage area. The impervious area on the lot is reduced to 56%. There will be no change to the landscaped area which is currently at 14% coverage. All other restrictions of the development plan still apply. No information regarding the type of construction for the addition has been provided except that it will be metal. Staff recommends a brick veneer be placed on the front wall to match the existing structure. Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met. II. AGENCY REFERRALS _ . All agencies are already serving the property, however some upgrades may be required. Valley Water District may require additional lines or a line upgrade. Arvada Fire District may require line upgrades and possible fire hydrant installation. More information is needed regarding the type of construction. Public Works will require a drainage report and an erosion control plan. All public improvements are in place. 111. STAFF CONCLUSIONS Staff has concluded with the addition, there will be no reduction in the amount of landscaping on the property. Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan have been met. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given with 4he condition that a brick veneer be put on the front wall of the addition to match the existing structure. N. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS OPTION A: "I'move that Case No. WZ-95-13, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10507 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be Approved for the following reasons: All requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property. With the following condition: A brick veneer be put on the front wall of the addition to match existing structures." ~~ Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-95-13 OPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-95-13, a request for approval Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " Page 3 of an amendment to the Becker West I-70 Frontage Road North be b:~wz9513. sr Case No. WZ-95-13 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY Fire: (Arvada) May need to upgrade fire flow and install a hydrant. Schools: Water: (Valley) May need to upgrade service. Sewer: (Fruitdale) No response. U S West Communications: No response. Public Service Company: No response. State Land Use Commission (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: Jefferson County: (Health, Commissioners, Planning) Adjacent City: TCI: CITY DEPARTMENTS Public Works: Will need a drainage study and erosion control plan. Parks and Recreation: Police: Building Inspection: agrefsum.frm 1 =-= C/~ORS GI.~55 GONTAITa9~. ALINE NO. I CONfhItER sr5r8~ MNOR ~ I D 3P P ' n l6 ~/ W2 I D v - WZsV9-4 / `~ pi1C.H 5~ - -~-- __ ~- who3woRTN olrua a sore LEK- ~~ V sJ"" a ~" I (~D ~~ : i~l D ,~ WZ-TI-10 -~~?ID ----- rz-m IJEAiR2KE .,,,.~x.,'1ime'::.:: Gy'~ / - - ,~~zvA~a ,, ~~ IlSISTWAL PID WZ-'R-3] W4 ~-~-, G- I ~~ d Y OFFI NG1 ~4L ® AREA REQUIRING SITE PLAN APPROVAL S~ I V ZOh(I "~ ~~~ ~ ZONE DISTRICT $OUNDRY WI-fEf~T MIDGE ~ ~ -~ - PARCEL/LOT $OL9~DRY Ina*N :DESIGNATES OWNERS+fIP) ° °O GOLORPtDO ~+,'~1W CITY LIMIT LINE ~~ 1=4p0 MAP ADOPTED: June I5, 1994 ---' WATER FUTURE Last Revision: December 22, 1994 DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES - D@'ARTI'IBtf OF PuLININ6 MID DR9.OPM@1r - 73Y7bo~ F PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: WZ-95-13 DATE: October 5, 1995 REQUEST: An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan. Said property is located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 October_5,_1995 ~' Commissioner CERVENY asked Mr. Ojala how the proposed addition would be constructed. Mr. Ocala answered every effort would be made to match the addition as closely as possible to the existing structure. He explained. Commissioner CERVENY asked if further documentation was necessary before the case-was referred to City Council? Ms. Reckert stated the elevations documentation was not included in the packet. That will be included in the Council packet. Commissioner CERVENY asked if a drainage study would be necessary. Ms. Reckert stated the drainage study should be available by the Council meeting. Commissioner CERVENY property, had been a added that if Commis conflict of interest not. He stated that past association. stated that Mr. McLean, owner of the client approximately ten years ago. He lion felt this, in any way, would be a for him to vote on this case, then he would his decision would not be influenced by this Consensus was to allow Commissioner CERVENY to participate- Commissioner WILLIAMS moved that Case No. WZ-95-12, a-.request for approval of a rezoning from PID and Z to PID, and approval of an outline development plan and a final development plan and plat --- for property located at 4850 Ward Road be Approved for the. following reasons: 1. It will allow expansion of the existing building to the north. 2. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request. 3. All requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations have been met. Commissioner JOHNSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. 2. Case No. WZ-95-13: An application by Daniel R. Dearing for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan. Said property is located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report, which included slides. Entered-and accepted into the record were the Zoning Ordinance, case file, packet materials and exhibits. Planning Commission Minutes October 5,.1995 Page 4 Commissioner OWENS asked if `the existing building was metal. Is there existing brick veneer? Ms. Reckert answered that the office portion of the existing building contained some brick veneer. Staff would like to have this detail picked up on the proposed building, however recognizes that this is an industrial area.- Daniel R. Dearina, 10501 West 48th Avenue, was sworn in.--Mr. Dearing pointed out the portions of the existing building that had brick veneer, adding that his preference would be to carry the gray sheeting throughout on the addition. He added that closure of the West curb cut would not pose a problem, providing the-fire department agrees to the closure. Commissioner LANGDON asked Mr. Dearing of a brick veneer could be applied to a metal building or would it require a special footing, etc. St was explained how the brick veneer could be added by Mr bearing's building contractor. Mr. Dearina stated he felt the brick veneer requirement would nat be unreasonable and that he wanted the building to look nice. He also anticipated doing some landscaping upgrades. Commissioner JOHNSON suggested that the applicant have elevations available at the Council meeting. Ms. Reckert reminded applicant that he must have a preliminary drainage report in review prior to the City Council hearing. Commissioner RASPLICKA noted that the addition was not being made to the office (which had the brick veneer). Mr. Dearina agreed that was true and pointed out where the addition would be constructed. Commissioner RASPLICKA stated that if the applicant was added to the office, he would agree the brick veneer would be appropriate. Chairperson ECKHARDT suggested perhaps upgraded landscaping could take the place of the brick veneer. Mr. Dearina explained. his plans to Commission. Commissioner OWENS asked why the applicant had to go through this process, rather than just applying .f or a building permit. Planning Commission Minutes October 5, 1995 Page 5 ~ Ms. Reckert explained that the parcel in question was a planned development and this process is necessary in order to amend that planned development.- Commissioner WILLIAMS asked what the landscape 'requirement was. Ms. Reckert answered that a minimum of 10°s landscaping is the requirement for commercial property. The applicant is slightly above the requirement. Commissioner WILLIAMS stated that brick veneer would detract . from, rather than enhance, this proposed addition. He added that matching the existing structure would be more attractive. Commissioner OWENS moved that Case No. WZ-95-13, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. A11 requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on-the property, . but rather some enhancement. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. 8. CLOSE THE PIIBLIC HEARING 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner CERVENY brought to Commission's attention an article published by the Golden Transcript in which the Certificate_of Resolution regarding the ballot issue "STREET WIDTH DESIGNATION", prepared by Commission, was discussed. Commissioner CERVENY read a portion of a quote from the article made by Mr. Vance Edwards "This planning commission is dominated by a good old boy network. They are scared to death this will take their power away and the citizens will make the decisions, and they should be scared to death. If this passes, the power will go to the citizens and maybe the messages of the good old boys network are starting to erode-" Edwards also made the following statement regarding planning commission: "They never met a road they didn't want to widen and they never met a developer they didn't like". CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE N0: WZ-95-13 LOCATION: 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North APPLICANT(S) NAME: Daniel R. Dearing OWNER(S) NAME: Same. REQUEST:. Approval of an Amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.36 acres WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered. with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner OWENS, seconded by Commissioner RASPLICKA, that Case No. WZ-95-13, an application by Daniel R. Dearing fox approval of amendment to the Becker Industrial Paxk final development plan fox property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North be Approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements fox a final development plan amendment have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the pxopexty, but rather some enhancement. VOTE: YES: Eckhardt, Williams, Owens, Rasplicka, Cerveny, Langdon, Crompton and Johnson NO: None I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 8 - 0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 5th day of October, 1995. ~, ; Bob Eckhardt, Chairperson San ra Wiggins, Sec t ry WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLANNIN MMISSION b:\wz9513.res AGENDA ITEM RECAP X PUBLIC HEARINGS _ PROC./CER$MONIES _ BIDS/MOTIONS INFORMATION ONLY AGENDA ITEM TZTLE: QUASI-JUDICIAL Yee No _ CITY ADM. MATTERS _ CZTY ATTY. MATTERS _ LIQUOR HEARINGS PUBLIC COMMENT Case No. WZ95-13/bearing _ ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS _ ORDINANCES FOR 1ST REALIING _ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING RESOLUTIONS SIIMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: Consider approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final development plan for property located at 10501 W. I-70 Frontage Road North. A recommendation of approval is given. ATTACHMENTS: BUDGETED 1) RCM memo ITEM: Yes No 2) Staff report 3) Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount S Requested Expend.S Requires Transfer/ Hupp. Appropriation Yes No SUGGESTED MOTION: I move that Case No. WZ95-13, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be approved for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a final development plan amendment have been made; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property. ?500 WEST 29TH AVENUE _ The Clty Of P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 600340638 - 13031 234-59CC cWheat City Admir. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept Fax # 235-2949 Ridge November 8, 1995 This is to inform you that Case No. Wz-95-13 which is a request for approval of an amendment to a PID final development for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North- _. will be heard by the Wheat Ridge c~; ty ~o Inc-; i in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7:00 p.m. on November 27. 1995 All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform' ti 14~.. r,.i Y..... ~ Dear Adjacent Property Owner: If you have received this notice, you reside or own property adjacent to a property involved in a land use case being processed by the City of Wheat Ridge. This notice is intended to inform you of the process involved in land use development applications. Prior to application for rezoning or special use permit, the developer is responsible for holding an informal neighborhood meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the opportunity for citizens to become aware of a proposed development in their neighborhood and to allow the developer to respond to citizen concerns in the design of their project. A71 residents within 600 feet are required to be notified of the meeting. A staff planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policy and regulations and the process involved, however, the planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. Keep in mind that this is not a public hearing. Although a synopsis of the meeting will be entered as testimony, 3t is the public hearings in front of Planning Commission and City Council where decisions are rendered. If you want input in the decision- making process, it is imperative that you attend the public hearings. The public hearings you will be attending are quasi-judicial in nature. Please do not contact your Planning Commissioners or Council people to discuss the merits of a case prior to the public hearing. It could jeopardize your representatives' ability to hear the case. If you are an adjacent property, you may have the right to file a "legal protest" against the application. The result of this filing is that it requires a 3/4 majority of City Council to approve a request. If you have questions regarding any of the information given above, do not hesitate to contact a planner at the City offices by calling 235-2846. The Planning & Development Department is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. <pc>adjpropowner CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: November 27, 1995 DATE PREPARED: November 17, 1995 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-95-13fDearing CASE MANAGER: "Meredith Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Final development plan amendment LOCATION OF REQUEST: 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Daniel R. Dearing, 10501 West I-70 Frontage Rd No NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Same. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.36 acres PRESENT ZONING: PID PRESENT LAND USE: Auto body shop SURROUNDING ZONING: S N: A-1; E: G7; W: PID SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: vacant; S: I-70; E: nursery, hotel; W: manufacturing COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: Industrial DATE PUBLISHED: November 9, 1995 DATE POSTED: November 13, 1995 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: November 8, 1995 AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX ) RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: ( ) ENTER INTO RECORD: ( )COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ( XX) ZONING ORDINANCE ( )SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( )OTHER ( )NOT REQUIRED (XX)NONE ( XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS ( )SLIDES ( XX) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, 4here is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning Division Staff Report Case No. WZ-95-13 REQUEST Page 2 The applicant requests approval of an amendment to Planned Industrial development final development plan. The subject property is located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road and is used for auto body repair. There is an existing 71,900 square foot building on the property with a fenced outside storage area to the south and west of the structure. The applicant is proposing an approximate 6000 square foot addition to the building. This addition will displace a portion of the outdoor storage area. The impervious area on the lot is reduced to 56%. There will be no change to the landscaped area which is currently at 14% coverage. All other restrictions of the development plan still apply. No information regarding the 4ype of construction for the addition has been provided except that it will be metal. Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met. 11. AGENCY REFERRALS All agencies are already serving the property, however some upgrades may be required. Valley Water District may require additional lines or a line upgrade. Arvada Fire District may require line upgrades and possible fire hydrant installation. Public Works will require a drainage report. All public improvements are in place. Colorado Department of Highways is requesting the western-mos4 curb cut be closed. The City and Fire District are negotiating with CDOT as to how this can be accomplished. III. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission Reviewed this request at a public hearing held on October 5, 7995. A recommendation of approval was given for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met; and 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property, but rather some enhancement. N. STAFF CONCLUSIONS Staff has concluded with the addition, there will be no reduction in the amount of landscaping on the property. Staff concludes that all requirements for a final development plan have been met. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given. V. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS OPTION A: "I move 4hat Case No. WZ-95-13, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be Approved for the following reasons: All requirements for a final development plan amendment have been met; and Planning Division Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-95-13 2. There will be no reduction of landscaping on the property. OPTION B: °'I move that Case No. WZ-95-73, a request for approval of an amendment to the Becker Industrial Park final development plan for property located at '10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North be Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " b:~wz9513.sr Case No. WZ-95-13 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY Fire: (Arvada) May need to upgrade fire flow and install a hydrant. Schools: Water: (Valley) May need to upgrade service. Sewer: (Fruitdale) No response. U S West Communications: No response. Public Service Company: No response. State Land Use Commission (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: Would like western-most curb cut eliminated. Jefferson County: (Health, Commissioners, Planning) Adjacent City: TCI: CITY DEPARTMENTS Public Works: Will need a drainage study and erosion control plan. Parks and Recreation: Police: Building Inspection: agrefsum.frm 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034.0638 (303)-234-5900 City Admin. Fax # 234.5924 December 6, 1995 Police Dept. Fax ~ 235-2949 Mr. Richard Dearing Mr. Daniel Dearing High Country Auto Body 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Dear Dick and Dan: The City of Wheat Ridge Please be advised that your request for a amendment to a PCD final development plan pursuant, to Case No. WZ-95-13 for property located at 10501 West I-70 Frontage Road North was approved by City Council on November 27, 1995. Conditions of .the approval were as follows: 1. The Drainage-plan be revised. 2. The western curb cut be used for emergency access only. It can remain in its' current configuration. Please keep in mind that I need a photographic mylar of she plan amendment made so it can be recorded at Jefferson County. Should you have any questions regarding this information, do not hesitate to contact me at 235-2848. Sincerely, Planner attachments cc: WZ-95-13 a., ,: ~,d r„~~~~,