HomeMy WebLinkAboutZOA-95-1 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL _ FROM: GERALD E. DAHL; CITY ATTORNEY DATE: DECEMBER 22-, 1995. RE :_ CHRISTIE GETZELMAN, 4660 WADSWORTH At the December 18 Council meeting, you asked me to research the options available to Ms. Getzelman,, who wishes to expand the residential structure at the referenced location andJor conduct a home occupation or other business. _ Facts 1. The structure located on the property is_ at this time and has always been used as a residence. r' 2. The property is zoned Restricted Commercial. It is adjacent to property zoned Residential. The zoning in this area, on both sides of Wadsworth Boulevard, is a mixture of Residential and Commercial zoning. 3. Ms. Getzelman's primary desire appears to be expand the size of the structure for residential purposes. She has expressed some- interest in conducting a home occupation on the site, and at the December 18 City Council meeting, mentioned that she might want at some future time. to devote it to commercial uses. _ Present Nonconforminci Use 1. This residential structure is_presently a noncon- forming use in the Restricted Commercial zone district, which permits residential structures only as accessory uses to a primary commercial use. Code of Laws, Section 26-21IC)(1) In this zone district, no new residences may be constructed as principal uses. _ § 26-21 (C) (1) (f) 2. The Code specifically prohibits enlargement of a structure devoted to _an .existing nonconforming. use. Section 26-7(E)(1). Thus, the Planning Department was required to deny Ms. Getzelman's application for a building permit for her proposed enlargement. 3. This property is also subject to the amortization schedule established by Code Section 26-7 (E) which requires that nonconforming uses of structures_or structures and premises in combination (such as this_norkconforming residential structure and GED\53027\130762.1 use in a restricted commercial district), be terminated on or before July 1, 2000. As you know, the Council has recently con- sidered._amending that requirement or changing the July 1, 2000 deadline date; no action has yet been taken kiy the Council and the requirement presently still. applies. _ Alternatives Ms. Getzelman has at least four alternatives available to her to accomplish something on the property; the Council also has some ability to affect this_ situation through passage of an ordinance amending the_-Code of.Laws. 1. Rezone to Residential. Ms. Getzelman could file ari application to change the zoning of the property from Restricted Commercial to Residential. The .procedure-for this application is found at Code Section 26-6(C)., This change would require Planning Commission and City Council approval including a public hearing and passage of an ordinance rezoning the property. Ms. Getzelman would have to satisfy the criteria for approval found at Code. Section 26-6(C)(3), which includes among other requirements, conformance with the comprehensive plan, compatibility with the surrounding area, proof that the property cannot reasonably be developed under existing zoning conditions, and that-the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district. If approved, `the effect of this rezoning would be to permit residential use of-the property as a primary use, and a building permit could be issued for an expansion so long as the expansion met the applicable setback and other requirements in the Residential zone district. 2. Variance-from BOA. Ms. Getzelman could request a __ variance from the Board of Adjustment. Her request-would be t at the Board grant a variance from the requirement of Code Section 26-7(E)(1) which prohibits the enlargement of a-nonconforming use or structure. Similar to an application for rezoning, a public hearing would be required and Ms. Getzelman would have to prove that the requirements for issuance of a variance under Code Section 26-6 (D) have been met. If the proposed expansion is less thah 10% of the requirement, such a variance could be issued administra- tively by the zoning administrator under Code Section 26-6(D)(2)(a).1. Nevertheless, whether the variance is requested from the Zoning Administrator. or the Board of Adjustment, the required findings (hardship, etc.) must be met. It is important to remember that the amortization deadline of July 1, 2000 imposed by Code Section 26-7 (E) continues to apply to the property; this deadline may not be varied or waived by the Zoning Administrator or the Board of Adjustment. Accord- ingly, while a variance might be issued for expansion of the residential structure, in the year 2000, the residential use of the entire structure itself must be terminated. This means that the applicant would spend considerable funds to modify a structure for residential. purposes, and then be in the position of being required GED\53027\130782.1 - 2 to. cease use of the entire structure for residential purposes only four years later. This could well affect the BOA decision. 3. Conform to Restricted Commercial Zone. Ms. Getzelman could bring the _property into conformance with the requirements of the Restricted Commercial zone, which permits residential uses but only_as accessory to the primary commercial use. In order to establish the residential use an accessory use, it (the residential use) may be located only on a floor other-than- -- the ground floor or restricted t4 the rear half of the building, among other. requirements. 4. Home Occupation. Ms. Getzelman could use a portion of the.. home for a permitted home occupation under Code Section 26-30(Q), so long as the detailed requirements in that Section-were complied with. As you know, the home occupation regulations estab- lish_both "Class 1 and Class 2" home occupations. A Class 1 home occupation is permitted in a portion of a dwelling or accessory structure subject to certain requirements; a Class 2 home occupa- tion is permitted in a portion of a dwelling or accessory structure subject to certain requirements, and requires the issuance of a special use permit. I should point out that creation of a-home occupation use within the existing residential-_dwelling will not have the effect of, and may not be allowed to, expand the area devoted to residential uses. As I understand Ms. Getzelman's primary desire, it is to expand the use of the structure for residential purposes. With this in mind, it is likely that only Options No. 1 and 2_in this-list are realistic for_her. 5. Amend Amortization Reouirement. The City Council has recently considered amending Code Section 26-7 (E) [the July 1, 2000 amortization requirement], and has considered several differ- ent options on the subject. One option is to amend Code Section 26-7 (E) to exempt existing nonconforming residences and any enlargements thereof. This would have the effect of permitting the nonconforming residential use of this _property, a Restricted Commercial zone,_to continue indefinitely and would make it easier for the Board of Adjustment to approve a variance to-allow enlarge- ment of the nonconforming use structure. Obviously, this alterna- tive will impact many other properties as well, but it is available to the Council. GED\53027\130782.1 - 3 BT DRUINANCF. N0. Series of 19~~ TITLE: AN ORDINANC- AMENDINu CTiAPT£RS T3, T9. AND 2T,T OF APP£NUIY A OF 7HE COD£ OF LAWS OF THE CITY OF F:i£AT AZ3.E Ree"LATY"7:* TO THE REGULATION DF MAJOR VEHICLES, SRUCK TRACTORS, AND SEMI-TRAILERS. F3E rT D(7UAItiED 9Y THE CITY. COUNs"II. OF TTI~ CITY OF WHAT RZDv"E, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Appendix A of the Code of Laxs of Lhe City of Wheat Usenet.deCisohereblCchangedata0readiasrfolloxsl;section 8. Special d. parking of more than three t3) commercial truck tractors andlor ae;ni-trailers on any parcel or lot wherein such vehicles are net related Lo Lhe transportation neTOVaifofhS ecialeUse conducted thereon. shall require app V Permit. In order to evaluate the proposal, the applicant shall submit a site plan which adesyuately illustrates location and size of all parking spaces and drive isles, and direction of traffic flow, and which shows the proposed parking relative io existing structurts on and adjacent to the site, to adjacent streets, and xi,ich shows Voint of ingress/egress to the ,site. She intent of this provision is to limit those areas in xhich truck tractors and/or semi-trailers used in commercial ventures may be parked, and 1s not intended to apply to any non-commercial use of such truck tractors andiar semi-trailers. parking lot design shall meet Lhe standards for truck tractors and semi-trailers rs specified in Section 2?.t, Off-Street Parking Requirements. In addition, the applicant shall submit a report which addresses the following: T. Traffic impact to adjacent and surrounding street systems; 2. Hoist generated on the subject site and proposed methods oC mitigating its off-site affects; 3, Air pollution cauaed.by Lhe new development and the relationship with ambient air pollution in the surrounding area. Proposed methods aC controlling or reducing air pollution that are part of the development concept ahali De described; and #. Compatibility with adjacent land uses, and proposed methods of assuring compaLibillLy, such as screening, landscaping. setback or orientation, e. When used in Section T.d. of this subpart 18.8., the following words shall ,have Lhe following meanings: 1. •Truek Tractor' means a^y motor vehicle which is generally and commonly designed and used Lo draw a semi-trailer and its cargo load over Lhe public highways. 2. 'Semitrailer' scans any wheeled vehicle, without motive power, which is designed to be used in conjunetfon.vith a truck tractor so that so~ee part of its awn weight and Lhat of its cargo load rests upon or is csrried by such truck tractor and which is generally and commonly used to carry and transport property over the public highways, 3, Any oC :.aid vehicles shall be considered commercial xheh utilized with or as a part of a commercial venture. Any property upon xhich a Special Use Permit is grante3 pursuant to subpart td) hereof shall be conspicuously posted Lo indictLe the authorization for the parking of commercial truck tractors andlor semi-trailers thereon. It shall be a vfoiatfen of this Code of Laws for any commercial truck Lracior andlor semi-trailer to be parked or stored upon ,property not as posted. Any commercial tr~~ck tractor andlor semi-trailer parked in violation 9i the provisions hereof shall be subject to the provisions hereof shall Do subject to the provisions of Section iT-5 of Lhe Mbde2 Traffic Code as enacted and enforced within the Ciiy of Wheat Ridge. 'ORbINANCE a0. e e PACE 2 Section 2. Appendix A of the Code of Laws of tht City of Ynaat g'k'~Ti e;•`~eetion 19. Coismercial-Two District, subsection 8. Special Uses, l.c., is herebq changed to rtad as follavs: c. Parking of mort than C3~truck tractors, crmmercial Lrurk tractors indfor semi-trailers on any paretl or lot whertin .such vehicles are not rtlattd to Lhe LransportaLian Reeds zf tht business contlucteu thereon, shill esquire approv;i by Special Use Ptrmit. In order to evaluate the proposal, tht applicant shall submit a site plan which rdtquaieiy illustrates location and size of all parking spaces and drive isles. and direction of traffic flow, and whist. shows Lhe proposed parking relativt to txisting structures on and adjactnt *a Lht site, Lo adjacer.~ streets, and which shows poin`s of ingressfeg^ess io the site. The intent of this prr,risic.,._ is to limit Lh:~se areas 3n which truck 2racLora andfor semi-trailers used in commercial ventures may be parked, and is mat iaterded to apply Lo au non-commercial use of such truck tractors ardlor semi-trailers. Parking laL dasign shall meet Lhe standards for truck tractors and semi-trailtrs as specified Sn Section 27.1. Off-Street Parkin; Requiremtnts. In addition, tht applicant shall submit a report which addressts the fo11o4ing; 1. Traffic impart to adjartnt and surrounding street systems; 2. Hoist generated on the subjtct site and proposed meLSOda of mitigating its off-site effects; 3. Air pollution raustd by the new development and tht relationship with amyienL air pollution in the surrounding area. proposed methods of controlling ar reducing air pollution Lhat are pert of tht development conc~pL shall be described; and - M. Compatibility with adjacent land oats, and propostd mtthods of assuring compatibility , such as screening, landscaping, setback, or orientation. d. When used in Section I.c. of this subpart lg.e., the following words shall have the followi:~ ~;anings: t. ~TRUCR TRACTOR' means any motor vehicle which is gtnerally and commonly designt~ and used to draw a semi-trailer sad its cargo 3aad over tht public highways. 2. '3e~i-t~ailers~ means any whetted vthicit, without motive power, which is. designed to be used in conjunction with a truck tractor so that some part of its own weight and that of its cargo load rests upon or is carried by such truck tractor and which is gtnerally and commonly used to carry and transport property over Lhe public highways. 3. Any of said vehicles shalt he coasiderea commercial when utilized with or as • part of a cammerciai venture. Any proptrty upon which a Special Ust Permit is granteC pursuant to subpart i.r. htrtof shalt bt conspicuously posted to indicatt the tuthorizatlon for tht parking of commercial truck tractors and'ar commercial semi-traiitrs LSereaa. it shall be a violation of this Code of Laws for any coamercial truck tractor and/or st~i-trailer to Le parked or stored upon proptrty not so posted. Any truck tracttrs andfor rommtrcial semi-trailers parked 3n violation of the provisions htreat shall be subject tb the provisions of Section tl-5 of to ?io3t1 Traffic Code as t~acted and antorced xiLhin Lhe City of lthtat Ridge. • ORDINANCE 170. C~ pACe 3 Section Appendix R of the Code of Laws of Lhe iity of iiheat 'idge, ection 2T.i, flff-Street ?arkin~, Rra~~r~se~taseds~~seA~ic~ A.20. is herlOy repealed in its entirety, r following: 20. Parkfng of Truck Tractors and Semi-Trailers a. It shall be unlawfu? Cor any person W park or store. yr allow the parking or sto~onerty~iocate3tandtsituaied semi-trailers upon any p p within the City of 5)heat Ridge ,or upon any dedicated public street or road, or private street or road, or public right-of-wsy or easement or park within the City of Nheat Ridge except as hereinafter specified. b, Notwithstanding t`o.,Lhe pray sionsiof ttiist5ectiorto2T 1(A) exception3 apply 1201: 1~ activeuusetrortin thesprocesaiofracLivelydbeingaloaded or unloaded. 2. Arv truck tractor or semi-tractor parked in o~ upan property un which a ;,yecial Ose Permit is granted authorizing the parking of commercial truck tractors and/ar semi-trailers pursuant to Sections 18(8)03) (d) and /g(e)C1)(c) of APPendix A of the Code of A Laxs of the City of itt:eat Ridge. or any m~Jor v~ °~~° i-~ par edA~ th~~ ~ "~Al1rR,..'9a"eQ ar r W. O,.t , oN.~'!ka I7O Zwii.s~-j- M'~-•~1+""'!7. 3, Any truck Erectors andlor semi-tractor trailers authorized pursuant to Sections lu(A3 (16) wad 15 (A} (18} of Appendix A of the Code of Laws of Lrie CiLy,vf Yheat Ridge. q, Any truck tractor and/or semi-troller parked ar stored upon property wherein Ytie use or storage of said vehicle is related Lo the transportation needs of the business conducted on said property. 5~ uponrstateohighwayaswiLhirtoLhia~OUnicipalityall apply c. CoderofmLaws ofothetCitynofnitheat Ridga,panyiLrcckaLractor or semi-tr:'ler s defined herein which is parked or stored in +.olation of the provisions of Section 27.1(A)(20 i 27) shall be sLb3ecL to being toxed and stored, at the owner's sole expense, Dy a towtng contractor selected by Lhe Chief of Paliar~e~fvehiclesyisf Nheat Ridge. The toning of illegally p necessary Lo ensure traffic and pedestrian safety by removing the view impediment crested by acid illegally parked vehicles, and to protect the aesthetic irstegrity of the various zoned disLrlcts and neighborhoods within the City of lthea'kAe~d~'uckitractora andlorhsemigtrailers~, said illegally p authority is granted to impost administraarkcdcvehicle~,par the owner or operator of said illtgaiiy p :he owncrsub3ecLptotthelfolloving requireaentsuch illegal larking. ;, To defray the cost of enforceaent of thin provision, a charge of fifty dollars (350) shall be imposed far the fist offense, one hundred dollars 03100) for the second offense, two hundred dollars (1200} for the third offence, and three hundred (3300) for the fourth or subsequent offertaea. 2 Any person subjected to said aaminiaLraLive charges wtfa ot~jects Lheretu 5ltnai be a•:Lit.s;i t~ eiL7er: (a) flare the right to request a !searing before the Chief of Police, ehicP. hearing shall be held no less Lhan seventy-two (72) hours after the asking of said request; u.' (r) Nave a summons and conplainL issue! to his directing his appearance in the Wheat 8idge Municipal Court. If ^ound guilty in the Wheat Ridgt Municipal ta;:rt of violating the provisions•of Sections 21.itA)C2D or 21), or if a guilty plea is entered thereto, the Court shall ire oae fines as specifiarF in Section 2T.1(A)(20) Cc~(9) tsereof. No vehicle shall be released fror storage after towing unless artd until ail Lowing and siarage charges have been paid, aid all adninistratire charges specified in SecLfan 27.1iA)(20}(cD(t) hereof have been paid, cr evidence is presented froze Lhe Chief of Police or the Municipal Court that Lhe rights granted under Section 2T.1(A)(20) (e)(2) hereof have Deen invoked. In Lhe event any towing is found to be iopruper, all casts far towing and storage :hall be reisbursed by the City to the. owner. __ Section +t. Appendix A of Lha Code of Laws of the City of Wheat ge, ection 27.1, Off-Street Parking Require3ents, subsection A.21. is hereby repealed in its entirely and replaced by the following: 2i. Parking Lot Design Standards for Truck Tractors angler Seof-?relieve Wherein it is desired to park truck tractors andlor aeni-trailers as regulated by Section 2?.18A3(2D) hereof a parking plan shall be subaiLLed which shows the location, exttnt, and ais:e of the proposed truck tractor and seni-trailer parking, and which indicates proposed screening, lighting, landscaping, circulation, type of paving, and any other feature which will help Planning Commission, City Council and staff to evaluate the proposal and potential impacts. The following standards shall be used in designic:g 3ueh parking lots: a. Dimensions _ C1) Ttactor Only: Length 25 feet Width _ 72 feet Aisle Width 28 feet (2) Trailer Only: Length : +10 feet Width _ 12 feel Aisle StidLh ~0 feet (3) Combo Tractor i Trailer; '70 Length _ b? feel Width s 12 feel Aisle liidth = $0 feel b. All parking and circulation areas obeli be paved to acceptable engineering standards wish either bituminous concrett, ar Portland concrete. c. Each parking stall shall be supplied with an electrical outlet to pern~iL vehicles to be connected to elecirfcity while parked. d. DnatLended truck tractara obeli not be allowed La idle. e. *he use of standard automobile parking spaces andlor circulation aisles for truck tractor and/or seal-trailer parking or eircuiation is prohibited. Section 5. Appendix A of the Code of :sus of the Clty of :heel midge, :,action 27.1, off-Street Park:~5 Re~_+re!ne^La, s~Lse_L;~n A. is hereby aaended by the addition of the folloxing subsection number 22. ~~ ~~.. b*v 22. Parking of~Rec, ea i na~Ve Iles t (~ t~l }y~~,,..~ "'~'1'L In reside ial zone distrlets mot r homes or recreational vehicles may be parked or stored upon the properly of the owner, or if said vehicles are owned by anyone other than Lhe uroperty owner where parked, said molar vehicles ar recreational vehicles may be stored or parked on said private property with the knowledge and consent of the property owner; provided that no more Lhan two such vehicles are stored en any such lot or parcel at any one time, and provided said vehicles arc parked eight feet or more inside the front property line; except that, for the purpose of allowing Lhe loading or unloading of any motor home or recreation vehicles, such motor home or recreational vehicles may be lawfully parked on a public street directly in front of the property of the person or persons Deing visited Dy the owner or operator of the vehicle, for a maximum period of fourteen hours, no more frequently Lhan once in each two-week period In cases where it is dssired Lo maintain a motor home ar recreational vehicles either uithtn 8 feel of a public street on private property, or within a lawful parking area on a public street abutting the front of the property in excess Of fourteen hours, the property owner may obtain a Temporary Parking PermiE from the Community Development Department, Such Temporary Parking Permit shall be for a time period not to exceed 14 days; it shall be canspicuously display an the parked vehicle; and no more Lhan ens (1) such perait shall be issued each b months for the same properly. Section 6. Safety Clause. The City Council riereby finis, ete7 rtnines, and declares that Lhis Ordinance is promulgates under the general police power of the City of tiheat Ridge, that it is proaulgated far the health, saftty, and welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the Crdinance bears a rational relation to Lhe proper legislative obJective sought to De attained. Section Severabiiit If any clause, sentence, paragraph, ar par o pis r Hance or the application thereof to any ,arson or circu~stancea shall for any reason be adJudged by a court of - rompetent Jurisdiction invalid, such Judgment shall not affect,- impair or lnvalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its application to other persons or circuastances. Section S. This Ordinance shall take effect days after ins pub iration. INTRODUCED, AEAD, AND ADOPTED an first reading Dy a role of to on this day of 1956, odd puaYT shed in full~a newspaper o genera circulation 3n the City of xheat 81dge and public Bearing and consideration on final passage set for 1956, at 7:30 o'clock 9.M., in a ounc am era, 500 hest 23Lh Arenve, itheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPT£D AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final .-cagy Dy a rota of to this day of 19Sb. STONED by the Mayor on this day of 1386. N t , Y an a ang, y er APPROVED AS TO €ORH BY CITY ATTOAdEY tat Publication: John Hayes, City Attorney , 2nd Publication: ,,itt t'.?.k. ,i, Mla,tt' ~ ,luly'.S^, t.er,+. i'a,r,+e -% "wr.rn in ty tnr -ray~,r a.«ra: Mrrl_iyr• '.ii[kw, tsL°,{J 'w, ++µtt: Avruuac i epryrKrtin~ Lt. ~' fir, Nn.Lrt ,YS t;uaeaarr:._a~, wr,!l ast~Rd it,at t.,lan~s 9Lb'{t~.tntiGn Lr t r:ien tv paat{.~,n.~ . uGert U 61ke, 1:i(:1 k. 4!at+~ Avrn„s, s,rnrre! marnagc°r uC tt:r isLur f.irkr ran, wh~~eeTa tnlaa s;r..rinance is • rastrS<tion, It ix privatr rr^~t.++rty earid any d~a~,rgr+ wua,l 1 to Lv Lhr r,r,.rtr . ~,,,, awka, tiZUO Kiplin„ wh+'+ waaa in favor of C+r, ilrryta' war,rndroent, :acausalan fuliowar~i, M~tian cerrlen $-t', ~r,r 4. +:auncil Hili .S`J - An Ur.lir:rncrt vncarti^>t; crrtain real ;,~,,;.rr:t g:rrvicusiy <•;,nvaryw9 tq t! "iiy fur `;trout F'uryuaru. G~xuncii [iiil iTJ'S Mara ir,trudur:oA s)n ~-,;ind rr9.lt^,K Ly kY. Flta,tity>; L.t.lh herd by the Cirtk; r r ainrrrtr 4u. f.7' ar•iyr,rd. !"riticrn Ly Mr . P t: °•-~.; S.~r LhR r;,irr>val of Ordi,,ancr 67T; ar,:or„rd Ca+ wr, i,av~s; ca*r te~~S b-rt. lLea, 5: Coura:ll bill 1S8 - An t;rdlnancr pruv2air.,~ f,.r thr ~;.t,r,:..iS sf rrsaninY fruu A{,riculturet-Gne, krsiaantiai•Twu a+nJ t3rsidentia.-Unt A fo Husyltari-Cinr xna FCtstctee,tla]-t;nc A ;. r, ]an,r located at 8yao iiesL 38 Eh Avtnue~, City at Lkeat hiay,e, ~,~,tr,ty of Jefferson. SLaG of Colurada. (Casa Ilse, t«Z-8G-13) (Rtchard f1am;;ir+canl Cauns:ll hill 298 tales 1nLroourea on srcond rr.dl~,r, ',y Kr•, ta,via; t+t:e read Gy tt.r Clerie; Urdtnance -;c;, 69r3 aasi`nra. Kr. Gidiry t•rrat~rtrs ttx+t case, 5wurn In by the lsayor was Jar i+rchsirY, Aatrainlstr.at.,r, Muticn b7 t'!r. Levis that Grdinance 6'b he apyrovrd for Li^t tulloa.inK rES:t+fas: i, tree rtqurat eeeLS thN intrnt of Lhe Coaa,pr•rt,rns;ar Plan drsigr.at t.3t. :or Lhe pruprrty, ?. Tha resaning r.~uid rectify a non-confc+rn:ic:e; situatis:n, j. RIi Planned isctiidi:td Group ra5u.aticns have ter. r. n.ot; srcondrd ty Mr. „ohnaon. 171scussicn followrd. hlr, krst: Ktaatr.s t.e u;l: vuth nc , ls' R.f land TircilcaLlon 1S not b! vrn, ~"rx. lvurtt, rr.)ycd t.- .as~rn.: "' the Batton to parr )and de.iication; srcctindrd t~} r'r, kr.,;t; F:+t:r.t ', ., rich Cuuncilmi°Rbars Mrrkl. NrsL, •na 4orth vcta•:r, yws. V~;t. ,yn original o•ution c:tried 7-t utth trr. Lrsi v.,ting tin, ILrs 5~ iipf~licatiun by Larr.n JcP.r.son Tor r•p;roval cf Cau:t tnt4 Prrlitninary and Fina] Irvrlopa¢rnt Sian and fiat Uri property xonrc! Planned RetlarnLi+al trvriuy+rer:t ic.tatr~_ a,t tt58c' Lest Ltath Avc-sue. CLasr 7ia. L.:-9b-7b) tt:arrrn ,; c:t~nac+~^' kr, ~adiry presrntr<! Lt.e case, Cwdrn ir, t,y t+.e +~ayur uas ai;Ii.:.rt Larrrn .%aRnsJh, i2LttF k. 5e+tt. pv~nur, wt,v yre~e•Lea t,i, virv ;,f rtr aevc oparent, I'utton Ly Yr. Merle: ~.t.aL Carr i.:-fit-t~ Lt y;-~~eu t..° t!+. fallowing masons: !, ': hr yroyrrty is tiritp..!. ir.e (,sty af' w+.cn: ~,,,~,., and a]i n<;tii icatiun xnJ prstir.n rc.}uirfa.onts '..,vN t3rer: c,rt , t'.r• ~ •c there is jut lad ictior to brat this rase. 2. F,i: rtyuiran ruts car FZannac ;5rsidrntial Ceveluparnt ant Sutdivi3l~r, Ftrt,u:aticrs 'a'•r: tr,"+ s,Ci, 3. TRr yropatrd ;,2an varies Start t4tr u.,tilne F.qn 4~,1': tr. tt,mt rrsldrntiai aensit} 1^a locatra tutat:ly on Lhr s:uther• aorLa,ar,. 4 T.o; City: Council - . From:, GIen,Gidley, Director_of Planning & Development o 0 Re: Nonconforming Use Regulations ~ toRP° . - Date: September 12, 1995 .a :.,.. ."'i F ~ S~. r~cr .:a:,j r '~S.a'?'!cx'Lt '- _~x; ".. 'tl.. .~ ~ o '. .r-J;~". '. This matter has been placed upon your September 18 Study Session agenda as a follow-up to prior meetings. The attached Council Bill was submitted to you on a prior agenda for 1st Reading after Planning Commission recommended approval after they held a public hearing upon the matter. Rather than debating the merits of the proposed Council. Bill, perhaps it would be better to first identify why you may want to do anything at all, and if you conclude that there are reasons for considering revisions, then-second, examine the various alternatives that may be considered in any Council Bill on this matter. f WHEgT MEMORANDUM ~ ° ~a v m WHY BE CONCERNED Einancins Problems: -Potential buyers of nonconforming use properties are finding substantial resistance by the lending community to make loans on such properties. Recent examples include nonconforming residential uses in commercial zones. 2. Land Use Time Bombs: There are many nonconforming uses which fit within their neighborhood context and are thought by the neighborhood as being a good and acceptable use. However, the nonconforming use may be required to cease, upon amortization, and a less compatible use may hence be forced upon the neighborhood. An example is a residence, in the midst of other residences, which is nonconforming in a commercial zone district. 3. Enforcement Difficult & Costlv:_ Identifying all of the existing and future nonconforming uses will be very difficult. We have attached a list of known nonconforming uses, however, we are unable to identify all such uses, especially as laws change in the future and create nonconformities each time the land use laws change. Actual enforcement in each and every case may involve a series of due process steps, including substantial litigation. Code Enforcement and legal staff may be insufficient to carry the work load come the year 2000. 4. Incompatible & Undesirable Uses: One of the basic tenants of nonconforming use provisions is a presumption that such uses are incompatible and undesirable within the zone district currently located. This may, or may not, be the case. There may be a few select cases that meet this presumption test, however, on the whole, staff concludes that most such uses are harmonious within the neighborhood context, or are not so incompatible that "natural amortization" by way of the 60 day non-use provision could achieve the basic objectives. However, there are constitutional equal protection issues that require we treat all "classes" of uses similarly, therefore 1 Memo To City Council September 12, 1995 Page 2 we shouldn't pick-and-choose which nonconforming uses we enforce, allowing others to remain. Any enforcement, or legal revisions should be applied across the ,. -board. 1 have attached a "Decision Table" that attempts to identify the various issues and options that may be used to address this issue. 1 will use this table to try to gain your consensus on this matter. GEGislw attachment MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: GLEN GIDLEY,.-PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIR. RE: CASE ZOA-95-1: Proposed amendment to Zoniag Ordinance, Nonformiag Use provisions, Sec. 26-7 DATE: FEB. 24, 1995.. Please find attached a proposed_Council Bill that would amend the Nonconforming Use provisions of the Zonrig Ordinance, in the following ways: __ 1. Remove the 15-year/year-2000 amortization schedule for nonconforming uses. 2. Exempt nonconforming residential uses and structures from the 60 day non-use reversion clause. (sec (5)), 3. Added provisions-for nonconforming Special Uses which are consistant with recent revisions to the Special Use_Permit regulations of Sec. 26-6 (B)(7). Should the amortization schedule not be eliminated, staff will need to begin .to identify all nonforming uses throughout the City, and legally notify the owners of the impending requirements to abate the nonconforming uses. I suspect that a good number of rezoning requests, requests_to revise the„zoning ordinance to provide relief for their situation, and law suits will be forthcoming as a result_of the City's proactive enforcement of this provision. CERTIFICATION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CASE NO: ZOA-95-1 OF RESOLUTION PLANNING COMMISSION LOCATION: City-wide APPLICANT(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge A proposal to amend the Wheat Ridge zoning Ordinance, Section 26-7, Nonconforming IIses and Structures. This amendment, mould revise or eliminate the 15-year amortization schedule for nonconforming uses. WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted information to be considered with the above request, and said information is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions f reached, it was moved by Commissioner LANGDON, seconded by WheatsRidge Zoning OrdinanceasSectionO2697,iNOacoaformingtIISeseand~e Structures, be APPROVED and forwarded to City Council. VOTE: YES: Williams, Cerveny, Langdon, Crompton and Johnson NO: None i, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 5 - 0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 2nd day of March, 1995. ~> ~_•„ •~~~ ..~.a,~ rson Sandra Wig9 WHEAT RIDGE. PLANNING CO ISSION - WHEAT RIDGE b:\zoa951.res Council Bill No. ORDINANCE NO. Series of 1995 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 26-7. NONCONFORMING USES. +' ~' ~, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Wheat_Ridge Code_of Laws, Section 2.6 -7 (E} is hereby amended as follows: of individual structures with a replacement cost of five thousand dollars (.$5,000.00) or more, or-such structures and land in combination which exists at the time of adoption or amendment of .this Zoning Code, but which would not be allowed in the district in which located under the terms of this Zoning Code, may be ~ continued, so long as they remain otherwise lawful, (E)~,Nonconforming Uses of Structures, ox of Premises, or of 0 Structures and Premises in Combination: ESCEPT AS PROVIDED IINDER SIIBSECTION 26-7(E)(7) BELOW, lawful uses. provided: ,~ (1) No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted by this Ordinance in the district in which located shall be enlarged, extended, ,~(~,constructed, reconstructed, moved or structurally ~' / altered except in changing the use of the Q structure to a use permitted. in the district in which it is located.. ,1 ~ (2 Any nonconforming use may be extended throughout ].,\1Y any part of -the building which was designed or arranged for such use at the time of adoption or amendment of the Zoning Code, .but no such use any building which was not used for said nonconforming use at the time of the adoption or • lLfamendment of this Ordinance creating said nonconforming use. shall be extended to occupy any land outside such building. In addition, no such use shall•be- i extended to-any portion of the property outside of ~.. ~ ~ ~~ Ordinance No. ~~~ t Series of 1995 fv~ age 2 ~; ~~~o (3) That no structural alte lions are e, nonconforming use of a str lure, or of premis s, or of a structure and premise in combination, may "`~ be changed to another nonconfor 'ng use as special exception by the board of adjustm t; provided, that said board finds that the prop ed use is equally or more appropriate than the fisting use. In permitting this change, the board ma require ` whatever conditions and safeguards it dee necessary. ~. ~(4) Any structure, or land, or structure and land ~' combination, in or on which a nonconforming s replaced by a permitted use sha`11 not agai e devoted to a use not permitted in the which it is located. ~- rict in ~~C:'~1.5~- (5) Whenever any nonconforming use of~aFstructuie, land, or a structure AND ~7p in-combination, is discontinued for sixty (60) consecutive days or ~ ix (6) months during any 'three (3) year period, /// except when government act}on iippedes access to '~i~~~ the property, 7 structure and the structure, or thereafter be oted `~acuse1notion shall not ~ permitted in the district 'n which it is located. N@@NI' ING RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND USES ARE / ,, E%EMPT FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SUBSECTION (5), Where nonconforming use talus applies to a V structure an`combination, removal or destruc of the structure shall not eliminate ~ nonconforming status of the land, except where the nonconforming use of the land is additionally terminated. '!Destruction,".for the purpose of this section, shall be defined as damage to the extent of more than fifty (50) percent of the re lacement c~os.t~t the time of destruction. _ (7) NON~ONF RMTNG SPECI ~ ANY PECIg~WHICH IS NONC NFORMIN O, THE P SIGN F SECTION 26-6 (B) Y WAY O VI RECEIVED APPROVAL OF A SPECI IISE PERMIT UNDER ES _ PROC S SHALL TERMINAT OR SHALL'OTHERWIS BECOME CONFORMING TO THE ROVISIONS OF SUBSECTION 26-6 (B7 WITHIN FIVE ($) EARS OF THE DATE THAT SIICH NONCONFORMING STAT S BECAME EFFECTIVE. IN ADDITION, WITHIN THIS VE-yF.AR p,MORTIZATION PERIOD NO NONCONFORMING SpECTAT• USE SHALL-CfiAN(,F. w ` /f ~~ l.oJ~ } .a Ordinance No. Series of 7995 -Page 3 OWNERSHIP WITHOIIT COMING INTO CONFORMANCE WITH THIS SUBSECTION 26-6(B). ~ . Y Section 2. Safety Clause The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare.- The-City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 3. Seyerability If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged by a court of 'competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate .the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Supersession Clause If any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, ~~ the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail. .Section 5. This .ordinance shall take effect days after ;final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of _ to on this day-of 1995, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for 1995, .at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to this day ,of 1995. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day ,o f- 1995. Dan Wilde, MAYOR . __ - Wanda Sang, CITY CLERK ~. ~,. Y Ordinance No. Series of 1995 -- 1st Publication: 2nd Publication: Jefferson Ridge Sentinel Effective Date: <ord>nonconus.ord Page 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY Gerald Dahl, CITY ATTORNEY J .. .. ,. :..:_..: Y ,. NONCONFORMING USES AMORTIZATION ISSUES: ~:,~ ri ., .._ RESIDENTIAL USES ._ NON-RESIDENTIAL- . USES ., ' LOW DENSITY MED./HIGH DENSITY , AIVIORTIZE • YEAR 2000 • 15 YEARS • 60 DAYS • OWNERSHIP TRANSFER LAND BUSINESS "REZONE • CITY INITIATED • OWNER INITIATED • FEES WAIVED? REVISE USE RULES • PERMITTED USE • CONDITIONAL USE • SPECIAL USE • STANDARDS? • BOA SPECIAL EXCEPTION ~~o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEMORANDUM TO': CITY AFFAIRS CO ITT E FROM: GLEN GIDLEY RE: APRIL 10 AGENDA ITEM- NONCONFORMING USES ISSUE DATE: APRIL 8, 1996 Please find attached as backround information for this item, three sets of packets. The first is where this issue began, at Planning Commission in February of 1995. The second is a Council Study Session packet from Sept. of 1995 where Council referred the matter to CAC. The third is an example of why this is an issue, and what the City Attorney's position was on the specific problem at hand. r AGENDA ITEM RECAP _____4UASI-JUDICIAL Yes x '_ No __PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY ADM. MATTERS ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS _ PROC.%CEREMONIES CITY ATTY. MATTERS ORDINANCES FOR 15T REAMING _ BIDS/MOTIONS LIQUOR HEARINGS _x ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING _ INFORMATIOA ONLY- - PUBLIC COMMENT RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amendment to Code of Laws, Zoning Ordinance, Section 26-7. Nonconforming Uses SUD4dARY/RECOMMENDATION: This Council Bi11 revises the Nonconforming, Use provisions of the Zoning Ordinance relating to amortization of nonconforming uses. Anew subsection (8) has been ,added after First Reading in accordance with .Council motion. Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1} Council Bill 20 2) 3) BUDGETED ITEM Yes No Fund _ Dept/Acct # _ __. Budgeted Amount $ Requested Expend.S Requires Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation Yes No SUGGESTED MOTION: I move that Council Bill 20 be approved on second reading and take effect 15 days after final publication. Z,,,,.9- ~ Z4~' <~ INTRODUCED BY C UNCIL MEMBER - Council Bill No. ~_ ORDINANCE NO. Series of 1996 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 26-7. NONCONFORMING USES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws,, Section 26-7 (E) is hereby amended as follows: _- (E} Nonconforming Uses of Structures, or of Premises, or of Structures .and Premises in Combination: EXCEPT AS PROVIDED UNDER SUBSECTION 26-7(E)(7) BELOW, lawful uses of individual structures with a replacement cost of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) or more, or such structures and land in combination which exists at the time of adoption or amendment of this Zoning Code, but which would not be allowed in the district. in which located under the terms of this Zoning Code, may be continued, so long as they remain otherwise lawful, i~til dttl~ 1, ,, ,.~.. .. be ~e~m4na~ed ~ aV ,.,- ..a F. Fa-.. ^ provided: (1) No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted by this Ordinance in the district in which located shall be enlarged, extended, constructed, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered except in changing the use of the structure to a use permitted in the district in which it is located. (2) Any nonconforming use may be extended throughout any part of the building which was designed or arranged for such use at the time of adoption or amendment of the Zoning Code, but no such use shall be extended to occupy any land outside such building. In addition, no such use shall be extended to any portion of the property outside of any building which was not used for said nonconforming use at the time of the adoption or amendment of this Ordinance creating said nonconforming use. Ordinance_No. Page 2 Series of 1996 (3) That no structural alterations are made, any nonconforming use of a structure, or of premises, or of a-structure and premises in combination, may be changed to another nonconforming use as special exception by the board of adjustment; provided, that said board finds that the proposed use is equally or more appropriate than the existing use. In permitting this change, the board may require whatever conditions and safeguards it deems necessary.. (4) Any structure, or land, or structure and land in combination, in or on which a nonconforming use is replaced by a permitted use shall not again be devoted to a use not permitted i_n_ the district in which it is located. . (5) Whenever any nonconforming use of a structure, or land, or a structure and land in combination, is discontinued for sixty (60) consecutive days or six (6) months during any three (3) year period, except when government action impedes access to the property, or at the termination of the fifteen (15) year amortization period, the structure, or structure and premises in combination shall not thereafter be devoted to a use not permitted in the district in which it is located. NONCONFORMING RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND USES ARE EXEMPT FROM THE PROVISIONS OF TH25 SUBSECTION (5). (6) Where nonconforming use status. applies to a structure and premises in combination, removal or destruction of the structure shall not eliminate the nonconforming status of .the-land, except where the nonconforming use of the land is additionally terminated. "Destruction," for the purpose of this section, shall be defined as damage to the extent of more than fifty (50) percent of the replacement cost at the time of destruction. (7) NONCONFORMING SPECIAL USES: ANY SPECIAL IISE WHICH IS NONCONFORMING TO THE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTION 26-6 (B) BY WAY OF NOT HAVING RECEIVED APPROVAL OF A SPECIP,L USE PERMIT UNDER PRIOR RULES AND PROCEDURES SHALL TERMINATE OR SHALL OTHERWISE BECOME CONFORMING TO THE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTION 26-6(B) WITHIN FIVE (5) YEARS OF THE DATE THAT SUCH NONCONFORMING STATUS BECAME EFFECTIVE. IN ADDITION, WITHIN THIS FIVE-YEAR AMORTIZATION PERIOD NO NONCONFORMING SPECIAL USE SHALL CHANGE Ordinance No. Series of 19.96 Page 3 OWNERSHIP WITHOUT COMING INTO CONFORMANCE WITH THIS SUBSECTION 26-6(B). (S) LAND USE CONFORMANCE APPLICATIONS - FEE WAIVED: REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT OR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR PROPERTIES WHICH ARE NONCONFORMING USES AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION, AND WHERE SUCH APPLICATIONS ARE INTENDED TO BRING THE NONCONFORMING IISE INTO BE CHARGED APPLICATION REIMBURSE THE CITY FOR THE APPLICATION REVIEW USE CONFORMANCE, SHALL NOT FEES OR BE REQUIRED TO DIRECT EXPENSES RELATED TO PROCESS. Section 2. Safetv Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police. power of the City of wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The.City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be-attained. Section 3. Severabilitv.. If, any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall. for any reason be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its applicati-on_to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. This ordinance -shall take effect days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of _ to on this day of 1996, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for - 1996, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to _ this day of , 1996. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 1996. Ordinance No. Page 4 Series of 1996 Dan Wilde, MAYOR Wanda Sang, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY 1st Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: c:\wp60\ord\nonconus.ord Gerald E. Dahl, CITY ATTORNEY M E M O R A N D U M TO: All Interested Parties FROM Glen Gidley, Zoning Administrator RE: Nonconforming Uses DATE: December 2, 1992 The Zoning Code, Sec. 26-7(E) provides an amortization of nonconforming uses .either upon reaching the date of July 1, 2000 or upon 15 years after the adoption of an ordinance which created the nonconforming use. There is confusion regarding this provision as to whether it applies to nonconforming structures and site development standards in addition to the actual use of land. This memorandum is intended to address this ambiguity and to establish administrative policy by way of interpretation. 1. REGARDING THE ISSUE OF NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES OR PREMISES Structures and/or premises which are nonconforming relative to development standards such as, but not limited to number of parking spaces, parking lot design, or landscaping are NOT subject tc the amortization schedule set forth in Sec. 26-7(E). Similarly, nonconformities due to setbacks, height and building coverage are not subject to amortization because of the provisions of Section 26-7(D). REGARDING THE ISSUE OF NONCONFORMING USE There are two distinct types of use nonconformities: A. For the zone district wherein the use exists, the use currently IS NOT listed within the zone district regulations as a "Permitted Principal Use", A "Permitted Accessory Use", a "Conditional" or "Special Use". Hence, it is not allowed under any circumstances in the district, except as a Temporary Use if approved by the Board of Adjustment. (e.g. an industrial use in an R-1 zone district) B. For the zone district wherein the use exists, the use IS currently listed within the zone district regulations as a "Permitted Principal Use", a "Permitted Accessory Use", a "Conditional Use", or a "Special Use". However, the current development standards associated with the use would not allow it to be established-now. (e.g. a residential duplex on a substandard lot size in the R-2 zone district that pre-dates any zoning ordinance). It shall be administrative policy that in subparagraph A. above are subject t those nonconforming uses described in subject to the amortization•schedule. subject to such amortization schedule, Section 26-7(D) regarding enlargement, replacement. those nonconforming uses described o the amortization schedule, whereas subparagraph B. above shall not be Nonconforming structures, while not are subject to the provisions of addition, alteration and GEG:slw <pc>ggmemol0/15 .,, • - M E M O R A N D U M TO: Planning Commission FROM:len Gidley, Director of Planning & Development RE: Nonconforming Uses DATE: December 30, 1993 Several months ago, i provided copies of the attached memo to you regarding Nonconforming Uses. Since then, I have received questions regarding the intent of the City relative to enforcement of the year-2000 amortization requirement for nonconforming uses. The questions include the following: 1. Can we legally force people to cease a nonconforming use? 2. How are we going to notify people in advance that their use must cease or they must seek other ways to conform? 3. Will the City extend the amortization schedule again like they did in 1985? I think it is time that we take a serious look at these provisions and think about the balance between the public gain versus the private loss. Are there classes or groups of nonconforming uses that pose no particular harm if they are allowed to "naturally amortize"? Conversely, are there classes or groups of nonconforming uses that, because of their particular location or context relative to other uses, are or could be harmful if allowed to continue? I have attached a copy of the nonconforming section of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 26-7) for your reference. Please read and think about subsection (A) Intent, and then read subsection (E) with the "intent" in mind. Then, envision the potential implementation scenario with the year-2000 looming on the horizon. LET'S TALK! GEG:slw -~ , i ,I ~ - - ~, ~ I~ . -- ~' ~• ~ , r- '•` ~- «- ~~ _ ` / `-" d _ = ~ - , ~ u,. - - ~~. -_, iii.. i ~ ~ r ~ r ~ ~+-~ ~-I;yT INTERURBAN CORPORATION _ . T0: CITY.COIINCIL CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STATE OF COLORADO • RE: VARIANCE FOR 5525 WEST 26TH AVENUE "" - ' .CURRENT IISE: _ _ _ '- ' THE PROPERTY. IN QIIESTION IS ZONID R-3 AND CONTAINS FOIIR~ ~(4) SEPARATE HOMES. PROPERTY IS NONCONFORMING RELATIVE TO THE R-3 $ONE- ':- DISTRICT STANDARDS FOR LOT WIDTH AND LOT AREA. .ALL FOIIR'STR~CTDRES.WERE BIIILT.IN 1899, 1935, 1935-AND 1937;., WHICH -WAS PRIOR TO THR IDiCORPORATION OF THE .CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ^THEY ARE--CONSIDERED LEGAL RE[~TTAT [TNITS DNDER A AONCONFORMING IISE PROVISION. F.I PROPOSED IISE: _ _~ SAME AS.CU$RENT~IISE EBCEPT THE OWNERS ARE REQIIESTING A VARIANCE _ IN THE FIFTY (50).FOOT LOT.WIDTH,AND TOTAL SQIIARE'FOOTAGE OF THE LOT; THUS MAKING THE PROPERTY A LEGAL.FOIIR-UNIT. _ ,., - - o- . " PIIRPOSE OF VARIANCE• OWNERS ARE. SELLING THE PROPERTY TO A YOIING M~RTF.fI COIIPLE AS AN ' OWNER OCCDPANT. -THE PIIRCHASER$ ARE ACQIIIRING THE PROPERTY WITH AN FHA LOAN AND FHA REQIIIRES 9 VARIANCE IN ORDER TO-FUND THE PIIRCBASE.. 'THE VARIANCE IS T$E ONLY THING HOLDING IIP THE PDRCHASE OF THE PROPERTY. ON BEHALF OF THE AWNERS~ AND THE PDRCHASERS, WE ARE ASKING YOII, ' THE CITY.COIINCZL, TO:HELP-DS E%PEDITE THE .VARIANCE PROCESS AND TARE SPECIAL "ACTION GRANTING THE VARIANCE SO THAT THE YOIING.COIIPLE CAN' _ MOVE.INTO THEIR NEW HOME: _ ~/ SINCERELY, I '~/ ~~ ~ ~// - /` ~ r - WILLIAM, T. DOOGAN AS_ATTORNEY-IN-FACT FOR ..THE SELLERS,`DEWAIN AND WENDY JACKSON _. - ~~ ~ r _: I 1776 South Jackson Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado 80210 X303) 759-9090- __ _ ATT9.C@IEPT ~ FOR VARIANCE REQIIEST .. ~ - - --- - 5525 WEST Z6TH,AVENU~ HOIISE (3) - ~ _ _ ....yy - L 11yy ~y44 1 t ~ ~~~.:'* ~ < C i_'f ' _ X - ` _ ~~ T i~ HOIISE (4) '_ ,- „ ~-_ '> ~ , . - 75pD~NEST,29TH-AVENUE- ' _ - ~. -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .: ~ ThE Cffy~Of - 'WHEAT RIDGE.C080034-0638 ;~.(3d3)234-5900' z _;~ileSt -. City Aernin. Fax ti 234-5924' ~ Police Dept..Fax k 235-2949 ' - .\~. ~/C~D~ ld0"~,l 1 1 _ 'August-17,..1992 . ,' .., Mr. David E. Youngblood Interurban Corporation ;1776: S. Jackson St.;-Suite 300 Denver -CO 80210, ~,„ -Dear, Mr. Youngblood: ' ~ ~ '~ ~ ~. Please'let this letter serve_.as zoning_and use confirmation for property .located at ,5525 West 26th Avenue within the City of ' Wheat Ridge., ~ .. ~~ The property in question has R-3 zoning-and contains four ~ _ dwelling units;in three separate Structures.- You_indc;ated the-_ ., .land encompasses 9375 square -feet-which is substandard for this , type~of.development. _However, since the buildings were - constructed pri6r ~o the-incorporation of the City of Wheat Ridge (1899, 1935,.1935 and. 1937),-they are considered nonconforming. Attached are"'copies of the Residential--Three Zone district , ~°. regulations and Section 26-7 of Wheat Ridge Code of Law§ relating . to nonconformities'. _ I£~you have 'further questions-or need clarification, please feel - __ free_tb_contabt me at 235-2848. _ ` ,, _ _ .. - _ ~ ~ _~ ~ _, S"i~ncerely; _ _ _ _ _ M/eredith Reckert - - - Planner - MR:s1w , cc:' Zone verification-log , ' = Attachments r -. ~ ~ . - ~ ~ „' _ - I - ~_ i - _ - i ~ ~. - I, - ~ ~ - - - ~ `. -~C~~a;,,,n.,~nrv~, - - ..~ - ~ ~~ ~i , i_ ~. r, ' ~~ ~ POY,EY OP 6TT QYH EY -. ~h ESTATE OPT - ~ ~~i ~ .. ..a ) ae. coLOEADD - ' i ~~ _ _~ ,. r~, _ ~ -~ YHOV ALL MEN BY THESE PHESEHTS: -. - - - ~ _. - .. _ ;. - ' .. ~ That. Ir DEYAIN JAC&.SON AND'YENDY JACKSON ~, t6n .. - ~ undnrelgaed of 5525 y 26TH AVE.. YHPA7 EIDGE. CO ' , do hereby sake, y - ~ - : ~ ~- ~ - ~ -~ - conatitut® and appoint f71LLIA!( T. DOOGAN ' ' ' - ~ of 1776 S. _ _, m _... _. _. _. - ~ JAQeYx 1300. DFNVkIl. .y true and lawful attorney in fact -for ae -sad _ - - 1n ly Dace, place and stead, and oa iry behalf, ~aod for ~y use and _' - - - '. beaefic: iDTS L1 AYD 12, PCIMCE'S HESDBDIVISIOMOF BIRCH 14,- , IdYESIDE, COi1NTY OF JEFFEESON. STATE OP COIABADO. --- - ' - ~ ~ 'PHOPEHT4 ADDBESS:~ 5525~TJ. 26TH AVENGE, YHEAT YIDCB. COIABADO 80033 - _.. ~ i - ~~ ~. - _ _- _ -' ~~ ~ - ~ ~- 1: To exeieiae ~~or perforce Lay act, power, duty, right or ~ - j _ ~' ~ ~ ~i_ ~ abiligatloa whatsoever that I oar have, or ray hsrsafter acquire the ' _ ~ '=legal right, power or capacity co ezerciae or pnrfot~, is connection - ~ - ~ with, arising frog, ~or relating to any person, ices, transacCion,~ - -~ ~ ~ thing, buaiaeas property, real or petsonhl, CangiDle or-'intangible, or Batter wha[eeover; - 2~. To request, ask, demand, sue For,' recover, collect, ' ~ ~ receive, sad hold and posaase all such suss of .oney, debts, dues, - - ~ .~ co®ercial paper, checks, .drafts, accounts, deposits, legaclca, '_ ~ Requests, devlaes,~ mtea, interest, stock certificates, boade - ~ dividends, certificates of depoait,aanuitias, pension sad retireaent - ~ .- _ ~Renefits, -insurance benefits and proceeds, any and all docue~ents of ' ,.._ -, 61c1e, ehoaea is striae, personal and real propsrty, intang161e sad ~ - - ~ 'tangible prapesry and property rights,- sad descends whatsoever, - ' - ~ liquidated ar unliquidated, ae oaw ors, or shall hereafter beconn, - _ owned by, or due, owing, payable, or belonging to ae, or is which - ~ I have or ^ay hereafcdr uquica fntereac, to have, uas, asd take all - - - - ~ lawful cans sad equitable and legal reaedles, Procedures, sad writs ~ ~ -- ' is .y Haan for the collection ~ racovsry-thssso£; and to adjus~,- - sell,-coaproalae, ~ agree For ,the aaae, and to Hake, execute, aw[ "_ ~- ~_ deLlver for se; Dn ry behalF, and 'ln ry Hasa, all endoraenencs, - ~ _ acquleLncea, releases, of other sufficient discharges .for -the ease; - _ - - 3. To lease, purchase, ezchaage, sad acquire, and to agree, - - bargain, -and concruC for the lease, purchase, exchange and ~ __ ; - ~ acqulsiclan of, and to ueepc, cake,, receive, °and possess any real ~- or personal propacty rhacsoavnr, taagibls or intangible, ar lncaren[ ~~ ~~ theraoa. on such lteaa sad coadltiooa. sad uadar ouch covenants, as - ~ ~ '~ ~ -' said attoruay 1n £aet shall dace proper; ~~- ~ i ~~ 4.' To ^aYutiin, tiapair, iaprove, aaoage, insure, rent - -_ - ~ lases, rill, convey, coke aubjset -to liens,-~ortgage,~avdes subject -~ ~ ~ to dasds of Croat, and'hypathaeats, or is say way os .aoasr deal. rich - - - - ail or any pare of any real or-personal property whatsoever, caogible - ' ~ or lopangible,, or say intsraat chassis, thrt I nor ors or say _ - hereafter acquire, fos ae, in ry behalf, sad iA ry sera sad under _ .. such cares sad condlcione, sad under such eovaaaats, ao sold attorney _. ' _ ~ 1n fact sRall-deea proper; '- , _ -- ,-- ~ - 5. To sign for~wa and hied v jointly sad severally-.co such ~~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ - p;oaiseory notes, loans. debts, and other obligations upon such terws ' - sad- condltiose which in hie sole judgweat and dlteretian da dee^a - - necessary or- advisable, sad co pledge, egcuabcr''~~apd aeaiga'se ' collateral therefor any property or property ~right..Af .aids, Taal or persaaal, contract or chose in action, and npBCifically to agrea'on = 'ry behalf and bird ire to representations regatdiug'such notes, loans, - -' - debts, and other obligations, lncludiag yltbout' liaitation the ~ Duslneae nature of .any sad all, weR sores. .loans,"dcbts, and ' - obligations; '.~ ~ ,' _ - .. _ - ,. .. - ~, ~ ~ i, ., _. . ...,r - - ~ F ~ 6. To conduct.' engage in,-sad transact any and all lawful ~ - ~ - '~ Luslnesa of rhatevet niture or klad for me, do my behalf,~and in ry ~ _ .. lei - ,. ~ - ~ - - ~ .. ~ - ' 7. To lake, receive, sign, andoren, execute, acknowledge, - '. - - ,'_ ~ deliver and poesass - apch applications, cnncracca, agreements, options, ctiveoanta, conveyances, deeds, trust deeds, security ~ - ~- -~ agreements, Lille of sale, lessee, mortgages, assignments, iaaurance - - policies, bills of lading, warehouse receipts, documents of title, - ~- bills bonds debentures, ebecks, drafts, Lille of exchange, letters - _ - ~ ~ of .credit, note®, wtock sertiflcataa,-prouisa, warrants; commercial ~ - -~ - paper, receipca, withdrawal racsipn and deposit dnsirumaea relating - - ~- co accounts or deposits in, or certlficatea of deposit of,--banks, ' 'savings sad loan or other inadtutiooe or aaeociadoas, proofs of ~~ ~ - loan, evidences of- debts releases, sad eaCisfaetion 'of mortgages, - - ~ liens, 3udgemeats, security agreements ~ana other debts and - -• ~~ ~ ~ obligations and such other instrusenca in vritiag of whatever klod - ,_ - sad nature w -may Le necessary or proper .~ the ezasciee .of [he ~_ - ~ ~righta sad powers bereia granted; '. - ' . ~ ~ ~ .. ~ , ~ 8." I ,grant to -said attorney in fact full povar and ' authority, to do, cake, and perforce all' sad every act sad thing - _ ~ ~ whatsoever requisite, proper, or -necessity to be dom, Sa the. - -.~ ~nzerciae of any of the rights and powers hnreia granted, as fully - - _ - ~ co all incen[e and purposes ss I light or could ~do~ if .personally _ - ~ ~, present, with full power of substicutioi~ or revocation, hereby _ ~ 'ratifying sad, nonfirming ill CLat said attorney in Fact, or Lis _ - substitute ar substitutes, shall lawfully da or cause to be done Ly - virture of Chia Porer of Attorney' and the rights and pavers -herein - - - - .. granted; ~ .. -- ~ ~ ... - 9. This instsuaent is to bs constrned~~and interpreted as ~ - - - ~ a general power of attorney. The emueration of specific Items,- .:! '~ - - " slghte, acts, or powers herein fe not intended to, nor does it, 13atit ~ --~ ' ~ - or restrict, and la not co be cinstrned ~or Interpreted as liaitiag - - ar reacYlcting, the general porars herein granted co asid nCtornay ' in fact? _. ~' ~" - - - ., 10. IC ii understood and agreed that this is i power- of - -' . ~ attorney coupled with as Saterest as defined by Colorado lsr, and -_ that it shall sot be revoked rescinded, terminated,-.aspired, or any - - ray altered or amewled by reason o£ ry incapacity or death, and that - any act performed pursuant to the valid ezerciae of 'the porer of _ - - -. sttotney hereby'granted shall continue_co be valid and binding upon ~ - - - - '~ -' u, my heirs, succesaoia and assigas'afcer any suhaequent lacapaclty , ' or death, or any rescisaiin or amendment of this power of attorney. Li .. DATED: _ ~ ' _ ~~ - i ~~- ' ,' STATE OP CO1DgAD0 ~ ) ~- CITY ` ) ace. --. AND CODNT4 OP DEN4Eg ~ - - _ i i _- ' -- ~ Theforegoing inecrumnnt~ vas acknowledged before me thle - ~ ' 12TH day of OCTOBER , 1932 . by DEHATN JACKSON - ~. ~ - ~- -. ,. i ~WENDY JACKSON - -- ._ - " ~ -. .~ ~ ~ -' ~ ~ HLTNESS my Lead sad offieiil seal. - - - .~: ,MY eoaalasion saplrm: NOpENB , 1993- - ~ .. - __ ... _ .' i, .. pots bl ~ SERI. ~ ,_ ._ ~ _ - _ .. '" - _ - r - M E M O R A N D U M TO:_ All Interested Parties FROM Glen Gidley, Zoning Administrator RE: Nonconforming Uses DATE: December 2, 1992 The Zoning Code, Sec. 26-7(E) provides an amortization of nonconforming uses either upon reaching the date of July 1, 2000 or upon 15 years after the adoption of.an ordinance which created the nonconforming use. There is confusion regarding this provision as to whether it applies to nonconforming structures and site development standards in addition to the actual use of land. This memorandum is intended to address this ambiguity and to establish administrative policy by way of interpretation. 1. REGARDING THE ISSUE OF NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE OR PREMISE Structures and/or premises which are nonconforming relative to development standards such as, but not limited to number of parking spaces, parking lot design, or landscaping are NOT subject to the amortization schedule set forth in Sec. 26-7(E). Similarly, nonconformities due to setbacks, height and building coverage are not subject to amortization because of the provisions of Section 26-7(D). 2. REGARDING THE ISSUE OF NONCONFORMIN USE There are two distinct types of use nonconformities: A. For the zone district wherein the use exists, the use currently IS NAT listed within the zone district regulations as a "Permitted Principal Use", A "Permitted Accessory Use", a "Conditional" or "Special Use". Hence, it is not allowed under any circumstances in the district, except as a Temporary Use if approved by the Board of Adjustment. (e.g. an industrial use in an R-1 zone district) B. For the zone district wherein the use exists, the use.. IS currently listed. within the zone district regulations as a "Permitted Principal Use", a "Permitted Accessory Use", a "Conditional Use", or a "Special Use". However, the current development standards associated with the use would not allow it to be established now. (e.g. a residential duplex on a substandard lot size in the R-2 zone district that pre-dates any zoning ordinance). It shall be administrative policy that in subparagraph A. above are subject t those nonconforming uses described in subject to the amortization-schedule. subject to such amortization schedule, Section 26-7(D) regarding enlargement, replacement. those nonconforming uses described o the amortization schedule, whereas subparagraph B. above shall not be Nonconforming structures, while not are subject to the provisions of addition, alteration and GEG:slw <pc>ggmemol0/15 M E M O RAN D U M TO: Bob Middaugh, City Administrator FROM: Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development RE: Zoning Nonconforming Uses DATE: December 4, 1992 I have prepared the attached memorandum in order to clarify this department's interpretation of the intent of the Zoning Ordinance regarding nonconforming uses and the 15-year/year 2000 amortization provision. There has been cpnflicting discourse and misunderstanding of this issue by City Council, Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, general citizens, property owners and staff. Bence, I felt it necessary, as Zoning Administrator, to issue-this Administrative Policy Memorandum. I have issued copies to the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and my staff. You may want to copy City Council for their information. GEG:slw attachment .t' ¢ ~. M E M O RAN D U M TO: All Interested Parties FROM Glen Gidley, Zoning Administrator RE: Nonconforming Uses DATE: December 2, 1992 1110 4C/131i1C3. coca, sec. ze-~~lE) provides an amortization of nonconforming uses either upon reaching the date of July 1, 2000 or upon 15 years after the adoption of an ordinance which created the nonconforming use. There is confusion regarding this provision as to whether it applies to nonconforming structures and site development standards in addition to the actual use of land. This memorandum is intended to address this ambiguity and to establish administrative policy by way of interpretation. REGARDING THE ISSUE OF NONCONFORMING STRUCTU F OR PRE ISE Structures and/or premises which are nonconforming relative to development standards such as, but not limited to number of parking spaces, parking lot design, or landscaping are NOT subject to the amortization schedule set forth in Sec. 26-7(E). Similarly, nonconformities due to setbacks, height and building coverage are not subject to amortization because of the provisions of Section 26-7(D). REGARDING THE ISSUE OF NON NFORMING USE There are two distinct types of use nonconformities: A. For the zone district wherein the use exists, the use currently IS NOT listed within the zone district regulations as a "Permitted Principal Use", A "Permitted Accessory Use", a "Conditional" o'r "Special Use". Hence, it is not allowed under any circumstances in the district,-except as a Temporary Use if approved by the Board of Adjustment. (e.g. an industrial use in an R-1 zone district) B. For the zone district wherein the use exists, the use IS currently listed within the zone district regulations as a "Permitted Principal Use", a "Permitted Accessory Use", a "Conditional Use", or a "Special Use". However, the current development standards associated with the use would not allow it to be established now. (e.g. a residential. duplex on a substandard lot size in the R-2 zone district that pre-dates any zoning ordinance). It shall be administrative policy that those nonconforming uses described in subparagraph A. above are subject to the amortization schedule, whereas those nonconforming uses described in subparagraph B. above shall not be subject to the amortization•schedule. Nonconforming structures, while not subject to such amortization schedule, are subject to the provisions of Section 26-7(D) regarding enlargement, addition, alteration and replacement. GEG:siw <pc>ggmemol0/15 PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: ZOA-95-1 DATE: March 2, 1995 REQUEST: Consideration of a proposal to amend the Wheat Ridge Zoning Ordinance, Section 26-7. Nonconforming Uses and Structures. This proposed amendment, if approved, would revise or eliminate the 15-year amortization schedule for nonconforming uses. (CONTINUED FROM 02-76-951. PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: Case No. ZOA-95-1: DATE: _February 16, 1995 REQUEST: Consideration of a proposal to amend the Wheat Ridge Zoning Ordinance, Section 26-7. Nonconforming Uses and Structures. This proposed amendment, if approved, would revise or eliminate the 15-year amortization schedule for nonconforming uses. Copies of the proposed amendment are available from the Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215. SPEAKER NAME RESS_&~PHONE (PLEASE PRINK Position o Please IN FAVOR Request heck OPPOSED ~„~...., NOTICE OF PIIBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public. Hearing is. to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on February 16, 1995 at 7:3.0 p.m. at 7500 west 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. WZ-94-17: An application by Patricia Askew for approval of a rezoning from Restricted-Commercial to Commercial One for property located at 6795 West 44th - Avenue. Said property is legally described as follows:. The South 15.5 feet of-the East 225 feet of the West 250 feet of Block 7; EXCEPT that part. described_as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line and 25 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Block 7, thence East along said South line 35 feet; thence North and parallel to West line: of said Block-7 a distance. of 3 feet; thence West and parallel to said South line 15 feet; thence Northwest 16.97 feet to a point that is 33 feet. East of said West line; thence North and parallel to said West line 15 feet; thence West and parallel to said South line 8 feet-thence South-and parallel to said west Line 30 feet more or less to the point of beginning, LAKEVIEW SUBDIVISION, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. . 2. Case No. WZ-95-2: An application by John and Julie Batug for approval of a final development plan and plat. The property is zoned Planned Residential Development, is located at 3701 Quail Street and is legally described as follows: THE SOUTH 268 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF BLOCK - 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF SAID BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, 768 FEET; THENCE EAST 165 FEET MORE OR. LESS TO THE EAST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF BLOCK 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION, THENCE WEST 165 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL .MERIDIAN, JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO; THENCE SOUTH 30 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY .LINE OF WEST 38TH AVENUE; THENCE EAST 1319.8 FEET TO THE. POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ,SOUTH ALONG ,.~ THE EAST LINE OF--TRACT 12, BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION 768 FEET; THENCE WEST 25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 753 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ALONG THE-ARC OF A CURVE TO THS LEFT 23.562 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF'-WAY OF WEST 38TH AVENUE; THENCE EAST 40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. 3. .Case No. ZOA-95-1: Consideration of a proposal to amend the Wheat Ridge Zoning Ordinance, Section 26-7. Nonconforming Uses and Structures. This proposed amendment, if approved, would revise or eliminate the 15-year amortization schedule for nonconforming uses. Copies of the proposed amendment are available from the Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215. ` / \^. ~~ e ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: February 2, 1995 Jefferson Sentinel C:\WP60\pc\21695.PHN :.;''.1. 6d =:..:1 ~,1,.' ~:~ L. it ti Et ! ',~ ~a 5..i. >!''.I ~::. .,.;;,;; ~. ,.... ,..H avEC .(h~Vi.J 11.. [?y L,ri Fq i... ju l'l'{ I'l.~I:.'. I'';,,;,. .1, ~...~. i,:i itl ,~:.U,^b:_. .`)tl'.I CS :, s ti!< `r iCi't.l l" I ,~t.. p.f 't, 1' I1, v4't'~ I i'. fi: .. .... ~,.,1 ir.,l '1 r;'~-r'rr'1 n.1 ~. tl'''~F':.~ ,:;,ri i'~1 U1::. 'i'. t':; ~''i ..,;'~ ,.. ,, . _. tiLiP~15+f1'.F? ~f. L..IPJE~;.. ^'ti+ Ir'1 Ciai? ..let'f'; r,aail .'i?r,~. .-:p::;r q' ~ (Z ~JJ a~N-ntl~e~q~ CRY Cbr+ ~' ;~,'~`~` ' PublkheE:PeDrvery 2, 1B86~ - ' Publlehed In: The Jetlenron Ssntlml f;9TY OF WFIRnTn~G ~~ '~ 4 t. pip p 21992 PFIILLIPS & MALONEY, P.C. Attorneys at Law Suite 450, The Mazket Center 1350 Seventeenth Street Denver, Colorado 80202-1517 (303) 825-6444 Telecopier: (303) 825-1269 r~NNING & D~~.OPMEN~ John E. Hayes Herbert C. Phillips James S. Maloney TO: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE M. Susan Lombardi Scott W. Smith Of Counsel Kathleen E. Haddock GLEN GIDLEY, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FROM: JOHN E. HAYES, CITY ATTORNEY ~ r5~- DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 1992 / /'~ RE: NONCONFORMING USES MEMORANDUM OF OCTOBER 15, 1992 This Memorandum will confirm our recent telephone conversation regarding my thoughts relating to your October 15, 1992 memorandum regarding your interpretation, as Zoning Administrator, of the nonconforming uses section 'of the Wlieat-Ridge City Code. In relation to paragraph l of your memorandum, I believe that you should strike the words "setbacks, height, building coverage," from their present position, but refer to those sections based on the provisions of Section 26-7(D). Therefore, Section 1 would read as follows: Structures and/or premises which are nonconforming relative to development standards such as, but not limited to number of parking spaces, parking lot design, or landscaping are not subject to the amortization schedule set forth in Section 26-7 (E) because the same are subject to the provisions of Section 26-7(H). Similarly, nonconformities due to setbacks, height, and building coverage are not subject to amortization because of the provisions of Section 26-7(D). Regarding the provisions of your paragraph 2, I concur with your conclusions, but would suggest that you add as a proviso to subpart B that use of any such structures is subject to the provisions of Section 26-7(D). G~'"hR~AATION I~PY ~~ FAC~ir~~~ Subject to these comments, I concur in your conclusions and interpretation regarding the amortization of nonconforming uses and structures as currently set out in-the City's Zoning Code. ~'t~OV-3Q-9~ MON 17 48 HAYES PHIIIIPS MALONEY FAX N0. 3038251269 P, 01 IIAYES, PHILLIPS St NIALONEY, P.C. Attornzys as L;tw Suitt 450, The Market Center 1350 Scvensccnth Slrret Denver, Colorado 8020?-1517 (303) 825-6444 Telecopier: (3D3) 3251'69 John E. Hayes Herbert C. Phillips James S. Matonzy BATE: TD: FROM: M, Susan Lombardi Scott W, Sarith Of Counsel Kathleen E, Haddock NO. OF PAGE5 {including this cover sheet:): OUR TELZ;CbPY NUM>` 825-1269 TRANSMZTTSNG T4: YF YQ'J HAVE ANY PROBLEMS, PLEASE CONTAC'T' _--r~__. AT 825-6~~T4. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICli This tacsimrte transmission and any accompany(ng ttocuments contain information belonging to the sender which may be confidential and legally privheged. This reformation is intended only for the use of the indfv+duaf or entity to whom tftfs facsimile trarrsmission was sent as fndlcated above. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, oopying, distribution, or action taken in reliance on the contents of the information contained in this lacs+mile transmissron is strictly prohibited. !f you have received this transmission in error, please call us collect to arrange for the return of the dpcuments to us at our expense. Thank you. r=30-92 NON 17:49 HAYES PHILLIPS MALONEY FAX N0, 3038251269 P, 02 IIAY~S, PTTn,LIPS & MAT.ONEY, P.C- Attomays ae 1.aw Suite 450, 7ha Market Canter 1350 Seventeenth Strcct beuver, Colorado 80202-1517 (303) 825-6444 Talecopier: (303) 825-1269 John E, Ha}•es Fterhert C, Phillips James S, Maloney TO: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE M. Susan Lombardi Scott W. Smith MEMORANDUM OF Caunsal Kathleen E. Hxddodc GLEN GIDLEY, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FROM: JOHN E. T-IAYE5, CITY ATTORNEY DATE: NOVEiTB;;R 30, 1992 /// RE: NONCONF'ORMTNG USES MEMORANDUM pF OCTOBER 15, 1992 This Memorandum will confirm our recent telephone conversation regarding my thoughts relating to your October 15, 1992 memorandum regarding your interpretation, as Zoning Administrator, of the nonconforming uses section of the Wheat Ridge City Code, In relation to paragraph 1 of your memorandum, I believe that you should strike the words "setbacks, height, building coverage,t~ from their present position, but refer to those sections based on the provisions of Section 26~7(D). Therefore, Section 1 would read as follows: ~~ Structures and/vr premises which are nonconforming relative to development standards such as, but not limited to number of parking spaces, parking lot design, or landscaping are nat subject tq the amortization schedule set forth in Section 2fi-7(E) because the same are subject to the provisions of Section 2Q-7(H). Similarly, nonconformities due to setbacks, height, and building coverage are not subject to amortization because of the provisions of Section 26-7(t)). Regarding the provisions of your paragraph 2, I concur with your conolusions, but would suggest that you add as a proviso to subpart B that use of any such structures is subject to the provisiens'of section 26-7(D). Subject to these comments, X concur in your conclusions and interpretation regarding the amortization of nonconforming uses and structures as currently set out in the City~s Zoning Cade. v a. t" M E M O RAN D U M TO: John Hayes, City Attorney FROM: Glen Gidley, Director of Planning & Development RE: Nonconforming Uses DATE: October 15, 1992 Recently there has been substantial conflicting discourse regarding the issue of "nonconforming uses". The perception varies widely regarding the meaning and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, Section 26-7(E) relating to the 15-year amortization schedule and its application to various conditions of nonconformity. I believe it is necessary to clarify these issues in some formal manner short of amending the code provisions. Hence, I would propose to issue the attached Zoning Administrator's Interpretation memorandum. This would be distributed to Planning Commission and City Council for their information and made available to staff members and other interested parties. Please review and make suggested revisions and comments. GEG:slw ~~~~~, ,/i,_ W H E A T 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE F A C S I M L E FAX# (303) 235-2857 T~: ~~ 1 y ~TL~ c~ From: ~~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~~~ Uate: No. of Pages (not including cover sheet) R I D G E WIiEAT R IDGE. COLOR ADO 5021> 1 Comments: ~ ~ n ~- ~ - -,¢ _ ___ _ _ --- - - 9-r~ PL:1NNlNC A'~11 CONING PARKS ANU E2ECRFA'1ION PCFiI.I(' V1~OKA~ ~~~ oN ~ sT~~~~~ (}'lay 1 ~ ~~ ~- ~+ INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL OMRDINANCE NO Council Bill No•Seri~f 1996 i 1 TITLE: ONINGIORDINANCE~SECTION 26E7T NONCONFORMING UES' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-7 (E) is hereby amended as follows: or of (E) Nonconforming Uses of Structures, or of Premises, Structures and Premises in Combination: EXCEPT AS PROVIDED UNDER SUBSECTION 26-7(E)(~) BELOW, lawful uses of individual structures with a replacement cost of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) or more, or such structures and land in combination which exists at but time of adoption or amendment of this Zoning Code, which would not be allowed in the distrc aelnmay1be located under the terms of remainootherwise lawful;'^„ continued, so long as the~~= ~1 .-~~ (1) No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted by this Ordinance in theXdendedct in which located shall be enlarmoved or structurally constructed, reconstructed, altered except in changing the use of the structure to a use permitted in the district in which it is located. (2) Any nonconforming use may be extended throughout any part of the building which was designed or arranged for such use at the that no sachtuse or amendment of the Zoning Code, shall be extended to occupy any land outside such building. In addition, no such uTO eTtyloutside of extended to any portion of the p P any building which was not usedff~hesadoption or nonconforming use at the time o- said amendment of this Ordinance creating nonconforming use. Ordinance No. Series of 1996 Page 2 (3) That no structural alterations are made, any nonconforming use of a structure, or of premises, or of a structure and premises in combination, may be changed to another nonconforming use as special exception by the board of adjustment; provided, that said board finds that the proposed use is equally or more appropriate than the existing use_ In permitting this change, the board may require whatever conditions and safeguards it deems necessary. (4) Any structure, or land, or structure and land in combination, in or on which a nonconforming use is replaced by a permitted use shall not again be devoted to a use not permitted in the district in which it is located. (5) whenever any nonconforming use of a structure, or land, or a structure and land in combination, is discontinued for sixty (60) consecutive days or six (6) months during any three (3) year period, except when government action impedes access to the property, or at the termination of the fifteen (15) year amortization period, the structure, or structure. and_premises in combination shall not thereafter be devoted to a use not. permitted in the district in which it is located. NONCONFORMING RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND USES ARE EXEMPT FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SUBSECTION (5). (6) Where nonconforming use status applies to a structure and premises in combination, removal or destruction of the structure shall not eliminate the nonconforming status of the land, except where the nonconforming use of the land is additionally terminated. "Destruction," for the purpose of this _ section, shall be defined as damage to the extent of more than fifty (50) percent of the replacement cost at the time of destruction. (7) NONCONFORMING SPECIAL USES: ANY SPECIAL USE WHICH IS NONCONFORMING TO THE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTION 26-6(B) BY WAY OF NOT HAVING RECEIVED APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT UNDER PRIOR RULES AND PROCEDURES SHALL TERMINATE OR SHALL OTHERWISE BECOME CONFORMING TO THE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTION 26-6 (B) WITHIN FIVE {5) YEARS OF THE DATE THAT SIICH NONCONFORMING STATUS BECAME EFFECTIVE. IN ADDITION, WITHIN THIS FIVE-YEAR AMORTIZATION PERIOD NO NONCONFORMING SPECIAL IISE SHALL CHANGE Page 3 Ordinance No. Series of 1996 (8) OWNERSHIP WITHOUT COMING INTO CONFORMANCE WITH THIS SUBSECTION 26-6(B). LAND IISE CONFORMANCE APPLICATIONS - FEE WAIVED: REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT OR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR PROPERTIES WHICH ARE NONCONFORMING USES AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION, AND NONCONFORMINGPUSE INTOSUSEECONFOgMANCSO SSALL TN'HOET BE CHARGED APPLICATION FEES OR BE REQUIRED TO REIMBURSE THE CITY FOR DIRECT EXPENSES RELATED TO THE APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS. Section 2_ Safety Clause ._ The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the Cyty of Wheat Ridge, thaublicis promulgated for the health, safet and welfarreservation of and that this ordinance is necerotection ofepublic convenience health and safety and for the p and welfare. The City Council further determines thaislative ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper leg object sought to be attained. c .,Prability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or Sect~3• pp y erson part of this ordinance or the a lication thud ed by ancourt of or circumstances shall for any reason ba ment shall not affect, competent jurisdiction invalid, such j g impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect days after fina icatiori. INTRODUCED READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of _ 1996 ordered to on this day of ' published in-full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public He1996g atd~copsoaclock p.m~ final passage set for ' Wheat Ridge, the Council Chambers, 7500 West-29th Avenue, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on saaond°fand final reading this Y by a vote of tO ' 1996. day of 1996. SIGNED by the Mayor on this -----~ Ordinance No. Page 4 Series of 1996 Dan Wilde, MAYOR Wanda Sang, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY lst_PUblicaton: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective-Date: c:\wp60\ord\nonconus.ord Gerald E. Dahl, CITY ATTORNEY ~./ INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. ORDINANCE NO. Series of 1996 TITLE: - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 26-7. NONCONFORMING USES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY .COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Wheat Ridge Code of. Laws, Section 26-7{E) is hereby amended as follows: (E) Nonconforming Uses of Structures, or of Premises, or of Structures and Premises in Combination: EXCEPT AS PROVIDED UNDER SUBSECTION 26-7 (E){~) BELOW, lawful uses of individual structures with a replacement cost of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00} or more, or such structures and land in combination which exists at the time of adoption or amendment of this Zoning Code, but which would not be allowed in the district in which located under the terms of this Zoning Code, may be continued, so long as they remain otherwise lawful, ~~'~° }.'~.`~~~ : a- - provided: t--~--~- (1) No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted by this Ordinance in the district in which located shall be enlarged, extended, constructed, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered except in changing the use of the structure to a use permitted in the district in which it is located. (2) Any nonconforming use may be extended throughout any part of the building which was designed or arranged for such use at the time of adoption or amendment of the Zoning Code, but no such use shall be extended to occupy any land outside such building. In addition, no such use shall be extended to_any portion of the property outside of any building which was not used for said nonconforming use at the time of the adoption or amendment of this Ordinance creating said nonconforming use. (3) That no structural alterations are made, any nonconforming use of a structure, or of premises, or of a structure and premises in combination, may be changed to another nonconforming use as special .,.~ Ordinance No. _ Page 2 Series of 1996 nonconforming use of a structure, or of premises, or of a structure and ,premises in combination, may be changed to another nonconforming use as special exception by the board of adjustment; provided, that said board finds that the proposed use is equally or more appropriate than the existing use. In permitting this change, the board may require whatever conditions and safeguards it deems necessary. (4) Any structure, or land, or structure and land in combination, in or on which a nonconforming use is replaced by a permitted use shall not again be devoted to a use not permitted in the district in which it is located. (5) Whenever any nonconforming use of a structure, or land, or a structure in_combination, is discontinued for sixty (60) consecutive days or six (6) months during any three (3) year period, - except when government action impedes access to the property, or at the termination of the fifteen (15) year amortization period, the structure, or structure and premises in combination shall not thereafter be devoted to a use not permitted in the district in which it is located. NONCONFORMING RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND USES ARE EXEMPT FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SUBSECTION (5). (6) Where nonconforming use status applies to a structure and premises in combination, removal or destruction of the structure shall not eliminate the nonconforming status of the land, except where the nonconforming, use of the land is additionally terminated. "Destruction," for the purpose of-this section, shall be defined as damage to the extent of more than fifty (50) percent of the replacement cost at the time of destruction. (7) NONCONFORMING SPECIAL USES: ANY SPECIAL IISE WHICH IS NONCONFORMING TO THE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTION 26-6(B) BY WAY OF NOT HAVING RECEIVED APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT UNDER PRIOR RULES AND PROCEDURES SHALL TERMINATE OR SHALL OTHERWISE BECOME CONFORMING TO THE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTION 26-6 (B) WITHIN FIVE (5) YEARS OF THE DATE THAT SUCH NONCONFORMING STATUS BECAME EFFECTIVE. IN ADDITION, WITHIN THIS FIVE-YEAR AMORTIZATION PERIOD NO NONCONFORMING SPECIAL USE SHALL CHANGE OWNERSHIP WITHOUT COMING INTO CONFORMANCE WITH THIS SUBSECTION 26-6(B). Ordinance No. _ __ Series of 1996 Page 3 Section 2. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines,. and declares that-this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears_a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 3. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of i _ to on this day of 1996, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for 1996, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado- READ, by a 1996. ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and vote of to ,.this day of _ SIGNED by the Mayor on this Wanda Sang, CITY CLERK 1st Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: day of 1996. 1 Dan Wilde, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY Gerald E. Dahl, CITY ATTORNEY- final reading Council Bill No. OR'D1NaiuCE NO. Series of 1 9 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 26-7. NONCONFORMING USES. BE IT-ORDAINED BY THE_CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1._. Wheat Ridge Code-of Laws, Section 26 -7 (E) is hereby amended. as follows: (E) Nonconforming Uses of Structures,. or of Premises, or of Structures and Premises in Combination: EXCEPT AS PROVIDED UNDER SUBSECTION 26-7(E)(7) BELOW, lawful uses of individual structures with a replacement cost of five thousand dollars ($5,000.0oj or more, or such structures and land in combination which exists at the time of adoption or amendment of this Zoning Code, but which would not be allowed in the district in which located under the terms of this Zoning Code, may be continued, so long as they remain otherwise lawful, be ter-~+i~rated, ~ .,; ,- ~; r.,...r Y -- ---- --- a ~am,,...~ ~ :.~ provided: (1) No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted by this Ordinance in the district in which located shall be enlarged, extended, constructed, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered except in changing the use of the structure to a use permitted in the district in which it is located. (2) Any nonconforming use may be extended throughout any part of the building which was designed or arranged for such use at the time of adoption or amendment of the Zoning Code, but no such use shall be extended to occupy any land outside such building. In addition, no such use shall be extended to any portion of the property outside of any building which was not used _f or said nonconforming use at the time of-the adoption or amendment of .this Ordinance creating said nonconforming use. Ordinance No. Page 2 _... _ Series of 199 (3) That no structural alterations are made, any nonconforming use of a structure, or of premises, or of a structure and premises in combination, may be changed to another_nonconforming use as special exception by the board of adjustment; provided, that said board finds that the proposed use is equally or more appropriate than the existing use. In permitting this change, the board may require whatever_ conditions and s_afe_guards it deems necessary. (4) Any structure, or land, or structure and land in combination, in or on which a nonconforming use is replaced by a permitted use shall not again be - the district in devoted L-o a use not permitted in which it is, located. (5) Whenever any nonconforming use of a structure, or land, or a structure in combination, is discontinued for sixty (60) consecutive days or six (6} months during any three (3) year period, except when government action impedes access to the property, or at the termination of the fifteen (15) year amortization period, the structure, or structure and premises in combination shall. not - use not permitted in thereafter be devoted to a the district in which it is located. NONCONFORMING RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND USES ARE EXEMPT FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SUBSECTION (5). (6) Where nonconforming use status applies to a . structure and premises in combination, removal or destruction of the structure shall not eliminate the nonconforming status of the land, except where the nonconforming use of the land is additionally terminated. "Destruction," fer the purpose of this section, shall be defined as damage to the extent of more than fifty (50) percent of the replacement cost at the time of destruction. (7) NONCONFORMING SPECIAL USES: ANY SPECIAL USE WHICH IS NONCONFORMING TO THE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTION 26-6 (B) BY WAY OF NOT HAVING RECEIVED APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT UNDER PRIOR RULES AND PROCEDURES SHALL TERMINATE OR SHALL OTHERWISE BECOME CONFORMING TO THE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTION 26-6(B) WITHIN FIVE (5) YEARS OF THE DATE THAT SUCH NONCONFORMING STATUS BECAME EFFECTIVE. IN ADDITION, WITHIN THIS FIVE-YEAR AMORTIZATION PERIOD NO NONCONFORMING SPECIAL IISE SHALL CHANGE Ordinance No. Series of 199 Page 3 OWNERSHIP WITHOUT COMING INTO CONFORMANCE WITH THIS SUBSECTION 26-6(B). Section 2. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of Ehe_City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of-the public, and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a raY.i.onai rF~larion to the proper legislative object sought to be attair;ed. Section 3. Severability. If. any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinance or. the application therecf to any °persor. or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment -shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Su session Clause. If any provisi .n, requirement or standard ablished by .zs Ordinance is and tc co °]'ict with simil provisions, equi.rements or s ndards f elsewher in the Code ~ Laws of the Ci of Whe Ridge, which are in xistence as f t-he date. of a ption chi.s Ordinance, the provisions, r quirement.s and s andards nereir. shall supersec3~:: and prevail. Section This ordinance shall. take effect days niter final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading oy a vote of _ to wz this day o.'_ 1995, ordered published in full in a ne~ispa~~er of general circulation in `thEa City of wheat Ridge-and Publ.i.c Henri g and consideration on final passage set for 199, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 WesC 29th Avenue, Wfieat Ri ge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND by vote of 19~ ORDERED PiIBLISHED on second and final reading to this day of __ SIGNED. by the Mayor on t}pis day of 1.9 9~0 Dan Wilde, MAYOR Wanda Sang, CITY CLERK Ordinance No. Page 4 Series of 1995 APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY *'~ -^-~'--^~ * ~ CITY ATTORNEY 1st Publication: ~, „ ~ (I r 2nd Publication: X/~u- ~- ~' `saa-xiage oen~nel Effective Date: <ord>nonconus,ord CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: June 24, 1996 Page -2- Item 2. Council Bill 29 - An ordinance for the regulation of traffic by the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, adopting by reference the 1995 edition of the "Model Traffic Code For Colorado Municipalities'; repealing ail ordinances in conflict therewith; and providing penalties for violation thereof. Council Bill 29 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Siler; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 1032 assigned. City Attorney, Gerald Dahl, Commander, Joe Cassa, and Judge Randy Davis were sworn in by the Mayor and answered questions. Motion by Mr. Siler for adoption of Council Bill 29 (Ordinance 1032) with three changes: 1. Page 3, Section 1203, include the words "or private drive"; 2. Page 4, Section (d), change the figure eight to "six"; 3. Page 4, Section (d), change the figure fourteen to "seventy-two"; seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; carried 7-0. Item 3. Council Bill 20 - An ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Zoning Ordinance, ec io' n 26=7`Nonconforming Uses. Council Bill 20 was introduced on second reading by Mr. DiTullio; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 1033 assigned. The following speakers were sworn in by the Mayor: Gerald Benson, owns property at 3300 Kipling Street, had some questions regarding the Ordinance. Marsha Hartley, 3895 Dover Street, has a contract on her house, but her buyers want er to reduce the sales price because of concerns about the possibility of the zoning being changed by the year 2000. Mr. Dahl explained that, if this Ordinance passes tonight, this will become a legal nonconforming use with no time limit and Mrs. Hartley can pass this on to her buyers. Susan Seeds, 6147 West 35th Drive, asked Council not to pass this Ordinance in its presen form; this bill is not the answer to the problem of nonconforming uses. City Clerk, Wanda Sang, read a letter from Wheat Ridge United Neighborhoods into the record, which expressed their grave concerns with this Council Bilt; they asked that Council vote no at this time to avoid any future hardship on the business and residential communities in the City. ~: CITY COUNCSL MINUTES: June 24, 1996 Page -3- Motion.by Mr. DiTullio that Council Bill 20 (Ordinance 1033) be approved on second reading and take effect 15 days afiter final publication with the following condition: Proposed new language located in sub-sections (E), and (E) (7) not be included in final approval; seconded by Mrs. Shaver. Motion by Mr. Solano to exempt commercial use properties from this and to have an effective date to come into compliance by the year 2025; seconded by Mrs. Worth; failed 2-5 with Councilmembers Worth and Solano voting yes. Motion by Mrs. Worth to exempt commercial use properties and that the amortization period be the year 2000; seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; failed 2-5 with Councilmembers Dalbec and Worth voting yes. Original motion carried 6-1 with Mrs. Dalbec voting no. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that all non-conforming properties identified by planning staff be referred to the Comprehensive Plari Committee for review and recommendation with said recommendations from the Committee being referred back to Council as soon as possible; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 7-0. Motion_by Mr. DiTullio that the City Attorney review Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws with regards to group homes, invalid enumerated uses, and inconsistent language and return recommended changes back to Council in Ordinande form to a Council Study Session or a Council regular business meeting as soon as possible; seconded by Mrs. Fields; carried 7-0. ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING Item 4. _ Council Bill 30 - An ordinance submitting a proposed amendment to the Wheat Ridge Home Rule Charter to the voters of the City pursuant to Charter Section 16.8(b}. Council Bill 30 was introduced on first reading by Mr. DiTullio; title read by the Clerk. Councilmembers had various suggestions to changing the text of the submitted Council Bill. Motion by Mr. Solano that the City Attorney be directed to develop a ballot initiative to deal with additional responsibilities for the Mayors position with regards to voting; seconded by Mrs. Worth; failed 3-4 with Councilmembers Siler, Worth, and Solano voting yes. C7 A H ~. W x 3 W O H H U W E+ z H H H a H w z H H H SC W i~ W W b N U W a N U Ha H H Q N W ~Oi-iN~ ~w OD'd ~ cn m~ N 1~ E O ,~ N b] W O UI U .U 2i~~A,OU ~b7 S-iNU)N ~ ~ ~,fa O U ~~~ m.~ f~ rl (~ Ul ',1v 1] •rl •rl •rl CL ~ q O ~ 'd ~ 'C1 E'~ ~ ~,~~ a ~ro ~ rn~ N a~ •ri a c6 v•~ m ~~ E ,~ H N 1! rtf fA t3] i~ ~ N t~ • i~ ~ N Aa v G+ .UmO'UO U1 •rl ~+ rl •rl •rl o'~o>aNi~ SO-i~ Ube ~ ie W U w ~ ~ ~ O N v•~"}~ o ~x }i f~ ,~/ .~ ~ H ~i N O O~ ~ H zi vv,v~m N -ri U Fi '~ (0 pa W U •rl rI rl ~ ~ rt ~ N U M ~i ~ (°1 ~ 1 ~a L4' . ry' ~ N I ~i .U H r-I as H N N U v N U .~ rl .~ U m w N N N U N bi N ~, A O U ai N ~ N G' U •rl N ~ z 0 w . to N ~.~N ~ O~'tl.°~ qm a~W~ ~ O rl N }-i Sa H NN~U~O ViN O N 'd N ~ r-I ~ b11.1r'., 'X' ~ .U W U U N~ O N N N~ N Ovi~NbR+SO-ir6 S: ~ Sd V~1 'O 'U U HN~N~A.~~ UmONUImU'O 'U 11 U v •rl F-I ~ ~.U •Sab W N b'1 ~ ~ y ~ f0 O U N. m may., U O S-~ U O .k N S-i 'U N ~ ~ oosrt~>~~ 1-irtlO~rtS VcO ~I N •rl H '~ •rl H rt N~~~ N N E x~~y~~~N ja ID ik N ~ U ~ O trl .U •rl O ~ ••rl 'd ~ H N.~ rn m ~ q•.a ON~`.'~rd m.ao,uv oa rl •ri .U N N N~ NONUbI•~vU WA.q+t ~O,O a' M 1 R'i r~l H i t x ~ m O .,~ U Nu N ~ ~S~rd~ 0 ~mmlamN y ~•~ ° o 0 tP~NmN N ~ ~ Li LLH ~ N v•rl y, Ui O w U q~ m ~ ~ ~ O b U ~ U Ul O 0 ~ F: 1.1 ~.NNFINL' ttl ~ i.~ O 'd U b o m~ N~ v trrno R,o~ ~ ~S-i'UGHUU ~ •rl rd Sa "N F-i w .HZJw'~ ~miN-r~i~N O ~ N 1.1 .R E S-~ OU3~t00v N ~ O N m.~ a~ iA W O ttl~ ~U rtv•~v>.o W U 'U S-I H f-I N rtu~ -m~'m $Oa - •N~~U Ja bl !.~ S-1 ~ 11 RS 'U~SaUR+~'U q •rl O t~ O N ro~ CL(Orl`UH ~•~ E v•~H ~•~ ~ H ayi ~ E 0.l A ~+" U '~ }-I N N i m ~ N U W U1 • O ~ 0 U rl • N W U W 'b ¢~ > O t06 ~ Sa Oi N m ~ m ~U A ~ ~•~ O ~ ~ m ,~ ~ x U cdvU Oubi~ ~~mRi ~ ~ O ~ bl•ri U1 ~ ~ ~ ~v m•~ OU~SO-iN O•~~ U U w U .~ (WO Rf N FB m ~ ~ ~ O q -ri ~N.Q ~ ~~'~~ ~~" ~ aNi •ri U! ~ •r{ Sa U C: i-I a-~ ~, v v~vN p•~~u rl r-I O ~ W U b7A H U i a H L m ~+ ~ ~a~v o~ rtN O~mt~~m-~-°~> u~ 0 Aa N w rl N ~, a~ !~ ~ o •~ rl N N R+ S-I -.i N S-i (0 N N N rl N F' .'3 O l71 $ U ~ .U N N .-• N (C N N •rl N iJ N 11 N N 3-1 O~ is ctlO~t"NN -yrON(6NNN Nro N U 0 0 R,N Sa N~-~ O N~ NN~a.~uC~a O•~cOgN N (6 N N U ro N O S 11 U (ti N u ~ xm•~o uNa~Nwaua~ o~o~yumm O, ma~oa ~a~o•~up,a~ o vuuw ~p,~.~4NNO,~wNNUNN~ ro~ N U •ri (.~ 5-I W S-I Li ro~ N Sa rt{ N -•ri r6 ~ U O O ~ rt •ri O ro o ,omaroNro .mv~y'~a N N O~ N N c0 N i-i O R+ N O S-i f-i i~ tTl N ro N N i~ c6 N O O tr~ONN0~5-iy+OR+N i-~S-i ~ .N rl u O ~ A a~ rtf rl O ~ N -rl N U ro O J-1 b'1.L2 N ¢a N rl .1~ Ca 8 y,S-i,~ N O ~ro ~ N~ O ONUrt1 Oa ~S.'NrIOE bN s°a~+~°ro~"a ~03biNOiiN ..U ~q~~ONWro b'70wN~ N ~~ c6 O.U Sa O ~ A•~ .'O ''tl fl$ •r1 f0 •ri N O Li (~ •'i `° N •r.{ N La ~ m y,uu ~ u rt a~ N~a~ uma~~uEa~m NGO oumro o~uC~wSaual•~fCL +~ N~ ,~ca oo~o-~umN~;N -•~•~ ca~+ ~•~ o~ ~ o a o oro.~ ~•~NU .Owa~w _~•~ou v N CLN ([f N y N ~ N U O~ Si N •rl .U N ro •~ N N •rl U 1.1 r-I S-I UOSaNi-~GNOUNCLy c6 Nr10 •~ ;~ ..~ A N N W O .~ S O N 1~ w W (~ N N .L.1 N S-1 '~ .U N N 11 U Lei N ~ ~12 ~ u ~ N O ~ Nvw ~~ ~ 0 (~•rI N1~.U rts ,~Nrt~Nmgo '~ S-I N N '~ yv U ri N U •rl N Q+ N rl ~ ,~os~mo,ro•~mu•~~s+oya~~ sa w O 3 E~ ~-+ y o N rti O .~ G D o ovwvorta~o~+auwNOOu y N f'., U U ro f: N O W N `-' U ro b1 0 u u; u m ro v o a~ N N Sd w w a~ rt u ~ ~s°, +°c`~i~v o`~a~om oro o ~ o E ~. ~ ~ .~ u u,~~ ~ .n a~ -~ u rt o ,~ o •~ u w ro ~ N ri N 0~ .~ •~ .u w p, N tTq N ~ ?. . ~ m N O+ rt - Sa u L: •rl N N S-I N O L1 E~ N }-1 N 4-1 O N ¢~•~-I 'CS 3-i ~ UJ N CL C Ri O N .u t51 O ~ rI Orl ~~ U U N rt3 O u ~~ G W -a rl N rl O t0 O O ~ u ~i b7 ~ O -rt w cIS NNUUN~I I~U~N NUroNOi-I y Fi f..' f-1 t31 N IO flS .'~ r-I r-I N J.1 N~ •~ w a~ N u N rt1 x tn•~+ r-f b'~•~ ro0 rl t~N~Nro•~i Ud~c6GE U O $•I W u N J~ rl .~ N •rl U ~ tr,a~ rt -u a, q ~~ x N ri to N 3 b' 3 N ~ sa a~ a~ r+ ~ u s+ rd ~•~ • N Nro Ri Oro •~I ~ G rtl N 1.1 •rl r-I N N S-I O ~ -~ yv ~ .U f6 pa O -rl ro O O O N S-i-' N N !~ A f7 FI •k \ mri ON No ~ O u ro ~~ ~ ~~ U U •rI L: ul rn•~ ~ N Ci •rI N (d q r•i rl O '~ q S-i .-. . 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(ate rta~ ~U ~.N Ow qm I GUNb7N W Vl !A ~' -ri C31 ffS N •ri Ci U! U N ri N rtf r-I U A N }-i Sa 1.~ ctl W O w N .N t6 m lT W td •~ •~ r-I O t~ b - O S~ A Sa A•~ ~ ~w O•rlax Uy N ~ Sa W CL c6 ~ rt3 U O -rl O }-~ S] Sa U f-t U O N t51 Sa N la Sa~ ~ ia.U ~ O w rt~ U A q }-i N N NQ r6 Ul •rl W LL 3 N Sa .u Ol U -rl •rl O -~i~ -~i$Nbl~ W~f-ioi•aq~O~USx-i\tl .u,~ a.~ O S•a ~ ~ N q O O c0 O ~ t~ ~ ttl ttl O H J..~ H U ~1 N V1 S-1 •rl W $ U U fti f11 •ri ~ ¢+ fa N i U H • t U O N N U N a N m .~ w 0 ~' U AGENDA ITEM RECAP ^ QUASI-JUDICIAL XX Yes No PUBLIC $EARINGS CITY ADM, MATTERS ~~ PROC./CEREMONIES CITY ATTY. MATTERS ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS _- BIDS%MOTIONS __ LIQUOR HEARINGS -K ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING -_ INFORMATION ONLY __ PUBLIC COMMENT ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING ' RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM[ TITLE s. Council Bill on 1st Reading amending the Zoning Ordinance, Sec.26-7. Nonconforming Uses SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: Proposal to amend the nonconforming uses amortization schedule, and provisions which apply to nonconforming~~residential uses.in \TT1[1AYVVma. _ 1)Gidley memo 2;lanning Commission resolut 3 BUDGETED ITEM; 0 Yes No Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount $ Requested Expend.S Requires Transfer/ Supp, Appropriation ~ 0 Yes No vvua.=iTY.D MOTIONS - \, I move for adoption of Council Bill hearing scheduled for June 10, 1996. ~ order published, public Y" MEMORANDIIM TO; CITY COIINCIL FROM: GLEN GIDLEY, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ~RE: Ordinance for 1st Reading / Case ZOA-95-1: Amendment the Zoning Ordinance, Sec.26-7. Nonconforming IIses DATE: April 30, 1996 Per City Affairs Committee recommendation, please find attached a proposed Council Bill that would amend the Nonconforming Use provisions of the Zoning Ordinance in the following ways: 1. Remove the 15 year / year 2000 amortization schedule for nonconforming uses. '2. Exempt nonconforming residential uses and structures from the 60 day non-use reversion clause. (sec.(5)) 3. Add provision for nonconforming Special Uses which are consistent with recent revisions to the Special Use Permit regulations of Sec. 26-6 (B) (7). Planning Commission reviewed this proposal at a public hearing held on March 2, 1995 and recommended. approval. (See attached resolution). This matter was originally submitted to Council for 1st reading last spring, however was referred to City Affairs Committee for further review and recommendation. City Affairs Committee did not complete their review until recently, however they have recommended approval. Their are basically four reasons for considering these revisions: 1. Financing Pr blems: Potential buyers of nonconforming use properties are finding substantial resistance by the lend community to make loans on such properties. Recent examples include nonconforming residential uses in commercial zones. 2. L nd Use Time Bombs: There are many nonconforming uses which fifty within their neighborhood context and are thought by the neighborhood as being a good and acceptable use. However, the nonconforming use may be required to cease, upon amortization, and a less compatible use may hence be forced upon the neighborhood. An example is a residence, in the midst of other residences, which is nonconforming in a commercial zone district. 3.~nforcement Difficult k Costly: Identifying all of the existing and future nonconforming uses will be very difficult. We have attached a list of known nonconforming uses, however, we are unable to identify all such uses, especially as laws change in the future and create nonconformities each time the land use laws change. Actual enforcement in each and every case may involve a series of due process steps, including substantial litigation. Code Enforcement and legal staff may be insufficient to carry the work load come the year 2000. 4. ~ncomAatih~P & undesirabl Uses; One of the basic tenants of nonconforming use provisions in zoning ordinances, is a presumption that such uses are incompatible and undesirable with the zone district currently located. This may, or may not be the case. There may b a few select cases that meet this presumption test, however, on the whole, staff concludes that most such uses are harmonious within the neighborhood context, or are not so incompatible that "natural amortization" by way of the 60 day non-use provision could achieve the basic objectives. However, there are constitutional equal protection issues that require we treat all "classes" of uses similarly, therefore we shouldn~t pick-and-choose which nonconforming uses we enforce, allowing others to remain. Any enforcement, or legal revisions, should be applied equitably. ,.,, , ,..... , LOCA~'ION USE CURRENT ZONING REQ . ZONING COMP PLAN 28.9,9._.Ames....St......_._,,..... .. House _ ........_~._._ . C-1 . R-1? Low Dens. 6745'. W,32Rd'Avenue Greenhouse "' R=2 A-1 w/SUP Low Dens. 4114 Har~sn'$t Greenhouse ~ R-3 A-1 w/SUP Low Dens. 9515 W 49th Ave House R-C R-1? Comm.Act. 9495 W 49th Ave House _..... R-C .- R-1? COmm.ACt. 5000 Robb House PCD R-1 Ind. 12000 W 52nd Ave House I R-1? Parks 11950 W 52nd Ave House I R-1? Parks 11900 W 52nd Ave House I R-1? Parks 5055 Tabor St House I R-1? Indus. 5000 Tabor St House I R-1? Indus. 4385 Xenon St House C-1 R-1? *M. Use 4549 Tabor St House PCD R-1? *M. Use 11700 W 46th Ave Duplex A-1 R-2 *H. Dens. 4200 Xenon St Quasi-public A-2 R-2 w/CUP *M-H Dens 11200 W 45th Ave Public Fac. - PBF R-1 w/SUP *LOW Dens 4300 Oak St House PBF R-1? *M. Dens. 10461 W 44th Ave House C-1 R-1? *M. Use 4383 Kipling Apartments C-1 R-3 *M. Use 41st & Miller Quasi-public A-1 SUP Indus. 9990 W 44th Ave House C-1 R-1? Comm Act Pennington Elem. School R-2 CUP Public 9141 W 45th P1 Apartments C-1 R-3 M. Dens. 9055 W 45th P1 Apartments C-1 R-3 M. Dens. 9141 W 45th P1 Apartments C-1 R-3 M. Dens. 9041 W 45th P1 Apartments C-1 R-3 M. Dens. 8991 W 45th P1 Apartments C-1 R-3 M. Dens. 4355 Field St Public Fac. PF-1 R-1 Parks Everitt Jr. High School R-1 CUP Public 4500 Wadsworth Church R-2 CUP Comm Act 7766 W 44th Avenue Greenhouse R-2 A-1 w/SUP Comm Act/ Low Dens 8030 W:, 44th Ave House C-1 R-1? ~ Comm Act Wilmore,;Davis Elem. School R-2 CUP Low Dens 725,0 W:;44th Ave House R-C R? Comm Act 4490•Newland St Church R-2 CCJP Low Dens Martensen Elem School R-2 CUP Low Dens 6785 W 38th Ave Car Sales R-C C-1 Comm Act 3900 Pierce St Church/School R-2 & R-3 CUP Low Dens 4101 Harlan St Houses C-1 R-1? Low Dens 5725 W 38th Ave Car Lot R-C C-1 Low Dens 6761 W 37th Ave Apartments R-C R-3 Low Dens/ Comm Act 6701 W 37th Ave Apartments R-C R-3 Low Dens 3227 Chase St Public Rac. R-3 CUP Public/ Low Dens 3212 Chase St House R-C R-1? Low Dens 3214 Chase St House R-C R-1? Low Dens 3224 Chase St House R-C R-1? Low Dens 6497 W 30th Ave Church R-1 CUP Low Dens 6475 W 29th Ave Church R-1 CUP Low Dens Ashland Reservoir Public Fac. R-1 CUP, Public 3700 Wadsworth Blvd House R-C R-1? Comm Act 3720-44 Vance St Apartments R-C R-3 Comm Act 3705 Vance St House R-C R-1? Comm Act 3715 Vance St Apartments R-C R-3 Comm Act 3710 Upham St House R-C R-1? Comm Act wheat Ridge High School R-1 CUP Public 9180 W 38th Ave Church R-2 CUP Low Dens Prospect Valley Elem School R-lA CUP Public 3730 Miller Ct Apartments C-1 R-3 Low Dens 10500 W 38th Ave House C-1 R-1? Low Dens 3810 Youngfield Church R-1 CUP Public Kullerstrand Elem School R-1 CUP Public 12200 W 38th Ave Church R-1 CUP Low Dens 3536 Jay St Pre School R-2 RC-1 Low Dens 7003 W 29th Ave Printing Bus. R-2 C-1 Low Dens ~" F t 9b95 W ,:Avenue, 7340 W`3'Sth Avenue 10995 ~W `44th Ave 4415 Te1Ter St .. ... Auto Body Restaurant Auto Body C-1 SUP ~ Comm Act R-C C-1 Comm Act a C-1 ~ SUP *H. Dens R-C R-3 Low Dens ~~~--LIST OF-ABBREVIATIONS Low Dens. = Low density residential Comm. Act. Commercial activity center Ind. Industrial M. Use Multiple use M-H Dens. = Medium to high density residential at an activity center M. Dens. = Medium density residential SUP Special, use permit CIIP = Conditional use permit * = Fruitdale Valley Master Plan area PBF Public buildingS~ & facilities zone PF-1 = Public facilities one zone 4 A. `~, ~ ~ y>a,,. ~~ 1 '".~ c' t„~ CERTIFICATION OF 'RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE N0: ZOA-95-1 IACATION: City-wide APPLICANT(S) NAME: City of Wheat Ridge A proposal to amend the Wheat Ridge zoning Ordinance, Section 26-7, Nonconforming IIses and Structures. This amendment, would revise or eliminate the 15-year amortization schedule for nonconforming uses, WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted information to be considered with the above request, and said information is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner LANGDON, seconded by Commissioner JOHNSON, that Case No. ZOA-95-1, a proposal to amend the Wheat Ridge Zoning Ordinance, Section 26-~, Nonconforming IIses and Structures, be APPROVED and forwarded to City Council. VOTE: YES: Williams, Cerveny, Langdon, Crompton and Johnson NO: None i, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 5 - 0 vote of the members present at their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 2nd day of March, 1995. •-•v, •+~.c uaa 11 ZSOn Sandra Wl- CJ~ging~_ WHEAT RIDGE. PLANNING CO ISSION - WHEAT RIDGE PLA; b:~zoa951.res