HomeMy WebLinkAboutWV-93-7The City of ~Whe at ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Rid a Department of Planning and Development g 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant ~/'Y/ ~ W P ~c- f~, _ Address ~~ / ~-~.7 ~i9' U(~ Phone ,t,~~ l 1f/,v Owner ~~ / n.Orl~ Addres's~~~{~ (,U-,~ 7 ~ u ( Phone ~T~ Location of Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions Site development plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision Subdivision 8 Preliminary Final [~** See attached procedural .guide for specific .requirements. Detaile-d_Description of request Variance/Waiver Nonconforming use change Flood plain special exception Interpretation of code Zone line modification Public Improvement Exception Street vacation (,~wE^~~ Miscellaneous plat Solid waste landfill/ mineral extraction permit ^ Other List.al_1 persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as pwner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. _ ^ NAME I ~. ADDRESS I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to me this day of 19 Notary Public SEAL My commission expires _ nata Received Receipt No. Case No. ASHLAND ftESERVOlR R•- / - j - -{r_3 Q W.'29TH-AVE. -~-'----~ - .. -..^~ --- ~ 5UP-82-f1- ._. ._ .. ..._ I ~_- _ _- --- - - ~ f ~ L -~~` - .-, _ ~a~G R ~ - _ _ ... .. _ - N .._. _ ............... .:..~:::::: LY BOUNDED BY THE FOLLOWING STREETS: W. 32nd AVE ~ W. 26M AVE E _ _ SHERIDAN BLVD ~NING. DISTRICT BOUNDRIES GO TO' CENTER OF STREET ,.: .. - :ASE NO:..JW0ICATESd1GOND1TlOAJ-0R STIPULATJW+I,~.PLANNED DEVELOPMENT,. OR INDUSTRIAL REZONING,. :__... 4. .s _ D ~4Ap1~ ~'~ 111}`»1My~.:J ~ Zal~ . _ liEFER 5' '!O'IFIE'LEE f ~ ~.Y '-¢ -'IRg4 m ~~ $'T"'~m S- . -., '.y 4S` .q. . ~.r ~ r,.{r ~ ~ .. _. y i y f ~ { ~//~~/\ N N ~ 3 W z p a V +1~ a/ ~ Q C I V W _. _ W i .-3A. ~ 1 ASHLAND RESERVOIR R-/ - -3 t~ `---- -a r--.._ -_ .. - `- I ////11 --- R __ ~--_ ,. _.~_h ~___... _ _-W t.. N -_- - ~ ~- - ~ .._ i ~- ~_ AVE. __ - _ _. ~ - _. a _ _ ~~ r ~ z -~ c' o } ~ ~ _ N - z ~ I I `~ LL _ ~u- ~~ ;_ J ~~ L I__ -- ~~v >ti.~ ~ ~ ,.~ ZE >~ .. . :. ~~ / I ~, ~ N ; ~~~ G N 2 ~ O ~ ~ V ~ Q ~ ~ W -3 ...~. 8UP-82-II - - ---t- -_ .. - _ -_3 f -- - rr-fC -.-- -- - ~q=7 W 28TH AVE R sl a~ -- _~a~ 27TH R ~WOB N/CK g RE UB . RI Q l1/D f2' -rc R/N E 'S a ~ U ESUB BLOCK /4 '~ ~ „f N~ ~ S I ~ E LY BOUNDEp BY THE FOLLOWING STREETS: W. 32nd AVE - W. 26th AVE _- SHERIDAN BLVD KING DISTRICT BOUNDRIES GO TO `CENTER . OF STREET _ A5E N0. -1Np{CATES31 GDNDITIDN 0it ST1PULATJONr,-PLANNED DEVELOPIdENT, OR INDUSTRIAL REZONING,. :__--- ~ ep"~ll$!` 9E-11I~IFy ~ D~IBMi Of MAt'14.AR 30~D IIAO pEFEIA "l0'#t1E LEG11 N Z O H Z -3A -f P.O.BOX 638 - TECEPHONE:303/237-fi944 The Clty Of _ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 ~Theat Ridge TRANSMITTAL LETTER To: ~ nn~ AF"~t~Gt~~--~33-'f8`f~ Date: r~j„~(:.; „y ~-~ AVM File No. aAl'~~`r ~fDEv~~ ~_ S~©~'~i Subject: AcU~'Y \{~CyEilOrd The items ~a) ~b) listed below, which are: Attached; Transmitted herewith n Approval ^ Return ^ Signature(s) Returned herewith: Approved Disapproved ® Action/Further Processing ^ Corrections/Revisions for your: Information/Files Review/Comments ^ Other Approved As Other itiems i r Co ies ar snn 4 u: 1 •P1'~-tcA orl. Holz. ~i ai-i- '~'` V~ NLt "IC' By: copy to : ~Il%li ~ ~ E{(}~B~ M~FL~1~-~- RFC'('. ~~ C'f " t~~-S tktl~t' 2'I~-2~'w' ~t}~P~~J -~-~il3f~ i Under separate cover; are: Noted ~ For Revision and Resubmittal Pw sa-oo4 The Carnation ~ y Additional Comments: Ah -YkFL ld~PLicA~.'[~.W~ ~~ '"~'rY~u ~"Jtt},~ftS wtiFi G~ U9T D~ ~U, nY~7P~~'CY Ownl~es sEt7~1At-~titT `~'D Tk~E PROPC;£~D u -- --SERVICE REQUEST - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - ~ :_ r - Date ~ 1 ~ ~Gi 3.: , . Time .~= Gv ' _ a.m/p.m. How Received: ,/Phone Letter In Person Received by~j'a5 ~'''"'`- Requestor -/' - Name ~~ 1 L~ f11~-" l .~l.O)'4~~+~... Phone (Home) :a~ ~ ~ - l J S- f °- _ (Daytime) Address .-~~ u~~... ~~~ - Location & Description of Problem (Be specific) /! ~~l~/7 ~0/- ~~-l;:'ZTS :- - .:cJ~_ .: .: _- /(117sf)rGi /9 --' ./-~ i ii /~" /J~1 / ( -,//n : /.•' A /.~.~:r Is--the problem related .to a -current or recent construction .project? rib If yes, please explain When does the problem occur? - _ - Request Assigned To: Priorty: A.S.A.P. This week Schedule Action Taken: Completed By: Date: -- - - Citizen Follow up Phone Personal Notification: letter call visit - - _ - Additional-comments: -500 WEST 29 ~ r.' AVENUE The City of P O. BOX 638 - - - - -- ---- _ - }- WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034.0638 (3031 234-5900 __ - Rj 7heal Clty Admin. Fax ~ 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax# 235-2949 ~~V idge May 3, 1993 The Wheat Ridge Department o£ Community Development has received a request for annrnval of an alley vacation at the property descri e e ow. Your response to the following questions and any comments on -Ehis'proposal would be appreciated by May i7 1993_ No response from you by this date--will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WV-93-7 LOCATION: North-South alley r,-}nning from West 27th Avenue to West 28th Avenue between Depew Street and Fenton Street REQUESTED ACTION: Vacation of right-of-way for alley PURPOSE:.. Closure of alley APPROXIMATE AREA: n/a 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES / NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES / NO 2£ "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you ,have. adequate capacities to service the development? YES // NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your ru s-and regulations? YES ~ NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are-there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval o£ this request? DoT aT TFF.,-P'r~tm bw•+'G c:u2• Please reply to: Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: _ _- XX Water District (Wheat Ridge XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge XX Fire District ~lheat Ride Adjacent City ( ) XX Public S-ervice_Co_ _ XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geol-ogical Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 XX American Cable Vision .Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colorado Div. o£ Wildlife Wheat Ridge Bldg. Division C~ .~„rr.,,~,~ -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 - - _ WHEAT RIDGE. CO30034-063B 1303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax a 234-5924 May 3, 1993 The Wheat Ridge Depa for approval of an Your response to the would be appreciated date will constitute CASE NO: WV-93-7 Police Dept. Fax ~ 235-2949 The City of Wheat Ridge ctment of Community Development has received a request ~llev vacation at the property described below. following questions and any'oomments on this proposal by May l7. 1993 - No_response_from you by this no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. LOCATION:' North-South alley rgnning from West 27th Avenue to West 28th Avenue between Depew Street and Fenton Street REQUESTED ACTION: Vacation of right-of-way for alley PURPOSE: Closure of .alley APPROXIMATE AREA: n/a 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO",.please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. ~ 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain_below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If_"NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District (Wheat Ri~1ge XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge XX Fire District ~nTheat Ride Adjacent City ( ) XX Public Service Co. XX US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado-Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 XX American Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colorado Div. of Wildlife Wheat Ridge Bldg. Division Ci N„ ~. JrJ Yupw~ m Public Service° May 7, 1993 The City of Wheat Ridge Department of Planning and Development 7500 West 29th Avenue P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0638 Case No. WV-93-7 Q This Department of Public Service Company of Colorado approves this action contingent on the following: That reservations be made of the continued operation and maintenance of the overhead electric distribution facilities as they are presently located within the proposed vacation. ~~~~ Tony W11c x Right of Way Agent Distribution Right of Way Public Servico Company:of Colorado 2701 W.7~fBAvenue P% e R,~C.O'80204-4114 TW:lm MEMaRANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Approved Date Meredith Reckert, Planner II Steve Nguyen, Civil Engineer ~j~} June 8, 1993 SIIBJECT: WV-93-7, North-South alley running from West 27th Avenue to West 28th Avenue between Depew Street and Fenton Street. The Public Works Department have plan and are recommending against that this alley is established and are active existing utilities in and overhead power lines. reviewed the above captioned the vacation due to the fact functional. In addition, there the alley such as storm sewer Please see me if you have any question regarding this memo. cc: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works John Oss, Senior Project Engineer CITY OF ~Ni-IEAT RIi~U~E JUN 0 8 1993 i~~~J PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 05-18-93 10:09AM FFOM METRO N DESIGN CNTR TO ~IfEgTRIDGE CITY P03 '500 WE5T 29TH AVENUE ~~y5, 1~ ~~ P.0. BOX 638 The City of WHEAT AIOC3E. CO 80034.0838 13031 234.5900 cyVheat City Admin. Fax ~ 23a•592a Police pept. Filx n 235.2949 ~.idg8 May 3, 1993 Tne wneat Ridge saps #ar apprava 1 n an _; Your response o t e would b® appreaiatgd data will constitute CASE NO: WV-93-7 rtmant of Community Devglopmgnt has reasiv®d a request ll].e_v vacation at t g property dgsar ed below. o low ng quest ens and any comments an this proposal by - May i 2. 1993 No response #xom you by ttsis no ob~eationa or concerns regarding this proposal. LOCATION; North-South alley ri}nning from Weat 27th Avenue to West 28th Avenue between Depew Street and Fenton Street REQUESTED ACTION: Vacation of right-of-way for alley PURPOSE: Closure of alley APPROXIMATE AREA: n/a 1. Ara public Pacilities or sesvic®s provid®d by your agency adequate to serve thie development? 1'r'S NO IP "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service Sings available to the development? YES NO If "ND", please explain 6®iow. 3. Y~Syau hav~Oadequate capacities to service the development? ~` IP "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency sasviee this propos®d development aubfect to your aCUias and regulations? YRS NO If "NO", please explain below. a. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or shouzd affsot approval of this request? ('1 ,,p Piea96 reply to: GC.e•l.(,~~~~.(, ~ ~/\~~y~ gpartmgnt of Planning & DsvelopmCtnt ~ ~j ~.7 CJ DISTRIBUTION: XX Water Distriot (Wheat Ri~$ge XX Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge XX Fire District t+theat Rid~je Adjaaent City XX Public Servioa Co. XX US West Communiaati,ons State Land Use Coamtis$ion State Gealpgioal susvgy Colorado Dept. aP Transportation <pc>re£arrai£orm 06-26-92 XX American Cable Vision 7ef#eraon Co. Hgaith dept. Jsftex8tan Co. Schools Je£fgrson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Past Office Wheat Ridge Paliae Dgpt. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parka & Reareatian Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Wheat Ridge aide. Division. tj A'.. nxn Finny 05-18-93 10:09AM FROM METRO N DESIGN CNTR TO NNEATRIDGE CITY P02 May 18,1443 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 Weat 29th Avenue P.O. SoX 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034-0638 Attention: Meredith Reckert, lifi'!A/~EST" CUMMUNlGATIDNS (~}l RE: Case No: WV-93-7/North - south alley running from West 27th Avenue to West 28th Avenue between Depew Street and Fenton Street. IIS West does have existing faoilitiee~ in the right oP way that is being vacated. In order to vacate, it would require relocation of the faailitiee and billing would be required. US West would like to maintain the right of way in queaticn as a utility easement. It Would be costly for the relocation and easements for the fac113ties relocation. US Went does require the right of ways in question. ;,OC3.___e_ y~mes A. Breuch Room X641 12121 Grant Street Thornton, Colorado 80241 303-451-2669 05-18-93 10:09AM FROM METRQ N DESIGN CNTR TO NHEATRIDGE CITY PO1 Mountain 6011 FACSIMILE COMMUNICATIONS 7RANSMITTA~. SHF=ET c~! a us wesT eourwr I ~ J ! ~ BiR o i e' DISPtl61TION OF ORIGINAL>a AFTER TRAN6MISSIONI RK7tJRN YIA MAlL TOt C9 MAMD DELIV¢R P.6C IV GSIM14 L RM _ N ® ~ O CALL POR PICR•DP ( ~ ~~ ( .7 ~rl a e~ O ~1 O DK6YROY NRM ~ ~4 7 7 .G TgLEPNON6 NUME 1 Jr G~CJG~'flT ~ • t 0 } 23 _ 5900 STRG ! do ~. ~~_'` ~` OOM J CI i ~ p A ~ Y"' 4 CO L.th FROM: "'"" LIST~NGO COM ANY FACS{MILG LOCATIO SAND~RAX NUM ERS ( 303 ~ ~'1 - S STR I~1~ I M.A~.JT Ji V~'J ! ' V~A.I J VM G~.~~D e SPECIALINSTRUCTIONS: __ - __ IF YOU ENCOUNTER PROBLEMS DURiN[3 7RANSMISSfON, CONTACT: NAMEI c ( I ~ 1 • • . ..r S . i••• . . • N• •. • ~ • - • i • • • J•• . Y.`..~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303) 234-5900 City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 May 24, 1993 Polioe Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Mr. George Henckel 5645 West 27th Avenue Denver CO 80214 Dear Mr. Henckel: The City of -~1Vheat Ridge Please let this letter serve as an update regarding your request for vacation of the alley easement adjacent to your property. Staff was directed to prepare the required documents for the vacation including researching property ownership and the original dedication and to prepare a legal description for the vacation. Since this is the Department of Public Works' busy season with numerous street improvement pro3ects underway, Staff is not available at this time to dedicate the considerable man hours required to prepare and process the required documents. As such, the public hearing before Planning Commission will probably be scheduled in the Fall of 1993. Should you wish to expedite the matter, the documents may be prepared privately by a registered land surveyor. In the meantime, if staff hours do become available, we will start preparing the paperwork. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 235- 2848 or Bob Goebel at 235-2860. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner cc: Case file No. WV-93-7 ca a,.., ~,~d v,.,„" M E M O RAN D U M TO: J hn Oss FROM: Meredith Reckert, Planner RE: WV-93-7 and WV-93-11 DATE: December 13, 1993 The Planning and Development Department has two requests for vacation which we were directed to prepare the paperwork for, (i.e., legal description, get copies of deeds for adjacent ownership, etc.) 1. Case No. WV-9 -7 is a request for vacation of the north/south alley running from West 27th Avenue to West 28th Avenue between Depew Street and Fenton Street. -The applicant in this case is George Hinckle who resides at 5645 West 27th Avenue. 2. Case No WV-93-11 is a request foY~ vacation of the north/south alley running from West 27th Avenue to West 28th Avenue between Chase Street and Depew Street. The applicant in this case is Colleen Griffith who resides at 2755 Chase Street. No work has been done in regard to these cases since May of 1993. I would appreciate it if the legal description preparation would begin before the "busy season" starts again. A third matter which needs attention is Case No WV-93-6, a request for vacation of Field Street south of Lake Henry Lee North between Field and Flower Streets. As part of your department's response, you recommended that the vacation stop at the easterly right-of-way line of Flower Street, therefore, the original legal description needs to be revised. There are also right-of-way legal descriptions which must be prepared so the three affected property owners can dedicate right-of-way for the turnarounds. I would be happy to discuss this with you further. Thanks for your attention to these matters. MR:slw cc: John McGuire Case No. WV-93-6 :ase_-NO _.-WV-93-7 Case No. WV-93-11 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.o. sox s3a The City of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303) 234-5900 ~ I Theat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax k 235-2949 " ~/~~/ idge December 23, 1993 George Hinckle 5645 West 27th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Co 80 RE: Case WV 93-7, Alley vacation Dear Mr. Hinckle, Some time ago you requested the City assist in the preparation of documents relating to the vacation of an alley in your neighborhood. At that time, the Mayor agreed that city staff' would prepare legal descriptions, etc., as time permitted. Enclosed please find a street vacation petition form for the vacation of the alley running from West 27th Avenue to West 28th Avenue between Depew Street and Fenton Street. Please take this document to all the adjacent property owners for signatures. Upon return of the petition form, staff will begin preparing the exhibits and other information required by Council and Planning Commission for review and action. Please contact me at-235-2863 as needed to discuss this matter. Respectfully; ~~4 John Oss, PE Senior Project Engineer Hinckle 1 a0 ltr~~r lyd P~q «r