HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-93-2 rna cny or ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Wheat Rid~ra Department of Planning and Development 6 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033- Phone (303) 237-6944 Applicant Denni.~ L. L C_Zer•.•1 ?Address- 11722 ;;~. n. r~th a~, P_ Phone E22-977^0 nosier i^;heatridre, CO &OC~'. Owner ?loc ky t2ounyainFence_C oAddress Same Phone Sa?^,e ~ aT.~ioraao General Partnership Location-of request I17~0 r^7. n , iii .,ce. , heatri dcre, _ CO E300 ~~ Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions Site development plan approval Special use permit Conditional use permit Temporary use/building permit Minor subdivision Subdivision Preliminary Final ^ ** See attached procedural guide for specific requirements. Detailed Wheatri of request 790 ?4. 44t~i given=.:e, List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Dennis L. "r_oefer C.~er-~l T.. ~~oe =er Pe.rtnerc Sock-- 'T6untain _ enc~ Co I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit/power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this act},on on hi~be alf. ~ _ Sig ~u . ""~~ a ~' ~ scribed ~ `'~ ;~wor to e t ' s,~ ~ ~ . ~ / 4 ~~~~~~ i ~. a ~~a M0€~E r~; Nm S E ~; ., .W • . ° ]ate Received~____ _ _ - RecPint Nn day of ~bY~, 19 c My commission ex$i=~esssionE;:~irosRbv.14, f93s~ C:a ~e Nn 8 Variance/Waiver Nonconforming use change Flood plain special exception Interpretation of code Zone line modification Public Improvement Exception Street vacation Miscellaneous plat Solid waste landfill/ mineral extraction permit ^ Other Kenneth K. Hope ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW February 17, 1993 MERHAM PLACE H 6565 South Dayton Street, Suite 2000 -Englewood, Colorado 80111 (303) 790-0702 FAX 790-0938 City of Wheatridge Department of Planning & Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 Dear. Sir or Madam: On behalf of the Applicants Dennis L. Hoefer and Cheryl A. Hoefer, please find the following documents: A. Notarized Application Form; B. Affidavit Re Notice Of Neighborhood Meeting and attachments thereto; C. A copy of the Warranty Deed re 11790 W. 44th Avenue, Wheatridge, Colorado; D. Legal description; E. My clients' check in the sum of $200 representing the appropriate re-zoning fee. F. A survey of the subject property. It would be appreciated if your staff would keep both the Hoefers and myself advised as to the status of this re-zoning application. In addition, please feel free to contact either the Hoefers or myself in the event that you need additional information or questions answered. Please be assured that we will do all that is necessary in order to assist you in promptly completing the re- zoning process. Your prompt attention in this matter is most appreciated. ncerely, ~~ Kenneth R. H~ KRH/sm Enclosures C:IN Or' ~/V€~~A3' }Zl~~~ D ~~~~n EEB 2 2 119193 U PiANNiNG & DEVELOPMENT ~~ l LEGAL The North 257.75 feet of the West one-fifth (1/5) of the North one- third (1/3) of Block Twelve (12) of Lee's Subdivision, (Except a strip of land ten feet (10') in width off of the West end thereof conveyed to Jefferson County for a road), and, Tract "A" of Prospect Park Place Subdivision, a subdivision of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, according to the Plat -thereof recorded July 12, 1985 in the records of Jefferson County, Colorado at Reception No. 85065153 in Book 85, Page 9, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; together with one inch (1") of water from the Lee and Baugh Ditch, and the right of way to convey said water' across Block eleven (11) of said Lee's Subdivision. Also known by street and number as 11790 W. 44th Avenue. _~O-A ~ 10-~ }~ I O E `._ J 13 A 003 002 - 003 004 M I 210 N 33~4~ IOB 05 (n ° 13G 13F 010 13H 0 01'2 001 O -~ 04 13M 13N ~ ~ ~ 013 Oil 87042647 8 8704264 MI. 44th. Avenue wH _ C JC 1999 879 '^ J - ~ 137.85' ~ 196 29~ 3 I I J I I K I Z H 123.59' 14 26 ~ (NORT PARK 005 006 _~ 003 . PT. OF 2; 003 N TR-A - 0 04 °o Iao' PROSPECT o b IIG m N P o ~, ~ PARK M 007 PLACE is.si 12L MINOR N TR-B-A ti ~ '96.47 - - - m 002 ~~ SUB. S v i ~ 4 83.36' 134.13' ' - B-B T R 004 P ~ . 15.81 TR.-C OF } ~ 10 12i - 001 ~ N III IIH 09 008 ,{ 009 /t / 155 s. i0' WIDE SUFFER i 6' WIDE BUFFER WITH GASE NO. WZ-93-2 EXHIBIT 'B' VERTICLE LANDSCAPING 6' SOLID FENCE ~I~11~~1~fl~~i ASPHALT PAVING 44TH AVENUE 10' WIDE F Gr l ua m F a 0 m F - /ccndsc~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~. Recorde3 at_ -~'k~M., Reception No: VBA~".i2ANTY DEED ' THIS DEED, Made this 19 9 2 ,between ~~q~ ~~ h .~~' ~~ r~ o ,_„_ 0 v d o r- rn 18th day of May WALTER WAYNE VARNER and BAR3ARA HELENE VARNER ____ R ?TION NO, 92230986 I~4/92 13:35 ?4,80 RECORDED IN COUNTY OF 3EFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO of the California County of Santa Clara and _ State of~36iSf~t, grantor, and Rocky Mountain Fence Co., ~/pa/fr/e~'~/~/py ~~-~~"" J~',~- •, J. Lit L:.': I[. 1',/ f~(lA a Colorado General Partnership D;;fc m ~ ~!7 whose legal address is 11722 W. 44th Ave., Wheat Ritl9e CC BOOT: of the County of Jefi fierson and State of Colorado, grantees: WITNESS, that the grantoq fur and inconsideration of the sum of Ninety-riyht Thousand and no/100 _ DOLLARS. the riccipf~a`~ufflcienr}~uP which-is hereby acknowleitged, has;~rant` crY,`~irRalncd, ..old and cnmr}c,l. ;ma h~ Ih~,r prr,~~~u, a„~,_ grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, rot in temmcy in common bw in p)im tenant all the real property, together will[ improvements, if any, situate, tying and being in [he Ce?~st~fi le f f er s .--end-State of Colorado, described as Collows: '- ~'he Nord 257.75 feet of the West one-fifth (1/5) of the NorY..Ii _ one-third (lJ3) of Block Twelve (12) of Lee's Subdivision, (,~t a strip of land ten feet (10') in o~i,dth off of the West end -_" - thereof conveyed to Jefferson County fora road), and, Tract=~?`_=-- of Prospect Park Place Subdivision, a subdivision of a part o~_ t'iri_ City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, according to the Plat thereof ::_ recorded July 12, 1985 in the records of Jefferson County, ~- Colorado at Reception No. 85065153 in Book 85, Page 9, County o Jefferson, State of Colorado; together with one inch (1") Of water from the Lee and Baugh Ditch, and the right of way to convey said water across Block eleven (11) of said Lee's Subdivision. also known by street and number as 11799 W. 44th Ave. TOGET'iIER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in an}'wisc appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsxver of the grantor, either in !aw or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hercdi[amems and appurtenances. ; TO }PAVE P.NO' TO I?'JLD the said premiss si: vc bargai-;ad and describes;, with the appul tcnances. unW the grantees, their heirs and us: ions fprwir And tllt grants r, ti>r himself, his heirs and personal representativcv, does covenant, gran6 ba*gain and agree to and '', ~ with the er,tna•c>.:he'~r hcin and assn u,, that ut the time of the cnsealing and dc!iecry of thu,c pn~,cnl,, he i, well ,rirc,l of the prcmi,c, abom cu' .eyed. ha, Ruud, +ure, p;rfret, absolute and indcfca+ibl~ cstutc of inheritance. in lu;s, m (ce ,ml}?Ir, and h: , g:+uJ nghl. lull puw'Cr .:.J I as f UI ua[huC Ily a1y't an[, hargalll, ticl 1811d l'UOVC}' the S8II1C Ill Irlan!!CC and furnl .tiUfl',:lltl, .10,1 IlLlt the ,muc urc Rte oruf : Icer frUln all fUrlnCr and otheC gl'aIt[5, bitrgalnti, SaICS, hens, taxes, a58e5SmenLS, Cn'.UIItbCLLPCC+ al: t fl'alrlC tlUn> t1t ut[dtel Cr }.Ind dC n.uUfC SOCVCr, e%CCpI The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-b.trgaincd premises in the quiet and pea.cahle ' possrssior, pf th? grantees, their heirs and eisigns, against all and every person or parsons lawfully claiming the ~x hate or eny part thereof. The singular number shat! include the plum, the plural the singular, and the use of any gander shall tx: applicable to alt genders. f(N WI'CIv"~;S WHGRhOF the grantor 'W, executed this decd on the date sVt firth abuvt. ` ~'' ~~ I Walter Weynd Varner arbara Helene zrner STATLT. OF CD~XN8J111Lit CAL I FORM A _ } ._ .., _ . .. ...... ` Sti. County of S~~,s'7A (' ~~} ~A 1 Tha foregoif~~, instmment •.vas acknowledged before me this by Waller lrayn? 'd+,rror zr.d 3,?rbare Helene Varner J9~Z. ! I' ~~ ~: / ~y`' day of y'~ I r} y Winne ;., cry h5nd and nffieizt xat. ~* ! ~ :«S~uL.1s9o.kA •~• ---^.~.c°•• h1y Cnrn,c,iciswi cxpir„s /p .. ?!J , 19 I _5. (a o ' m7*Apvavst.w eauFOrrww ?.3I`~.= ~ //~ a.~~ C`~{;, ~~ S.$]i'PtE CL~RA COUNri ~._~y:s .F: ~ I rr q9y Ch`Gf:t49 (,;4vrsvt S'na `dtt, 1~1t~ Nnaiy Public 1 , *If in Daewet inserr_ Cny and.'.. _ v. - _--- _-T-~_~. - -- _ .~ `. .-. _I Y s• t~a,w mow. co smu - ac» zxvrr~ s.Rb ^ Y' N0. 92IA. Rxv. 3.85. SVAi+.HANTY' SrE,EU ITo Ja9rt 7enxnte nraJrnrd AuGli:,ain 5825 G, fish Arc., 1 ~ i'• , ~I . 'c 0 ~7 w we `" ~~ ~ 3 a i ~~~ n x Y .. 2 o ~ m I o i ~ o •r a ~ k 'm ~ ~ = y s tll ~ I b m ~, ~ O L T ~ ~ S~ " ;. m ~ .~ ° O o 0 ~ w c. a w c d ~ c '6 m 3 (D m ~°, a 7 I ~ H rCy w '3 C. N ~~ 1. ~-C-~ ~~ Y ..n i ~ d yy~ l-J ~ ;~i:f o. .SK ; ~ ~ ~ ,7 -. ~ .. .. • ... S .., ,. .. r 0 .,~ i 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ThB C/ly Of P.O. BOX 638 (~~~ - WHEATRIDGE..0080034.0638 (303)234-5900 -VV~eiGit City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 ~ ~idge March 4, 1993 Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Hoefer Rocky Mountain Fence Company 11722 West 44th Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hoefer: This letter is.in regard to your application for rezoning of property at 11790. West 44th Avenue. As this property is located within the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan area, a type I site plan is required as part of the application. Please find attached a copy of the requirements. In addition to the site plan, it is the applicant's responsibility to provide Staff with a list of names and addresses of adjacent property owners (including properties across streets). If you have any questions; feel free to contact me at 235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw cc: Kenneth R. Hope Merham Place Ii 6565.5. Dayton St., Ste. 2000 Englewood CO 80111 File Case No. WZ-93-2 ca a~~ yd~<<ron~, e , { ~ ~, -500.WEST 29TH AVENUE The Cl1y Of P, O. BOX 638 __ WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 _ (3031 234-5900 Wheat City Admin. Fax a 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax #-235-2949 Ridge April 29, 1993 -- `- ""' The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for approval of a_rezoning from Agricultural-One (A-1) to Commercial- at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by May 13. 1993 No response from you b this date will constitute no objections or concerns regardin~,I~Yi~Fp~~d~~F , CASE NO: WZ-93-2/Hoeffer - _ D .`~ n LOCATION: 11790_ west 44th Avenue MAY 1 21993 REQUESTED ACTION: ,,Approval of a rezoning from A-1 to C-1 P1J~NNING & DEVELDPMFd9T PURPOSE: To allow expansion of the fence company at 11722 West 44th Avenue to the west APPROXIMATE AREA: .73 acres. 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES X NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES X NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES X NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES X NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Additional-fire hydrant may be required to ly with Arvad Fil~~,,e Prot. Dist. regulations ~¢,cifGU~~ k t Please reply to: M. Rec er Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: ~XX_-Mater District ( Valle_yr ) XX Sanitation District (Fruitdal~ XX Fire District (Arvada ) Adjacent City ( ) XX Public Service Co. US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 American Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept: XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colorado Div. of Wildlife Wheat Ridge Bldg. Division ~r, ..,,,~~•.,n., -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE The City of P O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 8003-0838 (303) 234-59D0 - ~L aa+ City Admin. Faz a 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 Ridge April 29, 1993 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for aooroval of a rezoning from Agricultural-One (A-1) to Commercial- at the property described below. Your respons~o-the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by Mav 13, 1993 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-93-2/Hoeffer _ LOCATION: 11790 West 44th Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: ,Approval of a rezoning from A-1 to C-1 PURPOSE: To allow expansion of the fence company at 11722 West 44Th Avenue to the west APPROXIMATE AREA: .73 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 2. Are service lines available to the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? YES NO If "NO", please explain below. 5. Are-there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: M. Reckert Department of Planning & Development DISTRIBUTION: XX Water District ( Valley ) XX Sanitation District (Fruitdald XX Fire District (Arvada ) Adjacent City ( ) XX Public Service Co. US West Communications .State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. of Transportation <pc>referralform 06-26-92 American Cable Vision Jefferson Co. Health Dept. Jefferson Co. Schools Jefferson Co. Commissioners Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Dept. XX Wheat Ridge Public Works Dept. Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Colorado Div. of Wildlife., Wheat Ridge Bldg. Division v3 ~<.. ,~n,r r„~~,.. i Arvada Fire Protection District FIRE MARSHALS' OFFICE P. O. Box 3-D ARVADA,COLORAD080001 Telephone (303) 425-0850 - FAX (303) 422-4569 May 11, 1993 Ms. Meredith Reckert __._ City of Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development 7500 W. 29th Ave. P.O.Box 638 Wheat Ridge, CO. 50034 RE: Approval of Rezoning From A-1 to C-1 11790 W. 44th Ave. Dear Meredith, We have reviewed the information and have the following comments. 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 2, 12195.. W. 44th Ave. and Station 1, 7900 W. 57th Ave. 2. Need information on the proposed storage within the site 3. Need site plan showing access points, proposed width of fire lanes and how the surface is to be made all weather. UFC 91 10.305(b),(d),(e). 30.102(a),(b),(c),(d). 4. Fire extinguishers having a 4-A rating or 10-1b unit shall be placed each 2,000 lineal feet. UFC 91 30.104 5. All weeds, vegetation shall be removed from the area. UFC 88 30103(c). 6. Additional comments will be submitted upon the receipt of information. Sincerely, cAQDrvada fire Protection District Ste a Steig a er Deputy fire Marshal I~ITY.QF-WHEAT RIDGE MAY 1 9 1993 ~~~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Public Service° May 13, 1993 The City of Wheatridge Community Development 7500 West 29tH Ave. P 0 Box 638 Wheatridge, CO 80034-0638 Public Service Company acknowledges receipt of Public Service Company of Colorado 2701 W.7th Avenue Denver. CO 802044114 'CITY OF WHEAT RfDGE [ ~n~~~.. ~t~~Y 1 9 1993 i .. .~ Lj :Pl-1.pis; .~ ;DEVELOPMENT Hoeffer, fWZ-93-2 PROJEGTTITLE We have examined the proposed plot plan of the above-captioned project. We have no conflict at this time. If you have any questions regarding the above subject matter, please contact Teresa Wilson at 571-3735. ~~~~~~ Teresa Wilson .., NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission on June 3, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Ail interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. -Case No WZ-93-2• An application by Dennis and Cheryl Hoofer DBA Rocky Mountain Fence Company for approval of a rezoning from Agricultural-One to Commercial-One and for approval of a site plan for development within the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan area. Said property is located at 11790 West 44th Avenue and is legally described as follows: The North 257.75 feet of the West one-fifth (1/5) of the North one-third (1/3) of Block Twelve (12) of Lee's Subdivision, (Except a strip of land ten feet (10') in width off of the West end thereof conveyed to Jefferson County for a road), and, Tract "A" of Prospect Park Place Subdivision, a subdivision of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 12, 1985 in the records of Jefferson County, Colorado at Reception No. 85065153 in Book 85, Page 9, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; together with one inch (1"), of water from the Lee and Baugh Ditch, and the right of way to convey said water across Block eleven (11) of said Lee's Subdivision. 2. Case No. WV-93-~• An application initiated by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of vacation of four pieces of existing right-of-way in the general vicinity of West 39th Avenue and Independence Street described as follows: Parcel one• A parcel of land located at approximately Independence Place adjacent to 9550 West 39th Avenue described as follows: A parcel of land in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: The West 15 feet of the West 1/2, of the West 1/2, of the West 1/2, of the Southeast 1/4, of_ the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 22 EX E T the North 684.8 feet ~ EXCEPT the South 390 feet thereof. Said parcel contains 3645 square feet more or less. Parcel Two• A parcel of land known as West 39th Avenue right-of-way adjacent to 9550 West 39th Avenue described as follows: A parcel of land in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: The South 25 feet of the North 684.8 feet of the West 1/2, of the West 1/2, of the West 1/2, of the Southeast 1/4, of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 22 E~~CCEPT the East 25 feet thereof. Said parcel contains 3520 square feet more or less. Parcel Three• _. A parcel of land known as West 39th Avenue right-of-way adjacent to 3900 Independence Court described as follows: A parcel of land in the East 5 acres of the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West described as: The East 30 feet of that parcel of land designated as West 39th Avenue in Rose Haven Subdivision as recorded at Plat Book 13 Page 60 of the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Said Parcel contains 750.00 square feet more or less. Parcel Four• A parcel of•land known as West 39th Avenue right-of-way adjacent to 3915 Hoyt Court described as follows: A parcel of land in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: The North 25 feet of the South 50 feet of the North 684.8 feet of the West 1/2, of the West 1/2, of the West 1/2, of the Southeast 1/4, of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 22 EXCEPT the East 25 feet thereof AND X PT the West 15 feet thereof. Said parcel being a portion of the North 1/2 of that parcel of land described at Book 1'141 Page 573 of the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Said parcel contains 3216 square feet more or less. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: May 18, 1993 Wheat Ridge Sentinel 'z.~2~/ Sandra Wiggins, 5 retary <pc>pnwz932/wv933 7500 WEST 29TH A VEN U E P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 - _ - (3031234-5900 City Admin. Fax ~ 234-5924 May 19, 1993 Police Dept. Faz R 235-2945 The Crty of ~V6~heat Ridge This is to inform you that Case No. 6~Z-93-2 which is a request for approval-o-f a rezoning from A-1 to O-1 and site plan approval in the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan for property located at 11790 @lest 44th Avenue -_., _ will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Plann;nq (`nmmica;nn in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 7500 West 29th Avenue at 7.30 p.m. , on All owners and/or their legal counsel of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Planning !'nmmti ecinn -- _ __-___ As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this meeting. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division. Thank you. PLANNING DIVISION <pc>phnoticeform' 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~ _ ~ ' P.O. BOX 638 ThB Clty Of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034-0638 (303) 234-5900 cWheat City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 1\l~gli May 21, 1993 Mr. Dennis Hoefer Rocky Mountain Fence Company 11722 West 44th Avenue Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Dear Mr. Hoefer: Please find attached a revised site plan which accompanies your request for zone approval. There are apparent discrepancies between dimensions on the survey and the site plan that need to be clarified. As you may be aware, any time a zoning and major use change occurs (in this case from a residential to a commercial use), the City can require certain improvements. The main areas of concern are the parking and landscaping requirements. It doesn't appear that parking will be a problem. However, in order to meet the minimum 10~ landscaped coverage requirement, I have added a ten- foot strip of landscaping along West 44th Avenue, a five-foot-wide strip along Tabor Street, and a six- foot-wide strip along the south. The six-foot fence should be built along the inside perimeter of these landscaped buffers. A minimum of five street trees along West 44th Avenue and eight along Tabor Street will be required. We would encourage you to keep the existing large trees on the property. Attached also are copies of referrals received from outside agencies. If you have any problems with what I am proposing, please call me at 235-2848 so we can discuss this further. Sincerely, ~'yL~G~~-~Z ~~,~%-/:,tom.. Meredith Reckert Planner MR:slw attachment cc: Case No. WZ-93-2 ~a rs~-~~~r~~d r~~r~~r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission Date Prepared: May 28, 1993 Date of Meeting: June 3., 1993 Case No. & Name: WZ-93-2/Hoefer Action Requested: Rezoning from Location of Request: 11790 West Name & Address of Applicant(s): Name & Address of Owner(s): Rock Case Manager:~YKeredith Reckert A-1 to C-1 44th Avenue Cheryl & Dennis Hoefer 11722 West 44th Avenue, Wheat Ridge ~ Mountain Fence Company ------------------------------------------------------ Approximate Area: .82 acre Present Zoning: Agricultural-One Present Land Use: Single-family residential Surrounding Zoning: N: R-3; S: A-1; E: C-1; W: R-C Surrounding Land Use: E W: Commercial; ~ single family; N• high density Comprehensive Plan for Area: Neighborhood Commercial-Fruitdale Valley Master Plan ------------------- °-y---'-------------------------------- Date Published: ~ Ma 18 1993 Date to be Posted: May 20, 1993 Date Legal Notices Sent: May 19, 1993 Agency Check List (XX) Attached ( ) Not Required Related Correspondence ( ) Attached (XX) None ENTER INTO RECORD: (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Case File & Packet Materials (XX) Zoning Ordinance - ( ) Slides ( ) Subdivision Regulations (XX) Exhibits JURISDSCTION• The property•is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is jurisdiction to hear this case. Planning-Commission Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-93-2/HOefer 2. REQUEST The applicant requests a rezoning from Agricultural-One to Commercial- One and approval of a site plan within the Fruitdaie Valley Master Plan area. The rezoning would allow expansion of the applicant's fence company to the west and would be used primarily as outside storage. II. REQUESTED REZONING AND SITE PLAN- The proposed site is roughly .8 acre in size and has located on it an existing single-family residence which will be moved. The applicant has proposed a site plan for outside storage which is generally an extension of the current business to the west. The proposal, however, is inadequate to the City's standards for landscaping and screening (Exhibit 'A'). Staff has embellished the site plan to meet current standards (See Exhibit 'B'). Access to the property would be gained by a curb cut from West 44th Avenue centered on the property. Staff estimates that 13 regular-sized spaces could be accommodated in front of the fence which is an extension of the existing fence to the east. No access will be allowed to Tabor Street. The applicant proposes a six-foot-high chain link fence along the front (north) and side (west) of the property. A six-foot-high cedar fence running along the south property line will provide buffering for the adjacent residence on the rear.- Please note that Section 26- 22(C)(3)(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws allows outside storage as an accessory use when it is completely screened from view by a six- foot-high solid fence. .The applicant is proposing chain link on the north and west because of previous incidents of vandalism on his existing storage lot. This is a clear violation of the screening requirement for outside storage. In order to meet the minimum C-1 landscaping requirements, 10~ of the site must be landscaped. This minimum can be met by adding a six-foot strip of landscaping along the south pursuant to 26-31(B)(5)(a), a ten-foot strip of landscaping along West 44th Avenue and a ten-foot strip of landscaping along Tabor Street. A minimum of five and eight street trees are required along West 44th Avenue and Tabor Street, respectively. .Addition of the ten-foot strip along Tabor Street will allow the existing mature spruce and cottonwood on the Tabor Street side to remain. III. CRITERIA In accordance with Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Sec. 26-6(C.), before a change of zone is approved, the applicant shall show and City Council shall find: 1. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Staff Report Page 3 Case No. WZ-93-2/HOefer Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, Comprehensive Land Use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Fruitdale Valley Master Plan designates this property as neighborhood commercial. In 1988 Tabor Street south of West 44th Avenue was reclassified from a local street to an exempt local status. This reclassification requires that the existing improved width is to remain thus severely restricting the amount of traffic that can be handled by the street. Since no access will be allowed on Tabor Street, the proposal is consistent with the use designation specified on the plan and the exempt local street status. Except for emergency access, no other access from Tabor Street will be allowed. However, the site plan proposed by the applicant is severely inconsistent with the goals and intent of the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan which calls for "high quality buffering through landscaping, setbacks, fences which protects adjacent properties." Staff will support this request only if the property is developed in accordance with all requirements of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 2. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Zoning and land use to the north consists of a multifamily complex with R-3 zoning. To the south is a single-family residence with A-1 zoning. The applicant's existing business is located on the west side of the subject property with C-1 zoning. The property to the west across Tabor Street was rezoned to C-1 in late 1992 and is used for recreational vehicle storage. The proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses except the single-family use to the south. A combination of fencing and vertical landscaping should be installed along the south to provide adequate buffering. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. This proposal is an extension of the applicant's current business which generates sales tax for the City of Wheat Ridge, therefore provides an economic benefit to the City. 4. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the .type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where-they do not exist or are under capacity. With the exception of an additional fire hydrant, all utilities can serve the property. if the applicant requests an access to Tabor Street, dedication and improvements will be required to bring Tabor Street up to an acceptable standard. 5. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public Planning Commission Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-93-2/HOefer health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. The proposed zoning will not adversely affect public health, safety and welfare to adjacent properties, if adequate buffering is provided. The retaining wall at the northwest corner of .the property (intersection of West 44th Avenue and Tabor Street) should be removed to increase the turning radius at the corner. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. The property could continue to be used residentially, however, it appears that the immediate neighborhood fronting upon West 44th Avenue has changed based on recent rezonings approved. 7. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Spot zoning is not an issue. 8. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. Approval of the zone change will allow the current business to expand and to continue to serve the City of Wheat Ridge and surrounding area. Staff concludes that the criteria used to evaluate a zone change request supports approval of this application only if it is utilized in accordance with Exhibit 'B'. Staff would not support any variances from the standard requirements of the zoning code. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Valley Water .District, in conjunction with Arvada Fire, may require installation of a fire hydrant. Public Works Department will require a drainage report if the site is regraded or resurfaced. No improvements are required on Tabor Street, however, they would like the retaining-wall at the intersection of Tabor Street and West 44th Avenue removed to increase the turning radius of the intersection. V. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on February 11, 1993. See Exhibit 'C'. Planning Commission Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-93-2/Hoefer VI. STAFF CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that based on the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning, the findings support a change of zone if the property is developed in accordance with Staff's Exhibit 'B'. Therefore, a recommendation of Approval is given faith the previously-mentioned condition. If the applicant objects to any or all of Staff's recommended site plan changes, a recommendation of Denial is given as the property would be incompatible with adjacent residential development and inconsistent with the intent of the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan: VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WZ-93-2, a request for rezoning from A-1 to C-1 for property located at 11790 West 44th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. That the change of zoning is generally in conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposal is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use; and 3. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support approval of this request. With the following conditions: 1. Development of the property be consistent with Staff's Exhibit 'B'; and 2. The retaining wall at the intersection of West 44th Avenue and Tabor Street be removed. OPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-93-2, a request for rezoning from A-1 to C-1 for property located at 11790 West 44th Avenue, be Denied for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. " <pc>srwz932 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY CASE NO. wZ-93-2 XX Fire: (Arvada) Can serve. Schools: XX Water: (~7aiiP~ Can serve May need an additional fire hydrant. XX Sewer: (Fruitdale) No response. XX US West Communications: nTO r~gonse XX Public Service Co: Can serve. State Land Use Comm. (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: Jefferson County:(HEALTH, COMMISSIONERS, PLANNING) Adjacent City: American Cablevison: CITY DEPARTMENTS XX Public Works: nrainag' report may be required. Tabor Street is local exempt street. Parks & Recreation: Police: Building Inspection: pc/Agencyrefsum Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 June 3, 1993 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Commissioner JOHNSON moved to approve the order of the agenda for the meeting of June 3, 1993 as printed. Commissioner OWENS seconded the motion. Commissioner QUALTERI requested "City- initiated Vacations" be added under New Business. With that change, motion carried 7-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner JOHNSON moved to approve the minutes for the meeting of May 6, 1993 as printed. Commissioner CRUMPTON seconded the motion.- Motion carried 5-0, with Commissioners ECKHARDT and QUALTERI abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing under Item 7, of the Public Hearing section of the agenda.) Doris Meakins, 4340 Tabor Street was sworn in. Ms. Meakins stated she was present this evening as an interested citizen. She added that regarding another development in her neighborhood, she was upset that Mr. Brewer had not carried through with the plan that the neighbors had been shown at the neighborhood meeting. Ms. Meakins stated she felt the lights that were recently installed on Mr. Brewer's property were offensive and additionally, she was disappointed the cottonwood trees were removed. Mr. Gidley suggested that Commission may want to discuss pre- application neighborhood meetings further. 7. PUBLIC HEARING 1. tease No WZ-93-2: An application by Dennis and Cheryl Hoe£er DBA Rocky Mountain Fence Company for approval of a rezoning from Agricultural-One to Commercial-One and for approval of a site plan for development within the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan area. Said property is located at 11790 West 44th Avenue. Mr. Gidley presented the case, which included slides. Entered 1 and accepted into the record were the Comprehensive Plan; Zoning Ordinance, case file, packet materials, slides and exhibits. Mr. Gidley gave Commission updated information from the Department of Public Works regarding their requirements. Commissioner RASPLICKA asked for an explanation of "Neighborhood Commercial" zoning. C~ ~J Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 June 3, 1993 Mr. Gidley explained "Neighborhood Commercial" as a land use category defined in the Comprehensive Plan as a-"business that serves the neighborhood". He added that it is not unusual for C-1 zoning to be allowed in Neighborhood Commercial-designated areas. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Mr. Gidley if the developer on the opposite side of Tabor Street dedicated 15 feet as is being required by Public Works. Mr. Gidley stated the requirement was discussed both during Planning Commission and City Council. The decision was made that since no actual "development" was occurring, and the recreational-storage was indicated as an interim use, the requirement for dedication would not become effective until development occurred on the property. At the time of development, not only the 15-foot dedication will be required, but construction as well. Chairman LANGDON asked if the ten-foot-wide buffer indicated on Exhibit 'B' would have to be moved back 15 feet. Mr. Gidley answered that it would move 15 feet to the east. Mr. Gidley informed Commission that this request had come before Planning Commission in 1989 when all issues were previously discussed. However, subsequent to the Planning Commission recommendation for approval, applicant withdrew his case. Commissioner JOHNSON asked if Mr. Brewer would have to dedicate 15 feet along his property line on Tabor Street? Mr. Gidley stated that at the time Mr. Brewer develops the property, he would have to dedicate 15 feet along Tabor Street at least to a final curb cut. Commissioner JOHNSON asked that then would Hoefer be required to do the same? Mr. Gidley answered yes, he would. Commissioner JOHNSON voiced his concern that Tabor Street would be multiple widths. Mr. Gidley explained that the widths would vary, but would be tapered. Commissioner JOHNSON asked if that was what the City wanted. Mr. Gidley stated that because of the intersection; it is what the City wants. Commissioner JOHNSON asked if the retaining wall was on City property or Hoefer's property. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 June 3, 1993 Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works stated that according to the records maintained on the previous project, the retaining wall and other City improvements are on City right-of-way. However, he added that the City would gladly remove the retaining wall, but an easement must be obtained. Chairman LANGDON asked Mr. Goebel if the 15-.foot dedication was obtained, could the City remove the retaining wall. Mr. Goebel answered yes, since that portion behind the wall currently on private property, would be public property. Dennis Hoefer, 3802 Simms Court, was sworn in. Mr. Hoefer stated he was confused about the 25-foot being discussed. Mr. Gidley stated Mr. Hoefer's confusion relative to the 15-foot dedication may have occurred with the process, however, he felt Mr. Hoefer should be aware since that the same requirement was indicated when the applicant first applied in 1989. Mr. Hoefer stated that two letters received from the City made no mention of the 15-foot dedication requirement. Additionally, Mr. Hoefer had a more recent site plan, which Mr. Gidley made copies of. He explained the changes he wanted to make, noting that he wants to save two large trees along Tabor Street. Mr. Hoefer wanted to install chain link fencing rather than a solid fence along Tabor Street and between the parking area and storage areas. Chairman LANGDON stated he understood that the ten-foot-wide buffer had been changed. Mr. Hoefer stated that he understood from Staff that a six-foot- wide buffer would be sufficient. Commissioner QUALTERI asked if Mr. Hoefer understood that the City is requiring a 15-foot .dedication along Tabor Street. He asked Mr. Hoefer if he would be agreeable to this requirement. Mr. Hoefer stated he would not agree, since this requirement had not previously been mentioned and Mr. Brewer was not required to do this. Commissioner QUALTERI stated that Mr. Brewer would be required to dedicate a 15-foot strip when he develops his property. He added that Mr. Hoefer's neighbors to the south are at a disadvantage when emergency equipment is needed there. Mr. Hoefer stated that at neighborhood meetings held in 1989 and 1992, he received no complaints from his neighbors at either meeting. Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 June 3, 1993 Chairman LANGDON asked Mr. Hoefer if the area designated "proposed storage" would be utilized strictly for that purpose. Mr Hoefer answered that it would. Chairman LANGDON asked since a portion of Mr. Hoefer's property would be utilized for storage purposes only, could the situation be considered similar to the Brewer property and the 15-foot dedication for street purposes delayed until development takes place? Mr. Gidley answered that could be possible, and Planning staff would have no problem with that bezng stipulated. Mr. Goebel stated three options: 1. Dedicate the 15-foot now and allow owner use of it via a Right-of-Way Use Permit; then 2. Should the City need to bring the street up to Code, they would be in a position to do that; or 3. Leave the roadway the way it is at present, placing a condition on this site and owner that before a building permit is issued, the right-of-way dedication take place. Discussion followed. Mr. Goebel explained that if Mr. Brewer came in with plans to develop his property by placing a building on the site and requiring access onto Tabor Street, he would be required to construct his half of Tabor Street to meet Code. He added that not necessarily would the east side of Tabor Street be brought up to Code at that time. Mr. H efer stated that consideration should be given to residents living south of Brewer's property and his fence company. He was concerned that they would be required to dedicate 15 feet also. Mr. Goebel stated that would not be the case. The dedication would be required for the Commercial-zoned properties allowing for a right-turn movement and a left-turn movement. Mr Hoefer stated he felt if access was not required to Tabor Street; .then the dedication would not be necessary. Mr. Goebel stated that the dedication was required because Tabor Street is currently beneath the current standard. Mr. Hoefer asked if he did not need access to Tabor Street, would the dedication be required? Mr. Goebel stated that it would, since Tabor Street is below current standards and is unsafe as it is presently. Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 June 3, 1993 Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if it was the intent of Public Works to have a 50-foot right-of-way from West 44th Avenue clear to the south end of Tabor Street? Mr. Goebel reiterated that the current standard for a local- street is 50 feet of right-of-way. Commissioner ECKHARDT noted that the street has exempt status. Mr. Goebel stated that "exempt street" means that if it was to be reconstructed, the right-of-way standard is still 50 feet, however, pavement standard is two 12-foot lanes, with no curbs or sidewalks. That "exempt street" standard may be in question due to the recently-passed Americans with Disabilities Act. Commissioner ECKHARDT he could see no real reason why Tabor Street needed to be widened if neither the Brewer nor the Hoefer property accesses onto Tabor Street. Mr. Gidley explained further, informing Commission they could vary the street standard if they chose to do so. A recommendation could be made by Planning Commission at that time to vary the street standard, however, variance to the property standards could not be made without following standard legal procedure, including publication and a separate hearing for same. Commissioner JOHNSON asked if Mr. Brewer didn't request access to Tabor Street, would he still need to dedicate ahd construct the street? Mr. Gidley stated Council would be informed what the existing requirement was and with the review of site plan for that development, they would determine whether to require the dedication. Chairman LANGDON asked if they would be required to dedicate but not develop? That way, if the street needed to be developed, they would have the land available for that purpose. Mr. Gidley stated that was an option. He urged Commission to move on to the other issues at hand and allow City Council to decide about the street dedication. Mr. Hoefer stated that the required 15-foot dedication had not previously been discussed with him. Mr. Gidley confirmed that it had not. Mr. H efer stated he wanted to eliminate the buffer. between the fence company and the proposed storage area. He wants a parking area north bf the proposed storage area, as it is shown in front of the fence company. Rather than a ten-foot buffer along Tabor • Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 June 3, 1993 Street, he indicated only a six-foot buffer, thus saving the two existing mature trees. He preferred to install a chain link fence, rather than a solid wood fence in the areas indicated, as recommended by police in the past. Mr. Gidley stated that a six-foot-wide buffer along Tabor Street is barely adequate to accommodate the trees required. Discussion of the revised site plan followed. Commissioner JOHNSON had concern about the three-foot retaining wall and the difference in elevation of the site-and the street grade at the corner. Mr. Hoefer stated he had no problem with Public Works removing the retaining wall and re-grading the corner area. Mr. Goebel asked Mr. Hoefer if he planned to maintain the existing elevation for the planned parking lot. Mr. Hoe er stated he planned to maintain the elevation. Mr. Goebel asked Mr. Hoefer if Public Works could gain permission to slope the area. Mr. Hoefer stated he would agree to that: Mr. Goebel informed Commission that he had no problem with Commission making a recommendation to waive the 15-foot dedication requirement. Commissioner JOHNSON asked that if no access is requested to Tabor Street by either Brewer or the applicant, does the City have to widen Tabor? Mr. Goebel stated that, as the Code is written presently, the City can require dedications up to Collector Street width. Mr. Hoefer returned to the podium as he believed he had made an error in calculating the buffer on Tabor Street. He thought his measurement was five feet, not six feet. Mr. Gidley stated less than a five-foot buffer would not be adequate to accommodate the planting of required trees. Commissioner OWENS asked if the fence could be built around the existing trees so that the buffer could be six .feet. Mr Hoe£Pr stated: he didn't believe that could be done and added that one of trees is over 100 years old. Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 June 3, 1993 Discussion followed. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Mr. Hoefer on which side of the fence would the trees be? Mr. Hoefer. answered the trees would be inside the fence. Commissioner ECKHARDT suggested the fence be on the east side of the trees rather than the west side of the trees. Mr. Hoefer stated that would be more like 15-20 feet. Chairperson LANGDON stated that Commission's concern is that applicant follow the established regulations, utilizing as much land as possible. Commissioner RASPLICKA reiterated that applicant could dedicate the 15 feet, but still be allowed to use it. Chairperson LANGDON asked Mr. Gidley for clarification. Mr. Gidley stated that Planning Commission could not waive the street dedication requirement. City Council must do that. One approach would be for the applicant to dedicate the 15 feet, then the City can grant him a use permit allowing him to utilize the property and landscape within the right-of-way. When it becomes necessary to construct the street, then the City would have the necessary dedication to proceed. Another approach would be not to require a dedication at this time, but specify that dedication would ultimately be required at the time any building permit is issued for new structures requiring access upon Tabor Street. Commissioner OWENS asked if dedication would be necessary from Mr. Hoefer if-only Brewer wished to develop. Mr. Gidley answered no, it would not. Commissioner OWENS asked if Mr. Hoefer proceeds with dedication and obtains a use permit to utilize the right-of-way, he would be in control of further developing his property and the need for widening his side of Tabor Street. Mr. Gidley agreed. Discussion followed. Doris Meakins, asked to speak on this subject. Ms. Meakins was sworn in. She felt strongly that the existing trees on Mr. Hoefer's property should be saved. Commissioner JOHNSON asked Ms. Meakins about the width of Tabor Street. Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 June 3, 1993 Ms Meakins answered that the road would be widened at some point. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked what the additional width would be. Mr. Goebel answered because of the exempt local status, it would only be widened to 12 feet per lane, therefore. the ultimate width would be 24 feet. Commissioner OWENS moved that Case No. WZ-93-2, a request £or rezoning from A-1 to C-1 and for approval of a site plan for development within the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan area for property located at 11790 West 44th Avenue be Approved for the following reasons: 1. Change in zoning is generally in conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposal is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use; and 3. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support approval of this request. With the following conditions: 1. Development of the property be consistent with the revised Staff's Exhibit 'B'. 2. The retaining wall at the corner be removed and tapered back by the City. Commissioner QUALTERI suggested a friendly amendment that the 15- foot dedication be required at this time. Commissioner OWENS accepted that friendly amendment adding that a right-of-way use permit be approved. Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded the motion. Commissioner JOHNSON felt that City Council should make that decision. Commissioner QUALTERI pointed out that he had made a friendly amendment that had been accepted by the motion-maker. Mr. Gidley clarified further. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Commissioner QUALTERI if he was in favor of treating the Hoefer property the same as the Brewer parcel in terms of right-of-way? Commissioner QUALTERI answered that by obtaining dedication now,. the applicant is not being deprived of the use of the property, Planning Commission Minutes Page 10 June 3, 1993 we're dust insuring that when construction is necessary, right- of-way will be available. He added that Mr. Hoefer may not be the owner at that time. Commissioner ECKHARDT asked then does the buffer strip need to be an additional 15 feet? Commissioner QUALTERI stated no, the buffer strip could be placed on the dedicated right-of-way. Commissioner OWENS stated that it was his understanding that the only individual affected would be the owner and then only if he wished to further develop his property. Commissioner ECKHARDT understood by City Council, the dedication granted at that time. that if-the zoning is approved of the right-of-way will be Commissioner OWENS believed it made no difference. Mr. Gidley stated that if Council accepted the proposal contain in Commissioner's OWENS' motion and the applicant subsequently provides deed for that property, then utilizing a permit to usE the right-of-way, the applicant could continue to use the land until development/re-development. During that time, the trees, fence, possibly storage, grass, or a parking stall would be on the public right-of-way and the owner would not pay taxes on ii Motion carried 7-0. 2. Case No. WV-9 - An application initiated by the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of vacation of four pieces of existing right-of-way in the general vicinity of West 39th Avenue and Independence Street. Mr. Gidley presented the case. Commissioner QUALTERI questioned Glen about the possibility of granting the respective property owners easements for an indefinite period of time, rather than vacating the rights-of-way indicated. That would allow them to encroach on the property as they wished. Mr. Gidley stated that was a possibility utilizing a permit to use right-of-way through the Public Works Department. Mr. Goebel gave a brief history of storm sewer construction in the area, explaining why no easements were required to construct a storm sewer. Since no future road construction is anticipated, vacation of unnecessary right-of-way is being requested and instead, a permanent easement will be secured in place of the dedicated right-of-way. Mr. Goebel stated that property owners ,~ CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO: WZ-93-2 LOCATION: 11790 West 44th Avenue APPLICANT(S) NAME: Dennis & Cheryl Hoefer OWNER(S) NAME: Same as above REQUEST: Rezoning from A-1 to C-1 and approval of site plan for development within the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan area APPROXIMATE AREA: .82 acre WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above request, and said list of factors is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof; -and WHEREAS, there was testimony received at a public hearing heard by the Planning Commission and such testimony provided additional facts. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the facts presented and conclusions reached, it was moved by Commissioner OWENS, seconded by Commissioner ECKHARDT, that Case No. WZ-93-2 be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation for Approval for the following reasons: 1. Change in zoning is generally in conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposal is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use; and 3. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support approval of this request. With the following conditions: 1. Development of the property be consistent with the revised Staff's Exhibit 'B'. 2. The retaining wall at the corner be removed and tapered back by the City. 3. The 15-foot dedication be required at this time and a right-of-way use permit be approved. VOTE: YES: Owens, Eckhardt, Qualteri, Rasplicka, Langdon, Crumpton and Johnson NO: None • Certificate of Resolution Page 2 Case No. WZ-93-2/Hoefer I, Sandra Wiggins, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a 7-0 vote of the members present at - their regular meeting held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 3rd day of June, 1993. 7 -" eor L 'don-; Chairperson dra Wiggins, retary WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEAT RIDGE PLA G COMMISSION <pc>resowz932 The Clty of ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Wheat Rid a Department of Planning and Development g 7500 West 29th Ave.,. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 237-6944 ~. ~ *,~ cnt~ ~ , Applicant A. Hoefer Address Trheatri8cre, C6 ~~~3 Phone X22-97723 Rocky I~untain fence Company, Owner a Colorado General FarEnersI~dress Same Phone Same Location _of request 11790 W. 44tz Avenue, PR:eatricige, CO E0033 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions ~ Variance/Waiver Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change Special use permit Flood plain special exception Conditional use permit Interpretation of code Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification Minor subdivision Publ-ic Improvement Exception Subdivision Street vacation Preliminary Miscellaneous plat Final Solid waste landfill/ [] ** See attached procedural guide mineral extraction permit for specific requirements. ^ Other Detailed Description of request See ;ttac?~1ent._ List all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, o ptionee; etc. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 's L. & Che 1 A. Hoefer, ;?artnexs nocF.I P~unta~:n Fence C ..many, a Colorado General PartnershiA, ll722 QI. 44t1i <~yenue~ ~. ~ ,;e, u 1 i certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested acti on cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this ac on on h's eh alf. Si t e f A licant ~ ~ `/~ ( gna ..,.o pp ur ~ ="'•:*> H er an 'C eiy A. aoe._er ,~ '~,`.;,Stbse~i~~d and swo to me t s• ~ day of ;)uhf 19 ~ ~ ~ 't''`~ r ~~ N tary Public ' tt t~ :SEAS':<'(~ - - l.~:y ~ilir'tr.~liasionExpiresNtlV.$~d,99~a ^ ~`~~ •, ..-~;:r My °o ";ALL' ~` %' commission expires . x Da~`e~;;c;ru~' Receipt No. Case No. ~.~_.~" Kenneth A. Hope ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ATLAW Ms. Meredith Reckert The City of Wheatridge Department of Planning and Development 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 Re: Variance Request Dennis and Cheryl Hoefer 11790 W. 44th Avenue Zoning Case No. WZ-93-2 Dear Ms. Reckert: MERHAM PLACE [I 6565 South Dayton Street, Suite 2000 -Englewood, Colorado 80111 (303) 990-0702 FAX 790A938 June 11, 1993 Pursuant to our most recent telephone conversations as well as pursuant to the information furnished to me, I am enclosing the duly completed administrative process application concerning a variance request for the property at 11790 W. 44th Avenue. It is my understanding that this variance request will be processed in conjunction with the pending re-zoning application, and as such, an additional filing fee together with documentation furnished initially (deed and survey) is not required. After you have had the opportunity to review the variance application, please feel free to contact me should you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Your prompt attention in this matter is most appreciated. Srn~cerel~y,~ Kenneth R. Ho P KRH/rjb Enclosures ,1~~ ~~O Timor Sfi . , -Fo '~' ~ e S o w-~ ~ W ,,,~ ~~, .!- /a~ 11goB - 5 . w. g,c,~,er -"ti taps I / 3) ~~72-'~ W 4~lik - QoNNS H~~~'~F ~~ ~~~~~ ~~v~u-~ ~OZI Zs / ~, ~~ (~$~ W ~-t~-i'1'l, - F'seZa; ens 19~1c'(' _ ivorl-L, ~ SJ ll~~i!-R3 w Li~t+h- 1'Gbvr /kr~5 A~pgS. -Ivor-F11 ._.. ~ ~• l CITY OF Wr~HEAT RIDGE D APR 2 F 1993 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ?` ~! j o. I N V v y ~ ~ F > 'r l ~ - m ' ~ t\ a, ~ H O .~ iNi ~-. ~_1 ~ ' ~ ~ i. ---0 - - Q ,. __ ~_ ~ ~ ----- r~ W 46 TH'T AVE. ~ RK ~_ i q_~ ~ 2 _f s S E W AYE - W. 4.3id AVE. ~SIMMS ST- WARD RD ENT, OR INDUSTRIAL,REZONtNB. ~~ - '~ ~~ uoNSeiR~ue!!w-w9~ori.+iRmRU__~,.__.,~ ~_, '.u -,,:~ U -NE O ., , ' . „~ D+ _ CASE NO. WZ-93-2 ~ ` ^ ~ EXHIBIT 'A' A /' ~'e,.~ce ~ V (~ (` i CQ&of _ J ~ 4~1fJP OS~'X ~ I ~` \\'' ,~ v N F Liu; a 1 ~~ S~~ N~ p p eV G•L`a ~ ~~ k ~~+ r~ ~o~ ~~ r~G ~~.Ski <~ ~°~'~e,~~ Chi a ~ x ~ b~ ~~ ~a ~'~~ ~1 L ~ ~ ~2 he EXISTING FENCE con~ANY ~` ~ N~ ~vG. uy~- ~ 3` Sir ~,"~~ l~~~a ~~°~ ~ k ~ n - ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ O ~~ Y Y~ ~ ~ ~`~~~~ ~ `~~ 0 r S ~ y fi~ ~} ~e CASE NO. WZ-93-2 EXHIBIT 'B' EF W Gtl CC F CC O m Q F i0' WIDE BtJrrr.~s 4A~TH AVENUE N 6' WIDE BUFFER WITH CASE NO. WZ-93-2 EXHIBIT 'B' 6' WIDE BUFFER WITH VERTICLE LANDSCAPING 5' WIDE 6' HIGH FENCE 111~1f1~i ASPHALT PAVING ....,..~ <~y~" ia' WIDE BUFFER 44TH AVENUE F w w a F CG O m F M CASE NO. WZ-93-2 fifiXHH BIT ,C, CITY OF WHEA°!° R~D~E ~_~.rs'il`1_RI~r JUN 15 1993 ~~~I ~ ~aai~s ~ ~~v~~~€~r ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS APPLICATION Attachment Detailed Description of Request: In conjunction with the applicant's request of change in zoning from A-1 to C-1 at the property located at 11790 W. 44th Avenue, Wheatridge, CO 80033, Case'No. WZ-93-2, the applicant is seeking a variance with respect to the fence located on the Westerly and Northerly edges of the property in question. The location of the proposed fences are more specifically set forth on Exhibit B, attached to and made a part of the re-zoning request. Specifically, the applicant is seeking a variance from the requirement that outside storage, in this case primarily wooden fencing material, be screened from view. Specifically, the applicant is proposing the construction of a six foot (6') chain- link fence topped with barbed wire strands for security and safety purposes only, as opposed to a six foot (6') solid fence. Addendum to Administrative Process Application--Review Criteria: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service, or income if permitted to be used under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? Yes. 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? The problems incident to vandalism, break-ins, and burglaries are not necessarily unique to the applicant. The applicant's business, however, has been subject to numerous incidents of vandalism and break-ins which the applicant feels could be deterred significantly by the installation of fencing material allowing police and fire departments better view of -the property. Specifically, the applicant has been told by ~~ representatives of the police and fire departments of the City of Wheatridge that a chain-link fence as opposed to a solid fence would make patrol and prevention much easier. 3. If the variation were granted, it would alter the essential character of the locality? No. 4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape, or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter or regulations were carried out? Yes. If high intensity security lighting were installed to discourage vandalism, break-ins, and burglaries, such installation would significantly impact those residences located to the South of the subject property. Specifically, at least one (1) resident has expressed her concern before the planning commission as to the adverse effects of the lighting at the JW Brewer property on the West side of Tabor Street. If the applicant were to install similar lighting as a security measure, it would add further discomfort and annoyance to those residents to the South. If -lighting is not utilized and the variance request denied, the applicant would be forced to employ a security guard or utilize electronic surveillance, which is yet another unnecessary burden to the small business person. 5. Would the conditions upon which the position for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? No. A very small percentage of those businesses under the classification of C-1 are required to have outside storage. -2- 6. is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make money out of the property? No. Quite the contrary, the purpose of the variation is to save money, to reduce loss, to prevent .vandalism, and to reduce the burden upon the local police and fire departments. 7. Has the alleged difficulL-y or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? No. 8. Would the granting of the variations be detrimental to the public welfare or injuries to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? No. 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of £ire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood? No. Coupled with the six foot (6') solid fence on the West side of Tabor Street owned by the JW Brewer Tire Company, which fence is approximately three feet- (3') from the edge of the street, 'a solid fence on the Westerly side. of the applicant's property (East-side of Tabor Street) would create, in effect,- a tunnel effect and would make the street appear even narrower than it actually is. The property on the West side of Tabor Street is non-residential, is already surrounded by a six foot (6') solid fence, and thus, there will be little, if ` any, bisual impairment by any individuals looking to the East into the applicant's property. Problems associated with snow removal and lack of snow melt can be minimized by the use of a chain- link-fence as opposed to a solid six foot (6') fence. The issuance of the variance should not substantially diminish or substantially impair the property values of res~_dential properties located to the- South of the applicant's property as they -3- are nearly surrounded by property zoned C-1. Specifically, one (1) homeowner has indicated a preference that a chain-link fence be installed as opposed to a solid six foot (6') fence. -4- CASE NO. WZ-93-2 • ~ MUYt/WHKNtK~tl~ 5b5 !Yb tlYStl Y. b'G - EXHIBIT 'D' NOTICE OP,NCIG111lOFtIfOOD INPUT MEETING Dennis L. Hoefer & Cheryl A. Hoefer ~~iepR~QP45INC A RElONING FROM a.-1 0 t U5~4~~x~t~ n `~OA~'1fSP~Eb AT 11'1@U 47_ -- THE TIME AifD DATE FOR THIS MEETI THE PURPOSE FOR THIS PROPOSAL IS Tha City of Whear. Ridge has adepted a requirement that, prior to application for rezoning of property to a highet• use, or for properties Sn~ezcess of one (1) acre, and for Special Use Perinita which allow a'speeial uao of land, en epplioant must notify all residents within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input 14eeting. The purpose for this meeting is to aliow the applicant to preocnt his prupusal to cne neighbornood anU also t0 allow the nei3nborhood to express tlirectly to the applioant, their concerns, issues and desires. Tha kinds of concerns residents normally have are a$ fOlloW37 ' * to Ilia yt Vpuaal uumpattnle W1Ln surrounding Iona t18 ea and zoning? * Ara there adequate utilities and services in piece or proposed to serve the pro~cct? * What is the impact on our atreets2 * Whore willathe storm drainage gc? * How will the pro,~oot be designed to enhanoe rather than detraot from the neighborhood? * What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make St more aooeptable; to me? ,lfter attending the Neighborhood Input Meeting, please use the following space and the back of this form to list any specifio oonoorna, iaaucs, ar buaeastions whluh you may Itava regaruing Lnls proposal. Please sign it and give it to the applicant, as he is required to provide these forms to the City along with his application. L1Yh~er 1~9E(~L~,~Uu/s C~~'Fl~;~°ie '_-- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge City Council on August 9, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petition shall be heard: 1. ~_ase 1yo W~-9~ 2• An application by Dennis & Cheryl Hoefer DBA Rocky Mountain Fence Company for approval of a variance to Section 26-22(C)(3) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws regarding the screening of outside storage in a C-1 zone district. This variance will be heard as a part of a request for approval of rezoning from A-1 to C-1 for the property noted below. Said property is located at 11790 West 44th Avenue and is legally described as follows: The North 257.75 feet of the West one-fifth (1/5) of the North one-third (1/3) of Block Twelve (12) of Lee's Subdivision, (Except a strip of land ten feet (10') in width off of the West end thereof-.conveyed to Jefferson County for a road), and, Tract "A" of Prospect Park Place Subdivision, a subdivision of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 12, 1985 ixi the records of Jefferson County, Colorado at Reception No. 85065153 in Book 85, Page 9, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; together with one inch (1") of water from the Lee and Baugh Ditch, and the right of way to convey said water across Block eleven (11) of sa Lee's Subdivision. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: July 20, 1993 Wheat Ridge Sentinel r San ra Wiggins, etary <pc>pnwz932 a i500 WEST 29TH .4V P.O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO E City Admin, Fax # 234 July 23, 195 This is to i request for approval in scree_ n_ in_ Q re for property the W of the Munic: on A„a„Gt Ail owners ar consideration ('; +v r y~ As an area re attend this P shall be the persons whose if you have a~ contact the P] PLANNING DIVIS <pc>phnoticefo CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Robert C. Middaugh, City Administrator SUBJ: REZONING REQUEST FOR 11790 W. 44TH AVE.--CASE WZ-93-2/ HOEFER DATE: August 4, 1993 Attached please find a staff report and related materials for a requested rezoning at 11790 W. 44th Avenue. The petitioners are Cheryl and Dennis Hoefer, dba as Rocky Mountain Fence Co. The request is to rezone the property from its current status of A-1 to C-1. The proposed rezoning will enable the Rocky Mountain Fence Co. to expand their current facility on W. 44th Avenue primarily by providing expanded_outdaor storage for fencing materials.. As noted in the attached materials, the applicants' proposed site plan has been modified by the staff to comply with City regulations regarding screening and landscaping. The staff and Planning Commission recommendation for the rezoning is to approve the rezoning with conditions as noted in the attached staff report. The applicant has also requested a variance from-the City's fencing or screening requirements which is also reviewed in the attached materials. As indicated both in the staff review and in the Planning Commission comments, the proposed variance will impose a negative impact on the area in question and is not recommended for approval. Suggested motions are found in the attached staff report starting on page 7. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Robert C. Middau City Administrat RCM:ly Att. 8/4-1 C~ July 26, 1993 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council Date Prepared:~~NJuly 26,_1993 Date of Meeting: August 9, 1993 Case Manager: `Meredith Reckert _ Case No. & Name: WZ-93-2/Hoefer Action Requested: Rezoning from A-1 to C-1 Location of Request: 11790 West-44th Avenue Name & Address of Applicant(s): Cheryl & Dennis Hoefer 11722 West 44th Avenue, Wheat Ridge Name & Address of Owner(s): Rocky Mountain Fence Company Approximate Area: .82 acre Present Zoning: Agricultural-One Present Land Use: Single-family residential Surrounding Zoning: N: R-3; S: A-1; E: C-1; W: R-C Surrounding Land Use: ~ W: Commercial; S: single family; high density Comprehensive Plan for Area: Neighborhood Commercial-Fruitdale Valley Master Plan Date Published: Date to be Posted: Date Legal Notices Sent: July 23, 1993 Agency Check List (XX) Attached Related Correspondence ENTER INTO RECORD: (XX) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Zoning Ordinance ( ) Attached ~~ ( ) Not Required (XX) None (XX) Case File & Packet Materials ( ) Slides Subdivision Regulations__(XX) Exhibits JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore there is . jurisdiction to hear this case. ------ July 20, 1993 ~ i City Council Staff Report Page 2 Case No. WZ-93-2/Hoefer I. REQUEST The applicant requests a rezoning from Agricultural-One to Commercial- One, approval of a site plan within the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan area and approval of a screening variance. The rezoning would allow expansion of the applicant's fence company to the west and would be used primarily as outside storage. II. REQUESTED REZONING AND SITE PLAN The proposed site is roughly .8 acre in size and has located on it an- existing single-family residence which will be moved. The applicant has proposed a site plan for outside storage which is generally an extension of the current business to the west.- The original proposal was inadequate to the City's standards for landscaping and screening (Exhibit 'A'). Staff has embellished the site plan to meet current standards (See Exhibit 'B'). Access to the property would be gained by a curb cut from West 44th Avenue centered on the property. Staff estimates that 13 regular-sized spaces could be accommodated in front of the fence which is an extension of the existing Fence to the east. No access will be allowed to Tabor Street. -- The applicant proposes a six-foot-high chain link fence along the front (north) and side (west) of the property. A six-foot-high cedar fence- running along the south property line will provide buffering for the adjacent residence on the rear. Please note that Section 26- 22(C)(3)(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws allows outside .storage as.- an accessory use when it is completely screened from view by a six- foot-high solid fence. The applicant is proposing chain link on the north and west because of previous incidents of vandalism on .his existing storage lot. This is a clear violation of the screening requirement for outside storage, therefore, a variance is required. (See Section IV.) In order to meet the minimum C-1 landscaping requirements, 100 of the site must be landscaped. This minimum can be met by adding a six-foot strip of landscaping along the south pursuant to 26-31(B)(5)(a), a ten-foot strip of landscaping along West 44th Avenue and a five-foot strip of landscaping along Tabor Street. A minimum of Five and eight street trees are required along West 44th Avenue and Tabor Street, respectively. III. CRITERIA In accordance with Wheat- Ridge Code of Laws, Sec. 26-6(C.), be_fore a change of zone is approved, the applicant shall show and City Council shall find: 1. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge City Council Staff Report Case No. WZ-93-2/HOefer Comprehensive Land Use plan Plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies or plans Page 3 Comprehensive for the area. A. Land Use The Fruitdale Valley Master Plan designates this property as "neighborhood commercial". Although the fence company may not be specifically oriented to meeting the needs of only this neighborhood, there are other C-1 .uses that may fit that intent in the future. Additionally, this is an expansion of an existing business, therefore Staff concludes that the C-1_zone will meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan regarding land use. B. Site Design The site plan proposed by the applicant is severely inconsistent with the goals and intent of the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan which calls for "high. quality buffering through landscaping, setbacks, fences . . which protects adjacent properties. Unless a variance is granted, the applicant must provide a solid fence on all sides. C. Streets Tabor Street is classified as an exempt local street south of West 44th Avenue except for the first 200 feet south, which is a collector street standard. Since access is not requested presently, the City should require dedication of 15 feet for Tabor Street, however not require construction at this time. Construction would occur whenever the owner develops an access onto Tabor Street.- 2. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Zoning and land use to the north consists of a multifamily complex with R-3 zoning. To the south is a single-family residence with A-1 zoning. The applicant's existing business. is located on the west side of the subject property with C-1 zoning. The property to the west across Tabor Street-was rezoned to C-1 in late 1992 and is used for recreational vehicle storage. The proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses except the single-family use to the south. A combination of fencing and vertical landscaping should be installed along the south to provide adequate buffering. 3. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. This proposal is an extension of the applicant's current business which generates sales tax for the City of Wheat Ridge, therefore provides an economic benefit to the City. 4. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not-exist or are under capacity. City Council Staff Report Page 4 Case No. WZ-93-2/Hoefer With the exception of an additional fire hydrant, all utilities can serve .the property. A 15-foot dedication is required for Tabor Street. If the applicant requests an access to Tabor Street, improvements will be required to bring Tabor Street up to an acceptable standard. 5. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, create drainage problems, or seriously reduce light and air to adjacent properties. The proposed zoning will not adversely affect public health, safety and welfare to adjacent properties, if adequate. buffering is provided. The retaining wall at the northwest corner of the property (intersection of West 44th Avenue and Tabor Street) should be removed to increase the turning radius at the corner. 6. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. The property could continue to be used residentially, however, it appears that the immediate neighborhood fronting upon West 44th Avenue has changed based on recent rezonings approved. 7. That the rezoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or-nearby areas. Spot zoning is not an issue. 8. That there is a-void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing-for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. Approval of the zone change will allow the current business to expand and to continue to serve the City of Wheat Ridge and surrounding area. Staff concludes that the criteria request supports approval of this in accordance with Exhibit 'B'. used to evaluate a zone change application only if it is utilized IV. VARIANCE As mentioned in Section II, the applicant is also requesting a variance to the outside side storage screening requirement pursuant to Section 22(C)(3)(b) o£ the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Please see Exhibit 'C' which is the applicant's justification for the request. Variances must be considered separately from the other cases and requires a greater-than-majority vote based upon Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 2-53(s). and Section 26-6(D)(2). City Council Staff Report Page 5 Case No. WZ-93-2/HOefer Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? The property can yield a reasonable use, service and income if the outdoor storage is totally screen from view. 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? Circumstances are not unique as there are many screened outdoor storage lots within the City of Wheat Ridge. 3. If the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? If the variance is granted, it could negatively affect the residential "feel" of Tabor Street and the residences south of this property. 4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? Staff concludes that if the variance is not granted, it could be an inconvenience. 5. Would the conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? If the variance is granted, a precedent for similar requests could be set. The recreation vehicle storage business immediately to the west requested a similar variance and was denied. 6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively-upon a desire to make money out of the property? This request is not economically motivated. 7. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? There is no hardship in this case. 8. Would the granting of the. variations be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? • i City Council Staff Report Page 6 Case No. WZ-93-2/HOe£er The granting of the variance would be detrimental to the public welfare as it could have a blighting effect on the neighborhood. 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood? Granting of the variance would not impair light and air to adjacent properties, substantially increase congestion in the. streets or increase the danger of fire. Although granting o£ the variance would not affect. the general health, safety and welfare, Staff concludes that circumstances are not unique. Since a negative precedent could be set, Staff recommends denial for_ the screening variance. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Valley Water District, in conjunction with Arvada Fire, may require installation of a fire hydrant. Public Works Department will require a drainage report if the site is regraded or resurfaced. No improvements are required on Tabor Street, however, they would like the retaining wall at the intersection of Tabor Street and West 44th Avenue removed to increase the turning radius of the intersection. VI. A meeting for neighborhood input was held on February 11, 1993. See Exhibit 'D'. VII_-PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission reviewed the zoning and site plan at a public hearing held on June 3, 1993. A recommendation of Approval was made for the following reasons: 1. Change in zoning is generally in Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposal is compatible with and 3. The criteria used to evaluate a of this request. conformance with the City of adjacent zoning and land use; zone change support approval With the following conditions: 1. Development of the property be consistent with the revised. Staff's Exhibit 'B'. City Council Staff Report Page 7 Case No. WZ-93-2/Hoefer 2. The retaining wall at the corner be removed and tapered back by the City. 3. The 15-foot dedication be required at this time and a right-of-way use permit be approved. Staff's Exhibit 'B' is consistent with Planning Commission's recommendation. No recommendation was made with regard to the screening variance as there was not jurisdiction. VII. STAFF CONChUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that based on the criteria used to evaluate a rezoning, -the findings support a change of-zone if the property is developed in accordance with Staff's Exhibit 'B'. Therefore, a recommendation of Approval is given with the previously-mentioned condition. In regard to the variance request, Staff concludes that circumstances are not unique, there is no proven hardship, and that precedent could be set-£or similar requests. For these reasons, a recommendation of Denial is given for the screening variance. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS REZONING OPTION A: "I move that Case No. WZ-93-2, a request for rezoning from A-1 to C-1 fnr property located at 11790 West 44th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1. That the change of zoning is generally in conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposal is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use; and 3. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support approval of this request. With the following conditions: 1. Development of the property be consistent with Staff's Exhibit 'B'; and 2. The retaining wall at the intersection of West 44th Avenue and. Tabor Street be removed by the City." OPTION B: "I move that Case No. WZ-93-2, a request for rezoning from A-1 to C-1 for property located at 11790 West 44th Avenue, be Denied for the following reasons: City Council Staff Report Page 8 Case No. WZ-93-2/Hoefer 1. 2. 3. " VARIANCE. _ OPTION 'A': "I-move that the request for a variance to the outdoor storage screening requirement for property located at 11790 West 44th Avenue, be Denied for the following reasons: 1. Circumstances are not unique; 2. It could set a precedent for similar requests; and 3. Staff recommends Denial." OP-T ION 'B': I move that the request for a variance to the outdoor storage screening requirement for property located at 11790 West 44th Avenue be Approved for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. With the following condition: 1. That the variance apply only to the fences along the north (West 44th Avenue) and west (Tabor Street)." <pc>srwz932 CASE N0. WZ-93-2 AGENCY REFERRALS SUMMARY XX Fire: -(Arvada) Can serve. Schools: XX Water: (vaiiPy) C'an ~Prve Mav need an additional fire hydrant. XX Sewer: (Fruitdale) No response. XX US West Communications: No rPSponse ~ Public Service Co: Can serve. State Land Use Comm. (over 5 acres): State Geologist: State Highway: Jefferson. County:(HEALTH, COMMISSIONERS, PLANNING) Adjacent City: American Cablevison: CITY DEPARTMENTS XX Public Works: nra;,,agP YPport may be recruired Tabor Street is local exempt street. Parks & Recreation: Police: Building Inspection: pc/Agencyrefsum s M~ INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER PHIL EDWARDS Council Bill 18 ORDINANCE N0. 932 Series of 1993 SI~1~~t~i TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF REZONING FROM AGRICULTURAL-ONE TO COMMERCIAL-ONE ZONE DISTRICT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 11790 WEST 44TH AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1: Upon application by Dennis and Cheryl Hoefer DBA Rocky Mountain Fence Company for a rezoning in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. WZ-93-2, and based upon a recommendation for approval with conditions from the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission, and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge maps are hereby amended to exclude from the Agricultural-One District and to include in the Commercial-One Zone District, the following described land: The North 257.75 feet of the West one-fifth (1/5) of the North one-third (1/3) of Block Twelve (12) of Lee's Subdivision, (Except a strip of land ten feet (10') in width off of the West end thereof conveyed to Jefferson County for a road), and, Tract "A" of Prospect Park Place Subdivision, a subdivision of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 12, 1985 in the records of Jefferson County, Colorado at Reception No. 85065153 in Book 85, Page 9, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; together with one inch (1") of water from the Lee and Baugh Ditch, and the right of way to convey said water across Block eleven (11) of said Lee's Subdivision. Section 2. Conditions. 1. A 15-foot right-of-way dedication and the construction of Tabor Street shall be required upon construction of buildings on the property; and 2. Development shall be in accordance with the attached Exhibit 'A'. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under -- the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative. object sought to be attained. Ordinance No. 932 Page 2 Case No. WZ-93-2/HOefer Suction 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of $ to 0 on this 12th day of July 1993, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for- August 9 1993, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue,-Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 8 to 0 this 9th day of_ August 1993. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 10th day of Auqust 1993. RAY J NGER, R MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY c~~ `~ _ list ) ~ .~if ~ KATHRYN SCH EDE CITY ATTORNEY 1st Publication: July 20, 1993 2nd Publication: August 24, 1993 Wheat Ridge Sentinel Effective Date: September 8, 1993 <pc>ordwz932 CASE NO. WZ-93-2 EXHIBIT 'A' 6' WIDE BUFFER WITH VERTICLE LANDSCAPING 5' WIDE SOLID / - F- 6' HIGH FENCE w EXISTING a PINE TO ~ REMAIN ~ m F `EXISTING j i ~ COTTONWOOD J TO REMAIN ~~ ASPHALT PAVING =~' 30' WIDE BUFFER, 44TH AVENUE 1 Y J _~ • ~ _ L~ ~,ITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 9, 1993 PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Page -3- Item 2. Council Bill 18 - An Ordinance_providing for the approval of rezoning from Agricultural-One to Commercial-One Zone District for property located at 11790 West 44th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County. of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. ~ (Dennis and Cheryl Hoefer) Council Bi11 18 was introduced by Phil Edwards; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 932 assigned. Mr. Middaugh and N,r. Gidley presented the staff report and answered Council's questions. Kenneth Hope, 6565 S. Bates Street, attorney for the applicant, was sworn in by the Mayor; he asked for approval of the rezoning and the requested variance; was concerned about the dedication requirements suggested by staff; with respect to the variance request, applicant has agreed to all landscaping requirements asked for by the City, with the exception of the chain link fence that is needed to keep intruders out of his property, Dennis Hoefer, 3802 Simms Court, applicant, was sworn in by they Mayor. He stated they would keep the old trees on the outside of the fence. Motion by Phil Edwards. that Case No, WZ-93-2, a request for rezoning from A-1 to C-1 for property located at 11790 West 44th Avenue, he approved for the following reasons: 1. That the change of zoning is generally in conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan; 2. The proposal is compatible with adjacent zoning and land use; and 3. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support approval of this request. With the following conditions: 1. Development of the property be consistent with staff's Exhibit B; 2. The retaining wall at the intersection of West 44th Avenue and Tabor Street be removed by the City; 3. That the 15 ft street dedication be waived and held in abeyance until a later date when the property is developed; seconded by Mr. Davis. hlrs. Brougham asked for an amendment that Exhibit B show the existing 2 trees to make sure they are going to stay there. Mr. Edwards accepted this as a friendly amendment. Motion carried 8-0. Motion b_y Phil Edwards that the request for a variance to the outdoor storage screening requirement for property located at 11790 West 44th Avenue, be denied for the following reasons: 1. Circumstances are not unique; 2. It could. set a precedent for similar requests; and 3, Staff recommends denial; seconded by Vance Edwards. Mr. Selstad will vote against this; the street will be 25 or 23 feet wide; there will be snow and ice build-up; it would look a lot better and function a lot better if we allow the chain link fence. '<:'~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: August 9, 1993 Page -4- Mr. Davis will vote against this for security reasons and the tunnel effect. Phil Edwards made the motion, but he feels this should be a chain link fence. Motion by Mr. Selstad to amend to approve the variance because of our concerns with the tunnel effect and security reasons, but that there be no barbed wire along 44th Avenue; seconded by Mr. Davis. Phil Edwards made a friendly amendment that this barbed wire not come within 50 ft of 44th Avenue along the West fence.- This was accepted as a_.friendly amendment. this as our law. Vance Edwards will vote against this; people do-not want storage to be visible. Mr. Flasco will vote against this; outside storage should not be seen; Motion failed 4-4 with Councilmembers Eafanti, Davis, Selstad, aqd Phil Edwards voting yes. City Attorney stated that a variance vote needs 6 votes. Amendment failed. Original-Motion to-deny the. variance carried 6-2 with Mr. Selstad and Phil Edwards voting no. Item 3: A. n '~"'~'B'ihl~'7°9~- An Ordinance vacating an unnamed North/South Street between Hoyt Street and Independence Court (a.k.a. independence Place) and between West 38th and West 39th Avenues and adjacent to 9550 West-39th Avenue, within the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Douglas E. and Sandra L. Jackson) Council Bill 19 was introduced on second reading by Vance Edwards; title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No. 933 assigned. Mr. Middaugh and Pir. Gidley presented the staff report and answered Council's questions. Albert Trujillo, 3894 Independence Court, was sworn in by the Mayor; he- stated that if a street were to be built, it would create a very dangerous intersection. He has no problem with the walk path. Motion by Vance Edwards that Council Bill 19, a request for approval of a vacation of one parcel of right-of-way, be approved for the following reasons: 1. 1'he extension of West 39th Avenue is impossible without condemnation. 2. No properties will be landlocked. 3. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval. With the following conditions: 1. A utility and maintenance easement be reserved over the entire width of Parcel 1 with a walkway easement over the north 25 feet; 2. City Staff pursue obtaining walkway easements on the parcels to the west which have already been vacated; seconded by hirs. Brougham. -__`-~ SURVEY OF A PORTION OF THE N' E I/4 OF SECTION 2( TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 6J WES~(" OF THE 6~1"H P. M. J EF~FERSON COUNTY ,COLORADO DESCRIPTIONS THAT PORTION OF BLOCK 12, LEE'8 SUBDIVISION, CITY OF WkIEAT RIDGE, .JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSs THE NORTH 85.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH 340.00 FEET OF THE NORTH 597.75 FEET OF THE WEST ONE-FIFTH OF THE NORTH ONE- THIRD OF T~LOCK 12, LEE'S SUBDIVISION, EXCEPT THAT PART DESCRIBED IN BOOK 203 AT PAGE 414, SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 230 AT PAGE 24 AND BOOK 285 AT PAGES 152 AND 153 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS, TOGETHER WITH TRACT "B" OF°,PROSPECT PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED ON JULY 12, 1985, IN THE RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, AS RECEPTION N0. 85065153 IN HOOK 85, PAGE 9. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING PORTION OF SAID BLOCK 12s THE SOUTH 10.00 FEET OF THE NORTH 352.75 FEET OF THE WEST ONE-FIFTH OF BLOCK 12, EXCEPT THE WEST 10.00 FEET THEREOF. CERTIFICATION- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, THE ABOVE DRAWING IS AN ACCURATE DELINEATION OF THE SURVEY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT, BADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND COMPLETED ON JULY 10, 1991. AND DOES ACCURATELY DEPICT THE DIMENSIONS OF SAID TRACT, THE LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL BUILDINGS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, WHICH WERE ON THE TRACT AT THE TIRE OF SURVEY, AND THE LOCATION OF ALL EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY, VISIBLY EVIDENT OR KNOWN TO HE AT THE TIME OF SURVEY. THE NOTES, AS SHOWN HEREON, ARE INCLUDED AND HEREBY MADE A PART OF THIS CERTIFICATE. ~TEI_`~ .IIUE NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT. HAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN' YEAI;S-. cRp;S.mug ppmc _pg. mvn_ CERT?FICAT?ON---'_`-° SHOWN HEREON. NOTES: 1. 5/8-INCH 91 IRON PIN WITH CAP ST?~MPED 16837 SET OR RECOVERED AT POINT SHOWN THUSs~ 2. 5/8-INCH ~ IRON PIN WITH CAP STAMPED 43B RECOVERED AT POINT SHOWN THUS: 3. BUILDING DIMENSIONS SHOWN, ARE FOR THE BUILDING PROPER AND DO NOT ACCOUNT FOR EAVES, GUTTERS, CANOPIES OR SIMILAR ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. 4. THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING FENCES OR OTHER SIMILAR FEATURES DENOTING LINES OF POSSESSION IN THE VICINITY OF THE PERIMETER OF THIS TRACT, AS THE PERIMETER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED HY THIS DESCRIPTION, HAY INDICATE OWNERSHIP ACQUIRED OR LOST THROUGH UNRECORDED MEANS. AN ATTORNEY SHOULD BE CONSULTED REGARDING THIS MATTER. 5. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT INCLUDE A TITLE SEARCH BY THIS SURVEYOR TO DETERMINE: A. OWNERSHIP OF THIS TRACT OR VERIFICATION OF THE DESCRIPTION SHOWN; 8. THE COMPATIBILITY OF THIS DESCRIPTION WITH THAT OF ADJACENT TRACTS; C. EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY ,OF RECORD; BUT RELIED ON INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER. 6. FENCE CORNER TIES REFER TO APPROPRIATE PROPERTY CORNER. EXAHPLEs "FENCE CORNER IS 2.0 FEET W AND 2.7 FEET N" INDICATES THAT THE FENCE CORNER IS 2.0 FEET WEST AND 2.7 FEET NORTH OF THE NEAREST PROPERTY CORNER. 7. THOSE DOCUMENTS RECORDED IN BOOK 285 AT PAGES 152 AND 153 AND BOOK 230 AT PAGE 24, GRANT EASEMENTS OF UNSPECIFIED WIDTH TO TRANSPORT WATER OVER THE DESCRIBED TRACT. .. 1. r .. w n r n 1 1 1 1 V io< oaaao~oo 'ooonn3~+a~ 301Aa3S JNIa33NION3 3Na"1 l.B 03aad3ad OS00 6L0580 = 'ON Z3Nt(d-xSINnHH00 ' 8B6 T ' b .IaYf1aH33 i Q3S1iQ Sd1iW Qaff2YH QOOZ3 •(~fW33) EON3JY SN3W30YNYH bON30a3W3 Z~1a3Q33 3HS EH Q3JnQ0ad CH?2I3) d~fW 3S`da 30NYanSNI QOOZ3 SN3aan0 SSOW 3HS OS JNIQtSO00Y 'NI'dZd QOOZ3 a1(31C OOT Y NIHZIM Q3J.~OOZ SON SI N03a3H Q3HIaJS3Q xJ,a3d0ad 3HZ ,L1(Hb 7L3ISa30 xH3a3H I sa ~~ 'r!,°J'O St ~M,O'2 x 'N,L'2 'S , L'O x 'M ,4'O S I ' ' " , f~J'O ~2 0~ 68 S 'b6'~21 M 33 37N 0 b~N~O „ , , Y Y Y Yom"( ,6E'6 ~ O6'SZ S " ~-bOt.105 O Z dO ,o~'SS ,0O'CTbS H~O H12jON dO '~NI"l 1-i1(~OS 0 Q~HS 1`111 ~ £21 z m N -- ~ ~ ~ss Zio9bi os~i~ -1b V -{ "~ '3Sl~OH 3W~d2jd IVO j~+1~13dOTjd ~ _ (_ h?jO1S I IIXOZiddb sl ~-~Tyad D _Z Q~ ~ W~ _ ,E'~~' S-b'L5 ~ ~ lD 0 S ,O'Z x (y~ O'O s l ~ ~ O ~ ~ a-~rv~d d0 CIN~ N ,IS'SI p ~ '3,~t~,O~,68 N -+ _ ,Z6'2zl '3,?2,Ora 6B N n 233NT3O'~ SS~N11N1,1 M ,O'I x N ,O'O S 1 ~ 6'6 X 'S 6'~ S I M '~7N~d d0 ONE n , ?3'3N2iO"0 ~'ON3d D i ~' m O WN 00 0 x~ N~ O~ n c~ m 1; ~1 P n a 0 Z 0 n 06 09 OE 0 OE 1 L ~lON ~~S ~dld "1ti1~W„~1 N