HomeMy WebLinkAboutZOA-91-6The City o/
~RidcTe Department of Planning and Development
6 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Phone (303) 237-6944
Applicant J4ohn~~and Georgene Address 2615 Upham St: Phone 238-3911
Owner Same Address
Location of_ request Side yard fence be
Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below
which pertain to your request.)
^ Change of zone or zone conditions
Site development plan approval
Special use permit
Conditional use permit
Temporary use/building permit
Minor subdivision
[] ** See attached procedural guide
for specific requirements.
Detailed Description of request
Nonconforming use change
Flood plain special exception
Interpretation of code
Zone line modification
Public Improvement Exception
Street vacation
Miscellaneous plat
Solid waste landfill/--
mineral extraction permit
^ Other
See attached addendum
List all persons and companies. who hold an interest in the described real
property, as owner, mortgagee, lessee, optionee, etc.
John & Georgene Powers 2615 Upham St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 238-3911
I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I
am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above,
without whose consent the requested actior. cannot lawfully be accomplished.
Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner
which approved of this action behalf.
Signature of Applica ~~ ' - ~ ~ / ~ ~ .~-
J hn owe s eorgene P ers ~`
Subscribed an savor to me this 21 day of A~.g,s' 19 21- _
Receipt No.
Case No.
My commission expires' 11/30/93-
(303)2379308 - - - -- -- --- - - -- 12600 W.COLFAX AVE..SUITE G46D
August 21, 1991 C1Ty p~ WHEAT P.1^~~
Gregory D. Moberg, Planner I %; %i I;I,J~ 2 ~ i~~;i
City of Wheat Ridge 1`
~~, s,
P. O. Box 638 ~~°~',._ _ _.~''
7500 W. 29th Ave. COMMUiJITY DEVELOPfa1ENT
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Re: Board of Adjustment
Administrative Process Application -
John and Georgene Powers
2615 Upham St.
Dear Greg:
Enclosed please find:
1. Administrative Process Application with addendum
detailing the description of the request and exhibits, and
2. Filing fee in the amount of $50.00.
It is my understanding that this matter will be scheduled for the
Board of Adjustment meeting on Sept. 26 and I would appreciate a
copy of the agenda for this meeting as well as a copy of the staff
comments on the request sufficiently prior to the meeting.
If there are any further requirements we need to fill prior to the
Board of Adjustment hearing would you please so advise me. Thank
you for your cooperation.
Resne .fulls su/omitted.
usse ~~ Si'h t
cc: John and Georgene Powers
T0: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Date Psepared: September 17, 1991
Date of Meeting: September 26, 1991 Case Manager: Greg Moberg
Case No. & Name: WA-91-23/POWERS
Action Requested: An interpretation of the Wheat Ridge Code of
Laws regarding the measuring of fence height
and also an interpretation of the approval of
Case No. WA-87-9
Location of Request: 7313 West 26th Avenue
Name & Address of Applicant(s): John and Georgene Powers
2615 Upham Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Name & Address of Owner(s): Roger and Betty Baker
7313 West 26th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Present Zoning: Residential-Two
Present Land Use: Single-family residence
Surrounding Zoning: N, W & E: Residential-Two; S: Lakewood
Surrounding Land Use: N, W & E: Single-family residences;
Date Published: September 12, 1991'
Date to be Posted: September 12, 1991
Date Legal Notices Sent: September 4, 1991
Agency Check List ( ) Attached- (XX) Not Required
Related Correspondence ( ) Attached - (XX) None
( ) Comprehensive Plan (XX) Case File & Packet Materials
(XX) Zoning Ordinance (XX) Slides
( ) Subdivision Regulations (XX) Exhibits
( ) Other
The property is within the City o£ Wheat Ridge, and all
notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore
there is jurisdiction to hear this case.
CASE NO. WA-91-23
The applicant is requesting two interpretations.- The first
deals with the approval of Case No, wZ-87-9 and the second
is for an interpretation of how fence height should be
measured. It should be pointed out that the portion of this
case dealing with the measuring of fence height is not site
specific and requires to be looked at on a City wide basis.
Therefore testimony and Board inquiry should be on a general
nature and should not deal specifically with the fence in
question. In addition because there are two requests
contained within this case two motions are required.
Case no WA-87-9 was a request for a twenty-four foot
variance to the thirty foot front yard setback requirement
for a six foot fence. _The fence was to be located six (6)
feet from the front property line along West 26th Avenue.
The case was heard on April 23, 1987 and was approved. The
fence was constructed and on July 16, 1990 the owner applied
for a fence permit to allow the construction of a six (6)
foot fence along the east property line. This fence would
connect with the existing fence along West 26th Avenue.
The building permit was approved based on the approval of
Case No. WZ-87-9, wherein lies the appellant's contention.
The appellant is arguing that approval of this case only
allowed a six foot fence to be placed perpendicular to the
south property line and setback six feet. He maintains that
the approval did not extend to both the east and west
property lines.
Upon reviewing the minutes and resolution (see attached),
there was no discussion concerning Mr. Powers aversion to a
six foot fence along the side property lines. In addition
no conditions were placed within the resolution excluding
the side lot lines from the variance. It. is Staff's opinion
that it is reasonable to assume that the variance also
included the east and west property lines. Therefore it is
Staff's recommendation that the Board find in favor with
Staff's interpretation of the approval of Case No. WA-87-9
and allow the extension_of the fence along the property's
east line.
The applicant is also requesting that the Board interpret
where and how fence height should be measured. Currently
and historically staff has measured the height of a fence
from the grade of the applicant's property. This has been
done for numerous reasons. The first reason is that a fence
may only be placed upon the property to which the permit is
CASE N0. WA-91-23
applied for. The building permit applicant has no right to
enter his neighbors property for any reason and subsequently
can not measure the height from his neighbor's side of the
fence. Part of the problem of dealing with fence height is
the question of the change of elevation. Whenever a fence
permit is applied for, where a property line elevation
changes drastically from one side to the other, problems
arise when measuring fence-height from either side. If the
height is measured from the low side, the fence on the
property on the high side is reduced by the height of the
elevation change (see attached Figure A). _This ultimately
does not allow the applicant a six foot .fence and may reduce
the fence height to a point that no fence can be built.
1. The Wheat Ridge Code of Laws does not allow in any instance
the measuring of-structures from adjacent properties.
2. The Wheat Ridge Code of Laws does not .recognize solar rights
or easements.
3. The Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is only concerned with historic
drainage when differentiating between natural elevation and
an artificial change.
4. If property elevation were required to remain in a natural
state no contoured changes could be made to a property,
disallowing the property owner full use o£ his property.
5. There is a no-win situation when dealing with fences between
properties with considerable elevation changes. if the
fence is measured from the low side, the owner on the high
side does not get full use of a six foot fence. If it is
measured from the high side the property owner on the low
side has the perception of a much higher fence. However
Staff has found in the case of the property owner's on the
low side, a higher fence is needed to screen out the higher
property. This is the first instance where a property owner
on the low side has complained.
It is therefore Staff's recommendation that the Board find
in favor with Staff's interpretation of how fence height
should be measured.
Figure t~
Measure from
owners side
of fence
dill dirt
Natural grade
h' f=ence
i~etaininq wall
Property line
figure ~
MIPlUTES OF MEETING: April 23. 1987
Page 6
8. Case No. WA-87-9: An application by Roger and Betty
Baker for a 24' variance to the required 30' front yard
setback required for a 6' high fence in a Residential-Two
zpne district. Said property is located at 7313 ;lest 26th
Chris Guss presented the Staff Report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman SANG
Board t9ember BLAIR asked t9r. Guss how did somebody
'inadvertently' tear out a fence and bushes, and Mr. Guss
answered that the applicants were told by the City that the
bushes and fence would not be taken out for the road
project, then the contractor took them out anyway.
3oard Member WATSO[1 asked if the Bakers paid an application
fee to the City for this request, and t9r. Guss stated yes
they did. Public 1lorks Department was debating to refund
the application fee and decided against it, and suggested
to the applicants to r-e quest the refund from the Board.
No further questions were asked of Staff.
The applicant, Roger Baker, 7313 W. 46th Avenue, was sworn
in. Mr. Baker stated that he did contact the City on July
22, concerning the construction on idest 26.th and at that
time he was informed they would not need to remove the
fence or the bushes. Then on September .2nd the
construction was started and when he arrived home from work
that night, there were no bushes and no fence. Mr. Baker
added that he .talked to Bob Goebel and was told that the
contractor's insurance would pay for the fence, and since
the bushes had also been removed, they need a higher fence
for more privacy. Mr. Baker requested his application fee
be refunded.
Board tlernber REYtdOLDS asked if the variance were approved,
would there be a blind spot when coming out of the
driveway, and for. Baker answered no, as there is quite a
distance from the drive and the street, tor. Baker added
they are currently pouring concrete from the garage to the
sidewalk and around the circle drive.
No further questions were asked of the applicant.
Board t9ember JONES questioned what the City has to do with
this, since it was the contractor that tore the fence and
bushes out, and the contractor .and his insurance company
should have to replace it, tor. Baker replied he believes
that is the intention, but he needs the variance to put the
fence within the 30 feet.
Georgine Powers, 2615 Upham Street, was sworn in. 11s.
Powers stated they live to the right of the Bakers and it
was quiet and secluded with the.bushes there, and the fence
would restore their privacy and block some of the noise.
11INUTES OF MEETING: April 23, 1987
=age 7
John Powers, 2615 Upham Street, was sworn in. Mr. Powers
agreed with Mrs. Powers, and also stated the traffic and
lights are very annoying on 26th Avenue, and he was in
favor of the fence.
Motion was made by Board Member BLAIR, that Case No.
:dA-87-9, an application by Roger and Betty Baker, be
APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. The Board Finds that based upon evidence presented and
based upon the Board's conclusions relative to the nine
specific questions to justify the granting of the __
variance, the evidence and facts in this case do
support the granting of this request.
2. The applicant's difficulty was caused by the City.
3. A precedence has already been established.
4. There will be no change of character to the
5. Staff's recommendation for approval.
1. The City reFund the application fee to the applicant.
t4otion was seconded by Board 14ember WATSON.
VOTE: YES: Blair, Krieger, Reynolds, Sang and Matson
N0: done
Motion carried 5-0. Resolution attached.
C. Case P1o. WA-~7-10. An application by Jack ekrel of Wheat
Ridge Industrf 1 Center fora Temporary 0 Permit for the
purpose of erec ing an off premise sign., Said property is
located at appro mately 5100 Ward Road_
Board t7ember '.lATSO said she would re:l~inquish her vote on
this case to Board id tuber BRANDY.
Board 14ember REYNOLDS id he woulll relinquish his vote on
this case to Board Memb JONES.i
Chris Guss presented the af~;'Report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman SAiIu
Board Member WATSON stag the'iBoard gave them a variance
on January 24, 1985, soa,>:rhy are+they before the Board
again, and Mr. Guss ans~rered tha the sign approved in 1985
was for one year, and after the o year the sign was taken
down. Since then, Whk'at Ridge Indus rial Center has put two
signs up but was a~roached by the S ate Highway Department
because they dint have billboard p mits, so they are
here to apply f the Temporary Use Pe it. Mr. Guss added
this is the se nd request but for anoth r purpose.
Mr. Guss com~,ented that Mr. Pickrel does have power of
I, Mary Lou Chapla, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of
Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was
duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State
of Colorado, on the 23rd day of April 1987.
CASE N0: WA-87-9
APPLICANT'S NAME: Roger and Betty Baker
LOCATION: 7313 West 26th Avenue
Upon motion by Board ;lember BLATR , seconded by Board Member
WATSON the following Resolution was stated.
WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an Administrative
Officer; and
WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment Application, Case No. WA-87-9
is an appeal to this Board from the decision of an Administrative
Officer; and
WHEREAS, the property has been posted the required 15 days by law
and there WERE NO protests registered against it; and
WHEREAS, the relief applied for MAY be granted without
detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing
the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of
Wheat Ridge.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Adjustment
Application Case No. WA-87-9 , be and hereby is APPROVED.
TYPE OF VARIANCE: A 24' variance to the required 30' front yard
setback required for a 6' high fence in a
Residential-Two zone district.
PURPOSE: To erect a 6 foot fence
1. The Board finds that based upon evidence presented and based
upon the Board's conclusions relative to the nine specific
questions to justify the granting of the Variance, the evidence
and facts in this case do support the granting of this
2. The applicant's difficulty was caused by the City.
3. Precedence has already been established.
u. Recommendation for approval by Staff.
1. The City refund the application fee to the applicant.
VOTE: YES: Blair, Krieger, Reynolds, Sang and [Jatson
N0: None
DATE this 23rd day of April , 1987._ _
~//-`~ ~
NYC;` RY SAN Chairme Mary o hapla, Sec •etary
~o'ard of djustmen Board o djustment
Detailed description of request:
Applicants John and Georgene Powers seek an interpretation of .the
Wheat Ridge City Code regarding a"fence constructed at 7313 W. 26th
Avenue by Roger Baker per Building Permit No. M90-14684. The fence
erected by Mr. Baker is on the side property .line between 7313 W.
26th Ave. and the property owned by the applicants at 2615 Upham
St. -The fence extends some 125 ft. along the entire easterly
boundary of the applicants' property at 2615 Upham St. Mr. and
Mrs. Powers object to the fence as follows:
1. According to the Building Permit No. M90-14684 the fence
was approved by a 1988 variance granted Mr. Baker, Case No. WA-87-
9, a aopy of which is enclosed herewith. The fence built by Mr.
Baker is not within the variance granted. At the time of the
variance request Mr. Baker's bushes along his front property line
facing W. 26th Ave. had been removed as a result of work on W. 26th
Ave. Because of the loss of privacy Mr. Baker proposed to erect
a 6 ft. Cedar fence along the front property line facing W. 26th
Ave. and for-this purpose only the variance was granted. On the
basis of this representation both Mr. and Mrs. Powers agreed to the
variance and testified- in favor of it. The variance was not
granted for any fence along the side property facing the Powers and
the variance cannot be a basis for the building permit issuance for
a 6 ft.-fence along the side property-_line .- Therefore, the side
property boundary fence erected by Mr. Baker is limited to-the 48
inch height as provided by code. - __
2. In addition, the side property line fence-that Mr. Baker
has erected is 8 ft. in height and some 4 ft. higher than permitted-
by code. T_.he 8 ft_. height of this fence creates a cavernous effect
to Mr. and .Mrs. Powers' property and diminishes the openness,
livability and .value o£ their property.
3. Photocopies of the fence in issue taken from the 2615
Upham Street property a=e enclosed, the originals of which will e
submitted at the Board of Adjustment hearing.
4. The applicants, Mr. and Mrs. Powers, respectfully request
that the Board of Adjustment interpret the Wheat Ridge City Code
_-and the variance as set forth above to require that the side
property line fence in issue be limited to the 48 inches now
permitted by the City Code.
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~r ` ~ - ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT - _ § 26-31 -
lector streets such distance shall be fifty
(50) feet.
(d) In all residential districts, curb cuts for
property access shall be not less than
- twelve (12) -feet and not more than
twenty-four (24) feet in width. Curb cuts
in wmmercial and industrial districts
shall not be more than thirty-five (35)
feet in width when serving an indi-
- vidual property and shall not in any
instance be less than twelve (12) feet.
A joint curb cut, one which serves more
than one (1) property, may not exceed
forty-five (45) feet in width.
(e) In cases-where it is possible to provide G~
__ one (1) access-point which will serve
adjacent properties or where adherence
to these requirements would leave a
parcel of property without vehicular ac-
"- - cess, curb cut setback or spacing re-
quirements may be reduced or enlarged
so as to permit a single vehicular ac-
cess point if approved by the public
-_-works director.
(i) The public works ~Iir^ntor_may approve
a modification to or waiver to the ve-
hicle access standards and require-
,; merits stated in this subsection (6),
- based upon consideration of traffic char
- acteristics, both on and off of the site,
15 ft. Sight
_- - - ~-Triangles
with the primary purpose ofpreserving -
public safety.
(7) Sightdistance triangle requirements. For all
_ uses other than one- and two-family dwell-
ings, no obstructions to view between
forty-two (42) inches and eighty-four (84)
inches in vertical height, including, but not
limited to, fences and walls, hedges or other
landscaping, berms, signs or other stru~-
tures, or parked vehicles, shall be permitted
within triangular areas measured fifteen _
(15) feet into the property from the right-
of-way line and fifteen (15) feet either side ~-,
of the curb cut or driveway. For all uses, on
Z corner to no obstruction to view between
thirty-six (36) -nches and eighty-four (84)
me es as es above shall be permitted
within the triangle measured from the point
of intersection of the lot lines abutting the
streets a distance of twenty-five (25) feet on --
local streets and fifty-five (55) on collector
and arterial streets. The forty-two=inch to
eighty-four-inch vertical distance for drive-
ways shall be measured from the center of
- the driveway or curb cut at the right-of--way
line, and for street corners from top of curb,
or if no cuib exists, from edge of pavement.. -
The following drawixig illustrates the min-
imum unobstructed sight triangles. -
- - ~
- - -~ m
o ~
_ F
~ V1
f:. J W
f,:':' o ~