HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-10-01NNII Ilntergro A--4 February 16, 2010 Sarah Showalter City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29`" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Response Letter to FDP Amendment for 1-70 West Business Park located at 9500 W. 49'h Ave. Dear Sarah, We are in receipt of the City of Wheat Ridge review letter dated February 10th, 20101 for the FDP Amendment #2 to the Final Development Plan for 1-70 West Business Park. The comments are outlined below with the responses to the review comments in italics as follows: TITLE BLOCK 1. In the case history box, the current case number is WZ-1-01 Response. The FDP site plan sheet has been revised accordingly. Please see the enclosed full size mylar with the reflected change. 2. Please change the last line of the title, which reads "Sheet 1 of 5" to "Sheet 1 of 1 Response. The FDP site plan sheet has been revised accordingly, Please see the enclosed full size mylar with the reflected change. 3. Please make the same change to the sheet title at the bottom right corner of the page. Response. The FDP site plan sheet has been revised accordingly. Please see the enclosed full size mylar with the reflected change. CERTIFICATION BLOCKS 1 . Please make sure that all signature blocks and certifications match the current wording - see enclosed examples with required wording. Response. The signature and certification blocks that are affected have been updated or corrected on the FDP site plan sheet accordingly. Please see the enclosed full size mylar with the reflected change. 2000 West Littleton Blvd 303 738 8877 Littleton, Colorado 80120 303 738 2294 fax www.intergrouparchitects.com EMJ 2. Please add the City Certification (which is a signature line for the Mayor, City Clerk and County Development Director), an example of which is in the enclosed attachment. Response. The City Certification and signature block was added to the FDP site plan sheet. Please see the enclosed full size mylar with the reflected change. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING DIVISION: 1. The existing foundation and supporting pole located at 9500 West 49'h Avenue was designed for less loading than will be imposed by the new larger sign. An approval letter for the foundation and structural support will be required, and shall bear the wet stamp and signature of an engineer licensed by the state of Colorado. All construction shall be in compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, the 2005 National Electrical Code and the City of Wheat Ridge Building Division. Response. The structural engineer's letter will be submitted with the sign permit application. We feel that we have addressed all the comments above by written format and on the drawings with revisions. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Sincerely, Dale Skinner, Assoc. AIA Project Manager IN 'i letter of transmittal 'W LW to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 attn: Sarah Showalter date: 2-16-2010 job MS-8259A re: FDP Amendment Re-Submittal ❑ shop drawings ❑ prints ❑ plans ❑ specifications ® copy of letter ❑ change order ❑ samples ® other - Mylar transmitted via: ❑ fed ex ❑ dhl ❑ us mail ❑ hand deliver ❑ pick-up ® courier - 3-Hr copies date number description 1 2.16.10 FDP Amendment Response Letter 1 1.15.10 FDP Amenment Site Plan Mylar ❑ for approval ❑ for review & ❑ approved as ❑ forbids due: 211 0.1 comment noted RUNT- ® for your use ® as requested ❑ returned for ❑ other: corrections remarks: o..,eeo, ,meve,~,aaoomm..,e, ,oo,,,maomo,,,,adae,~,,,, , ,®,dmw,e ,m, ,amamaa.,~®,mdao, ,®„dove„a,~„mma„,ao, copy to: File signed: Dale Skinner 2000 West Littleton Blvd 303 738 8877 Littleton, Colorado 80120 303 738 2294 fax www.intergrouparchitects.com "d City of " Wheat P, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building February 10, 2010 Dale Skinner Intergroup Architects 2000 West Littleton Blvd Littleton, CO 80120 Dear Mr. Skinner, 7500 W. 29"' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to your request for approval of an administrative Final Development Plan amendment for property located at 9500 W 49th Avenue in the I-70 West Business Park. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments: TITLE BLOCK 1. In the case history box, the current case number is WZ-10-01 2. Please change the last line of the title, which reads "Sheet 1 of 5" to "Sheet I of 1." 3. Please make the same change to the sheet title at the bottom right corner of the page. CERTIFICATION BLOCKS 1. Please make sure that all signature blocks and certifications match the current wording - see the enclosed examples with required wording. 2. Please add the City Certification (which as a signature line for the Mayor, City Clerk, and Community Development Director), an example of which is in the enclosed attachment. Attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies regarding the plat document. City of Wheat Ridge Building Division: See attached comments from Robert Powell, Plans Examiner. City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: no comments. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. Please submit one full-sized mylar copy of the revised sheet with all changes referenced above. The stamped engineer's letter, as requested by the building division, should be submitted with the sign permit application. Nvww.ci.)vheatrh1ge.co.us 1~ y City of Wheat j~dge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date: February 10, 2010 Case No: WZ-1 0-01 /Intergroup Request: The request is to add approximately 154 square feet of sign area to an existing pole sign for tenant signage. Location: 9500 West 49th Avenue (1-70 West Business Park) Comments: The existing foundation and supporting pole located at 9500 West 49th Avenue was designed for less loading than will be imposed by the new larger sign. An approval letter for the foundation and structural support will be required, and shall bear the wet stamp and signature of an engineer licensed by the State of Colorado. All construction shall be in compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, the 2005 National Electrical Code and the City of Wheat Ridge Building Division. Robert Powell Plans Examiner/Combination Inspector 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge. Colorado 80033 Office Pltone: 303-235-2878 Pax: 303-237-8929 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us' City of l Wheat -Midge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Sarah Showalter, Planner II FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer ~A,6 DATE: February 4, 2010 SUBJECT: WX- 10-0 1 /Intergroup - 9500 W. 49 h Avenue I have completed the review of the request for approval of an additional sign area received on February 1, 2010 for the existing development located at 9500 W. 490, Avenue, and I have the following comments: 1. The proposal appears fine; Public Works has no comments at this time. To Sarah - Intergroup Sign_9500 W 49th Ave (02-04-10).doc v City of 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheatpidge Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 Communitv Development Referral Form Date: January 15, 2010 Response Due: February 9, 2010 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of additional sign area, added to an existing pole sign, at 9500 West 49th Avenue (1-70 W Business Park). No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-10-01/Intergroup Request: The request is to add approximately 154 SF of sign area to an existing pole sign for tenant signage. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property or with related concerns pertaining to this application. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Sarah Showalter Voice: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-235-2857 Email: sshowalter@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Building Division ~u I a _6J QpP" /3IC Ill 35S 'F30S~'7/1 8-aY-a00/ S'0 03 Am ce" 4t~-T O`- t' o~ ti--: - i D i$ / LEGAL DESCRliaTION - AMENDMENT #1 FORA FREESTANDING SIGH MrHA SETBACK VARIANCE PACIFICA'DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES ll,: LLC - •e j:` INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNED : FINAL; DEVELOPMENT PLATY A CHAMOF OF ZONE TO A PLANNED INDUSTR/AL DEVELOPEMENT OF LOTS 1 4 3 AND 4 OF 7f1 EXECUT/l/E CENTER AMENQEd: SUBDlifISION BEING A PART OF T.HE SW 1/4 OF SECT/ON 1S T06YfYSH/P 3 SOUTH RANfiE 88 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRhV01FAL A0RIL71AN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE; COUNTY OF ✓EFFEF'SON, STATE OF COLORAA90 ~d YJRTH aLL La,v PUa,muo-s:a zorssroiu n.eer~arkxL :tic sunAms aroaralrms Dltu Aat'i IM3dttC~TTPAi :.E$~}CYPOittwSaAT ws OP l{£FQYYNAI6lfE9 iO TE~CA9.(YN@Jt.1{P LF@PT1W AlD -E13l WLENPCY$YdNi IXIN~Po.4 MFP£IV TE r. H~ V3.C 1 N I T Y tut',A P WN@WfO KfQgP55eWV WTA$P.4M «~«P E~mne« « LAIXLTBACYiNM%JilSaAYbFL.pN(b A4W 6t80f1.HJ! MBi4NT Td$R4T ISN $11I Q " ~ ~ eAT ecme oo awx Pwa grzn ss aeseHTK 8 ffC @AH Pw U oeM z AbroMske seulua+ram*aax sacs erocQ.err.L arrtseacEir wnwAmnq.e~eann~euoa„ .aeac~r. ' p' O i`. UJfS$Oi,@4N.fc $£i. PICtLLY PiOy1X0 BY Tn£ I ~ T - ' ~ n ~ RN1 .?M?O:6Y1(£AM~Ad9LTS W:a{Pl 13M /NA?OIIDFWN aE9,QNH. 1 ASroi " skzswro A.o ud+r w,Y-m,al¢sec siPnmG - i Yfl1- ' RfE4P6q'YU. B.'GNE f~AW T¢Nw4Wy9p4 ®A¢, 1MWy6fWA4YnV Cl11IXX45iOSa4iE TO BE 2YCRS ATP1192 P1S: DATE 9. -u. I.. {i s®•" A ~iA57165W~D MOB~0.Sf fYN$P~ OkV~«ABli $C0.°ARl9 P1 ANY ^P~vHiYLNE9P BJi SPTti~c L ° . T4lPb EJf OCG➢P`K: - MiPPUi 9141 fY W.BJ.4TH157 w5 t06 dJ _ _ __-~--.w,.~___ py.PJgY£WaUaE CttUfGN^Y)6E OBPiP}.Ei,T Mi T1CE{i.LNF94TEJ W/$9Q2LFWLLTCd@IA'i® ' n__••- n 1LS Jua! 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PVd~Y+COYY;ACS"t TO ttC.Pp.LOVM.' $li%i.KS RZS'fiC1KA5. "RYiIB$All'IWJ 0.W'Gwagkl S ' I J iI ~ 9tl C ~ ~ i ¢o Mp kgi3$Iµ5 pF4pEU E.4V; IdLLYaW aAN A `AN 1Y4X6 N'A TPAMPiS MAY~PfroEO.W AaTOP aPaE 1.9YG. WVSNY bP.E6$ qab, TUpN «E.PV BSVa PW TCH3R aP MY VJMMBGICN PNMR9 -.ILA'-LL= L__,__ i IL I 1 ~ - EXISTING ~ EXISTING N titat.S9mTaM.aVXDLW S+n oiwsoo-+stmxrloly oAOxc ca iTkoeDkki. `Aeawa«,an:b ao reAllas oT,vn ~u @f1~~cP L+w~ w ~ ~ ° , ~ " " i BUILDING D BUILDING A , . eE uL wzo. 1 `1~ . . _ t _ . 0 s5vaods Pce PR61QIALmE:rsugLSwomas. xnos+cT Waecswu ~AUawmtw~nfup>f5 WT Mp A ' _ gg i M 4PLJITWG W+i^ AYYG #A ORBe aT® 2YbCO Rn MO.sM .suaax>i wa«ssES rsawoca.POlvaroelraees av newaxurr 9+aiL _ ~ 0 a - - ~ ~ ~a v Pnov @ a. wvl~su€aslre~ 1s°Dua ezi~ ~ie~l~.e~~wuw~m.1°' n ~ ~ " a - yy11 ~E" ^ ~ a ^ gQk ^l1RN^eWA~[AbYVj. CQA iP~ jWFI[DCWIW_STAiEaEM A4"%VK'b TN1S ~.aCpSpy.-6AT (Y - 3^ C/Y.BNArION iISl.'fF fF ~refQ.UJNkKi ~~j3+~ ~nL ar. tv++ +w cavassl«a ° ~ z O L irila _p . . FRBt eQei41a 1PAl. e3..ww_LVm®Pxneaa.a j - qry i hIX41R1PLR i:A 9YRPS ~l ) C @Q@ P. pAD I3 µ Q MYOS<2LL: 7 i PfIGaL041XiLaEi 'CQFWPiWV rt93ClE1 NtI5TX A5 $KXYS.WiN (j'1Jjl 'WIGGi NPaOW-..A CCYB.MFBIt RtR4RT¢A0.LLG ,k/LL, aY { - j o ~ CN1lW &He<iRA%PL M4C1WQx. p4'Jp.9Ii:NDHRYCS r(]c1 Mf$$T TO PAtY IOn AFY.AgiLld J+IO Y/ Y rwn v~+- ^ ~.~~-~u~ . l ...GLld+i v4RtTPL F.TTRAi1Q`9'Vd¢IEP~Ai1CNCP. ~O1V83~~TCEe1RYA$TY LY~MN R¢~. - ~ ~ 9 .3 Y+0.# VYaV,Fi>wi v r.N+9t+i-xu WSM Tofm 7,4 -rE R04c) a ~ ~nfergroup tbL-k7W,1;- January 13, 2010 Sarah Showalter City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: 1-70 West Business Park - FDP Amendment Dear Sarah: On behalf of the property owner (First Industrial Realty Trust) please accept this Letter as a written request to amend the final development plan for the 1-70 west business park. The proposed change is to increase the signage area (square feet) to the maximum allowable per municipal code. The maximum allowable signage area based upon building square footage (106,524 SF) is 356 SF. We are proposing a signage area of 343 square feet. This concludes the extent of the proposed signage changes. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Sincerely, 4 Dale Skinner, Assoc. AIA Project Manager 2000 West Littleton Blvd 303 738 8877 Littleton, Colorado 80120 303 738 2294 fax www.intergrouparchitects.com OL letter of transmittal to: City of Wheat Ridge date: 1-20-2010 Community Development job MS-8259A 7500 W. 29th Avenue re: FDP Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Amendment attn: Sarah Showalter Submittal ❑ shop drawings ® prints ❑ plans ❑ specifications ❑ copy of letter ❑ change order ❑ samples ® other - FDP transmitted via: ❑ fed ex ❑ dhl ❑ us mail ® hand deliver ❑ pick-up ❑ courier- copies date number description 1 1.19.10 Application Fee Check 1 1.20.10 Application 1 1.20.10 Letter of Intent 1 1.20.10 Proof of Ownership 5 1.20.10 Site Plan Drawing with FDP Amendment ❑ for approval ® for review & comment ® for your use ❑ as requested ❑ approved as ❑ for bids due: noted ❑ returned for ❑ other: corrections remarks: isioi rsiomismisisimimosioioimi iowi~rmrmroiomimvioi®rrmirroioi iosioioimmi roeimivioisierooimmirvisioimioismi orsrn~misivioiaorsmi o copy to: File signed: Dale Skinner 2000 West Littleton Blvd 303 738 8877 Littleton, Colorado 80120 303 738 2294 fax www.intergrouparchitects.com LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print "type all information) Applicant -rlna vin 2 5 K ivN a Address 53 5o S. City Gr!~YlW/O~ Villamz State r-O State--112O. Contact Jn~~r~rov~ 64/rlCi~6GCK Address ZODO W. 1-;441,e & t J3LvqP. Phone 3o 3.73z-8K 7 City L j't < State e o Zip S-2-L Fax-:J . 3 8 - 2Z I (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Appiiemion submarai requirements on reverse side O Change of zone or zone conditions O Special Use Permit O Consolidation Plat O Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) O Flood Plain Special Exception O Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) O Lot Line Adjustment O Right of Way Vacation O Planned Budding Group O Temporary Use, Building, Sign O Site Development Plan approval O Variance/Waiver (from Section } Other: 2vlaf 6 y4, i kw- - fio ~t7~ Detailed description of Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: 3 - /5 3 ' / Cv - D (o S Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 3°3t (o / 5 Current Zoning: p/ D Proposed Zoning: H/A Current Use: INPL14-f9i l- / G0t-1N7l-KGIA4. Proposed Use: /.l A I certify that the information and exhibits and that in filing this application, I am ac without whose consent the requested actii must submit power-of a4tomev from the diver which are true and correct to the best of my knowledge dge and consent of those persons listed above, k accomplished. Applicants other than owners W of this action on his behalf. Signature of this ~sr day of N114A 2 0 ~NrEAA Notary Public My commission expires To be filled out by staff: Date received 11;21 FCC 75~. Jl~~ ei t NoC="~ ] J Case No. Comp Plan Desig. Zont 0 M p S Ltil Quarter Section Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg. Date Case Manage S Tim Kauffman County Treasurer 100 Jefferson County Pkwy Golden CO 80419-2520 303-271-8330 h ttD://ief[Qo.us/treasurer TAX DIST. 3103 JEH-LRbUN WILINTY COLORADO PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT TAX NOTICE SCHEDULE NO. 423139 2009 TAXES PAYABLE 2010 DOING BUSINESS AS: BUILDING B PROPERTY LOCATION: 9500 W 49TH AVE FIN. INST. SEC.TWN. RNG. QTR. SQ.FT.LAND BLK LOT KEY BOOK PAGE AX AUTHORITY TAX LEVY TAX AMOUNT 70 EXECUTIVE CENTER AMENDED SCHOOL 15 03 69 SW 48897 0003 F0501981 SCHOOL GEN 36.8950 14,337.40 SCHOOL BUD 11.2500 4,371.75 COUNTY CNTY GEN'L 15.6990 6,100.61 DEV DISAEL 1.0000 388.60 R&B SRVCS 1.9000 738.34 SOC SRVCS 1.4650 569.30 CAP'TL EXP 1.0570 410.75 LIBRARY 3.2250 1,253.24 WHR 1.8300 711.14 AFD 9.5580 3,714.24 CCVW&SD 2.6070 1,090.80 UDFCD .5030 197.41 UDFCDSPLAT .0610 23.70 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY VALUATION TAX LEVY VALUATION ACTUAL ASSESSED 87.2550 33,907.28 1 Amn Amn Rim nimr: 1 zen nnn caa Ann V ASSESSMENT PERCENTAGE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: 7.96% ALL OTHER PROPERTY: 29.00% FULL AMOUNT DUE APRIL 30 33,907,28 OR FIRST HALF DUE FEBRUARY 28 16,953 64 SECOND HALF DUE JUNE 15 16,953.64 FIRST INDUSTRIAL LP 5350 S ROSLYN ST STE 240 GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO 80111-2123 IF PAYING IN PERSON BRING ENTIRE TAX NOTICE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS DETACH HERE AND RETURN THIS COUPON WITH PAYMENT DO NOT STAPLE CHECK TO COUPON MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Payments Now Accepted On line Jefferson County Treasurer (See reverse side for details) P O BOX 4007 Golden CO 80401-0007 TAX PAYMENT SCHEDULE NO. 423139 2009 PAYABLE 2010 DUE APRIL FULL AMOUNT DUE 30 33,907.28 OR DUE FEB FIRST HALF 28 16, 953.64 FIRST INDUSTRIAL LP 9500 W 49TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 42313900033907283000169536416 X89 ~i- Tenant Copy Tenant Copy pY 5 FF.OpOS5D SI erNA•C E 170 WEST S VS I N E'3S pARk FltzsT INpUSTizIP.l. uppm Appro Y- 16`9 6F 3~CQ s ~ ~LI.uMI No.Teo OOIWLEDA OOW W SCAU: MOO • V-r INTE>fZGROUP Apf,pI -f CG'f5 01 z~ , Oq SIPS ELEVA ot4 FRONT ELEvATIoN 1:5 9 PY Lf 6 r v-D 7 to t a r nw ~a P F. c ey ~ vcs t 5J PA ~1 ,f'MENT PROP"TS , LLG I,.EGAL -fSGRIPTlO1`k ILA - SMAL DOMORAS tT mamm g AT ~~4 _ ML iZOAMMr PLAN ~U 1 J II" `l Y S ~O ~ENTaw oEUI,€« t_ -.P.. 2 Y"ICINIT Y MAP - -1- - - WEvT 49TH AVENUE - A CHANGE OF ZONE TO A PLANNED AVVSTRIAI DEVEL OPEMENT flF LOTS -I Z 3 ANO 4 OF 70 EXECUME CENTER AMENDED SUdD1i/ "N BEING A PARr OF TW SW f/4 OF SECTION 15 TOWNSHIP 9 SOUM RANQE e.9 miFsr OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT R/!►!a"E, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF cotoRADO ~ SHEET 1 OF 5 _ P®Mri®LFES ; liP ll3<$FLLOV®~148t 612CN6 wlM TM: EY"~tCN r1EFIX1.ONV'66T.lDGR6 d'O CPDITIbS S.Y1 PPRT IM~YCLS16T TlPT T1E 3I3VGr PC4 Tt6 {4AT {~q5 ry~. 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VFEAT kU3E CQ+ARTM1B1t CF i101'N%( 4YJ ➢AB[EXi Wdlf£} COLC9 AT fiPKE//N 6F Q''FKE p /R RCCPIIfN J-JC IL ~ A S A F. P I PA AKA S VOPASEiSTCUK1CM oaerw AlwalnV.R./II - T ~r 1 RAArvP.A -SOTbTMF -381 -Kl9MGL^+ R _ /NTE t C~NT /1 !y _ "~'-r4ne Cs . i ,r. b916SRJ0d .96NS ks9!AGS axowac Aot oFrze --11 nss xr en new E . RST- 4 - w 1 oap q ,~S~POa -nA~6~ is D 7 , - 70 HM1DwiD-Pf]LOFFG'E -.Tw •4Twp0.'fb .-La s , _ P ° / - -fiOL55 aOCan -S3SM9 -SSS O?4ffij i ' EY.M M LSDKMm Y6P - - n y ) ~T - ~ - TMLL •TAO SPASS y' I ' l Ci l.lT r M FRL t 16 ! tT { SITE PLAN p MG~ V w v uc 1 3GV SF 7'0 I ACC35P.E b¢AC~ LO 5AL R0l9 9 %9PA S ~ q J~v L( C~44ti fS2,F 1 r f/( Vv rare-jGL~ av EPAA3$' Page 1 of2 Sarah Showalter From: Dale Skinner [Dskinner@intergrouparchitects.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:29 PM To: Sarah Showalter Subject: RE: FDP Sign Amendment - WZ-10-01 Sarah, Thanks... We will get the FDP corrected and get the full size Mylar submitted. Can I have this couriered to your attention or do you want this hand delivered? Dale inte.- rCD4. p architects aka skinner, Assoc. lIA project manager 2000 West Littleton Boulevard Littleton, Colorado 80120 Tele: 303.738.8877 Fax : 303.738.2294 Please consider the environment before printing. From: Sarah Showalter [mailto:sshowalter@ci.wheatridge.co.us] Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 11:56 AM To: Dale Skinner Subject: FDP Sign Amendment - WZ-10-01 Hi Dale, We have completed our review of the proposed FDP Amendment. Please see the attached letter and subsequent attachments with our comment and next steps. The attachment called "FDP Required Items" has the most current certifications/signature blocks so that you can copy the City Certification, which needs to be added to your sheet. I have also put hard copies in the mail to you. The biggest item is the required stamped engineer's letter stating the existing foundation and structure can support the additional sign area. This letter is required as part of the sign permit process - meaning that it should be included with your permit application if possible. Have you had an engineer look at the structure/foundation yet to ensure no modifications are needed? As you can see in the attached, the next step for the FDP Amendment is to submit the final mylar (with requested changes). Thanks, Sarah Showalter, AICP, SEED AP Planner II 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Office Phone: 303-235-2849 Fax: 303-235-2857 www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 03/09/2010 Page 1 of 1 Sarah Showalter From: Dale Skinner [Dskinner@intergrouparchitects.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 10:37 AM To: Sarah Showalter Cc: Tom King; Mark Smyth Subject: 1-70 West Business Park - FDP Amendement 2 Attachments: FDP Sign Amendment - WZ-10-01; 8259A FDP Amendment 2 Response Letter - 2010-02-17.pdf Hi Sarah, The comment items from your e-mail on 2/10/10 have been addressed (See attached response letter). We have prepared the final mylar with the requested changes and it has been couriered to your office today for re-submittal. I take it as though this is the approval for the amendment so that the sign permits can now be submitted for building department review. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, Dale 3S S t -VI =mm 0 NO MA, r intergroup architects dale skinner, Assoc. AIA project manager 2000 West Littleton Boulevard Littleton, Colorado 80120 Tole: 303.738.8877 Fax : 303.738.2294 Ism Please consider the environment before printing. 03/09/2010 City of LAND USE APPLICATION FORM W heatge - CpmLbIUNIT' DEVEWP.~lEN7 Case No. WZ1001 _ Date Received 1/21/2010 Related Cases F-Case Planner Showalter Case Description Final Development Plan Amendment i slppJicaiNlnJv~wafion... Name Thomas_Ki_ng Name [-Phone 8-7245 Address 53505 Rosl nSt,#240 1 y 1 - 1-1 City Greenwood Villa a . State COi.. Zip 80111_-__ Name First Industrial Realty Trust Name 17-7-77 Phone (720) 528.7245 - Address 5350 S._Roslyn St #240!; City Greenwcod.Village State CG Ji Zip PUT777777 Co~tacflnformafun . Name Intergroup Architects Name Phone [303)7388877 Address 2000 W. Littleton Blvd. City Littleton _ i.. State COZip 80120- - _ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 01/22/10 4:35 PM cd66 INTERGROUP, INC RECEIPT NO:CDD803802 AMOUNT FM5D ZONING APPLICATION F 675.00 ZONE PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 17806 675.00 TOTAL 675.00