HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP-99-017500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 237-6944 FAX 303/234-5924 August 18, 1999 Mr. Richard Fulton 10545 W. 46`n Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80022 Dear Mr. Fulton: Ridge Please be advised that at its meeting of August 5, 1999, the Planning Commission APPROVED your request for a conditional use permit for expansion of the adjacent Montessori School at 10351 West 44' Avenue subject to the following conditions: That the shrubbery at the entrance to the driveway be removed or cut down to a maximum height of 36 inches. Access be limited to West 44' Avenue and that no vehicle access be allowed to the school property from the west to eliminate the circular traffic situation. Please feel free to contact me at 235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, L/lz'L1 ~1 G✓ J6icIt Barbara Delgadillo Planning and Development Secretary Attachments: Draft Minutes of 8-5-99 /bd cc: CUP-99-01 Ct\Barbara\PCRPTS\PLANGCONBCORRESP\cup9802.wpd 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. CUP-99-01 An application from Compass Montessori School for approval of a conditional use permit for an additional classroom within an existing building on property located at 10351 West 44th Avenue and zoned Agricultural-One. Prior to presentation of the case, Chair BRINKMAN requested that Commission comments be limited to the case itself and that issues with charter schools, public schools, etc. be discussed with City Council at a different venue. The case was presented by Sean McCartney. He noted a correction to the staff report that Compass Montessori is now the owner of the property. He reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the subject property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair BRINKMAN. The Commission was advised that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. No opposition has been received in regard to this application. Mr. McCartney stated that, although the staff report stated a city building permit would be required, it is incorrect because, as part of the R-1 school district, a city building permit is not required of the applicant. The six criteria used to evaluate a CUP were reviewed. Staff recommended approval of the application with a condition that shrubs at the corner of the driveway and West 44th Avenue be maintained at a 36-inch level or possibly removed. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern about increased traffic resulting from the addition of a classroom and asked if an acceleration/deceleration lane should be required on 44th Avenue. Mr. McCartney replied that the traffic engineer had reviewed the matter and did not believe the extra lane was necessary. Commissioner GOKEY asked about city requirements for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Commissioner SNOW commented that ADA requirements are governed by federal (not local) law. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. McCartney replied that the reason the CUP does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan is that the Plan asks specifically for high density residential. Commissioner THOMPSON stated that she would prefer that rezoning be applied for in the future rather than issuing any more CUP's. She expressed concern about traffic circulation through the property. In response to a question from Commissioner MACDOUGALL, Mr. McCartney replied that the applicant would have to apply for another CUP in the case of any future changes planned for the building. Commissioner DOYLE asked about the posting of the property. Mr. McCartney explained that posting is only required for the frontage of the property; and that the sign fell down, but was put up again. Planning Commission Page 2 August 5, 1999 Commissioner THOMPSON asked if it would be possible to put a condition on the CUP to require the school to seek rezoning for any future changes to the buildings. Alan White stated that it would probably be possible to place a condition that any further modifications than those allowed in the last CUP should be pursued as rezoning, but reminded her that rezoning would allow many other uses on that property should the school ever leave. In response to a question from Commissioner GOKEY, Alan White replied that the school district has to be consistent with the city's zoning and cannot override local land use authority. Commissioner GOKEY asked why the Montessori school, as part of the R-1 School District, was required to come to the City for a CUP. Mr. White replied that, since the property in question is zoned agriculture, schools are only allowed under a CUP. If the property were zoned residential, the school could modify the building without permission from the City. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about the possibility of parents driving both ways on this driveway in cases of inclement weather, etc. and asked if the driveway is wide enough for two-way traffic. Mr. McCartney replied that the driveway is 15 feet in width and 22 feet is standard for two-way traffic. Diane Sherk 5050 West 33rd Avenue Ms. Sherk was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. She stated there will be minor interior renovations to the building. No exterior renovations are planned other than changing the two exit doors so that they will swing out for fire safety. Planned renovations will bring the building into UBC conformance. A fire alarm and sprinkler system will be installed and the basement ceiling will be fire rocked. She stated that children will not be allowed in the basement area which is planned for storage purposes only. She further stated that the hours of school operation could be staggered if traffic problems develop. Commissioner DOYLE asked if modifications would meet fire codes and, also, how many children would be in the building. Ms. Sherk replied that the changes would meet fire code and there are plans for twenty children to use the building. Ms. Sherk stated that she could understand Commissioner THOMPSON's concern about the driveway and suggested two options: (1) installation of a gate which could be closed after teachers have parked; or (2) the driveway could be widened to accommodate two-way traffic. Regarding circulation around the playground, Ms. Sherk stated that the school had intended to extend the playground to the wooden fence, but has found that the circulation is beneficial for delivery access. She stated that the drive is never used by parents; however, the school would be open to gating it off, expanding the sod area or whatever is necessary to make sure it doesn't become a circulation problem. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern that, because it is a residential property which will be used as a commercial piece of property, she would like to see controls on the access because of the nature of 44th Avenue. She also asked if the school was considering rezoning in Planning Commission Page 3 August 5, 1999 the future. Ms. Sherk stated that she believes the school is a permanent entity in the community and would ultimately rezone the property. Commissioner SNOW asked if a ramp would be installed in this building for disabled students. Ms. Sherk said their plans do not call for that at this time; however, the main building is entirely handicapped accessible and therefore, no children would be turned away from the school because of the lack of handicapped accessibility. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Ms. Sherk stated that she is a parent of a Compass Montessori student. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Ms. Sherk replied that the R-I team inspected the building for asbestos and will remove any asbestos found. Richard Fulton 10545 West 46th Avenue Mr. Fulton was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. In response to questions from Commissioner GOKEY, Mr. Fulton stated that the school brings in school district funds and there is a preschool, extended day kindergarten and after school programs that provide revenue as well. He stated that charter schools are new and are quasi-governmental organizations and that he is an R-1 employee. The property is covered under R-I property management and 75-80% of their revenue is from PPOR funds. The school makes payments to a lending and leasing agency to purchase the property. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern about the increased enrollment of fifty students which would generate fifty more trips into that neighborhood. Mr. Fulton stated that fifty extra students doesn't necessarily mean fifty extra automobile trips because some of these students are siblings to current students and some students car pool. He also noted that the school addresses traffic problems, etc. to parents via their newsletter. Commissioner GOKEY asked if Montessori defaulted, who the property would revert to. Mr. Fulton replied that it was his understanding that it would go to Jefferson County Schools. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern that the school is into daycare, etc.. and those types of businesses are governed by the city's planning and zoning department. Mr. Fulton stated that many public schools run before and after school programs. Chair BRINKMAN called a point of order and asked Commissioner GOKEY to limit discussion directly to the Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner GOKEY asked about the driveway. Mr. Fulton replied that he is confident the parents will comply with the school's request to avoid use of the driveway; however, the school would be willing to install a gate. Planning Commission Page 4 August 5, 1999 Commissioner COLLINS inquired about the school's income tax status. Mr. Fulton replied that they are nonprofit and the status is 501(3)(C). Commissioner MACDOUGALL asked Mr. Fulton if he felt the school is at capacity with 200 students and if there were plans for future expansion. Mr. Fulton replied that, given the present facilities, they are at capacity and that they would like to build a multi-purpose room on the site some time in the future. Commissioner DOYLE asked about the fire alarm system. Mr. Fulton stated that the Fire Department has approved the fire alarm system and it is monitored by Denver Burglar Alarm Co. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON that Case No. CUP 99-01, a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit for expansion of the adjacent Montessori School at 10351 West 44th Avenue be approved for the following reasons: 1. The criteria used to evaluate a Conditional Use Permit supports approval of the request. 2. The staff recommends approval with the following condition: That the shrubbery at the entrance to the driveway be removed or cut down to a maximum height of 36 inches. Commissioner GOKEY offered an amendment to request that the driveway be increased to 22 feet in order to handle two-way traffic and that the shrubs be completely removed for safety reasons. Commissioner SNOW indicated she would not accept the amendment because she is concerned that a wider driveway would encourage heavier use. Commissioner GOKEY commented that he would like to see a one-way sign posted for the driveway. Commissioner THOMPSON offered an amendment to require that access be limited to West 44th Avenue and that no vehicle access would be allowed to the school property from the west to eliminate the circular traffic situation. Commissioner SNOW accepted the amendment to her motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1 with Commissioner GOKEY voting no. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Planning Commission Vacancy - Chair BRINKMAN inquired about the status of filling the vacancy on the Planning Commission. Alan White replied that he was not aware that any applications have been received by the City. Chair BRINKMAN stated that she would like the City Council to make this a priority. Planning Commission Page 5 August 5, 1999 GARRAMONE GARDENS, A MI BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF LATS 1,2& 3, BL BEING A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 2 OF THE SIXTH PRINCIF'AI CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE,000NTY OF JEFF FINAL PLAT MMT. 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( EXISTING PARKING LOT W/ II TI EXTENSION OF PAVING AT EAST SIDE) L 4' I ~ I AT STR I CUR~u10 I O NCO'50'35"E 120.00' N89-31'061V BUFFER NEW CONCRETE 5 EX5TING ASPHALT 66.65' Puy AREA NEW Mux EDGE STRIP WEST 44TH AVENUE ® EXISTING Y PLAY AREA f MISTING PLAY AREA 1 MISTING PLAY AREA NEW GROUND CC BURRO NOING EX NEW 500 SHRUBS -AY AREA REMOVE EXISTING FENCE `I NEW EXERCISE CONCRETE - STATIONS FtATYOflK By OWNER IW I p i0 EXPANDED PLAT ARLA ~ o n LOT 2 34.583 SOFT 1 0.79 ACRE: ' REMOVE EXISTING CURB H PAVING NEW E GROUND D COVER COVER 00 2 TREES / ff0~ / 1.1 vn`Te G -55- -35. re)P(nJiR ,I to North Zoned R-2n gllE \ Jr (`I ER15 F6. TEPI A" PARI:IIIi AFE ~ ~D-C,I:.III I.IIJ: i~ILE J1 A,R:HTL IfI 51DPK.E Ai iCaf$R pplW n IYR,•/Fll ED 1 ~ FEH _ r R I . R4 Z" 1LX 104E-- a -111111 :YAY -AllArnFR IF1 IF=r-, , 1 II ~ / I II II / FLAMER 1 f)C illll(<~EI J➢JPER dl ~,(\/\/I -FG61115 ' rl I I / .1' "'LP PEA cRAl EL- r AIII I , rED RNFlFLD • I I H.A C.. S l \ r M4t/. rrP.rKVO ieIICf nAI:*F-, lF--., ~ rce nutRlr.• LSVJCiIY -'cele.u' O -~Pf.' PJ I.I.w.lEl"YIPI= I j /F' 1.1.,1 GEEF 4..LL' - fW:145"1-~- rl_ I A9 < A I I. F:,: FD4,F l - PLFIIIER ([EF I P. W" ¢ICN N ~-E LI5rb. I. 'I ~ I `~-r EII FLN IER-~ - ' PV~IIIER I I I U IIILOILII:I:.ILI I I MLY' Y mil-) COII 1111CV JAI,PCR •l TII95 I G (E) ASRI/~i \ PARtMI AREA M1 I• ~ n IE)@~EE FI[[Et FEICE ' ^ I I \j~ e)emnnfeVS xameR J & acs 1 I rv I Rl srbFn IJAIEa / H.ANIER PMAWII 51611 'LAZE 51.,91 As DiRE61 ED I,,-(E) TREES-- d- .r- A' _ 71' l West 4401 Avenue (66' R.O.W) s~. Adlncent ProPertu CAICII EASIN. st iacvlN I g MAO I'f Flgly~ 11~,~ C9g1n=~>s) 5 lower- ldw6l I u} Ir~lvr w F6`xrt• .11.11 1 rG, ECM arm ~ Utz fti~ 9 q4 FAME Irv Sru&s v -1. I L L-1 v, V sY ~Pllpl.7 T~A I& ~ul ~>>Y /+IL~A I I J I t'IS.Y pt~E,n UYi'Q~ 9 UPI'&V= 'JIMO ri, Perin 12 dec. li WaST `K TO- i;,vo a lo' .y' yd ~-r--I r--I a 4 W' 60~ d 0 d t-mvlafv 6vr Ep- Nop-Yt-t fx~~s NI~Ifi~"lb 3'~"~X~Tbmgw~Sw/~ANiGtl~ix~. ' 1 YET tm ToILer Wp"5 / Y parr i ExRbto~Ft . • Co~it~ N~OM".ESSorzl rlroK~ ~5~ll~o~ l mV? V,/ CommHNgl FIRPM L*H 6X15i'1N6 wku.TO :e,~ co~icDgt~ wu~sic/ ?~L CoNlw,uui~~Y' IzaoM . 'f~~ ~ ~D°~jCCr~E PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: t6' U F9- O / DATE: August 5, 1999 REQUEST ~QG/CdfTlp,U p v s ~o lsSSO 5'C~g~ooL ~a Goa D ioU st c - 'r72 Di le)IJA t G U <O & / c D fi /O WCST J9//~AIU€ Speaker Name /`l,I/D ZaA~~ /'/G2lCULTUi2f9L -O/Jc (PLEASE PRINT) Address/Phone In Favor / Opposed c- 4cYJ s « rose Y61-" rt--< LL,L`' ~L(-~' -Z-,Y D CITY OF WBEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: August 5, 1999 DATE PREPARED: July 29, 1999 CASE NO. & NAME: CUP-99-1 / Compass CASE MANAGER: Sean McCartney Montessori School ACTION REQUESTED: Conditional Use permit to allow a classroom expansion on a property zoned Agricultural-One. LOCATION OF REQUEST: NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S) NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S) APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: AGENCY CHECKLIST: (XX) RELATED CORRESPONDENCE: (XX) 10351 West 44' Avenue Compass Montessori School P.O. Box 1453 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Kathleen Garramone 10351 West 44' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 1.77 acres Agricultural-One . Single Family Residential N:, S: and E: Planned Residential Development, W: Restricted-Commercial N:, S: and E: Multi-Family residential- W: School July 16, 1999 July 22, 1999 July 14, 1999 ( ) NOT REQUIRED ( ) NONE ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (XX) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (XX) ZONING ORDINANCE (XX) EXHIBITS ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ( ) OTHER JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met. Therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. /4- I I. REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for expansion of the existing Montessori School into the existing single-family residence. A valid Wheat Ridge building permit will be required prior to any interior construction. Currently, the property located at 10351 West 44"' Avenue is being used as a single family residence. The current owner of the property, who is under contract with Compass Montessori to sell them the property, has agreed to let Compass Montessori use the house for the classroom expansion. Pursuant to Section 26-18(D)(1), of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws a conditional use permit is required when any portion of an Agricultural-One property is to be used for public or private school purposes. Staff recommends approval of a Conditional Use Permit for this property, but will not support a rezone at this time. On April 2, 1998, Compass Montessori applied for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the existing playground, which is located to the rear of the house in question. The Conditional Use Permit was approved by Planning Commission, with conditions (see attached minutes). The playground is an accessory use to the school building to the west. The western parcel is zoned Restricted Commercial, which allows a private school as a use by right. To date, staff has not received any complaints regarding the playground location or traffic related issues II SITE PLAN The attached site plan shows how the existing residential property and adjoining Montessori School is currently built out. There is a single-story residential structure located closest to West 44th Avenue (south) and a detached garage located north of the residence. Access to the site is currently achieved from a driveway located on West 44" Avenue. The house, which was built in 1922, will be used for the expansion of a couple classrooms and one administrative office. The existing configuration of the interior of the home will predominately remain as is, with the exception of a few minor changes to meet the Uniform Building and Fire Codes. The Montessori School intends on using the existing bedrooms as classrooms, the basement as storage and the 20'X 30' detached garage as additional storage. While most of the employee parking and student drop-off will still be on the main school site to the west, the Montessori School intends on allowing the three teachers, of the classroom expansion, to park on the existing hard-surfaced driveway currently located on the site in question. There aren't any plans to increase the parking surface on the site in question. Through conversations with a Montessori School representative, staff was informed that there are possible plans to further expand the residential structure to allow for more classroom space. However, because the plans remain in a schematic stage, the Montessori School did not want to apply for the future expansion on this request. Staff informed the Montessori School that any future expansion of the structure would require an additional Conditional Use Permit. III NEIGHBORHOOD REFERRAL A neighborhood meeting was held on Wednesday, April 27th, at the Compass Montessori campus. Neighbor's from the adjoining Ptarmegin Apartments were present and were in support of the request. IV AGENCY REFERRALS Valley Water will require increased service lines to adequately service the classroom expansion. Arvada Fire District will require upgrades with the change of occupancy. Wheat Ridge Building Division will require compliance with the Uniform Building Code for any interior modifications. Wheat Ridge Public Works Department will require no upgrades at this time. Future expansions will have to be re-evaluated. All other agencies were notified and can serve with appropriate service upgrades. V. CRITERIA Before a Conditional Use Permit is approved, the applicant shall show and the Planning Commission shall find that the proposed Conditional Use: Will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. The retrofit of the existing residential structure for the Montessori School classroom expansion should not have a detrimental impact on the neighborhood and adequate parking will be supplied on the adjacent site. The hours of the classroom will mirror those of the current hours posted for the existing Montessori School. 2. Will not adversely affect the adequate light and air, nor cause significant air, water or noise pollution. The proposed expansion of the classrooms should not adversely affect the adequate supply of light and air, nor increase the air, water or noise pollution because there won't be any exterior changes to the existing residential structure. 3. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Wheat Ridge Master Plan designates desirable land use as high-density residential. Staff concludes a private school would be incompatible with the desired land use. However, if the property were to be built to comply with the Comprehensive Plan, there is the possibility that 21 multi-family dwelling units could be placed on the site, which could have a dramatic impact on the existing infrastructure and utilities. Therefore, approval of this request would have a lesser impact on the surrounding '3 neighborhood. 4. Will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazards, or unsafe parking, loading, service or internal traffic conflicts to the detriment of persons whether on or off the site. The proposed classroom expansion should not result in undue traffic congestion, traffic hazards or unsafe parking, loading and service because this use is an accessory use for the Montessori School, which is a use by right in the Restricted-Commercial zone district. Montessori employees and student drop-off will still be done so on the parking lot to the west. Only the teachers who are assigned to the classroom expansion, will be parking on the property in question. 5. Will be appropriately designed, including setbacks, heights, parking, bulk, buffering, screening and landscaping, so as to be in harmony and compatible with the character of the surrounding areas and neighborhood, especially with adjacent properties. Because there aren't any plans to change the exterior qualities of the existing residential structure, and the existing landscaping, setbacks and height of the existing structure comply with all of the regulations established in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, approval of this will be compatible with the character of the surrounding area. 6. Will not overburden the capacities of the existing streets, utilities, parks, schools and other public facilities and services. The development will not overburden the parks as they are providing their own playground facility. All other public facilities will be serviced by outside agencies. VI CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff concludes that approval of this request should have a minimal impact on the surrounding neighborhood. It was found that, if the site were to be built to comply with the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan, there could be a greater impact on the neighborhood. Also, the Montessori School is intending on leaving the existing residential structure as is, with the exception of some minor interior changes. Most of the employee parking and all of the student drop-off will still be provided on the Montessori School site to the west. Therefore, based on the above information, staff recommends approval of Case No. CUP-99-01. VII RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that case no. CUP-99-1, a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit for an expansion of the adjacent Montessori School at 10351 West 44' Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The criteria used to evaluate a Conditional Use Permit supports approval of the request; and 2. Staff recommends approval. A_ With the following condition: 1. A completed building permit be applied for prior to any construction." Option B:"I move that case no. CUP-99-1, a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit for an expansion of the adjacent Montessori School at 10351 West 44' Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons 2. 3." 8 S 8 0 8 ~ 8 ~ 8 OFFICIAL ZONI N6 MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED _Lne 15, 1994 Last Revision: September 19, 1996 A-~ UMENT OF PLAMI,6 MD PEVELORIENr - 235-2652 PRD wz-n-m C OTC QB /PTS. A-t. I V_ ro ~ p RG~ / G-IY R- G 2 10201 1151W6 ® AREA REQUIRING SITE PLAN APPROVAL 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATION ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY - PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) WATER FEATURE « DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES g d NE 2 O 'A® 51-ALE 1'-400 i Adjacent Property !I to North Zoned R-20 1 I s.re III - _ I ~ A I 'R1 mtE5 ~ •.p• RFVR¢ ~ I O N ni R J SY RR autt µ~~RE~ I I I n ' it I I iF - VI B i SRVET Ill MA ryy`Ey J I s ~ I~EWW I I t ' I IIA 1 I I I I fPSn`i-~ I uap",Lill a-.f - - It } ~1ZOpoSFA EXrt x441 Ct-I 14 D 114 Dtvg .Q 3 I? C II West 44th Avenue (66' R.O.W) -O- 55 31' E E : Adjacent Property 51TE PLAN to 5oUth Zoned PRE) O ~ ]Ob m 9 U ~a } r6 M x - ~n M_ t -D T 0 _ r .Y S tr as N C s, Di o _ a ~ u x ivr o- 3 M O 5 a n CZ2 FxIZTI r tC , Ft-DOFF- QUA. -A a7 6-16-1999 10:27AM FROM LES A PFENNING 303+423+2341+ P,2 May 3,1999 MyCMU On412W2 Mr. Sean McCartney, Planner Wheat Ridge Planning and Zoning 7500 West 29'b Avenue Wheat Ridge Colorado 80033 Re: Conditional Use Permit - - Lot 2, Garramone Gardens Dear Mr. McCartney: I am the fee simple owner of Lot 2 Garramone Gardens and am currently under contract with Compass Montessori School to sell them this property. I understand that Compass Montessori is applying for a conditional use pemvt so that they may use the house for classroom space. Therefore, I am granting to Compass Montessori, Inc. Ted Smith, President a limited power of attorney to make application for this permit. Compass Montessori School will have all responsibility for costs and fees associated with this application. This limited power of attorney shall expire upon closing, which is set for July 15, 1999. Sincerely, ~ Kathleen Marie Gan=one 10351 W. 44i8 Ave. Wheat Ridge CO 80033 w~9•,s-v84`G•QpQ y~~~'1.6~V'~.~~L~V71Y""/ OP COt-o p.c,. NtltauTr~-5 4/1U/96 Chair THOMPSON offered an amendment to add two items to the agenda under New Business: (1) Discussion of property on Xenon Street; and (2) discussion of the emergency phone verification system. The amendment was accepted by Commissioner SNOW. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0, with Commissioners COLLINS and THEANDER absent. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the March 19, 1998, Wheat Ridge Planning Commission were presented for approval. It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner DUNN to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 5-0 with Commissioner THEANDER absent; and Commissioners GOKEY and SNOW abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission. (Commissioner THEANDER arrived at 7:35 p.m.) PUBLIC HEARING Chair THOMPSON declared the public hearing open. A. Case No. CUP-98-1: An application from Compass Montessori School for approval of a conditional use permit to allow use of property zoned Agricultural-One and located at 10351 West 44th Avenue as a playground area for a private school. Sean McCartney presented the case stating the name of the applicant as Compass Montessori School and the name of the property owner as Kathleen Garramone. He reviewed the staff report and entered the case file, packet materials, zoning ordinance and exhibits into the record. He informed that since the property was within the City of Wheat Ridge and all notification and posting requirements had been met, there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Mr. McCartney presented an overhead projection of the site plan showing the proposed playground which would be located in the rear portion of the property presently owned by Kathleen Garramone. He stated that the Compass Montessori School planned to purchase Planning Commission Page 2 04/16/98 the subject property in the future for the purpose of expanding the school and, at that time, another conditional use permit or zone change to Restricted Commercial One would be necessary. Mr. McCartney informed that the playground is planned to support children from ages three to twelve years and would be used only during school hours. The playground would be located eighteen feet from the northern property line and twenty feet from the eastern property line extending west to abut the Montessori School building, with an existing six- foot solid fence along the perimeter of the property. The proposal included plans to erect temporary gazebo-type structures on the playground; however, there were no plans to build any permanent structures on the site. He stated that a neighborhood meeting was held on February 18, 1998 with residents from the adjoining Ptarmigan Apartments who indicated they were in favor of the proposed use. Mr. McCartney reviewed the criteria for granting conditional use permits, and informed that it was staff's conclusion that the request should be approved. He noted that a completed Building and Dumping/Landfill permit would be required prior to construction of the playground. Questions and discussion followed. Alan White advised the Commission that, since the school is under the jurisdiction of Jefferson County School District, it is exempt from local requirements as far as building permits and inspections are concerned; however, the City does have jurisdiction regarding drainage. Chair THOMPSON asked if the residence driveway would also be used for access to the school. Mr. McCartney informed that the Commission could make a condition to the approval that the residential driveway not be used for access to the school. Following further discussion, the applicants appeared before the Commission. Diane Otten 1010 15th Street, Golden, CO Ms. Otten was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. She explained that the Montessori School is a Jefferson County charter school which was approved by the Jefferson County School District in December, 1997 and purchased the Garramone property to establish the school. She informed that the preschool is privately funded, and kindergarten though sixth grade classes are funded by the School District. She stated that they have an option to purchase the remaining Garramone property within the next two years, and are aware that they will have to apply for a rezoning in order to use that additional property for school use. Planning Commission Page 3 04/16/98 ~4_ I In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Ms. Otten replied that the property is owned by Compass Montessori, Inc., but the school is funded by Jefferson County. She also noted that they plan to enroll 150 children and that there is capacity for 180 children. Patricia Trapp 502 Parkview Court, Golden, CO Ms. Trapp was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. Ms. Trapp described the construction of the playground stating that they do not plan to change the irrigation on the site and that a chain link fence would be constructed between the playground and the Garramone residence. She informed that the playground must meet requirements set forth by the Department of Social Services and that she was agreeable to considering a single access from Miller Street into the school. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern about the increase in traffic which would result from transporting 150-180 children to and from the school and asked if a traffic impact study had been completed. Bob Goebel replied that the traffic engineer had assessed the situation and felt it was advisable to close the access from 44th Avenue because of the heavy traffic on that street. Ms. Trapp informed that starting times would be staggered and that school parking exceeded Jefferson County school standards. She also noted that the parents and directors of the school are very concerned about traffic safety. Commissioner COLLINS asked what the intended use of the Garramone residence would be. Ms. Trapp replied that, if they are able to purchase that additional property, the playground would be expanded and the house would become a part of the school. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern that the School District is not accountable to the City as far as building permits, inspections, etc. are concerned. Chair THOMPSON asked why the school was requesting the conditional use permit instead of the Garramone's who presently own the land in question. Mr. McCartney explained that the applicants have a power of attorney from the Garramone's. Robert W. Ulrich 10251 West 44th Avenue 8-206 Mr. Ulrich was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. He stated that he represented the homeowners association at Ptarmigan Condominiums and had been contacted by several Planning Commission Page 4 04/16/98 / - ID homeowners who were concerned that they had not received notification of the February meeting. He stated that none of the homeowners were opposed to the playground. Nancy Degenhart Representing Helen Newdorp 10251 West 44th Avenue 8-104 Ms. Degenhart was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. She stated that she was representing her mother, Helen Newdorp, who was concerned about the use of the playground during times the school was not in operation. She stated that, after hearing testimony, she was satisfied that it would not. It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY that Case No. CUP-98-1, a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a Montessori School playground at 10351 West 44th Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: The criteria used to evaluate a Conditional Use permit supports approval of the request; and 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following condition: 1. The limited power of attorney letter be renewed to contain a much later expiration date than April t, 1998. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1, with Commissioner GOKEY voting no; and Commissioner THEANDER absent. (Chair THOMPSON declared a recess at 8:50 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:00 P.M.) B. Case No. ANX-98-3 and Case No. WZ-98-8: An application from Tom Hartley for approval of an annexation of the area approximately located at 13500 West 44th Avenue in the county of Jefferson and initial zoning of the area to PID. The case was presented by Martin Omer who stated that the applicant was requesting annexation to the City of Wheat Ridge of approximately 51 acres of undeveloped land located in Jefferson County. He informed that the applicant has requested zoning of Planned Industrial District with a provision for two acres of commercial/retail land use. Planning Commission Page 5 04/16/98 p4-t3 RECEPTION NO. F025( J .00 Pl 3001-001 6 210 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 6/14/96 1007 LL t Z c c k G. TILIS DEED, Made this of the -County of Jefferson Colorado, grantor(s), and - Kathleen Marie Garrat one QUITCLAIM DEED / I D"j'dayof =WAY I`e between Richard Louis Garramone and Kathleen Marie Garramone whose legal address is 10351 West 44th Avenue Wheatridge, Colorado 80033 of the County of Jefferson ,1996 , and State of and State of Colorado, grantee(s). W 1TNESSETH, That the grantor(s), for and in consideration of the sum of --Dollars Ten and no/100's ise- released, sold and QUITCLAIMED. and by the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, have rem heirs, successors and and by these presents do remise, release, sell and QUITCLAIM unto the granteeO), in aher nd to the real property. together with forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantor(s) have and State County of Jefferson improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the Colorado, described as follows: Parcel A: lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, %WrNAU GARDENS Parcel B: A parcel of land located in h W1/2 he. E/2 of the NE 1/4 follxas: Section 21, Tt*mship 3 South, Range 9 West of the 6th P GARDENS and the North CCM~NCING at the intersection of the East line of BREIDTA7S, nTsid~ff Vkst 44th Ave. 120 fee side of West 44th Ave. thence East along theNorth thence North parellel with the East line of A West to said line of BREPNALL GARDENS, thence South to the POINT' OF BMINNING. (No documentary fee required pursuant to C.R.S. Section 39-13-102(2)(a)). also knovn by street and number as: 10351 W. 44th Ave., Wheatridge, Colorado 80033 assessors schedule or parcel number. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges (hereunto either in iin3 or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the grantor(s), or equity. to the only proper use, Ixncfit and behoof of the grante00 her heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The grantor(s) have eseeated this deed on the date set forth above. i Ue een a r none l J ~ 1 SS. l Jul , )996 , day or Marie Garralmne witness my hand anti othcial seal. County of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befarc me this Richard Louis Garrmnone and Kathleen JAN. -20' 98(TUE) 11:41 GOLDEN EQUITIES TE L:303 277 1004 P.001 2 R., SEC.21 '3 "E 1 "3 • i 2.40' 5 2.40' \ N89031'06"W 135.86' NB9°31'06 "W 120.00' ro APPARENT DITCH REC. 090057352 n - o ? COVERED BY BOOK 19fi.PAGE 21 'n O O O N SaSP31'06"E 14.15' N W N p3 V e O 0 LOT 1 42,462 SQ.FT. 0.96 AC.1 Is: e L:: IY: ` :17 I~ - 1r. .1] i 1 131.63' 3 vo o- O I N LOT 2 34,583 SOFT 0.79 AC? N 09031'06"W 14.17' 1.77 AC.± TOTAL I LOTS 1112) A. Mn Oro nr1 o V O- O h REC. if 60057351 RO-P. S89e31'06"E - REC. #66036510 WEST 44TH AVENUE 120.D0 ° Post-V brand fax transmittal memo 7671 M of pages Ta O Prom Co, Co. Depl. Phone N~ tl Fee4 ~-1 F"eR YJ L 0 0 z 'A •F , JAN 20 °98 11:43 -1303 277 7004 PAGE.001 aF WHEAT LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION e WHEAT Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 °pe oR Aoo Phone (303) 235-2846 ~~C ORAO~ (Please print or type all informati)n) Applicant Compass Montessori Address 10399 W. 44th Avenue Phone303-420-828 ch S f / ' o City , Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Owner Kathleen Garramone Address 14171 W. 44th Avenue Phone 3 0 3 - 2 7 3 - 9 0 2 City Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Location of request (address) 10351 W. 44 Avenue, W 0 80033 Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions liste d below which pertain to your request.) ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Variance / Waiver ❑ Site development plan approval ❑ Nonconforming use change ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Flood plain special exception x❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interpretation of Code ❑ Temporary Use, Buildings, Signs ❑ Lot line Adjustment ❑ Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less) ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Subdivision (More than 5 lots) ❑ Street Vacation ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Other: Detailed description of the request: Conditional permi t for school classroom on prop er zoned A-1 Fill out the following information to the best of your knowledge. Current Zoning: - Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 1. 7:7acres Current use: Residental Proposed use: Classroom/Public School Assessors Parcel Number: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners %ustsubmit_pQrover•-of at yv er hich a proved of this action on his behalf. f~.,,. ~Stg 6 LAURIE CLARIt Notary PubPd ~ Subscribed and sworn to me this g24-* day o0, , 19 EcL State of Colorado G Notary Public My commission expires 09 ° 1 aco i IIMHKUKI' • • Y Date received -"LG Receipt No. Case No. G no I Related Case No. Gi ~L Q I Zoning I ( Quarter Section Mapkk, LA 1 °16 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE July 14, 1999 Dear Property Owner: WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 The City of ~~OF WHEgTRo Wheat - ,m TRidge C°c O R NV0 This is to inform you that Case No. CUP-99-01 which is a request for approval of a conditional use permit to add a school classroom within an existing building on the property located at 10351 W. 44th Avenue for the Compass Montessori School will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on August 5, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. All owners and/or their legal representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Planning Commission. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\Barbara\PCRPTSWLANGCOM\PUBHRG\CUP9901. WPD (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 z a m N d d m w c ~ y a ~ a i - ~ R ` c Z m ~ ml d' C N O 1~ N ..N N E 0 n N ~ U L O fp O a C O d, _ _ N ~ - ~ d O 0) O 01 O 0) O OI O Q) O O) O OI O O) O O) O x v R s ~ m m m rn m m rn rn m N m Q R~ r U > U > U U > U > U a U > U > U U U _ •N N O O. M N O M O M N O p M M O M V O M m O M O M M O M ~ M . 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N E a 0 a N ~ U L O N O p C N O N W N Y a ~ d O O> O D1 O 01 O O) O) X U N ~ y ~ U O a O a O) a a a N U U U U U _ 0 y N C E a C N p E al c UK n o N W O N p N Q OJ N Ol y~ O T~ O] _ N N 0 D L O C N N moo O O N O w vU m a ° V N ` g raj Z6 E Y a=U YAK 0 rny> ~ y V ~mi0 r a °~L t6 Qm° N r ZWO NL L C N N N~ ~ N a a ~ U m W ~ E N c K O I Z N N _u T W N Y a N N N n N O N UI O m w U w h w Q 00 v a v v a _ O E m m m m 1-~U z' Z W¢w o N Oda Z a Z E ~ = J c Una a ~I 0 Q T 0 a w b0 G Ki O E ro z w v ro a ro 7 U v U N a O .°n z„ FO b T p b N _m a m U Q~ O 4 z H novl Via, v NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on August 5, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. se No. CUP-99-01: An application from Compass Montessori School for approval of a conditional use permit for an additional classroom within an existing building on property, located at 10351 W. 44' Avenue and zoned Agricultural-One. Said property is legally described as follows: A parcel of land located in the West %z of the East %z of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the East line of Bretnall Gardens and the North side of West 44th Avenue 120 feet, thence North parellel with the East line of Bretnall Gardens 300 feet, thence West to said line of Bretnall Gardens, thence South to the Point of Beginning. M.40~ Barbara Deigadillo, P tanning Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City erk To be Published: July 16, 1999 Wheat Ridge Transcript C:\Barbara\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\PUBHRG\CUP9901 Pub. W PD July 14, 1999 INVOICE PAYABLE TO: City of Wheat Ridge Planning Department 7500 W. 29" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Attn: Barbara Delgadillo TO: Jefferson County School 10399 W. 44' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Richard ITEM COST 60 certified letters $3.50 each TOTAL DUE $210.00 Please make check payable to the City of Wheat Ridge and mail to the above address. Payment must be received prior to the Planning Commission meeting of August 5, 1999. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Delgadillo at 303/235-2846. vF SHCH.i ;r r alb a1;iE;T E--:;Uty: 'iryLfi•; 2! o, r}r: aiJl'r•I . . •£K N 0 . . - 'Y k (D 0 W :9 N N - W : N : t K m 3 a G 7 N w a N o (p a to ~ r 'i a H H O m a N o " ( D n 1 w r 1 N U w M J n O N rt C] C) C ~ N w v, q m ~ ~J tJ U I .c m C• G r ~ J rr N 0 C) O C 0 rT K 0 M ti m M M m H 0 o H to O n O O u 0 m N N rt M r O w tj N J O y r xw a ~ K w n O G C4 (D C rot K ~ a H m ~o w ~ K K £ H m (A N a t7 (D M r~ S N rt x H N N s a m ((D a H w O o N STATE DOCUMENTARY FEE a3•l8 m w q 0 JUL 1 1999 w N 0 0 0 0 ~ G m ( a o o 5 W 0 0 x O w n 0 a ( 0 m 0 , 0 . 0 10 w N ( D 1 o 1 , x H HHw H o wm"£,m w aHroH artp HH mrt Hromo aH$ tC n o- rt H z a x Y - rtp• (D N N (0 0 G O (D W O O O OM C RO H m O O O rT :r U) o ma o 0'(D 1 H in Ma maw o'H rtmN-0(71 N "O(qm w HH N O E'< pw m s~, a m M WY-•<H(q Wrtx omoW u7 wCH'CG 14z ,J D (D F) H w a rt H(O W ;i t H 0 (D o o m M-H 0 m b ` a P N W 'J' C w 11p- H t a w 0 x o O G] w m M w a O P O f -C'f~ d O 1 N m x m o m w r ca n w N M` (O 0 w a M r or, H W W a g n a M T ` 1- 2' m w ID O 1 7 [~7 N N o 4S 4 a rt aw m Ho m N` 'A r .H(D 0 t9 t9 W w a R b ri O l7 W G r N ( S <u F X wommowr MO y'y n` H art ma V- H ~W Y n r ' w LO (D HH a0 ( n N 11H wo 0` m Z wH O £ CY w mw` 0(D Hx ri o G rj 3 H w'< H (y' [ O m r m w a w tY a H H P- K m` 110 x w w o i~ rt r w w ro ow ( s ;j a M m 0 M- w ,7` GHw 5Q aG P. H O P- (D rt Cpor- o' O m o O H- a 0 HN- rt tr'<C a o art . O Ci "G N a ' • I I - T ' ; n rD [9 0 o m a o ~J + O 0 m pro O (D a w r 0 m rt o r N N- M w < in H 11 N rt w 0 L1 SU a H tJH w roH CU (T rS a a H O H o M (D P-:4 o'(rx a m a tro` wH H N Q tr O ~ r (Dwmrt m a (D (D m w w a O r* I:, : T O H 0 a H (y ~ n` < r- m o o w a 0 H ' (D a a G G o' Or ' -"m O ci . r- 0 m 0'H 0w - pi n :7 w ~o ~o t M O (D rt Y- r r0 21 ww Hor H P- C 40 am£ w rt H a < n N£ a n E t N w m M O mo r 0 0 <0 0 < mo' wmw P.P Q) (D w7 a r m (D(DP, 9o' p w N (D o o m M ;y O H wH wa npmaH rt (D It Y- yG w a .J o 0w 0Cm a '0 (D 1 or w7 CY ry w m < mOpa o oamm a in MY- mroohl n D 3 mroaro H£ ® N o ww ,7` Mm 0W m mom w Orton xt0 a O m ro H m m N- w a H rr a a M a s w P. o H G H m P. 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WW U. 06 az !L A ZO U gr a UO a rn P Q 1' W Q p m a a ~ 9 W D F w 14 rt v W h A 0 lNi N w W h !QFGO~ O H > N O U N C ~ R N J `V'i41 9o2 49 4 0 o U .4c 1 Ia 3 m a c U C m O' a p U 0 u 65 w r, m °oQ W O ~ All c -P a7 3 4 H G u~ rd U b w m N u y O « s 3 `p H a m N a r `p N N .p m 3 u 3 o W o Q p° n `m ti z o N ~ry c 0 t W .0 N U Z 'aY p t C a ll a 4-r ti C p j j N o n O W ~ W p m o ° a f'p-~I (C W C F Id 4~ M co ~ p N V -.i 7. d' W 0 N N N W d' ~-f ~fpp~ a F N N oay 11 O O N Le l a o wbC7 N~ HOo rn O m > 14 44 4 v.s -.h N w~ m M cg 9 0 1? s y R O C v N W co 1 C*] N O tri v m y ° +R 0 I yi R T ul tD N W C F a a gg w ° m N p W O O (D a E R y . p t L U N W C s p F O c t. : 0 fX = u FU.- 1 a 3 N W O N U m ; p a 1 Q1 U1 N u] O 6 .u..C L 1 m d 'ar7 0) W G +J a S C F' F a w a) O r-1 'yy~y R ~0+ yy~ tp 'a 44 'F S E u .u., d E O C N y y. C I Tau., a c W.-i 4J G b O' ° v c~ 09 O i N N 'V m `tl •-I M 1i ~ b y p G a m e j t vO R+ Ul W N 06 m F- 12 0 u' `p o N Ql Ul d W C' S m u F \ C a 1~ 24 ~ iJ I..' 4 EE R u S 31 ? Z p C .'2. ral T Y N a lu u N O U UJ R m ~ v ipl UN L% w+',~ is m R 33J Atl VlIY]11"J J 3 V1J rn P O lv~l o m H ~ v ° » L m ry O N m V R S4 3 N u E H 93 C cT ~ G L F T y G r c V m 0 a c R a c r E G 3 N 0 Z2 E E 8 T 2 c R L v A C m O f e U F e d C. .+i m Z April 29, 1999 Neighborhood Meeting The administrators, teachers, and parents of Compass Montessori School aim to nurture the whole child adapting to meet each students unique intellectual, emotional, social, physical and spiritual needs. Our goal is to foster competent, responsible, and independent citizens who are innovative problem solvers. At Compass Montessori, students will learn to respect themselves, other people, and the environment. In addition, we will strive to instill a life-long love oflearning in every student. 10399 West 44th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 420-8288 email: compass@jeffco.k12.co.us The following people attended the Conditional Use Permit Rezoning Neighborhood Meeting on April 27, 1999 from 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Compass Montessori School located at 10399 West 44"' Avenue in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposal by Compass Montessori School to request a conditional use permit for their school and classroom use on property currently zoned A-I located at 10354 west 44th Avenue in Wheat Ridge. In attendance were: NAME ADDRESS Linda Robertson 10251 W. 44th Ave 93-205 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Opal E. Keeney 10251 W. 44`h Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Helen L. Tolman 10251 W. 44' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Richard Fulton 10399 W. 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Martin Omer 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Kristy Cash 10399 W. 44th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wendy Morrison 10399 W. 44th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Association President of the Ptarmigan Homeowners Association Ptarmigan Homeowner Ptarmigan Homeowner Principal Compass Montessori City of Wheat Ridge Teacher Compass Montessori Parent Compass Montessori website: services/schools. html The administrators, teachers, and parents of Compass Montessori School aim to nurture the whole child, adapting to meet each students unique intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual needs Our goal is to foster competent, responsible, and independent citizens who are innovative problem solvers. At Compass Montessori, students will learn to respect themselves, other people, and the environment. In addition, we will strive to instill a life-long love of learning in every student. 10399 West 44th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 420-8288 email: compass@jeffco.k12.co.us February 28, 2000 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Dear City of Wheat Ridge: Compass Montessori School is proposing construction on the property 10351 and 10399 West 44" Avenue in the near future. The current zoning for 10351 is A-1 and 10399 is RC-1. In order to proceed with the construction, the school is applying for a conditional use permit for the A-1 zoned portion of the school and a variance for the RC-1 portion of the school with the City of Wheat Ridge. The conditional use permit requires neighborhood meeting input. The Neighborhood Meeting was held February 22, 1999. Specifically, Compass Montessori School is requesting the approval of the conditional use permit for the construction of three classrooms, a multi-purpose room and playground improvements on the 10351 W. 44`n Avenue property. In addition, the school is requesting a variance to construct a school sign within 30 feet of W. 44" Avenue and build an entryway vestibule within 20 feet of Miller Street. Please refer to site plan for specific distances. If you have any questions feel free to call Compass Montessori School at 303-420- 8288. S! inceLelC~/ Richard Fulton, Principal website: http://2008.1.2/ services/sch o ols. html °P wrv ;n cm L v E E o E C cy o n to o a iL L y' W W a W a ~a W aQ W J T "o J V ~ F F R ai F 'L 0 U r a {z] d C 4 A J. 2 'n LN C E a a V~ a c m 0 N E v o ° c ro o v r 7 c m ~ D o ro Sa O o a O 0 E2 1 o y~ o V ~ o c = O o V " c f4 a Iq W aW a) a) C 2Y h SI v ro a ~ V. d) d) T) v C •.i o a _ s o Ei N (d W 14 ro p V 4J .4 O roA t ai~3 o = m v D 2 a E " ~ E S. O i. . , . 0 3 o am m v c c o ~ a ' > L .n o. C ~ = m . 6 E O .E' y 0 . " ~ n o m U T u.°_ 3 o v a c o E E v E v o U) x D D . : v o° b .n = c .3 ' m T o o m `O a ro ° o o ro. j N c m m 7 c 3 !4 v n ° O -E m n ? O a a E m o v c c o n c N m rri c U . s e ro o ° ' a t t a rd N W m> > s .E v m 0 H a. L v V V. Y C N .V N A p v w ° ry C C V !I u x. c € rp 1J n FC v n c g E m o M y _ d u D " rd 0 1: ~ D o n _ ~ Q I o p D y = A ~ v 3 y o o . ° i a . N N T O v `o v , y y o o y d) rd r O o « E ` ° ° c ° n t y 4 u . 14 O ° O `E° , c a v I I y m 3 m QI U In a D O ~ ti C T O a y N n t0 ° = p E u ° v c N d) ?4 D m c .o a ° D a - c v ° v ' vim r . A A D v ti o E c ? m v N t A m - n o n ! . , v y m = E > O s M T L . r a_ , .o O E d - i h U N yr ° O D ° m r 3 ?i v n N C o eo v E w h o v h E r ' c E . I ° a O Y X o a i. Y c a a `o ° V t o t= : D v v E m y a ~ E r 23 CL r L - ~a c • s ° ° ' a ° a H A = N o :e o D E . w ° ° m E A N S-I o s U = r° ° n ° E a _ v. o m m 79 a v o d _ v ~ a . v. n c - z N A o s ro c m° m o v . c a ° 'o n y r iO c ° u o O +1 v p ` y4 o z a ❑ . A ` ° c _ « N Y ° L " ° c. . I D ro Y O ° Qt rl a o Y E c ° I n u (1) 4J a I 2 n ro a v ro a F. F. O c v c c m c - o °c c o o n ° r m m D a y! N rv U N o ° a E .c m m ~ o c W ° a _ m° a F' E ° o ~ 'O O V6 o W m` C c°r' . d D a ~ O > L ° E ❑ N v n t i m , ° c M1f . o W , 't s o C . E , n - c o n m J ` o T t . ° y . o ' ro o c c n e ' If E c ° ~ m u A ~ n c a w u v m O Z v o o m _ - F€ N m' o • ° A 'E rl ° a a E E E p O a 0" u fn O d] a C V ` m v _ -O u T $ ` m cA Du dl 41 E a A p i ] ° ° v c o E u y a m u 3 _ v, c C li « 9 z v y - m E .A. " a N V VI J C C n ro 9 6 R ° .-O. vtt. D a tai v y ° - O i O L > U 7 'C W ° ° W. T L N A 6 O L = N v O O u I) E t- a w v D^ O d) ° ? t o c H .c o E ✓ ° ° a d s w a ° ° m m a ~ n fl .v u , CJ a j ¢ v° Z ° s u e O a e a .n o H ° v a c . o u c v c 2) }-I v m« ° A a° .11 . v o D N n A E c ~ s o -;a 73 V = 0 c ~ ' m o v S° v v m ` u 9 m 0 o . ' , j A E: ' o c S N ° m f7 Z E a c U) .,.q 9 c c a D _ r a c " c _ = " n c p n n ' o f 'v ° Z t A c a w ° s° ` E a m E 3 . a 7 D< a o a " s t' a o s s v O « _ = r+j p p F-' O . . H C .J m N n v1 Y O t) ° t ` > a N H v n ~ V v t) ° TY n n ° w m «a . i U w _ . A E r m w ° 3 n s O m a i c O t v w p y v' z v w o _ t J m ~ o n a ` z O V J w a w !O V P N m U 7 rn C n, d W F d W V] on c~ C o ° ❑ o y xi o ° n r . p o H W 'x U W N N W cd O O b C o ~ i,jU C j o q ~ `L 'b N ° O U w N~-a b v N N H 3 b Fa C's ro o o b p Z On o ~ b o w o w on G n m O 0 U 0 o a°i cd b m N z a U w 71 C ~dd X G o r > n ❑ ° w > n c O Q CIS a b Y 'K o ° O o v ° n `tl w U V O .a M o W aCi U o ° on o w ~ o o C/) o G °Q N " x g W a o 'v ° b C7 0 O oo ° b> ° c c ro W ° 3 p ..a > a - b _ O n w F a ° O x v o c n a o W W a O o 3 b o Ca F-r o Q o o ~ n a ° O Z O v b 's o 7 ° a .5 b F F °o °N n O O Y U a ~ C v ° O 0 o b° N 7 ° Z v p y a v Z o v°, v m O aS v on I O ] > v o i on -b 'd ° G W U [7 V) d Q W ~-7 V) ❑ p~ iG U ^ " a N G O c O E tV' " ° a w C cy p' Czl b O fx W M C W ~ a°i o w O o .d cJ r a i in F. C Y U ° p 3 w10 cn Ua~ ti d~w c7 rx b mu ° o ❑ ~ b C4 w o b a a ~ h w ° 3 n ° ° o ° o° ti -0 ° n o ¢ UU o O o o N Cd N a N a n O o n 7 U 0) O ' x ° o a ° (d c4 b a n U y v °~w m ° vi U d vi N dw ° W° x ~ o ~ o W Q ° ~l n C f ~n U O 3 w ~n w w w 3 o y ° 3 o r7 ~ O Vim] av'i o O aNi api P. O G d F~ W b N Z V) 0 ~ W F ~ O u o p ~ w ~ q n H a a ° a o o -ci 3 N 1► I i Project: Compass Montessori School, 9993 Date: February 28, 2000 Attn: Richard Fulton, Compass Montessori School 10399 W. 4,r Ave. Wheat Ridge, Co. 80033 cc: Meredith Reckert, City of Wheat Ridge, 7500 W.29 h Ave., Wheat Ridge, Co. 80215 Richard, Attached is the current site plan drawing at a scale of 1" = 20'-0". Please call with any questions you may have. Dan O'Brien VAN TILBURG, BANVARD & SODERBERGH, AIA PENTHOUSE, 225 ARIZONA AVE, SANTA MONICA CA 90401 TEL 310.394.0273 FAX 310.394.2424 SUITE 170, 1860 BLAKE STREET, DENVER CO 80202 TEL 303.675.0041 FAX 303.675.0052 PRINTED: 02/28/00 TRANSMITTAL Page I of 1 T Ora 0901 DOC:'_-_ - &o f WHEgr Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department ho q~ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY U m Date: _ qp roc oR a°° Attending Applicant: kSGti I Address/Phone: (N) 303- 2- /Z Cs elimu/) X03- yua- ~zg8 Attending Owner: Address Phone: Attending Staff: v C_u -i 1, &"r ems) iJ-b ~t4-L4- Address or SpecifiS~ Site Location: (O ?J5( w , L4 L, 1' Existing Zoning: /h Existing Comp. Plan- Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: /,~~v~ G 'fp ~-j/may( 'Q`LO C v n kplj2 Lion (s): * Building Permit Only * Planned Unit Development * Zone Change * Variance * Site Plan * ~i'emporary Use Permit * Minor Subdivision k Conditional Use Permit * Major Subdivision * Special Use Permit * Street Vacation * Lot Line Adjustment Other Relevant Issues: Planning Depart. Easements Setbacks Use Height Zoning Landscaping Parking Signs Comp Plan Public Works Roads/Transportation Survey Info. Drainage/Erosion Control Flood Plain Traffic ROW Vacation ROW Dedication Public Improvements Access Building Dept. Soils Height Utilities Fire Access MEETING SUMMARY AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION(S): Favorable: Unfavorable: 2 (50 - R/tt Planner's Initials: CApplicant's Initials: *ALTHOUGH STAFF REACTION MAY BE £AVOkABLE AT THE TIME OF PRE-APPLICATION MEETING, THE FINAL RECOMMENDATION MAY CHANGE DUE TO INFORMATION UNAVAILABLE TO THE STAFF OR APPLICANT AT THE PRE-APPLICATION MEETING. e:\p1anning\f0rms\preappmt - GEI Brokers, Inc. 1600 Jackson Street Suite 150 Golden, CO 80401 Phone: (303) 277-7003, Fax: (303) 277-7004 THIS FORM }JAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND TIIE PARTIES SHOULD CONSULT LEGAL AND TAX OR OIIIER COUNSEL BEFORE SIGNING COMMERCIAL CONTRACT TO BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE [NEW LOAN] February 06 ,1998 1. PARTIES AND PROPERTY. Compass Montessori School, a Colorado non-profit corporation buyer(s) [Buyer], (asjEidV4,Utfs / tenants in common) agrees to buy, and the undersigned seller(s) (Seller], agrees to sell, on the terms and cenditions set forth to this contract, the following described real estate,.in the County of Jefferson Lot 1, Garramone Gardens, a minor subdivision L- Colorado, to wit e54 ( .Sc-vz~ ~-[p knownasNo. 10399 W. 44th Ave Wheat Ridoe Co 80033 Street Address City State together with all interest of Seller in vacated streets and alleys adjacent thereto, all easements and other appurtenances thaPeto, all improvements thereon and all attached fixtures thereon, except as herein excluded (collectively the Property), 2. INCLUSIONS /EXCLUSIONS The purchase price includes the following items (a) if attached to the Property on the date of this contract lighting, heating, plumbing, ventilating, and air conditioning fixtures, TV antennas, water softeners, smoke/fire/burglar alarms security devices, inside telephone wiring and connecting blocks/jacks, plants, mirrors, floor coverings, intercom systems, built-in kitchen appliances, sprinkler systems and controls; (b) if on the Property whether attached or not on the date of this contract stone windows, stomt doors, window and porch shades, awnings, blinds, screens, curtain rods, drapery rods, all keys and (c) n /a The above-described included items (Inclusions) are to be conveyed to Buyer by Seller by bill of sale at the closing, free and clear of all tapes, liens and encumbrances, except as provided in Section 12. The following attached fixtures are excluded from this sale: See attached Additional Provisions 3. PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS. The purchase price shall be $ 379 000. 00 follows: (Complete the applicable terms below.) payable in U.S. dollars by Buyer as (a) Earnest Money $ _ 15,000.00 intheformof personal checks , as earnest money deposit and part purchase price, payable to and held Title Com an payment of the urchase rice, in its trust account on behalf of both Seller and Buyer. Broker is authorized to deliver the earnest money deposit to the closing bagctit, if any, at or before closing. The balance of $ 364, 000 00 (purchase price less earnest money) shall be paid as follows: (b) Cash at Closing S _ 85,000.00 plus closing costs, to be paid by Buyer at closing in finds which comply with all applicable Colorado laws, which include cash, electronic transfer funds, certified check, savings and loan tellers check, and cashier's check (Good Funds). Subject to the prosisions of Section 4, if the existing loan balance at the time of closing shall be different from the loan balance in Section 3, the adjustment shall be made in Good Funds at closing or paid as follows: This contract is conditinal upon Buyer obtaining an $80,000 second mortage from .°lehatd "a-s-~ar~amene ss-iist-ems in the Additional Provisions attached hereto. Buyer's broker will to donate the value of the commission to Buyer at closing, as g, a part of the Cash at Closing. i (c) New Loan $ 279 , 000 00 by Buyer obtaining a nnew loan This loan will be secured by a ( 1st, 2nd, etc.) first The Loan shall be amortized over a period of 15 deed of test. years at approximately $ 2998 00 per month including principal and interest net to exceed 10 /o per annum, plus, if required by Buyers lender, a monthly deposit of 1/12 of the estimated mutual real estate taxes, property insurance premium, and mortgage insurance premium. If the loan is an adjustable interest rate or gmdumcJ payment loan, the monthly payments and interest rate initially shall net exceed the figures set forth above. Loan discount points, if any, shall be paid to lender at closing and shall not exceed % of the total loan amount Notwithsmndw , the loan's interest rate, the first 0 loan distant points shall be paid by n a and the balance, if any, shall be paid by n/a Buyer shall timely pay a loan origination fee not to exceed one % of the loan amount and Buyers loan costs. (d) Assumption [OMITTED -INAPPLICABLE] (e) Seller or Private Third-Party Financing. [OMITTED - INAPPLICABLE] 4. FINANCING CONDITIONS AND OBLIGATIONS. re9 r nee v....n-1:....,., 11 1 . JAN.-20'98(TUE) 11:41 GOLDEN EQUITIES itll I \ 1 I M SWW6~ ! out[ 9, ~n- le.o' 1a so TEL:303 277 1004 WOOD rwcc s&" WOOD DY• { d 3 CoN4ETE oL MPI4LT - DOU MMO i 1 ) J P AKIO l D \LKPNk M%l6C 4LLEtf AND MY.UC: I 1 ` i FIN1yN NnDL ELN• TL l1' o 0 1 o ~ i 1 P. 002 1 2 I TE J71'31 G~~L TI siiiiiij n 11 1"30, LOT 1 1 3 ! W ~ ~ 0 V ul r N w ~ ~ = j b 1~ IaNC.• 51~EWALK NY < 1 J Y•G (f J ILo' w,o' L• ~ S fAM1LINa w7 w 37 aPAC[S i ' L•v R' I MT a.*- f ly i •1,10 < L.pA n i L 11 N•i1Kd n h,6 Ill•I.Y 6 V w -e 3 l1IIYf? 5109 Of ALI M"2% "P WuTK LIRE AiTL AT µ0.6EL •TLCLT • LLLVWT10AT1eN 56741[' FjL*rA TUDY AA ~µal µf[4.5 DtA1µ►~[ XTUD'( `S - /~PiL~-T 06I.5 LOT z ~ Nor iMLWD4D IN TNti Lt44LST Li1bTtN4 fYNE 6ML To ELmTIN4 1'L ~TeU FLAML 0.Ey. G U - y 4 4 w w w 7D W. 44TH AVENUE a a 4 a - MI- 3 JAN 20 '98 11:43 303 277 7004 PAGE.002 Council Bill 216 was introduced by Mr. Davis on second reading; title read by the Clerk. Ordinance No. 646 assigned. Mr. Gidley presented the case. Mr. Garramone was present and sworn in by the Mayor and gave his reasons for wanting the rezoning. Motion by Mr. Davis for approval with cinditions agreed upon by City and applicant; seconded by Mr. Johnson; ce-cied 8-0. B. An Application by Richard Garramone for the ap,.)roval of a consolidation plat for property located at the northwest corner of West 44th Avenue and Miller Street. (Case No. MS-65-85) Motion by Mr. Davis for approval; seconded by Mr. West; car^ied B-0. item 3. Council Bill 220 - An Ordinance amending the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge by adding Chapter 19 relating to Satellite Signal Receiving Earth Stations. (To be continued to January 13, 1985 at the request of the Cit7 Attorney) Council Bill 220 was introduced by Mr. Flasco on second reading; title read by the Clerk. Motion by Mr. Merkl to continue until January 13, 1986; seconded by Mr. West; carried 7-1 with Mr. Flasco voting No. Item 4. An Emergency Ordinance imposing a Moratorium upon the Issuance of Building Permits and the approval of certain land use applications witUn the City of Wheat Ridge based upon the emergency found :,y the City Council and specified herein Mr. Gidley explained the Emergency Ordinance. Sworn in by the Mayor were: Ral h Man one, 2781 Berry Lane, Golden, who addressed his concerns; eels emergency ordinance was instrumented to block rezoning ordinance (Item 5). Janice Thompson, 12290 W. 42nd Ave., who supports the moratorium; stated study was not completed; felt Council should study all options for the good of the neighborhood. Jim Huff, 7125 W. 80th Place, who owns property in area and stated his han s are tied for development of his property. Discussion followed. Motion by Mr. Davis to take Item 5 first, and continue it until January 13, 1986 after the January Study Session, and to eliminate the Emergency Ordinance; seconded by Mr. Merkl. Mrs. Keller stated she would be voting No, because she is concerned about everyone else who may come in for a permit in that area. Motion carried 6-2 with Mrs. Keller and Mrs. Worth voting No. OFFICIAL ZONING MAC' WHEAT RIDGE GOLORADO MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: September 4, 1998 I - g>,_ 681 PRD a>t5 651-4661 - _-_R~_n-07_____..__ _ 4601-4641 RLCT f__-- _c q15 ~i x611-2, x581 4531 6 R= RG A-1 G-IS W5. i,-G G-2 ,0201 , 1131100 ! ® AREA REQUIRING SITE PLAN APPROVAL r 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN L .-_J (APPROXIMATE LOGATION) ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY - PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) - - - - WATER FEATURE 0 DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES NE 21 o m fro 3co 3m aao SCALE 1•=400 DEPARTMEM OF RNJM% MD DEVELF11 V1' - 05-= CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INVOICE NAME Compass Montessori School DATE: CASE NO. 6-10-99 FEE TYPE FEE CHARGE ACCOUNT NUMBER Application Submittal See Fee Schedule $240 01-550-01-551 Publications/Notices See Fee Schedule. 01-550-02-551 24" x 36" Blue Line $ 5.00 01-550-04-551 24" x 36" Mylar Copy $ 6.00 01-550-04-551 Single Zoning Map $ 2.00 01-550-04-551 Set of Zoning Maps $20.00 01-550-04-551 11" x 17" Color Map $ 5.00 01-550-04-551 Comp. Plan Maps $ 5.00 ea. 01-550-04-551 Comp. Plan Book w/Map $25.00 01-550-04-551 Fruitdale Valley Master Plan $ 2.50 01-550-04-551 Subdivision Regulations $ 4.50 01-550-04-551 Zoning Ordinance $15.00 (does not include annual updates) 01-550-04-551 Copies $.25/page 01-550-04-551 Copy of Meeting Tapes $25.00/tape 01-550-04-551 Miscellaneous: 01-550-04-551 TOTAL COST: $240 cApl ann ingWomis\i nvoice O A O 0 w m O n O D O -D o O O D D m W CD c p: * -o a v m U d , CD O -o N N .Z M (~D n CD C m W y m CD -n r O 2 0 a 71 CD Z cn m m D 3 c Q° -n r o a z m m= N 3 O D1 N O N a (D tir- Z Z 00 (D fOi~ - N N -O N D y z' N 3 a) w 3 (D N v P v Z O DQ C7 Z ~G o o A o o N OO N C a U N N j W j W CO 3 3 N CO (-D n O A J U (D 3 N W A W O N O <O 0 O 0 O 5 (p OJ z N O A N A CD O O G N A m A O O N m O 3 w D D (D G o m `D N Cn O O O 3 = O O O O (D N O (D CL -n -o C) C) Z] D D N N CD o = w a O a Cl < CD' o. (D o . 5 p p v m m F f o? o y w p o m D o. m oo CD CL o < z 0 0 v D m ~ \ z ' j O 5 ~ 3 N O 3