HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-99-01des 32ND AVENUE Z z.;- ~ , 60 RAW r, t _ _ _ 317.22' . o, I - - , - t. LEGAL DESCRIPTION; I o ~ - ~ - I I i 2~' DITCH A M NT THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 i E SE E - OF WEST 1 2 OF LOT 1 BLOCK 2 I _ . ROCKY MOUNTAIN DITCH / ~ LANDSCAPING - - BARTH'S SUBDIVISION. i - EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF I i o I CONTAINED W. 32nd AVE. TELLER Q r , I I 1 o I - ~ STREET OF SAULSBURY STREET. I LANDSCAPING 000NTY OF JEFFERSON I I I I STATE OF COLORADO. I EXISTI G ~ I I i I 4 ( Hoes , _ r- _1 r SITE USAGE: I i ~ ~ TO REMAINI I I I i W ! + I ONE SINGLE FAMILY UNIT I I i i t FOUR DUPLEX UNITS I I I I t I I I I + I i t TWELVE APARTMENT UNITS ~ Q I i i t _ I I I I r TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS -SEVENTEEN I- -I, I I PARKING TWO FREE STANDING GARAGE BUILDINGS I I i ~ CONTAINING THREE SPACES IN EACH. i + ~ ~ I I I EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN I I I I DRIVES SIX TOTAL. I I MULTI- FAMILY UNIT I ~ ~ I I O I I BUILDING PAD I I 1 i~ 0 . I I I I ~IANDSCAPING ' IEXISTIN I I . ~ • IGARAGEI ~ I OWNERSHIP UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT. ~ ~ L.~_____~..~,~_.~_ L I TO I i -----------~-----------1 I W I I i LANDSCAPING I REMAINI I , a' OF R.O.W. DEDICATED BYE PLAT DO~UMEN~ t _ I I- i I + ,Q RECORDED AT RECEPTION I I SAULSBURY PROPERTIES,LLLP, ACOLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSN:IP o # _ l; IS THE OWNER OF THAT REAL PROPERTY LYING WITHIN THE HAPPY LANDINGS _ _ _J o__ ? I I r, r rt r ~ r LANDSCAPING I I PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFER,~ON, ® I PARKING I I I I I 1 i STATE OF COLORADO. • i i I ~ I' I I I XISTING LARGE 1REE I I I ~ I ~ I I I I 1'0 REMAIN (TYP) I I ~ TH HAPPY AN IN P N DRIVES ~ I E L D GS CANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSISTS OF I ( ~ ) ~ a ~ ~ 1' r p _ , ~ ~ " ' rlJ o ~ ! FOUR LOTS. ALL FOUR LOTS CAN HAVE DIFFERENT OWNERSHIP. UNIFIED CONTROL SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGH RECORDED - I I I I PARKING + PARKING COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS. + ACCESS TO TELLER STREET I dt t I I ~ U STREET"- I DRIVES I DRIVES WEST 31ST PEACE 1 r -I r l r ~ r-+ 1 r 1 r i ~I 40 Ri~W I 1 I I I I i 1 I I I I i I I I I I I I i 1 I i I 1 I I I f I I I I 1 I I I ( i I I t I I 1 I i t i I I I 1 I I CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT t _ _ I r.I____.L_______1____l, + ~.______.J7 ______.I t X1____1_______1____ rL t . ~ yy~ L" i I I i t GARAGE i I GARAGE I' I I THE DEVELOPMENT I i N i i i i PAD I i PAD I I S DES G ED FOR RESIDENTIAL USES. THE PROPOSED I 1 i t I I I i I I 1 l DEVELOPMENT WILL BE TWO STORY WOOD FRAME STRUCTURES. THE ARCHITECTURE AND I i I + I I I I I I DUPLEX UNIT I CHARACTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE IN ONF MAN T I DUPLEX UNIT I t L______J L______J i I I e., C OR CE WI H THE EXISTING I i BUILDING PAD I t BUILDING PAD SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORH000. THE EXISTING I i I I I I i I I I LARGE TREES AND MATURE LANDSCAPING WILL 8E INCORPORATED INTO THE SITE PLAN. i I i I I I I I 14 I I 1 I I i I I I I I I t LANDSCAPING I I I I I I i I I I I I i I I I L_________________J i t I LANDSCAPING I i N I I + lA DSCAPING I I I r; a I i - - - ~ - - - - - - -c4--- - - - - - i 317.22' .i I MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTS: MINIMUM PERIMETER BUILDING SETBACKS: ADJACENT PR LAND USES. OJEC SINGLE FAMILY =EXISTING BUILDINGS 32nd A R vE MILY PROP. 30 FEET HIGH S N AL _ ~ ~ 32nd AVE. DUPLEX MAXIMUM HEIGHT , , ~I 30 FEET NIGH ~ 30.00 ~ SINGLE APARTMENTS = MAXIMUM HEIGHT ~ R-2 DUPLE. 35 FEET HIGH I ; ~ F MILY ~ APART GARAGES = MAXIMUM HEIGHT o I I o v, ~ hJ_ A,L___ ~ ~ I I o ~ ~ GARAG 16 FEET HIGH ~ ~ ~ ® , ~ ~ ~ LANDSGA J I R-1 A w PRD m PROVIL I G F MiLY~ ~ R-2 ~ ~ ~ , a SI N AL ~ ~ MINIMU MINIMUM LANDSCAPE COVERAGE 22,500 S.F. I I , ~ w ~ FAMILY I I t- Q S NT1AL PAV D A CASE HISTORY I I I , ' MS-98-3 --Y--------------- TOTAL TOTAL 89,976 S.F. 100% LITTLETON CO 80122 WZ-99-1 TEL : (3 0 3) 7 9 4 4 7 ®4 1/25/1999 REV, PER CITY COMMENT Pvf , R-2 FAX:(303)794-4703 N° DATE DESCRIPTION By FAMILY W1l I DRAW JOB NUMBER g® mm CHECKED 06-071093-00 2 OF 2 COMBINED P~ELIMIN~I~Y ~(VD ~IN~L -IAPPY LAIiIL~IN~ pL~gl\IN~D ~~~I AN O~~ICIAL D~V~LOf~M~N IN TI-I~ CITY O~ WI-I~AT LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~1 - West 38th Avenue THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF WE57 1/2 OF L07 1, BLOCK 2 BARTHS'S SUBDIVISION. EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF CONTAINED W. 32nd AVE. TELLER STREET OF SAULSBURY STREET, COUNT'S OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF ~i~ COLORADO. SITE 0 a Z West 32nd Avenue DEVELOPMENT DATA ONE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY UNIT ~p West 29th Avenue TWO DUPLEX UNITS a~'~ a TWELVE APARTMENT UNITS m ~ m ~ West 26th Avenue TOTAL RESIDENI7AL UNITS =SEVENTEEN m v TWO FREE STANDING GARAGE BUILDINGS CONTAINING THREE SPACES IN EACH. o a 3 TWENTY UNCOVERED SPACES FOR APARTMENT UNITS (INCLUDING TWO HANDICAP 3 ACCESSIBLE). TWELVE SPACES TOTAL FOR DUPLEX UNITS. West 20th Avenue TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED =THIRTY-SEVEN.'k T3TAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED =TWENTY-SIX, ~ W * PARKING SPACE NUMBER AND LOCATION WILL BE FIELD ADJUSTED TO MAXIMIZE THE RETENTION OF EXISTING LANDSCAPING FEATURES. VICINITY MAP NOTES 7,~ NO PARKING WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS. 2.) ALL LIGHTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 26-30(S). 3.) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE C -AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING. 4.) ALL OWNERS, TENANTS AND GUESTS SHALL BE ALLOWED FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THE ACCESS r _ EASEMENT/EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND USE OF OVERFLOW PARKING. 5~) NO FENCING WILL BE ALLOWED BETWEEN SAUL58URY STREET AND THE EAST FACE OF THE MULTI-FAMILY BUI~DiNG. 6•) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS SHALL NOT CREATE SIGHT DISTANCE OBSTRUCTIONS FOR O W N 11 ~ S C E R T I F I C A T I O N ACCESS WAYS ONTO TELLER AND SAULSBURY STREETS. The below-signed owner(s), or legally designated agent(s) thereof, hereby agree that the property legally described hereon will be develop THE PROJECT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION SHAH DETERMWE THE USE OF THE OPEN SPACE as a Planned Development in accordance with the uses, restrictions a SOUTH OF THE GARAGES ON LOT 1. PERMISSIBLE USES MAY BE OPEN SPACE WITH SOD, conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherwise be required GAZEBO, COMMUNITY GARDEN OR PLAYGROUND. law. I(we) further reco nize that the o 9 pproval of Final Development Pl (and Plat) does not create a vested property right. Vested proper rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of secti 26-6(G) of Article I of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Saulsbury Properties, LLLP A Colorado Limited Liability Limite By Harold R. Smethilis Managing Po 1546 Cole Boulevard, Suite 227 Golden, Colorado 80401 NOTARY PUBLIC Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 '  lVVI J, vinMLRJIII DUULLVAIXU} 3ILLUD Witness my hand and official seal. _ LITTLETON CO 80199 My commission expires NOTARY SEAL 14 III, soaK P~c~ _o W,~,S T .3~1? d ~ V°NU~ (so' Row) f310.6T 20.40' NORTH UNE OF THE ~ f/4 OF SECTION 29-3-60 a ~ I _ _ _ _ _ - I I CENiETt CF SECOON 26-3--66 FOUND 0.3° BRASS Cif" BFI RANGE 8 LS 13221: ~ cry.-::.. n.: . . _ w_. ..a ~ z„~..~ r . _ 4 I....I c►RTNwEST 1t 4F DoT f BLOCK BARTNS SUBDINSIOtr 1^ , ~ , ~ ¢ - NORTH i~lE OF tAT 1 BLOCK 2, BAR1H°S SUBDINSION 3.98 f ' .223.24 10 UTILITY E~ I I I ~ ---,-,...y, e:..~." I,II I I II,I I i i I III 6'ITHA I'~III I I 1 ~.M 2 D C E SEME III} I I I i ~ Vii' I I 1 ~ 111 I I I I I an-n q,fl I E S . Ir~1 I III I ir- .8T i ~ R canoN Sw TO , 33 88 ~II I I SE DETAIL , CU i 24'-n" REMAIN ( ~ I ~ e,... an .x.a..m. a. ACCESS EASEMENT ~ - ~ a. I SOT 2 I .~i r ~ i:_ i € I I ;~.I ~ 19 ~ 19.71 ~ ~ 19.71 2 » ~ 2 1 14,2 1.53 SQ. F , I M M to 0 44-0 ~ it I IC'•6 cv ~ 23.19' ~ ~ ~ ~ 11.88'' i ° III i i ~il 6 THICK 2 CONC. PAN (TYP} ~ ASPHALT PAVEMENT 6, ~ f „ Aar I 1 1, 13,42 26.27 2" DEEP III i 2 ► f I I 1I LOT 1 2X I I I I i I. P ~ ~ I ~ I .I s 48,157.31 SQ. FT. t ~ _ ~ n . ! I I L,, ~ ~ ~ I .1 .~.i_.ew,.~,._.,.~,. ~a ~ I. ~ PROPOSED a A I F t(J . I I I , GRAVEL ACCESS ~ 1'I I I DRIVE i a l APARTMENTS E ~ i¢ , W ¢d I 13.42' ~ ' ~ it l ' ~ 26.21 1 ~ , i ~,I ~ ~ 111 l h.. I ' I ~I ~ ~ I I i m i~ 23,19' M a, ~ r~ 11.88' III ~~nn F I EXIST. I ,i (J r~ ~i N M ~1 p d' I I 6. . ~ I GARAGE I ';I ~ t 9.7t' ~o co 19.71 '-1 s.71' i III ~ I 1 TO , I u~~,.~ y 1 ,!I ~ o I I < ~ REMAIN I' ~ , ~ ~~w.A.~,a.~. III ~ ~ 1 i ~j " VAN ACC£SSIBIE~ lU I I,~ ~ I I I, HANDICAP SPACE ~ it i ~ I I 2T 64.29 18' ' ' W J I~ 52 I _ I ~ III ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MOUNTABLE CURE 1 ;1~ ~ APPROVED EQUAL I~ + _ III 28'x« f2' CMP ~i ° RE: ARCH. 3'R 80 5~ R 3' 'R , 3'R , . _ - . III z ~ - . - I~ ' _ ~ W ~ 110.00 8` e. ~f ~ 30 NONEXCLUSIVE _ n~. _ ~ 4 t, , 24- ACCESS El ~M_ _w a~. . _ of < 124,:0(3 I 0 iT` A t_ U L_ l` E SEMEN I- _ _ _ _ _ ~ I I . VY ST 31st F'L. , 16.00' , (40' ROW) - - d-~" , ~ I I . 1 1 . ~ P ` IGN i a I r . SEE DETAI ' • • : cv I I I I ~ ° _ _ . _ _ , , I _18 , t I 27 2T.. i I :.'ta I ,I I, ,I I 35.00' 35,0o I PROPOSE4 PROPOSED I 35.00' I ,I Q ol, ~I I LOT 3 I GARAGE a GARAGE 1 1 1 5 0 I I I L01 I , 13,083.89 SQ. FT. t i I 13 084.2 I I , O o I d I ~ I ' ~ I ~ ~ I PRO SED I I , , I¢ ° PRO ill I 1 ~ ~ I~ I I rnl ~ I DU EX ICI I I I 'I DU I D D i ill i i~l i I hI t.1 I _,J I .-I III 1 Is unurr EasEUENT I I I O O Q I III I o 1 I I ~ '1 1 r~ r~ 1 ~ f<: 1 i I ~ ~ I I, .ti I~ I ❑ I 35.D0' 35.00' i I 35.00' IIII i ~ III 111 ;I I ~ ~ I r i i i. o ~ I I ~ i ' U TY T ~ ~ 110.00 2,2 , D D I II - - - _ ~ _ 1 ~ N ~ ~ ~ II r N N i. .r--- PROJECT DATA BREAKDOWN: PROP. S.F. = 88,567 S.F. LOT 1 L4~ LOT 3 BUILDING COVERAGE 8,252 S.F. 17% 2,075 S.F. 15% 3,710 S.F. I ANDS~APED AREA 29744 S.F. 62% 10,670 S.F. 75% 5,732 S.F. PAVED AREA 10,161 S.F. 21% 1,487 S.F. 10% 3642 S.F. TOTAL 48,157 S.F. 100% 14,241 S.F. 100% 13,084 S.F. 1_I 1 I t_G 1 VIA l.V 0u 1 LL TEL:(303)794-4704 FAX:(303)794-4703 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION BY DRAWN JOB NUMBER WNW CHECKED 06-071093-nn 2 OF 4 TYPE A (RANCH TYPE) ELEVATIONS BOOK PAGE SCALE I/8 " =1' - 0 " RECEPTION N0. I ' DATE - 12 . - ~2 I 8 2 - ~ - 2 I cti I j _ _ 1. II '1 i !I ) _ 1 ~ _ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ 1 i ~ o _ REAR E1~L~',AT10'~ _ I 1 I , i I _ _ - S~~- N~- - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - c `r ti FRONT ELEVATION ~ I i I ~ ~ _ ` L - I ~ T~ ~ - r -f- ~ COMMON PARTY WA] j o ~ L _ ~ ' i~ - -4- - h f~l F _ ~1~ ~ KI C I 8 -.N ~c-- i K - I~ Q' s ~ I \ $ LIVING ROOM a - - sl - - - - r - ! ~ REF I dl _ ~ 3 v 12 0 I ' .I i srA~ ivf s I ~~I =9 i to ~ ~ nc. Ra1L - _ ~ r~ lam.. '--i I~ w ~ Io i T-r- ~ 1 ~ 11 I II II I ~ I j ~ ( =N~ 7 I ~ 1 i m i I W.LC, CLOS. -i ' 1 - EXTERIUR SIDE ELEVATION - , ` --1+ j i ~ I I - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ . _ _ _ _ I I' _E I , 9 1 E• REAR EVELVATION P c _ _ _ _____._,_e~..___...-..._.._ _ _ _ j - - BEDROOM #t i i i 7 ~ ~ / AMITY ' V BWTM # I i - ,13 V ~ i TYPE B TWO 5TORY ELEVATIONS ~ ~ ( ) ~ U' I ~ i " _ r x I LIN. O SCALE I/8 - I - 0 l 12~ 3 yZ„ 6' ~ o _ . _ . '1 ~4' 12 11 ~ _ _ 12 t2 _ $ F i 0 --_.._~y .y~, _ - - I I i ' r~- - - - - - - - - - - - -I~4- I ~ I I-=-_----- I 1 ~ - - 1---------------------1+ i r=----------------. FRONT ELEVATION - u , COMMON PARYWALL _ L z _ - > i - - - - - - / y _4 - Iz - m - / ~ ~ - g _ ~ ~ - - - N - ~ - _ . t_ _ - - , t_ - - ~ p • ~-a - C ~ I _ _ _ I . o~ g .Ct _ _ ~ -I _ _ _ 332„ o ~--,i i~ ----r' I I I I ~ ~ li i) ~I i~ I I I I cn K  I-I I I Lt- 1 wI9 VV VV I LL I I i i TEL:(303)794-4704 EXTERIOR SIDE ELEVATION - FAX;(303)794-4703 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 8y a ---SOUTH APARTI m ,RTI~ ENT UNITS DWN JOB NUMBER 9EETMAm EAST ELEVATION i (n C„ECM 06-071093-00 3 OF 3 0 0 - N~ V ZQ ~ ~ F~ ~ > N J wz ~ ~ v►Q O pU ! ~ N ~ ®©O _ _ I _ . ~ N ~ A _ (60 BROW) i ~ _ ' 1318.87 I 25.00' NORTH LINE OF THE SE 1 4 OF SECTION 26-3-89 f - _ _ _ I I ~ _ ~ , Y b CENTER OF SECTION 26=3-69 p ` ~ 1 r_ FOUNO 0.3' BRASS CAP iN - _ _ . _ _ _ , o _ _ ; - - - - - _ - - _ - RANGE BOX, LS 13222:' _ ~ , , . _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ . _ ~ eA (F• p ry ' ; NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT d BLOGK 2, BAR1N S SUBOIYISI ' t,IN~ + NE OCK , B ~ 801 10 ~ t rt ~ ~ , ~ ~ , 1L1 ENT g ---c o . ~ - ~ VVI ONC.C I, ~ _ j i ~ rfi,: ~ A EXIS 0 ORIVE r ~ , i`n"'+.r i ~ ~ j ~ i ~ ,~w ' ; I i ~ ~ Zvi a. ~ , r y N 4 ,..w.;.... E _ O 1 ~ UNTAfN'- ' ~ r ('d, r ~ IIi:., ~ .ar f e, yr, y r i A ~ ~ ~ i - ~ - , + , 30 ~ d,~~15T' ~ r r: ~.ri T ~ -i:: ` i y + ~ ~ ~ y. ~ Jr V, 4 ~ ~t,~-.~ p' ° i-.,.: I 'fr r ~ ~ ~ 4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK ' . ~ ~ I ~ CC? , n~ , , y I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ; " ~ s,. ' i i. ~ , E S v Y ~~y i k . W I ~+j~. E -4 ;v C... Gil ' ~ , ~ s.; N CJ. ~ . ~ e _.23.19.. - .~..1 ~ r ~ f ~ ~ I R. ! ~ r ~ ~ r.~ 6 l 1, ~ f r' ~"s~. r' n ~ . d r. . .._r. c r~. ~ i + a'3r ~J t"f N ~ , ~ ~ ~ i v.,. is _......W a I ( d a ~ °~1:sa ,3' bN(,'~RETE~.51pEWAL x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ yz ,,P p ~ , r A r ~ a ~ ~ Jt ~ y e~ '.Frf i . " ~ ..a ~ vcr rJJ ~t~ Y - - ~ W i I J a ~F, 4 .1 ~ ~ ~ ~ t? d _ ~ ~ ~ ~ , . ~ + ' ~ ,F , , I . , ..d ~ ~.__.r... , ~ R~.,pose, i,.~,, ~ .,,fir ' _ ~ i, d y 1 ~ ..g. ~ ~ , ~ I y,} Syr. , ~ ~,d' y6 - ti ~ + V` ~ 1 W t:~ t: _ y ~ ~ M1 - . ; ~ rMI , y. ~,,,y ~.a°..P'.~ J~r~. L ~ ~ r r , `I ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ° . 1~ ; I' ~ ,rte ~ ~3`. DETE 0 0 I CE' U f~ ' I ~0 ~ ~ . ~ , . ~ ~ ~ ' ' uk~:71.' 19. SEE ETAIL sH~_Ts . - ~ . `n :A. . a ' ~ e ~ W s l' yrs.' ~:y`~ vl fy. - ~ f 1 q ~ . ~ ° ° _ 2 IQ ALN { dA y ~ , { . .:.~~.d...: k.. ~ ~ ' ~ ....m.mm+.L.~+~r..,~.eamwcwrww«nwusA ~i:.',~'NF.~.~.4..•~~' ~I I ~ , d ~ I ~ + ~ , ~ `l ;t~~:~REMOvED ~ ~ , , - l 5 ' C ' r ~ I,, w ' 11 - _ -fr' a €7 _ ~ y a I s - ° r_~. ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ , . . - > , _ a ~ ~ ~ 1 i~ ~ I I -.J ~ n `i r' ~ G S- - r SE I a _ I' 1~ i~ i ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ws ~ ~ ~ . . i q r ~ to l4Cs t T, r-- ; Su ~[:L, / ! , . ~ . ~ ~ I ~i + , , \ ~ ~ ~ i~ w ~ ~ r ~ ~i ((~J 7/'~~ , x . , ! ~ _ 30 NON ~ ~ ~ ~ _ C _ ~ _ ~:~~M~NT ~.'T- _ . ~ - _ ~~tuA~E ACCESS DRIVE: ~.4.Oc~ _ - _ o U11~.1 ~ I ~as~MEN _ _ _ _ ~ ~ XI ~~a vl'URE ~,~liac~ Z _ E STING... 2 _ - ~ s a q ....,...:.a. ~ ' , J~ ° 40 ROW i ~ R - - E , ~1 N W CURB,GUTT R & ATTACHED ° p ° ' a y 1L„~~r . p. SIDEWALK SEE TELLER STREET 4~ ~ ~ , ra ~ ` ~ ~ IMPROVEMENTS i St E ~~~+r°<;:: ► ' ~-r, _ _ _ , w , + E , ~ . . _ W' P - ~ - ~p p . ~ ' r y; . r ,.,,f.J} , * ~ p ~Q ,~~~5~7~ a--~,~, ~ ~ ,r.TRlc HAr , , ~ - r ~ , r~ ' ~ ~ -ice JC~~r Ir r+ ~ 1 kJ ~ ~ : Sr ~ , A ~ "e~;~,~" , ~ ~ ,~8~ 1'A T ~ x ~x ,,p ~~E a O Itw S r / ~ r'' Ih ~ d / . A F ~ i~ d .e Y.. ! S e .y¢ 'N p} i, ^1s.. ~ ~y ~ ,.'at~~ 6 .~t~ "A ~y;. y: -f - r~~ .1.~~~. ..j , , , A F ~ t,~ .t~b+ i _ ~ '~i } v y 14th 4 ~ ~ , d , . ,,G t . I ~.Y . ~ 1 y . /'7 , r , ~ . ~ .d , 4 r.,~„ ~ r" ' ax T1~lV t: OND ,~J,,~, r +.~~r ~ -,zl,~.R S~~ <,S E:~DETQII~: NEE ,t ~ ~W'F , , r , , " Je p„. ~ ~,~a , . , n~.. ~ ~ ' _ . ~ , bU ~ i ' e~ ' v'". ✓J; ?f ~ •x, i, l , -l. '`t ,.r~" .b` f o -3, .r'~, d'} r- ry~~i~-. d,~¢ " A. fv y w~ .r~ .~P~~?::1- `f", Vic(' {f ,Y i Y, T- - ~ ~ 1'° ~ i y, ,s r fi a: r U ~ /C f r~t`J .r ,a+ ~ y .v ~ ! 2i~ rT^ .f n.. 'x` yy:~ 1 ~7 , C`r. :l~ l~ jt~. ~y`~ .X'' ~ y.~,~'Y ~ 1 ~ } 41 yy f11 yr, r~ ,T t,d ; l 5 UTILITY EASEMENT . ~ r~ ~ 4~ ~ , ~ 2 ~ , ` y •~s~,, - ~ = . w d Q a r 1 r ' ~y~ f ,d f , t . .rYU ~e ~y ~i r'. ~ . ..I f v/'t..r i e ~+1` .yo- i`,,R~ rn,°.~..~ { ~ d'~ Yyti d ,~f .f'' $ - F 9 .1~" C' d .x~ p E7 ~ ~ d: , r ,r.,i, *l ~^d ;fir I. ~RT~t} „!^ff a,'~.,~,r ~~a ~ s l~.l ,p r ' - ~ a ;,a, . , d'~",$~`~' ~g "t ;n'`: f In tf) J"' WEL ~ ~ 's: ~ ! ~ i i ' ~ . F.'P r' " 1'~ ,y .@~,r.. y. t.. r ~ i. ,C 'Y .~dl3 ^d ~.~R ; 'F 3F. . µ ~ i F ~ e r = r t TTA D T ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~^t NEW CURB,GUTTER & GN - i ~ ~ ~ ~t I WA K TO MATCH E IST. ~ ` SDE ~~.pp .,a ASPHALT AT PROPER LIN ~ a ~ ~ ` ~ , p ~ _EXIS~ ING STRt~CTUR 5 _ ; , . ~ M.__. - .i \N. a L Y,E T, 4; TINE EENC~ t ~ 1rXl Y S _ ~ , - _ti - - - r A , ' EXISTING FENCE , D + ~(TYP. p ~ . I J li ~ I N ~ ~ - Ch fJ ('J ~i CL) . 07 p) . , 3a'-o• 8'-0" _ _ ACCESS EASEMENT o+ - IRPIC~~ 2 la 0 fa-O U bp~~A~ o ~ ASPHALT PAVEMENT • THICK 2 CONC. PAN (lYP) ~ 2 DEEP flf 9M z NEW CURB AND GUTTER (SPILL) Hog I fw4 HEW ,-Vf--e SHEET NO: ~ TbLEX~eCC"" 2" Asr+ L_aW SttRu~ • NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT TD c m mf4 Ar H4ED&%-= lANF- PRIVATE ACC' ESS DRIVE a` nfl.pi,e AsN ort S4vc.spt,R~( G7. n7 C TYPICAL SECTION C:1 O ■ ~ 1 of 9 SHEETS i r~w~~ rwrwrrrrwr■~rwr~w. i nrrwiow L-] f .,E F (-I,; Ttt a-. , ~ _ ~ ~ _..a. . _ - .5 _ A _ . _ z_ _ ~ _ _ " 6 ~ ~ G EAST t /4 CORNER OF SECTION 26-3-69 ' v~H ~,~at _ V FOUND 0.3' BRASS CAP IN RANGE 1318.87 - . 25 00, 4,,~',r; I r _ , NORTH: LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 26-3 9 - - { >J _ 976 66' „ _ BOX, LS t 3222. y ©sr t'') ~ 1 I ~ a boo ~ ~a ~ ~ h I~* i t:; J r I _ _ Txr- CENTER OF SECTION 26-~3-69 p I o f"~ w i ~o~.~sr o _ FOUND 0.3 BRASS CAP IN " - - - ~ - ANGE BOX LS 1322: ~ :..~:..~_y..._-; y iW.~.- -._..:~.a-v..,~ W.._- a-a-~-~- z a W - " - . . , _ u :o w ~ - IIIIIIIII, IIIIIIII, IIIIIIII, IIII■ I- II- 111111. (I~ ._IIIIIIS 1111111, ~ 11111111/ ....a.. r d. , . ~ ® 1111111" ! H { !_...1 ~ Gr' f WEST..CORNEkT OF LOT 1_d.._.~ E 1~ - , . , f rr „ • , .r I OCK 2, EARTH S SUBDIVISION ~ ; , I ~ _ - 0 ' w ~ - NORTH. LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK ,2', BARTH'S SUBDIVISION ~ ~ ~ °~..1~ l i u . ' ~ -i i _ I - r. I - . ~~~'"f' _ ~ ~ _ f , A _ t I I . E E + I _ i - M - a..,,,," - i i . ( ~ . ~ ~ . 1 ~ I ?IItA :I ~ f - - a J td... ~ I - . d . ~0 _ ' ; ter"`""'.,,,,.., . ,...IiII k ! ~ I' ~ ~f~ I ~ ~ _ r._ Yf ~r _ I i.Cl 7 1 d - j'~,-. . I II ~ ~o E E ~ t` - ~ o. I ~ I , RRIGATION SWALE ~ 1 S n-.. S. ~5: E SEE DETAIL I 8' SHEET 9 ~~m~..ar ~ ,I~ I I II ' ~ j ~ - U 1 I k , E k 1 d k a I ' ~ d I _;;~.~_.4{'~va,.--:.~..,.. ~ ~ . r ~ ' ...e' e, ~ a ~ r I E ~ ~ ~ ~ I I a . < , ,1 - j f- 1 ,d Ilk..{ I - ; t , , ~ i ' a, + I t ii I 1 ..t - t III t I t~:.. ! a I , . ~ ~t. 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" t i a e' A 4G R0 I 46 ~ ~ ,a ~ - - _ ' I ~ , f ~ 10QYR _ N a - ; ~ r , ` , . • ° , d ELEV. ' d a.. _ , I d ~ ' a a - o SEE ~FT~ a • 4a. a: E~ d' < a d 14 1 t ~ T - s sn _ _ t 1 I k R 1~ - •s 1 O o LO C~ II ~ E FEE _ - o FEE - a I it I o a~ ~ ' a ~ 4 ~ I " 5469.0 5 68.00 i L f~ ~ tD t + , to ~ ~ ( d- s ~ I I N Q NEw B, GUTTER ~ ~ ~ _ ~ N ~ AND w LK ~I ~ ~ o , d~ III Lr) j ii i ins i i ~ ~ • o I II . _ 11 o ~ 11 III I ~ 11 1 ~ li . k , W _ ~ W , i fl f f d'~. ~ ~ ° v~. ' LJ--I lL r' L>_ 'a W i III ; ` ~ d LL LL ~ LL 1 f E z ~ I a + i S I € I. I ' I ~ h66 i( I ~ I 6 5 . E ~ , ; 546$ , 2.00 . p / ( I ° < I ~ , i ~ !I I I B~ , 5467 \ _ ~ I ' II, _ i E i I , I " ~ N " N RJ I f e. I j ' 2Q ASPHALT HAPPY LRNDINGS I SAULSBURY STREET ROW TRANSITION P CANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTI EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED DUPLEX , 1 I ~Y' ; PROPOSED FlNNISHED GRADE _ too YEAR WATER FFE - 5466.0 SURFACE ELEVATION 5464.75 \ INV. our a? . 5a5a.o - _ I TOP OF BERM - 5465.15 I~-- fARRICAIE➢7tA DIREC710N OF SURFACE FLOW ~ GRATE n Az : saea.es a e o ~ PROPOSED GRADE Treshrdl NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT DEVELOPED SUB-BASIN BOUNDARY 3 1.0 % In'"yed~ i a'v 5 ` ORIFlCE SGU R RIFlfE - I~. IN A2 = ~a~a~ a d ~ ~ a f4 ®12" E.W. d NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK GRATED RELEASE STRUCTURC d BITUMINOUS g p~ 1LET SOUARE O b~ PSG 1 DESIGN POINT DAMP PROOFING z z2 B• OR EQUAL SEE ARCH. O PROPOSED ROOF DRAIN ~ EX FENCE Zvi vvi ~vivIIvI a BASIN DESIGNATION 77- BASEMENT DESIGN BASIN AREA Q5 X100 SHEET N0: EX. CURB, GUTTER AND WALK PINT DESIG, (ACRES) (CFS) (CFS) 1.52 AREA, ACRES PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER CROSS SECTION THROUGH 1 Al .61 1.6 3.7 BENCHMARK 2 A2 ,90 116 4.2 o o EX TREE DETENTION POND A2 EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SEC. 26, T3S, R69W 4 BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX NTS LOCATED AT 32ND AVENUE AND PIERCE STREET. ELEV. = 5452.46 3 B .64 1.0 2.8 April 2, 1999 Mr. Paul von Fay, P.E. Henkels & McCoy, Inc. 7061 South University Blvd. Littleton, Colorado 80122 Re: Happy Landings Apartments, 7110 West 32n Avenue - First Review Comments of Latest Revised Final Drainage Study, Grading /Erosion Control Plan I have completed the review of the above referenced documents for the Happy Landings Apartments Subdivision received on April 1, 1999, and have the following comments: Drainage Study The final drainage report is acceptable upon re- submittal of two copies signed and stamped by the engineer of record, and a representative from the Rocky Mountain Ditch Company. Drainage Plan(s) 1. Please provide profile drawing with the appropriate technical information of the proposed 12" CMP crossing Teller St. 2. Please provide typical detail /dimensioning of proposed roadside ditch referenced for Teller Street. 3. Please provide detail of proposed type 13 inlet in Teller Street. 4. Please provide flared end sections on both inlet and outlet sides of 12" CMP proposed under private entrance at Teller and Saulsbury Streets. 5. Please provide typical dimensions for Saulsbury Street roadside ditch. 6. Please note rip -rap at Saulsbury outlet from both detention ponds. 7. Please provide a typical outlet detail for detention pond Al. 8. Please remove references /plan notations to new curb, gutter and sidewalk on Teller and Saulsbury streets. Mr. Paul von Fay, P.E. Henkels & McCoy, Inc. Page 2 6. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature on two sets of plans with the second submittal. 7. Signatures from the Rocky Mountain Ditch Co. are still needed to confirm their approval of the proposed drainage report and plan. Application for Minor Dumping /Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping /Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. A copy of this permit was provided in the first review package. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) /Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right -of -way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be processed by the City. Please return all red -lined prints with the second submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303 - 235 -2868. Sincerely, Greg Knudson, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Meredith.Reckert, Sr. Planner File INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DiTullio Council Bill No. 1 Ordinance No. 1153 Series of 1999 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF A REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL -TWO AND RESIDENTIAL -THREE TO A PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOR APPROVAL OF AN OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ON LAND LOCATED AT 3190 TELLER STREET /3195 SAULSBURY STREET, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO (WZ- 99 -01) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO,THAT: Section 1. Upon application by Smethills, approval of a rezoning in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. WZ -99 -01 and based on recommendation for approval from the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge maps are hereby amended to exclude from R -2 and R -3 zone district and to include in the Planned Residential Development (PRD) zone district the following described land: A replat of the North 3/4 of the North 315 of the West %2 of Lot 1, Block 2 Barth's Subdivision, a subdivision in the Southeast one - quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6' Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this rezoning and outline development plan does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26(c)of Appendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, suchjudgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail. Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect upon final passage. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to _ o on this 25th day of January , 1999, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for February 99 , 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 7 to 0 this 22nd day of February , 1999. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 23 nd day of Feb ruary '1999. a - e , 2,6" �. avz� Z--"l - TCHEN CERV NY, MA ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Cle rk---- 1st Publication: January 29, 1999 2nd Publication: February 26, 1999 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: February 22, 1999 AAA 090 t=ahilld,.,pd CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: February 22, 1999 Page - 2 - PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Council Bill 1 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two and Residential -Three to a Planned Residential Development and for approval of an Outline Development Plan on land located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. WZ- 99 -01) (Smethills) Council Bill 1 was introduced on second reading by Mr. DiTullio, who also read the title and summary; Ordinance No. 1153 was assigned by the Clerk. Motion by Mrs. Worth to postpone this Item until the applicant is present; seconded by Mr. Siler; carried 7 -0. Item 2. Approval of projects for CDBG funding. Item 2 was introduced by Mr. Mancinelli; title and summary read by the Clerk. Doug Knopp from the Jefferson County Housing Authority was present and explained what the Housing Authority does. Applications for the program are available at City Hall. Motion by Mr. Mancinelli to recommend approval of the projects for CDBG funding as outlined in the staff memorandum and to roll over the unused After School Sports Program funds from 1997 and 1998 totaling $2,172.39 to the Camp Paha program for 1999. 1 further move that the City's unused portion of the 1999 allocation in the amount of $6,101 be reserved for the Jeffco Housing Authority Rehab fund funding in the year 2000; seconded by Mr. Eafanti. Motion by Mr. Siler for an amendment that the $6,101 be added to the Jeffco Housing Authority Single Family Rehab program, bringing that total to $156,101; seconded by Mr. Eafanti; carried 7 -0. Original Motion as amended carried 7 -0. Item 1. Harold Smethills, representing the applicant, Saulsbury Properties, was sworn in by the Mayor; gave background on the give- and -take on getting this project to this point. He thanked neighbors, Council, and staff for their help. He introduced Alec Garbini, who was sworn in by the Mayor. He presented the plan, which includes 12 apartment units, which are currently under construction, and 2 duplex buildings, and the existing house, which they intend to remodel and renovate for sale. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: February 22, 1999 Page - 3 - Meredith Reckert was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. Lisa Hamilton - Fieldman was sworn in by the Mayor; she lives at 7125 West 32 Avenue; in the beginning she was adamantly opposed to this project and she would have preferred that the apartment complex not be built, but she supports the modified plan and complemented the developer for continuing to work with the neighborhood. Catherine Dunlap, 7160 West 30 Avenue, was sworn in by the Mayor; she agreed with the previous speaker; is concerned about a through- street and is hoping that some type of curbing can be worked out; drainage is another concern; there should be curbs and sidewalks along Saulsbury; trees need to be maintained and property has to be kept up. Alexandra Hinst, 3120 Saulsbury, was sworn in by the Mayor; prefers to see trees instead of sidewalks; keep the rural aspect. Margaret Parry, 3060 Teller Street, was sworn in by the Mayor; feels this is a good project that will be beneficial to the neighborhood and the City; does not want a sidewalk along Teller; preserve the ditch. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that Council Bill 1 (Ordinance 1153) be approved for the following reasons: 1. The existing house will be saved. 2. The proposal provides for a reduction in density by one unit from the existing, approved plan and it is supported by the neighborhood. 3. All requirements for a PRD outline development plan have been met. With the following condition: 1. The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County; seconded by Mr. Eafanti; carried 7 -0. Motion by that the request of a Planned Residential Development combined preliminary and final development plan for property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street, be approved for the following reasons: 1. The existing house will be saved. 2. The neighborhood supports the revised plan. 3. The proposal is consistent with the intent and purpose of the PRD site design guidelines. 4. All requirements for a Planned Residential Final Development plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The first two lines in the document title should be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. 2. Show fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. 3. Designate the overflow parking area with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations ". 4. For Saulsbury Street, designate "5' of right -of -way dedicated by plat, recorded at reception # . 6. A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking." CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: February 22, 1999 Page - 4 - 7. That a walk be installed to provide access to the bus stop located roughly between the house and the apartment. 8. That a mountable curb be installed in the drive. 9. Language be included on the plat that makes it clear that a homeowners association will be established to fulfill the requirements of maintenance of the property and the detention pond. 10. That the owner /developer be allowed to replace the fence along 32 Avenue in the existing location except for a setback at the corner of 32 and Saulsbury to preserve the line of sight as approved by the Public Works Department. 11. Signage be placed at the drive entrances from the streets indicating that it is a private drive. Seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; carried 7 -0. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that the request for approval of a minor subdivision plat for property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be approved for the following reasons: 1. It is consistent with the outline and final development plan. 2. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. With the following condition: 1. Language requested by the Public Service Company be added to the plat face; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 7- 0. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that the request for waiver of the requirement for the installation of public improvements along Teller Street and Saulsbury Street adjacent to property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be approved for the following reason: The waiver is supported by a majority of the neighborhood; with the following condition that the drainage plan be revised to reflect the deletion of the curb and the addition of swails; seconded by Mrs. Dalbec; carried 4 -3 with Councilmembers Eafanti, Mancinelli, and Siler voting no. Mr. Mancinelli thinks it is a slap in the face to people who require ADA accessibility. ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING Item 3. Council Bill 4 - An ordinance amending Chapter 13, Article IV, Parking Permits in restricted areas in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Council Bill 4 was introduced on first reading by Mr. Mancinelli; title and summary read by the Clerk. Motion by Mr. Mancinelli that Council Bill 4 be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, March 15, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days after final publication; seconded by Mr. Siler; failed 3 -4 with Councilmembers Mancinelli, Siler, and Eafanti voting yes. T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: February 22, 1999 DATE PREPARED: February 12, 1999 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -99 -1 /Saulsbury Properties CASE MANAGER: RVI. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone from R -2 and R -3 to PRD, approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3195 Saulsbury Street/3190 Teller Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Alec Garbini CM2 management 1547 Cole Blvd. Golden, CO NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) (X) ZONING ORDINANCE 0 (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) Q OTHER Saulsbury Properties 1546 Cole Blvd., #227 Golden, CO 2.042 Acres R -2 and R -3 Single - family, Multi - family, Vacant N, S, E: R -2; W: R -2, R -Lk N, S, E and W: Low Density Residential Single- family and Duplex (Not to exceed 7 du's per acre) ------------------------------------------------------------ February 5, 1999 February 8, 1999 February 3, 1999 CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS SLIDES EXHIBITS The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two and Residential -Three to Planned Residential Development and approval of an outline development plan and combined preliminary and final development plan and plat. The applicant is also requesting a waiver of the installation of public improvements along Teller and Saulsbury Streets. Four separate motions are required for approval of this application. H. CASE HISTORY The property in question was subject to a zone change request from R -2 and R -3 to Planned Residential Development per Case No. WZ -97 -1. This application was made on December 18, 1996, but was never forwarded to Planning Commission or City Council for public hearing. On February 22, 1997, Ordinance No. 1066 became effective which placed a moratorium on zone change applications for rezonings to R -2, R -3, R -3A, R -2A and PRD zones. City Council then passed a series of ordinances in the Fall of 1997 which reduced the allowable densities in the R -2A, R -3; R -3A and PRD zone districts. The application for Case No. WZ -97 -1 was subsequently withdrawn. In May of 1998, the owner applied for and was granted a building permit for the construction of 12 multi - family units for the northern portion of the property zoned R -3. Staff would note that the multi- family units under construction are consistent with the density established pursuant to Ordinance No. 1090. However, because of the density limitations under the existing R -3 zoning, the existing single - family home on the northwest corner of the property was to be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new multi - family units. The owner then applied for approval of a subdivision to plat the southern portion zoned R -2 into three duplex sites. City Council approved a minor subdivision for the property on August 24, 1998. Attached under Exhibits A and B are reduced copies of the approved subdivision with the corresponding site plan for development. Subsequent to Council approval, discussions began between the developer and several neighborhood residents, one of whom was interested in saving the existing house. In the spirit of compromise, the developer agreed to submit a rezoning application to the City for rezoning to Planned Residential Development. On the development plan submitted and supported by the neighborhood, the existing house remains and one of the duplex units on the south is removed. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on January 12, 1999. The following persons were in attendance: Meredith Reckert - City staff Alec Garbini - project architect Thomas Peterman - 7205 W. 31 s` Avenue Margaret Parry - 3060 Teller Street Jen Goins - 7095 W. 32 "d Avenue City Council rage WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties Chad Goins - 7095 W. 32 "d Avenue Catherine Dunlap - 7160 Teller Street Jeff Van Scoyk - 7135 - 7193 W. 32n Avenue Lisa Hamilton- Fieldman - 7125 W. 32 Avenue The following issues were discussed: — The fact that the site plan being shown was the same one displayed at the meeting with the neighbors in early December. — What form the mountable barrier in the private drive would take. — That the design and materials used in the apartments will reflect those used in the existing house. Building colors are yet to be determined. — Discussion on whether the neighbors would prefer to see curb, gutter and sidewalk along Teller and Saulsbury or have it left "as is." The applicant indicated that he intends on requesting waiver of public improvement installation along those two streets. — Buffering for the parking area along Saulsbury. — The potential for traffic calming along Teller Street. — The types of fencing being proposed around the perimeter of the project. — Whether the area around Rocky Mountain Ditch would be for public use? — Whether the duplexes would be rentals or for sale? IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Wheat Ridge Sanitation District can service the project subject to approval, tap fees and inspections by the District. There are 8" sanitary sewer mains in Teller Street and Saulsbury Street. Public Service Company has requested specific language which has been added to the plat face. Consolidated Mutual Water Company has approved service to the property subject to district rules and regulations. The Wheat Ridge Fire District requested changes to the turn radii at the private drive intersections with the streets. Fire hydrant installation will be required along both Teller and Saulsbury. Twenty -four feet in width for the private drive is adequate with no parking. This drive area must be designated "no parking." Public Works Department has commented relative to the technical elements of the plat. Public improvements will be required along Teller Street and Saulsbury Street frontages. They have approved the drainage report in concept and have requested changes be made and resubmitted. The drainage report will have to be modified if the requirement for public improvements is waived. The Parks and Recreation Commission has requested $75.00 per unit contribution in lieu of parkland dedication. City Council Page 3 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties V. REZONING CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning (change of zoning conditions): The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. The R -2 and R -3 zoning on the property was in place when the City of Wheat Ridge incorporated. There is evidence in the commissioners' journals that the property was rezoned to its current classification from A -1 in 1949. There is no mistake on the City zoning maps. 2. A change in the character in the area has occurred due to the installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration or development transitions. There have been very few changes to the area which is predominately developed with single - family residences. West 32 "d Avenue is classified as a Class V street (Minor Neighborhood Collector) and continues to carry fairly heavy volumes of traffic. A 1996 traffic count on 32 Avenue just east of Teller Street showed an average daily traffic count of 4,650 vehicles per day. The north half of the property has historically been used as multi - family dwelling units. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as single - family and duplex (not to exceed 7 du's per acre). Total overall density as proposed for the entire property is 8.4 units per acre. If the lots are looked at individually, the multi - family lot = 10.9 units per acre, the single - family lot = 3.1 units per acre and the duplex lots = 6.7 units per acre. The allowable maximum density for a PRD is 16 units per acre. The allowable maximum density for R -3 development is 12 units per acre. Although the proposal exceeds the density standard designated in the Comp Plan, it is still well within the maximum limits for the existing and proposed zoning. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The subject property is surrounded primarily by single - family residences with R -2 zoning, the remainder being R -2 zoned duplexes. Staff concludes that the existing single - family residences and the duplexes on the south half of the property are compatible. The multi - family development on the north provides a transition and buffer between 32 " Avenue and the low density residential neighborhood to the south. The existing Rocky Mountain Ditch and trees north of the apartments will provide natural screening for the houses along the north side of 32n Avenue. City Council Page 4 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and /or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There will be no obvious social or recreational benefits as a result of this rezoning. There will be economic benefits by way of increased property taxes and values and increased buying power in the community. 6. That adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies can serve the property with appropriate upgrades installed at the developer's expense. 7. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. There will be an increase of roughly 80 cars per day on Saulsbury and 90 cars per day on Teller Street. Teller Street is designated as a Class VI street (Neighborhood Through Street) and Saulsbury is classified as Class VII street (Neighborhood Street). Both of these streets can handle the volume generated by the project. There is currently no on -site detention on the property. The applicant has submitted a drainage report addressing concerns of development relative to storm water drainage. There may be a slight decrease in the amount of light and air to adjacent properties; however, with the reduction in the number of units on the south half, there should be less impact than the original approval. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. The property can be developed under the existing zoning. There is an approved subdivision plat with corresponding site plan in place. However, the current proposal has less density, saves the existing house, and is a better plan for a variety of reasons. There are less access points to both Teller (three under the old plan and two under the new plan) and Saulsbury (two under the old plan and one under the new plan). Because the duplexes and multi - family units share the drive, there is less impervious area and more landscaping. There is covered parking available to the apartment units, as well as overflow parking. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. This will be the only Planned Residential Development zoning in the vicinity, although there is residential zoning on all sides. 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. City Council Page WZ -99 -0 1 /Saulsbury Properties It is impossible for staff to ascertain whether the change of zone will fill a void for services, products or facilities within the community. An outline development plan has been provided which establishes allowed density at 17 units comprised of single - family residence, four duplex units and twelve multi - family units. Access points and general design parameters for minimum landscaping, maximum building height, and minimum perimeter setbacks are defined by this document. All requirements for a Planned Residential Development outline development plan have been met. Since the rezoning is supported by the neighborhood, a recommendation of approval is given. The first two lines in the document title should be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. This should be made a condition of the approval. VI. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The final development plan provided is consistent with the outline development plan in terms of density, and general design parameters. Development on the property consists of the twelve multi - family units currently under construction and the existing single - family residence on the north half. On the south portion development consists of two duplex structures and enclosed garages for half of the multi - family units. Access for all units except for the existing house is by way of a 24' wide private drive running between Teller and Saulsbury Streets. A mountable barrier /landscaped island has been shown within the drive to discourage through traffic (See Exhibit `C'). No parking will be allowed along the private drive. Parking is provided with 26 spaces for the multi - family (20 uncovered and 6 covered). Three spaces are provided for each duplex. In addition, there are overflow spaces shown to be utilized by persons living in the development. The developer has indicated that while 10 extra spaces are shown, four of those will not be built. The extra spaces are shown so that there is flexibility in locating them in regard to the existing trees. Staff would recommend that a note be added indicating that six overflow spaces will be provided, but that their location may change based on tree locations. Staff recommends a note be added to the development plan prohibiting RV and boat parking. No changes will occur to the existing single - family residence and garage. Access to the house is from Teller Street via the existing driveway. No changes are proposed to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. There will be no public access to this open area. Existing trees have been incorporated into the project design where possible. In September of 1997, the City adopted site design requirements as an amendment to the Planned Residential Development zone district. These design requirements were intended to "encourage the creation of safe, adequate and attractive developments; establish quality appearance; to minimize views of unattractive uses or activities; and to enhance the compatibility of dissimilar uses and increase property values." They have been included in this staff report as Exhibit `D'. Staff has the following comments relative to these standards: City Council Page b WZ -99 -0 1 /Saulsbury Properties 1. Buildings have been massed such that the most intensive land use (multi- family) is located adjacent to 32 " Avenue (Class V street - minor neighborhood collector). The duplex units are located south of the multi - family units to create a land use transition to the low density neighborhood further to the south. The trees and ditch on the north side of the property create a natural buffer from the houses along the north side of 32 "d Avenue. 2. There are only three access points to the project for the 17 units, one of which is exclusively for the single - family residence. The remaining sixteen units share two accesses: one to Teller Street (Class VI street - Neighborhood Thru Street); and one to Saulsbury Street (Class VII - Neighborhood Street). 3. The construction of public improvements along Teller and Saulsbury tying into existing sidewalk along 32 " Avenue will provide pedestrian access around the perimeter of the site and to the transit stop on 32nd. There is adequate pedestrian access through the site. 4. The property slopes slightly to the southeast. This natural grade has been kept in design of the project. The applicant has gone to great lengths to maintain existing natural features (Rocky Mountain ditch and trees). 5. The number of access points to the adjacent Class V street (32 " Avenue) has been reduced from 1 to 0. 6. Overall landscaped coverage in the project is 58 %. This is more than double the minimum requirement of 25 %. The open area south of the detached garages is reserved as a common amenity (gazebo, common garden space, playground) to be determined in the fixture by the homeowners' association. 7. Parking areas have been broken up, interspersed with vegetation (existing and new) and buffered from the adjacent residences. 8. Structures have been designed to reflect the architectural features of the existing house. Architectural relief has been provided by different building materials (brick and wood siding), varied roof lines, and existing and new foliage. 9. Although the interior private drive has been designed to discourage through- traffic, this is not considered a gated community. Staff concludes that the design is consistent with the intent and purpose of the PRD site plan criteria and that all requirements for a PRD final development plan have been met. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given with the following conditions: 1. The first two lines in the document title should be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. 2. Show fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. 3. Designate the overflow parking area with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations." 4. For Saulsbury Street, designate "5' of right -of -way dedicated by plat, recorded at reception # 5. A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking. City Council Page 7 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties VII. SUBDIVISION PLAT The proposed four -lot minor subdivision will allow the multi - family structure with associated parking and overflow parking to be contained within Lot 1. Lot 2 will contain the existing single - family residence and garage. Lots 3 and 4 will encompass the two duplex buildings. Lots 1, 2 and 4 will share access from the common private drive /emergency access lane. Because this is a planned development, no variance is needed for this to occur. This easement will also accommodate water main line looping. A 5' right -of -way dedication will occur for Saulsbury Street. A signature block for the Rocky Mountain Water Company has been provided. The applicant will not be enclosing the ditch with the concurrence of the ditch company. All trees over F in diameter which are in good health have been shown on the document with a note prohibiting their removal. Notes regarding the maintenance of common elements and rights of access have been included on the front sheet. All requirements of the City's Subdivision Regulations have been met; therefore, a recommendation of approval is given. Public Service Company has requested that specific language be added to the plat. This language should be added to page 1. VIII. WAIVER OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS It is a standard for the City to require the installation of public improvements along the public street frontages of new development projects. This requirement would include but not be limited to, the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk. As an alternative, if there are no public improvements on adjacent properties, the City may require the builder /developer to sign a development agreement with financial guarantees for future installation of these improvements. The applicant in this case has requested that the installation of public improvements along Teller and Saulsbury Street be waived. The only body empowered to waive this requirement is the City Council; however, staff feels it appropriate for the Planning Commission to make a recommendation. A letter of justification has been included under Exhibit `E'. Discussions with the Director of Public Works have revealed that only once was the installation of public improvements totally waived. This was a substantial single - family remodel in District III. Mr. Goebel is worried about setting precedent for this type of request and recommends that the public improvements be installed. See attached memorandum included as Exhibit `F'. The drainage report dealing with storm water flow along the street frontages may have to modified if a waiver or development agreement is allowed. City Council Page 8 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties There is existing curb, gutter and sidewalk along the 32 "d Avenue frontage of this property and the intersection radii. There is existing curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of Teller Street and the east side of Saulsbury Street. There are no public improvements directly to the south of the subject site. At the neighborhood meeting, the neighbors did not support the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk so that as many trees as possible may be saved adjacent to the public rights -of -way. Staff recommends that the public improvements be installed. IX. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Planning Commission reviewed this request at a public hearing held on February 4, 1999. A motion was made to approve the rezoning and outline development plan for the following reasons: 1. The existing house would be saved. 2. The proposal provides for a reduction in density by one unit from the existing approved plan and is supported by the neighborhood. 3. All requirements for a PRE) outline development plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. 2. That it shows fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. 3. That the overflow parking areas be designated with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations." 4. For Saulsbury Street, designate a five foot right -of -way dedicated by plat to be recorded at the County. 5. A note prohibiting RV and boat parking. 6. That a walk be installed to provide access to the bus stop located roughly between the house and the apartment. 7. That there be no sidewalks on the east side of Teller and no sidewalks on the west side of Saulsbury past the culvert in accordance with the ordinance that says sidewalks may not be required unless 50% of the properties within 500 feet have them. 8. That a mountable curb be installed in the drive. 9. Language be included on the plat that makes it clear that a homeowners association will be established to fulfill the requirements of maintenance of the property and the detention pond. 10. That the owner /developer be allowed to replace the fence along 32 " Avenue in the existing location except for a setback at the corner of 32 "a and Saulsbury to preserve the line of sight as approved by the public works department. 11. Signage be placed at the drive entrances from the streets indicating that it is a private drive. City Council Page 9 WZ -99 -0 1 /Saulsbury Properties Staff would point out that aside from condition 41 above, these conditions are appropriate on the final development plan, not the outline development plan. A motion of approval was made for the combined preliminary and final development plan for the following reasons: 1. The existing house would be saved. 2. The proposal provides for a reduction in density by one unit from the existing approved plan and is supported by the neighborhood. 3. All requirements for a PRD combined preliminary and final development plan have been met. With the following conditions All of the 11 conditions listed under the zoning development plan approval. A motion for approval was added for the combined preliminary and final subdivision plat for the following reasons: 2. It is consistent with the outline and final development plat if all of the prior conditions have been met. 3. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. With the condition: All of the conditions earlier plus the language requested by the Public Service Company regarding their services and easements will be added to the plat face. Once again, the conditions listed previously are not appropriate on the subdivision plat, but on the final development plan. X. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the requirements for a Planned Residential Development outline development plan have been met. Since the existing house will be saved and the neighborhood supports the reduced density, a recommendation of approval is given for the rezoning to PRD and for approval of the outline development plan as proposed, with the following condition: The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. In regard to the final development, the existing house has been incorporated into the proposal and is consistent with the intent and purpose of the PRD site design guidelines. Because all requirements for a City Council Page 10 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties PRD final development plan have been met, a recommendation of approval is given with the following conditions: 1. The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. 2. Show fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. 3. Designate the overflow parking area with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations." 4. For Saulsbury Street, designate "5' of right -of -way dedicated by plat, recorded at reception # 5. A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking. 6. That a walk be installed to provide access to the bus stop located roughly between the house and the apartment. 7. That a mountable curb be installed in the drive consistent with Exhibit C. 8. Language be included on the plat that makes it clear that a homeowners association will be established to fulfill the requirements of maintenance of the property and the detention pond. 9. That the owner /developer be allowed to replace the fence along 32n Avenue in the existing location except for a setback at the corner of 32 " and Saulsbury to preserve the line of sight as approved by the Public Works Department. 10. Signage be placed at the drive entrances from the streets indicating that it is a private drive. The subdivision plat submitted is consistent with the proposed outline and final development plan and all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met; therefore, a recommendation of approval is given with the following condition: The language requested by Public Service Company be added to the plat face. A recommendation of denial is given for the request for waiver of the installation of public improvements. XI. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS REZONING Option A: "I move that Council Bill No. 1, a request for approval of a rezoning of property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street from Residential -Two and Residential -Three to Planned Residential Development and for approval of an Outline Development Plan, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The existing house will be saved. 2. The proposal provides for a reduction in density by one unit from the existing, approved plan and it is supported by the neighborhood. 3. All requirements for a PRD outline development plan have been met. City Council Page I I WZ -99 -O 1 /Saulsbury Properties With the following condition: The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County." Option B: "I move that Council Bill No. 1, a request for approval of a rezoning of property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street from Residential -Two and Residential -Three to Planned Residential Development and for approval of an Outline Development Plan, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a Planned Residential Development combined preliminary and final development plan for property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The existing house will be saved. 2. The neighborhood supports the revised plan. 3. The proposal is consistent with the intent and purpose of the PRD site design guidelines. 4. All requirements for a Planned Residential Final Development plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The first two lines in the document title should be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. 2. Show fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. 3. Designate the overflow parking area with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations." 4. For Saulsbury Street, designate "5' of right -of -way dedicated by plat, recorded at reception # " 6. A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking." 7. That a walk be installed to provide access to the bus stop located roughly between the house and the apartment. 8. That a mountable curb be installed in the drive consistent with Exhibit C. 9. Language be included on the plat that makes it clear that a homeowners association will be established to fulfill the requirements of maintenance of the property and the detention pond. 10. That the owner /developer be allowed to replace the fence along 32 " Avenue in the existing location except for a setback at the corner of 32 and Saulsbury to preserve the line of sight as approved by the Public Works Department. City Council Page 12 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties 11. Signage be placed at the drive entrances from the streets indicating that it is a private drive. Option B: "I move that the request for approval of a Planned Residential Development combined preliminary and final development plan for property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." SUBDIVISION PLAT Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a minor subdivision plat for property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It is consistent with the outline and final development plan. 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following condition: Language requested by Public Service Company be added to the plat face." Option B: "I move that the request for approval of a minor subdivision plat for property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." WAIVER OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Option A: "I move that the request for waiver of the requirement for the installation of public improvements along Teller Street and Saulsbury Street adjacent to property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. The Public Works Director does not support the waiver. 2. The subdivision regulations require the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk. 3. Curb, gutter and sidewalk are present on adjacent streets and primarily throughout the surrounding neighborhood. 4. There are no unique conditions of the site or adjacent area which support a waiver of the requirement to construct public improvement." Option B: "I move that the request for waiver of the requirement for the installation of public improvements along Teller Street and Saulsbury Street adjacent to property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be APPROVED for the following reasons: City Council Page 13 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties 1. 2. 3. With the following condition: The drainage report be revised to accommodate flows with no curb, gutter and sidewalk." E: \Reckw \wz9901b.wpd City Council Page 14 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties . y N'l AVE Q o x � r Lt oa N Taie w.� N lth�.W- N ZZ v 5 LU a3Q _ �f— gg $J H 28TH R n a 8 K � Q o x � r Lt oa N Taie w.� N lth�.W- N ZZ v °J L ' I i i 5 LU a3Q _ �f— gg $J H 28TH R e� a 8 K � °J L ' I i i 5 LU a3Q _ �f— o $J W e� a °J L ' I i i DRAFT EKki "3 " bottom, the minutes should reflect that Commissioner SNOW asked if Ms. Fisher would prefer transitional residential use; page 5, paragraph 3 needs to be clarified; page 5, the following words should be added to the fourth paragraph, line five after the words "and 44th ": "Mrs. Seeds went over the actual language identifying the old district and explained that the Committee's intention was to..." The motion passed by a vote of 5 -0 with Commissioners SHOCKLEY and THOMPSON absent 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ- 99 -01: An application by Saulsbury Properties for approval to rezone from R -2 and R -3 to PRD and for approval of an Outline Preliminary and Final Development Plan and Plat for 3195 Saulsbury Street and 3190 Teller Street for the purpose of developing two duplexes (four units) and twelve multi - family units. The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She distributed copies of a letter she received on February 4, 1999 from Chad and Jennifer Goins; 7095 West 32nd Avenue, indicating their support of the subject proposal. She reviewed the staff report, presented overheads and exhibits of the subject area. She entered the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, case file, packet materials and exhibits into the record which were accepted by Chair BRINKMAN. She advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Commissioner COLLINS asked who owned the detention pond on the property. Ms. Reckert replied that it was the intent that it would be the owners in the subdivision, but that the language could be clarified on the plat to clearly define maintenance responsibility. Mr. Goebel commented that the owners would be responsible for maintenance of the detention pond. Commissioner COLLINS referred to the landscaping on 32nd near Saulsbury and asked if it belonged to the ditch company. Ms. Reckert replied that the property would be in the ownership of the homeowners association but that the ditch company would have access to maintain their facilities. Commissioner COLLINS asked how water will drain from the property. Mr. Goebel explained the storm drainage plan for the area and stated that it was planned to install a cross pan at the intersection of 30 Avenue and Saulsbury Street and to have it completed this summer. Chair BRINKMAN asked if the property owner to the south would still be able to utilize the ditch water. Mr. Goebel replied that the plan shows a proposed swale behind the sidewalk on Teller Street that will convey storm water and that there is a headgate which will allow the use of the ditch water even if sidewalks are constructed. Planning Commission Page 2 02/04/99 Mr. Goebel stated that on the Saulsbury side, there are some scrub elms intertwined into a fence that will be removed at the same time the fence is removed. He also stated there are two silver maples north of the proposed drive which could be saved by detaching the sidewalk around the trees and bringing it back to the curb before it gets to the ditch. Commissioner SNOW asked if there were another ditch on the property in addition to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Mr. Goebel replied that the Rocky Mountain Ditch is the main ditch that crosses the north end of the site and a lateral comes off of that ditch that goes down the east side of Teller Street and irrigates the property south of the development. In response to a question from Chair BRINKMAN, Mr. Goebel stated that, without sidewalk, curb and gutter on Teller Street, it would be very difficult to get water to a catch basin at the low point because the grade is only 1/2% and there would be problems with mud and ice. Commissioner MACDOUGALL stated that the irrigation lateral goes down the east side of Teller and asked which location had water rights for that. Mr. Goebel replied that the lot directly to the south of subject property had water rights and that there was at least one other property with water rights. Commissioner COLLINS commented that it was very helpful to have the drainage plans in the Planning Commission packet. Commissioner SNOW asked what the code said in regard to sidewalk installation requirements. A portion of page 344 of the code was read as follows: "The installation of curb, gutter, sidewalks and related roadway improvements may not be required where less than half of the properties on the street extending 500 feet from the lot line of property in question on both sides." Commissioner SNOW asked the reason for the request to prohibit RV and boat parking in the development's parking areas which could result in people parking their RV's and boats on the street. Ms. Reckert replied that this restriction was requested because of the limited parking on the site. Chair BRINKMAN asked about fire hydrants. Ms. Reckert stated that fire hydrant issues should be resolved with the subdivision agreement. Alec Garbini 1546 Cole Street 9227 Golden, CO Mr. Garbini was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. He stated that he is the project architect for the subject property and representative of Saulsbury Properties, Ltd. He addressed the question regarding fire hydrants and stated that one fire hydrant was built last year when the developer thought he would be able to begin construction. The other fire hydrant has been paid for but Commission Page 3 02/04/99 cannot be installed until the water district loops the water through the site once the location of roads have been finally determined. He then reviewed the number of parking spaces in the development. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. Garbini stated that there are six ground floor units designed to be accessible to persons with handicaps. Mr. Garbini stated that when he was hired for this project in 1996 there were three major goals he wanted to accomplish in the plan: (1) to preserve positive attributes of the site such as mature trees, buffers and character of surrounding neighborhood; (2) to preserve the existing house; and (3) to retain multifamily use in the R -3 area which has been in existence since the original apartments were built in 1949. He pointed out that the apartments were designed to be as similar to townhouse units as possible. He stated that in discussions with neighbors, they indicated they did not want a through street through the development, so it was suggested that a mountable curb be installed in the drive so that it could only be used by fire trucks or trash trucks; however, the fire department objected to that plan and asked for a speed bump to be installed. He stated that, in response to neighbors' concerns about car lights from the parking lots shining into the homes across the street, he proposed a hedge or low fence along Saulsbury. Mr. Garbini stated that the developer would like to rebuild the fence along 32nd Avenue in its present location. If the fence were moved to the property line, as requested by staff, it would leave a 7 to 8 -foot strip of land that would not be irrigated or maintained. The developer would like to contain all the area behind the sidewalk with the fence in order to be responsible for maintaining the area. Mr. Garbini stated that the sidewalk plans resulted from neighbors' comments and that this was the first time he had heard about the possibility of doing a detached sidewalk. He had been told that the sidewalk and curb had to be attached. In regard to screening of the detention pond, he planned to remove the volunteer elms and plant other shrubs and trees; however, at the present time, there is no room between the pond and the street because the area would be taken up with sidewalk and that is why the waiver had been requested. He felt that the installation of sidewalks would encourage parking along the street. He stated that he would have no objection to posting no- parking signs to keep apartment residents from parking on the street In regard to the property owners who have water rights to the ditch, he stated that the ditch has grown over with vegetation over the years but that he would commit to cleaning the area out so water would flow smoothly. He also stated that the developer is asking for a waiver of all public improvement requirements along Saulsbury and Teller. Commissioner SNOW asked if the Rocky Mountain Ditch had any objection to the fence. Mr. Garbini replied that he hasn't talked with them about moving the fence yet. He mentioned that Planning Commission Page 4 02/04/99 the trees are in the ditch right -of -way and therefore the ditch company has a right to remove the trees. However, he has asked them to reserve that right in this instance. He stated that the developer's intention is to build a fence on both sides of the ditch to prevent children from wandering along the ditch. Commissioner MACDOUGALL asked about the surface of the detention ponds. Mr. Garbini replied that the one on the south is grass with a sandy loam soil beneath. In response to another question from Commissioner MACDOUGALL, Mr. Garbini replied that the standing depth of water in the detention pond on the south is two feet on average. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern about handicapped access to 32nd Avenue if there were no sidewalks. (Chair BRINKMAN declared a recess of the meeting at 9:00 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:15 p.m.) Catherine Dunlap 7160 West 30th Avenue Ms. Dunlap was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. She commented that Mr. Garbini and Mr. Smethills have been very faithful in working with the neighborhood to arrive at a compromise plan and that the neighbors are generally in support of the new plan. She addressed two things that had been amended since the neighbors last discussed the plan: (1) Neighbors were adamant that the drive through the development not be a through street. The final plan calls for a speed bump, rather than a mountable curb, which will not prevent through traffic. (2) If there are no sidewalks, people will park along the street and cause further erosion. She urged the Commission to require sidewalks to prevent erosion. Commissioner COLLINS commented that the City of Denver uses chains with padlocks or gates which are only accessible to fire equipment and trash trucks. Commissioner GOKEY asked Ms. Dunlap if she was in favor of removing trees to install sidewalks. She replied that most of the trees were not worth saving and the two trees worth saving could be worked around. Commissioner GOKEY stated that he did not believe people would use the drive as a through street. Commissioner SNOW commented that she could not foresee that many additional people parking along Teller Street and would not want to install curb, gutter and sidewalk along Teller until some time in the future when the whole street is redone and people really want it. Margaret Perry 3060 Teller Street Ms. Perry was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. She stated that she was in support of the project and expressed her appreciation to the applicant and the city for arriving at the present Planning Commission Page 5 02/04/99 plan which saves the existing house. She was not in favor of having a sidewalk on Teller because it would end at the property line. She also believed that it would be a safer option to have cars parking further off the street than they would if there was a sidewalk. Chair BRINKMAN asked if Ms. Perry used water from the ditch. She replied that, although she hadn't used the water in recent years, she wanted to preserve the water rights and that sidewalks, curb and gutter would prevent natural runoff from the street that goes to water the trees in the city right -of -way and on her lot. Commissioner SNOW asked how Ms. Perry felt about the drive. She replied that she preferred a through street and felt that neighboring residents would not use it as a thoroughfare. She also stated that she did not think a speed bump was necessary but would have no objection to it and would go along with whatever the neighborhood wants. Lisa Hamilton - Fieldman 7125 West 32nd Avenue Ms. Hamilton - Fieldman was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. She stated that her house is located directly north of the subject property. She commented that Mr. Garbini has worked very hard to accommodate everyone's concerns. She stated that she did not want a through street nor did the majority of residents. She was in favor of the mountable curb alternative and felt this would not only deter through traffic but also be safer for children living in the development. Regarding the fence, she understood that the new fence could not legally cross the ditch right -of -way. She requested that the new fence cut across the corner of the property. She stated the curb and sidewalk would encourage more parking on the street and that wedging trees between the sidewalk and the curb would most likely cause the loss of those trees. She also stated that curb and gutter would not allow room between the detention pond and the sidewalk to plant trees to screen the detention pond from the street and the view of the neighborhood. Commissioner GOKEY stated that fences can be placed across ditches as long as passage of water is not disturbed. Mr. Garbini replied that the ditch company won't allow him to put a fence in the ditch right -of -way because they want to be able to get into the ditch for maintenance. Commissioner GOKEY stated that he would support a speed bump and a sign that says "private drive" which would deter through traffic. Commissioner COLLINS asked if a curb could be installed without a sidewalk. Mr. Goebel stated that he did not believe the ADA would allow that kind of a situation because it puts up a barrier. Commissioner SNOW stated that final regulations regarding this have never been issued by the board that sets regulations for the ADA. Planning Commission Page 6 02/04/99 Chair BRINKMAN asked if there were others present who wished to address the Commission. There was no response. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner MACDOUGALL that Case No. WZ- 99 -01, a request for approval of a rezoning of property located at 3190 Teller Street and 3195 Saulsbury Street from R -2 and R -3 to Planned Residential Development and for approval of an outline development plan, be approved for the following reasons: 1. The existing house would be saved. 2. The proposal provides for a reduction in density by one unit from the existing approved plan and is supported by the neighborhood. 3. All requirements for a PRD outline development plan have been met. With the following conditions: (1) The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. (2) That it shows fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. (3) That the overflow parking areas be designated with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations." (4) For Saulsbury Street, designate five -foot right -of -way dedicated by plat to be recorded at the County. (5) A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking. (6) That a walk be installed to provide access to the bus stop located roughly between the house and the apartments. (7) That there be no sidewalks on the east side of Teller and no sidewalks on the West side of Saulsbury past the culvert in accordance with the ordinance that says sidewalks may not be required unless 50% of the properties within 500 feet have them. (8) That a mountable curb be installed in the drive. (9) Language be included on the plat that make it clear that a homeowners association will be established to fulfill the requirements of maintenance of the property and the detention pond. (10) That the owner /developer be allowed to replace the fence along 32nd Avenue in the existing location except for a setback at the corner of 32nd and Saulsbury to preserve the line of sight as approved by the public works department. Chair BRINKMAN stated that it was her understanding that Planning Commission cannot make a decision on waiving a requirement for a public sidewalk. Mr. White commented that it might be more appropriate to save that condition for a motion on the public improvement recommendation. Planning Commission Page 7 02/04/99 Chair BRINKMAN stated that, although she is in favor of the rezone, she would have to vote against the motion if the sidewalk issue is part of the motion. She asked Commissioner SNOW if she would consider dropping that part of the motion. Commissioner SNOW replied that, based on the fact that the motion is only a recommendation to City Council, she would not drop the sidewalk portion of the motion. Commissioner GOKEY offered an amendment to the motion that would change the mountable curb median to a speed bump and add a requirement for signage that would indicate "private drive" or "private entrance ". He felt that such signage would discourage through traffic flow from those outside the development area. The amendment to place a condition no. (11) which would require signage indicating that the drive was a private drive or private entrance was acceptable to Commissioners SNOW and MACDOUGALL. Commissioner SNOW stated that she would prefer a separate motion concerning the speed bump. Commissioner GOKEY moved and Chair BRINKMAN seconded that the motion be amended to change the wording "mountable curb" to "speed bump ". Commissioner GOKEY's motion failed by a vote of 2 to 3, with Commissioners COLLINS, MACDOUGALL, and SNOW voting no and Commissioners SHOCKLEY and THOMPSON absent. A vote was taken on Commissioner SNOW's motion. The motion passed by a vote of 3 to 2, with Commissioners COLLINS and BRINKMAN voting no, and Commissioners SHOCKLEY and THOMPSON absent. Chair BRINKMAN stated that she voted against the motion because of the condition pertaining to the sidewalks. Commissioner COLLINS stated that he voted against the motion because he felt there was need for curb and gutter for drainage control. Mr. White reminded Commissioner COLLINS that the motion only mentioned sidewalks, not curb and gutter. He also stated that he believed the issue of the curb, gutter and sidewalk should be saved for the request to waive the public improvements. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner MACDOUGALL that the planned residential development combined preliminary and final development plan for property located 3190 Teller Street - 3195 Saulsbury Street be approved for the following reasons: Planning Commission Page 8 02/04/99 1. The existing house would be saved. 2. The proposal provides for a reduction in density by one unit from the existing approved plan and is supported by the neighborhood. 3. All requirements for a PRD outline development plan will have been met. With the following conditions: (1) The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. (2) That is shows fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. (3) That the overflow parking areas be designated with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations." (4) For Saulsbury Street, designate five -foot right -of -way dedicated by plat to be recorded at the County. (5) A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking. (6) That a walk be installed to provide access to the bus stop located roughly between the house and the apartments. (7) That there be no sidewalks on the east side of Teller and no sidewalks on the West side of Saulsbury past the culvert in accordance with the ordinance that says sidewalks may not be required unless 50% of the properties within 500 feet have them (8) That a mountable curb be installed in the drive. (9) Language be included on the plat that make it clear that a homeowners association will be established to fulfill the requirements of maintenance of the property and the detention pond. (10) That the owner /developer be allowed to replace the fence along 32nd Avenue in the existing location except for a setback at the corner of 32nd and Saulsbury to preserve the line of sight as approved by the public works department. (11) That signage be required indicating that the drive was a private drive or private entrance. Chair BRINKMAN stated that, although she is in favor of the final development plan, she would vote against the motion because she believes there is a need for sidewalks along this property. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 1 with Chair BRINKMAN voting no, and Commissioner SHOCKLEY and THOMPSON absent. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner MACDOUGALL seconded to approve the minor subdivision plat for property located at 3190 Teller Street - 3195 Saulsbury Street for the following reasons: Planning Commission Page 9 02/04/99 1. It is consistent with the outline and final development plan if all of the prior conditions have been met. 2. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. With the condition: (1) All of the conditions specified earlier plus language requested by the Public Service Company regarding their services and easements will be added to the plat face. Chair BRINKMAN stated that, although she is in favor of the final development plan, she would vote no because she believes there is a need for sidewalks along this property. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 1 with Chair BRINKMAN voting no, and Commissioner SHOCKLEY and THOMPSON absent. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair BRINKMAN declared the public hearing closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Planning Commission Comp Plan Hearing Commissioner SNOW asked that, if the notice regarding the Planning Commission hearing on February 18 had not yet been mailed, the notice should mention there would be two additional future land use maps for discussion at the meeting. She also requested that copies of the Comprehensive Plan Committee map be available at this hearing. In reply to a question from Chair BRINKMAN, Mr. White replied that copies of the conflict map would be available for the February 18th meeting. He also stated that all versions of the Comprehensive Plan maps would be available as overlays for comparison at the Planning Commission Study Session on February 25. 10. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. 11. DISCUSSION ITEMS There were no discussion items. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee or department reports. Planning Commission Page 10 02/04/99 m m m v ti 0 m Q m 3 d U N CT ti a C J a a Q a 7 WEST 2LND AVENUE - - _ 60' ROW - _ }./' ___ ._ 13_- 2sw _ _ _ _ NDR NI LINE _UP THE BE V4 ➢F_ SECTION M 9 i _ [ENTER OF SECT -p! 26 3-69 8 I FAR W mess CAP w RNiF£ 80%. LS 13222 _ qt� � -. .. - -- - s L r L 7 xv¢T RTHIS S B IVIli LOT BARTH'S SIIB➢IVISImf _ NBIeT L L i EDXp2Ef I � � I J� u C4 W, wW L of e /EST 31ST PL'_I I: — s OO Q� L1IX ------------------ ------------- -- _:::-- - - - - -- --------------- 32N AVEN _- 60' ROW r .. _ - .. _ _ __ _ ___ i � u � OF LOT y^LIICTI 2, 80 =5 SL®➢NISIIM_ _ _ A11 _ _ •� tl m CWLVPIt _ — — � — °➢bcr_yIXy��1 scH >� -_ � _ _ L - ~ j 11 NQ' — W Li W (3}1 TE SIDEWALK f5� f RE�E PA3 17 � E 1 III i O o z I - ms NC 1 TIETAILS �LK flE nTV W WNE.T RIDRE p S(E SmIItY. INPRp.NTS PLANS .D' 1 r, e a� LEGEND U0 'n d I SEE BETAI INI I 1 I SEE ➢ETA SHEETS 4. " I -------- `dATa - - - -- EXISTING WATER LINE I 1 II I II E' ALK CX/SEi _. ! " ' "a -EXISTING WATER CCW ➢OIT W ri EXISTING HYDRANT EXISTING GATE VALVE EXISTING SANITARY SEVER `i --- --- sr- - - -- EXISTING SiDRM SEVER -` nsr>nE FFEN III EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING INLET ( i ( E %ISTING GAS MAIN '- --- --- -- E-- - - - --- EXISTING ELECTRIC * EXISTING TCLEPHENE - _----- ___- ___--- - - -___ EXISTING CURB AN➢ GUTTER NEW CURB AND GUTTER NEW CURB AND GUTTER (SPILL) I NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT v � a: o W nN�"PP KW PP Qf Uf� H 6 W W W n P CI J W 5 L. Z cr a � °� Q z 0 D C5 Z J n n a GATE 7/21/1998 DESIGN:NvF 06- 071093 CI.DWG SHEET N0: DEDICATION HAPPY LANDINGS SUBDIVISION A REPLAT OF THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 BARTH'S SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO FINAL PLAT Saulsbury Properties LLIP, being the owner(s) of the real property of 2.042 acres described as follows: HORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT r BLOCK J. HAMS Su8MV6bH colem OF JEFFERSON, SATE OF COIORAOO STATE OF COLORADO) COUNTY OF J €FFERSON) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this A.D. 19_, by _ Witness my hand and otficial seal. My Commission expires Notary Public OWNERS SAULSBURY PROPERTIES,LLLP, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION BY: HAROLD R. SMETHILLS, MANAGING PARTNER 1546 COLE BOULEVARD SURE 227 GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 (30) 2333447 THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , 1997 BY AS OF SAULSBURY PROPERTIES, U.I.P. A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL NOTARY PUBLIC CASE HISTORY MS -98 -3 day of it Yq Aw „ SITE s G dAC AMw E IiKh Aww ]BM A.. seek A­ E � VICINITY MAP NOTES 1.) THE EMERGENCY AND SERVICE VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER ANO SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH EASEMENTS AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY UPON BILLING. 2.) THE STORM DETENTION AREA SHOWN ON THE APPROVED DRAINAGE PLAN SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER ANC SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY UPON BILLING. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. 3.) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE C — AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING. 4 .) THE UTILITY EASEMENTS SHOWN ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS TELEVISION CABLE, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACIUTIES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION, PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTUTY EASEMENTS. S•) PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY TREE SHOWN ON THE FACE OF THIS PLAT. APPROVAL MUST BE RECEIVED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. REMOVAL OF THESE MATURE TREES WILL BE ALLOWED ONLY WHEN IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH A BUILDING FOOTPRINT PROPOSED WITH NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION. 6.) THE NORTH 16S' OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED R -3. THE REMAINDER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED R -2. NOTICE ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN 'THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE (3) YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED UPON MORE THAN TEN (110) YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. CGR.S.13- 80- 105(3)(a). BOOK_PAGE RECEPTION NO. DATE 43 MAYOR'S CERTIFICATE The foregoing plat is approved far filing; the and conveyof Wheat Ridance of the streets /roads, arcels and easements is acceptable by Clty e County gtote of Colorado, this day of i9__. The County shall undertake maintenance of any such streets roads and public ways only after construction thereof has been satisfactorily completed by the developer and accepted by the City of Wheat Ridge. Attest: City Seal PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE This Is to certify the within lat has been approved by the Commission of the City of VPheat Ridge, Colorado. APPROVALS: Chairman A Public Service Company of Colorado US West Communications Group, Inc. City of Wheat Ridge Director of Public Works City of Wheat Ridge Director of Parks and Recreation Commission City of Wheat Ridge Director of Planning and Development City of Wheat Ridge City Engineer Mountain Water Company RACE "� tD AUG -17 trrd �J A SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Kenneth A. Perry a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the survey of Happy Landings Subdivision was made by me or directly under my supervision on or about the _ dayy of 79_; and that the accompanying plat accurately and properly shows said subdivision and the survey Thereof. Kenneth A.Perry Registered Colorado Land Surveyor Colorado Number 25961 CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON THIS DAY OF , 1997 _ AT O'CLOCK _.M. PLAT SGOK _, PAGE NO. RECEPTION NO. CLERK AND RECORDER UNDER DEPUTY CLERK HaM HENKEL5aMY0Y.s.. 7061 S DNRDSDT 60MARD, MM LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL-(303)794-4704 FAX: 303 794 -4703 oe— o�,ofla —oo1I OF Holder of deed(s) of trust hereby releases claim to areas dedicated to public use. HAPPY LANDINGS SUBDIVISION A REPLAT OF THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 BARTH'S SUBDMSION A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE - QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO FINAL PLAT a0'4E '. UBD'V -SID` '_UNEC P -2 CASE HISTORY MS -98 -3 y am' u I II I II I II III IIP I I II w' W II N ° III � LR Li f II yl 0 I P,a S171I� n� D ? ,II � WEST 31ST PLACE 1 40' ROW 57I I 1 � Y III e I 1 (I �I II I II 1 EnF.TF"` TJf1T,F, ^,I'• 7n % 7 32ND AVENUE 60' R ❑ W RA515 aF SEAM ,ortu we s ?�¢ s v. n• p ._ _.._.._. —.__ . M�'?�'E —smm. ------- i _ ----------- _ --------------- __._- .._.._._..._--- ._..__.. Z V a L .+ WO& NORTH LINE OF LOT 1. BLOCK 2, B TH•5 SUBOIMSIM 17.22 �' 1 W .A$ - l —' —1 312 e — .22• _ - - — sTS•l ' r j.�� _ _ - -�Trv_.L - - - sower 1 70.84: EASEMENT _ .. . . 1 d a 20.81 � 1 i a 1 ° (o� _ LOT i +3.580.88 S O. Ff. t R -3 AUL71 FAMILY APARTMENTS a F 1000 7 — 9222 2000 1 30' NONEXCLUSIVE OTIUTY EASEMENTI I F II _. _ L7 i 7 o� II II IN�II X w X11 J I ii iI I S IIII I IIIf I I it l II II II I Il I o-�: BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. DATE 1� Lt iffi GAP W YYrL ,;HERB' P J'Dlo [ 1 -1.1 7 011.- - D LEGEND 9 TREE o FOUND PIN h CAP. LS 14112 GWFHC SCALE (n7nT7 E mee -m a 7061 S UNIYERM BOMAIm, MIN LITTLETON CO 50122 TEL:(303)794 - 4 70 4 FAX:(303)794 -470 2 OF en I 1 O EASEIAENT I I -==----------- ;- - - - - -- R - MULTI - FAMILY; DWE LLINGS m l t E{ LOT 2 I y 1.11 LOT 3 I I LOT 4 e I 13284.99 SO. FT. t 158332H SO. FT. 3 15828.24 50. FT. t I 5' unuT EASp1ENiI -I I I l I (Tv.) 7 I 111 1 f III I I I I I — J L- - /d_IA I I 1 1 a- TF ��EN _ - - -J L----- _ - - - -_ vY Oz - - 9227 a — QTY.) _ 110.00' — 110.00• — 317.27 BA =:TH': SC:F.:1?'d;SIiiPi ZON' D R —% I F II _. _ L7 i 7 o� II II IN�II X w X11 J I ii iI I S IIII I IIIf I I it l II II II I Il I o-�: BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. DATE 1� Lt iffi GAP W YYrL ,;HERB' P J'Dlo [ 1 -1.1 7 011.- - D LEGEND 9 TREE o FOUND PIN h CAP. LS 14112 GWFHC SCALE (n7nT7 E mee -m a 7061 S UNIYERM BOMAIm, MIN LITTLETON CO 50122 TEL:(303)794 - 4 70 4 FAX:(303)794 -470 2 OF l � I L O ' Q fl OQ . ° O 0 ° p p O 0 o tET p o O o • -1 0 0 =m . o• - 4 9 s • 0 u 0 e O O' Q § 26 -25 T t WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE utable to the commercial use shall be considered to be the building square footage occu- pied by commercial uses, the required parking, and a propor- tionate share of the common areas, such as ingress- egress, landscaping, roadways, etc. Commercial ventures solely for the use of the residents, such as food service, laundry facili- ties, etc., shall be considered an amenity rather than a commer- cial use, and the land and build- ings occupied by such uses are not required to be subtracted from the total acreage before computing the maximum of six- teen (16) residential units per acre. (1) The requirements of this section 26- 25(IV)(BX1) shall not apply to im- pose a density requirement of less than twenty -one (21) units per acre, with respect to the reconstruction of residential dwelling in the PRD dis- trict, where such structures and their reconstruction meet all of the follow- ing requirements: (1) the structure was legally in existence on Septem- ber 8, 1997, (2) the structure is lo- cated upon a lot which does not meet the then - applicable minimum lot area and/or minimum land area per unit requirements for such proposed re- construction, and (3) such reconstruc- tion is restricted to replacement of the structure which has been de- stroyed. This exemption shall not apply to: (1) new construction where no replacement of a pre - existing struc- ture takes place or (2) reconstruction of structures which were not legally in existence (as distinguished from legal nonconforming structures). (m) Intent and Purpose *: The intent of the following design and develop- ment standards is to encourage the creation of safe, adequate and attrac- tive development, establish quality appearance, and to minimize views of unattractive uses or activities through use of sound design princi- ples and establishment of minimum requirements. The standards set forth herein have been conceived to en- hance the compatibility of dissimilar uses and increase property values. Site Design Requirements 1. All new development shall be designed in a way that respects existing development on adja- cent sites. This can be achieved by addressing the following: • Compatible building mass- ing and scale; special at- tention shall be given when new development is adja- cent to existing residen- tial; • Provision for consolidat- ing access points with abutting properties through joint access ease- ments or other negotiated means; Provision for making side- walks, pedestrian paths and bicycle paths contigu- ous with abutting proper- ties in all instances where pedestrian amenities are present; 2. All development shall be de- signed so that for the given location, egress points, grading -Editor's note —Ord. No. 1997 -1097, adopted Sept. 22, 1997 added a new paragraph (1) to § 26 -25 (MB)(1). Inas- much as Ord. No. 1997 -1092, adopted Sept. 8, 1997, already added paragraph (1), the editor has added these new provi- sions as W. i� Supp. No. 20 1748 Supp. No. 20 3. ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT § 26 -25 and other elements of the de- Complement existing res- ' velopment could not be reason- idential development in ably altered to: scale and location; • Minimize adverse impacts Ensure compatibility by on any existing residence the use of adequate set - or area zoned for residen- backs, landscaping, barri- tial use; ers or transition zones, and • Reduce disruption to the building height consider- existing terrain, vegeta- ations; tion, habitat areas or other Provide an adequate sys- natural site features; tem of pedestrian and bi- • Reduce or consolidate the cycle pathways and walk - number of access points ways in conformance with onto a Class 2, Class 3, or the City of Wheat Ridge's Class 4 arterial or collec- adopted Parks and Recre- tor street as defined in the ation Plan as well as the adopted Roadway Classi- Jefferson County Open fication Standards for the Space Plan; City of Wheat Ridge; • Have exterior walls of all • Improve pedestrian, bicy- primary structures de- cle and vehicle safety signed on a pedestrian within the site and from scale by; , the site to adjacent uses 0 Fragmenting them or streets; into smaller or mul- • Improve pedestrian and bi- tiple planes; cycle connections within 0 Providing adequate the site and from the site vertical landscaping to adjacent uses; and berming; • Provide additional living 0 Placing wall texture landscaping and site amen- or architectural re- ities; lief at eye - level; • Preserve existing land- and/or scaping and site amen- 0 Clustering small ties; scale elements such • Reduce the visual intru- as planter walls sion of parking areas, stor- around the primary age areas and similar ac- structure. cessory areas and Insure that ground floor structures. uses, if a commercial com- All development including build - ponent for the general pub - ings, walls and fences shall be lic is included, are ori- so sited to: ented toward the • Preserve drainage ways in pedestrian with storefronts as natural state as possi- that open onto the street ble without channeliza- as well as other pedes- tion or engineered struc- trian oriented spaces. tures or as required by Provide a landscaped area other agencies; at least ten (10) feet wide 1748.1 § 26 -25 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE containing dense planting between the front prop- erty line of any use and any outdoor parking or ser- vice areas; • To discourage gated or en- closed communities; • Preserve and enhance pan- oramic views by consider- ing the relationship of buildings to natural grades and landscaping to frame and enhance view corri- dors. 4. Minimize conflict between ser- vice vehicles, private automo- biles, bicycles, and pedestrians within the site. 5. The following design features or use attributes should be con- sidered as conditions of devel- opment approval; • Outdoor seating areas • Useable landscaped, open and/or recreational spaces • Affordable housing • Assisted living facilities • Pathways to civic uses and amenities • Parking placed totally be- hind the primary struc- ture, below grade, in a parking structure or lim- ited to one side of the build- ing • Parking shall be located so as to be aesthetically pleasing and unobtrusive to residents and adjacent properties 6. All streets and pedestrian paths shall provide access to existing or planned thoroughfares with consideration for safety. 7. All electric, communication util- ity lines and services, and all street lighting circuits, excel hereinafter provided, to be i stalled underground. (2) Planned Commercial Developments (PCD): (a) Allowable Uses: The following uses hereinafter listed shall be permitted only as specifically designated on the approved final development plan: 1. Any use permitted in the Com- mercial -One (C -1) or Commer- cial -Two (C -2) districts. 2. Residential uses as approved by city council and subject to the conditions set forth in sub- section (B)(2)(j). 3. Accessory uses and buildings customarily associated with al- lowable uses, as shown on the approved plan. (b) Area: Each Planned Commercial De- velopment District shall be a mini- mum of one (1) acre. (c) Height: Commercial structures shall not exceed fifty (50) feet; residential structures shall not exceed thirty - five (35) feet; residential uses lo- cated within a commercial structure shall not be permitted above thirty - five (35) feet. (d) Perimeter Setbacks: Setbacks require- ments for buildings adjacent to the perimeter of a Planned Commercial Development District shall be estab- lished using setback regulations es- tablished in standard Wheat Ridge Commercial Zone districts. Excep- tions to those standards may be ap- proved by city council, based upon a finding that a lesser setback would not be detrimental to the use and enjoyment of adjacent properties, would not negatively affect neighbor- hood property values, and would not be otherwise injurious to the public health, safety and welfare. (e) Lot Coverage: Maximum ninety (90) percent. (See section 26 -5 for defini- tion.) Supp. No. 20 1748.2 Jan -26 -99 12:31P CM2 Garbini &'X4rB /T' IF" CM2, Inc. MANAGEMENT 1546 Cole Boulevard, Suite 227, Golden, CO 80401 Tel: 303 - 233 -3447 / Fag: 303 - 239 -8616 January 26, 1999 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Happy Landing Subdivision / West. 32nd Ave. and Saulsbury Dear Meredith Please note that at the neighborhood meeting of January 5, 1999, which was held to present the plans for this property to the surrounding neighbors comments were made about a number of residents about the need for the curb, gutter, and sidewalks on Teller and Saulsbury Streets. Regarding Saulsbury Street, it was noted that in providing the additional right of way and adjacent sidewalk it would be necessary to remove 3 trees north of the property entrance which have circumferences in excess of I foot. These trees could remain if the sidewalk was deleted in this area. Also noted were a number of minor trees which exist between the right of way and the proposed drainage detention pond in the southeast comer of the site. In previous public hearings the neighbors have commented that they would Iike to have a screen between the detention facility and the street. Regarding Teller Street, two neighbors to the south of commented on their concern to maintain their right to convey Rocky Mountain Ditch water over the subject site to their property. Currently this water is conveyed in a swale adjacent to the street pavement. It is our understanding from the Public Works Dept. that this would not be allowed if there is a public dedication of curb and gutter at this location. We have shown a swale area behind the Jan -26 -99 12 :31P CM2 Garbini tl 303- 239 -8616 P.02 Wheat Ridge Happy Landing Subdivision January 26, 1999 Page 2 of 2 sidewalk in our plans, but are not clear about the actual utility of this design given the change in location and elevation. In the case of both Saulsbury and Teller, there are existing sidewalks across the street from the subject property. The new sidewalks being proposed will end at the south property line where there currently is no continuation of the sidewalk and the adjacent properties. Please consider the request of the neighbors at the Planning Commission and City Council meetings that the side walks be deleted in the public right of way for the subject property. Please call me if you have any questions regarding the plans for this property Sincerely, Alec Garbini Representative for Saulsbury Properties, LLLP. February 4, 1999 FFR 0 4 1gg9 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is in support of the rezoning of the property located at 3195 Saulsbury Street/3190 Teller Street from R -2 and R -3 to Planned Residential Development. We are unable to attend the meeting this evening, however, we have attended past neighborhood meetings where the plan was discussed. We feel that the new plan requiring the rezoning is more beneficial to our neighborhood than the original plan for many reasons. First, saving and renovating the existing home on the northwest comer of the property will maintain the style and charm of the neighborhood and will lend consistency to the design of the additional structures on the property. Secondly, we feel that the new plan will save as many existing trees as possible, and that the additional landscaping (i.e. shrubs along the parking lot facing Saulsbury Street) will shield the neighborhood from as much intrusion as possible. Finally, we are pleased that the traffic has been split between Teller and Saulsbury Streets, and through traffic will be discouraged by creating a speed hump on the property. This seems to be the most equitable way of handling the increased traffic due to the development. For these reasons, we ask that you support this rezoning proposal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (303) 274 -8507. Thank you, Al Chad and Je fer Goi s 7095 West 32 "d Avenue V. MEMORANDUM Approved Date ZDEFARTMMT ®E PUMIC tWC1P.FSS TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works DATE: January 28, 1999 SUBJECT: Happy Landings Subdivision /Public Improvements In my opinion, the installation of the public improvements at the time of development is crucial to the safety and function of the roadways, the development, pedestrian movement, and drainage from the development. The proposed improvements consist of curb, gutter and sidewalk along both street frontages to tie into existing curb, gutter and walk along 32n avenue. As you know, overflow parking from guests will likely not be accommodated by the internal parking lot. If the curb and walk is not provided, guests of tenants will likely park on the other side of the street along the residential property frontages. This creates safety concerns for both the pedestrians and the vehicular traffic approaching the intersections of 32 avenue. Adequate on street parking is crucial to the function of the development by providing for itself without impacting neighbors across the street. Pedestrian movement is also enhanced and made safer. If overflow parking is across the street, guests will have to cross traffic to get to and from their destination within the development. Tenants will not have protected access to RTD public transit along 32n or to the walks along 32 " The existing drainage plan indicates pond outlets into the proposed gutter on the east, and the construction of a catch basin within the gutter on the west. Without the curb, this drainage will be discharged onto the shoulder and will not be controlled from that point. Ice and mud will be a constant maintenance problem for us, especially on the west side where a sump condition will exist with an inlet at the low point. Trees have been brought up as the major obstacle and would require their removal to construct the public improvements. I visited the site today and found that the Teller Street frontage public improvements will not impact any existing trees at all. The Saulsbury side has several groups of scrub elm which are entwined with the existing chain link fence and are in the proximity of the detention pond. Root damage and removal will occur when the fence is removed and the pond is constructed. I don't feel that these scrub elms will be saved regardless of the construction of the public improvements. Frankly, I don't think they are healthy nor a viable "tree" as they are wild and occurred without any plan or thought as to their location or health. There are two maple trees along the Saulsbury Street frontage which are worth saving if they are healthy. With a tape measure, I determined that they could be saved very easily by detaching the sidewalk from the curb for this short distance thereby saving the trees between the walk and curb. The drainage plan calls for a swale along the Teller Street frontage to provide for an existing irrigation ditch. There will be sufficient room to construct this ditch behind the walk. It may have to meander somewhat, but it is easily accommodated with the construction of the walk. c: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer LTJ k ' itt LIM' I M -1 9 Saulsbury Properties LLLP, being the owner(s) of the real property of 2.066 acres described as follows: NORTH 3/4 O F THE NO . „ • �►i � � #� !+� "� r is � � .. i - � - -- �i i Mayor Attest: City Clerk City Seal PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE This is to cert i f the within lat has been approved b the Plann"Inif Commission of The Cit of Wheat Rid Colorado. I _�.e..�.�..�ar.""unuw w...u.....ww .w.s. •.�. ��. r.w . �... �. n�.,. �. ww.. wn .�r...,.........�...i.�..i_�.. �na..��..e..,s w..,wr � Chai rman ej APPROVALS. s Public Service Company of Colorado US West Communications Group, Inc. Cit of Wheat Rid Dir ecto r STATE OF COLORADO) SS COUNTY OF JEF E instrument was acknowledged before nee this �,,,.� day of A. D. 19--.—, b The foregoing � Witness my hand and official seal. M Commission expires -------------------------- - - - - -- Notary Public f VICINITY MAP ---------------------- - - - - -- City of Wheat Ridge Director of Parks and Recreation Comn Cit of Wheat Rid Dir of Pl ann i n g a i D ev e l o p ment Rock Mountain Water Compan W ikuy A pin :VLOI I'll M419 Lul S THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 1 1997 BY ----- - - - - -- AS -- - - - - -- OF SAULSBURY PROPERTIES, LLLP, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. I CASE HISTORY NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. 34) THE SUBJECT PROP FL OOD H 4.) THE UTILITY EASEMENTS SHOWN ARE DEDICATED FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, AND UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WAT] WITHIN S A I D UTILITY EASEMENTS. — AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING. INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS F EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS -.R METERS SH ALL NOT BE PERMITTE 5.) PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY TREE SHOWN ON THE FACE OF THIS PLAT, APPROVAL MUST BE RECEIVED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. REMOVAL OF THESE MATURE TREES WILL BE ALLOWED ONLY WHEN IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH A BUILDING FOOTPRINT PROPOSED WITH NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION. 6.) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. 7,) ALL OWNERS, TENANTS AND GUESTS SHALL BE ALLOWED FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THE ACCESS E ASEMENT / EMER GENCY A CCESS A O F OVER P ! i � i r i • i i � �" t '" • i '" � �'` • i i • i! .. !i • * � i � _ ,� • i ii i • i � i #' • it • �► ----------------------- - - - - -- Kenneth A.Perry Registered Colorado Land Surveyor Colorado Number 25961 Date--- �---------------- - - - - -- R1 4 "Oil / 1 i! 1 1'�i 1 1• � �• l � � PLA i PA RECEPTION NO. m M C� J ��� 13iS47r a5sc C OF SECTION 26W 9 0-T BRASS CAP RANGE XWO LS . II III III III III III w CD f' J � III W III ~ Ir U B D I I u V � it i) I; � III z w - ---- ----- 0 WEST 31S PLACE 40/ ROW X 0 i iii -j II z 4 --k _er 6.66# EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 26-3-69 r�_v7j FOUND 0.3" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX® LS 13222. ::.:e.: - -� �,,.r... 1 666EEE L 4 Z ED L EGEND @ TREE 0 FOUND PIN & CAP, LS 14112 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 120 IN FEET h 30 N Me f 32ND AVENUE NORTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 26-3-69 6u R 11 W CASE HISTORY D DESCRIPTION: THE NORTH 3/4 OF ME NORTH 3/5 OF WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 BARTH'S SUBDIVISION. EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF CONTAINED W. 32nd AVE. TELLER STREET OF SAULSBURY STREET. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO. ONE SINGLE FAMILY UNIT FOUR DUPLEX UNITS TWELVE APARTMENT UNITS TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS - SEVENTEEN TWO FREE STANDING GARAGE BUILDINGS CONTAINING THREE SPACES IN EACH. SIX TOTAL I � T PROP. S.F. - I I• BE g SINGLE FAMILY I , LANDSCAPING R - MOU T N DITCH � I APARTMENT •,. 11% I I EWSn 2% ( ( I Hau TD gE11AIN; • ° W 58% { 22,142 S.F. 25X PAYED AREA S.E. -& I� 19.040 S.F. i WI (n a - DRIVEWAY 70 REMAIN O J jin ( iwoSWING " I �� W I IREMA I r�r�1I PMKIND� •rte _ ,- � .91 - � DRIVES �• OWNERSHIP / UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT: SAULSBURY PROPERTIES,LLIP, A COLORADO UNITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP IS ME OWNER OF THAT REAL PROPERTY LYING W THN ME HAPPY LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFER!M, STATE OF COLORADO. - I ME HAPPY LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSISTS OF _ FOUR LOTS. ALL FOUR LOTS CAN HAVE DIFFERENT OWNERSHIP. J UNIFIED CONTROL SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGH RECORDED --- COVENANTS AND RESTRICnONA WEST 31ST PLACE 40' ROW CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT ME DEVELOPMENT IS DESIGNED FOR RESIDENTIAL USES. ME PROPOSED -- DEVELOPMENT WILL BE TWO STORY WOOD FRAME STRUCTURES. THE ARCHITECTURE AND I CHARACTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT NULL BE iN CONFORMANCE WITH THE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD. ME EXISTING LARGE TREES AND MATURE LANDSCAPING WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO ME SITE PLAN. I CASE HISTORY MS -90 -3 W -99 -1 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTS: SINGLE FAMILY - EXISTING BUILDINGS W FEET HIGH DUPLEX - MAXIMUM HEIGHT 30 FEET HIGH APARTMENTS - MAXIMUM HEIGHT 35 FEET HIGH GARAGES - MAXIMUM HEIGHT 16 FEET HIGH MINIMUM LANDSCAPE COVERAGE - 22,500 S.F. OUTLINENDEVEL. PLAN BOOK NO. RECEPTION N0. LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMff AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OWNER'S CERTIFICATION N THE CITY OF. WHEAT RIDE ME BELOW - SIGNED HI S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(5ES. D HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROP- ARTY LEGALLY ALLY LLY DES CC WILL BE DEVE LOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN A WITH A T IN ACCORDANCE YAM ME USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONOTORS IN THIS PLAN 32ND AVENUE. 60' ROW GRAPHIC SCALE � V-r1T1i � ' I larml I mb -5I n ( � 1 I ACCESS TO TELLER STREET ' 1 I I � i I BUY DUPLE PAID 1 I I I L ------------- --- LANDSCAPING I ,L. FL g d 317 , ti 2 -- - _____- -_____ �— PROP. S.F. - 88,567 S.F. RNI NUN. CO RAF BE g SINGLE FAMILY _ _ _ _ .. .. .__ 2% R - MOU T N DITCH � BX APARTMENT ._ 11% IOU 1,689 S.F. 2% I _. - - - - - -_ _ ,}j, W LANDSCAPING -- - - 58% MINIMUM REQUIRED 22,142 S.F. 25X PAYED AREA S.E. -& 19.040 S.F. - F T r - - - -- I I I III I PARKING i 11 Ind' I I DRIVES D 1 II Q I [ �" LANDSCAPING 5' OF R.O.W. 0 DILATTEED BYT PLAT D RENT —Yy • "� RECORDED AT RECEPTION /I 1 --- --- " „� \�E +� LANDSCAPING TO (TTP) • 1yI1y a 1 1 I PARKING ; PAP�Kp10 STREE. DOVES ; DRIVES JJ z - -H r - - - - - ” -- r ---- - - r --- - - - - I1 - i I PAD Li D "A°� I ± I DUPLEX uwr - - - - - -i L- - - - - -J ; ; BUILDING PAD 1 i LANDSCAPING . J I I I LANDSCAPING 02 F�f I II i ll II I I 11 I D AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. RMFN RECO OTHERWISE THE APPROVAL OF REZONI 20NIN0 ME PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF THIS i TUNE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCURE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISONS OF ' SECTION 26 -6(G) OF THE CODE OF LAWS. SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S) SAULSBURY PROPERTIES, LLlP A COLORADO UNITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION BY: HAROLD R. SMETHILLS, MANAGING PARTNER 1546 COLE BOILLVARD SUITE 227 GOLDEN, COLORADO 6040% (303) 233 -3447 NOTARY PUBLIC SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS "MESS MY AND OFFICIAL SEAL. II ' MY COMMISSION EMPIRES — NOTARY SEAL PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF _ , 19— BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRMAN PI ANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF — 19 BY ME WHEATRIDGE CITY COUNCIL ® /e/ MAYOR COUNTY SEAL ! ATTEST: SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION CITY CLERK 1 1, Kenneth A. Perry , a Registered Land Surveyor in the Stale of Colorado, do hereby certify that Ue survey of Happy LRndings SubdlNtlon was made by me or d9ecUy under my supeMMw an or obwt the ___ day ol_______� 19_. and that the accompanying plat acalrately and properly shoes saw ubtllNSbn mtl lha wrny lhersol. 1 Kenneth A.Pxry I Registere Colora ColoradoNumber25961 Surveyor PROJECT DATA BREAKDOWN: PROP. S.F. - 88,567 S.F. RNI NUN. CO RAF BE g SINGLE FAMILY I S.F. 2% DUPLEX 7,420 S.F. BX APARTMENT 7052 S.F. 11% GARAGE 1,689 S.F. 2% I AND9CAPED AREA 5z ,}j, PROVIDED 51,770 S.F. 58% MINIMUM REQUIRED 22,142 S.F. 25X PAYED AREA S.E. -& 19.040 S.F. 22% TOTAL %§T76 T= QQIJNT" CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATION THIS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR HUNG IN ME OFFICE OF R ME COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON ME _ DAY OF A.D. l9— IN ME BOOK PAGE — RECEPnON — i JEFFERSOI COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER I BY: DEPUTY IA 1iENKEL5 €*COY,. 1061 S. UNWERSNY OOMARD, STE.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 L wv--D�I TEL:(303)794 -4704 FAX:(303)794 -4703 BOOK COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT" PLAN RECEPTION NO. HAPPY LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 BARTHS'S SUBDIVISION. EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF CONTAINED W. 32nd AVE. TELLER STREET OF SAULSBURY STREET, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. DEVELOPMENT DATA ONE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY UNIT TWO DUPLEX UNITS TWELVE APARTMENT UNITS TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS - SEVENTEEN TWO FREE STANDING GARAGE BUILDINGS CONTAINING THREE SPACES IN EACH. TWENTY UNCOVERED SPACES FOR APARTMENT UNITS (INCLUDING TWO HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE). TWELVE SPACES TOTAL FOR DUPLEX UNITS. TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED - THIRTY—SEVEN. TOTAL PARKING SPACES REWIRED - TWENTY —SIX. •• * PARKING SPACE NUMBER AND LOCATION WILL BE FIELD ADJUSTED TO MAXIMIZE THE RETENTION OF EXISTING LANDSCAPING FEATURES. NOTES 1.) NO PARKING WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS. 2.) ALL LIGHTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 26- 30(S). 3.) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE C — AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING. 4.) ALL OWNERS, TENANTS AND GUESTS SHALL BE ALLOWED FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THE ACCESS EASEMENT/EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND USE OF OVERFLOW PARKING. 5.) NO FENCING PALL BE ALLOWED BETWEEN SAULSBURY STREET AND THE EAST FACE OF THE MULTI— FAMILY BUILDING. 6.) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS SHALL NOT CREATE SIGHT DISTANCE OBSTRUCTIONS FOR ACCESS WAYS ONTO TELLER AND SAULSBURY STREETS. 2 •) THE PROJECT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION SHALL DETERMINE THE USE OF THE OPEN SPACE SOUTH OF THE GARAGES ON LOT 1. PERMISSIBLE USES MAY BE OPEN SPACE WITH SOD, GAZEBO, COMMUNITY GARDEN OR PLAYGROUND. West J81h Avenue 19 _ , by the Director of Planning and Development. i E SITE Director � CERTIFICATION Approved this day of 19 _, by the Wheal Ridge Planning Commission. x Irest J2nd Avenue Werf 291h A., tl e m N ID e9r1 261h Awwue e L 3 Wee1 ZbM Awnue r AI I iI r I I .� II I11I 1, VICINITY MA 1 SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 SITE PLAN 3 LANDSCAPE PLAN 4 BUILDING ELEVATIONS PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Approved this day of 19 _ , by the Director of Planning and Development. i i Director PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION Approved this day of 19 _, by the Wheal Ridge Planning Commission. Chairman CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION Approved this day of 19 _, by the Wheat Ridge City Council. Mayor OWNER'S CERTIFICATION The below — signed owner(s), or legally designated agent(s) thereof, do hereby agree that the properly legally described hereon will be developed as a Planned Development In accordance with the uses, restrictions and conditions contained In this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. I(we) further recognize that the approval of Final Development Plan (and Plat) does not creole a vested properly right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of section 26 -6(G) of Article 1 of the Cade of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Saulsbury Properties LLLP A Colorado Limned Liability Limned Partnership Harold R. Smethllls Managing Partner 1546 Cole Boulevard, Suite 22 Golden, Colorado 80401 NOTARY PUBLIC Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 — . Witness my hand and official seal. CITY SEAL ATTEST: _ City Clerk COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE This document accepted for filing in the office of the County Clerk pnd Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden. Colorado• on the day of A.D. 19 —, In the Book Page Reception Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder By. Ueputy HaM HENKEL5&*coy, _II 7061 S. UNIVERM BOULEVARD, STE.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 RVIm 1 ¢v n6 nnmrAt TEL:(303)794 -4704 R0. DAE DESCRIPRX Br CA X• - 1TT3 7Qd —A70,`; COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN HAPPY LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPM AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WEST 32 AVENUE ---- - -- - -- �1.,r,1', - - - -. - _ WEST .2nd AVENUE ,. 60' ROW) TYPICAL SE CTION HAPPY LANDINGS nPnr-;rMFNrs L vl ,nRn u Nnnrs...,NS4m�s ►.+. T _\ iI I lffaw IYH I �I I yl I yl I�I I 1. I I I _lll I`lll Iq I i y pl I 1 111 III 1 II I I II I II lV 111 111 �I I I I I t o I IN x I II IYe $ 1111y- I I I J e V I II J YI I II W e 111 ~ In v WEST' 31st PL. > (40' ROW) — '111 111 1 11 II II III I I II III III III I III Ilu 1 11 111 I II LOT 2 14,2 1.53 S0. F ,r r MA1£E A ss ORRE El r 1r d 1.00 m LOT 3 44„ 13,063.89 SO. FT. ! F P X D r L° NONEXCLUSIVE ITY EASEMENT 28' DITCN EASEMENL '-I RRSN ENU IRE ql fUUU &L A6w. .JIY•In N j 11.18 a ea I N I n p I'R ARPRDVCD [WK. pE: ARP1. D . R 24' ACCESS EASEMENT I LOl 4 8 13.04.21 SO. FT. # '° PROF aSED DUI LEX I I _ 110.N• �_ a 101 1 48,157.31 SO. FT. t PROPOSED APARTMENTS I .' 1 SITE PLAN IIII ul IIII II I 11 I 11 I uh nl II I II ~ II I II I )JII I n 1111 �. I I .� °IIII V II I J it Q IIII II I ul II II I II I II I 3 0� I� e7 qj �I e�j 037 BOOK-PACE RECEPTION NO. DATE ENT LEGEND O CONCRETE PAVEMENT ASPHALT PAVEMENT -i 1 13- 'OIIASS- CRETE PAVEMENT OR EWA- GRAPHIC SCALE ,n (01 F6T) E lace - JD rt HaM HENKELS ZMCOY 1061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD , STE.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 TFI -(.An3)794 —A704 PROJECT DATA BREAKDOWN: PROP. S.F. - 66,567 S.F. LDL1 L OT 2 L DT 3 L OT 4 TnTM S.E. 3. 6 � GIN. COVERAG 6.232 S.F. O% 2,0]5 75 S.F. 15X 3,710 S.F. 15 289 7710 S.F. 28 28% 1),)47 S.I. 20X I ANDS AP D AREA 29744 S.F. 62% 10,670 S.F. 75% 5.732 S.F. 44% 5624 S.F. 43% 51.770 S.F. 58% SIGN DE TAIL PAVED AREA 10.161 S.F. 21X 1.487 S.F. 10% 3642 S.F. 28% 3750 S.F. S.F. 29X IW% 19,040 S.F. 88567 S.F. 22% IN% TOTAL 48,157 S.F. 100% 14.241 S.F. 1N% 13,084 S.F. IWX 13.084 3 0� I� e7 qj �I e�j 037 BOOK-PACE RECEPTION NO. DATE ENT LEGEND O CONCRETE PAVEMENT ASPHALT PAVEMENT -i 1 13- 'OIIASS- CRETE PAVEMENT OR EWA- GRAPHIC SCALE ,n (01 F6T) E lace - JD rt HaM HENKELS ZMCOY 1061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD , STE.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 TFI -(.An3)794 —A704 t1 e F TYPE A ( RANCH TYPE) ELEVATIONS SCALE 1/1 • - I•. B. IZ - 74 �0 y � BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. DATE LL-------- - - - - -- SOUTH --------------- - -- REAR EVEL \.ATION _... _ _______—__ 1 J._____ — ___J__-- - -_ —J. i _ — ____ - - -�_— —�__-t NORTH — F0.0N TELE \'ATION --- _ - - - t o COMMON PARTY WAI r li b r? I\ 7 Fm l 41 11 �b 1 1 - 1 - - r --- ------ --- - - --- ' COMMON PARY WAL caaoSlrirly sR1asLES (rrP) et' B.ROeo.L.P z�RINC Pw) - 11 ,1, -P - _ _ M-Y- ERCfAItSE {rP) f0.0E •. BRICK VEKER (rYV).... _ v C Yf t •. ( 5 f 1 l.'ll ❑ --eFy�,, 9 - 1 IJ _- L --- -- ----- EAST ELEYATION ------------ - - L -JJ e I---- I — — — — — — — — - - - - - _ —__� EXTERIOR 1 T y RIC — — — — — __- - - - - - SOUTH - - - -- SIDE ELEVATION �---- EAST _ - -_ — J, - --- - __ -- REAR EVELVATION ELEV + �vuarr DUPLEX UNITS TYPE B(TWO STORY) ELEVATIONS �— •` L sc AlF Ve • -r -o• r? I\ 7 Fm l 41 11 �b 1 1 - 1 - - r --- ------ --- - - --- ' COMMON PARY WAL f 1 II ��I II 1 �II �IV caaoSlrirly sR1asLES (rrP) et' B.ROeo.L.P z�RINC Pw) - � I,,.- R�•�.,.1 _ f 1 II ��I II 1 �II �IV __- ____--- _L__- L_____L______� NORTH AND SOUTH a ELE L M HENKELS&AIECOY,- 7061 S. UNKR91Y BOULEVARD, SI1106 FRONT ELEVATION N caaoSlrirly sR1asLES (rrP) et' B.ROeo.L.P z�RINC Pw) - •. CO R /IW MIMDON rR1Y (t'P) _ M-Y- ERCfAItSE {rP) f0.0E •. BRICK VEKER (rYV).... _ v C Yf t •. ( 5 f 1 l.'ll --eFy�,, 9 - 1 IJ _- L --- -- ----- EAST ELEYATION ------------ - - L -JJ __- ____--- _L__- L_____L______� NORTH AND SOUTH a ELE L M HENKELS&AIECOY,- 7061 S. UNKR91Y BOULEVARD, SI1106 FRONT ELEVATION N WEST 32i7 d AVENUE (50' ;POW) I., I ule.eY i :e.00' CENTER OE SECTION 2e -3 -e9 0 EWNO 0.3• RNrSS CAP IN y RANCC ROM LS 13222, - $r f I I _ i WES T j2n d A VENUE I (GO' ROW) N01TM uNE a WE SE IH or s, =cnoN 2e -3-e9 ._.__ —.._ . _.__... I 97e.ee' PRIVATE ACCESS DRIVE A JS,, M1wg'" 116X.• — !h �I 2 ' ' ' / .a.u s � " � I I I (Pr.'a f C .plN(9 AID g AT 1X50/ E,, [ rmw A5 04 Suxsl -uRy L II W ! _ b -ST 31st PL. J ROW N 4O' w cuNR.cun R e .rt.cPEo S$r WeLU SF. IELLER STREET - 141`FOK T i WES T j2n d A VENUE I (GO' ROW) N01TM uNE a WE SE IH or s, =cnoN 2e -3-e9 ._.__ —.._ . _.__... I 97e.ee' PRIVATE ACCESS DRIVE A JS,, M1wg'" 116X.• — 2 ' ' ' / .a.u s � " � E w Sm (Pr.'a f C .plN(9 AID g AT 1X50/ E,, [ rmw A5 04 Suxsl -uRy e3 sa A id •a` � S b� a3 I lad p n hl 1 N z N GRAPHIC SCALE (wFenl 1 IARe - A rt PLANS ^^ EMa F1nG WATER LIME '- EXISTING WATER CIYWIIII EXISTING Nr ORAIIT r„ EXISTING GAIT VALVE - - - EXISTING SAr IIIAmN 51. V1 �' ^'• EMISMUG STURM SEVER EXISTING MANIIOLE I I EXISTING INLET EXISTING GAS MAIN ... .. - EXISTIrIG ELECTRIC -- - - -- r - EXISTING TELEPHONE --- - - - - -— - - -- EXIST IIG CURB AND GUTTER - - - -_ -- _ IICV CUPP AND GAITER IICV CURB MID GUTTER (SPILL) 1 ' NEW ASPHALT PAV[M[I11 1 r, r nil i Lu T IJ_I a IL z 0 a 0— a 2 � I f V1 0 I I DATE:3/17/1998 DATE:1 2/29/1998 DATE: 2/11/1998 093 SHEET N0 Wt l VL a 52r? /4 NUL _.,n -1 (Go 11 1 WES 52 VENUE . (60 A OW) EAST 1/4 P�Ett CAP 28 Ovy) FOUND 0.3 BRASS CAP IN RAN -3-69 GE " A' BOX, LS 13= DO .1 NORIN UNE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 20-3-4Y 976.0 ljla.ar 2 claim 5f SECTH)m 28 i 119 1.4 - 2 9 T Lim Im w-p—m - IIIIIIII " Im11111111 m m m w pm.m d- ---------- - ---- mNE mccX x Sam im sus"SoN m 3 I . GRAPHIC SCALE i ll I I.M.All. S W/AEI I ill O II� ��I . 10 L k III~ II L (40 ROW) I I i it I I .E. I W I i II I i ii III I III LEGEND NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK O PROPOSED R" DRMN HENCHMARK 1-52 is m 1/ WCT,YRE 5h—Tj�,— � I,Q0% - IGN 96) SEE DETA V 0 0 U� ° � FFE = FF 0 r, rAI � t,54 7 -d- L0 `1, a _..__ a I� � \ 1.152 1 468, 6 6 4 5467.50 '0 IIMPY C1 UVLW Rl SIREET R. PLUME. SOENI&MELOPMENT1 VVF.-,.s's a - ��e- -1 !1 S L-ju'""! l wwn Hit el e sty 011 1 SI 3 i milI . ..... 1 Rj... ............. ......... ........ ...... . ...................... .................... _II,r III I E-9 ;L U - ii Li T I I I E.51. CMIIXAIS PRWOSID OUPLEX i MAXIMUM RELEASE RATE POND Q5 0100 DESIG. bWfC`XW OF 0W a. At As DtLROSD Y my A2 .12 DESON PONT 3.7 MEN EX FENCE wi 14 42 EX. CURB. GUTTER AND WALK E= PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER EX TREE 6 6 4 5467.50 '0 IIMPY C1 UVLW Rl SIREET R. PLUME. SOENI&MELOPMENT1 VVF.-,.s's a - ��e- -1 !1 S L-ju'""! l wwn Hit el e sty 011 1 SI 3 i milI . ..... 1 Rj... ............. ......... ........ ...... . ...................... .................... _II,r III I E-9 ;L U - ii Li T I I I CROSS SECTION THROUGH DETENTION POND A9 StIECT 91 . A� VICINITY IVIAP7 CURB CUTI 1 11 01 1 NTS iln I 1 AM �jIV I I q WIRII " b 0 0 0 0 \01 E " A a0 :C � �v4 m co z W ICE Q- co z in z -i z -j IL w 0 z a: 0 S CTURE A2--- REVISIONS GRATED RELEASE STRUCTURE DATE: 3-17-1998 111 1 RTa DATE: 12-21-1998 BASIN DETENTION MAXIMUM RELEASE RATE POND Q5 0100 DESIG. (CFS) (OF S) At As 1.05 A2 .12 1.55 3.7 MEN A2 wi 14 42 I CROSS SECTION THROUGH DETENTION POND A9 StIECT 91 . A� VICINITY IVIAP7 CURB CUTI 1 11 01 1 NTS iln I 1 AM �jIV I I q WIRII " b 0 0 0 0 \01 E " A a0 :C � �v4 m co z W ICE Q- co z in z -i z -j IL w 0 z a: 0 S CTURE A2--- REVISIONS GRATED RELEASE STRUCTURE DATE: 3-17-1998 111 1 RTa DATE: 12-21-1998 DATE;!-18-1999 DATE : _ 26-1999 REVIEWED AND APPROVED DATE: 2-02-1998 DESIGN: PvF Rocky Mountain Ditch Company Date JOB: 06-071093-00 RUNOFF SUMMARY DING: DRAIN.DWG DESIGN BASIN DETENTION MAXIMUM RELEASE RATE POND Q5 0100 DESIG. (CFS) (OF S) At As 1.05 A2 .12 1.55 DATE;!-18-1999 DATE : _ 26-1999 REVIEWED AND APPROVED DATE: 2-02-1998 DESIGN: PvF Rocky Mountain Ditch Company Date JOB: 06-071093-00 RUNOFF SUMMARY DING: DRAIN.DWG DESIGN BASIN AREA 05 Oita POINT DESIG. (ACRES) (CFS) (CFS) I At .61 1.6 3.7 a A2 .90 14 42 I .,; I SHEET NO: 1 I HAPPY LANDINGS SUBDIVISION A REPLAT OF THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF, THE 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 BARTH'S SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE— QUARTER ,Or, 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRIt&OAL• MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFER ON, STATE OF COLORADO FINAL,, PLAT t DEDICATION So"Isbury Properties U.I.P. being the owner(s) of the real properly of 2.066 acres described as follows: NORTH 3/4 W THE NORTH 3/5 OF THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT I BLOCK 2, BRRIH'S SUBDIVISION COUNTY W JEFFERSON, STATE Of COLORADO Attest: MAYOR'S CERTIFICATE I I I !.I ,u The foregoing plat Is approved for Illinq; and conveyance of the slreels /roads, parcels and easements approved by the City of Wheat Ridgge County Stale of Colorado, this day of 19 The County shall undertake maintenance o(uny such slrenlaTroads and pubic ways only alter construction Thereof has been satisfactorily completed by the developer and accepted by the City of Wheal Ridge. and has told out, subdivided and plated sold land as per the drawing hereon contained under the name and style of Happy Landings, a subdivision of a part of the CiE/y• al Wheal Ridge, Colorado, and 8 y these yresents does dedicate to the City of Wheal Ridge and the public slreels, rogqds and avenues anC drives as shown on The accompanying plot for the public use thereof forever and does Ldo) further dedicate to the use of The Cil1� of When and all municipally owned and munl,:ipally It richlsed utilities and services Those portions of sold real properly which are so designated as easements and rlghla —of —way for the construction. Installation. operation. maintenance. reDOlr and expressly the subdivider or arrangements made by e, and such sums shall not be paid by or installed when accepted by the City Nllities and7or the Mountain Slates Telephone and Telegraph Company which Items, when or Installed shall remain the properly of The owner and shall not become The properly of the city. Holder of dead(s) of Trust hereby releases claim to areas dedicated to public use. STATE OF COLORADO) COUNTY OF JEFPEftSON) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged belore me This A.D. 19 W)(nea my hand ondo(TcTa1' seal. My Commission expires ------ ____________. Notary Public --- - - - - -- OWNERS SAULSBURY PROPERTIES,LLLP, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CORPORATIO14 BY: HAROLD R. SMETHILLS, MANAGING PARTNER 1546 COLE BOULEVARD SUITE 227 GOLDEN, COLORADO 80001 (303) 233 -3447 THE FOREGOI14G INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 1997 BY _ _ AS OF SAULSBURY PROPERTIES, U.I A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PAR114ERSHIP CORPORATION. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES WITNESS MY HAND AND OIFICIAL SEAL. PUBLIC cesE Hlsroer MS -98 -3 day of VIUHNI I T MAT' NOTES 1,) THE EMERGENCY AND SERVICE VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS Nor PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH EASEMENTS AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY UPON BILLING. 2.) THE STORM DETENTION AREA SHOWN ON THE APPROVED DRAINAGE PLAN SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY UPON BILLING. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. 3.) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE C - AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING. 4 .) THE UTILITY EASEMENTS SHOWN ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AIID REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC GAS TELEVISION CABLE, A14D 1ELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE FERMI {TED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTIUTY EASEMENTS. 5•) PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY TREE SHOWN ON THE FACE OF THIS PLAT, APPROVAL MUST BE RECEIVED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. REMOVAL OF THESE MATURE TREES WILL BE ALLOWED ONLY WHEN IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH A BUILDING FOOTPRINT PROPOSED WITH NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION. 6.) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED PLA14HED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 7.) ALL OWNERS, TENANTS AND GUESTS SHALL BE ALLOWED FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THE ACCESS EASEMENT /EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND USE OF OVERFLOW PARKING. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE (3) YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED UPON MORE THAN PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE This Is to eerlll the wllhln lat has been approved by the Planning Commission of Cho City of YPheat Ridge, Colorado. City Seal ---- CF,Trmun --------- APPROVALS: Service Company of Colorado US West Communications Group, Inc. - _- ______— _______ City of Wheat Ridge Director of Public Works City of Wheat Ridge Director of Parks and Recreation Commission City of Wheal Ridge Director of Planning and Development Rocky Mountain Water BOOKPAGE RECEPTION NO. DATE_ 9, _i 14d A RECEIVED JAN 2 6 1)99 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Kenneth A. Perry a Registered Land Surveyor in the Slate of Colorado, do hereby certify that the survey of Happpy Landings S was made by ma or directly under my supervision on or about the _ dayy of�______ and Thal the accompanying plat accurately and properly shows said subdivision and Bye survey Ihareof. Kennath __________________ ___— ---- — o Coor do d Col orado Land Surveyor Colorado Number 25961 Date ________ __ ____ ___ __ __ _ ___ CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN IIIE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON THIS DAY OF _ , 1997 __ AT __ O'CLOCK _.M. PLAT BOOK __, PAGE NO. . UNDER RECEPTION NO.. CLERK AND RECORDER DEPUTY CLERK 2 MENKEL5&AVCQY,� 7061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, STE.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL:(303)794 -4704 ipspme Mr. ITR an ourxT No. DATE DESCRIPTION FAX:(303 )794 -4703 HAPPY LANDINGS SUBDIVISION A REPLAT OF THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 BARTH'S SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE— QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO FINAL PLAT Iliivil. '�IIGUI''i A41) IZ Z f Il+ \RIII'S _,000I'dl"'1011 ZUI11 U R 7 CASE HISTORY MS -98 -3 l.. 32ND AVENUE 1 4. II UII I ' 60' ROW eA '01 8 4I N1 x v ]'• s� v� K —Im NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 BLOCK 4 BARTH'S SUBDINSION 955'17 ^o'xT'lr" � �f.. I .64'' � .. M.L 9004 _a_ a____________________________1 � -_ ____________ r .I EASEMENT - � of 8TT , , ,I • I I 1 20.61' . �.. �.. 1 1 14.241.53 50. FT. 4 I I I lUE I,� II'slul.l; 'I H dull" 9111111VISIIIN A LOT t DE .80 1 I 48.157.31 50. FT. Y P U PI1 f? RFs1DL,LNT A IL DEVELOPMENT � ASEMEH IN 5' OF R.O.W. IIEF 900/'02 30' NDNEIICLUS 935'5X' 24.00' IUTIUTY EASEMENT 1 24 - C A ERCENCY AHIIC ACCESS LOT 3 I' I I I•° LOT 4 13,083.89 50. FT. & I� ; 1 13084.26 50. FT. t 5' UTIUIY EASEMENT (TYP ) HARM'; SIJI ( )111 0 12 ;' .w' I j II I II I W II WI II (y I II I N 3111 ❑ III >-ItY II I � uI J II I QI II I N II I II I II I II I I II I ul II I II I II I II 1 I II I II I II I II I II I I II I II I II I II I II 1 I II I II I II I 11 I n1 BOOK—PAGE RECEPTION NO. DATE 3 ILITt'L III ,, I TI II_U Z LEGEND ® MEE O FOUND PIN k CAP. IS 14112 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 u rSST 1 19.on - sa M1 H HENKEL5$AIYOY, 1061 S. UNIVERSO BOULEVARD, ST1.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL:(303)794 -4704 9 II III I II III I II I II III lu I I I 1- 3 GM 111 Ll , vin/oe -__ lu t1i III 3 ❑ I II I II III w J N II J it W 111 � I II X SUlt0lvl',,lull II0 R -2 III I u } WEST 31ST PLACE i 40' ROW tl 5 I II Y I II y I II I II I II I II I Il I II pp g Il+ \RIII'S _,000I'dl"'1011 ZUI11 U R 7 CASE HISTORY MS -98 -3 l.. 32ND AVENUE 1 4. II UII I ' 60' ROW eA '01 8 4I N1 x v ]'• s� v� K —Im NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 BLOCK 4 BARTH'S SUBDINSION 955'17 ^o'xT'lr" � �f.. I .64'' � .. M.L 9004 _a_ a____________________________1 � -_ ____________ r .I EASEMENT - � of 8TT , , ,I • I I 1 20.61' . �.. �.. 1 1 14.241.53 50. FT. 4 I I I lUE I,� II'slul.l; 'I H dull" 9111111VISIIIN A LOT t DE .80 1 I 48.157.31 50. FT. Y P U PI1 f? RFs1DL,LNT A IL DEVELOPMENT � ASEMEH IN 5' OF R.O.W. IIEF 900/'02 30' NDNEIICLUS 935'5X' 24.00' IUTIUTY EASEMENT 1 24 - C A ERCENCY AHIIC ACCESS LOT 3 I' I I I•° LOT 4 13,083.89 50. FT. & I� ; 1 13084.26 50. FT. t 5' UTIUIY EASEMENT (TYP ) HARM'; SIJI ( )111 0 12 ;' .w' I j II I II I W II WI II (y I II I N 3111 ❑ III >-ItY II I � uI J II I QI II I N II I II I II I II I I II I ul II I II I II I II 1 I II I II I II I II I II I I II I II I II I II I II 1 I II I II I II I 11 I n1 BOOK—PAGE RECEPTION NO. DATE 3 ILITt'L III ,, I TI II_U Z LEGEND ® MEE O FOUND PIN k CAP. IS 14112 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 u rSST 1 19.on - sa M1 H HENKEL5$AIYOY, 1061 S. UNIVERSO BOULEVARD, ST1.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL:(303)794 -4704 3 GM ev xx an 9 9 Nl w , vin/oe -__ rut Rcx9ans 1__,_.__... ne ,,, The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 Wheat 9 Ridge February 2, 1999 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case No. WZ -99 -01 which is a request for approval to rezone from R- 2 and R -3 to PRD and for approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat for 3195 Saulsbury Street/3190 Teller Street for the purpose of developing 2 duplexes (4 units) and 12 multi - family units will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on February 22, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. All owners and/or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Planning Commission. As an area resident or interested parry, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\ Barbara \CCRPTS\PUBNOTIC \wz99011ettecwpd (303) 234 -5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234.5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235 -2949 February 2, 1999 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case No. WZ -99 -01 which is a request for approval to rezone from R- 2 and R -3 to PRD and for approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat for 3195 Saulsbury Street /3190 Teller Street for the purpose of developing 2 duplexes (4 units) and 12 multi - family units will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on February 22, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. All owners and/or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Planning Commission. As an area resident or interested parry, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and /or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. Mailed non - certified to: - Thomas Peterman, 7205 W. 31 Place - Margaret Parry, 3060 Teller Street - Catherine Dunlap, 7160 W. 30` Avenue C:\ Bubu.\ CCRPTS\PUBNOTIC \wz99011etter.wpd / \ ) \y \ \ OZ !)\ 7 \ �k \\ \ \\ \ \\ \�\ \ \\ \ (�\ _< !), ;/§ $f /$)\ / / / / \ ƒ!& . k C ` o CO Iwo \ a w a k a) 0 §�\ \ / \ ) \y \ \ a d w� d a 'U c a y N 'U � v d � v > >a 'm � Z c @ a m `m C 7 a > p U u @ a j O W m N O) U h C N a@n N E'a 0 a 0 U L U @ E p C @ O Q m° u Q m a o o t0 0 0 0 0 0 - 2 0 t c aio aio Y> E ai ai0 aio N> W — Q x 00 T» aio > OJ @ uN N@ O aio O > O Q O G7 n N Q r c0 >`Q N c0 NQ LL c0 NQ o cO dc0 OQ /n CO oc0 o y0 Ec0 d O 0 N N C N N p] U N Z :2 E :2 > m rn it = U�n� 00� @M� ' �O 3 NNK @ L L @ N O N � E @ d a� rc� d E � U 0 X z ao u W ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ LO W N N (7 O r Q v N v M a a v in o <o a r v w a rn v � 00 rn m m 0 o m rn m rn m rn W V m m rn rn m h E m m rn rn Q W W Z D m N 3: Q Q a O W 0 Una �I lt�ilr NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL on February 22, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak on the following subject or submit written comments he following shall be heard: Community Development Block Grant: The City of Wheat Ridge City Council will consider the applications received for the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). The City Council will approve a list of projects for funding in 1999. 2 ase No. WZ- 99 -01: An application submitted by Saulsbury Properties for approval for approval of a combined preliminary and final development plan and plat for 3195 Saulsbury Street/3190 Teller Street for the purpose of developing 2 duplexes (4 units) and 12 multi - family units and legally described as follows: A replat of the North 3/4 of the North 3/5 of the West %: of Lot 1, Block 2 Barth's Subdivision, a subdivision in the Southeast one - quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6 " Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 6e l & rl Barbara Delgadillo, Reco ing Secretary ATTEST Wanda Sang, Ci rk To be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: February 5, 1999 bottom, the minutes should reflect that Commissioner SNOW asked if Ms. Fisher would prefer transitional residential use; page 5, paragraph 3 needs to be clarified; page 5, the following words should be added to the fourth paragraph, line five after the words "and 44th ": "Mrs. Seeds went over the actual language identifying the old district and explained that the Committee's intention was to..." The motion passed by a vote of 5 -0 with Commissioners SHOCKLEY and THOMPSON absent 6. -- PUBLIC FORUM There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ- 99 -01: An application by Saulsbury Properties for approval to rezone from R -2 and R -3 to PRD and for approval of an Outline Preliminary and Final Development Plan and Plat for 3195 Saulsbury Street and 3190 Teller Street for the purpose of developing two duplexes (four units) and twelve multi - family units. The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She distributed copies of a letter she received on February 4, 1999 from Chad and Jennifer Goins, 7095 West 32nd Avenue, indicating their support of the subject proposal. She reviewed the staff report, presented overheads and exhibits of the subject area. She entered the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, case file, packet materials and exhibits into the record which were accepted by Chair BRINKMAN. She advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Commissioner COLLINS asked who owned the detention pond on the property. Ms. Reckert replied that it was the intent that it would be the owners in the subdivision, but that the language could be clarified on the plat to clearly define maintenance responsibility. Mr. Goebel commented that the owners would be responsible for maintenance of the detention pond. Commissioner COLLINS referred to the landscaping on 32nd near Saulsbury and asked if it belonged to the ditch company. Ms. Reckert replied that the property would be in the ownership of the homeowners association but that the ditch company would have access to maintain their facilities. Commissioner COLLINS asked how water will drain from the property. Mr. Goebel explained the storm drainage plan for the area and stated that it was planned to install a cross pan at the intersection of 30 Avenue and Saulsbury Street and to have it completed this summer. Chair BRINKMAN asked if the property owner to the south would still be able to utilize the ditch water. Mr. Goebel replied that the plan shows a proposed swale behind the sidewalk on Teller Street that will convey storm water and that there is a headgate which will allow the use of the ditch water even if sidewalks are constructed. Planning Commission Page 2 02/04/99 Mr. Goebel stated that on the Saulsbury side, there are some scrub elms intertwined into a fence that will be removed at the same time the fence is removed. He also stated there are two silver maples north of the proposed drive which could be saved by detaching the sidewalk around the trees and bringing it back to the curb before it gets to the ditch. Commissioner SNOW asked if there were another ditch on the property in addition to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. Mr. Goebel replied that the Rocky Mountain Ditch is the main ditch that crosses the north end of the site and a lateral comes off of that ditch that goes down the east side of Teller Street and irrigates the property south of the development. In response to a question from Chair BRINKMAN, Mr. Goebel stated that, without sidewalk, curb and gutter on Teller Street, it would be very difficult to get water to a catch basin at the low point because the grade is only 1/2% and there would be problems with mud and ice. Commissioner MACDOUGALL stated that the irrigation lateral goes down the east side of Teller and asked which location had water rights for that. Mr. Goebel replied that the lot directly to the south of subject property had water rights and that there was at least one other property with water rights. Commissioner COLLINS commented that it was very helpful to have the drainage plans in the Planning Commission packet. Commissioner SNOW asked what the code said in regard to sidewalk installation requirements. A portion of page 344 of the code was read as follows: "The installation of curb, gutter, sidewalks and related roadway improvements may not be required where less than half of the properties on the street extending 500 feet from the lot line of property in question on both sides." Commissioner SNOW asked the reason for the request to prohibit RV and boat parking in the development's parking areas which could result in people parking their RV's and boats on the street. Ms. Reckert replied that this restriction was requested because of the limited parking on the site. Chair BRINKMAN asked about fire hydrants. Ms. Reckert stated that fire hydrant issues should be resolved with the subdivision agreement. Alec Garbini 1546 Cole Street #227 Golden, CO Mr. Garbini was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. He stated that he is the project architect for the subject property and representative of Saulsbury Properties, Ltd. He addressed the question regarding fire hydrants and stated that one fire hydrant was built last year when the developer thought he would be able to begin construction. The other fire hydrant has been paid for but Planning Commission Page 02/04/99 cannot be installed until the water district loops the water through the site once the location of roads have been finally determined. He then reviewed the number of parking spaces in the development. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. Garbini stated that there are six ground floor units designed to be accessible to persons with handicaps. Mr..Garbini stated that when he was hired for this project in 1996 there were three major goals he wanted to accomplish in the plan: (1) to preserve positive attributes of the site such as mature trees, buffers and character of surrounding neighborhood; (2) to preserve the existing house; and (3) to retain multifamily use in the R -3 area which has been in existence since the original apartments were built in 1949. He pointed out that the apartments were designed to be as similar to townhouse units as possible. He stated that in discussions with neighbors, they indicated they did not want a through street through the development, so it was suggested that a mountable curb be installed in the drive so that it could only be used by fire trucks or trash trucks; however, the fire department objected to that plan and asked for a speed bump to be installed. He stated that, in response to neighbors' concerns about car lights from the parking lots shining into the homes across the street, he proposed a hedge or low fence along Saulsbury. Mr. Garbini stated that the developer would like to rebuild the fence along 32nd Avenue in its present location. If the fence were moved to the property line, as requested by staff, it would leave a 7 to 8 -foot strip of land that would not be irrigated or maintained. The developer would like to contain all the area behind the sidewalk with the fence in order to be responsible for maintaining the area. Mr. Garbini stated that the sidewalk plans resulted from neighbors' comments and that this was the first time he had heard about the possibility of doing a detached sidewalk. He had been told that the sidewalk and curb had to be attached. In regard to screening of the detention pond, he planned to remove the volunteer elms and plant other shrubs and trees; however, at the present time, there is no room between the pond and the street because the area would be taken up with sidewalk and that is why the waiver had been requested. He felt that the installation of sidewalks would encourage parking along the street. He stated that he would have no objection to posting no- parking signs to keep apartment residents from parking on the street In regard to the property owners who have water rights to the ditch, he stated that the ditch has grown over with vegetation over the years but that he would commit to cleaning the area out so water would flow smoothly. He also stated that the developer is asking for a waiver of all public improvement requirements along Saulsbury and Teller. Commissioner SNOW asked if the Rocky Mountain Ditch had any objection to the fence. Mr. Garbini replied that he hasn't talked with them about moving the fence yet. He mentioned that Planning Commission Page 4 02/04/99 the trees are in the ditch right -of -way and therefore the ditch company has a right to remove the trees. However, he has asked them to reserve that right in this instance. He stated that the developer's intention is to build a fence on both sides of the ditch to prevent children from wandering along the ditch. Commissioner MACDOUGALL asked about the surface of the detention ponds. Mr. Garbini replied that the one on the south is grass with a sandy loam soil beneath. In response to another -- question from Commissioner MACDOUGALL, Mr. Garbini replied that the standing depth of water in the detention pond on the south is two feet on average. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern about handicapped access to 32nd Avenue if there were no sidewalks. (Chair BRINKMAN declared a recess of the meeting at 9:00 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:15 p.m.) Catherine Dunlap 7160 West 30th Avenue Ms. Dunlap was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. She commented that Mr. Garbini and Mr. Smethills have been very faithful in working with the neighborhood to arrive at a compromise plan and that the neighbors are generally in support of the new plan. She addressed two things that had been amended since the neighbors last discussed the plan: (1) Neighbors were adamant that the drive through the development not be a through street. The final plan calls for a speed bump, rather than a mountable curb, which will not prevent through traffic. (2) If there are no sidewalks, people will park along the street and cause further erosion. She urged the Commission to require sidewalks to prevent erosion. Commissioner COLLINS commented that the City of Denver uses chains with padlocks or gates which are only accessible to fire equipment and trash trucks. Commissioner GOKEY asked Ms. Dunlap if she was in favor of removing trees to install sidewalks. She replied that most of the trees were not worth saving and the two trees worth saving could be worked around. Commissioner GOKEY stated that he did not believe people would use the drive as a through street. Commissioner SNOW commented that she could not foresee that many additional people parking along Teller Street and would not want to install curb, gutter and sidewalk along Teller until some time in the future when the whole street is redone and people really want it. Margaret Perry 3060 Teller Street - Ms. Perry was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. She stated that she was in support of the project and expressed her appreciation to the applicant and the city for arriving at the present Planning Commission 02/04/99 plan which saves the existing house. She was not in favor of having a sidewalk on Teller because it would end at the property line. She also believed that it would be a safer option to have cars parking further off the street than they would if there was a sidewalk. Chair BRINKMAN asked if Ms. Perry used water from the ditch. She replied that, although she hadn't used the water in recent years, she wanted to preserve the water rights and that sidewalks, curb and gutter would prevent natural runoff from the street that goes to water the — trees in the city right -of -way and on her lot. Commissioner SNOW asked how Ms. Perry felt about the drive. She replied that she preferred a through street and felt that neighboring residents would not use it as a thoroughfare. She also stated that she did not think a speed bump was necessary but would have no objection to it and would go along with whatever the neighborhood wants. Lisa Hamilton - Fieldman 7125 West 32nd Avenue Ms. Hamilton - Fieldman was swom in by Chair BRINKMAN. She stated that her house is located directly north of the subject property. She commented that Mr. Garbini has worked very hard to accommodate everyone's concerns. She stated that she did not want a through street nor did the majority of residents. She was in favor of the mountable curb alternative and felt this would not only deter through traffic but also be safer for children living in the development. Regarding the fence, she understood that the new fence could not legally cross the ditch right -of -way. She requested that the new fence cut across the corner of the property. She stated the curb and sidewalk would encourage more parking on the street and that wedging trees between the sidewalk and the curb would most likely cause the loss of those trees. She also stated that curb and gutter would not allow room between the detention pond and the sidewalk to plant trees to screen the detention pond from the street and the view of the neighborhood. Commissioner GOKEY stated that fences can be placed across ditches as long as passage of water is not disturbed. Mr. Garbini replied that the ditch company won't allow him to put a fence in the ditch right -of -way because they want to be able to get into the ditch for maintenance. Commissioner GOKEY stated that he would support a speed bump and a sign that says "private drive" which would deter through traffic. Commissioner COLLINS asked if a curb could be installed without a sidewalk. Mr. Goebel stated that he did not believe the ADA would allow that kind of a situation because it puts up a barrier. Commissioner SNOW stated that final regulations regarding this have never been issued by the board that sets regulations for the ADA. Planning Commission Page 6 02/04/99 Chair BRINKMAN asked if there were others present who wished to address the Commission. There was no response. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner MACDOUGALL that Case No. WZ- 99 -01, a request for approval of a rezoning of property located at 3190 Teller Street and 3195 Saulsbury Street from R -2 and R -3 to Planned Residential Development and for approval of an outline development plan, be approved for the following reasons: 1. The existing house would be saved. 2. The proposal provides for a reduction in density by one unit from the existing approved plan and is supported by the neighborhood. 3. All requirements for a PRD outline development plan have been met. With the following conditions: (1) The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. (2) That it shows fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. (3) That the overflow parking areas be designated with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations." (4) For Saulsbury Street, designate five -foot right -of -way dedicated by plat to be recorded at the County. (5) A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking. (6) That a walk be installed to provide access to the bus stop located roughly between the house and the apartments. (7) That there be no sidewalks on the east side of Teller and no sidewalks on the West side of Saulsbury past the culvert in accordance with the ordinance that says sidewalks may not be required unless 50% of the properties within 500 feet have them. (8) That a mountable curb be installed in the drive. (9) Language be included on the plat that make it clear that a homeowners association will be established to fulfill the requirements of maintenance of the property and the detention pond. (10) That the owner /developer be allowed to replace the fence along 32nd Avenue in the existing location except for a setback at the corner of 32nd and Saulsbury to preserve the line of sight as approved by the public works department. Chair BRINKMAN stated that it was her understanding that Planning Commission cannot make a decision on waiving a requirement for a public sidewalk. Mr. White commented that it might be more appropriate to save that condition for a motion on the public improvement recommendation. Planning Commission Page 7 02/04/99 Chair BRINKMAN stated that, although she is in favor of the rezone, she would have to vote against the motion if the sidewalk issue is part of the motion. She asked Commissioner SNOW if she would consider dropping that part of the motion. Commissioner SNOW replied that, based on the fact that the motion is only a recommendation to City Council, she would not drop the sidewalk portion of the motion. Commissioner GOKEY offered an amendment to the motion that would change the mountable curb median to a speed bump and add a requirement for signage that would indicate "private drive" or "private entrance ". He felt that such signage would discourage through traffic flow from those outside the development area. The amendment to place a condition no. (11) which would require signage indicating that the drive was a private drive or private entrance was acceptable to Commissioners SNOW and MACDOUGALL. Commissioner SNOW stated that she would prefer a separate motion concerning the speed bump. Commissioner GOKEY moved and Chair BRINKMAN seconded that the motion be amended to change the wording "mountable curb" to "speed bump ". Commissioner GOKEY's motion failed by a vote of 2 to 3, with Commissioners COLLINS, MACDOUGALL, and SNOW voting no and Commissioners SHOCKLEY and THOMPSON absent. A vote was taken on Commissioner SNOW's motion. The motion passed by a vote of 3 to 2, with Commissioners COLLINS and BRINKMAN voting no, and Commissioners SHOCKLEY and THOMPSON absent. Chair BRINKMAN stated that she voted against the motion because of the condition pertaining to the sidewalks. Commissioner COLLINS stated that he voted against the motion because he felt there was need for curb and gutter for drainage control. Mr. White reminded Commissioner COLLINS that the motion only mentioned sidewalks, riot curb and gutter. He also stated that he believed the issue of the curb, gutter and sidewalk should be saved for the request to waive the public improvements. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner MACDOUGALL that the planned residential development combined preliminary and final development plan for property located 3190 Teller Street - 3195 Saulsbury Street be approved for the following reasons: Planning Commission Page 8 02/04/99 1. The existing house would be saved. 2. The proposal provides for a reduction in density by one unit from the existing approved plan and is supported by the neighborhood. 3. All requirements for a PRD outline development plan will have been met. With the following conditions: (1) . The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. (2) That is shows fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. (3) That the overflow parking areas be designated with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations." (4) For Saulsbury Street, designate five -foot right -of -way dedicated by plat to be recorded at the County. (5) A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking. (6) That a walk be installed to provide access to the bus stop located roughly between the house and the apartments. (7) That there be no sidewalks on the east side of Teller and no sidewalks on the West side of Saulsbury past the culvert in accordance with the ordinance that says sidewalks may not be required unless 50% of the properties within 500 feet have them (8) That a mountable curb be installed in the drive. (9) Language be included on the plat that make it clear that a homeowners association will be established to fulfill the requirements of maintenance of the property and the detention pond. (10) That the owner /developer be allowed to replace the fence along 32nd Avenue in the existing location except for a setback at the corner of 32nd and Saulsbury to preserve the line of sight as approved by the public works department. (11) That signage be required indicating that the drive was a private drive or private entrance. Chair BRINKMAN stated that, although she is in favor of the final development plan, she would vote against the motion because she believes there is a need for sidewalks along this property. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 1 with Chair BRINKMAN voting no, and Commissioner SHOCKLEY and THOMPSON absent. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner MACDOUGALL seconded to approve the minor subdivision plat for property located at 3190 Teller Street - 3195 Saulsbury Street for the following reasons:. - Planning Commission Page 9 02/04/99 It is consistent with the outline and final development plan if all of the prior conditions have been met. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. With the condition: (1) All of the conditions specified earlier plus language requested by the Public Service . Company regarding their services and easements will be added to the plat face. Chair BRINKMAN stated that, although she is in favor of the final development plan, she would vote no because she believes there is a need for sidewalks along this property. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 1 with Chair BRINKMAN voting no, and Commissioner SHOCKLEY and THOMPSON absent. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair BRINKMAN declared the public hearing closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Planning Commission Comp Plan Hearing Commissioner SNOW asked that, if the notice regarding the Planning Commission hearing on February 18 had not yet been mailed, the notice should mention there would be two additional future land use maps for discussion at the meeting. She also requested that copies of the Comprehensive Plan Committee map be available at this hearing. In reply to a question from Chair BRINKMAN, Mr. White replied that copies of the conflict map would be available for the February 18th meeting. He also stated that all versions of the Comprehensive Plan maps would be available as overlays for comparison at the Planning Commission Study Session on February 25. 10. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. 11. DISCUSSION ITEMS There were no discussion items. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee or department reports. Planning Commission 02/04/99 PC 4 61 A4 (A)- S o ------ - - - - -- - .... .- - - -- ----- ...... - ------- - s � _ = �i��c�'w�G� __ - `� °1- � __ ._ ���� u� �� C � _ fii.� -e ,___ __._,_p� _._ g � �,,..� t" �� -- - _ o — '� � February 4, 1999 FFR04 Or P — �O-_ City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is in support of the rezoning of the property located at 3195 Saulsbury Street/3190 Teller Street from R -2 and R -3 to Planned Residential Development. We are unable to attend the meeting this evening, however, we have attended past neighborhood meetings where the plan was discussed. We feel that the new plan requiring the rezoning is more beneficial to our neighborhood than the original plan for many reasons. First, saving and renovating the existing home on the northwest corner of the property will maintain the style and charm of the neighborhood and will lend consistency to the design of the additional structures on the property. Secondly, we feel that the new plan will save as many existing trees as possible, and that the additional landscaping (i.e. shrubs along the parking lot facing Saulsbury Street) will shield the neighborhood from as much intrusion as possible. Finally, we are pleased that the traffic has been split between Teller and Saulsbury Streets, and through traffic will be discouraged by creating a speed hump on the property. This seems to be the most equitable way of handling the increased traffic due to the development. For these reasons, we ask that you support this rezoning proposal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (303) 274 -8507. Thank you, ck o� j V Chad and Je ifer Goi s 7095 West 32 Avenue PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: Z % `� l DATE: February 4.1999 REQUEST XX+11C47"1D / �i EZ a,UE fo PXO I'O,e 9e T�4�Z-- L�X &S 4 1o' U//i f5 Speaker Name (PLEASE PRINT) Address /Phone In Favor / Opposed 1 3�6�iP14 A ; wt 8���� CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: February 4, 1999 DATE PREPARED: J nuary 26, 1999 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -99 -1 /Saulsbury Properties CASE MANAGER:ZReckert ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone from R -2 and R -3 to PRD, approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 3195 Saulsbury Street /3190 Teller Street NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN M (IQ ZONING ORDINANCE Q (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) Q OTHER Alec Garbini CM2 management 1547 Cole Blvd. Golden, CO Saulsbury Properties 1546 Cole Blvd., #227 Golden, CO 2.042 Acres R -2 and R -3 Single - family, Multi- family, Vacant N, S, E: R -2; W: R -2, R -1A N, S, E and W: Low Density Residential Single- family and Duplex (Not to exceed 7 do's per acre) ------------------------------------------------------------ January 15, 1999 January 21, 1999 January 12, 1999 CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS SLIDES QIII; The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two and Residential -Three to Planned Residential Development and approval of an outline development plan and combined preliminary and final development plan and plat. The applicant is also requesting a waiver of the installation of public improvements along Teller and Saulsbury Streets. Four separate motions will have to be made to cover all required Planning Commission actions. City Council has directed staff to expedite the land use case review process. The public hearing in front of City Council will be February 22, 1999. II. CASE HISTORY The property in question was subject to a zone change request from R -2 and R -3 to Planned Residential Development per Case No. WZ -97 -1. This application was made on December 18, 1996, but was never forwarded to Planning Commission or City Council for public hearing. On February 22, 1997, Ordinance No. 1066 became effective which placed a moratorium on zone change applications for rezonings to R -2, R -3, R -3A, R -2A and PRD zones. City Council then passed a series of ordinances in the Fall of 1997 which reduced the allowable densities in the R -2A, R -3, R -3A and PRD zone districts. The application for Case No. WZ -97 -1 was subsequently withdrawn. In May of 1998, the owner applied for and was granted a building permit for the construction of 12 multi - family units for the northern portion of the property zoned R -3. Staff would note that the multi- family units under construction are consistent with the density established pursuant to Ordinance No. 1090. However, because of the density limitations, under the existing R -3 zoning, the existing single - family home on the northwest corner of the property was to be removed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new multi - family units. The owner then applied for approval of a subdivision to plat the southern portion zoned R -2 into three duplex sites. City Council approved a minor subdivision for the property on August 24, 1998. Attached under Exhibits A and B are reduced copies of the approved subdivision with the corresponding site plan for development. Subsequent to the Council approval, discussions began between the developer and several neighborhood residents, one of whom was interested in saving the existing house. In the spirit of compromise, the developer agreed to submit a rezoning application to the City for rezoning to Planned Residential Development. On the development plan submitted and supported by the neighborhood, the existing house remains and one of the duplex units on the south is removed. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on January 12, 1999. The following persons were in attendance: Meredith Reckert - City staff Alec Garbini - project architect Planning Commission Page 2 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties Thomas Peterman - 7205 W. 31" Avenue Margaret Parry - 3060 Teller Street Jen Goins - 7095 W. 32 "d Avenue Chad Goins - 7095 W. 32 "d Avenue Catherine Dunlap - 7160 Teller Street Jeff Van Scoyk - 7135 - 7193 W. 32 Avenue Lisa Hamilton - Fieldman - 7125 W. 32 Avenue The following issues were discussed: — The fact that the site plan being shown was the same one displayed at the meeting with the neighbors in early December. — What form the mountable barrier in the private drive would take. — That the design and materials used in the apartments will reflect those used in the existing house. Building colors are yet to be determined. — Discussion on whether the neighbors would prefer to see curb, gutter and sidewalk along Teller and Saulsbury or have it left "as is." The applicant indicated that he intends on requesting waiver of public improvement installation along those two streets. — Buffering for the parking area along Saulsbury. — The potential for traffic calming along Teller Street. — The types of fencing being proposed around the perimeter of the project. — Whether the area around Rocky Mountain Ditch would be for public use? — Whether the duplexes would be rentals or for sale? IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Wheat Ridge Sanitation District can service the project subject to approval, tap fees and inspections by the District. There are 8" sanitary sewer mains in Teller Street and Saulsbury Street. Public Service Company has requested specific language which has been added to the plat face. Consolidated Mutual Water company has approved service to the property subject to district rules and regulations. The Wheat Ridge Fire District requested changes to the turn radii at the private drive intersections with the streets. Fire hydrant installation will be required along both Teller and Saulsbury. Twenty -four feet in width for the private drive is adequate with no parking. This drive area must be designated "no parking." Public Works Department has commented relative to the technical elements of the plat. Public improvements will be required along the Teller Street and Saulsbury Street frontages. They have approved the drainage report in concept and have requested changes be made and resubmitted. The drainage report will have to be modified if the requirement for public improvements is waived. The Parks and Recreation Commission has requested $75.00 per unit contribution in lieu of parkland dedication. Planning Commission Page 3 WZ -99 -O 1 /Saulsbury Properties V. REZONING CRITERIA Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning (change of zoning conditions): The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. The R -2 and R -3 zoning on the property was in place when the City of Wheat Ridge incorporated. There is evidence in the commissioners' journals that the property was rezoned to its current classification from A -1 in 1949. There is no mistake on the City zoning maps. 2. A change in the character in the area has occurred due to the installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration or development transitions. There have been very few changes to the area which is predominately developed with single - family residences. West 32n Avenue is classified as a Class 5 street (Minor Neighborhood Collector) and continues to carry fairly heavy volumes of traffic. A 1996 traffic count on 32 "d Avenue, just east of Teller Street showed an average daily traffic count of 4650 vehicles per day. The north half of the property has historically been used as multi - family dwelling units. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Single - family and duplex (not to exceed 7 du's per acre). Total overall density as proposed for the entire property is 8.4 units per acre. If the lots are looked at individually, the multi - family lot = 10.9 units per acre, the single - family lot = 3.1 units per acre and the duplex lots = 6.7 units per acre. The allowable maximum density for a PRD is 16 units per acre. The allowable maximum density for R -3 development is 12 units per acre. Although the proposal exceeds the density standard designated in the Comp Plan, it is still well within the maximum limits for the existing zoning and proposed zoning. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The subject property is surrounded primarily by single - family residences with R -2 zoning, the remainder being R -2 zoned duplexes. Staff concludes that the existing single - family residences and the duplexes on the south half of the property are compatible. The multi - family development on the north provides a transition and buffer between 32 Avenue and the low density residential neighborhood to the south. The existing Rocky Mountain Ditch and trees north of the apartments will provide natural screening for the houses along the north side of 32 Avenue. Planning Commission Page 4 WZ -99 -O 1 /Saulsbury Properties 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and /or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There will be no obvious social or recreational benefits as a result of this rezoning. There will be economic benefits by way of increased property taxes and values and increased buying power in the community. 6. That adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies can serve the property with appropriate upgrades installed at the developer's expense. 7. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. There will be an increase of roughly 80 cars per day on Saulsbury and 90 cars per day on Teller Street. Teller Street is designated as a Class 6 street (Neighborhood Through Street) and Saulsbury is classified as Class 7 street (Neighborhood Street). Both of these streets can handle the volume generated by the project. There is currently no on -site detention on the property. The applicant has submitted a drainage report addressing concerns of development relative to storm water drainage. There may be a slight decrease in the amount of light and air to adjacent properties; however, with the reduction in the number of units on the south half, there should be lesser impact than the original approval. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. The property can be developed under the existing zoning. There is an approved subdivision plat with corresponding site plan in place. However, the current proposal has less density, saves the existing house, and is a better plan for a variety of reasons. There are less access points to both Teller (three under the old plan and two under the new plan) and Saulsbury (two under the old plan and one under the new plan). Because the duplexes and multi - family units share the drive, there is less impervious area and more landscaping. There is covered parking available to the apartment units, as well as overflow parking. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. This will be the only Planned Residential Development zoning in the vicinity, although there is residential zoning on all sides. Planning Commission Page 5 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. It is impossible for staff to ascertain whether the change of zone will fill a void service, products or facilities within the community. An outline development plan has been provided which establishes allowed density at 17 units comprised of single - family residence, four duplex units and twelve multi - family units. Access points and general design parameters for minimum landscaping, maximum building height, and minimum perimeter setbacks are defined by this document. All requirements for a Planned Residential Development outline development plan have been met. Since the rezoning is supported by the neighborhood, a recommendation of approval is given. The first two lines in the document title should be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. This should be made a condition of the approval. VI. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The final development plan provided is consistent with the outline development plan in terms of density, and general design parameters. Development on the property consists of the twelve multi - family units currently under construction and the existing single - family residence on the north half. On the south portion development consists of two duplex structures and enclosed garages for half of the multi - family units. Access for all units except for the existing house is by way of a 24' wide private drive running between Teller and Saulsbury Streets. A speed hump has been shown within the drive to discourage through traffic. No parking will be allowed along the private drive. Parking is provided with 26 spaces for the multi - family (20 uncovered and 6 covered). Three spaces are provided for each duplex. In addition, there are overflow spaces shown to be utilized by persons living in the development. The developer has indicated that while 10 extra spaces are shown, four of those will not be built. The extra spaces are shown so that there is flexibility in locating them in regard to the existing trees. Staff would recommend that a note be added indicating that six overflow spaces will be provided, but that their location may change based on tree locations. Staff recommends a note be added to the development plan prohibiting RV and boat parking. No changes will occur to the existing single - family residence and garage. Access to the house is from Teller Street via the existing driveway. No changes are proposed to the Rocky Mountain Ditch. There will be no public access to this open area. Existing trees have been incorporated into the project design where possible. In September of 1997, the City adopted site design requirements as an amendment to the Planned Residential Development zone district. These design requirements were intended to "encourage the Planning Commission Page 6 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties creation of safe, adequate and attractive developments, establish quality appearance, and to minimize views of unattractive uses or activities" and "to enhance the compatibility of dissimilar uses and increase property values." They have been included in this staff report as Exhibit `C'. Staff has the following comments relative to these standards: 1. Buildings have been massed such that the most intensive land use (multi - family) is located adjacent to 32 " Avenue (Class V street - minor neighborhood collector). The duplex units are located south of the multi - family units to create a land use transition to the low density neighborhood further to the south. The trees and ditch on the north side of the property create a natural buffer from the houses along the north side of 32 Avenue. 2. There are only three access points to the project for the 17 units, one of which is exclusively for the single - family residence. The remaining sixteen units share two accesses; one to Teller Street (Class 6 street - Neighborhood Thru Street) and Saulsbury Street ( Class VII - Neighborhood Street). 3. The construction of public improvements along Teller and Saulsbury tying into existing sidewalk along 32 " Avenue will provide pedestrian access around the perimeter of the site and to the transit stop on 32nd. There is adequate pedestrian access through site. 4. The property slopes slightly to the southeast. This natural grade has been kept in desigr of the project. The applicant has gone to great lengths to maintain existing natural features (Rocky Mountain ditch and trees). 5. The number of access points to the adjacent Class V street (32 Avenue) has been reduced froml to 0. 6. Overall landscaped coverage in the project is 58 %. This is more than double the minimum requirement of 25 %. The open area south of the detached garages is reserved as a common amenity (gazebo, common garden space, playground) to be determined in the fixture by the homeowners' association. 7. Parking areas have been broken up, interspersed with vegetation (existing and new) and buffered from the adjacent residences. 8. Structures have been designed to reflect the architectural features of the existing house. Architectural relief has been provided by different building materials (brick and wood siding), varied roof lines and existing and new foliage. 9. Although the interior private drive has been designed to discourage through- traffic, this is not considered a gated community. Staff concludes that the design is consistent with the intent and purpose of the PRD site plan criteria and that all requirements for a PRD final development plan have been met. For these reasons, a recommendation of approval is given with the following conditions: 1. The first two lines in the document title should be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. 2. Show fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. 3. Designate the overflow parking area with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations." Planning Commission Page 7 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties For Saulsbury Street, designate "T of right -of -way dedicated by plat, recorded at reception # " A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking. VII. SUBDIVISION PLAT The proposed four -lot minor subdivision will allow the multi - family structure with associated parking and overflow parking to be contained within Lot 1. Lot 2 will contain the existing single - family residence and garage. Lots 3 and 4 will encompass the two duplex buildings. Lots 1, 2 and 4 will share access from the common private drive /emergency access lane. Because this is a planned development, no variance is needed for this to occur. This easement will also accommodate water main line looping. A T right -of -way dedication will occur for Saulsbury Street. A signature block for the Rocky Mountain Water company has been provided. The applicant will not be enclosing the ditch. The ditch company has concurred. All trees over F in diameter in size which are in good health have been shown on the document with a note prohibiting their removal. Notes regarding the maintenance of common elements and rights of access have been included on the front sheet. All requirements of the City's Subdivision Regulations have been met, therefore, a recommendation of approval is given. Public Service Company has requested that specific language be added to the plat. This language should be added to page 1. VIII. WAIVER OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS It is a standard for the City to require the installation of public improvements along the public street frontages of new development projects. This requirement would include, but may not be limited to, the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk. As an alternative, if there are no public improvements on adjacent properties, the City may require the builder /developer to sign a development agreement with financial guarantees for future installation of these improvements. The applicant in this case has requested that the installation of public improvements along Teller and Saulsbury Street be waived. The only body empowered to waive this requirement is City Council, however, Staff feels it appropriate for Planning Commission to make a recommendation. A letter of justification has been included under Exhibit `D'. Discussions with the Director of Public Works have revealed that only once was the installation of public improvements totally waived. This was a substantial single family remodel in District III. Mr. Goebel is worried about setting precedent for this type of request, among other things, and recommends that the public improvements be installed. See attached memorandum included as Exhibit B'. Planning Commission Page 8 WZ -99 -0 1 /Saulsbury Properties The drainage report dealing with storm water flow along the street frontages may have to modified if a waiver or development agreement is allowed. There is existing curb, gutter and sidewalk along the 32 Avenue frontage of this property and the intersection radii. There is existing curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of Teller Street and the east side of Saulsbury Street. There are no public improvements directly to the south of the subject site. At the neighborhood meeting, the neighbors did not support the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk so that as many trees as possible may be saved adjacent to the public rights -of -way. Staff recommends that the public improvements be installed. IX STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that the requirements for a Planned Residential Development outline development plan have been met. Since the existing house will be saved and the neighborhood supports the reduced density, a recommendation of approval is given for the rezoning to PRD and for approval of the outline development plan as proposed, with the following condition: The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. In regard to the final development, the existing house has been incorporated into the proposal and is consistent with the intent and purpose of the PRD site design guidelines. Because all requirements for a PRD final development plan have been met, a recommendation of approval is given with the following conditions: 1. The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. 2. Show fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. 3. Designate the overflow parking area with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations." 4. For Saulsbury Street, designate "T of right -of -way dedicated by plat, recorded at reception # 5. A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking. The subdivision plat submitted is consistent with the proposed outline and final development plan and all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met; therefore, a recommendation of approval is given with the following condition: 1. The language requested by Public Service Company be added to the plat face. A recommendation of denial is given for the request for waiver of the installation of public improvements. Planning Commission Page 9 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties X. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS REZONING Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -01, a request for approval of a rezoning of property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street from Residential -Two and Residential -Three to Planned Residential Development and for approval of an Outline Development Plan, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The existing house will be saved. 2. The proposal provides for a reduction in density by one unit from the existing, approved plan and it is supported by the neighborhood. 3. All requirements for a PRD outline development plan have been met. With the following conditions: The first two lines in the document title be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -01, a request for approval of a rezoning of property located at 3190 Teller Street /3195 Saulsbury Street from Residential -Two and Residential -Three to Planned Residential Development and for approval of an Outline Development Plan, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a Planned Residential Development final development plan for property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The existing house will be saved. 2. The neighborhood supports the revised plan. 3. The proposal is consistent with the intent and purpose of the PRD site design guidelines. 4. All requirements for a Planned Residential Final Development plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The first two lines in the document title should be transposed so that it is recorded properly with Jefferson County. 2. Show fire hydrants adjacent to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. Planning Commission Page 10 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties 3. Designate the overflow parking area with the following note: "Six overflow parking spaces will be provided, the location of which may change due to existing tree locations. ". 4. For Saulsbury Street, designate "5' of right -of -way dedicated by plat, recorded at reception # 6. A note be added prohibiting RV and boat parking." Option B: "I move that the request for approval of a Planned Residential Development final development plan for property located at 3190 Teller Street /3195 Saulsbury Street be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." SUBDIVISION PLAT Option A: "I move that the request for approval of a minor subdivision plat for property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It is consistent with the outline and final development plan. 2. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. With the following condition: Language requested by Public Service company be added to the plat face." Option B: "I move that the request for approval of a minor subdivision plat for property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." WAIVER OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Option A: "I move that the request for waiver of the requirement for the installation of public improvements along Teller Street and Saulsbury Street adjacent to property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. The Public Works Director does not support the waiver. 2. The subdivision regulations require the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk. 3. Curb, gutter and sidewalk are present on adjacent streets and primarily throughout the surrounding neighborhood. 4. There are no unique conditions of the site or adjacent area which support a waiver of the requirement to construct public improvement." Planning Commission Page 11 WZ -99 -01 /Saulsbury Properties Option B: " I move that the request for waiver of the requirement for the installation of public improvements along Teller Street and Saulsbury Street adjacent to property located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. With the following condition: The drainage report be revised to accommodate flows with no curb, gutter and sidewalk." E: \Recker \wz990lb.wpd Planning Commission Page 12 WZ -99 -0 1 /Saulsbury Properties x 3T* H Y. AVE 1 Yl 1 3 s" I I - 3 W 4 --<, a a � - s 3 J Q s 's 5z 2 I 1 I FI 3 - /iM /WC l F 8 m 3 W 4 --<, a F21��UH 3F = 3 J W3 5z FI 3 - /iM /WC l F 8 m 3 W 4 --<, 3F = 3 J W3 5z 2 1 1 1 • ... I 1 1 II i � aI i�L� a '� § 26 -25 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE utable to the commercial use (m) Intent and Purpose*: The intent of shall be considered to be the the following design and develop- building square footage occu- ment standards is to encourage the pied by commercial uses, the creation of safe, adequate and attrac- required parking, and a propor- tive development, establish quality tionate share of the common appearance, and to minimize views areas, such as ingress- egress, of unattractive uses or activities landscaping, roadways, etc. through use of sound design princi- Commercial ventures solely for ples and establishment of minimum the use of the residents, such requirements. The standards set forth as food service, laundry facili- herein have been conceived to en- ties, etc., shall be considered an hance the compatibility of dissimilar amenity rather than a commer- uses and increase property values. cial use, and the land and build- Site Design Requirements: ings occupied by such uses are not required to be subtracted 1. All new development shall be from the total acreage before designed in a way that respects computing the maximum of six- existing development on adja- teen (16) residential units per cent sites. This can be achieved acre. by addressing the following. • Compatible building mass - (1) The requirements of this section 26- ing and scale; special at- 25(IV)(BX1) shall not apply to im- tention shall be given when pose a density requirement of less new development is adja- than twenty-one (21) units per acre, cent to existing residen- with respect to the reconstruction of tial; residential dwelling in the PRD dis- Provision for solw t- trict, where such structures and their ing access points wi th reconstruction meet all of the follow- abutting properties ing requirements: (1) the structure through joint access ease - was legally in existence on Septem- meats or other negotiated ber 8, 1997, (2) the structure is lo- means; cated upon a lot which does not meet the then - applicable minimum lot area Provision for making side - and/or minimum land area per unit walks, pedestrian paths requirements for such proposed re- and bicycle paths contigu- construction, and (3) such reconstruc- ous with abutting proper - tion is restricted to replacement of ties in all instances where the structure which has been de- pedestrian amenities are stroyed. This exemption shall not present; apply to: (1) new construction where 2. All development shall be de- no replacement of a pre - existing struc- signed so that for the given ture takes place or (2) reconstruction location, egress points, grading of structures which were not legally / in existence (as distinguished from 'Editor's note —Ord. No. 1997.1097, adopted Sept. 22, legal nonconforming structures). 1997 added a new paragraph (1) to § 26.25 (IVXB)(1). Inas- much as Ord. No. 1997.1092, adopted Sept. 8, 1997, already added paragraph (1), the editor has added these new provi- sions as (m). - Supp. No. 20 1748 ZONINGA,W DEVELOPMENT and other elements of the de- velopment could not be reason- ably altered to: • Minimize adverse impacts on any existing residence or area zoned for residen- tial use; • Reduce disruption to the existing terrain, vegeta- tion, habitat areas or other natural site features; • Reduce or consolidate the number of access points onto a Class 2, Class 3, or Class 4 arterial or collec- tor street as defined in the adopted Roadway Classi- fication Standards for the City of Wheat Ridge; • Improve pedestrian, bicy- cle and vehicle safety within the site and from the site to adjacent uses or streets; • Improve pedestrian and bi- cycle connections within the site and from the site to adjacent uses; • Provide additional living landscaping and site amen- ities; • Preserve existing land- scaping and site ameni- ties; • Reduce the visual intru- sion of parking areas, stor- age areas and similar ac- cessory areas and structures. 3. All development including build - ings, walls and fences shall be so sited to: • Preserve drainage ways in as natural state as possi- ble without channeliza- tion or engineered struc. tures or as required by other agencies; § 26-25 Complement existing res- idential development in scale and location; Ensure compatibility by the use of adequate set- backs, landscaping, barri- ers or transition zones, and building height consider- ations; Provide an adequate sys- tem of pedestrian and bi- cycle pathways and walk- ways in conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge's adopted Parks and Recre- ation Plan as well as the Jefferson County Open Space Plan; Have exterior walls of all primary structures de- signed on a pedestrian scale by; 0 Fragmenting them into smaller or mul- tiple planes; D Providing adequate vertical landscaping and berming; 0 Placing wall texture or architectural re- lief at eye - level; and/or 0 Clustering small scale elements such as planter walls around the primary structure. • Insure that ground floor uses, if a commercial com- ponent for the general pub - lic is included, are ori- ented toward the pedestrian with storefronts that open onto the street as well as other pedes- trian oriented spaces. • Provide a landscaped area at least ten (10) feet wide Supp. No. 20 1748.1 § 26.25 WHEAT RIDGE CITY CODE containing dense planting between the front prop- erty line of any use and any outdoor parking or ser- vice areas; To discourage gated or en- closed communities; Preserve and enhance pan- oramic views by consider- ing the relationship of buildings to natural grades and landscaping to frame and enhance view corri- dors. 4. Minimize conflict between ser- vice vehicles, private automo- biles, bicycles, and pedestrians within the site. 5. The following design features or use attributes should be con - sidered as conditions of devel- opment approval; Outdoor seating areas Useable landscaped, open and/or recreational spaces Affordable housing • Assisted living facilities • Pathways to civic uses and amenities • Parking placed totally be- hind the primary struc- ture, below grade, in a parking structure or lim- ited to one side of the build - ing Parking shall be located so as to be aesthetically pleasing and unobtrusive to residents and adjacent properties 6. All streets and pedestrian paths shall provide access to existing or planned thoroughfares with consideration for safety. 7. All electric, communication util- ity lines and services, and all street lighting circuits, excel hereinafter provided, to be L stalled underground. (2) Planned Commercial Developments (PCD): (a) Allowable Uses: The following uses hereinafter listed shall be permitted only as specifically designated on the approved final development plan: 1. Any use permitted in the Com- mercial -One (C -1) or Commer- cial -Two (C -2) districts. 2. Residential uses as approved by city council and subject to the conditions set forth in sub- section (B)(2)()). 3. Accessory uses and buildings customarily associated with al- lowable uses, as shown on the approved plan. (b) Area: Each Planned Commercial De- velopment District shall be a mini- mum of one (1) acre. (c) Height: Commercial structures shall not exceed fifty (50) feet; residential structures shall not exceed thirty - five (35) feet; residential uses lo- cated within a commercial structure shall not be permitted above thirty - five (35) feet. (d) Perimeter Setbacks: Setbacks require- ments for buildings adjacent to the perimeter of a Planned Commercial Development District shall be estab- lished using setback regulations es- tablished in standard Wheat Ridge Commercial Zone districts. Excep- tions to those standards may be ap- proved by city council, based upon a finding that a lesser setback would not be detrimental to the use and enjoyment of adjacent properties, would not negatively affect neighbor- hood property values, and would not be otherwise injurious to the public health, safety and welfare. (e) Lot Coverage: Maximum ninety (90) percent. (See section 26 -5 for defini- tion.) Supp. No. 20 1748.2 � I. - 7� 1G ; 01Y " UG I'U lfll &,44t,6 %D" CM2, Inc. MANAGEMENT 1546 Cole Boulevard, Suite 227, Golden, CO 80401 Tel: 303 - 233 -3447 / Fax: 303 - 239 -8616 January 26, 1999 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 50033 Re: Happy Landing Subdivision / West. 32nd Ave. and Saulsbury Dear Meredith Please note that at the neighborhood meeting of January 5, 1999, which was held to present the plans for this property to the surrounding neighbors comments were made about a number of residents about the need for the curb, gutter, and sidewalks on Teller and Saulsbury Streets. Regarding Saulsbury Street, it was noted that in providing the additional right of way and adjacent sidewalk it would be necessary to remove 3 trees north of the property entrance which have circumferences in excess of 1 foot. These trees could remain if the sidewalk was deleted in this area. Also noted were a number of minor trees which exist between the right of way and the proposed drainage detention pond in the southeast comer of the site. In previous public hearings the neighbors have commented that they would like to have a screen between the detention facility and the street. Regarding Teller Street, two neighbors to the south of commented on their concern to maintain their right to convey Rocky Mountain Ditch water over the subject site to their property. Currently this water is conveyed in a swale adjacent to the street pavement. It is our understanding from the Public Works Dept. that this would not be allowed if there is a public dedication of curb and gutter at this location. We have shown a swale area behind the Wheat Ridge Happy Landing Subdivision January 26, 1999 Page 2 of 2 sidewalk in our plans, but are not clear about the actual utility of this design given the change in location and elevation. In the case of both Saulsbury and Teller, there are existing sidewalks across the street from the subject property. The new sidewalks being proposed will end at the south property line where there currently is no continuation of the sidewalk and the adjacent properties. Please consider the request of the neighbors at the Planning Commission and City Council meetings that the side walks be deleted in the public right of way for the subject property. Please call me if you have any questions regarding the plans for this property. Sincerely, Alec Garbini Representative for Saulsbury Properties, LLLP. MEMORANDUM Approved Date DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works DATE: January 28, 1999 SUBJECT: Happy Landings Subdivision /Public Improvements In my opinion, the installation of the public improvements at the time of development is crucial to the safety and function of the roadways, the development, pedestrian movement, and drainage from the development. The proposed improvements consist of curb, gutter and sidewalk along both street frontages to tie into existing curb, gutter and walk along 32n avenue. As you know, overflow parking from guests will likely not be accommodated by the internal parking lot. If the curb and walk is not provided, guests of tenants will likely park on the other side of the street along the residential property frontages. This creates safety concerns for both the pedestrians and the vehicular traffic approaching the intersections of 32nd avenue. Adequate on street parking is crucial to the function of the development by providing for itself without impacting neighbors across the street. Pedestrian movement is also enhanced and made safer. If overflow parking is across the street, guests will have to cross traffic to get to and from their destination within the development. Tenants will not have protected access to RTD public transit along 32n or to the walks along 32n The existing drainage plan indicates pond outlets into the proposed gutter on the east, and the construction of a catch basin within the gutter on the west. Without the curb, this drainage will be discharged onto the shoulder and will not be controlled from that point. Ice and mud will be a constant maintenance problem for us, especially on the west side where a sump condition will exist with an inlet at the low point. Trees have been brought up as the major obstacle and would require their removal to construct the public improvements. I visited the site today and found that the Teller Street frontage public improvements will not impact any existing trees at all. The Saulsbury side has several groups of scrub elm which are entwined with the existing chain link fence and are in the proximity of the detention pond. Root damage and removal will occur when the fence is removed and the pond is constructed. I don't feel that these scrub elms will be saved regardless of the construction of the public improvements. Frankly, I don't think they are healthy nor a viable "tree" as they are wild and occurred without any plan or thought as to their location or health. There are two maple trees along the Saulsbury Street frontage which are worth saving if they are healthy. With a tape measure, I determined that they could be saved very easily by detaching the sidewalk from the curb for this short distance thereby saving the trees between the walk and curb. The drainage plan calls for a swale along the Teller Street frontage to provide for an existing irrigation ditch. There will be sufficient room to construct this ditch behind the walk. It may have to meander somewhat, but it is easily accommodated with the construction of the walk. c: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 — Phone;303)235- 546 n (Please print or type all information) r Applicant � I 'm Address 15`17 16/r• PhoneoZ33 City - Owner Address Phone City Location of request (address) S Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Variance / Waiver Site development plan approval ❑ Nonconforming use change Special Use Permit ❑ ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ ❑ Temporary Use, Buildings, Signs ❑ ❑ Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less) ❑ ❑ Subdivision (More than 5 lots) ❑ ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Flood plain special exception interpretation of Code Lot line Adjustment Planned Building Group Street Vacation Other: Detailed description of the request: J o Fill out the following I rmation to the best of your knowledge. Current Zoning: 4 Size of Lot (acr or square footage} Current use: Proposed use: Assessors Parcel Number: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action nnot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attornev from the ow is approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applican ubscribed and sworn to me this \ day of S11L, Ig m- Notary Public iNly commission expires -0 A Date received l Receipt No. Case No. -� Related Case No. ��� Q Zoning �eA 443 Quarter Section Map SE� WES T 13M8.8r CENTER OF SEC11ON ' 69 FOUND 0.3" BRASS CAP---IN RANGE BOX* LS �. . . . ` - - / o N o oz W a. U.< 00 -J l^ z � <00 W LL Co noo Nj &A 174 ow IF wa two IF Al , www let- t7 A19% A Alt tow sh At- Vv ------------------ ------- ------------- ------------ lop N Iwo A's *AIL "lliffamigat ICA S C ION --------- * --------- EXISTING ELECTRIC --'----- EXISTING TELEPHONE ---------' EXISTING CURB A' GUTTE� --------'------------ NEW CURB AND GUTTER NEW CURB AND GUTTER (SPILL) �:)nu.ET NO# NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT A ��EST | [l` �����x/l |` � .`.�,,/ . . � \ ( �25.00 NORTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECT10N 26-3-69 � �76_66 !I 7— A 10 A :11 ', L a FJA 0 0 32ND AVENUE 601 ROW GRAPHIC SCALE 15 30 60 ( IN FEET ) I Mich = 30 M 120 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DAY OF 19 • 26" DITCH EASEMENT THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 I _ RICKY MOUNTAIN DITCH WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. F WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1 BLOCK LANDSCAPING O MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY 2 BARTH'S SUBDIVISION. Lj SEAL. i l i, EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF 17_ mom mom WAM mom 40M M , Ld CONTAINED W. 32nd AVE. TELLER 71 , 1 f I LANDSCAPING STREET OF SAULSBURY STREET. I I I COUNTY OF JEFFERSON I XI TI G STATE OF COLORADO. I Own awo PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION I HOUS r owow mom r Immo M TO MAIN APPROVED THIS DAY OF 19 SITE USAGE Y T PLANN COMMISSION. ONE SINGLE FAMILY UNIT I Y_ FOUR DUPLEX UNITS :D pq CD TWELVE APARTMENT UNITS PARKING /s/ CHAIRMAN TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS SEVENTEEN El & TWO FREE STANDING GARAGE BUILDINGS 0 1 1 1 CONTAINING THREE SPACES IN EACH. EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN MULTI- FAMILY UNIT DRIVES SIX TOTAL. BUILDING PAD Ld 0 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 1 EXIS11Nq 'ANDSCAPING iGARAGE1 Loom d� emm gram =11 low epw Sam amw Mw fmw Awft mom mom =Mw wwft I I TO I OWNERSH N IFIED CO NTROL STA TEMEN.T: REMAIN' LANDSCAPING 5" OF R.O.W. DEDICATED BY PLAT D UMENT­­ RECORDED AT RECEPTION L 6 #00 v *MOM Mw SAULSBURY PROPER TI ESLLLP , A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERS'(­IIP CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION IS THE OWNER OF THAT REAL PROPERTY LYING WITHIN THE HAPPY LANDINGS r 00" 00" 0- " r VMO ww,� -0 1 r 00— "w" qmw am" amw LANDSCAPING 1 f , 1 1 1 APPROVED THIS DAY OF 19 PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, PARKING I EXISTING GE TREE & TO REMAIN BY THE WHEATRIDGE CITY COUNCIL. STATE OF COLORADO. ["(0) DRIVES THE HAPPY LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSISTS OF l ft"M 4MOM 4 � 400OW y @ FOUR LOTS. ALL FOUR LOTS CAN HAVE DIFFERENT OWNERSHIP. I /s/ UNIFIED CONTROL SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGH RECORDED PARKING PARKING MAYOR < :---ACCESS TO T R STREET I & 9'%0% SIREE 00 & U (A COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS. 1 0 1 DRIVES DRIVES cn 410. Ma —4— — WEST 31ST PLACE r rawm f f I 1 ' 1 COUNTY SEAL 40/ ROW I f f f f f f f f f f f f CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT A "Mm omw Mw j Mw j I ATTEST- I CITY CLERK GAR AGE GARAGE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I f f I f I f PAD PAD 'rUC ODnDnCM THE DEVELOPMENT IS DESIGNED 1-UK UUMLA UNIT DEVELOPMENT WILL BE TWO STORY WOOD FRAME STRUCTURES. THE ARCHITECTURE AND I DUPLEX UNIT BUILDING PAD f 1 1 1 CHARACTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE EXISTING BUILDING PAD I I I 1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD, THE EXISTING LARGE TREES AND "AT"DC' L ANDSCAPING WIL PF INCORPORATED INTO THE SITE PLAN. LANDSCAPING Lft an* mum "M Mw � wwM "me _ oft= mm am= MM MM j I law Now 40M ._..W. ®__ j Kenneth A.Perr LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING Re Colorado Land Surve Colorado Number 25961 "NOMA 317,22' _ . ... UNT "Y CLERK ANC} RECORDERS CERTIFICATION "mom MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTS- MINIMUM PERIMETER BUILDING SETBACKS ADJACENT LAND USES.- PROJECT DATA BREAKDOWN* R-2 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER SINGLE FAMILY EXISTING BUILDINGS 32nd AVE. R p S5 - FAMILY PROP. S.F. 889567 S.F. NIIAL 30 FEET HIGH 32nd AVE. QQILDINQ&QVEBAQE _L0 BY: DUPLEX - MAXIMUM HEIGHT SINGLE FAMILY 1,57 S.F. 2% DEPUTY 30 FEET HIGH 30-00 --------- -- - R-2 DUPLEX 7,420 S. 8% ----- APARTMENTS `-- - -- - -- -- ---- MAXIMUM HEIGHT F 4ILY APARTMENT 7052 S.F. 8% 35 FEET HIGH � GARAGE 1 j689 S.F. 2% GARAGES MAXIMUM HEIGHT .: 0 (n V) LANDSCAPED AREA, % A& 6 16 FEET HIGH PROVIDED 519770 S.F. 58% w M R-1A 0� PRD M �I _j cn w _j -i V) R-2 MINIMUM REQUIRED 22,142 S.F. 25% D < SI � -J FAMILY :D j R EN PAVED ARE MINIMUM LANDSCAPE COVERAGE 22,500 S.F. < T1 AL —A 199040 S.F. 22% 7061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, S1E�ZO6 CASE HISTORY LITTLETON CO 80122 � s L ------- ------------------ i TOTAL 899976 S.F. 100% 1/25/1999 REV. PER CITY COM MS-98-3 10. ° - ° TEL: 303 794 -4704 NO. DA TE DESC WZ-99-1 � QX�� n� 7� 4 - ,-& .�; 1 y R-2 RP 17 E FAMILY S% NTIAL ILI :11 minnow- L EuAL DESCRIF000"h'TION THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 BARTHS'S SUBDIVISION. EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF CONTAINED W. 32nd AVE. TELLER STREET OF SAULSBURY STREET, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARKING SPACE NUMBER AND LOCATION WILL BE FIELD ADJUSTED TO MAXIMIZ THE RETENTION OF EXISTING LANDSCAPING FEATURES. A fft"j"' U I L D I kilm'Uj"'k E L E V A T 10 N %*04jo"*4 0 F"kLANNING DEVELOPMENT F AND Approved this da of Director of Plannin and Development. Wheat Rid Plannin Commission. 1 19 , b the Chairman -- CITY COUNCIL CER IFICATION Approved this I da of 19 b the Wheat Rid Cit Council. �I 0, CI SEAL ATTEST: Cit Clerk This document accepted for filin in the office of the Count Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson Count at Golden, Colorado, on the da of A. D. 19 in the Book Pa Reception Jefferson Cc)unt Clerk and Recorder M B y . Harold R. Smethills Mana Partner 1546 Cole Boulevard, Suite 227 Golden, Colorado 80401 U NOTARY SEAj 0 West 38th A venue SITE `� 0 West 32nd A venue �b West 29th Avenue (b _ West 26th Avenue 4 ' ;D q) West 20th A venue A fft"j"' U I L D I kilm'Uj"'k E L E V A T 10 N %*04jo"*4 0 F"kLANNING DEVELOPMENT F AND Approved this da of Director of Plannin and Development. Wheat Rid Plannin Commission. 1 19 , b the Chairman -- CITY COUNCIL CER IFICATION Approved this I da of 19 b the Wheat Rid Cit Council. �I 0, CI SEAL ATTEST: Cit Clerk This document accepted for filin in the office of the Count Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson Count at Golden, Colorado, on the da of A. D. 19 in the Book Pa Reception Jefferson Cc)unt Clerk and Recorder M B y . Harold R. Smethills Mana Partner 1546 Cole Boulevard, Suite 227 Golden, Colorado 80401 U NOTARY SEAj 0 W CD CY) Ltd CU CJ cy) q r-1 U) c: m CL CL (n m c:) D 1­011 TYPE A ( RANCH TYPE ELEVATIONS SCALE 1/8"= i t _ 0 of 11 9 �rti BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO, DATE J � 1...... .� I ..�. - 1 _.... �..1 0 0 L L __......._ Il k i � SOUTH REAR ENILVATION z 2 __ = _ 0 . R T H FRONT ELEVATION 10 NO N 0 R T H FRONT ELEVATION fju fi EXTERIOR SIDE ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION < t If Ph 13 � TWO ST ORY ) ELEVATIONS � i � X DUPLE U N I T SCALE 1/8 F — 0" In LL 41 COMMON PARY WALL i I . EXTERIOR SIDE ELEVATION ORW UTH EAST EL�EVATION COMPOSITION SHINGLES (TYP),- HARDOD LAP S I D I NG (TY`P) 1 x 4 CORNER AND WINDOW TRIM (TYP),-- - - _ _ � � ~4�'.= :. �.. � ...� ��: M � � �..: � °_ �..._. SLOPED ROWLOCK OVER SOLDIER COURSE (TYP) IF "M BR I CK VENEER (TYP) % A At - v tir - OL L fto► L Am w ill • E-LEVAT I ri ' / .., ...w__.w _,.s, •.•a .. _ •'i.w ._• ` � .fir. �111� •� - .. ... :...': _ • -_• I . :. ...• •, •• � � ♦� w. • r so _ ✓wr±w_.. / rr,w r � �. � _ • .• _• . • -' . • .•.. /• .. - d' -w r _ ♦ _ 32 12 cz MEMNON 2MO lorLX.MYWV.ZL.- 7�7 ...... !ST c c Cl xr, IL UL L i_"l RIL j IST FLIVEL.2 lea'—cp L L L L _...._......_.J — — — – J — — — — — — — — — — — L — — — ___ NuAm' RTH AN"' 15" 0 U T H fiENKELS ELE�VATION 7061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, STE.206 L.I TT L.ETO ICJ CO -4704 TEL* 303)794 u 3 No. 0ATE OESCRIPTION BY 4p F AXO(303)794-47'w I JOB NUMBER - CHECKED 06 - 071 093. 00 3 OF 3 I_ 11 1 5 44 � 10 w 1 � 4 MOW ELEVATION )Tie City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 Wheat 9 Ridge January 12, 1999 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case No. WZ -99 -01 which is a request for approval to rezone from R- 2 and R -3 to PRD and for approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat for 3195 Saulsbury Street/3190 Teller Street for the purpose of developing 2 duplexes (4 units) and 12 multi - family units will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on February 4, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. All owners and/or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Planning Commission. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\ Barbara \PCRPIS\PLANGCO W UBHRG \wz99011etter. wpd (303) 234 -5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234 -5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235 -2949 � . a m c v U � d C d a o U C Q U d O c a � m a c a > a 0 d m K a y 0 N � y N w — v 'n v m a 0 `y w U L 0 @ dO c y o m x u ma m rn rn rn m rn rn rn N rn N d U N N N N N N N N v O o �0 OO OO IN O j L OI�CO m a 'Cd O @ «% L U W daD j7 ENO T`CW N �W m � OJ mm 0 °>am E @QO 'C p m ~_ O morn }m0 ma� Ka0 �a0 @y0 ` m a U > Q N O xrU C y U C N C6 '� OO 6M p 2 C Of m a TM a LL 0 W t0 TW a J O mM OI M N @a ow c ma d N 00 C m T U 00 Y N Q Z N K i0 3 Q M j N 10 N N 3 �o �' m Q 3 N 3 J N d (Q m ui n N U O L r m Q m O N � C U W Z K i ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ to T (� U W o Y Q IV IV U j r w a W z C!) N j O W � o m ��� �I a v d c d a 'u v c c d N a � ca d � o z c v a � m a c 7 a a m d d � K �7 n o o E p a N o L O N Q.-p C X_ U N L N O) D7 01 O 47 O) m O) D7 N N N N N N N N u O a o 0 0 0 0 0 o = p o q p >aD Y >N E 41 O E a >f0 N O >CO N O U) » Y d 0 T> W N O > W N O N N t00 `p N O >oJ Z O d N N Q �a TQ $a5 Ul Q iia N Q � 0 — Q £aU OQ pa0 Q �,a0 0 - 01 o o- Q oa0 O d N t C U p N C U N N O U c N O C U . (� N d C U E N U C U c N O C U Q] N IA O U (ll U E C U N E M N M O (n M dj (p M UI M N M O M d ma d2�a a E>i rK m U�p� ooh mMK �oK a O cMK V 2 � N r - ,4 _ y a r L r t _N n r r L n t s r t r m m r t > C U N @ Q — a v N O Q w E v y d' C L) U Z �j N o co m F- > (� a Q Q W z Q � lY NL 03 Q a LO v l F r- ot--� �I January 12, 1999 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case No. WZ -99 -01 which is a request for approval to rezone from R- 2 and R -3 to PRD and for approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat for 3195 Saulsbury Street/3190 Teller Street for the purpose of developing 2 duplexes (4 units) and 12 multi - family units will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on February 4, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. All owners and /or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing before the Planning Commission. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and /or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other persons whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. Mailed non - certified to: Thomas Peterman, 7205 W. 31 Place Margaret Parry, 3060 Teller Street Catherine Dunlap, 7160 W. 30` Avenue CiHarbm\PCRPTS\PLANGCO W LJBHRG \wz99011eter.wpd CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: January 25, 1999 Page - 2 - ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING Item 1. Council Bill 1 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two and Residential -Three to a Planned Residential Development and for approval of an Outline Development Plan on land located at 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. WZ- 99 -01) (Smethills) Council Bill 1 was introduced on first reading by Mr. DiTullio, who also read the title and summary. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that Council Bill 1 be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, February 22, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect immediately; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 8 -0. Item 2. Council Bill 2 - An Ordinance vacating an unused portion of West 40`" Avenue, approximately 10000 West 40' Avenue, within the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. WV- 99 -01) Council Bill 2 was introduced on first reading by Mr. Eafanti; title read by the Clerk. Motion by Mr. Eafanti that Council Bill 2 be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, February 8, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days after final publication; seconded by Mrs. Shaver; carried 8 -0. DECISIONS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MOTIONS Item 3. A. Resolution 1 - An Emergency Budget Resolution appropriating funds for the year of 1999 in order to construct the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center. Item 3.-B. Bid Award for Wheat Ridge Recreation Center, Bid Pack 2B. Motion by Mrs. Worth to postpone these Items until February 8, 1999; seconded by Mr Eafanti; carried 8 -0. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on February 4,1999 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. WZ- 99 -01: An application submitted by Saulsbury Properties for approval to rezone from R -2 and R -3 to PRD and for approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat for 3195 Saulsbury Street/3190 Teller Street for the purpose of developing 2 duplexes (4 units) and 12 multi - family units. Said Property is zoned R -2 and R -3 and located at 3195 Saulsbury Street/3190 Teller Street and legally described as follows: A replat of the North 3/4 of the North 3/5 of the West % of Lot 1, Block 2 Barth's Subdivision, a subdivision in the Southeast one - quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Barbara Delgadillo, Plefining Secretary Wanda A TEST Sang, City C erk To be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: January 15, 1999 c:\Bubua\PCRPTS\PLANGCON4\PUBHRG\2A-ggmtgpub.wpd iUEAIVISION MEMO AND CONTACT "RECORD CONTACT NUMBER: 2 DATE RECEIVED: 1129, 1999 DATE REVIEWED: 223, 1999 SUBDIVISION NAME: HAPPY LANDINGS SUBDIVISION ENGINEER: NAME: Henkels and McCoV Inc. ADDRESS: 7601 S. University Blvd. Suite 206 Littleton Co. 80122 PHONE: (303) 794 -4704 FAX: (303) 794 -4703 CITY REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN MCGUIRE REMARKS: 1: Show interior angles for the south east corner of lot 2. 2: We want one of the northerly corners of the boundary shown as "Point of Beginning" 3: When the right of way line for Saulsbury street was corrected, The sidewalk was also moved. This is now incorrectly shown. 4: Lot areas are still incorrect by as much as 4 so. ft. 5: We have still not seen a deed of ownership for this property. 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: Kenneth A. Perry REMARKS: The redlines were not returned with this submittal. Please return redlines with next submittal. How contact made: person phone letter fax REPRESENTATIVE: City: Engineer: Callback 1 Date: Remark: Callback 2 Date: Remark: Callback 3 Date: Remark: T f WES n, J d A VENUE E W T --At--,, V-E.-__ N__ _iE ...... N - - - - - - - . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 4::q 10 W mz —3-69 0 EAST 1 / _4 CORNER OF SECTION 26 (60 -Rovy) IJ FOUND 0.3' BRASS CAP IN RANGE 4"m T. v BOX, LS 13222. .. . . ..... ....... 97 ...... . ..... .... .... .... ... ---1/4 OF SECTION 26-3 9 6.66 _J _� - ­­­- __ — ----------- ------- --- -- ---- 1318.87" 25�00 NOR7H_ LINE OF THE $E ....... ...... b CENTER OF SECTION 26-7-13-69 0 . . ..... ........ ... 0 te) w .. . ....... ..... . . ... . .. .......... . Z 0 FOUND 0,3* BRASS CAR IN 0 T '7 Z 3 RANGE BOX, LS 13222 14 Cq . ..... ........... , A,t w ......................... 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CURB, GUTTER AND WALK EMT; 100 YEAR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION 5464.75 PROPOSED GRADE 1.0 % \1 INV. OUT A2 = 554,64.0 ­,,, I y r.--TOP OF BERM = 5465.75 UROSS SECTION THROUG"H_ DETENTION POND A r) Z_ N TS Rock Mountain Ditch Compan Date RUNOFF SUMMARY DESIGN BASIN AREA Q 5 Q POINT DESIG, (ACRES) (CFS) 1�010110 100 (CFS) I Al 061 116 3s7 2 A2 190 116 4*2 3 B .64 1,0 2.8 WE%S T J 2-- d A VENUE 6 O'p It ROW) I 1318,8t 25.00* CENTER OF SEC11ON 26'. FOUND 0.3* BRASS CAP-IN NORTHWEST CORI BLOCK 2s, BARTH ot or ww AP 40 0 La 24 I t L 401 R 0 W (A u u SIDEWALK SEE TELLER STREET E E IMPRovEMENTS SI Sa WEL SIDEWALK TO MATCH EYIST. ASPHALT AT PROPERTY LIN -c XISIIN ROW) � �~ | ' ------- 0 - --------- L. =-�� <0= w LL ca Aaft RIVA ACC bloti RIV C I ON I C A zi t= ------- ------ -----' _---. ___ __-___ ______ _-____- ______ ______ ___- V ENUE «�=. d �� on NORTH UNE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC71ON 26-3-69 tDZ 6 0 13 !3 o o la GRAPHIC SCA___ 10 w Aw TBkJ \U / --------�rOnw --- --------- � \ \ u ----' AV Aff JAL dw EXISTING WATER LINE EXISTING WATER CONDUIT EXISTING HYDRANT EXISTING GATE VALVE EXISTING SANITARY �EWER EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING INLET EXISTING GAS MAIN E-------- EXISTING ELECTRI� ----------/ ------- EXISTING TELEPHONE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER NEW CURB AND GUTTER NEW CURB AND GUTTER (SPILL) NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT REVISIONS DATE . 3/17/1998 DATE: 12/29/1998 A Alk 11111111k - VIN 0 THE H APP Y L P 1 D R ESI D ENTI A L D O C .[�OUR LOTS. ALL FOUR LOTS CAN HAVE DIFFERENT OWNERSAIPO COVENANTS A ND R EST R ICTIONS. 32ND AVENUE 60' RAW Immki 1 11 11 an- law I Mom skills 0 APPROVED THIS DAY OF 19 B Y THE PL /S/ CHAIRMAN ISOM 0 WEST 3151 PLACE 40' ROW /S/ COUNTY SEAJ ATTEST; C O Kenneth A.Perr R e g istered C o l orado C o l ora d o MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTS: T BELOW- SIGNED OWN OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED EXISTING BUILDINGS AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROP — 30 FEET HIGH ERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS MAXIMUM HEIGHT A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES, 30 FEET HIGH RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS IN THIS FLAN, MAXIMUM HEIGHT AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY LAW. I(WE) 35 FEET HIGH FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF REZONING MAXIMUM HEIGHT TO THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF THIS 16 FEET HIGH OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED - PROP RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY BUILDING ARISE AND ACCURE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF � p r SECTION 26-6(G) OF THE CODE OF LAWS. m x t a. S IGNATURE OF OWNER AGENT SINGLE FAMILY 1,587 S.F. SAULSBURY PROPERTIES, LLLP DEPUTY A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION DUPLEX G1 k` .PHi y m , HAROLD R. SMETHILLS, MANAGING ARTN 15 30 84 124 APARTMENT 1546 COLE BOULEVARD SUITE 227 8% - GO LDEN, COLORADO 80401 ( IN FEES' , (303) 233-3 1 ® ch = 30 ft 1 S.F. 2% law I Mom skills 0 APPROVED THIS DAY OF 19 B Y THE PL /S/ CHAIRMAN ISOM 0 WEST 3151 PLACE 40' ROW /S/ COUNTY SEAJ ATTEST; C O Kenneth A.Perr R e g istered C o l orado C o l ora d o MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTS: SINGLE FAMILY = EXISTING BUILDINGS 30 FEET HIGH DUPLEX = MAXIMUM HEIGHT 30 FEET HIGH APARTMENTS = MAXIMUM HEIGHT PROP. S.F. = 35 FEET HIGH GARAGES = MAXIMUM HEIGHT 16 FEET HIGH 11 li 11 luffl, mkA 12121i low I= r R I - - Sy E FAMILI ADJACENT LAND USES: PROJECT DATA BREAKDOWN. S�N - F MILY JEFFER50N COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER E PROP. S.F. = 88,567 S.F. N�AL 32nd AVE. BUILDING S.F. � BY: SINGLE FAMILY 1,587 S.F. 2% DEPUTY R_2 DUPLEX 7 S.F. 8% � APARTMENT 7052 S.F. 8% - �lAlILY GARAGE 1 S.F. 2% � LANDSCAPED AREA PROVIDED S.F. % � M I ElS F/ 111 1r� R -1A � PRD m 51,770 S.F. 58% �--�� G W iLY I R_z MINIMUM REQUIRED 22,142 S.F. 25� l �� N �� � � Q RPSID�NTAA PAVED AREA S.F. 7061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, STE.206 19 ,040 S.F. 22% TOTAL $9,976 S.F. 100% LITTLETON CO 80122 • /ne /4nnn nr1e nrn nllv nnki R I - - Sy E FAMILI A REPLAT OF THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF..THE „WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 BARTH'S SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE - QUARTER OF'SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRIAP'AL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFER ON, STATE OF COLORADO FINAL I P I LAT !' DEDICATION Saulsbury Properties LLLP, being the owner(s) of the real properly of 2.066 acres described as follows: NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1 Bt MK 2, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE Of COLORADO and has or as of owner ntained under the It .y II MAYOR'S CERTIFICATE �iI Ill I The foregoing plat is approved for filing; and conveyance of the streets /roads, _ parcels and easements Is acceptobla by the City of Wheat Ridgge County State of Colorado, this _ day df __ __ 19___. The County shall undertake maintenance of any such stree1sjroads and public ways only after construction thereof has been satisfactorily comple fed by the developer and accepted by the City of Wheat Ridge. YW Aw SITE @@ G sa,a A..nu. 2e1N Avw,u. IRAN Amu. YON Avenue g t and the public e public use thereof forever niclpally owned and or hich are so designo ed as once, repair and 1ng,, telephone and sanllary sewer lines, s thereto, it being expressly 1 c,netructIny and :e works and lines, storm pavement, sidewalks and er or arrangements made by sums shall not be paid by when accepled by the City Is owned by munlaipally which items, when :ome the orooerty at the CRY. Holder of deed(s) of trust hereby releases claim to areas dedicated to public use. STATE OF COLORADO) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ A.D. 19. by Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires _ Notary Public OWNERS SAULSBURY PROPERTIES,LLLP, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION BY: HAROLD R. SMETHILLS, MANAGING PARTNER 1546 COLE BOULEVARD SUITE 227 GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 (303) 233 -3447 THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , 1997 BY AS OF SAULSBURY PROPERTIES, LLLP, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. NOTARY PUBLIC CASE HISTORY MS -98 -3 NOTES 1,) THE EMERGENCY AND SERVICE VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH EASEMENTS AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY UPON BILLING. 2.) THE STORM DETENTION AREA SHOWN ON THE APPROVED DRAINAGE PLAN SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY UPON BILLING. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTING THE HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. 3.) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE C - AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING. 4.) THE UTILITY EASEMENTS SHOWN ARE DEDICATED FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION CABLE, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTILITIES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WITHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. 5.) PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY TREE SHOWN ON THE FACE OF THIS PLAT, APPROVAL MUST BE RECEIVED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, REMOVAL OF THESE MATURE TREES WILL BE ALLOWED ONLY WHEN IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH A BUILDING FOOTPRINT PROPOSED WITH NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION. 6.) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED PLIIJNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. 7.) ALL OWNERS, TENANTS AND GUESTS SHALL BE ALLOWED FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THE ACCESS EASEMENT /EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND USE OF OVERFLOW PARKING. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE (3) YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED UPON MORE THAN TEN (10) YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. C. R. S.13- 80- 105(3)(a). day of VICINITY MAP Attest: — — _____ City City Clerk Y Seal PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE This is to certify the within What has been approved by the Planning ( RECEIVED A JAN 2 F. 1999 Commission of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Chairman APPROVALS: Public Service Company of Colorado US West Communications Group, Inc. City of Wheat Ridge Director of Public Works City of Wheat Ridge Director of Parks and Recreation Commission City of Wheat Ridge Director of Planning and Development Rocky Mountain Wafer Company SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Kenneth A. Perry a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the survey - of Hap Landings S was made by me or directly under my supervision on or about the ____ __ day of 19____, and that the accompanying plat accurately and properly shows said subdivision and the survey thereof. Kenneth A.Perry Registered Colorado Land Surveyor Colorado Number 25961 Date------- --- ---------- ------ CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON THIS DAY OF , 1997 AT -. O'CLOCK _.M. PLAT BOOK - RECEPTION NO , PAGE NO CLERK AND RECORDER UNDER DEPUTY CLERK P'I HENKELS&KOY,�k. 1061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, S1E106 LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL:(303 )794 -4704 FAX:(303 )794 -4703 526 071093 -0011 OF DUUn rhk RECEPTION NO. DATE A REPLAT OF THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 BARTH'S SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE— QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO FINAL PLAT 11,iIL 'VIII IvtS1GiT �l�ll I II I II I II I II I II I li III 111 F W I tl W 3 I I W III w II W N II J II w III � b1UIfUIJ,, JUIJ�jv')_o I III 8 UIJCD R —Z WEST 31ST PLACE a 40' ROW u I II Y I II y I li I II Iu � I II I II I II Lill � L'U_ILh: 1 11 IIII''i SUIiUL'J151011 rul�lf U I� -�2 CASE HISTORY MS -98 -3 32ND AVENUE I u� I 60 ROW BAST I OF I3EA It C T 0 1' MR>X l°E Of TE SC VI 6 SCCILN Gh }69 / 1 __ N9 0'E GGl>)S — O __ -- NORTH LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, BARIH'S SUB0IWSION uixT su9ulw N RTH LAN 3 9 BLOCK ,55, ? 1u.5+ 218.24 10 UTILITY EASEMEN n°cGsuM 8.. 1 yD • 30.64' _ 218,2410 .. _ TYP. 9OV4'46 h 398 j j X j11'_111TW EASEMENT 11 6.43 — ' 0 LOT 2 14,241.53 SQ. FT, t li;l 1 PU \111\ e e , 90 `00" )2' e LOT 3 13,083.89 SO. FT. t 5' 83 0 IJ(iti_ 7 IP'l ',1111111 iI'HitI LOT 1 48,157.31 SQ. FT. t RPSJX�L TAIL. DEVEL OPNIEN_1 e - - - - ®. 30 UTILITY EASEMENT O° UTILITY EASEMENT 5' OF R.O.W. ACCESS e LOT 4 13084.26 SQ. FT. f Istl'lll UI@IvI`'I I1 i1!III I1 I -7 I Lj II W II I w3 i O Ii l >IEe II �olll o N�III _J I 2 QI II I N II I II I i II I it I G II m II I II I I II I II I II I II I II I I II I II I I II I II I I II I II I II I I II I BOOKPAGE RECEPTION NO. DATE 01 4 Lj k' LEGEND OO TREE O FOUND PIN k CAP, LS 14112 GRAPHIC SCALE YI MET ) 1 1—h = 30 ft, HaM HEMKELSEM`CK, 1061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, STE.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL:(303 )794 -4704 FAX:(303 )794 -4703 I 11/411180 I M. PR ON 0]WDIT I P I 2 OF OUTLINE�D REC EPTION 'EVELOPMENT PLAN RECEPTION N0. O. HAPPY LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMff AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE —_ —_— LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 UE mLY BARTH'S SUBDIVISION. PROP. S.F. - 88,567 S.F. EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF I I CONTAINED W. 32nd AVE. TELLER 58. $ STREET OF SAULSBURY STREET. . SINGLE FAMILY COUNTY OF JEFFERSON 2% STATE OF COLORADO. I SITE USAGE: I W APARTMENT 7052 B.F. ONE SINGLE FAMILY UNIT I W I FOUR DUPLEX UNITS TWELVE APARTMENT UNITS W 3 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS - SEVENTEEN I H I C7 TWO FREE STANDING GARAGE BUILDINGS fn PRO CONTAINING THREE SPACES IN EACH. 1 W SIX TOTAL. 58% W MINIMUM REQUIRED PAVED AREA j In OWNERSHIP / UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT: I J ( '�`P U{ plU W 22% SAULSBURY PROPERTIESLLLP A COLORADO UMITED UABIUTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1 I I IS THE OMER OF THAT REAL PROPERTY LYING WITHIN TIE HAPPY LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. 1 ME HAPPY LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTAL DEVELOPMENT CONSISTS OF - -� FOUR LOTS. ALL FOUR LOTS CAN HAVE DIFFERENT OWNERSHIP. UNIFIED CONTROL SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGH RECORDED -- COVENANTS AND RESTRICTONS. WEST 31ST PLACE 40' ROW CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT THE DEVELOPMENT IS DESIGNED FOR RESIDENTIAL USES. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WILL BE TWO STORY WOOD FRAME STRUCTURES. THE ARCHITECTURE AND I CHARACTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE EXISTNG SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD. THE EXISTING LARGE TREES AND MATURE LANDSCAPING WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SITE PLAN, I ____________J CASE HISTORY MS -98 -3 WZ -99 -1 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTS: SINGLE FAMILY - EXISTING BUILDINGS 30 FEET HIGH DUPLEX = MAXIMUM HEIGHT 30 FEET HIGH APARTMENTS = MAXIMUM HEIGHT 35 FEET HIGH GARAGES = MAXIMUM HEIGHT 16 FEET HIGH MINIMUM LANDSCAPE COVERAGE - 22.500 S.F. 32ND AVENUE 60' ROW o LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING 1 I 1 O i I I EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN EX LANDSCAPING o - LANDWAPM � G � laeo e - I I PARKING I °I I R �_L DRIVES _E____S_. I ACCESS TO TFIIFR STREET DUPLEX UNIT BUILDING PAD i I I I I LANDSCAPING I MINIMUM PERIMETER BUILDING SETBACKS: 32nd AVE. 1 MULTI— FAMILY UNIT BUILDING PAD PARKING It DRIVES LANDSCAPING 5' OF R.O.W. DEDICATED BY) PLAT RECORDED AT RECEPTON y o � r' LANDSCAPING 1 %ISTING V TREE 0 REMA (TYP) ®1 If I PARKING I PARKING SAULSBURI' Sl DRIVES I DRIVES GARAGE I 1 GARAGE PAD I ! PAD DUPLEX UNIT BUILDING PAD GRAPHIC SCALE Is ( IN }'i ) r i lace - >a n I II F I 1 I I } W 1 1 11 Q I I II N PMENT --I I 1 1 I I 11 I I II I I LANDSCAPING I I I I I I L j I I LANDSCAPING I I I _— ___ —___ 30.22' JT LAN USES: PROJECT DATA BREAKDOWN: UE mLY PROP. S.F. - 88,567 S.F. 32nd AVE. BUIL DING COVERAGE 58. $ . SINGLE FAMILY 1,587 S.F. 2% DUPLEX 7,420 S.F. 8% APARTMENT 7052 B.F. 8% '^ 4I �I GARAGE 1,689 S.F. 2% LANDSCAPED AREA $E, 3 PRO m , j� PROVIDED 51,770 SF. 58% I',1 ILY TI y MINIMUM REQUIRED PAVED AREA 22,142 S.F. 25X ( '�`P U{ plU 19,040 S.F. 22% ll TOTAL 8T4, 73_S_.F TOOK S5I�LLHHGR�LL-[2� RESIUENTIA LILY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION THE BELOW- SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROP- ERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WALL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ME USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REWIRED BY LAW. I(WE) URTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF REZONING THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPROVAL OF THIS 0 TUNE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCURE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 26 -6(G) OF THE CODE OF LAWS. SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S) SAULSBURY PROPERTIES. LLLP A COLORADO LIMITED UABIUTY UNITED PARTNERSHIP CORP BY: HAROLD R. SMETHILLS, MANAGING PARTNER 1546 COLE BOULEVARD SUITE 227 GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 (303) 233 -3447 NOTARY PUBLIC SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF J 19_ WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES . NOTARY SEAL. PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF _ 19_ BY ME PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRMAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF J 19_ BY THE WHEATRIDCE CITY COUNCIL. O s/ MAYOR NTY SEA ATTEST: SU� OR'S CERTIFICATION CITY CLERK I. Kenneth A. Perry . a Registered Land Surveyor in the Slate of Colorado, do hereby certify that the survey oI Happy Landings Subdivision was made by me or directly under my supervision on or about the _ day of____— 19_, and that the accompanying plat accurately and properly shows said subdivislon and the survey thereof. Kenneth A.Pemy - - - -- Registered Colorado Land Surveyor Colorado Number 25961 COUNT" CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATION THIS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, ON THE _ DAY OF A.D. 19_ IN THE 800K PAGE RECEPTION JEFFERSOI COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY:_ - S HENKEL5&AKUYe�e 7061 S. UNIVERSH BOULEVARD, STE106 LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL:(303 )794 -4704 FAX:(303 )794 -4703 DEPUTY WN.. �� 06- 071093-00 1 2 OF 2 BOOK PAGE COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN DATEPTIONNO. HAPPY LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE NORTH 3/4 OF THE NORTH 3/5 OF WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 BARTHS'S SUBDIVISION. EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF CONTAINED W. 32nd AVE. TELLER STREET OF SAULSBURY STREET. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. DEVELOPMENT DATA ONE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY UNIT TWO DUPLEX UNITS TWELVE APARTMENT UNITS TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS — SEVENTEEN TWO FREE STANDING GARAGE BUILDINGS CONTAINING THREE SPACES IN EACH. TWENTY UNCOVERED SPACES FOR APARTMENT UNITS (INCLUDING TWO HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE). TWELVE SPACES TOTAL FOR DUPLEX UNITS. TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED - THIRTY — SEVEN.* TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED - TWENTY —SIX. • Nc PARKING SPACE NUMBER AND LOCATION WILL BE FIELD ADJUSTED TO MAXIMIZE THE RETENTION OF EXISTING LANDSCAPING FEATURES. NOTES 1.) NO PARKING WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS. 2.) ALL LIGHTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 26- 30(S). 3.) THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE C — AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING. 4.) ALL OWNERS, TENANTS AND GUESTS SHALL BE ALLOWED FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH THE ACCESS EASEMENT/EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND USE OF OVERFLOW PARKING. 5 -) NO FENCING WILL BE ALLOWED BETWEEN SAULSBURY STREET AND THE EAST FACE OF THE MULTI— FAMILY BUILDING. 6.) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS SHALL NOT CREATE SIGHT DISTANCE OBSTRUCTIONS FOR ACCESS WAYS ONTO TELLER AND SAULSBURY STREETS. 7 •) THE PROJECT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION SHALL DETERMINE THE USE OF THE OPEN SPACE SOUTH OF THE GARAGES ON LOT 1. PERMISSIBLE USES MAY BE OPEN SPACE WITH SOD, GAZEBO, COMMUNITY GARDEN OR PLAYGROUND. III I VICINITY I M'AP OWNER'S CERTIFICATION The below— signed owner(s), or legally designated agent(s) thereof, do hereby agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed as a Planned Development in accordance with the uses, restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. I(we) further recognize that the approval of Final Development Plan (and Plat) does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of section 26 -6(G) of Article I, of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Saulsbury Properties LLLP A Colorado Limited Liability Limited Partnership NOTARY PUBLIC By. Harold R. Smethills Monaging Partner 1546 Cale Boulevard, Suite 2 Golden, Colorado 80401 Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 — . Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires NOTARY SEAL SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 SITE PLAN 3 LANDSCAPE PLAN 4 BUILDING ELEVATIONS PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Approved this day of , 19 by the Director of Planning and Development. Director PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION Approved this day of , 19 _, by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission. /e/ Chairman CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION Approved this day of 19—, by the Wheat Ridge City Council. /s/ Mayor CITY SEAL ATTEST: _ City Clerk COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE This document accepted for filing in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado, on the day of A.D. 19 _, in the Book Page Reception Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder By. HaNI HENKELS&AYCOY.sr 7061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, STE.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL:(303 )794 -4704 FAX:(303 )794 -4703 i OF West 38th Avenue SITE "' West 32nd Avenue Q West 29th Aw ue u y 0 N m West 26th Aw ue C 4 a r west 2bfh'Avenue A' r l I d III I VICINITY I M'AP OWNER'S CERTIFICATION The below— signed owner(s), or legally designated agent(s) thereof, do hereby agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed as a Planned Development in accordance with the uses, restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. I(we) further recognize that the approval of Final Development Plan (and Plat) does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of section 26 -6(G) of Article I, of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Saulsbury Properties LLLP A Colorado Limited Liability Limited Partnership NOTARY PUBLIC By. Harold R. Smethills Monaging Partner 1546 Cale Boulevard, Suite 2 Golden, Colorado 80401 Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 — . Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires NOTARY SEAL SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 SITE PLAN 3 LANDSCAPE PLAN 4 BUILDING ELEVATIONS PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Approved this day of , 19 by the Director of Planning and Development. Director PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION Approved this day of , 19 _, by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission. /e/ Chairman CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION Approved this day of 19—, by the Wheat Ridge City Council. /s/ Mayor CITY SEAL ATTEST: _ City Clerk COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE This document accepted for filing in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado, on the day of A.D. 19 _, in the Book Page Reception Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder By. HaNI HENKELS&AYCOY.sr 7061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, STE.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL:(303 )794 -4704 FAX:(303 )794 -4703 i OF COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN RECEPTION NO. DATE HAPPY LANDINGS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TYPICAL SECTION 11111 LANDINGS nPF�RTMENTS AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WEST 20 d - WEST 2nd AVENUE x (60' ROW) 'c�L?" � � — -' I,. ` II I - -- - -- — — - I �• _, _ . � I 11 1, 1 1,1 1111 1 111 1111 I �11 1 j1 I I }11 1411 G 1 111 IIII I fl II it 1 III h I II I II I II (Y I l u h l i I II�S b 11 I II J Y - II II J MI II Ahi 11 Y WEST 31st PL. 6 (40' ROW) - - -- _ - -- � 1 I I II I II 11 II III I III I II I II I II 1 1 II I II 1 II I II 111 — — ,,yb' 10 UTILI TY EASEMENT OT 2 L. I Y a19,71 "1971 m 2y19 u 'I 1 1 . 3,42 f 26. 48,15]]1o0 t PROPOSED GRAVEL ACCESS I°; I APARTMENTS DRIVE , .L n EXIST. ❑ GARAGI 28' DITCH EASEMENT I I i� ASPHALT PAVEMENT I i iRASI ENCLOS(IRE 4 NON iLAMMABIE 88,567 S.F. RE' ARCH. I- -J I fl 61971 II66 L OT i LOT 2 s SF 3 e1 s 71*, % BUILDING COVERAGE 8,252 S.F. 179 2,075 S.F. 15% 3,710 S.E 28% 3710 S.F. 1 ' 1 20% fpv- 29744 S.F. 62% 10,670 S.F. 75% 5,732 SE 44% I 0 51,770 S.F. 58% PA 0 AR p 10.161 S.F. / MOUNi� AE ARCH. E9 1,487 S.F. 10% 3642 S.F. 28% 3750 S.F. 4' ACCESS 1 's c DEI I I I Ioi FT, t GARAGE 110.00__ - Js - CI-G 2 .2 =_ SEMENT A I I ASPHALT PAVEMENT I GRASS- CRETE' PAVEMENT OR EQUAL, I 1 35.0 4 S0. FT. t SED 88,567 S.F. EX I 1 - X10,02 f SITE PLAN SIGN DETAIL II I ul 1111 i t I iI II I II I II I 11 II I h N I II I 11 (A II II I �3a 1111 %1111 w °IIII ll I J I II J III Q IIII II I Ill 11 II I II I II I II I !III II I IIII I I II I NI nl PROJECT DATA BREAKDOWN: ASPHALT PAVEMENT ® GRASS- CRETE' PAVEMENT OR EQUAL, PROP. S.F. = 88,567 S.F. L OT i LOT 2 s SF 3 S.E. 4 s S.E. % BUILDING COVERAGE 8,252 S.F. 179 2,075 S.F. 15% 3,710 S.E 28% 3710 S.F. 28Y 17.747 S.F. 20% I ANOSCaPFn AREA 29744 S.F. 62% 10,670 S.F. 75% 5,732 SE 44% 5624 S.F. 43% 51,770 S.F. 58% PA 0 AR p 10.161 S.F. 21% 1,487 S.F. 10% 3642 S.F. 28% 3750 S.F. 29% 19,040 S.F. 22% TOTAL 4$157 S.F. 100% 14,241 S.F. 100% 13.84 S.F. 100% 13,084 S.F. 100% 88567 S.F. 100% �� dl nB LEGEND D CONCRETE PAVEMENT ASPHALT PAVEMENT ® GRASS- CRETE' PAVEMENT OR EQUAL, GRAPHIC SCALE (12+ 1 I h - 50 EL AW RENKELS €MECOY, 7061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, STE.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL:(303)794 -4704 FAX:(303)794 -4703 2 OF 4 TYPE A ( RANCH TYPE) ELEVATIONS SCALE 118' - F-0. IPA -- - -- -NORTH - - -- FRONT ELEVATION II WLC LA ERIOR SIDE ELEVATION y i © ° "= O 4> EAST ELEVATION - - - - - ' ' VM'ITY�_ 14 •* ) 0. 1 I O n�A I TYPE B(MO STORY) ELEVATIONS a DUPLEX UNITS SCALE 1 /8._,' j i - 1 BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. DATE J), ---- - - - - -- I -- ------ - -- - ----- -- - � - jam{ FWTFl FL xAU IN Oe ORNER nI0 HIM ifllY (TYP) — - - - - - - - - - -SOUTH - -- - - -- - - -� - - - -- - - - 'r -- - ---- ' - - -�' -- -- -J. J• - - -- REAR E�EL�4TI0!K rl i — J —J -� _ O ENf0.Y - -- Y W i • �tiM �'y'` IJ__L_ _______ ___________ _ ___ _L _JJ AST ELEVATION fY 13 LA ERIOR SIDE ELEVATION y i © ° "= O 4> EAST ELEVATION - - - - - ' ' VM'ITY�_ 14 •* ) 0. 1 I O n�A I TYPE B(MO STORY) ELEVATIONS a DUPLEX UNITS SCALE 1 /8._,' j i - 1 BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO. DATE J), ---- - - - - -- I -- ------ - -- - ----- -- - � - J80.LM S, O, NG ORNER nI0 HIM ifllY (TYP) — - - - - - - - - - -SOUTH - -- - - -- - - -� - - - -- - - - 'r -- - ---- ' - - -�' -- -- -J. J• - - -- REAR E�EL�4TI0!K _ i — J —J -� _ so - -- NORTH FRONTELEVATION i • sS. L �'y'` IJ__L_ _______ ___________ _ ___ _L _JJ AST ELEVATION GMI.LE ,Imnm.,uumo • mL�u,li„11 u� nn• - - - - =- NORTH:- = - - - - -- FRONT ELEVATION 11 41 I COhU10N PARY WALL I i I _ I I EXTERIOR SIDE ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION gp � 6 io I+ , .SIT,. Sn INGLES (I") '1 J80.LM S, O, NG ORNER nI0 HIM ifllY (TYP) — - _ ; I ER IT P R ) :M VENEER (TYP) i • sS. L �'y'` IJ__L_ _______ ___________ _ ___ _L _JJ AST ELEVATION L__ _L _l _l -J J _J _______ ___L _1_ _i NORTH AND SOUTH H HENKELSEMEfOY, ELEVATION " 1061 S. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, STE.206 LITTLETON CO 80122 TEL:(303)794 -4704 FAX:(303 794 -4703 NO. DAIS DescalPnoN APARTMENT UNITS w �� os — 1 osa —oo 3 OF i I II - - - -- - SOUTH - - - - - -' REAR EVELVATION - - - - -- - SOUTH --- - - - - -- WES T 32n d A VENUE (60' POW) I ,. 1318.87 25.00' I CENTER OF BECTON 28 -3 -69 FWND 0.3' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX. LS 13222. . NORTNWEI BLOCK 2. W lam I o II J� N � Lij I I =ST 31st PL. 40' ROW) NEW CURB.GU R 4 ATTACHED SDEWALK SEE TELLER STREET IMPROV MEATS - III li I �I NORTH NNE OF THE BF 1/1 NF BF1,T. WEST 32n d A VENUE I (60' ROW) I PRIVATE ACCESS DRIVE TYPICAL SECTION �1uTH fwwl 2' RsIN 6REEN 2 N AASH 976.66' LOW SN1V+6 (�Np JPINC�J A'T N 011 S U L% UNE A.NLS�zy ^3 �a 8� g m� �• n rr �. H. I gl �� RI �= I b4 l ip N aom N _ r a z GRAPHIC SCALE ca�1 1 Pee - eD rt 0 ~ a N Wo�aa " � WdC`o S jZ MA 0 , ❑ O W-W W� N jvl� W d y Z� co Z Ill G Q 0- co Z_ 0 IL J IL _ J IL W ^ di W LEGEND PLANS ' EXISTING WATER LIME - EXISTING WATER CTIpUN EXISTING HYDRANT - EXISTING GATE VALVE REmS10NS . EXISTING SAIIITAOv 9EWrO DATE: 3/17/1998 L- EXISTING STORM SEWER DATE:12/29/1998 - - - - -', ` - - - -- EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING INLET - - -- - - EXISTING GAS MAIN - - - - -- - - EXISTING ELECTRIC DATE: 2/11/1998 . _.. _. EXISTING TELEPHONE DESIGN: PvF ------- - - - - -- EXISTNG CURB AND GUTTER 06- 071093 NEW CURB AND GUTTER C1,DWG NEW CURB AHD GUTTER (SPILL) SHEET NO: LLA NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT Ili WES T 32ri d +l,ll (60' I kbvy I BC ,�:- �;• :: 131flBT -b• CENTER OF SECTION 26 -3-89 FOUNO O.T BRASS C/.p 11L RANGE BOX, Us 13 e i YII I �u I I II I V l il YII 1 111 I 311 I I !! Y I I �I illl�a II li'ul_ II 3 WE 31sO� (40' ROW) I tll I II I VI I VI II I 1 II I I - _- __WEST 32nd A VENUE - L I(60 ROW) £asT 1/4 CORNER Of SECTION 25-3 -89 FWNO 0.]' BRASS CAP IN RANGE NURn ONE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 26- B WB.6B' BO%, LS 13222 - 8 2 ' sw Em _ _ m -R CCRxiA �,� w _ OCK 2; BM1H'S SUBDIN90N - - � .. - - . -__ � �- � NIXi� - _ Ti, ONE B LOCK 2 BARTH S SUSDIN n i ..,.. I EASRNG CXNXJRS PRO 1 B GN �> o SEE DATA , � � i 0 Lq 'FFE _ FFE = %6 I .. • • SED DIVS- ED S.0 -eANN 9WNDARY _.. EUE w 5464.75 Sr a �i DE I EN I ION o POND A o ' - -- EX FENCE I 5468.00 o PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER OO EX TREE 1 Ln I o GRAPHIC SCALE » » I 460 I Iq I I I ( Ln I I 16' �� �a 1 ImS � ¢G M1 L.JLJL V I� I r � , i � i r�I W w w s g ��m 1 17 ' �.. Ir �i I •' I• f � 5467— EGOETAIL SwALE _ _ r ¢ I �' l III X19 mv ( SIlE B� �I I sH e`e i —. • -g4fl -C'-f �s - . -�� -'— . i \ 11 :• L. I _ / n -q I o Q delis g 3 (n$ I L. SHEET I low ' s IIIIIII VICINITY -5,05 CURB CUT iu NTS 5467.50 ( MY. 40 _ 1 •. PR P . ' IM WALK wi�ia 1111 II T 0 I - - - -- — _ ,I N (}64.4j I A 1.52 I y y 0 0 0 hrlx .,I, Mika,ta4i— 0 _ :t »aM.a- y O I LCTt�RE ; SST I CTURE A2 w•p CiA RATE FD RELEASE STRUCTURE - --- -" __ -- I (I 2 SF�HALT .1 xrs '?TIP TR/(NSITION - CONSTRU 5' TYPE'L' RIPRAP NEE`a� 'YP FILTER MATE IAL 5466 SIG d 0 REVIEWED AND APPROVED y A o 28. 12 CNP CURB wr I 1 { G—. _ _. _ _ — I i 3.58 2 I i ..,.. I EASRNG CXNXJRS PRO 1 B GN �> o SEE DATA , � � i 0 Lq 'FFE _ FFE = %6 I .. • • SED DIVS- ED S.0 -eANN 9WNDARY _.. EUE w 5464.75 Sr a �i DE I EN I ION o POND A o ' - -- EX FENCE I 5468.00 o PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER OO EX TREE 1 Ln I o GRAPHIC SCALE » » I 460 I Iq I I I ( Ln I I 16' �� �a 1 ImS � ¢G M1 L.JLJL V I� I r � , i � i r�I W w w s g ��m 1 17 ' �.. Ir �i i o / p6 5468. 2.00% 6 -L- 5467— LEGEND NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT D NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK O PROPOSED ROOF DRAIN A ex9x DFS mAnm 1.52 AAFA, ADRE6 BENCHMARK EAST 114 CORNEA OF SEC. 26. T3S. R59W 4' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX RUNOFF SUMMARY A m YY N�YY � WOPN J O N I.�vlu =n J T � F W Q z IL Q < CA W Z z 0 < IL z o J Q DATE: 3 -17 -1998 DATE:12 -21 -1998 DATE: -18-1999 DATE:1 -26 -1999 DATE:2 -02 -1998 DESIGN: P VF Rocky Mountain Ditch Company Date JOB: 06- 071093 -00 DWG: DRAN.DWG DESIGN EASRNG CXNXJRS PRO �a— vRCa6s[n RxxlsxED mADE POND MREC1Kx OF AIRfI.CE ROW — DIVS- ED S.0 -eANN 9WNDARY Al DESIGN PONT ' - -- EX FENCE I EX. CURB, GUTTER AND WALK: 3.7 PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER OO EX TREE RUNOFF SUMMARY A m YY N�YY � WOPN J O N I.�vlu =n J T � F W Q z IL Q < CA W Z z 0 < IL z o J Q DATE: 3 -17 -1998 DATE:12 -21 -1998 DATE: -18-1999 DATE:1 -26 -1999 DATE:2 -02 -1998 DESIGN: P VF Rocky Mountain Ditch Company Date JOB: 06- 071093 -00 DWG: DRAN.DWG DESIGN OJ DETENTION MAXIMUM RELEASE RATE POND 05 0100 DES G. (CFS) (CPS) Al .08 1.05 II! I 1.55 3.7 2 A2 F Id I 4,2 GRAPHIC SCALE » » Iq I I ( I I 16' �� �a 1 ImS � ¢G M1 L.JLJL V I� I ) E IPIL � , i � i r�I � US, i I g per. Ir �i T0 , I r Hi11 Cemetery' -L- x _ r ¢ I �' l III X19 mv ( SIlE B� �I I .. 11 a �: a n -q I Q delis g 3 (n$ I L. SHEET I VICINITY MAP CURB CUT iu NTS WALK wi�ia 1111 II - - - -- — _ 0 0 0 hrlx .,I, Mika,ta4i— 0 :t »aM.a- mAOU» ; SST I CTURE A2 w•p CiA RATE FD RELEASE STRUCTURE - --- -" __ -- I (I 2 SF�HALT .1 xrs TR/(NSITION - CONSTRU 5' TYPE'L' RIPRAP 1.5 THICK W 6 UDFCD TYPE II FILTER MATE IAL REVIEWED AND APPROVED RUNOFF SUMMARY A m YY N�YY � WOPN J O N I.�vlu =n J T � F W Q z IL Q < CA W Z z 0 < IL z o J Q DATE: 3 -17 -1998 DATE:12 -21 -1998 DATE: -18-1999 DATE:1 -26 -1999 DATE:2 -02 -1998 DESIGN: P VF Rocky Mountain Ditch Company Date JOB: 06- 071093 -00 DWG: DRAN.DWG DESIGN BASIN DETENTION MAXIMUM RELEASE RATE POND 05 0100 DES G. (CFS) (CPS) Al .08 1.05 A2 .12 1.55 RUNOFF SUMMARY A m YY N�YY � WOPN J O N I.�vlu =n J T � F W Q z IL Q < CA W Z z 0 < IL z o J Q DATE: 3 -17 -1998 DATE:12 -21 -1998 DATE: -18-1999 DATE:1 -26 -1999 DATE:2 -02 -1998 DESIGN: P VF Rocky Mountain Ditch Company Date JOB: 06- 071093 -00 DWG: DRAN.DWG DESIGN BASIN AREA O5 0100 POINT DES G. (ACRES) (CPS) (CPS) 1 Al .61 1.6 3.7 2 A2 ,90 1.6 4,2 SHEET NO: 1 CROSS SECTION THROUGH \ -- DETENTION POND A 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Meat Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge FAX 303/235 -2857 January 13, 1999 Alec Garbini CM2, Inc. Management 1546 Cole Boulevard Suite 227 Golden, Colorado 80401 Dear Alec: This letter is in regard to your submittal for rezoning from R -2 and R -3 to Planned Residential Development and for approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat. I have reviewed the submittal and have concluded that the following changes must occur to the outline development plan: The title should be revised to read as follows: "Happy Landings Planned Residential Development Outline Development Plan An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge ". 2. Please add an ownership /unified control statement 3. Please add a statement regarding character of the development. 4. Site Usage (currently shown as "Legal Description" on the lefthand side of the page) should be revised to show one single family unit, four duplex units, twelve apartment units for a total of 17 units. The number of parking spaces indicated in the freestanding garages for the multi - family should be revised. 5. The minimum landscaped coverage should be shown in square footage and percent of total. 6. Please show the width of the ditch easement on the drawing with the ditch name. 7. Please show access points with arrows to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. Please include the existing single family driveway to remain. 8. The overflow parking should be include within the multi - family lot, rather than the single family lot. 9. In the project data breakdown, please show landscaped and paved areas as their categories. 10. Within the building pads, show as multi - family units or duplex units. 11. Please show adjacent land use in addition to zonings on the adjacent land use map. 12. For Saulsbury, add the following note: "5' of right -of -way dedicated by plat document, recorded at reception # " 13. Show the garage for the existing house as "existing garage to remain ". 14. Likewise, show the existing house as "to remain ". 15. Please show existing large trees to remain. 16. Please add a surveyor's certificate. 17. Please add the name and address of owner to the Owner's certification signature block. 18. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: MS -98 -3, WZ -99 -1. Please make the following changes to the subdivision plat: 1. Please add the following note to the front page "All owners, tenants and guests shall be allowed free movement through the access easement /emergency vehicle access and use of overflow parking." 2. In note #2, please change the reference to City Engineer to Director of Public Works. 3. In note #6, please show zoning on the property as Planned Residential Development. 4. The signature block for the City Engineer can be removed. 5. The overflow parking for the multi - family should be removed from Lot 2 (single family lot). The lot sizes for Lots 1 and 2 must be revised accordingly. 6. Please show access easement as an emergency vehicle access, as well. 7. The access easement/ emergency access route should be 26' wide rather than 24'. 8. Please add an easement of appropriate width for the irrigation ditch running south along Teller Street. 9. If there is detention in the eastern parking area, it should be shown as an easement. Please make the following changes to the combined preliminary and final development plan: 1. Please revise the title to read as follows: "Happy Landings Planned Residential Development Combined Preliminary and Final Development Plan An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" 2 Please add the specific name and address to the owner's certification signature block. 3. Please add a signature block for the Director of Planning and Development. 4. A site data needs to be added with a breakdown for each lot, including amount of building coverage, amount of landscaped coverage and the amount of hard surfaced coverage. These figures should be shown in square footages and percentages of the total. 5. On page 2, please show fire hydrant locations. 6. What happens to the ditch running along Teller Street? The radii width on the curb cuts at Teller and Saulsbury are inadequate for fire access. S. The overflow parking for the multi - family needs to be relocated out of Lot 2 and onto Lot 1. This area should be designated as overflow parking. The corresponding revisions must occur in the site data breakdown. 9. Please indicate the type of surfacing for the driveway on lot 2. 10. Show both the house and garage on Lot 2 as "to remain". 11. The access easement needs to be called access easement/emergency vehicle access and be increased to 26' in width. 12. The Fire Marshall has indicated that "grass - crete" will not be able to support their trucks. Could a mountable speed hump be used instead? 13. Please show dumpster locations with non - flammable screening. 14. The project identification signs are consistent with the City's regulations for size, number (one per street frontage) and height. However, they need to be setback 10' from the property line and cannot be located within the 15' sight distance triangles for driveways. 15. No obstructions can be located within the sight triangle at the corner of 32 " Avenue and Saulsbury.. This is measured from the intersection 55' along 32n and 25' along Saulsbury. 16. What is happening with the open area south of the garages on Lot 1? If not specified, it will have to remain open with sod.. If you would like other options for this area, (IE, gazebo, common garden plots or tot -lot), they should be specified. 17. Where are handicapped parking stalls located? 18. The following note should be added: "No parking will be allowed within the emergency vehicle access. ". 19. The following note should be added: "All lighting shall be in accordance with Section 26- 30(S). 20. The following note should be added: "All owners, tenants and guests shall be allowed free movement through the access easement/emergency access lane and use of overflow parking. ". 21. The following note should be added: 'No fencing will be allowed between Saulsbury Street and the east face of the multi - family building. ". 22. Please add a note regarding the FEMA designation (note #3 on the plat). 23. Please add the following note: "Project identification signs shall not create sight distance obstructions for access ways onto Teller and Saulsbury Streets. ". 24. For the Saulsbury Street dedication, please add the following note: "5' of right -of- way dedicated by plat, recorded at reception # ". 25. Can I have a copy of the utility plan for my file? 26. On page 3, show duplex elevations in relation to directions (north elevation, south elevation, etc.). 27. Where is the southern, eastern and western elevations for the multi - family units? 28. The side yard on the eastern unit on Lot 4 appears unusable because of the detention area. Attached are referral responses received from other City departments and outside agencies. All of their comments must be addressed. There may be other items of concern unforeseen at this time. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303 - 235 -2848. This case is currently scheduled for the February 4, 1999, Planning Commission meeting. I will need 15 copies of the revised plan no later than January 26, 1999 for distribution for that meeting. Fifteen copies of the drainage plan will also be required. Sincerely, L th Reckert, AICP Senior Planner cc: WZ -99 -1 file 7500 West 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Planning: Phone # (303) 235 -2846 Parks & Recreation: Phone # (303) 235 -2877 Public Works: Phone # (303) 235 -2861 Fax Phone # (303) 235 -2857 DATE L 13 - 5 Name: L Organization: Fax: Phone: -- 3()3 - 7--q y - yq From: �C�D Dept: Planning Parks & Recreation ❑ Public Works ❑ Subject: # of Pages: (Including cover page) Comments: A / IG -- Lll tD L e o S/7 L�_ G` Original to follow in the mail ❑ Yes PNo 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge FAX 303/235 -2857 January 13, 1999 Alec Garbini CM2, Inc. Management 1546 Cole Boulevard Suite 227 Golden, Colorado 80401 Dear Alec: This letter is in regard to your submittal for rezoning from R -2 and R -3 to Planned Residential Development and for approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat. I have reviewed the submittal and have concluded that the following changes must occur to the outline developnnJnt plan: 1. /The title should be revised to read as follows: go Happy Landings Planned Residential Development Outline Development Plan An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge ". Please add an ownership /unified control statement Please add a statement regarding character of the development. Site Usage (currently shown as "Legal Description" on the lefthand side of the page) should be revised to show one single family unit, four duplex units, twelve apartment units for a total of 17 units. The number of parking spaces indicated in the freestanding garages for the multi - family should be revised. The minimum landscaped coverage should be shown in square footage and percent of total. Please show the width of the ditch easement on the drawing with the ditch name. Please show access points with arrows to Teller and Saulsbury Streets. Please include the existing single family driveway to remain. The overflow parking should be include within the multi - family lot, rather than the single family lot. In the project data breakdown, please show landscaped and paved areas as their categories. Within the building pads, show as multi - family units or duplex units. P A 10. Please show adjacent land use in addition to zonings on the adjacent land use map. 1 For Saulsbury, add the following note: "5' of right-of-way dedicated by plat document, recorded at reception # " Show the garage for the existing house as "existing garage to remain ". Likewise, show the existing house as "to remain ". Please show existing large trees to remain. Please add a surveyor's certificate. Please add the name and address of owner to the Owner's certification signature block. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: MS -98 -3, WZ -99 -1. Please make the the following changes to the subdivision plat: �1! Please add the following note to the front page "All owners, tenants and guests /// shall be allowed free movement through the access casement/emergency vehicle access and use of overflow parking." In note 92, please change the reference to City Engineer to Director of Public Works. � 0 00e In note #6, please show zoning on the property as Planned Residential Development. The signature block for the City Engineer can be removed. �+ The overflow parking for the multi- family should be removed from Lot 2 (single family lot). The lot sizes for Lots 1 and 2 must be revised accordingly. 3 / Please show access easement as an emergency vehicle access, as well. /� r `j The access easement/ emergency access route should be 26' wide rather than 24'. d `P- �•`V Please add an easement of appropriate width for the irrigation ditch running south along Teller Street. If there is detention in the eastern parking area, it should be shown as an easement. QJy / case '�s C 3 make the following changes to the combined preliminary and final development plan: 1 9 L y`( Please revise the title to read as follows: �r Happy Landings Planned Residential Development X Combined Preliminary and Final Development Plan An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" Please add the specific name and address to the owner's certification signature / block. Please add a signature block for the Director of Planning and Development. A site data needs to be added with a breakdown for each lot, including amount of building coverage, amount of landscaped coverage and the amount of hard surfaced coverage. These figures should be shown in square footages and percentages of the total. 5./ On page 2, please show fire hydrant locations. What happens to the ditch running along Teller Street? The radii width on the curb cuts at Teller and Saulsbury are inadequate for fire access. 1D The overflow parking for the multi - family needs to be relocated out of Lot 2 and �J onto Lot 1. This area should be designated as overflow parking. The corresponding revisions must occur in the site data breakdown. 9 Please indicate the type of surfacing for the driveway on lot 2. Show both the house and garage on Lot 2 as "to remain ". The access easement needs to be called access easement/emergency vehic e ac ess and be increased to 26' in width. Ol- 24 wx*4 The Fire Marshall has indicated that "grass - crete" will not be able to support their trucks. Could a mountable speed hump be used instead? Please show dumpster locations with non - flammable screening. The project identification signs are consistent with the City's regulations for size, number (one per street frontage) and height. However, they need to be setback 10' from the property line and cannot be located within the 15' sight distance triangles for driveways. No obstructions can be located within the sight triangle at the comer of 32n Avenue and Saulsbury.. This is measured from the intersection 55' along 32 and 25' along Saulsbury. What is happening with the open area south of the garages on Lot 1? If not specified, it will have to remain open with sod.. If you would like other options for this area, (IE, gazebo, common garden plots or tot -lot), they should be specified. Where are handicapped parking stalls located? The following note should be added: "No parking will be allowed within the emergency vehicle access. ". 1�The following note should be added: "All lighting shall be in accordance with Section 26- 30(S). The following note should be added: "All owners, tenants and guests shall be allowed free movement through the access easement/emergency access lane and use of overflow parking. ". .02'1/ The following note should be added: "No fencing will be allowed between / Saulsbury Street and the east face of the multi - family building. ". X2'2. Please add a note regarding the FEMA designation (note #3 on the plat). Please add the following note: "Project identification signs shall not create sight distance obstructions for access ways onto Teller and Saulsbury Streets. ". 024. For the Saulsbury Street dedication, please add the following note: "5' ofright -of- 1 way dedicated by plat, recorded at reception 25. Can I have a copy of the utility plan for my file? On page 3, show duplex elevations in relation to directions (north elevation, south elevation, etc.). Where is the southern, eastern and western elevations for the multi - family units? 28. The side yard on the eastern unit on Lot 4 appears unusable because of the detention area. Attached are referral responses received from other City departments and outside agencies. All of their comments must be addressed. There may be other items of concern unforeseen at this time. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303 - 235 -2848. This case is currently scheduled for the February 4, 1999, Planning Commission meeting. I will need 15 copies of the revised plan no later than January 26, 1999 for distribution for that meeting. Fifteen copies of the drainage plan will also be required. Sincerely, )"' Mered Reckert, AICP Senior Planner cc: WZ -99 -1 file January 25, 1999 Mr. Paul von Fay, P.E. Henkels & McCoy, Inc. 3979 East Arapahoe Road, Suite 200 Littleton, Colorado 80122 Re: Happy Landings Apartments, 7110 West 32n Avenue - First Review Comments of Revised Final Drainage Study, Teller & Saulsbury Street Construction Plans & Erosion Control Plan I have completed the review of the above referenced documents for the Happy Landings Apartments Subdivision received on January 18, 1999, and have the following comments: Drainage Study The final drainage report is acceptable upon re- submittal of two copies signed and stamped by the engineer of record and the Rocky Mountain Ditch representative. Drainage Plan(s) 1. Please note the proposed swale and piping along the Teller Street frontage as shown on the site plan (sheet 1 of 9). 2. Please note on proposed asphalt transitions /rip -rap as shown on sheets 4 and 5 of 9. 3. Please note curb cuts at private drive. 4. Please provide a concise typical cross section detail which shows structure modifications to facilitate the close proximity to the proposed detention ponding during the major storm. 5. Please note location of design points 2 and 3. 4. Please continue grated release structure detail to include proposed chase section /sidewalk. Include City standard of chase section detail and reference accordingly. 5. Clarify notation of temporary grass lined channel in asphalt driveway. Mr. Paul von Fay, P.E. Henkels & McCoy, Inc. Page 2 6. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature. 7. Please note Rocky Mountain Ditch and provide the requested signature block for their approval of this plan. Sheet 1 of 9 1. Please reference proposed swale detail and curb cut details to sheet 9. NOTE All plan sheets need to be consistent with each other regarding those improvements to be constructed such as the asphalt transitions, rip -rap pads and curb cuts at the private drive entrances. Application for Minor Dumping /Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping /Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. A copy of this permit was provided in the first review package. Subdivision Improvement Agreement Per revised development standards for 1999, a Subdivision Improvement Agreement will need to be executed by the owner /developer. For the owner /developer's information and review, I am including a copy of this document. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Guarantee Prior to any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the Urban Street right -of -way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate will need to be submitted for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, a letter of credit will need to be submitted for review and approval. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) /Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right -of -way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be processed by the City. Please return all red -lined prints with the second submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 235 -2868. Sincerely, Greg Knudson, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File January 12, 1999 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 800033 Re: 3190 Teller Street / 3195 Saulsbury Street Case No. WZ -99 -01 Dear Ms. Reckert: A4"SYS HMS �- CG -. P L TT A N T S C O N -. U L T A N T 5 RECEIV 9 D JAN 1 19 This letter is in response to your request for confirmation of the availability of pu i�cilities and the ability to provide adequate service for the above parcel per your referral letter of January 4, 1999. The following is a summary of your questions and,the Districts response thereto- Questions: 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? Response, no's 1, 2, & 3: Yes. Services currently provided by The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District are adequate to serve the above parcel with 8" sanitary sewer mains located on Teller Street and in Saulsbury Street. Questions: 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? Response, no's 4, & 5: Yes, The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District will service and maintain sanitary sewer facilities located within the District boundaries, and will require new easements for facilites that do not fall within easements that have already been established. Question.' 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should effect approval of this request? Response, no. 6: At this time there are no forseeable concerns or problems that might affect approval of this request, however, drawings showing design and proposed implementation of new facilities must be approved in order to respond to this request in certainty. In addition, you should be aware that the District requires payment of tap fees, as well as inspection of construction by the District's Engineer. If you have any questions regarding this communication, please call us at 770 -7272. Very truly yours, William K. Brown, P.E. Engineer for the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District cc: District Office 7800 East Union Avenue, Suite 500 • Denver, Colorado 80237 • Phone: (303) 740 -8900 Fax: (303) 740 -8934 JAN -15 -1999 16:12 7800 East Union Avenue, Suite 500 T rvSYSrl�n�s Denver, CO 80237 •c��cP01?AT /ON (303) 740 -8900 (303) 740 -8934 FAX P. 01/02 Letter of Transmittal TO: Meredith Reckert The City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 FROM: William K. Brown DATE: January 15, 1999 DELIVERY VIA: RE: Response ❑ Courier ❑ Overnight ❑ Mail ❑ Hand Deliver ® Fax Total Sheets. 2 Fax #303 - 235 -2857 ❑ For Your Approval ❑ For Your Use ® As Requested ❑ Returned ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ No. of 1—Copy response letter REMARKS: Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns. COPY TO: PROJECT #: 5161 -98 BY: Steve Brown JAN -15 -1999 16:12 January 12, 1999 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 800033 Re: 3190 Teller Street! 3195 Saulsbury Street Case No. WZ -99 -01 Dear Ms. Reckert: P. 02/02 Cc F <:w?Ancxv /iii— C O N 5 V L T A N T 5 This letter is in response to your request for confirmation of the availability of public facilities and the ability to provide adequate service for the above parcel per your referral letter of January 4, 1999. The following is a summary of your questions and the Districts response thereto. Questions: 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? Response, no's 1, 2, & 3: Yes. Services currently provided by The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District are adequate to serve the above parcel with 8" sanitary sewer mains located on Teller Street and in Saulsbury Street. Questions: 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? Response, no's 4, & 5: Yes. The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District will service and maintain sanitary sewer facilities located within the District boundaries, and will require new easements for facilites that do not fall within easements that have already been established. Question: 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should effect approval of this request? Response, no. 6: At this time there are no forseeable concerns or problems that might affect approval of this request, however, drawings showing design and proposed implementation of new facilities must be approved in order to respond to this request in certainty. In addition, you should be aware that the District requires payment of tap fees, as well as inspection of construction by the District's Engineer. If you have any questions regarding this communication, please call us at 770 -7272. Very truly yours, William K. Brown, P.E. Engineer for the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District cc: District Office 7800 East Union Avenue. Suite 500 - Denver. Colorado 80237 • Phone: (303) 740 -8900 Fax: (303) 740 -8934 TOTAL P.02 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 -6713 (303) 234 -5900 City Admin. Fax # 234 -5924 January 12, 1999 Police Dept. Fax # 235 -2949 Mr. Paul von Fey, P.E. Henkels & McCoy, Inc. 3979 East Arapahoe Road, Suite 200 Littleton, Colorado 80122 GWheat G idge Re: Happy Landings Subdivision, 3195 Saulsbury Street - First Review Comments of Revised Final Drainage Report, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plans Dear Mr. von Fey, This letter is to inform you that on January 5, 1999 the City received the above referenced documents for the Happy Landings project. Based on a preliminary review of these documents, it appears that respective revisions have not been made in accordance with those concerns expressed at the June 18, 1998 Planning Commission meeting, and documented in the June 29, 1998 letter to Henkels & McCoy, Inc. Please be aware that an initial, comprehensive review of these documents can not be completed until such time as the previous revisions have been incorporated. If ou It ve any questions, please contact me at 303 - 235 -2868. Si c rely, Greg Knu ;son, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director The City of Alan White, Planning & Development Director Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Alec Garbini File �js RECYCLED PAPER PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLO ANEW CENTURY ENERGIES COMPANY January 13, 1999 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7500 W 29 AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 Re: Happy Landings Sub #WZ -99 -01 RECEIVED JAN 1 5 1999 Siting and Land Rights 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202 -4256 Telephone 303.571.7799 Facsimile 303.571.7877 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the development plans for Happy Landings Sub #WZ- 99 -01. To ensure that adequate utility easements are available within this development, PSCo requests that the following dedication language, or plat note, be placed on the preliminary and final plats for the subdivision: Eight -foot (89 wide utility easements are hereby granted on private property adjacent to all public streets in the subdivision or platted area. These easements are dedicated for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, gas, television cable, and telecommunications facilities. Utilities shall also be permitted within any access easements and private streets in the subdivision. Permanent structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said utility easements. PSCo also requests that these utility easements be depicted graphically on the preliminary and final plats. While these easements should accommodate the majority of utilities to be installed in the subdivision, some additional easements may be required as planning and building progresses. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center, at 1- 800 - 922 -1987, to have all utilities located prior to construction. If PSCo has existing gas or electric distribution facilities in this area, the developer should contact PSCo's Engineering Department at (303) 425 -3867, regarding the use or relocation of these facilities. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at 571 -7029. Thank Y Patty G cnik� Right -of -Way Processor NMD: Multi- family ( C (7 ONSOLIDATED mutual water RECE ED JAN 1 $ 3 January 12, 1999 N, Z Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Department of Planning and Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: City of Wheat Ridge Case Number WZ -99 -01 for a Rezoning Change to Preserve Existing Single- family Residence and Build Four (4) Duplexes (Two Buildings) and Twelve (12) Multi- family Units for the Property Addressed as 3190 Teller Street /3195 Saulsbury Street Dear Meredith: This will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated January 4, 1999 regarding the above referenced property. Our comments remain the same as in prior correspondence. We have no additional comments or changes for the above referenced project. If you should have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please contact this office. Sincerel , Michael E. Queen Assistant Secretary /Treasurer /ds cc: Walter, Welton, PLS /PE, CMWCo President Robert J. Rivera, CMWCo Vice President THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue • P.O. Box 150068 • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Telephone (303)238 -0451 • Fax (303)237 -5560 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge January 4, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for a zone change and approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by January 18, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ- 99 -01. This property was previously referred to as Case No. MS -98 -03 (4 -lot minor subdivision). The applicant has reapplied for a zone change. LOCATION: 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone from R -2 and R -3 to PRD and approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat PURPOSE: To preserve existing single- family residence and build 4 duplexes (2 buildings) and 12 multi- family units. 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? Ya5 2. Are service lines available to the development? yGS 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? TjeGs 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? y e5 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? LL— 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? u c id,s i u ice F c� h N 1 q •A- cC � Ce �- Please reply to: Meredith Reckert, 235 -2848 Completed by: Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Consolidated Mutual) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Adjacent City X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Jeffco Health Department X Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. X WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division "The Carnation City" WHEAT RIDGE *FIRE DISTRICT "Dedicated To Serve Through Excellence" P. O. Box 507 • 3880 Upham St. • Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 • 303 - 424 -7323 a Fax 303 -940 -0350 January 11, 1999 Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Co. SUBJECT: Case # WZ- 99 -01, 3190 Teller /3195 Saulsbury Street, Rezoning, preliminary and final development plan and plat. Dear Meredith, After a review of the preliminary and final development plan for this property, I am submitting the following comment /requirements: 1. The turn radius's' shown on the plan are inadequate for the entry of fire equipment into the property. They will need to be widened to accommodate the trucks 2. The 24 foot access way will need to be increased to 26 feet per 1997 Uniform Fire Code adopted and now in effect if this is to become a thru street. The parties involved can contact the Fire Marshal Office with their concerns in order to resolve any issues as a result of these requirements. They can contact the office at (303) 424 -7323 to set an appointment as necessary. Respectfully, Dave Roberts FM. -WRFPD 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 TO: Meredith Reckert, Planning & Development FROM: Gary Wardle, Parks & Recreation RE: 3190 Teller Street\ DATE: January 11, 1999 The City of Wheat 9 Ridge The Parks & Recreation Commission met on December 16, 1998 and discussed the rezoning of ;190 Teller Street. The following motion was made and carried. "Motion to request $75.00 per unit in lieu of Park Land Dedication." If you have any questions please contact me. (303) 234 -5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234 -5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235 -2949 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge January 4, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for a zone change and approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by January 18, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ- 99 -01. This property was previously referred to as Case No. MS -98 -03 (4 -lot minor subdivision). The applicant has reapplied for a zone change. LOCATION: 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone from R -2 and R -3 to PRD and approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat PURPOSE: To preserve existing single- family residence and build 4 duplexes (2 buildings) and 12 multi- family units. 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert, 235 -2848 Completed by: Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) X Water District (Consolidated Mutual) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Adjacent City X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Jeffco Health Department X Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. X WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division "The Carnation City" I ti ! 07 101 I LII. 01 ! II I I PI I pl I I I! I I RI 101 I I! ! I II I I 1 I! I I III I I! I I P.I 1 dl N / t PL. J) ! II I I ! II I 101 I II I ! II I I II I II I I I II ! (I II I I OI I Li I nl W W J h l 3 0 0 SITE FLAN IIIII ~ III I W II I i 10 I In I III I -101 J °III I m @ ! III I J III I J IIIII Q III I !II ! I II I I II I I I II I I I I„ I !I � IO I 10 I ! 0 I! I� I I II ! I II ! III I I II II III ! III I I II I 10 I Hill B III I ill I III I 10 ! III I I II I Fri 4 9 �#A Cm i 26.27' SED Lo =NT Der s� �,� 26. 7 rC +RAGE L 'GRASS - CRETE' OR APPROVED EQUAL. RE: ARCH. 3'R L011 4 13,083.94 SQ. FT. t 3'R SIGN SEE 110.0 I 0 �N m III I � III I W Ip I 1911 IN I Ip I 3111 I � III I J °J II I III I J i1 I J hill III I III I I it I VII I I II I 19 I Ip I I II I Ipll li IN I I II I Ip I III I I i it I I II 1 Ili I 111 I I II II III I iU I III I III I ill I LEGEND I 0 1 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 fL MEMORANDUM Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer DATE: January 7, 1999 SUBJECT: 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street, WZ -99 -01 - Rezone From R -2 & R -3 To PRD The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated January 4, 1999 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. The proposed Final Plat has been forwarded to the John McGuire, P.L.S. for review. 2. A Subdivision Improvement Agreement will need to be executed by the developer /owner upon City Council approval of the proposed Final Plat. 3. The Final Plat will need to be recorded with Jefferson County no later than ninety (90) days after the execution of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. 4. A revised final drainage report has been received and is in the process of being reviewed. 5. Revised engineered street construction plans, for those public improvements required along the Teller and Saulsbury Street frontages, have been received and are in the process of being reviewed. 6. The above listed items will need to be prepared in conformance to those conditions specified as a result of the Planning Commission meeting held June 18, 1998. These conditions are also stipulated in the City's letter dated June 29, 1998, and addressed to Mr. Paul von Fey, P.E. with Henkels & McCoy, Inc., the project's civil engineer of record. 7. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due. In conjunction with the requirements of this permit. An erosion control plan has been submitted with this referral, and is in the process of being reviewed. 8. Prior to recording the Final Plat, an irrevocable letter of credit, in which the City is designated as beneficiary, for one hundred twenty -five percent (125 %) will need to be submitted by the developer /owner to serve as guarantee for the value of those public improvements (as determined by the itemized cost estimate prepared by the project's civil engineer -of- record), that are required to be constructed per item 5 above. cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Whelp Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 RECEIVED Ridge January 4, 1999 JAN 0 71999 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for a zone change and approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by January 18, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ- 99 -01. This property was previously referred to as Case subdivision). The applicant has reapplied for a zone change. LOCATION: 3190 Teller Street3195 Saulsbury Street. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone from R -2 and R -3 to PRD and approval of an outline, development plan and plat PURPOSE: To preserve existing single- family residence and build 4 duplexes I family units. 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? and 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert, 235 -2848 Completed by: Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Consolidated Mutual) Jeffco Health Department X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Jeffco Schools X Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Jeffco Commissioners Adjacent City X TCI of Colorado X Public Service Co. X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X US West Communications X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department State Land Use Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey X WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission Colorado Dept. Of Transportation X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division Colorado Div. Of Wildlife X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources X98 -03 ( t minor RECEIVED JAN 2 21999 iary and final "The Carnation City" SUBDIVISION NAME: Happy Landings LOCATION: 3190 Teller St/3195 Saulsbury St DATE: January 13, 1999 STATUS: Rezone, ODP,PP,FP Number and Type of Dwelling Units: 8 SFA Total, 12 MFD Total ' Dwelling Elementary Junior Senior Total Units Yield Yield Yield Yield 8 SFA .34 12 MFD .17 TOTAL FROM THIS PROPOSAL: 5 Elementary 2 Middle School .14 .12 .60 .07 .06 .30 2 Senior High 9 Total It is estimated that costs to provide classroom facilities for the students anticipated from this proposed development will be $130,673. Currently students from this proposed development will attend: Stevens Elementary School - 4001 Reed St, Wheat Ridge 80033 Wheat Ridge Middle School - 7101 W 38th Av, Wheat Ridge 80033 Jefferson Senior High School - 2305 Pierce St, Edgewater 80214 The present capacities and enrollments for these schools are: CPC - Current Program Capacity represents the number of student spaces that are available R there ere no temporary buildings W the school. NEW PC - New Program Capacity. the CPC +the New Additions Capacity. This represents the number of student spaces that will be available at the school when additions or additional spaces are constructed from the 1992 Bond Issue. PERM DSGN CAP - Permanent Design Capacity (the way the school was built) Total CAP - Total Capacity 's the Permanent Design Capacity plus the capacity, of the temporary building(s). NOTE: These are estimates from School District computations and may be subject to change. OUR MISSION: To provide a quality education that prepares all children for a successful future ENROLLMENT CAPACITY 10/98 00/01 CPC NEW ADDN NEW PC PERM DESIGN CAP TEMP BLDG TOTAL CAP Stevens 525 F68000 526 513 0 513 567 0 567 Wheat Ridge MS 462 520 476 0 476 560 0 560 Jefferson 668 674 762 0 762 896 1 918 CPC - Current Program Capacity represents the number of student spaces that are available R there ere no temporary buildings W the school. NEW PC - New Program Capacity. the CPC +the New Additions Capacity. This represents the number of student spaces that will be available at the school when additions or additional spaces are constructed from the 1992 Bond Issue. PERM DSGN CAP - Permanent Design Capacity (the way the school was built) Total CAP - Total Capacity 's the Permanent Design Capacity plus the capacity, of the temporary building(s). NOTE: These are estimates from School District computations and may be subject to change. OUR MISSION: To provide a quality education that prepares all children for a successful future Page 2 Comments Happy Landings, Rezone, ODP, PP, FP SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING COMMENTS: Jefferson Senior is currently using one temporary classroom. The School District would request fees in- lieu -of land dedications for this plat based on the new Jefferson County Land Development Regulations. Any fees in- lieu -of amounts would be held in escrow accounts for future application by the School District in accordance with our procedures and the Jefferson County Land Development Regulations. Sincerely, Kathy Capron Tully Director Property Management /Jp xc: Sherida Peterson Lisa Woodman Bette Bullock Marilynn Barrett Central Transportation Jenffer Stromsors M,&, CONTACT NUMBER: 1 DATE: 1/12, 1999 SUBDIVISION NAME: Happy Landings Sub. ENGINEER: NAME: Henkels & McCoy Inc. PHONE: (303) 794 -4704 FAX: (303) 794 -4703 CITY REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN MCGUIRE REMARKS: l: Pa 1 We calculate total area at 2.066 acres. 2: Pq 2 lot 1 is 46,933.98 sq. ft. other lots are +/- 1' off for area. 3: All closures for lots and overall Subdivision are within tolerance. 4: I have not seen the deeds for this property. 5: Please darken or thicken Section line. Can't see it on drawing. 6: Please identify Point of Beginning as red lined. 7: Distance on north line lot 1 after dedication should be 218.24 8: Right of Way on Saulsbury scales 50 feet. Should be 45 feet. 9: 10: ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: Kenneth A. Perry REMARKS: The Planning department has indicated that there may be some changes to lots 1 and 2 to accommodate parking requirements. Their comments will follow under separate letter. Please return all redlines with your next submitted plat. How contact made: person phone letter fax REPRESENTATIVE: City: Engineer: Callback 1 Date: Remark: Callback 2 Date: Remark: Callback 3 Date: Remark: 1:7ctsTIWv thLisr Ain - t - geF--S RgE t' tz - Moyer) - M tweelD(L of SITE EXtsvwz, 7gaif- A1-10 G�zEC�o 3(-�r- - - r-A` -E NO eAq-Y�19& spp.C.ss orL P4 iYEV ,&Ys C4 Tt-7�e-49- S!' J 9 W 3' gP A-vMO - - �O uµlr uf4kr 3o VV/ W/ 6Ae & &9A e �_-±r72 TO R�uan tJ + ' G4wlGe ���! - -�� WOO 0 0 IOs. l2A?A4=mj:r--wr vr►trs 211. 4soo' sr- c>r- cfr-,4sf� i=oK- rL'tkY&P -a �.D olZ 1�xr ►Ao uMVd N 01 CA{ p Y� -32,4o A+�E T mow- w W/ exisnw& /n-tD j4A,7v2 PAa w l W t.ar VOSS tlor l4 % �xGr PuzE -cv Y ukTo 5 �13 LA41PS41 Or- LOW TD Sttka✓% f;ao�-t Yt MERI�E NGY 4-G ESS o & st , QRi�a� �� is h�or ,�. - rx-RV StTLFE,r PRIYAT� SCR�4 ND pb,(LI °�N(� �-L fglq - rE STR-r uN�r user Z8 w/ w! 44 1 I) - . L -� 17 To KNITS FAi.►41- <1 = ,A,PARTMVENr 2� l7,pt. x ►2 TOTAL "� I RAFff LAAD 1 65 tt .vtsao srTs P1.&A go\T--MFN—Z� 1998 sc,4LI--- : i „ J Sal-0 It 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge January 4, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for a zone change and approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by January 18, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ- 99 -01. This property was previously referred to as Case No. MS -98 -03 (4 -lot minor subdivision). The applicant has reapplied for a zone change. LOCATION: 3190 Teller Street/3195 Saulsbury Street. REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone from R -2 and R -3 to PRD and approval of an outline, preliminary and final development plan and plat PURPOSE: To preserve existing single - family residence and build 4 duplexes (2 buildings) and 12 multi- family units. 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert, 235 -2848 Completed by: Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Consolidated Mutual) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat Ridge) Adjacent City X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Jeffco Health Department X Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. X WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division "The Carnation City" }< h UH O � � B � I �i131vM �•Y•dp1{ I I ,Z 7 I � X N 1 u LQ 44 pp � y 4 �.1 t' � III F tltl�� T T ��� _ - MTOY, C. M TRANSMITTAL LETTER January 27, 1999 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Re: Happy Landings Subdivision Enclosed please find the following: 15 copies Drainage Plan 1 copy Utility Plan We are sending these items: 7061 S. UNIVERSITY BLVD. SUITE 206 LITTLETON, CO 80122 (303) 794 -4704 • FAX (303) 794 -4703 For your use. Please call if you have any questions or need further information. M PERFORMANCE has built our business . . . ELS g McCOY, INC. MKNKELS&M � c . I E rl s ®® 7061 S. UNIVERSITY BLVD. SUITE 206 LITTLETON, CO 80122 (303) 794 -4704 • FAX (303) 794 -4703 TRANSMITTAL L January 26, 1999 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29` Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Re: Happy Landings Subdivision Enclosed please find the following: 15 copies Outline Development Plan 15 copies Final Development Plan 15 copies Final Plat We are sending these items: For your use. Please call if you have any questions or need further information. By: HENKELS & McCOY, INC. F.J. von Fav E. PERFORMANCE has built our business . . . 7061 S. UNIVERSITY BLVD. SUITE 206 LITTLETON, CO 80122 (303) 794 -4704 • FAX (303) 794 -4703 TRANSMITTAL r _O'TTE'R December 30, 1998 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29' Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Re: Happy Landings Subdivision Enclosed please find the following: 15 copies Outline Development Plan 15 copies Final Development Plan 15 copies Final Plat 2 copies Construction Plans We are sending these items: For your use. Please call if you have any questions or need further information. By: H11 c g Engi Paul k.3 r Tkl PERFORMANCE has built our business . . . o of WHEgr LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION "f Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 Phone(303)235 -2S , (Please print or type all information) �L I �'�£ Address /6 7 46l Phoneo�33 Applicant t � City >44& � Owner Address Phone City Location of request (address) s Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Variance / Waiver Site development plan approval ❑ Nonconforming use change Special Use Permit ❑ Flood plain special exception ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ interpretation of Code ❑ Temporary Use, Buildings, Signs ❑ Lot line Adjustment ❑ Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less) ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Subdivision (More than 5 lots) ❑ Street Vacation ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Other: Detailed description of the request: °1. ek °r .I.. Fill out the following inf rmation to the best of your knowledge. Current Zoning: °l Size of Lot (acre or square footage): Current use: Proposed use: Assessors Parcel Number: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action nnot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorDufrom the ow is approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applican 14 ) ` Subscribed and sworn to me this k day of , 19 Notary Public My commission expires -AL r Datereceived 1 �G �� Receipt No. Case No. elated Case No. dJ6:!! Qn- Zoning "+ Quarter Section Map 5e � F.)(JsTl J-� ttoUS1=. A4jD TF- l��tol+lG l.i7T moYeo ?o I1 CTeaAo(L of SITE 6Xts►g T �-lD Gskz�o S? A �s o2 pR t�wc�.Ys � O fce X MoxA TAtN DITCA4 O R Y ^ 'Th,K Di A14 W 32 AD Mcv L • �O I TzH � Tb gPMtinl4 W/6� 4151111 & oil -mss �n.►D ua�u � � O Yi=G+ tA.'t10 t I O / HOUSE PP,wul -tv wi- aorxs Koc L2�.t =t+r vNlcs 14 �xlr PlftGTt -Y uK� E• S�v�Bu2� sPpct i Z� LA4 osc, o(z Low Wwtu pQws y ro St*%e A Hrz+•o L-1& JU 3 p�Ise ST S t5 NDT A 71F(LU STTLFF.r pizIYA� sr>z�+rr- �o p�[GtGlt� ott -re' STi Et' - UNIT" UNIT I� J , uArr uulr Z W /��' } -�tp�Y �„� !fib` -� ts P �oK- 17 -�L, UJ4 trts vr�wr t'uh�� D o� PAjZwt4C� - 9pq !5ac) SITS KA TIOTA 11 SIGN -IN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Name Address ] M UD y fn a n J,125 f J,5/ Y /�!As - 70S W aa,,. Ao ai5 CM2, Inc. MANAGEMENT 1546 Cole Boulevard, Suite 227, Golden, CO 80401 Tel: 303-233-3447 / Fax: 303-239-8616 November 20, 1998 Mr. Robert Midaugh n �Q City Manager / City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 -6713 Re: Happy Landings Subdivision Dear Bob, RECEIVED NOV 2 0 1996 On November 4 I wrote you a letter indicating that we believed that we had neighborhood support for a plan to save the house at W. 32nd and Teller. I subsequently learned that there was another group in the neighborhood represented by Catherine Dunlop, that was not in favor or amending the subdivision plan approved by the City Council on Aug. 24, 1998. We met with Catherine Dunlop to discuss her concerns and prepared another site plan for her review. At her suggestion, we agreed to meet with the neighbors to present the plan. Yesterday evening we met with a group of 20 neighbors, including many of the adjoining property owners at Mrs. Dunlop's house. After discussing the proposed changes, the merits of retaining the original house, and concerns about traffic and drainage, we received a vote of support from the neighbors. A copy of the plan reviewed by the group is attached. It was explained to this neighborhood group that we would request a meeting with the City Council to propose that we submit a revised plan in the form of either a request for variance or a Planned Residential Development. They were told that in either case a public hearing would be held, and that the City City of Wheat Ridge November 3, 1998 Page 2 Mr. Robert Midaugh City Manager City of Wheat Ridge November 20, 1998 Page 2 of 2 Council would likely wish to confirm that there is positive support for a revised plan. The group indicated that they were willing to sign a petition in support of the plan and attend any public hearing required to approve the plan revision. We believe that we have identified and satisfied those interested parties, and adjoining property owners, and have their support. As in my letter of November 4, I would like to have an opportunity to address the City Council on behalf of the applicant, at the earliest possible date, so that we can obtain a sense of the Council in response to this neighborhood initiative, which resulted from the Council's original suggestion that we engage the neighbors. Please confirm a date and format for going forward. We are under pressure to resume construction of the apartments, so time is of the essence. Sincerely, Alec Garbini 720 X205 7200 = _ 7203 L F h ` Nt: ! .' u ""44 L y t r _ U 1 3 7125 �Vr. +. l Y 7110 7095 .:. eyl p 3150 r r 7075 r. F r w " �t, a2 rs+see.+