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W.L. Contractors 6435 W. 55th Avenue Arvada, CO 80002 10 -18 -1999 Volume by Lane Report - D1005001.PRN - 08:19 Pg 9 __ ___ ____ __________ _____________ ___ _ _ Sta: 000009935016 Id: 000000000004 CId: 01 Fmt: 300 - Imperial Int: 15 Min. Start: Tue - Oct 05, 1999 at 11:15 End: Thu - Oct 07, 1999 at 11:15 CiCy /Town: WHEATRIDGE County: JEFFERSON Location: 35TH EAST OF BEAUTY SALON File: D1005001.PRN Lnl -West Ln2 -East _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ ____ _____ _______ Station Data Summary ______________ ______ Lane 1 2 Total -------- ------ - - - - -- --- - -- ---- -- Grand Totals 269 330 599 Percentages 44.91 55.09 ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Lane 1 2 Total Pm Hour 9 -30 9 :. 16 25 Percentages 3.35 4.85 4.17 Pm Hour 19 -20 11 26 37 Percentages 4.09 7.88 6.18 S zr a Am /Pm Peak Hour Totals ______________ __ ______ AN, engineering edA 'r l dynamics incorporated 28 r•ebr 2000 Mir, Roger Laecher FAX PAGE 1 OF 3 5500 WeSt 44" 303 - 422 -8700 Donver, Colorado 80212 Voice: 303 -422 -8500 RE: TRAFFIC NQISE ASSESSMENT 35 & WADSWORTH OFFICE BUILDING Dear Mr. Loecher: Engineering Dynamics, Inc. has completed a traCfic noise assessment for the proposed oftice building located at the Northeast corner of 35 and Wadsworth. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of traffic noise reduction that construction of the building wi11 provide to the residence located adjacent to and East or tha proposed office building site, 1.0 Background The proposed building is approxintaCaly 130' long and located approxi.marc4ly 21' from the Eastern property line, The proposed construction will include a 2' high berm, with a 6 sound fence on top of the berm that will run the entire North -South length ofr,lhe property. � a, 2.0 Measurem i'tt Locations ` Continuous sound level measurements were taken, for a period of 24-hours, at two locations to determine the noire reduction provided by the proposedbuild'ing. Location l - was at the approxitnate North -South centerline of the property and 15' from the Eastern property Line. Locatior - was at the Eastern property line of the Beauty Supply building, 20' South of the Northern edge of the building. The Beauty supply building in located on the South side of 35" and behind the .Beauty Supply building. Measurements were performed with a Quest Model M -39 Type 1 Logging Sound Level Meter. The meter was cor+Cigured to acquire hourly Leq (average) sound levels. The 1eq is defined as follows. During a sample period the noise level fluctuates up and down. If we were to perform an energy average of the fluctuating levels throughout the sample period (i.e.; find the area under the curve), the Leq is simply equal to the constant noise level over the same time period that would have the same'area under the curve. 3.0 Typical, Oise Levels For seta ence Table 3.i shows some A- weighted noise levels of t.ypicai aceivitIC5, NOTE: k r the average human an increase of the measured neise 10VAl of 10 C18 is Subjecti.jely Perceived as being twice as loud or half as laud for a 1V dB decrease. The deCliiCi change at which the average human will indicate that tale noise is just perceptibly louder or perceptibly quieter is 3 dR. ,sue 3925 south kalamath street • englewood, Colorado 80110 . 303.761.4367 • Fax 303.761.4379 Feb -28 -00 04:26P ENGINEERING DYNAMICS 1 M IR engineering r. dynamics & incorporated t•tr. Loect - ,er and Wadsworth Office Building 28 February, 2000 Page 2 of 3 m_>_, .. , ,, nncaaiution of Tvnicallv Occurring Noise Sound Level, ds(A) Type of Noise Relative Loudness (Human Judgement) of Different Noise Levels subjective Impression of Noise t10 Disco Dance Floor 128 times as loud Uncomfortably Loud 90 Motorcycle at 25' 32 times as loud Very Joud 85 Da Cat Dozer at 50 ft. 00 Diesel Truck, 4o mph at 50' 16 times as loud Loud :' Average Car, 40 mph at 25' ;0 Vacuum Cleaner at 3' 8 times as loud 6t, converssation at :3' b0 Background Music -7-times as loud ,5 Air Conditioning U[lit at 15` 5r) Quiet Residential Twice as loud 45 Bird Calls Quiet 40 Lower Limit Urban Daytime Ambient Reference loudness 30 sackground Quiet Suburban at Night. 1/2 To loud 10 Quiet whimper 1/4 as ioud Barely Audible n Threshold of Hearing 4.0 Measurement Results Results of the 24 -hour sound level measurements are shown in Figure 4.1. Inspection of the data in Figure 4.1 511OWS that between the hours of Sam and 6pm the building provides 4 to 5 dB(A) reduction of traffic noise. From 6pm to Sam the building provides 2 to dB(A) reduction of traffic noise. Figure 4.1: Measured Traffic Noise Levels �n � 65 b 60 �} 55 H so 45 :a 40 7 x 35 10 - N Time of Duy —Location 1 .. _ .... Location 2 3925 south kalamath street a englewood, colorado 80110 a 303.761,4367 • Fax 303.761.4379 Feb -28 -00 04:26P ENGINEERING DYNAMICS 1 P.03 engineering dynamics e ,�incarparated Mr. LUecher 35" and Wadsworth office Building 29 February, 2000 0age 3 OE 3 5.0 Discussion and Conclusion The results of the noise measurements show that construction of the building will. provide. 4 to 5 da(A) reduction of traffic noise on Wadsworth. Installation of the berm /noise fence along the Eastern property line will provide 7 to H d8(A) reduction of vehicle noise, for vehicles traveling along the back or East side of the building and 5 to 6 da(A) reduction of traffic noise on Wadsworth. 'the total noise reduction of traffic noise L•rom Wadsworth at the residence directly East of the proposed building site is NOT the sum of both these noise reductions. .It will be 4 to 6 dB(A) . Therefore, construction of the proposed building will provide a benefit of reduced traffic noise from Wadsworth to the residence directly East of the building. If you. have any questions, please contact me at our Englewood Office- Si ncerel y, ENGINE, =RING DYNAMICS, INC. Stuart D. McGregor vice president 3925 south kalamath street • englewood, colorado 80110 303.761,4367 • Fax 303,761.4379 2 -21 -00 Roger P. Loecher 5500 W. 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO Dear Mr. Loecher, My brother and I have looked over the sight plans for the proposed building that you dropped off the other day. We feel that it is a very good use for the vacant lot on the comer! R 1 zoning is a very good rezoning for the property as it provides a good buffer for the existing neighborhood, and it will not impact the neighbors in the least. The building should also provide a nice sound barrier for the house to the east of your project in protecting it from the traffic noise on Wadsworth. Again we feel that it is a good use and design for the comer. Also, the excel turn lane to the right should help the residents on 35th get onto Wadsworth easier. Tony Ficco Lou Ficco STATE BEAUTY SUPPLY 3470 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 OFFICE: (303) 234 -0585 • FAX: (303) 234 -0595 To: Mr. Roger Loecher From: Ron Luke, State Beauty Supply Subject: Development of 35th & Wadsworth Blvd Date: February 24, 2000 Mr. Loecher, After having reviewed the site plan for the N. E. comer of 35th and Wadsworth Blvd., I would be in favor of your proposed building. The elevations seem to fit in very well with my State Beauty Supply building, as well as the adjacent single family homes. If representatives from the city of Wheat Ridge would like any additional comments on my behalf, please feel free to have them contact me. (303) 234 -0585 ext. 10 J Sincerely Ron Luke DR. G.W . ORRINO x /23/a e 60 "t'j f - gr&►PL E / C r yy f BAPTIST 3495 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Phone: (303) 234 -9209 ROGER, I LIKE YOUR PLAN FOR A NEW BUILDING ON MY OLD VACANT LOT ON 35TH. I TRIED FOR MANY YEARS (20) TO GET SOMETHING GOING BUT THE NEIGHBORS SEEMED TO BE AGAINST EVERYTHING THAT WAS PRESENTED. YOUR ONE STORY DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING SHOULD WORK OUT VERY WELL. THE 20' DEDICATION WILL CERTAINLY BE A BIG ASSET TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE! THEY WOULD THEN HAVE FROM 34TH TO 37TH. ONE MORE BLOCK AND THEY WOULD BE ABLE TO WIDEN WADSWORTH ALL THE WAY TO 38TH. IT WOULD CERTAINLY TAKE A LOT OF PRESSURE OFF THAT INTERSECTION. I'M GLAD THAT SOMETHING NEW MAY BE BUILT ON WADSWORTH. NEW CONSTRUCTION ALWAYS CREATES MORE NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAYBE WE CAN GET RID OF SOME OF THE OTHER BLIGHTED PROPERTIES ALONG WADSWORTH. RAY VALENTE 2 -22 -2000 February 15, 2000 Roger Loecher 5500 W. 44 Avenue Denver, Colorado 80212 RE: Northeast comer of 35 and Wadsworth Blvd. better known as 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. Roger, I have had several years experience with the lot at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. The Real Estate Leaders I have personally written 3 offers on the property with the previous owners,' and with the owner previous to them with, Ray Valente. Prior to myself taki property was listed by Ron Morrison, the Managing Broker of RE /MAX WLN . — ." o.. While I had the property for sale, there were a total of 5 offers presented to me other then yours. All of the offers were subject to re- zoning. The ideas for the properties future uses ranged from `car lots' to `car washes'. At the time the buyers did their initial investigation, in every case, they chose to cancel the contract because of neighborhood objections. The property owner to the east was one of the more outspoken critics of ANY change to the lot. Ron Morrison and I personally met with this property owner and offered to buy their home. The meeting was unsuccessful. I have been a REALTOR since 1959 and have specialized in Jefferson County property. My `for sale' sign became an industry joke. I should of made the sign out of stainless steel as it have to be replaced due to severe weathering. When I received your offer and then met with you and your agent I was enthused about your plans for the property. Your ideas will bring to this property the absolute highest and best use. I feel no owner could honestly object to this proposal. At current, the lot is another blight upon Wheat Ridge and the neighborhood. Without changes, the lot is just another swamp or dump to collect trash. Architecturally, your plan will be a great asset to the neighborhood as well as Wheat Ridge. Sincerely, Chet Grubin Broker Associate RE/MAX West 8600 Ralston Road • Arvada, CO 80002 • Office: (303) 424 -1322 • Fax: (303) 424.3090 • Toll Free: 1- 800. 727 -1322 www.homesincolorado.com Each RE /MAX' office is independently owned and operated. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES February 28, 2000 Page - 2 - PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Council Bill 1 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of a change of zone from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. WZ- 99 -12) (Roger Loecher) Council Bill 1 was introduced on second reading by Mr. DiTullio, who also read the title; Clerk assigned Ordinance No. 1183. Applicant, Roger Loecher, was sworn in by the Mayor and asked for approval of his rezoning request. He referred to letters from neighboring property owners who were in favor of his plan. The following speakers were sworn in by the Mayor: James Turre was the previous owner of the property in question; he had purchased it from Ray Valente. He gave background on this property and stated that it is not practical to use as residential due to the location and traffic. The proposed use would be beneficial to the City of Wheat Ridge. Dave Kotzebue, did the grading and drainage study for the site and stated that the drainage plan meets City requirements. Vince Fandall, representing Lutheran Credit Union, explained the reasons why they want a new building. Alan White, Planning Director, presented the staff report. Speaking in opposition were: Dave Dowda, 7510 West 35` Avenue Debbie Carrier, 7510 West 35 Avenue Jackie Ingenthrone, 7575 West 35 " Avenue Linda Epperson, 7520 West 35 Avenue Marlin Wineberg, 7500 West 35 Avenue Ann Brinkman. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES February 28, 2000 Page - 3 - Their concerns included that the people and businesses in favor of this project do not live there 7 days a week; there are drainage concerns; people are going to be using the ATM in the middle of the night; trash will blow into the neighborhood; concerns about what else is going into the building; fumes from cars idling in front of the ATM machines; this ATM is open to the public, there will be a lot of users other than Credit Union members. Motion by Mr. DiTullio to deny Case No. WZ -99 -12 and to postpone indefinitely, Council Bill 01 -2000, for the following reasons: 1. It is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. As designed, it is incompatible with adjacent residential land use. 3. A 24 -hour ATM and drive -up lane is incompatible with the neighborhood and would cause a negative affect on adjacent properties. 4. Increased traffic on 35` Avenue would have a negative impact on the neighborhood for several blocks to the east; seconded by Mr. Edwards; carried 6 -2 with Mr. Hanley and Mr. Mancinelli voting no. Item 2. Approval of a Final Development Plan for Lot 1, Onyx Park Subdivision, located at 10055 West 43r Avenue, Wheat Ridge. (Case No. WZ- 99 -16) (M -E Engineers, Inc.) Item 2 was introduced by Mr. Hanley, who also read the title and summary. Applicant, Ted Prythero, was sworn in by the Mayor and asked for approval of his application. Jonathan Coppin, architect for the project, was sworn in by the Mayor and explained the plans for the building and landscaping. Alan White, Planning Director, was sworn in and presented the staff report. Motion by Mr. Hanley to approve Case No. WZ -99 -16 for the following reasons: 1. It is consistent with the underlying design parameters of the outline development plan. 2. It exceeds the City's standards for commercial development. 3. It meets the requirements for a Planned Commercial Development final development plan; seconded by Mrs. Worth; carried 8 -0. AGENDA ITEM RECAP AGENDA ITEM February 28, 2000 QUASI- JUDICIAL X Yes No X PUBLIC HEARINGS _ CITY MGR. MATTERS _ ORDINANCES FOR I ST READING _ PROC. /CEREMONIES _ CITY ATTY. MATTERS X ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING _ BIDS/MOTIONS _ PUBLIC COMMENT _ RESOLUTIONS INFORMATION ONLY ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS AGENDA ITEM TITLE: WZ- 99- 12/Loecher SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: An application for a zone change from R -2, Residential -Two to RC -1, Restricted Commercial -One at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Council Bill No. 01 -2000 2) Letter from R.Loecher dated 2 -14 -00 3) Legal Protest dated 1 -11 -00 4) Appeal of PC decision filed 12 -14 -00 5) Planning Commission Minutes dated 12 -2 -99 6) Planning Commission Report dated 12 -2 -99 7) Economic Development: Goals and Policies 8) Plans: Site Plan, Final Drainage Plan, Elevation BUDGETED ITEM: Yes No Fund Dept/Acct # Budgeted Amount $ Requested Expend. Requires Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation Yes No SUGGESTED MOTION: Option A: "I move to deny Case No. WZ -99 -12 and to postpone indefinitely, Council Bill No. 01 -2000, an application for a rezoning from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard, for the following reasons: 1. It is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. As designed, it is incompatible with adjacent residential land use. 3. A 24 -hour ATM and drive -up lane is incompatible with the neighborhood and would cause a negative affect on adjacent properties. 4. Drainage from this development would increase flooding problems for the adjacent properties. 5. Increased traffic on 35 " Avenue would have a negative impact on the neighborhood for several blocks to the east." Option B: "I move to adopt Councif Bill No. 01 -2000, Case No. WZ- 99 -12, an application for a rezoning from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard, for the following reasons: 2." 3." - C: \Barbara \CCRPTS\wz9912cover2.wpd CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: February 28, 2000 DATE PREPARED: February 15, 2000 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ- 99- 12/Loecher ACTION REQUESTED: LOCATION OF REQUEST: NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert Rezone from R -2 to RC -1 with site plan 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard James Turre 300 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80110 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: ENTER INTO RECORD: (I) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS O OTHER Roger Loecher 5500 W. 44" Avenue Denver, CO 80212 24,500.4 square feet Residential -Two Vacant N: R -3; S, W: PCD; E: R -2 N: Multi- Family; S: Commercial; E: Low Density Residential; W: Vacant Single - Family (Not to exceed 6 du's /acre) January 14, 2000 February 14,2000 February 14, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------ (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS Q SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a rezoning of property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One. A conceptual site plan has been submitted, but does not require action by City Council. The purpose of the request is for construction of a 4,300 square foot office facility. Although the primary tenant (Luthem/Exempla Credit Union) is a low intensity commercial use, there are potential negative impacts to the adjacent low density residential neighborhood. A 24- hour drive- through ATM machine is proposed to be located along the eastern side of the property adjacent to a single - family residence. The applicant is proposing to mitigate potential negative affects through buffering with a solid fence and trees. The adjacent property owners, Charles and Jackie Ingenthrone, have filed a legal protest against the request to rezone. The filing of the protest will require a 3/4 vote of City Council to approve the application. Staff has confirmed that the Ingenthrones do own the adjacent property, 7575 W. 35"' Avenue, and has concluded that the submitted document is a valid legal protest (Attachment 3). II. AGENCY REFERRALS All outside service agencies can serve the property with upgrades at the developers' expense. If approved, the developer will be dedicating 20' of right -of -way for Wadsworth Boulevard and will be responsible for constructing an accel /decel lane, and appropriate public improvements. III. REZONING CRITERIA Section 26 -6 (C) (3) of the Code of Laws requires that Council make the following determinations in considering requests for a change of zone (rezoning). I. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. 2. A change in the character in the area has occurred due to the installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives, and policies; comprehensive land use plan; and other related policies or plans for the area. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. 6. That adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. City Council Report WZ -99 -12 Page 2 February 28, 2000 7. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. IV. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION A Planning Commission public hearing was held regarding this case on December 2, 1999. The application was denied for the following reasons: 1. It is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. As designed, it is incompatible with adjacent residential land use. 3. A 24 -hour ATM and drive -up lane is incompatible with the neighborhood and would cause a negative affect on adjacent properties. 4. Drainage from this development would increase flooding problems for the adjacent properties. 5. Increased traffic on 35` Avenue would have a negative impact on the neighborhood for several blocks to the east. An appeal of the Planning Commission denial was filed with the City Clerk's office on December 14, 1999 (Attachment 4). The applicant has attempted to address concerns raised by the Planning Commission and neighborhood and has submitted a revised site plan (Attachment 8). The revised site plan has increased the buffer strip along the eastern property line from six feet (6) to 12' and, from consultation with the City Forester, has included a row of pinon pines planted at 30' intervals to provide additional vertical screening. Also included as Attachment 8, are a copy of the drainage plan and a copy of the proposed building elevations. Included as Attachment 2, are: a letter from the applicant, a site plan showing separation between the ATM to the neighboring house, a copy of the appeal letter, information regarding the number of typical nighttime ATM transactions, a letter form the credit union, a letter from credit union customer, a letter from previous owner of 7510 W. 35` Avenue, and a copy of the Goals and Policies in the Economic Development Section of the Comprehensive Plan. In regard to #4 of Planning Commission's reasons for denial, a drainage plan and report was prepared for the development by a licensed professional civil engineer. The drainage plan and report have been reviewed and approved by City staff. E- aeckeftToecherccreport.wpd City Council Report WZ -99 -12 Page 3 February 28, 2000 MEREDITH RICKERT, AICD 2 -14 -2000 SENIOR PLANNER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CASE # WZ -99 -12 ENCLOSED YOU WILL FIND SOME OF THE PAPERWORK THAT YOU REQUESTED FOR THE PACKET THAT WILL GO INTO THE CITY COUNCIL PACKET FOR THE MEETING ON FEBRUARY 28,2000. I HAVE INCLUDED THE DRAINAGE PLAN THAT WAS APPROVED BY THE STAFF, ALSO A POSSIBLE DESIGN OF WHAT WILL BE BUILT AND A NEW SIGHT PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. AS YOU CAN SEE, I HAVE MOVED THE BUILDING SIX FEET FARTHER TO THE WEST. THIS WILL GIVE A 12 FOOT BUFFER AREA BETWEEN THE DRIVE THROUGH LANE AND THE FENCE THAT WOULD BE PLACED ON THE PROPERTY LINE. THIS WOULD GIVE A 20 FOOT SPACE BETWEEN THE DRIVE LANE AND THE HOUSE IMMEDIATE TO THE EAST OF MY PROJECT. I ALSO HAVE ADDED FIVE PINION PINE TREES SPACED TWELVE FEET ON CENTER THAT SHOULD ALLEVIATE ANY PERCEIVED NOISE THAT MAY COME FROM VEHICLES ON THERE WAY TO THE ATM MACHINE. I HAVE NOTED THIS ON A SEPARATE SHEET MARKED "A ". A SEPARATE LETTER IS INCLUDED IN THE CORRESPONDENCE WHICH IS FROM THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN BANK CARD SYSTEM SHOWING THE FREQUENCY OF TRANSACTIONS FROM 9 P.M. -7 A.M. READ IT CAREFULLY AND YOU WILL NOTE THAT LATE HOUR USAGE WILL SHOW THE ATTACHMENT 2 NEIGHBORS HAVE NOTHING TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT! THE BUILDING AND LANDSCAPE WILL ACTUALLY BENEFIT THE PROPERTIES EAST OF MY LOT BY CREATING A SOUND BARRIER FROM THE DAILY 45,500 VEHICLE TRAFFIC COUNT ON WADSWORTH BOULEVARD. A COPY OF THE LEGAL PROTEST FILED BY THE OWNERS OF 7575 WEST 35TH AVENUE STATES 11 FEEL THAT THE PROPOSED USAGE IS NOT COMPATIBLE TO MY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7575 WEST 35TH AVENUE." I WOULD HAVE TO SAY NOTHING HAS BEEN COMPATIBLE IN THE LAST 25 YEARS TO THE PROPERTY OWNERS. THIS IS ATTESTED TO THE FACT THAT THE PROPERTY HAS BEEN VACANT FOR THAT LENGTH OF TIME. I'M SURE THEY WOULD PROTEST THE CURRENT ZONING WHICH WOULD OR WILL ALLOW FOR A GROUP HOME! I FIRST MET THE OWNER OF 7520 WEST 35TH AVENUE, LINDA EPPERSON, SHORTLY AFTER I MAILED OUT A LETTER INVITING THE PROPERTY OWNERS TO A NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING. HER OPENING STATEMENT WAS, "WE ALREADY HAD A MEETING AND WE'RE AGAINST EVERYTHING!" WOW, WAS I FLABBERGASTED! AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SHE STATED HER OPPOSITION TO THE CASE BECAUSE OF THE 24 HOUR ATM ADJACENT TO A RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD. WELL 110 FEET REALLY DOESN'T SEEM TO ADJACENT TO ME. HER CONCERN FOR DRAINAGE HAS BEEN ADDRESSED WITH THE DRAINAGE PROPOSAL PLAN APPROVED BY CITY STAFF. I AM ASKING FOR A CHANGE TO RC- 1,WHICH IS THE CITY'S LEAST INTENSIVE COMMERCIAL CATEGORY. THE INTENT OF RC -L ZONE DISTRICT IS TO "PROVIDE A REASONABLE AND COMPATIBLE TRANSITION BETWEEN RESIDENTIAL AND MORE INTENSIVE COMMERCIAL LAND USE. IT PROVIDES FOR RESIDENTIAL SCALE, NEIGHBORHOOD- ORIENTED PROFESSIONAL OFFICES AND SERVICES WHICH, BY THERE NATURE AND THROUGH DESIGN LIMITATIONS, WILL PROMOTE NEIGHBORHOOD STABILITY AND PROTECT NEIGHBORHOOD PROPERTY VALUES." MY' PROJECT CERTAINLY DOES ALL OF THAT. BENEFITS TO OR FOR THE CITY: THE 20X190' OF PROPERTY TO BE DEDICATED WITH CURB, GUTTER AND LANDSCAPE WILL COUNT AS A CREDIT WITH THE STATE WHEN WADSWORTH WILL BE WIDENED. TODAY THAT IS A $35,000 GIFT TO THE CITY. INCREASING THE TAX BASE OF A VACANT LOT TO A $500,000 DEVELOPED PROJECT WILL ALSO ADD TAX DOLLARS TO THE CITY TREASURY. REMOVING A BLIGHTED CORNER ON THE WADSWORTH CORRIDOR WILL NOT BRING IN CASH, BUT WILL ENHANCE THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND ENCOURAGE NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE AREA. SALES TAX ON WADSWORTH BOULEVARD INCREASED $1,902,593 FROM 1986 -1996 WHICH IS 26.1% OF THE CITY'S TAX BASE. ALSO INCLUDED ARE SEVERAL PIECES OF CORRESPONDENCE THAT ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO THIS PACKAGE. I AM ONLY ASKING FOR A REZONING OF MY PROPERTY. I ASK FOR NO FUNDS FROM THE CITY IN THE FORM OF CASH, CHECK OR MONEY THE PROJECT WILL ABIDE BY ALL OF THE CITY CODES, AND EXPECTA- TIONS. THE BUILDING WILL BE OF HIGH QUALITY MATERIALS AND THE HOME OF CLASS ACT TENANTS. ROGER P.LOECHER N co ro a m • Dail pa D�spu � ,o O' i Y'. W 1 I X Nil co 24 Drive b o a N E-� Nnu■ �? rn ( m D I o -a U vi o 0 L j � `� �d a cr- co ~ a U Z) N 0 I H N I.L.I Q P V' a guco) voaaa mow -.oz 0— N M� C Daao T "iillllllllll`l� N p \ �\ pado�s ,000£l i v MIDMID p0 OD } }y C� „IDMBpIS P940 D } }v Q Rocky Mountain _ BankCard Systeme January 12, 2000 Vince C. Fandel PresidenttCEO First Choice Federal Credit Union 8300 W 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Vince C. Fandel, Attached you will find the research performed for the specified data on ATMs in the Wheatridge area. As you will discover, there are minimal transactions performed at these machines during the time frames you requested. Additionally, please note, the machines are located in various areas of the city to get a broad spectrum of the total traffic automated teller machines. The sites include not only retail locations but also on premise drive up ATMs for US Bancorp, the largest Banking financial institution in the Denver Metropolitan area. Thank you very much Sincerely, Robert M. Long Relationship Manager Rocky Mountain BankCard System 950 17th St., Denver, CO 80202 Rocky Mountain BankCard System" M ADDRESS City 5010 Kipling Wheatridge 4262 Wadsworth Wheatridge 6011 West 44th Avenue Wheatridge 6011 West 4th Avenue Wheatridge 5405 Wadswortb;Bypass... Arvada 7502 West 80th Avenue , Arvada 9590 West 58th Arvada First Choice Federal Credit Union Total Transactions Nightly Average 11 1.57 1 0.14 31 4.4 32 4.6 3 . 0.42 32 4.6 21 'Transaction counts are based on the period from January 2 - January 8th 2000 ' All Transactions occurred from 9PM - 7AM. 950 17th St., Denver, CO 80202 4 F IRST CHOICE Federal Credit Union January 1, 2000 Vince Fandel President/CEO First Choice Federal CU 8300 W. 38" Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Fandel: The Board would like to thank you for providing the most recent information on the possibility of a second office per our request. You have indicated the location on the corner of 35 and Wadsworth provides the attributes the Credit Union needs for our future existence. The Board would like to say we concur with your assessment and urge you to continue to pursue this location in an effort to solidify the Credit Union's future. From our perspective the location would provide the options many of our needy members have asked for without impacting their lives with additional changes. The location would allow members to use the facility when they are not working at the hospital on their day off, holidays, etc. This facility would also allow the Credit Union to have the proper internet wiring and service options we cannot provide while located in the hospital. Members who have great difficulty getting out of their vehicle for various reasons would be offered the options our competitors have. This means we would be able to retain some of the members who are becoming discouraged with the problems the existing office has. Please use this letter to help in any way possible, further the Credit Union's cause. Without this possibility for meeting our member's changing needs we lose a distinct competitive advantage. The Board wishes you success in securing the current and future needs of this Credit Union. Sincerely, u�eastone Chair, Board of Directors First Choice Federal Credit Union 8300 West 38th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • (303) 425 -8534 • FAX (303) 425 -8482 - IRST CHOICE Federal Credit Union June 19, 1999 Vince Fandel President/CEO First Choice Federal CU 8300 W. 38'' Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Fandel: The Board of Directors for First Choice Federal Credit Union would like you to pursue a second location to support the needs of our current members as discussed in previous meetings. Since the Credit Union's location in the hospital is limited in how it can serve members needs, a second office will help support many requests we have received asking for a way to remain with the Credit Union but not have to cope with the problems of parking and access to the lower level to do business. Indications are members we currently provide service to have multiple reasons for requesting another office. Some members now have physical challenges that prohibit them easy access to the current office. Others have multiple children and finding a parking space, taking the children out of their car seats and coming through the hospital lobby is not at all an easy task. There are other issues, but the fundamental issue is providing our current clientele with a choice to where and how we can meet their diverse needs. Without achieving this task, the Board feels we will have a competitive disadvantage and begin to have members leave the Credit Union. If this occurs, we will put ourselves out of business. Thank you for time and attention to this matter. Please use this letter as authorization to investigate the "Best" possible alternative for our members. The Board would also like to review any options (both location and floor plans) when they are available. Sincerely, � � Susan Seastone Chair, Board of Directors First Choice Federal Credit Union 8300 West 38th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • (303) 425 -8534 • FAX (303) 425 -8482 City of Wheat Ridge Members of City Council Dear Mr. MacDougall: I am writing this letter in an effort to provide some thoughts on how a new location for my credit union would be helpful to both the community and me. I have been a member of the credit union since 1980. At that time I worked for the Lutheran Medical Center as a nurse and found the location and convenience of the credit union wonderful. They provided a full list of services and a very convenient way to bank. A few years ago I suffered an illness that removed me from my position at the Lutheran Center but I maintained my account with the credit union. I realized they were still one of the best places in the Wheat Ridge area to do my banking. As things have changed, as they always do, it is becoming more difficult to access the credit union. With the merger of the Lutheran Center with St Joseph and Exempla taking over the controls, things like parking and location are changing. If you have ever had a reason to visit the Lutheran Center, you know how difficult parking is. There are times when you drive the parking lot for some time, waiting for a parking space just to go to the credit union, not very convenient. Once you do find a parking space the credit union is now located on the lower level of the hospital and you have to get out of the car, walk to the stairs or elevators and go down to do any simple transaction you need. Again, not very convenient. I understand the credit union is looking at a location outside the Lutheran Center that would offer more convenience to people like me, who no longer work at that location but still maintain a bank account with the credit union. This would be of great benefit to me, and others like me, who have a hard time with the current access to the credit union. With a drive up and a lobby to meet my needs I would have choices that any other financial institution offers, but with the advantage I feel the credit unions truly offer. I would like you to strongly consider approving the project the credit union is considering so the access to the credit union would be easier for seniors like myself and offer the choices that might meet my needs. I would like to be able to use the lobby on some days but have the option to use the drive up when the weather is bad and I don't want to get out of the car. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Phyllis Probala 6327 Sturbridge Ct. Sarasota, FL 34238 941 -926 -0021 - Phone (alsp Fax-`call jmalaney @gte.net - EMail August ;`1 9, 1999 Hi Roger, first) I'm surprised that my name is still listed on the Colorado records as owner of 7510. If I was there you would have my enthusiastic support for your project. Hope the neighbors don't protest. They are always worried about drainage and additional traffic in the neighborhood. Does this project take the place of the one you had in mind that was a couple of blocks from you on 44th? You showed me the drawings but as I recall it had not gone to the planning commission at that time. As you noticed above I have joined the ranks of the PC crowd and even have my own email address. As I recall, you are on line. If so, send me a note when you have a spare moment which of course is not often. Did you go on the mini- CARavan this year? How many cars I did they have? I got a.note from Dave Hester and he mentioned that you all had a shouting match at the last board meeting. Anything you can pass along? Byron and I are going on the Ohio CARavan in September and I'm going to Hershey in October. Then it's on to Indianapolis in January``for` the annual meeting. Don't know when I'll get back to Colorado but I am sure I will one fine day. My best.to Eileen. Take care and keep in touch. Regards, f . RECEIVED N TO: The City Council of Wheat Ridge, Colorado JAN 1 ? 4 }Q � RE: Case No. WZ- 99- 12/Loecher Proposed re- zoning of the property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard, Colorado from that of R -2 to RC-I. LET TT BE KNOWN THAT I property owner(s) of property located at 7j 73 w a"i (In ¢. do hereby file a legal protest to the re- zoning of the property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, from R -2 to RC -1 for the purpose of building a 24,5000.4 (approximate) square foot ATTACHMENT 3 Building that will include a Credit Union and at least one (1) 24 -hour ATM location. I feel that the " ut proposed usage is not compatible to my adjacent property located at %I 75 0_3 • MetroScan / Jefferson Schedule :024949 Bldg :1 of 1 AssdLand :$3,600 Parcel :39 261 00 121 S :26 T :035 R :69W Q :NE AssdStrc :$7,450 Owner :Ingenthrone Charles Le Ray AssdTotl :$11,050 CcOwner :Ingenthrone Jackquly ActlLand :$37,000 Site :7575 W 35Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 ActlStrc :$76,500 Mail :7575 W 35Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 ActlTOtl :$113,500 Xfered Doc # PrYrLnd :$3,440 Price Deed PrYrStr :$6,260 Loan Amt Loan PrYrTOtl :$9,700 VestType IntRt PrACtlLnd :$64,300 Lender PrACtlStr :$35,350 Land Use :1112 Res,Improved Land PrActlTOtl : Sub /Plat 9 6 Imprvd :67 Blk &Lot Ps Owned Neighbad :0405 1998 Tax :$830.44 Tax Dist :3139 OwnerPhn :303- 421 -2797 Pierson :20 B Census Tract :107.01 Block :6 .......... Bedrms .......... Total SF :1,460 .......... Year Blt :1935 .......... LotACre :.32 Bathrms :1.00 BsmtSF Style LotSgFt :14,287 TotalRm . Porch Units :1 Parking Cooling Porch SF Fireplce ParkgSF Heating Deck SF Pool Jacuzzi The information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WANDA SANG CITY CLERK CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 99 DEC 14 AN 8: 51 DECEMBER 14,1999 THIS IS AN APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF A PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF CASE NO. WZ- 99- 12/LOECHER. 1. THE REQUESTED RE- ZONING TO RC -1 IS CONSISTENT WITH THE ZONING TO THE IMMEDIATE SOUTH, WEST AND NORTH AND IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE WADSWORTH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR TRANSPORTATION, LAND USE AND DESIGN PLAN. 2. AS DESIGNED, IT IS COMPATIBLE AND CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING ESTABLISHMENTS ON WADSWORTH BOULEVARD. 3. THE NEW DESIGN HAS MOVED THE DRIVE LANE SIX FEET FARTHER AWAY FROM THE ADJACENT PROPERTY AND THE ATM MACHINE IS 110 FEET FROM THE CLOSEST CORNER OF A RESIDENTIAL HOUSE. 4. DRAINING SYSTEMS DESIGN MEET ALL CITY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS! 5. INCREASED TRAFFIC IS ONLY PERCEIVED PERCEPTION. 6. DEVELOPMENT WILL HAVE A POSITIVE EFFECT ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD, WADSWORTH CORRIDOR, AND SERVICE A NEED FOR THE CITIZENS OF WHEAT RIDGE. AT THIS TIME, I REQUEST THAT THIS APPEAL BE PRESENTED TO THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL FORTHWITH. THANK YOU ger P Loecher ATTACHMENT 4 PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ- 99 -12: Application by Roger Loecher for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted - Commercial -One for the purpose of building a 4,200 square foot credit union and office building on property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard. (This case was continued from November 18, 1999 because the drainage report had not been approved at that time.) This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MACDOUGALL. Ms. Reckert advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the criteria involved in evaluation of a zoning change request. Because the proposed 24 -hour drive - through ATM would create negative effects for adjacent properties, staff recommended denial of the case. A correction was noted to page three of the staff report as follows: Colorado Department of Highways will not allow direct access to Wadsworth (not West 35th Avenue). Commissioner COLLINS expressed concern about traffic on 35th, including truck traffic, and felt a traffic study should be done before any decisions are made. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the addition of another commercial property at this location would increase the possibility of a traffic light warrant at 35th Avenue. Bob Goebel replied that any increase in traffic volume takes you closer to the potential for a warrant but, even with the completion of a commercial building, this situation would probably not meet the requirements for a warrant. Roger Loecher 4599 Carr Street Mr. Loecher, the applicant, was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated his request for a zone change which he felt would be an improvement to this area of Wadsworth. Commissioner SNOW asked if the drive -up lane for the ATM could be located on the west side of the building to alleviate concerns of neighbors who live to the east of the building. Mr. Loecher replied that this had been considered; however, with the 50 -foot setback required for this area of Wadsworth, he could not make that design work. In response to another question from Commissioner SNOW, he replied that ATM companies require 24- hour operation; however, there is very little night use of the ATM's. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Loecher stated that Lutheran Hospital Credit Union does not have a drive -up ATM. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked the applicant if he would agree to removing two of the principal permitted uses for this location: (1) Clinics and off ces for counseling and treatment ofpsychological, social, marital, developmental or similar conditions including Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 December 2, 1999 ATTACHMENT 5 the counseling and treatment ofsubstance abuse and alcoholism; however, not including residential facilities or residential treatment; and (2) parking of automobiles of clients, patients, patrons or customers or occupants of the adjacent commercial districts. Mr. Loecher stated that he would agree to the removal of these uses if he is allowed his proposed use. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked the applicant if he had considered moving the ATM to the north side of the building. He replied that this had been considered; however, that location would not allow for a turning radius. Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about the effect of security lights on the adjacent neighbors. Mr. Loecher replied that there would be lights under the canopy and there is no further requirement of which he is aware for security lights. David Kotzebue 797 Camp Eden Road, Golden Mr. Kotzebue, engineer for the applicant, was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. In response to a request from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Kotzebue explained the drainage system design for the subject project. He stated that his plan meets city and state criteria. Commissioner COLLINS asked what plans there were for storm drainage to soak into the ground. Mr. Goebel explained that water is soaked into the ground in its present condition. If developed, water flows from the site at the same historic rate; however, volume is much greater than that which comes off the site at the present. It is designed to flow down 35th Avenue. Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about an increase of drainage into the property at 7575 West 35th Avenue. Mr. Kotzebue replied that, according to standards, the plan has been designed for drainage to stay the same and it would be released to the curb and gutter. He felt this would be an improvement over existing conditions where there are several low spots where water collects. Commissioner SNOW asked if Mr. Kotzebue had performed a study regarding the effect of the drainage plan on water tables in the area. Mr. Kotzebue replied that his study applied only to surface water and he could not answer questions concerning water tables. James Turre 1375 East Tufts, Englewood Mr. Turre, representing the owner, was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated that the proposed use would be an improvement to an unsightly area. The owner has not considered other proposed uses which he felt would be detrimental to the adjacent neighbors. There would be a six -foot landscaped area with a six -foot fence that would buffer the building from adjacent neighbors. He didn't feel it was right to use this vacant lot Planning Commission Minutes December 2, 1999 as a catch -all for water to build up water tables for wells on properties which have city water. Commissioner SNOW stated that her earlier comment about the wells referred to her concern that the project not take water away from existing wells. She did not mean that the vacant lot should be used for water storage for wells. She also added that the Planning Commission is responsible to see that no development occurs which would deplete the water supply to the wells. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the applicant would be willing to eliminate the drive - up ATM. Mr. Turre replied that he did not have the authority to make that decision. Vince Fandell 2745 Taft Court, Lakewood Mr. Fandell, representing Lutheran Credit Union, was swom by Chair MACDOUGALL. He explained that the Lutheran Credit Union has been existence for 26 years and has been housed at Lutheran Hospital. Over the past several years he has received many requests from members of the credit union to expand the facilities because of inadequate parking at its present location. Members also requested a place to do business without getting out of their cars. By building a new facility, he would be able to accommodate existing membership and not lose member base to competitors. The existing office on the Exempla - Lutheran campus would remain. Mr. Fandell stated there are approximately 4,000 members and that 80 -85% work for the hospital with the remainder of the members being retired or separated from service with the hospital. The 15% of retired or separated employees is the segment he wants to serve with the new facility. Since a credit union is established by charter and can only serve Lutheran Hospital employees, the plan is not to increase membership but to serve existing membership. The credit union would occupy 2500 square feet of the proposed 4300 square foot building. Mr. Loecher had requested that he attempt to locate a tenant for the other portion of the building that would be compatible with the credit union use. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Fandell stated that he would not be interested in this location if the drive -up ATM is eliminated. In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER regarding the need for a 24 -hour ATM, he replied that it is necessary to meet the competition. He also replied that he could provide counts from Rocky Mountain Bank Card in regard to 24 -hour ATM activity. Commissioner SNOW asked if there were projections for the main facility to move to the proposed location. Mr. Fandell stated that there is no change in location for this facility in the five -year plan. Planning Commission Minutes December 2. 1999 (Chair MACDOUGALL declared a recess at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:15 P.M.) Bob Goebel addressed the drainage associated with this property. Commissioner SNOW asked if there was a plan for storm drainage improvements in this area. Mr. Goebel replied that there is nothing in the capital improvement budget for such a project at this time. Because there is a history of drainage problems in the area, he stated that staff would be willing to help the neighbors present a drainage improvement to the City Council for inclusion in the capital improvement budget. In answer to a question from Chair MACDOUGALL, Mr. Goebel stated the nearest storm drain for this property is at Upham Street to the east. Linda Epperson 7520 West 35th Avenue Ms. Epperson was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. She stated her opposition to the case because a 24 -hour ATM is not compatible adjacent to a residential neighborhood and the project would increase an existing drainage problem. She stated that installation of curb and gutter would not alleviate the problem because the street elevation is higher than her home. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Epperson stated that she felt a doctor's office or similar business would be acceptable for this area. She also suggested a "no left turn" sign coming out of the drive. Jackie Ingenthrone 7575 West 35th Avenue Ms. Ingenthrone was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. She stated her opposition to the rezoning because the proposed drive - through lane for the ATM would face her bedroom. She was also concerned that the project would increase existing drainage problems. She also noted that she no longer has water in her well. Marlin Weinberg 7500 West 35th Avenue Mr. Weinberg was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated his opposition to the rezoning. He expressed concern about increased traffic which would result on 35th Avenue. Dave Dowda 7510 West 35th Avenue Mr. Dowda was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated his opposition to the rezoning. He did not feel that a 24 -hour drive -up ATM was compatible with the neighborhood and he was also concerned about increasing the existing storm drainage problems. Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were others present who wished to address the Commission. There was no response. Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 December 2, 1999 It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that Case No. WZ- 99 -12, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two to Restricted - Commercial -One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard be denied for the following reasons: 1. It is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. As designed, it is incompatible with adjacent residential land use. 3. A 24 -hour ATM and drive -up lane is incompatible with the neighborhood and would cause a negative effect on adjacent properties. 4. Drainage from this development would increase flooding problems for the adjacent properties. 5. Increased traffic on 35th Avenue would have a negative impact on the neighborhood for several blocks to the east. The motion passed by a vote of 6 -0 with Commissioners GOKEY and THOMPSON absent. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing portion of the meeting to be closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to discuss. 10. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to discuss. 11. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no reports. 13. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner COOPER that the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Don MACDOUGALL, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary C: \Barbara\PCRPTS \PLANGCOM\PCMINLT 1999 \991202.wpd Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 December 2, 1999 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: December 2, 1999 DATE PREPAREDZ mber 22, 1999 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ- 99- 12/Loecher CASE MANAGER: ckert ACTION REQUESTED: LOCATION OF REQUEST: NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Rezone from R -2 to RC -1 with site plan 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. James Torre 300 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80110 Roger Loecher 5500 W. 44`" Avenue Denver, CO 80212 APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: aTFIRT11A U 1 1► § U I► SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: 24,500.4 square feet Residential -Two Vacant N: R -3; S, W: PCD; E: R -2 N: Multi - Family; S: Commercial; E: Low Density Residential; W: Vacant Single - Family (Not to exceed 6 du's /acre) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ October 29, 1999 November 4, 1999 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: October 26, 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (IQ ZONING ORDINANCE (IQ SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Q OTHER (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS Q SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ATTACHMENT 6 I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a rezoning of property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. from Residential -Two to Restricted - Commercial One and for approval of a site plan for development. The purpose of the request is for construction of a 4300 square foot office facility. II. SITE PLAN The applicant has submitted a site plan for a 4300 square foot building included as Exhibit `A' in the packet. The main user is First Choice, formerly known as Lutheran Credit Union, who will occupy the northern 2500 square feet of the building. The credit union is presently located on the Luthern/Exempla campus. The remainder of the structure will be available for speculative lease. Building coverage proposed is roughly 17 %, with landscaped coverage and hard surfaced coverage at 33% and 49 %, respectively. The building will be one story in height (not to exceed 18') and will be built of split -faced block with brick accents. Adequate parking has been provided for the use. A 20' right -of- way dedication will be required for Wadsworth Blvd. Sole access to the property is from W. 35` Avenue with parking in front of the building along Wadsworth Blvd.. A drive -up lane for the ATM (located on the north side of the building) will occur along the east side (rear) of the structure. Buffering for the adjacent residence will be provided by a 6' high solid wall and a 6' wide strip of landscaping. Staff is concerned about the interface with the adjacent residential property to the east. It is likely that the drive -up lane along the common boundary will create negative affects because of noise and emissions from idling vehicles. The ATM will be available for use by the general public and will be open 24 hours. The design and hours of operation were discussed at length at the neighborhood meetings. The proposed tenant is adamant that their operation have 24 hour drive up ATM access. They were not open to having the ATM relocated adjacent to Wadsworth. With 24 hour access, security lighting and signage could be intrusive to the neighborhood as well All minimums of the RC -1 zone district requirements have met or exceeded. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on August 25, 1999. The following persons were in attendance: Sean McCartney - city staff Roger Loecher - applicant Jackie Ingenthrone and Vince Guerrie- 7575 W. 35` Avenue Dave Dowda - 7510 W. 35` Avenue Linda Epperson - 7520 W. 35` Avenue James and Diane Rutherford - 6705 W. 35`' Avenue The following concerns were expressed: Drainage on the property - Where will the water go? State Beauty has created a problem with their drainage. Culverts on 35` Avenue are damaged and don't work. Potential increase in traffic on 35` Drive -up window will cause traffic to wait - emissions from stacked cars will create a negative impact. Lighting on the property is a concern. Does the credit union have to have the ATM machine? Will it have 24 -hour access? Applicant replied yes. Trash dumpster location is too close to house to the east. What kind of buffering will be used on the east? Based on the number of questions left unanswered, an additional neighborhood meeting was held on September 14, 1999. The following persons were in attendance: Meredith Reckert - city staff Greg Knudson - city staff Roger Loecher - applicant Dave Kotzebue - applicant Vince Fandel - 11250 W. 38` Avenue James and Diane Rutherford - 7507 W. 35` Avenue Deb Carrier - 7510 W. 35` Avenue David Dowda - 7510 W, 35` Avenue Linda Epperson - 7520 W. 35` Avenue Jackie Ingenthrone and Vince Guerrie - 7575 W. 35` Avenue Marlin Wineberg - 7500 W. 35` Avenue The following concerns were expressed: Will the credit union's ATM be available to the general public? Yes. Will there be drive up tellers? No. Will there be security lights? Yes. Could the ATM be moved to the west side of the building eliminating the need for the rear drive up lane? Can the trash dumpster be moved away from the eastern property line? Can the drive- through be eliminated? Could the C high fence be built higher? Drainage. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS The following responses were received: — Wheat Ridge Water District can serve the property with an existing main line in 35` Avenue. — Wheat Ridge Fire District has no concerns. There is an existing fire hydrant on the property. — Colorado Department of Highways will not allow direct access to W. 35` Avenue. A r -o -w dedication is required for Wadsworth plus construction of an accel /decel lane. — Wheat Ridge Public Works has reviewed a drainage report. A 20' right -of -way dedication will Planning Commission Page 3 WZ- 99- 12/Loecher be required for Wadsworth. The construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk will be required along both the W. 35"i Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. frontages. Construction of an accel/decel lane will be required. This lane which will serve as an RTD stop shall be constructed in accordance with City and CDOT standards to support bus weight. Wheat Ridge Economic Development has responded that the commercial development of this property would be a significant visual improvement. If it is approved, proper architectural treatment and adequate landscaping should be used. V. REZONING CRITERIA The applicant has requested a rezoning to Restricted - Commercial One zoning which is the City's least intensive commercial category. The RC -1 zoning allows art galleries, medical offices, community facilities, professional offices and small service establishments. The height limitation is 35' which is consistent with the residential zone districts. The intent of RC -1 zone district is to "provide a reasonably compatible transition between residential and more intensive commercial land uses. It provides for residential scale, neighborhood- oriented professional offices and services which, by their nature and through design limitations, will promote neighborhood stability and protect neighborhood property values. ". Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning: 1. The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. There is no mistake on the City of Wheat Ridge zoning maps. 2. A change in the character in the area has occurred due to the installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration or development transitions. Commercial development along the Wadsworth Blvd. corridor continues to intensify. Rezoning and construction of the State Beauty Supply facility was completed in the last two years. Commercial development on the property to the west (across Wadsworth) is anticipated in the future. Wadsworth Blvd. is one of the heaviest traveled corridors in the metropolitan area. On the city's street classification plan, it is designated as a major regional arterial and carries over 45,000 vehicles per day (1998 count). Based on increased traffic and intensification of surrounding land use, Staff concludes that there are changed conditions which make this property undesirable for low density residential uses. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designates that this property should be used for Single Family Detached Residential and Existing Two Family Conforming Structures and Lots (Not to Exceed 6 dwelling units per acre). The proposed rezoning would be clearly inconsistent with this designation. However, Staff has concluded that there are changed conditions which Planning Commission Page 4 WZ- 99- 12/Loecher have rendered the property undesirable for low density use Pursuant to Section 26 -6(C), if a proposed rezoning, "is not consistent with the comprehensive plan, then the request may only be approved if the applicant demonstrates that the request is justified because of changed or changing condition in the particular area or in the city in general." If a rezoning is approved which is inconsistent with the designation on the Comp Plan it shall be reviewed as a future amendment to the comp plan. There are other uses within the existing zoning classification which could be approved as conditional or special uses which may be more appropriate than low density (E.G., small church, group home). 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The property in question is abutted on the east and southeast by low density residential development. Adjacent land use to the west is vacant property zoned PCD with car inventory storage as an interim use. To the southwest is a small church zoned RC -1. To the north is high density residential use. A commercial use zoned PCD approved in 1997 abuts the property to the south. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and /or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There are no obvious recreational benefits as a result of the zone change. Because the primary tenant in the building is currently in Wheat Ridge (on the LMC /Exempla campus) no "new money" will be brought into the City. There could be physical benefits derived based on the fact that an "eyesore" property will be developed and the noise and visual buffering the structure could provide the residents to the east. 6. That adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All agencies can serve the property with improvements constructed at the developer's expense. 7. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. Since the property is currently undeveloped, there will be an increase in the traffic in the area. There will be no semi -truck traffic. The developer will be responsible for the construction of public improvements along Wadsworth including construction of an accel/decel lane and curb, gutter and sidewalk along both frontages: Planning Commission Page 5 WZ- 99- 12/Loechet Based on industry recognized standards, a typical residence generates 10 -12 vehicle trips per day. The construction of two units on the property would result in 20 - 24 trips per day. No information has been provided regarding potential number of vehicle trips for the credit union. There are historic drainage problems in the area, due to the elevation of Wadsworth in relation to properties to the east. A drainage report attached as Exhibit `B' has been reviewed. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. Under current zoning conditions, a duplex could be built on this property, however, Staff questions the desirability of a low density residential use at this location. Between 1995 and 1998, the average daily traffic count increased from 36,000 vehicles per day to over 45,000. The fact that the property has been marketed for many years with no viable offers for residential development supports the conclusion that the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. There is commercial zoning in the vicinity to the south and west which would mean that spot zoning is not a concern. 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. It is impossible for Staff to ascertain whether there is a void in the market for buildings with the specific user in mind at this location. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that there are changed conditions in the area that have rendered the property undevelopable under the existing zoning. Although inconsistent with the Comp Plan designation, Staff has concluded that the RC -1 zoning would be appropriate at this location to provide a land use transition between Wadsworth Blvd. and the low density residential neighborhood to the east. However, the site plan proposed with the 24 -hour drive up ATM will create negative affects for the adjacent properties. For this reason, a recommendation of Denial is given for Case No. WZ- 99 -12. If Planning Commission feels it appropriate to make a recommendation of approval, Staff would recommend the following conditions be added regarding the site plan: 1. An intensive landscaped buffer be shown along the eastern property line. 2. A note indicating a maximum building height of 18'. 3. A written description of the material to be use on the building and the style of architecture to be used (residential in nature with peaked roof, etc.) 4. The following note: " Site lighting shall be done in such a way as to not be intrusive for Planning Commission Page 6 WZ- 99- 12 /Loecher adjacent property owners." 5. Only one freestanding sign shall be allowed on the property with a maximum square footage of 40 square feet not to exceed 5' in height. Walls signs on the property shall be allowed in accordance with the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 6. Show the location of the trash dumpster with masonry enclosure. 7. The site plan be put into a format which makes it recordable with Jefferson County as an official development plan. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -12, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two to Restricted - Commercial One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. It is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. As designed, it is incompatible with adjacent residential land use." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -12, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two to Restricted- Commercial One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. There are changed conditions in the area that have rendered the property undevelopable under the existing zoning 2. RC -1 zoning would be appropriate at this location to provide a land use transition between Wadsworth Blvd. and the low density residential neighborhood to the east. With the following conditions added regarding the site plan: 1. An intensive landscaped buffer be shown along the eastern property line. 2. A note indicating a maximum building height of 18'. 3. A written description of the material to be use on the building and the style of architecture to be used (residential in nature with peaked roof, etc.) 4. The following note: " Site lighting shall be done in such a way as to not be intrusive for adjacent property owners." 5. Only one freestanding sign shall be allowed on the property with a maximum square footage of 40 square feet not to exceed 5' in height. Walls signs on the property shall be allowed in accordance with the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 6. Show the location of the trash dumpster with masonry enclosure. 7. The site plan be put into a format which makes it recordable with Jefferson County as an official development plan." Planning Commission Page 7 WZ- 99- 12/Loecher October, 1999 City Council Draft ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: GOALS AND POLICIESZ 1. Goal: Preserve and enhance the tax base needed to support desired government services and facilities in the community. Policies: 1.1 ! Encourage light industry to locate within designated areas of the City to provide employment and increase the tax base. 2. Goal: Economic development shall be considered a long -term program and not a "quick fix" for sagging retail sales tax collections. 3. Goal: Continue to be a competitive destination for new business by investing dollars in such things as staff, research and planning, promotion, infrastructure, revenue sharing or other appropriate means that will continue to make Wheat Ridge a desirable place to start, maintain, or relocate a business. Policies: 3.1.1 Encourage development that will provide new employment opportunities for residents of Wheat Ridge. 4. Goal: Balance retail and other types of business in order to maintain the demand for the retail goods whose sales generate needed City revenue. 5. Goal: Continue to ensure that maintaining a healthy business climate for the existing businesses is as Important as attracting new firms by making revitalization a continuing priority. Policies: 5.1. Evaluate the older, established commercial nodes and strips to determine which areas are appropriate for reinvestment and revitalization. 5.2.. Develop strategies and incentives to make older commercial areas more economically competitive and visually pleasing. 5.3. Develop programs to encourage the retention and expansion of existing business. Maintenance of, and service to, existing business shall remain a top priority. Goal: Ensure economic development efforts that complement the various neighborhoods and commercial areas of Wheat Ridge and acknowledge the unique needs and opportunities of each. the p e noimiadov a Amen .pools ind US w �eveloged the CPRC Used on f� review of y pt pnon i s con ain n e 1�5 Econ mic eve opment rategic an. 6 -5 Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan -A Guide to Development ATTACHMENT 7 October, 1999 City Council Draft 7. Goal: Continue to recognize that the purpose of the City's economic development effort is to improve the quality of life for residents. Key competitive advantages Include the City's residential character and quality neighborhoods. 8. Goal: Ensure that economic development efforts continue to be viewed by the community as positive and beneficial by pursuing high - quality redevelopment that minimizes.negative impacts to residential neighborhoods. Policies: 8.1. Develop corridor plan for the Wadsworth Boulevard corridor (between West 32n Avenue and 1 -70) that improves access to existing and new businesses and prevents further traffic in nearby residential areas. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN In 1987, the City contracted with Browne, Bortz, and Coddington (BBC) to prepare an economic development strategy. The BBC report (Wheat Ridge Economic Development Project, 1987 - 1988) was a starting point for this strategic plan and many of the concepts originally put forth by BBC are contained herein as principles and priorities. During 1993, numerous meetings were held throughout the City to gather input from residents about City services. Public input consistently indicated that the City should be more active in economic development. in response to this request, the City funded and Economic Development office, including a full -time Economic Development Coordinator, and initiated an economic development strategic planning process. In July, 1994, the City began the strategic planning processes, which included citizens, business owners and other interested persons who were asked to participate in developing the strategic plan. The final report to the Wheat Ridge City Council was presented in February of 1995. The following is the result of that report and the combined efforts of City Council members to create a working document which guides the development programs for the City of Wheat Ridge. Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan - A Guide to Development SITE PLAN FOR 35th & WADSWORTH OFFICE BUILDING WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO LOCATED IN THE NB 1/4 OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP S SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. F WADSWORTH BLVD. T I (R O.W. VARIES ■ 7 Lt1 l.andsca ed area sp P 0 9 1 Al 9 sp ces 0 x 18' m Asphalt a om PROPOSED BUILDING ®4442 s.f. — O o 5 1 �f Landscaped area 12' Pln n Pme rr c ion nn' 0 ATTACHMENT 8 0 m � 38th AVE m PPOP05iyz0NM PLI SITE o mf Y05E0 LW L9: © tOrAl DT1TI,OPMEW 35th AVE w N = TOrPl I.aNlx1prq 3 32d AVE 18.1 963 �t 55b t 1=[ ia,s *VI INITY MAP /2 NILE CLMNT ZOMNb: a -2 PPOP05iyz0NM PLI mf Y05E0 LW L9: © tOrAl DT1TI,OPMEW 1a TOrPl I.aNlx1prq OuiTN k,442,0 11372.9', 8,9513 t 18.1 963 �t 55b t ia,s 24.500.4 100.0 ® A'IERRD.W.DERGAflom O Sam Fogr;iLE x R 10r& 4,442.0 21.5 11 2'9 2N fouls 20,100 100.0 gym.` per.` � a � SHEET 1 O 1 i �1 ° = 20' 35th 8 Wadsworth Office Building z .TRH• 019-99 v14res .,N DAVID L KOT'ZEBUE ox COMPE'14519 :. ylYlff IDpMMS S1fMx ex TIE RM19 ML I➢P0.0YlW R] BE4. rc 6 $PEGfIpLLY na cwiNw]NN•s NESP(N14NNR! ro vu r9 Loatrous ws nm pyfE ( omin 70 T 516NK YM6. W]➢> -46 PTA VK`h B'JEES. sLYKeV ypP.11,drys I GS. EIECipIC. i¢6fY'NE GLLVE N. Eic. {. N 5 TIE R6Po:151BNn pV' ixE [tW.CrSP ]o WCW3 A:L M515 ASSM14lFD Nlfx Mm VMT F60Gilq.S' SITE A/RKY BY: P[rW PRfPPR£D BY: � 2 WNPIEiE FRRMG N1D PNOPoSEO MLIIY UNES 0.iE NOi SxONN ON TI6 %YL POR IEWB41fY5 Nis Consultants. Inc. OovfE L..YOiz Gu f. e, P. f. SLYE. pVEi p ixE q{pM,l NMIES PWI TOR I'J.'OWN AVO PRJ4V'SFD NL1116. 11485 W. no Exposition Av. 9) Lakeopos 0 80116 Go /tl.., en, 0 S CO 80401 J. illE B]NNNF' WiNNNAiION SXONN Is YMWX iflON A $IITSY PXUY' INEO 0Y TIE _ (303)1 7311 (.1 ;J 77 - 1419 LIEPPA EHOIHCFflXNG )A'D W10 ENMElV1C. L4WNx L LWFS. W. L5.4LOt0I. ONC. 0. H]45]. tl% µp Mf5 1pi WISIIIVR A BJUNWIY SVRVEV 8I NORF811E nIfJNFFPlX4 aA M5 LMSNLPME. FRONT NEW SIDE MEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK CHASE DRAIN TOP OF CURD -EL PER PW1 " 10 - 6x6 WWM. 1 FROM OUTSIDE SURFACE 4 THICK C&G MIX CONCRETE C ONCRETE SI IIIC N.T.S. DRAINAGE PLAN LEGEND DEVELOPED BASIN DESIGNATION DEVELOPED MIN SIZE IN AAI (9 SEAO&EDOMIN ORS, STORMS DIRECTION OF ROW DEVELOPED MIN BWNDARY Q DESIGN POINT FINAL DRAINAGE PLAN FOR 35th & WADSWORTH OFFICE BUILDING WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. •Includes ottsRe pass -tnru CONCRETE WEIR END NEW , (Section at Outlet) 'omau roimw'iu "9 " "'wM1�iw Hun m°IDOmv+mc� N.T.S. ' wmlvw roi upum. . I I 1 I P' I• CONCRETE WEIR SIDE NEW N.T.S. Cis 'l 4 (TYP) 1 'tTOD T -W S =TO Elev -98.0 S1h8 We6twNr IXflu BUlNOig wl u °..: ouI, 019-99 9130/99 2 -]/16" Notch 1 0°f1°eY DAVID L. KOTZEBUE 1. 2" (Tw..) 4 COLA. PE. '14513 I 32d AVE 10- 3 /16 "•I ww+ ec -I A4 Reburs 0 12' O -C • - 5 -Yr. WS =Notch Elev =9]; POND PARAMETERS 4t S/w MIX Done. j ` a - •1 5 /a'• Notch 4,_11/16„ Or better 100 -YR. W.5 4998 100 -- RELEASE ( Historic) 1 7 Cis• RELFlSE `H'vstoric -Ste OOIY) = 0.57 OFFS' h ° I , - Inv. EI. ON 9ZL5 100 -VR. 4" 5 -YR W.S. 4999.2fi S -YR. RELEASE CHietXoc) = 0.39 CFS• S -YR. RELEASE Historic -Site 0.I") = 0.13 CFS• 6x6 MIA 100 -YR. VOL REO = 2,905 C.F. •Includes ottsRe pass -tnru CONCRETE WEIR END NEW , (Section at Outlet) 'omau roimw'iu "9 " "'wM1�iw Hun m°IDOmv+mc� N.T.S. ' wmlvw roi upum. . I I 1 I P' I• CONCRETE WEIR SIDE NEW N.T.S. Cis 'l 7 CD J 38th AVE m SHEET 1 OF 1 �• ®.�.` gg1E': 1 = 20' S1h8 We6twNr IXflu BUlNOig wl u °..: ouI, 019-99 9130/99 3 XXXXX 0°f1°eY DAVID L. KOTZEBUE = � DLK COLA. PE. '14513 32d AVE ww+ ec DDC saltree RAM IY•dAWU ee a..m w.re� xorrro•�� vt r t r w�W m1ffi QW IDrOr (M1llU -ArP (w/A/ -rere SEAL. uEa® en DIR 7 CD J 38th AVE m SITE o Of 3 35th AVE Of 0 o = � 32d AVE CI ITY A r . ,A Mlle ---- r. P � Rear Elevation Side Drive Thru Elevation A0.0 Elevations I TB INQI IC WALL FINIW Side Tower Elevation LLT"MLM Cp WpLL NNIB11 iI7P•O BiOH6NOM O m o mm O 4 vi (/l.. v U Z N 0 Mg Y! o N °n °n w y o ° � �<u < aLL 0 � LL p�0 � '^ U V) 1-- U) Q w _ N c Q = Q W J M �i ry LL W U W O J Of W 0 O a' fr CRFMrT UNWN DRI THROUGH Wadsworth Boulevard Elevation 1 S Z O S O Z z o N X X X X X V1 VI X U X LL X m X U X � LL p�0 � '^ U V) 1-- U) Q w _ N c Q = Q W J M �i ry LL W U W O J Of W 0 O a' fr CRFMrT UNWN DRI THROUGH Wadsworth Boulevard Elevation 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034Oc38 City Admin. Fax ;; 234 5924 (� � Th � e City of .303)234 -5900 - V V heat Police Dect. Fax: 235 -2949 Rid e CASE NO. POSTING CERTIFICATION / - 2-- PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: _; a C 'C C/ (n a m e) residing at �5 �7 �/ G� S T as the applicant for Case No. (a d d r e s s) I - Z-- - — 9` -/2- that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at 3SG (1 o c a t i o n) on this day of 19 ; and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. Signature: \ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. PCD <pc> rev. Q -2 z W 75TH nw- T�- hereby certify • 8 h "' I 1 "I f >bs 1 Ti vss � I vss R �I RI R 4 Ai I�'G " I T�- hereby certify • 8 h "' I 1 "I f >bs 1 Ti vss � I vss R �I 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 February 11, 2000 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case No. WZ -99 -12 a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One for the purpose of building a 4,200 square foot credit union and office building on property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on February 28, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. All owners and/or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and /or submit written comments. If you live within 100 feet of the property in question, you may have the right to file a legal protest against the application which would require a 3 /4th majority vote of City Council to approve the request. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other person whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\ Barbara \CCRPTS\PUBNOTIC \wz9912.wpd (303) 234 -5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234 -5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235 -2949 D @ d v " c ' d y a O D > - N U O d � C D o O 0 0 p W E o a @ u L Q m as c 1 X U @ u o a J a. @ m O @» C> W >> O m N O> @ O > N O N V I E r O u m O (` L O @" O U O L a ro 00 U t a d` O U U a C U a n O > j U 2 X� O O O U V O J p U O4 N y V OI >i a W M a ~a 0 �mN U W V U NU O J d'O `v� @ .p y :o a @a a - @3:4 -�LL10 SOY m@ N ui > c o Ot d d NQ t c mow W c O C N« J > 1� @ C @ N pJ ry r (Y d @ L r L M« (O fO p @ 'C dr D UI L W J @ O °W R E's "O Q R �U w „ E @ U r w C Q m m m m m m m m m N � o rn m rn rn rn rn m m m w 0 E m m rn m m rn rn m m V o z aaw o sFO � p N a 0�Q °W Z F a d d d W !k a � a c y 'm $ U � a � d d d c Z > dl O � K C 7 a a K j K N l� 2 , o a d 0 U L O N o a c 1 . 0 WE # N N N v 0 O 0 R C G a W O d d Q O O> 3 N N N m N d : d N O d O a m L Q O `w5 (n Na E mo 2 2 0 �Mrn Q N N NQ - O I. a O MN Nnd r� 'a N'O wry C N N ry U N v Q Nw r U ❑ E 0 E 2 N 00 d 5 a �U U �u ° .w ry E m d b w N Q m N m m n 0 G `o rn m m � co w 0 E rn rn m V o z QQw z0 w =0 - LL N a Z } 0 Z 1- ow W) g Una a �I J a/vv-" CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: JANUARY 10, 2000 Page - 4 - 3. Adequate evidence has been presented that the traffic and parking generated from the proposed expanded planned development would impede smooth traffic flow on Tabor and impose safety hazards. 4. The addition of retail sales of snowmobiles and all- terrain vehicles and the traffic expected from those uses is projected to compound traffic and parking problems which will adversely affect surrounding areas and traffic safety. 5. The expansion of this planned development district and associated uses are denied based upon evidence deemed persuasive and adequately appearing in the record of the public hearing before the Planning Commission and City Council that such expansion and denied uses as proposed would create excessive traffic, noise, and that such uses would result in a density or intensity of use which would be damaging or deleterious to the stability, unified operation or integrity (both economic and aesthetic) of the surrounding area. 6. A portion of the property for which this final PCD application is filed has not been rezoned to PCD and is not appropriate for approval of a final PCD application; seconded by Mr. Edwards; carried 5 -3 with Councilmembers Siler, Hanley, Mancinelli voting no. Item 4. Council Bill 38 - an Ordinance concerning a correction to the amendments to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to provide for increased penalty limits. Council Bill 38 was introduced on second reading by Mrs. Worth, who also read the title; Ordinance No. 1181 was assigned. Motion by Mrs. Worth that Council Bill 38 (Ordinance 1181) be adopted on second reading; seconded by Mr. DiTullio; carried 7 -1 with Mr. Hanley voting no. Mr. Hanley feels the 1 year jail time is excessive. ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING Item 4. Council Bill 1 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of a change of zone from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. WZ- 99 -12) (RogerLoecher) Council Bill 1 was introduced on first reading by Mr. DiTullio, who also read the title and summary. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that Council Bill 1 be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, February 28, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days after final publication; seconded by Mr. Edwards; carried 8 -0. AGENDA ITEM RECAP AGENDA ITEM January 10, 2000 QUASI- JUDICIAL X Yes No _ PUBLIC HEARINGS _ CITY ADM. MATTERS ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS _ PROC. /CEREMONIES _ CITY ATTY. MATTERS X ORDINANCES FOR 1 ST READING _ BIDS/MOTIONS _ LIQUOR HEARINGS _ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING INFORMATION ONLY _ PUBLIC COMMENT _ RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM TITLE: WZ- 99- 12/Loecher SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: Appeal of the Planning Commission decision to deny a change of zone from R -2 to RC -1 for the property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Letter of Appeal 2) P C. Report dated 12 -2 -99 3) P.C. Minutes dated 12 -2 -99 4) Ordinance No. BUDGETED ITEM: Yes Fund Dept /Acct # Budgeted Amount $ Requested Exepnd.$ Requires Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation No Yes No SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move that Council Bill No. , be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, February 14, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days after final publication." C9Bubm \CCPPTS \wz99121 sl.wpd WANDA SANG CITY CLERK CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERS'S OFFIC "c 99 DEC 14 AM 8: 51 DECEMBER 14,1999 THIS IS AN APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF A PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF CASE NO. WZ- 99- 12/LOECHER. 1. THE REQUESTED RE- ZONING TO RC -1 IS CONSISTENT WITH THE ZONING TO THE IMMEDIATE SOUTH, WEST AND NORTH AND IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE WADSWORTH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR TRANSPORTATION, LAND USE AND DESIGN PLAN. 2. AS DESIGNED, IT IS COMPATIBLE AND CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING ESTABLISHMENTS ON WADSWORTH BOULEVARD. 3. THE NEW DESIGN HAS MOVED THE DRIVE LANE SIX FEET FARTHER AWAY FROM THE ADJACENT PROPERTY AND THE ATM MACHINE IS 110 FEET FROM THE CLOSEST CORNER OF A RESIDENTIAL HOUSE. 4. DRAINING SYSTEMS DESIGN MEET ALL CITY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS! 5. INCREASED TRAFFIC IS ONLY PERCEIVED PERCEPTION. 6. DEVELOPMENT WILL HAVE A POSITIVE EFFECT ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD, WADSWORTH CORRIDOR, AND SERVICE A NEED FOR THE CITIZENS OF WHEAT RIDGE. AT THIS TIME, I REQUEST THAT THIS APPEAL BE PRESENTED TO THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL FORTHWITH. THANK YOU erP Loecher CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: December 2, 1999 DATE PREPARED: November 22, 1999 N CASE NO. & NAME: WZ- 99- 12/Loecher CASE MANAGER: NI. Reckert ACTION REQUESTED: LOCATION OF REQUEST: NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Rezone from R -2 to RC -1 . with site plan 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. James Torre 300 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80110 Roger Loecher 5500 W. 44`" Avenue Denver, CO 80212 APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: 24,500.4 square feet Residential -Two Vacant N: R -3; S, W: PCD; E: R -2 N: Multi- Family; S: Commercial; E: Low Density Residential; W: Vacant Single - Family (Not to exceed 6 du's /acre) --------------------------------------------------------------- October 29, 1999 November 4,1999 October 26, 1999 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 0 OTHER (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS Q SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ATTACHMENT 1 I. REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a rezoning of property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. from Residential -Two to Restricted - Commercial One and for approval of a site plan for development. The purpose of the request is for construction of a 4300 square foot office facility. H. SITE PLAN The applicant has submitted a site plan for a 4300 square foot building included as Exhibit `A' in the packet. The main user is First Choice, formerly known as Lutheran Credit Union, who will occupy the northern 2500 square feet of the building. The credit union is presently located on the Luthem/Exempla campus. The remainder of the structure will be available for speculative lease. Building coverage proposed is roughly 17 %, with landscaped coverage and hard surfaced coverage at 33% and 49 %, respectively. The building will be one story in height (not to exceed 18') and will be built of split -faced block with brick accents. Adequate parking has been provided for the use. A 20' right -of- way dedication will be required for Wadsworth Blvd. Sole access to the property is from W. 35 Avenue with parking in front of the building along Wadsworth Blvd.. A drive -up lane for the ATM (located on the north side of the building) will occur along the east side (rear) of the structure. Buffering for the adjacent residence will be provided by a 6' high solid wall and a 6' wide strip of landscaping. Staff is concerned about the interface with the adjacent residential property to the east. It is likely that the drive -up lane along the common boundary will create negative affects because of noise and emissions from idling vehicles. The ATM will be available for use by the general public and will be open 24 hours. The design and hours of operation were discussed at length at the neighborhood meetings. The proposed tenant is adamant that their operation have 24 hour drive up ATM access. They were not open to having the ATM relocated adjacent to Wadsworth. With 24 hour access, security lighting and signage could be intrusive to the neighborhood as well All minimums of the RC -1 zone district requirements have met or exceeded III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input was held on August 25, 1999. The following persons were in attendance: Sean McCartney - city staff Roger Loecher - applicant Jackie Ingenthrone and Vince Guerrie- 7575 W. 35 Avenue Dave Dowda - 7510 W. 35 Avenue Linda Epperson - 7520 W. 35 Avenue James and Diane Rutherford - 6705 W. 35 Avenue The following concerns were expressed: Drainage on the property - Where will the water go? State Beauty has created a problem with their drainage. Culverts on 35" Avenue are damaged and don't work. Potential increase in traffic on 35` Drive -up window will cause traffic to wait - emissions from stacked cars will create a negative impact. Lighting on the property is a concern. Does the credit union have to have the ATM machine? Will it have 24 -hour access? Applicant replied yes. Trash dumpster location is too close to house to the east. What kind of buffering will be used on the east? Based on the number of questions left unanswered, an additional neighborhood meeting was held on September 14, 1999. The following persons were in attendance: Meredith Reckert - city staff Greg Knudson - city staff Roger Loecher - applicant Dave Kotzebue - applicant Vince Fandel - 11250 W. 38 Avenue James and Diane Rutherford - 7507 W. 35 Avenue Deb Carrier - 7510 W. 35` Avenue David Dowda - 7510 W, 35` Avenue Linda Epperson - 7520 W. 35` Avenue Jackie Ingenthrone and Vince Guerrie - 7575 W. 35 Avenue Marlin Wineberg - 7500 W. 35` Avenue The following concerns were expressed: Will the credit union's ATM be available to the general public? Yes. Will there be drive up tellers? No. Will there be security lights? Yes. Could the ATM be moved to the west side of the building eliminating the need for the rear drive up lane? Can the trash dumpster be moved away from the eastern property line? Can the drive- through be eliminated? Could the C high fence be built higher? Drainage. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS The following responses were received: — Wheat Ridge Water District can serve the property with an existing main line in 35` Avenue. — Wheat Ridge Fire District has no concerns. There is an existing fire hydrant on the property. — Colorado Department of Highways will not allow direct access to W. 35` Avenue. A r -o -w dedication is required for Wadsworth plus construction of an accel /decel lane. — Wheat Ridge Public Works has reviewed a drainage report. A 20' right -of -way dedication will Planning Commission Page 3 WZ- 99- 12/Loecher be required for Wadsworth. The construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk will be required along both the W. 35` Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. frontages. Construction of an accel/decel lane will be required. This lane which will serve as an RTD stop shall be constructed in accordance with City and CDOT standards to support bus weight. Wheat Ridge Economic Development has responded that the commercial development of this property would be a significant visual improvement. If it is approved, proper architectural treatment and adequate landscaping should be used. V. REZONING CRITERIA The applicant has requested a rezoning to Restricted - Commercial One zoning which is the City's least intensive commercial category. The RC -1 zoning allows art galleries, medical offices, community facilities, professional offices and small service establishments. The height limitation is 35' which is consistent with the residential zone districts. The intent of RC -1 zone district is to "provide a reasonably compatible transition between residential and more intensive commercial land uses. It provides for residential scale, neighborhood- oriented professional offices and services which, by their nature and through design limitations, will promote neighborhood stability and protect neighborhood property values. ". Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning: The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City.of Wheat Ridge is in error. There is no mistake on the City of Wheat Ridge zoning maps. 2. A change in the character in the area has occurred due to the installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration or development transitions. Commercial development along the Wadsworth Blvd. corridor continues to intensify. Rezoning and construction of the State Beauty Supply facility was completed in the last two years. Commercial development on the property to the west (across Wadsworth) is anticipated in the future. Wadsworth Blvd. is one of the heaviest traveled corridors in the metropolitan area. On the city's street classification plan, it is designated as a major regional arterial and carries over 45,000 vehicles per day (1998 count). Based on increased traffic and intensification of surrounding land use, Staff concludes that there are changed conditions which make this property undesirable for low density residential uses. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designates that this property should be used for Single Family Detached Residential and Existing Two Family Conforming Structures and Lots (Not to Exceed 6 dwelling units per acre). The proposed rezoning would be clearly inconsistent with this designation. However, Staff has concluded that there are changed conditions which Planning Commission Page 4 WZ- 99- 12/Loecher have rendered the property undesirable for low density use. Pursuant to Section 26 -6(C), if a proposed rezoning, "is not consistent with the comprehensive plan, then the request may only be approved if the applicant demonstrates that the request is justified because of changed or changing condition in the particular area or in the city in general." If a rezoning is approved which is inconsistent with the designation on the Comp Plan it shall be reviewed as a future amendment to the comp plan. There are other uses within the existing zoning classification which could be approved as conditional or special uses which may be more appropriate than low density (E.G., small church, group home). 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The property in question is abutted on the east and southeast by low density residential development. Adjacent land use to the west is vacant property zoned PCD with car inventory storage as an interim use. To the southwest is a small church zoned RC -1. To the north is high density residential use. A commercial use zoned PCD approved in 1997 abuts the property to the south. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and /or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There are no obvious recreational benefits as a result of the zone change. Because the primary tenant in the building is currently in Wheat Ridge (on the LMC/Exempla campus) no "new money" will be brought into the City. There could be physical benefits derived based on the fact that an "eyesore" property will be developed and the noise and visual buffering the structure could provide the residents to the east. 6. That adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All agencies can serve the property with improvements constructed at the developer's expense. 7. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. Since the property is currently undeveloped, there will be an increase in the traffic in the area. There will be no semi -truck traffic. The developer will be responsible for the construction of public improvements along Wadsworth including construction of an accel/decel lane and curb, gutter and sidewalk along both frontages. Planning Commission Page 5 WZ- 99- 12/Loecher Based on industry recognized standards, a typical residence generates 10 -12 vehicle trips per day. The construction of two units on the property would result in 20 - 24 trips per day. No information has been provided regarding potential number of vehicle trips for the credit union. There are historic drainage problems in the area, due to the elevation of Wadsworth in relation to properties to the east. A drainage report attached as Exhibit `B' has been reviewed. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. Under current zoning conditions, a duplex could be built on this property, however, Staff questions the desirability of a low density residential use at this location. Between 1995 and 1998, the average daily traffic count increased from 36,000 vehicles per day to over 45,000. The fact that the property has been marketed for many years with no viable offers for residential development supports the conclusion that the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. There is commercial zoning in the vicinity to the south and west which would mean that spot zoning is not a concern. 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. It is impossible for Staff to ascertain whether there is a void in the market for buildings with the specific user in mind at this location. VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that there are changed conditions in the area that have rendered the property undevelopable under the existing zoning. Although inconsistent with the Comp Plan designation, Staff has concluded that the RC -1 zoning would be appropriate at this location to provide a land use transition between Wadsworth Blvd. and the low density residential neighborhood to the east. However, the site plan proposed with the 24 -hour drive up ATM will create negative affects for the adjacent properties. For this reason, a recommendation of Denial is given for Case No. WZ- 99 -12. If Planning Commission feels it appropriate to make a recommendation of approval, Staff would recommend the following conditions be added regarding the site plan: 1. An intensive landscaped buffer be shown along the eastern property line. 2. A note indicating a maximum building height of 18'. 3. A written description of the material to be use on the building and the style of architecture to be used (residential in nature with peaked roof, etc.) 4. The following note: " Site lighting shall be done in such a way as to not be intrusive for Planning Commission Page 6 WZ- 99- 12 /Loecher adjacent property owners." 5. Only one freestanding sign shall be allowed on the property with a maximum square footage of 40 square feet not to exceed Tin height. Walls signs on the property shall be allowed in accordance with the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 6. Show the location of the trash dumpster with masonry enclosure. 7. The site plan be put into a format which makes it recordable with Jefferson County as an official development plan. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -12, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two to Restricted - Commercial One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. It is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. As designed, it is incompatible with adjacent residential land use." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -12, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two to Restricted - Commercial One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. There are changed conditions in the area that have rendered the property undevelopable under the existing zoning 2. RC -1 zoning would be appropriate at this location to provide a land use transition between Wadsworth Blvd. and the low density residential neighborhood to the east. With the following conditions added regarding the site plan: 1. An intensive landscaped buffer be shown along the eastern property line. 2. A note indicating a maximum building height of 18'. 3. A written description of the material to be use on the building and the style of architecture to be used (residential in nature with peaked roof, etc.) 4. The following note: " Site lighting shall be done in such a way as to not be intrusive for adjacent property owners." 5. Only one freestanding sign shall be allowed on the property with a maximum square footage of 40 square feet not to exceed 5' in height. Walls signs on the property shall be allowed in accordance with the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 6. Show the location of the trash dumpster with masonry enclosure. 7. The site plan be put into a format which makes it recordable with Jefferson County as an official development plan." Planning Commission Page 7 WZ- 99- 12/Loecher 3! Nv � a �M1 H 5 ° �• � H 95TH I r aA RY R • � -� � /� i � _� 3535 4� w 55rH Ave " H 95TH AVE F ?JSUNN I •$ a JEFFER50N COUNTY 12107 BOUNORY 07 5OUNORY 'E5 OWNERSHIP) - LINE :ATURE MULTIPLE ADDRESSES .F PG „ s4as �. S W 94TH AVE" 3570 1, x04 � yg x03 • A •� $ ^ 8 1150 b R H 99RD AVE H 52ND PL •^ „ C2 i —" Ud P 7. H. AVE. }19 321ID AVE. N 2 E )Ff (::, II A MAFDM ZONE DISTRICT Bc — PARCEL /LOT BOUP (DESIGNATES OWN: ° ' - � HEAT R I D6� w DENOTES MULTIPL 5CALE ".400 ;OLORADO iP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 i5t Revision: February 20,1998 i � M5 AV - - - STA1e I - i a er�x* a -eo-lo R �. o PCP ° a zI p IC rGD� gX.C:H ° ID HOOIST � I "„ s n wz - 75 -17 PCD C C _ I „ n Z • R_ `•$�N'�:ON z •" _ a ,SO 8 ^ �� > 170 > N• 3744 , w •R hXEM1' e1CuE vu;A ° �fl.8 8.� �R—G� � 3736 size q • 3M •3 Q/ y� � - W. - 3630 Q 111 •��, �•� PI2D 1 W fl PCD Q 3! Nv � a �M1 H 5 ° �• � H 95TH I r aA RY R • � -� � /� i � _� 3535 4� w 55rH Ave " H 95TH AVE F ?JSUNN I •$ a JEFFER50N COUNTY 12107 BOUNORY 07 5OUNORY 'E5 OWNERSHIP) - LINE :ATURE MULTIPLE ADDRESSES .F PG „ s4as �. S W 94TH AVE" 3570 1, x04 � yg x03 • A •� $ ^ 8 1150 b R H 99RD AVE H 52ND PL •^ „ C2 i —" Ud P 7. H. AVE. }19 321ID AVE. N 2 E )Ff (::, II A MAFDM ZONE DISTRICT Bc — PARCEL /LOT BOUP (DESIGNATES OWN: ° ' - � HEAT R I D6� w DENOTES MULTIPL 5CALE ".400 ;OLORADO iP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 i5t Revision: February 20,1998 )F PLAWNB AW VEVELOFrEW - 235 -2852 STA1e a er�x* )F PLAWNB AW VEVELOFrEW - 235 -2852 Of LAND SSE CASE PROCESSING API- LICATION Planning and Development Department ` 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ° �e oen ° Phone (303) 235 -2846 oR o (Please print or type all information) �.� Applicant C'G eI ���C %�C � SSC'C. iJ'�z/ /iC Phone 5 h2 -2 -Y5 City ��/ n% l,CFC =/ Owner gAMtrS /Z F_ Address Sot, z > M U?A) FC Phone2e; - 7B' City n e.o Location of request (address) SSo ` 1 14 - S io - < u/ Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Variance / Waiver ❑ Site development plan approval ❑ Nonconforming use change ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Flood plain special exception ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interpretation of Code ❑ Temporary Use, Buildings, Signs ❑ Lot line Adjustment ❑ Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less) ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Subdivision (More than 5 lots) ❑ Street Vacation ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Other: Detailed description of the request: �ti'r �/'r < r /fie v /� C Fill out the following information to the best of your knowledge. k 2- Current Zoning: Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 19 c' X Current use: 4G /5t-/' T Proposed use: UM, "r7 /-'C c 7 Assessors Parcel Number: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the ted tion ca wfully be co plished. Applicants other than owners must submit orney the ow er w ro t s action on his behalf. :e C Signatur V gaA � • <_ Subscribed and sworn to me this A�& day of L tt 19 aq— N� ••'� C Notary Public F My commission expires Date rec Receipt No. G 0 2 1 ' Case No. - ' 9,- � � Related Case No. Zoning �- 2 Quarter Section Map II�E C, SITE PLAN FOR 35th & WADSWORTH OFFICE BUILDING WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 89 WEST OF THE 0TH P.M. 1 �� 8 Ln 6 WADSWORTH BLVD. (R.O.W.i VARIES) rc 3 cuuwzo": R-2 PM'OXVZO": ICA FROPOW W RX: la H=,. 4,297.1 175 119979 ?J DAVID LKOTZEBUE f", 24.900.4 ICX)U 190.00' COLO. P.E. '145!3 IT e T.1 �.LrYF 9. V 20'R �; 2, ell. 0.1 WT TWS P� FIA UII&�$ 16' A M PRI -MED B Y .1 � �'� ~0 . . . - I . � T� W�� 6 A Y�0 �WPM. 1� ' 11Y 1'. , 1485 W. "' ..ill. �v. k . I -.d!CO 10216 1 w w O(VID fl: lr� w .1 (JW)76J-7J12 1;)2 77-141B 12'- DIX SEu 26' 22' Drive qFTTTT 5' PROPOSED BUILDING 7— 4297.1 s.f. 34' 16' U 190.00' 17 23'3" 124'— 1 19 , 9 1. 1 3 cuuwzo": R-2 PM'OXVZO": ICA FROPOW W RX: la H=,. SHEET I OF I 20' 1 35th & Wadsworth Office Budding GENFM N07ES 4,297.1 175 119979 ?J DAVID LKOTZEBUE f", 24.900.4 ICX)U SHEET I OF I 20' 1 35th & Wadsworth Office Budding GENFM N07ES DiDiMOD W. DAVID LKOTZEBUE DIX COLO. P.E. '145!3 IT e T.1 �.LrYF TO . .", �; 2, ell. 0.1 WT TWS P� FIA UII&�$ SI SwVfY BY. A M PRI -MED B Y .1 � �'� ~0 . . . - I . � T� W�� 6 A Y�0 �WPM. 1� ' 11Y 1'. , 1485 W. "' ..ill. �v. k . I -.d!CO 10216 Pavid L� Kotzebue, P.E. 91�11'h 1. V M401 "' (JI w w O(VID fl: lr� w .1 (JW)76J-7J12 1;)2 77-141B DIX SEu V I$ I Uj'PAP a FRONT NEW eT 9DE NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK CHASE DRAIN IOP OF CURB -EL. PER PINT 1 "X 10-3/16 6v6 "M. I FROM OUTSIDE SURFACE A THICK C&G MIX CONCRETE C ONCRETE I - N.T.S. DRAINAGE PLAN LEGEND u • 1 1- EI DEVELOPED BASIN DESIGNATION DEVELOPED BASIN SIZE IN ACRES e DEVELOPED WIN •C FACTORS. NG 5 -YR. k 100 -YR. STORMS r L u DIRECTION OF FLOW 5 -YR. RELEASE - FS DEVELOPED BASIN BOUNDARY 0 DESIGN POINT FINAL DRAINAGE PLAN FOR 35th & WADSWORTH OFFICE BUILDING WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. I I I I I_ � I I ) P 9u' I\ Y Q S2 WADSWORTH BLVD. uz— - -- 0_Sl 2' Drive q / V 100 -YR. RELEASE (H itaric) 1,72 CFB• u • 1 1- EI I RELEASE N EASE i 1 110 -YR. ietonc -Bite Only) - 0.57 CGS• v .9a ROPOSED BUIL NG . -} I I r L u .4997 5 -YR. RELEASE - FS 5 -YR. RELEASE Historic -511. Only . 0.1] CFS• 6x6 wwM o 100 -YR. VOL. REO'D - i.905 C. . m� I 5 -YR. VOL. - 1,133 C.G. WALLS 1 -2 Typ.) o , 2 II 99]- Y � t 17' of 1'Wide 8' of Detention R.) ... a St r Clore r 5' of Con.. Si a elk Chase (w .. ponnp. uo R, MY MwM. M es:F 11-9 I 1 I_ I8 I I 10 -3/1 POND PARAMETERS 4 t S7W Mi. Ca 4" (TYP ) 4l 100 Yr - w5, -T-� EI Y 98.00 - 2 -7/16' Notch 2" (Tyq_) I N4 ReNar: 0 13 o -C 5 -Yr W -NOlcn Eler - +� 'B 5/6" Notch 040% I I • .I 4 •1 ,I,' I� I l `I •I ' I I I�- l I �' 1 . 1 .I � I I �I (' � I• 0 ANHY pY h4v APli4•ID er. NI Hair ue X,hw'- "r edns' we., ro mror D m 100 -YR. RELEASE (H itaric) 1,72 CFB• u • 1 1- EI RELEASE N EASE i 1 110 -YR. ietonc -Bite Only) - 0.57 CGS• 5 -YR W.S. - 4999 26 - i f 4 J' 3 5 -YR. RELEASE - FS 5 -YR. RELEASE Historic -511. Only . 0.1] CFS• 6x6 wwM o 100 -YR. VOL. REO'D - i.905 C. . 3 5 -YR. VOL. - 1,133 C.G. m , e , rtry F -Include. fflit. 1Pe. -thl. CONCRETE WEIR END VI W (Section al Outlet) � t 040% I I • .I 4 •1 ,I,' I� I l `I •I ' I I I�- l I �' 1 . 1 .I � I I �I (' � I• 0 ANHY pY h4v APli4•ID er. NI Hair ue X,hw'- "r edns' we., ro mror D m � J 38th AV m SITE o 3 h AVE w o � 3 32d AVE 71 1 X 1 OF 1 1 -, — 20 a`IDpk 01999 9/30 /99 orz x: pp101 �` DAVID L. KOTZEBUE _ DLK COLO. P.E. •14513 a.r.,1 x: DIX OIfpID M IXx PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ- 99 -12: Application by Roger Loecher for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted - Commercial -One for the purpose of building a 4,200 square foot credit union and office building on property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard. (This case was continued from November 18, 1999 because the drainage report had not been approved at that time.) This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MACDOUGALL. Ms. Reckert advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the criteria involved in evaluation of a zoning change request. Because the proposed 24 -hour drive - through ATM would create negative effects for adjacent properties, staff recommended denial of the case. A correction was noted to page three of the staff report as follows: Colorado Department of Highways will not allow direct access to Wadsworth (not West 35th Avenue). Commissioner COLLINS expressed concern about traffic on 35th, including truck traffic, and felt a traffic study should be done before any decisions are made. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the addition of another commercial property at this location would increase the possibility of a traffic light warrant at 35th Avenue. Bob Goebel replied that any increase in traffic volume takes you closer to the potential for a warrant but, even with the completion of a commercial building, this situation would probably not meet the requirements for a warrant. Roger Loecher 4599 Carr Street Mr. Loecher, the applicant, was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated his request for a zone change which he felt would be an improvement to this area of Wadsworth. Commissioner SNOW asked if the drive -up lane for the ATM could be located on the west side of the building to alleviate concerns of neighbors who live to the east of the building. Mr. Loecher replied that this had been considered; however, with the 50 -foot setback required for this area of Wadsworth, he could not make that design work. In response to another question from Commissioner SNOW, he replied that ATM companies require 24- hour operation; however, there is very little night use of the ATM's. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Loecher stated that Lutheran Hospital Credit Union does not have a drive -up ATM. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked the applicant if he would agree to removing two of the principal permitted uses for this location: (1) Clinics and off ces for counseling and treatment ofpsychological, social, marital, developmental or similar conditions including Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 December 2, 1999 ATTACHMENT 2 the counseling and treatment of substance abuse and alcoholism; however, not including residential facilities or residential treatment; and (2) parking of automobiles of clients, patients, patrons or customers or occupants of the adjacent commercial districts. Mr. Loecher stated that he would agree to the removal of these uses if he is allowed his proposed use. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked the applicant if he had considered moving the ATM to the north side of the building. He replied that this had been considered; however, that location would not allow for a turning radius. Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about the effect of security lights on the adjacent neighbors. Mr. Loecher replied that there would be lights under the canopy and there is no further requirement of which he is aware for security lights. David Kotzebue 797 Camp Eden Road, Golden Mr. Kotzebue, engineer for the applicant, was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. In response to a request from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Kotzebue explained the drainage system design for the subject project. He stated that his plan meets city and state criteria. Commissioner COLLINS asked what plans there were for storm drainage to soak into the ground. Mr. Goebel explained that water is soaked into the ground in its present condition. If developed, water flows from the site at the same historic rate; however, volume is much greater than that which comes off the site at the present. It is designed to flow down 35th Avenue. Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about an increase of drainage into the property at 7575 West 35th Avenue. Mr. Kotzebue replied that, according to standards, the plan has been designed for drainage to stay the same and it would be released to the curb and gutter. He felt this would be an improvement over existing conditions where there are several low spots where water collects. Commissioner SNOW asked if Mr. Kotzebue had performed a study regarding the effect of the drainage plan on water tables in the area. Mr. Kotzebue replied that his study applied only to surface water and he could not answer questions concerning water tables. James Turre 1375 East Tufts, Englewood Mr. Turre, representing the owner, was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated that the proposed use would be an improvement to an unsightly area. The owner has not considered other proposed uses which he felt would be detrimental to the adjacent neighbors. There would be a six -foot landscaped area with a six -foot fence that would buffer the building from adjacent neighbors. He didn't feel it was right to use this vacant lot Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 December 2, 1999 as a catch -all for water to build up water tables for wells on properties which have city water. Commissioner SNOW stated that her earlier comment about the wells referred to her concern that the project not take water away from existing wells. She did not mean that the vacant lot should be used for water storage for wells. She also added that the Planning Commission is responsible to see that no development occurs which would deplete the water supply to the wells. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the applicant would be willing to eliminate the drive - up ATM. Mr. Turre replied that he did not have the authority to make that decision. Vince Fandell 2745 Taft Court, Lakewood Mr. Fandell, representing Lutheran Credit Union, was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He explained that the Lutheran Credit Union has been existence for 26 years and has been housed at Lutheran Hospital. Over the past several years he has received many requests from members of the credit union to expand the facilities because of inadequate parking at its present location. Members also requested a place to do business without getting out of their cars. By building a new facility, he would be able to accommodate existing membership and not lose member base to competitors. The existing office on the Exempla - Lutheran campus would remain. Mr. Fandell stated there are approximately 4,000 members and that 80 -85% work for the hospital with the remainder of the members being retired or separated from service with the hospital. The 15% of retired or separated employees is the segment he wants to serve with the new facility. Since a credit union is established by charter and can only serve Lutheran Hospital employees, the plan is not to increase membership but to serve existing membership. The credit union would occupy 2500 square feet of the proposed 4300 square foot building. Mr. Loecher had requested that he attempt to locate a tenant for the other portion of the building that would be compatible with the credit union use. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Fandell stated that he would not be interested in this location if the drive -up ATM is eliminated. In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER regarding the need for a 24 -hour ATM, he replied that it is necessary to meet the competition. He also replied that he could provide counts from Rocky Mountain Bank Card in regard to 24 -hour ATM activity. Commissioner SNOW asked if there were projections for the main facility to move to the proposed location. Mr. Fandell stated that there is no change in location for this facility in the five -year plan. Planning Commission Minutes December 2, 1999 (Chair MACDOUGALL declared a recess at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:15 P.M.) Bob Goebel addressed the drainage associated with this property. Commissioner SNOW asked if there was a plan for storm drainage improvements in this area. Mr. Goebel replied that there is nothing in the capital improvement budget for such a project at this time. Because there is a history of drainage problems in the area, he stated that staff would be willing to help the neighbors present a drainage improvement to the City Council for inclusion in the capital improvement budget. In answer to a question from Chair MACDOUGALL, Mr. Goebel stated the nearest storm drain for this property is at Upham Street to the east. Linda Epperson 7520 West 35th Avenue Ms. Epperson was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. She stated her opposition to the case because a 24 -hour ATM is not compatible adjacent to a residential neighborhood and the project would increase an existing drainage problem. She stated that installation of curb and gutter would not alleviate the problem because the street elevation is higher than her home. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Epperson stated that she felt a doctor's office or similar business would be acceptable for this area. She also suggested a "no left turn" sign coming out of the drive. Jackie Ingenthrone 7575 West 35th Avenue Ms. Ingenthrone was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. She stated her opposition to the rezoning because the proposed drive- through lane for the ATM would face her bedroom. She was also concerned that the project would increase existing drainage problems. She also noted that she no longer has water in her well. Marlin Weinberg 7500 West 35th Avenue Mr. Weinberg was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated his opposition to the rezoning. He expressed concern about increased traffic which would result on 35th Avenue. Dave Dowda 7510 West 35th Avenue Mr. Dowda was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated his opposition to the rezoning. He did not feel that a 24 -hour drive -up ATM was compatible with the neighborhood and he was also concerned about increasing the existing storm drainage problems. Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were others present who wished to address the Commission. There was no response. Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 December 2, 1999 It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that Case No. WZ- 99 -12, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two to Restricted - Commercial -One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard be denied for the following reasons: 1. It is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. As designed, it is incompatible with adjacent residential land use. 3. A 24 -hour ATM and drive -up lane is incompatible with the neighborhood and would cause a negative effect on adjacent properties. 4. Drainage from this development would increase flooding problems for the adjacent properties. 5. Increased traffic on 35th Avenue would have a negative impact on the neighborhood for several blocks to the east. The motion passed by a vote of 6 -0 with Commissioners GOKEY and THOMPSON absent. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing portion of the meeting to be closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to discuss. 10. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to discuss. 11. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no reports. 13. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner COOPER that the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Don MACDOUGALL, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary C:\ Barbara \PCRPTS \PLANGCOM\PCM[NUTE\ 1999 \991202.wpd Planning Commission Minutes December 2, 1999 Page INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. Ordinance No. Series of 2000 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM RESIDENTIAL -TWO TO RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL -ONE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3502 WADSWORTH BOULEVARD, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO (WZ- 99 -12) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Upon an appeal submitted with the City of Wheat Ridge, for a reconsideration to approve a change of zone from R -2 to RC -1 for the property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. WZ -99 -12 and based on recommendation for denial from the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge, for the following described land: All that portion of the Northeast one - quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6"' P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of the Northeast one - quarter of said Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6' P.M., 1350 Feet North of the Southwest corner of said Northeast one - quarter, thence North along said West line 190 feet, thence East 175 feet, thence South along the West line of property described in Book 1494, at Page 134 a distance of 190 feet, to the North line of West 35 " Avenue, thence West 175 feet along the North line of said West 35 " Avenue and the Westerly extension thereof to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom, those portions thereof described in Book 1185, at Page 428 and in Book 1185, at Page 430, all in the County of Jefferson, City of Wheat Ridge, State of Colorado. Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this rezoning does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26(c) of Appendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Ordinance No. Page 1 WZ -99 -12 Section 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Supersession Clause If any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail. Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication as provided by the Charter. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this day of 1999, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for , 2000, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of 2000. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2000. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk 1st Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: C:\ Barbara \CCRPTS \RESO- ORD \wz9912.wpd GRETCHEN CERVENY, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY Ordinance No. Page 2 WZ -99 -12 PUBLIC HEARING SPEAKERS' LIST CASE NO: DATE: December 2, 1999 REQUEST /9 /9 /9 - ��o ems✓ Speaker Name (PLEASE PRINT) Address /Phone In Favor / Opposed / S - S (� 7 S a a VV Clue_ / 19 0111P j HEgT -500 WEST 29TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 638 The City Of WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80034•CA33 t303) 234.5900 R x heat U m City Admin. Fax # 234.5924 Police Deol, Fax T 2352949 R idge POSTING CERTIFICATION q c oton 097 ao° .CASE NO. U�� — / — I Z�Z_ .PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY,COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle On� HEARING � DATE: n (n .a m e) residing at' fs e , #�i' S/ l,✓/f51�7( /D�� (a d d r e s s) as the applicant for Case..No. f,(JZ. � hereby certify that I have posted the Notice o£ Public Hearing at 3 Sv z l c� 4 AS 4v d f (lo,oation) on this < 6 day of l C 19 and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. •'The sign was post n the - position shown on the map below: n s Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. L - ----- - - - - -- V C - -I n S - 27 N NS r h Tb 4 JT20 c ]6A •1T ZuCs OWS PCO y , <pc>postingc, rev. 05 -19 -9. I H 55TH Ave 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ- 99 -12: Application by Roger Loecher for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One for the purpose of building a 4,200 square foot credit union and office building on property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard. Because the drainage report has not yet been approved, staff requested continuance of this case. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that Case No. WZ -99 -12 be continued to December 2, 1999 to allow the drainage report to be completed. The motion passed by a vote of 6 -0 with Commissioner COLLINS absent. B. Case No. ZOA 99 -06: Application by the City of Wheat Ridge amending Section 26 (c) of Appendix A of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws /Zoning Ordinance establishing the point in the development process when the right to develop is vested as mandated by new state legislation. Alan White stated that staff is withdrawing this case based upon City Council's decision that, since the City of Wheat Ridge is a home rule municipality, vesting property rights is a matter of local interest and cannot be mandated by the State. City Council has chosen not to change existing legislation at this time. - 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair BRINKMAN declared the public hearing portion of the meeting to be closed. 9. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Commission placed ballots for selection of Chair and Vice Chair according to By- Laws with the following results: Don MacDougall was elected as Planning Commission Chair. Anne Brinkman was elected as Planning Commission Vice Chair. At this point in the meeting, Commissioner BRINKMAN handed the gavel to Chair MACDOUGALL. 10. OLD BUSINESS C. Northwest Fruitdale Circulation Plan: Chair MACDOUGALL opened discussion between the Commission, the public and staff regarding the need for, and the possible design of a circulation master plan for the area generally bounded by West 44th Avenue Planning Commission Page 2 November 18, 1999 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 October 26, 1999 Bear Property Owner: The City of N W HEA Wheat GRidge , ° OtORNO ° This is to inform you that Case No. WZ -99 -12 a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One for the purpose of building a 4,200 square foot credit union and office building on property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on November 18, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. All owners and/or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other person whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. Ct\ Barbara\ PCRPTS \PLANGCOM \PUBHRG \wz9912.wpd (303) 234 -5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234 -5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235 -2949 D v C w W d � v d � N C •` > _ p' R C Z 7 j - N d � N a c 7 D D o - ���mfff N O T{ OI 0 a 0 v U L Q � 0 o a c E o w at N N N N N N N N N m M 01 m O) m m O) m N U N N N N N N N N N U p a J . y C d�0 >>T Yk > '0 0 m M V C) N O R QIN m R 1 W mo C O No >> O M C m N m� O N W v� d _ m R E'CO U Um0 mL '=LO v N O N ro C MI� LCaD U.ON 9 Y 'C L Q O UL� `1 N O o 0 O U m... 2 M O XO fO U ; O N N O J N U O y O t+ y m -N O m 3 m w rn �Fa d NU LL vU a 2 0 Jam() M NQ w Rv CD o m�a D OK n W o CO Y p d 41 C O O v y (a -Q a:6 N 0�0' m R� m O O C V N M m d J r N M r N m O (// N N f 0 0 I M m Y 1 Q U I N L " D D D m L M t�0 . C U 2 i L W J O M C W v `m Q M K _ 'n O J C O U K 1i W E . ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ z v {n W 04 _u o w m m m m m m co m m m m m m m m rn rn 2 W > Q W zo LL N z ova " a !- o W Z F_ W g )« � ) { kk k# k \0 m !§ ( § e 0 Q ]3 (§ /;, Z Em k § \\ /) k / qo )03 ) 0000: LO _ LU \ \ \ 0 0 ` >S « <w § k§� k . bk< 2. §kk j / NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on November 18, at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. WZ- 99 -12 Application by Roger Loecher for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One for the purpose of building a 4,200 square foot credit union and office building on property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard and legally described as follows: All that portion of the Northeast one - quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6` P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of the Northeast one - quarter of said Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., 1350 Feet North of the Southwest corner of said Northeast one - quarter, thence North along said West line 190 feet, thence East 175 feet, thence South along the West line of property described in Book 1494, at Page 134 a distance of 190 feet, to the North line of West 35` Avenue, thence West 175 feet along the North line of said West 35` Avenue and the Westerly extension thereof to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom, those portions thereof described in Book 1185, at Page 428 and in Book 1185, at Page 430, all in the County of Jefferson, City of Wheat Ridge, State of Colorado. 2. Case No. ZOA- 99 -06: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge amending Section 26(c) of Appendix A of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws /Zoning Ordinance establishing the point in the development process when the right to develop is vested as mandated by new state legislation. Barbara Delgadillo, Senior Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: October 29, 1999 Wheat Ridge Transcript C:\ Barbara\ PCRPTS \PLANGCOM\PUBHRG \991118pub.wpd 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridge Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 FAX 303/235 -2857 November 4, 1999 Roger Loecher 5500 West 44` Avenue Denver, CO 80212 Dear Roger: This letter is in regard to your application for zone change for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. Attached are referral responses received from outside agencies. Of particular concern is the response from the City's Public Works Department. They have requested a plat document for dedication of the right -of -way for Wadsworth Blvd. and a drainage report. They have received the drainage report and are in the process of reviewing it, however, it appears that there will be substantial changes required. The Planning Commission has established a policy that they will not hear a case unless an approved drainage report is in place. Although this case is scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on November 18, 1999, if the report is not approved by November 10 (the day homework packets are prepared), the case will have to be continued. Regarding the plat issue, I believe it would be appropriate for a condition be placed on the rezoning action that the plat dedicating the right -of -way will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. According to the Wadsworth Corridor Study, an RTD bus stop is shown on Wadsworth in front of your property. Discussion with the City's traffic engineer has indicated that additional widening (in addition to the accel lane) will not be required but installation of a bus pad within the lane will be. For more specific information, please contact Steve Nguyen at 303 - 235- 2862.. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 303 - 235 -2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner cc: WZ -99 -12 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2868 Ridge FAX 303/235 -2857 November 2, 1999 Mr. Dave Kotzebue, P.E. Kotzebue Engineering 913 11 Street Golden, Colorado 80401 Re: 35 & Wadsworth Office Building, 3503 Wadsworth Blvd. - First Review Comments of Final Drainage Study Dear Mr. Kotzebue, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the 35 & Wadsworth office building received on October 25, 1999, and have the following comments: Drainage Study (Discussion) Page 1 1. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on (2) two sets of the final approved report. Page 4 1. A separate section of related discussion needs to be provided for the detention facilities designed. This includes discussion regarding the detention volumes required and provided, 5 and 100 year release rates as compared with historic release rates, and method(s) of release. 2. Discuss in more detail where those flows from the emergency overflow weir are to be conveyed, and any adverse impact that may be created by these flows. Page 5 1. Conclusion section needs to be expanded to include discussion which details the benefits of the proposed improvements, and confirms no adverse impact(s) to adjacent properties. Drainage Study (Appendix) Rational Method Worksheet 1. Worksheet needs to be provided with calculations to establish historic 5 and 100 year flow values. Mr. Dave Kotzebue, P.E. Page 2 Drainage Plan 1. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature on (2) two sets of the approved plan. 2. Please not all surface types and typical grades throughout the site. 3. Please note the existing grades of W. 35t Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. 4. Based upon the proposed 100 year water surface elevation of 4998.0, it is strongly encouraged to consider the proposed finished floor elevation at one foot above this to 4999.0. 5. The proposed release structure needs to be relocated to the uphill end of the concrete trickle channel to eliminate the possibility of 100 year flows existing the channel, and maintaining detention volumes within the parking lot area only. 6. Please delineate the scope of the proposed public improvements to be constructed more clearly, and reference accordingly to the respective plan sheet(s). 7. Please note the location of, and the direction of flow from all proposed roof drains. 8. Please delineate clearly the 100 year detention area boundary, 100 water surface elevation and depth of ponding. 9. Please provide concise typical cross section details for the north, south and east property lines. This is especially critical for the east property line with respect to the 100 year water surface elevation and the proposed walls. Top of wall elevation will need to be a minimum of one foot above the proposed 100 year water surface elevation. 10. Please not the location and elevation of City benchmarks or benchmarks referenced to the City. 11. Please note correct north arrow direction. Grading & Erosion Control Plan 1. A grading /erosion control plan will need to be submitted for review. This can be combined with the existing final drainage plan, as long as the result is readable and concise. Mr. Dave Kotzebue, P.E. Page 3 Street Construction Drawings 1. Standard, engineered plan and profile street construction drawings will need to be prepared for the required public improvements along the West 35t Avenue frontage. For your information and implementation into the second submittal, a copy of the City's Street Construction Plan Checklist is included. Also, relevant City standard details (local street typical section, monolithically placed 6 vertical curb and gutter & sidewalk section, standard drivecut and sidewalk chase), have been provided for implementation into the requested plan. 2. Written confirmation will need to be provided to the City that CDOT has reviewed and approved the proposed public improvements for the Wadsworth Blvd frontage. Subdivision Plat 1. A 1 -Lot Minor Final Subdivision Plat will need to be prepared to properly record the required dedication of right -of -way, and the legal description for the property. Any questions related to the preparation requirements of this plat can be addressed to Mr. John McGuire, P.L.S. at 303 - 235 -2858. Subdivision Improvement Agreement Upon City Council approval of the Final Plat, a Subdivision Improvement Agreement will need to be executed by the project owner /developer. For the developer /owner's information and review, a sample copy of this agreement is provided. Application for Minor Dumping /Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping /Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. For your information and submittal in the second review package, a copy of this permit is provided. Traffic Engineering Upon submittal of the requested street will be forwarded to the City's Traffic Nguyen, P.E., 303 - 235 -2862 for review. Mr. Dave Kotzebue, P.E. Page 4 construction plans, a copy Engineer, Mr. Steve Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Guarantee Prior to any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the West 35` Avenue right -of -way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate will need to be submitted for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, a letter of credit reflecting total costs of the approved cost estimate plus 250, will need to be submitted by the owner /developer for review and approval. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) /Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right -of -way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Please return all red -lined prints with the second submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303 - 235 -2868. Sincerely, Greg Knudson, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File (3) 35 &WADS- OFFICE - BLDG -1.LTR MEMORANDUM Approved Date TO: Meredith Reckert, Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer DATE: October 29, 1999 SUBJECT: 35` & Wadsworth Office Building - 3502 Wadsworth Blvd, WZ -99 -12 The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated October 19, 1999 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: A Subdivision Improvement Agreement will need to be executed by the developer /owner upon City Council approval of the proposed Final Plat. 2. A 1 -Lot Minor Final Subdivision Plat will need to be prepared to properly record the required dedication of right -of -way, and the legal description for the property. 3. The Final Plat will need to be recorded with Jefferson County no later than ninety (90) days after the execution of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. 4. We will need a final drainage report based upon the City's drainage criteria, and prepared by a Colorado licensed professional engineer. 5. We will need engineered construction plans based upon the City's street construction plan criteria, and prepared by a Colorado licensed professional engineer, for the public improvements required to be constructed along the West 35"' Avenue frontage. 6. Written confirmation of CDOT approval for those public improvements designed for the Wadsworth Blvd. frontage, will need to be provided to the City. 7. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping /Landfill Permit, along with fees due. In conjunction with the requirements of this permit, an erosion control plan will need to be submitted for review and approval. 8. Prior to recording the Final Plat, an irrevocable letter of credit, in which the City is designated as beneficiary, for one hundred twenty -five percent (125 %) of the total cost of the proposed public improvements, will need to be submitted by the developer /owner to serve as guarantee for the value of those public improvements (as determined by the itemized cost estimate prepared by the project's civil engineer -of- record), that are required to be constructed per item 4 above. 9. The proposed acceleration lane on Wadsworth Blvd. Needs to be extended north where the lane itself and the taper should cover the entire property frontage. cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File N rM-0-N,09) .9AV V92 1 S3M 906f003N 00 N0923dd3l M 49( 30Cd lv 6£9 X009 AP 030330 AO'3 �q �o G A % I 4 a' 0 0 r uW�Y ° m go w ° � 4 m 0K mR �o m * Uy S m° S� m E N F .y N n �1 A O FE a a i r City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert FROM: Darin Morgan SUBJECT: WZ- 99 -12, 3502 Wadsworth Boulvard DATE: October 25, 1999 Upon reviewing the subject proposal the following items were noticed and need to be addressed, 1. Building finish floor must be 12 inches plus 2% above the finish elevation of the outfall structure or detention area. 2. The handicap parking stall will need to have 16' of total width. (8' parking stall with a 8' access aisle) 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge October 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for a zone change at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by November 2, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ- 99- 12/Roger Loecher LOCATION: 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. REQUESTED ACTION: Zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One. PURPOSE: Construction of a one -story 4,200 sq.ft. office building. 1.. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert (303/235 -2846) Completed by: Department of Planning & Development (Name, tcy/Department, Date) FAX: 303- 235 -2857 X Water District (Consolidated Mutual) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat ridge) Adjacent City Q X Public Service Co. X US West Communications Jefferson County Planning Dept. State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey X Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Wadsworth Ditch Co. C :\BubuaWGENREFl3502wadsworth.wpd "The Carnation City" Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division e X _ U WHEAT RTDGEBpt�dmg Dtvsidtl X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development "The Carnation City" 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Color 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge October 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for a zone change at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by November 2, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ- 99- 12/Roger Loecher LOCATION: 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. REQUESTED ACTION: Zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One. PURPOSE: Construction of a one -story 4,200 sq.ft. office building. 1. . Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? y es 2. Are service lines available to the development? YUs 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? y4_5 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? �cs 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? �wu� ILs.ti 1� 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? ev.t N'Fh -e T_ +L I T Please reply to: Meredith Reckert (303/235 -2846) Completed by .0 /�filO�b- t��ia„f Prg�LG byr Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agenc4epartment, Date) FAX: 303 - 235 -2857 ����G —f I DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Consolidated Mutual) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X; Fire E+lstricf (Wheat fdge) " "t Adjacent City Q X Public Service Co. X US West Communications Jefferson County Planning Dept. State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey X Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Wadsworth Ditch Co. C: \Bab=\AGENREFl3502wadsworth.wpd Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development "The Carnation City" 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge October 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for a zone change at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by November 2, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ- 99- 12/Roger Loecher LOCATION: 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. REQUESTED ACTION: Zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One. PURPOSE: Construction of a one -story 4,200 sq.ft. office building. 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 1 Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? c.; 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert (303/235 -2846) Department of Planning & Development FAX: 303 - 235 -2857 DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Consolidated Mutual) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat ridge) Adjacent City () X Public Service Co. X US West Communications Jefferson County Planning Dept. State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey X Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Wadsworth Ditch Co. Completed by: ogzricf a1 g. V7__ , C) r6 y" (Name, Agency/Department, Date) G Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division �� .,'; > �WFIEAT RIDGE- �onvmtc.Developmeht' ;;: "The Carnation City" C:\Bwbma\AGENREF\3502wadsworth.wpd City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist G� SUBJECT: WZ- 99- 12/Roger Loecher DATE: October 26, 1999 Thank you for the referral of the above referenced application. I offer the following comments from an economic development perspective: 1. Commercial development of this vacant lot will be a significant visual improvement to Wadsworth Boulevard users. 2. It is recommended that the architectural treatment of the proposed building and the landscaping of the lot be appropriate for this highly visible location in the city. 3. The adopted Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Plan shows an RTD bus turn out in the vicinity of this parcel. It is recommended that if not already included in the development plan, the bus turn out be developed as part of this development. STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 6 Traffic Access /Utilities Permits 5640 East Atlantic Place Denver, Colorado 80224 (303) 757 -9886 November 3. 1999 FAX (303) 757 -9904 Wheat Ridge Dept. of Community Dev. 7500 W. 29' Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ATTN: Meredith Reckert RE: 3502 WADSWORTH BLVD. (SH121) REZONING OT umwrnmr ov rawsvonrnnox The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has reviewed the above and we have the following comments: State Highway 121 (Wadsworth Boulevard) is a controlled- access highway in accordance with the Highway Access Law Section 43- 2- 147(b). Vehicular access to or from the proposed development shall be provided to the general street system. Access to the State Highway shall be in accordance with the State Highway Access Code. Drainage to the State Highway right -of -way shall not exceed the undeveloped historical rate of flow. Otherwise, CDOT has no concerns. If you have any questions, please contact me at (303) 757 -9886. Sincerely, Nashat Sawaged, P.E. Access Engineer NS /jc CC: J. Muscatell L. Lipp L. Glasser /D. Walker File (SH121) RF 567NS110399.doc Page 1 of 1 October 28, 1999 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Department of Planning & Development 7500 West 29 Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: City of Wheat Ridge Zone Change for the Property Located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard Dear Ms. Reckert: This will acknowledge your correspondence dated October 19, 1999 regarding the above referenced property. Please be advised that the above referenced property is not in an area served by The Consolidated Mutual Water Company. Please forward the information onto the appropriate water distributor for that area Sincerely, Michael E. Queen Assistant Secretary/Treasurer /jv enclosure cc: Walter Welton, PLS /PE, CMWCo President Robert J. Rivera, CMWCo Vice President THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue • P.O. Box 150068 • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Telephone (303)238 -0451 • Fax (303)237 -5560 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat R idge, Colora 80033 Telephone 303/ October 19, 1999 RE CEIVE[ Prn; G 8 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Develu��6 has received a below. Your response to the following questions and an c ce on t 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no i CASE NO: LOCATION: REQUESTED ACTION: PJ � ° OSE: WZ- 99- 12/Roger Loecher 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. City of Wheat Ridge or a zone change at the property described >al would be appreciated by November 2, regarding this proposal. Zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One. Construction of a One-story 4,200 sq.ft. office building. 1 Are public facilities or services rovided b \� P y your agency adequate to serve this development? 2 Are service lines available to the development? 3• Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? V c��,\ � xe �� 4 x 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5 . Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which Please reply to: Meredith Reckert (303/235 28461 Completed by: Department of Planning & Development FAX: 3 03 - 235 -2857 DISTRIBUTION BUTION Water AastrtcY(Consoltdif'ed`IUrtihta7 :u X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat ridge) Adjacent City O X Public Service Co. X US West Communications Jefferson County Planning Dept. State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey X Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Wadsworth Ditch Co. �J would or should affect approval of this reques\ 4/ (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development . C:\ Barbara 'AGENREF9502wadsworth.wpd "The Carnation City 7.500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 800 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge October 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for a zone change at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by November 2, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ- 99- 12/Roger Loecher LOCATION: 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. REQUESTED ACTION: Zone change from Residential -Two to Restricted Commercial -One. PURPOSE: Construction of a one -story 4,200 sq.ft. office building. 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any concerns or problems your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert (303/235 -2846) Completed by: Department of Planning & Development FAX: 303-235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Consolidated Mutual) X Sanitation District (Wheat Ridge) X Fire District (Wheat ridge) Adjacent City O X X Public Service Co. X X US West Communications X Jefferson County Planning Dept. X State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey X X Colorado Dept. Of Transportation X Wadsworth Ditch Co. X (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners TCI of Colorado WHEAT RIDGE Post Office WHEAT RIDGE Police Department WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. WHEAT RIDGE Park & Reg. Commission WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division WHEAT RIDGE Building Division WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development i "The Carnation City" C: \Barbua\AGENREF\3502wadsworth .wpd § < @ G � \A � ) / =2 \ \\ \ ( ) ®\ §' ! \� A{ , � � \] � � \£ \� \ §' ! \� A{ , � � \] � � \£ , %)Q k� � §$ !� ®� k;§ |Ek| !a[ , @§\ E .`ud$a /. , %)Q k� � §$ !� ®� k;§ |Ek| @§\ 2J / c }� E- \ 2 §/ ~ ® �I \ � . • , -- \ � ' ^� \� \ � - � - -- - , %)Q k� � §$ !� ®� k;§ |Ek| FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT for the 35TH & WADSWORTH OFFICE BUILDING 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. Wadsworth Blvd. & West 35th Avenue WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Prepared For: Roger Loecher 5500 W. 44th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80212 Prepared By: Kotzebue Engineering 913 -11th Street Golden, CO Contact: David Kotzebue Phone: (303) 277-1418 Date Prepared: October 12, 1999 35th & Wadsworth Office Building Drainage Report City of Wheatridge TABLE OF CONTENTS General Location and Description ..................... ..............................1 Proposed Site and Description ......................... ..............................1 Drainage Design Criteria ............................... ..............................2 Conclusions.............................................. ..............................3 Appendix A — Hydrology Computations Appendix B — Hydraulic Computations Appendix C — Detention Pond Computations Knt7PKV IP. Fnoin wrino 7 10/1/199 ).?Q PM 35th & Wadsworth Office Building Drainage Report I. General Location and Description Location City of Wheatridge The proposed location for the 35th & Wadsworth Office Building is in the Northeast quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. It is bounded by Wadsworth Blvd. to the west, West 35th Avenue to the south and apartments to the north. The east property line abuts a residential lots. The two parcels combine for a 0.567 acre site, more or less. Existing Drainage The proposed site is located in the Clear Creek Drainage Basin. According to the Flood Rate Insurance Map Panel Number 085079 0005 C, dated February 4, 1988, the site is located in Zone C (outside the 500 -year flood zone of Clear Creek). The existing site is a vacant lot with dirt driveways with access on two sides. The existing ground cover is native grasses, brush and several scrub trees. The existing site drains toward the southeast corner and enters an indistinct swale along the north side of West 35th Avenue. The northwest corner of the site is in a sump with areas of ponding. Wadsworth in the only curbed street. Run -off from Wadsworth Boulevard has historically turned onto West 35th Avenue from the high point just north of this project (See Offsite Drainage Map). Proposed Site and Description Proposed Site The proposed site will contain a 4,297.1 sq. ft. office building, 19 parking spaces, landscaping, associated appurtenances. The only access to the property will be a full movement driveway on West 35th Street. An acceleration lane is being required by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) along most of the frontage on Wadsworth Blvd. Curb and gutter, sidewalk and landscaped area will be built along the street frontages. An additional 20' of right -of -way is being dedicated to CDOT for the accel lane. KntvehnP Fnoinrerinv 1 10/1 AAQ 2 PM 35th & Wadsworth Office Building Drainage Report City of Wheatridge Proposed Site The proposed site will continue to drain towards the southeast corner, where the developed runoff will be detained. The release rate for the pond for the 5 -year and 100 -year storms plus any undetained run -off will be equal to the historic 5 -year and 100 -year discharges, respectively. The site's runoff will be collected via surface flow and curb and gutter, and detained in a lowlying area with its low point at the wall at the southeast corner of the site. The ponding area will be controlled by a double- notched weir, and released through a sidewalk chase on West 35th Avenue for the 5 -year and 100 -year storms. The driveway entrance will act as an emergency overflow weir. The proposed site accepts small offsite discharges from Wadsworth Boulevard, and from the apartment complex to the north. The slope shown on the Drainage Plan is the slope of the apartments' detention pond, which drains to the north. Hence, basin 0 -1 is merely the grass -lined slope of the adjacent detention area. There is one small area northwest of the proposed drive that cannot be detained due to grading constraints (Basin "U ", for "Undetained "). The discharge from this area will be subtracted from the allowable discharge of the pond. The total release from the proposed development will not be larger than the historic release rate for the 5 -year and 100 -year storms. Historic Basins The historic basins for this site very closely approximate the developed basins. Drainage Design Criteria This report was prepared in conformance with the "City of Wheat Ridge Storm Drainage Design and Technical Criteria Manual" as well as the "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual ". Since the site is less than 160 acres, the Rational Method was used the determine run -off. The rainfall intensity was determined from the "Time- Intensity- Frequency" curves in the "City of Wheat Ridge Storm Drainage Design and Technical Criteria Manual ". Knt7PNIP. Fnoin�.rino 4 10/11199 9.9Q PM 35th & Wadsworth Office Building Drainage Report City of Wheatridge Drainage Design Criteria The proposed site maintains existing drainage patterns and will convey the 100 -year and 5 -year storms at historic release rates. The proposed development is in conformance with the City of Wheat Ridge and Urban Drainage requirements. The development will have no adverse impact on the downstream properties. David L. Kotzebue, Colorado P.E. #14513 Kntvehnn Pnainrrrina S 10/111999-99 PM 35th & Wadsworth Office Building Drainage Report City of Wheatridge Appendix A - Hydrology Computations Xnt7PNIP.. Fnainnrrina 6 10 /12 /QQ 9'20 PM r 4 Ar ©Fr51'cE DVfA\iJAC-7 r YirY S i j. °W° a : Sds y J �i J�JF b l� ri.. ec��yy 4i5 X i v Y t ( l r t �fPl 1 l M ' 3 '45 Lr Y d U m Y m x £ L A a m $ s Q $ m e O d a c w a' « E « Q 4 m g ? m 2 c s 2 u m viY 0 Y 2£ 2 Y u 8 Y $ m c m O a 0£ I�� o m I O Y m m m m m _� d' O Ego m 0 m m cA 8 m �y 3 E.9 •' « 8 s�gz=s;ga 8�$a� Z N > 9> G N Z N 1 a a D A C m L C °m m ILLL �LL �NZN3N2 l� ILLL F m Z m>fpK lq PUIW)A T n P m n r r P 1 S m p N " m O 0 pp 15411 1MIaA _ m 8 m m (71).WBU 8 m p m p 8 m 3WIl 13AVUI QuU,'ela adid ( %)': adolS IsP) mW! uBlsad'. P N N m __P• ry N m 3did , (W) MOId laaRS ". , O ( %)•arias O 1 11-11 N O N m 133U1S I I I N m O 00 N � O N � c5 (ov)wns n o m a m cci m m 0 0 0 o c 6 6 (SAW) n ci m of r m m vi O a 1O m m idoNnu iviol - o, Q N O N N O lOV O G co 8 .00 0 0 O o 0 n ^ P N .7d O N O m N (n A a m 2$ r m�i ,, l�WVI }) N m ri. ci a! mm Y1 n 'm U o 00o c vi mci - r ci rvi Q O m e O O O O O .00 0 000 •'Coco 000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 _ � C N n V m m o f 'N91S3U v3av : d 6 = N ri d ' ri d y J 2 m S d d N m a LNIOd No153Q d �`+ m s Q $ m e O d a c w a' 35 +1 /tJA-Ds DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL TABLE 3 -1 (42) RECOMMENDED RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS AND PERCENT IMPERVIOUS RUNOFF LAND USE OR PERCENT FREQUENCY SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS IMPERVIOUS 2 5 10 100 Business Commercial Areas 95 .87 .87 .88 .89 Neighborhood Areas 70 .60 .65 .70 .80 Residential Single - Family * .40 .45 .50 .60 Multi -Unit (detached) 50 .45 .50 .60 .70 Multi -Unit (attached) 70 .60 .65 .70 .80 1/2 Acre Lot or Larger * .30 .35 .40 .60 Apartments 70 .65 .70 .70 .80 Industrial Light Areas 80 .71 .72 .76 .82 Heavy Acres 90 .80 .80 .85 .90 Parks, Cemetaries 7 .10 .10 .35 .60 Playgrounds 13 .15 .25 .35 .65 Schools 50 .45 .50 .60 .70 Railroad Yard Areas 40 .40 .45 .50 .60 Undeveloped Areas Historic Flow Analysis- 2 (See "Lawns ") Greenbelts, Agricultural Offsite Flow Analysis 45 .43 .47 .55 .65 (when land use not defined) Streets Paved 100 .87 .88 .90 .93 Gravel 13 .15 25 .35 .65 Drive and Walks - WgKD'Sr_ ( 96 .87 .87 .88 .89 Roofs 90 .80 90 Lawns, Sandy Soil Lan�DSChac 0 .00 05 .20 Lawns, Clayey Soil 0 .05 .10 .20 .40 NOTE: These Rational Formula coefficients may not be valid for large basins. *See Figure 2 -1 for percent impervious. 5 -1 -84 DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL 4 n Lu w x U Z v 3 x i- a w a O 2 N- l G U w a 1 L 1 2 3 DURATION (HOURS) Z FIGURE 2- 12. EXAMPLE 2.3 INTERPOLATING BETWEEN 1 AND 6 HOUR DEPTHS SOURCE: NOAA ATLAS 2. VOL M COLORADO. 1973 5 -1 -84 URBAN DRAINAGE P FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 0 RAINFALL Z5 - , eg , r UhAtuvAuc t M I QMA MAt1UAL 4' G v FIGURE 5 -1 EXAMPLE 5.2 TIME - INTENSITY - FREQUENCY CURVES T. 3 S. R.66 W. 5 -1 -84 URBAN DRAINAGE & FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 35th & Wadsworth Office Building Drainage Report City of Wheatridge Appendix B — Hydraulic Computations Xnt7PNIP Pnainw., ina 7 10 /1'i /Q 7'7Q PM 35th/Wadsworth Offic Bldg. Worksheet for Rectangular Channel Project Description Project File c: \lengr'g \Gients \I &1 \35th- wads \projectl.fm2 Worksheet Cap'y of 1 - Conc. Sluice Flow Element Rectangular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.004000ft/ft —tP MQJ. Depth 0.85 ft Bottom Width 1.00 ft Results Discharge 2.84 cfs —bj Flow Area 0.85 ft' Wetted Perimeter 2.70 ft Top Width 1.00 ft Critical Depth 0.63 ft Critical Slope 0.008526 ft/ft Velocity 3.35 fus Velocity Head 0.17 ft Specific Energy 1.02 ft Froude Number 0.64 Flow is subcritical. 10/07199 FlowMaster v5.13 11:15:01 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 35th/Wadsworth Offic Bldg. Worksheet for Rectangular Channel Project Description 1.92 Project File c: \lengr'g \clients \I &I \35th- wads\projectl.fm2 Worksheet Cap'y of Sidewalk Chase Flow Element Rectangular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.004000 ft/ft Depth 0.50 ft Bottom Width 1.25 ft Results Discharge 1.92 cls Flow Area 0.63 ft Wetted Perimeter 2.25 ft Top Width 1.25 ft Critical Depth 0.42 ft Critical Slope 0.006523fVft Velocity 3.08 fus Velocity Head 0.15 ft Specific Energy 0.65 ft Froude Number 0.77 Flow is subcritical. 7100 —`C (Z. �t�. �cZ�gs� = O•S� C;�.t �.pK. 10/07/99 FlowMaster v5.13 11:11:24 AM Hassled Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section -Major & Minor Storms Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File cAlengr'g\ clients \I &1135th- wads \projectl.fm2 Worksheet 100 -Yr. Capacity-W. 35th Av. Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.017000 fttft Water Surface Elevation ft Discharge 19.18 cfs 0 0 W Station (ft) 0924199 FlowMaster v5.13 03:24:09 PM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Cross Section -Major Storm Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File c: \lengeg \clients \I &1 \35th - wads \project1.fm2 Worksheet 100 -Yr. Capacity - Wadsworth Blvd Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.010000 ft/ft Water Surface Elevation 0.97 ft Discharge 129.81 cfs 9 C O W m W 0 .J, 0924/99 FlowMaster v5.13 03:17:58 PM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 Station (ft) Cross Section -Minor Storm Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File c: \lengr'g \clients\I81 \35th- wads \projectl.fm2 Worksheet 5 -Yr. Capacity - Wadsworth Blvd Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.010000ft/ft NPG2. Water Surface Elevation 0.60 ft Discharge 4.39 cfs x c 0 iu W 1.0 0.9 t� 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 Station (ft) 0924199 FlovMlaster v5.13 03:16:01 PM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 35th & Wadsworth Office Building Drainage Report City of Wheatridge Appendix C — Detention Pond Computations Kntvehne Pnoineerino R MA I /Q9 9'99 PM § 7 ca \ ± k § CO } \ ro ( / LU \ 0 § \ ) / \ \ k ) § \) \ \]\ \$ m " cc cc(ka_ ).2 LO }'0 Cc 0 co )( �s3la« a) (u / w33±3\ } y 0 ci It J E 105 i�\ § Lq 0 ) ca m \ }\j\ \jj( \\ 0 / co to \ cc , ` 23 \\ ;f I \ } % ;f� :0 CL egk`±\ � LL k 22 -CL -a §2 -) O\ O § ))��� ))��\ & § ® - - - - a| J0 ■ «) �\ � �® &§ \ 0 ro ( / LU \ 0 m W N L Is rn C O C N E D v G O CL 01 U 0] O r O ca N ca L In M C �N N 9 C 0 a J LL d' U CL W OD O m v r m L N W LO 1` O C O V II 7 O i W U) .. c d E O Y U y v O O m O N m 0 O O tLq 0 co 0 N N . I I m II II 11 m C/i II ca Q N } N N w N v N O ca =; IT O LO O O 7 C O > 11 -O co TO O V 11 m Q O' O 2O L Q IT E L N `p O_w CL 3 } O O z, m O e O Li N m m a 01 G m C . O C W N N O Y m II L E 0 II c O a m II m N U 0 L r O 3 m a m L In co M O m m 0 m rn m a Ol C N N C c c w m O Y OPEN CHANNEL FLOW f the channel is divided by an island into two channels figure 5.5), Q will usually be known. It may be neces- ary to calculate Qi and Q2 in that case, or, if Ql and 22 are known, it may be necessary to find the slope. .B Q A 2_ Figure 5.5 Divided Channel Since the drop (ZB – ZA) between points A and B is the same regardless of flow path, _ ZB – ZA 5.21 S ' Li ZB – ZA 5.22 Sz = L Once the slopes are known, Qr and Q2 can be found from equation 5.9. The sum of Qi and Q2 will probably not be the same as the given flow quantity, Q. In that case, Q should be prorated according to the ratios of Q and Q2 to (Q1 +Q2)- If the lengths Li and L2 are the same or almost so, the Chezy - Manning equation may be solved for the slope by writing equation 5..23. 1.49 I 4 - 1 ( i H,) + 2 (rH, ) Q= Qi +Qz= L r nl 5.23 10 FLOW MEASUREMENT WITH WEIRS A weir is an obstruction in an open channel over which flow occurs. Although a dam spillway is a specific type of weir, most weirs are designed for flow measurement. These weirs consist of a vertical flat plate with sharp- ened edges. Because of their construction, they are called sharp- crested weirs. Sharp - crested weirs are most frequently rectangular, consisting of a straight, horizontal crest. However, weirs may also have trapezoidal and triangular openings. If a rectangular weir is constructed with an opening width less than the channel width, the overfalling liquid sheet (called the nappe) decreases in width as it falls. This contraction of the nappe causes these weirs to be called contracted weirs, although it is the nappe that is actually contracted. If the opening of the weir extends 5 -7 the full channel width, the weir is called a suppressed weir, since the contractions are suppressed. H suppressed Figure 5.6 Cont_ rued and Suppressed Weirs The derivation of the basic weir equation is not partic- ularly difficult, but it is dependent on many simplifying assumptions. The basic weir equation (equation 5.24 or 5.25) is, therefore, an approximate result requiring correction by the inclusion of experimental coefficients. If it is assumed that the contractions are suppressed, upstream velocity is uniform, flow is laminar over the crest, nappe pressure is zero, the nappe is fully ven- tilated, and viscosity, turbulence, and surface tension effects are negligible, then the following equation may be derived from the Bernoulli equation: l 3/2 ( 2 l 3/2 3 [( 2 g/ – \2g/ 5.24 Q = –b 2g H +— If yr is negligible, then Q = 2 b 2g(H)3/2 5.25 Equation 5.25 must be corrected for all of the assump- tions made. This is done by introducing a coefficient, C1, to account primarily for a non - uniform velocity dis- tribution. Q = � (C I )b,1 - 2g(H) 3 /2 5.26 3 w Z Z U U Z ui a 0 I will be requesting a rezoning change on the property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. It is located on the NE corner of 35 and Wadsworth. I will be requesting a change from R2 to RCI. I would like to build a one story, 4200 square foot building at this location. First Choice, formerly known as Lutheran Credit Union, would like to operate a credit union at this location and would occupy 2500 feet of this space. At this time I do not have a tenant for the other 1700 feet, but it too will be a high quality compatible tenant to compliment the area. This addition will comply to all Wheat Ridge building codes and in most cases will exceed all the requirements in respect to landscaping, parking, fire lane and set backs. I am enclosing a footprint of the building and a possible outside design; a final outside design may be available by the time you attend the meeting. I am not a native of Wheat Ridge, but I have been a resident for the past thirty years. If you can not attend the meeting you can call me at 303 -422 -8500 or send me a letter at 5500 W 44 Denver CO 80212 R g8' er P. Loecher Case No: 5595OR EXHSS =T •`A" ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: j BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE - QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. 1350 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST ONE - QUARTER; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE 190 FEET; THENCE EAST 175 FEET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1494, AT PAGE 134 A DISTANCE OF 190 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE OF WEST 35TH AVENUE; THENCE WEST 175 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST 35TH i AVENUE AND THE WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM, THOSE PORTIONS THEREOF DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1185, AT PAGE 428 AND .IN BOOK 1185, AT PAGE 430, ALL IN THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO I 1 , 3M Av -- .7-4 C5 I i *R, C }fi50 :ti'.eAT Ki:i= (T3JJ DER PCD 3 � W 55TH AVE � - f 2 � LU •.�, n w�Ar vicc -� PLAZq A • O YRAS -40 LU �u F PRD �w FA P_3 ;. r�--� w 35TH AVE I i *R, C }fi50 :ti'.eAT Ki:i= (T3JJ DER PCD 3 � W 55TH AVE A 91SUN •..V5 •+9>9 95T1 ..i14 gug 9961 . �! •� • \.•�� b29 3951 -2 - •� � • � az.2 -EF ER50N COUNTY RICT BOUNDRY OT BOUNDRY 'E5 OWNERSHIP) LINE :ATURE MULTIPLE ADDRESSES ^�I I ��I /� — ZONE DISTRICT Bc _ O V I V lJ �I A F — PARCEL /LOT BOUP (DESIGNATES OHM,, - �HFAT RI D6E « DENOTES MULTIPL'_ GCALE 1.400 ,OLORADO i ' P ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 ist Revision: Pebruory 20,1998 � - f 2 R sT A1Z r. x �y F6-P1b A 91SUN •..V5 •+9>9 95T1 ..i14 gug 9961 . �! •� • \.•�� b29 3951 -2 - •� � • � az.2 -EF ER50N COUNTY RICT BOUNDRY OT BOUNDRY 'E5 OWNERSHIP) LINE :ATURE MULTIPLE ADDRESSES ^�I I ��I /� — ZONE DISTRICT Bc _ O V I V lJ �I A F — PARCEL /LOT BOUP (DESIGNATES OHM,, - �HFAT RI D6E « DENOTES MULTIPL'_ GCALE 1.400 ,OLORADO i ' P ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 ist Revision: Pebruory 20,1998 j — OF PLANING MID DEVELOPPIB4T - 235 -2852 � - f 2 r. j — OF PLANING MID DEVELOPPIB4T - 235 -2852 of W q LAND tJSE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION j aE �HrgT� o Planning and Development Department 2 o 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 c �C ORPD� Phone(303)235 -2846 c ot ORP (Please print or type all information) Applicant OG�I /�LG�G S 0 c) 2- / Phone 303- �S City A9,(1 K"Cfo Owner 7AR).=S Address Soo r Y MPz3A) /rU Phone263 City %=1J0I-/Ftyoon co 5�611J Location of request (address) S.So 2 /0,4 w , /—' 4 b Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Variance / Waiver E] Site development plan approval ❑ Nonconforming use change ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Flood plain special exception ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interpretation of Code ❑ Temporary Use, Buildings, Signs ❑ Lot line Adjustment ❑ Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less) ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Subdivision (More than 5 lots) ❑ Street Vacation ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Other: Detailed description of the request: oA/ C/ < / /Zo C Fill out the following information to the best of your knowledge. Current Zoning: k 2— _ Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 196 X /. 3o _ Current use: 14-10 T Proposed use: F_,e C Z I 14N� e �✓ `a Df F 16 'e Assessors Parcel Number: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the uested a tion ca wfully be co plished. Applicants other than owners must submit C ' orney fr the ow er w r tj s action on his behalf. Signatur Subscribed and sworn to me this Atih day of , 19 r Notary Public F My commission expires Date rec Receipt No. n 000 l 3 Case No. - —9�- Related Case No. Zoning ' C - - �k i Quarter Section Map es 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . a Z 7= CHASE DRAIN 4 999 / TOP OF CURB—EL. PER PLAN L 1 1011 10-3/16 4" THICK C MIX CONCRETE QQNQEEIE 5LUICQE N.T.S, AM P11 I 101 a 9 A (Q to m 9 c--4 Nq;�PROPOSLU BUIL NG g9 � 4998* ALLS (1 2 T vn. VICINITY MAP 10 w 1/2 MILE 0-1 .0 0.40 Lp (Soo WNW Drainap Map for full boundai" of Bow" 0001) E r RE i / -\ 9'\ .PolkN'D PARA�IETER�0"S` 4"t S/W Mix Conc, 1 00— 00 YR. W.S. — 499& or better 100—YR. RELEASE (Hisloric) 1.72 CFS* 100—YR, RELEASE (H 'I storic ~ Site Onl 0.57 CFS* 01 5—YR W.S. = 4999-26 4 MQ1 4. AI All AL 5—YR. RELEASE (Historic) = 0.39 CFS* 5—YR. RELEASE Historic—Site Onl mom 0.13 CFS* 100—YR, VOL, RE QD = 2s905 C.F. 5—YR. VOL. = 1,133 G.F. *Includes offsite pass—thru 4 CTYP.) 1100 Yr.—W.S.=Top Elev.=98-00 '11-4 112-7/16" Notch 1 4 2" (T #4 Rebars @ 12' O—C 5—Yr. W.S.=Notch Elev.=97-54 4 3-5/8" Notch 10 41-1 [0611181:44149M11 I 94011MM1 (Section at Outlet) WN [-*I =11 L1111 LVI I 0.40% 1w I ® 4 4 4 4 4 Ai 1 4,0 1 4 .4 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 4 1,, 4 1 A 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 A 4 A 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 ® 4 1 1 41 q ® 1 1 A 40 4 1 r 14 J , 3 [81:441 :K MAM111 mvill SURWY BY.- His Consultonts, Inc. 11485 xpqsition Av. tokewood, CO 80226 (0)- 7312 PLAN PREPARED 8Y.- Do L. KoUstu-'e, P.E. 913-11th Golden, CO f0401 (JOJ)277- 11r X 1" FLAD" FINAL DRAINAGE PLAN m Auk 77777-�� z < 5 t h AVE VICINITY MAP 10 w 1/2 MILE 0-1 .0 0.40 Lp (Soo WNW Drainap Map for full boundai" of Bow" 0001) E r RE i / -\ 9'\ .PolkN'D PARA�IETER�0"S` 4"t S/W Mix Conc, 1 00— 00 YR. W.S. — 499& or better 100—YR. RELEASE (Hisloric) 1.72 CFS* 100—YR, RELEASE (H 'I storic ~ Site Onl 0.57 CFS* 01 5—YR W.S. = 4999-26 4 MQ1 4. AI All AL 5—YR. RELEASE (Historic) = 0.39 CFS* 5—YR. RELEASE Historic—Site Onl mom 0.13 CFS* 100—YR, VOL, RE QD = 2s905 C.F. 5—YR. VOL. = 1,133 G.F. *Includes offsite pass—thru 4 CTYP.) 1100 Yr.—W.S.=Top Elev.=98-00 '11-4 112-7/16" Notch 1 4 2" (T #4 Rebars @ 12' O—C 5—Yr. W.S.=Notch Elev.=97-54 4 3-5/8" Notch 10 41-1 [0611181:44149M11 I 94011MM1 (Section at Outlet) WN [-*I =11 L1111 LVI I 0.40% 1w I ® 4 4 4 4 4 Ai 1 4,0 1 4 .4 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 4 1,, 4 1 A 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 A 4 A 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 ® 4 1 1 41 q ® 1 1 A 40 4 1 r 14 J , 3 [81:441 :K MAM111 mvill SURWY BY.- His Consultonts, Inc. 11485 xpqsition Av. tokewood, CO 80226 (0)- 7312 PLAN PREPARED 8Y.- Do L. KoUstu-'e, P.E. 913-11th Golden, CO f0401 (JOJ)277- 11r X 1" FLAD" FINAL DRAINAGE PLAN r E PLA Al FOR IQ .00%. mpolur"m '1' OFFICE 35th & w AD..WuR H BU ILDING w HEATRIDGE COLORADO LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. m SITE SURVEY Y. His Consultong ,, 11485 W. Expo sltlop'Av Lokewood, CO 80226 (303)76J-7J12 1* a 1/2 MILE = 0 OF THE ACCEPTN" OF RIMIONS, CLX 01999 MGM RESERVED I A IS VW% v A vir Ir qVI"Oft 0,001ft E PL AN PREPARED 8 Y: Dovid L. Kotzebue, P.C. lr oksosmw Go /den, CO 80401 D D 38th AVE j m SITE < 0 35th AVE cn 0 < 3 AVE 't =gu = _ TOP OF CURB -EL. PER PUN -1 �. 0 .. J I ' lO 3/16 GUT w M. 1 - FROM OUTSIDE SURFACE P THICK C&G MIX CONCRETE CONCRETE SLUICE N.T.S. FRONT MEW SIDE MEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK CHASE DRAIN ME DRAINAGE PLAN LEGEND DEVELOPED BASIN DESIGNATION DEVELOPED BASIN SIZE IN ACRES ® DEVELOPED BASIN •C• FACTORS. i 4 5 -YR. k 100 -YR. STORMS DIRECTION OF R.O. 5 h AVE W DEVELOPED SA91N BOUNDARYDEVELOPED BASIN BOUNDM m DESIGN POINT FINAL DRAINAGE PLAN FOR 35th & WADSWORTH OFFICE BUILDING WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. WADSWORTH BLVD. � ;a9 l>w amlM WeH.ue we I Drive p m p m 38th AV 2 -7/15" Notch SITE o ter:.. i 4 z" (Tm..) I 3 5 h AVE W #4 Nabors 0 12 o -C n = I, p U0 POND PARAMETERS t S /W Mix COnc. 3 32d AVE 100 -YR. W.S. - 1998.00 or oetter F • . 'I p . 1/x mlL V � W n>e 8' of Detentil 5 of Cono. Si V 99 ) 1 Chase r cfure � — — — — — —�� I I __ -_ -_ � - Sam —�^✓ Ij�S I � 9 �9 Q -S2 t —S2 I I 4" (TYP ) • I �.I ' •1 • I,' I .I, I'I I, E 1 • I I � 1 .'I `. 1 j.•I, .I � I, I I I . I I 1 • 1 f' V •1 � l: 'I I �� I I - •--I —.H �-.' -I H' L N.T.S 2 -7/15" Notch ter:.. i 4 z" (Tm..) I � Zn me 10- 3 /16 "I #4 Nabors 0 12 o -C NAi )_.c aer 111.ne I, I 5 -Yr. WS.-NOICn Ele. �97 ' POND PARAMETERS t S /W Mix COnc. a 5/6° Notch 100 -YR. W.S. - 1998.00 or oetter F • . 'I GO FIR RELEASE (Historic) � 1.72 CFS• 1 Inv. El. Out 97.15 100 -TR. REUTAE (Historic -Site Only) - 0.57 CFSe I 5 -YR W.S. - 4999.26 4" I_� - -' -�• 5 -YR. REEASE (Historic) - 0.39 CFS• 5 -YR. RELEASE Historic -Sits Only) - 0.13 CFS• 6e6 wwM 100 -YR. VOL REVD - 2.905 C. F. 5 -YR. VOL - 1,133 O.F. uuwa as. a M wa ur Mwm.n .rte. n •,"` •Includes offsite pass CONCRETE WEIR END VIEW - (Section at Outlet) ei N T.S. 12naoa�il wgto ��x�e rl�pe ®uiul¢ fin • I �.I ' •1 • I,' I .I, I'I I, E 1 • I I � 1 .'I `. 1 j.•I, .I � I, I I I . I I 1 • 1 f' V •1 � l: 'I I �� I I - •--I —.H �-.' -I H' L N.T.S OF II i i 1 ter:.. � Zn me ANK, Bn ftAV MV 4@D In NAi )_.c aer 111.ne IMfW)Ml -1 M GOn. mN OF II i i 1 SITE PLAN FOR 35th & WADSWORTH OFFICE BUILDING WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO LOCATED IN THE HE 1/4 OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, LUNGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.Y. WADSWORTH BLVD. -� - - ; _ (R.O. W.: VARIES) o p m 38th AV m 2. nYO'R PROF05EP ZGNMJ6: X-1 SITE o h 0� 16' 10' sxcpuKr M mW usra ro uu ra souvops ue nm 3 35th AVE w F OF fOPPI. (n U) 40. —12' - 3 32d AVE 5 folds 24,500.4 100.0 2 pUpLlr mSrvY"wp MOPoSm' pro^ DKS h "dr S'p^l Cx >w5 °vx rM 1LGpNl^'S SI iF 51/RVEY BY: 26 o LsL HrU' M MY6WL NpMS AN' Kpr ro+w' uip ppp'Vp Wq/IK" _ • g � _ _— IXx ,. R I R 22' Drive 5. O LpReaaoO. CO 80116 Lo lOen, W 60101 aWO® m MW CC(i MI fG6111Y2 a ee, V 51XM1(r P aORfBY[ Of m M LWSp,LWR. PROPOSED BUILDING fiw)977-IIIB 9 4297.1 s.M. 34' DLL( 2AL 6' 0 . �II IT 23'3" 124' I I I I � I I WADSWORTH BLVD. -� - - ; _ (R.O. W.: VARIES) o p m 38th AV m i PROF05EP ZGNMJ6: X-1 SITE o ro: PPCFO`.ED lAW L%: sxcpuKr M mW usra ro uu ra souvops ue nm 3 35th AVE w F OF fOPPI. (n U) 11.5 - 3 32d AVE 5 folds 24,500.4 100.0 - 1f] unc CURNTZ01416 M -2 - i PROF05EP ZGNMJ6: X-1 ro: PPCFO`.ED lAW L%: sxcpuKr M mW usra ro uu ra souvops ue nm Lff 501M FootA E F OF fOPPI. ovum 4.297.1 11.5 - larbrq, &205:4 5 folds 24,500.4 100.0 SHEET 1 OF 1 ,. usartr mno,s sm.p a M P1Y6 uc .aweup.sc Ks pass. p e - i ro: DAVID HO '14513 sxcpuKr M mW usra ro uu ra souvops ue nm - DI1C COLA. P.E. •14513 wwciws rinpocs mnc sew «pcx vraa. oml rrss macs. sumtt G5, pICIpIC. IOFR W(. VAF n. CC). rt 6 M REYMSiBYIY . a M ocworu so pLlp su cmn wamwrtp nm wr ulxm xctpuroxs. 2 pUpLlr mSrvY"wp MOPoSm' pro^ DKS h "dr S'p^l Cx >w5 °vx rM 1LGpNl^'S SI iF 51/RVEY BY: K. PREPARED By LsL HrU' M MY6WL NpMS AN' Kpr ro+w' uip ppp'Vp Wq/IK" _ • ` - Xla Conaullcnb,.lN. • Darl✓ L. K010.1. P.(. IXx ,. l M ivMMr MCaunCM Sewx 6 CMw IR'Y a LMAY iaProFp R M pt�(LMq, 11485 W. Ca0p9lllpn Av. 91 }lllp 51. (1[>nu nep,cmpe .xp wn spW.2vwi. u,pra L Lav[i. m. sl,p,U. Dee. w..101. = LpReaaoO. CO 80116 Lo lOen, W 60101 aWO® m MW CC(i MI fG6111Y2 a ee, V 51XM1(r P aORfBY[ Of m M LWSp,LWR. (J0.U76J -7JI] fiw)977-IIIB DLL( 2AL i I FOR OFFICE BUILD 35th & WAD WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 26 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. 21 -I 10 I L re, o 0 22' Drive E IN 1'111.1J //rf 11A I I-1 - 1900-00 171 2 3'x" 24 Li 38th AVE CC ........... S ITE < PLICAIIED OISC W LIC REPRODUCEb OR ANY MM,00 IN WHOLE ON PAK, 0 3: 35th AVE 0-L" MATION THEY DEPICT SMU K WMH Lj 0SUAL CONTACT WIN TWU PL" o EVIDENCE OF THE ACCVIANX (W THESE RESTRICTIVONS, DLX 0 1 32d AVE yy 21 -I 10 I L re, o 0 22' Drive E IN 1'111.1J //rf 11A I I-1 - 1900-00 171 2 3'x" 24 S I TE SURVEY BY: His Consultants, AN WWI 11485 W. Exposltl�mv, Lakewood, CO 80226 (JOJ)763-7JI2 SAP c§) 16' DRA" FORA �y PLICAIIED OISC W LIC REPRODUCEb OR ANY MM,00 IN WHOLE ON PAK, TITLE TO THE PLANS & THE IWOR- MATION THEY DEPICT SMU K WMH KOTZEBUE ENQNEVtK "WO PREJUDICE. 0SUAL CONTACT WIN TWU PL" SQL CONSTRM PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCVIANX (W THESE RESTRICTIVONS, DLX 0 1 yy - "H T S I TE SURVEY BY: His Consultants, AN WWI 11485 W. Exposltl�mv, Lakewood, CO 80226 (JOJ)763-7JI2 SAP c§) 16' I a AI r T ) III III I CHASE DRAIN TOP OF CURB—EL- PER PLAN L 1 -- NIt, -- 114<14� F 1 r NMt 1" FROM E SURFACE FINAL DRAINAGE PLAN A 4" THICK C&G MIX CONCRETE ( 'ONCRETE SLUICE N.T.S. a� PROPOSED BUIL&NG 4g9 ....... ... . ... .. 4998. 4998 go WE. qA v 11110m I Lp , ��!IOT 11 ON • 4" (T p. 100 Yr.—W.S.—Too Elev.=98.00 W POND PARAMETERS 4 t S/ , Aj Mix Conc. 1 CAI 0—YR, W. S. = 4998-00 or better 100—YR. RELEASE (Historic) 1.72 CFS* 100—YR. RELEASE ( Historic—Site Onl 0.57 CF S* C _AQ 4" —= -Q-Q 9 6 46 0 0 5—YR. RELEASE (Historic) CFS* 5—YR. RELEASE Historic—Site Onl 0. 13 CFS* 100—YR. VOL, REQD 2o9O5 C.F. 5—YR. VOL. 4000 1,133 C.F. *Includes offsite pass—thru QQNCR,EIE WEIR END VI (Section at Outlet) N.T.S. 6x6 WW1 4 A 4 A.0 d 4 1A q A 1, 1 41 4 4 4 4 4 40 4 4 °1 4 � d � � 4 A A 1. 1 4 fi �� 4 A 4 � del � 4 I I I 4r- 4 4 A A a 1 . 4 A . -0 14 4 4 A SUR VEY IC Y.- 1S Consultants, Inc. 11485 W Exposition Av. tokewood, CO 80226 (303) 76J- 73 1,E PLAN PREPARED BY: 00W L. KotZebut - 913w"11th St Cv1den.. CO 80401 (JOJ)277-1418 0 m 3 8 th A L ................. :E S ITE z < CY.00' 3 5t h A VE C o V - - ---- -------- --- -- ON WON 3 2d 0 - -------- ------- U 0a. (0). 112-7/16 Notch 2 C TYP • ) #4 Rebars 0 12' O—C 5—Yr. W.S.=Notch Elev.=97-54 43 --5/8" Notch 10 4 /16 CC 0.40% ow -- - - ---- --- --- Hi dii � liEl I re - , P -tea --------- --- -- -- - ----- -- ---------- --- E. ----- ----- --------- --- -- -- - ----- -- j2 7> --,4) -- --------- - -- - - - - --------------- - - --,4) NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 SIGN -IN PLEASE PRINT NAME Name Address Phone 2. D/Ctvid 7s U1. - lye, ��s l3ib 3. z 2513-4320/ 5. �iV �(/Iq o 29f? / W 42c)&,i1kC /.3O 05al ✓ (� ' a 7. ar tier 7sde W 35 v 237 3(2 t/ � � � $• 75`75L� 3s 2 � 9. 11n re- rcd llz�a � VA 7- 0 7 ( _7*'�7 CAMP c 20. lo. TRJ G., 8'D4o 3 L 11. �.,r�,x, /ems, r � ��i.,u.F`� Y 7 i- Y � �'. r Sep. 3.1999 9:28AM REMAY "BST RALSTON RD LAW O.FMICLS OF JAMES E. TuRRE C,VIT;_ X111 JOO EAST HAMPDEN AVENUE ENGLEWOOO, COLORADO eOI(O (303) 760 -1166 August 31, 1999 TO: City of Wheatridge, State of Colorado Dear Ladies & Gentlemen No. 4615 P. 1/2 From:GRUBINS On behalf of 35 W Joint Venture, owners of the real property known as 3502 Wadsworth ,Blvd., Wheatridge, Colorado, I am authorized to grant approval for Roger Y. Loecher to apply for and seek a change in zoning for the above property from R2 to RC1. Yours very truly, G � Turre, neral Partner of 35 W. Joint Venture. s� �,ctir'l tSP Std -rte t�l�iht -! nnrc> ��z��4� �a v e- 64z- 7si0 IA), 3saue S�zs�9q CU Sao i63s - 2 is -p, J CS /�itT /E,e�o 2� 7507 J. 3S�c�z�e Vfti C � UC � i , c. JAcK�E rnr�cuT2ou�s �C iti GAtocl 7.5 n C, w . z rl�l�4}f3oY� M'�(o. g�25lgq Co =3o bp,,�. 3502 V.1 �O.OSV.(oCLn.{- 7 ° C �QJVe�vtS rs. W . 3Sr Ave" - f ant dan ccl ann B coo tisa - ° st 1 L �do.tn AAr-d'UtAAl r .&, D S„ °•' lJ�4Q Ybv' IM'/iK -- 0.K �— � A' '{,�a7�11/�.� �UM'�/�L VvjAjnl&[aJ�-- VVVV UJA.s Cr2IA4r WI-Ar V yvWR- P-Fa uv4ts o ((( r , r41EF- �aP °s�D us9E � g Au —tl,p Wu�••- �.t+cu U.I D �L•9Mn -Q Lt. �e�' J� P•LWt�SS��s -. 1 fLtPs�.t "�fn -� 4 V t/Y G UU n U flPAtnT'Y '6""'- wy "f1µ- v�l blf& . E> wxt OSt 1 ' b"Aeo 11 q u.3Le 0. '*�/- (11 ivvwtt -v vJ. 55M AC- t,6 O -, l wv= ee "'LL F4- 01 ,J,<<., uaC uj ter`^ five INac46 cv�rt�*rt ��t�t lwt.Q. 1.2s5ca.�,� �e� . o Cou -Cc2 �c CZed� -� U.u.✓,�. (osc ((� /�1� -c ? �c�orviec� �- 24 Woo lv eA - h , CnewA crs}Gry �e��1 hors �ll�4F. OKTZ� . S�zs�gef cer�.tq y la & s c cea2u� typo c 6e- VU5.. h & eg ae � d1 �yltr ca6t ava A. cw.�� kzo ti. • �1 � " rtia�u- swu VV- se eQe ws�Q� dlle�w� e+ !� � 4*-fe " _ O Dear Property Owner, I am writing to invite you to a Neighborhood Input Meeting to be held on August 25 at 6:30PM, at the City of Wheat Ridge, Lobby Conference Room I will be requesting a rezoning change on the property located at 3502 Wadsworth Blvd. It is located on the NE corner of 35 and Wadsworth. I will be requesting a change from R2 to RCI. I would like to build a one story, 4200 square foot building at this location. First Choice, formerly known as Lutheran Credit Union, would like to operate a credit union at this location and would occupy 2500 feet of this space. At this time I do not have a tenant for the other 1700 feet, but it too will be a high quality compatible tenant to compliment the area. This addition will comply to all Wheat Ridge building codes and in most. cases will exceed all the requirements in respect to landscaping, parking, fire lane and set backs. I am enclosing a footprint of the building and a possible outside design; a final outside design may be available by the time you attend the meeting. I am not a native of Wheat Ridge, but I have been a resident for the past thirty years. If you can not attend the meeting you can call me at 303 -422 -8500 or send me a letter at 5500 W 40 Denver CO 80212 Roger P. Loecher A>*l)+ V TgAW- It:> t y .1 I aoilll�� nm� s�us►�i�N�! � d .Q 4 SS �a 1�. y t 7 2 � 5 Z P ! a } r b r 1� t I o S tv 0 z IN - - * - - - - -- ------- - - - - -a MetroScan / Jefferson --------------------- - - - - -* Owner :Jiffy tube Insured Income Partners Lp Schedule :024342 Site :3601 Wadsworth Blvd Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 233 00 023 Mail :PO Box 2967 Houston Tx 77252 Xferd :12/20/1988 LandUse :2111 Vacant,Commercial Price :$586,100 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.15 * --------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson •----- - - - - -- Owner :Wyatt Richard A Jr /Rebecca J Schedule :025062 Site :3650 Wadsworth Blvd #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 261 00 058 Mail :3650 Wadsworth Blvd Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :07/29/1998 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$172,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1953 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:1,120 Ac:.52 * ---------------------- - - - - -. MetroScan / Jefferson • - -- ---- - - - - -* Owner :Epperson Linda B Schedule :025174 Site :7520 W 35Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 261 00 175 Mail :7520 W 35Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :01/07/1999 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$134,900 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1952 Parking: Firepl:l TotArea:1,452 Ac:.32 * --------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson ------------ - - - - -* Owner :35W Joint Venture Schedule :025859 Site :3502 Wadsworth Blvd Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 261 00 120 Mail :1375 E Tufts Ave Englewood Cc 80110 Xferd :03/05/1998 LandUse :2111 Vacant,Commercial Price :$68,000 TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.56 * --------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson • - - - - -- - - - - - -* Owner :Life Centre Ministries Schedule :026955 Site :3495 Wadsworth Blvd Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 262 00 014 Mail :PO Box 33 Oakley Ks 67748 Xferd :11/16/1989 LandUse :9179 Exempt,Charitable,Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.35 * MetroScan / Jefferson :- ------------ - - - - -* Owner :Chan Eugene Y Schedule :124203 Site :3650 S Wadsworth Blvd Denver 80235 Parcel :59 021 04 003 Mail :3650 S Wadsworth Blvd Denver Co 80235 Xferd :12/23/1991 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$154,800 TaxDist :7022 OwnerPh. . Bedrm: Bth: YB:1974 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:9,328 Ac:.57 * --------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson •----------------------- - - - - -* Owner :Seattle Fish Co Schedule :183874 Site :3601 S Wadsworth Blvd Denver 80235 Parcel :59 022 04 001 Mail :6211 E 42Nd Ave Denver Co 80216 Xferd :03/04/1999 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$1,340,000 TaxDist :7022 OwnerPh :303- 329 -9595 Bedrm: Bth: YB:1985 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:6,995 Ac:1.39 --------------------------- MetroScan / Jefferson - - -- - Owner :Luke Ronald C Schedule :428549 Site :3470 Wadsworth Blvd Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 261 09 016 Mail :10748 E Crestridge Cir Englewood Cc 80111 Xferd :01/28/1998 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3139 OwnerPh :303- 779 -9851 Bedrm: Bth: YB:1999 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:7,120 Ac:.66 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. io Si L-J Cn C) N CID Q-3 C) JT C: lz Cn C) N CID Q-3