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Vl4/& P- I- e,cl I< f .t vt c r- 7`''~ cvtc r S+. L.~ c~ + YJ + S c, v~ + S 0,F NOTICE OF APPEAL -nk' ' F'J 00 MAR -9 AM 9: 05 TO: CITY CLERK, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FOR: CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DATE: f / f i . SUBJECT: CASE NO. APPLICANT : fT-Fy.i /1~ his riF~.r~/ PETITION/APPLICATION RE: ~Te ti e-//.Q-3 7- li SGd O~/y raj ;It4 REASON DECISION IS BEING APPEALED: 'e'- w.~ cam' C YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that appeal is hereby made to the City Council of the decision rendered by the Planning Commission at its meeting of concerning the above titled matter. (Signature) Print or type name : tC~U~ z ~r~~i9 w (Address) :Z720 tai ~~GGi~ AUF (City and Zip) (Telephone) 222 z - F272-45E'5/5- DISPOSITION: Appeal scheduled for of @ ut Wnci Date: 3-9-no City Clerk: City Treas: - Mayor: My Mgr: ✓ City Atty: ,;gept Heads: March 9', 2000 TO: City of Wheatridge I am writing this letter to Appeal the decision by the City of Wheatridge Planning Commission in March 2nd, 2000 in Case numbers WZ-99-14, MS-99-05 and PBG-99-02 in regards to the denial to rezone the 30 foot strip of C-1 zoned property to R-3 . The reason the request was put forward was not to increase density but rather to spread out the proposed five duplexes. The property at 4445 Parfet is made up of three parcels, A, B and C which totals over an acre of property. The request was to zone the entire piece of property R-3 so that the proposed five duplexes could be spread across the entire acre of land via the Planned Building Group request. The planning commission felt the property might fall under a newly passed law that states that you cannot combine R-3 properties for the purpose of increasing the density. I feel that we were not informed of this law prior to application and also feel that this piece of property is a single addressed, single deeded piece of property, with three legal descriptions, that would not fall under this law. The subject of water drained from the property was heavily discussed at the Planning commission meeting. I hired Foothills Engineering to evaluate and engineer the drainage on the proposed property. Foothills Engineering worked for six months with the Public Works divisions of the City of Wheatridge to meet all the requirements of the City. I feel that the drainage should not be an issue because it was fully address by paid professional and experts in their field and that all of the Cities requirements had been met. Sincerely Kevin M. Finnegan 10:6 WV 6- 8VW 00 301.I30 S M x310 . J.;;; Q!~ !V311hi 30 ^ a Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about allowing expansion of anything on a lot that is too small, and indicated she would vote in favor of the motion only because she doesn't want to rezone agricultural property. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that Case No. CUP-00-10, a request for approval of a conditional use permit to allow a private school in an A-1 zone district at 4501 Parfet Street be approved for the following reasons: 1. The proposed use would cause less of an impact than the existing use. 2. The proposed use would not cause as much impact on the neighborhood in the evening as the existing use. 3. The site improvements will enhance the overall appearance of the neighborhood. With the following conditions: 1. Future enrollment shall not exceed fifty students. 2. The conditional use permit is only for this school and is not to be with the property. 3. Parking along Parfet Street shall be improved in accordance with the public works department to improve the sight triangle, and striping for parallel parking only will be placed in the excess right of way in front of the school on Parfet Street. In response to a question from Commissioner DOYLE, Meredith Reckert stated that staff would be agreeable to withdraw their request for a six-foot solid fence in light of the letter received from Mr. Williams. Commissioners BRINKMAN and GOKEY strongly encouraged the applicant to install irrigation for the new plantings. Commissioner SNOW requested the following amendment to the motion: Add Condition No. 4: That the school not open until the building has been sold and all church services have moved out. The amendment was accepted by Commissioners THOMPSON and GOKEY. The motion carried by a vote of 8-0. (A recess was called by Chair MACDOUGALL at 8:55 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:05 p.m..) B. Case No's. WZ-99-14. MS-99-05 and PBG-99-02: Application by Kevin Finnegan to rezone a portion of property located at 4445 Parfet Street from Commercial-One to Residential-Three; a two-lot minor subdivision on 4445 Parfet and 11050 West 45th Planning Commission Page 5 March 2, 2000 Avenue; and a planned building group plan with a variance to Section 26-30(N) on 4445 Parfet Street. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the subject property. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Ms. Reckert stated that the deed for parcel A included the 30 feet which is presently zoned C-1. She further explained that staff requested the applicant to do a planned building group plan so that it could be recorded against the property. The applicant could not then build anything else without coming to the city and repealing the plan. Different zoning options were discussed with the applicant, and this is the plan he chose. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Meredith Reckert stated that Public Service Company has made no indication that they plan to bury any existing lines in this area. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINI{MAN, Meredith Reckert stated that concern about low-income housing was expressed at the August, 1999 neighborhood meeting. Meredith Reckert explained that the applicant has reduced the density for his project from a multi-family building to duplexes. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about access to the second story for the handicapped unit and questioned why the handicapped unit was the only unit without a garage. She also expressed concern that the Comprehensive Plan shows this area as single family. In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Ms. Reckert explained that a cul- de-sac design would limit the applicant to two lots which is the reason for the applicant's driveway configuration. However, if the variance is not granted, the applicant still has the option of constructing an apartment house. Kevin Finnegan 7720 West Phillips Avenue, Littleton Mr. Finnegan, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. He briefly reviewed his applications and stated that his original proposal was to build a thirteen-unit, possibly one or two building, complex. The area beneath the power lines would have been a parking lot. However, upon advice from the planning department, he agreed to reduce the density from thirteen to ten units. Regarding the handicapped unit, he stated that unit was chosen because the power line easement cut into that area. He explained that the master bedroom and bathroom of the handicapped unit uses up to twelve feet of the garage area. The proposed garages are twelve feet wide which is not large enough for wheelchair access to a vehicle. He also stated that the plan presented tonight is the same as that discussed at the August, 1999 neighborhood meeting. Planning Commission Page 6 March 2, 2000 In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Finnegan stated he planned to sell the units individually for $120 per square foot or an approximate cost of $160- 170,000 per unit. The single family house planned for the other lot will be approximately 1600 to 1800 square feet upstairs and down and will also sell for $120 per square foot. In response to questions from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. Finnegan explained that property in front of the units will be the responsibility of the homeowners association and all of the property between each unit and behind each unit will be the responsibility of the individual homeowner. There would be a front facing fence between each unit and homeowners would have the option of erecting a fence between the units. Commissioner COOPER asked what the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) requirements are for a garage. Commissioner SNOW replied that there are no ADA requirements unless the unit is built in conjunction with state or local governments. Thomas Rossillon 9327 West Iowa, Lakewood Mr. Rossillon, engineer for the applicant, was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. In response to concerns expressed by Commissioner GOKEY, he described elevations and drainage on the property. Commissioner COLLINS inquired about drainage. Mr. Rossillon explained that all water up to a five-year flood will be detained. Above that point, water will be released into a six-inch pipe that flows into the curb and gutter and across a cross-pan into an area with buried rip- rap located in city right-of-way. Greg Knudson stated that this plan was satisfactory with the city. In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Rossillon stated that he was not aware of any flooding history in this area. Barbara Newman 4430 Pierson Street Ms. Newman was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. Ms. Newman stated her opposition to this project and felt that one-story single family residences were more suited to the area. She also requested that a solid eight-foot fence be built between her property and the units to serve as buffering. She also expressed concern that this development will have an adverse impact on the intersection of 45th and Parfet. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Ms. Newman stated that she has not experienced any drainage problems in her back yard. Commissioner COLLINS commented that trees in the backyards of the development might help to buffer the development from adjacent neighbors. Leland J. Fidal 4480 Pierson Street Mr. Fidal was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated his opposition to the Planning Commission Page 7 March 2, 2000 application and also expressed concern about safety issues related to increased traffic congestion in the area. He would not be opposed to homes that fit in with the neighborhood. In regard to drainage, he stated that storm water runs to the east and south and not to the north, and that the water table in this area in the summer is only two feet below the ground. He stated there are power lines on his property along the fence line and asked how Public Service Company would be able to maintain these lines if this project is built five feet from his property line. He was also in favor of the eight-foot solid fence. He expressed concern that this project is too high in density for such a small area. Commissioner SNOW asked if it would be helpful to have the power lines buried. Mr. Fidal replied that he would prefer that. Since the utility poles are located on his property, this would be a matter for Mr. Fidal to discuss with the Public Service Company. Commissioner BRINKMAN commented that, considering the price of these units, they could not be considered low-income housing. She also urged the neighbors to consider a more neighborly approach than to erect an eight-foot fence between the properties. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Fidal stated that the catch basin for storm drainage on Pierson Street is located in his front yard. Commissioner COLLINS suggested that the storm drain be run down to a connection at 44th; and if there are any water issues with the neighbors, the developer should pay the cost. In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Knudson stated that it was his opinion that the drainage plan was accurate and acceptable. Commissioner COOPER commented that it is inevitable that this piece of property is going to be developed and this plan is less of an impact than an apartment building. Regarding the single family residence, Commissioner GOKEY asked if the applicant would consider building a one story house. Mr. Finnegan stated that it would not work because of bedrock which would prevent the construction of a basement. He also pointed out that there are to be no windows on the west side of the house. Mike Ota 4420 Pierson Street Mr. Ota was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. He expressed his opposition to the application because of the loss of privacy which will occur for his property. He stated that when he added onto his house, he chose to build a single story addition to stay with the character of the neighborhood and asked the applicant to also consider building single story units. He stated that he would be in favor of having the power lines buried so trees could be planted for a buffer. He was also in favor of the eight-foot fence. Commissioner THOMPSON stated that although she understood the neighbors concerns, the applicant does have the zoning to build the units as planned. The alternative is a higher density apartment building which could be ten feet higher than the proposed development. Planning Commission Page 8 March 2, 2000 Judy Martin 4485 Parfet Street Ms. Martin indicated her opposition on the public hearing roster, but was not present to speak. Charlotte Regrut 4440 Parfet Street Ms. Regrut was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. She stated her opposition to the application. Denise Midraugh 4686 Parfet Street Ms. Midraugh was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. She stated her opposition to the application because it will have a negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Commissioner SNOW reminded those present that Section 26-30(D) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws prohibits the consolidation of R-3 lots for the purpose of building multi- family units if the standards for building a single-family or duplex are met. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked the applicant if he would be willing to change to single story units. He replied that one-story buildings would not be feasible because it is not possible to build basements. She asked if he would consider using skylights or glass block in place of windows facing west. Mr. Finnegan replied that these two alternatives would be a possibility. Commissioner GOKEY commented that a certain amount of windows are required by the building code. Mr. Finnegan stated that he offered to sell a parcel to Mr. Fidal, but Mr. Fidal declined. In regard to the maintenance of Public Service lines, Mr. Finnegan stated that Public Service Company can access their lines through adjacent properties. It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner DOYLE that Case No. WZ-99-14, a request for approval of a rezoning from R-3 and C-1 to R-3 for property located at 4445 Parfet Street, be approved for the following reasons: 1. The proposed strip of C-1 property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing conditions. 2. It is generally desirable to have zoning lines run with lot lines. Commissioner SNOW stated that she would vote against the motion for the following reasons: (1) even though this is a small piece of property, it does add at least one additional unit in density; (2) it is completely in opposition to the Comprehensive Plan for this area which was recently approved; (3) she objected to the fact that in making property lines and zoning match up, it always results in higher zoning; (4) it is not in keeping with the neighborhood, even though it is a small piece of property; and (5) the handicapped unit is the only unit without a garage. Planning Commission Page 9 March 2, 2000 Commissioner COLLINS indicated he would vote against the motion for the same reasons listed by Commissioner SNOW. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Planning Commission March 2, 2000 Commissioner BRINKMAN requested the last sentence of item no. 3 on page 4 of the staff report which reads "The rezoning will not result in the creation of additional dwelling units" be removed. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern that, even though she does not like this plan, a higher density use could come in. The motion failed by a vote of 1 to 7, with Commissioners BRINKMAN, COLLINS, COOPER, GOKEY, MACDOUGALL, SNOW and THOMPSON voting no. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COOPER that the Cases MS-99-05 and PBG-99-02 be continued to an indefinite time to give the applicants opportunity to withdraw, redraw or appeal to the City Council. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. Meredith Reckert stated that the hearings will be republished but the applicant will not be charged another fee. Commissioner BRINKMAN requested that when the minor subdivision is considered that the following issues should be addressed: (1) the homeowners association should support and maintain the detention pond; and (2) upstairs balconies should be disallowed. Commissioner SNOW requested that the city staff review the drainage problems expressed by the neighbors. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing closed. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no Commission reports. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee or department reports. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that the meeting be adjourned at 11:55 p.m. Don The motion carried by a vote o 8-0. 69 Ann Lazzeri, Recording S( cretary Page 10 __-,---..,,.A.~---~---- ~ . u ~ r- I ~ J ~ 3 ~ „ B~? R~~?AF?1' PIN A~vD CAP "r0 E SET (TYP} N OQ° 18' 35" W .3~2.QQ F-T 10 E~.~EI~ENT F':R ' a--- LET 1 5' E~,SE~~E~1T x-445-4~~3 P~t~FET STREET (10 i~.~N. S) ~-x,794 SF ~ Zt~h~ED C-1 AND F?-3 ~ _ _ ______e_ PARCEL A _ ~F~~~,EL C U~ ~ ~ 26' ACCESS EASEMENT ~ • ~ N ~ y~ f f~` AND EMERGEP~CY VENf~LE ACCE S C~ ~ 1 f f/ N OD°8'42"W ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ f i ~ ~ ~ 85.44 FT ~ 1 -DETENTION/DRAIN ~ _ i ~ I 30' VALLEY EASEME '"i`H1S A.~~~q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ r ' ~ ~ ~ € t ~ ~ F 1 ~ t t 9 P ' U I~.lTY EA~EME~1T ~ ~ POINT 150 FEET..SUU z ~ ~ . WAY LINE C?F WEST 65.69 FT Q Q m P,aR,~LLEL TO SAiD S ~ c~ AVENUE, 125 FEET; to w SAID WEST LINE OF I E WATER DIST. IPJSIDE EDG ~ c- ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ! E,qS .ACCESS EASEMENT T~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K t c~lcs~ I FARFET ST. RQW ~ ~ I ~ l # I ~ TNE~JCE EAST PARALL c~ ~n ~ 1 ~ i z ~n I WEST 4~~TH ~`v~NUE, t ~ 10' UT1LiTl~' E~SEMENT~ _ , 34.39 FT 232.0 ~ T 7.4Q _ F0~lND PI;~ Af~D CAP F4U~~u P!N AND CAP _ LS NO ''351 fi I LS f~Q 2027 (NAT O UNDAR~'} POlN ~ ~F BEG#NNING w ACCESS RQAD CURVE DATA ~ .~a sa s i sc~t~E ~N ~~.~-r ¢ t ~u ~ 1 C 2 `r R = 4Q.00 FT R = 40.40 FT ~ = 62.~i3 FT L = 62.83 FT NOTES T = 4Q.00 FT T = 40.0 FT G = 80',00'00" D = 90~00'~~" ~h = 5fi.57 FT ~h = 56.57FT 1 } EIGHT-F4C~T WIDE UTILITY EASEM Brg = N 45°28'42" W Brg = N 44`31 ' 18" W HERESY GRANTEd ~ PF~IVATE PROPER~1' THE FROh~T A;P~"~ REAR LOT LINES QF EAC PLATTED APEA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE D THE iNSTAL~~Ti~N, MAINTENANCE, ,A~iD RE ELECTRfC, GAS, TELEVISION t~ABLE AND TE~EGQMMUNICATIQNS FACI~iTIES. UTILITIE BE PEFMiTTEO `JVlTH1N ANY ACCESS EASEM PRIVATE STREETS !N THE SU~DIVISiON. P STRUCTURES A~J~ 1~lATER METERS SHALL N s PERMITTED WITHIN SAID UTlLiTY EASEMENTS 2 ~ T~~ 2) AFL BACK LUT EASEMEi~TS ARE El~HT ~,E~r s~ a kND A~.L SIDE SOT EASEMENTS ARE FIVE- " ~ UNLESS OTHE~'x1~lSE. NOTED. 44th PL. ~RUi7t)AEE ~ S~`~'Q` ~ 3) AFL SIDE. ANQ REAR EASEMENTS ARE ',"h Ate. a DRAINAGE PURPOSES, WHERE UTILITY MEA SEWER, WATER, ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEVISION TELECOMMUNICATICJNS. 4j NO RETAIfi~PNG WALLS, FENCES, SHRU ~ QTHER flBSTR~aTiQNS MAY BE PLACED IN WHICH WIT. AFF=ECT THE FLOW OF DRAINA EASEMENTS. STS SHALL BE SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST Dl':~r*'OVER `~'Alv rsr ► ht ~,t i Y ti THE ACCESS SOk...,~H DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAI~' ANY ACTIN BASED {AND THAT ANY ITEM (303) 278-0622 a. ITEM SO CONSTRUCTED -OR LOC,AT/V'1~t MAP A5) ALL LLOWED FREE MOVEMENTTENANTSTHROUGHGUESTSTHE a. 1 if'f F1R1 A AIV nrrrn-r iAi T1 Iff'^ C"t ii'"'l k it-'wo i'^% r° e'~.~k I t lr►t v.t^r~ illi~ 1 hl~ 1.. ~i i YV f~I IV Kl, A A ( ' C' t" 3 "1" t'" ~ `l_ ~ 6'" ~ 1'"t`1 r° lr'"!1 ~ _ F ti : h 1 a ~"f t t / A # ~ N"' f'►l EASEMENT/EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS A~ OVERFLOW PARKIN. THE ACCESS EASEME VEHICLE ACCE~~ SHOWN HEREON SHALL 8 AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUB OWNERS„ HEIRv:, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGN 3~ SURVEY COMPLETED BY COWAN ENGINEERING & HOMEOWNER' ASSOCIATION. IN THE EVEN SURVEYING, INC,, PO BOX 83, ARV,4DA, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT COLORADO 80001, TELEPHONE 3 0 3 -422-115 4. SAID OWNED, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE S "mom -d-~----~-- _ ~ - j, 6; - PAR;i~vf~ ~,~'~A ~flR EX±':~TII~~ 4FE"~t:;~ B~.DG. r~. f~V ACCESS C~~iVE ENT?ANCE {SEE. VEf~TI^~i~ CU~i~ W!TH DRlVECU1~ DE~AI~.) 6 y. ~ EXIST!~1~ MH,~t_~OX r } ! 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C D.12 4~ EROSIaN CONTRCJL. MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED ~ ~ ~ 2 PRIOR T~ GRADING ACTIVITIES. 5~ AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION, AIL E O~C}7 T~MPQRA~r2Y AND PERI~9APJENT EROSION AND SEC~IMENT ~QNTRC~L. SHAD. ~3E MAINTAINED ANQ REPAIRED AS NEE~?ED TO PREVENT ACCELERATED ERQSIt~N ON THE SITS OR QN ADJACENT PROPERTIES. 6~} ALL T~PS01~. SNALL. BE SALVAGED. EXCA'v'aTED MATERIAL AND TOPSC3IL SN~LL ESE REDISTRIBUTEQ WfTHiN THE.. GRADEQ AREA AFTER ROUGH GRADING TO Q PRQVtDE A SUITABLE BASE FOR AREAS WHIC~d i~liLL BE SEEQED AND PLANTEE~. RUNOFF FROM STQCKPILED AREAS SHALL BE CON € HULLED 10 F'Kk.vEN I LKUStuN. ► / ~S Kxu I u:~) OVER 6"' BEDDING FROM ~ OVERF"LOW CREST TO 7) SAIL STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED BACK OF WALK FIN"NEGAN MINI-OR ~iUHDIVI~JUN WITHIN 30 DAYS TO DISTURBED AREAS WHICH MAY ~ 6w BUR`t` RIPRAP UNDER 6" { a ° ~ TOPSOIL AND REV£GETATE O NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE, BUT WILL BE LEFT DORMANT y WITH TURF GRASS FOR LONGER THAN 60 DAYS. ~ NQ FREES OR SHRi.1E3S TO THE BE LOCA p ED IN 8) FUGITIVE DUST EMISSIONS RESULTING FROM OVERFLOW AREA GRADING ACTIVITIES AND/OR WIND 'SHALL BE CONTROLLED USING THE BEST AVAILABLE CONTROL OVERFL.OW SE TECHNOLOGY AT THE TIME OF GRADING. CROSS PAS DETAIL. _ _ - - _ _ f I 1 I MAXINCt1hR BUILDING EN'~ELOPE i ~H~3V~JN (TYP) I QRIVI 'S'AY ~ 1 -~i itl 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 T u, NE~J MANHQL~` ~ ~ i ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ POWER ..POLE - - - ~ ~ TO REMAIN 1 } ~ EXISTING TREE i EXiSjING MAILBOX - • - TO 8E REI.fl~ATED STA 0+00 AT EXiS i INS EGDE PARFET STREET h{EW VALVE ~ ~F PAVEMENT - - _ _ _ - _ - S w W w - 5392.0 PROPOSED ACCESS ° - ..rv_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ PARFET STREET 5388, 0 _ . 4 FT MINIMUM CQVER OVER ALL WATER LINES 5 3 8 ~ . 0 u~._.~ 4_ . _ _ _ t n~_ _ _ _ _ . i t _ ~~8~.0 INV. ir~v 5382.fl _~.w ~ ~..n~~. _ _ _ 9 x_ F ~ ~ } EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MAIN 3) 278-0622 @A! C"C"3t"'~ll C°`lit 1'x`1_1 l1~ iT "r't"1 ~~!"1C~T~1 5380.0 0+00 0+50 _ _ .__a_~..-... x, a .4 ~ i A ~ r t { . ~a~; a, f ,xk b, ,i' lS f ~.y y' l` _ 5 I 4 "Y ' ~ - ~ ` ( II w i. c x^ * ._..p},a-~ cog i r F r. bn e. f- ~ i~. ; e: - ~ °WW^+,~.. } ad":[Wv.. ,.Yy._ as ..ter is b... ¢«~.mN-r~7~ -~.pen+~0-. „~y. 1,, 1 a 3. t- x , ~ R,. 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S y~~~ 'YYbM p - a 1 ~ .w . , f k,. _ v S o -L<S -moo o iz c s G} 02-41 l" lbtlr~l~~7 r Paso o/.r nug u o; aauuuun u gjFA uu; Stihti uo uois;n;pgn 0 auoq . ppV UK ;aai;S 333 d Shtih UO (10 0£-9Z uoc;aa .t u;pirn auuu; u ,anuaAV ;Sb;sa~ SOii pu apu puL r atw;off-one u .aa zqy-;ur;u p! d o; aup-;eta ramu[oo uio t3 as r; ;a3aud Shhh;u pa;ua ; .r oc 3o u p o u au za o; uu (;uz[d asvald) :.LSHAbaR OOOZ Z gaae :a;uQ ZO-66 ogd 490- auu!g u;nax q uotuag 66 SW hT 6-ZAc1 *ON aSU3 Halsor 9NIUVaH airlgna CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: March 2, 2000 DATE PREPARED: February 22, 2000 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-99-14/MS-99-05;PBG-99-02/ CASE MANAGER: Meredith Reckert Finnegan ACTION REQUESTED: Rezoning from R-3 and C-1 to R-3, approval of a two-lot minor subdivision and approval of a planned building group plan with a variance LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4445 Parfet Street and 11050 W. 45`s Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Kevin Finnegan 7720 W. Philips Avenue Littleton, CO NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Toula Daddis 215 S. Dahlia Denver, CO APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA: DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS O OTHER 1.32 acres Residential-Two, Residential-Three and Commercial-One Vacant N:A-1, S: C-1; E: R-2, R-3; W: R-2 N: church, low density residential; S: Commercial; E: low density residential; W: low density residential. Single-Family Detached Residential (not to exceed 4 du's per acre). February 11, 2000 February 17, 2000 February 17, 2000 (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS O SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST The applicants have applied for a four- fold request 1, Approval of a rezoning from Residential-Three and Commercial-One to Residential-Three (Case No. WZ-99-14). 2. Approval of a two-lot minor subdivision (Case No. MS-99-05). 3. Approval of a planned building group plan (Case No. PBG-99-02). 4. A variance to Section 26-30(N) to allow more than four dwelling units on a private drive. Four separate motions will be required. All of the individual requests have been published separately II. CASE HISTORY The property in question is addressed 4445 Parfet Street and 11050W. 45`" Avenue as it is "L- shaped" with frontages on both Parfet Street and 45th Avenue and with three separate zone classifications on it (Exhibit `A'). A 75' wide Public Service Company easement traverses the property from southwest to northwest which complicates development of the property. In regard to the individual actions required, the applicant is requesting a rezoning from R-3 to C-1 tc consolidate zoning on 4445 Parfet. The two-lot subdivision is being requested to separate off the R- 2 portion (11050 W. 45" Avenue) from the southern portion (4445 Parfet Street) to allow for the construction of a single family residence on the north. The planned building group with the variance is being requested on the southern piece (4445 Parfet Street) in order to construct five duplex structures. This same property was subject to a two lot minor subdivision application pursuant to Case No. MS- 97-02. The applicant was requesting the subdivision approval to separate off the R-2 (north piece) from the R-3 portion (south piece). The case was approved by Planning Commission with conditions on August 7, 1997. Attached minutes included as Exhibit `B'. However, because the conditions of approval were not met by the applicant (related to legal description problems), staff recommended denial to City Council and the case was withdrawn. 111. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING A meeting for neighborhood input for the zone change was held on August 17, 1999. The following persons were in attendance: Sean McCartney - city staff Barbara Newman - 4430 Pierson Street Betty Mizell 10881 W. 451" Avenue Betty McCarthy - 10861 W. 45'" Avenue Lee Fidell - 4480 Pierson Street Char Fidell - 4480 Pierson Street Planning Commission Page 2 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 Pat Krupa - 10860 W. 45" Avenue Mike Krupa - 10860 W. 45" Avenue Kevin Finnegan - applicant The following items were discussed: How much would the units cost? How large are the units? Would the builder be willing to erect an 8' fence along the rear (west) property line? What kind of building materials will be used? How much parking will be provided? - The three primary concerns appeared to be: density, privacy, low-income housing IV. AGENCY REFERRALS The Department of Public Works has reviewed and approved a drainage plan and report, as well as the plat document. The installation of public improvements will be required along Parfet Street. Public Works will require that the private drive be constructed to the City's standard for pavement thickness. A copy of the homeowners' association's protective covenants must be reviewed for maintenance provisions. The Parks and Recreation Commission has requested a contribution of 5 % of the land value for parkland. purposes. The City Forester has evaluated. existing trees on the property and has determined that none of them are in good enough condition to save. He is requesting an equivalent caliper inch replacement of the trees removed. Public Service has indicated that they can serve the property and that any crossing of the 75'-wide easement will require a license agreement which has been forwarded to the developer. Their standard language has been included on the plat document as note #1. Valley Water has indicated that a mainline extension will be required within a 30' wide easement (private drive area). Arvada Fire Protection District is requiring a 26' all weather surface for the private drive/emergency access lane. They have requested that the driveway for the house on Lot 2 shall be 15' in width and capable of supporting emergency vehicles. The installation of a fire hydrant will be required in accordance with the district's standards. V. REZONING CRITERIA The southern 30' of the southern parcel (proposed Lot 1)is zoned Commercial-One. The applicant has requested a rezoning of this 30' to R-3 to consolidate zoning on the southern parcel to R-3. Planning Commission Page 3 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a change in zoning (change of zoning conditions): The existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is in error. The property is currently zoned Residential-Two, Residential-Three and Commercial-One. There is no mistake on the zoning map. 2. A change in the character in the area has occurred due to the installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration or development transitions. There have been very few changes to the area which is predominately developed with single- family residences and duplexes. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates the portion being rezoned as Single Family Residential (Not to exceed four units per acre) with Transitional Residential to the south along W. 44' Avenue. The density proposed for Lot 1 is 9.3 units/acre. Although the rezoning is inconsistent with this designation it makes sense to have zoning lines run with property lines. The rezoning will not result in the creation of additional dwelling units. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The property is surrounded by R-2 zoned, single family residences to the west and single family dwellings and duplexes zoned R-2 to the north. To the east is mix of R-2 and R-3 zonings with development which includes single family, duplexes and multi-family. A commercial property zoned C4 with an office building abuts the property on the south. Staff concludes that the 30' strip being rezoned and proposed planned building group for duplexes is consistent with zoning and land use in the neighborhood. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There will be no obvious social or recreational benefits as a result of this rezoning. There will be economic benefit by way of increased property taxes and values and increased buying power in the community. Planning Commission WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 Page 4 j~i 6. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All responding agencies can serve the property with appropriate upgrades installed at the developer's expense. 7. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. No additional units are added because of the rezoned strip (see comments under #8). Therefore, although the property is being developed, the zone change itself will not result in traffic congestion or the reduction of light and air to adjacent properties. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. The 30' strip of property under consideration cannot be reasonably developed under the existing C-1 zoning unless it is subdivided off and ownership transferred to the property owner to the south to be used as buffering for their parking lot. Under current conditions it may be used for landscaping for the duplex development but couldn't be used toward allowable density. The proposed Lot 1 is 46,794 square feet in size. Removal of the C-1 strip would be a reduction of 6051 square feet leaving the buildable density as 40,744 square feet. The property without the 30' strip could support 11 units (based on one unit for every 3630 square feet of land area While the 30' strip is not needed for density purposes, the southern-most structure on the planned building group plan straddles the zoning line and would have to be moved. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Spot zoning is not an issue. The rezoning approval would consolidate zoning on Lot 1. 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. Approval of the zone change will not result in providing necessary services, products or facilities. It will consolidate zoning on the property and allow more uniform development of the land. Planning Commission Page 5 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 VI. MINOR SUBDIVISION The applicant is proposing a minor subdivision to separate the R-2 portion from the R-3 portion to create two lots. Based on lot width and lot size, only a single family residence can be built on Lot 2. Lot 1 would accommodate 12 units but will be limited by the proposed, recorded planned building group plan to ten units (five duplexes). The 75 ` wide Public Service Company easement has been shown on the plat. No permanent structures can be built within this easement, however, it can be used for drives, driveway and landscaping with ornamental sized trees. A 10' wide right-of-way dedication will occur for West 45`h Avenue. No additional right-of-way is required for Parfet Street. The private drive is shown as a 26' wide easement. A corresponding note regarding free movement through the easement has been added. A 12' wide easement has been provided along the northern boundary of Lot 1 for sanitary sewer service to Lot 2. All minimum requirements of the R-2 and R-3 zone districts have been met. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. Minor subdivisions are reviewed only by Planning Commission unless right-of-way is being dedicated. VII. PLANNED BUILDING GROUP CRITERIA The applicant is proposing a planned building group plan for the R-3 zoned lot (proposed Lot 1). Pursuant to Section 26-30(C), administrative review is allowed for up to four structures on a single lot. Requests for over four structure on a single lot must be reviewed by Planning Commission and City Council. Proposed development on Lot 1 consists of five duplexes (10 units total) accessing Parfet Street by a private "horseshoe" drive. Each of the units has two garage spaces and two driveway spaces except the northern building. Because the northern two units are handicapped accessible, there will be no garages. The driveway for these two units is 40' long allowing additional vehicles to park there uncovered. Parking will be allowed on one side of the private drive to serve as overflow. Additional overflow parking is available on Parfet Street. Note #6 prohibits the parking of boats and RV's within the development. The units are proposed to be two stories in height, not to exceed 25'. Proposed architectural materials include siding and brick wainscoting. Fencing will be allowed between the units and in the back yard. Individual owners will be responsible for installation and maintenance of landscaping in the rear yards. All other landscaping and open space will be maintained by the HOA. Site data breakdown for the PBG includes 19.8% coverage by buildings, 29.2% of hard surfaces coverage and 52% coverage by landscaping and open space. All minimum requirements of the R-3 zone district regulations have been met or exceeded. - Planning Commission Page 6 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 Staff has the following comments regarding the PBG evaluation criteria: 1. Whether the proposed plan is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and of the Comprehensive Plan and that it would not be contrary to the general welfare and economic prosperity of the City or the immediate neighborhood and that the plan has been prepared to achieve the benefits of improved design. The Comprehensive Development Plan designates the property as Single Family Detached Residential (Not to exceed four units per acre). Lot 1 will have ten units on 46,794 square feet (including the 30'C- I strip) which computes to 9.31 units per acre. At a maximum, Lot 1 could accommodate 12 multi-family units based on the R-3 density standard. 2. Whether there are provided an adequate amount and proper location of pedestrian walks, malls and landscaped spaces to prevent pedestrian use of vehicular ways and parking spaces, and to separate pedestrian walks, malls and public transportation and loading places from general vehicular circulation facilities. At a minimum, 52% of the property will be landscaped. This includes the detention pond at the east side of the property which is located within the interior of the "horseshoe" drive. All landscaped and open space areas will be maintained by the Homeowners' Association except individual backyards. Public sidewalk will be installed along the Parfet Street frontage which will connect with the walk to the south extending to W. 44' Avenue. No sidewalk is proposed along the interior access drive. 3. Whether the design provides for an arrangement of buildings and vehicular open spaces so that pedestrians moving between buildings are not unnecessarily exposed to vehicular traffic. Although no interior sidewalks are provided, there will be minimal amounts of traffic on the private drive. Conflicts between pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic within the development should not be a concern. 4. Whether the plan provides for proper height, orientation and location of signs compatible with adjacent areas and with respect to traffic -control devices. There will be no signage proposed within the development other than a private drive sign and parking restriction signs on one side of the drive. 5. Whether the design is adequate for internal efficiency of the plan, considering the functions of residents, tenants and users, and including, but not limited to, public access, safety and such other factors including storm drainage facilities. Options for development of this property are minimal because of the easement which traverses it. Planning Commission Page 7 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 6. Whether adequate and convenient arrangement is provided for roadways, driveways, off-street parking and loading space, facilities for waste disposal and illumination. Each unit will have four parking spaces. Overflow parking can occur along one side of the private drive. No communal dumpsters are being proposed. Waste disposal will occur with private trash cans and a waste company hired by the HOA. Whether external effects of the plan are controlled, including, but not limited to, movement and congestion of traffic, arrangement of signs, placing of lighting devices to prevent the occurrence of nuisances, and the prevention of the accumulation of litter and trash. Street lights are already existing along Parfet Street. Appropriate residential-scale lighting will be installed around the units. 8. Whether the plan is in compliance with the building and fire codes relative to all aspects of construction and site development, including, but not limited to, accessibility by emergency vehicles. The Wheat Ridge Building Division has not voiced any concern regarding the type and quality of construction. All appropriate sections of the Uniform Building Code will have to be met. The Arvada Fire District can serve the property with line and hydrant installation at the developer's expense as well as requiring the 26' wide drive. Two of the units will be handicapped accessible. 9. Whether the plan has considered the comments and recommendations made by the various review agencies to the greatest extent possible or practical under the circumstances. All comments from responding agencies have been forwarded to the applicant's consultant and incorporated into the plan. 10. Whether necessary public improvements, including, but not limited to, curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway and drainage facilities as required, are provided for in the plan for construction and dedication. With the first building permit, the developer will be required to construct curb, gutter and sidewalk along Parfet Street as well as storm drainage for the property. The Public Works Department has approved the drainage plan included in the plan set as sheet 3 of 7. 11. Whether the proposed density (if residential) and character of development is compatible with the predominant character of surrounding uses and development. The property is surrounded by R-2 zoned, single family residences to the west and single family residences and duplexes zoned R-2 to the north. To the east is a mix of R-2 and R-3 Planning Commission Page WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 zonings with development which includes single family, duplexes and multi-family. A commercial office building with C-1 zoning abuts the property on the south. The adjacent residences are primarily one-story in height but could be increased to 35' in height per the zoning code. Staff concludes that the proposed duplexes are not inconsistent with the neighborhood. VIII. VARIANCE CRITERIA Section 26-30(N) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws allows up to four residential dwelling units to access a public street via a private drive. The applicant is proposing a planned building group plan that has 10 dwelling units accessing Parfet street via a 26' wide private drive. Provisions have been made on the plat document (Sheet 1 of 11, note 5) and the planned building group plan (Sheet 2 of 11, notes 3 and 4) regarding access and maintenance. The Public Works Department will require the access drive to be built to the City's standard for thickness. Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria used to evaluate a variance request: 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation for the district in which it is located? The property is not wide enough to accommodate full width street access from Parfet Street (i.e., 50'_of right-way with 90 degree cul-de sac bulb). Although there is adequate lot area to accommodate the. 10 duplex units, there is not enough width to subdivide each lot with direct access to Parfet Street. The use of the private drive results in less impervious surface and more,landscaping than direct street access. 2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? Circumstances are somewhat unusual because of the depth of the property and the 75' wide Public Service company easement that runs across it. No buildings can be built within the easement, but the land underneath it can be used for drives, access, landscaping and detention. 3. If the variation were granted, would it alter the essential character of the locality? There are other private drive situations in District IV. To Staff's knowledge, the closest one is at 11301 W. 44" Avenue (north side of W. 44t' Avenue, east of Robb Street). 4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical condition of the specific property involved result in a particular hardship (upon the owner) as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out? - The easement crossing the property constrains the locations of buildings on the property. Planning Commission Page 9 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 5. Would the conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based be applicable, generally, to the other property within the same zoning classification? All variance requests need to be evaluated on the specific merits of the case. 6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a desire to make money out of the property The purpose of the variance may be considered economically motivated as it will be less expensive to build a private drive than a full-width street. Full width street construction further reduces the amount of buildable land because of the size of the property and the locations of the 75' wide easement. 7. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any person presently having an interest in the property? The hardship has been self-imposed by the developer. However, the easement width and location provides a physical hardship. 8. Would the granting of the variations be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located? Private drives generally do not have a negative impact on the neighborhood if adequate provisions for construction and maintenance are ensured. Notes have been added to the plat and PBG documents addressing maintenance. Prior to City Council review, the developer must submit a copy of the homeowners' association's covenants for review and comment by city staff and the city attorney. 9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. The variance itself will not affect the amount of light and air to adjacent properties. Because of the building constraints relating to the easement location, the units have been located to the rear portion of the property. 10. If it is found in criteria 8 and 9 above that granting of the variation would not be detrimental or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood, and it is also found that public health and safety, public facilities and surrounding property values would not be diminished or impaired, then would the granting of the variance result in a benefit or contribution to the neighborhood or the community as " Planning Commission Page 10 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 distinguished from an individual benefit on the part of the applicant, or would granting of the variance result in a reasonable accommodation of a person with disabilities? Approval of the variance will not result in an accommodation to a person with disabilities. The northern-most building will be handicapped assessable. IX. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION In regard to the various applications, Staff has drawn the following conclusions: REZONING: Staff has concluded that the proposed strip of C-1 property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing conditions. Staff has also concluded that it is generally desirable to have zoning lines run with lot lines. Because there will be no resulting increase in density, a recommendation of Approval is given for the zoning from R-3 to C-1(Case No. WZ-99-14). MINOR SUBDIVISION: Staff has concluded that a subdivision is required to separate the R-2 portion from the R-3 portion of the property. Staff further concludes that all requirements of the R-2 and R-3 zone district regulations have been met. Because the plat is in conformance with the subdivision regulations, a recommendation of Approval is given for the subdivision request (Case No. MS-99-05) with the following conditions: 1. The private drive be constructed to the City's standard for pavement thickness. 2. The homeowner's association covenants be reviewed by staff and the city attorney for maintenance provisions. 3. An equivalent caliper inch of trees be replaced on the property. 4. Lot 2 shall have a 15' wide driveway capable of supporting emergency vehicles. VARIANCE: Staff has concluded that there are unique circumstances because of the 75' wide Public Service easement which traverses the property and that options for development are limited because of it. Staff further concludes that use of a private drive will result in less impervious area on the property and that it will not have a negative affect on the area if adequate provisions are made for maintenance. For these reasons, a recommendation of Approval is given for the variance to Section 26-30(N) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws with the following conditions: 1. The private drive be constructed to the City's standard for pavement thickness 2. The homeowner's association covenants be reviewed by staff and the city attorney for maintenance provisions. Planning Commission Page I 1 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 PLANNED BUILDING GROUP: Staff has concluded that a planned building group plan is required to allow more than four structures on a single parcel. Staff has concluded that adequate provisions have been made for parking, and detention and that the proposed duplexes are not inconsistent with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Since all of the R-3 standards have been met or exceeded a recommendation of Approval is given for PBG-99-02 with the following conditions: 1. The private drive be constructed to the City's standard for pavement thickness. 2. The homeowner's association covenants be reviewed by staff and the city attorney for maintenance provisions. 3. An equivalent caliper inch of trees be replaced on the property." X. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS REZONING Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-99-14, a request for approval of a rezoning from R-3 and C-1 to R-3 for property located at 4445 Parfet Street, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The proposed strip of C-1 property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing conditions. 2. It is generally desirable to have zoning lines run with lot lines. 3. The rezoning does not result in an increase in density with the application as proposed. With the following conditions 1. 2. 3." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ-99-14, a request for approval of a rezoning from R-3 and C-1 to R-3 for property located at 4445 Parfet Street, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." Option A: "I move that Case No. MS-99-, request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision for property located at 4445 Parfet and 11050 W. 45"' Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons: A subdivision is required to separate the R-2 portion from the R-3 portion of the property. Planning Commission Page 12 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 2. All requirements of the R-2 and R-3 zone district regulations have been met. I The plat is in conformance with the subdivision regulations With the following conditions: 1. The private drive be constructed to the City's standard for pavement thickness. 2. The homeowner's association covenants be reviewed by staff and the city attorney for maintenance provisions prior to City Council public hearing. 3. An equivalent caliper inch of trees be replaced on the property. 4. Lot 2 shall have a 15' wide driveway capable of supporting emergency vehicles. Option B: "I move that Case No. MS-99-, request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision for property located at 4445 Parfet and 11050 W. 45" Avenue, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." VARIANCE Option A: "I move that a request for approval of a variance to Section 26-30(N) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to allow more than four residential dwelling units on a private drive for property located at 4445 Parfet Street, be APPROVED for the following reasons: I. There are unique circumstances due to the 75' wide public Service Company easement that traverses the property. 2. Use of a private drive will result in less impervious surface. 3. There will be no negative affect to the surrounding neighborhood if adequate provisions for construction and maintenance are made. With the following conditions: 1. The private drive be constructed to the City's standard for pavement thickness. 2. The homeowner's association covenants be reviewed by staff and the city attorney for maintenance provisions prior to the City Council public hearing." Option B: "I move that a request for approval of a variance to Section 26-30(N) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws to allow more than four residential dwelling units on a private drive for property located at 4445 Parfet Street, be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." Planning Commission Page 13 WZ-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 PLANNED BUILDING GROUP Option A: "I move that Case No. PBG-99-, a request for approval of a planned building group plan for R-3 zoned property located at 4445 Parfet Street be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. A planned building group plan is required to allow more than four structures on a single parcel. 2. The proposed duplexes are not inconsistent with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. 3. All of the R-3 standards have been met or exceeded. With the following conditions: 1. The private drive be constructed to the City's standard for pavement thickness. 2. The homeowner's association covenants be reviewed by staff and the city attorney for maintenance provisions prior to the City Council public hearing. 3. An equivalent caliper inch of trees be replaced on the property." Option B: "I move that Case No. PBG-99-, a request for approval of a planned building group plan for R-3 zoned property located at 4445 Parfet Street be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." E:\Recken\wz9914pc. wpd.wpd Planning Commission Page 14 W Z-99-14/MS-99-05/PBG-99-02 i. WZ-99-14 / Finnegan 4445 Parfet St 0 50 100 Feet - - - GXNIBtT `B' Planning Commission Minutes August 7, 1997 Page 3 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS-97-2: An application by Diana Whitfield for Toula Daddis for approval of a two-lot subdivision for property zoned Residential-Two and Residential-Three. Said property is located at 4445 Parfet and 11050 West 45th Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, Council of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Ms. Reckert presented an overview of this case. She reviewed overheads and slides with the Commission and entered into the record the Comp Plan, zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, case file and packet materials/exhibits. Property was posted, published, and thirteen certified mailings to adjacent property owners. Ms. Reckert discussed the "L" shaped lot and stated that only a single family residence could be built on this parcel. Staff is requesting a ten foot r-o-w dedication along 45th Avenue with no addition r-o-w for Parfet Street. She said that one of the conditions of approval was to place a note on the plat regarding the removal of the trees. There are minor legal description problems that will need to be corrected. All agencies contacted can serve the property, however, Public Works will require a final drainage report before a building permit is issued for the northern lot and a review of street construction plans. Staff is recommending approval with two conditions; the legal description problems be corrected and that a note be added to the plat that requires all of the large trees not be removed unless the are in direct conflict with the building. General discussion took place regarding the R-2 line, drainage, land dedication, public access, sidewalk requirements, the high tension wires, easements and permitted building area. Chairperson Williams swore in the following citizens wishing to speak on this Diane Whitfield, 1584 Myrtle Street, Brighton. Ms. Whitfield is the applicant representative. She said she felt that the best use of this property is for a single family residence. John Kellow, 4740 Parfet. Mr. Kellow inquired of the City Attorney and Commission what the penalties were for improperly posting public hearing signs. Ms. Reckert attempted to explain the posting requirements to him but he did not let her answer. He stated that the dates and signs were incorrect. He also stated that the signs were not up for 15 days which Ms. Reckert denounced as incorrect. Mr. Kellow went into posting details that he felt were improper. In addition, Mr. Kellow elaborated on his displeasure about building on this property and suggested that attention. be paid to the high tension lines and pointed out that Public Service Company was not in attendance to discuss that issue. He additionally stated that he did not like the necessary position the house would have to be built. Ms. Reckert stated that this public hearing was strictly ( the determination of a subdivision not a design issue. He accused Staff of making a wrong EXHIBIT 0 Planning Commission Minutes August 7, 1997 l Page 4 decision with subdividing. Pete Synko, 4499 Parfet. Mr.Synko stated he does not believe that there is enough room to build a house. He was also concerned about what affects building a house on this property would have on his well water. He believes the lot is too small and wanted to know where the lot designation pins were located. He also stated he enjoys all of the wildlife that lives on the lot and prefers not to have anything built close to his property. He would also like the owners to find the property line pins and was advised that the owners would be taking care of marking the property lines. Bill Hall, representative of ReMax West, 5440 Ward Road, Arvada. He stated that he hoped he could settle some fears of the neighborhood. He said that the future owner was under contract and that they have been in contact with P.S.C. and stakes have been placed across the area that cannot be built under. The future owner is under contract with a modular home that meets all requirements. The home will not have a basement and would not affect any area wells and further that there would be minimal dirt movement as well. A motion was made by Commissioner SNOW, seconded by Commissioner SHOCKLEY, "I move that Case No. MS-97-2, a request for approval of a two-lot minor subdivision for R-2 and R-3 zoned property located at 4445 Parfet and 11050 W. 45th Avenue, be Approved for the following reasons: 1 The owners have requested a subdivision in order to create a lot for a single family home on West 45th Avenue. . 2. All minimum requirements of R-2 and R-3 zone district regulations have been met. 3. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. With the following conditions: Legal description problems be corrected before review by City Council. A note be added to the plat requirement that no existing mature trees be removed unless in direct conflict with a building Development" Motion carried 5-0. B. Case No. ZOA-97-5: An application by the City of Wheat Ridge to consider a proposed amendment to the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Chapter 26, Zoning, Code, relating to Group Homes. Gerald Dahl, City Attorney, addressed this case. He stated that Council had approved two J w. 1 ray a®a I%wr. YW rr Jlst M/ J.nv. L1G,r.Yq ML C01" r ewr tar. dar.rr A. otViL t081>q f e. two f er ra r 0e. 6% two ta.va Jeffetea. .alrertr..r ~tM 7% or r weir W r.s show era momew e.r " asrwa► w a rzrw an 7001" Thar IROM 1® SIMS VIM 40 4.1 M/latmt _ f$43,500.00) - Oaf psetiirrsraer CMCC V. DAMIS rr.atlww.a~sh.wa(al eaefti.tcd by adder) . . afar r. o ae.ear. sq ltYrtlestawr~r. oew[fr.a~r .Ia. ae>ywwa~3dailay hrrsrr~ to welly laeetllrare of 3470,00 at Este eweuLas as Cho let do1 of Karam. left tad Ca%%vWity at the erne date of 9eeo sad e.err wanta Wrtaftsr sattl Yhw tot 4r sl Hsieh. 1101 at -high It, any mostd prLOlprl ht3wete t9go I, the aq accewd lateraat a.I l as<ew d. one yqN s to full.. 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Dae.a.[d. •aitno. 4 Mod .n0 tCSii rt.4 c=~ Coaaia.ien CaPicw: : t t I . / }PC.ry LDI \C'• • L00/LOOd S£I'ON LWZ S£Z £0£ 6 NOiH9185 S2OAMA Odi34 00:LT 66/SS/II Kc3rtto. r,.. •.11a:>r 11, IQ '141- Pact 01 th. \1 Of 1M1e SCJ Y: the A, CS .S..Ilan 11. +e'a•,',a. 1 Tv lanes' 0 aa[. L[:[t::vp L :eGID.<: rl". l PMCS> t: L.P, ut., at a P01.: 0. N,e .v.e r::1t ae .a! 1L+C a: faflea L"", YPS-0M. 31+ feel Swth e1 the Z-15 tLCt,t ...11 11[e t Ul; 00, A.I.-C! IheuCC N.Z. aara; let :e Cato 5"a 1"..i .a'at 45a3 Al.aa. :01.: feet. then[ 5e@4. oar.llol e. all Weld: It.. DS aad :arlee N[<C:. is, fact: Mcnt< v=t Pa1a11C1 e0 aato 3'u U, :axe e1 We.. 45ta tr<nue. to;.r AT". Lao.w P'reh al.nr. .,to West 11" of Tatfet 5afcct :5] feat 5o the P.Iet Of ic:4:,lep Cavn:2 It State .1 eal'eaee etnaL Peelen:n< tt ^ )otal .a :ac 5[utn [slat v1 .aa la.,c pt <xat ti[Y xuCOVV: 113 S<e< aCa- Of .T. to Wta[[il.u Of sear! SCY {Y ft„e of We; I -Ii IL "Clue ane t4[ we.[ t ,taY :,.e .1 n.rfet str<et: then'. Yee..... :hec0. io. [P 310 :eet atee~e. "a a ]G 1 t I..eT 1.1L. 215 Let L. ll•e taint Of heel: ••u,0, teunq It Jetfeepan, St-.e .1 C<: er a,e . PteeQ C: D.11-ts; at a PeAnc v¢ [aC WCs, risht al vat lie, ul 1..fet SltCea ?f'i CaC t 150 1Cel 4.1p of The "OVC Y_eht 'f .aa IA. el Well 131. nrww<. thenee 6.t. Para11e1 to ..to Se.;;, lief a! sea: IS, A,e..O, 1:5 teal: u,0„e. Se..;a. Pa[al>cl ILI Peso llae DI Paete[ Street, ]S fete lacxcc Oa, M.11111 10 Sale S. tt line Of aes: 43th Arepue, 115 See: Se .a l0.ol Of farfct SGe<[: thcno 'Or[D, alpa( the Were rt,me Ot wxy ItnC oS Parfet Street IS !<ct tae ;.Ire of ee0bnlny. cau", e1 Seifee'.. Sta t< .1 C'I.rav'. ea®a •a^ LBB/£BBd B£T'ON LSBZ S£Z £0£ F t•IOLRJI2E SJ3MME Odi34 85:9T 66/ST/IT LOO/ZOOd 8EVON LMZ SEZ £0E a NDIHE E Sa>Cldg O?L3W 55:9t 66/SS/ii r LANs: USE CASE PROCESSING ArPLICATION f/ A o Planning and Development Department l 500 West 29th Avenue. Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 t'o; o Phone(303)235-2846 y r' (Please print or type all mformahon; t 3 Applicant ed; I'nnc Addressl'1.IC~ ~S• k ~S N-~~ Phone 9"19-8 1 City Ownerr Q Address Q k S 5. _ bptW. c~ -St Phone J~y 43 Z Location of request (address) 9 y `f "l oat LS o-~ ~ ~ ~ Q C O Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Variance / Waiver ❑ Site development plan approval ❑ Nonconforming use change ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Flood plain special exception ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interpretation of Code ❑ Temporary Use, Buildings, Signs ❑ Lot line Adjustment © Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less) Planned Building Group ❑ Subdivision (More than 5 lots) Street Vacation ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Other: Detailed description of the request: C Z An -k- , A-1- r fr C.ai-1 c eS 1 .vc2- 3 to v f Fill out the following information to the best of your knowledge. Current Zoning: C Size of Lot (acres or square footage). e-5 Current use: Ja~+^} d- Proposed use: c M . 1 :1 c ~s l„k 1 • S; 1 Assessors Parcel Number: /o 1 certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with- the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant- Subscribed and sworn to me this 5 da of~ 19 Nota Public My commission expires Z2"d3-Do1 Date received Receipt No. 71 _7A Case No. S- Related Case No. W Z `l-t Zoning G- w'_ i t2 - 3L a-• Quarter Section Map 02 EXHIBIT D November 09, 1999 To whom it may concern: I Toula Daddis as owner of the parcel at 4445 Parfet Street in Wheatridge hereby give my consent to the perspective buyers (Kevin M Finnegan and Crystal Finnegan) to change the zoning of this parcel. Sincerely, '%-ecJ,Ir C/~~~ -ACC,V EST 29TH AVEU;;E The City Of F.O. EOX 636 333) 23 -5903 c~Iheat WHEAT RIDGE. CO 6GC3~~636 - City Aorr.m. Fax = 23°-5=?" ?clice Dent- Fax e ?35.299 CRidge POSTING CERTIFICATION p 17 - -.cam CASE NO. GZ,-- ~ / ! 3 / OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD r) c) HEARING DATE: (n a m e residing at "77~~ « d r e s s) ( a a_ zt'z-?e ,2hereby certify as the applicant for Case No. ✓z1S that I have posted the Notice of Public Hearing at o c a t i o n and do on this a day of /10 sign has been posted and remained in place hereby certify that said for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of The sign was posted in the position public hearing of this case. shown on the map below. o `/~~p© Signature: NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. M A P <pc>postingcert rev. 05-19-94 C, +„n. Aww'~v Vol ® AREA REQUIRING 517E PLAN APPROVAL - i 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 February 11, 2000 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case Nos. WZ-99-14, MS-99-05 and PBG-99-02 requests for approval to rezone the southerly 30' of the property from Commercial-One to Residential-Three, approval of a two-lot subdivision, and approval of a planned building group in order to develop five separate duplex buildings on property located at approximately 4445 Parfet Street and 11050 W. 45' Avenue and zoned Commercial-One, Residential-Two and Residential-Three. These requests will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on March 2, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. All owners and/or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other person whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C. B.,b.\PC"TS5 LA CTCOWMU G\wz9914-.x9905-pbg9902.wpd a d ? ~ ~ d c N a y a ~ D i . - .U U ~ v a a c z mi v ~ 01 c a a I R' > LL' N C ~ I' ol E u ac , U M O jp E o c w o ME O= ik d N O N O N O m N 4O,6 m N O N O N O N 0 N 0 N 'O 'a N m W mm °1 O O M M M W m m 0 mma7 0 W Oa7 ¢ N t U m 3 E 6 E¢ > N N N M N M 1'1 N d M N N d IJ N d N D . . v E a E 3 a E 3 n E 3 n 3 E a 3 E a 3 E n U H d M n] !d O D O ~ M M M co N 7k N aD N W C N¢O 0 y N NV o 2m N0 N M E"rn O> O c mm -NO U) a c0 U) E c0 d 0 v N.cm E! N 1~ O C O C l0 U nN¢ :2 U U 1 p? U O LL 0U W N U Z C U = O ° O y a a co -3 U a om ° O a o O1 U N= Q0 U m m C N v - a m m a a c a M m a m a m N y a m Y c d .O w Q v `m e >•V°° m<°K > t0 at 'x a o ° ° boa m a m° K m a °K ~a rmK c » N _ la a 6a H ` t a °n o Up m N mn N -Ni fn s Nv m ro J~ m m ~ m av m Y~ o - Z J ~ G N "O N.C O ' a NN M N > > y > > C N °N d N 0 N ¢ N ' r LL Q E N E It O a) w Q' C O U~li W E ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Z N N {yi C ¢ ° n m n n n n r° C C r m r r r n N n N r m n m 0 ~ m m m m m c O m c O ro m ro ~ W O a E r m n rn 'n m n m r m n m n m ~ rn n m U ° Z w o ~ ~ rn N Q C 7 0 Rr, z a = o g d Una a ~I a d d N N ~ d ° N N N N ~ o c Q > V d U ` ° Z > > NI 2' C 7 D a I I K > K ;so N rn 1~ N w d y E o a N w U L O N as c Nt0.0 a # N 'a h O h N 4 O N 4 6 O N 4 O L6 N O N 4 6 O N 4 6 O N 4 O 6 N O y rp~ = N N rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn X N N L U N N 4 N N N N d N N N 1 /1 D N N E N L E ~ N N 9 E N N 3E ¢NF 3Ea 3Ea 3En 3Ea 3Ea n 3 n i a 3 n U _ O _ • N IO 0. M M L M M M M M C N . O O (0 . O 6O w 6 0 °P j N O ~ d 0 ~ Q m V7 °D c0 0-.0 ENS 8)..0 y °d0 Q~ 'DLO N(OO .a _m UQ J,O m¢ wa0 -Q mLp s¢ map (1 d N = y U N Np N"U F NU o L .R U c-U in U ~O jn . R N N °1 N d N OI fO N a OI O N N O] Q C) C) N N p N 3 ILL IL 0 W rG O~ ° Q a 00 N V ' C R = U) j Q a al°~ C> N » ;O m > a Y _N n N N NK N d II V N N< C R 0 ~ y W N J p m a- U a y N d W W O N ~ ~ E N m o C ow- W E m N LO U_ r ll.I N L ¢ n ~ c° m n n ~ n 0 r 00 ° m m m m m m o E rn rn m rn rn m m m rn ' z a a w Z 0 0 p N Oda z O W Z L U12 R s q 4J N O 8 W 00 E U Q'. O O A z a a° m a 7 N Ki r A. w O N ,O 7 z U Y v v T p a0-m 'a N V A. 0 z ro H 9 d N C N d ~ N c .2 N N N N a ~ N O Q u N ~ C j 0 2 R > . - I ~ O C 7 d d y - d y ` 0 O a 0 N U L O A o O c N o N C v= w r.o # m N 4 `po om x~ N a ¢ N U rn rn m m m 2 3 E n u r O _ R N a M C N N M ? G Q M d y ~ Y y ~ 0 N 9 v ~ rn h d aoi Q C o ~ K i~ y R'o °.o- N N mo m v W s rL O C y W U N Q ` y N C Q ` O O E N O ~ U C.) E ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ z d LO U e- WN C a r ~ V O N co m` m W O E r Z aaW o X i: cl) N i: CD 0 Z a oW z x N g E5 h a lC Q N O W 004 U ~i O O 0 z R 0 0 w A b ~i N N 0 z m Y U FO b G m T V m v~ .a N U G. O z 0 F V /v MetroScan / Jef£erson Owner r J Schedule :042985 Site e heat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 00 057 Mail n St Golden Co 80403 Xferd LandUse ,Ie Land Price TaxDist - OwnerPh Bedrm: :1924 Parking:Detached Firepl; TotArea:744 A c:.40 MetroScan / Jefferson O er :Schroeder Richard J Schedule :042985 ite :4470 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 00 057 Mail :5717 Mc Intyre St Golden Co 80403 Xferd LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3111 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1927 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:512 Ac:.40 . MetroScan / Jef£erson Owner :Fedel Leland J - Schedule :043582 Site :4480 Pierson St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 09 002 Mail :4480 Pierson St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :05/03/1989 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3109 OwnerPh :303-424-5291 Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1960 Parking:Attached Firepl: TotArea:1,282 Ac: * MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Newman Barbara Jo Schedule :043586 Site :4430 Pierson St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 09 003 Mail :4430 Pierson St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :06/10/1998 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price - TaxDist :3109- OwnerPh. . Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1955 Parking:Mixed TypeFirepl: TotArea:832 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Martin French Robert Schedule :043608 Site :4485 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 00 055 Mail :4485 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :05/29/1986 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$65,900 TaxDist :3109 OwnerPh :303-422-1387 Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1955 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:999 Ac:.21 /,a • MetroScan / Jefferson 0 r :Worth Clay 0 Jr Schedule :043626 :4490 Pierson St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 09 001 :9650 Oak St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :10/29/1972 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$21,000 TaxDist :3109 - OwnerPh :303-467-0023 Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1961 Parking:Carport Firepl: TotArea:1,040 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson--- Owner :Kubasta Kevin J Schedule :043646 Site .:11085 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 00 067 Mail :16299 W 60Th Ave Golden Co 80403 Xferd :01/05/1993 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$117,900 TaxDist :3109 OwnerPh :303-279-4947 Bedrm: Bth: YB:1924 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:528 Ac:.23 * MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Hoyer Georgia K Schedule :043751 Site :4420 Pierson St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 09 004 Mail :4420 Pierson St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :04/09/1993 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price :$56,000 TaxDist :3109 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:1954 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:717 Ac: • MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Regrut Michael W Schedule :043754 Site :4440 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 00 064 Mail - :.4440 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :05/19/1982 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3109 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth:1.00 YB:195 Parking: Fire l: TotArea:1,283 Ac:.33 ^y~ ~ The Information Provided Is Deemed ReliaBle, But Is Not Guaranteed. MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Regr Michael W Schedule :043754 Site :4490 Pa St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 00 064 Mail :4490 Pa e Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :05/19/1982 LandUse :1112 s, Impro ed Land Price TaxDist :3109 OwnerPh Bedrm:2 th.1.00 YB:1909 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,315 Ac:.33 : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :James William Joseph/Beverly Schedule :043780 Site :4499 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 00 056 Ma' :24877 Walnut St #206 Newhall Ca 91321 Xferd :04/29/1998 ndUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3109 OwnerPh Bedrm:3 Bth:1.00 7B:1954 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:808 Ac:.21 * ' MetroScan / Jeffe rson Owner :Dalton Scott A;Rosette Joan A • Schedule :043898 Site :4444 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 00 059 Mail :4444 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Xferd :03/19/1999 LandUse :1112 Res,Improved Land Price TaxDist :3109 OwnerPh Bedrm:4 Bth:1.00 YB:1952 Parking:Detached Firepl: TotArea:1,138 Ac:.29 MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Trujillo Indalesic B Et Al Schedule :110023 Site :10995 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 00 065 Mail :10991 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :11/18/1991 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land Price :$225,000 TaxDist :3109 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB:1979 Parking: Firepl: TotArea:6,300 Ac:.65 * • MetroScan / Jeffe rson Owner Owner :Atkinson Jackie G Schedule :136122 Site :11095 W 45Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 08 001 Ma :7307 SPlatte Canyon Dr Littleton Cc 801 28 Xferd :04/05/1982 X Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Price ist :3109 OwnerPh :303-973-0805 Bedrm: Bth:2.00 YB:1976 Parking:Attached Firepl:2 TotArea:1,904 Ac: * MetroScan / Jefferson • Owner :First Free Will Baptist Church Schedule :176563 S/ e :4501 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel :39 212 00 037 ail :4501 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Xferd :03/06/1989 andUse V L :9159 Exempt,Church,Land Price :$225,000 TaxDist :3109 OwnerPh Bedrm: Bth: YB: Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:.55 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. Metroscan / Jefferson Schedule :043629 Owner :Daddis Toula Parcel 212 00 054 Site :Vl Co 80246 Xferd :07/14/1994 Mail :215 S Dahlia St Denver Price LandUSe :1111 Vacant,Residentia l OwnerPh :303-388-3888 TaxDist :3109 Parking: Firepl: TotArea: Ac:1.34 Bedrm: Bth: YB: Metroscan / Jefferson Schedule :043880 Owner :Sp Devl L1c Wheat Ridge 800 33 Parcel :39 212 00 066 Site :11049 W 49Th Ave Wheat A Ridge Co 80 033 Xferd :02/08/1996 Mail ve :11045 W 49Th Price :$550,000 LandUse :2112 Com,Improved Land OwnerPh ' TaxDist :3109 Firep1: TotArea:16,128 Ac:.76 Bedrm: Bth: YB:1973 Parking: The Information Provided 15 Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT PIDGE COLOQADO MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: April 19, 1999 ® AREA REQUIRING 511E PLAN APPROVAL 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN j (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) ZONE 015TRICT DOUNDRY PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY VF61GNATE5 OWNERSHIP) HATER FEATURE DENOTE5 MULTIPLE ADDRE55E5 NN I Y wxem o w iw® 5CALE 1%400 DEPMMIT OF RAWM MD CEVaOPMIM -155-?852 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on March 2, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. CUP-00-01: Application by Alpine Valley School for a conditional use permit to allow a private school with a .34 acre variance to the 1 acre minimum lot size requirement for property zoned A-1 and located at 4501 Parfet Street. The property is legally described as follows: That part of the East ''/z of the NW 1/4 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as beginning on the West line of Parfet Street 1283.25 feet South of the North line of said Section 21; thence West and parallel with the North line of West 44th Avenue, 201.7 feet; thence South and parallel with Parfet Street 121.2 feet more or less to the North line of West 45th Avenue; thence East along said North line 201.7 feet more or less to the West line of Parfet Street; thence North along said West line 121.2 feet more or less to the Point of Beginning, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 2_ Case No. WZ-99-14: Application by Kevin Finnegan to rezone a portion of property vvv located at 4445 Parfet Street from Commercial-One to Residential-Three for the purpose of subdividing and constructing five duplexes as separate buildings. The property being rezoned is the southerly 30 feet of the parcel legally described as follows: From a point of beginning on the West right-of-way line of Parfet Street, a distance of 150.0 feet South of the South right-of-way line of 45th Avenue; thence South 00°18'35" East on and along the West right-of-way line of Parfet Street a distance of 232.0 feet; thence South 89°26'25" West a distance of 201.70 feet; thence North 00°18'35" West a distance of 232.00 feet; thence North 89 °26'25" East a distance of 201.7 feet to the point of beginning, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado.. 3. Case No. MS-99-05: Application by Kevin Finnegan for a two-lot subdivision for the purpose of developing five duplexes (10 units) on one lot and a single-family unit on the other lot on property zoned Residential-Two and Residential-Three, located at 4445 Parfet Street and 11050 West 45'h Avenue and legally described as follows: That part of the North one-half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest One-Quarter of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West; more particularly described as follows: PARCEL A: Beginning at a point on the West right-of-way line of Parfet Street at a point 225 feet South of the South right-of-way line of West 45th Avenue; thence West, parallel to said South line of West 45th Avenue 201.7 feet; thence South parallel to said West line of said Parfet Street, 157 feet; thence East parallel to said South line of West 45th Avenue, 201.7 feet; thence North along said West line of Parfet Street 157 feet to the point of beginning, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. PARCEL B: Beginning at the point on the South right-of-way line of West 45`h Avenue, 125 feet West of the intersection of said South line of West 45" Avenue and the West right-of-way line of Parfet Street; thence West 76.7 feet; thence South 225 feet; thence East 76.7 feet; thence North 225 feet to the point of beginning, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. PARCEL C: Beginning at a point on the West right-of-way line of Parfet Street at a point 150 feet South of the South right-of-way line of West 45`^ Avenue; thence West parallel to said South line of West 45`n Avenue 125 feet; thence South parallel to said West line of Parfet Street 75 feet; thence East parallel to said South line of West 45' Avenue 125 feet to said West line of Parfet Street; thence North along the West right-of-way line of Parfet Street 75 feet to the point of beginning, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Said land contains a total of 1.34 acres, more or less. 4. Case No. PBG-99-02: Application filed by Kevin Finnegan to develop five duplexes (10 units) as separate buildings with a variance to Section 26-30(N) regarding access via a private drive on one lot zoned Residential-Three and located at 4445 Parfet Street, legally described as follows: From a point of beginning on the West right-of-way line of Parfet Street, a distance of 150.0 feet South of the South right-of-way line of 45`h Avenue; thence South 00°18'35" East on and along the West right-of-way line of Parfet Street a distance of 232.0 feet; thence South 89°26'25" West a distance of 201.70 feet; thence North 00°18'35" West a distance of 232.00 feet; thence North 89°26'25" East a distance of 201.7 feet to the point of beginning, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado.. Said parcel contains 1.07 acres; more or less.QQ ,qq~~ ,U(~.c.V-R~o~ La L&X Barbara Delgadillo, Senior Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: February 11, 2000 Wheat Ridge Transcript C:\Barbara\PCRPTS\PLANGCOWPUBHRG\000302pnb wpd Feb 04 00 02:40p FEC 303-278-0624 p.2 Finnegan Minor Subdivision Legal Description THAT PART OF THE NORTH ONE HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE ONE RANG o69 RTHWSTEST. MOREQUARTER DEISOCRIBEDOAS FOLLOWSOUTH, PARCEL A: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE VEST IlICHT OF WAY LINE Ol PAItFE' STREET AT A POINT 225 FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 45TH AVENUE; THENCE WEST, PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTH LINE OF WEST 45TH AVENUE, 201.7 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL TO SAID WEST LINE OF SAID PARFET STREET, 157 FEET; THENCE EAST PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTH LINE OF WEST 45TH AVENUE, 201.7 FEET; THENCE NORTH STATE OF COLORADO. E POINT OF ALONG SAID WEST BEGINNING, COUNTY NOF JEFFERSON, STREET PARCEL B: RFGINNING AT THE POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 45TH AVENUE, 125 FEET WEST OF TAE INTERSECTION OF SAID SOUTH LINE OF WEST 45TH AVENUE AND THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OP PARFET STREET; THENCE WEST 76.7 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 225 FEET; BEGINNING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO~OINT OF PARCEL C: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PARF1r STREET AT A POINT 150 FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST 45TH AVENUE; THENCE WEST, PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTT-l LINE OF WEST 45TIT AVENUE:, 125 FEET: THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL TO SAID WEST LINE OF PARFET STREET, 75 FEET; THENCE EAST PARALLEL. TO SAID SOUTH LINE OF WEST 45TH AVENUE, 125 FEET TO SAID WEST LINE OP' PARFET STREET; THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PARFET STREET 75 FE ET TO THE POINT OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. OF BEGINNING, COUNTY SAID LAND CONTAINS A TOTAL OF 1.34 ACRES, MORE OR LESS Feb 04 00 02:40p FEC 303-279-0624 p.3 Finnegan Minor Subdivision Legal Bescription Planned Building Group FROM A POINT OF BEGINNING ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF PARFET STREET, A DISTANCE OF 150.0 FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTF RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF 45TH AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH 00° 18'35" EAST ON AND ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OR-WAY LINE OF PARFET STREET A DISTANCE OF 232.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 26 25" WEST A DISTANCE OF 201.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 18'35" WEST A DISTANCE. OF 232.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 899 2(Y 25" EAST A DISTANCE OF 201.7 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 1.07 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. The zoned R-3. The proposed development b cu udes a l equc t to rezonettlhrTa eainder currently zoned as-C-1, to R-3. City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Greg, John FROM: Meredith SUBJECT: Finnegan application DATE: February 7, 2000 Attached are two copies each of the revised drainage report and plan set including a two lot minor subdivision and a planned building group plan for your review and comment. This case is scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on March 4, 2000. If you need anything else, please let me know. 4 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 FAX 303/235-2857 December 13, 1999 Kevin Finnegan 7720 W. Phillips Avenue Littleton, CO Dear Kevin: The City of Wheat Rids This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a rezoning from C-1 and R-3 to R-3, minor subdivision and planned building group plan. I have reviewed the submitted minor subdivision plat and have the following comments: 1. Since this is a minor subdivision, it must meet the City's requirements for a final plat. Please remove the reference to a preliminary plat in the title block on page 1. 2. Please add a case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-99-14, MS-99-05, PBG-99-02 3. Please add adjacent zoning (see attached) 4. The adjacent subdivisions and designation for unplatted land are shown in half tone, however, they are very faint. Can these be a little darker? 5. Please add the address and phone numbers for the owners, lien holders and surveyor 6. The land dedicated for right-of-way for Parfet Street should be shown as being "hereby dedicated." No v -o-W v-~clcd kP10-4ct tom' 0n 4S-"- AK , 7. The square footage for Lot 2 should be calculated after the dedication. 8. A boundary description of the entire subdivision is required as part of the dedicatory statement. It is also needed for legal publication purposes. 9. The dedicatory statement appears to be modified from what is shown in the City's subdivision regulations. Please correct. 10. Please add the following statement to the lien holders signature block "Holder of deed(s) of trust hereby releases claim to areas dedicated to public use." 11. Please add property addresses for Lot 1 (4445 - 4463 Parfet Street) and Lot 2 (11050 W. 45`h Avenue). 12. Is the subdivision acreage referenced in the dedicatory statement still the same with the corrected area for lot 2? 13. Please show any drainage detention/retention areas as easements with the following language as a note: "The storm detention area shown on the approved drainage plan shall be constructed and maintained by the owner and subsequent owner, heirs, successors and assigns. In the event that such construction and maintenance is not performed by said owner, the city of Wheat Ridge shall have the right to enter such area ad perform necessary work, the cost of which said owner, heirs, successors and assigns agrees to pay.,, "No building or structure will be constructed in the detention area and no changes or alterations affecting the hydraulic characteristics of the detention easement area will be made with the approval of the Director of Public Works.". 14. The sanitary sewer service line for Lot 2 crosses Lot 1. An easement with width meeting the sanitation district's standard must be shown on the plat. 15. Please show street centerline locations. 16. The access easement/emergency vehicle access should be designated as such and be widened to 24' in width. If you would like parking on one side, the aisle width needs to be increased. The following language should be added to the face of the plat as notes: "All owners, tenants and guests shall be allowed free movement through the access easement/emergency vehicle and use of overflow parking." "The access easement/emergency vehicle access easement shown hereon shall be constructed and maintained by the owner and subsequent owners, heirs, successors and assigns through a homeowners' association. In the event that such construction and maintenance is not performed by said owner, the city of Wheat Ridge shall have the rights to enter such easements and perform the necessary work, the cost of which said owner, heirs, successors and assigns agrees to pay." 17. The minimum width for a single family R-2 lot is 75' where Lot 2 is shown as being only ~k ' 68.59' wide. Because of this, a variance will need to be processed as part of the 'N application. This can be done at the same time as the subdivision approval. J The following are comments related to the Planned Building Group Submittal: 1. A title needs to be added as follows: "Finnegan Minor Subdivision - Lot 1 Planned Building Group An Official Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" 2. None of the required declarations and signature blocks have been added - declaration of planned building group with legal description and signature block for owner with notarization, signature block for the Director of Planning and Development; Planning Commission certificate, Mayor's certificate with City Clerk's attestation, Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's acceptance block 3. Case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-99-14, MS-99-05, PBG-99-02 4. Vicinity map 5. Accurate dimensions for the lot 6. Surveyor's certificate 7. Date of preparation 8. Easements on the property (Public Service Company and sanitary sewer easements) 9. Irrigation ditches on the property 10. Street widths and centerline locations 11. Existing and proposed public improvements adjacent to the site 12. Statement regarding zoning and a description of the project 13. Dimensions for proposed buildings, drives and parking areas 14. Site data breakdown showing the following in square feet and percent of total for these categories: Total area of site, building coverage, landscaped coverage, hard surfaced coverage 15. Parking breakdown including the number of covered spaces (garages), number of driveway parking per unit, the number of visitor spaces. Keep in mind that the requirement per unit is four spaces without street parking. You may want to add additional spaces for overflow parking in the interior of the site. 16. Maximum building height 17. The following note: "No parking will be allowed in the emergency vehicle/access lane." 18. The following note: "All owners, tenants, and guests shall be allowed free movement through the access casement/emergency vehicle access and use of overflow parking. " 19. The following note: "The developer shall form a homeowner' association to maintain the common areas of the property including landscaped open space, detention areas and the access easement/emergency vehicle access." 20. Proposed use of common open space 21. Note restricting RV and boat parking 22. Will fencing be allowed between units in the rear? 23. Floor plans and construction details such as the framing plan are not a requirement of your submittal and can be eliminated. Please renumber the plan set with building elevations as Sheets 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc. 24. The building elevations' references to "front" and "rear" should be changed to "west" and "east", accordingly. 25. The access drive needs to be increased to 24' in width per the Arvada Fire Protection District's requirements. Attached are comments received from other city departments and responding outside agencies. All of their concerns must be addressed. If you have any questions, or need to discuss this further, feel free to contact me at 303-235- 2848. Sincerely, ifL y Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner cc: WZ-99-14 file 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Telephone 303/ 235-2868 FAX 303/235-2857 December 3, 1999 Mr. Tom Rossillon, P.E. Foothill Engineering Consultants, Inc. 350 Indiana Street, Suite 415 Golden, Colorado 80401 The City of Wheat Ridge Re: Finnegan Minor Subdivision, 4445 Parfet Street - First Review Comments of Final Drainage Study & Plan, Subdivision Plat & Street Construction Plans Mr. Rossillon, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the Finnegan Minor Subdivision received on November 19, 1999 and have the following comments: Drainage Study (Discussion) Cover Page 1. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on 2 sets of the final approved report. 2. Second submittal should be titled "Final" Drainage Report. Page 1-1 1. Please correct spelling error. Page 1-2 1. Please remove redlined sentence, or clarify to include more details relating to controlled release of flows to W. 45tH Avenue and Parfet Street. Page 3-3 1. Please discuss the calculated rate of release from the proposed detention pond, and what this rate is based on. Page 3-4 1. The requested calculated detention pond release rate needs to be included in this section as redlined 2. An appropriate outlet structure needs to be designed to facilitate release flows from the pond, and discussed accordingly in this section. Mr. Tom Rossillon, P.E. Foothill Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 2 3. There will need to be one foot of freeboard calculated above the proposed 100 year high water elevation (HWL) of 5368.28. 4. Please calculate and discuss method of excess stormwater passage. Page 4-1 1. Additional discussion needs to be provided regarding the allowable method for detention pond release rates. Drainage Study (Appendix) Constrictor Plate/Outfall Pipe Calculations 1. A concrete structure needs to be designed to facilitate the proposed 6-inch diameter pipe/constrictor plate design with regard to mounting of the plate and clean out capabilities. A concise detail needs to be provided and included on the plan. Drainage Plan(s) 1. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature on 2 sets of this drawing. 2. Please delineate sub-basin boundaries more clearly. 3. Please provide a standard legend of line types and sub-basin Symbols delineating basin acreage, runoff coefficients and 5/100 year values. 4. Please provide a site location map. 5. Please note the location and elevation of City benchmarks referenced to the City. Plan topography needs to match City datum, or a elevation conversion factor provided to match City datum. 6. Please clarify function (detail if necessary) of the proposed low flow crossing on W. 45th Avenue for Lot 1. 7. Please provide typical and concise cross section details on all property lines to confirm appropriate cross slopes and swales to adjacent properties. 8. Please note finished floor elevations for each of the proposed units. 9. Please clarify method of conveying flows between each of the proposed units. Mr. Tom Rossillon, P.E. Foothill Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 3 10. Please note the location of, and direction of flow from all roof drains. 11. Please note all surface types and typical grades throughout the proposed site. 12. Please provide spot elevations in the detention pond area. 13. Please clarify how trickle flows are to be accommodated in the basin of the detention pond to the proposed outlet structure/6-inch pipe. 14. Please clarify how Lot 1 site flows are to properly enter the detention pond area. Typically flows converge to a low point, where an inlet is designed to pipe flows to the pond. 15. A minimum of 1-foot of freeboard is required above the proposed 100 year HWL. 16. Please clearly delineate 100 HWL boundary, and depth of ponding. 17. Per report comments, the appropriate concrete structure needs to be designed and a detail provided to facilitate 6-inch pipe/constrictor plate design. 18. Please provide 5 and 100-year design point info at outlet structure as red-lined. 19. Please include the attached City standard chase section detail on this plan. 20. Please note proposed public improvements on Parfet Street and reference to the appropriate plan. 21. Please note the proposed surface type of the detention pond. 22. Please note the existing grades of Parfet Street and W. 45th Avenue. 22. Please extend existing topography approximately 25-feet beyond southern property line of Lot 1. 23. Please revise title block as redlined. Mr. Tom Rossillon, P.E. Foothill Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 4 Grading & Erosion Control Plan 1. Standard grading/erosion control measures need to be designed and provided on a plan. This information can be included on the drainage plan as long a the resultant plan is concise and readable. Street Construction Drawings 1. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature on 2 sets of this drawing. 2. Please revise the submitted Parfet street cross-section detail to the City standard detail provided. 3. Rip-rap or equal will need to be provided at Sta. 2+35.51 for erosion control measures from proposed curb and gutter. 4. Please include City standard chase section detail on this plan as provided for the drainage plan. 5. The proposed curb, gutter and walk need to be delineated separately from the proposed limits of paving. 6. Please dimension accurately the proposed limits of paving. 7. Please provide a vicinity map. 8. Please provide a standard legend designating all line type and symbols used on the plan. 9. Please delineate and dimension right-of-way and flowline distances for Parfet Street. 10. Please include the City's general notes provided. 11. Please provide benchmark information per City datum. 12. Please note all existing and proposed utilities utilities to be re-located-this includes all P.S.Co. power poles and street lights-within the Parfet right-of-way. 13. Please note the location(s) of all fixed objects, poles, trees, fences etc. 14. Please provide only centerline and flowline profiles 15. Please provide cross sections every 50-feet and extending a minimum of 50-feet beyond project limits. 16. Street lighting will not be required due to the presence of existing street lights in the area. Mr. Tom Rossillon, P Foothill Engineering Page 5 Subdivision Plat E. Consultants, Inc. 1. A copy of the Finnegan Minor Subdivision Plat has been forwarded to the City Surveyor, Mr. John McGuire, P.L.S. for review. Subsequent comments will be forwarded to Foothill Engineering directly by Mr. McGuire who can be contacted at 303-235-2858. Subdivision Improvement Agreement Upon City Council approval of the Final Plat, a Subdivision Improvement Agreement will need to be executed by the project owner/developer. For the developer/owner's information and review, a sample copy of this agreement is provided. Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. For your information and submittal in the second review package, a copy of this permit is provided. Traffic Engineering A copy of the Parfet Street construction plans has been forwarded to the City's Traffic Engineer, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303-235- 2862 for review. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Guarantee Prior to any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the Parfet Street right-of-way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate will need to be submitted for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, a letter of credit reflecting total costs of the approved cost estimate plus 25%, will need to be submitted by the owner/developer for review and approval. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Mr. Tom Rossillon, P.E. Foothill Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 6 Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2868. Sincerely, Greg Knudson, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner File FINNEGAN-SUB-I.LTR Arvada Fire Department Organizational Excellence In Fire, Rescue, and Disaster Services. Merideth Reckert 11129/99 Department of Planning and Development City of Wheatridge 7500 W 29" Ave. Wheatridge Colorado 80030 RE: 4445 Parfet Street. Construction of 5 duplexes and one single-family residence.. Case # WZ-99-14 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 1, 7900 W 57"' Avenue, and Station 2, 12195 W 52nd Avenue. 2. All weather fire. dept access roadways, minimum of 24 feet of unobstructed width, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 52, 000 lb fire apparatus need to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the buildings prior to above grade construction. Driveway access to single family unit to be a minimum width of 15' and capable of supporting an imposed load of 52,000 tbs. UFC 97 901.3, 8704.2. Amended. 3. Fire lanes will need to be dedicated on the Final Plat as Emergency Access Lanes. 4. Fire lanes will need to be posted, "No Parking Fire Lane" on each side with signs that meet City of Wheatridge standards. - UFC 97 901.4.2. 5. Water lines and fire hydrants will need to be installed and operational and capable of supplying the minimum required fire flows prior to above grade construction. UFC 97 901.3, 903.2, 87043 Amended. 6.Additional fire hydrant shall be installed to meet spacing requirements. UFC 97 901.2.2. 7. Underground fire lines will need to be approved and inspected by the Engineering Division of the City of Wheatridge. 8. Fire hydrant locations will need to be approved by the Engineering Division and the Fire Marshal's Office. UFC 97 901.2.2. 9.Landscaping will need to be installed and maintained to provide a three foot clear space around the circumference of fire hydrants. UFC 97 1001.7.1 P.O. Box 3-D; 6503 Simms Street 0 ARVADA, COLORADO 80001-0060 0 (303)424-3012 0 FAX (303)432-7995 Arvada Fire Protection District Fire Marsha( 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge November 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for minor subdivision, zone change and planned building group at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by December 12, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NOS: WZ-99-14; PBG-99-02; MS-99-05 LOCATION: 4445 Parfet Street REQUESTED ACTION: Subdivide lot into 2 lots and ang onion of the zoning on Lot I from C-1 to R-3. PURPOSE: Construction of 5 duplgkes (l0 units on Lot 1 and construction of one single-family residence on Lot 2. f APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.3 acres. / c' k 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Completed by: Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Valley Water) X Jeffco Health Department X Sanitation District (Fruitdale Sanitation) X Jeffco Schools X Fire District (Arvada Fire) Jeffco Commissioners Adjacent City X TCI of Colorado X Public Service Co. X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X US West Communications X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department State Land Use Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. State Geological Survey X WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission Colorado Dept. Of Transportation X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division Colorado Div. Of Wildlife X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Denver Regional Council of Governments Fairmont Homeowners Association Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Prospect Recreation District Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Regional Transportation Dist. Denver Metro Major League Baseball Dist. "The Carnation City" DEC 0 8 1999 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT she we 0'~ GOVNTV P, p o JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS N ~-tonrco' 1829 Denver West Drive, Bldg. #27 / Golden, CO 80401 / Property Management Department PLANNING COMMENTS (303) 982-6755 JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. R-1 Fax: (303) 982-6804 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER 1829 DENVER WEST DRIVE P. O. BOX 4001 GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401-0001 SUBDIVISION NAME: Finnegan Minor Subdivision LOCATION: 4445 Parfet St DATE: Feb. 2, 2000 STATUS: PP, Rezoning Number and Type of Dwelling Units: 1 SFD and 10 SFA Total Dwelling Elementary Middle Senior Total Units Yield Yield Yield Yield 1 SFD .50 .26 10 SFA .34 .14 TOTAL FROM THIS PROPOSAL: 4 Elementary 2 Middle School .26 1.02 .12 .60 1 Senior High 7 Total It is estimated that costs to provide classroom facilities for the students anticipated from this proposed development will be $121,657. Currently students from this proposed development will attend: Kullerstrand Elementary School - 12225 W 38th Av, Wheat Ridge 80033 Everitt Middle School - 3900 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge 80033 Wheat Ridge Senior High School - 9505 W 32nd Av, Wheat Ridge 80033 The present capacities and enrollments for these schools are: ENROLLMENT CAPACITY I 10199 00/01 01/02 CPC NEW ADDN NEW PC PERM DESIGN CAP TEMP BLDG TOTAL CAP Kullerstmnd 333 337 340 297 5 432 351 3 432 Everitt 710 714 720 532 0 532 700 0 700 Wheat Ridge HIS 1560 1568 1572 1389 0 1389 1411 4 1501 CPC - Current Program Capacity represents the number of student spaces that are available 't there are no temporary buildings at the school. NEW PC - New Program Capacity: the CPC t the New Additions Capacity. This represents the number of student spaces that will be available at the school when additions or additional spaces are constructed from the 1992 Bond Issue. PERM DSGN CAP - Permanent Design Capacity (the way the school was built) Total CAP - Total Capacity is the Permanent Design Capacity plus the capacity of the temporary building(s). NOTE: These are estimates from School District computations and may be subject to change. Page 2 Comments Finnegan Minor Subdivision, PP, Rezoning SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING COMMENTS: Kullerstrand Elementary is currently using three temporary classrooms and Wheat Ridge High School is using four. The School District would request fees in-lieu-of land dedications for this plat based on the new Jefferson County Land Development Regulations. Any fees in-lieu-of amounts would be held in escrow accounts for future application by the School District in accordance with our procedures and the Jefferson County Land Development Regulations. Based upon projections from this development and subdivisions in this area which have been approved or are pending approval, the current school capacity at Wheat Ridge High School is inadequate to serve the anticipated student population from this proposal. Sincerely, kg~ -to Kathy Capron Tully Director Property Management /jp xc: Bob Burrell Barbara Matthews Kathleen Norton V.J. Johnston Central Transportation Stacy Summers PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO- ANEW CENTURY ENERGIES COMPANY N Siting and Land Rights 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone 303.571.7799 Facsimile 303.571.7877 November 30, 1999 i ECEIV CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 'L DCC t 6;91V.' PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7500 W 29TH AVE 1 WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RE: Finnegan Minor Subdivision Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the above captioned project. PSCo has an existing 115kv electric transmission line located within this proposed development. Any crossings of the existing easement will require approved encroachments, which must be documented with a license agreement that must be executed by the property owner/developer and PSCo. Enclosed please find an encroachment application packet. Prior to any construction, please have the property owner/developer complete the application as instructed and return to Mr. Harry Swinhart for review at the following address: Public Service Company of Colorado 55015 th Street, Suite 700 Denver, CO 80202-4256 If you have any questions regarding the enclosed application or the review process, please contact Harry Swinhart (303) 571-7292. Sincerely, Patty Gacnik Right of Way Processor cc: Harry Swinhart ENCROACHMENT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS The Applicant for a proposed encroachment on Public Service Company right-of- way must complete the attached application form and return it, together with the required sketch (example attached) and any other maps and plans of the proposed encroachment to: Public Service Company of Colorado Siting & Land Rights 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denver, CO 80202-4256 Attn:flrvtrm- 4 eiWtt\lt4(3teT (~393) I -4-2aj2r Applications are processed as they are received. Most proposed encroachments require review and approval by Public Service Company engineering and/or operations staff. Typically, review and approval of a proposed encroachment takes 2-4 weeks depending on the type of encroachment and the completeness of the application. Upon approval of the proposed encroachment, Siting & Land Rights staff will prepare two copies of a License Agreement, or other encroachment authorization for signature by the Applicant. Public Service Company charges a fee for processing encroachment applications to recover its costs in doing so. The fee will range from $50.00 to $250.00 depending on the completeness of the application. This fee is in addition to fees for the use of Public Service Company lands, if any. After.execution of the encroachment authorization by the Applicant, both copies should be returned to Public Service Company, together with a check for the application fees and the land use fee (if any) for signature by Public Service Company. The proposed encroachment is not authorized until the encroachment authorization is signed by Public Service Company. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT ON PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY 1. Applicant Information: App Add Phone: Fax: 2. If Applicant is a business; Applicant's authorized agent: 3. Location of the orooosed encroachment: Street Address: or section , Township , Range County Nearest Street or Road Intersection: 4. Public Service Company Facility: Electric Transmission Gas Pipeline Electric Distribution Other (type) Overhead Underground 5. Describe in detail the proposed encroachment (height, size, materials, use, etc.): 6. Provide a sketch (use the attached form) which shows: a. The location of the proposed encroachment on the right-of-way; b. The edges of the right-of-way or easement; c. The nearest poles, towers, or other Public Service Company facilities. Attach additional maps or plan as necessary, to fully explain the proposed encroachment. 7. Schedule for the construction/operation of the proposed: 8. Has UNCC (1-800-922-1987) been called to locate facilities? Yes No Date Called: 9. Applicant's Signature Date: (DRAWING EXHIBIT-EXAMPLE) -E l9 20 29 i Q-LQ v . G l65 I 37' v1 0 N O 7 CENTER LINE OFA /0' LICENSE FOR A 15"SEWER LINE (SL) LXHIBIT p 50' PSCo. ROW v TWP• 57 E T E O-STP 49 5 . E - O G G _j 5CALE.1=l00 O PSCo. HP GAS LINE IO PLAN VIEW E E 50' E P L-,° 3/ ; 32 --150' PSCO, POW F*- 150' E G 0 b9GHPRESSURE E GAS LINFS~ SL SL SL 9 I~ LOOKING AST A-A IIYVESTIGATIC LICENSEE- NO. XX X THE WRITER CORP. S W114 SE=ON 20 TOWNSHIP 4 S UTH RANGE 6 WEST SCALE: DRAWN BY: 0 i -SCALE' l"V40 pwd Sarver LINE: XX) SHFFT i of2 ENCROACHMENT APPLICATION EXHIBIT DRAWING FEATURES: 1. Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) right-of-way (ROW) boundaries. Line is darker and wider. 2. Centerline of PSCo facilities. 3. When appropriate show section comers and ties to comers. When section comers are not shown the distance between PSCo facilities and the encroachment facility must be shown. 4. The total ROW width and dimensions between the centerline(s) of PSCo facilities. 5. Location of PSCo towers, poles, underground lines. 6. When appropriate show roads, streets, streams, creeks, etc. 7. Location of proposed encroachment with distance from the nearest section comer and bearing when appropriate. When section comers are not shown show the distance between PSCo facilities and the proposed encroachment. 8. North Arrow. Always in the plan view on the right side of drawing. When the drawing is turned the North Arrow is on the right side next to the title block. 9. Title block information. PSCo will fill in boxes marked xxx. 10. Scale in the lower right comer as shown on the example or in the title box when appropnate. 11. Cross Section or ProfileView. 12. To be filled in by PSCo. LEGEND: E E G G Electric Transmission line transmits current up to 230,000 volts. High-pressure gas line that transports natural gas up to 400 psi or more. Rectangular survey section lines. PSCo right-of-way boundary lines. Center line. Ground Line (GL). Road Boundaries. Stream or Ditch. LICENSEE: INVESTIGATION Pub(lc NO. Service Pudk Se A- C-mP-y al Calonda SEC70N Tnwxesna RANGE SCALE: LINE: PLA TO: Mr. Don Cowan P.L.S. Foothill Engineering Consultants Inc. 350 Indiana St. Suite 415 Golden Co. 80401 FROM: John McGuire P. L. S. DATE: Monday, December 6,1999 SUBJECT: Finnegan Minor Sub. The following list of comments are items that will need to be addressed prior to submitting a final plat. 1. Show existing zoning on and adjacent to the site. 2. Need address and phone numbers for owners, lien holders and surveyor shown on plat. 3. Need certification block for planning commission signature. 4. Area shown on graphical portion of plat and area from legals do not match. 5. We will need to see the legal descriptions and deeds of ownership. 6. We will need ties to the section. 7. We will need a legend. Show pins found and set on plat. Are these pins from an accepted survey. 8. Parcel B needs clarification for coarser shown as "east" and "west". 9. Need specific location information for 20 foot access easement. 10. Include recorded deeds book and page information for previous right of way dedications. These comments are from the surveying review only. Other comments may be forthcoming from other departments or agencies. Please contact the Planning department prior to submitting a second plat. I have included copies of our section breakdown, monument records for the section comers in the area, and coordinates on city datum for the section corners in the area. Also a map showing our Right of Way information. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at 303-235-2858. Si e ely John McGuire P.L.S. Cc: Greg Knudson: Development Review Eng. Meredith Reckert: Senior Planner - File City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert FROM: Darin Morgan SUBJECT: 4445 Parfet DATE: November 22, 1999 The following items were noted as part of my review of the above referenced project. 1. Fire Department access = 26' minimum with parking on one side, for street width. 2. Specify PSCO easement location as it relates to all property lines with dimensions form property corners. 3. The lot 2 sanitary sewer cannot cross private property with sewer lateral. Extend main and provide easement across lot 1 to serve lot 2. 12/09/99 THU 10:47 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424-9661 FAR 424-0828 December 7, 1999 Meredith Reckert city of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Co 80033 Dear Meredith: Per your request, attached is the Valley Water District's comments on project ItVZ-99-14, 4445 Parfet St. 1. Additional water mains and fire hydrants will be needed to service the property and must meet AFPD requirements at owner's expense. 2. Water service lines and taps will be needed per each building structure at owner's expense. 3. 30' easement will be needed for water mains and fire hydrants that meet Denver Water and Valley Water requirements and shall be granted by owner. 4_ Any approvals that may be needed from Public Service Company for the 30' easement for Valley Water must be obtained at owner's expense. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-424-9661. Sincerely, Robert Arnold District Manager Z001 i.~Ua-act inU IU:4i rA.t aU.r 4.4 U6-'b VALLEY WATER DIS 7500 West 29th Avenue The City , Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 wheat Telephone 303! 235-2846 Ridge November 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for minor subdivision, zone change and planned building group at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by December 12. 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. L~ CASE NOS: LOCATION: REQUESTED ACTION: PURPOSE: APPROXIMATE AREA: WZ-99-14; PBG-99-02; MS-99-05 4445 Parfet Street C61i~ o Subdivide lot into 2 lots and change a portion of the zoning on Lot I from C-1 to R-3 Construction of 5 duplexes (10 units) on Lot I and construction of one single-family residence on Lot 2. 1.3 acres. 0002 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? No . Additional mainlines and fire hydrants will be needed to serve the property and meet AFPD requirements. 2. Are service lines available to the development? water service lines and taps will be needed for each separate building structure. 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the developmem? Yes 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? Yes 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 30 t easement will be needed for mains and hydrants that meet Denver Water and Valley Water requirements and shall be granted by owner 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this rcouest' Yes - see attached letter, item Ii4. Pleaseltyplyimer. Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development Pax: 303/235-2857 DISTRI%MON:_ - X Water District (Valley Water) X Sanitation District (Fruitdale Sanitation) X Fire District (Arvada Fire) Adjacent City X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist Jefferson County Planning Dept. Completed by: (Name, /Departm k Net 111(1614e X leffco Health Department X Jeffeo Schools Jefleo Commissioners X TCl of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X- WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. X WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. Denver Metro Major League Baseball Dist. "The Carnation City" 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Meat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge November 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for minor subdivision, zone change and planned building group at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by December 12, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NOS: WZ-99-14; PBG-99-02; MS-99-05 LOCATION: 4445 Parfet Street REQUESTED ACTION: Subdivide lot into 2 lots and change a portion of the zoning on Lot 1 from C-1 to R-3. PURPOSE: Construction of 5 duplexes (10 units) on Lot 1 and construction of one single-family residence on Lot 2. APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.3 acres. 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Meredith Reckert Department of Planning & Development Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Valley Water) X Sanitation District (Fruitdale Sanitation) X Fire District (Arvada Fire) Adjacent City 0 X Public Service Co. X US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Completed by: (Name, Agency/Department, Date) X Jeffco Health Department X Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. X WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Building Division X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. Denver Metro Major League Baseball Dist. "The Carnation City" City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist /rv SUBJECT: WZ-99-14; PBG-99-02; MS-99-05 DATE: November 19, 1999 I am writing in response to your request for comments on the above referenced application. Generally, Economic Development staff would not support rezoning from commercial to residential land uses. After speaking with you about this case, it has become clear that the amount of land requested for the actual rezoning is a small portion of the lot measuring approximately 200 feet by 20 feet. The subject property is predominantly in the R-2, Residential Two zone with the 200 x 20 foot strip zoned C-1, Commercial-One. Considering the small size ofthe land requested for rezoning, Economic Development staff has no comments on this case. aF wnearP LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION of wNEnra o Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 °otoRPO~ Phone(303)235-2846 cotoR o0 (Please print or type all information) 5 3 C n 1 r ~ - ' ' - nn e la.p W. Applicant e-c Address n l k PJ > 2 Phone 9 19-Y515 City L-,..} t' l e-4nr\ Owner ~~ictAddress Q 1 Phone C y Location of request (address) y`I `I ' a~ ~ C Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions liste d below which pertain to your request.) Pq Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Variance / Waiver ❑ Site development plan approval ❑ Nonconforming use change ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Flood plain special exception ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interpretation of Code ❑ Temporary Use, Buildings, Signs ❑ Lot line Adjustment © Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less) Planned Building Group ❑ Subdivision (More than 5 lots) Street Vacation ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Other: Detailed description of the request: LZe, - r S-SZ Cls-~(4.~ a ~g f- Fill out the following information to the best of your knowledge. Current Zoning: C N- Size of Lot (acres or square footage,: 1.3 Ad 2S Current use: NJ C c o^ d_ Proposed use: o M,, ~ Lnk 1- S; 151 Assessors Parcel Number: 104*-4~ 1 certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant f KE~.ti ~sA~ en if4 Subscribed sworn tome this S da of 19 Nota Public My commission expires Za "d3-off . . Date received H-1 Receipt No. Case No. -0 Related Case No.IM5-TI -Or Zoning G-! i t2' ~Jt Quarter Section Map QbD a WL ,51 u o - 10 .55~ir1x--) ~JOTICF s a u.E2 izx" W' '51+71Ql C.C- ''IL\hrj `v lC.~ S2000S .?G l cv Y5-01,e- 77~a c'8 L o 9~4 -,457" AMA Pa-afiq- 4AAA sin jgg t'evcN F*tuw--44J vw-&F- MORM F4optgtls SF.Mt M crAj9N?ey t O tit y rrs o,-11 T41E Tt-3 tor' IV mrzrz. YAar* j oY t sPR oN Tl+t-: V--?, PS& Fog T74r--- S b u Pt E~X 1400 * v4mms A150,oo0 VA%hrS 2 -DD- T-M C C?~ - RtivAt-Y Pl5t~ (4') WoV tI> tk,= VJAR.R[Mh-ED - -pAttiDPTr- "OVLD GopISTrukOr (Fi*e l13- .Y 81) *AILVIAJCr MXTUWAts - MA40LY V-WA^Wp~ QOSS h3Ly 1SM1GIL 09 'Ett gmt-L . 2 !Kb1IY rlr e.TV1VJr=*. - 3 bcr~rvorr...y , 3 bw,~lvyoo.~,y f~t~va~-y tso Low -1~1«xnE [-4oM~ August 5, 1999 NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING FOR REZONING Landmark Brokers Realty Southwest in conjunction with VH Construction are pleased to invite you to a neighborhood input meeting for the property located at 4445 Parfet Street in Wheat Ridge regarding the rezoning from C-1 and R-3 to R-3, Subdivision and Planned Building Groups to allow for the construction of five duplexes (10 units). Date: Tuesday, August 17d', 1999 Time: 6:30 PM Where: Wheat Ridge City Hall, 7500 W. 29th Ave. Room: Glass Conference Room, 2nd Floor The purpose of the meeting is to allow for the Developer to present the proposal and to allow for input from the neighborhood regarding the rezoning, subdivision and proposed Planned Building Group. Attached is the proposed Subdivision and Planned Building Groups that will be discussed at the neighborhood input meeting. Please review these proposals and bring your questions or concerns to the meeting. Items that will be discussed are as follows: • Rezoning of property from C-1 and R-3 to R-3 • Subdivision of property • Planned Building Group • Design of proposed building • Street and Drainage impact • Utilities and Landscaping • Proposed time line for completion of project A City Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss city policy and regulations and the process involved, however the planner will remain impartial regarding the project. After the meeting please use the space below for your name, address and phone number and state your comments and concerns. Name: Address: Number : Comments: (Please use back of page for further comments) 45 Ave. Current Zoning Parfet St, 4 5 Ave. Proposed Zoning Parfet St. 4 A N I 4 a= °ea Aug-05-99 14:14 C-yatal Finnegan P.01 ' FAX August 5,1999 To: Meredith From: Kevin & Crystal Finnegan Re: Letter for Neighborhood Meeting Meredith, Please review the attached letter for the neighborhood meeting and let us know of any suggestions you may have. Thanks Crystal Finnegan (303) 979-8515 T N_ T O O N N 6 W O I- 1 N O Wheat Ridge dlanning and Developmel,c Department PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Date: 13-9(1 Attending Applicant: Cy- eO -l Address/Phone: Attending Owner: C Address/Phone: Attending Staff: Jif.CVvI t"l,fkk~' a Address or Specific Site Location: Q-5 ?GY7( f_+ w5o UJ WSTO Hue- Existing Zoning: F-- 2- f ~L - 3.C _ Existing Comp. Plan- Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: A, [y-_pleXesc-t-owt')viou-sc5) 0~ 50' - 'JOrfiov\ Ut s A-o Fr4-D Application(s): t * /Building Permit Only Planned Unit Development done Change * Variance \J'/Site Plan Temporary Use Permit V' Minor Subdivision * Conditional Use Permit * Major Subdivision * Special Use Permit * Street Vacation * Lot Line Adjustment Other Relevant Issues: Planning Depart. Public Works Building Dept. Easements Roads/Transportation Soils Setbacks Survey Info. Height Use Drainage/Erosion Height Control Utilities Zoning Flood Plain Fire Access Landscaping Traffic Parking ROW Vacation Signs ROW Dedication Comp Plan Public Improvements Access MEETING SUMMARY AND STAFF RECOMt~MNDATION(S)• Favorable: Unfavorable: s}~) ~~Q,~-~S h aVL 0 -14-V,s~; use ~~s~V s~~ Y9~ h iN, W-0 cot ve sAyc ,w\- s Ccmca r re3can,V01 detns4c1 ts, +1 SevJ,cA ~ew.s cM (t2-2~ ° C - 1 s \ p av~ So . Ccv w--, h-z- Cx ~e d Ctc Planner's Initials: V Applicant's Initials: 44 7-13 *ALTHOUGH STAFF REACTION NAY BE FAVORABLE AT THE TIME OF PRE-APPLICATION MEETING, THE FINAL RECOMMENDATION MAY CHANGE DUE TO INFORMATION UNAVAILABLE TO THE STAFF OR APPLICANT AT THE PRE-APPLICATION MEETING. e:l\\p1aannnning\f0rms\preappmt V Landmark Brokers Realty Southwest Independently Owned and Operated 8420 S. Continental Divide Rd., #201 Littleton, CO 80127 Office: 972-3266 Q Home: 979-8515 Cell: 638-7605;vcs, Crystal Finnegan REALTOR- "Your Full Service Agent' F.ey r,1