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Caer TO: Wheat Ridge City Council FROM Mayor Gretchen Cery n DATE April 1, 2000 This is your official notification that I am vetoing Council Bill # 08 -2000 (Case No. WZ- 99-15) which Council passed on Monday March 27, 2000. I was troubled by Council's actions Monday night. When I received the amended bill, I found that in good conscience I could not sign it. I feel that, as amended, it is not in the best interests of the citizens of Wheat Ridge. It creates a hardship for the man or woman who would like to create a small startup business It sends the message that Council does not want the business to locate in Wheat Ridge. . As amended, it takes away the vested rights of the land owner Council Bill #08 -2000 requires the business owner to appear before Planning Commission as well as City Council for any business not on the list approved by Council. Experts say that 30% to 40% of the jobs or businesses of the year 2005 don't even exist now. In my experience, no small business man or woman has either the time nor the money to spend three months doing this. When business wants to come into Wheat Ridge we should be asking "How can we help you succeed? " not give them more government hoops to jump through. Council Bill #08 -2000, as amended, takes away many of the uses allowed in the current RC zoning. I will hand deliver this notice to your home as well as fax it to you. I plan to call each of you to alert you to look for my notice. ps: I realize the date is April I". This is not an April Fool joke!! cc: Valerie Adams, City Manager Wanda Sang, City Clerk Jerry Dahl, City Attorney Anthony Ficco, landowner Alan White, Director of Planning Laptop: C: GC- City -VETO April 1, 2000 Page 1 of I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 27, 2000 Page - 3 - Bob Olson, Wheat Ridge Historian, was sworn in by the Mayor; he referred to his memo written in 1998, which is part of the attached staff report. He distributed his memo from March 23, 2000, which refers to additional information concerning the early history of this property Mr Olson could not say if the Jaidinger house was or was not the old Cort house Motion by Mrs Worth to postpone this until Meryl Wilson comes out and conducts a more thorough investigation of this house to find out if it was built in 1860 or not; seconded by Mrs Shaver Motion by Mr Siler for an amendment that the information be brought back to Council no later than May 8, seconded by Mr Edwards, tied 4-4 with Councilmembers Edwards, Shaver, Worth, and Figlus voting no Mayor broke the tie by voting no Amendment failed 5-4 Original motion carried 6 -2 with Mr Edwards and Mr DiTullio voting no Mr Edwards stated that there is no information at this time to show that this building is any older than 1905, further the architect states that remodeling would be prohibitive and where will the money come from to restore this building Mr DiTullio agrees with Mr Edwards, there are many other important projects that need to be done in this City; he will not support spending any money on this structure Item 2. Council Bill 08 -2000 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of a rezoning from Residential -Two and Restricted Commercial to Planned Commercial Development for property located at 9751 West 44'" Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado (Case No WZ- 99 -15) Council Bill 08 -2000 was introduced on second reading by Mrs Worth, who also read the title and summary; Clerk assigned Ordinance No 1187 Applicant Tony Ficco, asked for approval of his application for rezoning He would like to see a variety of small shops in the development. Meredith Reckert presented the staff report. Motion by Mrs Worth to approve Council Bill 08 -2000, Case No WZ- 99 -15, an application to re -zone 1 10 acres from R -2, Residential and 79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial, to PCD Planned Commercial Development, and for outline, preliminary and final development plan approval, be approved for the following reasons CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 27, 2000 Page - 4 - 1 The rezoning to Planned Commercial Development is generally consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan 2 The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development meet the standards of other commercial zone designations in the City 3 Approval of this application will eliminate a pre- existing split zoning on this property With the following conditions Prior to signatures and recordation of the PCD, the Planned Commercial Development shall be revised as follows 1 Make revisions as recommended in Section IV of the Staff Report 2 Delete the following principal uses from sheet one those uses listed as (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (8), (9) , (10), (11), (12) (C) 3 Amend permitted principal use 14(I) to read "BUTCHER SHOPS AND FOOD LOCKERS" 4 Add as a principal permitted use 14(RR) "CLOTHING STORES" 5 Amend principal permitted use 14(0) to read "ONE DELICATESSEN, LIMITED TO SEATING FOR NO MORE THAN TEN (10) PERSONS " 6 Reverse order of text for items (15) and (16) 7 Add additional item under (new) (16), SPECIAL USES, as follows (3) COMMERCIAL MACHINE SHOPS" 8 Amend sheet two as follows (1) the drive aisle north of the building to be widened to staff satisfaction (2) All areas with plant materials to be irrigated 9 The owner shall be and remain responsible for ensuring that truck deliveries of goods to the property do not create traffic congestion on drive aisles, parking areas or adjacent streets Motion seconded by Mr DiTullio Motion by Mr Edwards for an amendment to the Motion that if there is a similar use that is not enumerated on this, that it would go back through the public process that the Zoning Administrator would not have the authority to decide if it is a similar use, therefore delete Item (16) which states any similar use which in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator or, upon appeal of his decision, of the Board of Adjustment, would be compatible in character and impact with other uses in this planned commercial development and would be consistent with the intent of this PCD, seconded by Mr Siler; carried 7 -1 with Mr Hanley voting no Motion by Mrs Shaver for an amendment to the Motion that perimeter landscaping strips be living plant material; Motion died for lack of second CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 27, 2000 Page - 5 - Motion by Mrs. Shaver for an amendment to the Motion that some scrubs be placed along the north perimeter of the development; seconded by Mrs Worth, failed 5-4 with Mr Siler, Mr DiTullio, Mr Mancinelli and Mr Hanley voting no, the Mayor broke the tie by voting no Original Motion as amended carried 8 -0 Item 3. Council Bill 09 -2000 - concerning the filling of vacancies on Boards and Commissions Council Bill 09 -2000 was introduced on second reading by Mr DiTullio, who also read the title and summary; Clerk assigned Ordinance No 1189 Motion by Mr DiTullio for approval of Council Bill 09 -2000, an ordinance concerning the filling of vacancies on board and commissions, on second reading and this ordinance take effect 15 days after final publication, seconded by Mr Edwards Mr Mancinelli will vote against this Council Bill because he feels it will create more problems between Councilmembers Amendment by Mr Siler to add to Section 2.(e) at the end of the paragraph, "no appointee serving in another district's position can be replaced during mid -term, unless one of the conditions sited above applies.'; seconded by Mr Mancinelli, carried 5 -3 with Councilmembers Shaver, Worth and Figlus voting no Original motion with amendment carried 5 -3 with Councilmembers Hanley, Worth and Mancinelli voting no ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING Item 4. A. Council Bill 10 -2000 - An Ordinance repealing Section 25 -25 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning the Economic Development and Revitalization Commission Council Bill 10 -2000 was introduced on first reading by Mr Edwards, title and summary read by the Clerk. Motion by Mr Edwards to approve Council Bill 10 -2000 order it published in full and set for public hearing on April 10 2000 at 7 00 p m in the City Council Chambers, seconded by Mr Siler; carried 8 -0 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: March 27, 2000 DATE PREPARED: March 8, 2000 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -99 -15 CASE MANAGER: Martin Orner ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone 1.89 Acres (1.10 Acres From Residential -2, and 0.79 Acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial) to Planned Commercial Development. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 9751 West 44` Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: Legend Properties 3650 Vance Street, #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 David Van Hooser P.O. Box 175 Bailev, CO 80421 1.89 Acres R -2: 1.10 Acres; RC, Restricted Commercial: 0.79 Acres 1.89 Acres: Unimproved N: R -2, Residential -Two; S: C -1, Commercial -One; E: C -1, Commercial -One, R -3 Residential -Three and A -I Agricultural -One; W: R -2, Residential -Two. N: School (Pennington); S: Residential and Commercial; E: Residential and Commercial; W: Residential and Commercial Village Center and Single- Family not to exceed 6 dwelling units per acre. March 10, 2000 March 9, 2000 March 10, 2000 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE O SLIDES O SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This is an application to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential -Two and .79 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development. It is related to Case No. MS- 99 -06, which was a minor subdivision to create a 1.89 acre parcel for the PCD. The minor subdivision, which required only Planning Commission action, was approved by the Commission on October 25, 1999. Il. SUMMARY This application is for property which is currently undeveloped. The land is located in close proximity to the north east corner of 44' and Kipling and the large undeveloped acreage (12.5 acres) known as the Chado property. All agencies have responded that they can serve the development with improvements constructed by the applicant. Exhibit A is the site location and current site zoning map, Exhibit B is the Planned Commercial Development zoning, use and development criteria. III. REZONING REVIEW CRITERIA The City's Code of Laws provides the following review criteria to be used when evaluating requests for rezoning: 1. That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions. 3. In addition to #2, that the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and /or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. 6. That adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. IV. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION On January 6 and February 3, 2000, the Planning Commission heard this case. During the hearings the Commission and the applicant discussed the issues of traffic, permitted uses, lighting, truck access, signage and cross access to the lot located to the west. The applicant has agreed to all items of concern which the Commission identified and has revised the plans accordingly, with one exception. The applicant desires to retain certain language in the permitted use section on Sheet 1, Number 16 as follows: Any similar use which in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, or upon appeal of his decision, of the Board of Adjustment, would be compatible in character and impact with other uses in the Planned Commercial Development and would be consistent with the intent of this PCD. A certain amount of interpretation is necessary with any list of uses in a PCD because there will be uses very similar to the permitted uses. Any potential user has the right to appeal the Zoning Administrator's interpretation of a use without this language included on the PCD. Staff has identified the following minor `housekeeping' items which need to be changed on the PCD: 1. Sheet 1 (A): Permitted Principal Use: correctly spell "one" in the fourth line: "...provided herein except for one (1) or more of the following.... ", 2. Sheet 1: Delete number 16 under Permitted Uses. 3. Sheet 1: Vicinity Map: change zoning to correctly reflect current zoning surrounding the property. 4. Sheet 1: Note 6: Change present zoning to R -2 and RC. V. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move to approve Council Bill No. 08 -2000, Case No. WZ- 99 -15, an application to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development for the following reasons: The rezoning to Planned Commercial Development is generally consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. City Council Page 3 WZ -99 -15 /legend Properties 2. The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development meet the standards of other commercial zone designations in the City. 3. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre- existing split zoning situation on this property. With the following condition: Prior to signatures and recordation of the PCD, the Planned Commercial Development shall be revised as recommended in Section IV of the Staff Report." Option B: "I move to table indefinitely, Council Bill No. 08 -2000, and deny Case No. WZ- 99 -15, an application to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." E: \Pia ning\REPORTS \WZ99- 15CC.wpd City Council Page 4 WZ -99 -15 /legend Properties ORIGINAL CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting February 3, 2000 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair MACDOUGALL at 7:30 p.m. on February 3, 2000 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL: Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Jerry Collins Paulette Cooper Dick Doyle Dean Gokey Don MacDougall Nancy Snow Janice Thompson Staff Members Present: Alan White, Planning Director Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist/Planner Mary Austin, Planner Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of February 3, 2000. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY to approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed by a vote of 8 -0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY to approve the minutes of January 20, 2000. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0, with Commissioner COLLINS abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission on unscheduled matters. 1;ZIT:?I Ii [ys al�.ii►Ce� A. Case No. WZ -99 -15 (continued from January 6.2000) Application by Legend Properties, LLC, for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two and Restricted- Commercial to Planned Commercial District (PCD) for the purpose of developing a commercial building for small businesses located at 9751 West 44th Avenue. ATTACHMENT I The January 6, 2000, meeting was continued to allow staff and the applicant to research some unresolved issues which were identified in the hearing. Mr. Omer reviewed each of these issues as outlined in the staff report. Mr. Omer presented copies of a letter from the school district which stated the district was in favor of the existing six -foot chain link fence along the applicant's northern property line. This letter was entered into the case file. Mr. Omer presented slides from January 6, 2000 at the request of Commissioner GOKEY who was unable to attend the hearing that evening. In response to a request from Commissioner SNOW, Alan White pointed out the Village Commercial designations on the Comprehensive Plan map. Commissioner SNOW asked if Public Works believed the subject area should be included in a Transportation/Circulation Master Plan. Martin Omer stated that when the adjacent property, referred to as Chado, is considered for development approvals, a circulation master plan will be required for the property at that time. Commissioner BRINKMAN referred to discussion at the previous hearing about requesting landscaping requirements in excess of 18% and asked if this matter had been discussed with the applicant. Mr. Omer replied that the applicant would address this issue later in the meeting. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if there would be an issue in removing item one from the list of permitted land uses. Alan White stated that his recollection was that item one was removed at the last meeting and his recommendation would still stand that it be removed. Tony Ficco 12425 West 38th Avenue Mr. Ficco, the applicant, was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He addressed the following concerns expressed by the Commission: Si na e: Mr. Ficco stated his desire to restrict signage to 25% of the glass area in the office portion of the units. If a tenant chooses to have glass in place of the metal delivery door, no signage would be allowed in that glass area. In addition, there would be allowance for signage in the 18 -inch facade above the door. Lighting: Mr. Ficco plans to have six outdoor lights. Those on the west side of the building would be mounted at the top to shine downward. O the lighting on the east (adjacent to the residential properties), two would be installed on the ground to shine upward toward the building and one on the south end would be building mounted. A ground mounted light would shine on the monument sign. Truck delivery impacts on area to the east Mr. Ficco stated that his plan calls for a 56 -foot setback from the property line which far exceeds the 15 -foot setback requirement. The 10 -foot doors would also preclude large delivery trucks from backing in for deliveries. Regarding semi truck traffic, he indicated he would be agreeable to increasing the driveway apron radius from 15 feet to 20 feet. Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 February 3, 2000 Commissioner SNOW stated that her previous comment about buffering for the residential area to the east was more in reference to trucks driving through and the small amount of landscaping in the buffer area. Mr. Ficco responded that in addition to a 6 -foot solid fence, he has planned for landscaping in excess of the requirements. The code requires 10% landscape while his plan provides for 16.44 %. Mr. Omer suggested that a few trees planted in the 6 -foot landscape area could serve to further buffer the residential area. Mr. Ficco stated that he could transfer a 1 -1/2" caliper tree from another part of the property to the buffering area. Fencing - Mr. Ficco stated that he originally thought the chain link fence on the northern property line was 4 feet in height; however, the actual height of the fence is 6 feet. He contacted the school district about the fence and they responded with a letter (earlier entered into the case file) indicating their desire to retain the 6 -foot chain link fence. There will be 6- foot wooden fences on the east and the west. In response to concerns about traffic circulation when the adjacent property is developed, Alan White stated that staff would analyze traffic circulation patterns in relation to the specific type of development planned for the property at the time of development. Commissioner COLLINS noted that the drawing shows cedar fences on both sides of the trash enclosures; however, the Arvada Fire Department had requested noncombustible material for the enclosures and doors. Martin Omer stated that the plan would be corrected to require the noncombustible materials. Commissioner COOPER expressed concern regarding trucks parking in the drive aisle parallel to the building and, while traffic could still circulate past the parked truck, cars could be prevented from exiting their parking spaces. It was the consensus of the Commission that this would be a self managed situation. For instance, if customers complain to the owner of the business, the owner could request the truck to move. Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were any other individuals present who wished to address this matter. There was no response. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2 Residential and 0.79 acres zoned. R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development, be recommended to the City Council for approval for the following reasons: 1. The rezoning to Planned Commercial Development is generally consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development meet the standards of other commercial zone designations in the City.. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 February 3, 2000 3. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre- existing split zoning situation on this property. With the following conditions: 1. The corrections noted in the staff report on page 4 shall be made to the outline and final development plan. 2. The delivery apron radius be increased to twenty feet per recommendation of the Public Works Department. 3. No more than 25% of the glass frontage may be covered by additional signage. If the overhead doors are replaced with glass, no signage will be allowed on these glass areas. 4. A minimum of four additional trees shall be added in the landscape buffer to the east. 5. The correction be made, which was already voted on, to remove the words "all uses permitted in the RC district as permitted principal uses "; and the staff will check the tape of the January 6, 2000 meeting to make sure all the uses are as approved at that hearing. The motion passed by a vote of 8 -0. Chair MACDOUGALL declared a brief recess at 8:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:47 p.m.) B. Case No. WZ- 99 -16: Application by Ted Prythero for approval of a final development plan for Lot 1 of the Onyx Park Development for the purpose of building an 18,000 square foot, two -story professional office building located at 10055 West 43rd Avenue. This case was presented by Mary Austin. She reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MACDOUGALL. Ms. Austin advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval with a condition that the mechanical unit on top of the building be screened. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if it was necessary to call in the ditch company with this lot. Ms. Austin replied that a referral was not necessary. Commissioner THOMPSON inquired about the requirement for semi -flat roof. Mr. White replied that it was most likely an attempt to make the development blend in with the residential area. Commissioner SNOW asked for an explanation about a discrepancy in the amount of required landscaping. Ms. Austin believed that 25,828 square feet was the correct figure; however, the applicant would verify the correct figure. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 February 3, 2000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: February 3, 2000 DATE PREPARED: January 28, 2000 (Continued from January 6, 2000) CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -99 -15 CASE MANAGER: Martin Orner ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone 1.89 Acres (1.10 Acres From Residential -2, and 0.79 Acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial) to Planned Commercial Development. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 9751 West 44t Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Legend Properties 3650 Vance Street, #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): David Van Hooser P.O. Box 175 Bailev, CO 80421 APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1.89 Acres R -2: 1.10 Acres; RC, Restricted Commercial: 0.79 Acres 1.89 Acres: Unimproved N: R -2, Residential; S: C -1, Commercial; E: C -1, Commercial; W: R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential N: School; S: Residential and Commercial; E: Residential and Commercial; W: Residential and Commercial Village Center DATE PUBLISHED: December 17,1999 DATE POSTED: December 22, 199 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: December 22, 1999 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN M CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE SLIDES (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ATTACHMENT 2 I. UPDATE This is an update to Case No. WZ- 99 -15, arequest for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2 Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial, to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) for property generally located at 9751 West 44` Avenue. On January 6, 2000, the Planning Commission first heard this case. During the meeting, several issues were identified as unresolved, and the Commission continued the hearing to February 3, 2000, so that the applicant and staff could research said issues. These items, and staff's or the applicant's response follow: Item 1. The applicant is to prepare a sign plan for the project, including: A. How the front monument sign will be used to advertise the individual tenants. B. A plan for the individual tenant signs on the leasable spaces, C. Whether signage on glass areas (doors, windows) will be permitted. Response: The sign plan for the monument sign has been included on Sheet 2 of the Planned Commercial Development. Area for individual tenant signage is shown on Sheet 2 of the PCD. Signage for the glass area of individual tenant's spaces is not shown on the PCD. Item 2. The applicant shall develop an on -site lighting plan. Response: A sight lighting plan has been included on Sheet 2 of the Planned Industrial Development. The actual design of the ground mounted lighting units is not shown on the PCD. Item 3. The applicant shall consider possible truck delivery impacts to residential areas to the east, and methods for buffering the project from residence to the east. Response: The applicant has asked to address this issue during the Planning Commission hearing. Item 4. The applicant shall determine what fence methods he will use for the north property line adjacent to the school playground. Response: The applicant has asked to address this issue during the Planning Commission hearing. Item 5. Staff is to investigate whether acceleration/deceleration lanes for this project are necessary. Response: Public Works staff reports that the 44` Avenue Business Park development, by. itself, will not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in previous memos. However, future development of the larger acreage to the west (referred to as Chado) will have the potential for substantial impacts to 44 t11 Avenue. Master planning the circulation patterns, including acceleration and deceleration lanes for new development on the adjacent 2 acreage to the west will be necessary. Tools such as those used in the current 44' Avenue Business Park application, such as cross access for internal circulation, should be used for the future development of the adjacent properties, which will help alleviate future traffic impacts to 44" Avenue. See memo from Steve Nguyen of the Public Works Department dated January 20, 2000, attached. Item 6. Staff is to research the option of one - way -in and one - way -out traffic circulation for the project's driveway as opposed to two way in and out circulation at each curb cut/driveway. Response: Public Works staff has analyzed the first submittal of the 44` Avenue Business Park Construction Plans (not necessarily the site plan) prepared by Lane Engineering, and reports that the one -way circulation would work efficiently at both the driveway and in the parking lot. However, signing in the parking lot area would be difficult and the level of awareness and compliance would be low, resulting in ongoing violations. Therefore, two -way in and out at each curb cut as currently proposed by the applicant is the preferred alternative. Item 7. Staff is to research the on -site impacts of semi tractor trailer trucks parking in the on -site drive aisles as well as circulating through the site. Response: Public Works staff used a intermediate size semi -truck template (total truck length of 50 feet) to analyze the on -site circulation system and has found that in order to adequately accommodate these vehicles, the driveway apron radius should be increased to 20 feet from the current 15 feet. This would provide adequate area for the trucks turning path for entering and exiting the project. The driveway width of 25 feet, as proposed by the applicant, is adequate. The current site layout is situated where it will be able to accommodate semi -trucks to circulate around the interior without obstructions even at corners of the site. If a truck is loading /unloading in the drive aisle (parallel and adjacent to the building), a vehicle in the parking stall would not be able to get out of it's space. In this same event, a car circulating though the drive aisle would be able to pass the truck. Item 8. Staff is to research the cumulative impacts to vehicle movement on 44` Avenue from this and anticipated future development on adjacent properties to the west. Response: Public Works staff reports that the 44` Avenue Business Park development alone will not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in previous memos. However, future development' of the acreage to the west will have the potential for substantial impacts to 44` Avenue. Master planning the circulation patterns for new development on the acreage to the west will be necessary. Tools such as those used in the 44" Avenue Business Park application, such as cross access for internal circulation, should be used for the future development of the acreage to the west, which will help alleviate future traffic impacts to 44` Avenue. The Planned Commercial Development has been revised since the January 6` hearing with an updated list ofpermitted land uses discussed during the previous hearing. Staffhas identified the following items which have yet to be amended: A. (13) (B) Change to: Equipment rental agencies; provided, however, no outdoor storage. B. (13) (G) Locksmith shops should be removed. The applicant has included a sign plan for the monument sign, and has told staff that he will include wording that limits the amount of individual tenant glass /widow area for signa;e to no more than 25 percent of the total individual unit's glass area. The applicant has included a site lighting plan including the ground mounted lighting. The applicant has added a commitment to both ingress and egress at both project curb driveways. The existing chain link fence on the north side of the project area is actually six feet, and has been shown on Sheet 2 of the PCD. The following `housekeeping' items need to be corrected: A. For continuity with the Land Use matrix on Sheet 2 of the PCD, Note 3 on Sheet I should be changed from 18 % to 16.44 % for landscaping. B. Sheet 1 title block `Business' is misspelled. C. Sheet 1, (13) (A), `Copying' is misspelled. D. Sheet 1, Conditions: No. 1., typo; insert the word `it' after "...to the extent that....... E. Sheet 1, Legal Description; should be for Lot 1 of 44" Business Park only. F. Sheet 1, Statement of Unified Development Controls, fill in sheet numbers, change preliminary to outline, and change industrial to commercial. G. Sheet 1 should have a new revision date of January 27, 2000. H. Sheet 2, dumpster enclosure should be of non - combustible material. I. Sheet 2, Land Use matrix, Landscape section, `shrubs' is misspelled. Commission members should bring their packet from the January 6, 2000 meeting. II. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the Wowing reasons: The rezone to Planned Commercial Development is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Proposed uses for the Planned Commercial Development are expected to complement existing commercial uses along 44' Avenue, without causing negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users, The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development meet or exceed the standards of other commercial zone designations in the City, 4. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre - existing split zoning situation on this property. subject to the following condition: 1. The corrections noted in the staff report on Page 4 shall be made to the PCD." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial, to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for DENIAL for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." a� Y' . MEMORANDUM Approved Date TO: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist FROM: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer � DATE: Thursday, January 20, 2000 SUBJECT: Traffic Impact, 44` Avenue Business Park, WZ -99 -15 This memo serves as a response to your memo dated January 7, 2000 referencing the above development. Your memo essentially requested additional traffic analysis including traffic impact and circulation. In addition, you needed to know if the proposed site layout would be able to accommodate a semi - trailer. Vehicle templates such as passenger car and intermediate semi - trailer (WB -40) were used to evaluate the proposed site layout. The evaluation reveals the following findings: The driveway apron radius should be increased to 20 feet instead of 15 as proposed in the plan. This larger radius is to provide adequate area for the trucks turning path. 2. The one -way would work efficiently; both at the driveway and in the parking lot. However, signing in the parking area would be difficult and the level of awareness and compliance would be low. If there is a truck load/unload in the drive aisle, a vehicle in the parking stall would not be able to get out of its space. 4. The current site layout is situated where it will be able to accommodate semi - trucks to circulate around the interior without obstructions even at corners of the site. In general, traffic generation from small scale projects such as this would accumulate to a significant impact to the adjacent roadway if no improvements are planned for. In this case 44` Avenue, in the vicinity of this development, is pretty much developed with the exception to the large parcel immediately west of this site. The 44' Avenue Business Park development alone would not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in the previous memo, however, the future development ofthe adjacent parcel will. This corner parcel is probably considered as a prime commercial parcel. As a result, the type of development on this parcel will most likely be a high traffic generator. I feel that extensive planning will be needed in addressing the traffic impact to this area. Perhaps a master plan would best serve this purpose. EXHIBIT A This development, for efficiency reasons, should plan along term traffic access and circulation, which connect to the west parcel. To be specific, a provision should be established for future cross access at the northwest corner of this site to connect to the parcel to the west. Having this cross access, internal circulation would be optimum and site traffic can utilize other access if the immediate access is congested during the busy hours. ` cc: Alan White, Director of Planning and Developement Greg Knudson, City Engineer File A 22 -foot cross access easement will be provided between the northwest corner of Lot 1 and the northeast corner of Lot 2 and will be shown on the plat with standard cross access easement language approved by the city attorney. 2. A 5% park land dedication will be required unless the Parks Commission proposes an alternative to the required park dedication. 3. The language regarding utility easements requested by Public Service be shown on the plat. 4. The plat will show contours, as required by the subdivision regulations. 5. The drainage plan which has been submitted will be made a part of the subdivision and recorded with it. 6. An easement, as defined by state statute and Wheat Ridge subdivision regulations sufficient for drainage and to allow for maintenance of the ditch and as approved by the Oulette Ditch Company, will be shown on the subdivision plat. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0 with Commissioner GOKEY absent. (Chair MACDOUGALL declared a brief recess at 8:55 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 P.M.) B. Case No. WZ- 99 -15: Application by Legend Properties, LLC, for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two and Restricted- Commercial to Planned Commercial District (PCD) for the purpose of developing a commercial building for small businesses located at 9751 West 44th Avenue. This case was presented by Martin Omer. He reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MACDOUGALL. Mr. Omer advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommendation was for approval of the application with conditions as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner COLLINS pointed out an error on the subdivision plat previously approved by the Commission this evening. There is a small strip that is shown as R -2 but should be C -1. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about the type of traffic that would be generated by this development, especially the generation of semi traffic and indicated she would like to have a condition that no semi traffic could service this development at any time. She also expressed concern about traffic circulation and whether or not there would be room for vehicles to pass by a parked vehicle if there were two -way traffic circulation. She was also concerned about the lack of an accel/decel lane. She didn't want to see the residential neighborhood impacted by traffic. Planning Commission Page 4 January 6, 2000 ATTACHMENT 3 Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern that, based upon the decision by the Parks Commission, everything approved this evening could have to be redesigned. She also expressed concern about reviewing such a large number of changes and conditions that could leave room for error. In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER, Mr. Omer stated that vacancy rates for these types of developments are very low. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about the uses nearest residential development such as open overhead doors and fumes from idling trucks, etc. Tony Ficco 12425 West 38th Avenue Mr. Ficco was sworn -in by Chair MACDOUGALL. Concerning the types of businesses facing the residential neighborhood, he stated there was no representative from the adjacent neighborhood at the neighborhood meeting. He also noted that the neighborhood is extremely run down and could be a detriment to his business in attracting tenants. In regard to zoning, he said the R -2 zoning is to the west and the R -C is where the former Thunderbird Garage was located. In figures from other similar developments, the traffic average is I person per 1000 square feet; therefore, with a total of 16 stalls planned, the automobile impact would be very minimal. He also stated that he would change all of the overhead doors to glass to enhance the appearance of the development. Regarding drainage concerns, retention ponds have been designed so no water, other than the historical rate, will leave the property. He requested that the names of the occupants be permitted on the monument sign in front of the building. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Ficco if he would be opposed to one - way -in and one- way -out traffic circulation. Mr. Ficco replied that staff was of the opinion that two -way traffic flow would work better and that the two -way traffic plan has worked very well in other locations. In reply to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Ficco stated that he would be agreeable to whatever the Planning Commission. decided about lighting on the property. He also stated that signage for the individual businesses would be uniform. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if Mr. Ficco would be opposed to a restriction on semi traffic. He replied that he would be agreeable to a condition that no semi's be allowed to park overnight; however, tenants need to have the ability for occasional semi deliveries and such a restriction would make his development less desirable to prospective tenants. He noted that the overhead doors are not designed to fit semi's. He indicated that should semi's become a problem, he would ask the tenant to move. It was the consensus of the Commission to address each of the permitted principal uses as outlined in the PCD. The following changes were made and agreed to by the applicant: Planning Commission Page 5 January 6, 2000 (1) "All uses permitted in the restricted commercial district as permitted principal uses" shall be eliminated. (3) Eliminate "banks" and leave "loan and finance offices." (4) "Clinics for psychological, social or marital counseling..." shall be eliminated in its entirety. (5) "Commercial Machine Shops" will stay; however, Commissioner BRINKMAN requested that all overhead doors remain closed during business hours except for deliveries. (6) Eliminate "community buildings, YMCA's, YWCA's, libraries." (7) Liquor store shall remain with a condition that it be located in the front of the development. Commissioner COLLINS noted that it was 11:00 p.m. and suggested continuing the hearing due to the lateness of the hour. Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner BRINKMAN seconded that the meeting be continued past 11:00 p.m. and the matter of continuation be reviewed at 11:30 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1 with Commissioner COLLINS voting no and commissioner GOKEY absent. Review of the uses continued: (12) Eliminate "drive -in restaurants" and allow only one restaurant. (14 -A) "Ambulance Services" shall be eliminated. (14 -13) Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about paint associated with sign mailing and silk screening which are more appropriate as an industrial use. Alan White stated that his interpretation of this use would be similar to Kinko's and not a sign fabrication shop. (14 -C) Insert the words "with no outside storage" following the words "equipment rental agencies." (14 -G) "Laundries and dry- cleaning shops" shall remain with the condition they be limited to the west side of the development. (15 -0) "Delicatessens" shall be limited to no more than one in the development. (15 -P) "Department stores" shall be eliminated. "Variety stores" shall remain. (15 -R) "Dry good stores" shall be eliminated. (15 -X) "Grocery Stores" shall be eliminated. (15 -Y) "Hardware Stores" shall be changed to "Hardware Supplies." (15 -EE) "Liquor stores (sale by package) shall be eliminated. (15 -GG) "Locksmith Shops" shall be eliminated. (15 -1111) "Meat, poultry or seafood stores" shall be eliminated (1544) "Newsstands for the sale of newspapers, magazines, etc." shall be eliminated. (15 -KK) "Notions Stores" shall be eliminated. (15 -00) "Pet Stores" shall be changed to "Pet Supply Stores." Planning Commission Page 6 January 6, 2000 (17) "Any similar use which... fires or explosion" shall be eliminated in its entirety. (17 -13) No's. 1, 2, and 3 under this item shall be eliminated in their entirety. (17 -C -3) This item shall be entitled "Conditions" with the following conditions listed: Condition No. 1 - No excessive noise, vibration, dust, emission of heat, glare, radiation, smoke or fumes are produced to the extent that it is dangerous, hazardous or a nuisance to the reasonable enjoyment or use of adjacent properties. Condition No. 2 - No outside storage. Condition No. 3 - Stocking of items intended for use or sale upon the premises is permitted; however, warehousing is prohibited. Condition No. 4 - Wholesale sales of any item offered at retail on the premises, where wholesale is ancillary to the primary retail use is permitted. Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner COOPER seconded that the meeting continue past 11:30 p.m. in order to complete the list of uses and allow for questions from the Commission before continuing the matter to another meeting. The motion carried by a vote of 6 -1 with Commissioner BRINKMAN voting no and Commissioner GOKEY absent. Commissioner THOMPSON requested that before the case is heard again, staff reach an agreement with the applicant regarding the monument sign and the individual building signs, the need for accel/decel lanes, the traffic circulation pattern, lighting on the property, and protection from semi traffic for residential neighborhood to the east. She also asked that, under "Recommended Motion" on page B -7 of the staff report, the words "A -1, Agriculture" be changed to "R -2 and R -C ". Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were others present who wished to address this matter. Carol Oman had signed the public hearing roster but indicated she did not want to speak at this time. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Ficco stated that he plans to remove the 4 -foot chain link fence and replace it with a 6 -foot solid fence. If the school to the north wishes to retain the 4 -foot chain link fence, Mr. Ficco would build the 6 -foot solid fence anyway. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded that Case No. WZ -99 -15 be continued to February 3, 2000. The motion passed by a vote of 6 -1 with Commissioner BRINKMAN voting no and Commissioner GOKEY absent. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded that the Commission reconsider Case No. MS -99 -06 due to the fact that there was an error on the subdivision. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0 with Commissioner GOKEY Planning Commission January 6, 2000 absent. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded that the previous approval of MS -99 -06 be amended to correct the labeling of the adjacent zoning on the plat (the property closest to 44th Avenue presently shown as R -2 should be labeled C- 1) and that the existing building be shown with an outline as well as the setback to the property line. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0 with Commissioner GOKEY absent. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing portion of the meeting to be closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Property at 35th and Wadsworth - Commissioner BRINKMAN inquired about the status of the applicant's appeal to City Council on this property. Alan White stated that this matter has not yet been heard by City Council. Since the code does not set forth a method for the appeal process, an ordinance is scheduled to be heard by City Council on first reading on Monday, January 10. Commissioner BRINKMAN requested that the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting on this matter be included as part of the staff report that goes to City Council. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Group Homes for Sex Offenders - Commissioner THOMPSON asked if this issue needs to be revisited. Alan White stated that the City Councilman from District I wants to review group home matters and homes for sex offenders will be addressed at that time. 11. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no reports. 13. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS that the meeting be adjourned at 11:56 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Don MACDOUGALL, Chaff, C .G +�v Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission January 6, 2000 Page CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: January 6, 2000 DATE PREPARED: December 27, 1999 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -99 -15 CASE MANAGER: Martin Orner ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone 1.89 Acres (1.10 Acres From Residential -2, and 0.79 Acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial) to Planned Commercial Development. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 9751 West 44` Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Legend Properties 3650 Vance Street, #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): David Van Hooser P.O. Box 175 Bailey CO 80421 APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1.89 Acres R -2: 1.10 Acres; RC, Restricted Commercial: 0.79 Acres 1.89 Acres: Unimproved N: R -2, Residential; S: C -1, Commercial; E: C -1, Commercial; W: R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential N: School; S: Residential and Commercial; E: Residential and Commercial; W: Residential and Commercial Village Center DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: December 17, 1999 December 22, 199 December 22,1999 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS Q SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ATTACHMENT 4 -, I. REQUEST This is an application to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development. It is related to Case No. MS -99 -06 being a minor subdivision to create a 1.89 acre parcel for the PCD. The minor subdivision requires Planning Commission action only. II. CASE HISTORY This application is for property which is currently undeveloped. The land is located in close proximity to the north east corner of 44` and Kipling and the large undeveloped acreage (12.5 acres) known as the Chado property. Since the application for planned commercial development of the 44` Business Park precedes any other recent application for development in this area, the 44` Business Park is important in that it sets the standard for anticipated future development nearby. After submittal of the rezone application, staff s review revealed that the subject property was never legally subdivided, and staff requested that the applicant submit a Minor Subdivision application. Minor subdivisions receive final hearing at Planning Commission, and do not require City Council action. Exhibit A is the site location map, Exhibit B is the current site zoning map, Exhibit C contains the referral comments, Exhibit D is the Planned Commercial Development zoning, use and development criteria, and Exhibit E is the drainage report. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The applicant conducted a meeting on August 16, 1999. The following persons were in attendance: Vince Vessa Carol Oman James B. Cluck Nell L. Cluck Bob Olson Tony Ficco Martin Omer 11250 West 38` Avenue 9475 West 38` Avenue 9890 West 44` Avenue 9860 West 44` Avenue P.O. Box 1192, Wheat Ridge 12425 West 38"` Avenue 7500 West 29` Avenue The following concerns were expressed: 1. Question: Will it be a condition of the lease that everything be kept inside? Answer: No outdoor storage will be permitted. 2. Question: Does every office have one overhead door? Answer: Every tenant will have the option of an overhead door or glassed in door. 3. Question: What provisions will have to be made with the ditch company? Answer: Maybe some discussions to irrigate the lawn. 4. Question: Where is the property in relationship to the other property there? Answer: The applicant used a map to show the answer. 5. Question: What is your development timeline? Planning Commission . Page 2 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties 6 'Z Answer: Next spring for construction. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Agencies Referred and Responding (Exhibit C): Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: 1. A final drainage report has been received and is currently under review. 2. The required engineered street construction plans have been received and are currently being reviewed. 3. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due. 4. The required erosion control plan has been received and is currently being reviewed. 5. "Metroscan" does not list this address. It is shown as 9839 West 44` Avenue. Verification will need to be provided for the correct address. 6. This property appears to be split. Please provide a deed with legal description and a survey. 7. The lot areas shown do not agree with assessor records. The correct areas need to be provided. 8. We will need a traffic impact study. Estimated trip generation exceeds 100 trips during the peak hour (50% office and 50% specialty retail use). Arvada Fire Protection District: The District provided 14 comments which are included in Exhibit C. Valley Water District: 1. Additional fire hydrant and water main will be needed to meet AFPD requirements. 2. Water tap and service line to serve the property will be needed. 3. Easements that meet Denver Water and Valley Water District requirements will be needed for water mains and fire hydrants and must be granted by owner. Wheat Ridge Building Department: Dumpster enclosure to be of non- combustible material. Wheat Ridge Planning Department 1. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner, has said that in previous conversations with the applicant, she requested that a design and dedication for a cross - access driveway for, and in anticipation of, the development of the adjacent property to the west be included in any planning for this property. This easement shall be defined on the development plan/site plan and on the plat. The driveable surface shall be no less than 22 feet in width. Sample wording for this easement is attached and should be included as Note 1 on Sheet 2. 2. The development plan should be revised as follows: A. Both Sheets One and Two, change the title to "A Combined Outline and Final Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" Planning Commission Page 3 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties B. Revise the wording of Use Criteria (14) (C) to read "Equipment Rental Agencies only." This will make the use consistent with the prohibition of outside storage (see Use Criteria (B)(1). C. On the Notes section of Sheet One, include a calculation of how much of the site is currently zoned R -C and how much is currently zoned R -2. D. Substitute the new legal description per the subdivision element of this case for the legal currently on the development plan. E. Sheet Two of the development plan under Landscape, correct the spelling of the word shrubs (schrubs). F. Sheet One title line of 44` Avenue Business Park, the word Business is misspelled. G. Include a Description of Project on Sheet One at the beginning of the text. H. On Sheet 2, include a Note stating that all wall signs shall be consistent with Section 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. I. Include a Note on Sheet 2 that rooftop equipment will be screened from public view. J. Sheet 1, Note 3 says landscaping to be a minimum of 18 %. Sheet 2 Landscape Land Use calc says 16.44% landscaping. Please correct where necessary. K. Include Note on Sheet 2 that the Monument Sign will be for the building street address only. Wheat Ridge Economic Development The Economic Development Specialist expressed support for this project for two reasons: 1. The project includes the potential for sales tax generating uses on a piece of land which is currently vacant. 2. This planned commercial development is designed with building materials, landscaping and uses which set a high standard for future development on adjacent undeveloped and underdeveloped properties. Referral Agencies not Responding: Clear Creek Sanitation District Jeffco Schools US West Wheat Ridge Forestry Division TCI Public Service Company Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Oulette Ditch Company V. REZONING REVIEW CRITERIA The City's Code of Laws provides the following review criteria to be used when evaluating requests for rezoning: 1. That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. There is no error in the zoning classification. The property currently has split zone designations of Restricted Commercial and Residential Two. No zoning activity has occurred Planning Commission Page 4 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties 6A on this property since the City was incorporated, indicating that the zoning is left over from Jefferson County zoning actions. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions. This zoning request is the first recent one the City has seen for the area north of 44" Avenue and west of Kipling Street. Planning and Development staff have had conversations with representatives of the " Chado" property and parties interested in the property adjacent and to the west, regarding development possibilities. It is anticipated that other development proposals for these properties will be forthcoming. A change in character in the area is reflected with this rezoning case. 3. In addition to #2, that the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan use designation for this area is Village Center. Village Center uses are: small scale retail - professional offices professional services - medical offices gas stations restaurants - automobile servicing convenience commercial and service establishments The list of land uses on Sheet One of the Outline and Final Planned Commercial Development are in conformance with the Village Center designation. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Land uses around the subject property include motorcycle sales, food sales, car sales, gas station, auto repair and residential. The public school is to the north (behind) and east of the property. The land uses listed as permitted by this PCD are similar to and compatible with the surrounding land uses. The applicant has received correspondence from the Public Works Department concerning the possibility of traffic impacts to 44 Avenue resulting from the build -out of this case. Limiting the list of permitted uses to business which do not have a need for large amounts of retail or office space will help limit traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway. Planning Commission Page 5 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. Staff does not anticipate any social or recreational benefits to the City from the zone change to PCD. This application reflects an attractive and functional building and landscaping design. The City would capture sales tax from any retail sales occurring on the property associated with the PCD. 6. That adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. The Valley Water District and the Arvada Fire Department have responded with comments which indicate that on -site water infrastructure improvements will be necessary. 7. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. The applicant has received correspondence from the Public Works Department concerning the possibility of traffic impacts to 44` Avenue resultant from the build -out of this case. Limiting the list of permitted uses to business which do not have a need for large amounts of retail or office space will help limit traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. This currently undeveloped property is impacted by split zoning, which causes development of the site to be difficult at best. Rezoning the 1.8 acres to PCD would aid in achieving uniform site development. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Rezoning this property to Planned Commercial Development for the uses proposed is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Land uses and zoning to the south and east are commercial in nature and compatible with that proposed with this application. The plan is sensitive to the school use to the north, and no negative impacts are anticipated. Approval of this application will not create isolated or spot zoning. 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. The property is impacted by split zone designations of Restricted Commercial and Residential Two. Approval of the zone change request will remedy the split zoning and allow the property to be developed in a uniform and planned manner. Proposed land uses listed on the PCD include those which would provide products and services in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and appropriate to this location. Planning Commission - Page 6 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties U VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Approval of this application will benefit the City and the neighborhood in seeing quality development on a currently unimproved piece of land. Retail and service land uses are included on the PCD's list of permitted land uses which will be available to the neighborhood and the general public. The City will benefit from sales tax receipts resultant from retail sales associated with the future tenants. Spillover retail and service needs generated by the new tenants will benefit existing local businesses. This application sets a high standard for future new development in the area with uses, building materials, and landscaping sensitive to the neighborhood. Addressing the potential for traffic impacts from this project on West 44` Avenue should minimize any impacts of the project on the neighborhood. The applicant has stated that they prefer to discuss the referral comments at Planning Commission rather than revise the plan prior to Commission's hearing. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Rezoning from A -1 Agriculture to Planned Commercial Development: Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The rezone to Planned Commercial Development is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, 2. Proposed uses for the Planned Commercial Development are expected to complement existing commercial uses along 44` Avenue, without causing negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users, 3. Approval of this Planned Commercial Development sets a high standard for future new development in the area, 4. The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development are similar to if not more appropriate to this location than other standard commercial zone designations in the City. 5. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre- existing split zoning situation on this property. subject to the following conditions: 1. A note shall be added to Sheet One of the PCD which states, "Each leaseable space will be required to have a minimum of 75 percent of leaseble area as work shop /work area. The remaining square footage shall be for use as retail, office or any combination of same." 2. The development plan should be revised as follows: A. Both Sheets One and Two, change the title to "A Combined Outline and Final Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" Planning Commission Page 7 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties p J�1 B. Revise the wording of Use Criteria (14) (C) to read "Equipment Rental Agencies only." This will make the use consistent with the prohibition of outside storage (see Use Criteria (13)(1). C. On the Notes section of Sheet One, include a calculation of how much of the site is currently zoned R -C and how much is currently zoned R -2. D. Substitute the new legal description per the subdivision element of this case for the legal currently on the development plan. E. Sheet Two of the development plan under Landscape, correct the spelling of the word shrubs (schrubs). F. Sheet One title line of 44` Avenue Business Park, the word Business is misspelled. G. Include a Description of Project on Sheet One at the beginning of the text. H. On Sheet 2, include a Note stating that all wall signs shall be consistent with Section 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. I. Include a Note on Sheet 2 that rooftop equipment will be screened from public view. J. Sheet 1, Note 3 says landscaping to be a minimum of 18 %. Sheet 2 Landscape Land Use calc says 16.44% landscaping. Please correct where necessary. K. Include Note on Sheet 2 that the Monument Sign will be for the building street address only." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial, to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for DENIAL for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." Planning Commission WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties Page 8 6-Y EXHIBIT A WZ -99 -15 SITE LOCATION MAP OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT MIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: March 19, 1999 G9MIh W IF RA%M MO CEYq MeiT . 735 -2557 ® AREA REQUIRING SITE PLAN APPROVAL r -•, - - I 100 -YEAR FL000 PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATICM ZONE DISTRICT BCUNDRY -- PARCEL/LOT BCUNDRY VE5IGNATES OWNERSHIP) — -- WATER FEATURE • DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES NW 22 0 Y IW DJ SCALE I.400 6 - ' 1 EXHIBIT B WZ -99 -15 ZONING LOCATION MAP 3 0 1 . O� O ica ° Q ol° NW 114 CORNER SEC 3. T3S R69W 48.048 SO FT. 1.10 ACRES ZONED R -2 L S 879.00' SCALE •• •• 0 5 o I / /34,4&7 S0 <F T. : ;0': ACRES'- !_ 'ZO,NED 'R - C NORTH R -O -W LINE WEST 44TH AVENUE AREA SQUARE RE FT _ e OVERALL 82.535 100: R -C 34.487 42: R -2 48.048 58; PREPARED BY: LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE. INC. 9500 WEST 14TH AVENUE, LAKEWOOD. CO 80215 TEL: (303) 233 -4042 FAX: (303) 233 -0796 roAmm PREPARED: DEC. 1999 PROJECT: V27 -1 MAE MEMORANDUM Approved Date EXHIBIT C DEP&InNMM'r OF PUBLIC WORKS TO: Martin Omer, Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer DATE: November 24, 1999 SUBJECT: 9751 West 44` Avenue, WZ -99 -15 - PCD For Retail/Office /Commercial Land Use The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated November 19, 1999 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. The required final drainage report has been received and is currently being reviewed. 2. The required engineered street construction plans have been received and are currently being reviewed. 3. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due. 4. The required erosion control plan has been received and is currently being reviewed. 5. "Metroscan" does not list this address. It is shown as 9839 West 44` Avenue. Verification will need to be provided for the correct address. 6. This property appears to be split. Please provide a deed with legal description and a survey. 7. The lot areas shown do not agree with Assessor records. The correct areas need to be provided. 8. We will need a traffic impact study. Estimated trip generation exceeds 100 trips during the peak hour (50% office and 50% specialty retail use). 9. The proposed driveway access design meets City requirements. cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File WZ99 -1 5. M EM B -3 Arvada Fire Protection District Organizational Excellence In Fire, Rescue, and Disaster Services. I�Glartin Omer Department of Planning and Development City of Wheatridge 7500 W 29 Ave. Wheatridge Colorado 80030 RE: Rezoning of 9751 W 44 Avenue. Case # WZ99 -15 The following are our site plan requirements; 11/23/99 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 1, 7900 W 57 Avenue, and Station 2, 12195 W 52"' Avenue. 2. All weather fire. dept access roadways, minimum of 24 feet of unobstructed width, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 52, 000 lb fire apparatus need to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the buildings prior to above grade construction. UFC 97 901.3, 87042. Amended. 3. All buildings classified by the Codes Administrator as the following occupancies: B,F- 1,F- 2,S- 1,S- 2,S -3, or S -5, exceeding 18,000 square feet shall have an approved automatic fire suppression sprinkler system installed throughout in accordance with NFPA -13. Section 1003.2.2 amended. 4. Dead end fire apparatus access roadways in excess of 150 feet will need to be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus. UFC 97 902.2.2.4 5. Fire lanes will need to be dedicated on the Final Plat as Emergency Access Lanes. 6. Fire lanes will need to be posted, "No Parking Fire Lane" on each side with signs that meet City of Wheatridge standards. UFC 97 901.4.2. Water lines and fire hydrants will need to be installed and operational and capable of supplying the minimum required fire flows prior to above grade construction. UFC 97 901.3, 903.2, 8704.3 Amended. 8. Additional fire hydrants maybe required to be installed at: as hydrant spacing exceeds 300 feet. UFC 97 901.2.2. 6503 Simms Street • Arvada, Colorado 80001 -0060 • (303) 424 -3012 • Fax (303) 432 -7995 r3-14 FRI 16:03 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY W.ITER DIS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO d0034 iELEYHVNE 424-901 . I FE1A 4L4-VBLO I 1. 7999 Mr.. Martin Orner Dent. of Planning and Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Martin: Per your request attached is the Valley Water District's response for WZ- 99 -15, 9751 W. 44th Avenue. 1. Additional fire hydrant and water main' will be needed to meet AFPD requirements. 2. Water tap and service line to serve the property wiii be needed. 3. Easements that meet Denver Water and Valley Water District requirements will be needed lot Water ivaila& aPd file uyuZaut6 and must be granted by O If you have any questions, please contact me at 303- 424 -9661 Sincerely, �'' � 4 �� Robert Arnold District Manager Z001 L5 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Whe at Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge DATE: November 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for Rezoning at the property described below Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by December 8, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ99 -I5 LOCATION: 9751 West 44" Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone approximately 1.9 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential 2 to PCD, Planned Commercial Development. PURPOSE: Planned Commercial Development for Retail/Office /Commercial land uses APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.9 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. �_ Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? � 1 ,? 17U'mp51C� GnG1oSC�C �d hL tl r3On COn brj f2li�L /7+ c.� e r Please reply to: Martin Omer (303) 235 -2854 Completed by: LZ tf Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agenc epartment ate) Fax: 303/235 -2857 DISTRIBUTION • Water District (Valley) • Sanitation District (Clear Creek Valley) • Fire District (Arvada) • Public Service Co. • US West Communications e:\plann ing \forms \agendamf. fm • Jeffco Schools • TCI of Colorado X MEAT RIDGE Post Office ,X I WHEAT RIDGE Building Department • WHEAT RIDGE Police Department • WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. • WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development X Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. "The Carnation City" e - IC) EXHIBIT E HISTORIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. MAJOR BASIN A. Relationship to Major Basin Channel: The site is approximately 1300 feet north of the main Clear Creek channel and is higher than, and outside of, the 100 -year flood plain associated with Clear Creek. B. Major Basin Characteristics: Clear Creek Major Basin, both upstream and downstream from the site, is urbanized in character, with a well defined drainageway. 2. SUBBASIN AND SITE DRAINAGE A. Initial and Major Storms: In keeping with the policies of the City and the Urban Drainage District, stormwater runoff analysis and design for an Initial Event of 5 -year recurrence will be used, and an event of 100 -year recurrence will be used for Major Storm analysis and design. B. Offsite Flows: No significant runoff enters the site across its north, east or south boundaries. Stormwater runoff from offsite enters the tract across its west boundary in a well dispersed manner. C. Existing Drainage Patterns: At present, onsite storm runoff flows overland to the northeast, across the natural ground contours in a non - concentrated manner. D. Effect of Historic Flows: Stormwater discharged from the tract presently finds its way to the east, overland, to the Clear Creek channel, in a generally dispersed manner. s 8-17 0 DEVELOPED DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. CRITERIA A. Size Basin and Subbasins: Developed subbasins are shown on the Drainage Map and Plan located in a pocket at the back of this report. Data related to runoff coefficients, detention pond locations, and peak discharge rates to offsite also appear on the Drainage Map and Plan. B. Hydrologic Method: Because the pertinent subbasins are all much smaller than 160 acres, runoff will be calculated by the Rational Method, in accordance with procedures explained in the DRCOG Manual, Volume I. C. Design Storm Frequencies: An Initial Storm of 5 -year recurrance interval will be used for analysis of the minor storm runoff and drainage system, and a 100 -year return storm will be used for analysis and design of major storm facilities, in accordance with UDFCD criteria. 2. RUNOFF A. Flow Rates and Paths: Historic and proposed peak rates of stormwater runoff are as summarized on the following page: 6J�� 0 HISTORIC RUNOFF SUMMARY DEVELOPED SUBBASIN DISCHARGE TO OFFSITE STUDY TOTAL PEAK Tc Q5 DISCHARGE POINT SUBBASIN (acres) _(min) AT STUDY POINT STUDY AREA Tc Q5 Q100 POINT SUBBASIN (acres) (min) (cfs) (cfs) H1 1.89. 12 1.0 6.5 1 1.6 3 OHA 1.84 15 3.1 7.5 TOTAL PEAK RATE OF OHA HISTORIC RUNOFF 3.0 4.1 14.0 B. Effects of Developed Flows: Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond in which the discharge to offsite of both Initial and Major storm runoff will be regulated in accordance with criteria set forth by the Urban Drainage District. 8 6-1 1 DEVELOPED SUBBASIN DISCHARGE TO OFFSITE STUDY Tc Q5 Q100 POINT SUBBASIN (acres) _(min) (cfs) (cfs) 2 D1 0.91 13 D2 0.85 13 0.3 1.6 3 D5 0.04 12 OHA 1.84 14 3.0 7.9 4. D3 0.03 11 neg. /L.F. neg. /L.F. 5 D4 0.05 12 neg. /L.F. neg. /L.F. PROPOSED PEAK (site) 0.3 1.7 ALLOWED PEAK (site) 0.3 1.9 HISTORIC PEAK (site) 1.0 6.5 B. Effects of Developed Flows: Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond in which the discharge to offsite of both Initial and Major storm runoff will be regulated in accordance with criteria set forth by the Urban Drainage District. 8 6-1 1 As a result of controlling runoff from the developed site, the peak rate of stormwater runoff discharged to offsite will actually be less than historic peak rates. PROPOSED PEAK Q100 DISCHARGE 9.5 cfs HISTORIC PEAK Q100 DISCHARGE 14.0 cfs 3. DETENTION A. Volumes Required and Provided Required stormwater runoff detention volume will be provided in landscaped and paved parking and drive areas within the site. Pond volume will be sized and pond release rates will be restricted in a manner to recognize those minor parts of the site in which stormwater runoff to offsite is unregulated, so that overall peak rates of runoff will be as summarized in the tables above. A total detention volume of approximately 9,55 cubic feet is required and is proposed, as shown on the grading and drainage plans. B. Excess Storm Water Passage: All major storm runoff will be collected in the detention pond. The pond outlet structure will include provisions for emergency overflow to the pond outfall pipe. A notch in the perimeter curb at the northeast corner of the site will be provided and sized to allow controlled emergency overflow to offsite, at non - erosive velocity, at the full Q100 pond inflow rate, K CONCLUSIONS 1. IMPACT OF IMPROVEMENTS A. Benefits: Improvements proposed for the site will properly collect storm water runoff and convey it to offsite in a safe manner with minimal inconvenience to property owners and the public. Stormwater detention facilities will actually reduce the peak rate of stormwater runoff to offsite, to less than historic rates. B. Adverse Impacts with Mitigation: The proposed commercial site improvements will generate higher than historical rates of stormwater runoff from the site during both Initial and Major storm events. This increase in peak rate will be mitigated by storm drainage and runoff detention facilities, in a manner that is not a hazard to improvements or an inconvenience to the public. 2. COMPLIANCE WITH CRITERIA: A. Detention Pond: Stormwater runoff detention facilities are proposed in accordance with City of Wheat Ridge requirements. 3. AREAS IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE: A. Discussion: The site is not within, or bordering, a defined flood hazard area. Respectfully submitted, Richard M. Romberg Professional Engineer Colorado Registration No, 25088 10 Z1 m m 0 0 a c 0 K �9 I Li6GG' I I a :� s , Vol m z W RI m m 0 0 a c 0 K i D C) z O �g L 3nN3AV Hibb iS3M -_ '4 VIA A a _ 1 -1 - - RR v ^ �aq 93 �N ,y S 6 I Z a :� s , Vol m z W RI c� REVISED m IANE ENGINEERING $ERVICE.INC. caoa -.�,s pww 3) 3]] -b 2 FIJ (](I]) ID -13)96 -•N y a l N s e. 3• � 0 9� R S J ZZ b i D C) z O �g L 3nN3AV Hibb iS3M -_ '4 VIA A a _ 1 -1 - - RR v ^ �aq 93 �N ,y S 6 I I I Z :� Vol m z W RI c� REVISED m IANE ENGINEERING $ERVICE.INC. caoa -.�,s pww 3) 3]] -b 2 FIJ (](I]) ID -13)96 -•N MiE efYI5KK1 R S J ZZ b I I :� o [y m z W DRAINAGE MAP & PLAN WHEATRIDGE,)COLORADO REVISED �R, � �,},. { 7 $, IANE ENGINEERING $ERVICE.INC. caoa -.�,s pww 3) 3]] -b 2 FIJ (](I]) ID -13)96 MiE efYI5KK1 J ZZ EXHIBIT E HISTORIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. MAJOR BASIN A. Relationship to Major Basin Channel The site is approximately 1300 feet north of the main Clear Creek channel and is higher than, and outside of, the 100 -year flood plain associated with Clear Creek. B. Major Basin Characteristics: Clear Creek Major Basin, both upstream and downstream from the site, is urbanized in character, with a well defined drainageway. 2. SUBBASIN AND SITE DRAINAGE A. Initial and Major Storms: In keeping with the policies of the City and the Urban Drainage District, stormwater runoff analysis and design for an Initial Event of 5 -year recurrence will be used, and an event of 100 -year recurrence will be used for Major Storm analysis and design. B. Offsite Flows: No significant runoff enters the site across its north, east or south boundaries. Stormwater runoff from offsite enters the tract across its west boundary in a well dispersed manner. C. Existing Drainage Patterns: At present, onsite storm runoff flows overland to the northeast, across the natural ground contours in a non - concentrated manner. D. Effect of Historic Flows: Stormwater discharged from the tract presently finds its way to the east, overland, to the Clear Creek channel, in a generally dispersed manner. 6 8 -17 DEVELOPED DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. CRITERIA A. Size Basin and Subbasins: Developed subbasins are shown on the Drainage Map and Plan located in a pocket at the back of this report. Data related to runoff coefficients, detention pond locations, and peak discharge rates to offsite also appear on the Drainage Map and Plan. B. Hydrologic Method: Because the pertinent subbasins are all much smaller than 160 acres, runoff will be calculated by the Rational Method, in accordance with procedures explained in the DRCOG Manual, Volume I. C. Design Storm Frequencies: An Initial Storm of 5 -year recurrance interval will be used for analysis of the minor storm runoff and drainage system, and a 100 -year return storm will be used for analysis and design of major storm facilities, in accordance with UDFCD criteria. 2. RUNOFF A. Flow Rates and Paths: Historic and proposed peak rates of stormwater runoff are as summarized on the following page: 7 1 8 -1�- HISTORIC RUNOFF SUMMARY DEVELOPED SUBBASIN DISCHARGE TO OFFSITE STUDY TOTALPEAK Tc Q5 DISCHARGE POINT SUBBASIN (acres) _(min) AT STUDY POINT STUDY AREA Tc Q5 Q100 POINT SUBBASIN (acres) (min) (cfs) (cfs) H1 1.89. 12 1.0 6.5 1 1.6 3 OHA 1.84 15 3.1 7.5 TOTAL PEAK RATE OF OHA HISTORIC RUNOFF 3.0 4.1 14.0 B. Effects of Developed Flows: Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond in which the discharge to offsite of both Initial and Major storm runoff will be regulated in accordance with criteria set forth by the Urban Drainage District. 8 DEVELOPED SUBBASIN DISCHARGE TO OFFSITE STUDY Tc Q5 Q100 POINT SUBBASIN (acres) _(min) (cfs) (cfs) 2 D1 0.91 13 D2 0.85 13 0.3 1.6 3 D5 0.04 12 OHA 1.84 14 3.0 7.9 4. D3 0.03 11 neg. /L.F. neg. /L.F. 5 D4 0.05 12 neg. /L.F. neg. /L.F. PROPOSED PEAK (site) 0.3 1.7 ALLOWED PEAK (site) 0.3 1.9 HISTORIC PEAK (site) 1.0 6.5 B. Effects of Developed Flows: Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond in which the discharge to offsite of both Initial and Major storm runoff will be regulated in accordance with criteria set forth by the Urban Drainage District. 8 As a result of controlling runoff from the developed site, the peak rate of stormwater runoff discharged to offsite will actually be less than historic peak rates. PROPOSED PEAK Q100 DISCHARGE 9.5 cfs HISTORIC PEAK Q100 DISCHARGE 14.0 cfs 3. DETENTION A. Volumes Required and Provided: Required stormwater runoff detention volume will be provided in landscaped and paved parking and drive areas within the site. Pond volume will be sized and pond release rates will be restricted in a manner to recognize those minor parts of the site in which stormwater runoff to offsite is unregulated, so that overall peak rates of runoff will be as summarized in the tables above. A total detention volume of approximately 9,55 cubic feet is required and is proposed, as shown on the grading and drainage plans. B. Excess Storm Water Passage: All major storm runoff will be collected in the detention pond. The pond outlet structure will include provisions for emergency overflow to the pond outfall pipe. A notch in the perimeter curb at the northeast corner of the site will be provided and sized to allow controlled emergency overflow to offsite, at non - erosive velocity, at the full Q100 pond inflow rate, t'U -w CONCLUSIONS 1. IMPACT OF IMPROVEMENTS A. Benefits: Improvements proposed for the site will properly collect storm water runoff and convey it to offsite in a safe manner with minimal inconvenience to property owners and the public. Stormwater detention facilities will actually reduce the peak rate of stormwater runoff to offsite, to less than historic rates. B. Adverse Impacts with Mitigation: The proposed commercial site improvements will generate higher than historical rates of stormwater runoff from the site during both Initial and Major storm events. This increase in peak rate will be mitigated by storm drainage and runoff detention facilities, in a manner that is not a hazard to improvements or an inconvenience to the public. 2. COMPLIANCE WITH CRITERIA: A. Detention Pond: Stormwater runoff detention facilities are proposed in accordance with City of Wheat Ridge requirements. 3. AREAS IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE: A. Discussion: The site is not within, or bordering, a defined flood hazard area. Respectfully submitted, Richard M. Romberg Professional Engineer Colorado Registration No, 25088 10 a; i � P � S 7Y eS`5 G n \ ® X A D y G c D I r • g $ d z o 3 9 6 g 31N3AV Hlbb 153M -' -- PIP o D z a g c1 b f �3^ � a T II l mR�l - d �.c Y wun + t \; " a D�C3 � 'A 'p o DRAINAGE MAP 8 PLAN REVISED UNE ENGINEERING SEWICE,INC. n Dare fiMSON N ° 44TH AVE. BUSINESS PARK WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO uxe D Co'1,owm K215 -4716 P FM C (�o]) ) z11 - -0]� i � P � eS`5 110 1 %w6l21mw#lm% NOR 1000' PLAN NIN, COMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPROVif:--[) THIS DAY 0 F )2000 BY THE PLAN Nlliii1�11-11 COMMISSION CHAIRMAN PLANNItZ AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY O F WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. MAYOR CITY CLERK 12000 BY THI ul (f m m VICINITY MAP z LAJ LAJ V) 415 i u U) V) uj C) U) g d V) I 0 cr_ a 1 0' UTILITY EASEMENT] ISTING 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE TO REMAINI A VENUE WEST 44TH E 30' L u ) TO_ 7A L L I OT AR_A 82,562 S % DING 30 F 36.--/71 % P 4"'K I N C-'� & D R I V E '<.✓ 685 SF 4 6.8 % VAPOR 4 4 % N T E. A L-L i 7-v\, P -AS TO 1, v BE S--'- Ir"ED BY y A FU LL, A u T m-, iRRI(_?�ATION ,:D,EM. X I N G STANDARD SPA Fs 6 �+ H 17z, A -CAPE N D'L-) Ll PER 4 0 R N A M F N T A , L , 11 _ 8 DECIDLIOU.-) 92 SHRUBS 5 GALLON FVA Frm%ONT EL.. riON $�` � � fir � � �" 10 'MG-EMAED" CEDAR WTS Li I ow A& & 'Oft OW CEDAR Ftmt;c 9 �11 :7 ik SIG MON -171 1 0'6 jollb, I lab. �& a moh m Am 9& In WIS Ar ur m m F L ELM A _ 91 IIII 0 I? "AWL, F R 0 P E �_y N'__ L REVISED: MARCH 7, 2000 PREPARED.- JANUARY, 2000 PROJECT: F48;-30 ROOFTOP UNfTS (TYf') Z4 W" VAPOR 0 U N T ul l 2. LIGH! E E �,vll L_ FR R, Y A POR M,, 0 Ll N T F D "0 U N F E,! LL_ v i L.- HTN' LIG I M 0 U N T E 0 ( " A T 1 L ON 0 T HA I �,[V 1 L N � # T 0 I? "AWL, F R 0 P E �_y N'__ L REVISED: MARCH 7, 2000 PREPARED.- JANUARY, 2000 PROJECT: F48;-30 ROOFTOP UNfTS (TYf') 44TH A.ENUE DUSNESS PAFn FnANED COMUEFCCL DF— Gr'MiIT STATEMENT OF PERMITTED USES (A) PERM17ED PRINCIPAL USES. 110 BUILDING OR I'D SHALL or USEC AND NO BUILDING SHALL HE HEREAFTER ERECTFU. CONVERTED OR STRUC7URALLS .kIIRED uNLE55 ODLLRmSE PROVIDED HEREIN EXCEPT FOR ON (1) OR MORE Of ME FOLUGWING USES. Cl; SOUND SYSICIA SHOPS. (2) LOAN AND FINANCE OFFICES (3) COMMERCIAL MACHINE .."OAS. b) CHURCHES LBRARES PARNS. L AQUARIUMS AND ART GALLERIES (5) GOVERNMENT OR QUA] 60JEk1MENTAL HULLO ]S ALE OFF I CES OR PUBLIC UTILITY BUILDINGS. VHERE OUTSIDE STORAGE 0ABEG ON OR REPAIR FACILITIES ARE NDT PLANNED. (6) INDOOR FLEA MARKET] HOY:EVLR, OUTDOOR FLEA AI.Rn ETS ARE PROHIBITED. (2) LIQUOR STORES W TRONT SG FEET OF BJ10 .f. (b) MED AND DENTAL OFF E CL OR IAUo .1 <ILS. (9) OFF GENIRAL BU] Fs AID PR S '.L UFi C!5 (10) THE RESTAURANT LE CM-AM SAL IF SCHOOLS, PUBLIC PMUC, -I 110 PRGLE OIL ]toLHC PRIVATE, AOCALCNAL TRADE OR PROFESAONAL SCHOGIL). COLLECES. UNVIERSTLES, PRE5CHOOLS AND DAY LURSFRIES (INCLUDING THOSE USES C0EASIILY ACCEPTED AS NECESSAST THERETO RHEN LOCATED ON THE SAME PREMISES). (12) SERVILE ESTABLISHIAENIS AS LISTED 6ELO1 (A) BLUEPkm➢Ny PHO 1111AIC CiNIFFIT AND i ➢I¢n SIMILAR REPRODUCTION SERVICES, HOWEVER, NOT INCLUDING URGE PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND /OR BOCn BINDING ESTABLISHMENTS. NO TF IC PAINTS. (B) EQUIPMENT RENTAL AGENCIES, NO OUTSIDE STORAGE 15 PERMITTED. iC) E#ERMINATORS. (D) IN, NAIL AND COSMEIIL SENaGES. (E) iNTER10R DECORATING CHUBS (I) UUNOWES AND DRY- CLUImIC SHOPS 011 WEST Slpt a.,.f (G) LOCFSMIYH SHOPS. (H) SHOE REPAIR SHOPS. (1) STUDLC FOR PROFE]SI UAL a K OR fLALmxb m LL.E ARTS, PHOTOGRAPHY, MUSIC, DRAMA OR DANCE TAUOkwG. DRESSLRI NG AND CLUTHING ALIEHAGGh SHOPS. (K) UPHOLSTERY SHOPS. (L) HATCH AND JEWELRY REHAB SHOPS. (13) SMALL ANIMAL \ETERI'rARY ILSPIIALS OR CONKS WIRRL THERE ARE ND OUTSIDE PLIC OR RUNS FOR OUCS (14) STORES FOR RETAIL TMMLL AS LISTED BELIII (A) ANTIQUE STORES. (B) APPAREL AND ACCESSORY STORES. (C, LPPLINCE STORES MID 11ICIDENTAL SERVICE ANO REPAIR. (0) ART GALLERIES OR STUDIOS. (E) AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND SUPPLES SALES. TEL 6A6ERIES, RETAIL. (0) BCYC,E STORES. (H) EDGE STORES AND NEn'::1A1.L5. (1) BUTCHER SHOPS AND FIG00 LOCKERS, DU1 NOT N"JILI,o FOOD PROCESSING. (J) BUSFP SS MACHINE OR COIAPUIER STORES. lF) CAMEWI AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE AND SUFFLY SIGFES (L) CANDY, NUT AND CON ECT,,NERY STORES (M) CATERERS. (N) OAK, PROD'OCTS SIORtS (0) ONE JELIC'AIESSEN. (P) vAPoEIY STORES (0) OR" STORES. 44TH AVENUE BUSINESS PARK PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A COMBINED OUTLINE AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO A PARCEL OF LAND IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 22 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO SHEET I OF 2 VICINITY MAP "I'll OESCRIPTIUN. THAT PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 VILEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: q LOT I, 44TH AVENUE BUSINESS PARK MINOR SUBDNISION CITY OF WHFAi RIDGE. JEFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO. OWNER CERTIFICATION THE BELOW SIGNED LINGERIE). OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENTS) wr THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY N DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PUNNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES. RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PUN. AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY Co. . I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF j REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. AGE APPROVAL OF THIS FIRST Y AMENDED FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AMID ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION- 26 -6(G) OF THE 1 1000' CODE OF LAWS. SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S): NOTARY PUBLIC SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 2000. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY SEAL STATEMENT OF UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CONTROL (R) ELLCUL —L =L '. AUD SERVICE, BUT NUT INCLUDIN.: COIILIMll.,RS' STORAGE CARDS. (5) FLORA: 'YIPS (q FURNITURE siONes. (u) MUL,N SUP¢_. _ STORES. (:) dITT. N-L,1) Im -UUVETUR JL LI_. (rv) nARDAARE GOO L.LS. (X) HOOEY AND CRA,I STORES (Y) HOME FOHNI FfLU STORES (Z) HOME IMPROVEMENT SUPPLY STORES - (M) JEWELRY STOKES. (BB) LEATHER GOODS AND LUGGAGE STORES. (CC) LINEN SUPPLY. (DO) MUSIC STORES. (FE) 01'FICE SUPPLY SIORE5, DEFT OPTICAL STORES (CC) PAINT ADD VIALLPAPER STORES. (HIT) PET SUPPLY STORES. (II) PICTURE FRAME SHOPS. (JET PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLY STORES AND SHOPS, BUT NOT INCLUDING CONTRACTORS' STORAGE YARDS. DAN) SHOE STORES S - (LL) SPORTING GOODS STORES. pAM) STAUONEF(Y STORES HHE) TELEVISION. HADIO, SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIR AND SERVICE SHOPS. (CO) TOBACCO STORES. 1 (PP) TOT STORES - (00) VIDEO RENTALS. ICJ (15) SPECIAL USES. THE FOLLOWIN3 USES SHAH BE PERMITTED ONLY UPON APPROVAL OF THE WHEAL RIDGE PLANNING COIAMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL, FOLLOWING PROCEDURES AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 26 -6(8): (16) ANY SAL.AR YSF WHICH IN THE OPINION OF THE ZGNIIN: ADMIHISIRAIOR OR, UPON APPEAL OF HIS DEC610N, Of THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, WOULD BE COMPATIBLE IN CHARACTER AND IMPACT WITH OTHER USES IN THIS PUNNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND WOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THIS P.C.D. (I) AUCTION HOUSES. (2) A BUILDING CONTRACTOR'S SERVICE SHOP INCIDENTAL TO OFFICE OR SHOWROOM PRINCIPAL USES. THIS WOULD INCLUDE CARPENTERS, PAINTERS. ROOFERS, ELECTRICIANS. PLUMBERS, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS. AND SIMILAR USES WHICH OD NOT USE HEAVY EQUIPMENT IN THE BUSINESS, BUT. HOWEVER. OD HAVE VEHICLES. TOOL. MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES USED IN THE BUSINESS STORED UPON THE PREMISES INSIDE AND WHERE SOME CUSTOMER WORK MAY OCCUR UPON THE PREMISES, ADDITIONALLY, FOR USES WHICH INVOLVE CUSTOMER WORK, AND /OR FABRICATION UPON THE PREMISES. CONDITIDgS: CONDITION No I NO EXC.ESSIVL NOISE. VIBRATION, DUST EMISSION OF HEAT, GLARE RAOWTJON, SMOKE OR FUMES ARE PRODUCED TO THE EXTENT THAT IT IS DANGEROUS. HAZARDOUS OR A NUISANCE 10 THE REASONABLE ENJOYMENT OR USE OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES. CONDITION No. 2 NO OUTSIDE STORAGE. CONDITION No. 3 STOCKING OF ITEMS INTENDED FOR USE OR SALE UPON THE PREMISES IS PERMITTED: HOWEVER, WAREHOUSING IS PROHIBITED. CONDITION No 4 WHOLESALE SALES OF ANY ITEM OFFERED AT RETAIL ON THE PREMISES, WHERE WHOLESALE IS ANCILLARY TO THE PRIMARY RETAIL USE IS PERMITTED, NOTES: 1. MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA RATIO-2. 70:1 (37%) 2. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 22 FEET 3, MINIMUM LANDSCAPE COVERAGE NOT LESS THAN 1644% 4. MINIMUM PERIMETER SETBACKS FROM RIGHT -OF -WAY: 30 FEET. COMPLETELY LANDSCAPED EXCEPT FOR DRIVES. 5, NO PART OF THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD PIAIN. 6. PRESENT ZONING: R -2 PROPOSED ZONING: PCD J. EACH LEASABLE SPACE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 7b% OF SPACE AS WORK SHOP /WORN AREA IN NO CASE SHALL ANY INDIVIDUAL LEASABLE SPACE EXCEED 25% OF AREA AS RETAIL. OFFICE OR ANY COMBINATION OF SAME. 6. NO MORE THAN 25% OF THE GLASS FRONTAGE MAY BE COVERED BY ADDITIONAL SIGNACL. IF THE OVERHEAD DOORS ARE REPLACED WITH GLASS. NO SIGNALS WILL ALLOWED ON THESE GLASS AREAS. PREPARED BY LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. 950T EL: (303) -4042 FAX: (303) 233- 0296 GUARANTEES FOR UNIFIED CONTROLS THAT GOVERN THE USE. MAINTENANCE AND CONTINUED PROTECTION OF THIS PUNNED DEVELOPMENT AND ITS COMMON FACILITIES ARE THE WRITTEN DEVELOPMENT REGUIM.ONS ON SHEET 1 Ao 2 OF THE OUTLINE AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PUN ATTACHED TO THIS PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE Cltt OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PUNNING CUMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS _ BAY Of . 2000 DY THE PUNNING COMMISSION PUNNING AND DEVFLORMENI DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2000 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. COUNTY LLERA AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE THIS DOCUMENT AGCEPTEO FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. AT GOLDEN, COLJHADO. ON THE DAY OF , A.D. 2000, IN THE BOOK . RECEPTION - JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK MiD RECORDER BY DEPUTY CLERK W -4 19 - K REVISED: MARCH Z. 2000 REVISED. DECEMBER 13, 159, PREPARED: OCTOBER, 1999 PROJECT. F48 -30 • 1 ) • L � 1411 N IN AN.11 0 p ( JchY� ■ _ ?_ • � O • EST �_ T ._g 11` NTH RE. C -1 S E ■ sage � 2 . CL J` TM v� k ='....' I 4 Q SJ 1 'G 41c h• _ �j it VICINITY MAP "I'll OESCRIPTIUN. THAT PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 VILEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: q LOT I, 44TH AVENUE BUSINESS PARK MINOR SUBDNISION CITY OF WHFAi RIDGE. JEFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO. OWNER CERTIFICATION THE BELOW SIGNED LINGERIE). OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENTS) wr THEREOF, DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY N DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PUNNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE USES. RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PUN. AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REQUIRED BY Co. . I (WE) FURTHER RECOGNIZE THAT THE APPROVAL OF j REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. AGE APPROVAL OF THIS FIRST Y AMENDED FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AMID ACCRUE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION- 26 -6(G) OF THE 1 1000' CODE OF LAWS. SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S): NOTARY PUBLIC SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 2000. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY SEAL STATEMENT OF UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CONTROL (R) ELLCUL —L =L '. AUD SERVICE, BUT NUT INCLUDIN.: COIILIMll.,RS' STORAGE CARDS. (5) FLORA: 'YIPS (q FURNITURE siONes. (u) MUL,N SUP¢_. _ STORES. (:) dITT. N-L,1) Im -UUVETUR JL LI_. (rv) nARDAARE GOO L.LS. (X) HOOEY AND CRA,I STORES (Y) HOME FOHNI FfLU STORES (Z) HOME IMPROVEMENT SUPPLY STORES - (M) JEWELRY STOKES. (BB) LEATHER GOODS AND LUGGAGE STORES. (CC) LINEN SUPPLY. (DO) MUSIC STORES. (FE) 01'FICE SUPPLY SIORE5, DEFT OPTICAL STORES (CC) PAINT ADD VIALLPAPER STORES. (HIT) PET SUPPLY STORES. (II) PICTURE FRAME SHOPS. (JET PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLY STORES AND SHOPS, BUT NOT INCLUDING CONTRACTORS' STORAGE YARDS. DAN) SHOE STORES S - (LL) SPORTING GOODS STORES. pAM) STAUONEF(Y STORES HHE) TELEVISION. HADIO, SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIR AND SERVICE SHOPS. (CO) TOBACCO STORES. 1 (PP) TOT STORES - (00) VIDEO RENTALS. ICJ (15) SPECIAL USES. THE FOLLOWIN3 USES SHAH BE PERMITTED ONLY UPON APPROVAL OF THE WHEAL RIDGE PLANNING COIAMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL, FOLLOWING PROCEDURES AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 26 -6(8): (16) ANY SAL.AR YSF WHICH IN THE OPINION OF THE ZGNIIN: ADMIHISIRAIOR OR, UPON APPEAL OF HIS DEC610N, Of THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, WOULD BE COMPATIBLE IN CHARACTER AND IMPACT WITH OTHER USES IN THIS PUNNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND WOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THIS P.C.D. (I) AUCTION HOUSES. (2) A BUILDING CONTRACTOR'S SERVICE SHOP INCIDENTAL TO OFFICE OR SHOWROOM PRINCIPAL USES. THIS WOULD INCLUDE CARPENTERS, PAINTERS. ROOFERS, ELECTRICIANS. PLUMBERS, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS. AND SIMILAR USES WHICH OD NOT USE HEAVY EQUIPMENT IN THE BUSINESS, BUT. HOWEVER. OD HAVE VEHICLES. TOOL. MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES USED IN THE BUSINESS STORED UPON THE PREMISES INSIDE AND WHERE SOME CUSTOMER WORK MAY OCCUR UPON THE PREMISES, ADDITIONALLY, FOR USES WHICH INVOLVE CUSTOMER WORK, AND /OR FABRICATION UPON THE PREMISES. CONDITIDgS: CONDITION No I NO EXC.ESSIVL NOISE. VIBRATION, DUST EMISSION OF HEAT, GLARE RAOWTJON, SMOKE OR FUMES ARE PRODUCED TO THE EXTENT THAT IT IS DANGEROUS. HAZARDOUS OR A NUISANCE 10 THE REASONABLE ENJOYMENT OR USE OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES. CONDITION No. 2 NO OUTSIDE STORAGE. CONDITION No. 3 STOCKING OF ITEMS INTENDED FOR USE OR SALE UPON THE PREMISES IS PERMITTED: HOWEVER, WAREHOUSING IS PROHIBITED. CONDITION No 4 WHOLESALE SALES OF ANY ITEM OFFERED AT RETAIL ON THE PREMISES, WHERE WHOLESALE IS ANCILLARY TO THE PRIMARY RETAIL USE IS PERMITTED, NOTES: 1. MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA RATIO-2. 70:1 (37%) 2. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 22 FEET 3, MINIMUM LANDSCAPE COVERAGE NOT LESS THAN 1644% 4. MINIMUM PERIMETER SETBACKS FROM RIGHT -OF -WAY: 30 FEET. COMPLETELY LANDSCAPED EXCEPT FOR DRIVES. 5, NO PART OF THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD PIAIN. 6. PRESENT ZONING: R -2 PROPOSED ZONING: PCD J. EACH LEASABLE SPACE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 7b% OF SPACE AS WORK SHOP /WORN AREA IN NO CASE SHALL ANY INDIVIDUAL LEASABLE SPACE EXCEED 25% OF AREA AS RETAIL. OFFICE OR ANY COMBINATION OF SAME. 6. NO MORE THAN 25% OF THE GLASS FRONTAGE MAY BE COVERED BY ADDITIONAL SIGNACL. IF THE OVERHEAD DOORS ARE REPLACED WITH GLASS. NO SIGNALS WILL ALLOWED ON THESE GLASS AREAS. PREPARED BY LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. 950T EL: (303) -4042 FAX: (303) 233- 0296 GUARANTEES FOR UNIFIED CONTROLS THAT GOVERN THE USE. MAINTENANCE AND CONTINUED PROTECTION OF THIS PUNNED DEVELOPMENT AND ITS COMMON FACILITIES ARE THE WRITTEN DEVELOPMENT REGUIM.ONS ON SHEET 1 Ao 2 OF THE OUTLINE AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PUN ATTACHED TO THIS PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE Cltt OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PUNNING CUMMISSION CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS _ BAY Of . 2000 DY THE PUNNING COMMISSION PUNNING AND DEVFLORMENI DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2000 BY THE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. COUNTY LLERA AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE THIS DOCUMENT AGCEPTEO FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. AT GOLDEN, COLJHADO. ON THE DAY OF , A.D. 2000, IN THE BOOK . RECEPTION - JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK MiD RECORDER BY DEPUTY CLERK W -4 19 - K REVISED: MARCH Z. 2000 REVISED. DECEMBER 13, 159, PREPARED: OCTOBER, 1999 PROJECT. F48 -30 44TH AVENUE BUSINESS PARK PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT A COMBINED OUTLINE AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO A PARCEL OF LAND IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 22 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 2 , "SNUG fi CnAIN LINK FENCE i0 RWAN X10 UTILITY EASEMENT 5 69'51 '01 'w 220,00' SO IT 1 - 2166 S UNDSCRPE CRUSHED GW.NI)E 1V 2160 SG R. n � ASR Li DR f O / i � T i C DEiCaiION .UlU \� L 1 0 � �. :u osaAPe CEDAR FENCE 1 - Fm: M.C'SiEwi 6' FEET, "msU' tAn SCFS w LFASn 6' tANCSCAPE HED GRANT �I s' Iaerosa.E RUSHED GRANITE \ l ASPHALT DRIvE GEDI FE NCE .C4A4s 1620 S SO IT 1 1620 S0. FI. 2166 S S0. FT. 2 2160 SG R. r — —� : o CEDAR FENCE I� n — I \ 1 1 BAS 6OF CCUWl�tI61E 6' NSA CM1"LOSUAE NO SIDES A LANOSC.P CROSHEO� GRAN13£_. -. 1 I AIIDS.APJ m CRUSHED GRANITE o 1 I ASPHALT IIIVE 1 5 CEDAR FENCE GR0.59�, 10' UIIU6 EASEMENT I a l 4XISTING 6' SIDEWRLI: WEST 44TH AVENUE 111 4 ' I f IIIE, VI< � :III, ,_ ] 6 ,., JL 1.:11: "_L1H I � t\ III.., %TILL E 1 L a`II ...1 . T L '.L F':'t II FRONT ELEVATION TTI I � FI r 1 I I 1 I I i . aodFUwFO�ceuwsuls III` � 1 11 - CEDAR FENCE LCGipN OF euwWG UDDE q X 1.. 1 I III, SIGN MONUMENT SCALE: 1w -'E0V r ,. A-' i 1100FTOP IINRS (IWI I 1] 10 6 1 8' w SIGN PLAN /STUCCO i 04111 I M d+EflHEW 000It9- oP]LON'. sraReFnor<r m]eLeE a oLws PROFILE PARTIAL ELEVATION 5 J �12',12' FIXTURE �2 112' 01.fTER PIPE B' 12' REVISED. M:RCn '1, 2111,1 PREPARED: dH1 2w,1 PRCJECL H6 -30 d+EflHEW 000It9- oP]LON'. sraReFnor<r m]eLeE a oLws PROFILE PARTIAL ELEVATION 5 J �12',12' FIXTURE �2 112' 01.fTER PIPE B' 12' REVISED. M:RCn '1, 2111,1 PREPARED: dH1 2w,1 PRCJECL H6 -30 -------- --- C-C it I N I move to approve Council Bill 08 -2000, Case No. WZ- 99 -15, an application to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and ,79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial, to PCD, Planned Commercial Development, and for outline, preliminary and final development plan approval, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The rezoning to Planned Commercial Development is generally consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development meet the standards of other commercial zone designations in the City. 3. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre- existing split zoning on this property. With the following conditions: Prior to signatures and recordation of the PCD, the Planned Commercial Development shall be revised as follows: 1. Make revisions as recommended in Section IV of the Staff Report 2. Delete the following principal uses from sheet one: those uses listed as (2), (3), (4), (5), (8), (9), (12)(C) qs� (10) 1) Grp) 3. Amend Permitted principal use 14(1) to read: "BUTCHER SHOPS AND FOOD LOCKERS" 4. Add as a principal permitted use 14(RR): "CLOTHING STORES" 5. Amend principal permitted use 14(0) to read: " ONE DELICATESSEWLIMITED TO SEATING FOR NO MORE THAN TEN (10) persons." c7 01 Add additional item under (new) (16), SPECIAL USES, as follows: (3) COMMERCIAL MACHINE SHOPS" 8. Amend sheet two as follows: (1) the drive aisle north of the building to be widened to staff satisfaction. (2) All areas with plant materials to be irrigated. ' ? � � e r s " �.c� ,vofew cC o.J OF �� DO GC7.<. YsTlO.c..� SeC .$ae PCj rco* r t l_j �SJ�r �6 7F�14�' -C�cxlC. lsrCv 5 Z5> A.00 G LC ,%Z04 Y - O.c, 7844, .7 ZTt�E�G Dztly� �4cs -�s �D.T'fbc��� Sztt-�zS. 6, 7 UM -Perms X-ee-�� J W I move to approve Council Bill 08 -2000, Case No Z -99- pplication to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial, to PCD, Planned Commercial Development, and for outline, preliminary and final development plan approval, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The rezoning to Planned Commercial Development is generally consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development meet the standards of other commercial zone designations in the City. 3. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre- existing split zoning on this property. With the following conditions: Prior to signatures and recordation of the PCD, the Planned Commercial Development shall be revised as follows: 1. Make revisions as recommended in Section IV of the Staff Report -Z 2. Delete the following principal uses from et one: ( 1 l ? those uses listed as (2), (3), (4), (5) , (8) (9), (12)(C) ( 3. Amend Permitted principal use 14(I) to read: "BUTCHER SHOPS AND FOOD LOCKERS" 4. Add as a principal permitted use 14(RR): "CLOTHING STORES" 5. Amend principal permitted use 14(0) to read: " ONE DELICATESSEN LIMITED TO SEATING FOR NO MORE THAN TEN (10) persons." 6. Reverse order of text for items (15) and (16). 7. Add additional item under (new) (16), SPECIAL USES, as follows: (3) COMMERCIAL MACHINE SHOPS" 8. Amend sheet two as follows: (1) the drive aisle north of the building to be widened to staff satisfaction. (2) All areas with plant materials to be irrigated. v� Lc (s) 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Whe Ridge FAX 303/235 -2857 March 10, 2000 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case Nos. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two and Restricted - Commercial to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) for the purpose of developing a commercial building for small businesses generally located at 9751 W. 44 Avenue will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on March 27, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. All owners and/or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other person whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\Bmbua\CCRPTS\PUBNOTIC\wz9915.wpd d O E W 4 U N N a a O z � U p m K m T L b N m .a 0 z :g H D d C w W d � d O c u N N m C N o fk a y s O D r � KI >I KI O O 0 N N m . E . 0 0 a 0 w u z o � E w c E o _N y Y'O= 0 d N h t0 N N N N N N x_ ama N m m rn rn rn rn m m m N N N N N N U_ Q •� N o o o N m o o U o ^ m c N d; > > > d; = J ,g > 0 n O O= N O CO � w N L w U w 0_ I L N J r w W N N E d wU O U w U w N O E:2 O L O w-0 U a j O U O V I� O O U w = y/ in d > M d N OI �y M d T rn X O O oU W m ai W Z . ai T n o N ti > Ol C O W mm I� r X O dm y a o�p c�ia a m O w o O m 2 i o d a O a N E ai INK F m 0'o U �� a m ° � � N D O O N N � �U c.�rLLW E N Q U_ W T w C a m m m m m m ro m m W Nw 2 2 W O E n rn m rn n m rn n rn n rn n rn n m Q Q W z z 0 _Hp_ j N U. 0 z a Q 2 z O Una a �I d O E W 4 U N N a a O z � U p m K m T L b N m .a 0 z :g H N T 0 a W C . U L N y O O. y 0 P. @ W O z z„ U FO v v T b N ti a N U 0 `v z z y H a d d d N u N m E I �. z j NI a j O O w N O1 O a L � @ E 1 c @ .- x U_ O _ • go N a 0 �O^O d L N U U = V Qm L p E O 9 Q m 0 v U rn o f6 0 J a d c c . ._ I i a 3 ° U E o arni r m a0 -v3 �' @'ni M ' ,,, Om @ mcK o� O ff . _ _@ v °" °- ° rn ��°n `m Q mw @ rn y"'o IRS aoi Q C N N N O N Q N Q C @ E N 00 m' 0 X K �U ywu°.w v m ❑ ❑ ❑ ®❑ ❑ z v LO U_ T lil C �O t0 r ep rn O 0 O o .00 m m m m w m� ro W O E n rn rn n rn n m n rn rn r rn U QQW zz z LU cQ � C N LL a " K ow z U' R a �I N T 0 a W C . U L N y O O. y 0 P. @ W O z z„ U FO v v T b N ti a N U 0 `v z z y H AGENDA ITEM RECAP QUASI- JUDICIAL X Yes No _ PUBLIC HEARINGS _ CITY ADM. MATTERS _ ELEC. OFFICIALS MATTERS _ PROC. /CEREMONIES _ CITY ATTY. MATTERS X ORDINANCES FOR 1 ST READING _ BIDS/MOTIONS _ LIQUOR HEARINGS _ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING _ INFORMATION ONLY PUBLIC COMMENT RESOLUTIONS AGENDA ITEM TITLE: WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: An application for a zone change from Residential -Two and Restricted Commercial to Planned Commercial Development for property generally located at 9751 West 44 Avenue. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Council Bill No. 2) Draft PC Minutes dated 2 -3 -00 3) PC Report dated 2 -3 -00 4) PC Minutes dated 1 -6 -00 5) PC Report dated 1 -6 -00 BUDGETED ITEM: Yes Fund Dept /Acct # Budgeted Amount Requested Exepnd.$ Requires Transfer/ Supp. Appropriation LMO Yes No SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move that Council Bill No. , be approved on first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday, March 27, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days after final publication." C :\Barbara \CCRPTS \w 9915- 1stmpd INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. Ordinance No. Series of 2000 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF A REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL -TWO AND RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL TO PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 9751 West 44t AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO (WZ- 99 -15) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: - Section 1. Upon application by the City of Wheat Ridge, approval of a rezoning in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Case No. WZ -99 -13 and based on recommendation for approval with conditions from the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and pursuant to findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, Wheat Ridge maps are hereby amended to exclude from the R -2 and RC zone districts and to include in the PCD zone district the following described land: A tract of land located in the Northwest one - quarter of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6` Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, being that portion of Tracts A and B of Block 19 Juchems Garden Place described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Section 22: thence south 00 °09'00" West, on an assumed bearing, along the West line of the Northwest one - quarter of said Section 22, a distance of 2048.62 feet to a point on the Westerly extension of the North right -of -way line of West 44' Avenue; thence South 89 °43'01" East along said Westerly extension a distance of 661.63 feet to the southeast corner of Block 1 of Chado Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the office of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder in Plat Book 105 at page 18 and the true point of beginning; thence continuing South 89 0 43'01" East a distance of 437.37 feet to the Southeast corner of that . tract of land described in Reception Number 87140796 of the Jefferson County records; thence North 00 °09'31" East along the West line of said Tract and its Northerly extension, a distance of 375.99 feet; thence South 89 °51'01" West a distance of 437.56 feet to a corner of Block 1 of said Chado Subdivision; thence South 00'07'39" West along the East line of said Block 1 a distance of 372.68 feet to the true point of beginning. Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this rezoning does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26(c) of Appendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail. Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect upon final passage. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this day of 2000, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for 2000, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to this day of 1 2000. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of , 2000. ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk Ist Publication: 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: C:\ Barbara \CCRPTS\RESOARD \wz9915.wpd GRETCHEN CERVENY, MAYOR I :\» :0]1I91DT3.YI fella] :7ital` 4 &7:y "6]:jeId GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY Council Bill No. -2000 Page 2 WZ -99 -15 /Legend Properties CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION DRAF Minutes of Meeting February 3, 2000 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair MACDOUGALL at 7:30 p.m. on February 3, 2000 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL: Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Jerry Collins Paulette Cooper Dick Doyle Dean Gokey Don MacDougall Nancy Snow Janice Thompson Staff Members Present: Alan White, Planning Director Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist/Planner Mary Austin, Planner Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of February 3, 2000. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY to approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed by a vote of 8 -0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY to approve the minutes of January 20, 2000. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0, with Commissioner COLLINS abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission on unscheduled matters. PUBLIC HEARING Case No. WZ -99 -15 (continued from January 6 20001 Application by Legend Properties, LLC, for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two and Restricted - Commercial to Planned Commercial District (PCD) for the purpose of developing a commercial building for small businesses located at 9751 West 44th Avenue. ATTACHMENT 2 The January 6, 2000, meeting was continued to allow staff and the applicant to research some unresolved issues which were identified in the hearing. Mr. Omer reviewed each of these issues as outlined in the staff report. Mr. Omer presented copies of a letter from the school district which stated the district was in favor of the existing six -foot chain link fence along the applicant's northern property line. This letter was entered into the case file. Mr. Omer presented slides from January 6, 2000 at the request of Commissioner GOKEY who was unable to attend the hearing that evening. In response to a request from Commissioner SNOW, Alan White pointed out the Village Commercial designations on the Comprehensive Plan map. Commissioner SNOW asked if Public Works believed the subject area should be included in a Transportation/Circulation Master Plan. Martin Omer stated that when the adjacent property, referred to as Chado, is considered for development approvals, a circulation master plan will be required for the property at that time. Commissioner BRINKMAN referred to discussion at the previous hearing about requesting landscaping requirements in excess of 18% and asked if this matter had been discussed with the applicant. Mr. Omer replied that the applicant would address this issue later in the meeting. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if there would be an issue in removing item one from the list of permitted land uses. Alan White stated that his recollection was that item one was removed at the last meeting and his recommendation would still stand that it be removed. Tony Ficco 12425 West 38th Avenue Mr. Ficco, the applicant, was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He addressed the following concerns expressed by the Commission: Si na e: Mr. Ficco stated his desire to restrict signage to 25% of the glass area in the office portion of the units. If a tenant chooses to have glass in place of the metal delivery door, no signage would be allowed in that glass area. In addition, there would be allowance for signage in the 18 -inch facade above the door. Li htin : Mr. Ficco plans to have six outdoor lights. Those on the west side of the building would be mounted at the top to shine downward. O the lighting on the east (adjacent to the residential properties), two would be installed on the ground to shine upward toward the building and one on the south end would be building mounted. A ground mounted light would shine on the monument sign. Truck delivery impacts on area to the east Mr. Ficco stated that his plan calls for a 56 -foot setback from the property line which far exceeds the 15 -foot setback requirement. The 12 -foot doors would also preclude large delivery trucks from backing in for deliveries. Regarding semi truck traffic, he indicated he would be agreeable to increasing the driveway apron radius from 15 feet to 20 feet. Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 February 3, 2000 Commissioner SNOW stated that her previous comment about buffering for the residential area to the east was more in reference to trucks driving through and the small amount of landscaping in the buffer area. Mr. Ficco responded that in addition to a 6 -foot solid fence, he has planned for landscaping in excess of the requirements. The code requires 10% landscape while his plan provides for 16.44 %. Mr. Omer suggested that a few trees planted in the 6 -foot landscape area could serve to further buffer the residential area. Mr. Ficco stated that he could transfer a 1 -1/2" caliper tree from another part of the property to the buffering area. Fencine - Mr. Ficco stated that he originally thought the chain link fence on the northern property line was 4 feet in height; however, the actual height of the fence is 6 feet. He contacted the school district about the fence and they responded with a letter (earlier entered into the case file) indicating their desire to retain the 6 -foot chain link fence. There will be 6- foot wooden fences on the east and the west. In response to concerns about traffic circulation when the adjacent property is developed, Alan White stated that staff would analyze traffic circulation patterns in relation to the specific type of development planned for the property at the time of development. Commissioner COLLINS noted that the drawing shows cedar fences on both sides of the trash enclosures; however, the Arvada Fire Department had requested noncombustible material for the enclosures and doors. Martin Omer stated that the plan would be corrected to require the noncombustible materials. Commissioner COOPER expressed concern regarding trucks parking in the drive aisle parallel to the building and, while traffic could still circulate past the parked truck, cars could be prevented from exiting their parking spaces. It was the consensus of the Commission that this would be a self managed situation. For instance, if customers complain to the owner of the business, the owner could request the truck to move. Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were any other individuals present who wished to address this matter. There was no response. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2 Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development, be recommended to the City Council for approval for the following reasons: 1. The rezone to Planned Commercial Development is generally consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development meet the standards of other commercial zone designations in the City. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 February 3, 2000 3. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre- existing split zoning situation on this property. With the following conditions: 1. The corrections noted in the staff report on page 4 shall be made to the outline and final development plan. 2. The delivery apron radius be increased to twenty feet per recommendation of the Public Works Department. 3. No more than 25% of the glass frontage may be covered by additional signage. If the overhead doors are replaced with glass, no signage will be allowed on these glass areas. 4. A minimum of four additional trees shall be added in the landscape buffer to the east. 5. The correction be made, which was already voted on, to remove the words "all uses permitted in the RC district as permitted principal uses "; and the staff will check the tape of the January 6, 2000 meeting to make sure all the uses are as approved at that hearing. The motion passed by a vote of 8 -0. Chair MACDOUGALL declared a brief recess at 8:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:47 p.m.) B. Case No. WZ- 99 -16: Application by Ted Prythero for approval of a final development plan for Lot 1 of the Onyx Park Development for the purpose of building an 18,000 square foot, two -story professional office building located at 10055 West 43rd Avenue. This case was presented by Mary Austin. She reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MACDOUGALL. Ms. Austin advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval with a condition that the mechanical unit on top of the building be screened. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if it was necessary to call in the ditch company with this lot. Ms. Austin replied that a referral was not necessary. Commissioner THOMPSON inquired about the requirement for semi -flat roof. Mr. White replied that it was most likely an attempt to make the development blend in with the residential area. Commissioner SNOW asked for an explanation about a discrepancy in the amount of required landscaping. Ms. Austin believed that 25,828 square feet was the correct figure; however, the applicant would verify the correct figure. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 February 3, 2000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: February 3, 2000 DATE PREPARED: January 28. 2000 (Continued from January 6, 2000) CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -99 -15 CASE MANAGER: Martin Orner ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone 1.89 Acres (1.10 Acres From Residential -2, and 0.79 Acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial) to Planned Commercial Development. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 9751 West 44 Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Legend Properties 3650 Vance Street, #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): David Van Houser P.O. Box 175 Bailey, CO 80421 APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1.89 Acres R -2: 1.10 Acres; RC, Restricted Commercial: 0.79 Acres 1.89 Acres: Unimproved N: R -2, Residential; S: C -1, Commercial; E: C -1, Commercial; W: R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential N: School; S: Residential and Commercial; E: Residential and Commercial; W: Residential and Commercial Village Center DATE PUBLISHED: December 17, 1999 DATE POSTED: December 22, 199 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: December 22, 1999 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE O SLIDES (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, ierefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ATTACHMENT 3 I. UPDATE This is an update to Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2 Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial, to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) for property generally located at 9751 West 44` Avenue. On January 6, 2000, the Planning Commission first heard this case. During the meeting, several issues were identified as unresolved, and the Commission continued the hearing to February 3, 2000, so that the applicant and staff could research said issues. These items, and staff s or the applicant's response follow: Item 1. The applicant is to prepare a sign plan for the project, including: A. How the front monument sign will be used to advertise the individual tenants. B. A plan for the individual tenant signs on the leasable spaces, C. Whether signage on glass areas (doors, windows) will be permitted. Response: The sign plan for the monument sign has been included on Sheet 2 of the Planned Commercial Development. Area for individual tenant signage is shown on Sheet 2 of the PCD. Signage for the glass area of individual tenant's spaces is not shown on the PCD. Item 2. The applicant shall develop an on -site lighting plan. Response: A sight lighting plan has been included on Sheet 2 of the Planned Industrial Development. The actual design of the ground mounted lighting units is not shown on the PCD. Item 3. The applicant shall consider possible truck delivery impacts to residential areas to the east, and methods for buffering the project from residence to the east. Response: The applicant has asked to address this issue during the Planning Commission hearing. Item 4. The applicant shall determine what fence methods he will use for the north property line adjacent to the school playground. Response: The applicant has asked to address this issue during the Planning Commission hearing. Item 5. Staff is to investigate whether acceleration/deceleration lanes for this project are necessary. Response: Public Works staff reports that the 40-Avenue Business Park development, by itself, will not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in previous memos. However, future development of the larger acreage to the west (referred to as Chado) will have the potential for substantial impacts to 44` Avenue. Master planning the circulation patterns, including acceleration and deceleration lanes for new development on the adjacent acreage to the west will be necessary. Tools such as those used in the current 44" Avenue Business Park application, such as cross access for internal circulation, should be used for the future development of the adjacent properties, which will help alleviate future traffic impacts to 44" Avenue. See memo from Steve Nguyen of the Public Works Department dated January 20, 2000, attached. Item 6. Staff is to research the option of one - way -in and one - way -out traffic circulation for the project's driveway as opposed to two way in and out circulation at each curb cut/driveway. Response: Public Works staff has analyzed the first submittal of the 44" Avenue Business Park Construction Plans (not necessarily the site plan) prepared by Lane Engineering, and reports that the one -way circulation would work efficiently at both the driveway and in the parking lot. However, signing in the parking lot area would be difficult and the level of awareness and compliance would be low, resulting in ongoing violations. Therefore, two -way in and out at each curb cut as currently proposed by the applicant is the preferred alternative. Item 7. Staff is to research the on -site impacts of semi tractor trailer trucks parking in the on -site drive aisles as well as circulating through the site. Response: Public Works staff used a intermediate size semi -truck template (total truck length of 50 feet) to analyze the on -site circulation system and has found that in order to adequately accommodate these vehicles, the driveway apron radius should be increased to 20 feet from the current 15 feet. This would provide adequate area for the trucks turning path for entering and exiting the project. The driveway width of 25 feet, as proposed by the applicant, is adequate. The current site layout is situated where it will be able to accommodate semi -trucks to circulate around the interior without obstructions even at corners of the site. If a truck is loading /unloading in the drive aisle (parallel and adjacent to the building), a vehicle in the parking stall would not be able to get out of it's space. In this same event, a car circulating though the drive aisle would be able to pass the truck. Item 8. Staff is to research the cumulative impacts to vehicle movement on 44` Avenue from this and anticipated future development on adjacent properties to the west. Response: Public Works staff reports that the 44" Avenue Business Park development alone will not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in previous memos. However, future development of the acreage to the west will have the potential for substantial impacts to 44` "Avenue. Master planning the circulation patterns for new development on the acreage to the west will be necessary. Tools such as those used in the 44` Avenue Business Park application, such as cross access for internal circulation, should be used for the future development of the acreage to the west, which will help alleviate future traffic impacts to 44 ` Avenue. The Planned Commercial Development has been revised since the January 6" hearing with an updated list of permitted land uses discussed during the previous hearing. Staff has identified the following items which have yet to be amended: A. (13) (B) Change to: Equipment rental agencies; provided, however, no outdoor storage. B. (13) (G) Locksmith shops should.be removed. The applicant has included a sign plan for the monument sign, and has told staff that he will include wording that limits the amount of individual tenant glass /widow area for signa;e to no more than 25 percent of the total individual unit's glass area. The applicant has included a site lighting plan including the ground mounted lighting. The applicant has added a commitment to both ingress and egress at both project curb driveways. The existing chain link fence on the north side of the project area is actually six feet, and has been shown on Sheet 2 of the PCD. The following `housekeeping' items need to be corrected: A. For continuity with the Land Use matrix on Sheet 2 of the PCD, Note 3 on Sheet 1 should be changed from 18 % to 16.44 % for landscaping. B. Sheet 1 title block `Business' is misspelled. C. Sheet 1, (13) (A), `Copying' is misspelled. D. Sheet 1, Conditions: No. 1., typo; insert the word `it' after "...to the extent that....... E. Sheet 1, Legal Description; should be for Lot 1 of 44" Business Park only. F. Sheet 1, Statement of Unified Development Controls, fill in sheet numbers, change preliminary to outline, and change industrial to commercial. G. Sheet 1 should have a new revision date of January 27, 2000. H. Sheet 2, dumpster enclosure should be of non - combustible material. I. Sheet 2, Land Use matrix, Landscape section, `shrubs' is misspelled. Commission members should bring their packet from the January 6, 2000 meeting. II. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the folowing reasons: 1. The rezone to Planned Commercial Development is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, 2. Proposed uses for the Planned Commercial Development are expected to complement existing commercial uses along 44 Aveilue, without causing negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users, 3. The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development meet or exceed the standards of other commercial zone designations in the City, - 4 4. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre - existing split zoning situation on this property. subject to the following condition: 1. The corrections noted in the staff report on Page 4 shall be made to the PCD." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial, to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for DENIAL for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. W MEMORANDUM Approved Date TO: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist FROM: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer SI-i DATE: Thursday, January 20, 2000 SUBJECT: Traffic Impact, 44` Avenue Business Park, WZ -99 -15 This memo serves as a response to your memo dated January 7, 2000 referencing the above development. Your memo essentially requested additional traffic analysis including traffic impact and circulation. In addition, you needed to know if the proposed site layout would be able to accommodate a semi - trailer. Vehicle templates such as passenger car and intermediate semi - trailer (WB -40) were used to evaluate the proposed site layout. The evaluation reveals the following findings: 1. The driveway apron radius should be increased to 20 feet instead of 15 as proposed in the plan. This larger radius is to provide adequate area for the trucks turning path. 2. The one -way would work efficiently; both at the driveway and in the parking lot. However, signing in the parking area would be difficult and the level of awareness and compliance would be low. 3. If there is a truck load/unload in the drive aisle, a vehicle in the parking stall would not be able to get out of its space. 4. The current site layout is situated where it will be able to accommodate semi - trucks to circulate around the interior without obstructions even at comers of the site. In general, traffic generation from small scale projects such as this would accumulate to a significant impact to the adjacent roadway if no improvements are planned for. In this case, 44' Avenue, in the vicinity of this development, is pretty much developed with the exception to the large parcel immediately west of this site. The 44' Avenue Business Park development alone would not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in the previous memo, however, the future development of the adjacent parcel will. This corner parcel is probably considered as a prime commercial parcel. As a result, the type of development on this parcel will most likely be a high traffic generator. I feel that extensive planning will be needed in addressing the traffic impact to this area. Perhaps a master plan would best serve this purpose. EXHIBIT A This development, for efficiency reasons, should plan a long term traffic access and circulation. which connect to the west parcel. To be specific, a provision should be established for future cross access at the northwest corner of this site to connect to the parcel to the west. Having this cross access, internal circulation would be optimum and site traffic can utilize other access if the immediate access is congested during the busy hours. cc: Alan White, Director of Planning and Developement Greg Knudson, City Engineer File 1. A 22 -foot cross access easement will be provided between the northwest corner of Lot 1 and the northeast corner of Lot 2 and will be shown on the plat with standard cross access easement language approved by the city attorney. 2. A 5% park land dedication will be required unless the Parks Commission proposes an alternative to the required park dedication. 3. The language regarding utility easements requested by Public Service be shown on the plat. 4. The plat will show contours, as required by the subdivision regulations. 5. The drainage plan which has been submitted will be made a part of the subdivision and recorded with it. 6. An easement, as defined by state statute and Wheat Ridge subdivision regulations sufficient for drainage and to allow for maintenance of the ditch and as approved by the Oulette Ditch Company, will be shown on the subdivision plat. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0 with Commissioner GOKEY absent. (Chair MACDOUGALL declared a brief recess at 8:55 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 P.M.) B. Case No. WZ-99 -15: Application by Legend Properties, LLC, for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two and Restricted - Commercial to Planned Commercial District (PCD) for the purpose of developing a commercial building for small businesses located at 9751 West 44th Avenue. This case was presented by Martin Omer. He reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MACDOUGALL. Mr. Omer advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommendation was for approval of the application will conditions as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner COLLINS pointed out an error on the subdivision plat previously approved by the Commission this evening. There is a small strip that is shown as R -2 but should be C -1. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about the type of traffic that would be generated by this development, especially the generation of semi traffic and indicated she would like to have a condition that no semi traffic could service this development at any time. She also expressed concern about traffic circulation and whether or not there would be room for vehicles to pass by a parked vehicle if there were two -way traffic circulation. She was also concerned about the lack of an accel/decel lane. She didn't want to see the residential neighborhood impacted by traffic. Planning Commission Page 4 January 6, 2000 ATTACHMENT 4 Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern that, based upon the decision by the Parks Commission, everything approved this evening could have to be redesigned. She also expressed concern about reviewing such a large number of changes and conditions that could leave room for error. In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER, Mr. Omer stated that vacancy rates for these types of developments are very low. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about the uses nearest residential development such as open overhead doors and fumes from idling trucks, etc. Tony Ficco 12425 West 38th Avenue Mr. Ficco was sworn -in by Chair MACDOUGALL. Concerning the types of businesses facing the residential neighborhood, he stated there was no representative from the adjacent neighborhood at the neighborhood meeting. He also noted that the neighborhood is extremely run down and could be a detriment to his business in attracting tenants. In regard to zoning, he said the R -2 zoning is to the west and the R -C is where the former Thunderbird Garage was located. In figures from other similar developments, the traffic average is 1 person per 1000 square feet; therefore, with a total of 16 stalls planned, the automobile impact would be very minimal. He also stated that he would change all of the overhead doors to glass to enhance the appearance of the development. Regarding drainage concerns, retention ponds have been designed so no water, other than the historical rate, will leave the property. He requested that the names of the occupants be permitted on the monument sign in front of the building. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Ficco if he would be opposed to one - way -in and one- way -out traffic circulation. Mr. Ficco replied that staff was of the opinion that two -way traffic flow would work better and that the two -way traffic plan has worked very well in other locations. In reply to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Ficco stated that he would be agreeable to whatever the Planning Commission -decided about lighting on the property. He also stated that signage for the individual businesses would be uniform. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if Mr. Ficco would be opposed to a restriction on semi traffic. He replied that he would be agreeable to a condition that no semi's be allowed to park overnight; however, tenants need to have the ability for occasional semi deliveries and such a restriction would make his development less desirable to prospective tenants. He noted that the overhead doors are not designed to fit semi's. He indicated that should semi's become a problem, he would ask the tenant to move. It was the consensus of the Commission to address each of the permitted principal uses as outlined in the PCD. The following changes were made and agreed to by the applicant: Planning Commission _ Page 5 January 6, 2000 (1) "All uses permitted in the restricted commercial district as permitted principal uses" shall be eliminated. (3) Eliminate "banks" and leave "loan and finance offices." (4) "Clinics for psychological, social or marital counseling..." shall be eliminated in its entirety. (5) "Commercial Machine Shops" will stay; however, Commissioner BRINKMAN requested that all overhead doors remain closed during business hours except for deliveries. (6) Eliminate "community buildings, YMCA's, YWCA's, libraries." (7) Liquor store shall remain with a condition that it be located in the front of the development. Commissioner COLLINS noted that it was 11:00 p.m. and suggested continuing the hearing due to the lateness of the hour. Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner BRINKMAN seconded that the meeting be continued past 11:00 p.m. and the matter of continuation be reviewed at 11:30 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1 with Commissioner COLLINS voting no and commissioner GOKEY absent. Review of the uses continued: (12) Eliminate "drive -in restaurants" and allow only one restaurant. (14 -A) "Ambulance Services" shall be eliminated. (14 -13) Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about paint associated with sign making and silk screening which are more appropriate as an industrial use. Alan White stated that his interpretation of this use would be similar to Kinko's and not a sign fabrication shop. (14 -C) Insert the words "with no outside storage" following the words "equipment rental agencies." (14 -G) "Laundries and dry- cleaning shops" shall remain with the condition they be limited to the west side of the development. (15 -0) "Delicatessens" shall be limited to no more than one in the development. (15 -P) "Department stores" shall be eliminated. "Variety stores" shall remain. (15 -R) "Dry good stores" shall be eliminated. (15 -X) "Grocery Stores" shall be eliminated. (15 -Y) "Hardware Stores" shall be changed to "Hardware Supplies." (15 -EE) "Liquor stores (sale by package) shall be eliminated. (15 -GG) "Locksmith Shops" shall be eliminated. (15 -1111) "Meat, poultry or seafood stores" shall be eliminated (154J) "Newsstands for the sale of newspapers, magazines, etc." shall be eliminated. (15 -KK) "Notions Stores" shall be eliminated. (15 -00) "Pet Stores" shall be changed to "Pet Supply Stores." Planning Commission January 6, 2000 (17) "Any similar use which... fires or explosion" shall be eliminated in its entirety. (17 -13) No's. 1, 2, and 3 under this item shall be eliminated in their entirety. (17 -C -3) This item shall be entitled "Conditions" with the following conditions listed: Condition No. 1 - No excessive noise, vibration, dust, emission of heat, glare, radiation, smoke or fumes are produced to the extent that it is dangerous, hazardous or a nuisance to the reasonable enjoyment or use of adjacent properties. Condition No. 2 - No outside storage. Condition No. 3 - Stocking of items intended for use or sale upon the premises is permitted; however, warehousing is prohibited. Condition No. 4 - Wholesale sales of any item offered at retail on the premises, where wholesale is ancillary to the primary retail use is permitted. Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner COOPER seconded that the meeting continue past 11:30 p.m. in order to complete the list of uses and allow for questions from the Commission before continuing the matter to another meeting. The motion carried by a vote of 6 -1 with Commissioner BRINKMAN voting no and Commissioner GOKEY absent. Commissioner THOMPSON requested that before the case is heard again, staff reach an agreement with the applicant regarding the monument sign and the individual building signs, the need for accel/decel lanes, the traffic circulation pattern, lighting on the property, and protection from semi traffic for residential neighborhood to the east. She also asked that, under "Recommended Motion" on page B -7 of the staff report, the words "A -1, Agriculture" be changed to "R -2 and R -C ". Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were others present who wished to address this matter. Carol Oman had signed the public hearing roster but indicated she did not want to speak at this time. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Ficco stated that he plans to remove the 4 -foot chain link fence and replace it with a 6 -foot solid fence. If the school to the north wishes to retain the 4 -foot chain link fence, Mr. Ficco would build the 6 -foot solid fence anyway. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded that Case No. WZ -99 -15 be continued to February 3, 2000. The motion passed by a vote of 6 -1 with Commissioner BRINKMAN voting no and Commissioner GOKEY absent. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded that the Commission reconsider Case No. MS -99 -06 due to the fact that there was an error on the subdivision. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0 with Commissioner GOKEY Planning Commission Page 7 January 6, 2000 absent. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded that the previous approval of MS -99 -06 be amended to correct the labeling of the adjacent zoning on the plat (the property closest to 44th Avenue presently shown as R -2 should be labeled C- 1) and that the existing building be shown with an outline as well as the setback to the property line. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0 with Commissioner GOKEY absent. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing portion of the meeting to be closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Property at 35th and Wadsworth - Commissioner BRINKMAN inquired about the status of the applicant's appeal to City Council on this property. Alan White stated that this matter has not yet been heard by City Council. Since the code does not set forth a method for the appeal process, an ordinance is scheduled to be heard by City Council on first reading on Monday, January 10. Commissioner BRINKMAN requested that the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting on this matter be included as part of the staff report that goes to City Council. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Group Homes for Sex Offenders - Commissioner THOMPSON asked if this issue needs to be revisited. Alan White stated that the City Councilman from District I wants to review group home matters and homes for sex offenders will be addressed at that time. 11. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no reports. 13. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS that the meeting be adjourned at 11:56 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Don MACDOUGALL, Chai., Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Page 8 January 6, 2000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting February 3, 2000 1. 2. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair MACDOUGALL at 7:30 p.m. on February 3, 2000 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL: Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Jerry Collins Paulette Cooper Dick Doyle Dean Gokey Don MacDougall Nancy Snow Janice Thompson Staff Members Present: 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Alan White, Planning Director Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist/Planner Mary Austin, Planner Ann Lazzeri, Secretary The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of February 3, 2000. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY to approve the order of the agenda as presented. The motion passed by a vote of 8 -0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY to approve the minutes of January 20, 2000. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0, with Commissioner COLLINS abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission on unscheduled matters. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ -99 -15 (continued from January 6 2000) Application by Legend Properties, LLC, for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two and Restricted - Commercial to Planned Commercial District (PCD) for the purpose of developing a commercial building for small businesses located at 9751 West 44th Avenue. The January 6, 2000, meeting was continued to allow staff and the applicant to research some unresolved issues which were identified in the hearing. Mr. Omer reviewed each of these issues as outlined in the staff report. Mr. Omer presented copies of a letter from the school district which stated the district was in favor of the existing six -foot chain link fence along the applicant's northern property line. This letter was entered into the case file. Mr. Omer presented slides from January 6, 2000 at the request of Commissioner GOKEY who was unable to attend the hearing that evening. In response to a request from Commissioner SNOW, Alan White pointed out the Village Commercial designations on the Comprehensive Plan map. Commissioner SNOW asked if Public Works believed the subject area should be included in a Transportation/Circulation Master Plan. Martin Omer stated that when the adjacent property, referred to as Chado, is considered for development approvals, a circulation master plan will be required for the property at that time. Commissioner BRINKMAN referred to discussion at the previous hearing about requesting landscaping requirements in excess of 18% and asked if this matter had been discussed with the applicant. Mr. Omer replied that the applicant would address this issue later in the meeting. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if there would be an issue in removing item one from the list of permitted land uses. Alan White stated that his recollection was that item one was removed at the last meeting and his recommendation would still stand that it be removed. Tony Ficco 12425 West 38th Avenue Mr. Ficco, the applicant, was swom by Chair MACDOUGALL. He addressed the following concerns expressed by the Commission: Signage Mr. Ficco stated his desire to restrict signage to 25% of the glass area in the office portion of the units. If a tenant chooses to have glass in place of the metal delivery door, no signage would be allowed in that glass area. In addition, there would be allowance for signage in the 18 -inch facade above the door. Lighting Mr. Ficco plans to have six outdoor lights. Those on the west side of the building would be mounted at the top to shine downward. O the lighting on the east (adjacent to the residential properties), two would be installed on the ground to shine upward toward the building and one on the south end would be building mounted. A ground mounted light would shine on the monument sign. a Truck delivery impacts on area to the east Mr. Ficco stated that his plan calls for a 56 -foot setback from the property line which far exceeds the 15 -foot setback requirement. The 10 -foot doors would also preclude large delivery trucks from backing in for deliveries. Regarding semi truck traffic, he indicated he would be agreeable to increasing the driveway apron radius from 15 feet to 20 feet. Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 February 3, 2000 Commissioner SNOW stated that her previous comment about buffering for the residential area to the east was more in reference to trucks driving through and the small amount of landscaping in the buffer area. Mr. Ficco responded that in addition to a 6 -foot solid fence, he has planned for landscaping in excess of the requirements. The code requires 10% landscape while his plan provides for 16.44 %. Mr. Omer suggested that a few trees planted in the 6 -foot landscape area could serve to further buffer the residential area. Mr. Ficco stated that he could transfer a 1 -1/2" caliper tree from another part of the property to the buffering area. Fencing - Mr. Ficco stated that he originally thought the chain link fence on the northern property line was 4 feet in height; however, the actual height of the fence is 6 feet. He contacted the school district about the fence and they responded with a letter (earlier entered into the case file) indicating their desire to retain the 6 -foot chain link fence. There will be 6- foot wooden fences on the east and the west. In response to concerns about traffic circulation when the adjacent property is developed, Alan White stated that staff would analyze traffic circulation patterns in relation to the specific type of development planned for the property at the time of development. Commissioner COLLINS noted that the drawing shows cedar fences on both sides of the trash enclosures; however, the Arvada Fire Department had requested noncombustible material for the enclosures and doors. Martin Omer stated that the plan would be corrected to require the noncombustible materials. Commissioner COOPER expressed concern regarding trucks parking in the drive aisle parallel to the building and, while traffic could still circulate past the parked truck, cars could be prevented from exiting their parking spaces. It was the consensus of the Commission that this would be a self managed situation. For instance, if customers complain to the owner of the business, the owner could request the truck to move. Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were any other individuals present who wished to address this matter. There was no response. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2 Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development, be recommended to the City Council for approval for the following reasons: 1. The rezoning to Planned Commercial Development is generally consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development meet the standards of other commercial zone designations in the City. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 February 3, 2000 3. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre- existing split zoning situation on this property. With the following conditions: 1. The corrections noted in the staff report on page 4 shall be made to the outline and final development plan. 2. The delivery apron radius be increased to twenty feet per recommendation of the Public Works Department. 3. No more than 25% of the glass frontage may be covered by additional signage. If the overhead doors are replaced with glass, no signage will be allowed on these glass areas. 4. A minimum of four additional trees shall be added in the landscape buffer to the east. 5. The correction be made, which was already voted on, to remove the words "all uses permitted in the RC district as permitted principal uses "; and the staff will check the tape of the January 6, 2000 meeting to make sure all the uses are as approved at that hearing. The motion passed by a vote of 8 -0. Chair MACDOUGALL declared a brief recess at 8:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:47 p.m.) B. Case No. WZ- 99 -16: Application by Ted Prythero for approval of a final development plan for Lot 1 of the Onyx Park Development for the purpose of building an 18,000 square foot, two -story professional office building located at 10055 West 43rd Avenue. This case was presented by Mary Austin. She reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MACDOUGALL. Ms. Austin advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval with a condition that the mechanical unit on top of the building be screened. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if it was necessary to call in the ditch company with this lot. Ms. Austin replied that a referral was not necessary. Commissioner THOMPSON inquired about the requirement for semi -flat roof. Mr. White replied that it was most likely an attempt to make the development blend in with the residential area. Commissioner SNOW asked for an explanation about a discrepancy in the amount of required landscaping. Ms. Austin believed that 25,828 square feet was the correct figure; however, the applicant would verify the correct figure. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 February 3, 2000 c7 C4 4 e-e w A� C�� I NY-- - 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: February 3, 2000 DATE PREPARED: January 28, 2000 (Continued from January 6, 2000) CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -99 -15 CASE MANAGER: Martin Orner ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone 1.89 Acres (1.10 Acres From Residential -2, and 0.79 Acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial) to Planned Commercial Development. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 9751 West 44 Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Legend Properties 3650 Vance Street, #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): David Van Hooser P.O. Box 175 Bailey, CO 80421 APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.89 Acres �! PRESENT ZONING: R -2: 1.10 Acres; RC, Restricted Commercial: 0.79 Acres PRESENT LAND USE: 1.89 Acres: Unimproved. SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: N: R 2, Residential; S: C -1, Commercial; E: C -1, Commercial; W: R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential N: School; S: Residential and Commercial; E: Residential and Commercial; W: Residential and Commercial Village Center DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS December 17, 1999 December 22, 199 December 22, 1999 (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS Q SLIDES (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. UPDATE This is an update to Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2 Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial, to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) for property generally located at 9751 West 44` Avenue. On January 6, 2000, the Planning Commission first heard this case. During the meeting, several issues were identified as unresolved, and the Commission continued the hearing to February 3, 2000, so that the applicant and staff could research said issues. These items, and staff s or the applicant's response follow: Item 1. The applicant is to prepare a sign plan for the project, including: A. How the front monument sign will be used to advertise the individual tenants. B. A plan for the individual tenant signs on the leasable spaces, C. Whether signage on glass areas (doors, windows) will be permitted. Response: The sign plan for the monument sign has been included on Sheet 2 of the Planned Commercial Development. Area for individual tenant signage is shown on Sheet 2 of the PCD. Signage for the glass area of individual tenant's spaces is not shown on the PCD. Item 2. The applicant shall develop an on -site lighting plan. Response: A sight lighting plan has been included on Sheet 2 of the Planned Industrial Development. The actual design of the ground mounted lighting units is not shown on the PCD. Item 3. The applicant shall consider possible truck delivery impacts to residential areas to the east, and methods for buffering the project from residence to the east. Response: The applicant has asked to address this issue during the Planning Commission hearing. Item 4. The applicant shall determine what fence methods he will use for the north property line adjacent to the school playground. Response: The applicant has asked to address this issue during the Planning Commission hearing. Item 5. Staff is to investigate whether acceleration/deceleration lanes for this project are necessary. Response: Public Works staff reports that the 44' Avenue Business Park development, by itself, will not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in previous memos. However, future development of the larger acreage to the west (referred to as Chado) will have the potential for substantial impacts to 44` Avenue. Master planning the circulation patterns, including acceleration and deceleration lanes for new development on the adjacent acreage to the west will be necessary. Tools such as those used in the current 44`' Avenue Business Park application, such as cross access for internal circulation, should be used for the future development of the adjacent properties, which will help alleviate future traffic impacts to 44` Avenue. See memo from Steve Nguyen of the Public Works Department dated January 20, 2000, attached. Item 6. Staff is to research the option of one - way -in and one - way -out traffic circulation for the project's driveway as opposed to two way in and out circulation at each curb cut /driveway. Response: Public Works staff has analyzed the first submittal of the 44` Avenue Business Park Construction Plans (not necessarily the site plan) prepared by Lane Engineering, and reports that the one -way circulation would work efficiently at both the driveway and in the parking lot. However, signing in the parking lot area would be difficult and the level of awareness and compliance would be low, resulting in ongoing violations. Therefore, two -way in and out at each curb cut as currently proposed by the applicant is the preferred alternative. Item 7. Staff is to research the on -site impacts of semi tractor trailer trucks parking in the on -site drive aisles as well as circulating through the site. Response: Public Works staff used a intermediate size semi -truck template (total truck length of 50 feet) to analyze the on -site circulation system and has found that in order to adequately accommodate these vehicles, the driveway apron radius should be increased to 20 feet from the current 15 feet. This would provide adequate area for the trucks turning path for entering and exiting the project. The driveway width of 25 feet, as proposed by the applicant, is adequate. The current site layout is situated where it will be able to accommodate semi - trucks to circulate around the interior without obstructions even at comers of the site. If a truck is loading /unloading in the drive aisle (parallel and adjacent to the building), a vehicle in the parking stall would not be able to get out of it's space. In this same event, a car circulating though the drive aisle would be able to pass the truck. Item 8. Staff is to research the cumulative impacts to vehicle movement on 44` Avenue from this and anticipated future development on adjacent properties to the west. Response: Public Works staff reports that the 44` Avenue Business Park development alone will not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in previous memos. However, future development of the acreage to the west will have the potential for substantial impacts to 44` Avenue. Master planning the circulation patterns for new development on the acreage to the west will be necessary. Tools such as those used in the 44` Avenue Business Park application, such as cross access for internal circulation, should be used for the future development of the acreage to the west, which will help alleviate future traffic impacts to 44` Avenue. 3 The Planned Commercial Development has been revised since the January 6` hearing with an updated list of permitted land uses discussed during the previous hearing. Staff has identified the following items which have yet to be amended: A. (13) (B) Change to: Equipment rental agencies; provided, however, no outdoor storage. B. (13) (G) Locksmith shops should-be removed. The applicant has included a sign plan for the monument sign, and has told staff that he will include wording that limits the amount of individual tenant glass /widow area for signage to no more than 25 percent of the total individual unit's glass area. The applicant has included a site lighting plan including the ground mounted lighting. The applicant has added a commitment to both ingress and egress at both project curb driveways. The existing chain link fence on the north side of the project area is actually six feet, and has been shown on Sheet 2 of the PCD. The following `housekeeping' items need to be corrected: A. For continuity with the Land Use matrix on Sheet 2 of the PCD, Note 3 on Sheet 1 should be changed from 18 % to 16.44 % for landscaping. B. Sheet 1 title block `Business' is misspelled. C. Sheet 1, (13) (A), `Copying' is misspelled. D. Sheet 1, Conditions: No. 1., typo; insert the word `it' after "...to the extent that....." E. Sheet 1, Legal Description; should be for Lot 1 of 44` Business Park only. F. Sheet 1, Statement of Unified Development Controls, fill in sheet numbers, change preliminary to outline, and change industrial to commercial. G. Sheet 1 should have a new revision date of January 27, 2000. H. Sheet 2, dumpster enclosure should be of non - combustible material. I. Sheet 2, Land Use matrix, Landscape section, `shrubs' is misspelled. Commission members should bring their packet from the January 6, 2000 meeting. II. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The rezone to Planned Commercial Development is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, 2. Proposed uses for the Planned Commercial Development are expected to complement existing commercial uses along 44` Avenue, without causing negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users, 3. The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development meet or exceed the standards of other commercial zone designations in the City, 0 4. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre- existing split zoning situation on this property. subject to the following condition: 1. The corrections noted in the staff report on Page 4 shall be made to the PCD." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial, to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for DENIAL for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." MEMORANDUM i i Approved Date IIM' AF7PMM OFPUPUP 1p@PSS TO: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist FROM: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer SA DATE: Thursday, January 20, 2000 SUBJECT: Traffic Impact, 44' Avenue Business Park, WZ -99 -15 This memo serves as a response to your memo dated January 7, 2000 referencing the above development. Your memo essentially requested additional traffic analysis including traffic impact and circulation. In addition, you needed to know if the proposed site layout would be able to accommodate a semi - trailer. Vehicle templates such as passenger car and intermediate semi - trailer (WB -40) were used to evaluate the proposed site layout. The evaluation reveals the following findings: The driveway apron radius should be increased to 20 feet instead of 15 as proposed in the plan. This larger radius is to provide adequate area for the trucks turning path. 2. The one -way would work efficiently; both at the driveway and in the parking lot. However, signing in the parking area would be difficult and the level of awareness and compliance would be low. 3. If there is a truck load/unload in the drive aisle, a vehicle in the parking stall would not be able to get out of its space. 4. The current site layout is situated where it will be able to accommodate semi - trucks to circulate around the interior without obstructions even at corners of the site. In general, traffic generation from small scale projects such as this would accumulate to a significant impact to the adjacent roadway if no improvements are planned for. In this case, 44' Avenue, in the vicinity of this development, is pretty much developed with the exception to the large parcel immediately west of this site. The 44' Avenue Business Park development alone would not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in the previous memo, however, the future development ofthe adjacent parcel will. This corner parcel is probably considered as a prime commercial parcel. As a result, the type of development on this parcel will most likely be a high traffic generator. I feel that extensive planning will be needed in addressing the traffic impact to this area. Perhaps a master plan would best serve this purpose. EXHIBIT A This development, for efficiency reasons, should plan along term traffic access and circulation, which connect to the west parcel. To be specific, a provision should be established for future cross access at the northwest corner of this site to connect to the parcel to the west. Having this cross access, internal circulation would be optimum and site traffic can utilize other access if the immediate access is congested during the busy hours. cc: Alan White, Director of Planning and Developement Greg Knudson, City Engineer File A 22 -foot cross access easement will be provided between the northwest corner of Lot 1 and the northeast corner of Lot 2 and will be shown on the plat with standard cross access easement language approved by the city attorney. 2. A 5% park land dedication will be required unless the Parks Commission proposes an alternative to the required park dedication. 3. The language regarding utility easements requested by Public Service be shown on the plat. 4. The plat will show contours, as required by the subdivision regulations. 5. The drainage plan which has been submitted will be made a part of the subdivision and recorded with it. 6. An easement, as defined by state statute and Wheat Ridge subdivision regulations sufficient for drainage and to allow for maintenance of the ditch and as approved by the Oulette Ditch Company, will be shown on the subdivision plat. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0 with Commissioner GOKEY absent. (Chair MACDOUGALL declared a brief recess at 8:55 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 P.M.) B. Case No. WZ- 99 -15: Application by Legend Properties, LLC, for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two and Restricted- Commercial to Planned Commercial District (PCD) for the purpose of developing a commercial building for small businesses located at 9751 West 44th Avenue. This case was presented by Martin Omer. He reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair MACDOUGALL. Mr. Omer advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommendation was for approval of the application with conditions as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner COLLINS pointed out an error on the subdivision plat previously approved by the Commission this evening. There is a small strip that is shown as R -2 but should be C_ 1. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about the type of traffic that would be generated by this development, especially the generation of semi traffic and indicated she would like to have a condition that no semi traffic could service this development at any time. She also expressed concern about traffic circulation and whether or not there would be room for vehicles to pass by a parked vehicle if there were two -way traffic circulation. She was also concerned about the lack of an accel/decel lane. She didn't want to see the residential neighborhood impacted by traffic. Planning Commission January 6, 2000 Page 4 EXHIBIT B Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern that, based upon the decision by the Parks Commission, everything approved this evening could have to be redesigned. She also expressed concern about reviewing such a large number of changes and conditions that could leave room for error. In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER, Mr. Omer stated that vacancy rates for these types of developments are very low. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about the uses nearest residential development such as open overhead doors and fumes from idling trucks, etc. Tony Ficco 12425 West 38th Avenue Mr. Ficco was sworn-in by Chair MACDOUGALL. Concerning the types of businesses facing the residential neighborhood, he stated there was no representative from the adjacent neighborhood at the neighborhood meeting. He also noted that the neighborhood is extremely run down and could be a detriment to his business in attracting tenants. In regard to zoning, he said the R -2 zoning is to the west and the R -C is where the former Thunderbird Garage was located. In figures from other similar developments, the traffic average is I person per 1000 square feet; therefore, with a total of 16 stalls planned, the automobile impact would be very minimal. He also stated that he would change all of the overhead doors to glass to enhance the appearance of the development. Regarding drainage concerns, retention ponds have been designed so no water, other than the historical rate, will leave the property. He requested that the names of the occupants be permitted on the monument sign in front of the building. Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Ficco if he would be opposed to one - way -in and one- way -out traffic circulation. Mr. Ficco replied that staff was of the opinion that two -way traffic flow would work better and that the two -way traffic plan has worked very well in other locations. In reply to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Ficco stated that he would be agreeable to whatever the Planning Commission decided about lighting on the property. He also stated that signage for the individual businesses would be uniform. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if Mr. Ficco would be opposed to a restriction on semi traffic. He replied that he would be agreeable to a condition that no semi's be allowed to park overnight; however, tenants need to have the ability for occasional semi deliveries and such a restriction would make his development less desirable to prospective tenants. He noted that the overhead doors are not designed to fit semi's. He indicated that should semi's become a problem, he would ask the tenant to move. It was the consensus of the Commission to address each of the permitted principal uses as outlined in the PCD. The following changes were made and agreed to by the applicant: Planning Commission Page 5 January 6, 2000 (1) "All uses permitted in the restricted commercial district as permitted principal uses" shall be eliminated. (3) Eliminate "banks" and leave "loan and finance offices." (4) "Clinics for psychological, social or marital counseling..." shall be eliminated in its entirety. (5) "Commercial Machine Shops" will stay; however, Commissioner BRINKMAN requested that all overhead doors remain closed during business hours except for deliveries. (6) Eliminate "community buildings, YMCA's, YWCA's, libraries." (7) Liquor store shall remain with a condition that it be located in the front of the development. Commissioner COLLINS noted that it was 11:00 p.m. and suggested continuing the hearing due to the lateness of the hour. Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner BRINKMAN seconded that the meeting be continued past 11:00 p.m. and the matter of continuation be reviewed at 11:30 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1 with Commissioner COLLINS voting no and commissioner. GOKEY absent. Review of the uses continued: (12) Eliminate "drive -in restaurants" and allow only one restaurant. (14 -A) "Ambulance Services" shall be eliminated. (14 -B) Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about paint associated with sign making and silk screening which are more appropriate as an industrial use. Alan White stated that his interpretation of this use would be similar to Kinko's and not a sign fabrication shop. (14 -C) Insert the words "with no outside storage" following the words "equipment rental agencies." (14 -G) "Laundries and dry- cleaning shops" shall remain with the condition they be limited to the west side of the development. (15 -0) "Delicatessens" shall be limited to no more than one in the development. (15 -P) "Department stores" shall be eliminated. "Variety stores" shall remain. (15 -R) "Dry good stores" shall be eliminated. (15 -X) "Grocery Stores" shall be eliminated. (15 -Y) "Hardware Stores" shall be changed to "Hardware Supplies." (15 -EE) "Liquor stores (sale by package) shall be eliminated. (15 -GG) "Locksmith Shops" shall be eliminated. (15 -HH) "Meat, poultry or seafood stores" shall be eliminated (15 -JJ) "Newsstands for the sale of newspapers, magazines, etc." shall be eliminated. (15 -KK) "Notions Stores" shall be eliminated. (15 -00) "Pet Stores" shall be changed to "Pet Supply Stores." Planning Commission Page 6 January 6, 2000 (17) "Any similar use which... fires or explosion" shall be eliminated in its entirety. (17 -13) No's. 1, 2, and 3 under this item shall be eliminated in their entirety. (17 -C -3) This item shall be entitled "Conditions" with the following conditions listed: Condition No. 1 - No excessive noise, vibration, dust, emission of heat, glare, radiation, smoke or fumes are produced to the extent that it is dangerous, hazardous or a nuisance to the reasonable enjoyment or use of adjacent properties. Condition No. 2 - No outside storage. Condition No. 3 - Stocking of items intended for use or sale upon the premises is permitted; however, warehousing is prohibited. Condition No. 4 - Wholesale sales of any item offered at retail on the premises, where wholesale is ancillary to the primary retail use is permitted. Commissioner THOMPSON moved and Commissioner COOPER seconded that the meeting continue past 11:30 p.m. in order to complete the list of uses and allow for questions from the Commission before continuing the matter to another meeting. The motion carried by a vote of 6 -1 with Commissioner BRINKMAN voting no and Commissioner GOKEY absent. Commissioner THOMPSON requested that before the case is heard again, staff reach an agreement with the applicant regarding the monument sign and the individual building signs, the need for accel/decel lanes, the traffic circulation pattern, lighting on the property, and protection from semi traffic for residential neighborhood to the east. She also asked that, under "Recommended Motion" on page B -7 of the staff report, the words "A -1, Agriculture" be changed to "R -2 and R -C ". Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were others present who wished to address this matter. Carol Oman had signed the public hearing roster but indicated she did not want to speak at this time. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Ficco stated that he plans to remove the 4 -foot chain link fence and replace it with a 6 -foot solid fence. If the school to the north wishes to retain the 4 -foot chain link fence, Mr. Ficco would build the 6 -foot solid fence anyway. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded that Case No. WZ -99 -15 be continued to February 3, 2000. The motion passed by a vote of 6 -1 with Commissioner BRINKMAN voting no and Commissioner GOKEY absent. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded that the Commission reconsider Case No. MS -99 -06 due to the fact that there was an error on the subdivision. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0 with Commissioner GOKEY Planning Commission Page 7 January 6, 2000 absent. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded that the previous approval of MS -99 -06 be amended to correct the labeling of the adjacent zoning on the plat (the property closest to 44th Avenue presently shown as R -2 should be labeled C- 11 and that the existing building be shown with an outline as well as the setback to the property line. The motion passed by a vote of 7 -0 with Commissioner GOKEY absent. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing portion of the meeting to be closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Property at 35th and Wadsworth - Commissioner BRINKMAN inquired about the status of the applicant's appeal to City Council on this property. Alan White stated that this matter has not yet been heard by City Council. Since the code does not set forth a method for the appeal process, an ordinance is scheduled to be heard by City Council on first reading on Monday, January 10. Commissioner BRINKMAN requested that the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting on this matter be included as part of the staff report that goes to City Council. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Group Homes for Sex Offenders - Commissioner THOMPSON asked if this issue needs to be revisited. Alan White stated that the City Councilman from District I wants to review group home matters and homes for sex offenders will be addressed at that time. 11. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no reports. 13. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS that the meeting be adjourned at 11:56 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Don MACDOUGALL, Cha' Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission - - Page 8 January 6, 2000 44TH AVENUE BUSINESS PARK PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STATEMENTOF PERMITTED USES V ICINI r l\ L 0 D 0 1000 LEGAL D/ESCRIPTI JON T . OWN`-ZHIP 3 SOUTH RANG"E 69 THAT PART OF THE NORTHW °`� QUARTER OF $ECT11110N 12".2, SIXT ("10UN7,-( OF JEFFER'Ot',4 t - WHEAT RIDGE, WEST OF THE H PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CIT)/ OF r STATE DF COLORADO, DESCRIBIED AS FOLLOWS, T H F C F 0 � 'NER 0 ',,,-:)AID SECTiON 22� R,,,JNNlNG H`V Tf E NOR-, C COVMECING A7 H 00"09'CO" WEc,--.-*T ALONk TH E 'A" E S T LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST r F QLJAR_f'ER A DISTANCI QT F '7' ( N `E 0 F r9 9 FE 2050.65 F-EE_`i_; THENCE SOUTH 89"51 "01 '--AS- A D A M., ,rNrF POINT OF BEGINNING ON 'TH E NORTH R I G H T - Of"' WAY LIN E 0 I F W 44 VEN(j L � 'E ll A STAN"E OF 374 T; THE� 'E NOR'H lq__J9*5 r_A"_ll` _J E_'S T A Dl�_, � il 'I �1141, 1 NORTH 00`09 2 W" �0'- FEE k_ll - rl BOUtZARY 0 F LA"N D Dll'E'JANC.E OF 2220, 00 F`_F_r_ MORE OR LESS TO A POINT 0 N THE WES DEEDED AT RECEPTION NO, 87140798 OF THE J EFFE�,_�`EJON COUNT'� RECORDS; T H tE N C E A Ll 0 N G T R P '�l F ' p SAID WLST BOUt�DARY AND THE WEST BOUNDARY OF A PARCEL Orr, LAND DEFDED All NO 87140796, SOUTH 00*09',31" WEST A DISTANCE OF�375.71 FEET, MORE OR L ES_ To POINT ON SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WEST 44TH AVENUE; THENCE FOLLOW11NIG &AID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, NORTH 89*43'01" WEST A DISTANCE OF 220-00 FEET, MORE OR ll,�JSI TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING AN AREA OF 82,472.5 SQUARE F1'__ET OR 1.8933 ACRES MORE OR LESS. mg HUI �)IGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AGENT(S)- STATEMENT OF UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CONTROL CHAIRMAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION APPROVED THIS DAY 0 F 1999 BYTHE WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. lNuliximilMill ill X409 BY: DEPUTY CLERK (SEAL) 4 4 11 1 441 H AVE, B" INESS PARK li D M E NT jr , IF r V—D, C 0 M M e° E C;, DE E g i C"' gam+' �§ ,� ? zS 7- E` t 0 p T' k. 0 F RIDGE }. "_ i 8 r: "'LAN N H4 L_ AN OUTLINF N D I N, 0 A P 14� E L 0 F !—A N D R I N 11"HI L NW 1 OF SLC 2 4— S k �, S 0 U 7 RAN""E 69 W'ST OF 7HE 6 N C 0 U N `F\() COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 2 EXISTING 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE TO REMAIN N 8905;1'01"E 220,001 WEST 44TH AVENUE vv off" IM SCALE 1 SOM30 69 STANDARD SPACES 3 HANDICAP 72 TOTAL 8 DECIDIOUS 2" CALIPER 92 SXHRUBS 5 GALLON I mm-w I #T&I ii in �1 E!ATIAb d ral iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillill�lI �llililllllllllllllllllll I'll= Z RQOFTQP UNITS (TYP ......... - 'DOG�EAARED' CEDAR SLATS t :ITJFA �mjr k%ir FAE-201 SIGN PLAN LETTERING TO BE LEXAN PLASTIC SIGN CONSTRUCTION TO BE MASONARY ANS STUCCO 4V-0 TENAW SX*AGE OVER DOOR OR IN wpo:)Ow A AON& ism now —4 410 k m;j UA aim T;i 11111 K Am' $ SIGN MO boom SCALE*- lit* m i $- GROUND MOUNTED LIGHT DETAIL PREPARED: JANUARY, 2000 PROJECT: F48-30 - 10 1611 PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER �q Case No. Z -15 Rezone from R -2 and R -C to Date: REQUEST: P D Location 9751 West 44th Avenue January 6, 2000 Applicant Legend properties Name �� L �Z , (Please print) Address/Phone Ini Favor /Opposed .c� CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: January 6, 2000 DATE PREPARED: December 27, 1999 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ -99 -15 CASE MANAGER: Martin Orner ACTION REQUESTED: Rezone 1.89 Acres (1.10 Acres From Residential -2, and 0.79 Acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial) to Planned Commercial Development. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 9751 West 44` Avenue NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Legend Properties 3650 Vance Street, #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): David Van Hooser P.O. Box 175 Bailey CO 80421 APPROXIMATE AREA: PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1.89 Acres R -2: 1.10 Acres; RC, Restricted Commercial: 0.79 Acres 1.89 Acres: Unimproved N: R -2, Residential; S: C -1, Commercial; E: C -1, Commercial; W: R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential N: School; S: Residential and Commercial; E: Residential and Commercial; W: Residential and Commercial Village Center DATE PUBLISHED: December 17, 1999 DATE POSTED: December 22,199 DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: December 22, 1999 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE 0 SLIDES (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. ATTACHMENT 5 6,1 I. REQUEST This is an application to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development. It is related to Case No. MS -99 -06 being a minor subdivision to create a 1.89 acre parcel for the PCD. The minor subdivision requires Planning Commission action only. IL - CASE HISTORY This application is for property which is currently undeveloped. The land is located in close proximity to the north east corner of 44` and Kipling and the large undeveloped acreage (12.5 acres) known as the Chado property. Since the application for planned commercial development of the 44` Business Park precedes any other recent application for development in this area, the 44` Business Park is important in that it sets the standard for anticipated future development nearby. After submittal of the rezone application, staff s review revealed that the subject property was never legally subdivided, and staff requested that the applicant submit a Minor Subdivision application. Minor subdivisions receive final hearing at Planning Commission, and do not require City Council action. Exhibit A is the site location map, Exhibit B is the current site zoning map, Exhibit C contains the referral comments, Exhibit D is the Planned Commercial Development zoning, use and development criteria, and Exhibit E is the drainage report. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The applicant conducted a meeting on August 16, 1999. The following persons were in attendance: Vince Vessa Carol Oman James B. Cluck Nell L. Cluck Bob Olson Tony Ficco Martin Omer 11250 West 38" Avenue 9475 West 38` Avenue 9890 West 44` Avenue 9860 West 44"' Avenue P.O. Box 1192, Wheat Ridge 12425 West 38" Avenue 7500 West 29` Avenue The following concerns were expressed: 1. Question: Will it be a condition of the lease that everything be kept inside? Answer: No outdoor storage will be permitted. 2. Question: Does every office have one overhead door? Answer: Every tenant will have the option of an overhead door or glassed in door. 3. Question: What provisions will have to be made with the ditch company? Answer: Maybe some discussions to irrigate the lawn. 4. Question: Where is the property in relationship to the other property there? Answer: The applicant used a map to show the answer. 5. Question: What is your development timeline? - Planning Commission Page 2 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties R-2 Answer: Next spring for construction. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Agencies Referred and Responding (Exhibit C): Wheat Ridge Public Works Department: 1. A final drainage report has been received and is currently under review. 2. The required engineered street construction plans have been received and are currently being reviewed. 3. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping /Landfill Permit,. along with fees due. 4. The required erosion control plan has been received and is currently being reviewed. 5. "Metroscan" does not list this address. It is shown as 9839 West 44` Avenue. Verification will need to be provided for the correct address. 6. This property appears to be split. Please provide a deed with legal description and a survey. 7. The lot areas shown do not agree with assessor records. The correct areas need to be provided. 8. We will need a traffic impact study. Estimated trip generation exceeds 100 trips during the peak hour (50% office and 50% specialty retail use). Arvada Fire Protection District: 1. The District provided 14 comments which are included in Exhibit C. Valley Water District: L Additional fire hydrant and water main will be needed to meet AFPD requirements. 2. Water tap and service line to serve the property will be needed. 3. Easements that meet Denver Water and Valley Water District requirements will be needed for water mains and fire hydrants and must be granted by owner. Wheat Ridge Building Department: Dumpster enclosure to be of non - combustible material. Wheat Ridge Planning Department 1. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner, has said that in previous conversations with the applicant, she requested that a design and dedication for a cross - access driveway for, and in anticipation of, the development of the adjacent property to the west be included in any planning for this property. This easement shall be defined on the development plan/site plan and on the plat. The driveable surface shall be no less than 22 feet in width. Sample wording for this easement is attached and should be included as Note 1 on Sheet 2. The development plan should be revised as follows: A. Both Sheets One and Two, change the title to "A Combined Outline and Final Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" Planning Commission Page 3 WZ -99 -15 /Legend Properties B. Revise the wording of Use Criteria (14) (C) to read "Equipment Rental Agencies only." This will make the use consistent with the prohibition of outside storage (see Use Criteria (13)(1). C. On the Notes section of Sheet One, include a calculation of how much of the site is currently zoned R -C and how much is currently zoned R -2. D. Substitute the new legal description per the subdivision element of this case for the legal currently on the development plan. E. Sheet Two of the development plan under Landscape, correct the spelling of the word shrubs (schrubs). F. Sheet One title line of 44"' Avenue Business Park, the word Business is misspelled. G. Include a Description of Project on Sheet One at the beginning of the text. H. On Sheet 2, include a Note stating that all wall signs shall be consistent with Section 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. I. Include a Note on Sheet 2 that rooftop equipment will be screened from public view. J. Sheet 1, Note 3 says landscaping to be a minimum of 18 %. Sheet 2 Landscape Land Use calc says 16.44% landscaping. Please correct where necessary. K. Include Note on Sheet 2 that the Monument Sign will be for the building street address only. Wheat Ridge Economic Development The Economic Development Specialist expressed support for this project for two reasons: 1. The project includes the potential for sales tax generating uses on a piece of land which is currently vacant. 2. This planned commercial development is designed with building materials, landscaping and uses which set a high standard for future development on adjacent undeveloped and underdeveloped properties. Referral Agencies not Responding: Clear Creek Sanitation District Jeffco Schools ' US West Wheat Ridge Forestry Division TCI Public Service Company Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Oulette Ditch Company V. REZONING REVIEW CRITERIA The City's Code of Laws provides the following review criteria to be used when evaluating requests for rezoning: 1. That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. There is no error in the zoning classification. The property currently has split zone designations of Restricted Commercial and Residential Two. No zoning activity has occurred Planning Commission Page 4 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties on this property since the City was incorporated, indicating that the zoning is left over from Jefferson County zoning actions. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions. This zoning request is the first recent one the City has seen for the area north of 44 Avenue and west of Kipling Street. Planning and Development staff have had conversations with representatives of the "Chado" property and parties interested in the property adjacent and to the west, regarding development possibilities. It is anticipated that other development proposals for these properties will be forthcoming. A change in character in the area is reflected with this rezoning case. 3. In addition to #2, that the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan use designation for this area is Village Center. Village Center uses are: small scale retail - professional offices professional services - medical offices - gas stations - restaurants - automobile servicing - convenience commercial and service establishments The list of land uses on Sheet One of the Outline and Final Planned Commercial Development are in conformance with the Village Center designation. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Land uses around the subject property include motorcycle sales, food sales, car sales, gas station, auto repair and residential. The public school is to the north (behind) and east of the property. The land uses listed as permitted by this PCD are similar to and compatible with the surrounding land uses. The applicant has received correspondence from the Public Works Department concerning the possibility of traffic impacts to 44` Avenue resulting from the build -out of this case. Limiting the list of permitted uses to business which do not have a need for large amounts of retail or office space will help limit traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway. Planning Commission Page 5 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and /or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. Staff does not anticipate any social or recreational benefits to the City from the zone change to PCD. This application reflects an attractive and functional building and landscaping design. The City would capture sales tax from any retail sales occurring on the property associated with the PCD. 6. That adequate infrastructure /facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. The Valley Water District and the Arvada Fire Department have responded with comments which indicate that on -site water infrastructure improvements will be necessary. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. The applicant has received correspondence from the Public Works Department concerning the possibility of traffic impacts to 44 Avenue resultant from the build -out of this case. Limiting the list of permitted uses to business which do not have a need for large amounts of retail or office space will help limit traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. This currently undeveloped property is impacted by split zoning, which causes development of the site to be difficult at best. Rezoning the 1.8 acres to PCD would aid in achieving uniform site development. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Rezoning this property to Planned Commercial Development for the uses proposed is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Land uses and zoning to the south and east are commercial in nature and compatible with that proposed with this application. The plan is sensitive to the school use to the north, and no negative impacts are anticipated. Approval of this application will not create isolated or spot zoning. 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. The property is impacted by split zone designations of Restricted Commercial and Residential Two. Approval of the zone change request will remedy the split zoning and allow the property to be developed in a uniform and planned manner. Proposed land uses listed on the PCD include those which would provide products and services in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and appropriate to this location. Planning Commission Page 6 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Approval of this application will benefit the City and the neighborhood in seeing quality development on a currently unimproved piece of land. Retail and service land uses are included on the PCD's list of permitted land uses which will be available to the neighborhood and the general public. The City will benefit from sales tax receipts resultant from retail sales associated with the future tenants. Spillover retail and service needs generated by the new tenants will benefit existing local businesses. This application sets a high standard for future new development in the area with uses, building materials, and landscaping sensitive to the neighborhood. Addressing the potential for traffic impacts from this project on West 44' Avenue should minimize any impacts of the project on the neighborhood. The applicant has stated that they prefer to discuss the referral comments at Planning Commission rather than revise the plan prior to Commission's hearing. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Rezoning from A -1 Agriculture to Planned Commercial Development: Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The rezone to Planned Commercial Development is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, 2. Proposed uses for the Planned Commercial Development are expected to complement existing commercial uses along 40 Avenue, without causing negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users, 3. Approval of this Planned Commercial Development sets a high standard for future new development in the area, 4. The proposed land uses and the development criteria of the Planned Commercial Development are similar to if not more appropriate to this location than other standard commercial zone designations in the City. 5. Approval of this application will eliminate a pre- existing split zoning situation on this property. subject to the following conditions: 1. A note shall be added to Sheet One of the PCD which states, "Each leaseable space will be required to have a minimum of 75 percent of leaseble area as work shop /work area. The remaining square footage shall be for use as retail, office or any combination of same." 2. The development plan should be revised as follows: A. Both Sheets One and Two, change the title to "A Combined Outline and Final Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" Planning Commission Page 7 WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties B. Revise the wording of Use Criteria (14) (C) to read "Equipment Rental Agencies only." This will make the use consistent with the prohibition of outside storage (see Use Criteria (B)(1). C. On the Notes section of Sheet One, include a calculation of how much of the site is currently zoned R -C and how much is currently zoned R -2. D. Substitute the new legal description per the subdivision element of this case for the legal currently on the development plan. E. Sheet Two of the development plan under Landscape, correct the spelling of the word shrubs (schrubs). F. Sheet One title line of 40 Avenue Business Park, the word Business is misspelled. G. Include a Description of Project on Sheet One at the beginning of the text. H. On Sheet 2, include a Note stating that all wall signs shall be consistent with Section 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. I. - Include a Note on Sheet 2 that rooftop equipment will be screened from public view. J. Sheet 1, Note 3 says landscaping to be a minimum of 18 %. Sheet 2 Landscape Land Use calc says 16.44% landscaping. Please correct where necessary. K. Include Note on Sheet 2 that the Monument Sign will be for the building street address only." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2, Residential and 0.79 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial, to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for DENIAL for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." Planning Commission WZ- 99- 15/Legend Properties Page 8 EXHIBIT A WZ -99 -15 SITE LOCATION MAP OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Lest Revision: Mcrch 19, 1999 ® AREA RECUIRING 5M PLAN APPROVAL r' •'i 100 -YEAR FOOD PLAIN CAPPROXIMAT - c LOCATION) ZONE 5OUNCRY PARCcL/LOT BCUNDRY CE5IGNATE6 OWNERSHIP) - - -- WATER FEATURE -. • DENOTES ML'LTIPLL ACDRE5SE5 NN 22 O g ®d SCALE I'.4Cp 9fiRiFfNf 6 q.,V.*M *D LEVgypN&r 6 — 1 r EXHIBIT B WZ -99 -15 ZONING LOCATION MAP 3I O OIN �D O ico OI° NW 1/4 CORNER SEC 3. T33 R69W 48.048 SO.FT, 1.10 ACRES ZONED R -2 L 89 °43 _01 879.00 //34'487 iS.FT.:';'.' /// "0:79 ACRES. , 'ZONED 'R ;C , i NORTH R -O -W LINE WEST 44TH AVENUE SCALE 1' -100' IOU 0 50 100 150 AREA SQUARE OVERALL 82.535 IOOx R -C 34.487 42; R -2 48.048 58% MMb .<EPARED BY: LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE. INC. 9500 WEST 14TH AVENUE. LAKEWOOD. CO 80215 TEL: (303) 233 -4042 FAX: (363) 233 -0796 PREPARED: DEC. 1999 PROJECT: V27 -I MEMORANDUM Approved Date EXHIBIT C DEPAIT mar or usucwo -uo TO: Martin Omer, Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer DATE: November 24, 1999 SUBJECT: 9751 West 44` Avenue, WZ -99 -15 - PCD For Retail/Office /Commercial Land Use The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated November 19, 1999 for the above referenced site, and has the_following comments: 1. The required final drainage report has been received and is currently being reviewed. 2. The required engineered street construction plans have been received and are currently being reviewed. 3. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due. 4. The required erosion control plan has been received and is currently being reviewed. 5. "Metroscan" does not list this address. It is shown as 9839 West 44` Avenue. Verification will need to be provided for the correct address. 6. This property appears to be split. Please provide a deed with legal description and a survey. 7. The lot areas shown do not agree with Assessor records. The correct areas need to be provided. We will need a traffic impact study. Estimated trip generation exceeds 100 trips during the peak hour (50% office and 50% specialty retail use). 9. The proposed driveway access design meets City requirements. cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File WZ99- 15.mcm 3 Arvada Fire Protection District Organizational Excellence In Fire, Rescue, and Disaster Services. a1 rtin QOmer Department of Planning and Development City of Wheatridge 7500 W 29 Ave. Wheatridge Colorado 80030 RE: Rezoning of 9751 W 44' Avenue. Case # WZ99 -15 The following are our site plan requirements; 11/23/99 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 1, 7900 W 57" Avenue, and Station 2, 12195 W 52n Avenue. 2. All weather fire. dept access roadways, minimum of 24 feet of unobstructed width, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 52, 000 lb fire apparatus need to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the buildings prior to above grade construction. UFC 97 901.3, 8704.2. Amended. 3. All buildings classified by the Codes Administrator as the following occupancies: B,F- 1,F- 2,S- 1,S- 2,S -3, or S -5, exceeding 18,000 square feet shall have an approved automatic fire suppression sprinkler system installed throughout in accordance with NFPA -13. Section 1003.2.2 amended. 4. Dead end fire apparatus access roadways in excess of 150 feet will need to be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus. UFC 97 902.2.2.4 5. Fire lanes will need to be dedicated on the Final Plat as Emergency Access Lanes. 6. Fire lanes will need to be posted, "No Parking Fire Lane" on each side with signs that meet City of Wheatridge standards. UFC 97 901.4.2. 7. Water lines and fire hydrants will need to be installed and operational and capable of supplying the minimum required fire flows prior to above grade construction. - UFC 97 901.%903.2, 8704.3 Amended. 8. Additional fire hydrants maybe required to be installed at: as hydrant spacing exceeds 300 feet. UFC 97 901.2.2. 6503 Simms Street Arvada, Colorado 80001 -0060 (303) 424 -3012 • Fax (303) 432 -7995 6-14 FRI 16:03 F.iT 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS 10001 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 521NDAVEWE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 IELEYHUNE 4'"4-9661 P 424-0620 Dnrnmbnr 1 1999 Mr. Martin Orner Dept. of Planning and Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Martin: Per your request attached is the Valley Water District's response for WZ- 99 -15, 9751 W. 44th Avenue, 1. Additional fire hydrant' and water main' will be needed to meet AFPD requirements. 2. Water tap and service line to serve the property will be needed. 3. Easements that meet Denver Water and Valley Water District requirements will be nucded for Watel Wa1L6 at'd file i,Ju1am.t6 and M"6t La granted b UWILe If you have any questions, please contact me at 303 - 424 -9661. Sincerely, k. �� .. Rnhert Arnold District Manager L5 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Vheat Ride, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge DATE: November 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for Rezoning at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by December 8. 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ99 -15 LOCATION: 9751 West 44" Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone approximately 1.9 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential 2 to PCD, Planned Commercial Development. PURPOSE: Planned Commercial Development for Retail/Offrce!Commercial land uses APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.9 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6; Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? 17 o-m sic.- enGl escre �a lac a fQ�ilz. /r� a-9 en" ald � tt Json -ca n,br> Please reply to: Martin Omer (303) 235 -2854 Completed by: L 2 f Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agenc epartment, ate) Fax: 303/235 -2857 DISTRIBUTION: X Water District (Valley) • Sanitation District (Clear Creek Valley) • Fire District (Arvada) _ X Public Service Co. X US West Communications , planning \foms\agendaref. m • Jeffco Schools • TCI of Colorado X YGHEAT RIDGE Post Office �K RIDGE Building Department X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department • WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. • WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development X Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. "The Carnation City" r3 - I C) EXHIBIT E HISTORIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. MAJOR BASIN A. Relationship to Major Basin Channel: The site is approximately 1300 feet north of the main Clear Creek channel and is higher than, and outside of, the 100 -year flood plain associated with Clear Creek. B. Major Basin Characteristics: Clear Creek Major Basin, both upstream and downstream from the site, is urbanized in character, with a well defined drainageway. 2. SUBBASIN AND SITE DRAINAGE A. Initial and Major Storms: In keeping with the policies of the City and the Urban Drainage District, stormwater runoff analysis and design for an Initial Event of 5 -year recurrence will be used, and an event of 100 -year recurrence will be used for Major Storm analysis and design. B. Offsite Flows: No significant runoff enters the site across its north, east or south boundaries. Stormwater runoff from offsite enters the tract across its west boundary in a well dispersed manner. C. Existing Drainage Patterns: At present, onsite storm runoff flows overland to the northeast, across the natural ground contours in a non - concentrated manner. D. Effect of Historic Flows: Stormwater discharged from the tract presently finds its way to the east, overland, to the Clear Creek channel, in a generally dispersed manner. 8 -1-7 N DEVELOPED DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. CRITERIA A. Size Basin and Subbasins: Developed subbasins are shown on the Drainage Map and Plan located in a pocket at the back of this report. Data related to runoff coefficients, detention pond locations, and peak discharge rates to offsite also appear on the Drainage Map and Plan. B. Hydrologic Method: Because the pertinent subbasins are all much smaller than 160 acres, runoff will be calculated by the Rational Method, in accordance with procedures explained in the DRCOG Manual, Volume L C. Design Storm Frequencies: An Initial Storm of 5 -year recurrance interval will be used for analysis of the minor storm runoff and drainage system, and a 100 -year return storm will be used for analysis'and design of major storm facilities, in accordance with UDFCD criteria. 2. RUNOFF A. Flow Rates and Paths: Historic and proposed peak rates of stormwater runoff are as summarized on the following page: 7 0 HISTORIC RUNOFF SUMMARY DEVELOPED SUBBASIN DISCHARGE TO OFFSITE STUDY TOTAL PEAK Tc Q5 DISCHARGE POINT SUBBASIN (acres) .(min) AT STUDY POINT STUDY AREA Tc Q5 Q100 POINT SUBBASIN (acres) (min) (cfs) (cfs) H1 1.89. 12 1.0 6.5 1 1.6 3 OHA 1.84 15 3.1 7.5 TOTAL PEAK RATE OF OHA - HISTORIC RUNOFF 3.0 4.1 14.0 B. Effects of Developed Flows: Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond in which the discharge to offsite of both Initial and Major storm runoff will be regulated in accordance with criteria set forth by the Urban Drainage District. s DEVELOPED SUBBASIN DISCHARGE TO OFFSITE STUDY Tc Q5 Q100 POINT SUBBASIN (acres) .(min) (cfs) (cfs) 2 D1 0.91 13 D2 0.85 13 0.3 1.6 3 D5 0.04 12 OHA 1.84 14 3.0 7.9 4. D3 0.03 11 neg. /L.F. neg. /L.F. 5 D4 0.05 12 neg. /L.F. neg. /L.F. PROPOSED PEAK (site) 0.3 1.7 ALLOWED PEAK (site) 0.3 1.9 HISTORIC PEAK (site) 1.0 6.5 B. Effects of Developed Flows: Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond in which the discharge to offsite of both Initial and Major storm runoff will be regulated in accordance with criteria set forth by the Urban Drainage District. s As a result of controlling runoff from the developed site, the peak rate of stormwater runoff discharged to offsite will actually be less than historic peak rates. PROPOSED PEAK Q100 DISCHARGE 9.5 cfs HISTORIC PEAK Q100 DISCHARGE 14.0 cfs 3. DETENTION A. Volumes Required and Provided: Required stormwater runoff detention volume will be provided in landscaped and paved parking and drive areas within the site. Pond volume will be sized and pond release rates will be restricted in a manner to recognize those minor parts of the site in which stormwater runoff to offsite is unregulated, so that overall peak rates of runoff will be as summarized in the tables above. A total detention volume of approximately 9,55 cubic feet is required and is proposed, as shown on the grading and drainage plans. B. Excess Storm Water Passage: All major storm runoff will be collected in the detention pond. The pond outlet structure will include provisions for emergency overflow to the pond outfall pipe. A notch in the perimeter curb at the northeast corner of the site will be provided and sized to allow controlled emergency overflow to offsite, at non - erosive velocity, at the full Q100 pond inflow rate, �,-2U I CONCLUSIONS 1. IMPACT OF IMPROVEMENTS A. Benefits: Improvements proposed for the site will properly collect storm water runoff and convey it to offsite in a safe manner with minimal inconvenience to property owners and the public. Stormwater detention facilities will actually reduce the peak rate I of stormwater runoff to offsite, to less than historic rates. B. Adverse Impacts with Mitigation: The proposed commercial site improvements will generate higher than historical rates of stormwater runoff from the site during both Initial and Major storm events. This increase in peak rate will be mitigated by storm drainage and runoff detention facilities, in a manner that is not a hazard to improvements or an inconvenience to the public. 2. COMPLIANCE WITH CRITERIA: A. Detention Pond: Stormwater runoff detention facilities are proposed in accordance with City of Wheat Ridge requirements. 3. AREAS IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE: A. Discussion: The site is not within, or bordering, a defined flood hazard area. Respectfully submitted, Richard M. Romberg Professional Engineer Colorado Registration No, 25088 10 .i' 0 0 ° n 0 a c 0 c K 4 DRAINAGE MAP i PUN "TH AVE. BUSINESS PARK VYHEATWDGE, COLORADO REVISED 1' LONE ENGINEERING SERVICE.INC. A M 00 cO oP Ulis -a,i6 oh0i4 (.b2) 222 - M.2 Rq (b)1 233-0796 EY i 3 i5 11 RfN6NM d l�� +lyiii p• ��� 0 0 ° n 0 a c 0 c K q_ _ 3ON3AV Hlbb 1S3M N, - 1p IAIII - ,f `1 -I F S y � o n 90 N p R S o D T g { 3 I m _ o 9S I u I u II N a 4 DRAINAGE MAP i PUN "TH AVE. BUSINESS PARK VYHEATWDGE, COLORADO REVISED LONE ENGINEERING SERVICE.INC. A M 00 cO oP Ulis -a,i6 oh0i4 (.b2) 222 - M.2 Rq (b)1 233-0796 EY M1F RfN6NM � p• ��� 4 y i t W a �q Pd �R ! q_ _ 3ON3AV Hlbb 1S3M N, - 1p IAIII - ,f `1 -I F S y � o n 90 N p R S o D T g { 3 I m _ o 9S I u I u II N a pp a i m � m 3 a ■ - a z N 4 DRAINAGE MAP i PUN "TH AVE. BUSINESS PARK VYHEATWDGE, COLORADO REVISED LONE ENGINEERING SERVICE.INC. A M 00 cO oP Ulis -a,i6 oh0i4 (.b2) 222 - M.2 Rq (b)1 233-0796 EY M1F RfN6NM �3�•SY 4 •'9� �q Pd pp a i m � m 3 a ■ - a z N A sib co W Q DRAINAGE MAP i PUN "TH AVE. BUSINESS PARK VYHEATWDGE, COLORADO REVISED LONE ENGINEERING SERVICE.INC. A M 00 cO oP Ulis -a,i6 oh0i4 (.b2) 222 - M.2 Rq (b)1 233-0796 EY M1F RfN6NM 1-j l !i EXHIBIT E HISTORIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. MAJOR BASIN A. Relationship to Major Basin Channel: The site is approximately 1300 feet north of the main Clear Creek channel and is higher than, and outside of, the 100 -year flood plain associated with Clear Creek. B. Major Basin Characteristics: Clear Creek Major Basin, both upstream and downstream from the site, is urbanized in character, with a well defined drainageway. 2. SUBBASIN AND SITE DRAINAGE A. Initial and Major Storms: In keeping with the policies of the City and the Urban Drainage District, stormwater runoff analysis and design for an Initial Event of 5 -year recurrence will be used, and an event of 100 -year recurrence will be used for Major Storm analysis and design. B. Offsite Flows: No significant runoff enters the site across its north, east or south boundaries. Stormwater runoff from offsite enters the tract across its west boundary in a well dispersed manner. C. Existing Drainage Patterns: At present, onsite storm runoff flows overland to the northeast, across the natural ground contours in a non - concentrated manner. D. Effect of Historic Flows: Stormwater discharged from the tract presently finds its way to the east, overland, to the Clear Creek channel, in a generally dispersed manner. 8-17 a DEVELOPED DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. CRITERIA A. Size Basin and Subbasins: Developed subbasins are shown on the Drainage Map and Plan located in a pocket at the back of this report. Data related to runoff coefficients, detention pond locations, and peak discharge rates to offsite also appear on the Drainage Map and Plan. B. Hydrologic Method: Because the pertinent subbasins are all much smaller than 160 acres, runoff will be calculated by the Rational Method, in accordance with procedures explained in the DRCOG Manual, Volume I. C. Design Storm Frequencies: An Initial Storm of 5 -year recurrance interval will be used for analysis of the minor storm runoff and drainage system, and a 100 -year return storm will be used for analysis and design of major storm facilities, in accordance with UDFCD criteria. 2. RUNOFF A. Flow Rates and Paths: Historic and proposed peak rates of stormwater runoff are as summarized on the following page: HISTORIC RUNOFF SUMMARY DEVELOPED SUBBASIN DISCHARGE TO OFFSITE STUDY TOTALPEAK Tc Q5 DISCHARGE POINT SUBBASIN (acres) _(min) AT STUDY POINT STUDY AREA Tc Q5 Q100 POINT SUBBASIN (acres) (min) (cfs) (cfs) H1 1.89. 12 1.0 6.5 1 1.6 3 OHA 1.84 15 3.1 7.5 TOTAL PEAK RATE OF OHA - HISTORIC RUNOFF 3.0 4.1 14.0 B. Effects of Developed Flows: Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond in which the discharge to offsite of both Initial and Major storm runoff will be regulated in accordance with criteria set forth by the Urban Drainage District. - 11 DEVELOPED SUBBASIN DISCHARGE TO OFFSITE STUDY Tc Q5 Q100 POINT SUBBASIN (acres) _(min) (cfs) (cfs) 2 D1 0.91 13 D2 0.85 13 0.3 1.6 3 D5 0.04 12 OHA 1.84 14 3.0 7.9 4 D3 0.03 11 neg. /L.F. neg. /L.F. 5 D4 0.05 12 neg. /L.F. neg. /L.F. PROPOSED PEAK (site) 0.3 1.7 ALLOWED PEAK (site) 0.3 1.9 HISTORIC PEAK (site) 1.0 6.5 B. Effects of Developed Flows: Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond in which the discharge to offsite of both Initial and Major storm runoff will be regulated in accordance with criteria set forth by the Urban Drainage District. - 11 As a result of controlling runoff from the developed site, the peak rate of stormwater runoff discharged to offsite will actually be less than historic peak rates. PROPOSED PEAK Q100 DISCHARGE 9.5 cfs HISTORIC PEAK Q100 DISCHARGE 14.0 cfs 3. DETENTION A. Volumes Required and Provided: Required stormwater runoff detention volume will be provided in landscaped and paved parking and drive areas within the site. Pond volume will be sized and pond release rates will be restricted in a manner to recognize those minor parts of the site in which stormwater runoff to offsite is unregulated, so that overall peak rates of runoff will be as summarized in the tables above. A total detention volume of approximately 9,55 cubic feet is required and is proposed, as shown on the grading and drainage plans. B. Excess Storm Water Passage: All major storm runoff will be collected in the detention pond. The pond outlet structure will include provisions for emergency overflow to the pond outfall pipe. A notch in the perimeter curb at the northeast corner of the site will be provided and sized to allow controlled emergency overflow to offsite, at non - erosive velocity, at the full Q100 pond inflow rate, fJ-2U I CONCLUSIONS 1. IMPACT OF IMPROVEMENTS A. Benefits: Improvements proposed for the site will properly collect storm water runoff and convey it to offsite in a safe manner with minimal inconvenience to property owners and the public. Stormwater detention facilities will actually reduce the peak rate of stormwater runoff to offsite, to less than historic rates. B_ Adverse Impacts with Mitigation: The proposed commercial site improvements will generate higher than historical rates of stormwater runoff from the site during both Initial and Major storm events. This increase in peak rate will be mitigated by storm drainage and runoff detention facilities, in a manner that is not a hazard to improvements or an inconvenience to the public. 2. COMPLIANCE WITH CRITERIA: A. Detention Pond: Stormwater runoff detention facilities are proposed in accordance with City of Wheat Ridge requirements. 3. AREAS IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE: A. Discussion: The site is not within, or bordering, a defined flood hazard area. Respectfully submitted, Richard M. Romberg Professional Engineer - Colorado Registration No, 25088. 10 I�-2� i! � G 'iiG6 GG �! � nR Tajo z �I v a G1 3 r a z DRAINAGE MAP & PLAN REVISED '" Er pelf em6�oe LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE.INC. N ° c 44TH AVE. BUSINESS PARK g5OO w I.,ti ev .UE o EMOOD. COLOWAO 92+5 - 4916 w ' WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO PHONE I , W3) , 233 - � 2 C3 FU j 2�"2-- RC 1 ° � D r C) r Li z F ill 0 ss 711N7AV Hlbb IqW 7500 West 29th Avenue Colorado 80215 FAX 303/235 -2857 December 14, 1999 Dear Property Owner: The City of Whe at Ridge This is to inform you that Case Nos. WZ -99 -15 and MS- 99 -06, being requests for approval of a two -lot minor subdivision and a zone change from Residential -Two and Restricted - Commercial to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) for the purpose of developing a commercial building for small businesses located at 9751 W. 44 Avenue will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on January 6, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. All owners and /or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other person whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235 -2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C\ Barbara\ PCRPTS \PLANGCOM\PUBHRG \wz9915.wpd 9 a -- II c w W a � a a c y a mQ 'm . u y � a K O a c Z a > al a d 0 c 9 J— >I C j o ��aJJ r y � o q' N c y .0 N @ 0 a d � a � o as c a o x m:5 m m rn rn rn u A m m m m Q @° 2 O o rn m O ^ O R C N N >S N O O J 00 N S >U� N L NO m >aD N Q >N U Q eD p J .-O N W r y t O w oSU O O U W U c w N� p ❑"'U O a «U L go UU N = O cOU aD @� O rn z rn E> rn 19 m �` a w of a m O O a � @> D a. O V O O O "O N £ a O U > C O C E @ O O l 'O d� Y N@ N a E O N V a ) c.� t a E jn WE 0 0 x UJ E ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ R z a LO U LU C Q N N tD •1� O O) O N O o N N N OD M M M M M < M M M 0 r n n r r n n W W O E rn rn m m m m m rn m U z Q Q W 10 LLI (9 N LL a 0 C7 z W z LO a S V 3 / } / § } \ ) )� 7\ )� 2 � )« k k k\ )f \ . \ \} E 7 & )0 , & ! m ! k�#f k - 65 \ % , \ }/ \ __ yk) \m\ \\\ (�� k \& Ebb \� }/ 'o )�� --a , 0.6 ,; =. E = ©f ° N/ 2 ., - 4 ��f 7 «! )!2! , = }/$ E2 )f = � _ \)| /)E\!22 E - m= : L _ k k j q � « «Lu § �k) \ bra / 88s 3 / } / § } \ ) )� 7\ )� 2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on January 6, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. at 7500 West 29th Avenue. Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: 1. Case No. MS- 99 -06: Application by Legend Properties, LLC, for approval of a two -lot subdivision for the purpose of developing a commercial building for small businesses located at 9751 W. 44" Avenue. 2. Case No. WZ- 99 -15 Application by Legend Properties, LLC, for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two and Restricted - Commercial to Planned Commercial District (PCD) for the purpose of developing a commercial building for small businesses located at 9751 W. 44" Avenue and legally described as follows: A tract of land located in the Northwest one - quarter of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6" Principal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, being that portion of Tracts A and B of Block 19 Juchems Garden Place described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Section 22: thence south 00 °09'00" West, on an assumed bearing, along the West line of the Northwest one - quarter of said Section 22, a distance of 2048.62 feet to a point on the Westerly extension of the North right -of -way line of West 44' Avenue; thence South 89 °43'01" East along said Westerly extension a distance of 661.63 feet to the southeast corner of Block I of Chado Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in the office of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder in Plat Book 105 at page 18 and the true point of beginning; thence continuing South 89'43'01 " East a distance of 437.37 feet to the Southeast corner of that tract of land described in Reception Number 87140796 of the Jefferson County records; thence North 00 °09'31" East along the West line of said Tract and its Northerly extension, a distance of 375.99 feet; thence South 89 °51'01" West a distance of 437.56 feet to a corner of Block 1 of said Chado Subdivision; thence South 00 °07'39" West along the East line of said Block 1 a distance of 372.68 feet to the true point of beginning. Barbara Delgadillo, nior Secretary ATTEST: r� r Wanda Sang, City Clerk To be Published: December 17, 1999 Wheat Ridge Transcript FEB -03 00 08:26 FROM:JEFFCO PROPERTY MGMT 303 -982 -6804 TO:303 235 2857 PAGE:01 l JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1829 Denver West Drive. Bldg. #27 Golden. Colorado 80401 / Property Management Department ttnp:/ / (303)982.8755 Fax; (30.3) 982.8804 February 2, 2000 City of Wheat Ridge BY FAX: 303. 420 -9621 ATTi Meredith Reckert and Tony Ficco Dear Meredith and Tony, I have been asked to provide information regarding school district standards for fencing along our property lines. All school district sites are fenced with six -foot chain link fencing materials. We do not provide nor encourage the construction of ornamental or wood fences along a school site that may require maintenance beyond our standard. If the district does not have an existing fence on the site, the district may construct a chain link fence along the same alignment as the ornamental fence. The district will have no duty to repair, replace and/or maintain omamental or wood fencing along a school site. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 303 -982 -67SS. Sincerely yours, Kathy A. Tully rRECEIVED Director Property Management , /kat xc: Ed Mondragon, landscape Services OUR MISSION: To provide a qualiry educarion that prepares all children for a successful figure City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Planning Commission o FROM: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist D �wvvv SUBJECT: WZ -99 -15 DATE: January 25, 2000 v This is an update to Case No. WZ- 99 -15, a request for approval to rezone 1.10 acres from R -2 Residential.and 0.79 acres zoned R -C, Restricted Commercial, to Planned Commercial Development (PID) for property generally located at 9751 West 40 Avenue. On January 6, 2000, the Planning Commission first heard this case. During the meeting, several issues were identified as unresolved, and the Commission continued the hearing so that the applicant and staff could research said issues. These items, and staff's or the applicant's response follow Item 1. The applicant is to prepare a sign plan for the project, including A. How the front monument sign will be used to advertise the individual tenants. B. A plan for the individual tenant signs on the leasable spaces, �lJ C. Whether signage on glass areas (doors, windows) will be permitted. Response: Item 2. Staff is to investigate whether acceleration /deceleration lanes for this project are necessary. Response: Public Works staff reports that the 44` Avenue Business Park development alone will not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in previous memos. However, future development of the adjacent parcel to the west (referred to as Chado) will have the potential for substantial impacts to 44` Avenue. Master planning the circulation patterns, including acceleration and deceleration lanes for new development on the adjacent parcel to the west will be necessary. Tools such as those used in the current 44"' Business Park application, such as cross access for internal circulation should be used for the future development of the adjacent properties, which will help alleviate future traffic impacts to 44` Avenue. Item 3. Staff is to research the option of one - way -in and one - way -out traffic circulation on site as opposed to two- way -in two- way -out at each curb cut. Response: Public Works staff has analyzed the first submittal of the 44` Business Park Construction Plans (not necessarily the site plan) prepared by Lane Engineering, and reports that the one -way circulation would work efficiently at both the driveway and in the parking lot. However, signing in the parking lot area would be difficult and the level of awareness and compliance would be low, resulting in ongoing violations. Therefore, two -way in and out at each curb cut as currently proposed by the applicant is the preferred alternative. /�� Item 4. Staff is to research the on -site impacts of semi tractor trailer trucks parking in tll� on -site drive aisles as well as circulating through the site. f Response: Public Works staff used a intermediate size semi -truck template (total truck length of 50 feet) to analyze the on -site circulation system and has found that in order to adequately accommodate these vehicles, the driveway apron radius should be increased to 20 feet from the current 15 feet. This would provide adequate area for the trucA taming path. The driveway width of 25 feet, as proposed by the applicant, is adequate. The current site layout is situated where it will be able to accommodate semi - trucks to circulate around the interior without obstructions even at comers of the site. If a truck is loading /unloading in the drive aisle (parallel and adjacent to the building), a vehicle in the parking stall would not be able to get out of it's space. In this same event, a car circulating though the drive aisle would be able to pass the truck. Item 5. Staff is to research the cumulative impacts to vehicle movement on 44` Avenue from this and anticipated future development on adjacent properties to the west. Response: Public Works staff reports that the 44` Avenue Business Park development alone will not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in previous memos. However, future the future development of the adjacent parcel will have the potential for substantial impacts to 44` Avenue. Master planning the circulation patterns for new development on the adjacent parcel to the west will be necessary. Tools such as those used in the current application 44` Business Park such as cross access for internal circulation should be used for the future development of the adjacent properties, which will help alleviate future traffic impacts to 44` Avenue. Item 6. The applicant to develop an on -site lighting plan. Response: Item 7. The applicant is to consider possible truck delivery impacts to residential areas to the east, and possibly buffering methods between the project area and the residences. Response: 1 Item 8. The applicant is to determine what fence methods he will use for the north property line adjacent to the school playground. Response: O� v MEMORANDUM Approved Date DMARMMUT OF EUB11C WORKS TO: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist FROM: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer DATE: Thursday, January 20, 2000 SUBJECT: Traffic Impact, 44' Avenue Business Park, WZ -99 -15 This memo serves as a response to your memo dated January 7, 2000 referencing the above development. Your memo essentially requested additional traffic analysis including traffic impact and circulation. In addition, you needed to know if the proposed site layout would be able to accommodate a semi - trailer. Vehicle templates such as passenger car and intermediate semi - trailer (WB -40) were used to evaluate the proposed site layout. The evaluation reveals the following findings: The driveway apron radius should be increased to 20 feet instead of 15 as proposed in the plan. This larger radius is to provide adequate area for the trucks turning path. 2. The one -way would work efficiently; both at the driveway and in the parking lot. However, signing in the parking area would be difficult and the level of awareness and compliance would be low. 3. If there is a truck load/unload in the drive aisle, a vehicle in the parking stall would not be able to get out of its space. 4. The current site layout is situated where it will be able to accommodate semi - trucks to circulate around the interior without obstructions even at corners of the site. In general, traffic generation from small scale projects such as this would accumulate to a significant impact to the adjacent roadway if no improvements are planned for. In this case, 44' Avenue, in the vicinity of this development, is pretty much developed with the exception to the large parcel immediately west of this site. The 44' Avenue Business Park development alone would not create a significant impact because of the low traffic generation as identified in the previous memo, however, the future development ofthe adjacent parcel will. This corner parcel is probably considered as a prime commercial parcel. As a result, the type of development on this parcel will most likely be a high traffic generator. I feel that extensive planning will be needed in addressing the traffic impact to this area. Perhaps a master plan would best serve this purpose. This development, for efficiency reasons, should plan along term traffic access and circulation, which connect to the west parcel. To be specific, a provision should be established for future cross access at the northwest corner of this site to connect to the parcel to the west. Having this cross access, internal circulation would be optimum and site traffic can utilize other access if the immediate access is congested during the busy hours. cc: Alan White, Director of Planning and Developement Greg Knudson, City Engineer File City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Steve Nguyen FROM: Martin Omer J SUBJECT: WZ -99 -15 DATE: January 7, 2000 Last night the Planning Commission heard this case. Our analysis on the traffic generation was helpful, but additional questions did come up. Commission decided to continue the case until February 3, so that the applicant and staff could address additional issues. Under the traffic and access topic, the questions were: 1. Is there enough maneuvering area for ingress /egress at both the east and west access points to the project? 2. Would one -way circulation around the interior of the site perform better? 3. Is there adequate drive aisle width for circulation around the interior of the site if a truck were unloading in the drive aisle? 4. Is there adequate turning radius for semi - trucks to circulate around the interior of the site? 5. What is the long term and cumulative impact of smaller projects such as this on West 44 and when will accel -decel lanes be warranted? Your thoughts and responses on these questions would be appreciated. MEMORANDUM Approved Date ➢DEPART'MM1ff OPPUBUC WORKS TO: Martin Omer, Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, City Engineer DATE: January 5, 2000 SUBJECT: 44 Avenue Business Park, WZ- 99 -15, 9751 West 44"' Avenue - Final Drainage Report Status Per your request, this memo is to confirm that a final drainage report and plan for the above referenced project has been prepared by the project's engineer -of- record, and can be formally approved by the Public Works Department upon completion by the developer of required technical documents still outstanding. If I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: File (3) 44AV E- BUS - PARK -1.MEM MEMORANDUM Approved Date TO: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist FROM: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer 5 0 DATE: Wednesday, January 5, 2000 SUBJECT: Trip Generation for 44' Avenue Business Park This memo serves as aresponse to your memo dated December 27,1999 referencing the above development. Thank you for providing me the useful information in determining trip generation for the above site. Based on your assessment of a typical layout expected for each leasable space, the space would probably consists of approximately 10% office area, 10% display area and 80% work area/work shop. This indicates that large retail space would not be possible. As a result, the Public Works Department feels that this proposed site will not generate significant traffic volume compared to what a typical specialty retail store does. The Trip Generation Manual does not provide trip information for this specific type of land use. However, based on the type of tenant layout and the size for this development, as described in your memo, the trip generation will be minimal since it is not likely to attract drive -by customers as a typical retail establishment does. The Public Works Department will not require a traffic impact study with the understanding that each leasable space will have a layout as described in your memo. We will require atraffic impact study ifthe final allowable land use will involve a larger scale retail or any other land use with a high traffic generator for this development. cc: Greg Knudson, City Engineer File 44 AVENUE BUSINESS PARK (WZ- 99 -15) Landscape and Parking Analysis January, 2000 STANDARD LANDSCAPING 44 AVE. BUSINESS PARK PCD CRITERIA PER CITY COMMERCIAL ZONING REGULATIONS Within front setback area: 1 tree for every 30 feet of street frontage. 220 feet of frontage = 8 trees. 6 trees are shown on the plan. Additionally, 1 tree or shrub for every 1,000 square feet of lot area. Overall, not less than 10 percent of the lot shall be landscaped. Along 44 Avenue, continuous landscaping 10 feet deep from edge of right -of -way to be provided, not including curb cuts. Sideyard: Buffering of adjacent residentially zoned property with residential structure within 15 feet: 6 foot high solid fence and 5 foot landscape buffer per story (1 story = 12 feet) of proposed building. 82,562 total square feet of lot area = 83 trees or shrubs. h1 addition to the 6 trees along the frontage, an additional 2 trees and 92 shrubs are shown on the plan. 10 percent of lot area= 8,256 square feet. The plan shows 13,565 square feet of landscape area. A 30 foot deep front landscape area is shown 6 foot solid fence shown on plan. 6 foot landscape buffer shown. Building is 17 feet high. Standard commercial regulations would require total landscape depth of 12 feet. STANDARD PARKING CRITERIA (Office/Warehouse) 1 space per 600 square feet of warehouse 75 percent warehouse (workshop) area = 22,734.27 square feet: 38 spaces. 1 space per 300 square feet of retail/ wholesale /office area 25 percent retail/wholesale /office area= 7,578 square feet: 26 spaces. Total min. spaces 4 = 64. 72 spaces provided. City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer FROM: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist yvq f, SUBJECT: WZ- 99 -15, 44` Avenue Business Park DATE: December 27, 1999 This memo is in response to your traffic analysis for the above development application and our conversations concerning same. The application, being a Planned Commercial Development for speculative commercial land uses, has permitted land uses which are not quantifyable by a standardized method. You and I have spoken about the need to break down the land uses by percentage of uses by area in order to accurately estimate the projected traffic generation for the site at full build -out and occupancy. I have studied the application material, the list of examples of expected tenants, and spoken with the applicant in arriving at a use mix which can be expected for this project. Based upon the type of small business operator expected, the size of work area/work shop needed, and the need for delivery/receiving area for a small operator, I have arrived at a conservative estimate of the anticipated use mix for tenants: Office Area: Approx. 10 % of the individual lease area Retail/Customer Service Area: Approx. 10 % of the individual lease area Work Area/Work Shop: Approx. 80 % of the individual lease area Traffic generation reference data, being the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6` Edition, puts higher trip generation projections on Specialty Retail type uses. Specialty Retail is defined as " ...generally small strip shopping centers that contain a variety of retail shops and specialize in quality apparel; hard goods; and services such as real estate offices, dance studios, florists, and small restaurants. Staff believes, from observing the tenant mix at a similar project, the Valley Business Park located at 12150 West 44` Avenue (comer of Van Gordon) and constructed by this same applicant, that the majority if not all tenants of this proposed development will be the of a retail/service type, and not necessarily the same as those defined as Speciality Retail. The applicant's list of proposed uses are all permitted uses in the City's standard Restricted Commercial and Commercial -One zones. I propose estimates of the total amount of individual use type square footage for this project at build -out and full occupancy to be: RETAIL OFFICE WORK AREA/WORK SHOP 3,024 + / -S.F. 3,024 + / -S.F. 24,192 + / -S.F. Example: Florist Shops; a small front display and retail area, along with a minimal area for desk and record keeping would be typical, with the remainder of the space being used for floral assembly and delivery/receiving staging area. It is expected that delivery and receiving would be from vehicles such as delivery vans. Example: Upholstery Shop: a small area would be used for customer service, a small area for desks and record keeping, and the majority of the space would be used for working on the upholstery, and sending/receiving area. Example: Cabinet Shop; again, similar to the upholstery shop. Planning staff classifies these types of uses as a retail/service uses. Most of these land uses are not expected to attract the drive -by customer, which is how a strip shopping center typically works, but more likely customers will find out about these service type businesses through advertising and word of mouth. The applicant's list of proposed land uses also includes banks, hardware stores, book stores, restaurants and grocery stores, which are standard retail businesses. In order to ensure that traffic generation from this project will not adversely affect traffic flow on West 44` Avenue in the project area, it is suggested that the project be designed with minimums of work shop /work area for each individual leaseable space, and on an overall project basis. For instance and as an example, each leaseable space would be required per the PID to have a minimum of 75 percent of leaseable area as work shop /work area. The remaining square footage would be for use as retail, office or any combination of same. This would probable preclude the following uses from the PID: banks, loan and finance offices clinics churches, libraries, YMCA/YWCA liquor stores antique stores* apparel and accessory stores* art galleries* book stores and newsstands* candy, nut and confectionary stores* . dairy products stores* department or variety stores* drug stores dry goods stores furniture stores (not including furniture refinishing)* gift, novelty or souvenir stores* grocery stores hardware stores* hobby and craft stores (not including craft studios)* home furnishing stores* jewelry stores (not including jewelry repair or craft stores) liquor stores music stores newsstands notions stores office supply stores* optical stores* pet stores shoe stores (not including shoe repair stores) sporting goods stores stationary stores (not including printing and publishing stores)* tobacco stores* toy stores video stores auction houses restaurants *exceeding 25 percent gross leaseable area for retail sales, office space or combination of same I hope this method of breaking down land uses type by percentage of leasable space will help in achieving a fair estimate of traffic generation for this proposed project. cc: Legend Properties City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: File WZ99 -15 FROM: Martin Omer SUBJECT: Oulette Ditch Company DATE: December 21, 1999 On December 20, I received a phone call from Tony Ficco who gave me the phone number of the contact person for the Oulette Ditch Company. This person was Ms. Laura Jenkins at telephone 303- 456-9669. On the same date I telephoned Ms. Jenkins and left a message that I needed to speak with a ditch representative about the Ficco application at 9751 West 44` Avenue. The same day I received a message from Ms. Jenkins saying that she was not the person to speak with and that I needed to call Mr. Steve Keller at 303 - 425 -0130. I called Mr. Keller and left a message that I needed to speak with him about the Oulette Ditch and the development application on the north side of 44 Avenue just east of Kipling. As of today's date I have not received any response. 01 -08 -1900 08 :08RM FROM TO To: Martin Ornel From. Legend Properties Subject: Case # WZ 99 -15 Date: December 22,1999 1. We have reviewed the comments from the planning department. 2. We have a question on two items: A.) The rear easment which Meredith Reckert has asked for. 3032352857 P.01 B.) Item 2 -K requirement, mommmen# sign for address only. We would want the names of the busimesses also listed. 3. Item 2 -C current zoning is RC 190 feet along 44' AVE and 165 feet deep or 31,350 square feet. The balance is R 4, The Balance of cooa»»ents 2- A- B- D- E- F -G -H -1 and I are items we agree to change. However would prefer making one change after comments from plamimg commission and City Council. _, "m. Legend properties BY: Anthony M. Ficco TOTAL P.01 To: City of Wheat Ridge Attention: Steve Nguyen Steve, per conversation on the traffic impact for the proposed 44' Avenue Business Park, I have compiled the following information on the amount of cars that can be expected in this type of development. BUIINESS TYPE OF BUSINESS 1. Beautiful Blooms Special Event Flower Shop 2. Encore Style Wedding Flower Sales 3. Looney for Logos Silk Screen Printing 4. High Strength Bolt Specialty Nut and Bolt Sales 5. Mt. Elbert Mining Hat and Shirt Labels 6. Mcintoch Sharpening 7. Advanced Electric 8. R&L Enterprise 9. Ford Tool I O.Adams Machine I l.Breaking the Mold 12.Denpak Products 13.Energy Transportation 14.Tims Auto Upholstery 15.Pro Technology Blade and Saw Sharpening Electric Office Furnace Sales and Repair Machine Shop Machine Shop Candle Sales Window & Storm-door Sales Transportation Office Upholstery Shop Soil Test Lab 16.Music Plumbing . Plumbing Shop 17.Excel Graphics Sign Printing 18.B &P Plumbing Plumbing Shop 19.Applewood Cabinet Wood Specialty Cabinets 20.International Management Antique Shop 21.Dry Below Patio Drain Systems 22.Aquatic Exhibits Aquarium Sales 23.Weimar Electric Electric Shop 24.Kennan Remodeling Remodel Shop 25.Factory Direct Satellite Satellite Sales 26.Fanning & Associated 271edgends Lock 28.A- Affordable Heating 29.Glass Doctor 30.Blackford Scales Plumbing Fixture Sales Lock Repair Air Conditioning Sales Glass Sales & Repair Scales Repair OCCUPIED SQ.FT. OPERATORS 2400 3 2400 3 2400 2 2400 2 2400 3 2400 1 2800 3 2400 2 4800 3 2400 2 7200 8 7200 3 1000 1 1000 1 1000 3 1000 2 2250 2 2250 3 2250 2 2250 2 2250 3 2250 2 2250 2 2250 3 2250 2 2250 1 2400 1 2250 1 5200 6 2100 2 This is a partial list, but it shows that small businesses of this type average about 1000 s%ft. per worker. We have approximately 30�000square feet proposed which would generate about 32 cars. Thank you Legend Properties City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Legend Properties FROM: Martin Omer V�& SUBJECT: Case No. WZ -99 -15 DATE: December 14, 1999 The Planning Department has the following comments regarding this application. Please note that these comments are for the development plan only. The comments for the minor subdivision will be sent after the close of the review period (December 23, 1999). 1. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner, has said that in previous conversations with you, she requested that a design and dedication for a cross - access driveway for and in anticipation of the development of the adjacent property to the west, be included in any planning for this property. This easement shall be defined on the development plan/site plan and on the plat. The driveable surface shall be no less than 22 feet in width. Sample wording for this easement is attached and should be included as Note 1 on Sheet 2. 2. The development plan should be revised as follows: A. Both Sheets One and Two, change the title to "A combined Outline and Final Development Plan in the City of Wheat Ridge" B. Revise the wording of Use Criteria (14) (C) to read "Equipment Rental Agencies" only. This will make the use consistent with the prohibition of outside storage (see Use Criteria (B)(1). C. On the Notes section of Sheet One, include a calculation of how much of the site is currently zoned R -C and how much is currently zoned R -2. D. Substitute the new legal description per the subdivision element of this case for the legal currently on the development plan. E. Sheet Two of the development Plan under Landscape, correct the spelling of the word shrubs (schrubs). F. Sheet One title line of 44 Avenue Business Park, the word Business is misspelled. G. Include a Description of Project on Sheet One at the beginning of the text. H. On Sheet 2, include a Note stating that all wall signs shall be consistent with Section 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. I. Include a Note on Sheet 2 that rooftop equipment will be screened from public view. J. Sheet 1, Note 3 says landscaping to be a minimum of 18 %. Sheet 2 Landscape Land Use calc says 16.44% landscaping. Please correct where necessary. K. Include Note on Sheet 2 that the Monument Sign will be for the building street address only. Fifteen copies of the revised plan (folded) should be delivered to the Planning Department at least 10 days prior to the Planning Commission hearing (January 6, 2000). Please review all comments from the referral agencies and have them satisfactorily addressed prior to Planning Commission hearing. Of course, I am available at (303) 235 -2854 if you have any questions. Also, note that the property must be posted no later than December 17, 1999 for the Planning Commission hearing and no later than January 28, 2000 for City Council's second reading (February 14). The signs will be in the Planning Department for you to pick up and post. Be sure to deep an eye on the signs after posting to be sure they stay up and visible. "The owner(s) of this Lot, his /their successors or assigns grants limited rights and privileges of access to, and free movement through those areas indicated as "cross access easements ", as illustrated upon this plat/plan. Such grant of easement shall be limited to the owners, tenants, customers, and guests of the owners, and shall furthermore grant access to, and free movement through said easements to those entering said easements from similarly recorded easements from adjacent properties and/or from abutting public streets." City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Case File WZ -99 -15 b FROM: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist G SUBJECT: 44 "' Business Park PID DATE: December 6, 1999 Economic Development supports this application for the following two reasons: The project includes the potential for sales tax generating uses on a piece of land which is currently vacant. 2. This planned commercial development is designed with building materials, landscaping and uses which set a high standard for future development on adjacent undeveloped and underdeveloped properties. MEMORANDUM Approved Date WORFS TO: Martin Omer, Planner/Business Specialist FROM: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer' jN( DATE: Thursday, December 2, 1999 SUBJECT: Trip Generation for 44` Avenue Business Park This memo serves as an explanation on how the trip generation for this site was assessed. For any land use, the two variables for determining the trip generation are proposed type of land use and the building size (SF). Usually, this information is provided on the development plan. The 6 ' Edition of Trip Generation, Published by the Institute of Transportation Engineer, is used as the data source in determining the trips. Based on the permitted principal uses listed in the development plan, there are two dominant common land uses. They are special retail and general office. Since there is no specific data on actual type of use or occupied space available at this time, a 50% of office and 50% of special retail are used in the analysis. I believe that this is an average case and reasonable to determine the trip generation. The analysis is as follow. Data obtain from the Development Plan Total lot area 82,562 SF 100.00% Building 30,312 SF 36.71% Parking and Drives 38,685 SF 46.85% Landscape 13,565 SF 16.44% Average Rate Land Use Occupied Space Trip generation per KSF Total Trips SF Gross Floor Area Single Tenant Office Building 15,156 SF 1.78 28 Specialty retail Center 15.156 SF 6.41 97 125 trips Conclusion - during an average weekday, this site can potentially generate 125 trips during the AM or PM peak hour. Since the trip generation exceeds 100 in the peak hour, a traffic impact study is needed to assess the impact and to identify any improvements needed to offset it. I hope this helps clear up any questions regarding the assessment. Please see me ifyou need additional information. I have attached the data relevant to the analysis for your reference. cc: Greg Knudson Land Use: 715 Single Tenant Office Building Description A single tenant office building generally contains the offices, meeting rooms, and space for file storage and data processing of a single business or company, and possibly other service functions including a restaurant or cafeteria. General office building (land use 710), corporate headquarters building (land use 714), and office park (land use 750) are related uses. Additional Data The average vehicle occupancy for the ten studies where information was submitted is approximately 1.1 persons per automobile. The range of vehicle occupancy rates is 1.03 to 1.14 persons per automobile. The sites were surveyed from the 1970s to the mid -1990s throughout the United States, with the majority conducted in the Washington, D.C.; Kansas City; Philadelphia; and San Diego metropolitan areas. Trip Characteristics The trip generation for the A.M. and P.M. peak hours of the generator typically coincide with the peak hours of the adjacent street traffic; therefore, only one A.M. peak hour and one P.M. peak hour, which represent both the peak hour of the generator and the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic, are shown for single tenant office buildings. Source Numbers 89, 92, 212, 262, 273, 279, 303, 304, 322, 323, 324, 327, 407 Trip Generation, 6th Edition 1066 Institute of Transportation Engineers Single Tenant Office Building (715) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Weekday, A.M. Peak Hour Number of Studies: 41 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: 160 Directional Distribution: 89% entering, 11% exiting T rip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 1.78 0.75 - 4.57 1.51 Data Plot and 1,500 ' c w a H d U_ t d d m a1 `m Q i 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 A } --------- .--------------- .............. .... x----- ... .... . 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 X =1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve - ---- Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: T = 1.630(X) + 24.623 R = 0.76 ip Generation, 6th Edition 1071 Institute of Transportation Engineers X ........ X ... X X � X : X ..... X X X X . .... X X X : X X ..... ': X.X: ..........:.................. ............................... .. ... 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 X =1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve - ---- Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: T = 1.630(X) + 24.623 R = 0.76 ip Generation, 6th Edition 1071 Institute of Transportation Engineers Land Use: 710 General Office Building Description A general office building houses multiple tenants; it is a location where affairs of businesses, commercial or industrial organizations, or professional persons or firms are conducted. An office building or buildings may contain a mixture of tenants including professional services; insurance companies; investment brokers; and tenant services such as a bank or savings and loan institution, a restaurant or cafeteria, and service retail facilities. Nearly all of the buildings surveyed were in suburban locations. Corporate headquarters (land use 714), single tenant office building (land use 715), and office park (land use 750) are related uses. If information is known about individual buildings, it is suggested that the general office building category be used rather than office parks when estimating trip generation for one or more office buildings in a single development. The office park category is more general, and it should be used when a breakdown of individual or different uses is not known. If the general office building category is used and if additional buildings, such as banks, restaurants, or retail stores are included in the development, then the development should be treated as a multiuse project. On the other hand, if the office park category is used, internal trip making is already reflected in the data and. does not need to be considered. When the buildings are interrelated (defined by shared parking facilities or the ability to easily walk between buildings) or house one tenant, it is suggested that the total area or employment of all the buildings be used for calculating the trip generation. When the individual buildings are isolated and not related to one another, it is suggested that the trip generation be calculated for each building separately and then summed. Additional Data Average weekday transit trip ends — Transit service was either nonexistent or negligible at the majority of the sites surveyed in this land use. Recent studies indicate increased use of transit, carpools, and other transportation demand management (TDM) strategies. Information has not been analyzed to document the impacts of TDM measures on the total site generation. The average building occupancy varied considerably within the studies where occupancy data was provided. For buildings with occupancy rates reported, the average percent of occupied gross leasable area was 88 percent. In some regions peaking may occur earlier or later and last somewhat longer than the traditional 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. peak period time frames. The sites were surveyed from the 1960s to the 1990s throughout the United States. Trip Generation, 6th Edition 1043 Institute of Transportation Engineers General Office Building (710) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Weekday, A.M. Peak Hour Number of Studies: 216 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: 223 Directional Distribution: 88% entering, 12% exiting Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation Data Plot and 4,000 3,001 rn a c w a F d s � z,00c rn R Q 2 1,000 i - X X % X X X X k X ... .. X..... --- ... XyJ� ............ X ...... ............................... Op° 2000 3000 X = 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve - - - -- ' Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.797 Ln(X) + 1.558 2 _ R _ 0.83 Trip Generation, 6th Edition 1053 Institute of Transportation Engineers 0 Land Use: 814 Specialty Retail Center Description Specialty retail centers are generally small strip shopping centers that contain a variety of retail shops and specialize in quality apparel; hard goods; and services such as real estate offices, dance studios, florists, and small restaurants. Additional Data The sites were surveyed from the late 1970s to the mid -1990s in California, Georgia, and New York. Source Numbers 100, 304, 305, 367, 423 Trip Generation, 6th Edition 1223 Institute of Transportation Engineers Specialty Retail Center (814) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Leasable Area On a: Weekday, A.M. Peak Hour of Generator Number of Studies: 2 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GLA: 104 Directional Distribution: 4 8% entering, 52% exiting Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Leasable Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 6.41 5.40 - 8.85 uaia riot ano r-quation 1,000 Caution - Use Carefully - Small Sample Size 900 .. ..... ..... .. -- --- - -- _ x 800 v W a 700 U t N a) N 600 d a 500 400 300 60 70 80 X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve Equation: Not given 90 100 110 120 130 140 X = 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Leasable Area ------ Average Rate R2 = .... 150 Trip Generation, 6th Edition 1226 Institute of Transportation Engineers The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 Wheat 9 Ridge December 1, 1999 Tony Ficco Legend Properties 3650 Vance, #1 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Subject: Application for Rezoning Case No. WZ99 -15 Dear Tony: After receiving your application for rezoning referenced above, the Planning and Development Department circulated the case information to referral agencies and City departments for comments. We have received comments from the City's Public Works Department which, among other things, requests clarification of the current subdivision status of the property in question. The comments of the City's surveyor, John McGuire, are attached herein. In order to assess the subdivision status of the property, submittal of a deed with legal description and a survey is are requested. As your point of contact for Application Case No. WZ99 -15, the documentation should be submitted to me in the Planning and Development Department. If your surveyor has any questions regarding Mr. McGuire's memo, they should contact Mr. McGuire directly at (303) 235 -2858. Please be aware that processing this case through Planning Commission and City Council hearings cannot proceed until the status of the subdivision is resolved. Thank you for your attention to this issue, and I remain available should you wish to contact me. Sincerely, Martin Omer, AICP attachment: John McGuire memo dated 12/1/1999 cc: Alan White, Director of Planning and Development J9-bn McGuire, City Surveyor teve Listor, Lane Engineering Services Case File No. WZ99 -15 (303) 234 -5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234 -5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235 -2949 Approved Date �' =EPPP.7Ir9E1'I'S CAP x'[PL *r, 71ruP3�. MEMORANDUM TO: Greg Knudson Dev. Review Engineer FROM: John McGuire P. L. S. DATE: Wednesday, December 1, 1999 SUBJECT: 9751 W. 44" Avenue 1. "Metroscan" does not list this address. It is shown as 9839 W. 44`" Avenue 2. This property has apparently been split. Please provide a deed with legal description and a survey. 3. Lot areas shown do not agree with Assessor records. 4. We will need to see copies of the deeds of ownership. 5. This property may require a subdivision plat. cc: Martin Omer: Planner MEMORANDUM Approved Date IIDEPARTN= ®F PUBLIC WORKS TO: Martin Omer, Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, Development Review Engineer DATE: November 24, 1999 SUBJECT: 9751 West 44` Avenue, WZ -99 -15 - PCD For Retail/Office /Commercial Land Use The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated November 19, 1999 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. The required final drainage report has been received and is currently being reviewed. 2. The required engineered street construction plans have been received and are currently being reviewed. 3. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping /Landfill Permit, along with fees due. 4. The required erosion control plan has been received and is currently being reviewed. 5. "Metroscan" does not list this address. It is shown as 9839 West 44"' Avenue. Verification will need to be provided for the correct address. 6. This property appears to be split. Please provide a deed with legal description and a survey. 7. The lot areas shown do not agree with Assessor records. The correct areas need to be provided. We will need a traffic impact study. Estimated trip generation exceeds 100 trips during the peak hour (50% office and 50% specialty retail use). 9. The proposed driveway access design meets City requirements. cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File WZ99- 15.MEM 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235 -2868 Ridge FAX 303/235 -2857 November 24, 1999 Mr. Richard Romberg, P.E. Lane Engineering Service, Inc. 9500 West 14" Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Re: West 44' Avenue Business Park, 9751 west 44 Avenue - First Review Comments of Final Drainage Study, Grading /Erosion Control Plan, Street Construction Plans Dear Mr. Romberg, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the West 44 Avenue Business Park project received on November 18, 1999, and have the following comments: Drainage Study (Discussion) Page 1 1. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on two sets of the final approved report. Page 9 Detention 1. Please note correct detention pond volume as red lined. 2. Please provide the appropriate discussion as red lined on the drainage plan regarding the negligible discharge at design points 4 and 5. Specifically identifying method(s) of release and function in relation to the 100 year detention pond limits. Drainage Plan(s) Sheet 2 1. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature on two sets of the approved plans. 2. Please delineate more clearly the proposed 100 year detention pond limits, elevation and depth of ponding. Mr. Richard Romberg, P.E. Lane Eng., Inc. Page 2 3. Please clarify the method(s) of release at design points 4 and 5, especially as these points relate to ponding limits and elevation for the 100 year storm. The appropriate report discussion needs to be provided for these design points and the methods of release. 4. Please note all surface types and typical grades throughout the project. Sheet 4 1. Please note Q100 HWL and top of curb elevation on all cross section details. Grading & Erosion Control Plan 1. Plan submitted has been reviewed with no comments at this time. 1. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature on two sets of the approved plans. Street Construction Drawings 1. Plans submitted have been reviewed with no comments at this time. 2. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature on two sets of the approved plans. 3. Due to the existence of street lights along the W. 44th Avenue frontage, no new street lights will be required Traffic Engineering Review 1. We will need a traffic impact study. Estimated trip generation exceeds 100 trips during the peak hour (50% office and 50% specialty retail use). 2. The proposed driveway access design meets City requirements. Any questions related to these review comments can be addressed to Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E. City Traffic Engineer at303- 235 -2862. City Surveyor Review 1. "Metroscan" does not list this address. It is shown as 9839 West 44t Avenue. Verification will need to be provided for the correct address. 2. This property appears to be split. Please provide a deed with legal description and a survey. Mr. Richard Romberg, P.E. Lane Eng., Inc. Page 3 3. The lot areas shown do not agree with Assessor records. The correct areas need to be provided. Any questions related to these review comments can be addressed to Mr. John McGuire, P.L.S. at 303 - 235 -2858. Application for Minor Dumping /Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping /Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. For your information and submittal in the second review package, a copy of this permit is provided. Right -of -Way Construction Permit(s) /Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right -of -way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Please return all red -lined prints with the second submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303 - 235 -2868. Sincerely, Greg Knudson, M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Martin Orner. Planner File 44AVE- BUS - PARK -1.LTR ;Arvada Fire Protection District Organizational Excellence In Fire, Rescue, and Disaster Services. artin Orner Department of Planning and Development City of Wheatridge 7500 W 29" Ave. Wheatridge Colorado 80030 RE: Rezoning of 9751 W 44' Avenue. Case # WZ99 -15 The following are our site plan requirements; 11/23/99 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 1, 7900 W 57' Avenue, and Station 2, 12195 W 52"" Avenue. 2. All weather fire. dept access roadways, minimum of 24 feet of unobstructed width, capable of supporting the imposed loads of 52, 000 lb fire apparatus need to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the buildings prior to above grade construction, UFC 97 901.3, 8704.2. Amended. 3. All buildings classified by the Codes Administrator as the following occupancies: B,F- 1,F- 2,S- 1,S- 2,S -3, or S -5, exceeding 18,000 square feet shall have an approved automatic fire suppression sprinkler system installed throughout in accordance with NFPA -13. Section 1003.2.2 amended. 4, Dead end fire apparatus access roadways in excess of 150 feet will need to be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus. UFC 97 902.2.2.4 5. Fire lanes will need to be dedicated on the Final Plat as Emergency Access Lanes. 6. Fire lanes will need to be posted, "No Parking Fire Lane" on each side with signs that meet City of Wheatridge standards. UFC 97 901.4.2. 7. Water lines and fire hydrants will need to be installed and operational and capable of supplying the minim required fire flows prior to above grade construction. UFC 97 9013, 9032, 8704.3 Amended. 8.Additional fire hydrants may be required to be installed at: as hydrant spacing exceeds 300 feet. UFC 97 901.2.2. 6503 Simms Street • Arvada, Colorado 80001 -0060 • (303) 424 -3012 • Fax (303) 432 -7995 9. A fire hydrant needs to be installed and maintained within 150 feet of a fire department connection serving a sprinkler or standpipe system. UFC 97 903.2. Amended. 10. Underground fire lines will need to be approved and inspected by the Engineering Division of the City of Wheatridge. 11. Fire hydrant locations will need to be approved by the Engineering Division and the Fire Marshal's Office. UFC 97 901.2.2. 12. Landscaping will need to be installed and maintained to provide a three foot clear space around the circumference of fire hydrants and fire dept. connections. UFC 97 1001.7.1. 13. Trash enclousres will need to be of non- combustible construction including doors. UFC 97 1103.2.2. Amended. 14. The minimum required fire flows based upon Type V -N construction for the largest building will be 3,500 gallons per minute with a 50 percent reduction for sprinkler system installation. UFC 97 Appendix IHA. Arvada Fire District 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Whe Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge DATE: November 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for Rezoning at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by December 8. 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ99 -15 LOCATION: 9751 West 44' Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone approximately 1.9 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential 2 to PCD, Planned Commercial Development. PURPOSE: Planned Commercial Development for Retail/Office /Commercial land uses APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.9 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Martin Omer (303) 235 -2854 Completed by: Q J,&Ao, V— re-- Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Fax: 303/235 -2857 X Water District (Valley) X�6anitation District (Clear Creek Valley) V{ Fire District (Arvada) X Public Service Co. X US West Communications "The Carnation City" X Jeffco Schools X TCI of Colorado X WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X WHEAT RIDGE Building Department X WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. X WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development X Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. e:\planning\forms \agendareffhn 12/03/88 FRI 16:09 FAX 305 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS 10 002 7500 West 29th Avenue F! Wheat Ridge, Colorado au03 T >l '7l17! 7�35_�AdS DATE; November 19 1999 The Citv of 1`777_ _ _l r1` flCuc Ris_7an The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for Rezoning ar the property described below, Your resnonse to the following nuesrions and anv comments on this nmrnsal wmdd hr ann"riated by Dece!nher R. 1999 No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns reeardine this nroposal. CASE NO: WZ99 - 15 LOCATION: 9751 West 44" Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone approximately 1.9 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential 2 to PCD, rianauu Ctiu "uiiGNial Dc�ciopuuni. PURPOSE: Planned Commercial Development for Retail/Office /Corurnercial land uses APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.9 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? Additional water main and fire hydrant will beneeded to meet AFPD requirements 2. Are service lines available to the development? Water tap and service line will be needed to serve the property 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? Yes 4. Can anu will yuur agency service this propo5ed development subject to your rules and regulations 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other documentlasements will be required that meet Denver ridtci aAu v.X.l y wat6Y liiserici requirements co be granted by owner. Are thrre anv rnmmanrc vm,n nae.,ry h�� id,.n6R..d —M,-t, —. ,,M .. 0-04 off—, o .07 ..i rhi� r ner9 _. _. 1`r ..,. _. z __.... Please reply to:-Martin Omer (303) 235.2 Com pleted by: X6Z ' & Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) 0.. 214„ Pax: 303235 -2857 0"`"'"" ` �rssrer_ iA w ater uhsmct 1 v ancy) X jauiu p1h Dia rici (Clear C cc c 'v aneyj Y TiC Wrcr C'mm� nnirorinnc X Iefico Schools A TCi of Colorado s n ncM t NLV 9 rust wuw- V nlSTr w T nSTf_r .....u.1`.. 'v -11 a�uuuulr� ✓uyca uuu.c Y WiT➢AT➢TT1r:P ➢,1,N, Wmdre Parr LAW1 • WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development • Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. "The Carnation City" cAplanning\formltagendater. rrm 12/03/99 FRI 16:03 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS 10 001 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEFRUNS 4'14 -961$1 iAfi 424 -0628 Dorember 1, 1999 Mr. Martin Orner Dept. of Planning and Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Martin: Per your request attached is the Valley Water District's response for WZ- 99 -15, 9751 W. 44th Avenue. 1. Additional fire hydrant and water main' will be needed to meet AFFD requirements. 2. water tap and service line to serve the property will be needed. 3. Easements that meet Denver Water and Valley Water District requirements will De neeaea for water Inal,16 all" fiLG 41Y41o:"L6 a.. iv be granted b OWL . if you have any questions, plaase contact me at 303- 424 -9661. Sincerely, I rvr/ �yviav� Robert Arnold District Manaeer 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Whe Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge DATE: November 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for Rezoning at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by December 8. 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ99 -15 LOCATION: 9751 West 44" Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone approximately 1.9 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential 2 to PCD, Planned Commercial Development. PURPOSE: Planned Commercial Development for Retail/Office/Commercial land uses APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.9 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6 Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Dumb sic.- ene,lesvre i-a lac v - pS - ea n.bs5 } a.b/z., m a - � e^ Please reply to: Martin Omer (303) 235 -2854 Completed by: 20Z& LZ f Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agenc , epartment, ate) Fax: 303/235 -2857 DISTRIBUTION • Water District (Valley) • Sanitation District (Clear Creek Valley) • Fire District (Arvada) • Public Service Co. • US West Communications • Jeffco Schools • TCI of Colorado X �IiEAT RIDGE Post Office Service RIDGE Building Department • WHEAT RIDGE Police Department • WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. • WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division • WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development • Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. "The Carnation City" e:\planning\forms \agendaref frm 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Whe Telephone 303/ 235 -2846 Ridge DATE: November 19, 1999 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for Rezoning at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by December 8, 1999. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ99 -15 LOCATION: 9751 West 44' Avenue REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone approximately . 1.9 acres from R -C, Restricted Commercial and R -2, Residential 2 to PCD, Planned Commercial Development. PURPOSE: Planned Commercial Development for Retail/Office /Commercial land uses APPROXIMATE AREA: 1.9 acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Please reply to: Martin Omer (303) 235 -2854 Completed by: Department of Planning & Development (Name, Agency/Department, Date) Fax: 303/235 -2857 DISTRIBUTION • Water District (Valley) • Sanitation District (Clear Creek Valley) • Fire District (Arvada) • Public Service Co. • US West Communications "The Carnation City" • Jeffco Schools • TCI of Colorado • WHEAT RIDGE Post Office • WHEAT RIDGE Building Department • WHEAT RIDGE Police Department • WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. • WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division • WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development • Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. e:\planning\for \agendareff= R -2 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: March 19, 1999 ® AREA REQUIRING 517E PLAN APPROVAL 100 -YEAR FLOOD PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) ZONE D15TRICT BOUNDRY — PARCEL /LOT BOUNDRY (DESIGNATES OHNERSHIP) - - -- HATER FEATURE + DENOTES MULTIPLE ADORE55E5 NW 22 uxrx o eo iao zo av SCALE 1'-700 PgPARTKNT of RA14 G AND PFAjopmENT - 2352852 NW 1/4 CORNER SEC 3. T3S R69W 3 O O N 0 0 100 o v 0 0 48.048 SQ.FT. o `� 1 . 10 ACRES ZONED R -2 34.48.7 i O ACRE Z�NE��C S 89°43'01 - E 879.00' NORTH R -O -W LINE WEST 44TH AVENUE SCALE 1' -100' 100 0 50 100 150 AREA SQUARE FT. % OVERALL 82.535 100% R -C 34.487 42% R -2 48.048 58% PREPARED BY: LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE. INC. 9500 WEST 14TH AVENUE, LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 PREPARED: DEC. 1999 TEL: (303) 233 -4042 FAX: (303) 233 -0796 PROJECT: V27 -1 DRAINAGE MAP LEGEND D:G SUBBASIN DESIGNATION X 8 YEAR RUNOPF COEFECIEM DISCHARGED TO OFFSITE Y 10.1 100 YEAR AREA �m al Al ro E, ACRE5 p ° Em ii v STUDY POINT DESIGNATION V SUBBASIN BOUNDARY %% PEAK INITIAL STORY DISCHARGE ( CFS ) %•1 PEAK MAJOR STORM DISCHARGE ( CPS ) —%%- E%ISTING EIEVAMW CONTOUR S B— PROPOSED ELEVATION COMOUR IAL/V. ImM1 +. WORYNATER DISCHARGE M OFFS" — - - - BASIN DURNWAY III CONCRETE IMPROVEMEM SUMMARY RIrR�I c m D:G DEVELOPED STORMINATER RUNOFF 1 01 PJI DISCHARGED TO OFFSITE Y 10.1 - EmRr T. I�mu FNNf fIFAA91 OAO �m al Al ro p s � nnr p ° Em ii v O IY 4 m om a Rx,/V. MRLN. a € a am IE IAL/V. ImM1 +. ° W ii w 14 o[YMm GmVla m NR 61 p , II-01. F N u IOU u Rm ni. NIL". m aFm os.+N�o[ Wt a armq w uN mCYN. RTI 9R P6. MRMC RIX 8!]L AN M[ � PM[ 41 1 DEVELOPED RUNOFF SUMMARY F�XI RIrR�I c m D:G W& IVl D OMENE AT ONm . m Clm con cam 1 01 PJI IE Y 10.1 m le ° p 1� 10 aA O IY 4 m om a Rx,/V. MRLN. e a am IE IAL/V. ImM1 +. 18xL FEAT[ urz a o[YMm GmVla Ya Im eexexrARJu TOP In eRAee CRP IN RRxae POINT GA RIXIN IPENJI CI YWIFFIl"T RIME ONfFMEET.RX'TM YMYT RIME ELEVRTOX 6DA2A1. 1 I m U) -P m m z C m 1 CONCRETE PERIMETER CURB U IG z a I W WM N U o° 5: zN`rn w ¢ m11 � N n n HQ N Z OOM W 3 -0 " O n w o i z 00 0 � m OaLL Z W Y W S z 5^ CURB WITH NOTCH � SEE DETAIL, SHEET 6 SITE ONLY SITE PLUS FFSrtE RUE PERIMETER CURB 0.3 SDE L8 ONLY o w F 0 s n. a y 0 00 IL ZIT m M id in O Q W z as XuJ :3 N0. � 2 DRAINAGE MAP & PLAN Z Sdtc 1'- 20' l� ��0 Ai MW ILmw-A ml =9 1k BENCHMARK: TOP OF BRASS CAP IN RANGE POINT BOX IN INTERSECTION OF 48TH AND GARRISON STREET. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ELEVATION 5342.41. INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING DRAWINGS, PERTAINING TO THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, REPRESENT ONLY THE OPINION OF THE ENGINEER AS TO THE LOCATION OF SUCH UTILITIES AND IS INCLUDED ONLY FOR THE POSSIBLE CONVENIENCE OF BIDDERS. NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED BY THE ENGINEER OR BY THE OWNER FOR THE SUFFICIENCY OR ACCURACY OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATION INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY, TO LOCATE, TO CAREFULLY EXCAVATE, AND TO PROTECT ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, Two WorkIn Da Notts Pleass PLEAK = VW CANAW 1W ON EACH SM Or PAW LIM Olt $TAUS NOM 11 -1 BEST TIME TO CAUL. 7-9 11-1 4-5 BEST DAYS T® CALL V J o Frkjay Two world da before y ou DIG& ORADE& or EXCAVATE, oall Me Utl* Notlfloaflon COLOR COM C"W of Colorado, 1-90► —M-1"7 (or 0 MM markIn of manber undw uMitlec 11 ORANGE,..***99***0000000s00000******TELEP"ONE L CABLE TV opm ............................. ***0000*00SEM %vm sm MW ILmw-A ml =9 1k BENCHMARK: TOP OF BRASS CAP IN RANGE POINT BOX IN INTERSECTION OF 48TH AND GARRISON STREET. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ELEVATION 5342.41. INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING DRAWINGS, PERTAINING TO THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, REPRESENT ONLY THE OPINION OF THE ENGINEER AS TO THE LOCATION OF SUCH UTILITIES AND IS INCLUDED ONLY FOR THE POSSIBLE CONVENIENCE OF BIDDERS. NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED BY THE ENGINEER OR BY THE OWNER FOR THE SUFFICIENCY OR ACCURACY OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATION INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY, TO LOCATE, TO CAREFULLY EXCAVATE, AND TO PROTECT ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, Two WorkIn Da Notts Pleass PLEAK = VW CANAW 1W ON EACH SM Or PAW LIM Olt $TAUS NOM 11 -1 BEST TIME TO CAUL. 7-9 11-1 4-5 BEST DAYS T® CALL V J o Frkjay Two world da before y ou DIG& ORADE& or EXCAVATE, oall Me Utl* Notlfloaflon COLOR COM C"W of Colorado, 1-90► —M-1"7 (or 534-6M In Melto Dmw), for ft MM markIn of manber undw uMitlec 11 ORANGE,..***99***0000000s00000******TELEP"ONE L CABLE TV opm ............................. ***0000*00SEM %vm sm THANK YOUI Your 011wgiv Is apprwk* 1000 40 L VICINITY MAP e r V 1 / w r _ µT 1 t^ � r � i l � k _ A r , 1 1 � i PREPARED BY LANEENGINEERING_SERVICE; INC. - \ - A PROFESSION,8L CORPORATION K f FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT 44' AVENUE BUSINESS PARK WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO October, 1999 Prepared By LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. 9500 West 14 Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80215 303 - 233 -4042 F48 -30 CONTENTS OF DRAINAGE REPORT ARTICLE PAGE A. INTRODUCTION Site Location 2 Site Description 2 Proposed Project Description 5 Relevant Flood Hazard and Drainage Studies 5 B. HISTORIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM Major Basin 6 Subbasin and Site Drainage 6 C. PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM Criteria 7 Runoff 7 Detention 9 D. CONCLUSIONS Impact of Improvements 10 Compliance with Criteria 10 Areas in Flood Hazard Zone 10 E. APPENDICES Hydrologic and Hydraulic Computations 11 Standard Charts and Design Aids 39 Drainage Maps and Plans 43 1 INTRODUCTION 1. SITE LOCATION A. City, County, Street Grid: The site, presently vacant, is located on the north side of West 44` Avenue, west of Independence Street, within the City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado. A Site Location Map appears on the next page. B. Adjacent Development: Predominant land use in the vicinity is commercial. Pennington School is immediately north of the sit 2. SITE DESCRIPTION A. Existing Topography, Use, etc.: Presently covered by native vegetation and trees, the surface slopes to the northeast on uniform grades ranging between 0.5 and 1.0 percent. Total area of the tract is 1.89 acres. B. Existing Drainage Facilities and Major Channels. Offsite runoff from the west enters the site in a dispersed, overland manner. There are no distinct drainage channels, irrigation ditches, or other drainage facilities within or bordering the site. The site is located more than 1300 feet north of, and 10 -feet higher than, the main channel of Clear Creek. A portion of the pertinent FIRM, with the location of the site identified, appears on Page 4. 2 ZONE B v I O O s if SCALE 1" =1000' r n 100 - YEAR FLOOD O ONTAINED IN CHANNB `w f ;n PlC g a a+ F O 55L� Z �� a ZONE A ZO E Al FIRM FLUOb INSURANCE RATE MAP CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO JEFFERSON COUNTY ZONE C %E�l COMMONIN -PANEL NYMBER OB5Q79 om5 G IMP REYISE . FmARY4,190 3. PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. General: The 1.89 acre tract is to be developed into a commercial center with minor grading to accommodate the building to the site. Stormwater runoff will be collected into a detention pond and the peak rates of discharge regulated in accordance with drainage criteria. 4. RELEVANT FLOOD HAZARD AND DRAINAGE STUDIES A. Flood Plain Delineation on the FIRM: The site is approximately 1000 feet north of the flood hazard area associated with Clear Creek as shown on the current Flood Insurance Rate Map appearing on Page 4. 5 HISTORIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. MAJOR BASIN A. Relationship to Major Basin Channel: The site is approximately 1300 feet north of the main Clear Creek channel and is higher than, and outside of, the 100 -year flood plain associated with Clear Creek. B. Major Basin Characteristics: Clear Creek Major Basin, both upstream and downstream from the site, is urbanized in character, with a well defined drainageway. 2. SUBBASIN AND SITE DRAINAGE A. Initial and Major Storms: In keeping with the policies of the City and the Urban Drainage District, stormwater runoff analysis and design for an Initial Event of 5 -year recurrence will be used, and an event of 100 -year recurrence will be used for Major Storm analysis and design. B. Offsite Flows: No significant runoff enters the site across its north, east or south boundaries. Stormwater runoff from offsite enters the tract across its west boundary in a well dispersed manner. C. Existing Drainage Patterns: At present, onsite storm runoff flows overland to the northeast , across the natural ground contours in a non - concentrated manner. D. Effect of Historic Flows: Stormwater discharged from the tract presently finds its way to the east, overland, to the Clear Creek channel, in a generally dispersed manner. 6 DEVELOPED DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1. CRITERIA A. Size Basin and Subbasins: Developed subbasins are shown on the Drainage Map and Plan located in a pocket at the back of this report. Data related to runoff coefficients, detention pond locations, and peak discharge rates to offsite also appear on the Drainage Map and Plan. B. Hydrologic Method: Because the pertinent subbasins are all much smaller than 160 acres, runoff will be calculated by the Rational Method, in accordance with procedures explained in the DRCOG Manual, Volume I. C. Design Storm Frequencies: An Initial Storm of 5 -year recurrance interval will be used for analysis of the minor storm runoff and drainage system, and a 100 -year return storm will be used for analysis and design of major storm facilities, in accordance with UDFCD criteria. 2. RUNOFF A. Flow Rates and Paths: Historic and proposed peak rates of stormwater runoff are as summarized on the following page: HISTORIC RUNOFF SUMMARY DEVELOPED SUBBASIN DISCHARGE TO OFFSITE STUDY TOTALPEAK Tc Q5 DISCHARGE POINT SUBBASIN (acres) (min) AT STUDY POINT STUDY AREA Tc Q5 Q100 POINT SUBBASIN (acres) (min) (cfs) (cfs) H1 1.89 12 1.0 6.5 1 1.6 3 OHA 1.84 15 3.1 7.5 TOTAL PEAK RATE OF OHA HISTORIC RUNOFF 3.0 4.1 14.0 B. Effects of Developed Flows: Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond in which the discharge to offsite of both Initial and Major storm runoff will be regulated in accordance with criteria set forth by the Urban Drainage District. DEVELOPED SUBBASIN DISCHARGE TO OFFSITE STUDY Tc Q5 Q100 POINT SUBBASIN (acres) (min) (cfs) (cfs) 2 D1 0.91 13 D2 0.85 13 0.3 1.6 3 D5 0.04 12 OHA 1.84 14 3.0 7.9 4 D3 0.03 11 neg. /L.F. neg. /L.F. 5 D4 0.05 12 neg. /L. F. neg. /L. F. PROPOSED PEAK (site) 0.3 1.7 ALLOWED PEAK (site) 0.3 1.9 HISTORIC PEAK (site) 1.0 6.5 B. Effects of Developed Flows: Stormwater runoff generated onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond in which the discharge to offsite of both Initial and Major storm runoff will be regulated in accordance with criteria set forth by the Urban Drainage District. As a result of controlling runoff from the developed site, the peak rate of stormwater runoff discharged to offsite will actually be less than historic peak rates. PROPOSED PEAK 0100 DISCHARGE 9.5 cfs HISTORIC PEAK Q100 DISCHARGE 14.0 cfs 3. DETENTION A. Volumes Required and Provided: Required stormwater runoff detention volume will be provided in landscaped and paved parking and drive areas within the site. Pond volume will be sized and pond release rates will be restricted in a manner to recognize those minor parts of the site in which stormwater runoff to offsite is unregulated, so that overall peak rates of runoff will be as summarized in the tables above. A total detention volume of approximately 9,55 cubic feet is required and is proposed, as shown on the grading and drainage plans. B. Excess Storm Water Passage: All major storm runoff will be collected in the detention pond. The pond outlet structure will include provisions for emergency overflow to the pond outfall pipe. A notch in the perimeter curb at the northeast corner of the site will be provided and sized to allow controlled emergency overflow to offsite, at non - erosive velocity, at the full Q100 pond inflow rate, CONCLUSIONS 1. IMPACT OF IMPROVEMENTS A. Benefits: Improvements proposed for the site will properly collect storm water runoff and convey it to offsite in a safe manner with minimal inconvenience to property owners and the public. Stormwater detention facilities will actually reduce the peak rate of stormwater runoff to offsite, to less than historic rates. B. Adverse Impacts with Mitigation: The proposed commercial site improvements will generate higher than historical rates of stormwater runoff from the site during both Initial and Major storm events. This increase in peak rate will be mitigated by storm drainage and runoff detention facilities, in a manner that is not a hazard to improvements or an inconvenience to the public. 2. COMPLIANCE WITH CRITERIA: A. Detention Pond: Stormwater runoff detention facilities are proposed in accordance with City of Wheat Ridge requirements. 3. AREAS IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE: A. Discussion: The site is not within, or bordering, a defined flood hazard area. Respectfully submitted, Richard M. Romberg Professional Engineer Colorado Registration No, 25088 10 E. APPENDICIES HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC COMPUTATIONS -11- LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44T-t zoz5lp amass SUBJECT izG�=�T---r JOB NO. F 48 — 30 PREPARED BY DATE 5' 99 SHEET IS OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44-`W r'Asz�4 SUBJECT Mr,4N .JAc g 1a P°r° JOB NO. 4h-ZQ PREPARED BY 4a.19 DATE SMP 99 LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44TH F®,,V- SUBJECT Q1ZN'hi/dr -G F JOB NO. P4A- So PREPARED BY m l DATE VEEP S9 L. W { E� W Q O Z 00 O q m H U aC F W 00 133 W O � d ,r V U� Z � 0 {� Q " Q V U O V V 15 iii ■� ■���� 15 LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44 °Cat Pp,a4; SUBJECT L7sAtNjr/ coq RiEFa —r JOB NO. P-48 PREPARED BY r ik e DATE 5V Use ;¢-fns SHEET I G OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44TH Av iur c1, PA9-g. SUBJECT TDRAltINC� ;ZM-- -PorZ JOB NO. �- 4a ®30 PREPARED BY eoq e DATE E P - dNt�Y SHEET I I OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44 Ay�auE7=: Sjeltv�ss P/-rz- SUBJECT D�AIf JAC 577 rZ5-- T JOB N0. '� €3- 3O PREPARED BY 44 DATE 0r- e9 LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44TH Av�iuE= 3usiN SUBJECT JOB NO. � 48-30 PREPARED BY DATE or- `✓ SHEET 1 OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44TH Bu irot .S�a Rozk SUBJECT JOB NO. P48 PREPARED BY DATE Use C 0 ef ten 5e �or �e ✓t Ti-SL. 3 °I -- - , 1)4- - Ia41 . _ , & I t c . J,� d vs� G� U_ tcx> _ 0,50 ! DA fa w vt.,_. 6150 D 5 J a ✓ p., E 5C1 0,47, ad _ _. LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44 +k AvF =moo= I k SUBJECT E�;n m- JOB NO. PREPARED BY DATE Or-r SHEET 211 OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 444u SUBJECT JOB NO. 3o PREPARED BY �Q DATE ®e?� w Q . O O Z m O m N W a 0 t a _G Q V Z v LL w a.+ M tit , M u F �a m cn Y Q W ct Z io en m — Rs N N z Q + QO CO Wo u V 0 KID J c ^p N (30 cQ ® u� W WLLp^� m do J W Ld CL Y4 !n a5 O u ® o a WLL� o t� J Q � lAi CCU] Cn v N J W .. W tits q(1 0W v i o o Q� S J cc) �Z M �a — — _ N N m cn Z to m Q N kl tll V mo O V � O O O Q o rn Nm 23 LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44 4-^ A yep.v a� 2 Ql a i r�P yal y SUBJECT t)5ZAin.1da-c^ PAf' t JOB NO. P48 °50 PREPARED BY DATE Oe '39 I 3 it min 0, o6i cLCr Jo G,4_ it min 0, o6i cLCr v ii i o a r(-ct. _ o , ©4 acre SHEET 24 OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44 4 Sus Q f) T SUBJECT JOB NO. —lea PREPARED BY end DATE r- )e--r 99 SHEET 25 0 F �e� to ,� i L4 vta G �' tr( u _ I cxcrf 5 `71tJC7 w •�C'SC.? °fP,7l'� l.(. /. CY �A. =.I.Y d:✓� J.I.A, SHEET 25 0 F LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44 ki SUBJECT F-E�ng JOB NO. ��4g-:Bo PREPARED BY / 1 DATE Oe.r 9-3 0i ru o 0 r 5wk���Ct..`.�I BLS � GM� b. C rF' �.. ✓>_cc,rrt� -4 C' W,1 �.erIL vN t �4 b-. =,a Gl..l O ✓ =� `S`L"�.' Il f:?f`` (/i C'E..H.i. II � �1�1`Yn '4�VIL SHEET ZG OF la�v�ao < <�,�.� -✓ Perak _ ' h'�`��._ 5.�_:>1 �,#. C �� -,_t_ (c�s� -_ _�r.F�, fi;� C �f�� � c��,��n �-�} _ _ V1C'shl tLle SHEET ZG OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE -444-k Ava� a R�fzL. SUBJECT CJf PUQAGF' JOB NO. � PREPARED BY o,,rP DATE STuCaY_Ps? +t�T 7,:9 LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 4`�' 1 n P'c �Z 1- SUBJECT 7- =-RoZ7 JOB NO. �Z4a - Sb PREPARED BY 6 DATE Or. 9r? 1 T to CLCNA 0 _5 T AT A LDL1FkI3L E lk FOP 1 0E- F- Qp ' iJ!�-T VYIIN.E 4XVAS.,AC3LGL Cr - ENN` 1 ON PO A 00 VCX -utn '. On' V to 'u _CY 1 I@ cvX �?YESSfC?J� i�L7 ��.. mow,.. �rU�.�r�w✓vt f3�. �. � � -- - - l�tzA I- vtiL vowms=— I � 53,:5 2.7 , 54,0 a 78 O �j '_ 22_ 5 3 (5?._ .0 1 4 , `ioS SHEET_ OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44-PA Ave -)ua 2A�nu SUBJECT t)l:Z'AhL)LG2M ter`'" ' JOB NO. P 4?) 0 PREPARED BY DATE ric7 252 X /wY1fT1 ?7*JiI�r1?ri0aP1/k�ltCj. It�11Tf�i -. STOP -V`}^ _. __.p l -. cotM�a�.��e C� 1 ,7fo — 0480 A 7 OhE5Q (j!7(�) i ts of _. tN1 FLVW r S 2 on 2. E I roo 5114 G7 4 2,048_ 41,262 : 7 &5 45_ _ 1,70 2 «3 -t3(41 . 4p4.6,3 a66 5r,q9 5�_._ 1:9 2.271.�o ano o -. 575, 50r 112c�70 lta'� 5� 14 �/ - ' 60, I_,4p I :9? t ? 1 1 l bqt max to e2 L_i30 __(,8374 SHEET 9S OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 4444 Bus),.3E:s�S ( - zl< SUBJECT DRAUQAC I° P'= JOB NO. � 4$ -So PREPARED BY R o l 4 DATE 0c7_ 'J'5 M A..wf 6To r tv SHEET 3 0 OF .. )t7C7_ V I CJ� •b..�.r7V i ��OC�, ._ __ I. °. ; I. 43_� y _------ �*y ^ 1 ,, (t a Gd...l �.' [ r r "! �(�f � � t' 2- �.G� -1CY ° �' 1 ntA.'✓ 6 %Lsi pis b C% b J... rC'C 51 +t YL CLI Ti kVt�: —T'ido X100 IN OUJ. --, DtSGHA>�� ,�"1"c�G�,FRC� Ft�..._. _ .../// (...G✓�.I �T 1�;.. �. 764° a 34A ? ` __ a lei-_ - 3 _ 5 _ sr9Q22 L y 4P . 0,7 5, 4602(3 n _ �,4 I "'" . 3.$58 7 .� 45. _3 3�. 5,o _1 lE_._.._ 474, _ q l 57 ..a -- SHEET 3 0 OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. E _ L D STC?EZ.YY',U9AT�R DlJ�1-- a �UV3'�n'��5�^ -i! �3VSCHf42l. TOTP L SWA`.�J 4T STVD fin)Y -- TV G ! 4 -"1c© 4 Q,00. Pca __ (GFs�. UI - ! _ 2,4 s 7.` 014A 14 3,C) 7 ._ 03 LI net,_ a,6 nela/L,Ft n ,Ai D4, 2 Yce__ Cat 6;kTE -1- 0E 61 rtE }.., 3,3 '., g , 5 51 F ous 3 C) ��. Dk�ct- ��,F�.���2�vn ,sk•rWn a�vm� _._.__ 0 � 3 L, 7 NAVSTORIC PEEK L)A5CP -,P, SHEET— OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE fl -In Av�.�vt- sEk= > IQC_� 44- SUBJECT Itr - -gor \AC t= 1 .z.t== - iz,= JOB N0. X48 -3cn PREPARED BY DATE r SHEET 3 Z OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 444JA 4ual , �.1t e au -, i Ny-=z �- SUBJECT Or Alr,3 r,, Rw='P r•-`'° JOB NO. �;-4FS -?;L) PREPARED BY DATE O7 -r 2>9 SHEET OF LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44-Pla F, y— SUBJECT JOB NO. F`4S Q PREPARED BY DATE c c °r 9 c' �L SE it 4 SHEET OF 44TH AVENUE BUSINESS PARK Worksheet for Circular Channel Project File untided.fm2 Worksheet DISCHARGE PIPE FROM DETENTION POND Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.009 Channel Slope 0.003000 fYft Diameter 10.00 in Discharge 1.62 cfs Results Depth 0.64 It Flow Area 0.45 ft= Wetted Perimeter 1.78 It Top Width 0.71 ft Critical Depth 0.57 ft Percent Full 76.65 Critical Slope 0.003959 ft/ft Velocity 3.61 f /s Velocity Head 0.20 It Specific Energy 0.84 ft Froude Number 0.80 Maximum Discharge 1.86 cfs Full Flow Capacity 1.73 cfs Full Flow Slope 0.002621 ft(ft Flow is subcritical. 10/11/99 F1owMaster v5.07 10:56:49 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755.1666 Page 1 of 1 1 g 35 LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 44r4 Avr - r-3u = Py,�yzk SUBJECT P-EFr�orZr JOB NO. F 4 A--So PREPARED BY DATE 0c - 99 SHEET 3G OF 44TH AVENUE BUSINESS PARK Worksheet for Rectangular Channel Project Description Project File untitled.fm2 Worksheet POND DISCHARGE PIPE OUTLET PROTECTION Flow Element Rectangular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.003000 ft/ft Bottom Width 3.00 ft Discharge 1.62 cfs Results Depth 0.24 ft Flow Area 0.73 ft' Wetted Perimeter 3.49 ft Top Width 3.00 ft Critical Depth 0.21 ft Critical Slope 0.004940 ft/ft Velocity 2.21 ft/s Velocity Head 0.08 ft Specific Energy 0.32 ft Froude Number 0.79 Flow is subcritical. 10/11199 FlowMaster v5.07 11:09:18 AM Hassled Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 05708 (203) 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE, INC. JOB TITLE 4444 avf=ai�j�=— Rusf/ )) °s°J SUBJECT OM- Alr,)Acme —E r JOB NO. �:4E3 - Zo PREPARED BY jeo DATE ()c°r P) .�IoC?.sio�c__.PRoT CTto�s AT_;_.STU.'C�Y t - � Ur T. y)dr-k p-rD fo ! �� € l��e� o c1 G5ZI f 3 = 7c`i SHEET OF STANDARD CHARTS AND DESIGN AIDS 1. List: Table 3 -1 Runoff Coefficients and Imperviousness (UDFCD) Figure 3 -2 Average Flow Velocity (UDFCD) Figure 5 -1 Rainfall Intensity Curves (UDFCD/WR) -39- DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL RUNOFF TABLE 3 -1 (42) RECOMMENDED - RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS AND PERCENT IMPERVIOUS LAND USE OR PERCENT FREQUENCY SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS IMPERVIOUS 2 5 10 100 Business Commercial Areas 95 .87 .87 .88 .89 Neighborhood Areas 70 .60 .65 .70 .80 Residential Single- Family * .40 .45 .50 .60 Multi -Unit (detached) 50 .45 .50 .60 .70 Multi -Unit (attached) 70 .60 .65 .70 .80 112 Acre Lot or Larger * .30 .35 .40 .60 Apartments 70 .65 .70 .70 .80 Industrial Light Areas 80 .71 .72 .76 .82 Heavy Acres 90 .80 .80 .85 .90 Parks, Cemetaries 7 .10 .18 .25 .45 Playgrounds 13 .15 .20 .30 .50 Schools 50 .45 .50 .60 .70 Railroad Yard Areas 20 .20 .25 .35 .45 Undeveloped Areas Historic Flow Analysis- 2 (See "Lawns ") Greenbelts, Agricultural Offsite Flow Analysis 45 .43 .47 .55 .65 (when land use not defined) Streets Paved 100 .87 .88 .90 .93 Gravel (Packed) 40 .40 .45 .50 .60 Drive and Walks 96 .87 .87 .88 .89 Roofs 90 .80 .85 .90 .90 Lawns, Sandy Soil 0 .00 .01 .05 .20 Lawns, Clayey Soil 0 .05 .15 .25 .50 NOTE: These Rational Formula coefficients may not be valid for large basins. *See Figure 2 -1 for percent impervious. 11 -1 -90 URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 40 DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL 50 30 F- 20 z w U W a 10 z w CL 0 5 U w ¢ 3 O U 2 W Q 3 1 .2 .3 .5 1 2 3 5 10 20 VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND 5 .1 RUNOFF FIGURE 3 -2. ESTIMATE OF AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY FOR USE WITH THE RATIONAL FORMULA. *MOST FREQUENTLY OCCURRING "UNDEVELOPED" LAND SURFACES IN THE DENVER REGION. REFERENCE: "Urban Hydrology For Small Watersheds" Technical Release No. 55, USDA, SCS Jan. 1975. 5-1-84 URBAN DRAINAGE & FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 0 No FA N ME m ■ ■■■N WAMWA'I Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FIGURE 3 -2. ESTIMATE OF AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY FOR USE WITH THE RATIONAL FORMULA. *MOST FREQUENTLY OCCURRING "UNDEVELOPED" LAND SURFACES IN THE DENVER REGION. REFERENCE: "Urban Hydrology For Small Watersheds" Technical Release No. 55, USDA, SCS Jan. 1975. 5-1-84 URBAN DRAINAGE & FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 0 DRAINAGE PLANS AND MAPS DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL 7 0 7 cc 0 s w CL w 5 z 0 z I r 4 N z W F Z 3 2 i w 10 20 30 40 TIME IN MINUTES FIGURE 5 -1 EXAMPLE 5.2 TIME - INTENSITY - FREOUENCY T. 3 S. , R.66 W. 5 -1 -84 URBAN DRAINAGE L FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT RAINFALL 50 80 CURVES 42 of wHegr a LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION of wHe pD P Planning and Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 c �L ORPO� Phone (303) 235 -2846 �oL OR Poo (Please print or type all information) Applicant PAOre-RTOes Address 3(� ; 0 E / Phone 3c 3 401-15 City T/3 ;,0 G Owner /3-V Aa°Self Address l',O - 9 0 X 1 1 75 - Phone�3 - 93 8 .6 90 3 City = P -;e Y, . Co G o 8o S/a Location of request (address) 7 S t W 4 4 7y- d� Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request.) Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Variance / Waiver Site development plan approval ❑ Nonconforming use change ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Flood plain special exception ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interpretation of Code Temporary Use, Buildings, Signs ❑ Lot line Adjustment Minor Subdivision (5 lots or less) ❑ Planned Building Group Subdivision (More than 5 lots) ❑ Street Vacation ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Other: Detailed description of the request: C /3 /v `C O ) /viGe'u Co e e .tl CL }" nyCC.Qp{jJ, Fill out the following information to the best of your knowledge. Current Zoning: - 2 J/ C Size of Lot (acres or square footage): e Current use: // l C T • Proposed use: --2 L 73ri Est 13 7� i c C eA-T e/- , Assessors Parcel Number: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power -of- attorney from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applican e g e n n P/d0P lie s « Subscribed a or to met s ') day of -�'�`� ; 14) Notary Public My commission expires— Date received Receipt No — Case No. LC7Z RR -(S Related Case No. Zoning 4 0L Quarter Section Map ��a�` T z m 0 0 0 o i0 0 0 0 R; 74 tl 1:1 Cl 3� T 0 0 0 > 0 > 0 0 > > 0 d w 1 p o;ojo o o < 0 W m 0 (a co M 0 0 O ZZ ga- X N m 00 NJ Er ti jN 1 'r u ii FN R; 74 tl 1:1 Cl 3� T 0 0 0 > 0 > 0 0 > > 0 d w 1 p o;ojo o o < 0 W m 0 (a co M 0 0 O ZZ ga- X N m 00 NJ Er ti jN October 16, 1999 City of Wheat Ridge, The intent and purpose of this rezoning request is to allow the property to be developed in a manner that is more consistent with the present day requirements, by the City of Wheat Ridge. The property is zoned R -C. along 44th avenue and about half of the back portion is zoned R -2. The request is to rezone to a planned commercial development (PCD). We have worked with the city officials to create an attractive looking building that we feel will enhance the area. Due to the small size of this lot, it is our feeling that a single zoning would create a much nicer development. Our intent is to develop this property to allow small businesses to locate in the City of Wheat Ridge. We feel this location has easy access and that this development would be an asset to the community. Signed, , " � �' zy - , �'� , � �� David R. VanHooser P. 0. BOX 175 Bailey, CO. 80421 September 28, 1999 Wheatridge Planning Department 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheatridge, CO. 80215 RE; Property rezoning 9751 West 44th Avenue ATT; Meredith Reckert AICP: I am submitting this letter, as per request, pertaining to the authorization granted to Anthony M. Ficco (Legend properties or assigns LLC) in a contract dated May 19, 1999. This contract conditional upon the re- zoning of said property to Commercial Planned Development. This letter is being submitted as verification of my approval to Mr. Ficco to proceed as agreed in the contract, with the re- re- zoning of 9751 West 44th Avenue as requested to complete his construction plans. If you have any further questions please contact me at 303 -838- 6903, or my agent Carole Oman at 303 - 425 -4492. Sincerely, David R. VanHooser Subscribed and sworn to me this ,W day of 1999. Notary Public My commission expires �/rG� oo�o ls� po 71 ��7 ( Lam t,jj-C - e lafk- cr e �_zco/ C-c7l 641 Greetings, This letter is to inform you of a neighborhood meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss a proposed re- zoning application on 1.8 acres located at 9751 West 44th avenue. A zoning request is being made to change present zoning of residential 2 and restricted - commercial to planned commercial development. If you are interested in attending please come to the City of Wheatridge Lobby Conference Room located at 7500 West 29th avenue on August 16th at 6:00 p.m. Thank you, Legend Properties L.L.C. /11/1�1/� //v 7`D ,/ r EXHIBIT A R -2 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADCPTED: June 15, 1994 Last Revision: March 19, 1999 113 £Vi CF P -NbdJG MD OBaC NT - 73.*,,253 WZ -99 -15 SITE LOCATION MAP AR =A R5CUIRING 517c P-AJ APPROVAL i ICO -YEAR FLOOD Pl -AJN (APPROXIMAic LOCATICN) ZONE DISTIZICT SOUNDRY PARCEL/LOT 5CUNDRY (CESIGNATES CNNER5HIP) - - -- WATEZ FEATURE • DENOTE5 ML'LT)PLC ACDRE55E5 NN 22 o m an 'CAL_° 1'.400 6 -�I "l—L I 1 AR =A R5CUIRING 517c P-AJ APPROVAL i ICO -YEAR FLOOD Pl -AJN (APPROXIMAic LOCATICN) ZONE DISTIZICT SOUNDRY PARCEL/LOT 5CUNDRY (CESIGNATES CNNER5HIP) - - -- WATEZ FEATURE • DENOTE5 ML'LT)PLC ACDRE55E5 NN 22 o m an 'CAL_° 1'.400 6 -�I The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. 777q��� 0;2-- ?9-/3 * - -- /ggg¢Jg �' - �roScan / Jefferson (CO) -------------- - - -* Owner :Jefferson Av Community Methodist Church Parcel :012299 _ Site :4425 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/19/1969 Mail :4425 Kipling St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :9159 Exempt,Church,Land Phone :303- 424 -0463 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF:11,199 Ac:4.90 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :---------- - - - - --* Owner :Knowlton Max W Parcel :042810 Site :4471 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/10/1998 Mail :4471 Kipling St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 -421 - 4471 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1942 Pool: B1dgSF:1,322 Ac:.36 *--------------- - - - - -- . MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Frens Kenneth H Parcel :042894 Site :4390 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/13/1979 Mail :9615 Grandview Ave Arvada Co 80002 Price :$137,500 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1977 Pool: B1dgSF:2,688 Ac:.21 * -- - - - - - -• MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) '---------- - - - - -* Owner :Spensieri Cara L Parcel :042946 Site :9680 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/29/1993 Mail :8763 W 67Th Ave Arvada Cc 80004 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1979 Pool: B1dgSF:5,500 Ac:.60 * -- -- - - - - -• MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Moore Eugene E Parcel :043340 Site :4330 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/28/1988 Mail :4330 Jellison St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$85,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 -431 -5717 Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1973 Pool: B1dgSF:1,792 Ac: * ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Wineland Marty R;Carberry Paul F Et Al Parcel :043342 Site :9707 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/13/1999 Mail :5055 Lowell Blvd Denver Co 80221 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1955 Pool: B1dgSF:1,494 Ac:.11 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------- --- - -* Owner :Jenkins Laura M Parcel :043343 Site :9715 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/06/1993 Mail :9715 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$80,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 -456 -9669 Bedrm:3 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1954 Pool: B1dgSF:1,240 Ac: * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Edmiston John H Parcel :043344 Site :4295 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/14/1995 Mail :7655 S Cook Way Littleton Co 80122 Price :$105,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1996 Pool: B1dgSF :7,450 Ac:.78 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :----------- ---- -* Owner :Coverdale Joe Parcel :043345 Site :4340 Iris St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/30/1982 Mail :3010 Depew St Wheat Ridge Cc 80214 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303- 238 -6589 Bedrm:4 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1958 Pool: B1dgSF:1,404 Ac: * ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :---------- - - -- -* Owner :Hutt Michael A Parcel :043350 Site :4365 Iris St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/28/1989 Mail :4365 Iris St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$46,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303- 422 -0257 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: - YB:1952 Pool: B1dgSF:750 Ac: * ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :O'Magick Terry 0 Parcel :043352 Site :9918 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/20/1999 Mail :9918 W 44Th Ave #9920 Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:2.50 TotRm: YB:1953 Pool: B1dgSF:2,064 Ac:.28 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. * ----------------------- - - - - - ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :------- ----- - - - -* Owner :Sports 0 Rama Ltd Parcel :043356 Site :9701 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/01/1993 Mail :9701 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1925 Pool: B1dgSF:2,480 Ac:.42 * ---------------------------- ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) '----- ---- -- - --- -* Owner :Cluck James C Parcel :043368 Site :9890 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :9890 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 -424 - 2558 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1924 Pool: B1dgSF:1,014 Ac:.99 * ----------------------- - - - - - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ;--------- -- - - - --* Owner :Coffey Stewart J Parcel :043369 Site :4355 Iris St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :8265 E Southern Ave #162 Mesa Az 85208 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :602- 373 -7417 Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1952 Pool: B1dgSF:750 Ac: * ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :------- ---- - -- - -* Owner :Mcsheehy Paul E Parcel :043382 Site :4360 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/24/1982 Mail :4360 Jellison St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$78,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1924 Pool: B1dgSF:1,798 Ac:.50 * ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :---------- - - - - -* Owner :Haas James Parcel :043384 Site :9840 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :PO Box 1811 Wheat Ridge Co 80034 Price Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1955 Pool: B1dgSF:5,618 AC:l.II *--------------- - - - - -- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :------- ---- - - -- -* .Owner :Hodapp Robert M Parcel :043389 Site :9705 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/20/1994 Mail :9705 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 -431 - 0615 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1953 Pool: B1dgSF:792 Ac: * -- - - - - -- - -- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ;----------- - - - - -* Owner :New Clear Creek Lic Parcel :043403 Site :4251 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/24/1999 Mail :1905 Sherman St #750 Denver Cc 80203 Price :$5,000,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1981 Pool: B1dgSF:81,750 Ac:3_.23 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- owner :Emmack Kathryn J Parcel :043405 Site :4310 Iris St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/13/1998 Mail :4310 Iris St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 - 420 -8929 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1953 Pool: BldgSF:768 Ac: * - -- --- - - - - -• MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Frens Kenneth H Parcel :043406 :9970 W 44Th Ave Wh idge 80033 Xfered :06/13/1979 U ite Mail :9615 Grandvi ve Arvada Cc 80002 Price :$137,500 se :5178 Mis esidential,Mixed Use Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1928 Pool: BldgSF:2,601 Ac:.95 * - -- -- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :---------- - - ---* owner :Kanios Paula M Parcel :043408 Site :4363 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/04/1978 Mail :4363 Kipling St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$60,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TctRm:l YB:1947 Pool: B1dgSF:2,228 Ac:.45 * ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Schneekloth Gary Parcel :043409 Site :10065 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/17/1996 Mail :10065 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1955 Pool: BidgSF:1,871 Ac:.27 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Slater Richard E Parcel :043412 Site :4350 Iris St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/09/1992 Mail :4350 Iris St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 -425 -7631 Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1952 Pool: B1dgSF:1,353 Ac: * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Narracci Albert J Sr Et Al Parcel :043415 Site :10070 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/27/1995 Mail :3154 Routt St Lakewood Cc 80215 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1951 Pool: B1dgSF:2,578 Ac:.50 *- -- - - -• MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Davidson Delbert L Parcel :043417 Site :9690 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/24/1990 Mail :PO Box 1570 Arvada Cc 80001 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1956 Pool: B1dgSF:4,206 Ac:.25 *----------------------- - - - - -: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Par Co Contr Inc Parcel :043418 Site :9910 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/10/1998 Mail :11042 W 67Th Way Arvada Co 80004 Price :$135,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1952 Pool: B1dgSF:1,118 Ac:.28 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Massey Randall L Parcel :043434 Site :9685 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/04/1996 Mail :9695 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$85,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1950 Pool: B1dgSF:1,008 Ac:.21 * ---------------------------- ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Davies William H Parcel :043439 Site :9730 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/01/1992 Mail :4541 S Elati St Englewood Cc 80110 Price :$32,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303 - 761 -3078 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1961 Pool: BldgSF:192 Ac:.16 * ---------------------------- MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - - - -- - - - -" Owner :Frens Kenneth H Parcel :043448 Site :4388 Kipling St Whea ge 80033 Xfered :06/24/1981 ail :9615 Grandview e Arvada Co 80002 Price U se :2112 Com, roved Land Phone e Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1928 Pool: B1dgSF:1,040 Ac:.35 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ---- - - - - -* Owner :Wineland Marty R;Carbe aul F Et Al Parcel :043450 Site :9709 W 44Th Ave at Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/27/1999 ai1 :5055 Lowe1 vd Denver Co 80221 Price :$120,000 n Use :5178 ,Residential, Mixed Use Land Phone �/•� Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1934 Pool: B1dgSF:1,672 Ac:.23 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - - - - - -- - -* Owner :Frens Kenneth H Parcel :043453 Site :9990 W 44Th Ave Whe -r 1ge 80033 Xfered :06/24/1981 n ail :9615 Grandvie e Arvada Cc 80002 Price Use :2112 Com proved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1948 Pool: B1dgSF:3,138 Ac:.21 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :E J Plumbing Cc Inc Parcel :043459 Site :4320 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 - Xfered :10/28/1976 Mail :11111 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$34,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303 -431 -4662 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1922 Pool: B1dgSF:992 Ac:.48 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • -- - - - - -- -* Owner :Nelson Bobbie G /Connie Jo Parcel :043460 Site :4281 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/30/1993 Mail :4281 Jellison St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 -421 -6193 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1966 Pool: B1dgSF:1,314 Ac:.23 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. * ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :---------- -- - - -* Owner :Draper Dorothy Athelia Parcel :043466 Site :4300 Iris St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/20/1995 Mail :8060 W 9Th Ave #226 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1953 Pool: B1dgSF:792 Ac: * ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) :---------- - - - - -* Owner :Lee John C /George Parcel :043492 Site :4309 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/30/1993 Mail :5410 E Long Pl Littleton Cc 80122 Price :$339,000 Use :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1972 Pool: B1dgSF:11,160 Ac:.84 * ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Fike Larry L Parcel :043497 Site :4465 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/03/2000 Mail :4465 Kipling St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1982 Pool: B1dgSF:19,770 Ac:.91 *- - -- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Vieira Richard J Parcel :043503 Site :4301 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/16/1979 Mail :4301 Jellison St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$60,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303- 423 -9615 Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1927 Pool: B1dgSF:1,554 Ac:.33 * ---------------------------- ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - -- - - - - - -* Owner :Pierce Dale L Parcel :043504 Site :9745 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/20/1994 Mail :9745 W 43Rd Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$26,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303- 467 -7789 Bedrm:3 Bath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1995 Pool: B1dgSF:2,282 Ac:.58 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • -- -- - - - - -* Owner :Steves Leslie F Parcel :043507 Site :4290 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :4290 Jellison St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 -424 -4163 Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1932 Pool: B1dgSF:880 Ac:.33 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - - - - -- - - -* Owner :Keller Stephen M Parcel :043508 Site :4325 Iris St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/27/1978 Mail :4325 Iris St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$44,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land - Phone :303- 425 -0130 Bedrm:5 Bath:1.75 TotRm: Y3:1952 Pool: B1dgSF:1,949 Ac: * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - - - - - -- -* Owner :Stohl Vernon A Parcel :043512 Site :4265 Iris St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :4265 Iris St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303- 422 -1061 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1954 Pool: BldgSF:1,365 Ac: * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Godsey Sheila J Parcel :043527 Site :4330 Iris St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/06/1987 Mail :4330 Iris St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$74,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 -425 -0625 Bedrm:4 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1953 Pool: BldgSF:1,200 Ac: * - - -- --- - - - - -• MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Jensen Randy L Parcel :043530 Site :4304 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/12/1989 Mail :15420 W Archer Dr Golden Co 80401 Price :$75,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1990 Pool: BldgSF:8,500 Ac:.45 * ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : ----- - - - - -- -- —* Owner :Weimer Joseph R Parcel :043532 Site :9839 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/05/1999 Mail :9839 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$300,000 Full Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1953 Pool: B1dgSF:1,860 Ac:1.82 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. *--------------- - - - - -- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) '-------- --- ---- -* Owner :Weimer Joseph R Parcel :043532 Site :9839 W 44Th Ave Whe edge 80033 Xfered :11/05/1999 Mail " " "�pp��J :9839 W 44Th A eat Ridge Co 80033 " Ay Price :$300,000 Full Use :1112 Res roved Land / Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1953 Pool: B1dgSF:1,120 Ac:1.82 * ----------------------- - - - - - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) '- Owner :Lombardi Salvatore /Bianca L Parcel :043533 Site :4383 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/14/1996 Mail :4383 Kipling St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$246,900 Use :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF:5,408 Ac:.38 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Hardin Douglas E Parcel :043539 Site :4300 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/04/1993 Mail :4300 Jellison St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$76,500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303 -420 -9060 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1948 Pool: B1dgSF:953 Ac:.24 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' - - - - - - - -* Owner :Hailey Judith L Parcel :043543 Site :9900 W 44Th Ave #A Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/19/1998 Mail :5529 Willow Springs Dr Morrison Co 80465 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303- 697 -0722 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF:3,427 Ac:.26 * - - - -: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) -- - - - - -* Owner :Walter Robert W Parcel :043546 Site :9720 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/23/1998 Mail :2897 W Belieview Ave #A Littleton Co 80123 Price :$125,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF:636 Ac:.31 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • -- - - - - -* Owner :Mccormick Annette Parcel :078723 Site :4295 Iris Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/13/1993 Mail :4295 Iris Ct Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303- 420 -7159 Bedrm:5 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1973 Pool: B1dgSF:2,024 Ac: *- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) •-- - - - - -- Owner :Brown Bennie M Parcel :081958 Site :4291 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/02/1980 Mail :4291 Jellison St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1963 Pool: B1dgSF:1,080 Ac:.30 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :T A Investment Company Parcel :110000 Site :10000 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 - Xfered :12/21/1977 Mail :300 E Hampden Ave 4311 Englewood Co 80110 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1976 Pool: B1dgSF:2,948 Ac:.57 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - - -- - - -* Owner :Technicraft Auto Body Inc Parcel :110002 Site :9695 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/21/1997 Mail :9695 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$225,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1953 Pool: B1dgSF:5,912 Ac:.39 * - - - -: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - - - -- - -* Owner :Porter Chris A Iii Parcel :110009 Site :4329 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/06/1999 Mail :4329 -4345 Jellison St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$500 Use :5112 Res,Apartments,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF:11,734 Ac:.84 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - =- - - - -* Owner :Frens Kenneth H Parcel :110016 Site :9998 W 44Th Ave W Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/03/1986 it 9615 Grandy' ve Arvada Co 80002 Price :$225,000 �A : Ae :2112 C mproved Land Phone 1 Bedrm: 16ath: TctRm:l YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF:1,105 Ac:.34 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. * ----------------------- - - - - - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Sheard Family Trust Parcel :131653 Site :9800 W 49Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/04/1996 Mail :9800 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$175,000 Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1937 Pool: B1dgSF:5,306 Ac:.41 * ---------------------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Kanios Paula M Parcel :143671 Site :4305 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/22/1981 Mail :9615 Grandview Ave Arvada Co 80002 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.79 * ---------------------------- ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • ---------------- Owner :Davidson Delbert L Parcel :195916 Site :9684 W 44Th Ave Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/22/1989 Mail Use :PO Box 1570 ada Co 80001 :2112 Co mproved Land Price Phone :$150,000 Bedrm: . ath_ TotRm:l YB:1950 Pool: B1dgSF_864 Ac:.24 *----- - - - - -- - -• MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) - -* caner :Daughenbaugh Family T Parcel :200404 Site :4298 Kipling St at Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/08/2000 ail :11900 N Dran dt Rd Parker Co 80134 Price Use :1111 Va ,Residential Phone Bedrm: ath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:1.17 * ----------------------- - - - - - • MetroScan / Je£ferson (CO) • - - - - -- -- -* Owner :Daughenbaugh Janet Truste Parcel :402367 Site :4300 Kipling St Whe edge 80033 Xfered :10/07/1997 :11900 N Drans t Rd Parker Co 80139 Price _p/ ' Use :2112 Cm Land roved La Phone :303- 891 -3945 Bedrm: the TotRm:l YB:1989 Pool: B1dgSF:12,992 Ac:.92 *---------------- - - - - -- - -• MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) -: - -* Owner :First Commercial Corporation Parcel :408111 Site :9951 W 44Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/25/1998 Mail :550 C St San Diego Ca 92101 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:8.07 ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ; -- - - - - -- -* Owner :Phillips Petroleum Company Parcel :408112 Site :9995 W 94Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/13/1991 Mail :210 Park Ave #2400 Oklahoma City Ok 73102 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1991 Pool: B1dgSF:2,006 Ac:.86 ---------------------------- • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - --- --- --* Owner :Daughenbaugh Glenn Parcel :408119 Site :4298 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/29/2000 Mail :11900 N Dransfeldt Rd Parker Co 80134 Price Use :1177 Vacant,Residential,Limited Size Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac *.07 ----- * - - - -- -- -- - • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) - -- -- Owner :Johnston Josephine A Parcel :428178 Site :4313 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/28/1998 Mail :4313 Jellison St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303- 424 -2945 Bedrm:2 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1959 Pool: B1dgSF :1,670 Ac:.52 * ----------------------- - - - - - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • - - - -- - - - -* Owner :Dejaynes Shawn Parcel :428179 Site :4305 Jellison St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/01/1998 Mail :214 S Ingalls St 43 Lakewood Cc 80226 Price :$38,500 Use :1111 Vacant,Residential Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: BldgSF: Ac:.43 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. O` wr+�gr Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department P 'o PRE - APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARy Date: G1151f � / C OC OR A0 Attending Applicant: `J A �C6 Address /Phone: Attending Owner: ' v Address /Phone: Attending Staff: ��- ��(,i� /J , /��� � 5 % y� l'�� �CC�z P�1'� Address or Specif' Site ocation: Existing Zoning - � � - Z� V Existing Comp. Plan: - Applicant /Owner Preliminary Proposal: (_�� j. (/ / / A pQ lication(s * Building Permit Only * Z planned Unit Develo�� ne C a * Variance * Site Plan * * Temporary Use Permit Minor Subdivision * * Conditional Use Permit Major Subdivision Special Use Permit * Street Vacation - * Lot Line Adjustment Other Relevant Issues: P � �(fjj� �`�, � ff qy Planninc Depart - Public Works B_uildinc Dept. Easements Roads /Transportation Soils Setbacks _ Survey _� Info. Height Use _ Drainage /Erosion Height Control Utilities - Zoning _ Flood Plain Fire Access Landscaping _ Traffic Parking ROW Vacation Signs ROW Dedication Comp Plan Public Improvements Access MEETING SUMMARY AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION S : Favorable: afavorable: � lea Q� ��� � � C�l� -P�� �� o� . ��� Planner's Initials A plicant's Initials: *ALTHOVGH STAFF REACTION Y BE FAVORABLE'AT THE TIME OF PRE APPLICATION MEETING, THE FINAL RECOMoNDATION MAY CHANGE DUE TO INFORMATION UNAVAILABLE TO THE STAFF OR APPLICANT AT THE PRE APPLICATION MEETING. e: \planning \forms \preappmt �� yY/.r cuoGs� -uQo� o f c.e reca�e6 s bb �� WZ- 99-15; Legend Properties ` 0 50 100 Feet 9751 W 44th Ave. 'N E mmwAmwi