HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-00-02RECEPTION NO. I') "5') j2 6/27/2000 ;:3^2:42 PG: 001 003 PAGE FEE: - 15.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL. MEMBER Hanley Council Bill No. 15-2000 Ordinance No. 1195 Series of 2000 TITLE: AN ORDIN ONCE PROVIDING FORTHE RE-ZONING FROM i'~•~ AGRICULTURAL ONE, A-] TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, PID OF CERTAIN PROPERTY j J GENERALLY LOCATED AT 10201 WEST 49'" AVENUE WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, PURSUANT TO SECTION 26-6(C) OF THE WHEAT RIDGE. CODE OF LAWS (WZ00-02). BE IT ORDAINED Bl "fHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT Section 1. Fmdinys of Fact (A) Proposed uses for the Plaimed Industrial Development are not expected to result in significant negative impacts to surrounding property owners and;or property users. (B) The uses proposed for the property are compatible with Surrounding uses and planned uses to the area. (C) The re-zoning request is consistent with changes in the character in the area. (D) Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site Section 2. The Agricultural One, A-I Zoning of the property described in attached Exhibit A is hereby re-zoned to Planned Industrial Development (PID) Section 3. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this re-zoning does not create a vested property right. Vested property nghts may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26(c)ofAppendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge Section 4. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of wheat Ridge, that li is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare The City Council further detcmnncs that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 5. Severabihty. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, Such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. RECEPTION NO. 10/5r *,f Section 6. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to o on this 22 day of May, 2000, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for little 12, 2000, at 7-00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 8_ to _0 , thisl2t4ay of j... 2000 SIGNED by the Mayor on this 13th i lr i a! Ct l t'ee/ CERVENY, MAYOR- ATTEST Wanda Sang, City Clerk3 APPR D S TO FORM BY CIT TORNEY 1 GE D DAHL, CITY" ATTORN Ist Publication. May 26, 2000 2nd Publication June 16, 2000 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date July 1, 2000 EXHIBIT A RECEPTION NO. r :1. G 75`? RECEPTION N0. 9001367 ;hat part •+E the 5'-.i/4 5;,1/4 0: 5ectio ib, Township 3 South, Ran3e 69 West of State of Colorado, Ceccri6ad nor follows: the 6th ? 11 Go•:nty cf .ief:a=son• Beginning at a point an the West line of the 1+'11/4 SE1/4 SEi/4 of sett Section tLon or 16, said point being at tha inter88cColoradosaldg CSOf lvaa and thedSouttherly line o_° Public Servita Company recorded in Book 744 ar Page 56, Jefferson County records; thence South along said lest line and parsllel to the cencerlin.e of Miller Street, 70 feet; [hence East and parallel with the South line of the NW1/4 SE1/4 $B1/= Section 16, 220 feet; thence North parallel to that centerline of Miller Stroot a dlatania of 131.0 feet, more or less to a point on the Southerly line o! said Rtgnt of Way described in Book 744 at Page 56; thence Southwesterly along said Southerly line 231 0 feet, more or loss, to the Point of Beginning, EXCEPT chat portion thereof lyLng within Miller Street, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. } R5CEPTION NO. 90013639 (1. 0 U Q That part of the V41/4 SEL/4 SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Rango 69 O Vest of the 6th P.M , County of Jefferson, Scats of Colorado, described as CL follows Co,v,u ncing at the point of intersection of the West line of said 5--1/4 SEi/4 end the Southorly right of way of the former Denver and Northwas corn Pailwa;+ company right of way as described In Book 125 at Page 23 of the Jefferson County records; chance South on the Walt line of said SEI/4 SZ1/4, 70.0 feet to the True roint of Beginning; thence Easterly parallel with the South line of saiel y.l1/4 SE1/4 SP.1/4, 170 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of property de.sr.rLbed In Book 1015 at Page 284 of the Jefferson County recordn, [hence Southerly, along said 'W'esterly line, 130 feet, more or leas, to the 80Ut11 line of said Swl/4 SEL/4 SEL/4; thence westerly. Along said South line, 170 feet to the Southwest corner of said NW1/4 SE1/4 SEl/4; thence Northerly, along the west line of said SEI/4 SE1/4, 130 feat, more or less, to the True Point of beginning, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the portions doserlbed in book 155 At Psge 129 and in Book 1049 at Page 393 of the Jefferson County records, and strip along Soutlie.tly lino conveyed to the Department of Highways State of Colora^.o in Lnstrwnent recorded on September 10, 1981 in Reception No. 81066912, Jefferson Count/ rocords• INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Hanley Council Bill No. 16-2000 Ordinance No. 1 1 qb Series of 2000 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FORTHE AMENDMENT OF THE GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OUTLINE AND FINAL PLAN, FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10201 WEST 49Trr AVENUE WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, PURSUANT TO SECTION 26-25(I1) OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS (WZ00-02). BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO,THAT Section 1. Findings of Fact (A) Proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development are not expected to result in significant negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users. (B) The use of the property is compatible with surrounding uses and planned uses in the area. (C) The amendment request is consistent with changes in the character in the area. (D) Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site Section 2. The George T Sanders Planned Industrial Development Outline and Final Development Plan, being property described in attached Exhibit A, is hereby amended, subject to the condition(s) set forth below I The applicant will be required to construct curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Miller Street frontage of the property Section 3. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this re-zoning does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26(c)of Appendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge Section 4. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby funds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is proniulgatcd for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordtnao ~~ss necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenes rice and welfare The City Council further deterrnes that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 5. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court ofcompetentlurisdiction invalid, suchludgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances Section 6. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence is of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to 0 on this 22 day of May, 2000, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for June 12, 2000, at 7 00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 8 to 0 ,this12tffiay ofjune,2000 i~ SIGNED by the Mayor on this ./1) ^ day, 2000 CER ATTEST Wanda Sang, City Cie APP AS TO FORM BY ATTORNEY i GE A D DAHL, IT ATTO Y I st Publication. May 26,2000 2nd Publication. June 16, 2000 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date July 1, 1000 RECEPTION NO. 89067788 EXHIBIT A A PARCEL OF LAND IN THE NW 1/4 BE 1/4 BE 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIi' 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NW 1/4 BE 1/4 BE 1/4 OF SECTION 16, SAID POINT BEING 170 FELT EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NW 1/4 BE 1/4 BE 1/4; THENCE CAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SAi7 NW 1/4 BE 1/4 BE 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 490 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NW 1/4 BE 1/4 BE 114; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NW 1/4 BE 1/4 BE 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 383.5 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE FORMER DENVER AND NORTHWEETERN RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 125 AT PAGE 234 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 454 FEET, MORE OF LESS, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 855 AT PAGE 422 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 659 AT PAGE 422 A DISTANCE OF 131 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 859 AT PAGE 42.2; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK SS9 AT PAGE 422 A DISTANCE OF 50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL NO. 2 AS DESCRIBED IN A KURT 0. LINN SURVEY RECORDED IN BOOK 844 AT PAGE 273 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDSi THENCE SOUTH ALONG TK-r EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL NO. 2 A DISTANCE OF 130 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY CONVEYED TO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON IN BOOK 1052 AT PAGE 56 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDR. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEATP.IDGE IN BOOK 2557 AT PAGE S2. L GLEE' ARCHITECTS s,t a `i . N Ell l PROP05 D ODTION ~5OJ7H LEVA710N scar! 1/16" = r'-o° DAVID A, - T. ` d S ~_TT PROP05~D OO' RED PAR<NG SANDERS INDUSTRIAL PARK PLANNED INDU5TRIAL DEVELOPMENT OUTLINE AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT FIR5T AMENDMENT PAGE I OF 3 ANY IMPROVEMENTS PROVIDE BT THE OWNER BEYOND THE 180 FOOT RADIUS INDICATED TO THE WEST AND TO THE NORTH SFIAL BE CGNSIDERED W 0 TEMPORARY BY THE OU14ER 9 :1 THE CITY • Exi6TING TRIBES R, " LACATED LOT OF W4EAT RIDGE TO REMAN t 6 ExiarlNG P0.rcFERrr RAO 25 PAR t O OS AVER' TER A VERE COVETED ILL ..R T V LOADRG Do rEwcT LOCATION - p I s) SEM1 , ys 4 0 0 ~ ~1 MY (~R ,NFE PLAN Normu AT%1,TRYcw ~a_____ REMOVED: PFd~V10 GUTTER TO YIATGN EXISTM3. 13 S0' REA 49th AVENUE CURES CCNC, me e ORPII ~'-''V'•~~ :0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ¢I/ 4, SET/ A YCIIMI 16, TONN41P 3 SDL%)RNN£ 69 NEST, a THE EXISTING CGNG. ^l 6th. P.Y, CITY OF MEAT WZ WLIHTT Of JETRRSW STAIR STATE Of CIXMIW O1N EXISTING CONC. STAIR SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE EXISTING WHOLESALE. A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAM WNTON N THE OFFICE AND AOMINISTRA ION STATE or OURADO. DO HEREBY XR11rY YO AND THAT Re RdJED UPW 1111E CWYITkNI EXISTING CONC. NNIQI ~IAN GYWCRO Isi Orr AG[RNSCN: THAT 112 NRKY "Al d" 67AIR NO Ur,dAX AWEACS WAS PESPARO FROM RECORDED RAYS, TIM POUM M LAND DESfAPIKKIS FMMSHED BY OTHERS. No CCPRECRY SHOW THE LCU11fN tt BLIMM S. SThYICNRES AND OTHER IWROHYEMS e5N' SKATED ON THE LAIR DOEMBED ABON, TH AI IXOP1 AS SNOXN, MCA DER ARE N GSFNE)TS OR RIWTSOF-WAY BE NEW ED TO ME. N9&E OR OTMERWSE MOM 10 W OR ACROSS 01 AFFECTING SAD w W1P. AND MAT EXCEPT AS SxOYM. THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS ON AM]'NNo UNDS ON KO DRAYS BY SAM BRILDINGS Sun(TURES OR I ' &A. 41'-W. m 8 MPROHIMTS OTHER DAiL 9 B T® 6 4 a I I Q OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE BUR-MNED OYMEMS). OR LEGALLY DESWATEO AGENT(S) THEREOF. EXIBTNJ^.S CO M5 DO HERBY AGREE MAT THE FROSRTY ILGNLY NVORMID MEMEW YAL DAS A EYELORED GELELPMEXN JANLE Ww TALC U4S BE e MOONS OEWL COAtt IN THIS THE " PUN, AND AS MAY P[S1 M CONTAINED ? R swer H REW OIHE RED By L Y LAW, W RE) MRECOAV THAI THE BE RE AND AM AND APFRWAL OF /NRON& OF 1X5 AL of, EEM 10 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. UV (PEATE AR A A VESTED PR WRIXE DEVELOPMENT ENT [XT PVN DOES tt5 NDT TERT1 Po ANT IME A SH Y WIY PNOA PUAWAM TO THE HSM PROP PoWtt W ME (IKKDF i L LAWS S PftONSgNS f~ClIG1 Eb-a(0) Ct SO ORE W QIMER(S) OR AOUT(S) SAIL T 0510 25 90 11ttMi0 r.•Xi P • Y PERFORMANCE STATEMENT: OUTDOOR STORAGE H erg area or the Site b to be used for outdoor storage of materials or NOPPlies loot Dcludwe trucks or trailers/, We storage arse shall be orcloaed by a solid six root sleet obearing Fence. No Much matmlale shall be stored w amNed above the height or use Toros On Bita IirRE shall be dahmered in a roamer so as nq Q directly IlllumNated public riglxa of uwys w adJacerM1 1prtiea. No ion r uer. g on site Shall be notlceabla h Scent properties TEEN of way R MOUNTED public umud wt Shall RdeP oof nowuNted eq.ulpPipment Shall rot be vleible hom pLblic rights of way TRICK IDLING Trucks shall Oct be left Idling For more then ten mlrutee; No automobile or truck repair "It be permitted on its, III= Qt 9~tfi'fligwga shall cd ply MEET, Sty or BheeER edge sign reeggluatlons for Tolotrlally zoned property eUreet Ridge OILS Cade, Article Iv. Basal m 26-401 through 26-4U). EXISTING CONSTRUCTION 6T( ~5?O~ry 1G w~ EXISTING PLUMBING SUPPLT DISTRIBUTION UTAREHWSE 38)22 SF. EL.. 420'-%' TRABN C'MI"TER LOCATION ~ EXISTING SERVICE • EXI6TMG PJD. R OF LOT AREA PROPOSED AE)VMGsl TOTAL PROP[1$ED PJD. as OF LOT AR? LOT AREA 136,4145 SF. 3 ,Slis 5 SF. 169,15261 SF. BUILDING FOOTPRINT 38322 Be. 28% 31;53 SF. 4,%415 SF, 4I% PARING 4 WALK 25b12.14 SF. B% 32 SP. EuB, 234 6F. 34% LOT COVER SUBTOTAL 63.834.14 5F. 41% 6`4U27b 61A. Vi,5513 SF. 15% (AID. MAX 90%1 PERVIOUS L4 05GAPE 12510.16 SF. 53% .30,144.45 ff. 41y3531 SF. 25% (AID. MM 10%) 570 e HT. 26' 30' (PID MAX: 507 ZONE CHANGE REQUEST STATEMENT: 1. 10 KEW TWO UNDERDEVELOPED PARCELS UNDER ME SANE OMNERWIP AS SANDERS MUSIHIAL PARR. PARCEL LMADWS AS LEGALLY MOORED) BY ATTACHED SURVEY. 3WE WAN¢ RON A-I TO %D AS A WNTINJATXXI OF OQ EM TW SANDERS INDUSTRIAL PARR 2. PRUCT DESCRPIRJN: • 10 GW P6 AFAONA T ADpPOV R& H1 il. WMFJgUS SPACE. IN CONFORMANCE MTM no REWLA D DEVELOPED AS A = UXNED PPo&R INCLUDING AIE ABOVE AEEANCCD KRO[LS . THE FRINOM VISE CF THE %DPCHD WAAEHOOK ADOLTIW IS TO ENODE[ AREA THAI IS OACSNILY USED AS WTDUF YARD STORAGE, AND lO AdO0X A P[RYMN a THE EXSTM OFRU SPACE PARKING STATEMENT: 90 pAZOND PACES EXT£EDS THE tlM/Fp5 LEND TERM XFFOS WPFFXi USM£ Al IE55 MAN 30 SPACES MLL NOT CHANGE MTH EMROIfEY/ STAR USWE, AS THE WRRENT WMTtt OF RRBWEL MU OPEMR TM[ WAR[HWSE WERATWS AND INCREAK OF 6mNIM FOR O7XE ENI I VS/ STAR M R DOME BY COMPUTER OPERATIONS, MIS PUN PROVIDES PRESERVATION w ALL SWRICANT EASING TIMES NO IMPKNES Burns AREAS TO R10NDE ASTMETIC AND IW MKW WALS BEYOND P.Mo. dMAMM¢a OWNERSHIP/ UNIFIED ON70 STATEMENT', THE PROPERTY OMIDRSHIP WILL REMAIN ENDER SINGLE OMITTOMP FORTH HEREIN vbEHIOSD N ME STANDARDS 47 NBSCRHD .0 SOWN 70 BEFORE NE THIS _DAY X W MONESS MY WAND AIA O sok SEAL: NOTARY SEAL PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE 11 11 MORY THE YAMN %AN. CASE NO.JL-.16.J .4 RUN NFlWKO BY THE PLANNNC COMMISSION M THE MTY O MEAT MOM. COLORADO sm U ,em 00 Old tQ a~S ~ U Qi Q z r~+ ¢ U oQ I~ = z o m p ~a Q J n (J F_ o Q Q L~7 N w 0- J _p N N O ~ ~ Q ® o to WILL 11p !-LJ LU p p v Q W r) do N w ZZ O E 0 O 0 V DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT RBLEABE ' FZMONE CITY COUNCIL CERTFICA'RON MAY. 88 1 ARNPRONO DAY M .2000 BY THE MEAT R15 CITY NJNDL S/ MAYOR JOB NUM CITY URM 9896 COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE THIS DOIXWER CFCP PEON COUNTY Ai 0001, M ORAMDO ONN>TMtt[PH IM FUNG IN HE OFICE OF THE AND COXNEN OFaiFE -DAY W_. N BKOR PACE RECPIXAN JEEFEM COUNTY UK AND RECORDER SB86f J k.Yi BO~C•RIa DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 FAX (303) 235-2857 Tuesday, June 13, 2000 Mr. Jerald W. Richmond Diamondback Engineering 12640 W. Cedar Dr. Suite C Lakewood Colorado 80228 Re: Sanders Industrial Park Consolidation Plat Mr. Richmond, I would like to clarify the corrections that were requested for the above referenced plat. The area now shown on the second submission as "ADDITIONAL STREET RIGHT OF WAY" makes the assumption that it is being dedicated. It would therefore require approval and acceptance by the City Council and would need to be scheduled for a future council meeting. This would not then be an administrative approval as we had discussed during our earlier meetings. In order to expedite the process, and to clarify the entire area that will be needed for future dedication, we would like to see the above referenced area together with the area now designated as "FUTURE REALIGNMENT OF MILLER STREET" consolidated into one Tract and identified on the plat as "TRACT A". Please provide the bearing, distance and curve data including chord bearing for all courses around Tract A and the new square footage for both Lot 1 and Tract A. Included on the plat should be the following note: Tract A is hereby reserved for the future realignment of 50" Avenue. No building shall be allowed on Tract A. The owner shall have the right to use Tract A until such time as 50" avenue is built and at such time shall dedicate it to the City as right of way. If you have questions please call me at 303-235-2858 Sincer John McGuire P.L.S. City Surveyor Cc: Alan White, Director of Planning Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Greg Knudson, City Engineer Martin Orner, Planner CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 12, 2000 Page - 2 - PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Council Bill 15-2000 - An Ordinance providing for the Re-Zoning from Agricultural One, A-1 to Planned Industrial Development, PID of certain property generally located at 10201 West 491h Ave within the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado pursuant to Section 26-6(C) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws (George T Sanders Company) (WZ-00-02) Council Bill 15-2000 was introduced on second reading by Mr Hanley, who also read the title and summary; Clerk assigned Ordinance No 1195 Item 2. Council Bill 16-2000 - An Ordinance providing for the Amendment of the George T Sanders Company Planned Industrial Development outline and final plan, for certain property located at 10201 W 491h Ave within the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, pursuant to Section 26-25(IX) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws (WZ00-02) Council Bill 16-2000 was introduced on second reading by Mr Hanley; Clerk assigned Ordinance No 1196 David A. Langley, architect for the project, was sworn in by the Mayor and outlined the plans for developing the property Alan White was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff reports for the rezoning and the PID outline and final plan Motion by Mr Hanley to approve Council Bill 15-2000 (Ordinance 1195) for the following reasons 1 The proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development have already been in the neighborhood for many years and are not expected to make significant changes or negative impacts to the surrounding property owners and/or property users, 2 The amendment to the Planned Industrial Development is consistent with changes in the character in the area, 3 Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site With the following condition The applicant will be required to construct curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Miller Street frontage of the property; seconded by Mr DiTullio, carried 8-0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 12, 2000 Page - 3 - Motion by Mr Hanley that Council Bill 16-2000 (Ordinance 1196) be approved on second reading for the following reasons 1 The proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development have already been in the neighborhood for many years and are not expected to make significant changes or negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users, 2 The amendment to the Planned Industrial Development is consistent with changes in the character in the area, 3 Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site seconded by Mr Mancinelli, carried 8-0 Item 3. Council Bill 17-2000 - An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, renaming the Economic Development and Revitalization Commission to URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Council Bill 17-2000 was introduced on second reading by Mr Edwards, title read by the Clerk; Ordinance No 1197 assigned Motion by Mr Edwards to approve Council Bill 17-2000 (Ordinance 1197), seconded by Mr Mancinelli, carried 8-0 DECISIONS, RESOLUTIONS. AND MOTIONS Item 4. Resolution 26-2000 - authorizing the Mayor and City clerk to sign the contract to buy and sell real estate for the purchase of the Davis Property located at 3705 Jay Street, to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Jefferson County Environmental Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement for said property and to authorize payment of funds to purchase the Davis Property Resolution 26-2000 was introduced by Mr DiTullio, who also read the title and summary Motion by Mr DiTullio to approve Resolution 26-2000; seconded by Mr Edwards, carried 7-1 with Mr Mancinelli voting no Motion by Mr Edwards to direct the City Manager, subsequent to closing on the Davis property, to initiate discussions with the adjoining land owners to the South with the goal of bringing forward for Council's consideration a boundary agreement or similar resolution of the outstanding uncertainty with respect to the boundary; seconded by Mr DiTullio, carried 8-0 f WHEgT O ,p ° AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION June 12, 2000 HOC OR ADO PUBLIC HEARINGS - ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING (Date: ) BIDS/MOTIONS X ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: X Yes No SUBJECT: An Ordinance approving an application submitted by the George T. Sanders Company for a change of zoning from Agricultural-One to Planned Industrial Development on property located at 10201 West 49' Avenue. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND: At the April 20, 2000 Planning Commission meeting, the Commission recommended approval of the re-zoning. The purpose of the request for re-zoning is to allow the expansion of the George T. Sanders Company facility. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Amended Outline and Final PID Original budgeted amount: Actual contracted amount: act of expenditure on line item: Account No.: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with one condition. ORIGINATED BY: Alan White, Director of Planning and Development STAFF RESPONSIBLE: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist/Associate Planner SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bill No. , Case No. WZ-00-02, an application to re-zone 0.76 acres from A-1, Agricultural to PID, Planned Industrial Development for the following reasons: 1. The proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development have already been in the neighborhood for many years and are not expected to make significant changes or negative impacts to the surrounding property owners and/or property users, 2. The amendment to the Planned Industrial Development is consistent with changes in the character in the area, 3. Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site, with the following condition: 1. The applicant will be required to construct curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Miller Street frontage of the property." F:\Planning\REPORTS\ W Z0002A t ACTNPGErevsd.wpd E WFiEgT AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION June 12, 2000 COC OR P00 _ PUBLIC HEARINGS - ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING (Date: ) BIDS/MOTIONS X ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: X Yes No SUBJECT: An Ordinance approving an application submitted by the George T. Sanders Company to amend the George T. Sanders Company Planned Industrial Development Outline and Final Development Plan for property located at 10201 West 49d' Avenue. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND: At the April 20, 2000 Planning Commission meeting, the Commission recommended approval of the amendment to the George T. Sanders Company Planned Industrial Development Outline and Final Development Plan. The purpose of the request for re-zoning is to allow the expansion of the George T. Sanders Company facility. 1. Location Map Amended Outline and Final PID BUDGETIMPACT: Original budgeted amount: Actual contracted amount: Impact of expenditure on line item: Account No.: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval ORIGINATED BY: Alan White, Director of Planning and Development STAFF RESPONSIBLE: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist/Associate Planner SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bill No. , Case No. WZ-00-02, an application for an Amended Outline and Final Development Plan for 3.133 acres known as the Sanders Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development Outline Development Plan and the Sanders Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development Final Development Plan for the following reasons: 1. The proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development have already been in the neighborhood for many years and are not expected to make significant changes or negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users, 2. The amendment to the Planned Industrial Development is consistent with changes in the character in the area, 3. Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site." F:\Planning\REPORTS\W Z0002PIDACTNPGEmvsd. wpd CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: City Council DATE OF MEETING: June 12, 2000 DATE PREPARED: June 1, 2000 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-00-02; Sanders CASE MANAGER: Martin Orner ACTION REQUESTED: Re-Zoning of 0.76 Acres From A-1 to PID, and Approval of Amended Outline and Final Development Plan for the Total 3.9 Acres. LOCATION OF REQUEST: Northeast Corner 49" Avenue and Miller Street (10201 West 491" Avenue) NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Sanders, 10201 West 49'" Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Sanders Warehouse Partnership, 10201 West 49" Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.9 Acres Total PRESENT ZONING: A-1 Agricultural: Two Parcels Totaling 0.76 Acres Planned Industrial Development: 3.133 Acres PRESENT LAND USE: 0.76 Acres: Unimproved 3.133 Acres: Administrative Offices, Light Industrial Warehousing and Distribution SURROUNDING ZONING: N: A-1, Agricultural; S: C-1, Commercial; E: C-1, Commercial; W: PID, Planned Industrial Development SURROUNDING LAND USE: N: Railroad Right-of-Way and Utility Transmission Lines; S: Multi-Story Motel; E: Undeveloped and Commercial Outdoor Storage Lot; W: Light Industrial/Office Uses COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Planned Business/Industrial Park and Agricultural/Estate Residential DATE PUBLISHED: May 26, 2000 DATE POSTED: May 26, 2000 DATE LEGAL NOTICES SENT: May 26, 2000 ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) (X) ZONING ORDINANCE O O SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS SLIDES EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. -1- I. REQUEST The application consists of two related requests: 1. Approval to re-zone 0.76 acres of land from A-1, Agricultural to PID, Planned Industrial Development with associated site development and land use criteria, and 2. Approval to amend the Sanders Industrial Park Outline and Final Development Plan/Planned Industrial Development to include 0.76 acres under the Development Plan Two actions are required. An odinance has been prepared for each action. II. SUMMARY The original rezoning of 3.133 acres from A-I Agricultural to Planned Industrial Development (PID), Case No. WZ-72-32, was approved in December 1972. The original application was submitted for the Sanders light industrial use which is the same user occupying the site and submitting this application. The applicant's business consists of a wholesale plumbing supply company with associated warehousing, distribution and offices for the plumbing supply operation. The purpose of the request is to accommodate the expansion of the business and to upgrade the functionality and appearance of the business operation. This application is for the same uses approved in the original Sanders Industrial Park Case No. WZ-72-32. No use changes are proposed with this application. III. REZONING and AMENDMENT TO OUTLINE AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA 1. That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions. 3. In addition to #2, that the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. 6. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. 7. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. -2- 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. 9. That the zoning will notcreate an isolated orspotzone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. IV. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION On April 20, 2000, Planning Commission heard this case and voted to recommend approval to City Council with the following conditions: 1. The applicant will be required to construct curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Miller Street frontage of the property. 2. Upon request of the City, the area marked as reserved for future right-of-way be dedicated by the applicant to the City. 3. The city attorney will approve the language and/or documents required by the zoning ordinance requirement for unified control. Regarding Condition No. 1, the applicant and staff recognize the need for this Condition. The Condition should remain as part of City Council action. Regarding Condition No. 2, the applicant has included wording regarding the reservation of the future right- of-way area for eventual dedication to the City. Until the street is engineered, the exact right-of-way requirements are not known. This wording is adequate reservation of the property in question. Regarding Condition No. 3, the applicant has revised the unified control statement language as recommended by city staff. -3- CASE No. wZ-OO-02 OEEICIAL ZONING MAP WNEA T RIDGE COLORADO MAP AIXiP i . yie 15, 1994 "t ~yiycn: S<ptvter 20, 19% „ hRE4 R_=WRING 51TEc P-AN APPROVAL - ZONE DISTRICT BCINVRY PARCEL/LOT BO-NDt2T VE51GNhTES OV44E:zSHIm CJTY LIMIT LINE _ _ HATER FEAT LP-= • Oe4C77EES MLTIPILE ADDRESSES SE - Ih o c® 3ULZ r-400 CASE O. VIZ-00-02 EXHIBIT A ZT.l MNOR SlB PID N Z-62-i D ID e I wz Kz 4A - - WADS~CRTH TCH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ARVADA H 50TH AVE tTE s s LEK~ - - ,v AREA I ND - PID s ` INDERS ~AL PARK PARK PAR -0~ PID y.IZ_Tlap; p I D ASSOCIAT® WARL4tGbE aT a A I F TO FBTTbIbn pI n _ ~ T 1-70 RROHTASE RD HORTH F T OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: -,me 15, 1994 Last Revision: 5eptu ber 20, 1996 AK HIR ~ TERRACE a Y ® AREA REQUIRING SITE PLAN APPROVAL ZONE DISTRICT 5OLNDRY PARCEL/LOT 5OUNDRY (DE5I6NATE5 OWNERSHIP) CITY LIMIT LINE WATER FEATURE DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES S C o so m® SC-ALE 1.400 VEPARR EW Of PLAW% " VEVH..OPI$HT - 235-7852 L:\DRAWINGS\PLANNING\QS\SE15 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Hanley Council Bill No. 15-2000 Ordinance No. _ Series of 2000 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RE-ZONING FROM AGRICULTURAL ONE, A-1 TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, PID OF CERTAIN PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 10201 WEST 49TH AVENUE WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, PURSUANT TO SECTION 26-6(C) OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS (WZ00-02). BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO,THAT: Section 1. Findings of Fact (A) Proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development are not expected to result in significant negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users. (B) The uses proposed for the property are compatible with surrounding uses and planned uses in the area. (C) The re-zoning request is consistent with changes in the character in the area. (D) Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site. Section 2. The Agricultural One, A-1 Zoning of the property described in attached Exhibit A is hereby re-zoned to Planned Industrial Development (PID), subject to the condition(s) set forth below. 1. Section 3. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this re-zoning does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26(c)of Appendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 4. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 5. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to 0 on this 22 day of May, 2000, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for June 12, 2000, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of 12000. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2000. GRETCHEN CERVENY, MAYOR ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY I st Publication: May 26 , 2000 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: EXHIBIT A RECEPTION NO. 90013679' That part of the SF.1/4 SEI/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.H., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of the NW1/4 SEI/4 SEI/4 of said Section 16, said point being at tha intersection of said West line and the Southerly line of Public Service Company of Colorado right of way described in Deed recorded in Book 744 at Page 56, Jefferson County records; thence South along said West line and parallel to the centerline of Miller Street, 70.0 feet; thence East and parallel with the South line of the NW1/4 SEI/4 SE1/` of said Section 16, 220 feet; thence North parallel to the centerline of Miller Straet a distance of 131.0 feet, more or less to n point on the Southerly line of said Right of Way describod in Book 744 at Page 56; thence Southwesterly along said Southerly line 231.0 feet, more or loss, to the Point of Beginning, EXCEPT that. portion thereof lying within Miller Street, County of Jefferson. State of Colorado, RECEPTION NO. 900.13639 That part of the Nwl/4 SEI/4 SEI/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 west of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows! Cotuiencing at the point of intersection of the West line of said SEI/4 SEI/4 end the Southerly right of way of the former Denver and Northwestern Railway Company right of way as described in Book 125 at Page 23 of the Jefferson County records; thence South on the West line of said SE1/4 SE1/4, 70.0 feet to the 't'rue Point of Beginning; thence Easterly parallel with the South line. of said NW1/4 SEI/4 SE1/4, 170 feat; more or leas, to the westerly line of property described in book 1015 at Page 284 of the Jefferson County records; thence Southerly, along said Westerly line, 130 feet, more or lass, to the South line of said NW1/4 SEI/4 SE1/4; thence westerly, along said South lire, 170 feet to the Southwest corner of said NW1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4; thence Northerly, along the West line of said SE1/4 SE1/4, 13U feat, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the portions described in Book 155 at Page 129 and in Book 1049 at Page 393 of the Jefferson County records, and strip along Southerly lire conveyed to the Department of Highways, State of Colorado in instr,.unent recorded on September 10, 1981 in Reception No. 81066912, Jefferson County records. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Hanley Council Bill No. 16-2000 Ordinance No. _ Series of 2000 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE GEORGE T. SANDERS COMPANY PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OUTLINE AND FINAL PLAN, FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED .AT 10201 WEST 49TH AVENUE WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, PURSUANT TO SECTION 26-25(IX) OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS (WZ00-02). BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Findings of Fact (A) Proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development are not expected to result in significant negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users. (B). The use of the property is compatible with surrounding uses and planned uses in the area. (C) The amendment request is consistent with changes in the character in the area. (D) Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site. Section 2. The George T. Sanders Planned Industrial Development Outline and Final Development Plan, being property described in attached Exhibit A, is hereby amended, subject to the condition(s) set forth below. 1. The applicant will be required to construct curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Miller Street frontage of the property. Section 3. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this re-zoning does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26(c)of Appendix A and the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 4. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 5. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirement or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards herein shall supersede and prevail. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 7 to 0 on this 22 day of May, 2000, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for June 12, 2000, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this_ day of 2000. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 12000. GRETCHEN CERVENY, MAYOR ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERALD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY I st Publication: May 26,2000 2nd Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: RECEPTION NO. 89067786 EXHIBIT A A PARCEL OF LAND IN THE NW 1/4 BE 1/4 BE 1/4 OF SECTION 161 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NW 1/4 BE 1/4 BE 1/4 OF SECTION 16, SAID POINT BEING 170 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NW 1/4 BE 1/4 SE 114; THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SAID NW 1/4 BE 114 SE 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 490 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NW 1/4 SE 1/4 BE 114; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NW 1/4 BE L/4 BE 1/4 A DISTANCE OF 383.5 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE FORMER DENVER AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 129 AT PAGE 234 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 454 FEET, MORE OF LESS, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 855 AT PAGE 422 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 859 AT PAGE 422 A DISTANCE OF 131 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 859 AT PAGE 422, THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 6!9 AT FACE 422 A DISTANCE OF 50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL NO. 2 AS DESCRIBED IN A KURT 0. LINN SURVEY RECORDED IN BOOK 844 AT PAGE 273 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS, THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL NO. 2 A DISTANCE OF 130 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY CONVEYED TO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON IN BOOK 1052 AT PAGE 56 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WHEATRIDGE IN BOOK 2557 AT PACE S2. 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Telephone 303/ 235-2868 FAX 303/235-2857 June 9, 2000 Mr. Michael L. Raisch Chief Financial Officer George T. Sanders Company 10201 West 49th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: 10201 West 49"' Avenue - Warehouse Expansion Dear Mr. Raisch, The City of Wheat Ridge This letter is in response to the issues that were raised by Mr. Thomas C. Tooley, V.P. Administration/ Finance for the George T. Sanders Company, and yourself during our meeting on June 5, 2000 at the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building. The issues that you presented to the City were discussed with the Public Works Staff and Director with the following conclusions provided: 1. In conformance with City development standards, the City will require a letter of credit for those public improvements (asphalt paving, driveway cuts and handicap ramps) to be constructed along the Miller Street frontage, with the building construction. The purpose is to maintain the 1 year warranty for those improvements. This letter of credit will be released after the construction is accepted by the city. 2. It is recommended that the additional right-of-way to be dedicated at the corner of Miller Street and West 49`h Avenue, and the area designated as future right-of4ay at 50`h Avenue be consolidated as one tract on the consolidation platting document. Please contact the City's surveyor, Mr. John McGuire P.L.S. at 303-235-2858 to discuss plat review details. 3. The extent of public improvements to be constructed by Sanders Company along the Miller Street frontage is to consist of asphalt paving to be placed to City standards at a minimum depth of 6-inches. The area to be paved is generally from the existing edge of asphalt on Miller Street east to the new right-of-way alignment. See also the engineered construction plans for detailed area. Mr. Michael L. Raisch George T. Sanders Company Page 2 4. A Development Covenant, along with an escrow in the amount of $4480.00, to be held in perpetuity will be needed to be submitted for curb, gutter and sidewalk only along the Miller Street frontage of the property. 5. When applicable, the cost to construct those public improvements comprising the West 50`h Avenue right-of-way, will be the responsibility of the City of Wheat Ridge. The Sanders Warehouse expansion will not require construction of these public improvements, nor the dedication of the right-of-way for the improvements. Please call me at 303-235-2868 with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Michael J. Garcia Development Review Engineer cc: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Allen White, Planning & Development Director Greg Knudson, City Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer Martin Omer, Planner sanders easement hr MEMORANDUM Approved Date TO: Bob Goebel, Public Works Director Greg Knudsen, City Engineer Allen White, Planning & Development Director Martin Orner, Planner CC. Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor FROM: Michael Garcia, Development Review Engineer M h u~i DATE: 2000 RE: 10201 West 49" Avenue (at Miller Street), WZ-00-02 - Warehouse Expansion J„aP- Two representatives from the George T. Sanders Company met with Steve Nguyen and myself on May 5, 2000 at 3:00 p.m. at the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building. The representatives from the Sanders Company were Mr. Thomas Tooley, V.P. Administration/ Finance, and Mr. Michael Raicch, Chief Financial Officer. They wanted to discuss options regarding their role in the future realignment of Miller Street and the Development Covenant Agreement required by the City of Wheat Ridge. The following items were issues discussed at the meeting: • The Sanders Company would prefer that the City not require them to submit a letter-of-credit due to the long presence of the George T. Sanders Company (50+ years) in the City of Wheat Ridge. They feel that with their long history as a tax paying company of the City of Wheat Ridge, they would prefer not having to submit a letter-of-credit. Their opinion is that if they were to default on not making the improvements, the City would build the required improvements and bill them as a result of the default. • The Sanders Company expressed their concern about the future realignment of 50`h Avenue and Miller Street. The Company would like language placed in the Development Agreement that they not be responsible for the new development along their frontage of 50" Otreet. They expressed concern that the development of50' Avenue would have an adverse effect on their business. They stated that the development of 50" Avenue is a City plan and that the Sanders Company should not be held responsible for the improvements on their frontage. The Company also stated that since the City is not buying the land from them, the City should be responsible for the new improvements along 50`" Street. • The last issue discussed was in regards to the Miller Street frontage improvements if 50" Avenue is not developed. The Sanders Company would like language placed in the Development Covenant stating that if there is no development along 50' Avenue in a certain time period, they would complete the public improvements along their Miller Street frontage with no future improvement costs implemented upon them. I did express my concern about deferring a letter-of-credit Since the City had to process all projects with total equality. The City should not become more flexible or less flexible with individual persons or companies and their respective projects. The meeting concluded with Steve Nguyen telling the Sanders representatives that their issues would be discussed with the appropriate personnel. The Sanders Company would like a sample Development Covariant addressing the issues that were discussed for their review. They are open to discussion with the City to discuss the issues mentioned above. Steve and I would like to propose a staff meeting as soon as possible to discuss the options the City should require from the George T. Sanders Company. We also need to discuss what documents should address the issues that the Sanders Company has raised so a reply may be given to them in a timely manner. sanders development. mem 4 DAVID X. L' ARCHITECTS All t FROM PHONE NO. : 719 687 9003 DAVID A. LANGLEY, ARCHITECTS P. O. Box 5958 350 w_ Henrietta Woodland Park, Colorado 80866 719687-3415 719 687-3415 MAY. 26 2000 02:49PM P1 TRANSMITTAL SENT TO G ITY OR W!-I9AT R-I Pcp6 ProjecfN Ss" p~ WA»G~~ i~ ^ ' _ Atfentron (O 1O~ y Date Fax Number 3o3 TSS -28SI Num6erofc0ples1Sefs O Naffed ❑ Defivered ❑ Per your Request n Pk ked Up Urgent O RepfyASAP ❑ Please Comment *faaso Review Total pages, intludng eoversheet oHerewim XFor ymv infixmaWn FROM : PHONE NO. : 719 667 9003 MAY. 26 2000 02:50PM P2 DAVID A. LANGLEY ARCHITECTS May 26, 2000 (719) 687-3415 P.O. box 5858 350 w. hendena woodland Dark. Colorado 80866 Mr. Martin Omer, AICP Economic Development Specialist/ Associate Planner 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Dear Mr. Omer, Detailed review of the development area square footage's revealed that: 1.' The existing building area was revised to accurately reflect survey information and the proposed new area was revised for structural engineering coordination- 2. . Existing to new P.I.D. differences occurred due to differing interpretations of existing to new paved and walk areas. The numbers now shown have been doubled checked and are correct. 3. All other differences can be attributed to drafting errors and also have been double checked and corrected. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. You will note that the total development percentages are significantly more favourable in the ratio of landscape and open space to building and paving area. Please discard the sets of drawings submitted to you•for review on May 25, 2000 and replace with the view sets to be delivered on Tuesday, May 30, 2000. The colored renderings will not change and can be attached to the revised sets upon their arrival on Tuesday- Respectfully Submitted, ~ j David A. Langley 1 1 1 IQ 11~ I ~ J I r ' ID 1 s ~ wQ W~ ~I W zJQQz y I 1 1 I Q 0 Q ~l Z ~£d Ndls:ZO 0002 d ~a H 16 o~ i~ h' ~s~ z~a ¢ ~ °v1 'o.'a4 c°~z°O Z•+ ? vy ~ 4 ~ ~ s2 ? m C _ ~ pp~l ~ r~ ~ pgQ, 222g2¢Y Q o e ~ v m r N i Q p ~ ~ d Q 4 a 0 0 ~ 1f) N + a!1 V Q ~ Q S r amn m n ~ a J h ?l all d N ~ N ~ ~ n 3 ~ an w m m n a d z ~ o a ~ ~ z g N^' a W J O O Q m 9Z 'A0N 2006 L89 614 : 'ON 3NOHd : NO&I ~yY J'3 'M 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 May 25, 2000 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case No. WZ-00-02 a request for approval of a combined outline and final development plan and plat, and rezone of two properties from A-1 (Agricultural-One) to Planned Industrial Development for the purpose of wholesale, warehouse and office uses for property located at 10210 West 491h Avenue, will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on June 12, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. All owners and/or their representatives of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other person whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C AMyFiles\wz0002.wpd a v N JI C `a ~ d C 'L ~ N N U d ~ y a E: ~ a D - > u K a m c ~ Z > m d K C a a K >I K a ~ o 0 N O~ Ir0 r = N N m E o a m U L o m 2a C d O r~ y~ 'C a = # N N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O _ N a X U m ~ N m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O p-k N m 6 m° :E N 3 N 3 N 3 N 3 N 3 N 3 N 3 N 3 N 3 w u O ' 0 O t U c D. 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MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Equilon Enterprises Llc Parcel : 110018 Site :4885 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 06/16/1998 Mail :PO Box 4369 Houston Tx 77210 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1998 Pool: B1dgSF: 3,472 Ac: .69 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Amoco Oil Cc Parcel : 110019 Site :4901 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered Mail :200 E Randolph St Chicago I1 60601 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone : 312-856-2222 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1968 Pool: B1dgSF: 2,292 Ac: .57 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Antoinettes Car Wash Inc Parcel : 131720 Site :5002 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 01/19/1999 Mail :3755 Wazee St Cc Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1980 Pool: B1dgSF: 2,850 Ac: .47 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Rosehnal Ellen L Parcel : 134306 Site :5010 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 03/21/1995 Mail - :8852 W 38Th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1976 Pool: B1dgSF: 4,000 Ac: .39 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Walker Richrd Ernest Jr/Mary Lynn Parcel : 134307 Site :5020 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 09/09/1998 Mail :5020 Kipling St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price : $750,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1977 Pool: B1dgSF: 4,000 Ac: .33 * ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Walker Richard Ernest Jr Parcel : 134308 Site :5050 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 08/31/1998 Mail :3220 Garrison St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price : $750,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone : 303-237-7378 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1977 Pool: B1dgSF: 11,000 Ac: 1.28 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :4859 Miller Street Llc Parcel : 168335 Site :4859 Miller St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 01/12/2000 Mail :14395 Braun Rd Golden Co 80401 Price Use :1155 Vacant,Residential Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac: 1.05 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Independence Square Ltd Liability Co Parcel : 184249 Site :4990 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 11/17/1993 Mail :2400 Industrial Ln #1520 Broomfield Co 80020 Price : $1,368,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1984 Pool: B1dgSF: 21,600 Ac: 2.19 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Independence Square Ltd Liability Cc Parcel : 184250 Site :4980 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 11/17/1993 Mail :2400 Industrial Ln #1520 Broomfield Co 80020 Price : $1,368,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1984 Pool: B1dgSF: 21,745 Ac: 1.24 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Cafeteria Operators Parcel : 198909 Site :4900 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 03/27/1992 Mail :PO Box 852800 Richardson Tx 75085 Price Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1983 Pool: B1dgSF: 11,416 Ac: 2.59 The Information Provided IS Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Over :Dearing Daniel R Parcel :202804 Site :4859 Miller St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/30/1997 Mail :14395 Braun Rd Golden Co 80401 Price :$255,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1927 Pool: B1dgSF :1,110 Ac: .94 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc Parcel :203554 Site :4885 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/16/1998 Mail :PO Box 7813 Universal City Ca 91618 Price Use :6182 Min,Mining,Mineral Reserves Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac: .70 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :W R Miller Partners Llp Parcel :401508 Site :4975 Miller St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/30/1996 Mail :99 S Eldridge Way Golden Co 80401 Price Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TOtRm:l YB:1977 Pool: B1dgSF :30,000 Ac: 2.53 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) owner :Foothills Bank Parcel :430384 Site :4975 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/31/1998 Mail :4975 Kipling St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$561,900 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :303-940-9100 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1967 Pool: B1dgSF :3,613 Ac: .86 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Chong Joseph Parcel :430385 Site :4945 Kipling St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/27/1997 Mail :15 Cherry Hills Farm Dr Englewood Co 80110 Price :$382,500 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1998 Pool: B1dgSF :3,453 Ac: .73 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Bgt Enterprises - Parcel :430386 Site :10090 W 50Th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/14/1997 Mail :8305 5 Wadsworth Blvd Littleton Co 80128 Price Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac: 1.88 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. Antoinette's Car Wash, Inc. 5002 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 WZ-0002 CC Antoinette's Car Wash, Inc. 5002 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 Wheat 9Ridge May 4, 2000 Mr. Dave Langley David A. Langley Architects P.O. Box 5858 350 W. Henrietta Woodland Park, CO 80866 RE: George T. Sanders Expansion, 10202 W. 49" Avenue Street Engineering Plan Dear Mr. Langley, It is my understanding that you are requesting clarification on what the street engineering plan should address with respect to the current and future roadway improvements. I had discussed this with the Public Works staff and please consider the followings items to be included in the engineering plan submission: The plans will need to address two street improvement phases for this submission. Phase I will address the proposed public improvements to be tied into the existing Miller Street and Phase II will address the improvements tied in with the future roadway realignment of 50" and Miller. Both plans need to show the existing curb, gutter and sidewalk alignment of Miller Street to the south of the intersection. This information will serve as a general street alignment control for the proposed street improvement of this site in both phases. The plans will also need to address how the site design will transition between the two phases of improvements in a seamless fashion. The existing radius at the northeast corner of 49' and Miller will need to be removed and replaced in the phase one improvement. This design radius will need to be set at 50 feet at flowline to accommodate semi-tractors. Please note the plans reflect a discrepancy with regard to right of way available to place the new radius. Additional right of way will be required if needed for the new radius. This radius will need to be in alignment with the existing curb, gutter and sidewalk to the south on Miller Street. As you are aware, the potential realignment of Miller may happen in the near future. We felt at this point it would be appropriate to defer the public on improvements on existing Miller Street for phase I improvements via execution ofa development agreement including, but not limited to curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The proposed street and the driveway width on Miller will need to be designed in phase I to accommodate semi-tractors. Again, the roadway width will have to be in line with the existing alignment to the south of the intersection. (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234.5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 I hope this letter will provide a general guideline for the submission of the engineering street plan. I also attached the City of Wheat Ridge street construction plans checklist for your reference. This should aid the design engineer to provide relevant information on a street plan. Please feel free to contact me at 303 - 235 -2862 if a meeting is needed to discuss this further. Sincerely, Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer cc: Bob Goebel, Director of Public Works Alan White, Director of Planning and Development Greg Knudson, City Engineer Mike Garcia, Development Review Engineer Matrin Omer, Planner Mike Belt, Diamond back Engineering and Surveying "v I y~/u0 SUBDIVISION MEMO AND CONTACT RECORD; CONTACT NUMBER: 2 DATE RECEIVED: 4412, 2000 DATE REVIEWED: 4-21, 2000 SUBDIVISION NAME: Sanders Industrial Park ENGINEER: NAME: Diamondback Eng. L Surveying Inc. ADDRESS: 12640 W. Cedar Dr. Ste. C Lakewood Co. 80228 PHONE: (303)985-4204 FAX: 303 CITY REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN MCGUIRE REMARKS: 1: Show Ouarter corners and ties to section line per phone call 4/21 2: Change section number in legal. As redlined 3: Remove "OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT" INSERT "A SUBDIVISION" as redlined 4: Show site location on vicinity map. 5: Legal calls P.O.B as aliquot corner "SW cor. of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4" It was identified that way on the first submission. I would prefer this designation accompanied by adequate ties to the 1/4 corners. 6: We will probably need to identify easements for utilities. 7: 8: 9: 10: _ PLEASE RETURN ALL REDLINES WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: Jerald W. Richmond REMARKS: I am including the Cities section breakdown information for section 16. If you have questions call me at 303-235-2858. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or review agencies. You may respond to these comments by phone or fax. Please contact us prior to submitting new prints so that we may inform you if there are any additions or corrections that need to be made. City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Jerry Dahl, City Attorney FROM: Martin Omer, Planner/Business Specialist 01~1 SUBJECT: Sanders Amended Planned Industrial Development (Case No. WZ-00-02) DATE: April 24, 2000 The Planning Department is processing an amendment to the Sanders Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development Outline and Final Development. Essentially, the application was submitted to accommodate an addition to the George T. Sanders Company wholesale plumbing supply business. The original Sanders PIT) was approved as Case No. WZ-72-32 in 1972. At the April 20, 2000 Planning Commission meeting, the Commission recommended approval of this application to City Council with three conditions. One of the conditions is that the wording proposed by the applicant for the Statement ofUnified Control/Unified Ownership be reviewed by the City Attorney. The wording proposed by the applicant is as follows: way tei1n~tt^ ctndw siv~la OWNERSHIP FIED CONTROL STATEMENT: The property ownership ti t> Smj--° f" it afid [all '"^v " _ business t lans are for it to rPma,}]~- el~d ~1~71~7Eo~ ~D ),~L adLdaY~S SA 1ar* ld my Section 26-25. Planned Industrial Development Districts. of the City's Zoning Regulations includes a description of the intent and purpose of unified control. I have attached a copy of this section for your use. Your review of the applicant's statement and any comments you may have as to whether his statement meets the intent of the Zoning Regulations would be appreciated. I will need to have this by May 8`h so that the applicant's consultant can make any necessary changes to the submittal prior to City Council. Thank you Attachment: Wheat Ridge Zoning Regulations Section 26-26, Pages 1744.4 and 1745 cc: Alan White, Director of Planning and Development PUBLIC HEARING A. - Case No. WZ-00-02: An application filed by the George T. Sanders Co. for approval \ IY~ of a combined outline and final development plan and plat, consolidation plat, and rezone of two properties from A-1 (Agricultural-One) to Planned Industrial Development for the purpose of wholesale, warehouse, and office uses for property located at 10210 West 49th Avenue. The case was presented by Martin Omer. He reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the subject property. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application based upon reasons outlined in the staff report. Commissioner GOKEY asked if 50th Avenue right-of-way would affect the development of Mr. Sanders' property. Mr. White replied that the right-of-way is already figured into Mr. Sanders' plan. Commissioner COOPER asked if those people who attended the neighborhood meeting were satisfied with the outdoor storage proposal as shown on the plan. Mr. Omer replied that none of the neighbors attended the meeting. Commissioner SNOW asked if a traffic impact report was available for consideration. Greg Knudson replied that a traffic impact study was not required for this case. Alan White further explained that the applicant did not do a traffic impact study due to the department's initial analysis that there were not significant impacts to warrant a traffic impact study. David Langley Box 5848, Woodland Park, CO Mr. Langley, architect for the project, was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. He invited questions from the Commission. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. Langley explained that the central area of the project is set back approximately 120 feet from the main building and will serve as a loading area. The design, using decorative concrete block, will serve to limit visibility from the street. Commissioner SNOW asked if the design would allow everything presently stored outside to be stored inside. Mr. Langley replied that it would. In response to a question from Chair MACDOUGALL, Mr. Langley stated that the completed project will have less exposed concrete to be visible from 49th and Miller than the existing building. Planning Commission Page 2 April 20, 2000 It, Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were others present who wished to address the matter. There was no response. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that Case No. WZ-00-02, a request for approval to rezone 0.76 acres from A-1, Agricultural, to PID, Planned Industrial Development, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1) Proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development have already been in the neighborhood for many years and are not expected to make significant changes or negative impacts to the surrounding property owners and/or property uses. 2) The rezoning request is consistent with changes in the character in the area. 3) Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site. Commissioner COLLINS stated that he felt uncomfortable about voting on an application that contains only a detention and drainage plan note. The motion passed 8-0. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COOPER that Case No. WZ-00-02, a request for approval for an Amended Outline and Final Development Plan for 3.133 acres known as the Sanders Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development Outline Development Plan and the Sanders Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development Final Development Plan be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1) The proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development have already been in the neighborhood for many years and are not expected to make significant changes or negative impacts to the surrounding property owners and/or property uses. 2) The amendment to the Planned Industrial Development is consistent with changes in the character in the area. 3) Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site. With the following conditions: 1) The applicant will be required to construct curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Miller Street frontage of the property. Planning Commission Page 3 April 20, 2000 2) Upon request of the City, the area marked as reserved for future right-of-way be dedicated by applicant to the City. 3) The city attorney will approve the language and/or documents required by the zoning ordinance requirement for unified control. The motion passed 8-0. B. Case No. ZOA-00-02: An application filed by the City of Wheat Ridge to amend Zoning Ordinance Section 26-25 (IV)(B)(2)(b) to delete the minimum lot requirement necessary to obtain a zoning designation of Planned Commercial District (PCD). The case was presented by Alan White. He reviewed the staff report which recommended approval of an ordinance which would eliminate the one-acre minimum lot size. Commissioner SNOW stated that she would like to see a requirement for site plans. She also referred to page 1748.2 and suggested there should be a provision to allow a requirement for larger setbacks. Mr. White stated he would take her recommendation forward to City Council after discussing the matter with the city attorney. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern that such a requirement could make the city more vulnerable to litigation. Commissioners THOMPSON and COLLINS felt the city should have some flexibility to place controls, especially in light of the many infill situations that exist in the city. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON that the city attorney be consulted regarding the one-subject rule to determine if these additional requirements can be included in the ordinance and, if allowed, that it come forward on the planned commercial district. If it is determined that the requirements should be split up, or if the city attorney recommends that the change in language for additional power to the city really should be in a separate ordinance then the ordinance should include similar language in all three districts. If, in the meantime, Commission members have other specific suggestions, they should contact Alan White. The motion passed 8-0. 8. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS Planning Commission Page 4 April 2Q, 2000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission DATE OF MEETING: April 20, 2000 DATE PREPARED: April 13, 2000 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-00-02; Sanders CASE MANAGER: Martin Orner ACTION REQUESTED: Re-Zoning of 0.76 Acres From A-1 to PID, and Combined Outline and Final Development Plan for the Total 3.9 Acres. LOCATION OF REQUEST: Northeast Corner 49th Avenue and Miller Street (10201 Miller Street) NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Sanders 10201 West 49" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER(S): Sanders Warehouse Partnership 10201 West 49th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.9 Acres Total PRESENT ZONING: A-1 Agricultural: Two Parcels Totaling 0.76 Acres Planned Industrial Development: 3.133 Acres PRESENT LAND USE: 0.76 Acres: Unimproved; 3.133 Acres: Administrative Offices, Light Industrial Warehousing and Distribution SURROUNDING ZONING: N: A-1, Agricultural; S: C-1, Commercial; E: C-1, Commercial; W: PID, Planned Industrial Development LAND USE: N: Railroad Right-of-Way and Utility Transmission Lines; S: Multi-Story Motel; E: Undeveloped and Commercial Outdoor Storage Lot; W: Light Industrial/Office Uses COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Planned Business/industrial Park and Agricultural/Estate Residential DATE PUBLISHED: DATE POSTED: DATED LEGAL NOTICES SENT: ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) ZONING ORDINANCE March 31, 2000 March 31, 2000 March 31, 2000 (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS Q SLIDES Q SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (X) EXHIBITS JURISDICTION: The. property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. P_1 I. REQUEST The application consists of two related requests: Approval to re-zone 0.76 acres of land from A-1, Agricultural to PID, Planned Industrial Development with associated site development and land use criteria, and 2. Approval to amend the Sanders Industrial Park Outline and Final Development Plan/Planned Industrial Development to modify the site development standards for said Plan. Note: The Applicant is requesting consolidation of three separate lots into one lot of 3.9 acres. (This requires administrative approval only.) II. CASE HISTORY The original rezoning of 3.133 acres from A-1 Agricultural to Planned Industrial Development (PID), being Case No. WZ-72-32, was approved by the Wheat Ridge City Council in December 1972. Said original application was submitted for the Sanders light industrial use which is the same user occupying the site and submitting this application. The applicant's business consists of a wholesale plumbing company with associated warehousing, distribution and offices for the wholesale plumbing supply operation. The applicant has stated the need for this development request due to growth of their business and their desire to upgrade the functionality and appearance of the business operation. This application is for the same uses approved in the original Sanders Industrial Park Case No. WZ-72-32. No use changes are proposed with the current application. III. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The applicant conducted a meeting on January 6, 2000. The following persons were in attendance: Michael Raisch 10201 West 49" Avenue, W.R. Thomas Tooley 10201 West 491h Avenue, W.R. Gary Sanders 10201 West 49th Avenue, W.R. David Langley Box 5858, Woodland Park, CO Meredith Reckert 7500 West 29th Avenue, W.R. The following concerns were expressed: • Impacts from the future 50`h Avenue extension on the project Questions about the Ridge Home redevelopment Elimination of outdoor storage Development history of the property No concerns about drainage were expressed by those present. Planning Commission WZ-00-02/Sanders Page 2 IV. AGENCY REFERRALS Agencies Referred and Responding: Wheat Ridge Public Works Department; a. A final drainage report has been submitted with this referral, and is in the process of being reviewed. b. Curb, gutter and sidewalk is being required to be constructed along the Miller Street frontage. A subdivision improvement agreement will be required along with security for these improvements. Police Department : The Police Department recommends standard Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design criteria . Arvada Fire Department: The Fire Department responded with comments including criteria for required fire flow, and the rating for type of project construction. 4. Valley Water District : The Water District responded with comments including statements that additional water mains, hydrants and sprinkler lines may be needed, and that tap sizes may need to be increased, all at the owner's expense. 5. City of Arvada: No concerns 6. Public Service Company: The Company states that electric and gas lines exist in the project area and that crossings of these facilities require documentation by the property owner and the Company. Paperwork for completing this documentation was included in the correspondence and has been forwarded to the applicant. 7. Wheat Ridge Forestry Division: The City Forester has reviewed the landscape plan and has provided one note to the applicant regarding the protection of root zones of trees along Miller Street. Agencies Referred but not Responding: Clear Creek Sanitation District US West TCI Planning Commiss WZ-00-02/Sanders Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Building Division Page 3 A-3 V. REZONING and AMENDMENT TO OUTLINE AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA The City's Code of Laws provides the following review criteria to be used when evaluating requests for rezoning: That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. There is no error in the zoning classification. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions. A change of character in the area has occurred with additional light industrial and commercial development. Development in the project area has resulted in a transition from undeveloped and agricultural uses to commercial and industrial uses. 3. In addition to #2, that the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, comprehensive land use plan and other related policies or plans for the area. The existing A-1 zone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan use designation of Agricultural Estate Residential. The Comprehensive Plan defines Agricultural Estate Residential as neighborhoods with very low density housing and a predominantly rural character, with amaximum of 1 dwelling unit per acre. The request to rezone to PID is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, but rezoning the A-1 parcels to PID would be compatible with surrounding existing and planned land uses. It is questionable whether Agricultural Estate Residential land uses would be suited to or occur on the parcels zoned A-1. The 3.133 acres are currently zoned for light industrial uses and are in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Planned Business/Industrial Park. The requested amendments to the Outline and Final Development Plan for building design, landscaping and parking elements are consistent with the desired character elements of the Planned Business/Industrial Park designation. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. The A-1 parcels measure 0.4526 and 0.3097 acres. Commercial and industrial land uses surround this acreage along with the City of Arvada's Ridge development which calls for office land uses. The proposed zone change and associated Amended Outline and Final Development Plan is compatible with the light industrial and commercial development existing in the surrounding area and the future land uses anticipated to occur on the Ridge property directly to the north. No significant negative or adverse impacts from this zone change or Development Plan amendment are anticipated. Planning Commission Page 4 WZ-00-02/Sanders H 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. The applicant has reserved the north-west corner of the property for future dedication to the City for construction and right-of-way needs associated with West 50th Avenue. The future construction of West 50`h Avenue may be a physical and indirect economic benefit to the City by serving traffic needs in the area. The application addresses the growth and efficient operation of this existing business. The retention of local business could be considered an economic benefit to the community. 6. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. The Valley Water District, Arvada Fire Department and the Public Service Company have responded with standard comments indicating that additional infrastructure facilities may be necessary for adequate service to the project area. Adequate infrustructure should be in place prior to the issuance of building permits. That the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to adjacent properties. The applicant has prepared and submitted a drainage report which has been reviewed by and met the standards of the City's Public Works Department. The Public Works Department has also analyzed the application for traffic impacts and has concluded that any such impacts would be insignificant. No impacts to public health, safety or welfare or impacts to light and air have been identified. 8. That the property cannot reasonably be developed under the existing zoning conditions. Due to the size of the two parcels zoned A-1, Agricultural, and their proximity to light industrial and commercial land uses, it is not likely that either parcel would be used for agriculturally related uses. The property is currently developed with a light industrial business use. Due to the size and depth of the existing site, expansion of the business is difficult under the constraints of the current PID. 9. That the zoning will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Rezoning these two parcels to Planned Industrial Development will not create isolated or spot zoning. 10. That there is a void in an area or community need that the change of zone will fill by providing for necessary services, products or facilities especially appropriate at the location, considering available alternatives. This application has been submitted in response to expansion needs of the business. It is not known if this business fills a void in services or products in the area. Planning Commission Page 5 WZ-00-02/Sanders 4-!S- VI. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION The applicant is proposing the following changes to the Development Plan. Development criteria from the City's I, Industrial Zone is included for comparative purposes: EXISTING PLAN PROPOSED PLAN INDUSTRIAL ZONE Land Area 3.133 acres 3.893 acres N/A Building Size 29,888 s.f. 58,986 s.f. N/A Parking Spaces 50 98 147 Truck Parking 5 8 No Limitation Landscaping 36,143.5 S.F. 34,930 S.F. 10 Percent of Site Area (16,885 S.F.) Trees 3 18 27 Street Trees + Shrubs 8 51 Either 170 Trees or Turf/Grass 36,143.5 S.F. 34,930 S.F. Shrubs Impervious Area 100,330 S.F. 134,649 S.F. 151,965 S.F. Building Materials Metal/Glass Metal/Concrete No Limitation Stone/Glass Any impacts from the planned expansion are not expected to be significant in nature. The applicant's business has been in operation at this location since approximately 1972. The applicant has submitted this application due to his need to expand the business on property already owned by and adjacent to the existing facility. The proposal includes design upgrades to the existing facility and indoor storage, which will result in a more attractive site than what is currently in existence. In addition to being bordered on three sides by industrial and commercial land uses, the A-1 zoned property measures less than one acre, which makes it unlikely that it will ever be used for the Comprehensive Plan use designation of Agricultural Estate Residential. The applicant has agreed to reserve a portion of his property for future dedication to the City, which will be necessary for the construction of 50th Avenue. No time frame has yet been established for the construction of this roadway. This application is for the same uses approved in the original Sanders Industrial Park Case No. WZ-72-32. No use changes are proposed with the current application. Exhibit A is the Site Location Map and Exhibit B is the adopted Ridge Property land use map. VII. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Rezoning from A-1 Agriculture to Planned Industrial Development: Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-00-02, a request for approval to rezone 0.76 acres from A-1, Agricultural to PID, Planned Industrial Development be APPROVED for the following reasons: Planning Commission WZ-00-02/Sanders Page 6 A-LP 1. Proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development are not expected to result in significant negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users, 2. The uses proposed for the property are compatible with surrounding uses and planned uses in the area, 3. The re-zoning request is consistent with changes in the character in the area, 4. Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site. Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ-00-02, a request for approval to rezone 0.76 acres from A-1, Agricultural to PID, Planned Industrial Development be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." Amendment to Outline and Final Development Plan: Option A: "I move that Case No. WZ-00-02, a request for approval for an Amended Outline and Final Development Plan for 3.133 acres known as the Sanders Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development Outline Development Plan and the Sanders Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development Final Development Plan be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. Proposed uses for the Planned Industrial Development are not expected to result in significant negative impacts to surrounding property owners and/or property users. 2. The use of the property is compatible with surrounding uses and planned uses in the area. 3. The amendment request is consistent with changes in the character in the area. 4. Adequate infrastructure will be available to serve the site. With the following condition: 1. The applicant will be required to construct curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Miller Street frontage of the property." Option B: "I move that Case No. WZ-00-02, a request for approval for an Amended Outline and Final Development Plan for 3.133 acres known as the Sanders Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development Outline Development Plan and the Sanders Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development Final Development Plan be DENIED for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." Planning Commission WZ-00-02/Sanders Page 7 A CASE NO. WZ-OO-Oz EXHIBIT A P I D PID WZ_ _b 8 W WTH AV L E K - ~,r a INED -A -r W2-T-p I A. I T1-16 M>eATRlp3~ rracwa. h WARH~OVSe _ YET I_70 ROHi Rn HOCTM OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 . Last Revisim: September 10, n% ~4/ D!_PARThB OF PLAWW, AIO DEVgppl eNT - 235_2852 L:\ORAWINGS\PLANNING\GS\SE16 AtcVADA S [TIE „ ARA A { k N l i IIA.5 THtRALE sANDMs i~ PARR PID _ R 1+Z-TS-31 o AYL SlP-gPT G- ® AREA REQUIRING SITE PLAN APPROVAL ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRY PARCEL/LOT BOUNDRY . (DESIGNATES OI,,NERSHIP) CITY LIMIT LINE WATER. FEATURE • DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES S~ IC • SCALE I'.4OO 35612 Federal Register 1 'vui_ 56. No. 144 j Fnday. July :<n 7xaF_ iI oivs and kleguiations 4.1.2 Accessible Sites and Exterior Facilities: New Construction (4) Ground surfaces along accessible routes and in accessible spaces shall comply with 4.5. (5) (a) if parking spaces are provided for self- parking by employees or visitors, or both, then accessible spaces complying with 4.6 shall be provided in each such parking area in conform- ance with the table below. Spaces required by the table need not be provided in the particular lot. They may be provided in a different location if equivalent or greater accessibility, in terms of distance from an accessible entrance, cost and convenience is ensured. Required Total Parking Minimum Number in Lot of Accessible Spaces I to 25 1 26 to 50 2 51 to 75 3 76 to 100. 4 101 to 150 5 151 to 200 6 201 to 300 7 301 to 400 8 401 to 500 9 501 to 1000 2 percent of total 1001 and over 20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1000 Except as provided in (b), access aisles adjacent to accessible spaces shall be 60 in (1525 mm) wide minimum. (b) One in every eight accessible spaces, but not less than one. shall be served by an access aisle 96 In (2440 mm) wide minimum and shall be designated "van accessible" as required by 4.6.4. The vertical clearance at such spaces shall comply with 4.6.5. All such spaces may be grouped on one level of a parking structure. EXCEPTION: Provision of all required parking spaces in conformance with -Universal Parking Design' (see appendix A4.6.3) is permitted. (c) if passenger loading zones are provided, then at least one passenger loading zone shall Comply with 4.6.6. (d) At facilities providing medical care and other services for persons with mobility impair- ments, parking Spaces complying with 4.6 shall be provided in accordance with 4.1.2(5)(a) except as follows: (i) Outpatient units and facilities: 10 percent of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such outpatient unit or facility: (if) Units and facilities that spectaltze in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments: 20 percent of the total number of parking spaces provided serving each such unit or facility. (,)`Valet parking: Valet parking facilities shall provide a passenger loading zone comply- ing with 4.6.6 located on an accessible route to the entrance of the facility. Paragraphs 5(a). 5(b). and 5(d) of this section do not apply to valet parking facilities. (6) if toilet facilities are provided on a site. then each such public or common use toilet facility shall comply with 4.22. If bathing facilities are provided on a site, then each such public or common use bathing facility shall comply with 4.23. For single user portable toilet or bathing units clustered at a single location, at least 5% but no less than one toilet unit or bathing unit complying with 4.22 or 4.23 shall be installed at each cluster whenever typical Inaccessible units are provided. Accessible units shall be identified by the international Symbol of Accessibility. EXCEPTION: Portable toilet units at constmc- tion sites used exclusively by construction personnel are not required to comply with 4.1.2(6). (7) Building Signage. Signs which designate permanent rooms and spaces shall comply with 4.30.1, and 4.30.6. Other signs which provide direction to, or information about, functional spaces of the building shall comply with 4.30.1, 4.30.2, 4.30.3, and 4.30.5. Elements and spaces of accessible facilities which shall be identified by the international Symbol of Accessibility and which shall comply with 4.30.7 are: (a) Parking spaces designated as reserved for individuals with disabilities: TSCC WEST 25TH AVENUE F.O. BOX 638 The City of WHEAT RIDGE CO 8003-0626 .3031 23~'-5500 GWheat City Admin. Fax=23-592 police Dect. Fax = 235.29-9 "Ridge POSTING CERTIFICATION CASE NO. Z d~2 Q,),_ PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY COUNCIL - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Circle One) HEARING DATE: I, l ~L n a m e residing at as the applicant for Case No. Im 7 /10 o , hereby certify Heaiat thatc~I have posted the Notice o Public t4'3 n l /"`rIi2( J1t dvt2 on ~"t 7, Ore oa (1 o c a t i o n) 5t, 7_d-el~ on this 3/_ day of yip- , and do hereby certify that said sign has been posted and remained in place for fifteen (15) days prior to and including the scheduled day of public hearing of this case. The sign was posted in the position shown on the map below. ~D Signature: L,~%N~" CJGL~ NOTE: This form must be submitted at the public hearing on this case and will be placed in the applicant's case file at the Department of Planning and Development. M A P <pc>postingcert rev. 05-19-94 C', l:._...Vv- J 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Ridv Telephone 303/ 23' FAX 303/235-2857 March 30, 2000 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you that Case No. WZ-00-02 a request for approval of a combined outline and final development plan and plat, consolidation plat, and rezone of two properties from A-1 (Agricultural- One) to Planned Industrial Development for the purpose of wholesale, warehouse and office uses, property located at 10210 West 49th Avenue, will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on April 20, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. All owners and/or their representative of the parcel under consideration must be present at this hearing. As an area resident or interested parry, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to notify any other person whose presence is desired at this hearing. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 235- 2846. Thank you. Planning Division. U:VCathy\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\Pcnotice\2000\w 0002.wpd a d a a M c _ ul C y 9 a N > 0 U U CO d ~ O _ Z M1 r m ~ a a d d y ~ >I Q: O O 0 O w C _ N O m o ~Eo a L O ~p 6a C E d o O w r a = # y N ' N N N N N N ° N 0 N 0 x m a 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o y Q m° 5 U 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 U _ N O O. M O ~1J y M a 0 m N a O ik O 0 O > m J O m p ` m ~5 E; O aQOJ 0 CwO a Q 0W y ~ m ~ ^ n N n l`N N dO U oni ai m 0 o ~ d5 0 wrn a i 0 'M ~mU ~QY X nu iF ono N K v ra w 8 'ov m «-NO w o~ `6 oA o wZ - O~ x O o m y a a Z a ~a o N- r m d ~ a ~ m w c ~ ~co rn m i5 d m w « , m y 0Q m awa m F ° ~O y .=_O m c Eui f6 v o m =ao wa w~ o a u acv m v L s o J O' > O 0 U -a a) -p M a N a m w = m N d v Q M - w_Ewm 00 r~~a O cn m r 0 U U K w E R m W W W W W ~ G V Q CO O ro ro W mm ro ro amD m W O E n m n m n rn rn n m m n rn n rn m Z aw z a 0 C7 LL N 03. (D Q Z a W O z = Q c ~ Un a a v c d ~ m a c 22 c N U N a ~ a N a 'm u d m n O N C z d > NI ~ d W ~ C a a "mo o N O~ t~ w = ~ N ~E0 a o = ~ as c E 1 .0 # N~ a U a d N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O X O N ~ U o 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 Q m° ~ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u O ICO ~ O. j O M a_ O J M M M ~ ~ N # U J J C 'O E O h_ N O yl O Y O Z` M O f7 =M N- O 4~ Q N O C €M 0~ Cf/I ikO J W >M C Q W rofn ow Y Of/J fD "O RlM p ND:O d N d N ON L LLO NmO uJ O L O N OIO pO 1 m O E JNJ (n OO O VI ~ NU 0] CU NU U a CU NU " ~p LL X O N + N D L 2 o tY U = OM 6 NO.~ S2 2 NTU Q OC. Q m + Q a V n " v Gl ' 2 it mU a it L v - O O o ' v> c w N LO - O N O ~3 N O OrR IL V !0 tea QC NLL N W ~N N I JN LL' N N N NN ZULL U ~OMa ' 6 .a V O L L O W 0 O L C L t6 M: L z V ^C7 N L rG a N W L 11 C V f N L M CO N C N O N Q N o w E O N Z N (D W SOU U~ `oW E LL ❑ Li ❑ ® ❑ ❑ z d N u ~ LU r Q N m M m v m ~n m io m r ro m m w m o m N CO m m m w ro m m m WO E r rn m n m n m n m n rn n rn m n rn V z W z QQ o c7 x~o > LLO'~ s N o3 Q z a z z F° = o c Un~ a ❑I ro Q v O n. w on G U ~i O N ro z ro a O W m ~i N N U n a W O E z ~ U FO c m T L b m .a N u L1. 0 z z y 0 a d N J w d ? d c L N u ~ d N r 1 i `I ~ a T K a a i z > di m ~ c { N d~ d N 5 ~ d d E o a d U t O ~p o a c 0 .2 d r a - y - # d N O N O N O N O Q _ x U d 9 d O O O O d U 3 3 m° ~ 3 3 v 0 O E 0 n a o J my ~F N a O J d O ik N ~ O O O V c0_' o ~Zi o _ ~j ~m d d d N c O d d 0 r~ 4O O E~ 0 yQp N ~ v` 0 ~mU 0 a `U U E c ti c'c - _ N N a a N 'cm d a NEi m a d~ Ot ' c0a0 d O d a'-N-a m - N M ° - ~m o > O d ~ ~n m _ m V N dc. ' O 00 K or i 0 o t Mm C N D d r u m Q LL Q :r C d N ~ ~ N N O d. ¢ c U UK i w d E . i d ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ z d N r l!J N ¢ m m m O o m co ro w m m O w E m m m rn U z W 0 a Q c~ ~ CD CD N O3: Q Z a z }OW 1_02 a Uti~ S N Q N O a W bA C > 0 E m z ry O a a v CC a w O P O zd Y U F N 9 Y ra N v a. 0 L 0 z Y F V~- N06TICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on April 20, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: - Case No. WZ-00-02: a request for approval of a combined outline and final development plan and plat, consolidation plat, and rezone of two properties from A-1 (Agricultural-One) to Planned Industrial Development for the purpose of wholesale, warehouse and office uses. Said property is located at 10210 West 49`h Avenue and legally described as follows: A parcel situated in the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the sixth P.M., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 35, a City of Wheat Ridge street monument, being a rebar and Cap LS No. 13212 in a range box; thence N63 °27'57"E 67.15 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of West 491 Avenue, as described in B. 1049 at P. 393 and B. 1052 at P. 56 of the Jefferson County Records, the True Point of Beginning; thence East along said right-of-way, 605.03 feet, to a rebar and Cap LS No. 10108; thence leaving said right-of-way line N00°16'25"E 357.85 feet to a rebar and Cap LS No. 2132, being a point on the South line of the former Denver and Northern Railway right-of-way as described in Book 125 at Page 234 of the Jefferson County Records; thence S74°15'32"W along said right-of-way line, 660.49 feet to a rebar and Cap LS No. 26298, being a point on the east right-of-way line of Miller Street, as described in Book 155 at Page 129 of the Jefferson County Records; thence S00°18'04"W along said right-of-way line, 143.93 feet to a rebar and Cap LS No. 26298, being a point on the state highway right-of-way line as described in Reception No. 81066912 of the Jefferson County Records; thence S40°34'31 "E along said highway right-of-way 45.72 feet to a rebar and Cap LS No. 26298; the True Point of Beginning: Said Parcel contains 3.90 acres more or less. Barbara Delgadillo, Seni r Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, To be Published: March 31, 2000 Wheat Ridge Transcript C:\Barbara\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\PUBHRG\000420pub.wpd O GEORGE T. SAADERS c.., WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS ESTABLISHED APRIL 1950 MAIN OFFICES 10201 W. 49th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-423-9660 1-800-284-0400 FAX•303-420-8737 SHOWROOM/BRANCH 1910 So. Quebec Denver, CO 80231 303-750-4550 1-800-973-4463 FAX•303-751-7620 SILVERTHORNE 191 W. 9th St. Silverthorne, CO 80498 970-468-8254 1-800-333-2547 FAX •303-893-0836 BASALT 0051 Valley Circle Basalt, CO 81621 970-927-2450 1-800-378-7473 FAX•970-927-2456 MONTROSE 116 Par Place Montrose, CO 81401 970-249-5960 1-800-898-3151 FAX •970-249-6772 FORT COLLINS 5003 Fossil Blvd. Ft. Collins, CO 80525 970-204-1450 1-800-848-1075 FAX •970-204-1422 HIGHLANDS RANCH 8040 Brandon Drive Littleton, CO 80125 303-791-5858 1-800-977-7369 FAX •303-791-5072 COLORADO SPRINGS 1960 Victor PI. Colo. Springs, CO 80915 719-591-5252 1-800-237-3509 FAX • 719-591-5254 LOUISVILLE 437 South Arthur Avenue Louisville CO 80027 303-926-8870 FAX •303-926-8861 April 12, 2000 To: Whom it May Concern From: Thomas C. Tooley V.P. Subject: George T. Sanders Project Office Relocation Plumbing* Heating *Controls* Pumps The company intends to relocate its office staff from its current inadequate structure to its proposed development site. The relocation would provide modem offices and facilities and provide a more efficient workspace. The current offices are inadequate for modern equipment and management techniques. The new location would permit transition without interruption of business services and provide for larger working areas. Each manager would have an office in which to manage in private. There would be no increase in personnel. The only increase would be in workspace. The original personnel that would be relocated, consists of the following: Corporate Executives-4 M.I.S. Manager-1 Accounts Payable Manager-1 Data Entry-2 A/P Clerks-2 Sales Manager-1 Accounts Receivable Manager-1 Salespersons-4* A/R Clerk-1 Heating Manager-1 Heating Technicians-2** Receptionist-1 Purchasing Manager-1 Buyers-2 Quotation Clerks-2 *Salesperson in office -1 or 2 days per week One Heating Technician works- 3 days only Total Employees 26 F,~OM : PHONE NO. : 719 687 9003 DAVID A. LANGLEY ARcmTECTS P.O. BOX 5858 WOODLAND PARK, CO 80866 PHONE-(719)687-3415 FAX-(719)687-9003 TRANSMITTAL APR. 10 2000 03:39PM P1 T0: Martin Orner FROM: David A Lanalev Architects ADDRESS: FAX: (303)235-2857 PAGES: 2 PHONE DATE- 4/10/00 RE: Landuse Matrix CC: ❑ URGENT XFOR REVIEW ❑ PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY COMMENTS: Attached: Landuse matrix and Amended Portion of PID plan t~ A { s yip I~ .yam L o v ~ n ~ d s Y = E n a F r w w X LP J> ~p A T 0 W lP m r n X IWO kv y J N m 9 ~n N ~ u a UT Q~ y D c 0 X 11 m a -0 w p n ~r tj zz O_b0 Ap~ 7c A jj rrnn 4 Z rn =Nrn ~rn ~Q N~O 2 ~ \1, u~ DO~1:I`' z i1A rn r5:rv, m m ~A ~n zg a~ O ~a z Qi ON Z ~ O 0 s k U z N s T r D Zd Wd6£:£0 0002 0i *&IH 2006 L89 6tL : 'ON 3NOHd : wo8j ` S 000 15' 04" W 1-18.6- .tl U) D r n c ~ o r N -U - ~y 0Tr Da Z~ JD6 rAr . 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U U o x N 3 E o c P iY+ y p a' y " v u C E - N v o n ti C bD V v v -ti C 0 0 U a E -a v v . u cb x F 0 F mow" ° a " n n V p. o a c4 . e v tl U s ~i ~o a N z v N W ~i c 0 A ~ m W N cc N U m (A U ~ 3 N - .C 'y a 0 i a I z rn r ~ . 6uydiN I i ~ I a 0 ,3 $ 3a04S JOHN 0 C O d N tj c m N vs r d m VJ~] O ~ N E - ~ q x N J C v p a n a p m M K uU @ E ~ @ I- ✓ t K a J c o u N ~ ~ Ka Z i IYa d a B 10 03 ~ o tl V C a c m E C N m IEFqlkk A A. LANGLEY .ARCMTECTS April 12, 2000 (719) 687-3415 p' o. box 5858 350 w. henrietta woodland park, Colorado 80866 Re: P.I.D. Submittal Case #WZ.72.32 #WZ.00.02 Dear Mr. Ortner: Revisions to the preliminary and final outline development plan submitted to City of Wheat Ridge March 2, 2000 and included on the plan submitted for staff report and planning commission review April 12, 2000, affect the following items: 1. The addition footprint increased from 29,098 sq. ft. to 31,140 sq. ft. This additional area encloses the three semi trailer loading spaces and some area previously indicated as paved for vehicular circulation. 2. Vehicular circulation: unchanged 3. Landscape area: increased 400 sq: ft. with four shrubs and two trees 4. Development data has been revised to reflect final surveyor's information and the above revisions. See preliminary and final outline plan, Sanders Warehouse Addition, Architect's Project No. 9835, revision date 4/12/00. Sincerely, ' Q 4/: David A. Langley Architect DAL/II A M A• (719) 687-3415 LANG-LEY p.o. box 5858 .350 w. henrietta ARCM1 C .i 1.7 woodland park, Colorado ■lJ~ ~~,~IJ'■ll 80866 April 10, 2000 ADDITION DESCRIPTION: Primary materials and design at 49~ 5t, and Miller 5t. facades: contemporary commercial design primarily of architectural block with accents of metal panels, glass block.and store front glazing. The north addition face may be metal panels only. The exi5tmcg fagade closest to 49' St. will be all architectural block for design continuity and replace metal panels for new appearance. LJ-CFL kz~ - - City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Case File WZ-00-02 FROM: Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist SUBJECT: Sanders Referral DATE: March 28, 2000 I have reviewed the above referenced development application from an economic development perspective and offer the following comments: 1. The applicant's business has been a long standing resident of the City 2. The applicant's success in his business is demonstrated in his need to expand the size of his facility. 3, The development proposal is an improvement not only to the undeveloped subject property but also to the appearance of the existing building. 4. The proposal is located in an area which will benefit from the quality of architecture represented in the application. Moreover, it would appear that the proposal would result in the most attractive facility in the immediate area. 5. Approval of the application will result in continued and increased tax revenues to the City in the form of continuing the trend of increased sales originating at the site, as well as use taxes collected from the new construction. For the above reasons, Economic Development staff supports this application and the business retention/development it represents to the City. MEMORANDUM I Approved Date ➢DEPART'hEENT OF (PUBLIC WORKS TO: Martin Omer, Planner FROM: Greg Knudson, City Engineer/Development Review Engineer DATE: March 15, 2000 SUBJECT: 10201 West 49"' Avenue (at Miller Street), WZ-00-02 - Warehouse Expansion The Public Works Department has reviewed the Planning Department referral dated March 6, 2000 for the above referenced site, and has the following comments: 1. The proposed Consolidation Plat has been forwarded to the John McGuire, P.L.S. for review. Subsequent comments will be coordinated in writing to Diamondback Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 2. A Subdivision Improvement Agreement will need to be executed by the developer/owner upon City Council approval of the required Consolidation Plat. 3. The Consolidation Plat will need to be recorded with Jefferson County no later than ninety (90) days after the execution of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. 4. A final drainage report has been submitted with this referral, and is in the process of being reviewed. The applicant will need to include the Bayou Ditch Company in the review and approval process of this report. 5. We will need engineered construction plans based upon the City's street construction plan criteria, and prepared by a Colorado licensed professional engineer, for the public improvements required to be constructed along the Miller Street frontage. The required Traffic Engineering review will be conducted upon submittal of these plans. 6. We will need a completed Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due. In conjunction with the requirements of this permit, an erosion control plan will need to be submitted for review and approval. 7. Prior to recording the required Consolidation Plat, an irrevocable letter of credit, in which the City is designated as beneficiary, for one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the total cost of the proposed public improvements, will need to be submitted by the developer/owner to serve as guarantee for the value of those public improvements (as determined by the itemized cost estimate prepared by the project's civil engineer-of-record), that are required to be constructed per item 5 above. cc: Alan White, Planning & Development Director Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor File WZ00-02.MEM 7J00 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridee. Colorado 80215 Telephone 303/ 235-2868 FAX 303/235-2857 March 8, 2000 Mr. Mike Belt, P.E. Diamondback Engineering & Surveying 12640 West Cedar Drive Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Ridge Re: Sanders Warehouse Expansion,10201 West 49th Avenue - First Review Comments of Final Drainage Study Dear Mr. Belt, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents for the Sanders Warehouse Expansion project received on March 6, 2000 and have the following comments: Drainage Study (Discussion) Cover Page 1. Please provide P.E. seal and signature on the final approved report. 2. Please provide exact address of project. Drainage Plan(s) 1. Please provide (when appropriate) P.E. stamp and signature. 2. Please provide concise cross sectional details on the northern property line as red-lined, identifying the proposed cross slopes adjacent to the proposed detention pond area and the P.S.Co. easement, and the cross slopes adjacent to the proposed concrete wall. 3. Please note height of proposed concrete wall. 4. Please provide erosion control methods at detention pond outlet. The City of Wheat 5. Please provide a detail of the proposed outlet structure on the drainage plan. Mr. Mike Belt, P.E. Diamondback Engineering & Surveying Page 2 6. The required public improvements (curb, gutter sidewalk and asphalt patch) along the Miller Street frontage will need to be referenced accordingly to the street construction plan(s). 7. Please note surface type for side slopes of the detention pond. 8. Please note more clearly on the plan the proposed erosion control methods. Please provide 2 signed and stamped sets of the drainage report and plan with the second submittal. Street Construction Drawings 1. Standard, engineered plan and profile street construction drawings will need to be prepared for the required public improvements along the Miller Street frontage. For your information and implementation into the second submittal, a copy of the City's Street Construction Plan Checklist is included. Also, relevant City standard details (low impact handicap ramp, local street typical section, monolithically placed 6" vertical curb and gutter & sidewalk section, standard driveway and sidewalk chase), have been provided for implementation into the requested plan. Subdivision Plat 1.The proposed Consolidation Plat has been forwarded to Mr. John McGuire, P.L.S. for review. Any questions related to these plat corrections can be addressed to Mr. John McGuire, P.L.S. at 303-235-2858. Subdivision Improvement Agreement Upon City Council approval of the Consolidation Final Plat, a Subdivision Improvement. Agreement will need to be executed by the project owner/developer. For the developer/owner's information and review, a sample copy of this agreement is provided. Application for Minor Dumping/Landfill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Dumping/Landfill Permit, along with fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. For your information and submittal in the second review package, a copy of this permit is provided. Mr. Mike Belt, P.E. Diamondback Engineering & Surveying Page 3 Traffic Engineering Upon submittal of the required street construction drawings a review will be made by the City's Traffic Engineer, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303-235-2862. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Guarantee Prior to any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the ????Street right-of-way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate will need to be submitted for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, a letter of credit reflecting total costs of the approved cost estimate.plus 25%, will need to be submitted by the owner/developer for review and approval. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction of the public improvements, the necessary right-of-way construction permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Please return all red-lined prints with the second submittal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2868. Sincerely, Greg Knudson, M.P.A. City Engineer/Development Review Engineer cc: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Martin Orner, Planner File (3) SANDERS-WAREHOUSE-I.LTR aUBDIVISION MEMO AND CONTACT RECORDi CONTACT NUMBER: 1 DATE RECEIVED: 33=6, 2000 DATE REVIEWED: 3-16, 2000 SUBDIVISION NAME: Sanders Industrial Park ENGINEER: NAME: Diamondback Eng. & Surveying Inc. ADDRESS: 12640 W. Cedar Dr. Ste. C Lakewood Co. 80228 _ PHONE: (303) 985-4204 FAX: (303) NONE CITY REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN MCGUIRE REMARKS: 1: Need case history box. Case# WZ-00-02 2: Need vicinity map 3: Show Zoning on and adjacent to site Show adjacent Subdivisions. 4: Don't need attestation for Director of planning. 5: We have not seen the deeds for these parcels. 6: Change bearing from P O B to T P O B as redlined. 7: Would like to see legend and distinction for pins found and set'. 8: 9: 10: PLEASE RETURN ALL REDLINES WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: Jerald W. Richmond REMARKS: We probably don't need to see all the topo on the final plat. The corners identified as basis of bearing were set as street Monuments and not aliquot corners. There was no monument record found. Remove the reference to "George T. Sanders Land Survey Plat" from the Final plat The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or review agencies. You may respond to these comments by phone or fax. Please contact us prior to submitting new prints so that we may inform you if there are any additions or corrections that need to be made. < py ~ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO'" f - ; A W NE CENOIRYENER GIES COMPANY ^y e (..)60 Siting and Land Rights ly~ A 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 A J Telephone 303.571.7799 March 15 2000 ~ / Facsimile 303.571.7877 , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RE: 10201 W 49TH Ave WZ-00-02 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the above captioned project. PSCo has an existing 230kv electric transmission line and a 16" IP gas line located within this proposed development. Any crossings of the existing easement will require approved encroachments, which must be documented with a license agreement that must be executed by the property owner/developer and PSCo. Enclosed please find an encroachment application packet. Prior to any construction, please have the property owner/developer complete the application as instructed and return to Mr. Harry Swinhart for review at the following address: Public Service Company of Colorado 55015 1h Street, Suite 700 Denver, CO 80202-4256 If you have any questions regarding the enclosed application or the review process, please contact Harry Swinhart (303) 571-7292. Sincerely, Patty MGacni Contract Right of Way Processor cc: Harry Swinhart FA-K~A CV FC~ UTK -:51 )'a/()() ENCROACHMENT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS The Applicant for a proposed encroachment on Public Service Company right-of- way must complete the attached application form and return it, together with the required sketch (example attached) and any other maps and plans of the proposed encroachment to: Public Service Company of Colorado Siting & Land Rights 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denver, CO 80202-4256 Attn: I flti2y2v1 SIN 11PA21 < -Q25) 5 -31 Applications are processed as they are received. Most proposed encroachments require review and approval by Public Service Company engineering and/or operations staff. Typically, review and approval of a proposed encroachment takes 2-4 weeks depending on the type of encroachment and the completeness of the application. Upon approval of the proposed encroachment, Siting & Land Rights staff will prepare two copies of a License Agreement, or other encroachment authorization for signature by the Applicant. Public Service Company charges a fee for processing encroachment applications to recover its costs in doing so. The fee will range from $50.00 to $250.00 depending on the completeness of the application. This fee is in addition to fees for the use of Public Service Company lands, if any. After.execution of the encroachment authorization by the Applicant, both copies should be returned to Public Service Company, together with a check for the application fees and the land use fee (if any) for signature by Public Service Company. The proposed encroachment is not authorized until the encroachment authorization is signed by Public Service Company. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT ON PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY 1. Applicant Information: Address: Phone: Fax: 2. If Applicant is a business; Applicant's authorized agent: 3. Location of the proposed encroachment: Street Address: Section , Township , Range County Nearest Street or Road Intersection: 4. Public Service Company Facility: Electric Transmission Electric Distribution Overhead Gas Pipeline Other (type) Underground or 5. Describe in detail the proposed encroachment (height, size, materials, use, etc.): 6. Provide a sketch (use the attached form) which shows: a. The location of the proposed encroachment on the right-of-way; b. The edges of the right-of-way or easement; c. The nearest poles, towers, or other Public Service Company facilities. Attach additional maps or plan as necessary, to fully explain the proposed encroachment. 7. Schedule for the construction/operation of the proposed: 8. Has UNCC (1-800-922-1987) been called to locate facilities? Yes No Date Called: 9. Applicants Signature Date: (DRAWING EXHIDLIT_EXAMPLE.) i ~ N Q EXHIBIT CENTER LINE OF AA l0' LICENSE o FOR A 16"SEWER LINE (SL) ~~\J p / 50' PSCo. ROW \ A _ . r1 - - - E. y _ TWq 57 r E I I I E E O 5. 49 STP - E 4 E- E E 0 w -G G G Gam; G G 3 3 29 .A S_CALE.I=l00' l65' l PSCo. HP GAS LINE NPLAN VIEW l0 I v E 37 50, 3/ 32 E I [-4-- l50' PSCo, ROW i E 1 U C' „ ! 35.5 Q ~lIGHPRESSURE S"O E GAS LINE 24" b SL SL SL Q PROnFI , A I/ -SCALE: I 01 , ISCENSEE: INVESTIGATION NO Plb7GC ~ THE WR l TER CORP. . x x x sC° °1dO Putlb SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 4 S UTH RANGE 6 WEST SCALE: LINE: l2 PRINCIPAL. MERIDIAN ARAPAkycE couNTY. coI.GRADO DRAWN BY: X X X ChIFFT I of2 ENCROACHMENT APPLICATION EXHIBIT DRAWING FEATURES: 1. Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) right-of-way (ROW) boundaries. Line is darker and wider. 2. Centerline of PSCo facilities. 3. When appropriate show section comers and ties to comers. When section comers are not shown the distance between PSCo facilities and the encroachment facility must be shown. 4. The total ROW width and dimensions between the centerline(s) of PSCo facilities. 5. Location of PSCo towers, poles, underground lines. 6. When appropriate show roads, streets, streams, creeks, etc. 7. Location of proposed encroachment with distance from the nearest section comer and bearing when appropriate. When section comers are not shown show the distance between PSCo facilities and the proposed encroachment. 8. North Arrow. Always in the plan view on the right side of drawing. When the drawing is turned the North Arrow is on the right side next to the title block: 9. Title block information. PSCo will fill in boxes marked xxx. 10. Scale in the lower right comer as shown on the example or in the title box when appropriate. 11. Cross Section or ProfileView. 12. To be filled in by PSCo. LEGEND: E E Electric Transmission line transmits current up to 230,000 volts. G G High-pressure gas line that transports natural gat up to 400 psi or more. - - Rectangular survey section lines PSCo right-of-way boundary lines. - - Center line. ----ti, Ground Line (GL). Road Boundaries. Stream or Ditch. :ICENSEE: NO. L_ I Pyplp S.M-C-P-y COW"o SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE SCALE: LINE: MAR 15 '00 13:33 FR PUBLIC SERVICE-7TH FL303 571 7877 TO 93032352857 P.01i01 PUBLIC SERVICE C*AfPANY OF COLORADO P N£k'C£N7UfYfNF1GIF£C0M£PNr March 15, 2000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 RE: 10201 W 49TH Ave WZ-00-02 Siting and Land Rights 550 15Th Street, Sarra 700 Denver, Calorado 80202-x254 Telephone 303.571.7799 Facsimile 303.571.7877 Post-it' Fax Note 7671 Dare Tn , OIZ vu W, y Pram rTCNI K[. COJOSpt ~17I ✓I i Co. Pnans # Phone # Fas# 523 5} #a"# Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the above captioned project. PSCo has an existing 230kv electric transmission line and a 16" IP gas line located within this proposed development. A crossings of the existing easement will require approved encroachments, whinvch must be documented with a license agreement that must be executed by the property owner/developer and PSCo. Enclosed please find an encroachment application packet. Prior to anv construction, please have the property owner/developer complete the application as instructed and return to Mr. Harry Swinhart for review at the following address: Public Service Company of Colorado 550 15" Street, Suite 700 Denver, CO 80202-4256 If you have any questions regarding the enclosed application or the review process, please contact Harry Swinhart (303) 571-7282. Sincerely, Patty Gacni e Contract Right of Way Processor cc: Harry Swinhart TOTAL PRGE.01 i . - - C~ _7 - Z . l - - The Bayou Ditch Association 8975 Grandview Ave. Arvada CO. 80002 Re: case# WZ-00-02 Location: 10201 West 491h Ave (at Miller St.) Mr Omer, The lack of a drainage plan other than using our irrigation canal for a storm sewer and the apparent rerouting of Miller street and a 50'h street tie in without storm sewers in place would not be in the best interest of The Bayou Ditch Association or the environment. The plans sent to The Bayou Ditch Assn. for approval were lacking a drainage plan and allowed only one week for review. Therefore this letter will constitute an objection to the requested action. Clinton Dattel Ditch Rider Bayou Ditch Assn. City C~f VV"4Eak<-=,t mid F "a r 7500 West 29th Avenue Planning: Parks & Recreation: Public Works: Fax: Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Phone # (303) 235-2846 Phone # (303) 235-2877 Phone # (303) 235-2861 Phone # (303) 235-2857 DATE 3 6 0 Name: Organization: Fax: Phone: From: Dept: Subject: # of Pages Comments Planning ❑ Parks & Recreation ❑ Public Works ❑ Aa D e-12. (Including cover page) Z C/ , ~ / 0- J, rcra / ff Aj. Original to follow in the mail ❑ Yes ❑ No CITY OF ARVADA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 303 431-3020 PHONE A 303 431-3969 FACSIMILE TDD: 303 431-3917 March 27, 2000 Martin Omer Department of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Martin: The City of Arvada has received the referral for the Sanders Warehouse Addition Outline Development Plan, Final Development Plan, Consolidation Plat, and Rezoning of two parcels from Agricultural (A-1) to Planned Industrial Development (PID), Case No. WZ-00-02, located at 10201 West 49th Avenue. This property borders the City of Arvada to the north. The City of Arvada's Comprehensive Plan indicates the area to the north as Auto Urban, which is characterized by retail, office and industrial uses, as well as apartment and townhouse developments. The Ridge Home Urban Renewal Plan, adopted by the City of Arvada in August of 1999 (prepared by RNL Design), further indicates the area to the north as office uses surrounded by a greenbelt. The City of Arvada believes that the applicant has proposed an interesting building design for the proposed addition that has more of an appearance of an office building than an industrial/warehouse building; this building design will be more compatible with the proposed office uses to the north. The City's Traffic Engineering Division has the following comments: It appears from the information in the study completed by RNL Design, "Ridge Home Property Development Plan," that this proposal had taken into account the proposed realignment of Miller Street and W. 50' Avenue. Attached is a copy of Figure W-7: Traffic and Public Transportation Improvements taken out of the RNL study. 2. The realigned West 50' Avenue is proposed as a four-lane roadway. Right-of-way for this roadway cross section should be reserved. The City of Arvada appreciates the opportunity to provide input into the technical review process. If you have any questions, please contact me at (303) 431-3020. Sincerely, SSii ng-y Mlkrta, Senior Planner cc: Anna Welch, Traffic Analyst 8101 RALSTON ROAD A P.O. BOX 8101 A ARVADA, COLORADO A 80001-8101 Z V w C] v 9 0 m m m a W m m V C ~ U ry (n L N F ~ F U h Q N d z 3 a z ~ y i I 6uildiH i i 1 " ;aW;g uie ❑ ~Q laoils JOHN 0 c a a°i3 cm: o U 0' H c N ~ i ¢ 3 c VJ u N V E V m L n m L m s v o a Ev t o K am c n F wa z wa d e m O 036 , >,6 W C j r: 1. e ~yc 9 ~ C O O a' mE m ~ 0 U U ~ 5 ~i U J v i 1 fi K v E V6p C ity cif Fa"x F;,*Iclge 7500 West 29th Avenue Planning: Parks & Recreation: Public Works: Fax: DATE 2 Name: Organization: Fax: Phone: From: Dept: 5ub ject: # of Pages: Comments: M 6ez 3 yl .(Including cover page) Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 Phone # (303) 235-2846 Phone # (303) 235-2877 Phone # (303) 235-2861 Phone # (303) 235-2857 4 Original to follow in the mail ❑ Yes d ❑ No. Planrng ❑ Parks & Recreation ❑ Public Works ❑ I VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 9 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424-9661 FAX 424-0828 March 16, 2000 Mr. Martin Orner City of Wheat Ridge Dept. of Planning and Development 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Martin: Per your request, Valley Water District has reviewed Case No. WZ- 00-02, and offers the following comments: 1. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants and fire sprinkler lines may be needed to meet AFPD requirements. Also, existing water main lines and fire hydrants currently in place on Miller Street may need to be relocated. All work required would be at owner's expense. 2. Current tap size may need to be increased to meet water service demands. All tap fees and construction costs would be at owner's expense. 3. Valley Water District has adequate capacity to serve the development. 4. Valley Water District will serve the proposed development subject to District rules and regulations. 5. Owner must provide to Valley Water District any easements that may be needed to install water main lines. Easements must meet all Denver Water requirements. 6. Valley Water District will need owner to provide Valley Water District with a copy of combined outline and development plan and consolidation plat. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Robert Arnold District Manager 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Tele hone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge DATE: March 6, 2000 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for Combined Outline and Final Development Plan Consolidation Plat and Re-zoning 2 parcels from A-1 to PID at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by March 17. 2000. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-00-02 LOCATION: 10201 West 491h Avenue (at Miller Street) REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of combined outline and final Development Plan, Consolidation Plat, and Re-zoning of 2 parcels form Agricultural-1 (A-1) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) PURPOSE: Wholesale, Warehouse and Office Uses APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.9 Acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? See attached letter 2. Are service lines available to the development? See attached letter 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? - Yes - see attached letter 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? Yes - see attached Yes - see attached letter letter 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document. 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? Yes - see Please reply to: Martin Omer 235-2854 Department of Planning & Development Fax: 303/235-2857 attached r Completed by: , (Name, Agency/Department, Date) DISTRIBUTION: X-Water District (Valley) X-Sanitation District (Clear Creek) X-Fire District (Arvada) X-Adjacent City (Arvada) X-Public Service Co. X-US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X-TCI of Colorado X-WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X-WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X-WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. X-WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X-WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X-WHEAT RIDGE Building Division X-WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. X -Bayou Ditch Company "The Carnation City" 03/16/00 THIJ 16:28 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS U002 750 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridae, Colorado 80033 Tele hone 303/ 235-2846/1 DATE: March 6, 2000 The City of 1"eat Rid0- The Wheat Ridge Department of Communiry Development has received a request for C mined OutYewline and F nseDto el omen Plan Consolidation Plat and Rc-zonin 2 arcels from A-1 to PID at the property described b. resp te following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by March 17, 2000. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-00-02 LOCATION: 10201 West 49" Avenue (at Miller Street) REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of combined outline and final Development Plan, Consolidation Plat, and Re-zoning of 2 parcels form Agricultural-1 (A-1) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) PURPOSE: Wholesale, Warehouse and Office Uses APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.9 Acres 1. Arc public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? See attached letter 2. Are service lines available to the development? See attached letter 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? yes - see attached letter 4, Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? yes - see attached letter 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? Yes - see attached letter 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? yes - see atached 10 Y let r co: Maritt Omer 235 ?854 Completed by, ,Na Name, A - - artment, Date) Please reply & Development {Name, geocylDep Department of Planning Fax: 3031235-2857 DTSTRIBUTION: X-Water District (Valley) X-Sanitation District (Clear Creek) X-Fire District (Arvada) X-Adjacent City (Arvada) X-public Service Co. X-US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Sur Vey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation COlcrado Div, Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wasiewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Jeffco Health Department Ieffec Schools leffco Commissioners X-TCI of Colorado X-WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X-WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X-WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. X-WHEAT RIDGE Park dt Rec Commission X-WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X-WHEAT RIDGE Building Division X_WHEATRIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. X -Bayou Ditch Company "The Carnation City" 03/16/00 THU 16:28 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY. WATER DIS WATER DISTRICT VAL`LE rsz Y.O. BOX 9 i210I sNEEgT 52ND AVENUE V,7ffi AT RIDGE, 001 ORADO 80034 TELEPHONE 424-9661 FAX42"828 March 16, 2000 Mr, Martin Orner City of :cheat Ridge Dept. Of planning and Development 1500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Martin: Per your request, Valley Water Dcammentshas reviewed Case No. W2- 00-02, and offers the following 1. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants sand fire sprinkler lines may be needed to meet AFPD requ in place oexisting Miller water main lines and fire hydrants currently Street may need to be relocated. All work required would be at owner's expense. 2. Current tap size may need to be increased to meet water service demands. All tap fees and construction costs would be at owner's expense- 3, Valley Water District has adequate capacity to serve the development. 4. Valley Water District will serve the proposed development subject to District rules and regulations. 5. Owner must provide to Valley Water District any easements that may be needed to install water main lines. Easements must meet all Denver Water requirements. Water D Valley Water y of combined outline and developmentlplan and District with a copy consolidation plat. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Robert Arnold District Manager 10001 X 0 1 I I Arvada Fire Protection District Organizational Excellence In Fire, Rescue, and Disaster Services. , TO: City of Wheatridge, Department of Planning and Development FROM: Arvada Fire Protection District DATE: 3/20/00 RE: Plan amendment for a 30,000 square foot warehouse building expansion located at 10201 W. 49" Avenue. CASE NO: WZ-00-02 Sanders Plumbing The following are our site review comments; 1) Fire protection to this facility is provided by the Arvada Fire Department Station #2 located at 12195 W 52nd Ave., and Station #1 located at 7900 W 57`" Ave 2) Fire flow requirements for the proposed expansion to be capable of supplying 5,250 gallons per minute for a four (4) hour duration for Type II- N construction. Provide current fire flow information to support this. Additional water supply requirements may be necessary due to storage practices in existing areas. UFC 97 Appendix III-A. 3) A fire hydrant shall be installed and maintained within 150 feet of a fire department connection serving a sprinkler or standpipe system. Provide additional hydrant as required. UFC 97 903.2 amended. 4) Water lines and fire hydrants shall be installed and operational, and capable of supplying the required fire flow for the site prior to above grade construction UFC 97 901.3, 903.2, 8704.3. 5) Any code requirements arising from construction will be addressed. Kent "Sparky" Shriver Fire Marshal Arvada Fire Department 6503 Simms Street • Arvada, Colorado 80001-0060 • (303) 424-3012 • Fax (303) 432-7995 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge DATE: March 6, 2000 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for Combined Outline and Final Development Plan, Consolidation Plat and Re-zoning 2 parcels from A-1 to PID at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by March 17, 2000. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-00-02 LOCATION: 10201 West 49`" Avenue (at Miller Street) REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of combined outline and final Development Plan, Consolidation Plat, and Re-zoning of 2 parcels form Agricultural-1 (A-1) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) PURPOSE: Wholesale, Warehouse and Office Uses APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.9 Acres 1. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? 2. Are service lines available to the development? Y 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? Y 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect ap ov I this request? Please reply to: Martin Omer 235-2854 Com - Department of Planning & Development e, Agency epartment, Date) Fax: 303/235-2857 X-Water District (Valley) Xtitation District (Clear Creek) Fire District (Arvada) X-Adjacent City (Arvada) X-Public Service Co. X-US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X-TCI of Colorado X-WHEAT RIDGE Post Office X-WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X-WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. X-WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X-WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X-WHEAT RIDGE Building Division X-WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. X -Bayou Ditch Company "The Carnation City" IG75 GEORGE T. SANMRS a., WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS ESTABLISHED APRIL 1950 MAIN OFFICES 10201 W. 49th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-423-9660 1-800-284.0400 FAX •303-420-8737 SHOWROOMBRANCH 1910 So. Quebec Denver, CO 80231 303-750-4550 1-800-973-4463 FAX•303-751-7620 SILVERTHORNE 191 W. 9th St. Silverthome, CO 80498 970-468-8254 1-800-333-2547 FAX•303-893-0836 BASAL 0051 Valley Circle Basalt, CO 81621 970-927-2450 1-800-378-7473 FAX •970-927.2456 MONTROSE 116 Par Place Montrose, CO 81401 970-249-5960 1-800-898-3151 FAX •970-249.6772 FORT COLLINS 5003 Fossil Blvd. Ft. Collins, CO 80525 970-204-1450 1-800.848-1075 FAX •970-204-1422 HIGHLANDS RANCH 8040 Brandon Drive Littleton, CO 80125 303-791-5858 1-800.977-7369 FAX •303-791-5072 COLORADO SPRINGS 1960 Victor PI. Colo. Springs, CO 80915 719.591-5252 1-800-237.3509 FAX • 719-591-5254 LOUISVILLE 437 South Arthur Avenue Louisville CO 80027 303-926-8870 FAX •303.926-8861 March 13, 2000 Plumbing • Heating • Controls • Pumps Re: The George T. Sanders Company - The George T. Sanders Company is a fifty (50) year old family owned business located at 10204 W. 49th Avenue in Wheat Ridge. George T. Sanders was a 1925 graduate of Wheat Ridge High School. He opened his Plumbing and Heating wholesale business on April 1, 1950. In 1973, the current site in Wheat Ridge was chosen to build a 40,000 square foot warehouse and office. At that time, 49th Avenue was an underdeveloped dirt road. There were two (2) existing buildings, the Red Roof Hotel, which became the Ramada Hotel and is currently the American Motel. The second structure was a small bungalow east of the Sander's property and inhabited by and elderly lady. The Sander's company along with the Red Roof Hotel, deeded to the City of Wheat Ridge over 12,000 square feet of property, through a Quick Claim Deed. Both businesses then paid for the road improvement of curbs, gutters and pavement. Sander's company absorbed the cost that would normally have been accessed to the elderly lady. Sander soon became a leading source of Wheat Ridge's tax base. In 1988-89, the city diverted the traffic from 49`' Avenue by redoing the traffic pattern to Frontage Road. The cost to Sanders was accessed at over $18,000.00, and produced no apparent benefit for the company. The Sanders Company is now petitioning to build a 30,000 square foot bulk storage warehouse on its existing property. This extension would be incorporated with modernizing our existing building. The new warehouse will permit putting more materials under cover, it would certainly beautify the area, and there would be no increase in the number of existing employees (45-50). Many of these employees are Wheat Ridge residents. This extension will hopefully develop more potential for sales and be mutually beneficial for both the city and the company. Wheat Ridge had participated in our growth success as sales tax to the city has increased from $40,300.00 in 1995 to $77,000.00 in 1999. Since our origin, the George T. Sanders Company has expanded to eight (8) outlets though the state. The owner and president is Gary T. Sanders FROM PHONE NO. : 719 687 9003 APR. 07 2000 03:06PM P1 DAVID A. LANGLEY, ARCHITECTS P. 0- sox 5858 350 w. Henrietta woodland Park, Colorado 80866 719 687-3415 719 6873415 ❑hladed [I"i- red QPerywrReques[ ❑ Urgent ❑ Reply ASAP Please aammem ratai Pages, ;ndudng cover sheet nPicked Up Please Review TRANSMITTAL ❑He,ewlrh For yoar Inromwfio, d: !'St4 TNWRO(EI' .War.....1. Watr..Whr rt' 'Ta ~►o~T~ . E M~ iT"4L. . ~,.kg I v eA* aenv ar: AANkS 1041v, % FROM 1 0 fl ~S N` ul O, t ~ Lu Q l - ~ I PHONE NO. 719 687 9003 , APR. 07 2000 03:07PM P2 i -il- TL. ` utl t' iU t ~d4 z t~ p I 77 ~v ~ I\ ut t t. r o • 1 UI f.9 ~ II i +.11 W V n fS rv c~ ~i 1i.4 I z 0, D wR i --t r~ 1 21L f U i ~:z ` dl r cS a `J FROM : PHONE NO. : 719 687 9003 APR. 07 2000 03:08PM P3 O D r r 0 D rn W Uf cn _a N O D N C'S A O y 5 -0r-4r. 000 D nfDWC-- D DD2 > 0 rn rn D rn rn ~-WP~CA W ~ - vs ~W90 Opp, L 3r --z D A rnzrn ni ~ ~ rn Ul M 13 D Z1 b n rn z -I D ~rnX~ ~Dpz of - rn O 0 m A rn~ A ~m ~o i'N .gg D Y O G,",rQmw '1 N oz ~m m ~ m o [n z 0 m m niro ~M ~ O M TJ 7 l ..1 3 T) f m ( in Ca m q'D ir, F'- c: 'O-D'9 p ~Y DZ C~ T, F; Fri F- m f Fri 0 lll~ AVID A• (719) 687-3415 L p o. box 8 85 ANGLEY 3 50 w. hen etta AR.CWTECTS / 1 woodland park, Colorado 80866 80866 March 28, 2000 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80215-6713 Attn: Mr. Martin Omer Re: Case No. WZ-00-02 Dear Mr. Orner: MAR 2 y Thank you for bringing to my attention the letter by Clinton Dattel; the Bayou Ditch Association, stating an objection to the requested action. I have repeatedly attempted to contact Mr. Dattel at the phone number provided: (303) 403-4628, with no answer. The purpose of the call was to clarify and answer to the concerns expressed in the above referenced letter. Our drainage plan does not use their irrigation canal. Any rerouting of Miller and 50th Streets and their respective storm sewers is not in the control of this proposed project. It is my understanding that Mr. Dattel had reviewed the drainage plan with the City of Wheat Ridge whereby the lack of impact to the Bayou Ditch was expressed as well. Respectfully, David A. Langley DAL/II 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge DATE: March 6, 2000 The Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development has received a request for Combined Outline and Final Development Plan, Consolidation Plat and Re-zoning 2 parcels from A-1 to PID at the property described below. Your response to the following questions and any comments on this proposal would be appreciated by March 17, 2000. No response from you by this date will constitute no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. CASE NO: WZ-00-02 LOCATION: 10201 West 49" Avenue (at Miller Street) REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of combined outline and final Development Plan, Consolidation Plat, and Re-zoning of 2 parcels form Agricultural-1 (A-1) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) PURPOSE: Wholesale, Warehouse and Office Uses APPROXIMATE AREA: 3.9 Acres I. Are public facilities or services provided by your agency adequate to serve this development? y'QS 2. Are service lines available to the development? "ft 3. Do you have adequate capacities to service the development? A)9 4. Can and will your agency service this proposed development subject to your rules and regulations? Y es 5. Are specific easements needed on this or any other document? /J,~ 6. Are there any comments your agency has identified which would or should affect approval of this request? a-7~'G@ C.17 eC/ Please reply to: Martin Omer 235-2854 Department of Planning & Development Fax: 303/235-2857 DISTRIBUTION: X-Water District (Valley) X-Sanitation District (Clear Creek) X-Fire District (Arvada) X-Adjacent City (Arvada) X-Public Service Co. X-US West Communications State Land Use Commission State Geological Survey Colorado Dept. Of Transportation Colorado Div. Of Wildlife Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources Denver Regional Council of Governments Scientific and Cultural Facilities Dist. Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dist. Jefferson County Planning Dept. Completed by: _ Q 6 t ( e, Agency/Department, Date) ~3iooc~ Jeffco Health Department Jeffco Schools Jeffco Commissioners X-TCI of Colorado X-HEAT RIDGE Post Office dl{ WHEAT RIDGE Police Department X-WHEAT RIDGE Public Works Dept. X-WHEAT RIDGE Park & Rec Commission X-WHEAT RIDGE Forestry Division X-WHEAT RIDGE Building Division X-WHEAT RIDGE Economic Development Fairmont Homeowners Association Prospect Recreation District Urban Drainage and Flood Control Dist. Regional Transportation Dist. X -Bayou Ditch Company "The Carnation City" MEMORANDUM TO Martin Omer Planning and Development FROM Deri Patt Police Department SUBJECT Case No: WZ-00-02 DATE March 10, 2000 I have reviewed the plans for the above listed site. I have the following recommendations: LANDSCAPE: 1. All mature trees to be trimmed of branches up 6'-8' from the ground to allow for natural visual observation from surrounding areas to the parking lots and building. 2. All shrubs and bushes mature height to not exceed 36". This height reduces the risk of persons hiding. It also allows for natural visual observation onto the property both for the parking lot and building. 3. Plants/landscape immediately next to the building should be low-growing ground cover, not to exceed 18" mature height to allow for maximum natural visual observation and eliminate concealment for potential offenders. 4. There should be minimal landscaping immediately next to parking areas and sidewalks. Landscaping near vehicles and pedestrian areas often raises the perception of criminal activity. 5. Ground cover should not include rock material. Rocks can be used to break windows in the buildings and cars. BUILDINGS: 1. The building finish should be with an anti-graffiti paint or sealant. 2. The addition to the existing building forms a court-yard type area. This makes natural and casual observation of the covered dock, trash dumpster and main entrance more difficult. This become more problematic during night time hours and weekends when the business is closed. 3. It is unknown from the plans where the buildings have entrances and windows. Provided that there are several entrances and windows that would allow for consistent observation of the parking areas normal users and traffic, the parking layout appears to be adequate. If there are places around the buildings that do not allow for observation, the parking areas should be reconfigured to reduce the risk of criminal activity to persons and property. 4. From the site plan, it is not possible to review the interior layout of the building for any crime prevention recommendations. Page 1 of 2 SITE: 1. During construction, the property should be clearly posted with "No Trespassing" signs. This may help deter trespasses, and allow the Police Department to cite offenders with the crime along with any others offenses that may be committed by trespassers. LIGHTING: 1. Exterior lighting around the buildings and in parking lots should be a minimum of 1.5 candle minimum maintained. This will provide for brightly lit areas that discourages criminal activity due to the illusion/perception of observation and recognition. From these plans, I have no further recommendations at this time. Revisions in the plans, may alter my recommendations. While my recommendations do not guarantee a crime-free environment, it has been experienced that application of the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) will reduce the opportunity for crime to occur and will enhance the quality of life. Thank you. Deri Page 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM TO: Martin Orner, Planner, Business 5pecialiot Iki-I FROM: Dill Caosel, City Forester Y DATE: April 13, 2000 51-113JECT: Sanders Plumbing Addition Referral Per your referral, I have reviewed the Landscape plan portion of the above project. During my review I examined L1 (Landscape Plan) of the project. I reviewed the [lot of plant materials, plant sizes, planting specifications and notes on the drawing by the designer. The results of my review are ao follows: PLANT MATERIAL - all listed plant materials are adapted to Colorado Climate. Individual species and variety are well suited for this type of development. Due to the large size of the planting project, I will approve the large individual numbers of Ash and Hawthorn, ao they fit into the overall plan. 5PECIFICATION5 - All planting drawings and specifications are consistent with those of the Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado, and adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge Arboriot Board. Make sure working copies are more legible so instructions can be easily read. 51ZE - all plant materials are the size consistent with current city guidelines. NOTES FROM DE51GNER - I would like more information of protection of root zone of the trees along Miller 5t. Once protective barriers are in place, I would like to be notified oo I can inspect the project. Overall the landscape design will be an attractive asset to the project. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact my office. The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 Wheat 9R.idge March 28, 2000 Clinton Dattel Bayou Ditch Association 8975 Grandview Avenue Arvada, CO 80002 Subject: Case No. WZ-00-02; Sanders Dear Mr. Dattel: The Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department is in receipt of your un-dated letter concerning this application for development at 10201 West 491h Avenue in Wheat Ridge. I have spoken with the City Engineer who informed me he met with you and explained the drainage issues associated with the case to you. I have also spoken with the applicant's representative who informed me he has tried to contact you to discuss your concerns, but that he has not received a reply from you. With this in mind, the Planning and Development Department will proceed with the understanding that your concerns regarding this case have been addressed and that the Bayou Ditch Association is no longer in objection to this development application. If you are in disagreement with this conclusion, it is important that you contact me immediately so that your concerns can be addressed prior to the case proceeding to the Planning Commission hearing on April 20. My direct telephone number is 303-235-2854. Sincere y, arts Omer, AICP Economic Development Specialist cc: LC ase File WZ-00-02 David Langley (303) 234-5900 • ADMINISTRATION FAX: 234-5924 POLICE DEPARTMENT FAX: 235-2949 SUB DIVISIDN MEMO AND CONTACT RECORD CONTACT NUMBER: 1 DATE RECEIVED: 33=6, 2000 DATE REVIEWED: 3-16, 2000 SUBDIVISION NAME: Sanders Industrial Park ENGINEER: NAME: Diamondback Eng. & Surveying Inc. ADDRESS: 12640 W. Cedar Dr. Ste. C Lakewood Co. 80228 PHONE: (303) 985-4204 FAX: (303) NONE CITY REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN MCGUIRE REMARKS: 1_ . Need,:. case ..historv!box. Case# Wz-00-02 2: Need:~vicinirty map:- 3: Show Zoning :on"and adjacent to site. Show adjacent Subdivisions. 4:_ Don't need= attestation for . Director of planning. 5: We_have not seen the deeds for these parcels. Change bearing -fromP.O.B to T.P.O.B. as redlined. 7: Wou=lkd,like to see' 1'egend and'distincti.on_for pins found and set. 8: 10: _ PLEASE RETURN ALL REDLINES WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: Jerald W. Richmond REMARKS: We probab'lV don't need to see all the..topo-on-the final plat. The corners identified as.basi:s of bearing, were setwa& -street Monuments and not aliquot.corners. The-re,was-no--menument record-found. _Remoue_•the,,,reference,to,."Geor.ge T. Sanders Land Survey Plat" 'from the Final--plat: The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or review agencies. You may respond to these comments by phone or fax. Please contact us prior to submitting new prints so that we may inform you if there are any additions or corrections that need to be made. 06/ :W14 Vr Eed j ... <,G aral Partner x NORMAN P. SANDERS a CO., OP A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVIDED o 1/2 INTEREST Norman P. San ere General Partner - { .n r" sTAT,� ,cOIlJ -ADO ) eE . ,... - ';aa / 'j'�9 foregoing instrument was acknovladgad before me this -da 1989 by Gary T SanQeza as general partner 5 `••;6X.'` +'cAR ro,T. ANDERS A CO., A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INT'2RP$T: Witnoss my hand and official 948'1. My commission expires: 4033.40 Nnai 7 it NOCAiy Publ O ,suer W K4 L.,,NF It.'KJa� Ca 47073 STATE OF COLORADO : S5: COUNTY Of ..The foregoing i:Istrumant was acknowledged before me this 'f•` dal/ of �_ Lin, , 1989, by Norman P. Sanders as generA} partner. ', of NORMAN P. SANDERS A CO., A PARTNERSHIP AS To AN ONGFX3 /2 INTEREST. "' my hand and official Deal. + %� "!SM� commission expires: N••J No ary Publ ecu I;q 440 F - 69 - 006S560 07/20/89 13:20 S/ 2 O C DEED v �! FELICIA hUFTIC - DENVER COUNTY 30,90 .00 RECORDED IN ! 1 r COUNTY OF JEFFEROON 7 .STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 69067759 1 6J�Zp p TN DFE➢ De /09/89 0911 16._00_ II GARY T. SANDERS R CO., A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST AND NORMAN P. SANDERS A CO., A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST, whose address id 10201 Nest 49th Avenue, wheat Ridge, Colorado 90030, for TEN D=AM and other geed and . valuable coneidaraticn, in hand paid, hereby quitclaim to SANDERS NARENOUSE PARTNFR3HI:', a Colorado general Partnership, whose addraso is 10201 Neat 49th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80030, the real Property in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, legally described On Exhibit A attached hereto, Which is also known as 10201 West 49th Avenue, Wheat Rid9e,.Calora4b 00030, with all improvements located thereon and all appurtenance& thereto or used in connection therewith. SIGNED this . d ay of• 1999. _ GARY T. .SANDERS i Co.; A PARTNERSHIP. AS TO AN UNDIVIDED _ 1/2.I REST t Sy dn e s s �-, a 0 o`yu Me • �' 3 '' RECORDED IN �j �/'� 2 � ,,��• OF JEFFERSON STATE �; �� U ✓I , STATE OF COLORADO NECED II ON NO. N0. 990 oO136M �D. ( m/ - 02/16/90 10 e26 to.00, OUTTCLIIM_ OEE11 GARY T. SANDERS L CO., A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST, AND NORMAN P- SANDE eddza a o., 10201 N ERSHIP S Ava AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST, wh Wheat Ridge, Celerad, 00030, for TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable Consideration, in band paid,, hereby gUitOlalM to SANDERS WAREHOUSE PARTNERSHIP, a Colorado general partnership, whose address in 20201 West 49th Avanua;•.Wheet Ridge, Colorado 80030, the following real property in the County Of Jefferson and State of Colorado, legally described on Exbibit A attached herato, which is also known as 4920 Millar Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033, with all improvements located thereon and all appurtenances thereto or used in connection therewith. '•I�l ; ".- - SIGNED this day of t- ,. 199o, G ARY T. SANDER a Co. ` 1 ) �A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 ZNT, ST By, g, �Z •x Ga an . argil Partner '• � 1 4 F= NORMAN P SANDERS a CO. C� A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVICED 1/2 INTEREST - S W p. Sanders General Partner STATE OF COLORADO ) /u'+• .. so F a COUNTY OF + The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1 ////j day of /+� °• - - , 1990, by Cary T. Sanders as goneral partner of GARY T. SANDERS i Co., .A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST. + "" WITNESS by hand and official seal. - My commission expires: ,:/ // Notary Public ' 'STATE OF COLORADO ) ' COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument wan acknowledged before me this Sri day of �'•••''••- 1993, by Gary T. Sanders as general partner H of NORN P. SANDERS i CO., A PAR2NEA5{SIP AS TO AN MA UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST. WITNESS my hand and Official seal. My commission expires: r:i y i Notary Public "Q 90013679., V RECEPTION NO- t.. EX11IDIT A ;hat pert of the SR1/4 SE114 of Section 16, Township 3 South, gang. 69 Res: of f Cho 6th P.M., County Of Jefferson, State of Colorado, oaseribed as follows! %$irning ac w point on the Vast line of the NW1/4 SE1/4 SEI/4 of said Section 16, aid point being At the intersection of said Vast line and the Southerly line of Public Sarvi:a Company of Colorado right of way descr Lbed In Deed recorded in Book 74: at Page 56, Jefferson County records; thence South along sold W..t Iron and parallel to the centerline of Miller Street, 70.0 fast; Chant, East and lea rs ilel with th, South line of the 10114 SB1/4 SEI/4 of said Section 16, 220 feet; thence North parallel to the eenterl Lne of Miller Street a dL.tanee of 111.0 feet. ours or lets to a point on the Southerly lfns of sstd Bignt of Way described in gook 744 at Page 56; thence Southvssterly Along raid Sauch,rly line 231.0 fast. ao re or lass, to the point of Beginning. EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within Miller Street, County of Jefferson. State of Colorado. RECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION N0. 90047639 02/16/90 69:30 10.00 J 1 \1) OUTTC ATM DEED GARY T. SANDERS L CO., A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST, AND NORMAN P. SANDERS i CO., A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN (:::DIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST, whose address is 10201 West 49th Avenue, -Cr- Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80070, for TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, hereby quitclaim to SANDERS WAREHOUSE PARTNERSHIP, a Colorado general partnership, whose address is 10201 West 49th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80030, the following real property in the County of Jefferson and State * of Colorado, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto, whioh V is also known as 4900 Hiller Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80011, with all improvements located thereon and all appurtenances thereto or used in connection therewith. SIGNED this 1 day of ~IVG( , 1990. GARY T. SANDERS L CO. 'V A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST . 'Jiy 9 N C' y Dy. Gary I'. ban ers Ge ral Partner NORMAN P. SANDERS i Co. A PARTNERSHIP AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST Dyl.: Norman P. -Sanders General Partner STATE OF COLORADO ) ) 66. COUNTY OF ) The forego'_ng instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1990, by Gary T. Sanders as general partner of CAR'Y T. SANDERS b CO., A PARTNERSHIP AS TO A14 UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTERF.P.. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Rotary Public (R ell) STATE GE' COLORADO ) 6R. C^'jl;V1 OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1990, by Gary T. Sanders ns general partner of NORMAN P. SANDERS & CO., A PARTNERSHIP AS TO 1/2 INTERCSr. WITNESS my hand and official Seal- Cy rnr.mission expires: - iNotary Public lzen,j 1 t6 F p B • h A 1 ~1 t7 A°~ That part of the Nwl/4 561/4 Sel/4 of Section 16 Townah West of the 6th P.M., County of Js fferson,'1tdW of C follows: Cotviancing at the point of intersection tet.`.t S61/4 Sal/4 and the Sm¢horly right of 1, way.,of~jt Northwestern Railway Company right of way *a'deacribeC I of 0M Jefferson County records; thence South on the Was $91/4, 70.0 feat to the 'Prue Faint of Seginaingi Chance the Souch lint of said WI/4 561/4 SS1/4, 170'.fast, uutorly line at property described In gook 1015 at Page County record,: thence Southerly, along said W61terly li lose, cn t1,e SoocL 1toe of raid RWI/4.$91/4 SRI/41 thane South %in*. 170 feet to the Southwest earner of said NW Northerly, along the Nast line of said Stl/4 Bel/4, }30 the True Point of beginning, EXCCPTINO TIieRRFROM the back 155 at Page 129 and in Book 1049 at, Page 393e of records, and :trip along Southerly ' line 11conveyed Highvaya, State of Colorado In inatruunt recorded on Receptl:n No. $1066912, Jefferson County records.xV Jg . 5 r ; n St~l Y i iikv ION NO. 90073639 S f t. ip '3 South Range 69 oloredo,':. deaeribod as he Vast lino of oaid he `-forTet Donvet and n gook .125 at Paga 23 t lin. of % said Sgt/4 , Easterly parallel with more- or lose, to the 254 ofthe Jefferson no. 130 feet, more or o woatetly,'along raid 1/4 S91/4 Se1/4; Chen feet, more or lore, to portions described in the -Jefferson County - to ` the Department of Ssptembor 10,"•.1981 in z X11 S. .,U ,gal 4 > ir,P.n MAR. -0'' 00ME) 16:1-, GEORGE T. SANDERS r" ; WHOLESALE DIST" 0 MRS SSMUSHFOAPAX 1930 MAIN OfMig 10201 W.4MAva- Wheat Rid". CO 80033 ' 423.8640 1000-264.0400 FAX-420.8737 SHOWROOA4MRANC!! 1910 So. Quebec 106mro4 CO 80231 7504850 FAX • 751-7820 SIL TNORNI?, 191 W. 801 SL Silvemome, CO 80498 468-8254 1-800.333-2547 FAX • 893-MG JASALT - 0051 Valley Chile 0a9a8, CO 61421 927-2460 1.800.378-PIPE FAX • 927-2448 MONTROSE 116 Par Place NloAtrese. CO 81401 249.5980 1-800.898-7151 • . FAX • 24947.72 f _ FO COLONS 5003 FasW 3NtL FL C0610e, CO 50826 204-1450 FAX • 204-1622 8040 _.L864t09, 008012 }{r%:. 761-6666 FAX • 791.•61M TEL 303 420 8'3' P. 001 a~py8 • AF ontrols pump; FAX #_(303) 420-8737 • KIPLING OFFICE FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION SHEET DATE: NUMBER OF PAGES:_1 INCLUDING COVER SHEEET TRANSMISSION TO: (3~3) ®Z 3s`= ~~S Z FROM: AAA PLEASE DELIVER TO: r if /I 4r n p r SUBJECT: If yon 44 not reeeive all the pages, please cap (303) 42379660 or 1-800-284.04 COMMENTS: MAR. -01' 00ME) 16:18 GEORGE T. SANDERS CO. TEL_303 920 8737 P.002 Bammerlin County Treasurer JEFFERSON COUNTY COLORADO C - , 06 100 Jefferson County Pkwy. Golden, CO 80410.2520 (303) 271.8330 - Office PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Well site httP://Co.Jafferaon.so.us/dptttreasAreaa.html NN TAX DIST. 3113 SCHEDULE NO. 042789 1999 TAXES PAYABLE 2000 DOING BUSINESS AS: PROPERTY LOCATION FIN. INST. 4920 HILLER ST SEC.TWN.RN6.0TR. SOFT. LAND BLK LOT KEY BOOK PAGE TAX AUTHORITY TAX LEVY • TAX AMOUNT " SCHOOL 16 03 69 SE 18992 061 90013679 SCHOOL GEN 33.0530 429.97 SCHOOL END 12.7080 139.92 COUNTY CNTY OEN'L 14.0550 154.76 DEV DISABL .4600 5.06 RBS SRVCS 3.2430 35.71 • SOC SRVCS 1,6570 18.24 CAP'TL EXP 1-9230 21.17 - LIBRARY 3.3260 36.62 CNTY OTHER .0220 .24 WHR 2.1730 23.92 AFO 8.0000 138.08 UDFCD .6550 7.21 VWO 1.5820 17.42 REPRESENTS A TEMPORARY MILL LEVY REDUCTION INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY VALUATION DUE FIRST HALF TAZ LEVY • PULL AMOUNT ACTUAL LANG 37,980 ED 489.16 DUE APRIL 30 2 ASSESSED LAND 11,010 DUE SECOND HALF ASSESSMENT PERCENTAGE JUNE 489.16 88.8970 978.32 _ II 1111 ~I I IIII I,l IIIVIII IIiI'lI I If II III"l11 ~lI1 O1111I"I{PI *********************AUTO**S-DIGIT 80033 SANDERS WAREHOUSE PARTNERSHIP 10201 W 49TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-2211 IF PAYING IN PERSON BRING ENTIRE TAX NOTICE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. DETACH HERE AND RETURN THIS COUPON WITH PAYMENT MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Jefferson County Treasurer TAX PAYMENT 1999 PAYABLE 2000 DUE FULL AMOUNT 978 .i2 APRIL 30 OR DUE FIRST HALF 36 489 FEH . 2B SCHEDULE NO. 042789 SANDERS WAREHOUSE PARTNERSHIP 10201 W 49TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-2211 MAR.-07'OO(TUE) 16:18 GEORGE T. SANDERS GO. TEL:303 420 8737 BobBammerlin JEFFERSON COUNTY COLORADO County Treasurer 11110Jc1larson County Pkwy.' : Golden: CO 80419-2620 ` (303) 271-6330 - Office PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Web site http,/ica.Jefferson.co.ue/dpVtreasiveas.html 01 nc n41AL90 1 GGG TAYFA PAYART.F 2111110 P. 003 DOING BUSINESS AS: PROPERTY LOCATION 4900 MILLER ST FIN. INST. SEC.TWN.RNG.OTR. SOFT. LAND OLK LOT KEY BOOK PAGE TAY AUTHORITY TAX LEVY • TAX AMOUNT SCHOOL 16 03 69 Sr; 14680 018 80013639 SCHOOL GEN 39.0530 332.34 SCHOOL BND 12.7080 108.15 COUNTY CNTY GEN'L 14.0550 118.62 DEV OISARL .4600 3.91 R&8 SRVCS 3.2430 27.60 SDC SRVCS 1,6570 14.10 CAP`TL EXP 1.9230 16.36 LIBRARY 3.3260 28.30 CNTY OTHER ,0220 -1R WHR 2.1730 16.49 APO 8.0000 68.08 CCVW&S0 3.7280 31.73 UDFCD .6550 5-57 VWD 1.5820 13.46 • REPRESENTS A TEMPORARY MILL LEVY REDUCTION INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY VALUATION DUE FIRST HALF TAX LEVY FULL AMOUNT E APRIL 30 FEB 393.95 DU ACTUAL LAND . , , , , , , 29,360 , 20 - ASSESSED LAND . 8,510 DUE SECOND HALF NE 95 393 92.5860 787.90 ASSESSMENT PERCENTAGE 16 . RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 9.74% ALL 9T"C" nmwl-nI. - IIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIII,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIII111111IIIIIIII *********************4kUTO**5-DIGIT 80033 SANDERS WAREHOUSE PARTNERSHIP 10201 W 49TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-2211 IF PAYING IN PERSON BRING ENTIRE TAX NOTICE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. DETACH HERE AND RETURN THIS COUPON WITH PAYMENT MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Jefferson County Treasurer TAX PAYMENT 1999 PAYABLE 2000 DUE FULL AMOUNT APRIL 787.90 90 OR DUE FIRST HALF' 393.95 FEB 2a SCHEDULE NO. 043420 SANDERS WAREHOUSE PARTNERSHIP 10201 W 49TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-2211 M,AR. -OT OO ME) 1618 GEORGE T. SANDERS GO. TEL:303 420 8737 Bob Ba nmerlln JEFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO County Treasurer 100 Jefferson County Pkwy. - Golden, CO 80419.2520 (303) 271.8330 - Office PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT Web site http://co.Jefferson.co.b9/dpt4reaelfraao.htmf t.r 1106 eeumUlcHn. 063635 1999 TAXES PAYABLE 2000 P. 004 DOING BUSINESS AS: UNNUMBERED LOT 1 PROPERTY LOCATION 10201 W 49TH AVE FIN INST. SEC.TWN.RNO-OTR. SC.FT. LAND ELK LOT KEY BOOK PAGE TAX AUTHORITY TAX LEVY • TAX AMOUNT SANDERS INDUSTRIAL PARK PUP SCHOOL 8 053 05 965 12 16 03 69 134165 0001 68067 788 SCHOOL GEN . 3 0 . . SCHOOL END 12.7080 4,215.62 COUNTY CNTY GEN'L 14.0550 4,662.46 DEV nISABL .4600 152.60 R&S SRVCS 3.2430 1,075.80 SOC SRVCS 1.6570 642.68 CAP'TL EXP 1.9230 637.92 LIBRARY 3.3260 1,103.33 CNTY OTHER .0220 7.30 WHR 2.1130 720.85 AFD 8.0000 2,653.64 CCVW&SD 3.7290 1.237.02 UDFCD .6550 217.28 VWD 1.5820 524.80 • REPRESENTS A TEMPORARY MILL LEVY REDUCTION INDUSTRIAL FIRST HALF TAX LEVY • FULL AMOUNT PROPERTY VALUATION 9 DEB 356.77 15 DUE APRIL 30 ACTUAL LAND AND BUILDING 1,143. 00 2e , ASSESSED LAND AND BUILDING 331.730 DUE SECOND HALF 5860 54 713 30 PERCENTAGE JUNE 15, 356.77 92. . , ASSESSMENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 3.74% ALL OTHER PROPhRIT zo•evx I1,1',1I,It11 ~I l1f~~11/"~I1~1~11I11t, 1111, 11 ~~11 u,I1J ~~1111f **-A******************AUTO**5-DIGIT 80033 SANDERS WAREHOUSE PARTNERSHIP 10201 W 49TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 800332211 IF PAYING IN PERSON BRING ENTIRE TAX NOTICE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. DETACH HERE AND RETURN THIS COUPON WITH PAYMENT (HAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Jefferson County Treasurer TAX PAYMENT 1999 PAYABLE 2000 DUE FULL AMOUNT 713.5k 3O APRIL , 30 OR 0UE . FIRST HALF 356.77 15 FEB , 38 SCHEDULE NO. 043435 SANDERS WAREHOUSE PARTNERSHIP 10201 W 49TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033-2211