HomeMy WebLinkAbout11255 W. 46th AvenueRIGID COMPONENT SYSTEMS, INC. 4005 NORTH VALLEY DRIVE PHN: 720-652-4600 LONGMONT, COLORADO 80504 FAX: 720-652-4819 J / oo pZiA 1,J330 lJ, 1u w~J CJ J~OKP O NEN ;J 'P EJC'IrFJIrC' [rQ 1 Address: g Ya8' permit: The Issuance of a atit or appFad d ans,s s Project Address: 11255 w shall not bea poN for, or area ®alof,anyelolatIonto any of the prom sofrhehu ordlamm, Col®rad* asumingtog6aeauthorgy utolateorcaned theprosi of ft htgcoda or other ord ' esoftheCRYsh onotbe a . Prepared Pura Tim Phillips RCS Project No.: JB0814T Truss installation layout and detail drawings accompany this document. ~.y APPROVED Subject to Field Inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Date z'r1' ' s J r~ ~ (5igndd ..Plan Checker RIGID COMPONENT SYSTEMS, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS Truss Installation Layout and Details .......................................................1, General Information ............................................................................IT- Truss Standard Detail Drawings (Alpine) M. Truss Standard Detail Drawings (Simpson Connectors) ................................IV. Engineered Truss Component Drawings V RIGID COMPONENT SYSTEMS, INC. Ire n ~ r_ N II N Un Un J J Z U:Dp L~H 2mZ o (D U)< o_ ~pw U) OM Iwo a`) C N U a~ O U C a ~ o rn 0 N O Oca N ~CIN Of U co ui _i cc4 WO W W Z W ~pp65Q D p W U Qp JOB NO: JB0814T PAGE NO: 1 OF 1 RIGID COMPONENT SYSTEMS, INC. IJ N 11-lelm GENERAL MUMS OF ROOF BRACING FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES PLANOS DE TECHO EL ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3x2 Y 4x2 Trusses are not marked i any frequency tre or of mere Q Refer to I Maximum lateral brace rig Fellow the Follow the recommendations Summary 10' o.c. for 3l 3x2 chords hords 2 and 4x2 parallel chord L-usses. Installing to to Ell and d temporary brad - m aw et t and 5 15' o.c. for 4x2 Chords Diagonal braces Refer 1-0 Guide de to God Od cepto mosses de cueNas phenolates 3x2 y 4x2. Permanent Bracing 10' °r every 15 truss H dl'ng I st II' & QQQ0Q for Parallel Chord d ~gW d Trusses for Tm~~s for more spaces (30' max.) Coned information. information. Truss Design Drawings may spa ry Lateral Brace (TCTLB) Spacing permanent bracing on indivicJstre Temporal tie Is Cuerda Superior Vea el s6m i members. Refer to the B 10'o.c. max. SCSI-e]-Arr'ostre te rm h e - Me red 0 pies maximo permanents de ' R for more inform The end diagonal permanent bracing design is th 8' o.c. max. trusses brace for cantilevered of the Building Designer. 8 pies maximo & r e £ pars mayor trusses must be placed Lateral braces G o.c. max. informai on vertical webs in line 2x4x12' length lapped pr. The consequences of imp 6 pies maximo with the support. over two trusses. worse, serious personal rsonal in4 pies s m6x!m maximo and bracing may be a Coll 4'e INSTALLING - INSTALACION El resotado de on manej than 60'. inadecuados, puede set Is t ins Tolerances for Out cf-Plane. -Toleandas pare Fuel de-Plano. aUn pea, muertos 0 hand p -'r L n9tb pal a.. Beer Max.I W Len th m g Leng~h -act Leng~h 3/4" 12.5' Max Be- 7/8' 14.6' Tolerances for 1' 16.7' Banding and truss plates Out-of-Plumb. E2 Q gloves when handling an 1 1/8° 18.8' -Poemi pat 1-1/4" 20.8' cutting banding. faced-de-Plomatla. - 1-3/8" 22.9' Empaques y places de an o Plumb afiladds. Use guantesyI `/bob 111T 25.0' come los empaques. 13/4 292' Repeat diagonal braces. B/sB maz „y ~z 2" ?33.3' HANDLING Repiro 1°s amostres diagdnales. CONSTRUCTION LOADING - CARGA DE CONSTRUCCION Q Allow no ore N .,,ith spacer pieces, then add diagonals. Repeat Do not proceed with construction until all bracing is securely than 3" ofm dii d Maximum Stack Height to,,, trusses unfit all trusses are set. and properly in place. tidn for every 10' p for Materials on Trusses of span. at ends trusses Can espatladores, piece !as arriostres No proceea con la construction haste qua modes los announces materiel Height (a) is procedimiento an grapes de cuatro trusses esten colocados an forma apropiada y seagura. Gypsum Board 1z' kisses delen lrearoad.s. Plywood or OSB 16 ° Do not exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BCSPB4 asphalt Shingles 2buIndies ® 51mm ry Shoot - Construction, Loading , for more information. Gonclete BI°ck 8^ No exceda las maxlmas altura5 recomendadas. Vea el rer6men Clay Tile 3-4liles high 3CSt-84 Cards d Constraccart pare mayor internal to e ~ ® Do not overload small groups or single trusses. No sobrecargue peque"nos grapes o trusses indruduales. Q Pick up vertical Lev a Place loads over as many thh S as possible. bundles at the sup top chord. vest Coloque las Donbas sabre tzntos trusses Como sea Beside. Diagonal braces l-7( Peahen loads over load bearing walls. every 10 truss z spaces (20' rein Coloque las cadges sabre las paredes s°phos ntes. ALTERATIONS - ALTERACIONES e chord and web members not shown for clarity. Q Refer to BCO-B Sumproary Sheet Truss D l b 't Modifications and I tall t' Mane, Vea el BC61-135 D " tl t Modifficaciones; an 15 Ob yEmotes de kirt reen6men n®.~ BROS SECUNDARIOS Do not cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a truss unless - specifically permitted by the Truss Design Drawing. No come, altere o become ningun miembro estructural de los trusses, a metes qua axis especificamente permiddd an el dibujo del diseno del truss. ONE WEEK OR LESS No p Trusses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Manufacturer's prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void. ull r: ti v >r Trusses qua se ban sobreczrgadc durance Is construction o ban side alterades sin una autorizaden e;y previa del Fabricante de Trusses, pueden reducir o eliminar Is garantia del Fabricante de Trusses. NME The Toss ManufacNrer and IIUx Designer must rely on the fad that the coutrzMrand crane operator (f app are le) are a doodles stOlEd en the WbletoundelbkethewwkMWhaveag,e donna particular protect The contractor should seek any repurN ass stance speed, f~7( conswceonpmdlre5fmmammwwntpaMThemeMwsampoceduresoWlnmarentemedmecsurethatmemeallc wumot I~ 1 weak or mod should in [xhngees empower roll put floor and men homes into place SAFELY. Mme renmmendadnns far handling, Insti and hradng wood at Vto 10'on come- - Diagonal braces inters are based oust the mlleloo experience of leading technical impouneJmmewomtress'via°rtn, butmetcueMMenat°reM every 10 truss respon.drues Involved, be presented only as a GUIDE for use by a gaatet Buddhist designer or Bre-tdonpaddistwm mntradsr It¢ out Los paquetes aI acena spaces (20' max.) intended hat Mere recommendations he interpreted as strati or he any design spmflcatmn (preydad W either an ArdfMCt, Engoeep Una semam, o mas deb" the Building derignep Use EMIoponaterahon Contra dar or oMerwise) for handling, Installing and bating woW trusses and it does not proth de the use of offer equNalent methods for bedding and providing saaNlhy (wife walls and columns as may to determined by Can blodues a coda 8 0~ promises ErecEOMtstallafion Contractor Thus, the woad Trva councilor Amodio and the Tress Plate Inectune evpressly chadem arty e chord and web members not shown for clarity. 'rswnnbild"r damages arising rmm the use, appgradon, or usiame on the leammeneauopsand information mnpmed harem. than g term orate, vent m Q vent moisture gain but YV%- 'al Pam almacen-amiento S VERY IMPORTANT WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE cubm los paqueiES pa 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madison, M $3719 218 N. Lae St, Ste. 312 • Alsio ndira, VA 2M4 dehumedadperoperrrj- ES MUY IMPORTANTE! ® 608/274-0849• www.woodereepom 703/683-1010• www.tpmsdorg 'CONTINUOUS Lr1TERAL RESTRAINT! Gable End Frames and Sloped Bottom Chords :Close LATERAL CONTINUA DIAGONALNEM'E! Armazon,, Hastiales Y Cuerdas lnfereforee, Pendleftes Reinforcement 0 The Gable End Frame should always match the profile of the adjacent trusses to permit installation egundarias Indivlduales of proper Bottom Chord Plane restraint & bracing. apdetedry metal reinforcement and stacked web products provide an El Armazon Hastial siempre debe encajar of pedal de los trusses mntig ev; pars parmitir Is inste- lacion de Restrlccion y Arriostre de to Cuerda Inferior apropidda. Professioarzo see metal patermer do y production be miembros segundarios MOVER creative pars resistur el torcer de loo miembros segundarlos. at Camara i ESTRA' ATERI Common stress-gr Matenale Mro1al Slecketl modemg 'Stab Series, em P tlud Web mem m .,,b. red unless more specific information is provided. u- usada a mends que information made especifica Soma provisto. Whadrerhme 2x4 90% of web ar The sire aid all 2x6 Samesaides noted to within too Glen propi met 2x8 and grade or 6- of end of der, (0.101lMd - 2-2x4 beaerthan web member, 9Vbe oplan' PERMA 2-2x6 web member whichever is t 2-241 grea er ARRIOS e oil nails(O.t20x3') at fi"on unterto atlech minfoaementto weti a) prev a) merl mo m b) helps c) resists 0 Some Truss Manufacturers mark the locations of the web Lateral wind a " Restraint or reinforcement on the truss using tags similar to those J Arriostre at left. + Algiall Eabneadates de Trusses maran on el truss has ublcacepnes porque, ! de refuerzo o Restriction Lateral de miembros secondaries usando a) ' miamt; miemb etiquetas similares a lass a Is izquierda. r Le) ayuds total C)resliste Fasten OS8 to 12minp viento @ 3" o.r on edge. 6' sketem Bldchsheeting o. c. in Haiti wM So 1111 OUtHgger at 24' on nudoSB edAes wimin 4' ceder. Clip to Gable Top Chose Z Trusses r of Gable Toni Z with HB Win0)ad. 1. Top Ch 2. Botts, ity BlockbetawnpNlooker, Fasten 3. Web M to Gable Top Cheraw/10d Tonnaib Trusses r ,usse @ a-P.c . d chance, e .28VP Gable Top Chord 1. Plano n9 at L-Reinte rcementan Gable an and at 2. Plano Ves as specified by Truss . ran back 3. Plano Me, facWrer. le. r [ ' eg abe Truss oga0le ~ WARNIO .Pn verticals a present d S h l in. a ~ BeBO t fid toll d0m t etrGSS, d o Chad to Top TOp CM1Ord w/ Chord (4)IDd Chad will buckl~ n each entl. (rvP) design. iADVER7 Clip end s,1 Lateral flestmim 2x4x8'S YP lateral Strap Gable Tim to Gable Bottom Chord wan ~ el muss, C . nl Beatrai@4B". is awtlwall was (2) H2.6 w/(B1 Bid. ling Faslenedto earn MSTA12 with (8) tOSe2n( Goals Bottom GSOrd. per truss w/(2)1Ed 10d@48 so, mends Pro d/Or common. Earden to top plate w/10il me nail, @ 8" no. WARNING! - Do not install a Flat bottom chard Gable End Frame with adjacent tresses that have a sloped bottom chord. Adequate opening of this condition is very difficult and often impossible. IADVERTENCIEV No postage on Amazon Hastial de console inferior plena ron courses Contiguous que b'ereen one execrate inferior pendiente. Arriostre adecuado de esta condition as muy dific!I y a menudo impossible. PERMANENT BRACING FOR SPECIAL CONDITIONS ARRIOSTRE PERMANENTE PARA CONDICIONES ESPECIALES Sway Bracing-Arriostre de "Sway" WAI 9 "Sway" bracing is installed at the discretion of the Building Designer to help stabilize the truss system and minimize the lateral movement due to wind and seismic loads. Arriostre be "Sway"estop instalado per Is dencrechon del Disenador del Edificio pare ayudao an estable ixer el sistema del trusses y Para minimizer el movimiento lateral d,bido a screws be viento y cargas 51rea as. 0 Sway bracing, if continuous, also serves to distribute gravity loads between trusses of varying stiffness. Arriostre des "Swag si es Cambodia, tambien es usada Cara distribuir bear cargas days grovesdaid note, Cusses de rigidez variance. obvinve-we Permanent Restraint/ Bracing for the Top along the anal Chord in a Piggyback Assembly Reshiccidn/Ardastre Pennanente pars Is Cuerda Superior en on Ensemblaje de Piggyback 0 Provide restraint and bracing by Repeat Diagonal • using rows of 4x2 stress-graded lumber Bracing at 10' CUR and Diagonal intervals or less, Bracing, or asspecified. • connecting the CLR into the roof diaphragm, or • adding Structural Sheathing or Bracing Frames, or • some other equivalent means. Proves restriction y arnostre par. • boards, filar de 4x2 CLR modem graduada por esfberza y Arriostre Diagonal, o • coneCtando el CLR al diambegma del techo, o • anadlendo Entablado Estructural o arm zones de creamer, o abounds ones methods equivalentes. CLR at on the Truss Design Drawing 14 Refer to the TED for the maximum assumed spacing for attaching the Lateral Restraint to the top chord of the supporting truss. Refies, al TDD Para of espaciamiento maxima supuesto pare sujetar IS Restriction Lateral o am- molded a IS cuerda superior del muss soportante. 1. PERMAI - R The TDD provides the assumed thickness of TOP CH Diagonal Brace to roof Diaphragm blocking Cap the restraint and minimum connection require- 1, ARRIO Tmsses menu between the cap and the supporting truss 1. 0 ion TDD as Gable End or restraint. to LAN ~ Q Use plywor ",a cargas Frame woad or'cartons adicional Rand CLR required only EI TDD proven el grosor supuesto be to restric- braee Im idasar cargas Diaphragm if Bracing Frame or cion y low requisites see dimen ion mfnimos entene he vienro y/o Blocking Structural Sheath- IS Cape y el truss soportante o Is restriccior. Use caner anon arriosfre (OSB) o y Ing is installed 13 If Diagonal Bracing is used to restrain the San arni Disenador del HOnzanorca at ermittentl y CLR(sb repeat at 10' intervals Crops speci- L- RemfrcemeN The Truss Bracing Frame fietl. Please thoroughly check all Construction motion on, or Structurel Documents as closer spacing may be required. El Dibvj Dhboho d Sheathing Si Arriostre Diagonal as usado pare resfringir Ef intimated 7Bottom Chord Supporting - sell CLR(s), repents en interemlas de l0 pies cuerda su F Lateral Restraint Trusses o coma especfficado. Par favor revise con tweeds, todos loo Decadences, she Con ntemicion Q Fastener Gable end/wall permanent Diagonal Bracing. porque espadamiento may cerc na, pusses set sheathing'. Locate in line with boom Chord permanent requencre. mg code CLR or as specified by are Building Designer Ef diamond Grano par " provlsed, v 0 Some Truss Designers provide general design tables del Edand details to assist the Building Designer in determin- ing the Bracing required to transfer lateral loads due to W I r~ CHORD am the Gable End Frame into the roof and/or ceiling diaphragm. TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE de pervasion tables y dembes be dlreflo generates pare assfir of Dlsefla- 6300 Lifetime, Lane • Madison, W153]19 218 N. Lee St., Ste. 312 • Alexandi2, VA 22314 2. ARRIO r el Arriostre regoerldo pare poser cargos laterale5 decides a Curfews 608/274-4849 • www.andndu ftimpom 703/683-1010 • wombplnefor9 DE lA as del Armazon Hastial at datbragma de/ torte, 83WE611x17 0]0209 RIGID COMPONENT SYSTEMS, INC. S _ A DRAWINGS (Al Dine I -11-ei , .0 d' 10 N co c0 ;0 M E"' d v plc Pao \ O j'i7 O U Go q~ W t~ Z- i~ m 2~ m m m m i~ co i~ q w ch t7 Fa F ~r z ch a:,~ d a w z m a:. q ra i co N r- r- Z• co Z- co 2~ a 1 MMMMwMC~c~MMMMM z A rn Z a z z O 02 Lq ~c~~ ~ zz z m W q -I V~ 10-, M zoo O o Uqw o as Wa~~ wasu x z Z h-i 6 W W qW '°I''~Neffiu« .~o~. t°m a mz p W~ . W"E NVIV k„~~e a7 di m m ..1 54 wz~ ~O ' w ~g "'o, W. 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Efi. uwi~..3 M I O l g~ z S ~.9~ ° W o rn° ° I d'x~ ~dag' 7.` I 6 a2N €b`Z a p~FCF.7 U24 O w W: N -.4 0 w a z ws$:~ W-M-U n-al MWW WMzF E U "14 p4m E E°6E- LQUO'~ I ~o U- MWCa \y~w00 00 'a Caa ME03E W x - zEWzzz 2 rc~ wawa x wo o 7.w wz Q E-2O 4" awcnna w 0 ?o a w a ~ O1 ~ r i W ~ a a o -k w ~ M O M M - o 0 0 P: w I x a ~ o a c m . r, z 00 ~ M o co ~ IN 0 LO w M p+ in r mi to m a x M a w ~ 't 0~ z ~ M It in o z z o 0 F z ll-~ 4_12 0 E>9 [l O V N ~r oz a > m cQ m o q cry " N ° yam" A 4 VI ~m O W o o a m waaw PEI 112 U IEL. W W W W PG p a a a p z q} O p q c7 `'w .v,:a 0 0 0 0 m m F C,J ~ W q aM'3 N t0 ry m w H W a l F Rl W E rl F F-I "a~1 ~`TI E O z pq W p - Oq 0-- El a02 W U U w z "a OW° r~+0 0 mZ qF 8m rnV ~Fd' aO W¢ > CQ C-2 E- UR 9~E4 0.'.q u O v0 "w= F¢ ¢ p m Q ~ ~i It F 14 w di W W%,0 P'. m q z I.''~~k g~ma co 00 Z 6 r N V-1 ° W z fQ~~ Pp~~ Sg& 5 btl ~ : 0 a M M W M O O cI2 W pv... m z M V, :D w I_ x o w ~~kW ~wsa . y to ro m ~ mow ~ ryry;; E" x r,;, > oa~a >'.1"a 'FS'. z O 0' m Mimi i-7 rm.. im. 0.W1 'd vo F (q~ .m.7 m a Ew' F Mimi ~Oss6 w F CO r4 02 w ~E, w w Exx mp .7~ z a qz 6` ~ i Jas M i c~- ..N o -Itz Z w x w j='~~s s 1 O ' x~, ww F w E" o z aE Z- I dg ¢ M pa x w W o~ >z m m o Ow pa rw P, z~ air H E w w w > e F w m m H E m 'G =gig ~'PrjhE °a a H x a A o ¢ w rz~ W a~~ E-M x x M E M w , cti ° ° a a~ 6z U c°i W m a d a a F ml~~ ar<~»~W~ 02 CQ F-) U U A~ 5"q E F W E E w F S4 F w Pw. z ''p'I `Eel IPFII°,O NI a m w¢ O O X F Ed B~a ~a U rail F W U m a w P: O z 'iII,+TMa~S~~G 118-03Mp xWwa P. paw ~ranm~ ~ °h Ewa Ew ma g to yy++ W F X W W U ~o fL' R3 d w 0 W P4 x x CLEF ' W¢ v U p~y+ 'o o O O ~r-77 C7 E" g p4 z° p E .M.. U W rc LL r4 04 P. 9 pa::) C) Omm0 o0 a am ~02 a w~ X ~zz xz ¢ z~ CQ CV NCQ w w ~ww "w w F F o z El Qo. 6~~Q z z Pav wv WG¢+C¢. 014 H fl O R Uj O f:~ M C001 z m to a7 C:7 ~CW+7 W ~ WQ=o W Oa O O E. W f'. U " C7 U' a7 rn M q P a W z E .0n E47"-~ ~ ~ W I~u F a~ W P4 j XO w w M oW w ao a, as '.7 a s 0a ° O P E ~ 6 a. E pro II'.,I:i A A I c5 o CQ a 0 -IG~, w w w w .'~.7 W 07.E ° a z 0 w x t,p M M M M a r. a M ° W p 0 0 M O E II;I. a a a a ti p, z " w a o E' I. o o z- 60L) W W wa o 6a o (s ad C O R .I:a m o o ,~G_qzqz xxw EO M 0S > E SC E-'~ m :C^l .r .r ~n C~2 lnC00 W z M 0 w U ME W A7 N°° m °vj, L1 Na M O~ W ]U W ZQ 0 O -1 z 54 a a x o C:160= Z MEN M w Im A E Fz a= "°J O A~ H W WW Y' N W o 0 0 a w 0 u C.) u O a w~ 7 M 114!4 z P O z En E M M E =,M rn E- p a w Q S d a z w WMQ~ O M E- t =p x 0 dH M 0 0 Q a+ cy a wo-oz~ w p aW Val 0.01 M .~EJa° a x E 0 a V' w vv F--I U x 6 O d O E yE. (w/1''a M .[V-i a V~1 m s0 t~ P4 W w 0.°1 vai > a E~ a W V \ p:aw a f(w>ywwwy~~77 ?VV~°~w U1 M~zx~7mr °a CPL. 0 O 66 z~ ~~N' w zr7 a MOMR z 0 H a a m w M w X .!in $ O INms + an + E- IN W a X59 gA g ids i 051 "M -IN.. I MI E~7 E £ E 3t-' "a k, wpb" k Egn w O zM xE M "'..~~~±±5'~4 <3g6y~S a q W m aq z w o° < E ~-i W zE+ W Co. % /I, p P.PQ I W- =0 F A HEM cti zEe M I w o 10, M M W m +N :n~rc ° °~ewb<xtl° a w a W M W w n ~udtu d M ~ M O x' 0 0 OI 'K' iC ° ~~4' 0.ai ° VWl 'ili K3' H i.H.0- EHfi m I a a P. x Wc+.f eN PWG 4,00 apA L 1 0 00 OE Cx~d N W M~ tV~ M a w a z w 0 w X AAM rip' x 0(/0J O M" k sMt ° Z p° lic a wo o0 M E<vv 6w ::9.14 xx' E ¢ 00 P, E ~E+ad'w" w o E0 " U~l an RIGID COMPONENT SYSTEMS. INC. J ~o 0D p JA TJEj~ TPERRU US` CJ O ~1 r ;J'E, NPEJC'IrFJIrC,fI'JtrOl Prepared For: Tim Phillips RCS Project No.: JB0814T Truss installation layout and detail drawings accompany this document. APPROVED Subject to field Inspections I I Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Date..`z f. J Signed Plan Checker 4[705 NORTH VALLEY DRIVE PHN: 720-652-4800 LONGMONT, COLORADO 80504 FAX: 720-652-4819 Truss Installation Layout and Details .......................................................1, General Information ............................................................................XT, Truss Standard Detail Drawings (Alpine) M. Truss Standard Detail Drawings (Simpson Connectors) ................................IV. I Engineered Truss Component Drawings V. RIGID COMPONENT SYSTEMS, INC. 11. TRUSS AINS~ALLATION LAYOUT AND TAI Im C RIGID COMPONENT SYSTEMS, INC. IMe CJ GENERAL NOTES Trusses are not marked in any way to identify the frequency or location of temporary bracing. Follow the recommendations for handling, bracin of r t usses. ry 9 installing to pan Poui Refer t° BCSI Quids t G tl P cti f Harding, I stad ll' t4 B' g f M I PI t Connected Wood Trusses for more detailed informaHOn. Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of permanent bracing on individual compression members. Peter to the BC2&B3 Summary Shed - Web Mb P [B g/fib Ran5cmement for more information. All other permanent bracing design is the responsibility ofthe Building Designer. NOTAS GENERALES Los busses no estan mandates de ningGn modo qua identifique la freaencia a localization de Jos arriostres (trading) tentPogles. Use las recom endastees. manedJ, i nstalacion rani y ostre temporal de dos trusses. Vea at falletp Quaf d Buena P "R' IM i cars yArrests de lins, Theses d Madem ban Md Places de Metals Pam mayor information. Los dibujos de diseho de los uses pueden especificar fare Jocalizaciones de dos crashes permanente, en dos miembros individuates an compresion. Vea Is hi resomen B I-B3 I artistes t v Patterson de Jos cam "embros olecundarfos f b) pay mayor informal El resto de arriostres permanentes son la responsabi]idad del DJse"nador del Edificio. 0 The consequences of improper handling, installing and bracing may be a collapse of the structure, or worse, serious personal injury or death. El resultado de un manejo, instalaclon y arriostre Inadecuados, puede ser Is condo de Is estructura c aon peor, muertos 0 handles. Bantling and truss plates have sharp edges. Wear Q gloves when handling and safety glasses when cutting banding. Empaques y places de metal nation bordes Effects. Use guards y lentes protectores pushed torte dos empaques. HANDLING - MANE30 Q Allow no more No permits mas A Use special care in than 3" of deist- de 3 pulgadas de windy weather or don for every SO' Partaken par dada 10 near power lines ofspan, pies de Uamo. and airports. to to' d M o ONEWEEKORLESS MORE THAN ONE WEEK a sy- 05 EM Q Bundles stored on the ground for one week or more should be wised by blocking at Bite 1U' on center. Los paquetes almacenados an Is Berra per una schema o mad caper, set alevados con btooues a coda 8 o 10 pies. Q For long term stooge, never bundles to pre- vent moisture gain but allot for ventilation. Para almacen-entiente per mayor Berri Luba Its paquetes pars prevents aumento de humedad Pero permits ventilation. Unifies cuidado especial en dies ventosos o cents de cables electricos o de aeropuertos. Spreader "fdr truss bunQ Cheek banding Revise dos empaqus prior to moving antes de mover Its bundles. paquetes de trusses. ® Avoid lateral bending. - Evite Is Flexion lateral. ® Do not store No almacene unbraced bundles verticalmente los upright. trusses sueltos. ® Do not store on No almacene en uneven ground. tiers desigus. HAND ERECTION - LEVANTAMIENTO A MANO 1: 7f Trusses 20' or Trusses 30' or ' _-q_ LI less, support less, support at , 1 • - at peak. ' quarter points. Levante Levante de del pro los P dos a l as de n d me dos de 20 I~ P musses ses de 30 Les o meow. .I F Trusses up to 20' pies a Pounds. Trusses up to 30' s Trusses hasro 20 pies s I ~russes hasty 30 pies HOISTING - LEVANTAMIENTO Q Hold each ws` in position with the erection equipment until tenlporsry bracing is installed and fuss is fastened to the bearing paints, Sostenga dada truss an position con Is BILE hosts qua el arriostre temporal este instafado y el truss aseguirl en dos soportes. ® Do not lift trusses over 30' by the peak. No ]events del pico los trusses de mas tle 3D pies. Greater than 30 Mars de 30 ones HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS BY TRUSS SPAN RECOMMENDACIONES DE LEVANTAMIENTO FOR LONGITUD DEL TRUSS 60' or less Approx. l/2 y truss length Tagline TRUSSES UP TO 30' E TRUSSES HASTA 30 PIES Toe-in , Spreader bar 1/2 to _ 2/3 truss length Tagline TRUSSES UP TO 60' TRUSSES HASTA 60 PIES Locate Spreader bar All above or stitlback /LL 10'o.c. max, mid-height J Spreader bar 2/3 to Tagl F 3/4 truss length ine TRUSSES UP TO AND OVER 60' TRUSSES HASTA Y SOBRE 60 PIES BRACING - ARRIOSTRE Refer to BCS S Sheet - Tinstalls- tam and TAmpQrsarv B . , for more information. yea el r BCSt-B2 - I g its Trusses v 6BEQ re Temporal pars mayor information. ® Do not walk on unbraced trusses. No carmine an trusses sueltos. Q Locate ground braces for first truss directly in line with all rows of top chord temporary lateral drool Coincide dos arriostres de tierm pars at primer truss air ectamente an Linea ran cads una de las files de arriostres lateoles temporales de la cuerda superior. Brace first muss well W erection of nal trusses. Top Chord Temporary Lateral Bracing (TCTLB) min. BRACING FOR THREE PLANES OF ROOF EL ARRIOSTRE EN TRES PLANOS DE TECHO This bracing method is for all Q 9 trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord musses. Este metodo de arincetre es Para dodo tresses excepto busses de cuerdas paralelas 3x2 y 4x2. 1) TOP CHORD - CUERDA SUPERIOR Truss Span Top Chord Temporary Lateral Brace (TCTLB) Spacing Longitud de Tramp Espaciamiento del Arriostre Temporal de Is Cuerda Superior Up to 30' 10' o.c. max. Haste 30 pies SO pies maxima 30' to 45' 8' o.c. max. 30 a 45 pies 8 pies maximo 45' to 60' 6' o.c. max. 45 a 60 pies 6 pies maximo 6" to 80'* 4' o.c. max. 60 a 80 pies* 4 pies maximo 'Consult a Professional Engineer for trusses longer than 60'. `Consulte a un ingemero pars trusses de mas de 60 pies. Q See BCSI-82 for TCTLB optlons. Vea el BCSI-62 palm las opcones de TC LB. lateral braces 2x4x12'length lapped over two trusses.. Diagonal braces every 10 truss spaces (20' max.) 10'-15' max. Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. 3) WEB MEMBER PLANE- PIANO DE LOS MIEMBROS SECUNDARIOS Web 1, - ~ - ; ~ ~N Diagonal braces y every 10 truss ' ' spaces (20' max.) 10 -15 max. same spacing as bottom chord lateral bracing Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. tyDIAGONAL BRACING IS VERY IMPORTANT ® iEL ARRIOSTRE DIAGONAL ES MUY IMPORTANTE! BRACING FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES EL ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3x2 Y 4x2 Refer to SCSI-B7 Maximum lateral brace spacing S ~mmarv h t e 10' o.c. for 3x2 chords - Tempdrarv and Regal Evelyn j5, , °r 15' O.c. for 4x2 chords Diagonal bodes 1b every 15 truss for Parallel Chord spaces (30' max.) Truss, pc for more Information. Vea of sum n 8 SI-B7 - Arrest pQgg permEm x anents de The end diagonal trusses de c-Midas brace for tantllevered paralelas pare mayor trusses must be placed Lateral braces - - informi on vertical webs in line 2x4xl2' length lapped with the support. over two trusses YNSTALLYNG - INSTALACION Q Tolerances for Out-of-Plane. -Tolerandas para Fuera-de-Plano. russ m- Length ->I door. BOw4 - Mar Bow MaxBow. TLength om - 3/4" 12.5' U- ~U © Max Bow Length -emu L 9g' 7/B" 14.6' Tolerances for I D/50 D (ft.) i 16 T OuPOPPlumb. 1-1/B 4" 1' 168' nPlop a Tolera zda ° 1/2" 2' 1-1/4' 20.8' Fuent-de-Plom uem. Plumb 3/4' 3' 1-3/e 22.9' bob 1 p 1-112 250' 1-1/4" 5' 1-3/4" 29.2' 0/50max 6' 2" d8' CONSTRUCTION LOADING - CARGA DE CONSTRUCTION Q Do not proceed with construction until all bracing is securely Maximum Stack Height and properly in place. for Materials on Trusses No precede con Is construction hasta qua toads dos arriostres Material Height(b) eaten colocados en forma apn iada y segue. Gypsum Beam 12' Plywood or 05B 16" ® Do not exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BCS[-84 Asphau shingles 2 bundles Summ Sh t-C t cF L d for more information. concrete Block a" ess QanQ No expects Ids maxlmas alttRas recomendaaas. Vea el resume Clay Tle 3-4 files higM1 SCSI-04 Cargo de Construct on pars mayor information. ;Sz~ 4a:~~t ® Do not overload small groups or single trusses. No sobscargu , peque-nos gropes in trusses individuales. Q Place loads over as many musses as possible. Coloque las cargas solids terms trusses canto sea posible. Q Position loads over load bearing walls. Colognes [as camas sabre Its paredes soportantris. ALTERATIONS - ALTERACIONES Q Refer to6 Summers, Sheet - TssDamneder ] b'[ M d'fi C dI II C E yea el ,6M,n B LE D- ta trusses, MOdifteadicines en Is Ob tl lastalacidn, ® Do not cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a truss unless specifically permitted by the Truss Design Drawing. No cotter altere o petters ningGn miembro estructual de Its trusses, a menos qua aide especificamente permitido en of dibujo del despite del truss. M7 Q Trusses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Manufacturer's prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void. Trusses qua as han sobrecargado curare Is construction o han side alterados sin una autian" ion previa del Fabricante de Trusses, pueden reducer o eliminar Is garani del Fabricante de Trusses. NOTE: The Tmss ManuracW:er and Truss beelknet rated mi or me not that Me contractor and cane soerstw (irandrzblel are m- Ne or mr oama9ea arisi ng rmm me ose, appumdon, or sarsom on We reemmendannom aadddd herder a, Contained herein ~ A - R b l WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madison, WE 53719 218 N. Lee St, BR. 312 • Alexandira, VA 22314 608/2744849 • www.vdvAtrm,.com 7031683-1010 • wwa.toinstard Q Pick up vertical Leviand de is coeds bundles at the superior los Brutes top chord. vertical. de trusses. RIGID COMPONENT SYSTEMS, INC. STANDARD TK-mUJSS DRAWINGS (Al vine opz mu.. W L) Ups UWEW a ~c UE-ZW Q r4 13W XU❑❑ 0 wE z J2 w C4 x ° dtn Wo z U a E S m . F p QWQE W ~ w0. z ~o aW~ Off" Ua a w ~ IffC~ GCfCGC~~~]]]]]~~~ Zz Q WW E':) IQ EO z ~W4C7E- ~a o a wwW z w EE-ww~ - o o JUj .d E r/I z15 QZ z a W W H ::3 Ch W Wpa.,N pa:W y~+ ~C Q c ~ ~ r z z C U U E.E- E ' W O w EUF Ad z 5 w WZ ~W E W c a 'QM LaL~ C7 QGy WClw UUz d j °E - IWW CE/l 0&,o -IMM mw yQa c a wa E- a zz z 6 o~' pa UW h . m UQcnU W dd F7 a f dP ~ wmoW p (ss] zr o r. W W QE zzey Ex°Z z M. zd urn aC3 a M92,, W ~mzE ue E" E ~c7Q [s . U at w G5w p 1--IQ~ z ~W AEI ~ QZ ~ ~ W W~W C4 6W W FEO R . W m PL. x m w X a ~ o W p" , m o m m co ° CQ c o w In w i cQ o w o P, co w co m w r~ ak M m x m w a n A ~ N Cm7 d' .-i Cn ~k ~k ~ 9k a M n m z 02 w H o c m W w ~ rn CQ co ~ O Wz C%2 m 't m ~ o RE, „zo„aW O Bch I I I I I ~ L m 2 El n, P o a G] IF+ O U W l r W C7 Ch W E il ~ q q l i Q o U a W Up ou Z IL Q dx 0 ~ m wo u~ w i0 s a E f a ~6 0 z v m ti 34 XI CQ M wO w E. V E- aA'. z a W t.'.3 z C CD Ch 0 F 3 z a Qir< mil:a-taw ~ v2 ~ ;la: A A I a CA IDZ 'M 02 rM El E, M M E, CO E- C'I U zrno m w a w-:C M C42 UFO ~f2'i6 0. .M^.E E-M W ~E E~ c4 6 ,_d ° °csy F rn 'q 1011 DONE .4 t~ Z, El a d c" W ° e>a gmQ>Qwa R_ to 'M A Q~ a E N .W7 z Ram P4 0 t--i co cJ a7 W O 0 CI2 w° W A Ad~ o W F y A Wx F~w v m E a' ~m W a z ~~a ~ U E-xO d ° ,iNG"2 Pq E" F z :".~m'a6 z w o r$ o. a E F o M 219$ M Ul FF a a. P. pa a a a rwA °y u P4 NaP-1 ikU cJ ~ x x a00 ww z0 w E F ~ E F q Fz . 0~ CO 01 ll~ 03 w w a 9z E E 6 M 04 0.1x° ak a W x NN o W t0 2y ? 0 Va]fP~/J N ~w EO..E r0. X W W E- ma ro a: C4 0 aat a a 00...777 c7E NO 0 51 -EI 02 PLI 9z 06 10 .O^.U LUJ ai a W00 U x a w~ mwwm v v xzz xa Q =Z9 C1 N W rA W W U a w s F E- _ aai cFn o0 wO 0 0 oac Oa ~Wv~Q z z www Ea. a it WARNING! Disregarding Permanent Restraint/Bracing is a major cause of truss field performance problems and has been known to lead to roof or floor systems collapse. fADVERTENCIA! Desculear at Amostre/Restnccf6n Permanents es one taus, principal de, prob- lemas de rendemeento del Codes an cameo y liable conondo a llevar at derrumbamiento del sistema del bacho o peso. ® WARNING! Spans over 60' may require complex permanent bmc!ng. Please always consult a Professional Engineer. IADVERTENCIA! Rands mas de 60 pies precision requerir arriostre permanents compleeo. Per favor, sfempre consults a on Ingencernal Prophesier RESTRAINT/BRACING MATERIALS & FASTENERS MATERIALES YCIERRES DE RESTRICCIONIARRIOSTRE a Common restraint/bracing materials include wood structural panels, gypsum board sheathing, stress-graded lumber, proprietary metal products, and metal purlins and straps. Matenales commands de amostrar/restrenglr incluye t Pali estructurales de madera, entablado de year, madera produces per esfue¢a, pmdeates de metal pakentados, y vigas be soporte y Liras de metal. 0 Use rows of continuous Lateral Restraint with Diagonal Bracing, gypsum board sheathing or rigid ceiling. Use files de Restriccfbn Lateral Continua (CLR) con Arfosens Diagonal a entablado de peso 0 Cacho ngfdo. 10 The TDD provides information on the assumed support for the bottom chard. El TDD province information score el soporte supuesto pare to aueda inferior 0 Install bottom chord permanent Lateral Restraint at the spacing indicated on the TDD and/or by the Building Designer with a maximum of 10' on center. Ireland Restriccfbn Lateral permanents, de to cuerda inferior or espaciamfento ledicade en of TDD y/o par el Diseflador del Edfficio con un maxima de 10 pies an el canton. Diagonal Diagonal racing/ Bracing Bottom Chords 2x4 stress gatletl iced (0.1281 4 it (0128k326) led (0131x35") 2I NrTi 10 x6stress-gradetl 10tl(0128 n Mereaachment raga rromna may M specified by Me Truss Designer or Balding Designer The sue antl attachment for bat ng materials such as wood structural panels, gypsum boom sheathing, proptlaary metal testa Mlbrac ng products, and metal puRns and strips are provide by me Building Designer. PERMANENT BRACING FOR THE VARIOUS PLANES OF A TRUSS ARRIOSTRE PERMANENTE PARA VARIOS PLANOS DE UN TRUSS o Permanent Bracing is important because it, a) prevents out-of-plane buckling of truss members, b) helps maintain proper truss spacing, and c) resists and transfers lateral loads from wind and seismic forces. Arrfostre Permanents as importance pooh e, a) imports at forcer fuera-de-plano de Are miembros del truss, b) aims, an mantener espacamfento apropnado de los trusses, y c) resnste y pass lace caress latencies de, viento y fuerzas sismfcas aplicadas at sistema del truss. 21 Trusses require Permanent Bracing within ALL of the following planes: 1. Top Chord Plane 2. Bottom Chord Plane 3. Web Member Plane Trusses requferen Arrfostre Permanents dented de TODOS log sigueentes planes. 1. Plano de in Cuerda Superior 2. Plano de is Cuerda Inferior 3. Plano del Miembro Secundarie WARNING! Without Permanent Bracing the truss, or a portion of its members, will buckle (i.e., fail) at loads far less than design. iADVERTENCIA! Sin Annabelle Permaiment, at truss, o on parte de los miembros, Corcoran (es,. falearan) de cargos muchas mends qua las cargos que el truss cas diearad, a Ilevac 1. PERMANENT BRACING FOR THE TOP CHORD PLANE 1. ARRIOSTRE PERMANENTE PAPA EL PLANO DE LA CUERDA SUPERIOR 0 Use plywood, oriented strand board (058), or wood or metal structural marlins that are properly braced. Use contrachapado, panel de Areas reciprocal (OSB), o Ngas de soporte de madera o metal due son arriost edos apodpiadamente. 23 The Truss Design Drawing (TDD) provides infor- mation on the assumed support for the top chord. El Dibueo del Dnseno tle truss (TDD) provee infcermacidn score of soporte supuesto owed Is cuerda superior. O Fastener size and spacing requirements and grade for the sheathing, purlins and bracing are provided in the build- ing code and/or by the Building Designer. EI taman"o de sierra y requisites de, espaciamfento y grade Para at entablado, vigas de soporte y arriostre son provocateur en of cadge del specifics, Dbo per el Dfsen"ador del Edfficio. 2. PERMANENT BRACING FOR THE BOTTOM CHORD PLANE 2. ARRIOSTRE PERMANENTE PARA EL PLANO DE LA CUERDA INFERIOR Lateral Restraint 2x4xl2' or greater lapped over two trusses Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. Lateral Restraint and Diagonal Bracing used to brace the Bottom Chord Plane. 3. PERMANENT BRACING FOR THE WEB MEMBER PLANE 3. ARRIOSTRE PERMANENTE PARA EL PLANO DE MIEMBRO SECUNDARIO Web Member Permanent Bracing collects and transfers buckling restraint forces and/or lateral loads hold from wind and seismic forces. The same bracing can often be used for both functions. Arrfostre Permanents, de Los Mfembros Segundanos rerogen y pasan fuerzas de restncn6n tle torpor wle cargas laterales de viento y fuerzas slsmicas. A menudo at mismo arriostre puede ser usado pea ambas f enabones. Individual Web Member Permanent Restraint & Bracing Restricci6n y Arrfostre Permanents de Mfembros Secondaries Individuales 0 Check the TDD to determine which web members (if any) require restraint to resist buckling Revise or TDD pare determiner couch s miembros regional r becal fns (si algunos) requferen restreal Para reactor el torte, an•n,emm revvree on oaannlin::aware. • Restrain and brace with, ~r ! ens rearaaaos:revwma n as. ca'aa: core nwo: A. Continuous Lateral Restraint & Diagonal Bracing, or S. Individual Member Web Reinforcement. Reastrfnja y arriostre con, A. Restriccidn Lateral Continua y Arrfostre Diagonal, o B. Refueled de Mfembros Segundarfos Individualist. Structural Sheathing an Top Chord A. Continuous Lateral ReAraint (CLR) Be Diagonal Bracing A. Restriccfbn Lateral Continua (CLR) y Arrfostre Diagonal 0 Attach the CLR at the locations shown on the TDD. Sujete of CLR en las ubkaclones mostados en of TDD. • Install the Diagonal Bracing at approximately 450 to the CLR and extend from the top chord to the bottom chord, attaching to each web that it crosses. Repeat every 20' or less. Please thoroughly check all Construction Documents as closer spacing may be required. Instate at Arrfostre Diagonal a apmximadamente 45 grades at CLR y exteende de Is cuerda superior a Is cuerda inferior, sceptered a coda minart segundario qua to cruza. Repifa cads, 20 pies o mends. Per favor revise can concede tonics lot Documentoe de Construcaln porous espacamfento mas cercano process ser r ormona o. EXAMPLES OF DIAGONAL BRACING WITH CONTINUOUS LATERAL RESTRAINT ~ Continuous L S. Individual Web M S. Refuerze de Mien T-, L-, Scab, I-, U-Reinforcer alternative for resisting web T-, L-, costs, U-Refuerzo, r amontonados proveen una: THE CONTINUOUS LATERAL RESTRAINT! TRILLION LATERAL CONTINUA DIAGONALMENTE1 mndarfos Indf ieduales notary metal reinforcement and stacked web products provide an metal patentando y productos de, miembros segundarios Para rests fir at Cdrpor de los miembros secondaries. Metal $pcketl `stab HelnlOrcemeol~ Potlud web Ed The following table may be used unless more specific information is provided. to semsente table puede ser usado a mends qua informacebn trials especifica esta provisto. l ar ,a -'~'"~fa+, ,Ln LnR U M2 M" M2~ 2x4 20 2x4' 2x4 i Row bad 2x6 pro 29 2x8 as 2x0 2x8 x4 - 2-2x4 2 Ra. 2x6 2.2x6 2x0 2-2x8 Same species exendtowrmin is,13GUn indgradeor 6"afentld calls (0.1x3.5") b¢tterman web member' ®6"on cenmF web member whichever is coddler Wetimam avowable web length is 14', 'Fir scab Reinforcement use 2 rase of tad Gun par, on talent at6' on center an arch reimamement N web, t.vumma4!aauv EU - v o Some Truss Manufactur r k th l f h b ti , n f 1 " e s mar e oca ons o t e we Lateral R i f a estra nt or rein orcement on the truss using tags similar to those at left. awe v r s r I Algupos Fa hricantas de Trusses marcan en el truss lax ubnc,ciones :r nuooratott = de refuerzo o Reston Lateral de memories secundarios usando interests smlares a ran a Is nzqueeres. MFBRFIaWPlgmkgVlR@ I't Prprtamm n¢waosmmN#asrQ~vsmot~~l'. 7/1 Web Member Plane Permanent Building Stability Bracing to Transfer Wind & Seismic Forces Arnie itne de Estabflidad Permanente del Edificfo del Plano de Mfembros Secundarfos pence Desplazar Fuerzas de Viento y Fuersas Sfsmicas " Z The web member restraint or reinforcement specified on a TDD is required to resist as buckling under vertical loads. Re: Additional restraint and bating Far m Gablerd,Cre, Q8 be . Gable Top Chord trod to Top chord ealp) tad each and. Onto Clip end of Lateral backed to Gable Binom Char wM (2) H25 athe kid. Gable Bagom chow. Fasten to top plate wl l Do tae-nabs@8•a, Fa ten CS to taming @ 3" o .d. on edge, 6" 60SB Garnisheeing oalnreldwith8e 214SWEringgerec4'on edges world 4 brute[ Clip to Gable Top Chat of Gable Trusses Iwab HB w/(1B)ad. 2x4 No. 2 SP x-bracing at mid-span and at 48" o.c. con back O'trom gable. AnacM1 to gable and hors venicals w/(31 i6d. - nemmlmuus Lateral Restraint is typically required to transfer trussw/(2) tad - t0a c ommon, lateral loads due to wind and/or seismic forces. This restraint and bracing is typically provided by the Building Designer. Let restd¢fdn r refuerzo de miembros A segundareas espezlicade an un TOD as Gable "r" a p>a N ,g„ <20' sea Acs- requerfdo a resistir el forcer bafo cargos Frame verticales. Restnccein y proceed adinonal es requerfdo tfpfcamente Para pasan cargas Note: Some chord and web members not Group of 3 Trusses shown for clarity. laterales Confers a fuerzas de Vernon Fle fuerzas sismicas. Este resentment y arriostre es tfpfcamente provisto por el Ofse la liar del Horizontal Edfficio. L-Reinforcement Diagonal Brace Diagonal ' ' , ,Lateral Restraint a Brace to Brace to Blocking Group of 2 Trusses 0 Lateral Restraint & Diagonal Bracing can also be used with small groups of trusses (i.e., three or less). Attach the Lateral Restraint & Diagonal Brace to each web member that they cross. Restriccfbn Lateral FArricestre Diagonal tambien puede send usado con grupos Pequenos de trusses (ej. toes o mends). Sujete Is Restrfcxion Lateral y be Arnostre Diagonal a coda report screwball qua Los ,cozen. Diagonal Brace ill roof Lateral Rommint Gable entl/wall permanent Diagonal Bracing. Locate in line wall Bottom Chiral permanent CUT or as specified by the Building Designer. sheamNg not shown,.. tordarily. 9 Some Truss Designers provide general design tables and details to assist the Building Designer in determin- ing the Bracing required to transfer lateral loads due to wind and/or seismic forces from the Gable End Frame into the roof and/or ceiling diaphragm. Alcohol Eabricantes de Tmsses proveen tables y de taller de diserio generates pare asester at Disena- dor del Edfice, en determm d, at Arrfostre requerfdo pare polar cargas troubles debidas a fuerzas de, viewed y/o fuerzas sismecas del Amazon Haseal at diafnagma del home, Gable End Frames and Sloped Bottom Chords Armazones HasUales Y Choral Inferiores, Pendientes The Gable End Frame should always match the profile of the adjacent tresses to permit installation of proper Bottom Chord Plane restraint & bracing. El Amazon Hastfal sfempre dabs erecajar at perfil de Los trusses condguos Para penal is heel heron de Restrccbn y Arreostre de Is Coal Inferior apropnaea. Bonam shim Diane ) F< yi tl Example of raked gable end wall (win scissors Gable End reeard 6 WARNING! - Do not install a flat bottom chord Gable End Fame w!th adjacent trusses that have a sloped bottom chord. Adequate bating of this condition is very difficult and often impossible. iADVERTENCLAI No nnstale on Armazon Haseal de cuerda inferior plane ron mosses contiguous qua denen una cuerda inferior pendiente. Arrfostre adecuadea de seats condiclbn any muy, dificil y a menudo imposi dle. PERMANENT BRACING FOR SPECIAL CONDITIONS ARRIOSTRE PERMANENTE PARA CONDICIONES ESPECIALES 9. Sway Bracing-Arrfostre de -'Sway° q 2 "Sway" bracing is installed at the discretion of the Building Designer to help stabilize the truss system and minimize the S ' lateral movement due to wind and seismic loads. e, Arrirs[re de "Sway`est$ irate/ado parts discrecibn del ot„ Disenador del Edificeo pare ayudar an estabflfzar of sistema del trusses ypara norms zar el mov/mento lateral nobotlo a cargos de viento y cargos sfsmecas. Sway bating, if continuous, also serves to distribute gravity loads between trusses of varying stiffness. LF Arrfostre de "Sway,"si as continuo, tambien es usado pare distorter las cargos de prevailed entre trusses de ogress vareando. Common a, if . Permanent Restraint/ Bracing for the Top wine no larth art, loodildr, Chord in a Piggyback Assembly Restrfcci6n/Arrfostre Permanents pence la Cuerda Superior an un Ensamblaje de Piggyback ld Provide restraint and bracing by: Repeat Diagonal • using rows of 4x2 stress-graded lumber Bracing at lip CLR and Diagonal Intervals or less, Bracing, or asspecified. CLR at • connecting the CLR into the roof spacing diaphragm, or specified • adding Structural Sheathing or Bating on the Fames, or Truss Design • some other equivalent means. Drawing Proves restrnccson y arriostre per, • usando files de 4x2 CLR madera pennants per isometric y Arrfostre Diagonal, o • conectando at CLR at dsafragma not techo, o • anadfendo Entablado Estructural o arm zones de arriostre, o algunos afros metodos equivelentes. ad Refer to the TOD for the maximum assumed spacing for attaching the Lateral Restraint to the top chord of the supporting truss. Refiere al TDD Para at espacamfento maxima supuesto pace adulterer La Restriccfbn Lateral o en- tablado a la cuerda superior del truss soportante. Ed The TDD provides the assumed thickness of Cap the restraint and minimum connection require- "Trusses ments between the cap and the supporting truss or restraint. CLR required only El TDD proves el grosorsup aesto de Is rustric- if Bracing Frame or cibn y Lou requnsftos de conseedn morel entre Structural Sheath- to caps y at truss soportante o is restnercii ing is installed M If Diagonal Bracing is used to restrain the 'intermittently CLR(s),repeat atl0'intervalsorasspeci- Bracing Come - fled. Please thoroughly check all Construction or Structural Documents as closer spacing may be required. Sheathing Si Arnostre Diagonal as usado pars restrfnger .Supporting el/Ios CLR et rapes, an intermissions de 10 pies usses o Coma especlficado. Per favor revise con msdado todoe lips Concentrations, be Construccalgra porous espaciamfento mas cartoon puede ser requendo. YI TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 6300 Enterprise lane • Madison, W153719 218 N. Lee St, are. 312 • Alexandra, VA 22314 608/274-4849 • w.wu.s learmatry.com 703/683-1010 • www mrsterg O W H a m 0 « y'0V' 3z x gN m « « 110,0 N o m D O W x AC r'o0 w m a ~tt w- ~m ro x f+ x r N ry]N 00-m Uml wO wG TT Z y W w ~N W ~N t'7W ~.jtj fix NNN 0 m do~oa m xxx w N w t0 m tm MUM w~* CD x C o mw P °f 10 it wxq1Z '.OOa olqwPn~'~' o r ? w x o ro o o c9Wi W m w N N U-FAR-9.4 1, Q u .,l,,~ > r~ o x x'd m rn H „off °z ax. °z y p H S5i 'gy M „Z X O ro0 m m m .~GJ yym !c + W m wb9 ro o z z 3dvm~€ug;2. &a„i Nw + Y/W>4 4 W iC ~ . I co n oa= 6. W a rx ao tt=zI n ~ 9 qIOII o p~ z z u :00 .3 OW ~ =gym " o -e O'~d m z 0 m m MRe~S ^3x um o m en "~'<"CBS 'In w10 C 1 ae !Ilni ~O0 c Mgr; d cg;955~9j. Ig A:2 :1 « + All pity m b ~ C m z w z H en o y 8pa~ J, ,A n QW zKO'vo~ ~ 'OV C O 01 y kk~~ m a MC:tl~:tlH,OV.C) ~ ~~yxcn " a° ggrj; 9 .p o 0 m z °z r k a o W o ®a T,~Imj, x0 ~y OkJ 0 NW C wr N zym mO j~j --L~>7 LJ yy~y ° a ti m 0 ~`~a' a c w a y1~~ -M w -4 Km 0W C7W y 'A m 0 t:j Xz xC m m Wz L~~ afk~N z I F_ C aro z 0-3 m O G Fn yep ~ y.W.3~0 k7 y H coO 0 dYa - 0 mLM y O rp Um Sz 5 C C tPW vi iA d H m m H'°71 3 z 0 ro x k"''S) O (a4 y j H [q m 9 y ° ° C] C'Y N my 0 zmy y°n w 4] v 0 ca CI dz d x~ O Cm] ~H H m owd r W N r a., m 4] 4 4 ea 0 0 0 0 c~i W H~ O ~ m z C co Q 04,0 r Ly t7 m t' w tl H ,Np o o cn r."".~' ty a M y y O yx w. t... . 0 m C9A H L%J H D. z ~t k+! k7 z 'S7 00 U ro ^0o 'ten ro Gl,yl' H O W 90 Oro m O m N .ryU ro w ca ca co C:IU O z .'U 0 z m k N O O c.' 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U U w w° pa w OOU W~m ~ ~uW~-' I I wFOm~ U a~¢~mSea~°~~s i!!' ale lg~saw~ya~ ~W~a ~AgW1 a s m a o ° I:~~ ga~oy~~~&~' Z2 r4 6 m FA G F W W G 6 ~~~Ob bill! om om rota U - a6Fa~ aj ma W~W.i q~~ o '401-121- t. °trSp 0 OW 6 F0 C m W S Q o Q U wm c ;!':~,~as~zk ~~~~F36~YYYgp~ z m w A kr n w it 4WhgZ~ ~6Li i6+t~A Od A O z o~~ ~'~a w& pp ~o wo° mz WI-la o0 a ° 09 m aw Z a~ aam W~ a a UW Q oa V~~yW U O O U aU Q10U wo F.W. Z~W ~WP9 EOZ v da a ~ia wx mx ~ m~Ix N d ~ ~ N wm U a ~m ~a nYt~ kx ivn~3 O F ~1 0 0 U ~xW. 0 as 0 as 00 as Wro ..H ..ce ..w ~N as mm mm N .1a9 ~ l) o y a m W N IN m axx ~rwE3z maaw ci 0, rx. 0 co r4 m GEga U m A 02 W ° ~n®z' ci z ow q w I a ® o CQ o x U U O F o U E. I E a co w ca C e x ~r '11 R g € ~ co ~l I k ii= 9 -RIM q) 1 02 00 E~ E- 5:9 o w o a z w ~~w~ 5~y~~~~g 62 m x d' r:r~ oaa56&§ E- E~ P. pj PUP, 02 w > °aA~ Asa>y~~ a Fo El M ovix~~7 ® rs, w -4.~ A F U z A .-7 W ° ° 2 E N w x §sAK=~ o pa de~e~ a. x w z Nd O t.. W IN w E' x Q z ;:i NN€H >a~~s~ da z Z:l Wm C~FW o oa,~o°x O 02 w z wW.4 Ea azF us w o0 a w w E~N W~w'J Ul~WO Z o~ m cn ww xa wxoxw wo w E" °zFx Q oa W U z fx ww aE wcodz za s RIGID COMPONENT' SYSTEMS, INC. m I . ..s iNooffCOdsfrUCliorA(SOndoctnr5,.<.z, ' w. - z 1 r ~ iw n r r IMPORTANT INFORMATION GENERAL NOTES CODE REFERENCE KEY CHART a 12 l The "Code Reference" column that appears in load tables throughout this catalog is intended to identify products listed in evaluation agency reports, typically called "code reports', and the specific reports that cover them. The Code reference column, used in conjunction with the chart at right, indicates which code listing applies to a product. The reference numbers also clearly identify: • Products Submitted for evaluation report listing (160) • Products with no evaluation report listing (170) • Products not Submitted because they have no load rating and an evaluation report listing is not necessary (180) • Products that meet prescriptive or conventional construction code requirements (190) Where a model has been submitted for listing (160) or does not have an evaluation report listing (170), Simpson can supply complete test data to support our published loads. Please contact us for a copy of our product test documentation at (800) 925-5099. Product acceptance may be obtained through the Alternate Methods and Materials section of the applicable building code. Some loads and applications may not be covered in the code report and specific reductions and restrictions may be required by other product evaluation agencies. Visit www.strongtie.com or visit the product evaluation agencies' web sites for the current evaluation reports. Simpson Strong-Tie'a connectors are recognized by most product evaluation agencies. Agencies that recognize some or all of our products include ICC-ES (formerly ICBO, BOCA, SBCCI); the City of Los Angeles, California; and State of Florida. Multiple types of ICC-ES evaluation reports are shown in the Code Reference Key Chart. ICC NER, ]CC ER, and [CC ES reports are referred to as Legacy Reports and have been obtained over the years to verify that Simpson products are in compliance with the code. These Legacy reports were evaluated under the 1997 UBC and/or the 2000 IBC codes. In order to obtain evaluation for the 2003 or 2006 I-codes, manufacturers must submit for ICC ESR reports. Simpson has many ESR reports, but currently not all products have been evaluated per the latest codes. This does not mean that the information in those reports is inaccurate. Indeed, the new building code is typically less conservative for most connector products than the current codes. Simpson has re-submitted our Legacy Reports to ICC-ES to obtain product evaluation service reports (ESR's) evaluated using the 2006 IBCARC, but due to the large number of reports to evaluate, ICC-ES has not been able to process the reports in time for this catalog. It is anticipated that during the first and second quarter of 2008, most reports will be converted. To help understand which of our stamped and welded connector products are listed in an ESR report, we have obtained an ICC-ES index evaluation services report, ICC ESR-2523, for these products. This report is a reference document to other ESR reports held by Simpson and will be updated frequently by ICC-ES as new stamped and welded connector evaluation services reports are issued or converted. Please visit www.strongtie.com for the latest information or contact ICC Evaluation Services at www.ice-es.org. In August 2004 the Department of State Architecture, California, issued a revised IR 23-1. The Revised Interpretation of Regulation addresses and clarifies issues relating to Pre-fabricated Wood Construction Connectors. IR 23-1 defines the Purpose and Scope and clarifies Listing Requirements, Acceptable Load Capacities, Design Requirements, Installation Requirements and Connector Fabrication which addresses corrosion- resistant material and/or coatings. Please contact the DSA at www.dsa.dgs.ca.gov1 Publications/detault.htm for more information. On October 1, 2003, the State of Florida's Statewide Product Approval System became effective. The purpose of this system is to provide a single product evaluation and approval system that. applies statewide to operate in coordination with the Florida Building Code. This Florida product evaluation and approval system is governed by Florida Statutes, Chapter 553, Section 553.842. Since this law specifies that the product approval system is to apply statewide, Notice of Acceptance are no longer necessary where a product has a statewide approval that is applicable in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) and is installed in accordance with its conditions of use. 209 1 RR 22086 80 7 393 2 RR 24682 81 413 3 I',R 24818 82 421 4 RR :24947 83 422 5 NES) 432 6 PR 24949 84 443 7 11825064 85 469 8 RR 25074 86 499 9 RR 25076 87 694 10 FR 25119 88 FIR 25120 89 7211! 20 RI225149 90 3631: 21 RR. 25158 91 4546 22 RI25185 92 4935: 23 PR 25236 93 ' 4945 24 City of RR 25248 94 5090. 25 : Los 51172 26 Angeles, RR 25279 95 5268'.. 27 : California 25287 ?12 96 5275= 28 ` PR 25293 97 5313 30 NR 25300 98 5328: 31 RR 25318 99 5349' 32 RR 25427 101 ICC~FR 5357f 33 RR 25459 102 (OLDIICBO) 54851 34 RR 25469 103 5537 35 RR 25489 104 5655` 36 PR 25528 105 5656: 37 EII4 25540 106 5672? 39 RR 25552 107 5708:. 40 RR 25568 108 57091 41 RR 25560 109 5791: 42 RR 25625 110 5824 44 RR25667 111 5938.. 45 ' 5952 46 6119 47 L474 121 5053: 49 FL503 122 FI-538 123 1056 19 _ 1°1]423... .125. ! 2138 22 IL1463.. 126 1772 49 FL1725 727 1679 50 2329 52 rL1901 128. ICC-ESR 2236 53 112304 130 2 2106 54 11-2355 131 2320 55 IL3750 133 2105 56 `Smteof FL3751 134 2330 57 (Florida 14432 137 z 115113 139 ]CC-ES 2207 60 (OLD SBCCI) 96030 62 115415 141 i L5805 142 5 . Call us for FL S806 143 Submitted Statusand 160" F L5808 144 for Listing Test Data I-LS477 145 NoCgde Call usfdr 116482 146 i. Listing Test Data 170 F L7039 147 No Load F1i550 148 Rating 180 FL8239 149 t - Prescriptive Code 190 CA DSA PA-110 150 As of the printing of this catalog, products coded 160 either have been submitted and are awaiting issuance from the respective product evaluation agency orate to be submitted. Because code reports can be issued throughout the year, we encourage tmr user to visit wemzstmngrie.wm, wwwicc-es.org, www.ladbs.org, iw.w.dsa.dgs.ca.gov, and ,wwgoridabuilding.org for the most current infm'motion, call Simpson at800-999-5099, orcontact the code agency directly. CODES Code Reference Column in Load Tables ! SIMPSON EM: ii IN I !I I IMPORTANT INFORMATION & GENERAL NOTES StrongE WARNING Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. structural connectors, anchors, and other • Installer's Pocket Guide (form S-INSTALL, see F products are designed and tested to provide specified design loads. To obtain which is designed specifically for installers and r optimal performance from Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. products and and minimal text in both English and Spanish to achieve maximum allowable design load. the oroducts must he nrnnerly install many key Droducts: I Simpson Strong-Ue company Inc. to ensure proper e, designers and installers must careful )y read the following meral Instructions For The Installer and General Instructions as well as consult the applicable catalog pages for specific n instructions and notes. Proper product installation requires careful attention to all notes and instructions, including these basic rules: 1. Be familiar with the application and correct use of the connector. 2. Follow all installation instructions provided in the applicable catalog, website, Installer's Pocket Guide or any other Simpson publications. 3. Install all required fasteners per installation instructions provided by Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc.: a) use proper fastener type; b) use proper fastener quarnrcy; c) fill all fastener holes; d) do not overdrive or underdrive nails, including when using gun milers; and e) ensure screws are completely driven. 4. Only bend products that are specifically designed to be bent. For those products that required bending, do not bend more than once. 5. Cutjoists to the correct length, do not "short-cut'. The gap between the end of the joist and the header material should be no greater than Ye" unless otherwise noted. In addition to following the basic rules provided above as well as all notes, warnings and instructions provided in the catalog, installers, designers, engineers and consumers should consult the Simpson Strong _Tie Company Inc. website at wwws(rongtie.comto obtain additional design and installation information, including: • Instructional builder/contractor training kits containing an instructional video, an instructor guide and a student grade in both English and Spanish; Information on workshops Simpson conducts at various training centers throughout the country; • Technical fliers and bulletins; • Master format specifications; • Material safety data sheets; • Corrosion information; • Connector selection guides for engineered wood products (by manufacturer); • Simpson connector selector software; • Simpson Autocad menu; • Simpson Strong-Wall® Selector software; • Simpson Anchor Tiedown System Selector and anchor related software; and • Answers to frequently asked questions and technical topics. Failure to follow fully all of the notes and instructions provided by Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. may result in improper installation of products. Improperly installed products may not perform to the specifications set forth in this catalog and may reduce a structure's ability to resist: the movement, stress, and loading that occurs from gravity loads as well as impact events such as earthquakes and high velocity winds. Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. does not guarantee tie performance or safety of products that are modified, improperly installed or not used in accordance with the design and load limits set forth in this catalog. GENERAL NOTES These general notes are provided to ensure proper installation of Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. products and must be followed fully. a. Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. reserves the right to change specifications, to determine if the connection will perform as required. Dry wood may designs, and models without notice or liability for such changes. split more easily and should be evaluated as required. II' wood tends to .mo t b. Steel used for each Simpson product is individually selected based on the ' split, consider pre-boring holes with diameters not exceeding .75 of the p product s steel specifications, including strength, thickness, formability, finish, nail diameter (2005 NOS l and weldability. Contact Simpson for steel information on specific products. I Wood shrinks and expands as it loses and gains moisture, particularly c. Unless otherwise noted, dimensions are in inches, loads are in pounds. perpendicular to its ggrain. Take wood shrinkage into account when IT. Unless otherwise noted, welds, screws, bolts and nails may not be combined designing and instalfing connections. Simpson manufactures products to achieve highest load value. 8d (0.131"110d (0.148"0'), and 16d " to fit common dry lumber dimensions. If you need a connector with (0.162 1 specify common nails that meet the requirements of ASTM dimensions other than those listed in this Catalog, Simpson may be able F1667. When a shorter mil is specified, it will be noted (for example 81 to vary connector dimensions; contact Simpson. The effects of wood ' Refer to Simpson's Nailing Guide, NDS (National Design Specification) and shrinkage are increased in multiple lumber connections, such as Floor-to- ASTM F1667 (American Society of Testing and Materials) for more nail info. floor installations. This may result in the vertical rod nuts becoming loose, e. Do Not Overload. Do not exceed catalog allowable loads, which would requiring post-installation tightening. (Contact Simpson for information g jeopardize the connection, on the Simpson Strong-Tie Takeup Device) f. Unless otherwise noted, allowable loads are for Douglas Fir-Larch under 1. Top flange hangers may cause unevenness. Possible remedies should o corninuously dry conditions. Allowable loads for other species or conditions be evaluated by a professional and include using a face mount hanger, must be addusted accoNing to the code. In many cases, Simpson code and routering the beam or cutting the sub8oor to accommodate the top a reports will indicate loads derived from Doug fir header material only. However under ICC-ES AC13, loads for Douglas Fir are the same as LVL, PSL LSL since the specific ravit of these Glulam's and Southern Pine flange thickness. m. Built-up lumber (multiple members) must be fastened together to act as < , , , g y one unit to resist the applied load (excluding the conna:~ctor fasteners). z wood species fall within the specific gravity range of the AC13 criteria. The section from the AC13 criteria indicating the range of specific This must be determined by the Designer/Engineer of Record. o gravit reads as follows: 323 The species of lumber used shall have a f n. Some model configurations may differ from those shown in this catalog. Contact Simpson for details. w speC, C gqravity o 0.49 or greater, such as Douglas Fir, but not greater than 0.55 as determmed in accordance with the NDS. This chart shows specific ra it f th diff d i li d b NDS o. Hanger Options (Simpson's Hanger Options Matrix and Hanger Option General Notes page 780-181) - some combinations of han er o tions are g v y or erent woo e spec es as ste y . g p ~ Species Fc-L Specific Gravity not available. In some cases, combinations of these options may not be Dougglas Fir-Larch (DF) 625 psi 0.50 las installable. Horizontal loads induced by sloped)oists trust be resisted by ° Sout Pine (SP) 565 psi 0.55 other members in the structural system. A qualified Designer must always Spruce-Pine-Fir (SPIT) 425 psi 0.42 evaluate each connection, including carried and carrying member Hem Fir (HIT) 405 psi 0.43 limitations, before specifying the product. Fill all fas[encer holes with ° Glulam 560 psi 0.50 fastener types specified In the tables, unless otherwisr, noted. Hanger LVL (DF/$P) 750 psi 0 50 configurations, hecgh4 and fastener schedules maV vary From the tables . TimberStrand~' LSL E=13x106 680 si 0.50 ( ) p depending on joist sae, skew and slope: See the allowable table load for the non-modified hanger, and adjust as indicated Gauge may vary from that U TimberStrand`" LSL (61.5x109 880 psi 0.50 specified depending on the manufacturing process us ad. U and W hangers Parallam& PSL 750 psi 0.50 normally have single stirrups; occasionally, the seat may be welded. B, GLT, g. Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. will manufacture non-catalog products HGLT, MW LBV, W and WNP hangers for sloped seat Installations are provided prior approval is obtained and an engineering drawing is included " 1 " assumed backed. To order a custom non-backed hanger, contact Simpson. with the order. Steel specified on the drawings as Ye, a , and will be /4 p. Simpson will calculate the net height for a sloped seat. The customer 11 gauge (0.120"), 7 ga (0.179"), and 3 gauge (0.239) respectively. The i ld d il h i must provide the H1 joist height before slope. m nimum yie an tens e strengt s are 33 s and 52 ksi, respectively. IT Truss plates shown are not manufactured by Simpson. h. All references to bolts or machine bolts (MBs) are for structural quality through bolts (not lag screws or carriage bolts) equal to or better than ASTN1 Standard A307 Grade A RFB is A307 Gr d C SSTB i ASTM A36 c Do not weld products listed in this catalog unless this publication specifically identifies a product as acceptable for welding, or unless specific approval , . , a e ; s . i. Unless otherwise noted, bending steel in the field may cause fractures at the bend line. Fractured steel will not carry load and must be replaced. for welding is provided in writing by Simpson. Some steels have poor weldability and a tendency to crack when welded. Cranked steel will not carr load and must be re laced See Sim son's Han er O tions Matrix and j. A fastener that splits the wood will not take the design load. Evaluate splits y p . p g p Hanger Option General Notes page 180-181 for hangers that may be welded.. f 13 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INSTALLER 14 0 1MPSON `StrongTie IMPORTANT INFORMATION & GENERAL NOTES These general instructions for the installer are provided to ensure proper selection and installation of Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. producs and must be followed carefully. These general instructions are in addition to the specific installation instructions and notes provided for each particular product, all of which should be consulted prior to and during installation of Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. products. a. All specified fasteners must be installed according to the instructions in this catalog. Incorrect fastener quantity, size, placement, type, material, or finish may cause the connection to fail. Prior to using a particular fastener, please consult the Fastener Guide in this catalog. • 16d fasteners are common nails (0.162" dia. x 3'h" lonpp) and cannot be replaced with 16d sinkers (0.148" dia. x 3Ya" long) for NII load value unless otherwise specified. • Screws may not be used to replace nails in connectors unless approved and recommended by the Designer/Engineer of Record. Unless stated otherwise, Simpson Strong-Tie cannot and does not make any representations regarding the suitability of use or load-carrying capacities of connectors with screws replacing nails. • When using stainless steel connectors, use stainless steel fasteners. When using ZN /HDG galvanized connectors, use fasteners that meet the zinc coating specifications of ASTM Al 53. b. Fill all fastener holes as specified in the installation instructions for that product. Refer to Simpson's Fastener Guide for the requirements of the various shaped fastener holes. c. Do not overdrive nails. Overdriven nails reduce shear capacity. I Use the materials specified in the installation instructions. Substitution of or failure to use specified materials may cause the connection to fail. e. Do not add fastener holes or otherwise modify Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. products. The performance of modified products may be substannally weakened. Simpson will not warrant or guarantee the performance of such modified products. I. Install products in the position specified in the catalog. g. Do not alter installation procedures from those set forth in this catalog. h. The proper use of certain products requires that the product be bent. For those products, installers must not bend the product more than one time (one full cycle). L Bolt holes shall be at least a minimum of 1/3i' and no more than a maximum of Ys' larger than the bolt diameter (per the 2005 AIDS, section 77.1.2. and AISI NASPEC, section E3a if applicable). j. Install all specified fasteners before loading the connection. k. Some hardened fasteners may have premature failure if exposed to moisture. These fasteners are recommended to be used in dry interior applications. 1. Use proper safety equipment. I Welding galvanized steel may produce harmful fumes; fallow proper welding procedures and safety precautions. Welding should be in accordance with A.W.S. (American Welding Society) standards. Unless otherwise noted Simpson connectors cannot be welded. n. Pneumatic or powder-actuated fasteners may deflect and injure the open Slmpsoo. Powder-actuated tasteners should not be used to Install connectors. o. Joist shall bear completely oon the connector seat, and the ppapp between the Ibist end and the hear shall not exceed W' per ICC-ES AC261 and AS TM 1761 test standards, p. For holdowns, anchor bolt nuts should be finger-tight ]us 'Are Y2 turn with a hand wrench, with consideration given to possible future wood shrinkage. Care should be taken to not over-torque the rout. Impact wrenches should not be used as they may preload the holdown. q. Holdowns and Tension Ties (except fil and LT7) may be raised off the sill as dictated by field condhions to accommodate an andlor mislocated no more than 11h". The holdown shall be raised off the sill at least 3" for every 'A" [hat the anchor is offset from the model's centerline (as defined coinages 36 to 47 to maximum of 18). Anchor bolt slope shall be no greater than 1:12 (or 5 degrees). Contact the Designer if the holdown anchor is offset more then 1 W'. Raised holdown height is measured from the top of concrete to the top of the holdown bearing plate. It Strong-Drive Screws are permitted to be installed throughi metal truss plates as approved by the Truss Designer, provided the requirements of s. For cold-formed steel applications, all screws shall be imtalled in accordance with the screw manufacturer's recommendations. All screws shall penetrate and protrude through the joined materials a minimum of 3 Cull exposed threads per AISI Standard for Cold Formed Steel Framing - General Provisions, section l if applicable. I. Nuts shall be installed such that the end of the threaded rod or bolt is at least flush with the top of the nut. u. When installing hurricane ties on the inside of the wall special considerations must be taken to prevent condensation on the inside of the completed structure in cold climates. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE DESIGNER These general instructions for the Designer are provided to ensure proper selection and installation of Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. products and must be followed carefully. These general instructions are in addition to the specific design and installation instructions and notes provided for each particular product, all of which should be consulted prior to and during the design process. a. The term "Designer" used throughout this catalog is intended to mean a licensed/certified building design professional, a licensed professional engineer, or a licensed architect. b. All connected members and related elements shall be designed by the Designer c. All installations should be designed only in accordance with the allowable load values set forth in this catalog. it. Unless otherwise noted, the allowable loads published in this catalog are limited to the lowest of: average recorded test load at 'h' deflection, lowest ultimate recorded test load of 3 tests specimens divided by 3 (or the average of 6 specimens divided by 3), or the calculated value based on steel, wood bearing, and/or fastener capacity. e. Allowable simultaneous loads in more than one direction on a single connector must be evaluated as follows: Design Uplift(Allowable Uplift + Design Lateral Parallel to Plate/Allowable Lateral Parallel to Plate + Design Lateral Perpendicular to Plate/Allowable Lateral Perpendicular to Plate < 1.0. The three terms in the unity equation are due to the three possible directions that exist to generate force on a hurricane tie. The number of terms that must be considered for simultaneous loading is at the sole discretion of the Designer and is dependant on their method of calculating wind faces and the utilization of the connector within the structural system. f. Loads are based on the 2005 National Design Specifications (NDS) and the 2001 AISI Standard - North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members (NASPEC) if applicable, unless otherwise specified. Other code agencies may use different allowable loads. g. Duration of load adjustments as specified by the code are as follows: "FLOOR" and "DOWN" (100) - no increase for duration of load. "SNOW" (115) -115% of design load for 2 month duration of load. "ROOF LOAD" (125) -125% of design load for 7 day duration of load. -EARTHQUAKE/WIND" (133 and 160) -133% and 160% of design load for earthquake/wind loading. h. Unless otherwise noted, wood shear is not considered in the loads given; reduce allowable loads when wood shear is limiting. I. Simpson strongly recommends the following addition to construction drawings and specifications: "Simpson Strong-Tie connectors are specifically required to meet the structural calculations of plan. Before substituting another brand, confirm load capacity based on reliable published testing data or calculations. The Engineer/Designar of Record should evaluate and give written approval for substitution prior to installation." j. Verify that the dimensions of the supporting member are sufficient to receive the specified fasteners, and develop the top flange bearing length. k. Some catalog illustrations show connections that could Cause cross-grain tension or bending of the wood during loading if not suit iciently reinforced. In this case, mechanical reinforcement should be considered. 1. For holdowns, anchor bolt nuts should be finger-tight plus 'h to Y2 turn with a hand wrench, with consideration given to possible future wood shrinkage. Care should be taken to not over-torque the nut. Impact wrenches should not be used as they may preload the holdown. m. Simpson will provide upon request code testing data on all products that have been code tested. n. The allowable loads published in this catalog are for use when utilizing the traditional Allowable Stress Desig9n methodology. A method for using Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for wood ha'; been published in AF&PA/ASCE 16. A method for using LRFD for cold-formed steel has also been published in the 2001 AISI NASPEC. When designing with LRFD, reference lateral resistances must be used. Contact Simpson for reference lateral resistances of products listed in this catalog; For more information, refer to the American Forest and Paper Association "Guideline to Pre-engineered Metal Connectors" and ASCE 16. The "Guideline" contains a soft-conversion procedure that can be used to derive reference lateral resistances. o. Forjoist hangers Simpson recommends the hanger height shall be at least 60%ofJoist height for stability. p. For cold-formed steel applications, as a minimum all screws must comply with Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Standard J78, 9~SIMPSON IMPORTANT INFORMATION & GENERAL NOTES StrongTe;D GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE DESIGNER (cont.) Steel Self Drilling Tappping Screws, and must have a Type II coating in accordance with ASTk4 B 633, Electrode posited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel. Screw strengqth shall be calculated in accordance with 2001 AISI NASPEC Section F4, if applicable, or shall be based on the manufacturer's design capacity determined from testing. q. Local and/or regional building codes may require meeting special conditions. Building codes often require special inspection of anchors installed in concrete and masonry. For compliance with these require- ments, it is necessary to contact the local and/or regional building authority. Except where mandated by code, Simpson s products do not require special inspection. r. Holdowns and Tension Ties (except MTT and LTT) met, be installed raised above the sill at any height with the approval of the Designer. Increased deflection and/or load reductions when instal led raised above the sill shall be considered (see product load isbles and footnotes on pages 36 thru 41 for applicability). s. Throughout the catalog there are installation drawings showing the load transfer from one element in the structure to another. Additional connections may be required to safely transfer the loads through the structure. It is the Designer's responsibility to specify and detail all necessary connections to ensure that a continuous load path is provided as required by the building code. LIMITED WARRANTY Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. warrants catalog products to be free from defects in material or manufacturing. Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. products are further warranted for adequacy of design when used in accordance with design limits in this catalog and when properly specified, installed, and maintained. This warranty does not apply to uses not in compliance with specific applications and installations set forth in this catalog, or to non-catalog or modified products, or to deterioration due to environmental conditions. Simpson Strong-Tie° connectors are designed to enable structures to resist the movement, stress, and loading that results from impact events such as earthquakes and high velocity winds. Other Simpson Strong-Tie products are designed to the load capacities and uses listed in this catalog. Properly-installed Simpson Strong-Tie products will perform in accordance with the specifica- tions set forth in the applicable Simpson catalog. Additional performance limitations for specific products may be listed on the applicable catalog pages. Due to the particular characteristics of potential impact events, the specific design and location of the structure, the building materials used, the quality of construction, and the condition of the soils involved, e:amage may nonetheless result to a structure and its contents even if the loads resulting from the impact event do not exceed Simpson catalog sl".:ecifications and Simpson Strong-Tie connectors are properly installed in accordance with applicable building codes. All warranty obligations of Simpson Strong-Tie Con-I Inc. shall be limited, at the discretion of Simpson Strong-Tie Compan, Inc., to repair or replacement of the defective part. These remedies shall constitute Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc.'s sole obligation and sole remedy of purchaser under this warranty. In no event will Simpson Strong-Tic Company Inc. be responsible for incidental, consequential, or special 1.155 or damage, however caused. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warrantiitI expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or filimuss for a particular purpose, all such other warranties being hereby expressly excluded. This warranty may change periodically - consult our umbsite www.strongde.com for current information. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE PRODUCT USE Products in this catalog are designed and manufactured for the specific purposes shown, and should not be used with other connectors not approved by a qualified Designer. Modifications to products or changes in installations should only be made by a qualified Designer. The performance of such modified products or altered installations is the sole responsibility of the Designer. INDEMNITY Customers or Designers modifying products or installations, or designing non-catalog products for fabrication by Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. shall, regardless of specific instructions to the user, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. for any and all claimed loss or damage occasioned in whole or inpart by non-catalog or modified products. NON-CATALOG AND MODIFIED PRODUCTS Consult Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. for applications for which there is no catalog product, or for connectors for use in hosti4i; environments, with excessive wood shrinkage, or with abnormal loading or erection requirements. Non-catalog products must be designed by the customer and will be fabricated by Simpson Strong-Tie in accordance with cu tomer specifications. Simpson Strong-Tie cannot and does not make any repro sentations regarding the suitability of use or load-carrying capacifi,.~s of non-catalog products. Simpson Strong-Tie provides no warranty, exlress or implied, on non-catalog products. F.O.B. Shipping Point unless <Iherwise specified. If Common Rafter Metric Conversion Bolt Diameter Roof Pitch is... Imperial Metres in mm Rise/Run :.Slope 7 in 25.40 mm 3/e 9.5 1/12 5° 1 ft 0.3048 in 72.7 2112 10° §>s 159 3/12 + 14° 11b 4448N 3/4 - 797 A/12 18° 1 Kip! 4 448 kN 6 22.2 5112 23 1 psi 6895 Pa 1 25.4 6/12 27° 7/12 30° _ 8112 34° Use these Roof Pitch to HipNalley Rafter Roof R12/12 37° Pitch conversion tables only for hip/valley rafters 40° that are skewed 45° right or left. All other skews 42° will cause the slope to change from that listed. 45° Then Hip/Valley Rafter US Standard Steel Gauge Equivcllents Roof Pitch becomes... in Nominal Dimensions Rise/Run Slope Appro ximate D ecimals (i ) 1/17 3° Min T Dimen sions n 2/17 7° Ga . hick. (mils) in mm Uncoated Galvanized ZMAX) 3/17 10° Steel - Steel (G90) (13185) " 4117 13° 3 229 %a 6.0 0.239 . 5/17 16° 7 171 3/6 4.5 0.179 9186 - ° 10 !118 9A4 35 0.134 20138 0.140: 6/17 19 11 :1111 1/a 3.1 0120 ° 0123 01125 7777 22 ° 12 97 b54 2.7 0.105 0.108 0.110 8/17 25° " 14 68 5/64 2.0 0.075 0.078 0.080 9117 28° 16 +54 Yle 1.6 0.060 -0063 0.065'. 10/17 30° 18 :i 43 3/64 1.3 0.048 `t0052 0.054 '..11/17 33° 20 33 'h2 1.0 0.036 0.040 0.042 12117 35° 22 27 'h2 1.0 0.030 0.033 0.035 Steel thickness varies according to mill standards. 15 !1 E i j N N1 N Will U:&~ _ 1 4 Nail Types and Sizes Specified for Simpson Strong-Ties Connectors Many Simpson Strong-Tie connectors have been designed and tested for use with specific types and sizes of nails. The specified quantity, type and size of nail must be installed in the correct holes on the connector to achieve published loads. Other factors such as nail material and finish are also important. Incorrect fastener selection or installation can compromise connector performance and could lead to failure. 0 1'/2 IIVIPSON StrottgTie m 16d 16d 10d 8d Common Sinker Common 16dx2l/2" Common N54A 10dxIi,12' 8dx11h" 0.118" 0.131" 21/2 3 31/4 31/2 0.162" 0.131" 0.25" 0.148" 0.162" 0.148" In some cases it is desirable to install Simpson Strong-Tie face mount joist hangers and straight straps with nails that are a different type or size than what is called out in the load table. In these cases these reduction factors must be applied to the allowable loads listed for the connector. Load Adjustment Factors for Optional Nails Used with Face Mount Hangers and Straight Straps Nails are drawn to scale Nail diameter assumes no cea,5hg. See T-NAILGUIDE for more infom'ration. (Seepage 187) Catalo Mail R l t Allowable Load Adjustment Factor g ep acemen i Face Mount Hangers Straight Straps 16dcommon(0.162x3W) 10dx1Yz(01480Yz') 064 0.84' 16d common (0.1620h') 10d common (0.148x3') 12d common (0.148x3Y") 0.84 0.84 16d common (0.162x3Y1') 16d sinker(0.148x3Ya') 0.84 0.84 16d common(0.162x3W) 16dx2Yz(N16)(0.162x2'h') 1.00 100 too common (0.148x3") 12d common (0148x3Ya) 10dx1Yx (0148x114) 0.77 1.004 16d sinker (0148x3Y')i 10d common (0.148x3') 16d sinker (0.1480N) „ 10dxl%(0.148x1Ya") 0.64 100: 10d common (0148x3) 12d common (0148x3Ya") 16d sinker, (0 748x3Ya 1.00 1.00 8dcommon(0.131x2W) 8dxlrk(0.131xth") 0.85 1.00 10d common(0.148xT) 8d common(0.13lx2W) 0.83 0.83 t. 10dx1 Ufa" or 16dx2lh' nails may not be substituted forjoist nails in double shear hangers (i.e. LUS, MUS HUS, HHUS, HGUS). For applications involving pneumatic nails, refer to specific tool manufacturer tech bulletins (see page 187 for details). 2. Do not substitute 10dxllh" nails for face nails on slope and skew combinations or skewed only LSU and tSSU. 3. For sumps installed over sheathing Ph" nails should not be used. 4. This table does not apply to specials (see Hanger Options), or steel thicker than 10 gauge. Face mount hangers, joist and face nails (except as noted) and straight straps may be installed with alternate nails. Use this table to determine the load adjustment factor. 5. Where noted, use 0.80 for 10 ga, 11 ga, and 12 go products when using SPF lumber. 6. Where noted, use 0.92 for 10 ga, 11 ga, and 12 ga products when using SPF lumber. Double shear nailing should use full length common nails Shorter nails may not be used as double shear nails 0 0 0 f-~ r~ i 0 Fas~engrs&~lritYr37rme.,~ys(o'tnsl r~ +i: t.t_ FASTENING IDENTIFICATION O Round Holes Purpose: to fasten a connector to wood. Fill Requirements: always fill, unless noted otherwise. O Olumund Holes Purpose: to make fastening a connector in a fight location easier. Fill Requirements: always fill. O Hexagonal Holes Purpose: to fasten a connector to concrete or masonry. Fill Requirements: always fill when hastening a connector to concrete or masonry O Triangular Holes Purpose: to increase a connecto's strength or to achieve MAX strength. Fill Requirements: when the Designer specifies max nailing. G) Diamond Holes Purpose: to temporarily fasten a connector to make installing it easier. Fill Requirements: none. e. /.i Pilo '•5~ Hale " Riilol Holes 1-ding holes for numufacturing purposes. Nn fasteners required. o CQ Speed Prongs Positive Angle Dome Nailing Used to temporarily Nailing (PAN) This feature guides the position and secure Provided when wood nail into the joist and the connector for easier splitting may occur, and header at a 45° angle. and faster installation. to speed installation. U.S. Patent 5,603,580 Simpson Strong-Tie® nails and structural fasteners have been developed as the optimum fasteners for connector products. Special lengths afford economy of purchase and installation, and depth compatibility with framing members. For pneumatic nail use, see Instructions to the Installer, page 14 and visit uwvrostrongtie.comfor technical bulletins. 1 a..eax~-.sr . ~~pr 1 Ib. Retail Tub 5 lb. Retail Bucket Simpson Strong-Tie hot-dip galvanized nails are packed in 1 Ib. and 5 lb. plastic retail containers for easy handling. Display Packages Double Shear Nailing The nail is installed into the joist and header, distributing the load through two points on each joist nail for greater strength. Display Package) Description N8DHDG MSTR CTN 24 display packs of 150 N8 nails NBD5HDG MSTR CTN 6 display packs of 750 N8 nails N10DHDG MSTR CTN 24 display packs of 120 N10 nails 141 OD5HDG MSTR CTN 6 display packs of 600, NIB nails IODHDG MSTR CTN 24 display packs of 501Od nails 1 OD5HDG MSTR CTN 6 display packs of 250 Ind nails 16DHDG MSTR CTN. 24 display packs of 4016d nails 16D5HDG MSTR CTN 6 display packs of 20016d nails 501b. Bulk Boxes Available for N8HDG and N1OHDG Model no. N8, N10 41 ITS Strang-Grip" (lUs similar) The Strong-Grip" seat allows. the I-joist to'5nal in securely without the need for joist nails. I V~ V Tab Nailing The nail is hammered in at an angle of approxi- nately 45° to prevent the wood from splitting. Nail . Dimensions Woe.. Finish nimpson Fasteners: Gauge Puhodel NO. per CWTl 0 131'xlld HDG Na 15200 8tlx1 . (3.3mm x38.1mm) 10Y SS SSW 15200 8d Common 0131 x@'h 10'/' SS >SSD 9400 (33mm x63.5mm) 10d 1f " 0.148"x11/2" 9 HDG 1V10 11900 x i (3.8mm x 38.1 mm) SS <SNtD 12200 10d Common 0148 x3 9 SS „S10D 6700 (3 8mm x.76.2mm) 16dx1fz" 0.162"x2rra° 8 HDG PI16 6300 (4.1mmx63.5mm) 16d C 0162'x3W 8 HDG IndHDG 4400'. ommon (4.1 mm x 88.9mal , SS ,';Sl(@ 4400: S: N54A 0.250"x 2IT Bright I'd 34A 2700 (6.4mm x 63.5mm) 3 HDG I..,i4AHDG 2700 1. N16 fasteners may be ordered electro-galvanized; specify tai; ]or example N16EG. This finish is not acceptable for ZMAXe or HDG application 2. HDG = hot-dip galvanized; SS = stainless steel; Bright = no finish; GV = green vinyl. 3. Metric equivalents are listed (Diameter x Length). 4. The 8d common, 1 W common, 12d common, 16d common, and 16d sinker nails are for reference only. Simpson does not. s:r.I mere nails. All other nails are available through Simpson. 5. For pneumafic fastener info, request additional technical im -,-motion. 6. Recommended minimum end distance to prevent spli inq pith a steel side member is 10 x the nail diameter per 2005 NDS Commentaiy Table 7. Use HOG nails with ZMAX and HDG products. 8.16d sinker with GV finish is not acceptable for ZMAX or H100, applications. 9. HDG nails sold by Simpson meet the specifications of ASTPJ ,053. Stainless steel nails are type 316 stainless. tc x 0 R N y 17 II j W y G 0 V N d 4 (1 i._ 4a~~'~~0 This product is preferable to similar connectors because of ° a) easier installation, b) higher loads, c) lower installed cost, ara combination of these features. ~9"°•° Ail hangers in this series have double shear nailing -an Innovation that distributes the load through two points on eachjoist nail for greater strength. This allows for fewer nails, faster installation, and the use of all common nails for the same connection. Double shear hangers range from the light capacity LUS hangers to the highest capacity HGUS hangers. For medium load truss applications, the MUS offers a lower cost alternative and easier installation than the HUS or THA hangers, while providing greater load capacity and bearing than the LUS. MATERIAL: See tables below and on page 119 FINISH: Galvanized. Some products available in stainless steel or ZMAX'° finish; see Corrosion Information, page 10-11. INSTALLATION • Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. • Nails must he driven at an angle through thejoist or truss into the header to achieve the table loads. • Not designed for welded or nailer applications. • With 3x carrying members, use 16dx2Ye" nails into the header and 16d commons into thejoist with no load reduction. With single 2x carrying members, use IOdxllh" nails into the header and 10d commons into the joist, and reduce the load to 0.64 of the table value. OPTIONS: • LUS and MUS hangers cannot be modified. • HUS hangers available with the header flanges turned in for 2-2x (31/e') and 4x only, with no load reduction. See HUSC Concealed Flange illustration. • Concealed flanges are not available for HGUS and HHUS. • See Hanger Options, pages 180-181, for sloped and/or skewed HHUS models. • Other sizes available; consult your Simpson representative. CODES: See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart. These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson for details. d Min' Dimensions Fasteners Mo el No. Heel Height Car W H ' -B Carrying Member (Carried' Member SINGLE 2x SIZES LUS24 2% 1966 134 4-10d 2-10d LUS26 4Y 18 1966 4% 13'a 4-10d 4-10d MUS26 41X6 18 1946 5356 '2 6-10d 6-10d HUS26 49'16 16 1% 534 3 14-16d 06d HGUS26 4946 12 1% 6% 5 20-16d 8-16d LUS28 4346 18 1% 6% 1344 6-10d 4-10d MUS28 6456 18. 1346 6'346 2 810d - 8-10d HUS28 6Yz 16 146 7 3 272-16d 8-16d HGUS28 69Ac 12 1% 7Ya 5 36-16d 12 lad LUS210 4'/0 18 1e16 71356 134 8-10d 4-10d HUS210 8% 16 11'6 9 3 30-16d 10-16d 1. See toile on page 119 for allowable loads. 1100 US tye for4x, 7~"l D H C P LUS28 .e. v c' c o ' al G(HHUS210-2 (Truss Designer to provide fastener quantity for connecting multiple members togethe ) I f~ d HUSC Concealed Flanges (not available for HHUS, HGUSand HUS2x) Typical HUS?S with Reduced HE Ill Height ® Double Double Shear D)rn:; Double Shear Nailing Nuking Side View Shear Nallin Side View (at fab/eon NailinTo View, Do not Sul , models bend tab 'e U I"agent 5,603,580 REDUCED HEEL HEIGHT ALLOWABLE LOADS - DF/SP (See illustration above) F_ 118 r' Model Reduced ` No. of Carrying Joist Face Uplift 2x6 Carrying Member 2x8 Carrying Member No. Heel i Member Nails` Nails Floor Snow RWI Wind Wind Floor Snow Roof Wind Wind He gh[ Plys (133)' (160) (100) (115) 025) (133) (160) (100) 1(115) (125). (733). (160) i LUS26 3% 1 3-10d 4-10d 730 875 700 805 875 935 1000 700 805 875 935 1000 2 3-10d 4-10d 730 875 775 890 970 1030 1235 775 890 970 1030 1235 MUS26 3Y 1 4-10d 610d 725- 725 1000 1150 1250 1330 1390 1000 1150 1250 1330 1390 z 2 4-10d 6-10d 725 725 1110 1280 1390 1420 1420 1110 1280 1390 1420 3420 1 4-10d 14-10d 865 865 1760 1950 1950 1950 1950 1500 1725 1880 1950 1950 HUS26 3Y 4-16d 14-16d 1035 1035 1980 2155 2155 2155 2155 1500 1725 1880 2000 2155 z 2 4-10d 14-10d 865 865 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 4-16d 14-16d 1035 1035 2425 2695 2695 2695 2695 2425 2695 2695 2695 2695 HGUS26 39A 2 ; 6-10d 20-10d 1510' 1510 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 a . 6-16d 20-16d :1745:' 1745 2830 3830 2830 2830 2830 2830 +2830 2830 2830' x2830 LUS28 3% 1 3-10d 6-10d 730 875 700 805 875 935 1000 900 1035 1125 1200 1245 6 2 3-10d 6-10d 730 875 775 890 970 1030 1235 1010 1160 1260 1340 1480 MUS28 ` 1 410d 810d 7751 775 1000 1150 1250 1330 1390 1200 :1300 1300 1300 1300 3 fz 2 .4-10d 8 10d 7751 775 1110 1280 1390 7420 1420 1345 '7550 1685 1600 690 1 4-10d 22-10d 835 835 1760 1950 1950 1950 1950 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 HUS28 3X 4-16d 22-16d 1000 1000 1980 2155 2155 2155 2155 2810 2980 2980 2980 2980 , 2 4-10d 22-10d 835 835 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 2475 2475 2475 2475 2475 4-16d 22-16d 1000 1000 2425 2695 2695 2695 2695 3210 3270 3310 3340 3450 HGUS28 396 2 -6-10d' 36104 1395 1395 2350 3350 2350 2350 2350 31051 3105 3105 3105 3705 6 . 6-16d 36-16d 1610 1610: 2830 2830 2830. :2830 2830 3740. 3740 3740 3740. 3740 GrMUS28 %HGUS28-2 1. Allowableloads 11 own consider ANSI/ TPI 1-2002 mun Cur design criteria. 2. For allowable In ds on 2x10 girder For Ale LUS.611'. rs two loaxeStjoist fastenersholes cr hie right side of the hanger and ii e single lowest joist fastener 1. cn the left side of the hanger. 5. wind (133) and (160) is a download rating. 6. NAILS 16d r ,2 dia.x 3W" long, 16dx2k 016 91a.x 21W long, 10d 0148 di Yining, 10dxl1h=01 Ill aia.x 11/Y long, Seepage 16-17 liaother nail sizes and information SIMPSON Stro - Me N1N el DF Allowable Loads Uphft'Up1ifP Floor Snow Roo( Wind (133) {160) (100) (115) (125) (133/160) SP Allowable Loads Uphft'Up1if0 Floor Snow Raof Wmd. (133) (160). (100) (115) (125) (133(160) SPF/HF Allowable Loads UpIifC Uplift' Floor Snow Roof Wind' (133) (160)(100) (115) (125) (133716VPI RCod efe SINGLE 2x SIZES LUS24 465 490 640 735 800 850 490 490 690 795 865 920 390 465 540 625 675 730 LUS26 930 1115 830 955 1040 1110 1010 1165 900 1035 1115 1200 780 935 700 805 875 _ 950 '1.37,87,121,133,140 MUS26 1090 1090 1310 1505 1640 1740 1090 1090 1425 1640 1780 1740 915 915 1100 1265 1380 1465 ' 47,133 'HUS26 1550.. 1550 2565 2950 3205 3335 1550 <1550 2785 3200. 3325 3335'1 1335 1335 2210 2490. 2540 2580 'J 4, 37, 87,121, 133 HGUS26 1765 1765 3750 3750 3750 3750 1765 1765 3750 3750 3750 3750+.. 1520 1520 3480 3480 3480 3480 133 LUS28 930 1115 1055 1210 1320 1405 1010 1165 1140 9310 1425 1520 780 935- 890 1025 1115 1185 4,37,87,121,733,140 MUS26 1555 1555 1750 2070 2185 2325 1555 7555 1900 2185 2375 2325 1305 1305 1470 1690 1635 1955 47,133 HUS28 2000 2000 3585 3700 3775 3840 2000 2000 3380 3505 3585 3655 1720 1720 2580 2680 2745 2800 4 37, 87, 121, 133 HGUS28 3015 3015 5720 5720 5720 5720 3015 3015 5720 5720 5720 5720 2595 2595 4345 4520 4635 4730 133 LUS210 930- '1115 1275 1470 1595 1700 1010 1165 1380 1590 1725 1840 ' 780 935 1085 1245 .1355 1445 1,37 87,121,133,140 HU5210 2845 8000 3775 3920 4020 4100 3000 3000 3585 3745 3850 3935 2320 2780 2745 2870 2955 3025 4, 37, 87, 121, 133 I Note. For dimensions and fastener information, see table on page 118. 44 o 0 o a V `Model Min. Dimensions Fasteners DF7SPAIIowableLoads ..SPF/HF Allowable Loads Code No. Heght Go W H B er Memb Member R73& (133) Uplift, ( ) 1 000) 5 (17) Roof (125) Wind Uplift, ( ) Uplift, ( ) fl Or ( ) 5 (715) (Roof 25 ) 1Wiila'IFG) ( Ref. DOUBLE 2x SIZES LUS24-2 2'/a 18 31/6 3% 2 4-16d 2-16d 565 565 765 880 960 1020 465 555 640 735 800 881 0 LUS26 2 4a/s 1 18 3% 066 2 4 16d ' "4 16d 1140 3165 1000 1150 1250 1335 925. 1115 820. -945- 1025 11= 7 84 121 133 HHUS26 2 '4sAs 14 394e 5% 3 14-16d 6-16d 1550 1550 2580 2965 3225 3440 1395 9550 2165 2490 2710 2: 4,37,121,133,140 'HGUS26 2 43A6 12 337,s 5% 4 20-16d 8-16d 2325 .2325 3940 4535 4930 5240 1995 1995 3410 3920. 4260 ` 4!-,.;! 3, 39,121,133, 140 LUS28-2 4e/s 18 3% 7 2 6-16d 4-16d 1140 1165 1265 1455 1585 1690 925 1115 1050 1210 1315 - 14Fni 1,84,121, 84,121,133 i HHUS28-2 63A6 14 Ni. 6% 3 22-16d 8-16d 2000 2000 3885 4465 4855 5180 1860 2000 3275 3765 4095 4S "III 4, 37,121,133,140 HGUS28 2 6s/6 12 3Y6 7146 4 36-16d 12-16d 3226 3220 6805 7830 7925 7925 2705 2705 5890 6320 6425 6. I 3,39,121,133,140 6 `LUS210 2 0e 18 3'k 9. 2 8-16d f 6-16d 1550 1550 1765 2030 2210 2355 1390 1550 1465 1680 1830 19111 ` 1, 84,121,133 HHUS2102 83A 14 3944 8x.4: 3 3016d 1016d 2855 3430 5190 5900 5900 5900 2330 2795 4385 4795` 4875 431".f 4,37,121,133,140 iHGUS210 2 8s/s 12 3316 9Y,6 4 46 161 16 161 3630 3630 8650 8940 8940 8940 3050. 3050 6575. 6775 6865 7 1 i f . 3, 39,127, 733,140 TRIPLE 2x SIZES _ _ HGUS26-3 4'916 12 4'6/16 4Yz 4 20-16d 8-16d 2325 2325 3940 4535 4930 5240 1995 1995 3410 3920 4260 4 HGUS28-3 6i3/s 12 4'V16 7% 4 36-16d 72-16d 3220 3220 6805 7830 7925 7925 2705 2705 5890 6655 6655 11'>!i' 14GU52103 813/s 12 4's/s 93A6 4 4616d 1616d 3630 3630 8780 8940 8940 8940 3050 3050 7510 7510 7510 75 U'~ tHHUS210-3 fBVe 14 41Y16 :9 3 30 161 10-16d 2855 3430 5190 5900 5900 x5900 2330 2795 4385. 5040: 5075. 5., . 133,140 HGUS212-3 101A 12 41146 10~b, 4 56-16d 20-16d 4055 4055 9155 9155 9155 9155 3405 3405 7690 7690 7690 7I HGUS214-3 12% 12 4'~6 12V, 4 66-16d 22-76d 5380 5380 10015 10075 10015 10015 4520 4520 8415 8415 8475 II1I1 QUADRUPLE 2x SIZES HGUS26 4 511 12 61Y16 5% 4 20-16d '8-16d 2325 2325 3940 40 1955 1955 3410 .39 45: 'HGUS28 4 To 12 6'Y6 7% 4 36-16d 12 16d 3220 3220 6605 25 2705 2705 5890 66 66 HGUS210-4 9% 12 61Ys 9% 4 46-16d 16-16d 3630 3630 8780 40 3050 3050 7510 751 7011 HHUS210-4 8% 14 6~k 8'k 3 30-16d 10-161 2855 3430 5190 J U 20 2450 2940 4475 514 t 5f^70 133, 740 HGUS212 4 :10% 12 61Re 10H 4 5616d 2016d 4055 4055 9755 5 3405 3405 7690 769 7690 7CI I HGUS214 4 1234 12 6'Ys 12Yz 4 66 16d 22 161 5380 5380 10015 15 4520 4520 8415 841 811,` 4x SIZES 1-US46 43A 18 316 0 4-16d 1140 1165 1000 1150 1250 1335 925 1115 820 945 1025 1b 1, 84,121,133 HGUS46 4r/6 12 3% 4A. 8-76d 2325 2325 3940 4535 4930 5240 1995 1995 3410 3920 4260 4n 4,37,121,133,140 HHU546 EUS48 HUS48 46 494 6% 14 18 14 3§4 39/16 33/9 SYa 63k 7 L 616d 4-16d 6-16d 1550 1140 1550 1550 1165 7550 2580 1265 1505 2965 1455 1730 3225 1585 1885 3440 1690 2010 1395 925 1315 1550 1115 1550 2165 1050 1240 2490 1210 1425 2710 1315 1550 L : 14 J 16:+1 3, 39, 121,133, 140 1,84, 121,133 HHUS48 6Yz 14 3% 7 22-16d 8-16d 2000 2000 3885 4465 4855 5180 1860 2000 3275 3765 4095 43 ' 4, 37, 121,133,140 HGUS48 6%s 12 3% 7'6e 72 16d 3220 3220 6805 7830 7925 7925 2705 2705 5890 6655 6655 66', 3,39,121,133,140 LUS410 6Y 18 3v/w 83/a 6-16 1550 1550 1765 2030 2210 2265 1390 1550 1465 1680 1830 21f, 1,84,721,133 HHUS410 83,4 14 3% 9 10-76d 2855 3430 5190 5900 5900 5900 2330 2795 4385 5040 5075 512 4, 37,121,133,140 HGUS410 8'As 12 3% 9 4 46-161 16-161 3630 3630 8780 8940 8940 8940 3050 3050 7365 7510 7510 7510 3,39,721,133,740 HGU5412 10'/e 12 :344 10'fis 4 5616d 2016d 4055 4055 9155 9155 9155 ' ' 9155 3405 3405 7690 7690 7690 7E: 1: HGUS474 11'fis 12 35/a 12'As 4 66-16tl 122161 5380 5380 10015 100151 T 0 151 10015.. 4520 4520 7890 8185: 8380 8.3 133 d O. N N 0 n 0 N ■ 1. Uplift loads have been increased 33% and 60% for earthquake or wind loading with no further T-ANSITPISPF T-ANSI TPISP and T-ANSITPIDF for allevr'.bIa loads that consider increase allowed. Divide by 1.33 and 1.60 for normal loading as in cantilever construction. ANSI/TPI 1-2002 wood member design criteria (see io c: o- 187 for details). 2. Wind (133/160) is a download rating. 5. Loads shown are based on minimum of 2-ply 2x carry member. 3. Minimum heel height shown is required to achieve full table loads. For less than minimum 6. See installation notes on page 118 for fastener load I- Ii'icadons. heel height, see Allowable Loads with Reduced Heel Height on page 118. 7. NAILS: 16d = 0.162" dia. x 3'/z` long. 4. Truss chord cross-grain tension may limit allowable loads. Refer to Technical Bulletins See page 16-17 for other nail sizes and information. 119 These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additionalproducts on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson for details. SIMPSON ALTERNATE INSTALLATIONS StrnnTe TWO-PLY 4X2 FLOOR TRUSSES © Connection Design to Achieve Specified Nailing of a Face Mount Hanger at a Panel Point. Nails located in joints formed by the intersection of wood members or with edge or end distances less than suggested by NDS have no load resistance. The hanger allowable load value shall be reduced by the nail shear value for each header nail less than the specified quantity. Connection shall be approved by the Truss Designer. The use of Strong-Drive screws insures that loads are adequately supported by both trusses. (Testing has shown that most currently available lightgauge steel connectors do not uniformly distribute applied loads to both trusses.) In addition differential deflection between the two trusses is reduced. 1. Screw spacing shall not exceed 24" o.c. and shall not be less than 4" o.c. A minimum end distance of 3" shall be provided at all truss members. 2. Gap between the trusses shall not exceed l/F. 3. Floor sheathing shall be screwed (or nailed) to each truss top chord. (Fastener spacing per the applicable Code requirements, or 12"o.c. max) 4. Strong-Drive screws are permitted to be installed through metal truss plates as approved by the Truss Designer, provided the requirements of ANSI/TPI 1-2002 Section 8.10 are met (pre-drilling required through the plate using a maximum of fz'bit). 5. The Truss Designer shall ensure that each truss is designed for the appropriate load(s) considering the location of the applied load(s) and the location of the Strong-Drive screws. 6. The Truss Designer shall design all trusses and the truss system to meet all Code and Al requirements. 7. Individual screw locations may be adjusted up to 3" to avoid conflicts with other hardware or to avoid lumber defects. 8. Strong-Drive screws shall not be installed in areas where lumber wane exceeds '/d'. 9. All concentrated loads were assumed to be applied at truss panel points. Allowable Shear Loads a Model -::DF/SP SPF No. (G=0.50mm) (G=0.42) U Floor (100) - Flow (100):. SDS25600 280 200 7. Allowable loads are based on a CD= 1.00. Increases are a hawed for other durations per code to a maximum Co = 1.60. No further increase allowed. .2. Method 1-To be considered effective all Strong-Drive" screws shall be installed within 12' of the applied concentrated load. 3. Method 1 and Method 2 screws can be combined as required f ' to transfer half of the applied load to the supporting truss. - F 4. For uniform top chord loads, space Strong-Drive screws as required to transfer half of the applied load to the supporting truss. 5. Web configurations other than those shown above may be used as allowed by the Truss Designer. Illy Truss Designer is to confirm blocking size/grece, fasteners required and application. Fasteners used to attach the additional blockin) should be independent of the truss hanger fael.eners. For more information, refer to techni: al bulletin T-SCREWAPPS (seepage 187 for 6etiels). Also see Connector Selector Software page 194. 31/z 31/2' gar (Chord Shown) Screw position in the truss 1HGB ntGaH Block(s) should be of similar size/grade as the truss member to which it is attached. Blocking should be designed to act as one unit with the truss members. Block(s) should be of sufficient size to accept all carried/carrying member nails, and develop full seat bearing as specified in Simpson Strong-Tie publications. Applied Concentrated Load Strong-Drive Screw (TYpi (Typ. @ all Members) Strong-Drive Screw m m n 2 H 0 7 m n h r s 131 Use of Wood filler Blocking © for Carried Member Width Less than Hanger Width. (Block designs d by Designer or Truss l i ar) Use of Wood Blocking to Achieve the Full Design Load Value of a Face Mount Hanger Attached to a Single Ply Carrying (Girder) Member. (Block designed by Engineer of Record or Truss Designer) Example shown: HGUS210-2 installed on a 2x6 bottom chord (other applications similar) Installation Method 1 -Top Choi ill Installation Method 2 - Vertical iti4.h LTAJA26 Truss HiplJack Hangers This product S prefembl to simdarconnectomhecause of Y? • a) easier installation, b) higher loads, c) lower mstalled cost, of a combination of these features. 4a, , V d l G C+ N ) F a 3 m d The LTHJA26 is a lighter capacity version of the THJA26 and offers the lowest cost alternative for light hip/jack load applications. MATERIAL: 18 gauge FINISH: Galvanized INSTALLATION: • Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. • Shall be attached to a double girder truss to allow for required minimum nail penetration. See footnote 5. • 10dx1'/z' nails must be installed into bottom of hip members through bottom of hanger seat for table loads. OPTIONS: These hangers can not be modified. CODES: See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart. Top View Left Hand Hip Installation V LTHJA26 U.S. Patent 5,253,465 and other Patent Pending W AV Top Vtew Right Hand Hip Installation - wry' l ipVeew Terminal Hip without Center Ilommon Jack Carried Fasteners DF/SP A llowabl e Loads : SPF/HF Allowab le Li"ds Model No. Member : ' Carrying Hip' Jack 'Total Avg Ult Carved Member Uplift Floor Snow Roof Wind Uplift Floor Snow Ruof Wind Code Ref. Combination Member (each) (1331160) (100) (115) (125) (1331160)- (1331760) (100) (175) {7n (1331160) S d H Jack 75 290 290 290 290 65 245 245 21 245 i e ip & 20 d d Center Jack 10 7 10 x1Fz 4 10dI 3733 Hi 220 875 875 875 875 185 735 735 73 735 LTHJA26 Hi &Jack 295 1165 1165 1165 1165 250 980 980 9..1 980 47, Double 20 10d 710dx7Y 3852 Hi (each) 290 635 635 635 635 245 535' 535 53~ : 535 34 (Terminal) Hip e Two Hi ps 585 1270 1270 1270 1270 490 1066 1065 105 ~ 11 1065 1. Uplift loads have been increased 33% and 60% for earthquake for allowable loads that consider ANSUTPI 1-2002 wood member design criteria (see patina 187 for details). or wind loading with no further increase allowed; reduce where 5. With single 2x carrying members, use 10dx11W nails and use 0.67 of the table value. other loads govern. 6. Tabulated hip andjack allowable loads assume that 75% of the total load is distributed to Iii, hip and 25% 2. For a 2-2x4 bottom chord, multiply the down load by 0.50. to thejack. It is permitted to distribute 65% to 85% of the tabulated total load to the hip: eir!d the remaining 3. Wind (1331160) is a download rating: percentage of total load to thejack. The combined hip andjack load may not exceed die published Total Load. 4. Truss chord cross -grain tension may limit allowable loads. Refer to 7. NAILS: 10d = 0.148" dia, x 3" long, 10dx1'h - 0.148" dia. x I1W long. technical bulletins T-ANSITPISPF, T-ANSITPISP and T-ANSITPIDF See page 16-17 for other nail sizes and information. The versatile THJA26 can accommodate right or left hand hips (at 45-degree skews), and can be installed before or after the hip andjack. Can also be used for double (terminal) hips. MATERIAL: 14 gauge FINISH: Galvanized INSTALLATION: - Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. • All multiple members must be fastened together to act as a single unit. • Shall be attached to a double girder truss to allow for required minimum nail penetration. See footnote 7. OPTIONS: These hangers cannot be modified. CODES: See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart. THJA26 U.S. Patent 5,253,465 oVo Top View Left Hand Hip i Installation a Top View Right Hand Hip Installation IMPSON StrongTie Typical THJA26 installation cam g eoim Top View Tenants it Hip without Center Commorli Jack Fasteners, ' DFISP Allowable Loads SPFIHF Allowable Loads Model Carved Code No. ; . Carrying Hip Jack Member' Uplift Floor Snow 'Roof Wind: Uplift Floor Snow Roof n~gnd Ref. Member (1331160) (100) (775) i(125) (733!160) (133!160) :(100) (115) ' 025) (1x11160) Hip 720 2010 2310 2450 2450 590 1740 2000 2100 '100 THJA26 20-16d 6-10dxl% 4-10dx1'h Jack 240 670 770 815 815 195 580 670 700 .0p 8,36, 21 140 Total 960 2680 3080 3265 3265 785 2320 2670 2800 ;300 , 1. 16d sinkers (0.148" diax 3'/a" long) may be substituted for 5. Wind (1331160) is a download rating. the specified 16d commons at 0.85 of the table load. 6. Truss chord cross-gram tension may limit allowable loads. Refer to technical bulletins T-ANSITPI SPF. T-ANSITPISP and 2. Combine hip andjack bads for metal capacity (fortermina/hip, T-ANSITPIDF for allowable loads that consider ANSIrfPI 1-2002 wood member design criteria (see rege 187(ordebols). add hip andjack loads then divide by two for each member). 7. With single 2x carrying members, use 1Intel h• nails and use 0.67 of the table value. 3. For a 2-2x4 bottom chord, multiply the down load by 0.50. 8. Tabulated hip andjack allowable loads assume that 75% of the total load is distributed to the hi 1, and 25% 4. Uplift loads have been increased 33% and 60T. for to thejack. It is permitted to distribute 65% to 85% of the tabulated total load to the hip, and tlu:! remaining earthquake or wind loading with no further increase percentage of total load to thejack. The combined hip andjack load may not exceed the publul dsJ Total Load. 9. NAILS: 16d = 0.162' dia. x 31A' long, 10dx1 /x - 0.1480 dia. x 1 h' long. 126 allowed; reduce where other loads govern. See page 16-17 for other nail sizes and information. 0 n Typical LTH,A26 Installation I LSU/LSSU Adjustable Light ' 0.004 This product is preferable to similar connectors because of >r a) easier mstallahon, b) higher loads, c) lower installed cast, or a combination of these features. The LSU and LSSU series of hangers may be sloped and skewed in the field, offering a versatile solution for attachingjoists and rafters. These rY hangers may be sloped up or down and skewed left or right, up to 45°. Jf MATERIAL: See table FINISH: Galvanized. Some products available in ZIAW finish; see Corrosion Information, page 10-11. INSTALLATION: Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. • Attach the slopedjoist at both ends so that the horizontal force developed by the slope is fully supported by the supporting members. „ t • To see an installation video on this product, visit www.strongtie.com. CODES: See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart. IMPSON Strong* STEP 7 STEP 2 STEP 3 Nail hanger to slope-cut Skew flange from 0-45°. Attach hanger to P carried member, installing seat nail first. No bevel Bend other flange back along centerline of slots the carrying member, acute angle side necessary for skewed until it meets the header. first. Install nails installation. Installjoist Bend one time only. at an angle. nails at 45° angle. These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson for details. q Dimensions Fasteners DFISP Allowable Loads` : SPF Allowable Loads Joist. Width Model No. _ Oa W H'. A Face : 1 Joist Uphflz (133) 1 Uphft2 (160) : Floor. 1.(100) Snow (115)':. Roof (125) UpliW (133) Floor (100) Snow (715) Rgol (1251 Code Ref. Sloped Only Hangers 11h LSU26 : 18 19/16 4i/e 114 5 10dx1Yz 485 535 665 7 800 415 575 660 690 1, 84,121,140 Tk 28 18 19/s 7% 1'h S10dx1Yz 485 110 1 1390 415 960 1105 1201 6,86, PFz g 210 18 19/6 8Y2 1% 0 7-10dx1~ 730 875 1110 1275 1390 625 960 1105 1200 121,140 2'fz H310 : : 16 29/9 Yi 3'A 1150 2295 2295 2295 990 1930 1930 191C 160 3 210-2 16 31e 8Yz 2'/e 1150 2430 2795 3035 990 3Yi 410 16 39/6 81/2 2% 18-16d 1240dx1Yz 1150 1150 2430 2795 3035 990 21G0 2485 2700 4,87"121 Skewed Hang ers or Sloped and Skewed 11h LSU26 18 19/6 4~/a: 1112 6-10d 5 10dx1'h 485 535 665 , 765 800 415 575 !660 , 690 1, 84,121 Tfz LSSU28 1 :18 19/6 7Ys'. 1% 9-10d s S 10dx1Yz 450 450 885 , 885 885 415 765 765 766 Pfz LSSU210 18 19/6 8Yz 1% 9-10d 7-10dx1'Fz 730 785 995 1145 1205 625 860 995 1050 6,80 140 2'h r.. LSSUH310 ! 16 29/is 8'h 3~ 1416tl: 1210dxYh '1150 1150 1600 1600 1600 '.990. 1385 1385 13tl 160 3 LSSU210-2 16 316 8Yz 27A 14-16d 12-10dx1Yz 1150 1150 7 F 1625 1625 1625 990 7365 1365 136; - 3+k LSSU410 16 39/6 8Yz 26/9 14-16d 12-10dx1~ 1150 1150 1625 1625 1625 990 1365 1365 136:- 4 87 1. Roof loads are 125% of floor loads unless limited by other criteria. 2. Uplift loads include a 33% and 60% increase for earthquake or wind loading; no further increase is allowed; reduce when other loads govern. 3. Truss chord cross-grain tension may limit allowable loads. Refer to Technical Bulletins T-ANSITPISPF, T-ANSITPISP and T-ANSITPIDF (seepage 187 for details) for allowable loads that consider ANSIITPI 1-2002 wood member design coterie. 4. NAILS: 16d = 0.162" dia. x 31/2° long, led = 0148"diz. x 3' long, l OdxY/z = 0.148" dia. x I W long. See page 16-17 for other nail sizes and information. 74 V LSSU410 (LSSU210-2 similar) OrLSSU28 ~l 0 d C V d E fn c y This product is preferable to similar connectors because of a) easier installation, b) higher loads, c) lower installed cost, Crow mbination of these features. The SU and HSU series of hangers are skewed 45° left or right. Angled nail slots direct nails for proper installation. MATERIAL: SUR and SUL-16 gauge; HSUR and HSUL-14 gauge FINISH: Galvanized. Some products available in ZMAX' finish; see Corrosion Information, page 10-11. INSTALLATION: • Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. • These hangers will normally accommodate a 40° to 50° skew. • Illustration shows left and right skews SUR/L (SUR=skewed right,' SUL=skewed left). • Thejoist end may be square cut or bevel cut. • For installations to concrete/masonry walls see page 140. OPTIONS: • Available with the A2 flange turned in on the 2-2x and 4x models only (see illustration). • To order, add "C" (for concealed) to the product name. • For example, specify HSURC46, HSULC46, SURC46, or SULC46. CODES: See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart. Typical SUR Installation with Square Out Joist (HSUR Similar) Typical SUL Installation with Bevel Cut Joist (HSUL Similar) (SUL V A2 r GHSUR IMPSON StrorigTie HSULft Available fair 2-2x and 4x model'sooly These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson for details. L Dimensions Fasteners DFLSP Species Header Allowable Loads SPF Species Header Allowable Loads Joist Size Model No ' R oof ' - Roof : Code R f . W H 3 A7 A2 Face Joist uplift (133) Uplift (166) Floor (100) Snow (113) Const (125) UPIiR (133) Uplift (160) Floor (100) Snow ;(115) Const (125) e . 2x4 SUR/L24 1e/s 3'h 2 1r'A 1Ya 4-16d 4-10dx1Y2 450 450 530 610 665 415 450 460 530 575 2x6,8 2x10;92 SUR/L26 SUR/L210 16/16 19/16 5 81/8 ' 2 2 1'h 1Ye 15A6 1Y16 6-16d 1016d 6-10dx1Y2 1010dx1'h 720 1200 765 1250 800 1336 960 1530 1000 1660 625 1040: 750 1250 690 1150 795 1320 860 1440: 26, 63,140,144 2x14P SUPJL214 1e/ie 101 2 1'78 15/+6 12 16d 1210dx1Y2 1440 1730 1595 1635 1995 1260, 1500 1380 1585 1725. 3x10,12 SUR/L256/9 29/16 81146 3946 1'h 2 14.164 2-10dxflh 210 225 2015 2280 2465 180 190 1735 1960 2120 3x14 SUR/L2.56/11 29/16 11 3 196 2% 16-16d 2-10dxt%2 145 145 2130 2130 2130 120 120 1535 1535 1535 170 (2) 2x6,8 SUR/L26-2 31/, 4'~6 2% Pb6 2'e 816d 4 16dx2J/2 716 835 1065 1225 1330 615 735 920 1005 10D5 26, 83,140,144 (2) 2x6,8 HSUR/L26 2 3'78 4'416 2A6 11/4 2316 1216d 416dx2Y8 715 815. 1610 1850 2000 620 740 1390 1600 1740 A6,33,83,122,144 (2) 2x10,12 SUR/1-210-2 3he 8'196 2% 1%6 24'6 14-16d 6-16dx2'h 1065 1275 1860 2140 2330 920 1105 1610 1850 2010 26, 83,140,144 (2)2x10,12 11SUR/1210-2 8"A6 2%6 11/4 AA6 20-16d 6-16dx2'Fz 1070 1285 2680 3080 3350 930 1115 2320 2670 2900 (2)2614 HSUR/L2142 12"/6 2Ma 1% 2A6 2616d 816dX2h 1430 1715 3485 4005 4355 1235 !1485 3015 3470 3770 ..G: 33, 83, 122, 144 4x6,8 SUR/L46 4% 2% 1 23'6 8-16d 4-16d 710 815 1065 1225 1330 615 735 920 1005 1005 ?5.83,122,140,144 4x6,8 HSUR/L46 ] 41x4 2%6 1 24'16 12-16d 4-16d 715 815 1610 1850 2000 620 740 1390 1600 1740 6.33,83,122,144 4x10,12 SUPJL410 8'h'.. 2% 1 2% 14-16d 6-16d 1065 1275 1860 2140 2330 920 1105 1610 1850 2010: 26,83,140, 144 4x10,12 HSUR/L410 3-As 8Y2 2%6 1 24,6 2016d 6 16d 1070 1285 2680 3080 3350 930 1115 2320 2670 2900 _633,83,122,144 4x14 SUR/L414 12Yz 2% 1 2/8 1420 1700 2395 2500 2500 1225 1470 1795 1795 1795 83, 122, 740, 144 4x14 HSUR/L414 121/2 2M. 1 23'16 26-164 8-164 1430 1715 3485 4005 4355 1235 1485 3015 3470 3770 633, 83,122,144 1. Uplift loads have been increased by 33% and 60% for earthquake or wind loading with no further increase allowed; reduce where other loads govern. 2. Roof loads are 125% of floor loads unless limited by other criteria. 3. Truss chord cross-groin tension may limit allowable loads. Refer to Technical Bulletins T-ANSITPISPF, T-ANSITPISP and T-ANSITPIDF for allowable loads that Consider ANSIrrPI 1-2002 wood member design criteria (see page 187 for details). 4. NAILS: 16d = 0.162" dia. x 3%i' long, 16dx2'/2 = 0.162" dia. x 21N long, 10dxPh = 0.148"dia. x 1l/F long. See page 16-17 for other nail sizes and information. 78 n Typical SUR IVII Installation 0 l The Hurricane Tie series features various configurations of wind and seismic ties for trusses and rafters. The NEW H2A features an improved design and higher uplift loads to replace the H2. The NEW H10A has a similar design as the H10 but offers higher uplift capacity. The H10S provides a high capacity connection from truss/rafter to stud. A Flexible nailing pattern allows installation where the stud is offset from the rafter up to 1". Suitable for wood-to-wood and wood-to-CMU/concrete applications. The H2.5T's truncated design was developed to accommodate trusses with 2x4 bottom chords. The easy to install, five nail pattern is stronger and gets better uplift loads than our popular m B' m'm 0 H11Z rr- H2.5 hurricane tie. H1, H10, HI OS, H10-2, HI 17 and HI4 have t oo been rated for download to provide additional bearing capacity between the-uss and wall. MATERIAL: See table. FINISH: Galvanized. H7Z and H11 Z-ZMAX® finish. Some modnl::: available in stainless steel or ZMAX; see Corrosion Information, page' 0-11. INSTALLATION: • Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. • H1 can be installed with flanges facing inwards (reverse of -1 f drawing number 1). • H2.5, H2.5T, H3, H4, H5 and H6 ties are only shipped in e?lual quantities of rights and lefts. (Rights shown.) • Hurricane Ties do not replace-solid blocking. CODES: See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart. aK' r1 tom' H6 a 't I n r son' I 17Z P 43R' a o. 01 73M H14 Profile rn G N SA N 155 It It! IMPSON StrosigTle 7selsmolc & Hurricane Ties k eb C y H 156 [J Fasteners DF/SP Allowable Loads : UphftLoad SPF/HF Allowable Loads Uplift Load ` with Model No. Ga To Raftersl To plates To Studs Uplift Lateral 133/160) , 1 with B&INNails (133&160) Uplift - Lat (133 eral 160) 8dxlrh Nails (733& - Code Ref. Truss (133) (160)'. F1 F2 {(133) (160) F1 F2 160) 1 H1 18 6-8dx19z 4-8d - 490 585 485 165 455 400 400 415 140 370 _ I H2: 18 ! 5-8d 5-8d 335 335 335, 230 230 - 230 2.40, 82,121,140 '112A 18 5-8dxPk 2 Bdx1vo 5 8dx118:- 575 575 130 55 : 495 4951 ' 130 55 160 H2.5 18 5-8d 5-8d - 415 415 150 150 415 365 365 130 130 365 2.6.40, 82,121,140 H2.5A 18 5-8d 5-8d - 600 600 110 110 480 520 535 110 110 480 40,122 IF 2.5T 18 5-8d 5-8d - 545 545 135 145 425 545 545 135 145 425. 146 H3 18 4-8d 4-8d : 455 455 125 160 415 1:320 320 105 140 t. 290 2.; 40, 82,121,140 H4 : 20 4=8d 4-8d 360 360 165 160 e 360 ':.235 235 140 135 235 i. 2.40,121,140 H5 18 4-8d 4-8d - 455 465 115 200 455 265 265 100 170 265 2;40,82,121,140 H6 16 - 8-8d 8-8d 915 950 - - 785 820 5,41, `H7Z 16 :-4-8d 2=8d 8-8cl 930, 985 400 `800 845 5345 121,140 HB 18 5-10dx1rh 5 108x1p/2 620 745 75 .530 565 < 75 125 H10 18 8-8dx11h 8-8dx1Yz - 905 990 585 525 780 850 505 450 - _ 9,121,140 HR1A 18 9-10dxPh 9-10dx1Pz - 1140 1140` 590 285 - 1015 1015 505 285 160 H10Sa" 18 8-8dx1'h 8-8dxl Yea 8-8d 1010 1010 545 215 550 870 870 470 185 475 149 H10-2 18 6-10d 6-10d - 760 760 455 395 655 655 390 340 - _ 6,121,140 `H11Z : 18 6-16dx2Yz 6-16dx2Ys - 830 830'. 525 760? . :1715 715 -450 655 170 H14 18 M 12-8cl 13-8d - 1350° 1350' 515 265 1050 1050 480 245 L2 12-Bdxl% 15-8d - 1350" 1350" 515 265 - 1050 1050 480 245 125 1. Loads have been increased 33% and 60% for earthquake or wind loading with no further increase allowed; reduce where other loads govern. 2. Allowable loads are for one anchor. A minimum rafter thickness of 21/Y must be used when framing anchors are installed on each side of thejoist and on the same side of the plate (exception: connectors installed such that nails on opposite sides don't interfere). 3. Allowable DF/SP uplift load for stud to bottom plate installation is 400 lbs. (1-12.5); 390 llx. (112.SA); 360 Ibs. (1-14) and 310 Ins. (H8). For SPF/HF values multiply these values by 0.86. 4. Allowable loads in the F1 direction are not intended be replace diaphragm boundary members or prevent cross grain bending of the truss or rafter members. Additional shear transfer elements shall he considered where there may he effects of cross grain bending or tension. O H2.5T Installation . *0 1-12A Installation ir (H2 similar) H3 installation (Nails into upper top plate) 5. Hurricane Fes are shown installed on the outside of the wall for clarity. Installation on the inside of the wall is acceptable (see instructions to the installer notes on page 14). For uplift Continuous Load Path, connections in the same area (i.e. truss to plate connVorand plate to stud connector) must be on same side of the wall. 6. Southern Pine allowable uplift loads for H10A = 1340 lbs. and for H14 = 1465 lbs. 7. Refer to technical bulletin T-HTIEBEARING for Hl, 1-10, H10S, H10-2, H11Z, H74 allowable hearing enhancement loads (see page 187 for details). 8. H10S can have the stud offset a maximum of 1' from rafter (center to cease l for a reduced uplift of 890 bus. (DF/SP), and 765 Ibs. (SPF). 9. H1 0S nails to plates are optional for uplift but required for lateral loads. 10. NAILS: 16dx2lh = 0.167 dia. x 21R long, 10d = 0.148" dia. x T long, 10dxlh = 0.148' dia, x 11/2' long, ed = 0.131' dia. x 21h' long, 8dxl 1h = 0.131" dia. x 1 Ih" long. See page 16-17 I'nn' other nail sizes and information. H4 C Installation (1-12.5 similar) (see footnote 3) H2.5A Installation H2.5T Iliistallation (Nails into both top plates) (Nails into both top plates) theaminimlm of ten 8d nai n. thissideof6ws (total four ad mails into truss) 'X" F1 ® H72' Installation These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson for details. H5 Installation (Nails into both top plates) ® H6 Stud to Band Joist Installation ; SIMPSON H Seismic &l h'rlcane Ties Strong>•Tie; H8 attaching rafter to double top plates ® H8 attaching stud to sill H8 attaching I -joist to double 1 F2 OD H10 Installation H10 optional positive angle nailing connects shear blocking to rafter. H14 Use 8d common nails. Slot allows maximum field-bending up to a Installation pitch of 6112, use 75% of the table uplift load; bend one time only. to double 2x header H10S Installation with stud offset Considerations for Hurricane Tie Selection 1. What is the uplift load? 2. What is the parallel-to-plate load? 3. What is the perpendicular-to-plate load? 4. What is the species of wood used for the rafter and the top plates? (Select the load table based on the lowest performing species of wood.) 5. Will the hurricane tie be nailed into both top plates or the upper top plate only? 6. What load or loads will the hurricane tie be takino? Allowable simultaneous loads in more than one direction on a single connector must be evaluated as follows: Design Uplift/Allowable Uplift+ Design Lateral Parallel to Plate! Allowable Lateral Parallel to Plate + Design Lateral Perpendicular to Plate / Allowable Lateral Perpendicular to Plate < 1.0. The three tenns in the unity equation are due to possible directions that exist to generate force on a hurricane tie. The actual number of terms used in the equation for each condition is dependant on designer's method of calculating wind forces and the utilization of the tie in the structural system. 7. Select hurricane tie based on performance, application, installed cost and ease of installation. u Hurricane Tie Installations to Achieve Twice the Load (Top View) Both connectors shall be same model. H The V8 provides lateral resistance force at the bottom of beams when installed approximately 45° or more to the vertical plane. MATERIAL: 12 gauge FINISH: Galvanized INSTALLATION: • Use specified fasteners. See General Notes. U • 16-N54A fasteners are included with the brace. CODES: See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart. D Model H L Fasteners Allowable Tension Loads' Code ' No. (Beam Depth). (Total) Floor.(7(m) Roof (125) Ref. VB5 10°-15" 5' 16-N54A 990 1240 VB7 15"-22~" 7' 16-N54A 990 1240 V88 22W -28h' 8 16-.N54A 990 1240 3,39,88, 121 VB10 ` 28'fe 36" 10 16-N54A 990 1240 VB12 36°-42' 12' 16-N54A 990 1240 1. Roof loads have been increased 25% with no further increase allowed. wall Top Plate Products can be on the same side of the wall provided they are configured as shown not shown Six N54A Nails Accommodates beam widths of 31,4°to lOY44" Typical VB Installation m r'iate nails lur lateral H10S loadsonly Installation Duo not make your own holes or overdrive nails! Wall Top Plate ti d a Re h 157 LTS/111TS/ATSTurist straps Twist straps provide a tension connection between two wood members. They resist uplift at the heel of a truss economically. The 3" bend section eliminates interference at the transition points between wood members. MATERIAL: LTS-18 gauge; MTS-16 gauge; HTS-14 gauge FINISH: Galvanized. Some products available in stainless steel and ZMAX'r finish; see Corrosion Information, page 10-11. INSTALLATION: • Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. CODES: See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart. NITS Installation as a Truss-to- Top Plate Tie These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson for details. Model Fasteners' ' DF7SPAIlowable i Uplift Loadss SPFAllowable Uplift Loads Code No. L 4 led lod x11h led ' 10dxlh Ref. 10 : 10dx1h (1331160) (133) (160) (1331160). (133) (160) LTS12 12 12-10tl 12-10dxlh 775 720 720 665 620 620 3,28,39,104,121,140 LTS16 16 72-tOd 12-104x17 775 720 720 665 620 620 LTS18 18 12-104 12-104x17 775 720 720 665 620 620 3, 39,121,140 LTS20 20 12-104 12-1odx1'h 775 720 720 665 620 620 MTS12 12 14-10d 14 10dx-N `1000 840 1000 860 730 860 3, 28, 39,104,121,140 MTS16 16 14-10d 14 10tlx1h 1000, 840 1000 860 { 730 860: MTS18 18 14104 1410dx1h 1000 840 1000 860 730 860 MTS20 20 14-10d 1410dxllh 1000 840 1000 860 E 730 860F 3, 39,121,140 MTS30 30 14-10d 14 10dSPh ;11000 840 11000 860 730 860'. MTS24C 24 14-10d 14-10dx11h 1000 840 1000 860 730 860 MTS30C 30 14-10d 14-10dx1h 1000 840 1000 860 730 860 125 HTS16 16 16-10d 1610dx115 1260 1005 .1150 1085 865 990; HTS20 20 20-10d 24 1odx7h 1450 , 1450 -1450 1245 : 1245 1245 HTS24 24 20-10d 2410d0h -1450 1450 1450 1245 1245 1245 HTS28 28 .20-10d 24 10dxPh 1450 1450- :1450 1245 + 1245. .1245 62,123,140 HTS30 30 20-10d 2410dxPh 1450 1450 1450 1245 1245 1245` HTS30C 30 20-10d 24-10dxllh 1450 1450 1450 1245 1245 1245 1. LTS12 thou LTS20, MTS16 through MTS30, HTS24 through 4. All straps except the MTS30 and HTS30 HTS30C (except HTS30) have additional nail holes. have the twist in the center of the strap. 2. Install half of the fasteners on each end of strap to achieve 5. Twist straps do not have to be wrapped over full loads. the truss to achieve the load. 3. Loads have been increased for earthquake or wind loading; 6. May be installed on the inside face of the stud. no further increase allowed; reduce where other loads T NAILS: led = 0.148'dia.x 3' long, govern. 10dx1 h = 0.148 dia. x 1 V long. See page 16-17 for other nail sizes and information. For fast, accurate installation of door and window headers and other cross members. HH header hangers can speed up thejob, strengthen the frame, and eliminate the need for trimmers. MATERIAL: 16 gauge FINISH: Galvanized INSTALLATION: Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. CODES: See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart. Fasteners Allowable Loads Mader: Cotle No.: W H Stud Header (100) (133) Ref. Fa Fz Fi F4 HH4 3h 2'Ye 9-16d 4-16d 1195 710 710 1085 3, 39,88, HH6 5h 5% 12464 6-164 1595 1065 1065 1085 121 L f, Loads may be increased up to 219/ for short-term loading in accordance with the code. 2. The supporting post thickness must he a minimum of 2'h". L•n 3. NAILS: 16d =0.162'dia. x 31/1 ' long. See page 16-17 for other nail sizes and information. n u Typ. L ~I iv.` LTS12 (MTS and HTS similar) N d N A N 159 HH Load Directions These products area vailable with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson for details. Model I No. No. Go Dimensions Fasteners (Total) 'Allowable Tenston Loads : (DF/SP) Allowable Tension Loads (SPF/HF) Code Ref. W L Nails 033) (160) 033) (160) LSTA9 114 9 8-10d 620 740 535 635 LSTA12 114 12 10-10d 775 925 665 795 LSTA15 1%a 15 12-10d 930 1110 800 950 LSTA18 1Y4 18 14-10d 1085 1235 930 1110 Z 62, 90,128 LS 21 1/n 21 16-10d 1235 1235 1065 1235 24 20 /4 24 18-10d 123 5 1235 1200 1235 2 216 16 12-16d 1090 1265 940 1120 22 r 216 12i3/i6 16-16d 1470 1530 1260 1505 15 660 660 660 3, 39, 88, 704, 128 15 ST22 2116 16V16 20-16d 1850 1875 1590 1880 LSTA30 TY 30 :722 10d 1640, 1640 1500 1640 i LSTA36 IN 36 24-10d 7640 , 1640 1640 1640 7, 62, 90, 128 LST149 33/4 49 32-10dx1'h 2510 2975: 2150 2555 ::iSTl73 33/a 73 48-10dx1'fz 3710 4205 3225 3830 9,128 MSTA9 8 It 9 8-10d 635 750 t 545 645 1.:MSTA12 1 L1'/4 12 -1010d 795 940 `J 680 `810 i :.MSTA15 -:114 15 12-10d 955 1130 i 820 970 1 MSTA16 9114 18 7410d 1715 7375 855 7130 J I:MSTA21 1% 21 16-10d 1270 1505 1090 1290 ;I 90,128 1 MSTA24 1Y4 24 1810d 1430 1640 s: 1225 1455 t MSTA30 1Y4 30 22-10d 1805 2050 1545 1820 i MSTA36 1Y 36 26-10d 2050 2050 1830 2050 MSTA49 114 49 26-10d 2020 2020 1830 2020 170 ST6215 2M6 16%e 20-16d 1860 2095 1605 1900 ST6224 216 236/6 28-16d 2540 2540 2285 2540 3, 39, 88, 104, 128 ST9 114 9 8-16d 745 885 640 760 ST12 16 114 11s/e 10-16d 930 1705 800 950 ST18 1%4 173/4 14-16d 1300 1420 1125 1330 3,39,88, 88,128 ST22 1% 213b 18-16d 1420 1420 1420 1420 MSTC28 3 28114 36-16d sinkers 2950 3455 2530 2980 MSTC40 3 401 52-16d sinkers 4265 4745 3655 4305 MSTC52 3 52'/a 62-76d sinkers 4745 4745 4360 4745 9, 23, 726 6 MSTC66 76-16d sinkers 5860 5860 5585 5860 MSTC78 14 76-16d sinkers 5860 5860 5585 5860 ST6236 40 16d 3845 3845 3465 3845 3, 39, 88,104,128 HRS6 6-10d 525 605 455 525 HRS8 1 10-10d 875 1010 760 880 128 HRS12 74-10d 1225 1415 7060 1230 MST126 2M6 26 2610dxT'h 2380 2745 1990 2325 MST136 12 36-10dx1'h 3295 3800 2755 3220 MST148 26/16 48 48-10dx1'h 4390 5065 3670 gpgp 3, 39, 88,128 MSTI60 2116 60 60-10dx1'h 5080 5080 4590 5080 MSTI72 216 72 64-10dx1'h 5080 5080 5080 5080 3, 39, 121, 128 1. Loads include a 33% or 60% load duration increase on the fasteners for earthquake or wind loading, but DO NOT include a 33% stress increase on the steel capacity. 2 10dx1'/z nails may be substituted where 16d sinkers or 10d are specified at 100% of the table loads. 3. 10d commons maybe substituted where 16d sinkers are specified at 100% of table loads. 4.16d sinkers (0.148"dia. x 354'long) or 10d commons maybe substituted where 16d commons are specified at 0.85 of the table loads. 5. Use half of the nails in each member being connected to achieve the listed loads. 6. PS strap design loads must be determined by the Designer for each installation. Bolts are installed both perpendicular and parallel-to-grain. Hole diameter in the part may be oversized to accommodate the HDG. Designer must determine if the oversize creates an unacceptable installation. 7. For overlap splice details, refer to technical bulletin T-CMST (seepage 167 for details). 8. Straps with 10d (0.148 dia. x 3) nails specified may be substituted with 10dx1'h (0.148 dia. x Ph) with no reduction in load. 9. Tension loads apply for uplift when instal led vertically. 10. NAILS: 16d = 0.162'dia. x 3'R' long, 16d Sinker = 0.148! dia. x 31/4" long, 10d = 0.148' dia. x 3" long. 10dx11h = 0.1W dia. x 1 vF' long. See page 16-17 for other nail sizes and information. 2W End Ustance Lhmu: Bolts Code: Ref.' 1 L Qty Dia V 16 4 311 794 4 18 4 3/ 180 S72 646 20 8 'h 1. See page 177 for loads associated with PS straps. O O O O w O Q d Oi PS216a15.I1PS419 2W 111 PS PSzn1 3V/ W Typical PS72:0 installation V1 c a In 20 N 149 Typical LSV,I1 histallation (hanger not shown) Bend strap nine time only RIGID COMPONENT SYSTEMS, INC. EE TRUSS COMPONENT DRAWINGS J r o~m ~ n o0 ~ ~ n ° o m ~ c y ~ 0 o m n n m ~ o m o Eas moo a o n o= o v n n _'2 3 y E o Iv ~v Iv m V ~o ~ o0o m _ ry AZl n t -0 N' _ Y o ~ - A ' < - - o W (P (T tP O N (P m O m C >7 >7 mT N n ~ -I> > O m z - NI III n ~ t - m~ V n N ~ £ 3 It ~ n o _ m m v a m m m o ° 0 Z X n ' V d 41 0 c Ifs m N ~ N O ~ W _ °.O O W y \ N O X (}'I > cn < o N Ol III X ~ N a c ti ~m E vo+Y o ao - o ~ o r z vi ma 5 ~ ma I N y. = ~ = cn a -°n ti • 0 0 x Z•. b e N V ~ mm n n m n no ti 1 G f- rn m = ' may. yam. a ~ ~ 3 ~ o~ ''f ~~4FFq • O t~ ~ a ~ o 0 o J~f„ ~ yt t o a n~-r ~ £ O~ -h £ Y VI o -i m m y o ~ n v c o n n n ~ ¢ ➢ .Tl y w o 0 0 z m n T r o r r r o r ~ s cn ~ a n ~ n z G~ n ➢ o \ in Y V ~ v n o° W m ro ~ ~n ~ ? ~ cn f- O O O r W O O ~ c NI ~ n ~ m r oo V r A o O ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ~ A /N1 V T ~ v ~ T V v ~ ' T T T T T W ~ ~ ~T £ 0. 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