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5185 Simms Place
Wa oner From: Mont McAllister <montmc@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 1:26 PM To: Kim Waggoner Subject: Change Electrical Contractor Io ti- 11 LI 1' 39 rto vr �A I 1 I PERMIT NO: 201401299 JOB ADDRESS: 5185 Simms PL JOB DESCRIPTION: Replace ductwork ISSUED: 09/03/20 EXPIRES: 09/03/201 CONTACTS OWNER (303) 719-5364 MCALLISTER, MONT GC (720)301-3914 John Demereckis 070151 Paradise Heating & Cooling PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: SUBDIVISION CODE: 2320 / APPLERIDGE ESTATES, STANDLEY H BLOCK/LOT#: FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 882.50 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 15.89 Permit Fee 40.10 ** TOTAL ** 55.99 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PH ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY, �COMMUNny DEVELOTIM!� pity of BTU's Gallons of (OWNER) (CONTRACTO& II ANCHOR E"N G IN F E R. I N G, INC,, W kv NV a 11 C h o T C T) g co Wn FIVI,J) OBSERVATION REPORT August 12, 2014 Mom Mc/\Jlister 1 5185 Simms Place Wheatridgc ('0 80033 RL"' The Addition to (lie Residence at: 5185 Simms Place Wheatridgc. ('C)1300,13 Anchor Job H: 14C}.435 Observers: Jared S, flcnsley, P L, Observation Date: July 31, 2014 Deal Mr. McAllistcr: APPROVED Subject to, FWd 1ns;,")t.', ,, -Rdqe Buddmg C)e t' Da fed Sign d'_ Plan ctiecker For the purpose of this report the front etitty of tire residence is assumed to face east. The concrete slabon-gradc addition was placed adjacent to the west (rear) elevation of the original residence. "File original residence and addition are singlQ-story structures. The: roof and exterior walls of the addition are composed of wood framed members. The floor of the addition is a 4" concrete slab- can -grade with a 6" thickened stab edge at the perimeter, I'lie roof training support posts are supported at the foundation with concrete pilasters of varying size that were poured nionolithically with the concrete slab. Based on the structural plans that were provided to our office tile concrete pilasters are assumed to extend to 3%0" below grade. It is our understanding that you are seeking a repair for the concrete slab-on-grade and pilaster foundation noted above in or to bring the foundation up to code for a residential foundation. It is also our understanding, that the City ol'Wheatridge has requested a letter from a structural engineer verifying, that the repair plan provided will be in compliance with the city adopted code and amendments, Based on the 2006 International Residential Code (IRC) Section 4033, a shallow foundation can be used for residential additions as long as a rigid insulation barrier is provided around tire perimeter ofthe addition. 'fire rigid insulation and foundation treed to extend a mininitan of 12" below grade vertically and a inininmin 2'-0'* 2,5 _? i / 7 S I R E 1: /`, 0 1, A t' t: R, ('0 ( 1 # 2 1 1 t fi,; - 7 , - 4 7 9 -, .** .? , tj 8 .? # - (I I . jj I ■ ANCHOR FNCJ I - NIFTRf iN& W W W, a tic horcng cofn v� ing of" vcrocal insulation will need to be placed adjacent to the original foundation, The rigid VISUL' Will need to havc a rnininiurn R equal to 4.5, 1 I il order to increase the depth of the existing slab-on-gradc fioundation a new 6 stein wa It will need to be placed below the 6"thickencd slab edge for the full ptn cif the slab continuous beck -a-ecii the pilastet stipports. In order to place the new concrete stern wall (lie existing Soils will need to be excavated Between 111C existing, pilaster locations for the full perimeter of the slab. The excavation call lie made -, that the new are caah formed at the interior arid 2x f0rulS Should be used at the exterior, (2) 115 reinforcing dowels will need to bo placed \,vith a minimum embedment of 4 - into the existing pilasters using Simpson Sf,"T XP epoxy, The reniftlreing dowels should be placed with a rinninturn of 3" clearance at the top and bottom ofthe new stern wall and centered in the wall thickness. Once all of the new stern walls are in place around the perinietci- cif the slab, the new concrete pad Footings call be placed below the existing pilaster locations. prior to the installation of the new concrete pad footings, the existing roof framing of the addition should Ule properly shored in place (by others) in order to relieve the loading applied to the existing concrete pilasters, Once the shoring is in place, the existing soils will need to be excavated to tire full depth of the concrete pilasters to allow for the placement of tie concrete pad footings. The framing shoring and excavations of the soils around and below the pilaster supports should be done in three phases around the perimeter of the structure, working oil one elevation at a time. The existing soils will need to be excavated and the neNV footings cut into place so that they are centered under the pilaster supports. The footings will need to be a minimum of 8" in depth and earth forming may be used for concrete placement. ['lease refer to the attached SD- I sketch for the Foundation Plan, notes and Details to be used for the repairs, noted above. We have determined by analysis that if the above recommendations are followed the modified foundation of the in-place addition will be capable of supporting the code required dead and live loads and be in compliance with the 2006 IRC, requirements for Frost Protected Shallow Foundations. This report should not be considered a warranty or guarantee, implied or expressed, of the home in general, tile building superstructure, or the foundation systern. Structures and foundation systems may be severely impacted by changes in climate, land-use, etc. The conclusions presented in this report are based on conditions at the time oi"the observation. Should questions arise, or if further information is required, please contact our office. Sincerely, Anchor Engineering, Inc. Jared S. I lensley, P.E, Project Engineer David A. Poe, PE Principal -,� 2335 1 7"' S I R r [:' r, 0t,vi CON 0 303- 78.s.4 0 303- 83 0- 9 1 3J F,jx i- (]� 0 F 9 5185 (&5175) SIMMS PLACE (40) Work shall comply with the J' co(. 2006 IRC, it -(" , & 20 M, NI (". It 1,30-00 I I I 7 I Work sliall comply with the ft codes: 2006 IRC, 2006 IM" & 201 N E(7, Outlet type, location and spacing shall comply with 2006 IRC and 2011 NEC" Carbon monomde detector(s) required within 15 ft of all sleeping areas. Smoke alarms shall be required in each sleeping roorn and outside each sleeping area per 2006 IRC, Section 313, Direct connect sn alamis are required. APPROVED SuHhier Fe�d Ins pect'J'O P'riqe Dept, S�gr Ran checker with 2006 IRC safety glazing indicated on p] APPROVED Sub jer,, s i e d Wheat Rdqe 8t,,Wdor',,g Deot, Date Signed Plan checker k i APPIOVED c�" o to Red Inspections Buil dng Dept, .,.x w 0 Em I/ 44 oggg�L, 1 AIL a .. S 0 d.rM�' ° § I'ge Dept, r i & 0 m Subject to Fie�d InSpections f PAge Btu, Dcpt, g n, e d: , R/f Plan checker BA Minimum, 50 CFM exhaus, fi vented to exterior shall be provided in toilet ri. and bathrooms, VANTrV A 11IIIIImuin ot 2 1" ot cleat space is required in fi of lavatoties, C� " Nam mom Y �z m Subject to Fie�d InSpections f PAge Btu, Dcpt, g n, e d: , R/f Plan checker BA �Z 0 Gr K AD E G- DRALA3 -r- C Nil APPROVED dIx r "n, r g Plan checker vy r SO A T OFNg FULL $�C , R ti p# .> APP R°�, � ;R..R.A, � .Rte t3, RN 0 PTO E" N I NLp���L' ,,R'Frnt . . s . ... 12) , 5 $ FOP' #.; Ft, `/ F " ° 'hit +lid }lit tL�t 9fii F16 3`,szt is York PIL a �y � � . r T°aTr ,ar,cafi,�gFFc�a�ati/rrt __ �.,.� ' . � �'' `�" � CUT & REMOVE EXI SO$s,S Nf TES; ' a , f'C AF.T,G FOR q �� EARTH , (..�. FkdNFCFtiNU T? , PLACED IN BOTTOM t& Fi CJ i'sNG wl PROPER CLEAR S4 T# ° €` '° '., � � .. �,,; OF CONCREI W ALL AT Ra s RNTE:RIOR CE `LAB, COVE (SEE, GENERAL NOTES), TYP URN.0, 2. PADS TO BE FORMED w,/ 2x WOOD FORMS AT EXTERIOR IOR OF SLAB, EARTH „.. . � FORMING CAN FEE USED AT lNTE:RIOR AND BOT, OF NEW F"OO'nNG:. SEC . _ , 3. ALL FGC'T #NGS TO BE CENTF: ED ABOUT PILA STF: S, .T . U.WO, 3/4' :,- V0' . 5185 (&5175) S PLACE (40) N i wi rh I ly I ;.���* � •k t:. � �� Ott. Work shall comply with the follaw,itig , _codes: 2006 IRC, 2006 IECC & 2066 NEC OVED an checker FOR INSPECTION1 loin" Ito �Ct. gv< Qlq!�) Z M3 R an checker X' ar 0 I . i 6TNKT I " ( 5 f —b f t 110 —0" m 11 APPROVED to Field Inspections Wheat Ridge Bu0ding De-pt, Date, I. I :2?ff Sved,_ Plan Checker LOA 4-KAP 6-- IN, i f It st 1 ffl� 1 i K ip 0 APPROVED Subject to Field Inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Dat Signed: Plan checke� '- C> ' t -i M ?> 1 2, m "I III Subject to Wheat Ridge Building D Date f - .YM� Signed� R(A- --.—Plan checker m ME I; 11111.�1101 �4;1, .. • f ..... # 121. t A s r l Sc; FULF Stu's Gallons Amps Square$ Other Permit#:201301608 Issued: 03/12/2014 Stipulations: Remove Existing Deck and Install New, Same Size Patio. This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Owner: McAllister 5185 SIMMS PL WHEAT RIDGE CO 8001 Contractor: Brad Ivers 592 CLEVELAND AVE LOUISVILLE CO 80027 For the Following Purpose: Residential Addition Code E tions NO change shall be made in the USE of 2 ICC/2011 NEC this building without prior notice 2 0 006 ICC/2011 NEC and a new Certificate Of Completion 2006 ICC/2005 NEC from the City of Wheat Ridge. Other Mailing Address: (f different than property address) Address: Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form Sq. F ( .. . \. �& \ \ / / /� Gallons -A - - « :« © —«© -m« »m« ©% m: w©2»2w ?: Other Building Division Valuation: \ © �1 51 (&5175) SIMMS " �Mlr 4 ... Whe/aR Bu tttf t. d ity of permit: The issuarm of a permit or app rovM of pions, oy jfwati+ computations shall not bp a ¢ n'nst tor, or an appro4 ol, any vrr>lMion any of the provisions of the buidng code or of any City or,?. anc es nits presuming to €ve authority s" � s` � Ve or canc tarp- prc', E f ?s of tl building ccxJes or ott=er ordfirmS, r of the £.:'rty shall not be profs . APPROVED Sub,ject to d Ins pections Ridge u Dept, Dow ur Plain c heck e r ___. 3, • t • �1 51 (&5175) SIMMS " �Mlr 4 ... Whe/aR Bu tttf t. d ity of permit: The issuarm of a permit or app rovM of pions, oy jfwati+ computations shall not bp a ¢ n'nst tor, or an appro4 ol, any vrr>lMion any of the provisions of the buidng code or of any City or,?. anc es nits presuming to €ve authority s" � s` � Ve or canc tarp- prc', E f ?s of tl building ccxJes or ott=er ordfirmS, r of the £.:'rty shall not be profs . APPROVED Sub,ject to d Ins pections Ridge u Dept, Dow ur Plain c heck e r ___. 3, t '' R , pyT 4X4. dII S APPROVED a SWOO to ReW inspections e 1 1" APPROVED SuOject to Field s r n Whew Ridge Building e Date A w 4 �it I I - . . r �oV�l vPrf i r.�1 APPROVED SUbject to Field Inspections - 4X+ bAr31--t OIL- 61VO6 @, 1 -i M *111 C, /"?), 60f kT�f 1 4' �C&r, V*T :Irl / A t w-E5 Provide truss manufacturer's profile drawings at time of frame inspection. Uplift connections and bearing shall comply with drawings. Rafters shaf I bear fiffly at heel cut and shall have one H-5.5 clip Per rafter at bearing point, All shingles shall be nailed with a minimurn of6 nails per shingles and mid roof inspection required on tile, concr te, or metal roots, Ice and water shield underlayment �-Xtending 2 1`eet inside exterior walls i s required at the eaves, APPROVED Subject to Field Inspections W*W Ridge SWWihg DW� 1 111 111 1 Nov 30 09 11:29a steve 303-421-8502 p.1 TO: Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Attention: John Schumacher From: Steven Speth 5185 Simms Pl. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone 720.203.1990 Faxg:303.421.8502 Email: saspethna msn.com I am requesting that any future work that would require a building permit of any kind for the following address: 5175-5185 Simms Pl. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033; repeat any kind of required permit, have the approval of all owners of that property. Owners are: Steven Speth Garee Speth Kary Wilson Would you please let me know if this has your approval, or do I need to pursue this through some legal channel to accomplish this. The reasoning behind this is somewhat lengthy and I would be glad to discuss it with you over the phone. Again please let me know about this as soon as possible. THANK YOU