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CABELA'S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SECTIONS 1% 20, 29 & 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 4 WE CASEA'S RETAII, NC ! 000RS BREMNG C I`MY. Wt. SEND WE ANEA6 0' REAL PROPFRtt CDNTNNING IM07 ACRES. 40IE M IESS, DESAIM AS Folon / 29.. AND WE NMWE/ST 1/44 OF ME IZ M:A5T11/4 QIJM k OF SECM N A WIN IN4TOYNSIGP 3I SWTH, RANG{ 69 WST M ME SUN PMNQPAL MERMAN. CDUNTY GE .EfFfliSON. STATE W GLORMO. DESUW9E0 AS FO -0 MINNI IG AT WE SAMEMT C M M ME SAD NMWEAST 1/4 W ME NORTHEAST 114 W MMM 3Q WHEKE DE EAST 1/4 CORER W SAD SE"M W UES SO1M'50'E ALONG ME EAST UNE GE ME SAD NORTHEAST 1/4 W SECDDN a0. 1320.79 FEED NENCE S89'10'0211 ALONG ME SAM UK GE ME SK NWT EAST 1/4 GE ME NDRTHEAST 1/4 W SECGN 30, 131541 FEET M ME WEST ME OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 GE ME NORTHEAST 1/4; MOM NDD5T47W ALDNG SUD MEET UNE 1380.36 FEEL M ME SOUTHWEST WINER W WE SDUM 1/4 M ME SWTHEAST 1/4 m ALONG ME WEST UNE W SAID SQINEA 1/4 W ME SGUTHEAST 1/4, 913.46 FEET M ME SgNHWEST UK GE TOT TER GAG EASEMENT TECOIDED AT RECEPDOI W32130A45 N WE J6fOEgi CCUNtt WM( MID RI:C0.M)m'S O CE; Cmi Al(AE GE 10D5Y67. WTSENLY ALONG ME ARC W SAD MRYE 179.98 FEET TM ME PORT W TANOHC; 05.73 FOS 174.58 FEET M WE SCUM UNE W THE NORTH 1/; W ME SAMEAS'T 1/4 GE SAD SCnON 1% RANG SAD SCUM UNE 410.63 FEET M ME SGUMMEST CONED W WE SAD NORM 1/2 ALONG ME MST UK W ME SAD NORM 1/2, 17.81 FEEF M A 40N-TANGENT CUM CONCAVE NgtnIN4TOEY 505.M LENiRN ANGLE DF S3D2'20', NCRWEASTOEY AO0 WE ARG M SAO CURVE 07.05 FEET, SAD WRVE NAMNG A T WHIN SEARS N2873'O9T: TO ME FONT GE TANT£NCY: 141.51 FEET ME SCUM RIGHT-OF'-WAY UNE W STATE HIGHWAY N AS DESCRIM IN MAT EM METT KMM N GE 3671N ME .EPFERSOI WUNTY QERN AND KIDDIZ % OFFM ADNG SAD SAN MMT- -WAY UNE. 242847 FEET M ME WEST UNE W SAD SCUMMEST 1/4 W SEMDN 20: ALWG SAD WESF UNE 798.0 FEET 0 ME SDUWEAST CORNER GE WE SAD NORM 1/3, W WE SDUWEAST 1/4 W ALWG ME SgIN ME GE SAD MINN 1/2, 131103 FEET M THE NCIMW CORNEA W SAO SANEAST 1/4. W GE SmDW 1S AANG ME SM UK W SAD SUMEAST 1/4 W ME SWMEAST 1/4, 39229 FEET TO WE NORM UNE GE NAT SAW 218 M 3/4 W UDM M WM W 24, ROYMWY SKIMS. UNE GE NTFRSTAE M AS WENDED N MOS YJ m0'450'E, 1321.80 FEE1 M WE SNN ME OF ME NORTHWEST 1/4 W ME SNG NU HEST 1/4 OF S:CY0N 29; 3)J W43'42'E, 241.50 FEET 4 5062Y4"I 6123 FEET M ME SCUM ME GE EDT 16. SAD NXWRY GAWFN4 NOCE SISI202l1' ADNG SAG SWM UNE, 986.91 FTET M ME WEST ME W SAID WT 1S. SEND WE SAD EAST UNE W ME NDRTHEAST 1/4 GE SEDDW 3 , NmGE N0M'501' ALONG SAD EAST UNE a23.0 FEET TO ME PDNT M BEGINNING. HAVE WD WT. SUMMOD AND RATIED SAID RAND AS PEN ME MINNS HEREON CWTANED UNDER ME NAME AND STYIE CF _RMR9 JGMGW RUNG N0. 1, A SUBWMSW W A PMT K ME QTY W WHEAT HOLE, COARAW AND NT MESE PRESENTS N DEMAE m ME OttW WEAT MOTE AND WE WBUC THIS POCnWS GE NEAL PHO w sNm M MGIT-W-WAYS CHARADE EASE B TS AM TENFORMY AC EASEMENT. a., MB STATE GE COLOO00 Ss COINtt GE JFFfR3W ME FOEGUING N5IAUMENT WAS ACXNOMID® IOCRE ME NIS DAY GE A0. 20_ BY W LASLA'S RETNL INC. A NEDRASNA C0184RATIW, CN BLTIAIP W ME WR PCN. "MESS MY HAND AND 0IMM SEA. MY CDUMISSW EWPSRS NDTMY WSUC A+vnW ABN STATE W CWQM00 cWxtt a ,EPFTAS6IF Si ME FMEGONG NSTRUMENT WAS AOOIOYAIDGED BEFORE ME M5 DAY W - AA M- BY M DOORS BREMNG CDMPMY. A MDRADD CORPoRAMCU, W SELF M ME CORD W)N. "MESS MY x101 AO 0MQAL SEAL MY COMMISSW ENPLSE.S NOTMY WSUC sainK RfV9NR RflIDM[ n ~m~ 1 e/. ilE fFN30 i4A OYFIIR iMM TIC OIY 2 9/97m /94 ItE aMS9 xAAxswn sxxa law Nrt ®w aAxm VICINITY MAP NDT TD SGIE EASEMENT NOTES SAO EASFAWR W WE DRAINAGE AREA "LL BE MADE GENERAL NOTES CASE NUMBER MAP NUMBER SURVEYOR'S CERMFICATE 4 FREDMCI( L EASM x. DD HEREBY ORIIFY THAT ME SURVEY W WE BONDARY W OSOA'S/CONS WBMMSW HUNG N0. 1, WAS MADE BY ME M UNDER MY DIRECT SPEFMSW AND M ME BEST GE MY MROMIEDGE INRRAATIW AND BmEF. IN ACCOROANM WTH ALL APRUCMCE COARAW STANIES, CUDENT RINSED EWn0N AS MOOED. ME A=MPAN'DW RAT ACWMMY IEPUESTITS s WRVEY. FRE M L FASRN. JR., RB 037949 FOR AND m BFHAIF GE FARNSYOtM GROUP. INQ LI N 3794S~ b APPROVED THIS DAY W OWRRRSON ON Mm BE uYTm M IE ENT ALES 0MNER AND 480 BY SAo 0 "IN N A AND . APPROVAL CITY CERTIFICATION MPROOTD NIS DAY W ATTEST Ott 0.ERN 1. NIS SURREY 00ER NOT CONSTIUE A TITRE SEARW SY FAMNSWpiM GROUP. JIM M DETERMINE MINERSIP EASmENM M REWND. FAMISWORM GLWP MED UPW ME FO -0"NG S E COAMMENM FREPMED BY RRST AMERH N HERITAGE MITE CWPANY M AGENT FOR RRST AMERIM MRE INSURMCE COIPMT N0. NC40973301-3. DAM DNWO 2$ 204. NQ 272-H0021548- 140. DAM NINNBER 22, 2WW NM 272-X0015793-210-DT. DAM DECEMBER 2 2D04. 2 Nom AI=IDNG M COARAW UAW YW SIM£I COMMENCE MY REGAL ALOON BASED UPON ANY DEFECT N MIS WRVfT WHIN THREE YENS AP1FA YCU FRST DI$WNEA WO1 OFECT. N NO EVENT MAY MY ACTON BASED UPON AHY DRECT IN TMs SURVEY GE WMMENM M0E MM TO YEARS TRO1 ME DAM GE ME CEATIRGMIN SHORN HEREON. LS SCUM GE WE 4. ME SIRVM GE THE BOUNDA(Y OF NS RAT WM PFAFOWm N ME FlGD M GE WGEMBEA 22. 2004. S. COOERIUNE M MQIT-0 -WAY MW UMENTS S HM. M SET AT ALL PONTS OF CURVATURE TMGENCY, REVERSE WWANTE. W NMND WRVATUIE, AAD SMI ET E - f iNii✓SCTIWS FDR CMSA DRIVE NEST 0W MME" YWNGTEID SOME ROM, AND INTERSTATE 70 CONNENDR MM TO ME MLEMENT GE ME TOP UFT Cf ASMN.T PAVEMENT. BY ME MEAT MOGE BANNING WMMISSOI. BY ME QTY W WHEAT RIDGE DPSCTORY GE CWMUNITY GEVEL MT 0RECIOR GE GSUC WCG46 UAE W CWORAW 3 55 CWHtt 0' .EFFEASOX I HERESY Cm10Y DOT NIS RAT WAS RUED N ME OFFICE W ME CWNTY CIERN AND RECWOR OF .6FEREOV WUNTY AT G DEN, COLORADO, AT 0'0.00(_ A W ME DAY CIF AO., IN BMW PAGE M: IDCN NO. .SFTFRSN CWNTY CURIO MO REDOAER BM DEPUTY CABELA'S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SECTIONS 1% 20. 29 & 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 4 ~»m ~ Na .nw«7 zap ra•: o?lop= r I AMal4. K r/4 K I/( 4LM!/ 0 SO 1W 1W FNL 1•.,pf LEGEND PG .IVIi ff ORYAII,E PA • POMV LNM,IY.Y PRG - FOR 61ElfAY GP A. PRL . pMf O Xal_TNY.i11LY YPG . IELLO, AA51C W o .rmo 2,/S U4r ruxawc •A mol¢IS ,xu• ® - mao 11/r Aux ce N mle ss ur a . sa,a ,/le a,NU N IEeK 4 as P,IK w nA9WV vs lua• O - Faro P I}844 YPG SMM4wRM Is lum' ® . Q Walt O'YY YMYgi (ry E S} qp att n01G1KK5) SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 LOT 7 laa. e 7 M61) AC ~ I I l I \ \'4 ~.nm 8 P. 1 s\% mlWO w _ - asa PI2 1 \ i'-____- l - OPPIAOMDONTAIXWWf. O NA FA 4I IENT ' - 1 GmmR 6+G OProPTnI . . K vwlc9om $Wa).IN rm. - - r - - - - - - - - / ~G4yF11i aFC BYtl))4) q K1/4 KIN=A MST IN PY ~ 478, 4n 479 \ m .R_.. q V. 34TH AVR 430 } I 2e I O<<I I 1C -J 4 i I APP[EM)00 A@38 Sd AT'OM` 6cc xa snsl,Pq 7NAGT e 476 22 I 23 I~r~-- ~ i r I Avvt[6mn uvc QFG M6 TTIPTE) 7 \ ; / B I I ~ I APPLt)IGG9 I I 2nd fIFC xa en fai `3 r W. 33RD PL LOr 5 Im"' w 4.,86 AC 1_ 2 o Low w wo-al I Lor I - ;1 BLOCK 2 I crvrca-~ I 6 6aa w r®Nxs) ZNm Pwm .a~eE: 1 LOr 4 1Mm w aan6 AC l LOT I m xzsr Breswss 1N~ ~ xNwx) 17 I ~ ~ rN me awNrosc xea FOLIO US'NGS ORN PA'.Q 69' nNSeP u su,x uc~ ~cUf :6 `31948~: ¢ Jim L~F/~nl AY CASE NUMBER MAP NUMBER OCR Q3~ W o'6 Z`3 V 0 -INTENSIAIE 70 CONNEC70N PUW1C XN9MAY OE61G1TtD R \ T16 PUT (wD01 vAiR6) I \ ` \ I mlma,m iNWK •MhR OlF.V1V qL \,pp F Naae \ \ V YP.C \ I \ W \ I \ I b (ac 1962 P6 286) serllr W.mM was' o-nzw xs a-wla° 1 \\`~~<~sPJl•1 \ LOr 3 I% \ 400.6 6 s , / I \ Rj`1D . \ b y 1as81z AC, / ` • /~6)YRODS SWi.MN NI N ~ ~TOloal oR~l / e \ / / \ ` ~ ]p 3 \1 9W.6ffi Si / / 1 ~ \ 22121 AC / / E \ \ i€ I 71 • \ \ a-,PmM oixas 1' i _ _ . i ° ~ I nl Sr P I pW Isam ~ la~ I l-sIY r - - ~ ~ >xer 1 i0 mrN UE ro'rN rx r/a sc at P.~C Pmt emv>r ! F i-olw 1 POINT OF- ' BEGINNING k YaA KI/4 KI/4 SCa A'FJNP'OFR 41 9F 20r 29x9uzr 6<G x6mo) I 0Iy m1o _ sy1 W'1o ui I =II \ \ ~I WI I `\LOT.9 WII \ Wl \ \ \ \ PA L=12.49.33- R=1529.61' \ 1 _ \ CB=N7S'36'51240 •W &'15'21'56' CH=3N.6y R=791.19' \ \ L=212.16' any CB=N5W5T46'W 589.07'31'W CN=211.58' S] 89• ]owur]m pee xn vnmwe) m o w 1O 2D r.11f: r-mr o-C >1 m]Pav'W SM59> 1/~ m $ ID D A (.I' 16X' P"' ]K) MID RD SIVE I/O®m'i' D®YDNND YKYFD A59DN LEGEND M - FOREOAM P.T. • N O TNXDILY PAC - PFNFO I£KiZ OWYAT P.T. - RN] 5 NJI-TNXDILY YI.C -1FDM MSIC W 0 - FRM 2l1r M. W N OK X fM615111G• A - FOx]1/T4~pW80f x/YS HIY cv srAW m v IXN• O - FN10 IRBN N/ YP{ YNi6q]IM 151X01• ® -e MUra NAr NOwW6R lro e6 sT rt6 mr 5<aluTlNa) CABELA'S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SECTIONS 1% 20, 29 & 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 3 OF 4 LOT 1 SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 MI/2YI/.$IA rS Po3166p PJ{ YM.Mrfj Yl/I$I~ li a 589'o7.MN11319.03• LOT 2 _ II LOT 3 R-432O0' L 11G8S cs-ss•39.49•E CN 11845' SW 39'40'E IL -mID N6N Dm vTDGVIXN' l •A M~ uman 1 X11 'n, m1T P > N89'S2.3VE _ 425.00' M \ ORNxL(L EA4LQlT e I ff 4~°v?]a t 2rlsePSr N.snav ° Y+]D• L-n.]! awln~rP,1 LOT T bb 1 d nA LOT 2 Ql. 4 4.2819 AC \ \ 6~ f JStJ.\'. \ All •C/i \ \'B Jii ' No I \ LOT 8 \ \ \ \ I 166%151 W I \ ` I \ \ I I 4 I \ I \ e I I I I LOT 7 1,246,560. 7 MM7 AO \ eA ~RR R6YBUKY G9.400A ~ W VFL tN. MIInf» I F \ WT 4 I F LoT ZI I -T ---------r LOT 22 LOT 23 LOT T.H w mI rw14YER11®Pm slW ,u on qP I.O RYD PIW0.45 KOI IIJ. PIYIII \ ~ 47 I \e~~' IW I@ '19 \ I 1 I I LOT 1 1,SSO,TI11 4 t 31D DO 8 t I I I I I tr139•M• \ \ k"9 \ Dy7~5O \ f. LOT 6 n L 960.620. s e 22121 AL \ ~y, \ SEE SHEET 2 OF 4 YOUN&MV SOW ROAR P99LC RMilf-0f-WAY, 6MM 9M M O TM R TM MT ~er rmeer _ _ lunx ut. r/{.at lAMm[ep vx aWror mY zrAF]m ma4eDnv. \ \ Yz3JV \ 8 y I \ \ I \ ` OB-M34OBYSW M-824.6Y /p 1% 1 F/'•yV 1 ,r~ugj°rt-1 ,+1 60. ]°jp6P~ 1 ~ 1 1 ,s 1 h AM" r Us MT ° ' WLW \ V u y$jA 37948 -nt °r~u°Tmr mneac CASE NUMBER MAP NUMBER W r=G ~ s 0 O MXVWE CH-32S D]ll: Amnr rH ioatP stmr rP 95~w (LIIN FI/I NLYW3IN GrG NFwNF BY sAN6t AP NAmN I I Na.Y ~o~ r/i aartx stow rn ,IlIN ,-,/6•NKff W .4"/N G9.C N fl.1AfY ~V' swm ti<sNiN (i) EI I tag x- TNI l4 n, Ze. I NOt'N'S9'E~ ~ U1S1' iPAI us1oN px Ao-l, ZG I I ~ ~ Psws) A=53'02'28. R=505,40' L=467.65' CB--N26'13'09'E CH=451.32' ,max 7-Y NO. O. ft w2D N Iq 9TW%]I N b O.an. PG am \ e: \ \ \ \ LOT 9 \ \ \ X5.312 3 \ \ \ lAB9( AC (IX /i0.; PEG 9'H6.N]9) ACR. M //L Z I/( SC 1B~ !y✓PIAIIFO (qG N6 PTCA49 LEGEND P.G - P W ONgTIC I P.T. -PWIfW iN14MY P.O. - PWI W IE`NA¢ OMATI[ PA.L - pWlf W INN-iNNMY I/A OR !AM'!/ N SG IP t D IAM WO SIWC ~O®m4• YAR - Y.LLOY gA511C W p@Ipy M MIL YAdID AS 91GN O -,OJ1O 31/Y NINL W N CON.'A R06151J1%• ® -IUIM 11?AIW WNfML 15.H• O -,ww IH6 MNO196 NaN1 r/ ss• NU. W STIIFID 1S 16101• O -fmON Pi(PrA W/rst TUNSYWfM 65 rum' (p -f 991iW WAY WNNMIIi (i0g3T UR GIY 4£MG1101$) .'G •.3, R--1022" A=1749'33. L=179.98' R=1529.61' \ CB=NBT06'i6'W CN=179.75' N75.38 1_0 ~R-7911 19' \ \ ` . 19? o0 3 O~2 r` Y IN k~ vb ,J 1 \ Anu. \ \ \ \ \ ~ S uiwvl ow.n I y \ \ "1 = I I ~ \ x~v I I fl~S I I \ \ 9l LOT 9 N \ \ \ \ \ ii-1 :MZO: r,.:xa CV.&CP.U, CII-341.69' L=212.16' CB=N50'S5'48'w CH=21I.W 1 CASE NUMBER MAP NUMBER COLORADO HIGHWAY 58 w rr. Pc malr-a-wAV wN1x vuxs na o9pAPTU9xT v wwwAYS, srATC a mLaPnoo nNm OT 28 (%10mP w (.'q K A wN.y6•m srm xm irr/~•Nfr mr susm Ir6m•wssa Am LOT 27 ---I LOT IO 1.139.5@. 5] 2x159 AO g WIN .e .Hai ROXBGPY fdROfM _ (=A x6 WRl1N) -OT 25 C meB,WSM 51® R41/IR WNA 59/I// (NE M I/; 4I/. SL r4 11C NNt 6M PY 401GNIA.4 ✓4 NG ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 a r SB9'07'31'W 1319.03' k g~ g'A 1/( m LOT I I LOT 2 LOT 3 I LOT { LOT 0 I a Pm~l ~C~e.l a f I • I ° rtcmL uz9o w I L-trees (SEE SHEE71 3 OF 4) N00'OB'11-E armwa accmma umvlr ®-s1s~'wc I tx-na6s' I rf 7.56• 589'39'/O'E 731.27' 4 E m« PAZ ae -Imw PNN Nn4vs v1>IIY WA LA9FI,I 3p ' o N P.7339 SIIfT 1%IU y 1 1 N <ni N89'52'30'E 425.00' I~-'.1~ oawuZ PA~uurt <\Y byk' 1.nx @IPYOYwY LOT 7 \ T 1 ,'v1> N ~4p ohTY 189.521 A281 C 9 AC _,ro LI 3]9a8~ !N CABELA'S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO, A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SECTIONS 1% 2q 29 & 3q TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 4 OF 14 @IH yMp WMM IIC 4r/f SGIr4 iS NN1{6M PY \ fYYf➢PHAG' / _I19SNb mII,Y ~_--%.ID O> i OIYH Yww9YNkL ~ SUBLWS/OY i I - I ' I I 'I / I FROM THE OFFICE OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT: O Planning: 303-235-2846 O Zoning: 303-235-2851 O Building: 303-235-2855 Fmt ' 5. b: -7: S~ ro . k'j5 000 401 130 • q- 549 Cr, obi 400 $2.161 too, j( 5Z . 9: 7500 W. 29th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Fax: 303-235-2857 • Web Site: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Board of County Commissioners April 27, 2005 Gerald E. Dahl Murray Dahl Kuechenmeister Renaud LLP 2401 15th Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 RE: Cabela's Project: road vacation Dear Jerry, Jim Congrove District No. 1 J. Kevin McCasky District No. 2 Dave Auburn District No. 3 I have reviewed the letter you sent dated April 20, 2005. I believe Section 43-2- 303(l)(d), C.R.S. requires that any vacation of the forty (40) foot road way must be by joint action of the Board of County Commissioners and the City Council. Sincerely, Gay B. Ummel Assistant County Attorney cc: Nanette Neelan, Assistant County Administrator Jean Ayars, Assistant County Attorney 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80419 (303) 279-6511 http://jeffco.us MURRAy DAHL KUECHENMEISTER RENAUD LLP April 20, 2005 Jean Louise Ayars Jefferson County Attorneys Office 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 5500 Golden, CO 80149 Re: Cabela's Project: Road right-of-way Dear Jean: U y'7 ~s`~ a Gerald E. Dahl As you are likely aware, the City of Wheat Ridge annexed a large tract of land owned by Coors Brewing Company and Cabela's Retail, Inc. on February 28 of this year. Interim zoning permitting only excavation and the creation of another water storage facility for Coors is presently being approved. Traffic and engineering studies for the ultimate proposed retail development are ongoing, and it is anticipated that final planned development zoning, including subdivision, will be completed this year. The purpose of this letter is to confer with you regarding a strip of land contained within and lying on the northern boundary of a portion of the annexed area (see, enclosed diagrams). As you will see from the diagrams, property owned by Jefferson County was not annexed. The strip of land in question is referred to in a deed from Mattie V. Heath and Clint O. Heath, as grantors, and Jefferson County, as grantee dated April 3, 1931 (copy enclosed). I have highlighted language in the deed which may have the effect of creating a road right-of-way. Notice that the deed reserves a 10-acre parcel to the grantor, and makes the following statement: reserving a strip of land 20 feet wide from the south side of said tract, and also granting a strip of land 20 feet wide adjoining and south of said reserved tract, both of which tracts, each 20 feet wide, to be used jointly for road purposes..." Our research indicates that the southerly 20 feet of the property is now within the annexed property owned by Cabela's, and the northerly 20 feet lies across property owned by the County and lying in unincorporated Jefferson County. There is no road in existence on this alignment, and no road is needed on this alignment for the Cabela's project. The City would like to vacate at least its interest in any roadway along the southerly 20-foot strip, bringing me to the questions posed by this letter: 2401 15th Street Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Main 303.493.6670 Fax 303.477.0965 Direct 303.493.6686, gdahlgmdkr1..com 1. A preliminary question is whether the 1931 deed actually creates a public roadway requiring vacation within the meaning of 43-2-301, et seg. 2. What is the appropriate process for vacation of this right-of-way? Assuming this is true right-of-way, one alternative would be for the City to simply vacate the 20-foot portion lying within Wheat Ridge, and for the County, if it so chooses, to vacate the 20-foot strip lying in the County. C.R.S. 42-2 303(1)(a);(b). 3. However, in this particular case, the roadway, if such it is, constitutes the boundary line of the City, and may be vacated only "joint action of the Board of County Commissioners and of the County and the duly constituted authority of the City or Town." C.R.S. 43-2-303(1)(d). 4. Notice, however, that C.R.S. section 43-2-303(2)(e) provides at paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) that subsection 2 "shall not apply to any roadway that has been established but has not been used as a roadway after such establishment." This may be the case here. 5. Finally, the City's municipal code permits vacation of easements and rights- of-way by plat. The City would prefer to wait until the subdivision plat for the project is brought forward before vacating its 20 foot strip. I understand you may wish to take some time to review these materials. Once you have done so, I would appreciate your giving me a call so that we might discuss how to proceed. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Murray Dahl Kuechenmeister & Renaud LLP aa~X26W Gerald E. Dahl GED/wfc Enclosure cc w/encl.: Alan White 4. 0 ti b a b o y 3- xo a 3 U Q ° U A m> Q ° ^ ~ O 4 cd - ~ U ro i O o t°n ~ F 'Y ~ ~ ~ - ~ c b un w ~ ❑ ai w a~'i a~ 0 Lo. U O OJ y N N 'b U N O W N to cD .y.+ U cC N^ w U h- U U `3 ^d LL i A O N 'D S'. W V w b0 O U 'b Ri m v 0 A a 0.0 b d> °N o>° w a > o ~y o _ Uz ~ o 03~~~ ~ to 0 a °U O ~ p y C. w q b0 ,b Q W OJ ~ U 0 3 'i. vi b00 .U+^ p LI) -0 W n w O m a o° o ti o o> w W b> oo U m U w .o U caw s, m A V 7 O N w U N" ° y N N O U O O .--i U W A c p ^ N cG N y C O .U+ ~ M o J: b Zo p. Y o C :D-,c Z b o coo N .O rn U U w 3 N .O OO ¢ U ~ v :b w U ~ o a°i to G p m o°u w co O ~2 w cor. bD N oo N '~.o O' U~ -2 ~r Coq A U cad ❑ CO 0a° s. C Y F N W m ~ U o" O G U C w° o U h X ° > r to M o m 3 Y U 'ti R at o o a`0i °J m Q N m x ° b> ou M= m o cc"n o > p coo p0', ° P, a7 y p~p o° c3 N 7 U .o. O R. N b0. y to LO) ° o U 3 0 to ai ti b ro oo > ao ab a m o A ro v 10 U U OJ y 'O _ U tr O W b O w o A y N O O s, O N t-~ P•' V] O> o ° 8 W U O o tiC7 cn to mhb nzQ F U o y G, a ~ " w cc m A noo i v ~ m w m .o a w o w ° w ti ° o tiY .C o° x m Q 3~ ~°O ~C7 Q~x~ o >wt~ Z o0 C40 F'ti li5 b Z° m vi v°~ o w 3 C7 r~ , F U mU ~r F a 0 H F z O V) W W h Cl o C 4 H w O w U b oU o x Ei oil O ~ti°'e.`. s y4A 0 a^•~. ~e °p~ RA rn Us 4 x... . . p ~ 1` a" Uo go ~r '~F•v A y ! ,4 ~ ft 44 ~ a °1 t W 4 a ~ e y m A ~ 'A f 0 A to o h y U ~ ~ L zw IC co ~ ~ O in, O w 5 a O ti ° U o F ~ Q• O to o 44 F w ~ m lJ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 a 0 rLHINNINO Cx rW rdX•JU0L0DL6Df Hpf LO LOUD 11.40 r.OL +raft4 !WMFY nv7r 171.61' COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DATE 2004, TIME , S RECEPTION N< ANNEXATION MAP TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO. A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QU A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, AND A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER O TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCU AL MERIDL9N COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. e~4PER2'1_x or-scRlrnDN: SHEET I OF 1 °.°csr.eFwnr.m7eeMtvS ril- (D M a< °01oww11 179 ! e- Inns 16 e= lzve': 8 = 1621.23' A = 1929.¢ L. 179.96' L=yqq CH k376 16 W 179.76 C' N75 341.E a I YHIw'IlUbA7W y _ 3tFF¢MGn CGUNn L = r me~r lAaOE I pl caruFao F~v nnwFwr WIATffi IRC V FlrnWl 0 worth caws eo.,. Nctm~ \ , 'w I 1 ~ d i w"- .Y S1L71' auto. a ~,xT wmla f.M-s. a°o. ul = il•• =w rwnwu 1 ate oTOOn%L.,.1 u.v unlnevu'°i9a7Eo JaFttc5Gl rpOZah n•m•c ~ ~ ~ ~ X13870 COLORADO HIGHWAY 58 0, an an xn ,rw ro. rm. R .n I pISFR-a-wp vnNm vWrE6 q, NI nR t'w°IlnxxS IuwwYr3. s+Art a cwoN~ I 988'36'22`W x559.{0' _ _ 538'92'0.5"W - . _ T35.7d' ~ 589'22'80"W 212.21' ucx 3 O W)PA1 Ri w rR v rµ g [ #t L K S~ < • z+n F.. m.m. esA. ° ' ' S____ E W 1319.03 0T3t ne9 ••ze.x HY I ~pg >rc rr N89'92'30"E I NOT WE 2 x` 1 SE9'OY31"W I~42$.00' SR<'i9'd6"l 7 1 5 2 xAofim°F AJ.", xe 17'30-E ~m 177.70' ! j SW II/d J 5s 1114 I I 5Ft71 to p,Nx m t 144x\ `'e[~` I g ~ ~ i p ~ ' B I S R I I I I . , i I _ _/T. n. EPp ave} : ~ - ~Ai1ff-~,dAGM m J Y~`.~M'°}p211~irL FS ' I O I A~J ext-}Y Vwe'W w I ~ NuN I t1E 114,1 NE IN I ala-_ _ .FiEa,%rj I ~IVS aw rs 3 g 01W114 I 3 $ 1 I i 6 _ g! a i awrar. aeeacre I i2e w w.Kr+w a i IPOINT OP ~.G ~ IBEGInNING~I iN . ,xw.. r. xy Krp ux~ I wawvr'as+t'raY O I:n s wnrrzw -r l J- _I NIrIGOSYMAM J IFEMON!Ii0N7t 1 I I Y I ~ I i I I OF .HEAT al W E i B ^i g ?y rW.sl V ~d~Fl gg6 W ~ 1t i ,I gz 'gypp 5R~ 'R a ~°E e~ ga$ I c~Fw~sb ma w"+ol: C17Y 4f WNEAf NIIAl LRRMWNGAx.VRn 01'IN WN• OtE: ^1ERA(N S , nlg Axu5xgprzpyJ wAg ryEn z rrwr07ecA1Nxf.:6Awxor.v wlxrRw xerrmnt_ emrAmcn e5ncAl.cwrrlEaLOASeAwonr EMMMan7a0aN0Sbf1K1:N{Y5R SIREV EYOR'8 CkRTIkiCA' Mv'9C rYM1RVp,A11Crq)WI iuc~menxwwven7nooe r'n tt47n7ttr MOVF,znP° WAnxpweraxu.roe YM.wV Or wnvt mwLno.h9o.e, CETY CLERK'S CER7IPG iua Aenfx5o 7onaertrari a5axr.,a~aa6F°Mf U1am'cm' CDF7I.'T1' CLERK MD RE TNn nnxLR,~Ox r+nl'K,s Fncu e6onr nc°x wv nem°an Q ,x."A9RIl5n0eTlf'rA 1x OFFxPa 4MOeRt ePAPAx, eprpry pF Ip -1 1. 1 . . I- - I - ~ -11 - . ,r, - - - I . rLHIYIVIIYU a rw rdX-0U3L3DL2D( Hpr Lu LUUJ 11.w r. U4 RtRtafB ■ tma - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ■ JEFFERSON COUNTY } OPEN LAND (NOT A PART) • ttttttttt... aaasa. Lw9 ■a■ I "e.m=rAmm■s I ter4 t ■i'w~~r I I ! I te*. I tma I ter I fmb e►cttrr .I wwaw i~.■ .■art.■■t I I I lr f i i l ors s w~ K I I I t4 r I e 9 r r m M W I ~ j - h I ~ o Zo O w -°o ?c , o. , q A ~ . ' G ~ ~ t O M P D ' ~t~: • is gg :g ' V ~ ~ I 9 O I !D e ~ ? wi 1 p B s? 0 14 M -'.q ai C. itl o N M 45 +-I r+ ~ .a doll a ~-b'N ~ W My qQ •d ~?U rtml . F7 tl D 1i O ~7 m d. ~ m 61 A .65 m qy •.aa' d~ r' m ,4 pM: OT Y b V O 1 1. ° j ~p°R fJN C V Q N b P P`' p {i •irl .i rl 8 Bp .r F W a D ei •Dq x.199 [l~a..~ 0m 0: d q .d' k NI.tl ltl O P~ C4kIE~ 42 V, t O. A ? ..U o H, 1F L.. c u •°r~9. o a A -0 4.4 03/04/05 11:35 FAX 303 271 8744 .leffco Planning & Zoning X002 . a~rrir.ne few+M a,.e6Wt~r,i~~.t EVr ~Y~A 7p~1 Y1.de lbla.. .:b1M ..._M tf_ 1 D111 ...IA tb r's, it wr Jm arc LLe4~vd .Ir rblC?C. UMttA 7 MslX PA dlSaf 0. gei1L }d tbs. z'13.aL ...._.N ILe !M p.Kud bfS mtw.b Gray d "__Detwc yd Bash of Cabr.d0. d th A„y~,rt..- ssssmase.r<a a dn.m d a. e,.a.a r..f Wfutwth aut uw, ra pvt..Hid 16o fiat pvt lw.nd l aw.tb .f p1+ We LAA .ALwlldO. 0 N .r stud .A4 3 bl, _ e26af LSaA. - - _Dau+~ m Nr rild ra:t f.d d Ibe !rt n to 6v-d :+W E r f A ..t - '-^rM r M --f....d ud.cb..L tdR.l, W An W. terlPl•°I• dd .itl too eyed, d by W. Port[. m In 4 bvpiv, rd. o®rY em wenm tats t.. W.. fedtrl.t duvihd kt a m d Lill millml ISt, N,.: p1~__ th..tmvd W1.31. aaW.R1W. ud vlp Iwe m .D tW W* M a It'16 C n.y d Jeden.e uA q.i. d Cdw.da~ te,rlt: to .mt »rt er N_n s.Ptlrs t. All ei''I.m ] p6r ZI mla Zee mfAS tbt Ise it tm 'nt er !tell.. 21 apanfmn~ _ _ 1 ~t* il4r ttt Mten[1MSert >rt.f.Lr m ItG bcle6EW1 flfY Tit- 23 ..d 'ail of t_. gat r•t 1`tsre z b tm d.rt Mt.h All f.mr rtgbt. b le.pad er ptrtal ltd tbtr 1a ill, pn.rly = 31, petal . t. V_~ vlr^ c.r++r Slat pa ferary a W W tm D td f. W. 4 b fo ted. ' fednln tret f. W. M it t'mr H P.. 3!a U tM l b it t "r Nr~rna, N!mb: e d alrr t1+ m..eh nne..werrr a! fatr Zj te! 24 N1ad trr rr 3 c..-V.ers[ ei t'u 6Q' f L 6i} .f rt.llw 61. Pcriial-. L.A c<.. mn e: Lu! sawr+bL A t ttri~ of l.nd p t..t wtM rra tm .ovm if4. r .•ld tr..t. ad alt. Sol f .M➢ vd Iui m Srt aflt .lY1L sstlyy .ad enlh d- rod lawertd trot r L.th et Ata tr..tir tyl m i.tt alas. w to L ura asl.tlf ie3 3UfY::. k¢ :p.7towll a.a tm Arta- thfgt+lghthl Ul1I of i." 1r zr 3. N u mind m ..rro a t++L~fst ©JR u+' ?:pt aP em .r t.eti 19• e.ntit"•"• 15 aert. aos° er let.. ttaetner .ifL a mdlrli.d .rs-(iS1+d► . ^ If .11. of M !trdet~'• !nt-reat ft eM W m and .1Nt a.eaulr f,frr.•t IA b+ Ytl•r t.d LF}v ISStR tAd d A.dlrld.y .e-lltNntL (3/19) er d3 W IRa m•t SebnR fe t.d tq n m~' SAdM .s-'y1~Sri~l7 S TLF V& >a fb. M., pl ..t r eLg*l. c.eseted .ltn a mlev~+d tp tde dlr rlm tad fa taniM7 thk~ d/u0i. at.", rod ,:~tdr .ed diteb rtOt.tl- A' dteatt is IatbmS DQ?i!W >-p !ytb-. w.t.(1 69 1) If tM 'd(rtT pr1A.lp.3 aVrldtYe (6l.1,) . TIUe."aT rq rer s.Y.-.m ettNr. mraNren iDt•d were.. d m. at.tfu s tai! PV 16 % w "wY.ID'ati.~eyl~ ~Ito1. ml.yhi~ s w tir.L .tptad.li - i ,,,tc,.r,..ert.rad~rm.s ~B.Aa+waapa:u rl.alw,aIDyt^~,.tm~r all, itt ..44rid the fnitT/. rd4p.a°a'ta#r~'.ui~wpet~i0r m- •.•'p.. WHEgt City of Wheat Ridge OR Fax Transmittal 7500 West 29th Avenue • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Planning: (303) 235-2846 Building: (303) 235-2855 Engineering: (303) 235-2861 FAX: (303) 235-2857 Web Site: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us DATE 12O Name: Organization: Fax: Phone: From: A Division: Planni% Building ❑ Subject: <3kiL ®T toted dceled Engineering ❑ i r # of Pages: (Including cover page) Original to follow in the mail ❑ Yes )IINo COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DATE 2004, TIME , $ , RECEPTION NC ANNEXATION MAP TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO. A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QU. A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, AND A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER O'. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. RRoFERrY DESCRIPTION: SHEET I OF 1 .vnacel.Or I.L.D. oUCr~lvTV~: / oa1r DIAL, F N.orrl,snx. rv' OlF IF' ID \ \ / .1../'J °>x rrvvVSVek[ 1 <NYbFWHEATRIJ of / In `awa} uwm ~ TN~ars u a su~"A""y AT RI 0 . ".m.~. WHEEAT RIDGE ♦ 1,~rw wnrmrwur a<a. FU N ClO a N AUNIY a~ ~~izl 53'02'20" ---dl s 505.40' C s 467.85' y.. 3g = N28.13'09"E .I §e 451.32 N00.23'1 2"W 171.61' 41( N00'23'12"W 174.56' 587.5 YOfi"W r'w~mlm~ 4RV.r. a I75.I3' ~ e= 10'05'16" e= 12.4933 .co I R = 1022.23' R = 1529.61' - L = 179.98' L = 342.40 96"W CH = CH = 17 ' ' 179.75 1]9]5 , A. l F9 UMINrGRPcrANIEU R 791.19' JFfifRSpry COUNTY L 212.18- :f o . rar RloU CH NSP55'41 211.55 uxo.Rx uN u ( I 1 ~ 9 z as rn -1. x~.°aA0;.. ss . ssn U11"' Z . Isworth COLORADO HIGHWAY 58 ly nn, .s s O RIGNT-Oi-W>Y WIDTH VARIES -ORAO TME pEV.ravExE av mexwnrs, r+r of cy O ou w mr:° 322.71' yy UH INrOAYUAATF0 N. JEFFERS°iN CUUNTY ^ N38'50'10"E em 138.70'° S80'56'22"W 559.40' 538'52'45"W ' 5.70 S89-22'40"W 232.23' z°"O 3 _ - urs _ _ ' oxedar uRa u NIB ss'~ se rn s[c le. vx e°ew. em eu. 1S89.OY31"W 1319.03' i Ijc---- g.s<,>lss va N00'PS'11"E IAg - N89'S2'30"E 7.56' I ` 509'07'31"W I~425.00' \I~ N89I01'07"E 99443' N6~4'57'30"E f01 177.70' j GIN X114 •TV` . \ I $ 1/41 r ScG 3D Oi aoreNari mwNmvs - ~ I 3 § Y ~ o d tL § Cb` \ o a I v - I I ' e ~p O 5 ' 0 A. L.o 1.111 `6?4 _ - PL 1141 HE 11=1 ~J. c I ..Eq. 37 . ~ „tl rv, u IIOV IN M 6 5 'j °OI6m _ SGr, 4 R FY llrrl~ j o sl R¢o ~ xd d . v, lvs ,e I ? B j I PONT iOF 3~5 BEGINNING 1 ~ I "m a u,> . 0' ji e.,m,.» x..n.~.vaaa ,rs. a°s. em 5891003W ~-131531 ~uN 2 oFG y GRrp~'MS I) UR q 1 It 1 0 1 F f EI 1 S89'24 52W-%: 986 .91 rrwaoo ucu Avvlnv w us. dd A00?/ON FFVIEN 11 "1 //Ur"Ll E E I EC. w. w,s..50 Irt: x 1 1 1 1 141 UNIMCURIOAAIFL r~_ tills vxan JEFFFASJM AUNTY o+n .._L.. c"•+ ln. `iv uln/w - FE-1 maw: caxrt cir.[,. bam Rm ar ~e ux I Gr rc' of WHEAT RI95E 0 i I °h Ax ti;lll ~y Sr 3 a s ~I 3 ~YxO gig 0 "EAd§ ~i ~aa Isr "'0e8ex «~BB 3li SP iQt i I ~$Ya" > WID cE cl'11 OF I .1 NHfAT RIDGE I o. ISz v zn esl GENERAL NOTES. TCVur wnsFv c: eiwvcsaa Ma TICALlF.Fl. AlFmMnn! .Tnl:vmo.nlasxowrv xeum SURVEYOR'S CERTIFTCA' I ry OH.IFl C1 . FAIR) CR LV O.M1S ,.lo CITY CLERK S CERTIFIC, r LASMANNEX" TO v m o. cttnmc COUNTY CLERK AND RE COUNrv acw.nw. Rr. IK 0 con~un nc,IN ARCA OF qb On A VICINITY MAP Oi 7. SCALE ~ I I /II I I I ~.___L___...-~_~ e.i►eilei~i ixi - ~iHlHEeH~t ~1+i tietieFitliteitiiM I ~ a,•.+ JEFFERSON COUNTY kI OPEN LAND ci (NOT A PART) hq I I I I I \ hs ~ I I r, I a. a. I a• I .n I I a ^ ' I I I I o.r a o-g~»ry n~,. y`~,,°wfiL'~..~$r .~j4 I I I Z___ r~sav ~ Imlr= I ~ I i' I I I I I I ~,I I I I I '~1 I I I I ~ I ~ 011 TYLINE I I 3 IT ! .,AO: 1 I ' L ~I 1 I I ~ - f~ ~f~~~/\\~ I ~ , i =mar=====_===~'T'" I 1,--a1 1. mn BFI-~ e 4 6 3x x tA ~e -arras Mammal I - .aaa _ 'woo • aaat-- - - ~ ~ Sara JEFFERSON COUNTY OPEN LAND ' (NOT A PART) i uunrwrama■ r- I ■ iOrm ■ AA"YAMIM =3 IMME 105 W4 N `k mr wn I !®G6i<usf I ~R]Alll. A, IVA i my i ort IY9K I O b gig !g b~ C Kate Newman Planner Planning and Zoning Department 00 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 3550 Golden, Colorado 80419-3550 (303) 271-8735 FAX: (303] 271-8706 http: //planning.jeffco. us Email: knewmanCajeffco.us ~___ao' w~v~r RIGHTS-OF-WAY Print All Requested Information: Name of Applicant: Cabela's Street Address: 4105 Youngfield Service Road Mailing Address, if different: 1 Cabelas Drive City/Town: Sidney, NE 69160 Telephone Number: 303-771-0396 Kristen Gleason Date of Application: Feb 9, 2005 If there are additional attach those names and addresses to ALL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE INITIAL REVIEW OF YOUR REQUEST. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS MAYBE REQUIRED, INCLUDING A SURVEY. A MEETING WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE SITE WITH THE CASE MANAGER PRIOR TO REFERRALS BEING SENT. YOU MAYBE REQUIRED TO SURVEYAND STAKE THE PORTION OF ROW BEING REQUESTED FOR VACATION PRIOR TO THAT MEETING. x_-Completed application form (Two Pages) _$250 (Cash, Check, Visa, or Mastercard). _x-Proof of 20' deeded access from a County dedicated right- of-way. _x-Print-out of property ownerships adjacent to the area involved in this request and of any other ownerships which may have an interest in the right-of-way. _x-Copy of County Assessor's parcel map identifying affected properties. See Attached Sheet: Need to State Reasons for Vacation Request _x_ Property Merger Agreement (when applicable) _x-Copy of recorded Subdivision Plat _x_ Graphic Showing Area sought for Vacation _x_ Vicinity Map _x_ Other Information: Survey STAFF USE ONLY: Case Number: 05-103567 V (5/01) revised 01/04 property for emergency access and utili' -urposes. PLEASE STATE YOUR REASON(S) FOR SEEKING VACATION OF COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY: The south 20 feet have been annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge. State Statutes require joint action on vacations of right of ay that border two jurisdictions. New roadways will be dedicated with the development of the Cabela's retail center. Existing access is from 1-70 frontage road. The proposed vacation will not interrupt existing access. O o 21& O WORLD'S FOREMOST OUTFITTER' Hunting • Fishing • Outdoor Gear February 28, 2005 Kate Newman, Planner Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Special Projects 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80419-3550 Re: Release of Easements on Cabela's/Coors Parcels Dear Ms. Newman: Please accept this letter as evidence of Cabela's intent to join the Coors Brewing Company's request for the release of two easements currently held by Jefferson County on lands being developed by Cabela's and Coors. A copy of the initial request from Coors, dated December 17, 2004, is enclosed for your reference. Since the sale between Coors and Cabela's has taken place, we now ask that the county's interests be conveyed to both Coors and Cabela's for the vacated Prospect Avenue reservation of easements, and to Cabela's alone for the interest adjacent to the animal shelter. I have also enclosed revised quitclaim deeds for your review. Please contact Patrick Lutz at Koley Jessen P.C. (402) 343-3829, should you have any questions regarding these conveyances. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, 4 R7 Kevin T. Rhodes Director of Real Estate Cabela's Ventures, Inc. Enclosures ~I C19 IF9' lG Lit L) 1J= MP%S0 CouNI TY 280195.1 3 .4 .Ftr:%43 A'NEi _3.NUN,^ ONE GABELA DRIVE SIDNEY, NE 69160 TEL: 308.2$4.5505 WWW.CABELAS.COM 03/04/05 11:35 FAX 303 271 8744 Jeffco Planning & Zoning IM002 8p~'y~~~ - warrt~b..wf+.ar.M.,.~,s.a.+•w.a.w., 1RP^~eeD - _ M¢ 1. d a¢, ,.Wd aK M ,t.t ~ed:. ._d.f . ,tpdi . :...:.tnlAtr-n¢a....__., Wtmm~ .wash. [..tassn.aas oaiaco.. a..en eat ' Co.", d..... _.-bTamc....._..aed Hmr al Calanda, d Me fleet pM, sod dsff~raw Omeb or" e -d - -+k0o4a end of the d Pre - . dksadD tne - Witaetleth YTrt tM s1E PsK..N•.d M eA{ Pv4: mL I budim d J wh t OM r sa¢d sad. v Smblf ¢pryiSieratliA, - _ afA frd_AapM! ,Sad A iwt i' f f• ..1; -^airm f mood aste°d'. m Me dd rare } T d ILe d ! ut ! Lid : ¢G1 t ~ rd 1.: Y ofor >m toeam\ r fan add ea•eJ. W re T taptwd wid aid eoe\eyW ad by Mew miTfw do "4 Lorga!", rH, I petty d tr raved ra t"Is m¢tu.e beta Tod od•u fo s M Mr frHOld06 deouiLtd bt n m Aral • d lo8d drum, Ift$.d 1 me. [a"M - CAoee of aedtam oeil Hlem u( CWondn, t 011: ill d)'lata i•, 261 27 mad 24, bing the ft vl tie in of sh&tf"n !1 eo¢tatasad no Aema sere or leaf tagatees ai lL Aga t t ¢ grmtnr T Set rret to m oedirlded mm hilt 0) lotoreat n A is t"a p ~re.A at sftrs 3ifa ioitY 04 13 and ..ar S,ILla telenq•ng per4taL r N °d~r erg 1tfiiing Leer-j., 1 K Prieritf I- 31,•s - I e. trV i to tea de dram ML¢h aM Tatar rSdifta Lalo" ng per fA ]we 1;. mgoler tie" fn Me wrtta.st wrear of let PA fermrlf eroded to tb. D aad 31 ~ Ea-~s ~ It Sad; .t Me or t*e , _ero of ?rN r.eT !-'A" r: e d 0", the nrD• n•+-e}'^'v M.- 23 - r LefaH ter Anna eve-'arter of the m% r Lim Bit of gii.u a 20• wetstnl-> .ea atm. ann r. laaat remr.aag strip at land 20 feet tide Eras tLe aoot aide of mla treat; maul aloe sm.ti:.g d IMP of led 20.feat aft swum, SeY~ sad mth of aefd. femf u6 tsmtr batL et iLieh trust.. +a!dt 20md ut~l tie tKr; n~ #A" al ~ of pgyem.; tine el.b the north thmsslr~rttr t7~H) of tee. It 2, 3'ry . mnt•lnev 15 acre. m er leas. t. ethar .ith m LmdlTfiad aid reD LS{i7) H o3 fha s# of eectim 19 m tn.aie Ll e" tmd!.Sd ?roe-'-mlt Lei ai fn t1r Y;t•T and LM 'Wk. 'ef ni1.M tLa tra.,tes•. Sit>mit md tQ u fr1N6 om 3a1f Oll f*ar,TtRl ` ate mdi"tdeq andtfinentt (3f39) er all !at graa•aet•.Satan t f'a e ta.o ffie !a W6. dlteh Tdl, oety taplo eoomrrd of to or teloming to "to vue. aid V%laa SLtii:' d12 of AaL : ditibe. sw >fa,r end dSttL rU:LLung-Tttvr Sa aofTasf daadda aMfrf r!m and is tLmglD ts 1 a asap q we ae,(a 69 n of t'na 'e1rtL Prto IPRI y-ridiou (Q'I) grasptia offt7 t. at see !or roads a e ditnhen LaraLefma gemMed, eere.• M neT antaldLM m mid a yTL { - 1: I) 1{FF1 ffff ' ry y . telovpag, tier mVAe aPp"O.A.emarl 4!7 rot-load¢a~iBMaarm. •Id,4t,t.a'e~t, d.:. a>,t~m.~ . aeaoxr"~kim M-1 - . me qtr:r3Mtt.artr:w,.aamaiatmaeaew>ed armir...IM ionam~ MT brpWOg~.at4v etidba ar.r~dYe(~tae+?gr or ra f•f•n°°'• ileafdt».a'fr .f ter ehL•A+ta Ldrn_.2eemtd bet teau.,. -"mss-~'d ~'f -7, - omMD ®mlc.l'cmwaee mfm. aeet er mLmlttlmd 6deii.A.' r ra - r ,L ° 7y :..z.:.las-ao+s=-a2a-C!see frtpaar:ILftema^.t`amdtrfd s p~.,tmS~fdmes:=.ftgil.3+S$3'i-- _.._..Ed1➢..salferi---=. ' ' Rona LoaYeJ,; n K ~ ~,1 . ~ mdYOf eld•-= -Cao.y~r m tm?Ixtt se:ertld. do ie~l.e?~I t}i aya -~..w - ohm rte- - - std ewYifamar(al ,...tummuy ldwTed. vr.ta4tb p¢aeL-• _~d std TM+si.sN7.6 !f i1r~d'6alwv mn Mrdgm.btlLd.¢4an'tle~edYrt-- oet §04L °S"1i "Rd~ N gig aa.~.-_i6aa e:d "d"oer, eat, for ihv r ties pmiiae thum,. u~at. fN .omtlNi.~ _ yy~~ -drP d ...vF~ ,y awvi BY- vars. ,.r uer n a` N N M 4U V m i~ i x. 11 ae m ~e+ 40 -cm tin ar 1k td .~.Y .la VI Y0~ T S\~d~' i0 Ir, mtll a > roo~~il V b a, jvy ctQ K6 ?D F Mba j!'t N Ki '0 w F7 -ti to) C~l l7 N Y Y - m O m N m "•p ~ m M Y' m Cp N ~'.e~ wNi tl M WI b o m P7 W rl' M 4J..~ 1 TCJI~ ri ..ai' fi? J CI + d'~ i0 tli kl ^D... to L' Fmi O wj ~7 'E'd IV M6 . P,. 49 "ri 16 46 ,g y,. 44m p- i~+a: Le.. dp~. rd..Ad do, 9l .~p+.F ...rrrWaaa Lf.' _d 40 4" nil 2 _0 * I.. y Id. q:j coo In C~.- rl .W C * K *4 m k C m cca o40 wbm~o `j. PC) 04 j. a qw P. C, ;s 'd A Ki a ffY 46 F►V 8RJ'104+r1 fl O~ b. M N m m 4i c rt ' W m e. o rt ~ R ~ a ea ~ J7 j0 ~dC H mp W.« x .e Y `E ' ~1~` AL Y. e'r ,o dl'e7 ~itlb Oa .1 RS RI E auTQOZ V RUT> Td ODJTaP VVLH TLZ £08 %dd L£:TT SO/60/£0 03/04/05 11:35 FAX 303 271 8744 Jeffco Planning & Zoning [A 001 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMenr mom~ 7Board of County Commissioners FAX 1 I 1 1 I V I f helle Lawrence, Oistrict Ne. 1 icia e. Holloway, 3strlct No. 2 hard Sheehan, [7M&t No. 3 Date: C td' Time: lease Deliver the Following Page(s) To: To Fax C From: F- I Fax [303) 271-8744 # of Pages Sent: (Including Cover Page) If you did not receive all page(s), please call back as soon as possible at: Notes: .1 IIr_rPIP. l Cf71n~1. a/ ~H,tiv,al s►`hF~t, ab-o k; ® 100 Jefferson County Pkwy., Suite 3550, Golden, co 80419 • http://planning.co.jefferson.co.us Coors Brewing Company Golden, Colorado 80401-0030 December 17, 2004 Ms. Nanette Neelan, P.E Assistant County Administrator County Administrator's Office 100 Jefferson County Parkway Suite 5537 Golden, CO 80419-5537 (HAND DELIVERED) Subject: Release of Easements, Coors/Cabela's Parcels Lit ME Dear Ms. Neelan, tf~ G V oo g! f jy~ 00 ~0 ef~ L° "'p.~F We exchanged voice messages this fall concerning easements owned by Jefferson County on a Coors-owned property near the Table Mountain Animal Shelter, north of 32nd Avenue on the Youngfield Service Road. Your return message asked me to provide the information and request in writing, and you will forward it to the correct people in your organization. The property in question is,(( Company, and located irma Cabela's Retail, Inc. and Cal of this tract, which fronts od, property, Cabela's has obje 2--n Coors Brewing tain Animal Shelter. e eastern-most 80 acres work concerning the m County. The first easement is a 193I ra Ha3f o-k-C linty (attached copy is best available from Book 337, >iage`~ r i ar~v a} s and>]>tCYres'. The survey, attached and completed by Farnsworth, LLC locates this easement in the upper right-hand (NE) comer of the property. The instrument conveying the easement is attached as Exception Number 10. The second easement is a 1966 reservation to Jefferson County of the right to locate certain "existing" utilities in Prospect Ave (West 38th Avenue). This is located on the Farnsworth survey on the westerly half of the property. Note 1.C on the survey states that no evidence of these utilities was found. I am not aware of such utilities actually existing on the property, and West 381h Avenue has not been extended west of Interstate 70. The document, which conveyed this easement to Jefferson County, is attached as Exception Number 14 (Book 1854, Page 749) Our request is for Jefferson County to Quit Claim these easements to Coors Brewing Company. A draft of each quitclaim instrument is attached for your consideration. It is our intent to subsequently convey the property to Cabela's Retail, Inc. later this year in order to facilitate development of t e'r retail store on this roperty. 12 D G r tlcr 1 °,Ml~t E 5 0 g 2005 COUN 1 Y AUMINIS 1 RAm€C OFFMG )N CGUNTI' 1ND ZONING: COORS BREWING COMPANY COORS BREWING COMPANY COORS BREWING COMPANY PO BOX 4030 PO BOX 4030 PO BOX 4030 GOLDEN CO, 80401 GOLDEN CO, 80401 GOLDEN CO, 80401 JEFFERSON COUNTY COORS BREWING COMPANY 00100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PO BOX 4030 PKWY GOLDEN CO, 80401 GOLDEN CO, 80419 JEFFERSON COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM DATE: February 14, 2005 TO: Jefferson County Highways & Jefferson County Cartography Transportation XCEL Energy Jefferson County Planning Engineering -)Denver Water Board Jefferson County Attorney's Office Consolidated Mutual Water Company Jefferson County Road & Bridge, Dist. I Urban Drainage & Flood Control District FROM: NANCY YORK RE: Case No. 05-103567 VA: Vacation of a County Road and Ditch Right-of-Way (adjacent to Lots 21-23 and Lot 1 of Roxbury Garden Subdivision) Please see attached copies of applicable materials for your review and comment regarding the proposed vacation of a road and ditch right-of-way per the attached survey. Please review the enclosed information and advise this office in writing of any concerns with, objections to or support for the proposed road and ditch right-of-way vacation. Please provide comments no later than Monday, February 28, 2005, via e-mail, regular mail or fax as noted below. Nancy York, Planner Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Division, Suite 3550 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, CO 80419-3550 nvorknjeffco us Phone: (303) 271-8715 Fax: (303) 271-8744 Thank you for your attention to this matter. Jefferson County Planning Division 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80419 RE: Proposal to Eliminate a Jefferson County Utility Easement To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised, that the undersigned, has reviewed the proposal to eliminate (that portion of) the utility easement described below and has determined that such action would not affect existing utility lines and appurtenances nor the current easement interests and rights of Comcast. This company does not have any plans to use the easement in the future and thereby does not object if Jefferson County eliminates the following described easement: Legal description: All of lots 25, 26, 27 and 28, being the NW of the SW of Section 20, containing 40 acres more or less, together with all of the grantor's interest in an undivided one half (1/2) interest in and to the Sanderson and Slater Ditch and water rights belonging to pertaining thereto, being priority No. 23, and all of the grantor's interest in and to the Sanderson Ditch and water rights belonging or pertaining thereto, being priority No. 31, excepting a triangular tract in the northwest comer of lot 28 formerly deeded to the D. and N. W. Ry. Co., and recorded in Book 130, at page 328 of the records of Jefferson County; and also the north one-quarter of lots 21, 22, 23, and 24 being the north one-quarter of the SW of the SW '/a of Section 20, containing ten acres more or less, reserving a strip of land 20 feet wide from the south side of said tract, and also granting a strip of land 20 feet wide adjoining and south of said reserved tract, both of which tracts, each 20 feet wide are to be used jointly for road purposes; and also the north three-eighths (3/8) of lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 being the north three-eighths (318) of the SE of the SE'/< of Section 19, containing 15 acres more or less, together with an undivided one-fifteenth (1 /15) of all of the grantor's interest in and to an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in and to an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in the ditch and water rights connected with of belonging to said Miles and Eskins Ditch. All of said land and ditches and water and ditch rights being situate in Roxbury Gardens Subdivision and in township three south (T 3 S) Range Sixty-nine West (R 69 W) of the Sixth Principal Meridian (6 P.M.). Excepting rights of way for roads and ditches heretofore granted across and now existing on said granted premises. Comcast of Colorado XII, Inc. has no objections to Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposal. If you have any questions please contact me at. 303.603.6804 Sincerely, 4y)Scott R. Moore as Of Comcast of ColoradoXII, Inc. Date: 3/7/05 From: Kate Newman To: Moore, Scott ate: - - - 37872 0 0 5 8;21:21 AM Subject: RE: easement I'll put one in the mail, but it is shown on the same survey as the one you did last week, it is to the north of the Prospect/38th,Avenue easement. "Moore, Scott" <Scott _Moore@cable.comcast.com> 317/2005 12:29:58 PM can you mail or fez a site map, I cannot open jpg file to large. Scott -----Original Message----- From: Kate Newman [mailto:KNewman@co.iefferson.co.us1 Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 12:26 PM To: Alvino, Jon; Moore, Scott Subject: RE: easement Thank you for your help on the abandoment of the easement for 38th/Prospect Ave. Here's another request: The Planning and Zoning Division received a request to vacate the road right-of-way conveyed to Jefferson County, in 1931, by the deed recorded in Jefferson County records at Book 337, Page 277. Since the south 20 feet have been annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge, and it appears that all utilities are in the north 20 feet of this roadway dedication, 1) do you have any objections to vacate the roadway 2) does Comcast want a utility easement reserved? If yes, is it alright to reserve the north 20 feet for utilities and abandon the south 20 feet? I've attached the legal description and both requests were shown on the jpg map attached. Thanks for your help on this second request. Kate Newman, Planner Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Special Projects 303-271-8735 knewman @ ieffco. us "Moore, Scott" <Scott Moore@cable.comcast.com> 3/4/2005 9:18:13 AM Kate, Can you put the legal discription on this for me, for the area to be vacated. Then I will sign and return. Thanks Scott -----Original Message----- From: Alvino, Jon Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 8:40 AM To: Moore, Scott rage z Cc: 'knewman @ ieffco. us' Subject: FW: easement Scott, Could you help Kate out. Thnx Jon -----Original Message----- From: Kate Newman fmailto:KNewman@co.jefferson.co.usI Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 8:23 AM To: Alvino, Jon Subject: easement Jefferson County has received a request to abandon our interest in the utility easements reserved by Jefferson County in the Certified Copy of Resolution recorded in Jefferson County records at Book 1854, Page 749. In order to proceed with the proper processing of a Commissioners Deed, please provide us with a letter (email)stating that Comcast does not have any existing utility lines within the easement. Thanks for your help Kate Newman, Planner Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Special Projects 303-271-8735 knewman@ieffco.us X_ cel Energys~ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY February 28, 2005 JEFFERSON COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PARKWAY, SUITE 3550 GOLDEN, CO 80419-3550 Re: Vacation Request -Case No. 05-103567 (Nancy York) Siting and Land Rights 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 3 03.571.7799 Facsimile: 303.571.7877 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project and has identified a conflict between existing facilities and the request to vacate. At this time PSCo would like to request that reservations be made for the continued operation and maintenance of the existing facilities located within the proposed development area. If the relocation of existing facilities is desired, PSCo will retain current easement(s) until provided with replacement easement(s). Also, any costs associated with a facility relocation is that of the owner / developer. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notifications Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to construction and have a copy of the report indicating these locations sent to: Public Service Kathryn Bauer PSCo has existing gas or electric distribution facilities in this area, the developer should contact PSCo's Engineering Department at 1-800-628-2121 regarding the use or relocation of these facilities. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at 303-571-7735. Than You, Kath Bauer Contract Right-of-Way Processor MAR 10 '05 10!28 FR PUBLIC SERVICE-7TH FL303 571 7877 TO 93032718744 P.01i01 Xcel Energy- Siting and Land Rights PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 55015th Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 303.571.7799 Facsimile: 303.571.7877 March 10, 2005 JEFFERSON COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 100 JEFFERSON COUNTY PARKWAY, SUITE 3550 GOLDEN, CO 804193550 Re: Vacation Request- 05-103567 (Kate Newman) Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project and has identified a conflict between existing facilities and the request to vacate. At this time PSCo would like to request that reservations be made for the continued operation and maintenance of the existing facilities located within the proposed development area. 1. For any and all issues regarding easement vacation for the following recordation in Jefferson County Book 337 Page 277: The request to vacate this easement is denied. 2. Easement Abandonment- Formerly platted as Prospect Avenue: PSCo has no apparent objections to this request - Request granted. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notifications Center at 1.800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to construction and have a copy of the report indicating these locations sent to: Public Service Kathryn Bauer PSCo has existing gas or electric distribution facilities in this area, the developer should contact PSCo's Engineering Department at 1-800-628-2121 regarding the use or relocation of these facilities. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at 303-571-7735. Thank ou, Bauer Contract Right-of-Way Processor TOTAL PRGE.01 March 7, 2005 Kathryn Bauer Contract Right-of-Way Processor Xcel Energy 550 151h Street, Ste 700 Denver, CO 80202-4256 Dear Ms. Bauer: 1. Jefferson County received a request to abandon the utility easements reserved by Jefferson County in the Certified Copy of Resolution recorded in Jefferson County records at Book 1854, Page 749. To process this request, staff needs letters from the appropriate utility companies (XCEL, Qwest, Comcast, and Consolidated Mutual) stating that the utility company does not have any existing utility lines within the easement. Here is the legal for the abandonment of the easement: All of Prospect Avenue (West 38th Avenue) as shown on the recorded plat of Roxbury Gardens, as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 33, Jefferson County Records, except any part of said Prospect Avenue (West 38th Avenue) that lies within the right-of-way of Youndfield Street and Interstate Highway No. 70, said right-of-way for Interstate Highway No. 70 being the easterly 324.1 feet, more or less, of said Prospect Avenue (West 38th Avenue). Also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, Roxbury Gardens, as shown on the recorded plat thereof. The Planning and Zoning Division received a request to vacate the road right-of-way conveyed to Jefferson County, in 1931, by the deed recorded in Jefferson County records at Book 337, Page 277. We received your letter to vacate the roadway and retail an utility easement. Since the south 20 feet have been annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge, and it appears that all utilities are in the north 20 feet of this roadway dedication, is it alright to reserve the north 20 feet for utilities and abandon the south 20 feet? Kate Newman Planner Jefferson County From: Kate Newman To: kathryn.y.bauer@xcelenergy.com mate: 377/2005 11:53A0 AM Subject: vacate and easement request Kathryn- Sorry for the confusion I've created. As explained in the attached, there are two requests of Xcel. Thanks for your help. Kate Newman, Planner Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Special Projects 303-271-8735 knewman@jeffco.us Qwe st. Spirit of Service" February 23, 2005 Kate Newman Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Cabelas RE: Road and easement vacation To Whom It May Concern: Reference is made to your request for Qwest to approve the requested road vacation and - easements vacation in the Roxbury Gardens subdivision. Qwest has no objection with this request other than we will need to maintain the northerly 20 foot area north of the animal shelter to cover the existing aerial cable. This area is Located in the SE 1/4 of Section 19 and the SW 1/4 of Section 20 Township 3 South Range 69 West of the 6 s P.lvl. Located in the County of Jefferson Colo. Qwest has no objections to the requested Road Vacation. Qwest will need to retain the Northerly area as a utility easement for our telephone facilities already in place. Sincerely. H. Kent Welch Qwest Right-of-way manager Denver Northwest Area (303) 451-2418 TOTAL PAGE. 02 t 12121 Grant Strect. Room 301. Thornton, Colorado 80241 FAX To. Phone: 303- J ` Fax phone: 303- y CC: Date: a )atL, 1 O5 Number of pages including cover sheet: From: 12121 Grant Street Room 301 Thornton Colorado 80241 Phone: (303)451-2,4A tie) Fax: (303)-451-2579 REMARKS: ❑ Urgent ❑ Foryourreview ❑ Re I ASAP P Y ❑ Phase comment Nancy York - vacation of county ri,-. and ditch right of way From: ._-'Barela, Geri" <Geraldine.Barela@denverwater.or,-> - - -Te: -<nyork co.jeffersan.co:us> Date: 3/2/2005 9:55 AM Subject: vacation of county road and ditch right of way Dear Ms. York: Please be advised that the information you sent to me regarding the vacation of a county road and ditch right of way appears to be in the vicinity of two major pipelines (conduits no. 16 & 22) owned by Denver Water. While the vacation of the roadway and the ditch will not affect our easement, any current or future construction or grading within our easement must be reviewed and approved by Denver Water prior to any construction being done. If you have any questions, please call me at 303-628-6219. Sincerely Geri Barela Property Administrator file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\nyorl(\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW }00002.HTM 3/2/2005 ONSOLIDATED mutual water February 17, 2005 Nancy York, Planner Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Division 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 3550 Golden, CO 80419-3550 RE: Case No. 05-103567 VA: Vacation of a County Road and Ditch Right-of-Way (adjacent to Lots 21-23 and Lot 1 of Roxbury Garden Subdivision) Reference: Book 337, Page 277 Dear Ms.York, Please be advised that the undersigned has determined that the proposed vacation, as noted above, does not affect The Consolidated Mutual Water Company. We have no water facilities in the described area. If you should have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, kae. MiQueen Executive Vice-President cc: Walter S. Welton, CMWCo President John Allen, Project Engineer THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue • P.O. Box 150068 • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Telephone (303)238-0451 • Fax (303)237-5560 : JEFFERSON COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM DATE: February 14, 2005 TO: Jefferson County I- ghways & Jefferson County Cartography Transportation XCEL Energy Jefferson County Planning Engineering Denver Water Board - Jefferson County Attorney's Office Consolidated Mutual Water Company Jefferson County Road & Bridge, Dist. I Urban Drainage & Flood Control District FROM: NANCY YORK RE: Case No. 05-103567 VA: Vacation of a County Road and Ditch Right-of-Way (adjacent to Lots 21-23 and Lot 1 of Roxbury Garden Subdivision) Please see attached copies of applicable materials for your review and comment regarding the proposed vacation of a road and ditch right-of-way per the attached survey. Please review the enclosed information and advise this office in writing of any concerns with, objections to or support for the proposed road and ditch right-of-way vacation. Please provide comments no later than Monday, February 28, 2005, via e-mail, regular mail or fax as noted below. Nancy York, Planner Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Division, Suite 3550 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, CO 80419-3550 n3,ork(@jeffco.us Phone: (303) 271-8715 Fax: (303) 271-8744 Thank you for your attention to this matter. NIEMORANDU-M--- TO: Nancy York Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Department FROM: Ed Wieland Cartographic Unit DATE: 2/25/2005 SUBJECT: ROAD IN ROXBURY GARDENS Cartographic Review 05-103567VA Attached are your copies of graphics. Regarding the ditches mentioned in the deed (Book 337, Page 277) I talked to the surveyors at Highways and Transportation that have looked at the site and was told that there are no ditches. Also the survey of the property shows no ditches. I checked the old assessor maps and the plat of Roxbury Gardens and there is no ditches shown. The ditch list does not have the names shown in the deed. Please review and advise when to print the multiple copies for reports. Ed Wieland c: file Nancy York - Case Number 05-103567' From: - Arnold Cross - - - ------To: Nandyl'ork_- Date: 2/15/2005 2:53:47 PM Subject: Case Number 05-103567VA Good Afternoon Nancy, Page 11 Planning Engineering has no objection to this vacation of road right-of-way being approved. The road right-of-way conveyed to Jefferson County, in 1931, by the deed recorded in Jefferson County records at Book 337, Page 227 is not needed by the County. If you have any questions of me, please let me know. Thank you, Arnie CC: Jo Blakey Nancy York - 05-103567 VA Page 11 From: Jeanie Rossillon - - To-.-- - iJancyYork Date: 2/28/2005 10:17:26 AM Subject: 05-103567 VA I am not clear on the subject of this vacation case so I will comment on both of the areas highlighted in the referral: H&T does not object to the vacation of the 40' reserved strip for joint use road purposes Book 337, Page 277. H&T previously commented to Carol Prince about the easement reserved for continued usage of utilities. We do not object to a vacation of this either, as long as the legal description of the parcel is corrected. and~raur:;slf lie De10aCIIw or prtafnlnlt th•r.tai.D•Ise priority lei I3j aht'all'of the eranter•e tnteredt dol" OFF to ► tendereen mind, and "ter rtArte to ne v or priatnt+yf thn•t0).UilnC:peterly we. 32,;% {~nR.•^1 3(r}, 669010r tract in the nertblost earner of let 26 fa"rrly dted.d to the a: and V. t. lye Cs.o eaeeardet fa' 'J}Ot dt pace 321 at the "Cards, of Jefferson. CeneytAnd hl", the Forth OTA."rter of, lots 21, 1 7!} sad. Dsll4f the north one-awrder at the O} of the fad of Aattea 904 atnNinl?C Vs wets son er 1•ee• --1011=f land 20 tort vide free the swth aide of s-to treat. And Mn cranting a strip at lead 20 fort ride addo! III south Of ewtd »wr.Rd treat, toth of lash t"Cte. Mch 20 toot side are to b Ford 7alntly ter "ad pvpoe-etraad sloe, the earth thrra•etehthe (711) of late 1. 2. and b tot" the north thrrt--I^the (Sfr) of thr fl) of n) of $,all" 10. "stalntan 1; wane a-" or 1-.•. tenth-r .tth an +nldtrid.d nn-.fifbfnth (11151 of oil f the t. ftteffs lnt-"#t in and to an "dirlAed am-hwlt (1) inter-,t in 110 rlioe and le-Ift- Doteh one an mdIvj4e4 ow•fltto.elh (1175) Of all tad nantst•s ins,»Rt in end it an anjisided %".halt tetr"Ot is the ditch end "tor ltahts ennwet.e rtth of toi natal ti hold Fates and to"soe tteh• all at ,,to load .*ad ditches sod "t.? nA Met rl"a b.tn.; ollooo (t'tnrDnq UTA-no F11)Atttstea and Sa t,"Ohip trr-a 0"11A (111) 4nt1attq•nt R Toot (1 69 l) of 11» tt.th Prinefeal u-rldlan (6r.+.) hlipttna rliliii at ♦hr fWreed. an441teh•t'honlnit» cruet-d wrra,. w-d --r o.lot!m7 dr, ow1! .r.wvd err- tisoe. 0 iN, u t c 4 a Y Q N 4 i W is tot !:1' vn cr. ;,,u. TRie4hir ~tkh~A Red •Mouler 1De laiedhRee,i.b aM Rm'w*'%Mir- 0.,niM,f I:tonBnt. hr In anral.r .tN'•riMnin. sad- love, aeMlwbr Rod rraMIM1iT1, hM•. been •wi MAGI. Ilavssi: Y1n1.11 air WAW. Ilahl. 111Y. IM I. rbdra •N! &I Iha tpId.ryu.loe.at lW but r.tl,1114" in I r-wr,' 11y, af, in sad later .leer Wn.InN laradr-. rltb thr mUM,nreM Ta Ile" i4te 119W The r.td prrw1.410.611,M(mot"Pd:Lwsll:.l, huh the Rly,.neaaM.- bale 14 Mb PMI....y~.l tad anal pR11...7te.auCn haler Fed Rsstes. IMrrr.. Awl ate. Mid :'atll. W. A.wlt no _s,__. ..ern IrR Fide Ora part. lee m.r1 e,en1MR sad adMfalutp.ler, do arormaM. FIRM. 4radp!Mt aarn,lw .nd rich dw .aW Van y d 0. .mlw Ir,l,11 rr 1 ew, lroll, ii ll,Iuw and Madh WW j n.104, 04 r Jr of lhrrg tf tic'.. M to" in ti... .nnep w.'.ad,..haw .aril W j1.i'lIe a.t IIr IgeMyr. to, e Few, r,b.rm I 0 fall I e nd bw/e Wry~Rr4 and Postal and Ua MrM 44 la Mnwr and fwm fwm aW *kh ma1d, Ind 4h•4 Ile ...r •n bgr.*rwW r4.. 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II-ath "a-Clint 0..w mrommal-Werspim- -April To Wt. .1"gar NOW. . lTATL OP GOLF mmoi a tfalary NbiIo is sea far Raw_ . ....tbnaly M the ltialr otter held, as t+nby .nllfy that 11a.r.--Aeeoeaal7 ka"a IF Mh 1s, be lW le.-a -claw uwa._ .............__.aufanfbed 1s, iM fanlRlel Dead, ofpealMl Iwlum PRO "day is pawn, awl aA4wrtdy.d that .....laMd, Mdnl and doll""d the Feld l snare li *101141.1 ftx n..i r.ih'uwY MI. for IIr aMh aml IMry..u• 0-to rl (hulk. 4 ! carmi sad.- Mr 0-.A IRA a...a.1 -1 M. .e • n RR 4. C 1 _ a f r 169742 CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION WHEREAS, by a plat of Rmd,ory C.Tdcoa r recorded in Plat Doak a t•e• 33 e1 the Je[Gsaae Cnmty Record., ."I. +trut., a+emw• and ell+ye hone tbaraoe mace dadiratn to the public, and - WHEREAS, the 9e11MLaD described street etulis nn longer necessary for use by the public; and WHEREAS. said Street .relic not within the licit, of any city or town .ad does not iota the boundary line of a city, town or county; and WHEREAS, ea land Would, by a vacation of said street be left without an established Public road connecting it mirh aantber establiabsd public read; and WHEREAS, the Jefferson County Planning Comiseide bas approved the waeation of Yid atreet WHEREAS, applicant wiehte to aucauste rock, wand and gromel.oo salt Street and ad3olniag premise,; . NOW, TSERUM, a IT RMLPED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Jefferao County, Colorado paramour to CRS '63, Chapter 120, Arritle lie that the following described sirnt situate in the County of Jefferson, sad-State of calorada+ Mend ltata/y are hereby ranted, subject to a reservation of aaaeaeata [O! ttla Rpeitddaw ae at existing sever, ges, vater or Similar pipe lieu sad ipp amclRS to sting ditches and eppurtsnwaces, and existing electric, tettEbae ad atadtat liras and appurtenance, If any: All of Proapeet Anma (Want 36th Ageees) es Shaw an Rao. Tom dal plat at Roxbury Gardens, as ratordad en Plat gat 2 at Page 33 J#00"sa County Records, except my part of Std Prospect Avenue Met, J111' ~taYmel 110015 lima vithin the rightwf+q of TONWIMd Street and aatartiki rtab"T no. 70, said right-of-way for Interstate alglawy lima 54 6 kMO aeterty 324,1 feet, auto or lase, of aid rrsapact Au treat 7Bth `Ataas~. Also Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, S, 20, 21, 23 m4 26, toaesy Umdas, at Omen on the retarded plat tbaraef. Everest, Salter Property STATE Or emomDD ) wctrr,.or Jtl new ) V v e.s ear.'. r. O r. a• ~ er. - S < City Cask ad Rocorar sew Clark to that tier sbse Ss a ttwa spr: K a swum of the bad of coon 4; G da It swesri w nt*W A 1 -Wow Fit w Aa e ~ O V ~ # w N 03/04/05 11:38 FAX 303 271 8744 Jeffco Planning & Zoning R004 WO 4 2005 Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Division 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80419 RE: Proposal to Eliminate a Jefferson County Utility Easement To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised, that the undersigned, has reviewed the proposal to eliminate (that portion of) the utility easement described below and has determined that such action would not affect existing utility lines and appurtenances nor the current easement interests and rights of Comcast. This company does not have any plans to use the easement in the future and thereby does not object if Jefferson County eliminates the following described easement: Legal descHplion: All of Prospect Avenue (West 38s' Avenue) as shown on the recorded plat of Roxbury Gardens, as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 33, Jefferson County Records, except any part of said Prospect Avenue (West 38a` Avenue) that lies within the right-of-way of Youndfield Street and Interstate Highway No. 70, said right-of-way for Interstate Highway No. 70 being the easterly 324.1 feet, more or less, of said Prospect Avenue (West 38'h Avenue). Also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, Roxbury Gardens, as shown on the recorded plat thereof. Comcast of Colorado XIL, Inc. has no objections to Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposal. If you have any questions please contact me at. 303.603.6804 Sincerely, 114dox--- By Scott R. Moore as Of Comcast of ColoradoXII, Inc. 03/04/05 11:39 FAX 303 271 8744 Jeffco Planning & Zoning R005 rtn m 'nD 1~•CC I-K rU12-LL- StKVV-t--(lH rL,)W 5'(1 '(tiff IU '7.5b3d-e:Le(44 Y.01101 Xcel Energy SRin9 and Land Rights PUB17C SERVICE COMPANY 55015th Sheet, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 303.671.7799 Facsimile: 303.571.7577 February 28, 2005 JEFFERSON COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT wo JEFFERSON COUNTY PARKWAY, SUITE 3550 GOLDEN, CO 80419-3550 Re: Vacation Request -Case No. 05-103567 (Nancy York) Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project and has identified a conflict between existing facilities and the request to vacate. At this time PSCo would like to request that reservations be made for the continued operation and maintenance of the existing facilities located within the proposed development area. If the relocation of existing facilities is desired, PSCo will retain current easement(s) until provided with replacement easement(s). Also, any costs associated with a facility relocation is that of the owner / developer. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notifications Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to construction and have a copy of the report indicating these locations sent to: Public Service Kathryn Bauer PSCo has existing gas or electric distribution facilities in this area, the developer should contact PSCo's Engineering Department at 1-800628-2121 regarding the use or relocation of these facilities. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at 303-571-7735. Than You, Kath Bauer Contract Right-of-Way Processor TOTAL PRGE.01 03/04/06 11:40 FAX 303 271 8744 Jeffco Planning & Zoning ?007 163142 CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION . WHEREAS, by a plat of Roxbury Gardens recorded in Plat look 2 at page 53, of the J,f arson County Records, certain streets, avenues and alley, ah. thereon were dedicated to the public, and WHEREAS, the fallowing described street - era/is no longer necessary for use by the public; and - j -I WRBRLIB, said street ; . are/ii not'vtt61i6 the limits of any city or town and d6as not faro the boundary lime of a city, tam or county; and I WNBRRAg, w lend would, by a vacatim of said street be left without in established public road connecting it with another established public road; and t P- pI dBAg, the jefferano County Planning Commission has approved the vacation of ! o sheet et id ty1'~~^1 ~ I WHEREAS, applicant wishes to excavate rock, sand and gravel on said street and ny.z adjoining premises; j MOW, 'FH®BFORR Bit.-IT R680LVRB, by the Beard, of County Casmiaainnera of JEfEaredd County rae euant to C48 '63, CRrpler 120 Arta la 14, tlut tbe .fallowing deactisad, eltuMre in N-ssilty of a...te a a state 6E Gdlo de, 404 it t ey a,* hereby v&rates #-'joct to a rash attdd af4aeiaaato for the couttisid use of ew!•pins, secret a 0`~ pacer at "lar pipe ifnea iha appu2teynces, eaiating diteges -imd a nrelnassua and sidattbg eleeEiie telephoee dod sifp.let 'Linea and gpourienai"ij if ally All of Pro ipdot Avenwe (West 38tb taeaes) at these ,oi the recorded. plat of avH&1o,y Ceidbae, is recorded in flit gdok 2 st pigs 33. Afferent Rdanty Ruoerds iii- any pert of saki proipe6f Aveaae (Wait36ih Adened) iliit lids.*ithim thk right-sfwey of YsungflaIa St at Masi intftetate' Highway Hd. 70, BALd -right-ofway;for lntesatite Highsat go. 76 tiling the easterly 314.1 feet; ddta or less, of skid Ptbspect Avenue (West 38th Awnes). Also Lots 1; 2, 3,.4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 20, it, 22, 23 and 24, Roxbury Gardens, as sheens ad tbi recorded plat thereof. ° o u m T T ' ~ e A T;•S: m Y ° FE6 N s.. a Co.. rps ~4 e "i 41sider- sell CLerk ry_ VI M 2 LTp 5 - h 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge 28 February 2005 Mark Kieffer, AICP Norris Dullea 710 West Colfax Avenue I S~ (QV~~~ Denver, Colorado 80204 RE: Cabela's Final Plat/1" Review Dear Mr. Kieffer: I have completed my initial review of the above-mentioned document, and I have the following comments: 1. General: A. All referral comments received by the Community Development Department have been submitted for your review. I have included comments from the City of Arvada and Public Service. I have also included comments generated by the Wheat Ridge Development Review Committee. These comments generally refer to the Outline and Final Development Plans. I apologize for the delay in these comments. Additional referral comments will be forwarded as they are received. B. Please ensure that upon next submittal, five full sized copies of each plan set are submitted. C. The lot configurations shown on sheets 2, 3 and 4 differ from the configurations shown on the Outline Development Plan. The Plat and ODP should be consistent. It may be desirable to turn a few of the lots into tracts. For example, lot 11 could become a tract located within lot 1. D. A portion of lot 9 (the southern portion) is located within the 100-year floodplain, and is generally unbuildable. It would be desirable to separate this portion as a tract of land to be dedicated to the City of Wheat Ridge. 2. Final Plat, Page One: A. Please amend the Planning Commission Certificate to read: "Recommended for approval..." B. Please amend the City Council Approval to read: by the Wheat Ridge City Council." C. Please amend the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder certificate to read "...on the - day of. 20-.. : " D. Please correct the typographical error in the signatory for the Director of Community Development. E. Please add the following under Easement Notes: Ten foot (10') wide easements are hereby granted on private property adjacent to all public streets and front and rear property lines of each lot in the subdivision or platted area. Five-foot (5') wide Mark Kieffer Cabela's Plat easements are hereby granted on private property adjacent to all side lot lines of each lot in the subdivision or platted area. These easements are dedicated for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, gas, television cable, drainage and telecommunications facilities. Utilities shall also be permitted within any access easements and private streets in the subdivision. Permanent structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said utility easements." F. Please add the following to the case history box: "AAW-05-01, SUP-05-01, SW-05- 01, WS-05-01, WZ-05-01 and WZ-05-02". G. If there is a separate owner for Lots 4 and 5, please include a signatory block with notary attestation. 3. Final Plat, Page Two: A. Please show typical utility easements around the perimeter of each parcel. The easements should be 5 feet wide on each side lot line and 10 feet wide on the front and rear property lines. B. Please add zoning to each adjacent parcel. 4. Final Plat, Page Three: A. Please show typical utility easements around the perimeter of each parcel. The easements should be 5 feet wide on each side lot line and 10 feet wide on the front and rear property lines. B. Please add zoning to each adjacent parcel. C. The portion of Cabela Drive adjacent to Lot 1, Roxbury Gardens is unclear. If this portion of the road is to be located within an easement, please include on the plat. The roadway easement conveyed to the City of Wheat Ridge will be required prior to approval of the plat. D. Please show the limits of the 100-year flood plain. 5. Final Plat, Page Four: A. Please show typical utility easements around the perimeter of each parcel. The easements should be 5 feet wide on each side lot line and 10 feet wide on the front and rear property lines. B. Please add zoning to each adjacent parcel. C. Please show the limits of the 100-year flood plain. Please make all of the required corrections prior to the next submittal. You should be aware that referral comments may impact my comments. If you have any further questions, feel free to give me a call. I can be reached at 303.235.2849. Sincerely, Travis R. Crane Planner Mark Kieffer Cabela's Plat ~A ~ati Wit, e City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works February 24, 2005 William Willis, P.E. Martin/Martin 12499 West Colfax P.O. Box 151500 Lakewood, CO 80215 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Re: - First Review Comments of the Master Drainage Report, Phase II Drainage Report, ODP, Cabela's FDP, Final Plat, Lot 7 FDP, and Traffic Impact Study for the Cabela's/Coors Property. Dear Mr. Willis, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received on February 1, 2005, and have the following comments: DRAINAGE Master Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. Please correct the last sentence at the bottom of Page 4, "The basin is does not..." 2. Check the third sentence found under the Northern Basins section at the bottom of Page 5, as it needs to be re-written. 3. On Page 6: a. In section F. Open Channel Flow it states that the channel has a slope of 0.4ft/ft, (which is a 2.5:1 slope) and would not fall within the UDFCD guidelines of 0.2-0.6% for grass-lined open channels. Please correct this to reflect 0.0004ft/ft slope for the interceptor channel as found in the Appendix. Also indicate the interceptor channel lining in the discussion. b. In section IV. Conclusions, B. Compliance with Applicable Criteria, in the 2"d sentence it is stated that flow depths in the streets "will not be excessive". Please state what the anticipated flow rates and velocities will be for both the major and minor storm events. Master Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. No comments at this time. Master Drainage Plan 1. No comments at this time. Cabela's Phase II Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. Please state all basin and sub-basin areas in Section E. 2. Include the slope(s), flow direction(s), anticipated Q5 & Q100, freeboard, and channel lining for the proposed interceptor channel. Also state if a concrete trickle channel is to be employed. 3. In Section F, discuss the proximity of the proposed interceptor channel to the adjoining residences lying to the south of the proposed Coors Storage facility, and any impact the channel may pose to these residences. If a "greenbelt buffer" is to be incorporated into the channel design in this vicinity, a brief statement should be included in the discussion. 4. Describe the culvert mentioned in Section F (e.g., pipe(s) size, box culvert & size, etc.). 5. Include in the discussion for section H. Water Quality Ponds, the volumes required and provided, the WQCV water surface elevations, and proposed release rates for each of the ponds. 6. The City of Wheat Ridge recommends the use of a concrete trickle channel for all ponds, as well as an orifice plate design that allows the trickle channel to completely drain the pond (minimizing the potential for the spread of the West Nile Virus). If trickle channels are to be used, please state this in the Report. 7. Once the WQCV capacity has been reached, discuss the anticipated runoff flow rate, directions, overflow weirs, and any erosion control methods required (e.g., grouted riprap outfall channel, etc.) for the different ponds. 8. Include the anticipated runoff depth and velocity for all roadway(s). 9. Give a description of the proposed storm sewer system, including inlet types, pipe types and sizes, flow directions, and outfall. Cabela's Phase H Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. Include calculations for the flow depths and velocities for roadway(s). 2. Include inlet capacities and depths at the inlets. 3. Include the following items pertaining to open channel flow: a. Roughness coefficient; b. Depths and velocities for both initial and major storms; c. Minimum freeboard; d. Channel protection; e. Hydraulic grade line. 4. Include the following items related to storm sewer structures, pipes, culverts, inlets, etc.: a. Culvert capacity using standard nomographs, e.g., Figures CU-9 and CU-10 of the Culvert Chapter in the UDFCD Manual Volume 2. b. Drop Structures and/or energy dissipators, if applicable. Cabela's Phase H Drainage Plan 1. Include a Site Location sketch. 2. Need to clearly identify lot boundaries. 3. Include all street names and the grade(s) for Cabela Drive. 4. Include an additional sheet showing greater detail (40-scale?) for just the Cabela's and adjoining parcels (zoom in on these parcels) to help clarify the proposed on-site drainage. SURVEYING Outline Development Plan 1. Need to be sure that the North (or South) call to the State Highway 58 in the Legal Description is consistent (Please see the redlined Plan). 2. Please include the seconds symbol for the bearing found in the last line of the Legal Description. Cabela's Final Development Plan 1. The Legal Description shown has numerous inconsistencies when compared to the Final Plat. Please be sure that the FDP Legal Description exactly matches the boundary for Lot 1 as described on the Final Plat. 2. Correct the area to match the Final Plat. 3. Items that shall be included on the Site Plan (Sheet Ll): a. The site boundary fully described in bearings and distances (per Final Plat). b. Include the section tie, Point of Commencement, and Point of Beginning found in the Legal Cabdas re,we 1.1tr Description. c. A Surveyor's certification. d. Date, name, and address of the Site Plan preparer. e. All existing and proposed easements, including (but not limited to) drainage, utility, stormwater detention, cross-access, etc. All easements shown shall match those shown on the Final Plat. Final Plat 1. Please correct the typographical errors in the Legal Description. (See redlined Plat). 2. Double-check the area shown in the 1" line of the Legal Description (the metes and bounds as shown is around 178.22 acres). 3. Need to keep the text in the Easement Notes consistent with what is shown on the graphical portion of the Plat. The 100' easement is shown on the graphical portion of the Plat is shown as "100' Drainage and Cross Access Easement". 4. Include the standard City of Wheat Ridge language for platted Stonmwater Detention/Retention Easements. (Please see attached sheets). 5. On the graphical portion on Sheets 2-4 please show: a. All ROW dedications as: "Public Right-of-Way Hereby Dedicated by this Plat". b. Need to include all zoning - on-site and for all adjoining properties. c. All proposed easements, e.g., drainage, utility, stormwater detention, sidewalk, cross-access, pedestrian trail, etc. d. All detention ponds areas shall lie completely within Stormwater Detention Easements. The Stonnwater Detention Easement boundaries shall be defined by bearings and distances. e. Right-of-Way widths need to be identified on the graphical portion of the Plat. In areas where the ROW is changing, e.g., through areas of curvature, the ROW width can be identified at all PC, PT, and PRC points. f. Include the Case History: WZ-05-OUWS-05-01 in the Case History Box. Lot 7 Final Development Plan 1. A Final Drainage Report will be required for Lot 7. 2. Due to the recent merger should the owner still be shown as Coors Brewing Company, or has this changed to Molson/Coors? 3. In the Legal Description: a. Use the degree symbol instead of the d for the bearings. b. Darken the text of the area so it may be reproducible. c. Correct the typographical error as indicated on the redlined Plan. d. Double-check the distance of 805.54' (along the northerly property line). This is shown as 809.54' on the Final Plat. 3. Include on the Site Plan: a. The 100' Drainage and Cross Access Easement. b. The bearings and distances for the property boundary. c. The Point of Commencement, Point of Beginning, and bearing /distance between them (see redlined Plan). TRAFFIC / ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING COMMENTS This submittal was forwarded to the Engineering Division Manager, Mr. Steve Nguyen, P.E., 303-235-2862 for review. Please see the attached memo for Mr. Nguyen's response. cabelm reviewl.ltr Only one copy of each of the above documents was included with the V submittal. The Public Works Department requires 2 signed and stamped copies of the revised Master Drainage Report/Plan, Cabela's Phase H Drainage Report/Plan, Outline Development Plan, Cabela's Final Development Plan, Lot 7 Final Development Plan, Lot 7 Final Drainage Report, Final Plat, and Traffic Impact Study. Please provide these with the next submittal. NPDES Permit The Federal Clean Water Act implemented by the EPA requires that stormwater discharges from certain types of facilities as part National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) be authorized under stormwater discharge permits. Construction sites that are greater than one (1) acre in size require an NPDES permit. The area of the proposed development is greater than 1 acre and therefore shall comply with NPDES regulations. The NPDES permit for construction activities is issued by the State through the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS), and may be obtained by contacting the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Water Quality Control Division. A copy of the CDPS Permit and Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is to be submitted to the Department of Public Works prior to issuance of Minor Grading/Fill and Building Permits. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Performance Guarantee (Letter of Credit) Prior to any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the Cabela Drive Right-of- Way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate will need to be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, an Irrevocable Letter of Credit reflecting the total of the approved cost estimate plus 25% (125% of engineer's estimate) will need to be submitted by the owner/developer for review and approval. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to the construction of any improvements, utility service connections, etc. within the public Right-of-Way, the required Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for processing. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement and/or ROW dedications. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements Upon completion of all public improvements and acceptance by the City Inspector, the original Letter of Credit shall be surrendered. At this time a 2-year warranty period for the public improvements shall commence. If at any time during said 2-year Warranty Period the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Developer shall complete such work upon request. Upon commencement of the 2-year Warranty Period, a 2nd Letter of Credit in the amount of 25% of the original itemized engineer's cost estimate shall be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge and be dated to expire on the 2- year anniversary of the Warranty Period commencement date. The City shall retain said Letter of Credit for the entire 2-year Warranty Period. Upon completion of the 2-year Warranty Period and Final Approval of all constructed public improvement items by the City Inspector, the 2nd Letter of Credit shall be surrendered by the City of Wheat Ridge. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. cabelaa =viewl.ltr If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works Alan White, Director of Community Development Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Travis Crane, Planner File Cabelas mviewl.ltr \1 MEMORANDUM City of Wheat Ridges . Department of public Works TO: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer FROM: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager DATE: Sunday, February 27, 2005 SUBJECT:Cabela Development, ODP and FDP I have reviewed the above plans dated 2/1/05 and have the following comments: General comments 1. Please include civil and/or roadway plans in the next submittal for review and approval. 2. Please include roadway lighting plans in the next submittal for review and approval. Design shall meet Xcel's standards, as this facility will be maintained by this agency. 3. Please include traffic signal plans in the next submittal for review and approval. 4. Please include signal timing plans for the new and reconstructed signals. The plans shall include initial timing and field tuning at the time of normal traffic pattern. 5. Streetscape element will need to be included in the design and construction for all proposed streets. The design shall meet the Neighborhood Commercial standards in the City of Wheat Ridge Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual. This will include but not limited to major Wheat Ridge entryways, detached sidewalk, pedestrian lighting, street furniture, tree lawn and related irrigation. Subdivision Plat West 40th Street should be changed to West 40`h Avenue to be consistent with Wheat Ridge street naming convention. 2. Horizontal curve on Cabela Drive shall be set at 500 feet to meet minimum arterial standards. Wider curves will also better accommodate larger vehicles. 3. Horizontal curve on West 40th Avenue shall be set at 300 feet to meet minimum collector standards. 4. Tangent on 40th Avenue at Cabela Drive should be set at 100 feet minimum. Official Final Development Plan 1. High profile evergreen trees planting should be avoided at intersection corners to maintain intersection sight distance. Design to meet sight distance requirement. 2. High profile landscaping at islands should be designed to meet the 36"-84" window to maintain sight distance. Mater Drainage Study 1. Please provide a detail discussion of how the storm sewer improvement for the development will be in compliance with the Applewood Watershed Outfall System Planning Study. 2. Please provide detail discussion how the storm sewer improvement for the development will be in compliance with the Fairtmount Outfall System Planning Study if applicable. 3. Page 2 of the report indicated that most of the current storm water runoff is captured by four irrigation ditches. Please discuss if all or any storm water will continue to be intercepted by existing ditches. If so, sign off from the affected ditch companies will be required. Phase II Drainage Report 1. Drainage facilities should designed adequately to minimize ponding at low points on Cabela Drive. This will help maintain mobility on Cabela Drive during major storm events. 2. Storm sewer pipe should be concrete pipe class III or higher in high traffic areas. Traffic Impact Study 1. Please provide signal warrant study (current or projection traffic numbers) for the two proposed signalized location at 40th Avenue & Youngfield and 32"d Avenue and Xenon/Applewood Shopping Center Entrance. 2. Please discuss the corridor performance on 32"d Avenue if a new a new signal is added at 32nd Avenue and Xenon Street. Discussion shall include but not limited to bandwidth, queuing and blocking and delay. 3. Please discuss the corridor performance on Youngfield Street if anew anew signal added at 40th Avenue and Youngfield Street. Discussion shall include but not limited to bandwidth, queuing and blocking and delay. 4. Please include LOS worksheets in the study. 5. Please discuss the corridor performance on McIntyre if a roundabout is proposed at C058 and McIntyre. Specifically, would there be any particular major movement could not be served efficiently as a traffic signal can. Also, are there any major movement in the corridor will need to be served with high priority in the long range planning? If so, will the roundabout be able to accommodate effectively? 6. Please perform a sensitivity analysis for 32"d Avenue under the assumption that no traffic will be diverted to Cabela Drive. This would help determine if 32"d Avenue would be impacted further whether a portion of traffic will divert to Cabela Drive or not. City of Wheat Ridge of ""EqT P Community Development Department Memorandum C~GpgpO~ TO: Case File FROM: Travis Crane, Planner SUBJECT: WS-05-O1/Cabela's Subdivision Application DATE: 6 February 2006 The aforementioned case file is being closed due to inactivity. The applicant (Cabela's) did not proceed with the subdivision application. This case file was opened in early 2005 when the applicant filed a petition for annexation. State statute requires establishment of zoning for recently annexed property. Due to the lengthy process of defining access alternatives and completion of an environmental assessment, a limited zoning designation (Cabela's/Coors Development ODP) was established without subdividing the parcel. It is anticipated that the applicant will submit an application for subdivision together with an application to amend the Cabela's/Coors Development ODP. For additional information, see case file WZ-05-01. Subdivision Plat Narrative Cabela's / Coors Subdivision Filing No.1 Introduction The Major Plat for the Cabela's / Coors Subdivision Filing No. 1 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 26-308 of the Municipal Code for the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. This Major Subdivision Plat application encompasses approximately 198 acres and is owned primarily by Cabela's Retail, Inc., the Coors Brewing Company with a small portion of the subject property controlled by the Salter Family. Proposed Uses This Subdivision Plat proposes 11 lots, the largest of which includes a 35.3 acre lot for a 200,000+ square foot Cabela's retail facility located in the central portion of the site. Surrounding the Cabela's facility are several lots for supporting retail, restaurant, office and lodging uses. Two new public rights-of-way are created by this plat. The first is a new road referred to as Cabela Drive and the second roadway is an extension of 40th Avenue. Site Characteristics The subject property is generally located in the southeast quadrant of State Highway 58 and Interstate 70. The site has historically been used for sand and gravel mining and is currently undeveloped. The resulting landform from previous mining activities has left much of the site with open excavation areas, steep slopes and poor drainage. Clear Creek and its corresponding floodplain is located within the northern third of the property. Most of the Clear Creek floodplain is found on the adjoining Jefferson County property with a small portion located on land owned by Coors. Wetlands associated with the Clear Creek floodplain have been identified on County-owned land. Running diagonally through the property, is a large water main owned and operated by the Denver Water Board. Access to the proposed development is planned from 32nd Street with a new road called Cabela Drive. Cabala Drive generally follows the Denver Water Board easement diagonally through the project and connects to the frontage road along SH 58. Off-site roadway improvements include significant upgrades to the 32nd and Youngfield interchange with 1-70 as well as the interchange at McIntyre and SH 58. Additional access is proposed for the site as an extension of 40th Street under 1-70 connecting to Youngfield. Construction Timing Site grading is anticipated to begin in March of 2005. As outlined in the ODP application, this work is associated with the construction of a new water storage reservoir and will involve the entire subject property south of Clear Creek. Utility construction is planned to commence the following April. The first phase of utility work will involve the relocation of a large trunk main owned by the Denver Water Board. On as well as off-site road construction is planned to begin in June- July, 2005 with completion in February, 2006. Located on Lot 1, the Cabela's retail facility will be the first building constructed on the subject property. Work on this building is anticipated to begin in July of 2005 with an anticipated completion date in June of 2006. Public Infrastructure A Title 32 Metropolitan District is proposed to extend and build major utilities and road improvements for the development. Proceeds generated by the Metropolitan District are to be used solely for major infrastructure development serving the entire development parcel. Off-site improvements such as road construction, interchange improvements and storm water facilities benefiting surrounding properties are also funded by the Metropolitan District. The taxing component of the proposed district is contained entirely within the subject property. CABELA'S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SECTIONS 19, 20, 29 & 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 4 WE, CABEU'S RETAIL, INC. & COORS BREWNG COMPANY. INC.. BONG ME OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 198.040 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS'. A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN ME SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTOR 19, ME 50U1NWEST 1/4 OF SECTOR 20. ME NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 29, AND ME NORTHEAST 1/4 OF ME NORTHEAST 1/4 QUARTER OF SECTION 30. BEING IN TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF ME SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGNNING AT ME SOUTHEAST COMM OF ME SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF ME NORTHEAST 1/4 OF BECTON 30. MENCE ME EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30 LIES 50101'50"E ALONG ME EAST LINE OF ME SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, 1320.79 FEET; THENCE 5891002 W ALONG ME SCUM LINE OF ME SAD NORTHEAST 1/4 OF ME NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, 1315.31 FEET TO ME WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF ME NORTHEAST 1/4; THENCE N00'55'47"W ALONG SAID WEST UNE. 1320.36 FEET TO ME SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ME SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF ME SOUTHEAST 1/4 CF SECTOR 19; THENCE 40010730"W ALONG ME WEST FINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF ME SOUTHEAST 1/4, 913.46 FEET TO ME SOUTHWEST ONE OF MAT 80' WIDE DENVER WATER BOARD EASEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION 94130445 IN ME JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS NIKE; THENCE S0007'31'W, 57,62 FEET TO A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 791.19; THENCE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANWf OF 152156". NORTHWESTERLY ALONG ME ARC OF SAID CURVE 212.18 FEET, SAID CURVE HA`ANG A MORO OF 211.55 FEET WHICH BEARS 1,50.55'481 TO A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HONG A RADIUS W 1529.51 FEET; THENCE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGI£ OF 12'49'33", WESTERLY ALONG ME ARC OF SAID CURVE 34240 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD OF 341.69 FEET AN IN BEARS M53R51"W TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 1022.23 FEET; THENCE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANNE OF 1P05'16", WESTERLY ALONG ME ARC OF SAID CURVE 179,98 FEET TO ME PONT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S87'51'06"W, 175.73 FEET; THENCE N00'2302"W. 17456 FEET TO ME SCUM LINE OF ME NORM 1/2, OF ME SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID BECTON 19; THENCE S89'07'31"W ALONG SAID SCOTT UNE. 41063 FEET M ME SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ME BAD NORM 1/2; THENCE 400'2312"W ALONG ME WEST ME OF THE SAID NORM 1/2, 17L61 FEET TO A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY CASE NUMBER ? MAP NUMBER: ? 1. CAME C DIEULNO. 00 HEREBY GENTLY THAT ME SURVEY OF ME BOUNDARY OF CABEIA'S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO, 1, WAS MADE By ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT TELEVISION AND TO ME BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVSED EDITION AS AMENDED, ME ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY C/pi4 S/ 050 a M 01 DANE C. DINLNO, PIES J16401 - 16401 - FOR AND ON BEHALF OF FARNSWORTH GROUP. INC. / fl y HAYING A RADIUS CF 50540; ' VICINITY MAP THENCE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5310220 , NORTHEASTERLY ALONG ME ABC OF SAID CURVE 467.85 FEET, SAID CURVE LONG A NORD OF 45132 FEET WIN REARS N28'13'O9"E TO ME POINT OF TANGENCY; ' NOT TO SCALE PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION THENCE N0I-41 STE, 141.51 FEET ME SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY TRUE OF STATE HIGHWAY 50 AS DESCRIBED IN THAT DOCUMENT RECORDED IN BEEO BOOK 2M, PAGE 367 IN ME AEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; APPROVED THIS DAY OF BY ME WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION THENCE N87TI DOE ALONG SAID SCUM RIGHT-OF-WAY ME, 2426.47 FEET WEST ME OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 2q . THENCE SODLBIEW. ALONG SAID WEST ONE, 796.40 FEET TO ME SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ME NORM 1/2, OF ME SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THENCE S89'07'31"W, ALONG THE SOON LINE OF SAID NORM 1/2, 1319.03 FEET TO ME NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4, OF ME SCUMEAST 1/4 CF BECTON 19; PENCE S00'0730E, ALONG ME WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF ME SOUTHEAST 1/4, 38228 FEET TO ME NORTH LINE OF THAT PARCEL DESCRIBED IN THAT DOCUMENT RECORDED AT BOOK 1992, PACE 752 IN SAID OFFICE; MENCE ALONG ME NORM LINE OF SAID PARCEL THE FOLLOWING 3 COURSES: 11 N8952'30'E, 42500 FEET; 2~ M41'ST30'E, 177.70 FEET; 3 S8939'40'E, 731.27 FEET TO ME WEST UNE OF ME SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 20; THENCE NOOUBII"E ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 7.56 FEET TO ME NORM FINE OF ME SOUTH 3/4 BE LOTS 21 THROUGH 24, ROXBURY GARDENS, DESCRIBED IN THAT DOCUMENT AS RECORDED AT RECEPTON #09337790 IN SAID OFFICE; THENCE More 071E ALONG SAID NORM UNE, 990.43 FEET TO ME WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE 70 AS RECORDED IN NOSE DOCUMENTS RECORDED AT BOOK 1955, PAC{ 425 AND BOA( 1952, PACE 28E PENCE ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ME FOLLOWING FOUR COURSES: 1) S00.41 S E, 1005.12 FEET TO ME BOOM FINE OF SAID SECTION 20; 2) 50045'49'L 1321.80 FEET TO ME SOUTH FINE 91 ME NORTHWEST 1/4 OF ME SAD NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 29; 3)) SO AS42 E, 24L50 FEET; 4 SD6'2S48'W, 82.23 FEET TO ME SOUP LINE OF LOT 16, SAID ROXBURY GARDENS; THENCE 5892452"W ALONG SAID BOUNDARY AND SAID SOUP FINE, 985.91 FEET TO ME WEST ME OF SAID LOT 16, BEING ME SAID EAST ME OF ME NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30; MENCE NOUGl'SOW ALONG SAID EAST ONE, 32340 FEET TO ME POW OF BEGINNING. HAVE LAID CUT, SUBDMDED AND PLATTED SAD LAND AS PER ME DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDIM ME NAME AND STYLE OF CASELA'S/COMB SUBDMSION FILING NO 1, A SUMMON OF A PART OF ME CITY OF MEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS 00 DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF MEAT RIDGE AND ME PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT-OF-WAYS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. name, T11e> STATE OF COLORADO SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ME FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 20__ BY OF CABELA'S RETAIL. INC., A NEBRASKA CORPORATION. ON BEHALF OF ME WRPORATON. KNOBS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY PUBUC ,Name, IDle> STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON SS ME FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF - AO 20 BY OF COORS BREWNG COMPANY. A COLORADO CORPORATION, ON BEHALF OF ME CORPORATOR. WMESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES EASEMENT NOTES ME OWNER, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSMS GRANTS UMITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES TO ACCESS AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH MOSS AREAS INDICATED AS 100' CROSS-ACCESS EASEMENT, AS ILLUSTRATED ON UPON THIS PLAT. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE UNITED TO ME OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS, AND GUESTS OF ME OWNERS, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO AND MEE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO MORE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS FROM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJOINING PROPERTIES AND/OR FROM ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. ME STORM WATER DRAINAGE AREA HERE SHOWN AS 100' DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN ME EVENT MAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OF ME DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSDMTE A MEE SEARCH BY FARNSWORTH GROUP, INC. TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP EASEMENTS OF RECORD. FARNSWORTH GROUP RELIED UPON ME FOLLOWING THE COMMITMENTS PREPARED BY FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE MEE COMPANY AS AGENT FOR FIRST AMERICAN MILE INSURANCE COMPANY. NO. KNO9731304-3. DATED OCTOBER 29, 2004. NO. 272-HOD21546-036-MO. DATED NOWMBER 22, 2004. NO, 272-H0015793-210-DT, DATED DECEMBER 2, 2004. 2 NOTC : ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MII$j COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WTHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST OSCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTON BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE MAN TEN YEARS FROM ME DATE OF ME MRFFICATON SHOWN HEREON. 3. BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON ME EAST LINE OF ME NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 3D, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, ED P.M. BEING A LINE BETWEEN ME EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 30 AS MONUMENIED BY A CITY CF MEAT RIDGE 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS DISK, LS 13212, IN CONCRETE AND A CITY OF MEAT RIDGE WITTER CORNER BEING A 125' DIAMETER BRASS DISK. LS 13212, IN CONCRETE LYING BOOM' SCUM OF ME NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 3D, AS HAVING A BEARING OF N01UV50"W PER CITY OF MEAT RIDGE CONTROL FARM. 4. THIS SURVTT WAS PERFORMED IN ME FIELD AS OF DECEMBER 22, 2004. CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVED ITS DAY OF By ME CITY OF MEAT RIDGE AI-REST CITY CLERK DIRECTORT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO I COUNTY OF JEFFERSON I HEREBY CERTFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FILED IN ME OFFICE OF ME COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, COLORADO, AT O'CLOCK -M. ON ME DAY OF A.U. IN BOOK , PACE . RECEPTION NO. BY. DEPUTY CABELA'S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SECTIONS 19, 20, 29 & 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 2 OF 4 SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 ''%i'<e w noo'a Vc*? LOT UNP/ATTEO (.YC X0. 9RI65H8) NW Lmxw' AT r/' NE V9. YC. LEGEND P.C. - PaNT M CCIMA.1 Pi = PONT Of TANLENCY PNC - PTNNr OF Rr_` . CNR F, P N T. - POINT OF NM-TANCENCY Y.P.G - 1FL➢N I., OkP o I z I W I I r,p' AP IEIKKU m-n5) M Clsr. - - - 1 FA4MFNi (REC 86069 473 4ll 4]9 W. 34TH AVE. 430 K D I Z I -J C I 1 I APPLEW000 M[ 3N A00/T6/ON (1¢C s.) ' I \ v2~Q P~F \ 0.3 / / \ l \ m \ nwrsullrAna NI - af~N 2651. P.1Q 16U) I \ LOT I \ 1 LOT 2 \ 1.246.566. 5F m X °pA 251,482. SF 28.617AC 5.]23 AC Na_I / / \IO. my ~ / ' " v LOT s 1 m v m 983,628. SF / / / 1 V A l v 71 22121 AC / / f \ ' ' mv~zA mx / \E e P / A xnNSY \ ~ g N / A A / / 1 I A A I A CA I LOT J N3.175. !B nl ~ I°n 3.286 AC \ T ' / I I \ g51RCr EA.CN NICK Z65> PA4 NW , . I A, 1 CCA nUCAXD MUNAL WATO COMPANY Yp1 rE FA4Ydr 612'INCflESSA.C. - - / W / _ I Aw 11GtlJ wINAT'" ps1. 10 0A) . %vsEUwr (uc. O1 m Q , ~~/SWM LTL IIE 1/A NC 1% YL J0. RC F69W. 6M P.M. ' / 259.LR' SWM (/NE NW I%. NW I%, .4C Z➢, ]JS F69W, 6M PY ' ' ( 1IXS6i XPoRS AB E JI6.] N89]5'AB"E S6ZCY ~ I TiucTe _ _ POINT OF 1 S BEGINNING c m 4A6 - s COAL AT 'A °A Y I $ U 1 22 23 nr I/a, s[ w - M I v M _ 41 R /N 3 OF LOT 12 . LOT 4 ° 181,0501. 5G 108,356. W n 2.987 AC NN ' Stl- 4.186 AC ° F V Y WO05A GOXBUR I I U ~ (11EG NO O9]]T5O) ~ I I z w i ~ - 1~1 _ _ W y 6 ]369 YCAw S9AY 91W ' Ilj 1 _I r - 589'24 52 W 986.91' _1O i (PEx uF ~A>W NG NMkra Y Pv xr REC ew5vs9 ( ) LOT I APPLEWOOO , BLOCK 2 BI/5/NESS APPLEW000 /ANE (AEL NC."C) 2nd N CENTER%L NO. 3 NO. 6] (I. X0. OISIN) ]O WEST euswESs CENTER W. 33RD PL - - - (NEC. A.. ...I) - i I # 1 IA ttN. LVYAgV rC YG D s 29 fdINO 125"&MA qSN IN 1AN(£B0.Y l 5. Al A/OXN CASE NUMBER 7 MAP NUMBER 7 A N h ~o v Zp IN \ v I ~ \ \ - MgAp N/ .P.G Y. a wr \ j n (BK. 1952. PG. 286) 506.23'48°W 82.23' 0 - rWNO Z 1/Y AWN. CAP W CMG A COM5151.T ® - r NP 1 1/z ALUM. CAP IN CONC. 'B 4W A = ..I, lA, C... /6 RENeB w/ 1C' ALW. CAP S AMPEO YS 16901" 0 . raaNO R I. w/ Y.P.C. YANN.wR. i Iu01" \ \ \ >s• n ILA \ m OIL 'Ti Wli ` IR' ai LOT 9 LL, \ \fe \ 1 0=12'49'33" \ \ " R=1529.61' ` =32 40 8451"W A=15'21'56" v v CB=N75'3 CH=341.69' R=791.19' L=212.18' CB=N50'55'48"W S89'07'31"W, CH=211.55' 57 99' u/✓v7a7reu (hFC. x11 en65N8) i 1 i I I OF ARPE £ 11 8 n ~ 1 5 O IN are. sc 1/1. .21/1 moo J LOT 1 '36' - 8=432.00' L118.T -515' 0= 6 CB515'39'40"E CII=116.45 FwXD IS APIA AND N/ YP.c'u I6w6' CENVFR . eUMU [ASE L P SIP Rl 4'AS I/A Yc 19 - I sesm'.4'W z6T59Y \ .AY/W UML 41/A 44 19, iJ5 AU, SAN P N (9N. . IB59. PG. ]49) r LYN YC IS (I 1/, ]0 W JANNIFO M n . UASNP2 AS 91vW M LEGEND PC = PONT U, .1,TUVE "I = PUNT O TNIGOICY PAC. = PUNT Y NITPA WNVATAK PUT, PUNT Y MAN n xP.c. - Y,uvN ATASTC cW p = FOUND 2I/2' PLUk CAP IN ¢xc A. Cma Is 16695 0 - PWNII 11/5 A.N. C IN CMC'LS A.- A = ,W ND 116 .1. /b N.. W/ ?S PLUN. CM sM1wPm'IS I'.. O =FWND 0.. W/YP C, IAPNSMMM LS 16001" LOT 7 1.246,568. SF 26.617 AC SEE SHEET 2 OF 4 \ \\o~ \I \ \ 4y o. \ \'P S \ m \keq \ ao \ ~(H aiS LOT 6 963,628. BF 22.121 AC \ \ £0.WV J1J' &¢ISS GP l'c J M Ru9a Pax null wM www] CASE NUMBER 2 MAP NUMBER 2 a m I+" \ 1 R LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 LOT 24 I E4~PX1 1 6IXA( 333; PACF ]Y 21 1 % 11 -I Y189'01'07°E -99073` - -1 NdM11NL ANIM J/A LOR TI-TI, RN9URY CHPoENS_ - _ - _ ' \ STAI S, 1. A.. )aJwr N PA. .w.XT I I Iv Duo p 3 $ n ~ ~'x a ~3p m LOT f o tii°Y 1,538,644 SF 35.32) AC y z Z a w v I I I I F 9 0 I A v R-750.00 L=873.15 M-N34W13"W NH 824.57 L=2731.13' Si au. CE=s421YW^w > Qd CH=ZI).3Y NG4M NNE NWI/0. I9, )JS R69W. 6M P.IL p/ WEST 41h S76° 60' P UC T RIGHT-OF-WA RE A N W m n I 659'4P30 1 LOT 2 h R=300.00' IW I L=31256' o"m w e Y is=N2v 41'556 j7 CH=296.61' pP / 0 M CABELA'S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SECTIONS 19, 20, 29 S 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 3 OF 4 SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 6E., v rA ff 1/73 AY/IN IMZ, N 1/2 Y I/14C I9. /A R6 UN bM A. 589'07'31"W 131 LOT 2 N6N5~ 7 i LOT 3 `V/Sn626'46'26" R-43200' LOT II \ G'JV~j Oi oj. L-201.BT CB=N5816'45W 187.369. SF W-100.04• 4.301 AC \ \ 61 "Al". P _ \ _ \ 181.12. i .t d \ \ °9 OS • 0 )9. Ak" ,yog 1900 a RV . e I o V A ~ v v m LOT 8 660.5M. SF \ \ \ x\~ 15.164 AC \ \ I \ \ I \ \ I \ \ I 0 I I iJi299' S3 ) .A,`Vc NUTIW ROXBURY WROENS ' (s[c xa mimeo) LOT 4 X~,,,mro IPA CABELA'S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 ~~w 9fl/.U £o A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SECTIONS 19, 20, 29 & 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 4 OF 4 TIP9.I9' _ _ _ _ 0- X99Stl"O7Y ~mAV I `m )im i` I%r seASS UV s 4IIN CWC 4V RAVfE bOX. Hamm As s7oxx wn CASE NUMBER ? MAP NUMBER ? i \ \ \ \ i 0ME 'A 0]'£11&W IY 9W R)N P.Y \ \ \ / ' - " 132S0J'~~!! \f%CPP. CIWYM 10 YG 19kID _ - ISISiT ~ ' / II ~ \ ~ ~I I RINf£ ~X 6lAXPfO A~IIVHl II I I 'I I I II II I ~"i® s / / / 44TH WOUSTRWL PARK SUBB/YAS/ON I \ I 44TH WO`/S RAL 'AIX ) I/B[HY5/UN I LOT 20 If (xEC xo. N/male) I I ' I ~ I li I (RR 1995. PR. s=, I I II II I I , ~ COLORADO HIGHWAY 58 (6K I... RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH VARIES LITE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. SiAIE OF COLORADO tfirc. mn, Pn 367) I ~ rawo Jm sa. smn w 9 59 1 zW fN sxuE 1'=1 W' n~ I I ~I NO 1 1RXL EnY T(EX K)-l. RE4 9309397x) 4 4=53'02'20" R=505.40' L=467.85' CB=N28'13'09"E CH=451.32' UNPLATTEv (IRC XO 90103963) Sw [CR.. XI/L Y0.Y LEGEND P.C - RANT CF CIWVANRE P.RC. - POINT CF REYCM OJOV RE P.x.T. - PLYNT CE NCx- CENCY YC 0 EWNO 2 1/T NUN. CAP IN KNC.'A CWPJ LS 13H5 ® = EWN0 11/T/ WM. CW IN CONC. •L54W e . EWN01/16 WRR,P /C REOM W 3Y a9M. CI3 S1.1...1C.- 0 =EWNC 0 IS C. w/ r.P.c'Tn.Ol 151N01° "7-~ I a' wO` - - -.1 W. ]SS.H)' Gp \W `~1'S15 \L ~Oq al\X)B \ \ \ ~0l?9 \v~v v ~~e. oH~~oo~. oolip9 \ ~ z 0. 200 \ \ 0o-°z.\\. '"(0P/`t^ LOT9 \ \ 865.312. SF `V 19M4 AC q \ \ ms\ \~ID 20 IFAh EASEMENT (EX M-2, REC. 92093972) \ \ \ \S 3 eO ` \ \/~''4' o \ f1 a ` 1 VA ` 1 {Ww1tt w ly v ~f EG 19, 95, F69W. 61N V.Y InPY S69DJ'JI'W IJI9W' _ _ _ _ Y70' 410.63' - - I \ ~ ~'la N \ r'1 uNVLATreB (PEC. xo 9z1x6JAe) m a I \ \ \ LOT 9 N r \ I \ _ UNP7ATTE0 Z 1 \ \ ` , - (REC. H0. 031ft5.N8) _ _ _ _ _ ~ - - - ~,a sB7•sYO6"w ` v v al a 73' 175 z . 4=10'05'16' \ R=1022.23' 4=12'49'33" \ m. Po L=179.98' R=1529.61' CB=N8r06'16"W L=342.40' " ' \ © Cv CH=179 75' CB=N75'38'51"W 56 1 AR ' \ . CH=341 69' =7 R=791.19 \ . L=212.18' v+ Lw. worm roYC 19 o- 3o CB=N50'55'48"W S89-07'31 -W 'SIIXrE ~°"m`" ` flfD CH=211 55' ' n Ix cmc, varexm u orow EYRmu . 57.62 Yr/a sEr/a 1 1 M tp LOT I Op M~S~ $ O N ~ M 00-S]599'40'E CH=118.45' - mxM ~Rw wX YPC".m 9mvER wATm e9nx9 En9kN1 LOT 10 1239.502. SF 26.159 AC LOT 26 3 a G RO RURY G4RlE N (PEG X0. WJJ])9p) LOT 25 Y C¢P. X I/2 Y I/a £C 19~ Q_ u Sgrtll I' N'A 31% YC IA'A.m 6MPN LOT 2 LOT 3 (SEE SHEET 3 OF 4) N6N.S~~06 RRYBURY WRBENS (REG N0. 09ll7)90) LOT 4 `MW 1~8 LOT 21 li $ N~ I R=43100' LOT 11 W=N5916'45'W 107.369. SE 4.301 AC LOT 27 FN(-ANDS Farnsworth L D°i°' . 1/12/05 GROUP RfO'°C}NO 304055.1 e~ 4N)W18R90/IJm)4aamEw Rww.. 7 SHEET 4 OF 4