HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-05-027500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 June 8, 2005 Neil Jaquet Director of Real Estate and Water Resources Coors Brewing Co. P.O. Box 4030 Golden, CO 80401 Dear Mr. Jaquet: The City of Wheat Ridge At its meeting of May 23, 2005, City Council APPROVED Case No. WZ-05-02,'a request for a Final Development Plan for property located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32nd Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The Final Development Plan is in conformance with the Outline Development Plan. 2. The Final Development Plan meets the criteria in Article III of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws pertaining to final development plans. Enclosed is a draft copy of the minutes stating the Council's decision. A blackline photographic mylar of the final development plan needs to be submitted for recording with Jefferson County within 60 days of final action. The fees for recording with Jefferson County are $11 per page. Please submit payment along with the mylar. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes cc: Ken Harshman Grey Wolf Architecture 2601 Blake St., #400 Denver, CO 80205 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: May 23, 2005 Page -2- C. RESCHEDULE CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION SCHEDULED FOR JULY 4, 2005 TO WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 2005. Consent Agenda was introduced and read by Mr. DiTullio. Mrs. Sang asked to have Item 1 C. pulled from the Consent Agenda. Motion by Mr. DiTullio to approve the Consent Agenda Items 1A and 1 B as printed; seconded by Mrs. Adams; carried 8-0. Motion by Mrs. Sang to cancel the July 4, 2005 Study Session; seconded by Mrs. Adams; carried 7-1 with Mr. Gokey voting no. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Mayor Cerveny announced that the public hearings will be combined for Items 2A, 2B and Item 3. She described the order of testimony for these items. Item 2. A. COUNCIL BILL 06-2005: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AGRICULTURE ONE ZONING FOR A PORTION OF STATE HIGHWAY 58 RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED GENERALLY WEST OF 1-70 AND EAST OF ELDRIDGE STREET, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. (Case No. WZ-05/0411-lighway 58) B. COUNCIL BILL 07-2005: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ZONING FOR PROPERTY LOCATED GENERALLY WEST OF 1-70, SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 58, AND NORTH OF WEST 32ND AVENUE, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. (Case No. WZ-05-01/Cabela's & Coors) r Item 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF 1-70, SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 58, AND NORTH OF WEST 32ND AVENUE. (Case No. WZ-05-02) Mayor Cerveny opened the public hearing. Council Bill 06-2005 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Stites. City Clerk assigned Ordinance No. 1344. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: May 23, 2005 Page -3- Council Bill 07-2005 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Stites. City Clerk assigned Ordinance No. 1345. Item 3 was introduced by Mr. Stites. Alan White was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff reports on Items 2A, 2B., and Item 3. He submitted the case files and packet materials, zoning ordinance, digital presentation and comprehensive plan for all items for the record. Mayor Cerveny accepted. Representatives of the applicant were sworn in and tested before the Council: Kevin Rhodes, Director of Real Estate for Cabela's, was sworn in by the Mayor and spoke on behalf of Item 2.13. relating to the zoning on their outline development plan. He stated they will continue to study the traffic issue as it relates to this property. They will come back for a final development plan at a later date. They have worked very hard in involving the community by having public hearings, developing a website, answering a hotline number. They are trying to address the issues as they are being presented by the public as they are coming forward. Neil Jaquet, 17755 W. 32nd Avenue (business address), Director of Water Resources and Real Estate, Coors Brewing Company, Golden, Colorado, was sworn in and spoke on behalf of Item 3., regarding the final development plan for the water storage property. He detailed their plans for water storage. Members of the public were sworn in and testified: Cheryl Brungardt, 5621 W. 36th Place, spoke in favor of Cabela's coming to Wheat Ridge and the benefits we will derive. This will put us on the map and be a win-win for all of us. Kate Newman, representing Jefferson County, distributed a letter outlining the County's concerns that approving grading as a use creates an entitlement for the proposed commercial uses. Michael Coen, 13146 W. 33nd Avenue, expects twice the traffic and would like to see the zoning addressed after the traffic situation is finalized. He likes Cabela's and thinks it's a great thing for the neighborhood, but he wants to see it done right. Jan McQuade-Sturm, Board member of the Applewood Valley Association, stated that they have grave concerns about the negative impact this development will have on the community if it is rushed rather than done properly. They resent directing regional traffic onto neighborhood streets. It has never been their intent to make Cabela's go away, rather they don't want the surrounding communities to be victimized by opening the store in 2006. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: May 23, 2005 Page -4- Carol Taylor, 9750 W. 36th Avenue, spoke on behalf of herself and her husband James Taylor. Although she prefers open space to development, she is convinced that Cabela's is the best choice we can make and when finished this site will not only be the shining star for the City of Wheat Ridge and its desperately needed economic revival, but rather than just a big box anchor or yet another run of the mill shopping center, Cabela's will be a destination spot drawing people from all over the State and beyond, providing sportsmen with a top of the line shopping experience and people from the surrounding communities with an attraction to visit and enjoy. Jay Scruggs, 3082 Mountain Shadows Drive, tested in support of the project. Glenn Bloomer, 4764 Swadley Street, wholeheartedly supports Cabela's. He has visited a lot of their facilities. They are an excellent neighbor, as well as Coors. We need the tax base. Ron Bay, 7780 W. 38th Avenue, hopes that Council will approve these items and he can leave smiling. Staff and representatives of the applicant answered questions from members of the City Council. Carolynne White of Brownstein Hyatt & Farber, P.C., and land use counsel for the applicant, was sworn in and also answered questions. Mayor Cerveny closed the public hearing. City Clerk read the title for Item 2A. Motion by Mr. Stites to approve Council Bill 06-2005 (Ordinance No. 1344) and order it published on second reading; that the ordinance take effect immediately upon adoption, and with the following findings: 1. Colorado State Statute requires that for all property annexed by a municipality, zoning must be established within 90 days. 2. The A-1 zone designation is consistent with the zoning designation of 1-70. 3. The zoning will not adversely impact public health, safety or welfare. 4. The request meets the applicable rezoning criteria of Section 26-112 (D) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws; Seconded by Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Sang; carried 8-0. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: May 23, 2005 Page -5- Ms. Anderson read the title for Item 2B. Motion by Mr. Stites to approve Council Bill 07-2005 (Ordinance No. 1345) on second reading and that the Ordinance take effect immediately, and with the following findings: 1. The proposed zoning fulfills the State requirement that the annexed property must be zoned within 90 days. 2. The rezoning request meets the applicable rezoning criteria established in Section 26-112 (D) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. 3. There has been a change in character in the area as evidenced by the annexation of the property, the commercial development to the south and the industrial development to the north. 4. The change in zone is compatible with the planned development zoning to the north, east and south. 5. The uses and the requirement to obtain a special use permit for any excavation or fill activity will minimize any adverse impacts to the surrounding area. 6. There will be a physical benefit to the change of zone resulting from the reclamation of the former gravel mine site. There will be a recreational benefit from the limited recreational use of the water storage reservoir. 7. The proposed uses and activities will have a limited impact on infrastructure. 8. The restricted uses will not have any adverse effect on the surrounding area. 9. The proposed rezoning will not create an isolated zone district. Seconded by Mrs. Sang and Mrs. Rotola; carried 8-0. Ms. Anderson read the title for Item 3. Motion by Mr. Stites to approve Case No. WZ-05-02 for the following reasons: 1. The Final Development Plan is in conformance with the Outline Development Plan. 2. The Final Development Plan meets the criteria in Article III of Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws pertaining to final development plans. With the following condition: 1. The 30 foot setback on the southern property boundary of the subject property shall be maintained until such time as final site work, including landscaping and fence construction, is commenced. Seconded by Mrs. Rotola; carried 8-0. Mayor Cerveny called a recess at 8:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:43 p.m. OF WHEA> ITEM NO: ~ o U m REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION 00(ORA00 YeESY.- COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 23, 2005 TITLE: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF I-70, SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY58, AND NORTH OF W. 32ND AVENUE (CASE NO. WZ 05-02) ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 1ST READING (Date: ) ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: ® ❑ Yes No AdLw~ Community Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: City Manager Coors Brewing Company is requesting approval of a Final Development Plan. The property is located within parcels of land recently annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge, located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32nd Avenue. The property is approximately 28.62 acres in size. The requested approval is for the purpose of constructing a new water storage reservoir on the subject parcel. The reservoir will be a private water storage facility with no public access. Water storage is an allowed use on the Outline Development Plan. Planning Commission recommended approval with a recommendation that the landscape plan be modified to replace some invasive and non-draught tolerant species. The applicant has made these changes to the landscape plan. Approval of this request is a first step in implementing Council's strategic goals of a) preparing for growth and opportunities and b) developing the I-70 Corridor as a major commercial center. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission at a public hearing on April 7, 2005 recommended approval. The approval included a recommendation that the landscape plan be modified to exclude invasive and non-drought tolerant species. These modifications have been made to the landscape plan. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: Creating the water storage reservoir is part of the reclamation plan approved by the State for this property several years ago. Approval of this final development plan will enable the applicant to implement the reclamation plan. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: Do not approve the plan. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City received a one time fee for the land use application. There will be minimal financial impact to the City as a result of approving this plan. The property will generate some property tax. Costs to the City will primarily be from responding to any emergencies that may arise on the property. RECOMMENDED MOTION: " I move to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-05-02, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located generally west of 1-70, south of Highway 58 and north of W. 32nd Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The Final Development Plan is in conformance with the Outline Development Plan. 2. The Final Development Plan meets the criteria in Article III of Chapter 26 of the Code of Laws pertaining to final development plans." Or, " I move to recommend denial of Case No. WZ-05-02, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of W. 32nd Avenue, for the following reasons: Report Prepared by: Alan White Attachments: 1. Staff Report with Exhibits. IdCabelas\Coors FDP\Coors FDP CC CAF.dm OF WHEAT y P CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT ~0(ORP00 TO: City Council CASE MANAGER: Alan White CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-05-02/Coors DATE OF MEETING: May 23, 2005 ACTION REQUESTED: A request for approval of a Final Development Plan. LOCATION OF REQUEST: Parcels of land west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32"a Avenue APPLICANT (S): Coors Brewing Company OWNER (S): same APPROXIMATE AREA: 28.62 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Community Commercial (CC) ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS DIGITAL PRESENTATION Planning Commission ATTACHMENT I WZ-05-02/Coors Jurisdiction All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. L REQUEST Coors Brewing Company is requesting approval of a Final Development Plan (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request). The property is located within parcels of land recently annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge, located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32nd Avenue. The property is approximately 28.62 acres in size. II. CASE ANALYSIS The property was annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge on February 28th along with an additional 169 acres of land west of I-70 between highway 58 and West 32nd Avenue. This particular portion of property is owned by Coors Brewing Company. The applicant wishes to construct a new water storage facility on the subject parcel. Water storage is an allowed use on the Outline Development Plan. III. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Final Development Plan shows the development of the water storage facility (Exhibit 2, FDP). There are no criteria for review with Final Development Plans, as would be found with rezoning requests. The Final Development Plan must be consistent with the approved Outline Development Plan and comply with the established development standards. The following chart details the requirements of the ODP, and the provided standards in the FDP. Development Standard ODP Requirement Provided Building Coverage 400 square feet 400 square feet Building Height 25 feet maximum 10 feet Setbacks Front - 50 feet Front - 60 feet Side & Rear - 10 feet Side 100 feet (west) and 670 feet (east) Rear -1,170 feet Landscaping Minimum 20 % of lot - 34.3% of lot specific quantities as shown on the FDP See Section 26-502 for additional requirements Exterior Lighting See Section 26-503 of the Complies with Sec. 26-503 Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Parking One parking area identified on One parking area identified for the FDP- for occasional occasional parking of parking of maintenance maintenance vehicles only vehicles only Fencing Maximum 6 feet in all areas - 6 foot chain link fence no barbed wire allowed Access Planning Commission WZ-05-02/Coors One access point has been provided from the north. This access point will be gated, and not accessible to the general public. The access point is provided for maintenance vehicles. There is a small parking area located adjacent to the pump house. Planning Commission recommended approval with a recommendation that the landscape plan be modified to replace some invasive and non-draught tolerant species. The applicant has made these changes to the landscape plan. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS The proposal was referred to all adjacent jurisdictions. The Community Development Department did receive comments regarding the water storage facility from Jefferson County. The referral inquired about the possibility of a pedestrian trail around the perimeter of the water storage facility. The applicants have stated that for security and liability purposes, this would not be a viable option. The Jefferson County referral also commented about impacts of noise and light generated from the pump house with respect to the residential properties to the south. The pump house is over 1,110 feet away from the closest residential property. There should be minimal impact to the residential properties. V. STAFF CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION: Staff concludes that the proposed Final Development Plan is consistent with the Outline Development Plan and complies with the established development standards. Requirements of a Final Development Plan have been met. Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission WZ-05-02/Coors Coors Brewing Company Golden, Colorado 80401-0030 January 31, 2005 Alan White, Director Community Development Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Subject: Final Development Plan - Letter of Request Dear Mr. White, This Letter of Request is submitted to you as part of the Final Development Plan (FDP) for Lot 7 of the Cabela's / Coors Subdivision No. 1, located north of 32nd Avenue and west of the Youngfield Service Road. The CDP for this subdivision is being submitted simultaneously with the attached FDP materials. Lot 7 will be used for untreated, raw water storage and limited-access, private recreation. The reservoir will be created by excavation of material in the Denver Formation bedrock, common throughout the Denver area. The excavated material will be used for mass grading of several adjacent lots within the Cabela's / Coors Subdivision No. 1. This excavation is within an area which is part of a pending annexation process and Special Use Permit application before the City of Wheat Ridge. The proposed reservoir, which we are calling Lake B-5, will sit on the Coors-owned 28.617-acre Lot 7 of the subdivision. The lot lines, reservoir configuration, landscaping, fencing and minor building details are depicted on the attached drawings, submitted as part of FDP application, prepared by Graywolf Studios. The reservoir will hold water stored under a variety of decreed water storage and augmented water rights owned by Coors Brewing Company. The reservoir will have a maximum capacity of about 800 acre-feet, with a normal water surface elevation of 5447 and water depth up to about 70 feet. Reservoir side slopes below the normal water line will be 3:1. Water to fill the reservoir will flow through existing Clear Creek surface water diversion and carriage structures, and reservoirs located on Coors property, extending west from Lot 7 for nearly 4 miles. Uses within Lot 7 will be primarily for untreated, raw water storage. The reservoir will be lined and equipped with perimeter interceptor drains to exclude tributary water from entering the reservoir and commingling with our decreed water rights. As a water storage reservoir, the water surface may vary in elevation during certain times of the year and sAFE& EXHIBIT 1 from year to year, depending upon the availability of water rights to replenish the lake or uses made of the water. We anticipate the reservoir will contain an aeration system to manage water quality. While Lot 7 is about 28.6 acres, the reservoir surface will be about 20 acres, leaving an area of various widths between the water surface and boundary of Lot 7. The perimeter uses will include an unpaved service road, slopes of about 4:1 transitioning from perimeter roadway downward to the water surface. The perimeter will contain drip irrigated tree and shrub materials along with dry land grasses and shrubs. The eastern shore line will be treated with rock riprap to prevent erosion. A flood channel will be constructed along the western perimeter to accommodate offsite, regional storm water flows. The only structure will be a small (less than 400 square feet) maintenance building located in the northwest corner of the lot. Access to the reservoir will be through adjacent Coors-owned property located west and north of Lot 7. We anticipate there will be a limited amount of private, access-controlled, recreational use made of the reservoir water surface and surrounding perimeter. Access will be through a limited "beach area" along the north shore, with more gradual slopes than elsewhere around the perimeter. Also, a small, single lane boat ramp will be installed to allow boat access to the reservoir surface for maintenance and limited recreational purposes. Only limited recreation will be allowed on the reservoir because this facility will be "terminal" water storage - the final point of detention just prior to the end use of the water, which will include human consumption. If you have questions, please call me at 303.277.2028. Sincerel e' t, Directo ter Resource and Real Estate v ~ ~ ~.Yy W r~ A • ~U fl ~°bl . ...m.~ ~ ~ r~ CABELA'S/COORS WATER STORAG FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLA AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WH BEING A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAS NORTHEAST 1/4 QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP z, ct,, , r ~ ~ r. 5 4 ~ ~ ~~y S.i- r ~ -y ,G w~ n-i t. v. f . W Y. b; in t f r~ > E( ~f ! ~ t"(M ?acs ~ y~~~ ~',.y.1 . ~ 7..55 ~ Y~ rte. r~ ~t'y. ~?Nr 7' 4 E j~ U~ .~f ~ ~y t #1~. r*K s. 7_ `l~ ~t h t ~ •b t a-rte ; ri-.z ~ "X d, *~s " ' 1 ~S~ t t ~ r ~ Yl'~ ~A~ X~~ f r fl?r ~'.Y.. ~ ~f1% SJ it. ~ ~~ti. q~' f .p ~4N'- ' •~1M Y?•' y- { a: 1 ~ S?o Y, t. R N~ f a. ~ 4 ~ 4~` 1 s+G J 'f%!?'t, S ~k \ ~ l , ~,i ~e, ! r '~4 '4~.' Cpl. ~ r. y . iF ~ i c /y~~_ s, F t ~f.. A ~ f,;~1 ~1 _.~x J~~ .t ° ~ R ,.,tf v ? • F~ ~ r. sal a ~ f ~~X ~ ~ e ~f . a;4.~4 1, f z ~y. Y~ f x 1 ~ .~.ii' ~ i a~ r y~ RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. s e' C7W!'d~~ Y S+ ,T 7 r S { ~~`f ~ r ~ i.,, ' y V~l~''fi .F`,. ~ ~ x0. ~ (fir 1 ~~y~gsr BEING A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF THIS FINAL DE A ~RAn~ ~0 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREIN WAS DONE UNDER MY R 1, AN CASE HISTORY ANX-05-01 SUP-05-01 .d~ SW-05-01 WS-05-01 h WZ-05-01 WZ-05-01 i 4 g ~LHEAT RIDGE i SHEET of k y, 7 p 9 99 9 ~ d ti i i  tCtl..KtN i i~}i~i t1 IIVI1 }1L VJL HJ YVLLL HJ Vtf11l.U L/iK Hl.I.tJJ OF SECTION 3fl, 259.68 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE EASEMENTS COMMU{V1~"Y DEVELQPMENT D#RECTOR STORAGE fA THE RECREA BE BY PERMI tat1AY0R'~ CERTIFJCA~aDN DIRECTOR NON-MOTORa WILL BE ONL1 ~flPROV~~3 ~HiS fl~Y OF , 24 L~1V11TE1~ TO ~ BY THE ~l~Y CflU~dCfL flE WHEAT #21flGE PEDESTRIA~1 WARRANT OR NTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING THE WATER S89°10'02"W CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 1055.64 FEET TO THE E FACILITY AND ITS OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT. WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4; THENCE N00'55'47"W ALONG SAID WEST LINE 1264.50 FEET; THENCE N89'45'43"E, °REATIONAL USES IDENTIFIED FOR THIS PARCEL WILL 805.54 FEET TO ANON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY n~.r HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET; THENCE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE s~ OF 71°D2'38°, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 371.98 r~ FEET, SAID CURVE HAYING A CHORD OF 348.61 FEET WHICH BEARS V S19'13~24"E TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE 554'44'42°E, 171.14 FEET: o THEivCE S00°49'S81'E, 824.49 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ~ u CONTAINING AN AREA OF 28.617 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. IS/ THEY S#~ALL WITH A PROV ~ Q BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1 f4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, MAYOR FAC1 LI T1 ES F0 Q 6th P.M. BEING A LINE BETWEEN THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 30 ~~GflRfl ail ~"N AS MONUMENTED BY A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS 0 DISK, LS 13212, IN CONCRETE AND A CITY 0~ WHEAT RIDGE WITNESS CITY SEAL CORNER BEING A 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS DISK, LS 13212., IN CONCRETE ~j Q , LYING 200.00' SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30., ATTEST: w AS HAVING A BEARING OF N01°01 '50"W PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1 ~ ~ D CONTROL DATUM. CITY CLERK Q ~ ~ PREPARED BY FREDRICK L. EASTON, JR. UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF #'LANN~NG GOMMISSIflN CER~I~~CATaON DAVID C. DIFULVIO, PLS 16401 COORS BREWING C Q FOR AND ON BEHALF OF FARNSWORTH GROUP, INC. RE~flMi~END~D FUR APPR011~1L THIS DAY Q~ , 24 BYTHE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMM1SS10N ~z3~"-t 's'2.98~ z Q ~ ~ ~ ~ The below-signed owner, or legally designated agent thereof, do 1S1 hereby agree #hat the property, legally described hereon will be CHAIRPERSt31~ developed as a planned development in accordance with the uses, restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as moy COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE o#herwise be required by law. I further recognize that the approval of this FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, does not create a vested property right. TMIS DOCI~~IENT ACCEPTED FOR FLING IN THE OFFICE OF THE ~t~t~ cotf Gat~sE` Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN, (NOT PLATTED) COORS provisions of section 26-121 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. COLORADO, ON THE , DAY aF A.D. ` ~ 21~ IN ~DD~ PA~~_ , R~CEP~~O~! ISO. EXECUTED THIS DAY OF 20 JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER ALL DRAWN AND WRITTEN INFORMAl10N APPEARING JiERElN iS COPYWRI7ED INFORMATION Ai~O SHALT. NOi 8E DUPLICATED, DISCLOSER OR OTHERNISE COORS BREWING COMPANY !S/ DUPLICATID NNTHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GREY WOLF ARCHITECTURE fl~PU~Y CLERK CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - - - - PROJECT NUMBfR 45-068.1 BY Dfu+wt~ KWH,~LH CHECKED K WH SAMUEL D. WALKER CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER 1Sl COORS U.S. AND WORLDWIDE GROUP DATE V.P. CORPORATE AFFAIRS ~ APPLEYY~~1D MESA ~~„r~ov o..o..r CII[]C!`l]IRGfI enin cwnRni rn RFF(1RF nnF THi~ -DAY OF A. D. 20 WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES COVER SHEET ~ SIT N NO S( i NOTARY SEAL NOTARY PUBLIC DATE F EXHIBIT 2 OF 4 ~0 SCALE c~ cn n ~ ~K6R~ O O _ ~ sresr .r1r1r. rm. !1 tnwr~nnf v~ ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WALL MTD LIGHT CAP FLASHING ~ ~ ' i PLAI~•! FACE C.M.U. r ~ PAINTED ~ { 20'-0" e~z1 A _ C: HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND FRAME ~ ~ ~u: ~ ~ Tr~'~' - ` . 1 ~ ~ j, CHAIN LINK FENCE i i y,, Wit„- <'s - - ~ ~ _ ~i. x~ ~N c ~ ~ i _ T i s _ ~ y .,r 2~` ' 7. 1 _t i _ i ~ _ ~ ~ ~u *i~ ~ ~ 1, T , ~'V J ISJ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'/x~., ~ Vf ~ `f t~; ~F~~, fJ~J %Se Pd ~,r ~ Y PUMPHOUSE - NORTH rLEVATION TYPICAL FENCE ELEVA -a i i i W<s f _~t _ _ G - - --------~._T_.-_L c ~ PROPOSED ROAD ' - _ i ~Rp 5,; L' A y , E ai..~_. . ~ I i~ i . . ..L 'L i h l.~ t, ti 80' DENVER WATER O ~ BOARD EASEMENT l 4 ~ PROTECTION DISTRICT - EQUIPME BE VIA ACCESS ROAD. 1 Y { ~ ~ ~ f ♦ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V t~iV. 54~~' Ki BOOK 379, PAGE 66 ~ BOOK 708, PAGE 336 ti~ t~M REG 92130445 q ~''j'♦ Y~ ter. ti • Jr,..i E8 ',F t ~ 5. SITE LIGHTING -WALL MTD %~T P ~ BUILDING { i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I 'J ~9) PROSPECT AVE. 60 VACATED RIGHT-OF-WAl''` Y 6. BOOK 1854, PAGE 749 ti EASEMENT RESERVED FOR CQNTINUED USAGE OFD OFF STREET PARKING - ~ ~ RVI ~ SPACES c= J U11LITIES - NO UTILITIES FOUND FROM SURFACE OBSERVATION ; I ~ i / 6 ~ 1 ~ _ ~ ~p~ 'I ~ L } ~ OUTLET+STRUCTURE i ~ ~ i f J ~ 10Qy WIDE ACCESS ~ ' ~ ''p~' b s ; ~ ` ~ 3 ~ ~ RESERVATION FOR ~ N, ~ _ ' KEY NQTES: i 1 REGIONAL STORMWATER i CONVEYANCE ~ P I O VEHICULAR ACCESS: WHEEL TRAC ti i ROAD TYPICAL _ ~ i Q ~ 1 i u ~ O2 PARKING AREA VV/ BOAT RAMP i ~ ~ ~ APP WC~ ✓ATION ~ 4 O SATE 9 f . ~ ~o GOL L 0 T 7 ~ 2Q' APPLEWOOD .i~~ C O U E ti ~ SANITATION QISTRICT Z~__ ~ : ~ ' EASEMENT 600K 2653,- 100' WIDE ACCESS ftESERVA110N ~ ~ ~ PAGE 360 c~ ` .ti ~ FOR REGVONAL STORMWAIER ~ CONVEYANCE a 1 ~ ,~i ~ ~ti ,~i ~s-~... _ ~ ' h rr f 30~ APPLEWOOD SANITA710N DIST. , ~ E,4SEMENT (REC. 88069775) ~ , -~i!S j ~ 20' APPLEWOOD SANITAl10~N DiST. : ~ ~ EASEMEtVT (REC. 880697 ) ~ ~ ~ i t P _ j S„ I r ,A' 4 " f - I.- / i / ~ i 1 a i p { ~ E I r 1 _ ~4 . . i 'L. ~ x ~ 1 , t 1  f I i 1 { l I Vf f 1 1 1 I l•;ws Iw✓ C. APP v ~~3rd DI MESA SITE D NE ~ PLE Ills O A~ PLAN 'Lf a N 2 AREA SITE PLAN ~ SITE PL 100'-0" OF"6'LAN- 0 f~ tG 2 1 ='-O" U L OF A. 5 Z tJ tJ7 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CABELA'S/COORS WATER STORA FINAL DEVELOPMENT P AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF BEING A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN THE NORTH NORTHEAST 1/4 QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWN RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIA JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. ~ ~ ~ j< ~ ~ ~ rJ%~, f~ ~.r E~ t. w_ ~ ~r ~ ~ _ r"' n Y~ ~i 7 y4.~ t'7" a i ` £N'': Ju z~~t ti.~ s,~ >;r r`x~ S*~ r~~ ;~s+ i 4~ ~x Vi~a,.: 4~ ~~v R Cf a aN ~~n""~a' . l~- ~~ff! j~ ~Y - ySd ~ ~L'( ~7~~ f Z ~ Z - s ~'JY r.,ti `r~~ ~`rs ~j'' i i`F~ NOR WAT 544 NORMAL HIGH I~~ ~ ~ / ~ \ = I~ III ~~~rr',,.. ,,t ~~3 WATER LEVEL ~~i i .I ~ ' ~ III I~,,,- ~~r ~ - Iii 11~ lifi li ~ ~S ~~~i N 5447.0' ~,I ~ i I - - 1 r.I c 1 I~~ ~I~ ~ Ij~i rl III li ~ _ S~i~Q~ P! i11~ ~~y Ya~ f !III , ~ 1 ~i III III I'~ ~I - _ ~ I 4 - k` n ~11~i~ I' i ~~~I I~~I I ~ ~I ill ~ - ~ ~ ~ \ N~~ p r i~'~~~I q~~~ ~ II III ~ ~1 I~ ~I -r ~ ~ ~ l I' l~l~~~' ~41'I`II ~'~I~ ~ III ' i ~ ~ 1T~ 1 , s ~ r'  \ ~U ~ , . r ter.....' ~ ~ o S ~i~ t idSH~ t>, ~ ~ !NN`+' 1 ~ I,. i ~ i \ ~ ~ 1 r"-- ~ Ca ~ _ f ~ ~ ~ ~ u i ,1 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2~~ .4 ~ z r;~ l ~ ~ ~ .777 . ~ v t ~ 1 ~ ~ r ~ \ ~ \ ~ ,J` ~ I* L ~ { o"'~ } / \ I o ~ y~~ ~ ~ r~ Q r.~~ ~ ~ ~ 7 Y' ,♦7 Irl ~i ` \ I r I / ~ ~ ~ ( r 1 / i ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ H "a \ / / r ~ 1 ~ t i~~ l;, s. ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 r ~ ~ ,t v ~ , , w...~ r % \ ~ ~ ~w-- 4~~ t LL" C> ~ ~ ~ I r-. ~ `t ~ r ;r y ~ 1 ~ i' 4'' ~ ~ s/ ~ ~ ~ / ti*. k ~ y T ~ J i / F~ •.1 r t ~ / ~ ~ , ~ t l~ Y 7 a . ~ ~ ~ i ~i ~ f ~ 1 iV E~ 1 I ~ t , ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ i ~ t Y !s Y his: I . . \ / ~ , h \ i .K xm S`~ ~ ~ r ~ I ~ ~ / \ ~ i ;fit fin... t , ~n.~N f~ \j /(f C' 1 C:C V~~ ~S ~ ~i \ ! / ~ ~ ~ J l f ~ ~ 4Y y ~ y L a ' ~ ~ ~ , 1 1 k~~ Pp~~ ~ , ~ I f, ~yy~(} ~``~~'7~~ yti 4 ~y' t i~ 1~'/ ^ 5 ~ is ~ ( ~ \ / .~45 ~;'~l 'g't \ x b s'r f ..,,.,,y...,,. i } , L 1 ! ✓ ~ / ~ ~ .l ~ i' ~ ALL. DRAWN AND V~RIT~N IN~`~7Rh~AT~~~N _,~.-r 1 ~ _ _ , a ~~=c- r APPEARING NEPEiN IS Ct~PI`~t~`RiTED E lNFC1R~3ATIQN AND SH~~LL NQ'f 8E DuPi.ICATEO, DISCLOSI~D, flR t~TNERW~SE DUP~.ICATED ~1T1-IQUT TNF ~~IRR~TTEN CONSENT OF GREY 4VGLF ARCHITECTURE t n I~Rt~~~cT Nu~~ER D~---~ DD~.1 ,r oR~~sN ~ ~S 1 s ~~a CH DKED , A ~1 l 5 ~ _ DA'I•E D 1. ~ 8. D~ ~ D D D D D P~~~ I~-~-,~, ~sx H k ~~l 1 1~ a tit i vN r-\ voi via r Lr1i v L/"'11 V f~ 111-1001-01, GRADING rLAN Yv'~ { Y C t~ 3. 5 4 c~ CABELA'S/COORS WATER STORA FINAL DEVELOPMENT PL AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF W BEING A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEA NORTHEAST 1/4 QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, a ~ ~ rr ~F o .f fi ~7 ti r~~ i' P~ ~yyr• j ~s r♦=~ 5..+ tA. F.,~ r - = y.- z~~s k ~5 JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. w s - \ ~t;~ ct"°' t 4-QU BI C Y r r " Z~SS ZZZ 1 Z- ~ i i I ~ ti s 4`, e~ ~ ~ - - - - L ~ - - _ - - _ - w , i ( 'x ..t i ` ~ ~S ~ t PU h ~ Y 4 , .ti f ` ~ " ~ ~ ` r MA i „ . a I '.t ~ ~ i • ~F' ~r J h• • i, ~ r ~ l ~d ~ ~ ~ y , ~ r .1 ~ ~ r S ' ~ ti ~ ~ ` ~ ~ f ~.h,' •t. ~ , f t, 'Ta ` ~ " ~ BOOK 2, PAGE _ : 3: , u ti t` !ww..~,~ ti . ~ Y a ,r REC.093377~ . J .,v- ' , .i.. . , ~ ti. ,w v r rr. was a 8! ~ ~ ~ ' • ~ Y 4 , e L ` 'Y ' 1 ` ' ~ ~ ~ x ~ ~ . . ~r 't ~ r , ~ l s 3 ♦ ~ ~ + 1 . ♦ r 1 . Syr, ~ `i Ro . ~ V V 1 I LtV wY V V tl. Y~ W ~.l Vd 9 ~ ~ d t 4.r ! 1 6 ~ ir.. i 1 k ..L y, r EVERGREEN TREES: OF DENSE VE PI PU 05 COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE 6' HT. 124,300 S.F. S 1 t ' ` t r ' t r._ b „ ,ti +ti• ' L Picea pungens L ~k. .L, ~ t y ~ l+ + ..C . ~ L ~ , PI NI 07 AUSTRIAN PINE 6' HT. =NEW TREES s ' ~0 ~ \r _ ~ ' L s Pinus nigra y ~ ; i` ~ti ~ 4 if . ~ ~"V` \ yr` + r~,~, .V 1 + ,1\ 'r . tt~4v , t ~ '7 AB CO 01 CONCOLOR FIR 6' HT. 'i V 'r ~ 1 .+4 L "i ` , ~ ! . Abies concolor G t ,.r TOTAL 11 ~ `v * + f NORMAL HIGH WATER LEVEL ~ r t• [ ~w 1 C L ,r ' 5447.00 FT 4-QU BI 4 ' ~ R` . J . \ ~ t~ + SF, ~Y ~ a z +3 ~ ,.Y~. =NEW SEEDED (~QTE~: u~ i:' 1' . ~ tt . (^t J` 11 ~ .q • . ,4, n • ti L + t •r , .Y' 4 ~ t ~ ~ ~ r t r HILL N... Lk'~..,~"° c: 2 + , `j .M ~ x N' , l~ .r Y rLt ` \ L. , 2-P ~ ~tlh-~ ~ + l t. i' > . 'i', LDENSE VEGETf.TION l S~ ~ J ` i• , ti 1. IRRIGATION TO BE DRIP. f. , L + ~ y ,r. t rt 2. SEED TO BE DROUGHT TOLERANT TALL FESCUE. r a ~ ' `r ~ r ~ ~ . S. ~ ~ Y . O r • , VY 0 r ; Ix , ~~1r, v ♦r if r ~ ~ r,.~+i 5-PO AC ITEM AREA IN SF. % OF SITE J L ; : °r ~z 1: . W ~L ~ t :4 , . „ t . \ ~ ti' TOTAL LOT RREA 1; 46;556 S~ 10~~ Y + y i, ~ t (WITHIN LIMITS OF LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION) Y •t ` Ytl1dIY , ,t , ~ + ` ~ TOTAL WATER SURFACE AREA $15,518 SF. 65.4% k v' _ r, t t: ;3 30' APPLEWOOD SANITATION DIST. t ~ ~ +x L~ t ~s EASEMENT (REC. 88069775) y z t ~ d ~`P, .r,' SY.. C r. 'a ~ ti S S y;, Flo r~ ~ ` \ Ll v,\. it V t' +t 4 , +J' , L , `I + ~ , ~ , i , + ~ .i• k~ ♦ ~p '1. 1 ~ + Yr` ,4, ~M ~ .t s E . `0.p ~ +5rr~ ~i ' yvi 1 , ~ a r i t` +Y + \ s v w t ~ 1' + + ~ ~ 1 ~n L• . 1 * . Z + ~q \ ~ ~ ty ` ' 1 + ~ + 1. ♦ , i ~ , } ~'L+ . L v r ` i. 1 , , ♦ L + , h , r ~MIO ` ` + . , S' . ~ , i t. ` r ~i ' ` S +t+ `y ;ti ~ • + t j ` j \ ~ y t , s , . ~ , . ii t, ~ i` ~ t' ,%tiy ~~f.: 7; t7~ .G aiAV' „ i y i A ,l ~ N .Wbl l' s` ~ i r fi i,, , i r.~"'~ 5 ~ 1 ~ LANDSCAPE PLAN NT 4 1"=100'_0" LANDSCAPE PLAN Yf C 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Whelp Ridke FAX 303/235-2857 May 9, 2005 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-05-02 which is a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for land previously annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge generally located west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32nd Avenue. This request will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on May 23, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. COocumena and Seuin5s\kathyflMy DocumeamCathy\PCRPTSTLC GCOWcnotice@005\wz0502 wpd DCav rs GG s/~3/as *----VV z - MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Birdsong Lisa L Parcel :030440 Site :3395 Braun Rd Golden 80401 i' Mail :3395 Braun Rd Golden Co 80401 7004 2890 0001 6401 4930 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:4 Bath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1975 Pool: B1dgSF:2,330 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Cabelas Retail Inc Parcel :030613 Site :3475 Youngfield Service Rd Golden 80401 Xfered :03/21/2005, Mail :1 Cabela Dr Sidney NE 69160 7004 2890 0001 6401 4947 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land rnoiie Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1938 Pool: BidgSF:2,083- Ac:7.36 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Cabel Retail Inc Parcel :030613 Site :3475 Youn 'eld Service Rd Golden 80401 Xfered :03/21/2005 Mail :1 Cabela Dr SrC abela pr Sr e0 Price Use :1112 Res, ove and Phone Bedrm:2 ath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1941 Pool: B1dgSF:1,603 Ac:7.36 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Runkel Roxanne Parcel :030625 Site :3415 Alkire Way Golden 80401 Xfered :06/01/2004 Mail :3415 Alkire Way Golden Cc 80401 7004 2890 0001 6401 4954 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land enone Bedrm:4 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1931 Pool: B1dgSF:925 Ac* MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Cummings John C Parcel :077933 Site :3400 Braun ct Golden 80401 V~ 6401 4961 Mail 3400 Braun Ct Golden Co 80401 7004 2890 ❑001 6 1 - Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:5 Bath:3.50 TotRm: YB:1979 Pool:Yes B1dgSF:3,740 Ac:.47. • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Peterman William A Jr/Tania M Parcel :077934 Site :13505 W 34th Ave Golden 80401 7004 2890 0001 6401 4978 Mail :13505 W 34th Ave Golden Cc 80401 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1978 Pool: B1dgSF:2,414 Ac:.31 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Oehlkers Kenneth Parcel :077935 4985 Site :13525 W 34th Ave Golden 80401 va---- • 2890 0001 6401 Mail :13525 W 34th Ave Golden Co 80401 7004 __„.,,uuu Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:4 Bath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1976 Pool: B1dgSF:2,456 Ac:. * •MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • li. Owner :Coors Brewing Company Parcel :082375 Site :14001 W 32nd Ave Golden 80401 Xfered :12/27/1992 Mail :PO Box 4030 Golden co 80401 7004 2890 0001 6401 4992 Use :2112 Com, Improved Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:153.46 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Cabelas Retail Inc Parcel :201833 Site :3717 Intyre St Go 80401 Xfered :12/23/2004 Mail :1 Cabela r S' y NE 69160 Price 00, Use :5179179 Mis cial,Mixed Use Land Phone :fa->"'~..,\ Bedrm: ath: Tot Rm:3 YB:1974 Pool: B1dgS Fp. 473 h :556.57 li MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Shaffer Douglas L Parcel 403969 " Site :3325 Beech Ct Golden 80401 7004]~~000LI01 5005 Mail :3325 Beech Ct Golden Co 80401 _`n,». ii Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone - I~.. Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1997 Pool: B1dgSF:1,879 - Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Robacker Ronald J Parcel :403970 Site :3335 Beech Ct Golden 80401 - Xfered :09/15/1998 Mail :3335 Beech Ct Golden Cc 80401 7004 2890 0001 6401 2516 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land rnone Bedrm:4 Bath:3.00 TotRm: YB:1993 Pool: B1dgSF:2,220 Ac: j Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. • MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Whitfield Robert D Site :3324 Beech Ct Golden 80401 Mail :3324 Beech Ct Golden Cc 80401 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:6 Bath:3.75 TotRm: YB:1993 Pool: • Met=Scan / Jefferson Owner :Lund Marguerite L Site :13305 W 33rd P1 Golden 80401 Mail :13305 W 33rd P1 Golden Cc 80401 Use :1155 Vacant,Residential Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: * ---------------------------Met=Scan / Jefferson Owner :Applewood Lane Homeowners Association In Site :*no Site Address* Mail :3304 Beech Ct Golden Cc 80401 Use :4151 Agr,Home Owner Association Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners 100 Jefferson County Pky. Golden, CO 80419-5550 Nanette Neelan Assistant County Administrator 100 Jefferson County Pky. Golden, CO 80419-2520 Kate Newman Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Dept. 100 Jefferson County Pky., Suite 3550 Golden, CO 80419 (co) Parcel :403971 7004 2890 0001 6401 2523 Rhone B1dgSF:3,354 Ac: (CO) Parcel :403989 t 7004 2890 0001 6401 2530 Phone B1dgSF (CO) Parcel Xfarari 7004 enone B1dgSF Ac:.32 403990 1~/oa/1oot 2890 0001 6401 2547 Ac:.27 7004 2890 0001 6401 2554 7004 2890 0001 6401 2561 n?0551~_~ 7004 2890 0001 6401 2578 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. Lisa Birdsong Cabelas Retail Inc Cabelas Retail Inc 3395 Braun Rd 1 Cabela Dr 1 Cabela Dr Golden, CO 80401 Sidney, NE 69160 Sidney, NE 69160 Roxanne Runkel 3415 Alkire Way Golden, CO 80401 John Cummings & Nancy Jean Sells 3400 Braun Ct Golden, CO 80401 William & Tanis Peterman Jr. 13505 W 34th Ave Golden, CO 80401 Kenneth Oehlkers 13525 W 34th Ave Golden, CO 80401 Douglas Shaffer & Patricia Shaffer 3325 Beech Ct Golden, CO 80401 Marguerite Lund 13305 W 33rd PI Golden, CO 80401 Coors Brewing Company PO Box 4030 Golden, CO 80401 Ronald Robacker & Cheryl Robacker 3335 Beech Ct Golden, CO 80401 Applewood Lane Homeowners Association I 3304 Beech Ct Golden, CO 80401 Cabelas Retail Inc I Cabela Dr Sidney, NE 69160 Robert Whitfield & Maureen Whitfield 3324 Beech Ct Golden, CO 80401 * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 5/9/2005 * 9:11 AM Parcel Number ...14 39 292 07 001?1 39 301 01 002 C- 39 301 01 0070 39 301 01 025C 39 301 01 0260 39 301 01 0270 39 301 01 028C 39 301 01 0530 39 301 01 054c. 39 301 01 0550 39 301 01 0560 39 301 99 0 0 1 y.Pt- 39 302 00 0020. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL on May 23, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29 h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following case shall be heard: Case No. WZ-05-02: An application filed by Coors Brewing Co. for approval of a Final Development Plan for land previously annexed into the City of the Wheat Ridge generally located west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of W. 32nd Avenue and legally described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER QUARTER OF SECTION 30,TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 30, WHENCE THE EAST ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30 LIES S0 P 01'50"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SAID NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 30, 1320.79. FEET; THENCE S89d10'02"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 30, 259.68 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S89°10'02"W CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 1055.64 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER; THENCE NOO°55'47"W ALONG SAID WEST LINE 1264.50 FEET; THENCE N89°45'43"E, 805.54 FEET TO A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET; THENCE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 71002'38", SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 371.98 FEET, SAID CURVE 14AVING A CHORD OF 348.61 FEET WHICH BEARS S 19° 13'24"E TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S54°44'42"E, 171.14 FEET; THENCE S00049'581'E, 824.49 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 28.617 ACRES, MORE OR LESS BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6th P.M. BEING A LINE BETWEEN THE EAST ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 30 AS MONUMENTED BY A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS DISK, LS 13212, IN CONCRETE AND A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WITNESS CORNER BEING A 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS DISK, LS 13212., IN CONCRETE LYING 200.00' SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30., AS HAVING A BEARING OF NOl°01 'S0"W PER CITY QF WHEAT RIDGE CONTROL DATUM. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: May 5, 2005 Board of County Commissioners Jim Congrove District No. 1 J. Kevin McCasky District No. 2 Dave Auburn District No. 3 May 23, 2005 Mayor and City Council City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: WZ-05-01 and WZ-05-02 Dear Mayor and City Council: Jefferson County is very concerned with the City's proposal to allow the property to be zoned for grading uses which are clearly intended for a commercial use that the City has not considered through a full zoning review and public hearings as required by law and without the necessary attention to all traffic impacts. It is critical that the City not in any way take action which would entitle the applicants to obtain future commercial zoning without addressing and mitigating all traffic impacts generated from the commercial uses to be permitted. The County maintains its position that the zoning approvals of this project should not be done until the resultant traffic impacts can be addressed realistically and the applicant has committed to do the necessary improvements for mitigation of all traffic issues. The County objected to the zoning of the property before the Planning Commission and the County must continue to object. The City's rezoning criteria stresses that uses not be approved unless 1) there are minimal adverse impacts; 2) adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exit or are under capacity; and 3) the change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion. This zoning proposal along with the special use previously approved by the City Council will allow the applicant to begin grading for the commercial uses that the applicant intends to develop on the property. Serious traffic congestion will occur from the commercial development that is proposed by the developer unless the City requires the developer to mitigate all impacts from the commercial development. 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80419 (303) 279-6511 http:/fieffco.us K The County continues to be gravely concerned about traffic impacts to the surrounding street system and wants these impacts properly mitigated to protect the interests of all Jefferson County residents before activities and uses are zoned which are in futherance of the commercial uses not yet reviewed by the City Council. Thank you for your consideration. I can be reached at 303-271-8735. Sincerely, 4k Kate Newman, Planner Jefferson County Attached: Jefferson County letter to Planning Commission Jefferson County letter on traffic issues Jefferson County letter on referral review CC: Randy Young, City Manager Board of County Commissioners Patrick Thompson, County Administrator Nanette Neelan, Assistant County Administrator Board of County Commissioners Jim Congrove District No. 1 J. Kevin McCasky District No. 2 Dave Aubum District No. 3 April 7, 2005 Wheat Ridge Planning Commission 7500 W 29`s Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 800033 Planning Commission Thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of Jefferson County. Jefferson County is supportive of the economic benefits that a development like this can bring to Wheat Ridge and Jefferson County. However, Jefferson County continues to be very concerned about traffic impacts to the surrounding street system and wants these impacts properly mitigated to protect the interests of all Jefferson County residents. The proposed Interim Zoning would allow for grading and preparation of commercial pad sites. This zoning essentially approves, or seemingly entitles, future uses of the property without an approved, or fully evaluated, traffic plan. By approving the grading for commercial pad sites without holding a public hearing on the specific uses and without having a full review of the traffic impacts from those commercial uses, the City is in effect allowing a rezoning for those commercial uses. To the County's knowledge, the draft traffic study has not provided evidence that the resultant traffic can be addressed realistically. The County is concerned that approving a grading use- allowing the preparation work for commercial pad sites- is allowing future uses and creating traffic problems that may or may not be addressed in the traffic study. Our real concern is traffic. Usually road capacity dictates the size and type of commercial uses. In this case, the grading uses would allow grading for an unlimited amount of commercial uses without any review of traffic impacts from those future commercial uses; without any assessment of the feasibility of these improvements; and without any commitment from the property owners to make necessary traffic improvements. 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80419 (303) 279-6511 http://jeffco.us The county does not want the grading work, or the prepared pad sites, to limit or preclude addressing the full traffic impacts from those commercial uses. Without a full study of the traffic impacts and the opportunity for the County and the public to comment, the County recommends that only the water storage uses be permitted at this time. Zoning for commercial uses, and grading that seemingly entitles future commercial uses, should be postponed until the roadway capacity issues are addressed and resolved. Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, Kate Newman for Jefferson County Attached: Jefferson County traffic issue letter Board of County Commissioners Jim Congrove District No. 1 J. Kevin McCasky District No. 2 Dave Auburn March 15, 2005 District No. 3 Mark Nienhueser, Facilities Construction Manager Cabela's One Cabala Drive Sydney, NE 69160 RE: Cabela's Traffic Impact Study, January 28, 2005, Wheat Ridge, Colorado Dear Mr. Nienhueser, Jefferson County has reviewed the traffic impact study prepared by Felsburg Holt & Ullevig regarding the proposed Cabela's and related development in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. As we have expressed verbally, we continue to be very concerned about traffic impacts to the surrounding street system and feel very strongly that these impacts should be properly mitigated to protect the interests of all Jefferson County residents. For over a decade, we have worked with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to secure funding for the SH58/1-70 interchange since the interchange's full movements were never completed. Specifically, the two incomplete movements are the eastbound SH58 to westbound 1-70 and the eastbound 1-70 to westbound SH58. These improvements are necessary to alleviate the existing regional traffic traveling on local roads such as 32"d Avenue. Currently, your traffic study assumes improvements to SH58/1-70 interchange will be in place to address the increased traffic created by your development. The funding, however, has yet to be identified to ensure these improvements will occur. We stand firm - improvements such as completion of SH58/170 interchange as well as other arterial improvements must be constructed prior to the opening of Cabela's. In general, it appears that the traffic impacts associated with the proposed development have been quantified and that the consultant has prepared one concept for traffic mitigation to address the impacts of increased traffic. The proposed traffic plan identified in your study must meet the traffic demands in the area, and since your plan does not include the total traffic anticipated in the area, we do not concur that your plan is adequate to address the future traffic demands. See attached specific comments. Jefferson County's interests include: • Preserving the residential community surrounding the development. This includes no degradation on their ability to move with ease in and out of the neighborhoods and to minimize congestion at intersections that are impacted by the proposed development. In addition, minimize any cut-through traffic from the proposed development through the neighborhoods; 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80419 (303) 279-6511 Mark Nienhueser, Facilities Construction Manager RE: Cabela's Traffic Impact Study, January 28, 2005, Wheat Ridge, Colorado March 15, 2005 Page 2 • Encouraging a successful traffic plan for Cabela's and the ancillary development. This includes a financing plan and actual construction for the necessary improvements prior to the opening of Cabela's and other future phases of development; • Ensuring that the proposed construction does not limit the future design and construction opportunities including but not limited to the ramps at SH58/1-70 interchange, Ward/1-70 interchange, SH-58/Mclntyre Interchange and the related intersections of McIntyre/fronte road and McIntyre/44th, 32nd Ave/Youngfield intersection and lastly the Cabela Drive/32'y Ave intersection; and • Encouraging traffic to use the transportation facilities that were designed for the specific uses. These goals should be discussed as part of a collaborative process whereby numerous options should be considered. The study is a good starting point; however, we believe that additional concepts should be considered to include goals of the community. Attached are some initial concepts that we derived out of feedback from the community and would encourage you to consider. Of particular note is a concept that embraces two major alternatives for Cabela Drive/32nd Ave intersection. This concept includes a direct off ramp from 1-70 to Cabela Drive located on your property, and a realignment of Cabela drive and 32ntl Ave that encourages the traffic related to the development to utilize Cabela's Drive. Furthermore, we plan on participating in CDOT's 1601 process and we will remain open minded to discuss numerous concepts and designs that will enhance traffic movement into Cabela's while at the same time protecting the character of our residential neighborhoods. Additional comments regarding additional general and specific items included on the traffic impact study are attached. If you have any questions or comments please call me at (303) 271- 8475. Sincere) yours, Nanette Neelan Assistant County Administrator NN/sll Attachments cc: Board of County Commissioners/County Administrator Pam Hutton, CDOT Region 6 Director Christopher Fasching, Felsburg Holt & Ulevig Tim Parento, Director, Public Works, City of Wheat Ridge Kevin French, Traffic/Transportation Engineer General Traffic Impact Study Comments Jefferson County March 10, 2005 Improvements to the state highway system have not been approved by the appropriate review agencies. We understand that the improvements will be considered as part of the System Level Feasibility Study. We need to be assured that the traffic mitigation plan is feasible and will be approved by the appropriate agencies before Jefferson County will feel comfortable with the results. • Improvements are very comprehensive and will require a significant amount of construction time-after shown feasible and approved. We need to be assured that improvements are in place to mitigate traffic impacts of proposed developments prior to opening. • 32nd Avenue from Cabela Drive to Youngfield Street is the gateway to the unincorporated Jefferson County communities west of Interstate 70. This segment is of grave concern to us and must be carefully evaluated so that we can assure that traffic conditions will not deteriorate because of proposed development traffic. • Improvements should discourage the use of 32"d Avenue through the Applewood community. Jefferson County would like the development team to review the possibility of realignment of 32nd Avenue/Cabela Drive intersection so that traffic to/from Interstate 70 is directed to Cabala Drive. • In the past, Jefferson County in conjunction with Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, Coors and the City of Wheat Ridge developed a regional plan for drainage. Through this process, Coors was adamant the current Applewood Golf Course not be part of the solution because of future land development opportunities. We encourage Felsburg Holt and Ullevig consider a land use other than golf course. Our staff will be happy to work with the consultants to develop a land use scenario for consideration. • The proposed zoning of the entire project is approximately twice the level of development that is shown in the traffic study. There are no guarantees that the land will not be developed to the zoning. Therefore, traffic should be the limiting factor to the development on the site and some mechanism within the City of Wheat Ridge process should guarantee this nexus. Improvement of the McIntyre/frontage road intersection should have additional spacing between the ramps and the intersection. We are very concerned with the proposed traffic circle in close proximity of both intersections and the high truck traffic that must travel through these intersections. Please consider other design options. Specific Traffic Impact Study Comments Jefferson County, Highways & Transportation February 23, 2005 1. Figure 3, Page 7. Daily traffic volumes for 32"d Avenue should be shown east of and west of Eldridge Street. These volumes should be shown on all related traffic volume figures. 2. Table 1, Page 11. Traffic study uses reduced trip generation rates for the Cabela's development based on the specific trip making characteristics of typical Cabela's stores. Information should be provided to support these trip generation rates. 3. Page 33, Figure 17. Study indicates a fairly substantial redirection of traffic from 32"d Avenue to the new Cabala Drive intersection of approximately 20 percent. This combined with redirection of traffic associated with new 170/SH58 ramps results in a substantial decrease in traffic on 32nd Avenue even with the future development traffic. Will the segment of 32nd Avenue from Cabala Drive to Youngfield Street still operate at acceptable levels of service if a smaller amount of traffic is diverted to Cabala Drive or if the planned 170/SH58 ramps are not constructed? 4. Figures 22, 23 on pages 40, 41. Individual levels-of-service for movements at the signalized intersections should be shown. This note applies to all figures that show signalized intersection levels-of-service. In addition, theoretical and actual application of signal timing plans are not always the same. We are extremely concerned with the assumptions for signal timing at the 32nd Ave/1-70 interchange and with the 32"dNoungfield intersection. The intersections are so closely spaced that small changes in the timing plan and/or traffic demand will easily cause the entire area to fail. 5. Figure 26, page 48. Level of service C is depicted for the intersection of 44th Avenue/Ward Street in the future with development traffic. Existing level of service is F and there are no improvements specific to this intersection. 6. Section E, page 57. There is a detailed discussion of the impacts to 32nd Avenue and it shows that traffic volumes will be lower in 2025 than they are today even with typical growth and project traffic. The lower volumes are due to redirection of traffic to the 170/SH58 ramps and to Cabala Drive. This analysis should be very carefully reviewed as it will be scrutinized by the public. Specifically 140 of 830 (17%) are diverted to the EB SH58/WB 170 ramp in 2007 and 380 of 1,120 (34%) are diverted to the new ramps in 2025. In addition to this, 160 of the 790 (20%) is shifted to Cabala Drive in 2007. 7. Page 60. A two-lane roundabout is recommended at the McIntyre St/SH 58 eastbound ramps/Cabela Drive intersection. This should be very carefully considered given the high number of trucks associated with Coors and the 44th Avenue industrial area that use the intersection. 8. Proposed improvements at the 32nd Avenue/Alkire Street intersection should consider traffic safety for school-aged pedestrians associated with Maple Grove Elementary School and the Manning School. Board of CountyCommiss loners Jim Congrove District No. 1 J. Kevin McCasky District No.2 Dave Auburn District No. 3 March 30, 2005 Alan C. White, Director Community Development Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. White: Thank you for the referral on the CabeWs Interim Official Outline Development Plan, Final Official Development Plan, Final Development Plan and Subdivison Filing no. 1- Case Number WZ-05-01/WS-05-01. As you know, Jefferson County remains concerned about the traffic impacts of the proposed rezoning. We are also concerned about the potential impacts from some of the proposed uses on the pre-existing homes in unincorporated Jefferson County. Also, many of the development standards do not adequately mitigate impacts on the residential uses and the Clear Creek Trail. See attached for specific comments. If revisions are made to any of the items sent on referral, please send it to Jefferson County for review prior to the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and City Council Hearings. Please contact me at 303-271-8475 if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, - 0J Tim Carl Director of Planning and Zoning Cc: Nanette Neelan, Jefferson County Mike Palumbo, Project One Mark Kieffer, Norris Dullea 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80419 (303) 279-6511 http://jeffco.us N Jefferson County Referral Responses Interim Official Outline Development Plan: °O na9° No comments Final Official Outline Development Plan: Uses - The new Coors Water Storage lake (Coors Parcel 1 as shown on the Official Outline Development Plan page 3) is proposed to be zoned for commercial uses as well as water storage. Jefferson County would prefer this use area be zoned for water storage and recreational uses only. Development of this area as commercial would have a direct impact on several unincorporated residences. - The following proposed uses are not appropriate in Restaurant Parcel 3 (cont) (as shown on the Official Outline Development Plan page 3) as it is directly adjacent to residential uses: boat, recreational vehicle and trailer sales, rental and service; outdoor flea markets; outdoor displays and sales; taxidermy services and supplies; ambulance services; amusement parks; automobile and light-duty truck sales and rental; boat, recreation vehicle and trailer sales, rentals and service; Building contractor's service shop and storage yard incidental to an office/showroom principal use; Cabinet and woodworking shops; Butcher shops and food lockers; Car wash, automatic or coin operated; cold storage plant; commercial machine shops; Eating establishments, drive through; Equipment rental agencies; Farm equipment sales, service, and storage; Ice Plants; Lumber yards and building supply stores; Manufacturing, processing, assembly, or light industrial operations; Mobile or modular homes or building sales; Mortuaries and crematories; motor fueling stations; motorcycle sales and service; Outdoor amusement facilities; Pawn shops; RV, boat, trailer and travel trailer storage; Stone cuffing or polishing works; Substance abuse clinics; Taverns, night clubs, lounges, private clubs and bars; Temporary Christmas tree, produce and bedding plant sales lots; Warehousing and outside storage; and Woodworking or carpentry shops for the making of articles for sale on the premises, such as cabinets or custom framing. - Please clarify that Principal Use H allows for an accessory use of outside kennels and runs and crematories in the event that it is necessary to relocate the animal shelter in Wheat Ridge. Kennels and cremation for animals are not listed as a permitted uses on the ODP, NC, RC, C-1, or C-2. - Does Cabela's, or any of the potential stores, have a corporate policy of allowing overnight stays in the parking lot? If so, the ODP should specify that overnight stays should not occur near the existing residential uses. Jefferson County Referral Responses N ° q4' G Development Standards aA9o - Parcel numbering needs to be corrected- it should be consistent between all documents. Parcels 5, 6, and 7 are not labeled on the ODP, yet there are setbacks stated in the development standards. - In the event that the right-of-way along the north property line between the Cabela's and the TMAC is not vacated, the side and rear setbacks should be increased by 20 feet to allow a buffer from the roadway and the new structure. - The building setback for uses adjacent to existing residential uses should be 50 feet. A 30 foot setback for parking or drive areas should be established. A 6 foot buffer as permitted in 26-502E is not sufficient. - Additional setbacks should be provided for Coors Parcel 3 and Coors Parcel 2B to allow solar access to the Clear Creek trail. A fifty foot building will create ice build up on the trail, especially from Coors Parcel 3. Four sided architecture should be required (rather that encouraged) for areas adjacent to existing residential uses and existing or new trails. Screening of trash dumpsters should be required. Reflective glass should be prohibited, especially in areas adjacent to roadways, existing residential uses and existing or new trails. Lighting standards should be stricter in areas adjacent to existing residential uses. The placement of signs should not be visible from existing residential uses. There should be a six foot setback for any solid fencing along existing or new trails to allow solar access. Landscape standards are not sufficient to buffer existing residential and trails uses. - Roof mounted mechanical equipment should be screen in areas adjacent to the existing residential uses. The elevation of the proposed pad sites are below the existing homes. N Jefferson County Referral Responses e Final Development Plan Lot 7, Water Storage Facility °O RAa° - Is there enough room between the fence and the south property line for a trail? Jefferson County would like to explore the option for a secondary trail connection from 32nd Avenue. What type of fence is proposed? What is proposed to mitigation sound from the pump house. Future recreational users and existing residential uses may be affected by the pump house sound. The wall mounted light at the maintenance facility should not be directed towards the residential area. Final Development Plan Cabela's - It appears that a portion of the drive area or curb extends into the 20' roadway and ditch/utility easement along the north side of the property. If the roadway is not vacated, the drive area should be relocated outside the easement. Area 4 shows an access onto the new road under 40th Avenue. Is there enough distance between the frontage road/underpass intersection and this proposed access? - What type of mosquito and erosion control measures will be undertaken for the detention pond adjacent to the animal shelter? Will there be fencing along the northern property line? Will the existing fencing be removed? Subdivision Filing No. 1 - CDOT may require additional right-of-way from Lot 10. to Cabela's/ Coors Water Storage Facility Revised plant list Common Hackberry Celtis occidentalis Mancana Ash Fraxinus manshurica Lanceleaf Cottonwood Populus acuminata Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor Colorado Blue Spruce Austrian pine Concolor fir Picea pungens Pinus nigra Abies concoior Omit all evergreen shrubs, perennials, and grasses. 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 May 9, 2005 Neil Jaquet Director of Real Estate and Water Resources Coors Brewing Co. P.O. Box 4030 Golden, CO 80401 Dear Mr. Jaquet: The City of Wheat Ridge At its meeting of April 7, 2005, the Planning Commission has recommended APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-02, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32nd Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The Final Development Plan is consistent with the Outline Development Plan. 2. The Final Development Plan meets the criteria in Article III of the Code of Laws. There was a recommendation that the applicant review the vegetation they are presently planning to place in the area around the retention pond, and not plant any vegetation that would tend to act as a detriment to surrounding land or structures. Your request for final development plan approval is scheduled for public hearing before City Council at 7:00 p.m. on May 23, 2005. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 4 a-zel Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Minutes 6. PUBLIC FORUM Flora Andrus 4790 Easley Road, Golden Ms. Andrus is with the Fairmont Improvement Association and Prospect Recreation and Park District. She expressed appreciation to the Planning Commission for its consideration during a previous hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. She was disappointed that City Council did not follow Planning Commission's recommendations. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-05-01: An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc. & Coors Brewing Co. to establish zoning of Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an Outline Development Plan for land previously annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge generally located west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32nd Avenue. B. Case No. WZ-05-02: An application filed by Coors Brewing Co. for approval of a Final Development Plan for land previously annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge generally located west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32nd Avenue. C. Case No. WZ-05-04: An application filed by the City of Wheat Ridge to establish zoning for a portion of State Highway 58 right-of-way lying generally between McIntyre Street and I-70. These cases were presented by Travis Crane. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the cases. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of all three cases for reasons outlined in the staff report. Mr. Crane submitted a letter into the record from Otten, Johnson, Robinson, Neff and Ragonetti requesting that the PCD Zoning, the ODP and FDP not be approved at this time. Jerry Dahl advised the Commission that upon his review of the letter, he could find no issues that would preclude the Commission from hearing and acting on the cases at this time. Commissioner BRINKMAN inquired about Jefferson County postings on the subject property. Alan White explained that the County had postponed these hearings. Commissioner SCEZNEY asked about development of parcel 2 and asked if a soils study was done. Alan White stated a geotechnical report was submitted as part of the grading plan and approved by the city's engineering staff. in response to a question from Commissioner McMIL.LIN, Travis Crane explained that the Comprehensive Plan designates the subject areas as Community Commercial and Business Park. Planning Commission Page 2 April 7, 2005 Dennis Armstrong Cabela's Mr. Armstrong was sworn in by Chair MCMILLIN. He stated that, because of concern expressed about traffic, it was decided to ask for this interim Outline Development Plan to give more time to address traffic issues. Cabela's is presently working with CDOT on the 1601 study which acted on by the State Transportation Commission at a later date. Several meetings will be held to receive public input. A telephone hotline and a website have been also been established to answer citizens' questions. Lynda McNeive Brownstein, Hyatt and Farber Ms. McNeive was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She stated that a change in character has occurred because of the recent annexation to Wheat Ridge and the Colorado Mills project. A portion of the property was used for gravel mining which is now depleted and it is time for a reclamation plan. To make the property useful for any purpose it is necessary to do the grading. There would be a great economic benefit to the community in making an unusable piece of property usable for future development. Cabela's has also met all criteria contained in the city code. Dennis Armstrong gave a brief update of traffic study process. A traffic impact study has been completed and available for public review for some time. Meetings are being held with CDOT to complete the 1601 process. When this is complete, a more detailed final development plan proposal can be presented to the city. Regarding the special use permit, two neighborhood meetings have been held with neighbors adjacent to the site. Neil Jaquet Director of Real Estate and Water Resources Coors Brewing Co. Mr. Jaquet was sworn in by Chair MIME-LIN. The subject property contained a gravel mining operation which has now ceased and the reclamation permit was turned over to Coors for water storage. Water for this reservoir will come from existing reservoirs. Because it is lower than Clear Creek water will be pumped into and out of the reservoir. In response to an earlier question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, he explained that there will be a boat ramp to provide for maintenance of aerators and water quality management. The reservoir area is 28 acres of which 20 will be water surface. The deepest point will be approximately 70 feet and contain 800 acre feet of water. The limited recreation referred to would be nonpublic... limited to a small amount of private (employee) use by permit. The perimeter of the reservoir would be planted with dry land type grasses with drip irrigated trees and shrubs. The eastern shoreline will be rip rapped. Commissioner CHILVERS stated that landscaping should provide a pleasing look to surrounding properties. He expressed concern about the applicant's landscaping plan in that some of the proposed plants would not survive in the wet area. The type of cottonwood suggested is very invasive. There's another cottonwood that would work better. He requested that applicant plant only vegetation that can survive and not plant any invasive species. Planning Commission Page 3 April 7, 2005 Mr. Jaquet replied that he would take those comments into consideration and work with the planning staff to make appropriate changes. Commissioner BRINKMAN requested that the applicant make sure there is ample room for parking for the boat ramp and recreation area. Commissioner SZECNEY asked about plans for mosquito control. Mr. Jaquet explained that state regulations require that no groundwater may mingle with reservoir water. Drains will prevent groundwater from entering the lake and will also cause the groundwater to exit area. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked what provisions have been made to accommodate a 100- year flood event. Mr. Jaquet explained that there will be a Swale through which floodwaters would eventually reach Clear Creek. Frank Wilde 9505 West 44th Avenue Mr. Wilde was swom in by Chair MCMILLIN. He spoke in favor of the application. He is a local business owner and believes Cabela's would provide a great economic boost for the area. Brent Lane 2183 Creighton Drive, Golden Mr. Lane was sworn in by Chair MCMILLIN. He agreed with Mr. Wilde's comments. He did express concern about decreased property values from the increased traffic. He asked for the city's utmost due diligence in planning traffic around the development. Kate Newman Jefferson County Planning Department Ms. Newman was sworn in by Chair MCMILLIN. She is a planner for Jefferson County and stated that the County is supportive of the economic benefits from the proposed project. However, she expressed concern about traffic impacts on Jefferson County residents and believed the interim zoning would allow grading and preparation of commercial pad sites which entitles future use of the property without an approved traffic plan. She stated the traffic study has not shown evidence that traffic can be addressed realistically. She requested that only the water storage issue be permitted at this time. She submitted a copy of her comments and a letter detailing the County's traffic concerns. She asked for clarification that Jeffco's referral comments on the final water storage FDP had been supplied to the Commission. In regard to Commissioner BRINKMAN's questions about vacation of right-of-way, Ms. Newman stated that the vacation would be delayed until such time as the 1601 process is concluded and traffic alternatives have been studied. Commissioner MCM]LLIN asked if this application allows for the grading of commercial pad sites. Alan White stated that it only provides for grading to fill in an area that has been mined in the past and provide a level surface. Final grading including preparing the site for final drainage is not being done. Commissioner CHILVERS commented that traffic concerns are not being considered this evening and will be addressed at future meetings. Planning Commission Page 4 April 7, 2005 Commissioner WESLEY asked about the County's referral comments. Travis Crane replied that the referral was received and a synopsis is contained in the Commissioners' staff report. Darlene Galloway 2110 Applewood Drive, Lakewood Ms. Galloway was sworn in by Chair MCMILLIN. She is on the Board of the Applewood Valley Association. She expressed concern that the process has not been correctly followed because neighborhood notification was inadequate. She submitted a letter into the record from Nancy Sells, 3400 Braun Court, that stated she was not notified of the neighborhood meeting of November 30, 2004. Her letter further indicated that her neighbors did not receive notification. In addition, Ms. Galloway stated that no one from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Administrator or the Planning and Zoning Department received notice of the meeting. Travis Crane commented that he has been in contact with Ms. Sells throughout this process and she has been notified of meetings. He also stated that records indicate Jefferson County was provided notice of the neighborhood meeting. John Villachica 9695 West Un' Avenue, Wheat Ridge Mr. Villachica was sworn in by Chair MCMILLIN. He spoke in favor of the application. As a business owner in Wheat Ridge he believes the Cabela's project will provide a much needed boost for the economy as well improvement to the quality of life in Wheat Ridge. Cabela's will provide many jobs including jobs for teens. He expressed concern about traffic issues where teenagers have to drive across town via I-70 and C-470 to reach their places employment. He has spoken with over a hundred small business owners who share his support of Cabela's. Barbara Barry Applewood Valley Association PO Box 25, Golden Ms. Barry was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. She stated that she is not opposed to Cabela's. She submitted into the record a copy of the official development plan for this area as approved by Jeffco in 1973. She asked that the requested zoning not take place until all traffic studies are complete. She suggested that the Commission recommend a condition to change the application to Planned Development Industrial and Agricultural District. Gerald Dahl commented that the requested zoning, if approved, would not give entitlements to other uses and zone districts not contained in this application. Commissioner McMIL.LIN clarified that this rezone would not give a vested right for commercial development. An ODP amendment would be required for development. Jan McQuade-Sturm Applewood Valley Association PO Box 25, Golden Ms. McQuade-Sturm was sworn in by Chair McMII.LIN. She expressed concern that, once zoned, the owner would have use by right. Before zoning can be approved, the city needs to planning Commission . Page 5 April 7, 2005 find that adequate infrastructure is present or will be provided for the planned purpose. The staff report said there would be no impact on present infrastructure by this change in zone and limited uses allowed. Infrastructure is not present for a commercial business park. She also requested that the zoning be changed to Planned Development Industrial and Agricultural District similar to the 1973 designations. She submitted a letter into the record from Cabela's attorneys, Brownstein, Hyatt and Farver to Tom Norton, Director of CDOT, stating in part "While Cabela's understands that many in the region hope the proposed project will be a catalyst for solutions to longstanding traffic problems, the project cannot and should not be expected to financially support the entire regional traffic infrastructure improvements established by the 1601 Study. " jean Osborne 1221 Wells Street, Golden Ms. Osborne was swom in by Chair MCMILLIN. She is President of the Daniels Welchester Homeowners Association. She expressed concern that this zoning request is premature. She agreed that Cabela's would present an economic asset to the area, but the impact would be placed on the unincorporated area of Jefferson County surrounding the proposed development. She believed the proposed zoning would give Cabela's the go-ahead to develop without fully addressing their impact on the surrounding neighborhood. She requested a zoning of Industrial and Agricultural and then Cabela's could come back at a later date for rezoning when they have everything in place. Chair McMIL.LIN asked if there were others who wished to address these cases. There was no response. (The meeting was recessed from 9:00 p.m. to 9:12 p.m.) Commissioner BRINKMAN asked Mr. Armstrong if he contacted the city to obtain a list of homeowners residing within the 600-foot limit for notification of neighborhood meetings. Mr. Armstrong replied that he did obtain the names and notified those people of the neighborhood meeting. At the request of Commissioner McMILLIN, Alan White reviewed the differences between commercial zoning and planned commercial development. Commissioner McMMLIN asked Mr. Armstrong to address the zoning issues. Mr. Armstrong stated that it is necessary to put zoning in place 90 days after annexation. This is part of a process to put their project together but would not give Cabela's the right to develop a retail complex. Traffic and other issues will be addressed at a later date. Chris Zenisek Brownstein Hyatt & Farber Mr. Zenisek was sworn in by Chair MCMIUIN. He stated that the rezoning and ODP would not prejudge future land uses not contemplated by this submittal. Planning Commission Page 6 April 7, 2005 Commissioner WESLEY expressed appreciation to members of the public who attended the meeting to express their opinions. He stated that there seems to be general agreement that a Cabela's development would be good for the economy with major concerns being traffic impact. He believed the applicant has taken a proactive step to address citizen concerns by slowing the process and requesting an interim ODP and inviting citizen participation. Chair McMIL.LIN reminded those present that the most critical issues will be addressed at a future time and he was assured that approval of the application tonight would not be prejudging the situation. It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-05-01, a request for approval of an establishment of Planned Commercial Development zoning for properties located west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 3rd Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zoning meets the criteria of Code Section 26-112.D. 2. The proposed zoning and interim ODP fulfills the State requirement that the annexed property must be zoned within 90 days. 3. The zone designation is consistent with the future land use map in the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The uses and the requirement to obtain a special use permit for any excavation or fill activity will minimize any adverse impacts to the surrounding area. 5. There has been a change in character in the area as evidenced by the annexation of the property to the city and the commercial development to the south and the industrial development to the north. 6. The change in zone is compatible with Planned Development zoning to the north, east and south. 7. There is a physical benefit to the change of the zoning resulting from the reclamation of the former gravel mine site. The motion passed 7-0. It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-05-02, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32°d Avenue, for the following reasons: 1. The Final Development Plan is consistent with the Outline Development Plan. 2. The Final Development Plan meets the criteria in Article III of the Code of Laws. Commissioner WFSL.EY offered the following friendly amendment which was accepted by Commissioner PLUMMER: With a recommendation that the applicant review the vegetation they are presently planning to place in the area around the retention pond, and not plant any vegetation that would tend to act as a detriment to surrounding land or structures. The amended motion passed 7-0. Planning Commission Page 7 April 7, 2005 It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-05-04, a request for approval of an establishment of zoning for Highway 58 and associated right-of-way located west of 1-70 and east of Eldridge Street, for the following reasons: 1. Colorado State statute requires that for all property annexed by a municipality, zoning must be established within 90 days. 2. The A-1 zone designation is consistent with the zoning designation of I-70. 3. The zoning will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare. 4. There are no impacts to infrastructure as a result of the zoning. The motion passed 7-0. 8. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner WESLEY renewed his earlier request for a traffic study on 32"d between Wadsworth and Kipling. It seems to have more relevance at this point since 32 ad Avenue is a direct cut-through from downtown Denver out past I-70. 9. NEW BUSINESS • Commissioner PLUMMER and Commissioner BRINKMAN announced that they would not be present at the May 5 Planning Commission meeting. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 11. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee and department reports. 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY to adioura the meeting at 9:40 p.m. The motion passed 7-0. Planning Commission April 7, 2005 Ann Lazzeri, ording tary Page 8 Board of County Commissioners Jim Congrove District No. 1 J. Kevin McCasky District No. 2 Dave Auburn District No. 3 Travis Crane, Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29`a Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 800033 Dear Mr. Crane: April 12, 2005 ~ ~ (Sias I would like to address two issues that arose at the Planning Commission hearing on April 7, 2005. First, the county requests, as we have in the past, that the City's notification of community meetings and upcoming hearings always include a cc: to Nanette Neelan, Assistant County Administrator. If there is a standard referral process, Nanette has had specific discussions with Alan White to continue with the standard process and just cc: her. These official notifications are being sent to 100 Jefferson County Parkway- no person, or department is listed (see attached example). With more than 2200 employees and 50 divisions/departments, it is difficult to ensure the notification will arrive in a timely manner, or be forwarded to the right person. Although the county did not raise the lack of notification issue at the hearing, you stated that the county received notice and "chose" not to attend the neighborhood meeting. We have no record in our master file of being sent the notification. Therefore, the notification did not go to Nanette and the "choice" to attend the neighborhood meeting may not have been the County's. Once again, we want to reiterate- the County has asked several times that all notifications and information for this project be sent to Nanette Neelan. I believe that future notification problems can be avoided if all notices and correspondence regarding this project are sent, or copied, to Nanette Neelan. Second, I feel the Jefferson County's referral comments should have been provided to the Planning Commission for consideration. I disagree that the staff report, as you stated, summarized Jefferson County's comments. In fact, the staff report implies that the County did not comment. While no specific comments were provided on the Interim Official Development Plan, several comments were provided on the Coors water storage Final Development Plan. To disregard the county's comments, and once again imply, that the county chose not to respond was misrepresentative. 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 60419 (303) 279-6511 http://jeffco.us I hope that these two issues can be resolved and that we will continue to work cooperatively on this project. I can be reached at 303-271-8735 to discuss further or feel free to contact Nanette Neelan directly at 303-271-8475. Sincerely, Kate Newman, Planner Jefferson County Attached: notification example CC: Board of County Commissioners Patrick Thompson, County Administrator Nanette Neelan, Assistant County Administrator Alan White, Community Development Director Randy Young, City Manager CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE NOTICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING THE COORS BREWING COMPANY IN CONJUNCTION WITH CABELA'S RETAIL INC., ARE PROPOSING A MAJOR EXCAVATION AND FILL PROJECT ON A PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH AND SOUTH OF CLEAR CREEK AND WEST OF I-70. WHEN: April 13th, 2005 AT 7 P.M. WHERE: THE MANNING SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 13200 W. 32"' AVENUE - GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 DETAILS: THE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF AMENDING AN EXISTING SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A MAJOR EXCAVATION PROJECT INVOLVING THE REMOVAL AND PLACEMENT OF OVER 20,000 CUBIC YARDS OF MATERIAL NORTH OF CLEAR CREEK. IN ADDITION TO THIS EXPANDED PERMIT NORTH OF CLEAR CREEK, THE APPLICANTS ARE REQUESTING MODIFICATION OF THE SETBACKS ON THE WEST, NORTH AND EAST PROPERTY LINES OF THE EXISTING SPECIAL USE PERMIT SOUTH OF CLEAR CREEK TO REDUCE SETBACKS TO ZERO FEET. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a requirement that prior to any application for a Special Use Permit an applicant must notify all residents and property owners within 600 feet and invite them to a Neighborhood Input Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant to present its proposal to the neighborhood and to give the neighborhood a forum to express their concerns, issues and desires. A Staff Planner will attend the meeting to discuss City policies and regulations and the process involved, however, the Planner will remain impartial regarding viability of the project. The kinds of concerns residents normally have include the following: • What is the nature of this request? • What is the impact of this construction material movement on our streets? • How will the proposals affect my property? • Where will the storm drainage go? • What specific changes can be made in the proposal to make it more acceptable to me? Please Note: This meeting will focus only on the impact of the specific removal and placement of construction fill on the property, such as how trucks will be using public streets to remove or import fill to the property. The potential traffic impacts and improvements associated with the overall development of this property are being addressed separately through the City of Wheat Ridge and the Colorado Department of Transportation. The next public meeting concerning ongoing traffic studies is scheduled for Thursday, April 21 from 4 to 8PM at the Denver West Marriott. For complete information on the Cabela's development please visit www.CABWheatRidge.com or call its community information line at (303) 376-8394. If you have any questions about this notice and the focus of this Special Use Permit, please call the Community Development Department at: (303) 235-2846. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail comments or concerns to: City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 of WHEAT V m CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: Travis Crane CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-05-02/Coors DATE OF MEETING: April 7, 2005 ACTION REQUESTED: A request for approval of a Final Development Plan. LOCATION OF REQUEST: Parcels of land west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32°d Avenue APPLICANT (S): Coors Brewing Company OWNER (S): same APPROXIMATE AREA: 28.62 acres PRESENT ZONING: Pending COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Community Commercial (CC) ENTER INTO RECORD: ( ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION ( ) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Jurisdiction All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST Coors Brewing Company is requesting approval of a Final Development Plan (Exhibit 1, Letter of Request). The property is located within parcels of land recently annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge, located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32nd Avenue. The property is approximately 28.62 acres in size. IL CASE ANALYSIS The property was annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge on February 28th along with an additional 169 acres of land west of I-70 between highway 58 and West 32nd Avenue. This particular portion of property is owned by Coors Brewing Company. The applicant wishes to construct a new water storage facility on the subject parcel. Water storage is an allowed use on the Outline Development Plan. III. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Final Development Plan shows the development of the water storage facility (Exhibit 2, FDP). There are no criteria for review with Final Development Plans, as would be found with rezoning requests. The Final Development Plan must be consistent with the approved Outline Development Plan and comply with the established development standards. The following chart details the requirements of the ODP, and the provided standards in the FDP. Development Standard Requirement Provided Building Coverage 400 square feet 400 square feet Building Height 25 feet maximum 10 feet Setbacks Front - 50 feet Front - 60 feet Side & Rear - 10 feet Side 100 feet (west) and 670 feet (east) Rear -1,170 feet Landscaping Minimum 20 % of lot - 34.3% of lot specific quantities as shown on the FDP See Section 26-502 for additional requirements Exterior Lighting See Section 26-503 of the Complies with Sec. 26-503 Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Parking One parking area identified on One parking area identified for the FDP- for occasional occasional parking of parking of maintenance maintenance vehicles only vehicles only Fencing Maximum 6 feet in all areas - 6 foot chain link fence no barbed wire allowed Access One access point has been provided from the north. This access point will be gated, and not accessible to the general public. The access point is provided for maintenance vehicles. There is a small parking area located adjacent to the pump house. IV. AGENCY REFERRALS The proposal was referred to all adjacent jurisdictions. The Community Development Department did receive comments regarding the water storage facility from Jefferson County. The referral inquired about the possibility of a pedestrian trail around the perimeter of the water storage facility. The applicants have stated that for security and liability purposes, this would not be a viable option. The Jefferson County referral also inquired about noise and light generated from the pump house, in respect to the adjacent residential properties. Given that the pump house is over 1,110 feet away from the closest residential property, these items should not have any impact. V. STAFF CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDED MOTION (S): Staff concludes that the proposed Final Development Plan is consistent with the Outline Development Plan and complies with the established development standards. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-02. OPTION A: "I move to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-05-02, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of W. 32nd Avenue, for the following reasons: The Final Development Plan is consistent with the Outline Development Plan. 2. The Final Development Plan meets the criteria in Article III of the Code of Laws. OPTION B: "I move to recommend denial of Case No. WZ-05-02, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located generally west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of W. 32nd Avenue, for the following reasons: Coors Brewing Company Golden, Colorado 80401-0030 January 31, 2005 Alan White, Director Community Development Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Subject: Final Development Plan - Letter of Request Dear Mr. White, This Letter of Request is submitted to you as part of the Final Development Plan (FDP) for Lot 7 of the Cabela's / Coors Subdivision No. 1, located north of 32nd Avenue and west of the Youngfield Service Road. The ODP for this subdivision is being submitted simultaneously with the attached FDP materials. Lot Twill be used for untreated, raw water storage and limited-access, private recreation. The reservoir will be created by excavation of material in the Denver Formation bedrock, common throughout the Denver area. The excavated material will be used for mass grading of several adjacent lots within the Cabela's / Coors Subdivision.No. 1. This excavation is within an area which is part of a pending annexation process and Special Use Permit application before the City of Wheat Ridge. The proposed reservoir, which we are calling Lake B-5, will sit on the Coors-owned 28.617-acre Lot 7 of the subdivision. The lot lines, reservoir configuration, landscaping, fencing and minor building details are depicted on the attached drawings, submitted as part of FDP application, prepared by Graywolf Studios. The reservoir will hold water stored under a variety of decreed water storage and augmented water rights owned by Coors Brewing Company. The reservoir will have a maximum capacity of about 800 acre-feet, with a normal water surface elevation of 5447 and water depth up to about 70 feet. Reservoir side slopes below the normal water line will be 3:1. Water to fill the reservoir will flow through existing Clear Creek surface water diversion and carriage structures, and reservoirs located on Coors property, extending west from Lot 7 for nearly 4 miles. Uses within Lot 7 will be primarily for untreated, raw water storage. The reservoir will be lined and equipped with perimeter interceptor drains to exclude tributary water from entering the reservoir and commingling with our decreed water rights. As a water storage reservoir, the water surface may vary in elevation during certain times of the year and n-A EXHIBIT 1 from year to year, depending upon the availability of water rights to replenish the lake or uses made of the water. We anticipate the reservoir will contain an aeration system to manage water quality. While Lot 7 is about 28.6 acres, the reservoir surface will be about 20 acres, leaving an area of various widths between the water surface and boundary of Lot 7. The perimeter uses will include an unpaved service road, slopes of about 4:1 transitioning from perimeter roadway downward to the water surface. The perimeter will contain drip irrigated tree and shrub materials along with dry land grasses and shrubs. The eastern shore line will be treated with rock riprap to prevent erosion. A flood channel will be constructed along the western perimeter to accommodate offsite, regional storm water flows. The only structure will be a small (less than 400 square feet) maintenance building located in the northwest corner of the lot. Access to the reservoir will be through adjacent Coors-owned property located west and north of Lot 7. We anticipate there will be a limited amount of private, access-controlled, recreational use made of the reservoir water surface and surrounding perimeter. Access will be through a limited "beach area" along the north shore, with more gradual slopes than elsewhere around the perimeter. Also, a small, single lane boat ramp will be installed to allow boat access to the reservoir surface for maintenance and limited recreational purposes. Only limited recreation will be allowed on the reservoir because this facility will be "terminal" water storage - the final point of detention just prior to the end use of the water, which will include human consumption. If you have questions, please call me at 303.277.2028. Sincerel e t, Directo ter Resource and Real Estate 7500 West 29th Avenue FAX 303/235-2857 March 24, 2005 Dear Property Owner: The City of Wheat Ridge This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-05-02 which is a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for land previously annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge generally located west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32nd Avenue. This request will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on April 7, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. CdDocumenta and SetdngstathyM9y Documen¢\Kathy\PC"TSTLA GCOMWcnotice@005\waO502wpd 2-05-U~/ C~vrs ~ i t?C-, 707 - - 13 • met=scan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Birdsong Lisa L Parcel :030440 Site :3395 Braun Rd Golden 80401 Xfered :02/01/1985 Mail :3395 Braun Rd Golden Cc 80401 7003 1680 0005 7082 3521 ?0~~. Use : 1112 Res, Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:2.25 TotRm: Y1 :1 7 Pobl~- B1dgSF:2,330- Ac* • MetroScan / Je, ferson (CO) Owner :Salter William J Jr/Beverly J - Parcel :030613 Site :3475 Youngfield Service Rd Golden 80401 xfar.,i •i~/~~/~nnn Mail :3475 Youngfield Service Rd Golden Cc 80401 7003 1680 0005 7082 3538 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land ~nnlie - Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1938 Pool: B1dgSF:2,083 Ac:7.36 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Salt William J Jr/Beverly J Parcel :030613 Site :3475 Y gfield Service -acLGolden 80401 Xfered :12/22/2004 Mail :3475 Youn rvice Rd Golden Cc 80401 Price Use :11 Res,Improve and Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:2.25 Tot YB:1941 Pool: B1dgSF:1,603 Ac:7.36 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Runkel Roxanne Parcel :030625 Site :3415 Alkire Way Golden 80401 .rc..__~ Mail :3415 Alkire Way Golden Co 80401 7003 1680 0005 7082 3545 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land one Bedrm:4 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1931 Pool: B1dgSF:925 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Cummings John C Parcel :077933 Site :3400 Braun Ct Golden 80401 Xfered :07/31/.1997 Marl :3400 Braunct Golden Co 80401 7003 1680 0005 7082 3552 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land ' Bedrm:5 Bath:3.50 TctRm: YB:1979 Pcol:Yes B1dgSF:3,740 Ac:.47 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Peterman William A Jr/Tania M Parcel :077939 ()NC(P)jVVq Site :13505 W 34th Ave Golden 80401 •nil,",_ Mail :13505 W 34th Ave Golden Cc 80401 7003 1680 0005 7082 3569 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land ne . Bedrm:3 Bath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1978 Pool: B1dgSF:2,414 Ac:.31 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) - • Owner :Oehlkers Kenneth Parcel :077935 Site :13525 W 34th Ave Golden 80401 Xfered +>>/~Sto^^^ Mail :13525 w 34th Ave Golden co 80401 7003 1680 0005 7082 3576 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1976 Pool: B1dgSF:2,456 Ac: * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Coors Brewing Company Parcel :082375 Site :14001 W 32nd Ave Golden 80401 XfPrat'] :12/27/1992 Mail :P0 Box 4030 Golden co 80401 7003 1680 0005 7D82 3583 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Molle Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: BldgSF: Ac:153.46 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Cabelas Retail Inc Parcel :201833 Site :3717 Mc Intyre St Golden 80401 7003 168D 0005 7082 3590 Mail :1 Cabela Dr Sidney NE 69160 Use :5179 Misc,Commercial,Mixed Use Land Phone . . ' Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:3 YB:1974 Pool: B1dgSF:29,473 Ac:556.57 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Shaffer Douglas L Parcel :403969 Site :3325 Beech Ct Golden 80401 Xfered :03/lH/lgQR Mail :3325 Beech Ct Golden Co 80401 7003 1680 0005 7082 3606 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1997 Pool: B1dgSF:1,879 Ac: * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Robacker Ronald J Parcel :403970 Site :3335 Beech Ct Golden 80401 7003 1680 0005 7082 3613 Mail :3335 Beech Ct Golden Cc 80401 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:4 Bath:3.00 TotRm: YB:1993 Pool: BldgSF:2,220 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. * meu=0S04 dgj / uca. -cinvaa Owner :Whitfield Robert D Site :3324 Beech Ct Golden 80401 Mail :3324 Beech Ct Golden Cc 80401 \ Use :1112 Res,Improved Land 2:1-9-9-3 Bedrm:6 Bath:3.75 TotRm: Pool: * : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Lund Marguerite L Site :13305 W 33rd P1 Golden 80401 Mail :13305 W 33rd Pl Golden Cc 80401 Use :1155 Vacant,Residential Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: * • MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Applewood Lane Homeowners Association In Site :*no Site Address* Mail :3304 Beech Ct Golden Co 80401. Use :4151 Agr,Home Owner Association Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: (CO) Parcel :403971 Xf-,oA .1n/iC/I nn1 7003 1680 0005 7082 3620 B1dgSF:3,354 Ac: (CO) : Parcel :403989 Vfora f] :09/09/2003 7003 1680 0005 7082 3637 B1dgSF: Ac:.32 CO) Parcel :403990 7003 1680 0005 7082 3644 Phone B1dgSF: Ac:.27 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. Lisa Birdsong William & Beverly Salter Jr. 3395 Braun Rd 3475 Youngfield Service Rd Golden, CO 80401 Golden, CO 80401 Roxanne Runkel John Cummings & Nancy Jean Sells 3415 Alkire Way 3400 Braun Ct Golden, CO 80401 Golden, CO 80401 Kenneth Oehlkers Coors Brewing Company 13525 W 34th Ave PO Box 4030 Golden, CO 80401 Golden, CO 80401 Douglas Shaffer & Patricia Shaffer Ronald Robacker & Cheryl Robacker 3325 Beech Ct 3335 Beech Ct Golden, CO 80401 Golden, CO 80401 Marguerite Lund Applewood Lane Homeowners Association I 13305 W 33rd PI 3304 Beech Ct Golden, CO 80401 Golden, CO 80401 William & Beverly Salter Jr. 3475 Youngfield Service Rd Golden, CO 80401 William & Tania Peterman Jr. 13505 W 34th Ave Golden, CO 80401 Cabelas Retail Inc 1 Cabela Dr Sidney, NE 69160 Robert Whitfield & Maureen Whitfield 3324 Beech Ct Golden, CO 80401 * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 3/24/2005 * 10:55 AM Parcel N=ber...14 39 292 07 001 39 301 01 002 39 301 01 007 39 301 01 025 39 301 01 026 39 301 01 027 39 301 01 028 39 301 01 053 39 301 01 054 39 301 01 055 39 301 01 056 39 302 00 0024-- 39 301 99 001 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on April 7, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29 b Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following case shall be heard: Case No. WZ-05-02: An application filed by Coors Brewing Co. for approval of a Final Development Plan for land previously annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge generally located west of I-70, south of Highway 58 and north of 32nd Avenue and legally described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER QUARTER OF SECTION 30,TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 30, WHENCE THE EAST ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30 LIES S01- 01'50"B ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SAID NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 30, 1320.79. FEET; THENCE S89d10'02"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 30, 259.68 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S89°10'02"W CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 1055.64 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER; THENCE NOO°55'47"W ALONG SAID WEST LINE 1264.50 FEET; THENCE N89°45'43"E, 805.54 FEET TO A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET; THENCE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 71°02'38", SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 371.98 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD OF 348.61 FEET WHICH BEARS S19°13'24"E TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S54°44'42"E, 171.14 FEET; THENCE SOO°49'581'E, 824.49 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 28.617 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6th P.M. BEING A LINE BETWEEN THE EAST ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 30 AS MONUMENTED BY A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS DISK, LS 13212, IN CONCRETE AND A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WITNESS CORNER BEING A 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS DISK, LS 13212., IN CONCRETE LYING 200.00' SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30., AS HAVING A BEARING OF N01001 '50"W PER CITY QF WHEAT RIDGE CONTROL DATUM. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: March 24, 2005 APPLEWOOD SANITATION DISTRICT 2700 Youngfield Street - Suite 208 Lakewood. Colorado 80215-7055 TELEPHONE FAX 303-237-5556 303-238-9368 I F F 7 2005 February 21, 2005 I rr ~ ~ 705 Mr. Travis Crane Community Development Dept. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: WZ-05-01/WS-05-01 Cabela's Retail Facility W. of Hwy. 1-70 at W. 38th Ave., extended Dear Mr. Crane: The referenced site is not presently within Applewood Sanitation District. Discussions have been held with the developer regarding possible inclusion of this site into the District and sanitary sewer service to the proposed activities. No formal petition for inclusion of the site has been received by the District. Inclusion of the site, and provision of service, is dependent upon the ability of the District to provide service. The developer is presently preparing an engineering study to verify available capacity within District facilities. Very truly yours, berg, P.E. . ~Rom Engineer for the District cc: District Office File: A26-119 Page 1 of 1 Alan White From: Joyce Manwaring Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 3:25 PM To: Alan White Subject: cabelas landscape plan The staff has reviewed the landscape plan and the planting list for the Cabela's development and thought it looked okay. The only comment made was regarding the aspens, because they are prone to disease and a short life span relative to other trees, but there are not a great number of them listed for planting. Joyce Manwaring, Director Parks and Recreation 4005 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 231-1308 (303) 231-1350 FAX jmanwaring @ ci.wheatridge.co. us 'Inn nnnc 2~~PNp FLO%COZ a O ~ ~O nTT. i0l`6 Board of Directors Executive Committee Debra Vickrey Chairperson Arapahoe County Vacant Chairperson ProTem Paul Danish Secretary Boulder County Gretchen Cerveny g Treasurer p City of Wheat Ridge Elaine Valente 9 Member at Large a Adams County 5i Members: Carol Boigon City/County of Denver Steve Burkholder City of Lakewood Ncel Busck w City of Thornton a Nadine Caldwell ~ City of Aurora N Ken Fellman 3 $ City of Arvada Douglas Garrett , City of Englewood c & H. Hottmaster >5 Engineer Michelle Lawrence Jefferson County Peggy Lehmann ' City/County of Denver Kathleen MacKenzie v City/County of Denver "d W. Mike Maxwell 9 Douglas County Nancy McNally , City of Westminster Bart Miller City of Centennial n Andrew Moore Town of Erie w Kathleen Novak City of Northglenn w Art Patton Engineer Mark Ruzzin City of Boulder Karen Stuart City/County of Broomfield Guillermo Vidal City'Counry of Denver David W. Lloyd, Executive Director February 9, 2005 Travis Crane, Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Crane: This letter is in response to your request for our comments concerning Case No. WZ-05-01/WS-05-01, Cabela's / Coors Filing No. 1. We appreciate the opportunity to review this proposal. We have reviewed this proposal only as it relates to major drainageways and District master plans, in this case the Clear Creek 100-year floodplain and the master plan, "Applewood Watershed Outfall Systems Planning Study Preliminary Design Report" (OSP) dated November, 2003. We have the following comments to offer: Your referral package did not include any type of drainage study, which obviously makes it more difficult for us to understand the drainage planning that may have gone into this proposal. The 100-year floodplain for Clear Creek does not affect the Cabela's parcel, but could come into play with several of the other parcels, for which no specific information is provided in this referral. The plat implies a crossing of Clear Creek. You should be aware that National Flood Insurance Program regulations require that any development in the floodway that causes any rise in the 100-year water surface profile (meaning any increase greater than 0.00-feet) must obtain a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) from FEMA prior to the beginning of construction. 4. The Applewood OSP, which was jointly prepared by the District and Jefferson County, calls for a storm sewer outfall from the area south of this site passing through this site parallel to an existing sanitary sewer and emptying into Clear flood\bilAwheatridpe Creek just upstream from I-70. None of the referral documents makes any provision for this storm sewer. The January 31, 2005, letter from Coors Brewing Company regarding Lot 7 states that, "A flood channel will be constructed along the western perimeter to accommodate offsite, regional stormwater flows." The grading plan does not show that flood channel. In summary, we would like to see this proposal acknowledge the Applewood OSP and address how offsite stormwater will get through this site to Clear Creek. If you have any questions concerning these comments, please contact me. Sincerely, c Bill DeGroot, P.E. Manager, Floodplain Management Program WGD/mc flood\bill\whean idee ONSOLIDATED mutual water February 9, 2005 Mr. Travis R. Crane, Case Manager City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: City of Wheat Ridge Case Number WZ-05-01 and WS-05-01 for the Proposed Cabela's to be Located at the Northwest Comer of Youngfield Street and West 32nd Avenue Dear Mr. Crane This will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated February 2, 2005 regarding the above referenced property. Please be advised that the above referenced property is in an area served by the Consolidated Mutual Water Company. Domestic water service may be provided to this property subject to compliance with the Company's rules, regulations and requirements for such service. The Company's rules, regulations and requirements further require that each separate structure be served by a separate tap and meter, and in order to receive domestic water service, the property must also front a Company main. Fire protection requirements should be obtained from West Metro Fire Protection and those requirements forwarded to this office by the Fire District at the earliest possible time. We can then determine if additional system improvements would be required to meet the demands set forth by the Fire District. THE CONSOLIDATED MUTUAL WATER COMPANY 12700 West 27th Avenue • PO. Box 150068 • Lakewood, Colondo 80215 Telephone (303)238-0451 • Fu (303)237-5560 Mr. Travis R. Crane, Case Manager City of Wheat Ridge Community Development February 9, 2005 Page 2 If you should have any questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please contact this office. Sincerely 0 Michael E. Queen Executive Vice President /cc cc: David Abbink, Division Chief Fire Marshal; West Metro Fire Protection Walter S. Welton, CMWCo President Greg M. Stroeder, CMWCo Water Distribution Manager John M. Allen, CMWCo Project Engineer Neal A. Santangelo, CMWCo Project Engineer 433 S_ Allison Parkway Lakewood, CO 80226 Bus: (303) 989-4307 Fax: (303) 989-6725 www.westmetrofire.org February 22, 2005 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Attn: Travis R Crane 7500 West 2Wh Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 M Re: WZ-05-0I1WS-05-01, Northwest Comer 32"' Avenue and Youngfield, South of Highway 58, West of I-70, Cabela's Dear Travis: This property is within the West Metro Fire Protection District (WMFPD). Fire service will be provided as long as provisions of the International Fire Code, 2003 edition, including amendments are met in development. Water plan, hydrant locations and access needs to be addressed. The WMFPD will service this property from Station Five, 14055 W. 20th Avenue, Station Two, 1545 Robb Street, and Station Six, 15100 W. 6th Avenue. Units available to respond from the above referenced stations include, two engines, one 65' telesqurt, one medic unit and the hazardous materials unit. Additionally, two 100' elevating towers, three 65' telesqurts, nine engines, one heavy rescue, four wildland units, seven medic units, one safety medical officer and two district chiefs are staffed within the district at all times. Response time to the referenced property is four minutes. The WMFPD has attained an Insurance Service Organizations (ISO) rating of three. The WMFPD has been involved in discussions regarding this property with the Consolidated Mutual Water Company to plan a water supply system to meet the fire flow requirements of the International Fire Code. The WMFPD has amended the International Fire Code, and all occupancies over 3600 square feet are required to have an automatic fire detection system installed. Permits shall be obtained from the fire department for all work on fire detection systems, fire suppression systems and for the storage of hazardous materials. West Metro Fire Protection District "Li7uitnrer It TaL "...To Seine To ensure emergency communication for fire and police buildings over 50,000 square feet may be required to install bi-directional amplification communication equipment. Contact the WMFPD Communication Officer, or visit www.westmetrofire.org for specifications. The WMFPD has no other objections, or concerns to the Rezoning, Outline Development Plan, Final Development Plan and Final Plat for the above referenced property. WMFPD reserves the right to provide additional comments/requirements at the time when plans are submitted and reviewed, per applicable codes and amendments. If you have any questions contact me at 303-9894307 extension 513, or e-mail: dabbinkrwestmetrofire.org. Repp~ectfully~~ David Abbink, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal 2 Board of County Commissioners Jim Congrove District No. 1 J. Kevin McCasky District No. 2 Richard M. Sheehan District No. 3 Alan C. White, Director Community Development Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29 s Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. White, February 24, 2005 to Jefferson County has reviewed the proposed annexation for the Cabela and Slater property. The annexation petition has met all statutory provisions. The property is more than 1/6a' contiguous to the City of Wheat Ridge. There is one error on the Annexation Map in a citation for Parcel 143 along Interstate 70 right of way. The correct Book Number is 1855, not 1955. The annexation will create an enclave around the Table Mountain Animal Shelter and our road and bridge maintenance area. We will continue to work with Wheat Ridge and Cabela's on determining the possibilities for this area. However, if negotiations do not continue, we would be concerned that Jefferson County's land may be annexed into the City of Wheat Ridge. As you know, Jefferson County is very concerned about the traffic impacts of the proposed rezoning. We urge you to continue working with us and the residents of unincorporated Jefferson County to ensure traffic impacts are properly mitigated. Attached is a list of other issues that have come to our attention. We hope that the City of Wheat Ridge will continue to work with Jefferson County to resolve our issues and concerns and would appreciate a written response to our identified issues. If you have any questions about these comments please contact me at 303-271-8475. Sincerely, Nanette Neelan Assistant County Administrator 100 Jefferson County Parkway. Goklen. Colorado 80419 (303) 279-6511 httpAjeflco.us N '~4 OGy~ ANNEXATION AND DEVELOPMENT ISSUES co ~o Annexation Map Error: See letter Traffic: See letter Enclave: See letter Future Annexation: 31-12-107 (6) C.R.S. prohibits the annexation of the area which is the same or substantially the same area in which an election for annexation was held within the preceding twelve months. This provision may effect the timing of any potential annexation of the Jefferson County property. Trails: Continue to work with Jefferson County Open Space to determine the best alignment for and connections from 32°d to the Clear Creek Trail. Grading: All possible dust and erosion control measures should be taken to prevent impacts on the residents of unincorporated Jefferson County. Covenants: The Retail Center Restrictive Covenants contain several use restrictions that appear to prohibit the possible relocation of the Table Mountain Animal Shelter to the area. Article 3, 1.a prohibits uses with obnoxious odors and noise or sound, 1.k prohibits animal raising facilities, and l.r prohibits training or educational facilities. Please provide confirmation that these restrictions will not apply to the property being considered for the relocation. Riparian Areas: A FEMA floodplain is quite extensive on this site. All appropriate regulations should be followed if there will be modification of the floodplain. Also, the northern portion of this property, near Clear Creek, is a mule deer riparian zone and winter concentration area. Historic Structures: Jefferson County Historical Commission's Cultural Resource Survey identifies the Slater House as a significant cultural resource. If the house is to be demolished, the Historical Commission would like to document the house before demolition. Environmental Site Assessment: Please provide the Jefferson County with the completed Phase II Environmental Site Assessment. S "Y °FARVADA February 24, 2005 City of Arvada Community Development Department 8101 Ralston Road Arvada, Colorado 80002 City of Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Comments regarding the property located approximately at the NW comer of 32"d Ave and Youngfield Street (the proposed Cabela's project). Mr. Crane: The City of Arvada Community Development Department is in receipt of the referral for the property, located approximately at the NW corner of 32nd Ave and Youngfield Street (the proposed Cabela's project) 2-FDPs & CDP. A review of the plan has generated the following questions and comments: The Arvada Traffic Engineer, made the following comments: 1. It appears there might be parking issues for large truck/semi parking in area 7 near the end where backing maneuvers are required. 2. The critical intersections have not been fully accounted for. The study needs to include a wider scope to look at the following intersections. a) 32"d Ave. & Simms St. b) 32"d Ave. & Kipling St. c) 32"d Ave & Zinnia St. d) 38 h Ave & Youngfield e) 44`" Ave & McIntyre St. f) 44th Ave & Kipling St. g) I-70 EB on/off ramps & 44th Ave. h) I-70 WB on/off ramps & Ward Rd. 3. The distribution percentages appear to be weak on the west side from SH 58. 4. There is no discussion to indicate that there is sufficient spacing between intersections that appear to be in close proximity. (i.e. SH 58 EB on/off ramps & McIntyre St and Cabela Dr. (SH 58 Frontage Rd) & McIntyre St and I-70 EB on/off ramps & 32"d Ave and Cabela Dr. (SH 58 Frontage Rd/Zinnia St & 32nd Ave). 5. Is the roundabout analysis based on single lane or multi-lane configuration with possible free right by-pass/tum lanes? 6. The corridor analysis on 32nd Ave. should be expanded from McIntyre St to Kipling St. Additional corridors should be looked at as well. (i.e. McIntyre St: 32nd Ave. to 44th Ave. and Youngfield St: 27th Ave. to 44th Ave.). Page 1 of 2 M CITY OF ARVADA We thank you for the opportunity to review and to comment on this project. If you have any questions concerning this matter do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Jason Bradford Community Development Department City of Arvada, Colorado ibradford(cci.arvada.co.us (720) 898-7435 - Phone (720) 898-7437 - Fax Page 2 of 2 Xcei EnergysM PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY February 25, 2005 Siting and Land Rights 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 303.571.7799 Facsimile: 303.571.7 877 CITY OF WNEATRIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE I MAR n 3 7905 WNEATRIDGE, CO 80003 Re: Cabela's / Coors Subdivision #1 (Travis Crane) Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans Cabela's / Coors Subdivision #1. To ensure that adequate utility easements are available within this development, PSCo requests that the following language or plat note, be placed on the preliminary and final plats for the subdivision: Ten-foot (10') wide utility easements are hereby granted on private property adjacent to all public streets, and around the perimeter of each lot in the subdivision or platted area including lots, tracts, parcels and/or open space areas. These easements are dedicated for the installation, maintenance, and replacement of electric, gas, television cable, and telecommunications facilities. Utilities shall also be permitted within any access easements and private streets in the subdivision. Permanent structures and water meters shall not be permitted within said utility easements. PSCo also requests that these utility easements be depicted graphically on the preliminary and final plats. While these easements should accommodate the majority of utilities to be installed in the subdivision, some additional easements may be required as planning and building progresses. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center, at 1.800-922-1987, to have all utilities located prior to construction. If PSCo has existing gas or electric distribution facilities in this area, the developer should contact PSCo's Engineering Department at (303) 425-3811 regarding the use or relocation of these facilities and/or any grading activities on or near these lines. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at 303- 571-7735. Than ou, ath Bauer Contract Right-of-Way Processor NMDCommind 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge 3 March 2005 Mark Kieffer, AICP Norris Dullea 710 West Colfax Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204 RE: Development Review Committee Comments/Cabela's Dear Mr. Kieffer: In their regular meeting on Wednesday, March 2, the Development Review Committee reviewed the Outline and Final Development Plans for the Cabela's and Coors parcels. I provide you the following comments: 1. A planted median will be required for Cabela Drive. This median should extend from the southern edge of the property to the northern entrance to Cabela's. 2. It would be desirable to dedicate a "Coors Parcel 3" (as shown on the Outline Development Plan) to the City of Wheat Ridge. This parcel is largely flood plain property, and as a result, development would be extremely difficult. 3. Pedestrian lights will be required for the entire length of Cabela Drive, from the southern property line to the bridge. 4. Streetscape improvements will be required along Cabela Drive. These improvements include an eight foot wide detached sidewalk, five foot wide irrigated tree lawn, and patterned concrete or brick pedestrian crossings at major entrances. Additional streetscape improvements may include trash receptacles and benches. 5. The Cabela's parking lot does not provide adequate pedestrian connections. It would be desirable to have a couple of walkways that direct customers from their vehicles to the main entrance without using vehicle drive aisles. 6. A pedestrian trail should be established on the property. The trail should start on the south end of the property, winding north and west, eventually connecting to the established Clear Creek trail. It would be optimal to locate the trail between the retail buildings on "Retail Parcel 2" and the "Coors Parcel 1". A general alignment should be shown on the outline Development Plan. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please fell free to give me a call. I can be reached at 303.235.2849. Sincerely, owl'-_ Travis R. Crane Planner 4 Gty of Wheat vase - Departmem of wbsc wogs February 24, 2005 William Willis, P.E. Martin/Martin 12499 West Colfax P.O. Box 151500 Lakewood, CO 80215 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Re: - First Review Comments of the Master Drainage Report, Phase II Drainage Report, ODP, Cabela's FDP, Final Plat, Lot 7 FDP, and Traffic Impact Study for the Cabela's/Coors Property. Dear Mr. Willis, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received on February 1, 2005, and have the following comments: DRAINAGE Master Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. Please correct the last sentence at the bottom of Page 4, "The basin is does not..." 2. Check the third sentence found under the Northern Basins section at the bottom of Page 5, as it needs to be re-written. 3. On Page 6: a. In section F. Open Channel Flow it states that the channel has a slope of 0.4ft/ft, (which is a 2.5:1 slope) and would not fall within the UDFCD guidelines of 0.2-0.6% for grass-lined open channels. Please correct this to reflect 0.0004ft/ft slope for the interceptor channel as found in the Appendix. Also indicate the interceptor channel lining in the discussion. b. In section IV. Conclusions, B. Compliance with Applicable Criteria, in the 2nd sentence it is stated that flow depths in the streets "will not be excessive". Please state what the anticipated flow rates and velocities will be for both the major and minor storm events. Master Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. No comments at this time. Master Drainage Plan 1. No comments at this time. Cabela's Phase 11 Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. Please state all basin and sub-basin areas in Section E. 2. Include the slope(s), flow direction(s), anticipated Q5 & Qtoo, freeboard, and channel lining for the proposed interceptor channel. Also state if a concrete trickle channel is to be employed. 3. In Section F, discuss the proximity of the proposed interceptor channel to the adjoining residences lying to the south of the proposed Coors Storage facility, and any impact the channel may pose to these residences. If a "greenbelt buffer" is to be incorporated into the channel design in this vicinity, a brief statement should be included in the discussion. 4. Describe the culvert mentioned in Section F (e.g., pipe(s) size, box culvert & size, etc.). 5. Include in the discussion for section H. Water Quality Ponds, the volumes required and provided, the WQCV water surface elevations, and proposed release rates for each of the ponds. 6. The City of Wheat Ridge recommends the use of a concrete trickle channel for all ponds, as well as an orifice plate design that allows the trickle channel to completely drain the pond (minimizing the potential for the spread of the West Nile Virus). If trickle channels are to be used, please state this in the Report. 7. Once the WQCV capacity has been reached, discuss the anticipated runoff flow rate, directions, overflow weirs, and any erosion control methods required (e.g., grouted riprap outfall channel, etc.) for the different ponds. 8. Include the anticipated runoff depth and velocity for all roadway(s). 9. Give a description of the proposed storm sewer system, including inlet types, pipe types and sizes, flow directions, and outfall. Cabela's Phase II Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. Include calculations for the flow depths and velocities for roadway(s). 2. Include inlet capacities and depths at the inlets. 3. Include the following items pertaining to open channel flow: a. Roughness coefficient; b. Depths and velocities for both initial and major storms; c. Minimum freeboard; d. Channel protection; e. Hydraulic grade line. 4. Include the following items related to storm sewer structures, pipes, culverts, inlets, etc.: a. Culvert capacity using standard nomography, e.g., Figures CU-9 and CU-10 of the Culvert Chapter in the UDFCD Manual Volume 2. b. Drop Structures and/or energy dissipators, if applicable. Cabela's Phase II Drainage Plan 1. Include a Site Location sketch. 2. Need to clearly identify lot boundaries. 3. Include all street names and the grade(s) for Cabela Drive. 4. Include an additional sheet showing greater detail (40-scale?) forjust the Cabela's and adjoining parcels (zoom in on these parcels) to help clarify the proposed on-site drainage. SURVEYING Outline Development Plan 1. Need to be sure that the North (or South) call to the State Highway 58 in the Legal Description is consistent (Please see the redlined Plan). 2. Please include the seconds symbol for the bearing found in the last line of the Legal Description. Cabela's Final Development Plan 1. The Legal Description shown has numerous inconsistencies when compared to the Final Plat. Please be sure that the FDP Legal Description exactly matches the boundary for Lot 1 as described on the Final Plat. 2. Correct the area to match the Final Plat. 3. Items that shall be included on the Site Plan (Sheet LI): a. The site boundary fully described in bearings and distances (per Final Plat). b. Include the section tie, Point of Commencement, and Point of Beginning found in the Legal Cabdas ,e iewl.ly Description. c. A Surveyor's certification. d. Date, name, and address of the Site Plan preparer. e. All existing and proposed easements, including (but not limited to) drainage, utility, stormwater detention, cross-access, etc. All easements shown shall match those shown on the Final Plat. Final Plat 1. Please correct the typographical errors in the Legal Description. (See redlined Plat). 2. Double-check the area shown in the 1" line of the Legal Description (the metes and bounds as shown is around 178.22 acres). 3. Need to keep the text in the Easement Notes consistent with what is shown on the graphical portion of the Plat. The 100' easement is shown on the graphical portion of the Plat is shown as "100' Drainage and Cross Access Easement". 4. Include the standard City of Wheat Ridge language for platted Stormwater Detention/Retention Easements. (Please see attached sheets). 5. On the graphical portion on Sheets 2-4 please show: a. All ROW dedications as: "Public Right-of-Way Hereby Dedicated by this Plat". b. Need to include all zoning - on-site and for all adjoining properties. c. All proposed easements, e.g., drainage, utility, stormwater detention, sidewalk, cross-access, pedestrian trail, etc. d. All detention ponds areas shall lie completely within Stormwater Detention Easements. The Stormwater Detention Easement boundaries shall be defined by bearings and distances. e. Right-of-Way widths need to be identified on the graphical portion of the Plat. In areas where the ROW is changing, e.g., through areas of curvature, the ROW width can be identified at all PC, PT, and PRC points. f Include the Case History: WZ-05-O1/WS-05-01 in the Case History Box. Lot 7 Final Development Plan 1. A Final Drainage Report will be required for Lot 7. 2. Due to the recent merger should the owner still be shown as Coors Brewing Company, or has this changed to Molson/Coors? 3. In the Legal Description: a. Use the degree symbol instead of the d for the bearings. b. Darken the text of the area so it may be reproducible. c. Correct the typographical error as indicated on the redlined Plan. d. Double-check the distance of 805.54' (along the northerly property line). This is shown as 809.54' on the Final Plat. 3. Include on the Site Plan: a. The 100' Drainage and Cross Access Easement. b. The bearings and distances for the property boundary. c. The Point of Commencement, Point of Beginning, and bearing /distance between them (see redlined Plan). TRAFFIC / ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING COMMENTS This submittal was forwarded to the Engineering Division Manager, Mr. Steve Nguyen, PE., 303-235-2862 for review. Please see the attached memo for Mr. Nguyen's response. CabcW re•.wl.lt Only one copy of each of the above documents was included with the I" submittal. The Public Works Department requires 2 signed and stamped copies of the revised Master Drainage Report/Plan, Cabela's Phase H Drainage Report/Plan, Outline Development Plan, Cabela's Final Development Plan, Lot 7 Final Development Plan, Lot 7 Final Drainage Report, Final Plat, and Traffic Impact Study. Please provide these with the next submittal. NPDES Permit The Federal Clean Water Act implemented by the EPA requires that stormwater discharges from certain types of facilities as part National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) be authorized under stormwater discharge permits. Construction sites that are greater than one (1) acre in size require an NPDES permit. The area of the proposed development is greater than 1 acre and therefore shall comply with NPDES regulations. The NPDES permit for construction activities is issued by the State through the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS), and may be obtained by contacting the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Water Quality Control Division. A copy of the CDPS Permit and Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is to be submitted to the Department of Public Works prior to issuance of Minor Grading/Fill and Building Permits. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Performance Guarantee (Letter of Credit) Prior to any construction commencing for the required public improvements within the Cabela Drive Right-of- Way, an itemized engineer's cost estimate will need to be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. Upon acceptance of this estimate, an Irrevocable Letter of Credit reflecting the total of the approved cost estimate plus 25% (125% of engineer's estimate) will need to be submitted by the owner/developer for review and approval. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to the construction of any improvements, utility service connections, etc. within the public Right-of-Way, the required Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for processing. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement and/or ROW dedications. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements Upon completion of all public improvements and acceptance by the City Inspector, the original Letter of Credit shall be surrendered. At this time a 2-year warranty period for the public improvements shall commence. If at any time during said 2-year Warranty Period the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Developer shall complete such work upon request. Upon commencement of the 2-year Warranty Period, a 2nd Letter of Credit in the amount of 25% of the original itemized engineer's cost estimate shall be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge and be dated to expire on the 2- year anniversary of the Warranty Period commencement date. The City shall retain said Letter of Credit for the entire 2-year Warranty Period. Upon completion of the 2-year Warranty Period and Final Approval of all constructed public improvement items by the City Inspector, the 2nd Letter of Credit shall be surrendered by the City of Wheat Ridge. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. Cab6 ' vk.l.la If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works Alan White, Director of Community Development Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Travis Crane, Planner File Cabelas reviewl.ltr ~I MEMORANDUM City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works TO: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer FROM: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Manager DATE: Sunday, February 27, 2005 SUBJECT:Cabela Development, CDP and FDP I have reviewed the above plans dated 2/1/05 and have the following comments: General comments 1. Please include civil and/or roadway plans in the next submittal for review and approval. 2. Please include roadway lighting plans in the next submittal for review and approval. Design shall meet Xcel's standards, as this facility will be maintained by this agency. 3. Please include traffic signal plans in the next submittal for review and approval. 4. Please include signal timing plans for the new and reconstructed signals. The plans shall include initial timing and field tuning at the time of normal traffic pattern. 5. Streetscape element will need to be included in the design and construction for all proposed streets. The design shall meet the Neighborhood Commercial standards in the City of Wheat Ridge Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual. This will include but not limited to major Wheat Ridge entryways, detached sidewalk, pedestrian lighting, street furniture, tree lawn and related irrigation. Subdivision Plat 1. West 40'' Street should be changed to West 40'h Avenue to be consistent with Wheat Ridge street naming convention. 2. Horizontal curve on Cabela Drive shall be set at 500 feet to meet minimum arterial standards. Wider curves will also better accommodate larger vehicles. 3. Horizontal curve on West 4& Avenue shall be set at 300 feet to meet minimum collector standards. 4. Tangent on 4e Avenue at Cabela Drive should beset at 100 feet minimum. Official Final Development Plan 1. High profile evergreen trees planting should be avoided at intersection comers to maintain intersection sight distance. Design to meet sight distance requirement. 2. High profile landscaping at islands should be designed to meet the 36"-84" window to maintain sight distance. Mater Drainage Study 1. Please provide a detail discussion of how the storm sewer improvement for the development will be in compliance with the Applewood Watershed Outfall System Planning Study. 2. Please provide detail discussion how the storm sewer improvement for the development will be in compliance with the Fairtmount Outfall System Planning Study if applicable. 3. Page 2 of the report indicated that most of the current storm water runoff is captured by four irrigation ditches. Please discuss if all or any storm water will continue to be intercepted by existing ditches. If so, sign off from the affected ditch companies will be required. Phase II Drainage Report 1. Drainage facilities should designed adequately to minimize ponding at low points on Cabela Drive. This will help maintain mobility on Cabela Drive during major storm events. 2. Storm sewer pipe should be concrete pipe class III or higher in high traffic areas. Traffic Impact Study 1. Please provide signal warrant study (current or projection traffic numbers) for the two proposed signalized location at 40d' Avenue & Youngfield and 32"d Avenue and Xenon/Applewood Shopping Center Entrance. 2. Please discuss the corridor performance on 32nd Avenue if a new a new signal is added at 32nd Avenue and Xenon Street. Discussion shall include but not limited to bandwidth, queuing and blocking and delay. 3. Please discuss the corridor performance on Youngfield Street if a new a new signal added at 40th Avenue and Youngfield Street. Discussion shall include but not limited to bandwidth, queuing and blocking and delay. 4. Please include LOS worksheets in the study. 5. Please discuss the corridor performance on McIntyre if a roundabout is proposed at C058 and McIntyre. Specifically, would there be any particular major movement could not be served efficiently as a traffic signal can. Also, are there any major movement in the corridor will need to be served with high priority in the long range planning? If so, will the roundabout be able to accommodate effectively? 6. Please perform a sensitivity analysis for 32„ d Avenue under the assumption that no traffic will be diverted to Cabela Drive. This would help determine if 32nd Avenue would be impacted further whether a portion of traffic will divert to Cabela Drive or not. CITY OF LAKEWOOD COMMUNITY PLAMU NG & DEVELOPMENT 480 SOUTH ALLISON PARKWAY LAKEwooD, COLORADO 80226-3105 PHONE: 303 / 987-7500 / VOICE 303 / 987-7580 / TOO r tai' March 10, 2005 City of Wheat Ridge Planning Alan White 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 RE: Caw # OR-05-004 14201 West 32"d Avenue Dear Mr. White, The City of Lakewood Development Assistance Team has reviewed the submitted outside referral, which proposes to develop a Cabella's retail store in the City of Wheat Ridge. A Subdivision Plat and an Official Final Development Plan (FDP) were submitted as part of the outside referral. The property is located West of I-70 between 32°d Avenue and State Highway 58 and is approximately 198 acres in size. The proposed zoning will allow for a mixture of commercial and office uses. Lakewood staff has the following comments: • The traffic study does not provide any detailed traffic analysis sheets to verify the findings for the operation of signalized intersections. This information is necessary to determine if there are any specific intersection movements that will be over-capacity. As an alternative to the analysis sheets, the traffic consultant could submit an electronic copy of their computer analysis for the street system (Synchro files). The traffic study is not clear when the "2007" and "2025" improvements will be completed. Wheat Ridge Staff has indicated that all roadway improvements would be completed before CabelWs opens. It is our opinion that the roadway improvements at 32ndfYoungfreld/1-70 interchange and the 40th Avenue/1-70 underpass need to be completed before opening. Please clarify if these improvements are still expected to be complete before the opening of Cabella's. If not, what is the schedule for completing the roadway improvements? • There is concern that there may be a shortfall in Cabella's development agreement ($18M) to complete all of the improvements. It is not clear that $18M is adequate for ROW acquisition and roadway construction. If the improvement costs exceed the budget, will the proposed improvements still be completed prior to store opening and by whom? Lakewood appreciates the opportunity to review this application. When the applicant decides to move forward, we would appreciate copies of all future submittals. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 303-987-7522 or via e-mail at amyam@lakewood.org. Sincerely, AmZold Project Manager Cc: Toni Spurgeon, City of Lakewood Anne Heine, City of Lakewood Karl Buchholz, City of Lakewood Vince Harris, City of Lakewood John Padon, City of Lakewood Mike Rock, City of Lakewood Frank Gray, City of Lakewood Dick Plastino, City of Lakewood Case file OR-05-004 File 154-Amold Alternative formats of this document are available upon request** 09:01 FR ENGINEERING March 31, 2005 MARTIN/MARTIN INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Britton Evans, PE Project Engineer 12499 West Colfax Avenue Lakewood, CO 80215 Subject: Qwest Service Availability for Cabela's. Dear Mr. Evans -i° Qwe st. Spirit of Service" Thank you very much for your request for telecommunications services from Qwest Communications. Qwest will provide service to your planned development at Cabela's on Cabela Drive in Wheat Ridge, CO. As you may know, many of the telecorrmrunications services provided by Qwest are regulated and the service you requested will be provided under rates and tariffs on file at the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Qwest appreciates your business and looks forward to working with you to meet your needs. If there are any further questions, or if I can provide any assistance, please feel free to contact me on 303-451-2379. Sincerely, Jodie Farnswoth Field Engineer Network Services 3034512579 TO 93034314028 P.02i02 LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant Coors Brewing Company Address P.O. Box 4030/CC370 311 10thpc See Below City Golden State CO Zip 80401 Fax Owner Same as Applicant Address City State Coors Brewing CO. PO Box 4030/CC370 phone303-277-2028 Contact Neil Saquet, Address City Golden State CO Zip 80401 Fax 303-277-3833 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional infortnation when necessary, post public hearing signs, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing.) NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 30, R69w, T35, Approximately 38th Ave(as extended) 1/2 mile west o Location of request (address): Youngfield Street (no address assigned) Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side • -Change of zone or zone conditions • -Special Use Permit -Consolidation Plat • -Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) • Flood Plain Special Exception • -Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) • -Lot Line Adjustment • -Right of Way Vacation • -Planned Building Group • -Temporary Use, Building, Sign • -Site Development Plan approval • -Variance/Waiver (from Section ) -Other: Final Development plan Detailed description of request: Applicant is requesting approval of a final development plan for a 28.617 acre pavicel,lot 7 of the Cabela's / Coors subdivision filing No 1, for use as a private, water storage reservoir, with associated private recreational use o e reservoir an area surrounding the reservoir. Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: 201 833 Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 28.617 acres Current Zoning: PD A-2 Proposed Zoning: PCD Current Use: Gravel mining, vacant Proposed Use: Retail commercial/Open Space I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-atto y from the owner which approved of this action on his behalf. Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to me this 3 / day of 200 Samuel Walker - Chief Legal Officer Coors US & Coors A, A 1) C~ Brewing Worldwide & Group VP Public Affair 1-Cllr aOT Notary' Public My commission expires To be filled out by staff: OF Date received l`31/fit Fee$/.5'(106 Receipt o.~C~ Case No. Comp Plan Desig. Zoning 'a- c e~ Quarter Section Map Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg. Date / Case Manager % i% A Submittal Requirements: • -Original signed & notarized Application Form Attached • -Fee $-15, 110 (Amount submittedper Fee Schedule) $500 + 28.617($500) + $300 = 15108.50 = $15,110 • -Letter of request indicating full intent and purpose of request Attached • -Proof ofownership (Copy ofRecordedDeed) Attached -Limited Power of Attorney (if applicant is not owner) NA • Certified Survey of the property Attached • Mineral Rights Certification (Change of Zone, Special Use, Subdivision and Plan Development) Attached -Site Plan: (Ifpage size is 24"x 36", must provide lI" x 17" reduction) Attached (Special Use, Variance, Planned Building Group, Planned Development) • -List ofproperty owners with 100 feet To be provided by city, in conjunction with ODP Cabela's/ Coors subdivision filing No.1 • Neighborhood meeting (except for Flood Plain exception, TUPs and Variances) • Names and address of attendees Part of ODP • -Date, time, location of meeting -Legal description (except TUPs and Variances) See Survey above -Building Elevations (optional) None • Copy of Pre-application meeting notes (f applicable) Included with ODP Additional Submittal Requirements: • •16 pre-folded plans 24" x 36" and 1 reduction at 11" x 17" (Subdivision and PD only) Attached • -Traffic Impact Report (may be required for Change of Zone, Special Use, Subdivision, and PD) Included in ODP/FDA for lot 1, Cabela's / Coors filing No.1 • Drainage, Grading and Erosion Control Plan (Subdivision and PD only) Attached, part of plamS for Lotl, and special use permit, sate area. • Mylars plus recording fees (See Fee Schedule) (Will be required after approval for Subdivisions, Rezonings, and Annexations) Please note: Incomplete application submittals will not be accepted. There may be other items required that are not listed depending on type and complexity of application. Revised 2/18/03 January 21, 2005 City of Wheat Ridge Department of Community Development Planning and Zoning Division 7500 W. 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Re: Cabela's Retail Facility - Letter of Authorization To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of Beverly Jean Salter, Dennis Armstrong of Cabela's Retail, Inc. is hereby authorized to represent her interest in matters involving the processing of an Outline Development Plan, Subdivision Plat, Special Use Permit and Excavation Permit within the City of Wheat Ridge. All related correspondence to the land use case processing documents should be addressed to: Dennis Armstrong, Corporate Architect Cabela's One Cabela Drive Sidney, NE 69160 (308) 254-5505 If you have any questions regarding this letter of authorization, please contact: Melvin J. Salter 7484 Kendall Street Arvada, Colorado 8000s 303-431-5171 Thank ou, Beverly Jea alter by Melvin J. Salter, attorney-in-fact LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY I, Beverly J. Salter, of Golden, Colorado, hereby appoint my son Melvin J. Salter, whose address is 7484 Kendall Street. Arvada. Colorado 80003 as my agent and attorney-in-fact to act for me in any lawful way with respect to any or all of the following matters: To take any and all actions pertaining to and otherwise to deal with the property commonly known as 3475 Youngfield Service Road, Golden, Colorado 80401, and more particularly described as Lot 16, Roxbury Gardens, Jefferson County, Colorado (the "Property"), including but not limited to execution and delivery of any and all instruments, documents and other agreements necessary or desirable in connection with the development, annexation, subdivision, zoning, transfer, sale and conveyance of the Property and any interests therein, including but not limited to deeds; plats; affidavits; consents and approvals; development, annexation and zoning applications and submittals; land use, grading and excavation permits and submittals; escrow agreements, closing documents and settlement statements. THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE EFFECTIVE EVEN THOUGH I BECOME DISABLED, INCAPACITATED OR INCOMPETENT. Signature ! Date Lo ~7NEss STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF This document was acknowledged before me o Clf\t ~lC , 2005 by Beverly J. Salter. Notary Public T AR [v"1y~om i OF C0 "1umm W, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: AUGUST 31, 2008 Address: tl buU ~O tii ~ c020RP00 The City of 7500 W. 2e Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ric'— Yge Planning Department 303-235.2846 NOTICE TO MINERAL ESTATE OWNERS APPLICANTS: You must submit this completed form to the Community Development Department no later than ten (10) days before the public hearing on your application. Failure to complete and submit this Certification of Notice shall constitute sufficient grounds to reschedule your public hearing. Saabuel Walker, CLO Coors US & Coors BregiVah Coors Brewing Co>npany (Prim name) Worldwide Group VP Public Affairs (Emily applying.(brpermitlapproval) (hereinafter, the "Applicant), do hereby certify that notice of the application for Cabela's L -Coors Filing No 1 serforpublic hearing on (describe type of application) March 17, 2005 , 200_, has been sent to all mineral estate owners at least thirty (30) days before the public hearing, as required by § 24-65.5-103(i), C.R.S., or, in the alternative. that the records of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder do not identify any miners) estate owners of any portion of the property subject to the above referenced application. U Check here if there are no mineral estate owners of any portion of the subject property. I hereby further certify that t am authorized by the Applicant to make representations eontainedfierein and act as the Applicants agent for purposes of this Certificate of Notice and bind the Applicant to these representations by ray signature ' below. Dated this 10th day of January 200 5, By: Coors Brewing Company Golden, Colorado 80401-0030 January 31, 2005 Alan White, Director Community Development Department City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29`' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Subject: Final Development Plan - Letter of Request Dear Mr. White, This Letter of Request is submitted to you as part of the Final Development Plan (FDP) for Lot 7 of the Cabela's / Coors Subdivision No. 1, located north of 32nd Avenue and west of the Youngfield Service Road. The CDP for this subdivision is being submitted simultaneously with the attached FDP materials. Lot 7 will be used for untreated, raw water storage and limited-access, private recreation. The reservoir will be created by excavation of material in the Denver Formation bedrock, common throughout the Denver area. The excavated material will be used for mass grading of several adjacent lots within the Cabela's / Coors Subdivision No. 1. This excavation is within an area which is part of a pending annexation process and Special Use Permit application before the City of Wheat Ridge. The proposed reservoir, which we are calling Lake B-5, will sit on the Coors-owned 28.617-acre Lot 7 of the subdivision. The lot lines, reservoir configuration, landscaping, fencing and minor building details are depicted on the attached drawings, submitted as part of FDP application, prepared by Graywolf Studios. The reservoir will hold water stored under a variety of decreed water storage and augmented water rights owned by Coors Brewing Company. The reservoir will have a maximum capacity of about 800 acre-feet, with a normal water surface elevation of 5447 and water depth up to about 70 feet. Reservoir side slopes below the normal water line will be 3:1. Water to fill the reservoir will flow through existing Clear Creek surface water diversion and carriage structures, and reservoirs located on Coors property, extending west from Lot 7 for nearly 4 miles. Uses within Lot 7 will be primarily for untreated, raw water storage. The reservoir will be lined and equipped with perimeter interceptor drains to exclude tributary water from entering the reservoir and commingling with our decreed water rights. As a water storage reservoir, the water surface may vary in elevation during certain times of the year and DO AND from year to year, depending upon the availability of water rights to replenish the lake or uses made of the water. We anticipate the reservoir will contain an aeration system to manage water quality. While Lot 7 is about 28.6 acres, the reservoir surface will be about 20 acres, leaving an area of various widths between the water surface and boundary of Lot 7. The perimeter uses will include an unpaved service road, slopes of about 4:1 transitioning from perimeter roadway downward to the water surface. The perimeter will contain drip irrigated tree and shrub materials along with dry land grasses and shrubs. The eastern shore line will be treated with rock riprap to prevent erosion. A flood channel will be constructed along the western perimeter to accommodate offsite, regional storm water flows. The only structure will be a small (less than 400 square feet) maintenance building located in the northwest comer of the lot. Access to the reservoir will be through adjacent Coors-owned property located west and north of Lot 7. We anticipate there will be a limited amount of private, access-controlled, recreational use made of the reservoir water surface and surrounding perimeter. Access will be through a limited "beach area" along the north shore, with more gradual slopes than elsewhere around the perimeter. Also, a small, single lane boat ramp will be installed to allow boat access to the reservoir surface for maintenance and limited recreational purposes. Only limited recreation will be allowed on the reservoir because this facility will be "terminal" water storage - the final point of detention just prior to the end use of the water, which will include human consumption. If you have questions, please call me at 303.277.2028. Sincerel evj, t, Directo ter Resource and Real Estate EXHIBIT PROPOSED LOT 7, CABELA'S/COORS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, BEING A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, WHENCE THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30 LIES S01°01'50"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, 1320.79 FEET; THENCE S89°10'02"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, 259.68 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S89°10'02"W CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 1055.64 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4; THENCE N00055'47"W ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 1264.50 FEET; THENCE N89°45'43"E, 805.54 FEET TO A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET; THENCE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 71°02'38", SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 371.98 FEET, SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD OF 348.61 FEET WHICH BEARS S19°13'24"E TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S54°44'42"E, 171.14 FEET; THENCE S00°49'58"E, 824.49 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING AN AREA OF 28.617 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6th P.M. BEING A LINE BETWEEN THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 30 AS MONUMENTED BY A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS DISK, LS 13212, IN CONCRETE AND A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE WITNESS CORNER BEING A 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS DISK, IS 13212, IN CONCRETE LYING 200.00' SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30, AS HAVING A BEARING OF N01°01'50"W PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONTROL DATUM. PREPARED BY FREDRICK L. EASTON, JR. UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DAVID C. DIFULVIO, PLS 16401. FOR AND ON BEHALF OF FARNSWORTH GROUP, INC. ~0 REC~%T;Y , v° • C. DiF~G FOP v : 16401 feaston P: 7 EXHIBIT.DWG I DATE 01/31/2005 1 Time: 10:15 Farnsworth COORS BREWING COMPANY P.O. BOX 4030, CC370, GOLDEN CO. 80401-0030 Project No: 304055.0 Drawn by: JCM Approved: FLE GROUP SUITE 850 AVENUE, 8055 PARCEL DESCRIPTION PROPOSED LOT 7 (LAKE PARCEL) Date: 1-21-05 Revised: 1-31-05 O 80 0237 DENVER, , COLORADO DEN (303) 692-8838 / (303) 692-0470 Fax 1 OF 2 LEGEND: EXHIBIT • INDICATES CHANGE IN COURSE ONLY S89'10'02"W 1055.64' 259.68' SE CORNER N£ 114, NE 114, SOUTH LINE, NE 114, NE 114 SEC77ON 30 SEC71ON 30 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT IW 'p' yy000 /y S4 3rd AO.OMON APPL EWOOO LANE I LOT 12 Z lo P ROXBURY ~ y COORS BREW/NG COMPANY NOR THEAST CORNER UNPLATTED SECT ION 30 S89 08'55"W, 2625.97' NORTH LINE, SE 1/4, SEC710N 19 " ' t312se N89'4543 E 809.54 NORTH 114 CORNER 55.86' CABELA S RETAIL, 1 N C, SEC77ON 30 UNPL4 7TED A=71.02'38" 1 a R=300.00' ' Jr S S l COORS BREW/NG L=371.98 ; ~ a COMPANY 3 ~4 CB=519.13'24"E • UNPL4 77ED z ' o CH=348.61' a 4 3 ~ ~ APPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 04 ~ ~ I N 3 h 3 c nor , d A -V ~t 'n 1.246,566. SF N 00 W h A o 22 28.617 AC ~y W 1 2 0 150 300 4 c ti ® V) W SCALE: 1"=300' y POINT OF BEGINNING SW CORNER,-- NE 114, NE 114, SECTION 30 ~'Pp0 REG1s~` 7~°~• ~~C. DiF'•~F~P'C v : 16401 feaston I P: NOTE: THIS EXHIBIT DOES NOT REPRESENT A MONUMENTED SURVEY. Cs4ROENS EAST 114 CORNER SEC77ON 30 7 EXHIBIT.DWG I DATE: 01/31/2005 1 Time: 10:15 Farnsworth COORS BREWING COMPANY P.O. BOX 4030, CC370, GOLDEN CO. 80401-0030 DProjee No: rawn y: 304055.0 Drawn 'CM Approved: F -LE 8055 GROUP EAST TUFTS AVENUE , SUITE 850 PARCEL DESCRIPTION PROPOSED LOT 7 (LAKE PARCEL) 05 Date: 1-21- 05 Revised: 1-31-05 DENVER, COLORADO 80237 DEN (303) 692-8838 / (303) 692-0470 Fax 2.OF 2 e rJ N 7 _ti ~ w G O O U i.. t~ O Y x Y " U c` Q N Q U O YO N .a C U O N rn O ro 'U N N O Y Z ,O W 'ro O E w N- N N U b 'C N N 2' ro „Cy u ro A 0 C ro p> o ;q '0 O. rG0 'LJ 'C O N LO 'a 0 ro U O'a (0 O U i Q) 3 ro ° Uo M 3 co o Q O p Q) N V y C p Z w Y O N rwo C to YO a O ro U a (a Q) O r N 'D Y N Y S1 0 (a co ?r O ro N r0 V] Y m 0) 'O w 'y 'LJ w 0 U N 'O N N N o N p a Ly n o n +N+ Y .C row N N >OroaN~rn°ro Q Q) 0 L') 00 0 Q) Q) co U) Q) =1 .C s. CO -d O co O .Q -v Y, N O U 00 O 3 4. s. C t\ N Y. O, w N -Ny .C C N N N N Ul Y O > 0 N JQ =J !4 U N O a N a b N 'O A t, O a y ° U a a 3~ ° o o v N w s. ' a) w N co ro yr-,• ro O C A o U a o w o w a N U N l o _ Y co M Q) t\ d• c ro ZD) O 0. N _ 0 N ro U O E ro U ~ o. .~.Y N ro N C N 'c' N 'O '0 N ° ro N o a a o co ro C N 0 U ro ro m x ro N o . N 3 0 p Y Q) ° o N o m C1 ro N M... C a O ~ Y a ~ ~ O ro ~a Y m ° ro c a ro ° Lo ~ N Y C ~ Y a k Lo .N N N ro r) ro Y w mo m L _ C N ro M co U) ro 3 m ~ a~ o, ro 3 o a 3 Q E ~ 0 0o G p > m N c N a co m 0 t)) ro r N ro 'V rd ro N i N C: CQ _ Y w p N a N ro O Y N p N fa C y ° N N y 10 co x NN fa a 3 ro ro a m - O o N N ro ro o c o N O ~1 ,c N N x o ro CC) ro 3 N CS C~ C CV M N s. N w . N ..Q _ C N N N N N N N 0) x (a Y N ro V N sY. N t5' (a 0 Q' N a + a + ~:L ca ty, U) to CY E 'O is ro' b rn N ro co N C N t, ro x N ro c ro a x ° s IM y ro Y o ~c 3 Y rd ro cc (o N ro Cl) . U > 1 O A O O U P4 O W F yam„ N Y N N 0 w N N CT N 0 x U ro I [1. a ro ro O z c ro N N N Y m ro U N ro N o ro > n o al N N N .ti rn E - a U ~ ~ N ro N' 3 N C V) a .ti C < 0 N 0 w N O a 0 U a a r . cl S r. ?e t•f n r r, O O O 0 co N Sri I6 12 10 °f l ~u2 pro 4, O 17. Q) t, Y w w Q 4, w co p iUAT': CL'_::.•.,..- 4 Uj vi TJ p O p N U O N U ro a w C i. ti °7 O C O ro ° a°oa 0o m a a w m J L Q ro c 3 _ ~ U r0 0 0 - I sO. EE U 0 Q t, .C O Y" w C O '6 a+ "b r- O F U . ro "i O U sN. O to II a! '0 O O Ol > Z w ° O w o T „vkJ~ y7~~ (;l to Y U N O rrjj ro .A IT U Ni ro° ° ro .w O o 0 0 a) Ol wvT to I O r ro a) rn b fL 1~3 (U ° w ro C N co aO+ C C~ vl w w rro C Io (a ca ro ow ~U O L pU s; mro w0 nwYo00On U w o 0 0 o o o ° U o• x a'"i O 0 R' Q) a SC U ro 0 w ro to U 4 w 0 X Y o Q a. F O z 0 cn m w, N U 0 e > U 0 ° ~ a c U 4 0 ° ° U o C ye 4 C w A O ~ 7 0 00 C) I p G A w w y bC a O °O ro ro ro° 0 a Y C) ° N 2 c }i (O •O In .L Y C L Y Ill C) ° Y C: U) 00 a) 2T .r-. ra N ro to ro° O .W ° 0 A O N ;p a~+ W "O N N w Y ro "UI 7 Z A Z "O Q) A O m ~ Q) , C) U O O ro YN - w N O A v' ° p N G" V) .-Q) t34 .1 > " U] ro I ro " 0 N ° O U Y p, " rn x+ y N Q) 'O s. 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G) co 10 y C: 0) a co Q) Zr) :O w w0 > N a U 7 +'~+'O y - ro ro R. p i. sue. co > w .O Q A O O o t-, O (D Y O Y C s. w w0 G M C7 Q) N Q) ° N ro1N N X bi ro bi y .0 ro (D 7 C o r~ o o 0 o o 0 o 0 o o j N ti N O N N yN, Q b Q N tN6 +ro+ Yv] C C M O M Y N° C N O X n N b N ro 'A"' p, -.C+ ° '13 aA+ w 10 a u (D o o co 0) r-, V- w b G) 00 0 .YC o O O a).. 7 10 Y a 1-: O s> p _a~+ R' y V w rd ~oa" 0)b,co(a b 0Q) I rroortl o UoU zn~U ~ 0 3ro ~~°o s. 'U C r,3 cD co U to w A .a) W s. N co 'O N ~ to a CO (D a) o Y C ~ a s 3 ro o o w ro 10 o r_ n ~ o mroYQC oQ) ° Uo:n 2, R'° a~xo °C CO 0 c a c c ro c m w Y ro x Q) O (a Q 0 O 0) Q) 0.'. ro C .N 7 C O rn 0O a) 7 a .-i X .1 2T ~ Q A C 0 0 row row O w O w (a C A r r-0 O O O p O p v) A N G. H s.. G1wcZ 0 m O "0M 0 ro a) ra Y YU ad!X.~x7,WV] ~C EmU Hw W Y roQ N T ALTA/AGSM LAID TITLE SURVEY 'EYINSECTIONI9&30 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: .,,e.. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE JEFFERSON COUNTY, N. LINE, SE 1 - - - - ~ - - aE 69 WEST 6th P.IVI. 1/4 CORNER COMMON TO SECTIONS 19 & 20 ~ FOUND 3.25" BRASS DESK 5" DOWN IN RANGE A PARCEL OF LAND, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST 1 /4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1 f 4 OF NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 QUARTER OF SECTION 30, BEING A PORT & 8, ROXBURY GARDENS AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 2, PAGE 33, AT RECEPTION 1 4 OF SECTION ~ AND THE ~ PORTION OF LOTS 1, , 5, 7 OPTION X09337790 IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER`S OFFICE, BEING IN TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 SCE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Lar 1 Lar ~ I COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID NORTHEAST 1 /4 OF THE N THE NORTHEAST ~4 OF SECTION 30, s WHENCE THE EAST 1 /4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30 LIES S00'47'33"E ALONG TH NORTHEAST 1 /4 OF SECTION 30, 1320.79 FEET; THENCE S89'24'19"W ALONG THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 OF SECTION 30, 259.68 FEET TO THE P FC' E N D CONTINUE S89'24'19"W ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 1055.64 FEET TO THE WEST LINE T INE F THE SAID NC SHE EAS ~ ~ e w rr +vr~ a r ra r~ er. _ ± r F \ \ N DENVER WATER BOARD \ \ ~ M EASEMENT ~rur AIlI~TLICACT 1 /A. TLJCAI(`C AI(1!1•A1~Zl1~~1A/ nin~ir_ chin vu~cT III.I~ 1~~n'~R ~~FT - - -mot r - - - ~ REC. #93120802 ~1- r JEFFERSONICOUNTY ~ S89'S3' 13"E FOUND ~5 IRON ROD W/ ~ 9'~ ,4,5~ t i+_ =i YPC "LS 13495" l CONC. PAD I PARCEL B OF BOOK 1992, PA GATE (CHAIN ~ BETWEEN 2 POSTS) ~ ~ {i ~ COORS BREWING COMPANY M] M ~ 1 (NOT PLATTED) ~L~ & r \ POWER - PEDESTAL ~ NE, SE 1 /4, SE 1 /4, SECTION 19 ~F W HEq r _ ~ ~ - - ~ - - - --j ~513272'QiOCt^ ~ T3S I R69W ~ 0 0~ coo L~r ~ I Lor S,9.S2o ~ t9I~ ~ s~~~ o0 r ZN ~ ~ i ~ ~ 80' DENVER WATER ~ v~~, ~ BOARD EASEMENT \ ~ 1 I BOOK 379, PAGE 66 I ~ BOOK 708, PAGE 336 ~ y W REC. 92130445 ~ LEG (SYMBOLS NOT D =FOUND 1.5" ~ =FOUND X15 R * ' r i i i~ N ~ \ PIPELINES ON I ~ GROUND USED TO Q ~ MOVE WATER TO THE 5 3 Q ~ COORS STORAGE Z POND TO THE WEST PIPES RUN E UNDERGROUND UNDER DIRT DRIVES ROXBJfi7Y C~]RfJ~IY BOOK 2, PAGE 33 i t: y , r REC. 09337790 fi SW CORNER, SE 1 /4, SE 1 /4, SECTION 19 ♦ SET ~6 IRON ROD 30" DEEP W/ 3.25" ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "LS 16401" .l n N8973'12 "E 1312.98 ` - - - - - - - _ N89 23  V ~ - VT OF TANGENCY 4. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN THE FIELD AS OF DECEMBER 20, 2004. ~ ~'ROSPECT AVE. 1/4 CORNER COMMON TO SECTIONS 19 & .o 5. BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHE TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, 6th P.M. BEING A LINE BETWEEN THE EAST ~►RTHEAST 1 f 4 CAF SETIOh~ 3{J, -e_~ ~ _ - s - _ -i a_- ~ =i` - - - 30 FOUND ORIGINAL RED STONE W/ sO ~'A+~ATED RIGHT-OF-WAY r CHISELED EMBEDDED IN CONC. W/ BOOK 1854, PAGE 749 MONUMENTED BY A CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS DISK, LS 13212, TEXT SCRATCHED INTO THE CONC. EASEMENT ~ESERVED FOR CONTINUED USAGE C WHEAT RIDGE WITNESS CORNER BEING A 3.25" DIAMETER BRASS DISK, LS 13212, I OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30, AS HAVING A BEARING OF~ N00 r3s Rssw UTILITIES -NUJ UT1UTiES FOUND FROM SURFA S_t9 OBSERVATION COMPANY CONTROL DATUM. 1-.~ 5-30 . 6. ACCORDING TO THE FEDE'RAI EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY'S (FEMA) NATION FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM), COMMUNITY NUMBER 080087, PANEL 0194- SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES WITHIN ZONES "AE" & "X" (SHADED AND UNSHADEa). ' ' 10-23-86 -WATER BODY (TYP.) I SEE NOTE #7 ~ ~ 7. EDGE OF WATER SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY TAKEN ON ■ ~.8~ I VEHICULAR AC ~ (WHEEL TRACK SECTION 29, W. OF I-70 CHANGE. f DIRT DRIVE) T M t~ N SUBJEC PROPERTY APPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE ~ COORS I PARCEL 3 (NOT PLATTED) 42.345 ACRES COORS BREWING COMPANY 3 ~ MW ~ NE 1/4 OF N ~ I BEING LOTS 5 T !'n M W } - Y s~ j f 1 Z LOT 8 L07" 7' r~r i _ COORS BREWINGICOMPANY ~ i r, 1 3~- : I ~ I 20' N EASE hl r N l ~~t -F r :y ~ 30' APPLEWOOD S NITATION DIST. 0 ° EASEMENT (REC. 8 069775) 3 _S89'24'19"W 1055.64' _ ; w - X2.0' - _ S. LINE, NE 1/4, NE 1/4, SECTI6N 2 TRACT i ~ ARDEN FENCE & SHED o I 1.25. OF LINE WIRE FENCE 0.7' SOUTH _f~• SW CORNER, NE 1/4, NE 1/4, SECTION 30 ~ ~ FOUND ,~5 IRON ROD W/ ALUMINUM CAP I ~ "LS 13495 A. COORS CO. I I ~~.~L I .Q~~~j' y i Q ~ ~ ~W. 34th AVE. 21 ti ~Y i " ~I o 'irl o ~ 14.r~O ~ 4r3r3 v 47'.~ ~'L, F j ~ ~ ~ Z ~ 20 i ° ~ L.~ _~__l Q O. ...r !.~•n~rr•~+~~~n i~~ •nni ru~n~n ~~rn• z_~ AI1f~ITl1A1. I I I Q , i wi urvrvtrt~nir nv nrr~LYYwv MCJH Diu „wilwlv. m 3 476 -JOHN C. CUMMINGS & NANCY JEAN SELLS I I m LLJ 1 A MMn• 3' S M1 l:, r. F'^ifR FAi+f %RI 6A i`. +u:~>. },.:v'i'^>.:Y, k'^:•.! 1 11 3 1 3 1 3 1 F m WAR 33x1 iLl 11 31( 1 Ile 11-00- 3 1 at 11x1 1 T f G N 477 - JERALD A. & REBECCA A. SNYDER s, Q 0 478 - DOLORES J. KING ~ I A~FY,-F-DWOOD 0 E- 479 -LISA L. BIRDSONG ~jw& A DDITIOW ul) 1ANE f .t n rr As°a#A e C) BOOK 19, PAGE 64 p BOOK 97, PAGE 33 I REC. 59764494 b REC. 88049716 kv 0 0 WHEq~ T t1 132 Ran S 1 ! A 3., K 2 ® EAST 1/4 CORNER OF SECTIONS 30 FOUND , MEN i a T3S R69W 3.25 BRASS DISK 5 DOWN IN RANGE BOX o s;7 r4 x. ~ Project No.: t BELOW GROUND S30-S29 304055 o 19 92 t ° ; a o p T4 1. t y _ SHEET 1 OF 1 x- may.. vw4kk Jase, Na*. Z0502 Quarter Section Map N App: Last Name: Coors Brewing Co. Related Cases: App: First N ame: /o Neil Jaquet Case Histor y: Owns r: Last Name: Coors Brewin Co. Owner: First Nam e: _ App Addre ss: PO Box 4030/CC370 Review Body: City, State Z ip: Golden, CO 80401 APP:Pho ne: 03.277-2028 APN: Owner Address: P -Me _ _ 2nd Revie w Body: City/St ate/Zip: I 2nd Review Date Owner Phone: ame ! Decision-making Body Project Address: 1 Appro vaUDenial Date: Street Name : City/State, Zip: Golden, CO 80401 Reso/Ordinance No.: Case Disposition: Project Planner: Crane File Lo cation: ctive Notes: 1 Follow- Up: Conditions of Approval: District: Date Roo eived: 1/31/2005 _ Pre-App Date: I