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City of WheatR dge € COMMUNnY DEVELOPMENT" City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29'h Ave. September 15, 2008 John Medved 11001 W. I-70- Frontage Road North Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Medved: Wheat Ridge; CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to property owned by Bear Land Holdings, LLC, located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. The property was rezoned pursuant to Case No. WZ-05-05 with final action taking place on July 25, 2005 by the Wheat Ridge City Council. The Outline Development Plan document was recorded on November 30, 2005. Zoning on the property allows for the auto dealerships, warehousing and distribution of parts, vehicle demonstration and vehicle repair. Also included in the list of permitted uses are general offices, service and retail establishments, including restaurants. On February 27, 2006, the City of Wheat Ridge City Council approved Case Numbers WZ-05-11 and MS-05-04. These approvals were for a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan and plat for property referenced above. Pursuant to Section 26-308 DA.d. of the zoning and development code, mylars of approved final development plans and plats shall be recorded within 60 days of final action. After contacting the property owner in August of 2006, signed mylars were submitted to our office in September of 2006. However, the mylars were never recorded pending completion of a development covenant for future public improvements. Since then I have contacted you and/or your representative numerous times to discuss the status of the project with no response received. Based on the lack of activity on the project, Staff is considering the FDP and plat approval null and void and is considering this case closed. As such, prior to any development of the property, a new final development plan and plat must be pursued through a public hearing process. Sincerely, t Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner c: Scott Albertson www. ci.w h eatridge.co.us City of Wheatdge COMMUNITY DEVHLOPMLNT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`n Ave. March 18, 2008 Michael G. Pharo Associates, Inc. 2835 W. Oxford Avenue Unit #6 Englewood, CO 80111 Dear Mr. Pharo: Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow expansion of a vehicle sales lot at 11001 W. I-70 Frontage Road North. The initial application was filed with the City Community Development Department on September 17, 2007. A comment letter was generated by city staff on October 11, 2007. Since that time, there has been no activity on your special use request. Please be advised that since there has been no activity on your case for one hundred twenty days, the case is considered closed. Subsequent action on the property will constitute a new application with new fees required. Another item of concern is the status of the property under Bear Land Holdings ownership located on the east side of Parfet Street. On February 27, 2006, the City of Wheat Ridge City Council approved Case Numbers WZ-05-11 and MS-05-04. These approvals were for a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan and plat for property located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. The mylars have been signed and submitted to our office however they have never been recorded pending completion of a development covenant for the installation of future public improvements. A development covenant requires current and future owners to be responsible for the future construction of public improvements but requires no financial guarantees. The alternative to document recording is a revocation hearing for the FDP and plat. Please contact me at your earlier convenience to discuss status of your land use request. tncerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner c: Diana Blanche Case No. SUP-07-08 wwwxi.wheatridgexo. us 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 3031235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 January 23, 2007 Michael G. Pharo Associates, Inc. 2835 W. Oxford Avenue Unite #6 Englewood, CO 80111 Dear Mr. Pharo: The City of Wheat Ridge OE WHEgl ~ P o ~ m c~G OR P00 This letter is intended to serve as a follow-up to our meeting of January 11, 2007 regarding the Medved Autoplex. We discussed properties located at 4900/4990 Parfet Street and 11001 W. I- 70 Frontage Road North which will be addressed separately. 4900/4990 PARFET STREET On February 27, 2006, the City of Wheat Ridge City Council approved Case Numbers WZ-05- 1 I and MS-05-04. These approvals were for approval of a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan and plat for property at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. Pursuant to Section 26-308 DA.d. of the zoning and development code, mylars of approved final development plans and plats shall be recorded within 60 days of final action. Should recordable documents not be provided within this time frame, Staff can schedule a public hearing to reconsider the approval. After contacting the property owner in August of 2006, mylars were finally submitted to our office in September. Since then I have contacted the owners representative numerous times by telephone to discuss the status of the project and the potential for a revocation hearing with no satisfactory response as to why this should not occur. A revocation hearing was tentatively scheduled for January 22, 2007, but was delayed to accommodate our meeting of January 11, 2007. One of the issues relating to the recordation of the project mylars is the need for a public improvements agreement. As laid out in Section 26-413 of the Wheat Ridge zoning and development code, the public improvements agreement is a document required at the time of subdivision mylar recordation which details the obligations of the developer for public improvements required with a project. It is recorded and requires the submission of financial guarantees to ensure that required public improvements are installed. The financial guarantees are typically in the form of a letter of credit for 125% of the estimated costs of those improvements. The letter of credit for this project would cover the cost of installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Parfet and Oak Street frontages plus construction of the drainage facilities on the entire site. Included would be the cost for the construction of the off-site Arvada channel. Although the final civil design with cost estimate for the project was never completed, the costs appear quite large. As an example, if the cost of the public improvements is estimated to be $100,000, a letter of credit in the amount of $125,000 will be required. If your client chooses not to proceed with recordation of the project mylars with the required PIA, Staff will require a letter withdrawing the application with the acknowledgement that any future proposals would require submission of a new Final Development Plan and Plat and the required public hearing process. 11001 W. I-70 FRONTAGE ROAD NORTH The applicant requested approval of the relocation of a modular building sales office from 11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road North to 11001 W. I-70 Frontage Road North to allow for construction of the additional dealership building on the western piece. The modular building was located within the proposed footprint and would be displaced by the new construction. Approval of Case No. TUP-06-1 on May 25, 2006 facilitated relocation of the office trailer. The Board of Adjustment approved the one-year temporary structure permit to allow the office trailer on 11001 W. I-70 Frontage Road North for the following reasons: 1. There should be no impact on the amount of light and air in the neighborhood. 2. There should be no resultant air, water or noise pollution in excess of what is already occurring. 3. There will be no impact on utilities, parks or schools. 4. There will be no anticipated increase in automobile traffic in the area. With the following conditions: 1. Written permission shall be obtained from Xcel Energy to allow encroachment into their easement prior to issuance of building permit for the structure. 2. The temporary building shall be allowed for one year starting from the date of occupancy of the structure in the new location. Occupancy of the trailer was approved on November 1, 2006. 3. Current landscaping displaced by these improvements shall be accommodated elsewhere on the site in a location that is visible by the general public and as approved by Staff. 4. No additional parking shall be allowed on Parfet Street and, as per testimony from staff, this shall be enforced on a complaint basis. Your inquiry specific to the trailer is what must occur to allow the modular to remain in its new location permanently. Staff is responding with the following requirements: 2 I. No steel sided buildings are permitted, therefore, either this structure must be "faced" with acceptable architectural materials such as brick and/or stucco or a different structure meeting the City architectural standards replace the building. It is questionable whether the existing building could structurally withstand the placement of architectural siding. 2. The structure must be placed on a permanent foundation. 3. The structure must have connections with public water and sanitary sewer facilities. 4. Bathrooms meeting the American's with Disabilities Standards must be installed. Handicapped accessibility into the building will be required. 5. The building must meet 2003 IBC and IFC requirements. 6. The building must meet the 2003 International Energy Conformation Code or the City of Wheat Ridge Prescriptive Energy Code. 7. Displaced landscaping must be replaced on site. The revised landscaping must also compensate for previous site improvements completed without city approval where sod was removed and replaced with concrete. 8. A modified planned building group process must be completed to allow the additional structure. See attached section 26-116 of the zoning and development code. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner c: Dennis Polk Scott Albertson 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 March 6, 2006 Mike Pharo Michael G. Pharo & Associates 2835 West Oxford, #6 Englewood, CO 80110 Dear Mr. Pharo: The City of Wheat Ridge At its meeting of February 27, 2006, City Council APPROVED Case No. WZ-05-11, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for properties zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. Provisions for employee parking have been incorporated into the FDP. 2. The final development plan is consistent with the standards set forth in the approved outline development plan for this site. All requirements for a PCD final development plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Prior to installation of the vehicle demonstration testing area, additional information must be provided regarding the use, maintenance and management of this area. 3. The applicant continues working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The applicant continues working with the Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation district for inclusion into the district for sanitary sewer purposes. City Council also APPROVED Case No. MS-05-04, a request for approval of a final plat for properties zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulation have been met. 2. Staff recommends approval. Mike Pharo Page 2 March 6, 2006 Enclosed is a draft copy of the minutes stating the Council's decision. Please submit paper copies of the final development plan and plat prior to printing the mylars. Once the paper copies of the documents have been reviewed, you may submit blackline photographic mylars for recording with Jefferson County. Enclosed are Jefferson County's recordation requirements. Also, prior to recordation of the mylars, a subdivision improvement agreement with financial guarantees is required. Mylars and SIA need to be submitted for recording with Jefferson County within 60 days of final action. The fees for recording with Jefferson County are $11 per page for plats and development plans and $5 per page for other documents. Please submit payment along with the mylars and SIA. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes Jefferson County Recording Requirements cc: John Medved Medved Autoplex 11001 W. I-70 F.R.N. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 cA...\My Do uments\Kathy\PCRPTS\PLANGCONACORRESP\2006\WZ0511&MS0504 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: FEBRUARY 27, 2006 Page -4- Janelle Shaver continued her testimony and gave background on the Historical Society. They are in support of an Outline Development Plan for the Olinger property based on the provision that a final ODP contain nine specific conditions, which she outlined in detail. She read a letter from James Lindberg, Director of Preservation Initiatives and Rural Heritage of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. She also read an e-mail from Steve Turner, Director of Preservation Services for Historic Denver. Andrew Miller, 200 Spruce Street, Denver, property owner gave background on how he bought the property in summer of 2005 with the clear understanding that Wadsworth is a great commercial street. Had he known this controversy would erupt, he would have never bought the property. He has tried to come up with a proposal that would address everybody's concerns. He outlined all the concessions and compromises he has planned. Eighty percent (80%) of the beautiful trees on the property are diseased and will have to come down.. City Council asked questions of staff, the applicant and the property owner. Lee Callas, 4390 Dover Street, answered questions from Council regarding potential funding for preservation efforts. Motion carried 8-0. Recess called at 8:21 pm. Meeting resumed at 8:33 p.m. T 0DR Item 3. A REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL OF A FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PLAT FOR PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 4900 AND 4990 PARFET STREET. (CASE NOS, WZ-05-11 AND MS-05-04) (PHARO FOR BEAR LAND HOLDINGS) Item 3 was introduced by Mrs. Rotola: Ms. Anderson read the executive summary. Mayor DiTullio opened the public hearing. Councilor Adams stated for the record that she met with John Medved on unrelated matters on January 24, 2006. They were both aware of the application at that meeting and did not discuss the proposed application. On the advice of the City Attorney, she was requested to make this disclosure and the fact that this meeting will not prevent her from voting on this pending application. Mayor DiTullio swore in all individuals intending to testify in the public hearing. Meredith Reckert made the staff presentation. She submitted the zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, case file and packet materials, and exhibits. She stated that all notification and posting requirements have been met and that there is jurisdiction to hear the case. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: FEBRUARY 27, 2006 Page -5- Mike Pharo, 2835 West Oxford Ave. #6, Englewood, testified on behalf of the applicant and outlined the request for approval of the final development plan and plat. Bruce McLennan, SEM Architects, 677 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver, gave background on the proposed design. Wendell Ayers, 7852 S. Elati Street, Lakewood, testified regarding the drainage issues and improvements for the development. Dennis Polk, 1667 Cole Blvd.; Golden, Attorney for the applicant, believes he has come 7 times before CityCouncit to talk about W. 50th Avenue. He asked that the dedication not be required. Chuck Stiesmeyer lives on the northwest corner of the development. He has come to the City numerous times regarding. 50th Avenue and related some of the reasons why he is opposed to building the street and the problems it would cause. City Council asked questions of staff and the applicant: John Medved spoke in response to a question regarding past discussions on 50Th Avenue. Mayor DiTullio closed the public hearing. DRAFT Final Development Plan Motion by Mrs. Rotola to approve Case No. WZ-05-11, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan for properties located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. Provisions for employee parking have been incorporated into the FDP. 2. The Final Development Plan is consistent with the standards set forth in the approved Outline Development Plan for the site. 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The drainage system for the northern portion of the site be redesigned to accommodate a half-width (30') dedication for West 50th Avenue. 2. Prior to installation of the vehicle demonstration testing area, additional information be provided regarding the use, maintenance and management of this area. 3. The applicant continues working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The applicant continues working with the Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District for inclusion into the district for sanitary sewer purposes. Seconded by Ms. Berry. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: FEBRUARY 27, 2006 Page -6- Motion by Mrs. Sang to amend to strike condition #1; seconded by Mr. Gokey; tied 4-4, with Councilmembers Berry, Rotola, Adams, Schulz voting no; Mayor DiTullio broke the tie by voting yes. Motion carried 5-4. Original Motion as amended carried 6-2 with Mrs. Rotola and Mrs. Adams voting no. Final Plat Motion by Mrs. Rotola to.approve Case No. MS-05-04, a request for approval of a final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following condition: T 1. 30' of right-of-way be dedicated for West 50th Avenue and the easements on the north end be redefined to reflect required changes. Seconded by Ms. Berry. Motion by Mrs. Sang to amend to strike condition #1; seconded by Mr. Womble; carried 6-2 with Ms. Berry and Mr. Schulz voting no. Original Motion as amended carried 8-0. Mr. Gokey left the meeting for a brief recess. ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING Item 4. COUNCIL BILL 05-2006 -AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 26 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS PERTAINING TO REFERENCES TO THE STREETSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN MANUAL. Council Bill 05-2006 was introduced on first reading by Mr. Schulz Motion by Mr. Schulz to approve Council Bill 05-2006 on first reading, order it published, public hearing set for Monday, March 13, 2006 at 7;00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, and that it take effect 15 days after final publication; seconded by Mrs. Sang and Mrs. Rotola; carried 7-0. n lot o ~ r 0 ~lt 0 t 1 ~D Z O N 0 0 0 .p r' Y t.~ L. i 3 3 y ~ t m 1 C K- } s ~ I r I ~ t I( nt ri f i °'r tit✓, ~ : c I--] AT V a . a w Ma - ~M 4ray! ' y y} tem. ix ~y Fri C YY k.' 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Y s~a(~a o Z PARFET $TREEP ~ n m 1_R fr~ _ w:s Saab > g C \w \ I~ i '1G.5a: y O V n t I 1 7✓ G~a S _ SP v glg s~ .t 1 i 'ap v6j Cl) bt z \ Z Azlg.k ~ jE x I ~I i o°z J H.e I 4 OF 0 ~1 ee"_v _ .e' l s a a•nmu 8 O K STREET 11 . 0 ~ y I :a eta .ci \ 5 \ G o i m O >1 x R € a8 dF z 4 E € x R c e_ vl Is, es. a ~aGim sp- a .tis\ ` F e 'x s s fl I $ ~ .u x I ~ a F aF~n anF~ En ~-'~s zn~nhq $ °z ~ a °~s 1 m F °F 4 8 RI ai I s a "u a~3 xA F e sssa~s s x x _ 3 N'l R xF g, ~seaa s E d^ R ' n£a ep UL° I .a £e x-~ ~ I F£a a"x se~- ~ st; ~~FZ sse 2~i~~~EE ~ ~K9 s @ A RF %a ; F - Exq RE S 9 b4- q H '4 ] 4 a "a p C ' €2 ~i.qL` s E= Rq FEn a ~Ec x Ph AFC ass €I E. 8n ~I sA.-'„x. I ~g.^ 5 ~q ScsE EYG 3fRx GF a F£~7~g6 #rG j toa R 1 b 4h~ 38 95 S Ag 3 E x 4 :n .,3~ 44fA,s S.q~ Efb q A Ai Y^ = n j - 4'=b_ ^FfR 'S £i'_. G3 Do '.CdB an .t spay afi 4g osa a kGS e. f n 0 c 0 to m ~l ro y R M r' 'V rr r. O ~ O O UQ A~ ~ O A~ n OW ~ O O ~ i ~C N O O O C UG O n It ow ow O l1 O j.r. ~3 Qom] ~d ~ n • ~ O O • CD 5 O a f ¢ o O ~ ~ C b ~ v • ~ ~ s b ~ O ~ m CD CD f ~ O fD IrD CL O ~h n 0 I~ • yJ M~ • .rte w o ~ o ~ ' O 01 O ~ C M N PEI fD K r fD CD O `C o o. rot- o 0 0 a O ri i p eD ~ O ¢ n ~ S~. O O f fD C ~ O C B D f M ¢ r"- O-W rr- O-W O A~ C O C O-W 51 O 4 U~Q CL Mo+• 1 It M~+ of wHeAr ITEM NO: V m REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION ~~IORA~O WE6L 70 / COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 27, 2006 TITLE: A REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL OF A FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PLAT FOR PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 4900 AND 4990 PARFET STREET (CASE NOS. WZ-05-11 AND MS-05-04/PHARO FOR BEAR LAND HOLDINGS) ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: Yes ❑ ORDINANCES FOR I ST READING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING No Community Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: City Manager A Final Development Plan and plat approval is being requested for the properties located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. The intent of the approval is to allow for construction of a new auto dealership. This property was rezoned in July of 2005 from A-1, Agriculture-One and C-1, Commercial-One to Planned Commercial Development (PCD). Planning Commission reviewed these requests at public hearing held on February 2, 2006. Motions were made to recommend approval of both the Final Development Plan and plat with reasons and conditions detailed below. This City Council action is related to Goal 4 of the Strategic Plan to promote I-70 as a major commercial center by providing destination retail businesses and an expanded tax base and increased property values. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission reviewed these requests at public hearing held on February 2, 2006. A motion was made to recommend approval of the Final Development Plan for the following reasons: 1. Provisions for employee parking have been incorporated into the FDP. 2. The Final Development Plan is consistent with the standards set forth in the approved Outline Development Plan for the site. 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. The drainage system for the northern portion of the site be redesigned to accommodate a half-width (30') dedication for W. 500' Avenue. 2. Prior to installation of the vehicle demonstration testing area, additional information be provided regarding the use, maintenance and management of this area. 3. The applicant continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The applicant continue working with the Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District for inclusion into the district for sanitary sewer purposes. 5. The final development plan be modified on page 3 of 7 to require that employee parking for the new dealership be changed from 19 to 25, employee parking for the existing dealership be changed from 50 to 75 and inventory and/or guest parking be changed from 173 to 142. Planning Commission also recommended approval of the final plat for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions 30' of right-of-way be dedicated for West 50`h Avenue and the easements on the north end be redefined to reflect required changes. Two area property owners were present at this public hearing to speak to this request. The adjacent property owner, Chuck Stiesmeyer residing at 4996 Parfet Street, spoke regarding the parking of vehicles on Parfet Street, excessive traffic speeds on Parfet Street, lighting, construction of drainage improvements and the extension of W. 50`h Avenue. Mike Rich is the new property owner of 4980 Oak Street. He spoke in regard to the narrow width of Oak Street. He thinks extension of W. 501h Avenue would be beneficial to his business. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: West 50`h Avenue The applicant does not concur with Staff's and Planning Commission's recommendation that W. 50d' Avenue be dedicated (#I of Planning Commission's conditions of the FDP approval and #1 of Planning Commission's condition of the plat approval recommendation). At the zone change hearing in front of City Council in July of 2005, a dedication for W. 50`h Avenue dedication was not made a condition of approval. The applicant has indicated that dedication and construction of 50th Avenue will provide no benefit to the property owner. Staff feels the construction of W. 50th Avenue between Oak Street and Parfet is critical. Winston Associates has been working with staff in the creation of three subarea plans, one of which is for the northwest area in the city with boundaries generally from W. 52nd Avenue to the north I-70 Frontage Road and Ward Road to Tabor Street. Transit Oriented Design (TOD) is being explored due to RTD's planned light rail transit stop for the Goldline in the vicinity of Ward Road and W. 50th Place. The intent of TOD is to encourage pedestrian activity through the use of street grids which in turn impacts the type, form and quality of commercial development. Although the proposed subarea plan circulation plans are not adopted, they include a recommendation for the 50th Avenue through connection. Not only is the extension of 50th Avenue essential to provide the east/west grid connections for TOD but also to provide a secondary access route through the City's industrial area. Besides the north I-70 Frontage Road, there are no other east/west road connections between Kipling and Ward Road. 50th Avenue between Kipling and Miller was recently constructed as part of the Arvada Ridge commercial development. 50th Avenue between Miller and Oak Streets is already completed, as is a portion east from Robb Street to the northwest corner of the eastern Medved lot with unbuilt right-of-way extending from the temporary cul-de-sac east to Parfet. Acquisition of this section of 50`h between Parfet and Oak Streets would ensure the future completion of the east/west connection between Kipling and Ward Road. Drainage This property is located within the Columbine Basin Drainage Outfall plan area. This is a major regional drainage system plan which includes properties to the northwest in Arvada, continues east through the new development at 50g'Avenue and Kipling, to past Garrison Street. The plan, adopted by Urban Drainage and Flood Control District in 1994, shows required conveyance facilities on the site running north along Oak Street to W. 50th Avenue and extending over to Parfet Street. To accommodate the new dealership, off-site improvements between Oak and Miller must also be completed. If W. 50th Avenue is required to be dedicated, both the Final Development Plan and plat would need to be modified to shift the drainage along the northern property line to the south. Required modifications on the north end should not affect the proposed FDP for this phase of the development which is located farther to the south. All of the drainage improvements noted above must be completed with this proposed phase of development. The applicant's engineers are working on acquisition of the off-site property. Until the offsite improvements are completed, a temporary retention facility will be allowed. 3 Parking on Parfet Street One of the major impacts of the Medved autoplex has been parking. The Zoning and Development Code requires that commercial developments provide all parking for customers, employees and inventory on-site. In each of the previous land use approvals for the dealership, the issue of cars parking on Parfet Street was addressed. There appear to be up to 50 vehicles parked on Parfet Street most of the time. A condition of approval of the zone change and ODP in 2005 was that employee parking for all three parcels be accommodated on site and that there would be no exceptions. As such, Staff required a parking study with the FDP and plat submittal. Staff has reviewed the submitted analysis and concluded that the analysis is credible. A parking breakdown on Sheet 3 of the proposed FDP includes 19 spaces for employees of the new dealership, 50 employee parking spaces for the overall autoplex and 173 inventory and/or customer parking spaces. At the February 2 Planning Commission, condition #5 of their recommendation of approval of the FDP was that this parking breakdown be reallocated to increase the number of autoplex employee parking spaces from 50 to 75, thereby reducing the inventory/guest parking spaces from 173 to 148. The applicant does not concur with this condition. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: Do not approve this request. FINANCIAL IMPACT: A one time review fee was collected for the processing of this application. Additional review fees will be required for the processing of the building permit. Sales tax revenues are generated from the sale of vehicles to Wheat Ridge residents only. Sales tax revenues will be generated by the sales of auto parts. Use tax will also be collected on any building materials. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. WZ-05-11, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan for properties located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. Provisions for employee parking have been incorporated into the FDP. 2. The Final Development Plan is consistent with the standards set forth in the approved Outline Development Plan for the site. 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions 1. The drainage system for the northern portion of the site be redesigned to accommodate a half-width (30') dedication for W. 50`h Avenue. 2. Prior to installation of the vehicle demonstration testing area, additional information be provided regarding the use, maintenance and management of this area. 3. The applicant continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The applicant continue working with the Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District for inclusion into the district for sanitary sewer purposes." OR "I move to DENY Case No. WZ-05-11, a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan for properties located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. 2." FINAL PLAT Option A: "I move to APPROVE Case No. MS-05-04, a request for approval of a final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions 1. 30' of right-of-way be dedicated for West 50`h Avenue and the easements on the north end be redefined to reflect required changes." OR Option B: "I move to DENY Case No. MS-05-04, a request for approval of a final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street: 1. 2." Report Prepared by: Meredith Reckert (303-235-2848) Reviewed by: Alan White Attachments: 1. Planning Commission staff report (with exhibits) 2. Correspondence from applicant dated February 16, 2006 Request for City Council Action-report form ~oF R"E^rva CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE m PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT CO(ORAO~.. TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 DATE OF MEETING: Feb. 2, 2006 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD final development plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street APPLICANT/OWNER: Michael G. Pharo Associates for Bear Land Holdings APPROXIMATE AREA: 10.59 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development ENTER INTO RECORD: Q COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Location Map A-1 Y, v Existing Dealershi Properties L ! PAD d& V Prop sed Loc tion ~ ~-PGD I s L_ I A-1 PID T-- I a r \ p I~ PID c-2 ~i Planning Commission WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 1 ATTACHMENT 1 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST This application is for approval of a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan and plat for properties located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. The purpose of this land use application is for the construction of anew auto dealership. The applicant plans on future phases on the property which would allow an additional dealership and an office/warehouse for parts distribution. The future phases will be reviewed at a later date through the Final Development Plan process. See applicant's explanation of the request. II. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The property in question is comprised of two parcels containing a total of 10.59 acres. It is located on the eastern side of Parfet Street and extends over to Oak Street. The property was rezoned from C-1, Commercial-One and A-1, Agriculture-One to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-05-05. The property is relatively flat, has a house and several outbuildings on the very northern part. An open ditch (Wadsworth Ditch) runs along the north side of these buildings. Two additional open channel ditches (Bayou and Swadley) traverse the southern end of the property. Abutting the property to the north is a single family residence zoned A-1 and the detention area for the Hoss Planned Industrial Development. Although this detention area will serve the industrial development to the north, it is also zoned A-l. The L & K Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development abuts the property on the east, as does the 70 West Industrial Park which is also zoned PID. To the south is a triangular strip of land zoned C-2 and A-1 which has two billboards on it. This parcel separates the subject property from the north I-70 Frontage Road. The original dealership of the Medved Autoplex is located to the west, across Parfet Street. III. PROPERTY HISTORY The following is a brief history of the Medved Autoplex history which includes property located at 11001 W. 1-70 Frontage Road North (Chevrolet, Hummer, Cadillac), 11201 W. 1-70 Frontage Road North (Chrysler, Plymouth, Jeep and previously-owned vehicles) and vacant property on the east side of Parfet Street which is subject to this development application. The property (all three original parcels) was rezoned from Agriculture-One to Commercial-One pursuant to Case No. WZ-86-10. The rezoning encompassed all three parcels and included a condition that prior to any development, a site plan approval process be completed in front of Planning Commission and City Council. A two-lot subdivision was approved which divided the property on the west side of Parfet into two parcels (Case No. MS-86-3). A site plan was approved for the Chevrolet dealership (11001 W. I-70 Frontage Road North) with a special use permit to allow major automotive repair (Case No. SUP-86-10). Planning Commission 2 WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 In 1994, the owner applied for a planned building group plan to establish an interim used car sales operation on the westerly parcel (11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road). The interim site plan allowed for a 25' x 55' modular building to serve as a sales office. The northern half of the site was proposed as a test track for Hummer testing. In 1998, the applicant applied for an amendment to the recorded planned building group for 11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road to allow construction of two buildings containing a total of 98,000 square feet of building area. An additional building with 9000 square feet of area was proposed on the north end of the property. This building was intended to serve as a child care facility for employees. A 10' right- of-way vacation also occurred for West 50`h Avenue which was dedicated back to the property owner. In 1999, the dealership was cited for having illegal vehicle storage on the vacant property on the east side of Parfet. In response to the citation, an application was submitted for approval of a temporary use permit to allow temporary vehicle storage. The request was denied by the Board of Adjustment on December 9, 1999. The applicant filed suit with the Jefferson County District Court against the City of Wheat Ridge and the Board of Adjustment. The court upheld the decision of the Board of Adjustment. On July 25, 2005, the Wheat Ridge City Council approved a zone change to PCD and an Outline Development Plan for the subject property. IV. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Outline Development Plan (ODP), which accompanies a rezoning ordinance, sets the allowable uses and development standards for the property. Typically the Outline Development Plan is general in nature and serves as the blueprint for development of the property. The Outline Development Plan is also used to establish design parameters including maximum building height, minimum landscaped coverage and minimum perimeter setbacksrp 9vedtlmeyelopmen m V The proposed Final Development Plan encompasses the southern two-thirds of the site and is proposed for a new vehicle dealership (Hummer) (Exfibl`.-1~, goose Finaevoprnent7J A temporary retention pond is being shown to accommodate storm water until the off-site property acquisition and construction occurs for this portion of the Columbine Basin. The property owner's agent is in the process of acquiring the property from the State Land Board. This could take six months to a year to complete. Upon construction of the detention pond and off-site improvements, an additional dealership may be requested which would be located where the north end of the retention pond is currently shown. An FDP amendment would be required for the new dealership. See Section VI. for more detail. Allowable uses: Permitted uses on the approved ODP included auto sales and rental, warehousing and parts distribution and repair and detailing, test driving and general office, service and retail uses. The proposed Final Development Plan is being proposed to allow a new dealership (Hummer). The site plan includes a vehicle demonstration area for test driving these vehicles. It is located between the building and the retention pond. Staff has requested additional information regarding the use, maintenance and Planning Commission WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 management of this area. This information will be provided when the dealership is built and this area is installed. Structure Design: The new dealership building is 8889 s.f., is 33' tall and is oriented toward Parfet Street. Proposed architectural materials include smooth and rough-faced block, brick, and a stone fagade treatment around the structure entrance. Staff concludes that the proposed structure design is consistent with the City's architectural design guidelines. Wall signs are shown on the east and west elevations. Two freestanding signs are proposed; a monument sign at the entrance and a highway oriented sign 50' in height to the southeast of the structure. A future 50' high franchise sign is shown west of the pylon sign for this dealership. A note has been added that this sign cannot be used until an additional dealership is approved through an amended FDP process. Landscaping: The minimum landscaped coverage required by the ODP is 20%. On the site data breakdown, numbers were provided for percent coverage in this phase of 49.1%. This figure includes the formal landscaped areas, the vehicle demonstration area and the retention pond. The 20% ODP minimum for the entire 10 acres must be met with any future development phases. Street trees with 3" caliper are shown in tree lawns along both the Parfet and Oak Street frontages for this phase. All minimum landscape quantities required per Section 26-502 have been met. Access: A single access point is shown on both Parfet Street and Oak Street with a drive aisle connection between the two. These access points align with the existing southern curb cut on the dealership to the west. Parking: One of the major impacts of the dealership has been parking. The Zoning and Development Code requires that commercial developments provide all parking for customers, employees and inventory on-site. In each of the previous land use approvals for the dealership, the issue of cars parking on Parfet Street was addressed. Discussion and resultant conditions approval during the 1999 process specified that parking could occur on Parfet Street only during construction of the newest dealership. The most recent inspection showed 52 vehicles parked along Parfet. A condition of approval of the zone change and ODP was that employee parking for all three parcels is to be accommodated on site and that there would be no exceptions. As such, Staff required a parking study with the FDP and plat submittalff X ~--kruk g Staff has reviewed the attached analysis and concludes that if the numbers used for total number of employees is correct, that the analysis is credible. Additional phases of development on this parcel must provide adequate parking for employees, display and interior building space. Planning Commission 4 WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 Development Standards: The following development standards are depicted on the ODP. The proposed development and any future development of the site must comply with these standards. Item Required by ODP Provided by FDP Building & Hard Surfaced 80% 52.9% Coverage Minimum Setbacks 50' from r-o-w if parking, 30' Front: from r-o-w if landscaped (west Front: 97' and east) Sides: 184' and 492' Sides: 15' from external and internal Rear: 344' property lines (south) Rear: 30' from single family homes (north) Min. Landscaped Coverage 20% 47.1% of this phase Min. Parking Required Refer to Section 26-501 of the Meets the standards of Section Wheat Ridge 26-501 Code of Laws for additional requirements Max. Building Height 50, 33' Signage Refer to Article VII of the One monument and one Wheat Ridge Code of Laws highway oriented sign are permitted Fencing Refer to Section 26-603 of the Meets the standards of Section Wheat Ridge Code of Laws 26-603 Exterior Lighting Refer to Section 26-503 of the Meets the standards of Section Wheat Ridge 26-503 Code of Laws Architectural Detail Refer to the Streetscape and Consistent with Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual Architectural Design Manual Staff concludes that the proposed development standards are generally consistent with those established by the approved Outline Development Plan. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan have been met. V. FINAL PLAT The property is currently comprised of two parcels. The applicant is requesting approval of a consolidation of the lots into one parcel aft Planning Commission WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 The plat establishes typical utility easements around the perimeter. A blanket access easement is provided by note #3 30' of right-of-way is being dedicated for Oak Street. Staff is suggesting that 30' of right-of-way be dedicated for W. 50th Avenue. The applicant does not concur with this dedication. See Staff's discussion of the importance of the 50' Avenue extension in Section VII. of this report. If 50th Avenue is required to be dedicated, modifications to the easements on the north side must occur. The permanent stormwater detention easement is show with the appropriate maintenance note (#4) All regulations and standards of Article W of the Code of Laws have been met. VI. REGIONAL DRAINAGE ISSUES There are concerns of development of this property regarding regional drainage. This property is located within the Columbine Basin Drainage Outfall plan area. According to the plan adopted by Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, there are conveyance facilities shown running north along Oak Street to W. 50th Avenue and extending over to Parfet Street. An additional conveyance facility would run adjacent to the Xcel Energy easement on the south side of the parcel. The Arvada channel is required off-site following the old railroad right-of-way from Parfet Street east to Miller Street. This old right-of-way is currently owned by the State Land Board. The design proposed shows an open channel running along the north side of the subject property in an easement. A total of 80' of right-of-way is needed to accommodate the open channel. The existing FDP and plat show a 40' easement. The remainder of this easement will have to be acquired from property to the north. If W. 50th Avenue is dedicated and built, it will displace the area shown as channel. If the street is built, the channel will have to be accommodated in a box culvert which will be very expensive to build or shifted south into the fixture development phase. A total of 80' of easement in addition to the 30' for 50th would be required. Although the channel design will not impact the southern part of the property (this phase), it will affect the developability of the northern portion. All of the drainage improvements noted above must be completed with this proposed phase of OutfaL development. (70- iib VII. WEST 50' AVENUE The issue of extension of W. 50th Avenue has been debated since the original parcel on the west side of Parfet was platted. W. 50th Avenue currently extends from Miller to Oak Street, east of the subject parcel and from Robb Street east where it dead-ends into a cul-de-sac on 11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road North (western Autoplex parcel). 1986: In the mid-1980's, an amendment was made to the Major Streets Plan of the Comprehensive Plan. This amendment designated an arterial street corridor between Kipling Street and Ward Road. Since 50th was a logical extension, 40' of right-of way was dedicated for 50th Avenue as part of the two-lot subdivision approval on the parcel on the west side of Parfet in 1986. Planning Commission 6 WZ-05-1 IIMS-05-04 1994: During the 1994 Planned Building Group approval for an interim used car sales operation on 11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road North, the applicant indicated that he felt it was premature to develop 50th Avenue at the time, but would be willing to participate when the time was appropriate. A condition of City Council approval was that W. 50th be constructed on both sections of the Medved property when a building permit for the western parcel is issued. 1998: As part of the PBG review for a permanent dealership on 11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road, street construction plans for 50th Avenue were reviewed and it was indicated that these improvements should be completed on both lots connecting to Parfet prior to issuance of a C.O. The street extension was needed as the plan relied on 50`h Avenue for the unloading of vehicles on the north end. The plan was approved by City Council on July 13 but was reconsidered at the next meeting (July 27). The reconsideration allowed construction of a cul-de-sac off 50th on the north side of the property (in lieu of full street extension) with the vacation of the southern 10' of that right-of-way. Further, that the designation for 50" be changed from an arterial to a collector and that 50th Avenue would only be completed if and when the residential properties to the east on Parfet are developed for industrial or commercial uses. 2000: The new Comprehensive Plan is adopted. The connection of 50th Avenue between Parfet and Oak Street is deleted on the Roadway Classification Map. 2003: During the final development plan and plat hearings for Case No. WZ-03-08 (Ross PID), Public Works requested a 25' wide dedication for 50th Avenue extendin west from Oak Street. The purpose was to reserve one-half of the right-of-way width in the event 50` is extended from Oak Street to Parfet. This condition was not included in the motion for approval and no right-of-way dedication occurred. 2005: During the public hearings for the zone change on the subject property, Staff made recommendations to both Planning Commission and City Council that right-of-way for W. 50" Avenue be dedicated between Oak and Parfet Streets. At the May 19, 2005 Planning Commission public hearing the following condition was included in the motion of approval: "Applicant shall be required to provide 30 feet of right-of-way or easement for West 50th Avenue extension on the north property line and/or drainage purposes. This issue shall be resolved prior to or concurrent with the final development plan and final plat." At the July 25, 2005 City Council public hearing, this condition was not included in the zone change motion for approval. In response to adoption of the Neighborhood Revitalization Study, Winston Associates was retained to work with staff in the creation of three subarea plans. One of the subareas being considered is the northwest area in the city with boundaries generally from W. 52"d Avenue to the north I-70 Frontage Road and Ward Road to Tabor Street. Transit Oriented Design (TOD) is being explored due to RTD's planned light rail transit stop for the Goldline in the vicinity of Ward Road and W. 50th Place. Planning Commission WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 The intent of TOD is to encourage pedestrian activity through the use of street grids which in turn impact the type, form and quality of commercial development. At the most recent subarea plan meeting held on January 24, maps were shown with the extension of 50th Avenue from Ward east to Tabor and beyond. Not only is the extension of 50th Avenue essential to provide a secondary access route through this industrial area but also to provide the east/west grid connections for TOD. Although the proposed subarea plan circulation plans are not adopted, Staff will recommend that they include the 50th Avenue through connection 'M~5rt $ Snrarea circulatrori mad} Besides the north I-70 Frontage Road, there are no other east/west road connections between Kipling and Ward Road. 50th Avenue between Kipling and Miller was recently constructed as part of the Arvada Ridge commercial development. 50th Avenue between Miller and Oak Streets is already completed, as is portion east from Robb Street to the northwest corner of the eastern Medved lot with unbuilt right-of-way extending from the temporary cul-de-sac east to Parfet. Acquisition of this section of 50th between Parfet and Oak Streets would ensure the future completion of the east/west connection between Kipling and Ward Road. VIII. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Arvada Fire Protection District: Will require the installation of additional hydrants. Emergency access lanes shall be signed as fire lanes. The building will be required to be sprinklered. Ditch Companies: The affected ditch companies have reviewed changes to the current ditch configurations. The applicant must continue working with them to resolve any issues. Valley Water District: Valley Water District has adequate capacity to serve the project. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines may be needed. Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District: The property owner must petition to be included in the service district. The site can be served by a sewer main extension. Public Works Department: The Public Works Department has reviewed a drainage report. Public Works recommends a 30' right-of-way dedication occur for W. 50th Avenue and that the drainage system on the north end of the site be redesigned to accommodate the street. If that occurs, corresponding changes must be to the FDP and plat documents. Construction of the drainage facilities on the entire site will be required at the time of construction of the Autoplex expansion. This would include improvements on the north end and construction of the off-site Arvada channel. Until that occurs a temporary retention pond will be pennitted. The City may assist Medved in the construction of the Arvada Channel by participating in partial reimbursement if necessary. Planning Commission 8 WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 IX. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Staff concludes that the proposed FDP is consistent with the standards established in the ODP and all requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. Therefore Staff gives a recommendation of approval with the conditions listed in the suggested motion for approval. Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-11, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. Provisions for employee parking have been incorporated into the FDP. 2. The Final Development Plan is consistent with the standards set forth in the approved Outline Development Plan for the site. 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions 1. The drainage system for the northern portion of the site be redesigned to accommodate a half-width (30') dedication for W. 50` Avenue. 2. Prior to installation of the vehicle demonstration testing area, additional information be provided regarding the use, maintenance and management of this area. 3. The applicant continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The applicant continue working with the Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District for inclusion into the district for sanitary sewer purposes." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-11, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." FINAL PLAT Staff concludes that all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met therefore a recommendation of approval is given with conditions listed below. Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. MS-05-04, a request for approval of a final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. Pluming Commission 9 WZ-05-II/MS-05-04 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions 30' of right-of-way be dedicated for West 50`h Avenue and the easements on the north end be redefined to reflect required changes.." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. MS-05-04, a request for approval of a final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street: 1. 2. 3." Planning Commission 10 WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 Michael G. Pharo Associates, Inc. September 30, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Re: Medved Autoplex Dear Ms. Reckert: Please find enclosed the following materials related to the site design and development of the Medved property: 1. Application Form - notarized 2. Final Development Plan • Technical Data • Site Plan • Landscape Plan • Architectural Elevations • Lighting - Photometrics • Signage 3. Construction Plans - Private: These drawings pertain to required engineering improvements on the subject property. 4. Construction Plans - Public: These drawings pertain to required engineering improvements off-site. 5. Subdivision Plat: We are platting the entire 10.59 acre property as a single parcel. The initial FDP submittal consists of 6.0 acres. 6. ALTA Survey 7. Final Drainage Study: In association with this drainage study we are providing copies of all drainage improvement documents and "redline" documents for return to Urban Drainage and Flood Control Authority. 8. Submittal Fee: Provided under separate cover is a check for $5566.00. This amount was determined in the following manner: FDP application fee $500.00 FDP acreage fee-$500/6.0 ac 3000.00 FDP publication fee 300.00 Sub Total $3800.00 Minor Subdivision Application fee 600.00 Minor Subdivision fee-$200/6.0 ac 1200.00 Minor Subdivision publication fee 150.00 Sub Total $1950.00 2835 Wes[ Oxford Ave., #6, Englewood, Colorado 8( EXHIBIT I 773 • e-mail: mplandplaii@aol.com 2 Overpayment Reimbursement 184.00 Total $5566.00 9. Parking Study: As previously requested to support on-site and off-site parking requirements. 10. Architectural Construction Plans: In an effort to provide information to you in an orderly fashion, these plans can be anticipated in mid-October. We hope that having a complete submittal for review will assist in expecting necessary entitlements. As you know, the complexity of this project is unusual. The complexity is directly related to required off-site drainage improvements. The need for expediency from a corporate standpoint is also noticeable. This submittal conforms to our objectives as provided to the City as early as April of this year. We are requesting that we be allowed to develop the initial dealership utilizing a temporary retention pond. This submittal document those off-site improvements necessary to implement an on-site detention pond and provide an out-flow to the east. Both on-site and off-site improvements need to occur on a phased basis given market conditions, access to land owned by the State, and general coordination with the numerous public and private agencies. This submittal is our initial attempt to address these complexities. There will be numerous subsequent submittals in the future. We need to schedule meetings to evolve a Subdivision Improvement Agreement whereby obligations, timing, financial considerations, and other factors unique to this situation can be defined. Please let me know if I can do more at this time. MGP/las c: John Medved Diana Blanch Dennis Polk Bruce McLennan Wendell Ayers Marshall Fishman F1' s< 'cgg ai§-°gq 3€~n ;`J Ps4a9 R'°^ sE. 39~ #g4 HpA=. a°e93 11,s y QSQ~ ~?,M gp N ~g gppp~-ro p5 ggg5g$$$$gt _ g6 g~'~y P.3q~ry ~~&d0 YEeGO °gg$dE c~~ s~tl ge~i R €~~SGB . sg2g_?~q ay~~ egg ~o g ~'°~n S&~$ 8 HUM WHIR 111 dHag~ g~$ €~a s 's say'-~. a G ~ n.. ~ ro n sg g$; ~3$ oA ~Fe -AO a ° ~ ~5Sa o s%n g €~eEn 3 LP a. 2. 7 RHO s a~g s A G n n a~ a g ~s a~ g Y 1 a god s v $ 9 Ei'gN' gg~g@@ ig DID CH ~~p5 gSd ss H C5~ ~ F8 d A A 5g8^ .N W°MRG' W569@. NOJtl656'W63).]9!. V. PIIIUSpCM W n N~ 2 ' ! v. t ~ ~ ~ °s a ' SOYYI'!YW502a1' OeI$hCT WGI'IY 9b].Sd n eo `E8s8 € e.c k IM €a=Pa's g ~gb 8 gb ~_yy_ '"aaa6 @~~$•' Sg R° as °''F r aaa ' ~~Sgw° Re ~m 8~ ~a=.g laaip~d ~ ~a F ~ BfgF ~£°dg ~d gd c s z °e F~ i.. o w ~~@3 ~S`~k s ~ $ 3 z ag s ag" TE 69 3 ' ?6 9 5 32 a€gc$ O t~ #55. a~ ro d C o fD (C - 0% C' p CD o ~1 N `t,;r A c n CD (D ti N M rn ~ C n O ~ o o `C M 0 G r ~ ~a $9 Michael G. Pharo Associates, Inc. September 23, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Re: Medved -Parking Study Dear Ms. Reckert: As a function of the entitlement process for the Medved expansion we are providing the following information and conclusions related to parking at auto dealerships. We have reviewed the parking criteria which are in place in several metro area jurisdictions. We have also reviewed four submittal documents in various jurisdictions. The following trends seem to be apparent. • Not all dealerships are similar in size and function. Compared to a commercial use such as food store or general office, auto dealerships can vary widely in their size, scale, and possible relationship to adjacent or related dealerships. • Some jurisdictions appear to recognize the above stated trends and base their parking requirements on a break down of on-site function such as display, service, office, parts/warehouse, employees, etc. Others have criteria which may or may not apply to all dealerships. • Most jurisdictions recommend 1 space per 1000 square feet of building, display area or in Wheat Ridge, lot area. An additional parking criterion includes 1 space per employee at maximum shift and 3 spaces per service bay. This criterion appears somewhat constant in several jurisdictions. • Some jurisdictions such as Arvada, Littleton, and Westminster have no criteria for auto sales. They refer to other jurisdictions for criteria when needed or utilize related criteria applicable to individual dealership functions. In our situation we are accomplishing at least three things. 1. We are providing initial parking for the proposed Hummer dealership. This initial phase of the overall zoning approval will be followed as the market allows by additional facilities. 2. We will be providing an area for inventory parking to relieve pressures on the existing dealerships. 3. We will be incorporating the requirement to provide for employee parking from the existing dealerships. This is to provide relief to the existing situation which requires parking on Parfet Street. EXHIBIT 4 2835 West Oxford Ave., #6, Englewood, COL 3/783-3773 • e-mail: mplandplm@aol.com The Wheat Ridge criteria are somewhat confusing in that "lot area" is not defined. If we assume that lot area includes only the dealership structure and perhaps exterior display area, the standard is supportable. If lot area extends beyond the structure to include parking and openspace areas it does not. The criterion of 1 space per employee on maximum shift is in line with other jurisdictions. Based on our investigations, we recommend the following criteria be applied to the Medved expansion. • 1 space per 1000 square feet of interior and exterior display area • 1 space per 250 square feet of office area • 1 space per 1000 square feet of warehouse area • 3 spaces per service bay Our initial submittal for the Hummer dealership will generate the following: • ± 8000 square feet of display 8 spaces • ±750 square feet of office 3 spaces • 8 employees at maximum shift 8 spaces • no service/no warehousing 0 spaces Sub-Total 19 spaces 19 spaces • employees from existing dealership 50 spaces • inventory 177 sroaces Total 246 spaces Future improvements including planned expansion of the Hummer inventory storage area, the other dealership, warehousing and service facilities will generate approximately 185 spaces. Additional inventory storage will be approximately 68 spaces. These spaces will be delineated in future phases. Total on-site parking or inventory storage spaces for the 10 acre property will be approximately 500 spaces. Please let me know if I can answer any questions. j Mi ael G. Pharo MGP/las c: John Medved Diana Blanch Dennis Polk Bruce McLennan Wendell Ayers Marshall Fishman Jurisdiction Ratio/Spaces Arapahoe County Car Dealership/Sales 1 space per 1000 sq. ft. auto display area plus 1 space per employee on max. shift Arvada - Auto Sales n/a, has never come up Arvada - Warehouse 1 space per 1000 sq. ft. GFA Castle Rock - Auto Sales 1.5 space per 1000 sq. ft. indoor display plus 3 space per service bay plus 1 space per employee at max shift Castle Rock - Warehouse 1 space per 1000 sq. ft. GFA plus 3 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. retail/office plus 1 space per company vehicle Centennial - Car Dealership/Sales 1 space per 1000 sq. ft. auto display area plus 1 space per emblovee on max. shift Golden- Auto Sales Golden - Warehouse Lakewood - Auto Sales _ Lakewood - Warehou_s_ Littleton - Auto Sales Littleton - Warehouse 1 space per 800 sq. ft. Westminster - Auto Sales n/a, utilize related criteria 1 space per 200 square feet - showroom/parts 1 space per 500 square feet - service Wheat Ridge - New Car Sales, at al 1 space per 1000 sq. ft. lot area plus 1 space per 1000 sq. ft. GFA as per any other jurisdiction or case bV case case 4 IT Jn a. / o MAiCI~ t 7 3 t' 'v Jry }t~_ j n c= o V 6 Cit~of Arvada y a5Te2 y NCO TO CT_A LESS .r.. S . sa/CEXTEND 0p1yY-A-%'ACP L1i~ A . DIED 2 / /"i 3_:9r i.• ¢'S• Oaz613°1. f ~ ~J ~ ~ ' ♦ J, i , ^2a ' 137+ ✓1`V»60 ~ ;Cityi"heaiftidgo °s--j r s 1'yIr ~ScPO f J I A m Psc Row i Di ` r9L TA 156+20 TO 182+20 STA 148+20 TO 153+20 40 < , _ 0 LF 24-RCP 91.1% 500 LF 88-RCP @0.4% _ ~ O! Oi ) O 33 ` \a% `f f .j 03=22Gb O6 167414 1,z n , STA 162+20 TO 163+00 STA 153+20 TO 158+20 280 LF 24-RCP 01.1% 05-22cf, $00 LF 48-RCP C0~0.3% / 1074- " 1 - y 1n STA 183+00 TO 170+00 STA 142+20 TO 1432.20 ' r -vim Pond 6 ` $0 L 24-RCP 01,1% 100 LF 43-ACP OOZ% O PRON70ES~RENTfON FOR STORMS ' 05.107c11 F GREATER THAN 10-YR FAEOUENCY NO RPAO T4 >TF(HO81ED STA 170+00 TO 174+00 5 143+20 TO 1 ey Ky D (CITY Of ARVAD ARVADA bWNEi1511P) 4" LF sGl4 24-RCP @ OS% 300 00 LF 4$-RCP ®0.5% 3% fib:. O3 05=107GL ~ J GENERAL NOTES 1.) TE 0Uf PUODRG D0OROII 1S cwcu 11Y1 OILY. TE ORFALL S1SID1 5x060 PRO,DtS A RSpR DRNRDE M:fYORI( 0 TIE PRO.Ea 9V,6Q< LOLL KnYMER10R5 •LL IE REWRED TO SERA T63UfARI ARFAS llPSTEAy W AND NL0ICEM W THE PMXbSM OUfFX SYSM& ALL FUNRES SD11N (OWNIOS, %M)O , STOW SEf M DUT PONDS, M) ARE PROPOSED 1AilESS 1AWm As EX6iNG _ 2.) URO1F5 91 ARE BL M W OSORLLITW V PPJED W LOOL G74)" OM A p IITIM L9NNR¢ POR NOW LT)CAT !RE APPRO%W 7L TE ELEVO"d a ML 1 nim SHOW J SASM ON 1TPMAL 070ER Donm m AS 3eM m S <ERAN PRIOR 70 ro Al+% Fa , DERIGR OF Oi TESE <W 7H of fE\SiER U(A1AY LOGTOR PLMeED fACA116- MVO MES 6 ' M) ALL ELLYAONS 9pA1W N PIIJI MR PROFTE MS S~ ON A MA MXA EO FOR T6 PROEa 1RPPRG. 4_) INJO 10001bR lEE SIpIM AT SOEYATC 1 TOR C Y. ARTIER NND'DGAXN IS REOLRM 3.) . 0M-STE 0EiD88pN IS REO?NENDFD RM DEHIOPYFHiS TRHHIfARI' TO THE NwW CRVDEL lDbi .ilR'691C1X4R ARE RES'DNSRIF RA 1plDENfATIDN OF ON-STE OETDOM FOR )E1 DOELDP1piWS 100 O 100 400 ,eW M1N MULLER FNGII,IEE UNG COMPANY, INC. FOA URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT L~~= COLUMBINE BASIN CITY OF ARMADA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE OUTFALL SYSTEMPLANNING rrwreen: „I1 On .u L 1! LL C Satin s { ~ W1. ;L 11 =A80),' < tenJ! U EXHIBIT 6 .»1.T .i H n . T 804E_.94"RCP •r 38' r c ~tl.5%, Os=51?,eis GR C R A 1 J ♦ S ( 1 .ter' - 8p' ROW D l' O STA . 1' 137-}9_ >~4t t6tY to-80), i AA~SS-IINEy AMdEI / ©.35% OS ' 8 cis 5% Qs= c1$, z, ♦ Ly6 Ilk 'CO W / FiF~$kiiRED G VC - r^ ED LP "Do 90.35% GRASS-1 Q0.3 % -TAISUTA -17 1 EXHIBIT 7 - - bq 4D Fy Michael G. Pharo Associates, Inc. February 16, 2006 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29"i Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Re: Medved Rezoning - Case No. WZ-05-11 Dear Ms. Reckert: The purpose of this letter is to provide a response to the conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Commission for the above referenced case. 1. Our position remains the same on the West 50`h Avenue issue. We do not accept this condition. The request for a 30 foot dedication is for a road that we do not need for vehicular access, the existence of a R.O.W. reserve or road is a security liability, there is no indication that the City can readily obtain other portions of the R.O.W. due to ownership and jurisdiction issues, there is no timetable for implementation of the road - if ever, and we are already providing considerable public land for the area-wide drainage facility. 2. We accept the condition to provide details of the vehicle demonstration area prior to construction. 3. We accept the condition to continue working with the ditch company. 4. We accept the condition to continue working with the Clear Creek Water and Sanitation District. We do not accept the condition to alter our parking program because the condition is not based upon objective criteria. The number of employees at the proposed dealership is limited due to the small size of the facility, employees are to be transferred from the existing dealership to the proposed facility, the number of spaces provided is based upon accepted criteria as documented in numerous jurisdictions in the metro area, and there will be no parts sales or service provided at the proposed facility. All aerial photo interpretation and actual counts on Parfet Street have concluded the need to provide parking for 50 employees. This number was reviewed and accepted by your office as appropriate as part of our parking study. To arbitrarily designate an additional 25 spaces for employees who do not exist would remove the ability to store 25 inventory cars. Finally, as part of future FDP submittals for zoned and approved 2835 Nest Oxford Ayenne. #6 Englewood, Colorado- ohone: 303'783-3772• fax: 103/783-3773- ATTACHMENT 2 Ms. Reckert February 16, 2006 Page 2 facilities on the property, we will have the ability to adjust the parking/storage spaces as may be warranted. Thanks for your continued efforts on this project. Sincerely, Michael G. Pharo MGP/las c: John Medved Diana Blanch Dennis Polk Bruce McLennan Wendell Ayers €S Lb.G .E.iem Qy€ 3E o a i t "a ~ b6b ~ a3 X39 5~~`= p~xe nn _ g6g t ~a 5mg~ ea6 I i ea ;i .natl.? 3°e9"~ s' €g"~~Y t33 z E C - 3: :Z ~a="a'§a 'b.,tla'„~ md3e6„"o r_ a yaaz ~ F€ gg~ ~~s°g s;,•,~nsg azd~gag; a~.~e agy I a I gp x°sepeg6n' b3F8 ~€a4"yae .s" aaa€" , sag I ~°33i..'`' 3nr"a€ §a .psg,5~'y„. xg ; `s 3@cx~ ° i xg s°gy°tla.$ gaa3a~p„ .~:€ad~~ „ p~': x € ;a E g.'s ay a°.. ad a 7 J:$ P.2 14 SAI qYg 3b9geay AA*.a z '-e_ F`•° ze a I" a e $b' " Viz Its~~ R s~~pyh.=ng 6~g mss&r lag d€:~ t$ I a° ~a I .iI ~ e 4ni aza .V6' baE°6ya33 So § 8~°@«g esFY3 ] 9 Six j ~8 y S se-_ Y7 ~~FSt€ ~E€ ; '3~~in"~9 ~'s"3gyE~iC hey 8§'azg a g~'" g° I I¢ I€ s `g' " I~ ° aa§x ~;g o; g= €"x i§ a `s €Y°~ & a a _vg `s Szag~'r e9o'8g= €e e -sy a 2 a a Sam „a3a3a ° "33e d6vA XMI„s€N MAN I gicaofs e35 Y°G sa ;W4 $i i ~x x 6 a Sal Dill ° " a szssc e..Yb era Ig H.. s~ 15 gm~ to io ~=a9 w I ~ m s 03 al is z u; ~ I anc I _ ~ I _ ~ F 361 a l iQa I I ~ ag 8 a'3sa a ~9.;ai 6" flip z ~ s;~ ys ggI 2 I I _ a f ~b"xE`ao Np E'r/w5 'r/i '3w 1SV3 .K C48 3.85.LlWi R 3 n R 89 133tl15 I R me msexe w.xEwx .e n'~ zoo «meo I~ O z` o 'WN~ t - 1M - w~ y 0 o In tlv 5 9 "\n\ \b~°4 eupBo U3zw _ m ,I r" xli f3 \a\ s~+\ .tea _ Mal 50 2 P9 LIJ \~.a o Q. oFxrl _ w m'szt m,m z 63 a O _ S =x„ \ a w z~anm -w , rj _ - L nrau'c_e} Q F Fa a i{ L_« _ Ps' Je[f[ m.50 q e~~-.f se 3 ,S6 C0~ 0 px W 133x15 133tlvd 'y•° EAoa„e a: - YE8v8S2.Y„.°. 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W3:o _JO ° - - \ \ \ oM - g o ab C) 5 Q a F \\\\1\;1 \ G(n 8a 6k LLW~ W=N J \ \ 5m ll ILL -0 g o \ a 2 0 Ozz - \ $o C) OR t~ a -\\\~\\i we w z 4 ° \ \ \\1 0 aka dwoo \ \ V s XWN~ ~ W Q ~ W U y x JJi- n zoo s 0 .0 a LL ° - ' = v- W o< IN451 0 " t o aZ O \ L ~;y,\ \ Ya a - I / l \ Y - a g3 ~e S ~ \ 1 ~ 5 o S ¢ I EEV \~1 \ 11 \ 'u u. 5~¢ \ \1\\ a ~ o r e y a a AUBF'Wd owz[ 9992/9 no'6mP'PdaAui -P\999-49\S90f4j 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 February 13, 2006 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-05-11 which is a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development final development plan for properties located at 4900 & 4990 Parfet Street AND Case No. MS-05-04 for approval of a minor subdivision plat with dedications for properties located at 4900 & 4990 Parfet Street. These requests will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on February 27, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C Documents and Settinps athyB yDocuments\ athy\PCRPTS\PLANGCOWcnotice@006\wz0511&nu0504.wpd 9LM._()y. / MetroSc Jefferson (CO) Owner :Steismeyer Charles Parc~._ :042703 Site :4996 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4996 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 0858 y Use :1112 Res,Improved Land one Bedrm:l Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1929 Pool: B1dgSF:624 Ac:.41 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Hoss David C Parcel :042775 Site :5130 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 XferpF 4282 0865 Mail :5130 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 7005 2570 0001 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:5 Bath:2.25 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF:1,189 Ac:3.48 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Bear Land Holdings Lie Parcel :043765 Site :4990 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :11001 W I-70 Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge Cc 7005 2570 0001 4282 0872 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1927 Pool: B1dgSF:1,017 Ac:2.58 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Powell Vaudis M Parcel :043769 Site :11221 W 1-70 Frontage Rd S Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 0889 Mail :PO Box 415 Victorville Ca 92393 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1929 Pool: B1dgSF:624 Ac:1.91 * ---------------------------MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :National Advertising Company Parcel :043805 Site :4800 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 0896 Mail :185 Us Highway 46 Fairfield Nj 07004 Use :21ll Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TctRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.43 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Bellegante John A Parcel :043850 Site :4760 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 xfared :02/02/2004 Mail :4760 Parfet St. Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 0902 Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1941 Pool: B1dgSF:1,816 Ac:.92 * • Met=Scan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Wehling Frank W Parcel :043918 Site :5006 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 0919 Mail :5006 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Use :4141 Agr,Grazing Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1942 Pool: B1dgSF:1,500 Ac:1.86 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :City Of Wheat Ridge Parcel :052458 Site :10625 I 70 Service Rd #I70 Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/24/1999 Mail 7500 W 2 PZk Ave mood Co 80215 Price Use :3112 In A,IR d Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1972 Pool: B1dgSF:38,685 Ac:2.86 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Nati na1 Advertising Cc Parcel :136632 Site :*no S'te Ad s Xfered :04/0.4/1977 Mail :185 Us 'ghway 46 Fairfield Nj 07004 Price :$7,300 Use :1111 Vaca ,Residential Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: AC:.Sl • Met=Scan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Lic Investments Inc Parcel :176621 Site :5000 Oak St Wheat Ridge 80033 xf,+- " Mail :PO Box 1149 Austin Tx 78767 7005 2570 0001 4282 0841 Use :3111 Vacant,Industriai Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.98 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Bear Land ldings L1 Parcel :193121 Site :11001 N I 70 er e Rd #I70 Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/01/1997 Mail :11001 N I 70 e ice Rd #I70 Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :2112 Com, proved and Phone Bedrm: Bat Tot :1 YB:1987 Pool: B1dgSF:58,202 Ac:•k-*1ff"~\ Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. *---------------1 ----------MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Bear Land Ho ings Parcel : 193681 Site :*no Site Ad * Xfered : 04/30/2004 Mail :1100.1 W I 0 Fro age Rd N Wheat Ridge Co 8003 3 Price Use :1155 Vacant, Reside ial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac: 8.12 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :New World Ventures Lid Parcel : 401510 Site :4950 Oak St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 0834 Mail :5875 N Rogers Ave Chicago I1 60646 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1984 Pool: BldgSF: 34,476 Ac: 2.15 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) owner :Starker Svc Of Colorado Inc 7005 2570 0001 4282 0827 Site :4980 Oak St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :31290 Eagle Crest Ln Evergreen Cc 80439 Price : $1,350,000 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1983 Pool: B1dgSF: 20,304 Ac: 1.23 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Colorado Industrial Portfolio Lid 7005 2570 0001 4282 0810 Site :10790 W 50th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :1512 Larimer St #325 Denver Co 80202 Price : $377,133 Full Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1985 Pool: B1dgSF: 35,870 Ac: 2.25 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 2/8/2006 * 2:54 PM Schedule Number ...15 042703 042775 043765 043769 043805 043850 043918 052458 136632 176621 193121 193681 401510 401511 401512 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge CITY COUNCIL on February 27, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. WZ-05-11: An application filed by Michael G. Pharo Associates for approval of Planned Commercial Development final development plan for properties located at 4900 & 4990 Parfet Street and legally described as follows (see legal description for Case No. MS-05-04): Case No. MS-05-04: An application filed by Michael G. Pharo Associates for approval of a minor subdivision plat with dedications for properties located at 4900 & 4990 Parfet Street and legally described as follows (the following legal description pertains to both cases): A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, WHENCE THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16 BEARS N00°12'58"W A DISTANCE OF 1,318.35 FEET; THENCE N00°12'58"W, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 488.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE DENVER AND NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY AS RECORDED IN BOOK 126 AT PAGE 583 IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE S73°53'24"W, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 549.56 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF PARFET STREET AS RECORDED IN BOOK 155 AT PAGE 424 IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1. N00°18'44"W, A DISTANCE OF 103.93 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID DENVER AND NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; 2. N00°21'06"W, A DISTANCE OF 747.80 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS RECORDED IN BOOK 1329 AT PAGE 127 IN THR RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY LINES OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PARCEL OF LAND THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1. N89°30'08"E, A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL; 2. N00021'06"W, A DISTANCE OF 126.50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE N89030'08"E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 390.80 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE S00°12'58"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 830.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 461,317 SQUARE FEET OR 10.590 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: February 9, 2006 Nk~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS aryofwnealtruaye 7500 WEST 29r" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Department of PubBe Woft February 15, 2006 Mr. Thomas A. Gardner, P.E. Project Engineer Paragon Engineering Consultants, Inc 7852 S. Elati Street, Ste 203 Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 235-2861 FAX (303) 235-2857 Re: - Second Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report, SWMP, Final Plat, and Construction Plans for the Medved AutoPlex Hummer Dealership development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. Dear Mr. Gardner, I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents received on January 24, 2006 and have the following comments: DRAINAGE Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. Please see redline comments on Page 2 of the Report. 2. On page 3: a. It is stated that the "...conversion of the retention pond to a detention/ water quality control storage facility as soon as physically and economically possible..." This statement needs to be modified to read: "...conversion of the retention pond to a detention/ water quality control storage facility upon conveyance of title for or by the State Land Board granting a drainage easement over the Arvada Channel tract, The triggering mechanism for the construction of the detention facility lies solely upon the timing of the Arvada Channel improvements specifically related to this project as previously agreed upon (rather than economic feasibility). b. It is stated, "The initial stage of development will consist of anew auto dealership..." If this is to be known as Phase 1, as stated further in the report, please consistently refer to this as Phase 1 throughout the report. c. The Report states, "...the access infrastructure is in place on Parfet St " You need to mention the required public improvements along the easterly side of Parfet Street. d. This section is where the different phases of construction should be introduced into the report, and all aspects of the phases need to be identified. (i.e., open channel construction, reinforced concrete box, Arvada Channel improvements (please be specific), curb, gutter and sidewalk along the east side of Parfet St. and along the west half of Oak Street, etc. 3. Please correct typo on Page 4. 4. Please correct the typos on Page 5 and describe the conduit mentioned in the second paragraph. 5. On Page 5, it is stated the 100-year run-off flows are intercepted and conveyed to the Arvada Channel. Please explain if this will still hold true subsequent to the construction of the curb and gutter along the easterly side of Parfet Street. 6. On Page 5, a future 48-inch stub-out is mentioned; describe the location where the stub-out is to be constructed. 7. On Page 6, under Section B. Sub-Basin and Site Drainage: - a. The first paragraph states, "...a detention facility is proposed..." The report previously stated that a "retention pond is to be constructed." Please be consistent as to what is to be constructed, the phasing (construction timeframe), and related language. The entire first paragraph needs to be re- written, as there are too many different thoughts that you're trying to convey; the paragraph needs to focus on the existing (historical) sub-basin and the associated drainage. Thoughts regarding the proposed drainage design need to be included under Section III. Proposed (Developed) Drainage System. b. Please include the historic site runoff rate for the 5-year (minor) storm event, and describe the discharge point - even if it is into the Bayou Ditch (e.g., is it along the entire length of the ditch across the subject property, isolated to the easterly 30-40 feet, etc.). c. It is stated that the "ultimate receiving drainageway shall be the Arvada Channel, once the outfall is in place." Please include the anticipated timeframe for construction of the Arvada Channel outfall. d. Please address typos per redlined comments. 8. Page 6, under Proposed (Developed) Drainage System, A- Criteria: a. This section should include the RCB, RCP, Open Channel, etc., also as means to be used in diverting runoff. 9. Page 7, Section C. Detention: a. In the first line under detention, it states attenuated flows shall be released by an existing control structure. Since there is no existing structure, please describe the structure proposed and rewrite the statement to emphasize that the structure is to be constructed with this project. b. The 7t` paragraph under detention speaks of WQCV and Phase 2. This sentence is difficult to understand and will need to be rewritten. It appears you are trying to say the currently proposed detention facility has been designed to accommodate full build-out for the entire property, but the Report should create situations whereby the reader has to make assumptions. Please revise the current text to clearly indicate the intent. c. Please fully explain what is to be constructed during each Phase, i.e., retention pond construction, the Arvada Channel conduit along Oak Street, etc. is to be constructed as part of the Phase 1 constructed. Phase 2 will entail the conversion of the onsite retention pond into a detention pond (the construction of the outlet structure, etc.), the construction of the downstream improvements (Arvada Channel), describing in detail those improvements, the timing and/or Phasing, triggering mechanisms such as upon the conveyance of title or the granting of an easement by the State Land Board, etc. d. Include a brief discussion of the orifice plate design, the screen/trash rack, the anticipated time it will take to fully and completely drain the detention facility given the proposed release rates, and the compliance with the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements which state that all ponds shall fully drain within a 24 to 40 hour timeframe (due to West Nile Virus concerns). e. State both the provided and the required volumes for the detention facility. f. Describe how the emergency overflow will be conveyed to the Arvada Channel as stated. g. Describe the open channel that is proposed along the northerly and easterly sides of the subject property. Please be advised that the maximum allowable cross slope is 3:1 (with 4:1 being recommended). h. Please correct numerous typos, see redlined comments on Page 7. 10. On Page 8, under Section D. Streets: a. The Streets section is intended to be used to describe new streets. For example, the construction of the westerly one-half of Oak St., etc, the curb & gutter along the easterly side of Parfet, etc. This section is used to describe the street (and/or curb) grade percentages, both onsite and offsite drainage impacts (produced by anticipated additional runoff) resulting from the additional street improvements. b. The majority of the first paragraph should be moved to page 9, Section G. Storm Sewers and Culverts as it speaks more to storm sewer than street improvements. c. In paragraph 1, it is stated, "Oak St. is to be improved." Please describe these improvements. d. Please describe the improvements to be constructed along the east side of Parfet Street under the Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_review2.1tr.doc Streets section, and describe how the curb and gutter to be constructed will affect the original overland flow pattern described as flowing to the Arvada Channel, vs. conveying the runoff southerly to the inlets on the south end of Parfet Street. e. Under Section E. Open Channel Flow, describe when the portion of the Arvada Channel is to be constructed (e.g., during Phase 1). Need to be specific when describing the different phases; specifying exactly what is proposed to be constructed with each phase. f. Under Section E-Open Channel Flow, the Arvada Channel improvements downstream of the project need to be discussed in detail. Again, include specifics for all items to be constructed, timing, phasing, etc. Explain the triggering mechanism for construction of the retention pond being converted into a detention pond and the downstream improvements for the Arvada Channel are solely based upon the conveyance of title or the granting of easement by the State Land Board for the (Arvada Channel) tract to allow for the construction of these items. g. Please correct typo in the second paragraph. 11. On Page 9, under Section G. Storm Sewers and Culverts: a. When describing the Arvada Channel, be sure to state the southerly 6' X 6' RCB conduit, as shown on the Drainage Plan, is to be constructed with this project at no cost to the City of Wheat Ridge, rather than identified as to be "Constructed by Others" as currently shown. b. Again include a complete and detailed description of all onsite and offsite items to be constructed, and the phasing or timing under which the construction is to occur. (Be specific as to who will be constructing what and when). c. Need to fully describe all of the Arvada Channel/Ridge Road Tributary components (both onsite and offsite) to be constructed, both with this development and also include the items to be constructed "by others". Include the grade of (both of) the channels, the channel linings, outlet structures/wing walls (for the easterly end of the Arvada Channel), all pipe and RCB sizes, types, grades, etc.), and the timeframe(s) associated with each. As you are aware, all of the Arvada Channel items will need to be completed with the Phase 1 construction (Hummer dealership) Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. d. Please provide a complete description of the storm systems to be constructed: i. The reinforced concrete box in Oak Street. ii. The RCP running along the southerly portion of the subject property from Parfet Street to Oak Street. iii. For the southerly 6' X 6' RCB conduit south of the Xcel tower, and the 12' X 6" conduit connecting the Arvada Channel to the 12' X 6' RCB at Miller Street, state whether or not the rip-rap to be used in the stilling basins is to be grouted or not, and describe the connection to be made at the existing stub-out (e.g., pre-cast joints will be placed using ram neck, all interior joints shall be grouted, and all rebar layout and concrete mix design for cast in place closure(s) will be based on the C-DOT M Standard M-601-1, etc.). e. Please remove the note pertaining to the proposed 24-inch RCP as temporary discharge, or elaborate that the 24" is in addition to the 12-foot by 6-foot RCB connection. f. Please discuss both in this Report and include on the Drainage Plan(s) the details of the Arvada Channel headwall & wingwalls, and the connection from the proposed RCB to the existing stub- out at Miller Street. 12. On Page 10: a. It is stated that the building elevation "is set high enough with respect to drainageways as to preclude..." Please give the proposed building elevation and the anticipated 100-yr storm runoff elevation. b. Please correct typos on Page 10 per redlined comments. 13. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Final Drainage Report. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. The retention pond sizing calculations assume that offsite inbound flow is routed around the site. If this is in fact a correct assumption, please include a brief summary describing how this occurs and reference the Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_reviev,21tr.doe page on the Retention Sizing sheet in the Appendix. 2. The details shown for the Arvada Channel Improvement at the XCEL transmission towers needs to be included on the drainage plans with specific information necessary for the purpose of construction. Final Drainage Plan 1. For Sheet 1 (Drainage Plan): - a. Please complete the Parfet Street improvements along entire frontage (see redline Plan). b. Need to identify the "phasing" line type in the legend and also in plan view. c. It is shown that the Arvada Channel Q5 is 703 cfs. Is the 703 cfs value for the ultimate (final) build-out? If so, please be sure to include a statement regarding this, and also include the Q5 for the "interim" condition (this project) whereby only the southerly conduit is constructed. d. The plan shows the 6 foot by 6 foot RCB to be "construct by others." The 6 foot by 6 foot RCB conduit south of the Xcel tower and also the connection from the Arvada Channel to Miller Street is to be constructed during this project upon conveyance of the Arvada Channel Tract either by title or by easement. e. Please show the basin sub-basin boundary on the plan view. 2. For Sheet 2 (Drainage Plan): a. Please complete the Parfet Street improvements along the entire frontage (see redline Plan). b. Please show the basin/sub-basin boundary on the plan view. c. Please show the grades in and around the proposed building and parking area south of the building. d. Please include the grade percentages across the subject parcel including along curb lines, channels, etc. e. Include the percent grade for the proposed swale that flows into the detention pond from the north. f. The detention pond bottom needs to have a minimum of 1% fall towards the trickle channels to insure it fi lly dra ns. g. For the interim condition (retention pond), at a minimum you will need to provide a stub-out for the outlet structure so the manhole will not require modification. h. Need to identify the vehicle demonstration area, and please include a statement that a separate grading plan for this area is to be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the commencement of grading. i. The outlet box detail currently identified as Section A-A, needs to be revised. There are currently three sections A-A shown for down drains. 3. For Sheet 3 Offsite Impacts Drainage Plan): a. No comments. 4. For Sheet 4 (Drainage Plan Cross Sections): a. Cross sections B-B and D-D (for Oak and Parfet Streets) need to be revised to reflect a detached sidewalk. The minimum standard for detached sidewalks requires that a 2.0 foot "flat area" behind the walk be constructed, with a 3 foot area recommended. A backside footer and a handrail will be required if an adequate "flat" area is not included in the design. b. For cross section B-B please identify the right of way line shown as current and that the property line shown is proposed. c. For all cross sections need to identify all grades. The maximum allowable grade is 3 to 1 with 4 to 1 recommended due to maintenance concerns. 5. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on all the revised Final Drainage Plans. Historical Drainage Plan 1. No comments. Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_review2.ltr.doc SURVEYING Final Development Plan 1. No Final Development Plan was included with this submittal (previous comments were sent back on December 29, 2005). Public Works will respond with comments upon receipt of the revised FDP. A memo was sent on Thursday January 26, 2005 to Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner with a brief overview to use for the staff report needed for the Planning Commission hearing to be held on Tuesday February, 2 2006. Due to the extremely short timeframe given to return comments, I was able to provide a full review of the Final Plat, but only a brief overview of the civil engineering documents as they relate to the Final Development Plan. Ms. Reckert was informed a full and complete review of all documents would be performed subsequent to the memo. Final Plat 1. Please modify the bearing along the easterly (Oak Street) property line to read, S00°12'58"E to match the Legal Description. 2. Please be advised that Public Works recommends that 30' be dedicated as Right-of-Way along the northerly property line for the future 50`s Avenue roadway. The proposed open channel cannot lie within the roadway, so the 40' drainage easement will need to lie directly to the south of the 30' dedication. Depending on the decision by City Council regarding the 30' ROW this change may need to be made. Please include a CD-ROM containing the revised Plat (in AutoCAD dwg) format with the next submittal. CIVIL CONSTRUCTION Civil Construction Plans General Comments: 1. Using the most complete version, please standardize the legend used for all sheets as some components are missing for various sheets. This of course excludes "special" legend items such as erosion control, etc. 2. Need to include in the next submittal a Lighting Plan for the light standards to be placed along both Oak and Parfet Streets. A copy of the Lighting Plan will need to be sent by you to Xcel Energy for approval. 3. Please include Sheets 1 & 2 of the Drainage Plan in the construction plan set. 4. Include a statement on all sheets (with a plan view) pertaining to the vehicle demonstration area: "A separate plan shall be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge for review and approval prior to the commencement of any construction activities in this area. " 1. For Sheet Cl (Cover Sheet-Notes): a. Need to include the Drainage Plan Sheets 1 & 2 in the plan index. 2. For Sheet C2 (Erosion Control Notes): a. No comments. 3. For Sheets C3 (Erosion Control and Overlot Grading Plan) a. Please complete the Parfet Street improvements on the north end: i. Square off the proposed new asphalt with the existing asphalt. ii. Move the Type 3 Barricade to the north of the proposed new asphalt. iii. Add red diamond signage (e.g., MUTC type OM4-3) to north end of detached sidewalk to alert pedestrians they've reached the end of the walk. b. If this project is to have several "phases", clearly identify the items to be constructed for each phase, and the Phase 1 retention facility needs to be shown as being an interim and temporary solution only. Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_review2.1tr.doo c. Need show the down drains for the detention/retention area, and include any erosion control measures (e.g., rip-rap). d. Include a statement pertaining to the vehicle demonstration area: A separate plan shall be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge for review and approval prior to the commencement of any construction activities in this area. 4. For Sheet C4 (Horizontal Control and Parking Plan): a. Please complete the Parfet Street improvements on the north end: i. Square off the proposed new asphalt with the existing asphalt. ii. Move the Type 3 Barricade to the north of the proposed new asphalt. iii. Add red diamond signage (e.g., MUTC type OM4-3) to north end of detached sidewalk to alert pedestrians they've reached the end of the walk. b. This sheet should include all baseline information, for both Parfet and Oak Streets and also all baseline information for storm sewers. Clearly identify the different baselines on all plan views. c. Need to extend the Oak Street design southward to the I-70 Frontage Road. Identify as "To be constructed by others". Show the ADA ramp as being a CDOT Type 2A. d. Show the complete radius (ultimate design) for the north end of Oak Street. The City is actively seeking to acquire the 50'h Avenue ROW necessary to construct. Show the ADA ramp as being a CDOT Type 2A. 5. For Sheet C5 (Detail Grading Plan): a. Include the percent grade of the swale that flows easterly into the open channel, shown on the northerly portion of site. b. Include the percent grade for the proposed swale flowing southerly into the detention facility. c. Identify the vehicle demonstration area. Include a note for this area stating that a separate design for this area shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the commencement of grading. (Please see Sheet C3). d. The bottom of the detention pond should have a minimum of I% fall to the trickle channels to ensure the pond fully drains. Be sure the detention pond matches on all sheets. e. Please be sure the B-B cross section line is dark enough to distinguish from adjacent lines. f. Using a lighter line type or shading, for any interim condition items (e.g., the retention pond) needs to be shown and clearly labeled as only being temporary in nature during the interim "phase". 6. For Sheet C6 (Detention/Water Quality Facility): a. The bottom of the detention pond should have a minimum of 1% fall to the trickle channels to ensure the pond fully drains. b. Please see the redlined plans and include all grade percentages and elevations as requested. c. Need to identify the lateral pipe extending northeasterly in Oak Street from the RCB and include the size, type, and purpose (e.g., irrigation). This irrigation crossing needs to be extended beyond the limits of the storm RCB. d. Please change the "Emergency Spillway" to "Emergency Overflow Weir" to remain consistent with the detail. e. Re-evaluate whether or not any erosion control will be needed at the bottoms of the rundowns. f. The northerly rundown currently shows an abrupt angle coming out of the rundown bottom. This should include a short straight section and a curve directing runoff back into the central channel, since runoff will flow in in the direction of least resistance (a straight line). 7. For Sheet C7 (Water Quality Pond Details): a. Double check the General Notes for applicability to this project. b. In the outlet structure detail section A-A, there are figures and tables referenced; please provide all tables and figures on this sheet (or place on a different sheet with a reference on this sheet). c. The trash rack needs to be mounted in such a fashion as to be removable for maintenance purposes. d. The outlet structure needs to have a minimum of 1% fall across the bottom. e. Section C-C identifies a Number 93 stainless steel U.S. Filter or equal. Please revise this to read a Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_reviev,2.1tr.doc U.S. Filter or "proved equivalent. f. Should include the 2' trickle channel detail on this sheet as it lies within the detention facility. g. For the notes: i. WQVC trash racks: only close-mesh well-screen trash racks should be used. Bar grate trash racks are not recommended for WQVC as the spacing of bars is generally too wide. ii. Overflow: the type of mounting described in Number 1 should be used in the WQVC trash rack. 8. For Sheet C8 (Oak Street Plan & Profile): a. Include profiles for both the center line (section) line and also for the westerly lip line (or flowline) for the entire street length (50th Avenue to the I-70 Frontage Road) to ensure the proposed frontage improvements will tie in with the surrounding conditions. b. Due to the increase in truck traffic, Oak Street will need to be completed in its entirety. Therefore, extend the full width curb, gutter and sidewalk design southerly to the PCR of the existing N. I-70 Frontage Road (include the both plan view and 2-line profile view), and show the standard ADA ramp to be used as CDOT Type 2A. The City will participate in the portion of the asphalt, c, g, & detached sw lying west of the existing ROW. But the proposed improvements for this site will need to include paving the strip of asphalt from the existing pavement west to the existing ROW, south for the entire distance to the I-70 frontage road. c. On the plan view, please shade the new pavement area and widen it to the existing ROW line for the area lying south of subject property and extending southerly to the existing N. I-70 Frontage Road to indicate it is to be completed with this project. (Show the items west of the existing ROW as being completed `By Others"). d. The current design proposal denies the landowner to the north access through the existing gate at the 50th Avenue intersection (you show a Type 3 barricade across the access point). Please be advised that the City is actively seeking to acquire the "comer" piece of ROW at 50th & Oak to allow for the intersection to be completed, and that this barricade needs to be removed. e. Show the complete "ultimate" design for the public improvements (curb, gutter sidewalk, and CDOT Type 2A ADA ramp) at the 50th Avenue intersection. The ultimate design should assume that the 30' of 50th Avenue ROW along the northerly portion of the Medved site will be dedicated. Please identify the standard ADA ramp to be used in the ultimate design as CDOT Type 2A. . £ The Drivecut CG2A detail was removed (as it was for a residential street only), so the ramps and drivecut shown will need to be modified to correspond to the detail. g. The Construction Notes (left-hand side of sheet) will need to be modified. See Sheet C22 for additional Information/suggestion. h. A guardrail will need to be placed across the Arvada Channel area along the easterly side of Oak Street (see redlined plans). i. The existing 8' wide concrete pan will need to be completely removed to allow for proper construction of the proposed roadway. j. State that the aliquot corner (which needs to be modified to read: NE Corner, SE'/4, SW '/a, Section 16) shall be reset prior to placement of the top lift of asphalt. 9. For Sheet C9 (Oak Street Cross-Sections): a. Cross-sections 3+00 through 4+50 will need to be revised to include the proposed design for the full roadway design to the N. I-70 Frontage Road. b. A 2' "flat" area is required behind the sidewalk (3' is recommended) along the entire frontage. If this is not provided, a backside footer and handrail shall be required. You will need to provide a detail for both items if this is the preferred design. c. Please modify all cross-sections to reflect the design chosen (see comment 9 b. above). 10. For Sheet C10 (Signage and Striping): a. No Parking signs shall be placed along the east side of Parfet Street; include these on the plan view. For parking to be allowed along the east side of Parfet Street, the pavement section would need to be widened to 40 feet FL to FL (rather than the currently proposed 36') to allow for Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_reviev2.1tr.doc adequate traffic movement. b. Please complete the Parfet Street improvements on the north end: i. Square off the proposed new asphalt with the existing asphalt. ii. Move the Type 3 Barricade to the north of the proposed new asphalt. iii. Add red diamond signage (e.g., MUTC type OM4-3) to north end of detached sidewalk to alert pedestrians they've reached the end of the walk. iv. You will need to include a fogline to direct traffic westerly through this transitional area (see redlined plans). c. Show a guardrail with appropriate markers along the easterly side of Oak Street at the RCB. d. Remove the "chevron" striping and Type 3 Barricades on both ends of the Oak Street frontage. The City anticipates participating in the completion of the full width roadway in these areas. e. Show the radius for the northerly end of Oak Street at 50'" Avenue. (Please see redlined plans). f The drivecuts and ADA ramps will need to be modified for both Parfet and Oak Streets to reflect what is proposed to be constructed. 11. For Sheet C11 (Parfet Street Plan & Profile): a. Need to include the type of curb and gutter to be constructed as Type CG2. b. Need to extend all improvements to the north property line in the plan view. c. In the profile, show the existing easterly edge of asphalt rather than the roadway centerline. d. Modify all ADA ramps and drivecuts to reflect what is to be constructed (and that match the details given). 12. For Sheet C12 (Parfet Street Cross-Sections): a. Modify the cross-sections for 8+50 & 9+00 to reflect the public improvements to be constructed along the entire frontage. 13. For Sheet C13 (Storm Sewer Plan & Profile): a. For the 12' X 6" conduit connecting the Arvada Channel to the 12' X 6' RCB at Miller Street, describe the connection to be made at the existing stub-out. Include notes: Pre-cast joints will be placed using ram neck, all interior joints will be grouted, and rebar layout and concrete mix design for the cast in place closure(s) will be based on the C-DOT M Standard M-601-1, etc. (Pease see redlined Plans) b. Include a Note directing the reader to the sheet where the (erosion control) seeding information may be found. c. Need to include the (Xcel Energy approved) detail for the 6' X 6' at the transmission tower that will be included in the Final Drainage Report Appendix. d. Please include a detail for the 25' stilling basin. e. Remove the "inadvertent storage volume" line and note (it may confuse the reader). f. As just a suggestion: To facilitate proper construction, the grade of the proposed 12' X 6' RCB connection to the existing RCB at Miller could be increased to 0.50%, as it will only raise the westerly end by 0.39' (which could be adjusted back out through the 4:1 apron area). 14. For Sheet C 14 (Storm Sewer Plan & Profile): a. Vertical clearance of 0.7' for the proposed 12" water above a 12'x6' RCB is extremely tight. Confirm temporary & permanent support and vertical clearance requirements with the water district, and show the concrete cradle or other supporting feature detail as required by the district. b. Need to include the design for the "special" manhole connecting the two 12' X 6' RCB' and the 72" RCP from the west. This design will be used to verify the shop drawing submitted by the contractor. Also modify the note pertaining to the shop drawing submittal from the "Building Department" to the "Public Works Department". (Please see redlined plans). c. Include the invert in (west) from the 72" RCP for the box base MH-A 1. d. Show the guardrail along Oak Street. e. Need to extend the irrigation pipe crossing to outside the RCB (see sheet C6), f. Please address miscellaneous minor additions/corrections in the profile. 15. For Sheet C15 (Storm Sewer Plan & Profile): a. Need to direct the reader to the sheet(s) where all the baseline information may be found. Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_reviewlltr.dw b. Unless all pipes and structures lie centered on the baselines, need to include the offsets as well as the station for each item to be constructed. c. Be sure to direct the reader as to what baseline items are associated with (since there will be several different baselines, be sure the reader understands which item goes with which baseline). 16. For Sheet C16 (Storm Sewer Plan & Profile): a. For cross-section A-A, the maximum side slopes allowed by the City is 3:1 (with 4:1 being the recommended max.). Please adjust the channel to accommodate the 3:1 slope. b. A 2' "flat" area is required behind the sidewalk (3' is recommended) along the entire frontage. If this is not provided, a backside footer and handrail shall be required. You will need to provide a detail for both items if this is the preferred design. c. Use a standardized legend for all sheets with the exception of the erosion control plan. d. In the plan view: L Show all the rundowns (and any associated erosion control as needed). ii. Extend the irrigation pipe to outside the boundaries of the proposed 12' X 6' RCB. e. In the profile view: i. Vertical clearances of proposed 8" water and 8" sanitary utilities above a 10'x4' RCB are very tight. You may wish to double-check to see if the sanitary sewer can't be raised a bit to give you as much clearance as possible. Also, confirm temporary & permanent support and vertical clearance requirements with water & sewer utilities, and show concrete cradle or other supporting feature as required by the Districts. ii. Show the proposed irrigation pipe crossing around station 0+50. iii. Why is the slope entering the RCB so steep? Is there a reason this has to be a 4:1? The City recommends flattening this out to around 10%; otherwise additional erosion control measures will be required in this area. 17. For Sheet C17 (Storm Sewer Details): a. Need to include (specific) trash rack and outlet treatment details for the RCB's. b. Provide distances from the transmission tower concrete pads to the RCB's (please see redlined plans). c. Direct the reader to where to find the seeding information for the Arvada Channel slopes. d. State whether or not the proposed Type N rip-rap is to be grouted or not. e. Show the guardrail along the easterly side of Oak Street. f. Need to provide the foundation information and/or detail for the RCB construction. g. Show on the plan view (of all sheets depicting the Arvada Channel) the access road that will be required to maintain this drainage facility. 18. For Sheet C 18 (Erosion Control Details): a. No comments at this time. 19. For Sheet C19 (Erosion Control Details): a. No comments at this time. 20. For Sheet C20 (Erosion Control Details): a. No comments at this time. 21. For Sheet C21 (Construction Details): a. No comments at this time. 22. For Sheet C22 (Construction Details): a. Show which driveway detail to be used on this project, or identify which type is to be constructed where if more than one type is to be used. b. Be advised, the concrete is to be thickened to 8" across the entire drivecut area (from PCR to PCR). c. The vertical curb ramp detail is missing the required truncated dome area. (Please see redlined plans). If you need it, I can e-mail you the correct version of this as apparently this detail was modified subsequently to when you downloaded the City's civil details. d. Please include the following construction details: i. Guardrail (e. side of Oak). Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_review2.ltr.doc ii. Concrete cradle (or other support feature) for the utility crossings. iii. Trash racks and outlet treatments for the RCB's. iv. The Arvada Channel at the transmission tower detail (same one to be included in the back of the Final Drainage Report Appendix). v. City monumentation detail (for resetting the aliquot monument at 50 s and Oak Street). vi. And if applicable, the backside footer for the sidewalk along the west side of Oak Street. e. Please remove all references to Pay Items (these are for City contracted projects only). 23. For Sheet C23 (Construction Details): a. Clearly identify on all sheets affected, where the emergency access drive (and the post installation) is to be located.. 24. For Sheet C24 (Construction Details): a. For the cutoff wall, identify the material to be used in the stilling area, and also the depth of the material. If the 25' stilling area shown on Sheet C13 is the same material, thickness, etc., modify the detail to indicate the length of the area may be 10' or 25'. If not - you will need to provide a separate detail for this item. MEDVED AUTOPLEX SWMP Stormwater Management Plan 1. The proposed construction schedule states the erosion control measures will be removed December 31st. Temporary sediment control measures will have to stay in place until final stabilization has been reached. 2. hi the proposed project description, address specifically the timeline for converting the retention facility to a detention/water quality control facility. 3. Please include the following revised plan sheets: a. The Drainage Plan (sheets 1 & 2). b. Erosion Control and Overlot Grading Plan (sheet C3 of the construction plan set). c. Erosion Control Notes (sheet C2 of the construction plan set). d. Erosion Control Details (sheet C19 of the construction plan set). e. The Storm Sewer Plan & Profile (sheet C13 of the construction plan set). 4. An estimate of the runoff coefficient of the site before and after construction activities must be included in the SWMP. The Public Works Department requires 2 signed and stamped copies of the revised Final Drainage Report and SWMP, Final Plat, FDP, and Construction Plans. Please provide these revised documents, along with a CD-ROM containing the Final Plat (in AutoCAD Awg format) with the next submittal. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way, the necessary Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public right-of-way for a period of two (2) years; 10 Medved AutoPlex(11001 NFrontage Rd)_revieu2.ltr.doc commencing upon completion of all constructed public improvements and Final Acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. NPDES Permit The Federal Clean Water Act implemented by the EPA requires that stormwater discharges from certain types of facilities as part National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) be authorized under stormwater discharge permits. Construction sites greater than one (1) acre in size require an NPDES construction activities permit. The proposed area of disturbance is about 5 acres and shall therefore comply with NPDES regulations. The NPDES permit for construction activities is issued by the State through the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS), and may be obtained by contacting the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Water Quality Control Division. A copy of the CDPS Permit is to be submitted to the Department of Public Works prior to issuance of any Grading or Building Permits. Drainage Certification Required Prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Thomas A. Gardner, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the site grading was completed per the approved Grading & Erosion Control and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As-Built Plans for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy. The As-Built Plans shall be submitted as follows: Two (2) copies of the "As-Built" Plans are to be submitted: a. 1 copy is to be on bond paper, and b. 1 copy is to be on electronic media (CD-ROM) and is to be in AutoCAD.dwg format. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer XC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner File 1 I Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)-reviewlltr.doc 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 February 9, 2006 Mike Pharo Michael G. Pharo & Associates 2835 West Oxford, 96 Englewood, CO 80110 Dear Mr. Pharo: The City of Wheat Ridge At its meeting of February 2, 2006, Planning Commission recommended approval of Case No. WZ-05-11, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. Provisions for employee parking have been incorporated into the FDP. 2. The final development plan is consistent with standards set forth in the approved outline development plan for this site. 3. All requirements for a PCD final development plan have been met. With the following conditions: The drainage system for the northern portion of the site be redesigned to accommodate a half-width (30') dedication for West 50th Avenue. 2. Prior to installation of the vehicle demonstration testing area, additional information must be provided regarding the use, maintenance and management of this area. The applicant will continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The applicant will continue working with the Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation district for inclusion into the district for sanitary sewer purposes. The final development plan be modified on page 3 of 7 to require that employee parking for the new dealership be changed from 19 to 25, employee parking for the existing dealership be changed from 50 to 75 and inventory and/or guest parking be changed from 173 to 142. Mike Pharo Page 2 February 9, 2006 Planning Commission has also recommended approval of Case No. MS-05-04, a request for approval of a final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: All requirements of the Subdivision Regulation have been met. 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following condition: Thirty feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated for West 50th Avenue and the easements on the north end shall be redefined to reflect required changes. Your requests for final development plan and final plat approval are scheduled for public hearing before City Council at 7:00 p.m. on February 27, 2006. Twenty-three (23) copies of the full- Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 71~gzl~ Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes cc: John Medved Medved Autoplex 11001 W. I-70 F.R.N. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 c:\...My Documents\Kathy\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\CORRESP\2006\WZ0511&MS0504 ;AFT PUBLIC HEARING A• Case No. WZ-05-10: An application filed by Michael G. Pharo Associates for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to Planned Commercial Development and approval of an outline development plan for property located at 7495 West 29 h Avenue. Meredith Reckert informed the Commission that the applicant had requested a continuance of this case. Michael Sheldon Attorney for Applicant Mr. Sheldon was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He stated that the applicant has been meeting with the City Council and Wheat Ridge Historical Society Board of Directors regarding the historical designation of the subject site. At the last hearing, the City Council requested that this case be continued to allow more time for discussion with the Historical Society and city staff in order to reach a compromise regarding historical designation of a portion of the site. He stated that the applicant has since found it may be possible to find a plan to preserve the mansion and the pergola. He requested a continuance of this case to give more time for the applicant to continue dialogue with the Historical Society and the city staff. Commissioner BRINKMAN disclosed that, prior to opening her packet for this meeting, she had a conversation with a co-worker whose wife had a previous discussion with a city employee regarding the subj ect property. This was a brief discussion that did not include anything of importance regarding this case. Chair McMILLIN ruled that this.conversation would not constitute an impermissible ex parte communication. It was moved by Commissioner STEWART and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to continue Case No. WZ-05-10 to the Planning Commission meeting of March 16, 2006. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners CHILVERS, SPANIEL and WESLEY absent. B. Case No. WZ-05-11: An application filed by Michael G. Pharo Associates for approval of a planned commercial development final development planfor properties located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. C. Case No. MS-05-04: An application filed by Michael G. Pharo Associates for approval of a minor subdivision plat with dedications for properties located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. These two cases were considered together and presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of these applications for reasons, and with conditions, outlined in the staff report. Planning Commission Page 2 February 2, 2006 Michael Pharo 2835 West Oxford Avenue, Englewood Mr. Pharo was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He stated the main objective of the application is to continue development of the Medved retail auto complex. He stated his opposition to the condition which would require dedication of right-of-way for 50th Avenue because the road would be of no value to the Medved development. This condition would constitute an onerous taking of land from which the aglicant would receive no benefit and there is no guarantee if and when the continuation of 50 Avenue will take place. The applicant is already giving land for an area-wide drainage plan. Those drainage easements will help drain a very large area. At this time, details have not been worked out for the Hummer vehicle demonstration area. The applicant's hands are somewhat tied at this point by corporate dictates that haven't yet been clearly spelled out. He stated the demo area would not be constructed until such time as all the details are known and made available to the city. At the request of staff, the applicant has revised the exterior elevations to utilize substantial portions of contrasting masonry and brick. Mr. Pharo stated that the applicant is in conformance with the city's sign code. A master sign plan for the complex is being developed. He will comeback to the. city as the project evolves. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Pharo stated that he believed the parking planned for the development is adequate. Parking will be modified as phases two, three and four are developed. He believed the parking was in line with other jurisdictions surveyed by the applicant. He also commented that if more employee/customer parking is needed, inventory parking could be reduced Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about parking on Parfet and asked if the applicant would have a problem with the city flagging the east side of Parfet as "no parking". Mr. Pharo objected and stated that Parfet is a public street and customers have as much right to park on public right-of-way as anyone else. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the demonstration area would be irrigated and if servicing would take place on the site. Mr. Pharo stated that they still don't know what corporate's design requirements are at this time. They do plan to have a pond in the demo area. He stated there would be no servicing or parts business at the Hummer site. In response to a question from Commissioner SCEZNEY, Mr. Pharo stated that all transport loading and unloading would be done on-site. Public streets would not be used for that purpose. Bruce McLennan 677 So. Colorado Boulevard Mr. McLennan was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He entered two exhibits into the record: (1) photographs of the Medved dealership in Castle Rock; and (2) an architectural rendering of Planning Commission Page 3 February 2, 2006 proposed building. He also showed the Planning Commission samples of materials to be used on the building. He reminded the Commission that the original corporate design was for a galvanized quonset but style building. The lighting will be manipulated to prevent spillage to adjacent properties. Wendell Ayres! 7852 S. Elati, Littleton Mr. Ayres, engineer for the. applicant, was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He stated that the drainage on this site is, a small part (approximately 10 acres out 1400 acres) of a very large drainage basin. The applicant plans to build an off-site drainage channel between Oak Street and Miller Street. The channel would be built through the 100-foot public service easement presently owned by the State Land Board. A box culvert would be built under Oak Street. In order to construct the channel between Miller and Oak, the applicant will have to acquire ownership of land presently owned by State Land Board. The State Land Board will make a ruling on this matter on February 17, 2006. There is no reason to believe the Board will not sell this piece of ground to the applicant. Once easements and/or land is acquired, construction can begin on the channel as soon as March. Chuck Steismeyer 4996 Parfet Mr. Steismeyer was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He expressed concern about Medved employees and customers parking along Parfet Street. He wanted to be assured that there would be no light spillage onto his property. He commented that extending 50th Avenue would wipe out another house on the other side of Robb Street. He fought the 60-foot road because it would come within 3 feet of his bedroom. The proposed Arvada drainage channel as shown on the Urban Drainage & Flood Control Master Plan would wipe out his house. He also expressed concern about drainage from the proposed test track and didn't want to see people test driving Hummers through the ditch. In response to a question from Commissioner PLUMMER, Mr. Steismeyer stated that he did not object to the application. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Steismeyer stated that noise from loudspeakers has been significantly reduced. Meredith Reckert stated that none of the applicant's proposed improvements would affect Mr. Steismeyer's property. Wendell Ayres returned to the podium to address the drainage issue. The regional drainage plan calls for a channel to go directly through Mr. Steismeyer's property and he didn't know if it could be piped through the property or exactly how it would be handled. However, the applicant's construction of the channel on the Medved property would not affect Mr. Steismeyer's property. Planning Commission Page 4 February 2, 2006 Bruce McLennan returned to the podium to state that cell phones rather than loudspeakers are now being used to communicate with sales people on the lot. In response to a question from Commissioner STEWART, Mr. McLennan stated that service for the Hummer dealership would take place at the Chevrolet facility. Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about employees and customers parking on Parfet Street. Alan White replied that the city requires businesses to accommodate parking on their sites and staff agrees with the applicant's analysis that there is sufficient parking to accommodate customers and employees on the site. In response to a question from Commissioner SCEZNEY, Mr. McLennan stated that new vehicles would not be driven off the lot in order to clear snow. Mike Rich 4980 Oak Street Mr. Rich was sworn in by Chair McMILLIN. He recently moved his business to the above address. He expressed concern that the proposed development would affect access to his property. Oak Street is very narrow and if Medved has parking on their side of the street (west side of Oak), there would not be sufficient room for tractor trailers to access his property. He expressed concern about the test track area and possible contamination to his property from blowing dirt. The plan to extend 50'h Avenue would be beneficial to his business. He stated he was opposed to the project because it doesn't appear there will be adequate on-site parking. Michael Pharo returned to the podium. He stated that parking was planned after a thorough traffic analysis by a traffic consultant. This analysis was approved by the city's public works department. The applicant is dedicating 30 feet of right-of-way on the west side of Oak Street and will be improving the western half of that road. In regard to the test area, the applicant doesn't want dust or debris to get splashed on inventory and therefore there would be no negative effects off site either. Bruce McLennan returned to the podium and reiterated that Medved will only be unloading automobiles on-site and not on public right-of-way. There were no other individuals present who wished to address this matter. Chair McMILLIN closed the public hearing and declared a brief recess at 9:26 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:37 p.m. It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner SCEZNEY to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-05-11, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. Provisions for employee parking have been incorporated into the FDP. Planning Commission Page 5 February 2, 2006 2. The final development plan is consistent with standards set forth in the approved outline development plan for this site. 3. All requirements for a PCD final development plan have been met. With the following conditions: AF! 1. The drainage system for the northern portion of the site be redesigned to accommodate a half-width (301) dedication for West 50th Avenue. 2. Prior to installation of the vehicle demonstration testing area, additional information must be provided regarding the use, maintenance and management of this area. 3. The applicant will continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The applicant will continue working with the Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation district for inclusion into the district for sanitary sewer purposes. Commissioner BRINKMAN offered the following friendly amendment: The final development plan will be modified on page 3 of 7 to require that employee parking for the new dealership be changed from 19 to 25, employee parking for the existing dealership be changed from 50 to 75 and inventory and/or guest parking be changed from 173 to 142. The amendment was accepted by Commissioners PLUMMER and SCEZNEY. Chair McMILLIN commented that a key issue in this matter is whether or not 50th Avenue is allowed to go through. It is important to have connectivity to light rail. He stated that he was unimpressed with Mr. Pharo's statement that he doesn't want to dedicate right-of-way for 50th Avenue because it won't benefit the Medved Dealership. Other landowners have been required to dedicate land for the benefit of the city. This dedication would be similar to sidewalk dedications required of single family homeowners. Commissioner SCEZNEY stated he would vote in favor of the project and expressed appreciation to the applicant for working with other entities regarding drainage. He spoke in favor of the dedication for 50th Avenue because of its importance to the future of Wheat Ridge. The amended motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners CHILVERS, SPANIEL and WESLEY absent. It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner SCEZNEY to recommend approval of Case No. MS-05-04, a request for approval of a final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: Planning Commission February 2, 2006 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulation have been met. 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following condition: PA` Thirty feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated for West 50th Avenue and the easements on the north end shall be redefined to reflect required changes. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners CHILVERS, SPANIEL and WESLEY absent. It was moved by Commissioner STEWART and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to make a resolution recommending that City Council address parking on Parfet between the frontage road and 50th Avenue by limiting parking to two hours. Parking along Parfet has been an ongoing problem for residents and businesses in the area and will become more of a problem as the Medved dealership expands. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners CHILVERS, SPANIEL and WESLEY absent. g. OLD BUSINESS Alan White reported that recent meetings were held regarding the end of the Gold Line, the Northwest Sub-area and the Wadsworth Corridor. 9. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 11. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee and department reports. 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. John McMillin, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary Planning Commission Page 7 February 2, 2006 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 February 7, 2006 Jefferson County Commissioners Re: Major Activity Notice Dear County Commissioners: The City of Wheat Ridge This letter is provided in accordance with C.R.S. 31-23-225 to provide notice to your office that the City of Wheat Ridge has received a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development final development plan and plat on approximately 10 acres of land located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. The City Council will consider this request at a public hearing on February 27, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building at 7500 W. 29`x' Avenue, Wheat Ridge. CO 80033. Please contact this office at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner " cyur3.77~Tf£ i~ t$ /71 c'O~~~f HMS A SEM Architects Inc ii;-2 -C: _ ELEVATIONS FINISH SCHEDULE J ~j THRIWAU DRIC<-RED SPLI' FACED IMEGx lLY CaCRED CM SASADTE:931 GRDt ID FACED WiECd YWLOREDCMU-SASALITE A 932 ACCENT COLOR -GPfSCAPE-Sw 7^ STONE VENEER- COLORADO SANDSTONE - BUFF COLORED NOTE: FULUREPYLCN SIGN WU CONFORM TO CbRREW OW RECWREMiE TS AND BE SEPARATE_YPERMI'FED AT THE TIME OF INSTALATV L eWa~v cv.crnevvev 7 FUTURE PYLON SIGN ELEVATION MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATION 2 WEST ELEVATION „ ~x V f~ l i r~ ~l i J s,. "a r-l :.4 y HEq?, u~oF yam ; CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 DATE OF MEETING: Feb. 2, 2006 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD final development plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street APPLICANT/OWNER: Michael G. Pharo Associates for Bear Land Holdings APPROXIMATE AREA: 10.59 acres PRESENT ZONING: Planned Commercial Development ENTER INTO RECORD Q COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Location Map Planning Commission I WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. I. REQUEST This application is for approval of a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan and plat for properties located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. The purpose of this land use application is for the construction of anew auto dealership. The applicant plans on future phases on the property which would allow an additional dealership and an office/warehouse for parts distribution. The future phases will be reviewed at a later date through the Final Development Plan process. See applicant's explanation of the request. ~'`d".' N II. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The property in question is comprised of two parcels containing a total of 10.59 acres. It is located on the eastern side of Parfet Street and extends over to Oak Street. The property was rezoned from C-1, Commercial-One and A-1, Agriculture-One to Planned Commercial Development pursuant to Case No. WZ-05-05. The property is relatively flat, has a house and several outbuildings on the very northern part. An open ditch (Wadsworth Ditch) runs along the north side of these buildings. Two additional open channel ditches (Bayou and Swadley) traverse the southern end of the property. Abutting the property to the north is a single family residence zoned A-1 and the detention area for the Hess Planned Industrial Development. Although this detention area will serve the industrial development to the north, it is also zoned A-1. The L & K Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development abuts the property on the east, as does the 70 West Industrial Park which is also zoned PID. To the south is a triangular strip of land zoned C-2 and A-1 which has two billboards on it. This parcel separates the subject property from the north I-70 Frontage Road. The original dealership of the Medved Autoplex is located to the west, across Parfet Street. III. PROPERTY HISTORY The following is a brief history of the Medved Autopiex history which includes property located at 11001 W. 1-70 Frontage Road North (Chevrolet, Hummer, Cadillac), 11201 W. 1-70 Frontage Road North (Chrysler, Plymouth, Jeep and previously-owned vehicles) and vacant property on the east side of Parfet Street which is subject to this development application. The property (all three original parcels) was rezoned from Agriculture-One to Commercial-One pursuant to Case No. WZ-86-10. The rezoning encompassed all three parcels and included a condition that prior to any development, a site plan approval process be completed in front of Planning Commission and City Council. A two-lot subdivision was approved which divided the property on the west side of Parfet into two parcels (Case No. MS-86-3). A site plan was approved for the Chevrolet dealership (11001 W. I-70 Frontage Road North) with a special use permit to allow major automotive repair (Case No. SUP-86-10). Planning Commission 2 WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 In 1994, the owner applied for a planned building group plan to establish an interim used car sales operation on the westerly parcel (11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road). The interim site plan allowed for a 25' x 55' modular building to serve as a sales office. The northern half of the site was proposed as a test track for Hummer testing. In 1998, the applicant applied for an amendment to the recorded planned building group for 11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road to allow construction of two buildings containing a total of 98,000 square feet of building area. An additional building with 9000 square feet of area was proposed on the north end of the property. This building was intended to serve as.a child care facility for employees. A 10' right- of-way vacation also occurred for West 500' Avenue which was dedicated back to the property owner. In 1999, the dealership was cited for having illegal vehicle storage on the vacant property on the east side of Parfet. In response to the citation, an application was submitted for approval of a temporary use permit to allow temporary vehicle storage. The request was denied by the Board of Adjustment on December 9, 1999. The applicant filed suit with the Jefferson County District Court against the City of Wheat Ridge and the Board of Adjustment. The court upheld the decision of the Board of Adjustment. On July 25, 2005, the Wheat Ridge City Council approved a zone change to PCD and an Outline Development Plan for the subject property. IV. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Outline Development Plan (ODP), which accompanies a rezoning ordinance, sets the allowable uses and development standards for the property. Typically the Outline Development Plan is general in nature and serves as the blueprint for development of the property. The Outline Development Plan is also used to establish design parameters including maximum building height, minimum landscaped coverage and minimum perimeter setbac The proposed Final Development Plan encompasses the southern two-thirds of the site and is proposed for a new vehicle dealership (Hummer). A temporary retention pond is being shown to accommodate storm water until the off-site property acquisition and construction occurs for this portion of the Columbine Basin. The property owner's agent is in the process of acquiring the property from the State Land Board. This could take six months to a year to complete. Upon construction of the detention pond and off-site improvements, an additional dealership may be requested which would be located where the north end of the retention pond is currently shown. An FDP amendment would be required for the new dealership. See Section VI. for more detail Allowable uses: Permitted uses on the approved ODP included auto sales and rental, warehousing and parts distribution and repair and detailing, test driving and general office, service and retail uses. The proposed Final Development Plan is being proposed to allow a new dealership (Hummer). The site plan includes a vehicle demonstration area for test driving these vehicles. It is located between the building and the retention pond. Staff has requested additional information regarding the use, maintenance and Planning Commission WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 management of this area. This information will be provided when the dealership is built and this area is installed. Structure Design: The new dealership building is 8889 s.f., is 33' tall and is oriented toward Parfet Street. Proposed architectural materials include smooth and rough-faced block, brick, and a stone fagade treatment around the structure entrance. Staff concludes that the proposed structure design is consistent with the City's architectural design guidelines. Wall signs are shown on the east and west elevations. Two freestanding signs are proposed; a monument sign at the entrance and a highway oriented sign 50' in height to the southeast of the structure. A future 50' high franchise sign is shown west of the pylon sign for this dealership. A note has been added that this sign cannot be used until an additional dealership is approved through an amended FDP process. Landscaping: The minimum landscaped coverage required by the ODP is 20%. On the site data breakdown, numbers were provided for percent coverage in this phase of 49.1 This figure includes the formal landscaped areas, the vehicle demonstration area and the retention pond. The 20% ODP minimum for the entire 10 acres must be met with any future development phases. Street trees with 3" caliper are shown in tree lawns along both the Parfet and Oak Street frontages for this phase. All minimum landscape quantities required per Section 26-502 have been met. Access: A single access point is shown on both Parfet Street and Oak Street with a drive aisle connection between the two. These access points align with the existing southern curb cut on the dealership to the west. Parking: One of the major impacts of the dealership has been parking. The Zoning and Development Code requires that commercial developments provide all parking for customers, employees and inventory on-site. In each of the previous land use approvals for the dealership, the issue of cars parking on Parfet Street was addressed. Discussion and resultant conditions approval during the 1999 process specified that parking could occur on Parfet Street only during construction of the newest dealership. The most recent inspection showed 52 vehicles parked along Parfet. A condition of approval of the zone change and ODP was that employee parking for all three parcels is to be accommodated on site and that there would be no exceptions. As such, Staff required a parking study with the FDP and plat submittaINIMEMMINIUM Staff has reviewed the attached analysis and concludes that if the numbers used for total number of employees is correct, that the analysis is credible. Additional phases of development on this parcel must provide adequate parking for employees,-display and interior building space. Planning Commission 4 WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 Development Standards: The following development standards are depicted on the ODP. The proposed development and any future development of the site must comply with these standards. Item Required by ODP Provided by FDP Building & Hard Surfaced 80% 52.9% Coverage Minimum Setbacks 50' from r-o-w if parking, 30' Front: from r-o-w if landscaped (west Front: 97' and east) Sides: 184' and 492' Sides: 15' from external and internal Rear: 344' property lines (south) Rear: 30' from single family homes (north) Min. Landscaped Coverage 20% 47.1% of this phase Min. Parking Required Refer to Section 26-501 of the Meets the standards of Section Wheat Ridge 26-501 Code of Laws for additional requirements Max. Building Height 50' 33' Signage Refer to Article VII of the One monument and one Wheat Ridge Code of Laws highway oriented sign are permitted Fencing Refer to Section 26-603 of the Meets the standards of Section Wheat Ridge Code of Laws 26-603 Exterior Lighting Refer to Section 26-503 of the Meets the standards of Section Wheat Ridge 26-503 Code of Laws Architectural Detail Refer to the Streetscape and Consistent with Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual Architectural Design Manual Staff concludes that the proposed development standards are generally consistent with those established by the approved Outline Development Plan. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan have been met. V. FINAL PLAT The property is currently comprised of two parcels. The applicant is requesting approval of a consolidation of the lots into one parcel. Planning Commission WZ05-11/MS-05-04 The plat establishes typical utility easements around the perimeter. A blanket access easement is provided by note #3 30' of right-of-way is being dedicated for Oak Street. Staff is suggesting that 30' of right-of-way be dedicated for W. 50`h Avenue. The applicant does not concur with this dedication. See Staff's discussion of the importance of the 50 Avenue extension in Section VII. of this report. If 50t1i Avenue is required to be dedicated, modifications to the easements on the north side must occur. The permanent stormwater detention easement is show with the appropriate maintenance note (#4) All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. VI. REGIONAL DRAINAGE ISSUES There are concerns of development of this property regarding regional drainage. This property is located within the Columbine Basin Drainage Outfall plan area. According to the plan adopted by Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, there are conveyance facilities shown running north along Oak Street to W. 50`h Avenue and extending over to Parfet Street. An additional conveyance facility would run adjacent to the Xcel Energy easement on the south side of the parcel. The Arvada channel is required off-site following the old railroad right-of-way from Parfet Street east to Miller Street. This old right-of-way is currently owned by the State Land Board. The design proposed shows an open channel running along the north side of the subject property in an easement. A total of 80' of right-of-way is needed to accommodate the open channel. The existing FDP and plat show a 40' easement. The remainder of this easement will have to be acquired from property to the north. If W. 5e Avenue is dedicated and built, it will displace the area shown as channel. If the street is built, the channel will have to be accommodated in a box culvert which will be very expensive to build or shifted south into the future development phase. A total of 80' of easement in addition to the 30' for 50`h would be required. Although the channel design will not impact the southern part of the property (this phase), it will affect the developability of the northern portion. All of the drainage improvements noted above must be corn leted with this roposed phase of development. VII. WEST 50Ta AVENUE The issue of extension of W. 50`h Avenue has been debated since the original parcel on the west side of Parfet was platted. W. 50th Avenue currently extends from Miller to Oak Street, east of the subject parcel and from Robb Street east where it dead-ends into a cul-de-sac on 11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road North (western Autoplex parcel). 1986: In the mid-1980's, an amendment was made to the Major Streets Plan of the Comprehensive Plan. This amendment designated an arterial street corridor between Kipling Street and Ward Road. Since 50`h was a logical extension, 40' of right-of way was dedicated for 50`h Avenue as part of the two-lot subdivision approval on the parcel on the west side of Parfet in 1986. Planning Commission WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 1994: During the 1994 Planned Building Group approval for an interim used car sales operation on 11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road North, the applicant indicated that he felt it was premature to develop 50th Avenue at the time, but would be willing to participate when the time was appropriate. A condition of City Council approval was that W. 50th be constructed on both sections of the Medved property when a building permit for the western parcel is issued. 1998: As part of the PBG review for a permanent dealership on 11201 W. I-70 Frontage Road, street construction plans for 50th Avenue were reviewed and it was indicated that these improvements should be completed on both lots connecting to Parfet prior to issuance of a C.O. The street extension was needed as the plan relied on 50th Avenue for the unloading of vehicles on the north end. The plan was approved by City Council on July 13 but was reconsidered at the next meeting (July 27). The reconsideration allowed construction of a cul-de-sac off 50th on the north side of the property (in lieu of full street extension) with the vacation of the southern 10' of that right-of-way. Further, that the designation for 50`h be changed from an arterial to a collector and that 50th Avenue would only be completed if and when the residential properties to the east on Parfet are developed for industrial or commercial uses. 2000: The new Comprehensive Plan is adopted. The connection of 50th Avenue between Parfet and Oak Street is deleted on the Roadway Classification Map. 2003: During the final development plan and plat hearings for Case No. WZ-03-08 (Hoss PID), Public Works requested a 25' wide dedication for 50th Avenue extendin west from Oak Street. The purpose was to reserve one-half of the right-of-way width in the event 50 is extended from Oak Street to Parfet. This condition was not included in the motion for approval and no right-of-way dedication occurred. 2005: During the public hearings for the zone change on the subject property, Staff made recommendations to both Planning Commission and City Council that right-of-way for W. 50th Avenue be dedicated between Oak and Parfet Streets. At the May 19, 2005 Planning Commission public hearing the following condition was included in the motion of approval: "Applicant shall be required to provide 30 feet of right-of-way or easement for West 50th Avenue extension on the north property line and/or drainage purposes. This issue shall be resolved prior to or concurrent with the final development plan and final plat." At the July 25, 2005 City Council public hearing, this condition was not included in the zone change motion for approval. In response to adoption of the Neighborhood Revitalization Study, Winston Associates was retained to work with staff in the creation of three subarea plans. One of the subareas being considered is the northwest area in the city with boundaries generally from W. 52°d Avenue to the north I-70 Frontage Road and Ward Road to Tabor Street. Transit Oriented Design (TOD) is being explored due to RTD's planned light rail transit stop for the Goldline in the vicinity of Ward Road and W. 50th Place. Planning Commission 7 WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 The intent of TOD is to encourage pedestrian activity through the use of street grids which in turn impact the type, form and quality of commercial development. At the most recent subarea plan meeting held on January 24, maps were shown with the extension of 50`' Avenue from Ward east to Tabor and beyond. Not only is the extension of 50t1i Avenue essential to provide a secondary access route through this industrial area but also to provide the east/west grid connections for TOD. Although the proposed subarea plan circulation plans are not adopted, Staff will recommend that they include the 50`h Avenue through connection. Besides the north I-70 Frontage Road, there are no other east/west road connections between Kipling and Ward Road. 5e Avenue between Kipling and Miller was recently constructed as part of the Arvada Ridge commercial development. 50`h Avenue between Miller and Oak Streets is already completed, as is portion east from Robb Street to the northwest corner of the eastern Medved lot with unbuilt right-of-way extending from the temporary cul-de-sac east to Parfet. Acquisition of this section of 50`h between Parfet and Oak Streets would ensure the future completion of the east/west connection between Kipling and Ward Road. VIII. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Arvada Fire Protection District: Will require the installation of additional hydrants. Emergency access lanes shall be signed as fire lanes. The building will be required to be sprinklered. Ditch Companies: The affected ditch companies have reviewed changes to the current ditch configurations. The applicant must continue working with them to resolve any issues. Valley Water District: Valley Water District has adequate capacity to serve the project. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines may be needed. Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District: The property owner must petition to be included in the service district. The site can be served by a sewer main extension. Public Works Department: The Public Works Department has reviewed a drainage report. Public Works recommends a 30' right-of-way dedication occur for W. 50a' Avenue and that the drainage system on the north end of the site be redesigned to accommodate the street. If that occurs, corresponding changes must be to the FDP and plat documents. Construction of the drainage facilities on the entire site will be required at the time of construction of the Autopiex expansion. This would include improvements on the north end and construction of the off-site Arvada channel. Until that occurs a temporary retention pond will be permitted. The City may assist Medved in the construction of the Arvada Channel by participating in partial reimbursement if necessary. Planning Commission 8 WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 IX. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Staff concludes that the proposed FDP is consistent with the standards established in the ODP and all requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. Therefore Staff gives a recommendation of approval with the conditions listed in the suggested motion for approval. Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-11, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. Provisions for employee parking have been incorporated into the FDP. 2. The Final Development Plan is consistent with the standards set forth in the approved Outline Development Plan for the site. 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions 1. The drainage system for the northern portion of the site be redesigned to accommodate a half-width (30') dedication for W. 50 Avenue. 2. Prior to installation of the vehicle demonstration testing area, additional information be provided regarding the use, maintenance and management of this area. 3. The applicant continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The applicant continue working with the Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District for inclusion into the district for sanitary sewer purposes." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-11, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." FINAL PLAT Staff concludes that all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met therefore a recommendation of approval is given with conditions listed below. Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. MS-05-04, a request for approval of a final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. Planning Commission WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 2. Staff recommends approval. With the following conditions 1. 30' of right-of-way be dedicated for West 50t` Avenue and the easements on the north end be redefined to reflect required changes.." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL. of Case No. MS-05-04, a request for approval of a final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street: 2. 3." Planning Commission 10 WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 A TRACT OF L R~~~E =.Y . t1_tr n 1 1 .Y . .E-.. -ti... RpPp ~ ~ ter; ~r= ire: e~ w z J J ~ Y ~J►1 ~1 r ~ 50TH AVE a- w ~ ~ 49TH AVE m a Y m ~ Q 0 0 _._-=I-7 N Y t--* F- ~ "-Ti w v~ i` ~ ~ Q w a J J G,y 'T . ~r VICINI~'Y MAP ia~ N.T.S. Y 'e_ M A~1.J~ ~I~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION f A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUAf~TER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUART SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTM PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLO COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, W THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID 16 BEARS N00'12 58 W A DISTANCE OF 1,318.35 FEET; THENCE N00'12'58"W, ALONG THE EAST L THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, 16, WHENCE SAID SECTION :AST LINE OF - nc ~ stQ n~ z - - A DISTANCE OF FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE DENVER AND NORTHWESTER RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY AS RECORDED IN BOOK 12~i AT PAGE 583 IN THE RECORDS THE JEFFER50N COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE S73'S3'24"W, ALONG SAID ►ESTERN '~C~ ` C C~ TIC'Ll'~ A TC. SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 549.56 FEET TO THE EASTERLY ~?IGHT-OF-WAY OF coROS of CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT: T~~ Ai 1T/1~1 COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S STREET AS RECORDED IN BOOK 155 AT PAGE 424 IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY .ID - - ~ - i AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY THE FOLLOWING TWO ~Y OF PARFET OUNTY CLERK THE PROPERTY WILL BE DEVELOPED AS AN EXTENSION OF THE ,r ~iri i~ni r •nnrc~c COURSES: Tyyp ~2~ LOCATED TO THE WEST. THROUGH LOGICAL EXTENSIONS OF VEH ROUTES AND EDGE TREATMENT, THE PROPERTY WILL CONSIST 0 J n+- a 1. N00'18'44"W, A DISTANCE OF 103.93 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID DENVER AND AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIPS AND A DISTRIBUTION CENTER CONSIS NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; AND SERVICING AND WAREHOUSING. DEVELOPMENT WILL BE CONSISTS 2. N00'21'06"W, A DISTANCE OF 747.80 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF AS RECORDED IN BOOK 1329 AT PAGE 127 IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDG SIST OF TWO NEW STATE OF COLORADO ) RECORDER'S OFFICE; L OF LAND CLERK AND THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY LINES OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PARCEL OF LA FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: )F LAND THE 1. N89'30'08"E, A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL; PHASING: 2. N00'21 06 W, A DISTANCE OF 126.50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 0 CEL; NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16; ~CEL ON THE THE INITIAL PHASE OF DEVELOPMENT WILL CONSIST OF A NEW ~ EMPLOYEE AND GUEST PARKING, OVERFLOW EMPLOYEE PARKING "i= THENCE N89'30'08"E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWE QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 390.80 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TI SOUTNEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16; ~t S THENCE S00'12'S8"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST OF SAID SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 830.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; s NSISTENT WITH THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) CONTAINING 461,317 SQUARE FEET OR 10.590 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. T RIDGE. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DEVELOPMENT PL COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON __y__ O'CLOCK __M. ON THE DA IN BOOK PAGE RECEPTIO JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER 'T SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: NEW AUTO DEALERSHIP, I, ROGER A. VERMAAS DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF ~ ~~~~F MEDVED AUTOPLEX PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION AS DEMONSTRATION AREA AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. ;LUDE A CONVERSION OF BY: ____N______MM_____M__ in n~ ~~r__+n+~ ~ ~i eti~n 11FPlITY _ ROGER A. VERMAAS ~ M PLS N0. 24968 L~ FOR AND ON BEHALF OF PARAGON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. t~ i ~.r ITHWEST AND A RETENTION POND. SUBSEQUENT PHASES WILL INCLUDE OF THE THE RETENTION POND TO A DETENTION POND AS SOON AS PH ECONOMICALLY POSSIBLE, CONSTRUCTION OF ONE MORE NEW C WEST QUARTER CONSTRUCTION OF THE DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND RELATED C0 ALL ROADS, PARKING AREAS AND REQUIRED INFRASTRUCTURE ~t CASE HISTORY ~..Tr.~ ~..T~... ~ ~r ~ ~r ~r.i~~ ~ ~ r~u ~ cc r1c f1C\/cl /'1D\ICAIT 1A/1~ I R WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MS-86-03 WZ-86-10 TUP-99-05 P i WZ-05-05 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MS-05-04 DESIGN: TMG DATE: 01 - WZ-05-11 DRAWN-.------ JP PROJECT ~ Y . ~f r r - - 1 1 ~ A TRACT OF . Y Y- ` i O O SCALE: 1 "°==0' * MINIMUM /REQUIRED PROVIDED % OF 1s SITE DATA 5.134 Ac - ZL FRONT: 5(3' FRONT: 97' REAR: 10' REAR: 344' SETBACKS SIDE: 30' SIDE: 184' SIDE: 30' SIDE: 492' LEGEND BUILDING HEIGHT 50 FEET 50 FEET -I FOUND SECTION CORN ER, NOTED BUILDING COVERAGE 8,889 SQ. FT. 3. Y- ~i FOUND MONUMENT A NOTED ROADS AND PARKING AREA 109,704 SQ. FT. 49 j - INCLUDES EXTERIOR VEHICLE DISPLAY AREA Q SET ~5 REAR W/ P~.A TIC CAR "L NO. 4~ " OF 5, 854 SQ. FT. I~ANDCA RAMP 105,378 SQ. FT. 47 OPEN SPACE - INCLUDES: FORMAL LANDSCAPE AREA 30,506 SQ. FT. ~2 r.~-..~..~. r..~.. ~r~ cn non cn c Ly Kt ~tN iivN r~ivu JL~L/L ~ (1 VEHICLE DEMONSTRATION AREA 22,600 SQ. FT. a - ~ ' ,,,,cam',-~„° r'"~" t ~ 1 'o i.: i I" ~ !~i - r - - s-,~ i 1 ~ U a UPON CONSTRUCTION OE A DETENTION d, ~z rR ~ ' 9 .~i~ _ 4. SYSTEM, A NEW DEALERSHIP MAY D ULTIMATE SITE DEVELOPMENT (FUTURE PHASES) 160,809 SQ. FT. a ~ 3 4 't CONSTRUCTED WITH APPROPRIATE I~ INAL - INCLUDES: NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT PARCEL 3.69 Ac. 51,846 SQ. FT. s4 ~ _ s Q ~ } S ~ DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT PROC . XCEL CORRIDOR 1.19 Ac. 2~~8~8 SQ, FT. DETENTION AREA 0,64 Ac. ♦ ~ ' t ~ ~ F;, r~.th k ~.k9pk. M'1. r~3-. - TOTALS ~ PARKING 8,000 sf DISPLAY 8 SPACES 8 SPACES rt u 555 sf OFFICE 3 SPACES 3 SPACES 8 EMPLOYEES MAX SHIFT 8 SPACES 8 SPACES NO SERVICE/WAREHOUSE 0 SPACES 0 SPACES SUB TOTAL 19 SPACES 19 SPACES* y' EMPLOYEES FROM EXISTING . - DEALERSHIP 50 SPACES f= INVENTORY 173 SPACES . _ _a. TOTAL 242 SPACES *INCLUDES 2 HANDICAP AS REQUIRED 'emu. i li 4 ~ Ott ,t , i l V u 1 1 'r ` i •L r ~ s f i ~r~ y}- i J Y4 CASE HISTORY L $y 1 I 1w I►-~► 'r~i'1'-~ ~ _ E~ MS-86-03 i~ I I F r._~ I I I- , i 9 ~ WZ-86-10 S k SOUTHEAST CORNER s . t e. 1,,,.1 I r W14 k OF, THE S tq T3S R69W SO TUP-99-05 H 4 ALUM, CAP , 0 NO:. 3 1 r NOE BOX IN RA r% ITV M7 VJWPAT` PlnrF WZ-05-05 a '"w. MS-05-04 WZ-05-11 z .i r i MEDVED AUTOPLEX PLANNED COMM AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A TRACT OF 1 SH 6 I SSC l RUI (i RHJ 3 ()ak Street _ -s O- - -g...... _ 7 AC C HB Limits of - Landscape Improvements 3 EiJ Futur ° Dcal 6 PFA _ , 0 6 AC i► . 0 6 PFA 0 7 AC ~ 3 BJ ~ 2 HB (TYP} 4 t~C 3 BJ 3... ..{{rt Y A 3 BJ 3 HB (TYF) 4 AC 0 4 AC , 3 BJ t{~ Future Development , 7, - :L 'r X x x X x X x~ x x .3 x~ x x x x x x x x x x 'S R . f 1-_ x x x x x x x x x x x x , x x x x x x x x x x x x . _ a- 3-~ a~ I_ Q 1 5H , 3 SH > ' 4 BHJ 3 BJ r~- 0 0 _~Y I c N i N 4 AC 0 35 DAY ::;::.o::~::: r L~ a' o _ _ _ 6 1 ►9. . oil ni 3 5 BHJ- Parfet Street 3 SSC 0 0 0 m - 0 I MER~IAL DEVELO~'MENT = T. r- ' - = THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. A TRACT OF ON, STATE OF COLORADO MEDVED AUTOPLEX PLANNED COMM AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, 15L o ~ ~ , ~--~"r ' ~ - - I ~ - 12 CP I ~ i I ~ ~ 7L . ~ 23 BB C~ tt`~ t'~") Gate for Maintenanc Access ~ Seed Mix.. 'j _ i' Black Clad Chain Link Fence , y~ a } , . ~ ~ ~ ~ y. ~ e Wate y.. a .9 a,~ Seed Mix., ~ Drought °T~lerant Sod Natural Soil f ) ! ~ ~eb~cle~atb ~ ~S~e~d ~ c~ J 14 L 15 CP ~ f` ~ ti~ s, ; • ~l ~ ~ f/~ ~ ~ Seed Ml~ ~I ~ f t~ _4. j t Lam.-•. ~1- 5 ~r c~i f Retention Pond Detail i . --r1 ° Scale. 1 "-34' N (O N o Note; This retention pond is an interim drainage saluti economically and physically possible, the applicant wil ~ drainage facilities allowing for conversion to a pe~•man a i - L 1 0 L&- 000, .w. vx *w .x. ,u. p.,+ .r a. a. e..s r r a..a. a. w~' ~v✓ P `s✓ A V' ~F'M 46 fe4'7.f b+k .L A. e TV 11r' A~bA~,A i~/ Mi'A 4d d. 3J 11A. j. .lA 8 1«1 {~{k („1 !.J Rid 4..t 4A .fl,.~. A~ D phases. rn 3 v cfl 0 0 3p Q ~o so 0 SCALE: 1"-30' co 0 DESIGN: DATE: DRAWN: i PROJECI MEDVED AUTOPLEX PLANNED COMM AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, A TRACT OF J Plant Material Li.s~ Common Name Botanical Name Size No Nute - - uanlty .~i~V- / J Shade/C3rnamental Txees ~ APA Autumn Purple tlsl~ ~ Ft•axi~aus americans "Autumn Purple" 3" Cal. B HB Hackberty Celtis occidentalis 2 'Iz "Cal. B SH Sunburst Haneylocust Gleditsia tricanthos inermis "Shademaster" 3" Cal. F3 o SSC Spring Snow Crab Malus "Spring Snow" 2 %z "Cal. B Deczduousl~ver •een S1lrubs Tra Suking PI~n Vi AC Alpi~le Cun~ant~ Ribes alpinum S gal. cont. S c BHJ' Bar Harbor Juniper Juniperus horizozitalis "Bar Harbez-" S gal. cont. S c :r_ BJ Buffalo Juniper Juniperus sabina 'Buffalo" 5 gal. cont. 5 c i BB Burning Bush Euoziymirs alatus 5 gal. cont. 5 c CP Cheyenne Privit Ligustrunl vuigare "Cheyenne" 5 gal. cont. S c L Lilac Syringa spp. S gal. cont. S c PFA Pink Flowering Almond Pn.tnus glar~dulosa 5 gal. cont. S c Perennials/ rases UAY Peach Daylily Hemerocallis "Fr~~sty Beauty" 1 gal cant. gist CF Purple Cone Flower Echitiacea put~purea 1 gal cant. gist _ _ DFG Dwarf Fountain Grass Pennisteum alop~curoides 1 gal cont. esfi HOS ~-Iosta Hasty spp. 1 gal cant. est General Notes: S 1. This landscat~e elan is t~ he used in cnniunc~ion with the civil and architectural site plans to form complete information regarding this site. 2 x Root Ball Diameter 2. Sod shall be a bluegrass U1e~~d incorporating drought tolerant varieties; recommended blend shall be 90% fescue varieties and 10°/a Kentucky • Remove Alt Flags & Plant Libels: Prune Dead Or Damaged Wood P • Ed$e Of Pit Roughened With Spade bluegrass, ar equivalent. VOOd PTtOT TO Pj~iltiil~ TRA$N EhtCLOSURE GATES; I (/2" STEEL 4x4x1t4°' 5TEEL P05T 5E DECKfNG tUELDED TO 13/4" x 13/4" STEAL ~D G.M.U, AND EMBEDED 3. Native seed mix shall be as fc►llows, of ~quivalen~. A~plicat~on rate shall be ANGLE FRAMIIJG, PAINT TO MATGN CONCRETE FOOTING, tUEL ADJfiGENT MASONRY ON TOP, MAKE UTATER TI PAINT TD MATGH ADAG MA50NRY. RE.5TRl1CTU Dameged Or Dead Wood Before Planting v 35 lbs. per acre. Deciduous Tree P~a~.ting Grass Seed Mix LBS. P.L.S./Acre Blue Grama 25% N.T.S, (:~eav~r Clay foils or 1-2% ~-rade} Little Bluestem. ZO°/n ti„ Rice Grass S°/a Sand Dropseed 10°10 Side Oats Grama 25°l0 Switch Grass S% " Prune Dameg Remove At1~P Western Wheatgrass 1 Q% ce At1~Plant Labels 4. All planting beds and lawn areas ire to receive soil improvement with 3" Of Specifie Install Water rt~,..r Set Shrub 1" compost applied at the rate of 5 cubic yards per 1,00Q S.F. tilled 8" into the - ~ - = it ~ err - - r-- r~- soil. This mixture, or equivalent, can be utilized as a backtiil mixture. 5. All shrub beds are to be covered with 3" layer of 3/4 " - 1 %z" gray river rock over weed barrier fabric. 6. All plant beds and mulched areas shall be edged with a 6" commercial steel edger overlapped 12" where required. 7, All grass areas and planting beds shall be watered with an underground, autarnatic irrigation system with separate zones. Trees and shrubs sha11 be drip irrigated. Lawn areas will utilize either pop-up spray heads or rotary heads, G+f 8. All bees, shrubs, or other balled and burlapped plant material shall have all wire, twine, or other containment material, except burlap, removed from the • " Remave Conta tI ' ; , ~ ~ Root Ball trunk and root ball prior to planting. 9. Electrical lines to be provided to monument lighting and as necessary for . ~ ~ ' Specified Bac '"~..,r,~„~ Application Li W Undisturbed Soil Plant Pit 1" Le 2 x Root Ball Diameter irrigation. 10. The landscaping shown on this plan represents the minimum level of - improvements to be installed. W r. r Y Root Ball beQth • I' Apply Specified Mulch Note: Juniper Plants Shat! Be Planted With Top 4f Root Ball At finish Grade Of Mulc shrub Planting Thoroughly Moisten Root Ball Before Removing Fram Flat Ox Container a~ N.T.S. a Back~ll Around Transplant With L- Specified Baol~fill Mixture, Gently Compact To Increase So~llRoat Contact M 1 w. 3"Mulch ' d.. o = • Disturb Root Ball As Little As Possible, Lawn/'I'urf N , • a ~ Water Immediately After Transplanting N m ~ Backfil! With Loose Soil So That Top Set Top OflSteel Edge Flush o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Of Root Ball Sits At Grade Finish Grade 4 orn X 3 v ~ Finish Grade . r' 6"Black Painted !4 ga„ Ste ` ~ W/Anchor Stakes 4 pee 1 Q' S his 4- a Di Plant Pit 2 To 3 Times Lazger Than Transvlant Root Ball Bath In ~ 2 To 3 X Root Ball Dla, ~ Diameter And Depth r r►~. 00-1 Subsoil 3 L -0 One ,5 -Gram Vert. Tab Geo-Textile Fabric (Phillips r t • I .r w Yier. 0 ° Perennial & Groundcover Planting 0 Steel Edge Detail M N.T.S. 0 se N.T.S. 6" Stakes Yoc. 'i 1 y T .k ~ L i t 1 ~ ~i ti 4 4~- ' _ 5-4~ ISION FILING NO. 1 ~_V ECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THc 6TH P.M., AS ~ f_-~~-~ i~,m r. - ~ c~v W ~ ' s- 5. THE CENTERLINE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY MONU ~ ~ W i__t - AND OAK STREET INTERSECTION SHALL BE MfJNUMENT ~.QCATED AT THE DTH AV NUE ~ TOP LIFT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT. .LL BE SET PRIER TC THE PLACEMENT CF THE N Q N ~-i SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: °o Z O 0 I, ROGER A. VERMAAS DO HEREBY CERTIFY THA ~ FILING N0. 1 WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY - - - - o MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF", IN A o COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITIO 38'54"E 130.04' N - - - - - - ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. Y THAT THE BaUNDARY CF MEDVED AUTC~P~.X Z MY DIRECT Sl1PERVISION AND Ta THE BEST CF IN ACCORDANCE ~IIT`H APPICAD~E ~DITIC~N AS AMN~►C~_ THE t~ MI~Y~IUc~ I ~T z - - - 1TI1 ITY FASFM NT o - i ~ ~ n ~ - ~f cr r~ J~ I _ ~_.s i • h 1~ ~ acv IN i rat yr r iVG ur i rit UUUN I r ULtKK ANU .DEN. COLORADO AT 0'rl Oct< M 5 v r 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 January 19, 2006 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-05-11 which is a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development final development plan for properties located at 4900 & 4990 Parfet Street AND Case No. MS-05-04 for approval of a minor subdivision plat with dedications for properties located at 4900 & 4990 Parfet Street. These requests will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on February 2, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:Oocumen¢ and Settings@athyP yDocumentsl athyIPC"TSPLANGCOWeiiotice 006\wz0511&ms0504wpd ~/7 o6 /r M o ~ o /a `o ~ / Jefferson son (COf S /I Metro can :Steismeyer Charles- Parcel : Xfered : 092703 09/24/1997 Site :4996 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4996 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 1060 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land YB:1929 Pool: ' B1dgSF: 624 Ac:.41 Bedrm: l Bath:1.00 TotRm: : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' l 042775 owner :Hoss David C Parce : xfpred : 03/07/2002 Site :5130 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :5130 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 1077 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land 1960 Pool: YB ' B1dgSF: 1,189 Ac:3.48 Bedrm: : 5 Bath:2.25 TotRm: * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Bear Land Holdings Llc Parcel : 043765 Site :4990 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 V 7005 2 F 570 0001 4282 1084 Mail :11001 W I-70 Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge Co 8003 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land 1927 Pool: YB one B1dgSF: 1,017 Ac:2.58 Bedrm: : 3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Powell Vaudis M Parcel : 043769 Site :11221 W I-70 Frontage Rd S Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered " 0001 4282 1091 Mail :20 Box 415 Victorville Ca 92393 7005 2 570 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land ' 1 91 Bedrm: 2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1929 Pool: B1dgSF: . 624 Ac: • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :National Advertising Company Parcel : 0438(15 0001 4282 1107 Site :4800 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2 570 Mail :185 Us Highway 46 Fairfield Nj 07004 Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:.43 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Bellegante John A Parcel : 043850 Site :4760 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 F7005 2 570 0001 4282 1114 Mail :4760 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land one Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1941 Pool: B1dgSF: 1,816 Ac:.92 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Wehling Frank W Parcel :043918 Site :5006 Parfet St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfererl^'"" 2570 0001 4282 1121 Mail :5006 Parfet St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 7005 Use :4141 Agr,Grazing Land rn-T Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1942 Pool: B1dgSF :1,500 Ac:1.86 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Cit Of Wheat Ridge Parcel :052458 Site :10625 I 70 Yvice Rd #I70 Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/24/1999 Mail :7500 W t ve Lakewood Co 80215 Price Use :3112 In proved Land Phone Bedrm: ath: - TotRm:l YB:1972 Pool: B1dgSF :38,685 Ac:2.86 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :National Advertising Cc Parcel :136632 Site :*no Si Ad * Xfered :04/04/1977 Mail :185 Us way 46 Fairfield Nj 07004 Price :$7,300 Use :1111 cant, sidential Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:.81 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ' Owner :Lic Investments Inc Parcel :176621 Site :5000 Oak St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 .11/111100< 2570 0001 4282 1138 Mail :PO Box 1149 Austin Tx 78767 Use :3111 Vacant,Industrial Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:.98 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Bear Lan Holdings L1c e 8003 Rd #170 Wheat Rid Parcel 3 Xfered :193121 p'( F~~GFr :07/01/1997 Site :11001 N I 0 Be ice g Cc 8 t Rid h 0033 Price gy \ n Mail :11001 N I 7 :vice Rd #170 W ge ea \ ` Use :2112 Com, Ip' ed and Phone d SF 202 A~N3L~ 58 _Bedrm : BaE otRm:l YB:1987 Pool g : B1 , : ~(:C~, Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Bear Land Holdings L~c Parcel : 193681 Site :*no Sit ddr * Xfered : 04/30/2004 Mail :11001 W I- Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1155cant, sidential Phone Ac :8 12 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: . MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :New World Ventures L1c Parcel : 401510 Site :4950 Oak St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 257 /10 ,"10 ~7l1 llA 0 0001 4282 11 45 Mail :5875 N Rogers Ave Chicago Il 60646 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone 2 15 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1984 Pool: B1dgSF: 34,476 Ac: . MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Starker Svc of Colorado Inc Parcel : 401511 Site :4980 Oak St Wheat Ridge 80033 V~ 7025 2570 2021 4282.11S2 Mail :31290 Eagle Crest Ln Evergreen Cc 80439 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land one Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1983 Pool: B1dgSF: 20,304 Ac:1 .23 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) . - 1169 Owner :Colorado Industrial Portfolio Llc Parcel 4282 :ao' 0021 Site :10790 W 50th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 2 "`722 5 72 Mail :1512 Larimer St #325 Denver Cc 80202 ,133 Full Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land hone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1985 Pool : BidgSF :35,870 Ac:2 .25 X19 6 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. NW 16 rQ J n Lu OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DE NW 21 - PARCEULOT BOUNDARY (DESIGNATES OWNERSHIP) WATER FEATURE * DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) SW 16 0 ico ® aco poet MAP ADOPTED: June 15, * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 1/19/2006 * 2:50 PM Schedule Number ...15 042703 042775 043765 043769 043805 043850 043918 052458 136632 176621 193121 401510 401511 401512 193681 Charles Steismeyer David Hoss & Bonita Hoss - Bear Land Holdings Llc 4996 Parfet St 5130 Parfet St 11001 W I-70 Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Vaudis Powell National Advertising Company John Bellegante & Sharon Bellegante PO Box 415 185 Us Highway 46 4760 Parfet St Victorville, CA 92393 Fairfield, NJ 07004 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Frank Wehling City Of Wheat Ridge National Advertising Co 5006 Parfet St 7500 W 29th Ave 185 Us Highway 46 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Lakewood, CO 80215 Fairfield, NJ 07004 Lic Investments Inc Bear Land Holdings Lic Bear Land Holdings He PO Box 1149 11001 N 170 Service Rd #I70 11001 W I-70 Frontage Rd N Austin, TX 78767 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 New World Ventures Lic Starker Svc Of Colorado Inc Colorado Industrial Portfolio Llc 5875 N Rogers Ave 31290 Eagle Crest Ln 1512 Latimer St #325 Chicago, IL 60646 Evergreen, CO 80439 Denver, CO 80202 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on February 2, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. WZ-05-11: An application filed by Michael G. Pharo Associates for approval of Planned Commercial Development final development plan for properties located at 4900 & 4990 Parfet Street and legally described as follows (see legal description for Case No. MS-05-04): Case No. MS-05-04: An application filed by Michael G. Pharo Associates for approval of a minor subdivision plat with dedications for properties located at 4900 & 4990 Parfet Street and legally described as follows (the following legal description pertains to both cases): A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, WHENCE THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16 BEARS N00°12'58"W A DISTANCE OF 1,318.35 FEET; THENCE N00°12'58"W, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 488.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE DENVER AND NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY AS RECORDED IN BOOK 126 AT PAGE 583 IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE S73°53'24"W, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 549.56 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF PARFET STREET AS RECORDED IN BOOK 155 AT PAGE 424 IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1. N0001 8'44"W, A DISTANCE OF 103.93 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID DENVER AND NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; 2. N00°21'06"W, A DISTANCE OF 747.80 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS RECORDED IN BOOK 1329 AT PAGE 127 IN THR RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY LINES OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PARCEL OF LAND THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1. N89°30'08"E, A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL; 2. N00°21'06"W, A DISTANCE OF 126.50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE N89°30'08"E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 390.80 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE S00°12'58"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 830.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 461,317 SQUARE FEET OR 10.590 ACRES, MORE OR LESS Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: January 19, 2006 fl.wNC2 S PW Fsx:30323 2f6? fO the city of N. u: VAUF_ U/ 7500 W, 29't Ave:muc Wheat Rldge, C010TWO 8003' Wheat Ridgy ppnnngLhtpmrtnteRi 3B>-T'Fb•«ate NOTICE, TO MINERAL 4&TATE OWNERS APPLiC,,ANTS: You mvx submit this ccmplttod farm to i)tt Corttnsur.ity D welopruent DePmrtn.lnt nu late; taart ten (10) days before the yublic Marius on your application. Failure to complete and submit his Conificatioa of Natioc shall constitute sufficient. Grounds to reschedule your public howins.p~`V^ of"With ; <,PrlncnNns) lReaitioe7 T:ps)~ tE+AFIYi'8F'4'D°'~'bVapa'cvail`' (htreirm1ter, the "Applitaa X 1, do hereby t:erti£y that notice of the spplication for -Rna} set for public boxtinSan tarscntx taro: ofnpptienWn! 240 , has boon sent to all Mineral estsita Owners at least thirty / 0) days before the public heating, as required by Q 24.65,5.103(1), C.R.S., or, in the altetr Ativc, that T1) ' Otds of the leffrnosl Ctiatity Cleric an? Recorder do mot identify amy mineral fmta owners of aav portion of t7ta prapGmy 5uCtioct to the above refec'evecd ePplibntinn. t.-' Clsaek hero if there are no minoTal estate 014fun of try portion of the subject p^bpeny L.." 1 hereby &rftr certify dug t arri surhorizad by the Applicant to asake regresan,adans coatainad ]t rein ?r,d i«t as the .Applicant's agent for purposes of this CtAiricetc of Notice and bind the Apylirwit to these4 cep titlntationx by ray signature below. Dated this j clay of rYtli w moo 1% 20c.'s I1'd:i F PARA GON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. January 26, 2006 Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29s` Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Response to 2"" submittal review letter dated January 11, 2006. Dear Meredith, Regarding your above referenced comment letter to Mike Pharo dated December 29`", we offer the following responses: Subdivision Plat 1. This change was not made due to our belief that the city council does not 5& Avenue as a through street. 2. Bayou Ditch has been labeled along with the Wadsworth Ditch. Final Development Plan Page Two 1 This change was not made due to our belief that the city council does not 5& Avenue as a through street. 1. The limits of the temporary detention pond have been shown. 2. The number of square footage is 8889 square feet and the table has been revised. 3. We have shown the sidewalk extending north on Parfet to the northern property boundary. 4. The note regarding the Oak Street dedication has been modified. 5. In the site breakdown area, the ultimate site development includes the future phasing areas. 6. The southern limit of this phase has been clearly defined. The phasing line to the south of the Hummer Dealership has also been shown. 7. In the site breakdown, the actual building setbacks have been shown. Page Three L All signage proposed will be reviewed in a separate Master Sign Plan submittal which will follow the FDP. We have addressed the code issues raised with frontage and area, but reserve the right to continue this dialog as it relates to the placement and composition of the freestanding components under that review. Page Four 1. Per your discussions with Mike Pharo, this information will be provided from General Motors Corporation. The provisions for stormwater and erosion control shall be provided upon receipt. This will be done in the form of a FDP minor amendment. Page Five 1. The trash enclosure will be composed of the same materials as the building, and will include a brick wainscot. 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 203 l Littleton, CO 80120 l (303) 794-8604 l FAX (303) 795-3072 Page Six 1 Please reference our comments related to signage above. 2. We have redesigned the building elevations to incorporate a combination of through wall brick, integral colored split faced block, and integral colored ground face block, and accents. This is consistent with our recent dialogues. We have enclosed a colored rendering of this proposal to clarify our intent. 3. The signage not has been added. Page Seven 1. Corrected. Accordingly, please find enclosed fifteen folded copies each of FDP and Plat as well as 11" by 17' copies of each for your use. Also enclosed is a colored elevation rendering. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to call. Sincerel wa'~~ Thomas A. Gardner, P.E. Project Manager Enc. As stated Cc Diane Blanch, Medved Mike Pharo, Pharo and Assoc. Bruce McLennon, SEM F:UOBSl04-006\docsUtesponse Letterto Wheat Ridge 1.19.06. s~ u Department of of Public Works " MEMORANDUM TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner -116 FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer n, 44 DATE: Thursday, January 26, 2006 SUBJECT: Medved - Info for the FDP Public Hearing I received the Final Plat and the civil documents consisting of the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), Final Drainage Report(FDR), and Civil Construction Plans on January 24, 2006. Due to the extremely short timeframe given to return comments, I am able to provide a full review of the Final Plat, but only a brief overview of the above mentioned civil engineering documents as they relate to the Final Development Plan. A full and complete review of all documents will be performed subsequent to this memo, with all of the detailed comments being returned to you within the standard review timeframe. Overview The proposed Medved Expansion development between Oak Street and Parfet Street will require street and storm sewer improvements. The street and storm sewer improvements need to lie within the public Right-of-Way to ensure proper (future) maintenance of these facilities by the City. Both the Parfet and Oak Street frontages will need to be fully constructed with this project to provide drainage and traffic functionality. Currently on the civil construction plans the Parfet Street improvements are shown to be constructed along only the southern portion of the frontage. The civil plans will need to be modified as well as any other documents depicting the site (e.g., FDP), with specific comments being returned subsequent to completion of the full review. I cannot fully comment on Final Development Plan (FDP) as it was not included with this submittal, so I have included the previous comments along with a couple generic comments regarding conformance with the civil plans. The complete Final Plat comments are shown below. Street Improvements 50'h Avenue: Public Works recommends future construction of 50`, Avenue, and of sufficient dedication at this time to construct the future roadway. The standard row-of-way width is 60.00' for a collector street such as 501h Avenue. Therefore, the width of right-of-way dedication for this project would be 30.00' if approved by City Council. Storm Sewer Ridge Road Tributary: Sufficient Right-of-Way or easement should be provided at this time to construct the drainage facilities as described in the Columbine Basin, Outfall Systems Planning, December 1994. A box culvert design for the Ridge Road Tributary constructed within the 50s' Avenue right-of-way dedication mentioned above may be considered by the City. Construction of the drainage facilities shall be required at the time of the Medved Expansion development. To Mere - Medved Expansion _Brief Overview (1-26-06).doc Arvada Channel: The proposed development will require extension of the Arvada Channel from Miller Street to Oak Street to service the property. The City may assist Medved in the construction of the Arvada Channel by participating in partial reimbursement if necessary. Extension of the Arvada Channel from Oak Street to Parfet may also be required along the southerly portion of the site to service the proposed expansion development, and/or the existing Medved dealership. Final Plat 1. Please be advised that Public Works recommends a 30' strip be dedicated as Right-of-Way along the northerly property line for the future westerly extension of 50d' Avenue. If the above-mentioned 30' ROW dedication is supported by City Council and the proposed drainageway along the northerly property line is to remain as an open channel as currently proposed, Public Works will require the channel and 40' drainage easement to lie outside (to the south) of the 50a' Avenue ROW. This may entail revisions to the Final Plat. 2. The bearing along the easterly property line should read, S00°12'58"E to match the Legal Description. 3. Depending on the actual alignment of the sidewalk design to be included on the next submittal of the civil construction plans; the sidewalk easement may need to be modified along Parfet Street. 4. Please be advised that until the civil design is approvable, there may be additional changes to the Plat. 5. All other comments have been addressed. Final Development Plan (not included with this submittal) 1. Need to remove the words "SITE PLAN" from all sheets other than from Sheet 2 (the Site Plan). 2. Please be advised that Public Works recommends a 30' strip be dedicated as Right-of-Way along the northerly property line for the future westerly extension of 50th Avenue. If the above-mentioned 30' ROW dedication is supported by City Council and the proposed drainageway along the northerly property line is to remain as an open channel as currently proposed, Public Works will require the channel and 40' drainage easement to lie outside (to the south) of the 50ffi Avenue ROW. This may entail revisions to the Final Development Plan. 3. The Site Plan shall be consistent with the civil construction plans. 4. Please be advised that until the civil design is approvable, there may be additional changes to the Final Development (Site) Plan. Again, please be advised that additional comments are forthcoming subsequent to a full and complete review, and that those comments could possibly affect the Final Development (Site) Plan and Plat. XC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager File To Mere - Medved Expmsion_Brief Overview (1-26-06).doc City of Wheat Ridge h of "HegT~/o Community Development Department m Memorandum ~o~oRao~ TO: Dave Brossman FROM: P -Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: Case Nos. WZ-05-11/MS-05-04/Medved DATE: January 24, 2006 Attached for your review are the following documents related to the cases referenced above. • Final drainage report • Erosion control and storm water management plan • Two plat documents • Construction plans • Narrative • Original redmarks Please review at your earliest convenience. As you know, this case is scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on February 2, 2006. 1 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 January 11, 2006 Michael G. Pharo Associates, Inc. 2835 W. Oxford Avenue Unite #6 Englewood, CO 80111 Dear Mr. Pharo: The City of Wheat Ridge ,~pQ WHE4tRO ~ m c~LORA~~' I have reviewed the second submittal for approval of a final development plan and plat for property located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street and have the following comments: SUBDIVISION PLAT 1. Show a half width (30') right-of-way dedication at the north side of the subdivision for W. 50t' Avenue. Show the right-of-way as being "hereby dedicated". Although there was previous discussion about this issue with City Council, Staff feels it should occur and will stand behind our recommendation. 2. The Bayou Ditch has been identified. Are there other ditch easements of record crossing the property? If so, please show and identify. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PAGE ONE No changes required. PAGE TWO 1. Staff will be recommending that 50th Avenue be dedicated and constructed between Parfet and Oak Streets. Therefore, the use and treatment of this area may change. Designate this area as 30' of right-of-way for West 50a` Avenue. 2. Please show the limits of the temporary retention pond with a note that upon construction and use of a detention system, a new dealership may be constructed with the appropriate final development plan amendment process. 3. Why are the building footprint square footage (8889.s.£) and the building coverage square footage (8555 s.f.) in site data table different? These numbers should be consistent. 4. Show sidewalk extending north on Parfet to the northern property boundary. 5. Modify the note regarding the Oak Street dedication to read: "30' of right-of-way dedicated by separate plat document..." 6. In the site data breakdown, designate that the ultimate site development includes the future phasing areas. 7. Clearly define the southern limit of this phase which should include the retention pond but not the Xcel Energy easement area. Show the phasing line to the south of the Hummer dealership. 8. In the site data breakdown show the actual building setbacks provided in the chart. PAGE THREE Eliminate the monument sign. See additional comments under "PAGE SIX". PAGE FOUR 1. Staff is unsatisfied with the minimal amount of detail provided regarding the vehicle demonstration area. How will this area be maintained? How will erosion by stormwater and wind be controlled? Please provide more detail as to how this area will be managed and maintained. PAGE FIVE 1. The trash enclosure materials should match those used on the building. See discussion about these materials under PAGE SIX comments. PAGE SIX 1. Typically only one sign is permitted per street frontage. Can one of the freestanding signs be removed? 2. The Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual prohibits the use of smooth- faced block. Staff would strongly recommend the incorporation of a large amount brick into the architectural materials of the building facades. Staff does not support the architectural design as proposed. 3. Add the following note regarding the fixture franchise sign: "Future pylon sign shall not be installed until construction of the second dealership as approved through an amended final development plan process." PAGE SEVEN Parfet Drive should be correctly designated as Parfet Street. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. Keep in mind that the civil review documents have not yet been submitted for review. If the review of these documents leads to substantial changes to the final development plan and plat, the public hearing which is scheduled for February 2 may have to be continued. At the public hearing, there is a possibility that the case may be continued if Planning Commission feels uneasy that the civil design issues are unresolved. Please provide 15 copies of the revised FDP and plat documents by January 26, 2006 for distribution to Planning Commission along with 11" x 17" reductions of each sheet for scanning. Staff recommends that if reduced colored renderings are available that those be provided in ample time for scanning as well. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 303-235-2848 Sincerely, ~j Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: Case No. WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 STATE OF COLORADO BOARD OF LAND COMMISSIONERS Department of Natural Resources 1313 Sherman Street, Room 621 Denver, Colorado 80203 Phone: (303) 866-3454 Fax: (303) 866-3152 January 09, 2006 Wheat Ridge City Council 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 RE: Evaluation of 3.19 t Acres of Property in Jefferson County Dear City Council Members: AM& IV Managing State Trust Lands Since 1876 Bill Owens Governor Russell George Department of Natural Resources Executive Director Britt I. Weygandt State Board of Land Commissioners Division Director The staff of the Colorado State Board of Land Commissioners (SLB) has very recently begun the process of evaluating whether to dispose of a parcel of School Trust property in your county. We are providing you with this advance notice of our deliberations in acknowledgment of the important relationship that we have with local governments. By providing you with this notice, we are not indicating that any action is imminent. We evaluate many parcels of state trust property every year and simply want to inform you and ask for your input. If you have any pertinent information that we may use concerning land values, land appreciation patterns, land planning influences on this property or immediately adjacent to it, as well as special considerations or needs that you would like us to consider, please bring such to my attention. The property that we are evaluating is called the Wheat Ridge Utility Corridor. It is located near I-70 and Kipling Street, and is a parcel that is roughly % mile long and 100 feet wide and is largely surrounded by industrial facilities, and is legally described as follows: A portion of SWSE of Sertion16, 73S, R69W (see attached metes & bounds description) The legal description for this property is as follows: A portion of SWSE of Section 16, T3S, R69W (see attached metes & bounds description) Following our evaluation of this parcel, if it is our determination to dispose of the property, you will receive additional notification concerning our public process, including opportunities for public comment. In the meantime, if you care to provide any information, I encourage you to do so soon. You may reach me at telephone number (303) 866-3771, by e-mail at larrv.routtengstate.co.us , or by U.S. mail at 1313 Sherman Street, Room 621, Denver, CO 80203. We appreciate your input and assistance. FOR THE STATE B ARD OF LAND COMMISSIONERS LatK Routten, `root Range District Manager Enc: Metes & bounds description, map cc: Real Estate Transaction Administrator Real et t T Minn File No 06/001 COMMISSIONERS: Dennis V. Brinker, Holly Propst, John R. Stulp, Patrick Teegarden, Shirley W. Watson 06/01/2005 14:59 3037033773 MICHAEL:PHARO 0 4 ( tl(O r._, ( ' r'e ~S ~ 'l1PS" i 10d TM Dew Mesas 131h dire septenner ow, errrre.W.lrrerwar fifty-one cress TEN DEALER TRAMWAY CORPORATION a ewe•rffr lt!! •eMwM r ssl,lre etlW W b► ewfw d Y Irw d Y dYle d>~i."ef W b+ erer STATE 0!' COLORADO anout .•l W ssas/ Wt TLssWw Wbd Ybr afl.aWWbarlMne•arWe.ssr s hollers and other 9004 end valusole coustderation MNPNeer< r Yrd ee,yrW4r artbrtleW bWW Way rW..Wpen,Wnowen wbrerr wh o dWeswyr W gaff wonseD. W by <b peer aw,u rtlwr W ••r•ewafr.am hart ed.wA rbeettWyerwe,,A. wweW eDR CLARfealparty dYear p•'4 Its e ~yyew, •E W wasf. wan 0uwb4 rtlr W aetl waN W W any r W !.r Wt IeN bdbWta•vbalroo•d Property Obab,lTbt Wbser la ba balad Jafrerson w•f 81u, r Cawb,,awa: Wer, throL07.nd upon a strip or parcel of Innd one rundred (lUO) feet wide, Delog fifty (50) feet in wlitn on anon side of Lne center line of t.e final location of the Golden '2C- Le:+S10n of tae fenver ind orthwastern Railway, over and across the southwest quarter of tpe soutnasat quarter (y.$ of aft) of section Sixteen (10, row.navip Three (3) youth, Range slaty-ntne (.y) tlest of tr& Dt~l P. t:.) sal t center line 0eing more. parti- cularly awaerloeI as f011Gwa, TO wit: Comxenolne at Stn. Inter- station w1tn Tne east line of sold 9outnwe9t quarter or tae southeast quarter (S.{} of 3E}) Of bectlon 31xtem (101. nletant Your nandrid en1 ten 410) feet more a,- less, son= of the nor;nesat comer of pall :orty t4u) acre urnetl Tanana south esvansy-fear ce~rees twenty-two ..mutes Nest (d. 14 22'-a.J for a .3stanee a: trimeen =naren ant eigrty-seven (1)AI) feet, .more or lees to en intersection wit.: tae ncr, souta center line of said eeOtlon, five nun7rea and :Orly feet, .ore ..lr less, a..rtn of ine sou to quarter corner Ln o:. Cm,LAlnlnC ..area an- ninatem one-aandredtnd,? ~t~9, .core 0r 'ear. To save AND W POLO W swoN waif,. wiu •s r WaWr W •ppurtassw etl Ffl e • beremb bdoaoer w MM wN, assaab •vW WeieR W JI W rbb, rbs4 aO•. hWwt r slr~ wMwne..f W aY asypf Wl.rart eibrbrwwgry,bWagp a•e••a•. Mwlt asd WVafAO.aidp y r aw p,,,,l Wt Its waaoszzosvoo..... M WITNESS wazaace, no as pm of Ib am pot bb sea,1 as ewanr awe b b beww ap,oad be W Parent W Its arpente,er a to bomb,swr, AVabd by 14 twwa,Yrr W yrrlm Ww wytw.. 'zxZ !IENVER TAWJAl O(URPONA'1'149 RATE Or COLORADO. n _CStZAll3Lfkmb d.alwo.?.oksou d i _ ss taennlwarrwsse,wim•vlreef Mlena,lbw /Aj,4, dyr w Is51. be No A. Alexander Prabwnt W Cecil M. Draper srrobes •f The Lenver Tramway Corporation, eerarrWt Wr rrnr ~a.w=.ae•• ~evvW f 5 2 werr.f rtl W dra PAGE 02 373 K. '054 now, "'as mo --0bYMib.aabw0.MwMw„I~IwryW we.,we~pewnwr R,;,~,, i C N r N J Q A X 1 r R ~rn ~ s I ° k f Pe ' Fnp . y Bmsnw.._.. va Al . City of Wheat Ridge \I Department of Pubfic Works December 29, 2005 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. Thomas A. Gardner, P.E. Project Engineer Paragon Engineering Consultants, Inc 7852 S. Elati Street, Ste 203 Littleton, CO 80120 Re: - Second Review Comments of the Final Plat and FDP received on December 16, 2005. Dear Mr. Gardner, I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents for the Medved AutoPlex Hummer Dealership development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street, and I have the following comments: Final Development Plan 1. Need to remove the words "SITE PLAN" from all sheets other than from Sheet 2 (the Site Plan). 2. Please be advised that Public Works recommends a 30' strip be dedicated as Right-of-Way along the northerly property line for the future westerly extension of 50`b Avenue. If the above-mentioned 30' ROW dedication is supported by City Council and the proposed drainageway along the northerly property line is to remain as an open channel as currently proposed, Public Works will require the channel and 40' drainage easement to lie outside (to the south) of the 50th Avenue ROW. This may entail revisions to the Final Development Plan. 3. All other comments have been addressed. Final Plat 1. Please delete all overlaps of the Drainage & Utility Easements to be created by this plat. 2. Per City requirements, the CL-CL ROW intersection located at the 50th Avenue & Oak Street intersection point will need to be set during development and be shown on the graphical portion of the Plat as "CL-CL ROW Street Monument to Be Set". 3. Include the following Note for the ROW intersection monument: THE CENTERLINE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENT LOCATED AT THE 5e AVENUE AND OAK STREET INTERSECTION SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE TOP LIFT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT. 4. With the next submittal, please provide copies of the recorded ditch easements and for the 2 deeds for the parcel on which the electrical transmission lines lie (Book 259, Page 92 & Book 126, Page 583) as referenced in the ALTA Survey. (You may wish to double-check the ownership info and parcels line(s) in the area of the 100' PSCO Easement tract). 5. Please include a CD-ROM containing the revised Plat in AutoCAD (2000 or newer) dwg format with the next submittal (required per Sec. 26-407-E of the Municipal Code of Laws). 6. Please be advised that Public Works recommends a 30' strip be dedicated as Right-of-Way along the northerly property line for the future westerly extension of 50th Avenue. If the above-mentioned 30' ROW dedication is supported by City Council and the proposed drainageway along the northerly property line is to remain as an open channel as currently proposed, Public Works will require the channel and 40' drainage easement to lie outside (to the south) of the 501i Avenue ROW. This may entail revisions to the Final Plat. • No civil engineering documents were included with this submittal. The Public Works Department requires 2 signed and stamped copies of the revised Final Drainage Report and SWMP, Final Plat, FDP, and both "Public" and "Private" Construction Plans. Please provide these revised documents, along with a CD-ROM containing the Final Plat (in AutoCAD.dwg format) with the next submittal. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Performance Guarantee (Letter of Credit) Per Sec. 26-413 of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws, prior to any construction commencing for detention pond(s), related stormwater facilities, and/or the required improvements within the public Right-of- Way, an itemized cost estimate from the Engineer-of-Record or his designee shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. Upon acceptance of the estimate, an Irrevocable Letter of Credit (Performance Guarantee) reflecting the total approved cost estimate plus 25% (125% of engineer's estimate) shall be submitted to the City by the owner/developer. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to the construction of any improvements, utility service connections, etc. within the public Right-of-Way, the required Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing shall be obtained through the Department of Public Works. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, easement and/or ROW dedications, and Letter of Credit. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements Upon completion of all public improvements and acceptance by the City Inspector, the original Letter of Credit will be surrendered by the City. At this time a 2-year warranty period for the public improvements shall commence. If at any time during said 2-year Warranty Period the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Developer shall complete such work upon request. Upon commencement of the 2-year Warranty Period, a 2nd Letter of Credit in the amount of 25% of the original itemized engineer's cost estimate shall be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge and be dated to expire on the 2-year anniversary of the Warranty Period commencement date. The City shall retain said Letter of Credit for the entire 2-year Warranty Period. Upon completion of the 2-year Warranty Period and Final Approval of all constructed public improvement items by the City Inspector, the 2nd Letter of Credit shall be surrendered by the City of Wheat Ridge. Drainage Certification/As-Builts Required Prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, per Section 26-412-H of the Municipal Code of Laws, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Thomas A. Gardner, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the site grading was completed per the approved Grading & Erosion Control and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved "Private" and Medved AutoPlex (I 100t N Frontage Rd)_Plat & FDP_reviewlltr.doc "Public" Construction Plans, shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that both the site and the "Public" storm facilities have been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As- Built Plans for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy. The As-Built Plans shall be submitted as follows: Two (2) copies of the "As-Built" Plans are to be submitted: a. 1 copy is to be on bond paper, and b. 1 copy is to be on electronic media (CD-ROM) and is to be in AutoCAD.dwg format. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer XC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner File Medved AutoPlex (11001N Frontage Rd)_Plat & FDP_reviewlltr.doc *PARAGON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. December 14, 2005 Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner p r l City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29 s Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Medved North Letter dated Nov. 8th Case No. WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 Dear Meredith: Per your comments in the above referenced letter, we offer the following responses: Subdivision Plat 1. The title has been changed to "Medved Autoplex Subdivision Filing No. 1." 2. The property to the west, Lot 1, Craig Chevrolet Minor Subdivision has been identified. 3. The size of the lot is in square footage and acreage after the right of way dedication has been added to the plat. 4. It is our understanding the extension of West 50s` Avenue at the proximity of the northern property was not to be constructed per the city council. Therefore this submitted does not reflect the additional Right-of-Way staff has requested. 5. The 30' wide easement running along the eastern property line has been identified as "utility and drainage easement." 6. The 30' right-of-way for Oak Street is "hereby dedicated." 7. The history box with the following case numbers has been added: MS-86-03, WZ-86-10, TUP-99-05, WZ-05-05, MS-05-04, WZ-05-11. 8. Permanent drainage easements have been shown interim (retention pond) will be handled by separate document. 9. The City's standard language for drainage easements as a note has been added. 10. Note number 3 has been modified. 11. The pertinent ditch companies have been identified on their respective easements. 12. The property is owned by the Medved group. Conversations with XCEL energy revealed there is no easement of record for the power transmission lines. An easement by separate document will be provided to Xcel. 13. On site zoning for adjacent properties has been added. Final Development Plan Page One 1. A one-inch border has been added to the top of the page. 2. The fast line on the title has been modified to read, "Medved Autoplex Commercial Development." 3. A case history box has been added with the following numbers: MS-86-03, WZ-86-10, TUP-99-05, WZ-05-05, MS-05-04, WZ-05-11. 4. The Surveyor's Certificate has been modified to reference the Planned Commercial Development final development plan. 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 203 l Littleton, CO 80120 l (303) 794-8604 l FAX (303) 795-3072 5. We have included a statement of phasing as part of the Character Development statement. An approximate development schedule has also been provided. 6. In the fast line of the Owner's Certificate the "do" has been changed to "does." 7. The first line of the Recorder's Certificate now references "development plan." 8. The "Allowed Uses" statement indicated the inclusion of an on-site vehicle demonstration area. 9. In the second paragraph of the "Allowed Uses" statement, the zoning has been corrected to Planned Commercial Development. Page Two 1. The title has been modified to be consistent with the front sheet. 2. A phasing line has been added with designations. 3. The Site Data Table has been augmented as requested. 4. We have clarified the sizes of the various plan components. Percentages of the initial phase of development are provided as requested in the Site Data Table. 5. A 5' wide separated sidewalk with a 5' wide tree lawn along the eastern side of Parfet Street has been shown. 6. The dumpster locations and design details are provided as requested. 7. Technical data related to parking has been provided in the Site Data Table. Location and designation of spaces is provided as requested on the landscape plan. 8. Boundaries have been shown of the vehicle demonstration area. 9. "Wheatridge" has been changed to "Wheat Ridge" in the monumentation information. -Page Three 1. The sidewalk and tree lawn are depicted on the Site Plan and Landscape Plan as requested. 2. The landscaping along Parfet Street has been modified from the initial submittal. We show the extension of lawn southward across the future Xcel easement to the southern boundary of the subject property. This lawn area extends beyond the limits of our initial phase of development; over story vegetation is not desirable in this area. Landscape enhancement of this area will occur in subsequent phases 3. All street trees have been designated as 3-inch caliper. 4. Three street trees have been added to the Oak Street landscaping. 5. Same as Page Two - #6: The dumpster location and design details are provided as requested. 6. A note referencing the signage details on Page 6 has been provided as requested. 7. The title has been modified so it is consistent with the front sheet. Page Four 1. Dimensions have been added to the vehicle demonstration area. 2. Locations of vehicle ascend and descend have been enhanced as requested. 3. The vehicle demonstration area is not being fenced at this time. Please reference the note on the vehicle demonstration area detail agreeing to continue to provide information on this facility as it becomes available. 4. Statements relating to both the retention and detention ponds have been provided as requested. 5. The title has been modified to be consistent with the front page. Page Five 1. Same as Page Three - 43: All street trees have been designated a 3-inch caliper. 2. The title has been modified to be consistent with the front page. Page Six 1. We have modified the title so it is consistent with the front sheet. 2. We have shown the colors of the Architectural materials. 3. The future franchise sign is a future sign and has not been designed at this time. The sign will however comply with the signage as submitted in this application and will be submitted to the city for permitted prior installation. 4. The signage has been moved from the south side of the building to the east side. Page Seven 1. We have modified the title so it is consistent with the front sheet. 2. The photometric reading has been extended to the perimeter property lines. Footcandle readings at all property lines are zero. Survevine Final Development Plan 1. The Legal Description and all boundary info has been modified to match the revised Final Plat. 2. All easements have been shown on the Site Plan exactly as shown on the revised Final Plat. 3. The easterly property boundary has been corrected. All of the changes made have also been incorporated into the Site Plan. 4. The subtitle "Site Plan" has been included on sheet 2. 5. The signatory's title has been added. 6. It is our understanding the extension of West 50s' Avenue at the proximity of the northern property was not to be constructed per the city council. Therefore this submitted does not reflect the additional Right-of-Way staff has requested. Final Plat 1. The Legal Description has been modified, and the closure and parcel area calculations have been included. 2. The "basis of bearings" has been revised. 3. The easterly property boundary has been corrected. 4. The existing lot line has been shown and shall be removed by this plat. 5. The Final Plat now includes; Date of Plat Preparation / Revisions, Case History Box, Zoning, Signatory's Title, Identified line as Basis of Bearing, and Shown Lot/Block parcels. 6. All of the 5' and 10' perimeter Utility Easements have been renamed to Drainage & Utility Easements. 7. All overlaps of the Drainage & Utility Easements have been deleted. 8. A sidewalk easement has been added. 9. A drainage easement has been added. 10. A sidewalk easement has been added to the southeasterly area of the site. 11. The Point of Commencement has been identified, and the POB is in the correct location. 12. Noted as centerline - centerline intersection 13. It is our understanding the extension of West 5& Avenue at the proximity of the northern property was not to be constructed per the city council. Therefore this submitted does not reflect the additional Right-of-Way staff has requested. 14. The requested easements will be sent under separate cover. We are having difficulty obtaining them. 15. Upon approval of this submittal we will email atocad drawing files of the plat. Please find attached 3 copies of the revised FDP and 3 copies of the Plat along with the original redlines. The referrals from Public Works Department are currently being incorporated into the Final Drainage Report and construction drawings and will be submitted under separate cover. We hereby acknowledge the comments from the Arvada Fire Protection District. We have been working closely with the engineers for Valley Water District and Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District and have & will continue to provide base Autocad drawings for their use. The comments from Bayou Ditch Company are acknowledged and will be incorporated into the civil construction drawings. Should you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Thomas A. Gardner, P.E. Project Manager Enc.: As stated Cc Mike Pharo, Pharo and Associates - w/enclosure Bruce McClennan, SEM - w/enclosure Richard M. Romberg, P.E., Lane Engineering - w/o enclosure Dianna Blanch, Medved - w/o enclosure Dennis Polk, Attorney at Law - w/o enclosure Howard Bunger, Jr. Consulting Engineer - w/o enclosure F:U013S\04-006)D0CS%LeUff to City of Wheat Ridge - 12.15.05.doe City of Wheat Ridge ~OF WHEgTP Community Development Department m Memorandum pRA~~ TO: Dav Brossman FROM: eredith Reckert SUBJECT: Medved FDP and Plat DATE: December 16, 2005 Attached are two copies of the revised submittals for the Medved final development plan and plat (Case No. WZ-05-1 UMS-05-04). Attached also are original redlines. Please review and comment at your convenience. *Deepe ON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC mber s, Zoos Colorado State Board of Land Commissioners Front Range District ~ ✓1 ~Z Attn: Larry Routten 1313 Sheridan Street, Room 621 Denver, Co. 80203 Re: 3.0 Acres in Jefferson County located in the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 16, T3S, R69W of the 6'a PM Dear Lang: On behalf of Bear Land Holdings, LLC; we would like to request that the Colorado State Board of Land Commissioners consider the sale of the land described by the attached legal description. We understand that the purchase price would be $30,886 per Acre. The attached legal identifies the acreage of the parcel at 3.19 Acres but Right of Way acquired for Oak Street on the west and Miller Street on the east has reduced the property to 3.0 acres. This will be reflected in the survey that is currently being prepared. Bear Land Holdings, LLC is developing a piece of ground west of Oak Street and north of the I- 70 Frontage Road into a Medved Hummer Dealership. The City of Wheatridge requires that a drainage channel be constructed within the 3.0 acre parcel in order for the development to occur. The purchase is requested to make use of the land for the installation of the drainage channel. The drainage channel will connect to an existing box culvert east of Miller Street within land formerly owned by the Colorado State Board of Land Commissioners. The purchase of the land will be in the name of Bear Land Holdings, LLC and ownership of the land will be deeded to the City of Wheatridge as a part of the Development process. We understand that a land survey will need to be prepared for the property. We request that the application be processed based on the attached legal description with the understanding that the land survey is being prepared. If you have any questions regarding this request please call. Sincereelly: / ~p "4~ 4~ Wendell Ayers, President Paragon Engineering Consultants, inc. cc: John Medved, Dennis Polk, Mike Pharo, Tim Paranto F:VOBSW4A0Woc WaWWWbWdkW.wpd 7852 South Elati Street, Suite 203 l Littleton, CO 80120 l (303) 794-8604 l FAX (303) 795-3072 Page 1 of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 11:14 AM To: 'mplandplan@aol.com' Subject: RE: Laura Here L- Regarding Medved's street trees, Mike is correct but only where they are adjacent to the dedicated public streets (both Parfet and Oak). If there are some of those varieties on the interior, they only need to be 2". Hope that's what you need. M From: mplandplan@aol.com [mailto:mplandplan@aol.com] Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 10:42 AM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: Laura Here Well hello again, As for Medved, it turns out the only question at this time is in regard to the street tree caliper size. The written comments refer to "street trees" being bumped to 3" but the reline on page five shows all trees bumped to 3". Michael is suggesting that only the Autumn Purple Ash and the Sunburst Honeylocust are street trees, do you concur? 12/7/2005 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 November 8, 2005 Michael G. Pharo Associates, Inc. 2835 W. Oxford Avenue Unite #6 Englewood, CO 80111 Dear Mr. Pharo: The City of Wheat Ridge vm I have reviewed your submittal for approval of a final development plan and plat for property located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street and have the following comments: SUBDIVISION PLAT 1, Modify the first line in the title of the document to read "Medved Autoplex Subdivision Filing No. 1". 2 ,;x Identify the property to the west as Lot 1,.Craig Chevrolet Minor Subdivision. 3. In the subdivision drawing, add the size of the lot in square footage and acreage after right-of-way dedications. 4 . Show a half width (30') night-of-way dedication at the north side of the subdivision for W.50a Avenue. Show the right-of-way-as being "hereby' dedicated".:. 5. Identify the 30' wide easement running along the eastern property line as a "utility and drainage easement. 6. ' Show the 30' of right-of-way for Oak Street as being "hereby dedicated". 7. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: MS-86-03, WZ-86-10, TUP- 99-05, WZ-05-05,MS-05-04, WZ-05-11._ 8. Show both interim and permanent drainage easements. 9. Add the City's standard language for drainage easements as a note. 16. Modify note number 3 to read as follows: "The owner of Lot 1 of Medved Autoplex Subdivision Filing No. 1, his successors and assigns grants limited rights and privilege of access to, and free movement through all curb cuts, parking areas and drive aisles within these lots. Such grant of easement shall be limited to the owners, tenants, customers, and guests of the owner, and shall furthermore grant access to, and free movement through said easements to those entering said easement from similarly recorded easements from adjacent property and/or from abutting streets." 11. Identify the pertinent ditch companies on their respective easements. 12. Verify ownership of the 100' wide easement running along the south side of the property. Provide contact information so this proposal can be forwarded to them. 13. Add zoning on-site and for adjacent parcels. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PAGE ONE 1. Per Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder requirements, a one inch border is required at the top of the page so they have room to write in recording information. 2. Modify the first line of the title to read "Medved Autoplex Planned Commercial Development". 3. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: MS-86-03, WZ-86-10, TUP- 99-05, WZ-05-05, MS-05-04, WZ-05-11. 4. Modify the Surveyor's Certificate to reference the Planned Commercial Development final development plan, not the plat title. 5. Include a statement regarding phasing and anticipated construction schedule. 6. In the first line of the Owner's Certificate change "do" to "does". 7. In the first line of the Recorder's Certificate reference "development plan" not "plat". 8. Amend the "Allowed Uses" statement to indicate the inclusion of an on-site vehicle demonstration area. 9. In the second paragraph of the "Allowed Uses" statement, correct the zoning from Commercial-One to Planned Commercial Development. PAGE TWO 1. Modify the title to be consistent with the front sheet. 2. Add a phasing line with a verbal description of this phase of development. 3. The site data table should reflect both this phase and this phase in relation to the entire site. In the site data table, identify the farthest right column as of total site". Add a column that addresses the percentage of this phase. 4. Does the open space category include the vehicle demonstration area?. Please provide a breakdown of open space into the following categories: formal landscaped areas, retention pond, ...detention pond, vehicle demonstration area and Xcel easement area. Show them as percentages of this phase of development. 5. Show a 5' wide separated sidewalk with a 5'wide tree lawn along the eastern side of Parfet Street. 6. Show dumpster location. 7. On the drawing, distinguish employee and customer parking from inventory display. Show a breakdown of parking provided for display, customers and employees. Keep in mind that there must be adequate employee parking on this site. No employee parking is to occur on Parfet Street. 8. Show the approximate boundaries of the vehicle demonstration area. 9. In the monumentation information, change "Wheatridge" to "Wheat Ridge". PAGE TBREE 1. Show a 5' wide separated sidewalk with a 5' wide tree lawn on the eastern side of Parfet Street. 2. Extend the landscaping along Parfet Street to the southern limits of the property. 3. All street trees should have a caliper size of 3". 4. An additional three street trees are required adjacent to Oak Street. 5. Show dumpster location and proposed method of screening. 6. Make a reference to proposed signage details as being on page 6 of the planset. 7. Modify the title so it is consistent with the front sheet. PAGE FOUR I . Add dimensions to the vehicle demonstration area. 2. Show the location of the approaches to the vehicle demonstration area and proposed materials to be used. 3. Is the vehicle demonstration area going to be fenced? If so, show fencing locations and materials. 4. Include a statement regarding the temporary retention area and permanent detention area. 5. Modify the title so it is consistent with the front sheet. PAGE FIVE 1. Show street trees as being 3" in caliper. 2. Modify the title so it is consistent with the front sheet. PAGE SIX 1. Modify the title so it is consistent with the front sheet. 2. Specify the colors of the architectural materials to be used. Please note that the Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual prohibits the use of smooth-faced concrete block. If you intend on keeping this material for the structure, you must be able to defend why it is appropriate. Staff does not support the architectural design as proposed. 3. Add information regarding height, size and design of the future franchise dealership sign as-shown on sheet 3 of the planset. 3. Modify the proposed freestanding signs to have a dark background with light colored sign copy. 4. Signage is not permitted on the south side of the building. PAGE SEVEN 1. Modify the title so it is consistent with the front sheet. 2. Extend the photometric readings to the perimeter property lines. All lighting is to fall within the property's boundaries. Footcandle readings at all property lines should be zero. Attached are a redlined plan and plat. Also attached are referrals received from other city departments and outside agencies. Public Works Department. See attached package from Dave Brossman dated November 2, 2005. 3 Arvada Fire Protection District: See attached email response from Sparky Schriver dated October 12, 2005. Valley Water District: See attached letter from Robert Arnold, dated October 10, 2005. Bayou Ditch Company: See attached email response from Donald Feland dated October 25, 2005 and correspondence from Ward Mahanke of TST Inc. of Denver dated November 3, 2005. Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District: See attached letter from Raj Lotfi dated October 13, 2005. This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the Development Review committee members: Community Development Meredith Reckert Public Works Dave Brossman Traffic Engineering Steve Nguyen Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: Case No. WZ-05-11/MS-05-04 303-235-2848 303-235-2864 303-235-2862 4 City of Wheat F Department of November 2, 2005 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. Thomas A. Gardner, P.E. Project Engineer Paragon Engineering Consultants, Inc 7852 S. Elati Street, Ste 203 Littleton, CO 80120 Re: - First Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report and SWMP, Final Plat, FDP, and Construction Plans for the Medved AutoPlex Hummer Dealership development located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. Dear Mr. Gardner, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received on October 5, 2005 and have the following comments: DRAINAGE Final Drainage Report (Discussion) General Comment: The entire frontage along Parfet Street is to have a 7.5' monolithic curbwalk (5' sidewalk w/2.5' vertical curb) constructed with this development. Please include a brief statement of this in the proposed drainage system portion of the Report. 1. Page 2 Section C Proposed Project Description: a. Please define what the proposed project will entail. For example, is the entire 10 acres to be the "automobile retail outlet" or if the northerly 360' of the parcel to be completed at a later date, etc. A statement should be included regarding whether the site is to be phased, and also if the Report has assumed full build-out condition for the stormwater calculations and detention volumes. 2. Page 3 Section B Sub-Basin and Site Drainage: a. Describe the direction(s) of the historical flow across this site, and identify the historical discharge point(s). b. Include the historical runoff rates for both the 5-yr and 100-yr events. The historical runoff direction and discharge point(s) need to be shown on a (separate) historical drainage plan that include offsite runoff rates and impact to this site. While it is acknowledged that this information may be available in the Columbine OSP included in the Appendix, a brief statement containing the information particular to this site needs to be stated in the discussion portion of the Report. c. State the current effect of the historic flows upon adjacent properties, if any - or in this case if the runoff (in its entirety) flows into the Bayou Ditch. 3. Pages 4, 5, & 6 Section III Proposed (Developed) Drainage System: a. State the area of the basin and sub-basins (if applicable), and also for the offsite basins that directly contribute to this site. Elaborate on the sentence regarding the entire 800 acres of the Columbine Basin found in the Major Basin - which is ok for an overall view of historic (basin) conditions, but a bit more specific info is needed for this section (actual area of O/S contribution). b. Briefly discuss the developed flow rates and paths, and include offsite runoff that directly contributes to this site (e.g., O/S rates are shown on the Plan). As curb, gutter and sidewalk will be required along the entire Parfet street frontage; this might be a good place to mention it as a part of the offsite conveyance system. c. State the proposed detention volumes (both required and provided) - WQCV, 5-yr, and 100-yr, and include the water surface elevations for each. d. Discuss the release rates based upon the 24-40 hour maximum pond drain time. e. Describe the methods to be used to completely drain the pond, e.g., orifice plate design (size and number of openings), an opening in the FL, the use of a 2' concrete trickle channel, etc. E Discuss the emergency overflow location, design, and downstream impact. g. Discuss the specific modifications/additions (e.g., pipe size, grade, type, etc.) to the existing inlets/storm sewer along Parfet Street, the specifics for the additional storm system to be constructed along Oak Street, and how these systems will tie into the Arvada Channel. h. Describe the "catchment facility" along the northerly side of the site mentioned under the Open Channel Flow section (for the Arvada Channel). The description of the channel should include the width, depth, grade, lining, and anticipated Qs to be conveyed. i. Describe the Arvada Channel/Ridge Road Tributary components, both onsite and offsite. Please include the items to be constructed both with this development and "by others". j. Need to state the specific Arvada Channel/Ridge Road Tributary components to be constructed with this development (e.g., grade of the channels, channel linings, outlet structures/wing walls, all pipe sizes, types and grades, etc.). All of this information will also need to be on both the Drainage Plan and the "Public" Construction Plans. 4. Page 9 Conclusions: a. It is stated that the building elevation "is set high enough with respect to drainageways as to preclude..." Please give the proposed building elevation and the anticipated 100-yr storm runoff elevation. b. Give further details of how the improvements will improve the existing drainage conditions. (E.g., compare historical vs. developed release rates as proof the onsite improvements will not adversely impact downstream properties, how the interceptor channel for the Ridge Road tributary & drainage improvements for the Arvada Channel will be beneficial to the entire area, etc. 5. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Final Drainage Report. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. The orifice plate and trash rack details provided do not adequately define what is proposed for this development. Please clearly show the orifice plate design to be constructed, including the orifice size, number of rows, etc. 2. The City of Wheat Ridge requires all detention ponds to completely drain within 24-40 hours due to West Nile Virus concerns. (Please refer to the last couple of pages of the attached Site Drainage Requirements regarding the recommendation made by Steve Puttnam, Sr. Biologist (DOW) to the UDFCD). Orifice opening sizes may be slightly increased to lower the drain time from the standard 40 hours as recommended by UDFCD, to the 24-40 hours as required by Wheat Ridge. 3. The UDFCD generic trash rack and "micro-pool" outlet design needs to be modified to remove the "micro-pool", include an orifice at the flowline, and incorporating the use of a concrete trickle channel to fully drain the pond. 4. The trash rack design needs to provide sufficient information as to specify what is to be constructed for this development to ensure future functionality of the proposed orifice plate design. Final Drainage Plan 1. Include 2 separate Drainage Plans showing the different "phases". Phase 1 will show what is to be constructed with this development, and the Phase 2 plan needs to show the ultimate build-out design, identifying the items to be "constructed by other", etc. 2. Please provide all drainage structure/facility details and cross-sections with the Report. 3. Show all existing and proposed drainage easements. 4. The entire frontage along Parfet Street is to have curb, gutter, & sidewalk. Show a 2.5' (6" vertical) curb Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Fmntage Rd)_reviewl.1tr.doc with a 5' detached sidewalk (w/5' treelawn) constructed with this development. Please show this on all plans including the Drainage Plan. 5. Include cross-sections A-A through E-E (on a separate sheet) in the back of the Report. 6. Need to show and describe all drainage structures and pertinent information in x-sections. Any x-section and/or related items that are not to be constructed with the Medved project need to be clearly identified on the "Phase 2" plan. 7. Public Works recommends that 30' be dedicated as Right-of-Way along the northerly property line for the future 50d' Avenue and that the 40' drainage easement lie directly to the south of the 30' dedication to accommodate the proposed open channel. This recommendation is per a directive given to me on 10/26/05 by Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works (303.235.2860). 8. Include a copy of the Drainage Plan, including the cross-sections and details sheet with the "Phase 1" Construction Plans (the set showing what is to be constructed with the Medved project). 9. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Final Drainage Plan. Historical Drainage Plan 1. Need to include a Historical Drainage Plan with the next submittal (please see page 6: Section VI. Appendices, Section B., City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements). 2. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the Historical Plan. SURVEYING Final Development Plan 1. The Legal Description and all boundary info will need to be modified to match the revised Final Plat. 2. All easements need to be shown on the Site Plan exactly as shown on the revised Final Plat. 3. The easterly property boundary is incorrectly shown (it presently appears as if the 30' of Right-of-Way has been previously dedicated). The Final Plat is to undergo numerous revisions and additions; please be sure that all of the changes to the Plat are incorporated into the Site Plan of the FDP. 4. Include the subtitle "Site Plan" on sheet 2 to assist the reader. 5. Include the Signatory's title (e.g., "Owner). 6. Public Works recommends that 30' be dedicated as Right-of-Way along the northerly property line for the future 50'h Avenue and that the 40' drainage easement lie directly to the south of the 30' dedication to accommodate the proposed open channel. This recommendation is per a directive given to me on 10/26/05 by Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works (303.235.2860). Final Plat 1. The Legal Description does not meet minimum closure requirements (per City Code = 1:50,000). Please include the closure and parcel area calculations with the next submittal. 2. The Basis of Bearing needs to be City-Based per Section 26407-D-6 of the Municipal Code of Laws. The city-base bearing for the east line of the SW 1/4 Section 16: NO0°12'58"W. 3. The easterly property boundary is incorrectly shown (it presently appears as if the 30' of Right-of-Way has been previously dedicated). The conveyance of the title to the 30' ROW area will not occur until the plat has been recorded. Please modify the easterly boundary to its correct location. 4. County Assessor data and also the ALTA survey by Aspen Surveying, Inc. shows that there is a lot line that currently exists in the northerly portion of the site, and that this site is actually 2 separate parcels. The line needs to be shown. If the site is to be consolidated and the line to be removed, it needs to be identified as: "Lot Line Hereby Removed by this Plat " 5.. The Final Plat needs to include the following information: a. Date of Plat Preparation/Revision. b. Case History Box (the Case History Number is WZ-05-11). c. Zoning (both onsite and for adjoining parcels). Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Pmntage Rd)_reviewl.1t.doc d. Signatory's title (e.g., "Owner). e. Identify the line used as the Basis of Bearing (e.g., east line of the SW Section 16), and use the City bearing: N00°12'58"W. f. Adjoining parcels need to have the subdivision Lot/Block shown, or be shown as unplatted. 6. All of the 5' and 10' perimeter "Utility Easements" need to be renamed to "Drainage & Utility Easements". Likewise, since there is a storm sewer proposed to lie within the 20' Utility Easement shown in the southwesterly area of the site, this needs to also be changed to Drainage & Utility Easement. 7. Please delete all overlaps of the Drainage & Utility Easements. 8. A sidewalk easement will most likely be needed along the Parfet Street frontage due to the construction of a 5' detached sidewalk (with 5' treelawn). You may need to consult with the designing engineer regarding the location of the sidewalk and the necessity of the easement. 9. A Stormwater Detention Easement will need to be located in the southeasterly portion of the site. Again, you may need to consult with the designing engineer regarding this. In addition, there appears to be a portion of storm sewer pipe that does not currently lie within a (required) drainage easement (see redlined Plat). 10. A sidewalk easement will be needed in the southeasterly area of the site - across the 100' PSCO tract. 11. Identify the Point of Commencement, and change the P.O.B. to the correct location. 12. It appears that the aliquot corner shown at the 50`s Avenue & Oak Street intersection may in fact be the CL-CL ROW intersection point. Per City requirements, CL-CL ROW intersection points need to be set during development (prior to top lift of asphalt). If the aliquot point is NOT the same as the CL-CL ROW point, the intersection point will need to be shown on the Plat as "CL-CL ROW Street Monument to Be Set". 13. Public Works recommends that 30' be dedicated as Right-of-Way along the northerly property line for the future 50th Avenue and that the 40' drainage easement lie directly to the south of the 30' dedication (to accommodate the proposed open channel). 14. With the next submittal, please provide copies of the recorded ditch easements and for the 2 deeds for the parcel on which the electrical transmission lines lie (Book 259, Page 92 & Book 126, Page 583) as referenced in the ALTA Survey. You may wish to double-check the ownership info and parcels line(s) in the area of the 100' (PSCO Easement) tract. • Please include a CD-ROM containing the revised Plat (in AutoCAD.dwg) format with the next submittal. CIVIL CONSTRUCTION • General Comment: Rather than splitting the plans into Public or Private, the Civil Construction Plans should be divided into two "Phases". Phase 1 plans would show the items to be constructed with the Medved Hummer Dealership project and the Phase 2 plans would show the ultimate build-out condition (and all of the items to be "constructed by others"). This method will also keep all of the construction details, notes, and other pertinent information together. Note: Mr. Brossman's comments are in red ink on the plans. "Public" Construction Plans For Sheet C1 (Cover Sheet-Notes): a. The General Notes need to be "tailored" to this project rather than merely copied from the "City Construction Details" information (this has specific references to City projects, and our Project Engineer has been made aware of this). The General Notes more suited for developments may be found in the Street Construction Checklist provided in the Public Works Development Review Information Packet found at the following link: htLp://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/ui)loads/697/3293.i)ff b. The Benchmark elevation needs to be identified as being NGVD29. Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_reviewl.1b%doc 2. For Sheet C2 (Erosion Control Notes): a. Should be included on a separate Grading & Erosion Control Plan. 3. For Sheets C3 (Oak Street Plan & Profile) a. Extend the roadway profile southerly to the existing N. I-70 Service Road. Just show as to be "constructed by others". b. Need to lighten some of the linework, e.g., the existing contours; the lines all blend in together making it difficult to see. c. Include baseline information (e.g., City-based coordinates and bearings). d. Both Parfet & Oak Streets are classified as a Neighborhood Residential Collector Street. Please modify the plan view roadway width info to match the standard section as indicated on Sheet C l l of the "Private" redlined plans. The only difference between the one you used and the Neighborhood Residential Collector standard section is that the NRC has a 5' treelawn and 1.5' between the sidewalk and the property line )instead of a 6.5' treelawn and 0.5' between the BOW and the PL as shown). e. Identify the curb & gutter as Type CG2, and the drivecut as Type CG2A and include the standard City details for these. 4. For Sheet C4 ("Public" Storm Sewer Plan& Profile): a. Need to add a Note directing the reader to where the seed mix and rate of application information for the Arvada channel may be found. b. Identify the Bayou Ditch, both on the cross-section and on the plan views. 5. For Sheet C5 ("Public" Storm Sewer Plan & Profile): a. Rename proposed easements per the Final Plat. 6. For Sheet C6 ("Public" Storm Sewer Plan & Profile): a. Please show the public improvements to be constructed along the Parfet Street frontage (identify the type & include a detail of each): i. Type CG2 (6") vertical curb & gutter. ii. 5' detached sidewalk (W/5' treelawn). iii. Type CG2A (commercial) drivecuts. 7. For Sheet C7 ("Public" Storm Sewer Plan & Profile): a. Show all street inlets as being type: "Wheat Ridge Standard Single f or double, etc.)". b. Please be advised that staff is still recommending that the 50a' Avenue ROW be dedicated to accommodate a future roadway. If this is approved by City Council, the proposed open channel will need to be moved outside of the 50`s Avenue ROW and into a separate drainage easement to the south (the width of which will be determined by what is required to properly construct). 8. For Sheet C8 ("Public" Storm Sewer Details): a. No comments at this time. 9. For Sheet C9 ("Public" Storm Sewer Details): a. Need a Signing and Striping Plan (signs along both Parfet & Oak, striping on Oak). "Private" Construction Plans 1. For Sheet Cl (Cover Sheet-Notes): a. The General Notes need to be "tailored" to this project rather than merely copied from the "City Construction Details" information (this has specific references to City projects, and our Project Engineer has been made aware of this). The General Notes more suited for developments may be found in the Street Construction Checklist provided in the Public Works Development Review Information Packet found at the following link: htti)://www.ci.wheatridize.co.us/unloads/697/3293.pdf b. The Benchmark elevation needs to be identified as being NGVD29. 2. For Sheet C2 (Erosion Control Notes): a. Should be included on a separate Grading & Erosion Control Plan. 3. For Sheets C3 (Horizontal Control & Parking Plan) a. Include baseline information (e.g., City-based coordinates and bearings). Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd) reviewl.lh.doc b. The Benchmark location needs to be stated shown on vicinity map), and the elevation needs to be shown and identified as being NGVD29. 4. For Sheet C4 (Erosion Control & Overlot Grading Plan): a. Need to modify the Plan to reflect the required public improvements along Parfet Street. 5. For Sheet C5 (Detail Grading Plan): a. Need to modify the Plan to reflect the required public improvements along Parfet Street. b. Please be advised that staff is still recommending that the 50th Avenue ROW be dedicated to accommodate a future roadway. If this is approved by City Council, the proposed open channel will need to be moved outside of the 50th Avenue ROW and into a separate drainage easement to the south (the width of which will be determined by what is required to properly construct). The Grading Plan(s) may need to be revised if this should occur. 6. For Sheet C6 (Detention/ Water Quality Facility): a. The pond detail(s) need to reflect what is proposed to be constructed with the Medved project (e.g., Phase 1 may show a retention pond vs. detention, etc.), and the Phase 2 plans need to show the ultimate build-out condition. If there is no phasing proposed for the detention pond, disregard this comment. b. Please be advised that additional comments maybe forthcoming regarding this sheet depending on the revisions received. 7. For Sheet C7 (Water Quality Pond Details): a. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted a modified drain time from the UDFCD recommended 40 hours. The City's requirements state that all ponds are to completely drain within 24-40 hours in an effort to follow the recommendations by Steve Putnam, Department of Wildlife regarding the health risks posed by the West Nile Virus and the potential mosquito breeding grounds of detention ponds. Please be sure that the proposed design adheres to these criteria (e.g, the micro- pool design will need to be modified and/or eliminated). A 2' concrete trickle channel is typically used with an orifice at the bottom of the outlet structure (matching the FL of the trickle channel). b. In conjunction with the above comment, there may need to be an opening in the bottom of the outlet structure to allow for complete drainage of the pond. The smallest opening recommended is '/d' due to maintenance concerns. c. Need to rename some of the cross-sections. It's very confusing to the reader when there are multiple A-A's, B-B's, etc. 8. For Sheet C8 (Erosion Control Details): a. Please provide a concrete truck washout detail. b. Please be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming regarding this sheet depending on the revisions received. 9. For Sheet C9 (Erosion Control Details): a. No comments at this time. Please be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming regarding this sheet depending on the revisions received. 10. For Sheet C10 (Construction Details): a. Please identify on all plan views the specific locations where the Type lA & Type 2A ADA ramps are to be constructed. 11. For Sheet CI I (Construction Details): a. Both Parfet & Oak Streets are classified as a Neighborhood Residential Collector Street. Please modify the standard section as indicated on Sheet C11 of the "Private" redlined plans. The only difference is that the Neighborhood Residential Collector standard section has a 5' treelawn and 1.5' between the sidewalk and the property line 12. For Sheet C12 (Construction Details): a. No comments at this time. Please be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming regarding this sheet depending on the revisions received. 13. For Sheet C13 (Construction Details): a. No comments at this time. Please be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming regarding this sheet depending on the revisions received. Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_reviewidi doc ENGINEERING DESIGN COMMENTS This submittal was forwarded to the Projects Supervisor, Mr. Jonathon Reynolds, P.E., 303.235.2863 for review and the following is his response: I have reviewed the Final Drainage Report/Plan and Constructions Plans received October 5, 2005 and have the following comments: Note: Mr. Reynold's comments are in blue ink on the plans. 1) MEDVED AUTOPLEX Construction Plans "Public" General 1. A tabulation of public improvement quantities and their estimated cost must be submitted. 2. Please combine the "Public" Plans into the "Private" Plans to make 1 set of construction documents. Limits of public improvements shall be shown with an identifying line. 3. On each plan, symbols and linework must be clarified showing existing vs. proposed. Sheet Cl of 9 4. The general, traffic, utility, and landscaping notes shown on this plan need to be deleted and replaced with the general notes on the "Street Construction Plans Checklist". The General notes currently on this sheet are typically used for City funded CIP projects and do not apply. 5. Add "Drainage & Stormwater detention/ retention areas" note as appropriate (City Code Chapter 26, Section 418). Sheet C2 of 9 1. A separate Erosion Control Plan is required for this set to support the notes contained on this sheet. Sheet C3 of 9 1. The control line (currently shown as section line) and beginning station for Oak Street must be provided with ties and references to Section corner or existing City monumentation & control. 2. Add "Limits of Public Improvement" line. 3. Show extents of proposed asphalt as shading on the plan view. 4. Label existing and proposed contours. 5. Proposed lane striping and signage are required. 6. Legend requires updating to identify existing and proposed utility lines. Other lines on plan are unidentifiable and must be clearly shown on legend. 7. Continue overhead electric lines across entire plan view as applicable. 8. The Plan view vs. profile view of Oak Street is confusing. On the plan view, your stationed control line appears to correspond to the Section Line. The profile is identified as "West edge of road- Oak Street (11' east of SL). 9. Profile view is missing Mine profile (Centerline & Flowline at both curbs). 10. Your profile grid appears to show existing and proposed profile elevations at 50' intervals, which are as great as 0.67' apart. Please explain these variances and why the existing profile line is not shown. 11. Extend proposed profile data and design of widened roadway to N. Frontage Road. Identify areas beyond the proposed asphalt transition area as "to be constructed by the City of Wheat Ridge". 12. Your design shows proposed contours across existing asphalt to remain on the plan view, which do not match the existing contours. Please explain and resolve. 13. Label existing and proposed profile lines. Medved AuWPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_reviewl.&.doe 14. Roadway cross sections are required at 50' intervals. 15. The centerline of the flowpan which crosses the proposed driveway to Oak Street is not centered. Please adjust on the plan. 16. Show patching asphalt area (shaded on plan view) at all proposed utilities which cross existing pavement. 17. Provide details regarding "Future 5' Type R Inlet". Will need to know who will be installing this inlet, when, and patching/ other street impacts required. 18. Provide grading and construction detail along the eastern edge of road near Sta 5+50. Is a guardrail or handrail required at this point to provide protection for the drainage channel. 19. Provide details and grading of sidewalk ramps at driveway. 20. A fence, handrail, or similar protective device is require outside of the western Oak Street sidewalk to protect pedestrians from the steep drainage feature slopes. 21. Identify and dimention proposed sidewalk & landscaping area along west side of Oak Street (plan view). 22. Irrigation must be provided to all trees located 23. Please explain the note "Sawcut 1.5' existing edge of asphalt". What line is this pointing to? This work is not shown on the cross section detail. 24. Several spot grades are shown along the roadway- are these existing or proposed? 25. The proposed sidewalk at the north end of the property should be extended to connect to the existing walk along the north side of W. 50th Ave. This is a small extension and will benefit the project as well any pedestrians who may be walking to / from your business. 26. For safety, pedestrians must be provided a level area beyond the proposed sidewalk, more specifically adjacent to the drainage feature along the northern half of the project. Otherwise, protective measures shall be provided (see note 21). 27. Address end of proposed sidewalk at south end of project. Transition of this walk onto existing surfaces must be addressed to satisfy ADA access requirements. In addition, barriers may be required to prevent errant pedestrian traffic from leaving the end of walk. We strongly encourage the applicant to consider extending the walk to the S. Frontage Road for the benefit of customers and disabled pedestrians. 28. Existing Curb & Gutter linework must be changed to appear different (lighter, dashed) than proposed curb & gutter. 29. Identify through legend or label ROW & property lines. 30. A detail of the proposed sidewalk is required. 31. A detail of the proposed Oak St. asphalt section is required. 32. Show proposed asphalt patching at proposed 12'x6' RCB crossing. 33. Identify construction phasing & traffic control during construction of 12'x6' RCB. Sheet C4 of 9 1. Identify all symbols shown on this plan in the legend. Some examples of symbols not identified: dark dots surrounding western transmission line tower, conduit flared end sections? symbols north of this tower, circle with D inside, and other misc. symbols as noted on plan 2. Identify "Future RCB by Others". Design detail is required and when, by whom, etc. 3. Identify conduits shown on this plan 4. Incomplete notes- "see detail sheet 5. . Identify grantee of "proposed drainage easements". 6. Label existing and proposed contours. 7. Identify minimum equipment clearances to overhead power lines. 8. Inlet/ outlet protection & trash grating is required on all conduits greater than and equal to 24" diameter. Grating shall be securely affixed on hinges and be easily removed for maintenance. 9. Show detail of connection of proposed 12'x6' RCB to Exist 12'x6' RCB. Provide a foundation / base materials detail for the RCB. The foundation and compaction of same will be critical to prevent differential settlement of the proposed RCB against the existing pipe. Medved,A=Plez (11001 N Frontage Rd)_reviewl.ih.doc 10. On Section A-A, identify who is "By others", and when this work will be performed. A detail of these features is required (trickle channel, etc.). 11. Identify miscellaneous lines on drawing through legend (water lines, etc.) 12. Show limits of future all weather maintenance trail on plan view. 13. On profile, westem-most concrete cutoff wall (at 6'x6' RCB) should be redrawn in correct location. 14. Provide a detail for "25' Riprap stilling basin". 15. Please explain "inadvertent storage volume". This needs to be tied into the drainage report as "100 year storage volume", or "emergency storage volume" as appropriate. 16. The proposed channels should come in flush the invert of the proposed box culvert. Please explain and/ or justify 4:1 slope to invert. On this plan, your proposed contours show the 4:1 slope extending beyond the proposed headwalls, unlike the profile view. Provide detail of grade break between 0.5% channel bottom and 4:1 slope- how is this stabilized? 17. A trickle channel should be provided along all channel bottoms to prevent pending and mosquito problems. 18. Provide details of all headwalls/ end of pipe treatments. 19. Provide control line location in northing/ easting to assist with location of proposed structures. Sheet C5 of 9 1. Identify grantee of "proposed drainage easements". 2. Provide detail of proposed manholes. 3. Provide detail of proposed box base MH-Al. 4. Clearances to existing waterline in Oak Street (0.7') are too close given construction tolerances. The trench to construct the culvert will leave at least 14' of waterline unsupported and exposed. Confirm temporary support and vertical clearance requirements with water utility, and show concrete cradle or other supporting feature as required by utility. 5. Will the proposed RCB construction affect existing gas, phone, electric, or other utilities within Oak Street? 6. Show proposed ground profile above 72" RCP. 7. Identify invert of 24" RCP at 8' MH-A2. 8. Identify incoming pipe segment inverts at Box Base NM-Al 9. Identify dark, dashed line on profile east of Oak Street. 10. On plan view, miscellaneous existing features appear to extend into proposed channel improvements (signs, sidewalk, power pole & guy wires?). Please address these features. 11. Provide details of all headwalls/ end of pipe treatments. 12. Provide control line location in northing/ easting to assist with location of proposed structures. Sheet C6 of 9 1. Identify grantee of "proposed drainage easements". 2. Identify all incoming and outgoing pipe inverts at 8' MH-A3. 3. Provide control line location in northing/ easting to assist with location of proposed structures. 4. Show stationing on 75.40 24" RCP profile 5. Provide details of all headwalls/ end of pipe treatments. Sheet C7 of 9 1. Identify grantee of "proposed drainage easements". 2. Provide control line location in northing/ easting to assist with location of proposed structures. 3. Vertical clearances of proposed 8" water (why so large?) and 8" sanitary utilities above 10'x4' RCB are not acceptable. Confirm temporary & permanent support and vertical clearance requirements with water & sewer utilities, and show concrete cradle or other supporting feature as required by utilities. 4. Provide details of all headwalls/ end of pipe treatments. Medved AutoPleX (11001 N Frontage Rd)_reviewl.ltr.dee 5. The proposed channel should come in flush the invert of the proposed box culvert. Transitioning to the invert should be accomplished with a slope flatter than a 4:1 for maintenance purposes. Please explain and provide detail of proposed 4:1 slope to invert, headwall and cutoff wall. Provide detail of grade break between 0.5% channel bottom and 4:1 slope- how is this stabilized? 6. Phase 1 and 2 grades, "grade alternate", and piping must be shown in greater detail. Who performs Phase 2 and when? 7. All proposed contours must be labeled. 8. A trickle channel should be provided along all channel bottoms to prevent ponding and mosquito problems. Sheet C8 of 9 1. All details on this sheet require inverts, dimensions, angles, an grades to allow for a proper review. 2. Provide detail of each end of pipe treatment and/ or headwall. Is there a concrete channel bottom within each headwall? 3. Provide north arrow and scale on each view window. 4. On Detail C, identify and detail the future pipe. Who will construct this pipe and when? 5. Inlet/ outlet protection & trash grating is required on all conduits greater than and equal to 24" diameter. Grating shall be securely affixed on hinges and have provisions for removal for maintenance purposes. 6. All lines shown on plans shall be identified. been identified. Please see plans where several of these lines have Sheet C9 of 9 1. Where is post & chain used? This is not identified on the plan views. 2. Where is the "Emergency Use Only" sign used/ placed? 3. Identify limits of trickle channel on plans. 4. On Cutoff wall detail, what is the granular material between the 2 walls? Specify thickness and material. How are the 2 walls connected, or are they "floating"? Identify thickness of concrete apron and method of connection to vertical cutoff walls 5. Provide the following missing details (at a minimum): a. Curb and Gutter b. Asphalt c. Corner ramps d. Driveway & flowpans e. Sidewalk & landscaping strip f Pipe trench & bedding g. Inlet h. Headwall i. Signing and/ or striping j. Barrier & signage for end of sidewalks k. Erosion Control details 1. Fencing/ handrail in. Detail of all lighting along Oak Street & Main entry drive (currently not shown on FDP plan). n. City monumentation (if disturbed by construction). o. Concrete cradle & temporary support details for utility crossings. II) MEDVED AUTOPLEX Construction Plans "Private" 10 Medved AutoPlex(11001 N Frontage Rd)reviewl.ltr.doc Sheet Cl of 13 1. The general, traffic, utility, and landscaping notes shown on this plan need to be deleted and replaced with notes applicable to private development & construction, and the general notes on the "Street Construction Plans Checklist". The General notes currently on this sheet are typically used for City CIP projects and do not apply. Sheet C3 of 13 1. Detail sheet callouts on Construction notes need to be indicated. 2. Show Section corners and corner data on this plan. 3. This plan requires control line ties to basis of bearing or existing benchmarks. 4. Provide roll curb detail, which is referenced on note 11 of the Construction notes. 5. Show sight triangles at each driveway location per City Code Chapter 26, Section 501. These are currently shown on your FDP Landscaping plans. 6. Provide details and grading of sidewalk ramps at driveway. 7. Identify proposed areas within Lot, Block 1, and areas outside of the Detention Pond, including the "Vehicle Demonstration Area" 8. Add street names of all streets adjacent or within the limits of the plan, including the N. Frontage Road, N. 50'" Ave, and all streets that intersect with Parfet St. 9. Show proposed light pole locations as identified on the FDP lighting plan. 10. Identify parking space widths. 11. Add on-pavement directional arrows where appropriate. 12. Radius point (northing/ easting) is required for all items on curve table. 13. Identify all lines around perimeter and within site that are not labeled. 14. Additional locate dimensions and northing/ castings required at all proposed building corners, major features, etc. 15. Identify any loading areas and their dimensions. 16. Show proposed location of trash container and method of screening per City Code Chapter 26, Section 614. Show dimensions in area of trash container which support container pickup & hauling. 17. Show proposed fencing & signage. 18. Curve dimensions along rear of building curb are not identified. 19. Drive aisle dimension along rear of building is not shown. Sheet C4 of 13 1. Add Check Dams at all areas of concentrated flow as per UDFCD requirements. 2. Add Silt Fencing surrounding Oak Street sidewalk improvements at north and south ends of site. 3. Show RRC at each appropriate location. 4. Show DD at each appropriate location per detail on Sheet C8, 5. Label all existing and proposed contours 6. Add street names on all surrounding streets. 7. Identify Section corners 8. Add VTC at Parfet Street driveways as necessary to facilitate construction. 9. Identify SIB on plan and add to legend. 10. Add stabilized staging area 11. Add designated washout area 12. Add stabilized topsoil/ soil stockpile areas. 13. Add existing and proposed symbols/ linework to legend. 14. Provide details for concrete washout and inlet protection. 11 Medved AutoPlex(11001 N Fmntage Rd)_eviewl.1t.doc Sheet C5 of 13 1. This plan's title is "detail grading", however, there is no detail. Start by labeling existing and proposed contours. 2. Provide spot grading detail at all driveways. 3. Provide spot grading detail at and surrounding proposed building(s). 4. Provide spot grading detail at proposed ADA parking spaces and ramps. 5. Provide spot grading detail at all proposed sidewalk chase drainage features. 6. Proposed contours are affected at each intersection with curbing or wherever break lines exist. Please adjust. 7. Identify miscellaneous lines throughout plan which are not labeled. 8. Label detention facility. Your details on Sheet C7 indicate outlet structures for "Pond T" and "Pond U". 9. The grading plan shows drainage leaving the asphalt parking areas by crossing over a rolled curb or full height curb. Please detail how this will work. 10. Once drainage leaves the asphalt areas, it is concentrated and appears to be directed toward the detention facility through drainage channels/ swales. As two (2) of these drainage channels are directed into your "natural soil" Vehicle demonstration area, this is not acceptable. All concentrated drainage must be collected at inlets along the perimeter of hardscaped surfaces and piped directly into the detention facility. 11. Provide layout and detail grading of the proposed "Vehicle Demonstration Area". 12. Section A-A is shown as a "temporary spillway". Please explain the purpose of this and why it is temporary. 13. An acceptable water quality buffer of grass or other acceptable method must be provided between the "natural soil" vehicle demonstration area and the detention pond to prevent erosion into the drainageway. Sheet C6 of 13 1. Plan view detention release structure grading detail is poor to nonexistent. The release structure needs to be shown to scale on the plan view, with design inverts, spot grading, and proposed grading contour detail. 2. The "grading at release structure" detail shall be revised to show this information. 3. All existing and proposed contours shall be labeled. 4. Delete "temporary spillway detention pond" as appropriate per comments on Sheet C5 above. 5. Where is access point for maintenance of pond? 6. A trickle channel is strongly encouraged to minimize formation of pools which encourage mosquito activity. Sheet C7 of 13 1. This sheet refers to outlet structures at "Pond T" and "Pond U". Various dimensions, labels, and WQ depths refer to these ponds. Please revise this sheet to indicate correct structure and all correct dimensions. 2. Several profile and plan views are provided which appear to be identical- please delete the duplicate information. 3. Each view of this structure requires inverts and actual design elevations. 4. "Private" water quality pond outlet parameters is blank- this information should be shown. 5. Identify structure reinforcement and construction parameters (cast in place or precast). Sheet C8 of 13 1. Identify on plan view where VTC vs. WW is used. 2. RRC detail should be revised to apply to proposed headwalls at most culvert inlet/ outlets. 3. Apply SB detail to erosion control plan. Show pipe inverts, riser height, spillways, etc. 12 Medved AutoPlex(11001 NFmntage Rd)_roviev1.ltr.doc Sheet C9 of 13 1. Identify on plan view where VTC vs. WW is used. 2. RRC detail should be revised to apply to proposed headwalls at most culvert inlet/ outlets. 3. Apply SB detail to erosion control plan. Show pipe inverts, riser height, spillways, etc. Sheet C10 of 13 1. Identify where the Sidewalk ramps shown on this detail page are used on the Site Plans. 2. Remove all pay item notes as they may not be applicable to your private contractor. 3. Identify where the crosspan/ flowpan shown on this detail page are used on the Site Plans. Sheet Cl l of 13 1. Remove Minimum Major or Minor Collector Street detail, as you have already provided a custom detail on the "Public" Plan set. 2. Provide detail grading on grading plans to show how the Commercial Driveway detail is being applied. 3. Show sight triangles at all driveways on the Site Plan to show how the detail is being applied. 4. Show where bollards are being applied on Site Plans. Sheet C12 of 13 1. Fire Hydrants are not indicated on the proposed plan. Show where these are being placed. 2. Show where existing water mains are being adjusted per this detail. This detail may not meet the specific requirements of the water utility. Sheet C13 of 13 1. Show where this standard Storm water manhole is being used. Many of the manholes as shown on the site plans appear to be custom and/ or square, therefore this detail does not apply and a custom detail must be provided. III) MEDVED AUTOPLEX SWMP Plan SWMP 1. The Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) shall be a separate document from the Final Drainage Report. 2. The proposed construction schedule states the erosion control measures will be removed December 31st. Temporary sediment control measures will have to stay in place until final stabilization has been reached. 3. The SWMP states that the site will be inspected weekly. The city requires an inspection every 2 weeks. Since a weekly inspection is stated in the SWMP, all weekly inspection must be documented and all logs must be available for review upon request. 4. Only one access point is identified for construction. Any future Access points must have a VTC. 5. Provide details for concrete washout & inlet protection. 13 Medved AutoPlex(11001 NFrontage Rd)_eviewl.ltr.doe The Public Works Department requires 2 signed and stamped conies of the revised Final Drainage Report and SWMP, Final Plat, FDP, and both "Public" and "Private" Construction Plans. Please provide these revised documents, along with a CD-ROM containing the Final Plat (in AutoCAD.dwg format) with the next submittal. Public Improvements Cost Estimate & Performance Guarantee (Letter of Credit) Per Sec. 26-413 of the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code of Laws, prior to any construction commencing for detention pond(s), related stormwater facilities, and/or the required improvements within the public Right-of- Way, an itemized cost estimate from the Engineer-of-Record or his designee shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. Upon acceptance of the estimate, an Irrevocable Letter of Credit (Performance Guarantee) reflecting the total approved cost estimate plus 25% (125% of engineer's estimate) shall be submitted to the City by the owner/developer. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to the construction of any improvements, utility service connections, etc. within the public Right-of-Way, the required Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing shall be obtained through the Department of Public Works. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, easement and/or ROW dedications, and Letter of Credit. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements Upon completion of all public improvements and acceptance by the City Inspector, the original Letter of Credit will be surrendered by the City. At this time a 2-year warranty period for the public improvements shall commence. If at any time during said 2-year Warranty Period the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Developer shall complete such work upon request. Upon commencement of the 2-year Warranty Period, a 2nd Letter of Credit in the amount of 25% of the original itemized engineer's cost estimate shall be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge and be dated to expire on the 2-year anniversary of the Warranty Period commencement date. The City shall retain said Letter of Credit for the entire 2-year Warranty Period. Upon completion of the 2-year Warranty Period and Final Approval of all constructed public improvement items by the City Inspector, the 2nd Letter of Credit shall be surrendered by the City of Wheat Ridge. Drainage Certification/As-Builts Required Prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Thomas A. Gardner, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the site grading was completed per the approved Grading & Erosion Control and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed per the approved "Private" and "Public" Construction Plans, shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that both the site and the "Public" storm facilities have been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As-Built Plans for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy. The As-Built Plans shall be submitted as follows: Two (2) copies of the "As-Built" Plans are to be submitted: a. 1 copy is to be on bond paper, and b. 1 copy is to be on electronic media (CD-ROM) and is to be in AutoCAD.dwg format. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. 14 Medved AutoPlex(11001 N Frontage Rd)_reviewl.ltr.doc If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Russ Higgins, Field Services Supervisor Travis Crane, Planner File 15 Medved AutoPlex (11001 N Frontage Rd)_wviewl.ltndoc Project Name: Medved Hummer Project Number: WZ-05-1 l/Pharo for Bear land Holdings Location: 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street Date: 10/12/05 Reviewed by: Sparky Shriver 1) Fire protection is provided to this site by Station #2 located at 12195 W 52' Avenue and Station #1 located at 7900 W 57`h Avenue. 2) All weather Fire Department access roadways are required to be a minimum of 24 feet of unobstructed width capable of supporting the imposed loads of 57,000 pound fire apparatus. Access needs to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the buildings prior to above grade construction and shall be surfaced with the first lift of asphalt. (Roadway widths are inadequate). IFC 03 503.1.1, 503.2.1. 3) The turning radius shall be a minimum of 26 feet inside and 46 feet outside. (Turning radius is inadequate). IFC 03 503.2.4. 4) Access requirements may be modified when the building is provided with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. IFC 03 503. 1.1 Exception. 5) The location, number, and type of fire hydrants connected to a water supply capable of delivering the minimum required fire flow (to be determined) shall be provided on the public street or on the site of the premises or both to be protected as required and approved. (No fire hydrants are displayed on the FDP). A fire hydrant shall be installed and maintained within one hundred fifty (150) feet (45720mm) of a fire department connection serving a sprinkler or standpipe system. When fire protection including fire apparatus access roads and water supplies for fire protection is required to be installed, such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to the time of above grade construction. IFC 03 903.3.7.1. 6) Fire hydrants shall be installed in such a manner that the 41/2 inch discharge nozzle is a minimum of 18 inches above finished grade. A minimum of three (3) feet clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of fire protection equipment. IFC 03 903.3.6. 508.5.5. 7) Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. IFC 03 503.2.1. 8) "No Parking Fire Lane" signs shall be installed on such roads identified as emergency access easements. Signs shall meet city standards. Location of signs to be determined by the Fire Marshal. IFC 03 503.3. 9) Trash enclosures including doors shall be of non-combustible construction. IFC 03 603.9.1. 10/11/05 TUE 14:27 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS 2001 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 TELEPHONE $03-424-9661 FAX 303.424-0828 October 10, 2005 rn Meredith Reckert Case Manager City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Meredith: In reference to Case #MS-WZ 05-11/Pharo for Bear Land Holdings at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street, Valley Water District has reviewed the inquiry and offers the following comments. The Valley Water staff is currently working with Medved Autoplex representatives and engineer on the design of water main lines needed to serve the project. 1, Valley Water District can provide water service to your proposed development subject to Valley Water District rules and regulations. 2. Valley Water District is supplied water through a distributors contract with the Denver Water Department and must follow Denver Water operating rules and regulations, 3. Valley Water District currently has adequate capacity through our Denver Water contract to serve the project. The District must also follow all Denver Water mandates with regard to drought and conservation that may be imposed. 4. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines may be needed to meet Arvada Fire Protection District requirements which would be at owner's expense- The owner will need to provide necessary easements for water facilities 6. Each separate building structure will require a separate water tap. The owner will be responsible for the cost and installation of the taps and water service lines. 7. Owner will be required to provide a recorded plat of the project to the Valley Water District. 10/11/05 TUE 14:27 FA% 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS , ?002 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Robert Arnold District Manager Meredith Reckert From: Donald Feland [dlfelan@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:20 AM To: Meredith Reckert Subject: WZ-05-1 1/Pharo for Bear Land Holdings Received the plans for this development,however no contact from applicant, we have stardard agreements that must be signed and adheared to please notify Don Feland President Bayou Ditch Assoc. dlfelan@msn.com or dlfelan@yahoo.com Don Feland I love to hear from you anytime. Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click. http://farechase.yahoo.com 1 TST Inc. Of Denver CONSULTING ENGINEERS November 3, 2005 Mr. Don Feland President - Bayou Ditch Company 8975 Grandview Avenue Arvada, CO 80002 RE: Medved Autoplex Project No. 115-002 Dear Don, Per your request, we have reviewed the PCD referral packet from Wheat Ridge for case number WZ-05-1 1/Pharo for Bear Land Holdings and have the following comments: Final Plat: The current and proposed improvements to the Ditch appear to be partially outside the existing easements. We would recommend that this plat dedicate any additional easements required to encompass all improvements. Final Development Plan: 1. The landscape plan shows "Seed Mix" to be applied to the portion of the project regarded in the Railroad ROW. Will any of the grading have an effect on the current condition of the Ditch? Do we want to make any requirements for maintaining the ditch bank? Construction Plans: 1. The plans that have been submitted appear to be for the grading permit only. We do not have enough information to determine the completeness of the storm sewer design or the extension of the existing Ditch culvert crossing under Oak Street. We request that detailed construction plans of these facilities be provided for review prior to acceptance of the project. 2. One issue that is apparent: It appears that the detention pond wilt utilize the Ditch in an overflow scenario. Has the Board been approached about this arrangement? We recommend against signing off on this referral until more detailed information can be reviewed regarding the construction interfacing with the Ditch. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, TST Inc. of Denver Ward Mahanke, P.E., C.C.E. 9222 Teddy Lane I Lone Tree, Colorado 80124 1303192.0557 1 fax 303.792.9489 1 www.tstdenver.com CLEAR CREEK VALLEY WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT P.O. Box 156 5420 Harlan Street Arvada, Colorado 80001 October 13, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert, Case Manager Dept. of Planning & Development City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 1 roll~ REF: Case No. WZ-05-11/Pharo for Bear Land Holdings 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street Dear Ms. Reckert: Reference is made to your request regarding proposed development at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street, Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado: The referenced site is partially situated within the boundaries of the Fruitdale Sanitation District, however, at present, there is no sanitary sewer facilities of Fruitdale Sanitation District's adjacent to the proposed development site. Since the proposed site is located at the border line of the Clear Creek and Fruitdale Sanitation Districts and there is an existing sanitary sewer main near by of the site, the site can be served by a sewer main extension. The Applicant/Owner must comply with the exclusion and inclusion procedures and the District required a minimum of 30 feet wide sanitary sewer easement. At this date, there is limited the downstream District system development. The Clear Creek Valley Water a serve the proposed development compliance with all applicable or insufficient capacity in of facilities to serve the 7d Sanitation District will of this site subject to District rules and Page 2 Case No. WZ-05-11 Oct. 13, 05 regulations and subject capacity at the time of connection permits. If you have contact this discuss this request. Very to availability of downstream actual formal application for sewer any questions regarding this matter, please office at 303-233-2058. I would be pleased to matter with you in greater detail at your otAi for the District cc: Districts Office File: C77-150 City of Wheat Ridge h OF "HeyTP/Q Community Development Department v m Memorandum ~O(ORp00 TO: Dave FROM: V"Meredith SUBJECT: Medved parking DATE: October 7, 2005 As a supplement to the referral for the Medved fdp and plat, please find attached a letter from the applicant's land planner regarding parking for the development. Staff had a requested a traffic study as part of the submittal. Let me know if you need anything else. 1 Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of "eat Ridge Community Development Referral Form Date: October 5, 2005 Response Due: October 28, 2005 I The Wheat Ridge. Community Development Department has received a request for approval of a Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Final Development Plan and Plat at the property located at 4900 and 4990 Parfet Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-05-1 1/Pharo for Bear Land Holdings Request: Approval of a Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Final Development Plan and Plat. The property for which the Final Development Plan is being requested is approximately 6 acres in size. The Final Development Plan will establish a site plan for the intended use as a car lot. The property being platted is approximately 10.59 acres in size. The property was rezoned to PCD pursuant to Case No. WZ-05-05 on July 25, 2005. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District (Valley) Sanitation District (Clear Creek Valley) Fire District (Arvada) Adjacent City Jefferson County Planning Department Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Council of Governments Jeff Cc Health Department JeffCo Schools Bayou Ditch Co. Jeff Cc Commissioners AT&T Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Economic Development Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority "The Carnation City" kw +A Fns 333.9& Q-7 26, °TE LU East" AYENOWBOT PLAN M0.1 as 46 Tsrl l a v TmAI o rA m In Ir an Ar 1AT R = •.i m a" ~ eunooo~o A.i i • • •AiM •W • • •m T 0 W i NAMM *PUNK p.4 O s V W A Nz I N c am m Nrr, MM V IrYY IAIrWRmsAr V • Li i • eAO. AIi.Ii •r •r • AA.AI Ilmi rIr WA aAAAAT el WAS rr O v s armr AasNrr. • rAlo 1M v rr AO1W N AIAIWmR ■•mHm x AAI1YWr A11N•1m w @Ewa BR AVOW= AP~ WP~rl s Ar 9°1° w m mom~ - IL Are . sr ~rrv r 01, APakQldtaM wT Arr NArr mrsi Yr ~L.. ~ r.dc A. ,vre o/rA WlW ~ YA ✓.~i1L ~ 3hL~r~ wT 110W 00=0 v NA•K MO WY6AIIr1i Yr mole AWI Awe 11•IICit!CFAapGG TE Adn'I• M AAe ■ x ANIGT A x MAW 6AI A• A[OArF• O e1~N1Ai A11Am W 6MM •11A•AYa Tip,(m•A. oAGDASfrt, rmoMS Fef31.~14L xy s A A a t. x prom w f Y A ~ iAmr. It I1• A••MPL14M I mm x m O A commw AIT O no ANINLT A fa ImE AW • 91AAM MOMUW W MW 9 b 1 A WAM AM U6-00 i1m WA NAM M M =my N11•e rllOOf >s Ai•RT ai A1Y AA Me u i A rAro Of W1R AmammeAIT 1n 1 L W WPM& NPARNWIT N M mM A IM0 - AlirlWll M I N•r. Om w lOYS[ WANmrL amume 1131 AN Um mmmu W ANrHrr IM AN rNAS "MM ►ANIM UL ALSO 3. x core rl•m v m ~ •Am w W 11Nm A A1eIO Y HIIBO[' tl H compumr or Yoe A. IA Wrm ELL K ee1Y M x N="rr1 PILL Y►M •ssra A. PUM S I1rAxe w W YWa i Ars■1WLIe Arr1 n Nn O wT oW MMMA AANmlf Nr► YGgS L oWSW LarAxA Ale INllm OF •clso" ll LL W WOAm a x m or arm110=0 A elm O maw i K mr a /iWT LA mom tIM x Vd r UK W A Y®-CY calmer. Pon L IWID" PLAIN Comm mA m x cm w rur mNl 3 •OW Am A ALL W ArriiA rr aw m MONI amMINNE AND rai x Are AOINOu elm/ i AcAOYK w m 9AI rarilr• rWw• 1111E m i >t PLA v a1r•1r ANa p uN11v . IAMr NAir Irrn Am r 1 XIM • W. L WW ■A t NWAW 111UNi• SULO W AM VAro1T AWL Am •-T • ~ am a Nm® to MINIM Aomm on NtAIw ofAr• 2. 11t 0IAE~IYA •li[U19 AYIA9S OI I Y ~ m a x •114 o AAamom m AWNA mAM Lm6 AW1r me Arms O Can W AND ri olOrf >MNa am A s 1eRA1♦ AI WCW WIS. At W1LM1 WON Im W00111110 NAL NAm4 r AkNwIl iwlf o W 1t Am m••NL a NLT r ~ AIm rlr A La[ IgMiAftY•~ rYl Am mr famc 11 m M orlrU AArmd AIn AmIrW A1rm •WramiA Nem~ i TK O-R m W rAj 1LL 1111010 v IN arA M W1 Ales 2w4L W 11Am w as OW ml' i•" 0 x O•W WT WIN AMC" CAr1mA WCAM W x my fl0 Women O x /oe Amarm W x m mI d AAIRr mif p •O•♦•NK mWOmAI Id OFFICIALDEVELOPMENT PLAN U ~a-as-w MEDVED. AUTOPLEX ' AMENDMENT NO. 1 '1 A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP Poo-w-r W-w-2 IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO sw1ws VICAMflY AAP pwmm -AWL tam Iwvm - AMY It. 1ma OWNW) - " m, LMa ttE m - Im. 10. 120 AMDVED A u T o r L t X r r rw rr. r AM• - r AMAA arr APL ~~A oarlr ~ Am 0 ~O ~r •3 e~ Wa AAATld1. W N ANNM f~W MG GM F 11.1fAi Y OA1NiET. m 11A yYTfm A NA.AAA ALLAAIf ins NAM AW as ilr W wT AITI•rAi AIAAAMT I) wT Aar cm w t Ncam i- x LAIN AIEA trL'AlT Amiem K 1•T i Wm ewtvl 1ET Ale1 AC AIY•AL x cm V wT lam Ne A"40" am Ni W x riFarlc W T YT ADWDW I IM i YT A . 1r~, w RtAti~l lt. x W MlmOm Ai ~•~~i W L'N1®NI AA 1ilztj,A uoa~m-u Pe.m ""V wuAO e.e~, eo •QO AA A01Arc MedAeA Raltiplex - R«.R,.Q 1 WAR 0 MUM* cok 1 r jffv 1 )1 r OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN MEDVED AUTOPLEX - AMENDMENT NO. A PLANNED BUILDING GROUP IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO am a w a MAL r . 4W n a s i ROBB S:REE: PARK SUBO. UP.,P1l1 ,EV I~~nw~~ WiV,I 1 I I n woman m a, -o -ems r...w w><w~~r 1 'V,-, v6t'l 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 The City of Wheat Telephone 303/235• FAX 303/235-2857 October 17, 2005 Michael Pharo Michael G. Pharo Associates, Inc. 2835 W. Oxford Ave., #6 Englewood, CO 80110 Dear Mr. Pharo: Ridge This letter is to inform you that your application package and check for $5,566 for final development plan and plat approval have been received in our office. The fees for this land use application including the zone change and outline development plan approval total $9,575 which leaves a balance due of $1,545. Please see breakdown of the fees below: Rezoning (Planned Development District Application Fee $ 800 Plus $125/acre (I l acres) .............................................................................$1,375 Publication/Public Notice Fee $ 300 Subtotal $2,475 Final Development Plan Application Fee $ 500 Plus $500/acre (6 acres) .............................$3,000 Publication/Public Notice Fee $ 300 Subtotal $3,800 Minor Subdivision (with dedication) Application Fee $ 800 Plus $200/acre (I1 acres) .............................$2,200 Publication/Public Notice Fee 300 Subtotal $3,300 Total costs $9,575 Less amount received (Check #3040) $2,475 Less amount received (Check #259359) $5,566 Total paid ...................................................................$8,041 Plus recording fees (ODP) $ 11 Amount due (revised) ....................................................$1,545 Payment is due upon receipt. Enclosed is a copy of our fee schedule. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. °Sincerely, Kathy Fie Administrative Assistant Enclosures: fee schedule receipt CADocuments and Settings\kadryf\My Documents\Kathy\LETTERS\LandUseCases\WZOSI i&MS0504.wpd CITY OF 1-Ai1c5T RIDGE MRO)ED F;E EIF' M0:Ct_n3", H9CiLi1ti7 F cin - t.~'[t.~6 FEIi1BURSEMPff An :BETA FL vltJ.?t'il_ GF'F'LICHI DIN F ':d5, ()(l z- td I''ti i'ENIT RFE.ETijFr.. 00 145. DO GT4L 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 The City of Wheat Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 October 6, 2005 Michael Pharo Michael G. Pharo Associates, Inc. 2835 W. Oxford Ave., #6 Englewood, CO 80110 Dear Mr. Pharo: This letter is to inform you that your application package and check for $5,566 for fmal development plan and plat approval have been received in our office. The fees for this land use application including the zone change and outline development plan approval total $9,575 which leaves a balance due of $1,350. Please see breakdown of the fees below: Rezonine (Planned Development District Application Fee $ 800 Plus $125/acre (1 I acres) $1,375 Publication/Public Notice Fee $ 300 Subtotal $2,475 Final Development Plan Application Fee $ 500 Plus $500/acre (6 acres) $3,000 Publication/Public Notice Fee $ 300 Subtotal $3,800 M%nor Subdivision (with dedication) Application Fee $ 800 Plus $200/acre (11 acres) ..............................$2,200 Publication/PublicNotice Fee $ 300 Subtotal $3,300 Total costs ...................................................................$9,575 Less overpayment (Olinger) $ 184 Less amount received (Check #3040) $2,475 Less amount received (Check #259359) $5,566 $8,225 Amount due $1,350 Payment is due upon receipt. Enclosed is a copy of our fee schedule. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosures: fee schedule receipt C:\Documents and SettingsUkathyfWy Documents\Kathy\LETTERS\LandUseCases\WZ051 I&MS0504.wpd CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE i05 4.-AA Fri CdE. RECEIPT p{} Cr, ntt; AMOUNT FMST, RGWING AFFI TCA iOil Y 5, JLh.rn: W1 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 56b . s c:_. 00 F WHEgT LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION v m Community Development Department 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 j coloRAOO -r- (Please print or type all information) I AC- - X03/ Phone -283--7)17Z Applicantff\t(kr•_eA ~r. ~ ha.ra ASSN-. Address City v e-(nOoe. State Zip 9>o\k0 Fax-1-5 -X773 3 Owned-erg n A"a\A'\rve~~ LLC- Address ) 1 oD I r>AI&AP_Cd-J~Ph I4LI-Olen cityU)Nea- \se J State Cp ZipP)nr' -i'i Fax q40 -InZ3 Contact(hic,kae.( &0.10 Address -')0-4TVZ- Phone City State Zip Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, and will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Heaaring.) C Location of request (address): 49 no an d `i-9(3 ?'X-.J J~rcl- Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side -Change of zone or zone conditions • -Special Use Permit -Consolidation Plat v4Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) -Flood Plain Special Exception • -Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) -Lot Line Adjustment • -Right of Way Vacation -Planned Building Group • -Temporary Use, Building, Sign 4,-5e Development Plan approval • -Variance/Waiver (from Section ) • -Other: t m EGA y r Detailed description of request: rt n f D!=zd i f lAn P1 n 'C- S_ Required information: ~t p 4 3 S . 8 ize of Lot (acres or square footage): 10, 59 rF -e.4 Assessors Parcel Number: 3 Current Zoning: VA na ' rnr ~ 1 roposed Zoning: Current Use: vir t an rd Proposed Use: I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of to TPV~y and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons \ tea), without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants oth $y fbwners must submit power-of-atto hWinne roved of this action on his behalf. Signature of App Sd sworn to me this 36- day of qT pF GO Notary P blic My commission expires To be filled out by staff: Date received_ rJ C7~ Fge $ Rece~No. Case No. W Z - < USA Comp Plan Desig. Zoning G Quarter Section Map _ Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg. ate ~w Z 12 Case manager X oslYQ L ;O 0Qe IT L, N 0- a en DO O It) N 0 O O N to N O MEDVED AUTOPLEX SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 d/4 COMER OF 4C. N. In R69W FWNO BRASS CAP NY OF NN.F MCE S'.I`ED'LS I32W IN RANGE Box xOR1XwES! COMER CF ; ; • $E 1/4 ON 1/4. FOUND $EC Ifi. T3S RC.W dTY OF WM T RIME ~ - RANO 2-1/S ALUM. CA' SFREET WIMMENT S.w'US 2]601 rSEPED 1513212 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE 1. JOHN MEDVED. BONG ME OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 10.016 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A TRACT OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF ME SON PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTCUI.ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT ME SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE N0012'58"W. ALONG ME EAST UNE OF ME SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ME SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16. A DISTANCE OF 488.01 FEET TO A PONT ON ME SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY UNE OF ME DENVER AND NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY AS RECORDED IN BOOK 126 AT PAGE 583 IN ME CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. SAID POINT ALSO BEING ME POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE S73'53'2eW ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 549.56 FEET TO A PUNT ON ME EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF PARFET STREET AS RECORDED IN BOOK 155 AT PACE 424 IN ME CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO: THENCE N00'18'34'W ALONG SAID EASTERLY RTGHT-OF-WAY UNE. A DISTANCE OF 103.93 FEET TO A POINT ON ME NORTHERLY BOUNDARY UNE OF SAID DENVER AND NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY: THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF PARFET STREET, N0071'06"W. A DISTANCE OF 747,80 FEET TO A POINT ON ME SOUTHERLY UNE OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS RECORDED IN BOOK 1329 AT PACE 127 IN ME CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO: THENCE N89'30'OB'E ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY UNE. A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO A POINT ON ME EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND AS RECORDED IN BOOK 1329 AT PACE 127: THENCE N00RI'O6'W ALONG SAID EASTERLY UNE, A DISTANCE OF 126.50 FEET TO A PONT ON ME NORTH UNE OF ME SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ME SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16; MERGE N89.3008"E. ALONG SAID NORTH UNE. A DISTANCE OF 390.80 FEET TO A PONT ON ME EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ME SOUNWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16; THENCE S0012'58"E ALONG SAID EAST UNE. A DISTANCE DF 830.34 FEET TO ME POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 461,317 SQUARE FEET OR 10.5904 ACRES OF LAND. MORE OR LESS HAVE LAID MT. SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER ME DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF MEDVED AUTOVLEX FLUNG NO. 1, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND ME PUBUC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND 00 FURTHER DEDICATE TO ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND NOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES NOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SIHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR ME CONSTUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE. REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES. GAS ONES. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER UNES. HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS. STREET UGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. BEAR LAND HOLDINGS. LUC. A COLORADO UNITED LIABILITY COMPANY BY. JOHN MEDWO. OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF _ ) ME FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. BY JOHN NEDWD. WINESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES LEGEND FOUND SECTION CORNER, AS NOTED 0 FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED QO SET 05 REHAB W/ PLASTIC CAP "LS NO. 24968" Y - M auNM RDx _ N89'30'08"E 25' 0 36 1 m a0' UTUtt ERNE 1p; AT E n DRAINAGE EABEMENi - ~ N89'N'OB'E - 105.>5' - . 3 3 5' UTILITY n. ,..v ~ . AND DRAINAGE I O EASEMENT .5212'SB-W 7rm;l`F -i r I 316T I d 1 I N89.30'08"E 140 00 1 . ' - - b C aw o' UTUTY I ~ AND DRANAGE L w 1 o EASEMENT ~a n IS SIDEWALK LOT LINE HEREBY REMOVED BY THIS PUT EASEMENT - N69'30'OBE 530.21' - CURVE TA BLE CUflVE DELTA RADNS LE NGTH C1 6500'00' 57.50 65.23 C2 6590'00' 32.50 36.87 60 0 60 120 SCALE: 1"=60' 1- W W ~w f n Na IF ~I W= Ky Qg a vl I I I IIf h Im O Z -ID UTILITY AND DRAINAGE LOT 1 I EASEMENT BLOCK 1 nI 436.381 50. Fr. N 10.015 ACRES N69'3854_E 499.94'- _ - - - _ 30' UTILITY EASEMENT V89-38 54T 499.87'-- 1 04' N89'38'54'E 130 ' 0 rD' UTIUTY EASEMENT NW-21 O6 W 30.00 ~L--_+. N89'J854"E 129 97' - l13 . 14-1 I I. 1 I in I ZONING PCD Ilwm I I II„z ~N 9'4)'02'E II aI W Ir I Si0RM1 DETEN II wI w m AM o HAM In 31 I~ « 20' DITCH ES h RECW.I NO.I 831 II °I° „1 II =1I~ g III 1oI zl li\ N SERAE~T i Ei N,'MAS O£N IUI,'U^ I I 3 DR01, Nj WPY i . OOl\TY 6 Ay DENNLRO, 'N1YPpGE 58S i 0.P\WD 000%126. i O~il R~/y/U / 1 (BPYiU AV"' fi I f y 13 2S;T~. 86F''4 W 549-5 /O QRpNP~' AMENS J ~ 1 11 10'U9U .4FIPI_=.~i' os ~-2' - nI PREPARED BY, PARAGON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 7852 S ELATI STREET, SUITE 203 UTTETON, COLORADO 80120 303-794-0604 DATE: 01-26-06 M-C4 ROW MTEREECM. PONT NORTHEAST CORNEA Of EE I'4. EW 1/4, SEC 0. T35, REM SET 2-1/Y cw ETA4PED 15 24WIr _ _ _ _ _ _ W. 50TH AVE 30' RIGHT-OF-WAY HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS PLAT TO ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 12 CONTAINING 25.036 SO. FT. OR 0.575 ACRE! N u. n I 'h ZiRJ RING y I IiY -1 _ 0 r'ecc WIgTndV K-86-10 TUP-99-D5 WZ-05-05 MS-05-04 WZ-05-11 1. BEARINGS ARE BASED UPONME EAST LINE OF ME SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ME SOUNWEST QUARTER OF BECTON 16, T.3S., R.69W. OF ME IN P.M. ASSUMED TO BE NOO12'SB"W AS MONUMENTED AND SHOWN HEREON. 2. TEN-FOOT (10') "DE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS AND FRONT AND REM PROPERTY LINES OF EACH LOT IN ME SUBDIVISION OR PUTTED AREA FI1E-FOOT (5') NOE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO ALL SIDE LOT UNES OF EACH LOT IN TIE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR NE INSTALLATION. MAINTENANCE. AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC. GAS. TELEMSION CABLE. DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. UTUTES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED WTHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN THE SUSDINSION, PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WDNIN SAID UTILITY EASEMENTS. 3. TIE OWNER OF LOT I OF MEDVED AUTOPLEX SUBDIMSION BUNG NO. 1, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS GRANTS UNITED RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGE OF ACCESS TO, AND TO FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH ALL CURB CUTS, PARKING AREAS AND DRIVE AISLES WITHIN THESE LOTS. SUCH GRANT OF EASEMENT SHALL BE UNITED TO TIE OWNERS, TENANTS, CUSTOMERS. AND GUESTS OF TIE OWNER, AND SHALL FURTHERMORE GRANT ACCESS TO. AND FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH SAID EASEMENTS TO THOSE ENTERING SAID EASEMENTS MOM SIMILARLY RECORDED EASEMENTS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY AND/OR FROM ABUTTING STREETS. 4 THE STORM DETENTON AREA HERE SHOWN AS STORMWATER DETENTION EASEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY ME OYMER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, TIE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE ME RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, ME COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER. HEIRS. SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ME DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANCES OR ALTERATIONS AFFECTNG ME HYDRAUUC CHARACTERISTICS OF ME DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT ME APPROVAL OF ME DIRECTOR OF PUBUC WORKS 5. ME CENTERLINE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENT LOCATED AT ME SON AVENUE AND OAK STREET INTERSECTION SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO ME PLACEMENT OF ME TOP LIFT OF ASPHALT PAYe'MENT. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: I, ROGER A. VERMAAS DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ME BOUNDARY OF MEDVED AUTOPLEX FILING NO. 1 WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO ME BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WIN ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REMVED EDITION AS AMENDED. ME ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. ROGER A. VERMAAS ES NO. 24968 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF PARAGON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS. INC. NOTICE, ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE TEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN MIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE MAN TEN YEARS FROM ME DATE OF ME CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS DAY OF BY ME MEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON / CITY CERTIFICATION: / APPROVED THIS Y DAY IL / BY ME WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL ATTEST / CITY MEW MAYOR / DIRECTOR OF COMMUNIY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS o POINT OF BEGINNING COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE: IN STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT MIS PLAT WAS BLED IN ME OFFICE OF ME COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, AT GOLDEN, COLORADO AT O'CLOCK -_M. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT ON ME _ DAY OF AD., IN SOURNEASi MANOR BOOK - PAGE RECEPTION NO.:____ CF ME SW I/4 SEC N. T]S R69W HIND ALVM. CAP JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER RANGE MK CITY OF WHEAT 10C S.F.'LS IM12' _ BY. MEDVED AUTOPLEX PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF ME SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ME SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECRON 16. TOWNSHIP 3 SOON. RANGE 69 WEST OF ME SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STALE OF COLORADO. MORE PARTWLARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT ME SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ME SWMWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, WHENCE ME NORTHEAST CORNER OF ME SOUTHEAST OUARTER OF ME SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16 BEARS NOO12'58"W A DISTANCE OF 1.318.35 FEET; MENCE N0012'58-W, ALONG ME EAST LINE OF ME SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ME SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16, A DISTANCE OF 488.01 FEET TO ME POINT OF BEGINNING ON ME SOUTHERLY UNE OF ME DENVER AND NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY AS RECORDED IN BOOR 126 AT PACE 583 IN ME RECORDS OF ME JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; MENCE S7353'24'W ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 549.56 FEET TO ME EASTERLY RICHT-OF-WAY OF PARFET STREET AS RECORDED IN BOOK 155 AT PAGE 424 IN ME RECORDS OF ME JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; MENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-CF-WAY ME FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1. N00'IV44"W. A DISTANCE OF 103.93 FEET TO ME NORTHERLY LINE O SAID DENVER AND NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY RIGHT-DF-WAY; 2. N00'21'06'W. A DISTANCE OF 747.80 FEET TO ME SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS RECORDED IN BOOK 1329 AT PAGE 127 IN ME RECORDS OF ME JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE: THENCE ALONG ME SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY LINES OF ME AFOREMENTIONED PARCEL OF LAND ME FOLLO'MNG TWO (2) COURSES: 1. N89'30'08'E. A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET TO ME SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL; 2. NO021'06'W. A DISTANCE OF 126.50 FEET TO ME NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL ON ME NORTH UNE OF ME SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ME SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAD SECTION I& THENCE N89'30'03"E. ALONG ME NORTH LINE OF ME SWMEAST QUARTER OF ME SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 16. A DISTANCE OF 390.80 FEET TO ME NORTHEAST CORNER OF ME SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ME SOUTHWEST WARIER OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE SOOY2'S8'E. ALONG ME EAST UNE OF ME SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ME SW WEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 15. A DISTANCE OF 630.34 FEET TO ME POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 451,317 SQUARE FEET OR 10.590 ACRES. MORE OR LESS SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: I, ROGER A VERMAAS DO HEREBY CERTIFY MAT ME SURVEY OF ME BOUNDARY OF MEDVED AUTOPLEX PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERMSION AND TO ME BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. IN ACCORDANCE WM ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES. CURRENT REWSEO EDITION AS AMENDED. ME ACCOMPANWNG PLAN ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. ROGER A VERMAAS PLS NO, 24968 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF PARAGON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS. INC. CASE HISTORY MS-86-03 WZ-e6-10 TUP-99-05 WZ-05-05 MS-05-04 WZ-05-11 SHEET INDEX: I. COVER SHEET 2. SM PLAN 3. LANDSCAPE PLAN 4. LANDSCAPE PLAN S. LANDSCAPE PLAN NOTES AND DETNLS 6. ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS 7. PHOTOMETRIC PLAN ALLOWED USES: AUTO DEALERSHIP(S) FOR ME SALE. LEASE OR RENTAL OF AUTOMOBILES AND LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS; USE OF AN ON-SIZE VEHICLE DEMONSTRATION AREA; APPROPRIATE USES FOR ME WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION OF PARTS; OFFICES, REPAIR AND DETAILING SHOPS. PARTS SALES. UGHT FODD AND BEVERAGE. ZONING IS PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) FOR ME PURPOSE OF EXPANDING ME EASONG MEDVED AUTCFUXK. MIS USE OF ME PROPERTY IS CONSISTENT WITH ME GOALS. OBJECTIVES AND POUCIES OF ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO AS STATED IN ME COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT: ME PROPERTY WILL BE DEVELOPED AS AN EXTENSION OF ME MEOVED AUTOPLEX LOCATED TO ME WEST. THROUGH LOGICAL EXTENSIONS OF VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES AND EDGE TREATMENT, ME PROPERTY WILL CONSIST OF M9 NEW AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIPS AND A DISTRIBUTION CENTER CONSISTING OF OFFICES. SERMCING AND WAREHOUSNG. DEVELOPMENT WILL BE CONSISTENT WITH ME GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. PHASING: ME INITIAL PHASE OF DEVELOPMENT WELL CONSST OF A NEW AUTO DEALERSHIP, EMPLOYEE AND WEST PARKING. OVERFLOW EMPLOYEE PARKING FROM ME EXISTING DEALERSHIPS, INVENTORY STORAGE. A VEHICLE DEMONSTRARON AREA AND A RETENTION POND. SUBSEQUENT PHASES WILL INCLUDE A CONVERSION OF ME RETENTION POND TO A DETENTON POND AS SOON AS PHYSICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY POSSIBLE. CONSTRUCTION OF ONE MORE NEW CAR DEALERSHIP. CONSTRUCTION OF ME DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND RELATED CONSTRUCTION OF ALL ROADS, PARKING AREAS AND REWIRED INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS. CONSTRUCTION OF ME WITIAL PHASE OF DEVELOPMENT WALL BEGIN AS SOON AS ME NECESSARY APPROVALS TO DO SO ARE GRANTED. SUBSEQUENT PHASES WILL OCCUR AS MARKET DICTATES ALLOW. OWNERS CERTIFICATE: ME BELOW SIGNED OWNER, OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT THEREOF, DOES HEREBY AGREE MAT ME PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ME USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN MIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISE BE REWIRED BY LAW. I FORMER RECOGNIZE MAT ME APPROVAL OF A REZONING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND APPRDVAL OF MIS FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREATE A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS MAY ONLY ARISE AND ACCRUE PURSUANT TO ME PROMSONS OF SECTION 26-t21 OF ME MEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. BEAR LAND HOLDINGS, LLC. A COLORADO LIMITED LIABNTY COMPANY BY JOHN MEDVED. OWNER STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) ME FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME MIS DAY OF A.D. BY JOHN MEDVED. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFROAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS DAY OF BY ME WHEAL RIDGE PLANNING CCMMISSIOW CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION: APPROVED DA S DAY OF BY ME WHEAT RIDGE att cOUNOL ATTEST CITY CLERK MAYOR DIRECTOR OF COMMONLY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) I HEREBY CERTIFY MAT MIS DEVELOPMENT PLAN WAS FILED IN ME OFFICE OF ME COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, AT GOLDEN. COLORADO AT O'CLOCK -M. ON ME DAY OF AD.. IN BOOK _ PAGE RECEPTION NO JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY. CL CL Fl- In M IN rD O N N 0 MEDVED AUTOPLEX PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SITE PLAN CI,. C0.WER pf 1 SEC i6. TI R69W FOUND " " i ' BRASS GP .NY OF NHCT TRIM $TAYPED 'LS 13212- R RING p0% NpiMNEST CORNER OF BE 1/4, SW 1/4. SEC. I6. TJS. R69W FOUND 2-1n' ALUM. W STAMPED %S 27601' SITE DATA- MINIMUM / REQUIRED PRONDED R OF tSL PHASE R OF TOTAL SIZE 5.134 Ac - 223,637 Sf 10.016 Ac - 436,281 zf FRONT: 50' FRONT: 97' REAR: 10' REAR 344 SETBACKS SIDE: 30' SIDE: 184' SIDE: 30' SIDE. 492' BUILDING HEIGHT 50 FEET 50 FEET BUILDING COVERAGE 8.889 50. FT. 3.8% 2.0% ROADS AND PARKING AREA 109.204 SO. FT. 49.1' 25.1% - INCLUDES EXTERIOR VEHICLE DISPLAY AREA OF 51854 M. FT. 105.37B 5Q. FT. 47 1% 24.2% OPEN SPACE . - INCLUDES: FORMAL LANDSCAPE AREA 30.506 SO. FT. (13.6') RETENTION POND 52,272 SO. FT. 123.421 VEHICLE DEMONSTRATION AREA 22.600 50. FT. (1O.i' ULTIMATE SIZE DEVELOPMENT (FUTURE PHASES) - INCLUDES NORTHERN DEVELOPNENi PARCEL .9 Ac. . FT. 1 50,809 S0 NA (6.4 XCEL C %CEL CORRIDOR 1.19 Ac 51.846 S0. FT. NA 11.9% OEIENTION AREA D.6 a Ac. 27,1178 50. FT. NA 36.8% TOTALS I= 100% PARKING 8,000 Sf DISPLAY 8 SPACES 8 SPACES 555 sf OFFICE 3 SPACES 3 SPACES 8 EMPLOYEES MAX SHIFT 8 SPACES 8 SPACES NO SERNCE/WAREHOUSE 0 SPACES 0 SPACES SUB TOTAL 19 SPACES 19 SPACES' EMPLOYEES FROM EXSnNG DEALERSHIP 50 SPACES INVENTORY 173 SPACES TOTAL 242 SPACES 'INCLUDES 2 HANDICAP AS REQUIRED CASE HISTORY MS-86-03 WZ-B6-10 TUP-99-05 W2-05-05 MS-05-04 WZ-05-11 FOUND 3-1/a' ALUM. CAP OIY DF;=T RIDGE STREET pMl E T STquIPE0 1s 32 2 wRNEOO 35 ~ f I F r x ( I 1! I I~. I_ 41~` IA >KK' ~ 11 l:ljw:l :T'I L) / N89' 08"E 390.80 10= 5 UTU i DRAINA EASEMENT 1 AND DRAINA ! T- EASEMEM 1 5" EWALK , E EL}ENT O:u DRAINAGE Lo 1~ EUpASEMENi ( BLO K 1 436 50. FIF 14ASE LINE / 10. 6 ACRES PHASE 1 "SO' UTILITY ASEMENT ' I I I I o I \a I 1 PONT 1n WY GAP 'LS_4e W. 50TH AVE._ i -30 =16A T- rAY HEREBY DEDICATED BY I SEPARATE PLAT TO THE Ott OF "EAT RIDG CONSAINING 25.036 50. FT. OR 0.575 ACRE! 1 . I I ~I kF1 I I YI ` 2 i• a t ISIS { 30• DUTY sEM i oo'z os'w 0 R ' I 1 I _ r 3 00 '3854 ' 12919 II~ ~~u L. I~I1 I'~ L I. I 30 p n 1 EMPORART f l - . R ' r f I .I G l F0.ND• i 2G Of \ Ma mf z 1`..~ TR H ' t I_ o. ENC SURE. ! IT I v r- 1 ~r \ VEHICLE 3QR 1ATIiR ' DEMONSTRATION DD NTION ' I 3 f C~.. ` p. I ( = AREA FMENT I4~ SS I 1 0. I ...(APPROXIMATE) @ I-STORY MTGI ESMT p I ' BUILDING U DI CH CO I { 8889 SO.Fi N0. 3122 I t I' FN I I to PSEM'EiT ~ ~R Si~.µPY $ ~If 4 , I ~ N i ~ R - f _ 1/ i i ' 1~ F~ 8 CP ~r D 5 f I 2~ ' 2 \ pP0 o 0.N `BOOtf ~ - NYC; Q - - / AND / U A ~ . ✓ ; { DRAINA 'K 56 I 3 S I PAR, p ,i.B61 rJ49 EASEMENT / / / ZY~` t1\ ~ 1 ` i 3 RENSO e r PNO DRWa ~ : N0. 01 Z VTM UTI , \0 SOJTIF/ST CORNER - - i i ' T .v . OF, OF =;Gr - - " SiAYPm Z$ IJ212' / DESIGN: 60 0 60 20 SCALE: Y=60' LEGEND FOUND SECTION CORNER. AS NOTED O FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED D• SET g5 REBAR W/ PLASTIC CAP LS NO. 24968' CCE, HANDICAP RAMP • UPON CONSTRUCTION OF A DETENTION SYSTEM, A NEW DEALERSHIP MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WIN APPROPRIATE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS. MEDVED AUTOPLEX PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO L, N to (rJ O O O N tD N O ISH 6BH1 ISSC "SC 3APA - 6BH1 3SH 4SH ISH Oak Street - I I I \ I 7AC I Limits of 6 HB - \ Landscape Improvements t 3 W 3 Future Auto \ Not A Part ° Dealership I 6 PFA I\ 1 I ° Limits of Detention Area t 6 AC 'See Details on Sheet 4 3 I I ° 3 I 6 PFA: Limits of Temporary I Retention Area I o See Details on Sheet 4. \ L 7AC 3 B1 \ \ I Future Parking t I 3 BI \ I 2M- \ j 3 91 Vehicle Demonstration Area. See Details on Sheet 4 Seed Mix t \ l I \ Si n 3 . g 3 B] \ 3HB \ (Typ) Pylon Sigo( \ 4AC 3 4 I 4AC. ISH \ I 3B] 3BF 23 AC \ t I 3 I ©-Pmployee Puking- This Dedoetip(19) Future t D l m 'C ash 6AC \ \ .0 Employee Parking-Existing BeelaaFiP (SO) . %r,nw orGoat Pading(V3) en eve op r ' 2BI gy Bnclosure 6 PF Wall S£gn: 25 DAY \ 33 \ 3 BJ _ m x _ - 25 DAY \ ` Jo o Jo sA -HOS• 50 P alseect - 3 BJ 7 BI \ i SCALE: t'=JO' 3 Wall Sign: 25 DAY \ \ 7AC 2B7 Did 1 t x x x. x x x x x x x 6 PFA Future` I _ x x x x x x -e s Pavement 4AC Franchise Sig \ \ Existing, Sim Landacape Plan Bv: x x x x c BAC t? 3 hat 1 Highest C. Ph. Associate., Inc. 5 g] 6 Sign r 2035 M.at oxford Avenue, #6 33ngla~ood. Colorado I SH, 3 SR RH--j ~d Drough[ Tolerant SOd 3 BI'. IH$ 3 B1 22 $H ISH../L1 3 gl. p 303/983 9773 f 303/989 9742 4,AACC 35 DAY Parfet Street 3 AP" 3SH _ Dmught Tolerant 2 Sx. Sod 3 APA 1 SH a N N In EO O N O N 0 MEDVED AUTOPLEX PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO l o BB ire ire 7 CP .12 CP I - I I I I C \ I \ I SB I 7L 15~BB: Seed Mix \ DS 23BB \ I O vPilch 1Gatefor Maintenan Access a. \ EMh3ide Slope T`\\ Y `Seed Miz. I 'S Lj Ay Na-l.- !olive o ~ I I I Gread ®O mEdBv 7Black Clad Chain LinkFace See Oak StectSneaseope Clw. Plantings Shier 3 OIv3c1e J I I J 1-w.w seed and !13& Seed Mix, Mvl^~ Drought Tplaant Sod I Dmugb[ Tom Sod' N y^I 1 1 Natural Soil / I I R-eke - 7CP- I I n Vendatl, ' ~ I ~ I A`e aga~L - ' I I N ~-S~da+u~ 14L co I vb I Yellicle Demonstration Area 0 I I O I I - S CP Scale: 1"=30' 0 I 0 / 7 BB Itl I~ I I Node: This Vehicle demom don area will continue to be refined as the projecrunfolds. Specifi.radmiats anddesigadetailswillbepervidedto the 1 / °'r 1 City, as the various compmers are derern med. Ibis facility is being designed in conformance with both national and local dealership criteria construction will be in conformance with applicable / Seed Mix All criteria. fi tend chmeve plan Be: I /U/ 2Scheel G. Phar- Amoolabes, Inc. 2035 Rest. W.IrcL Avenue. 8 / i ' III !i ~i I II I I I Englewood, Colorado 6011 i ~ N I III I ~ ~ ~ v ~ I II I 003/903-9992 p 903/753905- -0993 f Retention Pond Detail \ I I I Detention Pond Detail \ Scale: 1"=30' Scale: 1"-30' , PARAGON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Note: This retention pond ism interim drainage Solution- When 7852 S. ELAn STREET, SURE 203 emen[ofi-site Note: Tbia detmtionpond will replace the interim retentionpond when UTRETON• COLORADO 80120 303-794-860a economically and physically possible, the applicant will impl economic physi drainage facilities allowing for conversion to a permanent detention facility. equire il far the p more sible..016 10ame pmject pond The wiamamad, o REVISIONS the drainage p requirements ses ND. OESCRiP71M Sr DATE the detention pond will be developed az a a new acre car proec dealasNp in sunorth subsequennt t phases. 30 0 30 60 SCALE 1"-30' DESIM: DAM 01/26/06 SCA1E: 1' - 30' SHEET 4 OF 7 DRAWN: PROJECT NO 04-006 MEDVED AUTOPLEX PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AN OFFICIAL FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO C N a M It 6i In (V CD C3 O N I N O Plant Material List mamentul Trees p APA A to-Puryle Ash precious amen... anne. Poulde l'CY. 0@H, IWl emwn,apsvom 9aNity, abLtd 9 pa HB Lo Haa46uay CeldaandmWis 2K'C B&B,fidl crown, apximmqualiry, sakW 27 SIT SunbmstHmryloeue[ ineTmis •ghademenef 3'CO l 'atri M B$B, IWl ao sp~men 9uality,slakM 24 0 3gC gpdng Snowaab a . ' Sm MalmoSpdn'ng Snots 3X"CO. l B&B, fWi voL vown, specimen quality, amkW it Deci AC duousBvernreen Strcn Alpine Ourenl ba Mine Opium 5,L. 5 . minimum 49" In. 131 BID BarHTaxu Jampc Iwipaas honzo.talis"hr Ha 5gal. cant. 5Or. minimum, V-8" In. 39 W Buffalo jmu ET ]uoiyaue Sabina "Buffalo' 5DO. man. 5mnesninimmn, 12"-18^1t. 88 BB Buming Bush BuMymus alatea 5gal. cont. 5emes minimure, T-12'hL 52 CP ememePdAt Ligushum vulgme"Choycma 5got. cant. 5came minimum, 8--lyht. 54 L Lilae Syfl.g.'P. 5B0. cont. 5 . mivimve. W-12'ht 51 PFA Pink FloweriagAMond Proms glmdulosa 5gL cont. 5 . minimum, 6V' ht 24 Peimnialso s DAY Pmch Dnylily Hemerucellis"Fmny Beauty' Igal cont. estabRShul no CP Purple Cone Flown BAbureaporpmes lgal caul. Established 75 DEG DwarfFountai. G. Pemlises. al,acumides Igsl rua ambfted 45 KOS Pact. He. app. Igal coan Established 50 General Notes: 1. This landscape plan is to be used in covjdnetion with the civil and amlamcb nl siteplans to form complete inamand. regarding this site. 2. Sod shell be a bluegmss blend incotmerting drought totmmt mainline; rmoeuneaded blood shell be 90% fescue varieties and 10% Kentucky bluegrass, an at tha ant 3. Native surd mix sM1ell be as[ollowa, or equivalmL Applicatimrateshailbe 35 ths. pat ame. Gmss Sad M. LBS PL.SIAme Blue Ent. 25% Little Biueamn 20% Rice Gress 5% Sad Dmpseed 10a/.. Side Oats Grams 25% Switch Gress 5% western whentgtssa 10. 4. AR planting beds and host areas ate to receive soil improvement with compost applied at The ooh of 5 cubic yards per 1,000 S.F. tilled 8" into the sot This mixmm, orequi,.l nT, can be utilized as e backfll mixhee. 5. MI lib beds ere to be covered with 3"layer ofe/,"-I W' gay river mck over weed barrier fabric. 6. All plant beds and mulched areas shall be edged with a 6" commemial steel Edgar ovelapped 12" where required. 7. All grass areas and planting beds shall be watemi with an underground, automedo irrigation aystcm with separate zones. Trees anlOstube.hal be dripbrigatnd. Awnaaaswdlutilimeitherpop-up Spmyheedammlary heads. 8. Ali boas, shmbs, orathesballed and budapped plant matetial shall here all wine, hunkan and donmm other containment materiel, except Malap, removed firm the ot SO be iormpl To. 9. Bimbicel lives m be provided ~ to tommummtligbEng andanveceseryf T he ltioe. 10. TTela eem sM1ownon this plan rEpTmmh the minimum level of improveestmmtu m be installed APPIY Specified ecified Mulch m.o1l Fmm FlUBou Bull BEf. Distub Root Bell AS Little AS Ponsibla. W ever ImmMh W Y After TTempimting Back511 With Lase Soil So That Top OfRmt Bell Sia At Goode Dig Plant Pitt To 3 Terre river nmplant Root Bill Ho M Diameter AM Depth Coe 5-Gum Fest Thb Perennial & Groundcover Planting N.T.S. 2-p10 TO l2 Gu 0Av. 0IVY2ins At T- 0' Abuvc (.r~d:Ali. For2^ 0t8way 6' Metal Slakes huWl Wale Ring(21 At Time O(Pland.g P, istmg GMC Remove All Who Twlm&Way. Eve., F. Rcpt Ball Sides SpmiSd BuYfill Mixwm And Fwtil'ver AppliuHm • Remove All Plegs B Plant Abele: Prune Deed Or Damaged wood Prior To Planting • Edge OPPit RougbeaeS With Spade Deciduous Tree Planting N.T.S. (Heavy Clay Soils or 1-2% Grade) Roo~e NaltooWedsl wood Before Planting 3" Ofsponi sedMWeh (mall wooer Rinngg A[rlme.fplmbn Se Match I•wywD.. Level At u ll Gme Rmove COmairar Lmsea SideefPhand Rom Bell Spm3d Baekfill hUxtme And F.ediliuc Application Liglldv COmpne[ed 'Plant PR I.- Iwo Tlaglkph Dracut Dail Ndc rmlry PWU9NY& PYOIM W10Ty e(FOaIBJINFlVItl OMe OIMoW Lqu Shrub Planting N.T.S.' 3-Multhr Awa,iw Edge Flmb wid, Subcou Geo-Tex01e Fund. (Phillips 66 Due. 0, Egmp Steel Edge Detail N.T.S. 6^ Stakes Y ox. minimum FWJ' 1 ENG.. WiEG I Le. STEEL 'IMW4' STEEL POST W. pacalne WLOEO TO 1314.11 W4' STEEL TO CHa MO FMDEDED MO ANS-E FRYNG. PPM TO Mau CQICREV.1bo•. uELO RATE ppJPCEm XA9'JAY CM TCP.. VaTER',ST. PAM TOFYTa POJLCENT a~ppE.FpsuW.Tl- F1ASa1 - . arrucpR --l C LLPIY 1 1 i m t. x n cAFE ear r..m• 4• anm• 4' ✓ r.a• FpTi1 F1EVAlkN _ iL11.D. Y4' STEEL FLAT EA3 ELDED TO STEEL aE 1TP'FAL HPE SOL. .A CNT NPYES :LDED TO STEEL POST. rEO WR WAD& n TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATIONS 5CALE: lit' • T Andacane Plan Bv: Mlohaal D. Photon Ae...iaten, Inc. 2835 Teat oxford Avenue, g8 BngleTrood, Colorado 80110 303/783-3772 p 303/783-3773 f TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN ECALE V!' I'-0' Case No.: - 20511 _ Quarter Section Map No.: W16 App: Last Name: Michael Pharo Related Cases: 20505 App: First Name: Michael Pharo & Assoc. ! Case History: Final Development Plan Owner: Last Name: - Bear Land Holdings LLC _ pproval,'Medved Owner: First Name: App Address: 835 W. Oxford Ave. #6y- Review Body: City, State Zip: Englewood _C080110 _ App: Phone: 03-783-3772 APN: Owner Address: 1,1001 W.I-70_FRN _v 2nd Review Body: CC City/State/Zip: heat Ridge,. CO 80033._) 2nd Review Date: Owner Phone: 03-421-0100 ' Decision-making Body: CC Project Address: .490090 Approval/Denial Date: Street Name: Parfetstreet City/State, Zip: heat Ridge,C080033.._.__ Reso/Ordinance No.: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Location: Notes: Follow-Up: Conditions of Approval: F Reckert Fictive District: Date Received: /30/2005 Pre-App Date: