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O U U. co LI U: ;:!F 3 0 z m W U z z O U W m cc w 3 w H 0 ~ W ~ O Y WFF F Q C~ Y Q ~a a' Q C7 Z O W d Y w 0 _ 0 Z J = W Q 2 U 2 Q - Q F O m O 0 U 3 0 m Q z Q . -G D oC) W Q < w o o w o D a F - O C) a: V! = U J U U Q LL N Q ¢ Q ~ Q N _ F H a w a p a ce F p a Q ^ Q w N H N o . 43 qQ N r 4 h Q 3. D. m J p r r kn O M- m . N ~V 1V 11 li U-, N \ 0 J V) \ 1^ 0 , le 17, ~l t N N O °o rn m UNO ~JvNN J m mo cc x wFO LL No IJ. M) omQ OFw NG3 Y h wm Fw a~0 E 0 8 ~M ~ N ~z° hl~ Cry of Wheat Midge ` Department of Public Works June 9, 2006 Scott Paling, P.E. Project Engineer Martin/Martin 12499 West Colfax P.O. Box 151500 Lakewood, CO 80215 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Re: - Fifth Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report, Civil Construction Plans, Final Plat, ODP, and FDP for the Trailer Source development located at 4651 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. Dear Mr. Paling, I have completed the fifth review of the above referenced documents received on June 5, 2006 This letter is to inform you that all of the above-mentioned documents for this development have been reviewed and are hereby approved for construction by the Department of Public Works. Please be aware of the following items regarding the construction of the project: 1. Grading and Erosion Control The erosion control for the project shall be in place prior to the commencement of any grading activities, and maintained as needed during the course of construction. Please be advised that additional erosion control measures may be required if deemed necessary by the City Inspector. 2. Application for Grading/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Grading/Landfill Permit, along with the fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. 3. NPDES Permit The Federal Clean Water Act implemented by the EPA requires that stormwater discharges from certain types of facilities as part National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) be authorized under stormwater discharge permits. Construction sites greater than one (1) acre in size require an NPDES Permit for construction activities. The area of this project is greater than one acre and therefore shall comply with NPDES regulations. The NPDES permit for construction activities is issued by the State through the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS), and may be obtained by contacting the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Water Quality Control Division. A copy of the CDPS Permit shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works prior to issuance of the Minor Grading/Fill and Building Permits. 4. Drainage Certification Required Prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Wayne Wray Harris, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the site grading was completed per the approved Grading & Erosion Control and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As-Built Plans for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (or Certificate of Completion). Two (2) copies of the "As-Built" Plans shall be submitted as follows: a. 1 copy is to be on full-size 24" X 36 " bond paper, and b. 1 copy is to be on electronic media (DVD or CD-ROM) and shall be in an AutoCAD compatible drawing format. 5. Public Improvement Restoration/Debris Tracking It will be the responsibility of the of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements along Tabor Street as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining Tabor Street on a regular basis such that it remains free of construction debris and tracking from construction traffic accessing the site. 6. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s), Licensing, and Bonding Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way, the necessary Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. In addition, if the cost of the proposed public improvements exceeds $10,000, additional warranty bonding shall be required. Based upon the itemized cost estimate provided by Mr. Scott Paling, P.E. for the proposed public improvements (see attached estimate), the contractor shall provide a (warranty) bond in the amount $37,870.33 to remain in force for the full 2-year warranty period, prior to the issuance of the Right-of-Way Construction Permit. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public Right-of-Way for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all constructed public improvements and Final Acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector at any time deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require replacement or repairs, the contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. 8. Development Covenant and Escrow of Funds Upon City approval of all plans, a Development Covenant to be provided by the Wheat Ridge Community Development Department shall be executed by the project owner/developer, and accompanied by an escrow of funds. Under circumstances where the required public improvements can not or are not to be constructed at the time of development construction, an itemized engineer's cost estimate (see attached sheet) shall be utilized to determine the amount of funds to be escrowed and used for the future construction of said required public improvements by the City. The escrow funds in the amount of $25,369.07 will be taken at the time of execution of the above mentioned Development Covenant. 9. Materials Testing for Construction within the Public Right-of-Way It will be the responsibility of the developer/owner, to provide the necessary testing, as applicable for the scope of this project, for sub-grade compaction and other related material tests for any improvements to be constructed within the public Right-of-Way. (SEE ATTACHED MATERIAL SAMPLING & TESTING REQUIREMENTS) Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) - approval.1t.doe The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Russ Higgins, Field Services Supervisor Chad Root, Chief Building Official File Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) - approval.1a.doc CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MATERIALS AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION Materials sampling and testing for public improvements shall be performed by an independent materials testing company at the expense of the developer, and/or utility district. Unless otherwise designated, all referenced specifications, standards or policies shall be the latest edition as revised or updated by approved supplements published and issued prior to the date of the building permit. REQUIREMENTS All materials sampling and testing shall be performed by certified, experienced and qualified materials testing technicians who work under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado. All materials sampling and testing equipment shall be serviceable and have current calibrated certifications. Soil classifications and moisture-density curves shall be provided to the Department of Public Works inspector prior to in-place density testing. Materials testing technicians shall furnish copies of failed test results to the inspector as promptly as the results become available. On a weekly basis when testing is being performed, the developer shall furnish the inspector with copies of all test results taken during the prior week and a cover letter, signed by the supervising registered professional engineer, which summarizes the results and discusses any failed tests or inconsistencies. The City materials testing requirements are provided in Table 720-1. All testing procedures of verification and central lab requirements shall be as specified in the Frequency Guide Schedule of the Colorado Department of Transportation Field Materials Manual. One test is required for any fraction of the specified frequency. The reference to Section 203.07 in the table is from the Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. 4 Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) - approval.lh.doc Table 720-1 City of Wheat Ridge Materials Testing Requirements Type of Test Frequency Remarks Soil Survey (Classification), 1 per 500 feet of roadway, Surveys for roadway and trench AASHTO M145 Sidewalk or pipe trench may be combined Moisture-Density Curve, 1 per on-site soil type AASHTO method determined AASHTO T99 1 per import material source By soil or materials type Embankment in-place density, 1 per 250 feet per lane per 6-inch Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures loose lift classification, Section 203.07 Roadway subgrade in-place 1 per 250 feet per lane Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Sidewalk subgrade in-place 1 per 250 feet of sidewalk Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Pipe trench in-place density, 1 per 200 feet of trench per 18 inch Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures vertical interval Classification, Section 203.07 Aggregate base course in-place 1 per 250 feet per lane Minimum 95% of maximum density, Colorado Procedures Density, T180 Lime treated subgrade in place 1 per 250 feet per lane No less than 95% of std. dry density, Colorado Procedures density and opt. moisture, T99 Cement treated base in place 1 per 250 feet per lane Density in accordance with contract density, Colorado Procedures documents, T134 Hot Bituminous Pavement 1 per 1000 tons Within specifications of asphalt content and gradation Approved mix design, binder PG 64-22 Hot Bituminous Pavement in place 1 per 100 tons 92-96% of maximum density, T209 density, Colo. Procedures Concrete compressive strength 1 set per 50 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Concrete air content and slump 1 per 25 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) - approval.ltr.doc Gty of Wheat Department c May 30, 2006 Scott Paling, P.E. Project Engineer Martin/Martin 12499 West Colfax P.O. Box 151500 Lakewood, CO 80215 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Re: - Fourth Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report, Civil Construction Plans, Final Plat, ODP, and FDP for the Trailer Source development located at 4651 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. Dear Mr. Paling, I have completed the fourth review of the above referenced documents received on May 24, 2006 and have the following comments: DRAINAGE Final Drainage Report (Discussion) All comments have been addressed; the Final Drainage Report/Plan was previously approved and a copy was returned to you. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. All comments have been addressed. Final Drainage Plan (Sheet Dl) 1. All comments have been addressed. Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate 1, The cost estimate needs to include the curb & gutter and associated 2' asphalt patching for the Tabor Street frontage that will not be constructed with this project, but will be used for the escrow of funds. The above-mentioned c, g, and patching estimates should be placed under the "FUTURE SIDEWALK' and also shown as "FUTURE". This will need to be submitted for review and approval prior to issuance of the Minor Grading/Fill or Building Permits. Turning Movement Diagram 1. The truck turning movement concerns have been addressed while keeping the proposed public improvements within the public ROW. The Turning Movement Diagram is hereby approved. Stormwater Management Plan 1. All comments have been addressed; the Stormwater Management Plan has been previously approved and a copy was returned to you. Civil Construction Plans Sheet CI (Cover Sheet): 1. All comments have been addressed. Sheet C3 (Site Plan): 1. Based upon the truck turning movement diagram provided, the southerly entrance will need to have a "tapered" asphalt area which will fie the proposed curb & gutter to the existing roadway. The asphalt "taper" will need to be 9" in thickness (collector street standard) and be a minimum of 25' in length to accommodate trucks turning southbound onto Tabor Street. Sheet C4 (Grading Plan): 1. The proposed grades at the southerly tie-in to the existing roadway (south entrance) create a grade break greater than the maximum allowable 0.50%. Due to the existing roadway lying south of the proposed curb & gutter (and asphalt entrance) being 0.92%, this will constrain the design proposal to be no less than 0.42%. 2. Due to the proposed 0.20% grade across the southerly entrance being extremely flat, please provide one of the following on this sheet to ensure proper drainage in this area: a. Cross-sections extending 10' west and 40' east of the BL (FL of gutter) for stations 1+00, 1+50, and 2+00. Include elevations at the gutter FL, roadway CL, and east edge of asphalt. OR b. A 3-line profile running from station 1+00 to station 2+00, again include elevations at the gutter FL, roadway CL, and east edge of asphalt. Sheet C9 (Detail Sheet): 1. All previous comments have been addressed. SURVEYING Final Plat Sheet 1: 1. Please correct the 2 typos in the Owner's Certification block prior to creating the Mylar®. Sheet 2: 1. Please correct the typo for the west line or the area of ROW dedication prior to creating the Mylar®. Final Development Plan Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet): 1. Please make the following corrections prior to creating the Mylar& a. Correct the typo in the Owner's Certification block. b. Show the bearings for both the area of ROW dedication and for the Tabor Street centerline. Outline Development Plan 1. Please correct the typo in the Owner's Certification block and identify the area of ROW dedication (with the bearings & distances) prior to creating the Mylar®. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way, the necessary Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) -review4 itr.dcc respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. NPDES Permit The Federal Clean Water Act implemented by the EPA requires that stormwater discharges from certain types of facilities as part National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) be authorized under stormwater discharge permits. Construction sites greater than one (1) acre in size require an NPDES permit. The area of the proposed subdivision is greater than one acre and therefore shall comply with NPDES regulations. The NPDES permit for construction activities is issued by the State through the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS), and may be obtained by contacting the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Water Quality Control Division. A copy of the CDPS Permit is to be submitted to the Department of Public Works prior to issuance of the Major Grading/Landfill and Building Permits. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public right-of-way for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all constructed public improvements and Final Acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. Public Improvement (Escrow) Agreement Upon City approval of the Final Development Plan, a Public Improvement (Escrow) Agreement will need be executed by the project owner/developer. The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department will provide the Escrow Agreement to the project owner/developer. Public Improvements Cost Estimate Prior to issuance of any building or grading permits, an itemized engineer's cost estimate for the required public improvements within all Right-of-Way areas shall be submitted for review and approval. Under circumstances that dictate required public improvements cannot or are not to be constructed at the time of development construction, the itemized engineer's cost estimate shall be utilized to determine the amount of escrow funds to be used for the future construction of said required public improvements. The escrow funds will be taken at the time of execution of the above mentioned Public Improvement Agreement. Drainage Certification Required Prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Scott Paling, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the site grading was completed per the approved Grading & Erosion Control and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As-Built Plans for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy. The As-Built Plans shall be submitted as follows: Two (2) copies of the "As-Built" Plans are to be submitted: a. 1 copy is to be on bond paper, and b. 1 copy is to be on electronic media (CD-ROM) and is to be in AutoCAD.dwg format. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) -review4 lh.doc If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer XC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner File Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) - review4 ltr.doc 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 May 19, 2006 Jim Blumenthal Trailer Source, Inc. 4651 Tabor Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Blumenthal: The City of Wheat Ridge At its meeting of May 8, 2006, City Council APPROVED Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximum building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 3. All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met. City Council also approved Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It will allow for redevelopment of the property. 2. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan. 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated on the east side of the structure when the business is closed. 2. An escrow account be provided for public improvements from the northern curb cut to the north property line. Finally, City Council approved Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of a Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 2. Staff recommends approval. 3. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. Jim Blumenthal Page 2 May 19, 2006 With the following condition: Ten feet of right-of-way be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. Enclosed is a copy of the signed ordinance and a draft copy of the minutes stating the Council's decision. Please submit paper copies of the outline and final development plan and plat prior to printing the mylars. Once the paper copies of the documents have been reviewed, you may submit blackline photographic mylars for recording with Jefferson County. Enclosed are Jefferson County's recordation requirements. Also, prior to recordation of the mylars, a development agreement with financial guarantees is required. Mylars and the development agreement need to be submitted for recording with Jefferson County within 60 days of final action. The fees for recording with Jefferson County are $11 per page for plats and development plans and $5 per page for other documents. Please submit payment along with the mylars and SIA. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes Copy of Ordinance Jefferson County Recording Requirements cc: Skitzo Offshore, LLC 4651 Tabor St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05 (case files) cA...\VMy Documents\Kathy\PCRPTS\PI.ANGCOM\CORRASP\2006\WZ0512&MS0505 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: May 8, 2006 DRAFT Page -2- PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Street Width Designation for Youngfield Street, 38th to 44th Avenues. Mayor DiTullio opened the public hearing. Councilmember Stites introduced Item 1. City Clerk Pamela Anderson read the executive summary. Greg Knudsen, Acting Director of Public Works, presented the staff report. Verna Ferguson, 4221 Xenon, asked how wide the street will be and if it will affect her property in any way and will there be a light at 42nd and Youngfield. Mr. Knudsen answered that the only widening will be on the west side of Youngfield. He will check and see if a street light will be placed there and get back with Mrs. Ferguson. Mayor DiTullio closed the public hearing. Motion by Mr. Stites that a street width of 64 feet be established for Youngfield Street from 38th Avenue to the Clear Creek Bridge and that a street width of 62 feet be established for Youngfield Street from the Clear Creek Bridge to 44th Avenue; seconded by Mrs. Sang; carried 8-0. Item 2. Council Bill 09-2006- An Ordinance Providing for the Approval of an Amended Outline Development Plan for Property Zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street - Trailer Source (Case No. WZ -05-12) Council Bill 09-2006 was introduced by Mr. Schulz on second reading and he read the executive summary. City Clerk Pam Anderson assigned Ordinance No. 1359. Mayor DiTullio opened the public hearing, and all those who wished to testify were duly sworn. Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner, presented the staff report for the amended outline development plan, final development plan and final plat. Mayor DiTullio accepted the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, case file & packet materials, and digital presentation into the record. She stated that all notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore there is jurisdiction to hear the case. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: May 8, 2006 Page -3- Jim Blumenthal, 5703 Seacrest, Golden, property and business owner of Trailer Source and applicant, testified in support of the application and detailed certain elements of the application including design, architectural elements, landscaping, etc. Mike Cooper, Land Architects, testified regarding the architectural details and signage. City Council members asked questions of staff and the applicant. Mayor DiTullio closed the public hearing. Amended Outline Development Plan Motion by Mr. Schulz to approve Council Bill No. 09-2006, Case Number WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximum building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 3. All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met. Seconded by Mr. Womble, carried 8-0. Final Development Plan Motion by Mr. Schulz to approve Case Number WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an Final Development Plan for Case Number WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It will allow for redevelopment of the property. 2. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan. 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated when the business is closed. 2. An escrow account be provided for public improvements form the northern curb cut to the north property line. Seconded by Mr. Womble. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: May 8, 2006 Page -4- Motion to amend by Mr. Gokey that only the east facing sign be illuminated during business hours, all other signs be at the owner's discretion; seconded by Mrs. Sang; carried 8-0. Original motion as amended carried 8-0. Final Plat ED. RAF T Motion by Mr. Schulz to approve Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plant for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 2. Staff recommends approval. 3. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. With the following condition: 1. 10' (feet) of right-of-way be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. . Seconded by Mr. Womble; carried 8-0. DECISIONS, RESOLUTIONS. AND MOTIONS Item 3. Motion to approve Changes to the Board of Adjustments Bylaws. Item 3 was introduced by Mrs. Sang. City Clerk Pam Anderson read the executive summary. Motion to approve the changes to the Board of Adjustment bylaws as proposed; seconded by Mrs. Rotola. Motion to amend by Ms. Berry to add "When the property is held in ownership by multiple parties, one property owner may represent the interest of the remaining owners, provided that written consent to act for all owners has been submitted to the Community Development Department and placed in the case file"; seconded by Mr. Gokey; carried 8-0. Original motion as amended carried 8-0. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER SCxtn,z Council Bill No. 09-2006 Ordinance No. 1359 ?0,)l Series of 2006 C(0 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 4651 TABOR STREET, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THAT: Section 1. Upon application by Skitzo Offshore, LLC, for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street and pursuant to the findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, an amended Outline Development is approved for the following described land: THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 7 AND 8 LEE'S SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER IN PLAT BOOK 2 AT PAGE 23, AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER IN PLAT BOOK 132 AT PAGE 1, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE S89°13'31"W ON AN ASSUMED BEARING, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE OF 1323.72 FEET TO THE EAST 1/16 CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 20 AND 17; THENCE S00°23'20"E ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE OF 977.02 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1897 AT PAGE 363 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, THENCE CONTINUING S00°23'20"E ALONG SAID CENTERLINE A DISTANCE OF 340.57 FEET; THENCE N89°25'28"E, A DISTANCE OF 321.70 FEET; THENCE S00°23'20"E, A DISTANCE OF 4.85 FEET; THENCE N89°14' 16"E, A DISTANCE OF 26.66 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF INTERSTATE 70 AND THE TRUETOINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21°38'32", A RADIUS OF 614.00 FEET AND AN ARC LENTH OF 231.92 FEET WITH A CHORD BEARING OF N12°01'31"E, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 230.55 FEET, TO A POINT OF NON-TAGENCY; THENCE S89°58' 18"E, A DISTANCE OF 24.96 FEET; THENCE NO0°03'00"W, A DISTANCE OF 184.80 FEET; THENCE Nl 1°50'40"E, A DISTANCE OF 101.61 FEET; THENCE N63°07'46"E, A DISTANCE OF 154.50 FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF TABOR STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY S00°35'50"E, A DISTANCE OF 154.92 FEET; THENCE S09°07'45"E, A DISTANCE OF 387.72 FEET; THENCE S00°27' 18"E, A DISTANCE OF 37.91 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT OF WAY S89°14' 16"W, A DISTANCE OF 294.96 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 108,551 SQUARE FEET (2.49 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this Outline Development Plan does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. SeverabiIity. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirements or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards here shall supersede and.prevail. Section 6 . This Ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of a to _ o on this 24th day of April, 2006, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for May 8, 2006, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 8 to 0 , this 8th day of May , 2006. SIGNED by the Mayor on this 9th day of May -12006. T: Y g . . nder pn, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY (9-wo GERAL DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY 1st publication: April 27, 2006 2 nd publication: May 11, 2006 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: May 26, 2006 City of Wheat Ridge DepaMnent of Public May 10, 2006 Scott Paling, P.E. Project Engineer Martin/Martin 12499 West Colfax P.O. Box 151500 Lakewood, CO 80215 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 (303) 235-2861 FAX (303) 235-2857 Re: - Third Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report, Civil Construction Plans, Final Plat, ODP, and FDP for the Trailer Source development located at 4651 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. Dear Mr. Paling, I have completed the third review of the above referenced documents received on May 1, 2006 and have the following comments: DRAINAGE Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. All comments have been addressed; the Final Drainage Report/Plan is hereby approved. A copy of the approved Report is being returned to you with this comment letter. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. All comments have been addressed. Final Drainage Plan (Sheet DI) 1. All comments have been addressed. CIVIL CONSTRUCTION Itemized Engineer's Cost Estimate 1. The estimates provided appear to be a little low and may need to be re-evaluated: a. The City estimates the Type 2A curb & gutter to be $19.52/linear ft. b. The City estimates that the 5' detached (4") sidewalk would cost around $39.00/sy which equates to $65.00/linear ft for the 5' wide walk. Please re-evaluate this cost, and provide a revised estimate with the next submittal for use in the escrow of funds for the portion of sidewalk not to be constructed with this project. c. Type IA ADA ramps as proposed are estimated by the City to be $1,200.00 each. 2. Need to include PIMA (9") patching into the cost estimate. FYI -the City cost estimate for this item is $65.00/yd2. Turning Movement Diagram 1. It appears from the turning movement diagram that the trucks exiting the subject property in a southbound direction will encroach into the opposing lane. This will create an unsafe condition and is therefore not acceptable. The radius will need to be designed to accommodate southbound movement truck turning movement without any encroachment into the opposing (northbound) lane. The radius may also have to be extended beyond the frontage of the subject property to properly construct. FYI: Even subsequent to the additional 10.00' of dedication required with this project, the property lying to the south has an additional 5' of ROW (35' from centerline) across the frontage. Therefore, there should be adequate room to construct a proper radius and tie-in to the existing roadway within the ROW. Stormwater Management Plan 1. All comments have been addressed; the Stormwater Management Plan is hereby approved. A copy of the approved SWMP is being returned to you with this comment letter. Civil Construction Plans General Comments: 1. For all sheets: the handicap ramps need to be drawn to correctly reflect the CDOT Type lA detail. (This will help alleviate confusion that could arise during construction). 2. On all plan views, the southeasterly property boundary will need to be adjusted per the 10'+/- of ROW dedication that will be required. (Please see the Final Plat). Sheet C 1 (Cover Sheet): 1. In the Sheet Index, please change the name of Sheet C4 Grading Plan to Sheet C4 Grading & Erosion Control Plan. Sheet C2 (Existing Site Plan): 1. No comments. Sheet C3 (Site Plan): 1. Need to identify the ADA ramp type as being CDOT Type lA (to match the detail). 2. The "One Way" signs shall be placed at both sides of the northerly entrance (please see redlined plans). 3. Based upon the truck turning movement information provided, the southerly radius of the southerly entrance will need to be modified to accommodate trucks turning southbound onto Tabor Street; no encroachment into opposing (NB) traffic will be allowed. In addition, an ADA ramp will need to be constructed at this location as well. Sheet C4 (Grading Plan): 1. Please provide an ADA ramp at the southerly side of the southerly entrance. 2. Need to show all BMP erosion control items from Detail Sheet C 10 on the plan view, and rename this sheet to Grading & Erosion Control Plan. 3. As previously requested, modify the top and bottom of wall elevations for the ends of the retaining walls to reflect the actual top & bottom elevations. The current elevations for top and bottom of wall are equal (which obviously cannot occur). 4. Need to include the following on the plan view: a. Show the BL, and provide the necessary BL information such as the starting point (1+00) and the bearing. The public improvements along the Tabor Street frontage need to be constructed parallel to the Tabor Street ROW centerline which has a bearing of N00°27'32"W; this could be utilized as the bearing for the BL. b. Provide station/offset for all 4 PCR's along the Tabor Street frontage. c. Areas of asphalt paving and patching. d. Identify the limits of construction. e. Need to provide the existing edge of asphalt elevations along Tabor Street from the topographic 2 Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) -reviow3 Itr.doo survey. 5. Include the following curve data for the 4 radii along the Tabor street frontage: a. Radius (show the sta/off for the radius point) b. Central angle (A). c. Are length d. Chord length e. Chord bearing 6. For the Tabor Street profile: a. Need to identify the dark linetype as to what is being the proposed (i.e., proposed FL). b. Need to provide the station and elevation for all PCR's. c. Grades shall not be less than 0.50% for new proposed curb & gutter. There is an area towards the south end where the grades are too flat, and actually appear to not allow for proper drainage - this will need to be corrected. d. At station 1+87.07 there is a proposed grade change is 3.41% shall not be greater than 0.50%. If the grade change is to be greater than 0.50% a vertical curve adhering to current AASHTO standards for collector roadways shall be incorporated into the design. e. There is a grade break currently shown at 2+96.69. The grade break should be moved to the PCR about 10' to the south if at all possible. f. The Tabor Street profile does not extend to the construction limit. The profile shall extend 50' south of the southerly entrance PCR as shown on the redlined plans. 7. Identify the curb & gutter along the Tabor Street frontage as Type 2A. Sheet C5 (Overall Utility Plan): 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Sheet C6 (Detail Sheet): 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Sheet C9 (Detail Sheet): 1. Please remove all references to "Pay Items". These are for use only by City-hired contractors. SURVEYING (The following three documents have been previously reviewed; comments were returned on March 28, 2006). Final Plat Sheet 1: 1. The distance for the section tie does not match the graphical portion on Sheet 2. Sheet 2: 1. The distance for the section tie to the NE Corner, Section 20, does not match the Legal Description. Also check the section tie to the East Quarter Corner, Section 20 as it doesn't intersect with the other tie (most likely due to round-off error). 2. The ROW section along the southeasterly (non-CDOT) portion of the site is currently inadequate for a collector street; 60' total ROW is needed for collector streets such as Tabor. Due to the current property line in this vicinity not lying parallel to the Tabor Street ROW centerline, rather than simply dedicating a 10' strip, the area to be dedicated needs to be the area necessary to increase the current ROW width to the required thirty (30.00) feet. The 30.00' should be measured from the Tabor Street ROW centerline and be parallel to the ROW CL. (Please see redlined Plat). 3. Show all of the Jeffco reception numbers for the irrigation ditch easements. These should have been obtained by now and need to be shown on the graphical portion of this plat. Trailer source (4651 Tabor) - review3 Itr.doc Final Development Plan Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet): 1. Please be sure the Legal Description exactly matches the Final Plat (the section tie may be changing). Sheet 2 (Site Plan): 1. On all plan views, show the area in the southeasterly portion of the site to be dedicated as ROW. The bearings and distances in this area will need to be adjusted per the Final Plat. 2. The "One Way" signage is to be visible from both the north and from the south (see redlined Plan). 3. Need to include the Jeffco Reception Numbers for all irrigation ditches per the Final Plat. Outline Development Plan 1. Please be sure the Legal Description exactly matches the Final Plat (the section tie may be changing). 2. Need to show the area of Right-of-Way dedication (creating 30.00' of ROW along Tabor Street) per the Final Plat. 3. The property boundary information will need to be adjusted to account for the above ROW dedication. The Pu=Works artment, requires 2 signed and stamped copies of the revised FDP, ODP, Final Plat, Itr's Cost Estimate, Turning Movement Diagram, and Civil Construction Plans. Please cuments with the next submittal. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way, the necessary Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public right-of-way for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all constructed public improvements and Final Acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. Public Improvement Escrow Agreement Upon City approval of the Final Development Plan, a Public Improvement Escrow Agreement will need be executed by the project owner/developer. The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department will provide the Escrow Agreement to the project owner/developer. Public Improvements Cost Estimate Prior to issuance of any building or grading permits, an itemized engineer's cost estimate for the required public improvements within all Right-of-Way areas shall be submitted for review and approval. Under circumstances that dictate required public improvements cannot or are not to be constructed at the time of development construction, the itemized engineer's cost estimate shall be utilized to escrow funds to be used for the future construction of said required public improvements. The escrow funds will be taken at the time of execution of the above mentioned Public Improvement Agreement. Trailer Solace (4651 Tabor) -review3 ltr.doc Drainage Certification Required Prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Scott Paling, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the site grading was completed per the approved Grading & Erosion Control and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As-Built Plans for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy. The As-Built Plans shall be submitted as follows: Two (2) copies of the "As-Built" Plans are to be submitted: a. 1 copy is to be on bond paper, and b. 1 copy is to be on electronic media (CD-ROM) and is to be in AutoCAD Awg format. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303.235.2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer XC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Meredith Reckert Senior Planner File Trailer source (4651 Tabor) -review3 hr.doc r) r y ~ O N ~ d n ~D 1 ¢ ~ M--+ b 1 c°~ 1 O 1--o3 2190 12100 12700 12151 11901 In CO 11835 181X' 11801 722 f 1 f168I 11521 11661 11641 1587 1531 f {133 l5d9 120 2610 ~ TT !V - ra ~ l5f6 1625 1635 1G{5 1555 {~5 1675 1632 LESS Ani Y qTP E i6t8 2.38 2548 1558 4~/ ST¢i i6{8 116' I 1615 1635 4655 1 167.5 4679 1 u55 4??5 ii 95 SIMMS STREET 4.33. 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Mot O.We PoooW vii ,~..Q CA O O looow O-W 01 01 0 loo-W rol- ~D n ~h 0 CL O O `Lz O CD Ott AD ME O lot O O A~ C d C t ~t e'-t- b O O ^C~ O m W C 0 O O b U~Q O O O Ot Owe r) r_- Me J MON t/1 • r n 0 lmft~ J O O O O lot w d O b SZ d b d y ~ O ~ n C O ~ O O ~ n ~ fD o ~ ~ o ~c a r-t- n O 0 na 0 MEOW O WO fD C *now b M~ • o ~ ~ o r-r- QO 51 01 o fD M o n fD r o' a • 0 d d c O b • 0~ 04 lot ow 0 ~c 0 ~h C O b O~ fD a' OD jpQ z ~ O• rD ~ A• CD ~ C C CD CD e-~ rD m fD C n n ~ r 0 f A~ F~ of w„Eqr ITEM NO: m REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION ~~CORp00 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 8, 2006 TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 09-2006: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 4651 TABOR STREET (CASE NO. WZ-05-12) ® PUBLIC HEARING ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 1 ST READING BIDS/MOTIONS ® ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: ® ❑ Ye No Community Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: City Manager The applicant requests approval of an amended Outline Development Plan (ODP), a Final Development Plan (FDP) and final plat for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street. The property in question has on it an existing metal building 8400 square feet in size used for retail trailer sales, office and light fabrication. The remainder of the lot is used for outdoor display and employee and customer parking. This property has been impacted by the acquisition by CDOT of the western two-thirds of the site for relocation of the I-70 off-ramps which will displace the existing structure and the majority of the display area. The purpose of this request is to reflect the new site conditions and allow for the construction of a new retail building and associated display area for trailer sales. Planning Commission recommended approval of all three components of this request at a public hearing held on April 20, 2006. This City Council action is related to Goals 2 and 4 of the Strategic Plan of planning for growth and opportunities and establishing I-70 as a major commercial corridor. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission reviewed these requests at a public hearing held on April 20, 2006. The Outline Development Plan was recommended for approval for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximum building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 3. All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added regarding the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 2. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent. The Final Development Plan was recommended for approval for the following reasons: It will allow for redevelopment of the property. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. One of the freestanding signs allowed on the property be a monument sign. 2. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated when the business is closed. 3. A note be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 4. An escrow account be provided for public improvements from the northern curb cut to the north property line. 5. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent. The final plat was recommended for approval for the following reasons: It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. Staff recommends approval. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. With the following conditions; 1. 10' of right-of-way be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. 2. The drainage easement on the south end of the property be shown. 3. Correct miscellaneous typographical errors. 4. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent. There were no other parties of interest in attendance at the Planning Commission public hearing. The document has been modified to address the majority of the conditions recommended by Planning Commission. Staff is recommending two conditions of approval for the FDP related to an escrow account for public improvements and signage; and one condition of approval for the plat related to right-of-way needed for Tabor Street. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: There are no outstanding issues. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: Do not approve the amended Outline Development Plan, Final Development Plan and plat. FINANCIAL IMPACT: A onetime review fee was collected for the processing of this application. Sales tax revenues maybe generated on the sales of certain items. Use tax will also be collected on any building materials. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: There are three items for consideration: an amended Outline Development Plan, a Final Development plan and a final plat. Each item will require a separate motion. Amended Outline Development Plan OPTION A: "I move to approve Council Bill No. 09-2006, case number WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximum building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 3. All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met." OR OPTION B: "I move to reject Council Bill No. 09-2006 and therefore deny Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons" 1. 2" Final Development Plan OPTION A: "I move to approve Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It will allow for redevelopment of the property. 2. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated when the business is closed. 2. An escrow account be provided for public improvements from the northern curb cut to the north property line." OR OPTION B: "I move to deny Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2." Final Plat OPTION A: "I move to approve Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 2. Staff recommends approval. 3. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. With the following condition: 1. 10' of right-of-way be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. " OR OPTION B: "I move to deny Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2." Report Prepared by: Meredith Reckert (303-235-2848) Reviewed by: Alan White Attachments: 1. Planning Commission staff report (with exhibits) 2. Council Bill No. 09-2006 Request for City Council Action-report form ~oFW"~°Tqa CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE m PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT c~CORP~O TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: April 20, 2006 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD amended Outline Development Plan, Final Development Plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4651 Tabor Street APPLICANT/OWNER: Skitzo Offshore, LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.5 acres PRESENT ZONING: PCD, Planned Commercial Development COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Small Office/Business Center and Agricultural/Estate Residential ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Location Map Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source ATTACHMENT I All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. L REQUEST This application is a three fold request for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. The applicant is requesting approval of an amended Outline Development Plan to modify design standards to an existing ODP and for approval of a PCD Final Development Plan and plat. The purpose of this request is to reflect the new site conditions and allow for the construction of a new retail building and associated display area for trailer sales. See applicant's explanation of the request. This case was originally scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on April 6, 2006. Due to lack of quorum, the case was rescheduled for April 20, 2006. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/CASE HISTORY The property in question is zoned Planned Commercial Development and has an existing metal building 8400 square feet in size used for retail trailer sales, office and light fabrication. The remainder of the site is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer parking. Access is by a single curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the overpass for I-70. The southern portion of the property is used as unpaved parking for the business although a Final Development Plan has never been approved for it. III. PROPERTY HISTORY Case No. WZ-95-9, the original rezoning of 4651 Tabor Street, was approved by City Council in September of 1995. The purposed of the zone change was to create a PCD allowing the display, sales and servicing of horse trailers with associated sales and light fabrication for customization of the trailers. (Exhibit 2 existing Final Development Plan). In 1999, the applicant purchased an additional 1.3 acres of surplus right-of-way from the Colorado Department of Transportation which is north of and adjacent to the original Trailer Source property. The City processed an application pursuant to Case No. WZ-99-09 to rezone the property to PCD, incorporate it with the original parcel into one development and revise the underlying outline plan for the original parcel to allow additional land uses. As proposed, the use of the original parcel was expanded to include the sales and service of person recreational vehicles (all terrain vehicles, personal watercraft and snowmobiles) which was not allowed under the original zoning conditions. The application was recommended for approval by Planning Commission but denied by City Council on January 10, 2001. The applicant subsequently filed 106 action with the Jefferson County district court. No action occurred by the court due to a new application filed in 2000. The 2000 case (Case No. WZ-00-12) was a zone change proposal for the original parcel, the parcel acquired from CDOT and an A-1 zoned parcel to the south at 4601 Tabor Street. The zone change and Outline Development Plan were approved; however, the required Final Development Plan and plat were never finalized as CDOT was preparing an environmental assessment for the State Hwy. 58/I-70 improvement project and the status of the property was unknown. (Exhibit 3:, existing_Outline Development Plan). Planning Commission 2 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Approximately two/thirds of the western portion of the property was acquired by CDOT late in 2005 to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for I-70. Construction of the ramps and associated right- of-way will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. (Exhibits 4 and 5, I-70 improvements) IV. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Outline Development Plan (ODP), which accompanies a rezoning ordinance, sets the allowable uses and development standards for the property. Typically the Outline Development Plan is general in nature and serves as the blueprint for development of the property by showing approximate areas of landscaping, building footprints and parking. The Outline Development Plan is also used to establish design parameters including maximum building height, minimum landscaped coverage and minimum perimeter setbacks. (Exhibit 6 Proposed Outline Development Plan). An Outline Development Plan is being proposed to modify two of the design standards on the existing ODP document; those design standards are the maximum amount of building coverage and the minimum front setback. The new ODP also reflects the CDOT property acquisition. Under Chapter 26, an amended ODP follow the same approval process as the original ODP. Allowable uses: Neither the permitted nor excluded uses have changed since the 2000 ODP was adopted and recorded. The proposed Outline Development Plan listed permitted land uses which were negotiated with the neighbors through a series of meetings held in the summer of 2000. Land uses which are undesirable at this location are listed as "Excluded Uses". Those include adult book stores, assembly halls, bars and liquor sales, convenience stores, gas stations, heavy industrial uses, nursing homes, private clubs, restaurants and video sales. Landscaping: The ODP sets the minimum amount of landscaping at 20%. A note has been added that all requirements of Section 26-502 be met. Access: Two access points are shown; one south of the I-70 overpass at the existing location and a southern curb cut situated opposite the W. 46`h Avenue intersection with Tabor Street. The northern curb cut should be restricted to one-way in. Building Height/Minimum Setbacks: Maximum building height is specified as 35' which is more restrictive than the 50' allowed building height in the RC and C-1 zone districts. Setbacks proposed are generally consistent with our commercial zone districts. The reduction of the front setback from 50' to 30' compensates for the narrow lot depth due to the CDOT acquisition. Maximum Building Coverage: Maximum coverage by buildings is indicated at 20%. Combined with the minimum landscape coverage of 20%, the remainder leaves 60% coverage by hard surfaces. Development Standards: Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source The development standards depicted in the table are shown on the ODP. Future redevelopment of the site must comply with these standards. Development Standard Existing Plan Proposed Plan Max. building coverage 10% 20% Max. building height 35' 35' Min. perimeter setbacks 50' 30' Front: 15' 15' Rear: 15' 15' Sides: Min. landscaped coverage 20% 20% Planning Commission 4 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Additional code sections are referenced on the ODP including off-street parking, signage, fencing and architectural standards. The proposed development standards are generally consistent with those in the Commercial-One zone district regulations. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan have been met. V. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Although this request is not a rezoning, the code states that the procedures and requirements for amending an ODP shall be the same as prescribed for the original approval, which would include evaluation of the zone change criteria. Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria. I. That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. The official zoning map is not in error. The parcel is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, and that the evidence supports the finding of the following. There will be dramatic changes in the character of the area when the new off-ramps for I-70 are constructed. All of the properties on the west side of Tabor will be impacted by varying degrees. The revised Outline Development Plan is in response to the acquisition of the western two-thirds of the property for right-of-way and pending demolition of the existing structure and site improvements. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates the northern two-thirds of the property as Small Office/Business Center. Desired attributes of the SO/BC areas are listed as: • Small office or incubator space which does not require high visibility from well traveled streets but may have a retail component as an accessory use. • Well landscaped. • No visible outdoor storage; trash areas screened. • Amenities such as outdoor sitting and eating areas, and pathways should be encouraged on-site for employees. • Vehicle circulation be handled internally on the site. • All materials, equipment, vehicles and activities be enclosed within the primary structure. • Desired uses are listed as workshops, contractor/trades, repair and equipment shops, professional services, research and development facilities and labs, offices. Planning Commission 5 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source The southern one-third of the property is designated as Agricultural/Estate Residential. The amended Outline Development Plan is inconsistent with this designation. However, the desirability of the property for residential use is questionable as it is surrounded on three sides by commercial development. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Redevelopment of the property with an additional access point will serve as a benefit to the neighborhood. Currently semi-trucks unloading merchandise for the property park on Tabor Street, just to the south of the I-70 overpass, or stop on Tabor and back into the property. Because of limited sight distance from the north, this creates a dangerous situation for the driver of the semi and the traveling public. The additional access point will allow trucks to enter the property from the north, unload and exit by the southern curb cut. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There will not be social and recreational benefits as a result of the zone change. There may be physical benefits (better access with southern curb cut) and economic (increased sales tax) benefits. The city does not capture sales tax from vehicles registered for road use (trucks and trailers) but does receive sales tax from the sales of jet skis, all terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and parts and accessories. 6. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All agencies can serve the property with upgrades to infrastructure, the cost of which will be borne by the applicant. 7. That the change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to the adjacent properties. Modification to the Outline Development Plan front setback and building coverage standards will not have a negative impact to health, safety or welfare. Existing traffic hazards will be eliminated when the property is redeveloped. Drainage will be accommodated on-site. 8. That the change of zone will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Zoning of the property occurred in 2000. The properties to the south and west are also zoned commercial. VI. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Planning Commission 6 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source The proposed Final Development Plan shows a two-phase design. The first phase includes a building with an 11,000 square foot footprint located in the southwest comer of the site. (Exhibit 7, proposed Final Development Plan) The gross floor area includes a 3000 square foot second story office. Employee and customer parking are located to the east of the structure. Inventory display is on the northern portion of the site. A second phase building pad similar in size to the first is shown to the northeast of the first structure adjacent to Tabor Street. Structure Design: The proposed architectural materials for the new structure include rough-faced block and EIFS. The walls are broken up with contrasting material banding and second story windows. Architecturally, the building elevations are similar on the east, west and north sides giving the appearance of front fagades from Tabor, I-70 and the off-ramps. The only true "rear" wall of the building is on the south side. Overhead doors are provided on the east side of the structure for vehicular access to the service bays. Staff has requested that brick or other accent material be provided as a wainscoting instead of the split face block shown. Wall signs are shown on the east, west and north elevations. Freestanding project signs are not shown on the FDP. As such, the standards of Article VII of the zoning and development code will apply. Based on this section, two freestanding signs would be permitted; one of which could be a highway oriented sign 50' in height. Staff recommends that one of the freestanding signs be a monument sign. A note has been included on the Outline Development Plan that signage may not be illuminated when the business is closed. This note should be replicated on the Final Development Plan document. Landscaping: The minimum landscaped coverage required by the ODP is 20%. On the site data breakdown, the landscaping for this phase is shown as 32,293 square feet (29.8 This figure includes the formal landscaped areas and the detention ponds. The 20% ODP minimum for the entire 2.5 acres must be met with any future development phases. Street trees with 3" caliper are shown in a tree lawns along Tabor Street. Street trees were also required along the I-70 frontage. All minimum landscape quantities required per Section 26-502 have been met. Access Two access points are shown for the property. The northern, existing curb cut will serve as a one-way entrance into the property. The southern curb cut aligning apposite W. 46`h Avenue can accommodate two-way traffic. A note should be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one-way in. Public sidewalk should be extended north from the northern driveway to the I-70 bridge overpass. Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Development Standards The following development standards are depicted on the ODP. The proposed development and any future development must comply with these standards. Development Standard Required b ODP Provided b FDP Minimum Setbacks Front: 30' 135' Side: 15' 17' Side: 15' 348' Rear: 15' 19' Maximum Building Height 35' 28' Maximum Building Coverage 20% (21,710 s.f.) 10.2% (11,090 s.f) Min. Landscaped Coverage 20% (21,710 s.f.) 29.8% (32,293 s.f.) Signage Refer to Article VII of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Fencing Refer to Section 26-603 of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Exterior Lighting Refer to Section 26-503 of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Architectural Detail Refer to the Streetscape and Complies with the use of brick Architectural Design Manual wainscoting. The Final Development Plan complies with the development standards established by the proposed Outline Development Plan. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan have been met. VII. FINAL PLAT The property has been reconfigured to reflect the purchase by CDOT. (Exhibit 8, Proposed Plat). The plat establishes typical utility easements around the perimeter. The permanent stormwater detention easements are shown with the appropriate maintenance note on the front sheet. 10' of right-of-way is required to be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. A drainage easement needs to be shown on the south end of the property. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. VIII. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre-application meeting for neighborhood input was held on June 28, 2005. (Exhibit 91- N eighborl b Meeting Recap) Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source VIII. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Colorado Department of Transportation: Has no comments at this time. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed a drainage plan and report. An additional 10' of right-of-way will be required for the southern portion of Tabor Street. A subdivision improvement agreement with escrow will be required for future public improvements from the northern end of the north curb cut to the north property line. Arvada Fire Protection District: Will require the installation of additional hydrants. Emergency access lanes shall be signed as fire lanes. The building will be required to be sprinklered. Ditch Companies: The affected ditch companies have reviewed changes to the current ditch configurations. The applicant must continue working with them to resolve any issues. Valley Water District: Valley Water District has adequate capacity to serve the project. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines may be needed. Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority: Has concluded that the proposed land uses are not consistent with the 44`h Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan; however, the zoning and land uses were approved prior to the adoption of the Redevelopment plan. X. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that due to acquisition of the western two-thirds of the property by CDOT, the property must be redeveloped. As such, an amended Outline Development Plan and Final Development Plan and plat are required. Staff further concludes that all requirements for the pertinent sections of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws have been met; therefore, a recommendation of approval is given for all three portions of the request with conditions listed in the suggested motions. XI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: There are three requests and each will require a separate motion. AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximum building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. Planning Commission 9 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source 3. All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added regarding the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 2. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It will allow for redevelopment of the property. 2. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Brick or other accent material be provided as a wainscoting instead of the split face block shown. 2. One of the freestanding signs allowed on the property be a monument sign. 3. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated when the business is closed. 4. A note be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 5. An escrow account be provided for public improvements from the northern curb cut to the north property line. 6. The applicant continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to relocation and construction of the ditch improvements. 7. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." FINAL PLAT Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: Planning Commission 10 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source I . It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 2. Staff recommends approval. 3. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. With the following conditions; 1. 10' of right-of-way be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. 2. The drainage easement on the south end of the property be shown. 3. Correct miscellaneous typographical errors. 4. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." Planning Commission 11 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Bagley Development Consultants October 10, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Trailer Source Redevelopment at 4651 Tabor Street - Application Submittal Dear Meredith: We are pleased to submit to the City of Wheat Ridge the application for the redevelopment of the Trailer Source facility in ownership of Skitzo Offshore, LLC, Jim Blumenthal, President. As you are aware, there have been many iterations of the plan for the Trailer Source project over the last five years or more. We believe that the submittal is a quality project in every way and meets the desire on the part of the City of Wheat Ridge to significantly upgrade the operation conducted b the Trailer Source business. The project proposes a contemporary building on the remaining 2.5-acre site after the taking of the remainder of the property and the existing building by CDOT for the interchange improvements at Ward Road and -4APA-Verme The significant aspects of the project that have been included in the new design and are important to both the City of Wheat Ridge and the owners of Trailer Source are the following: • A new contemporary building housing all operations • All outdoor storage and display of trailers on an all weather concrete paved surface • A quality landscape plan for the entire project • Appropriate lighting for the project that does not impact surrounding residential neighborhoods • Piping of the three agricultural ditches that cross the subject property • Signs that meet the requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge Sign Code • Improved vehicular access to the site, creating a one way circulation system • Screened storage of equipment and trash containers The application submitted includes those items necessary for and amended Official Development Plan (ODP), a new Final Development Plan (FDP) and a new subdivision plat. We look forward to receiving comments from the City of Wheat Ridge relative to the submittal package presented. Please do not hesitate to contact me if we can be of further assistance regarding the application. Sincerely, BAGLEY DEVELOPN T CONSULTANTS Kent Bagley ~f Principal cc: . Jim Blumenthal, Trailer Soun 90 Madison Street • Suite 300 F.XT~TR Tm ) 333-0636 • FAX (303) 388-8756 4.. TABOR DEMOPMENr PLANNED COMMERCUL DEVELOPMENT . FINAL DEVEZOPMENr PLAN ` 5 s Ff F5FC7,,,'FtEf~'k7t^ _ . : OF WHEAT RIDGE IN ' THE el?'Y : . . 7tiQ PAIK OP ~ s tf~s sveaamo~i. cau~ r ks€ 4► . . As FULLIMW = =KNVR WOW* E +t e©rASiart w o6nwc OF € m * earl U" K . i - t7F'}yf¢.(1@ Amb 7W EAR IINE PAO lF1C~G SAO ~ Lim ' trl {t4 ~ NCK6ft a!~ R0~' R 4E $1O- CBk' #!F 110' irs~Rk7K - ~ - ~ . ~ 4 ~ ' M x' Y r~. ' ~LIi0iO, 0101 ~G•lY~12 v7lR~~ It 9 9wllllal[nl#we. t "„Y ~ T w54 y ~ ~ lEq ~Il h e lefF 53.6 1 S~`3: _ 5l y 4 1 L w T. a ( - . 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Jy b~ EXIIIBIT 2 J r fy P.Y'X C~ { x iur 4 St i 'A KeLIA ` (a 'T NO.S - OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR TABOR SUBOIVtSION FILING 140.2 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A PORTION OF LOTS T & LIG'€'S SUBDIVISION AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUWWMON LOCATED IN T14E NORTFWAST ONIE-QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANG 0 WEST OF THE M PRINCIPAL MIERtDiAN CITY Of WH?EATRIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO / FB RIPiroN nF PRO EC m THE INTfNiIHTINi AND PWRPJSE OF THIS PRUIECT Is 10 EXPAND THE E%i$fiNC PUNNED AND uCLaL DEVELOPMEM (PCD) 20.4E D16TRR:T KNOWN A6 TA A DEVELOF $ I AND IXLSTm EXUSE. TRgttER Pg%'n ONTO A 1-3 OACRE FMR PARM A0 TO O THE E NORM iFM6 ANO OVDSE'".. PRE NAWNPN€IMf, f)QSHO PI AE S $Elw .U OF iAOST EYS" FING TREES O OF GRAVEL DRIVE ANO USPLAY THE SOE ADDITION OF SEVERµ MOK , FRESER#RRDM ORE TREES AND DTHER LW05T/S'E WttRW-S, N PLACEWENT OF AREA M f", ANO A NWw PP.6E-STJilA&NG nSN ORlfNN® TOWPRD6 M'fERgp 70. TWANG ARRRDMAL K Aim NEOUE TM PER 'ME 2.57 ACRES TO THE I ) I SOUPI m W THE EASTERN FORT" Tv m Usm FOR Acccs6 ANO 05PUY. PR90R TO CONSTRUCT afY THE TJ'9ST PHA9RN0 LINE. AN DONNE AND FRUL DEVELOPMENT " APPROVAL BY P6MININO CGMNISSN)N AND CIIY COUNCLL WEL BC l~WNim. aw- I ~ IjI 11 i S I &016 PRNOSE9 UGE IS EXPANSION OP H!E CIl . S i C U ~O P~9Yt1 L R6CR BATS RIdJD~SiCA1ikR5A3 pFµiNE OiHEN iN 1' 489 ~la~l I N A° . AmO 1 U R Pfi`5$I®~ M~TtRRE~US~ES !i• R1N~519L1 A M PiAN / '0 ~ i B pM~DfllNNT TO ACCOM 4Pi~'C USE ~ COHFIWRATIOH I REL♦EpAE$. WIB ANY ~M ~ R6 FHY @I~~ P,ANNNG ~r\ ,~Y ClWNOC DF USE TO OEIERMINE ~,,~w / t~h? J ~iltlj t!' E; >i ~ A DEV~,tlRkIBI1r~wAN IN AeeoROAWGE wTiN mfFAT V \yx"J.R'O~ s _ Et4&Y:IR3~N ,:ts'F. ~118N B^25 mom Oft Smm - - T $ R @WgK lr% PMkw1 0MLE5 a I I s 1~-m j 0 FE ON AS AGGW4pR.Y TO A MAIN USE. Ia G(D 119 SUPPLIES 53 5 NED :Idlfxi SETH RU Ly~,,~ TI W LiETIl4 J.. ~ • ~ AS s ` "'PM cf) E FROM~ww New R P R ~S pBR1' A y V1 R. PENCE SLX W !IUJ[RF4FG~ET TO LE L4HrGW q) b ~1 Y&!TP(~ ~ F, A eS.i REAR IOTSL? A r 1 iS W,? SPORTS SALES INCLk1flING SONAL Y'AiER CRAFT BUT NOT %=FT TbTINCUJ Au TERPPIN . 1 4IDpYCpl}F;SS. sNeWNOB1IES AFU PEPi. NBOMC 1VS OfFlCEP Ot15ECENS UMITIN6 FIVE R/kREMW1SE CBMPOHENT TO O f 0 - 90X WORM PFRSTHE B(pEJINL~Di,NG. n~ 'FV! MORE I$d811 IN 'EKE 'EXCIN~s15ES' SECTwN q 1 VOCAPDNAI. MAUL NI 1\ PRESCHOOL NN DAY NURSERIES MW AS NECESSARY TH6RTO wfffiN ON RIE SAME MIgIS). z ARE Q 23. SN.M,L A4WAL VEIERNYIPT Jh{S aR OL4WC5 VNxE E ARE NO WI$IDEP6T6 CR . RNN6 FOR 24. SIWIO6 iOAgPROPgSpO1kY dY F6ACHYIG OF FINE kB1S. n 3wFMLORpNG. ORS K& ORROLNTg ALTEP§T*N 41BPfi ACCESS FO W. 45th AVE. TABOR S a- vo-L~ ~ R aR,.,.t ,Q, ~ C n rx+r yTA1an ~ aA1NQARfis 1 MAMMW BLNOSNG COVERAGE: 10X 2. MAAMUM 01NLWNG kE1GHi: 35 FEET 3. MRNIMUM PERIMETER B ONG SETBACKS: FRONT: 50 FEET ~ 15 FEET A%OE& 15 FEET I-*O /.S R SaLC. MNNW M LANDSCAPE COVERAGE: _ MIDDLE PARCEL- 209 NORTH PARCEL: WX 6WTH PAREL• 20X e ona T aW` Zl9NFfl fND AJAT. GEY6LOPMENT CORP. TAWOR WTKEET PROPERT9 P.M. S ALL DEUVERfES MALL OCCUR SETWEEN THE HIXlRS OF &00 A.M. AM 6;00 P.M. 4. NO SUI G CR STORAGE OF TRAILERS, ATYS. JET SKIS OR S..IXCE T FORR ONE SF TRUCKS AANND TRML~ A~QWD AT ANY 7W £JR W ON^lE0 WY ONNERS 0nM~W USES ARE USEpSRpw~IWlHH 'pARg SIAkAR INW WT9 OF vW Now "H "~s, EMS OFyT,H~OEEP6FUA~AIPZI~F W (gl(g) CONS IN WlNI 6 HETpIMR OPMEM; (C) NOT BE 08JECPQHkBKI ES ODOR. DUBT KIM Y30N N~rT, BUR{. VIBWtT fiN. TP,AFFIC PtJNO NkE0.5. OUft100R ST aR USE: ANO (0) NOT BE l TO THE HEALTH ANO• TYO UE E%PLOSbN S1RRW AREAS THROWN iIHEBER OF FR4E OR . Ef2X I.B9Fp 11RFA I, ADULT SOON STORES 2. APPLIANCE STORES 3. ASSEMBLY RM.L/COR4ENtKM} CEN'hER 4. BARS AND UDUOR SALES 5. CAR SALES 6. CON+ENIENCE STORES 7. CAS STATIONS & GD+ERNMENT AND/OR QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL BU0. NGG 9. HFAW INOt1STRW. USE 10. NOTORIYED VETNCES REIXNRWG UCENSINC TOR MOTORCYCLES AND EXCEPT FOR UP TO 20 NEw TRUCKS RNIWA+IIY). 1.1. NURnHG HOMES 12. PRIVATE CLUBS 13. RESTAURAt15 (FAST F000 AND BTT DWYN 14. VXRO- D NEE RENT& AGENVES AALL OFA~q.TE), CTW M'GILL RY TO A 15. AU TOTO A PERKED PP WAl~USSE LU.LLS•BE E~w )REPAIRS 16. STAID-ALONE WMENOUSE USES 17. 41DE0 STORES CASE NMMY 45 PREPARED BY: LANE SNONEERMKI SETNFE, INC. WLBSB < 95m WlMai4 H AVENUE' ~•EWOW CO _080815 Tf~ DEVEUWMENT PLW SUPERCEDF:S THE PRIOR OIfIIINE DEVELOPMENT PLW RECORDED AT: OOP BOOR 57, PAOE 19, RECEPTION W. 0321003. BMRi11NM AC&lAWA6al09 S*0 T ED /E.C'^El.I'RSEpTNEAEOF DO THE M~*! Ym`,~A(N n SE IS PLAN. A!N ~ S, TNER REC NMDgqNp3ETNhT T~ A~bOp Sgg, OJ04 Y~iA6YA% +3F m SU SWORN TO BEFORE WE THIS MY, 3082. Rq WITNESS MY NANO AND OFfiGML SEAL W OJNMICSIEN EXPMfE4. - ~ . ~JMe~ +~.afMmrva Phi !fT` .eat THiS 15 TO &IE WITWN PION. CkSE N0. VIZ -'00. - 12 !US PoBI,A"{NE P'~MVNNG COMMSS70N OF TIC COY OF WNFAi COW 7G AfASi•~B'42~t&71r- ' calk Px rarATRPir,.ATalgA! TN ` Y" OAY OF CITY +G1L ATTEST: / - nfE RIDGE L~~-~ 21p2 BY 1oi . THF~S ~DBO,¢CRUMENT ACCEPTED FOR Fe WI 15S3hrl2 JBPFER60N COUNTY Al THE "A. REL'BR® 'G - OEPO' C . RCAW MWAX I, SIEI'6N D W§o A PRO p'NRA~J LANNDr suRvEFYOR IN T!K 3F.bT£ ~N♦'E INS' ~Y TR PEAT PF TNK AAPoyRF1~9E. CT9iRR _ _Y mrq THE REitlLTS ~ A {~W06~R %d AP~[~E08A00 . PUr~-+.-c C0. 7 ; ..,E ! Bow. iWIN EXHIBIT 3 16 C Y C C~ZRU MCO um 0 233_. e....... o m+ n o+nsrn lEft-aeammo THOSE POK"$ OF LOTS 7 ANOt LEE'S SUBOW g AND LOT 1. TABOR RF NP l lsow7N BW0£ ff w~ lllu= N. LtFLOikH rm PARnCIy.ARLY DESCPoaEO~ N, STATE OF f~ N ~ 3 III F QI F y v L ~ ~ 1 ~ . IdIJ~ 4 . , i o^ II • f [ I m T -I c 3 D w m rn ' 0 T A 1 O Y T ~ 2 S m m fJ C N W 0 Z $ C $ A m z EXHIBIT 4 T\ L 3'fn.: E I I J 7M T~GT-mur=R IT L- / 4- ° E I ba~~ .ii it yy~~.'. i i~ . i.~: • ~ /y _ ~ ~ ~ i• ~ I . ~ 'may- ' - Sub PROPERTtiY~` t .t" C.i ~~a.. i' v~4~T¢`o 's.- I ~Pp`I Tom. ~7-I OPERI~, e _ i {G H1 . f PA MENT REMOVED eL°r I_ -r_ . -11.11; PHASE 1 PHASE 2 N 0 20.0 400 600 Scale In Feet EXHIBIT 5 ESTIMATE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS i DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MINIMUM/REQUIRED PROVIDED FRONT 30' FRONT 135' SETBACKS REAR 15' REAR 19' SIQE 15' SIDE 17' FI` IR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMM An Official Final Development Plan of the SIDE 15' SIDE 66' BUILDING HEIGHT 35' FEET 28' FEET l LOT COVERAGE N A 10$,397 S.F. TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION FILING N0.2 LOCATED IN THE NONTHEASTONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTN, RANGE 69 WEST OF BUILDING COVERAGE 21,710 x,20% MAX) 11,0 7 S.F. (10.2%1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO i t LANDSCAPEQ AREA 21,71Q 20% MIN) 32,296 S.F, 29.~~~. SITE PLAN ~ PAVED AREA N A 65,014 S.F, {60%~ t 1 6 fL ~ TOTAL LOT AREA 108.397 S.F. ,1000 1__ PARKING 44 SPACES 43 SPACES 1 HANDICAPPED 1 2 N SPACES I w R= L= ~u cB 22 R= L=2 tu'~a nn 7 I L=231.35' a i ~ U-1-0394=21 35 20" CB= CB=N71 43 24 "E ~ \ 227 (CD 229.99' (C) ~'=6~~ o0 ~ = 228.3.3' CH-S? 7 "57 2B "W 10.00' UTILITY EASEMENT 227 02 I ~CJO?~ MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL _ _ _ d ~f'HAIN IINK FFNC 15.OU IKKIVA I I - - PRG?OSED BUILDING - - ~ ~ r rr ~ i ~ ~ nn~ a ~J ' 0 9 e- ~.t P°a _ FF=14.50 FENCE 11,087 S.F. 1 x..537 S~F, GFA - (INCLUDES 4,450 S.F. ~ .r 2nd STORY OFFICE) ~ ~ GATE RAMP HC 30 1~ ~ 3~ ~ ~j ~ ~F ~l ~ x.00' _ _ TRASH 7 . , ENCLOSURE 6 2 _,ti - ~ 1800' ! .d t1 /'Y 'T P^' A Y"0m s B B"°" w 1 "'f' 1 w 1 P°ai 1 A /'ti I 1 w 1 'T°I / ~.1~ B'^a (TYP) 4.5' 9.00` CONCRET ' ___~(TYP } 4 J _ I~~~ 5.00' ATTACHED R2' t °o WALK R40~ ~ 2 SIDEWALK a ' K RETAINING WALL i CHASE BLOC 1 MODULAR 4.~' NO PARKING SIGN 2.00' 35.0 PROPOSED GATE Z ~ III P At iv ( ~ NO PARKIN 2 CONCRETE SIGN 1 ~ f 30~ j R30' a 5.00' TREE LAWf --___SQ_Q'4~4.2 "F 37 9 ~ ' _ - - - - - r i 1 1V00 27'18 "W (R~ Q 1 d` CASE HISTORY w WZ-95-09 7WA" POW CONSULTING ENGINEERS NO. DESCRIPTION. DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: WZ-99-09 1 CITY COMMENTS VNZ-00-12 1 2499 WEST COLFAX AVE. MS-05-05 P.O. Box i 51 soo A E 2 CITY COMMENTS LAKEWO0 0, CO 8021 S L R, CH IT CTS A N-D iZ WZ-05-12 303.431.6100 FAX 3 0 3.4 3 1.40 2 B 9173 S Ridgeline Blvd, Suite 130 a Highlands Rand, CO 80129 0 Ph (303) 784-1777 ~ Fix (303) 734-1778 1 ~ ~ ! ! i ' S ! . t~ ! ! ~ ~ 'S ~ ~ "~-rte ~t ti 1 s NOTES: 1. TEMPORARY CDOT EASEMENT IN PLACE UNTIL CDOT DEMOLISHES EXISTING BUILDING. 2. SEE SEPARATE IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATION t~ PIPING THROUGH THE SITE. 3. SEE SEPARATE WATER PLANS PROVIDED BY VALLEY r(. WATER DISTRICT FOR WATER MAIN INSTALLATION. l♦_ ~ R-61 L=231 ~UfO TOW=12.50 ~'B=N B4W=12.50 229.9 R= 674. 1 ~ C L = 228. i C8=S7 ~ \ 227.0 ~ (CDO T) ~ ~ _u ~i~~~ 1' RETAINING WALL ~ _54t3 -~,i TOW=13.70 BOW=12.30 - T _ R r F'KUI-'VStU tikllLUiN(.~ ~ I„~ ~ i i ~ I l.L. o !d _ Iii - , W~,TE METER ~ - - FF=14.50 f ~ t ~ Q f ~ r s I, i .0 1, EL TRIO LINE 15, 0 ~ i 1 ~ ~ i i LI H T POLE ~ _ f _ INV,=10.50 f~ POWER P LE - - RE; MECH. - ~ Sw TOW=14.50 _ SANITARY SEWER 0 ~ 1 ~ / ~ ~ TRI M TER BOW=12.50 SERVICE .LINE / ! i f~.. f Y ~ p ~ 4 r I ` ~ ~ ( f ~ . ~ ~ 0~0 0 , 1 . a ~ i ~ f I _ i- k J pp - ~ o - - u ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ WATER ~ N r ~o o ~ j ~ ~ ~i ~ SEF2VICE 'r ti - ~ i; r' L C.t~ 1 ~6 T V I f~~, ~i u, _ 1 S` 6 n 2.0~ ~ ~ 2' SID WA K - can r Y F P 3 4~ - - - _ 169E 6 VC ~ 7 ~ ~ TOW=13.35 1 BOW=12.10 I = , _ ~ '9!I g GRADE BREAK t ~..A. L~ ~ u~►i ~ ~2 PA TOW=1240 I 57 i j . BOW=1200 'l`L Q ~ P -J`" " _ N ~ - t 1 S00'49'42'E 37.91 ' (AM N~o ~~`~8"w i ~-•F y~ c 1~' k _ ~~u' r~- Q EXISTING FIRE H YDRA N T~ ' I Z 8"x6" WYE CONNECTION ~ `f . j Y 6" PVC INV.=4.72 ~ e~ Y ~r it CASE HISTORY r , WZ-95-09 wz-s9-os e' e n e w e e e a i e• e s-se w e e e• I ~ wz-ao-1s - MS-05-05 30 15 0 30 60 WZ-05-12 SCALE I"= 30' 1 t ° - I~ TABOR DEVELOP LEGEND 3~T SITE PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. LINE ~ 1 CHAIN LINK FENCE BY CDOT CHAIN LINK FENCE BY OWNER ~ f~ a $ LIGHTING (SEE SHEET 5 FOR "4`F- ~ ~ 1. .s~ c PHOTOMETRIC PLAN AND LIGHTING E DETAIL r _ F..c- I DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE ~ R r~ t~ P- EVERGREEN TREE 1 l~ ORNAMENTAL TREE ~ r t o Q~ DECIDUOUS SHRUBS ~ 3 i~ 7~ 1 ~1 f ►r_ ~ EVERGREEN SHRUBS ~P V 2a 1 1 PERENNIALS A ~.1 rr-.. i ~rnnn cc cnn ~ IKKII~H I tU DLU~t~rvi~a ~vv mI r xa: z \ ~ 2 1 ~ u ~ s ~ it ~ I PROPOSED PHASE 1 BUILDING ~ ` 14 cs 1 A NON-IRRIGATED DETENTION BASIN ~ m ~ ~ (RETA,11., OFFICE, & SHOP) ~ ~ M` _ ;a s~ SEED MIX ml ~ ~ 11,088 SF FOC?TPRINT ~ r s a.~ ~ ~~4,ZOa ~.F.A.~ 2 1 r COBBLE MULCH (ALL OTHER MULCH IN ' 1r w~ f ~ U PLANT AREAS TO BE WOOD MULCH) 1 I Zo ' PLANT CALLOUT (SEE SHEET 5 FOR _ BMJ PJ LE LAM ~ P r~ C V I TIN 1V ~ CONt~t~T~, T1f~. 21 T. .~t ~ ~ REM T TREE b ~ ~ ~e PLANT SCHEDULE) WgLL-MOUNTED ED ~ - BA s~~ ~ ~ b u~HT, nP raasH ENCLOSURE 4~ 2 IL ,z~ a~ ~ ~r ~ UAR ASH M~ I q KCT CON IRS ! I _ r~-. A~ - - _ 5 . DISP 3 3~ ~ _ ALE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TE RE ~ - ZONED PCD j ~ i, 3 _ 17 3 M ~ BAG 4 I' I BMJ BAG A.M.T. DEVELOPMENT CORP., TABOR STREET PROPERTIES 3' c~~~~ i Z i ~t z . - - a _ ~ =k CASE HISTORY r. WZ-95-09 Of 30' 60' 90' WZ-99-09 1 1st Resubmittal WZ-00-12 MS-05-05 Z LAND ARCHITECTS 2 2nd Resubmittal ,J WZ-05-12 9137 S Rldgeline Blvd, Sidle 130 o Highlands Aanch, CO 80129 o Ph (303) 734.1777 o Fax (303) 734.1778 Graphic Scale: 1 " = 30' { f ~s r_ I , . ~ , ~ ,w. ~ ~p IYm f S ~ '64~~8 Ba A~ . (a a c 6 ~ ~ I~tn 1 ~@ a :M. o r ,;;y fa ~t A K, r r . ~ U r~ ~ ld~@ 9'b9 Add ~~J] ~R ~~a c H, ~ ~l A 3 ~ m s e e ® F ! T H Ll~ E KI LI T IN i E I I T E IT L L TIN , . I T I~L T ICI TI ad ~o a® D D o a o° D® p® oa p® D~ c~ i~ o 0 0 0 D® p® as D® D~ ~ o ❑ ~ p p ❑ i os D® os Dti p® a~ ~ ~s o 0 0 0 0 D~ Os as ~o O D D O Q D,. i a O~ Q® O~ S7R O D O O O O i O® Os O® DA Os Ds S © [9 O D D © t C.7s Da Ow P~ Os O° i O D D D O O ~ Os O® Ds ps Ds O~ Z o b o © ® o f Os ps Os ~s Ds ps; O O Q O O Ot E Ds Ds 6s O® OW as C ® ® ® 6 6 O O® Ds ps Os ps psi. O a O O Os Ds Ds Os CS® Os: O O J i W Dd Ds Ds Ds Os as ':G a y ~ N W W -7 Os Os Os Os O® O®;:: ~:C -a N N $ fn Os Om Ds Os pe Os~ Fa N W N W C Os Os Os p9 ®s fs._... IU W .A SIt O ~ ~S9 bs Ds Os Ds Os ws ? fS W Vf Qi N '~E N W Cti W W sw . Aa _ crQ. .esa c~ . o° sv~., as ~ na . o° ca® ra° ~ , ~ e7P er° c~a ~ oa ray o° a° as na ~yo ~a ° e ~ a w i~ w a i+r N iw N ~ i~ N iw v ~a v o o e d5 `b~ ..4° oa o° ~ o° oa o° pa ht tO tIs td da Qp Ap cp O® yp ~ N N W W ~ ,W A~ G; lJ f0 A Cr iT A Gd Sd ^v~a.-, ~ N ja s Q Q - N W A iri r id p ® O® O° Oo O® -j0 N" A N W ~R `d fat W ® O 4 ~ N W to A} td rs° op o" o° ip Np y N fA 07 PS G7 A ~ W A 4s W CI° C]p Qp Op -gyp -gyp Fj➢ !9 ° n N is .A W a iQ A I T p O® O® Op Jr M N T y~~~m~ p p a• e~° as c° ~ ~ ~ ~ m N ~o E t iv G~ Cf rC 'F C7 iri w ! N A ~t77 C7 t7i tJ -F 4p 4p Op .ep .ap Np 4~ Ef N :P Ct s* -y A ~ 1' dp dp dp .ap .ap Np ~jl ~1 is CA C7 N fU G1 d® 4p Op dp ,ip ..0 ® I3 U7 f7t W -dW ~ Ip e Op dp Op dp Op r® ..~,I K7p Op Op Op Op pp 01 6a w i. iri w ~a p p p® pp O® C® p® O® ~ 1 d° pp o° pp op p' c~ O 1+.1 PJ !nt W pp pp Qp An do dp pP ,t.. dp Op Op Op D® O® O~ O O + ~ IU it pp Gp vp Op o® o~ t~ _ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 1 iv on op o® pp op o° ;pp b b b ~ ■ • . pp pp pp pp pp pp o~ ■ b b b ~ ~ iv - _ i ~ o° pp o° on dp op D p b b b ~ ~ ia- w • ® pp ©p pn pp op on 'p` O O D ~ trl €P13-: .v Op Op Op qp ®p pp Eop O O O -s i fe7 W Op Op Op 00 Op pp a0 Op Op Op pp Op pn rOtl O D O i ® Op ap Dp Op On Op tJd N T b b b ~ ~ Op op Op oa pp ~oQ LI HT HAL J L BE KIM L b D U IGHTIN ~ ~ w G 8 dp Dp op op op pp ° ~ EERIE F o IXTURE. b D v 6 E ITE P ap p® on ~n p. dp LAN F R LCD O O d AT I N e f Op p® p® 06 pp Qp ~n ~INTALLE adp_.~ R MAN FA N GT URER on np ap rap Dp a® e~° PIFI b6~~~ ATIN Nw P° P° O° o° Q° op b° p O O N ~,1 op op op dp on op ap o 'ra © ~ is / op op Qp pp op op Op 0 D o j ~ ra oa Dp op op ap D• q4 is ® 'ts a ~ a ap by pp pp Op a® p® fl O O O / / p® Op O° Op O• C° d O ® b G ~ .w O® Op O® dQ P® ap Q~; D D o b n a a p• e~° p° d~ oa o° cp° 0 o b o o a o eW a~ c5' n! ci° a~ cif _ op o0 op op op p® o" O D O O O D O ~ ~1.... Cp G° Cr fib:. Os~; 4 P 4 is 8 ~4 C o° Dp c,° a° op o° o° cs a a b b b b o ~ ~ ci a is G5° O® Op o b o AE G HIT RY SG ~ ~ s- WZ-9~-0~9 W®-9 WZ-0~-1 9 f az-- _ _ umin II" cu e M o a --1 o 0' 30' 60' 9o` i NO. DESCRIPTION: 1 1st Resub .111 LAND MARCHITECTS mittal Numeric Summary 2 2nd Resubmittal 17 Z Label CalcType Units Avg Max r = Graphic Scale: 7 " = 30' Parking, Roads, & Trail Areas Illuminance Fc 2.23 37.2 9137 S Rldgellne Blvd, Suite 130 o HigYlands Ranch, CO 80129 o Ph (303)134.1171 o Fax (303) 734-1778 t t ~ ,a~ n~~-r~,~ , w '~'~1= >~,r. J^' . Qty Sym Scientific Name Ce~r~on Name 5 WGA Catalpa speciosa Western Catalpa 8 APA Fraxinus americans 'Autumn Purple' 'Autumn Purple' White ~ 2 Af~A Fraxinus ~i~~ r' ;ana 'Autumn Purple' 'Autumn Purple' White Ef i, 4 KCT C~ymnc~claduv dicaica Kentucky Goffeetree 2 KGT r~~r+~t:,ladu~ dioica Ken#ucky CofFeetree a ~ ~ m f I Qty Sym Scientific Name Common Name . 2 ABP Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' 'Autumn Blaze' Pear 5 ABP Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' 'Autumn Blaze' Pear 7 GIM Acer ginnala'Flame' 'Flame' Amur Maple EVEFZ~REEN TREES IPM~NT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DE An Official Final Development Plan of the Qty Sym Scientific Name Common Name 5 p~~' Pinus cembroides var. edulis Pinon Pine 7 AUP Pinus nigra Austrian Pine ~E~IDUOU' SHRUBS Qty Sym Scientific Name Common Name 's 44 BMS Caryapteris clandonensis'Arthur Simmons' Blue Mist Spires 28 RTG Chrysothamnus nauseosus'Tall Green' 'Tall Green' Rabbitbru Q ~ 39 ACB Symphoricarpos'AmethysY 'Amethyst Coralberry 32 CPL Syringe vulgaris 'Common Purple' 'Common Purple' Lila EVERGREEN SHRUBS A PORTION OF LOTS 7 & 8, LEE'S SUBDIVISION AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SU ! I~GATE~f aFd T"'~ ~E~S~*~SEAST QNF-QUA~T~R OF SEG890N 2~, id~~'N~NIP 3 St1UYii, RANGE 59 4U~S3 ~3~ Qty Sym Scientific Name Common Name 20 CPJ Juniperus media 'Pfizeriana Compacta' 'Pfitzeriana Compact' 34 BMJ Juniperus sabina 'Broadmoor' Broadmoor Juniper - s a® •~w ~o qre ~®r®t ® s k...® ea.m a Qeee ®r~,'4%V!1 ®~V 1 M f ~V6,~1X~//l ! 6®. 6. a kdL,~l 1 I..L...IYIL..I~ ! 1YI~,.fILd I ~.l! 1L.® 1 ®1®~IB ®1.,»,/YiL,~.l! A nf~Y°tn~r+~t Iltr°Iin,~r ~__f"`~I .~1 g~ ~..a ®e ate. \1.,., / Y 1 L.~. I ! I 1 \ L ~ ~.d ~ I I I le I \ Y Y 1 W i... I I i 1./ 1 \,a/-1 1 L...4m+ \,d I \ ~ . ,....Q I .d.. m.. . ~ . ,r ~ ~ ~ , , . a . T TILT T L E I A UVIT a.._ ~^°owi~+c~i°~ ~c °ru~ ~~r~rrdicr~ rt~rn °r~_~c r~' T EC~EED Y T E TIL N LYS ~L5 t ORNAMENTAL G ~►SSES Qty Sym Scientific Name Common Name 1 d1 FRG Calamagroskis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Grass ° 64 BAG Helictotrichon sempervirens Blue Avena Grass e-b PERENNIALS J. ~;o Qty Sym Scientific Name Common Nam 30 BSC ► 1 1 °9 f®P°i i A f I P`S f`° °P I I P^1 ~i i I /°S 11 P° A ~°i f'°11 /'1 A F ~,o;o~, Coreopsis Baby Sun Baby Sun Coreopsis lYl{C►P.t° ~1 C~~" ~ wo!°1 i 1~5~+~t'1~t"1 ~-~°'~tsr~ ~r nt n wa-r r<~ n~°rrrl n t nl' n v a rsr ®®n nr@ aatl°rt'~at IT -rI'r Ixtr-~l-r°-t-r~l ,~^►e~p'~+r°~ LAN`~1 REQUIREMEN REQUIRED - PUBLIC STREET FRONTAGE TABOR STREET 20 TREES rx -70 FRONTAGE 6 TREES (1 TREE FOR EVERY 30 FT OF STREET FRONTAGE (740 TOTAL LF)) ADDITIONAL TREE/SHRUB REQUIREMENT 21 TREES (1 TREE & 70 SHRUBS PER 1,000 5F OF REQUIRED LANDSCAPED 210 SHRUB AREA (29, 710 TOTAL SF)) * DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE PROPERTY, TREES REQUIRED TO BE PROVIDED FOR P NECCESARILY DIRECTLY ABUTTING THEIR RESPECTIVE RIGHTS-OF-WAY. * *{2) 1-GALLON GRASSES OR PERENNIALS SUBSTITUTES FOR (1) 5-GALLON SHRUB P NOTE: THE PROPERTY OWNER MAY ELECT TO POSTPONE THE INSTALLATION OF LA CONCRETE SALES DISPLAY AREA UNTIL CONSTRUCTION OF THE I-70 OFF-RAMPS ARE t w SALES DISPLAY AREA IS CONSTRUCTED. OWNER SHALL COMPLETE AN ESCROW AG GUARANTEE FOR 125% OF THE COST OF THESE PLANT MATERIALS. THE TIMEFRAME WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF. r. LANDSCAPED AREA BL UEGRA BITTERSWEET TURF TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA 32,447 SF 100% PN: (303) 655118 i MULCH (NON-LIVING) 5,775 SF 17,8a/o 5-WAY BLUEGRASS B SPECIES t PLANT MATERIALS {LIVING) 8,872 SF 27.3% Arcadia Bluegrass Award Bluegrass 1 o AFL T E H T K A IH NEW T T AND YD WITH 12 ALVANIZD U TURF & NATIVE SEED {LIVING) 17,800 SF 54.9% Nuglade Bluegrass Odyssey Bluegrass P TE T IV T L WITH E F 1 I F INIMUM YEAR AFL SR 2100 Bluegrass PVC PIP FAR F AE _<< w ~ sL T~ DETENTION BASIN SEED MIX a~ i APPLEWOUD SEED COMPANY (5310 VIVIAN STREET, ARVADA, CO 80002) PN; (303) 431-7333) 0.84°/a 0.78% R CASE HISTORY DETENTION BASIN MIX SEEDED AT A RATE OF 32 LBS PLS/ACRE. 0,780/a P °/a SPECIES #/ACRE 0,78~/a M nc nn 62.6% OATS, COMMON 19.76 0.68% R e i r. VYL-AJ-V.7 17.3% RYE, ANNUAL 5.46 0.61% Bt MI trn RAAMl^^l n rl -10 I 1 AIL- NO. DESCRIPTION: DRAWN: ICHECKED: DATE- WZ-99-09 3.04% SWITCHGRASS 0.96 0.57% Rl WZ-00-12 2,47% REDTOP 0.78 0.57% Ml r 1 1st Resubmittal MS-05-05 2.09% SEDGE, FOX 0.66 0.57% RI u WZ-05-12 2.09% ARROWHEAD, COMMON 0.66 0.37% V 1.53% BULRUSH, SOFTSTEM 0.48 0.27% S 0.95% CORDGRASS, PRAIRIE 0.30 0.27% SF LANDMARCHITECTS 2 2nd Resubmittal 9137 S Rldgeline Blvd, Suite 130 o Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 o Ph (303) 734.1777 o Fax (303) 734-1778 0.84% SEDGE, AWL-FRUITED 0.27 I a s ~T 3 1 i i ~~a E ,.w F< r. I zt ,w 1 ~L? i ~ t~,;. _ _ , p,, i I I I I 4 t i i ~~ti i i i I i i I i i I i i ~I i _ _ i 1 UE ~ i I i _ ~~~=~Zi L~Z~~~Z~=1_r~~~Ta 1.~.I E ~ ~~.~.1_~[~~~W74 Tr~~~.3~~_i.~~~~ L~ 1 a -e-- J 3 J__. L~ ~~I 1_ m .1 1 1 L. L 1 J L 1 i ~ 1 A L i LF L _I 1 1 ~ . ~ ~ ~ 1. 1 -T „~S Z ~ S ~ ~ T ~ d I t -Cu ~ Im 1 I _1 i i I r r ._l._ 1~ ~ T ~I ~ ~I C ~~i 1' E~~~~~~~a~ 7 f 1 T ~ I~ ~ ,__~t_~ _r , 1~„1~~ ~ ~ y_ ~~~~T~7 a L~~~~~ fi ~-C ~_l Z"@~T 1.1_7 _ 7 ~ ~ ~ J `.s.~v~~ I.~-~1 f.~ ,~T ~rI__~_l7~ i L. L L~ X T l~ ~ L _1~I_ L 1. l 1 ~ L L TI TT ~__Ts 9__ L~ I .lal ~ ._L~~ l _ l L p~. J_ _ l ~1 _~1 .~...l ~-_1- 1 1 ~ 1 .L - ~ - ~ . r_ 1, 1 ~ € L L, i I i lil l' l,'I ~~`~z s-_ ~z~ r _x_.__..r..c_~r~ o.s-.7~__ ~r'~i.~_._l ~ ~Z r s 1 a 1 l_ j_ C ~_T_1 1, i i I ~ ~ ~ L _~i~~~ _ is ~ ~i~ 1_.E I L.~ l U ~ J 1 Z L I r~- l~._L4 rl j i.L~_ls~ ~~~~la~ ~~~..1.~ 1.~ 1 LI~IW1..~~ €~L.~ L~I::~ ~LI~ ~.L.~~~~ ~ ~~_~.t_.~ 1._~_,l_i 3 C . ~ 1 ~ ~ ' ~_I ~ ~ ~ ~1~C~ I ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ I~I_ l~, J ~ l ~ i~ i ~1T~ _r f 1~ ~ 1 ~ i _ I7~- _ _ _ ~ W. ~ _ ~'(`7- r _ _ ITI 11 [~l Irl iTi~i E €~1~1~4 [~I~l~t 1~1 1~1~I~l~f~f~l~l~lfl I~i~l 1 i I I! I Y II i _ _ I ~ ! - -I" _I . l~_.~ 1.l T ~ r I Lr ~w~_L~~ I ~~~7_. L.C~i T J_ 1_L.n~ 1 ~ 1 L~ t ~ I T_L L ~ L~_ L~ L C l 1 1 I I 1 1[] 1, I s 1 1 1_ 11 1 i 1 _l 1 l( I 1 1 i l! 1 f_~ i I I i I I i i_ ; 1__I _11- 1( __I 1 L I_-__l-L l l 1 I ._.I I i :.1 1 I: J~ 1 C C: [ 1 _:f 1 _1 I ( 1 ~ f I I E I i ( I ~1 ~ 7 I I 1, -I~~~~~_r~ I I _r I..L ~ l 1 , 1~_T-~, ~ L i _L ~L ~ L rL] lal I'I jl~ L~~ J jN T ii i 1__.._.L.~.' ~I~ 1 L ''I L m I __I__~I_~_~_ L, _1- 1M _l L _l.. T ~ T~~~~_~~_~f_ T Z., i I ~ I Y ~ 1 I 1 1 ~ ~I J _ ~ ~ , I ~ C ~~1 ~ 1~1 1 C T Ll ~.1 I ~I T._ ~ ' S m Z "I". 1._ _ k 1 _ _ _ ~ ~ t ~ .1_ _l_ 1 L.~.LT_L I r1. _]_~::1.. ~ i'L ~ . S_~~.;.T_ T 7~ _C T1~_~ 1_.l11 ~ T ~;f~ ~ ~ I, 1- X14 I~~~_~ i~ ~f~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ _ 1`l T ~p1~ [mil I ~ ~f ~ 11 I j T ~ - - - _ . 1 _ _1 L. _ ~ L 1 L 1_ ~ 1 __I_ _C -l~ rT ~I TT I 1- 1 ~1_f ~ 7_ _ ~ ~ - _l. m i fl I i i i i I i r i _ r _ _ , ` T i _ _ - r~ _ _ r°n; r~ I - - - _ ~ ~ r- ~ _ - . _ ~ . - U _ r---h--t---t--~--~r--fir- 'r-~----"raa ~s_- I ~ ~ ~r ~ s~~ ~e _ ~ _us a ~ r a ~ - x - - _g_..,~. - j ~ ~ y._. ! ~ ~m ~ ~ ~ m ~ . e _ ~~s i _ - - ~ _ ~ .n Ii I ~ ~ i i~ I I. i~ I i ~ a ~ ~ a I ~ 1~ L j~n , ~ ~ ~ ~ I I h II ~ ~ i ~ i' ~ ~ ~ . ~~m ~ i ~ ~I i ~I ii j I i l_ a~ ~ .J i ~ ~ . i v~~ ~ 1 I - I - ~ rt ~ I ~ ~ _ _ . ~L.~.. _ _ o yv _ tom. i g ~u a ~ i i i i ~ M~, III i~ ~~i 3 j - - - ` it r l~ I' ~ . _ ~ i! ~ I i ~ ~ i - ~ r ~ i ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T I - _ ~ y-. ~ I ~ ~ I~ _ ~ e ~ I - - I ~ I - ~ i r I ~ I i i I I ~ ~f ~ ~ ~ '1 I i ~I I I I t_~.. ~ ~ om I I ~ i i '9A1 ~t~(1.1 a 'I, n i ~ _ ~ i - _ _ MS-05-05 i WZ-05-12 i i i i t i i' i i . I _ . N _ FINAL PLAT Z v a~ TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION u~ ►JV FILING NO.2 JN OF LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, A( LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF A CC~N~t~LI DATIQN ~'3F A PC~RTItJN ~a AND A PORTION OF LOTS 7 AND 8, LEE'S SUBDIVISIO ~ESFC;T~~N ~n z~, ~ ~r . 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL M COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF CO PAGE 1 OF 2 T~JWNSH I P 3 OWNER'S CERTIFICATION: MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r- - OLORADO w. .ESS, DESCRIBED /WE, SKITZO OFFSHORE, ~I~C, BEfNG THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 2.4884 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AS FOL~OW5: o m ~ m W. 50TH AVE. A PART OF SOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION (BOOK 132, PAGE 1} AND A PART OF LOT 7 AND LEE'S S (PLAT 800K 2, PAGE 23) ANO LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL AAERfDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BEING MARE J PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL..LOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOT 8 AND THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE STREET FROM WHENCE THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20 BEARS S26'4$'02"W, 1488.89 FEET; THENCE SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ANQ ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 8 58$'51'52"W, 295.32 FEET T EASTER(~Y LINE OF CDOT PARCEL A200; THENCE ALONG SAiD EASTERLY LINE OF CDOT PARCEL A200 THE FOL~OWI CONSECUTIVE COURSES: 1) THENCE 231.35 FEET ALONG ANON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21'35'20~~ AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N11'43~24"E, 229.99 FEET; 2) THENCE ALONG NON-TANGENT LINE N89'45'10"E, 24.96 FEET; 3} THENCE N00'17'02"W, 184.80 FEET; 4) THENCE N11'34'08"E, 101, 4) THENCE N62'S1'14'~E, 153.9Q FEET TO SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF---WAY LINE; 5) THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) CONSECUTIVE COURSES: 1) THENCE 500'58'14"E, 153.72 FEET; 2) S09'30'g9"E, 387.72 FEET; 3) THENCE SQO'49'42"E, 37.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL 10$,397 SQUARE FEET (2.4884 ACRES}, MORE OR LESS. m I , HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREaN CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME { OF TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 2, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLD ~ ►~Y TNF~F PR~CFNTC nn n~rnreT~ Tn Tuc riTV n~ ~~~u~eT ainc~ nnin Tug ti~~Q~ ~r T~~~~ o.,oT~~~~~ o~~~ } ~..~v._ ..~v~.. ~ v vv v~v~v. ~ ~v it „ v~ ~ ~ v~ r~~ ~ ~~~vvr_ r'~i~v ~L ~ V1.71_IL II~VJC f Vn IIVIVJ Vf- fCL/1L 1-RVI- ll AS RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AN o MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIQNS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR • a C1 h A111 /~"1~ t A CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLU 1 NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS LIES, WATER ANO SANITARY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STORM ~ SYSTEMS AND PIPES, DETENTION PONDS, STREETLIGHTS ANO ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. i i - m c c ~i ~°~n. i JIM BLUMENTHAL, MANAGING MEMEBER ~ ~.~I t r" ~ STATE OF COLORA00 ~ ASS COUNTY OF JEFFERS(JN ~ f THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF A.D. 20 BY J{M BLUMENTHAL AS MANAGING MEMEBER OF SKITZO OFFSHORE, LAC. - r. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES; Y._ _ `R NOTARY PUBLIC I _S i ~~1 t 5 ~ ~ ~ t o i ~ L~ 1 z rt' ~ 1; r- . ~4 ~ - c~. if ~ ~1Y 4 i r -T ~i STORM DETENTION EASEMENT STATEMENT: THE STORM DETENTION AREA AS HEREON SHOWN AS A DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH CONSTRUC AND MAINTAINED BY THE STRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE IS NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO E =r i --cA% in A-DE A REV. APRIL,. 28, 2006 AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK, THE COST OF WHICH SAID OWNER, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS AGR REV. MARCH 10, 2006 v BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATION HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DETENTION AREA WILL BE MADE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRE( F JANUARY 09, 2006 WORKS. MARTIN I MARTIN C CONSULTING ENGINEERS i 1 2499 p~y/ WEST G500 P Yy t$ OLF°p,X AVE. P .O. . aB - ~f.°`A~p~r~, ry~piy 1 y ~1n e°y t 3103.43 1.6 1 00 11' A _ _ a~ t~ Z ►N FILING NO. 2 N AND A PORTION OF LOTS 7 AND 8, LEE'S SUBDIVISIO A ~~}N~C~LI DATIC.~N CAF A PC~►RTIC~ ~ (...j O Z ~ ~ ~ O cp r WFST QUARTER CORNER SECTION 20 T CJ W N S H I P 3 FOUND 3 l/2" BRASS CAP, STAMPED "CITY OF WHEA TR/DGE" 00 CD O ~A ~ LOT 8 LEE'S SU80/ y BOOK 2, PA ti ZONING.• CDO NOD °45'44 "W 4, 85' (AM) TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION S00 23'20 "E (R~ FINAL PLAT SET #5 REBAR -s PL S #9646 DN OF LOT 1. TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, A LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF u L s88•~~'S2"w c 26.30' (C~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ SET ,#5 REBAR ` \ ~ ~ PLS #16406 x ~ r T ~ D=17'54'54" 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL M COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF CO T r m ~ ~ R=614.00' 3 I L=191.98' _ ~ r~u_c~ ~x•~z'zQ"ant i 1 4 ~ r r ~ o m! I ~ .,191 20' 10.00' U s ~ DRAINAG HEREBY D THIS D ~ I ~s. Opp ~ n ~ 1 ~ o ZON/NG.~ P(/D ~ ~y _ i c UNPLA TTED ~ ~ ri o~ ~ v~ ~ y~ i ~o • f. Y y ~ ~ i - ~ ti ' a ~ ~ I 5.00' UTILITY AND a a DRAINAGE EASEMENT HEREBY DEDICATED BY ~ ~ I THIS DOCUMENT ~ ~1 _ i n Z I S88'S1'52'~W 26.49' O I s. - _a ~ I ` S1 ~~14'11. ~ ~ SET ~f5 REBAR ~ PL S ~Y16406 _y ~ ° p FOUND #4 REBAR 0° z ~ NO CAP ~ ~ . ~ Q ~ ~ ~ TRUE POINT C3F - - BEGINNING s - F` Y F ~1 S00'49'42'E 37.91 ' ''f 13, (G) Noo 2~''8 "w (R~ 1483. t'~ P. 2~~58~22 N - ~E L. ~r z a ti ~ _ J FOUND 3 1/2" BRAS STAMPED "CITY OF WHE CASE HISTORY BRASS CAP A " IP \-EAST QUARTER CORNER SEC IlON 20 REV. APRIL 28, 2006 FOUND 2 1/2" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX, REV. MARCH 10, 2006 STAMPED IS 1322, 1992 JANUARY 09, 2006 MARTIN / MARTIN 40 DONSULTING ENGINEERS 3o 15 a 30 60 WZ-95-09 SCALE 1"= 30' WZ-99-09 WZ-00-12 12499 WEST COLFAX AVE. ai MS-05-05 P.O. Box 1 51 500 W2-05-12 303.143 1 .6 1 00 z~ FAX 303®41a4OZ8 o E~Q CW- L - 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Date: June 28, 2005 at 6:00 PM City Staff Present: Meredith Reckert Location of meeting: Second Floor Conference Room, Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29`h Avenue Property address: 4751 Tabor Street Property owner(s): Jim Blumenthal and J.R. Blumenthal for Skitzo Property Owner(s) present? Yes Applicant: Same Existing Zoning: PCD, Planned Commercial Development Comp Plan Designation: Small Office/Business Center Existing Use/site conditions: The property is comprised of three parcels totaling 7.5 acres and is used for trailer sales. It has a metal building on it with 8400 square feet of floor area. The remainder of the property is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer parking. Access is by a single curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the overpass for I-70. Zoning of the original, middle parcel occurred in 1996. The owners later acquired parcels to the north and south, both zoned Agriculture-One. In 2002, a zone change to PCD and an outline development plan were approved for the three parcels. Case No. WZ-03-09/MS-03-06 is currently in process for final development plan and plat approval on the three parcels. This land use case is currently "on hold" as CDOT is negotiating with the owners to purchase the western two-thirds of the property for right-of-way to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for I-70. Construction of the ramps will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. Applicant's Proposal: In light of the pending CDOT acquisition, the applicants are requesting approval of an amended EXHIBIT 9 outline development plan, a final development plan and plat for the remaining 2.5 acres to build a new building, display area and employee and customer parking. The proposed site plan allows for an 8400 square foot structure on the south end, with customer and employee parking to the side and rear of the structure. Display area and detention occur north of the structure. Access is via a one- way drive configuration. Issues Discussed: • Concern for CDOT improvements and the relocated off-ramp from I-70 • How does CDOT acquire land? • Where is 46`h Avenue in relation to the new driveway? The circular driveway exit will be located opposite of and align with W. 46`h Avenue • Will Tabor be widened? No • Will the sound wall along the south I-70 frontage road be widened? Staff is not aware of any changes to the sound wall. • What will happen to the storm drainage with the new off-ramps? Stormwater detention areas will be designed into the project. • The amount of pedestrian traffic which crosses over the Tabor Street overpass. It was noted that the applicant will be responsible for construction of sidewalk along the frontage of their property. • Will there be any additional public meetings regarding the ramp relocation? • How can the neighbors access a copy of the EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) for the ramp project? In general, the attendees were not opposed to the proposed Trailer Source redevelopment. The owner of property located at the northwest corner of Tabor and W. 44`h Avenue indicated that CDOT is trying to acquire land in front of his building. He indicated that about 20 parking spaces would be lost as a result. He was adamantly opposed to the CDOT acquisition. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 April 27, 2006 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-05-12 which is a request for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development outline development plan and approval of a final development plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street AND Case No. MS-05-05 for approval of a final plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. These requests will be heard by the Wheat Ridge City Council in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on May 8, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you are a property owner within 100 feet of this property, you may have the right to file a legal protest against the application which would require 3/4 majority vote of City Council to approve the request. A copy of the protest rights section of the code is enclosed. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C: acwrents and Swtwgst athyWy Docume uWathyWCRP SWP GCOMNcnoticet2N wz 512&MQ505.wpd v~ PA -31 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO Owner :Monfort Joyce E Parcel :042727 Site :11700 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered •1~/n't'^^' Mail :11700 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 71305 2570 0001 4282 2418 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bed=: 5 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1968 Pool: B1dgSF:2,409 Ac:.32 • MetroScan / erson (CO) : Owner :Williams Brenda Kathleen Parcel :042759 Site :4433 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 xfo-°a 0001 4282 2425 Mail :4433 Tabor St Wheat Ridge Co 8003 7005 2570 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land e Bedrm: 2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB: 4 Pool: B1dgSF:900 Ac:.91 • MetroScan /'Jet son (CO)----------------* Owner :Strong Richard J Parcel :043598 Site :4665 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 800 Xfered :09/19/2001 Mail :4665 Swadley St wheat Ridge Cc 0 7005 2570 0001 4282 2432 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: 61 Pool: B1dgSF:1,388 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Public Storage Inc Parcel :043600 Site :11901 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 - xfPrer7 706/21/2nn1 Mail :PO Box 25025 Glendale Ca 91221 ?I]05 2570 0001 4282 2449 Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:10 Y3:1980 Pool: B1dgSF:99,110 Ac:4.75 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Wells Fargo Bank Na Parcel :043653 Site :4645 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 xF°,-°a 2570 0001 4282 2456 Mail :1100 Corporate Center Dr Raleigh Nc 27607 7005 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land one Bedrm: 4 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF:2,040 Ac:.42 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Fernandez Macario Parcel :043676 Site :4610 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 VF 7005 2570 0001 4282 2463 Mail :4610 Tabor St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land one Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1959 Pool: BidgSF:1,063 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Fries Michael A Parcel :043715 Site :4615 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered e1n11410nnn Mail :4615 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 2470 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF:1,342 Ac:.25 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Department Of Transportation _ Parcel :043721 Site :11875 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered -nR17a1?nn~ Mail :4201 E Arkansas Ave Denver Cc 80222 7005 2570 0001 4282 2487 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1912 Pool: B1dgSF:1,745 Ac:.98 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Schulz Larry D Parcel :043739 Site :4675 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 2494 Mail :4675 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land one Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF:1,637 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Keller Elda A Parcel :043743 Site :4625 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 a .nnt17/lg7? Mail :4625 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 2500 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone . Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF:1,376 Ac: * ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Lund Bethany A Parcel :043756 Site :11780 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered -ns/in/,)nna - Mail :11780 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7005 0390 0003 Use 1112 Res,Improved ved Land e A g Bedrm: tRm: YB:1976 Pool: To BBldd SF:1,882 c:.1 , is p QA \ ` Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Sol utions makes no representatious \ ^ or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information coutamed iu this report. J MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Ong Alexander T Parcel :043788 Site :4635 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/30/2001 Mail :4635 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 7005 2 57-r, L, 0001 4282 4658 1112 d d - Use : Res,Improve Lan - Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF :1,342 Ac:.44 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Digi acomo David R Parcel :043796 Site Mail :4678 :3275 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Quail St ( No Mail ) Wheat Ridge Co 80033 „t-_-' 7005 4665 2570 0001 4282 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 6 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac: * : MetroScan / effe on (CO) - Owner :Cost er Jan Bernhard Parcel :043797 Site :4668 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfarerl ~~t~~ " 4672 Mail :4668 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80 3 7005 2570 0001 4282 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm: 6 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB: 2 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac:.32 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Mill age Darrell L Parcel :043798 Site :4648 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2 570 0001 4282 4689 Mail :7828 Vance Dr #100 Arvada Cc 80003 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 6 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Oest e Marcia Parcel :043799 Site :4638 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 -1--, 2571-- 4282 4696 7005 Mail :4638 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80031~ Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone . Bedrm: 3 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:19 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac: * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Gray Robert C Parcel :043800 Site :4628 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered 0001 4282 4702 Mail :1701 7 E Davies Ave Aurora Co 80016 7005 2570 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm: 6 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac: * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Klepacki Brian J Et Al Parcel :043801 Site :4618 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Vr--- 25 " 70 0001 4282 4719 Mail :8344 Xenon St Arvada Cc 80005 7005 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land _ one Bedrm: 6 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac: * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Depa rtment Of Transportation Parcel :043873 Site :4601 Tabu Wheat dge 80033 Xfered :12/30/2005 Mail :4201 E Ark i ve Denver Co 80222 Price :$1,416,800 Use :1111 Vacan esi tial Phone Bedrm: TotRm: - YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:2.65 • MetroScan / on (CO) Owner :Wood worth Jeffrey Lee Parcel :043876 Site :4655 j Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfo-oa 2 ^^'^1 570 0001 4282 4726 Mail :4655 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Cc 8 3 7005 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: Y ool: B1dgSF :1,387 Ac:.39 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Silz Heinz N Parcel :043892 Site :4501 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xferer~ 2 -^^'"p001 4282 4733 570 Mail :1574 5 Us Highway 34 Fort Morgan Co 80701 7005 Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial 970-867-5207 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:.85 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Roge rs Gerald J Parcel :051532 Site :4764 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 ' 7005 2570 0001 4282 4740,,;-., Mail :6567 Everett St Arvada Co 80004 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF :1,920 Ac:.26 ps ~ ~ ti Information compiled front various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Gupta Bimleshwar P Parcel :051564 Site :4784 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 xfered :03/26/1979 Mail :14373 W Bayaud Pl Golden Co 80401 7005 2570 0001 4282 4757 Use :1112-Res,Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF:1,920 Ac:.27 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Benedict Benny L Parcel :089439 Site :4785 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 4764 Mail :PO Box 1454 Arvada Co 80001 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF:1,662 Ac:.72 * ---------------------------MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Ta Operating Corporation Parcel :096705 Site :12151 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 VF--oa •n1/la/Onni Mail :24601 Center Ridge Rd #300 Westlake Oh 44145 7005 2570 0001 4282 4771 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land one Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1973 Pool: B1dgSF:23,041 Ac:13.15 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :City Of Arvada Parcel :188176 Site :*no Site Address* X£erprl io/m " p-° Mail :8101 Ralston Rd Arvada Cc 80002 7005 2570 0001 4282 4788 j Use :9149 Exempt,Political Sub,Land MIMI Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:23.61 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Bushell Arthur J Parcel :188563 Site :*no Site Address* Xfered :07/01/1QQ1 Mail :10527 W 31st Ave Lakewood Cc 80215 7005 2570 0001 4282 4795 Use :1111 Vacant,Residential Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac: • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Department Of Transportation Parcel :203808 Site :*no Site dress* Xfered :12/30/2005 Mail 4201 E Arka s Ave De Co 80222 Price :$1,416,800 Use :1111 Vacant, Res ''al Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:1.31 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Lake Front Partners Parcel :406411 Site :I-70 & Tabor Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :632 Gold Run Rd Boulder Co 80302 7005 2570 0001 4282 4801 Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac*8.04 * ---------------------------MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Lake Front Partners Parcel :406414 Site :11913 WI 70 Frontage R eat 'dge 80033 Xfered :07/31/1990 Mail :632 Gold un Rd er Co 80302 Price - Use :2111 Vaca mmercial Phone Bedrm: Ba : otRm: YB: Po Bldg SF: Ac:1.21 *----------------------------:-MetroScan / Jeff f-on ()%)va Owner :Baptist Home Assoc Of Colo Inc rc el :4 09628 Site :4700 Tabor St #BLDG-12 Wheat Ridge 3 ~fered :06/29/1992 Mail :4700 Tabor St #BLDG-12 Wheat Ridge C, 80D`3I 7005 2570 0001 4282 4818 Use Use :9170 Exempt,Charitable,Residential Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:15 YB:1 1: B1dgSF:35,653 Ac:5.45 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Brown Lorraine A Parcel :42229Q i. Site :4430 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 5006 Mail :4430 Tabor St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1918 Pool: B1dgSF:1,469 Ac:.43 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Six Oak Limited Partnership Parcel :422300 Site :4440 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/14/2000 Mail :11445 W I-70 Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge Co 1 7005 2570 0001 4282 482,YG0~'~~i,o•_ Use :1111 Vacant,Residential Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:2,~6~ p~ Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations ~CD or warranties as to Me accuracy or completeness of information contained in skis report. MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Departmen Of Transportation Site :4651 Tabor St Wheat Rid 33 Mail :4201 E Arka as enver Co 80222 Use :2112 Com,Imp_ Ved Land Bedrm: Bat1-:! otRm:1 YB:1996 Pool: MetroSCan / Jefferson (CO) Owner site mail Use Bedrm: : Parcel :424194 Xfered :12/30/2005 Price :$1,416,800 Phone B1dgSF:8,400 Ac:2.74 :Tabor Street Properties Limited Liabilit Parcel :424907 :4549 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 :PO Box 1272 Morrison Co 80465 :3112 Ind,Improved Land Bath: TOtRm:l YB:1998 APR 27 2006 I, L 7005 2570 0001 4282 4832 Phone Pool: B1dgSF:13,500 Ac:.95 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to Me accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. Joyce Monfort & C Kim Stewart Brenda Kathleen Williams Richard Strong 11700 W 46th Ave Randall Williams 4665 Swadley St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 4433 Tabor St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Public Storage Inc Wells Fargo Bank Na Macario Fernandez PO Box 25025 1100 Corporate Center Dr 4610 Tabor St Glendale, CA 91221 Raleigh, NC 27607 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Michael Fries & Kellie Rae Fries Transportation Department Larry Schulz & N Pier Schulz 4615 Swadley St 4201 E Arkansas Ave 4675 Swadley St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Denver, CO 80222 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Elda Keller Bethany Lund Alexander Ong & Wilfreda Ong 4625 Swadley St 11780 W 46th Ave 4635 Swadley St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jan Bernhard Coster Darrell Millage & Deborah Millage Marcia Oeste 4668 Swadley St 7828 Vance Dr #100 4638 Swadley St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arvada, CO 80003 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Robert Gray & Mary Gray Brian Klepacki & Beverly Klepachi Trans rtation De ent 17017 E Davies Ave 8344 Xenon St 4201 E sas Ave Aurora, CO 80016 Arvada, CO 80005 er, CO 2 Jeffrey Lee Woodworth Heinz Silz & Thea Silz Gerald Rogers & Barbara Rogers Merlin Vi Chancellor 15745 Us Highway 34 6567 Everett St 4655 Swadley St Fort Morgan, CO 80701 Arvada, CO 80004 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Bimleshwar Gupta & Rajni Gupta Benny Benedict & Angela Benedict Ta Operating Corporation 14373 W Bayaud PI PO Box 1454 24601 Center Ridge Rd #300 Golden, CO 80401 Arvada, CO 80001 Westlake, OH 44145 City Of Arvada Arthur Bushell Tra tat on Department 8101 Ralston Rd 10527 W 31st Ave 4201 e Arvada, CO 80002 Lakewood, CO 80215 er, 80222 Lake Front Partners Lake Front Partn Baptist Home Assoc Of Colo Inc 632 Gold Run Rd 63 of d 4700 Tabor St #BLDG-12 Boulder, CO 80302 er, 0302 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ,Ile Lorraine Brown Six Oak Limited Partnership Transportatio partment 4430 Tabor St 11445 W I-70 Frontage Rd N 42DTF ansas Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Pef ver, 80222 Tabor Street Properties Limited Liabilit Company PO Box 1272 Morrison, CO 80465 * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 4/25/2006 * 4:24 PM Parcel Number ...35 39 201 05 002 39 201 05 003 39 201 05 004 39 201 05 005 39 201 05 007 39 201 05 009 39 201 05 010 39 201 05 012 39 201 05 013 39 201 04 001 39 201 04 002 39 201 04 015 39 201 04 016 39 201 03 001 39 201 03 002 39 201 03 003 39 201 03 004 39 201 03 005 39 201 03 006 39 201 03 007 39 201 03 008 39 201 03 009 39 201 03 010 39 201 02 010 39 201 02 011 39 201 02 012 39 201 02 013 39 201 02 014 39 201 02 015 39 201 02 016 39 201 02 017 39 201 01 002 39 201 01 003 39 201 01 005 39 174 09 012 01-002 V 1re~ ' / V -KIWE Al- 05009 Nlc%?&%Cdns -m Pezal - ,.n..' 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All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following cases shall be heard: Case No. WZ-05-12: An application filed by Jim Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore, LLC, for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development outline development plan and approval of a final development plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street and legally described as follows (see legal description for Case No. MS-05-05): Case No. MS-05-05: An application filed by Jim Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore, LLC, for approval of a final plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street and legally described as follows (the following legal description pertains to both cases): THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 7 AND 8 LEE'S SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER IN PLAT BOOK 2 AT PAGE 23, AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER IN PLAT BOOK 132 AT PAGE 1, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE S89013'3 1"W ON AN ASSUMED BEARING, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE OF 1323.72 FEET TO THE EAST 1/16 CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 20 AND 17; THENCE S00°23'20"E ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE OF 977.02 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1897 AT PAGE 363 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, THENCE CONTINUING S00°23'20"E ALONG SAID CENTERLINE A DISTANCE OF 340.57 FEET; THENCE N89°25'28"E, A DISTANCE OF 321.70 FEET; THENCE S00°23'20"E, A DISTANCE OF 4.85 FEET; THENCE N89°14' 16"E, A DISTANCE OF 26.66 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF INTERSTATE 70 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21°38'32", A RADIUS OF 614.00 FEET AND AN ARC LENTH OF 231.92 FEET WITH A CHORD BEARING OF N12°01'31"E, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 230.55 FEET, TO A POINT OF NON-TAGENCY; THENCE S89°58' 18"E, A DISTANCE OF 24.96 FEET; THENCE N00003'00"W, A DISTANCE OF 184.80 FEET; THENCE N1 1°50'40"E, A DISTANCE OF 101.61 FEET; THENCE N63°07'46"E, A DISTANCE OF 154.50 FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF TABOR STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY S00°35'50"E, A DISTANCE OF 154.92 FEET; THENCE S09°07'45"E, A DISTANCE OF 387.72 FEET; THENCE S00°27' 18"E, A DISTANCE OF 37.91 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT OF WAY S89°14' 16"W, A DISTANCE OF 294.96 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 108,551 SQUARE FEET (249 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: April 27, 2006 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Telephone 303/235-2846 FAX 303/235-2857 April 27, 2006 Jim Blumenthal Trailer Source, Inc. 4651 Tabor Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Blumenthal: The City of Wheat Ridge At its meeting of April 20, 2006, Planning Commission recommended approval of Case No. WZ- 05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximum building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 3. All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added regarding the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 2. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent. Planning Commission also recommended approval of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It will allow for redevelopment of the property. 2. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan. 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. One of the freestanding signs allowed on the property be a monument sign. 2. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated when the business is closed. 3. A note be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 4. An escrow account be provided for public improvements from the northern curb cut to the north property line. Jim Blumenthal Page 2 April 27, 2006 5. The property owners' signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent. Finally, Planning Commission recommended approval of Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of a Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 2. Staff recommends approval. 3. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. With the following conditions 1. Ten feet of right-of-way be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. 2. The drainage easement on the south end of the property be shown. 3. Correct miscellaneous typographical errors. 4. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent. Your requests for outline and final development plan and final plat approval are scheduled for public hearing before City Council at 7:00 p.m. on May 8, 2006. Eighteen (18) copies of the full-sized pre-folded revised plans are required by May 1st. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, -Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosure: Draft of Minutes cc: Skitzo Offshore, LLC 4651 Tabor St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05 (case files) cA...\My Docu ents\Katby\PCRPTS\PLANGCOM\CORRESP\200SWZ0512&MS0505 It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner SPANIEL to approve Case No. MS-06-01, a request for approval of a two-lot subdivision plat for property located at 4700 Parfet Street, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 2. All required utility easements are being provided. 3. Adequate infrastructure will be constructed with the development to serve the proposed use. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. DRAFT C. Case No. WZ-05-12: An application filed by Jim Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore, 17 LLC, for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan and approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. D. Case No. MS-05-05: An application filed by Jim Blumenthal for Skitzo Offshore, LLC, for approval of a final plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. Prior to presentation of the cases, Commissioner STEWART disclosed that she is a neighbor of the applicant and they have had some dealings in the past. These cases were presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of both applications for reasons outlined in the staff report. In response to a question from Commissioner STEWART, Ms. Reckert explained that exiting from the property would not be allowed from the north access due to limited sight distance. Jim Blumenthal 4651 Tabor Street Mr. Blumenthal, owner of Trailer Source, stated that CDOT will be taking 64% of his existing property for a new off ramp leaving him with 2.5 acres out of 7 acres. He plans to build a contemporary building on the remaining site to house their operations. He presented architectural renderings of the proposed building. He stated his opposition to the city's request for brick wainscoting which he believed would not be consistent with the overall design of the building. In response to a question from Commissioner PLUMMER, Alan White stated that the type of building materials proposed to be used in this project are within the architectural code guidelines. In response to a question from Commissioner STEWART, Mr. Blumenthal stated that the existing building would be demolished. There were no other individuals present who wished to address these cases. Planning Commission Page 3 Apri120,2006 DRAFT Commissioners MCMILLIN and STEWART stated that they were pleased with the plan and felt it would be an improvement to the area. It was moved by Commissioner STEWART and seconded by Commissioner SPANIEL to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximum building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 3. All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added regarding the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 2. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner BRINK AN absent. It was moved by Commissioner STEWART and seconded by Commissioner McMILLIN to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It will allow for redevelopment of the property. 2. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan. 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. One of the freestanding signs allowed on the property be a monument sign. 2. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated when the business is closed. 3. A note be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 4. An escrow account be provided for public improvements from the northern curb cut to the north property line. 5. The property owners' signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. It was moved by Commissioner STEWART and seconded by Commissioner SCEZNEY to recommend approval of Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of a Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: Planning Commission Page 4 April 20, 2006 1. _ It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. PRAFT 2. Staff recommends approval. 3. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Ten feet of right-of-way be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. 2. The drainage easement on the south end of the property be shown. 3. Correct miscellaneous typographical errors. 4. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. E. Case No. WPA-06-01: A resolution adopting an amendment to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan to include areas outside the current city limits. This case was presented by Alan White. He advised the Commission that proper noticing procedures were followed and there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the draft Comprehensive Plan Addendum for 2006 which included revisions from past work sessions concerning the Three Mile Plan. He handed out an additional memorandum regarding the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City, Prospect Recreation and Park District and the Long's Peak Metropolitan District. He also provided copies of a memorandum from Neil 7aquet, Director of Water Resources for Coors Brewing Company indicating that Coors has no interest in granting new right-of-way along Clear Creek for reasons of liability, safety and redundancy of trail alignments. Flora Andrus Prospect Recreation and Park District She stated that she was very pleased with the way the plan has been worked out. It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to recommend adoption of the addendum as presented with one change: the zone between the Cabela's property and Clear Creek be designated as open space. Alan asked if his language from his memo could be included in the motion. It was so moved by Commissioner McMILLIN. The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner BRINKIVIAN absent. 8. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. 9. NEW BUSINESS There was discussion about methods of notification when a Commissioner is unable to attend the meeting after working hours. There was a consensus to amend the bylaws to the Planning Commission - Page S Apri120, 2006 of wHEgr ITEM NO: m REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION ~Ol ORA00 YlF9Y: COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 24, 2006 TITLE: COUNCIL BILL NO. 09-2006: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 4651 TABOR STREET (CASE NO. WZ-05-12) ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ® ORDINANCES FOR 1 ST READING ❑ BIDS/MOTIONS ❑ ORDINANCES FOR 2ND READING ❑ RESOLUTIONS Quasi-Judicial: ® ❑ yer No Community Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: City Manager The applicant requests approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street. The Outline Development Plan typically will rezone a property and set allowable uses and development standards. It is general in nature and serves as a basic blueprint for development of the property. In this case, the applicant is requesting Outline Development Plan (ODP) approval to modify two of the existing development standards (front setback and building coverage). Under Chapter 26, an amended ODP follows the same approval process as the original ODP. The new ODP also reflects recent CDOT acquisition of right-of-way for the new 1-70 off-ramps. A Final Development Plan and plat will be reviewed at the second reading of the ordinance. The purpose of this request is to reflect the new site conditions and allow for the construction of a new retail building and associated display area for trailer sales. This case was continued to the Planning Commission public hearing on April 20, 2006 because a quorum was not present to conduct a hearing on April 6`h This City Council action is related to Goals 2 and 4 of the Strategic Plan of planning for growth and opportunities and establishing I-70 as a major commercial corridor. COMMISSION/BOARD RECOMMENDATION: This case was originally scheduled for a Planning Commission public hearing on April 6, 2006. The case was rescheduled on April 20, 2006 due to lack of quorum. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: The three parcels that comprise this property include the original parcel addressed as 4651 Tabor Street, a parcel to the north acquired from CDOT and a parcel to the south at 4601 Tabor Street. In 2000, the three parcels were rezoned to Planned Commercial Development with approval of an Outline Development Plan (Case No. WZ-00-12). A Final Development Plan and plat were never finalized as CDOT was preparing an environmental assessment for the State Hwy. 58/I-70 improvement project and the status of the property was unknown. Approximately two/thirds of the western portion of the property was acquired by CDOT late in 2005 to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for I-70. Construction of the ramps and associated right-of-way will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. Approval of an amended ODP, FDP and plat is required for redevelopment of the remaining portion of the property. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: Do not approve the amended Outline Development Plan, Final Development Plan and plat. As recommended by the City Attorney, denial should occur only at second reading, as indefinitely tabling the ordinance on first reading denies the applicant due process. FINANCIAL IMPACT: A onetime review fee was collected for the processing of this application. Sales tax revenues maybe generated on the sales of certain items. Use tax will also be collected on any building materials. "I move to approve Council Bill No. 09-2006, case number WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street, ordered published, public hearing set for May 8, 2006, at 7:00 pm in the City Council Chambers." OR "I move to table indefinitely Council Bill No. 09-2006, case number WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street." Report Prepared by: Meredith Reckert (303-235-2848) Reviewed by: Alan White Attachments: 1. Planning Commission staff report (without exhibits) 2. Council Bill No. 09-2006 Request for City Council Action-report form A~oF w"~TqQ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE m PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT OO~ORP00 TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: April 20, 2006 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD amended Outline Development Plan, Final Development Plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4651 Tabor Street APPLICANT/OWNER: Skitzo Offshore, LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.5 acres PRESENT ZONING: PCD, Planned Commercial Development COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Small Office/Business Center and Agricultural/Estate Residential ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Location Map Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Tx ATTACHMENT 1 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST This application is a three fold request for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. The applicant is requesting approval of an amended Outline Development Plan to modify design standards to an existing ODP and for approval of a PCD Final Development Plan and plat. The purpose of this request is to reflect the new site conditions and allow for the construction of a new retail building and associated display area for trailer sales. See applicant's explanation of the request. (Exhibit 1, applicant letter) This case was originally scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on April 6, 2006. Due to lack of quorum, the case was rescheduled for April 20, 2006. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/CASE HISTORY The property in question is zoned Planned Commercial Development and has an existing metal building 8400 square feet in size used for retail trailer sales, office and light fabrication. The remainder of the site is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer parking. Access is by a single curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the overpass for I-70. The southern portion of the property is used as unpaved parking for the business although a Final Development Plan has never been approved for it. III. PROPERTY HISTORY Case No. WZ-95-9, the original rezoning of 4651 Tabor Street, was approved by City Council in September of 1995. The purposed of the zone change was to create a PCD allowing the display, sales and servicing of horse trailers with associated sales and light fabrication for customization of the trailers. (Exhibit 2 existing=Fina1 Development Plan): In 1999, the applicant purchased an additional 1.3 acres of surplus right-of-way from the Colorado Department of Transportation which is north of and adjacent to the original Trailer Source property. The City processed an application pursuant to Case No. WZ-99-09 to rezone the property to PCD, incorporate it with the original parcel into one development and revise the underlying outline plan for the original parcel to allow additional land uses. As proposed, the use of the original parcel was expanded to include the sales and service of person recreational vehicles (all terrain vehicles, personal watercraft and snowmobiles) which was not allowed under the original zoning conditions. The application was recommended for approval by Planning Commission but denied by City Council on January 10, 2001. The applicant subsequently filed 106 action with the Jefferson County district court. No action occurred by the court due to a new application filed in 2000. The 2000 case (Case No. WZ-00-12) was a zone change proposal for the original parcel, the parcel acquired from CDOT and an A-1 zoned parcel to the south at 4601 Tabor Street. The zone change and Outline Development Plan were approved; however, the required Final Development Plan and plat were never finalized as CDOT was preparing an environmental assessment for the State Hwy. 58/I-70 improvement project and the status of the property was unknown. (Exhibit3, existing Outline Development Plan);. Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Approximately two/thirds of the western portion of the property was acquired by CDOT late in 2005 to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for I-70. Construction of the ramps and associated right- of-way will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. (Exhibits 4 and 5, I=70 improvements) IV. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Outline Development Plan (ODP), which accompanies a rezoning ordinance, sets the allowable uses and development standards for the property. Typically the Outline Development Plan is general in nature and serves as the blueprint for development of the property by showing approximate areas of landscaping, building footprints and parking. The Outline Development Plan is also used to establish design parameters including maximum building height, minimum landscaped coverage and minimum perimeter setbacks. (Exhibit 6 Proposed Outline Development Plan). An Outline Development Plan is being proposed to modify two of the design standards on the existing ODP document; those design standards are the maximum amount of building coverage and the minimum front setback. The new ODP also reflects the CDOT property acquisition. Under Chapter 26, an amended ODP follow the same approval process as the original ODP. Allowable uses: Neither the permitted nor excluded uses have changed since the 2000 ODP was adopted and recorded. The proposed Outline Development Plan listed permitted land uses which were negotiated with the neighbors through a series of meetings held in the summer of 2000. Land uses which are undesirable at this location are listed as "Excluded Uses". Those include adult book stores, assembly halls, bars and liquor sales, convenience stores, gas stations, heavy industrial uses, nursing homes, private clubs, restaurants and video sales. Landscaping: The ODP sets the minimum amount of landscaping at 20%. A note has been added that all requirements of Section 26-502 be met. Access: Two access points are shown; one south of the I-70 overpass at the existing location and a southern curb cut situated opposite the W. 46th Avenue intersection with Tabor Street. The northern curb cut should be restricted to one-way in. Building Height/Minimum Setbacks: Maximum building height is specified as 35' which is more restrictive than the 50' allowed building height in the RC and C-1 zone districts. Setbacks proposed are generally consistent with our commercial zone districts. The reduction of the front setback from 50' to 30' compensates for the narrow lot depth due to the CDOT acquisition. Maximum Building Coverage: Maximum coverage by buildings is indicated at 20%. Combined with the minimum landscape coverage of 20%, the remainder leaves 60% coverage by hard surfaces. Development Standards: Planning Comraission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source The development standards depicted in the table are shown on the ODP. Future redevelopment of the site must comply with these standards. Development Standard Existing Plan Proposed Plan Max. building coverage 10% 20% Max. building height 35' 35' Min. perimeter setbacks Front: 50' 30' Rear: 15' 15' Sides: 15' 15' Min. landscaped coverage 20% 20% Planning Commission 4 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Additional code sections are referenced on the ODP including off-street parking, signage, fencing and architectural standards. The proposed development standards are generally consistent with those in the Commercial-One zone district regulations. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan have been met. V. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Although this request is not a rezoning, the code states that the procedures and requirements for amending an ODP shall be the same as prescribed for the original approval, which would include evaluation of the zone change criteria. Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria. 1. That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. The official zoning map is not in error. The parcel is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, and that the evidence supports the finding of the following. There will be dramatic changes in the character of the area when the new off-ramps for I-70 are constructed. All of the properties on the west side of Tabor will be impacted by varying degrees. The revised Outline Development Plan is in response to the acquisition of the western two-thirds of the property for right-of-way and pending demolition of the existing structure and site improvements. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates the northern two-thirds of the property as Small Office/Business Center. Desired attributes of the SO/BC areas are listed as: • Small office or incubator space which does not require high visibility from well traveled streets but may have a retail component as an accessory use. • Well landscaped. • No visible outdoor storage; trash areas screened. • Amenities such as outdoor sitting and eating areas, and pathways should be encouraged on-site for employees. • Vehicle circulation be handled internally on the site. • All materials, equipment, vehicles and activities be enclosed within the primary structure. • Desired uses are listed as workshops, contractor/trades, repair and equipment shops, professional services, research and development facilities and labs, offices. Planning Commission 5 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source The southern one-third of the property is designated as Agricultural/Estate Residential. The amended Outline Development Plan is inconsistent with this designation. However, the desirability of the property for residential use is questionable as it is surrounded on three sides by commercial development. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Redevelopment of the property with an additional access point will serve as a benefit to the neighborhood. Currently semi-trucks unloading merchandise for the property park on Tabor Street, just to the south of the I-70 overpass, or stop on Tabor and back into the property. Because of limited sight distance from the north, this creates a dangerous situation for the driver of the semi and the traveling public. The additional access point will allow trucks to enter the property from the north, unload and exit by the southern curb cut. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There will not be social and recreational benefits as a result of the zone change. There may be physical benefits (better access with southern curb cut) and economic (increased sales tax) benefits. The city does not capture sales tax from vehicles registered for road use (trucks and trailers) but does receive sales tax from the sales of jet skis, all terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and parts and accessories. 6. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All agencies can serve the property with upgrades to infrastructure, the cost of which will be borne by the applicant. 7. That the change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to the adjacent properties. Modification to the Outline Development Plan front setback and building coverage standards will not have a negative impact to health, safety or welfare. Existing traffic hazards will be eliminated when the property is redeveloped. Drainage will be accommodated on-site. 8. That the change of zone will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Zoning of the property occurred in 2000. The properties to the south and west are also zoned commercial. VI. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Planning Commission 6 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source The proposed Final Development Plan shows a two-phase design. The first phase includes a building with an 11,000 square foot footprint located in the southwest corner of the site. (Exhibit 7, proposed Final Development Plan) The gross floor area includes a 3000 square foot second story office. Employee and customer parking are located to the east of the structure. Inventory display is on the northern portion of the site. A second phase building pad similar in size to the first is shown to the northeast of the first structure adjacent to Tabor Street. Structure Design: The proposed architectural materials for the new structure include rough-faced block and EIFS. The walls are broken up with contrasting material banding and second story windows. Architecturally, the building elevations are similar on the east, west and north sides giving the appearance of front fagades from Tabor, I-70 and the off-ramps. The only true "rear" wall of the building is on the south side. Overhead doors are provided on the east side of the structure for vehicular access to the service bays. Staff has requested that brick or other accent material be provided as a wainscoting instead of the split face block shown. Wall signs are shown on the east, west and north elevations. Freestanding project signs are not shown on the FDP. As such, the standards of Article VII of the zoning and development code will apply. Based on this section, two freestanding signs would be permitted; one of which could be a highway oriented sign 50' in height. Staff recommends that one of the freestanding signs be a monument sign. A note has been included on the Outline Development Plan that signage may not be illuminated when the business is closed. This note should be replicated on the Final Development Plan document. Landscaping: The minimum landscaped coverage required by the ODP is 20%. On the site data breakdown, the landscaping for this phase is shown as 32,293 square feet (29.8 This figure includes the formal landscaped areas and the detention ponds. The 20% ODP minimum for the entire 2.5 acres must be met with any future development phases. Street trees with 3" caliper are shown in a tree lawns along Tabor Street. Street trees were also required along the I-70 frontage. All minimum landscape quantities required per Section 26-502 have been met. Access Two access points are shown for the property. The northern, existing curb cut will serve as a one-way entrance into the property. The southern curb cut aligning apposite W. 46`h Avenue can accommodate two-way traffic. A note should be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one-way in. Public sidewalk should be extended north from the northern driveway to the I-70 bridge overpass. Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Development Standards The following development standards are depicted on the ODP. The proposed development and any future development must comply with these standards. Development Standard Required by ODP Provided b FDP Minimum Setbacks Front: 30' 135' Side: 15' 17' Side: 15' 348' Rear: 15' 19' Maximum Building Height 35' 28' Maximum Building Coverage 20% (21,710 s.f.) 10.2% (11,090 s.f) Min. Landscaped Coverage 20% (21,710 s.f) 29.8% (32,293 s.f.) Signage Refer to Article VII of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Fencing Refer to Section 26-603 of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Exterior Lighting Refer to Section 26-503 of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Architectural Detail Refer to the Streetscape and mlies with the use of brick r p Architectural Design Manual sccling . wain Th e Final Development Plan complies with the development standards established by the proposed Outline Development Plan. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan have been met. VII. FINAL PLAT The property has been reconfigured to reflect the purchase by CDOT. (Exhibit 8, Proposed Plat). The plat establishes typical utility easements around the perimeter. The permanent stormwater detention easements are shown with the appropriate maintenance note on the front sheet. 10' of right-of-way is required to be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. A drainage easement needs to be shown on the south end of the property. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. VIII. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre-application meeting for neighborhood input was held on June 28, 2005. (Exhibit 9 Neighborhood Meeting Recap) Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source VIII. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Colorado Department of Transportation: Has no comments at this time. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed a drainage plan and report. An additional 10' of right-of-way will be required for the southern portion of Tabor Street. A subdivision improvement agreement with escrow will be required for future public improvements from the northern end of the north curb cut to the north property line. Arvada Fire Protection District: Will require the installation of additional hydrants. Emergency access lanes shall be signed as fire lanes. The building will be required to be sprinklered. Ditch Companies: The affected ditch companies have reviewed changes to the current ditch configurations. The applicant must continue working with them to resolve any issues. Valley Water District: Valley Water District has adequate capacity to serve the project. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines may be needed. Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority: Has concluded that the proposed land uses are not consistent with the 44th Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan; however, the zoning and land uses were approved prior to the adoption of the Redevelopment plan. X. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that due to acquisition of the western two-thirds of the property by CDOT, the property must be redeveloped. As such, an amended Outline Development Plan and Final Development Plan and plat are required. Staff further concludes that all requirements for the pertinent sections of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws have been met; therefore, a recommendation of approval is given for all three portions of the request with conditions listed in the suggested motions. XI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: There are three requests and each will require a separate motion. AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "l move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximum building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added regarding the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 2. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: L It will allow for redevelopment of the property. 2. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. Brick or other accent material be provided as a wainscoting instead of the split face block shown. 2. One of the freestanding signs allowed on the property be a monument sign. 3. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated when the business is closed. 4. A note be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 5. The applicant continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to relocation and construction of the ditch improvements. 6. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." FINAL PLAT Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. Planning Commission 10 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source 2. Staff recommends approval. 3. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. With the following conditions; 1. 10' of ri ght-of-way be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. 2. The drainage easement on the south end of the property be shown. 3. Correct miscellaneous typographical errors. 4. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." Planning Commission 11 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER Council Bill No. 09-2006 Ordinance No. Series of 2006 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 4651 TABOR STREET, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THAT: Section 1. Upon application by Skitzo Offshore, LLC, for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development located at 4651 Tabor Street and pursuant to the findings made based on testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing before the Wheat Ridge City Council, an amended Outline Development is approved for the following described land: THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 7 AND 8 LEE'S SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER IN PLAT BOOK 2 AT PAGE 23, AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER IN PLAT BOOK 132 AT PAGE 1, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE S89°13'3 1"W ON AN ASSUMED BEARING, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE OF 1323.72 FEET TO THE EAST 1/16 CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 20 AND 17; THENCE S00°23'20"E ALONG THE NORTH-SOUTH CENTERLINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE OF 977.02 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1897 AT PAGE 363 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, THENCE CONTINUING S00°23'20"E ALONG SAID CENTERLINE A DISTANCE OF 340.57 FEET; THENCE N89°25'28"E, A DISTANCE OF 321.70 FEET; THENCE S00°23'20"E, A DISTANCE OF 4.85 FEET; THENCE N89°14' 16"E, A DISTANCE OF 26.66 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF INTERSTATE 70 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21°38'32", A RADIUS OF 614.00 FEET AND AN ARC LENTH OF 231.92 FEET WITH A CHORD BEARING OF N12°01'31"E, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 230.55 ATTACHMENT 2 FEET, TO A POINT OF NON-TAGENCY; THENCE S89'58'1 8"E, A DISTANCE OF 24.96 FEET; THENCE NO0°03'00"W, A DISTANCE OF 184.80 FEET; THENCE NI 1°50'40"E, A DISTANCE OF 101.61 FEET; THENCE N63°07'46"E, A DISTANCE OF 154.50 FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF TABOR STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY S00°35'50"E, A DISTANCE OF 154.92 FEET; THENCE S09°07'45"E, A DISTANCE OF 387.72 FEET; THENCE S00°27' 18"E, A DISTANCE OF 37.91 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT OF WAY S89°14' 16"W, A DISTANCE OF 294.96 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 108,551 SQUARE FEET (2.49 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. Section 2. Vested Property Rights. Approval of this Outline Development Plan does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arise and accrue pursuant to the provisions of Section 26-121 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. Section 3. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirements or standard established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards here shall supersede and prevail. Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to on this 24th day of April, 2006, ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for May 8, 2006, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of to , this day of 2006. SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2006. JERRY DITULLIO, MAYOR ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GERAL DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY lst publication: 2°d publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date: 0 of W~"~' am CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: April 20, 2006 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD amended Outline Development Plan, Final Development Plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4651 Tabor Street APPLICANT/OWNER: Skitzo Offshore, LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.5 acres PRESENT ZONING: PCD, Planned Commercial Development COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Small Office/Business Center and Agricultural/Estate Residential ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE P LAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Location Map Planning Commission \ WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST This application is a three fold request for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. The applicant is requesting approval of an amended Outline Development Plan to modify design standards to an existing ODP and for approval of a PCD Final Development Plan and plat. The purpose of this request is to reflect the new site conditions and allow for the construction of a new retail building and associated display area for trailer sales. See applicant's explanation of the request. (Exhibit I, applicant letter) This case was originally scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on April 6, 2006. Due to lack of quorum, the case was rescheduled for April 20, 2006. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/CASE HISTORY The property in question is zoned Planned Commercial Development and has an existing metal building 8400 square feet in size used for retail trailer sales, office and light fabrication. The remainder of the site is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer parking. Access is by a single curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the overpass for I-70. The southern portion of the property is used as unpaved parking for the business although a Final Development Plan has never been approved for it. III. PROPERTY HISTORY Case No. WZ-95-9, the original rezoning of 4651 Tabor Street, was approved by City Council in September of 1995. The purposed of the zone change was to create a PCD allowing the display, sales and servicing of horse trailers with associated sales and light fabrication for customization of the trailers. (Exhibit 2 existing Final Development Plan) In 1999, the applicant purchased an additional 1.3 acres of surplus right-of-way from the Colorado Department of Transportation which is north of and adjacent to the original Trailer Source property. The City processed an application pursuant to Case No. WZ-99-09 to rezone the property to PCD, incorporate it with the original parcel into one development and revise the underlying outline plan for the original parcel to allow additional land uses. As proposed, the use of the original parcel was expanded to include the sales and service of person recreational vehicles (all terrain vehicles, personal watercraft and snowmobiles) which was not allowed under the original zoning conditions. The application was recommended for approval by Planning Commission but denied by City Council on January 10, 2001. The applicant subsequently filed 106 action with the Jefferson County district court. No action occurred by the court due to a new application filed in 2000. The 2000 case (Case No. WZ-00-12) was a zone change proposal for the original parcel, the parcel acquired from CDOT and an A-1 zoned parcel to the south at 4601 Tabor Street. The zone change and Outline Development Plan were approved; however, the required Final Development Plan and plat were never finalized as CDOT was preparing an environmental assessment for the State Hwy. 58/I-70 improvement project and the status of the property was unknown. (Exhrbit 3, existing Outline Development Plan); Planning Commission 2 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Approximately two/thirds of the western portion of the property was acquired by CDOT late in 2005 to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for I-70. Construction of the ramps and associated right- of way will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. (Exhibits 4 and 5, I40 improvements) IV. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Outline Development Plan (ODP), which accompanies a rezoning ordinance, sets the allowable uses and development standards for the property. Typically the Outline Development Plan is general in nature and serves as the blueprint for development of the property by showing approximate areas of landscaping, building footprints and parking. The Outline Development Plan is also used to establish design parameters including maximum building height, minimum landscaped coverage and minimum perimeter setbacks. (Exhibit 6 Proposed Outline Development Plan). An Outline Development Plan is being proposed to modify two of the design standards on the existing ODP document; those design standards are the maximum amount of building coverage and the minimum front setback. The new ODP also reflects the CDOT property acquisition. Under Chapter 26, an amended ODP follow the same approval process as the original ODP. Allowable uses: Neither the permitted nor excluded uses have changed since the 2000 ODP was adopted and recorded. The proposed Outline Development Plan listed permitted land uses which were negotiated with the neighbors through a series of meetings held in the summer of 2000. Land uses which are undesirable at this location are listed as "Excluded Uses". Those include adult book stores, assembly halls, bars and liquor sales, convenience stores, gas stations, heavy industrial uses, nursing homes, private clubs, restaurants and video sales. Landscaping: The ODP sets the minimum amount of landscaping at 20%. A note has been added that all requirements of Section 26-502 be met. Access: Two access points are shown; one south of the I-70 overpass at the existing location and a southern curb cut situated opposite the W. 46`h Avenue intersection with Tabor Street. The northern curb cut should be restricted to one-way in. Building Height/Minimum Setbacks: Maximum building height is specified as 35' which is more restrictive than the 50' allowed building height in the RC and C-1 zone districts. Setbacks proposed are generally consistent with our commercial zone districts. The reduction of the front setback from 50' to 30' compensates for the narrow lot depth due to the CDOT acquisition. Maximum Building Coverage: Maximum coverage by buildings is indicated at 20%. Combined with the minimum landscape coverage of 20%, the remainder leaves 60% coverage by hard surfaces. Development Standards: Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source The development standards depicted in the table are shown on the ODP. Future redevelopment of the site must comply with these standards. Development Standard Existing Plan Proposed Plan Max. building coverage 10% 20% Max. building height 35' 35' Min. perimeter setbacks 50' 30' Front: 15' 15' Rear: 15' 15' Sides: Min. landscaped coverage 20% 20% Planning Commission 4 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Additional code sections are referenced on the ODP including off-street parking, signage, fencing and architectural standards. The proposed development standards are generally consistent with those in the Commercial-One zone district regulations. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan have been met. V. ZONE CHANGE CRITERIA Although this request is not a rezoning, the code states that the procedures and requirements for amending an ODP shall be the same as prescribed for the original approval, which would include evaluation of the zone change criteria. Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria. 1. That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. The official zoning map is not in error. The parcel is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, and that the evidence supports the finding of the following. There will be dramatic changes in the character of the area when the new off-ramps for I-70 are constructed. All of the properties on the west side of Tabor will be impacted by varying degrees. The revised Outline Development Plan is in response to the acquisition of the western two-thirds of the property for right-of-way and pending demolition of the existing structure and site improvements. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates the northern two-thirds of the property as Small Office/Business Center. Desired attributes of the SO/BC areas are listed as: • Small office or incubator space which does not require high visibility from well traveled streets but may have a retail component as an accessory use. • Well landscaped. No visible outdoor storage; trash areas screened. • Amenities such as outdoor sitting and eating areas, and pathways should be encouraged on-site for employees. • Vehicle circulation be handled internally on the site. • All materials, equipment, vehicles and activities be enclosed within the primary structure. • Desired uses are listed as workshops, contractor/trades, repair and equipment shops, professional services, research and development facilities and labs, offices. Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source The southern one-third of the property is designated as Agricultural/Estate Residential. The amended Outline Development Plan is inconsistent with this designation. However, the desirability of the property for residential use is questionable as it is surrounded on three sides by commercial development. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Redevelopment of the property with an additional access point will serve as a benefit to the neighborhood. Currently semi-trucks unloading merchandise for the property park on Tabor Street, just to the south of the I-70 overpass, or stop on Tabor and back into the property. Because of limited sight distance from the north, this creates a dangerous situation for the driver of the semi and the traveling public. The additional access point will allow trucks to enter the property from the north, unload and exit by the southern curb cut. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There will not be social and recreational benefits as a result of the zone change. There may be physical benefits (better access with southern curb cut) and economic (increased sales tax) benefits. The city does not capture sales tax from vehicles registered for road use (trucks and trailers) but does receive sales tax from the sales of jet skis, all terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and parts and accessories. 6. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All agencies can serve the property with upgrades to infrastructure, the cost of which will be borne by the applicant. 7. That the change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to the adjacent properties. Modification to the Outline Development Plan front setback and building coverage standards will not have a negative impact to health, safety or welfare. Existing traffic hazards will be eliminated when the property is redeveloped. Drainage will be accommodated on-site. 8. That the change of zone will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Zoning of the property occurred in 2000. The properties to the south and west are also zoned commercial. VI. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Planning Commission 6 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source The proposed Final Development Plan shows a two-phase design. The first phase includes a building with an 11,000 square foot footprint located in the southwest corner of the site. (Exhibit 7, proposed Final Development Plan) The gross floor area includes a 3000 square foot second story office. Employee and customer parking are located to the east of the structure. Inventory display is on the northern portion of the site. A second phase building pad similar in size to the first is shown to the northeast of the first structure adjacent to Tabor Street. Structure Design: The proposed architectural materials for the new structure include rough-faced block and EIFS. The walls are broken up with contrasting material banding and second story windows. Architecturally, the building elevations are similar on the east, west and north sides giving the appearance of front fagades from Tabor, I-70 and the off-ramps. The only true "rear" wall of the building is on the south side. Overhead doors are provided on the east side of the structure for vehicular access to the service bays. Staff has requested that brick or other accent material be provided as a wainscoting instead of the split face block shown. Wall signs are shown on the east, west and north elevations. Freestanding project signs are not shown on the FDP. As such, the standards of Article VII of the zoning and development code will apply. Based on this section, two freestanding signs would be permitted; one of which could be a highway oriented sign 50' in height. Staff recommends that one of the freestanding signs be a monument sign. A note has been included on the Outline Development Plan that signage may not be illuminated when the business is closed. This note should be replicated on the Final Development Plan document. Landscaping: The minimum landscaped coverage required by the ODP is 20%. On the site data breakdown, the landscaping for this phase is shown as 32,293 square feet (29.8 This figure includes the formal landscaped areas and the detention ponds. The 20% ODP minimum for the entire 2.5 acres must be met with any future development phases. Street trees with 3" caliper are shown in a tree lawns along Tabor Street. Street trees were also required along the I-70 frontage. All minimum landscape quantities required per Section 26-502 have been met. Access Two access points are shown for the property. The northern, existing curb cut will serve as a one-way entrance into the property. The southern curb cut aligning apposite W. 46"' Avenue can accommodate two-way traffic. A note should be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one-way in. Public sidewalk should be extended north from the northern driveway to the I-70 bridge overpass. Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Development Standards The following development standards are depicted on the ODP. The proposed development and any future development must comply with these standards. Development Standard Required b ODP Provided b FDP Minimum Setbacks Front: 30' 135' Side: 15' 17' Side: 15' 348' Rear: 15' 19' Maximum Building Height 35' 28' Maximum Building Coverage 20% (21,710 s.f.) 10.2% (11,090 s.f.) Min. Landscaped Coverage 20% (21,710 s.f.) 29.8% (32,293 s.f.) Signage Refer to Article VII of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Fencing Refer to Section 26-603 of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Exterior Lighting Refer to Section 26-503 of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Architectural Detail Refer to the Streetscape and Complies with the use of brick Architectural Design Manual wainscoting. The Final Development Plan complies with the development standards established by the proposed Outline Development Plan. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan have been met. VII. FINAL PLAT The property has been reconfigured to reflect the purchase by CDOT. (Exhibit Proposed Plat); The plat establishes typical utility easements around the perimeter. The permanent stormwater detention easements are shown with the appropriate maintenance note on the front sheet. 10' of right-of-way is required to be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. A drainage easement needs to be shown on the south end of the property. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. VIII. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING The required pre-application meeting for neighborhood input was held on June 28, 2005. (Exhibit 9 Neighborhood Meeting Recap) Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source VIII. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Colorado Department of Transportation: Has no comments at this time. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed a drainage plan and report. An additional 10' of right-of-way will be required for the southern portion of Tabor Street. A subdivision improvement agreement with escrow will be required for future public improvements from the northern end of the north curb cut to the north property line. Arvada Fire Protection District: Will require the installation of additional hydrants. Emergency access lanes shall be signed as fire lanes. The building will be required to be sprinklered. Ditch Companies: The affected ditch companies have reviewed changes to the current ditch configurations. The applicant must continue working with them to resolve any issues. Valley Water District: Valley Water District has adequate capacity to serve the project. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines may be needed. Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority: Has concluded that the proposed land uses are not consistent with the 44`h Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan; however, the zoning and land uses were approved prior to the adoption of the Redevelopment plan. X. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that due to acquisition of the western two-thirds of the property by CDOT, the property must be redeveloped. As such, an amended Outline Development Plan and Final Development Plan and plat are required. Staff further concludes that all requirements for the pertinent sections of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws have been met; therefore, a recommendation of approval is given for all three portions of the request with conditions listed in the suggested motions. XI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: There are three requests and each will require a separate motion. AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximum building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. Planning Commission 9 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source 3. All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added regarding the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 2. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3." FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: It will allow for redevelopment of the property. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met." With the following conditions: ✓1" Brick or other accent material be provided as a wainscoting instead of the split face block shown. 1 2. One of the freestanding signs allowed on the property be a monument sign. 2 3. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated when the business is closed. 3.4. A note be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 5. b. The applicant continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to relocation and construction of the ditch improvements. I The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." FINAL PLAT Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: Planning Commission 10 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source 1. It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 2. Staff recommends approval. 3. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. With the following conditions; 1. 10' of right-of-way be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. 2. The drainage easement on the south end of the property be shown. 3. Correct miscellaneous typographical errors. 4. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 3." Planning Commission 11 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Bagley Development Consultants October 10, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29t" Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Trailer Source Redevelopment at 4651 Tabor Street - Application Submittal Dear Meredith: We are pleased to submit to the City of Wheat Ridge the application for the redevelopment of the Trailer Source facility in ownership of Skitzo Offshore, LLC, Jim Blumenthal, President. As you are aware, there have been many iterations of the plan for the Trailer Source project over the last five years or more. We believe that the submittal is a quality project in every way and meets the desire on the part of the City of Wheat Ridge to significantly upgrade the operation conducted by the Trailer Source business. The project proposes a contemporary building on the remaining 2.5-acre site after the taking of the remainder of the property and the existing building by CDOT for the interchange improvements at Ward Road and 44°i Avenue. The significant aspects of the project that have been included in the new design and are important to both the City of Wheat Ridge and the owners of Trailer Source are the following: • A new contemporary building housing all operations • All outdoor storage and display of trailers on an all weather concrete paved surface • A quality landscape plan for the entire project • Appropriate lighting for the project that does not impact surrounding residential neighborhoods • Piping of the three agricultural ditches that cross the subject property • Signs that meet the requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge Sign Code • Improved vehicular access to the site, creating a one way circulation system • Screened storage of equipment and trash containers The application submitted includes those items necessary for and amended Official Development Plan (ODP), a new Final Development Plan (FDP) and a new subdivision plat. We look forward to receiving comments from the City of Wheat Ridge relative to the submittal package presented. Please do not hesitate to contact me if we can be of further assistance regarding the application. Sincerely, BAGLEY DEVELOP T CONSULTANTS Kent Bagley Principal cc: Jim Blumenthal, Trailer Sour( 90 Madison Street • Suite 300 EXHIBIT 1 1) 333-0636 • FAX (303) 388-8756 N swE r- sd a J-4m 8 /P--vdz r-e--vTABOR DEVELOPME NNED COMA RCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 C#w OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR TABOR SUBDIVISION FILING NO.2 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A PORTION OF LOTS 7 & 8, LEE`S SLIBINVISION AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEATRIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO / I I crP,PTMN of cRO,r+? b THE INTENT ANO PUiRY35E OF THIS PROJECT 5 ro EXPAND THE EOSTNG PLANNED AS COSTING OEVEIOPNEMT (PCD) EWE Oi5IR9:T 3 ACRE AS TABOR DEVELOPMENT" AND EXISTING USE. TRAILER SOURCE. ONTO A 1.3 ACRE T INCLUDING PLACEMENT TO THE THIS DRIVE D EXPANSION PAREABNBM . I TIN PULE AMR, OVATION OF M MOST T EKY44TING TREES N OF O OF GRAVEL AND DISPLAY AREAS. PRESERVATION GRAVEL / a a THE SITE. AL OF SEVERAL MORE TREES Nb OTHER ER LANDSCAPE O MATERIALS, KAMM OTMNA R WERSTATE OF F AR AREAL UGHRHG, M[) IS NEW FREE-StANDMO SIT! ORIENTED TOWARDS --l `1 TO ALLOW 70. ZOIANG REWAL 16 ALSO REQUESTER FOR THE 2.57 AN OGRES TO THE SOUTH 10 N ) RN LOW THE EASTERN 61E P N TO BE USED FOR ACCESS AND DtSPLAY AND I 8 PPoOR TO CCNSIRUCRON BEYOND THE E E TO PLANNING PHASING SLINE, IO AN OUTLINE AND PRIOR I FINIAL DEVMDFIAENT PINT APPROVAL BY PLAtBNING COMMRSKW AND CBY CWNCk W51 BE IdWHRED. Vd.SC C' p..- PROPOSED USE IS EXPANSION OF THE CURRENT USE ANKH INCLUDES DWY. SALES. 56C e~ I g AND SERVICE OF NEW AND USED TIAR,ER6, RELATED ACCYSSOMES, AND PETI.SDNAL RECRUTI011 BOATS AND YPHICLES SUCH AS DIET SNOWMOBILES. AND ALL TERRAIN! 001 I Q 1 I, j ~ V~y ~ Imo 1 Y 1 ~ 191WC 1 p'/ H T 1 _---------_i 1 1 PMRPW NID OPIhS I IQCY-O~ R091pBN1AT~ co Iq o ACCESS T s TABOR ST. -U _ w ate I IQ = I I I I Q I \ ACCESS TO z W. 40LN AYE. _ut~' 1I~ TABOR ST. TR 'n Hm AvR1G d s oR:a'wT AeY~ 2~D~ Ravt4te2 area' C AALT. DEVELOPMENT TIMOR 811fEET PROPBRi1EE OEM QPUfe2T AND USE SALIWROS 1. MA%MUM BULGING COVERAGE: 1OX 2. MAXNAUM 8I111yNNG HEIGHT: 35 FEET 3. MINIMUM PERIMETER BUILDING SETBACKS FRONT: SO FEET REAR. 15 FEET R ST(e. 4t SIDES 15 FEET MINMW LMOSCAPE COVERAGE: MIDDLE PARCEL: 209 NORTH PARCEL 20X SOUTH PARCEL: 209 7. HOURS OF CPERATON SMALL BE FROM 7:00 A.M. TO &.00 P.M- Z ANY S.GNAGE FACRNG TABOR OR SOUTH TOWARD 44TH AWcNUE SHALL REMAIN UNI.JGHTM WHEN THE BUSINESS IS NOT OPEN. 3. ALL DEUVERIES SHALL OCCUR BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:00 A.M. AND 6:00 P.M. 4. NO BOLDING OR STORAGE OF TRAILERS, ANG JET SKIS OR SNOW110BKES WILL K ALLOWED ON THE EASTERN PORTION OF THE PROPERTY NOW ZONED AGPoCULTLARAL. NAMELY 4601 TABOR. THIS PROPERTY SHALL BE USED ONLY AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN FOR ACCESS EMPLOYEE PINKING AND THE DRIVES 5. NO PARKING OF SENT TRUCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED AT ANY TIME .FYCFPT F. ONE SEMI TRUCK AND TRAe E^ IF OWNED BY OWNERS CAST HISTORY M945-9 < VEHICLES, NO RELATED ACCESSO IT IS RECOGNL D THAT Y OF THE OTHER POSSIBLE FUTURE USES LISTED AG PERMIRED USE P. MAY REQUIRE A DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT TO ACCOMMODATE SPECIFIC USE LAYOUT, PARKNG AND SITE CCNFKXIRATION REQUIREMENTS. MD ANY NEW o"NCS UPON THE SITE. THE ORECTOR OF PLMHNC TO'c DF USE EEMWRHWHEADEIERMHNE NN REVEL 3WE REvTEWIOPMEM PLAN AMENDMEN .WY FIRURE PHSIPOSFD 4 N G SUCH VISE 5 REWIRE A DEYE M ACCORONNCT PoDGE CODE TAWS, SECTION 26-25 (IAA. P.EM ff M L15E 6TUOIOS FPANCIAL OFFICES AS ACCESSORY TO A MAIN USE. AS A PILE OR TO ALL TERTIAN, NOT INCIUDMG COMPONENT TO U~DEI) USES' SECTION A CLINICS WHERE THERE ARE I TEACHING OF ME ARTS, ALTERATION SHOPS. °LCI R LA I!%ER SIMILAR ES ARE USES WHICH WOULD BE SIANLAR IN StZE TYPE OF OETJPPERALOYEFS. HOURS O OPEMTIOM AND U ICH~IYWLNIj0~R AND (A) 9E COMPAT9IE IN CHMACTER AND IMPACT WRH PERMITTED ) USES IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT: HE PLANFIED DEVELOPMENT; ((8 BE CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT Of' (C) NOT RE OBJECTIONABLE TO NEARBY PROPERTY SY REASON OF ODOR. DUST FUMES. GAS. NOSE RADATON HEAT. GLARE. WBRATION, TRAFFIC GENERATION, PARKING NEB. OUTDOOR SFOW,FE OR USE; AN0 (D) NOT BE HAZARDOUS TO THE NEALTM AND SAFETY OF TURROLMDING AREAS THROUGH DANGER OF FIRE OR EXPLOSION. EXLN tWn USES I' ADULT BOON STORES 2. APPLIANCE STORES 3. ASSEMBLY HALL/CO TICN CENTER 4. RAPS AND UQUOR SINES 5. CAR SALES 6. CONVENIENCE STORES 7. GAS STATIONS 8. GOVERNMENT AND/OR QUASI-GMERNMEMAL BUILDINGS 9. HEAW INDUSTRIAL USE 10. MMOTTORRIIZCEPT FOR OCLE UV TEAR RING LICENSING ('N L1FOR MOTORCYCLES AND EX 1.1. NURSING HOMES 12. PRNATE CABS 13. RESTAURANTS (FAST FOOD AND W DOWN 14. STAND-ALONE RENTAL AGENCIES (WDRAL OF PRODUCTS ANCILLARY TO A PERMITTED PRIMARY YsEB SHALL BE ALLOWABLE. 15. ANCCANCILLARY TO A~PERMRT D PARTS SALES SE PARfB SERV& B~)REPAIRS PRI BE 16. STAND-ALONE WAREHOUSE USES 17. VIDEO STONES aqva. - 49 PREPARED BY LANE ENGINEERING SE,YACE, INC. 9500LWL3W14TH AVENUE, A)apmWD), GO-Q 88616 T s OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PUN SUPERCEDES THE PRIOR OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RECORDED AT: OOP BOOK 87. PAGE III. RECEPRQN No. 0321owL OBPL of i S SWORN TO B2EFORE ME THIS 200. V`:~aESA SO'VVV, WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEN. a ~11,TT''VyOTAgY-. YY COMMSSION IXPIRES:r ~V~>,•,pt% THIS O TO CE BY THE ANNN AWN. M CASE NO. WZ E CO - 12 HAS STE:q RIDGE. APPROVED BY THE PLiMING CWI6SSWN OF THE CRY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO. R . p~A"~~XDj~sJ•' yiHG-uN+sl Il.MNINu MU 0Ef£DgAEfii--- rAVJh CdI CEIRIHWATTMM APPRDYED G DAY or CY C. K ATTEST: / BY TIE ROUGE 20,2 i T mil'. THIS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR FILING IN THE OFFICE-61' THE COUNTY m AND RECpR~^ OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN. COLORA~D~Oe OH THE DAY OF _M aR ~ 2002, IN BOOK 1sy,PAGE '~FdAND RECEPTION f L A " A L a - it, i m U D C LIEF C0 17 ClpiK m AND RECORD r V Ty ~ CLit'. y ,y . 1. STEVEN D. LISTER. A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SUR,R,KYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO DO HEREBY CBRTFY TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE JEFFERSON CO&W , COLORADO THAT THE PLAT OF THE SURZ RFS-RESENTS THE RESULTS OF A TRUE p H~REON, CMRCCR.Y CESCR _ pRR ~ £ ~ LINDER MY R✓ - SI1P OF MY KNOIU.EDGE AND _ CT ONO OM M ING ON OR SAID E . APPLIGBLE COLOPADO EXHIBIT 3 IN em Ig"200. WLORNO F (303) 233-4042 _ e.-.,.._ .V. V......., nine CITY cm CommEmIrs IE(`t MERCAU. mN THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS T AND R LEE'S SUBONL90N AND OvVM LOT 1 TABOR APMEM SUBDMSON, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-0UARjER OF MMEPoDONN, ~C'I Y OF MSRIP AT TVDCUTH E, C~ (tUN ~ OOF J~EPF~ STA E OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS iOLLOWS: f~ I I 3 r a. a~ ~ r II m r N D m O m A C T D K D C G C u C n G c n m ....r C w rn 2 S D D N N m m N -'s i EXHIBIT 4 rim NSK~a., IN : I 1 4'" -FT. 7M I i1o~: ,i-~•~ N ~ T f~rd~ - " OPERT C f' S~ • MMERC rAl!.'T Ru My i, Fj!~- `rL ocn f i HALL 10 PA MENT " Y_ r.,.. PHASE 1 PHASE 2 N 0 200 400 600 Scale In Feet EXHIBIT 5 ESTIMATE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS PREPARED BY: LAND ARCHITECTS 9137 S. Ra6aom BM. Su0e 130 HIIINeMC Pelltll, 0000129 P:(WD734-IM F,(303)T 17170 PASEHISTORY Bm vrzms03 vrz~sas WZS612 MSO505 WLUSt2 NNOSCAPE 82MTSF 28.0% HARBSURFACE 65,OMSF 50.0% MAX BUDS. 11,m0SF ISM TOTAL tPo KNOW 101% NOTE: SITE DATA IS SUBJECT TOPPPROVALOFAFINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. ROPES SUBDIVISION ZONEOR3 LMDMSW RESIDENTIAL OVERALL SITE PLAN NORTH Scale: l'=50' DEVELOPMENT AND USE STANDARDS MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY TMOE PROSPECT I I ANDMI LANE PARK VICINITY MAP IN Slate: I- = INN 1. MAK UM RULDING COVERAGE 20% 2 MNIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 35 FT. 3. MINIMUM PERIMETERSUILDINGSETSACKS: FRONT: SOFT./REAR 15FT./SIDES: IS FT. 4. MINIMUMIMOBCMECOVERAGE 20% NOTES 1.THISOUTNEOEVELOPMEWPWJSUPERMDESTHEPROROUNNEDEVELOPMEMPIPNR MMEDAT; ODP OOOK110. PAGE N. RECEPTION NO. F1000316. 2. LANOSWING SHALL BE IN WNFORMANCE WITH SECTION 26SBJ OFTHE MMTRIDGE WDE OF LAWS. 3. PARKING SNALLBEINMNFOR CE WITHSECTION26E01OFTHEMN TMMECODEOFIAWS. 4.EXTERIORUGHTINGSHALLBEINCONFORMANCEWITHSECTION26 OFTHEWHEATRIWEWDEOFLAWS. E. FENCING SNALL BEIN WNFORANNCE WITH SECTION 20.0530FTHEMMT RI WE WDE M LAWS. B. SIGNAGESHALLBE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ARTCLENI OFTHE WHFATRDGE WDE OF LAWS. 7. MCHRECNRALDETAILSHNLBEINACWRDANCEWIIHTHE BTREETSGPEMDARCHRECNRAL DESIGN MANUAL. CONDITIONS OF CITYAPPROVAL 1. HOURS OF OPERATION SHALLBE FROM T:W AM. T03:03P.M. 2 ANYSIGNAGE FACING TABOR ORSOUIH TOWARDMN AVENUE SHALL REMAIN UNUGHTED WHEN THE BUS INESSISNOTOPEN. 3. ALLDELNERIESSHALLOWURSE ENTHEHOURSOF8WAM.MO6.WPM. 4. NO PARKING OF SEMI-TRUCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED AT ANYTIME EXCEPT FOR ONE SEMI.TRUCK AND TMILERIFOWNEDBYOWNERSOFTHEPROPER ORIFPARKEDVMPORMILYFORDELNERYPUR SES. NNE,SI(RZOOFFSHDM,LLC,BEINGTHEOWNERSOFREPLPROPERWMWNNING2A AC S.MOPEOR LESS,OEBCRBEDASPouOWS: APARTOF LOT t, TABORDEVELOPMENT SUBDMSION (BOOK 132 PAGE t)ANDA PARTOF LOTTAND B. LEES SUBDIVISION (PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 23) AND LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST O W BIER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SEWN, RANGE0 WEST OF THE SIM PRINCIPAL MERI DAN, CRY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO BEING MORE PARTICUWiLY DESCRI BED AS FOLLOWS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT THE INTENT AN D PURPOSE OF THIS PROJECT IS TO RELOCATE THE EXISTING TRAILER SOURCE BU IIDI NE, PARK NG. AND OUTDOOR SALES DISPLAY AREA TO THE EAST ONTO A REVISED PROPERTY CONFIGURATION, DUE TO THE CONDEMNATION OF THE MAJORITY OF ME PROPERTY BY CWT TO ACCEMODATE THE -7D ON d OFF NAMES. THE PROJECT MAINTAINS EXISTING ALLOWED USES IN THE IE UGTING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) ZONE DISTRICT KNOWN AS' AOOR DEVELOPMENT; PROPOSING ASUGHRY LARGER W IWING WITH GREATLY REDUCED WTDWRDISP.AYME ,MWELLISAENUREPHASEIIBUILDING. AFINALDEVELOPMENTPIANWITH APPROVALBYPI NINGWMMISSIONMDCRYCOUNCILFORTHEPHASEIIBUIMINGWILLBEREQUIRED.THIS PROJCCT WILLBE COMPLIANT WITH CODE IN RELATION TONEW LMOSCAPING, PARKING, SIGNS, MDUGH LNG. PROPOSED USE IS RELOCATION AND EXPANSION OFTHE CURRENT USE WHICH INCLUDES DISPLAY, SALESMD SERNCEOF NEW MD USEDTRARER3. RELATEDAWESSORES, PERSONAL VEHICLES, MD REIATEO ACCESSORIES. IT IS RECOONEED T WIT ARMY OF TH E OTHER P0.551BIE FUTURE USES UMM M PERMITTED USES', MAY REQUIREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT TO ACCOMMODATE SPECIFIC USE LAYOUT, PARKING AND SN MNFIGURATIONREQUIREMENTS,MDMYNEWBUILDINGSUPONTHESEE. THECOMMUNDYDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SHALL REVIEW MY FUTURE PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE TO DETERMINE IF SUCH USE(S)REQUIREA DEVELOPMENTP AMENDMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH WHEAT RIDGE COPE BE LAWS, SECTION 26311. PERMITTED USE., 1. MPOUE STORE 2. MTGALLERIESORSTUDIOS 3. BAKERIES. RETAIL 4. WI LOANS AND FINANCIAL OFFICES R BICYCLE STORES 6. BLUEPRINTING, PHOTO STATIC COPYING, AND OTHER SIMILAR REPRODUCTION SERVICES, HOWEVER. NOT INCLUDING LARGE PRINTNG, PUBLISHING MGIOR BOOKBINDING EVABUSHMENM T. WAT,CAMPER MOTRAVELTRAILERSALESMDSERYCE B. CAMERA AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SERI MD SUPPLY STORES L CATERERS 10. CHILD CARE CENTER 11. CUSTOM FABRICATION AS ACCESSORY TO A MAIN USE 12. EKTERMINATONS 13. FLORASHOMMOLESALE 14. GARDEN SUPPLIES STORES-WHOLESALE 15. GREENHOUSES AND LANDSCAPE NURSERIES, INCLUDING BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALES OF RELATED MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS PROVIDED, HOWEVER. THAT BULK STORAGE OR PILES OF MATERIALS SUCH AS MANURE, PEAT, TOPSOIL. ROCK, SAND, FIREWOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALS ARE SCREENED FROM VIEW FROM ADJACENTRESIDENTALPROPERTIESBYAVIEW-0B UOTNGFENCESX(6)FEETINHEIGHT. BUL%STORAGEOR PILES OF SUCH MATERIALS SPALL BE NOCLOSM THAN TWENTY{IVE MUMASIDEOR REARLOTUNE WHICH ABUTS RESIDENTIALLYZONED PROPERTY, OR WHERE ZONED AGRICULTURAL AND THERE IS A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) FEET OF THE COMMON PROPERTY UNE 16. IMERIOR DE W MTI NG SPQP IT MEDICAL AND DENTAL CONICS OR IABORATORES 16. MOTOR SPORTS SALES INCLUDING BUT NOT UMITEDTOALL TERRAIN VEHICLES, SNOWMOBILEBMD PERSONAL WATERCRAFT. NOTINCLUOING VEHICLES REQUIRING LICENSING 19. OFFICEAVMEHOME USES LIMRING THE WAREHOUSE COMPONENT TO BN60F THE TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE BULLRING 20. OFFICES. GENERAL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES 21. RETAIL SALES (EXCEPTTHOSE LISTED INTHE-EXCLUDES USES' SECTION BELOW) 22. SCHOOLS, PUBLIC PAROCHIAL AND PRIVATE (INCLUDING PRNAM, VOCATONAL,TRADE ORPROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS), WLIEGES, UNIVERSITIES, PRESCHOOLMD WYMMRIES(INCLUDINGT ME WMMONLYACCEPTED AS AC WORYTHERETOWHENLGCATEOONTHESMEPREMISES) 23. SMALL ANIMAL VETERINARY HOSPITALS ORMINIM WHERE THEREARE NO OUTSIOEPENS OR RUNS FOR DOGS 24. STUDIOS FOR PROFESSIONAL WORKORTFACHING OF FINEARTS, PHOTOGRAPHY, MUSIC, ORAM40ROANCE 25. TAILORING ONESSMAKING OR CLOTHING ALTERATION SHOPS, UPHOISTEAYSHOPS 26. TELEWSION, RA010, SMALL MPLVWCE REPNRMOSERVICESHOPG 21, TRAILER SALES. INCLUDING HORSE, FLAT BEDANO ENCLOSED. TRAILER,TRUCKAND EQUINE RELATED ACCESSORIES. LIMITED NEWTRUCK SALESCO PERYEM). SERVCEISOEFINMO FOLLOWS:TRAILERSERVICE INCLUDINGRWAIRINGWIRING,P%LES,000PLERS,MWC ,MDOTHMMISI:EUANEWSMANTENANCEONNEW ORUSSDTRNLERS, NOT INCLUDING PAINTINGOR BODYWORK SIMILAR USES SIMILAR USES ARE USES WHICH WOUMBE SIMIWiIN SM. TYPE OFOPERAUM, SERVICES PROVIDED OR EQUIPMENTUSES,NUMBEROFEMPLO $,MDHOURSOFOPEMTIWMDWHICHWOULD: (A) BE COMPATIBLE IN CHARACTERMD IMPACT W W PERMITTED USES INTHE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT; (B) BE CONSISTENTWITH THE INTENTOFTHE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT; (CI NOT BE OBJECTIONABLE TO NEARBY PROPERTY BY REASON OF ODOR DUI FUMES, GAS, NOISE, RADIATION, HEAT, GWTE VIBRATION, TRAFFIC GENERATION, PARK ME NEEDS, OUTDOOR STORAGE OR USE; AND (01 NOT BE HAZARDOUS TO THE HEALTH AN D SAFETY OF SURROUNDING AREAS THROWN DANGER OF FIRE OR EXPLOSION. EXCLUDED USES 1. ADULT BOOK STORES 2. APPLIANCE STORES 3. ASSEMBLY HALI/CONVEMION CENTER 4. RARSANDUQUORSALES 5. CMSALES 6. CONVENIENCE STORES Z GISSTATIONS 8. GOVMMENTMD/ORQW lI OVERNMENTALBUIMINW 9 HEAWINOUSTRIALUSE 10. MOTORIZED VEHICLES REQUIRING LICENSING (EXCEPT FOR MOTORCYCLES AND EXCEPT FOR UP TORO NEW TRUCKSANNUALLY) 11. NlIR61NG HOMES 12. PRIVATE CLUBS 13. RESTAURANTS (FAST FWD 8 SIT DOWN) 14. STANDALONE RENTAL AGENCIES (RENTAL OF PRODUCTS ANCIIlARY TO A PERMITTED PRIMARY USES SHALL BE ALLOWABLE) 15. STAND.N.ONE RETAIL AUTO PARTS SALES (PARTS. SERVICE AND REPMIS ANCILLARY TO A PERMITTED PRIMARY USESHNLBEALLMMLE) 16. STANDALONE WAREHOUSE USES 7. WDEOSTORES SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1. JOHNS. GUYTON. P.L S.. W HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY WAS IMAGE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRENT REVISED EDITION M MENDED, TH E ACCOMPANYING PLAN AW URATELY REPRESENTS 5410 SURVEY. (SURVEYORS SEAL) JOHN B.GUITON P.L"UMIL9 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF FLATIRONS SURVEYING, INC. THREE HAVE LAID OUT, SUBDWIDEOAKD PLATTED BAUD LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME MO STYLE OF TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION FUND NO. 2, ASUBDIVISION OF APARTOF TIE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT ROSE AND THE PUBUC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RGHF-0FWAY, AND W FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT R DGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWN ED MDIOR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISES UTILITIES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN M EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALIATON, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPN R AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TOTELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC ONES, GAS LIES, WATER AND SMRMY SEWER LINES, HYDRANTS, STOW WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES. DETENTION PONDS. STREL:RIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE THE BELOW SIONLO OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S) THEREOF. DO HEREBY AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WI1H THE USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS WMAINED IN THIS PLAN, AN D AS MY OTHERWISE BE RWURIEDBYLAW. I (WE)NRMER WCWNMETHATTHEAPRTOVALOFAREZONINGN PLMN EO DE VELOPMEM, MD APPRO VAL OF MIS FINAL DEVELOPMENT PIAN, ROES NOT CREATE A VESTEDPROPERTYRIGHT. VESTEOPROPERTYRIGMSMAYONLYMISEMOAGCRUEMRSUMTTO THE PROWSIONS OFSECTON 261210E THE WHEATRIOGE CODE OFLAWS. JAMES RAY BLUMENTHAL JMESMYBLUMENTHALII STATE OF COLORADO ) )SS COUNTYOFJEFFERSON ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF. AD.9]_ BY JIM BLUMENTHAL AS MANAGING MEMEBER OF SKITZO OFFSHORE LLC. W DNESS MY NANO AND OFFICM,L SAIL. MYCOMMISSION FIRES: NDYARYPUBLIC PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDED FORMPROVPLTHIS DAY OF OM. BYTIEWHFATRIOGE PLMNINGCOMMISSM. CHAIRPERSON CITY CERTIFICATION MPROVEDTHISDAYOF 2005, BYTHEWHEATRIDGECWCOUNCIL. ATTEST CRYCLERK DIRECTOR OF COMMUNDY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY CLERKAND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO I HIS COUNWOFJEFFFASON ) I HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS FIIEO IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN. COLORADO. AT OCLOCK_ M. ON THIS DAY OF _20_40.. JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER RECEPTION NO. DEPUTY By UNIFIED CONTROL STATEMENT THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY INCLUDED WITHIN THE PROPOSED PINNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INOWDE JAM ES PAY BLUMENTHAL. GAYLE J. BLUMENTHAL. AND JMES MY BLUMENT AL II. THE PROPERTY WILL CONTINUE M BE OWNED BY THESE OWNERS M THEY CONTINUE TO OPERATE THE TRAILERSOURCEBUSINESS. IFMDWHENAFUUR PHASE20UIMINGISWNSTRUCTEDONNESIIE,ITWILL ERHER BE MNSMUCTEOMDOMM BYTHEAWVE OWNERSASM EXPMSION_OFWEFXISNNGTRNLER SWRCERMNESS, ORT V WITHINTHISCOP. IN ERHER OTHER CONDITIONS WITHIN- CONSTRUCTION. TRAILERS TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT NO.2 OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR TABOR SUBDIVISION FILING NO.2 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A POR TON OF LOTS 7 88, LEE'S SUBBIVISIOM AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ON&RUIIRTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE STN PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT MOGE,000NTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO EXHIBIT 6 TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT NOM 1 An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge S PORTION OF LOTS 7 88, LEES SUBDIVISION AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE•OUARTER OF SECTION MI, TOWNSHIP S SOUTH, BASIS S9 WEST OF TIE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT MUSE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO COVER SHEET VICINITY MAP I\ 11~p III Scale: 1- =1000' \ ,e I I ~N MOUNT WVET CEMETERY T PROSPECT II I PARK DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT THE INIENTMD PURPOSEOF THIS PROJECT ISTO RELOCATE THE BUSTING TRAILER SOURCE BUILDING, PMMNG,MDOM RSALESDISPLAYMF MTHEEASTONTOAREVISEDMR ERWCONFIGUMTON, DUE TOTIECONDEMNATIONOFTHEM ORIWOFTIEPROPERTYEY000TTOACCOMODATETHEI-70ON&OFF RAMPS. THE PROTECT MAINTAINS EXIS IINGKLOWEO USES IN TIE EXISTING PLWNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) ZONE DISTRICT MOWN AS TABOR DEVELOPMENT: PROPOSING A SLIGHTLY LARGER BUILDING WITH GREATLY REDUCED OUTDOOR DISPLAY AREAS, AS WELL ASA FUTURE PHASE II BUILDING. A FINAL DEVELOPMENT PINT lW TI APPROVAL BY PIANNI NG COMMISSION AND CITY COU NCIL FOR TIE PHASE II BUILDING WILL BE REQUIRED. THIS PROJECT WILL BE WMPUMT WITH CODE IN RELATION TO NEW LANDSCAPING. PAWING. SIGNS. AND LIGHTING. PROPOSED USE IS RELOCATIONMD EXPANSION OF ME CURRENT USE WHICH INCLUDES DISPLAY, SALEB,MD SERVICE OF NEW AND USED MAILERS, RELATED ACCESSORIES. PERSONAL VEHICLES, AND RELATED ACCESSORIES. R IS RECOGNIZED MATMPNYOF THE OTHER POSSIBLE FUTURE USES USTEDAS'PERMITTED USES', MAY REQUIRE A DEVELOPMENT PUN AM ENDMENTTO ACGOM MODATE SPECIFIC USE LAYOUT. PARKING AND SITE CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS, AND MY NEW BUILDINGS UPON THE SITE. THEMMMUNRY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORSHNl RENEW HNYFUNRE PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE TO DETERMINE IF SUCH USE(S)R QUIMADEVELOPMENTPUNMIENDMEMINACCOROANCE WITH WHEATRIME CODE OF LAWS, SECTION 283111 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LINE, SIMO OFFSHORE, U-0, BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 2.B ACRES, MORE OR LESS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PMTOF LOT t, TMORDEVELOPMEMSUBDIVISION (BOOM 1S$ PAGE 1)MDA PARTOF LOT ] MD S, USES SUBS MSION (PUT BOOK 2, PAGE M) AND LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF SECTION BE, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERCIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATEOFCOLORADO BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT ME INTERSECTION OF TIE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 8 AND ME WESTERLY RIGHTLOF-WAY LINE OFTMOR STREET FROM WHENCE ME NORTHEAST CORNEROF SV OSECTON 20 BEARS SIDVBV2W, i48B.88FEET: THENCE HEAVING SAID WESTERLY AIGHTOF-WAY UNE AND ALONG ME SOUTHERLY LINE OF RAID LOTS388.51'520,295.32FEETTOTHEEASTERLYLINEOFMMPMCaL . THENCEALONGSAIDEASTEMY LINE OF COOT PARCEL ASO ME FOLLOWING FIVE (5) CONSECUTIVE COURSES: 1) THENCE 231.35 FEET ALONG A NON-TMGEWCURVETOMEEEFTMH INGARADIUSOF614.OOFEET.AGENTRMMGLEOF2t'3510'MDA CHORD WHICH BEARS Nt1'4324-E, 22N.W FEET. 2) THENCE MDNGA NON-TANGENT LINE N09'4S1PE, 24.E FEET: 3j THENCE NW'1T02'W,189.80 FEET: 4)THENCENII-MVIPE.101.61 FEET; I)THENCENW5114-E,19.90FIRETTO SAID WESTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE: 5)T MCEMONGMD WESTERLY RIGHT-0F-WAYUNETHE FOLLOWING THREE (3) WNSECUTIVECOURSES: 1)MENCE800-58'16'E.153.72 FEET; 2)TIENCE SW'3B09E, 38].13 FEET: 3) 1HENCES00-494YE.37.81 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SMDPARCELCONTAINSIN. WSWME FEET (2A ACRES). MORE OR LESS. HAVE W DOUT, SUBDIVIDED AND PUTTED SAD LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER ME NAME AND STYLE OF TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF ME M OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS DO DEDICATE TO ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN M RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND 00 FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE Cltt OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED ANDIOR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTUTES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF WAIL PROPERTY SHOWN AS EASEMENTS FOR ME CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION. MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS UM WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES. HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES. DETENTION PONDS, STREERIGMS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. C7 PERMITTED USES 1.AN IQUE STORE 2. ARTGAULEWES OR STUDIOS 3. BAIORIES, RETAIL 4. EANK LOANS AND FINANCIAL OFFICES 5. BICYCLE STORES 6. BLUEPRINTING, PHOTO STAMCCOP (INLAND OTHERSIMILAR REPRODUCTION SERVICES HOWEVER, NOT INCLUDING LARGE PAINTING, PUBLISHING AND/OR BOOKBINDING ESTMUSHMENTS T. BOAT, CAMPERPNDTRAVELTRNLERSALESAND SERVICE CAABN AMD PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICEANO SUPPLY STORES 9. CATERERS f0. CHILOCARECENTER H. CUSTOM FABRICATION ASACCESSORYTOAMMN USE 12. EXTERMINATORS t3. FLORAL SHOPSWHOLMALE 14 . . GARDEN SUPPUES STORES-WHOLESALE 5 GREENHOUSES AND WIDSCAPE NURSERIES, INCLUDING BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALES OF RELATED MATERIA -S AND PRODUCTS PROVIDED. HOWEVER THAT BUU( STORAGE OR PILES OF MATERIALS SUCH AS MANURE. PEAT, TOPSOIL, ROCK, SAND. FIREWOOD OR SIMILAR MATERIALS ME SCREENED FROM VIEW FROM ADJACENT NESIDENFIHL PROPERTIES BY A VIFW-0HSTRUCRNG FENCE SIX (6) FEET IN HEIGHT. BULHSTORMEOR PILES OF SUCH MATERALSSHMLBE NO CLOSERTHM TWENTY-FIVE FEETTOASIDE ORREM LOTLINE WHICH ABUTS RMIDENTH Y-ZONED PROPERTY. OR WHERE ZONED AGRICULTURAL AND THERE 13 A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) FEETOFTHE COMMON PROPERTY LINE 1S. INTERIORDECORATING SHOP 17. MEDICAL MDDENTALCUNICSORIABORATOFMS 1& MOTOR SPORTS SALES INCLUDING SUIT NOT LIMITED TO ALLTERRNN VERM-M. SNOWMOBILES AND PERSONAL WATER CRAFT, NOT INCLUDING VEHICLES REQUIRING LICENSING 19. OFFICEM'AREHOWE USES LIMITING THE WAREHOUSE COMPONENTTOW%OFTHE TMALSOUME FOOTAGE OFTHEBUILDING 20. OFFICES, GENERAL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES 21. RETAIL SALES (EXCEPT THOSE LISTED IN THE 'EXCLUDED USET SECTION BELOW) 23, SCHDGLS, PUBLIC. PMOCHI MDPRNATE(INCLUDINGPRNAM,VOCATIONAL,IRADEORPROFESSIONAl- SCHOOLS),COLLEGES. UNWERSNIES,PRESCHOOLMDMYNURSEMES(INUUOINGIHOSEMMMONLY AMEPTEDASAMESSORYTHERETO WHEN LOCATED ON THE SAME PREMISES) 23. SMMLMIMAL VETERINARY HOSPITALS CRCLINOS WHERETHEREME NO WBIDE PENS OR RUNS FORDOGS 24. STUDIOS FOR PROFESSIONAL WORK OR TEACHING OF FINE ARTS. PHOTOGRAPHY, MUSIC, DRAW, OR DANCE 25 TAILORING. DRESSMMUNG OR CLOTHING ALTEPATON SHOPS, UPHOLSTERY SHOPS 25. TELEVISION,HAOIO,SMALLMPLIMCEREPNRMDSERVICESHOPS 2]. TRAILER SALES, INCLUDING HORSE, FLATBED AND ENCLOSED. TRAILER TRUCK AND EQUINE REIATiD ACCESSORIES. LIMITED NEW TRUCK SALES (20 PER YEMj SERVICE IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: TRADER SERVICE INCLUDING REPAIRING WIPING, MILES. COUPLERS, FLOORS, AND OTHER MECEU-ANM US MNNTEMMCE ON NEW OR USED TPAILERS, NOT INCLUDING PAI NTING OR BODY WORK SIMILAR USES SIMIWL USES ME USES MICR WOULD BE SIMILAR IN SR TYPE OF OPERATION, SERVICES PROVIDED OR EQUIPMENT USES. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, MD HOURS OF OPERATION AND WHICH WOULD: (A) BECOMPATIBLEINCNAR MRMDIMPACTWUHPERMITTEDUSESINTHEPUNNEDDEVELOPMENT; (B) BE CONSISTENT WITH TIE INTENT OFTHE PUNNED DEVELOPMENT; (C) NOT BE OBJECTIONABLE TO NEARBY PROPERTY BY REASON OF DOOR, OUST, FUMES. GAS, NOISE, RADIATION, HEAT, GLARE.MSRATION, TRAFFIC GENERATION, PARKING NEEDS, OUTDOOR STORAGE OR USE, AND (O)NOTBEHAZ WUSTOTHEHEA MDSAFETYOFWMOUNDINGMEASTHROUGHOM'GEROFFIREOR EXPLOSION. EXCLUDED USES 1. MULTBWKSTORES 2. MPUMCESTIRES 3. ASSEMBLY WJUCONVENTON CENTER 4. BAWANDUQUORSAIES & CAR SALES 6. CONVENIENCE STORES GAS STATIONS &GO MMEWMD/ ROUMI{ WRNMEMALBUILDINW 9. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL USE 10. MOTONZED VEHICLES REQUIRING LICENSING (EXCEPT FOR MOTORCYCLES AND EYCEFT FOR UP TOM NEWTRUCKSMNUALLY) It NURENGHOMES 12 PRNATECLUM 13. RESTAURANTS (FAST FOOD&SITOOWN) 14. STANDALONE RENTAL AGENCIES( RENTAL OF PRODUCTS ANCILLARY TO A PERMITTED PRIMARY USES SHMLDEAUUOWMLE) 15. STANDALONE RETAIL AUTO PARTS SALES (PARTS. SERVICE AND REPAIRS ANCILLARY TO A PERMITTED PRIMARY USE SHALL BE ALLO WMLE) 15. STANDALONE WAREHOUSE USES 17. VIDEOSTORES COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO I )SS CWNWOFJEFFERSON I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS FLAT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOLDEN. COLORADO, AT O'CLOM(_ M.ONTHIS DAYOF JEFFERSON DEPUTY BY RECEPTION NO. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE ME BELOW SIGNED OWNER(S), OR LEGALLY DESIGNATED AGENT(S)THEREOF. CO HEREBY AGREE THAT ME PROPERTY LEGACY DESCRIBED HEREON WILL BE DEVELOPED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WIMME USES, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PLAN, AND AS MAY OTHERWISEBEREOURIEDDYIAW.I(WE)FURTHERRECOGNIZETHATTHEMPRMV OFAR NINGTO PUNNED DEVELOPMENT. AND APPROVAL OF THIS FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, DOES NOT CREAIEA VESTEDPROPERTYRIGHT. VESTEDPROPERTYRIG1 SMAYONLTARISEANDACCRUEPURSUANTTO THEPROWSIONSOF SECIII 0FTHE WHEAT RIDGE COM OF LAWS. JAMES RAY BLUMENTHAL GAYLI: J. BWMENTHAL JAMESMYBLUMENR4LII STATEOFCOLORAW I )SS CDUMOFJEFFERSM ) ME FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNONM1EDGED BEFORE Mc THIS DAY OF - A.D. BY JIM B W M ENTHAL PS MMV0GING M WEBER OF SKJ RO OFFSHORE, LLC. W RNESS MY HMO AND OFFIC W. SEAL. MY COMM ISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE RECOMMENDEDFORMPRWVAL IS_DAYOF _.2DIS.BYTHEWHEATNDGE PLMNINGCOMMISSION. CIWIRPERSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY CERTIFICATION APPROVEOTHISDAYOF Z11L6,. By ME WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL. ATTEST DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, JOHN B. GUYTON, P.L.S. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEYWA$ MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND TO ME BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPUCABLE COLORADO STATUTES, CURRFM REVISED EDITION M AMENDED, THE ACCOMPANYING PLAN ACCURATELY REMtESFNTS SAID SURVEY (SURVEYOR'SSEAL) JOHN B. GUYTON RLS. IMAW FORAND ON BE. OF FLATIRONS SURVEYING, INC. SHEETINDEX 1 CBVERSHEEi 2 STEPUN 3 GRADING&U ILITYPIAN 4 IANDSCAPE PLAN 5 PHOTOMETRIC PUN 6 LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE S NOTES T ARCHITECTUWEUE ATIONS LANDMARCHITECTS 11111 NKY M W Ttl • IILYd1 W M tllTl • 111Yq lIF1T D • Te IINI11LI111 SHEET 1 OF 7 EXHIBIT 7 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS MINIMUM/REQUIRED PROVIDED FRONT IT FRONT 111 REAR 15' REAR 121 SETBACKS SIDE Jr~ SIDE ]2 SIDE )-5: SIDE 6V BUILDING HEIGHT A5' FEET 28' FEET LOT COVERAGE N LA 108.397 SF. BUILDING COVERAGE 21.710 (207 MAX) 11.090 S.F. (10.2X) LANDSCAPED AREA 21.710 (2D% MIN) 7i1.7,_9.hS.F. 29.8%) PAVED AREA NIA 65,014 S.F. (509) TOTAL LOT AREA 108,397 S .F. (100%) PARKING 2 SPACES 3Z SPACES HANDICAPPED 1 2 SPACES 1' RETAINING 5004942E 37.91' TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDRRSIOM FILING NO.2 LOCATED IM THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP S SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 611 PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SITE PLAN 10.00' UTIUTY EASEMI R=614.00 L=231.35' ~Ui0394=213520 CB=N114324E 229.99' (C) R=614.00 L=118.33' CB=5115128"W 227.02' (COOT) 15.00' IRRIGATON EASEMEN RETAINING WALL -CHAN UNK FENCE BY COOT V N8945'lOE 2496' (C) A(0077' ('W 1 N69 58'18 -W N0077'02 164.80' (CJ s00 o030"W (COOT) CONCRETE LOT 77 74• S175o'aF 107,61' (C) PROPOSED BUILDING FENCE 1 8 S F ; - 1&00' 1 \ \ CURB J //601 20.00' DRIVE ,06 . . F GFA LANE . 14.096 S. (INCLUDES 3000 S.F. ATE 1 6 STORY OFFICE) R4.5' 1 00' ]£MPQQARY 131 2n . 1 1' RETAIININ EASEMENT / GATE HC SIGN TRARE WALL ~J 2.00' COOT (SEE NGIF JT IRRIGATIOM RAMP PARKING EASEMENT/ \ SPLAY AREA , P TRAILERS fOR SALE 7 .0 ® R. PH SE 2 BUILDIN \ \ EGGFF~~OF 0 15' 1 COI E (TYT) (T YT) 4.5' IA _ - - - I- - _ / CONCRETE N 4 I ATE \ 2' CONCRt It OEIENTON TYT) 0' ATTACHED ' 9.OD' II 2• (TYP) 5 0 0TAOIE \ / \ _ - PAN \ q 5.0 2 WALK T 1 . WAIA _ _ _ S' \ R40' I AD. 70' -00 IRRIGATION EASEMENT I / SIGMA IIC 9. I R50' 14~ S CHASE NO PARKING IGN 4.5' NO PARKING SIGN ' I I 7 WPB CpT CUR r 00 35 G1R8 CWT 2 I _ 2.00' (TYP ' ' PROPOSED LATE - V RETAINING WALL .50 T2 AM 2' CONCRETE PAN UTILITY EASEMENT 00 f ' N ' g3 ' •W (J UN CHAININ UNK FENCE ~ N09'07 1 NO PARKIN av BY OWNS FUTURE 5.00' 1 L SIGN . PROPOSED GATE k \ END CURB DETACHED WAIR-_-_______ t~ ~1m'ECSvat~tm ~^v~~ 5. TREE S .00' DETACHED WALK s.oo LA TABOR STREET III (ROW PARlES) s e r 3 CASE HISTORY W2-95C9 YR49U9 ZZ12 M&43W M4512 No A f~ 'A \ q f \ y-A O A O „..Y UTILITY EASEMENT N ~ oN . W O. XX. o^ rDem~\ oa S00,58'147' 198.70' (AM) NOOJ550"W 198.70' (N) SHEET 2 OF 7 EXI5flNG LEGEND PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE SECTION UNE EASEMENT - CURB & GUTTER TYPE I CURB & GUTTER ~var~ (SPILL) TYPE II CURB & GUTTER (CATCH) CONCRETE/ O SIDEWAI-X HANDICAP RAMPS SIGN 1 SET F5 REBPR PLS /16406 ORIW DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE 30 1- 1, 60 SCALE 1'=30' 1M'SP'ORARY CDOT EASEMENT IN PLACE UNTIL CDOT DEMOLISHES EXISTING BUILDING. 2. IRRIGATION EASEMENTS TO BE PROMOEO BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT. NOTES. 1. TOMPORARY COOT EASEMENT IN PLACE UNTIL CDOT DEMOLISHES EXISTING BUILDING. 2. SEE SEPARATE IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATOR PIPING THROUGH THE SITE 3. SEE SEPARATE WATER PLANS PROVIDED BY VALLEY WATER DISTRICT FOR WATER MAIN INSTALLATION. 1' RETAINING 16Su 6' PVC O w (C) 184.80•. (L~',`•,_ \ 30' HOPE / 30'HOPE UNE Y RETAINING WALL /j row-B.oa \ BOW=B.00 ~ \ N11;)q(x~ ~ \ sYr5o 40 "y,~JOJ. BJ'/C1 ~G1=1o. PROPOSED BJILOIEfG^' BOW=}35~, I I BOW-12.5 l0% -°vr w^" i FF~/R•~" f 11 t0 I( e1p~W 10 Ji 1' RETAININ / I" ~.I IN_ mss.. 1 3#60' IRRIGA110N~\~\\~y ~'/XW'tOfi. WALL t 15.00 IRRIGATION a~j Z4 EABFMENT 1 lad + "`x \ j ® / / P/ Z \ \ 1 EASEMENT - g \ -INV. 10.50 = ' aM1 2.2% r \ l~\\\ \ / A ~ X1500' IRMGATI w N. \ RE MECH. BOIR=B.] 134.00' TEMPGRAR~ EASEMENT SANITARY SEWER ~TDl 24 -£ASm+ENL 1 - 1~ ~ \ ' ' a~ >r SERVICEILINE / COOT (.SEE NOSE,(!J~\, ~Y p / \ TRAIILER P WATER 1P❑ LI ,j. J PARKING IRRIGATIILYNE ~';`l+~\~• E L/RIPRAP \ oo^ \ SERVICE , FIREUNE Wx1.5' \ ~ J ppNCl ~I M u 1~ 24 RC - 1'I` 1\\\\ TOW=10.61 P IRRIGATION UN~" Rp A Y 1yW / 2' CURB~UT t fOWyl0.fa1 - - -'~f J \ BOW~E)=B.00 DETENTION POND TOW: 'b1 P ~6 2' 510 WAN L PIP frgOW=10.411 RETAINING WALL I' \U\~ µ 912 BOW .0% .--54+ ' ` J 18• FES I I \Qa ; _ - - - - - - BOW 0.5 '.1 I INV.=1D.32 1 I 0 11 i AT Ii. _ - _ C_ I I 1 - hwS t'1 2' CURB CI~T L 05 _ 56658Y4 E'79 . (A Mj 198.70' (R) MILE - 70W=12.00-4' B~ - '2 57 WIN-12.00 HM x 5 FEE o\ _ _ - \ ^iu\w\c9tO~•~gicCa ~n ~ttw\ «eR. \ 0S00'49 49 42 E 379 (A ' v 0.15 IDYL>ILVlY1991`3]`ll~lU1Y\"~E"'. U~w"~ J ~1 ~ ~ Al 1l / EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT A'1 8•x6' WYE CONNECTION e 8- PVC INV=4J2 I 3 fic v5 'ewvn ~~zg*vvcs~c~~m~vv~~ci~mv ~~css mmmuI .mQSa~~savm~esa / esLF 1B? Rcl~ o ages i r i r i _.7 35 i--1 5~ r55 T.. 3;' SS--J SS.I- _ $5 j-SS... _K 35- -ISS-- SY TABOR S>R~ET ~ ~ r , ym~ CASE HIBIIXIY AZ9 O WL-H9U9 ZZ12 30 15 30 60 MS-06W SCALE M4VI! I•=3D' SHEET 3 OF 7 EXISRNG LEGEND PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SECTION ME - EASEMENT RETAINING WALL CURB k GUTTER HANDICAP RAMPS -----5756--- CONTOURS 5]..0 > S STORM SEWER mSTm STORM MANHOLE Q - -R~ - ROOF GRAIN -nD STORM INLET 1111 < FLARED END SECTON - -ss- - - SANITARY SEINER 'aS - -IR- - SANITARY SEWER IR SANITARY MANHOLE • 9. CLEAN OUT oP W- - - WATER UNE W~ p WATER VALVE B p FIRE HYDRANT A ~u WATER METER - - - - ELECTRIC LINE 0 LIGHT POLE {J POWER POLE X ELECTRIC METER - - - T- - TELEPHONE UNE T TELEPHONE PEDESTAL OT --ta DIRECTION OF FLOW -0. O DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE BUSH/SHRUB DRIFE DESCRIPTIONS DRIVE ~J ff SPOT ELEVATIONS a SET AS REBAR \ PLS M18406 - " -55 -i5 - TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION FILING NO.2 LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO UTILITY / GRADING PLAN x 1 5413- R=614.00 L=231.35' .Ip. kU+0394=21,.3520" „ CB=NJ1 AT'24IE< ~.._F 229.99• (C) R=614.OQ L=228.3J' TOW=1200 CH-511;5178"W rEIOW=12.00 TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT NOB 1 LEGEND SITE PROPERTY LINE I R.O.W. LINE CHAIN LINK FENCE BY CDOT - CHAIN LINK FENCE BY OWNER + LIGHTING (SEE SHEET 5 FOR PHOTOMETRIC PLAN AND LIGHTING DETAIL DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE EVERGREEN TREE O ORNAMENTALTREE .OQ DECIDUOUS SHRUBS O EVERGREEN SHRUBS El PERENNIALS IRRIGATED BLUEGRASS SOD NON-IRRIGATED DETENTION BASIN SEED MIX ® COBBLE MULCH (ALL OTHER MULCH IN PLANT AREAS TO BE WOOD MULCH) PLANT CALLOUT(SEE SHEET 5 FOR / PLANT SCHEDULE) ZONED PCD A.M.T. DEVELOPMENT CORP., TABOR STREET PROPERTIES An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge A PORTION OF LOTS 7 R B, LEES SUBDMSION AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBOMSION LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP S SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE GTH PRINCIPAL MENDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO LANDSCAPE PLAN I FUTURE COOT I OFF-RAMP PROPERTY 1 FROM 1.70 " FUTURE : ' ON-RAMP 3 FROM 1.70 1j F - E NLINKFEWEI C I O ALONG CWTRG. T6 q' NORTH FRCdFAiYLINE IS l6 T0, PIP PROPOSED PHASE 7 BUILDING (RETAIL, OFFICE, 8 SHOP) 11,088 SF FOOTPRINT ($4,200 G.FA.) t \ \ WING W~L T. TVP.) SHEET 4 OF 7 OA @O GZ Q 40 OG Z~ Q 14 i \ 8 2 \ \ % LIMP 1" Y 1 . _ TW FXISPNG EVERGREEN TPEETOREMNN.TW- 2 / _ CGNGNElE 44E5 GI$PUVANEq rrP.~ - / a 4 ~L' PONG ~ ~ \ zo r ~ FENLE AYOWNER - Ey.ISFINGOECIGUWS TOENCLOSEBI$PIAYAREA NON OISTURRE4 TR6E TQREMAIN,TP. OWNOPFSEFFRIO PURPOK NEEIXt GR9PHIC AAEAIiYPj YOR ' r POSEON ONR3-..:. - FUTURE WAIN TABOR ST. I~ ZONED R-2 ROWE'S (LOW DENSITY SUBDIVISION RESIDENTIAL) GSE HISTORY 0' 30 r 9J 101 = Graphic Scale: I " = 30' TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT NOW 1 An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge A PORTION OF LOTS 7 1118, LEES SUBUrASIOM AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDRISION LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 2% TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE BID PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT MORE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Mmul b- P.O.BmbxlR / _ % GYid4pwN'.GNflBUb3 ~ ~ 1GRS E. 30,AW. cgdIMwVY.CA M MOM. 1. IIGHTSHN.LBEMMIIGHONG'. WAIL DIRECTOR 15 SERIES FI%NRE. 2. SEE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS. 3. INS`[ I PERMANUFAMRERS SPECIFICATIONS. Wall-Mounted Light (Type A Elevation View NTS Manufacturer. Kim Lighting, Inc. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 60080 City of Industry, CA 91716-0080 Business Address: 16555 E. Gale Ave. City of Industry, CA 91745 V:626-9685666 F:626.369-2695 rrrre. rri r I er'r r rrrr r'.r r r s: re rrrr I r: %rr rr l e' r' rrr r,,':e_ r'r! c rrrrr'e" r e r e r ea rrr <j 'i rrr re rer re rr rrrrrrr[[ -r qqr er. •••~•rr.rr ere-tY-e rrrr••.. ~...rr~•r NOTES: r r r. 1. LIGHT SW RE' MM LIGHTING'. GGG SERIES FI%RIRE. e r 2. SEESrMPLUIFGRL `RCVS. 3. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS 3PECIFlGTONB. [ F ght (Type B & C) NTS ` "'err EASE AWORY r rrrrr [rer rrr - Yrrf?=rrr rrr rr rrrrrrr r z-r.A.c. K r r , [[[rrrrr[ rrrrr~r~rrrrrrr [rrrrr Luminaire Schedule Symbol Qry Label PGIe/Mourt Height Arrangement Lumens DWOPgon -0 6 A 13'bldg mount SINGLE 16000 i WD14#N50HPS B 18'polemounl 0 CC21>G-000HPS 18'polemounl 0 o CC21L2-0OOHPS r•r-rrr r'r"e rY re rr rrrrr rrrre rrrr rrr rrrr SHEET5 OF 7 0 G 30 Po Po RM Numeric Summary Graphic Scale: I" = 3o• Label C Units Avg Max Packing, ROatls.&TrailAreas Illuminance uminance Fc 2.23 37.2 TABOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT NOTE 1 An Official Final Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge A PORTION OF TS 7 Sk On LEES SUBDIVISION BUD PLANTING SCHEDULE LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE'OQUAARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP L3 SOUTH, TABOR RANGE 69 WEST OF THE RTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO DECIDUOUS CANOPY TREES CLY Sym Scientific Name Common Name Sae 5 A C P` SPeNma • BB FGH]" MA Frm],uz emMrvena'AUNmn PUpb' A..nPuW AuWmn Pu A B& ' T 1 W APA F,mi mim,la'PiN,mn PUpW MIIO 'AUWmn MW AM, Ttta r I -CaIB&R nad 6 ROT Gymrm'eCUe Eium coo. He,IEKYy Cdfwtrm 3'GIB&B ORNAMENTAL TREES Qty Sym S ' tiff Name Common Name Sae 5 MP Pyma n9e,yare'A nnnBbm' 'NON, nBlem'Pear 3'LMBdB mn Slam' R e T GIM AGrSInPob 'Flennn 'Flem 'Alnur Ma* 3'faI B BB EVERGREEN TREES Qty Sym Scientific Name Common Name Sim Spectra 5 PIP Pinue PomddUezv¢r. etluliz R. PIm SHLBSB 1DOC _ T AUP Pinua nl9m Au¢h nPine FHLS&S 160C DECIDUOUS SHRUBS Qty SYm Scientific Name Common Name Sim Spacing 44 WAS CeOWbIHUmMUnanN¢'MAUr SVnmmY Blue Min8P4m S I SOO QO ze US gnypN-vlmeozu¢TeIISKOW ' T.11 Gmn' RaNftaW, 'A C ww SGaI 5GM 4, Go 4'CC 3a ACB Symphurc a AmeBRaz 32 CPL Son,W,aN'COmmm"'rE, me o " 'CCmmon Pumle Line SUaI POC EVERGREEN SHRUBS Qty Sym Scientific Name Common Name size Spacing XI CPJ J 'w.mWaPSmAereCOmpeOm' 'PMLeRenaC ,,PnIuMper 6 I 4'0C 34 BMI JO,,. mdna'BmMm B.d.JunlW 6 I FOG ORNAMENTAL GRASSES Qty Sym Scientific Name Common Name size spacing 101 ERG CMeme9,oA¢euNAm'I(e,I FOenlel FeaMr PIMA Gmaz 143,0 IWCC ° 64 BAG HeIltlWlzMnmmPoMrena Blue Anne Glee 1-OM 16'OC PERENNIALS Qty Sym Scientific Name Common Name Sim Soacho 'y\'E 30 DEC COap&a BA'Sun' BBUy SUn Conn i¢ IGT OWED LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED PROWDFD PUBUCSTREkTFRONTAGE TABOR STREET 20 TREES 20 TREE5• 1-70 FRONTAGE 67REES STREES• H TREE FOR EVERY 30 FT OF STREET F RONTAGE 1110 TOTAL L PH MDmONALIRFFUSHRUBR LAIN EM 21 TREES 21 TREES (1 TREE 610 SHRUBS PER I,~SFOFREGUIRW.DSC4PED 210 SHRUBS 2955HRUBS^ AREA(21,T1)TOTALS9U ME TO ME NATURE OF THE PROPERTY. TREES REQUIRED TO BE PROM BED FOR PUBLIC STREET FRONTAGE ARE NOT NECOMMILY DIRECTLY MUTRNG THEIR RESPECTVE RIGHTSOF-WAY. •'(2)1-0 014 ERMINE OR PERENNIALS SUBSTITUTES FOR 11) SGALLON SHRUB PER ESTIMATED INSTALLED COST. NOTE: THE PROPERTY OWNER MAY EMU TO POSTPONE THE INSTALLATION OF LWDSCMIND ADJACENT TO THE CONCRETE SALES DISPLAY MEA UNTIL CONSTRUCTION OF THE I-70 OFFFUMPS ARE COMPLETED M D/OR CONCRETE S4LE6016PRF I3 CONSTR TOT. OTHESESEERPIMSHALLTMATEWALS THCOM S. THE ESCROW TMEFRME OF OF SUCH ESCROW AGREEMENT WILL BE DETERMINED BYTXE COMMUNm'DEVELOFMENTSTAFF. LANDSCAPED AREA BLUEGRASS SOD MTALLANDSDAPEAREA 32,447SF 100% MULCH (NON{ DKH 6,ASSF 17,8% PLANTWOMRWB(LMNG) 0,8725F 0.3% NRFd NATNEBEEDaMNO) 17,8835F 59.8% BITTERSWEETNRF FARMS, INC.(PW 01R Bs 175 RryBen. CO BOOR) N: (303) 8535118 SWAYBLUEGRASSBLEND SPOUS % A ft BIM.. 20.0% AwaN&ugew 20.0% Nu01e0e Blupreez A.0% Wymey 81me 20.0% SR21MBpre . 20.0% DETENTION BASIN SEED MIX LOSE HISTORY WL-95-09 WL99-09 WZ-00.12 MSO505 W2-06-12 LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE & NOTES LANDSCAPE NOTES 1.THEOWNER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEWUNTENFNCE OF ALLWDSLMING,MGHISOF-WAY,MDRE WIONMNO MEM. 2.ALLTREES. SHRUBS. PLASMAW5. SDD,ANOrURSEED AREAS SHP1L BE GUARANTEEDTOREMAINAUVEANOHEALTHY FORA PERIODIkFTER EN'S SHALL BE OUARANTEEOANPDDRIONAL 12-MONTHS UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE.R PA SHCEMENTCOSTSBHRLLBEBOILANAL ECONIRRTTOF INA M TWBOIL PRODUCTS AND TICWTOE ANALYSIS OF 501L FERTILITY AND CONMJkCTOR SNM- O RECOMMENDATIONS ENDMENTS. NTS,FQ3TILDEft PRODUCTS AND HPPIIUTION RATES FORTURFAHFAS,TREES, SR AND PERENNIALS. 4.. ALL TME SNRU3TASOIN/BTAGSSHALL NENUUN ON ME PWITSM THE TIME OFFINALACCEPTANCE. 5. OP OF MIFFING S MATERUJL SH JL BE 12INCH ABOVE HE FINISHED ALNA6GRRDEOFADJACENTIAWN ORMULCH MFRS. S. NO NO TREE TREESHALL BEPEWI' DECIDUOUS UM D NSINMTY PE EE. IT ISTHEWTYOF 7. MEE6PONSIBIE RUO WRAP DECIDU THNDONENYEEONEYEM WARRJWTAERIOD. L SHALL BE FOUR INCHES REIBES WIDE, WR BITUMINOUS WITEOTME, CORRUGATED OUCEEPMER BROWN IN IN COLOR COLOR SPECIRIA ICAY MMUFA RM FOWIDE, DURING NG 7. TREE WIMPING WM NTED FOR TREE WRAPPING. TREES TREES 6NALL BE WRAPPED BETWEEN OCTOBER 16 M0 THEYMEIN NOVEMBER1 E YEAR 8. WINTER FERIOSHNI BE E MPE DEPTLO AG UNTIL SUCH TIMER CONSTRUCTION. IS SEEMED. SOIL SHAALL SHBE STEPPED WAGE D ST - IMCED PRIOR TO CONSTRUSTRUCTION. FOULOWNG ROU GH GRPDIN SOIL &HALLBE DIMMED PED To A MINIMUM MINIMUM DEPT WITH DEBRIS AND ED IN DSCC INCLUDING PUBLIC BLIC RIGHT-OF ROUWAY. 1O ALL TOPSOIL CPSORSHALLBEAMELADED AMENDED WRH COMPOST AT A MINIMUM UM RATE I R4TEOF4 CUBIC WRDS YMDS PER THOU THOU3>ND BoUME FEET OF ROTORLLEO TO A MIN. DEPTH OF B'. iL All SHRUB BED AREAS SNRLL BE EDGED WITH STEEI. EDGING. ALL EDGING SHALL OVERLW AT JOINTSA MINIMUM OF 64NCHE5, MD SHALL BE FMTENED WITH AMIN IMUM OF4 PINS PER EACH 10 MOT SECTION. 12. ALLSHRUB BED AREAS SHPJL BE MULCHED WITH SHREDDED CEOM MULCH TOA MINIMUM DEPTH OF SIHONES UNLESS OTHERWISEINDIGATEDONTHE PLANBMGOBBIEMULCH. MBBI£MULCHSHALLBEABIFNDO W%MULTIMLO WASHED RIVER ROCK (104- DIA) AND W% MULTCOLORED COBBLE (2'E' O0.). 13.E CURF GRABS,TREES. SHRUBS,&ROWERS SHALL BE IRRIGATED BYMAUTOMATIC IRRIGATOR SYSTEM USING8PNINRIER MO DRIP SORTER5M REQUIRED TO ADEQUATELY SUPPLEMENT MOISTURE REQUIREMENTS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PUNS. 14. NO SUBSTMIONS OF PUNT W ERM SH BE MADE WNHOUT ME WRITTEN CONSENT OF ME OWNER AND TIE CITY. 15. ALL TREES SKI HE STAKED WITH NEW 6-FT POSTS AND GUYED WITH 1H2 GLLVMDFD WIRE THROUGH FABRIC OF oonTC--r IIeR=114 RRFMMPTS FOR A MINIMUM OF I YEAR. ALL GUY WIRES SHALL BE COVERED BY IM-INCH WHITE tT.ALLPLANT M4TER1AL5 ITISFURTIERRECOMMENDEDTHE i1RUCRON PRACTICES, WORIOJANSHIP, MO ETHICS SHALL, BE IN ACCORDMCE WITH INDUSTRY IN THE CONTMCTORS HMDBOOK PUBUSHW BY THE COLORADO LMDSQWE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION. 19. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERAF ME LOCATION OF AND PROTECT ALL UTIJRES MG STRUCTURES PRIOR TO AND DURING WORK. DAMAGE TO UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES SHIM-1- BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE EOPENSE 01 ME CON RA OR TO ME SATISFACTNIN OF THE OWNER MI. DECIDUOUS TREES SHALL NOT BE PLANTED CLOSER TOM FFEET TO STREET GACK OF CURB, MD CONIFEROUS TREES NO UOSERTHM BFEETTO PUBLIC STREET IMPROVEMENTS (IE SIDEWNHS. CURB. ETC.F 21. PIANT GUMTITIW ME FOR CONTRACTOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. WHERE CONFUCT OCCURS. THE WMTTIES SHOWN ON PLAN NOTIFY THE UNDSCME PRUNEBRUNW MDDAW GEDTWW AF(ERPINRING PIACEFIANTINVERTICALPLUMB P:GTON-NEM M LOMNNERPNOR roPIACNG.S- 6ET GX W O t3' POOJE GRADE AT WHICHRGREW 8 0FMNDN STEELEDGING WKF.$HGWN ONPLWS TFROU. MRM VJRFABRICBEWmMUWS UPP THRW EMiESMIN MINin B'- STPI'LE NLEDG EDGFS b O.C NWGMN SIDESOFPIAMPC-PROVIDE SEME W BA<:IfFILL-TMPro PREVExr 6EmSJAEM. 50N(64CxRLL AFTER PIMTIHG 3 Shrl s Section NTS SHEET 6 OF 7 WRPPENTRE WRFACECFTFUNKTO IT - 6ECUGEATMIKIWI INM W 35W/TFPE DOMMAT ANDO OGNU G WNG TWa,1o$EsKtzURE- WIR T,KUH WISFm VED RIE . KR W GH FABRIC RLOIECTNE TREE LOWDEXGROMMETS %toVIDEK:,GL1,l te•WNnEPVCax P PMAROVKFIDEDWATERRINGT&WCGW 6000E NN-ION-.OVE REM UDF EMBRI 2-wGCB 6 INSO1N6T Q)SX,IT WOCOSTATCOMB-RU,CERIMtY OUROGEOF ERLAVATE9TRF£ PRAT IM MDWG MDMIN. 24. G0.ME FINISHED GRGOF NOUGIFNSSEES.NFUPLWTFR-PRONDE PNEPMEDBACKFlLL TMP TO PREY FNI 1EM. LANRN PVJRIN SOAK R4GHFlLLFFIER G LUTB REMOVE RURIAP FRDMTOPK-MOF GOAL REMOVENL WIREFROM 610E5 A TOPOFBNL NO 9. I.IREES ro RE IxSTMEO sO roF of R W r 09LL uE9 s• ABO VE AONGFM GRADE g TRFEOFSEOMMGW ORIiEMOYFlI CFMRPL IFAOERMOTPEE9 WITH &4CNFII ORCRUMBLING RWT WILLRER. 3. 8ILL MIXED FOR TREES fRN D T ASEIMED OT OTMPROVED IMPORTS. ..I. . MUFO WRx WMMGT MFOar A40 'MMF CHIEVE MV MIXDF TO% TOPSOILI 801L/'b9 M-S COMPOBTI 10% WD. 4. FLOUT FC MEMIDRTABLER 61WL BE OR EQUALWRH NR(OF ]610b OR91MI-P➢RV AT MM MTE PF gECGAn/ENDW BY MANUFAm11RER OR PER PFRT TLP601L PHLLY818. 1 Deciduous Tree Planting Section NITS DCABLE SFOWD OF 42 GOUGE GAL VMU W WINE-TWI TTOSECURE-ROGEWIRE TIROUGNFABRIMMERE CRVETREE COLLM W/GROMMETS FRONDS K' DIA [ 1 B' VMITE PVC ON FALN WIRE ISIS[]' WOODSTA PIECE MIT OUBIOE OFE nED HUM.TREEPITMAT 1dY MDMIN. N' HUM ..E. 4'MULCN PROWDEWINIOCRRING(BWCERIUNRL 1000NMU.11W.TALLATION-RENOW BEFORE ERHERISINBFNJEU FINISHED GRADE ROIIGHENGD1M0F PLMTPR-PROVIDE PREPMFD BRCXFILL-TMP TO PREUWTN FM. 9QV!HACI(FlLLAFAH R MWO C V F B PEMDV ERp OF BVL REMM'E. I31.RE WIREFRgM BEEC. BI0E6 TW OF BAIL xoTES: 1. TREES W R IOOODGE80TCPOFROOTBALLLIE DVEPDNCFMGVADE. F 0RREMOYFD CEARMLLFMM FRMDT0.EESWITIBRO'kNORGi11M81JNG RD0/ ..1. -SE EGUED. aiO,n MVFOLTFD B.BACNFlLLMIXFORTREE65HNLfAN618TCFMENDEDBFCCAPILE0.LORMP0.0VED IMPORTED TOG8011. ML® WITIf/JMPo9TA19 SMDTOAWIEYEMI%OF70%LOP&llL/2YL WMPoST/10%SWO. 4.FLMTFEMIMMMMP1ET55MNL ME RIFORM'O IL WTIH XPK OF3F1D6ORSIMIW3-MPLV AT MTC REWMMENDEOBYMW WACNRERORPERlOP3OILAXALY85. Everareen Tree Plantinq \ / Section NTS EAST ELE A I s I 1 I A, E, 4-1 ~ I I BUILDING MATERIALS: O TAG MATERIAL MANUFACIURFR 9ZE (D x H x Q MM i / NO FINISH REMARKS , 1p611h M3]f )5/B'x31If.]5 PAIX YD¢ AM9IPJ BAY W.CR ~ ~ CR ~I{p{i F1,YY.VCIS wX J5/S . PI/fx ] ] M9E® SfAMND A.T OYMt 9ViiY1NWl6 9pIIWH ]1 M19 YpW/L-x9 iN31 6A4 COLgi MBI SYSIfY WWWP.' ~i YO.V/SNL IPE91 I.O'lNi 6Lpi 1NB15131FY ~ I 1 ( Ac rm~Yo 1 DRAVM:CHECKEDDATEAa Mc 2ooarovlD ' `a ,q K+ n u - 5 F vx R c 'rsy @ I 56 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST AR.~ ITEC°TS e / PEZ SUITE ENGLEW(OOD3.)C0~ 60112 11111WNYiRl6111. NIIIrC WMItl.11 pIg mI PoDWDLIRI FAX WE (303) 662-8698 E E6 E`o =m om x gm _a oc Jti pm x Ei',{ FINAL PLAT TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 A CONSOLIDATION OF A PORTION OF LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, AND A PORTION OF LOTS 7 AND 8, LEE'S SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PAGE 1 OF 2 OWN R'S RTIFICATION: I/WE SKITCO OFFSHORE, LLC, BEING THE OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 245M ACRES. MORE OR LESS. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PART OF LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION (BOOK 132. PAGE 1) AND A PART OF LOT T AND % LEE'S SUBDIMSIDN (PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 23) AND LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST WANTON OF SECTOR 20. TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF YMEAT RIDGE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT ME INTERSECTION OF ME SOUTHERLY UNE OF SAID LOT 8 AND THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF TABOR STREET FROM WHENCE THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTON 20 BEARS SM'48'OYW. 1408.69 FEET; THENCE LEAMNG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND ALONG THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF SAID LOT B SBB'S1'S2'W, 295.32 FEET TO THE EASTERLY UNE OF MOT PARCEL A20D: THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY UNE OF COOT PARCEL A2M ME FOU.OMANG FIVE (5) CONSECUTVE COURSES: 1) THENCE 231.35 FEET ALONG A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO ME LEFT HAMNO A RADIUS OF 614.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21'35'20 AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N11'43'24'E, 229.99 FEET; 2) THENCE ALONG A NON-TANGENT LINE N99'45'1OE. 24.96 FEET; 3) THENCE N001T'02'W, 18CBD FEET; 4) THENCE N11'34'08'E. 101.61 FEET; 4) THENCE N62'S114'E. 153.90 FEET TO RAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; 5) THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-CF-WAY UNE ME FOLLOWING THREE (3) CONSECUTIVE COURSES: 1) THENCE SM'58'14'E, 153.]2 FEET; 2) THENCE 509'30'09'E, 381.72 FEET; 3) THENCE SM'49'4YE. 37.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL MNTANS 108, 397 SQUARE FEET (24886 ACRES), MME OR LESS HAVE LAID OUT. SUBDIMDED AND PLATTED SAID LAND AS PER THE DRAWING HEREON CONTAINED UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIMSION RUNG NO. 2, A SUBDIVISON OF A PART OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO AND BY THESE PRESENTS 00 DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE AND THE PUBLIC ]NOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHOWN AS RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND DO FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIME AND THOSE MUNICIPALLY OWNED AND/OR MUNICIPALLY FRANCHISED UTUTES AND SERVICES THOSE PORTIONS OF REAL PROPERTY SHORN AS EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. INSTALLATION, OPERATON, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FOR ALL SERVICES. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT UNITED TO TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LINES, GAS UES. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER UNES. HYDRANTS, STORM WATER SYSTEMS AND PIPES DETENTON PONDS. SIREETIGHTS AND ALL APPURTENANCES THERETO. JIM BLUMENTHAL, MANAGING MEMEBER STATE OF COLORADO I ISS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON I THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME MI5 DAY OF - A.D. 20_ BY JIM BLUMENTHAL AS MANAGING MEMEBER OF SKITZO OFFSHORE, LLC. VWTNESS MY HAND AND OFFlLIAL SEAL MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBUC N W 30111 AV£ FTO MT. OUVET CEMETERY SITE W 4>m 4 W A W W' A . 8 In ¢y F PEAR CBFEJI W R VICINITY MAP N.T.S. GENERAL NOTES: 1. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH BY MARTN/MARTN TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 2. ND7)CE: ACCOWIING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTON BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF TIE CERTFICATON SHORN HEREON. 3. BASIS OF BEARINGS: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BEARING OF NOO'31'40'W BETWEEN A FOUND 2 1/2' BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX. STAMPED 'LS 13212. 1992' AT TIE EAST QUARTER CORNER SECTON 20, TDMMSHIP 3 SCUM, RANGE fib NEST OF THE SIXTH P.M. AND A FOUND 3 1/2' BRASS CAP ON 2' PIPE. STAMPED 'CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE LS 13212' AT ME NORTHEAST CORNER OF' SAD SECTION 20. SAID BEARINGS ARE BASED ON SECTIONAL COORDINATES PROMDED SY ME CITY OF MEAT RIDGE 4. MIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN ME FIELD AS OF AUGUST 29. 2005 AND AGAIN ON FEBRUARY 26. 2006. UTILITY EASEMENT STATEMENT: TEN-FORT (10') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT M ALL PUSUC STREETS AND FRONT AND REAR PROPERTY LINES OF EACH LOT IN WE SUBDIVISION OR PLATTED AREA FIVE-FOOT (5') WIDE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT M ALL SIDE MT UNES OF EACH LOT IN ME SUBDIMSION OR PUTTED AREA. THESE EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED FOR ME INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE. AND REPLACEMENT OF ELECTRIC, GAS. TELEVISION CABLE, DRAINAGE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACNTES. UTUTES SHALL ALSO BE PERMITTED MATHIN ANY ACCESS EASEMENTS AND PRIVATE STREETS IN WE SUBDIMSION. PERMANENT STRUCTURES AND WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHIN SAD UTILITY EASEMENTS STORM DETENTION EASEMENT STATEMENT: ME STORM DETENTION AREA AS HEREON SHOWN AS A DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY ME OWNER AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. HEIRS. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS IN WE EVENT MAT SUCH CONSWUCTON AND MAINTENANCE 15 NOT PERFORMED BY SAID OWNER. ME CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SHALL HAVE WE RIGHT TO ENTER SUCH AREA AND PERFORM NECESSARY WORK. ME COST OF WHICH SAD OWNER, HERS. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AGREES TO PAY. NO BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN WE DETENTION AREA AND NO CHANGES OR ALTERATONS AFFECTING ME HYDRMUC CHARGCTERISTCS OF WE GETENTON AREA PALL BE MAOE WWOUT ME APPROVAL OF ME DIRECTOR OF PUBIC WORKS I, JOHN B. CUYTOV, P.L.S., DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY OF TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIMSION FLUNG NO 3 WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER M1' DIRECT SUPERMSION AND TO ME BEST OF MY KNOIN EDGE, INFORMATON AND BELIEF, IN ACCORDANCE W W ALL APPLICABLE COLORADO STATUTES. CURRENT REUSED EDITION AS AMENDED, ME ACCOMPANYING PLAT ACCURATELY REPRESENTS SAID SURVEY. JOHN 9. GUYTON P.LS. {16608 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF PATRONS SURVETNG , INC. CITY CERTIFlCATIONS: MAYOR'S CERTIFICATION: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO DID ON MIS DAY OF 20_~ ADOPT AND APPROVE TIE WITHIN PLAT AND ACCEPT THOSE DEOICATONS HEREON MADE ATTEST: CITY CLERK DIRECTOR OF PUSUC NORKS DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THIS OAY OF 20__BY THE WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION. CHAIRPERSON STATE OF COLORADO f55 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON I I HEREBY CERTIFY MAT MIS PUT WAS FILED IN ME OFFICE OF ME COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AT GOWS9, COLORADO. AT O'CLOCK - M. ON MIS DAY OF 20_A.M. IN BOOK PAGE RECEPTION NO, JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER BY: ~ccn. EXHIBIT 8 E vl a E3 zm x x 61 . i as N 5 tae 3 0 0 F ¢U O E Zi5 Z9 O ~ ROB URDrtDa FINAL PLAT TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 R ~ N ~g I A CONSOLIDATION OF A PORTION OF LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, AND A PORTION OF LOTS 7 AND 8, LEE'S SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, IXKM1'PSEC/KW 2U TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO PAGE 2 OF 2 1 A LOT 8 LEES SUSDIN570N BOOK Z PAGE 2J ro ' ' " zowllvG` COOT R.O.W. W 4.85 (AM) N0045 44 ' 0=21 ZOE (R) SOO 2J ` .00 R=814.00 =2X.35' L CN=N717J24 E SET ,/5 REBAF ' 229 99' (G) PLS 1 16406 R=614.00 L=228 JJ' SB85152'W CH=5115178W 2630' (C) r \ zzzo2' (COOT) SET j5 REBAR PLS #16406 L=15.42 _ ' ` D=1]'54'54' - R-61COV OH-513'33 912D' RAID' GHOST AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT HEREBY DEDICATED BY THIS DOCUMENT b LOT C/NE TO BE T I 14 VACATED Br THIS PLA \ ZONING'. P00 \ b f UNPLATIED w q m N I ~N 5.110' UnLITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT HEREBY DEDICATED BY SB943'28 RV 226.95' (C) THIS DOCUMENT N90'OO'00"W 22a 76' (COOT) 5004942E 37.91' (C) N002178'W (R) SET 15 BEGAN PLS ,(16406 FOUND g4 REBAR NO CAP _ 26 L TRUEPOINTOF 146. BEGINNING LOT 1 TABOR DEMORKNT SU9DIVISIOY BOOK 132, PAGE 1 ZONING COOT R.O.W. COOT PARCEL A1200 (150,035 SO. Fr. 344 ACRE; MORE OR LESS) ACTUAL CORNERS UNABLE TO BE SET AS LOCATED IN EMSANG STRUCTURE N894579E 24.96' (C) N895378"W (COOT) 1 N00r702'W 184.80'(C)~41'11'~'-3 500'0 3W (COOT) -}20.11'-J ~s.OD 614.00' 3j CH=SOY CH=502'45'58 W 12) SET \ 39.35, S REBAR \ SET PI paoP IJ400' EEMPGRARYEASEMENT COOT (SEE NOTE jV) 4~ T TE-A200 Im (ffi,7J9 50 Fr., a61 ACRES 3. V MORE m LESS) ~ 2 \ LOT I b m a `n TABOR DEL£LOPMENT e4. 5T/BO/NSION RUNG NO. 2 b^; 108,397 5F (24884 AX) N m IRRIGATION Y T N o SEPARATE DOCUMMENT B OHS H I I_ - ~ ~iG93009 . tar LINE M BE VAGA RED BY THIS PLAT j'5 BEVAR 1 112' ALUM. 4.9 CAP STAMPED P6406 \ \ N LOT 7 ~ Icrcun LEES 5648DIWS1011 V m V BOOK 2, PAGE 23 ® FOUND NJOUOT CORNER AS DESCRIBED Zama COOT R.O.W. V 1 • FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED ® SET /5 REBAR WITH 1 1/2" ALUM. CAP \ FLATIRONS SURV. LS 16406' V'' O (R) AS PER THE PLAT OF TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION RUNG NO. 2 \T'>y 9 ° A \ (AM) AS MEASURED AT THE OF SURVEY m J~ (C) CALCULATED FROM 000T INFORMATION AND THEN ROTATED T ROTATED TO PIT WEPT RIDGE HORIZONTAL DAWN ~ N CU (COOT) AS PER CDOT PARCEL DESCRIPTION PRONGED BY CLIENT SET J5 REBAR PCS F6406 \ Ty 70 ' Nil;ls• 77 (coo,) 32 4. 6 ' 1 L~ 11 "OA V'T \ \ y 15.00' IRRIGATION EASEMENT \ TEMPORARY CDOT EASEMENT IN PLACE UNTIL CDOT 1 Qo BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT O . DEMOLISHES EXISTING BUILDING. \ V V ~ 4. 1 ,N c, m 0/ \ 5 REHAB SET ry \ 1 96406 PLS DRAINAGE EASE EN ' to 1 T YR E 5 D c B T i 1 B H l, \ \ 35.005EPRnRa EO OOCU MTT \ 155 REBAR MAl FOUND 1 112- ALUM. LAP, - - - - - - - - - 2ANG ENC. L5 16837' ~ mn.vu rA•c feT >a' /C) 44.98' (C) 72' (DI SET /S (R) TABOR STREET (R.O.W. VARIES) ZONING' R-2 GTYMEA 5ECTA2A m BRASS CAP M R~ San W2, feat' 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE P= 30' CASE HISTORY .912 5005814E 198.70' (C) NOOJ550"W 198.70' (R) NOPUFAST DORMER! =ZI00I 20J ' PTE FWAD J 1/2' ER4FS CAP CN 21)212' 5/AWED 'CTIY Le' •IAEA/RULE LS REV. MARCH 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Date: City Staff Present: Location of meeting: Property address: Property owner(s): Property Owner(s) present? Applicant: Existing Zoning: Comp Plan Designation Existing Use/site conditions: June 28, 2005 at 6:00 PM Meredith Reckert Second Floor Conference Room, Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29`h Avenue 4751 Tabor Street Jim Blumenthal and J.R. Blumenthal for Skitzo Yes Same PCD, Planned Commercial Development Small Office/Business Center The property is comprised of three parcels totaling 7.5 acres and is used for trailer sales. It has a metal building on it with 8400 square feet of floor area. The remainder of the property is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer parking. Access is by a single curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the overpass for I-70. Zoning of the original, middle parcel occurred in 1996. The owners later acquired parcels to the north and south, both zoned Agriculture-One. In 2002, a zone change to PCD and an outline development plan were approved for the three parcels. Case No. WZ-03-09/MS-03-06 is currently in process for final development plan and plat approval on the three parcels. This land use case is currently "on hold" as CDOT is negotiating with the owners to purchase the western two-thirds of the property for right-of-way to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for I-70. Construction of the ramps will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. Applicant's Proposal: In light of the pending CDOT acquisition, the applicants are requesting approval of an amended EXHIBIT 9 outline development plan, a final development plan and plat for the remaining 2.5 acres to build a new building, display area and employee and customer parking. The proposed site plan allows for an 8400 square foot structure on the south end, with customer and employee parking to the side and rear of the structure. Display area and detention occur north of the structure. Access is via a one- way drive configuration. Issues Discussed: • Concern for CDOT improvements and the relocated off-ramp from I-70 • How does CDOT acquire land? • Where is 46`' Avenue in relation to the new driveway? The circular driveway exit will be located opposite of and align with W. 46`h Avenue • Will Tabor be widened? No • Will the sound wall along the south I-70 frontage road be widened? Staff is not aware of any changes to the sound wall. • What will happen to the storm drainage with the new off-ramps? Stormwater detention areas will be designed into the project. • The amount of pedestrian traffic which crosses over the Tabor Street overpass. It was noted that the applicant will be responsible for construction of sidewalk along the frontage of their property. • Will there be any additional public meetings regarding the ramp relocation? • How can the neighbors access a copy of the EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) for the ramp project? In general, the attendees were not opposed to the proposed Trailer Source redevelopment. The owner of property located at the northwest corner of Tabor and W. 44`h Avenue indicated that CDOT is trying to acquire land in front of his building. He indicated that about 20 parking spaces would be lost as a result. He was adamantly opposed to the CDOT acquisition. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 COURTESY NOTICE April 12, 2006 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-05-12 which is a request for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development outline development plan and approval of a final development plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street AND Case No. MS-05-05 for approval of a final plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. These cases were originally scheduled for a public hearing before Planning Commission on April 6th. Due to a lack of quorum, they were rescheduled to the April 20th Planning Commission meeting. The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\ ...uwd Seui.,e .fl yf y D.c...sV.hyTCR STLANGCOW\ ..,ire@006\wz0512& 505.wry1 ,VFW ~°T o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT C~~ORP00 TO: Planning Commission CASE MANAGER: M. Reckert DATE OF MEETING: April 6, 2006 CASE NO. & NAME: WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a PCD amended Outline Development Plan, Final Development Plan and plat LOCATION OF REQUEST: 4651 Tabor Street APPLICANT/OWNER: Skitzo Offshore, LLC APPROXIMATE AREA: 2.5 acres PRESENT ZONING: PCD, Planned Commercial Development COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Small Office/Business Center and Agricultural/Estate Residential ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) ZONING ORDINANCE (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Location Map Planning Commission 1 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. L REQUEST This application is a three fold request for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. The applicant is requesting approval of an amended Outline Development Plan to modify design standards to an existing ODP and for approval of a PCD Final Development Plan and plat. The purpose of this request is to reflect the new site conditions and allow for the construction of a new retail building and associated display area for trailer sales. See applicant's explanation of the request. II. EXISTING CONDITIONS/CASE HISTORY The property in question is zoned Planned Commercial Development and has an existing metal building 8400 square feet in size used for retail trailer sales, office and light fabrication. The remainder of the site is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer parking. Access is by a single curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the overpass for I-70. The southern portion of the property is used as unpaved parking for the business although a Final Development Plan has never been approved for it. III. PROPERTY HISTORY Case No. WZ-95-9, the original rezoning of 4651 Tabor Street, was approved by City Council in September of 1995. The purposed of the zone change was to create a PCD allowing the display, sales and servicing of horse trailers with associated sales and light fabrication for customization of the e~ a L, sit` m^5s x trailers. MIN xi Derelomen sPlan In 1999, the applicant purchased an additional 1.3 acres of surplus right-of-way from the Colorado Department of Transportation which is north of and adjacent to the original Trailer Source property. The City processed an application pursuant to Case No. WZ-99-09 to rezone the property to PCD, incorporate it with the original parcel into one development and revise the underlying outline plan for the original parcel to allow additional land uses. As proposed, the use of the original parcel was expanded to include the sales and service of person recreational vehicles (all terrain vehicles, personal watercraft and snowmobiles) which was not allowed under the original zoning conditions. The application was recommended for approval by Planning Commission but denied by City Council on January 10, 2001. The applicant subsequently filed 106 action with the Jefferson County district court. No action occurred by the court due to a new application filed in 2000. The 2000 case (Case No. WZ-00-12) was a zone change proposal for the original parcel, the parcel acquired from CDOT and an A-1 zoned parcel to the south at 4601 Tabor Street. The zone change and Outline Development Plan were approved; however, the required Final Development Plan and plat were never finalized as CDOT was preparing an environmental assessment for the State Hwy. 58/1-70 improvement project and the status of the property was unknown. ~F b"' t` e ngy0i Q b~eoph~en~ ~;?')x Approximately two/thirds of the western portion of the property was acquired by CDOT late in 2005 to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for I-70. Construction of the ramps and associated right- Planning Connnission 2 WZ-05-12 & MS-OS-OS/Skitzo for Trailer Source of way will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. MEMBER"', s 4 and ~ 0°~~P~ e IV. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Outline Development Plan (ODP), which accompanies a rezoning ordinance, sets the allowable uses and development standards for the property. Typically the Outline Development Plan is general in nature and serves as the blueprint for development of the property by showing approximate areas of landscaping, building footprints and parking. The Outline Development Plan is also used to establish design parameters including maximum building height, minimum landscaped coverage and minimum perimeter setbacks b" opodiffle Deb gnenYi. An Outline Development Plan is being proposed to modify two of the design standards on the existing ODP document; those design standards are the maximum amount of building coverage and the minimum front setback. The new ODP also reflects the CDOT property acquisition. Under Chapter 26, an amended ODP follow the same approval process as the original ODP. Allowable uses: Neither the permitted nor excluded uses have changed since the 2000 ODP was adopted and recorded. The proposed Outline Development Pl~n_listed_n~rmittPd land ncPC which wPrP nPgnr;arP l <,;th rha neighbors through a series of meetings held in the summer of 2000. Land uses which are undesirable at this location are listed as "Excluded Uses". Those include adult book stores, assembly halls, bars and liquor sales, convenience stores, gas stations, heavy industrial uses, nursing homes, private clubs, restaurants and video sales. Landscaping: The ODP sets the minimum amount of landscaping at 20%. A note has been added that all requirements of Section 26-502 be met. Access: Two access points are shown; one south of the I-70 overpass at the existing location and a southern curb cut situated opposite the W. 46"' Avenue intersection with Tabor Street. The northern curb cut should be restricted to one-way in. Building Height/Minimum Setbacks: Maximum building height is specified as 35' which is more restrictive than the 50' allowed building height in the RC and C-1 zone districts. Setbacks proposed are generally consistent with our commercial zone districts. The reduction of the front setback from 50' to 30' compensates for the narrow lot depth due to the CDOT acquisition. Maximum Building Coverage: Maximum coverage by buildings is indicated at 20%. Combined with the minimum landscape coverage of 20%, the remainder leaves 60% coverage by hard surfaces. Development Standards: The development standards depicted in the table are shown on the ODP. Future redevelopment of the site must comply with these standards. Planning Commission 3 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Development Standard Existing Plan Proposed Plan Max. building coverage 10% 20% Max. building height 35' 35' Min. perimeter setbacks Front: 50' 30' Rear: 15' 15' Sides: 15' 15' Min. landscaped coverage 20% 20% Additional code sections are referenced on the ODP including off-street parking, signage, fencing and architectural standards. The proposed development standards are generally consistent with those in the Commercial-One zone district regulations. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan have been met. Although this request is not a rezoning, the code states that the procedures and requirements for amending an ODP shall be the same as prescribed for the original approval, which would include evaluation of the zone change criteria. Staff has the following comments regarding the criteria. 1. That the existing zone classification currently recorded on the official zoning maps of the City of Wheat Ridge is an error. The off.c.al z ng map is not The pa ^el is c . ntly z ..ed Plar...ed Con . ,..c. . Development. 2. That a change in character in the area has occurred due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration, or development transitions, and that the evidence supports the finding of the following. There will be dramatic changes in the character of the area when the new off-ramps for I-70 are constructed. All of the properties on the west side of Tabor will be impacted by varying degrees. The revised Outline Development Plan is in response to the acquisition of the western two-thirds of the property for right-of-way and pending demolition of the existing structure and site improvements. 3. That the change of zone is in conformance, or will bring the property into conformance, with the City of Wheat Ridge comprehensive plan goals, objectives and policies, and other related policies, and other related policies or plans for the area. The Comprehensive Plan designates the northern two-thirds of the property as Small Office/Business Center. Desired attributes of the SO/BC areas are listed as: Planning Commission 4 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source • Small office or incubator space which does not require high visibility from well traveled streets but may have a retail component as an accessory use. • Well landscaped. • No visible outdoor storage; trash areas screened. • Amenities such as outdoor sitting and eating areas, and pathways should be encouraged on-site for employees. • Vehicle circulation be handled internally on the site. • All materials, equipment, vehicles and activities be enclosed within the primary structure. • Desired uses are listed as workshops, contractor/trades, repair and equipment shops, professional services, research and development facilities and labs, offices. The southern one-third of the property is designated as Agricultural/Estate Residential. The amended Outline Development Plan is inconsistent with this designation. However, the desirability of the property for residential use is questionable as it is surrounded on three sides by commercial development. 4. That the proposed change of zone is compatible with the surrounding area and there will be minimal adverse impacts considering the benefits to be derived. Redevelopment of the property with an additional access point will serve as a benefit to the neighborhood. Currently semi-trucks unloading merchandise for the property park on Tabor Street, just to the south of the I-70 overpass, or stop on Tabor and back into the property. Because of limited sight distance from the north, this creates a dangerous situation for the driver of the semi and the traveling public. The additional access point will allow trucks to enter the property from the north, unload and exit by the southern curb cut. 5. That there will be social, recreational, physical and/or economic benefits to the community derived by the change of zone. There will not be social and recreational benefits as a result of the zone change. There may be physical benefits (better access with southern curb cut) and economic (increased sales tax) benefits. The city does not capture sales tax from vehicles registered for road use (trucks and trailers) but does receive sales tax from the sales of jet skis, all terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and parts and accessories. 6. That adequate infrastructure/facilities are available to serve the type of uses allowed by the change of zone, or that the applicant will upgrade and provide such where they do not exist or are under capacity. All agencies can serve the property with upgrades to infrastructure, the cost of which will be borne by the applicant. 7. That the change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare by creating excessive traffic congestion, creating drainage problems, or seriously reducing light and air to the adjacent properties. Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Slcitzo for Trailer Source Modification to the Outline Development Plan front setback and building coverage standards will not have a negative impact to health, safety or welfare. Existing traffic hazards will be eliminated when the property is redeveloped. Drainage will be accommodated on-site. 8. That the change of zone will not create an isolated or spot zone district unrelated to adjacent or nearby areas. Zoning of the property occurred in 2000. The properties to the south and west are also zoned commercial. VI. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The proposed Final Development Plan shows a two-phase design. The first phase includes a building with an I 1 000 square foot footprint located in the southwest corner of the site (EXlibzt airp~e Fii`a`1Deeloqent flan The gross floor area includes a 3000 square foot second story office. Employee and customer parking are located to the east of the structure. Inventory display is on the northern portion of the site. A second phase building pad similar in size to the first is shown to the northeast of the first structure adjacent to Tabor Street. Structure Design: The proposed architectural materials for the new structure include smooth-faced block, rough-faced block and walls are broken up with contrasting matena banding an second story windows. Architecturally, the building elevations are similar on the east, west and north sides giving the appearance of front fagades from Tabor, I-70 and the off-ramps. The only true "rear wall of the building is on the south side. Overhead doors are provided on the east side of the structure for vehicular access to the service bays. Staff has requested that brick or other accent material be provided as a wainscoting instead of the split face block shown. Wall signs are shown on the east, west and north elevations. Freestanding project signs are not shown on the FDP. As such, the standards of Article VII of the zoning and development code will apply. Based on this section, two freestanding signs would be permitted; one of which could be a highway oriented sign 50' in height. Staff recommends that one of the freestanding signs be a monument sign. A note has been included on the Outline Development Plan that signage may not be illuminated when the business is closed. This note should be replicated on the Final Development Plan document. Landscaping: The minimum landscaped coverage required by the ODP is 20%. On the site data breakdown, the landscaping for this phase is shown as 32,293 square feet (29.8 This figure includes the formal landscaped areas and the detention ponds. The 20% ODP minimum for the entire 2.5 acres must be met with any future development phases. Street trees with 3" caliper are shown in a tree lawns along Tabor Street. Street trees were also required along the I-70 frontage. All minimum landscape quantities required per Section 26-502 have been met. Access Two access points are shown for the property. The northern, existing curb cut will serve as a one-way entrance into the property. The southern curb cut aligning apposite W. 46a' Avenue can accommodate Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source two-way traffic. A note should be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one-way in. Public sidewalk should be extended north from the northern driveway to the I-70 bridge overpass. Development Standards The following development standards are depicted on the ODP. The proposed development and any future development must comply with these standards. Development Standard Required b ODP Provided b FDP Minimum Setbacks Front: 30' 135' Side: 15' 17' Side: 15' 348' Rear: 15' 19' Maximum Building Height 35' 28' Maximum Building Coverage 20% (21,710 s.f.) 10.2% (11,090 s.f.) Min. Landscaped Coverage 20% (21,710 s.f.) 29.8% (32,293 s.f.) Signage Refer to Article VII of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Fencing Refer to Section 26-603 of the Complies Wheat Ride Code of Laws Exterior Lighting Refer to Section 26-503 of the Complies Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Architectural Detail Refer to the Streetscape and Complies with the use of brick Architectural Design Manual wainscoting. The Final Development Plan complies with the development standards established by the proposed Outline Development Plan. All requirements for a Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan have been met. VII. FINAL PLAT The property been reconfigured to reflect the purchase by CDOT. 7(& The plat establishes typical utility easements around the perimeter. The permanent stormwater detention easements are shown with the appropriate maintenance note on the front sheet. 10' of right-of-way is required to be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street A drainage easement needs to be shown on the south end of the property. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. VIII. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ire d pr e~apphcatron meeting for neighborhood input was held on June 28, 2005 (;9,a The requ { wti Nghbor v o d mg~Recap) Planning Commission 7 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Slcitzo for Trailer Source VIII. AGENCY REFERRALS All affected service agencies were contacted regarding the ability to serve the property. The developer will be responsible for any needed upgrades to accommodate the proposed development. Specific referral responses follow. Colorado Department of Transportation: Has no comments at this time. Wheat Ridge Public Works: The Public Works Department has reviewed a drainage plan and report. An additional 10' of right-of-way will be required for the southern portion of Tabor Street. The applicant is responsible for installing curb, gutter and separated sidewalk from the southern property line north to the I-70 overpass guard rail. A subdivision improvement agreement with escrow will be required for future public improvements from the northern end of the sidewalk to the north property line. Arvada Fire Protection District: Will require the installation of additional hydrants. Emergency access lanes shall be signed as fire lanes. The building will be required to be sprinklered. Ditch Companies: The affected ditch companies have reviewed changes to the current ditch configurations. The applicant must continue working with them to resolve any issues. Valley Water District: Valley Water District has adequate capacity to serve the project. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines may be needed. Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority: Has concluded that the proposed land uses are not consistent with the 44th Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan; however, the zoning and land uses were approved prior to the adoption of the Redevelopment plan. X. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff has concluded that due to acquisition of the western two-thirds of the property by CDOT, the property must be redeveloped. As such, an amended Outline Development Plan and Final Development Plan and plat are required. Staff further concludes that all requirements for the pertinent sections of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws have been met; therefore, a recommendation of approval is given for all three portions of the request with conditions listed in the suggested motions. XI. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: - There are three requests and each will require a separate motion. AMENDED OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. The modification to the maximum building coverage and front setback standards will allow for efficient redevelopment of the property. Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source 2. The amended Outline Development Plan reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 3. All requirements for a PCD Outline Development Plan have been met. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added regarding the nor-them curb cut restricting it to one way in. 2. The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 2. 3." FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Option A: I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It will allow for redevelopment of the property. 2. It is consistent with the proposed Outline Development Plan 3. All requirements for a PCD Final Development Plan have been met. 4. Modify the owners' signature block so all three documents are the same." With the following conditions: 1. Brick or other accent material be provided as a wainscoting instead of the split face block shown. 2. One of the freestanding signs allowed on the property be a monument sign. 3. A note be added that signage will not be illuminated when the business is closed. 4. A note be added to the northern curb cut restricting it to one way in. 5. Detached sidewalk be provided north of the northern curb cut to the bridge overpass. 7. The applicant continue working with the ditch companies to resolve concerns prior to relocation and construction of the ditch improvements. -Q 4~1 Ot° X " i The property owner's signature block be modified so that all three documents are consistent." Option B: I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. WZ-05-12, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. 3." Planning Commission WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Sldtzo for Trailer Source FINAL PLAT Option A: "I move to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. It reflects the right-of-way acquisition by CDOT. 2. Staff recommends approval. 3. All regulations and standards of Article IV of the Code of Laws have been met. With the following conditions; 1. 10' of right-of-way be dedicated for the southern portion of Tabor Street. 2. The drainage easement on the south end of the property be shown. 3. Correct miscellaneous typographical errors. 4. Modify the owners' signature block so all three documents are the same." Option B: "I move to recommend DENIAL of Case No. MS-05-05, a request for approval of Final Plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street for the following reasons: 1. 2. Planning Commission 10 WZ-05-12 & MS-05-05/Skitzo for Trailer Source Bagley ,j Development Consultants October 10, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29 h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Trailer Source Redevelopment at 4651 Tabor Street - Application Submittal Dear Meredith: We are pleased to submit to the City of Wheat Ridge the application for the redevelopment of the Trailer Source facility in ownership of Skitzo Offshore, LLC, Jim Blumenthal, President. As you are aware, there have been many iterations of the plan for the Trailer Source project over the last five years or more. We believe that the submittal is a quality project in every way and meets the desire on the part of the City of Wheat Ridge to significantly upgrade the operation conducted b the Trailer Source usmess. The project proposes a contemporary building on the remaining 2.5-acre site after the taking of the remainder of the property and the existing building by CDOT for the interchange improvements at Ward Road and _-WAveuue _ The significant aspects of the project that have been included in the new design and are important to both the City of Wheat Ridge and the owners of Trailer Source are the following: • A new contemporary building housing all operations • All outdoor storage and display of trailers on an all weather concrete paved surface • A quality landscape plan for the entire project • Appropriate lighting for the project that does not impact surrounding residential neighborhoods • Piping of the three agricultural ditches that cross the subject property • Signs that meet the requirements of the City of Wheat Ridge Sign Code • Improved vehicular access to the site, creating a one way circulation system • Screened storage of equipment and trash containers The application submitted includes those items necessary for and amended Official Development Plan (ODP), a new Final Development Plan (FDP) and a new subdivision plat. We look forward to receiving comments from the City of Wheat Ridge relative to the submittal package presented. Please do not hesitate to contact me if we can be of further assistance regarding the application. Sincerely, BAGLEY DEVELOP T CONSULTANTS Kent Bagley / J Principal cc: Jim Blumenthal, Trailer Sour( 90 Madison Street • Suite 300 EXHIBIT 1 ) 333-0636 • FAX (303) 388-8756 S - AA ISFUMAd p~ i TABOR DR- VELOPMENT : PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ~cAf r sc IN THS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE %4 vlYef Of t345 i t R tEEY OalIQ1t f* aP or OOLOM04 OF iIX1Dlb: r - CE9CABEif - At A POW OK IK MW VW OF LM 4 lZM XuitM 6100 MMM QF J8701509, SM OF f tC46 1L Yit.N " ~19RYI~IRX @F IP t~R pf L6Mi~ 7 A S1F 9A6 - DC ~f t1t " ' - - 6 i1 11C I coom or SNP t IF~' K 49~ 9 A =PAM - tEm 3'tltnFR519M A tlt OF lot I* A E'EMIF; ' PAR uw, AN* CF Vggtt FAIML ' L4 o € - t ~ A • e1ta ?t co P • ' . : at art OF nEa+l _ a F AW PgRtgl['AiF [®F) We Ft~t k " . B C _ . . ' _ _ I EP , Ngrl~ omm1lOtt wim P #04" me Ut7Y #AV ar4t eft or - 1 47 JFAM Mom e lalYaMS awite t4 a>I¢ •aa~l ra lrtaaE4 s 1 !+'B.FE~ E wesw MaM1~`a0aaa{~An@EYfRa AT, 8th` z 6 y a+x s 5 #aSt rarer ma r s aaa~+rc rat auras tc r rr ao~ ~ r e.r F~t ~Kltl4t-r a~OIMSR rr>~s~y'a[a4R S= "'t`.cmc~ac~r u'~"'rnra~acras a.EO EF: 'au ramcaal is aaa~sa iaRlz MrsHoops rw itsfri. >lemt~s'ee rr ' 61R anq lki r rIAC14I Ias srwrir aRL twat+K 4L i as ~l saa+i Ia rww NR allii.! 1Vf 0.aP r aa3c ~ ~.rt~~11~Ri EMIR ILLt t~[Els Mff O~Ef aa.4 Y fTl11 (C.D H_~ . - t y~/ {(-2 yJ~ RV il{..ES SUMMSION R -cc ~ls~.ti aasear arlatr la'amlteeaw~i rf 47@' l/. 1F~e''F - rrrismirth'waratanrwwcaeWai4irA f y _ f E 1 .yls ErYKY tatx _ Tw ~ z x; e.. µ ~ ~.Y yY s a -'t zoz p~r~''i Wr "40th aB+~anEncasac a a{I rf~~~~ ~FM+'a+d.~a..•3 .x.a.°.< -.+`.ss -.i:sr>+-.. s.:...esw,.,. EF4 tralYq'af a~r Riltif 'L~ r .f "`a u c i- r ^lN' ...a < .s,: 77 ARAn a AJA h y " or AF M x a -o a x ~ y S r s L .r• &`iYp' - t - Ylu . i3. rt 3y tC . ~3 e - f. s:: ss'a•Bi .T$ ~Ti t3 e ` EXIIIBIT 2 !tf m,A ~o-~ooz 8-°-wTABOR DEVELOPNIE NNED COMA RCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMIEt4DMENT NO.1 OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR TABOR SUBDIVISION FILING NO.2 AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN M THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A PORTION OF LOTS 7 & LEE`S SLIWIVISION AND LOT 1, TABOR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER Of SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN CITY Of WHEATRIIGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO I T VE~ E Of THK PROJER Is TO EXPAHO THE E%ISIIND P MED m/ III COMMEROVL DEVAOPMEM (PCD) 20NE CI6TRICT IQIOWN M TAtmR DEVELOPMENT" M!D EX S`% EXPANSION PR USE, TgghER 5011OPOSES MINIMIdPCF. 401. A D 1.3 N E PMCE AOAA Q TO THE NORIN. TINE EVAOPO INC;LLIDING PLACEMENT OF GRAVEL ORNE AND DISPLAY MFM. FRESERVATgM OF MOST FXL*'tWG TREES CN / + / ~ g s I THE SITE. ADORKIN Of 6EVfl1Al MORE TREE AN0 DTIIER LANDSGPE MATERUlS, INTERSTATE W 70. Z 04W UGNNRG. AND YAl IS TI A HS FREQ REQ"M FM SFAMDINO ORIENTED TOWARDS SO --1 SOUTH TO 'WAN O : USED FOR T THE 2.57 AN ACRES TO THE 1 ) IDUM O CONI ~ THE UCTI BETDNNAMBTHE PORTION T TD N BE USED G I PCCESS AND PRIOR TO LC a AND WTIANE AND FMML DEVELOPMENT PMDN CT PJ LAi kPPRWAL BY PW LAIN NIIQ CGM OOMMLSSKIION A ANO CRY Cd1NC4 WN1 BE IKWNEtD. OERS SALES. PROPOSED USE IS EXPANSION OF THE O WINT USE /WD P PERSONAL S P_1 CE OF NEW AND US@1 i' 1 I ( kW RFATION BOATS ANB VPIS~AES AWCM ASW © -Y ©f THE OTHER IN _ eOacPw ..A.M.T. DEVELOPMENT OORP.. TABOR6IABETPROPBRTi68 FRONT: 60 FEET " SIOES. 15 MET ¢-:;-0 i5 R side 15 MINNIUM UNOSCME COVERAGE: _ MIOOLE PARCEL- 209 NORTH PMCEL 2O9 SQ1JT4 PARCEL: 209 W. 46th AVE. ANY ANTE BY OWNERS I CABS "TDRV WZi58 e CLE6 AAb RCIAT 1J AC hlf~$ N 15 -P9S$IB'.E FLIUiE USES IJ~fD@!$ RERM!NDD IXiE MAY RFQUfRE A DEVEIA L1ENi PLAN AM 10 ACCONMOOATE PEC)RO LASE LAYPUT, PARKTHE k 513E OF IANNWNGN RE 11<bETNTS, PND MTY kDIfY;S UPON FYL~-.' THE (JLRECTDR OF PLANNING AND OIVEL~E i 51VLL NN flIM1IRE PR.3P0 CHw& OF USE TO DETERMINE Rol CLUE OP-LAYIS~, J00N 282M`+E p~PL4M NAENOMEfA IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1MGiT ~1fj !~tlAfF~A SASE! SNpR15 iM4NCMA. OFFlCEs M ACCESSORY TO A MAAN USE. AS A PILE A OR TO ALL TERRNN NOT WOJOINO COMPONENT TO ~ 'USES' SECTION R OtAWCS WNETPF THERE ARE T&CHBN6 OF FINE MTS. ALTFRITION SHOPS. SjUOAR if_.srs SIMAAR USES ARE USES WHOM WULP Be SWAR IN SIZE. TUPE OF OPEPATiON, smCES PRWgEpo OR EfiXAPb USED Hugm OF - EIAPID~4FS AND HOURS Of tlPEMMN M ~T TkOMll.O.PERNRTED (A) BE COMPATIBLE 6N CHM!Li'ER AND N4T1( USES IN INC PIANNEE4p DEUE'LDPH ew {B) BE CONSISTENT MPH THE INTEW OF THE PWNNED BEV40PME1'RI C HOT M OWE ONk9tE TO NFARSY PRA MV BY RfiA~DN Q` OOOk, OUST ES, 6tS, FIySMBE. PAppTAON NEAT, G.I.ME. IAS%TM, TRAFFIC GENEitAFlON. Pk w XeEDB. OUN300R STOR*SE OR USE; ANO (0) NOT BE HAWtDWS TO ATE HEALTH AND WETY OF SURRCUEDING ARAB THROUGH OA m OF ME OR EXPLOS" EkCAI rwn UI~S~ 1. ADULT BOOTS STORES 2. APPL4NCE STORES 3. ASSEMA Y NV1,/CONVEN110N CENTER 4. BWS AND UOUOR SN.ES s. CAR sM..F3 6. CONVENIENCE STORES 7' GAS STATIONS 6. GOVERNMENT AND/OR QW51-WVETNiMEMAI 9UmwA 9. HEAVY INdASTRMI USE 10. MMOTORI f~ FVEt~ REOQU043UGfMEE~ EXN~nOR MOTORCYCLES 1.1. NURSIHG HOMES 12 PRIVATE CLUBS 13. RESTAURN115 (FAST FOOD ANO SR GOWN 14. STANp-ALONE RE ff 1 AGENCIES (RENTAL OF PRODUCTS ANCALLARf TO A PERMRTED PRIMARY III= SHA'.L BE ALIIIWAM.E). 16. sl ONE ARETT PERMITTED AUTO PP S S&ES PARTS, ~ )REPAWS 16. STAND-ALONE WMENWSE USES 17. VVEO STORES PREPARED BY: LANE ENONEEWNG SERNCE. INC. 96001 N(ES'FUU14 H AN1EVFl~, ~_E*=II. CO _0 W216 pE.VEiOPMENT PLAN SUPERCOIES THE PRIOR OU OEYELOPMENT PLId: RECORDED AT. OOP BLUR B] PAGE 10 REf EPPON Np. 0321003. A or B SHORN TOE FORE ME THIS P3 1I1INESS MY HANG AND OFFISOI SEAL ' 8h,,•' T i i ~ ANF MY WMMIS910N EXPIRES: .tee c;a= RAMM - 6»y^ THIS IS TO OERTM! THE "THIN PUNT CASE W. WZ -'00. - 12 HAS SEEN APPROVED Bf THE PIAHNING COMMISSION OF THE CRY OF WHEAT RIpGE. COIAWADO. ~ ~ (I fXaTLUrtl C€kTI✓ti tThmu ~~..AA rRtff THIS DAY OF ATTEST: Y ARK . THIS DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR FlLING M REDYTRORR F JEFFERSON COINITY AT GO , 2W2 2092 SY THE R!OGE ai l~ d x t SY: AND R@coRe`E CLERK DEPU Exs(`,615TWBP1:pF I. STEP ~N D USIER, A RE=PROL L" SUR4YOR IN sly THE CITY OF WMW THE STAT,1gpF. DF creL Y. 'PrMFT THE pLAT o Al 5 Ts OF A 1841[ DfON,ECRY THE -T OF MY • E RIGHT-Of-WAYS. U"N ON OR AfFECTI ~ ' OF S 15,0. NYjM„ Ff , 48 EXHIBIT 3 ~m CITY COMMEW (3OJ-404GVLSM~DO _.s..,m.~~.. .,e. n,...,n., r.u~c PMCcmolelmaf THOSE PORTIONS OF LOT5 ] .ASlO d lEE•s 6U8DM14SION PNO WT 1, TABOR (L PMENT bUBDM.910N LOGTED W THE NORTHEARt oNE-0UIETt Of T01}616FXP 3 SOUTH RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH TMBN.WAi SE y~M26 OPADD MORE PMTICVLMI.Y OESCRISED AS FFO ON. STATE OF ~I~1 Sgi. ^ ',III - I 4,4 + "s / y = v ~ III ili I I. o ~ I ,t ~ t`Vip ` I a ~ Y I ~I I RR4I4I 1 ~ ~ _ y 1 \ Y o = - . ~Rl33RD _ u E I a.< ,I i i III _ f0 W l; ro °d _ \ 1 q ~ a , BOR~ST' I ^ s D^~ EXHIBIT 4 mm ~w fiL' t ii t ' PA MFN T ' _ " ; TO REMOVED e - - ~ c _ /7y~d y JR~ T 1 QPER = r F MMERC L I-A a PHASE 1 PHASE 2 4 -F r N 0 200 400 600 Sco)e in Feet EXHIBIT 5 ESTIMATE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 March 2, 2006 Dear Property Owner: This is to inform you of Case No. WZ-05-12 which is a request for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development outline development plan and approval of a final development plan for property located at 4651 Tabor Street AND Case No. MS-05-05 for approval of a final plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. These requests will be heard by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 7500 West 29th Avenue. The meeting will be held on March 16, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. As an area resident or interested party, you have the right to attend this Public Hearing and/or submit written comments. If you have any questions or desire to review any plans, please contact the Planning Division at 303-235-2846. Thank you. Planning Division. C:\D.C. m3 mW SeaingslkumynMy DaconBnvsVSe~ry\PCRPtSNLANGCOM\Pcmvse\2006\wz0512&.msO505.wpd s~irI~~ r,17 *---------F d=-------------- : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) - - - - Owner :Strong Richard J Parcel :043598 0513 Site :4665 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 0001 701755 257 4282 Mail :4665 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land - hone :303-422-2 146 Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF :1,388 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Public Storage Inc Parcel :043600 Site :11901 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 xfp,PA 0001 4282 0506 Mail :PO Box 25025 Glendale Ca 91221 7005 2 570 Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:10 YB:1980 Pool: B1dgSF :99,110 Ac:4 .75 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner owner :wells Fargo Bank Na ^ Site :4645 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 0490 Mail :1100 Corporate Center Dr Raleigh Nc 27607 Price , 736 - Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 4 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF :2-,040 Ac:. 42 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Fernandez Macario Parcel :043676 Site :4610 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 t 7005 2570 0001 4282 0483 Mail :4610 Tabor St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1959 Pool: B1dgSF :1,063 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Schulz Larry D Parcel :043739 Site :4675 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 0476 Mail :4675 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF :1,637 Ac: * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Keller Elda A Parcel :043743 Site :4625 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered •nail''11°1 1 0469 Mail :4625 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7005 25 70 0001 4282 Use :1112. Res,Improved Land Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF :1,376 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) ; Owner :Lund Bethany A Parcel :043756 Site :11780 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 11 Mail :11780 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 7005 2 570 0001 4282 0452 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1976 Pool: B1dgSF :1,882 Ac:. 27 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Ong Alexander T Parcel :043788 Site :4635 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2 570 0001 4282 0445 Mail :4635 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF :1,342 Ac:. 44 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Department Of Transportation Parcel :043873 Site :4601 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered •~~t'^'^^^ ~ 4282 0438 Mail :4201 E Arkansas Ave Denver co 80222 7005 2570 0001 Use :1111 Vacant,Residential Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:2 .65 * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Woodworth Jeffrey Lee Parcel :043876 Site :4655 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 XfarPrl ,nRI04I2nn 4 Mail :4655 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 7005 2 570 0001 4282 0421 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF :1,387 Ac:. 39 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Benedict Benny L Parcel :089439 Site :4785 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 XFP,-A 2570 000 1 428 2 0414 Mail :PO Box 1454 Arvada co 80001 7005 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land ne Bedrm: 4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF :1,662 Ac:. 72 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) : Owner :Ta Operating Corporation. Parcel : 096705 Site :12151 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 X£erarl • 0001 4282 0407 Mail :24601 Center Ridge Rd #300 Westlake Oh 44145 7005 25 70 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land ' Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:2 YB:1973 Pool: B1dgSF: 23,041 Ac: 13.15 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :City Of Arvada Parcel : 188176 Site :*no Site Address* 7005 2570 0001/4282 0391 Mail :8101 Ralston Rd Arvada Co 80002 Use :9149 Exempt,Political Sub,Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac: 23.61 * ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Bushell Arthur J Parcel : 188563 Site :*no Site Address* xfarat7 : 07/01/1991 Mail :10527 W 31st Ave Lakewood Co 80215 7005 25 70 0001 4282 0384 Use :1111 Vacant,Residential enu= Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac: * - MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Departm nt Of Transportation Parcel : 203808 Site :*no Site ress* Xfered : 12/30/2005 Mail :4201 E Arkan e Denver Co 80222 Price : $1,416,800 Use :1111 Vacan I tial Phone Bedrm: Bat TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac: 1.31 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Lake Front Partners Parcel : 406411 Site :1-70 & Tabor Wheat Ridge .80033 7005 2570 0001 4282 0377 80302 d ld C Mail Bou er o :632 Gold Run R Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac: 8.04 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Lake Front artners Parcel : 406414 Site :11913 W 1 70 nt Rd N Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 07/31/1990 Mail :632 Gold Run R der Co 80302 Price Use :2111 Vacant ommercial Phone Bedrm: Bath. TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac: 1.21 * - : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Six Oak Limited Partnership Parcel :422300 Site :4440 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :0411AlOnn' 4282 0360 Mail :11445 W I-70 Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge Co 80n" 7005 257 0 0001 Use :1111 Vacant,Residential Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Poo B1dgSF : AC: 2.09 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Departme of Transportation Parcel :424194 Site :4651 Tabor Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/30/2005 Mail :4201 E Arkansa ve Den r Co 80222 Price :$1,416,800 Use :2112 Com,Improve d Phone Bedrm: Bath: YB: 1996 Pool: B1dgSF :8,400 Ac: 2.74 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Tabor Street Properties Limited Liabilit Parcel :42d°n' 4282 ❑353 Site :4549 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 7005 2570 0001 Mail :PO Box 1272 Morrison Co 80465 Use :3112 Ind,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB: 1998 Pool: B1dgSF :13,500 Ac: .95 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING eat Ridge Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the Cit Ci Co'lnciolrad o.COM 16,2 Chambers oGthe Municip Building at 7500 W 0629t~ :A00 p m•riea RYdget ~nl All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submt Wn comments. The following petitions shall be heard: or slutzo ent eor Prop rty t1jal Case No. WZ-05-12: An Offshore, LLC, for approval of ant amended PlanedlCornmerc11aD f17 mee outline development plan and approval of a final develop t P See leg located at 4651 Tabor Street and legally described as follow S description for Case No. MS-05-05): al for Case No. MS-05-05: An application filed by Jim Blume-r' d at 46 I Taba ns to Offshore, LLC, for Street and legally des gibed as follows fo a final plat for ] ws (the following legal descriptyOn Pew both cases): THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 7 AND 8 LEE'S SUBDIVISION, gSON 23 SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF _171w- JIJ F COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER IN PLAT BOOK $DI ISY C ERK LOT 1, TABOR DIVISION, RECORDED IN DTHE REOCO S OFLTHE JEFFERSON CO F W f~AT gD AND RECORDER IN PLAT BOOK 132 AT PAGE 1, CITE' O ~SCRIB RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COL- AS D AS FOLLOWS: ID SAC rION.40 rg COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SALOT< G T p , A C_g THENCE S89°13'31"W ON AN ASSUMED BEARR< SECT rWE~~0UT7 LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF S ~RNEg NORr~Z-S ION DISTANCE OF 1323.72 FEET TO THE EAST 1/16 C G TI-~ (DSECS SECTNS 20 AND 17; THENCE SOO'23'20"E AL(:>T'4 CENTERLINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE'QUART g OF GO N~~ OH T A 363 20, A DISTANCE OF 977.02 FEET TO THE SOUTE3wES Y 3 GE E A ' ON 2g THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 1 $ 97 AT O°2 20 25 THE JEFFERSON COUNTY, THENCE CONTINUIr4 T S, - G TATS CE OF A DISTANCE OF 340.57 FEE--V; SAID A DISTANCE OF~321.70 FEET; THENCE S00°23 20"~' 66 Z"~~ET TD A 4.85 FEET; THENCE N89°14' 16"E, A DISTANCE ODF _.jr p~T T<C TF POINT INTERSTATE CURVATURE 70 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIN G ~~~V OF 61 IN A LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE LONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A O NON-TANGS A R ~gD $E PR FEET AND AN ARC ENTH OF 231.92 FEET WI't71E= OF N 12°01' 31 "E, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 23 d00 - 55 OF NON-TAGENCY; THENCE S89°58'18"E, A DISTANCE OF 24.96 FEET; THENCE N00°03'00"W, A DISTANCE OF 184.80 FEET; THENCE N11050'40"E, A DISTANCE OF 101.61 FEET; THENCE N63°07'46"E, A DISTANCE OF 154.50 FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF TABOR STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY S00°35'50"E, A DISTANCE OF 154.92 FEET; THENCE S09°07'45"E, A DISTANCE OF 387.72 FEET; THENCE S00°27' 18"E, A DISTANCE OF 37.91 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT OF WAY S89°14' 16"W, A DISTANCE OF 294.96 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 108,551 SQUARE FEET (2.49 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Pamela Y. Anderson, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: March 2, 2006 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 April 5, 2006 Scott Paling, P.E. Project Engineer Martin/Martin 12499 West Colfax P.O. Box 151500 Lakewood, CO 80215 Re: - Second Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report, Civil Construction Plans, Final Plat, ODP, and FDP for the Trailer Source development located at 4651 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. Dear Mr. Paling, I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents received on March 24, 2006 and have the following comments: DRAINAGE Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. All comments have been addressed; the Final Drainage Report is approvable. Upon receipt of the two revised Drainage Plan sheets (please see comment 1 under Final Drainage Plan) a copy of the Report will be returned to you.. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. All comments have been addressed. The Final Drainage Report is approvable. Final Drainage Plan (Sheet DI) 1. Please provide the following information for Sheet D2: a. Need to identify the 100-year detention limit. b. Show the pond bottom grading as indicated on the relined plan, to ensure the pond bottom will drain into the trickle channels. c. Please revise the 100-year WSEL elevation for the release structure detail (the elevation text was cut off). 2. Please provide the following information for Sheet D3: a. Provide the wall heights at the required cross-section locations (the reason for the cross-section is to provide the reader with specific elevation and structural information at that location). 3. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Final Drainage Plan sheets D2 and D3. CIVIL CONSTRUCTION Stormwater Management Plan This submittal was forwarded to the Stormwater Coordinator, Mr. 77 Dabbs, 303.235.2871 for review and the following is his response: I have reviewed the Stormwater Management Plan received on March 24, 2006 and have the following comments: 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Civil Construction Plans General Comments: 1. Please provide an itemized engineer's cost estimate for review and approval for the 5' detached sidewalk and curb & gutter from the northerly limit of public improvement construction for this project to the bridge overpass. This estimate (if approved) will provide the monetary amount to be placed in escrow for these public improvements which are not to be constructed with this project. 2. Need to include the current City standard erosion control details and notes. 3. Need to include the separate irrigation plans (as a reference) in the back of this plan set. Identify as being completed as a separate project on the cover sheet. 4. The water main plans need to also be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge, but do not need to be included within this plan set. 5. The handicap ramps will need to be revised on all sheets to meet current ADA requirements. (Please refer to the current City ADA Ramp details). 6. The southeasterly property boundary will need to be adjusted per the 10' of ROW dedication that will be required. (Please see Final Plat). 7. On all sheets, modify the note pertaining to the 135' CDOT temp easement to clearly identify what the note is referring to. At first glance the note is a bit confusing; the reader has a tendency to look on the cover sheet for Note 1 (since that's where the majority of the plan notes are located). Sheet C1 (Cover Sheet): 1. Need to include the following in the construction set: a. All of the current City standard erosion control details. Please refer to the following link to download the latest details in either AutoCAD 2000 or 2004 format: hm://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/GovSite/default.aspserviceID 1=1408 Please be advised that the City standard details are updated annually. It is therefore highly suggested that the website be checked periodically to ensure the most recent details are being used. Sheet C2 (Existing Site Plan): 1. No comments. Sheet C3 (Site Plan): 1. Please provide truck turning movements (WI350) for both entrances. Only the inward movements need to be shown at the northerly entrance, with the full movements shown at the south entrance. 2. All handicap ramps will need to be modified to meet current City and ADA requirements. Please refer to the current City standard details on the website. 3. Will need a Drainage Easement for the drainage area in the southeastern part of the site. Please refer to the Final Plat for the location. 4. Need to show "One Way" (in) signs at the northerly entrance. 5. Please specify the material to be used for the retaining walls, e.g., modular block, concrete, etc. 6. Will need to place some type of safety barrier around the northerly edge of the proposed concrete parking lot, such as bollards, posts, railing, curbing, etc. If curbing is to be utilized, please be sure to leave adequate openings to allow for full functionality of the drainage/detention system. Sheet C4 (Grading Plan): 1. Please explain ho the top of wall and bottom of wall elevations can be the same (see redlined plans). 2. Need to include the curb grades in the location shown on the redlined plans. 3. It appears there is to be curbing used around the northerly portion of the concrete parking area. If this is Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) -review2 lh.doc true, please identify as such and also provide adequate openings to allow for the drainage/detention facility to function as proposed. 4. Need to include the following: a. Irrigation plans (as a reference) in this plan set. Identify as being completed separately on the cover sheet. b. Baseline information for the Tabor street improvements on the current City datum. I recommend using the centerline of Tabor Street as it has already been established on City datum (bearing = N00°27'32"W), and setting 1+00 at the south property line of the project. c. A profile across the frontage - extending 50' beyond either side of the proposed improvements. d. Need to show the asphalt paving/patching along Tabor Street. Be sure to include the existing edge of asphalt elevations, cross-slopes, and also the proposed cross-slopes, etc. on the plan view. 5. Show the grading for the pond bottom (see redlined plans). The pond is to fully drain within the required 24-40 hour timeframe. The pond bottom shall be graded at a minimum of 2% towards the concrete trickle channels to ensure functionality. Sheet C5 (Overall Utility Plan): 1. Need to show all proposed street cuts and their associated patches. Please be advised that if there are to be more than 3 street cuts within 250 linear feet, the area shall be roto-milled and overlaid. 2. Double-check whether or not a manhole will be necessary at the 8" X 6" WYE intersection located at the southerly end of the project. 3. Include a set of the water main construction plans with the next submittal (separate from these plans). 4. Note 1 refers to sheet 4 for the storm sewer information (sheet C4 is the Grading Plan). Sheet C6 (Detail Sheet): 1. Please include the following City standard details: a. ADA Ramps w/truncated domes. b. 5' detached sidewalk. c. Paving/patching details. d. A to-scale standard section for the west Y2 of Tabor Street, from the roadway centerline and extending about 15' beyond the back of sidewalk. The section needs to show the grades behind the sidewalk, across the walk, between the walk and the curbing, and for the asphalt roadway. Sheet C7 (Detail Sheet): 1. No Comments at this time. Sheet C8 (Detail Sheet): 1. Modify this sheet per the Drainage Plan Sheet D3. SURVEYING (The following three documents have been previously reviewed; continents were returned on March 28, 2006). Final Plat Sheet 1: 1. Please double-check the total area - it appears to be a bit low. Sheet 2: 1. There will need to be a 10.00' ROW dedication at the southeasterly portion of the site (please refer to the redlined plat). The additional ROW is needed due to the fact that the existing ROW in this area is substandard; this requirement dates back to 2003. 2. The Tabor Street ROW and ROW "CL" need to be shown on the graphical portion of the plat. 3. Please double-check the total area - it appears to be a bit low. Trailer source (4651 Tabor) - reviaw2 ltr.doc 4. A drainage easement will be required in the southeasterly portion of the site, fully encompassing the drainage area as proposed on the Drainage Plan. 5. Modify the text referring the reader to Note 1 for the CDOT Easement as indicated on the redlined plat. 6. Please move the words "Final Plat" from the title to the subtitle position. Final Development Plan Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet): 1. Please double-check the total area- it appears to be a bit low. 2. The signatory names shown on the document need to remain consistent throughout (See redlined plan). Sheet 2 (Site Plan): 1. There will need to be a 10.00' ROW dedication at the southeasterly portion of the site (please refer to the redlined plat). The additional ROW is needed due to the fact that the existing ROW in this area is substandard; this dedication requirement dates back to 2003. 2. The public improvements may be need to be shifted to the west due to the current substandard roadway width, the required 10.00' of ROW dedication, and also per comments from the pending Civil Construction document review. 3. Please identify the 100-year detention limit. 4. Need to install "One-Way" (in) signs at the northerly entrance per previous public works comments pertaining to sight distance concerns. Sheet 3 (Grading/Utility Plan): 1. Please be advised that this sheet may require modification per pending Civil Construction Plan review.. Outline Development Plan 1. The public improvements will most likely be shifting to the west due to the required 10.00' of ROW dedication. In addition, the public improvements may also be modified per the civil construction review comments which are not completed as of this letter. 2. If you're going to shot the major contour interval numbers on the plan view, please show the values rather than just the "text blocks". 3. Please double-check the total area - it appears to be a bit low 4. The owner's signature block(s) will need to: a. Match the owner's shown on all other documents (i.e., FDP and Plat). b. Be consistent throughout the document. The Public Works Department requires 2 signed and stamped copies of the revised Final Drainage Report/Plan, FDP, ODP, Final Plat, and Civil Construction Plans. Please provide the above documents with the next submittal. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way, the necessary Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public right-of-way for a period of two (2) years, Trailer Soarce (4651 Tabor) -review2 ltrAoc commencing upon completion of all constructed public improvements and Final Acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. Public Improvement Escrow Agreement Upon City approval of the Final Development Plan, a Public Improvement Escrow Agreement will need be executed by the project owner/developer. The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department will provide the Escrow Agreement to the project owner/developer. Public Improvements Cost Estimate Prior to issuance of any building or grading permits, an itemized engineer's cost estimate for the required public improvements within all Right-of-Way areas shall be submitted for review and approval. Under circumstances that dictate required public improvements cannot or are not to be constructed at the time of development construction, the itemized engineer's cost estimate shall be utilized to escrow funds to be used for the future construction of said required public improvements. The escrow funds will be taken at the time of execution of the above mentioned Public Improvement Agreement. Drainage Certification Required Prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Scott Paling, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the site grading was completed per the approved Grading & Erosion Control and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As-Built Plans for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy. The As-Built Plans shall be submitted as follows: Two (2) copies of the "As-Built" Plans are to be submitted: a. 1 copy is to be on bond paper, and b. 1 copy is to be on electronic media (CD-ROM) and is to be in AutoCAD.dwg format. The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer XC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner File Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) - review2 ltr.doc STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 6 Traffic - - nT Access/Utilities Permits - Roadside Advertising F1F➢ANTMPT OFTMISN0.TATIW 3401 Quebec St., Suite 8400 Denver, Colorado 80207 303-377-6602 FAX 303-377-6603 March 29, 2006 _ 16" c Wheat Ridge Community Development ATTN: Meredith Reckert 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Meredith: RE: WZ-05-12/MS-05-05/SKITZO OFFSHORE, LLC ODP, PCD FINAL PLAN AND PLAT, SWC I-70 AND TABOR ST. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT, the Department) has reviewed the above and we have the following comments: A. Right-Of-Way: While similar to the description of CDOT parcel A200, there are some inconsistencies that need to be resolved regarding the are in the southwest corner of the tract and the bearing along the western border. Please provide evidence of the determination. B. Design: This development needs to be consistent with the phase 4 construction plans and ramps for SH 58 / I-70. It appears satisfactory; however, the city and the developer should verify this. C. Hydraulics: No review conducted D. Permits: Please revise the necessary documents and plans to address the comments and resubmit. Previous referral numbers relative to the submittal and to the development within the subject limits (148005, 117005), shall be referenced on all documents and plans submitted. Please include a cover letter and detailed explanation as to how you addressed the issues in this letter with any new plans. 2. State Highway 58 and Interstate 70 are controlled-access highways in accordance with the Highway Access Law, Section 43-2-147(b). Access to the state highways shall be in accordance CC R6: Ref. 009606JB 29-Mar-06 File (SH 70) X-Ref: 148005, 117005 Pagel of2 with the State Highway Access Code. To obtain permission to construct, modify, relocate or close a vehicular access, where such work will be within state highway right-of-way, a state highway Access Permit is required. 3. Any improvements to the state highway must be in accordance with CDOT's standards and the State Highway Access Code. 4. Work in CDOT's right-of-way shall be by permit only If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-377-6602. Sincerely, James C. lake R6 Acce Permits JB/jc c CC R6: Ref: 009606JB 29-Mar-06 File (SH 70) X-Ref: 148005, 117005 Page 2 of 2 aty of Wheat lUdge DepaNnent of Public Works M E M O RA N D U M TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer ~0 DATE: March 28, 2006 SUBJECT: Second Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report, Civil Construction Plans, Final Plat, ODP, and FDP for the Trailer Source development located at 4651 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, received on Friday March 24, 2006. Due to the short review time given, the Final Drainage Report and Civil Construction Plan comments will be under separate cover pending the review completion for these documents. Final Plat Sheet 1: 1. Please double-check the total area - it appears to be a bit low. Sheet 2: 1. There will need to be a 10.00' ROW dedication at the southeasterly portion of the site (please refer to the redlined plat). The additional ROW is needed due to the fact that the existing ROW in this area is substandard; this requirement dates back to 2003. 2. The Tabor Street ROW and ROW "CL" need to be shown on the graphical portion of the plat. 3. Please double-check the total area - it appears to be a bit low. 4. A drainage easement will be required in the southeasterly portion of the site, fully encompassing the drainage area as proposed on the Drainage Plan. 5. Modify the text referring the reader to Note 1 for the CDOT Easement as indicated on the redlined plat. 6. Please move the words "Final Plat" from the title to the subtitle position. Final Development Plan Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet 1. Please double-check the total area - it appears to be a bit low. 2. The signatory names shown on the document need to remain consistent throughout (See redlined plan). Sheet 2 Site Plan There will need to be a 10.00' ROW dedication at the southeasterly portion of the site (please refer to the redlined plat). The additional ROW is needed due to the fact that the existing ROW in this area is substandard; this dedication requirement dates back to 2003. To Mere- Trailer Source FDP_ODPPlat - revie 2 (3-28-06).doe 2. The public improvements may be need to be shifted to the west due to the current substandard roadway width, the required 10.00' of ROW dedication, and also per comments from the pending Civil Construction document review. 3. Please identify the 100-year detention limit. 4. Need to install "One-Way" (in) signs at the northerly entrance per previous public works comments pertaining to sight distance concerns. Sheet 3 (Gradin tili Pty 1. Please be advised that this sheet may require modification per pending Civil Construction Plan review. Outline Development Plan 1. The public improvements will most likely be shifting to the west due to the required 10.00' of ROW dedication. In addition, the public improvements may also be modified per the civil construction review comments which are not completed as of this letter. 2. If you're going to shot the major contour interval numbers on the plan view, please show the values rather than just the "text blocks". 3. Please double-check the total area - it appears to be a bit low 4. The owner's signature block(s) will need to: a. Match the owner's shown on all other documents (i.e., FDP and Plat). b. Be consistent throughout the document. To Mere - Trailer Source FDP_ODP_Plat -review2 (3-28-06).doc LAND "ARCHITECTS March 10, 2006 Ms. Meredith Reckert, Case Manager City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Case No. WZ-05-12/MS-05-05/Skitzo Offshore, LLC Response to ODP and FDP first submittal comments Dear Meredith: Attached find our revised Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan (ODP) and Final Development Plan (FDP) for the above-referenced project. Thank you for your comments on our initial first submittal. This letter responds specifically to your issues and concerns outlined in the review letter dated February 6, 2006. Responses to Community Development letter (Meredith Reekert) dated 0210612006 Outline Development Plan Comment 1. Under "Legal Description", modify the owner name to Skitzo Offshore, LLC. Response Completed. Comment 2. In the second paragraph of "Description of Project", modify the title of Planning and Development Director to Community Development Director. Response Completed. Comment 3. In the second paragraph of "Description of Project", modify the zoning code citation to Section 26-311. Response Completed. Comment 4. Revise the Planning Commission title block so it is consistent with the current language. Response Completed. Revised per ODP checklist received 0210612006. Comment 5. Revise the department director's title to Community Development Director. Response Completed. Comment 6. Revise the City Council Certification to be consistent with the current language. Response Completed. Revised per ODP checklist received 0210612006. Comment 7. Change the dates in all signature blocks from 2005 to 2006. Response Completed. Comment 8. Revise the Surveyor's Certificate to be consistent with current language. Add the surveyor of record's name. Response Completed. Revised per ODP checklist received 0210612006. Comment 9. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-95-09, WZ-99-09, WZ- 00-12, MS-05-05, and WZ-05-12. Response Completed. Comment 10. Add the following note: "Landscaping shall be in conformance with Section 26-502 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." Response Completed. Comment 11. Add the following note: "Parking shall be in conformance with Section 26-501 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." Response Completed. Comment 12. Add the following note: "Exterior lighting shall be in conformance with Section 26-503 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." Response Completed. Comment 13. Add the following note: "Fencing shall be in conformance with Section 26-603 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." Response Completed. Comment - 14. Add the following note: "Signage shall be in conformance with Article VII of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." Response Completed. Comment 15. Add the following note: "Architectural detail shall be in accordance with the Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual." Response Completed. Comment 16. Add a site data breakdown as anticipated, subject to approval of a final development plan including landscaped coverage, hard surfaces coverage and maximum building coverage. These numbers should be shown in square footages and percent of total site. Response Completed. Comment 17. Add a unified control statement. Response Completed Comment 18. On the drawing, add distances and bearings. Response Completed. Plat Document Sheet 1 Comment 1. The title of the plat document should be modified to read as follows: Final Plat, Tabor Development Subdivision Filing NO. 2, A consolidation of a Portion of Lot 1, Tabor Development Subdivision and a portion of Lots 7 and 8, Lee's Subdivision... Response The title of the plat document has been modified to read as stated. Comment 2. Modify the first portion of the legal description to be consistent with the title change (#2 above). Response The first portion of the legal description has been modified to be consistent with the title change as previously stated. Comment 3. The property owner of record is Skitzo Offshore LLC. Replace current ownership with all references to Trailer Source in the title blocks. Response All references to "Trailer Source" in the title blocks have been replaced with "Skitzo Offshore, LLC": Comment 4. Add the City's typical dedicatory language to the "Owner's Certification." Response The City's dedicatory language has been added to the "Owner's Certification': Comment 5. Add the appropriate person(s) names who will sign the document to the "Owners' Certification". The Outline Development Plan has three property owner signatures where this document has only two. The number of property owners' signatures should be consistent. Response The appropriate person's name who will sign the document in the "Owner's Certification" has been added. The number ofproperty owner's signatures are consistent. Comment 6. Add the following case numbers to the case history box: WZ-95-09, WZ-99-09, WZ- 00-12, MS-05-05, WZ-05-12. Response The above case numbers have been added to the case history box. Comment 7. The utility easement note is not consistent with the City's language. Please modify. Response The utility easement note has been modified to be consistent with the City's language. Sheet 2 Comment 1. There are four different ditch easements shown as being recorded by separate instrument. Provide the reception number for each of these. Submit hard copies of the recorded easements for our files. Response The three ditch easements are being worked out and have not been recorded at the time of this submittal. 4 Comment 2. Show a 10' right-of-way dedication for the southern portion of Tabor Street and denote it as being "hereby dedicated by this document." Response 10' for right-of-way has not been dedicated at the time of this submittal. Comment 3. What is the purpose of the 134' temporary easement? Explain with a note. Response A note has been added that states the purpose of the 134' temporary CDOT easement Comment 4. Designate perimeter easements as for being utility and drainage easements. Response The perimeter easements have been designated for utility and drainage easements. Comment 5. _ The perimeter utility and drainage easement along the south property line needs to be only 5' wide. Response The perimeter utility and drainage easement along the south property line has been modified to only 5' wide. Comment 6. Add zoning on and off-site. Response All on and off-site zoning has been added. Comment 7. Show the detention pond easement on the south side of the property. Response There is no detention pond on the south side of the property, therefore no detention pond easement is needed. Final Development Plan Sheet I Comment 1. Modify the first line of the title to read "Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Amendment No. 1". Response Completed. Comment 2. Under "Legal Description", modify the owner name to Sktizo Offshore, LLC. Response Completed. Comment 3. In the second paragraph of "Description of Project", modify the title of Planning and Development Director to Community Development Director. Response Completed. Comment 4. Correct the citation the last line of the "Owner's Acknowledgment" from 26-121(G) to 26-121. Response Completed. Comment 5. In the second paragraph of "Description of Project", modify the zoning code citation to Section 26-311. Response Completed. Comment 6. Revise the Planning Commission title block so it is consistent with the current language. Response Completed. Revised per FDP checklist received 0210612006. Comment 7. Revise the department director's title to Community Development Director. Response Completed. Comment 8. Revise the City Council Certification to be consistent with the current language. Response Completed. Revised per FDP checklist received 0210612006. Comment 9. Change the dates in all signature blocks from 2005 to 2006. Response Completed. Comment 10. Revise the Surveyor's Certificate to be consistent with current language. Add the surveyor of record's name. Response Completed. Revised per FDP checklist received 0210612006. Comment 11. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-95-09, WZ-99-09, WZ- 00-12, MS-05-05, and WZ-05-12. Response Completed. Sheet 2 Comment 1. Show the 5' attached walk on the south side of the property as being detached with a five-foot tree lawn. This sidewalk should be extended to the southern limit of the bridge/overpass for I-70. These modifications should be reflected on all the pages of the planset showing the site plan (sheets 2, 3, 4, and 5). Response The 5' attached walk on the south side of the property has been shown to be attached. A future sidewalk is shown that extends to the southern limit of the bridge%verpass for 1- 70. Comment 2. Sidewalks along Tabor should provide a better transition by extending farther into the site. Response The sidewalks along Tabor Street have been extended further into the site. Comment 3. Designate the northern portion of the site for display of trailers for sale. Response A label has been added to the plans to this effect. Comment 4. Show proposed freestanding sign locations. Information regarding height and size of the signs should be provided. Response There are no signs located on the plans. Comment 5. Specify the height of both gates. Response All gates will be 5.0' or less. Comment 6. Under "Development Standards", the size of the property (108,551 s.f) does not match the number shown on the plat (108,397 s.f.). These numbers should be the same. Response The numbers for the size of the property are in agreemend. Comment 7. Under "Development Standards", specify the total lot size. Designate the percent of total for each of the site data categories (building coverage, landscaped area, paved area). Response The percent of the total site has been added for the site data categories. Comment 8. Designate "no parking" in the fire lane looped road. Response No parking signs have been added in the fire lane looped road. Sheet 4 Comment 1. Narrowleaf cottonwoods are not on our list for accepted street trees. Please provide an alternate tree variety. Response Completed All Narrowleaf Cottonwoods have been replaced with other species. Comment 2. Street trees must have a minimum caliper inch of 3". This caliper size would apply to deciduous street trees along all three street frontages. Response Completed. We specify 26 trees along Tabor Street, 1-70, and the future on-ramp as 3" caliper. Sheet 5 Comment 1. The foot-candle readings at all property lines should be as close to 0 as possible. Areas of concern where readings are excessive are at the entrance and along the western property line. Response Completed. To meet the comment requirement, two pole-mounted lights along the western property boundary have been removed and two pole-mounted lights near the entrance have been moved and realigned to remove excessive off-site readings. Photometric data tables reflect this change. Sheet 6 Comment 1. Deciduous street trees along all frontages must have a 3" caliper. Please change in the plant materials schedule. Response Completed. We specify 26 trees (required street trees) as 3" caliper on our plant schedule as is on the plan. Comment 2. There has been discussion with the property owner about deferred installation of the landscaping along the western property line. The property owner has indicated that he would like to postpone installation of landscaping materials until construction of the I- 70 off-ramps is completed. A note should be added indicating this is acceptable with an escrow agreement and financial guarantees for 125% of the cost of these plant materials. The timeframe of such escrow agreement will be determined by Community development staff. Response Completed. A note has been added indicating such and has been placed under the "Landscape Requirements" data table on sheet 6. Comment 3. Provide a breakdown of living versus non-living landscaping in square footage and percentage of total site. Response Completed, a new data table has been added showing this breakdown. Currently the non-living material is at 18%, this indicates that the landscape plan does meet the maximum allowed 35% non-living material as stated under the Landscape Area Requirements under Article V Design Standards in the City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Code. Comment 4. Under "Landscape Requirements", modify the number of trees under public street frontage from 23 to 34. This figure is based on three street frontages (Tabor, I-70, I-70 off-ramps). Response Completed, however per my recent discussion with the you, we determined that the western boundary is not to be included as street frontage, thus changing the required street frontage trees to 26 (for Tabor Street and 1-70), meeting the landscape requirement. Comment 5. The number of additional trees required on site is 21 where only five are provided. Given the significant number of street trees required, Staff would permit a reduced number of additional trees. Staff would suggest that at least ten (five additional trees) be provided. Response Completed, please note with the street frontage change (see comment and response #4 above), the additional tree requirement of 21 is achievable. Total additional trees now equals 21, meeting the landscape requirement. Sheet 7 Comment 1. Specify the colors of the architectural materials to be used. Response Completed. Comment 2. Please note that the Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual prohibits the use of smooth-faced concrete block. If you intend on keeping this material for the structure, you must be able to defend why it is appropriate. Staff does not support the architectural design as proposed based on the excessive amount of smooth faced block. Staff would suggest some brick be incorporated into the design. Response Completed. We have thoroughly addressed all of the First Review: Planning and Referral comments. Please feel free to call me to discuss any of the changes or any other concerns you may have during your review in order to clarify any issues and expedite the review process so we can move forward to hearings after this submittal. Regards, ;'4~4 4-/ Mike Cooper Team Leader, Land Architects, Inc. 10 7 MARTIN /MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 490 March 10, 2006 City of Wheat Ridge - Department of Public Works 7500 West 291h Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Mr. David Brossman RE: First Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report, Final Plat, CDP, and FDP for the Trailer Source development located at 4651 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. Dear Mr. Brossman, Martin/Martin has reviewed the comments dated January 30, 2006 regarding the Trailer Source Project located at 4651 Tabor Street. Below are Martin/Martin's responses to those comments: DRAINAGE Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. After further investigation of the historic runoff west of the site, it is deemed that all off-site runoff is either conveyed by one of the three irrigation ditches or bypasses the site to the north. Therefore, all runoff from off-site to the west will not impact this property. 2. The allowable release rates for the 5 and 100-year events are based on Table SO-1 "Recommended Maximum Allowable Unit Flow Release Rates" (Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volume 2). These values are less than the historic rates for the site. 3. The actual detention volumes provided and the volumes required for water quality and the minor and major storm events are included in the report. 4. All aspects of parking lot detention are discussed in the report 5. The detention pond has been further discussed in the report. 6. The detention pond walls will be designed by a structural engineer. 7. The water quality plate is designed to release runoff over a 40 hour duration per Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volume 3. 8. The elevation at the top of the (1' freeboard) wall has been included in the report. 9. A vicinity map has been added to the drainage plan. 10. The Final Drainage Report has been stamped and signed by Wayne Harris, P.E., P.L.S. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. The provided pond volumes and related water surface elevation have been clearly shown in the Appendix. 2. All off-site runoff will be passed through the detention pond and will be released by the emergency overflow which was sized with the off-site flows taken into account. 3. The water quality plate is designed to release runoff over a 40 hour duration per Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volume 3. 1 2499 WEST Co LFAX P.C. Box 1'51 500 • LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 8021 5 • 303-431-61 00 4. The 2' concrete trickle channel abutting the structure has been shown on the outlet and emergency overflow detail. Final Drainage Plan 1. Details for cross-sections A-A through F-F have been added to the Drainage Plan. 2. The 2' concrete trickle channel abutting the structure has been shown on the outlet and emergency overflow detail. 3. The sub-basin boundary line shown south of the detention area is not needed and was removed. 4. Slopes have been added to the Drainage Plan. 5. The evergreen trees shown within the detention area have been removed. 6. a. The complete detail for the outlet structure is shown. The outlet structure is a cut out section of the retaining wall and not a separate structure, b. The 2' concrete trickle channel detail has been added to the Drainage Plan. c. Cross sections of the retaining wall have been added. d. A riprap detail has been added. 7. Curb and gutter is shown to be constructed at the northerly side of the north entrance. Off-site flows from Tabor Street will flow down the asphalt driveway into the site. This off-site flow will be passed through the detention pond and will be released by the emergency overflow which was sized with this off-site flow taken into account. 8. The Final Drainage Plan has been stamped and signed by Wayne Harris, P.E., P.L.S. Final Plat Sheet 1: 1. The Legal Description has been modified to meet the City of Wheat Ridge standards. 2. Comment noted. Sheet 2: 3. All off-site and on-site zoning has been added. 4. All found pin information has been added. 5. There is only one True Point of Beginning shown. 6. All ditch companies have agreed to the design as shown on the separate Irrigation Plans. 7. The 134' Temporary Easement has been described on the Plat. 8. The central angles and arc lengths for both are segments on either side of the pin have been added due to the actual property comer can not be established (due to the presence of a building at that location). 9. The parcel to the south has labeled as unplatted. 10. The Basis of Bearing has been updated to City Datum. Final Development Plan 1. The site plan has been modified to include the public improvements on the northerly side of the north entrance. 2. The Legal Description and all property boundary information matches the Final Plat. 3. The 134' Temporary Easement has been described in the "Notes" section. 4. The CDOT R.O.W. and property boundary linetypes have been modified to match the legend. 5. The symbol used for all property boundary angle points has been modified to match the legend. 6. The evergreen trees shown within the detention area have been removed. Stormwater Management Plan 1. Concrete wash water has been added as a potential pollutant source in the report. The City of Wheat Ridge standard detail for a concrete washout has been included. 2. All details used are taken from the City of Wheat Ridge standard sediment and erosion control details. 3. The northern driveway is planned on being kept open for customer use to the existing Trailer Source building during initial construction. 4. Text in the report has been changed to state that sediment and erosion control inspections shall be conducted at a minimum of every 14 days, and after any precipitation or snowmelt event which causes surface erosion regardless of the season. Civil Construction Plans 1. The Civil Construction Plans will be included with this submittal. VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1. Comment noted. 2. Comment noted. 3. Comment noted. 4. Comment noted. 5. Comment noted. 6. Comment noted. 7. Comment noted. BAYOU DITCH COMPANY Per contact with the Bayou Ditch, all issues have been worked out and shown on the Irrigation-Plans. WADSWORTH DITCH COMPANY 1. Per contact with the Wadsworth Ditch, the Irrigation plans are acceptable. 2. Comment noted. 3. Comment noted and this information will be given at a later date when Project is approved. FRUITDALE SANITATION DISTRICT Information has been noted and the existing sanitary sewer service will be used. XCEL ENERGY Information has been noted. If you have any questions or comments regarding this project, please feel free to contact this office. Tank you, Scott Paling P.E. City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department Memorandum TO: Planning Commission FROM: Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: Case Nos. WZ-05-12/MS-05-05 DATE: March 10, 2006 o Staff is recommending a continuance of Case Nos. WZ-05-12 and MS-05-05 until April 6, 2006 as the required documents were not provided in sufficient time to be included in the packet. ~°F WHEgT~ is ~ c 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of a m Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 yV~lieat Ridge °ocoRaoo 303/235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 February 6, 2006 Jim Blumenthal Trailer Source 4651 Tabor Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Jim: This letter is in regard to your application for approval of a Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan and a Final Development Plan and plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments. OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1. Under "Legal Description", modify the owner name to Skitzo Offshore, LLC. 2. In the second paragraph of "Description of Project", modify the title of Planning and Development Director to Community Development Director. 3. hi the second paragraph of "Description of Project", modify the zoning code citation to Section 26-311. 4. Revise the Planning Commission title block so it is consistent with the current language. 5. Revise the department director's title to Community Development Director. 6. Revise the City Council Certification to be consistent with the current language. 7. Change the dates in all signature blocks from 2005 to 2006. 8. Revise the Surveyor's Certificate to be consistent with current language. Add the surveyor of record's name. 9. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-95-09, WZ-99-09, WZ-00-12, MS-05-05, WZ-05-12. 10. Add the following note: "Landscaping shall be in conformance with Section 26-502 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." 11. Add the following note: "Parking shall be in conformance with Section 26-501 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." 12. Add the following note: "Exterior lighting shall be in conformance with Section 26- 503 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." 13. Add the following note: "Fencing shall be in conformance with Section 26-603 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." 14. Add the following note: "Signage shall be in conformance with Article VII of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws." 15. Add the following note: "Architectural detail shall be in accordance with the Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual. " 16. Add a site data breakdown as anticipated, subject to approval of a final development plan including landscaped coverage, hard surfaces coverage and maximum building coverage. These numbers should be shown in square footages and percent of total site. 17. Add a unified control statement. 18. On the drawing, add distances and bearings. PLAT DOCUMENT PAGE ONE 1. The title of the plat document should be modified to read as follows: Final Plat, Tabor Development Subdivision Filing No. 2, A consolidation of a Portion of Lot 1, Tabor Development Subdivision and a portion of Lots 7 and 8, Lee's Subdivision...... 2. Modify the first portion of the legal description to be consistent with the title change (#2 above). 3. The property owner of record is Skitzo Offshore LLC. Replace current ownership with all references to Trailer Source in the title blocks. 4. Add the City's typical dedicatory language to the "Owners' Certification." 5. Add the appropriate person(s) names who will sign the document to the "Owners' Certification". The Outline Development Plan has three property owner signatures where this document has only two. The number of property owners' signatures should be consistent. 6. Add the following case numbers to the case history box: WZ-95-09, WZ-99-09, WZ-00-12, MS-05-05, WZ-05-12. 7. The utility easement note is not consistent with the City's language. Please modify. PAGE TWO 1. There are four different ditch easements shown as being recorded by separate instrument. Provide the reception number for each of these. Submit hard copies of the recorded easements for our files. 2. Show a 10' right-of-way dedication for the southern portion of Tabor Street and denote it as being "hereby dedicated by this document." 3. What is the purpose of the 134' temporary easement? Explain with a note. 4. Designate perimeter easements as for being utility and drainage easements. 5. The perimeter utility and drainage easement along the south property line needs to be only 5' wide. 6. Add zoning on and off-site. 7. Show the detention pond easement on the south side of the property. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHEET ONE 1. Modify the first line of the title to read "Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Amendment No. 1". 2. Under "Legal Description", modify the owner name to Skitzo Offshore, LLC. 3. In the second paragraph of "Description of Project", modify the title of Planning and Development Director to Community Development Director. 4. Correct the citation the last line of the "Owner's Acknowledgment" from 26-121(G) to 26-121 5. In the second paragraph of "Description of Project", modify the zoning code citation to Section 26-311 6. Revise the Planning Commission title block so it is consistent with the current language. 7. Revise the department director's title to Community Development Director. 8. Revise the City Council Certification to be consistent with the current language. 9. Change the dates in all signature blocks from 2005 to 2006. 10. Revise the Surveyor's Certificate to be consistent with current language. Add the surveyor of record's name. 11. Add a case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-95-09, WZ-99-09, WZ-00-12, MS-05-05, WZ-05-12. SHEET TWO 1. Show the 5' attached walk on the south side of the property as being detached with a five foot tree lawn. This sidewalk should be extended to the southern limit of the bridge/overpass for I-70. These modifications should be reflected on all of the pages of the planset showing the site plan (sheets 2, 3, 4 and 5). 2. Sidewalks along Tabor should provide a better transition by extending farther into the site. 3. Designate the northern portion of the site for display of trailers for sale. 4. Show proposed freestanding sign locations. Information regarding height and size of the signs should be provided. 5. Specify the height of both gates. 6. Under "Development Standards", the size of the property (108,551 s.f.) does not match the number shown on the plat (108,397 s.f.). These numbers should be the same. 7. Under "Development Standards", specify the total lot size. Designate the percent of total for each of the site data categories (building coverage, landscaped area, paved area). 8. Designate "no parking" in the fire lane looped road. SHEET FOUR Narrowleaf cottonwoods are not on our list for accepted street trees. Please provide an alternate tree variety. 2. Street trees must have a minimum caliper inch of 3". This caliper size would apply to deciduous street trees along all three street frontages. SHEET FIVE The foot-candle readings at all property lines should be as close to 0 as possible. Areas of concern where readings are excessive are at the entrances and along the western property line. SHEET SIX 1. Deciduous street trees along all frontages must have a 3" caliper. Please change in the plant materials schedule. 2. There has been discussion with the property owner about deferred installation of the landscaping along the western property line. The property owner has indicated that he would like to postpone installation of landscaping materials until construction of the I- 70 off-ramps is completed. A note should be added indicating this is acceptable with an escrow agreement and financial guarantees for 125% of the cost of these plant materials. The timeframe of such escrow agreement will be determined by Community development staff. 3. Provide a breakdown of living versus non-living landscaping in square footage and percentage of total site. 4. Under "Landscape Requirements", modify the number of trees under public street frontage from 23 to 34. This figure is based on three street frontages (Tabor, I-70, I-70 off-ramps). 5. The number of additional trees required on site is 21 where only five are provided. Given the significant number of street trees required, Staff would permit a reduced number of additional trees. Staff would suggest that at least ten (five additional trees) be provided. SHEET SEVEN 1. Specify the colors of the architectural materials to be used. 2. Please note that the Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual prohibits the use of smooth-faced concrete block. If you intend on keeping this material for the structure, you must be able to defend why it is appropriate. Staff does not support the architectural design as proposed based on the excessive amount of smooth faced block. Staff would suggest some brick be incorporated into the design. Attached are checklists for the three different documents which contain current language in the zoning and development code. Attached also are the following referral responses. Public Works Department. See attached letter from Dave Brossman dated January 30, 2006 Valley Water District. See attached letter from Robert Arnold dated January 30, 2006. 4 Bayou Ditch Company: See attached email copy from Donald Feland dated January 23, 2006. Wadsworth Ditch Company: See attached email copy from Jason Cassino dated January 30, 2006. Fruitdale Sanitation District: See previous correspondence from Raj Lo f dated October 24, 2005. Colorado Department of Transportation: See previous correspondence from Bradley Sheehan dated November 14, 2005. Xcel Energy: See attached letter from Jon Keller dated February 7, 2006 This concludes the summary of comments. Please address each of these comments by revising the drawings accordingly. For clarification on any of these issues, please feel free to contact any of the Development Review committee members: Community Development Meredith Reckert 303-235-2848 Public Works Dave Brossman 303-235-2864 Traffic Engineering Steve Nguyen 303-235-2862 Sincerely, ✓,p\ r, Ij 1 ~,t Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner C: Case No. WZ-05-12/MS-05-05 TST Inc. Of Denver CONSULTING ENGINEERS February 23, 2006 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Q e Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Trailer Source Project No. 115-003 Dear Meredith, On behalf of the Bayou Ditch Company, we have reviewed the PCD referral packet from Wheat Ridge for case number WZ-05-12/MS-05-05/Skitzo Offshore, LLC and have the following comments: Final Plat: 1. The Board requires that the easement width be thirty-five (35) feet per their standard License Agreement. This easement may be dedicated on the plat or under separate document, as currently referenced. In either case, the Board requests that the document also dedicate reasonable access to the easement. This can be most easily satisfied by note on the plat or condition of the easement dedication document. Final Development Plan: 1. The landscape plan appears to be satisfactory. The Board requests that no trees be planted in the easement. Construction Plans: 1. The Board requests that the piped section be extended to the existing culvert under Tabor Street, thus eliminating a short section of open channel that would be difficult to access. 2. The Board requests that the grading along the base of the Tabor Street slope be extended to 1-70. This, coupled with the above-mentioned piping, will reduce storm flows from entering the Bayou Ditch. 3. The Board requires that, at any new pipe section, a trash rack, with appropriate staging platform, be provided. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, TST Inc. of Denver Ward Mahanke, P.E., C.C.E. Cc: Don Feland Jim Blumenthal 9222 Teddy Lane I Lone Tree, Colorado 80124 1303.792.0557 1 fax 303.792.9489 1 www.tstdenver.com TST Inc. Of Denver CONSULTING ENGINEERS February 23, 2006 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Medved Autoplex Project No. 115-002 Dear Meredith, On behalf of the Bayou Ditch Company, we have completed our second review of the PCD referral packet from Wheat Ridge for case number WZ-05-1 1/Pharo for Bear Land Holdings and have the following comments: Final Plat: 1. The Board has no further comment as long as the current and proposed improvements to the Ditch fall within existing or proposed easements. Final Development Plan: 1. The landscape plan appears to be satisfactory. The Board requests that no trees be planted in any of the easements. Construction Plans: 1. The Board prefers a straight alignment for the upstream extension of the Oak Street pipeline over a manhole at a deflection. Also, as a general statement, the Board would support maximizing the total length of ditch being replaced by pipe. 2. The Board requires that a trash rack, with appropriate staging platform, be provided at the upstream end of the pipe extension. 3. The off-site plans for the Columbine Basin drainage show a bench/access along the existing ditch. This bench will need an all-weather surface as a minimum. 4. The existing pipe under Oak Street has a displaced joint. The Board will be notifying the City under separate cover requesting that the City fulfill its maintenance obligation of this section of pipe. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, TST Inc. of Denver ( l J LA Ward Mahanke, P.E., C.C.E. Cc: Don Feland, Tom Gardner 9222 Teddy Lane I Lone Tree, Colorado 80124 1303.792.0557 1 fax 303.792.9489 1 www.tstdenver.com Arvada Fire Protection District . Division of Fire Prevention , February 17, 2006 Ms. Meredith Reckert Department of Community Development vn City of heat Ri7500 W. 29"' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 RE: Tabor Street Planned Commercial Development 46'h and Tabor Street. Dear Meredith, We have reviewed this site plan for conformance with the 2003 International Fire Code and have the following comments. 1. Fire protection is provided to this site by Station 2, 12195 W. 52id Ave. and Station 6, 6503 Simms St. 2- All-weather fire dept. access roadways, consisting of the first lift of asphalt capable of supporting the imposed loads of 58,000 lb fire apparatus will need to be provided to within 150 feet of all portions of the building prior to above grade construction. IFC 03 503.2.1, 5032.2 Amended. 3. Fire lanes will need to be posted on each side "No Parking Fire Lane" with signs that meet City of Wheat Ridge Standards. IFC 03 503.3. 4. The building is in excess of 12,000 square feet and will need to be provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system. The building official will need to make the final determination. IFC 03 903.2.2.2 Amended. 5. An additional fire hydrant will need to be provided at either entrance from Tabor St. and be installed prior to above grade construction. lFC 03 508.1. 6. The minimum required fire flow based upon Type V-B construction as the worst case scenario would be 3,250 gallons per minute. IFC 03 Appendix B. If you have any questions or would need additional information, please feel free to contact me at 303-425-0905, ext, 234. 6503 Simms Street • Arvada, Colorado 80004-2607 • (303) 424-3012 • Fax (303) 432-7995 Page Two Sincerely Arvada Fire Protection District Steve Stel-,dei Deputy Fire Marshal Page 1 of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Ward Mahanke [WMahanke@tstdenver.com] Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:23 AM To: Meredith Reckert Cc: DONALD FELAND; Kyle Messmer; SkitzoGroup@aol.com Subject: Trailer Source Attachments: 02-23-06 Review.pdf Meredith Please find attached the Bayou Ditch comments for the Trailer Source project. Thank you and please contact me with any questions. Ward Mahanke, P.E. TST Inc of Denver (303) 792-0557 Kyle: The Brown/Baugh president has told me that the decreed maximum for their ditch is 20 cfs. This would require an additional size pipe for that ditch. 2/23/2006 Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303-235-2896 303-235-2857 (Fax) TO: Meredith Reckert, Case Manager FROM: Alan White, Executive Director RE: Trailer Source Land Use Cases DATE: February 8, 2006 The Urban Renewal Authority met on February 7, 2005 and reviewed the above referenced land use cases. findings While the planned land use under the development plan does not comply with the land use recommendations of the Redevelopment Plan, the use was zoned and established prior to the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. Amendments to the development plans would not be needed without the actions of CDOT in acquiring right-of-way for the relocation of the I-70 ramps. The existing use was not subject to the architectural guidelines and streetscape requirements since it was established prior to the Redevelopment Plan being adopted, but the proposed development makes a reasonable effort to implement several of the guidelines. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS City of Wheat lodge 7500 WEST 29r" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Depamnent of Pub1c Woks January 30, 2006 Scott Paling, P.E. Project Engineer Martin/Martin 12499 West Colfax P.O. Box 151500 Lakewood, CO 80215 (303) 235-2861 FAX (303) 235-2857 Re: - First Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report, Final Plat, ODP, and FDP for the Trailer Source development located at 4651 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. Dear Mr. Paling, I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received on January 18, 2006 and have the following comments: DRAINAGE Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. On page 6 the Report states that historic runoff which has flowed onto this property will "not be taken into account due to future plans by CDOT for an on/off ramp from I-70". The offsite runoff shall be taken into account with the design of this site and included in this Final Drainage Report. Because CDOT plans to build an on/off ramp in this area sometime in the future does not mean the current runoff may simply be ignored. CDOT currently has no immediate plans to begin the construction of these ramps due to funding concerns, which implies that it might be several years before the ramps are built. An interim solution must be developed with this project to address the O/S runoff. This may entail negotiating with CDOT to construct a temporary detention (holding) pond to intercept the offsite runoff and that will remain in place until commencement of the CDOT ramp construction. Since the CDOT ramp design includes a detention pond for water quality in the northerly portion of the acquired tract, it is doubtful they would object to this proposal. Written approval from CDOT shall be required prior to the commencement of any offsite grading (if applicable). Please define how the allowable release rates for the 5 and 100-yr events were determined (see page 7), and include the historic runoff rates from the site to support this (allowable) statement. Include the actual detention volumes provided for the water quality, minor and major storm events (as well as the stated required volumes). Need a discussion of any proposed parking lot detention, including a description of the area involved, the proposed depth(s), and water surface elevation(s) for the major and minor (if applicable) storm events. Under the section for the detention pond, include a brief description of the pond design. For example, describe any retaining walls and/or earthen berms, or other related information to be used in the detention pond design. Include a brief description the outlet structure, the use of the 2' concrete pans, rip-rap, emergency overflow design (and where it will be located), etc. State if the detention pond retaining walls will need to be engineered, and if so by whom. The City Site Drainage Requirements state that all ponds shall completely drain within a 24-hour minimum and a 40-hour maximum timeframe (due to West Nile Virus concerns). Please include a statement of how this will be accomplished and the time anticipated to completely drain the pond. 8. Include the elevation at the top of the (1' freeboard) wall or berm. 9. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Final Drainage Report. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. Clearly identify the provide d pond volumes and related water surface elevations. 2. Adjust detention facility volumes to include the offsite runoff. Or if preferred, include an "offsite detention facility" volume section to address the historical O/S runoff if not taken into account with the proposed on-site detention facility. 3. Need to slightly adjust the WQ orifice opening size or quantity to allow for complete drainage of the pond between the 24 and 40 hour times as required by the City of Wheat Ridge Site Drainage Requirements. 4. The Outlet Structure and Emergency Overflow detail needs to show the 2' concrete trickle channel abutting the structure, and the bottom WQ orifice lying in the FL of the trickle channel. Final Drainage Plan (Sheet Dl) 1. Please provide to-scale cross-sections A-A through F-F. 2. Need to show the 2' concrete trickle channel in the Outlet Structure detail - with the bottom orifice opening lying within the flowline of the channel. 3. Double-check the sub-basin boundary line shown south of the detention area; it appears from the calculations that this line may not be needed. If it is in fact correct, please include the additional info sub- basin calculations. 4. Include all grade percents as indicated on the redlined Plan. 5. The Final Development Plan shows numerous evergreen trees being planted within the detention area. If this is to occur, you will need to include a discussion regarding the impacts of this to the proposed detention facility, e.g., volume displacement, maintenance issues, etc. (If it is not to occur, please explain to the architect that these need to be removed from the FDP). 6. Need to include the following details for the drainage-related items: a. Outlet Structure (a detail for the complete structure, not just the outlet orifice design). b. The 2' concrete trickle channel. c. Retaining walls. d. Earthen berms and rip-rap, and any other constructed items associated with the detention area. 7. Curb & gutter (and an ADA ramp) is to be constructed at the northerly side of the north entrance. It appears that there may be some offsite runoff that could flow from Tabor Street down the asphalt driveway onto the site. Please state whether or not this will occur, and if necessary adjust the OS sub- basin line(s) and runoff calculations to reflect this. 8. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Final Drainage Plan. SURVEYING Final Plat Sheet l: 1. The Legal Description does not meet the City of Wheat Ridge standards per Sec. 26-407 of the Municipal Code of Laws. The section tie information (Point of Commencement, etc.) will need to be included before City staff is able to check the plat accuracy (boundary closure, fit to section, etc.) as required by City Code. 2. The Case History is WZ-05-12. Sheet 2: 3. All zoning, both onsite and offsite, needs to be shown. Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) -reviewl In.doc 4. All parcel boundary lines identified as R & AM (Record & As-Measured) will need to include the found pin information if in fact they are As-Measured from existing boundary evidence (or remove the AM). 5. Two True Points of Beginning are shown. Please remove one of these as there can only be 1 POB. 6. The proposed design can not be approved by the City until such time as written consent has been obtained from the ditch companies with a copy provided to the City. The irrigation easements should be obtained (serving as evidence of consent) and the County reception numbers referenced on the Plat. 7. Please include the purpose and expiry for the "134.00' Temporary Easement" as a note on the Plat. 8. Since it is stated that the actual property corner can not be established (due to the presence of a building at that location) along the westerly side of the parcel, and a pin is set at a point located along the arc (which divides the original into 2 smaller arc segments), include the central angles and are lengths for BOTH are segments on either side of the pin location. 9. Show the subdivision name and lot number for the parcel lying to the south (or show as unplatted). 10. The Basis of Bearing needs to be on the City Datum (e.g., along a section line using City-based bearing) as required by the Municipal Code of Laws. Final Development Plan 1. The public improvements will need to be completed on the northerly side of the north entrance. Please be sure the site plan reflects all the public improvements as shown on the civil construction plans. 2. The Legal Description and all property boundary/easement information shall exactly match the Final Plat Legal Description. 3. A 134.00' "Temporary Easement" is shown on Sheet 3. Please state what the purpose of this easement is, and the associated timeframe if indeed it is to be "temporary" in nature. 4. Both the CDOT right-of-way and property boundary linetypes do not match the legend. 5. The symbol used for all property boundary angle points are shown to be sanitary manholes. 6. Sheet 4 (Landscape Plan) shows numerous evergreen trees to be planted within the detention area. You will need to discuss this with the civil engineer, as if this is to occur he will need to include a discussion of this in his Final Drainage Report. Outline Development Plan 1, The public improvements will need to be completed on the northerly side of the north entrance. Please be sure the ODP site plan reflects this. 2. The Legal Description shall exactly match the Final Plat Legal Description. CDAL CONSTRUCTION Stormwater Management Plan This submittal was forwarded to the Stormwater Coordinator, Mr. JJ Dabbs, 303.235.2871 for review and the following is his response: I have reviewed the Stormwater Management Plan received on January 18, 2006 and have the following comments: 1. Include concrete wash water as a potential pollutant source. Include the City of Wheat Ridge standard sediment and erosion control detail for concrete washout. 2. Replace all details with City of Wheat Ridge standard sediment and erosion control details. The Cit standard details may be found on the City's website: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 3. Since the northern driveway will not be used for construction, construction fencing must be used to stop Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) -reviewl ltr.doc vehicle use. If this driveway is to be used as an access for construction, a VTC pad must be used. 4. Sediment and erosion control inspections shall be conducted at a minimum of every 14 days, and after any precipitation or snowmelt event which causes surface erosion regardless of the season. Civil Construction Plans 1. Civil construction plans shall be required prior to approval of any building or grading permits, and may be submitted along with the Building Permit Application. However, to shorten the time required to complete the review and approval process, the civil plans may be included with the next submittal of the FDP and Plat (prior to the Building Permit Application). The civil plans shall include but are not limited to, a site Grading & Erosion Control Plan, all proposed drainage facilities, elevations at all critical on-site locations, a plan & profile sheet(s) for the Tabor Street frontage improvements, irrigation pipe relocations, all applicable details, etc. The Public Works Department requires 2 signed and stamped copies of the revised Final Drainage Report/Plan, FDP, ODP, and Civil Construction Plans. Please provide the above documents with the next submittal. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to any construction within the public right-of-way, the necessary Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Traffic Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public right-of-way for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all constructed public improvements and Final Acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. Drainage Certification Required Prior to C.O. Upon completion of the drainage improvements, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Scott Paling, PE., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the site grading was completed per the approved Grading & Erosion Control and Drainage Plans, all drainage facilities were constructed and shall function as defined in the approved Final Drainage Report/Plan, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the construction of all drainage facilities was completed in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted to the City for review and approval, and shall be accompanied with As-Built Plans for all constructed drainage facilities prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy. The As-Built Plans shall be submitted as follows: Two (2) copies of the "As-Built" Plans are to be submitted: a. 1 copy is to be on bond paper, and b. 1 copy is to be on electronic media (CD-ROM) and is to be in AutoCAD .dwg format. Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) -review] ltr.doc The above comments are as of the date reviewed and may not reflect all comments from other departments or reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer XC: Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner File Trailer Source (4651 Tabor) - reviewl Itr.doc Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Referral Form Date: January 18, 2006 Response Due: February 6, 2006 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Outline Development Plan, a PCD Final Development Plan and Plat at the property located at 4651 Tabor Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-05-12/MS-05-05/Skitzo Offshore, LLC Request: Approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Outline Development Plan, a PCD Final Development Plan and Plat. The property for which the applications are requested is approximately 2.49 acres in size. The Outline Development. Plan will rezone the property and establish general design parameters. The Final Development Plan will establish a site plan for the intended use as a trailer sales and service facility. A previous referral request was sent out regarding this property in October. The site plan and other supporting documents were revised to accommodate changes to the drainage for the site. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District (Valley) Sanitation District (Fruitdale) Fire District (Arvada) Adjacent City Jefferson County Planning Department Xcel Energy Qwest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Council of Governments JeffCo Health Department JeffCo Schools Bayou Ditch Co. JeffCo Commissioners AT&T Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Economic Development Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority Wadsworth Ditch Co. "The Carnation City" STATE bF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 6 Traffic Access/Utilities Permits Roadside Advertising 3401 Quebec St., Suite 8400 Denver, Colorado 80207 303-377-6602 FAX 303-377-6603 November 14, 2005 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development ATTN: Meredith Reckert 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Meredith: RE: WZ-05-12 4651 TABOR STREET & I-70, TABOR DEVELOPMENT PCD The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT, the Department) has reviewed the proposal and offers the following comments: 1. The right of way for the site will need to be revised to reflect CDOT work proposed for this area dated. The plans that will need to be followed for accurate right of way are dated 4/05/2005. 2. The plans can note that the chain link fence by others will be by CDOT. 3. The proposed improvements in the temporary easement area, (acquired by CDOT for future on/off I-70 ramps) must have access allowed during future CDOT construction. A note to this effect should be placed on the plans. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-377-6602. Sincerely, Bradley T. Sheehan, P.E. Access Engineer BTS/jc CC R6: Ref: 148005BTS 15-Nov-05 File (SH 70) Page 1 of 1 7 :2i e b° of q; ~I ~I I 2' Q, Q' j A 2 2 F- xQi pO, j 2 A- ~j yl O ~~~.,I ry ° < I 11 i ~I i i ~ I ~ I I I I Xcel EnergysM PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY November 9, 2005 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attn: Meredith Reckert Re: WZ-05-12/MS-05-05/Skitzo Offshore, LLC Siting and Land Rights 550 15'" Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202-4256 Telephone: 303.571.7799 Facsimile: 303.571.7877 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans for the proposed Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development. To ensure that adequate ten foot (10') electric and gas utility easements are available within this development, PSCo requests that these utility easements be depicted and reserved graphically on the preliminary and final plats. While these easements should accommodate the majority of utilities including electric, gas, television cable, and telecommunications facilities to be installed in the subdivision, some additional easements may be required as planning and building progresses. With new and existing gas or electric distribution facilities in the proposed development the developer should contact PSCo's Engineering Department at 1-800-628-2121, regarding new easement, the use or relocation of these facilities and/or any grading activities on or near these lines. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center, at 1-800-922-1987, to have all utilities located prior to construction. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571-7596 Thank You, Jon B. Keller Agent, Siting and Land Rights .11---,A/05 FRI 15:47 FAX 303 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 12101 WEST 52ND AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 TELEPHONE 303-424.9661 FAX a08-424.0828 November 4, 2005 Meredith Reckert Case Manager City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W_29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Meredith: In reference to Case #WZ-05-12-/MS-05-05/Skitzo Offshore, LLC, Trailer Source, Valley Water District has reviewed the inquiry and offers the following comments: 1. Valley Water District can provide water service to your proposed development subject to Valley Water District rules and regulations- 2. Valley Water District is supplied water through a distributors contract with the Denver Water Department and must follow Denver Water operating rules and regulations. 3. Valley Water District currently has adequate capacity through our Denver Water contract to serve the project. The District must also follow all Denver Water mandates with regard to drought and conservation that may be imposed. 4. Additional water main lines, fire hydrants or fire sprinkler lines are be needed to meet Arvada Fire Protection District requirements which would be at owner's expense. 5. The owner will need to provide necessary easements for water facilities. 6. Each separate building structure will require a separate water tap. The owner will be responsible for the cost and installation of the taps and water service lines. The existing building structure is scheduled for demolition and the existing tap can be transferred to the new building. IM 001 7. Owner will be required to provide a recorded plat of the project to the Valley Water District. 11/-04/05 FRI 15:47 FAX 300 424 0828 VALLEY WATER DIS @1002 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Robert Arnold District Manager Meredith Reckert From: DONALD FELAND [dlfelan@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:05 AM To: Meredith Reckert Cc: dlfelan@yahoo.com Subject: Case WZ-05-12/MS-05-05/Skitzo Offshore, LLC We at the Bayou Ditch Co have given Trailer Source are standard Agreements and have heard nothing, we need those agreements signed or modified with our approval, please notify the responsible parties. Don Feland ATE ~ F COL DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 6 Traffic Access/Utilities Permits Roadside Advertising 3401 Quebec St., Suite 8400 Denver, Colorado 80207 303-377-6602 FAX 303-377-6603 September 28, 2005 Mr. Jim Blumenthal Skitzo Offshore, LLC c/o Trailer Source, Inc. 4651 Tabor Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Mr. Blumenthal: 1 V17 m Re: TRAILOR SOURCE PROPERTY, 4651 TABOR STREET TO TABOR STREET BRIDGE You have indicated to me that you are presently in the process of seeking approval from the City of Wheat Ridge for a new ODP, FDP and Plat on the 2.5 acre remaining property after CDOT acquires approximately 4.25 acres of your current 6.75 acre site and building for the new West 441' Avenue Interchange at Ward Road. CDOT is very familiar with your property and the proposed improvement project for the new interchange. You indicated that the City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department is requiring you to place a detached sidewalk along the west side of Tabor Street to the south of I-70 and the Tabor Street Bridge over I-70. It would appear that the construction of a detached sidewalk in this area would require further improvements, including a retaining wall and landscaping within the right-of-way (ROW). The Tabor Street Bridge at this time is not intended for pedestrian access and there is no sidewalk along the west side of the Tabor Street Bridge to tie in to. The area along the west side of the Tabor Street Bridge is a wide and high curb that is intended to keep vehicles on the bridge and off of I-70 but not to encourage pedestrian access. With the above-defined use of the Tabor Street Bridge over I-70 and your question regarding improvements in the CDOT owned Tabor Street ROW, the following is the position of CDOT regarding the City of Wheat Ridge request: CDOT does not recommend ancillary construction or sidewalk to be placed within the CDOT owned ROW at this time. This would include either detached or attached sidewalk and any filling or retaining wall construction. Also, CDOT does not recommend any developer initiated modifications to the Tabor Street Bridge guardrail to accommodate trail improvements. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-377-6602. Sincerely, ' Jar' radley T. eehan, P.E. Access Engineer BTS/jc CC R6: I. Mallo B. McDonnell Ref: 117005BTS 29-Sep-05 File (SH 70) Page 1 of 1 10 FRUITDALE SANITATION DISTRICT 11460 WEST 44TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 303 - 414 - 5476 October 24, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert, Case Manager CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 REF: Case No. WZ-05-12/MS-05-05/Skitzo Offshore, LLC Sanitary Sewer Availability. Dear MS. Reckert: Reference is made to your request regarding proposed development at 4651 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The referenced site is within the boundary of the Fruitdale Sanitation District. At this date, there is an existing sewer service to this address and there is sufficient capacity in the downstream District system of facilities to serve the development. The District will continue to serve this lot and the proposed future building subject to compliance with all applicable District rules and regulations. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office at 303-233-2058. I would be pleased to discuss this matter with you in greater detail at your request. Very rs k~otf :p. for the District cc:.District.Office File: F24-0 09/27/2005 23:14 3034228001 TRAILER SOURCE INC PAGE 02 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 6 Traffic Access/Ufili i Permits Roadside Advertising 3401 Quebec St., Suite E 400 Denver, Colorado 6020; 303377-6602 PAX c03.377.W3 September 28,200! Mr. Jun Blumentha Skitzo Offshore, LI C c/o Trailer Source, Inc. 4651 Tabor Street Wheat Ridge, Colo: ado 80033 Dear Mr, Blumend al: Re: TRAILOR SOURCE PROPERTY, 4651 TABOR STREET TO TABOR STREET BRIDGE You have indicate(, to me that you are presently in the process of seeking approval from the City of Wheat I ridge for a new ODP, FDP aid Plat on the 2.5 acre remaining property after CDOT acquir n approximately 4.25 acres of your current 6.75 acre site and building for the now West - Wh Avenue Interchange at Ward Road. CDOT is very familiar with your property and + he proposed improvement project for the new interchange. You indicated that the City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department is requiring you to place a detached si fewalk along the west side of Tabor Street to the south of 140 and the Tabor Street Brid,,e over I-70. It would appear that the construction of a detached sidewalk in this ar :a would require further improvements, including a retaining wall and landscaping within the ROW. The Tabor Street Bridge at this time is not intended for pedestrian access and there is no sidewalk along the west side of the Tabor Street Bridge to tie in to. The a ea along the west side of the Tabor Street Bridge is a wide and high curb that is intend, A to keep vehicles on the bridge and off of I-70 but not to encourage pedestrian access. With the above-d.-fined use of the Tabor Street Bridge over I-70 and your question regarding improve mems in the CDOT owned Tabor Street ROW the following is the position of CDO C regarding the City of Wheat Ridge request. CDOT does not recommend ancill try construction or sidewalk to be placed within the CDOT owned ROW at this time, Ibis would include either detached or attached sidewalk and any filling or retaining wall construction. Also, CDOT does not recommend any developer 09/27/2005 23:14 3034228001 TRAILER SOURCE INC PAGE 03 initiated modificai ions to the Tabor Street Bridge guardrail to accommodate trail improvements. If you have any que lions, please contact me at 303-377-6602. Sincerely, Bradley T. Sheehan, P.E. Access Engineer BTSfjc ~a City of Wheat Ridge Department of public TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Dave Brossman, Development Review Engineer;JI8 Thursday October 27, 2005 SUBJECT: WZ-05-12/Trailer Source PCD I received the 1st submittal of the Trailer Source on October 19, 2005 and I took a quick look at the documents. The proposed site layout includes 3 retention ponds, which as we discussed with the applicant and their representatives at the pre-application meeting held on August 23, 2005, was not going to be considered an acceptable design as the property has a storm water outfall to be utilized with detention facilities. The City of Wheat Ridge adheres to the Urban Drainage and Flood Control policy that regards retention as a temporary solution only. The subject site historically drains to the northeast (please see attached aerial photo), and this site will accommodate detention as a long term design solution. Therefore, the site needs to be redesigned to incorporate detention of stormwater runoff prior to the commencement of a formal review by Public Works. In response to the letters you from Kent Bagley, Principal (Bagley Development Consultants) and Bradley T. Sheehan, P.E. (CDOT): Bradley T. Sheehan (regarding Tabor Street Public Improvements): The City of Wheat Ridge acknowledges the concerns regarding the construction of the public improvements along the Tabor Street frontage, and the challenges they present. In his letter to Mr. Blumenthal, Mr. Sheehan states that the Tabor Street bridge over I-70 is "not intended for pedestrian access and there is no sidewalk along the west side of the bridge to tie into." After Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works, Steve Nguyen, Engineering Division Manager, and I had a site visit to confirm that there are indeed 3 foot wide sidewalks running along both sides of the bridge, and along with the addition of the pedestrian rails it certainly gives the appearance of a sidewalk (please see the attached photo showing the bridge). Mr. Sheehan further states that "CDOT does not recommend any developer initiated modifications to the Tabor street guardrail to accommodate trail improvements." In an effort of cooperation, the Public Works Department would support the escrow of funds in lieu of construction for the improvements that would he in the area from the bridge southward to the northeasterly curb return of the north entrance. The applicant will need to submit an itemized engineer's cost estimate for curb, gutter, and 5' detached sidewalk for review and approval prior to the submittal of any escrowed funds. Kent Bagley: Mr. Bagley proposes "to construct curb and gutter on the west side of Tabor Street from the south side of the north entrance to the subject property to the south side of the property..." As stated above, the public improvements will include curb, gutter, and 5' detached sidewalk, and are to be constructed from the south property line northward to the north side of the northerly entrance - not the south side as proposed by Mr. Bagley. It appears there will be ample room without interference with the existing guardrail, so the northerly entrance will need to be completed in its entirety. An escrow of funds for the curb, gutter, and sidewalk would be acceptable for the area to the north of To Mere - Trailer Source tat Submittal (10-27-05).doc the northerly entrance as mentioned above. Mr. Bagley stated that a potential drainage solution "would have released flows from a detention pond constructed at the northeast comer of the property." He further stated "...this solution with the release of approximately 2.5 CFS is unacceptable to CDOT", and that "...CDOT does not desire to accept storm water flows onto their ROW." First of all, all downstream properties are "servient" to the upstream property (by lying downstream), and must accept historic runoff flows (please refer to C.R.S. Title 38 regarding water rights and drainage). Therefore the argument that Mr. Bagley makes with respect to CDOT "not willing to accept runoff' cannot legitimately be made. With respect to any increase in runoff quantities, the City of Wheat Ridge again adheres to the Urban Drainage and Flood Control (UDFCD) policy with respect to runoff release rates from developed sites. The UDFCD limits any runoff increase as a result of site development to 1 CFS/acre for the major storm event. In conclusion, the site will need to be redesigned to show on-site detention with runoff release rates at or below historical rates, and also showing the public improvements (curb, gutter, and 5' detached sidewalk) along Tabor Street from the south property line to the north side of the northerly entrance. To Mere - Trailer Sowce 1st Subffittal (10-27-05).doc Trailer ore ®4 1 Tabor Street N E 100 0 100 200 Feet Bagley Development Consultants October 10, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Trailer Source Redevelopment at 4651 Tabor Street - Public Works Department Requirements Dear Meredith: Based upon the meeting Jim Blumenthal and I had with you and Alan White on Wednesday, August 31, this letter is provided to the City of Wheat Ridge concerning the two issues we discussed in depth. The major issues were the requirements of the Public Works Department. These included full public improvements on the west side of Tabor Street along the entire property frontage and the requirement to have detention for the property instead of retention as proposed. Each of these requirements will be addressed in greater detail below. Tabor Street Public Improvements: The Public Works Department has requested full improvements along the west side of Tabor Street including curb, gutter, detached sidewalk with tree lawn and modifications to the Tabor Street/I-70 overpass guard rail. We are in receipt of a letter from Brad Sheehan with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) indicating that the entire Tabor Street right-of-way (ROW) in this area on the west side of Tabor Street is owned by CDOT. Further, CDOT confirms that they do not want any sidewalk in their ROW that would encourage pedestrians to utilize the Tabor Street/I-70 overpass and therefore produce a safety hazard for both CDOT and the City of Wheat Ridge. Also, any attempt to provide detached sidewalk and tree lawn north to the bridge would require a significant retaining wall to be constructed on the CDOT property, which is both uneconomical and not permitted by CDOT. We are proposing to construct curb and gutter on the west side of Tabor Street from the south side of the north entrance to the subject property to the south side of the property near the alignment of West 46th Avenue. This will provide a uniform street section in this area with a new exit from the property at the southeast corner. We would request that the City of Wheat Ridge waive the requirements for the standard public improvements and accept our solution as planned. It is recognized that in an ideal situation the required public improvements would be installed, however, in this situation it is not an appropriate and reasonable request. Storm Water Management: The Public Works Department has requested that we no longer utilize retention but rather detention ponds on the subject property. Retention ponds historically have served the property since its inception and there is no public storm sewer system to connect to in the area. Furthermore, the surrounding properties to the south of the subject property also do not have appropriate detention solutions. The public storm sewer in the area is located over 1200 feet to the south in West 44th Avenue. Any connection to this system would require the extension of an 18" diameter storm sewer pipe with necessary manholes all the way to the south, at significant cost. 90 Madison Street ' Suite 300 ' Denver, Colorado 80206 ' (303) 333-0636 ' FAX (303) 388-8756 Bagley Development Consultants Ms. Meredith Reckert October 10, 2005 Page 2 To make the above solution possible would require a significant amount of fill for elevating the subject property to allow it to positively drain to the south. Also, this type of solution would require significant crossings of two major irrigation ditches crossing the subject property from west to east to provide for this ideal drainage solution. Another potential drainage solution for the new Trailer Source facility would have released flows from a detention pond constructed at the northeast corner of the subject property. These flows would then have been conveyed to the ROW for I-70 north of the site and adjacent to I-70. From here the flows would have been directed under the elevated embankment for the Tabor Street Bridge in an existing pipe and then to the east side where the flows would then continue on to the east in an open swale within the CDOT owned ROW. However, this solution with the release of approximately 2.5 CFS is unacceptable to CDOT. CDOT has indicated that it does not desire to accept storm water flows onto their ROW. Furthermore, we have been informed that CDOT is clearly not interested in accepting any flows from abutting properties on to their I-70 ROW in the location of the subject property. We would suggest that the most appropriate solution would be to continue to allow retention ponds on the site for necessary storm water management. Again, this may not be ideal but it is appropriate for Wheat Ridge to modify its requirements in this unusual circumstance rather than requiring a significant economic hardship for this small 2.5 acre parcel that is the remainder after a major condemnation of 4.25 of the total 6.75 acre site included in three separate parcels for the new interchange with I-70 as proposed by CDOT. Please contact me if you have further questions concerning this request and need any other explanation. We look further to working with Wheat Ridge to make the new Trailer Source a quality project that the City will be proud to approve. Sincerely, BAGLEY DEVELOPMENT CO ULTANTS Kent Bagley Principal cc: Jim Blumenthal, Trailer Source, hic. 90 Madison Street ' Suite 300 ' Denver, Colorado 80206 ' (303) 333-0636 ' FAX (303) 388-8756 .S Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Referral Form Date: October 19, 2005 Response Due: November 09, 2005 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Outline Development Plan, a PCD Final Development Plan and Plat at the property located at 4651 Tabor Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-05-12/MS-05-05/Skitzo Offshore, LLC Request: Approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Outline Development Plan, a PCD Final Development Plan and Plat. The property for which the applications are requested is approximately 2.49 acres in size. The Outline Development Plan will rezone the property and establish general design parameters. The Final Development Plan will establish a site plan for the intended use as a trailer sales and service facility. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to sere the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be'essential to sere the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Fax: 303.235.2857 Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Email: mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co us I DISTRIBUTION:s 0-1 Water District (Valley) E Sanitation District (Fruitdale) g Fire District (Arvada) sa Adjacent City IN, Jefferson County Planning Department Xcei Energy Owest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Council of Governments Jeff Co Health Department JeffCo Schools" Bayou Ditch Co. 11 Jeff Co commissioners AT&T Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Economic Development Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority Wadsworth Ditch Co. "The Carnation City" Community Development 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303.235.2846 Fax: 303.235.2857 The City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Referral Form Date: October 19, 2005 Response Due: November 09, 2005 The Wheat Ridge Community Development Department has received a request for approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Outline Development Plan, a PCD Final Development Plan and Plat at the property located at 4651 Tabor Street. No response from you will constitute having no objections or concerns regarding this proposal. Case No.: WZ-05-12/MS-05-05/Skitzo Offshore, LLC Request: Approval of an amended Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Outline Development Plan, a PCD Final Development Plan and Plat. The property for which the applications are requested is approximately 2.49 acres in size. The Outline Development Plan will rezone the property and establish general design parameters. The Final Development Plan will establish a site plan for the intended use as a trailer sales and service facility. Please respond to this request in writing regarding your ability to serve the property. Please specify any new infrastructure needed or improvements to existing infrastructure that will be required. Include any easements that will be essential to serve the property as a result of this development. Please detail the requirements for development in respect to your rules and regulations. If you need further clarification, contact the case manager. Case Manager: Meredith Reckert Voice: 303.235.2848 Fax: 303.235.2857 Email: mreckert@ci.wheatridge.co.us DISTRIBUTION: Water District (Valley) Sanitation District (Fruitdale) Fire District (Arvada) Adjacent City Jefferson County Planning Department Xcel Energy Owest Communications Colorado Department of Transportation Denver Regional Council of Governments JeffCo Health Department Jeff Cc Schools Bayou Ditch Co. JeffCo Commissioners AT&T Broadband Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Regional Transportation District Wheat Ridge Post Office Wheat Ridge Police Department Wheat Ridge Public Works Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation Department Wheat Ridge Economic Development Wheat Ridge Building Division Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority Wadsworth Ditch Co. "The Carnation City" LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 29°i Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) Applicant -Tit 5U> mg 4 ' w Address L46-;A Phonc(YO g1~ 4431 City U-\t fPT tber- State C Zip fto33 Fax 3o3){n-2899 Owner SkAT-7~ MzPa loFE- W,6- Addressy(oS\ ~ 3t2 S; Phone(72061o'44S) i City G6}kk7t: State O Zip 6009' Fax -22-Z99c Contact 6tLkt k~, ~-&Qt Address Phone City State Zip Fax (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) Location of request (address): (-6s 1 -(t& f Sr ~itX CO Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side Change of zone or zone conditions - Special Use Permit Consolidation Plat . / - Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) - Flood Plain Special Exception Lot Line Adjustment Planned Building Group V'- Site Development Plan approval Other: Detailed description Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) Right of Way Vacation - Temporary Use, Building, Sign - Variance[Waiver (from Section ) -t4PaA,# zgts _'~,.,F ~o st txsZ.4u~ Vic. k tmaratl:zrsp..lc Required information: Assessors Parcel Number4t ZA Nci -1 /2o3 of3 / 649673 Size of Lot (acres or square footage): 2.'J jac_g ^~pMF Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Current Use: tt gn Et as. Proposed Use: < ,t.F I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot IaAf(&Q, be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attom t owe 1~iYr~xmu,s ac,nr behalf. Signature of To be filled out by staff: Date received 0~~~/©S Comp Plan Desrg. Related Case No. g ma JVday of L)Ci QW.Cy- 20(~5 ~Of CO~.~ otary Public tlttUntnnottt~ My cofnnrission expires 4 Ja/©g' Ornmiselon Explrea Fee S Receipt No. Case Noa~[tl S-U.J 05- Zoning G/ Quarter Section Ma l~oZtJ Pre-App Mtg. Date - Case Manager -c-r-r}-' 'H'd `rONPIVd ,L.L00S :,IHHNIONH .L0Hf02Id 'S'-I'd `H'd SRRIVH AVUM 3N-AVM :a9-dVH0 M "IVdIONI-Id (X'd3) 8ZOtb-IEt, (£OE) 0019-I£b (£0£) SIZ08 0QVK0'I00 `QOOMH}IV'I OOSISI xou'O'd HfINHAV XVd100 LSHM 66bZI '0NI`NIL2IVW NII HVW Ag0d21Vdgdd 666Z-ZZbQ00 ££OOS OQV-IO'I00 `H9QRI .LVHHM .LHHZLI.S 2IOEIVI 199b 'WH.LNHWf1'IS WIf 0/0 '0NI 9:)HfIOS Haglvdl :Hod Q32IVdjud 10:x'86081 'ONIJglO21d 9002 `01 HJMVK:9f1 9002 `6 d21b'11AIY'l 0aVYO703 `.79MIV9HM 931yIlOS X97im 2104 NV7J JAI-7H.79 VAIVN Y71 VAI KY01 S 9Q0? SHONaxaAHN Q XIQNdddd O XIQNdddd s XIQNdddd V XIQNdddd t7..................................................................dONt KRLNlvw QNd NOLLOddSM b" -IOdLNOO LK21WIG9S QNd NOISOdF[ Mg' DKO"I ('NV NOI'VZI'IIfld.LS'IVNLH NOI.LN'AA92Id NOLLfl'I"IOd 2Id LVM WXO.I.S 2IOd SdWS £ SLNdLM'10d'IVILNHLOd 90 M-dfIOS IVELO 'I02LLNOO NOIS02Id Z . . 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THL9 CGWFl6UtATI0P1 OF MET Pp60TECT~ 9FiALL ~ U9ED EVEN IF STREETlr~ET INCLUGEB QRA"ES ~N OIRTER BECT~Nj RElNFCR(k~ gOCI( 1•tl2' CRUSHED BE~aaswnu~ za"NIOgGB7UD pL1(~p TIfA1Fl.v EX'@r1Ep INTO i r ROGKENCLOSED pGl+M~TCUF~~ ® CCN~CRETE~ocxa IN HARE M 1 D' MIN. Y 4 i FILTERED „ RUNOFF 2` AV SOIL 0" ON PAYMENT L ~ - i i ~n . AREA INLET tueaAR r~~ M i CLOSED CRETE810G(S ~+~~r~w+ i•V1'CRl13HEDR©q{ i NorrosGAt.E STREET INLET IN SUMP AFTER PAVING -PLAN ~III~®r tiJ NOT TO SCALE i INLET PROTECTION INSTALLATION NOTES SST NA,BT (CURICFENNO NLET>#1DNM 1. INTERIM CONFlGURATION OF NLET PROTECTION IN STREETS SMALL @E INSTALLED WITHIN 4&MOUR3 OF POURING INLET. INLET T►as CONFiGtIRATK]NOF INLET FRDTECTIW 1 i~ PROTECTKN (AFTER PAVEMENTI' SHALL @E INSTALLED WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER PAVING IS PLACED. SHALL BE USED EUEf~1 F STREET INLET REiNF(iRCED RDCk INCLUDES GRATES N G'lJt TER SECTION), ~aa sue. ~ 2. INLET PROTECTION AT AREA INLETS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 48~HOURS OF POURING INLET, o Tx~mY -1 e ApA~* (XIftB F 3. CRUSHED ROCK SHALL BE FRACTURED FACE (ALL SIDES) AND SHAH. COMPLY VNTH GRADATION SHOWN ON SHEET 1(1-t l2" MNVUS}. RECYCLED CONCRETE MEETING THIS GRADATION MAY @E USED. FLOW ~ 4' 4. IMRE MESH SHALL BE FABRICATED OF 10 GAUGE WIRE TWISTED INTO A MESH WITH A MAXIMUM OPENING OF 1A INCH (COMMONLYTERMED - 'CHICI(EN WIRE' .ROIL WIDTH SMALL BE 48dNCHES. w b. WIRE MESH MALI. @E SECURED USING'FIOG RIGS' OR WIRE TIES AT 8-1NCH CENTERS ALONG ALL JOINTS AND AT 2-INCH CENTERS ON ENDS OF BERM. I I ~ i r e- REINFORCED ROCK BERM SHALL 8E CONSTRUCTED IN ONE PIECE OR SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED USING JOINT DETAIL. M~N~FX1N i. f~ y 7. TU@ULAR MARKERS SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFlC CONTROL DEVICES lMUTCl~, AS AMENDED. B. THE TOP OF REINFORCED ROCK @ERM SHALL BE 111" •1' @ELOW TOP OF CURB. Ti~u.,At M4RKER TUBUUR NARKER w~r~~Na D I•u2' cx~usrftT aoclc INLET PROTECTION MAINTa~uwcE NOTES STREET INLET ON CONTINUOUS GRADE - 1, THE GESC MANAGER SHALL INSPECT INLET PROTECTION WEEKLY, DURNG AND AFTI°R ANY STORM EVENT AND MAKE REPAIRS OR CLEAN OUT A$ NECESSARY. MORE FREflUENT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS SHALL 8E REQUIRED DURING NOT TO SCALE -t 1..1 IMNTER CONDITIONS DUE TO FREEZEITHAW PROBLEMS. ANY GAP AT JOINT SHALT WITH 1-1t2" CRUSHED RC 2. SEDIMENT ACCLMULATED UPSTREAM OF INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE SEDIMENT DEPTH UPSTREAM WRAPPED WITH ADDITI01 W~ OF ROCK BERM IS WITHIN 2-1121NCHES OF THE CREST. ME5H SECURED TO END, REINFORCED BERM 3. INLET PRATECTK}N IS TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIE THE UPSTREAM OISTURBEfl AREA IS STABIl1ZED AND GRASS COVER IS i l' APPROVED, UNLESSTHE CITY APPROVES EARLIERREMOVALOF INLETPROTECTION IN STREETS, 4. WHEN INLET PROTECTION AT AREA INLETS ARE REMOVED, THE DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE DRILL SEEDED AND CRIMP MULCHED OR OTHERWISE 3TA@I.IZED IN A MANNER APPROVED @Y THE CITY. j 0 r~_ ' ~ INLET PROTECTION R c~ I~ f' - f t 0 W ``1, Y L DETAIL W ® ~ ca®E } i.- l~ S') ~ ~ 1 A. DEPT, OF P BLI W U G flRKS DEPT, OF PU i R DL C WO K ENGINEERING D11/1SI N 0 i 1 O ENGINEERIN DIVI I N G sa APPROVED BY; SNN 141 BYI _.L_ SNN 10 L_I_J ~Yf Q l { U7 ~ ~ ~ s I Q ~ ~ t..A_. f \T . - ~A.`w.~~+y, f •I U ~ ~ r ~ nn 11 W til \J ~ I ! I iY 4 i T ~ ~ f _ 3 !w _ z i 1~ I CE ~F' ~ 1 ~ 1 J ~ 1 ~ i , . t - - x \ i ~ 1 7 t ~ ~~,r I _ 1 r R / • 1 W I ~ f k' w ~ 1j / ~ 1 1 f ti,,~ r ~ I r+.. ~ ~ f ' ~ ' ~ ~ `"y.% i \ /'1 'O, r'~. J ~ ~ ~ - r¢ ~ ~ ~ 4 i ~ ~ , ~ ~ r,. 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ Q~ ~ ~ 1 i ~ ( --,4.. t W CL ~ ~ ~ ~ :4_ ~ ,~t , ;E r; i ~ • ♦ ~ E ~ ~ r i ~ { J i ~ j j ~ ~ t l - _4 I / f i ~ ~ t 1 Vl ~ "7 n ' W ~ -.,4 v ~ f u,~. a V1 `T~~. 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(umslnladns loanp Xw lopun.ro) am Xq pal18d3ld sum oolnoS lal1eiZ jo aisop o2uululp oql io3 luo&T slgl legs Xj!lla0 Xgalaq I aql mog33oung •mog puuliano etn XBM 3o-lg2!j ZOQD olut puu quou aql of pa,Canuoo st pue poutulopun st al!s oql jo uotuod quou oqi uzoij jjouru Su!istxo [IV •I!os 0 OCUJ, se pagtsselo si put pues Xllps ~Ilezauai? st alts aql uo Itos aqj, .%Z I-% I moa3 3ut~3ue.t sadols glim quou of gins moij sadols XI1utaua3 alts oqL Buideospuel pue `anup !ane12 E `ttemantip 31310000 `(moot molts) 2U!PI!nq 13u!isixo ue3o slsisuoo Xiluouno alts aqs SAIOI RIM0O OrII,ISIXI -liodai sigl;o la)lood Nouq aql ui papnioui si alts oql io; inoXel pue sutsuq o2eutetp oql Oupoidap ueid o2euiuzp d 'g b6I0069080 PUB H Z6I0369080 szagmnu deux MIA .tad utuldpoog jBoX-001 u u!giim poleool lou st alts posodozd agZ -lol Out~ied u put `pirX Fuldsip e `gutpltnq e `puod uoquolop e Butlon.gsuoo `ails aql jo futpuz~3`3utplmq 2utlsixa aql jo uoiltlowopjo lstsuoo II!m alts sigl;o luamdolanaQ •loaCotd aainoS zalluzl, aloe-gt7'Z aql .to3 ucalsFs luoma8euem ialem uuois a luasatd Iltm uoda.t sign A!OI.IdRIOSaQ A.IIS 'OL-I Xq quou oql uo pue `sosn lutzlsnput Xq ginos a p uo ',(em-lo-iglu 10(lo !q lsam aql uo `halts iogel ~ q iseo oql uo po tapzoq st luamdolanap oq,L •dem il!mou aql io3 x!puaddu aql ooS •opmolo:) 3o alelS `uosjojjo f jo Xiunoo `uetp!jiW lediouud qmS oql jo ISQM 69 o2ued `gins £ d!gsumoy `0Z uotlooS jo zalzunb moquou oql ui poleool `uoistntpgns s,09-1'8 puu L slorl puu `uo!s!nipgnS luamdolanact .zoqul `I lo-I jo uotuod a;o satou gl,•Z flalemixotddu st luamdolanap pasodozd oql KOIIV:)Orl 's3as'£ iijoj wtxosddu salBJOUQO IUOAa JOIBw aqI PUB sJ39.0 XIalBwixozddu SQILJQU32 Juana uuols IOUTUI aqs -galip uoilB2iui OU[IS[xa uB olw PUB Isnagluou aqI of suleip Bain siq L -fivadozd oql jo uoiltod glnos aql sossBdwoaua puu saiaB £I' I s! £H uisug 's335'£ Xialuwixolddu s2)luzau32 IuaAa JONLU aqI PUB s3a£' I fIalBwtxozddB SOJEJau02? 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Juana zoCBw aqI PUB s3aZ'0 ipuwixojddu salnzauag Iuana Uuols zouiw 341 'ISna aqI oI MJIS ioquy gluauiopun sasson Iugl adcd uuols aqI oI ,~tlBnluana PUB ISBaglzou aqI oI SU'BZp uisuq oqs -Avadoid aql jo uoillod quou aql sossudwooua PUB saiaB Iti'0 si IH utsug 33ONflll JIHO.ISIH •saiuudwoa galtp uoclB21ui aqI Xg paluatsap smolt aqI utuluiuu of ~IiaBdBa aqI anBq Ipm PUB awl Xindoid Isuo aqI of aug Xindoid Isam aql wozj padid aq Ipm sagolip uoilB'BLUI 2ullsixa oqs •pjeX iSejdstp PUB wooz mogs zaliuzl r zoj aq Ipm asn puBl posodoid aql -luadoid oqj uo aiB Iugl sagol?P uoilB$tui aQjgl JO auo oI pa~anuoo st al's aqI;o zapuiuwaz oqj •puod uoiluolaz Suilsixo uu .Cq paloolloo st alis agl jo uolluod olppnu 'SJOZ'ti XtowmimuldU SOJezaa32 Juana JOfem agl puU SJOL•0 iSjojemcxozddu 931ei3ua2 Juana uuols ioutm agZ 'gaup uoiJno?ui 2u.1s~xa aqJ olui sagzegascp 1,8111 aJis aql jo lsomglnos oqJ of (fnn+3o-)g2!j'LOQO) ~ Ijadoid alas j;o jo sWoe SZ'I sl bSOH uiseg •s306.0 ClalUmixoiddu SOJUJOUOS Juana zofum aql pue SJO FO XlolumixoiddU SOJUiau02 Juana m101s zouim aq,L '1sua aq1 of laazlS ioqu j gluauiapun sossozo legl odid uuols aqJ of ftienluana pue ISUagJZOU 9q1 01 SUIPip uiseq aqZ •alis oql ;o lsuaquou oql o1 (CUm;o-Jg2u LO(jO) ,Clzadozd ovs 33o jo saiae ZZ'0 S, £SOH utsug SJOZ' I filalUmixoAde SOIBIaua2 Juana iofULU aqJ puU sjoZ'0 Siolumixozddu saluiaua2 Juana U1.I01s aoutm oqj -autl,Clzadozd agl jo lsuo lsnf golip uoile2iuf 2ullslxa uU olul sATUgosip legl alts aql jo Jsua ag101 (SUn,,jo-1g2u ,L000) fvodozd a1[s ijo 3o so-IOU SZ'O S' ZSOH UISUg 's;oq'0l ojuwixojddu soluiau32 Juana iofum aql pue sjoZ'0 XIolumixoidde saleIau32 Juana uuols zouIm agZ 'aug (ijodoid agl3o lsuo lsnf qol?p uoilesim 2uilsixa ue oluc sa2sUgosip legs alis agl 3o lseaglnos aql of (fUnn jo-1g2u ZO(jO) Xpl doid alis 33o 3o sone ZI'0 s? 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I i j i i i ~ I ~ , ! i ! ~ SECTION D-D . > i l CU ~ ~ ~ I j SCALE: 1 "=2' SECTION F-F j , j l j SCALE: 1 "=2' ~ i j I I I i i j ~ V} I I i m Imo, ~ I I ~ a_ I ' ~ ; I ' ~ ~ ~ w ~ ' i (i i i I ~o ~ ~ z c..~ , t.~ I i , I j 0 ~ ~ ~ j ~ i i i j o~ ~ C~ ~t71 I ! ~ ~ i ~ o r~ t I ~ i i Q i I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lii i N ~ i N j i ~ i O N ; i i w ~ U Ul C~ U' ~ ~ Q ~ Q ' ~j j ~ ~ C~' j j ~ ~ j ; ~ ~ N C z I ~ ' 1 W j I ~ ~ i ' ~ i ~ ~ ~ CU ~ ~ ~ C~ 4 I ~ ~ ~ z~ j ~ I ~ Cll L ~ I Q I q~ j ~ ~ v z 0 0 a Sheet Number; O Q ~ E z > z p Q -a-, ~ CT)--3: Q C) 00 -z;~ 1)3 - Case No.: Zp512 Quarter Section Map No.: NE20 App: Last Name: Trailer Source Inc Related Cases: MS0505 App: First Name: _/o Jim Blumenthal Case History: mend ODP & FDP Owner: Last Name: pproval kitzo Offshore LLC Owner: First Name: App Address: 651 Tabor St. Review Body: PC _ City, State Zip: heat Ridge, CO 80033_.; App: Phone: 20810-4431 APN: Owner Address: ame 2nd Review Body: CO _ City/State/Zip:- 2nd Review Date: _i Owner Phone: ame Decision-making Body: CC Project Address: 651 Approval/Denial Date: Street Name: .abor Streat I,W City/State, Zip: heat Rtdge,,CO 80033.__ Reso/Ordinance No.: Case Disposition: Conditions of Approval: District: Reckert IV LL.._.,, Project Planner: File Location: dive Date Received: 10/12/2005 Notes: Follow-Up: Pre-App Date: /25/2005___.___ C TT nF WHFAT Ri~r-;E 10 131t~r :.r ='a Phi r;jh 5'r',iT~U 17101 LI C RECFiIF'T id "Ci_03T? A Fh4 %i WTI-46 APPLICATION F 1 nid= PAINFIff REITT B AMOUNT, C rY 187 J, ilO TRIAL P. =,00 Revised Plan for Trailer Source Meeting with Wheat Ridge August 31, 2005 Alan White Meredith Reckert Jim Blumenthal Kent Bagley Purpose of Meeting: Discuss the issues of major public improvements to Tabor Street and detention requirements for the amended site. Public Improvements to Tabor Street: • Request by the Wheat Ridge Public Works Department for curb, gutter and detached sidewalk along the west side of Tabor Street to the bridge over I-70 • This area is in CDOT ROW and CDOT does not want their ROW used for this purpose and will not permit the requested improvements, Brad Sheehan is in the process of reviewing the issues with the planning group at CDOT and will provide a letter to this effect • The improvement would require the installation of major retaining walls along the west side of Tabor Street within the CDOT ROW to accommodate this request, this would be a significant expenditure for the property owner with no material benefit • The Tabor Street bridge is not intended for pedestrian traffic with only a wide 2' curb on the bridge to prevent cars from hitting the railing on the bridge but not intended for pedestrian movements • There could be significant safety and liability issues with the requested improvements Detention Requirements for Property: Request by the Wheat Ridge Public Works Department for on site detention on the property The existing Trailer Source facility is served by a retention pond and is at a very low point To provide detention would require significant fill to the subject property and then the construction of a 12"-18" storm sewer along Tabor Street to the south at 44`h Avenue for a distance of over 1000'; these improvements, although consistent with Urban and Flood Control District criteria, which Wheat Ridge adheres to are over and beyond what are reasonable to impose on the Trailer Source property after the significant taking by CDOT of about 3.75 acres It is believed that the new 2.5 acre site can be adequately served by a retention pond with no adverse impacts to adjoining properties Page 2 Proposal: Trailer Source requests that these requirements be waived and that there not be a requirement to go through the process of engineering these improvements when they do not make real world sense and are only being done to meet standard requirements and do not recognize the reality of special circumstances of the subject property. LAND M ARCHITECTS perspective I balance LAND PLANNING' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - URBAN DESIGN PARK PLANNING sue, MARTIN /MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT ENGINEER SCOTT PALING? PE V 303.431.6100 EXT. 247 1 2499 WEST COLFAX AVENGE F 303.431.4028 P.O. BOX Is 1 500 LAKEW000. CoLORAOO 2021 5 SPALI NG@MARTI NMARTI N. COM W W W.MARTINMARTIN.CCM ti;° wH~rRO c7 m 'ca[ORh~~ Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: August 25, 2005 Attending Applicant(s): Kent Bagley Bagley Dev. Consultants 90 Madison St. Suite 300 Denver, CO 80206 303-333-0636 Scott Paling Martin/Martin 12499 W. Colfax Avenue P.O. Box 151500 Lakewood, CO 80215 303-431-6100 x 247 Mike Cooper Land Architects 9137 S. Ridgeline Blvd suite 130 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 303-734-1777 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Jeff Hirt, Travis Crane, Steve Nguyen Address or Specific Site Location: 4751 Tabor Street (three parcels) Existing Zoning: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Existing Conditions: The property is comprised of three parcels totaling 7.5 acres and is used for trailer sales. It has a metal building on it with 8400 square feet of floor area. The remainder of the property is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer parking. Access is by a single curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the overpass for 1-70. Zoning of the original, middle parcel occurred in 1996. The owners later acquired parcels to the north and south, both zoned Agriculture-One. In 2002,-a zone change to Planned Commercial Development and an outline development plan were approved for the three parcels. Case Nos. WZ-03-09/MS-03-06 were initiated as final development plan and plat requests on the three parcels. These land use cases were put "on hold" as CDOT was negotiating with the owners to purchase the western two-thirds of the property for right-of- way to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for 1-70. Construction of the ramps will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. These pending land use cases were closed due to changing conditions on the property. The fees of $4800 paid for those previous approvals will be credited towards the new application. The owner will have one year to complete the required improvements upon sale of the property to CDOT Applicant/Owner Proposal: In light of the pending CDOT acquisition, the applicants are requesting approval of a final development plan and plat for the remaining 2.5 acres to build a new building, display area and employee and customer parking. The proposed site plan allows for an 11,200 square foot structure on the south end, with customer and employee parking to the front (east) and side (north) of the structure. Inventory display will occur farther to the north of the structure. Access is via a one-way drive configuration. Three retention ponds are shown adjacent to Tabor on the south and north ends of the property. A second phase of construction would allow an additional structure 10,400 s.f. which would displace the inventory display area. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on June 28, 2005. Planning comments: The amended development proposal would require submittal of an amended outline development plan, a final development plan and plat document. Outline Development Plan (ODP): The applicants are proposing to amend the existing development to reflect the new parcel configuration and legal description. They are also requesting amendment to two of the previously established design parameters. Those amendments are a proposed increase to building coverage from 10% to 20% and reduction of required setback along Tabor Street from 50' to 30'. All previously approved use restrictions would remain. As such, only an amended development plan is required and there will be no requirements for a first reading of an ordinance. Plat document: A plat document will be required showing the new parcel configuration and legal description. A new property line will be established to allow sale of the two future structures. Drainage easements will be required to be shown, as will a 10' right-of- way dedication for the southern portion of Tabor Street. Final Development Plan (FDP): The proposed FDP will be modified to reflect the new parcel configuration and legal description. Per the submitted site plan, one-way circulation is proposed with cars entering the site from the northern curb cut (existing) and exiting from the southern curb cut (proposed). The one way circulation design is preferred by Staff as there is limited sight distance at the existing driveway due to the 1-70 overpass guard rail. The use of the northern curb cut for exiting vehicles would require reconfiguration of the existing access point and driveway elevation. Modifications may have to occur to the curb radii of the existing curb cut to facilitate truck turning movements into the property. The southern exit onto Tabor is situated opposite the W. 46th Avenue/Tabor intersection. All areas used for vehicular access, customer and employee parking and inventory display must be paved. There are three ditches crossing the property. The applicants indicated that they would like to "pipe" the ditches to allow more vehicle display. The affected ditch companies must approve the design for modifications to the ditches. The City's standard for commercial landscaped coverage is 20%. All landscape quantities specified in Section 26-502 must be met, including a 10' wide landscaped strip adjacent to Tabor Street. Installation of permanent landscaping on the west side of the property may need to be delayed in light of the ramp construction and resultant damage that could occur. An escrow agreement with financial security would be required to delay installation of required landscaping. There is flexibility in application of the minimum and maximum requirements established in the zoning and development code, however, the planned development process is not intended to be used to circumvent these standards. For example, a reduction in one development component may be considered in exchange for an increase in some other category. The Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual does not allow the use of steel for building materials. The applicant has indicated that they would like to use upgraded architectural materials on the new structure. PROCESS: The following is the process for approval of a planned development amended outline development plan, a final development plan and plat. Upon receipt of the application and fee, the proposal will be referred to the necessary outside agencies for review and comment for a period of 15 days. After the referral period has ended, a list of required corrections for all three documents may be sent back to the applicant for revision. Please be. aware that it may take at least one resubmittal before staff is satisfied the submittal is ready for public hearing. After all required corrections are made; a Planning Commission public hearing date will be set. Fifteen days prior to the Planning Commission public hearing, the applicant will be responsible for posting the property. Planning staff will create the public notice signs; however, the applicant must post the signs. The applicant (or his representative) must be present at the public hearing, and should be prepared to address questions from members of the Planning Commission. This process will be repeated for the City Council public hearing. The City Council public hearing usually occurs a month or so after the Planning Commission hearing. Public Works comments: The Public Works department will require the construction of public improvements along the Tabor Street frontage. This would include installation curb, gutter and separated sidewalk with a tree lawn. There may be opportunities for modified design of the sidewalk in relation to the existing slope of the property. The guard rail on the overpass may have to be modified to accommodate the public improvements. The applicant indicated that CDOT will not permit a sidewalk to be installed in their right-of-way at this time. Written verification by CDOT will be provided. There are various drainage ponds shown on the site. It was noted that these ponds should be detention ponds, not retention ponds as shown on the proposed plan. The applicant indicated that a large quantity of fill would be required to accommodate a detention pond system. See enclosed public works requirements. Building comments: Not in attendance, comments will be made after receiving submittal package. Streetscape / Architectural Design comments: Street improvements and building architecture must comply with the manual. Phone Numbers Meredith Reckert - Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Travis Crane - Planner 303-235-2849 Dave Brossman - Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Jeff Hirt - Planning Technician 303-235-2845 Chad Root - Building Official 303-235-2853 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT atyofWheat Ridge- J 7500 WEST 29' AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Department of Pubic Works August 25, 2005 Pre-Application Meetine Trailer Source Development (4651 Tabor Street) Public Works Requirements: 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review with the Final Development Plan: 1. A Final Drainage Report and Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer). 0-n- site detention is required for all commercial developments. The City of Wheat Ridge follows the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District guidelines and the UDFCD views retention as a temporary solution only. Therefore on-site detention incorporating water quality measures shall be required. Note: The City considers retention as a temporary means only per UDFCD guidelines, and thus will not consider any retention proposal as a long-term solution for site drainage. 2. Grading & Erosion Control Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer). 3. Street Construction Plans (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer), which shall include a plan and profile of the public improvements (curb, gutter and 5' detached sidewalk) along the Tabor Street frontage and -connecting to the bridge. Include applicable Standard COWR details for all constructed items. 4. FDP Site Plan which shall include the following: a. 24" X 36" sheet format. b. A vicinity map, scale, and north arrow. c. The boundary of the site described in bearings and distances, and existing and . proposed lot lines. d. A Legal Description of the site, including tie(s) to the Section. e. A Basis of Bearing statement. f. Signed Certification from a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado (verifying the Site Map). g. Date of map preparation, and the name, address, and firm of who prepared the map. h. Location of 100-year floodplain, if applicable, i. Existing and proposed contours at 2-ft intervals. j. Adjacent streets, including Right-of-Way widths, names, and ROW centerlines. k. Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights-of-way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site. 4. Final Plat: City-based bearings/coordinates shall be used per Section 26-407-D-6 of the Municipal Code of Laws (please see Item 92 under the Additional Infoimation/Requirements below). (8-25-05) 4651 Tabor St(TraOer Source)-2nd PA App.doo 5. If the proposed site area is greater than 1 acre, an NPDES Permit shall be required from the State of Colorado (CDPS permit). This permit is issued through the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Water Quality Control Division. A Copy of the CDPS Permit and SWMP shall be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge prior to issuance of the Grading/Fill and Building Permits.. 6. Proof of Ownership for the property, e.g., Warranty Deed, Title Commitment, etc Additional Information/Requirements: 1. The City of Wheat Ridge Streetscape Manual design applies to this development and shall be incorporated into the project design along Tabor Street. 2. Information pertaining to NPDES Permits, ROW maps, the current City of Wheat Ridge Street Construction Standard Details (AutoCAD® 2000.dwg format), and City-base (surveying) coordinate information is available under the Public Works Department on the City of Wheat Ridge website: www:ci.wheatridge.co.us 3. For those without internet access, a CD-ROM containing the current City of Wheat Ridge Street Construction Standard Details (AutoCAD® 2000.dwg format), and the Public Works Development Review Requirements (e.g., drainage report traffic study requirements, etc.) is available upon request at the City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works for $40.00. (8-25-05) 4651 Tabor St (Trailer Source) - 2ndPre-App.doc t .r=~.~ ~ SITE DATA _ a LAND USE: OFFICE/WAREt-IOUSE AREA SF ACREAGE BUILDING COVERAGE: BLDG A 11,200 0.26 10.32% a BLDG B 10,400 0.24 9.58% BUILDING TOTAL 21,600 0.50 19.90% DRIVE/PARKING 51,050 1.17 47.02% LANDSCAPE 25,275 0.58 23.28% RETENTION POND 10,650 0.25 9.80% TOTAL SITE 108,575 2.50 100% NOTES: 1. PARKING AREA PROVIDED TO MEET CODE REQUIREMENTS ~ W FOR PROPOSED BUILDING AREAS FOR OFFICE/WAREHOUSE ~ USE (1 SPACE/600 SQ. FT. OF WAREHOUSE/WORK AREA PLUS OFFICE / ~ T, w~ c~ ~ r~ ; ~ ~ as .n t ~ +M T _ r 1 y A n x,° ^.fi;t~ ~ r, ^s,~>: 1 SPACE/300 SQ. FT. OF RETAIL AREA/WHOLESALE/OFFICE INDUSTRIAL ~ s~ 1 ~7 ~ ~ - n L c AREA -BUILDINGS ASSUMED TO BE 50% OFFICE AREA AND USE ~ 1 ~ i ~ ~ 50% WAREHOUSE/WORK AREA). = =a, . , ~ ~ 5 r' ~ _ . ~ F _ ~s~. r gr ~3Y - - i . 2. RETENTION POND SIZES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE FINALIZED WITH FINAL ENGINEERING. p ..ai 3. SETBACKS SHOWN PER APPROVED TABOR DEVELOPMENT M PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ODP (50' FRONT, 15' SIDE & REAR SETBACKS), WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A PROPOSED 30' FRONT SETBACK TO BE INCLUDED IN AN AMENDED ODP CONCURRENT WITH THE FDP. 4. BUILDING COVERAGE SHOWN ASSUMES AN AMENDMENT ~ Y TO THE ODP WILL OCCUR CONCURRENT WITH FDP TO PERMIT 20% BUILDING COVERAGE (10% MAX. BUILDING COVERAGE ON APPROVED ODP). 5. EXISTING DITCHES ASSUMED TO BE PIPED FROM NEW WESTERN PROPERTY LINE THROUGH ALL OR A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY AS SHOWN. ~3} Prepared for: Trailer Source MotorSports (303) 232 - 7576 Contact: Jim Blumenthal 0 30 60 90 %=mom Graphic Scale: 1Inch = 30 Feet CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN AUGUST 17, 2005 i i Page 1 of 1 Meredith Reckert From: Meredith Reckert Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:04 PM To: Steve Nguyen Cc: Alan White; Tim Paranto Subject: Pre-application meeting Hi. Steve- Tomorrow we have a pre-app meeting with Trailer Source at 3 PM.. Most of the outstanding issues are Public Works related regarding drainage (detention) and installation of public improvements. Therefore, it is imperative that we have a representative from the Public Works department in attendance. The planning division also questions the requirement for public improvements along the Tabor Street frontage based on impact from the development. Do we need to discuss prior? Thanks- Meredith 8/25/2005 City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department Memorandum TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Alan White Meredith Reckert Travis Crane Chad Root Jeff Hirt Steve Nguyen Dave Brossman Tim Paranto 8/25 Pre-Application Meetings August 17, 2005 it One pre-application meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 25, 2005. At 3:00, Kent Bagley of Bagley Development Consultants is the applicant for the property located at 4651 Tabor Street (Trailer Source). See attached narrative and site plan. ' Bagley Development Consultants August 15, 2005 Ms. Meredith Reckert Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Project Narrative for Trailer Source Redevelopment at 4651 Tabor Street Dear Meredith: As you are aware, CDOT is in the process of condemning almost 63% of the existing Trailer Source facility for the modifications of the access to I-70 from West 44th Avenue. In order to accommodate previous requests from the City of Wheat Ridge relative to the use of the subject property, the owner of Trailer Source has decided to make modifications to the existing Trailer Source development to accommodate the facility on an approximately 2.5 acre site instead of the original 6.76 acre overall property. To accomplish the task of transforming the old site into the new Trailer Source will require the complete removal of the existing building and the construction of new buildings on the remaining property after the CDOT taking. The consultant team will be submitting a modified Outline Development Plan (ODP), new Final Development Plan (FDP) and a consolidation plat all as suggested by the Wheat Ridge Planning Department during discussions concerning the CDOT condemnation. The ODP will utilize all of the language previously approved by the Wheat Ridge City Council. The changes proposed will be to modify the legal description, general plan and two standards previously included in the original ODP narrative language. The two standards previously discussed with the Wheat Ridge Planning Department were to modify the total allowed building coverage from 10% to 20% and to reduce the front setback on Tabor Street from 50' to 30'. Both of these modifications were to accommodate a modified and smaller trailer source facility on the remainder after the CDOT condemnation. A major hardship, not self imposed, to the Trailer Source owner would have been incurred in redeveloping the remainder if these modifications to the ODP were not permitted by Wheat Ridge. The revised ODP will show a total of 21,800 square feet of new building coverage on the site in two commercial/industrial buildings, each of approximately 10,900 square feet in building coverage. There will be a major access from Tabor Street, which will be one way and one way out. This circular drive will utilize the existing access to the north for ingress and a new access to the south opposite 46th Avenue as the egress from the site. All of the ditches on the site will be piped and covered to increase the usable area of the site. Appropriate retention ponds will be utilized to collect the storm water flows and these will be accompanied in portions of the landscaped area required for the subject property by Wheat Ridge. It is the intention of the owner to develop the project in two phases and to have the consolidation plat include two lots. There will be one lot for each building with joint access easements for the two lots. The first phase will be the new Trailer Source building on the southern with the parking and vehicle storage on the northern lot. At such time as the Trailer Source use is removed from the property another building of similar size but without the outdoor display use will be possible on the northern lot. 90 Madison Street 0 Suite 300 0 Denver, Colorado 80206 0 (303) 333-0636 0 FAX (303) 388-8756 ' Bagley Development Consultants Ms. Meredith Reckert August 15, 2005 Page 2 The FDP and consolidation plat will conform to the plans described on the ODP and enumerated above. It is intended that all of these documents will be filed with Wheat Ridge at the same time and will therefore progress through the review process concurrently. The FDP will include a landscape plan based upon the Wheat Ridge criteria and building elevations of the new proposed Trailer Source building. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions concerning this narrative letter and the accompanying graphic showing the layout of the proposed project. Sincerely, BAGLEY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS x~ Kent Bagley Principal cc: Jim Blumenthal, Trailer Source, Inc. 90 Madison Street 0 Suite 300 0 Denver, Colorado 80206 ' (303) 333-0636 0 FAX (303) 388-8756 W V 0 o y cc W J H / y1a gtBpJ~tO Y>~ No`1o ~pJ . r 1 u°o aw j l j = t i' a ~ yy I ~ 7 1 ~ I ~ J. ail `g I I I , Q ~I T' i I 6 I I r I 1 I I o c d o q 88$oG~~ o Z ~ ~o w O O Q Q Ua' a Q m > ~ Z_ O K Q O U pQ¢~jn,y LI.IW2~2Py O y G YYYIII y (n~ <m mmo5a° R ' b v Rio oai z~z z~ boo '"no9 o°a ~ ~ m LLa °owz" i ~~u`m~ yzo wi noix3 280 i~ WW¢¢ >O PH PZ2 z N Wm00 ttoSWN aw~a. oz H?- `m+ Q. s s s s ` °o a ~xb Qp 2Cg2 ~~'~ypy// YZ bWy WOW O~CK> WW HE H 2 T'' I 17 I F I I. i l I " I I I ii ' U k. i v r KIN.% I, i, I h I ~ ` _I I / ' I 4 gggggggg ~ H cc@ EIS o 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 Date: City Staff Present: Location of meeting: Property address: Property owner(s): Property Owner(s) present? Applicant: Existing Zoning: Comp Plan Designation: Existing Use/site conditions: The City of Wheat Ridge June 28, 2005 at 6:00 PM Meredith Reckert Second Floor Conference Room, Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29`° Avenue 4751 Tabor Street Jim Blumenthal and J.R. Blumenthal for Skitzo Yes Same PCD, Planned Commercial Development Small Office/Business Center The property is comprised of three parcels totaling 7.5 acres and is used for trailer sales. It has a metal building on it with 8400 square feet of floor area. The remainder of the property is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer parking. Access is by a single curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the overpass for I-70. Zoning of the original, middle parcel occurred in 1996. The owners later acquired parcels to the north and south, both zoned Agriculture-One. In 2002, a zone change to PCD and an outline development plan were approved for the three parcels. Case No. WZ-03-091MS-03-06 is currently in process for final development plan and plat approval on the three parcels. This land use case is currently "on hold" as CDOT is negotiating with the owners to purchase the western two-thirds of the property for right-of-way to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for I-70. Construction of the ramps will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. Although acquisition is pending, there may be as long as a 30-month delayed possession period. Applicant's Proposal: In light of the pending CDOT acquisition, the applicants are requesting approval of a final development plan and plat for the remaining two acres to build a new building, display area and employee and customer parking. The proposed site plan allows for an 8400 square foot structure on the south end, with customer and employee parking to the side and rear of the structure. Display area and detention occur north of the structure. Access is via a one-way drive configuration. Issues Discussed: • Concern for CDOT improvements and the relocated off-ramp from I-70 • How does CDOT acquire land? • Where is 46 b Avenue in relation to the new driveway? The circular driveway exit will be located opposite of and align with W. 46`h Avenue • Will Tabor be widened? No • Will the sound wall along the south I-70 frontage road be widened? Staff is not aware of any changes to the sound wall. • What will happen to the storm drainage with the new off-ramps? Storinwater detention areas will be designed into the project. • The amount of pedestrian traffic which crosses over the Tabor Street overpass. It was noted that the applicant will be responsible for construction of sidewalk along the frontage of their property. • Will there be any additional public meetings regarding the ramp relocation? • How can the neighbors access a copy of the EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) for the ramp project? In general, the attendees were not opposed to the proposed Trailer Source redevelopment. The owner of property located at the northwest corner of Tabor and W. 44th Avenue indicated that CDOT is trying to acquire land in front of his building. He indicated that about 20 parking spaces would be lost as a result. He was adamantly opposed to the CDOT acquisition. -I 0) Cal -P W N d O U 0 1 6. Cry J S 4-1 V P C4 Iz O CD iJ ul Q vi r D U) m D m ~ ` c 90 O W 700 O O ~ a E m 0 n m o v m Z bi O 1 pj3 O w .l ..l 1 1 J 1 .1 1 (0 00 CO 00 -I 0) Cn -P co N O V N- ; 1 ~s c w c~ "_Trail¢r~Ssa-urxe,~. June 13th, 2005 Dear neighbor, Please join us to discuss the Trailer Source application to the City of Wheat Ridge for approval of a final development plan and plat for 4651 Tabor Street. The meeting will be held in the second floor conferencc room at the City of Wheai Ridge Municipal building at 6:00 pm. We will discuss the various issues regarding the CDOT acquisition of approximately 4.5 acres of the current Trailer Source facility, the new building that would be constructed and the benefits of improved traffic circulation for the new site. A City of Wheat Ridge community development staff member will be in attendance to answer any questions. We look forward to seeing you there. Date: June 28", 2005 Address: 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Sinc~orel} Jim Blumen al President Trailer Source, Inc. 4651 Tabor St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (720)810-4431 4651 Tabor Street • Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 • 303-422-2999 Joyce Monfort & C Kim Stewart Brenda Kathleen Williams Jerrold Brown 11700 W 46th Ave Randall Williams 4430 Tabor St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 4433 Tabor St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Richard Strong Public Storage Inc Delbert Owens & Leslie Owens 4665 Swadley St PO Box 25025 4645 Swadley St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Glendale, CA 91221 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Macario Fernandez Michael & Kellie Fries Richard Pozorski & Rose Pozorski 4610 Tabor St 4615 Swadley St 6313 Urban St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arvada, CO 80004 Larry Schulz & N Pier Schulz Elda Keller Bethany Lund 4675 Swadley St 4625 Swadley St 11780 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Thomas & Elizabeth Shockley Alexander Ong & Wilfreda Ong David Digiacomo & Leeanne Digiacomo 11605 W 46th Ave 4635 Swadley St 3275 Quail St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Jan Bernhard Coster Darrell Millage & Deborah Millage Marcia Oeste 4668 Swadley St 7828 Vance Dr #100 4638 Swadley St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Arvada, CO 80003 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Robert Gray & Mary Gray Brian Klepacki & Beverly Klepachi Ron Fabrizio & Allen Jaffe 17017 E Davies Ave 8344 Xenon St 1461 Vinca PI Aurora, CO 80016 Arvada, CO 80005 Superior, CO 80027 Terrance Railton & Betty Lewis Skitzo Offshore Llc Jeffrey Woodworth & Merlin Chancellor 531 Canyon View Dr 4651 Tabor St 4655 Swadley St Golden, CO 80403 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Heinz Silz & Thea Silz John Budd & Elizabeth Budd Gerald Rogers & Barbara Rogers 15745 Us Highway 34 1601 S Lansing St 6567 Everett St Fort Morgan, CO 80701 Aurora, CO 80012 Arvada, CO 80004 Bimleshwar Gupta & Rajni Gupta Hampton Marilyn Ellen Bonner 14373 W Bayaud PI 4755 Simms St 4775 Simms St Golden, CO 80401 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Stephen Pelletier & Cy Gramals-pelletier David Ray Beehler & Roseanne Beehler Philip Luethy 4775 Fig Ct 233 Kimball Ave 1350 Ammons St Golden, CO 80403 Golden, CO 80401 Lakewood, CO 80214 Cheap Easy & Cc Llc Tania Mcnutt Benny Benedict & Angela Benedict 4197 W 11 Ith Cir 1840 Glen Ayr Dr PO Box 1454 Westminster, CO 80031 Lakewood, CO 80215 Arvada, CO 80001 He nz ' z & Th ilz Ilynn Sutton & Stephen Sutton John Budd & Elizabeth Budd 15745 Us way 34 11691 W 44th Ave 1601 ansin t Fort gan, 80701 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Au 0012 City Of Arvada Arthur Bushell Ski zo Offshore Llc 8101 Ralston Rd 10527 W 31st Ave 4651 or Arvada, CO 80002 Lakewood, CO 80215 Wheat dg CO 80033 Lake ont Parm Lake Front Partners Lak Front Pa s 632 Gol d 632 Gold Run Rd 632 G d n Rd Boulde O 302 Boulder, CO 80302 Bould 0 80302 Baptist Home Assoc Of Colo Inc Lorraine Brown Six Oak Limited Partnership 4700 Tabor St #BLDG-12 4430 Tabor St 11445 W I-70 Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Russell Jack Daniel Turgeon James Turgeon 4651 S Tabor Way 11600 W 46th Ave #C 11600 W 46th Ave #C Morrison, CO 80465 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Daniel R. Turgeon eon Herbert Co-personal Rep Fightmaster 2110 Rockcress Way U 4 C Lynn C Fightmaster Golden, CO 80401 ge, CO 0033 11641 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 qJ Current Resident e Resident Curr o Current esrdent 11700 W'4 th e 4433 Ta r S 4430 Tabo Wheat Ri 80033 Wheat 'dg CO 80033 Wh idge, O 80033 Cu Resident_- Current Resident Curre t Resident 4665 Swag t 11901 W 44th Ave 4645 S dley St Wheat e, 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat O 80033 C ent Resi nt Curr nt Residen Current Resident 4610 or 4615 St 11875 W 44th Ave t Ridge, CO 80033 Wh Ridg , CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cur ent Resid Currt Resident Curre t Resident 4675 ey St 4625 S le 11780ZNt ve at Ridge, O 80033 Wheat g , O 80033 Wheat Rid CO 80033 Cu ent Resident Cu ent Resident Current Resident 1160 46 ve 4635 adle 4678 Swadley St Wheat CO 80033 Wheat CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Curren esident Current Resident Curr t Resident 4668 Swa ey 4648 Swadley St 4638eC~t Wheat Ri 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Whea idg , CO 80033 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 4628 Swadley St 4618 Swadley St 4410 Tabor St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Current Resident Current Resident Cu nt Resident 4615 Simms St 4601 Tabor St 4655 d Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 WheffRidX CO 80033 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 4501 Tabor St 11671 W 44th Ave 4764 Swadley St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Current Resident Curry t Resident Curr t Reside 4784 Swadley St 4755 S t 4775 ' s St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 MPSeat Ri e, CO 80033 eat Ridg CO 80033 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 4635 Simms St 4655 Simms St 4675 Simms St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 4679 Simms St 11673 W 44th Ave 4785 Swadley St Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Current Resident Cu ent Resident Current Resident - 11801 W 44th Ave 1169] 44th 11681 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat 1 CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cur t Resident Current Resident Current Resident I-70 & r 11931 W 170 Frontage Rd N 11913 W 170 Frontage Rd N Wh e, 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Current esident Cu nt Resident Current Resident 4700 Tabo t #B-12 4430 Ta r St 4440 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Whea g CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Cu nt Resident Current Resident Current Resident 4651 or St 4510 Simms Ct 4505 Simms Ct Whea CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Current Resident Cu ent Restd Cu t Resident 4545 Simms Ct 1160 th Ave #C 11661 ve Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 at Ridge, CO 80033 eat Ridge, 80033 ~17 l r^cc t I-e r ~Cu V C-- G~.~~~ Met=Scan 2' ef£erson Owner :Monfort Joyce E Site :11700 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :11700 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:5 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1968 Pool: * • MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Williams Brenda Kathleen Site :4433 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4433 Tabor St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1934 Pool: * MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Brown Jerrold F;+ Site :4430 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4430 Tabor St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1177 Vacant,Residential,Limited Size Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: • MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Strong Richard J Site :4665 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4665 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Public Storage Inc Site :11901 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :PO Box 25025 Glendale Ca 91221 Use :5178 Misc,Residential,Mixed Use Land Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:10 YB:1980 Pool: * : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Owens Delbert L Site :4645 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4645 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:4 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: * : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Fernandez Macario - Site :4610 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4610 Tabor St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1959 Pool: : MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Fries Michael A/Kellie R Site :4615 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4615 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: * MetroScan / Jefferson Owner :Pozorski Richard J Site :11875 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :6313 Urban St Arvada Co 80004 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: Y3:1912 Pool: • Met=Scan / Jefferson Owner :Schulz Larry D Site :4675 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4675 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: • Met=Scan / Jefferson Owner :Keller Elda A Site :4625 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :4625 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: 0 q1 (CO) a-7 Parcel :042727 Xfered :12/01/2003 32- Price Phone /07 B1dgSF:2,409 Ac:.32 (CO) Parcel :042759 Xfered :04/02/2003 Price Phone B1dgSF:900 Ac:. (CO) : Parcel :042760 Xfered :03/14/1996 Price :$110,000 Full Phone B1dgSF: Ac:. (CO) Parcel :043598 Xfered :09/19/2001 Price :$200,000 Full Phone :303-422-2146 B1dgSF:1,388 Ac: (CO) : Parcel :043600 Xfered :06/21/2001 Price Phone B1dgSF:99,110 Ac:4 (CO) Parcel :043653 Xfered :07/26/2001 Price :$199,900 Full Phone B1dgSF:2,040 Ac:. (CO) Parcel :043676 Xfered :12/20/2004 Price :$217,800 Phone B1dgSF:1,063 Ac: (CO) : Parcel :043715 Xfered :10/19/2004 Price Phone B1dgSF:1,342 - Ac: (CO) : Parcel :043721 Xfered :09/19/1989 Price :$120,000 Phone 91 11 75 42 B1dgSF:1,745 Ac:.98 (CO) : Parcel :043739 Xfered :12/26/2002 Price Phone B1dgSF:1,637 Ac: (CO) Parcel :043743 Xfered :04/17/1972 Price :$5,000 Phone B1dgSF:1,376 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Lund Bethany A Parcel :043756 Site :11780 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/10/2004 Mail :11780 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$281,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-289-4954 Bedrm: - Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1976 Pool: B1dgSF :1,882 Ac:. 27 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Shockley Thomas E/Elizabeth Parcel :043773 Site :11605 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/11/1994 Mail :11605 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.50 TotRm: YB:1965 Pool: B1dgSF :1,446 Ac:. 57 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Ong Alexander T Parcel :043788 Site :4635 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/30/2001 Mail :4635 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$215,000 Full Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1960 Pool: B1dgSF :1,342 Ac:. 44 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Digiacomo David R Parcel :043796 Site :4678 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/04/2002 Mail :3275 Quail St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$305,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 6 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Coster Jan Bernhard Parcel :043797 Site :4668 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/17/1999 Mail :4668 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 6 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac:. 32 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Millage Darrell L - Parcel :043798 Site :4648 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/11/2000 Mail :7828 Vance Dr #100 Arvada Co 80003 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 6 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Oeste Marcia Parcel :043799 Site :4638 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/28/1992 Mail :4638 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$81,300 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac: • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Gray Robert C Parcel :043800 Site :4628 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :12/10/1986 Mail :17017 E Davies Ave Aurora Co 80016 Price :$44 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 6 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac: * : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) . Owner :Klepacki Brian J Et Al Parcel :043801 Site :4618 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/26/1991 Mail :8344 Xenon St Arvada Co 80005 Price :$72,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :6 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1962 Pool: B1dgSF :2,050 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Site :Fabrizio Ron :4410 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Parcel Xfered :043840 :08/30/2001 Mail :1461 Vinca-_P1--Superior Co 80027 Price :$495,000 Use s-,Apartment_sy Improved Land :5112 7 Phone Bedrm 2± : 1 YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF :5,100 Ac: .32 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Railton Terrance L Parcel :043854 Site :4615 Simms St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :11/24/1999 Mail :531 Canyon View Dr Golden Co 80403 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :6 Bath:3.00 TotRm: YB:1970 Pool: B1dgSF :1,750 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Skitzo Offshore Llc Parcel : 043873 Site :4601 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered : 08/31/1999 Mail :4651 Tabor St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1155 Vacant,Residential - Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF: Ac:2 .65 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Woodworth Jeffrey L Parcel : 043876 Site :4655 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :08/04/2004 Mail :4655 Swadley St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price . Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1961 Pool: B1dgSF :1,387 Ac: MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Silz Heinz N Parcel :043892 Site :4501 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :09/23/1994 Mail :15745 Us Highway 34 Fort Morgan Co 80701 Price Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone :970-867-5207 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:. 85 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Budd John V Parcel :048711 Site :11671 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 y Xfered :05/05/1997 Mail ~ :1601 S Lansing St Aurora Cc 80012 Price :$150,000 Full KJ Use e~Improved Land :5112 Res Apart Phone Bedrm: TotRm:l YB:1971 Pool: Bath: B1dgSF :5,100 Ac:. 32 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Rogers Gerald J Parcel :051532 Site :4764 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/14/1983 Mail :6567 Everett St Arvada Cc 80004 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF :1,920 Ac:. 26 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Gupta Bimleshwar P Parcel :051564 Site :4784 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/26/1979 Mail :14373 W Bayaud Pl Golden Cc 80401 Price :$72,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF :1,920 Ac:. 27 * • Met=Scan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Marilyn Hampton Living Trust Parcel :054057 Site :4755 Simms St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/20/1999 Mail :4755 Simms St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF :1,920 Ac:. 37 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Bonner Ellen M Parcel :069521 Site :4775 Simms St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/04/1992 Mail :4775 Simms St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price :$90,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-431-8281 Bedrm: 4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF :1,920 Ac:. 46 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Pelletier Stephen C Parcel :088015 Site :4635 Simms St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :05/23/2002 Mail :4775 Fig Ct Golden Co 80403 Price :$295,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 5 Bath:2.75 TotRm: YB:1970 Pool: BldgSF :1,892 Ac:. 31 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Beehler David Ray Parcel :088017 Site :4655 Simms St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/29/1985 Mail :233 Kimball Ave Golden Co 80401 Price :$116,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 5 Bath:2.75 TotRm: YB:1970 Pool: B1dgSF :1,892 Ac: • Met=Scan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Luethy Philip E Parcel :088018 Site :4675 Simms St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/22/2002 Mail :1350 Ammons St Lakewood Co 80214 Price :$260,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone :303-232-1617 Bedrm: 4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1970- Pool: B1dgSF :1,575 Ac: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Cheap Easy & Cc Llc Parcel :088091 Site :4679 Simms St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/09/1997 Mail. :4197 W 111th Cir Westminster Cc 80031 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 6 Bath:2.75 Tot Rm: YB:1970 Pool: B1dgSF :1,880 Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Mcnutt Tania R Parcel :089315 Site :11673 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :01/13/1999 Mail :1840 Glen Ayr Dr Lakewood Cc 80215 Price Use :2177 Vacant,Commercial,Limited Size Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac: .15 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Benedict Benny L Parcel :089439 Site :4785 Swadley St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/25/1994 Mail :PO Box 1454 Arvada Cc 80001 Price :$110,000 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 4 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1971 Pool: B1dgSF :1,662 Ac: .72 : MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Silz Heinz N Parcel :110028 Site :11801 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/30/1987 Mail :15745 Us Highway 34 Fort Morgan Cc 80701 Price :$125,000 Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone :970-867-5207 Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1991 Pool: B1dgSF :17,850 Ac: .85 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Sutton Ilynn H Parcel :148689 Site :11691 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 fered :08/23/2001 Mail :11691 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :5112 RescApartme)Sf ,~Tmproved Land Phone Bedrm: . YB:1971 Pool: Bath B1dgSF :5,280 Ac: .31 l • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Budd John V Parcel :148690 Site :11681 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/28/1997 Mail :1601 S Lansing.-St--Aurora Cc 80012 Price :$150,000 Full Use Bedrm: :5112 Re ,Apartmens., mproved Land _T9t :l YB:1971 Pool: Bat~~__ Phone B1dgSF :5,280 Ac: .31 * _ • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :City Of Arvada Parcel :188176 Site :*no Site Address* Xfered :12/01/1985 Mail :8101 Ralston Rd Arvada Cc 80002 Price Use :9149 Exempt,Political Sub,Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac: 23.61 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Bushell Arthur J Parcel :188563 Site :*no Site Address* Xfered :07/01/1991 Mail :10527 W 31st Ave Lakewood Cc 80215 Price Use :1111 Vacant,Residential Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac: * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Skitzo Offshore Llc Parcel :203808 Site :*no Site Address* Xfered :02/11/1999 Mail :4651 Tabor St Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price :$161,500 Use :1111 Vacant,Residential Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac: 1.31 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Lake Front Partners Parcel :406411 Site :I-70 & Tabor Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/31/1990 Mail :632 G n. Rd Boulder Cc 80302 Price Use :2111 acan Commercial Phone Bedrm: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac: 8.04 MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Lake Front Partners Parcel :406413 Site :11931 W I 70 Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/31/1990 Mail :632 Gold Run Rd Boulder Co 80302 Price Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : - Ac: .91 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Lake Front Partners Parcel :406414 Site :11913 W I 70 Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :07/31/1990 Mail :632 Gold Run Rd Boulder Co 80302 Price Use :2111 Vacant,Commercial Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:1 .21 * ; MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Baptist Home Assoc Of Colo Inc Parcel :409628 Site :4700 Tabor St #BLDG-12 Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :06/29/1992 Mail :4700 Tabor St #BLDG-12 Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :9179 Exempt,Charitable,Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:15 YB:1973 Pool: B1dgSF :35,653 Ac:5 .45 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Brown Lorraine A Parcel :422299 Site :4430 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :10/18/1999 Mail :4430 Tabor St Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: 3 Bath:1.00 TotRm: YB:1918 Pool: B1dgSF :1,469 Ac:. 43 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Six Oak Limited Partnership Parcel :422300 Site :4440 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :04/14/2000 Mail :11445 W I-70 Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge Co 8003 3 Price :$150,000 Full Use :1111 Vacant,Residential Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:2 .09 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Jack Russell K Parcel :424194 Site :4651 Tabor St Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :02/07/2001 Mail :4651 S Tabor Way Morrison Co 80465 Price :$179,900 Full Use :2112 Com,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath: TotRm:l YB:1996 Pool: B1dgSF :8,400 Ac:2 .74 * MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Turgeon Daniel R Parcel :440383 Site :11690 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/22/2002 Mail ( No Mail ) Golden Cc 80401 :2110 Rockcress Way Price Use \ :5112 Res,`P:partments,Improved Land Phone Bedrm: Bath- '-'--------TatRm:l YB:1997 Pool: B1dgSF :4,789 Ac:. 34 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Turgeon Daniel R Parcel :440384 Site :4550 Simms Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/22/2002 Mail :2110 o,ckcress Way--(~No Mail ) Golden Co 80401 Price Use :5111 caan ,Apartmen-t Phone Bedrm: Bath: '~------T-oCRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:. 33 * • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Turgeon Daniel R Parcel :440385 Site :4510 Simms Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/22/2002 Mail eat Ridge Co 80033 :11600 46t Ave-:-#-G--Wka ~ Price Use k :5111 n , -lpartmAts ~ Phone Bedrm: Bath: --f otRm: YB: Pool: B1dgSF : Ac:. 40 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) • Owner :Turgeon James R Parcel :440387 Site :4505 Simms Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/22/2002 Mail "-~Wheat Ridge Co 80033 :11600 W 46t AY Price Use - :5111 a Apartmel-rt Phone Bedrm : Bath: TotR YB: Pool: B1dgSF : - MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Turgeon James R Parcel :440388 Site :4545 Simms Ct Wheat Ridge 80033 Xfered :03/22/2002 Mail :11600 W 46th Ave #C Wheat Ridge Cc 80033 Price Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Phone Bedrm :6 Bath:4.50 TotRm: YB:2004 Pool: B1dgSF :3,780 Ac:. 33 • MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner Owner :Turgeon James R arcel :440389 Site :11600 W 46th Ave #C Wheat Ridge 80033 :03/22/2002 Mail :11600 W 46th Ave #C Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Price Price Use. Improved Land - :5112 Res, Aparame~s c Phone Bedrm - , : Bath: :1 YB:1997 Pool: B1dgSF :4,789 Ac:. 34 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MetroScan / Jefferson (CO) Owner :Fightmaster Herbert H Co-personal Rep Site :11661 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge 80033 Mail :11641 W 44th Ave Wheat Ridge Co 80033 Use :1112 Res,Improved Land Bedrm:5 Bath:1.75 TotRm: YB:1916 Pool: Parcel :443098 Xfered :06/26/2003 Price Phone B1dgSF:1,588 Ac:1.51 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. * Search Parameters * Jefferson (CO) * 6/8/2005 * 2:29 PM Parcel Number ...56 39 174 09 012 39 201 01 003 39 201 01 004 39 201 01 005 39 201 01 002 39 201 02 002 39 201 02 003 39 201 02 004 39 201 02 005 39 201 02 006 39 201 02 007 39 201 02 008 39 201 02 009 39 201 02 010 39 201 02 011 39 201 02 012 39 201 02 013 39 201 02 014 39 201 02 015 39 201 02 016 39 201 02 017 39 201 03 001 39 201 03 002 39 201 03 003 39 201 03 004 39 201 03 005 39 201 03 006 39 201 03 007 39 201 03 008 39 201 03 009 39 201 03 010 39 201 04 001 39 201 04 002 39 201 04 003 39 201 04 009 39 201 04 010 39 201 04 Oll 39 201 04 012 39 201 04 013 39 201 04 015 39 201 04 016 39 201 04 020 39 201 04 021 39 201 04 022 39 201 04 024 39 201 04 025 39 201 04 026 39 201 04 029 39 201 05 001 39 201 05 002 39 201 05 003 39 201 05 004 39 201 05 005 Search Parameters (Continued) 39 201 05 007 39 201 05 010 39 201 05 013 5E 17 wEST FTO PRIXITAGE w umm11 I A-2 Wi-]&118 WZ-833 PID LAKEMONT CENTER MMNTAINn TA TQE A-1 PCD ~W w 62 A-1 ~ TABOR PROPERTIES Zd 3 U o A-1 N wzasT PCD1 C-1 PCD A-1 A-1 WZ.83-31 OAVISHER SUB w 28 wzA 18 WZ-9518 rueuc C-1 R~1 MS955 PCD 51p ME C A.M.T. DEVELOPMENT wi_9 R- CORP. 13 _ m - & $ $ 8 C-1 W=A - o s a e ! WESTLAKE $ - = = z = SHUMWAY PARK AUP-7 PR05PELT g RE-5UB PARK PLALE PEARL 5UB C'2 ^-1 wiaaz sup-0 l Y wzA6 Z s A-2 OF THE z I; Vsua C-1 - PCD N O wi-W a 1' WZA 12 R-1 3 A-2 A-1 a 5E 20 OFFICIAL NE 20 ZONING MAP (DES GINAOTES OWNERSHIP) WHEAT RIDGE -WATER FEATURE COLORADO • DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN 0 100 200 DOO 900 Fat (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) . DEPARTMENTOF MAP ADOPTED: June 15, 1994 `~lon PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Last Revision _$eptembef 10, 2001 01-00 " -003Lake 01 " 02:001 - ~ 129liti ; I om* i 02-002 OSO I iJ3.]3' I i/ . 03.901- I 02-01 02-003 n OSO 91 0' 13100' " 01 ~0 i o M.O 02-003 v " m 03-003 03002 ✓ 02-015 m-0w ✓ p ep' ~ 13029 o 1z4.n' 3 n3].er . 13020' ( 1 02-0t5 ~ 02 ON OS0 b I 03-003 03003 . W 13]53 y ~ ~-014 $ $ oz pps rr 1dp 51' 13950 13 90 B1 . ✓ 3-0OG m 04.00 4 02-014 139.50' L- 02 005 o OS 05-013 BO BP 14050' ✓ 02013 L 137.00 V Lees ~ o3-0as 03005 ' o 02.013 N 02-008 ` - OS (487,M ' ✓ 140 50' (13*9.31 13]]0' !i 1- ! 99]0 . ) 83. t. A v OS-COO yq - o (11021' 140J1' 139.W ~ L/ OS 0: "10 ' ✓ S 02-012 L 9 o pmv $ 03W] 0300] g~ e l ~~8. Tabor e Tabor De N ✓ pappa L 120.70' 140A0' 1J6.60' _ ✓ H Y v 00. fi20.]d• N-010 03Po8 93-D3B lOa 53' 138 02-ODB e _ . - 9 e 00' 139 02A10 ✓ 13090 ✓ I• 03010 03009 02-010 $ 02-009 V m 1 05-007 N 119.51' 209.4' tO6d0' __.---467N WVE-------- - _ .51' 32955' 1 f . w 04002 ~ J _WHEA RIDGE 8 04001 o 20 Oq-0 3 6 oo-oz ' / 05-012 V 06' fi859 ( i nl ' 139.02' 141.01 Tabc f Street Prop oes ' V 32L.' • ! ' -009 / / 04-021 0 04025 ! ] 05-004 - 05-005v m 22' (1125.5T 04-015 33502' 04022 04-024 pu~ ✓ s sp q e er gq~g inc N OO psao3 OS002 BY 9. 3] 315.83' 120.21' (205.BT I I 1`'/ _ ✓ 04018 05-002 I ad-92e L es 130.51' 105.30' W) 1/ ' li 2M" M.CN (1 55 ' 05-004 ✓ x '05-003' o b 04-029 p sap s o4o1z 9ao, e 05-001 ladsv 1ds.pp• p 04 032 i -p Q - i/ 0 V 33 214.)6' !i 0 013 04011 123.01 216.21" 71' 20050 383T 31330' 1430, 10.5. - - - 11 - - - (U.3) 09005 W 0900fi I a v 10-007 BOap' 00' H10-003 x09-002 09-003 09-003 10-004 m stlak Par ub iv1g n . I (113.00' 05-013 Tabor 05-007 pment __.WHEA RIDGE 05-012 Tats Street Prop 322.54' v 05-009 05-004 p5-0 05-005 a morel its 82 H 05-009 B5-Bm 0&002 315.83' 12031' 80502' 05-002 05-004 05-0031 05-001 08-007 ~ 1 II 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1Im 09-005 J-; 09006 09-002 - 09-003 09-003 -00 s u *-I k., slo 08 008 133.3.-I 035 M 09-007 - 0850] 8280' 36.00 900' 02.W - _ rf of h titer y u 06006 . rte 001 _ 32V2 12 11 _ 1 N O6oo6 zeaN - 266Id 0 01-052 266.]3' T 99 001 01-053 - 01-052 1-053 99-001 1 01-004 1z, i R; W2 - 03-013 09-012 a , - v 01-004 i _ 4M82 Lakemont moo. s3Ar I ~ ~ - V V m 01-00 Lake 01-003 " " 9 0s025 " pb0iim " 02-002 i Os026 a ] " 133]3' " 0${i01 ' 0201 Oz-003 i I osozl B1 V 131 W' 13].50' 02403 I I } m-1w q 03002 C 1 i m 02-015 ~u J x-004 9000' 13020' ~ 12C']t 13]'91 n3o20', i i m-ols ~ m-114 95026 n 03-003 03-993 I ° 0 13] 53' ' - 140 51' ! 02. 14 13950' g - B2-0OS ~ I" - ~ 90A1 . I 02-014 .14 02-005 OS029 m 1a 114 03004 " 05-013 gt 00' ,40 58' W-013 137LV ~ . i I j - 13.005 03005 02 013 02-W OS030 40]54'1 ' 140 50' S (1393,') 137.70 ' ~ 99.]0 . yi ni-11s e ~ 02 my ~ m ' $ (110 2V (110.31' 139 W' 13].00 Q3.932 05-0t0 _ .12 12-017 I - 03W7 93-091 ! -0 a ,37.]0' Tabor Development 11 ~ o-01a 120.70' 0.00 eel' 02074' 03-010 03400 N 03W6 02-111 1]053' g M-w3 06033 (139 00') 02-010 13U . 03010 _ 03-009 02-010 a m 8 02-009 05-00'J 1 11951' 209A' 109.30' 1 'I _46TH AVE-- 1 (319.51' 389.55' I WHEA RIDGE i m 04001 a 04-002 6 04020 ° I 04026 05-012 141.19 160.59' N 90' ! 11 Tabd r Street Prop ies 0 ~ 12zu' i 04-021 'p 04025 009 05-004 5-005 0 T "25'2 ' 04-015 33502' m 01024 9 022 ° u er Mind m oo-O osao3 oso0z 149. n (313.03' 120.21' 205.82' I - ~ 8 04016 i 05-002 o 04020 . L es 30]04' onsr 105.31' 00.N3 00) 11 5^~' ' 04-029 1 e 7631 05-004 05-003 s 04012 _ 9x010 ~p 3 ]o wla ro onx m: xmm m rm ram, m~ to moo, 01-004 i dfbo I - m 01 Oo¢ 2pp e9 " q~ pgy~ ®pyg y@ 153 .821 I V I I m 01-00 I Lake 01-003 01-002 _ N ,a I ola S a ~2 rd" Lake I 9, tl I m 03-003 v 90.90' 5 e W W3 - ' 9081' _ m m-o9a ' 05-013 99 W' Lees _ p.p3 1¢8].5¢'1 1110.21' 05-0,10 Tabor eVel p ent n oaom ' 62o]s !I oa-01a o3-0W i 03010 g 05-007 11951' 31951' 32955 . 1/VHEA RIDGE s w-oo, 05-012 1¢].OB' Tab Street Fero i 322.N 05-009 05-004 I h W d 05-005 o as ar ns 33102 05-009 0-003 osooz (31583' 12021' 20i0T 05-002 N D16 Le es 8.5, 28].8¢• . 4 Wheat Ridge Community Development Department PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Date: Attending Applicant(s): March 3, 2005 Jim Blumenthal J.R. Blumenthal 4751 Tabor Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Attending Staff: Meredith Reckert, Jeff Hirt, Travis Crane, Dave Brossman Address or Specific Site Location: 4751 Tabor Street (three parcels) Existing Zoning: Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Existing Conditions: The property is comprised of three parcels totaling 7.5 acres and is used for trailer sales. It has a metal building on it with 8400 square feet of floor area. The remainder of the property is utilized as inventory display and employee and customer parking. Access is by a single curb cut from Tabor Street just south of the overpass for 1-70. Zoning of the original, middle parcel occurred in 1996. The owners later acquired parcels to the north and south, both zoned Agriculture-One. In 2002, a zone change to PCD and an outline development plan were approved for the three parcels. Case No. WZ-03- 09/MS-03-06 is currently in process for final development plan and plat approval on the three parcels. This land use case is currently "on hold" as CDOT is negotiating with the owners to purchase the western two-thirds of the property for right-of-way to facilitate construction of new on/off ramps for 1-70. Construction of the ramps will displace the existing building and the majority of the outside display on the property. Although acquisition is pending, there may be as long as a 30-month delayed possession period. Applicant/Owner Preliminary Proposal: In light of the pending CDOT acquisition, the applicants are requesting approval of a final development plan and plat for the remaining two acres to build a new building, display area and employee and customer parking. The proposed site plan allows for an 8400 square foot structure on the south end, with customer and employee parking to the side and rear of the structure. Display area and detention occur north of the structure. Access is via a one-way drive configuration. Will a neighborhood meeting need to be held prior to application submittal? No, however the applicant is encouraged to have one. Planning comments: The proposed location of the building facilitates sanitary sewer service to the existing line in Tabor. The applicant's believe the neighborhood would prefer to look at a building and landscaped areas rather than a trailer display lot. Staff concurs with this. Per the submitted site plan, one-way circulation is proposed with cars entering the site from the southern curb cut (new) and exiting from the northern curb cut (existing). It should be noted that due to sight distance issues, vehicles should enter the site at the existing curb cut on Tabor and exit on the south side. This is opposite of what is depicted on the submitted site plan. The one way access design preferred by Staff is essential as there is limited sight distance at the existing driveway due to the 1-70 overpass guard rail. The proposed design with vehicles exiting from the north would require reconfiguration of the existing access point and driveway elevation. In either case, modifications may have to occur to the curb radii of the existing curb cut to facilitate truck turning movements into the property. The southern exit onto Tabor is situated opposite the W. 46"' Avenue/Tabor intersection. All areas used for vehicular access, customer and employee parking and inventory display must be paved. There are three ditches crossing the property. The applicants indicated that they would like to "pipe" the ditches to allow more vehicle display. The affected ditch companies must approve the design for modifications to the ditches. The City s standard for commercial landscaped coverage is 20%. All landscape quantities specified in Section 26-502 must be met, including a 10' wide landscaped strip adjacent to Tabor Street. Installation of permanent landscaping on the west side of the property may need to be delayed in light of the ramp construction and resultant damage that could occur. An escrow agreement with financial security would be required to delay installation of required landscaping. There is flexibility in application of the minimum and maximum requirements established in the zoning and development code, however, the planned development process is not intended to be used to circumvent these standards. For example, a reduction in one development component may be considered in exchange for an increase in some other category. 2 There is drainage pond shown in the northeast corner of the site. It was noted that this should be a detention pond, not a retention pond as shown on the proposed plan. The Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual does not allow the use of steel for building materials. The applicant has indicated that they would like to use upgraded architectural materials on the new structure. The following is the process for approval of a planned development final development plan and plat. Upon receipt of the application and fee, the proposal will be referred to the necessary outside agencies for review and comment for a period of 15 days. After the referral period has ended, a list of required corrections for both documents may be sent back to the applicant. Please be aware that it may take at least one resubmittal before staff is satisfied the submittal is ready for public hearing. After all required corrections are made; a Planning Commission public hearing date will be set. Fifteen days prior to the Planning Commission public hearing, the applicant will be responsible for posting the property. Planning staff will create the public notice signs; however, the applicant must post the signs. The applicant (or his representative) must be present at the public hearing, and should be prepared to address questions from members of the Planning Commission. This process will be repeated for the City Council public hearing. The City Council public hearing usually occurs a month or so after the Planning Commission hearing. Public Works comments: The Public Works department will require the construction of public improvements along the Tabor Street frontage. This would include installation curb, gutter and separated sidewalk with a tree lawn. There may be opportunities for modified design of the sidewalk in relation to the existing slope of the property. The guard rail on the overpass may have to be modified to accommodate the public improvements. See enclosed public works requirements. Building comments: Not in attendance, comments will be made after receiving submittal package. Streetscape / Architectural resign comments: Street improvements and building architecture must comply with manual. Phone Numbers Meredith Flecked - Senior Planner 303-235-2848 Travis Crane - Planner 303-235-2849 Dave Brossman - Development Review Engineer 303-235-2864 Jeff Hirt - Planning Technician 303-235-2845 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Cry of Wheat Ru* 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Department of Public Works March 3, 2005 Pre-Application Meeting Trailer Source Development (4651 Tabor Street) Public Works Requirements: 2 Copies of the following shall be submitted for review with the Final Development Plan: 1. A Final Drainage Report and Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer). O-n- site detention is required for all commercial developments. The City of Wheat Ridge follows the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District guidelines and the UDFCD views retention as a temporary solution only. Therefore on-site detention incorporating water quality measures shall be required. 2. Grading & Erosion Control Plan (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer). 3. Street Construction Plans (signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer), which shall include a plan and profile of the public improvements (curb, gutter and 5' detached sidewalk) along the Tabor Street frontage and connecting to the bridge. Include applicable Standard COWR details for all constructed items. 4. FDP Site Plan which shall include the following: a. 24" X 36" sheet format. b. A vicinity map, scale, and north arrow. c. The boundary of the site described in bearings and distances, and existing and proposed lot lines. d. A Legal Description of the site, including tie(s) to the Section. e. A Basis of Bearing statement. f. Signed Certification from a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado (verifying the Site Map). g. Date of map preparation, and the name, address, and firm of who prepared the map. h. Location of 100-year floodplain, if applicable. i. Existing and proposed contours at 2-11 intervals. j. Adjacent streets, including Right-of-Way widths, names, and ROW centerlines. k. Location of all existing & proposed easements and rights-of-way, fences, walls, drainageways, ditches, buildings to be developed or retained on site. 4. Final Plat: City-based bearings/coordinates shall be used per Section 26-407-D-6 of the Municipal Code of Laws (please see Item #2 under the Additional Information/Requirements below). 5. If the proposed site area is greater than 1 acre, an NPDES Permit shall be required from the State of Colorado (CDPS permit). This permit is issued through the Colorado (3-3-05) 4651 Tabor St (TnOor Sowce) Department of Public Health & Environment, Water Quality Control Division. A Copy of the CDPS Permit and SWMP shall be submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge prior to issuance of the Grading/Fill and Building Permits.. 6. Proof of Ownership for the property, e.g., Warranty Deed, Title Commitment, etc Additional Information/Requirements: 1. The City of Wheat Ridge Streetscape Manual design applies to this development and shall be incorporated into the project design along Tabor Street. 2. Information pertaining to NPDES Permits, ROW maps, the current City of Wheat Ridge Street Construction Standard Details (AutoCAD® 2000.dwg format), and City-base (surveying) coordinate information is available under the Public Works Department on the City of Wheat Ridge website: www.ci.wheatridge.co.us 3. A CD-ROM containing the current City of Wheat Ridge Street Construction Standard Details (AutoCADO 2000.dwg format), and the Public Works Development Review Requirements (e.g., drainage report traffic study requirements, etc.) is available upon request at the City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public Works for $40.00. (3-3-05) 4651 Tabor St (Tractor Source) 0 100 200 Feet J +r { i l [ ~~f ~ a ~r Jr £ ~ ~ #t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I a . } J" t+~ ~ ~ ,,t~ I"T f' cd~ ~ A'. A' w/'~ ~ ` 1 ~ 1 i v i i :ie 'i 4 r' s a a ' }J~ } 7 _ w ~ ~ ~ 4 7~ i +M 1a ~y e 6 ~t+~ y E y T Y I i w! i A d A ~c~ t ti , W f U ~ t t 3 F e k . A f X ~i 9 i~ 1~ 4 t ~ r Y ~ ~ x .f r a► rs .~W.. w 11 Nf 6 ~IIO6L. ~ ~ ~S. , 1 _.w,.., n+ww L «v..wr sw. p x^";.'" ..l'IC "~Ii"`eil ~ f_ BROWN & BAU W o~ rr~ - ~o v~ `F. e 0 - " t r I Prepared for: E V Bagley Development Consultants ° 90 Madison Street, Suite 300 I u. r_ i Denver, CO 80206 303 333 - 4636 Phone) 9 303 388 - 8756 Fax) _4 antact: Kent Bagley if N 4 40 80 120 ~L . "~s- ~j~ _~L ..w - - Graphic: Scale.-= 40 Feel ~ - - - - - Drawn by: AWIV Submitted.' October 22, 2004 Checked by., MC Revised.' Jab No. 03133 N RT H February 18, 2005 Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29a' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Meredith, This letter is intended to address the partial acquisition of the Trailer Source development by the Colorado Department of Transportation. In light of recent developments regarding the acquisition of approximately 4.35 acres of the Trailer Source property for future ramp improvements, we would like to start the process to redevelop the remainder. After a great deal of scrutiny, we believe that the best position for a new building will be against Tabor St with a circular driveway around the building. This should resolve any issues with reference to the access to the property by providing a one-way entrance and a one-way exit. It would be our desire to enclose as much of the ditch as possible to allow for the maximum amount of driveway, parking and display area. I have included five full size prints for staff to review. I look forward to meeting with you and staff on March 3rd at 1:30pm. Sincerely, Jim Blumenthal President Trailer Source, Inc Skitzo Offshore, llc 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/ 235-2846 Fax: 303/235-2857 November 12, 2004 Mr. Kent Bagley Bagley Development Consultants 90 Madison Street Suite 300 Denver, CO 80206 Dear Mr. Bagley: The City of Wheat Ridge Please let this letter serve as confirmation regarding final development plan process for the Trailer Source property located at 4651 Tabor Street. The Wheat Ridge City Council rezoned the property from Agriculture-One to Planned Commercial Development and approved an outline development plan known as Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Amendment No. 1 on February 25, 2002. In light of negotiations with and ultimate condemnation of a portion of this property by CDOT, Staff considers the existing outline development plan as being the zoning document for the property. Utilization of the remainder of the property would be governed by this document. Approvals required for redevelopment of the new parcel will be a final development plan and plat. If you need anything else, please let me know. I can be reached at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, y~ IVleredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner City of Wheat Ridge ~pF WHEATP Community Development Department v m Memorandum c~<ORP~p TO: Case file FROM: vleredith Reckert, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Case Nos. WZ-03-09/MS-03-06 DATE: March 7. 2005 Be advised that the above referenced cases have been closed. The property owners have been working with CDOT for acquisition of roughly five acres of the property for right-of-way purposes. As such, the final development plan and plat documents are obsolete. The applicant will be resubmitting a new fdp and plat. The original fee ($4800) will be applied to the new application costs. 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Wheat Telephone 303/235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 y 06 . 3 - ° r ~ co October 14, 2003 y~ Cl 6) J.R. Blumenthal Trailer Source 4651 Tabor St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Blumenthal: YsvC).v0 Z00-(jo Y3oo-00 The fees for your land use application total $4,800. Please see breakdown of the fees below: Consolidation Plat (with dedication) Application Fee $ 500 Publication/Public Notice Fee $ 300 Final Development Plan Application Fe $ 500 Plus $500/acre (7 acres) $3,500 Publication/Public Notice Fee waived* Total $4,800 *Publication/public notice fees.are waived if published concurrently with consolidation plat. Payment is due upon application. Enclosed is a copy of our fee schedule. Please feel free to contact me at 303-235-2846 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosure: fee schedule C:\Documente acid SetdngsVcathyfMy Documents\Cathy\LETTERSUa dUseCases\TmilerSource.wpd ~o CT-D A tl't1F, aF'P , rMfii II!' ;iti01MT