HomeMy WebLinkAboutLLA-98-03 1 "DIME , $ , RE~EPTION NO. ,PLAT B • 1 KNONI ALA MEN! ELY f NE=`°;~ P";ESENTS: THAT THE UNDER~fGNED, BEING TWE C~Wr~EF~S OF THE READ PRJ~'E~~~`( DC`; ~R!~3ED ,AS ~~OL~_~WS: LOT ~~UE GRASS TEF?"~AC`- ~S RECQ~'DED !N THE JE~FFRSON COUNTY CLEF l~~JD :_~~~?y~DERS C~~~F~CE; !~k ';'LAT ~OQK 134 AT P~,G~ ~7. AID ~-#AS !_AID OUT, SU~'~IVIC`CD AND PC~TTE`~ SAID LAND /~S PER THE DI;AWI~Jt~ I-EEf~EON CCNTAl~ED UN~;_f~ ~~~E N,~I~E ~,~ID `STYLE 0~ B`_UE GRASS TERRACE ENT ~l0. 1, OF Pd."~~~ C?F T~-IE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO. r. y~ r~ LOT 4, ~?L'.J~G`~ASS T~RACk~. 1. BGT ENTE~PFdISCS, ~..L.C., ;;OLORADO !~lMIT~D LIAE31LlTY COMPA~JY ~ 't T~~RY QM,~C~, i~1~NAGER-~'~'~~~3ER r 8305 SOUTH WA~SWOi~T=' ~"_'9'D. +J a t ~1TTL~TON, CO~O~ADO ~3{ ~ 2~3 r f> P v .G.r_, r= ~ i STATE OF COLOf~ADO ~ i SS. COUN?Y OF JEFFERSON ) ~ J7. i_ ~ . THE ~UR~GOING INSTRU~,.`~NT WAS ACKNt~WLE~)GED BEFU~?E M~ THIS Dt?Y Oi= J ` f r A.Q. . ~.'s3__, BY AS C~~ BGT EN?~~RPRISES, L.'_.C., A COLOf~ACO L~~!lTED ~I~E31'_IlY CUMF'ANY. ~ r f~C C~~., rr' WITNESS MY 4-{~,ND ANDuF~FiC1AL SEAL. ~ ~l~;i 4 , MY COl~NiSSION EXPIREc~ ~ NO-1 A' Y P'.J COLIC (J~,~~''j'  (PLAT B~~K ) 34 PA~~ 37) ~$O~~E~ C~~ ~3~~.L ~R~JS~: LOT 4, E3LUE:~RASS TERRACE. L07 3 ~ ~ BLUE CRASS 7~RRACL i ~ ~i 6F i, J0~ D. BROWN, DO H{ F~EBY CERTIFY ~ ~-i,AT 1 AM THE ~-#OLDER OF THE FIRST DEED OF \ (PLAT BOOK 134, PAGE 37) ~ 1 ~ ~ ° i RUST ~GAIRIST THE lAR 'S r=.-IOV1JN ON >-~IS `'LAT ,41~6t~ I ,E~,?~- ?Y CONSENT Tt~) ~~NE S~JBD"VISIO~v 0~ TNT LAh,;;~S `=.H~WVN Ha~R':ON. / \ s~ / ~ _ ~ a d _ 2.5~' y 29. D-53°25'51" ~ o°' ~ ~18~~ R=1 15.00' ~ ~ L=107.25' ~ "~'~-~4~5 00>5 W n STATE OF COLC?~ADO ) SS. C(JJNTY 0~ JEFFERSON ) 0= 86°23'46" s= THE FOREGC7I~JG INSTRU~~ =NT WAS ACKNGWLE~'GED BEFORE ME THIS DAB' OF R-24.50' ~5 A.D. 1 c ,3__> ~3Y JOF C7. BROWf~, !^~~iV~ :`Uf~L. L=36.94' ( "E 146.08' ~1~-'`' Ng6 11 17 - LOT 2 } I NlIT~ESS ~~`Y HAND ADD =~~FI~;1~;L SEAL. I I ~ _J - - ~ ~ BLOC'`-: 1 Y~ MY COMt~ISSlON EXPIRES ~IOTAr~,Y PUBL!C 1 i R' l L ~ ~~E~ !CAF ~~~l~T: L0~ 4, BLl)~~RAS~ TERRACE. w I, JQE I~. EiRO1NN, PRES~`~~NT OF BLUE GRASS RANCH, INC., A COLORADO 5 r~ t 1 C~~POR,~T!ON, DO H~~~ Y C'~R.iFY THAT BLUEGRASS RA~1CH, INC., IS THE HOLDER r OF THE SECQ~lD DEED C`°"~ ~"r,''JS~ AGAINST T}~~ LANDS Sr~OWt~ ON TH{S PLAT AND 9-~ER~BY CONSE~iT TQ TF- Sl~3~IVlS(OP~ G~ THE LANDS t;EREON. 1 ,t r x. - _ . s JOE D. BROWN, PRES(DE`1T ~ 699 S0~'~H GULC7~N ~ )ACJ GOLDEN, CC3L.ORADC~ 80~ 1 s r ST,4TE OC= C(~~ORADO } ~i SS. 1 1 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON t _ ` THE FOREGOING IP~STRUE~~(~7 WAS AC~CNG"NLE~GEl~ BE~OR~ M~ THIS DAY OF ~.D. ~ C'~__, BY JOE D. BRJWN AS PR~SID~ NT OF SLUE GRASS r RAl~iCN, fNC., A CC7~.~}R,r ~ C~~~RPORATION,. i W~TI~ESS ~Y HAND ,~!'JD ~F-FI~'f,~L SEAL. a f _ {  SET NAIL & BRASS W/'SHER ~_,~F-IFS2 qTAAAPFfI I q.4 7444q RF RECEPTION NO. TIME MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Y~- IN EX .STING CHISELED NOTAi,'--.'Y PUBLIC 40 20 0 40 80 CASE HISTORY: va _ 7-0 4 41. 5 H. SCALE: 1 " = 40' COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER 4 • -96-3 wmo'WN~+.cmnro= ~:,~mu®atwuauwv:~ ~.:+::.ua.. us~umraL +amr amwmmbr.:na.wmvx r ~w..ewanWWr~+ qyg ~yp ip + Y! rte/ v L .3. d ~F F 250 ...fit, py 02" t f 9 V SHEET 1 OF 1 ` kat SIP fil~ mood"" BY: DEPUTY 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 February 8, 1999 Weylan Bryant, P.E. Farnsworth & Polk 2696 S. Colorado Blvd. Suite 250 Denver, Colorado 80222 Dear Woody: The following are my comments regarding the resubdivision for Lot 4 of Blue Grass Terrace Subdivision. Keep in mind that my previous comments were directed toward a minor subdivision approval. 1. Please add another line to the title to read "Administrative Approval" 2. In the case history area, please delete "MS-98-?" and add "Administrative Approval - Resubdivision of Lot 4, Blue grass Terrace Subdivision". 3. Please remove the signature blocks for U.S. West, Public Service Company and Planning Commission. 4. Please modify the Mayor's certificate to read: "This is to certify that the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, did on the day of , 1999, adopt and approve the within plat.". 5. Please add the following note: "A building permit shall not be issued for Lot 2, Blk 1 until further consolidation plat approval.". 6. Please add the following note: "There shall be no direct access to Lot 2, Block 1 from adjacent public or private streets until further consolidation plat approval.". 7. Our Public Works Department has reviewed the plat and has approved it as submitted.. Once all of the changes are made, please submit a blackline photographic mylar with original signatures for recording. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner cc: Steven Dynes John McGuire Greg Knudson MEMORANDUM Approved Date ®E&ARTIMT OF PUBLIC WORK, TO: Meredith Reckert FROM: John McGuire P. L. S. DATE: Monday, February 8, 1999 SUBJECT: Blue Grass Terrace Amendment No. 1 We have completed our review of the above referenced Plat and find all areas and closures to be within tolerance. After completion of the comments from your review are completed, please send a copy of the plat for final review. Cc: Greg K. File The City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215-6713 (303) 234-5900 WHEAT ~Wh e at City Admin. Fax # 234-5924 Police Dept. Fax # 235-2949 GRldge December 15, 1998 Mr. David DiFulvio Benchmark Surveying 2696 South Colorado Blvd. Suite 250 Denver, Colorado 80222 Re: Blue Grass Terrace Subdivision, West 49' Avenue & Kipling Street - Second Review Comments of Resubdivision Plat Mr. Di Fulvio, The City has completed the second review of the above referenced document for the Blue Grass Terrace project received on December 3, 1998, with the attached comments noted for revision. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact the City's Surveyor, Mr. John McGuire, P.L.S. at 303-235-2858. P ease r turn all red-lined prints with the second submittal 141~~ in :dson, Gr g M.P.A. Development Review Engineer cc: Dave Kotecki, Sr. Project Engineer John McGuire, City Surveyor Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Sean McCartney, Planner File jr, RECYCLED PAPER ION-MEMO-AND CONTACT'- RECORD,,,:--' CONTACT NUMBER: 2 DATE: 12-15, 1998 SUBDIVISION NAME: Blue Grass Terrace 2nd filing ENGINEER: NAME: Steven A. Dunes PHONE: 3_( 03) FAX: 3( 03) CITY REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN MCGUIRE REMARKS: l: All Previous comments have been addressed. 2: With the changes shown and addressed in your letter you are creating a new building sight and will be required to go before planning commission and City Council for approval. 3: Closure and areas are within tolerance. 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: REMARKS: How contact made: person phone letter fax REPRESENTATIVE: City: Engineer: Callback 1 Date: Remark: Callback 2 Date: Remark: Callback 3 Date: Remark: 7500 West 29th Avenue The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 Wheat Telephone 303/ 235-2846 Ridge FAX 303/235-2857 December 8, 1998 Weylan A. Bryant, P.E. Farnsworth & Polk 2696 South Colorado Boulevard Suite 250 Denver, CO 8022 Dear Mr. Bryant: This letter is in regard to the second submittal of the revised plat for Bluegrass Terrace Subdivision that I received on December 4, 1998. I have reviewed the plat document and have determined that the following needs to be added or changed on the plat: 1. It is my opinion that the title should be revised to read: "Blue Grass Terrace Subdivision Amendment No. 1" "A Resubdivision of Lot 4, Blue Grass Terrace, Township 3 Since no new land is being included on this plat, it should not be called a "filing" A second filing implies new property being added under the same subdivision name. 2. Our standard dedicatory statement and release by owners of deeds of trust should be used with names and addresses added for the owner, and holders of deed of trust. 3. Case history box with the following case numbers: WZ-83-8, WZ-90-6, WSP-96- 1, WV-96-3 MS-96-6,,MS=98-? 4. The surveyor's certificate should be modified to change the title to "Amendment No. 1" from "Second Filing". The address and phone number of the surveyor should be added. 5. The signature block for the Director of Parks and Recreation should be changed to the Director of Planning and Development. 6. A note indicating that zoning on the property is Commercial-One. The document I just reviewed has changed substantially from our original discussions, the first submittal and the most recent submittal. Section 2.C.l.c. of the City's Subdivision Regulations allows a lot line adjustment between two adjacent parcels without a public hearing. The lot line adjustment is an administrative process which allows a portion of one parcel to be transferred to an adjacent lot with an administrative review and the final document recorded with the Jefferson County Recorder's Office. See attached procedure. It was my previous understanding that this was how the situation was to be handled, including the consolidation with one recorded document and no public hearings. Without the "Amoco" piece included, this is no longer a lot line adjustment. The document now has to be processed as a subdivision with at least one public hearing in front of the Planning Commission.. Please advise me as to how you would like to proceed. I can be reached at 303-235-2848. Sincerely, Meredith Reckert, AICP Senior Planner cc: Bluegrass Terrace file Greg Knudson John McGuire A:S1mgnss.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT A lot line adjustment is used to transfer a part of one lot to another for the purpose of enlarging a lot. Although lot line adjustments on existing lots are exempt from subdivision replatting, it is imperative that City staff have an opportunity to review these adjustments to ensure zoning compliance and good surveying practice. Therefore, the City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department and Department of Planning and Development have established the following administrative process in reviewing these adjustments. A lot line adjustment shall be allowed for only one lot line between two lots and shall not be used as a resubdivision of more than two contiguous lots. If more than two contiguous lots require lot line adjustments, an amended subdivision plat will be required. In no instance, shall additional building sites be created through this process. Requests for lot line adjustments shall be made to the Planning and Development Department and shall include the following items: a. A completed administrative process application with original, notarized signatures of both affected property owners b. A $50 filing fee c. Copies of deeds for both properties involved d. A survey plat showing title, drawing of both lots with legal descriptions of the lots, old lot line (shown as dashed or in half tone), new lot line, ties to subdivision or section corners, all bearings and distances for existing and proposed lot lines, basis for bearings, proposed square footage of both lots and all adjoining lot numbers and streets. The survey plat shall be prepared and certified by a registered land surveyor in the State of Colorado. The survey plat shall have a recording block for recordation with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office In addition to the surveyor, signature blocks shall be provided for the owners with notarial attestation, Director of Planning and Development, Director of Public Works and the Mayor with City Clerk's attestation. Paper copies of the survey plat, measuring 24" by 36", may be submitted for review by the City. A blackline, photographic mylar with appropriate changes shall be provided to the City for original signatures to be recorded. e. If the two lots are I separate ownership, a statement of agreement to the adjustment shall be placed on the plat with signature block (above). The final plat submission shall have signatures of all owners. An agreement between the property owners regarding the property transfer. Once a completed application has been submitted, a case number will be assigned as well a caseworker from the Department of Planning and Development. The caseworker will send a referral to the Development Review Engineer who will review the document, along with the City Surveyor. The City Surveyor and Development Review Engineer will submit comments back to the caseworker. The request will also be referred to service agencies for comment if . there are easements of record affected. The case worker will review the proposal and return all comments to the applicant for revision or, if no changes are required, request a mylar for recordation. Once the mylar has been submitted with original signatures of the owners and surveyor, the remaining signatures will be collected and the mylar will be recorded with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's office. The applicant will be responsible for the cost of recording. A reproducible mylar copy of the recorded lot line adjustment shall be retained by the City of Wheat Ridge with their subdivision plat maps If an applicant is aggrieved of a decision by City Staff, an appeal can be filed with Planning Commission through the minor subdivision review process prescribed by the Subdivision Regulations. A deed or transfer title of property from one owner to the other must be recorded with the county but will not be required by the City in the lot line adjustment process. Even though the owners of the two adjacent lots. have agreed to the adjustment, the titles that they possess are still to the original lots and not the adjusted lots. Recordation of the new survey plat and deeds with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's office completes the lot line adjustment. F:~rl FARNSWORTH & POLK City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Department 7500 W. 29`h Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215-6713 Attention: Mr. Greg Knudson, M.P.A. Dear Greg: December 3, 1998 Sent Via Three Hour Courier Re: Second Submittal - Revised Subdivision Plat Amoco Midsize SS #5487 4901 S. Kipling Parkway at the Blue Grass Terrace Subdivision City of Wheat Ridge, CO FP JN 397064.2 Thank you for your recent comment letter as well as the "Subdivision Memo and Contact Record" provided by Mr. John McGuire, PLS - City Surveyor, regarding the above noted project. We appreciate your quick response to our request and your approval of our request to waive the requirement for a complete drainage study and detention pond redesign until such time as Amoco decides to proceed with the redevelopment. Enclosed for your review and referral to Mr. McGuire are the following items: Cd Sheet 1 of 1, "Blue Grass Terrace Filing No. 2". N( "Subdivision Memo and Contact Record" - prepared by Mr. McGuire (dtd 11/05/98). The following synopsis of the changes made to the enclosed plan is provided to help you in your review. The paragraph numbers below correspond to the paragraph numbers in Mr. McGuire's Memo: 1. The term "A RESUBIDIVISION OF" was added to the title, while "FINAL PLAT" was removed. 2. As you may recall, the intent of the previous submittal was to divide Lot 4 of Blue Grass Terrace Filing No. 2 into two lots AND replat what was then called Parcel A (the existing unplatted Amoco lot) into Blue Grass Terrace Filing No. 2. However, due to timing and financial considerations, Amoco has decided that they prefer to simply subdivide the existing Lot 4 into Lot 1/Block 1 and Lot 2/Block 2 and NOT replat their unplatted property into Blue Grass Terrace Filing No. 2. Amoco is aware and understands that they WILL be required to prepare and submit another Plat (including fee and necessary engineering design studies) to incorporate their existing unplatted lot, along with Lot 2B1ock 1, into Blue Grass Terrace Filing No. 2 BEFORE they can proceed with the redevelopment of this property. As such, the text for the "excepted parcel" was eliminated. 3. Signature lines (including names and.titles of the various owners) were added. 4. The P.L.S. number for Mr. Steven A. Dynes (PLS #24949) was added to the Surveyor's Certificate. 5. The word "LOT" was added to the Lot/Block numbers. 6. Refer to comment response #2 above. Parcel A was eliminated. 7. The identifier for Lot 2/Block 1 was moved away from the property line. 8. The word "PROPOSED" was removed from the new lot line descriptor. 2696 South Colorado Boulevard Suite 250 Denver, Colorado 80222 303/692-SS38 303/692-0470 fax i Com,odo sp,mg, Come do • Sp,.nsedd, eraoud . sc. eo,r11, rvussoud . Bmommgmn, 111h,.~, . Norio, 11h • Pomlac, nm,o~s . eoyeue~oie, n,~:,,,•os Mr. Greg Knudson, M.P.A. December 3, 1998 Page 2 9. The "Director of Public Works" signature line was eliminated. 10. Refer to comment response #2 above. Parcel A was eliminated. We trust the revisions made to the Plat, as well as the change in how Amoco wishes to proceed with this project, are satisfactory and look forward to receiving your approval shortly. The owner(s) of existing Lot 4 (Blue Grass Terrace Subdivision Filing No. 2) and Amoco are looking forward to completing their financial transactions upon receiving City Approval of this Plat. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this Plat in greater detail, please feel free to call Steve Dynes at 303.692.8483. If you would like to discuss how Amoco now wants to proceed with this process, please feel free to call me. Thanks for your help! Sincerely, P Enclosures cc: Ms. Debbie Piazza, Montgomery Little & McGrew w/Enclosure Mr. Lloyd Kuehn, Amoco Oil Company via Fax SUBDIVISION MEMO AND CONTACT RECORD CONTACT NUMBER: 1 DATE: 11-5, 1998 SUBDIVISION NAME: BLUE GRASS TERRACE FILING NO.2 ENGINEER: NAME: BENCHMARK SURVEYING PHONE: (303) 692-8483 FAX: 3{ 03) CITY REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN MCGUIRE REMARKS 1: Add to title "A RESUBIVISION OF" and remove "FINAL PLAT" 2: Correct text in description of excepted parcel 3: Add signature lines and name and title for owners as redlined 4: Add L.S. number for surveyor 5: Add word "LOT" to lot numbers 6: Remove hatching from parcel A 7: Move identifier for Lot 2 away from line 8: Remove word "PROPOSED" from new lot line 9: Remove extra signature line for Director of Public Works 10: Identify with pointer "Point of Commencement for p arcel A" ENGINEER REPRESENTATIVE: DAVID C. DIFULVIO REMARKS: How contact made: person phone letter fax REPRESENTATIVE: City: _ Engineer: Callback 1 Date: Remark: Callback 2- Date: Remark: Callback 3 Date: Remark: 5 Ca J F MONTY MAP ae~~Ps 7 bf 1207 1b10' PMAY y ~ / UST OF CONTACTS, mw T MP +6 D As 7 57 100• 157 i A •rsth AV-ENUS' cTrr a TIWAT RD6E OfECTW 6 PINWAMi LID DEELOPIFNr TYPICAL SECTIONS MTA BLUE GRASS TERRACE OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER. SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF DIAN. WEST OF THE IXTH PRINCIPAL SECTI 69 N HI S N THE C'~ ~ WH~ ~RIDGERCOUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLD ADO AD DE CRIPTION JACENT PROPERTY OWNERS FC:AI : S COrlFllml6' AT AE SOUOEASi COBEE Q gCTd WINS! ] SBIK NM6E !D rfsr or DE sXal PWf1~Il ERDIMk noME MdWNar M.dC TIE EAST INIE v AIDaI DL C6 Parr orna Bd 3.s OMf Pr[ LLNpS 66523 SAD SECMd % N OQi7a" R 6YR iffc 1lQIQ EST ('R3T-IEiXFD) MCI SAD SECTId % W A POMT d 111E EST Rplr-{T- P MM TIR SO011 =F =or K : FEET W lFE iAC POIT OF EfJWM2 WAT Oi Mi51D SfEEi S T5600 - AA MD PARMIFL MM TIE 500111 tME Di $M YC11d 16 TQA2 CIXk 10165 IM MM AVID" WEAi IDOE C6DRAD0-600Si 7rW I (TEST-1ET $ S B61?tY R FM TMId YJUREILT MD PMM!!L IMB TIE EAST LIE OF P yO 99:1Id % 5 S = WT7 IM72 FFE'r (`ROD %9=04 1A WAIEtIOLSE pARRiEfa1F POM d RE MdM RIUR--TINT LIE O OP EM Sf MDI A14MF' N14 AWP" l1E FOLLONFD SE COWSES 1020! * TIESr MM AKNE MlAi WOZ C0.ptI00 BOmS 11EMC2 RET 2 l1$ICE Aldo A ONME W lliE IFFr KSMD AM w I.EMOB1 OF 187.50 FEET, A ' COLDRFOO STA1E lAMO BOARD MD 1105E d RIDR6 OF 36TMA FEET AMD M 1410000 AMQE 62!7700 3550 EST Os710 ASEAE 81116 S SWISW W A D=A OF tm$ FE" y At1E0 A A . DDP61 c0dA00 B023f 0110000 IN6F d 61370E MD Wi05E O101D FEET MO NF IV1110 SOW B091ES5 PAAf BFMS M IST1fA0' W A Dlli C OF =14 FEEL BDNDFr L ♦L!lAllS A 0N11CE M N37.Y 5E 1112 P . S ThDIQ AIdC A OJN1E W THE `EFT IMNI6 AM ANC LOOM ? 114.6 FEES A 6MA 0058! Sf. AAYAM COldA00 60004 RFOXIS 6 %6W FEET AID AM FIBAd AMYE DF 121720 AND ld O OIOID m 6 MEEBL GEMS M GMW W A D6rA d 107.f3 FM 662E.AO~ a ~m FE[l: -72Y 'N. IM . 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AOBO y BLLHOMD m1w1Erz PMA9: 3 - lOT Th10FE AND AWALFMT ro 8UE DRAB P14Ag s - In~T wE TAO ED1 i WN 5 - WT 1008 RU 6 - 1 F EST OF SLEET B MAYORS CERTIFICATE D 1 AMO BUXDfD 2 ' EA9OEEIT (S1EEF A MD B) LR y 14811E MD SLEET L Td' p IMCM DTM MEW EST RC! W SDEET A MID MD STREET A FRd' W ~ME W 114E A AID B AID SVJ91 MFAF 6 W SODi AtE 6aA ' 111.1 LME W I<P1110 SLEET AID IOPEBIC 1115 15 ro CERIFY MAT 11E CiIY 6 ,EAT RODE. CadA04 BY 1401100 OF 05 CRY . ADOPT AID APPRDE l1E LOMOI. 00 d l1E 1 OAY OF 19410 WPM 0.AM/1.lAT BY QDNARCE 146 10 A 6 . CLERK AND RFCORDER'S CERT)FICATE STATE OF 0108114) )ss co.frrr ff .EFFV6d ) 1 11EREHY mfiiY THAT RTS P /PLAT WAS FEED N d nE Lam( DAY 4.F FrEm&CA . 1 FILL Cd_AE FO'+4YYM CRYC Tt ( F63SPAO J1 OFTME.XALZW 0Ot MD 6 DIY 8-00140- STRUCTURE PLACEMENT STANDARDS gIBIiO( fI101 W 5014 AVCE 00 iEET gIBACX FWd slI mo 9i%AQ iRd $BEET A A MO SBE£F B 10 FEET SETNAIX iRd ! 18TH ASBfIE 20 FEET alMA1 1 YBTIIp1F 9d a WA 90114E 1 TML S (57 MA1Q a 1 Yd1AlElfr SId d WML 9dAtE 1 IMIWTpT a 114E 906 1 TALL 51011 (57 MAX) A 1/&DL MBIBEIIT 9d t WALL 90 ID 9d5 ICI 9d5 No 9l 5 2 THE SOMS (50' MAX) a 1/0LDF NdDMFMT 9d 1914/ 4 YE'~F 6300 i WAOSMORM BLED LITIETQ 00 61423 (305) BT1-0TA STALE Oi COLWADO ) )SE / CODNTY dF ,EFFEOiN) (21 / TIE 19-00140 FISDNAQR 00/5 ACOIDINIDQ3T 8 -DAY OF AA tf 1{L_ . BT '141165 W MAI10 AI10 gAl. . W COYB9OI E1P'IES ~ NOTARY D® OF TRUST HOLDER- '°FI . 4 .RE a BIOM1. W xEREeY CEiRWY AM.T I AN 1IE 11aDFA OF TIE FMST DEED OF TART AGAF15i TFE T fNT AID IE$Y CONSENT W TIE 50881499 6 TIE 1A1D5 910714 IHECEI XJ 1 D SO 601061 A0M fdlOEN. M Ca0fA00 BDID S A$ OF CO.DRA00 ) )Ss 001017' W.-11-859) IF F mntW 111E FaEDOM10 MSiAREMT + ACD10MID6ED BEFVE E F AA is 2L , eY J06 O bAaWA /n~~- 141105 YY MAMO ANO 011-514. 9'Jl. : lfl.V'c n mNN9(M E]wnES !1)BAtw a. mf uc DEED OF TRUST HOLDER: '3,FFm~ I. JR 6 BIOME PRESDFMT OF MJEQ A RAMCM. SIC." A DFATgE 00 REFEBY CV~ {uDSj TTL¢f JijS PIAF AID PK% M CPISETIT W TE 91BBM9BI06 TE WDS MJEPL 7(`~ 1r 1-j/S d alE dA4 Nu1d. Ma A DaDRFao WrmaRA11B1 .100 SOUM DO ROD @ C1DRA00 a olM sulaxg s cDEDRAOO ) COUMiY OF 570601) T!E fdE0.1D M62RME14T 105 AOOIOWEDOED AY OF MM dly AD_1f !Ft.BV 4 ~ 1411-55 YY MAMO AMD 6FiQ11L gK i.•~ Mr Iara9aM EIFBfE4 ~ A n17 s z' f i I I t~ J i L L i 1 _ I - ~j 3 - ~I I $pz 3n t I BLUE RASS ERRA( E A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. 1/4 t]S R69w FO(JIp E/4 CORNER s 1s}s +5 SEC t0. T35, R69W L1J212 I RNEAT,RAGE 3 1/4• tae4 BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX LS / 13212 VtUICA TION1pMIC LOGTFD R gAtt MEN 0.1 NEW PREix11 MAY 11( LRDf1N61IED, eENG THE oNUS a THE HEAL CESCR" AS 0.K T%, N TE SDUTf_A5T WARt0. M ME SOVTNEAST INE OT1 LF it CAT t6. rp1N9p ] SWrH. RANGE Be PEST OF NE 9vM C PRNroAI KMOIAN m ThF Clh OF N(Ar R AS tge,h CBE {TrER5g1. STATE LF MOeAD0. WNC WME PARTCI.ARLT DESCINBEO As FO CAB, ~SCpwENIKC AT Sgtll: tyeOt (i iCiION t6. TUNER ] =lJ N. TIE 4XMTN[pR1TATA N06pIMk T14FIK'E AAMTDILY KONG 111E EAST IRRANGE 4E M9 SAO icT 1a N DOTYL• w. ia,,I FEET TDNE RESIPLT (WEST-RECpRp) µp ARAIEL RM THE SOIM LIE M SAID BECnM 16 M A PONT M TIE TEST eAr CBE I(IPIINC 9TBFr~ . _ (F- i 5UR YORK; F`cenn..ATr ' J. 1. IFAOT E IOdER, A R[OS}ID® pRC.ESy.N,lt lAD lIIIPEION N M RATE M ' COLOt0 DO NEAR' ATTy THAT TE SINNEY W NE FNK PUT OF "(NIASS a• # 1W TERRACE PAS M AIIO M ACCOP 1eS AM AfLRRLY SH01ei SNO M9INRNSdLL RiD 9M)EY CiRPIEIEn WM#.A16f6A1F1T lEROYA. E LTpTOBREIN. NE-NS Mead dR1TR R95 RAlS1Oll Rpb SATE 240 MVbA CD aD002 (x]) bf-oxs NOTES O FOLD PIN t CAP / xf]z z R SET PN I CM 11AB7 1 BASIS OF 9E~ iT~N THE 3MTE - ASSAIM AMI ME CAST LK SOIREAT glNIINIDR iCiDRN 16. BOA AN nE EAST OICORRR BEING A J 1/4" )NEAT NO;,E BRA,, CM N RAMS N A N - MI C ARTER CO NICk BEND A J 1/4' eMAT RODE BRASS CAP. COMINAnS E A IsTMCE - 2612b' BASED W CrtY OF MEAT ROQ 4. EfE SlOwl RATER OCRJ[rpf//E1EJlNN NONSIVIU AND 11AINTAPED R TIE DIES. TENS yr DANCI ASSIGNS. IN NE w Holm ALL BC G NT MAY SAID IS NOT BIpN,1 TRIO y ME (1TY OF M'ND PE F MIC NECESSyY[v VOW. THE ~jT ~'1BO SAO TOT2 BIIRDNC M sTRUCTIAE BEL SC ASSIGNS AOQI TO TAY Llrq fIELAO. M WD C n M KrfRATDN3 AFFECTNF~~. N ME DETD`i( AREA(S) AM of DETENN NETFINTIONI AREA(S) R61 BE MACE NMIIT 7 ~ M ME OTY ENM 4DJL / 1 ME DOOM HIS 9JCCE39MS ON ASSIMS GRANTS UMM MOM AND EEAA4]AMp . ASS rCD ► NMOSE IS AREAS UCP1 AS -MOSS ENT SK U/ BEM NTED TO nM RAT. sLFd E on M uND sNr anu 0.E wom TO TCL AND FREE ENT MK SAO EAYll~lp3 FINOY b.NCLRENCEMNR PROPERTY AM^iR RRDII .ANRl61p Mai, STREET. 6. PRrvATE RIDDS Me ACCESS. ICY ACCESS AND UTILITY EAiIRIIT (STREET A W B) SNAL BE t TRTCTEO AND YANTAIIED RTE OwFplS r LOT 1 AP,P_ R~p~~p~ DO" OF PLELIC eaftI EMP, OTY Tl NEAT MIDGE ORECRR 0, Y T QMT ~I SRI A , DIRECTOR M PARKS N RErtNZ C EAt1W V IY C V.i BEST 001MAKA1rMs f~ N+Li N95TC[IF. M4~ 6~6~6~ B ~s ~ 'A'F BSp f Ryas-] 7 S 1--w ARMADA CITY LIMITS 1RAxlYSSIDN S e OebC STATE LAND BOARD roRrn 1]13 SRTMAx DENKR CO 60M] ' ,w PSCD A-1 T a CA T TI 80 €tl a k7 w 160.5 I S. HEREBY Y TO THE aw o, In M RNEAT TROY I e R AVM LINE OF 1410 SECnp1 16 ORO) s e6ZTte' A, 1!0.00 fFET; TE/4 so111DRLY Alp PARIl1E1, RM TtIE M SAO IN T6 5 O n ON 170.12 FEET (110.00 FEET AEtdND) Y, A E ID.M NWT-M-MY L,, M RST NM MENU: MCNa ALOb TE NL-M-.AY UIE M SAID BEST 40TH AWRUE THE FOU,DMING 9% CDURBES: 5 69Z6'AD W. 39.41 FEET: ALONG A "W M ME IEif NAMb.AN ARC DEKN M 181.56 FEET, A M 361.04 FEET AD AN N,,NX AMU, M 291T.. AND TANG E ddp 5 69`55'45• IN A DISTMIQ W 1, FEET: ALONG A LTNTE M ME 18WT HA,,M AN AM !,NOTE (F MS FEET. A M 11.M FEET AID AM W,,N, ANISE M a251•Da• AND CHOSE MM N 8JT6'40• W A DISTANCE OF 2116 CET: N 41,039• P. 11Yx FEET; Ai- G A 41RW M M,, IF£T NA`eM AN ARC lp N OF 111.41 FEET, A M 150.°0 FEET ARID AN NTRDR AM,C M N 62 4170'24" 4x0 RxDJE ONPD 15'46' r A IxTA..t ,r N ME CAST UNE OF SAID SECTION! is N ~i +pa.l) FEET (109.80 FEET AECOD},NTEIq KSEN.Y Alp p", y RM 111E SCUM • P. CJj t-C M SAN BECTow 16 s airinr w. NLoo rEEn TUACE IAMTIIOLLT AO PARHy(1 xM NE EAST UNE M SAID iCTM 16 TO A PINT M TINE SOUTHERLY LINE M ME PMPERn M ME COLORADO STATE LAND BOND (FORERLY ME DENVER AM 1411J1I- I M TAN RALwAY M(MT-W-1AY) N Ip1Z2 W. 2A0.47 FEET (249.28 FEET-RECWIJ 1ND`f AMC SAID S NCRLY LaE W ME PROPERTY OF THE COLORADO ST•EE lANO BOARD M A PUNT W ME LEST RNWT-0F-.AY OF IWIRD STREET N 737Zll• E E 860.30 FEET (880.9e FEET-N:CdfD}. MOODE SO NIER.y A10M THE SAID BEST MGH1 (7 I M-w W12'n' ~ 275.57 FEET, •r UNE M KPLNc STREET ANb PARIU,n NM ME EAST IRE M SAID BECTON 'a JO' IGNAGE I I UNE M DPUM STREET S i5'42'W W7jLn993 Lf¢f' rNER(£ r1ERL NPIT- Ar / 'A y EASEMENT I SAp NEST RNdT-CP-BAY UIIE 6 g . STREET S OOT2'h•SaUE 20.00Y FEET: 1D i i tzs• pEDESTNBAx `i E SA SI J) LOT rt I I `I TN-_r EMI IX AM tdTANM irr Ag yINE on um 465 so FABEMpT gI S O, S~ 0.850 ACRES HAKE LAD MY Arm PUTTED 5x0 LAD AS PER MAPPM MEMDN RMTANDC ,MC, ME ' ' MIRIAQ~ M1 I I I " NAYS Alp SM M 'MUE MASS TERRACE- tl AL DEKL01MID4T M A PMT M ME OTY M es I o0 / EASEKNr .D I I 8 NIEAr Qq COLMAb. AD By TEi PNSS]Nr! DOES aEDMl,1E M rN C ~ n.F STREETS ROBS. AND AWNUCS ARID OAKS AS !TOTEM M 111E ACQ?RANY6D PUT FOR ME FLRUC UBE r, nl I N ACT A THEPEM "MEW" AM DOES FMYER DCCN"YC M M USE OF ME Ott OF NEAT RIDGE Alp F, R I I M 157 AL MLRRCPALLY ORNED ,wOAye N""C"ALY F"NIRSED VIIUTIES AND yRtnCES. AM sPCOAL N 'U• w L I TINE 9 ]8 Y SEANCE MMCTS MGg PMTMS OF SAD TREK PROPERTY 16X01 ARE SO OESIMAIED AS R 2S # AttiSS. EIIEINCONCr LOBE J I I x011+' uTED FASEYENTS AMp gNNi-M-MY FM NE CONSTRI1CTOC NRAl1Al1pC, OPFRAnM, MANIN4INCE f N9Far [ RFP AR AND REPLACIIpIT FM NL }JMLE% ROLUDING RTbUT LASTING MC M)ERAUTT M ME x ACCESS AND ulgJtt 82182 SF 0Ya I` h M FIEWNC. 1EIFANINE AI40 ElECMe LINES. 1100.1E IDLES AND UNICf11M0.ND CA15LE-s CAS II I' 'C I ♦ T EAiYENT 1.993 ACRES Gp (+7 'WEUNE. -ATER NpE].RRS. SANTMY SCNNCP LRES. STREET UNYS CLL`RRr1 N1T%IAxTS MANAGE ITCHES AND MANS AND ALL MAIINTEMAM'45 NCEM. IT RNf e ISEj6AM RIVER En NME55-EGRESS EAS~TRAN I a - AMEED BY ME UME,, Om MAT AL E)PFNSES AID COSTS M,LrNpL5M1RAR iKN AM LE/~¢ AR g M SEYWi ro i # ACCESS, DACtCENGY x _ IIISTAl1NC SANITARY BETER SYSREY uE¢ w ND L1RKi CAS SE]TVNE OES, N ELFtMIC'N AND ``0T 3 x. 73P VACATED 0.r THIS N.Ar AccEn AND uTlutt 4 ^ SERM(£ qNs AND 42109 SF VACATED) AC ESS A LOT 2 N LaU R&S iBRS AM MARKS US LIOITN MA-0NG, •ND 7.%T R6RE$ / d °3Z ARCS ' F ^ -I LANDSDS SNA LTIBBS OITRRS STREET D1 B HErADCWAO OT4R SUON UTIUTES / / J1et' 0Cl~i Ee KO RE Me IE~,yp RNp FOR FM R THE OEOF R A . ANI) lENrs MAD, DE By 4 JSOO' N 4 S W1Y2B• E / S APAROE,ED R 114E CITY M BEEAT AIDCE. AMD wd 9JY5 SHILL nN,)~9c W t : NOT BE PAID BY ME OTY M 101 RIDGE, COLORADO, AND MAT AMT ITEN W CONsTe TE0 M b F\ .Jl'_1 D\ NXi}lar T` 17IITV BBL _ v INSTALLED wEH ACCEPTED R ME Ott OF NEAT ROM =DaI . BNAL KCMG ENE SpIF o MAryAp PRCPEATY M SAID Oh EXCCPT Xes O R IANCIPALY NtAM MeD UTUM M SPEOAL . s C 17 2ES51:MEMt ° ~E MM ISTCCES AND/oN ME U.S. BEST NBRRK.LTNOxs MROI UEMS. OWN NNSTEUCIED M 407 `I OXF 1M / 50m, ENE OTYF SHALL RELAM THE PRMERtt LF ME ORN4Nt AND WAIy HOT BECOE ME pRMEIh M S 8627 s 09771 w 1>D.QD' `5095716"w S eRrvr R / R Bn4'w Y s NE on. a7d u nRIR I M213" URIC OYM10` , 146.08 / YNTd I LARRY REED 101m w AI M Al WHEAT INOM CO 00133 C-1 d anon "Tr w i 129 PM. OF ~ II UTILITY bI 4/i1Gl g N EA$EIETT -I - ANOM DR. CQ 005•. MFICE 0.M ].20. IERR RT " TIN. 11[ARII OAK PARK II!)NDI$ 60532 I 8305 S. wAOsRMM BLAB ` g UTn£TON. M 00123 4 i m I D-i d (303) 972-0181 n SS3f 1 109 ACR ~ . ES JP I SS' ROW STATE DF MMAW ) ACCESS dERDFNCY E E USCASEYME ENO VEIUh 1 Ov- L I MT ! M'28'4 W V W COURTY OF ,EFTDIt5O1 TINE F or )SS s e62a41r . e/,/~ j s x to o - _ _ _R_4 .~N4enrz. 7 )PEST I-'70 Ai FRONTAGE RD NORTH / IEOIHC NSMUANT BAS AMIDDEDQQ' Jf.R' I W A.D. n x.. . By -r~xw s Y a 4157 ! 86~~p1'q' w "NESS MY AND AND W. S Sf~~~/ `N !y ROE DEEP OF RUST HOMER, OTMT WBUC B• RDR 3 ~F{1I. 49th AVENUE 1. VDE D. e001N. O0 IERmT CERTIFY NAT AI ME IDLep ~SIR~'FAST o® OF TRUST .cANSr nNE '4YM Y '~U - IS PLAT AND NEREBY CWSENT M=11 1NC 91(eplwlM CE NE LANDS sNoMN REW. 1 1 't +aFpo xl N 16Kf SWN oouDcN A]l I°~ / YAOAI[p R (1 GOLDEN. COLMAD`S ADa 80401 WPAR ATLTAp[r v~l STATE RE (F COLMADO J CdpRD Cp AT FOUND SE CORNER ,~i /NSWM} SSEC SEC 1 1a, OGE J R69W c11mh M.IErFER5pN1 )SS BRASS CAP I ME MREOMNG NSTRUYpT L5 , BRASS CAP N RAN N DGE) BEFORE CLERK AND R ORp R'S RTTCArq STALE M MC AD0 ) caBwrY M .ERERl,, 1 NEWEST CERTIFY MAT nSS R1JN T WAS Alm Be R oNLEIFJdJON.LOIX ~„Y. W THE [yt& DAY M _Cng . 1Sy~-4!fr~ AND IS DULY RECCIDm N NM mL LSy AJ7 BO% LS / 13212 A.O. 16 9Z-, BY J r h. NBA/ AY tF 15RREN ' "NESS YY PRAM AND tFF1 SEAL ~.'O Re MY CDINWSSXM EXPIRES /TIMYAL fill L': r 5 1B S 15 B xt u DEED OF TRUST H DFR• T 9UC `5 - - 1J2T2 MAYDR' ' i9e. L N D. PRESIDENT M aUjCDMA S eANd. flc. ~ Y nM. oD rDNm 1W5 O TO Cp[1RT TNT E M STY M W1EAT CFINTIFY INAT Ai B LUEMASS AANOC BIG. NC. STS ME NCYDEIN MA oFm M WUST •14X`57 TE CQANQ DID M M p M °X~ Cli,,MbO. R YOl10N M I75 Ott MIS T AND N Y CMiNT M ME sLlNR9M M TIE LADS NEREM. /?EAT R tag* ADOPT AND APAIOSE THE _ i MA5$ RAg4. NL` ~~l+ A MORADC CMRMA ATTEST. O V y MA IBM scu SOUM w M, GODEN. CCLMAOa 0.0Ao, STATE 6 C0.MAOO ) )33 NS q 1D MIR TIE RNMN ELM/RAT. G!E no. PS-111-9 Mw MASS TERRACE As sen COMn OF LAFERSOR wOAIRF APNRI R M RLAMN M cD em,, M ME CITY M JKAT Rep, CSSLRADo. MC 10MEDINC N]TRIIYDR .2AMNDR)mGm BEF •gO• t~ L(/ 10. 11 ~ . °T J04 A' ! l~, Y M HI)I((// dAANAN NMSS YT -AM AND C oc BETE MCINITY MAP '