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City of co l dge - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29`n Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303235.2846 F: 303.235.2857 October 1, 2009 Kevin C. Larson Swiss Valley, LLC P.O. Box 715 Indian Hills, CO 80454 Dear Mr. Larson: RE: Case Nos. WA-09-09 & WF-09-08 Please be advised that at its meeting of September 24, 2009, the Board of Adjustment APPROVED your request for a variance to Section 26-412.D.2 of the Subdivision Regulations to allow a new two-family residence at 6701 West 48th Avenue to have domestic water service from a well for the following reasons: An existing home on the property occurred up until a fire in 2008. The well is 400 feet plus or minus deep so is not infiltration well. The well has a state permit and has been tested for potability monthly for a significant time. 4. No other development of additional properties is likely due to the topography. 5. The economic feasibility of extending the domestic water to the property would preclude reasonable development. 6. The variance was recommended for approval by staff. With the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the new residence, evidence of water potability must be provided and reviewed by the City. 2. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the structure, a consolidation plat must be recorded with Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office. 3. A legal document must be created assuring access rights to the water from the well to the residential property prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The Board of Adjustment also APPROVED your request for a Class II special exception permit to allow construction of a two-family residence in the 100-year flood plain on property zoned R-2 and located at 6701 West 48th Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The proposed construction will not result in raising the flood water height in the area. 2. The damage due to floods will be minimized. 3. The utilities will be installed in a manner that will be protected from flood damage. www.ci.wheatridge.co.us Kevin C. Larson Page 2 October 1, 2009 4. The flood plain administrator has reviewed and supports the findings of the flood plain analysis. 5. There were no objections to the proposed development. 6. A home existed previously and was destroyed by fire. With the following conditions 1. Building plans and a site plan must be prepared for the proposed new building. The plans must be reviewed to insure compliance with the Flood plain Control ordinance. 2. The lowest building floor elevation must be at or above 5,301.50 feet. 3. A Wheat Ridge Fill Permit must be obtained prior to commencement of work. 4. As fill is proposed in a portion of the flood plain within the City of Arvada, a Flood Plain Permit must be obtained from the City of Arvada, if applicable. 5. Water and sanitary sewer services must be identified and not subject to flooding. 6. The domestic water well shown adjacent to the proposed new building must be waterproofed in a manner acceptable to the City. 7. A registered professional engineer shall certify that the building foundation construction forms are set at elevations in conformance with the building plans. 8. A registered professional engineer shall certify that the lowest building floor elevation is at or above 5,301.50 feet as soon as possible following construction of the lowest building floor. This is to occur prior to assurance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 9. The elevation must be verified by an elevation survey after the foundation has been poured, prior to other construction commencing. 10. A lot consolidation plat must be approved prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Enclosed are copies of the Certificates of Resolution, as well as a draft copy of the minutes, stating the Board's decision which became effective the date of the meeting, September 24, 2009. This variance shall automatically expire within one hundred eighty (180) days of the date it was granted, March 23, 2010, unless a building permit has been obtained. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 235-2846 if you have any questions Sincerely, Kathy Field Administrative Assistant Enclosures: Certificates of Resolution Draft of Minutes cc: WA-09-09 & WF-09-08 (case files) Building File WA0909&WF0908.doc CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION O' I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 24th day of September, 2009. CASE NO: WA-09-09 APPLICANT'S NAME: Swiss Valley, LLC LOCATION OF REQUEST: 6701 West 48`h Avenue WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment application Case No. WA-09-09 is an appeal to the Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment application Case No. WA-09-09 be, and hereby is APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A variance to Section 26-412.D.2 of the Subdivision Regulations to allow a new two-family residence at 6701 West 48`h Avenue to have domestic water service from a well. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. An existing home on the property occurred up until a fire in 2008. 2. The well is 400 feet plus or minus deep so is not infiltration well. 3. The well has a state permit and has been tested for potability monthly for a significant time. 4. No other development of additional properties is likely due to the topography. 5. The economic feasibility of extending the domestic water to the property would preclude reasonable development. 6. The variance was recommended for approval by staff. Board of Adjustment Resolution WA-09-09 Page 2 of 2 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the new residence, evidence of water potability must be provided and reviewed by the City. 2. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the structure, a consolidation plat must be recorded with Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's Office. 3. A legal document must be created assuring access rights to the water from the well to the residential property prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. VOTE: YES: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAIR, BUCKNAM, FISHER, HOVLAND, LINKER, PAGE NO: None DISPOSITION: A variance to Section 26-412.D.2 of the Subdivision Regulations to allow a new two-family residence at 6701 West 48th Avenue to have domestic water service from a well was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 24th day of September, 2009. Alan Bucknam, Chair Board of Adjustment Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board of Adjustment CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION C O po I, Ann Lazzeri, Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was duly adopted in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, on the 24th day of September, 2009. CASE NO: WF-09-08 APPLICANT'S NAME: Swiss Valley, LLC LOCATION OF REQUEST: 6701 West 48`h Avenue WHEREAS, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, Board of Adjustment application Case No. WF-09-08 is an appeal to the Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and WHEREAS, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment application Case No. WF-09-08 be, and hereby is APPROVED. TYPE OF VARIANCE: A request for approval of a Class Il special exception permit to allow construction of a two-family residence in the 100-year flood plain on property zoned R-2. FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The proposed construction will not result in raising the flood water height in the area. 2. The damage due to floods will be minimized. 3. The utilities will be installed in a manner that will be protected from flood damage. 4. The flood plain administrator has reviewed and supports the findings of the flood plain analysis. 5. There were no objections to the proposed development. 6. A home existed previously and was destroyed by fire. WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Building plans and a site plan must be prepared for the proposed new building. The plans must be reviewed to insure compliance with the Flood plain Control ordinance. 2. The lowest building floor elevation must beat or above 5,301.50 feet. Board of Adjustment Resolution WF-09-08 Page 2 of 2 3. A Wheat Ridge Fill Permit must be obtained prior to commencement of work. 4. As fill is proposed in a portion of the flood plain within the City of Arvada, a Flood Plain Permit must be obtained from the City of Arvada, if applicable. 5. Water and sanitary sewer services must be identified and not subject to flooding. 5. The domestic water well shown adjacent to the proposed new building must be waterproofed in a manner acceptable to the City. 7. A registered professional engineer shall certify that the building foundation construction forms are set at elevations in conformance with the building plans. 8. A registered professional engineer shall certify that the lowest building floor elevation is at or above 5,301.50 feet as soon as possible following construction of the lowest building floor. This is to occur prior to assurance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 9. The elevation must be verified by an elevation survey after the foundation has been poured, prior to other construction commencing. 10. A lot consolidation plat must be approved prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. VOTE: YES: ABBOTT, BELL, BLAIR, BUCKNAM, FISHER, HOVLAND, LINKER NO: PAGE DISPOSITION: A request for approval of a Class II special exception permit to allow construction of a two-family residence in the 100-year flood plain on property zoned R-2 was APPROVED. ADOPTED and made effective this 24th day of September, 2009. Alan Bucknam, Chair Board of Adjustment Ann Lazzeri, Secretary Board of Adjustment City of W heat WJdge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Minutes of Meeting September 24, 2009 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Board by Chair Bucknam at 7:00 p.m. in the City Con Building, 7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Rd was called to order of the Municipal 2. ROLL CALL Tom AbB Janet Bell Bob Blair Board Members Present: Jo Page 3. 4. Staff Members Preset Adam Tietz, Planner I 1vlark Westberg, Flood Plain Administrator Ann Lazzeri, Secretary time for anyone to speak on any subject not Bob Hoed Mr HowafteAroned why the Planning Commission heard a variance regarding signage at Exempla Lutheran. He believed this should have been a matter for the Board of Adjustment to consider. Mr. Tietz explained that this case was not a variance from city code, rather it was a request for a change to the Planned Hospital District which was initially approved by Planning Commission. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WA-09-09: An application filed by Swiss Valley, LLC, for approval of a variance to Section 26-412.D.2 of the Subdivision Regulations to allow a new two-family residence at 6701 West 48" Avenue to have domestic water service from a well. Board of Adjustment Minutes 1 September 24, 2009 The case was presented by Adam Tietz. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval for reasons, and with conditions, set forth in the staff report. Board Member BELL stated that she would like to make sure the well permit reflects the current ownership. Kevin Larsen 23924 Matterhorn Drive, Indian Hills Mr. Larson, the applicant, was sworn by used the well for the past twelve years. " from monthly water testing. He stated tl well. The subject site is the only one in topographical issues. There is also a lift with 48`h Avenue. In response to a question from the original house was destroy from this house, he plans to br In response to negative come Board Member were no would check on re -a that is buildable stated he has igative results nitration of the ties in r HOVLAND, Mr. Larsen stated that fire. To refs lace the income lost pt;psideni e in its place. r BL"'AIR, Mr. Tietz stated that no the public. ould be a shared agreement for the well be an agreement for both the well and s present who wished to address the Board. Chair hearing. Upon a motion b=;-Board Member ABBOTT and second by Board Member BLAIR, thV011awrng resolution was stated: Whereas, the applicant was denied permission by an administrative officer; and Whereas, Board of Adjustment application Case No. WA-09-09 is an appeal to the Board from the decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Board of Adjustment Minutes -2- September 24, 2009 Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment application Case No. WA-09-09 be, and hereby is APPROVED. Type of Variance: A variance to Section 26-412.D.2 of,the Subdivision Regulations to allow a new two-family residence at 670V est 48th Avenue to have domestic water service from a well. For the following reasons: occurred up until & in 2008. r --W 1. An existing home on the grope 2. The well is 400 feet plus or muf deep so,is not infiltratta3t~ ell. 3. The well has a state permit and W been tested for potabifty monthly for a significant time. 4. No other development.f additional properties is likely due to the topography. 5. The economic feasibility of extending the dafimestic water to the property would preclude reasonbldRVelopfnent. f. 6. The variance was recommend~~for appfpval by staff. With the following cottd"itions: 1. Prior to ►sitance of aJ>uddmg permit for the new residence, evidence ofwater pota6~hty musfbe~provided and reviewed by the City. 2 Prior suaifc~ o a Certificate of Occupancy for the structure, a consohd9n plaFfirusf be recorded with Jefferson County Clerk and 3. ,A legal doe ment must be created assuring access rights to the water ~m the wgff to the residential property prior to issuance of the ficatf Occupancy. The motion carried 8-0. B. Case No. WF-09-08: An application filed by Swiss Valley, LLC, for approval of a Class II special exception permit to allow construction of a two-family residence in the 100-year flood plain on property located at 6701 West 48`h Avenue. The case was presented by Adam Tietz. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Board there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval for reasons, and with conditions, as set forth in the staff report. Board of Adjustment Minutes -3- September 24, 2009 In response to a question from Board Member PAGE, Mr. Westberg explained that Urban Drainage created a new flood plain map in 2007 which now locates this property in a flood plain. The City has adopted this new flood plain map as it official document. However, the applicant will not be required to purchase flood insurance until the new map is adopted by FEMA which will probably occur in 2011. The applicant will be required to obtain a flood plain permit in order to build the duplex. In response to a question from Board Member BELL, Iestberg explained that the lowest habitable floor must be one foot above t1r flood plain level. Some fill in Arvada will be required to attain this level In response to a question from Board Member FIST ER, Mr. W~st,berg explained that the flood plain review is very extensive" and detailed. Kevin Larsen 23924 Matterhorn Drive, Indian Hills Mr. Larson was sworn by Cha purchased the property, it was eighteen months ago when the He seed that when he first a flood plain { He was notified about There were Upon a motion the who wished to address the Board. Chair and second by Board Member permission by an administrative officer; Whe 74c Board odjustment application Case No. WF-09-08 is an appeal to the Bid frogpre decision of an administrative officer; and Whereas, th#$property has been posted the fifteen days required by law and in recognition that there were no protests registered against it; and Whereas, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge. Now, therefore, be it resolved that Board of Adjustment application Case No. WF-09-08 be, and hereby is APPROVED. Board of Adjustment Minutes -4- September 24, 2009 Type of Variance: Approval of a Class 11 special exception permit to allow construction of a two-family residence in the 100-year flood plain on property zoned R-2 and located at 6701 West 48th Avenue. For the following reasons: 1. The proposed construction will not result in raising the flood water height in the area. 2. The damage due to floods will be minimized 3. The utilities will be installed in a manner tlayill be protected from flood damage. 4. The flood plain administrator has revietved and ports the findings of the flood plain analysis. ' 5. There were no objections to the proposed developmeg4 6. A home existed previously and yeas destroyed by fire s With the following conditions: 1. Building plans and a s fe-plan must be pi bred for the proposed new building. The plans must b&&miewed to insurd`compliance with the Flood plain Control ordinance 2. The lowest building floor elevation iiffit-lie at or above 5,301.50 feet. 3. A Wheat Midge kill Permit must be obtained prior to commencement of work 4. As fill is proposed in a porhono the flood plain within the City of Arvada, a loo~l'Plar rmit must be obtained from the City of rvada, if ahcable oo dry sewer services must be identified and not subject 5 = Wat`eF~nd san ti to fls d The domes water well shown adjacent to the proposed new building must be werproofed in a manner acceptable to the City. 7. 'r registere professional engineer shall certify that the building itdatioonstruction forms are set at elevations in conformance witlMhuilding plans. 8. A regiis ered professional engineer shall certify that the lowest building floor elevation is at or above 5,301.50 feet as soon as possible following construction of the lowest building floor. This is to occur prior to assurance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 9. The elevation must be verified by an elevation survey after the foundation has been poured, prior to other construction commencing. 10. A lot consolidation plat must be approved prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The motion carried 7-1 with Board Member PAGE voting no. Board of Adjustment Minutes - 5- September 24, 2009 m~ m~~ -a Ta ~ s ; G X ~ = P w i k c t ~,a 7 wa ! ~ \ 1 f . F . ~,-^^t,.-4-~--7 ~ ti . z. , _ 1 N_ - r r. r~ ~ _ CO N tR ~ ~ C q / ` 2 7 ~ ~ i t;.. > ~ ~ ~ a I Nt, A le City' of Wh6at"iLge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT TO: CASE MANAGER: CASE NO. & NAME: Board of Adjustment Adam Tietz WF-09-08/Swiss Valley DATE: September 17, 2009 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a Class II Floodplain Exception Permit to allow the construction of a two family dwelling unit on property zoned R- 2. LOCATION OF REQUEST: 6701 West 48 h Avenue APPLICANT (S): OWNER (S): APPROXIMATE AREA: Kevin Larson Swiss Valley, LLC. 56,061.2 square feet (1.29 acres) PRESENT ZONING: Residential-Two (R-2) COMP PLAN LAND USE: Single Family Detached (not to exceed 4 units per acre) (SF4) ENTER INTO RECORD: (X) CASE FILE & PACKET MATERIALS (X) DIGITAL PRESENTATION (X) ZONING ORDINANCE Loca Site Case No. WF-09-08/Swiss Valley 1 All notification and posting requirements have been met; therefore, there is jurisdiction to hear this case. 1. REQUEST The property in question is located at 6701 W. 481n Avenue, is zoned R-2 and encompasses several parcels. Combined the parcels make up just over an acre of land with 56,061 square feet. (Exhibit 1, Property Survey) The applicant is requesting a Class II Floodplain exception permit to allow for the construction of an attached two-family dwelling unit. (Exhibits 2, Letter of request) The property currently has an office building that is used an architecture office while the rest remains vacant. A single family home was located on the property as well until it burned down in 2008. The portion of the property where the duplex is proposed is located within the Clear Creek 100 year floodplain. (Exhibit 3, Floodplain map, Exhibit 4, Aerial photo with floodplain overlay) A separate variance is being processed in conjunction with this request to allow the duplex to be served by well water. Section 26-808(D) (Floodplain Control) of the Wheat Ridge City Code empowers the Board of Adjustment to hear and decide appeals of Class I special exemption permits which have been denied by the floodplain administrator and requests for Class II special exemption permits as provided within these regulations. II. CASE ANLYSIS The Wheat Ridge Code of Laws states that in order for any "habitable structure" to be constructed in the 100 year floodplain, a flood plain permit must be obtained. Specifically Sec. 26-808(D) states that any new construction of any residential structure for human occupancy within the floodplain must obtain a Class II Floodplain Exception Permit. As a part of the application for a Class If Floodplain Exception Permit, plans certified by an engineer must be submitted to the floodplain administrator that show the lowest floor will be elevated at least one foot above the base flood elevation. The applicant has submitted all the required information which included a floodplain study and analysis. Upon analysis of the floodplain report the floodplain administrator does support the findings. (Exhibit' 5, Memo; from Floodplain Administrator) The required drainage report was prepared by a registered engineer, which does indicate the lowest floor of the duplex will be at least one foot above the base flood elevation of 5,300.35 feet. (Exhibit 6, Flood study conclusions) The study also indicates that the proposed construction will not cause the flood water levels to increase in the area; that the damage to the duplex caused by flooding on the property will be minimized; and the utilities on site will be protected from flooding. Case No. WF-09-08/Swiss Valley There are currently two separate parcels which encompass proposed footprint of the duplex. The applicant will have to consolidate these parcels prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued, if the floodplain permit is approved. Consolidation plats can be approved administratively without a public hearing. III. STAFF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Upon review of the above request, staff concludes that the two-family dwelling unit as proposed will not have a negative impact on the 100 year floodplain. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The proposed construction will not result in raising the flood water height in the area. 2. The damage due to floods will be minimized. 3. The utilities will be installed in a manner that will be protected from flood damage. 4. The floodplain administrator has reviewed and supports the findings of the floodplain analysis. With the following conditions: 1. The lowest floor elevation of the proposed duplex must be constructed 1 foot above the base flood level of 5,300.35 feet. 2. The elevation must be verified by an elevation survey after the foundation has been poured, prior to other construction commencing. 3. A lot consolidation plat must be approved prior to the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy Case No. WF-09-08/Swiss Valley G O N TO V` ~ $ca a m ~ a ov- u°a E a5 JD 6 n~ > =L qx ~ bd b` $ 5a g ° is6 I x ~^sx ~I e 8 z'~ ne E.3 ~Sa {i 5{a S v ,t~ 4 35 4 =`x ~ r fi z r 3y ki s ~ SS 1 3 ii Y gs f ~ i z ~ ee n ~ S frF 3 k s j ti W 7 N N 3 m 0 0 f3, 0 z a) U i tectonic management grDUD, inc 6645 West 4811h Avenue September 2, 2009 Meredith Reckert AICP City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 296 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 RE: Swiss Valley LLC Request for Variance 6695 W. 48" Ave. Building in a Flood Plain Dear Meredith, Ar[hitecture Construction management General COnttacling Wheat Ridge.C000033 303.403.1228 We appreciate the opportunity to submit this Request for Variance for the above referenced property. Our intent is to receive a variance on the property to allow the construction of a new duplex apartment to be built in an existing flood plain area. Under Section 26-115. Variances, item 2, we submit the following; a. A copy of the Special Warranty Deed is attached along with a Tax Statement b, No Power of Attorney is provided in that the Applicant is the Owner c. A copy of the Property Survey is included- d. Fnclosed is some additional information for your review in the package from HVS Engineering. e. A proposed Site Plan has been provided for review indicating the proposed new structure and the existing well location, f: Architectural Elevations have not been provided due to the nature of the variance. g. A Posting Certificate will be submitted at the hearing to the clerk, h. Other information: a. The Swiss Valley Property is a unique piece of land. The original single family residence was destroyed by an arsonist in late 2008. With the revisions to the flood plait maps from the city the property now has an area that occurs in the flood plain. Please see the attached Flood Plain Analysis for reasons to allow the construction of a new building in the flood plain. k tv Case No. WF-09-08/Swiss Valley . 17 !1 ! 1, 'r~,. ~1'r7+1 •t,r 'f ~ r I li, ;4R~ ~Lsee 1 I / 1~ I I li 6 t3 e Y ~ . 0 d a U P ¢p °o U~ v g r N f I J !/k u . t$ I ' ~ Y C a 4 f ~ •IJ Q U ~ r, W Z K pa~ z c`! 'S n I r/~ ~4~u F! J r ~ rO W 1 Y U Exhibit 4 Case -No. WF-09-08/Swiss Talley 7 City of Wheat Ndae. - PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Tin Taranto, Director of Public Works DATE: September, 14, 2009 SUBJECT: Case No. WF-G9-0811 Swiss Valley An application for a Flood Plain Development Permit has been received concerning construction of a multi-family residential property at 6695 48't' Avenue. The building site is in the Clear Creek floodplain. 1- VS Engineering has performed hydraulic analysis and prepared a report dated September 3, 2009. The report indicates that the proposed building site is located in Clear Creek floodplain backwater. HVS has determined that depositing fill at the site for a building pad will not impact the floodway, stream flood elevations or properties above or below the Swiss Valley site along Clear Creek. Based upon the HVS report, I can support a Class It Special Exception Permit for limited site fill and constriction 0f'a building at the Swiss Valley property location identified by HVS Engineering with the following conditions: I. Building plans and a site plan have not been prepared for the proposed new building at this time. The plans nito be reviewed to insure compliance with the Floodplain Control Ordinance. 2. The lowest building floor elevation must be at or above 5301.50 feet. W 3. A Wheat Ridgc Fill permit must be obtained prior to commencemcut of work. 4. As fill is proposed in a portion of the floodplain within time City of Arvada, a Flood Plain Permit must be obtained from the City of Arvada, if applicable. 5. Water and sanitary sewer services must be identified and not subject to flooding. 6. The domestic water well shown adjacent to the proposed new building must be water- proofed in a manner acceptable to the City. 7. A registered professional engineer shall certify that the building foundation construction forms are set at elevations in conRmmanec with the building plans. A registered professional engineer shall certify that the lowest building floor elevation is at or above 5301.5 feet as soon as possible following construction of the lowest building floor. This certification shall occur during construction to insure modification of the building plans should the lowest building floor be initially constricted at an unacceptable elevation- As always, I am available to discuss this matter al your convenience. Case No. VF-09-08/Swiss Valley R CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Swiss Valley property located at 6695 West 48" Avenue is in the City of Wheat Ridge, except for the northwest corner of the property, which is located in the City of Arvada. The property is located in Zone X on the FEMA FIRM, indicating that property is outside the 100- year floodplain. However, most of the property is located within the I00-year floodplain in the 2007 F1IAD, which was adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge for regulating the 100-year flood plain, The entire property is located outside the floodway as defined in the 2007 FIIAD. Placing fill on the portion of the Swiss Valley property that is within Wheat Ridge will have no effect on either the FIRM defined or 2007 defined 100-year floodplain. Thus this study finds that the proposed construction, as shown on the accompanying site drawing will: 4 1. not increase flood heights in the area. 2. minimize flood damage and protect utilities, and 3. result in the lowest floor elevation of the new building being over F above the base (100 ,year) flood level of 5300.35. b w Case No. WF-09-08/Swiss Valley 9 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT on September 24, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all public meetings sponsored by the City of Wheat Ridge. Call Heather Geyer, Public Information Officer at 303-235-2826 at least one week in advance of a meeting if you are interested in participating and need inclusion assistance. The following petition shall be heard: 1. Case No. WA-09-09: An application filed by Swiss Valley, LLC, for approval of a variance to Section 26-412.D.2 of the Subdivision Regulations to allow a new two-family residence at 6701 West 481h Avenue to have domestic water service from a well. 2. Case No. WF-09-08: An application filed by Swiss Valley, LLC, for approval of a Class II special exception permit to allow construction of a two-family residence in the 100 year flood plain on property located at 6701 West 48`h Avenue. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Michael Snow, City Clerk To be published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: September 10, 2009 City of WheatRdge PUBLIC WORKS Memorandum TO: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner FROM: Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works ,r✓ DATE: September 14, 2009 SUBJECT: Case No. WF-09-08/ Swiss Valley An application for a Flood Plain Development Permit has been received concerning construction of a multi-family residential property at 6695 48th Avenue. The building site is in the Clear Creek floodplain. HVS Engineering has performed hydraulic analysis and prepared a report dated September 3, 2009. The report indicates that the proposed building site is located in Clear Creek floodplain backwater. HVS has determined that depositing fill at the site for a building pad will not impact the floodway, stream flood elevations or properties above or below the Swiss Valley site along Clear Creek. Based upon the HVS report, I can support a Class II Special Exception Permit for limited site fill and construction of a building at the Swiss Valley property location identified by HVS Engineering with the following conditions: Building plans and a site plan have not been prepared for the proposed new building at this time. The plans must be reviewed to insure compliance with the Floodplain Control Ordinance. 2. The lowest building floor elevation must be at or above 5301.50 feet. 3. A Wheat Ridge Fill Permit must be obtained prior to commencement of work. 4. As fill is proposed in a portion of the floodplain within the City of Arvada, a Flood Plain Permit must be obtained from the City of Arvada, if applicable. 5. Water and sanitary sewer services must be identified and not subject to flooding. 6. The domestic water well shown adjacent to the proposed new building must be water- proofed in a manner acceptable to the City. 7. A registered professional engineer shall certify that the building foundation construction fonns are set at elevations in confonnance with the building plans. 8. A registered professional engineer shall certify that the lowest building floor elevation is at or above 5301.5 feet as soon as possible following construction of the lowest building floor. This certification shall occur during construction to insure modification of the building plans should the lowest building floor be initially constructed at an unacceptable elevation. As always, I am available to discuss this matter at your convenience. The City of Wheat Ridge Flood Plain Development Permit Application Information Permit Date % 'y - o f Owner ,rw,; 1/4 u~y «c Telephone- 0 3 - y©3 - u Address 66 qS W~.s t 4a''~° A-v~. Wh,,-k (.d,0633 Contractor tti. Telephone i03 -Yo 3 - r z z8 Address G b q-i y e l-h A-,.c ",4 le l,_, c° e.•,33 Project Location/Directions d b 4s tJ" ~ 9,? y Aar . CU eon 33 Project Description Single Family Residential -New Construction _Channelization ✓Multi-Family Residential -Substantial -Fill Improvement (>5001a) -Manufactured (Mobile) Home -Improvement (<50%) -Bridge/Culvert Non-residential Rehabilitation Levee Other/Explanations Class of Permit/Fee Schedule Class I (structures for non-human occupancy) $300 ✓Class H (structures for human occupancy) $840 (includes public noticing fees) I have read and understand and will comply with the requirements of this Flood Plain Permit. gn0 ~ F/3 /69 ia mate J (To be completed by Flood Plain Administrator) Flood Hazard Data Watercourse Name 4f G €wX C e "/c The project is proposed in the Floodway Floodway Fringe X Base (100-year) flood elevation(s) at project site 5-,3,:96 • 50 Elevation required for Lowest Floor ,5 3 0% So NGVD / Floodproofing NGVD Source Documents: Reports/Maps ~CGiV Zoo ? L 171W 0 Proposal Review Checklist Site development plans are complete and depict flood hazard data. Engineering data is provided for proposed map and floodway revisions. Fooodway Certificate and data documents no increase in flood heights. Subdivision proposals minimize flood damage and protect utilities. -Lowest floor elevations are above the base (100-year) flood level. Manufactured homes address elevation and anchoring requirements. _A Fooodproofmg Certificate certifies floodproofing designs. Other: Permit Action Permit Approved: The information submitted for the proposed project was reviewed and is in compliance with approved flood plain management standards (site development plans are on file). -Permit Denied: The proposed project does not meet approved flood plain management standards (explanation is on file). -Variance Granted: A variance was granted from the base (100-year) flood elevations established by FEMA consistent with variance requirements of NFIP regulations Part 60.6 (variance action documentation is on file). SPEC/MSG /a /ucFPr/~+~ CGASS7 2ri1/40 9-~~-9 Flood Plain Administrator's Signature Date Comments: S-Zz ~r 17 s!C j/~~ /N~/<9!3 Compliance Documentation _Map Revision Data. Certified documentation by a registered professional engineer of as-built conditions for flood plain alterations were received and submitted to FEMA for a flood insurance map revision. Fill Certificate. A community official certified the elevation, compaction, slope and slope protection for all fill placed in the flood plain consistent with NFIP regulations Part 65.5 for map revisions. -Elevation and Floodproofing Certificates. The as-built elevation of the builiding's lowest floor was certified as NGVD; or the building's floodproofing level was certified as NGVD; by a registered professional engineer or licensed surveyor and is on file. -Certificate of Occupancy or Compliance Issued on Date Rev. 3/11/03 City of Wheat dge - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Memorandum TO: Mark Westberg, Tim Paranto FROM: Meredith Reckert DATE: September 4, 2009 SUBJECT: Case No. WF-09-08/Swiss Valley The Community Development Department has received an application for a Class II special exception permit to allow construction of a house in the Clear Creek 100-year floodplain for property located at 6701 W. 48th Avenue.. Please find attached two copies of a floodplain analysis and a topographic survey. Please review and comment at your convenience. This case has tentatively been scheduled for review at the September 24 Board of Adjustment meeting. 0 on_ NORTH ~ - 988 NAVp DATUM 1 URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ` CLEAR CREEK BASE MA PPING PREPARED BY oanwu SSe l(~~O/N FLOOD HAZARD AREA DELINEATION MAP WORK$$ AERIAL FLIGHT Ses,cuco JEFFERSON COUNTY CRY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATED I/21/OS SSJ CITY AM COUNTY OF DENVER CRY OF ARVADA ENS NEERln(j Inc. PLAN ~E nyo CRY OF GOLDEN , 455+00 4 00 TO STA wre oa 515-gA 41s4 p + . STA. 42 wkuac my orvwwnr.axr m~mx ruww~yl S A ~IA~j - e e k a , m a q s - s z s ~ - s a - 4 v 1 e- o nn'o O 1 e ~ ' m o • - qi s y ^y a ° e 4\ ~ no e 3 i e£ _ N FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS SWISS VALLEY PROPERTY 6695 WEST 48TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO September 3, 2009 PREPARED FOR: SWISS VALLEY, LLC. PREPARED BY: HVS ENGINEERING, INC PO BOX 35 ARVADA, CO 80001 303 - 940-5807 PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE: HENRY HOLLENDER, PE RE 6lor~~F s Q q,3-~`~I U 16 i5 8 sslONAL'c~ 13 (0 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 PURPOSE 1 RELATED STUDIES 1 METHODOLOGY 1 FLOOD ANALYSIS 2 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 APPENDIX LOCATION MAP FIRMETTE OF PORTION OF FEMA FIRM MAP NUMBER 08059CO212 E TABLE 3 FROM THE 2007 FHAD MODIFIED SHEET 18 FROM THE 2007 FHAD HEC-RAS DATA INPUT AND RESULTS - DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE MODEL (10 pages) INPUT AND RESULTS -EXISTING MODEL (13 pages) INPUT AND RESULTS - PROPOSED MODEL (13 pages) SITE DRAWING (REAR POCKET) INTRODUCTION The Swiss Valley Property is located in the City of Wheat Ridge at 6695 West 48s' Avenue in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The property is in the Southeast Quarter of Section 14, Township 3 South, Range 69 West. The property is designated as Zone X on Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Community Panel Number 08059C 0212 E. The northwest comer (existing parking lot) of the property is actually in the City of Arvada. The property is located north of Clear Creek, just east of the bridge that carries Clear Creek under the on-ramp from Wadsworth Boulevard to eastbound I-70. The lot currently used commercially with several existing buildings on the site. The most recent Flood Hazard Area Delineation (FHAD) conducted by ICON Engineering, Inc. in April, 2007 puts some of the property in the 100-year flood plain. However, the entire property is located outside the floodway. A location map, firmette, and site drawing showing the location of the property in relation to the 100-year floodplain and floodway, as determined in the 2007 FHAD, are included in the appendix. A copy of the portion of Table 3 from the 2007 FHAD showing the Floodway data for this area is also included in the appendix. PURPOSE Swiss Valley Properties intends to construct a new building on a portion of the property in the City of Wheat Ridge that is located within the 100-year floodplain. The purposes of this analysis are to determine: 1. the elevation that the building will need to be placed in order to stay 1'above the floodplain elevation, and 2. the effects that fill placed in the construction area will have on the floodplain. RELATED STUDIES The 100-year flood elevations indicated on the FIRM were determined based on the Flood Hazard Area Delineation (FHAD) for Clear Creek in Adams and Jefferson Counties prepared by Gingery Associates, Inc. in November of 1979. The City of Wheat Ridge has adopted the 2007 FHAD as the official map of the 100-year floodplain for regulatory purposes. The FEMA map, however, has not yet been revised based on this study. METHODOLOGY The HEC-RAS files that were used in the 2007 FHAD were obtained and run, unedited, using HEC-RAS 4.0 to obtain a duplicate effective model. There is no section in the duplicate effective I. model through the Swiss Valley property. The nearest section is located downstream, just west of the property. This section, designated as section 42942 in the study, is the upstream section for the bridge carrying Clear Creek under the I-70 east on-ramp from Wadsworth Boulevard. The nearest upstream section (43214) is located approximately 200 feet from the west property line. A section was added through the Swiss Valley property and HEC-RAS rerun to produce an existing model. This section, taken at station 43022, was based on contours from the topographic map used in the 2007 FHAD, supplemented with recent field topographic data. A separate HEC- RAS run was also made after modifying the section on the Swiss Valley property based on proposed fill on the property. A drawing, modified from Sheet 18 of the 2007 MAD indicating the location of the new section is included in the appendix. FLOOD ANALYSIS Profiles from the duplicate effective, existing and proposed models in the vicinity of the Swiss Valley property are provided in the appendix. The 100-year flood elevations in the duplicate effective model match those used in the 2007 FHAD. Adding the section through the Swiss Valley property, however, increased the 100-year flood elevations on the nearest two upstream sections as indicated below: 100-YEAR FLOOD ELEVATIONS SECTION DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE EXISTING INCREASE 43955 5303.19 5303.19 0 43594 5301.58 5301.79 0.21' 43214 5299.85 5300.35 0.50' 42942 5300.35 5300.35 0 The 100-year flood elevation at section 43214 in the duplicate effective model is 0.50' feet below the 100-year flood elevation in the downstream section (42942), indicting that a hydraulic jump is occurring. In the existing model, the 100-year flood elevations in these two sections are the same, indicating that section 43214 is affected by bridge backwater. This seems to be more realistic. The 100-year flood elevation in the existing model at the new section (43022) is 5300.32 indicating a small hydraulic jump is occurring, but since this is only 0.03' lower than the elevation at the nearest upstream and downstream sections, it is safe to assume that the 100-year flood elevation through the entire Swiss Valley property is controlled by bridge backwater. For the proposed model, section 43022 was modified to indicate the proposed fill on the property to construct a building with a finished floor elevation of 5302. This elevation is 1.65' above the backwater elevation of 5300.35, assumed herein to be the 100-year flood elevation of the entire property. The 100-year elevations in the proposed model match the 100-year elevations of the existing model. Thus, placing fill on the Wheat Ridge portion of the Swiss Valley property will have no effect on the 100-year flood elevations in the area. Reports on the duplicate effective, existing, and proposed HEC-RAS runs are included in the appendix. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Swiss Valley property located at 6695 West 48' Avenue is in the City of Wheat Ridge, except for the northwest comer of the property, which is located in the City of Arvada. The property is located in Zone X on the FEMA FIRM, indicating that property is outside the 100- year floodplain. However, most of the property is located within the 100-year floodplain in the 2007 FHAD, which was adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge for regulating the 100-year flood plain. The entire property is located outside the floodway as defined in the 2007 FHAD. Placing fill on the portion of the Swiss Valley property that is within Wheat Ridge will have no effect on either the FIRM defined or 2007 defined 100-year floodplain. Thus this study finds that the proposed construction, as shown on the accompanying site drawing will: 1. not increase flood heights in the area, 2. minimize flood damage and protect utilities, and 3. result in the lowest floor elevation of the new building being over P above the base (100 year) flood level of 5300.35. APPENDIX SWISS VALLEY, LLC 6695 WEST 48TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO PROJECT LOCATION <B m LOCATION MAC' N.T.S. i E U T b m c 8 0 0 m $ N~ ~ q Sd om ~ v,a m ryN ° m » m R Nf w v, N m w, & S RE m o« r8 8R 8~ N. I. Rn Rn h$ - 4 R8 $R 8$ R nR 2 $ 8a ' } €.g ~ g g ~ $ ~ 58 $ 8s es 8 88 W~ - W WW AS S ~°S EE 8 58 $~R A m g ' , - ac o -1+ A ~ + -1511 F + 4 kl :2 10 Me 0 ~~y m m ` RR n~ Rm $R 8& $8 8Y' x "d ~8 8m SR ~8 m~ $R dig `R 8S M 83 3 8 -R. 1 2 AR as q A A m8 N E < $R R P ` R I m $ rm m $ mm R ~ ~ T T N~ NN Nm R~ NB Nn R~ „ e „B RN Rn N nn nn nn RR $h R$ R$ R~ $B Rn nR ~ " 0 ~F ~ ~ $S $m 8r 6$ $w^ A~ ~ 8$ 8~ m$ m AR aS ~ ~ ~R m $8 R8S 8y€ ~e &S °g R ~B °d'& p m $n mR N88 e :8 ~ 5N ~8 mr S$ ~ 0 3 MMM~ Y ` b QQ d G~ ~i na~ ~~p,N n..yy M ~n Y N O''RR A °n W m~W m n0, r Q e~ g8 0 $n o m W d m A M1 m ^ ~ +t $Nb u~ N N NS Y'v1 R B a a hR N N N Nn NN n n nn nn 2 $ m n n n $ Qn n n n N $ R N nn gg g i yq S Ti y .Xm B~ IM 'mp on ~ `83~ m n m Me~ i~' v" t2 R , v g g i m ~ p~ 8n R m8 e N mm N ~e NNro ~n aro nu rim ~ryq nR ~ ~m N.;m m~ ar ao m« d eia m N mn ,n N mm ~ d.a w ~N ,dN mm m N~ ? m << am Sc g $ dn"~, i. .TNiB ~P "m~ m'2 ' : °^o °v - gX Xg 88 m S N^ P gg O V, YO ',N r n Rr °m 'B RR °R - O n ~R N p X N R . „N N. „N Q. M .0 . 0 ~ ~°~X 'EN PP P d d ~ I y n $ m m m I . V ~I YIN SYN WVN I E; fd hR ~R Re Be eN mR NB YI $ - N $e RB e n . Y{$ ^ NN T W H E N § 9's 3 N 6 mn mm m.t m mm wm nn nm m~ nn , P NO rn 1 n a 1 m~. 0 ro 0 1 oo 0 om 06 em a mm NN ~a n ,mm ' e mm me ` nN °m S ~m mm mW PO mm Om am o~? mm o~ Nm ~a e oo d~ mN N. N~ mm mm ^ " mm rm mo le e . N8 8n N „ NN ~B np Ne ee RR NN RR Nh N $ $R NR , ~ ~ 6$ fr $ .a on a~ ~ ' BN NN INa mn °a Nn ~a N ~ n~ z Nn ~ m $m ~ m $ ~ M a r' °'8 P~ a m N1 em - im ° m E z A $8 8 $ R $ mF o < « : .a a 5& ` . ~ ~8 6. ° . < ° g m m m IN m m~ P . P PP P . Yd YP P P P N s m ~ 3 ~ 8 s ~ n a Y i i 3 a° £S b E `sa u E 66 E 'nc tl~ 30 r )iuull •O 01 HEC-RAS Version 4.0.0 March 2008 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center 609 Second Street Davis, California X X X0IXX'X XXXX XXXX XX )D= X XX X X X X XX X X XX X X X X X X XX XXXXX XXXX X XXX XXXX 300= )OM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X z X X X ODOOK XXXX X X X X XXXX t#%##Yktkt#ktkk%ki##kk####k#Yktkkt#tititfRi#%###%#%%##Yk##k####%%k%##t#Y#tYRY#ti PROJECT DATA Project Title: SWISS VALLEY Project Fite : S WISSVALLEY.pd Run Date and Time: 4/162009 4:44:27 PM Project in English units Project Description: SWISS VALLEY DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE MODEL PREPARED BY: HVS Engineering, Inc April 2009 PREPARED FOR: Swiss Valley, LLC. f{#}###{#kY{k##ff{k{{Y{#t##k}kYR##f#tt{t#Yiti{rt{}}tt}tt}t}}}{tt{tt####k#k######{ PLAN DATA Plan Title: Plan 04 - Plan File : C:WVS\TectoniC%MC-RAS\SWISSVALLEY.p04 Geometry Title: SWISS VALLEY Geometry File : C:U4VS\Tectonic\FIEC-RASVS WISSVALLEY.gO2 i Flow Tide : SWISS VALLEY Flow File :C.,NRVS\Tectonic\FMC-RAS\SWISSVALLEY.tol Plan Summary Information: Number oC Cross Sections = 49 Multiple Openings = 0 Culverts = 0 Inline Structures = 0 Bridges = 9 Lateral Structures = 1 Computational lofmmation Water surFacecalcubdiontolerance = 0.01 Critical depth calculation tolerance = 0.01 Maximum number of iterations = 40 Maximum difference tolerance = 0.3 Flow tolerance factor = 0.001 Computation Options Critical depth computed only where necessary Conveyance Calculation Method: At breaks in n values only Friction Slope Method: Average Conveyance - Computational Flow Regime: Subcritical Flow #i##RRikkkYkki#kk#ktRt#Rikk##k#i##ik########k##kkkkkkkkktk##Rk#Rkttt#ittY#iR#k#i FLOW DATA Flow Title: SWISS VALLEY Flow File : C\HVS\Tectonic\HEC-RAS\SW1SS VALLEY.fO1 Flow Data (cfs) $FFR4{{F${{#{$$$#{##$i$$SSYiFR$YRR$$$i#YF#$##F#i##k##4{$#$#F¢ * River Reach RS * 100-YEAR *CLEAR CREEK ABOVE SHERIDAN 53539 * 14520 ###f RiRiii#RiiiY##fi#4%#i#i#Y##R##k###;4#k}kRRY#YYRk##k#k#kt## Boundary Conditions ####i#t#Rbi#{#R#k#k###}}#k#{##;##f#####YiRRiffiikk####k##iRYit#Yitiktffi##SiiRY#fi#fiff Ri#iiRYkRiRi#%%#k##{ * River Reach Profile * Upstream Downstream $g$$$$#$F$$$#$$$F{$$¢F#$#$*{${{4$f¢i$Rkk#kY###b$*44{$F$kk#;kkYi$#fik#k${{$*$#####k#k##;4#bk#kYf$$$$$F##$¢ *CLEAR CREEK ABOVE SHERIDAN 100-YEAR ¢ Known WS =5263.38 * - k{YS{Y#R¢Rk{YR¢{###kkb4#fi{Y{fi##{###4F}fYiiikR#Fkk#kkiiRRkFiiifY#ifi#fi#####ikRRiRRERi##Y iR#ii##}###;##k YktkikkkYYkik{;#;Yk##########;###kktktkYYYkkkikkkk#k;kYY}####!#######;Y4Fkiiikk* GEOMETRY DATA Geometry Title: SWISS VALLEY Geometry File: C:\HVS\Twtonic\I-IEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEY.g02 CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43955 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43955 Station Elevation Data num= 40 Sta Elm Sta Elm Sta Elm Sta Elm Sta Elev $$#$$#$$${#ii#fi#k$ki$#$$$ifii#EEEfixfi#43#$##${#{¢i${#$##F$fiit#fifiikk#ti#!#$$$###$$ 0 5319.89 4.68 5319.92 10.2 5319 26.4 5314.17 37.85 5310 40.69 5309.38 61.41 5302 64.06 5301.42 66.51 5300.57 71.02 5301.16 72.25 5300.54 72.38 5301.33 72.78 5299.19 73.27 5296 73.34 5294 73.38 5292.8 73.39 5291.71 75.91 5291.22 124.74 5290.97 125.63 5291.78 127.36 5293.88 129.45 5295.12 178.01 5294.82 190.85 5299.35 194.56 5300 197.18 5299.26 210.46 5301.42 217.9 5301.81 246.2 5306.9 248.46 5308 251.62 5310 255.61 5312 258.33 5314 282.98 5328.14 335.06 5356 338.08 5358 356.18 5367.86 38633 5370.38 430.1 5371.15 493.77 5370.99 Maturities n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta a Val Sta n Val #####k##fi#tt#rt###i##########*rt#*kE{#!###zizfkis# 0 .045 75.91 .03 124.74 .06 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right CoeffContr. Expan. 75.91 124.74 347.16 360.32 366.5 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR t###fk#!##i{f####iii#ikiif#iitftkttttt####i###iii#tiiYiYttt####}#tf#SiitiitiiktYtkktkk##tit#Ytt * E.G. Elm (ft) * 5307.27 * Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * Vel Head (ft) * 4.08 * Wt. n-Val * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.060 * W.S. Elm (ft) * 5303.19 * Reach Len. (ft) * 347.16 * 360.32 * 366.50 * * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5303.19 * Flow Area (sq If * 59.50 * 590.63 * 601.48 * * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.004993 * Area (sq ft) * 59.50 * 590.63 * 601.48 * * Q Total (cfs) *14520.00 * Flow (cfs) * 230.29 * 10892.42 * 3397.29 * * Top Width (ft) * 167.51 * Top Width (ft) * 17.84 * 48.83 * 100.84 * * Vel Total (ft/s) * 11.60 * Avg. Vel. (fits) * 3.87 * 18.44 * 5.65 * * Max Chi Dpth (ft) * 12.22 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 3.33 * 12.10 * 5.96 * Conv. Total (cfs) *205487.0 * Conv. (cfs) * 3259.1 *154149.5 * 48078.5 * Length Wtd. (ft) * 359.85 * Wetted Per. (ft) * 27.85 * 48.83 * 103.73 * Min Ch El (ft) *5290.97 * Shear (lbtsq ft) * 0.67 * 3.77 * 1.81 * Alpha * 1.95 * Stream Power (lb/ft s ) * 2.58 * 69.53 * 10.21 * Frctn Loss (ft) * 1.51 * Cum Volume (acre-ft ) * 33.86 * 6225 * 56.47 * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.43 * Cum SA (acres) * 6.18 * 4.67 * 14.10 3#!#iiiik###Siii Elkti#i#tY ##!##!!!!!##!!t####}####!ii###SiY#i#i#Ykt#####!!#!!###!#!##!#!##!!#{# Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations. The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculations. Wanting: The velocity head has changed by more than 0.5 ft (0.15 m). This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 It (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth. This indicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer. The program defaulted to critical depth. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43594 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43594 Station Elevation Data num= 48 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev ##Fty##F##SF##############4#S#tt####tttt#tfitRR###t}2##Ft#t3t#tt4####S##########i 0 5320 58.15 5302.41 66.44 5301.62 103.72 5301.62 121.59 5300.49 122.65 5299.83 126.2 5298.6 127-485298 138.32 5292.22 140.28 5290.81 145.48 5290 148.3 5299.16 155,5 5289.28 173.53 5287.65 203.13 5287.39 203.54 5288 207.37 5290.37 209.32 5292 210.15 5292.52 229.58 5293.93 257.14 5292 260.07 5292.6 261.56 5294 266.91 5295.41 282.55 5302 289.85 5304 335.92 5306.68 368.24 5306.04 371.65 5310 37118 5311.93 376.82 5316 379.57 5320 381.52 5322 384.44 5326 386.25 5328 387.69 5330 389.06 5331.69 391.13 5334 392.56 5336 41017 5357.82 421.38 5369.24 428.92 5369.68 438.25 5369.3 446.54 5366.89 477.98 5368.52 498.48 5368 500.57 5367.22 563.58 5366.38 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 4#Y#y##tkY;ki{fitk###k#Y;{#######t#k#t##Y#Yii#ii 0 .045 173.53 .03 203.13 .06 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 173.53 203.13 364.86 380.8 400.24 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR !it#it##t###########y#####iii#yk#kkkSkkiki3#ikk######f#kf#fk#k4##########{{####t###k#{Y#######t * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5304.22 * Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * Vel Head (ft) * 2.64 * Wt. n-Vat. * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.060 * W.S. El" (ft) * 5301.58 * Reach Len. (ft) * 364.86 * 380.80 * 400.24 * * Crit W.S. (ft) * * Flow Area (sq ft) * 530.83 * 416.21 * 602.50 * * E.G. Slope (fl/ft) *0.003577 * Area (sq ft) * 530.83 * 416.21 * 602.50 * * Q Total (cfs) * 14520.00 * Flow (cfs) * 3974.12 * 7182.23 * 3363.65 * * Top Width (ft) * 177.22 * Top Width (ft) * 69.19 * 29.60 * 78.43 * * Vel Total (ft/s) * 9.37 * Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 7.49 * 17.26 * 5.58 * * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * 14.19 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 7.67 * 14.06 * 7.68 * * Conv. Total (cfs) *242786.1 * Conv. (cfs) * 66450.5 * 120092.7 * 56242.9 * * Length Wtd. (ft) * 380.07 * Wetted Per. (ft) * 71.91 * 29.60 * 82.33 * * Min Ch El (ft) * 5287.39 * Shear (Ib/sq ft) * 1.65 * 3.14 * 1.63 * Alpha * 1.93 * Stream Power (Ib/ft s) * 12.34 * 54.18 * 9.12 * Frcm Loss (ft) * 1.84 *Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 31.51 * 58.08 * 51.41 * * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.05 * Cum SA (acres) * 5.83 * 4.35 * 13.35 * {#}#######y##k#ki#tS3;#kii;iY;Yiktifiiitftf Fii#F#k;k#iYiikiiY#Y##3titi}yY###y###it#it#111(1;#kk Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations. The program selected the water surface that had the least amount of error between computed and assumed values. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43214 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43214 Station Elevation Data num= 32 Stn Elev Sm Elev Sta Elev Sm Elev Sm Elev ####{######k####kFYZ##tfff#FSitk#{#{f{fi###f#k#kkkfiF#ks##ktf##xkk###########!#### 0 5320 29.5 5312.11 59.94 5302.38 82.31 5300.96 100.44 5298.24 113.89 5292.19 114.92 5291.67 117.9 5289.87 142.26 5286 147.29 5286 183.17 5286 184.15 5286 193.33 5290 209.42 5296 222.93 5296.29 238.29 5298.86 248.03 5299.22 252.85 5300.23 254.55 5300.77 306.42 5299.78 343.21 5304 347.41 5305.25 397.57 5332.95 427.83 5346 431.75 5348 440.45 5350 462.14 5353 483.34 5357.85 489.54 5360 517.4 5362 531.76 536178 651.55 5363.57 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sm n Val Sm n Val Sm n Val itii####rt###kk}t}}kkiiYi}iiikit}i#t}kiiftii}ii}i 0 .045 147.29 .04 183.17 .06 Bank Sm: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 147.29 183.17 188.82 271.23 375.91 .3 .5 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR #Y}##4#####t#*#i#kikf#YYfiiYiikfik##k########fi###k*YY*f#####Y###k#*#k######k#*##*f##Y*#*Y#######Y * E.G. Elev (ft) -530275 * Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * Vel Head (ft) * 2.89 * Wt. n-Val. * 0.045 * 0.040 * 0.060 * W.S. Elev (ft) * 5299.85 * Reach Len. (ft) * 188.82 * 271.23 * 375.91 * Crit W.S. (ft) * * Flow Area (sq ft) * 466.36 * 497.10 * 326.88 * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.005868 * Area (sq ft) * 466.36 * 497.10 * 326.88 * Q Total (cfs) *14520.00 * Flow lots) * 4630.78 * 8159.73 * 1729.49 * Top Width (ft) * 165.94 * Top Width (ft) * 57.61 * 35.88 * 72.45 * Vel Total (ft/s) * 11.25 * Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 9.93 * 16.41 * 5.29 * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * 13.85 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 8.10 * 13.85 * 4.51 * Coav. Total (cfs) *189552.5 * Conv. (cfs) * 60453.0 * 106521.9 * 22577.7 * Length Wtd. (ft) * 268.72 * Wetted Per. (ft) * 59.96 * 35.88 * 74.66 * Min Ch Et (ft) * 5286.00 * Shear (Ib/sq ft) * 2.85 * 5.08 * 1.60 * Alpha * 1.47 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 28.29 * 83.31 * 8.49 * Preto Loss (ft) * 0.46 *Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 27.33* 54.09 * 47.14 * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.95 * Cum SA (acres) * 5.30 * 4.06 * 12.66 #t###i#i{##}###kt###t##t#########itk#Ytf#ik!#ikfk###Yt##i###ii#3133(#1111#S#kf#kk#kt######Rki## Warning: Divided flow computed for this cross-section. Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0.5 ft (0.15 m). This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less din 0.7 or greater than 1.4. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 R (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 42942 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 42942 - U/S I-70 ACCESS RAMP Station Elevation Data num= 50 Sm Elev Sta Elev Sun Elev Sm Elev Sta Elev #k#k###k####ttk#tk###t#tttt##kkYftt#kt#ttR*k######t#ttk###ktk#####k####kk#k##### 0 5320 63.873 5311.16 77.478 5308 113.943 5297.75 126.452 5297.06 138.989 5291.3 151.8945288.33 184.237 5288.92 194.412 5281.8 240.402 5281.8 257.118 5293.22 303.716 5296 322.094 5296.63 344.693 5299.16 377.369 5301.96 394.53 5302.95 437.572 5301.94 456.197 5300.61 465.722 5299.24 479.496 5298.76 490.654 5299.76 514.314 5299.79 646.289 5304.42 651.797 5305.1 678.526 5306 692.484 5307.93 708.648 5308.22 734.613 5310 737.894 5311.05 755.148 5311.98 760.147 5313.61 771.934 5313.6 817.818 5317.97 820.3 5320.38 838.975 5319.65 848231 5321.69 862.288 5321.94 868.709 5323.19 892.998 5324.47 939.943 5324.44 945.628 5326 977.709 5326.29 979.435 5327.53 1014.041 5327.99 1015.504 5329.43 1052.422 5329.76 1053.822 5331.08 1102.733 5332.17 1106.558 5332.84 1148.674 5334 Manaing's n Values num= 3 Sm a Val Sm n Val Sm n Val 0 .045 151.894 .03 240.402 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right CoeffContr. Expan. 151-894 240.402 159.1 133.31 129.01 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 65.76 5314 F 321.031 148.674 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR tiitLtYit##SiYitiikk#k##kk#kk####{Y{kkLkiYikiLLLYt##iit#iY#tY#{##k#k##Ykk#kiiYLSti{SLiikkkLYSik * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5301.33 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * Vel Head (ft) * 0.98 * Wt. a-Val. * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.045 * W.S. Elev (ft) * 5300.35 * Reach Len. (ft) * 51.00 * 51.00 * 51.00 * * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5293.22 * Flow Area (sq ft) * 261.99 * 1384.53 * 551.97 * * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.000804 * Area (sq ft) * 261.99 * 1384.53 * 67239 * * Q Total (cfs) *14520.00 * Flow (cfs) * 748.49 *11961.81 * 1809.70 * * Top Width (ft) * 325.96 *Top Width (ft) * 47.19 * 88.51 * 190.27 * * Vel Total (ft/s) * 6.60 * Avg. Vel. (f ls) * 2.86 * 8.64 * 3.28 * * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * 18.55 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 5.55 * 15.64 * 6.85 * * Conv. Total (cfs) *512029.4 * Conv. lets) * 26394.6 *421818.1 * 63816.7 * * Length Wtd. (ft) * 51.00 * Wetted Per. (ft) * 49.16 * 90.76 * 84.25 * * Min Ch El (ft) * 5281.80 * Shear (lb/sq ft) * 0.27 * 0.77 * 0.33 * * Alpha * 1A5 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 0.76 * 6.62 * 1.08 * * Frcm Loss (ft) * * Cum Volume (acre -ft) * 25.75 * 48.23 * 42.83 * * C & E Loss (ft) * * Cum SA (acres) * 5.07 * 3.67 * 11.52 * kYkk*Yif######## ##S##krtkrt#####rttkkkkrtrtk#### k####ffY######t##kfS kk##kt#Sikikk*kfYfi#Ski##kki#k## Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, energy was used. BRIDGE RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 42891 INPUT Description: 1-70 (EASTBOUND) ACCESS RAMP Distance from Upstream XS = 51 Deck/Roadway Width = 74 Weir Coefficient = - 2.6 Bridge Deck/Roadway Skew = 45 Upstream Deck/Roadway Coordinates num= 7 Sm Hi Cord Lo Cord Sm Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta If Cord Lo Cord t##t#t###########t#######k#####R###kt#t#######kkkk#izk*kktktkkkkkt#ktttk 35.355 5314 65.761 5314 65.761 5316.5 5309.4 321.026 5306.5 5299.4 321.026 5304 514.067 5306 840.043 5320 Upstream Bridge Cress Section Data Station Elevation Data num= 50 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sts Elev §R#§###RR#RR#t##k#####§#R##YYt#i####R#####kk#ttttY###Y#ttt###tR#Yf#ffR##R§#R#f#§ 0 5320 63.873 5311.16 77.478 5308 113.943 5297.75 126.452 5297.06 138.989 5291.3 151.894 5288-33 184.237 5288.92 194.412 5281.8 240.402 5281.8 257.118 5293.22 303.716 5296 322.094 5296.63 344.693 5299.16 377.369 5301.96 394.53 5302.95 437.572 5301.94 456.197 5300.61 465.722 5299.24 479.496 5298.76 490.654 5299.76 514.314 5299.79 646.289 5304.42 651.797 5305.1 678.526 5306 692.484 5307.93 708.648 5308.22 734.613 5310 737.894 5311.05 755.148 5311.98 760.147 5313.61 771.934 5313.6 817.818 5317.97 820.3 5320.38 838.975 5319.65 848.231 5321.69 862.288 5321.94 868.709 5323.19 892.998 5324.47 939.943 5324.44 945.628 5326 977.709 5326.29 979.435 5327.53 1014.041 5327.99 1015.504 5329.43 1052.422 5329.76 1053.822 5331.08 1102.733 5332.17 1106.558 5332.84 1148.674 5334 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sm n Val Sta n Val Sta a Val 1111%#iR§##R##t#t##4t######tt#kft#tiYR#i#RY####! 0 .045 151.894 .03 240.402 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right CoeffContr. Expan. 151.894 240.402 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sur R Elev Permanent 0 65.76 5314 F 321.03 1148.674 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 Downstream Deck/Roadway Coordinates num= 7 Sta Hi Card Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord fk#}##f#kiiR#kik#S#{#k###f#*#####kkf###f##k#####kk#fYii#fkkkk#####f###S# 35.355 5314 67.175 5314 92.631 5314 92.631 5316.5 5309.4 321.026 5306.5 5299.4 321.026 5304 426.385 5306 Downstream Bridge Cross Section Data Station Elevation Data num= 59 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev ######kkk#kkkkkkk#Y;#;Fk#**##*}{#k#k{###k{*#{t#*k#;#}#k#*#}kk#;i};};}*######}kf{ 0 5330 6.428 5329.88 9.32 5328 10.72 5327.43 15.344 5326.36 15.988 5325.7 37.3 5318.56 72.535 5313.35 75.399 5312 100.247 5303.22 101.83 5302.41 108.605 5300 114.933 5302.58 115.442 5298 118.469 5296.76 138.487 5295.74 170.724 5288.73 173.411 5287.91 191.774 5288.44 193.351 5287.66 205.775 5281.8 248.011 5281.8 266.926 5289.89 292.636 5290.74 301.312 5290.02 302.719 5290.62 315.002 5293.31 316.367 5293.82 316.784 5294.42 317.463 5296 318.382 5297.83 319.718 5300 319.86 5300.91 334.85 5305.13 335.826 5305.69 338.259 5306.44 374.13 5305.82 419.774 5305.77 442.309 5306.46 468.882 5306.71 483.329 5306.66 485.634 5306.96 491.128 5306.86 495.166 5307.06 498.206 5307.62 560.318 5308.75 563.295 5309.22 637.832 5311.18 792.836 5319.28 795.644 5320 874.479 5324.05 887.15 5323.62 890.325 5323.96 899.284 5325.78 929.478 5325.95 940.049 5327.5 996.257 5328.83 1000.33 5329.97 1118.473 5334 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val ######ikik# i##i#k#ttkf############k#####t##k# 0 .045 170.724 .03 266.926 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 170.724 266.926 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 92.63 5314 F 321.031 118473 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 Upstream Embankment side slope = 0 horn. to 1.0 vertical Downstream Embankment side slope = 0 horiz to 1.0 vertical Maximum allowable submergence for wen flow= .95 Elevation at which weir flow begins = 5304 Energy head used in spillway design = Spillway height used in design = Weir crest shape = Brand Crested Number of Piers = 3 Pier Data Pier Station Upstream= 140.714 Downstream= 161.927 Upstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Downstream num= 2 Width El" Width Elev ####t##f#;fit#{k##kkk####si#kkkt 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Pier Data Pier Station Upstream= 207.889 Downstream= 221.324 Upstream num= 2 Width Flee Width Elev 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Downstream rum= 2 Width Elev Width Elev SS#SSS*4t#iFF#SF4Ff#ff#Fkkk###Y* 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Pier Data Pier Station Upstream=260.215 Downstream=267.286 Upstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev ##k##S#Sikk3t#i##fi##########ii## 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Downstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev ###k##Fk4t#F#Fkfi###F*#####SS#### 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Number of Bridge Coefficient Sets = 1 Low Flow Methods and Data Energy Momentum Cd = / Yarnell KVaI= 1.05 Selected Low Flow Methods = Highest Energy Answer High Flow Method Pressure and Weir flow Submerged Inlet Cd = Submerged Inlet+Outlet Cd= .8 Max Low Cord = Additional Bridge Parameters Add Friction component to Momentum Do not add Weight component to Momentum Class B flow critical depth computations use critical depth inside the bridge at the upstream end Criteria to check for pressure flow = Upstream energy grade line BRIDGE OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR #rt#t#}rtrt}33tYi33t#33FtYSffiYYY##rt###}kk###f####}########fk##}####}k###YY##}##3#tit###rt##rti3ii * E.G. US. (ft) * 530133 * Element *Inside BR US *Inside BR DS * W.S. US. (ft) * 5300.35 * E.G. Elev (it) * 530116 * 5300.54 * * Q Total (cfs) * 14520.00 * W.S. Elev (it) * 5300.17 * 5299.57 * * Q Bridge (cfs) * 14520.00 * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5294.10 * 5293.89 * * Q Weir (cfs) * * Max Chi Dpth (ft) * 1837 * 17.77 * * Weir Sta Lft (ft) * * Vel Total (fl/s) * 7.10 * 6.95 * Weir Sta Bid (ft) * * Flow Area (sq it) * 2046.28 * 2090.25 * * Weir Submerg * * Fronde # Chi * 0.29 * 019 * * Weir Max Depth (ft) * * Specif Force (cu ft) * 17271.41 * 17050.76 * * Min El Weir Flow (ft) * 5304.01 * Hydr Depth (fl) * 10.96 * 10.86 * * Min El Prs (ft) * 5309.13 * W.P. Total (fl) * 305.42 * 279.86 * * Delta EG (fl) * 0.80 * Conv. Total (cfs) * 380303.7 * 386078.5 * * Delta WS (ft) * 0.72 * Top Width (ft) t 186.73 * 192.49 * * BR Open Area (sq ft) * 2885.46 * Frew Loss (fl) * BR Open Vel (ft(s) * 7.10 * C & E Loss (ft) * Coef of Q * * Shear Total (Ib/sq ft) * 0.61 * 0.66 * Br Sell Method * Momentum * Power Total (lb/ft s) * 4.33 * 4.58 t3k}k####ttt######t#### #####*###k###kkkkk##k*#k#k#kkk### 4##i*i#k#ik ##iii#i#iti######kk####t## Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, energy was used. Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, energy was used. CROSS SECTION RIVER CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 42809 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 42809 - D/S 1-70 ACCESS RAMP Station Elevation Data num= 59 SO Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sw Elev Sta Elev kkkk#kf#####*###ktt#t#t##xktRR#k##Y#xY!*kfi*;kk*#Y#x;f##k#ff*t##k####f##k$k####k 0 5330 6.428 5329.88 932 5328 10.72 5327.43 15.344 5326.36 15.988 5325.7 37.3 5318.56 72.535 5313.35 75.399 5312 100.247 5303.22 101.83 5302.41 1081605 5300 114.933 5302.58 115.442 5298 118.469 5296.76 138.487 5295.74 170.724 5288.73 173.411 5287.91 191.774 5288.44 193.351 5287.66 205.775 5281.8 248.011 5281.8 266.926 5289.89 292.636 5290.74 301.312 5290.02 302.719 5290.62 315.002 5293.31 316.367 5293.82 316.784 5294.42 317.463 5296 318.382 5297.83 319.718 5300 319.86 5300.91 334.85 5305.13 335.826 5305.69 338.259 5306.44 374.13 5305.82 419.774 5305.77 442.309 5306.46 468.882 5306.71 483.329 5306.66 485.634 5306.96 491.128 5306.86 495.166 5307.06 498.206 5307.62 560.318 5308.75 563.295 5309.22 637.832 5311.18 792.836 5319.28 795.644 5320 874.479 5324.05 887.15 5323.62 890.325 532196 899.284 5325.78 929.478 5325.95 94(L049 5327.5 996.257 5328.83 1000.33 5329.97 1118.473 5334 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val f#ti3xxktit#x#fi#f######t*k#ix#kxxxx3xt#i#*ixYik 0 .045 170.724 .03 266.926 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 170.724 266.926 71.23 51.32 11.49 3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 92.63 5314 F 321.031 118.473 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR #k#$$#t##ttttt#tRfYfLYY;fi;ff}}k;;R}};;}$###t$######t##t#t#k#x#txRYt}ttkYkxkkLk;iii#Yk###Y##fft * E.G. Elev (R) * 5300.53 * Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB* * Vel Head (ft) * 0.91 * wt. n-Val * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.045 * W.S. Elev (R) * 5299.62 * Reach Len. (ft) * 71.23 * 51.32 * 11.49 * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5293.66 * Flow Area (sq ft) * 312.62 * 1457.27 * 44169 * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.000775 * Area (sq ft) * 312.62 * 1457.27 * 443.69 * Q Total (efs) *14520.00 * Flow (cfs) * 883.87 *12026.91 * 1609.21 * Top Width (ft) * 204.22 *Top Width (ft) * 55.46 * 96.20 * 52.56 * Vel Total (ft/s) * 6.56 * Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 2.83 * 8.25 * 3.63 * Max Chi Dpth (ft) * 17.82 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 5.64 * 15.15 * 8.44 * Come. Total (cfs) *521692.6 * Conv. (cls) * 31757.0 *432117.9 * 57817.8 * Length Wtd. (ft) * 47.18 * Wetted Per. (ft) * 57.94 * 99.48 * 56.59 * Min Ch El (R) * 5281.80 * Shear (Ib/sq ft) * 0.26 * 0.71 * 038 * Alpha * 1.36 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 0.74 * 5.85 * 1.38 * Frcm Loss (ft) * 0.04 * Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 24.98 * 44.09 * 41.26 * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.02 * Cum SA (acres) * 4.93 * 140 * 11.28 #f#####tktxkt#Ri;ikx###ik#ik#Y}iifix#{ffi###i####t#i#t###t##t#$###k#k#i##i######RtRYikt}t}#f### SUMMARY OF MANNING'S N VALUES ' River.CLEAR CREEK ##f####*###**#*#i#####t#*tYkiiifxffRRiilRttizzizRfxzisxRSxlt#i#x#xzxiRRSZii * Reach * River Sta. * nl * n2 * n3 ###t#t##S##ixt#Yik#ttYtRYkkkRkkY#i#tix}ktikRkft3iiiiiillYkxkki3i;iiiYYYRYkf *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43955 * .045* .03* .06 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43594 * .045* .03* .06 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43214 * .045* .04* .06 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42942 * .045* .03* .045 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42891 *Bridge * *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42809 * .045* .03* .045 Y#Y#ikRk#kk####fi###k$f#if#########$###f#iii##Y#i###Yt#txLEYx#t###t#YtlRY3! ###ttYk333k#;i##;#iii#{{i##kk#{#{#{#######tkt3k3Yiii#ktkk##13%333#YYiki}##kYk;#i SUMMARY OF REACH LENGTHS River: CLEAR CREEK * Reach * River Sta. * Left *Channel* Right } *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43955 * 347.16# 360.32* 366.5 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43594 * 364.86* 350.8 * 400.24# - *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43214 * 188.82* 271.23* 375.91* - *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42942 * 159.1 * 133.31* 129.01* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42891 *Bridge * *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42809 * 71.23 * 51.32* 11.49 * ik#k}Y#YYYYiiiY*i#tkii}Y}}}it}}}}}}ii}iiiiiYii#Yti}Y#ttitYttt}tt3 #Yfifik##*#*##f##t####*{#fiYi##{###{{{#######################Y##k#f{####*#k###fifi### SUMMARY OF CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION COEFFICIENTS River: CLEAR CREEK * Reach * River Sta.* Contr. * Expan. #<R##Y#Y#x{f#f######R#i#R##YYYYi{{Y{###*#f#R#*kt#fk##f# *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43955 * .1 * .3 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43594 * .1 * .3 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43214 * .3 * .5 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42942 * .3 * .5 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42891 *Bridge * *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42809 * .3 * .5 3########Y##ikkki######ff{rt###i##i#iii##3#1iY###i##Y### HEG SPIan:SWISSVA RFier CLEARCREEK ReaN:ABOVE SHERIDAN Rofile:f00.YEAR RaeN RivetSW Pmflb OTalal Min COE3 W.S.S. CM W.S. E.G. Bev E.G. Slope Val CON flow Area TOp WIMO Pme4a#CN 1x91 59 m1 m1 (flm) (w9> 1 m 6B ABOVE SHERMAN 41893 100.VEAR 14520.0 5297.0 5308.92 5305.92 5312&9 0.005073 18,40 1161.61 149611 0.94 ABOVE SHERO)AN 44462 100.YEAR 14520.00 5294.00 5300.99 5306.98 SJt1.2 0.00.5128 19.53 139829 159.51 0.96 ABOVE SHERIDAN 43955 IMYEAR 14520.00 5290.97 5303.19 6303.19 530727 0.004993 18.44 1251.81 157.51 0.93 ABOVESHERBIPN 43594 100.YEAA 14520.0 525759 6301.58 530422 0.003577 1726 154954 1T(n 0.81 ABOVE SHERIDAN 43214 IMYEAR 14520.00 5256.00 5299.55 5302.75 0.005988 16.41 1280.35 165.94 0.78 ASOVESHERIDAN 42942 IMYEAR 14520.00 5251.50 5300.35 529322 5301.33 0.000804 8.64 219&50 325.95 0.30 ABOVE 6HERIDAN 42891 B449p ABOVESHERIDAN 42809 IMYEAR 14520.00 5281.801 529952 5293.68 5300.53 O.O M 825 2213.58 20422 0.37 HEGRAS Plan: Plan 04 River. CLEARCREEK Read1: ABOVESHERIDAN Pmfile: I0 YEAR Ream River Sta Pmfli a E.G. El" W.S. Elav Val Head R toss O CFamre1 O RW Top WWN (B) m) (a) (fl) (tls) (ds) (ft) ASOVESHERIOAN I OYEAR 531183 5308.82 3.91 1.13 982264 1019.08 149.51 ABOVE SHERIDAN 44462 10LLYEAR 5311.02 53116.98 4.4 2.53 m MMS8 5159.03 158.51 ABOVE SHERIDAN 43955 100.YEAR 5307.27 5303.19 4.08 141 1089242 3397.29 1675/ ABOVESHERIDAN 43594 106YEAR 5304.22 5301.58 2.64 1.64 718223 3303.65 177.22 ABOVE SHERIDAN 43214 100.YEAR 5302.75 5299.85 2.89 0.48 9s 8159.73 1729.49 165.94 ABOVE SHERIDAN 42942 IMYEAR 5301.33 5300.35 0.96 748,49 11981.81 1808.70 325.98 ABOVE SHERIDAN 42891 &W pa ASOVESHERIDAN 42608 100-YEAR 5300.53 5299.62 0.91 0.04 0.02 8Ma7 12026.91 1609.21 204.22 HEC-RAS Version 4.0.0 March 2008 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center 609 Second Street Davis, California X X XXXXXX X XXX XXXX XX XXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX XXXXX XXXX X X XX XXXX X}IXXXX XXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXX X XXX X X X X XXXXX #####kk#k#k#####k#k#######kkk##kkk##k####k########################k#kkk#k####### PROJECT DATA Project Title: SWISS VALLEY EXISTING Project File : SWISSVALLEYEXISTI.prj Run Date and Time: 9/2/2009 1:02:29 PM Project in English units Project Description: SWISS VALLEY EXISTING SWISS VALLEY EXISTING PREPARED BY: HVS ENGINEERING INC., September 2009 PREPARED FOR: Swiss Valley, Inc. ############################################################k##k##k############# PLAN DATA Plan Title: SWISS VALLEY EXISTING Plan File : C:\HVS\Tectonic\BEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEYEXISTI.pO3 Geometry Title: SWISS VALLEY EXISTING Geometry File : C:\HVS\Tectonic\IIEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEYEXISTI.gO1 Flow Title : SWISS VALLEY Flow File :C:\HVS\Tectonic\IIEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEYEXISTI.fOI Plan Summary Information: Number of Cross Sections = 50 Multiple Openings = 0 Culverts = 0 Inline Structures = 0 Bridges = 9 Lateral Structures= 1 Computational Information Water surface calculation tolerance = 0.01 Critical depth calculation tolerance= 0.01 Maximum number of iterations = 20 Maximum difference tolerance = 0.3 Flow tolerance factor = 0.001 Computation Options Critical depth computed only where necessary Conveyance Calculation Method: At breaks in n values only Friction Slope Method: Average Conveyance Computational Flow Regime: Subcritical Flow FLOW DATA Flow Title: SWISS VALLEY Flow File : C:\HVS\Tectonic\HEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEYEXISTI.fO1 Flow Data (cfs) * River Reach RS * 100-YEAR *CLEAR CREEK ABOVE SHERIDAN 53539 * 14520 Boundary Conditions * River Reach Profile * Upstream Downstream *CLEAR CREEK ABOVE SHERIDAN 100-YEAR * Known WS = 5263.38 GEOMETRY DATA Geometry Title: SWISS VALLEY EXISTING Geometry File : C:\ffVS\Tectonic\BEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEYEXISTI.gO1 CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43955 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43955 Station Elevation Data num= 40 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 05319.89 4.68 5319.92 10.2 5319 26.4 5314.17 37.85 5310 40.69 5309.38 61.41 5302 64.06 5301.42 66.51 5300.57 71.02 5301.16 72.25 5300.54 72.38 5301.33 72.78 5299.19 73.27 5296 73.34 5294 73.38 5292.8 73.39 5291.71 75.91 5291.22 124.74 5290.97 125.63 5291.78 127.36 5293.88 129.45 5295.12 178.015294.82 190.85 5299.35 194.56 5300 197.18 5299.26 210.46 5301.42 217.9 5301.81 2462 5306.9 248.46 5308 251.62 5310 255.61 5312 258.33 5314 282.98 5328.14 335.06 5356 338.08 5358 356.18 5367.86 386.33 5370.38 430.1 5371.15 493.77 5370.99 Manning's n Values num= Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 75.91 .03 124.74 .06 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 75.91 124.74 347.16 360.32 366.5 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5307.27 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * Vel Head (ft) * 4.08 *Wt. n-Val. * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.060 * * W.S. Elev (ft) * 5303.19 * Reach Len. (ft) * 347.16 * 360.32 * 366.50 * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5303.19 * Flow Area (sq ft) * 59.50 * 590.63 * 601.48 * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.004993 * Area (sq ft) * 59.50 * 590.63 * 601.48 * Q Total (cfs) *14520.00 *Flow (cfs) * 230.29 *10892.42 * 3397.29 * Top Width (ft) * 167.51 * Top Width (ft) * 17.84 * 48.83 * 100.84 * Vel Total (ft/s) * 11.60 *Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 3.87 * 18.44 * 5.65 * * Max Chi Dpth (ft) * 12.22 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 3.33 * 12.10 * 5.96 * Conv. Total (cfs) *205487.0 * Conv. (cfs) * 3259.1 *154149.5 *48078.5 * Length Wtd.(ft) * 360.23 *Wetted Per. (ft) * 27.85 * 48.83 * 103.73 * Min Ch El (ft) * 5290.97 * Shear (Ib/sq ft) * 0.67 * 3.77 * 1.81 * * Alpha * 1.95 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 2.58 * 69.53 * 10.21 * * Frctn Loss (ft) * 1.57 *Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 35.82 * 63.26 * 63.86 * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.35 *Cum SA (acres) * 6.71 * 4.72 * 16.57 Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations. The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculations. Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0.5 ft (0.15 m). This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth. This indicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer. The program defaulted to critical depth. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43594 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43594 Station Elevation Data num= 48 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 5320 58.15 5302.41 66.44 5301.62 103.72 5301.62 121.59 5300.49 122.65 5299.83 126.2 5298.6 127.48 5298 138.32 5292.22 140.28 5290.81 145.48 5290 148.3 5289.16 155.5 5289.28 173.53 5287.65 203.13 5287.39 203.54 5288 207.37 5290.37 209.32 5292 210.15 5292.52 229.58 5293.93 257.14 5292 260.07 5292.6 261.56 5294 266.91 5295.41 282.55 5302 289.85 5304 335.92 5306.68 368.24 5306.04 371.65 5310 373.18 5311.93 376.82 5316 379.57 5320 381.52 5322 384.44 5326 386.25 5328 387.69 5330 389.06 5331.69 391.13 5334 392.56 5336 410.27 5357.82 421.38 5369.24 428.92 5369.68 438.25 5369.3 446.54 5366.89 477.98 5368.52 498.48 5368 500.57 5367.22 563.58 5366.38 Maritimes n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 173.53 .03 203.13 .06 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 173.53 203.13 364.86 380.8 400.24 .l .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5304.70 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * Vel Head (ft) * 2.91 *Wt. n-Val * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.060 * * W.S.EIev (ft) * 5301.79 * Reach Len. (ft) * 364.86 * 380.80 * 400.24 * Crit W.S. (ft) * * Flow Area (sq ft) * 551.79 * 422.36 * 618.86 * * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.003834 * Area (sq ft) * 551.79 * 422.36 * 618.86 * Q Total (cis) * 14520.00 * Flow (cis) * 3274.29 * 7619.99 * 3625.73 * Top Width (ft) * 217.38 *Top Width (ft) * 108.86 * 29.60 * 78.92 * Vel Total (ft/s) * 9.11 * Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 5.93 * 18.04 * 5.86 * * Max Chi Dpth (ft) * 14.40 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 5.07 * 14.27 * 7.84 * Conv. Total (cis) *234508.4 * Conv. (cfs) *52882.1 *123068.2 *58558.1 * Length Wtd. (ft) * 380.15 *Wetted Per. (ft) * 111.59 * 29.60 * 82.86 * Min Ch El (ft) * 5287.39 * Shear (lb/sq ft) * 1.18 * 3.41 * 1.79 * * Alpha * 2.25 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 7.02 * 61.61 * 10.47 * * Frctn Loss (ft) * 1.67 *Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 33.38 * 59.07 * 58.72 * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.10 * Cum SA (acres) * 6.20 * 4.40 * 15.81 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 it (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43214 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43214 Station Elevation Data num= 32 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev ##############Y#Y#########Y#Y###kY##Y#######Yk#k#####k###YYY####Y###Yk########## 0 5320 29.5 5312.11 59.94 5302.38 82.31 5300.96 100.44 5298.24 113.89 5292.19 114.92 5291.67 117.9 5289.87 142.26 5286 147.29 5286 183.17 5286 184.15 5286 193.33 5290 209A2 5296 222.93 5296.29 238.29 5298.86 248.03 5299.22 252.85 5300.23 254.55 5300.77 306.42 5299.78 343.21 5304 347.41 5305.25 397.57 5332.95 427.83 5346 431.75 5348 440.45 5350 462.14 5353 483.34 5357.85 489.54 5360 517.4 5362 531.76 5362.78 651.55 5363.57 Manuing's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 147.29 .04 183.17 .06 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 147.29 183.17 188.82 271.23 375.91 .3 .5 I CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR #xx#xxx##xxxx###########Y########xxxx#Y#Y###Y#######xx####Y#######xx#x#####xxxxx#xxx###x##xY#xY * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5302.93 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * Vel Head (ft) * 2.58 *Wt. n-Vat. * 0.045 * 0.040 * 0.060 * * W.S. Elev(ft) * 5300.35 * Reach Len. (ft) * 188.82 * 271.23 * 375.91 * Crit W.S. (ft) * * Flow Area (sq ft) * 495.74 * 514.88 * 370.87 * * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.005080 * Area (sq ft) * 495.74 * 514.88 * 370.87 * * Q Total (cfs) * 14520.00 *Flow (cfs) * 4601.23 * 8050.56 * 186822 * Top Width (ft) * 201.70 * Top Width (ft) * 60.91 * 35.88 * 104.90 * * Vel Total (ft/s) * 10.51 * Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 9.28 * 15.64 * 5.04 * * Max Chi Dpth (ft) * 14.35 * Hydr. Depth (ft ) * 8.14 * 14.35 * 3.54 * Conv. Total (cfs) *203713.5 * Conv. (cfs) * 64554.6 * 112948.1 * 26210.8 * Length Wtd. (ft) * 260.52 *Wetted Per. (ft) * 63.30 * 35.88 * 107.20 * Min Ch El (ft) * 5286.00 *Shear (lb/sq ft) * 2.48 * 4.55 * 1.10 * * Alpha * 1.50 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 23.05 * 71.16 * 5.53 * * Fran Loss (ft) * 0.74 *Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 29.00 * 54.97 * 54.18 * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.71 * Cum SA (acres) * 5.49 * 4.11 * 14.97 ixY##########Y##########z#####x###xxxx#YxYY###Y######xx#x#xY*#Y###Y*Y###################Y###### Warning: Divided flow computed for this cross-section. Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0.5 It (0.15 m). This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0.7 or greater than 1.4. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43022 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43022 Station Elevation Data mum= 50 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev #####Y####YY#Y###Y#Y######Y########x#xx#x#############x#YY#YY#########Y#######x# 0 5320 12.99 5318 25.115 5316 37.239 5314 47.631 5312 58.024 5310 66.684 5308 74.478 5306 83.138 5304 90.067 5302 105.655 5300119.512 5298124.708 5296129.904 5294134.234 5292 139.43 5290 176.669 5288 180.999 5286 213.908 5283 241.621 5286 245.951 5288 250.281 5290 255.477 5292 265.004 5294 294.449 5296 306.573 5298 307.439 5298 333.42 5296 364.597 5296 382.783 5297.7 398.372 5297.7 408.764 5298 517.017 5297 522.49 5296.8 528.276 5297 545.596 5297 618.342 5297.6 645.189 5297.4 660.777 5297.9 685.892 5297.6 691.954 5298 695.418 5298.3 705.811 5298.1 713.605 5298.6 729.193 5298.3 744.782 5299 753.442 5299.4 764.7 5300 771.629 5300.5 777.691 5300.9 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 180.999 .04 241.621 .06 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 180.999 241.621 81 80 87 .1 .3 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 52 5314 F 297 777.691 5304 F Skew Angle = 30 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5301.47 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * * Vel Head (ft) * 1.16 *Wt. n-Val. * 0.045 * 0.040 * 0.060 * * W.S. Elev (ft) * 5300.32 * Reach Len. (ft) * 81.00 * 80.00 * 87.00 * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5295.21 * Flow Area (sq ft) * 622.80 * 958.94 * 391.90 * * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.001828 *Area (sq ft) * 622.80 * 958.94 * 1709.05 * * Q Total (cfs) *14520.00 *Flow (cfs) * 3452.64 * 9565.95 * 1501.41 * Top Width (ft) * 665.94 *Top Width (ft) * 77.83 * 60.62 * 527.49 * Vel Total (ft/s) * 7.36 *Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 5.54 * 9.98 * 3.83 * * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * 17.32 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 8.00 * 15.82 * 7.08 * Conv. Total (cfs) *339613.4 * Conv. (cfs) * 80755.0 *223741.4 * 35117.0 * Length Wtd. (ft) * 80.94 *Wetted Per. (ft) * 80.04 * 60.92 * 56.94 * Min Ch El (ft) * 5283.00 * Shear (lb/sq ft) * 0.89 * 1.80 * 0.79 * Alpha * 1.37 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 4.92 * 17.92 * 3.01 * Frctn Loss (ft) * 0.09 *Cum Volume (acre-ft) # 26.57 * 50.38 * 45.20 * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.05 * Cum SA (acres) * 5.19 * 3.81 * 12.24 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0.7 or greater than 1.4. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, water surface was used. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 42942 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 42942 - U/S I-70 ACCESS RAMP Station Elevation Data num= 50 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 5320 63.873 5311.16 77.478 5308 113.943 5297.75 126.452 5297.06 138.989 5291.3 151.894 5288.33 184.237 5288.92 194.412 5281.8 240.402 5281.8 257.118 5293.22 303.716 5296 322.094 5296.63 344.693 5299.16 377.369 5301.96 394.53 5302.95 437.572 5301.94 456.197 5300.61465.722 5299.24 479.496 5298.76 490.654 5299.76 514.314 5299.79 646.289 5304.42 651.797 5305.1 678.526 5306 692.484 5307.93 708.648 5308.22 734.613 5310 737.894 5311.05 755.148 5311.98 760.147 5313.61 771.934 5313.6 817.818 5317.97 820.3 5320.38 838.975 5319.65 848.231 5321.69 862.288 5321.94 868.709 5323.19 892.998 5324.47 939.943 5324.44 945.628 5326 977.709 5326.29 979.435 5327.531014.0415327.991015.504 5329.43 1052.422 5329.761053.822 5331.081102.733 5332.171106.558 5332.841148.674 5334 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 151.894 .03 240.402 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right CoeffComr. Expan. 151.894 240.402 159.1 133.31 129.01 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 65.76 5314 F 321.031148.674 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-PEAR * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5301.33 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * * Vel Head (ft) * 0.98 *Wt. n-Val. * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.045 * * W.S. Elev (ft) * 5300.35 * Reach Len. (ft) * 51.00 * 51.00 * 51.00 * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5293.22 * Flow Area (sq ft) * 261.99 * 1384.53 * 551.97 * * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.000804 * Area (sq ft) * 261.99 * 1384.53 * 672.39 * Q Total (cfs) *14520.00 * Flow (cfs) * 748.49 *11961.81 * 1809.70 * Top Width (ft) * 325.96 *Top Width (ft) * 47.19 * 88.51 * 190.27 * Vel Total (ft/s) * 6.60 *Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 2.86 * 8.64 * 3.28 * * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * 18.55 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 5.55 * 15.64 * 6.85 * Conv. Total(cfs) *512029.4 * Conv.(cfs) * 26394.6 *421818.1 * 63816.7 * Length Wtd.(ft) * 51.00 * Wetted Per. (ft) * 49.16 * 90.76 * 84.25 * * Min Ch El (ft) * 5281.80 * Shear (lb/sq ft) * 0.27 * 0.77 * 0.33 * Alpha * 1.45 * Stream Power (16/ft s) * 0.76 * 6.62 * 1.08 * Frem Loss (ft) * * Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 25.75 * 48.23 * 42.83 * * C & E Loss (ft) * * Cum SA (acres) * 5.07 * 3.67 * 11.52 Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, energy was used. BRIDGE RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 42891 INPUT Description: I-70 (EASTBOUND) ACCESS RAMP Distance from Upstream XS = 51 Deck/Roadway Width = 74 Weir Coefficient = 2.6 1 Bridge Deck/Roadway Skew = 45 Upstream Deck/Roadway Coordinates num= 7 Sta HiCord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord ####x#xx##Y#########Y#*#####Y###Y#*####xxxxx####xxx##############*###### 35.355 5314 65.761 5314 65.761 5316.5 5309.4 321.026 5306.5 5299A321.026 5304 514.067 5306 840.043 5320 Upstream Bridge Cross Section Data Station Elevation Data num= 50 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 5320 63.873 5311.16 77.478 5308 113.943 5297.75 126.452 5297.06 j 138.989 5291.3 151.894 5288.33 184.237 5288.92 194.412 5281.8 240.402 5281.8 257.118 5293.22 303.716 5296 322.094 5296.63 344.693 5299.16 377.369 5301.96 394.53 5302.95 437.572 5301.94 456.197 5300.61 465.722 5299.24 479.496 5298.76 490.654 5299.76 514.314 5299.79 646.289 5304.42 651.797 5305.1 678.526 5306 692.484 5307.93 708.648 5308.22 734.613 5310 737.894 5311.05 755.148 5311.98 760.147 5313.61 771.934 5313.6 817.818 5317.97 820.3 5320.38 838.975 5319.65 848.231 5321.69 862.288 5321.94 868.709 5323.19 892.998 5324.47 939.943 5324.44 945.628 5326 977.709 5326.29 979.435 5327.531014.0415327.991015.504 5329.43 1052.422 5329.761053.822 5331.081102.733 5332.171106.558 5331841148.674 5334 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 151.894 .03 240.402 .045 Bank Sta:Left Right CoeffComr. Expan. 151.894 240.402 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow mum= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 65.76 5314 F 321.031148.674 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 Downstream Deck/Roadway Coordinates num= 7 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord 35.355 5314 67.175 5314 92.631 5314 92.631 5316.5 5309.4 321.026 5306.5 5299.4 321.026 5304 426.385 5306 Downstream Bridge Cross Section Data Station Elevation Data num= 59 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 5330 6.428 5329.88 9.32 5328 10.72 5327.43 15.344 5326.36 15.988 5325.7 37.3 5318.56 72.535 5313.35 75.399 5312 100.247 5303.22 101.83 5302.41 108.605 5300 114.933 5302.58 115.442 5298 118.469 5296.76 138.487 5295.74 170.724 5288.73 173.411 5287.91 191.774 5288.44 193.351 5287.66 205.775 5281.8 248.011 5281.8 266.926 5289.89 292.636 5290.74 301.312 5290.02 302.719 5290.62 315.002 5293.31 316.367 5293.82 316.784 5294.42 317.463 5296 318.382 5297.83 319.718 5300 319.86 5300.91 334.85 5305.13 335.826 5305.69 338.259 5306.44 374.13 5305.82 419.774 5305.77 442.309 5306.46 468.882 5306.71 483.329 5306.66 485.634 5306.96 491.128 5306.86 495.166 5307.06 498.206 5307.62 560.318 5308.75 563.295 5309.22 637.832 5311.18 792.836 5319.28 795.644 5320 874.479 5324.05 887.15 5323.62 890.325 5323.96 899.284 5325.78 929.478 5325.95 940.049 5327.5 996.257 5328.83 1000.33 5329.971118.473 5334 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 170.724 .03 266.926 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right CoeffComr. Expan. 170.724 266.926 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 92.63 5314 F 321.031118.473 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 Upstream Embankment side slope = 0 horiz. to 1.0 vertical Downstream Embankment side slope = 0 horiz. to 1.0 vertical Maximum allowable submergence for weir flow = .95 Elevation at which weir flow begins = 5304 Energy head used in spillway design = Spillway height used in design = Weir crest shape = Broad Crested Number of Piers = 3 Pier Data Pier Station Upstream= 140.714 Downstream= 161.927 Upstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev ####################k#k######### 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Downstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev ########################k#####k# 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Pier Data Pier Station Upstream= 207.889 Downstream= 221.324 Upstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Downstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Pier Data Pier Station Upstream= 260.215 Downstream= 267.286 Upstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Downstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev ###########k###kk######k#####k## 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Number of Bridge Coefficient Sets = I Low Flow Methods and Data Energy Momentum Cd = I Yarnell KVal = 1.05 Selected Low Flow Methods = Highest Energy Answer High Flow Method Pressure and Weir flow Submerged Inlet Cd = Submerged Inlet + Outlet Cd = .8 Max Low Cord = Additional Bridge Parameters Add Friction component to Momentum Do not add Weight component to Momentum Class B flow critical depth computations use critical depth inside the bridge at the upstream end Criteria to check for pressure flow = Upstream energy grade line BRIDGE OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR * E.G. US. (ft) * W.S. US. (ft) * Q Total (cfs) * Q Bridge (cfs) * Q Weir (cfs) * Weir Sta Lft (ft) * Weir Sta Rgt (ft) * Weir Submerg * Weir Max Depth (ft) * Min El Weir Flow (ft) * Min El Prs (ft) * Delta EG (ft) * Delta WS (ft) * BR Open Area (sq fi) * BR Open Vel (ft/s) *CoefofQ * Br Sel Method 5301.33 * Element *Inside BR US *Inside BR DS 5300.35 * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5301.26 * 5300.54 14520.00 * W.S. Elev (ft) * 5300.17 * 5299.57 14520.00 * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5294.10 * 5293.89 * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * 18.37 * 17.77 * Vel Total (ft/s) * 7.10 * 6.95 * * Flow Area (sq ft) * 2046.28 * 2090.25 * Fronde # Chi * 0.29 * 0.29 * * * Specif Force (cu ft) * 17271.41 * 17050.76 * 5304.01 * Hydr Depth (ft) * 10.96 * 10.86 5309.13 * W.P. Total (ft) * 305.42 * 279.86 0.80 * Conv. Total (cfs) * 380303.7 * 386078.5 0.72 *Top Width (ft) * 186.73 * 192.49 * 2885.46 * Frctn Loss (ft) s 7.10 * C & E Loss (ft) * Shear Total (lb/sq ft) * 0.61 * 0.66 Momentum *Power Total (lb/ft s) * 4.33 * 4.58 Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, energy was used. Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, energy was used. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE S14ERIDAN RS: 42809 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 42809 - D/S I-70 ACCESS RAMP Station Elevation Data num= 59 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 5330 6.428 5329.88 9.32 5328 10.72 5327.43 15.344 5326.36 15.988 5325.7 37.3 5318.56 72.535 5313.35 75.399 5312 100.247 5303.22 101.83 5302.41 108.605 5300 114.933 5302.58 115.442 5298 118.469 5296.76 138.487 5295.74 170.724 5288.73 173.411 5287.91 191.774 5288.44 193.351 5287.66 205.775 5281.8 248.011 5281.8 266.926 5289.89 292.636 5290.74 301.312 5290.02 302.719 5290.62 315.002 5293.31 316.367 5293.82 316.784 5294.42 317.463 5296 318.382 5297.83 319.718 5300 319.86 5300.91 334.85 5305.13 335.826 5305.69 338.259 5306.44 374.13 5305.82 419.774 5305.77 442.309 5306.46 468.882 5306.71 483.329 5306.66 485.634 5306.96 491.128 5306.86 495.166 5307.06 498.206 5307.62 560.318 5308.75 563.295 5309.22 637.832 5311.18 792.836 5319.28 795.644 5320 874.479 5324.05 887.15 5323.62 890.325 5323.96 899.284 5325.78 929.478 5325.95 940.049 5327.5 996.257 5328.83 1000.33 5329.971118.473 5334 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val b .045 170.724 .03 266.926 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan 170.724 266.926 71.23 51.32 11.49 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 92.63 5314 F 321.031118.473 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5300.53 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * * Vel Head (ft) * 0.91 *Wt. n-Val. * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.045 * * W.S. Elev (ft) * 5299.62 * Reach Len. (ft) * 71.23 * 51.32 * 11.49 * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5293.66 * Flow Area (sq ft) * 312.62 * 1457.27 * 443.69 * * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.000775 * Area (sq ft) * 312.62 * 1457.27 * 443.69 * Q Total (cfs) *14520.00 *Flow (cfs) * 883.87 *12026.91 * 1609.21 * Top Width (ft) * 204.22 *Top Width (ft) * 55.46 * 96.20 * 52.56 * * Vel Total (ft/s) * 6.56 *Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 2.83 * 8.25 * 3.63 * * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * 17.82 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 5.64 * 15.15 * 8.44 * * Conv. Total (cfs) *521692.6 * Conv. (cfs) * 31757.0 *432117.9 * 57817.8 * Length Wtd. (ft) * 47.18 *Wetted Per. (ft) * 57.94 * 99.48 * 56.59 * Min Ch El (ft) *5281.80 * Shear (lb/sq ft) * 0.26 * 0.71 * 038 * Alpha * 1.36 * Stream Power (Ib/ft s) * 0.74 * 5.85 * 1.38 * Frew Loss (ft) * 0.04 * Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 24.98 * 44.09 * 41.26 * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.02 * Cum SA (acres) * 4.93 * 3.40 * 11.28 SUMMARY OF MANNING'S N VALUES River:CLEAR CREEK * Reach * River Sta. * nl * n2 * n3 * n4 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 44683 * .045* .03* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 44462 * .045* .03* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43955 * .045* .03* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43594 * .045* .03* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43214 * .045* .04* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43022 * .045* .04* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42942 * .045* .03* .045* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42891 *Bridge * *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42809 * .045* .03* .045* SUMMARY OF REACH LENGTHS River: CLEAR CREEK * Reach * River Sta. * Left * Channel * Right #xxssxxss##xxxxxxs#xx# kzxxx*x#x*sssxssxsxx xaxsxkxs ##sxssx##xssx#s *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 44683 * 174.98* 220.94* 250.28* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 44462 * 516.63* 507.6* 497.7* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43955 * 347.16* 360.32* 366.5* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43594 * 364.86* 380.8* 400.24* *ABOVESHERIDAN * 43214 * 188.82* 271.23* 375.91* *ABOVESHERIDAN * 43022 * 81* 80* 87* *ABOVESHERIDAN * 42942 * 159.1* 133.31* 129.01* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42891 *Bridge *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42809 * 71.23* 51.32* 11.49* SUMMARY OF CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION COEFFICIENTS River: CLEAR CREEK * Reach * River Sta. * Contr. * Expan. *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 44683 * 3* .5* *ABOVESHERIDAN * 44462 * .1* .3* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43955 * .1* .3* *ABOVESHERIDAN * 43594 * .1* .3* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43214 * .3* .5* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43022 * .1* .3* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42942 * .3* .5* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42891 *Bridge * *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42809 * .3* .5* ttEl:4gs Platt EXI619 1G Porn CI FNiG(2®( ROa4CABOY E 91fftpAN Pmmc,00.Y FSR Reach Rtw Si Pm51e OTd Mm ME! WAL. WWS EG.9ev E&Sbpe Veff4W RgvAl91 Tapmfth LY000e9CN asovESlfEwoAR ABOVE S ERIO 49sv 1aaYEAR k1s 14520.00 oU szs].w (ro s3%.9z m) s963.s2 ss,za3 mm1 O.MOSOn mh) ,e,a /~aro ,face, (ro lsssl O.ea AN H ABOVE SHERmAN A9ovE S116RIi9 N 44482 43e55 ,60.YEAR ,aaYEAR 10.520.00 1as2o.oD SZ94A0 szsor7 s3%.% s9o3.fs 5396.% 5aosts s3t,.02 s3o]zr o.oos,26 oao4e93 ,9.59 1864 ,298.29 rzs1.s, MIS tw.s, o.% o.% A ABOVE SHERIDAN A o 46586 43214 1ao-YFpR 109-YEP. ,aszoaM 14520.09 szn.3a 5286.90 ssot.7a 93W,35 saaa.7ol 530293 o.MMa63a 0.005080 fe.o4 15b/ ,s94oz t361A9 2n5e NI1.]0 o.e4 0.]3 e vE SHI]ODAH ABOVE SFERIOPN ABO E 4sou 02942 ,aaYEAR 100.YEPR 195zoae 19620.W sze3.w 5381.80 s9a0.sz 5900,95 529521 629322 sao,.a] 5901.93 0.oo,62B O.pOpBW 9.% 8.64 ts23.ea 21%Sa ass.sa 325.% o.aa 0.98 V 81iFRIDPN 42891 Btbae PROVE SHERIDAN 42909 100.Y_", 14520.00 5381.80 5299.82 529388 5300.59 0.000])5 8.25 2219.50 N612 0.37 HEC44AB plane EXIT RW CLE AR CREEK R each: ABOVE 6 HFRIIg R 100.YEA R Rowti 15vr0V F1a51e E.ME W.O.Ebv Vtl Heat fTpn LOSS COEL OWf O1S889H ORgM Top WniN (n) (ft) (n) (ft) (I (as) (CS) (4131 (a) ABOVE BHERIDAN 44683 IWYEAR 6312.33 5300.92 3.81 1.13 0.04 3576.26 9922.64 1019.06 149.51 ABOVE SHERIMIN 4/402 /00.YPAR 6311.02 530&98 4.04 255 MAD 1.96 935499 5159.03 156.51 ABOVEBHERIOAN 43955 10pN 530727 5303.19 4.08 1.97 0.35 230.29 10692.2 339729 167.51 ABOVE MERIDAN 43594 10GYEAR 5304.70 5301.79 291 157 0.10 327413 7619.98 3625.73 217.36 ABOVE 6HERIDAN 43214 100-Y 5302% 8300.35 256 0.76 0.71 460113 9050.56 163612 201.70 ABOVE SHERIOAN 43022 109-YEAR 5301.47 5300.32 1.16 0.09 0.05 30.5264 9565.95 MA, 66s.94 ABOWMWIDAN 42942 100-YEAR 5301.33 5300.35 0.96 746.49 11961.61 1609.70 325.% ABOVE OHERIDAN 42881 Biid9 ABOVE ii MN 42609 100.YEAR 530053 5299.62 0.91 0.04 0.02 603.07 1202011 180911 204.22 HEC-RAS Version 4.0.0 March 2008 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center 609 Second Street Davis, California X X XXXXXX X XXX XXXX XX XXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX XXXXX XXXX X XXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXX X XXX X X X X XXXXX PROJECT DATA Project Title: SWISS VALLEY PROPOSED Project File : SWISSVALLEYPROPOS.prj Run Date and Time: 9/2/2009 1:38:51 PM Project in English units Project Description: SWISS VALLEY PROPOSED SWISS VALLEY EXISTING PREPARED BY: HVS ENGINEERING INC., September 2009 PREPARED FOR: Swiss Valley, LLC PLAN DATA Plan Title: SWISS VALLEY PROPOSED Plan File : C:\HVS\Tectonic\BEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEYPROPOS.pO4 Geometry Title: SWISS VALLEY PROPOSED Geometry File : C:\HVS\Tectonic\BEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEYPROPOS.gO3 Flow Title : SWISS VALLEY Flow File :C:\IIVS\Tectonic\BEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEYPROPOS.f01 Plan Summary Information: Number of Cross Sections = 50 Multiple Openings = 0 Culverts = 0 Inline Structures = 0 Bridges = 9 Lateral Structures = I Computational Information Water surface calculation tolerance = 0.01 Critical depth calculation tolerance = 0.01 t Maximum number of iterations = 20 Maximum difference tolerance = 0.3 Flow tolerance factor = 0.001 Computation Options Critical depth computed only where necessary Conveyance Calculation Method: At breaks in n values only Friction Slope Method: Average Conveyance Computational Flow Regime: Subcritical Flow #####################################xkx#####kkx#####xk####################x##x# FLOW DATA Flow Title: SWISS VALLEY Flow File : C:%WS\Tectonic\HEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEYPROPOS.f0I Flow Data (cfs) * River Reach RS * 100-YEAR *CLEAR CREEK ABOVE SHERIDAN 53539 * 14520 Boundary Conditions ####x##x######x####xx#x###*##xx####x##xx############x#x####x#x############xx##########x##############x## * River Reach Profile * Upstream Downstream #xx##xxx#*###x#######xxxxx###x#######x#x####xx##x####xxxx*####xx###x##x##xxxx*xxxxxxx#xxxxxx#xxx#xxxxxx# *CLEAR CREEK ABOVE SHERIDAN 100-YEAR * Known WS = 5263.38 ###x#####x##x###x########x###x##xx#####x#x#########x############xxx###xx*###kxx###x#x#x#xx*x##xx######x# GEOMETRY DATA Geometry Title: SWISS VALLEY PROPOSED Geometry File : C:\HVS\Tectonic\BEC-RAS\SWISSVALLEYPROPOS.gO3 CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43955 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43955 Station Elevation Data num= 40 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev ######x#*##xkx##x##x#x####x#*###x#k#######xxx#x####xk##*###xx####x#x#####k#####x 05319.89 4.68 5319.92 10.2 5319 26.4 5314.17 37.85 5310 40.69 5309.38 61.41 5302 64.06 5301.42 66.51 5300.57 71.02 5301.16 72.25 5300.54 72.38 5301.33 72.78 5299.19 73.27 5296 73.34 5294 73.38 5292.8 73.39 5291.71 75.91 5291.22 124.74 5290.97 125.63 5291.78 127.36 5293.88 129.45 5295.12 178.01 5294.82 190.85 5299.35 194.56 5300 197.18 5299.26 210.46 5301.42 217.9 5301.81 246.2 5306.9 248.46 5308 251.62 5310 255.61 5312 258.33 5314 282.98 5328.14 335.06 5356 338.08 5358 356.18 5367.86 386.33 5370.38 430.1 5371.15 493.77 5370.99 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 75.91 .03 124.74 .06 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Conk. Expan. 75.91 124.74 347.16 360.32 366.5 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR #####x##########xx#######*####x#x###########*x####*#########x###*#####x#**###*x#*#####x#x###### * E.G. Elev (ft) * Vel Head (ft) * W.S. Elev (ft) * Crit W.S. (ft) * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) * Q Total (cfs) * Top Width (ft) * Vel Total (ft/s) * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * Conv. Total (cfs) * Length Wtd. (ft) * Min Ch El (ft) * Alpha * Frctn Loss (ft) * C & E Loss (ft) ##########x###### * 5307.27 *Element * 4.08 *Wt. n-Val. * 5303.19 * Reach Len. (ft) * 5303.19 * Flow Area (sq ft) *0.004993 * Area (sq ft) * 14520.00 *Flow (cfs) * 167.51 * Top Width (ft) * 11.60 *Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 12.22 * Hydr. Depth (ft) *205487.0 * Conv. (cfs) * 360.23 *Wetted Per. (ft) * 5290.97 * Shear (lb/sq ft) 1.95 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 1.57 *Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 0.35 * Cum SA (acres) Left OB * Channel * Right OB 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.060 * * 347.16 * 360.32 * 366.50 * 59.50 * 590.63 * 601.48 * 59.50 * 590.63 * 601.48 230.29 *10892.42 * 3397.29 * 17.84 * 48.83 * 100.84 3.87* 18.44* 5.65* * 3.33 * 12.10 * 5.96 * 3259.1 *154149.5 *48078.5 * 27.85 * 48.83 * 103.73 * 0.67* 3.77* 1.81 * 2.58 * 69.53 * 10.21 * * 35.82 * 63.26 * 62.81 * 6.71* 4.72* 16.20* Warning: The energy equation could not be balanced within the specified number of iterations. The program used critical depth for the water surface and continued on with the calculations. Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0.5 ft (0.15 m). This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: During the standard step iterations, when the assumed water surface was set equal to critical depth, the calculated water surface came back below critical depth. This indicates that there is not a valid subcritical answer. The program defaulted to critical depth. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43594 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43594 Station Elevation Data mum= 48 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 5320 58.15 5302.41 66.44 5301.62 103.72 5301.62 121.59 5300A9 122.65 5299.83 126.2 5298.6 127.48 5298 138.32 5292.22 140.28 5290.81 145.48 5290 148.3 5289.16 155.5 5289.28 173.53 5287.65 203.13 5287.39 203.54 5288 207.37 5290,37 209.32 5292 210.15 5292.52 229.58 5293.93 257.14 5292 260.07 5292.6 261.56 5294 266.91 5295.41 282.55 5302 289.85 5304 335.92 5306.68 368.24 5306.04 371.65 5310 373.18 5311.93 376.82 5316 379.57 5320 381.52 5322 384.44 5326 386.25 5328 387.69 5330 389.06 5331.69 391.13 5334 392.56 5336 410.27 5357.82 421.38 5369.24 428.92 5369.68 438.25 5369.3 446.54 5366.89 477.98 5368.52 498.48 5368 500.57 5367.22 563.58 5366.38 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val ##x#xx###x#xxx#xk##xxx###kxkx#############xxk### 0 .045 173.53 .03 203.13 .06 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 173.53 203.13 364.86 380.8 400.24 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR ########kkkxxx#######xxxx#######k###xx##x####kx###x#x##xx#xxk#k#x###################x###k###### * E.G. Elev (ft) * Vel Head (ft) * W.S. Elev (ft) * Crit W.S. (ft) * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) * Q Total (cis) * Top Width (ft) * Vel Total (ft/s) * Max Chi Dpth (ft) * Conv. Total (cfs) * Length Wtd. (ft) * Min Ch El (ft) * Alpha * Frew Loss (ft) * C & E Loss (ft) * 5304.70 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * 2.91 *Wt. n-Val. * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.060 * * 5301.79 * Reach Len. (ft) * 364.86 * 380.80 * 400.24 * * Flow Area (sq ft) * 551.79 * 422.36 * 618.86 * *0.003834 * Area (sq ft) * 551.79 * 422.36 * 618.86 * * 14520.00 * Flow (cis) * 3274.29 * 7619.99 * 3625.73 * 217.38 *Top Width (ft) * 108.86 * 29.60 * 78.92 * * 9.11 * Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 5.93 * 18.04 * 5.86 * 14 40 * H dr D th ft * 5 07 * 14 27 * y . eP ( ) *234508.4 * Conv. (cfs) * 380.15 *Wetted Per. (ft) * 5287.39 * Shear (lb/sq ft) 2.25 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 1.67 *Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 0.10 * Cum SA (acres) . 7.84 *528811 *123068.2 *58558.1 * 111.59 * 29.60 * 82.86 1.18 * 3.41 * 1.79 * 7.02* 61.61 * 10.47* * 33.38 * 59.07 * 57.67 * 6.20 * 4.40 * 15.44 * Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43214 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43214 Station Elevation Data num= 32 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev xxxxxx#x#xxxxxxx*x#xxx#xxxxxxxx##xx##xkxx#xxx#xx##xx###k#kxk#xxxx*#xxxxk#x#xxx#x 0 5320 29.5 5312.11 59.94 5302.38 82.31 5300.96 100.44 5298.24 113.89 5292.19 114.92 5291.67 117.9 5289.87 142.26 5286 147.29 5286 183.17 5286 184.15 5286 193.33 5290 209.42 5296 222.93 5296.29 238.29 5298.86 248.03 5299.22 252.85 5300.23 254.55 5300.77 306.42 5299.78 343.21 5304 347.41 5305.25 397.57 5332.95 427.83 5346 431.75 5348 440.45 5350 462.14 5353 483.34 5357.85 489.54 5360 517.4 5362 531.76 5362.78 651.55 5363.57 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val ###x####xx#x###xx##xx*x#xx#xx*xx###xxk*#x#xxxxxx 0 .045 147.29 .04 18117 .06 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 147.29 183.17 188.82 271.23 375.91 .3 .5 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5302.93 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * Vel Head (ft) * 2.58 *Wt. n-Val * 0.045 * 0.040 * 0.060 * * W.S. Elev(ft) * 5300.35 * Reach Len. (ft) * 188.82 * 271.23 * 375.91 * Crit W.S. (ft) * * Flow Area (sq ft) * 495.74 * 514.88 * 370.87 * * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.005080 *Area (sq ft) * 495.74 * 514.88 * 370.87 * * Q Total (cfs) *14520.00 *Flow (cfs) * 4601.23 * 8050.56 * 1868.22 * Top Width (ft) * 201.70 *Top Width (ft) * 60.91 * 35.88 * 104.90 * * Vel Total (ft/s) * 10.51 * Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 9.28 * 15.64 * 5.04 * * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * 14.35 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 8.14 * 14.35 * 3.54 * Conv. Total (cfs) *203713.5 * Conv. (cfs) *64554.6 *112948.1 *26210.8 * Length Wtd. (ft) * 260.52 *Wetted Per. (ft) * 63.30 * 35.88 * 107.20 * Min Ch El (ft) * 5286.00 *Shear (lb/sq ft) * 2.48 * 4.55 * 1.10 * * Alpha * 1.50 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 23.05 * 71.16 * 5.53 * * Fran Loss (ft) * 0.74 * Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 29.00 * 54.97 * 53.13 * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.71 * Cum SA (acres) * 5.49 * 4.11 * 14.60 ############Y#YYY#Y####*#####k######YYk#kY#Y ####YY#########YY#*#Y#YY#Y######################### Warning: Divided flow computed for this cross-section. Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0.5 ft (0.15 m). This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0.7 or greater than 1.4. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 43022 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 43022 Station Elevation Data num= 52 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 5320 12.99 5318 25.115 5316 37.239 5314 47.631 5312 58.024 5310 66.684 5308 74.478 5306 83.138 5304 90.067 5302 105.655 5300119.512 5298124.708 5296129.904 5294134.234 5292 139.43 5290 176.669 5288 180.999 5286 213.908 5283 241.621 5286 245.951 5288 250.281 5290 255.477 5292 265.004 5294 294.449 5296 306.573 5298 307.439 5298 333.42 5296 364.597 5296 382.783 5297.7 398.372 5297.7 408.764 5298 517.017 5297 522.49 5296.88 528.276 5297 ' 545.596 5297 618.342 5297.6 625.27 5298 648.653 5299 652.983 5300 656.447 5301 666.84 5302 717.935 5302 723.131 530t723.997 5300.9 j 724.084 5298.4 729.193 5298.3 744.782 5299 753.442 5299.4 764.7 5300 771.629 5300.5 777.691 5300.9 Manning's n Values nun= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 180.999 .04 241.621 .06 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 180.999 241.621 81 80 87 .1 .3 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 52 5314 F 297 777.691 5304 F Skew Angle = 30 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR j * E.G. Elev (ft) * Vel Head (ft) * W.S. Elev (ft) * Crit W.S. (ft) * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) * Q Total (cfs) * Top Width (ft) * Vel Total (ft/s) * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * Conv. Total (cfs) * Length Wtd. (ft) * Min Ch El (ft) * Alpha * Fran Loss (ft) *C&ELoss (ft) * 5301.47 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * 1.16 *Wt. n-Val. * 0.045 * 0.040 * 0.060 * * 5300.32 * Reach Len. (ft) * 81.00 * 80.00 * 87.00 * 5295.21 * Flow Area (sq ft) * 622.80 * 958.94 * 391.90 *0.001828 * Area (sq ft) * 622.80 * 958.94 * 1511.38 * 14520.00 * Flow (cfs) * 3452.64 * 9565.95 * 1501.41 * 596.01 *Top Width (ft) * 77.83 * 60.62 * 457.56 * 7.36 *Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 5.54 * 9.98 * 3.83 * * 17.32 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 8.00 * 15.82 * 7.08 *339613.4 * Conv. (cfs) *80755.0 *223741.4 *35117.0 * 80.94 * Wetted Per. (ft) * 80.04 * 60.92 * 56.94 * 5283.00 * Shear (Ib/sq ft) * 0.89 * 1.80 * 0.79 1.37 * Stream Power (lb/ft s ) * 4.92 * 17.92 * 3.01 * 0.09 * Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 26.57 * 50.38 * 45.01 * 0.05 * Cum SA (acres) * 5.19 * 3.81 * 12.17 #«#####«Y##«#««#Y#x####x## ########x#xY#########x##x##############x#x#xx#xx#x## Warning: Divided flow computed for this cross-section. Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0.7 or greater than 1.4. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, water surface was used. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 42942 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 42942 - U/S I-70 ACCESS RAMP Station Elevation Data num= 50 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev ««x«#«#x#x#xxx###x#x######x##xx#x####x######«#xx«x###x#######x«««x«x###xx#xx«#x# 0 5320 63.873 5311.16 77.478 5308 113.943 5297.75 126.452 5297.06 138.989 5291.3 151.894 5288.33 184.237 5288.92 194.412 5281.8 240.402 5281.8 257.118 5293.22 303.716 5296 322.094 5296.63 344.693 5299.16 377.369 5301.96 394.53 5302.95 437.572 5301.94 456.197 5300.61 465.722 5299.24 479.496 5298.76 490.654 5299.76 514.314 5299.79 646.289 5304.42 651.797 5305.1 678.526 5306 692.484 5307.93 708.648 5308.22 734.613 5310 737.894 5311.05 755.148 5311.98 760.147 5313.61 771.934 5313.6 817.818 5317.97 820.3 5320.38 838.975 5319.65 848.231 5321.69 862.288 5321.94 868.709 5323.19 892.998 5324.47 939.943 5324.44 945.628 5326 977.709 5326.29 979.435 5327.531014.0415327.991015.504 5329.43 1052.422 5329.761053.822 5331.081102.733 5332.171106.558 5332.841148.674 5334 Marines n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 151.894 .03 240.402 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 151.894 240.402 159.1 133.31 129.01 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 65.76 5314 F 321.031148.674 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR ######Y########## #x####x#YY#*s#Y##*####*YY#Y#########x#x*x*Y#########x#####xxxxx#x**xY##YY##### * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5301.33 *Element * Left OB * Channel * Right OB * * Vet Head (ft) * 0.98 *Wt. n-Val. * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.045 * * W.S. Elev (ft) *5300.35 * Reach Len. (ft) * 51.00 * 51.00 * 51.00 * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5293.22 * Flow Area (sq ft) * 261.99 * 1384.53 * 551.97 * * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.000804 * Area(sq ft) * 261.99 * 1384.53 * 672.39 * * Q Total (cfs) * 14520.00 * Flow (cfs) * 748.49 * 11961.81 * 1809.70 * * Top Width (ft) * 325.96 * Top Width (ft) * 47.19 * 88.51 * 190.27 * Vel Total (ft/s) * 6.60 *Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * 2.86 * 8.64 * 3.28 * * Max Chl Dpth (ft) * 18.55 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * 5.55 * 15.64 * 6.85 * Conv. Total (cfs) *512029.4 * Conv. (cfs) * 26394.6 *421818.1 * 63816.7 * Length Wtd. (ft) * 51.00 *Wetted Per. (ft) * 49.16 * 90.76 * 84.25 * * Min Ch El (ft) * 5281.80 * Shear (lb/sq ft) * 0.27 * 0.77 * 0.33 * Alpha * 1.45 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * 0.76 * 6.62 * 1.08 * Frctn Loss (ft) * * Cum Volume (acre-ft) * 25.75 * 48.23 * 42.83 * * C & E Loss (ft) * * Cum SA (acres) * 5.07 * 3.67 * 11.52 Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, energy was used. BRIDGE RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 42891 INPUT Description: I-70 (EASTBOUND) ACCESS RAMP Distance from Upstream XS = 51 Deck/Roadway Width = 74 Weir Coefficient = 2.6 Bridge Deck/Roadway Skew = 45 Upstream Deck/Roadway Coordinates num= 7 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord 35.355 5314 65.761 5314 65.761 5316.5 5309.4 i 321.026 5306.5 5299.4 321.026 5304 514.067 5306 840.043 5320 Upstream Bridge Cross Section Data Station Elevation Data num= 50 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 5320 63.873 5311.16 77.478 5308 113.943 5297.75 126.452 5297.06 138.989 5291.3 151.894 5288.33 184.237 5288.92 194.412 5281.8 240.402 5281.8 257.118 5293.22 303.716 5296 322.094 5296.63 344.693 5299.16 377.369 5301.96 394.53 5302.95 437.572 5301.94 456.197 5300.61 465.722 5299.24 479.496 5298.76 490.654 5299.76 514.314 5299.79 646.289 5304.42 651.797 5305.1 678.526 5306 692.484 5307.93 708.648 5308.22 734.613 5310 737.894 5311.05 755.148 5311.98 760.147 5313.61 771.934 5313.6 817.818 5317.97 820.3 5320.38 838.975 5319.65 848.231 5321.69 862.288 5321.94 868.709 5323.19 892.998 5324.47 939.943 5324.44 945.628 5326 977.709 5326.29 979.435 5327.531014.0415327.991015.504 5329.43 1052.422 5329.761053.822 5331.081102.733 5332.171106.558 5332.841148.674 5334 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 151.894 .03 240.402 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 151.894 240.402 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 65.76 5314 F 321.031148.674 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 Downstream Deck/Roadway Coordinates num= 7 Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord Sta Hi Cord Lo Cord 35.355 5314 67.175 5314 92.631 5314 92.631 5316.5 5309.4 321.026 5306.5 5299.4 321.026 5304 426.385 5306 Downstream Bridge Cross Section Data Station Elevation Data num= 59 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 5330 6.428 5329.88 9.32 5328 10.72 5327.43 15.344 5326.36 15.988 5325.7 37.3 5318.56 72.535 5313.35 75.399 5312 100.247 5303.22 101.83 5302.41 108.605 5300 114.933 5302.58 115.442 5298 118.469 5296.76 138.487 5295.74 170.724 5288.73 173.411 5287.91 191.774 5288.44 193.351 5287.66 205.775 5281.8 248.011 5281.8 266.926 5289.89 292.636 5290.74 301.312 5290.02 302.719 5290.62 315.002 5293.31 316.367 5293.82 316.784 5294.42 317.463 5296 318.382 5297.83 319.718 5300 319.86 5300.91 334.85 5305.13 335.826 5305.69 338.259 5306.44 374.13 5305.82 419.774 5305.77 442.309 5306.46 468.882 5306.71 483.329 5306.66 485.634 5306.96 491.128 5306.86 495.166 5307.06 498.206 5307.62 560.318 5308.75 563.295 5309.22 637.832 5311.18 792.836 5319.28 795.644 5320 874.479 5324.05 887.15 5323.62 890.325 5323.96 899.284 5325.78 929.478 5325.95 940.049 5327.5 996.257 5328.83 1000.33 5329.971118.473 5334 Manning's n Values nun= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 170.724 .03 266.926 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right CoeffConlr. Expan. 170.724 266.926 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 92.63 5314 F 321.031118.473 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 Upstream Embankment side slope = 0 horiz. to 1.0 vertical Downstream Embankment side slope = 0 horiz. to 1.0 vertical Maximum allowable submergence for weir flow = .95 Elevation at which weir flow begins = 5304 Energy head used in spillway design = Spillway height used in design = Weir crest shape = Broad Crested Number of Piers = 3 Pier Data Pier Station Upstream= 140.714 Downstream= 161.927 Upstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Downstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Pier Data Pier Station Upstream= 207.889 Downstream= 221.324 Upstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Downstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev x*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Pier Data Pier Station Upstream= 260.215 Downstream= 267.286 Upstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev xxxxxx*xxxxxx*xxxx*x*xxxxxxxxxxx 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Downstream num= 2 Width Elev Width Elev xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.1 0 3.1 5307 Number of Bridge Coefficient Sets = 1 I Low Flow Methods and Data Energy Momentum Cd = I Yarnell KVal = 1.05 Selected Low Flow Methods = Highest Energy Answer i - High Flow Method Pressure and Weir flow Submerged Inlet Cd = Submerged Wet + Outlet Cd = .8 Max Low Cord = Additional Bridge Parameters Add Friction component to Momentum Do not add Weight component to Momentum Class B flow critical depth computations use critical depth inside the bridge at the upstream end Criteria to check for pressure flow = Upstream energy grade line BRIDGE OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR * E.G. US. (ft) * 5301.33 * Element *Inside BR US *Inside BR DS * W.S. US. (ft) * 5300.35 * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5301.26 * 5300.54 * Q Total(cfs) * 14520.00 * W.S. Elev(ft) * 5300.17 * 5299.57 * Q Bridge (cfs) * 14520.00 * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5294.10 * 5293.89 * Q Weir (cfs) * * Max Chi Dpth (ft) * 18.37 * 17.77 * Weir Sta Lft (ft) * * Vel Total (ft/s) * 7.10 * 6.95 * * Weir Sta Rgt (ft) * * Flow Area (sq ft) * 2046.28 * 2090.25 * Weir Submerg * * Froude # Chl * 0.29 * 0.29 * * Weir Max Depth (ft) * * Specif Force (cu ft) * 17271.41 * 17050.76 * Min El Weir Flow (ft) * 5304.01 * Hydr Depth (ft) * 10.96 * 10.86 * Min El Prs (ft) * 5309.13 * W.P. Total (ft) * 305.42 * 279.86 * Delta EG (ft) * 0.80 * Conv. Total (cfs) * 380303.7 * 386078.5 * Delta WS (ft) * 0.72 * Top Width (ft) * 186.73 * 192.49 * BR Open Area (sq ft) * 2885.46 * Frcta Loss (ft) * BR Open Vel (ft/s) * 7.10 * C & E Loss (ft) * Coef of Q * * Shear Total (lb/sq ft) * 0.61 * 0.66 * Br Sel Method * Momentum * Power Total (lb/ft s) * 4.33 * 4.58 ##*x#x###*#x###*#########################################*#####*#*#*xx#*x Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, energy was used. Note: Multiple critical depths were found at this location. The critical depth with the lowest, valid, energy was used. CROSS SECTION RIVER: CLEAR CREEK REACH: ABOVE SHERIDAN RS: 42809 INPUT Description: CROSS SECTION 42809 - D/S I-70 ACCESS RAMP Station Elevation Data mum= 59 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 5330 6.428 5329.88 9.32 5328 10.72 5327.43 15.344 5326.36 15.988 5325.7 37.3 5318.56 72.535 5313.35 75.399 5312 100.247 5303.22 101.83 5302.41 108.605 5300 114.933 5302.58 115.442 5298 118.469 5296.76 138.487 5295.74 170.724 5288.73 173.411 5287.91 191,774 5288.44 193.351 5287.66 205.775 5281.8 248.011 5281.8 266.926 5289.89 292.636 5290.74 301.312 5290.02 302.719 5290.62 315.002 5293.31 316.367 5293.82 316.784 5294.42 317.463 5296 318.382 5297.83 319.718 5300 319.86 5300.91 334.85 5305.13 335.826 5305.69 338.259 5306.44 374.13 5305.82 419.774 5305.77 442.309 5306.46 468.882 5306.71 483.329 5306.66 485.634 5306.96 491.128 5306.86 495.166 5307.06 498.206 5307.62 560.318 5308.75 563.295 5309.22 637.832 5311.18 792.836 5319.28 795.644 5320 874.479 5324.05 887.15 5323.62 890.325 5323.96 899.284 5325.78 929.478 5325.95 940.049 5327.5 996.257 5328.83 1000.33 5329.971118.473 5334 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .045 170.724 .03 266.926 .045 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 170.724 266.926 71.23 51.32 11.49 .3 .5 Ineffective Flow num= 2 Sta L Sta R Elev Permanent 0 92.63 5314 F 321.031118.473 5304 F Skew Angle = 45 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #100-YEAR * E.G. Elev (ft) * 5300.53 *Element * Vel Head (ft) * 0.91 *Wt. n-Val. * W.S. Elev (ft) * 5299.62 * Reach Len. (ft) * Crit W.S. (ft) * 5293.66 * Flow Area (sq ft) * E.G. Slope (ft/ft) *0.000775 * Area (sq ft) * Q Total (cfs) *14520.00 *Flow (cis) * Top Width (ft) * 204.22 *Top Width (ft) * Vel Total (ft/s) * 6.56 *Avg. Vel. (ft/s) * Max Chi Dpth (ft) * 17.82 * Hydr. Depth (ft) * Conv. Total (cis) *521692.6 * Conv. (cfs) * Length Wtd. (ft) * 47.18 * Wetted Per. (ft) * Min Ch El (ft) * 5281.80 * Shear (lb/sq ft) * Alpha * 1.36 * Stream Power (lb/ft s) * Fran Loss (ft) * 0.04 *Cum Volume (acre-ft * C & E Loss (ft) * 0.02 *Cum SA (acres) Left OB * Channel * Right OB * 0.045 * 0.030 * 0.045 * * 71.23 * 51.32 * 11.49 * 312.62 * 1457.27 * 443.69 * * 312.62 * 1457.27 * 443.69 883.87 *12026.91 * 1609.21 * 55.46 * 96.20 * 52.56 2.83 * 8.25 * 3.63 * * 5.64* 15.15* 8.44* * 31757.0 *432117.9 * 57817.8 * 57.94 * 99.48 * 56.59 * 0.26 * 0.71 * 0.38 0.74* 5.85* 1.38* * 24.98 * 44.09 * 41.26 * 4.93 * 3.40 * 11.28 * SUMMARY OF MANNING'S N VALUES River:CLEAR CREEK * Reach * River Sta. * nl * n2 * n3 * n4 *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 44683 * .045* .03* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 44462 * .045* .03* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43955 * .045* .03* .06* *ABOVESHERIDAN * 43594 * .045* .03* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43214 * .045* .04* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43022 * .045* .04* .06* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42942 * .045* .03* .045* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42891 *Bridge * *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42809 * .045* .03* .045* SUMMARY OF REACH LENGTHS River: CLEAR CREEK kfk$f$YRfff##ffR#R#FR##RR#F#FFF#FRY#FR##Yi#RFFxRffxikf$xkx#kkkF#$ * Reach * River Sta. * Left * Channel* Right $F#kkkxRxfxRxfkfxxxYYRR #R###Y##RYRSks#fYYf ##x#xfYM $#Ykx#kf#k#k#M# *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 44683 * 174.98* 220.94* 250.28* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 44462 * 516.63* 507.6* 497.7* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43955 * 347.16* 360.32* 366.5* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43594 * 364.86* 380.8* 400.24* *ABOVESHERIDAN * 43214 * 188.82* 271.23* 375.91* *ABOVESHERIDAN * 43022 * 81* 80* 87* *ABOVESHERIDAN * 42942 * 159.1* 133.31* 129.01* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42891 *Bridge * *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42809 * 71.23* 51.32* 11.49* SUMMARY OF CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION COEFFICIENTS River: CLEAR CREEK * Reach * River Sta. * Contr. * Expan. *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 44683 * .3* .5* *ABOVESHERIDAN * 44462 * .1* .3* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43955 * .1* .3* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43594 * .1* .3* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43214 * .3* .5* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 43022 * .1* .3* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42942 * .3* .5* *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42891 *Br idge *ABOVE SHERIDAN * 42809 * .3* .5* HEORAS %a1I:PROPO RIOBCIW 5137 GIFARCftEH( R ABOVE TEAR ReecO zu RlvaSta Fmflb QT OTNeI .Cho N'ptG W.S. E3ev C01 W.8. EG. EIw EG.51opa Vel CJtnl FbRAtet Top YAOM Fmu4e#CN ~ (a4 (N 6U (N (N 8Bfl) (NS) MR) ASOVESHERIOAN 41683 108YEAR 1L 20.00 5297.00 530892 530892 531283 0.065013 16.40 14951 0.94 ABOVE9IlER1OAN 44462 100.YFAR 10.5211,00 S29A00 5306.99 5306.98 5311.02 O.OD5126 19.53 158.51 0.95 ABOVESHER3OAN 43955 f00.YEAR 14520.00 i290.W 530.A19 5303.19 0.004994 18.d4 167.51 0.93 ABGVESHERIDAN 43594 IOo-Y 14520.00 62W,99 530159 5404.70 0.003834 1894 217.38 484 ABOVE SHERIOAN 43214 loot R 14520.00 6296.00 5300.35 5302.93 0905080 16.64 2 201.70 0.73 ABOVESHERIDAN 100-YEAR 1452400 6293.00 5900.32 529521 5301.47 0901828 9.98 690.01 0.44 ABOVE SHERIOAN 42942 108YEAR 1452090 5281,90 5300.35 629322 530193 0.000801 8.64 21M.0 325.90 039 ABOVE SHERIDAN 42891 B659e ABOVE SHERIOAN 100YSAR 14520.00 5281.60 5299.62 5293.66 5WQW O900T15 825 20422 437 HEGRAS B3an:RROPOSEO Rives GTPNRpIF9( Re4tlc ABOVEBI9334UN RoN¢100-YEAR RO#0 R Sh P,Ofle EG.EW W.S. Ekv WH FrtNt OBEIms Qltlt QCOmme1 QRiaM Top Witlth N) (N (N (R) m) l~7 (e35) (as) (N ABOVE SH DAN 44841 100,YEAR 531283 530892 3W 1.13 O.Ot 35]828 992284 1019.08 149.51 ABOVE SHERIDAN 49462 100.YEAR 5311A2 5306.98 4.84 155 090 198 &158.96 5159.83 156.51 ABOVESHERIOAN 9055 160 YEAR 530127 530119 4.08 1,57 435 23029 10992.42 33W29 167.51 ABOVE SHERIDAN 43$94 t04YFAR Sm." 5301.79 2.91 1.67 0.10 327429 7619.99 3525.73 217.36 ABOVE SHERIDAN 43214 t00.YFAR 5302.93 540035 258 0.74 0.71 dfi01.23 9050.55 1899.22 201.70 ABOVEBHERIDAN 430E 106YEAR 5301.47 5300.32 1.16 0.09 0.05 30.52.64 9565.95 1501.41 598.01 ABOVE 6HERIDAN 42942 100-YEAR 5301.33 5300.35 0.98 743.49 11981.81 1009.70 325.98 ABOVE SHERIDAN 42891 e#09e ABOVE SHERIDAN 42808 100.YEAR 530D.53 5299,32 091 0.04 0.02 883.W 12MG.91 160931 201.22 SITE DRAWING s WI S s VALLEY PROP 6695 WEST 48TH AVENL WHEAT RIDGE, COLORA SHEET 1 OF 1 6 1 ate s~ des 1t~ ~ W. 4th Awe. erst ate 7Q 4 Mp tl/ ,y T L ~ 0 ~ "x► C UD N ~ D ~ ~ ~ ® t7 ~ p ~ ~ ~ W, 44th Ave, C~ • Part of Lots 9 and 10, Wheatridge Heights and Legend P® ~ I r r - - N1 a .~.R ✓"~'K ~I / 7 I f .2 ~ { I 1 G, ~`J . ~',~t. ~ _.:~M. ~ ~ ! l.. nn...... I~ J k~ ~ r M1 r ~ j e: i ~ / ~..w !I jr f t~ r ~ _ i n 4 ~ r° ~ ~r~ter of Section 14, ~ ' _ ~c~te of cic~rad©w I E f "`~m~ i r ~ , r , . . . . . . . . . . i ~ r j~ '.,.:pJ l,W~ ~ _ i f ~ It / .r J A. ~ - \n . ~ ~ r, ..1! i . i i r' / , ~ E j "71i, ~ '"a~ i". V ~_s~, C: it E t~,..l.._ ~,it.a' / i i / '/~4~ / ~ J i _ .'tel. / ~ y) ~ ! ~ / r J ~ I ~Nb k~ ~ i N r r^^.. I ~ i ~ fi.. S. /i f / / i ~ f f~.~.~r~~ ~~v %l ~ , ~ i ~ ~ i~ .i" t` ,r ~`k ~ ; r ~ k r~ ' NOTES: ~ ~ ~x~ ~~.a~ ~ .F 1... 'k i ~ ~ 1. EXISTING ELEVATIONS PROVIDED BY CBM SURVEYS, INC., RANDY FORTUIN, PLS 27263 I r ~ ~ . W ~ , 2. FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION IS THE 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN BASED ON INFORMATION FROM THE FLOOD HAZARD DELINEATION STUDY PREPARED BY ICON ENGINEERING, INC. DATED APRIL 2007 3. FLOODWAY LIMITS ARE LOCATED OUTSIDE PROPERTY BOUNDARY. } z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` , ~ ~ i ~ i - rrj rt . o~~. ,...■.n.w e...~.. a+.~n... ..~.iwd.i. ,ww+,..... •as~~ wro.s r''N { i' `x in w f'" ` ~ ,ti' % r ~d~ ~~-Xis ti? / Y f % ~ \.i~ ~ i l~, 4. ALL FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO ACHIEVE 95~ RE~Al1VE COMPACTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH - - ~ / J; ,~tl C ~ ` v ~ ~i ~ % 1'/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;l i~. ~ i- i i S I ~ { ~ ~t\ E i irui.r~r i ~ j ` t o4tp„ r, p. ,M1 J~ `rte / t i .r` ~ ~t f !.y ' 1 _3 ~ ;y~ ~ t ` , . P ~ ~ ~ F.,.... ~z ` `a ~ ~ 3 i.(~?!~' , v . 1 - `;E j i ~ 4 ` ii . r r f' ~ 1~ \ i` f ~ 1 .....-d..,„„.~... { • .,...,,n-. i yy j `t r ! i % Y { ~ ~ i- y i t i - ~u,`i ~1 ~ ~1~1, i - `,t ; ~ .r ~ . ~ i 1 . , , 1 - ~ , ' ` rn w L,} P. l y ' , C~~ i rb ~ ~ i ,R w` ' ~i S ~y ^v 1 ,1.JA': r~ 1 ~ _ f i • ~111~ i i l r s ` t y t t t i ~'a • ; R"T 1 t f f i' • '`~I • ~ - i _..,_....w.. l F w~.. _ ~j ` .J .6 ~ ~ m_,. ~ ~ ~ E , ~ r,,. ~ r I' ~ 1 I r ~ ~ ` ~ . ~ ! . F ~ _,t.~ F i , v ~ J , k ~ ~ s f j ` 4 ' ~ v a ~ ~I ~ ~ i 1 ~ i :d r ` w ~n i t~,nN~ Y. ~ ~,_.lt ~ 1 11 ' ~ „r..... ~ ~ f,/ frJ ~ mommommalm- AV AT r~ -2L -W i 0, a t Date. u '"9- 03- 09 k i SHEET I OF 1 Hill l; A o Q 3 g, p p A2 o MARSH a °~ZONE BREAK s p 532a 5330 vi/ 32p y 30 L M -70 * F A 0 0 „ _ _ V °5330. - Z ^ 532D r 320_1 O 0 I IV R- UJI (n O~ 20 75+00 W W w O :3 cl) OI \53p0 .l. O 5350 _ ~'0 1 EES 3 D 5320 O II 5310 335. • ~ 1 1 1 W - f/ 5305 J~0 5 G ~ p II h / O 0 0o zoo I'IORTt1 ~ v DATUM: 1988 NAVD DRAWN URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I C-j(0) N BASE MAPPING PREPARED BY Doe L \ MAP WORKS. AERIAL FLIGHT DESIGNED JEFFERSON COUNTY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DATED (/21/05 cod CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER CRY OF ARVADA ENGINEERING, INC. eoosewrwe.so-gs~rt.3m,vgk..A6coroe CHECKED GOLDEN w51DNS nPPR 06-015-CLR-415-4 Ddw CITY F me-«3o31zaov~zi Fa.,3o31zaroro CLEAR CREEK FLOOD HAZARD AREA DELINEATION PLAN STA. 424+00 TO STA. 455+00 o~ DATE APR 2007 SHEET 18 ~ TOPOGRAPH 1 Part of Lots 9 and 10, Part of the S.E. 1 /4 of Sect County of Jefferson BASIS OF BEARING; i t v - i i ~ Bearings are based on the Southerly line of of ~ M ..r'""~ . Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P Ridge Control Diagram). ,r. ~,,.r • _ i - • - - ~ ~ i _ . C ~t L, PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: E . , ~ . ASPH~ Part of Lots 9 and 10, Wheatridge Heights and IAA Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P Containing 1.287 acres, more or less. i i M _ ~ y J I ~ _ z ' ~ ~ ,S~ C (The property shown hereon is based on the Su May 27, 1997) ~ H At t N . ~ L / , . ~ f• ; ; . i / ~ / / ; ' r- / - ' y ~ _7 71TLE COMMITMENT NOj~ FOUND ~ MAIL ' - ~ ~ / ~ . ~ . - / , 3 / - AND- BRASS / ~ % , ~ _ S it This land survey plat was performed WITHOUT th f - / / % / / i/ ~j ~ j / / - ownership of record, right-of-way ar easement prior to any construction or transaction of pro SURVEYOR'S STATF~ENT: /I . / / , / / ' / / / f • ~ • / F n i " - STORM INLET / , ; ~ , , / ~ sir, 595.9 / ~ s i r / • ~ ~ / / . / i t ~ I, Randy F. Fortuin, a Registered Professional La 3 _ / / ,l / i hereby state that the Topographic survey repres . / 1 1' / ~ / % / , f~ i % / % / - / / /r i. / / / i / .i / i :ASPHALT. ~ / • ~ - ~ - i. i. / / / . r i - , / • / / r . . - ; / / ~ / ~ 1 i / i : i-' . ' - ~ / is / f ; ~ j i / F % f. Y ■ - - - ~ : % / / / i .f / / / . : / ' / / / / / ~ J . . ~ / _ ~ } V~ ~M11 1 rA ~i✓y ~ eeAA~ lr~rgs [dry, `~y' ;1yk f~r~.i, . ~ ♦ ~~V i i..i~~ ~M V~4F ~ V11 an the c~rth bridge abutment can the apt side of ~ tel. ~ _ ~ ~ , { ASPHALT BLOCK WALL • ~ NAB.. with an evatit~n of 5►3~ ?.8 feet ~h~A~ID~-}. 'v, w - ~ - ~ ~ ~ S N ~ CON.~RET~ . _ ~ . . . s~9~ ~ ~ S? \ ~ s?~ _ 9 S h~'9~ d ASPHALT _ ~ ~ 1 WALL ~ pCONCA: S~ , e~ AR ~ 4j~?~,' l G DEN ~ v ?9 0 ~ _ ~ o t, i N . tC. 1 F '4~ 1'' OD o~ _ ~ GoNC. . ,~J/~, . 3 Y ' ~5~9$ ~ ~ .o - 5302 > _ o > ~ \ p ' l J P~ r X302 i f _ C ~ 5302 5302 • - 53p1 BLOCK WALL ~s3 h~ ~ , s~ o 589'43'20 87.60' ) ~ ~ ~ 1 8301 0 a s. • o o~ 4 0 ; o `E . o `CONC..s ~ o ~~p3 r~ i- co so F \ S2 99 J ~ b 1, ~l S89'46'55~Y 99.89' '9.89' / ~ ~ ~~o = 5 p8 0 S 9' 1 u Ill METAL FENCE 5298 % ~ t 1 5298 ~ / / t 1 5299 ~p,~ ~~~y g"~~ 589' '06'W 2 . 1 1~ d z / 10.01 ' m S2 8 F ~ ~ ~ _ r, s _ l -L. i _ _ + 1 °1 , 1 = 4 t L yr~~ - s .r. r ~i ~ it N Flo, 1 o i-~~~ ~ V `O iMiiTir► V V►~ T iri.~.Lr7~i A/.Yif T iViJ~i 720-3 13-V376 V oI~ 2 Z TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY J 6695 West 48th Avenue FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX Part of Lots 9 and 10, Wheatridge Heights FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX SOUTHEAST Ya CORNER TO SECTION 14 SOtJili Y CORNER TO SECTION 14, PLS 13212 ~ IN MEDIAN NEAR SOUTH BOUND LANE OF 3 PLS 13212 AT THE INTERSECTION OF PIERCE ST. AND WEST 48TH AVE. Part of S.E. 1/4, Sec. 14, T3S, R69W, 6TH P.M. WADSWORTH BLVD. S89'•/.,;20'W 516.99* [MEASURED] SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF SEC770N 14 WEST 48TH AVENUE County of Jefferson, State of Colorado SURVEYS i BASIS OF BEARING 589'43'20"W 2625-24' [MEASURED] Drawn: RIB Date: 05-11-2009 Scale: 1"=20' Sheet Check: JI' Job Number: 1610 161 DTOPO.DWG 1 of • RECEPTION NO. F0433664 47.50 Pat Oool-003 ✓ 230 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 6/25/97 10145:05 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED 0 THIS DEED, made effective this f,2eday of June, 1997, from SWISS SOCIETY OF 2 D~ DENVER, a Colorado non profit corporation, formerly known as Swiss Society of Denver, an I~ J !Y a unincorporated benevolent society ("Grantor"), to SWISS VALLEY LTD. LIARELM CO. ("Grantee"), whose address is 6695 w. 48th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033: WITNESS, that Grantor, for and inconsideration ofthe sum of Three Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($315,000.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has gramed, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain. sell, convey and confirm unto Grantee, it+mocessors and assigns forever, all the improvements lying and being in and on the following real property located in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado: -006 SEE E)MMIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY 3~.56 REFERENCE. Also known as 6695 West 48th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033. TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, ;merest, claim and demand whatsoever of Grantor, either W in law or equity, oC in and to the above-bargained premises with the hereditaments and appurtenances tt (the "Property"); a~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property unto Grarueea, their successors and assigns forever. r" Grantor, for itself and its successors and assign, does covenaut and agree that it shalt and will c N = warrant and forever defend the Property in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee, its succcssors and assigns, against all and every person or pawn claiming the whole or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Special Warranty Deed as of the date first above written. SWISS SOCIETY OF DENVER, a Colorado non profit corporation, formerly (mown as Swiss Society ofDenver, an unincorporated benevolent society Nan,r,f 4!`vn5'n~ AMC' Title. Pe«I nc n SI" STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS: COUNTY OF~t~ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ba day of June, 1997, by rim ,L,6-as Pyq;t~jj,/y4- of Swiss Society of Denier, a Colorado non profit `c rporation, formerly (mown as Swiss Society of Denver, an unincorporated benevolent society. ,.'my Commission expires ; Witness my hand and ofiicia s NotaryPubfic _ rotwandt a\swdswl as. Wd EXHIBIT A O~ PARCEL A: THE NORTH 140 FEET OF TRACT 9, WHEATRIDGE HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL B: THE NORTH 100 FEET OF TRACT 10, WHEATRIDGE HEIGHTS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL C: THE NORTH 150 FEET OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS 175 FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE EAST 1/2 SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THENCE WEST 154.2 FEET, THENCE NORTH 400 FEET, THENCE EAST 154.2 FEET. THENCE SOUTH 400 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED IN BOOK 509 AT PAGE 299, AND A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT: "COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST WHICH IS 1252.52 FEET SOUTH OF THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION, AND FROM SAID POINT RUNNING SOUTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 14 TO A POINT WHICH IS 400 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION, THENCE WEST 417.33 FEET, THENCE NORTH PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 814 FEET TO A POINT WHICH 15 417.33 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION, THENCE NORTHEASTERLY TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING"; THENCE EAST 62 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF THE DENVER AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY. THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID WEST BOUNDARY LINE TO THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF THE LARGER TRACT OF WHICH THIS TRACT IS A PART. THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LARGER TRACT 97 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO; EXCEPT TWO PARCELS CONVEYED TO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO, BY SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 1815 AT PAGE 627. AND EXCEPT THAT PARCEL CONVEYED TO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO BY DEED RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 86029642. PARCEL D: A TRACT OF PARCEL OF LAND NO. 108-X REV. OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, DIVISON OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO, PROJECT NO. I 76-105! SEC. 1 CONTAINING 9,896 SQ. FT., MORE OR LESS, IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, SAID TRACT OR PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: RECEPTION NO. F0433664 3 BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS SOUTH 89 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 30 OF I6 MINUTES SECTION 30 SECONDS DISTANCE WEST. SECONDS WEST, T0 DEGREES LINE OF 516.8 FEET AND NORTH 0 ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT 9. WHEATRIDGE HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, A DISTANCE OF 481.1 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 14; 1. THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 70.0 FEET. A DISTANCE OF 46.3 FEET (THE CHORD OF THIS ARC BEARS NORTH, 83 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 45.4 FEET); 2. THENCE SOUTH 77 DEGREES 48 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF 2.2 FEET; 3. THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 490.9 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 146.1 FEET (THE CHORD OF THIS ARC BEARS SOUTH 69 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 145.5 FEET); 4. THENCE SOUTH 60 DEGREES 45 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF 68.0 5 , FEET TO . THENCE THE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY F RIGWAY HT LINE WAOF SH Y (APR. 70978) (APR. 1978), SOUTH 89 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 19.1 FEET; 6. THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE. NORTH 55 DEGRMINUTES EES 35 O ALONG SECONDS SAID WEST, RIGHT OF DISTANCE WYLINE, NORTH E75, THENCE CONTINUING DEGREES 41 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 84.0 FEET; B. THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, SOUTH 00 SAID RIGHT DISTANCE OF 50.0 DEGREES. THENCE 9 CONMINUTES TINUING O ALONG SECONDS DEGREES 42 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 100.3 FEET; 10. THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 16 MINUTES SO SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 81.1 FEET, MORE OR LESS. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. RECEPTION 140. F0433664 RECEPTION NO. F0433665 6.00 P9g 0001-002 230 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 6/25/97 Ior48e05 n 1 QUITCLAIM DEED U THIS DEED,......, /rte d . June 119 97 1 07b~ Swiss Society of Denver, a Colorado nonprofit IVA ►fY~ corporation, formerly known as Swiss Society of Denver, an unincorporated benevolent society I s c:.potadon duly orgagire0 and e>iNog mac utd by elms of 16e uws of the 4uw of Cdomde, ~ ~ D.nmo.ed _ Swiss Valley Ltd. Liability Co., a Colorado corporation whoa lWal Ndmx4 6695 West 45th Avenue, WheatRidge, Colorado 80033 of Ue -cmmyof Jefferson ,ameorcgm do,eaolu, s TNESSML Thal the gnml«, far and In oxsW fine of dr wm of **TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration, 100WAAA dmse¢iptavd sutTuienryofwhich i,bemby.dnoMedped. hmmmiscd,nkueQ sddeod QUITCLAISIED. ass byNapr,smu am,wiec rtlraac, x11 and QWITClAIM mmdr lemneq hisbdnaodaDimsfort,et op IIIC Ilgh4dde.felelen, ela~am demrM wnim megmvl«hm iR aM tothe rd pmpety Uge*x wild impm...% ifmy.,iuM lyintaad bmain the Coumyof sWS+ Jefferson sod SUmafC0W=d0,denibed-fd W } 6 A TRACI OF LAND DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS 175 FEET WEST AND 250 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE EAST RALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., THENCE NORTH 10 FEET THENCE WEST 124.2 FEET, THENCE SOUTH SO FEET, THENCE EAST 124.2 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. a al.o lmown by stmct end owpb. m N/A mxssorl scbsdule«pa.ml msmber. TO HAVg AND TO HOLD the wave, togethb Mm At end elnguar dae.ppuneoaeceaend pd.aege, thaams bela"iog,« in neywiec d ee appenabin, and all the emm right, file, ieaemt and deim slm .nfde Vemor,enhee U uw«.ceilx In dc mdY WWer o,e, beneCl and Wind pf the tp m hie be. and aeeigne forcer. Th. s.wAv Rumba e i Iude the plod, Ne plum Ue wyulu, VA the o¢ of Roy Vndee stall be .muable m.agmilem IN SVf EM The pmam bmmuvd'narnrpome mmeU lxhemuelo eabemibedb/(b prriame. end in ~^'9F.ed be affixed, anestedbyia Secelay' dU dysed yea, flm b. "Hem. Admt_! SWISS SOCIETY OF DENVER, a Colorado non- profit corporation, formerly known as n STATE OFCOIARADO m The arccgoim im4vmmtwmadmorlNgod bcfa,e me this. dwof June .1997 r,m;e,meotl b, ne Y: / S.~unD2AN'~-~.,~^ m Fuvnxir~l, snc to a .t 53i1 E~]nQ . bbid ..tenmedon. .)ebaa~d.~..~. ras.rneue nnudec:.,. U;Iba~..ea4~••tiS.IIR'IA[M D[tD(Glvalb) I, gMlaN Pub:..:.. 1113tyarse9. DeR.ct CG 10N]-(]91139]-]ddd- nAs i RECEPTION NO. F0433666 . 6.00 230 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO THIS DEED is made by PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES DEED (restate Estate) ~kU W as Personal Representative of the Estate of Frank L Gaber a/k/a Frank Ladko Gaber whoa legal address of the -County of , State of WHEREAS, the Lass Will and Testament of the above-tamed decedent was made and executed in the likime of the decedent, and is dated November 14 19 89 , which Will was duty admitted to (t KTA (informal)" probate on December 28 ,19 89 ,by Ole District Coun in and for the County of Jef£er as on , State of Colorado, Probate No. B9PR939 WHEREAS, Grantor was duty appointed Personal Represemadve of said Estate on May 7 19 99 , and is now qualified and acting in said capacity. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers conferred upon Grantor by the Colorado Probate Coda Grantor does hereby sell, comfy, assign, transfer and set over unto said Grantee (in joint tenancy)" (for and in consideration of "**ONE HUNDRED AND NO/100**___________________________________________ DOllars)'* (As the person entitled to distribution of the property in the above captioned Will)-- the following described real property situate in the County of Jrfforao , State of Colorado: NORTH 20' OF SOUTH 250' OF NEST 30' OF EAST 329.2' OF SOUTHEAST 1/4, SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 NEST OF THE 6th P.M., ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY COVERED BY TAR SALE CERTIFICATE 67771 W LL z lit C Z c c COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO also known by street and number as: N/A assessor's schedule or parcel number. With all appurtenances, subject to covenants, easemems and restrictions of record, and subject to general property texas for the year 19-&L!, and subject to NONE *and all prior years As used herein, the singular includes the plural and the plum//l the singular. Executed Jude 5 '1997 Virgil A. Boatright Permed Represimatin of the Estate of Frank L. Gaber, a/k/a Frank Ladko Gaber Devssed befora me alis 5th day of June , t9 97 Witness my hand and official seal. My wmmission expires Dec. 31. 1999 / -ua no+.bm'cur ~sri~o now.a Par 0001-001 6/25/97 1Os49t05 STATE OF COLORADO see _ COUNTYOF JEFFERSON by Virg11 A. Hoatrxgnt as Personal Representative of the Estate Deceased. Ial Ne.CPC46.RM.IAa. PFS+apH.WtLLVarsC'e.Thm'xsn~In.a,e) R .duns Rery,e 1743 W.&.Dm C 0201-(303)292.23m-2,% GpA,1119r] N CQ rv~ I Gya oQ ~o JEFFERSON COUNTY COLORADO REAL PROPERTY NOTICE OF VALUATION NOTICE DATE - MAY 1, 2008 THIS IS NOT A TAX BILL SWISS VALLEY LTD LIABILITY CO 4839 W BYRON PL DENVER, CO 80212 13111111111IllMiI111.111,111111,611111199,1211 Jim Everson Jefferson County Assessor 100 Jefferson County Pkwy Golden, CO 80419-2500 303-271-8600 - Information 303-271-8616 - Fax 303271-8601 - TOD Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Mon. through Fri. Protest Period Extended Hours: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM May 21 & 28 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM June 2 SCHEDULE NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY CLASS TAX DIST 197753 6695 W 48TH AVE MIXED USE 5279 3139 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUB . BLOCK LOT KEY SEC TWN RNG QS WHEATRIDGE HEIGHTS 830400 010 DOB 14 03 69 SE CURRENTYEAR ACTUAL VALUE PRIOR YEAR ACTUAL VALUE CHANGE IN VALUE 405,100 405,100 0 ADDITIONAL LEGAL(S) EXIST Your property was valued as 4 existed on January 1 of the current year. Appraisal data used to establish values was from the 24-month period ending June 30, 2006. The tax notice you receive next January will be based on this value. If the senior citizen or disabled veteran property tax exemption applies to your property, it is not reflected in the value shown above. Your right to appeal the classification and/or value ends on June 2, 2008. Neighborhood sales used to develop residential Current Year Actual Values may be viewed at http•//assessorieffco.us PLEASE VERIFY THE PROPERTY INVENTORY BELOW (if any) AND NOTIFYTHE JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE IF ANY CORRECTIONS ARE NECESSARY. INVENTORY: DETAIL: CATEGORY: COMMERCIAL YEAR BLDG BUILT QUALITY 1 1969 AVERAGE 2 1965 AVERAGE SUMMARY: TOTAL BUILDINGS 2 GROSS AREA UNITS MAIN BASEMENT 1 10077 FLOOR STRUCTURE TYPE 02 OFFICE 01 SINGLE FAMILY TOTAL GROSS AREA UNITS MAIN BASEMENT 2 6180 7'd 20SF_ EEb EnE 2jagwJQ'4g est -I d9a:jo 60 LZ 2ny / r -'n 3 r J a CC PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT CORRECTED NOTICE/ABATEMENT 02-12 2009 BEW - Tax DIET. 3139 SCHEDULE NO. 197753 2008 TAXES PAYABLE 2009 6695 W 48TH AVE WHEATRIDGE HEIGHTS SCHOOL 14 03 69 SE 8760 010 DOB F0433665 SCHOOL GEN 37.0340 3,971. 14 03 69 SE 14000. 009 DOB SCHOOL END 11.2500 1,206- 14 03 69 SE 19036 215 COUNTY 14 03 69 SE 9888 385 79024593 CNTY GEN'L 15.6990 1,683.' DEV DISABL 1.0000 107.: R&B SRVCS 1.9000 203.' SOC SRVCS 1.2650 135-- CAP'TL E8P 1.0570 113.: LIBRARY 3.4250 367-: WHR 1-8300 196_: UDFCD .5280 56.f . - . . - UDFC'DSPLAT .0630 6.' . . : WFD 4.4000 471-: wsD _ssaa ss_: 80.0010 ASSESSED LAND & BLDG 107.330 107.250 ORIGINAL BILL 8,586.: ABATEMENT 6., TOTAL DUE 8,580.: SWISS VALLEY LTD LIABILITY CO BALANCE GOOD THRU 4-30-2009 4839 W BYRON PL DENVER, CO 80212 RECEIPT - 021209000000 - REVERSE ey.-]E ° R.. T Qi,J 6 'd 2OSE 661, COE ~J201WJD1S ester da~cin on s,.~~... erson COun ;Treasurer 00 J0oersc:! Count' PYV Y lac. cQ so4: -252 .z3-271-833:; PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT TAX NOTICE oenc OM4 TAYCC DAVARI G InnO DOING BUSINESS AS: PROPERTY LOCATION: VACANTLAND FIN. INST. SEC.TWN.RNG. QTR. SQ_FT.LAND BLK LOT KEY BOOK PAGE AX AUTHORITY TAX LEVY TAX AMOUNT SCHOOL 14 03 69 SE 610 088 F0433666 SCHOOL GEN 37.0340 7-41 SCHOOL BND 11.2500 2-25 COUNTY CNTY GEN'L 15.6990 3.13 DEV DISABL 1.0000 .20 RSB SRVCS 1.9000 .38 SOC SRVCS 1.2650 .25 CAP'TL EXP 1.0570 .21 LIBRARY - 3-4250 .69 WHIR 1.8300 .37 UDFCD .5280 "11 UDFCDSPLAT .0630 .01 wn 4.4000 .88 WSD .5500 .11 VACANT LAND PROPERTY VALUATION TAX ~Y LE Y 16.00 VALUATION ACTUAL ASSESSED So. V 000 L INN ASSESSMENT PERCENTAGE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: 7.96% ALL OTHER PROPERTY: 29.00% FULL AMOUNT DUE APRIL 30 16.00 LESS THAN ffiSOD MUST BE PAID IN FULL SWISS VALLEY LTD LIABILITY CO 4839 W BYRON PL DENVER CO 80212-1351 IL,1.11..~.,t.f...II..IJ...IL,II~d.►....IL~II~LL.JJd IF PAY!'d3 IN PERSON BRING cPMRE TAX NOTICE SEE REVERSE oIDE FOR FURTHER iNFOP-NATiON R-= AiN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR nECORDS 4'd ZDSE EEti EDE ~JagWJOIR es 1-1 dc;,:en an i~ 5nu . ...........a.r maw Corporation Office 1560 Broadway, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 894-2251 Total Fees: $50.00 Submit original and one copy Must be Typewritten ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION 1997108281-1 M. 00 SECRETARY OF STATE 05-13-9-1 L3.36:21 I/We the undersigned natural person(s) of the age of eighteen years or more, acting as organizer(s) of a limited liability company under the Colorado Limited Liability Company act, adopt the following Articles of Organization for such limited liability company: FIRST: The name of the limited liability company is Swiss Valley Ltd. Liability Co. / SECOND: The period of duration is perpetual. THIRD: The limited liability company is organized for any legal and lawful purpose pursuant to the Colorado Limited Liability Company Act. A more specific purpose may be stated: ownership and operation of real property. FOURTH: The street address of the initial registered office of the limited liability company is 6695 West 4EP Ave., Wheatridge, CO 80033, and the name of its proposed registered agent in Colorado at that address is Kevin C. Larson. FIFTH. The name and the business address of the initial manager is: NAME ADDRESS (include zip code) Kevin C. Larson P.O. Box 715, Indian Hills, CO 80454 l SIXTH: The name and address of each organizer is: NAME Mark A. Stormberg Kevin C. Larson Signed Signed ADDRESS (include zip code) 4839 W. Byron Place, Denver, CO 80212 P.O. Box 715, Indian Hills, CO 80454 rti~ ea.~ QOM C Q) r ° + U' t* o Y E =Qm UC = z o m a c o 3 6 Q N .7~ f a~~c ~a) o g00 . ~ _ _ 0) C a ~ a: - 0 5 .alas Q ~ Y r ~~rrnnrrL Mvc tom" _ r - a~ . Consultant ~x . - _ 1' s~;iza, R=~c oo~ x_37 x1'63" . - ~4~ it ~~~=as:~s, ~ r~u~a vul r One i~~s; r~P~~ nTraa rG C6=iJB3 X4'1$"E a CL=45 33- t - Seal v-z_ ?CRM :295.9' ' CITY OF ARUADA GOUNCII BILL NO, fii- I _ ANNEXATION ORDiNANC '1 S ....-rte. I ~ ~ E. ~A ~ I r~ i sir r kSPHAI ~ ~ L - ~ Project Title iI - i 1 ~ - , N ^J ( t 0 p i t P G ~ I - p ,i rrr t I~ t~ t ~s ~ ■i J I I J 1~ i f s-- I ri" CL S89'46'S5"l h'EiA~ FEivCt' P r' - - r i i~ r G G C) O Z a z Z 0 a U w U 0 w N LL F- 0 d = H u- I O w } S H U O g uj w O w w p O w 0 g ~ a w w Q-' Z J ~QQ ~ W Issue Date y F> p aU) W O Z September 02, 2009 Drawn By o LL °o O L W Z Author } J w H Approved By Approver Lu W FOUND 3 25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX SOUTH 4 CORNER TO SECTION 14, PLS 13:1iN MEDIAN NEAR FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGE BOX SOUTHEAST Y, CORNER TO SECTION 14 Tectonic Project Number 50UTH BOUND LANE OF WADSWORTH B! VD S89'43'20"W 516.99'(MEASUREDJ PiS 13212 AT THE INTERSECTION OF PIERCE ST_ AND (NEST 48TH AV 9q~~FA _ ROILCI 1FRi` jV_r, T ,-LTHPAST1Ia_n1-:SFCnnN,a WE5L4ET-H VENUE ci il +j Issue Title Review 1ti 7 Sheet Title y Site Plan U r F, r Sheet Number e~ ■ tectonic Architecture Construction Management management group, inc General Contracting 6695 West 48th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303.403.1128 September 2, 2009 Meredith Reckert AICP City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 290 Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 RE: Swiss Valley LLC Request for Variance 6695 W. 48th Ave. Building in a Flood Plain Dear Meredith, We appreciate the opportunity to submit this Request for Variance for the above referenced property. Our intent is to receive a variance on the property to allow the construction of a new duplex apartment to be built in an existing flood plain area. Under Section 26-115. Variances, item 2, we submit the following; a. A copy of the Special Warranty Deed is attached along with a Tax Statement b. No Power of Attorney is provided in that the Applicant is the Owner c. A copy of the Property Survey is included, d. Enclosed is some additional information for your review in the package from HVS Engineering. e. A proposed Site Plan has been provided for review indicating the proposed new structure and the existing well location. f Architectural Elevations have not been provided due to the nature of the variance. g. A Posting Certificate will be submitted at the hearing to the clerk. h. Other information: a. The Swiss Valley Property is a unique piece of land. The original single family residence was destroyed by an arsonist in late 2008. With the revisions to the flood plain maps from the city the property now has an area that occurs in the flood plain. Please see the attached Flood Plain Analysis for reasons to allow the construction of a new building in the flood plain. f~ I e, LAND USE CASE PROCESSING APPLICATION Community Development Department 7500 West 20h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Phone (303) 235-2846 (Please print or type all information) 763 Applicant U1^ Address &X 7/S Phone 697- 6763 City Jp- Nyih ~ S~ S State CO Zipg o Y-Ty Fax IPLC State CO Owner SWISS f~I~Nif>y "C- Address P0 63~ 7/~ Phone COr/ -(P& City / Ni0! l3' N f IiG S State _to Zip__ g# y Fax contact 1z"~ /vy_G• LA'1Q.SU'7't Address P. 40 g~ 71S- Phone ~o 't -17. ~ City POM-n/ /+/W r, State CG Zip U `i Fax Y-03- / t2 9 (The person listed as contact will be contacted to answer questions regarding this application, provide additional information when necessary, post public hearing signs, will receive a copy of the staff report prior to Public Hearing, and shall be responsible for forwarding all verbal and written communication to applicant and owner.) / Location of request (address): (M/ P/ Yb.y J„ 411 ° "r r ' ~yV CQ Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed below which pertain to your request): Application submittal requirements on reverse side ❑ Change of zone or zone conditions ❑ Special Use Permit ❑ Consolidation Plat ❑ Subdivision: Minor (5 lots or less) XFlood Plain Special Exception ❑ Subdivision: Major (More than 5 lots) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ❑ Right of Way Vacation ❑ Planned Building Group ❑ Temporary Use, Building, Sign ❑ Site Development Plan approval ❑ Variance/Waiver (from Section ) ❑ Other: Detailed docriptlon of request: iP U w I Required information: Assessors Parcel Number: Sc-14 & 19 7753 Size of Lot (acres or square footage): A z /a Z "s Current Zoning: /2. 2, Proposed Zoning: • Z Current Use: VACA-outr L/g {y!7 Proposed Use:_ IM-5- rJU 1-M I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons listed above, without whose consent the requested action cannot lawfully be accomplished. Applicants other than owners must submit power-of-attomeyppA theAwy7 which approved of this action on his behalf. W 1~ bs ribed and sworn to me this ~ day of 20 Signature of Applicant ?STATE % 69 ~RV PUSUC FCOtARADO lic My Commission Expires My commission expires August 14, 2011 To be filled out by staff: q / p Date received Fee $ E6 Receipt No. `)AeJ23-21 Case No. (NWF 6 / -O y Comp Plan Desig. Zoning Quarter Section MNaU 'S_ Related Case No. Pre-App Mtg. Date _ Case Manager Ge~'zl- City of LAND USE APPLICATION FORM WUNETYhDEVEIAPMEeatlIdTdge COMi4l Case No. WP0908 --1 Date Received 9/3/20097 Related Cases WA0909 Case Planner Reeked Case Description Class II Special Exception Permit ,+tpv,6rcavrf /lr/orvalwn Name, Kevin C. Larson Ji Name I J Phone (303]697.6763 I" Address P 21 ox715 City Indian Hills _ J State CO Zip 80454-__ _ Z7 m lf/nmra&W Name Swiss Valley, LLC j : Name Phone [303J 697.6763 Address P 0. Box 715 City Indian Hills _ _ J State CO Zip804547 Co vrfarf /irMrwa Jinn Name KevinC Larson J,. Name Phone ](303) 403-122 _ Address FU Box 715 p! City - Indian Hills State C0 ~ Zip 80454- J;. Pmjesf /ntnr~afmr;• Address 6701 _ Street West 48th Avenue Ci[y, Wheat Ridge State. CO Zip 80033 Location Description Project Name Parcel No. 139-144-99-003 QtrSection: SE14 Distrct NeeII__ _e~:' Resews Pre App Date F 7 Neighborhood Meeting Date F- App No Reviev4Type~r a,~e°>h= Re`iev"dy'°±aE i' o e im'1[ a p~! Y"" `a6omr~n z '"5'k"" xr,, Re~por' Public Hearing BOA 9/24/2009] r s G r~ , i t~aa re~r4+,,;r. .fWr zg+e rr.~xf tahyi 3.y*rnhwr-bra"`.'tro„ ~d r' r ° ~51.rm rv, t i rl 2l S 4 ~f / l ~ Ah E't ~f S h \ ~ tX ~ . ~ ~ J 2 Y k „~h tU ~ 1 Y:~~6G' to Y by ,r rM bk~ y`vfY ✓ r'' i _ u4 ~ v~~•'`u? @~ y}2; t i ~e ~ ~ ~66rz { tb k p ~ l o ~ ~ } t ~ 6 y, r ' A, qi 1 t i Mg l b ..1i g*4 K ^?`t 5~~~++ pT D~-spwsifia~ Case Disposition -4 Disposition Date Conditions of Approval Notes I I i ~r CITY OF UHEAT RIDGE 09/83189 1:42 PM edba Swiss Valley RECEIPT NO:CDA002321 AMOUNT FMSD ZONING APPLICATION F 848.08 ZONE PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK T127 84906 OTAL 840.80