HomeMy WebLinkAboutZOA-00-02INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER r ui i i o Council Bill No. 14-2000 RECEPTION HO. P1riE,' oa.t Ordinance No. 1193 6/09J2000 13:26:02 PG: 001-002 PAGE FEE: 10.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 Series of 2000 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORAD TITLE: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF 1J ( AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 26-25 (IV)(B)(2)(b) OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO (ZOA-00-02) WHEREAS, Section 26-25 (IV)(B)(2)(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws contains regulations pertaining to minimum lot size requirements for Planned Commercial Distrists, and WHEREAS, the Council wishes to amend the section as a result of recommendations of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 26-25 (IV)(B)(2)(b) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws is hereby amended as follows: Section 26-25 Planned Development Districts (ITWB)(?)(b) Area Each Planned C'onimercial Development District shall fx-crnrHrimE * one (1) acN-e have no minimum lot area requirement. Section 2. Safety Clause. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained. Section 3. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph. or part of this Zoning Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, suchjudgment shall not affect application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to 0 on this 8th day of May , 2000. ordered published in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final passage set for May 99 2000, at 7.00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado r RECEPTION ND. P'9.Or,')0Ih READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 7 to nthis 22ndday of May .2000 SIGNED by the Mayor on t ATTEST Wanda Sang, City Clerk I st Publication. May 12, 2000 2nd Publication. May 26, 2000 Wheat Ridge Transcript Effective Date June 10, 2000 C diarbara~C'CRPrS',RESO-ORD\zaa0002ord.wpd h ;S2 3 day of May , 2000 ~l TCHEN A OR APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GE LD DAHL, CITY ATTORNEY Ordinance No Page 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES: May 22, 2000 Page - 2 - PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING Item 1. Council Bill 13-2000 - An Ordinance amending the Wheat Ridge Code of laws concerning the definition of criminal menacing. Council Bill 13-2000 was introduced on second reading by Mrs. Worth, who also read the title and summary; Clerk assigned Ordinance No. 1192. Motion by Mrs. Worth to approve Council Bill 13-2000 (Ordinance 1192); seconded by Mrs. Shaver; carried 7-0. Item 2. Council Bill 14-2000 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of amendments to Section 26-25 (IV)(B)(2)(b) of Zoning Ordinance for the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. ZOA-00-02) Council Bill 14-2000 was introduced on second reading by Mr. DiTullio, who read the title and summary; Clerk assigned Ordinance No. 1193. Motion by Mr. DiTullio that Council Bill 14-2000 (Ordinance 1193) be approved on second reading; seconded by Mr. Edwards; carried 7-0. Item 3. Council Bill 12-2000 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of a rezoning from Restricted-Commercial and Commercial-One to Commercial-One for property located at 9709 West 44'' Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. (Case No. WZ-00-01) Council Bill 12-2000 was introduced on second reading by Mr. Hanley, who read the title and summary; Clerk assigned Ordinance No. 1194. Applicant, Marty Wineland, was sworn in by the Mayor; stated that he and his partners want to repair antique motorcycles in that building but need the rezoning before they are able to do that. Alan White was sworn in by the Mayor and presented the staff report. Agenda Item: Meeting Date: May 22, 2000 Ordinance/Motion: Ordinance Quasi-Judicial: No SUBJECT: Minimum Size Requirement for Planned Commercial Developments RECOMMENDATION: Approval on Second Reading SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND: Currently the zoning code requires all planned developments to be a minimum of one acre in size. The proposed ordinance deletes the minimum size requirement for planned commercial developments. All other planned developments retain the one acre minimum requirement. Planning Commission recommended approval of the ordinance at a public hearing on April 20, 2000. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Minutes 2. Planning Commission Staff Report 3. Council Bill N- dl- o DATE OF FIRST READING: May 8, 2000 DATE OF SECOND READING: May 22, 2000 ORIGINATED BY: Alan White STAFF RESPONSIBLE: Alan White SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move that Council Bill No. 114- , amending Zoning Ordinance Section 26-25 (I7V)(B)(2)(b) to delete the minimum lot requirement necessary to obtain a zoning designation of Planned Commercial District be approved. C:\MyFiles\WPFiles\CODE\pcdchange-cc2.wpd 2) Upon request of the City, the area marked as reserved for future right-of-way be dedicated by applicant to the City. 3) The city attorney will approve the language and/or documents required by the zoning ordinance requirement for unified control. The motion passed 8-0. B. Case No. ZOA-00-02: An application filed by the City of Wheat Ridge to amend Zoning Ordinance Section 26-25 (IV)(B)(2)(b) to delete the minimum lot requirement necessary to obtain a zoning designation of Planned Commercial District (PCD). The case was presented by Alan White. He reviewed the staff report which recommended approval of an ordinance which would eliminate the one-acre minimum lot size. Commissioner SNOW stated that she would like to see a requirement for site plans. She also referred to page 1748.2 and suggested there should be a provision to allow a requirement for larger setbacks. Mr. White stated he would take her recommendation forward to City Council after discussing the matter with the city attorney. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern that such a requirement could make the city more vulnerable to litigation. Commissioners THOMPSON and COLLINS felt the city should have some flexibility to place controls, especially in light of the many infrll situations that exist in the city. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON that the city attorney be consulted regarding the one-subject rule to determine if these additional requirements can be included in the ordinance and, if allowed, that it come forward on the planned commercial district. If it is determined that the requirements should be split up, or if the city attorney recommends that the change in language for additional power to the city really should be in a separate ordinance then the ordinance should include similar language in all three districts. If, in the meantime, Commission members have other specific suggestions, they should contact Alan White. The motion passed 8-0. 8. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS Planning Commission Page 4 April 20, 2000 City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Planning Commission FROM: Alan C. White, Planning and Development DirectorGu~ SUBJECT: ZOA-00-02: Planned Commercial Development Code Change DATE: April 12, 2000 History: On March 24, 2000, the City Affairs Committee discussed the issue of eliminating the one acre minimum lot size requirement for Planned Commercial Districts. During this meeting, staff was directed to initiate a change to the Zoning Ordinance Section 26-25 (IV)(B)(2)(b). As you know, the planned development process essentially customizes the permitted uses and development standards for a piece of property. It allows flexibility for the applicant, but provides the City with the opportunity to restrict uses and create more strict development standards, including design and architectural standards. This ability is critical for in-fill situations. We see it especially useful in commercial areas along 38th and 44`h Avenues where ownership is fragmented and assemblage for a large project would be almost impossible. Planned Commercial Districts allow a mixture of land uses on a piece of property and gives us the ability to require more screening, more landscaping, or no parking adjacent to residential uses. It is difficult to quantify how many additional PCD's might arise with the elimination of a minimum lot size requirement. It is likely there will be additional requests for rezoning properties for commercial uses along the major road corridors. Except in a few instances, most of these requests will involve small properties. Most of the corridors are already zoned one of the various commercial districts and the Comprehensive Plan calls for some of the commercial strips to shrink while others to remain. Rezoning applications would likely include requests for existing RC-1 or RC properties to be zoned at a higher district in order to expand the allowable retail sales uses. In such instances, the PCD option is much better than straight C-1 or C-2 zoning. There are no minimum size requirements for any of the commercial zone districts. In other words, someone can apply to rezone a 5,000 square foot lot to C-1. What can be done on that lot is a function of setbacks, landscaping requirements, and parking requirements. The feasibility of rezoning to PCD or any other commercial zone district for that matter, will be dependent upon setback, landscaping and parking requirements. By default, a minimum size will be determined based upon the size of the proposed use. The key is that the City retains the authority to approve or deny the rezoning to PCD. Recommendation: Because the PCD zone designation gives the City greater flexibility and development control, I would recommend that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the attached ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance Section 26-25 (IV)(B)(2)(b), eliminating the one acre minimum lot size requirement. C \Barbma\PCRPTS\zoa0002mport.wpd F tJHEAT r N;m CO<ORP00 Agenda Item: Meeting Date: Ordinance/Motion Quasi-Judicial: REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION May 8, 2000 Ordinance No SUBJECT: Minimum Size Requirement for Planned Commercial Developments RECOMMENDATION: Approval on First Reading SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND: Currently the zoning code requires all planned developments to be a minimum of one acre in size. The proposed ordinance deletes the minimum size requirement for planned commercial developments. All other planned developments retain the one acre minimum requirement. Planning Commission recommended approval of the ordinance at a public hearing on April 20, 2000. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Staff Report 2. Council Bill DATE OF FIRST READING: May 8, 2000 DATE OF SECOND READING: May 22, 2000 ORIGINATED BY: Alan White STAFF RESPONSIBLE: Alan White SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bill No. on first reading, ordered published, public hearing to be set for Monday, May 22, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in city Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days after final publication." C:\MyFiles\ W PFiles\CODE\pcdchange-ce.wpd Q ~lHEAT REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION COCORA00 Agenda Item: Meeting Date: May 8, 2000 O rdinance/Motion: Ordinance Quasi-Judicial: No SUBJECT: Minimum Size Requirement for Planned Commercial Developments RECOMMENDATION: Approval on First Reading SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND: Currently the zoning code requires all planned developments to be a minimum of one acre in size. The proposed ordinance deletes the minimum size requirement for planned commercial developments. All other planned developments retain the one acre minimum requirement. Planning Commission recommended approval of the ordinance at a public hearing on April 20, 2000. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Minutes 2. Planning Commission Staff Report 3. Council Bill DATE OF FIRST READING: May 8, 2000 DATE OF SECOND READING: May 22, 2000 ORIGINATED BY: Alan White STAFF RESPONSIBLE: Alan White SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to approve Council Bill No. on first reading, ordered published, public hearing to be set for Monday, May 22, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in city Council Chambers, Municipal Building, and if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days after final publication." Q\MyFiles\ WPFiles\CODE\pcdchange-ec.wpd 2) Upon request of the City, the area marked as reserved for future right-of-way be dedicated by applicant to the City. 3) The city attorney will approve the language and/or documents required by the zoning ordinance requirement for unified control. The motion passed 8-0. B. Case No. ZOA-00-02: An application filed by the City of Wheat Ridge to amend Zoning Ordinance Section 26-25 (IV)(B)(2)(b) to delete the minimum lot requirement necessary to obtain a zoning designation of Planned Commercial District (PCD). The case was presented by Alan White. He reviewed the staff report which recommended approval of an ordinance which would eliminate the one-acre minimum lot size. Commissioner SNOW stated that she would like to see a requirement for site plans. She also referred to page 1748.2 and suggested there should be a provision to allow a requirement for larger setbacks. Mr. White stated he would take her recommendation forward to City Council after discussing the matter with the city attorney. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern that such a requirement could make the city more vulnerable to litigation. Commissioners THOMPSON and COLLINS felt the city should have some flexibility to place controls, especially in light of the many infill situations that exist in the city. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON that the city attorney be consulted regarding the one-subject rule to determine if these additional requirements can be included in the ordinance and, if allowed, that it come forward on the planned commercial district. If it is determined that the requirements should be split up, or if the city attorney recommends that the change in language for additional power to the city really should be in a separate ordinance then the ordinance should include similar language in all three districts. If, in the meantime, Commission members have other specific suggestions, they should contact Alan White. The motion sassed 8-0. 8. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS Planning Commission Page 4 April 20, 2000 City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Valerie Adams, City Manager FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director ^ SUBJECT: Planned Development Code Change DATE: March 24, 2000 oU OF WHEAT P U m 0OC pR Ado The City Affairs Committee has directed staff to initiate a change to the zoning code to lower the minimum size parcel required for a rezoning to Planned Commercial Development. The current requirement is that a parcel must be one acre in size to be eligible for rezoning to any planned development district, including residential,, commercial, or industrial. You requested that we analyze this proposed change. Attached is a zoning map with the current PCDs indicated in black. We have not indicated any other type of planned development on the map. As you know, the planned development process essentially customizes the permitted uses and development standards for a piece of property. It allows flexibility for the applicant, but provides the City the opportunity to restrict uses and create more strict development standards, including design and architectural standards. This ability is critical in infill situations. We see it especially useful in commercial areas along 38" and 44`h Avenues where ownership is fragmented and assemblage for a large project would be next to impossible. PCD allows a mix of land uses on a piece of property and gives us the ability to require more screening, more landscaping, or no parking adjacent to residential uses. It is difficult to quantify how many additional PCDs there might be with a reduction in the minimum size requirement. It is likely there will be additional requests for rezoning properties for commercial uses along the major road corridors. Except in a few instances, most of these requests will involve small properties. Most of the corridors are already zoned one of the commercial districts and the Comprehensive Plan calls for some of the commercial strips to shrink and others to remain. Rezonings would likely include requests to rezone existing RC-1 or RC properties to a higher district to expand the allowable retail sales uses. In such instances, the PCD option is much better than C-1 or C-2. Two issues need to be decided: 1) the minimum size requirement and 2) should the minimum size requirement be extended to other types of planned developments (PRDs, PIDs)? here are no minimum size requirements for any of the commercial zone districts. In other words, someone can apply to rezone a 5,000 square foot lot to C-1. What can be done on that lot is a function of setbacks, landscaping requirements, and parking requirements. Any minimum size requirement can be expressed as either a portion of an acre or square feet. Below is a list of acreage and square foot equivalents: 1/2 acre 21,780 s.f. 1/3 acre 14,518.5 s.f. 1/4 acre 10,890 s.f. 115 acre 8,712 s.f. A parcel below 10,000 square feet seems too small to consider for a rezone to PCD, but it can be considered for a rezone to RC-1, RC or C-1. Should there be a minimum size for a PCD if there isn't one for any other commercial district? If variances to the minimum size can be requested, it doesn't make much sense to have a minimum size requirement. There are minimum lot size requirements for the residential zone districts which, in turn, determine a minimum size of a rezoning request based upon the number of lots being requested. There should be a minimum requirement for a PRD and one acre is appropriate. All industrial rezonings must be to PID (no additional rezonings to I are permitted). There probably shouldn't be any industrial uses on lots less than an acre in size. The one acre minimum requirement for a PID is appropriate. Recommendations: Keep the minimum acreage requirement for rezoning to PRD and PID at one acre. Delete the minimum one acre requirement for rezoning to PCD._ The-feasibility of rezoning to PCD, or any other commercial zone district for that matter, will be dependent upon setback, landscaping and parking requirements. By default, a minimum size will be determined based upon the size of the proposed use. The key is that the City retains the authority to approve or deny the rezoning to PCD. C: W yFiles\ W PFf les\CODF\pdchanges.wrd. fa~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on April 20, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. ZOA-00-02: a request to amend Zoning Ordinance Section 26-25 (IV) (B) (2) (b) to delete the minimum lot size requirement necessary to obtain a zoning designation of Planned Commercial District (PCD). XJli t,GYc~tG~. VJ-~X~1 Barbara Delgadillo, Se for Secretary ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Cl To be Published: April 14, 2000 Wheat Ridge Transcript C:\Barban\PCRPTSPLANGCOM\PUBHRG1000420pub#2.wpd City Affairs Meeting April 3, 2000 Attendance: Council members, Jerry DiTullio, Ken Siler, Odarka Figlus; absent, Claudia Worth. Other attendees: Mayor Cerveny, Valerie D. Adams, City Manager, City Clerk, Wanda Sang and Alan White, Planning Director. 6:00 p..m. Mr. Loecher. Start time: 5:45 p.m. CHANGES TO ZONING CODE REGARDING PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, CTCD") Discussion ensued concerning Planned Commercial Development, (PCD). Recommend that the requirements for PCD one acre minimum be eliminated. (Memo, Planning Director, March 24, 2000) Councilman Ken Siler inquired about the current code requirements for PCD. The Planning Director explained the reasons for the requested change. This change does not require a property owner to do PCD, it just gives property owners options. This change is being recommended because it gives the property owner options to do a more quality development that it will work on a piece of property that has some size and geographical challenges. PCD zoning allows the staff to write the requirements based upon the development and not be held to restrictions that would make the development hard to do. Questions were raised concerning the property owners rights to ask for a variance, instead of changing the PCD size requirements. The Planning Director acknowledged that this is an option, but the proposed change to PCD zoning would better serve the property owner to ensure that their development would be built to fit the unique circumstances of the property and land use. There was some discussion concerning the difference between certain types of zoning # PCP. Other zoning classifications have certain restrictions, where PCD allows the property oWper to. work with the property based upon the type of development and uses. Council member Figlus asked for a consensus to request that staff prepare the changes to PCD zoning, as recommended in the memo; send the changes to Planning Commission and back to Council as soon as possible. Vote was 3 in favor, l absent. 6:10 p.m. Council member Siler moved for adjournment, seconded by Council member Figlus, unanimously approved by voice vote. 0 C) 0 0 0 0 0 6° 0 0 °O 0 0 0 0 0° O °O 0 0 °O O O 0 0 0 0 0° O O O° O O 'D 0° 0° O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0° 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 00 0 0 ° o 0 0° 0 , 0 0 O O 0 N O O O°` N N .°0 O N O 0 0 0~ 0 0 0 0 ' c0 r °p 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 to 6 0 0, a0 0 O CD Cl O O Q 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 ,0 Ul ° O 0 0 0 0 0 N 'r n a, Q C) co d) T cn Rl N - N_ N N O` _ N V m N_- d) N 0 0 O O 0 0~` 6` 0' m 0 Q co m r r r r r r r O .~0 `°ro 'D NC .D T co r • N N 0 0 0 0 0 V' d) `n 111 n N n fl Ifl In Jl n Q (c) D cs p I I I Z In D 2 m N W O O ~ r `n Z Z O 0 O t- F O - p LY D IS) cl N Z W= z C) ~ w N F z w kn ~ a z w a o 0 o w z z 'n (Y F Z O~ 3 3 F w ~ m w Z< N z z z < cl_ < w w LS) Z Z z °z OZ < Z ° LL m m w¢ a w 3 O C) O 3 w? _ ~sl UJ r¢ oz 0 w p W p fy w E S) U Q y m Z = w< N 3 0z r< < H d¢ O z« O w w LY < z« 3 N 2 O O a D- O O Z Z f w y y w n O LD LL i W woo OU U IN m<< N>- r 3 3> d Fw- 'n sY O p, O Z E J Q? = tD U- w U m< i=n < NN r X X 3 3>> F- F- N fY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ PCD ZONING Fl uNINCORP JEFFCO PID A-2 m I 1 PN PO - UI kl GI Ml wax GI PC h PD s PID 42 Pm PIP m GI LI w PIO P® M2 A-I aan nYE w 1 ai P® ` p✓° PP PD Y ~ PID e y ~ I A•I PC PIP som nrF A-I z A-I UNINCOR JEFFCO M2 n o-1 LAKEW000 A-I ~MI F A-I w R•x l R ~1 7 MI ID Llpp J ~ 61 FI I amore I ~R~n,R-2 ne W.52ND AVE ILI ARVADA N' W.48TH AVE i ao Iff LAKE RHODA .J 41 _ G mev J.,_,x nve t- GI '~-J 41 ° G~ % .ry"~ MnfN' YJ: 5 » 1 6 G GI _ ~ GI 4 GI RC GI° W.- ~ R4 y 1 LL> LI A-I~° _ s Pm lo-l O "wl ga mUU z rac u~ GI r'~_ W.44TH AVE A-I G R 33 .I GI ~fI~ w I ~~Iix R{ y2 E FBI 5 ~ ~ ~ uuj , R-2 a E3 ~ 0. ° ~ ~ I u ~'r ~ ~ rl x Ra l'~ 42-__'~4,~ 3 i 61 ~N~ °,3 MOUNTAINVIEW W.415T AVE R - sr>e IA1 IB HD G, R-1 ry'ry V t w s D Y d W uaNi RI L3 D.y 4 i' m+0. W ~ x FI sam nre S ~ R-I r ~0 % aY ~P ~ GI QiCm vE &9 w ue O 3 .M1~ ~ ~ ~ o-l N R-i R.C GII °rimm NI - Rm k 2~ s x n `Y P - 41 RC ui ES LLLYYY II II _ W.38TH AVE R-S GI >'im J>~it A. ` >'ml eve ~ LI ~ x r R{ ' - ~ x U » GI I 0 2 Ixl a sc P• ° w ~i1nCn .4-IC / x G w ~ alm 1t r!3)M 'n G m 'y FW n xm n ~ ~ w R-I Pp0 .W, B° x ~ R& nr p l t n , ~ 41 ~ wmm: ~ t ~ ~ IIU VGS ~ ` ~ ~ w A 1[ PHD Rs r O m LJLJ W,35TH AVE 62, R-IC » w >sm nre 6A,,m a . ,~M e» w 4 ° w, Ra l 4 - w ,}M4 a Ms, 1 i w R•1 n 0 &I Nord _2."~~' a ~ ~ ~.3 ^ `AI N, . ~~1 V ~Yl ~~O °ra~ . mx 9~ v ~ G PRJ W.32ND AVE I.AKHNOOD =~~si nr - -I ® R-I ~ u~ ~ Ic ° CIT) OF WHEAT 0GE SP; 14.29TH AVE I ZONING MA Ro• ¢I ^ y 4 xuzr.~m a ~ Ri9 ~~4 ~ G w~em na ` GI fee ~ ~ ~ N W.26TH AVE Last Date Modified: February 9, 1999 Case No.: FoA0002 I Quarter Section Map No.: ' App: Last Name: _ ity of Wheat Ridge Related. Cases: None. App: First Name: Case History: mend Zoning Ord. Owner: Last Name: o Section delete 26 the e minimum muum lot m lot , Owner: First Name: size requirement App Address:- Review Body: PC 4-20-00_ City, State Zip: App: Phone: 303-235.2844 APN:~ Owner Address: I 2nd Review Body: City Council_ City/State/Zip: 2nd Review Date: 51812000. _ Owner Phone: ! Decision-making Body: City Council Project Address: Approval/Denial Date: prd ue c( 5122/2000 Street Name: _ City/State, Zip: Reso/Ordinance No.: ~N_ V Case Disposition: I Conditions of Approval: ' Project Planner. hite District: l _ File Location: yse~ L.iAScO Date Received: /4/2000 Notes: Follow-Up: Pre-App Date: t-