Council Bill No. 1n_,)nn3
Ordinance No. 1284
Series of 2003
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted regulations pertaining to the screening
of outdoor trash storage areas, and,
WHEREAS, the regulations are unclear and open to different interpretations, and.
WHEREAS, the City wishes to clarify and simplify the regulations,
Section 1.
Section 26-123 Definitions is hereby modified with the following language
Dumpster: A receptacle used for the collection of trash.
Recycling collection dumpster: A receptacle located on commercial, public or
quasi-public property used by the community for the deposit of materials to be
recycled. The materials being recycled can include, but not be limited to,
newspapers, aluminum, glass and plastic containers, laser and inkjet cartridges,
copier cartridges and telephone books. Recycling collection dumpsters must be
clearly labeled with the type of materials allowed for deposit, the company or
organization name and contact telephone number.
Section 26-614 is hereby modified with the following language
A. Trash storage for all existing and new multi-unit dwellings, institutional buildings,
all business and industrial buildings or uses and agriculturally-zoned properties shall be
accommodated within the structure, or if located outside
1 Shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from ai jaeeiit any public streets.
2. r adjaeont I density residential dwellings within a hundred (100) feet ..r
the tFash sterage area, Shall be screened when located within one hundred (100) feet of any
one- or two-family residential structure.
If screened by a fence or wall, a fence permit and site plan shall be required, and such screening
shall be by a decorative wall or fence six (6) feet in height. The en :asme ....._en 'l- O. - nee
shall i- be e.............-a Dumpsters and the required screening shall
not be located within five feet of combustible walls, openings, or combustible roof eave lines.
The required screening shall be se as to pretest protected from damage by normal removal and
replacement of the dumpster by a trash truck. Maintenance will be required if the exelesure
screening is damaged and/or dilapidated, or in need of repair, and the area around the ensure
screening shall be kept cleat} free of junk and trash.
B. In no instance shall trash enelesares screening be permitted toenereaek rnte srght
distance triangle s become a sight, traffic, or safety obstruction for driveways or street corners.
No such enelesure screening shall displace required parking spaces, or landscaping, unless
reviewed and approved by the Director of planning and development Community Development
as an administrative variance after considering all reasonable alternatives. An administrative
variance, to the prior sentence only, shall follow the procedures set forth in section 26-115, but
shall not be limited to the ten percent (10%) provisions thereof.
C. One- and two-family residential structures in residentially zoned areas dwellings
prepeaies, shall net be are permitted to have large trash dumpster no larger than one (1) cubic
yard in size. larger, a of f size a type ell, asseeiated with
eam:,ereta use s Residential structures on agriculturally-zoned property shall be permitted to
have trash dumpsters or storage containers larger than one (1) cubic yard in size.
D Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers may be
allowed in all zone districts at active construction projects only, and must be located on
private property. If impractical to locate on private property, a right-of-way permit may be
obtained from the Public Works Department pursuant to Article III of Chapter 21 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage
containers shall not be located so as to create sight, traffic, or safety obstructions.
Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers must be removed
within fourteen (14) days of construction completion.
E. Screening is not required for dumpsters that are used by the community
exclusively for the purpose of recycling. Dumpsters used for this purpose must be clearly
labeled as recycling dumpsters.
Section 2. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and
declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat
Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance
is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience
and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rations relation to the
proper legislative object sought to be attained.
Section 3. SeverabiliV If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning code
or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a
court of competent jurisdiction invalid, suchludgment shall not affect application to other persons
or circumstances.
Section 4. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirements or standard established
by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found
elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of
adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards here shall supersede and
Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication.
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to
0 m this 10th day of March , 2003, ordered published in full in a newspaper of
general circulation to the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final
passage set for April 28 , 2003, at 7.00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers,
7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a
vote of - 8to _ 0 , this 28th day of April 12003
SIGNED by the Mayor on this 29th day of April 2
O FiEgr~
Wanda Sang, City Cle * 't
1st publication: March 13, 2003
2nd publication: May 1, 2003
Wheat Ridge Transcript
Effective Date: May it, 200 erald Dahl, City Attorney
CITY COUNCIL MINUTESrApril 28, 2003 Page -3-
With the following conditions
1 The special use shall be a grant of use that runs with the land in perpetuity
2 That the concrete fire access pad be shortened in length, and have trees planted
between the existing building and the proposed addition Staff will work with the
applicant and Arvada Fire Department to locate the trees so fire access is not
seconded by Mr Gokey; carried 8-0
Motion by Mr Hanley to approve variance request A, considered concurrently with Case
No SUP-02-02, a request for approval of a 10 foot rear yard setback variance from the
15 foot rear yard setback requirement resulting in a 5 foot rear yard setback for property
zoned Agricultural-Two and located at 11440 West 44`h Avenue, for the following
1 The request will not alter the essential character of the locality
2 The split zoning of the property does constitute a hardship
3 The request will not have a negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood or
seconded by Mr Mancinelli, carried 7-1 with Mr DiTullio voting no
Mr DiTullio stated that, based on the comments made by the Planning staff regarding
the variance, the applicant can still go ahead and build his building, just a smaller
footprint, if the variances were denied The property can yield a reasonable return in
use, service, or income if the variance is denied
Motion by Mr Hanley to approve variance request B, considered concurrently with Case
No SUP-02-02, a request for a 4 8% variance to the maximum allowed building
coverage of 25% for property zoned Agricultural-Two and located at 11440 West 44th
Avenue, for the following reasons
1 The request will not alter the essential character of the locality
2 The split zoning of the property does constitute a hardship
3 The request will not have a negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood or
seconded by Mrs Rotola, carried 7-1 with Mr DiTullio voting no
Item 2. Council Bill 10-2003 - An Ordinance amending Section 26-614 Trash
Storage Area Screening of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge
(Case No ZOA-03-01)
Council Bill 10-2003 was introduced on second reading by Mr Schneider, who also
read the title and executive summary; Clerk assigned Ordinance No 1284
Meredith Reckert presented the staff report.
CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 28, 2003 Page -4-
Motion by Mr Schneider to approve Council Bill 10-2003 (Ordinance 1284) on second
reading as in the packet; seconded by Mr DiTullio
Motion by Ms Figlus for an amendment to add in Section E Screening is not required
for dumpsters that are used by the community exclusively for the purpose of
recycling, seconded by Mr Hanley; carried 6-2 with Mr Schneider and Mr Mancinelli
voting no
Original Motion as amended carried 8-0
Item 3. Council Bill 11-2003 -An Ordinance amending Section 26-223
Architectural Design Overlay District (ADO) of the Code of Laws of the
City of Wheat Ridge
(Case No ZOA-03-02)
Council Bill 11-2003 was introduced on second reading by Mr DiTullio, Clerk read the
attached Memo from Meredith Reckert and assigned Ordinance No 1285
Meredith Reckert presented the staff report.
Motion by Mr DITUIll0 to approve Council Bill 11-2003 (Ordinance 1285) on second
reading and it take effect 15 days after final publication, seconded by Mr Edwards,
carried 8-0
Item 4 Council Bill 12-2003 -An Ordinance amending Section 26-115
Variances/Waivers/Temporary Permits/Interpretations of the Wheat Ridge
Code of Laws
(Case No ZOA-03-03)
Council Bill 12-2003 was introduced on second reading by Mr Gokey, who also read
the title, Clerk assigned Ordinance No 1286 and read the executive summary
Meredith Reckert presented the staff report.
Motion by Mr Gokey to approve Council Bill 12-2003 (Ordinance No 1286) on second
reading, seconded by Mr Schneider; carried 8-0
Item 5. Council Bill 14-2003 - An Ordinance providing for the approval of rezoning
from Agricultural-One to Planned Industrial Development and approval of
an Outline Development Plan for property located at 5130 Parfet Street,
City of Wheat Ridge
(Case No WZ-02-12) (Dave Hoss)
Council Bill 14-2003 was introduced on first reading by Mr Hanley who also read the
Quasi-Judicial: ❑
Yes No
Community Development Director
City Manager
This ordinance amends the existing legislation for trash storage screening requirements. It clarifies
language relative to applicability of the regulations, primarily for enforcement purposes. It allows
more flexibility with materials used and exempts temporary construction dumpsters and recycling
dumpsters from the screening requirements.
The existing legislation was adopted pursuant to Case No. ZOA-96-11. No changes were made to this
section of the code when Chapter 26 was adopted in February of 2001.
At the first reading in front of City Council, administrative relief was discussed, allowing the
Community Development Director to waive portions of the screening requirements. This new section
has been included in the proposed ordinance.
Planning Commission recommended approval with modifications at their meeting on February 20,
Planning Commission reviewed this case at a public hearing held on February 20, 2003. A
recommendation of approval was made for the following reasons:
1. The proposed legislation clarifies language so that application of the regulations is easier.
2. The proposed legislation addresses temporary construction dumpsters and recycling
Staff s proposal to Planning Commission included a maximum of size of 15 cubic yards for temporary
construction dumpsters. Planning Commission believed this was too restrictive and removed the
reference to a maximum size. They also clarified the language relative to the keeping of dumpsters on
residential property. Staff has no concerns with these changes.
One person, Don Peterson of 9945 West 34 b Drive, spoke regarding the proposed legislation. He
thought it a good idea to present the changes to the public at a first Monday meeting prior to City
Council public hearing.
The current legislation is confusing and is hard to defend in court in code enforcement situations. The
proposed changes allow more flexibility in the type of screening materials allowed.
There will be no financial impact as a result of the new legislation.
"I move to approve Council Bill No. 10-2003, Case No. ZOA-03-01, an ordinance amending Section
26-614 Trash Storage Area Screening of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, on second reading."
"I move to continue indefinitely Council Bill No. 10-2003, Case No. ZOA-03-01, an ordinance
amending Section 26-614 Trash Storage Area Screening of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws on
second reading with the following findings:
Initiated by: Community Development Department
Report Prepared by: Meredith Reckert (303) 235-2848
Reviewed by: Alan White (303) 235-2844
1. Planning Commission report
2. Council Bill No. 10-2003
ZOA0301 CC2
City of Wheat Ridge of WHEgTP
Planning and Development Department °
Memorandum ~~CORA~~
TO: Planning. Commission
FROM: Meredith Reckert
SUBJECT: ZOA-03-O1/Dumpsters
DATE: February 18, 2003
Attached please find proposed legislation for the trash enclosure screening requirement revisions.
Subsequent to packet delivery, we realized that the proposed ordinance for the trash enclosure
screening requirements shows the opposite of what we intended. Existing language should be in
regular print and new language should be in bold print. Please replace this as packet item C.
City of Wheat Ridge
Planning and Development Department
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Meredith Reckert
SUBJECT: ZOA-03-01/Dumpster regulations
DATE: February 14, 2003
Attached are the Community Development staff's recommended changes to the existing trash
enclosure screening requirements of the Code of Laws (Section 26-614). The purpose of the
revisions is to clarify the language, primarily for enforcement purposes. Included in the revisions
are exemptions for temporary construction dumpsters and recycling dumpsters.
New language is shown in bold and deleted language is shown with strike thFoughs.
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move that Case No. ZOA-03-01, a proposed amendment to
Section 26-614. Trash Enclosure Screening Requirements. of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, be
forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of APPROVAL for the following reasons:
1. The proposed legislation clarifies language so that application of the regulations is easier.
2. The proposed legislation addresses temporary construction dumpsters and recycling
Section 26-614. Trash storage area screening.
A. Trash storage for all existing and new multi-unit dwellings, institutional buildings,
all business and industrial buildings or uses and agriculturally-zoned properties shall be
accommodated within the structure, or if located outside:
Shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from adjasant any public
streets, and;
4 the #a-sh storage ar°°. Shall be screened when located within one hundred
(100) feet of any one- or two-family residential structure.
If screened by a fence or wall, a fence permit and site plan shall be required, and such screening
shall be by a decorative wall or fence six (6) feet in height. Thg enelesure or ssrem wa1l0
fence Dumpsters and the required screening
shall not be located within five feet of combustible walls, openings, or combustible roof eave
lines. The required screening shall be se as to pretest protected from damage by normal
removal and replacement of the dumpster by a trash truck. Maintenance will be required if the
enelosure screening is damaged and/or dilapidated, or in need of repair, and the area around the
mplosure- screening shall be kept Own free of junk and trash.
B. In no instance shall trash Rnp;lasurgs screening be permitted tom
become a sight, traffic, or safety obstruction for driveways or street
corners. No such gnolesure screening shall displace required parking spaces, or landscaping,
unless reviewed and approved by the Director of Community
Development as an administrative variance after considering all reasonable alternatives. An
administrative variance, to the prior sentence only, shall follow the procedures set forth in
section 26-115, but shall not be limited to the ten percent (10%) provisions thereof.
C. One-and two-family dwellings an ^ s oVt f 0r WMP^"'^'
large trash a t (1) ..,,1,iG yard er 7"""" ,..1, .7, mpsteFs ' of ° ° and t3T
residential structures on agriculturally-zoned
property shall be permitted to have trash dumpsters or storage containers exceeding one
(1) cubic yard in size. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage
containers not exceeding 15 cubic yards may be allowed in all zone districts at active
construction projects only, and must be located on private property. Temporary
construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers shall not be located so as to be
sight, traffic, or safety obstructions. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary
storage containers must be removed within fourteen (14) days of construction completion.
D. Screening is not required for dumpsters that are used exclusively for the
purpose of recycling. Dumpsters used for this purpose must be clearly labeled as recycling
Council Bill No.
Ordinance No.
Series of 2003
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted regulations pertaining to the screening
of outdoor trash storage areas; and,
WHEREAS, the regulations are unclear and open to different interpretations; and,
WHEREAS, the City wishes to clarify and simplify the regulations,
Section 1.
Section 26-123 Definitions is hereby modified with the following language:
Dumpster: A receptacle used for the collection of trash.
Recycling collection dumpster: A receptacle located on commercial, public or quasi-
public property used by the community for the deposit of materials to be recycled.
The materials being recycled can include, but not be limited to, newspapers,
aluminum, glass and plastic containers, laser and inkjet cartridges, copier cartridges
and telephone books. Recycling collection dumpsters must be clearly labeled with the
type of materials allowed for deposit, the company or organization name and contact
telephone number.
Section 26-614 is hereby modified with the following language:
A. Trash storage for all existing and new multi-unit dwellings, institutional buildings,
all business and industrial buildings or uses and agriculturally-zoned properties shall be
accommodated within the structure, or if located outside:
1. Shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from adjacent any public streets,
the trash sterage area. Shall be screened when located within one hundred (100) feet of any
one- or two-family residential structure.
If screened by a fence or wall, a fence permit and site plan shall be required, and such screening
shall be by a decorative wall or fence six (6) feet in height. The cnslesurg or Spreen Ivall of
Dumpsters and the required screening shall
not be located within five feet of combustible walls, openings, or combustible roof eave lines.
The required screening shall be se as to pretget protected from damage by normal removal and
replacement of the dumpster by a trash truck. Maintenance will be required if the enclosure
screening is damaged and/or dilapidated, or in need of repair, and the area around the enclosure
screening shall be kept clean free of junk and trash.
B. In no instance shall trash cnslesurcs screening be permitted to encreaeh into sight
distance triangles become a sight, traffic, or safety obstruction for driveways or street corners.
No such enclosure screening shall displace required parking spaces, or landscaping, unless
reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development
as an administrative variance after considering all reasonable alternatives. An administrative
variance, to the prior sentence only, shall follow the procedures set forth in section 26-115, but
shall not be limited to the ten percent (10%) provisions thereof.
C. One- and two-family residential structures in residentially zoned areas d-wellings
preperties, shall nAt bg are permitted to have large trash dumpster no larger than one (1) cubic
yard in size. Or largrr, as ^h dumpstrrs are of, size n type asseeiated
Residential structures on agriculturally-zoned property shall be permitted to
have trash dumpsters or storage containers larger than one (1) cubic yard in size.
D. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers may be
allowed in all zone districts at active construction projects only, and must be located on
private property. If impractical to locate on private property, a right-of-way permit may be
obtained from the Public Works Department pursuant to Article III of Chapter 21 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage
containers shall not be located so as to create sight, traffic, or safety obstructions.
Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers must be removed
within fourteen (14) days of construction completion.
E. Screening is not required for dumpsters that are used exclusively for the
purpose of recycling. Dumpsters used for this purpose must be clearly labeled as recycling
F. Any person may apply to the Community Development Director for a waiver
of some, but not all of the requirements of this section, where full compliance with the same
would result in unnecessary hardship or difficulty upon the applicant. The decision of the
Director shall be in his or her sole discretion, and shall be final.
Section 2. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and
declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat
Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this ordinance
is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience
and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rations relation to the
proper legislative object sought to be attained.
Section 3. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning code
or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a
court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other persons
or circumstances.
Section 4. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirements or standard established
by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or standards found
elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in existence as of the date of
adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards here shall supersede and
Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication.
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to
in this day of 2003, ordered published in full in a newspaper of
general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final
passage set for , 2003, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers,
7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a
vote of to ,this day of 2003.
SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2003.
Wanda Sang, City Clerk
1 ST publication:
2nd publication:
Wheat Ridge Transcript
Effective Date:
of weee> ITEM NO:
~ Yes No
Community Development Director City Mana r~
This ordinance amends the existing legislation for trash dumpster enclosures. It clarifies language
relative to applicability of the regulations, primarily for enforcement purposes. It allows more
flexibility with materials used and exempts temporary construction dumpsters and recycling dumpsters
from the screening requirements.
The existing legislation was adopted pursuant to Case No. ZOA-96-11. No changes were made to this
section of the code when Chapter 26 was adopted in February of 2001.
On the attached council bill, new language is shown in bold type and existing language being deleted
is shown with strike-throughs.
Planning Commission recommended approval with modifications at their meeting on February 20,
Planning Commission reviewed this case at a public hearing held on February 20, 2003. A
recommendation of approval was made for the following reasons:
1. The proposed legislation clarifies language so that application of the regulations is easier.
2. The proposed legislation addresses temporary construction dumpsters and recycling
Staff's proposal to Planning Commission included a maximum of size of 15 cubic yards for temporary
construction dumpsters. Planning Commission believed this was too restrictive and removed the
reference to a maximum size. They also clarified the language relative to the keeping of dumpsters on
residential property.
One person, Don Peterson of 9945 West 34' Drive, spoke regarding the proposed legislation. He
thought it a good idea to present the changes to the public at a first Monday meeting prior to City
Council public hearing.
The.current legislation is confusing and is hard to defend in court in code enforcement situations. The
proposed changes allow more flexibility in the type of screening materials allowed.
There will be no financial impact as a result of the new legislation.
"I move to approve Council Bill No. %Q - X003 , Case No. ZOA-03-01, an ordinance
amending Section 26-614 Trash Storage Area Screening of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, on first
reading, ordered published, public hearing set for April 28, 2003, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council
Chambers and that it take effect 15 days after adoption."
obv\ I
or, 0,N°l
"I move to continue indefinitely Council Bill No. %D-aOO3 , Case No. ZOA-03-01, an
ordinance amending Section 26-614 Trash Storage Area Screening of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws
on first reading with the following findings:
Initiated by: Community Development Department
Report Prepared by: Meredith Reckert (303) 235-2848
1. Planning Commission report
2. Council Bill No. l0 - 900 3
030310 ZOA-03-01 Trash Storage
City of Wheat Ridge of WHEAT
Planning and Development Department
v m
Memorandum OR A00
TO: Planning. Commission
FROM: Meredith Reckert
SUBJECT: ZOA-03-O1/Dumpsters
DATE::. February 18, 2003
Attached please find proposed legislation for the trash enclosure screening requirement revisions.
Subsequent to packet delivery, we realized that the proposed ordinance for the trash enclosure
screening requirements shows the opposite of what we intended. Existing language should be in
regular print and new language should be in bold print. Please replace this as packet item C.
City of Wheat Ridge of WHEAT
Planning and Development Department ~o
Memorandum (4
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Meredith ReckertSUBJECT: ZOA-03-01/Dumpsterregulations
DATE: February 14, 2003
Attached are the Community Development staff's recommended changes to the existing trash
enclosure screening requirements of the Code of Laws (Section 26-614). The purpose of the
revisions is to clarify the language, primarily for enforcement purposes. Included in the revisions
are exemptions for temporary construction dumpsters and recycling dumpsters.
New language is shown in bold and deleted language is shown with smoke thFeughs.
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move that Case No. ZOA-03-01, a proposed amendment to
Section 26-614. Trash Enclosure Screening Requirements. of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, be
forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of APPROVAL for the following reasons:
1. The proposed legislation clarifies language so that application of the regulations is easier.
2. The proposed legislation addresses temporary construction dumpsters and recycling
Section 26-614. Trash storage area screening.
A. Trash storage for all existing and new multi-unit dwellings, institutional buildings,
all business and industrial buildings or uses and agriculturally-zoned properties shall be
accommodated within the structure, or if located outside:
f. Shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from adjasgat any public
streets, and,
Shall be screened when located within one hundred
(100) feet of any one- or two-family residential structure.
If screened by a fence or wall, a fence permit and site plan shall be required, and such screening
shall be by a decorative wall or fence six (6) feet in height. The @ns1es;3;:g or Rprom wall A
feaso Dumpsters and the required screening
shall not be located within five feet of combustible walls, openings, or combustible roof eave
lines. The required screening shall be se ante pretest protected from damage by normal
removal and replacement of the dumpster by a trash truck. Maintenance will be required if the
angingurg screening is damaged and/or dilapidated, or in need of repair, and the area around the
exgleaur$- screening shall be kept slGaR-free of junk and trash.
B. In no instance shall trash onglesnres screening be permitted tote
become a sight, traffic, or safety obstruction for driveways or street
comers. No such englesure screening shall displace required parking spaces, or landscaping,
unless reviewed and approved by the Director of Community
Development as an administrative variance after considering all reasonable alternatives. An
administrative variance, to the prior sentence only, shall follow the procedures set forth in
section 26-115, but shall not be limited to the ten percent (10%) provisions thereof.
C. One-and two-family
residential structures on agriculturally-zoned
property shall be permitted to have trash dumpsters or storage containers exceeding one
(1) cubic yard in size. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage
containers not exceeding 15 cubic yards may be allowed in all zone districts at active
construction projects only, and must be located on private property. Temporary
construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers shall not be located so as to be
sight, traffic, or safety obstructions. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary
storage containers must be removed within fourteen (14) days of construction completion.
D. Screening is not required for dumpsters that are used exclusively for the
purpose of recycling. Dumpsters used for this purpose must be clearly labeled as recycling
Council Bill No. 10-2003
Ordinance No.
Series of 2003
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted regulations pertaining to the screening
of outdoor trash storage areas; and,
WHEREAS, the regulations are unclear and open to different interpretations; and,
WHEREAS, the City wishes to clarify and simplify the regulations,
Section 1.
Section 26-123 Definitions is hereby modified with the following language:
Dumpster: A receptacle used for the collection of trash.
Recycling collection dumpster: A receptacle located on commercial, public or
quasi-public property used by the community for the deposit of materials to be
recycled. The materials being recycled can include, but not be limited to,
newspapers, aluminum, glass and plastic containers, laser and inkjet cartridges,
copier cartridges and telephone books. Recycling collection dumpsters must be
clearly labeled with the type of materials allowed for deposit, the company or
organization name and contact telephone number.
Section 26-614 is hereby modified with the following language:
A. Trash storage for all existing and new multi-unit dwellings, institutional buildings,
all business and industrial buildings or uses and agriculturally-zoned properties shall be
accommodated within the structure, or if located outside:
1. Shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from adjaeent any public streets,
. Shall be screened when located within one hundred (100) feet of
any one- or two-family residential structure. J
If screened by a fence or wall, a fence permit and site plan shall be required, and such screening /
shall be by a decorative wall or fence six (6) feet in height. or~re~r ^'r IIIGGG
h1~ 6~E
€ensg he required screening is (N%,
k shall not be located within five feet of combustible walls, openings, or combustible roof eave
lines. The required screening shall be se as to pretest protected from damage by normal
removal and replacement of the dumpster by a trash truck. Maintenance will be required if the
gxslori; screening is damaged and/or dilapidated, or in need of repair, and the area around the
anslosum screening shall be kept slean free of junk and trash.
B. In no instance shall trash sxslesurm screening be permitted toansFeash inte
become a sight, traffic, or safety obstruction for driveways or street
comers. No such enslesurn screening shall displace required parking spaces, or landscaping,
unless reviewed and approved by the Director of Community
Development as an administrative variance after considering all reasonable alternatives. An
administrative variance, to the prior sentence only, shall follow the procedures set forth in
section 26-115, but shall not be limited to the ten percent (10%) provisions thereof.
C. One- and two-family residential structures in residentially zoned areas
zeRsd-prepcrti€s, shall net b~e are permitted to have large trash dumpster no larger than one (1)
cubic yard in size.
Residential structures on agriculturally-zoned property shall be permitted
to have trash dumpsters or storage containers larger than one (1) cubic yard in size.
D. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers may
be allowed in all zone districts at active construction projects only, and must be located on
private property. If impractical to locate on private property, a right-of-way permit may
be obtained from the Public Works Department pursuant to Article III of Chapter 21 of
the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary
storage containers shall not be located so as to create sight, traffic, or safety obstructions.
Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers must be removed
within fourteen (14) days of construction completion.
E. Screening is not required for dumpsters that are used exclusively for the
purpose of recycling. Dumpsters used for this purpose must be clearly labeled as recycling
Section 2. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and
declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat
Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this
ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public
convenience and welfare. The City Council finther determines that the ordinance bears a rations
relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained.
Section 3. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning
code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by
a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other
persons or circumstances.
Section 4. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirements or standard
established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or
standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in
existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards
here shall supersede and prevail.
Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after final publication.
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to
in this day of 2003, ordered published in full in a newspaper
of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final
passage set for 2003, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council
Chambers, 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a
vote of to , this day of 2003.
SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2003.
Wanda Sang, City Clerk
1ST publication:
TO publication:
Wheat Ridge Transcript
Effective Date:
1. The change in zone is compatible with the surrounding area.
2. The change in zone will not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare.
3. The change in zone will conserve numerous mature trees, and provide a noise
buffer from I-70 to the north.
4. The change in zone will provide social and physical benefits to the surrounding
area and community.
5. The change in zone to Conservation District will be more consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan Designation of Agricultural Estate Residential than the
current zoning of R-1C.
Vice Chair SNOW offered a friendly amendment to No. 4 to state that the change in zone
would also be a valuable asset to the city as a whole. The amendment was accepted by
Commissioners McNAMEE and PLUMMER.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to
recommend approval of Case No. WV-03-01, a request for approval of a right-of-way
vacation for unused right-of-way for West 46th Place, located between Parfet Street and
Oak Street, for the following reasons:
1. Although it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, it appears that the
present public streets leave the city with adequate access for emergency services.
2. Allowing construction of a street at this site will negate the point of the site being
zoned as a conservation district.
3. This vacation of right-of-way will be granted only if City Council approves the
change in zoning.
The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that the city would be receiving a gift of great value in
exchange for a street vacation on 46`h Place which is of virtually no value. He also commented
46`h is a "Place" and that fragmentary streets are usually designated as "Place" rather than
Vice Chair SNOW offered a friendly amendment to add a fourth reason: The fire
department did not indicate they need this street for fire access. The amendment was
accepted by Commissioners McNAMEE and COOPER.
The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent.
C. Case No. ZOA-03-01: An ordinance amending Section 26-614 of the Wheat Ridge
Code of Laws concerning trash storage area screening.
This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report, entered all
pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission that there was jurisdiction to
hear the case. She presented slides of various trash dumpster situations in the city. She
distributed copies of the definition of recycling dumpsters for the Commission's information.
Planning Commission Page 4
February 20, 2003
Commissioner McMILLIN stated that he is in the process of renovating a burned-out house
which is requiring the use of four 30-foot dumpsters which are parked on a long driveway and
will be gone soon. He commented that restricting dumpsters to a smaller size would be
detrimental to property owners who are renovating their property.
Commissioner SNOW asked if there was any provision for those people who don't have room
to park a dumpster on their property and need to place the dumpster in the street. Alan White
explained there is a provision in the code which allows a permit for temporary placement
dumpsters in the public right-of-way. Meredith Reckert explained that time restrictions can be
placed on the right-of-way permits. Commissioner SNOW stated that she would like to see this
permit provision explained in the proposed ordinance.
Commissioner PLUMMER agreed that any dumpster less than 30-foot is not adequate for most
renovation projects.
Commissioner McNAMEE did not believe there should be a time limit placed on a dumpster
which is placed on private property; however, she did agree with the fourteen day limit to
remove the dumpster once the project is complete.
Commissioner SNOW suggested that the language should be clarified concerning the size of
trash containers allowed for single or double family residences.
(Vice Chair SNOW declared a recess at 8:20 p.m. to give staff time to clarify wording. The
meeting was reconvened at 8:30 p.m.)
The following recommendations were made: Section C would be changed to read: One and
two family residential structures in residentially zoned areas are permitted to have a
dumpster no larger than one cubic yard in size. Residential structures on agriculturally
Zoned property shall be permitted to have trash dumpsters or storage containers larger than
one cubic yard in size.
Section D would be change to read: "Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary
storage containers may be allowed in all zone districts at active construction projects only
and must be located on private property. If impractical to locate on private property, a right-
of-way permit may be obtained from the Public Works Department pursuant to Article 3 of
Chapter 21 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. The remaining language "Temporary
construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers shall not be located so as to be
sight, traffic, or safety obstructions. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary
storage containers must be removed within fourteen days of construction completion"
would remain.
Section D would become Section E.
Vice Chair SNOW asked if there were members of the audience who wished to address this
Planning Commission Page 5
February 20, 2003
Don Peterson
9945 West 34`h Drive
Mr. Peterson suggested that this ordinance be presented at First Monday meetings in March to
receive citizen input before sending it on to City Council. He believed that enclosures for
recycling dumpsters should have an opening to make it easier to place items in the dumpster
thereby encouraging recycling practices. He was in favor of placing time limits on the
placement of temporary dumpsters.
Commissioner COOPER asked if the First Monday Meetings were a better forum than the
Planning Commission, noting that the proposed ordinance was published as a public hearing.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that it is unlikely people will leave dumpsters on their
property long after a project is finished to avoid paying additional fees charged by the company
supplying the dumpsters.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE
that Case ZOA-03-01, a proposed amendment to Section 26-614 Trash Enclosure
Screening Requirements of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws be forwarded to City Council
with changes as recommended by staff with a recommendation of approval for the
following reasons:
1. The proposed legislation clarifies language so that application of the regulations is
2. The proposed legislation addresses temporary construction dumpsters and
recycling dumpsters.
The motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner WEISZ absent.
D. Case No. ZOA-03-02: An ordinance amending Section 26-223 of the Whet Ridge
Code of Laws concerning Architectural Design Overlay District (ADO).
This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. This amendment would allow the planning staff
to grant waivers as part of the administrative review (building permit) process or have Planning
Commission and City Council grant waivers or variances as part of a concurrent land use case
being processed. This would eliminate another hearing before the Board of Adjustment for
these types of waivers which would lengthen the review process and could discourage new
development or redevelopment.
Following brief discussion, it was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by
Commissioner PLUMMER that Case No. ZOA-03-02, a proposed amendment to Section
26-223 Architectural Design Overlay District of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, be
forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of approval for the following reasons:
1. Staff and Planning Commission and City Council are more appropriate review
bodies than the Board of Adjustment.
2. It will expedite the review process by eliminating another necessary public
Planning Commission Page 6
February 20, 2003
City of Wheat Ridge of ""EqT P
Planning and Development Department °
Memorandum (4
TO: Planning.Commission
FROM: Meredith Reckert
SUBJECT: ZOA-03-O1/Dumpsters
DATE: February 18, 2003
Attached please find proposed legislation for the trash enclosure screening requirement revisions.
Subsequent to packet delivery, we realized that the proposed ordinance for the trash enclosure
screening requirements shows the opposite of what we intended. Existing language should be in
regular print and new language should be in bold print. Please replace this as packet item C.
City of Wheat Ridge pF WHEgTP
Planning and Development Department °
v m
Memorandum CSC pR App
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Meredith Reckert
SUBJECT: ZOA-03-01/Dumpster regulations
DATE: February 14, 2003
Attached are the Community Development staff s recommended changes to the existing trash
enclosure screening requirements of the Code of Laws (Section 26-614). The purpose of the
revisions is to clarify the language, primarily for enforcement purposes. Included in the revisions
are exemptions for temporary construction dumpsters and recycling dumpsters.
New language is shown in bold and deleted language is shown with strike th.-9,aghs
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move that Case No. ZOA-03-01, a proposed amendment to
Section 26-614. Trash Enclosure Screening Requirements. of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, be
forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of APPROVAL for the following reasons:
1. The proposed legislation clarifies language so that application of the regulations is easier.
2. The proposed legislation addresses temporary construction dumpsters and recycling
Section 26-614. Trash storage area screening.
A. Trash storage for all existing and new multi-unit dwellings, institutional buildings,
all business and industrial buildings or uses and agriculturally-zoned properties shall be
accommodated within the structure, or if located outside:
1: Shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from adjaGen any public
streets, and3
2. 4 em adJaGGPA 1 a 'r 'a t' 1 d iliRgs . ithi., . r l,.,rar°.1 (1 l1n) fe~i
of the # > * rage Shall be screened when located within one hundred
(100) feet of any one- or two-family residential structure.
If screened by a fence or wall, a fence permit and site plan shall be required, and such screening
shall be by a decorative wall or fence six (6) feet in height. The enslesurO Ascrwn Wall or
€enee shall > t + a a fl bi t 1 Dumpsters and the required screening
shall not be located within rive feet of combustible walls, openings, or combustible roof cave
lines. The required screening shall be se-as- Gg4retect protected from damage by normal
removal and replacement of the dumpster by a trash truck. Maintenance will be required if the
Pnslesure screening is damaged and/or dilapidated, or in need of repair, and the area around the
enslesure- screening shall be kept Glean-free of junk and trash.
B. In no instance shall trash enelesur-ps screening be permitted to meramh into
become a sight, traffic, or safety obstruction for driveways or street
corners. No such molesure screening shall displace required parking spaces, or landscaping,
unless reviewed and approved by the Director of Community
Development as an administrative variance after considering all reasonable alternatives. An
administrative variance, to the prior sentence only, shall follow the procedures set forth in
section 26-115, but shall not be limited to the ten percent (10%) provisions thereof.
C. One-and two-family dwellings and aceessery uses, ept for t°
oens"ction pWoses and o lr ll d preperties, shall Rot be p°i#gd to MAintain
large trash 41RUpSterg GRP (1) GUbiG y~d or lar-gGr, as saGh dunapsters are ef a size and type
residential structures on agriculturally-zoned
property shall be permitted to have trash dumpsters or storage containers exceeding one
(1) cubic yard in size. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage
containers not exceeding 15 cubic yards may be allowed in all zone districts at active
construction projects only, and must be located on private property. Temporary
construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers shall not be located so as to be
sight, traffic, or safety obstructions. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary
storage containers must be removed within fourteen (14) days of construction completion.
D. Screening is not required for dumpsters that are used exclusively for the
purpose of recycling. Dumpsters used for this purpose must be clearly labeled as recycling
City of Wheat Ridge
Planning and Development Department
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Meredith Reckert
SUBJECT: ZOA-03-01/Dumpster regulations
DATE: February 14, 2003
Attached are the Community Development staff s recommended changes to the existing trash
enclosure screening requirements of the Code of Laws (Section 26-614). The purpose of the
revisions is to clarify the language, primarily for enforcement purposes. Included in the revisions
are exemptions for temporary construction dumpsters and recycling dumpsters.
New language is shown in bold and deleted language is shown with strike *
~ Wis.
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move that Case No. ZOA-03-01, a proposed amendment to
Section 26-614. Trash Enclosure Screening Requirements. of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, be
forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of APPROVAL for the following reasons:
The proposed legislation clarifies language so that application of the regulations is easier.
The proposed legislation addresses temporary construction dumpsters and recycling
Council Bill No.
Ordinance No.
Series of 2003
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted regulations pertaining to the screening
of trash enclosures; and,
WHEREAS, the existing regulations are open to different interpretations; and,
WHEREAS, there are currently no provisions for temporary construction dumpsters and
recycling dumpsters;
Section 1.
Section 26-614 is hereby modified with the following language:
Section 26-614. Trash storage area screening.
A. Trash storage for all existing and new multi-unit dwellings,
institutional buildings, all business and industrial buildings or uses and agriculturally-
zoned properties shall be accommodated within the structure, or if located outside:
Shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from adjacent any public
streets, and;
2. or- from adjacent low densit3, residential dwellings within one hundred (1"
Coo4 of Oho trash storage area. Shall be screened when located within one
hundred (100) feet of any one- or two-family residential structure.
If screened by a fence or wall, a fence permit and site plan shall be required, and
such screening shall be by a decorative wall or fence six (6) feet in height. T'he-enelosure Or
seveen nll or fen^a ~h§all ho. yonstruytpd of non-flammable materials Dumpsters and the
required screening shall not be located within five feet of combustible walls, openings, or
combustible roof eave lines. The required screening shall be s9t^ pr-etee protected from
damage by normal removal and replacement of the dumpster by a trash truck.
Maintenance will be required if the anelosure screening is damaged and/or dilapidated, or
in need of repair, and the area around the enclosur a screening shall be kept dean-free of
junk and trash.
B. In no instance shall trash enclosures screening be permitted to
enereaek into sight distanee triangles become a sight, traffic, or safety obstruction for
driveways or street corners. No such enclosure screening shall displace required parking
spaces, or landscaping, unless reviewed and approved by the Director of planning and
development Community Development as an administrative variance after considering all
reasonable alternatives. An administrative variance, to the prior sentence only, shall follow
the procedures set forth in section 26-115, but shall not be limited to the ten percent (10%)
provisions thereof.
C. One-and two-family
Genstpaotiea p4Teses and agriGUIWrally zoned properties, shall net be p@4:m_ittPd_ to maintain
large, trash .h,.. sters one (1) eubiG .,^r'1 or 1'. gee, such durr ^Ore" " are of ^ s...., .fit, and typ
residential structures on agriculturally-zoned
property shall be permitted to have trash dumpsters or storage containers not exceeding
one (1) cubic yard in size. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage
containers not exceeding 15 cubic yards may be allowed in all zone districts at active
construction projects only, and must be located on private property. Temporary
construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers shall not be located so as to be
sight, traffic, or safety obstructions. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary
storage containers must be removed within fourteen (14) days of construction completion.
D. Screening is not required for dumpsters that are used exclusively for the purpose
of recycling. Dumpsters used for this purpose must be clearly labeled as recycling dumpsters
Section 2. Safety Clause. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby finds, determines, and
declares that this ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Wheat
Ridge, that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that this
ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public
convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that the ordinance bears a rations
relation to the proper legislative object sought to be attained.
Section 3. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning
code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by
a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect application to other
persons or circumstances.
Section 4. Supersession Clause. If any provision, requirements or standard
established by this Ordinance is found to conflict with similar provisions, requirements or
standards found elsewhere in the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge, which are in
existence as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance, the provisions, requirements and standards
here shall supersede and prevail.
Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage.
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of to
in this day of , 2003, ordered published in full in a newspaper
of general circulation in the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideration on final
passage set for , 2003, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council
Chambers, 7500 West 29` Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a
vote of to , this day of 2003.
SIGNED by the Mayor on this day of 2003.
Wanda Sang, City Cluck
1 ST publication:
2„ d publication:
Wheat Ridge Transcript
Effective Date:
Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge
PLANNING COMMISSION on February 20, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written
comments. The following petitions shall be heard:
Case No. ZOA-03-01: An ordinance amending Section 26-614 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws concerning trash storage area screening.
Case No. ZOA-03-02: An ordinance amending Section 26-223 of the Wheat
Ridge Code of Laws concerning Architectural Overlay District (ADO).
Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant
Wanda Sang, City Clerk
To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript
Date: February 13, 2003
City of Wheat Ridge
Planning and Development Department
TO: Darin, Alan, Mary, Mike, Travis, and Mere
FROM: Cindy
SUBJECT: Dumpster Screening
DATE: February 3, 2003
I have put together the changes that we discussed at our "dumpster meeting". Alan
had mentioned that we may all need to meet again. I think that this final modification
covers the changes that we discussed, although I missed the last ten minutes of the
Can everyone take a look at this draft, and return it to me by Friday, February 7,
2003? Please make any changes and/or additions as you see fit.
Case No.:
App: Last Name:
App: First N ame:
Owne r: Last Name:
Owner: First Nam e:
App Addre ss:
City, State Z ip:
App: Pho ne:
Owner Address:
City/St ate/Zip:
Owner Phone:
Project Address:
Street Name :
Ci ty/State, Zip:
Case Disposition:
Project Planner:
File Lo cation:
Follow- Up:
OA0301 Quarter Section Map N o.:~
Citywide Related Cases:
Case Histor y: dumpster screening
Review Body: PC
2nd Revie w Body:
2nd Review Date
Decision-making Body
- Appro val/Denial Date:
Reso/Ordinance No.:
Conditions of Approval:
Date Rec eived: 1121/2003
Pre-App Date: I
04 t9: Page 7