HomeMy WebLinkAboutZOA-03-16City of Wheat Ridge ~oF ""EgIP Community Development Department m Memorandum cO~oRpO~ TO: Case File FROM: Travis Crane, Planner SUBJECT: ZOA-03-16 DATE: 22 July 2005 Case No. ZOA-03-16 has been closed by staff. The proposed changes have been incorporated in ZOA-05-03. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present to address the Commission. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. ZOA-03-16: An ordinance amending Section 26-109 of the Wheat Ridge I'V, Code of Laws concerning public hearing notice and procedure. Meredith Reckert reviewed the staff report. Staff recommended approval of the case for the following reasons. 1. The proposed change will be consistent with the revised land use process chart reviewed by Planning Commission on September 4, 2003. 2. The requirement for pre-application neighborhood meetings will apply for zone changes and planned development outline development plan approvals. 3. The proposed modifications are consistent with the revised special use procedures. Chair McNAMEE asked to hear from members of the public. Charles Durbin 3703 Ames Street Mr. Durbin was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He expressed concern that the proposed ordinance with changes to the neighborhood meeting requirement would eliminate another vehicle for informing nei~hbors about what is going on their neighborhoods. He cited the Walgreen's project at 38 and Sheridan where he said many of the neighbors were not aware of the project until they saw signs posted in the neighborhood. Meredith Reckert explained that posting procedures would not change if this ordinance is approved. Neighborhood meetings are noticed by letter to surrounding property owners. Robert Wallace 3749 Sheridan Mr. Wallace stated from the audience that he agreed with Mr. Durbin's comments. Commissioner McMILLIN stated he would vote in favor of the ordinance because it is the consequence of previous decisions but expressed concern about future streamlining procedures that may take more authority from Planning Commission or to cut back on requirements of development applications. Meredith Reckert stated that she is not aware of any other changes planned to the land use processes. It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to recommend approval of an ordinance amending Section 26-109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning public hearing notice and procedure. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners WEISZ and WITT absent. Planning Commission Page 2 December 4, 2003 PUBLIC HEARING ROSTER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION December 4, 2003 Case No. ZOA-03-16: An application amending Section 26-109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning public hearing notice and procedure. (Please print) Name Address In Favor/Opposed City of Wheat Ridge woe ""EqT~ Community Development Department Memorandum c~~ORA00 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: Case No. ZOA-03-16/neighborhood meeting requirement DATE: November 28, 2003 Attached is proposed legislation amending Section 26-109 of the zoning and development code relating to the pre-application neighborhood meeting requirement. The proposed modification is directly related to staff's recommended changes to the land use process chart reviewed by Planning Commission on September 4, 2003. This change specifies that neighborhood meetings are required for zone changes and planned development outline development plan approvals. The requirement for the neighborhood meeting for special uses was eliminated pursuant to Ordinance No. 1291 (special uses). RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move that Case No. ZOA-03-16, a proposed amendment to Chapter 26 of the Zoning and Development Code regarding pre-application neighborhood meetings, be forwarded to City Council with a recommendation of APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The proposed change will be consistent with the revised land use process chart. 2. The requirement for pre-application neighborhood meetings will apply for zone changes and planned development outline development plan approvals. 3. The proposed modifications are consistent with the revised special use procedures." CASE NO. ZOA-03-16/public hearing procedure Section 26-109. Public hearing notice and procedure. A. Pre-Application neighborhood meeting. Prior to submitting any application for a rezoning of property to " higher use iha is euFfently permitted, or for approval of a planned development outline development plan or amended outline development plan, or f - ° speei ' use permit an applicant shall be required to do the following- 1 . Applicant shall, by regular mail or by pamphlet or flyer personally delivered, notify all residents within six hundred (600) feet of the area proposed to be rezoned or if a planned development outline development plan or amended outline development plan for vAiieh ° use r°=mi' as speei °a ° is sought of a meeting to be held, at a time and place selected by applicant but reasonably calculated to be convenient both to applicant and those residents notified, for the purpose of allowing the applicant to present to said residents the nature, character and extent of the action requested by applicant, and further to allow the residents to give input to the applicant regarding said proposal. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing is to be held before the City of Wheat Ridge PLANNING COMMISSION on December 4, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29`h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. All interested citizens are invited to speak at the Public Hearing or submit written comments. The following petitions shall be heard: Case No. ZOA-03-16: An ordinance amending Section 26-109 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning public hearing notice and procedure. Case No. ZOA-03-17: An ordinance amending Section 26-107 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning expiration of development approval. Kathy Field, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk To Be Published: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: November 27, 2003 City of Wheat Ridge of wHEgrP Community Development Department Memorandum cp~~RPp0 TO: Alan, Travis, Mike FROM: Meredith SUBJECT: Zoning Code amendments DATE: October 6, 2003 Attached are two proposed zoning code amendments for review by Planning Commission on October 16, 2003. Please review so we can discuss Tuesday at division meeting. Both ordinances clean up language revised by the previous code amendments dealing with special use procedures, planned development changes and modifications to the land use process chart. CASE NO. ZOA-03-16/public hearing procedure Section 26-109. Public hearing notice and procedure. A. Pre-Application neighborhood meeting. Prior to submitting any application for a rezoning of property to a higher- rise than is eiiff ently pe--f-i4e , or for approval of a planned development outline development plan or amended outline development plan, or for a special use pezrn43 an applicant shall be required to do the following: I . Applicant shall, by regular mail or by pamphlet or flyer personally delivered, notify all residents within six hundred (600) feet of the area proposed to be rezoned or if a planned development outline development plan or amended outline development plan for ~Oiieh a use Ycr ::it as specified al;e e is sought of a meeting to be held, at a time and place selected by applicant but reasonably calculated to be convenient both to applicant and those residents notified, for the purpose of allowing the applicant to present to said residents the nature, character and extent of the action requested by applicant, and further to allow the residents to give input to the applicant regarding said proposal. Case No.: App: Last Name: App: First N ame: Owne r: Last Name: Owner: First Nam e: App Addre as: City, State Z ip: App: Pho ne: Owner Address: City/St ate/Zip: Owner Phone: Project Address: Street Name : City/State, Zip: Case Disposition: Project Planner: File Lo cation: Notes: Follow- Up: OA0316 _ Quarter Section Map N itywide Related Cases: I Case Histor y: r~ Review Body: 1 APN: r"-~- 2nd Revie w Body: 2nd Review Date o.: OA031 WWI Section 26.109 regarding public hearing notice and procedure PC-10116103_ ICCC I Decision-making Body CC C Appro val/Denial Date: rrr--i - ResolOrdinance No.: 1 Conditions of Approval: Reckert ctive I I District: Date Rec eived: 1013/2003. Pre-App Date: r-