HomeMy WebLinkAboutZOA-99-038. STUDY SESSION C. Case No. ZOA-99-03: Discussion and review of Sections 26-32 (C)(4) and 26-31 (C)(7) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws governing sight-distance triangles. Ms. Reckert discussed the staff report and the need to update and clarify our existing regulations. She informed that most other cities seem to have a more sophisticated system or formulas based on speed, height, etc. for determining sight-distance triangles. She noted that while the City may need to develop a more sophisticated system to head off any potential liability issue, she would like to see that the new system not become difficult to apply. Commissioner MacDOUGALL and Chair BRINKMAN stated that of the examples of other cities before them, they prefer the City of Lakewood's which base their sight-triangle distances on speed. Commissioner SNOW recommended that staff check with the City of Lakewood to determine what aspects of their codes they like and areas they have experienced problems. Ms. Reckert commented that currently, street classifications determine the speed of the street and could possibly be used as a means of determining sight-distance areas. She informed that staff would prepare recommendations for the Commission. Chair BRINKMAN discussed existing areas where it has been determined to be a hazard. Ms. Reckert responded that the new standards would be enforced on any existing area determined to be a hazard. Commissioner THOMPSON asked that any proposed system be applied to different areas within the city as test cases to see how they would work. She stated that the new regulations should address areas needing special consideration such as areas with truck stops or deliveries. D. Case No. ZOA-99-04: Review and discussion of the City's existing regulations pertaining to residential development in commercial zones. Ms. Reckert explained the existing issues within our regulations when calculating density in a commercial area when you can have ancillary uses. You could potentially double count an area and possibly have a higher density of residential units within the commercial zones than in the residential zones. She explained the need to amend the regulations to address the issue but not eliminate the ability to have multiple uses within the commercial zone district. Commissioner SNOW discussed page 17 of the City Charter limiting a maximum of 21 residential units per acre and the desire that land not be counted twice in use calculations. She suggested that we limit how much commercial area could be used for residential purposes. Chair BRINKMAN mentioned that the City of Boulder uses multi-use developments to meet its needs for low income housing and suggested researching their regulations. Planning Commission Page October 7; 1999 City of Wheat Ridge; Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: 'MEREDITH RECKERT, SENIOR PLANNER SUBJECT: ZOA-99-03: SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLES DATE: October 7, 1999 It has come to staff's attention, that there is an increasing awareness on the issue of sight-distance triangles. Specifically, whether or not our current regulations adequately address the issue. While reviewing this issue, staff also discovered that there are conflicting regulatory restrictions throughout the Code of Laws which has caused confusion. A copy of the existing various regulations are attached. In response to this issue, the Planning and Development, and Public Works Departments have decided to research the various concerns to determine whether or not the problems are based on a defunct regulation, or if the situation needs to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Staff from both departments are currently gathering information from other municipalities to analyze how this issue is handled throughout the metro area. This study will allow staff to determine if our current regulations should be amended. Attached, are copies of regulations from a few other municipalities gathered to date. The information contained has not yet been analyzed. Staff is requesting the Planning Commission's insight as to whether or not they have experienced any problem with the existing sight-distance triangle areas, as well as direction as to how they would like staff to proceed. /bd C11_1 ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT lector streets such distance shall be fifty (50) feet. (d) In all residential districts, curb cuts for property access shall be not less. (7) than twelve (12) feet and not more than twenty-four (24) feet in width. Curb cuts in commercial and indus- trial districts shall not be more than thirty-five (35) feet in width when serving an individual property and shall not in any instance be less than twelve (12) feet. A joint curb cut, one which serves more than one (1) prop- erty, may not exceed forty-five (45) feet in width. (e) In cases where it is possible to pro- vide one (1) access point which will serve adjacent properties or where adherence to these requirements would leave a parcel of property with- out vehicular access, curb cut set- back or spacing requirements may be reduced or enlarged so as to per- mit a single vehicular access point if approved by the public works direc- tor. (f) The public works director may ap. prove a modification to or waiver to the vehicle access standards and re- quirements stated in this subsection (6), based upon consideration of traf- 15 ft. Sight 'Triangles 1 § 26-31 fic characteristics, both on and off of the site, with the primary purpose of preserving public safety. Sight distance triangle requirements. For all uses other than one- and two-family dwellings, no obstructions to view be- tween forty-two (42) inches and eighty- four (84) inches in vertical height, includ- ing, but not limited to, fences and walls, hedges or other landscaping, berms, signs or other structures, or parked vehicles, shall be permitted within triangular ar- eas measured fifteen (15) feet into the property from the right-of-way line and fifteen (15) feet either side of the curb cut or driveway. For all uses, on corner lots, no obstruction to view between thirty-six (36) inches and eighty-four(84)inches as described above shall be permitted within the triangle measured from the point of intersection of the lot lines abutting the streets a distance of twenty-five (25) feet on local streets and fifty-five (55) on col- lector and arterial streets. The forty-two- inch to eighty-four-inch vertical distance for driveways shall be measured from the center of the driveway or curb cut at the right-of-way line, and for street corners from top of curb, or if no curb exists, from edge of pavement. The following drawing illustrates the minimum unobstructed sight triangles. 11 W ¢ O W ¢ F ¢ y r. O a .°.1 U a s W Property / R.O.W. Line L19~J - Points LOCAL STREET of Vertical Measurement Figure 26.31.1. Sight Distance Triangles Supp. No. 19 1799 25, L-;' ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT § 26-32 (2) Topographic contours and spot elevations tare or berm over forty-two (42) inches above on final grading plan adequate to identify the level of the roadway or street is regu- and properly specify landscaping for area lated by section 26-30(I) of this Zoning Or. needing slope protection; dinance. (3) The location, size, surface materials and -4 (4) color of all structure(s), parking areas, storm detention areas and other man-made ele- ments; (4) The location, type and size of major ex- isting plant materials; (5) The locations, types, sizes and quantities of proposed plant and other materials. Common and botanical names shall be iden- tified adjacent to all plant material or by use of a key and legend; (6) Location and type of the irrigation system provided. (C) Landscape Area Requirements: (1) Any combination of two (2) or more of the following: grass, flowers, shrubbery, decid- uous and coniferous trees, which shall be maintained in an orderly manner, and, in addition, any combination of bark, rock or ornamental object not exceeding twenty (20) percent of the landscaping area may be used. In no event shall variances be ap- proved which reduce living materials to less than fifty (50) percent of the total land- scaped area. The intent of permitting vari. ances is to allow for well-designed xeriscape (low water use) planting design. Coverage shall be determined for the projected growth after two (2) full growing seasons. (2) If the lot area used for parking is placed between the public right-of-way and the structure(s), a screening of the parking area shall be established between the right- of-way and the parking area. This view- obscuring screen shall be at least thirty-six (36) inches but not to exceed forty-two (42) inches high and may be composed of live plantings, berms or artificial structures as approved by the planning division. (3) On corner lots, within the regulated sight distance triangle, the growth of any plant- ings or the erection of any landscape struc- Supp. No. 5 1807 Except for approved street trees, the land- scaping required on the right-of-way be- tween the property line and the curbline shall not be permitted to obtain a height greater than forty-two (42) inches above the level of the roadway. (5) Landscaping shall be installed only on the property or portion of property to be devel- oped or for which a building permit is ap- plied. For properties with existing develop- ment, landscaping in addition to existing landscaping shall be required on a per- centage basis determined either according to square footage added, or substantially altered, or value added to the premises by proposed improvements, whichever is higher, up to the maximum required for that district. Existing valuation and valu- ation of proposed changes shall be based on Uniform Building Code valuation tables. The term "substantially altered" means that the value of remodeling excess fifty (50) percent of the value of the building prior to such improvements. (6) In all districts, any area of the lot not cov- ered by building, parking, walkways, storage or display area, must be landscaped. (D) District Requirements: (1) Single- and two-family residential uses: (a) One (1) street tree per seventy (70) feet (or portion thereof) of street frontage to be placed within the front setback prior to issuance of the certificate of occu- pancy. This should not be construed to mean trees placed seventy (70) feet on center. (b) No less than twenty-five (25) percent of the gross lot area and no less than fifty (50) percent of the front yard, shall be landscaped. (2) Multifamily residential uses: (a) Required within the minimum building setbacks abutting public right-of-way, G'3 CITY OF GOLDEN SIGHT-DISTANCE-TRIANGLE 4~-q 08/02/1999 10:50 3033848161 PUBLIC WORKS PAGE 02 1 1 J L mow L 1 al f\11 1 \.A L,V, D Lcar Iudr'v c 1 TY of G,o t5Q'min sight distance Line of sight to be open Pr r h St0 si n Stn n a E4~ 8 a I T F line © Loading \ a Area 40 a~ LProperty line 4Luffl~ strip - Sttooo ' \ For aooveexample: - lu'^---,y_.. _ - PaSS• 11a3C TYPICAL. OFF-STREET PARKING LOT LAYOUT PAR1tMG ANGLE P 4S• So- S5• t10• 90' OFFSET A 18' IT-& 13L 46 11' t- GO CAR SPACE a 12' 1s'-4^ 10s& 10' 9-7' STALL DEPTH Of C IS' 16W 17.4' I& I&ON STALL DEPTHs4 D IS' I&-A" 16-81 19' 19' OVERHANG E 2' 2-1- 2-Z• 2-3• 7.9" DRIVEWAY F 13' 14=6" 16' 17•6 25' TURNAROUND 0 17' 1S' 15' 14' Ll' EXTRA H G' S' 4' 3' 0' I* No barrier danger, permissaNe intrusion O'(parallel tocurWparking is Seldom used in off-street parking lots, when it is wed the minimum staff dimensions shelf be 8'x 23' and the driveway adjacent to such $tells shall be not less tMn12feet wide. ENGINEERING DEPT. CITY OF GOLDEN V.G. Seiferth July 21.1975 City Enor PAGE 1 e• 2 C'S 999 10:50 3033848161 PUBLIC WORKS 3.8.1 For igbt Tums to &g M% on an Streets PAGE, 03 Co lry of COMON On City, arterial and collector streets, the design of acceleration/deceleration lanes for right turns will meet the requirements of the State Flighway Access Code, section 4.8, provided. sufficient right-of-way is available. If off-site right-of-way is insufficient to construct speed change lanes to these standards, the developer will be responsible for the .cost of obtaining the necessary right-of-way. If necessary, the City will use power of condenmation to obtain such right-of-way at the developer's cost. Where driveways have to be located in close proximity to one another in order to provide access to adjacent Properties, the City will permit speed change lanes to be combined if the minimum design standards. 3.9 3.9.1 tPublic ,Street maser«onc• As illustrated in Figure 18 in Appendix, at any intersection of two public, streets, a 55 ft sight distance triangle must provide for an.unobstmeted view across the triangle formed by joining points measured 55 ft distant along the curb line from the intersection of the two streets. Within the area of the triangle, there must be no sight obscuring or partly obscuring wall, fence, sign, foliage, or betming higher than 36 inches above the curb grade or, in the case of trees, foliage lower than 8 ft Vertical measurement must be made from the flowlines of the two streets forting the triangle, or if no gutter exists , from the edge of the neatest traveled way. Objects that may be located in the triangular area are items such as hydrants, utility poles, utility junction boxes, and traffic control devices, These must be located to minimize visual. obstruction. For rounded property comers, the triangular area must be between the curb lines extended and a diagonal line joining the points on the property lines, 55 ft. from the point of their intersection. The above also applies to intersections of public streets and railroad right-of-way at railroad crossings not controlled by gates or flashing lights. In addition to the above, at any intersection of two public streets, an unobstructed view as defined above must be provided across the area formed by the flowline or edge of pavement on one street and the flowline or edge of pavement of the intersecting street and line (labeled dl or 412 in The Appendix), connecting them at 10 ft from their point of intersection. This area will be used to ensure that drivers of vehicles exiting from the stopped approach have available the minimum sight distance provided in section 3.9.3. 3.10 At Private Accesses to BIMC Streets At any intersection of a Private property or parking structure access and a public street, it is recommended that an unobstructed view as defined in 39.1, across the triangle formed by joining points measured 55 ft. along both the curb line on the public street and private access edge line from the point of intersection of the street and access be provided. Four rounded property comers, the triangular area must be between the curb line and access edge line extended and a diagonal line joining the points on the property and Private access edge lines, 55 ft from the point of their intersection. . 35 1999 10: 50 3033848161 PUBLIC WORKS PAGE 04 r~tfi 1 1, Mal. aomto Tabora, at any intersection of a private. Pr DPI ry aecess.aod a °~ew, as defined in 3-9.1, IDUSi be PIOVleieQ across the area, few SUM ~ edge ofpavement on the public street and the private access drive. 6dg~&~ ' . AA aam imPP)> connecting them'at 1 area will be used to ensure th Q Rim their Point-iof the s t Ron at drivers of vehicles.ex-V N from. ttlsproac an access have available the Ung f minimum sight I'mtena. do not apply to single family backont drives w)iere sight- based on location of the driver's eye when cog the 'j, io CITY OF LITTLETON SIGHT-DISTANCE-TRIANGLE Sent By: CITY OF LITTLETON; 3037953856; Aug-2-99 11:02; Page 2 LITTLETON ZONING ORDINANCE 51h Revised Edition June 30, 1997 Page 71 CHAPTER 4 SECTION: SUPPLEMENTARY STANDARDS 10-4-1: Standards Related to Site Design 10-4-2: Churches and Church Facilities 10-4-3: Fences : 104-4: Accessory Uses and Structures 10-45: Home Occupations 10.4-6: Noise, Vibrations and Emissions 10-4-7: Outdoor Storage and Waste Disposal 10-4-6: Mlnl-Warehousing 10-4-9: Parking and Loading 10.410: Temporary Uses 10-4-11: Cellular Telecommunications Facilities 10-4-12: Residential Occupancy in Non-Residendal Dlstricis 10-4-13: Other Applicable Sections or this Code 10-4-1: STANDARDS RELATED TO SITE DESIGN (A) Minimum Lot Requirements: cirY of LIffMMO 1. Lot Requirements: Standards related to lot area, lot width, open space, setbacks, and height of building(s) are referenced under each zone district in Chapter 2 of [his Title. 2. Predominant Front Setbacks: In residential zone districts. where more than twenty five percent (25%) of the platted lots along one block front developed, the front setback established for the developed lots shall set the required front setback for development of me remainder of the block front. including additions to the edaling structures. This regulation shall not, In any case, require a front setback of more than fifty feet (SO')- 3. Minimum Lot Area Calculation: Thal por[tun of a parcel dedlcalea for public right-of-way shall not be included in computing the minimum lot area of any subdivision- 4. Sight Tflanglas: A sight hiangle shall be an area of a comer lot delineated by connecting the two points defined by measuring thlnv- five feet (35') along each right-of-way line from the point of Intersection of the two right-of-way lines. Within the sight triangle, obstructions which may interfere with the views of motorists, cyclists and/or pedestrians shall be kept to a minimum. The following standards shall apply: a. Location of structures: New structures, or additions to edsling structures- shall not be located within any sight triangle b. Excapt as provided In Section 8.1.6(8), sight triangles shall be maintained free of visual Obstructions, as is practical between a height of two and one-hall feet (2yd) and ten feet (101. 5. Obstructions on PubliC Lands: No tNlflding, renCe, wall, ditch, or other otlsVUCUon shall be locatetl, wholly or in pan, upon any street, allay, 81dowatk, or other public ground of the City without a permit issued by the Director of Public Sorvicos as provided in Section Such m3trlobons shall ho[ applyto the inatallafion of curbs, guests, curb cuts, sidewalks andddvrowa s construetod according to the standards of the Chys Engineering Division. 6. Double Frontage Lots: When there is a question a5 to the Orientation of structures on double frontage lots (loss with street frontage along two opposite lot lines, not Including comer lots), the Zoning Official shall make a determination as to the front. rear and side yards based on the prevalent oevai0pmem pattern and orientation of suucrums In the vicinity. (e) Number of Principal Structures: The number of principal structures permitted on any single lot of record shall be limited as follows: 1. For single-famliy dwelling units, not more than one principal structure per lot in A1, RS, R-L, R-E, R-1, R-2, R3, R3X, R-4, R-5. T and CA Zone Distrito. 2. For Iwo-larnily and muilipirsfamily siructures in R•3X and T Zone Districts, not more than one principal structure per lot. 3. Far two-fam9y and muttipla-family strucotras In R-4. R•5. T and CA Zone Districts, not more than two (2) principal structure per lat. 4. For commercial and Industrial structures In B-P, T, B•1, B4, B3, CA. I-P, 1-1, and 1.2 Zone Districts, not more than five (5) princpat structures per IOL I~'-9 Sent By: CITY OF LITTLETON; 8-1-5 3037953856; Aug-2-99 11:02; Page 3/4 8-1-6 Cory of LI ffmrorl immediate revocation if said right of way is used for any purpose other than for the installation of the approved use, or if the owner/applicant fails to keep said use in a state of good repair. This permit shall immediately cease if the approved use is removed and is replaced by a different use or the same use of different design. 10. In the event that it is deemed necessary to the health, safety, or general public welfare, the City may remove or cause to be removed any, use of public right of way, permitted under the provisions of these regulations, for the purpose of widening, constructing, or otherwise improving any street, alley, sidewalk or other public way or use without compensation to the owner of said permitted use. (Ord. 10,,Series of 1976) (C) Injuring, Marking Pavement: No person shall injure, mark, disfigure, deface or destroy any pavement or sidewalk in the City or assist in doing the same. (1971 Code, sec. 21.7) (D) Engaging In Sports In Streets: No person in or on any highway or street within the corporate limits of the City shall indulge in any sport or other activity likely to or calculated to injure vehicles or pedestrians, or interfere with the passage of vehicles or pedestrians along the highways or streets. (1971 Code, sec. 21.8) 8-1-6: OBSTRUCTIONS AT STREET INTERSECTIONS': (A) Obstructions Prohibited: Nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow on corner lots at street intersections between a height of two and one-half feet (2112) and ten feet (10) above the adjoining street level in such a manner as materially to impede the vision of motorists, cyclists and/or pedestrians from one street or sidewalk to an intersecting street or sidewalk, subject to the following exceptions. (1971 Code, sec. 21.26) (B) Exceptions: The foregoing provisions shall not apply to permanent buildings, public utility poles, hedges trimmed to a height of less than thirty three inches (33°) above the gutter grade, trees, the limbs of which overhang the public sidewalk and at all times are kept trimmed of limbs and sucker growth on the trunk to a height of at least ten feet (10) above the sidewalk level, or the limbs of which overhang the' public street and at all times are kept trimmed of sucker growth 1. See also offense set out In Section 8-4-22 of this Code. City ofLittieion Sent By: CITY OF LITTLETON; 3037953056; Aug-2-99 11:03; Page 4/4 S 1-6 5-1-6 city Iwo to a height of at least thirteen feet (13') above the street level; plant species not planted in the form of a hedge which are so planted and trimmed as to leave at all times a clear and unobstructed cross-view; ornamental fences not exceeding four feet (4') in height providing the ratio of the solid portion of the fence to the open shall not exceed one to four (1:4); supporting members appurtenant to permanent buildings existing on the date of this Chapter; official warning signs or signals at places where the contour of the ground is such that there can be no cross-visibility at the intersection; and signs mounted seven feet (7') or more above the ground whose supports are so constructed as to minimize the obstruction of view. (1971 Code, sec. 21.27) (C) Duty Of Property Owner; It shall be the duty of any person growing or permitting to grow any tree, shrub, plant or other obstruction within the limits above described in subsection (A) of this Section, to trim or cause to be trimmed or to remove or cause to be removed such obstruction. (1971 Code, sec. 21.28) (D) Procedure To Insure Correction: When a violation of subsection (A) of this Section is observed, the Director of Public Works shall serve a written notice to correct the condition upon the owner, operator, occupant or other person growing or permitting to grow or exist the said obstruction. Personal service of such notice or mailing such notice to the last known address of the owner of the premises by certified mail shall be deemed sufficient service. Any such notice shall describe the violation, describe the corrective measures necessary and set forth a time limit for compliance, dependent upon the hazard created, which time limit shall not be less than seven (7) days nor more than thirty (30) days from the service of the notice. (1971 Code, sec. 21.29) (E) Action By City: The Director of Public Works may trim or cause to be trimmed or otherwise removed the obstruction described in the notice, in the event there is no appeal and there is failure to comply with the notice when the time limit prescribed therein has expired. Such action by the Director of Public Works shall not preclude any prosecution for violation of the terms of this Chapter as hereinafter described. The costs of such action shall be paid by the property owner, and if not paid may be certified by the City Council to the County Treasurer for collection as taxes. (1971 Code, sec. 21.30) (F) Appeal To Council: Any person concerned under this Section, shall have the right to appeal to the Council of the City; provided, a notice of appeal is filed with the City Clerk within fifteen (15) days from the City of Littleton C-/ I CITY OF LAKEWOOD SIGHT-DISTANCE-TRIANGLE SENT BY:PLAN,PERM&PUB WRKS 8- 2-99 ; 1:37PM SIGHT ~i CITY OF LKWD-+ 303 235 2857;# 2/ 6 C i ry OF ~►I WD~'iD FOR SIGHT DISTANCE LENGHTS SEE SECTION 6.9.3 S5' 55' ' K Tf1NOI.E SIGHT LINE Ito) CITY OF LAKEWOOD, COLM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SIGHT DISTANCE FIGURE -f ~ SENT BY:PLAN,PERM&PUB WRKS ; 8- 2-99 ; 1:38PM ; CITY OF LKWDI 303 235 2857;9 3/ 8 6.9.3 Minimum Sight Distance Sight distance as shown in Tables 16 through 19 are designed to enable vehicles to: 1. When turning left or right, accelerate to the operating speed of the street without causing approaching vehicles to reduce speed by more than 10 miles per hour. 2. When turning left, clear the near half of the street without conflicting with vehicles approaching from the left. The distance requirements are based on a 3.5 ft. driver eye height and 4.25 ft. object height for passenger cars; a 6.0 ft. driver eye height and 4.25. ft, object height for semi- trailers. The operating speed on each approach is assumed to be, in order of desirability, a) the 85th percentile speed, b) the speed limit if based on an engineering study,' or c) in the case of a new facility, 80 percent of the design speed. When the criteria for sight distances cannot be met, the City will prohibit turns by exiting vehicles when appropriate or require additional speed change lane length. These standards apply to accesses on State Highways and City Streets. They exceed the provisions of section 4 of the State Access Code. Table 16: Safe Sight Safe Sight Speed (mph) Distance - Left'Ld') Distaace - Right 'L d%) 20 150 130 25 240 200 30 350 260 35 430 350 40 530 440 45 610 570 50 740 700 55 830 860 60 950 1050 ' Measured from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge. -41- 6~) SENT BY:PLAN,PERM&PUB LARKS ; 8- 2-99 ; 1:38PM ; CITY OF LKWDN 303 235 2857;# 4/ 6 CITY ow L^Vr"Vb Table 17: Safe Sight Safe Sight Speed (mph) Distance - Left'(d') Distance - Right' jd2y 20 130 130 25 180 200 30 220 260 35 300 350 40 380 440 45 500 570 50 620 700 55 760 860 60 950 1050 Measured from the edge to a vehicle Measured from the edge to a vehicle Tabl_e18 : driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement in the outside lane. driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement approaching in the median lane. Safe Sight Safe Sight Speed ( h) Distance - Left'-(dl) Distance -20Right'(dz) 20 300 25 400 320 30, 500 400 35 680 640 40 850 850 45 1160 1160 50 1600 1600 55 2000 2000 60, 2500 2500 Measured from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge. Table 19: Safe.Sight Safe Sight Speed (mph) Distance - Left'(d') Distance - Rioht2(d2) 20 200 200 25 320 320 30 400 400 35 640 640 40 850 850 45 1160 1160 5o 1600 1600 55 2000 2000 60 2500 2500 -42- c-~S SENT BY:PLAN,PERM&PUB WRKS 8- 2-99 ; 1:39PM CITY OF LKPoD- 303 235 2857;# 5/ 6 GITY of (411OLWOD ' Measured from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge to a vehicle in the outside lane. 2 Measured from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the median lane. The sight distances shown in Tables 20 and 21 are required for vehicles turning left from a public street and entering a private access or another public street to allow them a clear view of oncoming vehicles and complete the maneuver safely. Table 20: Sight Distances (ft.) for Passenger Cars Entering Private Accesses or Public Streets by Left Turns from a Public Street 25 190 200 220 30 230 250 270 35 300 320 340 40 370 390 420 45 450 470 50o 50 520 550 580 55 600 630 670 60 700 740 780 Measured from the point where a left-turning vehicle stops to a vehicle approaching in the outside lane. Table 21• i 20 260 280 300 25 330 360 380 30 400 440 480 35 480 540 580 40 570 620 670 45 680 730 800 50 810 880 950 55 910 990 1060 60 1000 1100 1200 Measured from the point where a left-turning vehicle stops to a vehicle approaching in the outside lane. _43- 6P SENT BY;PLAN,PERM&PUB RRKS ; 8- 2-99 ; 1:39PM ; CITY OF LKWD- 303 235 2857;# 6/ 6 CWIT1j of t4ftUANDO The sight distances in Tables 16 to 19 apply when highway grades are zero to 3.0% (either up or down). When grades are steeper than 3.0%, adjustments must be made to compensate for the different distances required to reach the speed of high- way traffic. Adjustment factors are provided in,Table 22. Table 22: Factors for the Effect of Grade on Sight Distance' Downgrade Upgrade Grade Factor Factor 0 - 3% 1.0 1.0 3.1 - 5% 0.6 1.4 5.1 - 8% 0.5 1.7' ' When the highway in the section to be used for acceleration after leaving the access descends, sight distance in the direction of approaching descending highway traffic should be reduced by these factors. Z When the highway in the section to be used for acceleration after leaving the access ascends, then sight distance in the direction of approaching ascending traffic should be increased by these factors. 6.10 Stopping Sight Distance Sight distance is the length of roadway ahead visible to the driver. The minimum stopping sight distance available on a roadway must be sufficiently long to enable a vehicle traveling at or near the road- way design speed to stop before reaching a stationary object in its path or react to a traffic control device such as a stop sign. Table 23 summarizes the stopping sight distance for vehicles travel- ing on wet pavement at zero percent grade. All roadway designs in the City must provide the minimum appropriate stopping sight distance shown in Table 23 for level terrain conditions, depending on the design speed of the roadway. These standards apply to both City Streets and State Highways. Table 23: Minimum Stopping Sight Distance' Design Speed (mph) Stopping Sight Distance (ft.) 20 125 25 150 30 200 35 250 40 325 45 400 50 475 55 550 60 650 iiYlI~1M,JN.I.1iWtl1~M~iAM(.~aw.'~~as.usw~.w-~m~J,f --vIYY.bs.en.riY~+~..'weva...r C-i I of wnegr City of Wheat Ridge qm Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer FROM: Alan White, Planning and Development Director ow SUBJECT:. Sight Triangles w DATE: September 3, 1999 Attached is the research we have collected from other jurisdictions concerning sight triangles. As I anticipated, the approaches seem to be all over the board. After you have had a chance to look at these, we probably need to have another meeting. Meredith has scheduled a review by Planning Commission on September 16`h. I think that might be too early. Let me or Meredith know when you can meet. Thanks. Post-V brand tax transmittal memo 7671 + Fapas F Fro Co. Co. Dept. Phenen i FaxN 236 FaxY C W r- 0 to A M M _ F a f !f f ~ ' ~ g Oi ALLEY SIGHT TRIANGLES mrNrmmtxrroFUxrrx rnANSPCarAna+ DIVISION °@""~°`"""CWO R C1NS OPFI~OFp1Y ENGINEER § 146-1892 AURORA CITY CODE c. Temporary window signs shall contain only information and wording relating to the service or merchandise offered in the building on which they appear. Such signs shall be located only at those windows of the unit or space occupied by the business. The maximum allowable display period for any individual temporary window sign shall be 90 days per calendar year per business. The requirements of this subsection shall apply to all existing properties within the city on the effective date of the ordinance from which this section applies. Signs within the criteria established in section 146-1841 and this section regardingg fabric signs shall be regulated separately from the requirements of this an section. Any window sign displaying the business name shall be classified as a permanent window sign. (16) Sus benches. Bus benches are permitted on the city right-of-way pursuant to a bus bench franchise agreement. Said agreement shall control as to issues of bus bench sign placement, design, and maintenance. (Code 1979, § 41-680; Ord. No_ 95-96, § 2, 12-11.95) Secs. 146.1883-146-1920. Reserved. DIVISION 7. FENCE REGULATIONS sec. 146-1821. Compliance; permit. All fences shall conform to the provisions of this division, except fences and barricades around construction sites which are governed by the Uniform Building Code, sections 4406, 4407, and table no. 44-A, as amended and adopted by the city. It shall be unlawful for any parson to construct, erect or install any fence as authorized by this chapter without first having obtained a permit for such fence. A fence permit issued pursuant to this section may contain conditions relating to time limits for commencement of construction and completion of the fence. The fee for the permit shall be determined by the city manager. (Code 1979, § 41-701) Sec. 146.1922. Residential and S-3 business districts. Fences may be installed in residential districts and B-3 highway service districts as established by this chapter, but shall conform to the following. (1) Fences installed within property boundaries and within the required front yard, as defined by this chapter, shall be not less than 50 percent open and shall not exceed a height of 42 inches above adjoining grade. For fences around swimming pools, see section 146-1926. (2) Hedges may be planted and maintained within the required front yard setback, provided such hedges do not exceed a height of 42 inches above grade. On corner lots, see subsection (3) of this section. (3) On corner lots, no fence, retaining wall, shrub, tree, hedge or similar obstruction shall be erected planted or maintained within the triangular area formed by the intersect- ing street lines and a straight Brie adjoining the street lines at points which are 30 feet distant from the point of intersection along such street lines, provided that fences more than 75 percent open may be constructed at not more than 42 inches in height above the sidewalk grade. Fences less than 75 percent open, hedges, shrubs and retaining walls may be planted or constructed and maintained at not more than 26 inches in height above the adjoimny sidewalk grade. When sidewalks do not exist, the grade shall be established by the city manager. (4) Fences back of the front building line and rear yard fences may be installed to a height not more than six feet above the adjoining grade on the high side, provided that on reverse corner lots fences installed in side and rear yards adjacent to a street and rear yards abutting on front yards may be constructed to the same height as fences constructed back of the front. building lines and rear yard fences, provided that they CD146:188 B_ PERMIT APPLICATION: NO FENCE, WALL, OR VISUAL BARRIER MAY BE MAINTAINED OR ERECTED WITHOUT A VALID ACCESSORY PERMIT -ISSUED BY THE CITY. AN ACCESSORY PERMIT SHALL BE FILED ON A CITY APPLICATION FORM, TOGETHER WITH FEES, PLANS, AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED BY THE CITY FOR ALL FENCES AND WALLS. C. RETINITTONS FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS ARTICLE, THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS APPLY: OPEN MEANS A VERTICAL SURFACE WITH 50% OR MORE OPEN SPACE. 2- SOLID MEANS A VERTICAL SURFACE WITH LESS THAN 50% OPEN SPACE. 3. HEIGHT MEANS THE DISTANCE OF THE VERTICAL SURFACE MEASURED FROM FINISHED GRADE TO THE TOP OF THE VERTICAL SURFACE. D. VISIBILITY: SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANQLE - ALL ZONE DISTRICTS. NO VISUAL OBSTRUCTION OVER TWO AND ONE-HALF FEET (2 1/2') IN HEIGHT ABOVE THE TOP OF THE NEAREST CURB SHALL BE ERECTED, PLACED, PLANTED, OR ALLOWED TO GROW WHICH OBSTRUCTS THE VIEW OF PEDESTRIANS ON THE SIDEWALK OR OBSTRUCTS THE TRAFFIC VISION AT INTERSECTIONS. COMPLIANCE WITH THE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER. 1. FIGURE - 1 AND CHART 1 SHALL BE USED TO DETERMINE INTERSECTION CROSS-CORNER VISIBILITY AT MAJOR STREETSIAVENUES AND MINOR STREETS/AVENUES. Figure -1: SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE $ f---Major StmVAveuue - 0 B _ Minor StreeVAve. A A Chart -1 1 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE Type of Intersection Seed M.P.H. Minimum Required Intersection Sight Distance A B Minor Street/Avenue Major Street/Avenue Minor Street with 20 mph 15' 200' a Major street 25 mph 15' 250' 30 mph 15' 300' 35 mph 15' 350' 40 mph IF 400' 45 mph 15' 450' 60 mph 15' 5o0' 2. ALLEY SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE • ALL ZONE DISTRICTS. NO VISUAL OBSTRUCTION OVER TWO AND ONE HALF FEET (2 v2') IN HEIGHT ABOVE THE TOP OF THE NEAREST CURB SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE FEET (25') OF THE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE AREA OF AN ALLEY AND STREET/AVENUE INTERSECTION- SAID TRIANGLE IS MEASURED FROM A POINT WHERE THE CURB LINE AND THE CENTER LINE OF THE ALLEY MEET. THE DISTANCE FROM THIS POINT SHALL BE TWENTY FIVE FEET ALONG THE STREET/AVENUE CURB LINE ("B") AND TWENTY- FIVE FEET ALONG THE ALLEY CENTER LINE ("A'7_ THE THIRD SIDE OF THE TRIANGLE ("C") CONNECTS THESE TWO SIDES, CREATING THE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE. BOTH FIGURE - 1 AND FIGURE - 2 SHALL BE USED TO DETERMINE CROSS-CORNER VISIBILITY AT STREETS/AVENUES AND ALLEYS. FSgure - 2: ALLEY SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE POINT OF INTERSECTION STREET/AVENUE B j B A = Center Alley Line, Twenty-five (25') feet B e Curb line, Twenty-five (25') feet i E. CLASSIFICATION OF FENCES. WALLS AND VISUAL BARRIERS. SINGLE STYLES FOR FENCES, WALLS AND VISUAL BARRIERS ARE ENCOURAGED CLASSIFICATION OF FENCES, WALLS AND VISUAL BARRIERS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: (>Li3SS:. STYLE: - [bIATERIAL Class 1 Masonry High quality brick, stone, concrete, block, or other similar material Class 2 Decorative metal High quality metal, such as cast iron, galvanized steel, aluminum or other metal fencing materials Class 3 Chain link High quality steel or aluminum Class 4 Wood High quality material rated for exterior fence use Class 5 Alternative Vinyl, plastic or composite fence products designed specifically for fencing purposes Class 6 Combination fence/wall/vegetation Combination fences shall consist of two or more quality materials Class 7 Woven Wire High quality steel or aluminum return shall be accomplished within the return without affecting street grades beyond the PClt. Maximum vertical curves will equal the arc length of the curb return. The elevation and location of the high or low point within the return, if applicable, is to be called out in the profile. (B) Scale for the curb return profile to be one inch equals one foot (1"=1') vertically. 6.17.08 Connection With Existin Roadways (A) Connection with existing roadways shall be smooth transitions conforming to normal vertical curve criteria if the algebraic difference in grade between the existing and proposed grade exceeds eight-tenths (0.008 ft./R.) of a percent. When a vertical curve is used to make this transition, it shall be fully accomplished prior to the connection with the existing improvements and shall also comply with the grade requirements at intersection approached. A Existing grade shall be shown for at least three hundred feet (300') with field verified as-builts showing stations and elevations at twenty-five-foot (25') intervals. In the case of connection with an existing intersection, these as-builts are to be shown within a three-hundred-foot (300') radius of the intersection. This information will be included in the plan and profile that shows that proposed roadway. Limits and characteristics of the proposed improvement are the primary concern in the plan view. Such characteristics include horizontal alignment, off-site intersections, limits of the improvement, etc. (C) Previously approved designs for the proposed improvement are not an acceptable means of establishing existing grades. However, they are to be referenced on the construction plan where they occur. (D) The basis of the as-built elevations shall be the design elevations (both llowlinc or both top of curbs, etc.) when possible. 6.18.00 SIGHT DISTANCES 6.18-01 General The major considerations in alignment design are safety, grade, profile, road area, design speed, sight distance, topography, drainage, and performance of heavy-duty vehicles. The road alignment should provide for safe and continuous operation at a uniform design speed. New road layout shall bear a logical relationship to existing or platted roads in adjacent properties. Design for site distances shall be in accordance with the following: Adequate intersection design necessitates the provision of safe ingress and egress from one street or driveway to the other, based in part on the ability of a driver to see oncoming vehicles or pedestrians. The following guidelines shall be used in the design of intersections, private driveways and public streets which intersect other traffic carrying facilities. 4/1/99 6-15 6.18.02 Sight Distance Triangle At the intersection of two public streets or a private driveway artd a public street, sight distance shall be evaluated across a "sight distance triangle" where obstructions are restricted according to the following criteria. Within the area of the triangle there must be no wall, fence, sign, foliage, berming or other structure which will obscure the driver's view of traffic approaching that intersection. The structurespr berms within the sight distance triangle can extend no higher than 24 inches above the curb elevation and no lower than eight feet above the curb. Exceptions to this requirement exist for public facilities such as fire hydrants, utility poles and traffic control devices. These facilities must be located to minimize visual obstruction. The evaluation of sight distance shall be made on two different types of sight distance areas. The first is shown in Figure 6. 19.01 for the intersection of two public streets. The sight distance triangle in this case is formed by the intersection of two lines plotted along the curb line of the intersecting streets using the specified lengths. The diagonal connects the other ends of those lines. Where one or the other of the intersecting streets/driveways has no curb, the lines are plotted along the edge of the traveled way. The second sight distance triangle is shown in Figure 6.18.02, and is forted by lines plotted along the flowlines or edge of traveled way of both streets and the diagonal lines dl and d2 as shown. Distance dl is measured to vehicles approaching from the left and d2 is measured to those approaching from the right. The sight lines (dl and d2) have their origin at the stopped driver's eye, located ten feet (10') behind the flowline of the street being entered. Tables 6.18.01 through 6.18.04 show recommended sight distances dl, and d2 for passenger vehicles and semi-tractor trailer bucks for several different vehicle operating spears and roadway configuration. The tables were developed according to the following general criteria: 1. Vehicles turning left or right can accelerate to the operating speed of the intersecting street without causing approaching vehicles to reduce speed by more than ten miles per hour. 2. Vehicles turning left can clear the near half of the street without conflicting with vehicles approaching from the left. 3. The, distance requirements are based on the driver's eye being 3.5 feet above the roadway and an object height of 4.25 feet. For semi-tractor trailers, a six foot driver's eye height and a 4.25 feet object height are assumed. 4. The operating speed on each approach is assumed to be (in the order of desirability): A. The 85th percentile speed; B. The speed limit, if based on a traffic engineering study; C. The design speed in the case of a new facility. 4/l/99 6-16 SIGHT DISTANCE TIANGLES 1 PROPERTY LINE (TYP. FLOWLINE OF STREET (TYP.) OR DRIVEWAY I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 11 1 ~p 1 II i SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE (TYP.) NOTE: IF Y, ?k Y2 USE THE LARGER OF THE TWO TO DETERMINE THE "LEG LENGTH" OF THE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE FLOWLINE TO FLOWLINE LEG LENGTH < 36 FT. 35 FT. < 44 FT. 45 FT. 45 FT. 55 FT. 4/1/99 FIGURE 6.18.01 6-17 FOR SIGHT DISTANCE LENGTHS SEE TABLES 6.18.01 THROUGH 6.18.04 SIGHT LINE SIGHT LINE y r I I I dl 1 I I 1 -I, 1 I ( III 1 ' ~ I I1 1 1 1 1 MINOR ROAD I _ II 1 ~ 1 I ~ I I ~ I W I I 1 d= I ~ I z 1 I~ 11 I ~ I ~ I al O S I I 4I`~ I I I 3 1 I 1 FIGURE 6.18.02 4!1!99 6-18 When the criteria for sight distance cannot be met, the City may prohibit certain turns by exiting vehicles to provide safe operating conditions. These standards apply to accesses on State Highways and City streets. TABLE 6.18.01 Sight Distance (feet) for Passenger Cars Exiting from Private Accesses or Public Streets onto Two-Lane Roads Safe Sight Sight Saf Speed (mph) Distance - Left 1 d2 Distance- Right 1 d2 20 150 130 25 240 200 30 350 260 35 430 350 40 530 440 45 610 570 50 740 700 55 830 860 60 950 1,050 Measured from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge. TA13LE 6.18.02 Sight Distance (feet) for Passenger Cars Exiting from private Accesses or Public Streets onto Pour and Six-Lane Roads Safe Sight Safe Sight Speed (mph) Distance - Left 1 d2 Distance - Right 2 d2 20 130 130 25 180 200 30 220 260 35 300 350 40 380 440 45 500 570 50 620 700 55 760 860 60 950 1,050 1 Mcasnred from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge to a vehicle in the outside lane. 2 Measured from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the median lane. 411/99 6-19 TABLE 6.18.03 Sight Distance (feet) for Semi-Trailers Exiting from Private Accesses or Public Streets onto Two-Lane Roads Safe Sight Safe Sight Speed (mph) Distance - Left 1 d2 Distance - Right 2 d2 20 300 200 25 400 320 30 680 400 35 850 640 40 1,160 850 45 1,600 1,160 50 2,000 1,600 55 2,500 2,000 60 950 2,500 Measured from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge. 2 Measured from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the median lane. TABLE 6.18.04 Sight Distance (feet) for Semi-Trailers Exiting from Private Accesses or Public Streets onto Pour and Six-Lane Roads Safe Sight Safe Sight Speed (mph) Distance - Left 1 d2 Distance - Right 2 d2 20 200 200 25 320 320 30 400 400 35 640 640 40 850 850 45 1,160 1,160 50 1,600 1,600 55 2,000 2,000 60 2,500 2,500 t Measured from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge. 2 Measured from the driver's eye ten feet back of the flowline or pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the median lane. 4!1!99 6-20 The sight distance shown in Tables 6.18.05 and 6.18.06 are required for vehicles turning Icft form a public street to allow them a clear view of oncoming vehicles and complete the maneuver safely. TABLE 6.18.05 Sight dislzsnce (ft.) for Passenger Cars Entering Private Accesses or Public Sheets by Left Turns from a Public Street Safe Sight Distance in Feet 1 Speed (mph) 2-Lane 4-lane 6-Lanc 20 150 160 170 25 190 200 220 30 230 250 270 35 300 320 340 40 370 390 420 45 450 470 500 50 520 550. 580 55 600 630 670 60 700 740 780 Measured from the point where a left turning vehicle stops to a vehicle approaching in the outside lane. TABLE 6.18.06 Sight distance (ft.) for Scmi-Trailers Entering Private Accesses or Public Streets by LOR Turns from a Public Street Safe Sight Distance in Feet 1 Speed (mph) 2-lane 4-Lane 6-Lane 20 260 280 300 25 330 360 380 30 400 440 480 35 480 540 580 40 570 620 670 45 680 730 800 50 810 880 950 55 910 990 1,060 60 1,000 1,100 1,200 Measured from the point where a left fuming vehicle stops to a vehicle approaching in the outside lane. 4/1/99 The sight distances in Tables 6.18.01 and 6.18.04 apply when highway grades are zero to 3.0% (either up or down). When grades are steeper than 3.0%, adjustments must be made to compensate for the different distances required to reach the speed of highway traffic. Adjustment factors are provided in Table 6.18.07. 6-21 TABLE 6.18.07 Factors for the Effect of Grade on Sight Distance Grade Downgrade Factor 1 0-3# 1.0 3.1-5% 0.6 5.1-8% 0.5 Upgrade Factor 2 1.0 1.4 1.7 When the highway in the section to be used for acceleration after leaving the access descends, sight distance in the direction of approaching descending highway traffic should be reduced by these factors. When the highway in the section to be used for acceleration after leaving the access ascends, then sight distance in the direction of approaching ascending should be increased by these factors. 6.19.00 ROADWAYCROWN 6.19.01 Cross Slope Except at intersections or where superelcvation is required, roadways shall be level from top of curb to top of curb (or flowline to flowlinc) and shall have a minimum two percent (2%) crown. Within one-hundred-ffy feet (150') of an intersection, the maximum elevation difference between flowlines shall be dictated by the allowable intersection grade and the actual distance between flowlines. (A) Parabolic or curved crowns are not allowed, In no case shall the pavement cross slope at warped intersections exceed the grade of the through street. (B) The rate of change in pavement cross slope when warping side streets at intersections shall not exceed one percent (1%) every twenty-five feet (25') horizontally on a local roadway, one percent (1%) every thirty-seven-and-one-half feet (37.51 horizontally on a collector roadway, or one percent (1%) every fifty-six-and-one-half feet (56.5') horizontally on arterial roadway. (C) In the ease of conflict caused by requirements of the Storm Drainage Design and Technical Criteria Manual, the drainage requirements shall govern. 6.19.02 Supcreleyation Superelevation is required for curves on all arterial roadways and selected collector roadways. Horizontal curve radius on supereevation shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", latest edition (Green Hook). 4/1/99 6-22 -oc ao~lL ~139-?3`f`7 APPLICATION FORM GUIDEBOOK PLANNING DEPARTMENT AURORA,COLORADO NEW APPLICANTS: Please be advised that the procedures described here are for City Planning approval only, and do not qualify to begin actual construction. The start of actual development requires the issuance of a Building Permit from the City Building Division. Please contact a Plans Examiner there for complete information (Room 200, Municipal Building - 739-7420). (See Subject No. 27 in this Guidebook). Revised June 1996 EXHIBIT D (Continued) K. Wight Dlstance Triangles All sight distance triangles as required by the Traffic Division of the Department of Public Works shol/ be shown. mature height Plant material located within these triangles shall not exceed twenty-six (26) inches of . If a berm is present the height of the berm plus limit. the mature height of the plant shall not exceed this L. Phasing of InstaNe6ons All future development phases within a site shall be seeded to prevent wind and were erasion during the time the site remains undeveloped. An appropriate seed mixture shall be chosen according to the atrachetl/fst. Developers requiring additionallnformation should contact or the Colorado State University Extension Service, the Soil Conservation Service M. /llustredons All cross-sections, elevations and perspectives intended for use Zoning Commission shall show plant material as it would as appear three exhibits before years the from Pomlanning date and installation. o, N. Aurora City Center Spacial landscape provisions have been city center area. Please refer to the outlined for all commercial development to occur within the understanding of the vision and Aurora Ciry Center Urban Design Guide/fines" for aSpecificbetter sfreetscape design concepts intended for this area. modifications of the City of Aurora Landscape Standards include the increase of open space within a site to twenty percent 120%1, and an increase of inteM&11and5c3ping within parking lots to ten percent (70%l. 0. Plan Submittal Raquitemenis for Development Review /checklist) Title block indicating name of project, its location, date of plan preparation, name, address and phone number of designer, an approval signature block and page number(s), if applicable. Ceftographic details including a north arrow, scale of the project (1-= 20'- 0" or less - both written and graphically displayed), plus all utility/property easements. A plant materials legend including common and botanical names, quantities, sizes (pot size, caliper and/or height), groundcover perennial plant spacing, plus turf and/or seed varieties, including exact areas/ of coverage. Outline or delineation of /ow, moderate and high water zones within rho landscape, as well as areas dedicated to turf and mulch. Each area shat/ be measured in square feet and such notations shall be made on plan. is Au U'u P b•. J.;4erni rm,-cKUIJW iew WNIMYIt I uev I _ I PROPERTY LINE 14u444004Z, i-141 r ui/ui rout I CORNER CLEARANCE REQui Re FOR UNCONTROLLED LOCAL STREET INTERSECTIONS TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE SIGHT DISTANCE CURB LINE 55' LOCAL CURB LINE U t PROPERTY LINE It I c SIGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENT STOPPED APPROACH FOR INTERSECTIONS WITH TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. SIGHT LINE R.0l SIGHT DISTANCE D ALONG MAJOR ROAD I D=10' TO DRIVER'S EYE MAJOR ROAD I I DESIGN SPEED OF THRU ROADWAY MPH 25 3u 35 40 45 MINIMUM SIGHT DISTANCE FOR STOPPED VEHICLE (FEET) 250 300 350 400 450 Post-le Fax Note 7671 Da ► To 11 ; From o Cojwpt Co prw at Pnone a ~q Fu f Z Fa: • z GRADE CORRECTION DISTANCE (FEET) SPEED UPGRADE TO FOR DOWNGRADES 77 6r- 3% 67 25 0 -10 t10 120 30 0 -10 110 120 35 -10 -15 t10 125 40 -10 -20 +10 +30 45 -15 -25 +15 +40 TITLE SIGHT DISTANCE Of TA II DRAUf NUML3R 300-6 APPROvf DnTf • .b ZO'd -id101 § 18--,56 (c) Wswal obstruction rroulations. THORNTON CrrY CODE projected from the centerline of the nearest oncoming travel lane, starting at the minimum sight distance for a stopped vehicle based on the design speed of the through roadway, cor- rected for grade (see chart showing minimum sight distances and grade correction distances), and a point on the centerline of the nearest oncoming through lane of the intersecting street, ten feet inside the curbIine; and (1) A person shall not erect, plate, or maintain a structure, berm, plant life, or any other item on a lot if the item is: a. In a visibility triangle as defined in Subsection (cX2) of this section; and b. Between 23/2 feet and eight feet in height measured from the top of the adjacent street curb. If there is no adjacent street curb, the measurement is taken from the grade of the paved portion of the street adjacent to the visibility triangle. (2) For the purposes of Subsection (eXl) of this section, the term "visibility triangle" means: a. For all street intersections, the portion of a corner lot within a triangular area formed by connecting together the point of intersection of adjacent street curblines, or, if there are no street curbs, whatwouldbe the normal street curblines, and points on each of the street curblines created by a sight line b. For alleys and drives mtersecting a street, the portion of a lot within a triangular area formed by connecting together the point ofinterseclion of the edge of a driveway or alley and an adjacent street curblines, or, if there are no street curbs, what would be the normal street curbliaes, and points on each of the street curblines 20 feet from the intersection, except for single- family lots where the distance shall be ten feet from the intersection. . Visibility IWangles VisibilityTriangles eootroltEd intetsetxion Right-of-way line s Surat curb boo -41 Minimum sight distance' Alley or Drive Vistibifiry Ttbn& 1 .2011 except lit line 1 for single family LI Sum residential lots. Supp. No. 1 CD18:158 Z0:'ZO'd £L£L 8£S 202 NO1N6OH1 d0 1.110 tt:9T 666T-Z0-Onu § 30-147 ARVADA CODE § 30-150 ordinance of the city, the distances prescribed by the zoning ordinance shall take precedence. (Ord. No. 1544, § 4(E), 3- 19-79) Sec. 30-148. Sight distance-Minimum requirements. The following minimum sight distance shall be provided at all access point locations: Speed 45 mph 40 mph 35 mph 30 mph 25 mph (Ord. No. 1544, § 5(A), 3-19-79) Minimum Sight Distance 450 ft. 400 ft. 350 ft. 300 ft. 250 ft. Sec. 30-149. Same-Measurement. Sight distance shall be measured from the center of the approach lane at a point fifteen (15) feet behind the curb line to the center of the nearest approaching traffic lane for each direction. (See example below) TWOOO or" (3000) Tbm o wiiiiiil be bw ap" 15, C rb Lim Ao point (Ord. No. 1544, § 5(B), 3-19-79) Sea 30-150. Same--Speed. The speed used for determining minimum sight distance re- quirements shall be the existing posted speed limit of the street. In the event the street is not yet constructed, or is to be reconstructed, the anticipated speed limit shall be used. (Ord. No. 1544, § 5(A), 3-19-79) 2150 Section 5.6. VISIBILITY AT INTERSECTIONS In any district, on any corner lot, nothing shall be erected, placed, parked, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as materially to impede visibility at the intersection. Sight distance shall be measured from the center of the approach lane at a point 15 feet behind the curb line to the center of the nearest approaching traffic lane for each direction. DIAGRAM 3 VISIBILITY AT INTERSECTIONS The following minimum sign distance shall be provided at all access point locations: SPEED MINIMUM SIGHT DISTANCE 45 mph 450 ft. 40 mph 400 ft. 35 mph 350 ft. 30 mph 300 ft. 25 mph 250 ft. Upon recommendation by the Traffic Engineer, these distances may be modified where safe, accepted engineering practice would indicate that a modified visibility distance either greater or lesser, would be acceptable or necessary for public health, safety or welfare. THROUGH STREET 430 MPFO 300 30~• UNE I I I I ACCESS POINT ~F 5-12 Section 5.9. FENCES AND DIVISIONAL STRUCTURES A fence or divisional wall is permitted in any district with the issuance of a fence permit approved by the Planning Department and Building Department, in accordance with the following provisions: Section 5.9.1. Corner Lots At the time of application for a fence permit, the applicant must designate front, side and rear yards on the permit. Section 5.9.2. Location of Fences (See Diagram 4) A solid fence or divisional wall above 30 inches in height will not be permitted in a required front yard. When the side of a property fronts on a public right-of-way, a fence may be erected a distance of 12-1/2 feet from the property line, providing the fence does not extend beyond the front of the adjacent house. If the fence would extend beyond the front of the adjacent house, it must be setback: A. 25 feet from the existing property line; or B. To the existing setback of the structure if it is located closer than 25 feet to the property line. The only exception to the foregoing shall be fences of woven-wire type, or at least 80% open which may be erected to 48 inches in height and may be closer than 25 feet to the property line, parallel or perpendicular to a public right-of-way. DIAGRAM 4 FENCE SETBACKS J in FENCE !.U ; ® ® C EXAMPLE 1 EXAMPLE 2 5-14 Section 5.9.3. Planned Unit Developments Fences within a Planned Unit Development may vary from the standards in this Section, but in such case they must be in conformance with the fencing plan for the development as approved by the Planning Commission. Section 5.9.4. Height No fence, divisional wall, or retaining wall structures shall exceed 6 feet in height, unless one of the following applies: A. A higher structure is permitted in Article 4, Zoning Districts; or B. Fences enclosing private tennis courts may be 12 feet in height if located behind the front setbacks; or C. Any fence hereafter constructed in the rear yard of residentially zoned property, which property is adjacent to a Colorado State Highway, shall be eight feet in height and be made of wood with pickets placed on the side facing such highway. Section 5.9.5. Prohibited Fence No fence, hedge. tree or bush, divisional wall or retaining wall shall be erected, replaced or m ained within the City of Arvada, that constitutes unreasonable risk to health, safety and welfare of citizens, including electrified fences and barbed wire. The only exception to this shall be barbed wire fences in the A-1, Agricultural District, and four-strand barbed wire on top of a six foot fence in the B-4,1-1, 1-2, and PUD-1 Districts. Section 5.9.6. Double Frontage Lots Double frontage lots with one frontage on a major arterial or a collector may have fences, solid or open, up to six (6) feet in height, erected on the property line located along the major arterial or collector in conformance with Section 5.6. of this Article. Where there exists a non-paved surface between the property line and the sidewalk or curb and sidewalk, the applicant for a fence permit shall be required to cover that surface with a non-maintenance material such as concrete, acceptable to the Planning Director. Section 5.9.7. Visibility No fence, divisional wall, hedge, tree or bush shall be erected in violation of Section 5.6. of this Article. Section 5.9.8 Exemot Fences The following fence types shall be exempt from the six (6) foot height limitation: public tennis courts, baseball fields and other similar public recreation uses. 5-15 9-3.3-2 (f) Setbacks: All setbacks adjacent to a street shall be landscaped in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 9-3.3-3, "Landscape Design Standards," B.R.C. 1981, including, without hmita- tion, that portion between the property line and the edge of the pavement or curb of the adjaccnt street. Ordinance No. 5930 (1997) 9-3.3-3 Landscape Design Standards. A landscaping plan shall be designed in ac- cordance with the following standards: (a) Materials: All material required in a landscaped area shall be live plant ma- terial. Non-living materials such as bark or river rock may be used only if approved as part of the overall land- scaping plan. (b) Water Conservation: Landscaping is designed to conserve water. (c) Planting Specifications: All material shall be planted, at a minimum, in ac- cordance with the City of Boulder De- sign and Construction Standards. (d) Minimum Requirements for Plant Sizes: All materials planted under the provi- sions of this title shall meet the follow- ing requirements: (1) Deciduous trees are at least two-inch caliper measured four inches above the ground, except ornamental and flowering trees are at least one and one-half inch caliper measured four inches above the ground; (2) Evergreens are at least five feet tall; (3) Shrubs are five-gallon container size; and (4) Vines are one-gallon container size. (e) Quantity of Materials: In areas where a landscaping plan is required, plant material shall be provided in the follow- ing quantities: 9-3.3-5 (1) Along all public and private streets in all zoning districts and along alleys adjacent to or within a residential zone, deciduous trees are planted at forty-foot intervals within ten feet of the pave- ment or curb; and (2) In all zones except A-E, P-E, RR, RRI-E, ER, LR, and MR, one tree and five shrubs are planted for each 1,300 square feet of lot area not covered by a building or required parking. (t) Irrigation: Landscaped areas in excess of 5,000 square feet shall have a proper- ly designed irrigation system providing full coverage to all sodded and plant material areas from impulse sprinklers, pop-up and surface spray sprinklers, bubblers, or trickle irrigation, as appro- priate for the area to be irrigated. Land- scaped areas not requiring an irrigation system shall be within fifty feet of an adequate water source such as outdoor hose bibs. Ordinance No. 5986 (1998). 9-3.3-4 Landscape Replacement. The developer and the developer's successors and assigns shall maintain the landscaping plan as originally approved, and provide for replacement of plant materials that have died, for a period of five years from the issu- ance of a certificate of occupancy or certifl- eate of completion. Sight Distance. (a) Sight Triangle Required: Where a drive- way intersects a public right-of-way or where property abuts the intersection of two public rights-of-way, unobstructed sight distance as described in subsection (c) of this section shall be provided at all times within the sight triangle area on the property adjacent to the intersec- tion in order to ensure that safe and adequate sight distance is provided for the public use of the right-of-way. , - (b) Obstruction Prohibited. No person shall place or maintain any structures, fenc- 798 city of Boulder 9-3.3-5 es, landscaping, or any other objects within any sight triangle area described in subsection (c) of this section that obstructs or obscures sight distance visibility through such structures, fenc- ing, landscaping, or other objects by more than twenty-five percent of the total view in the vertical plane above the sight triangle area between a height of thirty inches and ninety-six inches above the roadway surface, except for the following: (1) Landscaping, structures, or fences that protrude no more than thirty inch- es above the adjacent roadway surface may be permitted within the sight trian- gle area. (2) Trees may be planted and main- tained within the sight triangle area if all branches are trimmed to maintain a clear vision for a vertical height of ninety-six inches above the roadway surface and the location of the trees planted, based on the tree species ex- pected mature height and size, does not obstruct sight visibility by more than twenty-five percent of the sight triangle area. (c) Sight TriansIe Area: For purposes of this section, the sight triangle area is: 9-3.3-5 (1) The area formed at a corner inter- section of public right-of-way and a driveway, whose two sides are fifteen feet, measured along the right-of-way line of the street and the edge of the driveway, and whose third side is a line connecting the two sides; (2) The area formed at a corner inter- section of an alley public right-of-way and a street right-of-way whose two sides are fifteen feet, measured along the right-of-way line of the alley and the right-of--way line of the street, and whose third side is a line connecting the two sides; or (3) The area formed at a corner inter- section of two public rights-of-way lines defined by a width of dimension X and a length of dimension Y as shown in Dia- gram A. The Y dimension will vary depending on the speed limit and config- uration of the intersecting street, and is outlined in Table A. The X distance shall be thirteen feet measured perpen- dicular from the curb line of the inter- secting street This triangular area is significant for the determination of sight distance requirements for right angle intersections only. Diagram A - Typical Sight Triangle Area Guide City of Boulder 798 yliypY ty<f 3J' ~PbaK fWCIIIOK pbjtcl' MP~Mi-rd ~lfM ~pypAtNr 9-3.3-5 Table A -Typical Sight Triangle Area Guide 9-3.3-5 Lane Usage Additional Facilities Speed Limit Y Distance (Left) Y Distance (Right) 2 Lanes None 25 mph 155 feet 105 feet 30/35 mph 210 feet 145 feet Bike Lane or 25 mph 110 feet 85 feet On-Street Parking 30135 mph 150 feet 115 feet Bike Lane and 25 mph 90 feet 75 feet On-Street Parking 30/35 mph 125 feet 100 feet S or 4 Lanes :lone 25 mph 155 feet 80 feet 30/35 mph 210 feet 110 feet 40/45 mph 265 feet 135 feet Bike Lane or 25 mph 110 feet 65 feet On-Street Parking 30135 mph 150 feet 90 feet 40/45 mph 195 feet 115 feet Bike Lane and 25 mph 90 feat 60 feet On-Street Parking 30195 mph 125 feet 80 feet 40/45 mph 160 feet 100 feet 5 or More Lanes :lone 25 mph 155 feet 60 feet 30135 mph 210 feet 85 feet 40145 mph 265 feet 110 feet Bike Lane or 25 mph 110 feet 55 feet On-Street Parking $0/35 mph 150 feet 75 feet 40145 mph 195 feet 95 feet Bike Lane and 25 mph 90 feet 50 feet On-Street Parking 30/35 mph 125 feet 65 feet 40/45 mph 160 feet 85 feet W Modifications: The requirements of this section may be modified by the city manager if accepted engineering prac- tice would indicate that a modified visi- bility distance, either greater or lesser, would be acceptable or necessary for the safety of pedestrians, motorists, and bicyclists. 798 City of BouUer 9-3.3-5 9-3.3-6 (e) Violations: No person shall violate or tures is permitted in the required set- fail to prevent or remedy any violation back of a district if it meets the follow- of the provisions of this section on such ing conditions: property. When a violation of this sec- tion is observed, the city manager will (1) All fences and walls meet the re- " provide a written notice to correct the Building quirements of Chapter 10-5, - condition to the property owner or occu- Sight Dis- Code," and Section 9-3.3-5, pant, whichever is applicable. Personal tance," B.R_C. 1981; service of such notice or mailing such notice to the last known address of the (2) All property lines are located in owner of the premises by certified mail order to determine that no fence, hedge, shall be deemed sufficient service. Any or wall extends beyond or across a prop- such notice shall describe the violation, erty line. A fence, hedge, or wall may describe the corrective measures neces- cross a property line if an agreement sary, and set forth a time limit for com- with the abutting property owner is pliance, dependant upon the hazard obtained; created, which time limit shall not be less than seven days from the service of (3) No fence, hedge, or wall is placed the notice. nearer than eighteen inches to any pub- lic sidewalk; and (f) Failure to Comply: In the event that there is failure to comply with the no- (4) No barbed wire or other sharp, tice when the time limit prescribed pointed, or electrically charged fence therein has expired, the city manager may be erected or maintained except as may trim or cause to be trimmed, or follows: otherwise remove the obstruction de- scribed in the notice. Such action shall (A) A temporary fence on A con- not preclude any prosecution for viola- struction site to protect the property tion of the terms of this section. The during the period of construction may be costs of such action shall be paid by the topped with barbed wire where the property owner and, if not paid, may be barbed wire is not less than eight feet certified by the city manager to the above the ground and does not extend County Treasurer for collection as taxes. more than two feet above the temporary fence; (g) Public Nuisance: Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, any land- (B) In the A district, a barbed wire scaping, structure, fence or other ob- or electrically charged fence may be struction which the city manager deems permitted provided it is used as an in- as an immediate and serious danger to ternal fence, not on the periphery of the the public, is hereby declared a public property, to contain livestock; nuisance and may be immediately trimmed or otherwise removed by the (C) Electric fences may be permit- city manager if the property owner or ted in the A district when used as an occupant fails to do so; provided that the internal fence not on the periphery of city manager shall attempt by all rea- the property to contain livestock, and in sonable means to give the owner or the A, RR, RRl-E, ER, and LR districts, occupant at least twenty-four hours' as an internal fence not on the periph- notice. ery of the property to protect crops and plantings. No person shall maintain an Ordinance No. 5986 (1998). electric fence without a fence permit. All such electric fencing must meet the following requirements: 9-3 .3-6 Fences, Hedges, and Walls. • (i} Controllers are approved . by (a) hedge, wall, Required Setbacks: A fence, and Underwriters' Laboratories and so . column, pier, post, or any similar struc- designated on an attached label; ture or any combination of such struc- 796 City ofBoulde, 41NHA~- City of Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Planning Commission X01 a3 FROM: Sean McCartney, Planner SUBJECT: Sight-Distance-Triangle DATE: August 12, 1999 It has come to Staff s attention that there is an increasing awareness on the issue of sight- distance-triangles and whether or not our current regulation adequately addresses the issue. It has also become apparent that there are conflicting regulatory restrictions strewn throughout the Code of Laws that could potentially cause confusion for the end user. Therefore, whether it is due to a change in industry standards or a change in traffic standards, our current regulations need to be revisited. The Public Works Department and Planning and Development Department have decided to research the various concerns that have been recently brought up and determine whether or not the problems exist because of a defunct regulation or if the situations need to be determined on a case-by-case basis. A research effort is in effect to gather several regulatory examples from the various municipalities located throughout the area. This study will allow staff to determine if our regulations are satisfactory or if they need to be changed. I have attached a copy of these findings for you to review. a-1 0 A O n w-0 O 0 O D 0 D O O D D 0) CD fD CD Cl) ,m.. n (D (U) CDD Y m m T m 2 a N N Z 0 O. -I N Z n o m a -n r . o n cn m m D 3 m m N m m -o 'm N M N v 00) . (/1 O W N N N N 3 (D d Z O 3moA C7 n O > CD =a) o - o C co W 0 > S Q-g CD m o wcn 9 D (D s~ o -0 ~m (D 0 A = 3 (amp m = ~ mmg 0-0'(D 00 T1 -u O N D O N j •Z7 a7. m O p m N ' 6 ' p O- O. < < CD o a m p o p 0 < 0 < m m CD CD 3' 0 Co 3 7 O N m O N C CD > N o ~ a _ O Z O > 0 0 CD - m m C C tp O p 0 = O 3 .N,w 3 N N O O