HomeMy WebLinkAboutZOA-04-02Sec. 5.3 Accessory Uses and Structures (Including Home Occupations) A, CP~&
2. To the maximum extent feasible, but only where there is no substantial
impairment to acceptable signal quality, such satellite dish antenna shall
be located in the rear yard of the residential use.
3. To the maximum extent feasible, the satellite dish antenna shall be
screened from view from adjacent public rights-of-way.
0. Solar Energy Systems.
Storage or parking of major vehicles and major recreational equipment shall
comply with §17.23 and §17.24 of the Arvada City Code.
Q. Swimming Pools/Spas.
1. All swimming pools and spa pools shall be enclosed with at least a four
(4) foot wall, structure, or fence with self-closing and self-latching gate in
conformance with the applicable provisions of §6.5.8 of this Code and
Chapter 7 of the Arvada City Code.
2. Swimming pools shall not be located in a front yard, shall be setback a
minimum of ten (10) feet from all property lines, and shall not be counted
in calculating lot coverage.
3. All spas shall be setback a minimum of ten (10) feet from all property
lines, and shall not be counted in calculating lot coverage.
5.3.4 Home Occupations
All permitted home occupations shall comply with the following standards and conditions:
A. Develo
pment Standards.
The use is conducted entirely within the dwelling and not in any
accessory building and is carried on only by inhabitants thereof and no
The entrance to the space devoted to such use shall be from within the
dwelling, unless otherwise required by state law or regulation.
The use does not require internal or external alteration or involve
construction features not customary in a dwelling.
The use occupies no more than twenty percent (20%) of the gross floor
area of the dwelling as defined by the Uniform Building Code, or three
hundred (300) square feet, whichever is less.
No stock in trade is kept or commodities sold except such as are made
on the premises. This does not include the storage of stock or
commodities which are sold off the premises.
The use does not require internal or external alteration or involve
construction features or use of mechanical equipment not customarily in
a dwelling.
The use is limited to electric motors for power, with a total limitation of
three (3) horsepower.
The use does not create any offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust,
odors, heat, or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line.
The use shall not change the character of the dwelling or create outside
the dwelling any external evidence, either on the property or on the
street, of the operation of the home occupation, except for one non-
illuminated sign, having an area of not more than one square foot, which
shall be attached flat against the dwelling. A garage or other accessory
building shall not be utilized for, or in conjunction with, a home
Page 5-44 Article 5: USE REGULATIONS
Sec.5.3 Accessory Uses and Structures (Including Home Occupations)
10. There shall be no exterior/outside storage on the premises of material or
equipment used as part of the home occupation.
11. The use shall not create any additional traffic.
12. All parking needs created by the home occupation shall be
accommodated by off-street and shall not exceed the parking capacity of
the existing and available parking facilities located on the property. No
more than two vehicles that are associated with any home occupation at
the dwelling may be parked on-site at any one time.
5.3.5 Uses/Structures Permitted as Accessory to Principal Non-Residential Uses
A. General Provisions.
1. Applicability. This §5.3.5 sets forth what types of uses and structures are
permitted as accessory to principal non-residential uses in the Standard
Zoning Districts, New Communities Zoning Sub-Districts, Clear Creek
Zoning Sub-Districts, and PUD Zoning districts.
2. Unlisted Accessory Uses or Structures. If an accessory use or structure
is not listed in this §5.3.5 below, but satisfies all the conditions set forth in
§5.3.1.C above, it may be permitted subject to compliance with the
general, dimensional, and operational standards set forth in this Section.
B. Accessory Dwelling Unit.
1. Such dwelling shall be used only to house the owner, operator,
caretaker, or an employee of the principal use, plus his/her immediate
2. Such accessory use shall not be permitted in the P-1 or B-1 zoning
districts except as accessory to a principal Religious Institution use.
3. Only one accessory dwelling unit shall be allowed for each principal use.
4. Mobile homes shall not be used as an accessory dwelling unit.
5. An individual dwelling unit used for employee housing shall not exceed
800 square feet of gross floor area.
6. A minimum of one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for each
unit of employee housing, in addition to the required parking for the
principal use or business.
7. Employee housing shall not be occupied or rented for a term of tenancy
less than 30 days.
C. Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
D. Cafeterias, dining halls, and similar eating or drinking establishments provided
1. Such use is located inside the same building or structure as the principal
permitted use; and
2. Such use is operated primarily for the convenience of employees, clients,
customers, or visitors to the principal use.
E. Car Wash Bay. A single-bay car wash is allowed as an accessory to a permitted
service station use only. See §5.2.9.J. for additional requirements applicable to
car wash bays accessory to a permitted service station use.
Clock Tower. Accessory clock towers shall comply with the following regulations:
1. Any proposed Clock Tower shall require a design review conducted by
the Community Development Director and approval by a majority vote of
the Planning Commission. Satisfactory provisions for proposed exterior
lighting with reference to glare, traffic safety, and architectural and
design compatibility with developed properties in the district shall be
demonstrated upon review.
Article 5: USE REGULATIONS Page 5-45
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Sec. 146-1220. Home Occupations.
The home occupation shall not create noise, dust, vibration, smell smoke,
glare, electrical interference, fire hazard, or any other nuisance or hazard which
disturbs the peace and quiet of a residential area.
(Ord. No. 2001-72,12-3-2001)
146-1220. Home Occupations.
146-500. Types of Districts and Zones.
146-1609. Prohibitions.
146-2001. Definitions.
146-501. Residential Zoning Districts Schedule of Permitted Land Uses
90-31. Licenses in ti n and enforcement, s bstandard conditions.
146-1219. Group Homes.
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17-32=020 Home occupations. http://www.ci.broomfield.co.us/code/_DATA/PITLEI7/Chapter_17_...
Chapter 17-32 Accessory Buildings and Uses
17-32-020 Home occupations.
(A) Home occupation means a trade, occupation, or profession conducted by any person within or from
a dwelling unit.
(B) The city council finds and declares that home occupations are an important and vital part of the city
and provide benefit to residents of the city; that residents of neighborhoods have an interest in protecting
the residential character of their neighborhoods; and that regulation of home occupations is necessary in
order to foster and promote an amicable relationship between those who conduct home occupations and
their neighbors.
(C) A home occupation shall be allowed as a permitted accessory use, subject to the following
(1) Except for family child care homes, such use shall be conducted entirely within a dwelling unit and
carried on by the inhabitants living there and no others;
(2) Such use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes,
and shall not change the character thereof;
(3) Except for family child care homes, the total area used for such purposes shall not exceed one-half
the first floor area of the user's dwelling unit;
(4) There shall be no exterior signs or advertising;
(5) There shall be no exterior storage on the premises of material or equipment used as a part of the
home occupation;
(6) There shall be no offensive vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat, or glare noticeable at or beyond the
property line;
(7) No more than two motor vehicles associated with patrons or employees of the home occupation shall
be parked at any time on the dwelling unit site or on the street frontage of such dwelling unit;
(8) No more than one motor vehicle and no more than one trailer as defined in section 10-12-040,
B.M.C., used in whole or in part for a home occupation, shall be parked at any time on the dwelling unit
site or on the street frontage of such dwelling unit; and
(9) No commercial vehicle as defined in section 235(a) of the Model Traffic Code for Colorado
Municipalities, Revised 1995, used in whole or in part for a home occupation shall be parked at any time
on the dwelling unit site or on the street frontage of such dwelling unit.
(D) Family child care homes, as defined below, shall be allowed as home occupations, subject to the
following regulations:
(1) Family child care homes are those residential households in which care is provided for two or more
children under the age of thirteen not related to each other or children from more than one family for
less than twenty-four hours, on a regular weekly basis.
(2) Family child care homes must be licensed by the state and comply with all state regulations
promulgated by the Colorado Department of Human Services, and all local zoning and building
(3) Family child care homes may care for no more than eight children total, including the children of the
provider, and in no event more than six children not attending full-day school, including the children of
the caretaker, at any one time.
(4) Rear yard storage of playground equipment, swing sets, toys, and other items associated with
outdoor activity related to a family child care home is allowed.
(5) No more than two motor vehicles associated with patrons or employees of the family child care
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1732-020 Home occupations.
http://www. ci.broomfield.co.us/code/_DATA/TITLE 17/Chapter_17_...
home may be parked at any time on the dwelling unit site or on the street frontage of such dwelling unit,
other than fifteen minutes or less for the purpose of loading or unloading property or passengers. (Ord.
149 Art. 18 §3, 1973; Ord. 433 §2, 1981; Ord. 1394 §1, 1999; Ord. 1590 §2, 2001)
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City of Golden Colorado - Where the West Lives! - Municipal Code
18.42 Home Occupation
18.42.010 Home occupation defined
"Home occupation" means any use conducted principally within a dwelling and
carried on by the inhabitants thereof, which use is clearly incidental and
secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change
the character thereof. (Ord. 1179 Exhibit A, 1993; Ord. 682 §1, (21), 1973).
18.42.020 Prohibited home occupations
In no event shall any home occupation be interpreted to allow any of the following
businesses or commercial activities:
1) The sale at retail of any article except as may be produced by members
of the household residing on the premises.
2) Body or mechanical repair or modification of motor vehicles for
3) Animal hospital or kennel.
4) Restaurant.
5) Licensed home daycare exceeding the limits set in Section 18.42.030(2)
6) Any use requiring a Special Use Permit in the residential zone district
wherein the home occupation is situated.
7) The renting of rooms to more than 2 boarders in the R1A, and R2 zone
(Ord. 1179 Exhibit A, 1993; Ord. 682 §1 (21), 1973).
18.42.030 Performance standards
It shall be unlawful to operate a home occupation in violation of any of the
following restrictions:
1) All parking for the home occupation shall be confined to the garage,
driveway, and adjacent street frontage of the property.
2) Licensed home daycare shall consist of providing primarily daytime care
for compensation for children from birth to sixteen (16) years of age, for up
to six (6) children, including in the total any of the provider's own children
not attending full day school. In addition, providing primarily daytime care
for two (2) additional children of school age before and/or after school
hours, including in this total number any of the provider's own school age
children under the age of twelve (12).
(Ord. 1179 Exhibit A, 1993).
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This District is composed of certain low-density residential areas of the City,
in which District the regulations are designed to stabilize and protect the
essential characteristics of the District, to promote and encourage a suitable
environment for family life and to prohibit activities of a general commercial
nature, except certain registered home occupations which are controlled by
specific limitations governing the size and extent of such activities. To these
ends, development is limited to a low concentration and permitted uses are
typically single-family dwellings, religious institutions, educational institutions
and certain public facilities which serve the residents of the District.
A. General Regulations: The provisions found in this Zone District
shall be subject to the requirements and standards found in Chapter 5,
General Regulations, of this Title, unless otherwise provided for in this
Chapter or an amendment hereto.
B. Permitted Principal
1. Single-family
Religious institutions.
4. Public buildings and
C. Minimum Lot Area For Permitted Principal Uses:
Single-family dwelling: 7,200 square feet
All other permitted principal uses: 24,000 square feet
D. Minimum Floor
Single-family dwelling: 1,000 square feet
All other permitted principal uses: None
E. Maximum Percentage Of Lot Coverage:
Maximum percentage of lot coverage:
F. Minimum Lot Frontage:
1. Single-family dwelling: 60 feet
All other permitted principal uses: 200 feet
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G. Maximum Building Height:
Principal building: 25 feet
H. Minimum Front Yard:
All permitted principal uses: 25 feet
1. Minimum Side Yard.
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1. Single-Family Dwelling: A total setback of 14 feet, with no
setback less than 5 feet, and no less than 14 feet between
principal buildings on the same or adjoining lots, whether or
not under the same ownership.
All other permitted principal uses: 25 feet for each
J. Minimum Rear
All permitted principal uses: 25 feet
K. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking spaces shall be
of a hard surface, either paved with asphalt, concrete or brick pavers.
1. Single-family dwelling: 2
2. All other permitted principal uses: See Chapter 5 of this
Title, General Regulations.
L. Usable Open Space: Refer to the landscaping requirements of
the Landscaping Standards, Section 16-5-26 of this Title.
M. Accessory Buildings And Permitted Accessory Uses:
a. Maximum number: Only one of the following
(1) Attached
(2) Detached
(3) Carport
(4) Attached garage and
(5) Detached garage and carport
Detached garage and attached garage
1. Garages and carports: An attached or detached garage
or carport must conform to the following requirements:
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b. Maximum height: 18
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Minimum front yard: 25
d. Minimum side yard:
(1) Attached garage: 5
Detached garage: 3 feet
Minimum rear yard:
If entrance faces front or side: 3
If entrance faces rear: 6 feet
f. Maximum total floor area: The combined
maximum total floor area of all garages and carports
shall not exceed 1,000 square feet.
g. If a garage or carport is converted to another use,
an equivalent amount of off-street parking shall be
2. Storage sheds: Only one storage shed shall be permitted
and shall conform to the following requirements:
Shall be located on the rear of the
Maximum total floor area: 150 square
Maximum height: 10 feet
Minimum side yard: 3
No setback is required if the wall adjacent to
the property line is constructed of one-hour
fire-resistive material.
e. Minimum rear yard: 3 feet
No setback is required if the wall adjacent to
the property line is constructed of one-hour
fire-resistive material.
3. Other accessory structures: Only one other accessory
structure shall be permitted and shall conform with the
following requirements:
Shall be located on the rear or side of the lot.
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b. Maximum total floor area: 200 square
Maximum height: 12 feet
d. Minimum side yard: 3
Minimum rear yard: 3 feet
Swimming pools: See Section 8-3A-1 of this
5. Home occupation: Occupations customarily incidental to
the principal use as a residence when conducted in the same
dwelling, provided that the following conditions are met:
Sales on the
(1) The sale on the premises of items which
have been made, grown, or prepared on the
premises shall be permitted.
(2) The sale on the premises of any item
which has not been made, grown, or prepared
on the premises shall be prohibited.
b. Sales off the premises: Sales off the premises of
such items as personal or household goods such as
those products offered by Avon, Amway, Fuller Brush,
Watkins, etc., shall be permitted.
C. The occupation shall be operated entirely within
the dwelling unit and only by the person or persons
maintaining a dwelling unit therein.
d. No assistants shall be employed.
e. The hours and manner of such uses and the
noise created thereby shall not interfere with the
peace, quiet or dignity of the neighborhood and
adjoining properties.
f. The office or home occupation shall not have a
separate outside entrance.
g. Incidental storage shall be allowed for items made
on the premises and/or sold off the premises.
h. The office or occupation, including storage of
materials, equipment, inventory and/or supplies, shall
not utilize more than three hundred (300) square feet;
provided, however, that this does not apply to
foster-family care or a day care home.
Family child care home or infant/toddler
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j. The use of electric motors shall be limited in
power, with a total limitation of one and one-half (1 1/2)
horsepower, and no single unit over three-quarter
3/4) horsepower.
k. In no event shall any home occupation include the
following business or commercial activities:
(1) Animal hospital or
(2) Asphalt paving business.
(3) Barbers, hairdressers, cosmetologists or
Body, mechanical repair or modification
motor vehicles.
(5) The sale, storage, manufacture or
assembly of guns, knives or other weapons or
ammunition other than for personal use.
(6) Commercial health care facilities.
(7) Dump
(9) Towing business.
(10) Wholesale or retail uses of any items on
or off of the premises excluding subsection
M5a and b of this Section.
(11) Processes involving the dispensing, use
or recycling of hazardous or flammable
substances and materials. (No regulation is
intended on the sale of flammable substances
which are properly packaged.)
1. All home occupations shall be registered with the
City upon completion of an inspection of the premises
by the City.
N. Conditional Uses: Provided the public interest is fully protected
and the following use is approved by the Commission:
1. Large Child Care Home: Accessory play equipment shall
be located in rear yard.
2. Dependent Care Centers: Structures used as educational
institutions, religious institutions or public facilities, existing at
the time of the enactment of this Ordinance, may be converted
for use as dependent care centers.
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17-13-1. DEFINITION. Home Occupation - Any occupation of a service character which is
clearly secondary to the main use of the premises as a dwelling unit, and which does not change the
character thereof except as provided in Section 17-13-5 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of
17-13-2. PURPOSE AND INTENT. It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to:
(1) Maintain neighborhood integrity and preserve the residential character of neighborhoods by
encouraging compatible land uses.
(2) Provide residents of the City with an option to utilize their residences as a place to enhance or
fulfill personal economic goals as long as the choice of home occupation does not infringe upon
the residential rights of neighborhood inhabitants.
(3) Establish criteria for operating home occupations in dwelling units within residential districts.
(4) Minimize the impact a home occupation has on a neighborhood with respect to public and private
services such as street, sewer, water, and electrical systems.
17-13-3 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR R1A. R-R.1-R, 2-R, 3-R. 4-R. 5-R AND
PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE. A home occupation operating from a single family detached or
duplex residential dwelling unit in R1A, R-R, 1-R, 2-R, 3-R, 4-R, 5-R and Planned Development Zones,
shall meet the following conditions
(1) Area of use: The area used for a home occupation shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the
habitable space of the dwelling unit. Habitable space shall be as defined in the Lakewood
Building Code.
(2) Parking:
a) If the garage is used for a home occupation, parking required by Article 9 of the Lakewood
Zoning Ordinance must be provided.
b) At all times during the day or night parking related to the home occupation shall be confined to
the street frontage of the lot in question, the driveway, and the garage/carport.
(3) Persons permitted to conduct home occupation: The home occupation shall be conducted by the
residents of the dwelling with no more than one (1) additional employee.
(4) Home occupations permitted:
a) Minor repair services: Such as for electronics, small appliances and upholstery.
b) Craft work for sale off-site: Such as the making of pottery, jewelry, or dolls, gunsmithing, and
woodworking which are produced or manufactured on the premises.
Effective January 13, 2003
c) Tutoring: Such as music lessons, dance lessons, swimming lessons, tennis lessons, or gymnastic
d) Garment work: Such as tailoring, dressmaking, millinery work, ironing and garment repair.
e) Office use: Such as office uses for door-to-door, home parry and phone solicitation sales,
investment counseling, typing, notary public, travel services, physicians, dentists, lawyers,
certified public accountants, architects, engineers, and computer uses where an exchange of
information is done via telephone modem for uses such as acquiring mailing lists or information
f) Artistic endeavors: Such as art studios, portrait studios, photography studios, writing and
g) Renting of rooms: The renting of rooms to not more than two (2) persons per dwelling unit only
in conjunction with a Family living in and owning the dwelling unit. (0-2002-42)
h) Garage sales: Not to exceed four (4) sales in a total of fourteen (14) days, which need not be
consecutive, per calendar year.
i) Hair care: Hair care services and/or manicuring services carried on by only one (1) inhabitant of
the dwelling unit.
j) Mail Order: Not to include retail sales from site.
k) Child care: Providing primarily daytime care for compensation for children from birth to sixteen
(16) years of age, for up to six (6) children, including in the total any of the provider's own
children not attending full day school. In addition, providing primarily daytime care for two (2)
additional children of school age before and/or after school hours, including in this total number
any of the provider's own school age children under the age of twelve (12). The following chart
is provided by way of illustration:
Provider's children not Maximum number of day care children
attending full day school permitted at one ti
6 or more 0
5 1
4 2
2 4
1 5
0 6
Provider's school age children Additional school age day care children
under 12 years of age permitted during non-school times
1 1
2 0
Effective January 13,2003
1) Foster Care for dogs in the (R1A) One Acre Residential District: The keeping of four (4) dogs in
addition to permitted household pets in the R1A Zone District under the following conditions:
1. Minimum lot size of one (1) acre;
2. Buildings or pens housing dogs must be located in rear yards and must be at least one
hundred (100) feet from residential buildings on adjoining properties; and
3. Foster care of dogs shall not exceed a period of six (6) months.
and PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONES. A home occupation operating from a dwelling unit in a
multi-family building in 4-R, 5-R, and Planned Development Zone shall meet the following conditions:
(1) Area of use: The area used for a home occupation shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the
habitable space in the dwelling unit.
(2) Persons permitted to conduct home occupation: The home occupation shall be conducted only by
the residents of the dwelling unit with no additional employees.
(3) Home occupations permitted:
(a) Office uses: Such as office uses for door-to-door, phone solicitation sales, investment
counseling, typing, travel services, physicians, dentists, lawyers, certified public accountants,
architects, engineers, and computer uses where an exchange of information is done via phone
modem for such uses as acquiring mailing lists or information libraries. These office uses
shall not generate customer or client traffic to or from the dwelling unit.
(b) Garage sales: Garage sales shall be sponsored or coordinated by the management or
owners' association of a residential complex. No more than two (2) garage sales may be
held, not to exceed six (6) days, per calendar year or three (3) days per event. The
management or owners' association shall ensure access to all residential dwelling units is
maintained free and clear of any obstruction generated by such garage sale. It shall be
unlawful for a resident to conduct a garage sale which is not in conjunction with one of the
residential complex's sponsored sales.
17-13-5. SIGNAGE. For single family detached dwellings and duplexes a maximum of one (1)
non-illuminated sign, not to exceed one and one-half (1 and 112) square feet, to be attached to the
dwelling shall be permitted. No signage will be permitted for home occupations in multi-family
17-13-6. CHANGES TO EXTERIOR OF DWELLING UNITS. The exterior appearance of a
dwelling unit shall not be altered to draw attention to the structure as a commercial or business operation,
such as alteration of building material, size, or color; lighting fixtures or the intensity of light; parking
area; or other exterior changes which alter the residential character of the dwelling unit and detract from
the residential character of the neighborhood.
17-13-7. STORAGE OF STOCK. SUPPLIES AND PRODUCTS. Storage of stock, supplies
^ and products shall be permitted only inside the premises where a home occupation is being operated. No
Effective January 13,2003
exterior storage of stock, supplies, and products shall be permitted.
17-13-8. RETAIL SALES. Sale of stocks of merchandise or products shall not be conducted on
the premises, except as follows:
(1) One engaged in hair care and/or manicuring services may sell products directly related to such
(2) One conducting a garage sale may sell merchandise displayed for sale during the garage sale and
items for sale shall belong to the person conducting the garage sale, or in the case of a residential
complex, to the tenants of the complex;
(3) One engaged in garment work may sell custom work to specific clients, but may not develop stocks
of garments for sale to the general public on site;
(4) One engaged in home party and phone solicitation sales may display sample products and take orders
for the products on the premises, but delivery and payment for the products shall occur off-site; and
(5) One engaged in artistic endeavors may sell custom work to specific clients, but may not develop
stocks of products for sale to the general public on site.
17-13-9. NUISANCE UNLAWFUL. It shall be unlawful for a resident operating a home
occupation to:
(1) Produce, dump, or store combustible or toxic substances in or around a residential dwelling unit.
(2) Create interference or fluctuations of radio or television transmission received by other residents of
the neighborhood.
17-13-10. SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS. In no event shall any of the home occupations permitted
herein be interpreted to allow any of the following business or commercial activities:
(1) Body or mechanical repair or modification of any motor vehicle for compensation or of any motor
vehicle not owned by an occupant, or family member of an occupant, of the dwelling unit where the
repair or modification occurs. However an occupant may repair or modify motor vehicles of any
family member whether or not the family member lives on the premises. (As amended by 0-93-43.)
(2) Animal hospital, or kennel.
(3) Residential health care facility.
(4) Restaurant.
17-13-11. ADDITIONAL LIMITATIONS. In no event shall more than one home occupation be
operated within any single dwelling unit, except that a garage sale may be operated in addition to any
other home occupation. No home occupation shall be operated within any dwelling unit which also
contains a use approved by a Special Use Permit.
Effective January 13, 2003
10-4-5: HOME OCCUPATIONS: I3004000000005000.htm
The following activities are permitted as home occupations in all residential zone districts in
order to provide residents of the city with an option to utilize their residences as a place to
enhance or fulfill personal economic goals while maintaining neighborhood integrity and
preserving the residential character of the neighborhood. Such uses shall meet all conditions
and requirements for the particular zone district in which the activity is located, and the
standards contained in subsection (B) of this section. (Ord. 18, Series of 1997)
(A)Home Occupations Permitted:
1. Custom dressmaking, millinery, tailoring and sewing of draperies and/or home
2. Laundering and pressing;
3. Fine arts studio, in which instruction is given in fine arts for groups of not more than four
(4) persons;
4. "Home childcare", as defined in section 10-1-2 of this title. The following conditions must
be met unless the provider is only caring for children from one family other than the
provider's own, in which case there are no restrictions:
(a) Children for which care is being provided shall be sixteen (16) years of age or less.
For purposes of establishing the number of children permitted, only those children of the
operator which are twelve (12) years of age or less shall be considered.
(b) The operator must possess a current appropriate state license.
(c) An off-street vehicle passenger loading/unloading space shall be provided.
(d) A fenced outdoor play space shall be provided containing at least seventy five (75)
square feet of area per child for the total number of children for which the facility is
(e) Full time care may be provided for not more than two (2) additional children between
the end of school in the spring and resumption of classes in the fall, if the operator is
licensed by the state for such care;
5. Office of any type, provided merchandise is not displayed, exchanged or sold directly
from the premises;
6. Repair of clocks and watches, but not including the sale of such items;
7. Tutoring of not more than four (4) persons at any one time;
8. Beauty shop; and
9. Other home occupations determined by the zoning official to be of similar character and
impact as the activities listed above.
(B)Standards For Home Occupations: Unless otherwise stated in subsection (A) of this section,
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1074-5riiOME OCCUPATIONS:[Littleton/13004000000005000.htm
the following standards apply to all home occupations in both single-family and multiple-family
zone districts, and for home occupations conducted in residences in the T, CA and PD
zone districts: (Revised 6-12-1992)
1. One or more home occupations may operate in each dwelling unit; (Ord. 22, Series of
2. The uses shall be operated entirely within the principal structure, and only by its
permanent residents;
3. The uses shall not generate excessive vehicular traffic or parking in the area of the
principal structure. Parking shall be restricted to existing on street and on site parking
associated with the principal structures. Not more than four (4) vehicles shall be parked at
the location at any one time as the result of operating home occupations. The number of
round trips per day generated by the operation of home occupations shall be deemed
excessive if they exceed fifteen (15); (Revised 6-12-1992)
4. Retail or wholesale sales of supplies or products are not permitted unless said sales are
commonly related to the service provided at the location of the home occupation or delivery
of said supplies or products is by mail order;
5. The uses are limited to the interior of the principal structure and no external evidence of
such operations, such as signage, is allowed; and (Ord. 18, Series of 1997)
6. The performance standards specified in sections 10-4-6 and 10-4-7 of this chapter, shall
apply; (Revised 6-12-1992)
7. The area of the residence to be used for the home occupation, including any storage of
materials or products, shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total floor area of the
home, including the attached garage and basement. (Ord. 3, Series of 1998)
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r-ry_ rmfDo, Page 5 of 10
6. Attachments shall be painted or finished in a manner complementary to the structure
or surface to which they are attached.
7. All accessory electronic equipment associated with an attached antenna and located
outside of the building or structure to which the antenna is attached, shall be placed
either in an underground vault, a weather proof cabinet, or in an enclosed and roofed
building meeting the requirements of Section 18-1100(b)(7) of this chapter.
(8) Home occupation.
a. Definition. A legal trade, occupation or profession conducted by any person within or from a
dwelling unit that is clearly incidental and secondary to the premises as a dwelling unit. The home
occupation shall be clearly incidental and accessory to the use of the dwelling as a residence and
shall not change the physical characteristics of the residence as a home.
b. Districts permitted. By right in all residential districts and the Development Reserve District;
as a limited use in the City Center District.
C. Required off-street parking. Not more than one vehicle of the resident(s) may be used in
whole or in part for the home occupation and may be parked on the site or street. Required off-
street parking for the residence shall not be altered by the allowance of a home occupation.
d. Required off-street loading. Deliveries shall be limited to the U.S. Mail or similar delivery
e. Additional provisions. All home occupations shall comply with all of the following standards
and requirements:
1. The home occupation can only be conducted by the residents of the dwelling. No
employees of the home occupation may conduct business at the residence.
2. The activities conducted at the site shall be contained totally within the principal
structure used as a residence. No garages or accessory structures shall be used for this
3. The total area used for a home occupation shall not exceed 25 percent of the gross
floor area of the dwelling or 300 square feet, whichever is less. Five percent of the
allowed 25 percent of the gross floor area allowed for the home occupation may be used
for storage purposes.
4. The home occupation shall clearly be incidental and secondary to the use of the
dwelling unit as a residence and shall not change the character thereof.
5. There shall be no interior or exterior alterations not customarily allowed for the use
of the dwelling as a residence.
6. There shall be no exterior alteration or addition to the home that alters the
residential appearance of the premises or creates a separate entrance to the premises
except as may be required or allowed by State law.
7. The home occupation shall not generate any adverse impacts such as, but not
limited to, noise, vibrations, smoke, dust, odors, heat, glare or interference with radio or
television transmissions in the area noticeable at/or beyond the property line.
8. No toxic, explosive, flammable, radioactive, or other hazardous materials, including
ammunition, as defined by the International Building Code or the International Fire Code
of the City of Thornton, shall be used, sold, or stored on the site for the use and in
association with the home occupation.
There shall be no outside storage of any type as part of the home occupation.
10. There shall be no outside uses associated with a home occupation anywhere on
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the lot.
Page 6 of 10
11. There shall be no signs or advertisements associated with the home occupation
12. No home occupation shall disrupt the residential character of the neighborhood,
particularly with numerous cars parked in the neighborhood.
13. No home occupation shall endanger the health, safety or welfare of the occupants
of the residence or the neighborhood.
14. Performance of professional sales and services on the site as a home occupation
will be limited to no more than one pupil, client or customer at a time.
f. Family child care home facilities allowed as home day care operations shall be regulated as
defined by the state and not by this Code.
(9) Occasional sales (garage sales).
a. Definition. The temporary and occasional sale of tangible personal property at retail by a
person who is not in the business of selling tangible personal property at retail.
b. Districts permitted. By right in all residential districts.
c. Required off-street parking. None.
d. Required off-street loading. None.
e. Additional provisions.
1. A person shall sell tangible personal property only on the premises of the owner or
lessee of the premises where the sale is conducted, and the owner or lessee shall be
responsible for the tangible personal property at the time of the sale.
2. A person shall not sell merchandise acquired solely for the purpose of resale at an
occasional sale.
3. A person shall not conduct an occasional sale for a duration of more than three
consecutive calendar days.
4. A person shall not conduct more than two occasional sales on a premises during
any 12-month period.
5. A person shall not place more than one sign, not to exceed two square feet, upon
the lot where the sale is taking place. Any other signs remote from the property on which
the sale is taking place shall be located in compliance with the sign code.
6. The area restrictions in Subsection 18-355(c) do not apply to this accessory use.
(10) Private stables.
a. Definition. An area for the keeping of horses for the private use of the property owner.
b. Districts permitted. By right in Agricultural, Residential Estate, and Single-Family Detached
Districts; by SUP only, in Single-Family Attached and the Multifamily Districts.
c. Required off-street parking. None.
Required off-street loading. None.
e. Additional provisions.
1. A private stable is permitted only on a lot at least one acre in area (43,560 square
feet) and a person may keep only the number of horses permitted for the following lot
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City ~~A Westminster, Colorado - 4. Zoning
http://www.ci.westminster.co.us/Code/titiet l/t l lc4.htm
(H) Prior to the hearing, the City or its designee shall circulate appropriate
determine the needs of the community for such a use and the desires of
regarding such a use within the neighborhood surrounding the proposed use.
form shall be approved by the City.
(I) When considering any special use permit, the Board shall consider the impac
the criteria listed below, insofar as each is relevant to the proposed use:
1. Pedestrian safety.
2. Traffic volume and adequacy of parking and access.
3. Essential character of the neighborhood.
4. Desires of the inhabitants of the neighborhood.
5. Peace of the neighborhood.
6. Police activity in comparable businesses.
7. Hours of Operation.
8. Compliance of the structure with all applicable building regulations
9. Compatibility with surrounding uses.
10. The benefits from the use to the public good and the public interest.
(J) When granting or denying a Special Use Permit, the Special Permit and Lic
may also impose conditions on the granting of a permit, including but not limiter
1. Buffers or screens between the new activity and adjacent uses;
2. Limitations on operation of the use; and
Changes in design or layout.
(K) When considering an application for a Domestic Violence Shelter Home,
and approval will be by the City Manager or designee thereof. A certified list
property owners, public notice, public hearing, and petition will not be required.
11-4-10: HOME OCCUPATIONS: (2534)
(A) OCCUPATIONS PERMITTED. Home occupations which meet the crit
Chapter may be operated in connection with the occupation of a dwelling unit
zoning district including the residential areas of a PUD zone.
permitted shall only be operated subject to all of the following additional limitati
10/03 11-4-10 (B) 1
1. The use shall operate in its entirety within the dwelling unit and only b)
persons residing in the dwelling.
(a) With the exception of the use of outdoor swimming facilities for limite
water safety instruction purposes. Outdoor activity will be limited to the
1. No more than two students instructed at any one time (preparing
lesson or being instructed).
2. This activity can only be conducted during the months of April, P
20 of 42 11/24/2003 12:19 PM
City of Westminster, Colorado - 4. Zoning http://www.ci.westminster.co.us/Code/titlel l/tl lc4.htm
July, August, September and October.
3. The participants must be no older than 7 years of age.
4. Instruction may occur only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 7:1
5. Any such home occupation shall be certified by the requirements
American Red Cross or Certified by programs such as the Infant SA
Research Program.
2. The use shall not have a separate entrance from outside the building, un
otherwise required by State law or regulation except for the limited outdoor pool
instruction noted in 1 (a) above, which may be accessed through an outside gate.
3. The operator of the home occupation shall not display or create outside
building any external evidence of the operation of the home occupation except o
unanimated, non-illuminated flat wall or window sign having an area of not mor
square foot.
4. The use shall not exclusively utilize more than twenty percent (20%) of
floor area of the dwelling as defined by the Uniform Building Code, or three bur
square feet, whichever is less. A garage shall not be utilized for, or in conjunctio
home occupation.
5. The home occupation shall not employ, for a fee or otherwise, any pers(
conduct of the home occupation who does not reside in the dwelling unit.
6. No motors shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation except c
motors having 2 horsepower or less.
7. The home occupation shall clearly be incidental and secondary to the u:
dwelling for dwelling purposes and shall not change the character of the dwellin
neighborhood by excessive noise, lights, traffic, or other disturbances.
8. An occupation, activity, or use which requires a special use permit puts
section 11-4-8 is not a home occupation under this Chapter.
(C) LICENSE REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful to operate a home occupatiol
permitted under this code without first obtaining a license for such occupation
procedures are established in Chapter 3 of Title V of this Code.
(D) NUISANCE. A home occupation being conducted without a home occupa
or in violation of any provision of this section shall be deemed a public nuisam
be abated pursuant to Title VIII, Chapter 4, of this Code.
11-4-11: ANTENNAS AND TOWERS: (2534)
(A) Cellular telephone exchanges, communications poles, antennas and towers,
wind generators and similar structures shall be permitted only as a special
districts, except Planned Unit Development (PUD) districts, unless otherwise pr
this Code or by contract. No such structure shall be permitted in a PUD district
use is specifically stated in the Official Development Plan (ODP) or unless an ;
to the ODP to allow such structure has been approved as specified in this sectic
structures shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. A building permit shall be required and shall not be issued until the al
obtained a special use permit or unless the structure is authorized in the applic
Any design that lacks manufacturer's specifications shall not be permitted
engineering study indicates that the design will meet or exceed all applicable bu
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Arapahoe County Land Development Code Ce~ntevwc >l
1-3801 INTENT
• To allow for the use of a residence for an occupation which does not change the
character of the neighborhood in which it is located.
• In order for a home occupation to be considered compatible with the neighborhood
which it is located, the following criteria must be met:
• The home occupation must be conducted entirely within the principal dwelling
structure. Not more than twenty percent (20%) of the garage area shall be used
for storage of permitted materials and goods associated with the home
• The home occupation shall be conducted only by the residents of the principal
• There shall be no visible advertising of the home occupation on the premises
upon which it is located.
• There shall be no outdoor storage of goods or materials associated with the
home occupation.
Rev Date 4.2.01 Section 1-3800 Page 1
Home Occupation Regulations
Arapahoe County Land Development Code
• There shall be no excessive or offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors,
heat, glare or light, or dumping of materials produced by the home occupation.
• The receipt or delivery of merchandise, goods or supplies for use in a home
occupation shall be limited to the United States mail, parcel post or general
delivery service or private passenger vehicle, but shall exclude truck and/or
trailer-delivered goods or merchandise.
• A home occupation shall not change the appearance or character of the dwelling
and/or neighborhood. Only materials, goods and services normally associated
with a dwelling unit shall be considered eligible for a home occupation.
• Sales conducted in conjunction with the home occupation shall be primarily by
telephone or direct mail. Incidental pick-up of goods is permitted; however, a
home occupation shall not generate an amount of traffic which affects the
residential character of the neighborhood, nor shall it encourage congregations of
people for extended periods of time.
• A "day care home" (see definitions) shall be permitted subject to the following
• Such "day care home" shall not be allowed signage.
• Such "day care home" shall provide care for children as follows:
Rev Date 4.2.01 Section 1-3800 Page 2
Home Occupation Regulations
Arapahoe County Land Development Code
.Provider's children not
attending full-day school
6 or more
Provider's children under
12 years attending full-day school
school hours
Additional day care
children permitted during
0 0
1 1
2 2
• Such "day care home" shall obtain proper licensing as may be required by the State
Department of Social Services, as administered by the Arapahoe County Department
of Social Services and/or any other agency as may be required by Colorado laws.
• A six foot (6') high fence must enclose outdoor play areas used by the
• A "day care home" is exempt from the provisions of 1-3802.01 and 1-3802.04
through 1-3802.07 above.
Maximum number of day care
children permitted at one time
Rev Date 4.2.01 Section 1-3800 Page 3
Home Occupation Regulations
15.04.030 Accessory uses.
4. Home Occupations. It is the intent of this subsection to regulate home occupations so that the average
neighborhood resident, under normal circumstances, will not be aware of their existence. Home occupations must
meet all of the following criteria:
a. Home occupations shall be conducted entirely within the principal structure or an accessory structure associated
with the residential use (but not within an accessory dwelling unit), and shall be carried on by the inhabitants of the
principal dwelling and no others. A person who does not reside within the principal dwelling cannot be employed in
the home occupation.
b. Home occupations shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and
shall not change the residential character of the property.
c. The total area used for a home occupation shall not exceed an area representing one-half (fifty percent) of the
first floor building area of the principal dwelling unit.
d. There shall be no advertising or other display or indications of a home occupation, with the exception of signage
permitted per Chapter 15.06 (Signs), of this Development Code.
e. There shall be no substantial retailing or wholesaling of stocks, supplies, or products conducted on the premises
of a home occupation; however, delivery of retail products to the consumer off the premises, such as in the course
of a mail order business, shall be permitted.
f. There shall be no exterior storage on the premises of supplies or material used in the home occupation, nor of any
chemically hazardous, explosive, or combustible material within the dwelling or upon the exterior of the property.
g. A home occupation shall not render unusable off-street parking required for the dwelling per this Development
Code. A home occupation shall provide additional off-street parking area adequate to accommodate all needs
created by the home occupation, without changing the residential character of the premises. Home occupations
shall provide adequate screening of off-street parking areas provided for the home occupation.
h. A home occupation shall not generate or result in nuisances such as traffic, on-street parking, noise, vibration,
odor, glare, fumes, electrical interference, or hazards greater than that usually associated with residential uses.
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r -d
Sec. 26-14-9. Home 6TC
A home occupation may be placed in a zone when the following standards can
be met and maintained:
(a) No persons other than family members residing in the dwelling or
Mobile home are to be engaged in the business.
(b) No more than twenty-five (25) percent of the floor area of the
dwelling or mobile home is used for the business.
(c) An accessory building may be used provided the floor area
requirements of subsection (b) above are not exceeded and the
accessory building can be converted to a common accessory building on
termination of the home occupation.
(d) A minimum of one (1) or more additional parking spaces may be
required by the planning director.
(e) The use must maintain a nonbusiness, noncommercial appearance
at all times.
(f) One (1) sign not to exceed one and one-half (11/2) square feet.
(g) The home occupation is not a nuisance to surrounding properties
due to noise, odor or increased traffic. If a home occupation is lawfully
established and a nuisance or abuse of an approved plan is determined
to exist after the establishment of the use, the planning director shall give
the owners one hundred twenty (120) days in which to correct the
nuisance, relocate the use, or terminate use of the property for the home
(h) The following uses shall not be considered home occupations:
Automotive repair shops, construction equipment storage yards, welding
shops, and other similar uses that generate undue noise, on-site storage,
or require storage of toxic or flammable materials.
(Ord. No. 1986-01, § 2, 2-4-86)
. Home occupations.
General definitions.
Tax in lieu of other occupation taxes.
TABLE 26-A [
Permit fee.
Local purpose.
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CAO - Chapter 9-3.4, B.R.C. 1981
9-3.4-15 Home Occupations.
(a) Standards: A home occupation is a permitted accessory use if the following conditions are met:
(1) Such use is conducted entirely within a principal or accessory building and is not carried on
by any person other than the inhabitants living there.
(2) Such use is clearly incidental and secondary to the residential use of the dwelling and does
not change the residential character thereof.
(3) The total area used for such purposes does not exceed one-half the first floor area of the
user's dwelling unit.
(4) There is no change in the outside appearance of the dwelling unit or lot indicating the conduct
of such home occupation, including, without limitation, advertising signs or displays.
(5) There is no on-site sale of materials or supplies except incidental retail sales.
(6) There is no exterior storage of material or equipment used as a part of the home occupation.
(7) No equipment or process is used in such home occupation that creates any glare, fumes,
odors, or other objectionable condition detectable to the normal senses at the boundary of the lot
if the occupation is conducted in a detached dwelling unit, or outside the dwelling unit if
conducted in an attached dwelling unit.
(8) No traffic is generated by such home occupation in a volume that would create a need for
parking greater than that which can be accommodated on the site or which is inconsistent with
the normal parking usage of the district.
(b) Prohibitions: No person shall engage in a home occupation except in conformance with all of the
requirements of subsection (a) of this section.
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Home Occupation Regulations
The Brighton City Council, in 1976, adopted the following limitations
concerning home occupations in its Zoning Ordinance.
The home occupation permitted shall only be operated subject to all of the
following limitations:
1. The use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the
dwelling for dwelling purposes, and shall not change the character
2. The operator of a home occupation shall not have any employees or
regular assistants who do not reside in the dwelling unit.
3. The use shall not necessitate or require a separate entrance, by means of
structural changes, from outside of the building.
4. No accessory building shall be constructed for the use of a home
5. The use shall not utilize more than three hundred (300) square feet or
20 percent (20%) of the gross floor area, of the principal and accessory
building being used for the home occupation, whichever is less.
6. The operator of the home occupation use shall not display or create
outside the building any external evidence of the operation of the home
occupation except one unanimated, not-illuminated flat sign to be
displayed in the window of the dwelling and having an area of not more
than one (1) square foot.
7. No more than ten percent (10°/Q) of the useable area for a home
occupation shall be used for the storage of stock supplies or products.
8. There shall be no exterior storage of material used in home occupation.
9. Highly explosive or combustible materials shall not be used or stored in
home occupations, as determined by the Fire Marshall.
10. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat,
electrical interference, glare, or traffic congestion noticeable at or
beyond the property line.
11. If electrical motors are to be used, they shall be limited to use for
power, with a limitation of two (2) horse power for any one motor.
12. Day care homes shall conform to the state law.
Greenwood Village Municipal Code http://www.greenwoodvillage.com/municode/index.htm
Contents - Search - No Frames Title 15 ZONING
Chapter 15.04 DEFINITIONS
15.04.310 Home occupation.
"Home occupation" means an occupation or profession which is
conducted within a dwelling or on the premises thereof and is
clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for
residential purposes and which is subject to the following
A. No Employees Allowed. A home occupation shall generally be
conducted only by family members residing in the home. No
employees, agents or independent contractors shall work in, or
report to, the residence.
B. Not Visible to Neighborhood. No evidence of a home
occupation shall be visible outside the building in which the home
Title 8 HEALTH AND -
occupation is conducted.
C. No Activity Outside. No activity or storage related to the home
occupation shall be allowed outside the building in which the
home occupation is conducted. This prohibition shall not apply to
outside play periods conducted by properly licensed child day care
D. Customer Hours Limited. Customers or clients of the home
occupation may come to the home only between the hours of 7:00
Title 12 STREETS
a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
E. Parking Restrictions. Vehicle parking for customers, clients or
employees of the home occupation shall be provided on the site of
the home occupation.
F. Delivery Vehicles Limited. Deliveries to the home associated
with the home occupation may only be made between the hours of
7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and may only be made by vehicles
Title 15 ZONING
weighing less than ten thousand pounds gross vehicle weight, and
having not more than one rear axle.
The following files require
G. Noise Disturbance Prohibited. No noise caused or generated by
Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0.
conduct of the home occupation shall be audible at any time
beyond the property boundary of the residence where the home
awe lief
occupation is conducted.
H. Hazardous Materials Prohibited. No hazardous material, as that
Statutory References ?i
term is defined in the Uniform Fire Code or other applicable law
Appendix A: Cross-Reference
or regulation, may be used or stored in conjunction with a home
Table I
I. Tax License Required. The operator of any home occupation
Apoendix B: Disposition of
Ordinances Table
shall obtain all necessary sales and use tax licenses as well as all
other licenses and permits required by the city.
I Other Regulations. Home occupations shall be conducted in
compliance with all other applicable regulations of the state of
Colorado, the city of Greenwood Village, and other local or
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Case No.: OA0402 Quarter Section Map N
App: Last Name: itywide
Related Cases:
App: First N ame:
Case Histor y:
Owne r: Last Name:
Owner: First Nam e: I
App Addre ss:
Review Body:
City, State Z ip:
App: Pho ne: r
Owner Address:
2nd Revie wBody:
City/St ate/Zip:
2nd Review Date
Owner Phone:
Decision-making Body
Project Address:
Appro vat/Denial Date:
Street Name : ~
City/State, Zip:
Re so/Ordinance No.:
Case Disposition:
Project Planner:
File Lo cation:
Follow- Up:
I ~....W.....:
F hapter 26
ng home
ons (vehicles)
F ~
Conditions of Approval:
Date Rec eived: 18/2004.
Pre-App Date: r-
City of Wheat Ridge of ""EqT
Community Development Department °
Memorandum c~ OR
TO: Randy Young, City Manager
City Council
FROM: Alan White, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Vehicles Used for Home Occupations
DATE: February 6, 2004
At the November 7, 2003 study session, Council directed staff to investigate how other jurisdictions
regulate the number of vehicles that may be used in conjunction with a home occupation. Currently
only one vehicle may be used for a home occupation in Wheat Ridge. The home occupation
regulations are found in Section 26-613.
A related section, Section 26-621 (Residential Parking), allows no more than one truck or van used
for commercial purposes to be parked on a residential lot, provided the vehicle does not exceed a one
ton chassis. The commercial purpose can be located off-premises or on-premises. This means that
the one home occupation vehicle allowed under Section 26-613 could be a commercial vehicle
subject to the one ton chassis limitation.
We also looked at the uses allowed as home occupations, restrictions on the number of employees,
and home occupation parking restrictions. The results are summarized in the attached table.
Eighteen metro area jurisdictions other than Wheat Ridge were surveyed. The following findings
exclude Wheat Ridge. A bold (Wheat Ridge) next to the limitation indicates our regulation.
Number of Vehicles:
• No limitation 12 jurisdictions
• Four vehicles - 1 jurisdiction
• 2 vehicles - 2 jurisdictions
• 1 vehicle - 1 jurisdiction (Wheat Ridge)
• Number subject to review - 2 jurisdictions
Number of Employees:
• No limitation - 2 jurisdictions
• Inhabitants plus one - 2 jurisdictions (Wheat Ridge)
• Inhabitants only -13
• Number subject to review - 1 jurisdiction
• No limitations - 6 jurisdictions
• Garage, driveway, or street frontage only- 5 jurisdictions
• On site only - 5 jurisdictions
• Subject to review - 2 jurisdictions
• No limitations - 10 jurisdictions (2 require permits)
• List of prohibited uses - 7 jurisdictions (Wheat Ridge)
• Subject to review - 1 jurisdiction
F C~ 7b QJ0a
Z;)T ~ fiA h►t
(Wheat Ridge)
Em to ees
No specific limitations
No more than 2 parked on site at
an time
Nospecific limitations
No limitations
No limitations
No specific limitations
No limitations; cannot create
need for parking greater than that
which can be accommodated on
No specific limitations; permit required
No limitations
No specific limitations
No more than 2 vehicles or
vehicle and trailer parked on lot
or on street frontage
No specific limitations
No limitations
Allowed by SUP only
SUP review
SUP review
No specific limitations; requires permit
May restricted by zoning
Excludes kennel, motor vehicle repair,
No limitations
barber or beautician, asphalt paving,
sale or storage of weapons, health
care, dump trucks, restaurants, towing
Excludes motor vehicle repair, kennel,
No limitations
No limitation on number; parking
restaurant, anything requiring an SUP
confined to garage, driveway or
street frontage
No specific limitations
No limitation on number; parking
confined to lot
Excludes auto repair, construction
No limitation; additional parking
equipment storage, welding shops
may be required
Excludes uses similar to Wheat Ridge
No limitation except on total
plus 1
number of vehicles (10); parking
confined to garage, driveway, or
street frontage; no variance
Excludes uses similar to Wheat Ridge
No more than 4; parking confined
to lot and street frontage
Lone Tree
Excludes uses similar to Wheat Ridge
No limitation
plus 1
No specific limitations
No limitation; cannot render
required parking unusable
No specific limitations
Only 1 vehicle; parking confined
to lot or street frontage
No specific limitations except excludes
No limitation