HomeMy WebLinkAbout8 Three Acre Lanem'j`F',i f , ,riRc~`.St,e ^ x%$+?ie+;;~^•~~4°~. ~ . ~7:,. ~ .~'Y°~'. °?~R~PF' _ , . ~n'.. . , . . , . . Y7HEqT c3 ~ A,om City of Wheat Ridge LoRa~ Residential Fence PERMIT - 070496 PERMIT NO: 070496 . ISSUED: 05/25/2007 JOBADDRESS: B THREE ACRE LA EXPIRES: 11/21/2007 DE$CRIPTION: 6 foot privacy fence on 2 property lines - aplit log wo CONTACTS*** . OWNER 303/503-3458 David Kaiser 303/668-4863 **PARCEL INFO **20NECODE: R-2 USE: UA SUBDIVISION: UA BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ *•FEE SUhIMARY ESTIMATED-PROJECT VALUATION: 500.00 . FEES Please Note: Permit Fee 30.55 Owner/coniractorisresponsibleforlncatingpropc:!y Plan Review Fee 19 . 86 lines end coR4Wcting improvements a:co:ding to Total Valuation pp approved ptan and required develupme. standarP IIae Tax op Tlu City is not responsible for raccuratc infonria, 7 .41 suhmitted within the plan su nd any censtn :,ti TOTAL _;rorsresuitingfrornina rr ~ir.:orT wn. %@T' Comments: . MR:~ R-2 MUST TRANSITION TO FOUR FESTAT THfi FRONT WALL OF TFIE HOUSE SUBJECT TOFIELD INSPECTION Ihereby certify that the eet6ack dietancee proposed by thie pemit application are accurate, and do not vlolate applicable ordinancea, rulee or regulations of [he City of Wheat R1dge or covenante, eaeementa or reatrictione of rewrd;.that all meaeuremente ehown,. and allegatione made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditione printed on thia appY1 ion and that I a eume ull reeponeibility for compliance with the Nheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and a11 other . ppl.' le Wheat Ridge cdin cea' for aork under thie permit. Plane eubject to field inapection. 81 ture of contractor/owner date 1. Thie pemit wae iaeued in accordance with the proviaione set forth in your application and ie subject to the lawa of the State of Colozado and to the Zoning Regu]ationa and euilding Codes of wheat Ridge, Colorado oz any other applicable ordinancee of the City. 2. Thie pemit ahall expire 180 daye fzom the ieeue date. Requeete for an exteneion muet be received prior to espiration date. An exteneion may be.granted at the diecretlon of Che Building Official. 3. If thie pemit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changee iwve been or will be made in the original plane and epecificatione and any euapeneion or abandonment hae not exceeded one (1) year. If changee have been or if euepeneion or abandonment exceede one (1) year, fu12 feee shall be paid for a new pesmit. , 4. No work of any mannet ehall be done that will change [he natural flow of wa[er caueing a drainage problem. 5.Contractor ehall notify the euilding Inapector twenty-fouz (24) houre in advance for all inepectione and shall receive . written approval on inepection card before proceeding with eucceeeive phaeee of the job. 6.. The Sseuance of a pemit or the approval of drawings and epecificatione ehall not be conetzued to be a pemit Eor, nor an approval of, arir violation of the ptovieione of the building codee or any oCher ozdinance, law, rvle or regulation. . All plan zevieubjectto tield inepectione. of Chie . TRAI'__ng hft#XLL_s.0 date IN3P8CTION RBQIISST LINBs (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 RSQUESTS MUST BE MADE HY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. F WHE4T ~ O 4 ti O n ' ~ m . , ~oCORP~o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) MlNQR, A~PLICA Property0umer: Property Address Contractor License No.: i Company: Se I+, -ctc5'e q cce- G~. Q L{./ l4 e Building Permit Numbec Date' PLAN Phone: S-C) -s -s OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE Of UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Building Dept. Valuation Figure: $ I hereby certify lhat Ihe setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurale, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulalions of the Ciry of W heat Ridge or covenanfs, easements or restrictions of record; that all measuremenfs shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all condiGons prinfed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliancewiththeWheatRidge idi gCode(I.B.C)andallotherapplira6leWheat Ridge Ordinances, for work und this rmi . Pia ct to field inspection. (OWNER)(CONTRACtOR):SIGNED ~ A7&5 '~~o (OWNER)(GONTRACTOR):PRINTED DATE Use of Space (description): Description of work: r\ ~ CJ~ ~y, Sq.Ft.added ~ v Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax: TOf31:$ ~ ~ LI~PYG D TMENT USE ONLY SIC Y COMMENTS: ppp ppp ~ ~ Approval: Zoning: \ Q. GCOMMENTS:\'~ Approval: ~ y WORKSCOMMENTS: Approval: DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Approval: Walls Roof: Stories: Residential Units: bi,bc1C~1 I Sq.Ft.: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiretion Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado orany other applicable ordinances of the Cily. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. ' (3) If this permil expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normalty required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifications and anysuspension or abandonment has notexceededone (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (i) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnil. (4) No work of any manner shall be done thal will change lhe natural Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases oi the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall nol be construed to be a permit for, noran approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan reviewis subject lo field inspections. Chief Building Official hlew Feo c_.e f 4 cs RoP~c 4 1 (i(~- 69.23' y/ ElI.ffILITY EASEMEN I ti , + r-----, ~ v ~ DFCK , , S )li2' m ~ ur 32.4]' ~Np 3 u~ 1 STFf,'Y,B' ~ N x STLICCO N l- ~ ~ 32.0 ~ 16.2' bQ C0VERF_D CONCRETF_~ ~ n ~ (t U Lf.9 UTii_IT F_ASEMENT 9 I PIN 6 CAP (TYf'~jCALI F0.81' THRF_E ACP.E I_ANE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 16187 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(503-234-5935) Date : 9/11/2003 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: GAIL FLESCHE Property Address : 8 THREE ACRE LN Contractor License No. : Phone : 422-9842 Company: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the Cily of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restridions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the W heat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W heat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OW NER)(CONTRACTOR) Construction Value : $770.00 Permit Fee : $42.46 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $15.40 Total: $57.86 Use: Description : PUTTING IN NEW FURNACE AND NEW CEMENT PAD in BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: Zoning : ~illldf~g -T. . er~ Approval : Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical license No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Expiration Date : Approval: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subject to the laws of the State of Coloredo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable oMinances of the City. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commencetl within sixry (60) tlays from issue tlate or (B) ihe building aulhorized is suspended or abantloned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a tee of one-hal( the amount normalty reQUired, provided no changes have baen or will be made in the original plans and specifcations antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. It changes are made or if suspension or abandonment rxceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid tor a new pertnit. (4) No vrork of any manner shall Ce done that will change the natural Flow of water causing a Oreinage problem. (5) Contractor shall notiry the Building Inspector lwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wntten approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases o( the job. (6) The isym ce of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifcations shall not be construetl to be a pertnit for, nor an appmval of, any violation of the mmuMon of t bu' tl 9mdes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Buildin spector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Pemvt Number: o~ w~+Eq r P BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT ffiDGE `7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) C~~ ORA00 ~~~~ICATION Property Owner: 6'Ce 1 (eSC°`-C Property Address: '~~r,~e 2° AC c'e L.a mL -2 IF~~'eQt ~ v { Phone : ConRactor License No.: Company: Phone: OWNEWCON'fRACTOR SICNATURE OF UNDERSTANDINC AND ACREEMENT 1 hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violare applicable ordinances, tules or regulations of the City o( Wheat Ridge or covenants, easemenu or restnctions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegalions made are accuate; tha[ 1 have read and agree to abidc by all conditions printed on this application aod tha[ I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and aIl o[her applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinantts, for work under this permit I I A Construction Value:$ L, Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ (OWIJER)(COMRACTOR):PRINTHD DATE llESCR1P1'ION: L V\' t\°e "..7 .~i,cf ✓\-a "1C'e Q Cl :4 'eKJ C'eo-L `e`Y ~uC BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ZONIN6 COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: BUILDIN6 COMMENTS. Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: Ocwpancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expuation Dare: Expuation Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (I) This permit xas issued in accordvice w ith the provisions ut fonL in your apPlicarion and is subjecl to the laws of the Sute of Cobndo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colondo or any other applicabl< ordinances of Oie Ciry. This permit shall ezpitt if(A) the work amhorized is not commenced within sizty (60) days fmm issue date or (B) the building amhorized is suspended or abandoned for a pcnod oi 120 days. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired far a@e o(one-half tlie amouN nomially required, provided no changes havc be<n or will be made in Ne onginal plans and specifications and nny susprnsion or abandonmrnt hu mt exceedcd one (p year. lf changes heve been or if satipnision ar abandonmcnt ezcceds one (I) year, full fus shall be paid for a new permit (4) No work ofany manner shall be done Uiat wiil change 1h<natunl Oow of waur causing a dninag<problem. (5) Contrnctor shall notify the Building Inspecror twenry-four (24) hours in adcantt tor all inspections and shall receive wnttm apyroval on inspecnon card beforc proceeding with succeuive pheses of Ih<job. (6) The issuence of a yermil or the approval of drawings and speci6cations shali not be construed to be a pemiil foc mr an approval of, any violation of the provisions oftM1e building codes or any otber ordinanc<, Uw, rule or rcyulacion. Chief Building Inspector ; pEpARTtAtNT OP RLANNfNG AkD DEVELOPMENT Building Permit 11umber : 5273 E3UtL-DtNfi 04PeG'T#ON DlVISIC?N - 235-2856 CtTY OF VMEA7' RIDGE Date : 6/12/97 7600 VWeST 29TH AVENUE WHERT RiDGE. C0 80216 Property Owner : Property Address : S THREE ACRE LN Phone : 422-9842 Contrdctor LiCense No. : ` CnmpanY ; Phorre : I ONMEftlCONTfr'AGFOR SIfaMATiJRE OF UfJDERSTANdING AND AGREEMENT I herebY cert(fY tifat tFre fietkatlc dtsar+cas pbPQSed6Y tAis RemnK aeAcation ere eccvrate,. . (OWNER)(CONTRACTdR)Sf6NEDDATE ~ Description; 20 X 24 DEGK BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONL Approv2l: Zoning : `APProval : r4pDroval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : 8tories : Electtica( Ucense No : Plurttbing License No : Company : Company : ExpiraHon Date : Expiradon Date : : Approval : Approval (r) tnis ppn,+i1 wa tewwJn s~4rdence wim msv~bns cet eorm in roWappfttan ma b akqwro me mwa ame stear or caae#en anm» mozvmny . Repulaolfs atMg~ GP4! ot WMatq~ Cdu~do or airy olMr ap adinences of,IM Gq. . (2) Thb pe~m4 aqau ~rn wQlc euuw~fzea is irotcommencea wimin (ec) aayatmm nsue aaee« (s) Me bupft autxgtM Is •usve^ded.« . . gpan~dtor9 58C e. (3) K tl~fs pcnnft 4%D~.~~ r~eY hs eoQUired for a tea d oebheM khe eYrwuM nWmekY rcquiretl,~ no pwnDmluve hpW d wiM De mHft in Ne aphwtqloaer and spedflastiond; aM eM` we0enebn or eba(MOnment has na mcceeCeG one (i) Y9~'. i1.cAanpea are rtade w N awpanAbn a abantlonmsnt ex~mCsOrre(A)Ya+fi/utl~sal~9DeP~~aMwpemd6 . . . (4) NowalcWaMMiNnersl~Eedd+eNwtwlMdraM9atl~enetui'alflDwdweterceueinon~aDro~• . (S) CM~Mat1M thdleM~j~ tlle $U1kMM fn FxeMydoW (24) howe M advence far ~ f ncP~$ (8) W0':0Wf'8"0WWn"At ~181reM reCBNe mMn aDP adin60~ CPN 6etasivea'1[~e Ma~~~~s ~ ~dms shatl mt be conauued b Oea R~ ~ren a{1provN a.MY vbMtlon of Me pm`Hakxis akx orartXO~n~nw.law.rWewrcpWatlon. . . . C f Building Ins{rector THt3 PERMIT VAIID DMLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE GHIEF BUtLQING INSPEGTOR kND NtAYOR CALL: 234-3833 24 HOURS PRtOR TO iNSFEL'TION Total $89.00 ~PetmkFee' $55.00 Plan Review Fee: $0•00 UseFafc:; $34.00` SIC : Sq: Ft : in ResidentiAi Units : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : ~ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : Property Owner : />Oo 670(."e)F t-, Property Address 7~~ f lN3~ Contractor License No. : Company : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on Ihis application, and thal I assume (ull responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable t Ridge ordi ces, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE6/~ 2 Description : L/e Q 2 4 Phone: y2- L y`~/y Z Phone: Construction Value : Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax : Total : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zonfil~CoIW~ SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: p ~ Zoning : 2 G B ulldlna3Ca__ii 'entU Approval : P..Ql3lELkr512322nmMt~9 Approval : Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Company : Expiration Date : Approval: im 10ta'rMOMMEM 0 lnimmRmm teiffmasaar~ (1) This permil was issued in accordance with Ne provisions set forth in yopur appliration and Is suDject to the laws of the State ol Colo2CO anA to the Zoning Regulations and BuilEing Code of Wheat RiEge, Colo2tlo or any ot0er apPlicaEle ordinances of Ih e C~N(2) TTis pertnlt shall expire d(A) lhe work authonzed is not commenced within sinty (60) days hom issue Eate or (B) ihe builEing auNOnzed is suspended or a0andoned br a penod of 120 Oays. (7) I( this permit ecpires, a new pertnrt may Ee acquired for a lee of one-half the amounl normally required, provideC no Uanges nave Oeen or will be maAe in the otlginal plans anA specifcations and any suspension or abanEOnment has not exceetled one (1) year. I( changes are maCe or if suspension or abandonment exceetls one (1) year, lull tees shall Oe Oaid for a new permit. (a) No work of any manner shall Oe done that will change ihe naW21 flow otwater causing a tlreinage problem. (5) CoNraclor shall notify the Building Inspector lwenty-four (24) hours in atlvance lor all inspeclions and shall receive wntten approval on inspection carE before proceedun with successive phases ol the ob. (5) TOe i e of a rtnit or the appmval o~drawings and specifiwtions shall not be consirued to Ee a permit for, nor an approval ot, any violation of the provisions Iso's ol e 0 tlmg es or any oth ord ance, law, rule or regulation. ing Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION COLORADO ENGINEERING Zlk SCALE 7' - Zt> 6 SURVBYING INC. 9990 Bo. 9hermen Bt, Bulta a• taqlawood, Coloredo 10110 • 761-8055 Surveying Colorado Since 1972 • FAX: 761•0841 Pgr r ~ 1~kl p-1 T= / 7~2EH/.~E I L„~ru \ i- - - - i W...c ' i I 71~ ~ O , PrT t ,4. Z~l I N 323 N N / S7L7/Ly O M sni~co Fiv.1,...F N ~ B / (o ~y.2, Go~ ~o.✓c ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ N ~I i II i II • 7S LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tm&-V 4CA-C 4h"IE LOT 31 THREE ACRE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. ALSO RNOWN AS 8 THREE ACRE LN ~ NQ. 95-4055 (BOWEN) ¢ENSUiTNCT /OS, 02 ~U' YC~i W~W~M In M N~YpW Fbo7 Muvuo Yiepun X TOis mnnxNb9R01001 W%W&b fn IW NatiaW FboO Mswwnp P~owam_ I nrwvmwrnun.aawMa.awwirr.onioo.ua.w+n•Yma~wmwry.l:w C Ey 1M FWrY Emwp~ncy M~n~qm,M Aqnry (FEMy 1. ~dV a IMmoalanuxMOO insuuw im map (FIRM:. pmw0 FamNt.am.v.a.ua Z"a-d'B cam~wM~nen 0B.C-075k r.o.~numo« 4::~100 S- G ~IIOVEYE1RlOCAT1ONCl11TIFIC~T! COLORADO NATIONAL MORTGAGE / BOWEN 1 hrWypNlyYwYisYnpw~nwNbaYanwWkW wuPoWblar YW M Y ml 8 4M wwY Dw a YnPwvwnry wv*Y Wy. Wn0 tlW M b noi b WmlW Won la b utWYalmwv M Mo. Wk'.p. a o0w Wwn Mnpwxrom Wrs. wwrmnrrbnaor«nrwonrrw>..a.ae.av.mMOnw.aw ~.aqwuq~ n.eawv».an.puw.uc.p M Mwm, hl tlw~ ~r~ ro M✓+WAYnrM~ upa~ Ilr MwWO prwNN~ bY NPw~wN~ on rN' ~V P~MNw~~.wao~WnYtlicay~~~~\ r IQ wN wWrce asqn W mY euawN dnYn0u0MhWmYPu1WUWVroN.MnDlY1WwA. Y tV I hxOw wYy tlW IM bulian q Ynpw~nwMs Nwm Mrwn r~ W"W uqan M~ Iwwn W u4tlry mawnww In M rw.. 00~ q}S b W a YnVOwm~m tweY p~i. .naw...wiwn ~ .a.,uw~.w..yw~wrnao..n~.n.w.rpu.owa.ao...m..~.v.yam.k..~o.m.Mr>tiv\d a~•w.~ ' w~ima•wmwurewwuy ~~Y : ~`Y~,p+~^ IOHi • ALl fl l1ED)RVED CcbWDflrvUqSYAMs13d0.106 fGpONAO0EN6ME~tfQqVEYI O,INC. 'NOlia:ucw0irpbCdaWolaw1'ou mwl~ 4YJMWnOUWUpmuqyMIoGNINs wvqwWnlNryowWCp:C= ywtiswrwSuch C6160.Inrorr4.myMrAcYOnGaeAWmMNaNYYs &uwyWmmw~cWma~MnwnyewhomuiL - ' oMW"uondiownlwoan ! e - • TNad~kpWCMOUiWrIMMwstlrrFocbnlCopyrlyyAp.TNstraw4p"nolMwtlEylMtlwYawyotlwii • ~ WM 1- &^Y W'" aMr Mn NN w1kh Yw Orawup N VopuW. AWwa d HED t4nWe0 wl YWirAW m wTaiaq ♦ wwosction. w m c«wicnion .xWM. m w pw.m ndauq sim apy. ~ !l:;; 1111~~~ ` DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-1629 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :8/11/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 ~ Property Owner : Property Address : S THREE ACRE LN Phone : 422-9842 Contractor License No. : Company : Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $105.00 I hereby certify thet the satbadc distances proposed by this pertnit applicetion are accurate, Permit Fee : $15.00 end do not vrolate appIicableordinances, rulea or regulaNons W the Cdy of Wheat Ridge or easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations covenanb Plan RCViBw Fee : $0.00 , made are accurate; that I have read and agrea to abide by all condftions printed on Mis and that I assume NN responsibility for wmphence wdh the Wheet Ridge Building application Use Tax : $1.5$ , Cade (U.B.C.) and ail other applieable 1 at Ridge o ances, for woAc under this pertntt. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Total ~ $16.57 Description : STORAGE SHED BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : SM 08111195 Zoning : R-2 Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : ExpiraHon Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : ■ ~~■s ■ ■ forth (1) R~ule~o Wand Bulltlin~gCode a=rdanw Rid~g ep Colorado o airy ioUror appeiabb~oNfne~nces of the Ci~ty.~ lavn M Ue State of ColoraEO antl lo the Zontnp (2) This pertnit aheH ezpire H(.4) the wak authorizetl is not commenced wiThin alxly (80) day6 from lasue date or (B) iha builtling auUialietl ts wsparMeO ot aCantloned kr e perlod of 720 Eeye. (3) If ttiia partnit ezpires, a new permn may be eaquired for a/ea W one-heM the artwuM noimatry required, provitled no changes have been tt wAN Ce made in Ne aiyinal plana erM speciRntlona ane any auspanaon or abendonment has not azaeatletl one (t) year. n dienpea are metle or N suapenabn or abanaonment ezceetla one (t) year, NII has ahall be paid (or a new permit. (4) No vrork W arry manner a~etl be tlone thel will chanpe the nalurol flow Mweter causinp e drainepe pmGem. Contraetor MeA rwtlfy theBuiWinO Inaoeclw lwenty-kur (24) houB in advan~e for ell inspectlons and ahall recelve writlen approval an inspeelion raM bafore g ve o~eeea of tlre oraeetlifn with suxael ~i m~dr ~awae°~or ere~~omer o°Pr~ ~i~ °Nb or°rey~o ~s snen oa na woevu~a ro n~ e a~~ ~r, ~or e~ eaaweI a. ■m waaeor~ a mB vrwi~o~8 THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Sr~ 6 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : Date : Property Owner : / '?m p9 /J"~I«'e'vv - vi ce "l Property Address 7ti~^~ P~~. ~'r G ti Contractor License No. : Company : Phone: yZZ Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurete, and do not violate appliwble ordinances, rules or regulations of the Ciry of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easemenis or restrictions of recortl: that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurete; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other appliwble V){~r"t Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNEDf/1/.Je? ✓ DATE ~ Description : _s~~,ra jp ✓l-r r~/ ~ Total : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~Approval: Zaning : R2. M.., - Approval : Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : ~ . `Rl~tq~:Et Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: P1~ns"R~~qyired ...,I Construction Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : (1) This permrt was issuetl in accortlance wit0 the provisions set krth in yopur applica[ion and is subject to the laws of the State of Coloratlo antl to t0e Zoning Regulations antl Builtling Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other aOPliwble ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzeA is not commenced wilhm sixry (60) tlays from issue date or (B) the builtling authorized is sus0entletl or abandoned for a penod of 120 tlays. (3) If this permit ezpires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee of one-half the amount normally require4 provitled no changes have been or will be matle in the original plans and specifica[ions and any suspension or abandonmen[ has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment exceetls one (t) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permil. (4) Nb work of any manner shall be tlone that will change the natural flow oi water causing a tlrainage problem. " (5) Contractor shall notiry [he Building Inspector twenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspection wrtl before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) Th suance of a permit or the approval of tlrawings antl specifcations shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions o t buil 'ng COtles Of any other Ortlinance, laW. rule of regUlaliOn. ~L 7 hief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION _F/PS c h F COLORAnO ENGINEERtNG NF SCALE t' - ZO & StiR9EYtNa INC. 3470 60. 8herman 8t, @uite Z• Bnqleovoo4 Coloredo 80110 • 761-8055 Surveying Colorado Since 1972 • FAX: 761-0841 Pv, T pff Ts 'Jww+.sc_ Pvc..t2 / 7ZZ6A`,'`wf I L„r~u \ ~ ~ 1 I /i.wm»cE oJ , /G z I r '-~y !a'~"i N 32 3 N ti / S7v/ty 0 th S7r/e-co sp Av_4w.F N /y,Z Gov Co.✓c ~ ~ ,t - ~ ii I~ II i II ~ ~ ~ /Io 7S LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3, THREE ACRE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. ALSO RNOWN AS 8 THREE ACRE LN CENSUSTRACT ~'OS 02 10. 95-4055 (BOWEN) ~ TIFILATION RMty gm pilrticipsN M IM NaUpW Fbatl Irouvo GrOprun X 7Ny ppmnyryMAlipyM pNiimaro in tM NeIionM Fbop Insursnp Pmpram_ IINrMYmrWYtlultlrMaMMOesaIGEMrwn~sl✓OrbrabEwMMn~IbeLMiudldMUy.lEan~ ~ ).~rqblMmesl~111eaEim~memV(FIRMI.P~~ Oy 1M FWxY Emnpncy Memqmsnl Aqncy (FEn+y FboOMxrCmapaEaIW 2-¢- d' B c~wMnrwme.r OE~. SU7 9 a"ome.r G~O S' C MIPROVEMEMLOCATIONCERTIFICRTE COLORADO NATIONAL MORTGAGE / BOWEN I IwaOV WNN thYtlvSimpowrmnlloe~tionaxtlfi~bwa~er~e~sElv tlut X d nM ~ 4nd wwY W~1 a Impewmw~~ w~wY Wt. rtl Ntl It I~ nol b M nlwU Wan br tlr ut~diaNnw~l M Iwwr. MkJirp. n aMr Mv~ impw ibanner wmvmum.imp,..msnnmur.eowe..crro.en.rcW m w.ar lo -/S- 9S .,,.~weH ~ry u.rowm. n,.t mw. w no.mre.a~mw~u uoon ur aaa+e.e arWN~ Mm wr adicew m«N.....u.w.a wie.i awairro «wra«~iro .~v wn w wa wo.i. uha.e. ~ i n.m.r arwy wt mw wc.uon a imww«n.ms.rown n.r.oo.r. e...e upw m. wo.eon a.mva Yld 4 fYbN.110 Yly YIW'CU!!CMs ftIa iYbNQYMt~111~IWMMM MWFy paIM'010 QI~GOM. ThM W W~'Of IIIVtH IIO AYf W~' IX .d uNess ipsdIICNIY Yqwn. ~`~`~,y~~^IGM - I1lL CdpaOO Revbetl Slatuba 134)0.105 - fCAPRA00 ENOII •Notice: accor0irp b Cdwmdo Iaw Yw mwl wmm~nu Mpol acYion GaW upon ury MM In tlis avwy mtlJn tlxw y.ns ~It6 17 .C= youducovx suM ONSCt. In roevsnt. mq e^y ~c4on EsasE upm ONeq in tlYS+wq' Osmnmwrae mu~ Uun MnY~m lrom Nic_~ • CMiliu4on fhown herwn. ~ iCA TNa d=ken*h1 b p01xietl unOSr tlis Iawa d IM FWerel Cepyrpht Aq. tNS bswirp ahYl rot M wW Ey tM tlimd a ury oNx i p" fw uy purp~ ahar Cwt Me1 wNdi IM Onwirp w prspere7. Abemqs q RED oMnip nW FqiuMS n wMOnsq /.~~•~fj ~ nP~ucfion. uW ro rarUlkatlon exMMf Io tlM Pxam MMmO auM coDY. i. tlM OounOViea d IM Vsral, uwVt n •wnw. v.qn a nry aaemmt x1 m W, surver Wai. joe.non in rN&tan ro d+a bourMSry INC. ~ : , , i j l/ ~ /la ~ j'~ $ v ~ 2~ ~ / ; ~ - ~ - ( I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , ; G~ ~ 7 ~G 5 _i ~ ~ , J~OO ~ V ~ . ~ , c ~ 10'x8' BARN INSTRUCTIONS Step 1. SIDE WALL STUD CUT LIST: Cut 10-2x4 side wall studs from 5-2x4x8' as shown. 44 1 /8" 2X4 SIDE WALL STUD 14---- 431/4" 2X4X8' CUT HERE - 43 1 /4" ~ 2X4 SIDE WALL STUD SCRAP - 44 1 /8" CU7 HERE Step 2. SIDE WALL #1: Cut 2-2x4x8' to 7' 9" long. Hook your tape measure on the ends of the 2-2x4x7' 9" top and bottom plates and place pencii marks at 1' 10 1/2", 3' 10 1/2" and 5' 10 1/2". Assemble the side wall on the floor area, nailing 2-2x4x7' 9" to 5-2x4 side wall studs with 2-16d nails in each end. The long point of the side wall studs should be to the outside and at the top of the side wall. The side wall studs should be centered on your marks. 2-i6D NAILS 1T ~ _ w ~ o w a r (/l ~ Z 2-16D NAILS rio-i/z^ s. o,~ Z,o., 1,10_1/2" G" I~ ~cl:.d%n uhc&r I s7ru1 Step 3. If you are building on a concrete slab, drill 1 1/4" holes in the side wall bottom plate to allow for clearance of the anchor bolts and nuts. Step 4. Set the side wall into place. The outside edge of the 2x4 wall must be even with the edge of the floor or sill plate. The ends of the wall should be 1 1%2" in from the front arid back of the floor or sill plate. Nail the side wall to the floor framing or sill piate with a 16d nail every 2'. 1 1 /2" , Z,o„ ] NAIL SIDE WALLS SIDE VIEW lt - 26 - LD SIDE WALL #2: Repeat Steps 2, 3 and 4. . 'a 2k6 ridge board hanger with 6-1 114" roofing nails, 8t the peaks, centet,etl ov&& "V" on the back wali, and even with the top of the'2x3'6: 7. Set the prefabricated back wall in place. The 2x4 on the bottom of the back wall will sit on the or sill plate with the siding lapping over the edge. Nail the back wall to each side wall with 3-16d Nail the back wall siding to the floor or sill plate with 6d naiis every 8". Step 8. INSTALL FRONT WALL: Repeat Steps 6 and 7. 160 NAIL ~ ~ -27- 2%6 RIDGE BOARD HANGER Step 9. Cut the 2x4 on the bottom of the front wall with a hand saw. DO NOT CUT the 1/2" CCA plywood. DO NOTCUTthe 2x4 CCAsill plate if you are building this on a slab. The 2x4 CCA sill plate should remain in place to keep the rain out. With floor option "C", the 1x4 should be cut. Toe nail (angle nail) the cut ends to the floor or to the sill plate with 16d nails. CCA WOOD FLOOR (OPTION "A") 2%1 i0 BE CUi - 2X4 CCA BOARD' DO NOT CUT ~ BD NAII 16~ NRIL - T 00 NOT CUT t/4" CG PlYW000'` ' - -CONCRETE FLOOR (OPTION "B") 1 BD NNL 16D NNL 2k4 TO BE CUT y T ]%4 CCA BOMO ~ D0 NOT CUT OVERSIZED SL48 (OPTION "C"1 2X4 TO BE t %4 TO BE cur CUT isowv~ J I 3%4 CG BOMU 00 NOT WT 1 Step 10. Cut 24'x8' sheets of siding into 4-41x4' pieces. ~ 0 ~ HERE 0 v . ~ IW -28- Step 11. The bottom of the siding must be installed 1 1/2" below the top ofthe CCA plywood or 1 1/2° below the top ofthe sill plate ifyou are building on a slab. The ctd edge of each 4'x4' piece of siding must be installed with the cut edge at the top of the side wall. The overlapping edge of each piece will be toward the back of the barn. If the overlapping edge isn't toward the back of the barn with the cut edge at the top, this piece of siding must be installed on the other side of the building. Install siding piece #1 with the overlapping edge even with the outside edge of the 2x3 on the back wall. Tack one 6d nail in the 4 corners of each 4'x4' piece of siding. It may be necessary to move the top of the wall so that the siding squares up the building. Step 12. After ALL of the siding istacked in place, nail the siding to all of the 2x4's with 6d nails every 8". Step 13. Cut the 3-2x6x8' to 7' 9" long. Install the 3-2x6x7' 9" ridge boards in the ridge board hangers and nail with 1 1/4" rooflng nails. Hook your tape measure on the end of the ridge boards and place pencil marks at 1' 101/2", 3' 101/2" and 5' 101/2". These marks will be used in Step 14 to locate the center of the rafter hangers. s- 101/2° a- io i/z^ r io i/x° RIDGE BOARD FRONT WALL BACK WALL _29- 2X6X7'9" RIDGE BOARD 2X6X7'9" RIDGE BOARD I PIECE #2 I PIECE #i I Step 14. Center a 2x4 rafter hanger over each of the marks on the ridge board and nail with 2-1 1/4" roofing nails in each hanger. i i /a„ ROOFING NAILS TT HA GER I I1 /I I HA GER 2X6 RIDGE BOARD Step 15. Center a 2x4 rafter hanger over each side wall stud and nail with 2-1 1/4" roofing nails. ' RAF7ERHANGER 2X4 RAFTER HANGERS ~ 2-1 1/4" ROOFING NAILS W C) I I ni L'i zI Io,-- Step 18. Cut 6-2x4x27 3/4" rafters and 6-2x4x40 3/8" rafters from 3-2x4x12' as Shown. ~--27 3/4"-P~---27 3/4"---~-40 3/8" 2x4x12' CUT HERE' 40 3/8"-0 CUT HERE SCRAP -30- Step 17. I nstall the 6-2x4x27 3/4" rafters in Ihe rafter hangers. 3/4" z~ 7 3/4" ER Step 18. Install a 2x4x40 3/8" rafter in the rafterhangers. Place the next rafter in the rafter hangers on the other side of the ridge board. Install the rest of the rafters alternating from one side to the other. -31- ?Yaxao aia^ 2X4R403/8" 2X4X40 3/8" RAFfERS Step 19. Cut 2-4'x8' sheets of waferboard into 2-31 3/4"x96" sheets. The OSB waferboard roof sheathing should be installed with the rough side up. Step 20. Install a 31 3/4"x96" sheet of roof sheathing (Sheet A) with the top and bottom of the sheet centered on the ridge board and top plate with the cut edge of the sheet on the ridge board. The lower right hand corner ofthe sheet should be even with the backside ofthe siding on the BACK WALL. Tack it to the 2x4 top plate with 2-6d nails. FRO WA ~CK ~LL Step 21. Instail a 31 3/4"x96" sheet of roof sheathing (Sheet B) with the top and bottom of the sheet centered on the ridge board and top plate with the cut edge of the sheet on the ridge board. The lower right hand corner of the sheet should be even with the backside of the siding on the FRONT WALL. Tack it to the 2x4 top plate with 2-6d nails. BA, WA ONT qLL 1* -32- Step 22a. If your floor is perfectly level, the upper right hand corners of sheets "A" &"B" will be even with the backside of the siding on the front and back walis (See drawing 22a). Ifyourfloor is not level, the Ipper right hand corners of sheets "A" &"B" must be placed equal distance from the outside of the siding on the front and back walls. If the upper right hand corners of sheets "A" 8"B" do notlap pastthe outside edge of the siding and are not more than 1/2" from the back side of the siding on the front and back walls, proceed to Step 23. If the upper right hand corners ofsheets "A" &"B" lap pastthe outside edge of the siding, proceed to step 22b. If the upper right hand corners of sheets "A" &"B" are more than 1/2" from the back side ofthe siding on thefrontand back walls, proceed to Step 22c. Step 22b. If the upper right hand corners of sheets "A" &"B" lap past the outside of the siding, remove the 6d nails and shift the sheets to the left until the upper right hand corners are even with the outside of the siding (See dr2wing 22b). If your building is extremely unlevel, it may be necessary to trim the roof sheathing if it hangs past the outside of the siding on the front and back walis. If the left hand side ofsheets "A" &"B" do not end on a rafter, a nailer must be installed on the side of the rafter. You will need to purchase an additional 2x4x12' and cut 2 additional rafters and nail them to the existing rafters. Proceed to Step 23. Step 22c. If the upper right hand corners of sheets "A" &"B" are more than 1/2" from the back side of the siding on the front and back walls, remove the 6d nails and shift the sheets to the right until the lower right hand corners are even with the outside of the siding (See drawing 22c). If your building is ex- tremely unlevel, it may be necessary to trim the roof sheathing if it hangs pastthe outside of the siding on the front and back walls. If the left hand side of sheets "A" &"B" do not end on a rafter, a nailer must be installed on the side of the rafter. You will need to purchase an additional 2x4x12' and cut 2 addi- tional rafters and nail them to the existing rafters. SHEET A OR B 228 SHEET A OR B 22b SHEET A OR B 22c Proceed to Step 23. -33- Step 23. Tack the upper right hand corners of sheets "A" &"B" with 1-6d nail. The upper rig ht hand corner of sheets "A" &"B" m ust be placed equal distance from the outside of the siding on the front and back walls. Tack 1-6d nait in the upper left hand corner of sheets "A " & "B". Step 24. After all of the roof sheathing is tacked in place on the lower sections, nail to all framing with 6d nails every 8". Step25. Cut 2-4'x8'sheets of OSB waferboard into 2-44 1/2" x 96" sheets. Sheets C 8 D will be installed like you did sheets A& B. Step 26. Install a 44 1/2"x96" sheet of roof sheathing (Sheet C) with the top and bottom of the sheet centered on the ridge boards with thecutedgeat4hepeakoftheroof. Thelower right hand corner of the sheet should be even with the backside of the siding on the BACK WALL Tack it to the lower 2x6 ridge board with 2-6d nails. ~ FRO WA SHEET A OR B ~C K 4LL ~ -34- -71 Step 27. Install a 44 1/2"x96" sheet of roof sheathing (Sheet D) with the top and bottom of the sheet centered on the ridge boards with ttp cut edge at the peak of the roof. The lower right hand corner of the sheet should be even with the backside of the siding on the FRONT WALL. Tack it to the lower 2x6 ridge board with 2-6d nails. Step 28. If needed, adjust sheets C& D following the instructions for sheets A& B in Steps 23 & 24. Step 29. After all of the roof sheathing is tacked in place on the upper section, nail to all framing with 6d nails every 8". Step 30. Nail 2-2x3x43118" overhang boards even with the TOP of the roof sheathing and nail the 2x3's with 3-16d nails in each board. Repeat for the back wall. BA( WA -35- ONT qLL Step 31. Nail 2-2x3x 30 7/16" fascia overhang boards even with the TOP of the roof sheathing and nail the 2x3's with 3-16d nails in each board. Repeat for the back wall. Step 32. Nail 2- 1 x3x47 3/8" corner boards on - the sides of the building. The corner boards must be even with the bottom of the siding and the edge of the corner board even with the siding on the front or backwalls. Nail with 2-6d nails every 2'. Repeat for the other side. Step 33. Nail2-1x3 corner boards onthe front of the building. These corner boards will lap onto the side corner boards and must be even with the bottom of the side corner boards. Nail with 2-6d nails every 2'. Repeat for the back wall. v -36- Step 34. Place 2-1 x4 trim boards with the precut angles on each end at the exact peak of the roof, even with the TOP of the 2x3 ,,,overhang boards and nail with 2-6d nails every 2'. Repeat for the back wall. Step 35. Place 2-1x4 trim boards with the precut angles tight against the 1x4's in Step 34 and even with the TOP ofthe 2x3 overhang boards and nail with 2-6d nails every 2'. DO NOT cut off the ends at this time. Repeat for the back wall. ~ ~ Step 36. Hook your tape measure on the bottom edge ofthe side wall siding and place a mark at 47 3/8" 4' from the back wall. Measure between the corner boards on the side wall and cut a 1 x4x8' overhang board to that length. Placethe 1x4 overhang board on the side of the building with the top of the board even with the top of the corner boards and your pencil mark. Nail to each side wall FRONT wALL stud with 2-6d nails. Repeatforthe other side of the building. 1 X4X8' CUT TO FR -37- ~ BACK wnLL Step 37. Measure down from the top of the 1x4 overhang boards 1 3/8" and place a mark every 3'. Measure between the 1x4 trim boards on the front and back walis and cut a 1x4x10' to this length. Place the 1 x4 sidewalltrim board on the 1x4 overhang board with the top edge on your marks. The ends of the 1x4 side wall trim board should be even with the top of the 1 x4 front and back wall trim boards. Nail with 2-6d nails every 2'. Repeat for the other side. BACK WALL Step 38. Using a hand saw, cut the 1 x4 front and back wall trim boards even with the 1 x4 side wall trim boards. Make the vertical cut first followed by the horizontal cut. Step 39. You are now ready to shingie the roof. The kit does not include felt roofing paper, whic not needed to keepShe roof from leaking, although local building codes may require felt paper to+ installed. If felt paper is required, you will need to buy 1 roll of 15# felt paper. Start all rows on hand side of the building. The shingles should lap past the front and back wall trim boards 1l: starter row should lap past the 1x4 side wall trim boards 1/2". Follow the instructions on thes, package and the following drawings for installation. If the shingle rows become crooked, you mayc a line to straighten out the rows, by measuring up from the bottom of the first row of shingles an eq distance, then use this line as your guide for the next row of shingles. Nail the shingles 1" above the top; of the slots and 1" from the ends of the shingle. The first and last shingle of each row should be nailed 1 1/2" from the end of the building instead of 1". All shingles have 3"tabs". A tab is the part ofthe shingle ` that is between the center of the slots. NOTE: Certain areas have metric shingles which are 39 1/2"t, long instead of 36". The following drawings are based on the standard 36" shingle. If you have metric shingles, start each row with the full shingle or the 1 1/2 tab shingles as shown. The only difference will be the size of the piece cut off the end of each row. -38-