HomeMy WebLinkAbout13051 W. 32nd AvenueBulldlllg PVlllllt~~ . ~ PermitN10772~ . . CITY OF'WHEAT RIDGE 7/15/2005 . . . . 7500 West 29TH Avenue wheatridge, Co 80033 /nspection Line 303-235-2855 303-234-5933 Commercial Fence rxorExTY 13051 32nd Av Unit: owtvEx: Dwayne Richter ...~Description. . ~ . . ~ . . . . . ~ . . ~ Install City required 10' cedaz privacy fence along N. property boundry. 125 L.F. per Meredith. IFEES FFees ICONTRA Pj8aS8 N0$ES . . . . Oevfter/contrac4or is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to thy : appeoved ptan and required devetopment standazds. _ The City is not responsiBle for inaccurate information submitted withiri the plan set and any constmction errors resulting from inaccurate informa;ion. . Units: cupan: Wahs: Roof: Stories: SqFeet;~ 0 . < lhuebycerth'tha eset ackdkun proposedbytFispermitappVcatin oare accware,anddo mtviolaroapplicebleordinancu,mluariegulahonsof[heCiryof . . . . Whwt dgearcav~anfs, emeu~s est chosofreaard;thatallmeesuremnfsshown,avdallegtlnsmadeare acurvre;thatlhav eedavdagreetaabide6y allcondft 'onsprinh ue ppGcatw andth [IassumefWlrespaeuibilityfor compHance th WFu[RitlgeS YdingCadeNACJ- ndallothuapp4cable . ~WM1evi dgeordina es,for arkund [Fispermit . . . . . . . . . . . . . (OWNE (CO TOR) r ' . . . . . SIGNEDDATE. . . . . . , 1 Thfspermitwasusuedinamordancewifhfheprovisionssefforthinyaurappiioellanand'usubjectrothelawsoftM1eSta[eofCOlaratloaudm[heZOning ~ Regulatiow and Builtling Code of Wheat Ridge, Colondo or any o[her app4cable oMinanees of [he City. . : 2. TAis pcrmi[ sh5i1 «ptre if(A) the work vuthorized is vo[ cammenad withiu suty (60) deys fmm isme tlah or (6) the bmildiug auNoriud is suspevded or . . . . . ~abantlonedforaperiodof120tleys . , . 3..Ifthis permif expiru, e uew permrt mey he avquiretl for s fee of ono-M1eV the amoonFnormally requ'vetl, pronded no eM1anges have bcen or wJl be made in the brigiualplensantlspectiicntionsandanysuspev onorabanaoumenfhasnotexreedMOne(1)yeeelfvASwgesaremedeorifsuspensonorabendanment eeedsone(1)yenytullfeushailbe.peidforanewpermie 0~ [iowo kof yma nershallbedan ffi [wllchangeth naN111 woC ace c gadra g pmblem. . 5 - COntrecrorshalinahfyth¢BUiltlinglnspeatoriwevty-tour(20)tioorsinatlvavretorpllmspecNOUaodsM1allrecdvewrittenapprovnloninapmtionaardbcfore " pmecetling wlth mccusive phasis o(Nejob. . . . , - fiTAeivuanceofa 'rorthca evdspxifwHonsshallm[becovstrved[obeepermi[(or,no avapprovalof,enyriolationoftM1e . . . provisions dmge yotM1erordimnc aw,mleorregula[ion. . i SSGNED DATE Friday, July 15, 2005 . . Page 1 of 1 . s. . . . . . . Building Permit CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Whealridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 ~.4l1~, ~ City aFVMtat K~'dye Commercial Fence Permit Number 18992 7/15/2005 Inspecfion Line 303-234-5933 PROPERTY 13051 32IId AV ULIt: owNEx: Dwayne Richter Descriptiou Install City required 10' cedar privacy fence along N. proper[y boundry. 125 L.F. per Meredith. Authorized By Zoning Approval Zoning PCD Authorized On 7/14/2005 Approved By JH Ok per Case # WZ-04-06. Authorized By guilding Approval Authorized On 7/14/2005 . OK. Must substain a ll 0-mph 3-sec wind gust. Zoning Approved By CR Friday, Juty 15, 2005 Page I of 1 COMMUNiTY DEYELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: - oF w"£'T y gUILDING INSPECTiON UNE • 303-234-5933 Date: ~ o, CITV Of WHEAT RIDGE ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPLICATION ProptrtyOwner: ?iwst"¢. 2.Lc04k./ j \ PropertyAddress: 3Zdo ccr,~cr>F 3Z•,=1~",~eJPbone: Contractor License No.: -06- 6-7- Company: Aqc,t F,-'t,` Co Pboae: 30) L-{2g-~L2- OWNER/GONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDIN6 AHD AGREEMENT Buildin9DeatValuationFigure: S 3) 00a` I hereby certify that the setback disUnces proposed by ihis permit apD~ication are accurate, anC do nol violate applipble adinances, rules or regulations of the Ciry of W heat Ridge or eovenants, easements a restricGa+s of record: NataN meawrernenls shown, and alleyaUOns made are acwra 1hat l have read arM agree to abide by ali conditions printed on this aDPtica ~on rM that I aswme !u0 responsibiliry fa compliance vnM the W Aeat ge Bu ~din CoOe (1.B.C) and all oUhm appficable W heat Ridge Ordinances, for work u er th pe P1ans subjeci to field inspection_ townEaNCOnnucroPo: siGNEO ~l^ iJP.V) Dn7E 1d J ij flF~ (OWNER)(CANTMCTON):VRINTED DA1E Value:$ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ Use of Space (description): ~ ' ' ~ wOf~ & ( ~ O u+ Deseriptionofwork: ~v jo Ceo,J~Pn~A~y c( ry rn,, w~ a e p } . r ~ZS faer n.zrzdi~4 ~tU.ij S'vec0 C21t rk- 3}c~q5-Y224 Sq.Ft.addod BUII..DING DEPARTMEN? USE ONLY SIC: Sq.FI.: ONING COM~MENTS: npprova]: J44 7 I( 4-IO S OI- (Ovl ~G 98. ~ ~ Zoning: y~G2 f fl~~ ~i , 6 vv2-e+ -o 6 pp COMMEN,s: .npworal: Cjr'_ ~,.c5 s [,vrnd 9~s o~ Vowcs caaMeNTS: Appruval: DEVat7uEPri COMMENiS: Approval: W atls: Roof: Electricai License No: Company. ,PI1R ? 2 2005 c~. /ia a~Prl ~ S G a Stories: Residential Units: Plumbing License No: Company. Mechanical license No: Company. Expiration Date: Expiretion Date: Eupiration Date: Aonroval: APProval: APProvai: (1) This permit was iswed in acoorda^ce wiTh the Drov^sk^S set foM in your appGca6onand is suDjeU b the iaws of the SUte of Cotpado and a yx Zquny ReputaL'ons and Buildug Codea of W Meat Ritlge. Cobrado a arry otlier appfkabk ordinances of the City. (2) This 0~~ ~n expire H(A) the wak auMor¢ed u not commenCed wMhin Sixty (90) Oays hom issue date w(B) the building auttwrtred'u wapmWed a ebandor3ed fu a parioC of 780 days- (3) I( this P~~t wom. a new Derr^it rtay be acqwreC tOr a fee of one-half the amouM normady re0uired. provi0e0 no Changes have been awiN be made in the a3D'vwl Wara arW sDecdintiora antl arry suspensian w abandonmem has not exceeded one (1)Yow. Hchangm havebeenaNsusDonsoO+orabandorimentmceedsone(1)Yew.tullfeesshallbePad iwanewDertnil (4) No wwk d anY mwnrbr ahaaY be Oone Uoi wM cnarge the nawral tbw of waw cauwq a erainape pioelem. . (5) Cwibacmr sha9 notiythe BLO&D iropector M'wt-fa° (24) howa in advanoe for a4 mepections antl sW receive wriuen apqpvy on lnapectim cad beipe qroooeAuD wilh wcoms" pnases of tlhe job. (6) The iasuanoe of a Pe+mH a tne apyroval of dr+winpe arW sped(ptia+is shaB noi be canstrued to be a permit for. rror an approvai d, anY violatio^ o( ' iens of the buddm9 wdes a arry ottierordnanoe. iaw, ruk a reDulaOOn. All pian rwbw b s Iro . Chi ding Offic+al 0 Z z 0 N Q ~ ~ acRes - GENERAL NQTES: 1. ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTlNG STANDAROS SHALL BE IN COMPLUNCE W►TH THE CEN OF W.HEAT RIpGE ORDINANCE 1015, CHAPTER 26, ARTICLE i. SHC710N 26-503 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF L4W5. ENTITLED EX7ERIOR IIGHTiNG STANDARDS. ALL PflLE UGHTS SHAk.L NOT EXCEED 18' IN HEIGHT ANO SHAUL BE DOWNCAST. 2. A!l JOINT ACCESS AISL€S INTER6JAl TO COMMERCtAI AREAS SF►A.LL BE SPECIFlED AS FIRE lANES, IF REOUIREU BY F1RE OISTRICT. ALL QWNERS, TENANTS ANO GUESTS SHALL HAVE FREE MOVEMENT THROUGH, ANU USE pF ALL PARKING, QRNE AISLES AND CURB CUTS. 3. TFIE TRASH ENClOSURE5 SFfALL BE MASONRY TO MATCH THE BUlIOtNG 4. ONE OE THE FQLLQWING REQUIRE6AENT5 MUST BE MET: (i) EACH AU70MATIC pRYER/BLOWER MUST INCLUOE A SIIENCER PACKAGE, OR (2) QOORS ON AUTOtdATiC BAYS MUST BE CIOSED BETWEEN THE HOURS FROM 10 P.M. TO B A.M., OR (3) AUTOMATfC DRYER/BLOWERS A1UST BE TURNED OFF BETYlEEN THE HOURS fROM 10 P.M. TO 6 A.M. 5. VACUUM/AIR STATIQNS WILL BE LOWER SOUNa VOLUME TYPE. s/1s/a5 SHEET 2 OF 4