HomeMy WebLinkAbout6930 W. 32nd AvenueCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Inspection Services Division (303) 235-2855 ZOR Correction Notice Job Address: 0:30 W. 3 Z-rtit A~V« b When corrections have been made, call for re= nspection at 303-234-5933. n DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Inspection Services Division (303) 235-2855 Correction Notice Job Address: q _3 0 uJ , 3 2- ~Ac rr',~ ~ 1 11 t1 t# ~ ~.1J e 1 C:,C_T ` d b'x V: \x 1 v. Q cit " 0 lo fIY `ATfc.A~ 1~ Ckrt~ c. Tt, Y 14 \ C Cl - a Q l" V..A~11V1 V-XSa' }c.ck~.,.~ ~ ~._,_.Q , ~ ~ 1 cre~ a'C When cmections have been made, call or re-inspection at 303-234-5933. Date- 3 4- , vt_ ' Inspector DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE W"COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. ~ m Inspection Services Division (303) 235-2855 ZoRAO° Correction Notice uv~ IG " /-F&7e'7 f4 .G, /e(IJ 6 UI/ku..Ohj .SQL•l.M $70F nF 4Ya e~ LQ mD,iF- VrPrC k,N rRn,~ a ~r~►~r CdL-LL&A/t S i zE (~m ~Ko+v ibpQ/L u,~D~i25iz~b, When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933. Job Address: 403p (,11, '17--nj fj UE 0 /LeED SIfaUER JALVaS 4 TuFi oa.~ -D.40'.d YJE*MS / ni CRAMIC. -5f1AcE rop, 15T-r-44 G/iwiNb DO NOT REMOVE TH/S NOT/CE 4/9/04 Andy R. Downs P.E 777 29" so-eei usoo 6oulder, CO 80231 303-413-1000 City of Wheahidge Building Deparhnent 7500 W. 29'h Street Wheatridge, CO 80033 To whom it may concern: p ,nM~ 14-*49 6 130 ul . 3z-►~~v5_ I have reviewed changes to structural framing plan for a residence at 6930 W. 32nd Street, Wheatridge, CO. Main floor framin There are (2) built up beams (3-2x6) oriented in an E-W direction on the West side of the house, the southern beam is adequate as built, the northem beam will require a post up from a concrete pad at midspan. The post should be (2) 2x4 bearing on a 16"x16"x8° deep concrete pad. Uooer floor franvna There is a bearing wall on the North side of [he stairway, the plans call for 2x4 studs at 12" o.c. The homeowner has placed studs at 10 '1/2° o.c. This is shucturally adequate. There is a multi-span glulam specified above the East side of the kitchen, oriented N-S. The homeowner has provided a double microlam for one of the spans, and a single microlam for the shorter spans on the North end. This configuration is structurally adequate. Sincerely, /44~~ ~ O Andy R. owns, P.E. 9 '•.;~1 ~O~ ~~~~~irN 0oeSnea~~ IBNAL 09/20/2002 03:23 FA% 3032331199 Bulbs Plus Denver i 30 0 ILIO 6 ,%IvvCG`T. l 1 Of /o~!/' ( (/UnX w~ WA4e-~ gooi ~C7B~d6rifHea'S 3 y~j ti SQ I' 6cG!' ~i r.4f) . 04 nt40-61iS i, e m; e ~ 7 Inm (K) 414.02.1123 pUgLIC SERVICE COMpANy pP COLORADO p j I 81q47 VNER ~ ITENANT~ qGENT ❑ IOTHER ~ - HAZARD CONOITION TO BE CORHECTED AS SHOWN BELOW CBEATES AN IMMEOIATE HAZARO. THIS EQUIPMENT MUST NOT BE PUT BACK W. SEflVICE IINTfL REPqIHS AND A.THOfl011GH INSPECTION HAVE BEEN MAOE BY q pUALIFlED CONTppCTOB. CONTqCI-YOUR LOCAC~ ~ BUILOING OEPAflTMENT fOq COOE ANO PENMIT flEQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO PERFOHMING REPAIq WORK. I ND TVpE OF APPLIqNCE ' UU ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 14449 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date : 9/6/02 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: TODD & ERIKA YOUNG Property Address : 6930 W 32ND AVE Phone : 233-8287 Contractor License No. : Company : Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $57,000.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and Permit Fee : $692.75 do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or pl8n RevieW Fee : $450.29 covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this USe T8X : $1,140.00 application, and that I assume full responsibility for compl' nce with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable ~ Ridf~nces, for work under this permit. „ TOt81 $2,283.04 (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE ~11T- US@ : I Description : HOME REMODEUADDITION ir'' ca-e-iza-C'°~ PIaaO NOte". OvnrAf I canhactor is responsible for locating accor v BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONIa]Sprovedplan and required developmcnt sta ,,.a,. The C,d1D(js not tesponsiSIq.fEd.inaccurate infc submitted within the plan set and any consu Approval : MP $12/02 errors resulting fram inaccurate informac Zoning : R-2 Approval: BG Approval : Occupancy: Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : 915102. ARC FAULT PROTECT BEDROOM OUTLETS Walis : Roof Plumbing License No : Company; Expiration Date : Approval : Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (1) This permit was issued in accortlance wi[h the provisions set foAh in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the Siate of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Builtling Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances oFthe Ciry. (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authorizetl is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 720 days (3) If fhis permit ezpires, a new pgrmit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount nortnally required, provided no changes have been or wiil be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or zbandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shallbe paid for a new permit (4) No work of any manner shall be done thatwill change the natural Flow of wa[er causing a drainage problem. (5) Contrector shall nolify the Building Inspectortwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeciions and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceetliing wit u cessi e p es of thejob. . (6) The issuan fa r pproval of drawin9s and specificalions shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval oF, any violation of the provisions o iltli d inance, law, rule or regulation. ~ Chief Building Inspector DEPAR'I`MENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Pexxnit Number: BiJII.DING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVEN UE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2555) ~~~CA I'ION ProperryOwner:7~~(c~e d-2Sr,`Kq 'VOGrv1~ Progerty Address: 6-r'j 3o L✓e,ST 3~~V Phone :~o'Z~~Z9-2 Contractor License No.: ~V,q Company: kB Phone: O WNGR/CONTRACTOR SICdVA1'URE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREENIENT I heatby ce[tify that the setback disGnces proposed by this peimit app(icafion are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, xules orregulations ofthe City oF Wheat Ridge or covenanGS, easeme¢ts or restrictions of record; that al1 measuremeNS showq and allegallons made aze accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions prinded on ttus applicalions and that I assume full responsibiliry for compliaoce with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work u¢derlltis pecmit. Construction Value: S ~j (J8 D - Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: T isP Tax TOi21: (owiJEaxcoNTRz.crox): sicnE~~ nara 21U oZ Description: ~lpmC' 0vY"~~~' Electdcal License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) 11tis pemut was 'ssued in accordance wiN the prrnrisions se[ for[h in yom application and is mbject to the laws of the State of Colondo and to the Zwting Regulations and Btuldivg Code of WheatRidge, Coloiado oi any otlte[ applicable oidinances ofthe City. (2) T7tis pexmit shall acpi[e if (A) the wo[k authorized is not commmced wifbin sizty (60) days from issue data or (B) the building authoaud is sutpended or abandoned fu apuiod of 720 days. (3) If rhis pevnit wcpues, a new pemtit may be acquiied for a fee of one-half the amount nomially required, prwideA no changes have been or will be made i¢ the orignal plaos and specifiwtions and any suspeosian or abmdonmentLas not exceeded ona (1) year If changes have been oi if suspevsion ox abmdonment exceeds one (1) year, fiill feu shall bepaid fox a new pewit (4) NoworlcofanymarmuslWlbedonethatwillchaoge[ItemN[atflowofwate[causingadcaivageproblP.m (5) Conhactorshall twtifytheBuiidingInspecto[Lwenty-fou[(24)homsinadvancefotalliaspukonsandxhallroceivewritte¢appiovaloninspecROacardbefore proceedingwithsuccessivaphases offhejo6. - (6) . The issuance of e peanit or the appiwal of drawings and specifications s6all not be conshued to be a pemit Fo; nor an appiwal of, azryviolation ofthe pmvisions ofthe btilding codes or any otha ordinancy law, nile orregulation. ~~"Xz~r Chief Buildin pector Building Permit Number : 14449 Address: 6930 W 32ND AVE ( Description: HOME REMODEL/ADDITION Inspection List Number T e Date Approval Remarks 36484 FOOTING 9/26/2002 ok/b 36527 foundation form 10/1/2002 ok/b 36642 Water roof foundation 10/11/2002 38358 E-SERV 3/17/2003 OK/BB METER RELEASE FIND _:I d"rO~~LETE E'i'~GfNiE3~-.IN_.'a SERiilCs:_,.~, M. ^rRQJ;CT NG_ 02-6654 AUgL'si_ 23, 2002 t,hr, Tv."'i~ 6930 4vest 32nd Avenue wheat xicige, CO $0033 SUBSECT: EXcavat_on Inspec`ior end I,undation Design Cieuomuue`c'a; ions 6939 G.TSSt 32nfl Avenue, WneaC Ai+ige. CO Yix. Young: X1 fOU73dat1CiR eXCe`iT/ii.tlCn ct ti.hE slibj@Ct lQCdt3.On vas iP.SDPC`!_c.fj OP. August 19, 2C0.2, e•-.raluace subsurt3Ce cQnra.i_Lions and provide.fina1 foundatzon design r2corsnend;:t?e,ns. F1ans S:a'l =C.^. .^,.'}riS'ri1:.::..i.iC;7 CL a t'vd0 StcSTy uC2Q'.1Llon QFS if'te wE3t 51CZE o_` thc existing si l-zgle fars:ily residence. ?1 wccd irarne suqerstruceure wiil be supgerted M;r a rainforred eoncrete s;urdatien. Living 5pace ta; 11 be sJ.t ~.h,o~°E ~ ' S~.R ..P..,...~. .Si:.ai'u'a.~u ~?j:lvi: crdwl s17dC8. Th2 sit2 is Iocdted in a full_y dgveloped res;ciPntinl subd;vi.s.ion. The suriace is reiati.vely f1at and slopes r,entiy ta the east. i3a*_ural soils cansist ef sine g_ai,ne; si.l.t.y, clzyey svnds and sandy, silty, clays typical of wir!d biown ancz iow en€rgy strEUm *_err.ace deposits. Twa ta three feet oY rar.dam soil and debris c`i12 co-ve<-s i.R2 surface within the proposed 2-,i.5.lding encelape. TSe soil pLo{i.l_e 2x.p^sed in tha excavation is suxraciarized b°ioc.•; 0- 2 Feet FILL; mixed clay, sand, s'_lt, aaci canstruction debris (G2dy .~'-iT1c}; 311C! CORCZ'eC° t'Llbf"J.Le) :•^•°f',1'3.13.T, uC.-':s@, Ci.Y:] i.Q slig: tly mcist, 2iq'r.t brcwn to ¢ark brci,n ard. red, (C7J-5C-SP) 2- 3 Ieat C?AY: very aandy, siitp, sti.tf ta verv stigff, low plasticity, sligrtly t;«ivt, krxcrwia, (Gi,). T^e addic_ion fo:xnc'sation can be supparted on co; *inuous spreac f,aocinac deaiyfx~d sor a max:.-ruc, casttact pressure ar 1504 psf_ Co€itact piessu=e should be c2'cuiatcd usi::g fuil deac 5a4.d plus Suil iive lssad. i? III'_^23Y1Ln i0i.'s.1d`A6 w'1ds`,1? OF ?Q j_nnha5 5:?7lI b2 '.Sn2Ci. 912 T4VELFTH STftEE7 4 GOLDEN, CULpARUO 80401 •(303) 279-6418 • FFhX: 279•8350 PROSECi NU. 02-66-54 August 23, 2002 P<ge 2 oP 3 =octi .gs sPioi:lc br, •_~nscru~'~~~ or .szurai soils tc,a't are smrcth, ever. and free of J.CCBe SoiroCits ard depri.s. Fc~ot_r,g~ sraould nu, be constructed on. ~rczen sa--crateu s-vils. Dt;e to t;.e unscabie ;ature of soii a.iien saturac:ed arici the poLen'vi.a1 for Excessive s~~r-'ace wa'_-pr inil.o+.r, a dzain sysYpm shauld be ccr.structed aro~und ihe exterzor _cundaticr, p2rimater. T;:s drain system car. L_ g+aded v.,., grav_tr cc:rfai'_ uithin the ciawi 5pace area. Par*_%ct,3.ar atter.T_iors sro_1d 6e given to piacing pelyethylene aLor.g the bc~to.:. ^f tne drai❑ ar,ei ur, the fau:,dat:ioi: U;aII and to proper graair,g of drain pipe. Inpre•per arading, such as hi.erh nr low spo, s_:: she d=air pipe, couid leatl to Srain fa_lu_re ar.d over w~,i.ting or £oundet_on beari,:g soils ;.2sulting i.ii da'taaye to ti:e foundati.on ana superSti4cti'xZ'€:. Bc_iCkflI.l. p22.CcCi aCJc1I.'[si. LuL'fidc?thCt7 F7c;J..LS S110111C1 bP [rE,'e 01" 2.Td517 dP.Cl f2aCJ7R2i3CS GL` YlJGk nVa_ S1X _RC;?2E 3?l 3RaXl(17UIC; G1a',lleCc"=, Y(to1SLei1edj eT](1 adequately co:aoacted to preceat se>i?enient. e,xcnssive comi:,act'on may CdllSE' dcY1idg2 t6 iGiiaidaCiuil Wnil. C'our:daticn iaalls shau'_d be a mini..mum oi sever, days olci grior to backfilii:sg. RiI wa.11 ~ ove= 4.0 feet Inigh s}iould tiave fl.onr s; siens 1*: olHCE or be rcI.t bracEu to pECVe;,t d-~mage irostii latera.l ptes5ure. The area surrou.r;dinca fosndatiost wa11s ihould have a posi_ive s.l.ape awa_v fa9m tha wa11s. A or_e foo* •arcp in e1e;°=_;on ger the firs't ten feet au,3_y fran wai'-s is s-cccmmentled. 'i-he awner st;cuid pericscbcally insg2ct the surface around the fuu<<ciatiun to iccaCe ar.d cerrect gradinq problezas which may occur ciue to settleme:xt ef fc,undation b3ckiill. imwii 3Yld i3ndscr7pii:.} i iiyati65i siiviiid Yie C6;1tYOi3e« as xrit?Cl` 0.5 gessicle to p_euent ariditiczna'.. wGtti€:g cf su.L-scils. Sf a &p,=inklina syster7 is installed; heads shei;-I'u uc rlac€c sc thaC spray does not fall w4in :rc- `of founc`~-tian cvaiis. D$CCYdt1\%C- in7iu5c.8iU137CJ, 9llC'C1 a5 Z'OCjC 3TeC1' jOL' bdY'K SI1Jt11ii ~e u;°Cl 1R cTEaS uli.cCLij/ dt`+]ai:ci[: °ouiid.dt1GP. WdllS. $PYllbb2Yy jJldr1t2C1 W1CI11R Si.ve ''2et of r,cr_or waiLs shouia bF 'tiand td3t.e?-ed and this watering =_hould ''i~e rndnimized. Dovrn~~onr.s and s.i.11 cqcRs ,;;au..l.d ,_v,_ "e a.lIewe; -'i;ScY,arqe uifecti}• cn±o zhe gAout:d rfxce. 5p'-asi: biocks arcitc= :iowr:spgu_ ext-`nsion5 SL10llSC LJe l:iSc`d p:55.°.1bl£- C:: L~X:j.SC?73T'62 wot2i bE]rOT'iti Lht? 11Ti'.5 of founciatic.^. backfil= ca`,ere backfzl? soiis are not cotrerec b;r pavement a-dlc,-- sistvwa_ks. PROJRCT N0. 02-6659 August 23, 2002 Pag= 3 cf 3 'i'tne akmer is encouraued to rcad A Gulcie to Sweliirg 50- ls for Colorada Hemebuvers and Hameawners, Special Publicatior, r;o. 43, availabie from thc Colarado Geological fiurvey. Tne_e is no ir:uication that e,cpansive scils are psezent, but reco:rme::<latians cantainc.u in the reporY pertain to aIl cpnstruct=oZ zn tYi.s vleinity. These recomanentzatao3'as have heen m3de for ihe subject addition 4ased on oux exper-ence with Gimilar conditions and inParmatien supplied by the cwnerJbuilder. We stiouid be conCacted to review any changes =rom the design csi*_eria tised an3 allewed t., a:nend these r2car,smend.ation5 accozdi;.q1y. Please coatcut u.s ai ,~~u i}ave questiens cor.cereiny *his irfura;at'_en. Complete Engir,eering Services, - ~ Inc., FfM9TIGf! HL4 F1082?_27 7J11l2004 1009o41 PG: 601-002 PAG'e FEE: 10.40 DQC.FEEc 17.04 RECORDED IN 3EFFEFSON GOUNTY, GOtOR{iB0 ~a a Y~ w ~ ~ WARAANTY DEED TffiSDEEU, Madethis 28th dnyoi dune , 2000, bclVcott William 4leakl4nd, Basbara L. Weakland and Cynthia A. "v2eakland, as their interest may zgp_as ofWeCOUnty of Jeffereon andSmeof Colorado gcan[n,aMi Esika Rienitz-YOUng whoselegaladdressSs E930 W. 32nd Avenue, wheat Ridge, CO 80033 o(thcCOUnty ef Jeffereon avdStateof Colorado .grantee: WITNESSETH, Tha[ the ganror, fw and in wnsideradau of ihe sum of ONS HURDRED .SSXTY NI."E TNOUSAND NII7E &UNDkED FIFTY AND NO(1CC--------------------------------------- 1]OLLARS1($169,95a.00 the receipt md sufCidency oF wtssc6 ix Ixceby acknowiedged, haz gran[ed, bargnineA, sold and cronveyed, and by tLese ryresents dces gimt, bazgflm, sell, wnvey and mnfssm, unto the grantce, his hefrs and as+igns forever, nll tlre ceai property mgc[Le; wah imprpvements, if any, rime[e, lymg md being in the County oi jaf£eraon , md Sts2 of Co'acado, ducxibed as follows: The West 205.5 Feet cf thet portion of Lot 2, Block 2, Hazth's Subdivisien of the 5outheast quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South Range 69 West described as follows: HaSinnir.g at the Noztheast corneT of the West 1)2 of said Lot 2; Th2nce :dest to the North and South center line of said West 1/2 of Lot 2; Thence Soutn 255 feeh moxe ar less to the center line of Rocky Mountain Ditch; Thence EasGerly along center Line oz said ditch to the East lina uf said West 1J2 oE Lat 2; --COntinued-- alsoknownbystrnetaidaumbaaa 6930 W. 32nd Avenue, p]heat k:dge, CG 80033 i TOGL+q'HER wit6 s11 wd sivgulaz ihe hexedifaments and appurtenences thereunto belouging, ox in mywise appcrtaining, and rhe reversion md reversions, remainder md remaindeis, ronts, issucs md Errofits fhereof, md sil lhc rstate, xigh4 ti<ie, interaa[, claim md deicatd wha[soever of Ne grentor, eitber in law cr eyuity, of, in snd to fhe a5ove bugained fuemises, wit6 thz hereA's[amantr end appurtonances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premiset zLrove bargained and desccibed, wit6 tlhe appurtenances, unto the gran[ee, his heirs md azsigns forever. Aud t6e greu[or, for hiroxcif, his heim end personal representatives, does cwenan4 £rea4 6nrgain aM agree to aix] u•ith ihe grenae, Ius he'vs md assigns, that at :he tune of the enseuling end delivery oF tliue presents, he is weu seized o; Ihe premises above ccnveyed, has good, siue, pufecL absolute md inM.feasibic rstete ef inhneitanw, in law, in fee Omple, and haz good righ4 full pawer aud ]nwful nutiwrity ropant, bargain, se➢ and convey the samz in mannet end form as afnresaid, md that ihe same aie &ee end clear from all faimer md other grants, bsrguins, sales, liens, iaxu, assessmenG, encwnbranczs md reslr.caons of whatever L3nd or nawre soevu, exeeyt Por taYes for the current yeac, n liea hut aot yeE dne or pvtaG:e, casements, rtatricUOas, xrsemutions, mveeante and righl:-oS-way of zewrd, i[ eny. The gSxntor shatl audwilL WAAftANTA.NDFOR6VE.R D&FFND the ahmo-bagainedpmmises in We ornetand peaceable posses- sion of tbe grantee, lils he'ss md assigns, against all md evzry person or per.mns lawfuliy clai¢ing the whole or any par[ thtteof. The singular number shatl inciude ihc pluraL We piural ehe singulaz, and the use of any gender shali Ise app.icabie to a11 gr.nders. iN WiTNE-S,i WIYII,12EpF, thc grantor has executed tas deed on the date set forih a6ove. /r Sco -{4illiam-Weak2and . . Barbara L. Weaklan~~ Cyn hia A. Weakland SiljTBOF COLORATq COUNTYOF JEFFEASON 'lbe foregoiog instrvmeu[ was acknowleAged before me Scotc Niilliam Weakland ar.d Bar6ara MyComn:is>ionexp'ses: ldpri2 lA, 2001 , 2000 py A. Wezrciar.d Wi my6andar.domc~ al. Nctery Wblic Dabotah L. Evans C~71 WARRAMS'DfiED((- PLotoyop6ic6.wrd) µsa.RVO) ~ ~~~f~ Flsb W02109AW E930 57, 32nd Avenue rtcEPztawaO. e1082227 CONTINVATIOW O@ LSGBL ➢BSCRIPTION TO D8%D DA'FL+D aune ae, aono Sheaca North to point of begi^,ning, Except right of wsy for th= Rocky Mouataia DiGCh, County of JeEferson, State of Colorado FIeA W021699A0D ~ iw.w~' L~j i ~ i' 07NMIF VS:9" XL 80 THE IDEA OF ToTai, COmiFoRT. When you think of total heating coxnfort, what comes to mind? Quiet furnace operation? The right temperature? Safety? Efficiency? Reliability? With the Trane XL 80 Gas Furnace, you can count on all of these. And, when you look at all the integrated technology on the inside, you'll see why. 1YiE XL 80 IS A SMOOTH OPERATOR. One of the first things you'll notice about the XL 80 is what you don't hear: A lot of noise. The two-stage blower and fiilly-insulated cabinet make the XL 80 much quieter than you might imagine. The next thing you'll no$ce is the XL 80's efficiency. If you have a gas furnace 10-years old or more (rated at 60 to 70 AFUE), about 30 to 40 cents of every dollar you spend for heating is going to waste. The good news is that the XL 80 delivers an 80 AFUE.* 'Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) . rafing reflects The efficiency of a gas furnace in convertingfuel to energy. Pofenfiol energy sovings may vory depending on your personal lifesyle, sysfem seffings, equipmenf muintenance, local climafe, actual consirucfion and installafion of equipmenf ond ducf sysfem. BRING nCHNOLOGY UP TO SPEED. There are several reasons the XI.80 is so quiet and efficient. The first is two-stage heating. That means the XL 80 can operate at two speeds, high or low, to combine the perfect level of comfort with the most efficiency. You'll feel the difference two- stage heating makes during those transitional seasons that need just a little heat to take the chill out of the air. Rather than overwhelm with a fiill blast of heat, the XL 80 responds with a preheat stage, wamung the heat exchangers before circulating air tlu-oughout the house. Then the two-stage blower starts at low speed, gently and efficiently wazming your home without short-cycling, the frequent starling and stopping common to many single-stage furnaces. In more extreme temperatures, the two-stage gas valve increases the fuel flow and the blower switches to high speed for mayjmum comfort. At the end of the cycle, after the fuel shuts off, the XL 80 continues to run a few seconds, gleaning the remaining heat out of the exchanger before shutting off. Upflow model Ofher models i XI. SO FEAT[JRES: Q HE.avr STEEL IvsuiaTEn CnsEVU Greafer durabilify, quiefer operafion. Holds more heaf in the furnace to better warm your home. Q AI.UMQVIZED STEEL IIFAT EXCfIANGER Modular, heavy duy aluminized steel, featuring a more efficient, stamped serpenfine channel. Each exchanger is crimped, not welded, fo prevent heat stress cracks. Backed with our 20-year, non-prorated warranty. Q Mvr.TC-Poxr IN-Sxar BuRNFRs Orifice design perfecTly shapes fhe flame cone for the maximum heat possible, while using less fuel. Q MUL1I-SPEED BIAWER MO'COR Operates quietiy and efficienfly at low speed, gently warming and maintaining comfort. Handles all central air conditioning needs as well. Q SOiJND-INSULATED BIAWER COMPA2TMENf Assures quietesf possible operafion. O ADAPTIVE HOT Si7RFACE IGNPfER Lights burners electrically, replacing the piloF light for more safefy and efficienry. O INDUCED DRAFf VEN"1'ING Quietly draws hot gases through the heat exchanger, maximizing the heat transfer efficiencies of the exchanger design. Q 1tV0-STAGE GAS VALYE Works efficientiy with the Multi-Speed Blower Motor by providing only as much fuel as each stage requires. O SELF-DL9GNOSTIC CONPI20IS The solid sfate brain confrols every function of the XL 80 wifh digital . accurary, complefe wifh safey feaiures and a builf-in froubleshoofing rysfem. WHY,A MaTcHEn SysrEM IS IMPORTANT. A heating and cooling system is made up of individual parts. And, even though each component is separate, the}'re all designed and engineered to work together as a system. A perfectly balanced system is the best way to get the highest comfort and ef&ciency. When you match the YI. 80 gas furnace with a Trane high efficiency air conditioner, you've installed a system with one of the highest efficiencies available. TrIINK COMFORTABLE TrIOUGHTS. Anather thing you'll find in the XL 80 is microelectronics. The self-diagnostic controller becames the XL 80's command center, orchestrating the operations for peak efficiency, reliability and safery. It continuously monitors the system, inswing combustion and proper gas flow. It talks to the thermostat, controls return airIlow, the induced venting and the two-stage gas valve. It looks for problems in the system, first trying to resolve the trouble before safely shutting down the furnace. And then red-flags the difficulty for quick repair. In the event of a power failure, the conh-oller waits patiently, resetting and restarting the system when power is restored. XI, gO BENEFTrS. More Economical • 80 AFUE Fits Almost Anywhere • 40" High Cabinet . • Depfh Only 28" • Convertible To Horizontal Runs Day Aker Day • Microeledronic Confroller Heavy Steel Cabinet • AdapTive Hot Surface Igniter Built To Last • Multi-Port ImShoi Burners • One Piece Heat Exchangea No Welds. No Stress Cmcks.: • Elecfro-Deposition Paint • Washable Filter • Cooling Fan Delay To Minimize Light Flicker `Quief Comfort • Two-Stage Gas Heat • Insulated CabineY . Backed By Trane • 20-year Non-prorated Limited Warranty On . HeatExchanger . • 1-year Limited Warranfy On Parts ! Optional Extended . WarrantiesAvailable All models converlible to horizonfal configuraTions. T2ADITiON OF INNOVAITON. Innovation and expert engineering have been a hallmark of The Trane Company since 1931 when our founder Reuben Trane patented the company's first air conditioning system. From that time on, Trane has been a leader in the advancement of heating and air conditioning technology. Youx 1YiaNE DEALEx Has 1YHE SrECr.v,1YRnINUrc. When buying a home comfort system, selecting the right size is crucial. A unit that's too small lacks the capacity to give you the comfort you want. A unit that is too large costs more to buy and when it short cycles, costs mdre to operate. Your Trane dealer has been trained to help you detemvne your comfort needs. And he can make a recommendation to help you select the right system for your home. XL 801WoSTncE UrFLow/HoxiwNrar. Gas NbRNncE o` ~?z G ama ~ Nlmwleldisi" arereNfietlbyllie IiSLLilbyllnJe I~wn'e~sUbonlary O~~~oov AmmcnGUPSw~'wtionlabnam~ . . TIRMF b mmply wi~M1 na4ona19andxdv lor4 sa(ery. ~eno.m~~e ~a a~M~iiry. As part Mour continuous producC improvement,l7ie Trave Company reserves the right to cLenge specifications _-~LG ,7 r/7~ s' _ and design without notice. Read impor~nt energv cost and e&cievcy informatlon available &om your dealer. jtS Ha/ lV ~p A r/y 1/ LGm! ZYIE 1Y24NE COMPANY Pub. No.72-1077-ll Unitary Products Group 6200 Troup Highway Tyler, TX 75707 www.trane.com An American Standard Company UAmericau Shzndard Inc 1999 B.12/99 XL 801Wo-SrecE DowivFl.ow/HoRizormnr. Gns HbarrecE Isolafed Combusfion Sysfem