HomeMy WebLinkAbout7495 W. 32nd AvenueCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Inspection Services Division (303) 235-2855 Correction Notice Job Acldress: ~ ~ When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933. Date NOM/IIP BUCHER, WILLIS & RATLIFF ~~~~~ikL CORPORATION MEMORANDUM TO: Meredith Reckert, City of Wheat Ridge FROM: Joe Christie, PE SUBJECT: 7500 (7495) W. 32"d Avenue Building Permit DATE: Monday, May 15, 2006 Project # 20050636 Per our phone conversation on Friday, this memo serves as notice to the City that the owner of 7500 (7495) W. 32nd Avenue will be installing split rail fencing instead of 6' cedar fencing on the north side of the new parking lot. This change has been requested due to reoccurring dumping of trash and debris on the property since construction has started. The owner feels it will be easier to monitor the whole property with a split rail fence. Please let us know if there are any other city requirements in relation to this issue that we must satisfy as soon as possible. Thank you. 5- i-G d,~. ■ ENGINEERS ■ PLANNERS ■ ARCHITECTS ■ ■ 1743 WAZEE STREET, SUITE 200 n DENVER, CO 80202 m PH: 303292.5056 S FX: 303292.5668 ■ aHe4rA City of Wheat Ridge °OLoRaa° Commercial Miscellan PERMIT - 060181 PERMIT NO: 060181 ISSUED: 04/03/2006 JOB ADDRESS: 7495 W. 32nd Ave.. . EXPIRES: 10/03/2007 DESCRIPTION: 28 space asphalt parking lot w/ fence/landscape/stormwater CONTACTS .owner 303/232-2262 GC 303/841-0292 Christopher Weems sub 303/649-9812 3280 Wadsworth Joint Venture 02-1399 Rocky Mountain Excavating, Inc 01-8400 LaMil Connections, Inc. PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: ua USE: ua SUBDIVISION: ua BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 116,000.00 FEES Engin. Review Fee . 600.00 Grade/Fill Permit 72.00 Permit Fee 1,408.43 Plan Review Fee 915.48 az Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 2,088.00 TOTAL 5,083.91 Comments: eBSe O e: Ownet / wnhactor is responsible for locating propery See attached comments. lines end consWcting improvements accoraino to the approveA plan and required development star.dards. The City is not tesponsible for inaccurate informa:°.on submitted within the plan set and any constmciivn errors resulting from inaccuca'.e informa;iun. I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit appI'ication are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility Eor mmpliance wieh the wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this pexmit.IPlans subject to field inspection. SignUure of contractor/ow[ier \ \ date V 1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado avd to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wneat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. 3. If this pesmit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid Eor a new pesmit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notiFy the Building Inspector twenty-four (2e) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive . written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a permit or trie approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor . an approval of, any violation oE the provisions oE the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan revkgF~'is s ect to fie inspections. date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION TfiE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. 04/03/06 15:32:11 City of Wheat Aidge Page 1 bp701-15 PERMIT INFORMATION - 060181 kshutto PERMIT INFOAMATION: Permit#: 060181 Pexmit Cd: Commercial Miscellan . Pesmit Dt: 04/03/2006 E~ixes: 09/34/2006 Addiess: 7495 W. 32nd Ave. Pamcel Cd: uaparking OwNER: Addiess: City/St/Zip: LAND PARCEL INPORMATION: Zone Cd: Onassigned DU: a ELnct Use: Unassigned Last Zone ➢t: - Subdivision: Unassigned Mnex Dt: Cont Type: Unassigned Lo[: B1ock No: 0 Legal: JOH DESCRIPTION: 28 space asphalt parking lot w/ fence/landscape/smcmwater FEES 4TY DUE YAID: Engin. Review Fee . 00 600. 00 .00 Gsade/Fill Pesmit . 00 72. 00 .00 Peimit Fee 116,000. 00 1,408. 43 .00 P1an Review F¢e 116,000. 00 915 .48 .00 Total Valuation 116,000. 00 .00 .00 Lse Tax 116,000 .00 2,088 .00 .00 5,083.91 0.00 CONTACTS: owner 3280 Wadsworth Soinc Ventuxe 3032322262 GC CL2 Rocky Mountain Excavating, Inc Christopher Weems 6101 W. llch Ave. Lakewood, CO 80214 3030410292 sub CLA LaMil Connections, Inc. 11211 E. Aiapahoe Rd #100 2nglewood, W 80112 3036499812 PERMIT NOTES: 04/03/06 CR: No building Issues. OR w/ no[es on plans . 04/03/06 DFB: Diainage Cert. req'd pnios to c/c. PW will inspect th¢ site duning constsuction.' ROW construction pExmit is for sidewalk, curb cuts, and storm sewet. . 04/03/06 DFB: See attached Sheets 04/03/06 MR: Okay to issue pending approval of lighting plan. 04/03/06 INSPECTION INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR BUILDING PERIVIIT APPLICATION Date: Applicant: 3a$O (,JA DScJ o+277i O/ M i Phone # 303 - a 3 a~~ 2~ 2,.- Locarion of Construction: 79195 Ld • 3 Z^'D AvEUVog~ Purpose of Construction: P•tRrc/.v6, LorI , j6-rEx77o.v Po.uD Single Family DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES Development Review Processing Fee: (For document processing) Commercial )4~ Single Family Residence Review Fee: (For review of applicable tecluucal documents) CommerciaUMulti-Family Review Fee: •(For review of existing technical documents) •(For review of technical documents for construction in RighUOf-Way, Final Drainage Report, and Erosion Control Plan) Mu1ti-Family $100.00 $ /DO-oo $50.00 $ $100.00 $ $500.00 $ SOO.oO CDOT Access Permit Fee: (foi document appliearion and processing) $150.00 $ Traffic Impact Study Review Fee: (For document review and processing) $200.00 TOTAL REVIEW FEES (due at tnne of building permit issuance): $ lo BO.OZ> PLEASE NOTE THAT IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE FEES, THERE WILL BE ADDITIONAL LICENSING AND PERMITTING FEES REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IIvIPROVEMENTS WIT$IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Signature of Applicant~u rkDate Building Pexmit Value: KdFORMS & I,EI'1"ERS\DEVELOPMENT FORMSTee Swc[ure (68-04).doc Rev-6/04 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ~ m COMMERCIAIJMULTI-FAMILY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW cotoRAOo Date: 3/Z3~/c Location: 7q4S Gv 32"D 14vE;00~= ATTENTION: BUILDING DEPARTMENT I have reviewed the submitted application documents to construct a phR.e%M6, ZOT C f~'SSOC~i9-3"F~ ~~t~Nf15c ~s to be locafed at the above referenced address. Please note the summary comments below. 1. ✓ Property Boundary Closure: ✓OK _ Not OK; refer [o stipulations. 2. ~ Drainage: a. Final Drainage Report and Plan requ'ued b. Ihainage Plan & CertiScaiion Letter required c. I.ot drainagelgading is to be reviewed by the Bui lding Division _ d. Site drainage/grading has been reviewed and aze: _ZOK _ Not OK; refer to stipulations 3. V- NPDES Permit Required: _ Yes ✓ No 4. ✓ Public Improvemenu to be completed: a. street paving/patching: ✓Yes No b. curb & guttet: ~ Yes No c. sidewaik: ✓ Yes No d. standard street lighu: Yes ✓No C. pedestrian lights: Yes ~ No f. storm sewer: ~ Yes No g. letter of credit required: Yes J~No If a letter of credit is required, for what improvements? Amount of the letter of credit: $ fiJ~it 5. ✓ SIA/PIA required: Yes ✓ No 6. ~G DevelopmenY Covenant required: _ Yes _4,,,No If Yes, for N 17t 7. Traffic impact analysis and report required: Yes _je- No 8. ✓ State Highway Access Permit needed: Yes -,G No 9. Street Access Permit required: 1'es ~G Na If yes, was it approved by the D'uutor of Public VJorks7 Yes _&C No 10. ,i Does all existing roadway/alley R.O.W. meet the standards of the City: ✓Yes _ No If not, what is requested: n~lf1' Has the dedication been received? _ Yes _ No l l.~C APPROVED: The Public Works Department has reviewed the submitted material and hereby approves this Pemilt Applicadon, subject io the above andJor attached stipulauons. 3 /23 /D~o Signature David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Date 12. 1VOT APPROVED: The Public Works Depamnent has reviewed the submitted maierial and does not approve this Permit Application for the reason(s) stated. Signature David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Date . D ~2.r-7~•c.~no~u ,2~Q b P,esale_ R/1-1u•aZE G~ 13. ✓ Sd ulations attached: ✓ Yes No 7"O p - w.44- DE 2c'~'~ 14. ✓ NOTE: Any damage to the existing Public Improvements as a result of this consWCtion is to be repaired to meet Ciry standazds by the Permit Applicant prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.). A Drainage Certification Letter is required prior to the issuance of t6e C. O. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 LETTER OF NOTIFICATION FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RESTORATION DATED 3/Z3JO4ADDRESS 74/9S W- 32. "'D ~40OU0~ . Dear Contractor: In conjunction with the approval of the building permit applicauon for the above referenced address, this letter is to inform you that all existing public improvements located along the frontage of said address shall be restored, (if damaged from related construction) to an acceptable condition, as deternuned by City of Wheat Ridge Public Works Departsnent, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to any construction commencing, the City's representative will conduct an onsite inspection to deternune the existing condition(s) of the public improvements at this address. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer Cc: File Rev 4103 Crty of Wheat Ridge \ I Depertment of Public Worla March 23, 2006 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. Joseph D. Christie, P.E. Bucher, Willis, & RatliffCorp. 1743 Wazee Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 303.292.5056 Re: Third Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report and Construction Plans for the Parking Lot Project located at 7495 West 32"d Avenue. Dear Mr. Christie, I have completed the third review of the above referenced documents received on March 23, 2006, and have the following comments: This letter is to inform you that the Final Drainage Report and Civil Construction Plans for the above referenced development have been reviewed and are hereby approved for construction. Please find attached to this letter a copy of the documents approved (by Public Works) that are to remain onsite during construction to ensure completion of the grading, erosion conhol, and construction of the drainage facilities. Please be aware of the following items regazding the construction of the project: 1. Erosiou Control Erosion control for the project shall be placed in conformance with the Grading, Erosion Control, and Drainage Plan as approved by the City of Wheat Ridge prior to the commencement of any grading activities, and maintained as needed during the course of construction. 2. Drainage CeMification Required Prior to Certi£cate of Completion Upon completion of the grading and any site drainage facilities, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Joseph D. Christie, P.E, shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the grading and drainage facilities were completed per the approved civil consiruction documents, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the conshuction of all drainage facilities was completed and shall function in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted along with one (1) hazdcopy and one (1) electronic copy (in AutoCAD dwg format, on CD-ROM) of the As-Built Plans (Record Drawings) for the site prior to issuance of the CertiFicate of Completioa 3. Public Improvement Restoration/Debris Tracking It will be the responsibility of the of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements along 32"d Avenue as a result of related construction traff'ic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining 32°d Avenue on a regulaz basis such that it remains free of construction debris and tracking from conshuction traffic accessing the site. 4. Constructiou within the Public Right-of-Way It will be the responsibility of the developer/owner, to provide the necessary testing, as applicable for the scope of this project, for sub-grade compaction and other related material tests for any improvements to be conshvcted within the public Right-of-Way. (SEE ATTACHED MATERIAL SAMPLING & TESTING REQUIREMENTS) Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to construction of any improvements lying within the public right-of-way, the necessary Right-of- Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construcfion Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. A detailed description of the work to be completed within the Right- of-Way and a Traffic Control Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of the ROW Construction Permit(s). 6. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements Per the CiTy of Wheat Ridge ROW Construction Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements, the Contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public right-of-way for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all public improvements and final acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the conshucted public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. 7. Application for Grading/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading an Application for Grading/Landfill Permit, along with the fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer XC: Steve Nguyen, Division Manager Russ Higgins, Field Services Supervisor Chad Root, Chief Building Official File Parking Lot Project (7495 W32nd Ave) - approvaLlh.doc CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MATERIALS AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION Materials sampling and testing for public improvements sha11 be performed by an independent materials testing company at the expense of the developer, and/or utility district. Unless otherwise designated, all referenced specifications, standards or policies shall be the latest edition as revised or updated by approved supplements published and issued prior to the date of the building permit. REQUIREMENTS All materials sampling and testing shall be performed by certified, experienced and qualified materials testing technicians who work under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado. All materials sampling and testing equipment shall be serviceable and have current calibrated certifications. Soil classifications and moisture-density curves shall be provided to the Department of Public Works inspector prior to in-place density testing. Materials testing technicians shall furnish copies of failed test results to the inspector as promptly as the results become available. On a weekly basis when testing is being performed, the developer shall furnish the inspector with copies of all test results taken during the prior week and a cover letter, signed by the supervising registered professional engineer, which suminarizes the results and discusses any failed tests or inconsistencies. The City materials testing requirements are provided in Table 720-1. All testing procedures of verification and central lab requirements sha11 be as specified in the Frequency Guide Schedule of the Colorado Department of Transportation Field Materials Manual. One test is required for any fraction of the specified frequency. The reference to Section 203.07 in the table is from the Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. 3 Parking Lot Project (7495 W32nd Ave) - approvaLllr.doc Table 720-1 City of Wheat Ridge Materials Testing Requirements Type of Test Frequency Remarks Soil Survey (Classification), 1 per 500 feet of roadway, Surveys for roadway and trench AASHTO M145 Sidewalk or pipe trench may be combined Moishue-Density Curve, 1 per on-site soil type AASHTO method determined AASHTO T99 1 per import material source By soil or materials type Embankment in-place density, 1 per 250 feet per lane per 6-inch Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures loose liff classification, Section 203.07 Roadway subgrade in-place 1 per 250 feet per lane Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Sidewalk subgrade in-place 1 per 250 feet of sidewalk Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Pipe trench in-place density, 1 per 200 feet of trench per 18 inch Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures vertical interval Classification, Section 203.07 Aggregate base course in-place 1 per 250 feet per lane Minimum 950/o of masimum density, Colorado Procedures Density, T180 Lime treated subgrade in place 1 per 250 feet per lane No less than 95% of std. dry density, Colorado Procedures density and opt. moishue, T99 Cement treated base in place 1 per 250 feet per lane Density in accordance with contract density, Colorado Procedures documents, T134 Hot Bituminous Pavement 1 per 1000 tons Within specifications of asphalt content and gradation Approved mix design, binder PG 64-22 Hot Bituminous Pavement in place 1 per 100 tons 92-96% of maximum density, T209 density, Colo. Procedures Concrete compressive strength 1 set per 50 cubic yazds PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Concrete air content and slump 1 per 25 cubic yards PCC pavement, structural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Parking Lot Project (7495 W32nd Ave) - approval.llr.doc City of Wheat Ridge oF WHEqT,p ~ Community Development Department ~ ° Memorandum ~~~oRao~ TO: Rocky Mountain Excavating, Inc FROM: Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: Building permit - 7500 W. 32"d Avenue DATE: March 20, 2006 This memo is in regard to the building permit application for parking lot improvements on property located at 7500 W. 32"a Avenue. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments: 1. At the time of total build-out (phases 1 and 2 combined), a total of five street trees plus an additional five trees and 63 shrubs will be required. The proposed landscaping for phase 1 includes five street trees plus four additional trees and 42 shrubs. When phase 2 is developed, an additional tree and 21 shrubs will be required. An automatic, high eFficiency irrigation system will also be required to be installed at that time. 2. The proposed lighting system for the parking lot must be revised to meet the city's standards. Light poles in commercial zone districts are limited to 18' in height. Footcandle readings must be 0 at all property lines. 3. Per the zoning and development code, one handicapped space must be required. This space must be van accessible with an 8' wide loading space. This requirement may make more sense at the time of construction of a building on the property. City of Wheat Ridge wHEqTP ~ Community Development Department ~ ° Memorandum ~~~oRA~~ TO: Rocky Mountain Excavating, Inc. FROM: Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: Building permit - 7500 W. 32nd Avenue DATE: January 6, 2006 This memo is in regard to the building permit application for parking lot improvements on property located at 7500 W. 32"a Avenue. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments: 1. The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection Distinct has indicated that the curb cut must be widened from 24' to 28'. 2. Please show a site data breakdown which includes the following information in square feet and percentage of total: landscaped coverage with a breakdown of natural areas and landscaped areas, building coverage and hard surfaced coverage (pazking and other paved areas). 3. Keep in mind that if and when a permanent structure is constructed, the entire site must still have 20% of formai landscaping. Although the northern portion is to be kept in a "natural state" with this phase of construction, plant material counts must be met for the entire property. In addition to the required street trees, additional trees and shrubs are required at the rate of one tree and ten shrubs for each 1000 squaze feet of required ]andscaped azea. This would compute to an additional five trees and 63 shrubs on the property. Existing plant materials on-site can be counted towards these additional plant materials. 4. Please provide a landscape schedule showing specific plant varieties, quantities and sizes. 5. Add the following note regarding irrigation: "All landscaping shall be served by a high efficiency, automatic irrigation system." 6. Buffering for the adj acent residential property to the east must include a 6' high fence with a 6' wide buffer strip containing plant materials. Some of the additional trees and/or shrubs could be planted in this area. 7. A 36" high parking lot buffer must be provided between the edge of the parking lot and W. 32"a Avenue. This buffer area can be comprised of shrubbery. 8. Please provide a photometric plan showing light standards and footcandle readings at the property lines. Of particular concern is the lighting on the east side of the parking lot adjacent to the single family residence. 9. The address currently being used (7500 W. 32"a Avenue) should be modified to be an odd address since it is on the north side of 32°d Avenue. At the time of building permit issuance, the City will issue a change of address to readdress the property to an odd address (perhaps 7495 W. 32°a Avenue pending field verification). Please make appropriate changes and resubmit the revised sheets. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. Of WHE4t i Pp APPLICATION FOR MINOR GRADING/FILL PERMIT ° " °ocoanoo APPLICANTS NAME: 37-06 O W~`b 5 w o~-ri-F Z'~~tr3 t- vf_i~JrK(LCa 3OW" Daw r.IcN 6 nrPLicaivT'sannxESS: P o• 8ox b-q`E9 , w w~Ar P_cK& Co aoo314 (Include City, State, Zip) ADDRESS OF FILL: -7500 W.32aD tb GF_ (2p 50,03"t DATE OF APPLICATION: All permits shall be applied for through the Public Works Department. An approved pernut is effective for a period of one (1) year &om date of issue and may be renewed. All fees shall be in accordance with those fees established by the Uniform Building Code or other applicable City adopted Resolutions or Ordinances. Note: AII public improvements, when constructed, shall be maintained (by the respective individual(s) and/or company responsible for the construc[ion of that public and/or private improvement in the respective development) on a daily basis, or as needed, such that they are free of mud and other construction debris tracking from the site. Failure to comply with this requirement will resu[t in the enforcement of Artic[e II, Specifted Nuisances, Section I S-I6 (4) of the City of Wheat Ridge Code ofLaws. NIINOR GRADING. EXCAVATION, AND FILL PERMITS 1-50 Cubic Yards: No petmit is required for dumping or excavation of earth materials, which do not exceed 50 cubic yazds, provided, however, that any fill deposited is on natural terrain of less than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical slope, or such fill is less than three (3) feet in depth and is not intended to support permanent structures, and in addition, such fill or excavarion does not obstruct or otherwise adversely affect any drainageway. Should any of the above standazds be exceeded, or a drainage way be affected, a pernut shall be required under the guidelines forNo. 2. 2. 51-500 Cubic Yards: Dumping or excavation of earth materials not exceeding 500 cubic yazds may be allowed with a permit approved by the City Engineer. All applicarions are to be submitted on the appropriate completed application form and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee and sketch plan indicating the following infoxmarion before the pernut will be issued. A. Location and dimensions of all property boundazies and structures on the site. B. Location and extent of azeas to be filled and/or excavated. C. Location of existing and proposed drainageways, irrigation ditches, etc., and indication of how and where historic run-off will be maintained on and through the site. D. Cross-section azea to be filled and/or excavated indicating original slope, new slope and depth of fill. E. Statement that indicates the proposed use or purpose for said fill or excavation. F. Relative elevarion of adjacent properties. G. Erosion controi plan showing placement of control devices such as hay bales, etc. 3. 501-10,000 Cubic Yards: Operations in which earth material fill or excavaflon exceeds 500 cubic yards, but does not exceed 10,000 cubic yazds, may be allowed by a pernrit issued by the City Engineer after review of an applicarion and supporting informarion. The following informafion shall be submitted with the required application form: A. A site plan, prepazed and signed by a Colorado registered professional engineer, at a scale of no less than 1 inch to riventy feet (1:20) which illustrates the following: B. Location and dimensions of all property boundaries and structures on the site. C. Location and extent of areas to be filled and/or excavated. D. Location of eacisting watenvays and drainage courses indicating any changes. (for a site containing an established imgarion ditch, a letter of approval from the appropriate ditch company shall be required). E. Location of existing and proposed points of ingress. F. Location and extent of existing vegetation, proposed changes in such vegetation and methods of rehabilitation on site vegetarion after earthwork operarions aze complete. G. Erosion control plan. H. Grading plan with existing (dashed lines) and proposed (solid lines) ground contours with contour intervals of 2 feet and spot elevations. At least two cross sections (east to west and north to south) through the site showing depth of fill and/or excauation. J. A drainage report may be required if site runoff chazacteristics are changed. K. Relative elevations of adjacent properties and stntctures. L. Statement of purpose of intended fill and/or excavarion. 4. Performance Standards: The following provisions shall apply to all Minor Grading, Excavation and Fill Permits: A. Rehabilitation: Within thirty (30) days after cessation of filling and/or excavation, rehabilitation for the site shall haue been completed in accordance with the approved plans. Rehabilitation shall consist of leveling, grading, landscaping or any combination thereof to miniinize potential erosion and be acceptable to the CiTy Engineer. B. Debris: Debris and/or contaminants shall not be used except with the approval of the City Engineer. "For the purpose of this Section, the term debris shall have the same meaning as the terms "gazbage,lrash or junk" as defined in the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Secrion 15-4." In no case shall debris or contaminates identified or classified as hazazdous waste by local, state or federal agencies be used as fill in any fill azeas within the City of Wheat Ridge. C. Excavation and/or fill azeas shall be graded to facilitate weed control unfil final grades aze set and site rehabilitation and use occur (must be leveled with side slopes not to exceed 3 to 1). 11FORM5@LE1'IF.RS\APPS&PERbfffSV✓'narCxadivg&Fi1lPamicdoc 2 Rev7105 5. Permit Fees* L~'pTit 50 cubic yazds or less 51 to 100 cubic yards lOlto 1000 cubic yazds for the first 100 cy $23.50 $37.00 $37.00 t zi'-i'Do plus for each additional 100 cy or fractionthereof -LDO cy X $17.50/100cy ~S 1001 to 10,000 cubic yazds for the fust 1000 cubic yazds $194.50 plus, for each addirional 1000 cy or fraction thereof cy X$14.50/1K cy *Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 5-76. TOTAL s All permits shall be applied for prior to fill deposition or excavarion operations begin. Any permit applied for after cutting or filling operations on site aze in progress shall be subject to a double fee and other penalties as prescribed by Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-1004. Any fill requested under this permit within the 100 yeaz flood zone MUST COMPLY WITH WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, SECTION 26-801, FLOOD PLAIN ZOIdING ORDINANCE. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT AND UNDERSTAND TAAT I CANNOT START TFIIS PROJECT UNTIL TAIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. I SIIALL COMPLY WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO AND WITH THE ZONING REGULATIONS AND BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ANY VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE TERMS WILL CAUSE IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF THIS PERNIIT AND COMMENCEMENT OF ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THIS APPROVED PERMIT WILL BE KEPT IN MY POSSESSION OR PERMANENTLY ON THE JOB STTE. APPLICANT: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: Q\' J=bR s7E764E Ale'UyC~KJ Aftlicant's Signature City Engineer Owner's Signature (if different than above) Approval Date I:VORMS&LE1"tEAS\APPS&PERMIISW,~ivorGrad'wg&FiLLPertnicdoc 3 Rev2/05 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT oF WHEqTP gUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) 1l.f,k PIJF:et'1 Property Owner: 3Z 30 W Yti1J5 W o It~'S'b7 Sv LN Y v PropertyAddress: 7-'S-tTa w• 32I''111 NVF_NwE Contractor License No.: ~t 213 a°t Company:gDcKYdkor.tcaa`R1tJ F7c(AVA:TtNG,1 NG Building Permit Number: Date: E- Phone: C363) 132-7_z(.2_ Phone: G3 04 $4 l- 0Z9 Z OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I Buildinq Dept. Valuation Figure: $ Value:$ ! Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tas: Total:$ Use of Space (description): Pr(112-K tN G i.-o"C Description of work: cLap}A e1t,i5TiN6 6,-rf_ '5L&6Lb 2? SPa,Gf_ !45B~~La'P~feKi~6 G~T W~Yrt FEr..~c~.1G~ `X"DSCio'-piN6, ~ S T b Y~Lw~ W(4-'9'~R ~'{tiL6 L L T(~S . Sq. Ft. added p BUII.DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ONING COMMENTS: . / Approval: Zoning: BUILDMG COMMENTS: Approval: X~ ~ 9if!1` ~ / V , \ ~ / <v4✓ PUBUCWORKSCOMMENTS: n Approval: IRE DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: ^ ~"IV Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: St ries: Residential Electrical License No: 0~W,0 Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: C~p,K,¢eA1.bV) Company: Company: Expiration Date: I,,m Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: l~~~OcJ Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the Sfate of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applirable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within siaiy (90) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of'180 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original pfans and specifirations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonmentexceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid fora new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector iweniy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and spedfications shall not be construed to be a perznit for, nor an approval of, anyviolation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan revfew Is subJect to fleld f nspections. Chief Building Official I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegatlons made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all otherapplicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: oF W"~^'',~ BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: ; a CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE " m 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) cOCORPO~ "PLI4ATION Property Owner:!2-bO W1~1JSWoUZYb7 SoiN't- Property Address: 'IPSOO W. 32-ND RUf-tjµE Phone:(3o3) 232-7-7-42 Contractor License No.: 44 2 `3 c('~l Company:9DCII'YM e~~~~~~ F,"VLYita6, iNG. Phone:(,303) S4 l-oZ9Z OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT ' Buildinq Depf. Valuation Figure: $ Value:$ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ Use of Space (description): PfK9-k110G+-oT' Descriptionofwork: CL-k,~A &Y~i5T ir.;6 y~-rF, ~~&V,,,.a t uL4 eN65"o Bt.~.6Lt> 20 Sv-aacF_ lkSFWkLt Piklekc..rG LoT ~a:,ar FEtic~~.rc Coq- Pj N -t 5 TOYtw,wh*T-F_2 FPcG4L LTf~S , Sq. Ft. added p BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ONING COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: _DINGCOMMENTS: Approval: crri `a iLICWORKSCOMMENTS: pA: L>S772[JG]7G1U • e Ap roval: 312 /D~ ` GO ~3 RoGJ co.osr,zucTia.J Pc'"J9X4 i7-s -.~y~~t =DEPARTMENTCOMMENTS: GVA~B GU7$ /~':VI~ S`lDQWI SELJC/e • / Approval: S~ Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordancewith the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to }he laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixly (90) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specif cations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notiTy the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspectioh card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review is subject to field inspections. Chief Building Official I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accu2te, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; Nat all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all otherapplicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. Mar.22, 2006 12;26PM WHEAT RIDGE FIRE DISTRICT No.1619 P. 1 WHFAT RIDCE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Po Box soy •3asp UPHaM srxEWr • WxEaT RmcfE, COLowwO 80034-0,307 803-4036900 • FAX 303-840-0350 • www.xrRFRQ.oRG FAX TRANSMI55ION Please deliver fhe following fax to: NAME: FAX FROM: ee DA'iE: No. of Pages 2--. _ (Including this page) Catt our otfice if you do not receive all pages. Thanks. ;~C.,C~' ~c~ /2,e f- . Mar.22. 2006 12;26PM WHEAT RIDGE FIRE DISTRICT No.1619 P. 2 WHEAT RIDGE F1RE PROTECTION DISTRIGT PO BOX 507 0 $880 UPNAM STREEf • WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034-0507 303a{03-5800 • FAX30"d0-0350 • WWW.WRFIRE.ORG Rocky Mrnmtain Excavating, Inc. March 22, 2006 3ohnnie Dow.niug 6101 West 2I' Ave. Lakewood, Colorado Re: parking lot for Dental Group, Joiztt Venture - Incorrect address. The following requirements are macie under the 2003 Intemational Fire Code adopted by ihe Fire Board of the Wheat Ridge Fire Proroection Disbrict and the City Council of the City o€ Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 1. Fire Lanes shall remain clear at all times of eonscructipn. (Consiruction vehicies and equipment. ) 2. Fire I.anes shall be established in the entry way from west 32°d Ave. entrance with signage along the islands stating (No Parkimg Pire J,ane). 3. Ali Fire Lanes denoted on the approved platas shall be marked in an approved manor. 4, All "HO'T WORK" operations sha11 bave a requixed Fire Extinguisher with a minimum ratimg of 2A-40BC within 20 feet of the operation. (This includes but is not limited to welding or asphalt paving machines.) 5. The Fire District shall be natified and present on all inspections performed at the site. 6. Any changes to the approved plans sha11 6e submitted to the Fire DisCrict for approval. 7. Tree growth sliall be considared on all installafions, to maintain the required 13'6" clearance for Fire Apparatus. 8• All hydrants shall remain in service during conslruction. 9. A,ll power boxes shall have the address posted on the front of the panel. 10. Any buildings planned for the site shall be submitted to the Fixe Dish'ict for approval and permitting, (No plans have been submitted at this titueJ Any questions regarding tb.ese requirements please contact me at the Fire Disuict Reviewed ~ DOi1~85 J. ~1 Fire Marshal ib,,,/b BUCHER, WILLIS & RATLIFF ,.1,/„ CORPORATION March 22, 2006 Ms. Meredith Reckert City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Deparhnent 7500 West 29'" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: Building Pernvt 7495 W. 32"d Avenue Dear Ms. Reckert: Transmitted herewith are revised plans for the above proj ect. The following are our responses to your comments, dated 3-20-2006 (also attached): 1. The owner will provide all addirional required landscaping and irrigation at the time of total build-out (Phase 2). 2. The proposed lighfing system is being revised to meet City standards. We will submit revised lighting package as soon as possible. 3. We are requesting a variance from zoning and development code for required handicap parking during phase 1 of this project. This is due to the following reasons: no building is planned with Phase 1 of this proj ect and the existing building this lot will serve has adequate ADA spaces in place, this parldng lot is located at least a%block away from the building it will serve and there is not an acceptable ADA route between this lot and the existing building. At the rime of full build-out (phase 2) the lot will be reconfigured to meet all ADA requirements. Further, all previous review comments and redlines by the City of Wheat Ridge have been addressed in the attached plans. Thank you for your prompt reviews and approval. Sincerely, BHER, W1I.LIS & RATLIFF CORPORATION J seph D. Nhnstie Project Engineer 1743 Wazee Street I Suite 200 Phone 303292.5056 Fax 303292b668 www.bwrcorp.wm City of Wheat Ridge ~F "'"EqT Community Development Department ~ P°, Memoranduin ~~~~RP~~ TO: ~,rRocky Mountain Excavating, Inc. FROM: V" Meredith Reckert 5UBTECT: Buidling permit - 7500 W. 32"d Avenue DATE: March 20, 2006 This memo is in regard to the building permit application for parking lot improvements on property located at 7500 W. 32"6 Avenue. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments: 1. At the time of total build-out (phases 1 and 2 combined), a total of five street trees plus an additional five trees and 63 shrubs will be required. The proposed landscaping for phase 1 includes five street trees plus four.additional trees and 42 shrubs. When phase 2 is developed, an additional tree and 21 shrubs will be required. An automatic, high efficiency irrigation system will also be required to be installed at that time. 2. The proposed lighting system for the pazking lot must be revised to meet the city's standards. Light poles in commercial zone districts are lunited to 18' in height. Footcandle readings must be 0 at all property lines. 3. Per the zoning and development code, one handicapped space must be required. This space must be van accessible with an 8' wide loading space. This requirement may make more sense at the time of construction of a building on the property. J.aN. 16.2006 10:33AM THE BUSINESS WORD N0.7193 P. 1 Con- e0jOir-w To: Wiison, Downing & A,ssociates 3280 Wadsworth Bivd Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80227 (303) 232-2262 Fati:(303)232-7237 Rc: Parking T.ot Lightiug & Electrical5ervice Atm. Mr_ John bowniug Date= January 14, 2005 Date of Plans: k'ield Review Wc IIrrrlrv Submit SpedMrsdone and Ledmatee For: 1) Parluug Lot Lighting provide (2) 250w metal haGde site poleGght fixeures w/type L4lPT aPUCS & glare shields. Iaicludes 20' square siiaight steel light poles; anchors; concnete pole bases; excavatian & backf'ill; branch circuitry (campensated £or voltase-drop as xequired); ceutral control (time-clock w/tcsC switch) at the new panel. Provide a new eleckieal sarvice (rn'e*head droP), 100ik, 3ph, I20/208v, 4w. r'alue : $ 5,630.00 GeneKal Propuxal Notes: (a) APPIica6le taxes and fees aze inclusive_ An elecftscal perntit is includeA City developmentlzoning/teview fces are by tbs owner. Xcel Enexgy fees, if an}', xre bY the owner. (b) Escavation requisemenis are incluswe. Crane and sctting Atem are ynClusive. Aowever, other responvbliees may be requiced for a cumplebe scope- (ie_ landscape and "urigatian, ete.) Conerete vole bbasse; are included. (c) Utility wnduit sleeving, secvlce lateraLs for fidure facilities, ff anY> am imdcfi°cd and caccluded. (d) This proposal is based on exeeuting all work during nocmal business hmm. IaMI Connec-tions will adhere to indastry standard safety pracantions- (c) aanch wiring methads are baserl on tLuse acceptable by the NEC and local inspecling jurisdiction. (f) Fixtuie criteria spacing is aswtmed at aa avecage oF0.25 foot camclles for the mam parking ares• (g) Pcoppsed fixWze specffication is attached for ieview_ Altcrnates: a) LaMil Conuedions as a licensed electrical conUactor, can pwvide £oK 1'acilita4ng professimial design/engineering servioes mquized for this pmject, thronSh Parmecship with a profescional enginetxing cnliry. To iutctude electriral service design, photometric ]ayout & site eng]neering. Value Add S 600.00 b) Provide an alternate 5xtm style (with like perFoimance) from an similiar mannfaciurer. Value Add S EsSC Quam VidCti, Randy Mills P.O. Bos0964CS*Rndr, CO 801044964td:303.967.0114 fmG 1.$66.857.4903 lsa@ma.com JAN, 16. 2006 10:34AM I 1 0 t I O O N --i 1 O ~ ~ J i ~ O~ ~ ~ 0 Oo 0 + + o I ~ . Q 0.J O N , 10 ` 01 F 9 0 0~ ay W Ul (R O~ O~ 0y ~ p1 V OI i.fy O~ IJ o' O~ THE BUSINESS WORD = N0. 1793 P. Pilai ~Pj 0 0' o o' p o .,.~^Tr \o~' o 0 _ ~_~......v...,_. p' p O~ o O o~ o~ ~ ~ p1 p~ O~ . iN W P l]i T w m V O 0+ OI A ~ O1 0 01 O N Ny r py Oy N W' N N G~ 10 iJ O id V W v N io ioy u o; m f.~ ~ N~ Ny W O1, _ • 0 ,P+ w O 0y Da ~1 N; N+ w~ y ~y a ~ ln . M~MW W mm A ~ a A V J tA N O ~I m m A V ♦ i -'~"_'Y.` N1 W1 NI Qa QO+\ N [11 N V IJ . W 10 N ~ IJ f0 o+ P+ Oi N V G1 IJ O' m A, m [n ~ ay ~y a, Oy O+ OT •.y O' ~a ~ O D~ OT'fi/ O~ O~ O O~ D~ o`. oy O~ . ~ ~[n+ in l1L- IT W V G1 f!' IT A ~'»I O a ~ V, m .y ~p bo a ao in w C as pa Oa pi 0+ ~n ~ ~ O' p' p' ;p 'p m m A D O fT m w + na r ~ N~ ~ O p" Oa 0y Of O A i tl~ W ~ hi O ~ 0a a O~ i Nt N+ N~ 'Y '~'w W' ~ o' o~ o' o' P' " m cuy W V /+1 LI • a < 1 ♦ O~ ~O Da Oi O. I„i' N~ N~ (A~ n N, W A N V m t41 M W O! N Ni N la+. N ~l A1 ~wy A N m ~1 in t0 n~ Q~ ~ N + oy py } o. oR ~a ~ o# pi N IJ [T O) iD 00 N W 0y O~ O~ O~ O ~ OOj b~ Oi.N N. P > Oi iA ~1 y-,y~~ m W W O a ~ O o o O o iJ iJ iJ w u \ ? A AO Ot LiU4,/y' --I W o N JAN.16.2006 10;34AM THE BUSINESS WORD IA L/THO,N/A L/GJYT/NG" ~ FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INiENDED 115E - Idpai Fnr porking ared5. SVeel Ilghting. Welkway5 and car lots. CONSiRI1CtION - Rugged, die-rast, soh rnrrwr aluminum hpunilg with 0.12" nominal wa11 Ihicxnrss. E%lNded A' SOft comel aRn For pole or wall mouming is stsndeN. Die-cast doar Frame nas Impact-reslstant. temperea. 91ass lens lhal i5 fully gaSketed wilh One-pie[e WEWar silicone. FINISFI - Starlaara flnisn is uark ororize (DDO) polyeslar powtler Ilnisn, wim other arcnirecwral colon availahle. OPTIGAL SYSiEM - Anod'aed. aluminum hydroFormed reFleaors: IES PoII cum(f distrinuGons P2 (asymmettic). P3 (asymmelric). RA (forward thmw) and R55 (square). High-performence enodized. segmernea aluminum refleclors IES full culoff aisitiUUtlans SR2 (asymmetdc). SR3 (asymmeirk) anJ SF145C (farward lhrow, sharp culoFo. Segmenled ceflec[ors attach with 10014ess fa5leners and are rotala6le and inlerchangahle. ELECiRIGAL SYSTEM - Hign reactarice, hlgn power factor nanast for 900Wf150W. Consiam-waLL2ge auNlTd]ISlnrmer Rv 7754OOW. SupP,r CWA Pulse Siart 6alla5t required Far 2011W. 320W drwd 75DW (mu,5t order SCWA optloN. 6allast Is copper•woune ane 100% factorytestee. Porcelaln, nonzontal. pashlon-orlente0, sceKet wttii copper alwy, nleKebplaled screw shell and center cornacL Medium-Wise sockel used wiih 100W & 150W, mogul-base sockel usea wilh 175-400W. UL fislea 1500W4WV. LiSTINC - IlL Listed (siandarrill. CSA CertiFi¢d (sep Opliortc). I1L lisled for wet Ior.alions.IP65 ratetl In accoraance wlm slanaartl IEC 529. N0.7793 P. 3 Latelog Num6er . KAD250M No{es 'FYPP Wllsort9v.mlrca PeMng to1 AA Scft Square G1rtoff Lighting 5lxidardDlmMislas EPA:12 R.' Welgnh 41 IUS (16,6 Ng) LeflgtYC 17-1l7 14~.5 cm) WidIH: 77-712' (17S tm) Oepih: 7-1I8' 08.1 cm) METAL HALIDE t00W, 150W, 775W, ZOOW. 250W, 320W, 350W, 400W 20' m 35' Moun[ing 7•7/B" (1A.1 cm) I- 44-- (102 Cm) (44,5 cm) ORDERING INFpRMATION Cnoose ihB wlafaW mialog nomonclemfa Nai oe9[ sWCS }rour nerAS BM wrRa tr on cro eppmpNam lino. Ortler acca5wtles as seoerece caielog numMr, KAD250M R4 120 &PD04 Sedes Vo4age Mounting KAD 100M 120 SPD61 Square pole (1' arm) KAD tsam Zpp (stantlard) Kl1o 775M 240+ SPD09 Sqvare polb (9' atln)5 f(qD 200M 277 RP004 fiound pole (A' afm) KAU ~ RPb09 RoUnd pole (9• arm)5 M~ S~ KAD Wwoa Wooa pole or wall (4' arm) KAD 950M~ TB~ pole or wall 19' ~1~NDOB Woaa KAD ~OOM~ s arm) Wislrihunon WBD04 Wflll 6reCNel (4' eRn)R WBDOB Wan nracNet (9" arm)` Hydroformed Refleclors LIATm (When ordering NMA R2 IES type II arymmetric' DAD12) R3 IES qpe 111 asymmeutc' ShiPped Sepyroten _ R4 IES lype N forwara tnrmv' KMA Mast arm aaapter R5 IES lype V square KiMB Twln mounting oar Scgment¢tl Reflcctas pAU12P Degree Mm (pole) SR2 1E$ lype II a5ymmelrie DA072WB Degree Arm (wall) SR3 IES rype III asymmeMc' SR15C IES type IV forrvara tnrow Example: KAD 9DOM R212o SPDO4LPI WS-DDB Optlnns Shipped 11rsm11ed In FAUR RADVG Vandal guard SF Single tuse (720, 277, 347V. Na TB) NADWG Wire guard DF Oouole fuse (208, 240. 480V. nfa HADWBA Decoratlve wau T8J tirackat PER NEMA twtstdocK receptaclo Arcnllecturol Colors' only (no photatontroQ 51and8rd Cplals GPI I.amp indudedas siandard DDB Park bronze UlP Less lamp standard) PO Pp.vpr Trayto OWH White WTB Terminal Wrirg Blxk1° DBI. Black aR5 Quariz restrike system (250W ciassie Glws maMimum, lamp nm includedf qMg M¢dium 6ronze C5A CSA Certifie.d UNA Nalural aluminum SCWA Super CWA Pulse Start Ballasc (n/a D55 SanUStone IDOw ~ 775" DGC Cnarcoal gray Shipped Sepemlely° pTG Tennis green PE7 NEMA iwist•lock PE (120, 208. pgR eright red 296V) PE9 NEMA twlst•IOCk PE (341V7 DSB Sleel blue FH NEMA twlst•ICCk PC (48OV) PE7 NEMA IwiSo-loCk PE (277V) NOTES: HS Hqp,ce-side 5me1d (R2. R3. R4) t RedufN Jacket ED2B lemp muxc ec uw wlth SR2, SR3 R SRESC qptlr... z HnUsmslaa sMnIo Wennola, ($R2.$R3) 3 Cansut fec[ory Por avellaollhy In Cameae. . oMionai munHwp oallasc b20. 20e. 240. znN. AacesswfesTertanMOUntingSlipfi[ter 5 THe5G00B,RP008of WWOOBmuseEelCeAwhenrwoef morcWmWlrcS OrdcraesepaMCCmalognJmher. ora orlonraa on a 90' atllMg oanam. 6 Map M: nmerM ns aeceshry. . Nymb6rOFfi}~uf85 7 dRSTO aveliaoie in seleec wensges; mrea¢ racmry. TenoO O.D. One Twoo190° Two~90' Thl'se9D720° Threeb➢90" fourCd90° e Addltlrnul menllrcmml miors nvaiinem; p1o~.c .r.~. Arr.nlern. um1 Cninrs yyB' T2D-790 T2o-260 T20-290 TYL-320 T20-390s T2II-41109 n.ar.num, ram W. 7se3. 2-7/6' T25-180 T25-280 T25-2109 T25-320 T25-380" T254909 9 Mun usa RPDO9, q' T35-180 T35-260 T35-290" T33J30 T35-3909 T35-180' 10 Only avadablc with SF2, SR3, aM SR45C optlcs- a,caoor sneec#:Knn-M AL-370 " If JAN. 16. 2006 10:34AM 914' CHAMFER ANCHOR BOLTS PER MANUFAC7URER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FINISHED GRADE FEEDTO SffE LIGHTiNG. CONDUIT, 5-6' ~ ~ WIRE,ANDqUANTITlESASINDICATED I ON PLANS. TRANSITION FROM RIGID GALVANIZED CONDUIT 3/4'x 10'-0" WfTFi1N CONCRETE TO PVC CONDUIT. GROUND ROD 24' DIA. x 8'-6' CONCRETE BASE, (4) 95 REBARS VERTICALi.Y AND iR3 BARS NORIZONTALLY qT 18" O.C. TYPICAL SITE LIGHTiNG POLE BASE DETAIL* NOT TO SCALE THE BUSINESS WORD N0. 1793 P. 4 LOW IMPACT, DIRECTIONAL LIGHT FIXTURE_ TYPE AS SPECIFIED ON DRAWING$ POLE AS SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS GROUND WIRE lUG #ZBARECflPPER ~ 22'-0" MAX. GROUND WIRE CI71' OF WHEAT 121DGE L-FOI POLE.6655 ~ PFpT. OF PUBI..IC WORKS pOLE 6A5E DETAIL E.161NEERING DIVI510N •cvQv+da on SW 10104 DETAIL com L IDININD BUCHER, WILLIS & RATLIFF 1D11/1bL CORPORATIO N by Values - Measured by Results March 6, 2006 Ms. Meredith Reckert City oT VJheat Ridge Community Developmeit Deparhnent 7500 West 29" Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 RE: I3uild',ng I'ermi; %SiiO W. 12" Avenue D; ar N1s. lieckert: ~ { Tiansmitted herewi[h are revised pians for the above project. The following are our responses to your c,r,mnents, dated 1-6 -2C06 (also anached): t. T'he curb cut and access drive width has been widened from 24' to 28'. 2. A site data swnmary table has been added to t4e Site Plan. 3. Formal landscaping has been provided for Phase I of this project which include: 9 irees (5 s7eet, 4 additionr,]) and 42 shrubs. .'uIl build-out, Phase 2, wiil require a iolal of 12 trees znd .4 s',',r!.ias. TFus resu!ts ir. 9J1: ='1S% and 42/63=6?°/n; uf the `..Oial tequired ]andscaping ;tEms will be installed wifh Phase i. Thr- remainiiig required laridscuping wi;l be designe3 a:.d i:-:staled durir,g Phase z. 4. A. landscape scn?d.ule showing p;anYSpecies has been provided on the I.wndsca.: ~e F'Izn. 5, C'tl;iCIl:i th,eze 15 r0 pUtil1C W8iCT SCri71CP fOT f2lSS pT0]J01"ty. TleLe 15 ffCi r:KlSYP1t'NO oRS.1:P but it i> unknoun what the water rig}rts are az:cl if it is apprcved for irrigation use. `1"I;c c,wnec wil! +'trigate the proposed iandscaping by hose from treir adjacert property unt;l the ,ite is completeJy devclopect in Phase 2 anrt a public water connection is available. 6. 6 -fo-ot buffer bet~veen the residenrial properties to the east e`the parki*;g loi uill consi;r. oi a 6-foot cedar feice, a grouted boulder berm, ard native seeding at tlus time. Better piant materia!s will be provided in Phase 2 when an irrigarion system is possible. 7. A 36-inch high buffer will be provided on south edge of parking lot cornprised of westem saaiu cherry shnios F,lanted on 5-toot cen,ers. fi. I'he owner Yia, contac=!ed witli "t.,aTvlil Connechuns .e prov;de parking lot :ighr,ng in the foim of two 20-foot tali lights as shown on the plans, with 250-watt metal halidP fixtures. A r>it.:?i;htir,g zitr~;hinenthas oe_n.proviued wiYh .?vs sui?mittal thaL'u;clndes aphotaneiric plT,', t xrare da?s, >,:d -lighi pole/basc clc;t3ils. t' l:n, owne: has *ioprotri:e;riz -raclif; 6mg thc: sheet address at rime of D~r.iut issc•r._ice. F:s1h:r, all rrev:ous rev;ew cctnments and redlines by the City of Vdheat Ridge haire be.°n afIctiressc ' in the attached plaas. Thar,: y6u for yeur pronpt reviews and approval. i w TLIFI' C:(~~2F~RATd(3 ` 1743 Wazee Sheet I Suite 200 - Phone 303292505 6 Fax 303.292.5668 www.bwrmrp.com Ciry of Wheat Ridge \ Department of Public Works Mazch 13, 2006 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. Joseph D. Christie, P.E. Bucher, Willis, & Ratliff Corp. 1743 Wazee Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 303.292.5056 Re: Second Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report and Construction Plans for the Parking Lot Project located at'7RO West 32"a Avenue. ~Y4S Dear Mr. Christie, I have completed the second review of the above referenced documents received on March 7, 2006, and have the following comments: Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. All previous comments havebeen addressed. 2. Include the name of the preparar; provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Report. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Developed Conditions Drainage Plan Sheet 2: 1. Please revise the native seeding hatching on the plan view so that it matches the hatch pattern in the legend. 2. Need to modify the height of the wall to allow for 1 foot freeboard. The top elevation of the grout needs to be 5486.17, or 1 foot above the 100 year detenfion elevation of 5485.17. 3. Please show the 100-yr detention limit (as just a line, and on this sheet only). 4. The City recommends some drafting modifications for better clarity. For example, using a thinner linetype and not using bold text for the following: a. Proposed contour lines and elevations. b. Striping for pazking stalls. c. Pazking blocks. d. Shrink the point number/elevation text size. e. Use a lighter linetype and symbol for landscape items. 5. Correct typo. 6. A copy of the revised Drainage Plan will need to be included in the Civil Construction Plans. 7. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Final Drainage Plan. Sheet 3: 1. Need to modify the height of the wall to allow for 1 foot freeboard. The top elevation of the grout needs to be 5486.17, or 1 foot above the 100 year detention elevation of 5485.17. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on all Drainage Plan sheets. Civil Construction Plans General Comment: • Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on all construction plan sheets. Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet) l. All comments have been addressed for this sheet. Sheet 2 (Site Plan) 1. It appeazs that the intent is to construct the 6' cedar fence in its entirety with Phase I. Please inciude a statement to this fact (or staiing wnat uie actuai intent is). 2. Piease change the reference to Sheet 7 to Sheet 10 for the Commercial Drive Detail as shown on the redlined sheet. Sheet 3(Grading and Erosion Control Plan) 1. Please modify all of the elevations for the proposed bernilrock wa11 to reflect the required 1' freeboard. (See Sheet 5 for additional info). 2. Several elevations are upside down. Please rotate these, and also shrink the point info (pt. no. and elevations) to allow for all of the numbers to be readable. Sheet 4(Enlarged Grading and Erosion Control Plan) 1. Please modify all of the elevations for the proposed berm/rock wa11 to reflect the required 1' freeboard. (See Sheet 5 for additional info). 2. Several elevations are upside down. Please rotate these, and also shrink the point info (pt. no. and elevations) to allow for all of the numbers to be readable. Sheet 5(Cross Sections and Details) 1. The 100-year detention ELµ,s is 5485.17. Please modify the elevations for the proposed berm/rock wa11 to reflect the required 1' freeboard. Sheet 6 (Erosion Control Details) 1. No comments. Sheet 7(Storxn Sewer Plan & Profile) 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Sheet 8 (Landscape Plan) 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Sheet 9 (Landscape Details) 1. No comments. Sheet 10 (Standazd Details) 1. No comments. Sheet 11 (Storm Details) Pazkiug Lot Prqect (7500 W32nd Ave) - review2ltr.doc 1. The bottom orifice needs to lie in the FL of the trickle channel to fully drain the pond. Please show the lowermost orifice opening for the outlet sttucture to haue an elevation of 5482.65. Sheet 12 (Developed Drainage Plan) 1. Please include the revised Developed Drainage Plan in the revised construction set. • Please return all redlined documents with the next submittal. The Public Works Department requires 2 signed and stamped copies of the Final Drainage Plan, and the Site Plan/Civil Plans. Please provide these with the negt submittal. Application for Minor Grading/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Grading/Fill Permit, along with the fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. This Perxnit is generally issued concurrently with the Building Permit. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to the construction of any unprovements, utility service connections, etc. within the public Right- of-Way, the required Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing shall be submitted to the Departrnent of Public Works for processing. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Constnxction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant all work performed for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all public improvements and final acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. If you haue any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyeq Engineering Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner . Chad Root, Chief Building Official File Parking Lat Project (7500 W32¢d Ave) -review2]h.doc City of Wheat Ridge OF WHEqT,p Community Development Department ~ ° Memorandum C~<ORA00 TO: Rocky Mountain Excavating, Inc. FROM: V~Meredith Reckert SUBJECT: Buidling permit - 7500 W. 32"d Avenue DATE: March 20, 2006 This memo is in regard to the building permit application for pazking lot improvements on property located at 7500 W. 32"a Avenue. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments: 1. At the time of total build-out (phases 1 and 2 combined), a totai of five street trees plus an addirional five trees and 63 shrubs will be required. The proposed landscaping for phase 1 includes five street trees plus four additional trees and 42 shrubs. When phase 2 is developed, an additional tree and 21 shrubs wiil be required. An automatic, high efficiency irrigation system will also be required to be installed at that time. 2. The proposed lighting system for the parking lot must be revised to meet the city's standards. Light poles in commercial zone districts are limited to 18' in height. Footcandle readings must be 0 at all property lines. Gty of Wheat F Departmentof March 23, 2006 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 Mr. Joseph D. Cluistie, P.E. Bucher, Willis, & Ratliff Corp. 1743 Wazee Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 303.292.5056 Re: Third Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report and Construction Plans for the Parking Lot Project located at 7495 West 32°d Avenue. Deaz Mr. Christie, I have completed the third review of the above referenced documents received on Mazch 23, 2006, and have the following comments: Tlus letter is to inform you that the Final Drainage Report and Civil Construction Plans for the above referenced development have been reviewed and aze hereby approved for construction. Please find attached to this letter a copy of the documents approved (by Public Works) that are to remain onsite during construction to ensure completion of the grading, erosion control, and construction of the drainage facilities. Please be aware of the following items regazding the construction of the proiect: 1. Erosion Control Erosion control for the project shall be placed in conformance with the Grading, Erosion Control, and Drainage Plan as approved by the City of Wheat Ridge prior to the commencement of any grading activities, and maintained as needed during the course of construction. 2. Drainage Certification Required Prior to Certificate of Completion Upon completion of the grading and any site drainage facilifies, the Engineer-of-Record Mr. Joseph D. Christie, P.E., shall provide to the City of Wheat Ridge a written, signed and sealed Drainage Certification Letter stating that the grading and drainage facilities were completed per the approved civil construction documents, and that the site has been accurately surveyed to confirm that the grading and the construction of all drainage facilities was completed and shall function in accordance with these documents. The Drainage Certification Letter shall be submitted along with one (1) hazdcopy and one (1) electronic copy (in AutoCAD dwg format, on CD-RON) of the As-Built Plans (Record Drawings) for the site pilOT to issuance of the Certificate of Complefion. 3. Public Improvement Restoration/Debris Tracking It will be the responsibility of the of the contractor for the project to repair any damage to the existing public improvements along 32°a Avenue as a result of related construction traffic in the area. Also, the contractor will be responsible for maintaining 32°d Avenue on a regular basis such that it remains free of consiruction deb:is and trac.king f---u co^s*.ruation uzffia accessir.g tha site. 4. Construction within the Public Right-of-Way It will be the responsibility of the developer/owner, to provide the necessary testing, as applicable for the scope of this project, for sub-grade compaction and other related material tests for any improvements to be constructed within the public Right-of-Way. (SEE ATTACHED MATERIAL SAMPLING & TE5TING REQUIREMENTS) 5. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to conshuction of any improvements lying within the public right-of-way, the necessary Right-of- Way Construction Permit(s) and respective licensing will need to be submitted for processing by the City. Right-of-Way Constrrxction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Final Development Plan, TrafFic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grrading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. A detailed description of the work to be completed within the Right- of-Way and a Traffic Control Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of the ROW Constrvction Permit(s). 6. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements Per the City of Wheat Ridge ROW Construcfion Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements, the Contractor shall warrant all work performed within the public right-of-way for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all public improvements and final acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to requue repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. 7. Application for Gradiug/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Grading/Landfill Permit, along with the fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, ,✓...-~44'-s~ David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer XC: Steve Nguyen, Division Manager Russ Higgins, Field Services Supervisor Chad Root, Chief Building Official File Parking Lot Project (7495 W32nd Ave) - approval.ltr.doc CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MATERIALS AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION Materials sampling and testing for public improvements shall be performed by an independent materials testing company at the expense of the developer, and/or utility district. Unless otherwise designated, all referenced specifications, standards or policies shall be the latest edition as revised or updated by approved supplements published and issued prior to the date of the building permit. REQUIREMENTS All materials sampling and testing shall be performed by certified, experienced and qualified materials testing technicians who work under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado. All materials sampling and testing equipment sha11 be serviceable and have current calibrated certifications. Soil classifications and moisture-density curves shall be provided to the Department of Public Warks inspector priar to in-place density testing. Materials testing technicians shall fiunish copies of failed test results to the inspector as promptly as the results become available. On a weekly basis when testing is being performed, the developer shall furnish the inspector with copies of all test results taken during the prior week and a cover letter, signed by the supervising registered professional engineer, which sumniarizes the results and discusses any failed tests or inconsistencies. The City materials testing requirements are provided in Table 720-1. All testing procedures of verification and central lab requirements shall be as specified in the Frequency Guide Schedule of the Colorado Department of Transportation Field Materials Manual. One test is required for any fraction of the specified frequency. The reference to Section 203.07 in the table is from the Colorado Depaztment of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. 3 Parkiug Lot &oject (7495 W32nd Ave) - approval.ltr.doc Table 720-1 City of Wheat Ridge Materials Testing Requirements Type of Test Frequency Remazks Soil Survey (Classification), 1 per 500 feet of roadway, Surveys for roadway and trench AASHTO M145 Sidewallc or pipe trench may be combined Moisture-Density Curve, 1 per on-site soil type AASHTO method determined AASHTO T99 1 per import material source By soil or materials type Embankment in-place density, 1 per 250 feet per lane per 6-inch Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedures loose lift classification, Section 203.07 Roadway subgrade in-place 1 per 250 feet per lane Minunum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Sidewalk subgrade in-place 1 per 250 feet of sidewalk Minimum density per soil density, Colorado Procedures Classification, Section 203.07 Pipe trench in-place density, 1 per 200 feet of trench per 18 inch Minimum density per soil Colorado Procedwes vertical interval Classificarion, Section 203.07 Aggregate base course in-place 1 per 250 feet per lane Minimum 95% of maximum density, Celorade Proceduras Density, T? RQ Lime treated subgrade in place 1 per 250 feet per lane No less than 95% of std. dry density, Colorado Procedures density and opt. moisture, T99 Cement ireated base in place 1 per 250 feet per lane Density in accordance witti contract density, Colorado Procedures documents, T134 Hot Bituminous Pauement 1 per 1000 tons Within specifications of asphalt content and gradation Approved mix design, binder PG 64-22 Hot Bituminous Pavement in place 1 per 100 tons 92-96% of masimum density, T209 density, Colo. Procedures Concrete compressive strength 1 set per 50 cubic yards PCC pavement, sh-uctural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Concrete air content and slump 1 per 25 cubic yazds PCC pavement, slructural AASHTO Procedures Concrete, sidewalks and curbing Pazking Lot Project (7495 W32nd Ave) - approval.ltr.doc March 13, 2006 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 Mr. Joseph D. Cluistie, P.E. Bucher, Willis, & Ratliff Corp. 1743 Wazee Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 303.292.5056 (303) 235-2861 FAX (303) 235-2857 Re: Second Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report and Construction Plans far the Parking Lot Project located at 7-5490 West 32na Avenue. 6 Dear Mr. Christie, I haue completed the second review of the above referenced documents received on March 7, 2006, and have the following comments: Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. All previous comments have been addressed. 2. Inciude the name of the preparer; provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Report. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Developed Conditions Drainage Plan Sheet 2: 1. Piease revise the native seeding hatching on the plan view so that it matches the hatch pattern in the legend. 2. Need to modify the height of the wall to allow for i foot freeboazd. The top elevation of the grout needs to be 5486.17, or 1 foot above the 100 year detention elevation of 548517. 3. Please show the 100-yr detention limit (as just a line, and on this sheet only). 4. The City recommends some drafting modifications for better clarity. Far example, using a thinner linetype and not using bold text for the following: a. Proposed contour lines and elevations. b. Striping for parking stalls. c. Parking blocks. d. Shrink the point number/elevation text size. e. Use a lighter linetype and symbol for landscape items. 5. Correct typo. 6. A copy of the revised Drainage Plan will need to be included in the Civil Construction Plans. 7. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Final Drainage Plan. Sheet 3: l. Need to modify the height of the wall to a11ow for 1 foot freeboazd. The top eleva6on of the grout needs to be 5486.17, or 1 foot above the 100 year detention elevation of 5485.17. • Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on all Drainage Plan sheets. Civil Construction Plans General Comment: . Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on all conshuction plan sheets. Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet) 1. All comments have been addressed for this sheet. Sheet 2 (Site Plan) 1. It appears that the intent is to construct the 6' cedar fence in its entirety with Phase I. Please inciude a staiement to tnis iact (ar stating what the actual intent is). 2. Please change the reference to Sheet 7 to Sheet 10 for the Commercial Drive Detail as shown on the redlined sheet. Sheet 3(Grading and Erosion Control Plan) 1. Please modify all of the elevations for the proposed berm/rock wall to reflect the required 1' freeboard. (See Sheet 5 for additional info). 2. Several elevations are upside down. Please rotate these, and also shrink the point info (pt. no. and elevations) to allow for all of the numbers to be readable. Sheet 4(Enlarged Grading and Erosion Control Plan) 1. Please modify all of the elevations for the proposed berm/rock wall to reflect the required 1' freeboazd. (See Sheet 5 for additional info). 2. Several elevations are upside down. Please rotate these, and also shrink the point info (pt. no. and elevations) to allow for all of the numbers to be readable. Sheet 5(Cross Sections and Details) 1. The 100-year detention ELWS is 5485.17. Please modify the elevations for the proposed berm/rock wall to reflect the required 1' freeboard. Sheet 6 (Erosion Control Details) 1. No comments. Sheet 7(Storm Sewer Plan & Profile) 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Sheet 8 (Landscape Plan) 1. All previous comments have been addressed. Sheet 9 (Landscape Details) 1. No comments. Sheet 10 (Standazd Details) 1. No comments. Sheet 11 (Storm Details) Pazking Lot Praject (7500 W32nd Ave) - xeview2ltr.doc 1. The bottom orifice needs to lie in the FL of the trickle channel to fully drain the pond. Please show the lowermost orifice opening for the outlet shucture to haue an elevation of 5482.65. Sheet 12 (Developed Drainage Plan) 1. Please include the revised Developed Drainage Plan in the revised construction set. • Please return all redlined documents with the next submittal. The Public Works Department requires 2 signed and stamped copies of the Final Drainage Plan, and the Site Plan/Civil Plans. Please provide these with the next submittal. Application for Minor Grading/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Grading/Fill Permit, along with the fees due will need to be subtnitted for review and approval. This Permit is generally issued concurrently with the Building Permit. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to the construction of any improvements, utility service connections, etc. within the public Right- of-Way, the required Right-of-Way Conshuction Permit(s) and respective licensing shall be submitted to the Departrnent of Public Works for processing. Right-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Report & Plan, Final Plat, Fina1 Development Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Constnxction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. 2-Yxar Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant a11 work performed far a period of two (2) yeazs, commencing upon completion of a11 public improvements and final acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864. Sincerely, J~i-~4-~" David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: Steve Nguyeq Engineering Manager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner . Chad Root, Chief Building Official File Pazking Lot Project (7500 W32nd Ave) -review2.ltr.doc