HomeMy WebLinkAbout7500 W. 32nd AvenueCity of Wheat Ridge oF "'"EqTP Community Development Department ~ ~ Memorandum ~pCpRp00 TO: R9cky Mountain Excavating, Inc. FROM: ^Ieredith Reckert SUBJECT: Building permit - 7500 W. 32nd Avenue DATE: January 6; 2006 This memo is in regard to the building pernut application for pazking lot improvements on property located at 7500 W. 32°a Avenue. I have reviewed your submittal and have the following comments: 1. The Wheat Ridge Fire Protection Distinct has indicated that the curb cut must be widened from 24' to 28, 2. Please show a site data breakdown which includes the following information in square feet and percentage of total: landscaped coverage with a breakdown of natural azeas and landscaped areas, building coverage and hard surfaced coverage (pazking and other paved azeas). 3. Keep in mind that if and when a permanent shucture is constructed, the entire site must still have 20% of formal landscaping. Although the northern portion is to be kept in a "natural stafe" with this phase of construction, plant material counts must be met for the entire property. In addition to the required street trees, additional trees and shrubs aze required at the rate of one tree and ten shrubs for each 1000 square feet of required landscaped azea. This would compute to an additional five trees and 63 shrubs on the properiy. Existing plant materials on-site can be counted towards these additional plant materials. 4. Please provide a landscape schedule showing specific plant varieties, quantities and sizes. 5. Add the following note regarding urigation: "All landscaping shall be served by a high efficiency, automatic irrigation system." 6. Buffering for the adjacent residential property to the east must include a 6' high fence with a 6' wide buffer strip contaiuiug plant materials. Some of the additional trees and/or shrubs could be planted in this azea. 7. A 36" high pazking lot buffer must be provided between the edge of the parking lot and W. 32"a Avenue. This buffer area can be comprised of shrubbery. 8. Please provide a photomeh-ic plan showing light standazds and footcandle readings at the property lines. Of particular concem is the lighting on the east side of the parking lot adjacent to the single family residence. 9. The address currently being used (7500 W. 32"a Avenue) should be modified to be an odd address since it is on the north side of 32"a Avenue. At the time of building pemut issuance, the City will issue a change of address to readdress the property to an odd address (perhaps 7495 W. 32"a Avenue pending field verification). Please make appropriate changes and resubmit the revised sheets. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 303-235-2848. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (303) 235-2861 7500 WEST 29T" AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 FAX (303) 235-2857 January 9, 2006 Mr. , P.E. Bucher, Willis, & Ratliff Corp. 1743 Wazee Street, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 303.292.5056 Re: First Review Comments of the Final Drainage Report and Construction Plans for the Parldng Lot Project located at 7500 West 32°d Avenue. Dear Mr. I have completed the first review of the above referenced documents received on December, 23 2005, and have the following comments Final Drainage Report (Discussion) 1. The site as it currently exists drains more or less to the east. It appeazs that without greatly changing the existing topography, the entire site (not just the proposed parking lot) could be designed to drain into the proposed detention facility. Please revise the Final Drainage Report and Plan to reflect the full buiid-out condifion. You should assume the site will be utilized to the fullest (20% landscaping is required for a commerciaUoffice type of building). Pius, it appears due to the presence of a storm pipe stub-out north of the proposed parking area, that another detention area will be conshucted at some iuiure time on tne nortnerly poYion o£ine site. The drainage for the entire site needs to be addressed at this time and in this Final Drainage Report. Any proposed detention azeas shall be identified and if necessary, shown as something to be constructed at a later date, during "Phase II", by others, etc. but they need to be designed and shown in this Report and Plan. 2. Include a brief discussion of the 2"phases", this initial pazking lot phase and also the second, full build-out phase. Provide information showing the drainage and detention required for both phases has been accounted for, and specify exactly what is to be constructed for each phase. 3. The proposed detention of the 100-year event into the parking azea needs to be included in the discussion. Give specifics as to how the proposed detention will affect the site, e.g., how deep the water is to be in the pazking lot, whether or not the proposed detention will overtop the proposed parking lot curbing, how the berm proposed along the easterly properry line is related to the detention area, any protective measures in place in the event the berm fails, etc. 4. Include the name of the prepazer; provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Report. Final Drainage Report (Appendix) 1. While the City aclaiowledges the design as being directly from the UDFCD, the orifice openings for the outlet structure aze very small (posing maintenance concerns) and should be re-evaluated. The City of Wheat Ridge deviates slightly from the standard UDFCD 40-hour recommended drain time in that the City requires all detention facilities to fully drain between 24 and 40 hours due to public safety concerns related to the recent outbreak of the West Nile Virus. In an effort to fully drain detention facilities, the City requires that an orifice opening of no less than 0.50" in diameter (to ensure future funcrionality with minimal maintenance) be located at the FL of the trickle channel. The remaining openings aze of course based upon the desired drain time. In fact, all of the orifice openings may possibly be upsized to meet the 24-40 hour drain time requirement by using 3-%z" diameter openings (instead of 4- 3/16" openings). 2. Please revise the Final Drainage Report caiculations to reflect a full build-out condition. 3. If an additional pond is to be present for the full build-out, include this information. Final Grading & Drainage Plan (Sheet Cl) 1. Please revise the Final Drainage Plan to reflect a full build-out condition, including grades and all proposed drainage facilities. 2. Move cross-section A-A easterly and include cross-section C-C as shown on the redlined Plan. 3. Need to show both to-scale cross-sections on the Drainage Pian. 4. Modify the 2:1 slopes called out for the berm along the easteriy property ?ir_e. The City allows a maximuxn 3:1 slope, and recommends a 4:1 slope be used. Specify the material to be used on the berm along the easteriy property line (may show this in cross-section B-B). 5. Please remove the erosion control items from the sheet (it wili make it easier to read). 6. Need to include the following details on this sheet: a. Outlet Structure b. Trash Rack / Screen c. Emergency Overflow Weir 7. Provide the lineaz footage and grades for the 2' concrete trickle channeis. 8. A copy of the Drainage Plan will need to be included in the Civil Construction Plans. 9. Please provide a P.E. seal and signature on the revised Final Drainage Plan. Civil Construction Plans C'ieneral Comments: 1. Show all "Phases" associated with this site. If there is to be a second phase to this project; all items need to be cleazly identified and associated with a phase. For example, show the annroximate building envelope, grading for the entire site, any additional drainage facilities to be constructed etc. 2. Include the Developed Condition Drainage Plan (sheet 2 of 2) in the Conshuction Plan set. 3. Modify the Vertical Curb Drivecut (which is for residential use oniy) to the GC06 ADA Drive (Commercial Driveway with ADA Compliant Sidewalk). Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet) 1. Please remove all the Notes on this sheet (these Notes provided on the City website are for use by City contractor's only and will not be applicable to private developments). Please refer to the General Notes attached to this comment letter. Sheet 2 (Site Plan) l. The drivecut shown is for residential use only. Please replace this with the Commercial Driveway with ADA Compliant Sidewalk (C-C06 ADA Drive). I attached a copy of the detail on Sheet 7 (Standazd Details). 2. Identify all proposed on-site curbing. 3. Show the length and grade of both 2' hickle channels. 4. Correct the typo. Pazldng Lot Pmject (7500 W32nd Ave) - reviewl.ltr.doc Sheet 3(Grading and Erosion Control Plan) 1. Rename all "Typical Sections" as Cross-Sections, and show as to-scale providing all pertinent information (e.g., distances, grades, scale, etc.). Either include all cross-sections on the G& EC Sheet, or direct the reader to the Drainage Plan sheet withiu this plan set (the cross-sections will already be shown there). 2. It appeazs from the stub-out in the northerly portion of the site that there may be another detention azea not currently addressed. The site is to be designed for a full build-out condition as discussed in the Pre-Application meeting. If the construction is to be "phased", then this should be shown on the plans. 3. The berm slope is currently shown as a 2:1 maximum. The City of Wheat Ridge allows a maximum slope of 3:1, and recommends a 4:1. The landscape material to be used in this area needs to be stated - be specific. 4. Direct the reader to the sheet where the emergency overflow detail may be found. 5. Please remove the 100-yr detention hatching as it makes the sheet difficult to read. 6. Need to provide an enlargement of the "Phase I" construction azea. This will provide a legible plan view with the information necessary to construct, e.g., ail curbing ciimensions and grades, the location of all items to be constructed such as the outlet siructure, trickle channel, etc. Sheet 4 (Erosion Control Details) 1. Please provide a rip-rap detail with dimensions, type of rip-rap, etc. Sheet 5(Storm Sewer Plan & Profile) 1. Correct the typo. 2. Please be advised that the outlet struchxre/pipe plan view and profile may change depending on the information provided on the Cross-Section D-D in the Drainage Plan. Sheet 6 (Landscape Plan) 1. Need io show ihe berms, and be speci ic as to the type of l~.ci'scaying iitaieiiai is to be ptaced in these areas. Sheet 7 (Standazd Details) 1. Please remove a11 references to "Bid Items" and Pay Items". These aze for use by city hired contractors to use only on City funded projects. Please use the General Notes found on the Public Works Development Review web page at: http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/uploads/697/3652.pdf I have attached a copy of the General Notes to this Comment Letter for your reference. 2. The drivecut shown is for residential use only. Please replace this with the Commercial Driveway with ADA Compliant Sidewalk (GC06 ADA Drive). (Please refer to the example copy. Sheet 8 (Storm Details) i. No comments at this time. Surveying/Right-of-W ay 1. There appears to be some encroacYunent of the southwesterly portion of this parcel onto the city constructed and maintained sidewalk. Public Works recommends that a small hiangular shaped area be dedicated to the City as public Right-of-Way so that the existing public nnprovements Pazki¢gLOtProject(7500 W32vdAve)-reviewt.ltr.doc lying within this azea may be adequately maintained by the City. This may help the property owner in a couple of ways: 1) Avoids paying taxes on an unusable azea, 2) It could resolve possible legal issues, since the City has certain rights to the area by prescriptive (easement) means as iYs been in continual public use for more than 15 years, plus if a pedestrian slipped and was injured within this area it could pose a potential iiability. The azea of dedication is a small iriangular-shaped piece, 90 feet by 5 feet (on the westerly end) and tapering down to 0' at the easterly end, and will amount to only about 225 square feet. If thee owner agrees to the dedication, the Quit Claim Deed for the area would be prepared by the City at no cost to the property owner. (Please see the attached aerial photo showing the proposed azea of dedication). • Please return all redlined documents with the next submittal. The Public Works Department req_uires 2 signed and stamped copies of the Final Drainage Plan, and the Site Plan/Civil Plans. Please provide these with the next submittaL Application for Minor Grading/Fill Permit Prior to the commencement of any onsite grading, an Application for Grading/Fill Permit, along with the fees due will need to be submitted for review and approval. This Permit is generally issued concurrentiy with the Building Pernut. Right-of-Way Construction Permit(s)/Licensing Prior to the construction of any improvements, urility service connections, etc. within the public Right- of-Way, the required Right-of-Way Construction Pernut(s) and respective licensing shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for processing. Righ±-of-Way Construction Permits are issued only after approval of all required technical documents, including but not limited to, the Final Drainage Renort & Plan, Final Plat, Final DeveloUment Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Storm Sewer Plans, Street Construction Plans, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, and easement or ROW dedications. 2-Year Warranty Period for Public Improvements The Contractor shall warrant all work performed for a period of two (2) years, commencing upon completion of all public improvements and final acceptance by the City Inspector. Prior to the expiration of said 2-year Warranty Period, if the City Inspector deems that the constructed public improvements are in such condition as to require repairs or replacement, the Contractor shall complete such repair work upon request per the City of Wheat Ridge Permit Testing and Inspection Requirements. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303-235-2864 Sincerely, David F. Brossman, P.L.S. Development Review Engineer CC: SteveNguyen,EngineeringManager Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Chad Root, Chief Building Official File PazkingLOtPryect(7500 W32ndAve)-reviewl.ltr.doc Building Permit CTI'Y OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 .Y ~ % 'X :ci~yctVMeK C~dBe . ' ~ Natures Work Force LLC 22472 720 490-1964 Commercial Fence Permit Number 19644 1/5/2006 Inspecfion Line 303-234-5933 PROPERTY ']SOO 32nd Av UIIIt: owxER: WilsonDowning & Assoa (303) 232-2262 Description 400' - 6' privacy fence. 6' x 6" Dog eaz cedar pickeu FEES Use Tax $126.00 $126.00 Permit Fee $181.10 $181.10 Total Fees $307.10 $307.10 .ao ICONTRACTORS ~Z •~O Name License # Phone ooft/~a~p,~ ~Note• e Pprov~edp d°g~ovements t ocattngPro ~e Ci~' js not tesponsible ~9uired develo a°QOrding t the ftbWtted ~7nD+s ~e P ~ e~ urate inf~mrafion reaukin B korn ~ ~Y cons lion Units: Occupancy: ~ Walls: Roof: - Stories: ~C Sq Feet~~ oA, 0 [ hereby certify ~h6 flhe setback dis[a osed by [his permi[ applica[ion are eaurvice, and Jo mt vialace appGcable ardinaneu, rvles or reguletiovs of ~he City of WM1w[ Wage or ~ enauts, easeme ricfians a(reco ; that a rcmenfs sM1Owq and ellegatlons metle are nccwmr, tLa[ I have read and agrec [o abide by vlicanditionsp tedonI' af aas Poll sibiliryforcompllancewishWeWLea[RidgeBuildingCade(L.B.C.)andaliotherapplireble po~ WM1eatRidge tt forw / (OW (C NY T . SIGNEDDATE 1 TNspe vucdin ordance ithtM1eprovisionsseHOrlM1inyoureppllcvtiouandissubjectmtM1elawso(theStawofCOlomtloand[oeheZaning RegulatlonsandHUtldingCatleofW evtRidgRColoradaornnyotM1erapp4cableortlinancaof[heCiry. 2 EveryperwtissuedsFallbecomeinvaliduNessfM1eworkontM1esiheutM1OriuHbysuchpermitiscommencedwitM1in180daysafhritsissuance,orifthework auchoriud on tM1e si[e by suoh permit ts suspeuded ar abnndaned far a period of 160 days afttr tM1¢ time ofwork is commencetl. 3 Ifthu permit expircv, a new permi[ may be acquiretl for a fee of ounAalf We amowt normally required, provitled uo cM1anges have been or wJl be made in [hc originalpla. andspecificationsandanymspensionorabandonmeveM1asooteaceededam(i)year.lfehangesarcmadeorifsuspensionorvbnndanmen[ ¢xc¢tdt one (1) yeaq NV Res shall be paitl for a new permit 4 NoworkatanymannttsM1a116etlonetM1atwillchavgeNeremrvlilowofwetucausingadninageproblcm. 5 Contraeror sha0 no[ify the Huiltling Inspeccor ewemy-faur (E4) hours in advance (ar all insputions end eM1all receive writrev approvai on inspection card before pmceeding with sureessive pAases of [hejob. . 6 1Te Wvence ota permif or [he appmval o(drawings and specifica[ions shell val be canstmed to be a pervti[ far, nor an approval of, any violetlon ofthe provisions o(the building eodrs or eny othu ordinency Inw, rule ar regulztian. CM1IeB~"~ ~ SIGNEDDATE Ci~ Thursday, 7anuary , 2006 Page 1 of 1 Building Permit CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ 7500 West 29TH Avenue a I Whea[ridge, CO 80033 _ ~•s 303-235-2855 CayatvM~i[aGye '0 ~ Commercial Fence Permit Number 19644 US/2006 Inspection Line 303-234-5933 PROPERTY 7500 32nd AV Unit: owNER: WilsonDowning & Assoa (303) 232-2262 Description 400' - 6' privacy fence. 6' x 6" Dog ear cedar pickets AuthorizedBy BuildingApproval Zoning R-C Authorized On 1/5/2006 Approved By KS first 30' cannot exceed 36" in ht. Thursday, January 05, 2006 Page I of l tA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: of WH~T,p gUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE . WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303•235-2855) ~COftAO~ .lil-'PLICATIOl1' . •PxopertyOwnez: W A50.,. ~owv~r.ti5 a.~ f}SS~~ate5 CJo~~ boWtii- P=opertyAddress: 75-Cfl 302bo iQUe Phone: 3p3 a3,2 ~a~~ , Contractor License No.: . . company: A6~V:0 G✓ar/cQxz/ 1-.1- C. Phone:7~!`j~S~90/9GY OWNERICON7RACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I Buiidina Dept. Valuafion Figure: $ I hereby certiiy that the setback distances proposed by thfs perznltappiiration are accurate, end do notvfoiate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Rtdge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measuremenis shown, and allegatlons made are accurete; that I have read and agree W abide by all condi8ons printed on this appllcaBon and that I assume full responsibility for compliancewiihtheWheatRidgeB IldfngCodeQ. )and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, forviork under Is pe It.4t su6jec,-~o~d inspecdon. , / V2Ill0:$ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ se : Total:$ Use of Space (description): Description of work: ~ Sq. Ft added ONING COMMENTS: . - Approval: Zoning: gUILDING COMMENTS: Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Approyal: IRE DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Electrical License No: Company: BUII,DING DEPARTNIENT USE ONLY / J.~1~ . . . ~ Roof: Stories: Plumbing License No: Company: Residential Units: Mechanical license No: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date; qpproval: Approval: Approval: (1) Thfs permitwas issued inaccordance with the provisions set forth in yourapplication and Is suhjectto The laws of the State of ColoradoandtotheZoningRegWatlonsandBUildingCodesofWheatRidge,Coloredooranyotherapplicableordinancesof the City. .(p) This permit shall expire tf (A) the work authorized Is not commenced within sixty (90) days from issue date or (B) the 6uilding authorized is suspended or abandoned for a pariod of 180 days. . (3) Ifthispermitexpires,anewpermitmaybeacquiredforafeeofone-halftheamountnortnallyrequired,providednochanges havebeenorwiilbemadetntheoriginalplansandspec!ficaHonsandanysuspensionorabandonmenthasnotsxceededone (1)year, if changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for anew permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done thatwill change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (b) Coniractor shall notity the Butlding Inspectoriwenty-four (24) hours (n advance focall inspections and shall receive written approva Inspectlon card before proceeding with successlve phases otthe job. (6) ~The is ce f a e' r the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an ~ a pr I' j i~ ~ 4) oftheprovfslonsofthebuildingcodesoranyother ordinance,law,ruleorregulation.Allplanreview 11}~ t~ifspections. ~ . . . . . WEBSTER S1'. o o W N Z v I T ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ m c ~ m I cr~o U) ;a m ~o o~~ ~i ~m so; ~ ~czi ~ ~ ~r CCa~N rnZpAr n N AI~ ~ n S I ~M°m I ~~O I W?~ m -n zF* 1 0 r"= z°z ~10 14 oM m ~ J 0 ~ m X ;I : •N. : n ~ •i. . 1:. :v t :I;" ~ o. ~ n N \ ( I ~ a w mn ~ N Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheatridge, CO 80033 - ` ~ . . 303-235-2855~~ Permit Number . 19510 ll/22/2005 Inspection Line 3U3-234-5933 Commercial Demolition PROPERTY 7500 32nd Av Unit: owivEx: Wilson, Downing & Associates (303) 232-2262 Description Demo of urility shed. IFEES . Units: Occupancy: . . . Walls: . . Roof: . Storiesi Sq Feeh.. 0: . : . . . I hereby certiy [hat the setback tl6tances prvposed by tWS permit appGCation are vmwate, antl do noc Nolare applicable ordineucu, rWu or regWatious otNe City of.. Wheat Riage ar covevanGS, easemwts or revtricfians ofrccorA; tM1ec all measum.menfs shown, avd allegations made are aecuntr; Met I hvve read and agree ta abide by . . alironditionsprinledon[h(sappticatiov,andtM1a[IassumefWlruponsibilirytorcampliancewi[htheWhea[RidgeBuildingCade(I..B.C.)andalloNerspplirable . : Whee[Ritlgeardinmcrs;(orworkuntlerNispermit . . . . . . . . . . . c ~nmmn ~ ~,~}~IC_~YYLF~fYt ) . ~(OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) . . SIGNEDDATE - . I TM1is permi[ wes issued in accordence with the pmrisions se[ forth N yow app4aatlon and is sobjec[ [o Ne Ivws o(the State ofColorndo and to the Zovivg . . . Regulnria~uantlBUllNvgCodeo(Whea[RiagqCalandoaranyotM1erapp4cableortlinancaofNeCity. 2. Every permitlssued sM1all bccome (uvntid uoless the work ov the site auNOriud 6y such permi[ is commeneed wiNin 180 days a4er ifs issoance, or If the wark vuNoraed on the sih 6y sucF permit u suspendetl or nbevdoned far a periotl of 180 days a(hr.Ne tlme ofwork is wmmevmd. . . , 3 if [his pemi[ exp'ves, a new permit may be scqoiretl far e fee o(onehalf tM1e vnouut normally reqairM, pmvided no chenges hnve heen or will tie mvde in fhe . . originelplvnseudapecificaKOnsaodanysuspemonorabeodovmen[hasno[excatledoue(1)ywr.IfcM1evgesnremadeorffsuspevvanorabautlonmem . . . ceeds one (1) yeey fuli fees shail be pvid for a new permic . . 4Noworkofanymvvuersha116edonethatwWChavge[M1enahrolflowafwatertamingatlrvnageproblem. . . . . 5 Con4aaror she0 narify Hie Builtling Tnspecmr tweuty-four (24) hours in advanw 6r ali inspecfious and shail receive written apProvnl au ivspec[ion cerd befare . . . ' pmceedingwi[hsucttsslvephesesofthejob. . . . . . 6 The issmvice a(a permi[ or the n ' and speufiurians sM1all mt he construed ro be a permit far, nor an approvai of, any.violeUOV af Ne pmvisianso lugc ~nyo[herordina ,~w,ruleorregulation. . . . . . . ~ ~.<f'3~~ . . . . . . . . - Ch ingln ffior a" . . . . . SIGNEDDATE . Tuesday, November 22, 2005 . . . . Page 1~ of 1 . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT oE W"~T y BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE , WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) °acoano~ sf ApF.F!''j Property Owaer: PropertyAddress: -15pp w Contractor License No.: al3qci ComPanY: ~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF 0~~~ ff o~,d,doc~n 3a ~ h.~ Building Permit Number: Date: rhone: 303- a 3a - aaco2, Phone: AND AGREEMENT I Buildlnp Denf. Valuafion Figure: $ I hereby certlfy that the set6ack dlstances proposed by fhis permitapplication are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easaments or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, anii allegatlons made are accurete; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this appllcaUon and that I assume full responsibflfty for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permlt. Plans subjectto field inspection. , (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTEOJhFJP,(A VVOIrLi'Y"1C1-n DATEJLa2-n5 Value:$ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ eT TOt21:$ Use of Space (description): \ Description of work: d_e?.n0 / Sq.Ft.added Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date; Approval: Approval: Approval: (t) This permit was issued inaccordance with the provistons set forth in your application and is subjectto the laws ofthe State of ColoredoandtotheZoningRegulationsandBulldfngCodesofWheatRidge,Coloradooranyotherapplicableordinancesof the Cfty. - (2) This permlt shall earyire if (A) the work aufhorized is not crommenced within sixty (90) days from Issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. . (3) Ifthispermitexpires,anewpermitmaybeacquiredforafeeofone-halftheamountnortnallyrequired,providednochanges have been orwill be made In the original pl2nsand specifc2tle^s 2nd any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1)year. If changes have been or if suspensfon or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnit (4) No work of any manner shall be done thatwiii change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notly the Building Inspactor iwenty-four (24) hours In advance Por all Inspections and shail receive written approval on inspecHon card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. . (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drewings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approvai of, anyviolation of the provisions of the bullding codes or any other ordinance, iaw, rule or regulation. Ail plan review is subJect to field inspectlons. Chiaf Ruildina Official . . - Electrical License No: Plumbfng License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: