HomeMy WebLinkAbout9295 W. 32nd AvenueJ & K ROOFING 11005 Ralston Road 4204 G Arvada, Colorado 80004 Phone:303-425-7531 Fax:303-425-1562 email: jkroofing@hotmaiLcom November 4, 2004 Community Development Department Building Division City of WheaE Ridge 7500 West 291" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To Whom It May Concern: J& K Roofing installed the roof at 9295 W. 32"a Ave on September , 2004. It has since come to our attenrion that a 90mph wind warranry is required for roofs installed in this area. Jim Cambron, a J& K Representative, spoke with the Chief Building Inspector regarding this situation and it was agreed that the roof could remain "as is" if our company extended a special labor warranty for the shingles installed. In the event that any shingles are blown off of the roof located at the above address due to winds gusting up to but not more than 90mph, the repairs necessary will be covered by the labor warranty provided on the contract signed by Mr. Roger Reid and Mr. James Cambon. J& K Roofing will honor this wind warranty for three (3) years from the date of the installation - our records indicate that fhe roof was installed on September I, 2004. I have enclosed a copy of the original contract for your records. If any further information is necessary please feel free to contact me af the above listed number during normal business hours. Sincerely, Tracey Mo a ~ Treasurer J & K Roofing, Inc. rt y yF ~ ~4 ! Y i4 i T L i i V I Y ~ ♦ v.. VVI r tl 'Si. L'~' . . . . . ' ' . ' . . CQNTRACT ~,Nr,;~•,~ J& K RaUfing t~ 11005 Ralston 'Road 4204G Arvsrla, CO 80004 Phone:303-425-7531 Fax:303-423-1362 wwwjkroofing.com ~ T- EREE / ' •,7,`~, Represenuuive~ ~ I 1 . _ / ;~`j ~j ~ Date ? . r+' ?Al J>& K'RooRng ag~eeK m furnish all materialK and 116or tieuessary for the work tape~ iPied tielow) on premises focaced atfi' (,?,S l ~~i Name Phone AdA.ecc64 UWe the <»vneragtee to pay upon sobstamtial conzpletion che sum of: I V' 'S;PP_CTFICATIONS FOR LABOR AN U MA'TERIAL s ' 23 TBRMS ANU CO:VAITI(3NS g t(e.lJr! I~M b (pteaVe rcad carefully) I r t ~ ia Recoverrootwith 1~►'!r~ n~S~1~f,~(.'~.... ~r(~ Aii ssub$/ 7v7r~^ (~P~ ~aPPrOof~ ~ - .~,,.Years;BondulRoof Uwner ugncs Ehnt the cyuiryin lhiF pnppCHY 19 %CC11fIC)' P4X ShIA.I'qNfACI. 10 Lloubk Bll esves D Siegle eavea 'I'ftis Gonuua[ shitU 6ecotne binding on1Y uPon written eccep"nse hercof by the Tia a{p Contructnr or by-an auchonzal;Agenrof thr conttaetor, ar upon eammence-. ment of trie wnrk. 'f'his contrpe[ umati[uun the end*e undnntan4tng of Mc ~ +~l;l la8tal! felt paMi~• ~d nn i+d+er undenctand+nga, cnils~t~rW or atlferwise, shall.bes binding $tyle of~shin 1e~. . ~ "~J ~Colar of shin a z - :L~ anlese in writing and vigned byborh pnrtIec. ~~r W"n'anry: docR not cwver damnge ro mofa causad by ligtitening. gale f , a.~ - ~ . " [g New Vdtcyr `1 ~lr~^~. (30 MPH), hurricano. tomsdn. haiisrorm. ;ropacc ar. forcign objectx <~r ahcr violen[ stprm or L~asuslry, ardamaga W mofm due rosnttlament,.distor[ion, failure or crarking of the roof dcck, walls, oriouqdaoaea.'Che'cantractur ehall ' (i8~1'81fi A1 stoplatli , fhe Labor ~'arYanry is non• re~ake latiw wamnty iPcoMract ic aat paid in full. Z nstambit The Meterial iv non-transfandile unlaxs otherwiye atasad by rhe i~ Replece plUmbing jack8 IV Pqint ronf st8clta -L-ANW- rtwnul'2ua¢~ All matanal is guaranceed ta be ax specitied. A1i wark is [o be aompletat in d 15d7nata1l Metal cd~~~g uu .or a wofkmxnlikc mnnner aCcareinr w htundard prectices. Any altern .kvfaeio» from tho:adavc xpecifiuadnns invalvior 4xtre-cast wiil'Nt extcuuM TAi'tilpFiiGtlt9 ' onlyupon writton otders, and will beCOt17C~ an extm chaFgc over end, ebovo cha Pat4o or flat raoY _ o4timate. Labw and materiel warranry oovers roof onlY. Tlupropen}7 DN'RCf iM msuranu,e. J Nc k RaoFnA is ntx d MAer necessar m ' uA fl ~ Ywr guarBntee on lebor y + o an n re, u) carry respne~ible fur m~~t4 rn' mildew. Tho warranty io limited w root louks and X~uafin~ ca fumiYh all marerial and lubur rootpc«mnnt of miszing shfegles. twt dces aoi inciude repair ar roimtwrrieme~t JQ Petmi[ furn'tnhed by 3&K lionfing f(w wuier dnms(ce 1n the interinr tiP the htmir. 3& K RoDPong iu mst xtspona{b;.s Glean-up & haul off s1l tra3h Bo~ro roof ~ . fur any Aumnga to cnncrete irc drivcways. 7& K Rooiing: rcYerves thc right tn lileiix xupplemental insurenCCClnlms if -1fil Roll vard.Witt1 t1f8fl11EliC ivlllf tho.insuranee acliustnr meamucements rre uaeei and.proveto6eincoTrecL At no . .lPOUOY No ) ~NO~]MNC6 Go• addiiionel~cost urene cuetaimer. i a K.xoonn8rcservc..no nK~~~w..r.o,... « .upplemenral cl»im due to meuerial priee inLTeasea in a srnrm envfmnment. Upcm euhxtantiai completion of cha; root fiaxP payment will be due. Cf nm paid wi[hin 30 daya a Ymsnce charga of 1.5"b per munth wiil he chnrge8 on az;count balancee wx paid in ful}. The client agtaes b pay a61 expen.rea of rntlxtian, inda8iny reasenable nitwneY.fus. sndSS(1 fareach rotumal check. Homeuwrwr agreex if tayf ie approvW by inxuranee coctlpanY:1 &t K Roofing wip'inxtall cht rocvf or r 13% cancell7Rfiun fee will apPlY• Thi9 propoxnl : by uf nat a¢cepted wid+in Qays. i ;(Maaro,ae!coa ~--"~o,~ signswr~ ~ Date- <Z0 39tid N0218Wt10 S3Wtlt 98Z890EE0E 8t:01 b00Z/60J80