HomeMy WebLinkAbout10425 W. 34th Avenue~ Permit Number Building Permit 19493 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 11/17/2005 7500 West 291T3 Avenue y Whealridge, co 80033 Inspecfion Line. 303-235-zsss 303-234-5933 : Residential Add Structure : PROPERTY -10425 34th AV . UIIlt: . owtvER: Ra1ph Hughes (303) 234-1304 . Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Porch. 7' x 30' deck. Trex decking. IFEES .00 Cv ~s ~CONTRACTORS No~a Owmfconftctor is eesponsible foe Iocating peopee4y Iey aytd consWcting improvements according to the epptoved plan and required devetopment standards. 79ce City is not responsible for inaccurate infomizf ion ` Wahmitted within the plan setsnd any construciion enors resulGng frorte Waccumto lnformation. Units: -Accupancy:`.: Walls. 'Roof: 'Stories: SqFeet zzz Iherebyc rtytM1etlhese[b cktlubncespmp sedby[hisperwt ppLCa[iouare accurate, [violateapp4cableoNwa ces,rvlesorregulefions oftheCity of Whu[ Ridge ovenanb, eese ts oYrestnc[ ons of reard; tM1at ail easurements showq andallegntiovs madc arc a urere, tha[ 1 A ve read antl agree m a61tle by allcovditiompnnted 0lsepphca[ion,andthetlLsmmefu11resp. ibiliryform pLancewi[htheWheatRitlgeBwldingCotle(I..B.C.)antleliather.app4snble ,gf Whw[Wtl&e distA Asia .f~orwordeithisperm{ . VOPWR)(CONTRACTOR) . . . . SI PiE ATE . 1Tlus pemi[ was issued in eanrdance with the pravuiow set fanh in your appGcetion and is subJect ro tbe lews ofthe S[a[e ofColorsdo antl to ehe Zoning . RegWatlousavdBuildingCodeafWheacRidge,Coloredoorauyotherapp4cableardinancesottLeCity. . 2.Every permitissuedshallbemmeivva4dwlcufheworkon[M1esihauthorizedtiysuchpermi[iacommencedwiNin180deysafleribissuvvre,arJfhework' aulhor(zedonfhesitebymchpemii[issuspendedorabaudonedfaraperiadof180drysafhrttiettmeofworkiscammenacd . . 3 :Itthicpermiteapires,avewpumi[maybeacqulredfarafeeofovo-Aslffheamountuarmallyrequ4ed,providMnoaM1angahavebeenorwillbemademthe. ; '~.originelplunvvndspecificetlonsandanymspensfonorabandonmev[hesno[ucee-0edam(1) year.lfchanguaremetleorifmspensionarabandonment uceedv ove (1) year, fu0 feea shell be paitl for v new permi4 . . . 6 No work of any ma er sAa116e done thnl wi0 change Ne namnl flow ot tu causing v d age problem. . . 5 ContracWrsM1allnotifytheBuildinglnspecmrhvenry-four(E4)hours(nedvmroforatiinxpmmnsantlshailreccivewtlnenapprovalooinaputionaerdbeforc -proceedingwi[hsucttssivephasesof[helab. . . . . . 6 Theuuaoceo( [orth roalofdrnwingsMdspecif lfionasM1ell otbeconstruedtobeapermitfaynoranapprovvlo(,anyvioleHanofNe . p ovts in or any otl~er ' nce, lew, rvle or reguletiov. : ~ SIGIiED DATE CLieT6wltlm InsPeLtor . . . Thursday, November 17, 2005 . Page 1 of 1' Building Permit Permit Number ~ 19493 CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TT-I Avenue 11/17/2005 Wheatridge, co 80033 ~ Inspection Line 303-235-2855 303-234-5933 Residential Add Structure PROpERTY 10425 34th Av Unit: owtvER: Ralph Hughes (303) 234-1304 Description _ Front Porch. 7' x 30' deck. Trex decking. Authorized By Zoning Approval Zoning R-1 Authorized On t 1/14/2005 Approved By JH Authorized By guilding Approval Zoning Authorized On 11/14/2005 Approved By Ok w/ notes. Subject to field . inspec[ions. Thursday, November 17, 2005 Page 1 of 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number. oF W"E'OT,~ BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: ; CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ° 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) ~oLORPO~ d a7E~6~°~'11~T .fE 11 4~E'.E' Fdl f . Properiy Owner: R 1}L4) lI - UG'IdCS q~~- ~~~T c Property Address: 1Q%A5- L;,', Phone:, Conffactor License No.: Company: Phone:.3Cij" -6y( - ~L3s iC~ ~ca~~ iivc~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENTBUIICIlI1qDBpf.V0IU8f/0l1F%CJ(!!@: 11P4KC I hereby certiry that the setback distances proposed by this permit appiication are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or resVictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegatfons made are accurate; tliat I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the W heat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable W heat Ridge Ordinances, forwork underthi~,permit. Plans subjectto field inspectlon. . gfZRLl7 L SA/i/L.Yl..}/ATE (OWNER)(CONTR4CTOR):PRINTEO C' Value:$ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ Use of Space (description): rRGLIT Po o("44 Description of work: 7X :S 0 J'E-CK , -r47&-K &--CK1,s/;- Sq. Ft. added 12 oq BUII.DING DEPAR'TMENT USE ONLY COMMEN7S: r Approval: j k Zoning: V ' . COMMENTS: AMTfiS . s(.Q~rCiG ip )'IGG Approval: ~ L W ORKS COMMENTS: Approval: DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Approval: c~~~ ~ ~ 20~1J < \~e Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Company: Plumbing License No: Company: Mechanical License No: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subjectto the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work au}horized is not commenced within siuty (90) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-halfthe amount normally required, provided no changes have been or w;; be m2de in the original plans 2^^ s;,ecificatlons and any susper.sio.^. or zbandonment has not exceeded one (1)year. If changes have been or if suspension or a6andonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shali be paid for a new permil (4) No work of any manner shall be done thatwillchange the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notiy the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for ail inspections and shall receive vmtten approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifcations shall not be consWed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, anyviolatlon of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review is spections. 'ef Building Official 2. Indicate in the check box which detail from page 3 will be used. .0'or 2x decking Existing bidg. ~ 36 inch high guard with balusters spaced so that a 4lnba diameter sphere cannot pass through C E pproved N m L g .-flashing Aftach decking with ~ reauired non corrosive fasteners B ❑ Detail B c O Alternate Detail 61 m O Alternate DeWil 62 v DeteilA (seepage3) . d (see Pe9e 31 E Conditions such as attachment.to ~ cantilevers or veneers may require LL Engineer's approval ~ oetan c ts,ae vwo 3) Note: if an exit or egress from the exisGng ' .9 rf building passes under the proposed deck, or m there is an existmg patio under the prdposed t a minimum clear headroom of not less dedc 0 , than 6ft. 8in. must be maintained under the ~ beam. please indicate openings in existing wall. Building Safety 1or additional requirements. 2x& joists ' Note: A plot plan (plan view) showing the dimensions of your project or structures on the properry must be included. ln addRion to project dimen as post locations and spacing, joist and beam spans, and any other pe This handout was developed by the Coloredo Chapter of the E International Code Councii as a basic plan submittal under the 2000 Intemational Aesidential Code. lt is not intended to cover all circumstances. Check witli your Departrnent of spaced --a-" apart (exemple:2r 10'syeced24'epert) io-seeaetstie) 2x rim joist (ecample:2x 10-see Attemale 61 8 B2J spaced --7L- apart (ezample: 4 x 4 posfs spaced 8' apsrt) Span f,, `6' (e,ample:,3'-a') ; and its relafionships to existing buildings or r plot plan must also show other details such irmalion not shown on the section drawing. 2 Directions ~ I . Fill in the blanks on pages 2 and 3 with d'unensions JQ%y and materials which will be used to build the structure. Please print legibly. Existing buiiding ,Approved flashing required ,,-Attach to joists wilh non-corrosive fasteners Attach ledger to ewsting bldg. with non-corrasive lag bolts spaced min.16'apart. Locate bolts to penetrate rim joist or wall studs. Non-corrosive metal joist hanger Conditions such as attachment to cantilevers or veneers may require Engineers approval ecure balusters to beam Non-corrosive metal postlbeam connector 1/2' (min.) diameter anchor bolt embedded T mm. into concrete pier or ft equivalern 8' (min.) diameter pier ff- This handoat `mas devebped by tlie Cdorado Chapter ot ihe intemational Code Council as a basic plan submitlal untler ttie 2000 InternaYwnal ResidenGal Code. lt is not intended to cover all circumstances. Chedc with your Departrnent of Building Safery for additional requirements. Non-corrosive metal joist hanger Fuil depth 2x solid blocking Secure balusters to beam Non-corrosive metal posVbeam connector max. Secure balusters to beam Non-corrosive metal posUbeam connector Non-corrosive metal post anchor 8' min. If less than 8', post must be decay resistive c E N m L c i0 c7 3 Neor existinOrdrails and open handrails on decks and stairways more than 30 inches e or a tloor below shall have members spaced so that a 4 inch diameter not pass through. GStairway Notes: 1. Stairways shall be rrot less than 36° in width. 2. Stairwa y nses shall be not greater than 7 3/4". 3. Stairvray treads shall have a minimum run of 10". 4. The length of Run and the height of Riser shall not vary more than 3/8" in the entire run of the stair. 5. Stairs are required to be illuminated. 6. Open risers permitted if opening is less than 4". 7. Minimum 3/4° nosing ~ Handrail (see details below) Dedc Less than\ above nosings Guardreil required'rf I I 10" min. run more than 30" Open risers less than 4" 4 inch min. - 7 314" max rise Not less than width of stainvay Landing Finished grade Handreil Notes: 1. Handrails shall be continuous on at least one side of stairs with 2 or more risers. 2. Handrails shall be placed not less than 34 inches nor more than 38 inches above stair nosings. 3. The handgrip poRion of handraiis shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than 21/4 inches in circular cross section. 4. Handrails shall be placed not Iess than 1-1/2 inches from any wall or other surface. Per2001 Supplement '/a" - 2'/a' maX. 1 '/a" - 2" Gripable or other surfac 1 '/z" min. This handout was developed by the Cdorado Chapter oi Cie International Code Council as a basic plan subm"Rtal urWer the 2000 International Residential Code. It is not intended to cover ali circumstances- Check with your Department of Building Safeiy ior addibonal requirements.