HomeMy WebLinkAbout6810 W. 32nd PlaceCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Buiiding Permit Number : 17715 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(303-234-5933) Date : 9/2012004 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: RUAYRIN HONG DOX MA'-~& WANCHAI HONG DOXMAI - Phone:231-9150 Property Address : 6810 W 32ND PL / 3245 PIERCE 7T~ Contractor License No. : Phone : Company : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for.com ' with the Wheat Rid9e Building it. Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable a idge din Pwork under this pe/ry~ / (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGN ~ DATE Construction Value : $200.00 Permit Fee : $30.55 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $4.00 Total: $34.55 Use : Description : INSTALL A/C DISCONNECT BOXES & GFCI RECEPTACLES BY TAPPING TO EXISTING, BUT OUTDATED CONDUITS a1 A01 ~'7~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY y~' `3?_~ Zoning Comment5; SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : ~ B"ul' ~ing Comments:~ Approval : Approval : Occupancy: Walls Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Roof Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (7) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur appiication and is subject to ihe laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the builtling authonzed is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount nortnally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall he done that will change the natural Flow of water causing a drainage problem. . (5) Contraclor shall notify the Building Inspector hvenry-four (24) houre in advance for ail inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) - The issuance of a pertnit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provis g c other oMinance, law, rule or regulalion. C~ hief E0ilding I s or Stories : Residential Units : Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number. o~ ~Etl q BUILDING INSPECTlON LINE • 303-2345933 Date: ejlZO/o ~ g ClTY Of WHEAT RIDGE " ^ 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - {303-235-2855) APPLICATION Properry Owncr: Property Address: Conuactor Licensc No.: Corcipany- h+1WAy P-I N 11 6elv w. 3L" GWN£.IZ c~pply~~y XMq.I Q{ WflNGNAI 1 V 37-45 t'1F-1~C& sT pyyNERICONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNOERSTANDIH6 AND A6REENENT I hereby certiy Nat the Selbadc dist2nces propo5ed by this pennit appiitation are acwrate, and Go rwi vioWle applioble ordinances, rvles w regulatrons of the Gry of Wheat RiOge or covenanis. easemems a restric0ons of remd: that aH meaw+ements shown, aiW albyapona ma0e are acarate; that i have read and apree w abitle byau condiUOna prinled on Nia aDDlicabon and inat t as5ume 1u11 responsibiiity for oprnpfiance with the Wheat Ridpe BuGCinp Code (U.B.C) and a11 oNer applicabk Wheat RiOye Ordinances, for wor un~w Nis , Use Tax- Total:$ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRIN7ED RURYRINVwRNCfkPrl 410N&DoXNtA-I y V(Hf , -I- - I~kJc - Oescription: L diSCONni~t ~OX~S ~&FGZ YeceP~G~es IaDeI~o ~ISf- b U+ 0 Utd ~-Qa ~NJ U,ts . ' Sq. Ft. adMd ' Y Ecpiration Date: Expirdtion Oate: Ecpiratiwi Date: pPProval: fWMovat: ADProval: {1)Cobrado and b oe Za^1^fl RaDulnOO^t antl 8uadinp CoOes of Wtwal Colorado a any ovw aVDhoble aSnances o1 Vw Cily. (Z) 7his p~ sheY eVire if (A) Me work autl+OriZeO ia rat conunBnceE wilhin Sirty (60) daYs hor^ issue dale a (8) ihe Duildmp autlhorfasd is wapsbs~ Or aba~donsd 1R i M^~ W 720 days- (3) tt Ws D«^Yt axpves. s rev Demdt maY bs aoQured 4or a fee d oneawlf the amouna nm^adY `eqibed. Drovded ro drenpes nsw bemawAbs mads in ths aipinal vlarn and apsdRmdo^w antl anY susDons'o^ aabwxiorurwd nas na exceeaee one (1) Yenr- H duanpes Mve been w if susPermm a abarMorme+t eaoee0s one (1) Yex.lun iees sha9 Oe PaiA Iw a rrew Demil (4) Tb rpk oT anY rtuvw " DO done tlfet vri9 Chanpe tlro ria0aal Ilow o1 webr causin9 a Nainape Voble^- (s) ConMraraor shei no* tlw 6uidOV InWectw (2I) fqus in advanos tor ep inspecbons an0 ahall reoeive vrtitlen aDPra'+d a^ inspecbon cud beTas Poore6D wim suaessive Dhases 01 tlie job. (6) The issumice oi a Jo^Ot a tne appoval M drawdnps an0 sDeafiw0ons shaB rat be conatnied W be a Derr^d ior. rror an approval 01, any violation o1 Uro provisbns of ttx buiidinp cotles w any ottra a0inance. taw, iule ar re9ulation. Phone: 3 U3 -7 3 i-R I 50 Phone: 50.k.e. aS G.ba V2 Constrvction Value:5 Z.UD, Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:S pectrical lioense No: Plumbing license No: Machanical License No: Company. ComPa^Y Company. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 17707 BUILDING IN3PECTION LINE -(303-234-5933) Date : 9/17/2004 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) PropertyOwner: WanChai Property Address : 6810 W. 32nd PI. Contractor License No. : 21118 Company : Cooling & Heating of Colorado Phone :(303) 231-9150 Phone : 227-9284 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $2,500.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances propo d by this permit application are accuYate, and Permit Fee : $108.30 do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or r g ations of the City of Wheat Ridge or $0 00 covenants, easements or restrictions of record th t all measurements shown, and allegations Plan Review Fee : . made are accurate; that I have read and agre to bide by all conditions printed on this t US6 T8X : $30 00 Ridge Building application, and that I assume full responsibili r compliance with the W hea . Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Whea ~g " ances work under this permit. Total $138.30 (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Use: Description : Replace furnace; add AC. No electrical (by homeowner) GD~~~o7 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ON LY _vy„g rents~ Zon n~Co SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur appliwtion and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within siMy (60) days from issue date or (B) ihe building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 720 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half ihe amount normaily required. Provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit . .(4) No work of any manner shali be done ihat will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall nofify the Building Inspectoriwenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive pl e job. (6) The issu perm' e approval o ings and specifcations shall not be wnstrued to be a permit for, nor an approval of, anyviolation of the pro' n e b' g co s o ordinance, law, rule or regulation. . Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COMMUNITY DEYELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Buiiding Permit Number. 17-~07 os "'"E"'p gUILDWGINSPECT10Ni1NE-303-2345933 Date: = ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE " 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APPLICATIOIV Qroperty o~mer: LO w«' VX• ~7-~ Property Address: (p9 ~J ~-1~a~~- Phone-OC> I i-S-40 Contractor Licensc No-: a(\\ g 1 ' r f_ CorcpanY: C~x7~lh' Q.,y\R, ~l~Th-~ ~i-CO~Prc1~ll Phone-;?5?,32ZZ 7'-%26y_ pWNERlCON7RACTOR SIGNATIiRE OF UNDERS7ANDING ANO AGREENENT I hereby cerGfy Na1 the setbackdisiances Woposed by tliis permil aPPlication are acarau, and do noi vioW4 appFCable ordinances, rutes or reguiations of tne Ciry o1 W heat Ridpe or Wvenants, easements a reSUictiWiS at re[aA; that aN meaw+ement5 yhown, arW atbya6ona ma0e are acwrete: that t nave read anC aprae u ab1Ae byau conQ~COns printed on Nia application and that 1 assume tull responsibiliry for compfianet with the Whe21 Ridpe BuilCinp Cotle (U.B.C) and all other applicable W heat Ridge Ordinances. IM work O0er ihis permic mstruction Value:$ Pennit FeeS Plan Review Fee:S Use Tax;~ Total:$ (owNea)(cor+rw.crort):aan+reoVJ I I Yvi Y I~ Description: ikoQ Pvc- QO sy.ft..ae.a Expiration Date: Expirafron Date: Exp+ratan Date: APProval: APProva1: APProval: (t) This PmM was issued in acoordanoe witli Uw Dro'+spo^s se1 WM in yow apptication and is suDject a 1he laws of the sta4 of Cobrado arW b the Zon'ug RepulaEOna and 8L"np Codes of Wheat Ridpe. Colorado a arry o1Mr appicable ordinances of the Ctty. (2) TTNa DgryM " expee if (A) tln work auVorimd is not commenoed within siriy (60) OaYs hom isaue date a(8)1M buildmy auMOrfasO is wsDa' I aabw+doned tor s puio0 of 720 daY+• t3l n nus vermit expires. s nsw vennrt mar Ds sWuiree lor s eee a one+irr me amarit noimaBr riliguirild, wovided ^o charqps hm Cesn awA bs mde in Ihs oiipna7 Plm and VedRcatlom aW aMsuspwisi^ a abw+dorenmd has noi enceeded ane 111 Yow- K donpes nave besn a if suapension a abuido'vnent exoeees one (1) Yex, hdl fees sha6 be paie ta a new ve`mil (4) 1JO wak W sny marmer sheN be done Mn vri6 clwW ME na4uai 11ow of waler causi^G a dninaDe Mobie^. (5) Ca+tracfa shs6 no61y tlw Bu%u+D WsDocW twerity,41our (21) twws in advm+ce for au eispections and snan receive writlen aPD-ov+i Q^ vmpecbon ewd betore PmceedinG wim suxessive Phosm of Ine job. (6) The asaianoe of s PaffM a the approval of dravmqs antl aDookauone ahaN mt be conatrued W be a Per+^d ior. rar an approval oi. arry vida0on o1 the provisions of the buildirq co0es a any ottwr a0inana, law. ruk a regulaUOn. Electrical license No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical L'+cense No: Company. Company. CoT+PanY