HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 Rangeview DriveFrom: no-renlv(alai.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Perm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: Solar PV Installation Date: Wednesday, June 9, 20218:22:56 AM Solar PV Installation This application is exclusively for Solar PV Installations YOU MUST ATTACH A VALID ELECTRONIC PAYMENT ORM IN ORDER FOR THE PERMIT TO BE PROCESSED. Your Permit will be emailed to the email address provided below once it is processed. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for Yes Solar PV Installation? PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 14 Rangeview Dr Denver CO 80215 Property Owner Name Gena Mccracken Property Owner Phone 303-884-1873 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email Address Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" genamccracken@gmail.com 09. odf CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Titan Solar Power CO Name Wheat Ridge Contractor's License Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the 202247 City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Contractor Email Address 4802372375 copermitting@titansolarpower.com Retype Contractor copermitting@titansolarpower.com Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Scope of Work Installation of a 5.18 MN DC roof mounted solar system. KW 5.18 # of Panels 14 Location of Panels house roof Structural required No Upload engineer letter 14 Ranaeview Dr Denver CO 80215 SL.odf or pages on 8 1/2" x 11" only Solar Installation Plan 14 Ranaeview Dr Denver CO 80215 Plans. Ddf Set on 11'x17" only. Project Value (contract 42084.00 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Person Applying for Erica Ford Permit I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. W CONSULTING Scott E. Wyssling, PE, PP, CME CNG Solar Engineers 1245 San Fernando Road #200 San Fernando, CA 91340 Re: To Whom It May Concern: Wyssling Consulting 76 North Meadowbrook Drive Alpine, UT 84004 office (201) 874-3483 swysshng@wysshngconsutting. coni May 28, 2021 Engineering Services Mccracken Residence 14 Rangeview Drive, Denver CC 5.180 kW System Pursuant to your request, we have reviewed the following information regarding solar panel installation on the roof of the above referenced home: 1. Site VisitNerifcation Form prepared by a CNG Solar representative identifying specific site information including size and spacing of rafters for the existing roof structure. 2. Design drawings of the proposed system including a site plan, roof plan and connection details for the solar panels. This information was prepared by CNG Solar and will be utilized for approval and construction of the proposed system. 3. Photographs of the interior and exterior of the roof system identifying existing structural members and their conditions. Based on the above information we have evaluated the structural capacity of the existing roof system to support the additional loads imposed by the solar panels and have the following comments related to our review and evaluation: Description of Residence: The existing residence is typical wood framing construction with the roof system consisting of truss system with all chords constructed of 2 x 6 dimensional lumber at 24" on center. The attic space is unfinished and photos indicate that there was free access to visually inspect the size and condition of the roof rafters. All wood material utilized for the roof system is assumed to be Doug -Fir #2 or better with standard construction components. The existing roofing material consists of composite asphalt shingles. Photos of the dwelling also indicate that there is a permanent foundation. A. Loading Criteria Used 110 MPH wind loading based on ASCE 7-10 Exposure Category "B" at a slope of 18 degrees 7 PSF = Dead Load roofing/framing Live Load = 20 PSF 3 PSF = Dead Load solar panels/mounting hardware Ground Snow Load = 20 PSF Total Dead Load =10 PSF The above values are within acceptable limits of recognized industry standards for similar structures in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code. Analysis performed of the existing roof structure utilizing the above loading criteria indicates that the existing rafters will support the additional panel loading without damage, if installed correctly. Page 2 of 2 B. Solar Panel Anchorage 1. The solar panels shall be mounted in accordance with the most recent "Everest Solar Systems Installation Manual', which can be found on the Everest Solar Systems website (http://everest- solarsystems.com�. If during solar panel installation, the roof framing members appear unstable or deflect non -uniformly, our office should be notified before proceeding with the installation. 2. Maximum allowable pullout per lag screw is 235 lbs/inch of penetration as identified in the National Design Standards (NDS) of timber construction specifications for Doug -Fir (North Lumber) assumed. Based on our evaluation, the pullout value, utilizing a penetration depth of 2 W, is less than what is allowable per connection and therefore is adequate. Based on the variable factors for the existing roof framing and installation tolerances, using a thread depth of 2 W with a minimum size of 5/16" lag screw per attachment point for panel anchor mounts should be adequate with a sufficient factor of safety. 3. Considering the roof slopes, the size, spacing, condition of roof, the panel supports shall be placed no greater than 72" o/c. 4. Panel supports connections shall be staggered to distribute load to adjacent rafters. Based on the above evaluation, it is the opinion of this office that with appropriate panel anchors being utilized the roof system will adequately support the additional loading imposed by the solar panels. This evaluation is in conformance with the 2015 International Building Code, current industry and standards, and based on information supplied to us at the time of this report. Should you have any questions regarding the above or if you require further information do not hesitate to contact me. V tru`ry` yours � Scott E. Wyssli , PE Colorado License N 7 ONSUITING 9 c_.� ._. PROPOSED 5.18 KW DC SYSTEM (STC) AT 14 RANGEVIEW DR, DENVER CO 80215 Plot Plan & Photovoltaic Layout PV -1.0 Project Notes, Conduit & Grounding Detail PV -1.1 _ City Of Racking Details PV -2.0 13'-N' � WheatRdge Fire Labels & Equipment Elevation PV -3.0 & PV -3.1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \ 3 Line Diagram & 1 Line Diagram PV -4.1 & PV -4.2 Safety Placard PV -5.0 / APPROVED Manufacture Snec. Sheer, Attached \ 3■ Sheetlndex Scale: N/A OCCUPANCY GROUP: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V -B AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: 439-284-06-007 NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 -Story ROOF PITCH: 18' Site Information Z Scale: N/A Xcel Meter: 35 920 916 Premise Number: 300996980 Account Number: 53-2180194-5 A qualified person must be present at the time of a PV electrical inspection 1) Licensed master or journeyman electrician, 2) Residential wireman 3) NABCEP-certified solar installer capable of testing the rapid shut down system. AHJ Notes 3 Scale: N/A 'l i,9Py WP/ 19 14 Rangeview DL Wheat Ridge, CO 80215. USA 0 d4 4 Vicinity Map Scale: NTS (N) (14) Silfab_solar SIL -370 NX (N) (14) SolarEdge P370 (HD) Optimizers N Plot Plan 5 Scale: 1" = 20• 691 \ ID# TSP78933 Reviewed fdr Code Compliance vNb oPlans Examiner Date _ f rmN: rhauwonte o/opemdtw apprawtolPNm spe<iftratbru = andmrapuronom shag rwt be a pwm4 fw, a m approval of, any walonm to ony of the provish m of the budding taa'e ar of QW City ardrnmres. Permits pmeffg to gree authanty to vlolabtW w l the pro"SI ns ay OwGuAditg - t101110a 011111111 OF&I Of Me ClrySW not be sagd Ir z 0 J z 0 H Q K� LL 0 ILL z_ 2 LU I— VI (E) Xcel Meter O (E) 200A MSP w/(E) 200A Main Breaker z (N) 30A Utility AC Disconnect 41 (N) SolarEdge_Technologies SESOOOH-US (240V) LU 1 0 a Roof Access Point Property Lines Fence Line Block Wall Conduit On Roof Conduit In Attic Conduit In Trench • C Li pm00 tica re V C N N O1 v v at eati O m N 0 a m a in 0 ° 3 o w o v m 4t C N Sr N N O u, v N N N x D E M z 0 as E v m O o V V 0 Q N o m of 03 "Ia o 3 s a m 0 mC '0 w O W � N � W N ti o r N U N Co Sr 'O ti W O E) n O v o N m 0 r m v m m 0 U v O a m m c ¢ > m m O Sr o 2 ow C a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. AhIISHEET PV_ 1.0 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (IFC) 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (IRC) 1 Applicable Codes CODE BOOK: BREAKER SIZES: WIRE AMPACITY TABLE: MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE CORRECTION: NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS CORRECTION: AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CORRECTION: AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT: DC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR: AC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR: RACK GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR: MAXIMUM OCPD (120% RULE): Electrical Code References 2 Scale: N/A 2020 N ECO NEC 240.6(A) NEC 310.15(B)(16) NEC 690.7(A) NEC 310.15(B)(3)(A) NEC 310.15(B)(2)(A) NEC 310.15(B)(3)(C) UNGROUNDED DC SYSTEM NEC 250.50 NEC 690.47(B) NEC 705.12 1. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL MEET MINIMUM SETBACKS. 2. WIRING SYSTEMS INSTALLED IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT MUST BE RATED FOR EXPECTED OPERATING TEMPERATURE. 3. ADDITIONAL AC DISCONNECT(S) SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE THE INVERTER IS NOT WITHIN SIGHT OF THE AC SERVICING DISCONNECT. 4. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. 5. ALL COMPONENTS ARE LISTED FOR THEIR PURPOSE AND RATED FOR OUTDOOR USAGE WHEN APPROPRIATE 3 Equipment Location Scale: N/A 1. THE SUM OF THE UTILITY OCPD AND INVERTER CONTINUOUS INPUT MAY NOT EXCEED 120% OF BUSBAR RATING. 2. WHEN SUM OF THE PV SOURCES EQUALS >100% OF BUSBAR RATING, PV DEDICATED BACKFFED BREAKERS MUST BE LOCATED OPPOSITE END OF THE BUS FROM THE UTILITY SOURCE OCPD. 3. AT MULTIPLE PV OUTPUT COMBINER PANEL, TOTAL RATING OF ALL OVER CURRENT DEVICES SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY OF BUSBAR. 4. SUPPLY SIDE TAP INTERCONNECTION WITH SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS BACK FEEDING BREAKER FOR UTILITY -INTERACTIVE INVERTER OUTPUT IS EXEMPT FROM ADDITIONAL FASTENING. 4 Interconnection Notes Scale: N/A 1. MODULES ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703 AND CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS. 2. INVERTERS ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1741 AND CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS. 3. DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC, INDICATING GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE PV SYSTEM AND THE ACTUAL SITE CONDITION MIGHT VARY. 4. WORKING CLEARANCES AROUND THE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WILL BE MAINTAINED. 5. ALL GROUND WIRING CONNECTED TO THE MAIN SERVICE GROUNDING IN MAIN SERVICE PANEL/ SERVICE EQUIPMENT. 6. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE 600V, 75°C STANDARD COPPER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. WHEN REQUIRED, A LADDER SHALL BE IN PLACE FOR INSPECTION IN COMPLIANCE WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. 8. THE SYSTEM WILL NOT BE INTERCONNECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL APPROVAL FROM THE LOCAL JURISDICTION AND/OR THE UTILITY. 9. ROOF ACCESS POINT SHALL BE LOCATED IN AREAS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE THE PLACEMENT OF GROUND LADDERS OVER OPENINGS SUCH AS WINDOWS OR DOORS, AND LOCATED AT STRONG POINTS OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WHERE THE ACCESS POINT DOES NOT CONFLICT WITH OVERHEAD OBSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS TREES, WIRES OR SIGNS. 10.PV ARRAY COMBINER/JUNCTION BOX PROVIDES TRANSITION FROM ARRAY WIRING TO CONDUIT WIRING 1. ALL CONDUIT AND WIRE WILL BE LISTED AND APPROVED FOR THEIR PURPOSE. CONDUIT AND WIRE SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING. 2. DC WIRING LIMITED TO MODULE FOOTPRINT. MICRO INVERTER WIRING SYSTEMS SHALL BE LOCATED AND SECURED UNDER THE ARRAY WITH SUITABLE WIRING CLIPS. 3. AC CONDUCTORS COLORED OR MARKED AS FOLLOWS: 3.1. PHASE A OR L1- BLACK 3.2. PHASE B OR L2- RED, OR OTHER CONVENTION IF THREE PHASE 3.3. PHASE C OR L3- BLUE, YELLOW, ORANGE*, OR OTHER CONVENTION 3.4. NEUTRAL- WHITE OR GREY IN 4 -WIRE DELTA CONNECTED SYSTEMS THE PHASE WITH HIGHER VOLTAGE TO BE MARKED ORANGE. Wiring & Conduit Notes 6 Scale: N/A 1. GROUNDING SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED FOR THEIR PURPOSE, AND GROUNDING DEVISES EXPOSED TO THE ELEMENTS SHALL BE RATED FOR SUCH USE. 2. PV EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GROUNDED METAL PARTS OF MODULE FRAMES, MODULE RACKING, AND ENCLOSURES. 3. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO MICRO INVERTER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. 4. THE GROUNDING CONNECTION TO A MODULE SHALL BE ARRANGED SUCH THAT THE REMOVAL OF A MODULE DOES NOT INTERRUPT A GROUNDING CONDUCTOR TO ANOTHER MODULE. 5. GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS, IF INSULATED, SHALL BE COLORED GREEN OR MARKED GREEN IF #4 AWG OR LARGER. 6. IF EXISTING SYSTEM IS INACCESSIBLE, OR INADEQUATE, A GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM PROVIDED. 7 Grounding Notes Scale: N/A CONDUIT RUN ABOVE ROOF Race Minis Str 2" x 6" Rain Tight, S' EMT Connec Junction Bc Strain Relief Module DC (PV) or AC (Microlnverter) Cable Roof Fram Conduit Run Details 8 Scale: NTS Module to Module ATTACH ILSCO GBL-4DBT UL 2703 LISTED GROUNDING LUGS (FOR EXTERIOR/WET LOCATIONS) W/STAINLESS STEEL MACHINE SCREW PV MODULE ---, ONE CONTINUOUS SOLID COPPER GROUND WIRE NTS REMOVAL OF ONE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT DISCONNECT THE BONDING CONNECTION BETWEEN ANY OTHER PIECES. Module to Rail ATTACH ILSCO GBL-4DBT UL 2703 LISTED GROUNDING LUGS (FOR EXTERIOR/WET LOCATIONS) W/STAINLESS STEEL MACHINE SCREW PV MODULE 1. RACKING SYSTEM & PV ARRAY WILL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO CODE -COMPLIANT INSTALLATION TOP CLAMPS REQUIRE A DESIGNATED SPACE BETWEEN MODULES, AND RAILS MUST ALSO EXTEND A MINIMUM DISTANCE BEYOND EITHER EDGE OF THE ARRAY/SUBARRAY, ACCORDING TO RAIL MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. 2. JUNCTION BOX WILL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. IF ROOF -PENETRATING TYPE, IT SHALL BE FLASHED & SEALED PER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. 3. ROOFTOP PENETRATIONS FOR PV RACEWAY WILL BE COMPLETED AND SEALED WITH APPROVED CHEMICAL SEALANT PER CODE BY A LICENSED CONTRACTOR. 4. ALL PV RELATED ROOF ATTACHMENTS TO BE SPACED NO GREATER THAN THE SPAN DISTANCE SPECIFIED BY THE RACKING MANUFACTURER. 10 Structural Notes Scale: N/A 1. DISCONNECTING SWITCHES SHALL BE WIRED SUCH THAT WHEN THE SWITCH IS OPENED, THE CONDUCTORS REMAINING ENERGIZED ARE CONNECTED TO THE TERMINALS MARKED "LINE SIDE" (TYPICALLY THE UPPER TERMINALS). 2. DISCONNECTS TO BE ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED UTILITY PERSONNEL, BE LOCKABLE, AND BE A VISIBLE -BREAK SWITCH 3. RAPID SHUTDOWN OF ENERGIZED CONDUCTORS BEYOND 10 FT OF PV ARRAY OR 5 FT INSIDE A BUILDING WITHIN 10 SECONDS. CONTROLLED CONDUCTORS <_30V AND <_240VA. LOCATION OF LABEL ACCORDING TO AHJ 4. IF REQUIRED BY AHJ, SYSTEM WILL INCLUDE ARC -FAULT CIRCUIT PROTECTION. 11 Disconnection & OCPD Notes Scale: N/A CONDUIT RUN THROUGH ATTIC Raceway Above Roof: Minimum Height: 7/8" Strut Strap 2" x 6" Block Rain Tight, Steel EMT Connector Junction Box Strain Relief Module DC (PV) or AC 0 (Microlnverter) Cable EPMD Flashing Roof Framing EMT Conduit FLEX Conduit Through Attic (18" Below Roof Material) ONE CONTINUOUS SOLID COPPER GROUND WIRE RACKING NTS REMOVAL OF ONE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT DISCONNECT THE BONDING CONNECTION BETWEEN ANY OTHER PIECES. Rail to Rail city of PV MODULE GROUND BONDING JUMPER RACKING NTS REMOVAL OF ONE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT DISCONNECT THE BONDING CONNECTION BETWEEN ANY OTHER PIECES. ID# TSP78933 z ct W Q o a z O a Q - J o O z Cr O U Q O°CpoN U c: 0)� C N N � z 3ai0O1 O M N O O O amQ 0 0 U -M 3: LA0 W U°n� a,� N O �� O z aj C) I U x0000 M.W ti a>j �o 00 r\j00 coy �0U O C7�-�0ai ma d Q REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. SHEET 5 General Notes 9 Grounding Details - � . \/ Scale: N/A Scale: NTS PV INSTALLATION P V - 1 . 1 PROFESSIONAL O z ;" N O N U1 x � � z4= Q O 0-0 Em O o S G ai E- J 0 Ln U1 U1 0 vu��v W u Q O m 'a, z 0I�o �_k �0 00 Ln v LLI 1-1 U`)OI } v W (n M 0 U1 O �� O z aj C) I U x0000 M.W ti a>j �o 00 r\j00 coy �0U O C7�-�0ai ma d Q REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. SHEET 5 General Notes 9 Grounding Details - � . \/ Scale: N/A Scale: NTS PV INSTALLATION P V - 1 . 1 PROFESSIONAL Array Quantity Mounting Type Array Tilt Azimuth Att.Spacing Roof Type AR -01 14 Flush Mounted 18° 98 72" 1 Comp. Shinle" PV Racking & Roof Framing Plan Scale: 3/32" = 1'-g " I N Modules Fire Clearance Obstructions Attachments Rafters Rails M ❑O ® ---- Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC SHEET 3 Roof 1 Attachment Detail Scale: NTS AhllPV-2.0 ID# TSP78933 Roof Material: Comp. Shingle. Roof Framing: Engineered Trusses. to Framing Size & Spacing: 2" x 6", 24" O.C. 3 Framing Span & Roof Pitch: 10'-1", 18° Pitch o Framing Species & Grade: Douglas Fir Larch #2. a Z Racking / Rail Manufacture: Everest Crossrail 44-X 14 Ft. Rails `Q r a Attachment Manufacture: Everest EverFlash. Q =KYa Number of Attachments: 40 Attachments ` 0 Racking Weight: 3.56 Lbs. / Module r ,e O IDon Modules: (14) Silfab_solar SIL -370 NX z 0 Module Dimensions: 72.13" x 39.4" x 1.5" — Module Weight & Sq.Ft.: 44 Lbs. , 19.74 Sq. Ft. IX Array Sq. Ft. 276.36 Sq. Ft. 0 Weight w/Racking & Add Ons: 693.84 Lbs. U Q Lj - -c Weight (Lbs.) / Attachment: 17.35 Lbs. / Attachment. o v o m N Distributed Weight on Roof: 2.51 Lbs. / Square Foot. 9 9 ~ `v `- rn N Roof 1 Calculations O o.�o o a man g 2 Scale: N/A U N '6& a ILE C N NOTE: ROOF FRAMING MEMBER'S SIZE, SPAN, AND ° Un SPACING TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALL. IF ROOF FRAMING INFORMATION DIFFERS FROM WHAT IS INDICATED ON THE PLANS, CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALL. o Z �a N " N 0N x E D Z as T -Bolt o E v m o 0 End Clamp 00 U � o v � Everest Support Rail 11 Z u Q o m m 3:1 a o N — >Q> O > y L 07c • EverFlash '0 -OL '"�n'= v PV Module Min. 3.5" Above Roof w Flashing w/Sealant o u, O Comp. Shingle Roof x i z N O WE), y3No m00 0 dTrUsSes IN ee @ w MU m ,2 X6 -1 w0C,o4t 0 (D�'oma a REVISION BLOCK (1) 5/16"x4" Lag Bolt (Min. 2.5" DESCRIPTION DATE Embedded) Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Modules Fire Clearance Obstructions Attachments Rafters Rails M ❑O ® ---- Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC SHEET 3 Roof 1 Attachment Detail Scale: NTS AhllPV-2.0 LABEL PLACEMENT LABELS JUNCTION BOX 6, 12 DC CONDUIT 12 INVERTER 6, 9, 10 AC DISCONNECT 4, 6, 15, 16 MAIN SERVICE PANEL 1 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 1 PV Equipment Location & Fire Label Placement Table Scale INTS O H H LU O N LOCATION: BACKFED BREAKER CODE REF.: NEC 705.12(4) LOCATION: BACKFED BREAKER CODE REF.: 2017 NEC 705.12(2)(3)(8) 11% WARNING -A ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION Fire Labels 2 Scale: NTS LOCATION : (IF APPLICABLE) SUPPLY SIDE TAP LOAD PANEL CODE REF.: UTILITY LOCATION : MAIN PANEL AC DISCONNECT(S) CODE REF.: NEC 690.54 LOCATION : MAIN PANEL CODE REF.: NEC 690.12 LOCATION : PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT AC DISCONNECT SWITCH JUNCTION BOX INVERTER CODE REF.: NEC 690.17 UTILITY AND AHJ REQUIREMENTS O ❑©' 0 m Window In Backyard J4B 1 DC inverter wnntegrated C Disconnect IDC AC EcfLr�' Window IE I I MSP I LOCATION : DEDICATE KWH METER CODE REF.: NEC 690.4(B) UTILITY LOCATION : AC COMBINER PANEL CODE REF.: NEC 690.13(B) WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION DC VOLTAGE IS ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN SOLAR MODULES ARE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE "OFF' POSITION TO SHUT DOWN PV SYSTEM AND REDUCE SHOCKHAZARD INTHEARRAY to PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONNECTED LOCATION : DEDICATE KWH METER CODE REF : NEC 690.4(B) UTILITY LOCATION : DC DISCONNECT INVERTER CODE REF.: UTILITY LOCATION : DC DISCONNECT COMBINER PANEL INVERTER CODE REF.: NEC 690.13(B) LOCATION : MAIN SERVICE CODE REF.: NEC 690.12 NEC 690.56(C)(1)(A) Window r. -z,. LOCATION : DC CONDUIT JUNCTION BOX(NO MORE THAN IOFT) CODE REF.: NEC 690.13(B) LOCATION : SERVICE METER MAIN PANEL CODE REF.: UTILITY LOCATION : (IF APPLICABLE) SERVICE PANEL CODE REF.: NEC 705.12(D)(7) 15 PHOTOVOLTAIC UTILITY DISCONNE LOCATION : AC DISCONNECT CODE REF : UTILITY LOCATION :AC DISCONNECT,COMBINER PANEL SERVICE METER CODE REF.: NEC 690.5(C) DO NOT PELOCaTE THIS1 OVEPCUPPENT DEVICE LOCATION : MAIN PANEL,DEAD FRONT CODE REF : NEC 705.12(B)(2)(3)(B) ID# TSP78933 z O H Q lr 0 z c C W } O a N N N x D EM z O as E v m O o J_ ww V V m O N Q mo '— 0 3 "Ia o 3:sjDvo Ca c sOw-OL 0L;2 N ti 0 r N V N Sr a r+ w En O LL votim0 z mv m m o U Uam W U V N m Cmm O (tio�a W a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. dft SHEET PV -3.0 A 211 311 9 511 N Fire Placard 1 Scale: NTS o„ 1"2" " " " " 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CAUTION POWER TO THE BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AT SHOWN SOLAR PV ARR/ WITH OPTIMIZE[ ROOF MOUNT[ K(�lq■III�IgC7 WAIN SERVICE PANEL UTILITY DISCONNECT PV INVERTER WITH INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECT/ N \/\��T PLACARD ONLY REQUIRED WHEN PV UTILITY DISCONNECT & METER ARE NOT CO -LOCATED WITH SES NOTE:THE PLAQUE SHALL BE STAMPED BRASS, ALUMINUM, OR STAINLESS STEEL, INCLUDE THE LOCATION OF METER, DISCONNECTS, INVERTER, THE ARRAY AND A FOOTPRINT OF THE ENTIRE BUILDING AND SITE. THE PLAQUE SHALL BE ATTACHED BY POP -RIVETS, SCREWS OR OTHER APPROVED FASTENERS. THIS PLAQUE INDICATING THE ADDRESS AND PV PROD METER IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE METER IDENTIFICATION IN SECTION 4.14.4 OF THE XCEL ENERGY STANDARD. ID# TSP78933 z O Q 0 z D= O I— U Q H z O U z O H cQ G 0= O 11 z 2 Lu H ul } J) Li -ID p m 0 0 ti N U C N N m "vca in ti O m N 0 a m a in 0 ° 3 o w o v m x C N V N N 0 N N N VI x E z E- 0 as E v m O 00 J �n-00 En U `m 0 v a o or, of O 3: NI cE o > y jD N o > m m C y0I IDL '0 W N ui 0� vI Ca v a r+ w n O ILL c: 05 z uv000o �voa� mV W N VIm 1 C m > 0 4t O �tiWz � a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. AhIISHEET PV -3.1 Wire Conductor Neutral Ground Raceway Raceway Raceway Height Above Output 125% of Output Min. Wire De -Rate Calculation Dist. Voltage Voltage Conduit Wire Ambient # of Final Tag qty. Size & Type Qty. Size & Type qty., Size & Type Size & Type Location Roof Current Current OCPD Rating Temp Cond. Ampacity (Ft) Drop % Fill % DC.1 (2) #10 AWG PV Wire v (1) #10 AWG Bare Copper Not Applicable Under Array 1" 15A 18.8A 20A 40A X 0.96 X 1 = 38.4A 10 Ft. 380V 0.1% DC.2 (2) #10 AWG THWN-2 (1) #10 AWG THWN-2 3/4" EMT Conduit Above Roof 1" 15A 18.8A 20A 40A X 0.96 X 1 = 38.4A 20 Ft. 380V 0.2% 11.9% AC.1 (2) #8 AWG THWN-2 (1) #8 AWG THWN-2 (1) #8 AWG THWN-2 3/4" EMT Conduit Exterior Wall "N/A" 21A 26.3A 30A 55A X 0.96 X 1 = 52.8A 5 Ft. 240V 0.07% 27.5% PV Module 1 (14) Silfab_solar SIL -370 NX Power at STC: 370W Power at PTC: 340.2W V-oc: 44.8V V-mp: 37.2V I-sc: 10.6A 1-mp: IDA V-oc Temp Coefficient: -0.28%/'C Output (I-sc x 1.25 x 1.25): 16.6A XCEL ENERGY UTILITY Xcel Meter: 81 958 864 Premise Number: 300996980 Account Number: 53- 2180194- 5 E • • 1 1311 14 PV Optimizer 1 (14)SolarEdge P370 (HD) Max I-sc Input: 11A Max V-oc Input: 60V Max Power Per String: 570OW Inverter 1 (518OW/38OV) = 13.6A on Inverter 1 SolarEdge_Technologies SESOOOH-US(240V) Max Output Current: 21A Safety Rating: (21A x 1.25) = 26.3A Minimum OCPD: 30A Max Number of Strings: 2 Number of MPPT's: 1 Maximum Input Voltage: 480V Transformerless (Y/N): Yes Operating Current: 13.6A Operating Voltage: 380V Maximum System Voltage: 480V Short Circuit Current: 15A AC Disconnect 41 30A Utility AC Disconnect 41, 2 Pole, Knife -Blade Type, NON-FUSED VISIBLE OPEN 30A/240V 2P 20KAIC EATON CAT4DG221URB. 1 Phase / 60 Hz. PV OCPD 30A Main Breaker (E) 200A u + u �❑+ Z Z 000 U L Listed Ground Rod < W z 1 2 DC Disco. (E) GROUNDING a W o 0 0 0 o G ELECTRODE PER NEC 705.12 Main Panel Interconnection Information Bus Bar 1 Rating: 200A Main Breaker 1 Rating: 200A PV Back Feed (Actual Load): 26.3A PV OCPD: 30A Interconnection Calculation: 120% Rule (30A + 200A) = 230A (<=) 240A Three Line Diagram 1 Scale: NTS Main Service Panel 1 Existing 200A MSP, Top -Fed 10, 3W, 120/240V Utility: Xcel Energy Interconnection: PV Breaker Main Breaker De-Rated:No Existing #3/0 AWG THWN-2 Cu To Utility Grid L1 Underground Service y L2 I Xcel Meter I Ambient Temperature Information Extreme Min Temp: Ambient Tem : -22'C 33'C Ambient Temp. Adjustments 0" to 7/8" Above Roof: 66'C Voltage Drop Information DC Voltage Drop: AC Voltage Drop:0.07% Total System Voltage Drop: 0.3% 0.37% ID# TSP78933 Za' 3 Q o a O a Q J C o � ut ILL O Q Z O ULi Q c a v on N C N N on N W m ti O O g N on O a m a in I U ° 3 o w o " m x C N V N N O LLvomo Z_ U � o W o Wool b 5 0 4 U v000 o1 V co N lLl m M m > m m it O (ao � a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. II SHEET PV -4.1 O v Z N " N 0N X E D Z as O won -0 E N J Ut N � Ut O Wn V 0, ow LL - U< om or Z �,j'mo c G s O w Er L W N W " ILU q r N o N U) v on v U m W O LLvomo Z_ U � o W o Wool b 5 0 4 U v000 o1 V co N lLl m M m > m m it O (ao � a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. II SHEET PV -4.1 Wire Conductor Neutral Ground Raceway Raceway Raceway Height Above Output 125°/% of Output Min. Wire De -Rate Calculation Dist. Voltage Voltage Conduit Wire Ambient # of Final Tag qty. Size & Type Qty. Size & Type qty., Size & Type Size & Type Location Roof Current Current OCPD Rating Temp Cond. Ampacity (Ft) Drop % Fill % DC.1 (2) #10 AWG PV Wire N (1) #10 AWG Bare Copper Not Applicable Under Array 1" 15A 18.8A 20A 40A X 0.96 X 1 = 38.4A 10 Ft. 380V 0.1% 2 000 13 14 DC.2 (2) #10 AWG THWN-2 G (1) #10 AWG THWN-2 3/4" EMT Conduit Above Roof 1" 15A 18.8A 20A 40A X 0.96 X 1 = 38.4A 20 Ft. 380V 0.2% 11.9% AC.1 (2) #8 AWG THWN-2 (1) #8 AWG THWN-2 (1) #8 AWG THWN-2 3/4" EMT Conduit Exterior Wall "N/A" 21A 26.3A 30A 55A X 0.96 X 1 = 52.8A 5 Ft. 240V 0.07% 27.5% PV Module 1 (14) Silfab_solar SIL -370 NX Power at STC: 370W Power at PTC: 340.2W V-oc: 44.8V V-mp: 37.2V I-sc: 10.6A I-mp: IDA V-oc Temp Coefficient: -0.28%/'C Output (I-sc x 1.25 x 1.25): 16.6A XCEL ENERGY UTILITY Xcel Meter: 81 958 864 Premise Number: 300996980 Account Number: 53- 2180194- 5 PV Optimizer 1 (14)SolarEdge P370 (HD) Max I-sc Input: 11A Max V-oc Input: 60V Max Power Per String: 570OW Inverter 1 (518OW/38OV) = 13.6A Inverter 1 SolarEdge_Technologies SESOOOH-US(240V) Max Output Current: 21A Safety Rating: (21A x 1.25) = 26.3A Minimum OCPD: 30A Max Number of Strings: 2 Number of MPPT's: 1 Maximum Input Voltage: 480V Transformerless (Y/N): Yes Operating Current: 13.6A Operating Voltage: 380V Maximum System Voltage: 480V Short Circuit Current: 15A Approval Notes: 1) P/V array system to have grounding system installed per Part III of Article 250 per 2020 NEC Article 690.47(A). 2) If LIFER ground in not available provide or verify supplemental ground rods per 2020 NEC Article 250.53(A)(3). 3) Cold & Hot Water & Natural Gas bonding per 2020 NEC Article 250.104(A)(B) AC Disconnect 41 30A Utility AC Disconnect 41, 2 Pole, Knife -Blade Type, NON-FUSED VISIBLE OPEN 30A/240V 2P 10KAIC EATON CAT# DG221URB. 1 Phase / 60 Hz. Main Breaker (E) 200A Main Service Panel 1 Existing 200A MSP, Top -Fed 10, 3W, 120/240V Utility: Xcel Energy Interconnection: PV Breaker Main Breaker De-Rated:No Existing #3/0 AWG THWN-2 Cu PER NEC 705.12 Main Panel Interconnection Information Bus Bar 1 Rating: 200A Main Breaker 1 Rating: 200A PV Back Feed (Actual Load): 26.3A PV OCPD: 30A Interconnection Calculation: 120% Rule (30A + 200A) = 230A (<=) 240A One Line Diagram 1 Scale: NTS To Utility Grid leraround Service Ambient Temperature Information Extreme Min Temp: Ambient Tem : -22'C 33'C J -BOX INVERTER 1 66'C AC DISCO. 1 PV OAPO U' 0N DC Voltage Drop: AC Voltage Drop:0.07% Total System Voltage Drop: 0.3% 0.37% X E D Z as O E v m o oN 'r� N � Ut a Wn V 0, ow ILL Q omO - uon Z CI m a sO WNin) W W N zz N o N G v O G N N m =o =o =o c a� 1 2 000 13 14 G Q Q G G Xcel Meter >o a w o 0 0 0 0 U U Z Z Ground Rod Y W O O O U L Listed Q W 1 2 CE ' DC Disco. o (E) GROUNDING I w o c c u6dGi ELECTRODE PER NEC 705.12 Main Panel Interconnection Information Bus Bar 1 Rating: 200A Main Breaker 1 Rating: 200A PV Back Feed (Actual Load): 26.3A PV OCPD: 30A Interconnection Calculation: 120% Rule (30A + 200A) = 230A (<=) 240A One Line Diagram 1 Scale: NTS To Utility Grid leraround Service Ambient Temperature Information Extreme Min Temp: Ambient Tem : -22'C 33'C Ambient Temp. Adjustments 0" to 7/8" Above Roof: 66'C Voltage Drop Information 0N DC Voltage Drop: AC Voltage Drop:0.07% Total System Voltage Drop: 0.3% 0.37% ID# TSP78933 REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. AhIISHEET PV -4.2 O Z N " 0N N X E D Z as O E v m o oN J Ut N � Ut O Wn V 0, ow ILL Q omO - uon Z CI m sO WNin) W W N I q N o N U) v O v U m E) REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. AhIISHEET PV -4.2 NOTES: INSTALLERS SHALL DRAW IN DESIGNATED SAFETY AREA AROUND HOME. INSTALLERS SHALL UPDATE NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF NEAREST URGENT CARE FACILITY RELATIVE TO THE SITE BEFORE STARTING WORK. SOLAR PV ARRAY WITH OPTIMIZERS ROOF MOUNTED LOCATION OF NEAREST URGENT CARE FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: Safety Placard 1 Scale: NTS ID# TSP78933 Ztoto 40 a O Q J 0 � 'a ILL O Q Z O H U Lj Q c ca ti N V C N N ca "vm ca O O g N no O U a m a m o °3�o U o v m x N N O � V Z N N " O N V x E XCEL METER Q 0 a o MAIN SERVICE PANEL v N -� o w cr wxww UTILITY O w v ILL V a o m - DISCONNECT Z_ 3 3 jI m o '0 w O L PV INVERTER WITH '0 w Uw INTEGRATED DC LLQ v v o ~I DISCONNECTN v r+ w n cmYa O LL votimo Z / u o IM11 � vO a m mV W N Luca 1 C 0 > m m O �tio�a � a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. dft Wf PV NST ­T oN PV -5.0 TITAN _ A R P A N E L 25a JUSTXANKAB ER 1 BAA > _IN_ LE ARRA PRODUCT HIGH WARRANTY TIME EFFICIENCY INDUSTRY LEADING WARRANTY The Titan Solar Panel is manufactured by Silfab Solar and includes an industry leading 25 -year product workmanship and 30 -year performance warranty. MAXIMUM ENERGY OUTPUT Leveraging over 35+ years of worldwide experience in the solar industry, Silfab is dedicated to superior manufacturing processes and innovations such as Bifacial and Back Contact technologies, to ensure our partners, such as Titan Solar have the latest in solar innovation. NORTH AMERICAN QUALITY Silfab is the leading automated solar module manufacturer in North America. Utilizing premium quality materials and strict quality control management to deliver the highest efficiency, premium quality PV modules. E.H. BAA/ARRA COMPLIANT These panels are designed and manufactured to meet Buy Ame- rican Act Compliance. The US State Department, US Military and FAA have all utilized Silfab panels in their solar installations. eee LIGHT AND DURABLE Engineered to accommodate high wind load conditions for test loads validated up to 4000Pa uplift. The light -weight frame is exclusively designed for wide-ranging racking compatibility and durability. e55 QUALITY MATTERS Total automation ensures strict quality controls during the entire manufacturing process at ISO certified facilities. Module Data Sheets 1 Scale: NTS H.E. DOMESTIC SUPPORT / SERVICES Our 500+ North American team is ready to help Titan Solar win the hearts and minds of customers, providing customer service and product delivery that is direct, efficient and local. HHAESTHETICALLY PLEASING All black sleek design, ideal for high-profile residential or commercial applications. H.E. PID RESISTANT PID Resistant due to advanced cell technology and material selection. In accordance to IEC 62804-1. Test Conditions STC Module Power (Pmax) Wp 370 Maximum power voltage (Vpmax) V 37.2 Maximum power current (Ipmax) A 10.0 Open circuit voltage (Voc) V 44.8 Short circuit current (Isc) A 10.6 Module efficiency % 20.2 18.2 Maximum system voltage (VDC) V 1000 Series fuse rating A 20 Power Tolerance Wp +/-3% Measurement conditions: STC 1000 W/m2 • AM 1.5 • Temperature 25 *C • NOCT 800 W/m' • AM 1.5 • Measurement uncertainty <– 3% • Sun simulator calibration reference modules from Fraunhofer Institute. Electrical characteristics may vary by ±5% and power by +/-3%. Temperature Ratings Temperature Coefficient Isc 0.064 %/°C Temperature Coefficient Voc -0.28 %/*C Temperature Coefficient Pmax -0.36 %/°C NOCT (± 2°C) 46 *C Operating temperature -40/+85'C ' Module weight Dimensions (H x L x D) SIL -370 NX mono PERC 44±0.4 lbs 72.13 in x 39.4 in x 1.5 in Maximum surface load (wind/snow)* 83.5/112.8 Ib/ft^2 Hail impact resistance o 1 in at 51.6 mph Cells 66 - Si mono-PERC - 5 bulbar, 62.25 x 62.25 in Glass 0.126 in high transmittance, tempered, DSM anti -reflective coating Cables and connectors (referto installation manual) 47.2 in, o 0.22 in, MC4 from Staubli Backsheet High durability, superior hydrolysis and UV resistance, multi -layer dielectric film, fluorine -free PV backsheet Frame Anodized Aluminum (Black) Bypass diodes 3 diodes-30SQ045T (45V max DC blocking voltage, 30A max forward rectified current) Junction Box UL 3730 Certified, IEC 62790 Certified, IP67 rated SIL -370 NX mono PERC Module product workmanship warranty 25 years** Linear power performance guarantee 30 earsh h h 97.1% end 1' ear i 91.6/o end 12 year >_ 85.1 / end 25 year i 82.6/o end 30 ear Certifications SIL -370 NX mono PERC ULC ORD C1703, UL1703, CEC listed***, UL 61215-1/-1-1/-2, UL 61730-1/-2, Product IEC 61215-1/-1-1/-2***. IEC 61730-1/-2***, CSA C22.2461730-1/-2, IEC 62716 Ammonia Corrosion; I EC61701:2011 Salt Mist Corrosion Certified, U L Fire Rating: Type 2 Factory IS09001:2015 1 All states except California California Modules Per Pallet: 26 ::: Modules Per Pallet: 26 ii Pallets Per Truck: 34 a Pallets Per Truck: 32 ... Modules Per Truck: 884 ::: Modules Per Truck: 832 *A Warning. Read the Safety and Installation Manual for mounting specifications and before handling, installing and operating modules. **12 year extendable to 25 years subject to registration and condi- tions outlined under "Warranty" at www.silfabsolar.com. ***Certification and CEC listing in progress. PAN files generated from 3rd party performance data are available for download at: www.siIfabsolar.com/downloads. ID# TSP78933 Z Z Q o cQ G O z Cr O U Q O CC O O ( 17\1UO NV Cy) � Nr Ln \I 3 00 O w O O amQomo 0 U O w 00 V) Ln O rV Ln H Titan Solar Power 525 W Baseline Rd (&T I TAN S 0 L A R P O W E R Mesa, AZ 85210 Tel 855 SAY -SOLAR O Titansolarpower.com UMU i nfo(o)tita nsola rpower W Silfab Solar Inc. ' , \ ���� Ifa b 240 Courtneypark Drive East Mississauga ON L5T2Y3 Canada Tel +1905-255-2501 Fax +1905-696-0267 S I SOLAR info@silfabsolar.com I www.silfabsolar.com aQ Silfab Solar Inc. ©® 800 Cornwall Ave LL Bellingham WA 98225 USA E Tel +1360-569-4733 ID# TSP78933 Z Z Q o cQ G O z Cr O U Q O CC O O ( 17\1UO NV Cy) � Nr Ln \I 3 00 O w O O amQomo 0 U O w 00 V) Ln O rV Ln H 1.5' [38mm] I � Drainage (x8) jr u_51 �1 LL / Mounting Hole(z4)N a O E N N - cO UMU X E W U z ';__ 2 � o - SQ G a) rnO0 in ° Ln aQ N J LU ��L=Ln E E E E tnU °o, a LL io E ?m E E ^ rn E E o �I a o ���a0 M � � M W LU O E E E� Cq Cli ^ cli ^ -a c c �} O 102 04.2mm (x2) Grounding Hole 38.11" [968mm] 39.37" [1000mm] ID# TSP78933 Z Z Q o cQ G O z Cr O U Q O CC O O ( 17\1UO NV Cy) � Nr Ln \I 3 00 O w O O amQomo 0 U O w 00 V) Ln O rV Ln H REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA I PV INSTALLATION , SHEET PROFESSIONAL O Z a) O N In UMU X E W U z ';__ 2 � o - SQ G a) rnO0 in ° Ln aQ N J LU ��L=Ln O tnU °o, a LL Q O m 'U) Z o �I a o ���a0 co G t o0Ln t7i LLI L_a) LU O Lr) Ol V/ -a v W �} O V) REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA I PV INSTALLATION , SHEET PROFESSIONAL O L� O Zr - J r- u 30 0 (6— 00 t ( I It UMU 00 W �cc>o O �ovzz aQ REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA I PV INSTALLATION , SHEET PROFESSIONAL Single Phase Inverter with HID -Wave Technology for North America SE3000H-US / SE3800H-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US / SE7600H-US / SE10000H-US / SE11400H-US solar -.-Wwave 0 W W an 12-25 YEAR WARRANTY 0 sollariyaL M. qW W Optimized installation with HD -Wave technology Specifically designed to work with power optimizers Record-breaking 99% weighted efficiency Quick and easy inverter commissioning directly from a smartphone using the SolarEdge SetApp Fixed voltage inverter for longer strings Integrated arc fault protection and rapid shutdown for NEC 2014 and 2017, per article 690.11 and 690.12 solaredge.com Inverter Data Sheets 1 Scale: NTS 9 29 Single Phase Inverter with HD -Wave TechnOlOgy for North America SE3000H-US / SE3800H-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US/ SE7600H-US / SE10000H-US / SE11400H-US OUTPUT Rated AC Power Output 3000 3800 @ 240V 5000 6000 @ 240V 7600 10000 11400 @ 240V VA Maximum DC Power @208V - 3300 @ 208V 1 - 5000 @ 208V C J S - 10000 @ 208V Maximum AC Power Output 3000 3800 @ 240V 5000 6000 @ 240V 7600 10000 11400 @ 240V VA 1 10.5 1 13.5 3300 @ 208V 1 27 5000 @ 208V Maximum Input Current @20W2) - 10000 @208V AC Output Voltage Min. -Nom. -Max. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Vac (211 - 240 - 264) 600kQ Sensitivity Maximum Inverter Efficiency 99 99.2 % CEC Weighted Efficiency 99 99 @ 240V % 98.5 @ 208V Nighttime Power Consumption AC Output Voltage Min. -Nom. -Max. ✓ ✓ - ✓ Vac (183 - 208 - 229) AC Frequency (Nominal) 59.3 - 60 - 60.50) Hz Maximum Continuous Output 12.5 16 21 25 32 42 47.5 A Current @240V Maximum Continuous Output 16 - 24 - 48.5 A Current @208V Power Factor 1, Adjustable - 0.85 to 0.85 GFDI Threshold 1 A Utility Monitoring, Islanding Protection, Yes Country Configurable Thresholds INPUT Maximum DC Power @240V 4650 5900 7750 1 9300 11800 1 15500 1 17650 W Maximum DC Power @208V - 5100 1 - 7750 C J S - 15500 W Transformer -less, Ungrounded Yes Maximum Input Voltage 480 Vdc Nominal DC Input Voltage 380 400 Vdc Maximum Input Current @240V0 8.5 1 10.5 1 13.5 16.5 20 1 27 1 30.5 Adc Maximum Input Current @20W2) - 9 1 - 13.5 - - 27 Adc Max. Input Short Circuit Current 45 Adc Reverse -Polarity Protection Yes Ground -Fault Isolation Detection 600kQ Sensitivity Maximum Inverter Efficiency 99 99.2 % CEC Weighted Efficiency 99 99 @ 240V % 98.5 @ 208V Nighttime Power Consumption I< 2.5 W 11) For other regional settings please contact SolarEdge support cz) A higher current source may be used; the inverter will limit its input current to the values stated ID# TSP78933 Z Z Q 0 Q 0 Z Cr 0 U Q p� 0CC00 N U SfVr\1 Cy) � f Z 3 Ln co 0 M O o CO a omo 0 U o w O UJ 0 Lf) Ln r'j Ln H UL1741 SA certified, for CPUC Rule 21 grid compliance O z i v 0 ai IN Ul _ _ X E or indoors U z ';__ 2 — o- 00 SQ G C J S U N LEJJ tin In Lf)_ Lf) 0 Lf) UM,Pa LL Q O m& u0 Z �I D_ o 0 ���a0 cO G t Ln W N LJJ O metering (0.5% accuracy, ANSI C12.20) ui v U) Ln -a } v W O UL1741 SA certified, for CPUC Rule 21 grid compliance 0 Small, lightweight, and easy to install both outdoors Citns n z O a) 0 N rn Lo or indoors — U � 0 coo 0 U00 Built-in module -level monitoring �" U 2E C: _ 00 N �p.��• W C > m m 0U Optional: Faster installations with built-in consumption 0 a) u metering (1% accuracy) and production revenue grade d D_ Q metering (0.5% accuracy, ANSI C12.20) solar -.. REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA I PV INSTALLATION , SHEET PROFESSIONAL Single Phase Inverter with HD -Wave TechnOlOgy for North America SE3000H-US / SE3800H-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US/ SE7600H-US / SE10000H-US / SE11400H-US ADDITIONAL FEATURES Supported Communication Interfaces RS485, Ethernet, ZigBee (optional), Cellular (optional) Revenue Grade Metering, ANSI C12.20 OptionalP) Consumption metering Inverter Commissioning With the SetApp mobile application using Built-in Wi-Fi Access Point for Local Connection Rapid Shutdown - NEC 2014 and 2017 690.12 Automatic Rapid Shutdown upon AC Grid Disconnect STANDARD COMPLIANCE Safety UL1741, UL1741 SA, UL169913, CSA C22.2, Canadian AFCI according to T.I.L. M-07 Grid Connection Standards IEEE1547, Rule 21, Rule 14 (HI) Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC Output Conduit Size / AWG 1'' Maximum/ 14-6 AWG 1'' Maximum /14-4 AWG O Range Lv It O N to DC Input Conduit Size / # of Strings / 1'' Maximum / 1-2 strings / 14-6 AWG 1'' Maximum / 1-3 strings / 14-6 AWG U z � 2 AWG Range SQo-O0 G N Ln Dimensions with Safety Switch 17.7 x 14.6 x 6.8 / 450 x 370 x 174 21.3 x 14.6 x 7.3 / 540 x 370 x 185 in / (HxWxD) Q m '& Z mm Weight with Safety Switch 22110 25.1/11.4 26.2/11.9 38.8/17.6 Ib / kg Noise < 25 <50 dBA Cooling Natural Convection vw Operating Temperature Range -40 to +140 / -40 to +60141 T / °C Protection Rating NEMA 4X (Inverter with Safety Switch) (3) Inverter with Revenue Grade Meter P/N: SExxxxH-US000BNC4; Inverter with Revenue Grade Production and Consumption Meter P/N: SExxxxH-US00013N14 . For consumption metering, current transformers should be ordered separately: SEACT0750-20ONA-20 or SEACT0750-400NA-20. 20 units per box (4) Full power up to at least 50°C / 122`F; for power de -rating information refer to: https://www.solaredge.com/sites/default/files/se-temperature-derating-note-na.pdf How to Enable Consumption Monitoring By simply wiring current transformers through the inverter's existing AC conduits and connecting them to the service panel, homeowners will gain full insight into their household energy usage helping them to avoid high electricity bills Single phase inverter with HD -wave technology and built-in RGM and Service Panel consumption monitoring Grid ---- �--- CT L1 N L2 ---- Shielded CAT5e cable - -- --- ---- ------ ---' II II N I L2 1 AC Conduit © SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE, the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date: 01/2020N01/ENG NAM. Subject to change without notice. Inverter Data Sheets 1 Scale: NTS RoHS ID# TSP78933 Z Of Lu Z Q O � a Q - J O �U) O z cr O U Q Q O O r1 N U cN N � Ln Z 3 a) 00 6 O w O O amQomo 0 U O w V) Lel N *k N r6 Ln H O CRY LL c:�� 0 or a)O U 30n o00 a ro >0`t00 00 O Z Lv It O N to cc > m m X E U z � 2 SQo-O0 G N Ln a J LEJJ tin In Ln _ Ln O O V) -2 r, a LL Q m '& Z o �I a o a) O S t co Ln w N G LU O LC) v V) a) vw toL O V) O CRY LL c:�� 0 or a)O U 30n o00 a ro >0`t00 00 U �' o �• f W cc > m m ...�1 O O O U C7 r-1 � v Q a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA I PV INSTALLATION , SHEET PROFESSIONAL 1 Power Optimizer For North America P320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P401 / P405 / P485 / P505 (25 YEAR WARRANTY 66. PV power optimization at the module -level / Specifically designed to work with SolarEdge inverters / Up to 25% more energy / Superior efficiency (99.5%) / Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses, from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading / Flexible system design for maximum space utilization solaredge.com Optimizer Data Sheets Scale: NTS / Fast installation with a single bolt / Next generation maintenance with module - level monitoring / Meets NEC requirements for arc fault protection (AFCI) and Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown System (PVRSS) / Module -level voltage shutdown for installer and firefighter safety Power Optimizer For North America P320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P401 / P405 / P485 / P505 INPUT Rated Input DC Power"' 320 1 340 370 400 405 1 485 505 W Absolute Maximum Input Voltage 48 60 80 60 12511 83m Vdc (Voc at lowest temperature) 655/1.5 845/1.9 1064/2.3 gr/ Ib Input Connector MC40) Single or dual MC43) MPPT Operating Range 8 - A. 8 - 60 8-80 8-60 12.5 -105 12.5-83 Vdc Maximum Short Circuit Current 11 10.1 11.75 11 14 Adc (Isc) Z 0LL N1 a o Maximum Efficiency 99.5 Weighted Eficiencv 98.8 1 98.6 % OUTPUT DURING OPERATION (POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREDGE INVERTER) Maximum OutputCurrent 15 Adc Maximum Output Voltage 60 85 Vdc OUTPUT DURING STANDBY (POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM SOLAREDGE INVERTER OR SOLAREDGE INVERTER OFF) Safety Output Voltage per Power 1 +0.1 Vdc Optimizer STANDARD COMPLIANCE EMC FCC Part15 Class 3, IEC61000-6-2, IEC61000-6-3 Safety IEC62109-1 (class II safety), UL1741 Material UL94 V-0 , UV Resistant RoHS Yes INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Allowed System 1000 Vdc Compatible inverters I All SolarEdae Sinale Phase and Three Phase inverters I Dimensions (W x L x H) 129 x 153 x 27.5 / 5.1 x 6 x 1.1 129x153x33.5 129x153x29.5 129x162x59/ mm 129x159x49,5/5.1x6.3x1.9 /5.153x1.3 /5.1x6x1.16 5.1x6.4x2.3 /in Weight (including cables) 630/1.4 750/1.7 655/1.5 845/1.9 1064/2.3 gr/ Ib Input Connector MC40) Single or dual MC43) MC413u4) Input Wire Length 0.16 / 0.52 m / ft Output Wire Type / Connector Double Insulated / MC4 Output Wire Length 0.9/2.95 1.2/3.9 m / ft Operating Temperature Range(') -40 - +85 / -40 - +185 `C / -F Protection Rating IP68 / NEMA6P Relative Humidity 0-100 96 (1) Rated power of the module at STC will not exceed the optimizer "Rated Input DC Power'. Modules with up to +596 power tolerance are allowed (2) NEC 2017 requires max input voltage be not more than 80V (3) For other connector types please contact SolarEdge (4) For dual version for parallel connection of two modules use P48S-4NMDMRM. In the case of an odd number of PV modules in one string, installing one P48S dual version power optimizer connected to one PV module. When connecting a single module seal the unused input connectors with the supplied pair of seals. (5) For ambient temperature above +85°C / +185°F power de -rating is applied. Refer to Power Optimizers Temperature De -Rating Technical Note for more details. P370 P340, , Minimum String Length P320, 8 10 18 P400, P401 (Power Optimizers) p405, P48S, P505 6 8 1 14 Maximum String Length (Power Optimizers) 25 25 1 5010 5700 (6000 with Maximum Power per String SE7600-US - SE11400- 5250 6000191 12750110) W Parallel Strings of Different Lengths or Orientations Yes (6) For detailed string sizing information referto: http://www.solaredge.com/sites/default/files/string_sizing_na.pdf (7 It is not allowed to mix P405/P485/P505 with P320/P340/P370/P400/P401 in one string (8) A string with more than 30 optimizers does not meet NEC rapid shutdown requirements; safety voltage will be above the 30V requirement (9) For 208V grid: it is allowed to install up to 7,20OW per string when the maximum power difference between each string is 1,000W (10) For 277/480V grid: it is allowed to install up to 15,000W per string when the maximum power difference between each string is 2,000W solar• , -• ® SolarEdge Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE, the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE aretrademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. Al,other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date: 07/2020NO2/ENG NAM. Subject to change without notice. n� ylus RoHS Intertek ID# TSP78933 ZILLI D` Q0 a o a Q J O O LL Z 01 0 U Q O 0 0 l) Na) _1 � C N N cy) Ln Z 3 Cl) 00 6 r-1 O In O amaw O o U U tnu v00 # C N r6 Ln F_ O LL coLn8 M Z U 3 0 00 o v�� U v 0 It 00 U o)U�N W �(13 > m m O C7� 01OZ ~ 0 " 0- < a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA PVRNoS �LAT0N SHEET iPnnrESSIONAL 5 O Z N v -- OIN In ' X U Z 2 00 CQ G E 0 Ln N� s=tn O tnQ Tr, Z 0LL N1 a o >Y�v0 r5 C C G Y -O t Do W ZT) W N LU r ra lIl O A v } v W 0 0 In O LL coLn8 M Z U 3 0 00 o v�� U v 0 It 00 U o)U�N W �(13 > m m O C7� 01OZ ~ 0 " 0- < a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA PVRNoS �LAT0N SHEET iPnnrESSIONAL IVIOun-Ling systems for solar technology NIEW 13It01]UI, i ► Optimized rail profile ► One rail for all markets ► Built-in wire management ► Maintains same structural integrity as 48-X ► Tested up to 200 mph winds ► Tested up to 100 PSF snow loads ERESTK-171 Part Number Description CrossRail 44-X 166_, Mill 4000019 4000020 CrossRail 44-X 166''Dark 4000021 CrossRail 44-X 180" Mill 4000022 CrossRail 44-X 180" Dark 4000051 RailConn Set CR 44-X Mill 4000052 RailConn Set CR 44-X Dark 4000067 End Ca Black CR 44-X 1391 [4216.40] 1.54 166 44] �- 73 www.everest-solarsystems.c.om CrossRail 44-X Product Sheet US01 10520 • Subject to change • Product illustrations are exemplary and may differ from the original. ID# TSP78933 Z Of LU Z Q O � a Q J O /'G U) cr O z cr O U Q poc00 N _ SfVV � f Z 3'�°' O Ln '00 o 0 mQ aomo 0 U ��;�o w V� �� N (6 Ln H Or- �� O ILL ° 10 -1 1 u 30000 2 co U U 00 MU 00 LU � C[ > rn O Wova aQ REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. 1 Rail Data Sheets DATA Scale: NTS I PRIOFESSIONALN SHEET O za) O IN v, U z ,F- _ 0 0 SQE E 42G J W a) F_L O Lf) UM,Pa LL Q o m '� Z �i a o o ��0 : �0 � ���LLIwa) o vUJI �ci v) a) Ln } vw 0 V) Or- �� O ILL ° 10 -1 1 u 30000 2 co U U 00 MU 00 LU � C[ > rn O Wova aQ REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. 1 Rail Data Sheets DATA Scale: NTS I PRIOFESSIONALN SHEET ; &EREST EverFlash eComp Kit Part Number Description 4000366 EverFlash eComo Kit Black 4000679 EverFlash eComp Kit Mill LF Dark Flash 1 4000367 1EverFlash eComp Kit Silver ► High quality, patented design to ensure watertight seal ► Included as part of a UL 2703 Listed System ► Easy installation, can be retrofitted without removing shingles ► Meets or exceeds all known building codes ► Aluminum base with stainless steel hardware for high corrosion resistance ► Compatible with all our CrossRails ID# TSP78933 z O Q O LLz 01 O U Q z 0 z O C� G 0 z 5 G W H Ln } Ln Components O LL. z AwU W / 7 -zfton EverFlash eComp, 8x12" L -Foot and Hardware 5/16" Sealing Washer 5/16" Lag Bolt 11 ► Material: aluminum ► Material: aluminum and ► Material: stainless steel, ► Material: stainless steel ► Finish: silver, black stainless steel EPDM insert ► Finish: mill, dark / www.everest-solarsystems.com EverFlash eComp Kit Product Sheet USO4 11019 Subject to change - Product illustrations are exemplary and may differ from the original. Attachment Data Sheets 1 Scale: NTS Z� U C 0 (L O O U a)-1rn N C N N dl N - Indl In 3 N 00 O O amaw o U � Ln v 00 � C N t6 Ln F - O N 01 N_ V1 U z 2 F O O p E m O u J_ 0 N(Jl U1 o0,v 0 3: WI d O > Y -0 al O (p 01 C Y O -O -C 00 In ZT) w N Ln 0 rn v-0 v w 0 O Ln v D � m r` U 3 0 00 o fa N 00 N v Uv0Itoo OlU 0 N >mm v� Com a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. _ DATA PV WAAALLATI O'N-" SHEET iPROFESSIONAL posted on the property I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Erik Holmberg Permit Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. W CONSULTING Scott E. Wyssling, PE, PP, CME CNG Solar Engineers 1245 San Fernando Road #200 San Fernando, CA 91340 Re: To Whom It May Concern: Wyssling Consulting 76 North Meadowbrook Drive Alpine, UT 84004 office (201) 874-3483 swysshng@wysshngconsutting. coni May 28, 2021 Engineering Services Mccracken Residence 14 Rangeview Drive, Denver CC 5.180 kW System Pursuant to your request, we have reviewed the following information regarding solar panel installation on the roof of the above referenced home: 1. Site VisitNerifcation Form prepared by a CNG Solar representative identifying specific site information including size and spacing of rafters for the existing roof structure. 2. Design drawings of the proposed system including a site plan, roof plan and connection details for the solar panels. This information was prepared by CNG Solar and will be utilized for approval and construction of the proposed system. 3. Photographs of the interior and exterior of the roof system identifying existing structural members and their conditions. Based on the above information we have evaluated the structural capacity of the existing roof system to support the additional loads imposed by the solar panels and have the following comments related to our review and evaluation: Description of Residence: The existing residence is typical wood framing construction with the roof system consisting of truss system with all chords constructed of 2 x 6 dimensional lumber at 24" on center. The attic space is unfinished and photos indicate that there was free access to visually inspect the size and condition of the roof rafters. All wood material utilized for the roof system is assumed to be Doug -Fir #2 or better with standard construction components. The existing roofing material consists of composite asphalt shingles. Photos of the dwelling also indicate that there is a permanent foundation. A. Loading Criteria Used 110 MPH wind loading based on ASCE 7-10 Exposure Category "B" at a slope of 18 degrees 7 PSF = Dead Load roofing/framing Live Load = 20 PSF 3 PSF = Dead Load solar panels/mounting hardware Ground Snow Load = 20 PSF Total Dead Load =10 PSF The above values are within acceptable limits of recognized industry standards for similar structures in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code. Analysis performed of the existing roof structure utilizing the above loading criteria indicates that the existing rafters will support the additional panel loading without damage, if installed correctly. Page 2 of 2 B. Solar Panel Anchorage 1. The solar panels shall be mounted in accordance with the most recent "Everest Solar Systems Installation Manual', which can be found on the Everest Solar Systems website (http://everest- solarsystems.com�. If during solar panel installation, the roof framing members appear unstable or deflect non -uniformly, our office should be notified before proceeding with the installation. 2. Maximum allowable pullout per lag screw is 235 lbs/inch of penetration as identified in the National Design Standards (NDS) of timber construction specifications for Doug -Fir (North Lumber) assumed. Based on our evaluation, the pullout value, utilizing a penetration depth of 2 W, is less than what is allowable per connection and therefore is adequate. Based on the variable factors for the existing roof framing and installation tolerances, using a thread depth of 2 W with a minimum size of 5/16" lag screw per attachment point for panel anchor mounts should be adequate with a sufficient factor of safety. 3. Considering the roof slopes, the size, spacing, condition of roof, the panel supports shall be placed no greater than 72" o/c. 4. Panel supports connections shall be staggered to distribute load to adjacent rafters. Based on the above evaluation, it is the opinion of this office that with appropriate panel anchors being utilized the roof system will adequately support the additional loading imposed by the solar panels. This evaluation is in conformance with the 2015 International Building Code, current industry and standards, and based on information supplied to us at the time of this report. Should you have any questions regarding the above or if you require further information do not hesitate to contact me. V tru`ry` yours � Scott E. Wyssli , PE Colorado License N 7 ONSUITING 9 c_.� ._. PROPOSED 5.18 KW DC SYSTEM (STC) AT 14 RANGEVIEW DR, DENVER CO 80215 Plot Plan & Photovoltaic Layout PV -1.0 Project Notes, Conduit & Grounding Detail PV -1.1 _ City Of Racking Details PV -2.0 13'-N' � WheatRdge Fire Labels & Equipment Elevation PV -3.0 & PV -3.1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \ 3 Line Diagram & 1 Line Diagram PV -4.1 & PV -4.2 Safety Placard PV -5.0 / APPROVED Manufacture Snec. Sheer, Attached \ 3■ Sheetlndex Scale: N/A OCCUPANCY GROUP: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V -B AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: 439-284-06-007 NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 -Story ROOF PITCH: 18' Site Information Z Scale: N/A Xcel Meter: 35 920 916 Premise Number: 300996980 Account Number: 53-2180194-5 A qualified person must be present at the time of a PV electrical inspection 1) Licensed master or journeyman electrician, 2) Residential wireman 3) NABCEP-certified solar installer capable of testing the rapid shut down system. AHJ Notes 3 Scale: N/A 'l i,9Py WP/ 19 14 Rangeview DL Wheat Ridge, CO 80215. USA 0 d4 4 Vicinity Map Scale: NTS (N) (14) Silfab_solar SIL -370 NX (N) (14) SolarEdge P370 (HD) Optimizers N Plot Plan 5 Scale: 1" = 20• 691 \ ID# TSP78933 Reviewed fdr Code Compliance vNb oPlans Examiner Date _ f rmN: rhauwonte o/opemdtw apprawtolPNm spe<iftratbru = andmrapuronom shag rwt be a pwm4 fw, a m approval of, any walonm to ony of the provish m of the budding taa'e ar of QW City ardrnmres. Permits pmeffg to gree authanty to vlolabtW w l the pro"SI ns ay OwGuAditg - t101110a 011111111 OF&I Of Me ClrySW not be sagd Ir z 0 J z 0 H Q K� LL 0 ILL z_ 2 LU I— VI (E) Xcel Meter O (E) 200A MSP w/(E) 200A Main Breaker z (N) 30A Utility AC Disconnect 41 (N) SolarEdge_Technologies SESOOOH-US (240V) LU 1 0 a Roof Access Point Property Lines Fence Line Block Wall Conduit On Roof Conduit In Attic Conduit In Trench • C Li pm00 tica re V C N N O1 v v at eati O m N 0 a m a in 0 ° 3 o w o v m 4t C N Sr N N O u, v N N N x D E M z 0 as E v m O o V V 0 Q N o m of 03 "Ia o 3 s a m 0 mC '0 w O W � N � W N ti o r N U N Co Sr 'O ti W O E) n O v o N m 0 r m v m m 0 U v O a m m c ¢ > m m O Sr o 2 ow C a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. AhIISHEET PV_ 1.0 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (IFC) 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (IRC) 1 Applicable Codes CODE BOOK: BREAKER SIZES: WIRE AMPACITY TABLE: MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE CORRECTION: NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS CORRECTION: AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CORRECTION: AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT: DC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR: AC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR: RACK GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR: MAXIMUM OCPD (120% RULE): Electrical Code References 2 Scale: N/A 2020 N ECO NEC 240.6(A) NEC 310.15(B)(16) NEC 690.7(A) NEC 310.15(B)(3)(A) NEC 310.15(B)(2)(A) NEC 310.15(B)(3)(C) UNGROUNDED DC SYSTEM NEC 250.50 NEC 690.47(B) NEC 705.12 1. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL MEET MINIMUM SETBACKS. 2. WIRING SYSTEMS INSTALLED IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT MUST BE RATED FOR EXPECTED OPERATING TEMPERATURE. 3. ADDITIONAL AC DISCONNECT(S) SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE THE INVERTER IS NOT WITHIN SIGHT OF THE AC SERVICING DISCONNECT. 4. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. 5. ALL COMPONENTS ARE LISTED FOR THEIR PURPOSE AND RATED FOR OUTDOOR USAGE WHEN APPROPRIATE 3 Equipment Location Scale: N/A 1. THE SUM OF THE UTILITY OCPD AND INVERTER CONTINUOUS INPUT MAY NOT EXCEED 120% OF BUSBAR RATING. 2. WHEN SUM OF THE PV SOURCES EQUALS >100% OF BUSBAR RATING, PV DEDICATED BACKFFED BREAKERS MUST BE LOCATED OPPOSITE END OF THE BUS FROM THE UTILITY SOURCE OCPD. 3. AT MULTIPLE PV OUTPUT COMBINER PANEL, TOTAL RATING OF ALL OVER CURRENT DEVICES SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY OF BUSBAR. 4. SUPPLY SIDE TAP INTERCONNECTION WITH SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS BACK FEEDING BREAKER FOR UTILITY -INTERACTIVE INVERTER OUTPUT IS EXEMPT FROM ADDITIONAL FASTENING. 4 Interconnection Notes Scale: N/A 1. MODULES ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703 AND CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS. 2. INVERTERS ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1741 AND CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS. 3. DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC, INDICATING GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE PV SYSTEM AND THE ACTUAL SITE CONDITION MIGHT VARY. 4. WORKING CLEARANCES AROUND THE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WILL BE MAINTAINED. 5. ALL GROUND WIRING CONNECTED TO THE MAIN SERVICE GROUNDING IN MAIN SERVICE PANEL/ SERVICE EQUIPMENT. 6. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE 600V, 75°C STANDARD COPPER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. WHEN REQUIRED, A LADDER SHALL BE IN PLACE FOR INSPECTION IN COMPLIANCE WITH OSHA REGULATIONS. 8. THE SYSTEM WILL NOT BE INTERCONNECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL APPROVAL FROM THE LOCAL JURISDICTION AND/OR THE UTILITY. 9. ROOF ACCESS POINT SHALL BE LOCATED IN AREAS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE THE PLACEMENT OF GROUND LADDERS OVER OPENINGS SUCH AS WINDOWS OR DOORS, AND LOCATED AT STRONG POINTS OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WHERE THE ACCESS POINT DOES NOT CONFLICT WITH OVERHEAD OBSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS TREES, WIRES OR SIGNS. 10.PV ARRAY COMBINER/JUNCTION BOX PROVIDES TRANSITION FROM ARRAY WIRING TO CONDUIT WIRING 1. ALL CONDUIT AND WIRE WILL BE LISTED AND APPROVED FOR THEIR PURPOSE. CONDUIT AND WIRE SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING. 2. DC WIRING LIMITED TO MODULE FOOTPRINT. MICRO INVERTER WIRING SYSTEMS SHALL BE LOCATED AND SECURED UNDER THE ARRAY WITH SUITABLE WIRING CLIPS. 3. AC CONDUCTORS COLORED OR MARKED AS FOLLOWS: 3.1. PHASE A OR L1- BLACK 3.2. PHASE B OR L2- RED, OR OTHER CONVENTION IF THREE PHASE 3.3. PHASE C OR L3- BLUE, YELLOW, ORANGE*, OR OTHER CONVENTION 3.4. NEUTRAL- WHITE OR GREY IN 4 -WIRE DELTA CONNECTED SYSTEMS THE PHASE WITH HIGHER VOLTAGE TO BE MARKED ORANGE. Wiring & Conduit Notes 6 Scale: N/A 1. GROUNDING SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED FOR THEIR PURPOSE, AND GROUNDING DEVISES EXPOSED TO THE ELEMENTS SHALL BE RATED FOR SUCH USE. 2. PV EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GROUNDED METAL PARTS OF MODULE FRAMES, MODULE RACKING, AND ENCLOSURES. 3. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO MICRO INVERTER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. 4. THE GROUNDING CONNECTION TO A MODULE SHALL BE ARRANGED SUCH THAT THE REMOVAL OF A MODULE DOES NOT INTERRUPT A GROUNDING CONDUCTOR TO ANOTHER MODULE. 5. GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS, IF INSULATED, SHALL BE COLORED GREEN OR MARKED GREEN IF #4 AWG OR LARGER. 6. IF EXISTING SYSTEM IS INACCESSIBLE, OR INADEQUATE, A GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM PROVIDED. 7 Grounding Notes Scale: N/A CONDUIT RUN ABOVE ROOF Race Minis Str 2" x 6" Rain Tight, S' EMT Connec Junction Bc Strain Relief Module DC (PV) or AC (Microlnverter) Cable Roof Fram Conduit Run Details 8 Scale: NTS Module to Module ATTACH ILSCO GBL-4DBT UL 2703 LISTED GROUNDING LUGS (FOR EXTERIOR/WET LOCATIONS) W/STAINLESS STEEL MACHINE SCREW PV MODULE ---, ONE CONTINUOUS SOLID COPPER GROUND WIRE NTS REMOVAL OF ONE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT DISCONNECT THE BONDING CONNECTION BETWEEN ANY OTHER PIECES. Module to Rail ATTACH ILSCO GBL-4DBT UL 2703 LISTED GROUNDING LUGS (FOR EXTERIOR/WET LOCATIONS) W/STAINLESS STEEL MACHINE SCREW PV MODULE 1. RACKING SYSTEM & PV ARRAY WILL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO CODE -COMPLIANT INSTALLATION TOP CLAMPS REQUIRE A DESIGNATED SPACE BETWEEN MODULES, AND RAILS MUST ALSO EXTEND A MINIMUM DISTANCE BEYOND EITHER EDGE OF THE ARRAY/SUBARRAY, ACCORDING TO RAIL MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. 2. JUNCTION BOX WILL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. IF ROOF -PENETRATING TYPE, IT SHALL BE FLASHED & SEALED PER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. 3. ROOFTOP PENETRATIONS FOR PV RACEWAY WILL BE COMPLETED AND SEALED WITH APPROVED CHEMICAL SEALANT PER CODE BY A LICENSED CONTRACTOR. 4. ALL PV RELATED ROOF ATTACHMENTS TO BE SPACED NO GREATER THAN THE SPAN DISTANCE SPECIFIED BY THE RACKING MANUFACTURER. 10 Structural Notes Scale: N/A 1. DISCONNECTING SWITCHES SHALL BE WIRED SUCH THAT WHEN THE SWITCH IS OPENED, THE CONDUCTORS REMAINING ENERGIZED ARE CONNECTED TO THE TERMINALS MARKED "LINE SIDE" (TYPICALLY THE UPPER TERMINALS). 2. DISCONNECTS TO BE ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED UTILITY PERSONNEL, BE LOCKABLE, AND BE A VISIBLE -BREAK SWITCH 3. RAPID SHUTDOWN OF ENERGIZED CONDUCTORS BEYOND 10 FT OF PV ARRAY OR 5 FT INSIDE A BUILDING WITHIN 10 SECONDS. CONTROLLED CONDUCTORS <_30V AND <_240VA. LOCATION OF LABEL ACCORDING TO AHJ 4. IF REQUIRED BY AHJ, SYSTEM WILL INCLUDE ARC -FAULT CIRCUIT PROTECTION. 11 Disconnection & OCPD Notes Scale: N/A CONDUIT RUN THROUGH ATTIC Raceway Above Roof: Minimum Height: 7/8" Strut Strap 2" x 6" Block Rain Tight, Steel EMT Connector Junction Box Strain Relief Module DC (PV) or AC 0 (Microlnverter) Cable EPMD Flashing Roof Framing EMT Conduit FLEX Conduit Through Attic (18" Below Roof Material) ONE CONTINUOUS SOLID COPPER GROUND WIRE RACKING NTS REMOVAL OF ONE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT DISCONNECT THE BONDING CONNECTION BETWEEN ANY OTHER PIECES. Rail to Rail city of PV MODULE GROUND BONDING JUMPER RACKING NTS REMOVAL OF ONE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT DISCONNECT THE BONDING CONNECTION BETWEEN ANY OTHER PIECES. ID# TSP78933 z ct W Q o a z O a Q - J o O z Cr O U Q O°CpoN U c: 0)� C N N � z 3ai0O1 O M N O O O amQ 0 0 U -M 3: LA0 W U°n� a,� N O �� O z aj C) I U x0000 M.W ti a>j �o 00 r\j00 coy �0U O C7�-�0ai ma d Q REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. SHEET 5 General Notes 9 Grounding Details - � . \/ Scale: N/A Scale: NTS PV INSTALLATION P V - 1 . 1 PROFESSIONAL O z ;" N O N U1 x � � z4= Q O 0-0 Em O o S G ai E- J 0 Ln U1 U1 0 vu��v W u Q O m 'a, z 0I�o �_k �0 00 Ln v LLI 1-1 U`)OI } v W (n M 0 U1 O �� O z aj C) I U x0000 M.W ti a>j �o 00 r\j00 coy �0U O C7�-�0ai ma d Q REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. SHEET 5 General Notes 9 Grounding Details - � . \/ Scale: N/A Scale: NTS PV INSTALLATION P V - 1 . 1 PROFESSIONAL Array Quantity Mounting Type Array Tilt Azimuth Att.Spacing Roof Type AR -01 14 Flush Mounted 18° 98 72" 1 Comp. Shinle" PV Racking & Roof Framing Plan Scale: 3/32" = 1'-g " I N Modules Fire Clearance Obstructions Attachments Rafters Rails M ❑O ® ---- Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC SHEET 3 Roof 1 Attachment Detail Scale: NTS AhllPV-2.0 ID# TSP78933 Roof Material: Comp. Shingle. Roof Framing: Engineered Trusses. to Framing Size & Spacing: 2" x 6", 24" O.C. 3 Framing Span & Roof Pitch: 10'-1", 18° Pitch o Framing Species & Grade: Douglas Fir Larch #2. a Z Racking / Rail Manufacture: Everest Crossrail 44-X 14 Ft. Rails `Q r a Attachment Manufacture: Everest EverFlash. Q =KYa Number of Attachments: 40 Attachments ` 0 Racking Weight: 3.56 Lbs. / Module r ,e O IDon Modules: (14) Silfab_solar SIL -370 NX z 0 Module Dimensions: 72.13" x 39.4" x 1.5" — Module Weight & Sq.Ft.: 44 Lbs. , 19.74 Sq. Ft. IX Array Sq. Ft. 276.36 Sq. Ft. 0 Weight w/Racking & Add Ons: 693.84 Lbs. U Q Lj - -c Weight (Lbs.) / Attachment: 17.35 Lbs. / Attachment. o v o m N Distributed Weight on Roof: 2.51 Lbs. / Square Foot. 9 9 ~ `v `- rn N Roof 1 Calculations O o.�o o a man g 2 Scale: N/A U N '6& a ILE C N NOTE: ROOF FRAMING MEMBER'S SIZE, SPAN, AND ° Un SPACING TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALL. IF ROOF FRAMING INFORMATION DIFFERS FROM WHAT IS INDICATED ON THE PLANS, CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALL. o Z �a N " N 0N x E D Z as T -Bolt o E v m o 0 End Clamp 00 U � o v � Everest Support Rail 11 Z u Q o m m 3:1 a o N — >Q> O > y L 07c • EverFlash '0 -OL '"�n'= v PV Module Min. 3.5" Above Roof w Flashing w/Sealant o u, O Comp. Shingle Roof x i z N O WE), y3No m00 0 dTrUsSes IN ee @ w MU m ,2 X6 -1 w0C,o4t 0 (D�'oma a REVISION BLOCK (1) 5/16"x4" Lag Bolt (Min. 2.5" DESCRIPTION DATE Embedded) Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Modules Fire Clearance Obstructions Attachments Rafters Rails M ❑O ® ---- Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC SHEET 3 Roof 1 Attachment Detail Scale: NTS AhllPV-2.0 LABEL PLACEMENT LABELS JUNCTION BOX 6, 12 DC CONDUIT 12 INVERTER 6, 9, 10 AC DISCONNECT 4, 6, 15, 16 MAIN SERVICE PANEL 1 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 1 PV Equipment Location & Fire Label Placement Table Scale INTS O H H LU O N LOCATION: BACKFED BREAKER CODE REF.: NEC 705.12(4) LOCATION: BACKFED BREAKER CODE REF.: 2017 NEC 705.12(2)(3)(8) 11% WARNING -A ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION Fire Labels 2 Scale: NTS LOCATION : (IF APPLICABLE) SUPPLY SIDE TAP LOAD PANEL CODE REF.: UTILITY LOCATION : MAIN PANEL AC DISCONNECT(S) CODE REF.: NEC 690.54 LOCATION : MAIN PANEL CODE REF.: NEC 690.12 LOCATION : PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT AC DISCONNECT SWITCH JUNCTION BOX INVERTER CODE REF.: NEC 690.17 UTILITY AND AHJ REQUIREMENTS O ❑©' 0 m Window In Backyard J4B 1 DC inverter wnntegrated C Disconnect IDC AC EcfLr�' Window IE I I MSP I LOCATION : DEDICATE KWH METER CODE REF.: NEC 690.4(B) UTILITY LOCATION : AC COMBINER PANEL CODE REF.: NEC 690.13(B) WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION DC VOLTAGE IS ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN SOLAR MODULES ARE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE "OFF' POSITION TO SHUT DOWN PV SYSTEM AND REDUCE SHOCKHAZARD INTHEARRAY to PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONNECTED LOCATION : DEDICATE KWH METER CODE REF : NEC 690.4(B) UTILITY LOCATION : DC DISCONNECT INVERTER CODE REF.: UTILITY LOCATION : DC DISCONNECT COMBINER PANEL INVERTER CODE REF.: NEC 690.13(B) LOCATION : MAIN SERVICE CODE REF.: NEC 690.12 NEC 690.56(C)(1)(A) Window r. -z,. LOCATION : DC CONDUIT JUNCTION BOX(NO MORE THAN IOFT) CODE REF.: NEC 690.13(B) LOCATION : SERVICE METER MAIN PANEL CODE REF.: UTILITY LOCATION : (IF APPLICABLE) SERVICE PANEL CODE REF.: NEC 705.12(D)(7) 15 PHOTOVOLTAIC UTILITY DISCONNE LOCATION : AC DISCONNECT CODE REF : UTILITY LOCATION :AC DISCONNECT,COMBINER PANEL SERVICE METER CODE REF.: NEC 690.5(C) DO NOT PELOCaTE THIS1 OVEPCUPPENT DEVICE LOCATION : MAIN PANEL,DEAD FRONT CODE REF : NEC 705.12(B)(2)(3)(B) ID# TSP78933 z O H Q lr 0 z c C W } O a N N N x D EM z O as E v m O o J_ ww V V m O N Q mo '— 0 3 "Ia o 3:sjDvo Ca c sOw-OL 0L;2 N ti 0 r N V N Sr a r+ w En O LL votim0 z mv m m o U Uam W U V N m Cmm O (tio�a W a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. dft SHEET PV -3.0 A 211 311 9 511 N Fire Placard 1 Scale: NTS o„ 1"2" " " " " 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CAUTION POWER TO THE BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AT SHOWN SOLAR PV ARR/ WITH OPTIMIZE[ ROOF MOUNT[ K(�lq■III�IgC7 WAIN SERVICE PANEL UTILITY DISCONNECT PV INVERTER WITH INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECT/ N \/\��T PLACARD ONLY REQUIRED WHEN PV UTILITY DISCONNECT & METER ARE NOT CO -LOCATED WITH SES NOTE:THE PLAQUE SHALL BE STAMPED BRASS, ALUMINUM, OR STAINLESS STEEL, INCLUDE THE LOCATION OF METER, DISCONNECTS, INVERTER, THE ARRAY AND A FOOTPRINT OF THE ENTIRE BUILDING AND SITE. THE PLAQUE SHALL BE ATTACHED BY POP -RIVETS, SCREWS OR OTHER APPROVED FASTENERS. THIS PLAQUE INDICATING THE ADDRESS AND PV PROD METER IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE METER IDENTIFICATION IN SECTION 4.14.4 OF THE XCEL ENERGY STANDARD. ID# TSP78933 z O Q 0 z D= O I— U Q H z O U z O H cQ G 0= O 11 z 2 Lu H ul } J) Li -ID p m 0 0 ti N U C N N m "vca in ti O m N 0 a m a in 0 ° 3 o w o v m x C N V N N 0 N N N VI x E z E- 0 as E v m O 00 J �n-00 En U `m 0 v a o or, of O 3: NI cE o > y jD N o > m m C y0I IDL '0 W N ui 0� vI Ca v a r+ w n O ILL c: 05 z uv000o �voa� mV W N VIm 1 C m > 0 4t O �tiWz � a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. AhIISHEET PV -3.1 Wire Conductor Neutral Ground Raceway Raceway Raceway Height Above Output 125% of Output Min. Wire De -Rate Calculation Dist. Voltage Voltage Conduit Wire Ambient # of Final Tag qty. Size & Type Qty. Size & Type qty., Size & Type Size & Type Location Roof Current Current OCPD Rating Temp Cond. Ampacity (Ft) Drop % Fill % DC.1 (2) #10 AWG PV Wire v (1) #10 AWG Bare Copper Not Applicable Under Array 1" 15A 18.8A 20A 40A X 0.96 X 1 = 38.4A 10 Ft. 380V 0.1% DC.2 (2) #10 AWG THWN-2 (1) #10 AWG THWN-2 3/4" EMT Conduit Above Roof 1" 15A 18.8A 20A 40A X 0.96 X 1 = 38.4A 20 Ft. 380V 0.2% 11.9% AC.1 (2) #8 AWG THWN-2 (1) #8 AWG THWN-2 (1) #8 AWG THWN-2 3/4" EMT Conduit Exterior Wall "N/A" 21A 26.3A 30A 55A X 0.96 X 1 = 52.8A 5 Ft. 240V 0.07% 27.5% PV Module 1 (14) Silfab_solar SIL -370 NX Power at STC: 370W Power at PTC: 340.2W V-oc: 44.8V V-mp: 37.2V I-sc: 10.6A 1-mp: IDA V-oc Temp Coefficient: -0.28%/'C Output (I-sc x 1.25 x 1.25): 16.6A XCEL ENERGY UTILITY Xcel Meter: 81 958 864 Premise Number: 300996980 Account Number: 53- 2180194- 5 E • • 1 1311 14 PV Optimizer 1 (14)SolarEdge P370 (HD) Max I-sc Input: 11A Max V-oc Input: 60V Max Power Per String: 570OW Inverter 1 (518OW/38OV) = 13.6A on Inverter 1 SolarEdge_Technologies SESOOOH-US(240V) Max Output Current: 21A Safety Rating: (21A x 1.25) = 26.3A Minimum OCPD: 30A Max Number of Strings: 2 Number of MPPT's: 1 Maximum Input Voltage: 480V Transformerless (Y/N): Yes Operating Current: 13.6A Operating Voltage: 380V Maximum System Voltage: 480V Short Circuit Current: 15A AC Disconnect 41 30A Utility AC Disconnect 41, 2 Pole, Knife -Blade Type, NON-FUSED VISIBLE OPEN 30A/240V 2P 20KAIC EATON CAT4DG221URB. 1 Phase / 60 Hz. PV OCPD 30A Main Breaker (E) 200A u + u �❑+ Z Z 000 U L Listed Ground Rod < W z 1 2 DC Disco. (E) GROUNDING a W o 0 0 0 o G ELECTRODE PER NEC 705.12 Main Panel Interconnection Information Bus Bar 1 Rating: 200A Main Breaker 1 Rating: 200A PV Back Feed (Actual Load): 26.3A PV OCPD: 30A Interconnection Calculation: 120% Rule (30A + 200A) = 230A (<=) 240A Three Line Diagram 1 Scale: NTS Main Service Panel 1 Existing 200A MSP, Top -Fed 10, 3W, 120/240V Utility: Xcel Energy Interconnection: PV Breaker Main Breaker De-Rated:No Existing #3/0 AWG THWN-2 Cu To Utility Grid L1 Underground Service y L2 I Xcel Meter I Ambient Temperature Information Extreme Min Temp: Ambient Tem : -22'C 33'C Ambient Temp. Adjustments 0" to 7/8" Above Roof: 66'C Voltage Drop Information DC Voltage Drop: AC Voltage Drop:0.07% Total System Voltage Drop: 0.3% 0.37% ID# TSP78933 Za' 3 Q o a O a Q J C o � ut ILL O Q Z O ULi Q c a v on N C N N on N W m ti O O g N on O a m a in I U ° 3 o w o " m x C N V N N O LLvomo Z_ U � o W o Wool b 5 0 4 U v000 o1 V co N lLl m M m > m m it O (ao � a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. II SHEET PV -4.1 O v Z N " N 0N X E D Z as O won -0 E N J Ut N � Ut O Wn V 0, ow LL - U< om or Z �,j'mo c G s O w Er L W N W " ILU q r N o N U) v on v U m W O LLvomo Z_ U � o W o Wool b 5 0 4 U v000 o1 V co N lLl m M m > m m it O (ao � a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. II SHEET PV -4.1 Wire Conductor Neutral Ground Raceway Raceway Raceway Height Above Output 125°/% of Output Min. Wire De -Rate Calculation Dist. Voltage Voltage Conduit Wire Ambient # of Final Tag qty. Size & Type Qty. Size & Type qty., Size & Type Size & Type Location Roof Current Current OCPD Rating Temp Cond. Ampacity (Ft) Drop % Fill % DC.1 (2) #10 AWG PV Wire N (1) #10 AWG Bare Copper Not Applicable Under Array 1" 15A 18.8A 20A 40A X 0.96 X 1 = 38.4A 10 Ft. 380V 0.1% 2 000 13 14 DC.2 (2) #10 AWG THWN-2 G (1) #10 AWG THWN-2 3/4" EMT Conduit Above Roof 1" 15A 18.8A 20A 40A X 0.96 X 1 = 38.4A 20 Ft. 380V 0.2% 11.9% AC.1 (2) #8 AWG THWN-2 (1) #8 AWG THWN-2 (1) #8 AWG THWN-2 3/4" EMT Conduit Exterior Wall "N/A" 21A 26.3A 30A 55A X 0.96 X 1 = 52.8A 5 Ft. 240V 0.07% 27.5% PV Module 1 (14) Silfab_solar SIL -370 NX Power at STC: 370W Power at PTC: 340.2W V-oc: 44.8V V-mp: 37.2V I-sc: 10.6A I-mp: IDA V-oc Temp Coefficient: -0.28%/'C Output (I-sc x 1.25 x 1.25): 16.6A XCEL ENERGY UTILITY Xcel Meter: 81 958 864 Premise Number: 300996980 Account Number: 53- 2180194- 5 PV Optimizer 1 (14)SolarEdge P370 (HD) Max I-sc Input: 11A Max V-oc Input: 60V Max Power Per String: 570OW Inverter 1 (518OW/38OV) = 13.6A Inverter 1 SolarEdge_Technologies SESOOOH-US(240V) Max Output Current: 21A Safety Rating: (21A x 1.25) = 26.3A Minimum OCPD: 30A Max Number of Strings: 2 Number of MPPT's: 1 Maximum Input Voltage: 480V Transformerless (Y/N): Yes Operating Current: 13.6A Operating Voltage: 380V Maximum System Voltage: 480V Short Circuit Current: 15A Approval Notes: 1) P/V array system to have grounding system installed per Part III of Article 250 per 2020 NEC Article 690.47(A). 2) If LIFER ground in not available provide or verify supplemental ground rods per 2020 NEC Article 250.53(A)(3). 3) Cold & Hot Water & Natural Gas bonding per 2020 NEC Article 250.104(A)(B) AC Disconnect 41 30A Utility AC Disconnect 41, 2 Pole, Knife -Blade Type, NON-FUSED VISIBLE OPEN 30A/240V 2P 10KAIC EATON CAT# DG221URB. 1 Phase / 60 Hz. Main Breaker (E) 200A Main Service Panel 1 Existing 200A MSP, Top -Fed 10, 3W, 120/240V Utility: Xcel Energy Interconnection: PV Breaker Main Breaker De-Rated:No Existing #3/0 AWG THWN-2 Cu PER NEC 705.12 Main Panel Interconnection Information Bus Bar 1 Rating: 200A Main Breaker 1 Rating: 200A PV Back Feed (Actual Load): 26.3A PV OCPD: 30A Interconnection Calculation: 120% Rule (30A + 200A) = 230A (<=) 240A One Line Diagram 1 Scale: NTS To Utility Grid leraround Service Ambient Temperature Information Extreme Min Temp: Ambient Tem : -22'C 33'C J -BOX INVERTER 1 66'C AC DISCO. 1 PV OAPO U' 0N DC Voltage Drop: AC Voltage Drop:0.07% Total System Voltage Drop: 0.3% 0.37% X E D Z as O E v m o oN 'r� N � Ut a Wn V 0, ow ILL Q omO - uon Z CI m a sO WNin) W W N zz N o N G v O G N N m =o =o =o c a� 1 2 000 13 14 G Q Q G G Xcel Meter >o a w o 0 0 0 0 U U Z Z Ground Rod Y W O O O U L Listed Q W 1 2 CE ' DC Disco. o (E) GROUNDING I w o c c u6dGi ELECTRODE PER NEC 705.12 Main Panel Interconnection Information Bus Bar 1 Rating: 200A Main Breaker 1 Rating: 200A PV Back Feed (Actual Load): 26.3A PV OCPD: 30A Interconnection Calculation: 120% Rule (30A + 200A) = 230A (<=) 240A One Line Diagram 1 Scale: NTS To Utility Grid leraround Service Ambient Temperature Information Extreme Min Temp: Ambient Tem : -22'C 33'C Ambient Temp. Adjustments 0" to 7/8" Above Roof: 66'C Voltage Drop Information 0N DC Voltage Drop: AC Voltage Drop:0.07% Total System Voltage Drop: 0.3% 0.37% ID# TSP78933 REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. AhIISHEET PV -4.2 O Z N " 0N N X E D Z as O E v m o oN J Ut N � Ut O Wn V 0, ow ILL Q omO - uon Z CI m sO WNin) W W N I q N o N U) v O v U m E) REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. AhIISHEET PV -4.2 NOTES: INSTALLERS SHALL DRAW IN DESIGNATED SAFETY AREA AROUND HOME. INSTALLERS SHALL UPDATE NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF NEAREST URGENT CARE FACILITY RELATIVE TO THE SITE BEFORE STARTING WORK. SOLAR PV ARRAY WITH OPTIMIZERS ROOF MOUNTED LOCATION OF NEAREST URGENT CARE FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: Safety Placard 1 Scale: NTS ID# TSP78933 Ztoto 40 a O Q J 0 � 'a ILL O Q Z O H U Lj Q c ca ti N V C N N ca "vm ca O O g N no O U a m a m o °3�o U o v m x N N O � V Z N N " O N V x E XCEL METER Q 0 a o MAIN SERVICE PANEL v N -� o w cr wxww UTILITY O w v ILL V a o m - DISCONNECT Z_ 3 3 jI m o '0 w O L PV INVERTER WITH '0 w Uw INTEGRATED DC LLQ v v o ~I DISCONNECTN v r+ w n cmYa O LL votimo Z / u o IM11 � vO a m mV W N Luca 1 C 0 > m m O �tio�a � a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. dft Wf PV NST ­T oN PV -5.0 TITAN _ A R P A N E L 25a JUSTXANKAB ER 1 BAA > _IN_ LE ARRA PRODUCT HIGH WARRANTY TIME EFFICIENCY INDUSTRY LEADING WARRANTY The Titan Solar Panel is manufactured by Silfab Solar and includes an industry leading 25 -year product workmanship and 30 -year performance warranty. MAXIMUM ENERGY OUTPUT Leveraging over 35+ years of worldwide experience in the solar industry, Silfab is dedicated to superior manufacturing processes and innovations such as Bifacial and Back Contact technologies, to ensure our partners, such as Titan Solar have the latest in solar innovation. NORTH AMERICAN QUALITY Silfab is the leading automated solar module manufacturer in North America. Utilizing premium quality materials and strict quality control management to deliver the highest efficiency, premium quality PV modules. E.H. BAA/ARRA COMPLIANT These panels are designed and manufactured to meet Buy Ame- rican Act Compliance. The US State Department, US Military and FAA have all utilized Silfab panels in their solar installations. eee LIGHT AND DURABLE Engineered to accommodate high wind load conditions for test loads validated up to 4000Pa uplift. The light -weight frame is exclusively designed for wide-ranging racking compatibility and durability. e55 QUALITY MATTERS Total automation ensures strict quality controls during the entire manufacturing process at ISO certified facilities. Module Data Sheets 1 Scale: NTS H.E. DOMESTIC SUPPORT / SERVICES Our 500+ North American team is ready to help Titan Solar win the hearts and minds of customers, providing customer service and product delivery that is direct, efficient and local. HHAESTHETICALLY PLEASING All black sleek design, ideal for high-profile residential or commercial applications. H.E. PID RESISTANT PID Resistant due to advanced cell technology and material selection. In accordance to IEC 62804-1. Test Conditions STC Module Power (Pmax) Wp 370 Maximum power voltage (Vpmax) V 37.2 Maximum power current (Ipmax) A 10.0 Open circuit voltage (Voc) V 44.8 Short circuit current (Isc) A 10.6 Module efficiency % 20.2 18.2 Maximum system voltage (VDC) V 1000 Series fuse rating A 20 Power Tolerance Wp +/-3% Measurement conditions: STC 1000 W/m2 • AM 1.5 • Temperature 25 *C • NOCT 800 W/m' • AM 1.5 • Measurement uncertainty <– 3% • Sun simulator calibration reference modules from Fraunhofer Institute. Electrical characteristics may vary by ±5% and power by +/-3%. Temperature Ratings Temperature Coefficient Isc 0.064 %/°C Temperature Coefficient Voc -0.28 %/*C Temperature Coefficient Pmax -0.36 %/°C NOCT (± 2°C) 46 *C Operating temperature -40/+85'C ' Module weight Dimensions (H x L x D) SIL -370 NX mono PERC 44±0.4 lbs 72.13 in x 39.4 in x 1.5 in Maximum surface load (wind/snow)* 83.5/112.8 Ib/ft^2 Hail impact resistance o 1 in at 51.6 mph Cells 66 - Si mono-PERC - 5 bulbar, 62.25 x 62.25 in Glass 0.126 in high transmittance, tempered, DSM anti -reflective coating Cables and connectors (referto installation manual) 47.2 in, o 0.22 in, MC4 from Staubli Backsheet High durability, superior hydrolysis and UV resistance, multi -layer dielectric film, fluorine -free PV backsheet Frame Anodized Aluminum (Black) Bypass diodes 3 diodes-30SQ045T (45V max DC blocking voltage, 30A max forward rectified current) Junction Box UL 3730 Certified, IEC 62790 Certified, IP67 rated SIL -370 NX mono PERC Module product workmanship warranty 25 years** Linear power performance guarantee 30 earsh h h 97.1% end 1' ear i 91.6/o end 12 year >_ 85.1 / end 25 year i 82.6/o end 30 ear Certifications SIL -370 NX mono PERC ULC ORD C1703, UL1703, CEC listed***, UL 61215-1/-1-1/-2, UL 61730-1/-2, Product IEC 61215-1/-1-1/-2***. IEC 61730-1/-2***, CSA C22.2461730-1/-2, IEC 62716 Ammonia Corrosion; I EC61701:2011 Salt Mist Corrosion Certified, U L Fire Rating: Type 2 Factory IS09001:2015 1 All states except California California Modules Per Pallet: 26 ::: Modules Per Pallet: 26 ii Pallets Per Truck: 34 a Pallets Per Truck: 32 ... Modules Per Truck: 884 ::: Modules Per Truck: 832 *A Warning. Read the Safety and Installation Manual for mounting specifications and before handling, installing and operating modules. **12 year extendable to 25 years subject to registration and condi- tions outlined under "Warranty" at www.silfabsolar.com. ***Certification and CEC listing in progress. PAN files generated from 3rd party performance data are available for download at: www.siIfabsolar.com/downloads. ID# TSP78933 Z Z Q o cQ G O z Cr O U Q O CC O O ( 17\1UO NV Cy) � Nr Ln \I 3 00 O w O O amQomo 0 U O w 00 V) Ln O rV Ln H Titan Solar Power 525 W Baseline Rd (&T I TAN S 0 L A R P O W E R Mesa, AZ 85210 Tel 855 SAY -SOLAR O Titansolarpower.com UMU i nfo(o)tita nsola rpower W Silfab Solar Inc. ' , \ ���� Ifa b 240 Courtneypark Drive East Mississauga ON L5T2Y3 Canada Tel +1905-255-2501 Fax +1905-696-0267 S I SOLAR info@silfabsolar.com I www.silfabsolar.com aQ Silfab Solar Inc. ©® 800 Cornwall Ave LL Bellingham WA 98225 USA E Tel +1360-569-4733 ID# TSP78933 Z Z Q o cQ G O z Cr O U Q O CC O O ( 17\1UO NV Cy) � Nr Ln \I 3 00 O w O O amQomo 0 U O w 00 V) Ln O rV Ln H 1.5' [38mm] I � Drainage (x8) jr u_51 �1 LL / Mounting Hole(z4)N a O E N N - cO UMU X E W U z ';__ 2 � o - SQ G a) rnO0 in ° Ln aQ N J LU ��L=Ln E E E E tnU °o, a LL io E ?m E E ^ rn E E o �I a o ���a0 M � � M W LU O E E E� Cq Cli ^ cli ^ -a c c �} O 102 04.2mm (x2) Grounding Hole 38.11" [968mm] 39.37" [1000mm] ID# TSP78933 Z Z Q o cQ G O z Cr O U Q O CC O O ( 17\1UO NV Cy) � Nr Ln \I 3 00 O w O O amQomo 0 U O w 00 V) Ln O rV Ln H REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA I PV INSTALLATION , SHEET PROFESSIONAL O Z a) O N In UMU X E W U z ';__ 2 � o - SQ G a) rnO0 in ° Ln aQ N J LU ��L=Ln O tnU °o, a LL Q O m 'U) Z o �I a o ���a0 co G t o0Ln t7i LLI L_a) LU O Lr) Ol V/ -a v W �} O V) REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA I PV INSTALLATION , SHEET PROFESSIONAL O L� O Zr - J r- u 30 0 (6— 00 t ( I It UMU 00 W �cc>o O �ovzz aQ REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA I PV INSTALLATION , SHEET PROFESSIONAL Single Phase Inverter with HID -Wave Technology for North America SE3000H-US / SE3800H-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US / SE7600H-US / SE10000H-US / SE11400H-US solar -.-Wwave 0 W W an 12-25 YEAR WARRANTY 0 sollariyaL M. qW W Optimized installation with HD -Wave technology Specifically designed to work with power optimizers Record-breaking 99% weighted efficiency Quick and easy inverter commissioning directly from a smartphone using the SolarEdge SetApp Fixed voltage inverter for longer strings Integrated arc fault protection and rapid shutdown for NEC 2014 and 2017, per article 690.11 and 690.12 solaredge.com Inverter Data Sheets 1 Scale: NTS 9 29 Single Phase Inverter with HD -Wave TechnOlOgy for North America SE3000H-US / SE3800H-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US/ SE7600H-US / SE10000H-US / SE11400H-US OUTPUT Rated AC Power Output 3000 3800 @ 240V 5000 6000 @ 240V 7600 10000 11400 @ 240V VA Maximum DC Power @208V - 3300 @ 208V 1 - 5000 @ 208V C J S - 10000 @ 208V Maximum AC Power Output 3000 3800 @ 240V 5000 6000 @ 240V 7600 10000 11400 @ 240V VA 1 10.5 1 13.5 3300 @ 208V 1 27 5000 @ 208V Maximum Input Current @20W2) - 10000 @208V AC Output Voltage Min. -Nom. -Max. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Vac (211 - 240 - 264) 600kQ Sensitivity Maximum Inverter Efficiency 99 99.2 % CEC Weighted Efficiency 99 99 @ 240V % 98.5 @ 208V Nighttime Power Consumption AC Output Voltage Min. -Nom. -Max. ✓ ✓ - ✓ Vac (183 - 208 - 229) AC Frequency (Nominal) 59.3 - 60 - 60.50) Hz Maximum Continuous Output 12.5 16 21 25 32 42 47.5 A Current @240V Maximum Continuous Output 16 - 24 - 48.5 A Current @208V Power Factor 1, Adjustable - 0.85 to 0.85 GFDI Threshold 1 A Utility Monitoring, Islanding Protection, Yes Country Configurable Thresholds INPUT Maximum DC Power @240V 4650 5900 7750 1 9300 11800 1 15500 1 17650 W Maximum DC Power @208V - 5100 1 - 7750 C J S - 15500 W Transformer -less, Ungrounded Yes Maximum Input Voltage 480 Vdc Nominal DC Input Voltage 380 400 Vdc Maximum Input Current @240V0 8.5 1 10.5 1 13.5 16.5 20 1 27 1 30.5 Adc Maximum Input Current @20W2) - 9 1 - 13.5 - - 27 Adc Max. Input Short Circuit Current 45 Adc Reverse -Polarity Protection Yes Ground -Fault Isolation Detection 600kQ Sensitivity Maximum Inverter Efficiency 99 99.2 % CEC Weighted Efficiency 99 99 @ 240V % 98.5 @ 208V Nighttime Power Consumption I< 2.5 W 11) For other regional settings please contact SolarEdge support cz) A higher current source may be used; the inverter will limit its input current to the values stated ID# TSP78933 Z Z Q 0 Q 0 Z Cr 0 U Q p� 0CC00 N U SfVr\1 Cy) � f Z 3 Ln co 0 M O o CO a omo 0 U o w O UJ 0 Lf) Ln r'j Ln H UL1741 SA certified, for CPUC Rule 21 grid compliance O z i v 0 ai IN Ul _ _ X E or indoors U z ';__ 2 — o- 00 SQ G C J S U N LEJJ tin In Lf)_ Lf) 0 Lf) UM,Pa LL Q O m& u0 Z �I D_ o 0 ���a0 cO G t Ln W N LJJ O metering (0.5% accuracy, ANSI C12.20) ui v U) Ln -a } v W O UL1741 SA certified, for CPUC Rule 21 grid compliance 0 Small, lightweight, and easy to install both outdoors Citns n z O a) 0 N rn Lo or indoors — U � 0 coo 0 U00 Built-in module -level monitoring �" U 2E C: _ 00 N �p.��• W C > m m 0U Optional: Faster installations with built-in consumption 0 a) u metering (1% accuracy) and production revenue grade d D_ Q metering (0.5% accuracy, ANSI C12.20) solar -.. REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA I PV INSTALLATION , SHEET PROFESSIONAL Single Phase Inverter with HD -Wave TechnOlOgy for North America SE3000H-US / SE3800H-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US/ SE7600H-US / SE10000H-US / SE11400H-US ADDITIONAL FEATURES Supported Communication Interfaces RS485, Ethernet, ZigBee (optional), Cellular (optional) Revenue Grade Metering, ANSI C12.20 OptionalP) Consumption metering Inverter Commissioning With the SetApp mobile application using Built-in Wi-Fi Access Point for Local Connection Rapid Shutdown - NEC 2014 and 2017 690.12 Automatic Rapid Shutdown upon AC Grid Disconnect STANDARD COMPLIANCE Safety UL1741, UL1741 SA, UL169913, CSA C22.2, Canadian AFCI according to T.I.L. M-07 Grid Connection Standards IEEE1547, Rule 21, Rule 14 (HI) Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC Output Conduit Size / AWG 1'' Maximum/ 14-6 AWG 1'' Maximum /14-4 AWG O Range Lv It O N to DC Input Conduit Size / # of Strings / 1'' Maximum / 1-2 strings / 14-6 AWG 1'' Maximum / 1-3 strings / 14-6 AWG U z � 2 AWG Range SQo-O0 G N Ln Dimensions with Safety Switch 17.7 x 14.6 x 6.8 / 450 x 370 x 174 21.3 x 14.6 x 7.3 / 540 x 370 x 185 in / (HxWxD) Q m '& Z mm Weight with Safety Switch 22110 25.1/11.4 26.2/11.9 38.8/17.6 Ib / kg Noise < 25 <50 dBA Cooling Natural Convection vw Operating Temperature Range -40 to +140 / -40 to +60141 T / °C Protection Rating NEMA 4X (Inverter with Safety Switch) (3) Inverter with Revenue Grade Meter P/N: SExxxxH-US000BNC4; Inverter with Revenue Grade Production and Consumption Meter P/N: SExxxxH-US00013N14 . For consumption metering, current transformers should be ordered separately: SEACT0750-20ONA-20 or SEACT0750-400NA-20. 20 units per box (4) Full power up to at least 50°C / 122`F; for power de -rating information refer to: https://www.solaredge.com/sites/default/files/se-temperature-derating-note-na.pdf How to Enable Consumption Monitoring By simply wiring current transformers through the inverter's existing AC conduits and connecting them to the service panel, homeowners will gain full insight into their household energy usage helping them to avoid high electricity bills Single phase inverter with HD -wave technology and built-in RGM and Service Panel consumption monitoring Grid ---- �--- CT L1 N L2 ---- Shielded CAT5e cable - -- --- ---- ------ ---' II II N I L2 1 AC Conduit © SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE, the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date: 01/2020N01/ENG NAM. Subject to change without notice. Inverter Data Sheets 1 Scale: NTS RoHS ID# TSP78933 Z Of Lu Z Q O � a Q - J O �U) O z cr O U Q Q O O r1 N U cN N � Ln Z 3 a) 00 6 O w O O amQomo 0 U O w V) Lel N *k N r6 Ln H O CRY LL c:�� 0 or a)O U 30n o00 a ro >0`t00 00 O Z Lv It O N to cc > m m X E U z � 2 SQo-O0 G N Ln a J LEJJ tin In Ln _ Ln O O V) -2 r, a LL Q m '& Z o �I a o a) O S t co Ln w N G LU O LC) v V) a) vw toL O V) O CRY LL c:�� 0 or a)O U 30n o00 a ro >0`t00 00 U �' o �• f W cc > m m ...�1 O O O U C7 r-1 � v Q a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA I PV INSTALLATION , SHEET PROFESSIONAL 1 Power Optimizer For North America P320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P401 / P405 / P485 / P505 (25 YEAR WARRANTY 66. PV power optimization at the module -level / Specifically designed to work with SolarEdge inverters / Up to 25% more energy / Superior efficiency (99.5%) / Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses, from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading / Flexible system design for maximum space utilization solaredge.com Optimizer Data Sheets Scale: NTS / Fast installation with a single bolt / Next generation maintenance with module - level monitoring / Meets NEC requirements for arc fault protection (AFCI) and Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown System (PVRSS) / Module -level voltage shutdown for installer and firefighter safety Power Optimizer For North America P320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P401 / P405 / P485 / P505 INPUT Rated Input DC Power"' 320 1 340 370 400 405 1 485 505 W Absolute Maximum Input Voltage 48 60 80 60 12511 83m Vdc (Voc at lowest temperature) 655/1.5 845/1.9 1064/2.3 gr/ Ib Input Connector MC40) Single or dual MC43) MPPT Operating Range 8 - A. 8 - 60 8-80 8-60 12.5 -105 12.5-83 Vdc Maximum Short Circuit Current 11 10.1 11.75 11 14 Adc (Isc) Z 0LL N1 a o Maximum Efficiency 99.5 Weighted Eficiencv 98.8 1 98.6 % OUTPUT DURING OPERATION (POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREDGE INVERTER) Maximum OutputCurrent 15 Adc Maximum Output Voltage 60 85 Vdc OUTPUT DURING STANDBY (POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM SOLAREDGE INVERTER OR SOLAREDGE INVERTER OFF) Safety Output Voltage per Power 1 +0.1 Vdc Optimizer STANDARD COMPLIANCE EMC FCC Part15 Class 3, IEC61000-6-2, IEC61000-6-3 Safety IEC62109-1 (class II safety), UL1741 Material UL94 V-0 , UV Resistant RoHS Yes INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Allowed System 1000 Vdc Compatible inverters I All SolarEdae Sinale Phase and Three Phase inverters I Dimensions (W x L x H) 129 x 153 x 27.5 / 5.1 x 6 x 1.1 129x153x33.5 129x153x29.5 129x162x59/ mm 129x159x49,5/5.1x6.3x1.9 /5.153x1.3 /5.1x6x1.16 5.1x6.4x2.3 /in Weight (including cables) 630/1.4 750/1.7 655/1.5 845/1.9 1064/2.3 gr/ Ib Input Connector MC40) Single or dual MC43) MC413u4) Input Wire Length 0.16 / 0.52 m / ft Output Wire Type / Connector Double Insulated / MC4 Output Wire Length 0.9/2.95 1.2/3.9 m / ft Operating Temperature Range(') -40 - +85 / -40 - +185 `C / -F Protection Rating IP68 / NEMA6P Relative Humidity 0-100 96 (1) Rated power of the module at STC will not exceed the optimizer "Rated Input DC Power'. Modules with up to +596 power tolerance are allowed (2) NEC 2017 requires max input voltage be not more than 80V (3) For other connector types please contact SolarEdge (4) For dual version for parallel connection of two modules use P48S-4NMDMRM. In the case of an odd number of PV modules in one string, installing one P48S dual version power optimizer connected to one PV module. When connecting a single module seal the unused input connectors with the supplied pair of seals. (5) For ambient temperature above +85°C / +185°F power de -rating is applied. Refer to Power Optimizers Temperature De -Rating Technical Note for more details. P370 P340, , Minimum String Length P320, 8 10 18 P400, P401 (Power Optimizers) p405, P48S, P505 6 8 1 14 Maximum String Length (Power Optimizers) 25 25 1 5010 5700 (6000 with Maximum Power per String SE7600-US - SE11400- 5250 6000191 12750110) W Parallel Strings of Different Lengths or Orientations Yes (6) For detailed string sizing information referto: http://www.solaredge.com/sites/default/files/string_sizing_na.pdf (7 It is not allowed to mix P405/P485/P505 with P320/P340/P370/P400/P401 in one string (8) A string with more than 30 optimizers does not meet NEC rapid shutdown requirements; safety voltage will be above the 30V requirement (9) For 208V grid: it is allowed to install up to 7,20OW per string when the maximum power difference between each string is 1,000W (10) For 277/480V grid: it is allowed to install up to 15,000W per string when the maximum power difference between each string is 2,000W solar• , -• ® SolarEdge Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE, the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE aretrademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. Al,other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date: 07/2020NO2/ENG NAM. Subject to change without notice. n� ylus RoHS Intertek ID# TSP78933 ZILLI D` Q0 a o a Q J O O LL Z 01 0 U Q O 0 0 l) Na) _1 � C N N cy) Ln Z 3 Cl) 00 6 r-1 O In O amaw O o U U tnu v00 # C N r6 Ln F_ O LL coLn8 M Z U 3 0 00 o v�� U v 0 It 00 U o)U�N W �(13 > m m O C7� 01OZ ~ 0 " 0- < a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA PVRNoS �LAT0N SHEET iPnnrESSIONAL 5 O Z N v -- OIN In ' X U Z 2 00 CQ G E 0 Ln N� s=tn O tnQ Tr, Z 0LL N1 a o >Y�v0 r5 C C G Y -O t Do W ZT) W N LU r ra lIl O A v } v W 0 0 In O LL coLn8 M Z U 3 0 00 o v�� U v 0 It 00 U o)U�N W �(13 > m m O C7� 01OZ ~ 0 " 0- < a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. DATA PVRNoS �LAT0N SHEET iPnnrESSIONAL IVIOun-Ling systems for solar technology NIEW 13It01]UI, i ► Optimized rail profile ► One rail for all markets ► Built-in wire management ► Maintains same structural integrity as 48-X ► Tested up to 200 mph winds ► Tested up to 100 PSF snow loads ERESTK-171 Part Number Description CrossRail 44-X 166_, Mill 4000019 4000020 CrossRail 44-X 166''Dark 4000021 CrossRail 44-X 180" Mill 4000022 CrossRail 44-X 180" Dark 4000051 RailConn Set CR 44-X Mill 4000052 RailConn Set CR 44-X Dark 4000067 End Ca Black CR 44-X 1391 [4216.40] 1.54 166 44] �- 73 www.everest-solarsystems.c.om CrossRail 44-X Product Sheet US01 10520 • Subject to change • Product illustrations are exemplary and may differ from the original. ID# TSP78933 Z Of LU Z Q O � a Q J O /'G U) cr O z cr O U Q poc00 N _ SfVV � f Z 3'�°' O Ln '00 o 0 mQ aomo 0 U ��;�o w V� �� N (6 Ln H Or- �� O ILL ° 10 -1 1 u 30000 2 co U U 00 MU 00 LU � C[ > rn O Wova aQ REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. 1 Rail Data Sheets DATA Scale: NTS I PRIOFESSIONALN SHEET O za) O IN v, U z ,F- _ 0 0 SQE E 42G J W a) F_L O Lf) UM,Pa LL Q o m '� Z �i a o o ��0 : �0 � ���LLIwa) o vUJI �ci v) a) Ln } vw 0 V) Or- �� O ILL ° 10 -1 1 u 30000 2 co U U 00 MU 00 LU � C[ > rn O Wova aQ REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. 1 Rail Data Sheets DATA Scale: NTS I PRIOFESSIONALN SHEET ; &EREST EverFlash eComp Kit Part Number Description 4000366 EverFlash eComo Kit Black 4000679 EverFlash eComp Kit Mill LF Dark Flash 1 4000367 1EverFlash eComp Kit Silver ► High quality, patented design to ensure watertight seal ► Included as part of a UL 2703 Listed System ► Easy installation, can be retrofitted without removing shingles ► Meets or exceeds all known building codes ► Aluminum base with stainless steel hardware for high corrosion resistance ► Compatible with all our CrossRails ID# TSP78933 z O Q O LLz 01 O U Q z 0 z O C� G 0 z 5 G W H Ln } Ln Components O LL. z AwU W / 7 -zfton EverFlash eComp, 8x12" L -Foot and Hardware 5/16" Sealing Washer 5/16" Lag Bolt 11 ► Material: aluminum ► Material: aluminum and ► Material: stainless steel, ► Material: stainless steel ► Finish: silver, black stainless steel EPDM insert ► Finish: mill, dark / www.everest-solarsystems.com EverFlash eComp Kit Product Sheet USO4 11019 Subject to change - Product illustrations are exemplary and may differ from the original. Attachment Data Sheets 1 Scale: NTS Z� U C 0 (L O O U a)-1rn N C N N dl N - Indl In 3 N 00 O O amaw o U � Ln v 00 � C N t6 Ln F - O N 01 N_ V1 U z 2 F O O p E m O u J_ 0 N(Jl U1 o0,v 0 3: WI d O > Y -0 al O (p 01 C Y O -O -C 00 In ZT) w N Ln 0 rn v-0 v w 0 O Ln v D � m r` U 3 0 00 o fa N 00 N v Uv0Itoo OlU 0 N >mm v� Com a a REVISION BLOCK DESCRIPTION DATE Initial Draft of Plans 5/28/21 Design By: CNG SOLAR ENGINEERING, INC. _ DATA PV WAAALLATI O'N-" SHEET iPROFESSIONAL From: no-renlv(alai.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Perm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: Solar PV Installation Date: Wednesday, June 9, 20218:22:56 AM Solar PV Installation This application is exclusively for Solar PV Installations YOU MUST ATTACH A VALID ELECTRONIC PAYMENT ORM IN ORDER FOR THE PERMIT TO BE PROCESSED. Your Permit will be emailed to the email address provided below once it is processed. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for Yes Solar PV Installation? PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 14 Rangeview Dr Denver CO 80215 Property Owner Name Gena Mccracken Property Owner Phone 303-884-1873 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email Address Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" genamccracken@gmail.com 09. odf CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Titan Solar Power CO Name Wheat Ridge Contractor's License Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the 202247 City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Contractor Email Address 4802372375 copermitting@titansolarpower.com Retype Contractor copermitting@titansolarpower.com Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Scope of Work Installation of a 5.18 MN DC roof mounted solar system. KW 5.18 # of Panels 14 Location of Panels house roof Structural required No Upload engineer letter 14 Ranaeview Dr Denver CO 80215 SL.odf or pages on 8 1/2" x 11" only Solar Installation Plan 14 Ranaeview Dr Denver CO 80215 Plans. Ddf Set on 11'x17" only. Project Value (contract 42084.00 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Person Applying for Erica Ford Permit I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 1* � � i City of Wheat Ridge �� Residential Solar PERMIT - 202101231 PERMIT NO: 202101231 ISSUED: 06/14/2021 JOB ADDRESS: 14 Rangeview Dr EXPIRES: 06/14/2022 JOB DESCRIPTION: Installation of a 5.18 kW DC roof mounted solar system on roof top - 14 panels *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (7 2 0) 9 7 4- 7 2 5 5 MCCRACKEN MATTHEW MARDEN SUB (480)226-6769 DAVID WILLIAMSON 202247 TITAN SOLAR POWER CO *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2404 / APPLEWOOD KNOLLS, PARAMOUNT HE BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 42,084.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Residential Solar 500.00 ** TOTAL ** 500.00 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** A printed copy of the permit and city stamped on-site plans must be available on-site for the first inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2018 IRC, 2020 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to, be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicae building codes, and all applicable municpal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this�permrt. I further attest that I am leg ally authorized to include alI entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1, This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180, days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and��procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all requ�ired inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, anviolation of any provision of any �pplicabje code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. 06/14/2021 Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. PERMITJD/q &f7&? / ADDRESS: / /fit , JOB CODE: Rough Inspection (continued) Date Inspector Initials Comments 316 Rough Mechanical Residential 317 Rough Mechanical Commercial 318 Boiler / Furnace 319 Hot water tank 320 Drywall screw and Nail 321 Moisture board / shower walls 322 Rough Grading 323 Miscellaneous _ Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments 402 Gas Meter Release 403 Final Electrical Residential 404 Final Electrical Commercial 405 Final Mechanical Residential 406 Final Mechanical Commercial 407 Final Plumbing Residential .408 Final Plumbina Commercial 409 Final Roof _ 410 Final Window/Door 411 Landscape/Park/Planning* Inspections from these entities shall be requested one week in advance. *For landscaping and parking inspections please call 303-235-2846 **For ROW and drainage inspections please call 303-235-2861 ***For fire inspections please contact the Fire Protection District for your project. 412 Row/Drainage/Public Works** 413 Flood plain Inspection** 414 Fire Insp. / Fire Protection*** 415 Public Works Final** 416 Storm Water Mgmt.** 417 Zoning Final Inspection* 418 Building Final Inspection Note: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building Inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. For Low Voltage permits please be sure that rough inspections are completed by the Fire District and Electrical low voltage by the Building Division. A i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: `7%// Gl)► R lc Job Address: % a cloi,I /.; eLi r Permit Number: 0z7 -6C :z ❑ No one available for inspection:Time / , ILA., )! V- PM Re -Inspection required: Ye Nom/ When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date:,__;� I �. /(T Inspector: , 61 //,-, 1-�-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION ONLINE FORM: http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/inspection INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303) 234-5933 Cancellations must be submitted via the online form before 8 a.m. the day of the inspection Occupancy/Type Inspections will not be performed unless this card is posted on the project site. **Request an inspection before 11:59 p.m. (midnight) to receive an inspection the following business day.** Inspector Must Sign ALL Spaces pertinent to this project Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Pier Concrete Encased Ground (CEG) Foundation / P.E. Letter Dn Nnf Pni it rnnrrnfn D. -C.,.- -r^ Ae%& Tl-_ w &-_ . - --------- — •rr..,.......,. ..�` .-.uvv� u�aNGcuvnS Underground/Slab Inspections Date Inspector -- r l w.al "1 11.0 P%uvve inspections Comments Initials Comments Electrical Sewer Service Plumbing Iln Plnf Rough Inspections Date - Inspector' Initi -- r l w.al "1 11.0 P%uvve inspections Comments Wall Sheathing Mid -Roof i ,th /'Nall Tie ough Electric .ough Plumbing/Gas Line Rough Mechanical Rough Framing Rough Grading - Insulation Drywall Screw/ Nail Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Landscaping & Parking / Planning Dept. Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. Floodplain Inspection (if applicable) Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Final Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Roof 1 Final Window/Doors Final Building NOTE. All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. *For low voltaae nermaq — Pfaaca ho ei iso +ho+ -_. -------._.._ _._ - ...,,.,,.,,,, ��-11 ��— I vwuwi aiw t1luumuai IOW voltage by the Building Division. Occupancy Is Not Permitted Until A Certificate of Occupancy Is Issued Protect This Card From The Weather - City of Wheat Ridge Resid. Windows/Doors PERMIT - 201709671 PERMIT NO: 201709671 ISSUED: 12/21/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 14 Rangeview DR EXPIRES: 12/21/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Replacing 4 windows like for like. U factor will be .30 or better. *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)974-7255 GERMAINN MINDY JO SUB (303)945-1519 Matthew Seiler 130206 Renewal by Andersen *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2404 / APPLEWOOD KNOLLS, PARAMOUNT HE BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 9,570.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 200.97 Permit Fee 204.30 ** TOTAL ** 405.27 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Windows shall comply with all applicable codes, have a .32 or better U -factor and shall be safety glazing if within a tub enclosure, less than 18 inches above the floor or within 24 inches of a vertical edge of a door. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applica le building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include alI entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date I. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2, This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4, No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any applicahle'cVde or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. o Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of Wheat P,,, COMMUNITY DL•VELOI'MENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29`h Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: /9 /9 / / /_?__ Plan/Permit # ,9-0 / :�-6 q&') Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: 14 Rangeview Dr Property Owner (please print): Mindyjo Germann Phone: 720-974-7255 Property Owner Email: Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Architect/Engineer: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Phone: Contractor: Matthew Seiler Contractors City License #: CL3-130206 Phone: 303-945-1519 Contractor E-mail Address: mseiler@renewalcolorado.com Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W. R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESDENTIAL ADDITION [3 WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ OTHER (Describe) (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) Replacing 4 windows like for like. U factor will be .30 or better Sq. Ft./LF Amps Btu's Squares Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) s 9,570 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT 1 hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that 1 am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: Matthew Seiler ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS. Reviewer. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) SIGNATURE: / r` DATE: PROOF OF SUBMISSION FORMS Fire Department ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Water District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Sanitation District ❑ Received (] Not Required DEPARTMENT USE ONLY (CONTRACTOR) OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: I Building Division Valuation: $ owagod ° z s O a w o z h = h 3 in M ✓� M ap;o�d aHxj uaanS M4H c U c U c D U w c D U z 1111D 1111 O 4sDS. a 3 19 MJ ¢ a a a Q O U p Zj ssolg X X X X a Z LS SSDI9 X X X k N > > > > U U u v Z=_ Jx3 alJ u u u u of;Da ^ 7iv a � aIAIS v SO m I n 2 W/W e _ TapAo N N N P 41 r 41P!M N ri ,apAO G v v W/W Tlz SS3a93 N Pd l4 !aH N _ o aI sr U - v, a .Pb 4!PW v X D pl 1.21 3 I!Da m �Ioa4J O a1 uy IRS }y IaH v v v u!ua p M M M u!4s!x3 M M M u!}s!x3 v o a C � c W9 c � awD�3 0 0 0 0 a m v � H V Al #01 d z 3 c aa m m u c O w u L- S O D N N O Oo = a v I City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 201705844 PERMIT NO: 201705844 ISSUED: 08/10/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 14 Rangeview DR EXPIRES: 08/10/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Residential Re -roof to install Dimensional asphalt shingles with 45.5 sq. (43 sq. pitched, 2.5 sq. flat) *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)588-7589 GERMANN PETER V SUB Tom Vandersluis 170206 Rock Roofing LLC *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2404 / APPLEWOOD KNOLLS, PARAMOUNT HE BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 16,892.12 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax �s 354.73 Permit Fee --- 315.25 ** TOTAL ** 669.98 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) is required on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Sheathing and mid -roofs may be called in at the same time, one hundred percent of the sheathing must be complete and 25-75 percent of the mid -roof may be complete. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. Ice and water shield is required. Eave and rake metal is required. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. Roof ventilation is required to comply with applicable codes and/or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. In order to pass a final inspection of elastomeric or similar type roof coverings, a letter of inspection and approval from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. Roof inspections for ROOFS OVER 6/12 PITCH: 3rd party inspection will be required, the 3rd party inspection report will be collected at final roof inspection performed by City of Wheat Ridge. If report is not available the final inspection will not be completed. City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 201705844 PERMIT NO: 201705844 ISSUED: 08/10/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 14 Rangeview DR EXPIRES: 08/10/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Residential Re -roof to install Dimensional asphalt shingles with 45.5 sq. (43 sq. pitched, 2.5 sq. flat) I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am le ally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed an all work to b pe rmed is disclosed in this document and/ 'ts' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date I. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuan ranting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any applicable co r any erdina-� reg atio of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Dane Lovett From: no-reply@ci.wheatridge.co.us Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 8:55 AM To: CommDev Permits Subject: Online Form Submittal: Residential Roofing Permit Application Categories: Gina Residential Roofing Permit Application This application is exclusively for new permits for residential roofs and for licensed contractors only. This type of permit is ONLY being processed online --do not come to City Hall to submit an application in person. Permits are processed and issued in the order they are received and due to the volume of requests, time to process varies and is subject to change. YOU WILL BE CONTACTED WHEN YOUR PERMIT IS READY FOR PICK-UP AND WILL BE GIVEN A SPECIFIC DATE AND TIME WINDOW TO COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION. You will be notified if your contractor's license or insurance has expired, and you may update those documents at the time you are issued your permit. For all other requests: Homeowners wishing to obtain a roofing permit must apply for the permit in person at City Hall. Revisions to existing permits (for example, to add redecking) must be completed in person at City Hall. All other non -roofing permits must be completed in person at City Hall. The Building Division will be open from 7:30-10:30 a.m., Monday through Friday to process these types of requests. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN REROOFING UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for a Yes residential roof? How many dwelling units Single Family Home are on the property? PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address Property Owner Name Property Owner Phone Number Property Owner Email Address 14 rangeview dr peter germann 303-588-7589 Field not completed. J Do you have a signed Yes contract to reroof this property? It will need to be provided at the time of permit pick-up. Attached Copy of Field not completed. Contract CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Rock Roofing LLC Name Contractor's License 170206 Number (for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone 303-808-2662 Number Contractor Email Address tom.rockroofing@yahoo.com Retype Contractor Email tom.rockroofing@yahoo.com Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Are you re-decking the No roof? Description of Roofing Dimensional shingles Material Select Type of Material: Asphalt If "Other" is selected Field not completed. above, describe here: How many squares of the 43 material selected above? Does any portion of the Yes property include a flat roof? If yes, how many squares 2.5 on the flat roof? TOTAL SQUARES / 45.5 ✓ (pitched + flat) of all 2 roofing material for this project Provide additional detail here on the description of work. (Is this for a house or garage? What is the roof pitch? Etc) Project Value (contract value or cost of ALL materials and labor) 4/12 pitch- existing plywood decking- includes shed 16892.12 SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that this Yes application is NOT a permit. I understand I will be contacted by the City to pay for and pick up the permit for this property. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have been Yes authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Name of Applicant Tom Vandersluis Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 3 F ROCK ROOFINaLl-C Customer: Phone: 303-704-3350 Address: Fax: 303-660-6525 PO 5377 Englewood CO 80155 Phone: Job Location: Email: tom.rockroofing@yahoo.com Email: QTY. DESCRIPTION UNIT COST SUB -TOTAL Gr Wood Roofs: Shake Cedar !1 1 of Lavers r i BY. fiAVPYJn Submitted By: Date: Date: NOTE: This proposal may be withdrawn by Rock Roofing LLC if not accepted within: Total; $ 16,892.12 days Tar & Gravel EPDM Addl. Costs: Steep 2 Story Mansard Wheel to the Street: # of Layf rs 15# Decking: install Decking R & R Decking 25yr 3 Tab Fiberglass Six Nail app 5 Lifetime Dimensional Std. Cedar Shakes: Std. Shakes Class A Cedar Shakes: Class A 90#: 1 Addl. Costs: Steep 2 Story Mansard Addl. Costs: Handload EPDM Aluminum Coating: lWall SQ & Curb Flashing: LF Cedar Spot Re air: Shake Composition Chimney Swam Cooler Valley wall WarrantyVaterials 1,YR Warrantv:Labor F IYR BY. fiAVPYJn Submitted By: Date: Date: NOTE: This proposal may be withdrawn by Rock Roofing LLC if not accepted within: Total; $ 16,892.12 days i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division t (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: L)No one available for inspection: Time # ; ._ W/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes Q' When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: � � `r Inspector:^ DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _:�9rBuilding Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE ❑ No one available for inspection: Time'./ 7 AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes ! No When corrections have been made, call for re-inspe ion at 303-234-5933 Date: �! Inspector: ' mss. INSPECTION A;ECO R D INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303) 234-5933 Occunancy/Twe Inspections will not be performed unless this card is posted on the project site. Call the inspection request line before 11:59 p.m. to receive an inspection the following business day.** Inspector Must Sign ALL Spaces pertinent to this project Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Pier Concrete Encased Ground (CEG) Foundation / P.E. Letter uv ut rour r.oncrerp rnnr i n mnnrnv9i t sr i no Atinve �..�..enr:....� Underground/Slab inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Electrical Sewer Service Plumbing uu mut Vuver unuerurOurio Or i5eiow In�sian wnrK Vflnf IA drfnrnvi2i "f The dhws lea��tew4i�n�. Rough Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Wall Sheathing Mid -Roof Lath / Wall Tie Rough Electric Rough Plumbing/Gas Line Rough Mechanical Rough Framing Rough Grading Insulation Drywall Screw / Nail Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Landscaping & Panting / Planning Dept. ROW & Drainage 1 Public Works Dept. Floodplain Inspection (if applicable) Fire Inspection 1 Fire Protection Dist, Final Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Roof Final Window/Doors - 4.17 Final Building Inspections from one week in advi inspections call 30 inspections call 30 contact the Fire Pr cityy of l heat Aid 03/2712017 15T an Replace 5 windows - ED1434 AMOUNT R9 14 Ranaeview DR 218.95 ARPLtKRNIT NO: 20170F195 PAYMENT RECEIVED VE i 93'7 RUTH GORE: 059483 TOTAL NOTE: Ali items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. 'For low voltage permits - Please be sure that rough inspections are completed from the Fire District and electrical low voltage by the Building Division. "*For Inspection Time Window Requests - Please email insptjg!eMguesl@_ci.wheatddoe.co.0 by 8:00 A.M. the day of the inspection with the property address in the subject line of the email. Occupancy Is Not Permitted Until A Certificate of Occupancy Is Issued Protect This Card From The Weather AMOUNT 2118,95 212.95 `.► A y CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ..... - - - . Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office - (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: f ► ,,, Job Address: `41 ; V0 o ; t ►tet e Permit Number: ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No *When corrections have been made, call for re-inspectio 003-234-5933 Date: Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE TANS NOTICE �,4 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE• `. ',. Building Inspection Division / (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office - (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: F w r> Job Address: I L4 k A U i E HJ tl IL Permit Number: 0/ 7 6 a 9 D A M -S w p/L a t b6ot ❑ No one available for inspection: Time f , AM/PM Re -Inspection required: GDNo When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 03-234-5933 Date: .'?> l % Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge Resid. Windows/Doors PERMIT - 201700295 PERMIT NO: 201700295 ISSUED: 02/27/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 14 Rangeview DR EXPIRES: 02/27/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Replace 5 windows - no size modifications. *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (720)974-7255 GERMANN PETER V SUB (303)945-1519 Matthew Seiler 130206 Renewal by Andersen *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2404 / APPLEWOOD KNOLLS, PARAMOUNT HE BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 9,386.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 168.95 Permit Fee 50.00 ** TOTAL ** 218.95 V ` *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** windows shall comply with all applicable codes, have a .32 or better U -factor and shall be safety glazing if within a tub enclosure, less than 18 inches above the floor or within 24 inches of a vertical edge of a door. I, by m signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with thispermrt. I further attest that l am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed rs disclosed in this document and its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Budding Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original pen -nit fee. 3, Ifthis pen -nit expires, a new permit ►nay be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees androcedures for approval of any new pen -nit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4, No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5, The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6, The ' ce or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any ap rca 1 code or an�ance r re ulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Inspection time requests will be accepted by email only. Please email requests to insptimerequest@ci.wheatridge.co.us between 7:30am and 8:00am, the morning of the inspection. Please put the address of the inspection in the subject line. J -yo(LA,Q �� � . INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303) 234-5933 Occupancy/Type Inspections will not be performed unless this card is posted on the project site. Call the inspection request line before 11:59 p.m. to receive an inspection the following business day.** Inspector Must Sign ALL Spaces pertinent to this project Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Pier Concrete Encased Ground (CEG) Foundation / P.E. Letter Do Not Pour Concrete Prior To Aornroval Of The Above Insnections Underground/Slab Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Electrical Wall Sheathing Sewer Service Mid -Roof Plumbing Do Not Cover Underaround or Below/In-Slab Work Prior To Anoroval Of The Above Insnections Rough Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Wall Sheathing Mid -Roof Lath /Wall Tie Rough Electric ' Rough Plumbing/Gas Line Rough Mechanical Rough Framing Rough Grading Insulation Drywall Screw / Nail Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Landscaping & Parking / Planning Dept. ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. Floodplain Inspection (if applicable) Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Final Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Roof Final Window/Doors Final Building Citmf Wheat Ridge Inspections from 02/2017 15:26 CDHH one week in advg inspections call 3C Replace 5 windows - inspections call 30 CDH814345 AMOUNT contact the Fire Pr HASP 14 Ranneview DR 218.95 APDL/PERMIT NO: 201780295 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT VS / 9397 218.95 RUTH CODE: 859483 TOTAL 218.95 ---------------------------------------- NOTE: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. 'For low voltage permits — Please be sure that rough inspections are completed from the Fire District and electrical low voltage by the Building Division. "For Inspection Time Window Requests — Please email insptimerequestCa)ci.wheatddge.co.us by 8:00 A.M. the day of the inspection with the property address in the subject line of the email. Occupancy Is Not Permitted Until A Certificate of Occupancy Is Issued Protect This Card From The Weather City Ot )9'Wheat1jdgc COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29"Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 " Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: —( P/aNPennit # r� v ( � Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application """ Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. "* Property Address: 14 Rangeview Dr 80215 Property Owner (please print): Mindjo Germann Phone: 720-974-7255 Property Owner Email: Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: same as above City, State, Zip: Arch ltect/Eng! neer: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor: Matthew Seiler Contractors City License M CL3-130206 Contractor E-mail Address: mseiler@renewalcolorado.com Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Phone: Phone: 303-945 1519 Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESDENTIAL ADDITION ( WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ OTHER (Describe) (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) We will be replacing like for like 2 master bedroom, 1 family room and 2 kitchen windows. Egress requirements will be met and will have a u factor of .30 or better. There will be no size modifications. Sq. FULF Amps Btu's Squares Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) 9,386 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate: that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: Matthew Seiler SIGNATURE:DATE: 2/27/17 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONING COMMMENTS Reviewer BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS Reviewer. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS- Reviewer PROOF OF SUBMISSION FORMS Fire Department ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Water District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Sanitation District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION Building Division Valuation: $ �t r r i a VOW i4y .y` l3'�. V: � Certificate Of Completion Building Division 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-8001 Permit#:201400365 Issued: 11/18/2014 Stipulations: 560 sf Addition to Existing Garage. This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Owner: GERMANN PETER V 14 RANGEVIEW DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215-6669 Contractor: John Gendreau 27 RANGEVIEW DR WHEAT RIDGE CO 80215-6650 Code,.Editions NO change shall be made in the USE of 2012 ICC/2014 NEC this building without prior notice V ICC/2011 NEC and a new Certificate • Completion 2006 ICC/2005 NEC from the City of Wheat Ridge. Other R — Zoning Adffi - i - ni - st - rat - or • MR10"Falffing"M wag 11 Complete A information on BOTH sides of this form Sq. FULF ` Stu's Gallons Amps Squares Other I =t1towtUlf , sm- I GENERAL INFORMATION 0 Schedule: 048548 Parcel ID: 39-284-06-007 FIftn_t Hgk I 2EM3EU1I=- � # M w Subdivision Name: 579200 PARAMOUNT HEIGHTS PART 4 1 11M.T4 W". I MW W. MIN R - ME Rawl PROPERTY INVENTORY Property Type RESID Year Built: 1962 Adjusted Year Built* 1962 Em�� VIM (Value ---------- I -------- 31- M-0 FDea'th Certificate R-, I I M-MMI .. .............. . .. . ....... ..... ...... presentative Deed - Joint Tenancy 1 11M.T4 W". I MW W. MIN R - ME Rawl PROPERTY INVENTORY Property Type RESID Year Built: 1962 Adjusted Year Built* 1962 Em�� TAX INFORMATION 12013 Payab e 2014 VIM (Value Letter or Letters 31- M-0 FDea'th Certificate R-, I I M-MMI .. .............. . .. . ....... ..... ...... presentative Deed - Joint Tenancy TAX INFORMATION 12013 Payab e 2014 VIM (Value Letter or Letters FDea'th Certificate .. .............. . .. . ....... ..... ...... presentative Deed - Joint Tenancy TAX INFORMATION 12013 Payab e 2014 (Value sessed - Va I fuel Improvement Number: [A I'View Mill Levy Detail For Year In WIf-11141:1"01 City of Wheat'Pi ie - Y DEVELOPMENT COMMUNn City of'Whcat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W. 29"' Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P 303 235,2846 P 303,235,2857 I g2g rj III g1c. L Notes: (a) Front setback reductions may be allowed in accordance with Section 26-611 (b) a or rear yard which abuts a public street shall have a minimum setback of thirty (30) feet for all structures, (c) Front setbacks for structures on lots or portions • lots which abut cul-de-sacs may be reduced to ten (10) feet for those portions of lots which abut a cul-de-sac bulb, (See Figure 26-123,3 at the end of section 26-123) (d) See Section 26-625 for additional regulations pertaining to accessory buildings. (e) Fifteen-foot setback for the first story and five (5) feet for each additional story, M�[M RESIDENTIAL Boil din Permit — Plan Review Worksheet ;\­ Pey-J'e , A'f' tT , Property in the d plain? lf'yes, add surveying condition FLD, Type of project (applicable survey conditions in parenthesis): Existing Improvements: House: sq, ft. Shed: sq. ft. tae ftW — arage-: -- 5 --' sq ft. Other: sq. ft. Proposed Improvements: House/addition: Shed: ft tX Garage: sq. ft. Other: sq. ft. Total Existing sq. ft Total Proposed t.3 1 1 -1 sq. ft Lot Coverage Lot Coverage % VV Is F- Required Setbacks: FR -- �0 --- S lo Provided Setbacks: FR � I' i -�S' 4 S S R For additions or new construction, is the structure, within 2 feet of minimum setbacks? If yes, add survey�in �con f Maxis urn Height: Maximum Size: 'All sq. ft. Proposed Het, Proposed Size: s q. ft . . . . . .. Access Notes Fol one and two-larnity dwellings, the first 25' of driveway area from the existing edge of pavement into the site shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers or similar materials, U For all uses other than one, and two family dwellings, no vehicle entrance or exits may be closer than 25' to any property line, except when used as joint access for two or more lots. LJ In residential zone districts, curb cuts shall be at least 10 feet and not more than 24 feet in width, CJ One and two-family dwellings may have horseshoe driveways, provided that the street accesses are at least 30 feet apart, measured from the interior edges. U For all uses, one access point per property is permitted. Maximum Lot Coverage: ­ ,,21 <-' — % J Lf 1 (0 sq. ft. I • • U z 0 C • W W > OD U t2 z w • ♦ z w >< 0 x w z < P4 Ali 0 g 0 0 w u o" 0 >4 V ) U w 8 0 • j iL • t4 W • • w 0 Lt d I • • U z 0 C • W W > OD U t2 z w • ♦ z w >< 0 x w z < I • • • 00*12V SOT I • • • • • • • • • • 2x.6 rafters 2x4 colhu ties 12 Germann residence 14 Rangeview Dr. Wheat Ridge, CO resi Gennann Rang eview Dr. Wh Rid APPROVED Subod to Fi eld SUM" Dept Ad d an extension to the existing gar ; • an side with Hardy Boar siding. Concrete for o • Jahn Gu Builder 313- 596 -393+6 Provide trin e rnanufact r r s profile drawings at time of frame e inspection. Uplift connections ' bearing shall comply witb drawings, Rafters shall beat ftilly at heel cut a nd shall have on 1-12,5 clip per rafier at bearing point:, All shinnies smelt be nailed % ) oar d and bast Milliniurn of nails per stlingjes and mid roof insj,� tioll required o tile, Ha rdy B oard concrete, or Tnetal 1-ce and water shield under] ayment, e din feet inside exterior malls is requirc,4 at the av s.. Outlet type, location and spacing shall colliply with 2006 IR( " and 2011 NEC. ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line roooor(303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: RC',o-t, Job Address: eal j efv Permit Number: 6(2 t7l5 001 - ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM(PM) Re-Inspection required: Yes . 0 ' When corrections have been made, call for a7,17, on st 30~-234 5933 Date: Inspector: 11 z DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~100 Building Inspection Division r' (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: l >s' 12(!2-91 Job Address: , lJ RAbn f VJf~/ P.~2, Permit Number: e-Fa?5yA3 I ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 5;1 FPM Re-Inspection required: Yes q - "When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: dr? . > D~ Inspector: f DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE f, City of Wheat Ridge Faxed Roof Permit PERMIT - 092913 PERMIT NO: 092913 ?.ISSUED:` 10/01/2009 JOB ADDRESS:: 14 RANGEVIEW DR `EXPIRES.: 03/30/2010 r DESCRIPTION: Reroof'36.3 sgs CONTACTS owner 303/927-2618 Pete/Mindy Germann sub 303/727-1110 Michael O'Donnell 02-2175 A-1 :Roofing. PARCEL INFO ZONE `CODE: UA USE: UA -e SUBDIVISION:- 0677 BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: .7,260.00` FEES Permit Fee 199.30 Total valuation .00 rL t Use Tax 130.68 L'17rd~1~%` TOTAL -..329.98 .z Conditions': 1-i =er shield required from eave edge to 2' insi Dject to field inspection. iereby certify. that the setback distances proposed by this pex 3inances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or 'c appli, INSPECTION RECORD OccupancvlTVpe IV-INSPECTION LINE: (303) 234-5933 Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the building site Call by 3:00 PM to receive inspection the following business day. F INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR INITIALS COMMENTS: Footings/Caissons Stemwall / (CEG) Concrete Encased Ground Reinforcing or Monolithic Weatherproof / French Drain - Sewer Service Lines Water Service Lines PALM Nn C.nNCRFTF IINTII ARnvF HGS HFFN SIGNFl1 CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Plumbing (Underground) Heating (Underground) DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGHS Lath / Wall tie - Mid-Roof Electrical Service Rough Electric Rough Plumbing Gas Piping Rough Mechanical ABOVE INSPECTIONS TO BE SIGNED PRIOR Ti CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Framing 10/01/04 11:49 AM cdbb Insulation A-1 Roofing Drywall Screw RFCEpj. Nt1eCDHaa?~~u a~rlg,T BPSP Re roof 36.3 sas 329.98 2913 85 FINALS - Permit fee 199.30 Use 130. Electrical DPSP Reroof 34.66 sqs 91.53 Plumbing 092914 Permit Fee 181.10 Mechanical Use Tax 110.43 HPSP Reroof 22 sqs 223.90 Roof 092915 Building Final Permit Fee 144.70 Use Tax 79.20 Fire Department PAYMENT ECEIVED R.O.W & Drainage INSPECTIONS VS 8347 845.41 Parking & Landscaping SHOULD BE C Ruth Code: 098830 "NOTE: ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY PLANNING AN, TOTAL 845.41 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY is ISSUED. FINAL INSPECTION BY THE BUILDh OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NOR PERMISSruly ruK uu(;urAtvu Y. OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER 10/01/2009 07:52 3039859280 PAGE 01/01 City of IpcorDate: MhtUNI~( DPVELOPMENT Permit #:O'CjAq I ~ Building Division 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax, 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Facsimile Building Permit Application Property Addr"S: J4/ -W Property Owner (please print): -Pcn:-~ * Vi'GkAtop5 i 6&2 ry1Hnjn(Phone 3~ ga 7- A(2ltf Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Ld FlE 9T~r~4t r 6.) 807-1-5 , Contractor. 4-1 O o rhf 4 Contractor License Phone: Q3 - 77-7 -111 O Sub Contractors: Com an Nam®: License Expiration Date. Trade/Profession: Approval: Use of space description): Description Work: ao na r ie - ~ d . - RRoDF Ru w~ f ~ Plan Review (due at time ofsubmittap: $ - Sq. Ft./L,Ft added= Squares le 3 BTU'S Gallons Amps _ OWNER(CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback dietances proposed by this permit applicatioe.are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that 1 assume full responsibility for compliance With the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work Under this permit Ptans subject to field inapectlon_ CIRLCE ONE;: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) (CONTRATOR) PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: Date: +xr menu ❑.diro2lpproved ❑ no reyfeti!,requaed:Bldg Valuation: $ I Credit Card P yment: Use credit card listed on file, %Ie: Print name.n Signature: ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Bung Inspection Division r (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 235-2857 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: lk~r^il` gr,,AL Job Address: 21/ R441,4.50 ge4, 19C' Permit Number: 070/ 5 Q ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM/PM Re-Inspection required: Yes `When corrections have been made, call for re-inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: _ Ur Inspector: ear 11 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE r~ ❑ No one available for inspection: Time AM PM Re-Inspection required: Yes Nom When corrections have been made, call for e-inspectii/yon at 303-234-5933 Date: Inspector: A tip DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE " ' City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 090158 PERMIT NO: 090158. ;ISSUED:. 03/02/2008 JOB ADDRESS: 14 RANGEVIEW.-DR EXPIRES.: 08/29/2009 DESCRIPTION:T/O; Install 30 sqs. 30 yr Tamko Dimensionals ***'CONTACTS owner 303/202-3035 Terry Utszinger Remax gc 303/466-0161 Bernie Reitz 01-9543 Reitz Roofing, Inc.' PARCEL INFO ZONE:. CODE: UA .-USE: UA SUBDIVISION:- 0677. :BLOCK/LOT#: 0/ **FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 7,150.00 FEES Permit Fee 199.30 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 128.70 TOTAL 328.00 - Conditions: 6 nail installation mid roof inspection required. Board sheeting.. spaced more thena 1/4 of an inch apart requires plywood overlay on entire roof I hereby certify: that the setback -distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances,' rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, 'easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate;! that I have read and lagree to abide. by all conditions printed on this application and that I Massume 1 responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other ap e ge , for wo rk under this permit. Plans sub? ect'.bo field inspection. Signatur of contractor/owner date 1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions net forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any. other applicable ordinances of. the City... ? This permit shall expire. 160 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be received; prior to expiration date. An extension maybe granted: at the discretion of the Building Official- 3. If this permit expires, -.a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes: have been or if suspension or abandonment : exceeds one year, full fees shall bepaid for anew permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will'. change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. o. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phasesof the job.' The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an :approval of, an v'~, ation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation- All . plan revie set to field inspections. Signature of Chi Building IOfficial date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234-5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235-2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. oFw"E?rp City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Dater m 7500 W. 29t1i Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • x: Office: 303-235-2855 ` Fax: 303-235-2857 Plan °ocdano° Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Permit Building Permit Application Property Address: / y a,,,, y f G, ; .c t-10 I Property Owner (please print)"?E n, nK / ~san y ~}s 2rl ;°Fn Phone:--3- d6 ,~k ` 3c i Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address' City State Zip: Contractor F Contractor License Phone: Sub Contractors: Electrical City License Plumbing City License Mechanical City License # Company: Company Company: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: Use of space (description): Construction Value: $ "7 / i . Description of work: (as calculated per the Building Valuation Data sheet) T / d C;? g(,rq-y f°e'(S e='C Plan Review (due at time ofsubmittal): $ -33 dr} Sq. Ft./L.Ft added: Squares BTU's Gallons Amps OWNERICONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I. hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and.that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheal Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field Inspection. CIRLCE ONE:: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE of (OWNER) (CONTRATOR) PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: Date DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ZONING COMMENTS: Zoning: Reviewer. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: OCCUPANCY: _ Reviewer: FIRE DEPARTMENT:: 0 approved wl comments ❑ disapproved ❑ no review required Bldg Valuation:$ BUILDING DEPARTMENT 237-6944 Ext. 255 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . . Correction Notice Job Located at I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State laws governing same: You are hereby notified to correct the foregoing violations. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. r D a te Inspector for Building Dept. FowM wpe-zz DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG 7500WEST29thAVENUE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A g`J BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. 234-5933 P.O. BOX638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SiGNED BY TNE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. APPUCATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS PERM17 JOB ADDRESS CONTRACTOR _ ADDRESS ~ CITY PHhNF bb~` OWNER . ADDRESS PHONE _ ZIP CODE ZIP CODE 9"46 CONTRACT PRICE $ 3+733. oc LICENSENO. DATE .12J~?)9y TYPE GrounA ❑ Woll❑ Proiettinp❑ 0ther 5 or D Fote I . MATERIAI Tolal SQuon Fed 2 SIGNS . 3 Psrmit No. ILLUMINATION Yes❑ No❑ Typa Eled . . 4. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ S- E_ W Zons_ ADDrwed,2ons lnapeotor ($DatifywhichiafrOM) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DisaDDrmd 1. TYPE Solido More Than 80% Opan❑ Lest Thon BO% Opon MATERIAL Heipht ? FENCES . 3. SET BACN FROM PROPERTY LINE NT S_ E_ W Zmo_ ADOrwM,Zone Inspecta ❑ Diaa00roved (SDecilywhicl+iifront) ❑ ❑ ❑ / / OA "El er I~ o,'f i 2, 7OTHER DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW, THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUCTURE,GIViNG D15T4NCE5 FROM PROPERTV LINES. (SETBACNS OR PROJECTIONS INCIUDED) . ~ SPECIFY NORTM STREET N4ME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TPADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND VROPERTV LINES; ON IRREGULAR LATS, SMOW ~EAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL PERMIT THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WORK ONLY UPON VALIDATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. PEflMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF WORK IS NOT STA(iTED WITHIN THAT TIME. ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE NO. ALUMiNUMWIREUNDERSIZE8ILLEGAL PLUMBING PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. FLOOR BSM 15T 2ND 3RD 4TH MECHANICAL PERMIT N0. FUEUCircledrGatqlROparCodElxSotor Np. WATER CLASET FORCED AIR - BTU TEMPoRARY METER WASH BOWL F10T WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - GMPS CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS BATH TUB SMOWER STEAM - BTU AIR CONOITIONING-BN LIGHTING SINK OTMER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRICaERAT10N SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIFLUITS WATER HEATER Refri aranf Group UTILITY (RANGE, DISPOSER, ETC) AUTO. WASHER Pounds Charge FIXTURES DISM WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTOf25 9 CONTROLS F100R DRAIN EIEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRQNSFORMERS d RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTl+L FI%TURES 1 hereby acknowledqe that this appiica' tion ii correct and undentond that I connot stort fhie Diojecf until thia oDPli- Cotion is opDroved. I shall tomply with tM lawf of 1he 51ofe ol Colorado and 10 }he Zoninp Requlations ond Bwldinq Code oftne City of Wneat Ridpe. Any violofion of the obove ferme will cauee immediate revocafion o( ttve permit ~y0lieanl~ 9i0naiw• PERMIT FEE G 3 use Tax TOTAL FEE „ $107 CHIEF BUILDINp'INSPECTOR,City of Wheat Ridqe Date Issued / 2- 2 ~q NOT CALL 2345933 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR INSPECTIONS