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3900 Pierce Street
STS. Peter &Paul Catholic School East Campus Recreation Project Wheat Ridge, Colorado a1) VICINITY MAP N.T.S. t�1 s�r OWNER: CIVIL ENGINEER: COVER SHEET ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER COLORADO CIVIL GROUP 0 COVER SHEET MIKE WISNESKI 303.715.3297 (P ED JANSURY 970.278.0029 EXT. 106 (P) 1 SURVEY 1300 STEELS ST. 303.249.3949 C DENVER, CO 80210 ejonsury®ccginc.us DENVER, CO 80210 Mike.Wianeski®arc den.org DIR. OF DESIGN &CONSTRUCTION DIR. OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SITE PLANS AND DETAILS L-1 DEMOLITION PLAN STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL SURVEYOR: L-2 SITE PARKING PLAN L-7 IRRIGATION PLAN SISTER FAUSTINA 303.424.0402 (P) FLATIRONS INC. L-3 SITE PLAN L-8 IRRIGATION DETAILS principal0sppseatholie.eom 3825 IRIS AVE., SUITE 395 303.443.7001 (P) C-1 EROSION CONTROL PLLAN L-9 IRRIGATION DETAILS BOULDER. CO 80301 zgowan®eatironsinc.com C-2 SITE GRADING PLAN L-10 SITE DETAILS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: C-3 SITE UTILITY PLAN L-11 SITE DETAILS SUNLIT DESIGNS, LLC GENERAL CONTRACTOR: C-4 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS L-12 SITE DETAILS 6644 WADSWORTH BLVD., SUITE #4 C-5 DETAILS L-13 FENCE DETAILS BRUCE 303.90sunlUd (C) DESIGNSCAPES COLORADO C-8 DETAILS L-14 PRAYER PLAZA .KEHRCO ARVADA. CO 80004 bkehr®sunlltdeal ns.com g 15440 EAST F CO8011 DRIVE CENTENNIAL, O 80112 303.721.9003 (P) C-7 DETAILS L-15 OUTDOOR EDUCATION TRAVIS SOMMERVOLD tsommervold®designscapes.org L-4 LAYOUT PLAN L-16 GENERAL NOTES L-5 LANDSCAPE PLAN L-17 FIRE LIFE SAFETY PROJECT TEAM L-6 PLAYGROUND DETAILS SHEET INDEX Reviewed for Zoning Compliance hythe „ City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division APPROVED BY DATE: 'Jurge 26.2021 COMMENTS: Approved with wndtlions See comments on sheet #L-2 All par m an riving areas shall be In con ormance with Section 26-501 of the Zoning and Development Code. �e /�/ ,W ea 11111l111ll'''''' W Dnaonn "REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE" These drawings were reviewed under the applirade laws In effect at the tame of submittal. Reasonable effort was exertaed in checking for code compliance. The stamping of these documents shall not be construed to be a Penni[ for, or an approval of any violation of state and/or local codes, ordinances or amendments thereto. Plan Reviewer KNloney Date 07/1)/2021 2— Sunlit Designs, LLC Landscape Archtledure 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sunlitdesigns.com in fo®su n I itdesigns. com O O U U U U N t d CU c U 75 L L N O UU N ;_aJ m co 2;a U aw of H rnL ca inWM 0 Parcel Description (PROVIDED BY EMPIRE TITLE NORTH, LLC) AN EASTERLY LINE OF THE FOLLOWING PARCELS: LOTS 12 TO 28 INCLUSIVE, JAMES SUBDIVISION TOGETHER WITH THE WEST 137.5 FEET OF LOT 50, JAMES SUBDIVISION AND LOT 9, ANEL SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CONTROL DIAGRAM SCALE: 1"-80' W 1/4 COR., SEG 24, AREA DRAIN T3S, R69W fie FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP DECORATIVE LIGHT ow— IN RANGE BOX ca, oil (PER MON REG TRAFFIC LIGHT DATED 11/11/2002) 6 FOUND CHISELED CROSS TELEPHONE RISER o— ACCEPTED AS 6' OFFSET © GAS METER LOT 11 T ® FOUND 'o o'\J (P) I LOT 30 1/2" IRON PIPE N89451'30"E (P) 140.03' (C) Tz V z M G N M LOT 12 U LOT 29 �I v (P) T m (P) I AREA DRAIN )y( fie la DECORATIVE LIGHT ow— OVERHEAD UTILITY UNE ca, oil `n i TRAFFIC LIGHT a 6 ® TELEPHONE RISER o— GAS LINE © GAS METER o„aw� ® AIR CONDITIONER UNIT 'o o'\J v O � Z`_1I1 I �9�oM Nmaa Tz V z M G N M a U �I v �o�n nn � 7F ^ oz Ooo N O 0 0z ... 2 o O Q aL � w N FOUND N0. 4 REBAR pr O n z 0 o I I N 589'51'01"W 134.94' (AM) LOT )13 LOTP 28 LOT 14 LOT 27 LOT 15 LOT 26 (P) (P) LOT 16 LOT 25 (P) (P) LOT 17 LOT 24 (P) (P) LOT 18 LOT 23 (P) (P) LOT 19 LOT 22 LOT 20 LOT 21 (P) (P) LOT so S89047'39"W (R) 137.49' (C) LOT 9 '\�N0017'51"W (P2) 1 102.68' (C) I N89447'23"E FOUND g4 REBAR 137.50' (C) SW CGR., SEC. 24, T3S, R69W FOUND 3.25" BRASS CAP IN RANGEBOX 'PLS 13212 (PER MON REG DATED 01/18/2008) Depositing Certificate S0017'27"E 228.87' (AM) F I1n* 7v 19-L13 2'18"E (AM) CROSSES FOUND MAG NAIL AND BLANK WASHER a N M1 W n N T• I 9 DEPOSITED THIS ___ DAY OF , 20_ AT _O'CLOCK __ M. IN BOOK OF LAND SURVEY PLATS AT PAGE � OF THE RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. SIGNED: TITLE: BY: REBAR ALUMINUM CAP S INC LS 16406° LAND SURVEY PLAT THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOTS 21 THROUGH 28, JAMES SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO SHFFT 1 nF 1 II Legend 0 FOUND ALIQUOT MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED + FOUND CHISELED CROSS e FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED ® FOUND BRASS TAG AS DESCRIBED (AM) AS MEASURED AT TIME OF SURVEY (C) CALCULATED FROM RECORD AND AS MEASURED INFORMATION (P) AS PER THE PLAT OF JAMES SUBDIVISION, BK 8, PG 15 (P2) AS PER THE PLAT OF ANEL SUBDMSION, BK 10, PG 31 0 CONCRETE EDGE OF ASPHALT GRAVEL ® BRICK X it FENCE HANDRAIL 4 SIGN 0 BOLLARD DECIDUOUS TREE (TRUNK DIAMETER/DRIP LINE RADIUS) HANDICAP PARKING SPACE ® NO PARKING w— WATER LINE WATER VALVE ® WATER METER IRRIGATION VALVE �S SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE CLEANOUT sr— STORM SEWER LINE ® STORM SEWER MANHOLE O ROOF DRAIN QD AREA DRAIN )y( LIGHT POLE ^ll DECORATIVE LIGHT ow— OVERHEAD UTILITY UNE ca, UTILITY POLE 9 TRAFFIC LIGHT Fo FIBEROPTIC UNE ® TELEPHONE RISER o— GAS LINE © GAS METER GAS VALVE ® AIR CONDITIONER UNIT + LOCATION OF FINISHED FLOOR O POST Notes 1. EMPIRE TITLE NORTH, LLC BINDER NUMBER 00107459, DATED MAY 5, 2016 AT 8:00 A.M., WAS ENTIRELY RELIED UPON FOR RECORDED INFORMATION REGARDING RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS SURVEY. THE PROPERTY SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN SAID TITLE BINDER. 2. ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW, YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 3. THIS LAND SURVEY PLAT WAS PREPARED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF SUNLIT DESIGNS, LLC AND EMPIRE TITLE NORTH, LLC, NAMED IN THE STATEMENT HEREON. SAID STATEMENT DOES NOT EXTEND TO ANY UNNAMED PERSON WITHOUT AN EXPRESS STATEMENT BY THE SURVEYOR NAMING SAID PERSON. 4. THIS SURVEY IS VALID ONLY IF PRINT HAS SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF SURVEYOR. 5. BASIS OF BEARINGS: GPS DERIVED BEARINGS BASED ON A BEARING OF 50017'27"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BETWEEN A FOUND CHISELED CROSS AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 28, JAMES SUBDIVISION, AND A FOUND $4 REBAR WITH 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP "FLATIRONS INC LS16406" AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 21 AS SHOWN HEREON. COLORADO STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983 (NAD83). ALL BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE THERETO. a 7. ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY REMOVES, ALTERS OR DEFACES ANY PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT AND/OR BOUNDARY MONUMENT OR ACCESSORY, COMMITS A CLASS TWO (2) MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO STATE STATUTE C.R.S. SEC 18-4-508. 8. THE DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS SHOWN HEREON ARE U.S. SURVEY FOOT. 9. THE CONTOURS REPRESENTED HEREON WERE INTERPOLATED BY AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D (DIGITAL TERRAIN MODELING) SOFTWARE BETWEEN ACTUAL MEASURED SPOT ELEVATIONS. DEPENDING ON THE DISTANCE FROM A MEASURED SPOT ELEVATION AND LOCAL VARIATIONS IN TOPOGRAPHY, THE CONTOUR SHOWN MAY NOT BE AN EXACT REPRESENTATION OF THE SITE TOPOGRAPHY. THE PURPOSE OF THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IS FOR SITE EVALUATION AND TO SHOW SURFACE DRAINAGE FEATURES. ADDITIONAL TOPOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS MAY BE NECESSARY IN SPECIFIC AREAS OF DESIGN. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN HEREON COMPLIES WITH NATIONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS. 10. BENCHMARK INFORMATION: A GPS DERIVED ELEVATION WAS ESTABLISHED AT AN ONSITE BENCHMARK AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SITE, BEING A FOUND CHISELED CROSS WITH AN ELEVATION OF 5420.50 FEET. A CHECK SHOT, 0.2't, WAS TAKEN ON NGS POINT K 412, BEING A STAINLESS STEEL ROD LOCATED 0.6 MILES FROM SITE, WITH A PUBLISHED ELEVATION OF 5397.11 FEET (NAVD88). NO DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING WAS PERFORMED TO ESTABLISH THIS ELEVATION. 11. SUBSURFACE BUILDINGS, IMPROVEMENTS OR STRUCTURES ARE NOT NECESSARILY SHOWN. BUILDINGS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS OR STRUCTURES ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES THAT ARE MORE THAN FIVE (5) FEET FROM ANY OF THE PROPERTY LINES OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ARE NOT NECESSARILY SHOWN. 12. DATES OF FIELDWORK: APRIL 27, 2016, APRIL 06, 2021 (CREW CHIEF J. SMITH) 13. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE MENTIONED IN THE ABOVE REFERENCED TITLE NUMBER, DATE RECORDED, RECEPTION NUMBER AND/OR BOOK AND PAGE. //9 OCT. 15, 1951 REC. NO. 512228 PROTECTIVE COVENANTS 14. THE FENCES ARE NOT COINCIDENT WITH PROPERTY LINES AS SHOWN HEREON. 15. ONLY AREAS SPECIFIED BY CLIENT WERE MEASURED FOR TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AS SHOWN HEREON. 16. ONLY SPECIFIC IMPROVEMENTS ARE SHOWN HEREON FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES. THIS IS NOT AN IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AS DEFINED BY C.R.S 38-51-102 (9). GRAPHIC SCALE x 0 Is x w (w Beer ) 1 inch = 30 DL CONTOUR INTERVAL = I FOOT Statement 38-51-102 (12) "LAND SURVEY PLAT", IS ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE AND IS NOT A GUARANTY OR WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. EDGAR T. BRISTOW COLORADO P.L.S. $19588 PRESIDENT, FLATIRONS, INC. II II II II II II II II III 4 GOO zz O a y QE 4C4 a �54 SIDERS SHEET 1 OF 1 0 Zm N ao"Im JUQ O o S E .nv oz_. . �a� 5 pG v N M'OM 0 0 awo L a �9�oM Nmaa Tz V z M G N M �o^a a0 j �o�n nn � 7F ^ oz Ooo 0 0z ... 2 O Q aL SIDERS SHEET 1 OF 1 • l .. E •. - ppppppp• 75 win Co i < +� II .♦�♦�� ire♦♦♦♦♦♦��♦♦ . � •• ♦�li►,I►iy►l„Y7, IIS„lill�lll�l►♦<A .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦ ♦♦ice ♦ I ♦i♦i'i♦i♦i♦�♦i♦i♦i♦i♦o!�♦i♦i0♦i♦i♦i♦i►Oi♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i<J♦i♦i♦i♦i � �♦sYi♦i�:♦OODi♦i♦i<epi'6ii♦Di>i♦ii>i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i<�♦i♦ii♦♦ ��” "'' Oi♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i`�'.!�♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i0♦i♦i ' ' � - r �' ♦iii►Y�Y�.♦i♦ei♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦.�s..•,.������_�Y�.�♦p�♦ppp�pb�>•;;� �Dii0000000000000000.0`♦2•♦ODOOOODOODoO� _ ' _♦♦♦<cO♦♦��♦♦��♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦��Y♦♦�♦♦♦�►♦♦♦�♦BYO♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�� �I i<i.Y.�i♦ ♦♦ VIII �• .',♦��Y�.�s�®'w Q<or I r t 06 1 ��� II • 1 ca CD uj co Man i , _ - LEGEND CONCRETE M-MMMSMM-M MM M• M M M -M -M -MSM M MM-MMMMMM-MM MMM -M � OTIS STREET 0 CRUSHER FINES —r,, ARTIFICIAL TURF as If 2 '..Fr 3 g• GRASS I���rIII i� PLAY6 1 s BRICK PAVERS I r � � 23 i 8'8 i 23 ® PICNIC TABLES rII J .7 18'-6" \\\\\\\� • 2" ASPHALT MILL & OVERLAY, Strip this area as a� SAWCUT /PATCH unparkable as well %ithis Pe 76' t�ea a� � access aisle aislsle woe m w—oi l —� Is _ i� m of a c o /c 7' 4 CHURCH 91TYP SCHOOL Sunlit Designs, LLC J\ .� 11 12 Landswm chimw,reP&rnim 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite `J 4 Arvada. 80003 /�-90909-3850 www.sunlitdesigna.com ® v 9 v — wwwsunlitdesigns.com O 3 b ❑ b4 b4 0 - o V)Q v M Ui Staff recommends —T installing a "exit only" or similar sign a here to avoid traffic circulation conflicts C PIERCE STREET U O Co 0 15 30 60 120 CU N 2 %7Lz=: /A °6 z o SCALE 1 " = 30' - 0" L E U NORTH Q U) ai SITE DATA SITE USE DATA PARKING CHART a rE ZONING: RESIDENTIAL—THREE (R-3) SEATS IN CHURCH ASSEMBLY SPACE = 508 RESIDENTIAL—TWO (R-2) EXISTING PARKING = 168 (7 ADA) ++ SCHOOL GYM ASSEMBLY SPACE = 300 �+ f0 CHURCH AND SCHOOL: 25 TEACHERS / 150 STUDENTS LOT SIZE 168,469 SF (3.867 AC) PROPOSED PARKING =137 (8 ADA) 'r'^ > CHURCH: CHURCH PARKING REQUIREMENT = 127 VJ W M BUILDING SIZE 23,005 SF SCHOOL PARKING REQUIREMENT = 87 SCHOOL: SHARED USE PARKING REQUIREMENT = 127 BUILDING SIZE 19,076 SF ADA PARKING REQUIREMENT = 5 DATE: 05-18-2021 REVISIONS: SHEET CONTENTS: SITE PARKING PLAN SHEET NUMBER: L-2 mv Fn n m T� N m m °II I I �Ir77 M SCHOOL SEE CNIL WATERISEWER CONNECTION IN JANITOR'S CLOSET d. —w—w —OW O OWE 0 W W 0 p CR 4 oa X � 2 91 e < >o 1J Eli EE I„11011°, SEE OETUL L -o, , e m ,off 09 SITE LEGEND q kn p1 4'X 6' RAISED CEDAR PLANTERS -SEE DETAIL L-15 #3 t, I �`® dZ p2 8'X 12' GREENHOUSE WITH 20 AMP GFI ELECTRIC & WATER SPIGOT, DETAIL L-15 #2,4 NTRED m �©/ I p3 OUTDOOR EDUCATION FUTURE SEATING - SEE SHEET L-15 O FUTURE - 2'X 4' TOOL STORAGE SHED WITH LOCK- SEE SHEET L-15 p5 STANDING TABLES AT VARIOUS HEIGHTS - SEE DETAIL L-15 #1 pg TEACHER TABLE - SEE DETAIL L-15 #1 p7 WATER TABLES - SEE SHEET L-15 zi :'I: (: I : r ' pg PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT, ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER SAFETY SURFACE - SEE SHEET L-6 — .S 1p SWING SET - SEE SHEET L-6 1 s 11 CURB WALL FOR PLAYGROUND -DETAIL L-6#3 12 6 FOOT HIGH BLACK ORNAMENTAL STEEL FENCE - SEE SHEET L-13 13 GRASS MULTI -USE PLAY FIELD - SEE SHEET L-5 .q I i 14 4 SQUARE PLAZA SPACE - CREATED BY CONCRETE STAMPS & COLOR ADDITIVES 15 ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD WITH VOLLEYBALL, TETHERBALL & NINE SQUARE - SEE SHEET L-11 x 16 LATTICE SCREEN FENCE - SEE DETAIL L-11 #3 Q IN, I ! • , ;.CNT 1g PLAYGROUND HC RAMP - SEE DETAIL L-6 #4 ' 1 20 PRAYER GROTTO WITH STONE SEAT WALL AND LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING - DETAIL L14 #1 s N RRE 21 PICNIC TABLES -EVEREST"', 1 -VADA Sunlit Designs, LLC SI NMS OLantlampe 22 CONCRETE BASKETBALL COURT WITH 2 -FOUR SQUARE AREAS -SEE SHEET L-12 Ndli@cWre & PlannilM 6644 Wxisworth Blvd. SNka 4 23 HANDICAP RAMP -SEE DETAIL L-10 #2 O e GO 80009 x (P)303A09-3850 s d. —w—w —OW O OWE 0 W W 0 p CR 4 oa X � 2 91 e < >o 1J Eli EE I„11011°, SEE OETUL L -o, , e m ,off 09 PAINT RED I + V3 WE SITE LEGEND p1 4'X 6' RAISED CEDAR PLANTERS -SEE DETAIL L-15 #3 t, I �`® dZ p2 8'X 12' GREENHOUSE WITH 20 AMP GFI ELECTRIC & WATER SPIGOT, DETAIL L-15 #2,4 NTRED m �©/ I p3 OUTDOOR EDUCATION FUTURE SEATING - SEE SHEET L-15 PAINT RED I + V3 WE L-3 SITE LEGEND p1 4'X 6' RAISED CEDAR PLANTERS -SEE DETAIL L-15 #3 p2 8'X 12' GREENHOUSE WITH 20 AMP GFI ELECTRIC & WATER SPIGOT, DETAIL L-15 #2,4 p3 OUTDOOR EDUCATION FUTURE SEATING - SEE SHEET L-15 O FUTURE - 2'X 4' TOOL STORAGE SHED WITH LOCK- SEE SHEET L-15 p5 STANDING TABLES AT VARIOUS HEIGHTS - SEE DETAIL L-15 #1 pg TEACHER TABLE - SEE DETAIL L-15 #1 p7 WATER TABLES - SEE SHEET L-15 pg 72” WALL MOUNT S.S. DOUBLE BOWEL SINK, ADJACENT HOSE BIB -SEE DETAIL L-15 #5 pg PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT, ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER SAFETY SURFACE - SEE SHEET L-6 1p SWING SET - SEE SHEET L-6 11 CURB WALL FOR PLAYGROUND -DETAIL L-6#3 12 6 FOOT HIGH BLACK ORNAMENTAL STEEL FENCE - SEE SHEET L-13 13 GRASS MULTI -USE PLAY FIELD - SEE SHEET L-5 I i 14 4 SQUARE PLAZA SPACE - CREATED BY CONCRETE STAMPS & COLOR ADDITIVES 15 ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD WITH VOLLEYBALL, TETHERBALL & NINE SQUARE - SEE SHEET L-11 x 16 LATTICE SCREEN FENCE - SEE DETAIL L-11 #3 IN, I 17 BURIED DRAIN PIPE TO CONNECT ALL ROOF DRAINS - SEE CIVIL'C' - SHEETS 1g PLAYGROUND HC RAMP - SEE DETAIL L-6 #4 ' 1g PRAYER PLAZA WITH SANDSTONE PAVERS & CURVED WOOD BENCHES - SEE SHEET L14 20 PRAYER GROTTO WITH STONE SEAT WALL AND LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING - DETAIL L14 #1 21 PICNIC TABLES -EVEREST"', 1 -VADA Sunlit Designs, LLC i OLantlampe 22 CONCRETE BASKETBALL COURT WITH 2 -FOUR SQUARE AREAS -SEE SHEET L-12 Ndli@cWre & PlannilM 6644 Wxisworth Blvd. SNka 4 23 HANDICAP RAMP -SEE DETAIL L-10 #2 O Arvada, GO 80009 x (P)303A09-3850 2q DROP-OFF &PICK-UP AREA O W W W.LVOIkdB91CJ05LOM 25 DOUBLE SWING GATE WITH KNOX LOCK -SEE SHEET L-13 2g ROLL TOP CURB FOR FIRE TRUCK ACCESS -PAINTED RED - DETAIL L-10 #3 O 75 T 27 3 FOOT HIGH BRICK WALL WITH SCHOOL SIGNAGE, SEE DETAIL L-10 #6 O 2g GATHERING AREA WITH EVEREST 46" ROUND TABLES, 3 STANDARD, 1 -ADA ACCESSIBLE OVJ 2g BRICK PAVERS - SEE DETAIL L-10#1 �`V^ + � U 3p FLAGPOLES- 25 FOOT HEIGHT EXTERNAL LANYARD eO Q 31 V WOOD FENCE AROUND TRASH ENCLOSURE WITH SWING GATES - SEE DETAIL L-12 #2 cv c: 32 CHANGE PARKING CONFIGURATION FOR ONE WAY TRAFFIC U O 33 2- INVERTED U BIKE RACKS -GROUND MOUNT I O 8" WIDE CONCRETE EDGER - SEE DETAIL L-11 #2a L f.) 0 'a a I w U I EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE (/7 y + Q N 30 LL U B) W m ARTIFICIAL TURP (n a0 cu (1) Im O D (n W Ce) BLUEGRASS SOD I ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER 12" DEPTH MINIMUM DATE: OS -18-2021 CONCRETE FE -VISIONS. - 4" DEPTH GREY CRUSHER FINES OVER WEED FABRIC I 3" DEPTH TRI -COLOR CHIP MULCH OVER WEED FABRIC SHEET CONTENTS: BRICK PAVERS - DETAIL L-10 #I 51TE PLAN L-3 S 2 STORY BRICK BUILDING S WLJV SCHOOL CONC. WALLS / yav t- WA LLP #V ]e'po's"uY w—wwww- 4°°w c I �S"ze X5429. REX: 5428.E \ \—\—\ o LEGEND D SURVEY CONTROL POINT CIVIL, GROUP, INC. CONCRETE ENGINEERING CONSULTPNTS EDGE OF ASPHALT 2304 HOFFMAN DRIVE LOVEIAND, COLORADO 80538 GRAVEL (970)27MO29 BRICK CCG Projed No.: 0085 0901 00 FENCE fHANDRAIL —� SIGN ® BOLLARD DECIDUOUS TREE (TRUNK DIAMETER/DRIP LME RADIUS) HANDICAP PARKING SPACE _ ® NO PARKING ' w WATER LINE 3 ONSITE BENCHMARK I WATER VALVE �• FOUND CHISELED CROSS I I ELI 5420.50 ® WATER METER •; L IRRIGATION VALVE (( ] R I O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE E: 5422.26' .- •' 4 s \ CLEANOUT — T•. e SHED ON \�51NNG5• - vL ST— STORM SEWER LINE ^Ns BLOCKS ,� ��., .•, �._:. -� 1 •4i t...: T. { 1 1I�J—%�I• STORM SEWER MANHOLE CONC.`�� • ` T R ROOF DRAIN WALL GARAGE EEE: 5421.75'Z'�� 1N O (TYP) Ps °..".' / O AREADRAIN 2 STORY BRICK h. •w,.?I. ( LIGHT POLE BUILDING-":.\:�. (./'•., " ".. "i' •". 8 1y"RC DECORATIVE LIGHT POSTED AODRE86: ,QIASE'.y F.F.E: 5421.04' 3920 PIERCE ST. \—AU- OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE EKE: 5422.83' \ UTILITY POLE �y TRAFFIC LIGHT ��/ly '• ro— FIBERGPTIC LINE TELEPHONERISER \ R < GAS LINE GAS METER V X24-/20' / PLAYGROUND A \ O EQUIPMENT pd GAS VALVE Sunlit Designs, LLC / Landscape Architecture 8 Planning / ® AIR CONDITIONER UNIT 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. / ISite 4 R / + LOCATION OF FINISHED FLOOR AUrvada, CG 80003 ASPHALT(P)303-909-3850 O POST PARKING \/ > - / ° www.wnlitdesigne.com \\ / — MAJOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) — MINOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) J \\ \ CA HER \ / ° R \\ \\ BALL CATCHER \HOOP� l R .+ o— BIKE-, /R O RACK \ ^ill \ R (``v!l �V \ / CHASECU /E� L O -UJ � _O \ R a /�/ @ 425,90• \ \ ( / K_d Il 0 x - i fA a) 0 yV BASKETBALL \ HOOPN AL y --F QC U N w 2 a \ / � co L 0 ow ow\ow ow ow ow \ ow _o ow "'dwo . a M DATE: MAY 14, 2021 0 0\ 0 h w \ REVISIONS: v�v I vv vvv Iv 1 •/ / SHEET CONTENTS: GARAGQ EF.E: 5428.60' \ \ 540'/ 4� I % EROSION CONTROL PLAN \V A ) 3 CALL THE aTLIIY NOTFICATIOH CEMER OF COLORADO J1 I\0 10 40 \ SHEET NUMBER: C-1 o 0' — 1" BAR IS ONE INCH 3 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG ON ORIGINAL DRAWING el I D�i UNCC.2-19a] ueccoq \^I L 4, I �S"ze X5429. REX: 5428.E \ \—\—\ o LEGEND D SURVEY CONTROL POINT CIVIL, GROUP, INC. CONCRETE ENGINEERING CONSULTPNTS EDGE OF ASPHALT 2304 HOFFMAN DRIVE LOVEIAND, COLORADO 80538 GRAVEL (970)27MO29 BRICK CCG Projed No.: 0085 0901 00 FENCE fHANDRAIL —� SIGN ® BOLLARD DECIDUOUS TREE (TRUNK DIAMETER/DRIP LME RADIUS) HANDICAP PARKING SPACE _ ® NO PARKING ' w WATER LINE 3 ONSITE BENCHMARK I WATER VALVE �• FOUND CHISELED CROSS I I ELI 5420.50 ® WATER METER •; L IRRIGATION VALVE (( ] R I O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE E: 5422.26' .- •' 4 s \ CLEANOUT — T•. e SHED ON \�51NNG5• - vL ST— STORM SEWER LINE ^Ns BLOCKS ,� ��., .•, �._:. -� 1 •4i t...: T. { 1 1I�J—%�I• STORM SEWER MANHOLE CONC.`�� • ` T R ROOF DRAIN WALL GARAGE EEE: 5421.75'Z'�� 1N O (TYP) Ps °..".' / O AREADRAIN 2 STORY BRICK h. •w,.?I. ( LIGHT POLE BUILDING-":.\:�. (./'•., " ".. "i' •". 8 1y"RC DECORATIVE LIGHT POSTED AODRE86: ,QIASE'.y F.F.E: 5421.04' 3920 PIERCE ST. \—AU- OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE EKE: 5422.83' \ UTILITY POLE �y TRAFFIC LIGHT ��/ly '• ro— FIBERGPTIC LINE TELEPHONERISER \ R < GAS LINE GAS METER V X24-/20' / PLAYGROUND A \ O EQUIPMENT pd GAS VALVE Sunlit Designs, LLC / Landscape Architecture 8 Planning / ® AIR CONDITIONER UNIT 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. / ISite 4 R / + LOCATION OF FINISHED FLOOR AUrvada, CG 80003 ASPHALT(P)303-909-3850 O POST PARKING \/ > - / ° www.wnlitdesigne.com \\ / — MAJOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) — MINOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) J \\ \ CA HER \ / ° R \\ \\ BALL CATCHER \HOOP� l R .+ o— BIKE-, /R O RACK \ ^ill \ R (``v!l �V \ / CHASECU /E� L O -UJ � _O \ R a /�/ @ 425,90• \ \ ( / K_d Il 0 x - i fA a) 0 yV BASKETBALL \ HOOPN AL y --F QC U N w 2 a \ / � co L 0 ow ow\ow ow ow ow \ ow _o ow "'dwo . a M DATE: MAY 14, 2021 0 0\ 0 h w \ REVISIONS: v�v I vv vvv Iv 1 •/ / SHEET CONTENTS: GARAGQ EF.E: 5428.60' \ \ 540'/ 4� I % EROSION CONTROL PLAN \V A ) 3 CALL THE aTLIIY NOTFICATIOH CEMER OF COLORADO J1 I\0 10 40 \ SHEET NUMBER: C-1 o 0' — 1" BAR IS ONE INCH 3 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG ON ORIGINAL DRAWING el I D�i UNCC.2-19a] ueccoq LEGEND 1" BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWI 3 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 811 OR 1 SAO 922 1997 DI CNIL . GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTPNTS 2300 HOFFMAN DRIVE LOVELAND, COLORADO 80538 (970)27MO29 CCG Projed NO.: 0085 0001 00 Sunlit Designs, LLC Landampe ATOhuedure 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sualitdesigns.com O CP SURVEY CONTROL POINT CONCRETE U EDGE OF ASPHALT 1 GRAVEL U T BRICK �1--M— FENCE � a HANDRAIL —o SIGN �r ® BOLLARD Q DECIDUOUS TREE MONK DIAMETERIDRIP LINE RADIUS) HANDICAP PARKING SPACE (O LO ® NO PARKING cu �Q_ w W— WATERLINE � N w IN WATERVALVE N ® WATER METER Q_ N IRRIGATIONVALVE LD O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE CIO H � CLEANOUT W 0)� m ST— STORMSEWERUNE © STORM SEWER MANHOLE 0 ROOF GRAIN OAREA GRAIN �$ LIGHT POLE 3 DECORATIVE LIGHT OW— OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE UTILITY POLE )X TRAFFIC LIGHT FO— FIBEROPTIC LINE TELEPHONE RISER D) c— GAS LINE © GASMETER GAS VALVE ® AIR CONDITIONER UNIT + LOCATION OF FINISHED FLOOR Q POST Nei PROPOSED STORM SEWER LINE MAJOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) ----- MINOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) J _ - MAJOR CONTOUR (PROPOSED) MINOR CONTOUR (PROPOSED) '• • • PROPOSED STORM SEWER STRUCTURE TOC TOP OF CONCRETE ° TO TOP OF CURB TOA TOP OF ASPHALT FG FINISHGRADE FL FLOW UNE •I MATCH EX. MATCH EXISTING 1" BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWI 3 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 811 OR 1 SAO 922 1997 DI CNIL . GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTPNTS 2300 HOFFMAN DRIVE LOVELAND, COLORADO 80538 (970)27MO29 CCG Projed NO.: 0085 0001 00 Sunlit Designs, LLC Landampe ATOhuedure 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sualitdesigns.com O O U 1 U � a �r Q CU (O LO cu �Q_ w � N w O U N Q_ N LD CIO H � (n W 0)� m C-2 2—STORY BRICK BUILDING 1.04-I: 1L VIA.IVTLVYLAJ 12" SO. LOCKING PEDESTRIAN STA:2 L---7—BUILDING (�( F.�.E. 5422.26 SHED ON—v FA BLOCKS CB 3-2: 12" DIA. NYLOPLAST BAS W/ 12" SO. LOCKING PEDESTRIAN GRA STA: 30+12. CB1-1:12" DIA NYLOPLAST BASIN 12" SQ. LOCKING PEDESTRIAN GRATE STA: 10+0322 _ I 4:1706331.02 E:3120434 62 —_j- 1' WIDE CONCRETE PAN WIDEN CONCRETE TO A MINIMUM OF 6" OUTSIDE BASIN GRATE ` D.EV: 0000❑ J '0041;'0 opi1 CB 3-1: 12" DIA. NYLOPLAST BASIN W/ 12" SQ. LOCKING PEDESTRIAN GRATE STA: 30+00.00 4:1706331.24 / E:3120537.17 fSICS" /I v CB 1-2:12" NYLOPLAST 12" SQ. LOCKING PEDESTRIAN GRATE <. ). I MH 1415" DIA. NYLOPLAST BASIN STA: 10+15.66 /. - I W/ 15" SO. LOCKING SOLID COVER — MH 1-5:15" DIA. NYLOPLAST N:1 ]06323.60 STA: 10+47.81 E:312044460 / - ST15"SQ.LOCKING SOLID r 4:1706321.90 -' I STA: 10+96.94 CB 1-3: 12" NYLOPLAST BASIN E:3120476.10 _ :1706322.54 12" SQ. LOCKING PEDESTRIAN GRATE 4 / \ I \ I 4:3120525.22 STA: 10+1926 4:1706321.53 \ E. 3120447.55 Y 4 oq z O z 0 0 0 - > mz W— o� `om �m^ o T=4z0 NFs>xrs»> VNKz ENKzzz SURVEY CONTROL POINT CONCRETE `rE» z 0 QQ T4 GRAVEL JyJJ1 .�y.�..f} m oOVAoR4'$ GRADE VyRz2 0 m —� _ '9-giz Oz ® BOLLARD _ _» 0, DECIDUOUS TREE (TRUNK DIAMETER/DRIP LINE RADIUS) F N (D ® NO PARKING z a a wm 0� $a�'zN_w WATERLINE o ® WATER METER 'oaf°-<„ IRRIGATION VALVE OSANITARY z (Q CLEANOUT m _ ® IA SN T35u �+ O ROOF DRAIN UH6zz AREADRAIN YT( O 1y"RC Ui ow— OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE Q�rTSBv�S{ UTILITY POLE lg � TRAFFIC LIGHT M— FIBEROPTIC LINE 5LNzuN L`u R9#+zC1A offi_; 710.5' @ 0.50% W ADS N-12 WT PIPE 06 GAS METER L=12.2' @ 0.50% ® AIR CONDITIONER UNIT B" ADS N-12 WT PIPE LOCATION OF FINISHED FLOOR Uw29 Fm -2m yzzz /EXISTING EmLYzzz = U) PROPOSED STORM SEWER LINE MAJOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) MINOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) Q_00 MAJOR CONTOUR (PROPOSED) 2-2 MINOR COMOUR (PROPOSED) 8 11 PROPOSED STORM SEWER STRUCTURE DIA. DIAMETER L GROUND STA STATION INV INVERT SQ. SQUARE (n W co INISHDISCRETE CURB GRADE Asp L=491.@060%.. 12" ADS N-12 WT HDPE L=28.6'@0.50% C=12.47@11.0 'WIDE CONCRETE F A 8" ADS N-12 WT HDPE 8" ADS N-12 WT HDPE L=3.6'@ 1.00% 12" ADS N-12 WT HDPE INV. OUT = 5420.70' 8" ADS N-12 BUT HDPE mpprimp ANTI -FLOTATION ANCHOR BY MILSPEC ANCHORS OR UNDERFIBER MULCH PLAYGROUND 4 CALL THE unuTY NOnNCATION CENTER OF COLOR) O'— 1" BAR IS ONE INCH 3 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 811 OR eco -927-1997 UNCC.oIg DI CIVIL . GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTPNTS UN HOFFMAN DRIVE LOVE(AND, COLORADO 80538 (970)27MO29 CCG Projed No.: 0085 0001 00 Sunlit Designs, LLC (andampe Amhi(eclure 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sualitch signs.com O LEGEND 0 0 0 - > mz W— o� `om �m^ o T=4z0 NFs>xrs»> VNKz ENKzzz SURVEY CONTROL POINT CONCRETE XISTING GROUND z 'z�'m GRAVEL JyJJ1 .�y.�..f} m oOVAoR4'$ GRADE FENCE 1 HANDRAIL —� _ '9-giz Oz ® BOLLARD _ _» 0, DECIDUOUS TREE (TRUNK DIAMETER/DRIP LINE RADIUS) U 2,RZZZ ® NO PARKING W— WATERLINE LU ® WATER METER 'oaf°-<„ IRRIGATION VALVE OSANITARY UMKZ ON�6uS (Q CLEANOUT GROUND :N9s 0 STORM SEWER LINE ® STORM SEWER MANHOLE O ROOF DRAIN UH6zz AREADRAIN YT( GRADE 1y"RC DECORATIVE LIGHT ow— OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE UTILITY POLE TRAFFIC LIGHT M— FIBEROPTIC LINE TR TELEPHONERISER 710.5' @ 0.50% W ADS N-12 WT PIPE 06 GAS METER L=12.2' @ 0.50% ® AIR CONDITIONER UNIT B" ADS N-12 WT PIPE LOCATION OF FINISHED FLOOR Q POST U) PROPOSED STORM SEWER LINE MAJOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) MINOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) Q_00 MAJOR CONTOUR (PROPOSED) 2-2 MINOR COMOUR (PROPOSED) 8 11 PROPOSED STORM SEWER STRUCTURE DIA. DIAMETER CALL THE unuTY NOnNCATION CENTER OF COLOR) O'— 1" BAR IS ONE INCH 3 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 811 OR eco -927-1997 UNCC.oIg DI CIVIL . GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTPNTS UN HOFFMAN DRIVE LOVE(AND, COLORADO 80538 (970)27MO29 CCG Projed No.: 0085 0001 00 Sunlit Designs, LLC (andampe Amhi(eclure 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sualitch signs.com O LEGEND 0 0 0 - > mz W— o� `om �m^ o T=4z0 NFs>xrs»> VNKz ENKzzz SURVEY CONTROL POINT CONCRETE XISTING GROUND GRAVEL JyJJ1 .�y.�..f} BRICK GRADE FENCE 1 HANDRAIL —� SIGN ® BOLLARD DECIDUOUS TREE (TRUNK DIAMETER/DRIP LINE RADIUS) U HANDICAP PARKING SPACE ® NO PARKING W— WATERLINE WATER VALVE ® WATER METER L=10.9' @ 1.09 8" ADS N-12 WT HDPE IRRIGATION VALVE OSANITARY SEWER MANHOLE (Q CLEANOUT ST— STORM SEWER LINE ® STORM SEWER MANHOLE O ROOF DRAIN O AREADRAIN YT( LIGHTPOLE 1y"RC DECORATIVE LIGHT ow— OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE UTILITY POLE CALL THE unuTY NOnNCATION CENTER OF COLOR) O'— 1" BAR IS ONE INCH 3 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 811 OR eco -927-1997 UNCC.oIg DI CIVIL . GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTPNTS UN HOFFMAN DRIVE LOVE(AND, COLORADO 80538 (970)27MO29 CCG Projed No.: 0085 0001 00 Sunlit Designs, LLC (andampe Amhi(eclure 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sualitch signs.com O LEGEND O SURVEY CONTROL POINT CONCRETE EDGE OF ASPHALT GRAVEL JyJJ1 .�y.�..f} BRICK —�� FENCE 1 HANDRAIL —� SIGN ® BOLLARD DECIDUOUS TREE (TRUNK DIAMETER/DRIP LINE RADIUS) U HANDICAP PARKING SPACE ® NO PARKING W— WATERLINE WATER VALVE ® WATER METER IRRIGATION VALVE OSANITARY SEWER MANHOLE (Q CLEANOUT ST— STORM SEWER LINE ® STORM SEWER MANHOLE O ROOF DRAIN O AREADRAIN YT( LIGHTPOLE 1y"RC DECORATIVE LIGHT ow— OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE UTILITY POLE TRAFFIC LIGHT M— FIBEROPTIC LINE TR TELEPHONERISER GAS LINE 06 GAS METER GAS VALVE ® AIR CONDITIONER UNIT + LOCATION OF FINISHED FLOOR Q POST U) PROPOSED STORM SEWER LINE MAJOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) MINOR CONTOUR (EXISTING) Q_00 MAJOR CONTOUR (PROPOSED) 2-2 MINOR COMOUR (PROPOSED) 8 11 PROPOSED STORM SEWER STRUCTURE DIA. DIAMETER L LENGTH STA STATION INV INVERT SQ. SQUARE CALL THE unuTY NOnNCATION CENTER OF COLOR) O'— 1" BAR IS ONE INCH 3 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG ON ORIGINAL DRAWING 811 OR eco -927-1997 UNCC.oIg DI CIVIL . GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTPNTS UN HOFFMAN DRIVE LOVE(AND, COLORADO 80538 (970)27MO29 CCG Projed No.: 0085 0001 00 Sunlit Designs, LLC (andampe Amhi(eclure 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sualitch signs.com O O U 1 U U � O "O � a �R U CU ^ca LL CID 06 o a) C U) Q_00 N 2-2 N-2 HCID � �� (n W co C-3 Inlet Protection (IP) SCI Design and Installafion TO n VAIDERVOI MET be atialked 11 CARLO thea Bell do ALI by ,me men p�t.l. Ind CUTS fee It� class southern M�eni Ho�wr,dmip��Lalwcmb�t�inle WfMk IBA F IB '@. NUW, seek IF m Prime I.. Hob sen Side F.�,t.AA traffe, Anantated WILLIAM, Ar to serum the Fort? proficirly, safely ad other seronal cotelttkom,mple bock else FUND Rocks R1AS ARom Rod PON Greg A MIA. WE oppor wain nae m s t conlml lPoi Mich cawor be MW[Y xcu Ina curb ed gMft r mem@ bon arc Ifill xa ruler projmron mmaum. Swan)inlagmEncn MiIDS Pa liOnthainto An" l filar AaaSM IAMI.,vmic M$ Ifpnam prWarsetaevrihb.fm;eMpsigne ,],,may.valmarcaw WAR IS dthgwcmame. If ianmiemy Adanme the a eerlpr mnpa ear sal" pMelpW rwm me m,nn ,w Beat PC lowea. Xe IN, nM men Upanpwlemd r lamer e, Icin 11 fRenlrewhet ombimi ffem LIMB wen,acunx"Ll EMk Nn¢ Wn Emee! Ivofill lM4n bxiu bahvemeoneeren lM,romR mwarmmanven0'*ato' _ lave 'I Wponvidd ear Maar sof hadiat pronPAT tem wnp an-w.ue FLATS ISO CM(Rw1:19aYaUp�mof We,PMmIE.,Onppae I'd PGRANIMS, d CLAIM[ No labodenfer No YUM Nnvemb x010 UMngr lymnNrege Crime Mmmll etrom WI SC -6 Inlet Protection (IP) MET —I xa P In,A L --J„11 a L so IIF�-H LCL E in Mi IP -5. OVERE%CAVATION INLET PROTECTION �L CONTMOUTING DAMAGE MGM 2 BASIN ~ FEW �E�M NASA SHAPE BASIN IN 2-1 RATIO WM OPIUM SCREW � TWA small Mc Oman ��3 _ALM man �M IP -6. FEE PROTECTION 2 OPENS SHAPE BE � A A Sides WAS �W M INTEL WIN ARTS OF 1Ft MonhcexIvoNneb E1n IjRsN,d,Ma3 SC -1 Silt Fence (SF) 1 SILT FORCE MUST BE RAT LEAST emxe ARO Ate MiINDRING ITT ke a"� i MO. WE i a,KFULD SHIPS m wax IN A auxMIT MR 2 A UNIFORM 6 X 4 MICRON MEMO � AD �MB HONG TRUCHER OR SILT BE USED AMERICA snake lie old THAT SET WITER PULLED 00 OF MC� ARENCH ill MCA * BE na WTKWA Em � MIKE Fear IT M BEEN �OI A THE STATED Star PLACE SMALL MAN PULLED TOM WE IT 15 MC� A ME STAKED TAPE �W AHMED THE STAKE M�T LENGTH RUMOR AREA FILINGS ABOARD ARE END E ARE nv m 'ilivar Rd ml"M° 7 SILT FORCE APRIL BE IW�ED MAINE TO WAS FORD OW"NG KWfl� Far SENSE MMNMAWr NEPAL POSSIBLE LORD ALWAYS offam 24 HOURS) ��G A VORM NAT BURKINA SURFACE DIS�Ry OF ME CALLED 4 SERMENT ACCUMULATED 11STILEAM IF FIR "LT EPA Mor ill �� AS TERM SEDIMENTS IS WPA�puy 6- * REPAR OR REPLACE Car ALONE WHAT THEME ANN SIGNS OF � SUCH A �NG * SILT NEWS IS TO POISON A PHASE FAIL HE UnTR� OWUROM age IS ST�LIZED ALMOST CONTROL AMC 7 WAM SUT FORKS 15 FRENCH, ALL MIMOSA PC �� 11 CMmLT � MCI JURI�C�S AS TO WHAT MIT BANNED ME WERE MEN Si Old, lT ,w end Rcne tonna ln,ni't VCALUMMNln urban WHARF img Sur M,m lVDlma3 SC -6 Inlet Protection (IP) Iv} IGµ Sat Iola vrokticn%rSumlJAru lnlcr IPA Slr Fne ll, W manieffiren Age a N FeetFour let SWwe snmW Wm CIA L Cubm IoM Finaacn vrolHay"nap W oda. ARNOLD 'nfmrzlion'a p Ra hew on ul Ang di proawcn Fm SPAIN Land inPON Ii. IWM LK,tW Io a Sump nuunhelpM1l of memrwn, DUMP DvMarg m111ING. I, al ...1. nm lnM dm...D ]ayr FATER. sinsutlg1....i a r,Nine I! elm pwrmwn Macs 1, yneser lean are zrb AIR "Do ryniwlaavi Me Mu l�.RaanpW,arn�mm.Il.n will maRmme Wamacur.ro apmt;mY=W1. 1a+ix,1 nwding,pbm.,.Rry iaa,,.W anwnawm ewmn alt dawsE hombrp+W now,. AN Dissected umunOUT noofSIR Peace, am Wbma.rm MGM rIA(eeprmJ zrem), DeUmarmrml leryrtraw sdfl. WWNex W wfjemt weeW RISC (On p IOM,Rama;mu XawtiM Round ave Wet ad PE FICury lUa Lee," W, , Slope k Stick �MC inwj Wio IAm FnESbnt. Mngtmak oRlerLeSi�p ngem�MdS, Maintenance and Removal Nnten Wet pear flp y mkmRod mvmzenne gmmze=1l ,. onenfFt'IFr Ancanmunin Wimemene'Nyemng inletawelinre IJmM1ecomemr ce ecu a.p. R=ata Aan'mgimnme Wm. pa 'z Ilt.11'at..e31.n noxa lry{rtulne the sear W dirtNY emMna pe ly xbyFaa=n IBM M WILL CEO mal fl nWa Ill Bell in41n lvtlaEAi RMmr IBE Na IB' Na m' a fie' 'Mme"na mWere ato tell' "- - a - a -v vmeyem Mon rE Will'U'LlLiOn AMC= Ofthe We Eoenon. IPS U M"9nnn Wlmke"eficnd D. lNE3 Nom 1010 Inlet Protection (IP) SC -6 1 � pact MAS LAW -LOCALMOM OF MUST P��CnOm r x x(e'. 1 2 as 1 ALL IN I ERN l�� RUN M�CnON PRIOR TO SPLIT CAR mmr CONSULT WIN LOCAL 4URI�lCF�S AT TO FLESH DELTA ARGUED A MED MEN W la M�NMa OF Maps SHOULD HE P�MnW. NBC � HISPECT MAN A SEEM AS MISSION (AND MAND %ffW 24 HOURS) F��W A STORM MIT CUP Wee SUW�C EFFICATE OPERAT14G MUTATION m�ECn�S AND Mail MINUTES SHOULD BE 3 WHERE OSHA FEW FALL MAE UK R�W SUALIN N INTERIM Use' STSLOO A AUSTINOFIF ° er OUNCE n MED. N OF ARE Pascale r F •...E aw. ON r,v_mwm An MAINE, A CONSULT AIM LEAST JURISDICTION AS A WHICH M� SHOULD ill FRED WEN METHODS DAN INTEL PRETADHOI 11 Mal '� ��M � MI IM doll FAMPRIETARGY ACT PROJECROM Mal ON ME MARKET UNDFUL NOMER ENDORSED WHARF PROPERTIES METUDED WE USED ME ��IME OCTAL � ME �UF�ER MUST ANN MURS IN ME SWAP SAO ME AMP MOST ill IW� SAO �TANED AS � IN ME �UF�MPERI lbas HOW VAR MUNTOPLAMES WCOU� AN P�IBIT ME USE CUP SPLIT BILLS FAA MAN MOMC� CHECK WITH LOCAL MURPORMON ME ME�l� IF SPAIN &AS ALLEN xmmmlv2010 Urmetcomm,•W,,aN End M,, o�mm,3 In Concrete Washout Area (CWA) MM -1 Description a'MtameofrpeoomvlralMnLv I "to aaa lt IM e Edpft t FORLATEAMAGIA ad awITS ME 'noted : ate r FRON] maxwfimna b'I M1.W e T�"WILI twmB M: G ora MU1MEN lfOf mob a. Moan Uniany au. M1�.nWllwm .neenamnenmumiw Alesx prvxmerW my ex..m..eAu xexp,.Ij mwa���m'��"ef Appropriate Uws C m ,,wBBER,rartE amisn.oW ME ala maw;apnlnmEnawe,Sten w.mrn.liRW;a wncrtn reac horn utNwaIwwg m Came Rlirca Ballome, Am IS a mo. tat rM1eWm euvutumerofn�WcenTlbmn' NOLrnssmwYRTnner npl tllllfu arcezren ^Marrionor to lNawma w e,ninar n, Howl nnwi0 nw tW , r. The ANIfMw , It, BRUCE matempnry flvaMm l yearrad m A.,P WAME aad;ners; naB.n.nwpnnnaw.m m.r beprtEnt rNn mow w�,riRm,Rnmei mnng,.awaISrw. Design and Installafion Ccnmaewunoulavitmmmuahwnea ,, c wnnamaemwrEmrrtiU,npllnumrwrvRae Munn ceErae wNEnnNr,rt,rm,rhliroi nrtnlmmmEwW pmnM peona,amm rtwiry m,mkE prtMbnasowal... tamers. Eamteg,wne truing WINE EmINmm It mCi mW AN Wrm me Alto a RISING liner. Ewen 131...wa aoaw LLC 1Ra W watErN r many sea axry ]ME AW WIM 11 Eye[ or xYM1nM w No vElfw;lyfLMviFlcmamAceIYCmmwmcINS s��wmi mm� van me Aeiwg pMa Ifo Imaneimemo Mu umNn iMW Ne red CNnAd FORMAL UrWnswiml "'P Glmh M,NA VDlCo ❑Jet Protection (IP) SCI areaAN ata, UNT v� K,omm,�wceni � .S1A umReonr,wmmzoeeaNrwod,hit C,,, rcaNimc,onfimnM1cunMnde,p,nM uneewnal�mm amMon. nWn tearINCH ARC AM a AN M n,oMan a wJ.na ,s ERE ae w .noanEm rM Mnking andrp 'ng Wiment into th,mnwdrain . Felt xkm mot Mall proper Y dreprmi of WHARF We Mwvage arta tem Mnnhum, Nnv<mb x010 UMnSmrmmen,sue Crimea Mumnl Val IRS Silt Fence (SITS) SC -1 Description "it INTEL %' Ie fief Homed wBMw yul won MGM RnneJ taus now Appropriate Uses A rink mhuwtl whrcwronir xJ fiam v EirwMtl,rte a abaa SEE UP hnu isnot MARain ..ni"anlnEd none AN A be� nl.,ome. Iter r I news Acre 1, J;Hmb3mnm m mo1'. . �w� SELL IRA WASS Uses A AN mx.11wweaRe.,,CME.,,emwE.LAWS°'^'.mnR. aEANCI FEW fi'< p ting ..n,mwA,�g r ate AT the eatmer Ora Emmen W m An. Design and Installation mw Wal San m Rom irltmrtvmmmrnnWH">M ulr,25..yaralrth.... Im11oRm1 r0 of OFF are IANf Bowden abmBry IDEA nv l'..mn lenµnrerm lwfee,ma.o,;ber.,r.Mppwiem aonmN3YSL along ME of SillatlJ;honel mcsEma.Th '"I 'I CAMP AU Norman mIIW Jenernc Ecmour. SinfmuinwlpJ %r aM1mm�....MIA JEW ma myb apps to Sale M. nwiF mpl.,," tt" In, noonmpea,Wy Silt MEnr Inndmemmmnpnarev earW mrmrr11�Gmrwmre..a w:ItaephlawMlmmmWlm Holm nu WGe. sE IRAN AM Iear Wo rs it tort ARsta it ,RoninImml... pram ITIMPAREENmk,,g, sc.mmeM ansa MARCr W, vM m.kfilhne too silt feet. P HYlmmllWAnr .heldmbctmlrpllN omby hand ad then, World BE mg,pr Mwun tkB ,,dand Inc f,tn,. artnBlbrtquim,ntSMgM1 or;roWluiw ngt;rtmenl, WE ofalrrfea..... rtmormrsillrfeu Mlm�MmCr, Me Efilly iwaftelf nW tem N. rypmninEprWh.s lis Ea. xnidllr EaeWw. Rom 1n m min. WINFb Cwminimna ERF -I UI Smw Unlmee Crime, Mmml Volme3 MM -1 Concrete Washout Area(CWA) d�� safari or mwblee I'M IF6LA l minRmRm. NbiCMem) a ry w 4m nge eXenwi it zu fine prt nbnwlee t AN installed Kim m wwawaARal Jetmmmaliaamn,npnNeRw.seWaannnlem mod Maintenance and RemovalSdeal "Gmbh nNa td onmaWDa w Mt ier..RaE; gn.4a WANE ofrh Are. �m rMOrwmINm'UT11 If”' TAIPEI to nes..�ewmnedml,�omrISMamD tWdrmose Upen nn Wmm�nn�AmmCri. mtmW .Rolle., e, alMn wnE e,WN mmcut,¢e,nui w..r�l mWemnem Eaimnr,logrmlM Hone IfM ,m a�ISAl eaDmm ,RFC nmmwit�myd W U,hn lT,W Na Flee cmrtd fall N.W.tow Nmn Seam maimee c: ,mu lVnlaa3 SC -6 Inlet Protection (IP) 0 .. I�OOmM:�� a3aa23`4f 1 RICK WEAK Dol ABDUL PC? INST�T� KOWR�� I COWXM CAREER &CAPE SMALL BE FACE ON THOR Since WORLD ME AFFAT IN A � AM, AUTTING MAE MEDICAID WITH THE OPEN AND FILE No WAY MOM FILE CUM MINIMUM OF - PHoaamw°xiK� ARA. R .1 IPi CURB ROCK SOCKS UPSTREAM OF INLET PROTECTION 1 ANN ROCK AMR DEMON ABDUL nWIRNE� IN WE mNUM DIRMnON OF FLOW, 3 BOOKS ARE TO NO LOU AN ME CUBA SAO V�ED A MINIMUM OF 5 MONTH � 4 AT FORT fle �ffi �� IN SERIES � natal U�I OF Samoa �S Ip, mm Smrm U,i CMH,Mmnl Vohme3 Nnv<mb, E1110 U SC-1 Silt Fence (SF) Maintenance and Removal e I AN . Rest' HE M Fit PUMP W m c >RnN. Sae a K'mm , a trh tlrIt rmMrncuW be ..Ed, a.&LASTm Magm, oma emEntmNEr.,rpinlq ceME x ,eahuadephor6lahr. .it pal my AN � Ad.. tax flantluen mang. N, 'law fid or cal EST SF -z ukma mul CmlvomSM,MH, Moi re 3 xnvemb,min Concrete Washout Area(CWA) MM -1 IN M.Ek SaUr CWA FILMS TRACKNO COMING (SEE VIC CLIFF) OR OMER STABLE SURFACE it JLN CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA PLAN 12 AN THEEM IMF Oat pECOMMnmAn NEPAe°%� AS 'tJ. MAE 3 ON ' �m ar..rsa Hon "a"iw =tM cm T ME MSmmwRom 1�CONCREIE WASHOUT AREAM� AN WON �� AMIN 1 MIC M WHAT POLLS UP Ci FOUR SOURCES IFKIM M�� ANNE THIS l�lB� AN IF HIGHLY PAMESSUE SOIR EART C04 SIMME ASIA MGM A INSTALLED MIA MAP IMPERMEABLE LINER its It 11 THOIIESI 01sell Ron AFFACRIATHO Mi M�sLJT nal OR AIRISH under �ND S�E ANN SHOULD As ONO3 ME OWN � ME NSTALLUED MOR TO CONCRETE �EMMT ART SMMET AH BOOM SM�UNDI� CODE AND RICK OF ME CPU SHEALL Ali MINIMUM HE� OF 1e, ear TRAAKW PAD AMA BE A� 2% T�S TOM CAN7 MIKE SEOUL ft PERIOD AT THE ��Cfl� EN�CE AT ME MA RODE�ft�E AS NE�� TO C�LT W�M THE MUTATION OF THE QW, TO OPERATORSAS COWWW TRUCKS ANN PUMP MASS Inlet Protection (IP) SCfi IP -3. ROCK SOCK SUMP/AREA INLET PROTECDON III PROTECTION THADANATION FLOWS I. m Hotel fel CAERE mute IN ixhrxunot mnemmR,. Hop. 2 Salinas EW �� LANE MAP HE USSR IN NIGER AN RUSS FIAT l� IN PRECIOUS MAKE METAL PER =IM�T C�ROL AMC ALI r❑e lar emrz IAT LgJ rzxa pmin �zw` p NL 1 P-4 SLT FENCE FOR SUMP Nl£I PROTECTION 1. AMC SILT PIERCE MORGAN OUALL FOR l�T�� RE�EME� 2 BOOM � M PLUNGED AT � COOPER AN AM ACT ISO WOUND ME ARESS l� IN PERSONS � l�� or PIEDMONT ISLAMIC too ABDUL Nnwmb cry 10 In IMF SACSU 'm MW, Mmwl VolA3 Silt Fence (SF) SC -1 IEORueeiomi Cam, SF MCA mr 111, 10 aw, SILT KATE di PAT _r A uiMGM . Mall PER SILT FENCE SENT �7 *F� anum not AMR R TAKE SIMON �, mile MTIM IN an ME INTO ARE MEMO SECTION A Si SILT FENCE Nnv<mbM10 WmU,i CHmmu C el Volona3 SL -3 Uste S MM-1 Concrete Washout Area(CWA) I somber POSSIBLEiw%wSPECT MAINE AN WON An a x ECESa CRLMN SHOULD ME A UCLA FIAT BAKER SURFACE A MARC Flues HART ALI Red M R�ENt MITI M 4MtA= U" '�W UP Mal plal REM� ONCE M MA�M� IRISH REACHED A DELTA OF 2 Iml ME' Mn'M IF 6 MARC CARL SMALL REASON IN PHASE MET AN CANCRETE MR THE PAGUEL IS PULSED 7 NAME ME CAME IS RACREF ROPER THE U�� ALI RUH MR Sort MAE AMEN IST across I. � 1"" � WE HE cons AL RISC � Go MAINE SOL MGM JUMIC�S HAVE mo APPLE IMF V� FROM IONA STANDARD �ILS CONSULT WON WEST JU�DICTI�S AD ME WHICH M� SHOULD AD MM Ilton nningl W F" Canool Dime (Hey A-3 CWA1 Orion PAULi n.y and Flat Cartrol Ui.MM Nwamhr3010 UMt Srmm nnimp CAW, MMMT Volmorm3 UMn from Unin,ge MoriaM W VCM, 3 GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 2201 HOFFM4N DRIVE LOVELAND,COLORADO 80530 (970)278-0029 CCG Project All 0085.0001.00 ures LEA Sunlit Designs, LLC LarAsrage Archife m8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth BIM. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sunlitdesigno.com 0 0 U U U U0 O a0 � a Cu C: U 0 CoCID L O (LO 06 o � U 7 r --F QC � N C U O co LL . U _ a• N Q Co (n W Cali C-4 labodenfer No YUM Rom 1n m min. WINFb Cwminimna ERF -I UI Smw Unlmee Crime, Mmml Volme3 MM -1 Concrete Washout Area(CWA) d�� safari or mwblee I'M IF6LA l minRmRm. NbiCMem) a ry w 4m nge eXenwi it zu fine prt nbnwlee t AN installed Kim m wwawaARal Jetmmmaliaamn,npnNeRw.seWaannnlem mod Maintenance and RemovalSdeal "Gmbh nNa td onmaWDa w Mt ier..RaE; gn.4a WANE ofrh Are. �m rMOrwmINm'UT11 If”' TAIPEI to nes..�ewmnedml,�omrISMamD tWdrmose Upen nn Wmm�nn�AmmCri. mtmW .Rolle., e, alMn wnE e,WN mmcut,¢e,nui w..r�l mWemnem Eaimnr,logrmlM Hone IfM ,m a�ISAl eaDmm ,RFC nmmwit�myd W U,hn lT,W Na Flee cmrtd fall N.W.tow Nmn Seam maimee c: ,mu lVnlaa3 SC -6 Inlet Protection (IP) 0 .. I�OOmM:�� a3aa23`4f 1 RICK WEAK Dol ABDUL PC? INST�T� KOWR�� I COWXM CAREER &CAPE SMALL BE FACE ON THOR Since WORLD ME AFFAT IN A � AM, AUTTING MAE MEDICAID WITH THE OPEN AND FILE No WAY MOM FILE CUM MINIMUM OF - PHoaamw°xiK� ARA. R .1 IPi CURB ROCK SOCKS UPSTREAM OF INLET PROTECTION 1 ANN ROCK AMR DEMON ABDUL nWIRNE� IN WE mNUM DIRMnON OF FLOW, 3 BOOKS ARE TO NO LOU AN ME CUBA SAO V�ED A MINIMUM OF 5 MONTH � 4 AT FORT fle �ffi �� IN SERIES � natal U�I OF Samoa �S Ip, mm Smrm U,i CMH,Mmnl Vohme3 Nnv<mb, E1110 U SC-1 Silt Fence (SF) Maintenance and Removal e I AN . Rest' HE M Fit PUMP W m c >RnN. Sae a K'mm , a trh tlrIt rmMrncuW be ..Ed, a.&LASTm Magm, oma emEntmNEr.,rpinlq ceME x ,eahuadephor6lahr. .it pal my AN � Ad.. tax flantluen mang. N, 'law fid or cal EST SF -z ukma mul CmlvomSM,MH, Moi re 3 xnvemb,min Concrete Washout Area(CWA) MM -1 IN M.Ek SaUr CWA FILMS TRACKNO COMING (SEE VIC CLIFF) OR OMER STABLE SURFACE it JLN CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA PLAN 12 AN THEEM IMF Oat pECOMMnmAn NEPAe°%� AS 'tJ. MAE 3 ON ' �m ar..rsa Hon "a"iw =tM cm T ME MSmmwRom 1�CONCREIE WASHOUT AREAM� AN WON �� AMIN 1 MIC M WHAT POLLS UP Ci FOUR SOURCES IFKIM M�� ANNE THIS l�lB� AN IF HIGHLY PAMESSUE SOIR EART C04 SIMME ASIA MGM A INSTALLED MIA MAP IMPERMEABLE LINER its It 11 THOIIESI 01sell Ron AFFACRIATHO Mi M�sLJT nal OR AIRISH under �ND S�E ANN SHOULD As ONO3 ME OWN � ME NSTALLUED MOR TO CONCRETE �EMMT ART SMMET AH BOOM SM�UNDI� CODE AND RICK OF ME CPU SHEALL Ali MINIMUM HE� OF 1e, ear TRAAKW PAD AMA BE A� 2% T�S TOM CAN7 MIKE SEOUL ft PERIOD AT THE ��Cfl� EN�CE AT ME MA RODE�ft�E AS NE�� TO C�LT W�M THE MUTATION OF THE QW, TO OPERATORSAS COWWW TRUCKS ANN PUMP MASS Inlet Protection (IP) SCfi IP -3. ROCK SOCK SUMP/AREA INLET PROTECDON III PROTECTION THADANATION FLOWS I. m Hotel fel CAERE mute IN ixhrxunot mnemmR,. Hop. 2 Salinas EW �� LANE MAP HE USSR IN NIGER AN RUSS FIAT l� IN PRECIOUS MAKE METAL PER =IM�T C�ROL AMC ALI r❑e lar emrz IAT LgJ rzxa pmin �zw` p NL 1 P-4 SLT FENCE FOR SUMP Nl£I PROTECTION 1. AMC SILT PIERCE MORGAN OUALL FOR l�T�� RE�EME� 2 BOOM � M PLUNGED AT � COOPER AN AM ACT ISO WOUND ME ARESS l� IN PERSONS � l�� or PIEDMONT ISLAMIC too ABDUL Nnwmb cry 10 In IMF SACSU 'm MW, Mmwl VolA3 Silt Fence (SF) SC -1 IEORueeiomi Cam, SF MCA mr 111, 10 aw, SILT KATE di PAT _r A uiMGM . Mall PER SILT FENCE SENT �7 *F� anum not AMR R TAKE SIMON �, mile MTIM IN an ME INTO ARE MEMO SECTION A Si SILT FENCE Nnv<mbM10 WmU,i CHmmu C el Volona3 SL -3 Uste S MM-1 Concrete Washout Area(CWA) I somber POSSIBLEiw%wSPECT MAINE AN WON An a x ECESa CRLMN SHOULD ME A UCLA FIAT BAKER SURFACE A MARC Flues HART ALI Red M R�ENt MITI M 4MtA= U" '�W UP Mal plal REM� ONCE M MA�M� IRISH REACHED A DELTA OF 2 Iml ME' Mn'M IF 6 MARC CARL SMALL REASON IN PHASE MET AN CANCRETE MR THE PAGUEL IS PULSED 7 NAME ME CAME IS RACREF ROPER THE U�� ALI RUH MR Sort MAE AMEN IST across I. � 1"" � WE HE cons AL RISC � Go MAINE SOL MGM JUMIC�S HAVE mo APPLE IMF V� FROM IONA STANDARD �ILS CONSULT WON WEST JU�DICTI�S AD ME WHICH M� SHOULD AD MM Ilton nningl W F" Canool Dime (Hey A-3 CWA1 Orion PAULi n.y and Flat Cartrol Ui.MM Nwamhr3010 UMt Srmm nnimp CAW, MMMT Volmorm3 UMn from Unin,ge MoriaM W VCM, 3 GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 2201 HOFFM4N DRIVE LOVELAND,COLORADO 80530 (970)278-0029 CCG Project All 0085.0001.00 ures LEA Sunlit Designs, LLC LarAsrage Archife m8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth BIM. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sunlitdesigno.com 0 0 U U U U0 O a0 � a Cu C: U 0 CoCID L O (LO 06 o � U 7 r --F QC � N C U O co LL . U _ a• N Q Co (n W Cali C-4 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) SM -6 Design and Installation No It' 1 rya Lore DUMB mmpleWd prvn IN Wer wvwetmo emialea he RUN We . MAw to all,, amap NET art BE twain ll,J W QN,, as well err pmom • A MGM lOEM ,wreee. SWITHEe.ed UP WIw.ith3 tan d..B eBah+ Or [BUSH • Tel amlla mat az NET Have, rm[,e, anal lop, m MIND xv. • C.m .,o for el, pcwremubmiml naevm Wannet BmmJS. mafor Gwtl lllwekeepmgrWicnre edto,aeriWuenpsmdia,m Mork tm We Geod Hw trpi,D eMp Fne[ Sneer. A mbi]isdwmounion cluait u dn,ikdin ITS VShItlS Tall CRO lBMP Fop SUSAN, in L`W dm, n1R1 erwilN HW mmanel aehmY and vast, dirpmeI aeNI ,vn6 ME IIb;ead Olson are mY Inat w dolor rcorea;umU"Bae=mo-ee¢oral, 4m rW,ibn�ofial SBE ,MLIT w, W,IeWhm Rep tine WSmm lirzenu®Inw. ,,,nmPRO I DEC US etn„wlrmrmtmnpmm,,.mmwwd„I. hinamt 3010 UUM, PJmec And Fl HAS CoI Uau;d SSA -I VrWn @mm ant Lll¢rla Mama Volwv3 SC -5 Rock Sock Dr. Moat Tmwm RICK RS NESTLE N` 'M ENDS — Ta. , Z �ImT F RO*��W,1 AN ME I MIN rc ROCK SOCK SECTION ROCK SOCKPLIN ON MUSIC Op EMERY s� an CHUN OF RNK TABLE ROCK SOCK JOINTING ITT NNULD AM N�TED UPON DECOVERY Or ME CANCER ion IN SAMMI I BE hinamt 3010 UUM, PJmec And Fl HAS CoI Uau;d SSA -I VrWn @mm ant Lll¢rla Mama Volwv3 SC -5 Rock Sock Dr. Moat Tmwm RICK RS NESTLE N` 'M ENDS — Ta. , Z �ImT F RO*��W,1 AN ME I MIN rc ROCK SOCK SECTION ROCK SOCKPLIN ON MUSIC Op EMERY s� an CHUN OF RNK TABLE ROCK SOCK JOINTING I SEE PLAN-trcATrnisl "FMAY MIMI IQ ALL ANSI MAN I ROCK mm's.FRTW, WE ALLMl 2 LOSSES WK SMALL BE M .,BSIN SWISS ON M=, Ea,m ED r� pw SEES, 3 ulu ESH SHOTN6 AN BE AEHY muw 10rum a n MG ORE w , BEER AIS4 ARE MESH GUALL BE SECURED MESA W RiI OR ME ME AT 9' CENTERS&JUND AN HOUSE FOR AT 2 CENTERS AN STURE OF BONDS ME 5 USE FASTER ME MIT m 1«E SOME MUNICAPOUNIES MAY � MES FARME EROC ON K E RSOCKPER METER CONTROL Ta MSI wFlmanl,anl SAT Nomnkr20M Urhn Storm LTdnake MW Mmlel V11W3 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC -2 WIN ITT NNULD AM N�TED UPON DECOVERY Or ME CANCER ion IN SULAROMMCNEM11 I BE 2 NET, INK 90 - ISO THE END OF CON GLEN CUBAN OR M MONTE T MGM COMPSAI TOM MAY BE LET 1 1 1 FUND AS BASS SOL REMLEEN AND NFL BUICK SERUM IF V�� AHEAD C I FEI� THEY SHELF BE �� WIM TOM SOL Mernort MUCES Cl�TIO� FM NO CHARGE �RE�TE FOR COMDEX MGMn cO�L No ALF I SEE PLAN-trcATrnisl "FMAY MIMI IQ ALL ANSI MAN I ROCK mm's.FRTW, WE ALLMl 2 LOSSES WK SMALL BE M .,BSIN SWISS ON M=, Ea,m ED r� pw SEES, 3 ulu ESH SHOTN6 AN BE AEHY muw 10rum a n MG ORE w , BEER AIS4 ARE MESH GUALL BE SECURED MESA W RiI OR ME ME AT 9' CENTERS&JUND AN HOUSE FOR AT 2 CENTERS AN STURE OF BONDS ME 5 USE FASTER ME MIT m 1«E SOME MUNICAPOUNIES MAY � MES FARME EROC ON K E RSOCKPER METER CONTROL Ta MSI wFlmanl,anl SAT Nomnkr20M Urhn Storm LTdnake MW Mmlel V11W3 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC -2 WIN NmamkrNlS Utbn Pnnpand%md Cwty! ral l SCLS I1rWn SlamU V Lti¢ru MIT V11ww3 SM -6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) Nlnl nlnBLnnCTerm BWlllnrlon Regvirtmentt • NllleaRaim pflkneaM rce t ranale alt m Ilrvis • ase mm ment m2 In Ileu ofrrckwhen zm81n6 h w mm IN fret a, 1111 rot eantat • C®nx,nee nranamed e®ra'mea aft BY marsw.am w,in an do USSR rte lial2,011. ai.r w n°nla�rR Was 0l.md aiBRm.mem AN Br. mm PUT NET blW C,Nel pel loan III mbiLMLISMlnemmand SEATS fmumbinmdmeglnearenwlren walMallWin HE 1MER11y,11 rtpnlmd. Maintenance and Removal mgB1"'IN imlmaamanuuinsanabe amrma weer Of anal mpahmg mmnao .,an I^Bp^dM1mmkeepin6P�aedea. wknweymedm ISUXUR sdrbiynnnedamekpi ON ad MI MMIJ h oxydad ON XMdy daftelowed.l me xnmm will rewire mapmal ofwnmmins mil fmm gUIl [Kate m an asevidt aMahnBmeme iirmdd hMe' k Pemm�ennr All Mit, r "ll male Mi 11111ri t.a redMd,1111dat SSA -z UrtanU ,mw wa Flwd Cwwl unt Nlvamb,r 2010 VrWn Sam Pawap MlWIT Mama[)SINCE 3 Rock Sock (RS) SC -5 MEAN MY, 111M,,,1 IRM a�NftnMAY AN DOW AS aw^DUD BET USHOULD BE ) PROPOSE NOT ANSI E a .Tan NAT CAME mrru.'EDOCUMENTED FORT EROSION BECAME OF ME FASSUREN 4 RICK SUGAR � BE �� IF NET BECOME NEWLY EALED SE �ED BEYOND "I'll S, SEEMENT ACCUMULATED UP�� OR HOME DISKS SUALL HE REMI I NEEDED TO u Aonaou rtRNI L k r DUE noaT w DUE v'u acv An ME ISO M�y WHEN EXHIBIT or ¢muuwm ,marsSl ME MRSEVEM ON THE SEOUL JAISO� 7 WHEN GAP SOCKS ARE REMMU IN ORTURENED AIDES SHOT BE MANOR IBM INS, DENY NNOCTIOND NSA PRO DENNIS THAT Vftry MOM UNION STM� I CONSULT MIT LOTUS TURKOMANS AS TO MUCH CLEAN SHOULD BE NATO NEI DUE WEEMS INCLUDED Hall Nil EAST SHORT IBM �I'Ll 111, IF We LUCK INSTALLATION IN ME BURUNDI MMOPOUTM AIDS MORE ME �O�UMY NETNEWS ME USSR THE APP�WN USUAL MOM THS �UFvM� MUST IN WE LATUORTMERS DUANE N.r2010 Nixnl n.w and FlmJ GBnd oun;u es3 WLan nlmm Llalmp MnM Mame )Solana SC -2 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SEE MIT BENZ MR LOUMN AID � UP SEMEW CONTROL LORD MEN. AND SUNNI BE MIKE OF IMF NOXIOUS WEBB MGM OR SWEDEN SCULANDER ME, HOLES DID MONTE Won M, MDIM� COUNCIL DBMS BONN HE THEM WE BEIRUT CHECK ANSI IN WCH� MAN H� THEN SHOULD NET BE USES IN PMENN� STR�S A DEATH ME °0} µdib �( °d OF ME Lane F Tal TO THIS STAKING COMMON 0 1N NOT ARE s "NU /,Td GET .Em Th m TaE.,"m. ROBUST6 THUS INTEL SIDE OF THE �NEW CO�OL LOS SHAI BE �BFILuD EACH SOL ORPL� WTM� MIT S PENN SO OWNS AID �MS THE SOL SMALL So NOT��M IRS ME SMILE OF � RUCENT M� WERE A SHOWED OR WENNUTHESS USSRMINIMUM OF 6 IBM Me GROUND SE ME THE SEEM BULL PROTRUDE MOM THE MR OFTHE LOU Evil PAT ME �EN PRIOR 70 IN��7ION SHELF BE MERCER, �POVNATO WOUM BE BLAMED 10 Uld CE� E)SLOCH RCRKMNY ADD Mi NEW IN E�VE oPEON;a THAT CAUSES mR�E ,MM�_I I WHERE MAN HAVE 'ALM, DRIFT ITT NNULD AM N�TED UPON DECOVERY Or ME CANCER ion IN SULAROMMCNEM11 I BE wed a aM XI"TM�Ta BE -1 - - 1 a 5 SEDIMENT COUNSEL UNI SMALL It F THE END OF CON GLEN CUBAN OR M MONTE T MGM COMPSAI TOM MAY BE LET 1 1 1 FUND AS BASS SOL REMLEEN AND NFL BUICK SERUM IF V�� AHEAD C I FEI� THEY SHELF BE �� WIM TOM SOL Mernort CONTROL LOG1mE ME LOCAL J -H H o MGMn cO�L No ALF P. werz. oAlw 1 WI m: nP:n xim"°�1m T H' SECTION ARE SLOPE LENGTH NmamkrNlS Utbn Pnnpand%md Cwty! ral l SCLS I1rWn SlamU V Lti¢ru MIT V11ww3 SM -6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) Nlnl nlnBLnnCTerm BWlllnrlon Regvirtmentt • NllleaRaim pflkneaM rce t ranale alt m Ilrvis • ase mm ment m2 In Ileu ofrrckwhen zm81n6 h w mm IN fret a, 1111 rot eantat • C®nx,nee nranamed e®ra'mea aft BY marsw.am w,in an do USSR rte lial2,011. ai.r w n°nla�rR Was 0l.md aiBRm.mem AN Br. mm PUT NET blW C,Nel pel loan III mbiLMLISMlnemmand SEATS fmumbinmdmeglnearenwlren walMallWin HE 1MER11y,11 rtpnlmd. Maintenance and Removal mgB1"'IN imlmaamanuuinsanabe amrma weer Of anal mpahmg mmnao .,an I^Bp^dM1mmkeepin6P�aedea. wknweymedm ISUXUR sdrbiynnnedamekpi ON ad MI MMIJ h oxydad ON XMdy daftelowed.l me xnmm will rewire mapmal ofwnmmins mil fmm gUIl [Kate m an asevidt aMahnBmeme iirmdd hMe' k Pemm�ennr All Mit, r "ll male Mi 11111ri t.a redMd,1111dat SSA -z UrtanU ,mw wa Flwd Cwwl unt Nlvamb,r 2010 VrWn Sam Pawap MlWIT Mama[)SINCE 3 Rock Sock (RS) SC -5 MEAN MY, 111M,,,1 IRM a�NftnMAY AN DOW AS aw^DUD BET USHOULD BE ) PROPOSE NOT ANSI E a .Tan NAT CAME mrru.'EDOCUMENTED FORT EROSION BECAME OF ME FASSUREN 4 RICK SUGAR � BE �� IF NET BECOME NEWLY EALED SE �ED BEYOND "I'll S, SEEMENT ACCUMULATED UP�� OR HOME DISKS SUALL HE REMI I NEEDED TO u Aonaou rtRNI L k r DUE noaT w DUE v'u acv An ME ISO M�y WHEN EXHIBIT or ¢muuwm ,marsSl ME MRSEVEM ON THE SEOUL JAISO� 7 WHEN GAP SOCKS ARE REMMU IN ORTURENED AIDES SHOT BE MANOR IBM INS, DENY NNOCTIOND NSA PRO DENNIS THAT Vftry MOM UNION STM� I CONSULT MIT LOTUS TURKOMANS AS TO MUCH CLEAN SHOULD BE NATO NEI DUE WEEMS INCLUDED Hall Nil EAST SHORT IBM �I'Ll 111, IF We LUCK INSTALLATION IN ME BURUNDI MMOPOUTM AIDS MORE ME �O�UMY NETNEWS ME USSR THE APP�WN USUAL MOM THS �UFvM� MUST IN WE LATUORTMERS DUANE N.r2010 Nixnl n.w and FlmJ GBnd oun;u es3 WLan nlmm Llalmp MnM Mame )Solana SC -2 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SEE MIT BENZ MR LOUMN AID � UP SEMEW CONTROL LORD MEN. AND SUNNI BE MIKE OF IMF NOXIOUS WEBB MGM OR SWEDEN SCULANDER ME, HOLES DID MONTE Won M, MDIM� COUNCIL DBMS BONN HE THEM WE BEIRUT CHECK ANSI IN WCH� MAN H� THEN SHOULD NET BE USES IN PMENN� STR�S A DEATH ME °0} µdib �( °d OF ME Lane F Tal TO THIS STAKING COMMON 0 1N NOT ARE s "NU /,Td GET .Em Th m TaE.,"m. ROBUST6 THUS INTEL SIDE OF THE �NEW CO�OL LOS SHAI BE �BFILuD EACH SOL ORPL� WTM� MIT S PENN SO OWNS AID �MS THE SOL SMALL So NOT��M IRS ME SMILE OF � RUCENT M� WERE A SHOWED OR WENNUTHESS USSRMINIMUM OF 6 IBM Me GROUND SE ME THE SEEM BULL PROTRUDE MOM THE MR OFTHE LOU Evil PAT ME �EN PRIOR 70 IN��7ION SHELF BE MERCER, �POVNATO WOUM BE BLAMED 10 Uld CE� E)SLOCH RCRKMNY ADD Mi NEW IN E�VE oPEON;a THAT CAUSES mR�E ,MM�_I I WHERE MAN HAVE 'ALM, DRIFT ITT NNULD AM N�TED UPON DECOVERY Or ME CANCER ion SULAROMMCNEM11 I BE wed a aM XI"TM�Ta BE -1 - - 1 a 5 SEDIMENT COUNSEL UNI SMALL It F THE END OF CON GLEN CUBAN OR M MONTE T MGM COMPSAI TOM MAY BE LET 1 1 1 FUND AS BASS SOL REMLEEN AND NFL BUICK SERUM IF V�� AHEAD C I FEI� THEY SHELF BE �� WIM TOM SOL Mernort CONTROL LOG1mE ME LOCAL J -H H o MGMn cO�L No ALF P. werz. oAlw 1 WI m: nP:n xim"°�1m SC46 INMM Ua ANN I I (MITI nimin NUA,TIr1015 Ur W n Sam Pont Mom Mame v01ww 3 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) SM -6 FCSt ONCE . SSA 9]DO TIMOR pit BUD SSA—1. STABILIZED STAGING AREA STAIRS � INSTALLAI NOTES 1 KIM AM MEW LAW - EMERY NG TRA N me SIZE or pwm NFA MENrare ME TOM JU�IUON ✓mail I STANAL ZED STAMPS MARC SUNNI BE ���TE FOR THE MGM OF ME SITE 3 V�l� MILAN SMALL BE V�XM PARTS TO MER SPERAFTESTE US ME I pNWL ssr"nm01uCHM Prtaw M LED AountE'OR 6 (MINOR NYSE mrrsin a COT& AMEWN PERIMETER SMAN MAY BE RENSURED i Nor NOT UNION TO ONWE ME CONSTRUNCIUM CHRONIC 1 MITCHELL EC OAMS iµ� URS)BEWAIN minnDUSTSWC. wM & WHERE MILAN; NATO MUM KPM IN �t �M AN Mall HINDU M�Ry OF ME voll Nmamk, 1010 UMn Orman, M1 JI ce,l Di SSA -3 I1rWn Slam Ulwng ernal Mamtl V11we3 Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC -2 WIN Description mT r III., EUDIN FRED LM SET Me, MARY MINE ad., n�en� m.,J n. A a1 ndl All d km` m nemnmT R Approprlate Uses Staffinal wmglapIN, rorcto aP weiNpimmmnoolrw m,Ap'lev anathaln. . As patfel Fl IM RliplAS . o -andi 11, 11,11 k1 ,lithe: "111i ton m Ina MUSCll We WELL SEPT., a, dosturl .lope 11 No rmwlBmmm�nnr, m,wn.nnlnn. ca ]KNOBS, flet emlon cal A, Sem lrmnelaymedmnmm,r,malaline.re,arinewmaarrcnaarn..m.pmelawpena. Se,pa, mi tip wmk"11inmmnuutmwlh Wer BREAKING=,, mW wNti ammlc nal and Installation SnJ.m Waal cape dM;rtWIW am8 We aaav OF awiJ emttmehn I TIME mwimoB a umabk mburay JrvlwUe BppL l wental Moraylmenla'uraW lgnenl4eaanUtkwnlua. IN m Y025 EWAd6ndivl nlPo, BONN ofupm 150 W,,dambmarysbpc Umtll,Mno snlwapmar�n.a3.nW nae wepp Jlpereylheedaewal ness,n. Tbmmumlrcnaa0wmar apatenovententiftornal lop 1a eae,dharmes,zumas perna US .Ili nb PONT¢ axemnlN fiOWN' F lamp[¢" E fined• Ne appTnue w%re mnoR m P^M am 'ntat S" g"�]a mneaeaelmbamwwnwnwe W Nwi amJa'e enMiti 5PBJkIm Ne RMP. LMWI IN RUN ion SULAROMMCNEM11 I BE w1 5� Nmnnkr2015 Corm nr.w ma Flmd cwtM l .ma CCL1 UMn Sam Llalmry M¢M Mama[ volume 3 SM -6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) 5 ST�120 VICTOR ANDAITHORANNEY USM ON mx[mnzzuA ME D A ME BUD OF CONCLUSION ME zoianwso Ix n UTEM STATUS ATERIAL UNION u RE n Rana[IMLL BE BERS) OR ® THAID AN McvB tlm MME NOBEL E MARTIN MR STRALIDED STAMPS AREAS ON M DIFRCAM� WIN RE-�MLIW�T AN vMA� IN � WHERE RECYCLED =DIANE MAE PLAINS MARY JUMOCTORM LANE MEN Ui MET GAIN FROM "CD V� DEFLAS CONSUL WITH LOCAL JUSIMCOMEM AS TO WHOM BUSH SHOULD AS MCI) THAI am, nnlwer aM F" C lT;nact NCS 2010 Vkm SMITH not Llileda Mmml volwne 3 SC -2 Sediment Control Wwgn.,Sianp [ ITHElaely.If..mwRiflow sent in, Wool say San Wal hm.— abIndd BE m,W lW u lfNER an m4cnnnb],. wsb^ datum OUT tuna red lmlmem canal tip am pmNdm In the rllmwwBeemll.. Smmenlm8r eingsaYauWleipm Wedelvlmp,evenlordawwnBbpuvain6 std Nq,Imemem. Who, a1y,,�natmnalmpaltwao-inaanmalnnueaB,mn,r pepeWnwBm nam} mwor hfNnff �m0wLMk9 viwmarld end nr lo l mmla ep re Real YBO Maintenance and Removal dal Is �kMENCRA B F1TaAebl �L,d.•• It�a L.tltlPo Tralyq rep, saedanwednmew. NICE It la oh lap . Amer oesh IM ne yNle We ITERE BOX IN 1aWa AN Bmwbm Top are, mea v Illj add Set d[zwv.m KIM wNET PER banmv�im eahkelny 1 opbrtvkr} Hwcrp, rzmavvl olretGBemmWl log e0m fine eoblfmdwirrypiWly enwMmpcnmavr,wbnl, inktlnmclim wecM1pk6mAppfiavBnr.fmmpnafmm �pDUmn red mem,wwllop mrybe.wreW omnreamnand reetledarlwUulh'n Jxrmwvet rewbumeerep„dw. scl.z lia lnelw FBI Fh„dc Ilk. Nm,mkr2e15 km.nsonnuam.eeMwlahlnroal Vllww3 Rock Sock (RS) SC -5 Mas ption panelA Wk sock HE offifinined of ayCHOLOU tol�Aw eiDUBNON ya�wn lyr."e�m BAKER pBAN mKr whwlPia mWa � e wed a,iine. EPA sock, 11already reaMMkL kek,�ato min QL flat ,n.mm. IGral I Appropriate Uses .�Mmt as „m NOTEPUN RULE fn Jm�a.1 US vllad vwnw.ncoaoluwu'avewm¢ ,Sime, lovawe. Abwe9, If Mlk nwvk IS upward IB mom aamaer mneme 18 Net m R IN hat m k t1I1U J 11 naked into FE,rcl. ILL dkellf�. often OWN on OR u NM.mk ellpmmSOTuppliam�mavxM1uvmrh Sm.acnm nf,.N EXEMPT awk=,41y mmplw Sad lh waemay USlwrnnr„dy m Ill" 111 t..oirng,mmt Up= Desi, and mstAlatioR WNIntrck,akr are leeks 111 my 0.25 .Meimlmlmmmrn6d le ,TEND to 150beet 11 a, eaT effllno EMERY HAS 31Y A rock OCR Fallemmed None E m 11 MMI � RMI Aft, 51111, noEMERY W1rr 33. n mepme,kdenIX WMae �P"Nall Wmeff"El BRUSSEL' EDU m'IT a SEEN SENM1ANN,a plea eWmlworeneom We drovers and vert pane BRUSSELS' coon pmenac nevmv, plamanaouaonlMen,oalen Maintenance and Removal seek WE MCA 1.. 111 di f bi arm luml lml& IMMtw make me domegeeden DN tYm n ne¢euerv. Rem enty eweepi,g o,rxnlmvn8naneeNdm onw6W, SAN Mk,,yMer,Xf fmwnmm mmnm;u W1e�uenleamen.,k m,k BSanarerdaemxr IT TIRE US WHITE ISM as (BUT *Lan SURNIEm,lon IS m pk[e, Eek MID; and MD=NIMXn NSA m au omi mi taMUW be B,mred And pq Yderymt.SDI TUES.] RON THOUNT 2010 Fnbwn ;ne wJ plm-0f nM Dill RS -1 VrbmS nraimee Cantil MMUW Volvore3 Sediment Control Loe (SCL) SC -2 TRENCHED SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG IN RUN FEES illy NEED UP rn �R •¢rvwsAKE Iunl 5� TRENCHED SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG IN RUN FEES illy NEED UP PC Ell DESIGN Uz 2 BLAME DEC �.r 41111111111111111111111, MEN EW ,rola. TRENCHED SEGMENT CONTROL LOG1mE MGMn cO�L No r� werz. oAlw 1 WI m: nP:n xim"°�1m T H' SECTION ARE TRENCHED SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG Nmvmhr2015 Balm l%n.p. B-0 Flme C.Tmi nimlcl SOLS Urbn SIT=lhawage Mnaa Manual V,m 3 GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 2201 HOFFM4N DRIVE LOVEIAND, COLORADO 80530 (970)278-0029 CCG Project NO,: 0085,0001.00 41 Sunlit Designs, LLC Lard mm ATCAifecWre 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth BIM. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sunlitdmlgno.com 0 O U U U U � O •O � a Cu C: U° 6F (0 L O 0 ICU Mail 0 w O 7SHIN U E N I L co N U aw Co of (n W ccfi C-5 IN 41111111111111111111111, �11111111111111111111111,ii Nmvmhr2015 Balm l%n.p. B-0 Flme C.Tmi nimlcl SOLS Urbn SIT=lhawage Mnaa Manual V,m 3 GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 2201 HOFFM4N DRIVE LOVEIAND, COLORADO 80530 (970)278-0029 CCG Project NO,: 0085,0001.00 41 Sunlit Designs, LLC Lard mm ATCAifecWre 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth BIM. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sunlitdmlgno.com 0 O U U U U � O •O � a Cu C: U° 6F (0 L O 0 ICU Mail 0 w O 7SHIN U E N I L co N U aw Co of (n W ccfi C-5 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM -4 Description VI �lmtracNICEk m ase RON Otte AN mi mr ,DMI AnCiNew"I"i ai mllJ rcim.a Aekmmpmi or firs)noma'houang uukm6 onm AMpe.<u. Appropriate Usess vintrus, At ,rekm,x ml a FBI umn frameart •gmunSaws o M1'k mffi, sm" NO rapt E. SAN wvnas, Werse iv.rw uwn mow aAn ,Mm whom Onoi Amon Me . Wnwrt... moa am WM1sn "mq v pvae IYimma)'Srev ��nde gvafvelti<Ie mek�MeomroJ JreymaYM1eneNeas resign and Installation COM0,11 me mol ekb beomml an o level ewnw NM'e MAINE, "' lee NWIMSSmmuwl e smemicThhgvm NI m110 the WATT ae lm�.t.lEg� - a r..l dim yin f milli d mnmuvnnn ommnv� In IWmy: m m. 11).111 emr.e..gEgale mines WERE mderlak by I 6 lull0Thvea ess weri aw.bm y,ogay... A ... ISned 11, SEA ,ro .w It wwNog ss6IMF( RANve1Iarcc VW -2. Vshoss, rWoung Control winCooekuc ion M at or Tovf Reinforcement Mat This AYpe of ciatew may TO appromme for me ays won IN, Arrested �L intan,MnyA o, Ahmu othe an ryrymnY remoeeaed,i tfmm whei b map, queen.Aran vegalim and proiM, a ccess at ENDS Irish I ornscrui esabil samara. nrM Comme, and Fkod ConM Damn Urban a= nnwye (EMS, Masa[ volume 3 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM -4 lilllllli 0 Geo ON AS �im � piw CONST ANISMS AMR memi 101I ON BONN Asi OTEHICLEMACKING CONTROLWAS QNSITRUCTIGN MAT OR TURF REINFORCEMEM MAT (TRS) N..k,2010 VfGi Wbmakmm Wimp. Cole Mi SEARS,3 SM4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM -4 to VITT 1, b�,M[� ciprommim are, The, friesse ANT N.P� Cray Am AS sumay Me I OIL Maintenance and Removal enhn JeH ®naw wameiN�snAg Itr anea f m ATJ been Mae MAT as Je e mnm¢ rngbofvrey. al R�ll �M met 11 Nixon Met, ONE finquisery A, moled FEAR, mal AN de, Net RAW ,ne MN mu W Amwuw Wmvisiwx Imo Ovwgea Cohen Imi enm mi <mrnma ld TO m ®IY Mm rhrtia WE linger We poli fm Mh,,I, mekmm rceoe IDH is gBmlly iii nevie lu SAN, lime. nN ywim<w We MI M I lhr We WHARF ,mer AS NssM1a µ w AN a Camera mmar,PJm m Ami AImiWMe referring Y6 +Ira S•Ge Ashes eu=LIH vembm ..u Au FRY LET does old hmr eDxa meit fmHm we gemuW M(wClbinan em�eoldMPrompSbNue wMapermnmIU GIIwNISStreeYPnro i Urbm Do, nes, and Flora CAmnol Pmin Nweirber 2010 Urban Som, orm"Bie cmi M1Y i volume 3 SM4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) k SEE NONE SAN MR -LENTALKAN OF "apwsjaiigi�rmmnm w,u w n rn n M MM) WSW ON SHORT DURAFLON WOODS (TYPICELS b FARM. ry TO A MO NTE A) ASCIESES �E VEN�<�uMESILL HE ANSIT=.K < IMII LECA STS. EASED R�pm_q_m,� �M AT ALL Mq rma.�r,t.n mm. ,r arm.m P.. rn m, LAND <bmmm M�� las rb mFSmi P r OF xax mem HOULD HE TLESE N SOON AS FNL ND i�rrm PERFORM xnr.2 ^W NOT A nnb» Am, � � SURFACE 3 WHARF ONES FEAR F�b, FARM DR RmLNHWE41F SHOULD SEA IWAM UI Cl�� AN ME FALME Exlx CE' raCOAL `' MAxrux A <onHAmA 11TH. m .k STARMEDAT THE ENO OF ME CAT FEE ast AN SFmEoN0 SECIMENT WAY NOT BE �MMAE, MORE, SEWE, DOWNS VTnn t even m MAINE Nov mmnage( m me Mmm1 okme3 emM cal sax,rM10 20 PAUL M CAN ME cul TH, nrM Comme, and Fkod ConM Damn Urban a= nnwye (EMS, Masa[ volume 3 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM -4 lilllllli 0 Geo ON AS �im � piw CONST ANISMS AMR memi 101I ON BONN Asi OTEHICLEMACKING CONTROLWAS QNSITRUCTIGN MAT OR TURF REINFORCEMEM MAT (TRS) N..k,2010 VfGi Wbmakmm Wimp. Cole Mi SEARS,3 SM4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM -4 to VITT 1, b�,M[� ciprommim are, The, friesse ANT N.P� Cray Am AS sumay Me I OIL Maintenance and Removal enhn JeH ®naw wameiN�snAg Itr anea f m ATJ been Mae MAT as Je e mnm¢ rngbofvrey. al R�ll �M met 11 Nixon Met, ONE finquisery A, moled FEAR, mal AN de, Net RAW ,ne MN mu W Amwuw Wmvisiwx Imo Ovwgea Cohen Imi enm mi <mrnma ld TO m ®IY Mm rhrtia WE linger We poli fm Mh,,I, mekmm rceoe IDH is gBmlly iii nevie lu SAN, lime. nN ywim<w We MI M I lhr We WHARF ,mer AS NssM1a µ w AN a Camera mmar,PJm m Ami AImiWMe referring Y6 +Ira S•Ge Ashes eu=LIH vembm ..u Au FRY LET does old hmr eDxa meit fmHm we gemuW M(wClbinan em�eoldMPrompSbNue wMapermnmIU GIIwNISStreeYPnro i Urbm Do, nes, and Flora CAmnol Pmin Nweirber 2010 Urban Som, orm"Bie cmi M1Y i volume 3 SM4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) k SEE NONE SAN MR -LENTALKAN OF "apwsjaiigi�rmmnm w,u w n rn n M MM) WSW ON SHORT DURAFLON WOODS (TYPICELS b FARM. ry TO A MO NTE A) ASCIESES �E VEN�<�uMESILL HE ANSIT=.K < IMII LECA STS. EASED R�pm_q_m,� �M AT ALL Mq rma.�r,t.n mm. ,r arm.m P.. rn m, LAND <bmmm M�� las rb mFSmi P r OF xax mem HOULD HE TLESE N SOON AS FNL ND i�rrm PERFORM xnr.2 ^W NOT A nnb» Am, � � SURFACE 3 WHARF ONES FEAR F�b, FARM DR RmLNHWE41F SHOULD SEA IWAM UI Cl�� AN ME FALME Exlx CE' raCOAL `' MAxrux A <onHAmA 11TH. m .k STARMEDAT THE ENO OF ME CAT FEE ast AN SFmEoN0 SECIMENT WAY NOT BE �MMAE, MORE, SEWE, DOWNS VTnn t even m MAINE Nov mmnage( m me Mmm1 okme3 emM cal sax,rM10 VIC—I. AGGREGATE VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL UAM 0.mmgoand bead Comet Dumn VCI Urban a= Pnimge COMM, Mamal volume3 SM -6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) 6 ME VMlt� SLOW offs BEEF Im REMI AT ME END OF CONSTRUI WE �U�R MATERIAL SHELF BE BERNARD OR I M�D AT FILE LOSTAL IURI�lC� DOES OR FEES WHO THE ones ONAMED WITH SHANAL, BANCO AND MULCHEE OR ARM MARY WHISHERALLES �IBIT ME ME OF AFFECTED CONCRETE AS �� BEGELARK14 IN Arm WHEAT RECTONED TONCRETE WAR PLEADED UMm Onires, and Flora CAnrd Dianin Nmember NlO Urban Aman Marge Mm, Mammo V mers,3 GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 2201 HOFFM4ON LORDRIVE LOVELAND,CADO 80530 (970)278-0029 CCG Project NO.: 0085.0001.00 Sunlit Designs, LLC LaM mm Anchilecture 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth BIM. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sunlitdeaigno.com O O U U U U -O -o air. a CU C: U° 6I CIO aa) ioL O CLO WARM, 0 w O 7 U EU N am N Wo N a' U aw U) Winner � of (n W co 3: C-6 20 PAUL M CAN ME JECE; ME MIST HY ou my Or BOTH TRANS omm v WE mr (rax s' Mn) d NILS m ANUERAV LFR. MRISWTION USA SOARED ��EDAM OR V C� 'IN" RECK OEOI FORD SOIL AND ROOM My aWE IMF ri[n. lam vwlp a emw as or Mmm opine �<^. r more S 9'(IN l T rare caernm %mBOL SECTION 9 VIC—I. AGGREGATE VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL UAM 0.mmgoand bead Comet Dumn VCI Urban a= Pnimge COMM, Mamal volume3 SM -6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) 6 ME VMlt� SLOW offs BEEF Im REMI AT ME END OF CONSTRUI WE �U�R MATERIAL SHELF BE BERNARD OR I M�D AT FILE LOSTAL IURI�lC� DOES OR FEES WHO THE ones ONAMED WITH SHANAL, BANCO AND MULCHEE OR ARM MARY WHISHERALLES �IBIT ME ME OF AFFECTED CONCRETE AS �� BEGELARK14 IN Arm WHEAT RECTONED TONCRETE WAR PLEADED UMm Onires, and Flora CAnrd Dianin Nmember NlO Urban Aman Marge Mm, Mammo V mers,3 GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 2201 HOFFM4ON LORDRIVE LOVELAND,CADO 80530 (970)278-0029 CCG Project NO.: 0085.0001.00 Sunlit Designs, LLC LaM mm Anchilecture 8 Planning 6644 Wadsworth BIM. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sunlitdeaigno.com O O U U U U -O -o air. a CU C: U° 6I CIO aa) ioL O CLO WARM, 0 w O 7 U EU N am N Wo N a' U aw U) Winner � of (n W co 3: C-6 RECOMMENDED MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTHS FINAL BACKFILL MUCCOVERTO,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MIN. COVER TO RIGID PAVEMENT, ITi`p\\ir\\ii\\ii\\iT\i\S``TS\\A: y\\iJi\\iOiJi\\i\\ipi\\i9i4 INITIAL BAC SPRINGLINE MILL HAUNCH 4' FOR IT -24' PIPE Fw� BEDDING FFORW`RW'PIPE MIN TRENCH WIDTH SUITABLE (SEE TN3LE) FOUNDATION NOTES' 1, ALL PIPE SYSTEMS SMALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321, -STANDARD PRACTICE FOR UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION OF THERMOPLASTIC PIPE FOR SEWERS AND OTHER GRAVITY FLOW APPLICATIONS', LATEST ADDITION PIPE DISI. MIN. TRENCH WIDTH P 21' (IDDmm) (533mm1 6` 23` (IWC (584mm) IT 4B' (200mm) (660mm) 1P 28' (250mm) Q11mm) 1T (610nm) 3O' (3DDmnM S.5m) (762mm) IF U. (375mm) (184mm) IF 39` (a5EDmm1 (991mm) N. (B.&SO (600mm) (1219mm) 0' 3z (75omm) (14z22nm) 15 16 ROOMM) (1BzAemm) (a6m) III (1050mm) (iB29mm) 48' W. (1200mm) (2U32mm) W. BB' I150anml OR 38mm) 2. MEASURES SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PREVENT MIGRATION OF NATIVE FINES INTO BACKFILL MATERIAL, WHEN REQUIRED. 3. FOUNDATION: WHERE THE TRENCH BOTTOM IS UNGTABLE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE TOA DEPTH REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER AND REPLACE WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. AS AN ALTERNATIVE AND AT THE DISCRETION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER, THE TRENCH BOTTOM MAY BE STABILIZED USING A GEOTE COLE MATERIAL 4. BEDDING: SUITABLE MATERIAL SIWLL BE CLASS I, II OR III. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION FOR MATERIAL SPECIFICATION TO ENGINEER. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED BY THE ENGINEER MINIMUM BEDDING THICKNESS SHALL BE 6' (105nm) FOR 4'-24' (tODRxRao3mm); B' (150mm) FOR 30F WE (750mm-150bnm). & INITIAL BACKFILL: SUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE CLASS I. II OR III IN THE PIPE ZONE EMENDING NOT LESS THAN 13' ABOVE CROWN OF PIPE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION FOR MATERIAL SPECIFICATION TO ENGINEER. MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED IN ASTM D2321, LATEST EDITION. 6. MINIMUM COVER: MINIMUM COVER, H, IN MON-TRAFFIC APPLICATIONS (GRASS OR IANO6CAPE AREAS) IS 1T FROM THE TOP OF PIPE TO GROUND SURFACE. ADDITIONAL COVER MAY BE REQUIRED TO PREVENT FLOTATION. FOR TRAFFIC APPLICATIONS, MINIMUM COVER, H, IS IT UP TO W DIAMETER PIPE AND 2P OF COVER FOR 60' DIAMETER PIPE, MEASURED FROM TOP OF PIPE TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTORTO TOP OF RIGID PAVEMENT. FOR TRAFFIC APPLICATIONS WITH LESS THAN FOUR FEET OF COVER, EMBEOMENTOF THE PIPE SHAW BE USING ONLYA CLASS I OR CLA6611 BACKFILL. VEHICLE LOADINGCONDITIONS^ ILL REQUIREMENTS IN NOTE 6.. XIMUM RECOMMENDED COVER BASE ON VECHICLE LOADING CONDITIONS ER SURFACE LIVE LOADING CONDITION GLASS III PIPE DIAM. HEAWCON N PIPE DIM, H-25 175T AXILE _AOC) ` 1T -4B• IT 4B' Cm m-120EDmm) (305mm) (1219mm) 80 2P BU' (1500mm) (610nm) (5.5m) p.6m) S.5m) ..^-(1524mm).... ^N ILL REQUIREMENTS IN NOTE 6.. XIMUM RECOMMENDED COVER BASE ON VECHICLE LOADING CONDITIONS ER FILL HEIGHT TABLE GENERATED USING PASHTO SECTION 12, LOAD RESISTANCE FACTOR DESIGN (_RFD) PROCEDURE WITH THE FOLLOWING ASSUMPTIONS: NO HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE, UNIT WEIGHT OF SOIL IWO=120 PCF l+Ev. DE6INPTIDx I W I MNmm I CURB - NC. WITH WS PREPARED THIS METAL BASED ON NFORMAnON PROVIDED TO SEA, THIS ITS INTENDED To EFFECT THE COMPONENTS SREQUESTED .ADS WANT PERFORMED ANY ENGINEERING OR WORDS SERVICES FOR THIS CILASS I CILASS II GLASS III PIPE DIAM. PROJECT OCR HAS ADS THE IrvFORMAPNON SUPPLIED THE INSTALLATION DETAIZIPFROICED HEREIN AREGENER4 q'BQiLB B2BPaMAREON RECOMMENDATION BE DESIGNED TAKING IWO CONSIDERATION LOCAL SOIL CONDIDONS, COMPACTED DUMPED 95% 90% 95% 4' 37 16 25 16 16 (100mm) (11.3m) (5.5m) p.6m) S.5m) (5.5m) 6' 44 20 29 20 21 (15Cmm) (13.4m) (6.1m) (B.&SO (SAY) (SAY) 0' 3z 15 22 15 16 (2ODmm) (R m) (a6m) III HIBM) (4.9m) 10' 33 16 26 16 16 (250m1n) CIIAM) (5.5m) (TROY) (551M) (5.5m) IT 35 17 24 17 17 (BEDROOM) (10.7m) (5.2m) p.3m) (52m) (5.2m) 15' 38 17 25 17 18 (375mm) (11.6m) (5.2m) (7.fim) (5.2m) (5.5m) 18' 35 17 24 17 17 (2501nm) (11.0m) (5.2m) p.3m) (52,11) (5.2m) 24' 20 13 2D 13 14 (Worn) (8.5m) (4.0m) (8.1m) HIOM) (63m) 30• 20 13 2D 13 14 p5Omm) (&. ) (4.0m) (6.1m) p.OSO (4.3m) 36• 26 12 10 13 13 PROmm1 OARED) (3]m) (5.5m) (LOM) (4.0m) 42' 23 11 16 11 11 (1050mm) (TO1M) IS 4m) H.9m) (3.4m) (3.Am) 40' 25 11 17 11 12 (1200mm) Rem) (3Am) (5.2m) (84m) (3]m) 60• 25 11 17 11 12 (1500mm1 IT") (3Am) (52m) (84m) (3]m) FILL HEIGHT TABLE GENERATED USING PASHTO SECTION 12, LOAD RESISTANCE FACTOR DESIGN (_RFD) PROCEDURE WITH THE FOLLOWING ASSUMPTIONS: NO HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE, UNIT WEIGHT OF SOIL IWO=120 PCF l+Ev. DE6INPTIDx I W I MNmm I CURB - NC. WITH WS PREPARED THIS METAL BASED ON NFORMAnON PROVIDED TO SEA, THIS ITS INTENDED To EFFECT THE COMPONENTS SREQUESTED .ADS WANT PERFORMED ANY ENGINEERING OR WORDS SERVICES FOR THIS MINIMUM PIPE BOHM (3) VARIABLE INVERT HEIGHTS OEPIH PER PIPE AVAILABLE (ACCORDING W PROJECT OCR HAS ADS THE IrvFORMAPNON SUPPLIED THE INSTALLATION DETAIZIPFROICED HEREIN AREGENER4 q'BQiLB B2BPaMAREON RECOMMENDATION BE DESIGNED TAKING IWO CONSIDERATION LOCAL SOIL CONDIDONS, ]/[N16 EFE XIGICFeORmiXIE PROJECT ENGINEERSWVLREVIEW MEMEMEgAIp6EPRIOR 10 RECOMMENDATIONS AND ADS oTCONSTRUCTION pt2&B, (H-18 PB A&88T0% y)Rp,IGTD LNNO.OHIOIJJM IT IS THE DESIGN X9VREGN DETAILS PROVIDED HEREIN SEE DRAWING N0.7001-110111 FOR NON TRAFFIC INSTALLATION. • 'a• xnx b •. :v• •� APPLICABLE NATIONAL STATE OR LOCAL REQUIREMENTS ANDA MAHRE THAT THE ON ME ACc PTMLTHE OR TMs IF jU PROJECT . wINGNLMBER. STD -101 a,♦f• IaF X11[i]lI_F9bL'7_11�1:7:691�►tiTllla�q E7�91:IG1�[H:L�Iq (1.2) 1NTEGRATEDOUCDLE PON MMS a GRATE TO MATCH BASIN O.O. (4) VARIOUS ROWS OF INLET&OUTIETACR PTERS AVAILABLE: 4'.36 -FOR CORRUGATED HOPE VLE AL12MANCOR DUALWALL, BEX SD 35R SINGLE WNL6DR HP PVC IS) PRIE%'.SOC35), PVCOWY GO: SCH40), &RIBBLQ'C905, fARR11GATEO 8 RI BRED PVC WATERTIGAT30INT (CORRUGATED HDPE SHOWN) I-IT-30-MMSTRIANM MSSRA EDUcnLE IROXPERAm OWE 70 R05. 2.17-A FRAMES EAST BE DUCTILE IRON PERASTHEM GRAOEmbOK B. DRAIN BASIN TO BE CUSTOM MANUFACTURED ACCMDINGTO MN DETAILS. RISERS ME HEEDEG WR BAMS EVER W DUE To SHIWING RESTRIMNS 6E£ IMAGING ND. WORLDS RNWCECONNECTION ME JOINT THETIM MALLCO FIIMTO a ARM=12 MR WFJUGATED HDPE (AN WI "NEEDS DWLL W".. x12HPLwcsEWERN'-SVT. 5 ASWORBCANBEMOUWEO THOSE' IORTERMNEMINMUM AN G. EBEmEFNAUAPIERESEE LL WwGUMOREDRGI2 s. SO - SOPED STRIAN GRA ESHALLRATES MET H 20 LEAD EAD RUMORED SO =11 PEDESTRIAN FOR H20 TV MEETS D LGMMTNG BEEDMWxG Na.IWHIW 44 FOR x20TWFFICLOPO WEELMFBI. 17 MIN WIDTH GUIDELINE 6 MIN THICKNESS GWDEUNE MINIMUM PIPE BOHM (3) VARIABLE INVERT HEIGHTS OEPIH PER PIPE AVAILABLE (ACCORDING W MANUFACTURER PLAUSLAKECGH RECOMMENDATION (4) VARIOUS ROWS OF INLET&OUTIETACR PTERS AVAILABLE: 4'.36 -FOR CORRUGATED HOPE VLE AL12MANCOR DUALWALL, BEX SD 35R SINGLE WNL6DR HP PVC IS) PRIE%'.SOC35), PVCOWY GO: SCH40), &RIBBLQ'C905, fARR11GATEO 8 RI BRED PVC WATERTIGAT30INT (CORRUGATED HDPE SHOWN) I-IT-30-MMSTRIANM MSSRA EDUcnLE IROXPERAm OWE 70 R05. 2.17-A FRAMES EAST BE DUCTILE IRON PERASTHEM GRAOEmbOK B. DRAIN BASIN TO BE CUSTOM MANUFACTURED ACCMDINGTO MN DETAILS. RISERS ME HEEDEG WR BAMS EVER W DUE To SHIWING RESTRIMNS 6E£ IMAGING ND. WORLDS RNWCECONNECTION ME JOINT THETIM MALLCO FIIMTO a ARM=12 MR WFJUGATED HDPE (AN WI "NEEDS DWLL W".. x12HPLwcsEWERN'-SVT. 5 ASWORBCANBEMOUWEO THOSE' IORTERMNEMINMUM AN G. EBEmEFNAUAPIERESEE LL WwGUMOREDRGI2 s. SO - SOPED STRIAN GRA ESHALLRATES MET H 20 LEAD EAD RUMORED SO =11 PEDESTRIAN FOR H20 TV MEETS D LGMMTNG BEEDMWxG Na.IWHIW 44 FOR x20TWFFICLOPO WEELMFBI. 17 MIN WIDTH GUIDELINE 6 MIN THICKNESS GWDEUNE (3) VMARE SUMP DEPTH PMINON12- 24' ACCORDINGTOHANS SMIRCH OF&SO (FMIN.ON12 2V 10-MIN.MW )] &IT MIN ON OF T V1GrJ BA5EDONMANUFACIORINGREO) 'y"•;, ME BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE CRUSHED STONE OR OTHER GRANU VA MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF CUSS I. CLASSII, CRCLASS III MATFRIALAS DEFINED IN ASTM D2321. BIDDING & BACKFILL FOR SURFACE DRAINAGE INLETS SLNLL BE 12. 38• PLACEG& COMPACTED UNIFORMLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM DUST NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN WITH SOLID COVER T 2) INIEGRATEDDUCTEIRCN FRAME & COVER TO MATCH B RUN O.D. (B,TRAFFIC LOADS'. CONCRETE SON DIMENSIONS ME FOR (6) MEDUMDUTYTRAFFICL0015: CCNGNETESLABDIMENSIONSABE MATTER uuGl&S FOR GUIDEUNE PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUa CONCRETESLABMUST MEG,-�, MANUFACTLRER BE DESIGNED TAKING IWO CONSIDERATION LOCAL SOIL CONDIDONS, RECOMMENDATION PLWSTME OFF) TRAFFIC LOADING.& OTHER APRMABLE DESIGN FACTORS. y)Rp,IGTD RED. SAMEASMN. SUMP) A SEE DRAWING N0.7001-110111 FOR NON TRAFFIC INSTALLATION. (3) VMARE SUMP DEPTH PMINON12- 24' ACCORDINGTOHANS SMIRCH OF&SO (FMIN.ON12 2V 10-MIN.MW )] &IT MIN ON OF T V1GrJ BA5EDONMANUFACIORINGREO) 'y"•;, ME BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE CRUSHED STONE OR OTHER GRANU VA MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF CUSS I. CLASSII, CRCLASS III MATFRIALAS DEFINED IN ASTM D2321. BIDDING & BACKFILL FOR SURFACE DRAINAGE INLETS SLNLL BE 12. 38• PLACEG& COMPACTED UNIFORMLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM DUST NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN WITH SOLID COVER T 2) INIEGRATEDDUCTEIRCN FRAME & COVER TO MATCH B RUN O.D. 1Q VARIOUS TYPES OF INLET&OUTLET ADAPTERS AVAILABLE'. 4'-35'FORCORRUGA7EOHEM (ADS N121H<RCCH DUAL WALL. AD&HANCDR SINGLE WALL), N 12 HP, PVC SEWER IEk SUR 35), WE OWJ(EK 'SCH 40 PVC TWOSOMES LORRUWTEDB RIBBED PVC WATERTIGHIJONT (CCRMCNIED HOPE SHOWN) 1-B'. YI SCUD COVERS MAIL BE SECTILE IRON PER A51MADURWE 7O'A4a 2-1Y- BVFMMEBSMLLBEDU LEIWNRRA81A1A5%LAADEFDWOS. 8'81V WLIDCO&MFXDIMCRYOWOGMINGaPFRWRHTXEUMU AP WENTOP SEE WULMNGNO. 7001.110445. 3. DMNBPSINNBEMSMMM UFPC1 MDILCOFONGTORAN MAU RIBEWARENEEDEOFCRBASNSWERM'WENEHPPNG RESTRICTIONS. 8EEDMWINGNO.W-11041M, TTRITIU sBEATWNFWMTO A ARTS o321z FOR CORRUGATED HOPE NO NElVHAMR DEAL WALL) N12 HE B PVC SEWER 0 OR) 5- WMIERSCANBEMCUMWONANYM21EO'TOBW-. TODETERMNE MINIMUM ANGLE BURDEN ADAPTERS SEE WING ND. 7004110012 S.R'.N'WLIDCOVERSSHALLMEETH30LOADWING. 7.6'&19'WMDCWERSAREMTEDFMLIGHTN7APPLxT4MMLY NJ CONCRETE COLLAR NEEDED FOR LIGHT DUTY RATING. 1Y MIN WIDTH GUIDELINE 8' MIN NICKNEBB GUIDELINE (B,TRAFFIC LOADS'. CONCRETE SON DIMENSIONS ME FOR MINIMUM PIPE BURIAL GUI1) OELINEPURP ESCNLY.ACW4 CONCRET SB MUVBE uuGl&S DEPTH PER PIPE (3) VARIABLE INVERTHEIGHTS MANUFACTLRER AVAILANE(ACCCROINGTO RECOMMENDATION PLWSTME OFF) (MIN.MANUFACWRING RED. SAMEASMN. SUMP) 1Q VARIOUS TYPES OF INLET&OUTLET ADAPTERS AVAILABLE'. 4'-35'FORCORRUGA7EOHEM (ADS N121H<RCCH DUAL WALL. AD&HANCDR SINGLE WALL), N 12 HP, PVC SEWER IEk SUR 35), WE OWJ(EK 'SCH 40 PVC TWOSOMES LORRUWTEDB RIBBED PVC WATERTIGHIJONT (CCRMCNIED HOPE SHOWN) 1-B'. YI SCUD COVERS MAIL BE SECTILE IRON PER A51MADURWE 7O'A4a 2-1Y- BVFMMEBSMLLBEDU LEIWNRRA81A1A5%LAADEFDWOS. 8'81V WLIDCO&MFXDIMCRYOWOGMINGaPFRWRHTXEUMU AP WENTOP SEE WULMNGNO. 7001.110445. 3. DMNBPSINNBEMSMMM UFPC1 MDILCOFONGTORAN MAU RIBEWARENEEDEOFCRBASNSWERM'WENEHPPNG RESTRICTIONS. 8EEDMWINGNO.W-11041M, TTRITIU sBEATWNFWMTO A ARTS o321z FOR CORRUGATED HOPE NO NElVHAMR DEAL WALL) N12 HE B PVC SEWER 0 OR) 5- WMIERSCANBEMCUMWONANYM21EO'TOBW-. TODETERMNE MINIMUM ANGLE BURDEN ADAPTERS SEE WING ND. 7004110012 S.R'.N'WLIDCOVERSSHALLMEETH30LOADWING. 7.6'&19'WMDCWERSAREMTEDFMLIGHTN7APPLxT4MMLY NJ CONCRETE COLLAR NEEDED FOR LIGHT DUTY RATING. 1Y MIN WIDTH GUIDELINE 8' MIN NICKNEBB GUIDELINE (3) VMIABIE SUMP DEPTH „VI I WIN ON B'-24' ACCORDING TO PANS SMINmv&m" BEMIN.ONT 24-JISMIRON30' 812"MIN .ON 35" BASEDONMANUFACWRINGREQ) THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE CRUSHED STONE OR OTHER GRANULAR MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF CUSS I, CLASSII, ORCLASSIIIMATERIALASDEFINEDINASTMD2321. BEDDING & BACKFILL FOR SURFACE DRAINAGE INLETS SHALL BE B• 3B• PLACED & COMPACTED UNIFORMLY IN ACCORDANCE KITH ASTM W321. 1 FOOT PAN INCHES 8• CDOT CLASS P CONC. 4" CDOT CLASS 5 OR 6 ABC 1SMIN. AECONDTONm S $IIBGRADE___ NOTES. 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL FULLY READ AND BE FAMILIAR WITH PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, AND UNDERSTAND REQUIRED EARTHWORK METHODS FOR SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND PAVEMENT. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A STABILE SUBGRADE PRIOR TO CONCRETE PAVING. IF EXISTING SUBGRADE IS UNSUITABLE, CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -CONDITION AND/OR REPLACE SUBGRADE TO ENSURE A STABLE SUBGRADE IS ACHIEVED. RE -CONDITIONING AND/OR REPLACING SUBGRADE SHALL BE AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 3. CONTRACTOR MAY USE CDOT CLASS 5 OR 6 AGGREGATE ROADBASE AS A SUITABLE SUBGRADE MATERIAL. 4. SUB -GRADE BELOW PAVEMENT SECTION SHALL BE SCARIFIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12 INCHES, ADJUSTED IN MOISTURE CONTENT (+ 2%) AND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF THE MATERIAL'S MAXIMUM STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION OF DENSITY TESTING. 5. CONCRETE SHALL BE CDOT CLASS P CONCRETE (4,500 PSI), AND SHALL INCLUDE SULFATE -RESISTANT CEMENT CONFORMING TO THE CLASS I/II REQUIREMENTS. 6. CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE )Ii" WIDE BY 1.5" DEEP. THE JOINTS SHALL BE TOOLED OR SAWED AT 6' INTERVALS MAXIMUM. 7. CONCRETE SHALL INCLUDE FIBERMESH. CONCRETE PAN (PRIVATE) SCE= I" THICK RAISED (B,TRAFFIC LOADS'. CONCRETE SON DIMENSIONS ME FOR (5)ADMrtR GUI1) OELINEPURP ESCNLY.ACW4 CONCRET SB MUVBE uuGl&S DESIGNED TARING INTO CONSIDERATION LOCAL SOIL CONDITIONS. IARIAOLED°.5G1' TRAFFIC LOADING ,& OTHER APPLICABLE DESIGN FACTORS. ACCORDINGTO SEE DRAWING N0. ]001-110.111 FOR NON ERASE IL INSTALLATION. PwMs n% S• MGM FRONT EDGE (3) VMIABIE SUMP DEPTH „VI I WIN ON B'-24' ACCORDING TO PANS SMINmv&m" BEMIN.ONT 24-JISMIRON30' 812"MIN .ON 35" BASEDONMANUFACWRINGREQ) THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE CRUSHED STONE OR OTHER GRANULAR MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF CUSS I, CLASSII, ORCLASSIIIMATERIALASDEFINEDINASTMD2321. BEDDING & BACKFILL FOR SURFACE DRAINAGE INLETS SHALL BE B• 3B• PLACED & COMPACTED UNIFORMLY IN ACCORDANCE KITH ASTM W321. 1 FOOT PAN INCHES 8• CDOT CLASS P CONC. 4" CDOT CLASS 5 OR 6 ABC 1SMIN. AECONDTONm S $IIBGRADE___ NOTES. 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL FULLY READ AND BE FAMILIAR WITH PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, AND UNDERSTAND REQUIRED EARTHWORK METHODS FOR SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND PAVEMENT. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A STABILE SUBGRADE PRIOR TO CONCRETE PAVING. IF EXISTING SUBGRADE IS UNSUITABLE, CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -CONDITION AND/OR REPLACE SUBGRADE TO ENSURE A STABLE SUBGRADE IS ACHIEVED. RE -CONDITIONING AND/OR REPLACING SUBGRADE SHALL BE AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 3. CONTRACTOR MAY USE CDOT CLASS 5 OR 6 AGGREGATE ROADBASE AS A SUITABLE SUBGRADE MATERIAL. 4. SUB -GRADE BELOW PAVEMENT SECTION SHALL BE SCARIFIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12 INCHES, ADJUSTED IN MOISTURE CONTENT (+ 2%) AND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF THE MATERIAL'S MAXIMUM STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION OF DENSITY TESTING. 5. CONCRETE SHALL BE CDOT CLASS P CONCRETE (4,500 PSI), AND SHALL INCLUDE SULFATE -RESISTANT CEMENT CONFORMING TO THE CLASS I/II REQUIREMENTS. 6. CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE )Ii" WIDE BY 1.5" DEEP. THE JOINTS SHALL BE TOOLED OR SAWED AT 6' INTERVALS MAXIMUM. 7. CONCRETE SHALL INCLUDE FIBERMESH. CONCRETE PAN (PRIVATE) SCE= I" THICK RAISED PATTERN NON-SKID GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE ow '' (PASHTO M-111 ..4.2: f x 4444y ".: .? a.'• LACE FIRST SCREW •'' n% S• MGM FRONT EDGE ..:• OF PLATE. SCREWS a• �•• ' ON ONE SIDE ONLY. xx a•.'f •4:4. 'a• xnx b •. :v• •� mr- IF jU a,♦f• •••�• v ati A EXPANSIONY"mXEDETAIL we JOINT (TYR. (SHEET 2 OF 2) BOTH SIDES PLAN VIEW BEGINS PLATE TO ATCH SIDEWALK BACK OF SIDEW ACK OF CURB SLOPE CHANNEL IN THE DIRECTOR OF THEA OW 64. OWLNE SECTION A -A °'1V� °X °EEµGION MATERIAL (SFE JOINT DETAILS CREWS a. •G .' ,' j ..:.4. ..t.. 1•.:• .,.. y 4 e: "(1) 18•-N0. 4 DOWEL :1 SLOPE BAR. EITHER GREASED (EYE. BOTH SIDES) oR sEEvm za• o.c. SECTION B -B (tw. BOTH slDfis) SIDEWALK CHASE DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. I ROOF DRAIN MODIFICATION DETAIL I m 2'101 HOFFMAN DRIVE LOVEL MUC COLORADO W630 (970) 2780029 CCG Project No.: 0085.0001.00 Sunlit Designs, LLC La11tls6ape AECAilecWre 8 Planning 6644 WQAaworth BIM. Suite 4 ArvaEO, CO 60003 (P)303-909-3850 www.aunlltAeaigna.QOm I I , I1 41 0000❑ o ; O Q a Q 42 O [] O 10 43 O O ® 51-6 40 - — — °--�3 27 C 3 34 \ -` 28 44 24 25 t 33 30 / 45 2 22 - �N I ' 38 ® 46 i47 8 oa Sunlit Designs, LLC 48 Lantlampe Ndii@cWre & Planni� 07 88.43' 6644 Wadsworth 3md. SNte 4 Arvada, co 80005 (P)303A09-3850 SCHOOL I3120456.26,1 -70631-7.62W W W.LVa 1tdB91C��5LOM s G- 19 V I Q - 1 ! 20 1' 0 06 0s o 18 U� n 17 ��i//.i U VJ 2 O• •O 51 10 8'-6" m — 11 12 1 � . r�O+ d m s rte, 2 I� 5 16 IU N owo 'om—o w co o o ow owow o owol11111���o ow i LL N @ �G�G • G— Gwa—C=t G \ \ LL \ VD 4 PLACE BRICK WALL 50 I m L i1 0 14 I 6" BEHIND B.O.C. m of e I m m ca 2:2 CD a. N O L E co I DATE: I -I I I II i I OS 8-2021 I8 I N REVISIONS: SHEET CONTENTS: 0 10 20 40 80 LAYOUT PLAN %7 m SHEET NUMBER: SCALE 1" = 20' — 0" NORTH L-4 GiZI D POINT GOORD I NATES POINT DescRlPnoN EA5TIN65 / N0RTN1Nss U1 CORNER OF WALK AT 8121CIC PAVE 3120477.29, 80619827 �2 CORNER OF PAVERS 9120489.89, 80619850 �8 CORNER OF PAVERS 9120483.90, 170618350 �4 CORNER OF PAVERS 312044130, 80618322 06 INTERSECTION OF WALK / B -BALL 9120489.89, 806202.90 �8 INTERSECTION OF WALK / B -BALL 9120447361, 1706202b6 0% INTERSECTION OF WALK / B-BAL31 14 EDs 14. 13 L 312044681, 806258.81 08 INTERSECTION OF WALK / B -BALL 312059524, 170625939 �8 INTERSECTION OF WALK / B -BALL 9120593b9, 1706209.24 1� INTERSECTION OF WALKS 912o543b9, 1706209.29 11 CIA26 FLOWLINE AT SIDEWALK 3120594.71, 806194.62 12 CURB FLOWLINE, POINT OFT Y 9120590.95, 170619421 18 CURB FLOWLINE, POINT OFT Y 9120486.48, 806167A3 14 CIA26 FLOWLINE AT CORNER 3120452.35, 1706141.72 16 CURB FLOWLINE AT CORPER 9120489.40, 1706159.94 1Q CORNER OF WALK 9120484A9, 170616792 17 CORNER OF WALK 312057233, 1706194.98 18 CORNER OF WALK 3120573.95, 806203.49 19 INTERSECTION OF WALKS 9120594.70, 170622434 Z� INTERSECTION OF WALKS 912o594.T2, 1706209.82 Y1 CORNER OF WALK 3120587.31, 170620932 ii CORNER OF W4LK 9120594 H8, 80690237 Z8 CORNER OF WALK 91205855, 80630225 24 CORNER OF WALK 3120517.43, 170631959 ie CORNER OF WALK 9120594.77, 1706919.70 28 CORNER OF WALK 9120520.06, 806925b0 '2% CORNER OF WALK 3120525.65, 806331.15 ZB CORNER OF WALK 312045733, 170631920 is CENTER POINT EDGE OF WALK 912048757, 170690529 80 CORNER OF WALK 9120446.4b, 806904.81 81 CORNER OF WALK 8Z CORNER OF WALK 9laoaa129, 8o6wH2a 88 GORNEI2 OF STONE FAGS AT WALK 9120440.41, 1706309.15 94 CORNER OF STONE FADE AT WALK 3120440.98, 1706315.98 86 CORNER OF STONE FADE AT WALK 9120446b2, 1706921b5 88 CORNER OF STONE FACE AT WALK 9120447.16, 806922.19 si INSIDE CORNER OF PLAYbROUND 3120543.05, 1706283.78 88 INSIDE CORNER OF PLAYbROUND 3120598.34, IT06284A8 89 INSIDE CORNER OF PLAYGROUND 9120588.98, 1706945b2 40 INSIDE CORNER OF PLAYbROUND 9120542.56, 80634532 41 CORNER OF WALK 3120542.17, 170639522 42 coRNER of WALK 91aosH9.aa, 1706980.a9 48 GORNEI2 OF WALK 9120589.42, 806376.43 44 CORNER OF CONCRETE EDbER 3120476.02, 80631932 46 CENTER RADIUS OF CONCRETE �120479b4, 806901.74 49 INTERSECTION OF G.F. < EDGER 9120462.42, 806286.14 47 INTERSECTION OF G.F. 0 EDGER 312046034, 1062-14.15 48 INTERSECTION OF EDGER t B -B 3120463.31, 1706258.92 46 RADIUS POINT FOR GI1RB 9120448.77, 1766188.94 60 RADIUS POINT FGR cuRB 3120530.95, 17061aa21 �______; j PLANT SCHEDULE I NO. SYM. COMMONNAME BOTANICAL NAME SIZE/CONDITION o ElI II I El 0 GREY CR USHER71, FINES DECIDUOUS caxoPY TREES TRI -COL RCHIP ] AGN AVTLMN BLAB NAFLE ACBEX FR3HANI1 'AUTLMN SYa' CAL, BIG - _7 --- MULCH, i f j B"" 9H^°ET'^'TER "ICNE'1°GU'r GLeolrslA mlwAnmlos 1 n° cAL. B.B 118iM9 5HAGfl•IAST92' SED EFFFFFFjjjjj BOXES I GO GHIW:ARN OAK d.LWL1.9 NLFltlll✓eCt611 1n"GAL., 846 WI HPL1 Sw11X IIDECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES CEDAR MULCH 2 -GFH 3 -UFS 0 n Ell , 3 -GDP 4 -BAG --� 9�IN6?VWY (ASA4M.LB IHLLU49PRIN6 AVOW' ZMt•OAL. �B 3 -AFD I - 3-BAJe gbbb EVERGREEN SHRUBS s T YE•I WNITB94D M,50mw PING n,ubo 'WHIiEB'la' 3 -&'CURVED 'SN 4 N✓b NESA vaace BFRtee PJCe MNSEN6 ..__.. vBRVE• Ra OOHT WOOD BENCHES, 5-EMH B ACCENT w Bue AFROYI JMIPBQ .amlPBzub BcaPULawxa ao coNr. COUNTRY CASUAL CEDAR • �° TEAK # 4517 2 -ABM (ACCENT DECIDUOUS SHRUBS (SURFACE MOUNT) + 3SMS 6 60P bOLO OPOP POTEMILLA POIENTILLA A6RICCA YS Oglr. 3-1 : '44Q - ` n ,wez nnrHax ra.TERax BmaFJ. BPI'eoi.v .APtl111CA AMNONY c eoNr. 6-1 H n ERER' 5-W BM • 1 33 AFD AaTIO FIRE SERICEA 'ARCTIC FIRE' IFS DONT. alu, ..:.GREY R FINES - 1 T • 9 EFM EI�ALD MCW+D fIONEt'SL'CICLE LONIOERA xYLOATBM ACONT. - r I BpNYMA NANO TI,Rf29TAMG IIB CONT. 3 -ID w,y 9 TOO TLRICES AN LN,WIN6 EUSH 3-UFSFA &=AFD F 9 IFS COMPACT LRAL LSE SPIREA BORBARIA �v IFOLIA EEM' Ma CONT. �4 9 ROS PVRPLE MI ROSE GP HISISG � SERIAOS'6RANDINI 15 CONT. }•00 SHARON SATIABO' I 5 5M5 SVO{WALND SPIRE4 9PIREA JNIPPONICA wa OdR. CEDAR MULCH ml` • • • • • I s 'sNova+aoNv' r i� '• BLUEBW49S' ���JJI b Iv IAaNn vasw000 coRrwA BBelceAs'Iwm' 15 carrt. SCHOOL 3-UF5 • d r .'� '� /'+ ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 2 -GFH - S .s ,s , 1 • 3' ' f 1 4 KP F I { R KRILL POR9TGe Rl�RA99 KARL FIS- Tfi¢ AGUTIFLORA M Gd?. . 1 ••- S ` • S . - 1 % I?v..' 9 GIB BLE AVENA CRA•A IEI-ICTWCNON SE?iRNFE M COM. r CfDARMULCA �; PERRENIALS&GROUNDCOVERS 2 -GFH SG�•-�• - 2-2X2 SANDTQCIE §TEPPERS 4-EMH 5 -BAG - i e •'s H- 5B 5-PLW G nW yuNTERcRffrER ayn"''B' ""°"' Sunlit Designs, LLC 2-WBM 4-N1VS s e +• CEI ULC; I b bFN 6d.GFLARE HanEtyeKLe LowaeNn xNHecKRorrll alc T. Lantlmm AfdlilecMm&PMnniI Blvd. �y��'� 6644 Wadsworth 3 bA 5 I] VM LIrRELEAF PERIWINKLE vl C mmM DONT. SNtb 4 �° ❑ .'� & - • Arvada. LO 80009 2 -AFD t•' S s I W N.wnllt sTggnszo CEDAR MULCH U 6 -AFD r"a : 12 -VM y1 h, 2-AFDI ; BLUEGRASS SOD 2-SMH G w w o w GREY CRU INE 4- PICNIC LES(1 SSIBLE) o cl) I ARTIFICIALTURF VV^^ RUND V 3 -AWS .� - 0 ui 3 -ROS 1T1 ` 0 3 -AWS CEDAR MULCH R1 ..a 4-KFR og I CHIP MULCH BE EENW a: N NW 1za• - TRI -COLOR CHIP M ULCH-3" DEPTH OVER WEED FABRIC yam-+ a &CURB oai 3 o s �. A I o TREES UNDBt TREES T' CL s' cu; CP AND UP ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER p s I EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS TREE STAKING PLAN s�R 0 0 10 20 40 V O OPPOSITE SIDE SAME OPPOSITE SIDE SAME 13. @ NOTES: 0��x( w, 0 %7 YY 1. WRAP TRUNK WITH 4•' TREE CLAY PAVERS W � � 0 TRUNK PLUMB AND ' 1 WRAP PER SPECIFICATIONS. L U) a U STRAIGHT I y 2. SEE SPECS FOR PLANTING OF IIP SCALE 1 " — 2O' — O" III 1 MINES AND GROUND COVERS. y + Q 6 NORTH B' GREEN STEEL MWD4i 3. DETAIL IS TYPICAL IN INTENT ONLY. B�LEADE STS TR [ �tl� RUN DOUBLE STRAND 1z cnucE GREY CRUSHER FINES - 4" DEPTH OVER WEED FABRIC a cm N '� SIDE I7 WIRE THROUGH GROMMETS IN 2' NYLON STRAP. RUN WIRE TO a yH" POST AND TWIST FOR SLIGHT (13 LANDSCAPE NOTES SOD- E N� TENSION L o r BASE AROUND s�1 PROTECTIVE CAP 'r N ( > TREES PER ', ,I SECURED TO STAKE VJ W M I. ALL TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL PLANTED PER DETAIL. ALL TREES SHALL BE STAKED SPECIFICATIONS PER DETAIL FOR 1 EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE CID PERIODDOOF ONE YEAR. DECIDUOUS TREES ARE TO BE WRAPPED FOR THE FIRST WINTER SEASON, SEE I DEUOUS EVERGREEN PLANT PIT SHRUB SHRUB SPECIFICATIONS. TWO TIMES 0 DATE: 2. ALL AREAS TO BE PLANTED ARE TO Be RIPPED WITH A SUB-SOILER TO ALLIVIATE COMPACTED SOIL, APPLY URGER BACKFILL MIX TIAN BALL I 05-18-2021 SIX INCHES OF IMPORTED APPROVED TOPSOIL f SODDED AREAS AND FOUR INCHES TO PLANTING BEDS FINISH GRADE WITH DIAMETER 'IA WITH SOI PREPARATION OF 5 G.Y. P IS.F.GED COMPOST FIC A TTI T A SOD OR MULCH ALONG L PER 000 5.. OF L MENDFEN TILLED O ROOT BALL TO BE .. MINIMUM DEPTH OF EIGHT INCHES. SUBMIT DELIVERY TICKETS TO L.A. FOR VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES 8 1'-2" ABO � F SEE PLAN MATERIAL. FINISHED _-_=111111 5. ALL PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECEIVE A MINIMUM S" MULCH OVER A NEED CONTROL FABRIC. USE CHIP MULCH GRADE III III III III III I= BALL _.( BALL ___-_-_ PLANT PIT REVISIONS: OR WE5TERN CEDAR MULOH (60RILLA HAIR) AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. III III III III III III III IIII 11111III '� PTWOLA TIMES 4. ALL PLANTIN6 BEDS ARE TO BE CONTAINED BY A 4" ROLL TOP 6ALV. STEEL EDGER. EDbER 15 NOT REGUIRED I IIIIM11III III ILARGER WHEN ADJACENT TO CONCRETE WAOR AROUND TREE RN65. THAN BALL ---------- DIAMETER. S. A "SPECIMEN" TREE REFERS TO A TREE BEING OF SYMMETRICAL SHAPE WITH ONE MAIN LEADER AND A MINIMUM II�III IIII VIII I�IIII VIII 111111 IIII 111111 IITII IIII IIII Iii III III III III II, li IIII 111 11 IIII 111 11 11 IIII — III ROOT BALL HEI6HT OF H FEET FOR DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES AND A MINIMUM HEIBHT OF 12 FEET FOR DECIDUOUS i11 -TTI. - - - TO BE V J 01131 OO SHEET CONTENTS: SHADE TREES. BACKFILL MIX „III UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE ABFINOVE ED JCI O `139 LANDSCAPE PLAN b. THE LANDSCAPER IS NOT TO START SOIL PREPARATION ACTIVITIES UNTIL MAJOR SITE GRADING HAS BEEN REMOVE ALL FOREIGN MATERIALS FROM TRUNK AND BALL GRADE ?� 900 ACCEPTED AND IS WITHIN +/- 125 INCHES OF FINAL &RADE. WORK INITIATION BY THE LANDSCAPE FOLD BAG( TOP HALF OF UNTREATED BURLAP o CONTRACTOR 516NINES THAT THE CONTRACTOR ACCEPTS THE 6RADIN6 AND 15 RE5PON51BLE FOR FINAL w 0 GRADES SPECIFIED ON 6RADIN6 PLANS. BACKFILL MIX: 1/3 APPROVED TOPSOIL, 1/3 ON-SITE SOIL, 1/3 PREMIUM 3 COMPOST m m SHEET NUMBER: R. ALL PLANT 5U65TITUTIONS, INGLUDIN6 PERENNIALS, SHRUBS, AND TREE5 I BE APPROVED BY THE �r DETAIL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN P WRPI PRIOR TO PLANTING. PLA,V _ 5. REFER TO MITTEN SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE DETAILS AND REOVIREMENTS. PLANTING 811 IN PLACE CONCRETE (MONOLITHIC POUR) CONTROL FABRIC (1 LAYER) SUBGRADE 12" 0 THICKENED CONCRETE EDGE AT PLAYGROUND FIBAR RESILIENT SURFACING 12" MIN. DEPTH FABRIC (2 LAYERS) 1Y'. MIN, VARIES OD 3" MIN. DEPTH 3/4" CRUSHED GRANITE - it COMPACTED SUBGRADE 4" o — 6" PRE -WRAPPED PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE -I Irt1 DRAIN AT 0.5% MIN. CONNECT TO S.S. (SEE CIVIL) I. 12 to 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK IN TRENCH PLAYGROUND UNDER DRAIN SCALE N.T.S. 2'-0" }" R -THICKENED PLAYGROUND WALK EDGE - SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET CONTROL JOINT 12" FROM EDGE OF CONCRETE TO MATCH EDGE OF CURB. 1/2" EDGE RADIUS AT RAMP. TRANSITION TO 2" RADIUS OFF RAMP 12" X #4, SMOOTH STEEL 3' O.C. WOOD FIBAR RESILIENT SURFACING 12" MIN. DEPTH CONTROL JOINTS 6" O.C., MED. BROOM FINISH 1. ,IIILI 11011011011— I 1_ ° _ °_' ' =i 11-1 I I I I I I I1 I I1 I 11 III — II —1111111111 I I-1 I In 111 T COMPACTED SUBGRADE 12" 5'-0" SCALE N.T.S. U PLAYGROUND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP PLAY6i10UND NOTES: I. ALL EQUIPMENT 15 PLAYWORI.D SYSTEMS, AND INSTALLATION BY STAR PLAY&ROMP5. 2. LOCATION OF PLAY UNITS ARE TO FIELD LOCATED BY PL.AY6ROUND INSTALLER. 3. MEET ALL CURRENT ADA., IPEMA, LPSL, A5TM STANDARDS, INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. TO BE PONE BY PLAYWORLD MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVES. 4. MEET ALL CURRENT ADA., IPEMA, LPSL, ASTM STANDARDS, INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. TO BE DOZE BY PLAYWORLD MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVES. 5. ENSURE THAT INSTALLED PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT MEETS ALL ADA REQUIREMENTS. 6. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT d SURFACING INSTALLATION BY: STAR PLAYGROUNDS INC. ADDIE BERU3E 503-991-1626. 1. ALL FALL ZONES MUST BE INSIDE OF PLAY61ROU D E06ER WHEN INSTALLED, FIELD VERIFY. e. PLAYGROUND POUR -IN-PLACE DEPTH TO BE DETERMINED BY PLAYWORLD SYSTEMS REP. E INSTALLER. ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER (CHF) 15 TO 5E A MINIMUM OF TNELVE (12) INCHES DEEP. —WOOD FIBAR RESILIENT SURFACING 12" MIN. DEPTH TWEED CONTROL FABRIC (1 LAYER) 1:3 MIN. DEPTH 3/4" CRUSHED GRANITE "COMPACTED SUB—GRADE 12 2 — #5 REBAR CONTINUOUS &CENTERED CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE CONCRETE PLAYGROUND EDGE SCALE N.T.S. THICKENED EDGE SEE DETAIL -1 16" D CONTROL FABRIC (1 LAYER) MIN. DEPTH 3/4" CRUSHED GRANITE SCALE 1/4 I9=1t—Ott STORM DRAIN PIPES, SEE CIVIL a S HANDICAP RAMP SEE DETAIL - 4 THICKENED EDGE SEE DETAIL -1 i�L1-moi. R,—CONCRETE PLAYGROUND DETAIL Ljjlll{lyl:i!�Ill�iiiII�IIL�IE—WRA PIED PERF. PIPE, ImatoL-: I • • - ECTTo • - �ii�nLliiiii!!!mi!iliiiiille I�IIIL;;lllI�IIIL.� • SLOPE ii!! II_1 0111= i�::=ii�m23! iig I!l y;ii UhlENGINEEREnWOOD FIBER . !Glll�mm:..:eeie !i�III�II:J� '�I • —ill mmm: —6"P E—WRA PED PERF. PIPE, mi Mlg • !iIIIII MR. iii, Ii! r ll6;."ffliilli!to I • • • II `1' 611i�i::e:ei�hl�ll! I 1 N nw RrI Nw OYtMLIm QuxMXy F` 21 ZZ IOSTMWx1Eo GwXEEL x P INEL IIUM606 STCRE f OW EL 1 aCIAW C14 I Z201WW JFn CO, 11xm 51 EEL POST W/AIYFFD GP z A FOGF UNTSCA 1 z 3.Mn CO, 1$9m STEEL POST W/RYAME) ° MIIOMM 5MRIM WEL(CH/£RHUM wIIUNOxyi STEERING WXEEL(CH/IX PIPE WNLM]IHx FLAMn BiIERS) 2 MCNW18 3.5n m, loran STEEL Pan w/RrvETED GP CA a •1"s•" a aolm3e 4 MCHOOM 19n OD. wean STEEL POSTW1EDw ss aowOss ¢xrE3unlE VlvE wAu awwEx z POST 3.9n ro,: wean GROUND POST 2 x ent 6 MCHMMGz MnRELPSTW S1EEL POST W/RIVEIEOAP $ Uw 21D MIICH5210 3fiFOEIXTOOEIXGER(O CLIMER 2 72ZCHWA xZ2CNWJ6 OD I Mon ].Sin CO,xO]in STEEL POST WIR1YkTEDUP 9 z)IIMa%9 INyNEDQIF HANGER (On CEa) $ LW 4gtl[ G"WR aEGRID a UNR ° 29 IIClbb9 TIE WO 1 MCHM16 9 22 TRIANG MC00kDECKDIKXoUSEN fuVACORTFDaIoDk FMXv x OavM1W Eea:b GU Io"DINI 121n IZIn MO Ma PUTe x 4-TURxllu ern $ z9=5777D CiEDEG tll2tan[ y J y Ul z 3D aCP5M II MCHMMMNN19 TROHY£R STAT Ox w/RANSFM IOMIl(34n DECK) 2 MHOFU TAtL VfU%O 2 31 IICX597D 12 2Nxx019 AWROFLI STEP PoRlIWI5FE0.5lRTIIXY x OV RHEAD FffLCP 32 IICX59x0 OVERHEAON/EM FCCESS appEl((3yn CEIX) z bodm 06 Ovutlla0 A'oME Evenb 13 MCHUM SLI Mx OE2.0EmRUIa&ERT 2 33 UO 456 11HE5NYARa 1 w MCHM16 SU71IERwDEZOauX33xYMTnY/ExIT 2 W. 15 =H351? SLICE -110)) 05PIRALSUDE 2 na Pf,t Nor DYvlPlbn Q"Yltl!/ 16 MUNK07 SHINER WDE 2.0 DS GxT SOMON) 2 2:2 n xxuxmm SLI ERs DEze(LEFTSECTION) 6 11111141,31 1e MN322e SMIIE0. wDE 2.0 (UFT I2(Y° sEMON) 6 34 xxpplK STEP)ARpIND 2 19 IIUx3M7 SLIMG 910E 2.0 SUPPORT IFC SR41 n 2 35 M147M $TATICNAAY&RTONS(12n) 1 20 IIIIx3256 SI M MEDE 2.0 SUPPORT I£G M41n 4 Stein eM 1°bben 36 IIp IM 2441 ACCESS MPPED PUTCPM(L roDINDO 2 STORM DRAIN PIPES, SEE CIVIL a S HANDICAP RAMP SEE DETAIL - 4 THICKENED EDGE SEE DETAIL -1 i�L1-moi. R,—CONCRETE PLAYGROUND DETAIL Ljjlll{lyl:i!�Ill�iiiII�IIL�IE—WRA PIED PERF. PIPE, ImatoL-: I • • - ECTTo • - �ii�nLliiiii!!!mi!iliiiiille I�IIIL;;lllI�IIIL.� • SLOPE ii!! II_1 0111= i�::=ii�m23! iig I!l y;ii UhlENGINEEREnWOOD FIBER . !Glll�mm:..:eeie !i�III�II:J� '�I • —ill mmm: —6"P E—WRA PED PERF. PIPE, mi Mlg • !iIIIII MR. iii, Ii! r ll6;."ffliilli!to I • • • II `1' 611i�i::e:ei�hl�ll! I 1 PLAYGROUND AREA PLAN RETE PLAYGROUND SEE ETAIL-3 Or AI C IIt IAt nn Sunlit Designs, LLC Landicam NdlilecWre&PlanniN 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. 5DIte 4 Arvada, LO 50005 (P)3CY3A09-3850 W W W.LVf11tdB91C�T5LOM O O L U Ll N — M+NIMUM � W=20.91 5 c �N WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWV�V co IIIb... O co y J y W W W W W W W v 14 W W O W W W W W 4, W L 06 0 (D PLAYGROUND AREA PLAN RETE PLAYGROUND SEE ETAIL-3 Or AI C IIt IAt nn Sunlit Designs, LLC Landicam NdlilecWre&PlanniN 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. 5DIte 4 Arvada, LO 50005 (P)3CY3A09-3850 W W W.LVf11tdB91C�T5LOM O O L U U � 5 a �N co O co s a) O ^CU 06 0 (D O U � Coo CO E a) LL m ^-W co 2:2 U 92 W a� co C) L (n LU ch L-6 SCALE 1" 20' 0'a EQUIPMENT LEGEND CLOCKVALVE STATION SYMBOL MANUFACTURER MODEL NO.I DESCRIPTION DETAIL NO. OPERATING PRESSURE - CLASS 200 PVC li I I 1 1 L-5, 2 20.1 - CLASS 200 PVC LATERAL LINE, SIZED A5 INDICATED, L-5, 2 02 I I 5.4 ALL UNSIZED PIPE 15 1", PVC - A5TM D2241, 30 — — 260 DRIP DISTRIBUTION TUBING 5/4" DIA., FLEXIBLE, THICK WALLED NA. 1 40 RAINBIRD %CZ-100-PRB-COM DRIP VALVE `MTH 3/4' DRIP UNE (WITH RAINBIRD XERI-BUS EMISSION L-8, 2,6 04 NA. 0 0 0 ❑ ❑ O DEVICES 0 EA. PLANT) RAINBIRD %CZ-100-PRB-COM DRIP VALVE `MTH 3/4' DRIP LINE • RAINBIRD 1806 -SAM -PRS -50 6' POP-UP ADJJSTABLE ROTARY HEAD 1^ 40 0 o as 50 SERIES NFLnNrBc Wx ) WITH PRESSURE REGULATION 4 CHECK VALVE 00 O RAIFBIRD 1804 -SAM -PRS 4' POP41P ADJUSTABLE ROTARY HEAD L-5, I co R-VANI5 WITH PRESSURE REGULATION 4 CHECK VALVE 00 O RAINBIRD D E� EA 4N POP-UP OL HEAD LA, 2 0 W NOZZLES STAINLESS STE-55 ITH HECK VALVE I' ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE - RAINBIRD 100 - PM SERIES R 1 BW L-9, 5 •- FLOW ADJUSTMENT Em ADD MANUAL RI e I' ELECTRIC CONTROL DRIP VALVE `) RAINBIRD XCZ-100-PR5-C4M ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES BALL VALVE, 200 ® DRAIN VALVE a� MESH INLINE FILTER, REMOTE CONTROL O Q VALVE AND PRESSURE REGULATOR W O RAINBIRD 44 -RC I" QUICK COUPLER VALVE WITH RUBBER COVER L-9, I o O RAINBIRD ESP -LX 24 STATION AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER (REPLACE EXISTING HUNTER CONTROLLER) _l LINE 51ZE GATE VALVE - ISOLATION VALVE L-8, 5 FEBCO LF 825 YAEXISTING — — EXISTING 1 1/2" BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY r ' ♦r. Z - - SLEEVING - CLASS 200 PJC L-8, 2 TWICE SIZE OF DISTRIBUTION PIPE ry FLUSH VALVE LINE SIZE FLUSH VALVE L-5, 4 SEE TECHNICAL DETAILS FOR OTHER EOUIPMENT REQUIREMENT'S. s" �I � I I + Iyg p '• O.C. ' 05 \ ♦ f y l I S c MW45 , 25 PSI -23'R ♦' ♦ . I 4 s r 'a ' ,1 I RNAN 18 r 11 — a I r N" , r S♦ ♦•S I WVAN 10 ri .♦ / � ♦ / 14 As C 4 \ w owowow ow 0ow EEO OF EXISTING 1 J2" FEBCO 825YA BACKFLOW o'a EXISTING 1 Y, PREVENTER LOCATED IN MECHANICAL ROOM.MAINLI EPLACE EXISTING HUNTER CONTROLLER NSF & �SLEE WITH A RAINBIRD ESP -LX 24 STATION LEEOKF� CONTROLLER. CONNECT ZONES THAT SERVE \ THE FRONT OF THE SCHOOL 14 ZONES +/- / I A v SCALE 1" 20' 0'a EQUIPMENT LEGEND CLOCKVALVE STATION SYMBOL MANUFACTURER MODEL NO.I DESCRIPTION DETAIL NO. OPERATING PRESSURE - CLASS 200 PVC 1 1/2" PVC, MAINLINE, SOLVENT YIELD PIPE L-5, 2 20.1 - CLASS 200 PVC LATERAL LINE, SIZED A5 INDICATED, L-5, 2 02 02 5.4 ALL UNSIZED PIPE 15 1", PVC - A5TM D2241, 30 — — 260 DRIP DISTRIBUTION TUBING 5/4" DIA., FLEXIBLE, THICK WALLED NA. 1 40 RAINBIRD %CZ-100-PRB-COM DRIP VALVE `MTH 3/4' DRIP UNE (WITH RAINBIRD XERI-BUS EMISSION L-8, 2,6 04 NA. 1 DEVICES 0 EA. PLANT) RAINBIRD %CZ-100-PRB-COM DRIP VALVE `MTH 3/4' DRIP LINE • RAINBIRD 1806 -SAM -PRS -50 6' POP-UP ADJJSTABLE ROTARY HEAD 1^ 40 RAINBIRD %CZ-100-PRB-COM DRIP VALVE `MTH 3/4' DRIP LINE 50 SERIES NFLnNrBc Wx ) WITH PRESSURE REGULATION 4 CHECK VALVE 00 O RAIFBIRD 1804 -SAM -PRS 4' POP41P ADJUSTABLE ROTARY HEAD L-5, I co R-VANI5 WITH PRESSURE REGULATION 4 CHECK VALVE 00 O RAINBIRD 00 -SAM -5 4N POP-UP OL HEAD LA, 2 0 W NOZZLES STAINLESS STE-55 ITH HECK VALVE I' ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE - RAINBIRD 100 - PM SERIES TYPE, 2 -WAY w/ MANUAL BLEED PLUS AND L-9, 5 •- FLOW ADJUSTMENT Em rn I' ELECTRIC CONTROL DRIP VALVE `) RAINBIRD XCZ-100-PR5-C4M ASSEMBLY - INCLUDES BALL VALVE, 200 L-5, 5 a� MESH INLINE FILTER, REMOTE CONTROL O Q VALVE AND PRESSURE REGULATOR W O RAINBIRD 44 -RC I" QUICK COUPLER VALVE WITH RUBBER COVER L-9, I O RAINBIRD ESP -LX 24 STATION AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER (REPLACE EXISTING HUNTER CONTROLLER) LINE 51ZE GATE VALVE - ISOLATION VALVE L-8, 5 FEBCO LF 825 YAEXISTING — — EXISTING 1 1/2" BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY POINT OF CONNECTION ASSEMBLY - - SLEEVING - CLASS 200 PJC L-8, 2 TWICE SIZE OF DISTRIBUTION PIPE ry FLUSH VALVE LINE SIZE FLUSH VALVE L-5, 4 SEE TECHNICAL DETAILS FOR OTHER EOUIPMENT REQUIREMENT'S. ZONING SCHEDULE CLOCKVALVE STATION VALVE OPM's SIZE OPERATING PRESSURE I HEAD TYPE QUANTITY OI OI 20.1 1" 55 RAINBIRD 5000 W/ RB 25 MPR SERIES NOZ. - (24' R) & RVAN 18 ON RB 1604-S U� 02 02 5.4 1 30 RAINBIRD 1808 SAM W/ RB SO SERIES 8 NOZ. - (4' R) 260 05 05 NA. 1 40 RAINBIRD %CZ-100-PRB-COM DRIP VALVE `MTH 3/4' DRIP UNE 04 04 NA. 1 40 RAINBIRD %CZ-100-PRB-COM DRIP VALVE `MTH 3/4' DRIP LINE 03 03 NA. 1^ 40 RAINBIRD %CZ-100-PRB-COM DRIP VALVE `MTH 3/4' DRIP LINE U° I. THE SYSTEM DESIGN ASSUMES A MINIMUM DYNAMIC PRESSURE FOR THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM OF 15 PSI AT A MINIMUM DISCHARGE OF 55 GPM AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION. VERIFY PRESSURE AND FLOW ON SITE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH ASSUMPTIONS. 2. READ THOROUSHLY AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTALLATION DETAILS PRIOR TO CONSTRIJCTION. S. DO NOT PROCEED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT OBSTRUCTIONS OR GRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED IN THE DESIGN, OR IF DISCREPANCIES IN CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, LEGENDS, NOTES OR SPECIFICATIONS ARE DISCOVERED. 4. THE DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC, THEREFORE THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE NOTED: - IRRIGATION COMPONENTS MAY BE SHOWN OJT5IDE PLANTING AREAS FOR CLARITY. AVOID CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM, PLANTING MATERIALS AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. INSTALL IRRIGATION PIPE AND WIRING IN LANDSCAPED AREAS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. - USE ONLY STANDARD TEES AND ELBOW FITTINGS. USE OF CROSS TYPE FITTINGS IS NOT PERMITTED. S. SELECT NOZZLES FOR SPRINKLER5 WITH ARCS WHICH PROVIDE COMPLETE AND ADEQUATE COVERAGE WITH MINIMUM OVER SPRAY FOR THE 517E CONDITIONS. CAREFULLY ADJUST THE RADIUS OF THROW AND ARC OF COVERAGE OF EACH SPRINKLER TO PROVIDE THE BEST PERFORMANCE. 6. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION 5LEEVINS. SLEEVES ARE TO BE INSTALLED FOR BOTH PIPING AND ELECTRICAL WIRING AT EACH HARDSCAPE CROSSING. COORDINATE INSTALLATION OF SLEEVING P41TH OTHER TRADES. ANY PIPE OR WIRE WHERE SLEEVING WAS NOT INSTALLED, REOVIRES HORIZONTAL BORING BY THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR. 1. INSTALL ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE CONTROLLER(5) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC AND ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL ELECTRICAL UTILITY CODES. 8. PROVIDE 2 -1 GALLON PER HOUR EMITTERS FOR EACH SHRUB AND 4 - 2 GALLON PER HOUR EMITTERS FOR EACH TREE. Sunlit Designs, LLC Lantlampe Ndli@cNre & PNnni�O 6644 Ybdsworth Blvd. SNka 4 Arvada, CO 50009 (P)505A09-3850 W W W.LVa1kdB91CJD5LOM 0 0 U U� U � o a U° co CU 0 (D O U •- Em rn ca `) U W a� O Q (n W M L-7 NO 50ALE SET TOP OF SPRAY HEAD/ OPERATIONAL INDICATOR 3"ABOVE- FINISH GRADE TO ALLOW FOR MULCH DEPTH. MULCH MATERIAL 3. 00 NOT USE SiCE WU O1 FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH O RAIN BIRDS 1804 SPRINKLER: HEAD /NOZZLE INFO O POLY LATERAL PIPE ® TOROO FUNNY PIPE O5 LATERAL TEE OR ELL O6 BARBED MALE ELL �] 12" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD WITH CLOSED NOZZLE AND SWING PIPE (ZONE OPERATIONAL INDICATOR). 10" ROUND VALVE BOX. SET TOP OF BOX M 1/2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. ADD 3" \ V EXTENSION TO ALLOW FOR MULCH DEPTH. BRAND "OB" INTO VALVE BOX LID. 01111 0 /00 a U O is FINISH GRADE X" PVC BALL VALVE WITH X" PVC INSxMIPT ADAPTER AND 5.5 CLAMP. X DRIP TUBING — COIL SUFFICIENT LENGTH IN BOX TO EXTEND HOSE ADAPTER OUTSIDE OF VALVE BOX. CRUSHED GRAVEL SUMP (1 CU. FT.) X"INS x MALE ADAPTER W/ S.S. CLAMP. 1"xt"x X" SCH. 40 SxSxF TEE W/ 1"x X"SxF REDUCER BUSHING. 1" PVC EXHAUST HEADER PIPING. IF INDICATOR I$ FLUSH DETAI NO SCALE DRIP EMMITER DETAIL NO SCALE CH TUBING STAKE: 'H TUBING: MULCH 1YLENE LATERAL PIPE ;RADE r"�7n1 BACKFILL MATERIAL MACHINE COMPACT RO% STANDARD PROCTOR NOTE: REFER TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTHS NO 50ALE ROTOR LATERAL PIPING CONTROL 104IRE5 NO SCALE O3 30 -INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, COILED O WATERPROOF CONNECTION: O 1 -INCH BALL VALVE (INCLUDED IN XCZ-PRB-100-COM KIT) © ID TAG O7 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE: RAIN BIRD PESB (INCLUCED IN XCZ-PRB-100-COM KIT) ® PRESSURE REGULATING QUICK CHECK BASKET FILTER: RAIN BIRD PRB-QKCHK-100 (INCLUDED IN XCZ-PRB-100-COM KIT) O9 PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAPTOR 10 LATERAL PIPE 11 PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) 12 PVC SCH 40 ELL 13 PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (2 -INCH LENGTH, HIDDEN) AND PVC SCH 40 ELL 14 PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL 15 MAINLINE PIPE i6 3 -INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4 -INCH WASHED GRAVEL 17 PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE, CLOSE (INCLUDED IN XCZ-PRB-100-COM KIT) GATE VALVE III -2.1/211 NO SCALE ALVE (UNE SIZE) ALVE BOX, BRAND WITH 'GV MP -2 CU FT PVC SLEEVE Sunlit Designs, LLC Lantlamm AfdliNCMm & PlsnnilM 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. 5VIte 4 Arvada, CO 80005 (P)505-ROR W W W.LVBItdB91CsTg�nsn5LOM O O U U O .O � a CU o U M, MIS N (B O 0 (DCL O U C E N m (U CD U a� H N rnL (n W ch L-8 NO SCALE FINISH 50 LB. POLY LATERALS AND FITTIN&5 ELL TO SPECIFIED DEPTH NOTE: DIANETER5 OF ANGLE VALVE, FITTINGS, SHALL EQUAL ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE DIAMETER. / VALVE BOXES SHALL 5E INSTALLED PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR TO ADJACENT SIDEWALKS AND HARDSURPACES WHERE APPLICABLE NO SCALE 10" ROUND VALVE BOX FIN15H GRADE RAINBIRD 44 -RC V QUICK-COUPLIN6 VALVE 5/4"WASHED &RAVEL IN BRASS NIPPLE - LENGTH AS REOUIRED SPEARS 5J-2--0598 PRE -FABRICATED SWING JOINT RISER ASSEMBLY PRESSURE MAINLINE x IN SERVICE TEE. REFER TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS NOTE: IF DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS ARE GALLED FOR IN THE SPECS, DELETE PVC SERVICE TEE SHOYAI AND USE DUCTILE IRON SERVICE TEE. I/2"xl2" REBAR STABILIZING STAKE TYPICAL TWO SIDES PER OUICK COUPLING VALVE CARSON BROOKS RECTANSULAR VALVE BOX. BRAND LID NITH CONTROLLER AND STATION NUMBER. REFER TO TECANICAL. SPECIFICATIONS. NATER PROOF CONNECTIONS AND 24" OF NI COILED CONTROL YqIRr ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE10 TA& PVC BALL VALVE.PROVIDE NIPPLES ON 50TH SIDES,SGH. 40 PVC ELLERICK SUPPORT - TYPICAL FOUR CORNERS SCH. 50 PVC AS REOUIREO 5/4" WASHED GRAVEL SUMP - 2 CU.FT. PVC CL200 BE MAINLINE PIPE (&A5KETED IF 5" OR LARGER) 1 SERVICE TEE - REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS SET LIP UP TO 1/2" BELOW FINISH GRADE CURB AND (SUTTER, SIDEWALK OR HARDSURFACE WHERE APPLICABLE GEAR DRIVEN ROTOR HUNTER, 1-20, 1-25, 1-40 SPEAR) PRE -FABRICATED SWING JOINT POLY PIPE LATERAL TEE OR ELL NOTE: SEE SCHEDULE FOR HEAD AND NOZZLE TYPE5 SET ROTOR PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE. NO SCALE :)MANUAL DRAI NO SCALE 1O" ROUND VALVE BOX - BRAND THE LETTER 'D' IN LID -REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS ADE 2" VALVE MARKER 5/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL SUMP - I CU. FT. MIN. 2" SON. 40 PVC SLEEVE - LENGTH AS REWIRED PVC PRESSURE MAINLINE 2 - 5/4" FXF SON. 50 PVC ELLS AND 2 - 5/4"xOL. PVC 5CH. 50 NIPPLES 5/4" BRASS GLOBE VALVE 5/4" FxF SCA 40 PVC ELL 5/41lx4' BCH. 50 PVC NIPPLE 5/4"x2" SCH. 50 GALVANIZED STEEL NIPPLE 5/4" CRUSHED &RAVEL SUMP - 5 CU.FT. MIN. - COVER SUMP WITH LANDSCAPE CEO -FABRIC 5/4"x&" SCH. 50 GALVANIZED STEEL NIPPLE Sunlit Designs, LLC Lantl wm NdihMm & %nni� 6644 Wadsworth 51vd. SNte 4 Arvada, CO 50005 (P)SOSA09-5550 WWmwnl[d IsTgn5LOM Q O U U "O .O � a co UNINNN, O co (U O No 06O "m U Eco m m `O_ U '^ vJ a� (1) O L (n W M L-9 CONCRETE EDGER (4,000 PSI) V ROUND EDGES 2-#4 REBAR, CONTINUOUS CLAY PAVER BRICK SAND SETTING BED 1" DEPTH 8 1/4" CLAY PAVER AT CONCRTE EDGE SCALE: I"= 1'-0" DEPTH COMPACTED ROAD BASE COMPACTED RECYCLED CONCRETE ROAD BASE 98% STANDARD 'ROCTOR TEST REQUIREDSEE SPECS. COMPACTED SUB -GRADE 9 % STANDA D PROCTOR, TEST REQUIRED. LANDSCAPE FILTER FABRIC 5'-0" 1:12 MAX SLOPE 2H MIN. WIDTH OF CURB RAMP FLOWLINE DWS LEADING EDGE BACK OF CURB HANDICAP RAMP SCALE: N.T.S. ~, 611 21 Y/21U IH/21 1 21 As . C p 611 A D `O C D 6.. `O A �• 1' A �• :e- e FL 16,H FL M , c . - p � 611 D D D p p CURB AND GUTTER TYPE 2 (SECTION IIM) (6 IN. MOUNTABLE - 2 FT. GUTTER) CURB AND GUTTER TYPE 2 (SECTION IIB) (6 IN. BARRIER - 2 FT. GUTTER) CURB & GUTTER 3 SCALE: N.T.S. S T/4 INITIAL SAWWT 1/4° RECESS 3 8° JOINT SEALANT 11,4 F� 1/80 R O TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINT /2° BACKER ROD, OPEN OR CLOSED POLYETHYLENE a SEAL EXPANSION JOINT W/ POLYURETHANE JOINT SEALANT 1/2° DEEP X 1/2 WIDE 1/2° PREFORMED NON -EXTRUDING AND SAWED JOINT as RESILIENT TYPE JOINT MATERIAL TO MEET AASHTO SPEC, M-213. K • NOTE: EXP JOINTS EVERY 100' MAX AND WHEREVER SIDEWALK ABUTS EXISTING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (TYR) - SEE PLAN EXPANSION JOINT TOOLED CONTRACTION JOINT 3/4° PREFORMED JOINT MATERIAL 2'-0° 3'-0° O EXPANSION JOINT (THICKENED EDGE) TIE BMS 0 30° DC (DRILLED k EPDXIED 1/Y KEYWAY OPTIONAL IF REWIRED) S � a TIE BARS 0 30" GC 41 1 N- 15° 15 T/4 INITIAL SAWCUT KEYWAY DETAIL OL CONSTRUCTION JOINT O LONGITUDINAL CONTRACTION JOINT CONCRETE JOINTS rJ SCALE: N.T.S. TYPE ICURB RAMP (PERPENDICULAR ON TANGENT) DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE NOTES: QI DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES (OWS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT SIDEWALK, OR SHAPED USE PATH, TO STREET TRANSITIONS, AND SHALL CONSIST OF TRUNCATED DOME SURFACES, MY TRUNCATED DOME PANELS OR PAVERS WHICH ARE USED "I BE ON THE CDOT APPROVED PRODUCTS LIST (APL). O THE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL SPAN THE FULL WIDTH OF THE CURB RAMP, SHARED USE PATH, OR OTHER ROADWAY ENTRANCE AS APPLICABLE.A GAP DF 2 INCHES FROM THE EDGE OF THE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE TO THE EDGE OF THE CURB RAMP OR SHARED USE PATH IS PERMITTED. Q3 WHEN DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES ME PLACED ON A SLOPE GREATER THAN 5.0; TRUNCATED DOLES SHOULD BE ALIGNED IN THE DIRECTION OF THE RAMP RUN; OTHERWISE DOMES ARE NET REWIRED TO BE ALIGNED. TRUNCATED DOMES SHALL BE IN A SQUARE GRID OR RADIAL PATTERN. WHEN PLACED RADIALLY, PLACE ADJACENT DWS PLATES EDGE TO EDGEADGES OF CUT PLATES SHALL BE STRAIGHT. ® LOCATE ONE CORNER OF THE DWS LEADING EDGE AT THE BACK OF CURB. NO MINT ON THE LEADING EDGE OF THE DWS MAY BE MIRE THAN 5 FT. FROM THE BACK OF CURB. WHEN MY MINT OF THE LENDING EDGE BE THE On WILL BE GREATER TEM 5 FT. FROM WE BACK OF CUM, PLACE TIE DWS RADIALLY AT THE BACK OF BEEN OS WHERE PERPENDICULAR DIRECTIONAL RAMPS MUT A WALKAAE SURFACE, THE LEADING EDGE OF THE DWS SHALL NOT BE PLACED FURTHER THAN 2 FEET FROM THE BACK OF CURB. IF THE RADIUS OF A CORNER MMES THIS IMPOSSIBLE, ORIENT THE CURB RAMP PERPENDICULAR TO THE CURB AND GUTTER. © IF THE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE R CUT, GRIND OFF THE REMMENG PORTION OF MY CUT TRUNCATED DOLES. SEA. ALL CUT PANEL EDGES WITH M APL SEALMT TO PREVENT WATER DAMAGE, O TRUNCATED DOME PLATES SHALL BE EMBEDED IN THE CONCRETE CLE RMP WHILE THE CONCRETE IS PLASTIC. © DWS SHALL NOT BE RACED OVER GRADE BREMS. GENERAL NOTES 1. ON ROADWAY CURVES WITH A RADIUS OF I,gOO FT. OR LESS, CURBS AND CUTTERS ARE TO BE PLACED ON THE ARC OF THE CURVE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS.A MAXIMUM CHORD LENGTH OF 10 FT. MAY BE USED WHEN THE CURVE RADIUS IS GREATER THAN 1,900 FT. 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS B. 3. PROFILE GRADE OF CURBS AND GUTTERS SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE FLOW LINE. 4. CURB TYPE 4 (KEY -WAY) MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF CURB AND GUTTER TYPE 2 (SECTIONS IB AND IM) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS. 5. GUTTER CROSS SLOPES MAY BE ADJUSTED TO FACILITATE DRAINAGE FOR PROFILE GRADES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 6. THICKNESS OF CURB AND GUTTER SECTION SHALL MATCH CONCRETE PAVEMENT THICKNESS IF SHOWN ON THE PLANS. CURE AND GUTTER SHALL BE CLASS P CONCRETE IF PLACED MONDLITHICALLY WITH CONCRETE PAVEMENT. 7. INCREASE SIDEWALK THICKNESS TO 6 IN. AT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 8. MINIMUM SIDEWALK WIDTH IS 4 FT. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN ABUTTING EXISTING CONCRETE OR FIXED STRUCTURE. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE Yz IN. THICK AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL DEPTH OF CONTACT SURFACE. OGUTTER CROSS SLOPES SHALL BE I/z IN./FT. WHEN DRAWING AWAY FROM CURB AND 1 IN./FT. WHEN DRAWING TOWARD CURB (WITH EXCEPTION TO IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO CURB RAMPS - SEE STANDARD PLAN M-608-1 FOR SLOPE REQUIREMENTS). 0 WHEN TIE BARS ARE REQUIRED, THE GUTTER THICKNESS SHALL BE INCREASED TO THE PAVEMENT THICKNESS M. BMS SHALL BE EPDXY-COATED 14 CONFORMING TO AASHTO M 284 AND SPACED AT 3 FT. INTERVALS. THEY SHALL BE INSERTED T/2 AND 112 LENGTH INTO THE GUTTER. COURSE ON TOP (FLUSH JOINTS) 1/4" RECESS 3 8° JOINT SEALANT 1/2* BACKER ROD, OPEN OR ° CLOSED POLYETHYLENE SEAL AT CONSTRUCTION JOINT 1/4" BELOW SURFACE JOINT SEALANT JOINT MATERIAL SEAL AT EXPANSION JOINT 4 JOINT SEALING SCALE: N.T.S. BRICK TO MATCH BUILDING, SUBMIT SAMPLE FOR APPROVAL SET BRICKS WITH A FLEMISH BAD B'e PATTERN WITH TYPE S MORTAR, JOINTS TO BE CONCAVE W4 REBAR, VERTICAL, 32" O.C. k4 REBAR 12' O.C., CONTINUOUS = a CONCRETE FOOTER, 4,000 P.S.I. IT COMPACTED SUB -(GRADE BRICK WALL s SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" ELEVATION N wUKOL UTLasn DINT$ ON TOP) BOND E JOINTS) Sunlit Designs, LLC Landampe ArchiHealum & PMnni,U 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sunlitdesigna.com O O U U °O .O D_ co \V U Q M, N CU 0 N m �d W (D U U) Q) m CN Co U N a' a.. co cp L (n W o"3 L-10 %41 ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD DRAINAGE 141W NORTHE SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" FENCE NOTES 1. ALL LUMBER SHALL BE PREMIUM, WESTRN CEDAR o c OF COVER cATE Tor AND SHALL BE SOLID, STRAIGHT, FREE FROM KNOT HOLES LoPIATOP OFCUSH VER ITH SPLITS, SHAKES, & DISCOLORATION. ALL CHAMFERED PLAYINGSUI EDGES & ROUTED AREAS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND FREE FROM SAW MARKS. 2. ALL NAILS, FASTENERS AND OTHER HARDWARE SHALL BE FIN16HEDGWE BROWN COLORED COATED DECK SCREWS. NAILS SHALL BE SPIRAL OR RING SHANK. SLOPE TOP OF 3. POSTS SHALL BE SECURELY BRACED IN THEIR FINAL POSITION FOOTING MDRAI N A MIN. 24 HOURS BEFORE BOARDS ARE SECURED. FOR ORAIBAGEI 2X4 RAIL 1' CEDAR LATTICE TRIM 1x2 CEDAR TRIM 2X4 NAILER 4x4 CEDAR POST (PLACE FRAME SIDE TOWARD BUILDING / TRIM SDE TOWARD PLAY AREA) PLAN (PLACE FRAME SIDE 2x4 / 1x4 CEDAR RAIL (SANDWICH LATTICE) (PLACE BUILDING TRIM SIDE TOWARD PLAY AREA) ELEVATION x4 R.S. CEDAR TOP 'x2 / 1x2 CEDAR I ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME MLI x4 FAN ME ME ME ME 1x4 CEDAR RAIL/ TRIM BOARD (SANDWICH LATTICE) ■1■1■1■1■1■1■1■1�WA 1■1■�IIt1 ■1■1■1■1■1■ m1■1■1■1■III I■L■L■L■L■L■L■L■�I 2 -DEPTH SYNLAWN PAID �L■L■L■L■L■L■n 4" d. TYPE 1 -3/4" WASHED, CRUSHED "BASE STONE" (PER SECTION 32 18 14) I■1■1■1■1�1■1■1■�� 1■1■1■1■1■1■III 141651 1■1■1■1■1■1■11 �1■1■1■1■1� GEO-TEXTILE OVER PREPARED BASE 1■1■1■1■1■1■11 1■1■1■1■1■1■III' 1■1■1■1■1■1■ 1■1■1■1■1■1■ 1■1■It �:�:�:: 1■1■1■1■1■1■ 1■1■1■1■1■1■11 1■1■1■1■I�:�III' 1■1■1■1■1■1■ 1■1■1■1■1■1■ y --F i Uco I � ^° W Ul � CV ELEVATION x4 R.S. CEDAR TOP 'x2 / 1x2 CEDAR NAILER / TRIM BOARD x4 / 1x4 CEDAR RAIL/ TRIM BOARD (SANDWICH LATTICE) x4 R.S. CEDAR POST 'x2 / 1x2 R.S.CEDAR NAILER / TRIM BOARD 4X4'XB' CEDAR LATTICE PANEL (GLUED & STAPLED) x4 / Y4 R.S. CEDAR BOTTOM RAIL / TRIMMER 'x4 R.S. CEDAR BOTTOM — TOP OF FINISHED GRADE 0" WIDE X 2'-6" DEEP CONCRETE FOOTER CONCRETE EDGER WITH 2 -A REBAR OR THICKENED EDGE WALK WITH 2-it4 REBAR, IT CLEARANCE ON REBAR, Y' ROUND EDGES) SEE PLANS HOLD DOWN TOP OF NAILER BOARD 1.58" (VERIFY WITH SYNTETIC TURF MANF.) BELOW TOP OF ADJACENT CONCRETE EDGE & FASTEN TO CONCRETE WITH Y" X 2.75' TAPCON CONCRETE ANCHOR AT 24' O.C. TURF TO BE MECHANICALLY FASTENED USING STAINLESS STEEL OR HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED FASTENERS AT 18" O.C. u 'nl 'nl I I u1 uI I I nI v n v,. fC�I.:::::C:_ mo 11 I III �SU&GRADE STAND. PROCTOR.II r1=I = TO BE RIPPED TO A DEPTH OF 2'& =1 III -I1 RE-0OMPACTED, TOP TO BE LASER GRADED, MIN. —III SLOPE 0.5% TOWARD PERIMETER DRAIN, TEST FOR PORTER PORTER PERCOLATION PRIOR TO PLACING BASE STONE 6-SMOOTHWALLED _ - III = L HDPE PERFORATED —III_ JII II—I — SYNTHETIC GI(SYNLAWN PREMIUM)+ ENVIROFILL BY GREENTECH PIPE, MIN. SLOPE 181, 12• 2 -DEPTH SYNLAWN PAID 0.5% M N. 4" d. TYPE 1 -3/4" WASHED, CRUSHED "BASE STONE" (PER SECTION 32 18 14) FLASHOUSE 1"X 12" FLAT DRAIN TILE (ADS-ADVANEDGE), LAID FLAT ON / OVER GEO-TEXTILE, 141651 FASTEN WITH SOD PINS PER MANF. RECOMENDATIONS a' GEO-TEXTILE OVER PREPARED BASE ARTIFICIAL TURF SECTION 2 SCALE: 3/4n=1 1-0 11 OUTDOOR GROUND SLEEVE FOR 4" SQUARE UPRIGHTS rMI —REMOVABLE COVER PLATE V SQUARE UPRIGHT O d INSTALL PVE 'i umlel�l 1/4' BELOWWPLAYING GURFAGE I _ T 4 � LOCKING TOGGLE 7.`uw.nuwvASSEMLY C/UTCNLIXYL UTNTYCCMPANIE$ LOCATE BURIED BURIED FGO WA laES.ETCBEFORE DIGGING HOUR FURFO. 1/2' STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN FLAT HEAD SECTION THRU COVER PLATE REFERTO EW IPMENT DRAWINGS FORSMCIFICINSTAUU IDN LOCATIONS AND INSTRUCRCN3. OTE -INCREASE SIZE OF FWTING WHEN FOIL CONDMONS ARE SOFT OR LOOSE 00444-000 OUTDOOR GROUND SLEEVE FOR 4' SQUARE UPRIGHTS (EACH) SCREEN FENCE VOLLEYBALL SLEEVE IN ARTIFICIAL TURF SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD NOTES 1. SPORTS LINES TO BE PAINTED FOR VOLLEYBALL AND TETHERBALL ON ARTIFICIAL TURF. 2. TEST BASE COURSE FOR COMPACTION PRIOR TO LAYING TURF MAT 8 SYNTHETIC TURF. 3. TAKE CARE NOT TO RUN HEAVY EQUIPMENT OVER THE PERIMETER DRAINS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 4. CONSULT CIVIL PLANS FOR PIPE ELEVATIONS AND TIE-IN DETAILING. INSTALL EQUIPMENT PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS SPORTS EQUIPMENT LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION "II QTY. ITII A TETHER BALL POST TETHER BALL P05T &ROUND SLEEVE PORTER PORTER I 1 00165-XOO 00'165-000 5 VOLLEYBALL 4" 50. ALUMINUM POST VOLLEYBALL 4" 50. POST SLEEVE VOLLEYBALL NET (21'1 ME 2 2 1 Sql 00444-000 2256 O 41 SQUARE IN THE AIR FLASHOUSE 1 141651 00444-000 OUTDOOR GROUND SLEEVE FOR 4' SQUARE UPRIGHTS (EACH) SCREEN FENCE VOLLEYBALL SLEEVE IN ARTIFICIAL TURF SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD NOTES 1. SPORTS LINES TO BE PAINTED FOR VOLLEYBALL AND TETHERBALL ON ARTIFICIAL TURF. 2. TEST BASE COURSE FOR COMPACTION PRIOR TO LAYING TURF MAT 8 SYNTHETIC TURF. 3. TAKE CARE NOT TO RUN HEAVY EQUIPMENT OVER THE PERIMETER DRAINS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 4. CONSULT CIVIL PLANS FOR PIPE ELEVATIONS AND TIE-IN DETAILING. INSTALL EQUIPMENT PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS SPORTS EQUIPMENT LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURES QTY. ITEM NUMBER A TETHER BALL POST TETHER BALL P05T &ROUND SLEEVE PORTER PORTER I 1 00165-XOO 00'165-000 5 VOLLEYBALL 4" 50. ALUMINUM POST VOLLEYBALL 4" 50. POST SLEEVE VOLLEYBALL NET (21'1 PORTER PORTER PORTER 2 2 1 Sql 00444-000 2256 O 41 SQUARE IN THE AIR FLASHOUSE 1 141651 PLACPHOUSE HOO.TgS.?4100 PORTER 555.271.17176 Sunlit Designs, LLC Lan4ampB Architecture & Plannil 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. EMlte 4 Arvada, LO 80005 HKH.awnll 9sT ns W W W.SVf11tdB91CJn5LOM 75 0 U U 75 a y --F Uco � ^° W � CV O MID I ^0 , a) 2 Li (D O U Em m (o N U W aUj� FIIII, co (nO L (n LJ M SPORTS EQUIPMENT CHART V SCALE: N.T.S. LEGEND 8" THICK CONCRETE REINFORCED WITH #4 RE -BAR, 1'4" O.C. BOTH DIRECTIONS, LIGHT BROOM FINISH 6" THICK CONCRETE REINFORCED WITH #4 RE -BAR, 2-8" O.C. BOTH DIRECTIONS, LIGHT BROOM FINISH a 6" THICK CONCRETE, MEDIUM BROOM FINISH, a SAW CUT CONTROL JOINTS EJ SEALED EXPANSION JOINT INSTALL EQUIPMENT PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS SA5KETSALL EaUIPMENT LE&END SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER QTY. ITEM NUMBER A DOUGLAS FS 655 STEEL BASKETBALL SYSTEM DOUGLAS I SKU: 69565 f5 1? -PRO 645 STEEL BASKETBALL SYSTEM DOUGLAS I SKU: 69665 CEDAR CAP P.T. PINE POSI CEDAR FRAME CEDAR PICKET' CEDAR FRAME /S"4SCREW AP HINGES PER AMENTAL / BL TRASH ENCLOSURE SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" H 2ED) JTSIDE) 2 Sunlit Designs, LLC Lantl wm AfdihMm&Planni� 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. SNte 4 Arvada, CO 80009 NKN.w 11 9sTq s W W W.LVf11tdB91C�n5LOM O O U U .o Z a co� `V U° 0 co C&U o Qy) (LO ALL W o U C E m m N `m_ U a� co C) L (n LU ch L-12 3" [76.2mm](Latch Clearance) ly" [28.6mm] 5Y4' [133.6mm] O I V L Varies U with Height Standard Heights 4' [1219.2mm], U 5' [1524.Omm], 6' [1828.8mm], .O 7' [2133.6mm], O 8' [2438.4m n] � a 2" [50.8mm] Nom. 36" [914.4mm] Min. Footing depth IY2 Sta T 5' 6' 7' 8' 36' Ameristar Standard 2" [50.8m n] (Hinge Clearance) Leaf Widths (1)r 31/6 TYP.Omm] NOTES: Single gate Arrangement 1%" [38.1mm] FORERUNNER`"Rail (See Cross- Section on Panel Dmwing) Post size varies with Height (See AEGIS Plus* Post -Sizing chain - Gate Upright Standar iso" [44.5mrn] x 14 ga. 4' [12 5' [15: 6'[1828.8n 41[24i s/" [19.1mm]Qx 17ga. Picket 5' [15. 6' [18 7' [21 8'[2438.41 Weld on Box Hinge T DECORATIVE STEEL FENCE & GATES - Ameristar SCALE: N.T.S. is Plus 3 -Rail inge Clearance) IY2" [38.1mm] FORERUNNER'" Rail (See Cross- Section on Panel Drawing) Post size varies with Height (See AEGIS P]w '" Post -Sizing chat) O Gate Upright 1%" [44.5mm] x 14 ga. 4"09.1m n] fox 17ga. Picket /eld on Box Hinge 1) v ames snown are nominal and not to be used for installation purposes. See product specification for installation requirements. 36" [914 Fomi I1/10 OR imml _ H 2.) Panels also available for 6' on center post spacing 3.) Additional heights available on request 4.) Third rail optional (Required with rings, See Detail). V INTERNAL RETAINING ROD lY2' [38.1m n] Variable pitch connection system for ease of installation, high angle bias ability and elimination of FRIINNFR'"'RAllunsightly external fasteners. IY2" [38.1mm] Uniform Zinc Coating (Hot Dip Galvanized) Base Material - Uniform Zinc Coating (Hot Dip Galvanized) Zinc Phosphate & Conversion Coating Epoxy base coat "No -Mar" Polyester Powder finish coat O 1 FORERUNNER""RAIL Double -walled "U" -Channel Specially formed high strength architectural shape. 1Y2" [38.1mm] FORERUNNER' Rail (See Cross- Section Below) Post size varies with Height (See AEGIS Plus 'u Post -Sizing chart) �] Y4" [19.lmm] 0 x 17ga. Picket Bracket Options PANEL BRACKET Specially designed two -point connection ensures fixity of mil ends for increased strength. E E E Values shown me nominal and not to be used for installation purposes. See product specification for installation requirements. �L2_ Sunlit Designs, LLC Lantlsaim kchbaWre & Planning 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Wte 4 Arvada, LO 50 5 (P)303A09-3850 W W W.LVn1tdB91CIn5LOM O 8' [2438.4mmJ U.C. Nom. O L U U � .O O � a r-+ co O U° Co (U O d N m 06 (D O U U) E N m (o N U a' a� O Q (n Varies 5y" [133.4mm] M with Height d Heights 9.2mm], 4.0mm], ma] for 2 -Rail 8.4mm], !4.0mm], !8.8mm], 13.6mm], lm] for 3 -Rail O - - 2" [50.8mrt] Nom. a � 31%6" [100.Omm] TYPICAL 4mm] Min. igdepth _:`i� k-� . i� i•': IINOTES: 1.) Post size depends on fence height and wind loads. See AEGIS Plus' post sizing chart. ;L3: I I 2.) Panels also available for 6' on center post spacing 3.) Additional heights available on request 4.) Third rail optional (Required with rings, See Detail). V INTERNAL RETAINING ROD lY2' [38.1m n] Variable pitch connection system for ease of installation, high angle bias ability and elimination of FRIINNFR'"'RAllunsightly external fasteners. IY2" [38.1mm] Uniform Zinc Coating (Hot Dip Galvanized) Base Material - Uniform Zinc Coating (Hot Dip Galvanized) Zinc Phosphate & Conversion Coating Epoxy base coat "No -Mar" Polyester Powder finish coat O 1 FORERUNNER""RAIL Double -walled "U" -Channel Specially formed high strength architectural shape. 1Y2" [38.1mm] FORERUNNER' Rail (See Cross- Section Below) Post size varies with Height (See AEGIS Plus 'u Post -Sizing chart) �] Y4" [19.lmm] 0 x 17ga. Picket Bracket Options PANEL BRACKET Specially designed two -point connection ensures fixity of mil ends for increased strength. E E E Values shown me nominal and not to be used for installation purposes. See product specification for installation requirements. �L2_ Sunlit Designs, LLC Lantlsaim kchbaWre & Planning 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Wte 4 Arvada, LO 50 5 (P)303A09-3850 W W W.LVn1tdB91CIn5LOM O O L U U � .O O � a r-+ co O U° Co (U O d N m 06 (D O U U) E N m (o N U a' a� O Q (n W M L-13 LOW VOLTAGE UNDER -CAP DOWN LIGHT - (C) FIXTURE SEAT WALL WITH 2" RED SANDSTONE CAP, CUT EDGES SACK & RUB FINISH ON BACK OF SEAT WALLS 2" LEDGESTONE STRIP MORTARED TO CONCRETE WALL LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER pry, ITEM NUMBER DOWN LIGHT ON STATUE A m F% LUMINAIRE 1 PO-ILED-ST-SB PO DESIGNER PREMIUM r II - (C) TREE ACCENT LIGHTS 2" RED SANDSTONE CAP, CUT B FB DESIGNER PREMIUM FX LUMINAIRE 2 FB-3LED-ZD-SB C SEAT WALL LIGHTS - UNDER CAP F% LUMINAIRE 2 BP-LED20W-SB FB DESIGNER PREMIUM ///7 2" LEDGESTONE STRIP MORTARED TO CONCRETE WALL RED SANDSTONE GROTTO, MORTAR IN PLACE F TALL MARBLE STATUE 2" THICK CUT SANDSTONE CAP V-0" WIDE RED SANDSTONE STEP, CUT EDGES PLAN NOTE: PLACE 1 ACCENT LIGHT AT EACH AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE -(B) FIXTURE, PLACE CONDUIT UNDER PAVED SURFACES AS NEEDED. 10" 41-4" 10" AVAILABLE FROM: FX LUMINAIRE www.fxl.com 760.744.5240 DOWN LIGHT - (A) 5' TALL MARBLE STATUE ELEVATION PRAYER PLAZA GROTTO SCALE: 1/2" 111 V-0" 2" RED SANDSTONE CAP, CUT EDGES 1'-0" WIDE RED SANDSTONE STEP, CUT EDGES �A 6" RED SANDSTONE S FACETED EE J2" MORTAR SETTING 4,000 PSI CONCI INSTALL EQUIPMENT PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. NOTE: A GFI OUTLET IS LOCATED ABOUT 120 FT TO THE SOUTH. UPPER CONCRETE WALLS, FOOTERS NOT SHOWN � 4,000 P.S.I. CONCRETE F 5,A„ 1 1 \" 9 I L #4 RE -BAR HORIZONTAL #4 RE -BAR VERTICAL BRIDGE OVER PROPOSED \, STORM SEWER, ADD 2-#5 REBAR DOWN LIGHT -(A) GROTTO, MORTAR IN PLACE 1.41 RED SANDSTONE (LEDGERSTONE) RANDOM RANDOM PATTERN MORTAR TO CONCRETE RED SANDSTONE IN RANDOM PATTERN MORTAR TO CONCRETE �_ IR4 II iI I I III -I -I III • II COMPACTED 1= _III— III SUB -BASE, 0% STANDARD PROCTOR #p REBAR 1'd' O.C., ep CONTINUOUS2-04 REM III III _ B CONTINUOUS II I:.- 2 SEAT WALL SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 4,000 PSI CONCRETE, MEDIUM BROOM FINISH SCORE O)STS/EXPANSION JOINTS PER PLAN/DETAILS //T3/8" ROUND, TYP. 1– #4 REBAR, CONT. d a _IIII,•g__- _-_-_- -I I I MVI -1 -1-1 I -ISI-III —III—III—III– COMPACTED SUBGRADE THICKENED EDGE CONCRETE SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 2" LEDGESTONE STRIP #4 REBAR, HORIZONTAL _ MOTARED TO CONCRETE WALL 2" CUT RED SANDSTONE CAP c •� (: #4 RE -BAR I VERTICAL •. W 2" CUT RANDOM SANDSTONE .. -; MORTAR IN PLACE N I r STONE LEDGE � v / 2Y2" +1--\ 1 I I f -..FINISH 3FADE 4" RI6 1 -►�- �,J 4 1 8. COMPACTED SUB -BASE, 959/6 STANDARD PROCTOR SECTION SANDSTONE CAP YJ' MORTAR SETTING BED 414 REBAR (L) 14' O.C. SACK & RUB FINISH ON BACK OF SEAT WALLS 6" Sunlit Designs, LLC Lantlampe NdiilecWre & Planni,M 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Sulfe 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 wwwsunl itdesigns. com O O U U .O 0 - co co c: U° _ 0 co CU O 06 o O U CU) E m rn LL m CD U a� H co rnL (n W ch L-14 ' RED SANDSTONE GROTTO, N L MORTAR IN PLACE 6" RED SANDSTONE SLAB, m ` FACETED EDGES m ,. Iw`� LOW VOLTAGE UNDER -CAP DOWN LIGHT FIXTURE r II - (C) 2" RED SANDSTONE CAP, CUT EDGES, 2" OVERHANG, TYP. 0 N LOW VOLTAGE UNDER -CAP 2" LEDGESTONE STRIP MOTARED DOWN LIGHT - (C)FIXTURE _ TO CONCRETE WALL ///7 ELEVATION PRAYER PLAZA GROTTO SCALE: 1/2" 111 V-0" 2" RED SANDSTONE CAP, CUT EDGES 1'-0" WIDE RED SANDSTONE STEP, CUT EDGES �A 6" RED SANDSTONE S FACETED EE J2" MORTAR SETTING 4,000 PSI CONCI INSTALL EQUIPMENT PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. NOTE: A GFI OUTLET IS LOCATED ABOUT 120 FT TO THE SOUTH. UPPER CONCRETE WALLS, FOOTERS NOT SHOWN � 4,000 P.S.I. CONCRETE F 5,A„ 1 1 \" 9 I L #4 RE -BAR HORIZONTAL #4 RE -BAR VERTICAL BRIDGE OVER PROPOSED \, STORM SEWER, ADD 2-#5 REBAR DOWN LIGHT -(A) GROTTO, MORTAR IN PLACE 1.41 RED SANDSTONE (LEDGERSTONE) RANDOM RANDOM PATTERN MORTAR TO CONCRETE RED SANDSTONE IN RANDOM PATTERN MORTAR TO CONCRETE �_ IR4 II iI I I III -I -I III • II COMPACTED 1= _III— III SUB -BASE, 0% STANDARD PROCTOR #p REBAR 1'd' O.C., ep CONTINUOUS2-04 REM III III _ B CONTINUOUS II I:.- 2 SEAT WALL SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 4,000 PSI CONCRETE, MEDIUM BROOM FINISH SCORE O)STS/EXPANSION JOINTS PER PLAN/DETAILS //T3/8" ROUND, TYP. 1– #4 REBAR, CONT. d a _IIII,•g__- _-_-_- -I I I MVI -1 -1-1 I -ISI-III —III—III—III– COMPACTED SUBGRADE THICKENED EDGE CONCRETE SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 2" LEDGESTONE STRIP #4 REBAR, HORIZONTAL _ MOTARED TO CONCRETE WALL 2" CUT RED SANDSTONE CAP c •� (: #4 RE -BAR I VERTICAL •. W 2" CUT RANDOM SANDSTONE .. -; MORTAR IN PLACE N I r STONE LEDGE � v / 2Y2" +1--\ 1 I I f -..FINISH 3FADE 4" RI6 1 -►�- �,J 4 1 8. COMPACTED SUB -BASE, 959/6 STANDARD PROCTOR SECTION SANDSTONE CAP YJ' MORTAR SETTING BED 414 REBAR (L) 14' O.C. SACK & RUB FINISH ON BACK OF SEAT WALLS 6" Sunlit Designs, LLC Lantlampe NdiilecWre & Planni,M 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Sulfe 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 wwwsunl itdesigns. com O O U U .O 0 - co co c: U° _ 0 co CU O 06 o O U CU) E m rn LL m CD U a� H co rnL (n W ch L-14 CRUSHF PIAN SOLID COMPOSITE DECKING BOARDS SCREWED TO2XV$WITH COLOR MATCH DECKING SCREWS i OUTDOOR EDUCATION TABLES SCALE: N.T.S. FUTURE 2'X 4'TOOL STORAGE SHED 8'X 12' GREENHOUSE EXTEND ELECTRIC LINE FROM GARAGE 11 uADD ONE WATER SPIGOT— WITH MANUAL DRAIN FOR WINTERIZATION Y4" WATER LINE 24"— DEPTH BURIAL ADD ONE WALL MOUNT WATER SPIGOT I EXTEND WATER& SEWER LINES FROM J UTILITY SINK IN JANITOR'S CLOSET 72" S.S. WALL MOUNT DOUBLE BOWL SINK 1-6 FOOT WIDE SWING GATE OUTDOOR EDUCATION AREA ❑❑❑Cc WITHWEATHERPROOF � O WITH WEATHERPROOF O COVER Cw PALRAM GLORY 8'X1r GREENHOUSE: PLACE J -BOLTS IN CONCRETE @ 2 FT. O.C. TO MOUNT GREENHOUSE, REFER TO GREENHOUSE MANF. FOR RECOMMENDATIONS 2 GREENHOUSE FOUNDATION SCALE: N.T.S. WATER TABLES FUTURE SEATING 1 - 4'X 6' TEACHER TABLE - SEE DETAIL 1 1 -4 FOOT WIDE SWING GATE WITH KNOX LOCK 5' WIDE CONCRETE PAD _ 9 - 4'X 6' STUDENT TABLES — SEE DETAIL 1 P J - 7-4'X6'RAISED CEDAR PLANTERS, SEE F—�� �1 J L _ -I- - - __I_� DETAIL 6 FOOT ORNAMENTAL L I ILII I= IIi , STEEL FENCE I�I� a 1 FOOT WIDE _ PLAYGROUND CURB, SEE SHEET L-6 e I J -BOLT, r B'-0^ O.C. r-0^ 2-A REBAR CONTINUOUS EXISTING 72STAINLESS STEEL DOUBLE BOWL SINK, WALL MOUNT PER MANF. SPEC., ALL WATER & SEWER HOOK-UPS PER CODE REMOVABLE DRAIN PLUG OUTDOOR UTILITY WASH SINK SCALE: N.T.S. NOTE: ALL WOOD IS TO BE PREMIUM R.S. CEDAR. %' HALF ROUND TOP OF CAP ON BOTH EDGES AND SAND TO REMOVE SPLINTERING. FASTEN WITH COLOR MATCH DECK SCREWS. 2 X 4 VERTICAL TRIMMER A O 2X6ON EDGE L IRRIGATION HEAD, 2- RE4BAR, CONTINUOUS , .. -- CONCRETE FOOTER 2X4 VERTICAL ADD WATER SPIGOT I' TRIMMERS U 4' CHIP MULCHL. .O OVER WEED FABRIC O � a 20 AMP G.F.I. ELECTRICAL OUTLET r-+ WITH WATERPROOF Yj COVER .'t I. co L1 J 2 GREENHOUSE FOUNDATION SCALE: N.T.S. WATER TABLES FUTURE SEATING 1 - 4'X 6' TEACHER TABLE - SEE DETAIL 1 1 -4 FOOT WIDE SWING GATE WITH KNOX LOCK 5' WIDE CONCRETE PAD _ 9 - 4'X 6' STUDENT TABLES — SEE DETAIL 1 P J - 7-4'X6'RAISED CEDAR PLANTERS, SEE F—�� �1 J L _ -I- - - __I_� DETAIL 6 FOOT ORNAMENTAL L I ILII I= IIi , STEEL FENCE I�I� a 1 FOOT WIDE _ PLAYGROUND CURB, SEE SHEET L-6 e I J -BOLT, r B'-0^ O.C. r-0^ 2-A REBAR CONTINUOUS EXISTING 72STAINLESS STEEL DOUBLE BOWL SINK, WALL MOUNT PER MANF. SPEC., ALL WATER & SEWER HOOK-UPS PER CODE REMOVABLE DRAIN PLUG OUTDOOR UTILITY WASH SINK SCALE: N.T.S. NOTE: ALL WOOD IS TO BE PREMIUM R.S. CEDAR. %' HALF ROUND TOP OF CAP ON BOTH EDGES AND SAND TO REMOVE SPLINTERING. FASTEN WITH COLOR MATCH DECK SCREWS. 2 X 4 VERTICAL TRIMMER PLANTER BOX 3 SCALE: N.T.S. CEILING STUDOR VENT PER CODETIE4NTOEXISTNG WATER LINES, PER CODE SEWER LINE yfPER CODE A�SINK PATCH CONCRTE PER CODE SEWER LINE 411M=V.10194:d TRIMMERS 4- DEPTH CRUSHER OVER WEED FABRIC V -V ti Sunlit Designs, LLC Landmam kcNIa Mre&PNnninI 6644 Wadsworth ENvd. EvIto 4 Arvada, CO 80009 (P)303A09-3850 W W W.LVf11tdB91CJn5LOM O O 2X6ON EDGE L IRRIGATION HEAD, R.B. 1812 CCLPMP TO PLANTER 2X4 VERTICAL TRIMMERS U PLANTER BOX 3 SCALE: N.T.S. CEILING STUDOR VENT PER CODETIE4NTOEXISTNG WATER LINES, PER CODE SEWER LINE yfPER CODE A�SINK PATCH CONCRTE PER CODE SEWER LINE 411M=V.10194:d TRIMMERS 4- DEPTH CRUSHER OVER WEED FABRIC V -V ti Sunlit Designs, LLC Landmam kcNIa Mre&PNnninI 6644 Wadsworth ENvd. EvIto 4 Arvada, CO 80009 (P)303A09-3850 W W W.LVf11tdB91CJn5LOM O O L U U .O O � a r-+ U° co CU 0 LL � ILO 06 oO U 'CL U) ^a� W EQ) co U L LL a� co L (n W Ch L-15 v , City of Wheat and GENERAL NOTES COMMUNITY DEVEIAP B 1. ALL WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OR EASEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ("CITY") ENGINEERING REGULATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS. IF NO CITY STANDARD EXISTS, THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION M -STANDARDS SHALL APPLY. 2. AN APPROVED RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AND A MUNICIPAL CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE ARE REQUIRED FRIOR TO ANY WORK COMMENCING WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. ANY WORK PERFORMED WITHIN THE STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL REQUIRE AN APPROVED STATE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 3. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE OWNER/DEVELOPER AND CITY INSPECTOR OF ANY PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED WHICH WOULD ALTER THE ORIGINAL DESIGN OR CAUSE NON-CONFORMANCE WITH THE ORIGINAL APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR ANY ELEMENT OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO ITS CONSTRUCTION. 4. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THEDEVELOPER DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO RESOLVE CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS OR DESIGN ERRORS ENCOUNTERED BY THE CONTRACTOR DURING THE PROGRESS OF ANY PORTION OF THE PROPOSED WORK. IF, IN THE OPINION OF THE CITY'S INSPECTOR, THE MODIFICATIONS PRDPOSED BY THE DEVELOPER TO THE APPROVED PLANS INVOLVE SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE CHARACTER OF THE WORK OR TO FUTURE CONTIGUOUS PUBLIC OR PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS, THE DEVELOPER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBMITTING REVISED PLANS TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER CONSTRUCTION RELATED TO THAT PORTIDN OF WORK. ANY IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ORIGINAL APPROVED PLANS OR APPROVED REVISED PLANS SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE RECONSTRUCTED PER THE APPROVED PLANS. 5. UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO FOR LOCATION ON UNDERGROUND GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE UTILITIES AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. CALL C0811 AT 1.800.922.1987. 6. ALL UTILITY POLES SHALL BE RELOCATED PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. 7. WITH NOTIFICATION OF THE RESPECTIVE OWNER, ADJUST RIMS OF ALL CLEANOUTS, MANHOLES, VALVE COVERS AND SURVEY MONUMENTS PRIOR TO THE FINAL PAVING LIFT. S. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LIGHTS, SIGNS, BARRICADES, FLAGMEN OR OTHER DEVICES NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN INGRESS AND EGRESS TO PRIVATE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE WORK THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A WRITTEN AGREEMENT FROM THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNER(S) IMPACTED BY THIS ACCESS. 10. PRIOR TO THE FINAL LIFT OF SURFACE PAVEMENT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY MAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS STUBBED OUT BEYOND THE BACK OF CURB/SIDEWALK LINE WHEN ALLOWED BY THE UTILITY. SERVICE FROM PUBLIC UTILITIES AND FROM SANITARY SEWERS SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR EACH LOT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT WILL NOT BE NECESSARY TO DISTURB THE STREET PAVEMENT, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK WHEN CONNECTIONS ARE MADE. 11. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH "AS -BURT" PLANS (RECORD DRAWINGS) PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK AND ISSUANCE OF ANY CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY/COMPLETION. THE AS -BUILT PLANS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: a. I SCANNED PDF OF THE SIGNED & SEALED HARDCOPY, AND b. 1 ELECTRONIC AUTOCAD DWG FILE FORMAT. (ALL SHX AND EXTERNAL REFERENCE FILES MUST BE INCLUDED PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE). 12. AS -BUILT PLANS SHALL INCLUDE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT: a. STREETS: CROSS-SECTIONS AT REGULAR STATIONS AND OFFSETS AS ESTABLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHALL BE PROVIDED. b. DETENTION POND: SUFFICIENT SPOT ELEVATIONS FOR THE ENGINEER -OF -RECORD TO DETERMINE THE PROPER POND VOLUME. c. STORM SEWER: ELEVATIONS ARE TO BE INCLUDED FOR, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, MANHOLES (PIPE INVERTS & RIM), DROP INLETS (FL GRATE AND INVERTS), OUTLET STRUCTURE(S), TRICKLE CHANNEL(S), FES, HEADWALLS AND OTHER DRAINAGE -RELATED STRUCTURES. d. LIGHTING: THE LOCATION OF ALL STREETLIGHTS, PEDESTRIAN LIGHTS, PULL -BOXES, AND ELECTRIC METERS. e. SIGNS: ALL REGULATORY SIGNAGE WITHIN THE PROJECT SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE PLANS. f IRRIGATION: THE LOCATION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ANY IRRIGATION CONTROLLER BOXES, SPRINKLER HEADS, AND SPRINKLER VALVES THAT ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE CITY. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR AT 303.235.2861 AT LEAST TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE DESIRED INSPECTION. 14. NO PORTION OF THE STREET MAY BE FINAL PAVED UNTIL ALL STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, DESIGNED TO SERVE THE STREET AND/OR DEVELOPMENT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. 15. STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENTS SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT. MONUMENT HARDWARE AND RANGE BOXES WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UPON REQUEST (303.235.2861). 16. SEEDING AND MULCHING SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN THIRTY(30) DAYS OF INITIAL EXPOSURE OR SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER GRADING IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE IN A GIVEN AREA (AS DEFINED BY THE CITY). THIS MAY REQUIRE MULTIPLE MOBILIZATIONS FOR SEEDING AND MULCHING. 17. ANY DISTURBED AREA OR STOCKPILE NOT AT FINAL GRADE THAT IS TO BE LEFT EXPOSED FOR MORE THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS AND IS NOT SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, SHALL BE TEMPORARILY SEEDED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF PLACEMENT OR DISTURBANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE TEMPORARY SEEDING STANDARDS. IF THE SEASON OR STOCKPILE MATERIAL PROHIBITS TEMPORARY SEEDING, THE DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS OR STRAW MULCH AND TACKIFI?R, AND ANCHORED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SEEDING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 18. STOCKPILES OF ANY MATERIAL SHALL BE LOCATED FULLY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND NO LESS THAN 100 -FEET FROM THE BANKS OF THE NEAREST DRAINAGEWAY. STOCKPILE AREAS SHALL BE SIZED TO FULLY CONTAIN T HE MATERIAL BASED ON MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STOCKPILE SIDE SLOPES OF 3 (HORIZONTAL) TO I (VERTICAL) CHANNEL(S), FES, HEADWALLS AND OTHER DRAINAGE -RELATED STRUCTURES. d. LIGHTING: THE LOCATION OF ALL STREETLIGHTS, PEDESTRIAN LIGHTS, PULL -BOXES, AND ELECTRIC METERS. e. SIGNS: ALL REGULATORY SIGNAGE WITHIN THE PROJECT SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE PLANS. f IRRIGATION: THE LOCATION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ANY IRRIGATION CONTROLLER BOXES, SPRINKLER HEADS, AND SPRINKLER VALVES THAT ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE CITY. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR AT 303.235.2861 AT LEAST TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE DESIRED INSPECTION. 14. NO PORTION OF THE STREET MAY BE FINAL PAVED UNTIL ALL STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, DESIGNED TO SERVE THE STREET AND/OR DEVELOPMENT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. 15. STREET RIGHT-O&WAY MONUMENTS SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT. MONUMENT HARDWARE AND RANGE BOXES WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE UPON REQUEST (303.235.2861). 16. SEEDING AND MULCHING SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF INITIAL EXPOSURE OR SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER GRADING IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE IN A GIVEN AREA (AS DEFINED BY THE CITY). THIS MAY REQUIRE MULTIPLE MOBILIZATIONS FOR SEEDING AND MULCHING. 17. ANY DISTURBED AREA OR STOCKPILE NOT AT FINAL GRADE THAT IS TO BE LEFT EXPOSED FOR MORE THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS AND IS NOT SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, SHALL BE TEMPORARILY SEEDED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF PLACEMENT OR DISTURBANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE TEMPORARY SEEDING STANDARDS. IF THE SEASON OR STOCKPILE MATERIAL PROHIBITS TEMPORARY SEEDING, THE DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS OR STRAW MULCH AND TACKIFIER, AND ANCHORED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SEEDING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 18. STOCKPILES OF ANY MATERIAL SHALL BE LOCATED FULLY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND NO LESS THAN 100 -FEET FROM THE BANKS OF THE NEAREST DRAINAGEWAY. STOCKPILE AREAS SHALL BE SIZED TO FULLY CONTAIN THE MATERIAL BASED ON MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STOCKPILE SIDE SLOPES OF 3 (HORIZONTAL) TO I (VERTICAL) CONSTRUCTION. FROM THE APPROVED CIVIL CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHOWING PLACEMENT OF THE LIGHT BASES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THE ROW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION. b. BUILDING PERMIT. A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ONLY. THE (ELECTRICAL) BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRES A COMPLETE SET OF ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLANS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ONE -LINE DIAGRAMS AND SPECIFIC COMPONENT INFORMATION THAT ARE TO BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL TO THE BUILDING DIVISION (303.235.2876). THE ELECTRICAL PLANS WILL BE REVIEWED BY BOTH THE BUILDING DIVISION AND PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS. 27. ALL NEW STREETS SHALL FULLY ADHERE TO THE CITY'S NEWASPHALT STREET CONSTRUCTION POLICYFOR DEVELOPMENTS POLICY DATED DECEMBER 21, 2018 (THE "POLICY"). THE POLICY REQUIRES THAT FOR NEW ROADWAYS ONLY THE BOTTOM LIFT OF ASPHALT MAY BE PLACED AND MUST BE MAINTAINED BY THE DEVELOPER FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE WINTER CYCLE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE TOP FINAL LIFT OF ASPHALT. REFER TO THE POLICY HYPERLINK FOUND ON THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS/DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WEB PAGE FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THE POLICY. SITE PLA BUILDING 45,a 112' 12' SIGNS MOUNTED ON BLW.SUPPORTBOR SIGN POerr& a ,• SIGN TO BE PL ED IN BTYP MIDDLE OF PARKING SPRGE PM mTO FLOW BALKOFSIGN. OF TRAFFIC. x WHOcs. CoRNBRIMMUS MUEONWHITE>Ma umlHaN,NN. RESERVED �• PARKING— 24'tNIN) FROM FAGE OF RB r IYP. TVP. TYP.ci CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE T-CO1 ADA PARK SIGN DETAIL CODE DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS ADA SIGN & PLACEMENT T on APPRa oNGINEERING DIVIBY SYN SION �L2 Sunlit Designs, LLC Landecom kchileclum&Planning 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 4 Arvada. CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sunlitdesigna.com 75 O L U 0 U .O .O � a r—F co O coU (B U 00 06 0 (D O U 0) m C U a� O Q (n W M L-16 NOTES 1. ALL DRIVABLE SURFACES ARE DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE A VEHICLE DESIGN WEIGHT OF 85,000 LBS. 2. THE EXISTING BUILDING HEIGHT OF THE SCHOOL IS 22 FEET. SITE DATA ZONING: RESIDENTIAL—THREE (R-3) RESIDENTIAL—TWO (R-2) CHURCH AND SCHOOL LOT SIZE 168,469 SF (3.867 AC) CHURCH: BUILDING SIZE 23,005 SF SCHOOL: BUILDING SIZE 19,076 SF 1. Access among construction shall comply with IFC Chapter 33 and NFPA Standard 241. Z When fire apparatus access roads or water supply forfire profusion is happened to be installedsuch protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the home of construction except when approved atlemativa methods of protection are provided and approved by the Fire Didna. 3. Vehicle access shall be provided by either temporary or permanent roads capable of suppling vehicle loading under all weather conditions. Vehicle access shall be maintained unfil permanent fire apparatus access roads are available. West Metro Fire Rescue requires, at a minimum, a first lift of asphalt on the approved access mind poor to abme ground construction. 4. As amended, fire department axes roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 fest of width at all times. 5. The fire apparatus access road shall extend to within 150 fast of all cations of the facility and all cordons of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the bull or facility. Signs prohibiting parking or obstructing the designated actress madla) shall be posted conspicuously throughoct. 6. Temporary street signs shall be posted throughout the build site and premises identification Omit addressing) shall be poste! conspicuously on each individual unit. 7. Gates may be chained andlor locked W prohibit access when woM is not being conducted on he site. 8. Gate width shall provde 20' of clear space. Vertical clearance shall not be less than 13 feet 6 nches, 9. Vehicle access shall be provided to within IDO feet of temporary or permanent fire depadmentxnnections. 10. An approved wsler supply for fire protection, either temporary or permanent, shall be made available prior to the delivery of any combustible construction materials. 11. Prior to requital a final Wilding inspection, the following site elements must be installed and available for inspection: a. Fina landscaping in the vanity of all fire protection features (FDC, fire hydrants, etc) s Required fire lane markings and signage. c. Buidiaddress, monument signs, street signs, and all other wayfinding elements. at Gains, fences, and other bemers that may obstruct binding abees. e. Bollards and other edenor protection amuses. t Knox box or Knox key actress features (gee access etc.) LEGEND a _,a CONCRETE d CRUSHER FINES ARTIFICIAL TURF GRASS BRICK PAVERS THICKENED REINFORCED CONCRETE PICNIC TABLES KNOX BOX LOCK FIRE HYDRANT 42 Sunlit Designs, LLC Landscape Architecture & Pani 6644 Wadsworth Blvd. Suite 4 Arvada, CO 80003 (P)303-909-3850 www.sunlitdesigna.com 75 O L U U .O .O � a r-+ M C: U° wis C0 (U O d N m 0 (D O CL WU E au) m (a N U 0 '^ vJ a� O L (n W M L-17 From. W TO: COmmM Pa SubjM: FW: Mine Form Si SME Wmk Permit- WW neatlopmen6 only DMe: Thu day, nay 27, MI 10:26:02 PM AbFschm - D00006.ndf Hello Tammi, Attached please find the new form of payment. Please let me know if you have any questions. Respectfully, Norma Esthela Serrano Business / OperaBons Manager Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Phone: 303-424-3706 Ext. 23 Pad=h I Schaal I all From: Norma Serrano Sent: Thursday, May 27, 20218:01 AM To: Bruce Kehr <bkehr@sunlitdesigns.com> Subject: RE: Online Form Submittal: SITE Work Permit - Large Developments Only Hello Bruce, That amount exceeds the credit card limit. I have changed the form to the a -check method of payment. Thankyoul Respectfully, Normo Esthelo Serrano Business / OperaBons Manager Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Phone: 303-424-3706 Ext. 23 Polish I School I Give From: Bruce Kehr <hkehrangmlitdPsien=^ m> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 20216:31 PM To: Norma Serrano <oneratinngm nagPrsbirptPrandnanlrathnlir one Subject: Fwd: Online Form Submittal: SITE Work Permit - Large Developments Only Norma, FYI, see attached and advise Thanks - Bruce 303.909.3850 Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Get Outlook for Android From: CommDev Permits <Permitsibud.wheatridre.co.us> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021, SAC AM To: bkehrfdsunlitdesiens.com Subject: RE: Online Form Submittal: SITE Work Permit - large Developments Only Good morning, I tried to run the payment for the plan review fee, it did not go through. The error said "Please contact your financial institution for assistance." I will need this payment to further process the application. The amount that is due for the Plan Review is: $2934.78 Thankyou Tamm Calhoun Permit Technician 7500 W. 291th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 00033 www.of wheamepe op us 164f I City of 39 WheatlUdge t;OMMUNITT DevrtoPrtFur CONFIDE N Alm NOTICE This email turbine Guffiesnconraenoal Inmrmater, It is Intended only for the use ohne Inalviduai or entity named above. If you are not intended hydrant, you am notified that any dindmure. copvmg duvmuton, eleamnlc storage or e of this communication Is prohibited. If you received this communicator in error, please nazi v, us Immediately by a -mai, attaching the original message, and delete the original message from your computer, and any network to which your computer is formal Thank you. From: no-renlynp ri authentic idecr if <no-rtyplybiwheatriege no ns> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 20218:36 AM To: CommDev Permits <Permit=rdci wreath iduty r no Subject: Online Form Submittal: SITE Work Permit- Large Developments Only SITE Work Permit - Large Developments Only Items Needed to Submit THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Do you have the following Signed Proof of Submission Form to Water District, Signed Proof ready to attach to this of Submission Form to Sanitation District, Signed Proof of application?These forms Submission Form to Fire District are required to submit for plan review. Upload Proof of Submission Peter and Paul Proof -Wheat Ridue Water.odf to Water District Upload Proof of Submission WIRSID 3900 P ence St Meat R due Proof Form Ave I Ur STS to Sanitation District Peter and Paul Catholic School.odf Upload Proof of Submission West Metro Fire -Proof M Submissionndf to Fire District Step 2 PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 3900 Pierce Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Owner Name Archdiocese of Denver Property Owner Phone 303-715-3297 Num ber(enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Property Owner Email in ke.wisneskidamhderioro Address CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor or Sunlit Designs, LLC Architect's Business Name Contact Name for Plan Bruce Kehr Review Comments Contact Phone Number 303-909-3850 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contact Email Address for bkehindsmiRdesions.com Plan Review Comments Plan Review Contact Email DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Scope of Work - Remove asphalt parking to create recreation area Example: New Commercial Building for Roger's Grocery Market Square Footage of New 28,800 Construction Upload Full Size Set of Civils FTS. Pater and Paul Caholic School East Camrn. Project BidPermit Bated!f Upload Engineer Stamped 75960 -LSP -C21 fil.odf copy of approved CCP (Construction Control Plan) Project Value(On-site645,226 Improvements Only) PLAN REVIEW FEE IS REQUIRED AT TIME OF SUBMITTAL Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form -Revised 5-1-20 Electronic Payment Form- FilinNA 2172005011620013 9202008081141.1 '•DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD** SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full responsibility Yes for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work may Yes not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have been Yes authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Permit Mark Demosky Email not displaying wmeclly? view it in your browser. From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Perm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: SITE Work Permit - Large Developments Only Date: Wednesday, May 26, 20218:36:25 AM SITE Work Permit - Large Developments Only Items Needed to Submit THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Do you have the Signed Proof of Submission Form to Water District, Signed Proof following ready to of Submission Form to Sanitation District, Signed Proof of attach to this Submission Form to Fire District application? These forms are required to submit for plan review. Upload Proof of Peter and Paul Proof -Wheat Ridae Water.odf Submission to Water District Upload Proof of WRSD 3900 Pierce St Wheat Ridae Proof Form Avail Ltr STS Submission to Peter and Paul Catholic School.odf Sanitation District Upload Proof of West Metro Fire -Proof of Submission.odf Submission to Fire District Step 2 PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 3900 Pierce Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Property Owner Name Archdiocese of Denver Property Owner Phone 303-715-3297 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email mike.wisneski@archden.org Address CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor or Sunlit Designs, LLC Architect's Business Name Contact Name for Plan Bruce Kehr Review Comments Contact Phone Number 303-909-3850 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contact Email Address bkehr@sunlitdesigns.com for Plan Review Comments Plan Review Contact tsommervold@designscapes.org Email DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Scope of Remove asphalt parking to create recreation area Work - Example: New Commercial Building for Roger's Grocery Market Square Footage of 28,800 New Construction Upload Full Size Set of STS. Peter and Paul Catholic School East Campus Recreation Civils Project BidPermit Set.pdf Upload Engineer 75960 -LSP -C21 (1).pdf Stamped copy of approved CCP (Construction Control Plan) Project Value (On-site 645,226 Improvements Only) PLAN REVIEW FEE IS REQUIRED AT TIME OF SUBMITTAL Attach City of Wheat Electronic Payment Form - Revised 5-1-20 Ridge Electronic Fillable 202005011620013849 202006081141368198 (002) pdf Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Mark Demrosky Permit Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 44" City of Wheat Ridge _A� Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 202100453 PERMIT NO: 202100453 ISSUED: 03/08/2021 JOB ADDRESS: 3900 Pierce St EXPIRES: 03/08/2022 JOB DESCRIPTION: Reroof TPO/EPDM, 0/12 pitch, 15 squares total on vestibule and garage *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)424-3706 ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER SUB (303)425-1083 MATTHEW ROCK 017908 ROCK'S ROOFING INC. *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 501 / BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 12,000.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 252.00 Permit Fee 236.00 ** TOTAL ** 488.00 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** COMMERCIAL FLAT ROOFS: In order to pass a final inspection on commercial elastomeric or similar type roofing, a WARRANTY LETTER from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. LADDER MUST BE SET FOR ALL ROOF INSPECTIONS: A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. ALL PITCHED ROOFS REQUIRE A MIDROOF INSPECTION REGARDLESS OF PITCH. MIDROOF & SHEATHING: Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) is required on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Sheathing and Mid -roof inspections may be called in at the same time, 100 percent of the sheathing must be complete and 25-75 percent of the midroof may be complete. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. REGARDING ROOF VENTILATION: Roof ventilation shall comply with Building Division Policy BD -18-001 for Balanced Ventilation Systems, or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. FOR ROOF PITCH 6/12 AND OVER: Midroof & Final Roof inspections for ROOFS with 6/12 PITCH & OVER: 3rd party inspection will be required for both the midroof and final inspections. The 3rd party inspection report AND THE ORIGINAL PERMIT CARD needs to be dropped off to the Permit Desk at the City of Wheat Ridge. The report MUST BE SIGNED by the Homeowner. 1* � 4 41' PERMIT NO: JOB ADDRESS: JOB DESCRIPTION: City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 202100453 202100453 3900 Pierce St ISSUED: 03/08/2021 EXPIRES: 03/08/2022 Reroof TPO/EPDM, 0/12 pitch, 15 squares total on vestibule and garage I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this�permrt. I further attest that I am leg ally authorized to include al entities entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1, This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This.permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180, days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and��procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all requ�ired inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, anviolation of any provision of any pplicab e code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. 03/08/2021 Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Perm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: Roofing Permit Application Date: Monday, March 8, 2021 12:11:06 PM Roofing Permit Application THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN REROOFING UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this property Residential Commercial or Residential? How many dwelling units are on the property? Single Family Home PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 3900 Pierce St. Property Owner Name Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church Property Owner Phone 303-424-3706 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email Field not completed. Address Do you have a signed Yes contract to reroof this property? CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Rocks Roofing Inc. Name Contractor's License 017908 Number Contractor Phone 3034251083 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Contractor Email rocksroofinginc@hotmail.com Address Retype Contractor rocksroofinginc@hotmai1.com Email Address Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" DESCRIPTION OF WORK TOTAL SQUARES of the entire scope of wo rk: Project Value (contract value or cost of ALL materials and labor) 12 vestibule 3 garage total 15 M818181816/ Are you re -decking the No roof? Is the permit for a flat roof, pitched roof, or both? (check all that apply) Flat roof (less than 2:12 pitch) What is the pitch of the 0/12 FLAT roof? How many squares are part of the FLAT roof? Describe the roofing material for the FLAT roof: Type of material for the FLAT roof: Provide any additional detail here on the description of work. (Is this for a house or garage? Etc) 15 vestibule and garage 60 MIL TPO roofing system. IIli7AMINDI d Vestibule and Garage SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that this Yes application is NOT a permit. I understand I will be contacted by the City to pay for and pick up the permit for this property. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Matthew Rock Permit Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 44" City of Wheat Ridge _A� Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 202100453 PERMIT NO: 202100453 ISSUED: 03/08/2021 JOB ADDRESS: 3900 Pierce St EXPIRES: 03/08/2022 JOB DESCRIPTION: Reroof TPO/EPDM, 0/12 pitch, 15 squares total on vestibule and garage *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)424-3706 ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER SUB (303)425-1083 MATTHEW ROCK 017908 ROCK'S ROOFING INC. *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 501 / BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 12,000.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 252.00 Permit Fee 236.00 ** TOTAL ** 488.00 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** COMMERCIAL FLAT ROOFS: In order to pass a final inspection on commercial elastomeric or similar type roofing, a WARRANTY LETTER from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. LADDER MUST BE SET FOR ALL ROOF INSPECTIONS: A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. ALL PITCHED ROOFS REQUIRE A MIDROOF INSPECTION REGARDLESS OF PITCH. MIDROOF & SHEATHING: Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) is required on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Sheathing and Mid -roof inspections may be called in at the same time, 100 percent of the sheathing must be complete and 25-75 percent of the midroof may be complete. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. REGARDING ROOF VENTILATION: Roof ventilation shall comply with Building Division Policy BD -18-001 for Balanced Ventilation Systems, or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. FOR ROOF PITCH 6/12 AND OVER: Midroof & Final Roof inspections for ROOFS with 6/12 PITCH & OVER: 3rd party inspection will be required for both the midroof and final inspections. The 3rd party inspection report AND THE ORIGINAL PERMIT CARD needs to be dropped off to the Permit Desk at the City of Wheat Ridge. The report MUST BE SIGNED by the Homeowner. 1* � 4 41' PERMIT NO: JOB ADDRESS: JOB DESCRIPTION: City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 202100453 202100453 3900 Pierce St ISSUED: 03/08/2021 EXPIRES: 03/08/2022 Reroof TPO/EPDM, 0/12 pitch, 15 squares total on vestibule and garage I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this�permrt. I further attest that I am leg ally authorized to include al entities entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1, This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This.permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180, days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and��procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all requ�ired inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, anviolation of any provision of any pplicab e code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. 03/08/2021 Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Perm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: Roofing Permit Application Date: Monday, March 8, 2021 12:11:06 PM Roofing Permit Application THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN REROOFING UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this property Residential Commercial or Residential? How many dwelling units are on the property? Single Family Home PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 3900 Pierce St. Property Owner Name Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church Property Owner Phone 303-424-3706 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email Field not completed. Address Do you have a signed Yes contract to reroof this property? CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Rocks Roofing Inc. Name Contractor's License 017908 Number Contractor Phone 3034251083 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Contractor Email rocksroofinginc@hotmail.com Address Retype Contractor rocksroofinginc@hotmai1.com Email Address Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" DESCRIPTION OF WORK TOTAL SQUARES of the entire scope of wo rk: Project Value (contract value or cost of ALL materials and labor) 12 vestibule 3 garage total 15 M818181816/ Are you re -decking the No roof? Is the permit for a flat roof, pitched roof, or both? (check all that apply) Flat roof (less than 2:12 pitch) What is the pitch of the 0/12 FLAT roof? How many squares are part of the FLAT roof? Describe the roofing material for the FLAT roof: Type of material for the FLAT roof: Provide any additional detail here on the description of work. (Is this for a house or garage? Etc) 15 vestibule and garage 60 MIL TPO roofing system. IIli7AMINDI d Vestibule and Garage SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that this Yes application is NOT a permit. I understand I will be contacted by the City to pay for and pick up the permit for this property. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Person Applying for Matthew Rock Permit Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - Building Inspection -Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 3 0 & - /)7 j Job Address: 3 9 o D (rte (`e rce G4 - Permit Number: '-) O ) 'R O )gi -7 & sd- Qoo� U 1rch c1 - -F e( o ne a s a. v_ po, r4 -q Q -e qj v r re d --Por- 4-'1'n.,) rre of cJ y ❑ No one available for inspection Time / 0 = -S ) &PM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234-5933 Date: -7 0'7//.19 Inspector: —.b DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE At rn ► $ City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 201801976 PERMIT NO: 201801976 ISSUED: 07/11/2018 JOB ADDRESS: 3900 Pierce ST EXPIRES: 07/11/2019 JOB DESCRIPTION: Commercial re -roof tearing off existing shingles of Church & Convent, and installing underlayment, and Tamko Heritage asphalt shingles. Building A -Squares: 177; Pitch: 6/12 and Building B -Squares 50; Pitch: 4/12 *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (303)424-3706 ST. PETER & PAUL CHURCH SUB (303)360-0708 Curtis Boyd 017261 Academy Roofing, Inc. *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 124,242.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 2,609.08 Permit Fee 1,293.30 ** TOTAL ** 3,902.38 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** In order to pass a final inspection on commercial elastomeric or similar type roofing, a letter of inspection and approval from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) is required on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Sheathing and Mid -roof inspections may be called in at the same time, 100 percent of the sheathing must be complete and 25-75 percent of the midroof may be complete. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. Roof ventilation is required to comply with applicable codes and/or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. 14 91 City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofing PERMIT - 201801976 PERMIT NO: 201801976 ISSUED: 07/11/2018 JOB ADDRESS: 3900 Pierce ST EXPIRES: 07/11/2019 JOB DESCRIPTION: Commercial re -roof tearing off existing shingles of Church & Convent, and installing underlayment, and Tamko Heritage asphalt shingles. Building A -Squares: 177; Pitch: 6/12 and Building B -Squares 50; Pitch: 4/12 Lb my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am leggally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed d that all work to be riormed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. c C— 7, Signature of O R or CONTRACTO (Circle one) Date I 'This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5, The permit holder shall noti the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required ins pectiguswand shall n4pr d or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Divisi6. The i ce or antir its all not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any appl ny lation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PH ANY BUSINESS DAY rOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. 111 �l I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY City of Date: fj � W heat Fide r1V COMMUN1Ty DEVELOPMENT Plan/Permit# Building & Inspection Services Division '�_Dl ', � [ q /') cp 7500 W. 291h Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Plan Review Fee: Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: 3900 Pierce St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 - Sts Peter & Paul Parish - Church & Convent Property Owner (please print): Saints Peter & Paul Parish Phone: 303-424-3706 Property Owner Email: mesworthy@academyroofinginc.com Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Architect/Engineer: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Contractor: Academy Roofing, Inc Phone: Contractors City License #: 17261 Phone: 303-360-0708 Contractor E-mail Address: ktangeman@academyroofinginc.com Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ® COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ® RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESIDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ OTHER (Describe) (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) We will be tearing off the existing shingles on the Church & Convent, install underlayment, an install Tamko Heritage shingles. See site map attached. Church - Building A - 177 SQ - 6/12 Convent - Building B - 50 SQ - 4/12 Sq. FULF Amps Btu's Squares 227 SQ Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) 124,242.00 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: Sheryl Strange SIGNATURE: ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Reviewer: PROOF OF SUBMISSION FORMS Fire Department ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Water District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required Sanitation District ❑ Received ❑ Not Required DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DATE: 7/11/18 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Building Division Valuation: $ Estimate 47768 �-rrACALInrMy 1610 JASPER AURORA, 0800E 4/18/2018 ROOFINGINC. PHONE: (303) 360.0708 Email: salesngim:.com FAX: (303) 364.6053 web: www academyroofinginucom Customer Work Location Horizon West Builders home: (303) 710-0575 3900 Pierce St Mobile: (303) 594-5625 Attn: Accounts Payable Work; (303) 451-7086 Horizon West Builders Work: (303) 666-8323 3855 E 151st Ave E -Mail: jp@horizonwestbuilders.mm Jeff Neitenbach E -Mail: jp@horizonwestbuilders.com Brighton, CO 80602 3900 Pierce St St Peter & sit Paul Parish Church . Wheat Ridge, 00 80033 Academy Roofing Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor) proposes to provide all materials, labor and equipment necessary to perform the folowing at the Job Location. Prices include all applicable sales taxes, clean-up and removal of roofing debris, (unless otherwise noted). Contractor shall hold in taut any payment received from Customer until Contractor has delivered roofing materials at the site or has performed a majority of the roofing work on Customer's property (refer to Terms & Conditions #1) . Estimated date Of service to be determined upon Contractor receiving signed contract. - Estimator. Jwemy Scholz Residential Replacement Estimate p/ga�thealrbaxes15e/awand total � .._...,__.. __...._. Description Estimate Roofing: Asphalt Remove and haul away (1) layer of existing roofing on the Church. Remove and haul away (2) layers of existing roofing on the Convent. Remove and haul away (4) layers of existing roofing on the Rental & Garage. Replace damaged roof deck if necessary.* Install ice and water barrier at the eave line of the roof 24" inside the exterior wail per code. Install roof deck protection. o (1) layer of synthetic underlayment. ' Install metal around perimeter of roof. o 2" x 2" pre -painted steel drip edge at rakes on the Church, Rental, Tower, & Garage. o 2" x 4" pre -painted steel drip edge at eaves on the Church, Rental, Tower, & Garage. o 2" x 2" 16oz Copper drip edge at rakes on the Convent. o 2" x 4" 16oz Copper drip edge at eaves on the Convent. Install wind protection around the perimeter of the roof (starter strip). Install valley flashing o Valley liner for closed valley application on the Church, Rental, & Garage. o 16 oz Copper for open valley application on the Convent. Install shingles and all related accessory products per high wind application instructions. Replace vents and metal roof penetrations and paint to coordinate with roof color. Replace all wall flashings to meet applicable codes. Clean gutter and downspouts. Perform final clean up. Reroof with Tamko Heritage laminated asphalt shingles. (Limited 30 Year Warranty) - Church: $88,315.00 Convent: $30,183.00 40_604i,5 - Rental: $7,636.00 Tower: $2,665.00 -qD, 6 01-75 .Garage: $3,722.00 If we discover damaged roof decking when the existing roofing is removed, we will document the condition, ` and replace the damaged roof decking at an additional $65 per 4' x 8' sheet of 7/16" 0S8 sheathing. Page 1 of 5 Notes: - Buildings showed evidence of hail damage. Permit price shall be added to the total bill once incurred. - Copy of permit shall accompany final bill for insurance company to reimburse homeowner. Academy Roofing will pick up trash and magnet sweep for nails every night before leaving the site. All property will be protected from debris during the entire roofing process. All work performed and materials used will meet or exceed current Building Code requirements. All roofs installed by Academy Roofing will undergo our quality assurance review prior to being scheduled for Building Department Inspection. - Pricing excludes gutter and downspouts. (Priced separately below). Pricing excludes any flat roof work on the Tower. Pricing based on painted steel flashings on Church, Rental, & Garage. Pricing based on copper flashings and copper open valley metal on Convent. Price based on good access for loading of material (trailer, loading truck, roll -off, dumpster, etc.). Option: Cap Flashing Replacement Remove and haul away all existing cap flashing on the Church and the School. Install new 24 gauge cap flashing. Option: Skylight Replacement @ Church Remove and replace (2) dome skylights on the office portion of the church, and (1) large skylight over the entry of the church. (Price excludes any interior work due to skylight installation). Gutter: 5" Primed or Pre -painted Steel @ Church, Rental, & Garage Remove and haul away the existing gutter on the Church, Rental, & Garage. Install 5" 26 gauge primed or pre -painted steel ogee style gutter. Install 3" x 4" 28 gauge primed or pre -painted steel downspouts in standard color. * * All 3" x 4" downspouts include a fabricated outlet. Estimate: 47768 -- School Add: $31,608.00 LrJ Church Add: $6,058.00 .— Add: $3,095.00 Church Gutter: C urch Downspouts: 4("6 Q�S Garage Gutter: 10750b S+—Garage Downspouts: '7' M_ pi:!O Rental Gutter. Rental Downspouts: 56 Gutter: 7" Primed or Pre -Painted Steel @ Flat Roof of Church Remove and haul away the existing gutter on the flat roof of the church. Install 7" 24 gauge primed or pre -painted steel box profile gutter. r... Install 4" x 5" 24 gauge primed or pre -painted steel box profile downspouts in standard color. $2,837.00 Page 2 of 5 $3,506.00 $2,908.00 $671.00 $210.00 $1,104.00 $708.00 $2,837.00 Page 2 of 5 Estimate: 47768 Gutter: 5" 16oz Copper 0 Convent Remove and haul away existing gutter on the convent. $8,842.00 [� Using hidden hangers on 24" centers, install 5" 16oz Copper ogee style gutter. Install 2" x 3" 16oz Copper downspouts. Notes: - Price excludes underground drain or adaptors. (Adaptor pricing available upon request). - Price valid with reroof contract only. Standard installation includes: - Hidden hangers on 24" centers. - All gutter is seamless, except at corners. - Mitre joints are jobsite fabricated and sealed with an approved sealant. May we place a yard sign on your property? Total from items checked: $ p �, ED Yes EONo / Page 3 of 5 Estimate: 47768 Workmanship Warranty 5 years Payment is due upon completion. Customer may withhold up to 10% of total invoice amount pending inspection by building official. All sums not paid when due shall earn interest at the rate of 1% per month until paid and contractor shall be entitled to recover all costs of collection, including attorneys fees, if contractor is not paid. The terms and conditions set forth on the following page are a part of this proposal. Roof price is figured using driveway access for uploading roofing materials and down loading all roofing debris. Price includes permits (unless otherwise noted). This Proposal expires thirty (30) days after the date stated above if not earlier accepted, revised or withdrawn. ACCEPTANCE The proposed prices, specification and terms and conditions are satisfactory and hereby accepted. You are authorized to proceed with work. Payment will be made as indicated above. Property Owner is _ / is not— intending to make payments from the proceeds of a property and casualty insurance di'h , Jeremy Scholz Date Accepted Accepting Our Proposal Check the item(s) on the proposal that you want us to perform. Select your roof/gutter type and color. Total the dollar amount at the bottom of the proposal for all the items you want us to perform. Sign and date the proposal. Email, fax, mail or drop off the signed proposal at our office. Signature Selecting a Color Please indicate your product and color selection in the spaces at the bottom of this page. We will insert your job into our schedule based upon having your product and color selections for all items you are purchasing. We can assist you with choosing products/color in the following ways: 1. We can deliver sample boards to the location of your choice.t'111-'1aLr JV'T" -7—Z 2. If you wish to see a home with a certain roof product/color, we can provide you a list of addresses where you can view the product/color. Scheduling Your Job Your job wili be scheduled when you provide your product and color selections. You will receive a call from our Operations Department within 2 weeks to give you your projected schedule date. A week before your job is scheduled to begin we will send you information to help you prepare for the work that we are going to perform. *If you choose a standard weight tile roof, you must hire an engineer to inspect your home for tile suitability and then send us their written report concerning the structural modifications necessary (if any) for tile roof installation. We cannot begin the roof without this letter. We can provide the name of a professional engineer if you desire. Product. • Color Selection: Product: Color Selection: Expert Installation — Innovative Solutions AF -J)- RCA Be ,- 0111cial Re91steted caff4mnY ✓1� , IP�.'I 3 ik'. j j N94=w" R=69 i.Cv7Qu=3 (tsssir.?$lCv "3 Page 4 of 5 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office - (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 'P� C I - I v C-,) 'C'C Job Address: 3 9 o c -)- Permit Number: -P 0 i-7 C, 4 w n `7 -- & F- < --r-7 e v + )c4- a -e Q, L ,,ed , -Fr; ❑ No one available for inspection: Time _, 3 AM Re -Inspection required: & No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303-234- Date:- l 1/1-7 //9 Inspector: —T``6 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 1S i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _1�9rBuilding Inspection Division (303) 234-5933 Inspection line (303) 235-2855 Office • (303) 237-8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: il� L s - rk U'5 ��« / ; ' s ne Job Address: 3 9 c o Q "cf i c- S 4 - Permit Number: 2 0 1-7 © 51 C--1 E °-7 '� L I �) C' 11 J N I i q Ca1CUIc�e / cx �o DCC' L1pc„icy C-0 r-r,P C 41, on s C 0 „? 0 te- Je c! gv 5 ",n.e 5:5, m a n a. a 16 r- - i- r- a n a c/ c_a4A o 1, c _ O r-.7 303- 92 V- 37o4. x 79-� ❑ No one available for inspection: Time 3 = 1 S AMPM Re -Inspection required: Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -inspection at 303 -234 - Date: / /jos Inspector: —rt, DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE f " i City of Date: �~ COMMUNI'FY DEVELOPMENT 11 � ISC_> I CS . Building Inspection Services Division 500 W, 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 89133 Plan Review Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection tine: 33-234-5933 fft—.2 so zim Property ner ail r Mailing Address: ("if different than property address) Address: City, State, rch rt n ar E-mail.- horse* tr+r�tcac: Contractors ti Contractor 1 Address: Sub ont t W.R. City License # Wk City License # W. E. City License Other City Licensed Sub. Other City Licensed Seth; City License ## City License # Complete atl information stn BOTH sidles of this for N N�! µ ♦ ® #• I NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ELECTRICAL I #ICE .. I! NEW RESIDENTIALSTRUCTURE COMMERCIALROOFING ".,(COMMERCIAL l •N RESIDENTIAL ROOFING KSDENTIAL ADDITION !• STRUCTURE#COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY .ri deck,. .s. shed, MECHANICAL SYSTEMAPPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT amount of materials to be used, etc.) Sq. FULF Btu's Gaiiom Afnps Square$r Certificate Of Completion Building Division 7500 W 29TH AVE WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-8001 This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for © City must be met. Owner: ST. PETER & PAUL CHURCH 3900 PIERCE ST. WHEAT RIDGE, CO ■0■33 Contractor: Bryan Neitenbach 3855 E 151ST AVE BRIGHTON CO 80602 For the Following Purpose: Commercial Remodel Mpfflqmg� - MM NO «hang® shall be made in the USE of this building without prior notice and a new Certificate Of Completion from the City of Wheat Ridge. City of W he, z�t d, Tc COMMUNrry DEVEI.OPMUNT 9 MW W =z �4=11 i f JOR OFFICE USE ONLY Nkk planffleemlit I 11 2 , �) � 4 1 t VV Plan Review Fee: , � ic3 $ 2,, M I City, State, Zip: Phone: ArchiteeVEnginser E-mail: contractor: , 11 2-12117 ", Contractors Cfty Ucense #.- Phone.--10-1 cy 0004*00* Electrical: 1/ 3 t /r ( 1�1'c • City License Plumbing: Ftw,4i' 1� W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE COMMERCIAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL ADDITION RESIDENTIAL ROOFING RESDENTIAL ADDITION WINDOW REPLACEMENT COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc,) RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT PLUMBING SYSTEMIAPPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ELECTRICAL SYSTEMIAPPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT *THER (Describe),ewd�,,o/-, Sq. FULF Stu' s Geltons Amps Squares Other CRY of ' ��rWfi;�atR�dge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29(b Ave Wbeat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p� 301235,2855j 303.237.8929 I & M MMMZI� «. .� . «. . documents: am a duty authorized representative of the agency Jre below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary indicated above. Agency Notes: Signature: Date: • M City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Building 7500 W 9"' Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 P: 303.235, 2855 F: 30123T8929 August 1, 2014 Jim Paull Jim.pauli@jparchitect.com RE: 3900 Pierce Street St Peter & Paul Church To help you get through the plan review process the construction of the new girl's restroom plans need additional submittals, and they are: 1. Architectural Plans to be drawn on minimum 11 X 17 inch paper, scaled, stamped and signed by an architect. 2. Please submit separate floor plans, one depicting existing conditions and one with the new bathroom construction. 3. Please submit detailed wall construction, one-hour fire-resistive wall/floor penetration protection. 4. How will the bathroom construction meet accessibility required by chapter 34 of the 2006 IBC and ANSI A117.1` 5. Please submit plurnbing plans complete with isometric of the DWV and water system; stamped and signed by an engineer/architect. 6. Electrical drawings detailing outlet placement, branch circuit sizing, and location of panel where the bathroom where the branch circuits terminate. 7. Please submit mechanical drawings detailing the ventilation of the restroom; stamped and signed by an engineer/architect. Please call me if you have any questions. M� www.cLwheatrjdge.co,us CITY O?WHEAT RIDGE ? Building Inspect +« Division 03) 234-59 I nspection ya (303) 2..y >yl ... Fax Inspection Type:: 2*¥ ±¥¥<f»s P- Permit Number: : Ems. UN M3 MARCHGARD C= tc sacrcl and aMas °mvd to c:aermclh;z and astsctta° «are stan&W knui z2l f3RI;,_2003Jcs a ` ,333 -'003 and cat `cga -2, 7-m9I Prinmd in £ hnad " 1 City of Wheat Ridge . Residential Plumbing PERMIT - 102208 - PERMIT NO: 102208 ISSUED: 09/20/2010 JOB ADDRESS: 3900 PIERCE ST EXPIRES: 09/20/2011 DESCRIPTION: Repair 10 if of sewer line . in yard only * ** CONTACTS * ** owner 720/255 -6536 Robert Maes sub 303/696 -9599 Steve Wakeham 01 -9921 Pipeline Industries, Inc. ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA SUBDIVISION: 0406 USE: UA BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 2,750.00 FEES Permit Fee 93.35 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 49.50 ** TOTAL ** 142.85 Conditions: Subject to field inspections. I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. Signature of contractor /owner 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. date This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. This permit shall expire 180 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be received prior to expiration date. An extension may be granted at the discretion of the Building Official. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one -half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty -four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. All plan review is subject to field inspections. Signature of Chief Building Official date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY.. To Whom It May Concern, We had applied for a permit to repair the sewer service at 3900 Pierson $t. The correct address for our work is 3900 Pierce. If you could help us make these changes on our permit we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Jay Russell Operations Manager Pipeline Industries Inc. 2150 E. 58th Ave. Denver, CO 80216 Mobile; 303 -356 -3193 Office: 303 696 -9599 Fax: 303 - 292 -0181 " ' City of Wheat Ridge Residential Plumbing PERMIT - 102208 PERMIT NO: 102208 ISSUED: 09/20/2010 JOB ADDRESS: 3900 PIERSON ST EXPIRES: 09/20/2011 DESCRIPTION: Repair 10 if of sewer line in yard only ** *CONTACTS * ** owner 720/255 -6536 Robert Mass sub 303/696 -9599 Steve Wakeham 01 -9921 Pipeline Industries, Inc. ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: 0195 BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 2,750.00 FEES Permit Fee 93.35 DM Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 49.50 ** TOTAL ** 142.85 Conditions: Subject to field inspections. I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or r ul atloss of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, a allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and at assume full responsibility Ear compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other .applicable Wheat R' prdinances, for work under this permit. Plans subject to field inspection. date 1. This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the City. 2. This permit shall expire 180 days from the issue date. Requests for an extension must be received prior to expiration date. An extension may be granted at the discretion of the Building Official. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one -half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. 4. No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. 5. Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty -four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. 6. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval qA, any violation of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. A11nev is subject to field inspections. Building Official date INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. City of ic - I O C CIMMUNl "rY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Date: Plan # Permit # Office: 303 - 235 -2855 ' Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application ropelty,#Addfess� P /PYGe S� Property Owner (please print): ey ,f Phone: 4 maw Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: 9 0ttr440: T l t�� /A 6 In li Contractors City License M Phone: Sub Contractors. Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: City License # City License # City License # DesCrlpti�5n of work; S'ewe� line yepafy $ Contract value: T.J 0 Review Fee (due at time of submittal): Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Sq Ft. 8 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge . codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; than am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity . on this application. CIRCLE ONE. (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) ar (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE! DATE: ' � � i y � J r . r� � r r sr � � lF ✓( (r 1 Y , - w. y Y m �;r - t � s �RBUJeW�r r' 1 r / l l, r r Y i �� � ,/ ✓/, y 'f ,✓i� � ✓Y �BUILp1NGDEPARTMPN7 CO�u1Ml;NjS c s a �' ; � z wi '` � r �'' '�' �� �, .'iy r� ✓" W T Reviewer � � ✓ � � -' � ✓, ,,,� r 1✓ r r � 5 5 j� /1p ♦/ ✓� ?4k �r >?r3^� �F,`h � r ✓ ✓j � a s i rM 5.. ' � � u z ✓, r i r /),�i' i �/" 4a ,^;' ,r r'is lo:S'c '` /� .' K +. �w , 'PU$LIC IN(f$KS Cpr,�raeyTS : i' f �✓ ✓ i� �, r > < -m*r1 i <. ,; ReV1eW8r <i ✓, ,� r , ? ✓� „�%' f 4r �s�i.Y '�` r 3'Y :.� J i', FIRE`i)EPAR7MENT 1:7 apprevetl W/ COmf11eT1�3 a dlSeppjOVEd f7 p0 fEVIeW ie(fpl7Edr Bldg valeatlOD 09/20/2010 09:33 3034240819 STS PETER AND PAUL C PAGE 01103 L JOB DATE e , • D1 _ 39 tar r l yi�� WNDUSTRIES INC. - DATE t tP JOB # . ) P.O. Box 370 • Watkins, CO 80137 i 1 J / i, E ATOR CALL ORIGIN (303) 696 -9599 T,,,� Fax (303) 671 -6871 SERVICEMAN PO# .. ...;:;lfrp>tN tl� .., :.: :-••' ElrslolFhi':IICiiN#Kl�i'1A..;D� i::. NAME `, f j yy� NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY L 'c ` T B Y'c� ZIP Src� :3 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE '✓ PHONE ',';NSESCIBPTICNI:YSEHVIC`.SS ..;., e i o f 1c? 1 C-w ±r -, (^ r" / 404- t v WARRANTY Terms of Warranty: 5 Y APPROVAL X SIGNATURE COMMENTS: TN ( ` fir; .:.) _ SUBTOTAL THANK T AX OVA fr Y OU! PLEASE PAY O THIS AMOUNT .ITEMS NOT INCLUDED: Landscape, grass, sod, trees, bushes, flowers, plants, fence !Si repair, decorative rock, utility conflicts, private utilities, sprinklers, waterlines, electrical, gas, etc. Not responsible fordamage caused byunstablasoil, Cave-ins arany othercomplications. ACCEPTANCE TERMS -Job cancellation fees will apply, Invoices are payable -1/2 down and balance upon completion of work performed. Any invoice not when due, incur OR INVOICE SIG RE paid shall interest at the rate Of 18% par annum. In the event that it becomes necessary to Collect any unpaid balance owed, Pipeline Industries, Inc. shall be entitled to receive all costs of collection, El NASA ❑. MfC FX including reasonable attorney foes. Pipeline Industries, Inc. shall be entltl assert a mechanic's lien for 211 unpaid materials and labor Supplied to build" to CARD # E`XP pursuantt law, APPROVAL# X ❑ CASH ❑ CHECK # ,— SIGNATURE CHARGE A/R ACCOUNT # ' City of Wheat Ridge r 4000'r Commercial Electric PERMIT - 101284 PERMIT NO: 101284 ISSUED: 05/19/2010 R JOB ADDRESS: 3900 PIERCE ST: :.EXPIRES: 11/15/2010 r, DESCRIPTION::. Add 5 GFCI waterproof ,'circuitson outside of school CONTACTS * ** owner 303/424 -3706 St. Peter & Paul Catholic sub 303/232-8650 Jimmie A. Gill 01 -8958 Edgewater Electric+ 'PARCEL ::INFO ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA >" SUBDIVISION:- 0406 PBLOCK /LOT #: 0./ �=; ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 1,000.00 FEES Fyf%, Conditions• ',Must comply w/ 2003 IBC & 2005 NEC.. .... to field inspections. Z hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by t ignature of contractor /owner / MAY -19 -2010 09:35 From:EDGEWATER ELECTRIC 3034030271 City Of )V heat N c Conrtr4ttivlt�r t.� @:vX:LCJ.I'MEN f To:3032378929 Pa9e:2 /2 Building 8 Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office; 303- 235 -2855 ' Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 -234 -5933 Building Permit Application f!rgper[y, i - i sT b O \ e- C.Q , - , W t t A Zft �LI Property Owner (please print): N Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: Date: Plan # Permf[# ( 0(a�'' t C -0 40o33 t�QQ.�t,7�er E�A.c_�t�cic. Zvt� Ggnttactoc: �t77 p Contractors City License #: Phone: Electrical: Plumbing: Mechanical: City License # City License # City License # I Descrip'fro�ri'r�� n ;kc: (�de� S �FL� lJa�aX �roul Ltt( l{5 Co pn oti5idQ- of Schbblr s loon Review Foe (Cue at time of suAmlftel): Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Sq Ft OWNEWCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE 01: UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposvd by this permit application are accurate mid do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Whcat l6elge or covenant,, eatienents or restrictions of rcu,rd: that 1111 nteasummentsi shown and allegations made am . aevurate; that 1 have mud mid agree W abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full rusponsibilily for vorr ianec with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances Inr work under any permit issued hased on this application; that I an the legal owner or have burn nnlhorizcd by the legal owner of the properly to perform thy. duseribcd work and um also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. C/RCLEONE: ll(,,OWNGIR) (CONTR.4C'TOR) nr AUTHOR /7.F.O R'_F.YP/Rt�rF ^/S,F.NTA�/T /V of (OWNER) r'ONTRAr'TORC) Q PRINTNAMF: -pia) .L -r✓l Jle'rigy "� SICNXIURN::' I I Ih1'1'F.: J - i { �9ti�GCQttM (11111 � 1 4 11 1Nr��Uh h ;ItIFIPtniDEIPARTMNTl1S`EIQNtL1 .rl'ti'^I �arttlg V n ..v .. d! i��lilrgyc lufial or,t," ' `I. �..... r f Ff {���iilll✓f Vr "4 art NI +I1�1 Y . .. "tlI WIUA6 +IRI�t �liih YF rtl�1 ' txix ry ll 'I� , P:Y'i+St ^i1 lt��,nt vuu it <'inpi lriht r #.`utt tf qt ,i Fr ro -' �t t.. �mi ,t�; �i t t�(;ct(Alr IReiw ®r'N'li>d t•Yrt inwNt'4 i .w +dl i� u�» " Iw.4Japd NVQ VF,S 7 t j { a',y ti s 7 t.tu 7 iui to „t�,' 1 . t 1 i,'OCCUPANCY. .: � C ' I a f f fi i,Ie��1,ar i u�ll ^ t I rt ' .. i4 U 4a La�il. {f�ISit1V �i�'gil� i "�h �lk�'raad�tlt +i4�t� i t�,7, �y ''',pIR6: Derr. ARhsta�Ri 'fktllGDl'�ppl'pN4QgY{ /nf+of l�l ..>��'liliftl6�r'�,ppigiW F1'I(II?ino�l , WRU , 401atl�i, Bld it City of APPLICATION FOR MINOR Wheat -Midge GRADING/FILL PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS -7;41ecc) (oY APPLICANTS NAME: Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 3900 Pierce Street (Include City, State, Zip) ADDRESS OF FILL: 3900 Pierce Street DATE OF APPLICATION: September 15, 2008 All permits shall be applied for through the Public Works Department. An approved permit is effective for a period of one (1) year from date of issue and may be renewed. All fees shall be in accordance with those fees established by the Uniform Building Code or other applicable City adopted Resolutions or Ordinances. Note: Ali public improvements, when constructed, shall be maintained (by the respective individual(s) and/or company responsible for the construction of that public and/or private improvement in the respective development) on a daily basis, or as needed, such that they are free of mud and other construction debris tracking from the sUa Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the enforcement of Article III, Specified Nuisances, Section I546 (4) of the City of Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. MINOR GRADING, EXCAVATION, AND FILL PERMITS 1-50 Cubic Yards: No permit is required for dumping or excavation of earth materials, which do not exceed 50 cubic yards, provided, however, that any fill deposited is on natural terrain of less than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical slope, or such fill is less than three (3) feet in depth and is not intended to support permanent structures, and in addition, such fill or excavation does not obstruct or otherwise adversely affect any drainageway. Should any of the above standards be exceeded, or a drainage way be affected, a permit shall be required under the guidelines for No. 2. 2_ 51-500 Cubic Yards: Dumping or excavation of earth materials not exceeding 500 cubic yards may be allowed with a permit approved by the City Engineer. All applications are to be submitted on the appropriate completed application form and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee and sketch plan indicating the following information before the permit will be issued. A. Location and dimensions of all property boundaries and structures on the site. B. Location and extent of areas to be filled and/or excavated. C. Location of existing and proposed drainageways, irrigation ditches, etc., and indication of how and where historic run-off will be maintained on and through the site. D. Cross-section area to be filled and/or excavated indicating original slope, new slope and depth of fill. E. Statement that indicates the proposed use or purpose for said fill or excavation. F. Relative elevation of adjacent properties. G. Erosion control plan showing placement of control devices such as hay bales, etc. 5. Permit Fees* 50 cubic yards or less $23.50 51 to 100 cubic yards $37.00 101to 1000 cubic yards for the first 100 cy $37.00 plus for each additional 100 cy or fraction thereof cy X $17.50/100cy 1001 to 10,000 cubic yards for the first 1000 cubic yards $194.50 plus, for each additional 1000 cy or fraction thereof cy X $14.50/1K cy 00 Total Cubic Yards = llU TOTAL Amount= $ 37 *Wheat Ridge Code of Laws Section 5-76. l'/" -2 S4, All permits shall be applied for prior to fill deposition or excavation operations begin. Any permit applied for after cutting or filling operations on site are in progress shall be subject to a double fee and other penalties as prescribed by Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26-1004. Any fill requested under this permit within the 100 year flood zone MUST COMPLY WITH WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS, SECTION 26-801, FLOOD PLAIN ZONING ORDINANCE. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT AND UNDERSTAND THAT I CANNOT START THIS PROJECT UNTIL THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. I SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO AND WITH THE ZONING REGULATIONS AND BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. ANY VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE TERMS WILL CAUSE IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT AND COMMENCEMENT OF ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS BY THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. THIS APPROVED PERMIT WILL BE KEPT IN MY POSSESSION OR PERMANENTLY ON THE JOB SITE. APPLICANT: ~~bii0 /ili~^ / Gr ✓~r/ ~/vC , Appli~'s Signature CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: Owner's Signature (if different than above) Approval J\FORMS&LETFERS\ DEVELOPMENT FORMSN4inor Grading&Fill Ptt iLdoc 3 Rev 8/07 0 v m C` 1\ a 5 N CD ~ O ~ m m ff O ~ m .n. ~ m ~ v m Q m ' ~ W ~ m 0 1 m ~ v m ~ O ~ W W w A in ~ w w ~o m ~ N '0 N 0 O 7 m ~ ~ m Q ~ ~ico , i1N Z 0 ❑ z 0 7 CD < N O.I v 6 (D 0 ~ ~C/) -o CD ~ 0 ~ 3 CD ~ I> ~ ~ : ZJ ~ C- 0 ff a a W N N 3 CD ZO C 3 3 ~ ~v " (D 4 ~ > v ~ Z N 10 m n "'I 0 Z Z 0 i \J m 0 0 3 3 C z ~ W O v ~ N ~ O W G v'<'a3 'O O 1p 7~ ?tn -m p -i c'w -N Z w ~ (D p Z7 O ~ w CD 7 ~ T .~7 o, 4 ~ N ~T1 T ~ O Z X fD ~ ~ Cfty of Wheat Ridge Commercial Roofng PERMIT - 070753 PERMTT NOE 070753JOB ADDRESS: 3900 PIERCEST DESCRIPTYON: T/O;replace.w/ I3SUED:.. EXPIRES: adhered EPDM roofing system. owner 303/424-3706 Sts.Peter & Paul Archdioceseof Denver GC 303/288-2635 Robext Bechtholdt 02-1414 Douglaea Roofing Co PARCEL.INFO . . . . . . . . ZONE CODB: UA UBE: UA SUBDIVISION:0406 . BLOCK/IAT#: 0/ _ **FEE SUMMARY ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 35,552.00 . . . . FEES . maftdais . .,~,~Y,~ Permit E~ee653.13 ~~'6/; ~h'N Total Valuation .00 DOCUI/l@/1t3 fMyly 'bB6/1,..I.R.9f~ ~ Use T~ 639. 94 ~at ~ .~pp/~.14j1'Ifa y.~~ s8N b9 * ~ TOTAL ' * * 112 93 . 07 n?GO 1~ ~ ~ _ ru~BnB I0~ flR81 lOOf N18p6offw' " IBr+ cation letter required at final inapection. :baQk.dsetancen propoaed by thie pexmlt applicatipn.are accurate, and do not violate applicable eone aF~the City of WheatAidge or covenanta, eaeqmente o1 reetrictioae of record; that a11 jatio[4e ma8e are lccusate; that i.have read and ag'ree to abide by all conditione prin[ed onthis s full'xesponelbility for cort¢iliance with the wheat Ridge Building Code Si.B.C) and all oeher incee, Por work under thie pefmiC.] Plane subJeet tio fleld inepection. Thie pexmit wae Y6sued in accasdance with the provisiona eet forth in }rour application and ie auDject to Che lave of the State ofGolorado and W Che.Zoning &egulatione and Building Codes of WheatRidge, Colorado or aayoeher applicable ordinaacep ofthe City.~ . Thie pesmit ehall expire 180 day6.from tne iesue date. Requeeta for an exteneion muet be received prior to.expiration date. An:exteneion may De gtOntedat the diecretion of tfie Building Official. If thzs plrmit expires,.a qea pezmitmay be acquired for a fee of one-tialf 'the amount noxmally roquired,provl8ed no changGC havebeen or will LemSde Sn the original plane aad apecificatrone and any euapeneion or abandozmenC hae not exceedpd one(1) year. Tf changeahave been or if euepeneion or abandonment exceeda one (1) year, fu1lEeeaahall De patd Eor e new permit. . . No work oEany manner sha1L bpdohe thatwill change the nttural flow of waker cauaixrg a drainage pTOblem.Contractot ehall notify ttie BulldingInepector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inapectione and ehall receive . written approval on inepection cazd before proeeeding with eucceeeive phaeee ofthe job. . Trie iesuance of a permit br the approval of arawinge and epeclficaUOne ahall not be conetrued to be a pemit for, nor art approv8lof, any violdtiop of trie provieione of the building codes or aqy othe[ ordinance, law,rule or regulation. A71 p],an te}{iey/1yd subjeet to tield inepectione. ' . i8ture:Y{iCtkiFf.BUildingOfficialdate (303):234-5933 BUILDINQ OFFIGE: (303)235-2855 3PM ANYBUSINESS DAXFOR ZNSPECTIONTHE FOLLOWING-BUSINESS DAY. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: oF w"EqT ~ gUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: 7-17-07 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE " m 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 -(303-235-2855) PLAN # c~~ORPO~ MINOR APPLICATION Property Owner: Archdiocese oF Denver Proper[y Address: 3900 Pierce St, Wheatridge, CO 8003 Phone: 303-424-3706 Contractor License No.: 21419 Company: Douglass Roofmg Phone: 303-288-2635 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Buildina Dept. Valuation Figure: a I hereby certiTy lhat the setback dislances proposed by this permH application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ortlinances, mles or regulations of the Cily ot Wheat Ridge or covenanls, easemenls or restriclions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are acwrete; that I have read and agree to abide by all Va]ue:$ z~ ~ n PCI7xllt FeO:$ conditions pnnted on this applicalion and that I assume full responsibilily for compliance with ihe Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all otherapplicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work is permit. P s subject to field inspe 'on. \ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):SIGNE DATE ~ I? O Plan ReV10W FCe:$ USC TeJC:~ TOY.a.I:$ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED CHRIS HAEHNLEIN DATE 7-17-07 Use of Space (description): Re-roof St Peter & Paul Catholic School Description of work: Complete tear off of existing roof and replace with adhered EPDM roofing system. Sq. FL 20200 Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheal Ridge, Colorado or any olher applicable ordinances ot the Cky. (2) This parmil shall expire 180 days from tfre issue date. Requesta for an extension must be received prior to expiraGOn date. M extension may be gwn0ed al ihe dkcretion of Ma Building OKcial. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, providad no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension orabandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permd. (4) No work of any manner shall be done tAat will change the natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector lwenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspedions and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, anyviolation of lhe provisions of the buildin9 codes orany otherordinance, law, rule orregulation. All plan review is subject to field inspections. Chfef Building Official Electricai License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: . r _ ~ y, ~ x ~Y,~.v,_:~,.,~r.~d~` ~?"z,.~,.ri~Ym~rott,?it.~,~.~,., yu 4 r~~ fs "'r r, , Z ~ )UCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Q f ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a ~ _ V p '~~t'e~l F 3 J VI ~y. ~I l~ v i ~ K f f ~ ~ ~ { gig; ~ s` f ~1 f ~ 3 f ~ ~ 3 ~ Area Piece Count 0 '4 . W t E ~ s > X - 204 4x4 a 7 t3 _ ~ ~ x Y 172 ~ r Z ~ ~ € ~ U ~ x c, 144 , x _ ~ ~ p Q -172 ~ a k k m ~ x ~ A t= it ~ ~ a 2.0 - 50 4x8 ~ r ~~'k: { { i ~I:` ~t 3,0 ~ 4 ~ 3 ` ! r ;~t z t ~ I i j ~4 ( ~ { { ~ ty t i d 1 C yy} f ~ 1 r P N ~ ~ X 0 [n f f r. ~ i P V i ~ ~ ~ S ; ~e U ~ w 1 r; ry_ ~ ~ ~ e # e V ~ N~~ X X~ N s X ~ E f V} ~ r i t ~ k d y f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E t 1 I ' p ! N " ~ , , s .ii ~ ~ ~ CY ~0 ~ ~w mb _ a~ ~ ~ w ~ .h ~ 2. ~ w u. _ ~ M N ~ ~ . • 1E} ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ d a t ~ a ~ tt3 'n M ~ ~ i ~ tY ~ w. ~ a..~ ti~ ~ . ~ ~ , ~ , ~ _ t 2 s P ~ M .P „a i O N ~ o ~G 1 3 ' E [ € tt3 , ~ I A ~ si O Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~4 m N ~ ~ ~ ~ € ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y+3 Y+3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.....m~~,~r ..~~,~.aw.r ~,~..~r~w n~~. ~ _ ' i-a o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ # ,1: : ~ t ~ ~ ~.~a.;.~.,_w~.~~ .r~~~,M ,.~W~~~,.e,.~_.w,....w ,..mm~. ,........,..m.._... ~ ct3 ~ ~ ~ e Z ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ a ~ ~ w ~ ~ way, ~ ~ p s s :f ~ ~ i , ~ ~ y ~ ~ t ~ ~ f ~ F (~^J' r 4 ~ ` P t 1 1J Q+ # ~ .L 1 g P ~ ~ k Y+b ~ ~0 4 f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 1 r N z e ~ ~ o { ` 3 ,A 1i 'i ~ 6 ~ E a .~,~,,....--.,..-,..m,....,..~,.. z+~ + g ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Area Piece Count s ~+3 x ~ ~ ~ ~ X - 28 4X4 E ..~._n~.~ ..~..u~~,~....~....~~. ..w,~~,..~ w.~.,..,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w 3 Y_2 ~ 8 X+3 N " ! d i c ~ ~ H € } a ~ Z-14 .._~.r~.~.,..~~~m,~.. ~~~,.~o,...~..~ ..~.~.M .~~~w l t ~a ~~E ~ Q-26 Z ti F `x ~ W...~. M ~ u.M.~,_..,..~.___.w.~_._._.~ m~.~.~,..W W,.m i ~ ~ - a 2.0 1 4x$ y ~ 3.0 -14 n 4~ R, ~M as ~ ~ .a ~ X ~ ~ ~ E ; ~ n x a ~ N ~ 4 ,k ~ d M. ~ ~ __:r,~, - e k~ X l _ _ _ € ; ~ ,.,w, .,~v~. ~ ~ t , z W _ r ,~~r ,~~..,_~~....~~....H ~ ~ .a.~~ ~a,~.. ._..b.w.,. _ E W x+~ 1- Y+3 's x RI[~E M M ~ ~ c 4 ~E~~Nr x Y+3 x ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~..o~~.w ~.~w~,~~n.~.~~.~~.~~~..~ti~.,.~~~...~ ~~.~,W.._~. r t ti q x+~ ~ . ~ as ~.~.w _ R 7 Y 6 i'=,= 0 ~1y, ~r+ tiiF i 1` Q ~2 ter- Q ~1 0 Aver e R-value: Value: 22.11 ~ O 5 , g DrawFn Scat . g e Full D~amOnd Cn a e ~ er u s one n c~e~ ~e t; ale: 1/16" = P-011 _ C a :~,r Cuts usext to mitertagetlter~ panels of the same ~ InStallat~on GU~de .p_ ~ , C ESE i `it . , { tr0111~ GiLl,01 a ~1~ ' , c ~ { - - d`'aF.,'~,, b l ~r i ~`~Mr r ; ~ 0 ~ ~ a~ Yq 4i~ ,i ~ r ~ Q _ ~ or11Cn~ s ~ ~ ~ FO - ~ N ~ „z ,,,w . ~ Q+ z M y ~ ~ , . ~ ~ ~ O t t~> 4.~ , Rr, ~ti ` l ,r{/~, V~11~eV~• ~r r(A-• V ~ ~ ~ ~ «3 ti, B ti, ~ W U ~v~ orcoar 4 + cx comma r, e:~: ~ 8.5" 12.5„ 4` _ ram p 1. Measure dista ~ ~ s~ rice between the drams and verify with the shop ~awmg. 0 0 ~6 4' ' ~ ~ r , ~ 2. Chalk 6ine the axis of the di t ~ 4 F arrtar~l sh~ae lines AB, CD. ~ " 3. Chalk line the 4 h tenuse lire AC GB BD DA. ~ ~ ~ Ypa 0 ~ ~ 3 7.5" 10.5,. s~ say 4. B in instalti the Q nel #t la i _y. o~ eg ~ I~ Y Y n9 the the 1 I2" txt the ;;T~ ~ ~ t ~Mr ; ~ ~ h muse lines. YP~ * Com ~ R~ A1iEer ~ ' S. Fallow with the Q+2 anels la i the hi . plet ~ ,r-_ p by y ►tg t n e (2112' l tr~ttty up ~ a ainst the thick 21 i2" * , The remaming pcxtions left over from the vary g ~ ~ of ~ ~ Pal ~ bA ~ 6.5" Q 8.5•• * ' miter can be ~ 6. An Ian of used to create a rr~er, ftone Y i~ the panel sass aver the axis lines AB or CD shown as Panel F ~ s,. ~ is u~eti elsewhere in the to ro4 fired layout. shaded) is waste material to be cut and reused wt~re sibte. ti l~ ~ ~ 1 5.5" ~ . , _ ~T.. CO e: ~ eSCrl ~lOn: ` c .'M.,¢`r. . ~~?X'~~~,Y's, ~cFi~~~^f~'u~ra s~h..u~, .~.'t'Y~c. ~ix"y~rt~'i~'d~g t~l~va.:i:;~Fin ac. .,~~y ~ ~ 3,F~~ r ^ 4.5,. ~I~ ~ 6.5„ r1 x X0.5 -1,5 o I e 1 er U S n Penme#er Cndcet oen ie ~ V ~'F 3~F~~` ~ 3.5" ~k Q / 4.5.. „ ~'r } } i i.5 ~.5 Tits Used to mitertogether tvua panels of the SatM)e 5b Installation VU1de rFi~ rt tr Z 2,5 -3.5 ~ ~ X44 .~,t..m. 1 2.5•, r ~'F~ ~ 2.5.. 3,0 ' 3,0" Flat . ~ ~ ' ~ p d_~,.._. _~,M~ ~ ...~a. 3'F~~l ~ 1.5° ~F~~ ~ Q n n m, ~ 0,5 -2.5 _m.~~. ....~.v~ ...w_. . o <C. Q; ,t~- at 2.0 2,0 F. ~ .,,~._.m 5„ coq w 7 y 5., ~ 5„ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..w~ t~+ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ s; 4 a a a _u.~k. ._~.e.~. _ it ~ Q ,i; ~ her ~ HaY 0f MiF~ V ; w ~ one ~ a Typical Section Cricket Section p t.ax side r : * r` B N ~N 1/4"/ft. Slope 1/2"/ft. Slope y i . ~ ~ ~ 1. Measure distance between the scu and v ~ wilt the s ~awi x ._.,.u ~.~m.N ~ r ._w~ w. ~~..ro.. 2. find the midpornt between scuffs aril Date pow G. , 4 3. Chalk Imes between pmts AC, CB. = ~ ~ N.T.S. N.T.S. v~~~Q ._r.M. u.. ~ 4. Begin installing the Q parcel by laying the #hin edge X112' ~ art chanced lines. d~ ..~.n.r.~~.,_Aem . C ed v ~ollaw with the Q#2 panels by la i the thin 2112" ~ htl ~ airy Mrter Y ~ ~ ~ 9 Y up ~F; against the thick edge (2112" of the Q I t ~ Fa, ebb The remaining portions left over from the ' e f' miter can t~ used to 6. Airy portion of the panel Grassi over the axis lines AB shun as create a valley rater, rf one ~ ~ a w iz, F-~ d' * ~ ~ haled i rs requrred e~v►+here rn the tapered layout. ~ } s waste material to be cut arxi reused wl~'e possib~. ~ti . ~ m. , ~m P n "~?C~'l~i';x~a4{-*r»~`~~~~ 9?_~~~~r'e~ w2 f6t_~W C a y,.<ir _ - a el Cale 13~Q~~ Sep, 25, 2006 9:52AM WHEAT RIDGE FIRE DISTRICT No. 9462 P. 2 WHEAT RIDGE F1RE PROTECTION DISTRICT PO Box 507 • 9880 UPJ-IAM 57REET • 1NHEwr RioGE, Coww.no 800340507 3034035900 • FAX 303-940-03$0 • www.wRFlR6-01110 PERMIT AND REQUIREMENTS SHALL REMAIN ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. South Pan Eleckic September 25, 2006 Tievor Parmentor 1590 Benivere Cucle Lafayette, Colo. 80026 Re: 3900 Pierce Street, St, Peter and Paul School. The following requirements are made undez the 2003 Iaternational Fire Code adopted by the Fire Board of the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection Dishict amd the City Council of the City ofWLeat Ridge, Colozado. 1. Heads shall have updated addresses on each umit 2. All components of the alarm shall be tes6ed for final approval. ( A copy of tbat test sha(1 be given to the Fixe Mnrshal upon Snal testing.) 3. A Complete system test shall be perFormed before a final test is schedtiled with the Fire Ilistzict and the Chy of Wheat Ridge. A, Upgrade of the graphic maps with the lacation of the Fire Alarm pxuel shall be noted. 5. Far the owner of the building the requirements are as follows: • Fire extinguishe[s with a mivilnum rating of 2A-40BC sball be in each wait and checked every year by a certi8ed company. • Emetgency exit lightiug shall be provided in each exit way. 6. Battery back up sball be up-to-date with the month and year of insqllation. (Replace if over thzee year.) 7. rermits shau be reqwa from the cny ofvheat xiage Dwiftg Depatncmt. 8. Any cUanges to the approved alarm system shall be submitted for approval by the Fire District. Any queslions with this review please contact me at the Fire Distict Reviewed by, Douglas J. Saba Pire Mazshal Fire Inspector # 5083898-66 A,,~..~ ~~~C(C> 'ChOF1LNG SYS'FEMS September 30, 2005 'f.A.M.P.A. 2222 South Albion llenver, CO Mr. Mike Hurstcin .a~r-uv•~~ ia.~v~ rMUC G/L Re: SL Peter aud Pau! Catholic Church ~QiN) Wheatridge, CO bear Mike, T~~ ~ i punuant to our tclephone com~erssdon ngard~ t~ ~ f~mbly for the P J As you had mentioned, the roof as.sem6ly has been in~~ied as follows: • Smrctural wood Deck • Polyisocyanurate Insulation • YT Dens-Deck prime • Fully Adhered VersiWeld TPO Membraae i'he y=„ Dens-beck Prime has becn secured W the wood deck with twelve (12) insulation fasteners and plates per 4'-0° x 8'-0" board ia the field of roof atea, perimeter and corna enhenexments have incorpoxated in acco*daoce with Facwry Mutual guidalines. The rsferenced a4sembly complies with the related requirements outlined in the Intemational Building Code including design considerations for 90-mph wind wnes. If you have any questions or need additional assistance please feel free to contact me Sincerely, Versico Incorporated Kenneth Gingerich Sr. Systems Desigier 0 Tet:800.992.7663 0 fax: 717-960-4036 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 78001 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(303-2345953) Date : 11/5/2004 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: ST PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Property Address : 3900 PIERCE ST Contractor License No. : 17529 Phone : 424-3706 Company : Alsco Cardinal Home Improvement Phone : 7773444 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby cerlify Ihat the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegalions made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the W heat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, forwork under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGN Valuation : $3,000.00 Permit Fee : $108.30 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $108.30 Use : Description : 6 112 SQ VINYL ALCOA SIDING, ON GARAGE ONLY BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning Cpminents: SIC Approval : Zoning : Approval : Public WorkliGdmiA~p-ntss Approval : Occupancy: Walls Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Roof : Stories Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Sq. Ft. : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (7) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set (oAh in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the SWte of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of W heat Ritlge, Coloredo or any other applicable ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authanzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspendetl or abandoned for a period of 120 tlays. (3) If ihis permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fea of one-halF the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceetled one (t) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any mannar shall be done that will change the natural Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Builtling Inspector hventy-four (24) houre in advance for all inspections and shall receive wntlen approvat on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (8) The issuance of a pertnit or the approval of drawings and specifcations shall not be constmed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of ihe provisions oF iha~lding c or any rdinance, law, rule or regulation. r' ~ ~ Chief Bec or Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 6uilding Permit Number. c` ~ BUILDING INSPECTION LINE • 303-234-5933 Date: ` T_ CIN OF WHEAT RIDGE " 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) ~~°`°R"°~ APPLICATIO.r✓ PrepertyO~vner.S} tpAV_CA+t\['L;e. C;il.ak~E ~I~.eil U~`Yi•~%~ Property .4ddress: 3c~~ -RSLf! G~_ `Phone: Contraceor License No.: ~-7 e> ( ! 5CXi~\ Company: /1 ) <n, OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby ceRify [hat the setback dislances proposed by Ihis pemit application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the Ciry of Wheat Ritlge or covenants, easements or reslnctlons of recora; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions pnnted on Nis application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and all other applicable W heat RiOqe Ortlinances, for work under Ihis pertnit. (OWNERpCONTR4CTOR) .51GNFD `"6,j II1_i ti, DATE _ xion Value:S Permit Fee:S Ib8. 31' Plan Review Fee:S Phone: `ilceTax:S ~ ~ Tota1:S ' `T'"71 n 1--- 7 (OW NER)(CONTRACTOR):PRINTED nLCt~A Description: 6 ~ ~S~ /'t ~ 7 J J l1 Sq.Ft.added COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: COMMENTS: Approval: WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: Walls: I~ALu/l/1'nrv = BUILDIIVG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Roof: Stories SIC Residential Units: Sq.Ft.: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration iJate: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This pemit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yrour applicatlon and is subject to the laws of the Sute of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of W heal Ridge, Coloredo or any oNer appiicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) Ne work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a penod of 120 days. (3) If this pemit ezpires, a new pemit may be acquired for a tee of one-half Ne amount normally required, provitled no changes have been or will be made in the onginal plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paiC for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done Ihat will change the naNral Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) ConVactor shall notlfy the Building Inspector lwenty-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspectlons and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceedinq with successive phases of Ne job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval o( drawings and specifications shall nol be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violaUOn o( the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Officia! - CITY OL WF EAT RIDGE CYEtiIPT LNCTITL'TI4N LICTNSE EXEMPTI011\liMBER 7121.7 Date a: I>sue: ,'•W( iC 2C02 Datc of Expira[ion:y!,gv ?i %~~is 5Tc DcTER & PAUL 3906 PiERCE ST 4HEAT .iDGE, ;.D 80033 Licer.scc is exempt f.:•om pa,r.:ig Wheat Ftidgz :ity safesiuse inxes on purcnasc,=„ *a¢tals, and leases ot itcros that arc ;clevant to the primary function of the governn.7enlnl, charitable, or :eligiow organiza[ion as spcci:ied in Section 1-23 of tho Code of Laws of fnc City of WheaC Ridge. TIiIS EXTiMPTTnN IS SUBdECT 70 TIIE FOLLOWING E7CCEPTIONS: 1) Putc]aaSes of constuceicr. aaid/or biulding matzrials as specified on Section 22-65 oi the Code oPLaws of the City of Wheac Ridge. 2) Purchases by Liccnscc of the i!cros specified in Regulation A-340 0; thc Whent Ridge Sales & Use Ttic Regulations ue nxompt from sa:es tax at the time of purcl.2se hy Licensae, but are not exanpr from colizcring sales tax upon sule to, ]ease to, or cocsunption by patients, emplo)'ees, p:ofic maidng ir.dividoals or organizations, or those who do noi qualify as exen;pt iastitutions undar the Whcat RidSc Gode of Laws. 3) This Excmpt Iastitution License's not to be nscd for the purpose of muking pmxhnses at whoIesale, city tax frea Items purchased for resaie require the State R:sale NumUet rataer Cnan the Sales Tax Exeniption tiumber. 1-1--) n,_ City Treasurcr INSTRUCTIONS TO VE;VDOR: 1) Wheat Ridge city salcs tax carnot be exempted enless rhis Exempt Ittstitution Licer.se s presented. 2) The exemption numbcr must ve recorded on the sales imoice or cu;h register t'eceipt of the ve7:3or an the purchaser. 3) A11 purehases niast be paid hy c)eck, written on `ands of tie organization. Por purposes of paymont a Corr;orate Credit card from a Federal, Seate, City or Co:r.ity agency may be cunsidered the samc as a check written on th- funds of said Govcrnmeni agency PERSQNAL Credit cards are not acceptacle. FR0t1 : Sc Fc TER L FAUL C~GRCH r=AX NC. : 307~124o819 Sca. 14 20E" 11: JC~RM P2 SI . ~ *v ~ c r r~.w i°` ~ k , 43 i•' CO~Oka~Q LATE :'OF EkH51P:1'Ic4~r~,~+ 'EkTiF t 'y~tC S i a i e 5G'.ES/US i:AX . u ~ ~i ~ , , . . . O5&ACCO.N'~4UMOE r~`I::• Adl IT.YIVFO MATICN ISSUE CA;~~'. 99 C1.7~6 3~~0 j< ~G 1~;A~Q6`,E6c i N 0801 NOV 12 ! 99: .'~`E R;CO S S STE LKh ~ . 1. ~ + ~ . ~ '•V, r•~ T 1!IL~„~Iililrl~~~1~I,IL ~1~ :SE _O,F'DENYE,R ~Y~~4sk-a]s01~'.!' ESE;:Of3}b.ENF'F TEELE,5?,. ~e✓~c er Ix~oJ~iv~ Oina/~~ ' D~G~rtm~etalllwew~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building Permit Number : 17966 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE -(303-234-5953) Date : 10/29/2004 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH Property Address : 3900 PIERCE ST Phone : 424-3706 Contractor License No. : 17529 Company : Alsco Cardinal Home Improvement Phone : 777-3444 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of ihe Ciry of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, antl allegalions made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C J and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OW NER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : 6 1!2 SQ. VINYL ALCOA SIDING, ON GARAGE ONLY Valuation : $3,000.00 Permit Fee : $108.30 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $108.30 Use : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning Commentsr SIC Approval : Zoning : Buliping Commenfs: Approval : Po61fc Wflrks Comments: _ Approval : Occupancy: Walls Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Roof : Stories Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Sq. Ft. : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : (t) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions sel forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of lhe City. (2) This permil shall ezpire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) ihe building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a penod of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permil may be acquired tor a fee of one-half the amount normally required, pmvided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans antl specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not axceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, fuli fees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural Flow of water causing a draina9e problem. (5) Coniraclor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive writlen approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of drewings and specifications shall nol be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisiqos@Lthe buildi r~~any olher ordinance, law, rule or regulation. ../f Gi q . . `K4 ~Chi uildi. ~ector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COM1IM1IUNITY DEVELOPM1IENT DEPARTM1tENT °_ci:Cin„ Fermd NumCZr: . ~ BUILOING INSPECTION LINE • 303-23»-5933 Datz: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 -(303-235-2855) APPLICATIO.V Proper±y0«ner:5~. PF_~t_R Gt;." ~ : Y~honr: PropemAdd:ess 3 ~t-37~ `tco `-U Contraceor License \o.: 1 75 e~ ~ `x r~ Company: /t LSCO Phone: 77`7"J~q'~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNOERSTANOING ANO AGREEMENT I hereby certiy Nat the setback distances proposed by Nis pertnit applicatian are accurate, and do not violale applicaCle ordinances, rvles or regulaUOns ot the Ciry of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or reslricEOns of record: Nat all measurements shown, anC allegaGOns maCe are accurete: Nat I have read anA agree to abi0e by all contliGons prinled on Ihis applicalion and Ihal 1 assume full responsibility for compliance wilh the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and all oNer applicahle Wheat RiCge OrCinances, forwork untler Nis permic (OwNERj(COMPaCTCAYSG+EQ jlgj, 'J~~~ ,_DATE (OW NER)(CONTAACTOR):PRINTED Construction Value:S Permit Fee:S Ip$ 3' Plan Review Fee:$ ~UseTax~S ~ ~ Total:S 10S,30 _ ~r A,. -W -71 n , -7 Description: ALCOA Sq.Ft.added COMMENiS: Approval: Zoning: : CoMMEr+rs: Approval: WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: W alls: 114Zu41''0N ' BUILDIIVG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Sq.Ft.: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permitwas issued in aeeordance with the provisions set torth in kQ SbeQ(j , of the Stale of Colo2do and to the Zoning Regula6ons and Building CoCes of W he: v t ordinances of the City. ~1 (2) This pertnit shall expire if (A) the work authodzed is not commenced ~ dST l 11 q h'Q. M~ ';B) the building authorized is suspende0 or a6andoned for a perioC ot 120 days. (3) If this Oermil zxpires, a new pertnit may be acquireC for a fee of one- ed no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations anc t exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abanGOnment exo )r a new pertniL (4) No work of any manner shall be done t7iat will change the natu2l Flc (5) ConVactor shall notify the Building Inspector twenry-four (24) hours receive written approval on inspectlon card before proceeding with successive pha- (6) The issuance of a pertnie or the approval of drawings and specificauons shall not be conswed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violafion of the provisions of the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regula6on. Chief Building Official COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - (303-234-5933) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 17984 11/4/2004 Property Owner: Elizabeth Hart Property Address : 3327 Pierson St. Contractor License No. : Phone : (303) 2373787 Company : Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measuremenls shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on lhis application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W t tlge or inances, for wo under this per it. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ~ DATE_ Description : Re-roof (homeowner) Valuation : $3,000.00 Permit Fee : $108.30 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $60.00 Total: $168.30 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Toning tornments.; SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : cuments,f►nm the ma►rufaGh+'+~r shalt be Zoning ~ : I ~rlnspection wbich specify onsite forfin° Buildi~g,Co`mrii6nts:'' mofing materials have been installed to meet Approval : 110 MPH three-second wU+d Sust--IBC (90 N£PN wind load-UBC). Public Wo"rlss Comn►3nts:; Approval: Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of W heat Ridge, Colorado or any other applica6le ordinances of the City. (2) This permil shall expire if (A) lhe work authorized is not commenced within sixty (80) days from issue date or (B) lhe building aulhorized is suspended or abandoned for a penod of 120 days, (3) If this permit ezpires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (t) year, full fees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be dona Ihat will change the naWral Oow o( water causing a dreinage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify lhe Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspedions and shall receive written approval on inspection card before Proceediing with successive P loq_ o~. (6) The issua rm e approval of ings and specifcations shall not be consimed to be a permit for, nor an aDProval of, any violation of the ~arf prov e bQg coQes or er ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Y Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - (308-234-5933) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 17305 6/30/2004 Property Owner: STS. PETER & PAUL CHURCH & RECTORY Property Address : 3900 PIERCE ST Contractor License No. : 22042 Company: D'AGOSTINOMECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Phone : 424-3706 Phone : (970) 535-4724 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; ihat I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W heat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OW NER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : BOILER REPLACEMENT Construction Value : $11,197.00 Permit Fee : $272.10 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $134.36 Total: $406.46 Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning Comrnerits:, SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: Zoning : Approval: Pttu4ogworks C l APProval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : (7) This pertnit was issue0 in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur appliwtion and is subject to the laws o( lhe State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the vrork authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) tlays from issue date or (B) the building aulhorized is suspendad or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half ihe amount nortnally required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans antl specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. I( changes are made or if suspension or abantlonment exceeds one (1) year, full tees shall be paid for a new pertnit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done Ihat will change Ihe natural Flow of water causing a dreinage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) houre in advance for all inspections antl shall receive wntten approval on inspection card before proceediingwith ssive jQt? (e) The issu em' e approval of d ngs and specifcations shall not be construed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval ot, any violation of the prov' ' n u' g cW-o er ordinanca, law, rule or regulation. T Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 11680 W. 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-421-2161 Fax 303-424-0495 July 23, 2004 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29"' Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 To Whom It May Concern: Please transfer permit #17305 at 3900 Pierce Street from Blue Sky Plumbing and Heating to D'Agostino Mechanical. They will be responsible for this job as of July 23, 2004. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, April E. Boh COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - (303-234-5933) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 17481 7/30/2004 Property Owner: St. Peter and paul Church Property Address : 3900 Pierce St. Contractor License No. : 22050 Company : Madrids Concrete SIC OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurale, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable W he~at+ Ridge inances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED G DATE Description : Frame wall with concrete base for a statue Zoning`.Cbrnmetif's;' Approval: Zoning : Approval: Publtc Vllorlis Coents;; Approval : Occupancy: Walls BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Roof Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Phone : 303-669-2417 Phone : 424-4818 Sq. Ft. : v 0'~ l Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (1) This pertnit was issued in accorUance with the pmvisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State ot Coloredo and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixry (60) tlays trom issue date or (B) ihe building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) It this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-halF the amount normally required, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the onginal plans and specifcations antl any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paitl for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural tlow ot water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspeclor N+enty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wntten approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of Ihe job. (6) The issuance of a f he appro ings and specifcations shall not be construed ro be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of d any other ordina law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. Construction Value : $5,000.00 Permit Fee : $162.90 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $162.90 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OEPARTMENT Building Permit Number: o~ W"E°T 9 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: = g, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE " 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) `°`°a"°° APPLICATION Property Qwner: ji6 eYAli-- Ero~ / <.6a re h Property Address: 0 qQO PICIC.e 5V W{'1e0. Rt e-, Phone Contractor License No.: o FSQ7 Company: fYlvditAs QDKC'g}C~TR1~0U~~r Phone: 3o3 Cn 6`~ ~ OWNER/CON7RACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNOERSTANOING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value:$ 3 ood,r~ I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit ap0liwtion are accurate, and do not violate aOPliwble ordinances, rules or regulations of the Ciry of Permit FeeS wneatRldgeorcovenants,easementsorrestrictionsotrecord;ihatanmeasurements pjan RCViCwFC2:$ shown, and allegations maCe are accurate; Mat I have read and agree to abitle by all y conditions printed on Ihis application and that 1 assume full responsibiliry tor Use Tax: wmpliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and all oNer aOP~iczible Wheat Ridpe Ordinaaces, forwork u~pr this permit. e~2 Total:$ !&Z,qO Iowr+ERxcor+rrucTOa): Description:~j~.,,cWG`~~+J~c'on~rrr~c QclC wlLd',~As Sq. Fl. addad COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: i COMMENTS: Approval: ~i W ORKS COMMENTS: Approval: W alls: L'SE ONLY s~ ~i Roof: Stories: ;1j Eiectrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance wiM the provisions set forUi in your application and is subject to the laws ot the SUIe of Cobrado an0 W the 2oning Regulations and Buildinp Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado a any other apWipble orCinances of Me Ciry. (2) This permit shall espire if (A) the work authorized is not commenceC within sixty (60) days from issue dale or (8) the buildinp auUwrized is suspendetl a aWndoned for a period oi 120 days. (3) It ihia pormit expiros, a nev+ Dermil may be acquired for a fx o1 one-haH the artwunt nortnally required. ProviAed rw chanpes have been orwill be rtade in Ua oripinal plans antl specifieaGOns an0 anY wspxnsio^ a abandonment has not exoeeCed one (7) year. If changea have Ueen a it suspension a abandonment exceeds one (1) year, lull fees shall be paid for a new pertnR. (4) No work of any manner shall be done ihat will change the natural How of water causing a 02inage problem. (5) Conlractor sfiall notify the Buildiny Inspocior twenty-lour (24) Iwurs in a0vance (w all inspecGons arW shall receive written approval on inspection wrE beiwe proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance oi a permil w the approval oi drawinqs and spacifiptions shall not be consWeE W be a permit ior, nor an apDrovat of, any violaGOn of the provisie Duiiding cotles w any other ordinance, law, rule or regWa6on. lr"roK~ l /e✓G~, ivt /Svf/o~ 0/c,lc r~.rP~e I S 9-l~ ~l N~u2~i 1 - fIP I w L ~ ' R ti ijv) 0 u N~✓f./~ I, ~ (AS b , Ir a=a ~ y ~s • y f T _ i e ~e r ~ ~ ' ' d7 / , ~ , _ l / i' e ~~5 a- ~ i ~ ~ z~ ~ ~~Jel, ~ I ~~~,~~~~Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o,~t ~ ~ ~ % ~ j \ +e ~ ~ ' ' w~ ~s ; ~j6 e,~ 1 n , ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ ' o `y i ~P~r~. e ~ ~ ~ f ~ / , ~ E r , ~ ~o \ , ~ ~i ~ ~ k ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ' ~D ` ~ _ 9 ` , , ~ ~ p ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oQ~~~ ~ \ ~ ~ t,+e~ ~ ~ - , o. ~~p~ \ ~ ~ ~ : ~y= ~ ~ ~ ' o~ f~ _ , ' _ ~ ~ . G~b ~~o~es ` ' I ~i Q ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~5 ~ ~ ~ To G / ° ~ V ~ V \ 3` o~ , U~K.~N4 / - i / ~ ~y„ ~ e ~ S~o e llx k je; / ! . /3 ~ S~G G ~lF2 ~v N,L ;nPi` T - - ~ Y L~ ~ ' l r p - VII ; 9 i ~ ~ ' - ~ I I I ~ - - I I I I ~ i I I~ /L"F~ywa~z I I I ~QDT7owr ,OG/(C vJ G l ~ ~G~ W U r1 /n V `/1 1 - s l 5 It Co OV, 11 (,~t T7 Fit e t E ~ ~ Qi ! f 1 h ~`o 3 / If ~ i i 1" i v i i v «s 2F sry~e f/P✓G "ate 5^XS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - (303-234-5933) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 17305 6/30/2004 Property Owner: STS. PETER & PAUL CHURCH & RECTORY Property Address : 3900 PIERCE ST Contractor License No. : 17835 Company : Blue Sky Plumbing Phone : 4243706 Phone : 421 2161 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; thal all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full re onsibility fo[r ~complia ce with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable heat Ridge uy,inces, for work under this permiL ~ (OW N ER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : BOILER Construction Value : $11,197.00 Permit Fee : $272.10 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $134.36 Total: $406.46 Use: „ ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zbning Comments; SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : 0uildiiiii0 Approval : Pulilic Works Ccmr,tient5:' Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Plumbing License No : Company: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permil was issued in accoMance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject lo the laws o( the State of Coloredo and lo the Zoning Regulations and Building Code o( Wheat Ritlge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authonzed is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If ihis permit expires, a new permil may ba acquired for a fee of one-half the amounl normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (7) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid tor a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naturel Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall nolify the Building Ins ector hve -four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive wntten approval on inspection card before proceediing with e phas t (e) The issuan d ings and specifcations shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval ot, any violation ot the pmvisions buil mJg c s o 0 ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. {JLf hl\IIYILI\1 VI 1 L/'11\1\11\~./ I'91\V VI_l~LVI lur.i~ BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: St, f"r-~'X Property Addrebs : 3qOp Recc4 Contractor License No. : 65zo ~g Company OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERgTANDING I hereby cedify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenanls, easements or reslridions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree lo abide by all condilions printed on this application, and that I assume full re ponsibility for compliance wdh the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other appiiwbl VJheat 'dg ordina ces, forwork under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRAGTOR) SIGNED DATE~ Description : ceo ~ Phone:(3o")qi}4--376(7 Phone:~3~-3~y~1 Construction Value : l II I9~• ~ Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total Use: BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC Approval : Zoning : Approval : EQISiC*yb _ _t~i ~'A Approval : Occupancy : Walls Electrical License No : Company : Roof Plumbing License No : Company : Sq. Ft. : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company : $0.00 . Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : If Approval : Approval : Approval : (1) This permit was luued In acmrdance with the pmvisions set lorih in yopur appfication and Is subjett lo the lawa ol the Stale ol Cob2do and lo the Zaning Regulatlons anE Buildiny CoEe of Wheal Ridge, ColorsEO or any oNer appliwble ordinances ol the Ciry. (2) This pertnfl shall expire il (A) the work auNOrized is nol mmmenceC wiNin sizry (60) tlays (rom issue Gate or (B) the buil0ing auNOrized is suSpeMeC or abandoned lor a period o1120 days. (3) II Nis permil expires, a new permrt maY be acqulreE br a fee ol onrhall the artwunt nortnalty reQUireG, provitleC no chaages have Oeen w vifll be matle in Ne ori9inal plarts and speafications and any auspension or abandonment has not ezrceded one(7) year. II Uanges are matle or if suspension or aOaMOnmenl ezceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid lor a new permit. (4) No work ol any manner shall be Eone Ihal will change the naWral Aow ol waler causing a d2inage prohlem. (5) Conlrector shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-lour (24) hours In advance 1or all inspeciions and shail receive wntlen approval on inspection card 6ebre proceediing with successive phaees ot the lob, (6) The issuance ol a permit or ihe approvel oldrewings enC spealwGons shall not be consWed ta Ee a permil fw, rar an approval of, any Wolation af the provislons . ol the buildinq mdes or any olher ordinance, Ww, iule or reguWGoa Date : ClkUmv. fi ~ 5 Stories Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 NOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - (303-234-5933) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number 17374 7/13/2004 Property Owner: SAINTS PETER AND PAUL CHURCH Property Address : 3920 PIERCE ST Contractor License No. : 18146 Company : McBride Electric Phone : 424-0402 Phone: 303-761-6176 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restriclions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibilily for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OW N ER)(CONTRACTOR) Construction Value : $1,000.00 Permit Fee : $50.40 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $12.00 Total: $62.40 Date Use: Description : (1) - 120 VOLT 20 AMP CIRCUIT FOR GROTO FEED BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY loning Gomments:; SIC Approval: Zoning : Approval : Public,Works.Co Approval: Occupancy: Walls Electrical License No : 18146 Company :McBride Electric Expiration Date : 2/28/2005 Approval : OK/KS Roof : Stories Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Sq. Ft. : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the 2oning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable oMinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall ezpire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sizty (60) days (rom issue dale or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 tlays. (3) I( this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally required, provided no changes hava been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not ezceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will chan9e the natural Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Coniraclor shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receiva wntten approval on inspedion wrd bafore proceadiing with successiva phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the ap r I of drawings antl specifwtions shall not be construed to be a permit for. nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions o p ing c r any other i ance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector Please sign Terms and Conditions on reverse side of page. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: oF W~E' T,~ BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: ~ ° CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENIIE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) C~~ORA4~ ~~PIJCATION ~ Property Owner: i)e.}c: k'a•kA ~4~~•~ c_1 ~ PropertyAddress: QiCdC e, S~ . Phone: -'ju~-4Z4}-C'1-{OL Contractor License No.: Cj i~c 18~~1p ~ ~ 8Z7o Company: 1C . Phone: ~y` 5•~I (-r 1-Cc t' 76 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATORE OF l1NDER5TANDING AND AGREEDENT I hereby certify ihat the setback distances proposed by this pertni[ application aze accurate, md do not violate applicable ordinances, mles or regulaUOns of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, euements or restricfions of record; that all measucements shown, md allegations made are accurate; that I have read md agree to abide by sll conditions printed on this applica[ion md that I assume full tesponsibiliTy for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) md all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONl'RACTOR): SIG _DATE ConstructionValue: lpjn00°-° Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Taac: TOt31: Description: - 1 ;)k) vCl~ "~o~ CK 'q'~ c~vt,tc~ (CrA BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ZONING COMMENTS: Approval: Zoning: BUILDING COMMENTS: Approval: PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: ApprovaL Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: (X 1q le Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company:lv\C'V'~.ui,, i~tct{~jl_ OtkC Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) Tlvs permit was issued in aceordeuce with the pmvisions set forth in your application md is su6ject ro the laws of Ne Sta[e of Colorado md ro the Zooing Regulatlons md Building Codes of Wheaz Ridge, Colorado or any oWa applicable ordinances of the City. (2) Tnis pe[mit shall exp've if (A) the work autltoriud is ¢ot commenced within sixry (60) days from issue date or (B) the bslding authoriztd is suspmded or abandoued for a period of 120 days. (3) If tlus permit expves, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the arnount uo=mally mquired, provided no changes have been or will be made in Che origutal plans md specificatioas md eny suspension or abandovmenthas aotexceeded one (1) year. IIchanges have been or ifsnspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) yeaz, Cull fees shall be paid for a new pmtit (4) No work of any mama shall he done that will change the natural flow of water causing a dcainage problem. (5) ContractorshallnotifytheBuildinglnspectortwenty-four(24)hoursinadva¢ceforallivspecROnsands6allreceivewrittenappmvaloninspectioncardbefore pmceeding vrith successive phases of thejob. (6) Tlie issuauce of a pennit or the appmvel of drawings md 5peci5cations shall uot be coustrued ro be a pamit for, uor m approval of, auy violation of che provisions of the bnilting codes or avy other ordinance, law, mle or regulaUOn. Chief Building Inspector Application Date: p~ Pertnit;y~ ~l 1079 Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District "Dedicated to Serve Through Excellence" P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham S[reet Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 303-403-5900 Office 303-940-0350 Fax ~Qntract r Informatio Name: ~$~S ~ : G SCt Agent: ~ Address: ap,Iki . „)v I'Ci.y~ Phone: 30 3- 13 7- 7 5 Co Alteration ❑ Partial ❑ Other: Iattes[ the above information to be accura[e. I have receivedandreviewed the Inspection Compliance and the Fee Schedu/e. 7/1ispermit is the propeity olthe Wheat Ridge fire Vrotedinn Distrid and is issued subjed to ronditions rontained herein. Upon any fai/ure ofany ronditron induding fai/ure otGearance ofany permi[Oaymen4 this permi[ is subjed to immediate revocaGOn and the permit must be rehimed upon demsnd M a represen[aHve afMe Whea[ Ridge Fire Profedion Disfrid . . . Signature of Applicant: INSPECTION BY FIRE DISTRICi REQUIRED? J4 YES ❑ NO Po4 this permd in a mnspimousOlace. Reque# required inspections a minimum of ffiree days in advance at 303403-5901- . ~ TYPE OF PERMIT FORMULA FEE Tank Ins edion No. of Tanks= @150.00/tank Review Alarm 5 stem Plans System Value= 1,42,0. 'A (.025) ~"9 Review S rinkler S stem Plans System Value= (.025) Review Buildin Plans . Valuation= TOTAL OF FEES DUE _ ❑ Total Bldg. ❑ New Field Inspedions and Dates: Hydrostatic Tests and Dates: Comments: Site Information Address: ,~1/00 Pierc~C Business: S41n4 I'[ki- SCI Contact: Phone: Amt. Paid ! 5 : m Method ✓47jG . . Initlals ' ~ 4- .n„ v i i ; , ~ i ?QSS I Z o'Z y 1 FIRE DISTRICT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT. F-JAPPROVED AS SUBMITTED CONDIiIONALLY APPROVED (See Commen[s.) . . BY ~ J.Ix t1r TITLE 1-~e~ ~f}QSUTAL DATE TYPE OF PERMIT FORMULA FEE Site Assessment Re-Submittal No. of Sites @ 75.00/Site Plan Revision Re-Ins ed No. of Hours @ 40.00/Hour After hours ins ection 2 Hours + No. of Hours @ 40.00/Hour TOTAL OF FEES DUE i1 n --I -u m ~ Amt. Paid ~ Method Initials FINAL APPROVAL evr e l~d ~x a~3 rrnE r' oare r z iai Applica[ion Date: ( ( ` (t Permit ;'':L 1080 Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District _.5:-.. "Dedicated to Serve Through Excellence" P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham Sveet Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 303-403-5900 Office 303-940-0350 Fax , Cont[actorInfmatjpfp~1~L,l~~N Name: Y ~ Agent: t AftF Address: N, G LX 17 w'f ~ Tfw /A!S t P r+ - L„ zi Phone: 2 p ~or 5 r' l Site Infor a ~on Address: .~s 3`ris r tr a. »a Business: t A, 401 !q . Contact: Phone: Iattest the above information ta be accurate. I have received and reviewed tAe InspecUon Comp/iance and the Fee Schedu/e. 771ispermitis fhe properfy ofthe Wheat Ridge Fire Protecfinn Distrid and is issued subjec[ to ronditians conUined herein. Upon any fai/ure ofanycrondition induding fai/ure ofdearance ofany permit paymen4 this permit is subjec[ to immediate revocaNon and the permX must be retumed upon demand M a r~pre atire qj'l~Se Whe Rid9e hm Pro[eNon Districf. .5~~,-`... Signature of Applicant: ~ rt-' INSPECTION BY FIRE DISTRICT REQUIRED? ~ YES ❑ NO Post this permit in a conspicuous plare. Reques[ required inspec[ions a minimum oJthree days in aduance at 303403-5902 -I TYPE OF PERMIT FORMULA FEE TankIns ection No.ofTanks= @150.00/Wnk Review Alarm S stem Plans System Value= (.025) eview S rinkler 5 stem Plans System Value= K (.025) Review Buildin Plans Valuation= . S TOTAL Of FEES DUE L f 91- ❑ Total Bldg. Alteration ❑ New ❑ Partial ❑ Other: Amt. Paid yi, , Method Initials ~'~..1c,: X i11 . 4'~' o20wr...: Field Inspections and Dates: 1ovjJ q oL V) ~ Hydrosta[ic Tests and Dates: G P&r - -13 b ;0 Comments: Fuw_ d J ' r 6 2~ F 0 L ~ _Y49A/d ~ FIRE DISTRICT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT. ~ nAPPROVED AS SUBMITTED CONDITIONALLY APPROVED (See CommentsJ m BY DATE / 'L ~~.Z.. .11 9 TYPE OF PERMIT FORMULA FEE _ Site Assessment Re-Submit[al No. of Sites @ 75.00/Site ~ Plan Revision Re-Ins d No. of Hours @ 40.00/Hour Amf. Paid After hours ins edion 2 Hours + No. of Hours @ 40.00/Hour Method TOTAL OF FEES DUE Initials FINAL APPROVAL BY TmEf- , DATE / f-(3_D7 IZ 6'L, Application Date: I~I Z- Q~ Permit 1080 . Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District "Dedicated to Serve Throragh Excellence" P.O. E3nx 507 3890 [JFliam Street Whea[ Ridge, Colorado 80034 303-4035900 OI(ice 303-940-0350 Fax Contcactor IpfQrmatip Name:,t`P0NfI ftrC* f/~o)t''CTtDly Agent: t ! t` , F . t, " V Address: C Ek ~7 wr~Tlk fW' E h' t_ c Phone: Site Infor atioe Address: ~~r 3`~ fs fz r 1 Pa....l Business: t' E .li1 f 1, Contad: Phone: I attest the above information to be accurate. 7 have rereived and reviewetl thelnspec[ion [om-'" ce and the Fee Schedu/e. This permit is the proper(y ofthe Whea[ Rid9e Fife Frotection Distrid and is issued subjed fo condi[ions r, . Upon any /ai/uie ofany mndition induding fai/ure oldearante ofany permi[ paymenp this permit is subject,ta immed%-' vnit musf be rctumed upon demand to a . f~Pre ~'ativeoF~eW~- Signature of Applicant: 1~ ""INSPECTION QY FIRE DISTF Post this permi( in a mnsOicuous pla TYPE OF PERMIT Tanklns edion Review Alarm 5 stem Plans + eview S rinkler 5 stem Plans Review Buildin Plans ❑ Total Bldg. Alteration ❑ New ❑ Partial Field Inspections and Dates: Hydrostatic Tests and Dates: aQG Psx - C_ C / ~A ^ Y~ 17. ~ Amt. Paid L.s" Me[hod ~ - , Initials k~..K; 'n qr~ v~...: cn ~ N -13 bz 4 ~ Comments: n P / fD.i.k: y' . <,Jtl . 4p z ' 1 FIRE DISTRICT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT. APPROVED AS SUBMIiTED CONDITIONALLY APPROVED (See Comments.) BY TITLFJ'"lE'.DATE / I^/ Z -UZ TYPE OF PERMIT FORMULA FEE Site Assessment Re-Submittal No. of Sftes @ 75.00/Site Plan Revision Re-4ns ed No. of Hours @ 40.00/Hour After hours ins edion 2 Hours + No. of Hours @ 40.00/1-lour TOTAL OF FEES DUE 303403-5902. -u m X Z Amt. Paid Method Initials FINALAPPROVAL 7Il1Ef-~ DATE / I-(3_0 z, Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, irispection and tests shali be made by the contractofs represeMative and vriEnessed by an owners represeMative. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractots pe,sonnel finally Imve the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both represeMatives. Copies shall be prepared fw approving aufhorities, owners, and conhactor. It is understood the owners represeMative's signature in rq way prejudices arry claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmaruhip, or failure to comply wiih ggprovina aut r u'vemeMs w bcal ordinances. Property name Date W ~ Property address ` Accepted by approving authoriies (n9mes) f Address ~ Plans Installation conforms to accepted plans es E]No R Equipment used is approved yes Q No If no, explain deviations Has.person in charge of fire equipment been instruded as Yes Q No to location of control valves and care and maintenance of this new equipment? if no, explain? Instrudions Have copiesof the following been left on the premises? Yes Q No 1. System components instructions . Yes Q No 2. Care and maintenance instructions Yes Q No 3. NFPA 25 Yes ~ No Location of Supplies buildings s stem y Make Model Year of Manufactur Orifice Size Quantity Temperature Rating r Sprinklers Pipe and Type of pipe Fittings Type of Fittings Alartn ve Alarm Device Maximum time to operate through test conne ' or Flow Te Make Model Minutes onds Indicator Dry Valve Q.O.D. Make Mo Serial No. Make- Model Serial No. Dry Pipe Time to trip through Water qir Trip point Time water reached Alarm operated Operating test connection t ressure re air ressure test outlet ro erl Test Minutes Seconds si si si Minutes Seconds Yes No W/ Out Q.O.D. Wdh Q.O.D. If no, explai - . Operation Q Pneumatic Q Electric Q Hydraulics . . Pipi ervised O Yes ~ No Deteding Media Supervised s No Deluge and Does valve operate the manual trip, remote, or both control stations? Q Yes Q No Preadion Is there an accessible facility in circuit for testing? If no, explain Valves Q Yes No Does each circuit ope oes each circuit operete Mauimum time to su ervision arm? e release? o erate release Make Model Y No Yes No Minutes Seconds Location and Setting Static Pressure Residual Pres Flow Rate Pressure a or model fla'iin Reduc Inlef si Outlet si Inlet si Outlet si m e Test Hydrostatic: Hydrostatic tests shali be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for 2 hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in. excess of 150 psi (10.2 bar) for 2 hours. Differential dry-pipe valve ciappers shall be left open during the test to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. Test Description Pneumatic: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1 1/2 psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shall not exceed 1 12 si 0.1 bar in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested at psi bar) for hours If no, state reason ~ Dry piping pneumatically tested Yes a No ~ Equipment operates properly ~ Yes Q No 5A 9 Do you ceRify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives ~ QD ~ of sodium siiicate, brine, or her corrosive chemicals were not used for testing systems or stopping leaks? ~ ~~s5 No Tests Reading of gauge located near water Residual pressure with valve in test conn test supp onnection: psi ( bar) pen wide: psi ( ar) Underground mains and IeO"ift-e ections to system riser flushed before conne ' e to sprinkler piping Verified by copg of the U Form No. 85B Yes o her Ecplain Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping Yes If power-driven fastene sed in concrete, has representative sam le If nq testing bee ctorily completed? Q Yes No Remarks Date system was left in service Name of sprinkler contrador Test witnessed by Signatures For property owner (signed) Title Date For sp ' k r c ntra or (signed) Title Date Additional e pl ations and notes " DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 14775 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 11/12/02 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: SAINT PETER 8 PAUL Property Address : 3900 PIERCE ST Phone : Contractor License No. : 18640 Company : ADNIL FIRE PROTECTION Phone : 650 8512 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegalions made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the W heat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C J and all other applicable 7x e,/ ~fo q~dia c, ap es, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED l~/l(/~'`-`'-~~~ DATEIN2-8X Construction Value : $7,450.00 Permit Fee : $153.25 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $89.40 Total: $242.65 Use : Description : REMOVE 12 EXISTING SIDEWALL EXTENDED COVERAGE SPRINKLER HEADS & REPLACE W/ EXTENDED COVERAGE. & ADD 2 SPRINKLER HEADS IN S.W CORNER ROOM Mui~e _ BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning Goinrris`tits; SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Roof Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (t) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ritlge, Coloredo or any other ap0licable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall axpire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (80) days from issue date or (B) the building authorizetl is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may ba acquired for a fee of one-half the amount nortnally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in lhe original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shal I be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will changa the naturel Flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Builtling Inspector hventy-(our (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The' su nce oit or the approval of drawings and SPecifcations shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the isi s ing codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Buildin nspector Stories : Residential Units : DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : RUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: JQ~~~Q4S9`I 04t~ Property Address Contrector License No. Company 390o~ieresc S~a M0 'a1 Zta QfOW'm OWNER/CONTR.4CTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value :3ySCI.Co I hereby certiry that the setback distances praposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not vialate appliwble ordinances, fules or regulations of the Ciry of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of recorA; that ali measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate: that I have iead and agree lo abide by all wnditions pnnted on this appliwtion, and that I assume full resp nsibility (or co pliance with the Wheal Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all olher applibl heat Ridge o inances, f r work under this pertnit. (OWNER)(CON w TRACTOR) SIGN D _OATEUS2 : Description: ~2-&I ~D~~~~w~~~ xT RdC ~ a v~ ~c-r .rA2, tfas h- k~uK~ c N ~o vc¢gG.r ~ r}04 Z SOQ H05 / n s,w, c oa N<2 R a. l+~. I BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Phone: Phone : 3Q3' ka_451 ~ Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total : $0.00 SIC Approval: Zoning : tsu18(tfdSCb t~[e fs- 4 Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls Electrical License No : Company : Expiretion Date : Approval : Sq. FL : Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiretion Date : Approvai: Roof Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permil was issued in acmNance wM the provisians set faM in yoWr a0dication anE is subjeG lo the laws a/ the SUta ol Cdaado and to the Zoning Regula0ons and Builtling Cade of Wheat RWqe, ColoroEO a any oNer applinde aLinances of the Ciry. (2) Thia pemN shaU expire d(A) the waAc auNOnzeE u nol mmmenced wNUn suety (60) days irom Issue Eate or (8) the Duiltlirp auNOrized is suspenEeA w abarWOned Iw a perioC of 720 days. (a) II Uis pemN espires, a new pemut may be atquired fa a lee M ano-natl the amount namulty requiied, proviAed no Uanges Iww Deen a vrill Ee matle in the original plans anC spedfKations and any suspension a aDanGOnment has not exceeded one (1) year. II changes are ma0e a i! suspensimw aEantlonmenl exceeCS ane (1) year, NII fees shall be paW for a new pertnll (4) No work af arry rtunner shall be done that vrill Uunge the nalurel fbw ol water fausirg a Eraina9e po0lem. (5) Cantractw slwll irotiry the BuilCin9 Inscectar twenN-lour (24) houn in advance fw ail inspections ana snail receive written approwl on Inspeclian aM De(ae ptxxeEii~g with successiveph axe of Ne oh. (6) The issuanca of a permit or the approvel o~Crewings an0 spedGCaGOns zhan rwt Oe consweC m Ee a pertrtil fa, nor an appraval ol, arry NolaGon of Ne Orovislons ol the builCinq codes or am oNet adinance, law, iule or repuWtion. - Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION STATE OF COLORADO DIVISION OF FIRE SAFETY PLAN REGISTRATION FORM Date 11•`t-a Contractoi\RegistKationNumber l /10~1 Confractors Mailing Address ^ - Comments (for additional comments use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local f'ue department. Copy to confractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. CertificaHon No. (Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) t _ _ _ i t A i n_ _ 1 - s- .ry - C r k _ . _ ,.__w, i } i t i i 4 i v ~ i ~~III ~ ~ - ..~„~r~,„.r~ ~ r E t f i ° ~ t k t ; € a E ~ f i ~ { j ~ j ~ ~ ~f i F ~ 1 f t i ~F ~ i j ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i 4 f Y i i ~9 ' ( ~ j { , ' i i k ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ i { . . _.F i ~ ! f i t ~ E - r ~ .m......_._ { ~ , s. } ~ i { ~ ._.._._.1 ,3 t ~ l ~ t { t ~ - , ~ ; ~ r i ( i j ~ i ' ~ ~ i 1 F j ~ i. ~ E 1 i f i 1 1 3 S i 3 t REDUCING COUP4NG 1. MODIFY EXIST ~ y. I ~r I 2. EXISTING BUI 3. PIPE SIZE PE 4. REMODEL AR 5. ALL PIPE FITfI ~L 6. ALL ELECTRI 7. ALL PAINTING 8. MAXIMUM SQ 9. ALL PIPE 1" - 10. ALL PIPE 2 1/ 11. ALL PIPE FITT 12. ALL PIPE FIT ceNrRn~~ 13. THE AUTHORI ~ i 14. SCOPE OF SPRINKLERS MODEL K11 ECLH IN NEl/V CEIL QUICK RESPONSE TO ROOM IN EXTENDED COVERAGE QUICK RESP 15. AREA OF PR LIGHT HAZARD SPRINKLER 16. CONSTRUCTI .ems f 3 ~ } ! t 1 t° L _ l r gk E DRAV DATE: DRAWN BY: L.C.S. ~ - ADNIL FIRE PROTECTION DATE: 10/29/02 FP OF CONTF CONTRACT# Dw SAINT PETER AND P) A.S. A.S. SCAL A.S.ONSHT: nsNOTIEo P.O. BOX 691 A.S. ON JOB: 3900 PIERCE SCALE.- ,ff°=r-0 WESTMINSTER, COLORADO 80038 i WHEATRIDGE, CO 80 PHONE NO. 303-650-8512 c_ _ f DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 14752 BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date : 11/1/02 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Property Owner: STS. PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHRUCH Property Address : 3900 PIERCE ST Phone : 424-3706 Contractor License No. : 18128 Company : General Gerber Const., Inc. Phone : 423-0123 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : $15,000.00 I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permil application are accurate, and Permit Fee : $251.25 do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or 00 $0 covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations . Plan ReviBw Fee : made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this Use Tax : $180.00 application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applirabl~-Wt at Ridg ordiQnances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNED` ~ l~-DATE I/ ~-I ~ Total $431.25 : Use : Description : ADD DROP CEILING TO EXISTING BASEMENT. (EXIST ING CEILING IS DRYWALL) BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : Approval: DM Pubtic YYorks,Qot1L.~~~ts:; Approval : Occupancy : Walls Electrical License No : 21282 Company :AJL ELECTRIC,LLC Expiration Date : 2/28I03 Approval : OK/KS 11/1102. OK PER COMMENTS ON PLAN Roof Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forih in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the Slale of Colorado antl to the Zoning Regulations antl Builtling Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other appliwble ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixty (80) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandonetl for a period o! 120 days. (3) If this permit ezpires, a new permit may be acquired for a fae of one-half the amount nortnally required, provitled no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not ezceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds ona (1) year, full fees shall be paid (or a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naturel Flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contrdctor shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive writlen approval on inspection cartl before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance ot a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be wnsWed to be a permit (or, nor an approval oF, any violation ot the pmvisiong of ) he b'Idin ~ des or any olher ordinance, law, rule or regulation. - ii21"! Chi uilding In ctor oF wHEqr DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMEI'rI' Building Pexxnit Number: F ~ BUII,DING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE i 7500 WEST 29TH AVENiTE ~ WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) COC OR P00 ,yH y=~V,y 'y5 A~y 415P4~ 4.fY d ~l~i V Property Owner: "`>+s. P-Qia ? Pa t C4-f lt 6 ~ ic C7 U f c 30 ~(F-Z i/ - S 70b Property Address: 3 y(7c~ plw q C-e °~at Conhactor License No.: / 7rl 12 Phone: Company: 6PN f r4 Phone: (F 2-;j -012 -:k, O WNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATORE AND AGREEMEN'C Construction Value:$ /S00I Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ Use Tax:$ Total:$ I hereby cer[ify that the se[back distances proposed by [his pertnit application aze acwrate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, mles or regulations of the CiTy of Whea[ Ridge or covenants, easements orrestrictions ofrecord; that aIl measuremrnts shovm, and allegatlons made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all condifions printed on this apptication and tha[ I assume full responsibiliTy for compliance with Ihe Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C) and all o[her applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR):SIGNED DA1'E ~ ,R~~ ` LL` Jl.1~LS 11V3\. - n~ 1f r L) ie r~ _ . I, [1- 1;y3 C[ ~-t. l s4 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ ..1 . 20NIN0 COMMENTS: ~ ` Approval: ' Zoning: ~ RE~E~~ED BUILUINGCOMMENTS:~ ~ ~mm~~ C~ QrT?9?GQZ 1 j / ` J. Approval: r PUBLIC WORKS COMMCNTS: ~ Approval: ~ ~A cJ Occupancy: Walls: Roo£ Stories: Resi . -0Ys" Elechical License No: AJ Laa • Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expirarion Date: / 1 yJ Expuarion Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) TM1is pemit was issued in accordance with the provisions set fozth in your application and is subject w the Iaws of the State of Colorado and m the Zoving Regulafions and Btildi¢g Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of 1he Ciry. (2) This pemit shall ezpue if(A) the work avthonzed is not rommeviced within sinty (60) days from issue dare or (B) Ne building autLonzed is suspended or aba¢doned for a period of 120 days. ' (3) [f tlils pemit expires, a new pemit may be acquired for a fee of onchalf t6e amouvt vorthally roquired, provided no cfianges have been or will be made iv the original plans avd specifica¢ons avd avy suspension or abaudonment has not exceeded one (I) yeac If changes have been or if suspension or abandonmmt ezceeds oue (l) yeaz, full fees s6aI1 be paid for a new pemit (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will chavge ihe nadual flow of wamr causing a drainage problem. (5) Covtracmr shall noefy the Building Inspecror twevty-four (24) hows iu advance for all inspecfions and shall receive written approval on inspection cerd before proceeding with successive phases of thejob. (6) 'Lhe issuance of a pemit or the appmval of dmwiugs and specificafious shall not be ronstrued to be a pemit for, nor an approval of, any violaROn of Ne pmvisions of Ne buil ' codes or any oNer ordiuance, law, mle or regulatlon. kr Chief Build g Insp or octoter 23, aooi Joe Gerber General Gerber Construcrion 6020 Kipling St. Arvada, CO 80004 Re: Construction Observations Dear Mr Gerber : - C7i~l.an.s I We conducted a sit visits on August 22 and September 4 to review the fornung, and the powing of the spread footing and the foundarion walls for the handicap ramp at Sts. Peter and Paul Chisch. The spread footing was laid out and sized according to plan specifications. The specified size and number of steel reinforeement bars were installed in the footing and were spaced at the specified intervals. The walls for the ramp were formed and laid out properly. The steel was sized and installed as per the construction dceuments. The connection of the new walis to the exisring foundalion of the church was completed as specified. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincecely, GILLANS INCORPORATED Vincent Nissen Field Technician sE 0- Neil Mekel~qrJ mo U ;k,•Z3•v/o° Project Engii$ei E N G I N E E R I N G • A R C H I T E C T U R E • S U R V E Y I N G GILLANS INCORPORATED • 8471 hmpike Drive, Suite 200 - Westminsteq CO 80031 • 303-426-1731 • Fvc: 303-426-1732 Summik County Office: 970-262-6795 - www.gillans.com DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number : Date 12510 7/23/01 Property Owner : Property Address : 3900 PIERCE ST Contractor License No. : 18128 Company : General Gerber Const., Inc. Phane: Phone: 423-0123 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restridions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full respon;ibility for pliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicabJeroVf~at Ridge rdinaffes, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNDATE 'Z -d Construction Value : $40,000.00 Permit Fee : $543.25 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $600.00 Total: $1,143.25 Use: Description : NEW HANDICAP RAMP TO REPLACE THE OLD Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (i) This pertnit was issuetl in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subgct to the laws of the State of Coloretlo antl to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other appliwble ordinances of a City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commencetl within sixty (80) tlays From issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a penod of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount nortnally requiretl, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans antl specifcatlons antl any suspension or abantlonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paitl for a new pertnit (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone that will change the natural flow of water causinq a dreinaga problem. (5) Cont2ctor shall notify the Building Inspedor hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspection cartl before proceetliing with successive phases of the1'ob. (e) The issu of a permi}pr the appmval of drewings and specifications shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of th Itli g co~eS9/~Y other oMinance, law, rule or regulallon. K_l , . Chief Building I DEPARTMENT Ok' FLANNYNG AND DEVELQPME;NT Building Permit Number BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 75110 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 50215 - (303-235-2855) ~~~~~~APION Property Owner: ~ . Q ~ ✓ 0 r, I 067110b( C/lV f C A . Property Address: 19 19 ~ Lp 4 • Phone : ContractorLicenseNo.:^ ~~V_)e OWNER/CONCRACTOR SIGNATL72E OF l1NDERS7ANDING AND AGREEMEN7 I hearby certify that the setback disfances pmposed by this pertnil application are accurale, md do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulalions ofihe City of Wheat Ridge or covenams, euementc or restriclions of record; that all measuremenN shown, md allegations made are xccurate; that I have read anA agee to abide bY all conditions prinled on tltis applicalions md that I assume full responsibility for compliarice with lhe Wheat Ridge Building CoQe (U.B.C) md all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinancu, for work unde 's etmit. (OWNER)(COMRACTOR).SIO: DATE -IZ Description: 0.ew iCc,,,. vO {iliA- a- 11 Phone: 30 ~ Construction Value: Z{p 000 Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: TOt3l. ',lD /~-o ~ I Ati-P / pv O %d" glio, -)n --az 3 1 r!34 3 vr~- oiz3 UdR;F' BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~ IC: Zaning comments: 4o, uw ~-~+..Q ~s u~<Q ^ Approval: -~x.A- -7 /z<lo Zoning: Buildi~tg C.ESmiuenLS: Approval. : J? ~O Pu1?ti~ War1~s Ca~utuenrs: C~ 7~1 ~o r~ ~ ~'S O ApprovaL , Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company Company: Expiration Date: Expiralion Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This pertnit was ismed iv accordaoce wM1h Ne provisions set (or[h iv Vour appLcacion md is sub,lec[ to [he laws of lhe Scnte o( Colorxdo anA m Ihe Zoning Rebmlatfons md Buitding Code of Wheat Ridye, Cobrado or any oiher applicable ordinences of'the Ciry (2) Thfs permit shall expive f( (A) Ne work euthorized is not commemed withln six ry (60) davs Gom issue date or (B) vhe building auNorized is sospendeA m abendoned for a pedod of 120 deys. (3) If this pertnit rxpiru, e new prmen may be aoquired for x fee o] one-half the amuunt normelly mGuired, provided no changes hnve been or will he made in the uriginal plarts md spncifmntiore enA anV %uspension or abandonment hav not exceeded one (1) year. If chenges have bern or if suspension or abandonment euoeeds one (1) yaar, full (ees shell be paid for a new permi6 (4) N. work of any marmer shall be done Nat will change the naNral ilow of water causin6 a drainage problem. (S) ConVactor shall notify the BuildiW iaspecmr lwrnry-fow (24) hours in advance 6r aIl inspectiorts md shall receive wn[ten approval on inspection card beforc pmceedin6 with succwsive phazes of lhe job. (6) The issuance a t or Ne approval of drawinES md specitications shall not be conswed to be a persnit foc nor an approvnl ot, :ury violation dthe prwisio~ ofo(vi nq~ivqam olher ordinence, Iw, rule or mgulation. OE WHEqT City of Wheat Ridge ~ Po Planning and Development Department Memorandum TO: Darin Morgan, Codes Administrator FROM: Mary Austin, Planner SUBJECT: St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church at 3900 Pierce St. DATE: July 18, 2001 I have reviewed the plans for the new handicap ramp at St. Peter and Paul Church. Clarification on the plan is needed on the following issues: The plan needs to indicate where the existing tree will be relocated to. 2. The plan needs to state what will happen to the bushes being removed. If they are to be relocated, that location needs to be shown. It appears that the new ramp will be constructed over additional landscaping that is cunently in place. The plan needs to indicate if the landscaping adjacent to the parking lot, where the ramp is shown, is going to be removed. 4. The plan needs to show the landscaping that will be provided in the yazd azea that is wrapped around by the new ramp. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Y F f a F ~ ~ - y r ~ a ~ y _ - e / i ~ r, ~ i j j F F t i f r J ` . r f w . _ l 7 f l a i ~ /r` / 1' / / ~ r / l f ~ ✓ if tf ~'QI ' i ~ 1 ~ r / / p` ~ J i r x r 1. r ~ t" ' ~ r' / A 1' ! I 7 da j' j k~ L j.+ ~ ~ J~ As, / F , P. r F . ; / i _ ~ ~ r' ' / ' ~ / i ~ ~ r` f~ ~ j , 1 j/' ~ ~ ~ 'I ' ~ ` f T d ~ 1 f . ~ ~ / ~ ~ t f,! f ~ _ _ _ . I ~ s r ~ ~ r i ~ _ ~ , .P . , _ ~ _ .e. ~ ~ t" i P ! f ~ ~ 3~ ~ ~ ~ / f ' ~ f ; [ ~ , . f 7 s , ~ I° ~ ~ r i r ,_f f r' % } ~ i i f ' p ..w._.a. r ~ r ~ _ i ~ ~ ' ~ / ~ ` t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P ~ > = f4 . I' ~ f, 4, w. k~ r a t a. r of f ~ f ` 1 I 1 / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ „ . ~ ~j i / ~ / r r' J ~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ r ~ T f f l ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ / /r ` ~ ~ , 1 / \ 1 ~ ~ i ! r 5 S ~ ~ ~ ~3t ~ ;4 i 5 ~ . r d. .a= / ' ' / ~ f r 1 f r~ ° f r / i ~ s r ~ / ,r ' e ry ~ < ` f C, ~ - / ~ ~ r ,f € ~ 1 ~ 1 ; r / f, ~ f' ~ t~., ' f, ~ / /r - ~ r"~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ / #F r ~ ~ i r ~ F ~ ~ ~n f irk a 1 r 1 } t S. . St 5 1. ~ 1 ~ } 4 t 4 1 ~ ~s c ~ i j, S t `1 ~ ~p t ~ ~ t\ t At ~ i t °l ~ 1 4 ~ ~ l ` f ~11~ ~ ~ a 4 t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` + ~ ~ p L_. t ° P za L~ ~ ~ m~_ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 } ~ ~ .T. g ~t ~ € ~r. 1 ~ i t ~ ~ u .w ~ . ~ w J, 1 ~ ~ S ` 1 'y ~ 7 . , . ~ F , m ~ , ~ ' . _ t+, ~ _ _ _ _._.m~ _ . , ~ ■ ......e.._._, ...,,..m.~._,~.„,, M 4 ~ , ~ ~ f ~ ~ r _ l; t _ ~ , t ~ .~..____..~..,~v_~_a_.__._~...x.~ 1 __~..,,~_e.~ e ~ ~ i f i d~N~~". ~ ~ t i l..j.... _ x t t r _ y 6 ~ ~ i - - _ _ ~ l ; ~ ~ ~ ~ E f fl ` ~ ~ ~ _ ~ , r q F 4 ~y t ~ ~ ~ °T ~ } 4 ~ I ~ . ` t t ° ` ~ ~ ! } € ~ j ~ tit , < t , t r ~ R ~ ~ i s., ~ _ # w .ors a ~A81K i d '~y~,... r . - + ~ ~ ii ~ ~ , _l._,~ ~.u.y..,_.~ k r e ~ f ~j JS f ~ q ~ I Y`r i i t k P ~ 1 9>. . n x ~,..,1,,....5 .~~t q f. • . ~ ~9 fY B ~q...i. . r,..~. E ~ ' ~ ~ - r ~P as a ~ ~ ; " "'3 ~ ~t ~ 0.a AVa ~tn-~:.q-may , , ~ ~J ~ ~P"~ ~ ~ / e~ ~ i -----d j ~ ~9 / " l ~ r - ~ s a" ~ t ~ ~,'3 ~ ~ ~.w ~4-~ t:: ~ . _ a N,~~ Vim. r ~m ~ K m _-___.m_~..._.~ ~~~rv._ __w._ r r " ;a. -:ar t,l . ra IY II . ~ ~l .L~ ~ M L... ~ .,i,.. ~ I ~ ~ a 1 ~ 0 i a, ~ a.<: s,~ 1_ ~ ~ ~ ~ w - , ~1. ~Mw~ ~M,~ a ~ _ ~ ~ g f ~ u r t ; ~ i ~ r - ~ . 4 - .mow .dk ( _ , ~-....,,,d r`^ m. 'tJ..J ~ -.w.,. ii I t Y L 0 1) e) 10' 1 0. SIDEWALK - 95.77' GRADE LINE I + jj p t , 4 r r Q ~ Air Nil1N 1 L7S UUTH ELEVATION ' E PT 3/1 6 1 _0 1 S~ A ~ ,,DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 10685 6/16/2000 Property Owner : Property Address : 3900 PIERCE Contractor License No. : 20692 Phone : 424-3706 Company : Certified Home Services Phone : 296-9955 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this p mit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulation o the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restridions of record; that all me ur ments shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by II nditions printed on this application, and that I assume full resnT!l cA wdh the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicabls, for work under this(OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNEDDATE b b ~ Construction Value : $14,500.00 Permit Fee : $251.25 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax: Totai : $251.25 Use: Description : Replacement windows on Rectory BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : Please Note: mmmommimm Owne; / contractor is responsihle for locating nroperty l^n ~ und constructing in;provcments according to !h~ Appfoval ec plan and reGciraci L!evelopmen[ standzrds. i('ity is ro[ r~spor„i~i~, ;ur inzccu,;;te informaCion . Iny cor.si c': ApprOV81 Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (i) This permit was issueA in accordance with the provisions set forlh in yopur applicetion and is sub1'ecl to the laws of the State at Coloredo and to the Zoning ReBUlations and Buildin~ Catle of Wheat Ridge, Coloretlo or any other applicable orUinances of the Ctty. (2) This permit shall ezpire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within sixly (80) days from issue tlate or (B) the building authorizetl is suspended or abantlonetl tor a periotl of 120 days. (3) If this pertnit racpires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-halF the amount noimalty repuiretl, provitletl no changes have been or will Oe matle in the original plans end speGfications and any suspension or abandonmenl has nol euceeded one (t) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be Cona that will change the natural flow of water wusing a drainage problem. (5) Cont2ctor shall noUry the Building Inspeclor lwenty-four (24) hours in advance for all inspectians and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceetliing witt~ succassive phases of the'ob. (e) The issua 5apermitore:pprovalo h ~drawings anC specifica6ons shall not he consWed to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of ih ~ ng othr ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building In ector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Buiiding Permit NumCer : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Da,e : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE b//6/eo WHEAT R1DGE, CO 80215 AppLICATto N Prooerty Owner: PropertyAddress: Phone: 3e3•qd-`r-37oIa Contractor License No. : Company : &Q,n 4tni; ,SfrL1/ L'~S Phone :3p3 - a%' qcZjJ-- OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setbaek distances proposed by thu pertnit 2ppliv6on aro aeeunte, anC do not viola[e applicable ordinanees. rules or regulations of the Ciry of Wheat RiCge or covenants. easements or restnctions of rceorC; that all meas ments shown, antl allegations made are aceurate: that I have reatl antl agree to abiEe by I onEipons printeE on Nis applinhon, and that I assume full rcsponsibBiry for compW wdh Ne YVheat Ridge Building CoEe (U.B.C J and alt other aDP~icable Wheat RiQ s. for woAc untler thit perrti (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED pqT= 6~00 Description W,NDqv5 anl ke CTric~ ConsUUCtion Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax : 1PkFr,,P1" Total : Use: Approval : Zoning : W Approval: 'wilmWo fl~l Approval: Occupancy : Walis Roof: Stories: SVR~ECEiVED JU~; ' 5 7nrn ElecUical License No : Company Expiretion Date : Approval : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiretion Date : Approval : (1) 71us oemot wu uwW m atcerpaiv wiN tlr O~~s a~t bn n YoOUr a0o~otlan antl s wCAet Reswmn. rw aLik.q em. a Vorc wav.. aoaam b tM hwa et IM Sua of Cdvaao sro m t!r 2"q v ey eer apdew aanr+re a me uy. (2) Thn Mmt uup aan rt W e» wart wmorwa e na mnr~wn~ea wmun aatY (60) aaysrrem iswe at~ mg ~wwnzsa ia aunaanee ror a a.me a 1m ays. a (e) me DuiW auspenaae w (7) IfTisDeffMesOaa.anwe.....r.,.....~+..Y"'~___. 14I (5) (8) = ua~W f aoPenitwn x aemmwnt I vr IaOrtal lbw et xratr ominq . drainage ppple,, ar (24) hwurs n aWaio /a leI ~qWCOO~a antl Nall nOiw w+itlen pqp„V an iqpeCppn oid Ogfpv an0 aoriOlfoems nu9 nol a mnmuea ro M a pamiit tor. ner an.OPOVaI ot. w*/ vidaeon et en qv.iwo ianpuNepn,- - Chief Building Inspector fi : Bant by: C_i'Y OF VMEAT p:pGE 3032345924; 12/12/97 10:161M,,JctjjX N20; Pape 2!2 LT1Y OF N'AFeT RTDf'R' 1tYFMpT iNST iTIAN i(' EXEMPTIOlY NUMDER 71 t A8 DtteofIaue: NOV 13. 1997 STS PETER E PAUL 3300 PIERCE ST IIaEAT AIOGE, CO 80033 s~ _S}~~15EACCOUNT(VUMBE ~`q`:~~MTM 'INFORMATION , ' • ISSUE DATE c. ~,,t.rer,~uu~.c.~a.: e.~,,:,;'. e, . 98 01756 Oq00 j~ ,O,i"006'r8661 N 080179 NOV 12 1998 1300 :5 STEE~IE~~SaT~;AM#M9~E ~ V6R1.;•.CO O~F;ADENVER k y~~n~+~~'.til'(Il' Er"QkkUENVR "a", +'s ,~,,F a ~~i✓~ el L~",~nSY 3d'2j0"{2526 DeOsrtmonl ef Ilwewe 'i . . . ~~n i~,. 'a . . Date of Expuition; t 2_ i_ pnnn f ~f ~ ~7 i F. J STATE SAlES/USE TdX,rQNL"Y.. •Y.: l i G. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 9081 6/18/99 Property Owner : Property Address : 3900 Pierce St Contractor License No. : 18167 Company : G& H Electric Co. Phone: Phone : 424 7200 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibiliry for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat 12i e rdinances, or work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATEG I Description : Wire new sign Construction Value : $495.00 Permit Fee : $23.50 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $7.43 Total: $30.92 Use Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issuetl in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur application antl is subjec[ to the laws of ihe Sfate ot Colorado and to the Zoning Re9ulations and Building Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ortlinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (80) days trom issue date or (e) the building authonzetl is suspended or abandoned for a periotl of 720 days. (3) It this permit expires, a new permil may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally requiretl, provitletl no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abantlonment has not exceeded one ('I) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one ry) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permil. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the naNral fiow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Conlractor shall notify the Building Inspector twenty-tour (24) hours in advance (or all inspedions and shall receive written approval on inspection wrd before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a pertnit or lhe approval of drawings and specifications shall not be construetl to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violalion of the provisions of the bu' g w~des for any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Buildingihspector DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Application Number : BUILDING INlSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner :Ce7+ei- q.ie( rai Phone : Property Address : _39trO 677T< < Contractor License No. : CompanY : ii y 41.l d17_ Phone : 303 y,7y--72aD OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify lhat the setback distances proposed by this permit applicalion are accurate. and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or requlauons of ine City o( Wheat Ridge or coveqants, easements or restrictions of record: that all measurements shown, and allegations matle are accurate; that I have reatl antl agree to abide by all contlitions printed on this a0plication, antl thal I assume full responsibiliry for compliance w¢h Ihe Wheat Ritlge Buildinq Code (U.B.C.) antl all other applicable Wheat Ridqe ordinances. t r work under this permil. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED i 6 DATE L Is / Description Construction Value : ~j5. [ra Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Z3t~ing-CommYents* Approval : Zoning : I at~l ~om,mrvents;; Approval: Ru611c`.Works! Comments: Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Company Expiration Date : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : ~ pt4ns'.Required,_ -PlansRequired ~ J - ~ ' (1) This permR was i55ueG in accortlance wiN the prowsions set tor,n in yopur apphcation antl is sub)ect to lhe laws of the State ol ColoraUO antl to ihe Zoning Regulalions and Builtling Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Coloratlo or any other appl¢able ortlmances of Ne Ciry. (2) This permit shatl expire it (A) the work author¢etl is not commencea wilhin sixry (60) tlays from issue date or (B) the building authonzetl is suspendetl or abantloneU for a OerioE of 120 days. (3) If Nis permrt ezplres, a new permrt may be acqmre0 for a fee of cne-half the amount normally reqwretl, provideA no changes have Geen or will he ma0e in ihe ofiginal plans antl specifitations and any sus0ension or abanoonment has not exceetle0 one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abantlonment exceetls one (7) year. full fees shall be paid for a new permtl. (4) No work ot any manner shall be Eone Ihat wtll change Ine naWrai tlow of water causing a tlrainage pmblem. (5) Contractor shall nohry the euiltling Inspector twenry-bur (24) hoc:: m atlvance for ail inspections antl shall receive written approval on inspection rard before proceetlnng wRh successive phases of the Iob. (6) The issuanCe of a pefmit or Ihe approval of drawings antl speai:ations shali not be wnstmetl to be a permit for. nor an aOProval of, any violalion of Ihe provisions of the building cotles or any other ortlmance. iaw. ruie or re9wa:_n Chief Building Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION I I _ _ T~ _jl -CCD L JuC^ i ~ - cc... ~ - ~C'_ ^S _ _I _ G~_-- ~ ~.Q~J~v~~J • CCiit7UC`--D E_. . c?c__•r = _.=_D, .;,-s s.TSje..i~~~c~ ~L 41,, ri.&.fL a ,a • ~ ~ • „ . n . - - n , , -rw 9 /6 • &-14c~a C4,ofY--"'~ t__~•._--F~G E'rL,<< Es ~ r'!~-l PiltRTWWOFP'LAWWO6 AND DEYELOPMENT Building Permit IVumber :m i 7624 ~ 9KlIL.0W4i#0MC'1'10N`0MSION 235-2855 Cl'1`'Y Of iNHEA7 RIbC,E ' Date : 8/13/98 750 NM4"a"i` 2S'fH AVGMtlE WIi~iE~1T R~;E, C0 80216 Ptoperty Owner : ° PrGpeilEy Addrew: 3900 PlERCE ST ' Phtme : 424-3706 Gontractor t3c;ense Na. : . C~mparty : Phone : OWNER/CQNTRACTOR $IONATi1RE OF WNCSERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction.VaNtB : $10.00 d~ a~ uc I hereDY d~at ` dbtbnces pmpoesd thb Dam~R ucatlon am axurete, Petmk F~ : and do fkd ~M~ ttYMis M nap oi ihe ~ ~ Qt ~eqd; aq~ ~asuremaMS sh~o~m,~ond a~eey.nons Plan RevieYU Fee $0.00 1fldfN A ~~~1PY0 ff~ YIIQ ~~1MlF W C7i1d~O0i 011 M . . . s~~A~e~n,~~ 1~a~yma fl,x r~s fu «~m~~ wkn nb ~rttdpe ~uiaing Use Tax : $0.00 tU.B.C.} and all nqNrt tpp , ord forwork urWsr th4 pem~k toml:"0705 _ Use: Dewriptlon : DfMO 24 X 24 SHED ' BUILdtNG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft : M~f±81w Zmring;;: A(~pro~': ~ Ap~rov~tc 4ccupancy :WaHs : Roof : Stories : Resideniiel Unitg E~LLicense No - Plumbing License No : MechanicaFCicense No : Compghy; Company : Company : ExpiraGpn;qste : ExPiration Date : Expiratioo Date : Approval; ' AAproval: Approval; . . (1) Ttbi+om*vNi~in WMh Ms;MCVYMene Ntfatb inyapur appkaUrn antl b aW~kct to the lawn of the 3Ubeaf Colq'Mb Prwl~ b Me ZoNnp ra w caonmvrwyraftrp~bIs aa~+.~ae.atnec~. ~waa b wepa~Klea w . . (2) ~ehMNF ' wa~cWH~i'ditnaaanrorww'ivMn1nWq(ao)dar+han wue asb«(s)mebuqnp.«M . (3) ~~1 . mw¢ErMXlcOtapWroMdornarlftheenmrrtnamelbroWked.ppyyy~ nodwnpesNvaOplM~arwMbsrtl~htlfs Id~a~etlBO~M{~8nde~ry" !q'eWrdalme~tlaa~a~caedMOna(t)Yew. N~NemadetKNdup~neb~.or~xYbnt . NPwCActifaM! . r~ dIUM . witdpµlyBG~hsn~4+ra11kwW►nter~ adnp~apsprobl9m. . (BT . MWY,1oW~uweN~~gwl~ptw~tx4>naesmeavanoekrap5~epecUomanc.n.ni.oerrew~Cenavpme~onNap.ctltlncNabarore tmuvx~+a e,persMt~« Ms~y~D~t n! d•wWga «a ayadRanais.nan nw w.mnsbuea a bs e pe~mrc ru, nor an appraa a,.ry wa.nen orMe prowsbns . . atl~ fvaldek onisra~.aw,rwsum9u~atlon. . . . ChbE Bt+~g`Nt~ THO PERMIx VALId QFN,Y W#1EM Sl6NED #3Y THE CHtEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CJ1LL: 3343933 24 HbURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION CEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Numbar : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: S~u-. P~zrV.ez J Paut_ 01wrz_*N Property Address : Contractor License No. : Company: OWNER/CONTR.4CTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules ot regulations o( the Ciry o( Wheat Ridge or covenanls, easements or restrictions o( record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that 1 have read and aqree to abide by all conditions printed an this appiication, and that i assume tull responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applica e id e ordinances, tor work under this pertnil. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED ~ DATE -j3-4ZO US@ : Description: 'DE ,r~-Act.-I T100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY n Approval: Zoning : Sr- 3C(t'0 '?'fur Phone: cl-?.y-370(P Phone: Construction Value : SIC Approvai: P_QISi nW bClZ3E6M= Approval : _ 1 .Occupancy : Walls Roof Sq. FL : Stories : _ Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approvai : Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was Issucd In aanAance wiN Ma pmvlsions set fonh in yopur aOWicadon and Is subjeQ to the laws af the Stata of Cobndo aM to IM 2oninq Regulatlons aM BuilCiry Code of 1Mieat RiOqe, CobraEO u any oNer appliaEle ortlirunaa o! the City. (2) Thia permit slu4 expire d(A) Ne work auVanzeE is rwl commenced wiNin sirty (60) Aaya hvm Issue Eate u(8) the buildinp a Wloiized'u auspenCed ot aOariCOneE (or a peAod of 720 Aays. If Nis pertM eapircs, a new pemut may De acaulrcd for a(ee of mctuH the amount nomvlly ropuirtC, peoviEed rq cJUnqes twve been u will be maEe in the onginal plans and speCificatlons aM erry suspension a abanEOnment has nol eaceeded one (1) year. If Uarqes are maG< w H suspensbn a aEanCOnmenl eiceeds one (1) year, /u11 leea ahall Oe paW for a new pertnil (4) No work olany manner shall be done Vut wlll Wnqe the natural flow olwaler uusing a Eninage yonkm. (5) Contnctw shali noGy the BuilElnq Inspeuar Iwenly-lour (24) Mun in advaMe !w all inspections and shall receive writtm approval an Inspection ard Defwe proceeeiing witn succeaaWe phaxa of tnejop (6) The issuance ol a pemdt a Ma approvel o(Enwinps enE spedfinUau shall rol De mnswM to be a pemdt for, nor an aOVroval o( u+y vlolatian o! Ua pravisbna o( the buibinQ mdea a any oMer ortllnance. Ww, rula or requWtion, . Chief Building inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : $0.00 "Please complete both sides of application form with submittal" 0 ~ a N N v z Q m O < m ~ ~ a ~ m m ~ ~ ~ o C) c o ~ t m ~ 0 ~ ~ w 0 Q 7~ ~ 4) N R ~ ry 3a 3 0 m ~ ~ ; o o ~ ~ A D o (D to ~o 0 to < O w O 7 w (D =r c~o m 1°0~ ~ 3 :r 3aw ~ =r m M ~ o; 'Np 10 1~p ~a ~ w H a o „ N ~ ~d s o(D ~ d N N (~p ~ d O 7 < a C- 0 Q 0 e ~ a M ♦ ♦ O (D r~ ~-Oi rJ r41 u = C~ ~D ~ on ~ = W D~ ~ ~ N v m C v ~ W m a ~ 3 Z =I 7he City of 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE HEAT RIDGE. CO 8021 5-6 71 3 (303) 234-5900 NJ ~Wheat Clty Admin. Fax A 234-5924 Police DepL Fax a 235-2949 `;Ridge DATE: May 27, 1998 TO: ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT FROM: DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: ESCROW REFUND Reimbursement is requested for escrow funds being held for. Landscape at St. Peter and Paui Catholic School Addition The landscaping has been completed to the City's satisfaction. RELEASE TO: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER 1300 South Steele Street Denver, CO 80210-2599 Attn: Ruth Gonzales AMOUNT: $2,392.00 ~Y~~li1K/ Alan White, Director of Planning & Development DATE: Ccaip~~- A CERTIFICATE OF OCG-H0ANCY HAS BEEN REQUESTED FOR: PURPOSE OF STRUCTURE: Building Dept. Approval Remarks: Zoning Approval: Remarks: 5/t7 /%v WtV,,) tic bN S I7r-- (OPTION D oi E) ESCROW AGREEMENT LANDSCAPING AND PARKIN LOT IMPROVEMENT TO: City of Wheat Ridge P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 The sum of Two thousand three hundred ninety-two and no/100 DOLLARS 2,342.00 ) to be held in escrow with City of Wheat Ridge (City of Wheat Ridge, Option D) (Bank, Option E) until landscaping and parking lot improvements are completed at 3420 Pierce Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (Description) wheat Ridge, Colorado by Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School/Archdiocese of Denver (Contractor/Developer/Owner) The City of Wheat Ridge shall have the absolute right to withdraw the Escrow funds for the purpose o£ completing the landscaping and parking lot paving of 3920 Pierce Street ' ShOUld Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School/Archdiocese of Denver (Contractor/Developer/Owner) fail to complete or provide said landscaping and parking lot improvements prior to the date o£ Z~o ~ a 0 The only requirement to withdraw the Escrow funds in behalf of the City of Wheat ridge shall be a letter from the Planning & Development Department of the City, executed by the Director of said Department and witnessed by the Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge. Said letter shall state that the landscaping and parking lot improvements, as above set forth, have not been completed or provided by M--Y\-~ ~ fY" T~,r.4L,)1 _<i_ nplu d- L /De,i6loper/ and that the date of has expired. (OPTION D or E) ESCROW AGREEMENT LANDSCAPING AND PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS -2- ACCEPTED: (Director of Planning & Development Department - City of Wheat Ridge) (Bank - Option E) Address (Contractor/Developer/Owner) Phone Number -e r Address Phone Number Date 6 3 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for structures covered by this agreement may be issued by the Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge for a time period not to exceed six (6) months upon acceptance of this agreement by the City. -zi- I 0 ~ r r-I 7 ~ ~ qzzj- 0 ~ r-I ~ ¢i ~W I < a ~ o ~ o o , o ~ o w N I N ~ U.. O c - ¢ ~o m c _ . M M I ~ \ S M ~ _ I aI N ~ p ~ \ N y ~ s I ~ i y N Q _ ~ ~ F~ A w C W m W U O x U ~ [J <o E ~ QQ1n I Q d ~ O ZZZ ~ m ~ ~ U 2M I i W ¢ ¢ Z ¢ .!5 I I ~ S LL~Q ~ I y N 2 ' _ ¢ = ~ m J i 0 o - o F a j rw- ~ oz LL s Q W ~ oF r N I IL f- cu ~ y rr W y ~p ~ c ~ I NQ W z N 'o I I U H I i a Z Ill ~ C ~ o O W N I 7 ~ W W V' W o ~ li I ~n w CS: C> OD a w o ❑ ~Q ~ Z w O I > i ° z 7 S V , y W U 6~ ^ ~ i W W N W m I w J U W c 3 W w o[ ~ I ~ = I I p 3 ~ Qm M- lL W K 03 ; ~ I r o~»N ~ CU 00 2 C < fA w<v P 4 F- O W i . ' ~ N c M1 3 % I ~ I p n W OD ul I Q co ~o¢ ~ ~ I ~ = w ft! 0 N u~ o 4 a ¢ N II T' ~ w Q x~ C , i I. ~ ~ . . i ~ U z U O ~ F ~ U 1r-1~ 1"~"1 1-4 E ~ W U Y K ~ O d g w F- OC) ~ ~ ~ m 00 ~ ~ O t O ~ O O3 p Y q M ~ ' E ° i aoa m~; L m N p pv~ a m o a o w S 0 p m ~ - O~ i M X nv~ m ~ ~ U p ¢ Q 0 m m ¢ O ~ T9 9 m C m > 0 C piC a a ~ 00 O n~ ~ ~ L 0 W S U ~ ~a 3 m omm LL a m m c p ¢ ~ ~ V ~ J ~ ~ m t 0 o PnOL ~Ec.- r V 3 :60'°o ,o i 3«ca v mEom M s 41 rnN m p U « ~ a o 0 Ua ~ m ~ O1 T 10 ~a ozs « V m o ~ n c m m U J Qr m N 41 D O CmQ2 d m LL V o ~ 0 L L 0 L m ~ v3 3 N 3 x m w Z 0 3 m p C v ~ ~ 3 v Z Q'. Q < Q Z O U N Z W 0 2 I-L Q U w cc c O fa7 a ~ 6Zb5-L6 uaawnN Lwuaa 0 0 L U N i R C N E N w ~ R a cz i ai ~ v a ~ N O C O ~ v ~ ~ ~ O 0 i N R U W Q a S a (7 Z 0 J J 0 w x ¢ O LL m c a R m 0 c O n 0 ~C ~ 3 0 c a V Q J W n m q L 0 O T a U ~ m 0 ~ .t.. C O 0 T ~ U E m d d V wO ~ O c m tp L y-U U ~ Z U O m O a ~ N c _ ~ C c E a 9 , Q o T IO pl W C U N li °a € a 3 DATE: 1 i 1~r I TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FROr7: Building Depar.tment RE: The property at ~C'-f~GC has been signed o£f by the Building Department and is ready for a CO inspection. Once the inspection has been completed, please inform the building department as to the status. Thank you. PUIILIC WORKS APPROVAL Qr- 1 I l5 -1 Remarks: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~~~ INSPECTIONS WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS THIS CARD IS POSTED ON THE BUILDING SITE HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE (303) 234-5933 INSPECTION RECORD BUILDING PERMIT N0. DAT'E ISSUED TYPE OCCUPANCY ~ s~-- Ct U 1 j v I'G I~ OWNER ~ TS I~L ~C ~ CANTRACTOR Ne-t,tJ~-fi S T/r-- C l~J nJ ST SETBACKS FROM PROPERTY LINES: NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Foundations Footings Caissons Reinforcing or Monolithic Weatherproofing C; , 0 POUR NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BE~N SIGNED Concrete Slab Floor: Electrical (Ground Work)(.,,-:;,:._ Plumbing(GroundWork); Heating (Ground Work) _ DINT-O~-OOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ~ ~ •v.i.. , ~ Fiough Electric I c;,4 . D , /z a rcr~i~ Rough Plumbing ^ Air Test Gas Piping Rough Heating 8 Ventilation • .a. <a' (above must be signed prior to framing inspection) FramingarL.dp % ) ~ ~el-5 -7 Insulation a c /S~ 41 Drywall nailing Roofing , ` Refrigeration Electrical underground Final Electrical 7 - Plumbin c8l( 7-~! /-5 e" Heatin & ventilation .f e? 1 Frame ~ R.O.W. & Drainage Fire Department Parking & Landscaping e-2_ OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER d~ DEPARTMEAIT QF PLANNING AND DEVELQPMENT Building Permit Number : 5429 BWtLDfNG INSPECTION DtVIS10N - 235-2855 CiTY UF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7/11/97 7500 1NESt 297H AVENUE ' WfiEAT R#pGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 3900 PIERCE ST Phone : ConVactor License No: : 19594 Company i NewcasUe Construction Services, Inc. 1s0 s-m 5.+ I i Sutle Phone : 455 1919 , i - - - a4D OWNERlCQNTRACTCtR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT . ConstructiodUa►ue :<$300,000.00 f herebY certify ihat th6~ setbaCk distences proposed.Dy this permk epplit~tion are accurete, P@rRflt FE@ : $1,895.00 and do rrot viofste appliCatik 4rtlinsnass, ruka or regulations of the Gty of Wheat Ritlge or covenaiAs, easements a res#idions of iacord; that all measurements shown, ~and allegations . Plan ReVICW F@E : $1,231.75 made are acCUrate; tM1ai 1 have rAad arid aprea to abMe bya8 condPoOns printedon this Itance wtth tpe Wheat kidse BuiWing naibilil fo r f ll t I d t UsE Ta7c : $3,600.00 . y~ 9 e ~ u racpo assume apphCStion an ha GoQB (U 9 C) atx! yll other applicabb R" s for work urxier thls permk. q_I.J n,721 . ' . Total: $6,726:75 Description : CIASSROOM ADDITION TO STS~TER AND PAUL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUtLDiNG DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : 1542 Sq. Ft. : 1700 Approval: 718187 R-21111-3 SITE PLAN MEETS REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED IN CITY Panin9 . GOUNCIL CASE CUP-97-2 Approvai : PER ATTACHED PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW SHEET APprovat : OK 713197 Occupancy : Wa11s : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrital License No : Plumbing License No : MechanicaYLicense No : Gompany : Company : Company : Expiration Date; Expiretion Date : Expiradon Date : Approval : APProval : Approval: ~ ~mmmmm~ I (t) TMsPeRmitxas ksued'm6cmrdaoriewNhMePmWalonaseltorUfnYWurapqbaBmandkau~t bthelawaotlhaSbla MCObratloantlbtheZOning R~eyuledOns ardg~I1dfrq Gotle ~ Wheat Cdorado or any otherapplicebb adtrmnces M the Ciry. (2) 7h& Dermit shall p~pi~b R~tlx worlc ls not commenced w.~thin sizly (BO) deYS tran Iswe date or (B) Itre buiWin9 autlwrized is+usP~ed a abee~tlong0 for a pelwtl of i tlays. ~'e pxt meylSe aeQuiraG tor a fee ot one•haH the amouM rrom~eNY ra9ulred, P~deO iw chenge+ Mve WOn w veNl De made in Me . (3) H thi9 W~M axDros, q em Mipk~sl D~ and aficPlfwre and any sion M abentlonment has not exceedeG one (t) Year. H tlianpss are metle or it suspenaion or aCantlonmeM exoeatls are (t) Yeu. iWl bms shaN ba peW new osrtntt . . (4) Nuwakotany~rehaNbetloneNelvhdchenpeihenaNralflowawatercauaNga ~naqePmdem. (5) CaNracbS shsd tx~tlM ttro 9uiWqg7napwioYtwenb-four (24) houre M edva~efor all In s arw anel~ reGNe writlen appmvel on knspecnon camUeerae ~ wiBi at~skiephaa~ of Ma b6 . (8) ~~~7fb isa ~ote~yemriE athe~ePP~~g~~of rraxinV ana saeaficaHOns snall not ce consauea a oe e pamiitt ror, r,or an eawww M. anv vwletlon of u,e provlaione OfM8W11 It1CWCB80t8f1y.ollier OMk1wC8, 46W, NIBOf(80UI8t1Ot1. C' Suikiing Inspector F ayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CH BUItDFNG INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOUR3 PRIOR TO INSPECTFON _ DEYAk I"MENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number :'S, yd~ BUILDING IIvSPECTiON DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :(o- 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Praperty Owner : S-Yg P--Ae,v cou.d. V a.Pl Property Address : 3~10~ yp'i eve Phone : Contractor License No. : Company :'8n. pe.r~e.l yl\u4Rm%.. ~.pvnj<1<~ avctide~~~ Phone :4~3 14o k:!P~ALA ~i. OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT C~ onstruction Value I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit appliwtion are accurate, PeflTlit F22 :lrl p and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulafions of the Ciry of Wheat Ridge or U QS' C) 2 covenants, easements or restrictions oF record; that all measurements shown, and allegations ~plan ReVieW Fee _ 1. ~ l made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditfons printed on this L - application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridqe Buiidino Use Tax : UC Code (LLB.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ortlinances, for work under this permit. ~ ~q~.c~d (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)SIGNEDDATE Total: 10~ Description: S~hwl c~C~ts:oc,:~ a~4i;~V„tv~ + ' _ J J l J . - BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Z6niri~.Cornirie[~TS'~ T~m~Rq- _ SIC : J jq Z- Sq. Ft. : 17v° ~ Approval .~1~ rr~iw~ rv.ee-Ez I~tM.~s e0~6b 6L,ao9 cc, Zoning Z 2~ i z 3 C' C. c.z`=e Cr,cY~ 9~- Z Approval : J~MS PQtiIiC~VI(O;FK E ~JlJ,~ C, tGG~~Q P.\Y. rIG'JICUJ - -Approval Occupancy : Walls. Roof : Stories : Residential Units : 4, t,L9- Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: ~ ~~ian?WaWXtlja Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : v lafi R~~ Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : g (1) This pertnit was issued in accordance with the provlsions set lorth in yopur application and is subjecl to the laws of the State of Colo2do antl to the Zoning Regulations antl Builtling Cotle of Wheat Ritlge, Coio24o or any other aOPli~ble ortlinances ot the Ciry. (7) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commencetl within sizry (6C) tlays from issue date or (e) the building authonzea is suspenaed or a0antlonetl for a penod of 120 tlays. (3) If this permit ezpires, a new permit may Oe acquiretl for a fee o/ one-half the ainount normally required, provitletl no changes have 7een or wili te matle in the onginal olans and specifcations anE any suspension or abantlanment has not exceedeC one (i) year. If changes are made or if suspension or ahandonment exceetls one (1) year, full lees shall be paiE for a new permit. (a) No work of any manner shall be tlone that will cPange the naNral flow of waler causiny a drainage Oroblem. (5) Contractor shall notiy the ButlCing Inspecror lwenty-four (24) hours in atlvance 1or all inspections and shall receive written approval cn inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of the job. (o) Tqe.'Ssuance of a permrt or e approval of 02wings and specifcatlons s0all ncl be mnstmed to be a permit for, nor an approval o( any violaticn of the provisions f t bm° ing coCes r a other oNinance, iaw, rule or regulation. Ch ief Building Inspector r Mayor ~ THIS PERMIT VAIID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION NEW PERMIT CHECK OFF LIST NEW COMNIERCIAL TENANT FRVISH MISC. RESIDENTIAL BUII,DING PLANNING ENGINEERING ARBORIST --B#7kHfN6--- PLANNING ENGINEERING ARBORIST FIRE -44~t-= 'C--Df)T--2- D ~ •~v~y BUILDING BUII.DING PLANNING PLANNING ? ENGINEERING ? ARBORIST ? ARBORIST ? FIRE ? FIRE /,3,1" Fb r 6v-~ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPME::::'1AEQUEST FOR POBLZC WORKS REVIEw Date ' Case/BUilding Fermit No. booation: 39d~ l~-.EQCt brT Please X view`the attached materials submitted in aPPlication for a r a g~s{, pproval o. , and indicate your decision on those items checl: below, and p ease add.,any other comments which you may .^.ave under number 18. 1 Boun.dary:Clqsure:.X' ox Noc OK: refPr rn . a. Dra'inage b. Drainage c. Draiaage OK 4. ✓ NpDES Permit Acres Square Fcct 2Gt~ D 4 plan (and report) needed 'P(Lw%ry. ~E'%TC2 ~j plan not needed ~ PP 1provisions have been reviewed -and are found to be: _ Not OK; refer to stipulations Required y 0 5• Leqal Description: /K OK Not OK; refer to stipulations If not okay, please explain: 6• / Public Improvements: a. Streat paving needed Y b. Curb & Gutter needed Y c. S3dewalk needed Y d. Streec Lights needed Y~ e. Stor1t1 Sewer rieeded Y N f. Escrow required Y If Escrow required, for what impr ovements? In w hat amount? 7. ✓ Development Agreement required Y ~N If Yes, for 8. All necessary documents have been initiated t; Public wo:ks and are attached hereto: No~ 9• ' Is a trafYlc impact analysis and report reqc::e d? Y O 10. IS a State Highway Access PeYmit needed? ! O 11. ~ New roadway or alley R.O.W. dedication is recommended: np If yes, what is recotnmended: 12. ✓ All exi ting dedicated roadwaya and alleys meet the standards of the City : te~o If no, which do not and what is requested: 13. f All exi and proposed dedications have bern reviewed and found to bs: OK Not OK; refer to numbers 11 & 12 14. ~ Ayy oVal: he P}rblic Works Department has reviewed this request and her by vss ;ts approval, subject to the above and/or attached X-, 7/3 z 77 S1 at re k Dace 15. _ The PubliC Works Department has reviewed chis request and does noc approve for the reasons stated: S iq2latuZ'e G a t E 16. ~ StipulAtionB attached: Yea No 17. ~ DEADLINE DATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTME T k'PLY: 18. ~ S r Comments: ina 4CtIn J irn 0 A Ga1 ~nrnIJ4(4 J 0 o'L 0 . A,\PLAN&DEV.BRM (80R14S) ~ PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICAIIONS PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND FILL OUT FORM COMPLEfELY Building Permit Number Date Applicant 17~4%tCt- Address ~5Y City State c- e . Zip Phone 2-52 - 4',9 / Location of Construction (address) _R f-Tic& • Purpose of Construction ~eoc. GVA26RCb*M Aanrne*j Building Permit Value $ 300 00 Commercial tX Residential _ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEES (this section to be completed by City) ~ Base Development Review Processing Fee: $50.00 minimum $ S~Single Family Residential: .003 x(value of improvement) $25 minimum fee $ [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-way] p0 Muki-Famity/Commercial: .0050 x(value of improvement) $50 minimum fee $ S~ • [includes review of construction drawings for improvements in public right-of-way, review of preliminary/final drainage study and erosion control plan(s) if required] Site Plan: $50.00 (Not applicable for single family residential) $ Right-of -Way/Easement: $40.00 + $5.00/page recording fee $ Development Agreement: Residential = $50.00 Commercial = $100.00 $ , State Highway Access Pertnit: $75.00 application fee $ Traffic Impact Review 8 Report: $100.00 processing fee $ Flood Plain Variance: Class I=$75.00 Class II =$150.00 $ 00 TOTAL REVIEW FEES: (due at time of building permit issuance) $ 10 ~ The above fees inGude one follow up review to verify that initial deficiencies noted are corrected. Additional review and/or processing past the follow up review and/or processing will be charged against the building pertnit applicant at the above fee schedule. Please note that additional fees will be assessed for those pertnits related to construction of public improvements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Development Review office at 235-2868. Signature of Applicant Date DEPA12T1YlEN'f QE PlAhINING AND DEVEt,OPMENT Building Permit Number : 5429 B4JiLDfNG #NSPEC'k'lON dtVt$tt)W - Z35-2855 CI1Y OF 1i1MMEAT RiDGE Date : 7/1 U97 7500i1E8T 29TH AVENUE WHEAT:FttDt3E, EO 80275 Property Owner : Property Addtess : 3900 PIERCE ST Phone Contractor UCenBe;No. : 19594 Company : NewcasUe Construction Services. Inc. Phone : 455 9819 OWNER/GON7RAGFfltt SIGN#'CURE f3F UNQERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT CangtructionVatue : $300,060.00 i nereny cert~it~at thaset~ctc c~arices arov~ bv t+is aem,n acp~twn are acaraa, and do ew! ' aP bb ~cea, ru~ or reguhtbnsW the Gly d Wheat Ridpe or Permit Fee : $1.895.00 . ewrenams, w netricHanr of rocorrt:lnat an measurerrona slmwn; and a~~eyatlons Plan Rev~r Fee : $1,231.75 - made aoe acCYtat~ vat I fi~ roa@ a~ISi ree M nbide aII ooodttk+~s Prlnt~ad on tMs , sPpl'roaWn. amd~ret I aaaums fuN eNC ns for oort~iatm wittr rhe Wheat Rkye HuYdmp -U8e Tax : . $3.600.00 Code (U.6.C:) and elF otha aPD~~eet Idga wdMancea,.tur work under Mk pemnN..; . (OWNER)iCdDiTRACTOR) SIGNEO dATE TOt21: $6;726:75 Description : CLASSROOM ADDITION TO STS PETER AMD PAUL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUIL6ING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : 1542 Sq. Ft. : 9700 Approval : SIYI 7/8/97 R-21R-3 SITE PLAN MEETS REQUIREMENTSESTABLISHED IN CI'f'Y Zoning : GOUNCiL CASE CUP-87-2 APproval ; APProvai: GK 71319T Ocaupancy : Walls : PERATTACHED PUBLIC WORK& REVfEW SHEET Roof : Stories : Residentlal Units : Plumbing License No :19650 Mechanical License No : 19650 ~ Company :SLAnERY 8 CQ Company : SLATfERY & GO, Expiration Date : 8/25/98 ExPiratiort Date : 8l25/98 Expiration Date : a .Z 5-49 APProvai : ApPraval : Approval: q> rhisvarmitvresam,eaM,m~e+a+rammyowr~manwn~s~umti~.wnau~smaaco~asaomaamezo~w w.nmaan~t awn..r cdcnao ar.m on~« p~eb ad~. a cny. c~ nqe~aa nee*.n~~~ are wan~ E.S. k nos mm~orcaa.~n seca (eo> aers aom ~.we a■a «(s) me wlIft aunwnua a wepxdea « . 9M'iadott2o S,aiMw DeeaquMeC(orsfeeoPare~uHiMamouatramealh~e7uhaA. a Pe~IhR~ ~~~e antl ap ~'M~• ~6tdohedfel~a*Fd~anpsilb~~~ dvAterezaesdedons~ (~Me Bu~0dk9 q~~ ~h'~~{Z4~ houn M atlvuke fot ap fMO~e M~U Meee a ~y MMradm.~+e. I~w, ntle «~ra9uietl~m. . . . . . (3)01hes9g; ac~OCatlais NwA nM ba wmaued ro be e P Chief BuiMinglnspector TFttS PEI2MIT Vktib QWLY YIRiEN SIGNED BY TfiE GHIEF BUt1.GING INSPECTW2 ANb MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS P!RJOR TO INSPEGTION RUG 29 '97 09;3BfM MRIL BCUES ETC t1045 A I VERNON S. WINKEL P.2 CONBULTIND ENGINBEPS Aupust 28, 1997 Newcswtle Construdion Servicea, Ina. 2407 15"' Street #150 Denver, CO 80202 1 1063 WEBT 87 AV6NUE LAKEWOOO,COLOPADO 00215 7ElEPHONE 13033 R38-80190 # 2597 Re: Inspsctions ot St.'s. Peter and Paul Catholic 5chool Addition, Wheat Rfdqe; Attn: Steve McElmurry The footing forms, soil and reinforcirip dowels were inapected on August 20, 1997. PJI was in conformance wiih the job apecificetions end ready tor concrote. Additional conuete wi11 be pleced under the footing near the norln entrance to the lower floor to have the bottom oT a tour foot long aecdon of the north ada tootinQ rest below frost lirw. Tha wall torms and reinforcing were inspected on August 25, 1997. All work was in conformance with the plana and apocificstions. Conuete ptacement bepan at 4:00 PM. Please call if thero are arry queatlons. Fn 3. Winkel Cc: Den Muidoon, Arc.hitect 9oik VERNON S. WINKEL CDNSULTING ENGINEERS September 19, 1997 Newcastle Constnrction Services, Inc. 2401 15"' Street #150 Denver, CO 80202 # 2597 Re: Inspections of St.'s. Peter and Paul Catholic Schoo! Addition, Wheat Ridge; Attn: Steve McElmurry The construction was inspected on September 10, 18, and 19. Following are the observations of the eonstruction. The masonry blodc was laid with a different wire reinforcement than was specified. This was due to the fact that the exterior brick was not avaifable at the time that the block back-up was placed. Additionai wire reinforcing will be added to the brick wythe when it arrives at the site and is placed. The wall wili then be acceptable and have more reinforcing than specified. Structural steel has been erected, grouted and bolted. Steel joists are in place at the second floor and roof levels. Steel deck forms for the second floor were secured and complete. Reinforcing mesh for the second floor slab was instal{ed. Concrete for the second floor level was being placed Sept 19. All work conformed or exceeded the requirements of the Plans and Specifications. If there is any question concerning this, please call. 0 A ~ 4+ ~c'1~;. ~~''~•,,~,SS/ON Al Yours truly,<y~_ I - Vernon S. Winket 11063 WI~ST 27 AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLOF7AD0 60215 TELEPHONE C3037 236-8060 Cc: Dan Muldoon, Archited MaT RIDGt [IRI PRO1R110(I DIRIC1 P.O. Box 507 3880 Upham Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 (303) 424-7323 June 19, 1997 To: John Eckert Chief Building Official City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Co. 80033 Subject: Sts. Peter & Paul School Addition, 3900 Pierce, Wheat Ridge, Co Dear John, After a review of the proposed addition for Sts. Peter & Paul School, 3900 Pierce, I have no additional comments at this time. Should there be any questions, the contractor can contact me at (303)424-7323 to set an appointment to address the concerns. Respectfully, Dave Roberts F.M., W.R.F.P.D. cc:file Building Permit Mumber s 3470 Date s 7118/96 PropertY tlwmer : PropeRy Addresc : 3900:IRERCE ST Conttactor` t,icerrse No. : 18690 Company Executive Construction Co. OWNER/CONTl2ACTOR 31'RNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMEN7 ~ouuw~conrrr~acrort~ s~n Descriptan : RE DNE , Zoning _ Apprcva!'• Approval: OCCUPancy : Walls : Et6ch4t:a1 tlcsnse No : Cotnpeny : ExpirBtion Date c APproval: . . (1) ThIi~vMSl~ `t~ap~N~ilk~~ (z) ~marWOA .a i9S B1td~t~~~atbw atqmeg~d ~~(1) Y+1~. fud 1eM Nn@F be p (4) tkrWakvFanYOWMoe Me1E0#~~etlM& (S) ~ w~IB1t~~sNW~p~9f,~ :(8) WtlM.BWkYnO~Me~W~Yotw adlnM~ vem,n. INTO TWO ROOMS Phone ; 424-3706 Phone : 4673212 Constructlon Yalue , ' $SDO.OU ` Permit Fee : $21:00 Pfan Review Fee : E0.00 Uae Tax i , $9.60 TOtal. $30.60 ' ONLY SIC : 8q. Ft. : Roof : Piumbfng License No : Company : . Expiration Date : ApProvai ; Stories : Residenmal Units : Mechanical 6icense Nc : Company . Expiretibn Date : APprovai : ~ • ),r.pnxmm~a~ m~wams&r~.acaona~aam~nszw+~ ~eo) aey~ trom uws dele or (e) me deaxq aedhokea b,wpended utheuiauntnw~n~yfe4~,~~q~ mdwqerNVSbasnawMtESawlslntlia nU axceeded one (1) yesc N diMpes ere made d MewpeiMOn.or a6~donment IwNer aArelnpapobNm. . . . . lvancs fot aN ..and M~I racaive ixilten apprwN an 4ispe*oi+cMd bsMe aMN not be Coris6uad b be a patmitAor, nor an aPPmW ot, anY vidpkon dMe pwNNOnt . Chief 9utiding'I~nspsc or ~ TWtS PERNAI" YAt,ID WH€N SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BWLDING 1NSPECTOR AND NU1YdR GAtI: 434-6933 24 HOtJR3 PRIOR TO IN8PECilON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Properry Owner : Property Address : Contractor License No. : Company : . _ S~ ~ ' r 3")VO 0,4 r, < Buiiding Permit Number : Date : E~690~v f- (o~~~~4-\ rd Phone: qa 4L-'?Z40 ~ Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : gm" I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, Pefrtllt FB8 : and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of reeord; that all measurements shown, and allegations Plan Review Fee : made are acwrete; that I have read and agre to abide all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsib' ty for co iance with the Wheat Ridge Building USB T8X : Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wh t Ridge 0/1 nances, for work under this pe rmit . ~ ! 7~/7` 9b Total : (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE /#T,~b.i~/0~•~/.~~~; Description : 24TY-) J r BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval: Zoning : Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiretion Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : ~ ?~Plaris Requlred _ , ~ ed~ (1) This permit was issued in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur aDPlication and is su0ject to the laws of the SWte of Coloredo and to Ne Zoning Regulations and BuilAing Code of Wheat RiEge, Coloratlo or any other applicable ordinances ot the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) ihe work authonzed is not wmmenced wiNin sinty (60) days from issue date or (B) the building authorized is 5uspen0etl or abandonetl for a periotl of 720 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new pertnit may be acquired for a fee of one-half ihe amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the on9inal plans and specifications and any suspension or abantlonmenl has not ezceetletl one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment ezceeds one (1) year, full fees shail be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be tlone thal will change Ne naWral flow of water causing a tlrainage problem. (5) Contraclor shall notiy Ihe Builtling Inspector lwenry-four (24) hours in atlvance for all inspections and shall receive wntten approval on inspection card before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval ot drawings and specifwtions shall not be conslrueE to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions ofihe buiiding coaes any other tlinance.law,rule orregulation. C~ing Inspector For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION EXECUTIVE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LICENSED • BONDED • INSLIRED 8643 W. 64th Way • Arvada, Colorado 80004 (303) 467-3212 ~ t 3 o x ~ 'K ~ p I Npi r ~J -0v A d , 43 V1.-~,0~ ~ ~on - /aal ~4 ~ S~s Oe- - ~r n c 39Dd Fh -5~ 4v t ry . ~9 . • . . . . . E ,<.,.v. , 'u . . . 3-e r ~ a...• , -Il ~•.k... ~ ~L DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-2450 BUILDtMt3 INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :12/29/95 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEA7 RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 3900 PIERCE ST Contractor License No. : 18690 Company : Executive ConsWction Co. OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I heroby certify tAat the setbadc distances proposed by thb peffnN applicaGon aro aacurale, ami do not vfolate app.1myle adinmcas, rubs or regulations ot the City of Whert Ridpe or covenanta, eaaemen h a rsstrbdom M • Mat all sunmeMa shown, arn! alipations made are accurate; that 1 have rcad and a0 W ebido Y WI corWftbna rinted on this C~oee'~(U~B.C j anid all oMer~epp bb~ s~ Wge o coraollaoe nans,ror wthe o c u~r tl~ikp eBrmk i~ (OWNERxCONTRACTOR) SIGNE DATE1-- P- p DescripGon : Zoning : r~s Approval : Approval : Occupancy : Walls Phone : 424-3706 Phone: 4673212 Construction Value : $5,000.00 Permit Fee : $72•00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $75.00 Total: $147.00 remove wood paneling and drywall 2nd floor BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Roof : SMries : Residentiai Units : Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : ■ ~M ■ ■ „is parrnft mis.ftM In accordance ,Ath the VoYWM,.W fbrt,In yopur .ppkEUcM .M Is sullied Ww.of Om StaW of Cokmdo .nd mn,.Zororig Rapulalfona andguIIdkw cods avunost w, ca«aao or am onbr,ppik" adMrcea a the cftr. (2) This pemYt atmN m~pire B W Mre woAc au is not commance0 wNhin s6M (~l deY+Rom luue da0e or (B) tl~e buiMirp aWarizetl k ewpended a aDendonW for e perritid of 1§0 (3) M d~ ParmH exqiai. i nsW~meY ba uqWreO tor a fee ol aio-haM tlM amouM na~MtlY ra~hedMovided tw cha~ Aave beN~ w wiB bs made k~ tlN oripinal p~tro aM.eyedll end anYauspanabn or abandonmaM hen nd ~~C ons (1) Yeu. M Manpea are made a M auepenfbn w~MOnmmt exaesde are (1) yaer~ WN fees9heq bs Daid fu a new pe~mit. (4) No Wak Of atry rt~annpr aMH bs ddM tl~st wYl Uerpe tlM natural ibw of wffier ceuWg e drainpe probNm. (5) Contracta NieNrotly fhe BuNONq Insmcbr lwany'tour (24) houre In advance fa a9 (napectlons aM ahaq rocelve wAtten approval on inepectlon euE Eelore ~np eur6euFrephafssotthebb (8) Me bW~u10 ~Ua «aM~ohu°br w~0y~al~ i~, ruN a recul~atlontlons al~ep not be corro4ued to ba e Permit fornor an approval ot, erry vblatlon d the proviebne m THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 2345833 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION mm DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number :C~') BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 .S' C r ~.i C v K Property Owner : Property Address : 3~Do e~~ ~ Phone 37D C Contrector License No. CompanyYvc~-J''~^C (e) Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certity that the setback distanees proposed by this permit application are aceurete, and do not vlolate applicable ordinaneas, rules or regulations of the City ot Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restnctions of record- that all measurements shown, and allegaBOns made are accurete; that 1 hava reatl and ag to abide by all nditions pnnted on this appliwtion, and that 1 assume full responsi ' for wmphawith the Wheat Ridge Building Code (LLB.C.) and atl othar appliwble Wh Ridge ordina s, for work untler this permrt. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : ie Me„ ~ DATE 119-V ~r Construction Value '700c) rU Permit Fee : Use Tax: Total : ~vcc p 71ce BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : Zoning : ~ Approval : Approval : Occupancy: Wails : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No Company Expiration Date : Approval : _j Pfans Requtred~-., j Plumbing License No Company : Expiration Date : Approval : A Ptans Required Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : ~ . P~IIS ~Ql~t~f~i (1) This permit was issued in accortlance with the provisions set forth in yopur aOP~ication and is su0ject to tha laws of the State of ColoreOO and ro the Zaning Re9ulations and Builtling CoEe of Wheat Ridge, CobraGO or any other applroable ortlinances ot the Ciy. (2) This permit shall expire d (A) Ihe work authonzetl Is not wmmencetl within sixry (60) tlays rrcm issue aate or (B) ihe butlaing authonzetl is suspentletl or aoandonetl ror a penotl of 120 aays. (3) I/ Ihis pertnrt expires, e new pelmR may be acquifEd for a fee of one-half the amount nofm3lrv reqWreO, pfoVitletl no changes haVe been Of will be m808 in Ihe onginal plans and specifications and any suspenslon or abantlonment has not exceetletl one i t ) yeac I( chanqes are maEe or if suspension or aDantlonment exceetls one (11 year, full fees shall be paitl for a new permrt. (4) No work 01 any manner 5hatl be tlOne that will Chanqe tne naNral Flow o( Waier cau5mg a dra'nage problem. (5) Contractor snall nobry the Building Inspector twenry-bur (24) hours m atlvance ror au inspx::ons ana snall recerve wntten approval on inspecUOn car0 before proceetlnn w~M suCCessrve phases of the job. f61 ?he issuan of a pefmit of Ihe approval o( tlrawings and specifcation5 5hall not be ConSircea 10 bE a permR for, nor an apprOVal oL any violali0n ot the provi5i0n5 Ihe liWltl g aqtles or any other ortl)nanCe, law. rule or regulation. Inspector For Mayor PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Mountain Praoot 0 D ~ esign Arch;tecture QroW Structural Engineering Cllonl ~qvk&-5 By (.j.: Data I ~~E.MJv~ ~y(t~lt`lGi il~lo~,l-t32 PFtq-*~j~oe.~ , - ~ - ~ _ - a~Mc7Y~ ~IS~'tY-L Glt`S WtrI.L ("I~~'~ ~ Dovdl-1 , ~ ~ r I Rl:l"~tvVt P~Xk'STIN~ qo+.a -!32c! PAR'j i Y, oN I ~~LL f I v -r_..-`~ I ~ . I . . . . N JINSYAL~ ►.~~W 2;x4 @~{~ ~ t~TU n r.►A~.L wOM + (303) e70-ee1 - potxttsh ~:,hq, ~ Archltacture t QraW Structural Englneerinq Cli~~t JA!,1Eg ey LV- Dota 42/15,b 1- E- isT"~ 5Tfptiz jKF.~D NEw P~kT~ ~To mxtst,H~ 7rz.P~,a.p .L ° SA ,perz TzeQ~Cv R,C.rvjvc". C-_X~y~tc-u=1 GF.K.P~r ac Lc.~c+*x?' iOtyS C7F NEW '(CrP raew -ix4 E,TuV wa~UL 2 - Zxa ~`UD5 F'alZ PC-k* w/ \ \ viri~.hly~ardsic+u t~ \ \ c~rt u AY~a YN~~a 11-tsT~LL t~,LvcK tN~' ~ a{.. 5 MVVntain PfoJwt fluL ~~LICtGO KF.MOWeA. Design Archltecture gro~~ Structural Englnserlny sY I , . ; lR~.rwv~ ~ki~iht~ ; - 1 WauL C~rv►Lf _ ' , u ',,LAL IL ~ j I ' ..r _ ' i•' I - ' i~~TAI~-~ i N~+w; 2~4'' ~ I'° ; ; j ; ~ , ~d /4 l V ~ ~ p.' . C t f: 1y~~f ( I`, ~ I ~ ~I C~ , i. ~14~ = s 6{: . -,...c^;.. , ~ z a U 0 0 F U rX4 N 9 U N p j O 01 N ti O ~ M t~ M O O O 1J O U O t ~ N ~ '~~U F + O ~ c; i V C c ( y ~ ~Eo c~i o~o~ m aoao ° 3 y . b O y ~ m " a ~n ~ 0 9 m E O o cd N 0 0 O M ~ 0 O rn n m 9 j ~ C Q N p ~ O m ~ n O a v~ p ~ m 9 ~m~ C v ' m . a< o o a a 9 ~ u7t O mm m U c m'- 3 q a 3 IL - 0 N ~a ~ O o ~ ~ „~o E x W~ 9 U ..i 0 Eo~ 0 6 . s+ F. raN j U m m a o U K C °U O U a 0n ~ m ° m m~ A ca w a) m$o E o- o - mmm~ a ~ ~ U 3 g 90 cmir~ Y o O N •~z m o, m n. v ~ E m m • ~ t 0 L L ~ $33 ~ O U 3 ¢ v Q ° = m O _ U N Z W 0 Q U ¢ w o a "a a ~ ~ ~ ~ U w O r- 0 4J .N 'd Q W 0 a cc a a Z 0 J Q W ~ ¢ O v :c . ..v.va ~ - . I; ~ x~ m II ~2 ~ ~ r t w~ d m m i U I ~ ~{4~ 31 ~ v Q I~r " ^ ~ a a ¢ o n' m m o L 6 I ( 0 5 / amiU ° a I" ~ o m ~ fG P N $ ~~3 . . ~ E m c f 17 o s o J U N LL ro a E o n ~ i a ~ ~ U N a ~I m i P x 10 V I~ ~ ' Z J~ . r , y N ILL d wq~ " i,/ ~~~~~i 8V6tiNti69 k' . SJH~II /1~ ~I a~"«~~~" ~RS ,a uaawnNLwuaa F.Y J1 ~f`r ~ 7500 WEST29th AVENUE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 237-6944 EXT. 255 P.O. BOX 638 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT N0. B94#4948 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND THE MAYOR - CALL 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSGECTION J~TWO SETS OF BUILDING PLANS AND T T PLANS MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION BUSINESS NAME t2W 'ET51 Pk'~IPAIUILtaT+i'1L ttADSS ~r ~ REAR PROPERTY LINEClZP~~ w ~ yG~~M ~'r e,t'~mpN ~ SPECIFY NORTH ONT PROPERTY L E j, C,~ I STREET NAME (CIRCLE FRONT) Nt 5~ SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TO ADJOINING HOUSES, STREETS, AND PROPERTY LINES ON ABOVE SKETCH; SHOW LEAST DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DISTANCE. OWNERS NAME4", nIDGf,56 Dfr- ~Kwr-g LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTRACTORNEiJ C'~1~STC~ ~~>ST LIC. N0. / 7177 METES AND BOUND~S DESCR TION ATTACHED ADDRESS~yC'~ S~*,TE"/SC' PHONE ADDRESS ~9VV ~~i~C~ CITY ZIPCODE LAT NO.BIACK N0. LOT WIDTH D PT AREAIGB 5735,F^3• SUBDIVISION FILING INDICATE THOSE OF THE FOLLOWING OFf-SITE IMPROVEMENTS NOW EXIS7ING: CurbdGutter ✓ SireefPovinQ_ZWater_ZSewer ✓StamDrcinoqs:f HAVE ARRANGEMENTS BEEN MADE TO PROVIDE FOR THOSE NOT NOW EXISTING: YES_NO- 1-~I~ ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINS7 THIS PROPERTY: YES_NO- OCCUPANCY~ _A00'1"l00 G4A,kL EXTERIOR MATERIALS: WALLS 4(A ROOF M~T D STORIES I UNITS LIk REMARKS:~'NK ftnV 09i''6 GRApiN-t-N~wLNML 1420'64 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT PERMIT FEE I hereby certity ihaf ihe above setback distances shown on ihis permit opplication ore occurate, and do not violate USE TAX easements or res}rictions of re- e or covenunts Cit f Wh af Ri] f th l l ti , ons o e y o e g es or regu a aDPlicable ordinances, ru cord; ihat all measurements shown, ond alleqations mode ore occurate; thot I have read and agree to abide by all TOTAL FEE a 3 3 conditions printed on }his appliCation, and that I assume full responsibility tor compliance with the Wheat Ridqa NO TED Building Code (U.B.C) and all other aDPlitable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work un0er ihis permit. p. DATE2S' (9WW SIGNED . BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SQ.FT COST BPSEMENT-ROUGH THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT CAA BASEMENT-FINISHED IS PRESENTLY ZONED J}- GROUND FLOOR THE PROPOSED US (_IS NOT) A WED U DER TNE ZONIN6 ORDINA E. SECOND FLOOR COMMENTS~ l 4C ~ GARAGE OTHER ~JOd OTHER BUILDING COST $ CAL PERMIT CT RI E LE PLUMBING PERMIT MEC NICAL PERMIT ~ ~ ~ STATE NO.~L CITY N0. STATE NO CITY N0.1_LL=O L_ CITY N0. O3 PLANS REVIEWED (_OK)(-NOTOK) PLANS REVIEWED (-OK) (-NOT OK) PLANS REVIEWED-(-OK) (-NOT OK) NO PLANS NEEDED NO PLANS NEEDED NO PLANS NEEDED PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PLANS NEEDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ELECTRICAL PERMIT / PERMIT ISSUED TO ~t W PLUMBING PERMIT pERMIT ISSUED TO ~~A~ II~MG MECHANICAL PERMIT pERM1T ISSUED TO R✓AI'L/M'" PER REOUEST A$ PER PLANS NO PER REQUEST AS PER PLANS N0. PER REOUEST AS PER PLANS N0. AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN MY OFFICE AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN MY OFFICE AS APPROVED AND ON FILE IN MYOFFICE DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT UNTIL CLEARED BY DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT UNTIL CLEARED 8Y DO NOT ISSUE PERMIT UNTIL CLEARED BY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE CL RED BY _ DATE CLE BY DATE CLEARE BY IEF BUILDING INS CTOR HI F BUI ING~E 0 CH /BUqI~p IN/G VJSP CT - BY gy BY DATE DATE DATE CONDITIONS: (I) TNIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED iN 1CCORDANCE WITM THE PROVISIONS SET FONTM IN YOUP APPLILATION AND IS SUBJECT TO THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLOPAUO pND TO THE ZONIN6 REGULATIONS AND BUILDING CODE OF WMEAT RID6E, GOLORRDO OR ANY OTHER AFFLICABLE ONDINANCES OF THE GITY. (2) THIS PEflMIT SNPLL EXPIRE IF (A) THE WORN AUTHORIZED IS NOT GOMMENCED WITMIN SI%TY (60) DAYS FROM ISSUE DATE OR (B) THE BUIIDING PUTHORIZED IS SUSPENDED OR AB4NDONED FOR p PERIOD OF 120 DAYS. (3) IF TNIS VERMIT EXPIHES, P NEW PERMIT MAY BE ACpUIREDFOfl A FEE OF ONE-NALF THE AMOUNt NORMALLY REpUIRED, PROVIDED NO CHAN6E3 XAVE BEEN OR WILL BE MYDE IN THE OFIGINAL PLlNS AND SPEGIFiCATI0N5 AND PNY SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT MPS NOT E%CEEDED ONE(I) YEAN. IF CMANGES ARE MApE Ofl IF SUSPENSION OR ABPNOONMENT E%CEEDS ONE (I) YEAR, FULI FEES SHALI BE PAI OR A NEW PERMIT. (4) NO WOflN OF qNY MNER SHALL BE DONE THAT WILL OBSTRUCT THE NATURAL OF WATER CAUSI A D AINAO OBLEM. (S) CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY HE BUiLDiNG INSPELTOR TWENTY-FOUR (29) HO IN ADVANCE FON A IN EGTI 5 SNALI RECEIVE WFITTEN PPYflOVAL ON INSPECTyON G/+ BEFO PROGEEDING WITH SUGy [SSrvE PM4SES OF THE OB V CHI F BUILDING INSPECTOR FOR M OR 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ MEMORANDUM To Accounting Department From qgnes Thoma SubJect Refund Date ppril 6, 1995 Approved Date Please refund $429.00 to: Newcastle Construction, 2401 15th Street, Suite 150, Denver, CO 80202. They were overcharged for their building permit. The fee should haue been $814.50 instead of $1,243.50. A copy of the liuilding permit is attached. Thanks. DATE: /-''1 s"(i S TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FROM: Building Department RE: The property at has been signed off by the Building Department and is ready for a CO inspection. Once the inspection has been completed, please inform the building department as to the status. Thank you. olL 46 ihr7ON DATE: A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN REQ(TESTED FOR: , PURPOSE OF STRUCTURE: L-c- Building Dept. Approval: Remarks: Zoning Approval: ~ ~Z& f>5 Remarks: ;k~SPECTIONS WILL V Th,-IS f:ARD IS POSTED 3E MADE UNLr=~'~~; ! FHE BUILDING SITE 2~ f<C;-!r:S NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 7500 WEST 29th AVENUE INSPECTION REC-O2RD JOB ADDRESS 3900 Pierce Street BUILDING PERMIT N0. B94#4948 DATE ISSUED 9/13/94 TYPE OCCUPANCY OWNER Archdiocese of Denver (Sts. Peter $ Paul Church) CONTRACTOR Newcastle Construction SETBACKS FROM PROPERTY LINES: NORTH SOUTH EAST West INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB I NSPECTION DATE I NSPECTOR Foundations Footin s Caissons Reinforcin or Monolithic Weather roofin POUR NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOV6HAS BEEN SIGNED Concrete Slab Floor: Electrical Ground Work Plumbin Ground Work Heatin Ground Work .,~39uf ~~S BEEN SIGNED DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL A Rou h Electrical Rou h Plumbin t _ Air Test Gas Pi in f Rou h Heatin & Ventilation /above must be sianed nrior to framina insvection) ..,A Framin I I-4 Ce' M"\v ' Insulation GT IZ Dr wall nailin r1 f'i c e c, Roofin Refri eration Electrical under round Final Electrical Fixtures ~ Plumbin Fixtures Heatin BVentilation f2 L- Landsca e & Parkin R.O.W. 8 Draina e FireDe artment xzii : c ~a > C Job Com leted C~ ? ' sACCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANC" IS 'SSUED ~ PROTECT THIS CARD FRr1M THE WEATHER DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REQUEST FOR PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW Date: Case/Buildinq Permit No. (~(/Cy Location: f, Please review th attached materials submitted in application for approval of a ~w~- , and indicate your decision on those items c}ieck below, nd please add any other comments which you may have under number 16. 1. p Houndary Closure• OK C=1Not OK; refer to Stipulations 2. C1 Area: Acres Square Feet 3. C► Drainage: a. Drainage plan (and report) needed t7 b. Drainage Plan not needed Cl c. Drainage provisions have been reviewed and are found to be: C10K Not OK; refer to Stipulations C` 4. O Legal Description: K Q Not OK; refer to Stipulations If not okay, please e lain: 5.CIPublic Improvements: a. Street Paving needed Y ~ b. Curb & Gutter needed Y c. Sidewalk needed Y d. Street Lights needed Y e. Storm Sewer needed Y ~ f. Escrow required Y~ If Escrow required, for what improvements? In what amount? 6. G-i Development Agreement required Y ~ if Yes, for 7. Ci All necessary documents have been initiated by Public Works and are attached hereto: 8. L.-J Is a traffic impact analysis and report required? Y~T 9. r=] New roadway or alley R.O.W. dedication is recommended: N O Zf yes, what is recommended; 10. O All existir~g dedicated roadways and alleys meet the standards of the City: `-t 16-0 • If no, which do not and what is requested: ll.r--l All existing and proposed ded'ications have been reviewed and found to be: /o OK L7 Not OK; refer to numbers 8& 9. 12.r--J Approval: The Public Works Department has reviewed this request and her y gives its approval, subject to the above and/or attached stipui t ns. -J 9 - c' 94 gnature Date 13. o The Public Works Department has reviewed this request and does not approve for the reasons stated: Signature Date 14. p Stipulations attached: Yes No 15. O DEADLINE DATE FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPLY: 16. Summary Comments: Cyi~}~~~c~ cyrc~it~oc.r. A/-N Fne n m_ E oY OlC 'vtLS unOd. C4A;1-0\A A0 rev.01/89 m 3035953023 DRVID TRYBR Po2CHITEC 260 P01 RUG 25 194 10:37 ~ ~..r ..,k . . a x ' arrea.:er,w 1~lrM sor6Y~~L'6114' brrw PEreH P. NLOCs ~11 I=. 'pjjy~it ~!1'1'~1'BOD rUlMb1lOIM~hitlYfiRio~~M ~ ~ ^ j' „Y~k J• Y~lr• AACH8I61lOP OF L@1Vd71 oAa .au" IR ' Dm11v1r d WY ef Catmrl0. ad dr w~md ener rli iPt Y M!hA M`R.lar wd Y wrlimtln ¢ W wr ?P ~t , !Y! 1w on Ddl~l'a7re'aad othsr gopa rri8 valu4Dle 6onei4erati0nS MOVAM i:rw~rraeFY ♦fwap~daw.wm haowtpm Y awr..twx.wn.~ot .r.ii a r+v «ewr w .~wa~ r • . wry w.er+. •x w .ow~.b .n ls ew ferwe.r sa o^R1-0w4ftw•mo°••wrw.More y aur..wtwR h wwdndg.r.wa4u. ~~ww~faaJaMOwpmd rwa g j YW Wwwldf..e% aMn So~abhe~r~rith• i11)+KCer~l~i. a~ypwtie~t thretv ~~etoN, WAggglga w0dagovuMe.e w mobba, n.4~ irs~. Mi WgRm ~ uu4t: .i A w.ra wM. ar. rawe. d.e...a am..a.s.dena er 1h0 .w wm Y K*0 s,n pri, au:. u L. a.q~hr. et b d S. au ~be.. taNaa meM~.tO M M.iMSAw wi qqul Zo rsn ~em xa aoUnw ~m oemw~ ■e.~. ~ph~ ..a a.rA.~,.~a w,q"'laa w .r.ot r dm..«mews hsr. e.e...awW.in.nn Aww..rarw d.ewaaw~. br him :118 ~vdw, W&.b&Mm4 ds e0 mraMt. sPOR EsRW6 OAq+..wot.aawwdrat Y awww+.wk kio bM adwlnv.tM kw1°s.atte~ryplh( d dIWM'Y d ihr DMMiK IB 1A wlnd d 9M RA1 416" MMN~. V C R04 ws. ywgwdL" WWmrm romaffifatOwwleYw. bla8oka1M! NMNNRlo "M pa 41161Iwflwelb bV.N, fiupln. a eA wshf ft ,on In fawee W fw01 M daN14 ad pwt pM rw a 4M W dwe fm mSmuw W etY. rlppr b1*P~F w~M~ Lm. lw4 e001WARU ud nowbmen et ~unw~ldMw.ra..ea.ti excepL 1948 Enxes nnd ai. bnXec Eub-equent C::ere ..atu..uw.unyaW eWm rwva o+wM-bb rAO+wam.Mwas" Y a eti0-ad wu% 11~ ■ Y!I W M~ ~lM~ v d~~ 1~~ R Pa~ uwfab ddbg 4 le Olailtl tM WAU a 17V PM W MPI Da6 Y d Yr *A 1~ " -d -01 WARW77' A2W 'd0WA DiPG:+R IIO11l~Na~7.u.W+n+~Y du.mO rara tw.mte~w hie 6..a dad 1M4WW7NrtlYRdsn~ ' NNeWr MrW md A11w[N in Ns Ffaamae i mL77! 01 CeLaLAaO ls 61ty xn4 1' 49 DaaVer f ~ YWa~tw Mb~Mdpd 6Kaw w fl4 iffB ~ .1s PET17Sl P. 91001 .,..'.~--.__......,,....-.-..,--W.....,...-.lBYfd 28Lh b.Q Ontobor wy,. Oo Cober 8 f~.~~. f~ ry Rr i I 1p~lq fm-M AM~ UrMuxwRbowaNw .~~dyi~~lrp.ilee►1W~y~ W~ 3035953923 DRVID TRYHR RRCHITEC 260 P02 AL1G 25 194 18:37 aROn swacHnit~sE u- .,G.~~•. RGCORUw " . ~ u..,...-~. COUNYY OF .RfFrx'10N 9114Y6 OF CWMPO Q 1c"►T30N 11~~ 08626O.uU ~ ~ A ~ rr...~... r '1~1~{~0l1~ }i~ ~tWtBT 4. OR9i N! ~RCA1[4 C1K7~ 1! !1 MMM ~ ttllr I~ iolnt tNUwtn .1pII0Y~ON wd~~f~L1~ ~O~qAMIO~.~ . nm Oatmcxae op NNVM mo a~t. a caaaa• . d po aaw r~ .~t a» twt ~+n. t« 01 r•••ie•~'b"•r~~~°,,,~ • 71M di~ W11rA{•4 N MIfy~MMNN+;~ ~w W)w l~~jNillwl~~~awllMlo~~ti W4 ~ i~K ~ ~~~q1p4b'~I~M WfM tKena~ A«Aaedtidlol ~'~etC~a►5 ~ Qa„prd aet erV" a l~at 9 . 611p, 6U1b1Vi~S0~~ rad CM 1b■t 1714 It.it ei Wt Sd. ~p/ptYttl01~ , l1Kn lLt~~t~ t iitdh I~lnr~O 80QSS~ 161~ Z~NM~IH~ Alan knmm » ow *00h0!!d "no"M~ Yr{t F12.Q0 •►U AN~MMIAN~~AYs/MeaM*IIN~ ~ ~0 rd NnAYtJ...~f«+.q.~rh.*x1 ~ Wannna. M41N0w M M w/WiM I pwN p1'NMM /Iarf, d ap is @I dr Iw~+r4460 1a bR ,p'^'^•-- WM,hM1~la6d~Ul~Nwrwo - - °~a~►.yppRAYiAloaT~~~~~'rYMawwf..aMA~iA 4m U~MIw1llf.■ ~~~i~.r nM tM1 K p■ IY rx«~w/ wd ►~da" , ~.N, yap~ rr ~aw u a'1 ~ we~1 ~ ~ ~ W o. .i.wtl~e k1a M1t~~.tMiM1M.r~M~ My,yoN.A. drmN EPA INw11MNfNM'~ VAwiaul fdl~lnod~W1wM~" ~WpdN~r.4MiMk~nt.~drA:~Mw~.;• u.Awplt~ J/EYdMMM1M~RW~~~~ yW~twlYtt' ~,y~qtiwllnitaeqMaMd ~Msw.rw~M~~i~s-Ot-w7 ef ~ ~ . rrmeeWtlaM ~ ~ ~a~~ ~fw+~+"~•d'wp~ ~ ~ Mt~. rnrtrfcllens ~Reqs e~uM neal Vr7'Th c"" Aw~ wW PW r~er~otA rh0 aercpL IvT ~iBi ~ wpt yenf~~ "narvl prailtrly Lodsl !0r IM MN M~4 w tM we~M aN. 1u uA Wi1wO ~~~~0 N~Mra 1rt1~1M~ ~ pi1M►iLoM~dIN~Md11e~ ~retiL.Wc r M A~b W ~1~ ~ ~'v o~ q~~Mw41NAfe~.ftL~IN~1~'~ ~W~~wAM mit ttMr fll \C1TItW YYIltlY0f. 7fMMM Wu . N1Md• d»WuAlxrlWt'b°aY~M~ :._....,...ISCAN , iw+ek~wlNwi9rlh~t+~bMl~wrMd '.--ptAla 1 j 6.L &rd fureb ~'„{•.~,;,5..,.~u::i ~ ~ t MOtnso ui 1MiorY, ..~~.~+•a~~ i i ; , , 7 % ~ j . City of Englewood No. 10703 Colorado Class E-1 Contractor License ~ Name: B. Wi 11 i am Browni ng gusiness Name: HVAR SeY'vi Ce ~I April , 1994 Date ' I Dir to of Finance . Expiration Date: Apri 1 15, 1995 Not Transferable DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7500 WEST 29tn AvENUE BUILDING INSPECTION DiVISION PERMIT N0 M91~i 17042 237-6944 Ex7. 255 P.O. eox 638 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WNEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND RECEIPTED BELOW. APPLIGAIION FOR MISCELLANEOUS ER IT r 7 ~ Y" OG S ~ I JOBADDRESS OWNER ey~UQ Q. 0 ~ I 1,1 ~ CONTRACTOR PTC>~-C-vI-IJC Sy-Skv'n S L~d1.C I ADDRESS ADDRESS (0) PHONE ZIPCODE CITV &fU U ` ,~u ZIP CODE ~y 7JUU 0 Z CONTRACT P ICE $ y ~ rS PHONE Iz 5` G~ S] S LICENSE NO. DATE 7 r $I q I -i ~ - 1. TYPE GrounA ❑ Woll❑ Proieclinp❑ 0ther 5 a D Fau 2. MATERIAL Tofal Squore Feet SIGNS 3. ILLUMINATION Yea❑ No❑ Typa ElW. Permit No. 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N_ 5_ E_ W Zons_ Apprwed,Zma Inapeetor _ (Spetily whith is tront ) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Disapprovsd I. TYPE SolidU Mon Thun BO% FENCES I MATERIAL 3. SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE (SDetify whieh is }ront) I OTHER Z 13. DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHER STRUC' (SETBACKS OR PROJECTqNS INCIUDED) JOB ` ADDRESS . 5!00 --~,--~L' DATE: ~3 ~2 BLDG. PERMITX 70VZ PERMITk BLDG. CONTR.i ~ SUBCONTRACTOR TH DATE INSP. REQ. J`/ '5' STREET NAME SHOW DISTANCES FROM THE MAIN BUILDING TOADJOINING HOUSES, S DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR pVERAGE DIS' iYPE OF INSP. INSPECTION MADE l REMAHKS ~ / c;- APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELE THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICA~ 'ISION. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 180 DAVS FROM THE DATE 01 W p F(1RM Ria ELECTRICAL PERMIT STATE LICENSE N0. PLUMBI' STATE LICENSE N LUMINUM WIRE UNDERSIZE B ILIEGAL FLOOR BSP ElseSdar p. WATER CIASET w-W TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL HOT WATER - BTU NEW SERVICE - AMPS BATH TUB STEAM - BTU CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER AIR CONDITIONING-9TU LIGHTING SINN OTHER HEATING GARBAGE DISP REFRIGERATION SYSTEM POWER SUB-CIFCUI75 WATER NEATER Refri aront Cxoup UTILI7Y(RANGE,DISPoSER,ETC) AUTO. WASHER Pounds CMr e FIXTURES DISH WASHER AUTOMATIC SPRINNLER SYSTEM WIRING MOTORS 9 CONTROLS FLOOR DRAIN ELEVATOR SIGNS URINAL TRANSFORMERS 9 RECTfIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FI%TURES ocknowledae that tnis opvlico- PERMIT FEE Cf{/ rect ond underatond tnat I USE TAX 3 '7 ? (n li- ntil fhis o ,t thi t pp u e Orojet provee, i sholl comply wrth TOTAL FEE nd r l a t t C ora o o o the Sta o e o 7equlations ond Bwldinq APPROVED L ' An f Wn i Rid VrAPoo,envr~n y Qe. eo City o ne above terms wdl cause CHIEF BUILDING ~ PECTOR,Ci}y of Wheat Ridye ,ocalion of 1ni5 permif Date Issued Leu TAan 80% HepM N_ S_ E_ , j ll 1:1 INSPECTION TICKET NOT VALID UNLESS RECEIP C'~# IOdbS_ CALL 237-8944 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS N E W K 1 K & M c G L A M E R Y I N C. ' C o n s u I t i n g S tr u c t u r a 1 E n g i n e e r s P.ul H. Ne.ki:i PE Sam T. McGlzme:y PE Structural Calculations for Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church New Eucharistic Adoration Chapel wheatridge, Colorado July 20, 1994 •'p 0 R f~(,~~ ~::.y "tq • p / • • ~~:~j~~0~IJ1 ~'~~,~e'ys~ t'.i : ~*M 19816 c Prepared for: David Owen Tryba Architects 1601 Arapahoe Street D&F Tower, Fourth Floor Denver, Colorado 80202 2407 Stout Street • Denver, Colorado 80205 •(303) 295 -112 1 • FAX (303) 295 -7506 INDEX Item Design Criteria Roof Framing Floor and Foundations Masonry Walls 1-3 4-10 11-14 15 ` ~ ~ .sr..„._;:. : ~ . : . , N E yV K I R & M c G A M E R Y, I N ~`C o n s;u ,I [~n g5 S..t rtu c[ u,.~ a 1 E n g i n~e c r s;:~..~ W ~ ~ . . ; . . . . . . . ti i s~~b . 7 f i eu[LDIM G CODE: QASEMENTS: - N0. OF STORIES ABOVE BASENIENT: PENTHOUSES: - ELEVATORS: - OTHER ELEt9ENTS AFFECTING STRUCTURE: DESIGN LIVE LOADS: R00 F 3p Pbyr MECHANICAL EQUIP. ROOMS OR SPACE - ELECTRICAL EQUIP. ROOMS OR SPACE - TELEPHONE EVUIP. ROOMS - LATERRL LOAD REQUIREMENTS: 'd I ND :n6 t•~?~5~~Sc P. G SEISt•11C: ZNE' 1 ZK=~e,S DESCRIPTION OF LATERAL FORCE SYSTEM FOUM1DATION SYSTEM AqD DESIGN PRESSURES: kEItiFORCED CONCRETE: DESIGN BASED ON ACI 318-77 CODE ~ ELEMEt7TS f' si) f y(psi) ooo _ 0,0a0 STRUCTURAL STEEL• ELEhiENTS ASTM fY si A1"L"- Als-4! - G~ 000 NELDING ELECTRODE 8 PERMISSABLE STRESS Lr'IQ LUI4[3ER 8 GLUED LAtdINATCD TIt4GER CLASSIFICATIO:"J JOISTS AND PLANKS STRUCTUP,FL LIGHT FRAM[NG GEAhiS AI4D STR(NGERS POSTS ANO TIt4QERS ~:""TEft TIMBER WWPA GRADING RULES FOR LUMDER f SINGLE USE E _12a0 f,6k1U~ 12 So b-~'x 1256 1,~Y IV" 2~5° ~ 8X la~_ N- E. R' ' n I R K d:. M c il L A M t R Y. I N C- C u n s u I L i n g S t r u.. r:i i 6 n g i n c c r s , ~T1,.P~AS$S.~lY1~~i~.~y~+t~ 6~~1~.j.,i, vyo_ Sui~jcct 1II=t4 STRUC?URAL DESIGN CRITERIA PLYWGOD FOR HORIZONTAL APlD VERTICAL DIAPHRAC44S: GRADES: STRUCTURAI I OR II, OR C-C EST. PAPIEL IDENT. INDEX PLY':lOOD THICKNESS S 8 MASONR Y : TYPE OF MASOYRY CONSTRUCTION J%j DESII;P! STRENGTH fm' psi WITFiOUT SPECIAL INSPECTION LOAD CRITERIA: (DESIGN DEAD LOADS AND LIVE LOADS FOR ALL ROOF ANO FLOOR CONSTRUCTION). Fgyp.,n n-' - • s CwlAi$L tzoo~ ' r~+2 5 rzoaf+` s+~~~c,c.~S ~ ~NSu~ 2 P~-Yu.t~ '3 JST S ~y ~ STS 3 t1t~cJ R.. M1Pff 1 - , s~, g.u-g T~x r .y,-oc-Fv,' = C44b~ ICLdS"(2. INs0- Z, F~-~12 Col.i'2 '1- R-Yw*:~ 21 2 - .ISTS 'S J S-"s ^l~ G~1L!l.rL ~ INSU... I YIP~ 2 M lS A~.. 11 b~ la ~ 10 o e pRSP ,,t~S;tvus Tl.. ~ ~ u ~ 5 o e, . N E W K I R K & M c G_. A. M E R- Y, I N C. ' -Cons.ul[ingStructpral. E.ngineers . Title757r. PHTE'f2Li~-i~PGlJl+ Da[e64uqy IubNo.9y o Sobjec[~St.101w.1 l(SZa1n1~rG - -$yS6eet2! of_ vESl11Sl~-H 'gXT8WS10N ~ G2a-1~ SIJWa ° ">S V'Sr . Pf 5) ~ _ 25 PSIF na,zf(~ss)f q= f-►.4 nSF !~b 2~y * ~ . - 4 h,A s , oo C25 8 (ll,t _ 441 . < wd * 4(4,2) r IL.a cckL47rzaL_s ~ 4<~o-i~) • ~~.~s , u, L'xtsT~c. ~ GW+.cW 2S PSF Su 93F C4bFr4 vIST E SXT6i}JS lq.~ - *~99911 Vg`ST, _ N E•W K I R K & M c G ~ A M E R Y. I N C. - ' ~ . . C o n . s u 1 t i n g S t r u c[ u. r • 1 E n. g i. n e q. r. s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . Titie ST. PIS'fWYL-dl.lt]. p/xA-- Date 2 gA .Job No. - Subject-~~~A!t By ~SM~~ ~ - ~ Sheetot_ 1.~ ~.145TI~lA~ gXT~NS1~ _ J ST 5~l44 V\AP cpZt-~ cl) i2aoP' .1ST3 ' WT. a-~oo ~slai S4wT+eQ 14"1- s L I 8~ _ 2 3?TS . u~JCrx ISOC/ V-)TL = 181 w-~ _ _ X I ~ a j jl4•~:) x 1a~ ~r~.TiNC -r~S's bn L ~Roor) CI~'lG1I~~ wAU.. 4, W= (67)~`l 42u~s_~Fi~g r~ 3 _r~sa(6~~''C'/a) ~ s~a`~4 sn = - ~~c~ = s2r3 ,N' Q ' S' p~,~ ~ ~ . _ . _ . . . . . j: .A`k. IN , _ .r',_. . Y . ~ . . ~ IS~~ L S Q~ ~1 y pilY T]~ ~ S 1 'f 4C.b 2. s $ K -an~u-a-~-.r-- :u,..vn..: . . . . . . . ~~~~1 . . : . _ . . . . . . 2 s!L7G tX-P 6XIST4 GLb ~ .r ~ ~!P mzcr\ t6) ----------~y . . ~ ~ . : / . ~ ~ 9.5~` . . , 1 x 2 .9 9a K-Fi ~rtak ~ ''8 9 ~ k us~ -~-1 %fx ►1 ~/8 r+,i. _ to r+6ATcbA Rx1sr4 tx.lpF1.i, II..E W K I R K & M c G L A M E R Y, I N C. , C'on'sulting Struc[ural Engineera Tit1e~T- P?-TBfL 4~ pbLA- Date J416Iob No. !2Y-040 Subject By Stj S6eet 5 of_ CW~Ir• . . ~1-~CcJC. 1~13~~4YTL-'J~ ~OCT b3 WWr~ G1R~ JVaYL OJC1R~ WINr> p a R)(l .2I(21)(I•~~ s'Sa PSF L s G ,4,.~, W . 'Sa(5) 115a PI.F M= c.g3~`<~5~a) C%8~ ` 7=~ ~r-~~ s Sx s~y,~j2 s ~.Z. 1J~3 )'tS0 'T'YLY - ZrG F<4TIS a.i lvi' 'y _2x 10 1./1,rTEL s-~ of~ ~-2K10 Sa' (3~SOS) t'7,5~ : ly.o` >7,2 Ol~ (/LXla6~C~'Y.Z+~108~ R~TM-! e-r wNR ~,nr a I~~i ~6,S~~C~~ = 47~1 LSS c.AtT ? 7 S- 10P " txQ rr cw3c.~ Jnnb S~c.p~ Y~SL ' W 4Nr, w~ 1oC I 7~) • 46 W-P' ~ TJP?6~Ti' ~ oe~ f aa-~ ~ s Cv,asaa.arXJL.'{ c44*-Y. wy pr. ~ Alr rIn Nni4uT M= 4z>(1(,5) (Yy) t 40<11,>) s Z,o2'1 FT-L 65 Sn s 2o2-1 x 2 : 19.410 ►N` ~2 s a -cttY 'S-2~- S , 2-z.l tH~ J1 a ~ s (4X,2)y t (~y~~,~xio~)(~2oa) q8 CI,6xiab~C~,n2o,Z) voot; _ 'S-I4.d TvG w/- A.I. S ID,a` 'S-2xL lOn6 s7T~rl~ '15 lu ~9 L~S2. c~- N. E W K I R K & M c G L A M E R Y , I N C. d o n s u 1 t i n g S t r u c t u r a I E n g i n e e r c Title_ Subjec Y G ttoo~ L..ncn.. W= 6:8C2~ T_ 7~~O p1P) 0 2I P ~ 1a;t~ 2s ao' EXIZfG GI.Ms R ~ Qz R.,. ` ay` W~T C~sf MPbN iS d-0' ca.i3ERv6r1*-'( DBSKN PS 3H"1PL-w SQl" . M=(,2-~)CE)`~%S) t 8<~S) - 8.2 K Fr (,27GX4)t X. Cis'E~ NU.1. 'fQ!sT 1P s 9,1 t 2,5(,'1-)L) s .1 ,gK L/ s~5 IL < K 3 z'1 a ~ooorl-~(~, • 96oPs1 L , • ,so~ , 7a4~,s~<~t,al'~] ok. 5.sx5,i 8xlsrc. G~r~ No. + - 040 N E W K I R K & Mc G L A M E RY , I-N C. C o n s u 1 t i n g S t r u c t u r a 1 E n g i n e e r s Title nr ~o ~ PALi Due:] UALftj~_Job No. -!~V d~sZ. Subject_,A2,jnrSO% gU,*t'iBYSrx Sheet-7_ot_ e, i4g,6p8VL GT W INOOW = N6~-+ tAz4. • L s 4-C°" c.vw M IN 2 "p~fZ16Q. \.S'ST) a,) N9;6DOR. I*A L-' s -I' (o.m1%) t psof+'ar') L`) z (44)C1'S5)~%~) -i' S<26~ S M • (,,~)~Cata) t /a) _ ~14~ ~-~~s ~ Ss~ * Ib.S INi c.zit 2-2x~o S ' 42 )F-~3 h,) ~ois~s w' (44x2) z S$ <,at5 2Al 0M11J Vc+R-- Y,YS"L - c) IE"DC,fSL ,eT CMIJ 26b PLF L~oo Q~2 tAL-r : 6~)p:~~)■ 2/y ~-iSs _o. wp.- Iz.x t_nsati o cas > 2iy c~ ok d. L,iMysL- a7 5109 L!4/J7S M f poo■ w z 4~<1~ i~(20) s M ~ ~2s C1•~~` s ~ io ¢r,~bs I 1 ~yti 1 1'S 2_ 2 x 6 N IN R2 ° 12~(a .~~1 = 354 ~~s 125 Pl.f A, N E W K I R K & M c G . . A M E R Y, I N C. C o n s u lt i n g S t r u c t u r a 1 E n g i n e e r s Title --%T. f$'T$'fL'< L>eL A- DateJJ.1.ol-jH Job No. SubjectBy1#4 S6eet-d-of_ i~ cwDpffi- rzo~ P hr1. tLaa~ 5i.a..i f~1T'r N ' 60° T28DucTid..i ~ + 'S6 ~ s , 25 4 a ~t- w k.,o 'sl•lw%,./ 1.a6a6 ' 30-~~o-'aal(f15~ , 20 pSR p• c~GS~sS ll la,~1C~-UC~6) ' t~1 1'st~ ~p^ P~ -4~~- a~" n y- \ ~ / `~C J~~ . ~ (WJwowoeo sioA r~ bs2cS Mr?'1-%Y>) C Q~' 4'~'J4~~2.L'~~ : I$Z- L'b 1~~ ' ('z)C74)<4~-l) ` 3►~ ~'b QS • (2)<'~r4~<~~ _ ~ 4'L L5 ~'T Zt1a' o- ia2<1,o ) f 518C6.o) t 44'L (9) gX ~ T ; ~ c= 4 al1 cr~s ~ f.FxSo• ~n -201~ y 291~1~2)Cj~)COS~g';' ~ gn- 4ldLrrt 2~ •o ~ F~ - ~32-'~ia-5'S~2-2q~UL,1jt~51,4/~ Tt P N► P pvtl F ~ 2c~o ~gs M~Ji 1gwl IN p V P bll 18t '~)8 1~ Si 7, -~c -t- t 2'L b ILl1. -t1 a 1,,... 241 I SA 4`17'1X/ti--r37~'~. ~ T2SOC1~g Qz~m 2-2xlo S*42$lw'-c)k )2S-> (29104 .1)(~)UL.2) 3 49-)y Pr-«s K I R K & M c G.. A M E R Y, I N C. ~ n s u I t i n g S t r u c t u r a 1 E n g i n e e r s Titlc t5T, PE-MR ` Y>pUl- Datc-1 IIIJ)-IL'L,Job No. 4 y'OL{QSubject C4+P01lL- 12d0-¢ By '5['\ Sheet-i-of_ 2 -2x10 Co~~11 .c a 05 2 • ' ~ . ~ N ~ F~ ~ 2-2x~0 Nlp s,Da f~s %4 f~9~8X 4xa R,Ll c, FLil..i.- t..EN4 M-Ah i~42c- PC~!>IN>T WSHI_ -Fl - 2 ~1l < ts Ps 1 < ~?5Ps C~~ Ca.~57 ~k s"ort S7Lass <'nC1)CBaCl,9"~) 9> ~ 1 -?LQhI VlffW 117,44 1 4 :0 i a ~r; - ,ia, nEaititkk e: r,o,Lum / - 1 W K I R K & M c C L A M E R Y, I N C. o n s u 1 [ i n g S t r u c t u r a I E n g i n o o r c Tiflc ST.'PBTLfL. ~ F~OtJI- Datc ~/24/-7-/ Job No. !~4-oHU Subjcc7 Gu6CKL YLOO1t By S/7 Sdeet-:~)A_o[_ i. urP rt;,rl cO+rN. 'r1J2OST t<.y~ wRao ocrlNt, = G• 20'1~ L+ys q, b %ri'S SIZ.S 't-- ~4 ~q A-1.0r.j C.1>> IH G#-,rl ' 1"L60 LA's >2v'7c.8), y.''S s' 'L' >14 0 9 p ,d. h~ 2-1•cf0 EN~? J$,1Z4. , 0~4 Lsx5x1/U gup stzc, = 425 PS 1 at.Ww L.p. * `25 (5) o') 4qti7s > Zo,)-) oL ,,LO-j 7 LDS_ c ) cumcx. SNttpR- mvS ` 20'11 t3)<~~<gs~c~,~~ ti-'L.c~ Q S aL Psi < ya P51 ok. i2.~4 Fis.m,l~jii W/2'Y~, (s 20~jjtj5 l.` X3Xx*"/ 2-~y'q <,a. oN 1`GR04- 1.616xx ty )TdT+- COW.~ER s bNb tnovivS SqvrRS GRO~vt w3~ i~.vt'r -i v )N"f e a, i- T. r 1~f 0ayb Qn . ' j ~T~ k~S Wl TI+R..Vi ~ L iti cnv. pn~was ~o. ~ <URNKR. S~-TLS p ~ TTP tL'~ Cv~N~t11 . g I R K. & M c G L A M E R Y, I N C. , n s u 1[ i n g S[ r u c[ u r a 1 E n g i n e e r s Titlc 3T PET$il.' Pi(il- Date 40 Job No. 'O O Subject C-k-'OFM.. 1Z0.1SS By Sn Sheet/d o( N 2.) cQPas~~ ¢a4rt AaPra2 2x1o2ti4 C* FI'1~, 'Ot6EIG,S)C'S.1S) -Cl/.3 ~.I b C i - I ~j ~,F-O~ ~ t-1.o7c SA~~ i - - ~ c s 411 L-b1 G1F1VL bA!-+OIHC c)-l CqhOR155 k11-i <<Y-L6ftL Ms 4i1C4)~%y~ ' 4/i rr~os J'Li0 OX. YAOF~, Nj 4vMT$iL' '1 3(11)~(;/5) "f b8(GS}L ~Z ~ '//4,L S~ ://6/x!'L 2 c 2/,H o(C. I'i~u r~=6a(3,~s)-r-~aC~~)cSiH~> s~g~g cPcwa- 't1<Z~[r ~YDG32 07 N<12-7I1 I-~t- lp P S 4 6d 4-t> mz,orl .4sT e 24' - /`cLLa.- La PbfL ~/4 MQ I 1& 11V `57set6¢+ z C.-)Q 16 c1sDi 2-~/4, 0 •a, b eI[' S1-la ccYvN Ri*M1L TD ~8pc.3tL. smt~ Ls -)D / K -IRK & M c C~.. A M E R Y, I N C.~- .~o n-.s,u__.P-Fi-n g~ S t r u c~t u~r a 1 E n-g i n e e r c ` . . . _ Title ST fl-'TS?1L = PPL+I_ Datc-lWaijf 7ob No. 9 ~r~10 - Subject}74~,{.~pp'n~.~<. Ls1 n~o gY-~'~ ~ S6eet /j. . of i I,) Pr-3p v~ST. ~Loo'~ L ~ ql. w' _llo_fl~-br_ 4xi8 16IX1 ~ q.SX~os ' ,12 vw.> Ln0 TO Yo.~ SP~,- . . w'- 1.-15 0 1a) ~)i-(a S~l.i ~ 16s) 41- _ ,12<I L,!W~*h"-r~~s elG.` 2.) c~A4~ ~CLCZa'2 L~ Il'-4_` 5 P< s 12 " W S 6Q; f'S FC TR`f ll!/$:"my/2S 322xt0` _ x/ (i ~ l 14 f' ° (~dZll,-S;'S)( s 52o P~-¢ A, Se24"- ~-t o _ ~ _ J c I R K & M c C L A M E R Y, I N C. ~n s u i t i n g S [ z u c t u r a 1 E n g i n e e r s Title 31 •i 2` 9GUl- D.te Toi~Job xo.9 y-a'~f0 Subjecti2l.iiw'a~T0,4i BySt'1 S6eet_/'L of_ 1) GNoGWL- 'bF3D21F-rG WiL,C_ fzoaFW (2o-rl y)( Il -'y+?\) C%~~ ~ 2`l!T 12"cnv ( 9.'~ 2) ( q^,~ S SC7 8"cnv Gs.6~1 (~s~ ° S~8 srIIM u~ l3. m~ C~i 1) ~ -L7 L KQari C~o)c»•1'~)~h) S ~26 .12?6 zs,~ a c1S~ 2,-0`" x lo" M iN . 2, 4z " cn~J _ I'~~ x ~o' twtN e, e" cnJ g I R K M c G L A M E R Y . I N C. s v 1 t i n g S t r u c t u r a 1 E n g i n e e r s Ti[Ic ST PrM2-. 4? ,O(.L ~itl4lf-l No. -d d SubjectRAY6lNllti IJ~Li By 5f1 Sheet,ZA~of_ a"cHv 5d-i0 ~2<Xx'8D = q2 P51° 12Ct'il~ SUL1~ C.,fLCY--"1$'O ' IQd P50F~ p F4utV R-L-)n Ptz&SS 1 -40 Pc-~F p'. PnT Lcnn; FptaM 4RSVIa:S cAL.c1 Pn~' `i20(%67) Ks " 111~ $ PT,L~ 920(S/>4,7) PT.u~, I wr 01- S1w u8c,c. 10 PSFx ~S - ls a p~~ LL a.an L aNr,7~4 ofe S 129 PI,F I MI ? d ~ r 1 > O , 5 L~ ~ ~ ~ 11`i }+~fr 8~4J~ a ~20 PtiF " ' ~ 4~~~~ s ~ $ 1 P~ F 2~8 i2` 4" P2 = (~j2PSls)~4.1~~ s 3S1 Pt,tr ~ Vo P-C ! ~p 0~8)M) p p~ t(J 4-oPSF)(6,0) : 92o pL7F •CI~/j2)C~sD)( 4~ ' S,)a pL Fr Ps s IIJC2.GG~(~,I~~ ' 2 IOD PL/= Cb~. cN~-'t ) = ~119)(.~~) i~g~ (.61~ t42o<,S5) r MR 5~~C2~ + 21ooC2.~~) , A t,,- AT>~. ~ S Io4~Z ~T-~r5s ~ ~~I a~~ 3~' 61 PTt- r'lorp' 12c~o<2.`~) z 3418 I~T~l.i~s g.s . = Io4~2s ~ .o ok . ~54~8 MtZa ~ 10 gl2 ~t(3S1)Gl) S 10121 F7-LS s iS7LG Pr-as-s . p~ 1 / S V RBM..TD!-.7~ l_Qb!) g2o1'~ Td Ts ' ~c)~I r Ib, ~ / t b1 A- °~w,<x ~~~1L~ t 'S4i8C2~ S 22~s t'sP ~2Soo ¢ ~itz)(~)l4)' ~ K I R K & M c G L A M E R Y, I N C. „ n s u 1 t i n g S t r u c t u r a 1 E n g i n c e r s Title ST. 2S7T~0-AAUL Da[c / PIL) Job No. JfX-0L?40 ~ SubjectL~0L! By ~n Sheetz-v_of_ L-Ja-~-- 'R.a IHF. I2" Gt'lv (~r-tbP o~ i~T4~ 4°(~.Il)C~,nk~)(~.n)l/}) • 2451 s h -TTL.~ # Se244 P►~ 3 ,ISS t-1,4-1 ,J s .9oob 2`f51 0K) czaS sp ~ e. 2 4~RT 8"cmv ` H.Areoaa a-M 8' c~cx. " se24, as~ .155 tU~ ' , 8-`t`1 • ~~460 ~3~ ~?40 Uj ~ 48'S (G ob~ , II1 f'St <I1.'2>ok. . 487 C12 : 8,551P•3! V~ r t'- o K I R K & M c G L A M E R Y, I N C. '^C o n s u]t i n g S t r u c[ u za 1E n g i n e e z s 1) 12` ct-iU GHV?H- c..vxLS Title 'Sz :GHT$°Q Date~_Job No.GIy-O~'ID- SubjeetM6Sdv0.Y 1..1a1-LS By 51"1 Sheet~_of_ ~ s°~~-O • 'r`~`f LNS PttGTI~ CS~ 1~ 5 E')2 ` C1 IN Vf2-7- 2) 44-S1Nly' _EYtW 9...IN7~- Kf' C1~APff~.- fYN7i2.Y LINTi uNTML -1~' l. IN773t- r~,. w = a~ ct-,u i2" cnv RoD'PW ~II-cr¢I... ~ ' L s 4' b' ~ tts -ZwN wr oN~~ W ° `I8 Pl.F L ~ g: 1>d = (Il~)Cs) r 0242 \2~ oa~ 12 oa~ K= , v~-/i otvt ~j p S . Od 1 1 PS ~ , W]11~~~~5~ C-fmF 2- A' S -Lr- * 48C^~~ ~ 5 Ps) OK Gy~~~ s 2e0 Gr]~~,.]Q> ~ 2l0 ~3y)C17~5)C~) * 29~ S' A(-PC r~ G. s C~)`'C /s) ' S 5'ys Prr- 1-3 s ~z 4i~i2)`. ,I~'1 I2 0~ IL t 'S',~-/ T 24,7 ~ .Ps ,oa14 Cislt 2- ~ S M!N t, 6S s l~ P51 ok Property Owner : a Property Address : 3900 Pierce Street Phone : 4243706 Contractor License No. : 19704 Jqg Q 3 ~ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permk app1wation are accurate, and do not vblate applicable ordinances, rulea a regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenaMs, eesmnsMs.orrostfictbna of racoM; that allmeasuremeMS shown, and allegedons made are accurate;that i have read and agree to abideby all conditiona printed on thb applicatlon, and that I assume futl responsibil~y for compfiance wRh the Wheat Ridge &iikling Code (U.B.C.) end all other applft~bleWheat Ridge ordlnancas, for work under thia pertnk. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Use: Description : Automatic fire alarm system Phone : 355 0500 Total $58,283.00 $630.00 $0.00 $874.25 $1,50425 BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : Approval: DM Approvat : Occupancy : Walls Company : Grinnell Fire Protection okayed per Dave Roberts comments 8 final plans are coming Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : (1) (2) (3) Plumbing License No : Company : ConsWction Value Permft Fee Plan Review Fee Use Tau Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : in ecmrtlence with tlie provisbna set toM In yopur applkatlon and ie wbieA to tha lews oi tlro Sfafe of CobraEO entl to Me ZoMng pCoOS W Wheet Ridge, Cobretlo or any other applkable ordinanc~ of the Ciry. it (A) Yie work euthorfzed ie (rot cortmencetl wNhin alxty (80) days Gom issue date or (B) tlie bw'Winp audioAZed ia suapentlad or of 120 dayn. newyarmtt may be adqWretl far a tee W one~half ihe emouM nrorormaiy reqWretl,~vW~ ~ro chenpK have 0een w wld be made In 1Ae Mq6aie andenY awPensbn a abendonmeM hea nM axceeded are (7) Yeer. A cha,pes are made or if suepembn or ebendonment (4 No wak 0/efry rtl8nnef ehell be dOne tlIM will dlenge ihe neNrel flow of weq (5 Conkactor thell nollry Me BuNdkq Ingppctor hvmty-four (24) twuro In aCVanc proceaAIhq wilh succeeslvephaaee Ot Uiepp . (6) The itfuenee ot a pertnit w tha epproval of tlrawirgs and sPeeMkatlons ahedl 0( dlQ bUIkfifIQ Wd88 Of 8fly Od1Bf OfdIt181W8, llW. Ni8 Of IB9UM011. . Chief Building Inspebtor ir ceuarq a aroinege proobm. e/or all Inapactlons aM shall receive written epproval on inspectlan caN before rwt be consWed to be a peimX Wr, nor an approval of, am/ videtion W IM pmviabns THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPAFtTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 PropertyOwner: S'7~S. /2P Pv d/a~~ c_{,✓rcll Property Address : 3 ~~r 'PiPY[ P 5t Phone Contractor License No. : 1GI ~~t~ i Company : ~y/Z~,v,J~~ c. l~,PZ /~,P~~~~7~Gs✓ Phone : ,lc S :3pU OWNER/CONTR,4CTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDFRSTANDING AND AGREEMENT Construction Value : s~,~b?3 1 hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permd application are accurete, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrielions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate: that I have read and agree to abide by nditions printed on this appiication, and that I assume full responsibility for c ce i the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.CJ and all other applicable Wheat Ri e ce, work under this perpiit. , (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : 17X1V Sys72?1n Permit Fee : V' ~10 UseTax: 5 14. L Total: ~ '~~•d $0.00 Use : BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC : Sq. Ft : Approval: Zoning : ~IRlf~f'~Cb~i~it3`~ ~JLe,cD f~~ l~~it5 ~'abcr~s ~mr»cnts Y- ~'n~.l F~1~5 C~rnf1(7 Approval: ~~61C~at1K!~bmP~t~7 Approval: I Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residentiat Units : I Elecirical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company : Company : Company : Expiretion Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit waa luued In aaadanca wiN the provisians set lurth in yopur applicatbn and ia suC ea to Me laws ol Uw SGte ol Cdaado and to Ne Zoniiq RegulaGOns and BuilOiny Code o1 VMeal RiOye, Colorado or any other applinCle adinanms ot ~e Gry. (2) This pemut atwll expire d(A) Ue work auUwnzcd Is nol wmmenced wMin sizty (60) Cays hom Issue Eate a(0) Uro builCinp aWwAzed'n suspen0ed u aDarWaneC fof a pMOE of 1I0 days. (7) il tnis permt ezpires, a new pemut may be acqutretl la a 1ce ol one-nan Uhe amount normairy repuitea, proviEM no cnanqes nave Deen or witl Ee maEe in tne on ginal planti and spedfiwtians and any suspension w abandonmenl lwa nol e:cee0ed one (1) year. If changes are maCe w H wspension or aEaMa+ment eaCeeES orre (1) year, lull fees shall he pald lor a new permit. No vrork ol any manner ahall ba Eone Nal will chanpe ihe natural Ilow ol waler vusing a Enina9e pro0lem. (5) ConYxYU ahall noUfy the BuilEin9 InapeUOr iwenry-lour (24) lioun in advance la all insper.tions and snall receive wntten approval m inspection caM Defae pfOCCMi111qWIVISULClSSIv! phdtC]Of MeIoD. (6) iTe issuancepy pertnil n Me approval o/02winqs and apetlfiratlonf snall rot Oe consWeC to he a pemtlt fa, rar an approval o( arry vblaUOn o1 Ne provlslona a me w,aqqro qbdea or fit:1.9111ter ordinance, Ww, iule w repulalion. iO B'uilding Insp'ctor For Mayor TNIS PERMI VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Building Permit Permit Number 19003 CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 West 29TH Avenue 7/20/2005 Wheatridge, CO 80033 - Inspection Line 303-235-2855 Cq o+'kMcael3Gae k ~ 303-234-5933 Commercial Roofing PROPERTY 7900 Pierce St Unit: owNER: St. Peter and Paul's (303) 715-3148 Descdption Removal and replacemen[ of main roof with new insularion and TPO single ply system Document,s frnm the manufacturer sAall be onsite for final roof inspection which spec:fy >'oqrzng materials have been installed to meet 110 MPFI three-second wind gust-- IBi, (90 ;;rPl-j' ,,,r„d rraa--vac~. Units: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: 0 I hereby artl[v that Me cetbq4 ebhoen propoutl Ey tNs pennf[ appllcatlon art aaurme, ood do eot vbhh opptlabk ordWOw, rvks or re~nhtlou of fhe Cky of Whnt Rid{e er eoventnU, sanmeob or reetrlctlonn of ncoN; Nat a11 mueortmmn Mowq md allsystbm mWe u<oeeunte; Wt I have matl ud a=ree ro Wide by W~.,~b Ne Whnt WdLc 8uff~^B ~^de N.B.C.) mvE ~0 sther apptlubk eonoe prloted o Y6 ~pplktl ,~nd Nat ( mume (W ra onvibiliry or aompWnre wtl 0 tlillo ,~~o~.~wP. . ~ l _ -7 A 11 t 51CdiW DATE 1 TNb pemit wu Wued lo onordunce wiN the provbbne an torth io your applicntloe aed le aubjat W the how, of Ne Sh[e otCobndo oM lo the Zoalq Reguhtlonund BuOdinL Cade of Whnt A1dee, Colondo ar my other ~pplk~ble ordiomon af the City. 2 114 pomiuh&H espirt it(A) M. worle mtborized 1o m[ rnmmencM withie elxry (60) tlaYS from 6eue date or (B) Ne buOdinL aethorlaed b aqmtled m abaodooed for a perbd of 120 daye. ~ I(fIW pumlt ezpim, a new permi, may Le acquirN for . fx o(ono-holf Ne emounl normoRy requ4etl, pmvW W oo MannCU Wve bao w M116e mNe N We otl¢IVl plw md ryeeiflcatbne aod sny jmpmebo or oEandonmen[ ba, oot exoceded one (1) ywr.I(ch~nCn rc maAe or Ifmspembo w Wsodonm<sl veeed. ooe (1) yeo, fuli @o ehtll be paW for . new permit. 4 No wor4 o(my munser Yullb<doee that wN chooge the oatural lbw of woter ervdnL a dninaee probkm. 5' Coetraetor mAW notly Ne Bulldiory WpeMOr twenry-fom (34) M1ourt In mdwnce for all WpMlom mE A.ll receive wtlttee approvtl en leqeeYm wrd Eefore proaedtoL x1t4 macntlJe Phaw of Ne 104. . b 9Le Wuovice of a permk or the apProwl atdnwlnV and &pnifiea0om alull oot be coomved m De a perMt (w, nor m opproval of, my Wohlbv otNe nrovNMV ofthe bWldkffmwq or mvnfhe/eltl~ore~uw, Nle or nL.Vuhn. Wednesday, luly 20, 2005 Page 1 of i f WHE4T 0 y ~ ~ U C~CORA~~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 - (303-235-2855) APFLICATIOI Property Owner: T>ocr!,c o~ Dec.vtt - Sr P~_- tu,+QaQ Property Address: 390U `ale[Lt St-. Contractor License No.: Z.l 2'Za Company: Building Permit Numbec Date: < < vhone: 3 a3 •-I IS - 31 ~I $ Phone: 30'3IN Sy" :D-1 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNA7URE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I BuildinpDeptVa/uationFigure: $ I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of ihe City of Wheat Ridge or covenanis, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (I.B.C) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work under ihis germit Plans subject to feld inspection. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR)'. I Value:$ `lq1`iP54.I Permit Fee:$ i . Plan Review Fee:$ Use T x: TOTaI:$ I UseofSpace (description): C~IWrc~. hh2ettn~, ~t~ Description ofwork: yv Sq. Ft. added BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: :OMMENTS: ~ Approval: Zoning: r COMMENTS: ~-;'-I.l.~i Approval: IORK$ COMMENTS: Approval: DEPARTMENTCOMMENTS: Approval: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (1) This permit was issuetl in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subjed to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other appliwble ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work aulhorized is not commenced within siuly (90) tlays from issue date or (B) the builtling authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 160 tlays. (3) If this permit expires, a new permil may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normally requiretl, provided no changes have been orwill be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes have been or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, full fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will change the natural flow of wa[er causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions and shall receive written approval on inspeclion card before proceeding with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval ot drawings and specifcations shall not 6e construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions o( the builtling codes or any other ordinance, law, mle or regulation. Ail plan review is subject to field inspections. Chief Building Official STOP WORK ORDER YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO STOP WORK LOCATED AT ,3900 PiERZ~E sre~~r BY ORDER OF TI3E C1TY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING DEPAR7'MENT FOR THE E'OLLOWING REASON(S): ~/O.P.< 9zE11✓6--~QCFi.✓~ ~ This notice may be removed ONLYby THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDINC DEPARTMENT ! Date. O7 i9'~`S Building ins 35~ fTc O3 2 JTA T lcc.//LL f~~ 0 m m . ~ ~ 2 O m ~ 3 (D O O ~ . ~ ~ O ~ ~ ] N m `m lb W ~ 0 . a ~ ~ ~ 8 le w ~ ~ m m 5 N ~ n O 7 N -0 C m O_ m U) r (;O ' ❑ z 0 O ~ N < ~ Q m O ~ N ~ a 0 -I m D ~ ~ C- 0 c a a G A 7 ~ M M Z o C 3 ~ ~ Z C0 T m n :j Z Z 0 n m 1lI ~ 1` C~z N w a 0 c~Dii A 1C 0 O ~ ~ T wV _ m o ~ 0 -Dj z ro~ y.m v 7 7 ~ FIRESTONE PLATINUM-PH ROOFING SYSTEM LIMITED WARRANTY Warrenty No: PM001072 FBPCO #DA9308 Square Footage: 20200 s.f. Building Owner: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER Building Identificafion: ST PETER AND PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Buflding Address: 3900 PIERCE STREET, WHEATRIDGE, CO, 80033 Warranty Period Of: THIRTY (30) Years Beginning on: 10111107 Roofing Contrector: DOUGLASS ROOFING (01220) For the wartanry period indiwted above, Frestorie Building Producfs Company, LLC ('Frestone'), an Indiana limtted Iiabiliry company, warranLS to the Builtling Owner ("Ovmer") above that Firestone will, subjecl to the Terms. Contlitions and Limitalions set forth below, repair any leak in the Frestone Roofing System ('System"). 7ERMS, CONDI1lON5 AND LIMITA710NS 7. The Rrestone PLATINUM RooFing System is composed of all Frestone matenals. Any matenals not manufactured or supplied by Flreslone are not 2. In the event arry leak sFwultl occur in the System: (a) The bwner must give wriHan notlce to Firestone within thirty (30) days of any occurtence of a leak. By w notifying Frestone, the O.mar aultwnzes Firestone or its designee to investigate the cause ot the leak. (b) R uDw investigaUOn, Freslone determines ihat the leak is not excluded untler ihe Terms, CondiGons antl LimitaUOns set forih In this limitetl warranry, the Owners sole and exclusiva remedy and Frestone's liabiliry will be limited to the repair of the leak. (c) Should the investigaNon reveal Mat the leak is excluded under the Tetms, Condi6ons and Limitalions, the Uvner is responsible for payment of the investigadon cosu. Failure by Owner ro pay for these costs shall render this Firestone PLATINUM PH Roof System Limited Warranry ("Limited WarraMy') null and void. Frestone will advise the Owner of the type and/or eztent of repairs required to be made at the Owners enpense Mat will permtt Mis limited WartaMy W remain in eRect for the unezpired portion of its term. Fallure by the Owner W pmpeAy make Nese repairs in a reasonable manner using a Firesmne licensed applicafa. and within a reasonable dme shall render this Limited Wartany null and void. (d) Any disDute, conuoversy or claim between the Owner aM Flrestone conceming this Limited Warranty shall be settled by medialion. In the event that the Owner and Frestone do rat resolve the dispute, coMroversy or daim in mediation, the Owner arW Firesrone agree [hat neither party will commence or prosecute any suit, proceetling, or daim other than in the courts of HamiHon County in the state of Indiana or the United States Districl Court, Southem District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division. Each party irtevocably wnsents [o the jurisdicfion and venue of the above-identifed wurts. 3. Firestone shall have no obliyation under ihis Limdetl Wananry unless and until Flrestone antl the licensed apP~icator have been paid in full for all materials, supplies, services, warraMy wsts and other costs which are induded in, or incidental to, the System. 4. As a speGal tertn of this warranry, Fires[one vnll repair any leaks caused by unintentlonal and ocwsional damage to the membrdne as a result of normal rooftop inspeclion, maintenance or service. 5. Firestone shall have no obligation under fhis Limited Warranty, or any other liabiliry, now or in the tuture iF a leak or damage is caused by (a) NaNral forces, tlisas[ers, or acts of God inclutling, but not limited to, winds in ezcess of 72 MPH, hurricanes, tomadoes, hail in excess of 2" in diameter, lightnirg, earthquakes, atomic rodiatlon, insec[s, or animals; (b) Any act(s), conduct or omission(s) by arry person, or acl(s) of war, which dama9es the System or which impairs the Syslem's a6iliry to resist leaks; (c) Failure by the Ovmer to use reasonable care in mainfaining the building, said maiMenance lo include, but not limited to those items listed on the reverse side of tliis Limited Warrarrtytitled "Building Envelope Care and Maintenance Guide"; (d) Deteriora6on or failure of building components, including, bul not limited to, the roof suhsirate, walls, mortar, HVAC units, etc.; (e) Cwndensalion or inRlVatlan of moisture in, fhrough, or around the walls, copirgs, rooftop harMrare or equiDment, building shuc[ure or undedying or surrounding materials. Frestone specifically exclutles any damage [o the Frestone insulation or roof system tha[ may wme from moisture wiMin the mof deck or exisOng mof system. (o Any acid, oil, harmful chemical, chemical or physical reaction and the like which comes in coniact with the System, which damages the System, or which impairs the System's abiliry to resist leaks; (g) Alterefions or repairo to the System not approved in writing by Firesrone; (h) The amhitecture, engineenng, wnsWCtlon or design of the roof, roofing system, or building. Frestone does not undertake any analysis o( the archkecNre or engineering required to evaluale what lype of mof system is appropriate; (i) A change in building use or Duryose; Q) Deterioretion caused by marine salt water atmosphere or by regular spray of either salt or iresh watec (k) Failure ro give proper nofice as set forth in paragraph 2(a) above. 6. This Limited Wartanry shall be transfereble subject to Firestone inspec6on, written approval, and payment of the curteM transfer fee. 7. During the tertn of this Limtted WarranTy, Firestone, its designatad representative or employees shall have free access lo the roof dunng regular business hours. In the event that roof access is limited due to securiry or other resMc6ons, Owner shall reimburse Freslone for all reasonable costs incurted during inspecfion arxllor repair M the System [hat are due ro delays associated with said restriciions. Owner shall be responsible for the removal and replacemerrt of any overburtlens, superstrata or ovetlays, either permanent or temporary, excluding accepted stone ballasl or pavers, as necessary to expose the system for inspection and/or repair. 8. Firestone's failure b enforce any of the terms or conditions stated herein shall not be consWed as a waiver of such provision or of any oNer tertns and wnditions M this Limited WartaMy. 9. This Limited Wartanry shall be governed and wnsvued in accordance wifh the laws of the State of Indiana withou[ regartl to confiid of laws. FIRESTONE DOES NO7 WARRAM PRODUCTS INCORPORATED OR UTILIZED IN THIS INSTALLATION WHtCH R HAS NOT FURNISHED. FIRESTONE SPECIFICALLY DISCL4IMS LIABILfN, UNDER ANY THEORV OF L4W, ARISING OUT OF THE INSTALLATION OR PERFORMANCE OF, OR DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY OR CAUSED BY, PRODUCTS NOT FURNISHED BY FIRESTONE. THIS LiMRED WARR4NTV SUPERSEDES AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES WHETHER WRITTEN OR ORAL, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WffHOUT LIMffATION, WARR4NTIES OF MERCHANTABILfTY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS LIMRED WARRANTV SHALL BE THE OWNER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINS7 FIRESTONE, AND FIRESTONE SHALL NOT BE IIABLE FOR ANV CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR OTHER DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFRS OR DAMAGE TO THE BUILDING OR ffS CONTENTS OR THE ROOF DECK. THIS LIMRED WARRANTV CANNOT BE AMENDED, ALTERED OR MODIFIED IN ANY WAY EXCEPT IN WRRING SIGNED BV AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OF FIRESTONE NO OTHER PERSON HAS ANY AUTHORITY TO BIND FIRESTONE W ITH ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN. FIRESTONE BUILDING PRODUCTS COMPANY, LLC By. John R. Geary / Authorized ~ SignaNre: Till e: ment VP of Qualiry, Tachnology & Produ evelo 040907 ROOFING CONTRACTOR MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY 1) Cootractor: DOUGLACSROOFAIQ COMPANP _ 3) RoofingMe[crialsMrnufaMUrer: (Name and Address) Firestune Buildine Ptoducis _ Z) Roof Owner. Archdiocese of Denva 310 Eas[ 96° Strec[ Namt o[ Building: SC Peter md Paul Catholic School Building location: 3900 Pierce StreN Wheetridee CO 80033 Iodimanolis A1462403702 Area ofRoof: 20200 Sa Ft 4) Warranty begins: 101I1/07 sod czpires: 10/11/09 (Date) (Date) 5) Warrauty: Contractor wartmrts to Owner Wat it applied the raofing materials to ihe above-0escribed roof in accordance with (a) the wride° specifications of Roofiog Maurials Manufacmrer and (b) good roofmg industry prsctices, in effec[ on 10/11/07 the date application commenced. Subjec[ to the following [erms, conNlions md limi[a[ions, ConVaMOr will, during Me term of this Warrsnty, at its expense, repair or cause to be repaired Ieaks in said roof which are the result of defects iv Contractors worlananship. Upon expirabon of ihe telm of this WarrmTy, witbou[ nolice from Owner of some defect, ConVac[or shs11 have no fiulher obligation m make repaics st Conuac[ors czpense under any prwision of iltis Wazrenty andOwn~s~ l no[ make any fiuther demand or claim against Contractor conceming Contractors workmsnshiq or the roofing mffieriats installed. Pro Cmvactor promptly commences md diligently proceeds with the cocrection md repair of all such defrcts covered by this WarranTy which are called to Comractor's attenbon during the tertn of chis Wartenry by Owner. _ i) Terms, Conditioos aotl Limltanons. ims warrmny uw .o..,..'- -v . wwual Boo Iightning, winds of peak gust spaAs of 72 mp.h. or higi~er measured st 10~ ~ deflutino of t6e roosf dcck ae ~*o ~~e of aterials used p6enomenon of the elements; swcmrsl settlement; fsilure, movement, cfackinB tr or otLerarts of as a roof substrate mer W'hich the roof sys[em is applied; faulry condilion of parapet wells, wPings, c6imneys, slylights, venCS, sWpor P the building, vapor condensation beneath 11ie mof, penetrffiions for pimh boxes; erosioq ctacldng md porosity of mortar md brick drY rot; stoppage of rooF drains md gnttm; penetration of ihe roof from beneath by rising fasteners of any type; inedequffie dlainage, slope or ot6er wndiaons beyond the comrol of ContracLOr which cause ponding or slanding of wffier; tertnites or other insects; rodents or other animals; fve; or hartnfiil chemicels, oils, acids md the like Ihat come in contsct with the roofung system md cause a leak or otherwise dmnagc ihe roof sys[em. If [he roof fails to maintein a wa[er-tight condition because of damage by reason of any of the foregoing, ihis wartanty shall immediefelY become null md void for ihe baiance of its tum unless such damage is repaired by Contractor at Ihe expeose of Owner. n Notificalieo by Owner. During the term of this warraury, if the roof leaks, Owner mus[ immediffie1y notify Con4ac[or by [elephone of such leaks, md promptly cont"vm such telephone notice by written notice m Convador. 8) Evmta Which May Void Warranty. This warrwly shall become null md void: (a) Unless Contrector receives notice from Owner in acxordance with paragraph 6 above of any leaks and is provided an opportunity to inspec[, and rf required by the terms of this warrenty to repair the roof; (b) If work is done on such roof, including, bui without limdation, work in connection wdh flues, vents, drains, sign braces, railings, plaHortns or other equipment fastened to or set on the roof or'rf repairs or aNeretions are made to said roof, without first notifying Contrador in writing and giving ContraGOr the opportunity to make the necessary roofing application recommendations with resped thereto, which recommendations are complied with. ContraUOr shall be paid for time and materials expended in making recommendations or repairs occasioned by the work of others on the subjed roof, (c) If any area of the roof is used as a promenade, walkway or work afea or is sprayed or flooded, unless such use was originally specified wkh a defined area and the specffication is noted in paregraph 74 below. 9) Transierability. This wartanty shall acccue oNy to Ihe benefit of the original owner named above. It is not transfuable to any other pecsoq escept with the prior written consen[ of contrac[or. 10) No Other WarranOes- No other express wazranty is givrn by ConVactor to Owner. 7Le repair of the subjta roof is the exclusive remedy. TI-IERE S ECffICALL AY~THE~IMPLIED WARRANT~S OF NffiRC S IIANTABiLITY AND FITNA E3~SRFOR ANY PARIICUI.AR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED AND DISCLAIMED. This wazranly is separau md aper[ from any wartanty thffi may be issurd W Ow'ner by t6e Roofmg Materiels Manufacturec CON'('RACTOR WITH OR AT[RIBUTABLE TO THE C ROOFING MATERIAI_S MAN[1FAC7'URER'S WARRAN'fY. ROOFiNG MATERIALS AND ANY SU t]) Incideotal or ConsequenHal Damages. UNDER NO CIlLCIJMSTANCES SHAI,L CON'IRACTOR BE LIABLE TO OWNER OR ANY 01T-IER PERSON ENE B SPECIAL, OR ICS E CONNTEI`1TS, O WI~THER ARISING ~UTC PROFIS OR DAMAGE TO TH OBRF-ACH OF WARRANTY, BREACH OF CON'[RACT OR UNDER ANY OTHER 7HEORY OF LAW. 12) Paymeot to Contrac This wananq' shall not be or become effective unless and wtil Conhactor 6as bceu paid in tuil for said roof in accordance with ihe ageemrnt t W which said roof was applied. 13) Additional condifi s or clusions N 1 ~i wa ty has been dty exe=uted this 12th day of Odober , 2007. ~ r\ Wolach Executive Vice President COO gy: ~ouelass Roofine Comoanv ~ Contractor By: Owner 9 2002A RooSng CamVacto* Matenals md Workmansivp WsRanlY • Midwest Roofing ConVactors Assoeiation • 800/497fi722 • Wm'w.mrcaorg fR Z==~`' ~ Z_ I I _CCD L DuC= 5 -==-ca_`-N ~ T-'?v 5=~~ ,_•.,.-~==~C_ ==S- ~ua.d~,~., o`"'(~► C•_- ~ _oC-__=~>~: Z,EQU~-- ~dn cc~DUc=ED E_ i i _ ~.•r~c-'i•-.5 : o_`MrS~14~..._ ~ ~'c~~... l,.oc.~(. n ~ ~o vvu.. + I~t ~ l~LGdC7 ~D ~ut a~r ~G -4v sk"e wzl l r*4csi ~ ti - , . G .n_\ 1 1 -CCD L DcC_ ~u zr- ==_2==~C T _E _S _ -C'7. sl /I sf Pa~,A ^lu" CCi'`i-Dl.'C='=D E_. I I --~`-'~=,+^.S : ~ew.~t ✓be.J ar~'. t ~n✓rna~~s'f.t..~ ft,brtY ~ C~r~~z.~'n..i1 197 S,s~ca , o n A.~ - _ - -