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4515 Pierce Street
� ► � i City of Wheat Ridge Residential Addition PERMIT - 202002407 PERMIT NO: 202002407 ISSUED: 02/25/2021 JOB ADDRESS: 4515 Pierce St EXPIRES: 02/25/2022 JOB DESCRIPTION: 2nd floor addition over garage, guest suite, bathroom and laundry - 488 sq ft total *** CONTACTS *** OWNER ( 5 7 0) 815-3128 B LAZ E K PAUL GC (303)901-0977 SEAN ILNICKI 202016 NATURAL CONSTRUCTION SUB (845)464-5947 SAMUEL R ALBERTSON 180152 M & S PROSERVICES LLC SUB (303)827-5021 KEATON EGGLESTON 180070 5280 ELECTRICAL SUB (720)422-7900 MARTIN MCCOY 021456 IN HOUSE MAINTENANCE HEATING *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 100,000.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Plan Review Fee 735.83 Use Tax 21100.00 Permit Fee 11132.05 Engin. Review Fee 150.00 ** TOTAL ** 41117.88 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** All roughs to be done at Framing Inspection. A printed copy of the permit and city stamped on-site plans must be available on-site for the first inspection. Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2018 IRC, 2020 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Work is subject to field inspections. Owner/Contractor is responsible for locating property lines and constructing improvements according to the approved plan and required development standards. The City is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted within the plan set and any construction errors resulting from inaccurate information. As part of the foundation inspections and PRIOR TO proceeding with any further construction/inspections, a completed, signed and sealed, Foundation Setback and Elevation Certification shall be submitted to the City for review. The certification form shall be fully completed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado, stating that the foundation was constructed in compliance with all applicable minimum setback and elevation requirements of the City. NOT APPROVED AS AN INDEPENDENT DWELLING UNIT. Landscaping removed or damaged during construction must be replaced prior to final inspection. Prior to issuance of a CO, l tree(s) shall be planted within the front setback. In addition, no less than twenty-five percent (250) of the gross lot area and no less than one hundred percent (100%) of the front yard shall be landscaped. All landscaping shall be nformance with Section 26-502 of the Zoning and Development Code. All landscaping shall be nstalled i ordance with the approved landscape plan prior to C.O., landscape agreement with Financial guarantee in the amount o£ 125% o£ the cost o£ the installation shall be required. I, bY tore, do heresy attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accom yin proved plans and specifications, bppli a�lel�alding codes d all applicable mumci al codes, policies and procedures, and that I am �heplegal owner or have been authonzed y the legal owner of the ' roperty and am authonzed to obtain flus amrt and perform the work descnbed and approved in con'uncfion with trusfpe d�andelltw�olrktotbemis�a�xned. �s�oaeain,�aa�,>.iee a.,aio=ea a��"o••°lnsaocumenta=pda.i,esw aswo�sc�t,ons. per orme pe panying approve p ans an peci Sigrtature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the infoamafion provided' the ami[ applicat'on and accom anying P1. sand specifications and is s ubj ect to the compliance wrth those documentr, and all applicable statutes ordinances, regulations, policies andprocedures. 2. T}us.ped t shto the�date of uaysation. �An ea#epsilon of no more t�heans 180 da�ty' 3 gbestr f �d at the �sc=estiobn of the Clrief B�uil�n pnor pu ys ma gran g Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the onginal rmit fee. 3. If tlns pemut expses, anew VV ermit may be req d to be obtazned. 1Psauance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard thgmrements, fees and r edures for approval of any new perrmt. Re -issuance or extension of expued perrmts is at the sole discretion of e Chief Builth �g Official and is not guaranteed. q. No work of an shall be perfoamed that shall results in a change. of the natural flow of water without prior ands ed fic a royal. 5. The p tions anddahall not ohfy dor cson eat worksw.ath ut wn'tten aDs�sel of such work finm�thest$a�lidsihed podlic�of aIPre�uire� Division. p=ocee pprov ng an pec ion ermces 6. The issb ce de orr anh� d naana o tre elation of [hist' add' ction. A �t el of workPs�sub� t to � ld ins�ontof any provision of any /qpp sa je co y or g duns pprov lec pec ion. Signature of Chief Building Official Date R8QD85T5 MOST B8 MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BOSIN855 DAY FOR INSPECTION TH8 FOLLOWING BOSIN855 DAY. no change to valuation From: no-reolv(alci.wheatridae.m. us To: CommDev Perm is Subject: Online Form Submittal: Addition to Existing Building Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 2:22:52 PM Addition to Existing Building THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this Residential or Residential - upload Proof of Submission to Sanitation District Commercial? and Water District Upload Proof of 4515 PierceSt Proof of Submission SS.odf Submission to Sanitation Department Upload Proof of Submission to Water Department PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 4515 Pierce St. Property Owner Name Paul Blazek Property Owner Phone 570-815-3128 Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123- 4567) Property Owner Email paulblaze77@gmail.com Address Attach City of Wheat Ridge Electronic Payment Form - "DO NOT ATTACH A PICTURE OF A CREDIT CARD" APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name Steve Mason What is your role in the Architect project? Contact Phone Number 720-939-7109 (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contact Email Address for Plan Review Comments Retype Contact Email Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK Detailed Scope of Work - Provide use of addition (i.e. master bedroom with master bathroom); Indicate mechanical, electrical, plumbing scopes smason@646arch.com smason@646arch.com 2nd floor addition over garage, guest suite, bathroom and laundry Location of Work Addition over existing garage. Square Footage of 488 Addition Asbestos Report Engineering Letters, Energy Calcs and Other Letter Size Attachments Field not completed. Manual JDS 4515 Pierce St 10-26-2020.odf Construction Plans Arch Struct 4515 Pierce St 09-17-2020 ndf scanned on 11'x17" or larger Provide Passcode for Field not completed. Plans if locked Project Value (contract 100,000 ok bf 12/21/2020 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have Yes been authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. Person Applying for Sean Ilnicki Permit I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Permit may be ISSUED with the following comments: Roof drains shall be directed into the subject property and away from adjacent properties as indicated on the redlined plans. DFB, Development Review Engineer, 12/15/2020 City of P` WheatR,0ge CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: October 27th, 2020 Project Address: 4515 Pierce St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Name of Firm/Individual submitting documents: Studio 646 Architecture, LLC / Steve Mason Project Type/Description: The scope of this project includes a second floor addition over the existing garage with exterior stair leading up to it. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: Steve Mason, Senior Designer DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY I, William P. Willis * , am a duly authorized representative of the agency indicated below and do, by my signature below, hereby acknowledge receipt of documents necessary for review and approval of the project indicated above. AgenCV represented: (Please check one) o Wheat Ridge Water District o Consolidated Mutual Water District o Valley Water District o Denver Water 4 Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Westridge Sanitation District o Other Agency Notes: Applicant must meet District Standards and Requirements including the attached letter. The improvement classifies as an ADU and Signature: * District Consulting Engineer 11/09/20 ./�AMAULT MARTIN/MARTIN 00000"CONSULTING SU LTING ENGINEERS October 28, 2020 Emily Mason Studio 646 Architecture, LLC 15940 S Golden Rd Golden, CO 80401 303-284-1276 Email: emason@646arch.com Re: Wheat Ridge Sanitation District -4515 Pierce St Martin/Martin, Inc Project No.: 17.0633 Dear Ms. Mason, On behalf of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District (WRSD), Martin/Martin Inc., acting as the District's Consulting Engineer, offers the following in response to the site plan received October 28, 2020, concerning a proposed second floor built over the existing garage at the above referenced address. The Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has no objections with the proposed development conditional on the items identified herein are fully addressed. The following are general requirements for sanitary sewer service. Rules, Regulations and Standards of the District must be complied with at all times. A revised set of plans indicating a separate service line for the ADU must be submitted for review. The subject lot appears to be entirely within the service and boundary area of the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District. Treatment of sewage generated within the Wheat Ridge Sanitation District is provided by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Existing District Sanitary Sewer Mainline(s) Wheat Ridge Sanitation District has the following sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the proposed property: • 8 -inch mainline running south to north, east of the referenced property within Pierce Street. It appears the property may be serviced by gravity flow; however, the owner/developer is responsible for determining horizontal locations and vertical depths of the existing sanitary sewer main(s) and potential conflicting utilities, to verify if service and gravity flow is feasible or if a private individual sewage ejector (lift station) is required. The issuance of a sewer tap permit by the District does not in any way guarantee that the property can be served by gravity flow. No underdrain or storm sump pump connections to District facilities are allowed. Utility Locates All projects must meet Colorado Revised Statue Title 9 for proper notification to the Notification Association by the Developer's professional engineer. It is also the owner's responsibility to include electronic locators on all new underground facilities, including service lines up to the structure or building being served. Submit details for tracer wire and associated test stations. Proposed Addition If the proposed addition requires a water meter upsizing, the District will need to review and approve plans prior to construction. If a water meter size increase takes place, the District must be informed immediately, and appropriate sanitary tap fees must be paid prior to acceptance. In addition, the District will require review to determine if an additional service connection and associated tap fee is required. Please provide a letter from the water service provider with a determination of water meter size. MARTIN/MARTIN, INC. 12499 WEST COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 MAIN 303.431.6100 MARTINMARTIN.COM Wheat Ridge Sanitation District -4515 Pierce St October 28, 2020 After review of the plans, it has become apparent that the addition serves as an ADU and requires independent service line(s) to connect to the District main, with appropriate service fees. Section 2.3.02 of the District Rules and Regulations states: "The plumbing system of each separate structure, each house or separate dwelling, each unit in a duplex building and each townhouse, and each separate building, including each separate condominium building, store, premises, and other structures connected to the District's sanitary sewer system shall be separate and independent from that of every other house, structure, or dwelling unit, each duplex unit, building including each condominium building, store, premises and other structure and each shall have an independent, direct connection with the sanitary sewer system. Costs All costs involved are to be deposited in advance—engineering, reviews, design, legal, construction, observation and inspections — are the responsibility of the Owner/Developer at the then current rate fee structure. Please be aware all fees are due prior to connection. A water provider letter verifying water meter sizing for all units/buildings will be required prior to a tap application completion. Full addresses of each sanitary service are also required. A tap application is available online and must be submitted to the District for review. If credits for SFRE's are being requested for existing units(s)/buildings, the Developer must provide existing addresses, meter size, and if applicable, abandon the sanitary tap at the mainline (District observation and fee is required) prior to final new connection acceptance. A minimum 72 -hour notice prior to construction is required following District receipt of all fees. These fee amounts can be paid directly to the District Office prior to connection, payable to Wheat Ridge Sanitation District, which also collects Metro Wastewater's "connection fees". Any questions regarding this document, please contact us at (303) 431-6100. Sincerely, Bill Willis, PE Cc: Mike Bakarich —Wheat Ridge Sanitation District Page 212 City o1' Wh6at R�i�gc CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DIVISION 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-8001 p. 303.235.2855.f 303.237.8929 Proof of Submission for Permitting/Plan Review (Water and Sanitation only) A copy of this form must be completed by each water and sanitation agency indicated on the Permit Submittal Checklist for the project type and be attached to the Building Permit Application at the time of submission. Applications presented for submission without a completed Proof of Submission form from a required agency will not be accepted or processed. Date: October 27th, 2020 Project Address: 4515 Pierce St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Name of Firm/Individual submitting documents: Project Type/Description: The scope of this Studio 646 Architecture, LLC / Steve Mason includes a garage with exterior stair leading up to it. Signature of Firm Representative or Individual: Steve Mason, Senior Designer DO NOT WRITE indicated belovu- nd dV Vy my signature below; and approv5a of the project indicated above. Agency reiresented: (Please check one) 1< Wheat Ridge Water District o Consolidated Mutual Water District o Valley Water District o Denver Water THIS POINT - FOR AGENCY USE ONLY , am a duly authorized representative of the agency Wedge receipt of documents necessary for review o Wheat Ridge Sanitation District o Clear Creek Sanitation District o Fruitdale Sanitation District o Westridge Sanitation District o Other Agency Notes: t�1 15 (l .►� c,u S 7-,. CL.) Signature: Date: 7ge4 presentative) 7o T p C k CEJ ' G) t £ /c7 Ply' CJI iU 91p+� N/J C� .t r� itGl lJ (%�f C� --i City of ",�9Wheat jdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBCONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM Plumbing Subcontractor This form must be completed & signed by the PLUMBING SUBCONTRACTOR performing plumbing work on site. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: 4515 Pierce Street Wheat Ridge CO 80033 General Contractor: Natural Construction Company Name: MRS ProServires I I (- Contact Phone#: (845) 464-5947 Wheat Ridge Contractor License #: 180152 (required field) State License #: PC 0003650 Master License#: MP00600522 Samuel R. Albertson Printed Name of Authorized Agent �p1M 1/12/2021 Nrighature of Aufhorized Agent Date 4'� City of '� Wheatjdge COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBCONTRACTOR AUTHORIZATION FORM Electrical Subcontractor This form must be completed & signed by the ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTOR performing electrical work on site. Subcontractor's insurance and license must be up to date prior to permit issuance. Project Address: General Contractor: SEAN ILNICKI Company Name: 5280 Electrical Contact Phone #: 303-827-5021 Wheat Ridge Contractor License #:1880070 (required field) State License #: EC.01000896 Master License #: M E.0600715 Keaton Eggleston Printed Name A thorized Agent Printed 1/1420 Signature of Ohorized Agent Date COLORADO ASBESTOS INSPECTIONS I�rd���1ai Limited Asbestos Inspection Report 4515 Pierce St (Garage) Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Report Date: 11/23/20 Preparetl For: Natural Construction Sean Ilnicki sean @n atu ral con structi on.n et 303-901-0977 Preparetl by. Coloratlo Asbestos Inspections 303 S Broatlway, Unit 200-209 Denver, CO 80209 info@coa sbestest. com 303-246-4587 No ACM Found - RS City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Table of Contents 1.1 Project Summary 1.2 Homogenous Areas in Work Scope 1.3 Photo Log of ACM and/or Trace Materials (if identified) 1.4 Summary of Asbestos Samples Section 2 Recommendations Section 3 Project Overview Section 4 4.1 Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) 4.2 Suspect Asbestos Containing Materials 4.3 General Comments Conclusion Appendix A: Drawing(s) B: Certifications C: Laboratory Report and Chain of Custody Form City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Section 1 1.1 Project summary Location/ Interior bare drywall and roofing materials. components Material inspected: Quantity Client: Natural Construction Inspector: James Durgee Consulting Firm # 19102 Inspector Cert # 16040 Inspection Date: 11/20/20 Scope: Partial renovation Building Garage Description: 2 Date(s) of 1955 Laboratory: Reservoirs Environmental construction: None detected 2 NVLAP # 101896-0 1.2 Homogenous Areas in Work Scope Homogenous Areas in Work Scope Class= Material Classification: S=Surfacing Material, M=Miscellaneous, T=TSI "Quantities are estimates only and should not be used for bidding Group Class Material Location(s) Quantity Samples 1 M Bare drywall Garage -interior drywall 300 3 2 M Black roof shingles Roof over garage 400 2 1.3 Photo Log of ACM and/or Trace Materials (if identified) None of the samples contain asbestos. 1.4 Summary of Asbestos Samples Bulk Sample and Locations Table Group Sample ID Sample Locations Condition Friable Result 1 DW 1-1 Garage interior S side, middle G NF 2 None detected 1 DW 1-2 Garage interior N side, middle G NF 2 None detected 2 RM 1-1 Garage roof SE corner G NF 1 None detected 2 RM 1-2 Garage roof NE corner G NF 1 None detected Condition: SD= Significantly Damaged, D= Damaged, G=Good Friable: NF1= Category 1 Non -Friable, NF2= Category2 Non Friable City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Section 2 2.1 Recommendations No asbestos was identified in any of the samples that were collected. As per AHERA, a material is to be considered as asbestos containing unless it is proven otherwise by appropriate sampling. Please work safely and if you encounter any other suspect building materials not listed in this report, please contact Colorado Asbestos Inspections for additional sampling. Section 3 Project Overview Colorado Asbestos Inspections was contracted by the client to perform a limited asbestos inspection at the previously referenced address. This asbestos inspection was conducted by a Colorado State Certified Asbestos Building Inspector The client is planning remodeling activities of the inspected areas in the property at the above mentioned address. Colorado Regulation #8 requires that all suspect Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBM) be properly sampled and analyzed prior to conducting any repair or renovation activities over the established trigger levels (32 sq. feet or 50 linear feet or the equivalent to a 55 gallon drum, for residential properties and 160 square ft, 260 linear feet for commercial properties). The purpose of this inspection was to identify and sample all suspect ACBM that may be disturbed during the course of the repair/renovation work. Section 4 Asbestos Inspection This asbestos inspection was conducted according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) procedures published in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 763, Subpart E - Asbestos -containing Materials in Schools and Colorado Regulation 8. These inspection protocols specify requirements for the inspector (Section 763.85), laboratory (Section 763.87), and number of samples collected during an inspection (Section 763.86). This inspection involved identification and sampling of suspect ACBM in the areas to be repaired or renovated. Suspect ACBM includes nearly all building materials except glass, metal, wood and ceramic. Bulk samples of suspect ACBM were collected in general conformance with AHERA protocols as outlined in Colorado Regulation 8. Random samples of suspect building materials were collected throughout each homogeneous area (see appendix A). Samples were placed in sealable containers and labeled with unique sample numbers using an indelible marker. 4.1 Asbestos Containing Materials Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) contain asbestos in concentrations greater than 1 percent, (> 1% asbestos) as confirmed by an accredited laboratory. ACM is categorized as Non -friable or Friable asbestos. Non -friable asbestos is City of Wheat Ridge Building Division any material that cannot be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to a powder by hand pressure when dry. Friable asbestos can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder by hand pressure when dry Sample(s) were submitted under chain of custody procedures to an accredited laboratory for analysis by polarized light microscopy with dispersion staining techniques per EPA methodology (40 CFR 763, Subpart F). Microscopic visual estimation was used in obtaining the percentage of asbestos in bulk samples. The laboratory is accredited under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program NVLAP. See appendix A for sample and laboratory summary and appendix C for laboratory report and chain of custody documents. 4.2 Suspect Asbestos Containing Materials Suspect ACBM are building materials historically known to contain asbestos and therefore suspected to contain asbestos. The EPA and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) maintain comprehensive lists of suspect ACBM frequently encountered during inspections. 4.3 General Comments This asbestos inspection was conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the same locale. The results, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this report are based on conditions observed during our limited inspection of the areas in question. The information contained in this report is relevant to the date on which this survey was performed, and should not be relied upon to represent conditions at a later date. This report has been prepared on behalf of and exclusively for use by the client for specific application to the project as discussed. Contractors or consultants reviewing this report must draw their own conclusions regarding further investigation or remediation deemed necessary. Colorado Asbestos Inspections does not warrant the work of regulatory agencies, laboratories or other third parties supplying information that may have been used in the preparation of this report. No warranty, express or implied is made. 4.4 Conclusion Colorado Asbestos Inspections has performed a limited asbestos inspection of the property previously referenced. Through laboratory analysis of bulk samples, Colorado Asbestos Inspections recommends hiring a certified asbestos abatement contractor only if asbestos containing materials were identified, as determined by laboratory testing and in Sections 1 & 2 of this report. Any work associated with any asbestos containing materials must be performed in accordance with all State and Federal Regulations. Reasonable effort was made by Colorado Asbestos Inspections to locate and sample accessible suspect building materials. However, for any structure, the existence of unique or concealed asbestos containing materials is ade p&p Wheat Ridge Building Division possibility. Colorado Asbestos Inspections only collected PLM bulk samples in the property's repair/renovation areas at the direction of the client. This limited asbestos inspection report is not considered a comprehensive asbestos inspection report. Respectfully Submitted, James Durgee Colorado State Certified Building Inspector: 16040 Consulting Firm: 19102 Colorado Asbestos Inspections, LLC. 303 S Broadway, Suite 200-209 Denver CO. 80209 Tel (303) 246 4587 info@coasbestest.com City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Appendix A: Drawing i IN City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Appendix B: Certifications ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION* Th6[eeiirw'Na Same, D. Durge CeMOouoe Na: 160[0 ertqu ircmenu ot35-1-SU; C.R,. eMAitQuYiry CwWl wale OfCon do in P.uWng diwpi n by Jw tlOeotCOlmJo in L[tollowingtlittµlirc: Buadiogln,pertor• CERTIFICATE OF2111PI TION James DurKe �e 111111111110� -411111 City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Appendix C: Laboratory Report and Chain of Custody Form City of Wheat Ridge Building Division Reservoirs Environmental, Inc Effective October 09, 2020 Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual Q:\QAQC\Lab\Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.pdf REI LAB Reservoirs Environmental, lnc_ November 21, 2020 Jim Durgee Colorado Asbestos Inspections 303 S. Broadway Suite 200-209 Denver CO 80209 Dear Jim, Subcontractor Number: Laboratory Report: Project #/P.O. #: Project Description RES 479003-1 201120-1 4515 Pierce St Wheat Ridge CO Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab Code 101896-0 for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) analysis and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab ID 101533 - Accreditation Certificate #480 for Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) analysis. This laboratory is currently proficient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has analyzed the following samples for asbestos content as per your request. The analysis has been completed in general accordance with the appropriate methodology as stated in the attached analysis table. The results have been submitted to your office. RES 479003-1 is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with personnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples analyzed. This report must not be used to claim endorsement of products or analytical results by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of after sixty days unless longer storage is requested. If you have any questions about this report, please feel free to call 303-964-1986. Sincerely, by Josh Baker Jeanne Spencer President (303) 9641986 5801 Logan St, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80216 (866) RESI-ENV City of Wheat Ridge Building Division -.reilab.com http s://clients.reilab.com Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Reservoirs Environmental GAManLot iso: N!ZAT1•1i:ilanWi :IQ 011LVA ia0111Mai01Lei NVLAP Lab Code 101896-0 TABLE: PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME RES Job Number: Client: Client Project Number/ P.O.: Client Project Description: Date Samples Received: RES 479003-1 Colorado Asbestos Inspections 201120-1 4515 Pierce St Wheat Ridge CO November 20. 2020 Effective October9, 2020 Q AGAGCALabAReservoirs Environmental GA Manual.. eat Method: EPA 6001R-931116 - Short Report, Bulk ND=None Detected Turnaround: Priority TR=Trace, <1% Visual Estimate Trem/Act=Tremolite/Actinolite Date Samples Analyzed: November 21, 2020 Client L Asbestos Conteril Non Non - Sample A Sub Asbestos Fibrous Number Y Physical Part Mineral Visual Fibrous Components E Description Estimate Components R (%) M (%) (%) DW 1-1 A White/tan drywall 100 ND 17 83 DW 1-2 A Off white/tan drywall 100 ND 16 84 RM1-1A Black shingle 45 ND 20 80 B Tan/multi-colored shingle 55 ND 20 80 RM 1-2 A Tan/multi-colored shingle w/ black tar 50 ND 19 81 B Black shingle 50 ND 20 80 TEM Analysis recommended for organically bound material (i.e. floor tile) if PLM results are <1 %. '✓%/ Josh. Baker Analyst / Data QA P'. 303-964-1986 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80216 F. 303-477-4275 Page 1 of 1 City of Wheat Ridge Building Division 1-866-RESI{NV wwwreilab. com Reservoirs Environmental, Inc Reservoirs Environmental QAManual REI LAB Reservoirs En virornMO ta/, /nc. Effective October 09, 2020 Q:\QAQC\Lab\Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.pdf RES Job #: 479003 SUBMITTED BY INVOICE TO CONTACT INFORMATION SERIES Company: Colorado Asbestos Inspections .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Company: Colorado Asbestos Inspections Contact: Jim Durgee ......................................................................................................................... -1 PLM Priority Address: 303 S. Broadway Suite 200-209 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Address: 303 S. Broadway Suite 200-209 Phone: (303) 246-4587 ......................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Fax: ......................................................................................................................... Bulk = Denver, CO 80209 Denver, CO 80209 Cell: s............................................ 61 i e i C € O 2'• z° 1062, • Project Number and/or P.O. #: 201120-1 1 Final Data Deliverable Email Address: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Project Description/Location: 4515 Pierce St Wheat Ridge CO durgeejim@gmail.com Dust Paint Surface_ ASBESTOS LABORATORY HOURS: Weekdays: 7am - 7pm & Sat. 8am - 5pm REQUESTED ANALYSIS VALID MATRIX CODES LAB NOTES PLM / PCM / TEM DTL RUSH 1PRIORITY STANDARD a Air = A Bulk = B s............................................ 61 i e i C € O 2'• z° 1062, • a o z °N Dust Paint Surface_ = D = P SU ¢Swab Food = Soil = = F S SW CHEMISTRY LABORATORY HOURS: Weekdays: 8am - 5pm Dust RUSH PRIORITY STANDARD : r ._ J FZ _ � i N C . Y .� ........................................ Tape ............................... = T Wipe = ......MN: W *PRIOR NOTICE REQUIRED FOR SAME DAY TAT — e : ° w E .2 o 0 } ' a """""""""" Metals RUSH PRIORITY STANDARD m € € € _ € N J o Drinking Water = DW N N Q N Q E E E N N O Q 00 ... - `_ .s - ............................................................................... Waste Water = WW Organics" SAME DAY RUSH PRIORITY STANDARD M Q € 2 V_ > cu m o o cu � a) � - f = a a S O N � o ° o 0uj LS **ASTM E1792 o a approved wipe media only** MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY HOURS: Weekdays: 8am - 5pm Viable Analysis"" PRIORITY STANDARD —TAT DEPENDENT ON SPEED OF MICROBIAL GROWTH ° E a ori ?? COLCO � _ � , 5 m E a ._ o � a °- Medical Device Analysis RUSH STANDARD 'CZ` Y ' a j° E 10 _ _° ° o ` 00 CL E p m N 2O m w 0° E m C N: r Mold Analysis RUSH PRIORITY STANDARD O N_ T N co o € Q o a o �, : O _ ocu M s o a a ""Turnaround times establish a laboratory priority, subject to laboratory volume and are not guaranteed. Additional fees apply for afterhours, weekends and holidays " a a € € �, �': z € Q ; M N a W L , c ; , w .o o a `� u; a z° 3 W' o E a o o o o Laboratory Analysis Special Instructions: a F c) c a O c� �0 H c O Viables �: Q L J x v 2 o Instructions Client Sample ID Number (Sample ID's must be unique) ASBESTOS CHEMISTRY MICROBIOLOGY 1 DW 1-1 . . . . . . X .............. ¢...... ¢...... ¢......................... ¢........................... . . . . . . X ....... .............. ¢...... ¢...... ¢.................. ...... ¢........................... X .............. ¢...... ¢...... ¢.................. ...... ¢........................... X . . ¢............. . . ¢...... ¢ ...... ¢...... ¢ ...... ........... ........... ........... . ¢........... . ¢........... ¢........... . . B ¢.............. ........... . . B ¢.............. ........... B ¢.............. ........... B . ¢....................... . ¢........................ ¢....................... . . ¢.................................................... . . ¢.................................................... ¢.................................................... 2 DW 1-2 3 RM 1-1 4 RM 1-2 REI will analyze incoming samples based on information received and will not be responsible for errors or omissions in calculations resulting from the inaccuracy of original data. By signing, client/company representative agrees that submission of the following samples for requested analysis as indicated on this Chain of Custody shall consitute analytical services agreement with payment terms of NET 30 days. Failure to comply with payment terms may result in a 1.5% monthly interest surcharge. relinquished By: flJim Durgee Date/Time: 11/20/2020 11:41:08 Sample Condition: Acceptable City Of received By: Rebecca Jewell Date/Time: 11/20/2020 11:47:18 Carrier: Hand Wheat Ridge (303) 964-1986 5801 Logan St, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80216 Building Is�.�l �� m (866) RESI-ENV Page 1 of 1 https7/clients.reilab.com zp-w6 (60 V5, rt(ra Si INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION ONLINE FORM: http://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/inspection INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303) 234-5933 Cancellations must be submitted via the online form before 8 a.m. the day of the inspection Occupancy. //Type oo:�� Inspections will not be performed unless this card is posted on the project site. **Request an inspection before 11:59 p.m. (midnight) to receive an inspection the following business day.** Inspector Must Sign ALL Spaces pertinent to this project Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Pier Concrete Encased Ground (CEG) Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. Foundation / P.E. Letter Do Not Pour Concrete Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Underground/Slab Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Electrical Comments Sewer Service Plumbing Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. Do Not Cover Underground or Below/In-Slab Work Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Rough Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Wall Sheathing Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. Mid -Roof Floodplain Inspection (if applicable) Lath / Wall Tie Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Rough Electric " Final Electrical Rough Plumbing/Gas Line Final Plumbing Rough Mechanical Final Mechanical Rough Framing Roof Rough Grading Final Window/Doors Insulation Final Building 13 n Drywall Screw / Nail NOTE: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. Final Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Landscaping & Parking / Planning Dept. Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking inspections call 303-235-2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303-235-2861. For fire inspections contact the Fire Protection District for your project. ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. Floodplain Inspection (if applicable) Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. Final Electrical Final Plumbing p G p Final Mechanical 39 Ma_1�1 Roof Final Window/Doors Final Building 13 n NOTE: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. For low voltage permits — Please be sure that rough inspections are completed from the Fire District and electrical low voltage by the Building Division. Occupancy Is Not Permitted Until A Certificate of Occupancy Is Issued Protect This Card From The Weather Property Address Permit Number Permit issued Date The City of Wheat Ridge Third Party Form Check List �at7 & 7 Owner Information i Property Owner Information Property Owner Address Inspection Company ""17r41+104.7 Inspector NameT Inspector Contact info. 51,"_? o Pjts- -�, 31d" Inspector Statement and Acknowledgement ` I hearby acknowledge the roof I am inspecting is 6/12 or over all roofs that are under 6/12 must be inspected by the City of Wheat Ridge Buiding Dept. * I hearby acknowledge the roofing system for the referenced building has been inspected and found to be in compliance with the minimum requirements of the 2012 IRC and 2012 IBC as well as all City of Wheat Ridge Policies and Procedure and Manufacturer's recommendation en i ��--- - ,� Inspector: e'er-��- Date: p Pro rt Owner Statement of Acknowledgement *1 hearby acknowledge that I am the owner of the build in ferenced above and I give my consent for the listed third -party inspection m , to pe orm my roof inspection in lieu of the City of Whet Jld aiI D�Wisio r s ectio�te: Propery Owner/ Agent.t } „ This original document as well as the roofi6 check list, must be submitted to the Chief Building Offical within seven days of the final inspection. Drop off in person Submit via Email Permit counter 2nd floor '\cooki ci,wheatrid ge. Co. us 7500 W. 29th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 CU 7. 30n ?Aa -'M I'cLk WL Drafted Date: 7/26/17 Please add note to reverse side The City of Wheat Ridge inspection Check -Lift notes , - Mid -Roof Roof Inspection 3 N/A O Pass ❑ Fail 0 Fail ] N/A Structural roof components �ss 7 N/A Pass 0 Fail Verify that no more than 2 layers of shingles exist Pass CI Fail Plashing for roof and walls N/A If new sheathing is installed verify that it is listed in the Q Fail permit description (Valuation must be adjusted) a Fail Verify sheathing nail pattern ( See policy & Proceedures) 0 Pass 13 Fail Crickets and saddles where needed 3 N/A 106ass Pass 0 Fail Verify B vent must have boot same gauge as pipe :3 N/A 0 N/A Pass 0 Fail ``Pass Verify vent caps Verify no flashings are damaged or rusted 13 Fail M N/A 0 Fail Step flashing shall be min. of 4x4 piece per shingle CI N/A Pass 17 Fail Verify scuppers allow for proper drainage ill Pass CI Fail Ice and water shield 2' in heated wall spaces D N/A Underlayments must follow 2012 IRC / 2012 IBC 0 N/A Pass CJ Fail Verify roof slope for proper drainage R N/A Pass a Fall 0 Fail Dripedge shall have min of 2" overlap CI N/A ass 0 Fail Dripedge should extend down min 2" past roof deck a N/A ass 0 N/A ,Pass 0 Fail Dripedge shall be mechanicaly fastened 12" OC ,Yc o Fail 90 LB roll roofing shall not be applied to roof slopes Pass less than 2:12 slope: Exception, detached garages, patios, carports, open on three sides with min. slope of 1:12 r, Pass o Fail Modified Bitumen, EPDM, TPO min slope 1/4:12 slope c N/A Above roof insulation R-25 / 0 Pass 0 Fail ��A Below roof residential R-38 /A a Pass ca Fail Below roof commercial R-32 P44A 0 Pass 13 Fair Modified Bitumen, EPDM, TPO min slope 1/4:12 slope p N/A � ass R Fail must be installed in accordance with the manufacturers specifications- Must have manufactures letter of warranty with the address on the letter for final inspection Metal Roof Shingles Re uirements Metal roof shingles shalt not be installed on slope less /A a Pass 13 Fall 3:12 Metal valley flashing shall be the same material as roof N/A Q Pass 0 Fail Metal valley flashing shall extend a min of 8" from the N/A 0 Pass 0 Fail centerline with a min. of 3/4 high splash diverter rib built-in at the flow line with sections overlapping a a min. of 4" Tile Roofs Rea>uirements Clay an tile hall have a min. 2-1/2:12 te N/A Pass p Fail Slopes 4:12 andconcretundeseq require double unde aymente The City of Wheat Ridge Inspection Check List notes Mid -Roof Notes Company Name:de inspector signature:4-' Date of Inspection: The City of Wheat Ridge Inspection Check List notes Final Roof R�oof_Insoe M N/A a Pass 0 Fall a a Fail Structural roof components o N/A Q Fall Verify that no more than 2 layers of shingles exist a N/A Pass 'pass o Fail Flashing for roof and walls 0 N/A 0 Fail if new sheathing is installed verify that it is listed in the 0 Pass permit description (Valuation must be adjusted) a Fail Verify sheahing nail pattern (See policy & Proceedures) A-- 0 Pan a Fail Crickets and saddles where needed a tv/a pO& a Feil Verify B vent must have boot same gauge as pipe n NIA o N/A Pass a Fall Verify vent caps ass a Fail Verify no flashings are damaged or rusted Cl N/A Pass a Fail Step flashing shall be ruin. of 4x4 piece per shingle A N/A 0 Fall Verify scuppers allow for proper drainage ,, a Fair ice and Water shield 2' In heated wall spaces >a N/A ass ss a Fall undertayments must follow 2012 IRC 12012 IBC a N/AP a Fail Verify roof slope, for proper drainage Q N/A ass Pass a Fail Dripedge shall have min of 2" overlap a N/A a Fail Dripedge should extend down min 2" past roof deck a N/A Pass 13 Fail Dripedge shall be mechanicaly fastened 12" OC D N/A ass a Fail 90 LB roll roofing shall not be applied to roof slopes ❑ N/A Pass less than 2:12 slope: Exception, detached garages, patios, carports, open on three sides YAM min. slope of 1:12 Pass a Fail modified Bitumen, EPDM, TPO min slope 1/4:12 slope a N/A 0 Fail Above roof insulation R-25 N/A SS ea Pass a Fall Below roof residential R-38 N/A iv/A a Pass a Fall Below roof commercial R-32 c► Fail Modified Bitumen: EPDM, TPO min slope 1/4:12 slope 0 N/APass must be installed In accordance with the manufacturers specifications- Must have manufactures letter of warranty with the address on the letter for final inspection Mei ROU nales &9qulLeMe13Jg a Fall Metal roof shingles shall not be installed on slope less (N/Aa Pass 3:12 o Pass R Fact ma(MI vafty dashing shsi% be the satyr @ matertat as roof 11 N/A Fall metal valley flashing shall extend a min of 8" from the 13 N/A Cl Pass a centerline with a min. of 3/4 " high splash diverter rib built-in at the flow line with sections overlapping a a min. of 4" T11® Ro®fia Reoulremen#M a Fari Clay and concrete tilt shalt have a min. Z-112:12 slope kN/A o Pass Slopes 4:12 and under require double underlayment The City of Wheat Ridge Inspection Check List notes Final Roof N. Company Name: Inspector signature: Date of Inspection: s A e City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 201706160 PERMIT NO: 201706160 ISSUED: 08/15/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 4515 Pierce ST EXPIRES: 08/15/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Residential Re -roof to install asphalt shingles - 29 sq (28 sq pitched / 1 sq flat) *** CONTACTS *** OWNER (570)815-3128 BLAZEK PAUL SUB (303)807-4030 Steve Louden 170240 Severy Creek Roofing, Inc *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: 2405 / BARTHS, COULEHAN GRANGE, WHEAT BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 18,000.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Use Tax 378.00 Permit Fee 331.10 ** TOTAL ** 709.10 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** Effective December 1, 2014, asphalt shingle installations require an approved midroof inspection, conducted when 25-75 percent of the roof covering is installed, prior to final approval. Installation of roof sheathing (new or overlay) is required on the entire roof when spaced or board sheathing with ANY gap exceeding one half inch exists. Sheathing and mid -roofs may be called in at the same time, one hundred percent of the sheathing must be complete and 25-75 percent of the mid -roof may be complete. Asphalt shingles are required to be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. Ice and water shield is required. Eave and rake metal is required. A ladder extending 3 feet above the roof eave and secured in place is required to be provided for all roof inspections. Roof ventilation is required to comply with applicable codes and/or manufacturer installation instructions, whichever is more stringent. In order to pass a final inspection of elastomeric or similar type roof coverings, a letter of inspection and approval from the manufacturer technical representative stating that "the application of the roof at (project address) has been applied in accordance with the installation instruction for (roof material brand name) roof covering" is required to be on site at the time of final inspection. Roof inspections for ROOFS OVER 6/12 PITCH: 3rd party inspection will be required, the 3rd party inspection report will be collected at final roof inspection performed by City of Wheat Ridge. If report is not available the final inspection will not be completed. City of Wheat Ridge Residential Roofing PERMIT - 201706160 PERMIT NO: 201706160 ISSUED: JOB ADDRESS: 4515 Pierce ST EXPIRES: JOB DESCRIPTION: Residential Re -roof to install asphalt shingles sq flat) 08/15/2017 08/15/2018 29 sq (28 sq pitched / 1 I by my signature do her attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building cod , an all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owne t e pro erly and am authorized to obtain this permit and perfo the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I r a est th t I am legally authorized to include alI entities amed vithin this document as parties to the work to be performed and all ork o be performed is disclosed in this document aI�o�r its'cpmpanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of _9WNER or COTTFRACTOR (Circle one) 17ate 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the originalpermit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a changeof the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinanc ulatioq of dict' n. pproval of work is subject to fiyeld inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Dan Schultz ezot7o O From: no-reply@ci.wheatridge.co.us Sent: Monday, August 14, 2017 8:20 AM To: CommDev Permits Subject: Online Form Submittal: Residential Roofing Permit Application Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Categories: Dane Residential Roofing Permit Application This application is exclusively for new permits for residential roofs and for licensed contractors only. This type of permit is ONLY being processed online --do not come to City Hall to submit an application in person. Permits are processed and issued in the order they are received and due to the volume of requests, time to process varies and is subject to change. YOU WILL BE CONTACTED WHEN YOUR PERMIT IS READY FOR PICK-UP AND WILL BE GIVEN A SPECIFIC DATE AND TIME WINDOW TO COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION. You will be notified if your contractor's license or insurance has expired, and you may update those documents at the time you are issued your permit. For all other requests: Homeowners wishing to obtain a roofing permit must apply for the permit in person at City Hall. Revisions to existing permits (for example, to add redecking) must be completed in person at City Hall. All other non -roofing permits must be completed in person at City Hall. The Building Division will be open from 7:30-10:30 a.m., Monday through Friday to process these types of requests. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PERMIT. DO NOT BEGIN REROOFING UNTIL PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Is this application for a Yes Wl L4l1VV residential roof? How many dwelling units Single Family Home are on the property? PROPERTY INFORMATION DZ Property Address 4515 peirce st Property Owner Name paul Blazek 13 Property Owner Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Property Owner Email Address Do you have a signed contract to reroof this property? Applications cannot be submitted without an executed contract attached below. Attach Copy of Executed Contract 570-815-3128 paulblaze77@gmail.com Yes SC blazek Paul 4515 Pierce st.pdf CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Business Severy Creek Roofing, Inc. Name Contractor's License 170240 Number (This is a 5 or 6 digit number for the City of Wheat Ridge) Contractor Phone Number (enter WITH dashes, eg 303-123-4567) Contractor Address (Primary address of your business) 303-807-4030 1320 Simms St #103 Contractor Email Address steve@severycreekroofing.com Retype Contractor Email steve@severycreekroofing.com Address DESCRIPTION OF WORK TOTAL SQUARES of 29 sq// the entire scope of work: Project Value (contract18,000.00 value or cost of ALL materials and labor) 14 Are you re -decking the roof? Does the scope of the project include a flat roof (less than 2:12 pitch)? How many squares are part of the flat roof? Describe the roofing material for the flat roof: Type of material for the flat roof: Does the scope of the project include a pitched roof (2:12 or greater pitch)? How many squares are part of the pitched roof? Describe the roofing materials for the pitched roof- Type oof Type of material for the pitched roof: Provide any additional detail here on the description of work. (Is this for a house or garage? What is the roof pitch? Etc) No Yes 1 sq rolled mod bit Rolled Yes 28 sq architectural 30 year shingles Asphalt house and shed SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I assume full Yes responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application. 15 I understand that this Yes application is NOT a permit. I understand I will be contacted by the City to pay for and pick up the permit for this property. I understand that work Yes may not begin on this property until a permit has been issued and posted on the property. I certify that I have been Yes authorized by the legal owner of the property to submit this application and to perform the work described above. I attest that everything Yes stated in this application is true and correct and that falsifying information in this application is an act of fraud and may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. Name of Applicant steve louden Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 16 ® r -A T -E Severe Creek Roofing Inc. Insurance Waiver __�L�_LL40 71f Attn: Claims Department RE: Selection of,}Contract o Insured: pA. / C J a Policy Number: -r r— � l�)-� 11�/ Claim Number.. J Address: To whom it may concern: This letter is to inform you that I selected Severy Creek Roofing, Inc. as my general r_cntractcr and :rCie't management company of choice to complete repairs to my residence. I have selected Severy Creek Roofing, Inc. because they provide an additional layer of superlisicr, cvsr the work instead of relying on the word of a roofing company. In addition, Severy Creek Roofnc. Irc. r,as agreed to coordinate the work between the various trades to minimize my inconvenience thrcuc"cut c -e restoration process. By using Severy Creek Roofing, Inc. I am able to avoid wasted time and efcr. cr r -,r part, in getting prices from several different specialty contractors; and then getting contractors and -er, getting contractors to show up when they are scheduled to bid or do the work. WoriKing with Seven C, ---EK Roofing, Inc. also saves me the worry of having different specialty contractors taking my depesi-L3 `Nlli.cut doing the work (a real concern in the construction industry), also in determining what to do if I canrct {rd someone to do the work items for the offered settlement prices. Severy Creek Roofing, Inc. will bid the work using Xactimate pricing, including 10% allowance for gererJ contractor overhead and a 10% allowance for general contractor profit. Severy Creek Roofing, Inc indicated Xactimate is the leading insurance — industry pricing database or special quotes as needed arc almost every RCV policy covers the additional expanse of overhead and profit. Thus, my only out- of-pocket expense is the deductible or any items with non-recoverable depreciation and/or any addition ai. work I chose to preform outside the agreed scope. I have chosen Severy Creek Roofing, Inc. to do this because I do not believe I can supervise, take brie off and coordinate this work on my own. Please let me know in writing if this is unacceptable because rny right to rescind the contracts with Severy Creek Roofing, Inc. expires in 3 days. 0 SEVERY CREEK ROOFING ROOFING & RESTORATION MASTER ELITE CONTRACTOR 102 South Tejon St. St. #1100 1 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 www.severycreekroofing.com I Phone: 719-494-9231 m& labor, in ne in the Scope of Work below and the Terms, Conditions, r&LLimitat ons'hereof, for the surm dance of In u'ran ce p oceedss Plus supplements, and deductible. Meet and exceed all local codes. Warranty; 10 years on labor. Payment for such materials, labor and overhead and profit will be made by the Client from insurance proceeds: Insurance proceeds plus any approved supplements less any professional fees due within 72 hours of receipt of insurance claim money. Severy Creek Roofing, Inc. will cover the costs for All professional fees, Including but not limited to, industry experts, engineers, forensic investigations, project funding and other cost as needed. Authorized SCR Signature; Steve Louden S/ Note: This proposal is time sensitive. Wind, water, and hail claim from SCOPE OF WORK: Roofs replacement: • Roof- Remove and Re lave whit ral shingles. Color.. I v • Gutter Color; /vZ-7(i Paint color; f • Restoration of property, Insurance scope of damage plus supplements. • Includes -supervisor at all time and direct communication. SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS: I. Concealed Conditions or structural defects not covered by insurance. 2. Upgrades to code unless specifically stated in scope of work. 3. Permits plan review fees, use tax or any other tax/fee for sales except for sales tax paid by Contractor for materials specified for this project. 4. Repair of any and all pre-existing damage to surrounding areas to windows, screens, building exterior, etc. 5. Any and all repairs not specified or listed above. All additional work not listed within the scope of work will be billed on i and materials basis at $75 per man-hour plus materials + 0 & P. SEVERY CREEK ROOFING3 102 South Tejon St. St. JJ 1100 Colorado Springs, CO t30�• ROOFING &RESTORATION __ __ _ _ _ �- MASTER ELITE CONTRACTOR www.sovorycrookroofing.com I Phone: 719-494-9231 ,.,.. Cost Detail: ' T�i1.-� rm�, m_� ,•,nom I, the homeowner and the insured, grant authorization for (Insurance Company) IN —)4' r J� speak with Genesis Contractor Solutions, LLC ("GCS Servicing")involving to insurance company is also authorized to make checks payabletoGCS Servicng nd mail them directly GCS Servicing. I/we, the homeowner and mortgage holder, authorize representatives of (-lo ort Company) to speak with GCS Servicing on matters involving the Claim, the loan associated with the loan nunmb gage referenced below, and the release of funds. The above mortgage company is also "thrlri ed o rq k ks ayable to GCS Servicing and mail them directly to GCS Servicing. My loan number is x��1.� I, the homeowner, grant authorization for GCS Servicing and its representatives to communicate with Severy Creek Roofing and the Homeowners' Insurance Carrier regarding this claim, any supplements, and any additional damage discovered during the construction process, which also includes General Contractor's Overhead and Profit. I/We, understand that all right, title and interest in any and all insurance proceeds due from the Insurer identified above by claim number listed above is property of GCS Servicing in accordance with the contract between Severy Creek Roofing & GCS Servicing. Payment of insurance proceeds for this claim, to any party other than GCS Servicing, does not relieve Owner from Owner's payment obligation to GCS Servicing and GCS Servicing retains all legal rights and remedies to collect amounts due. CONTACT: Steve Louden- Email: STEVE@severycreekroofing.com ph. 719-494-9231 Acceptance of Proposal —The above prices, specifications, and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted by Client. Contractor is authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. By signing below, I affirm thApl�jef$ ,understand, and do hereby agree to the Proposal and the Terms, Conditions, and Limitatioowing pages. Client Signature: _ Date of Acceptance: 11-4 Print Client Name: Title Client Address: �SI : l_ -tel CC J ^ Print email address where invoices should be sent: Z� 72 1' G,v Severy Creek Roofing is a partner with StormScamHelp.com, which provides protection tot a customer to ensure that all agreed upon work is completed, if proceeds are remitted to GCS Servicing. AMML & 4 Stipulations: Kitchen Remodel. This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/or the use proposed of the building and/or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Site Address: 4515 Pierce ST Parcel No: 39-231-02-013 Owner: DIXON PATRICK / DIXON KATHERIN 4515 PIERCE ST WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033-3510 Contractor: Sears Home Improvement 1024 FLORIDA CENTRAL PKWY LONGWOOD FL 32750-7579 IN 11111 City of COMMUNrvy DEVELOPMENT [tilmro • • • • . 0 Property Address: 5 / �— - Property Owner (please print)- 0 4/ Phone, - --- (`s" ,, I 1 1 " ***P!Wsfl uO= I!rw-qam//:duq 00 �MwN I OIFOR' 140673o"oncoN OOOR STYLE: ADAMS WOOO: MAPLE FINISH: HAZLVLNUT CONSTRUCTtom 0*00 Ft"S"tWORADF..' MA "111W 0 Work shall comply with the following codes: 2006 IRC, 2006 IECC, & 2005 NEC. I JO I 02 Ad 12 ab£»monoxide de r eq < e wi thin w ° of all > t <; ar eas. 1 Smoke Alarms shall be required in each sleeping room and outside each OOC IRC- Section !.... � \ Subject to /yd QS AS VV tRd\? /dbdj /\p. Date: ?d \ \ \\ \{ ZUQ> 3tk DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number BUIL IN S P ECTI O N CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date 7600 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80 215 Property o r3 r Property Address: Phone : Contractor License No.: � r r : ter► c: •, " -': CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W 29th Ave Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Permit# 111172 Issued: 11 /01/11 Stipulations: Bathroom Remodel. ` This certificate verifies that the building constructed and/ or the use proposed of the building and /or premises, under the above permit number and on property described below, does comply with the Wheat Ridge Building Code and development standards of the zone district in which it is located and may be occupied. All other licensing requirements for the City must be met. Site Address: 4515 PIERCE ST Parcel Number: 39- 231 -02 -013 Owner: Pat Dixon 4515 Pierce St Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Contractor: Mike Mueller Five Star Contracting LLC 16935 W. 48th Pl Golden, CO 80403 For the Following Purpose: Residential Mechanic Code Editions NO change shall be made in the USE of _ 06 ICC /2008 NEC this building without prior notice 2006 ICC /2005 NEC and a new Certificate of Completion 2003 ICC /2005 NEC from the City of Wheat Ridge. s prinkler System ctor Zoning Administrator CER`Z- VICATE MUST BE POSTED BY FRONT DOOR OF COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCIES 11/01/11 11:54:10 City of Wheat Ridge Page 1 bp701 -ls PERMIT INFORMATION - 111172 mmackey PERMIT INFORMATION: Permit#: 111172 Permit Type: Residential Mechanic Permit Dt: 09/30/2011 Expires: 09/29/2012 LAND PARCEL INFORMATION: Zone Cd: Unassigned Funct Use: Unassigned Subdivision: CAL ED Cant Type: Miscellaneous Legal: JOB DESCRIPTION: Bathroom remodel Address: 4515 PIERCE ST Parcel Cd: 39-231 -02 -013 OWNER: Pat Dixon Address: 4515 Pierce St City /St /Zip: Wheat Ridge CO 80033 DU: 1 SetEacks- Front: 0.0 Last Zone It Left: 0.0 Annex It Right: 0.0 Lot: Block No: 0 Back: 0.0 FEES QTY DUE PAID: Permit Fee 6 156.75 156.75 Plan Review Fee .00 101.89 101.89 Total Valuation 6,500.00 .00 .00 Use Tax 6,500.00 117.00 117.00 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 375.64 375.64 CONTACTS: owner Pat Dixon 4515 Pierce St Wheat Ridge CO 80033 3039032489 go CL2 Five Star Contracting LLC Mike Mueller 16935 W. 48th P1 Golden, CO 80403 3038882968 sub CL8 R & R PLUMBING 6448 SO. LOUTHAN ST LITTLETON, CO 80120 3039950486 sub CIA Seidel Electric LLC Juell Seidel 3151 W. 95th Ave. Westminster, CO 80031 3035872049 PARCEL INFORMATION: 10 Structure Type RANC 20 Year Built 1955.00 30 Property Type REBID PERMIT CONDITIONS: KC: Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2006 IRC, 2005 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Subject tO field inspections. APPROVALS: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS STATUS: PERMIT NOTES: 09/30/11 reviewed and approved plans w /notes 09/30/11 CREATED FROM APPL# 11 -0276 09/28/11 Put on Plan's Examiners desk for KC to review. INSPECTION INFORMATION: # TYPE CONTR# CALLED CNCL WHO REQ DT INS DT STATUS 1 ERI:Electrical Rough Ins 10/05/11 no MV 10106111 10/06/11 COMPLETE 2 PRI:Plumbing Rough Insp. 02 -1507 10/05/11 no MV 10/06/11 10106111 COMPLETE 3 DWS:Drywall screw /nail 09 -0040 10/06/11 no KC 10/07/11 10/07/11 COMPLETE 4 BPI - Building Final Inap 09 -0040 10/19/11 Na KC 10/21/11 10/21/11 INCOMPLETE 5 EFI:Electrical Final Ins 11 -0222 10/19/11 no KC 10/21/11 10/21/11 INCOMPLETE 11/01/11 11:54:10 City of Wheat Ridge Page 2 bp701 -15 PERMIT INFORMATION - 111172 ...key 6 PFI:Pluebing Final Insp 02 -1507 10/19/11 no KC 10/21/11 10/21/11 COMPLETE 7 EFI:Electaical Final Ins 11 -0222 10/31/11 no MV 11 /01 /11 11 /01 /11 COMPLETE 8 BFI:BVilding Final Ioop 09 -0040 11 /01 /11 no MV 11/01/11 11/01/11 COMPLETE +515 AD J� ,v - , �J V pp m V� , INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (303) 234 -5933 ° ccapan °v /T °pe Inspections will not be performed unless this card is posted on the project site. Call the inspection request line before 3:00 p.m. to receive an inspection the following business day. Inspector Must Sign ALL Spaces pertinent to this project Foundation Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Monolithic Slab Reinforcement Caissons Concrete Encased Ground (CEG) Footing /Stemwall P.E. Letter Do Not Pour Concrete Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Underground /Slab Inspections Date Inspector Initials Comments Electrical (Underground) Sewer Service (Underground) Water Service (Underground) Plumbing (Below / In -slab) - Heating (Below/ In -slab) Do Not Cover Underground or Below /In -Slab Work Prior To Approval Of The Above Inspections Rough Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Wall Sheathing Roof Sheathing Lath /Wall Tie Rough Electric AlK AV/ Rough Plumbing - Rough Mechanical Gas Piping Do Not Proceed Without Approval Of Above Rough Inspections Rough Framing Insulation If E Drywall Screw / Nail M �/ Final Inspections Date Inspector Comments Initials Final Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Roof Final Building / Frame f Landscaping & Parking / Planning Dept. Inspections from these entities should be requested one week in advance. For landscaping and parking ROW & Drainage / Public Works Dept. inspections call 303 - 235 -2846. For ROW and drainage inspections call 303 - 235 -2861. For fire inspections Fire Inspection / Fire Protection Dist. contact the Fire Protection District for your project. * *Note: All items must be completed and approved by Planning, Public Works, Fire and Building before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Approval of the Final Building inspection does not constitute authorization of occupancy. occupancy Is Not Yermittea Until A Gertlticate of UCCupancy Is Issued Protect This Card From The Weather ❑ No o / AM /PP CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type ` C— al e.— Job Address Permit Number /1 ❑ No o / AM /PP v CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office;* (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Address Permit Number ICI ,dil /0// o- i z '- ❑ No one av_aa able for inspection: Time s ; A M f Re- lnspecton required: ' Yes No When corrections have been made, call for re -ins action at 303- 234 -5933 Date: //,.'7 f F , Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THI NOTICE IA �' 3 . w CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office ' (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type JE)'Vs Job Address Permit Number P/ lJ #y 1 f f~ • j CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office * (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type Job Addres l! ���3✓�i /�=" Permit Number ��� °.� l 1. ❑ No one available for inspection wT -iTp AM /PM I Re- Inspection required: Yes No % *When corrections have been made, call'for, e'rm pection at 303 - 234 -5933 Date: t` Inspector: City of Wheat Ridge .�� ► J Residential Mechanic PERMIT - 111172 PERMIT NO: 111172 ISSUED: 09/30/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 4515 PIERCE ST EXPIRES: 09/29/2012 DESCRIPTION: Bathroom remodel * ** CONTACTS * ** owner 303/903 -2489 Pat Dixon gC 303/888 -2968 Mike Mueller 09 -0040 Five Star Contracting LLC sub 303/995 -0486 02 -1507 R & R PLUMBING ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: 0296 BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 6,500.00 FEES Permit Fee 156.75 Plan Review Fee 101.89 Q � N Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 117.00 , ** TOTAL ** 375.64 Conditions: KC: Approved per plans and red -line notes on plans. Must comply with 2006 IRC, 2005 NEC and all applicable City of Wheat Ridge Municipal Codes. Subject to field inspections. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall . comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authoriz y the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and appro in njunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all en h ies n 'thin tE' docume as parties the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in tis d me a r s' c nying app a ans and specifications. Sigg*Eure of (OWNLrR �6F 4fd&TARCT5R (Circle one) Date 1. This pe mit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Sign atu ief Building Offical Date INSP TI REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQ STS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Clty of j Wheatidge Date: q/.2 -6 0/ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Plan # Building & Inspection Services Division Permit #,,� 7500 W. 29" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303- 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application Property Address `]�EP fcp- e Property Owner (please print): ?a ( I r,n Phone: ()2 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: lA ke.(,.k Q<( e Ci> Cotitractor: Contractors City License #: 0 C) — Do ( n Phone: Sub:Cont ---, -'rs^ Electncal 52 " \�@' ��ecr[c Plumbing: 4 ��JM� inb Mechanical City License # City License # JJ City License # Descr,Ipttorl n #, works r2m 0 6 6a A (- bb M Contract Value: oo $ Re Fee (due q t time of submittal): Squares BTU's Gallons _Amps. Sq Ft. $ " ZV z OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree . to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLE ONE (�OQWNIE /R), (COJQ1N(/T�IRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPR ENTATIVE) of (OWNER NTRACTOR) PRINTNAME: �t UI I L�-c `Gi•c (-2� SIGNA RE•. DATE: auiL YY h p ' 3 Y vl 4 TANT - 1 appioved mr{lents �'Ordtsap�p7oved ��'',no to ev��re�qu�ted Bldg Valuation $ Ga'.� I P 4515 PIERCE STREET WHEAT RIDGE CO 80033 CONTRACTOR: FIVE STAR CONTRACTING LLC PO BOX 2137 ARVADA CO 80001 SCALE 1/4" = V SCOPE OF WORK: DEMO: Glass less than 60" above tub floor Minimum 50 CFM exhaust fan I is required to be safety glazed. vented to exterior shall be provided in toilet rooms and bathrooms. I Walls in shower shall have non - Shutoff absorbent finish to 6' above floor. ff valves required on lavatories and water closets. Smoke Alarms shall be required in each sleeping room and outside each sleeping area per 2006 IRC, Section A minimum of 21" of clear space is 313• required in front of lavatories. Direct connect smoke alarms are Minimum 30" clear area for toilet is required. required with minimum 15 from center to sidewall on each side. - REMOVE EXISTING TILE FROM WALLS - VANITY - NEW REMODEL: NEW REMODEL 7' -6" 2' -8" 1 2' -6" 1 2' -4" Z in ELECTRICAL Wheat r 1. RELOCATE WASTE LINE FOR TOILET ADD NEW 2" DRAIN FOR TUB - RELOCATE SINK DRAIN AND SUPPLY LINES NEW FAUCET /FIXTURE FOR TUB /SHOWER - NEW TOILET - VANITY - LIGHT FIXTURE - INSTALL DENS SHIELD AROUND TUB /SHOWER FOR INSTALLATION OF TILE - INSTALL SHEET ROCK ON WALLS WHERE TILE WAS - INSTALL MIN 80 CFM FAN - VENTED THROUGH THE ROOF - NEW 3/4" PLYWOOD FLOOR GLUED AND NAILED PREPED FOR TILE - DAMP LOCATION INSULATED 6" CAN ABOVE TUB W /SEPERATE SWITCH - WALLS NOT TILED WILL BE TAPED FINISHED TEXTURED AND PAINTED - OUTLET WILL BE GFIC - PLUMBING NEW WASTE AND VENT PIPE WILL BE ABS NEW SUPPLY LINES WILL BE PEX FEEDING SINK TOILET AND TUB - BACKING WILL BE INSTALLED FOR TUB FIXTURES 0 DAMP LOCATION CAN LIGHT_ ® VANITY LIGHT FIXTURE S SWITCH -e 110 V DUPLEX GFIC OUTLET DATE E $ UILDING OFFICIAL of plans, specifications TOILET - FIXTURES - SUB FLOOR TO FLOOR JOIST nt Departme agi fty of permit: Thelssuance of a permit or approval traltumputations shall not be a permit for, or an 'afy dille provisions of the building code or of at I presuming to give authority to violate oe canc°' Building codes or other ordinances of the City! approval of, any violatipnto City ordinances... not be vat. —' — Work shall comply with the following codes: 2006 IRC, 2006 IECC, & 2005 NEC. APPROVED Subject to Field inspections Wheat Ridge Building Dept. Checker I DEMO PLAN A City of Wheat Ridge r40 00 0r, Resid. Windows /Doors PERMIT - 110536 PERMIT NO: 110536 ISSUED: 05/12/2011 JOB ADDRESS: 4515 PIERCE ST EXPIRES: 05/11/2012 DESCRIPTION: Replace 2 vinyl windows- no structural changes * ** CONTACTS * ** owner 720/339 -5473 Pat Dixon sub 303/375 -0745 Timothy Slattery 02 -0146 Champion Windows of Denver ** PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION: 0296 BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 1,900.00 FEES Permit Fee 50.00 Total Valuation .00 Use Tax 34.20 ** TOTAL ** 84.20 Conditions: Windows shall have a .35 or better U- factor and shall have safety glazing if within a tub enclosure or if less than 18 inches above the floor or within 24 inches of a vertical edge of a door. 2006 IRC applies. I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this permit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and /or its accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building official and may be subject to a fee equal to one- half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re- issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field i sp t'on. Signatur o of Building Offical Date INS P TION REQUEST LINE: (303)234 -5933 BUILDING OFFICE: (303)235 -2855 REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 3PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. b 41 4'a-` City of heat+e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application Date: Plan # Permit# Property Address: f5 /v � � Sr7z� -T- Property Owner (please print) PAT biXOA/ Phone: '7d0 - 339 - SY7 Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: / 1 /� � 6033 Contractor: 0i 4 MP101(J I VI,4) DDU0s O 1)bNUF�t Contractors City License #: ?0/ Phone: 3173-37 D75 Plumbing: City License # City License # Description of work.: VIAND 11JWb0UJE tNu 5 7TV cc�Avccs Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Sq Ft. Mechanical: City License # Oi .. Contract Value: $ Review Fee (due at time of submittal): OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLEONE: (OIPiVER) (CONT CTOR) or (AUTHORIZED PRESENTATIVE)) of (( / 01TWER) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT JA /JP— WIVIeDT# SIGNATURE: I rlreee le HAMPTON WINDOWS of DENVER HOUSE DIAGRAM. 10000 East 45th Avenue DENVER, CO. 80238 303)375 -0745 Measure Date: S•- / Measured By: In. - Order Date, : Verified By: Z CUST #: 29340 Dixon, Pat ORDER CODE LEGEND: DH Double Hung 2P -0 2 -Panel Oriel HP PW -F Hopper 1LC-R 1 -Lite Csmt w / right Vent 3LC 3-Lite Casemen GW Garden Window Pix Window Frame Only 1CL -L 1 -Lite CSmtw /left Vent 4LC 4 -Lite Casemen DH-0 Double Hung One 3P 3 -Panel 2P 2- Panel 3P -E 3 -Panel Equal Lite . AW Awning 2LC 2 -1-mite Csmt 5LC 5 -Lite Casemen WINDOW - SCREENS GLASS INSIDE MSRMT OUTSIDE MSRMT STYLE CLR ORDER SIZE FULL GRIDS OBS TP COMMENTS STYLE LOC LOC LOC # LOC W X H W X H W X H Y/N 1 0, ` &x 4l/Z x 3� A' ����� 41Y 2 $`� xY�l x 2P �' x�� P- 3 X x X 4 x x x 5 X x x 6 x x x zz 7 X x x 8 x x x 9 x x ,. x 10 x X x 11 x X X 12 x x x 13 x x x 14 x x X 15 x x x SHOP INSTRUCTIONS DATA EN y R a 1 OFFJCE ME! i N AMPION WINDOWS of DENVER HOUSE DIAGRAM 10000 East 45th Avenue DENVER, CO. 80238 303 375 -0745 Measure Date: S: .5- It Measured By: /n. - Order Date: f- /lam L I I verified By: Z Pat CUST #: 29340 Dixon, ORDER CODE LEGEND: DH Double Hun 2P-0 2 -Panel Oriel HP Hopper 1LOR 1 -Lite Csmtw /right Vent 3LC &Cite Casemen GW Garden window 4 Casemen DH-0 Double Hung Orie 3P &Panel PW -F Fix Window Frame Only 1CL-L i-Lite Csmt w/ left Vent 2LC 2 -Lite Csmt 4LC -Cite 15LC 5 -Lde Casemen 2P 2 -Panel 3P -E 3 -Panel Equal Lite AW WINDOW Awning SCREENS GLASS - - - INSIDE MSRMT OUTSIDE MSRMT STYLE CLR ORDER SIZE FULL GRIDS OBS TP COMMENTS STYLE LOC LOC LOC # LOC W x H W X H W X H Y/N ' 4R 1 c6% x 6!%i X 3P a' ldo x 411 2 XY�( X 2P xq f Ic 3 X X X 4 X X X 5 X x x 6 X x X zz 7 X X X zz S X x x 9 X X X 10 X X X 11 X X X 12 X X X 13 x X X 14 x X X 15 x x x SHOP INSTRUCTIONS DATA ENTRY i OFMCE FILd: ♦ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE � V, Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line r! (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax3fZ3 INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: 4 G� c®-. Job Address: J _ !%d k' C�- 'S Permit Number: D /.11 /dff j' No one available for inspection: j . a AM /PM Re- Inspection required: Yes o � When corrections have been made, call 4rre-in pectioo at 303 -234 -5833 Dater Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE City of Wheat Ridge r 4000r 1 Residential Electric PERMIT - 101878 PERMIT NO: `101878 ': ISSUED: 0.7/30/2010 JOB ADDRESS: 4515 PIERCE ST. - .EXPIRES: 07/30/2011 DESCRIPTION: 150 amp service change * ** CONTACTS * ** owner 303/903-2489 Patrick Dixon sub 303/237 -7529 Donald E. Fredricey 01-9450 Titan Electric Co., Inc. * *.PARCEL INFO ** ZONE CODE: UA USE: UA SUBDIVISION:'. 029.6 BLOCK /LOT #: 0/ ** FEE SUMMARY ** ESTIMATED 'PROJECT .VALUATION: 'x1,750.00 FEES Permit Fee 82.16 D r 1�l 7 4Q-- Total Valuation .00 �C . Use Tax .31.50 -r P" * *TOTAL * *` :113.66 2onditions• Kust' comply w/ 2006IRC & 2005 NEC. Subject to field inspections. I hereby certify, that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules r regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; .j that all measurements s M , and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application ':that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the wheat`. Ridge Building Code- :(I.B.C) and all other: applicJpof�c: inances, for work under this permit. Plans. subject to field inspection. Sign er ".date This permit was ssued in accordance with the provisions set forth in your application and is subject to the Ilaws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Codes of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the city. .he natural flow of water causing a drainage .problem. fnnr l9al hrnn ♦n ari nanro fns' .11 - -linnc —n .1.11 City of YY c"i t j C Date: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Jg Plan # Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Permit# Q� VC) Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application Property Owner (pleE Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address City, State, Zip: Contractors C ity License #: © /qy5o Phone: Tyll �«j/e /C Plumbing: City License # / I�� City License # 6 it I��T � /� E/eeTX /C 5e. IGC e-&4 elv,1 E TO /Sbflwr/J O�Y.�'��9-D $c,� /tom ios) 0?37 ?, - ? g Mechanical: City License # Contract Value• $--&00 Y70 Review Fee (due at time of submittal) Squares BTU's Gallons _Amps _ SgFt. I $ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLEONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED (CONTRACTOR) SIGNATURE: DATE: Bldg Valuation: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ' Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office • (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: Job Address: Permit Number: i„ 1 i 7 8' ❑ No one available for inspection: Time ;' AM% M i Re- Inspection required: Yes No * When corrections have been made, call for re- inspection at 303- 234 -5983 Date: - t 0 Inspector: "ter DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE ISPECTION RECORD Occupancy /Tyne IV - INSPECTION LINE: (303) 234 -5933 ✓,rill not be made unless this card is posted on the building site 3:00 PM to receive inspection the following business day. zej SA )LA INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL SPACES PERTAINING TO THIS JOB FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS DATE - INSPECTOR /INITIALS COMMENTS: r Footings /Caissons Stemwall / (CEG) Concrete Encased Ground Reinforcing or Monolithic ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGHS Sg Weatherproof / French Drain ll tie Sewer Service Lines Water Service Lines l Service I'' I`POUR NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR Electrical (Underground) Plumbing (Underground) Heating (Underground) DO NOT POUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGHS Sg ll tie l Service lectric Rough Plumbing '. g echanlcal 'ABOVE INSPECTIONS TO BE SIGNED PRIOR TO PROCEEDING Framing Insulation Drywall Screw FINALS Electrical '' - , Plumbing Mechanical Roof Building Final Fire Department R O W $rDfainage INSPECTIONS FOR PLANNING & ZONING, FIRE AND PUBLIC WORKS SHOULD BE CALLED AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTIONS. Parking & Landscaping ' * NOTE: ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY PLANNING AND ZONING, BUILDING AND PUBLIC WORKS BEFOREA CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY is ISSUED. FINAL INSPECTION BY THE BUILDING DIVISION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AUTHORIZATION OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NOR PERMISSION FOR OCCUPANCY. ' OCCUPANCY NOT PERMITTED UNTIL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS ISSUED PROTECT THIS CARD FROM THE WEATHER ♦ 16 4 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Building Inspection Division (303) 234 -5933 Inspection line (303) 235 -2855 Office (303) 237 -8929 Fax INSPECTION NOTICE Inspection Type: S h i Job Address: ,✓ ` Permit Number: nr ❑ No one available for inspection: Time //' j /AM/ M Re- Inspection required: Yes No 'When corrections have been made, calf for re- inspection at 303 -234 -5933 Date: ° ll -ice Inspector: DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE CT NO: 101178` ,'ISSUED: 05/10/2010 =RESS:: 4515 PIERCE ST'. :..EXPIRES: 11/06/2010 ZIPTION:. Replace sub panel with existing service t ** CONTACTS * ** :96 BLOCK /;LOP#: <Qd ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 1,350.00 FEES `66.28 24.30 ..'90.58 City of V�Theat Date: COMMUNITY DcvecoPivtlENT Plan # Building & Inspection Services Division Permit# 7500 W. 29 Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303 - 235 -2855 * Fax: 303 - 237 -8929 Inspection Line: 303 - 234 -5933 Building Permit Application Property Address: ITZ! // el?ee - 577WEE / Property Owner (please print) JOITRICK Q� p^/ Phone: (30,j 203 — o? � Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City, State, Zip: � Contractor: 'IMAI 2 fEe gl &Lm o&lr Contractors City License #: 0197SO Phone: 3 a37-75d9' Sub Contractors: Electrical: 7-1 7r✓4676enve Plumbing: Mechanical: City License # O// e/sv City License # City License # Description of work; A ewove O ro F, Sue -Avet • J;,wH•// ^/e- SVa- contr ctValue: I Ain( F C/rw rp fewfee RC Few s � ,3so =° s rrVl� �Ir L�H� ,7V� ��7G4 Review Fee (due at time of submittal): Squares BTU's Gallons Amps Sq Ft. $ OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. CIRCLEONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAT IVE) (CONTRACTOR) PRINT NAME: ////KE SIGNATURE: OCCUPANCY: Bldg Valuation: $ w~ O 3 W CD W 0 A p ~ tN0 (D W n W O 7 N 3 < m 6 N N ~ 3 N a CD ~ d \ o "a (D ~ s ~ C- 0 a ~ a a N N n l0J Mi ~ ~ n ~ ~ Z 0 0~ cD n ~ N ~ ~ C ~ Z 'v cn m m ~ ~m ~ r ~ O N ~ gm z 0 0 ~m ~ ~ W 0 ~ N W N N co Ul N STOP WORK ORDER YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO STOP WORK LOCATED AT 43/.5 p/~ERC~ BY ORUER OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGC BUILDING DEPARTMENT H'OR THE FOLLOWING REASON(S): -7- 14"l</ v~~t' uJ>7a-/ cyn/ GU~~~>t~ •~~,v~ ~'Oco `lSj .O.~L C•Jt/i'T~ .C7~DG.C C'a~ c °'L,~j .di% This notice may be removFd ONLYby THE CITY OE' WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT ! Building inspcr.tor ~m: a = w p o ~ F' N C~ Z > W ~ O n . N ~ Z O Co W ~ M O > N d W ~ C M V ~ ~ O L L ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ fn ~ ♦ V CY. 0 1 ~I ~ V U ~ 0~ W y S ; O 'YO G N N ~ ~ Q Q O ~ n cc c 0 u d a N ~ ~ w N ~ ai ~ m E c ~ a~ N Q ~ N N ~ L ~ o • ~ V M N OI L LO U~ M L ~ ~ M C ~ , k+~'~'"~,~, `b4rF'"' 's.•v~,.v,~se~,v9 . ~:_r ptig:TM#';~`... w..",p,f3^t;#s~"1'r'G?*°e Permit Number BuildingPermit 18792 C1TY OF WHEATRIDGE 6/1/2005 7500 West 29TH Avenue wheaaiaqe, co 80033 Inspectlon Line 303-235-2855 303-234-5933 Residential Roofing PROPERTY 45I5 Pierce St Unit: OWNER: W1g10i Desc'ipHon New roof. FEES Fees Due Paid Use Tax $102.55 $102.55 Permit Fee $488.70 88.70 Total Fees $591.25 $59125 CONTRACTORS Name License # Phone Mathieson Roofinq Service Cor 21976 4437931 Documents from the manufacturev shall be onsite for ftnal roof inspection which specify roofing materials have betn installed to meet 110 MPH thr+ee-second wtnd gusr---IBC (90 MPF! wtnd load~-f✓BC). Units: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: I loeb9 aeNy tlu1lYe:lbmkdbmea propwM bY tYY pmlt apptlcaNOO are a<rnra[e, md do not vbhh apptlubM oNWmem, n4sor re{Wtloae of Ha qry d WSeN Atdg or aorwulF ewamb or raMcllem of rtrord: ftt a mewremmb ahowe, oM aieembw muk m urnnh: tlul l hrve rtW aW Mee lo abide Dy .nwaltinmpAnqae.ax.pqeuan, .ea e{~.t I m.um.rwt rwwanmwar!rasernu.oeewdomeweat nmp euoads coae(U.6.c).naum..wWc.►k (OWNBW(R).. . ~ -VU I SICd1mDAT& 1 7LY peeWt w'u beutl W mttoNUre wIW the ProvYb~e ee[ W„Y iv your ~ppllwtloe avE Y eobleelt m th, V^'e ofNe StHe ofCobndo ud b We 7wtln{ RqWWen audBUOdWg CadeofWhutHldeqColondoorsvyoNerapptlubMoNinrawoltAeCNy. I TlWpeim11W9esPirt v(A)16eworICaathorWdlesotcommeottdwk6lvYity(60)Aoye6omlweAateor(e)WebvWivtmalhoslc.dbsoyudedw .e.oao.w w. perla or1:o a.y,. . 3 I(tgypermitery4w,a eewpermilmaybeuqviral(orvReofom-hWtYeomomteornJy rtqe4tl,pmhdMVOeYU{o4aveUmarwg beeWSNthe o,ipw planu.ea.p.neusuoe...a.er stm•rrola• w w.oaome.m n.. ooe (q rmn. ua.een•R m•ae m vsampearmo a.e.wommc eiteeN oee (1) Y'+, feY hn MN be Pass for . . Varei4 / NowortNanrmmvarsho116edoeeNst wi9ehu{eWeeolvra111owofw.ftrunMe a dnamp prnblem. 3 CmtraclarduYveotHy0eBalWio{Wpulortwmry•fov(3<)sounNadvuKekr0 lvurpttUomantlNellrnslremlpen~pprovNwlepstlwrarCbe(on proaed~.s.rky.uemJw e.otneJon. ude ~tbu +lullmtGecosNVNmGe. permilfm.nwrsvsPVpvd4~Y~VWsflh 6 TbeWU~ea 05tr.' o(Enwlup pro t v,Meorre~ulatbe. Ch4tHdNl, b'secWr . SICNED DATE Wednesday, June 0 l, 2005 Page 1 of 1 Z23 S-~ ,~+T COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTDEPARTNEN7 4 BUILDINGINSPECTIONLINE-303-2345933 ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ` 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE. CO 80033 • (303-2352855) APPLICAT Properiy Owner: i.-/ N Properry Address: F.IS CS ~ ~ `C S~ • Contractor License No.: Builtling Permit Number: Date: Phone: Company: iM kA \'k k C 50 h. Kw \ r5 Pbone: 363 i-k ''C 3 ~ C~~/ \ ~ OWNlRlCONTRACTOR SM.NATURE OF UNDERSTANDING ANU AGREEMENT I hereby certlty that Ne satbaek dktantes pmposed by Nls pefmtt applketlon ara acCUrate,antltlonatvlolateapplk."eorclinancea,tul tegulatbrooftheCRyW WABa[ Rltlye w Covenente, e}semenfa or re tlons of rewrtl; 1~at aU measurements slawn, ana allegdtlons maAe a ~ rate;lhat i have reaC antl egree W aDitle by aY wrMKbire pIMeO on that 1 esaume fu1 Dnshuction Value:$ C~- o a i'~~ ~ Permit Fee:$ Plan Review Fee:$ T013l: $ (owuERHCOrrRACfOit):pRINrEO D~ATE oescriPCioo: IU e C.v (20 cV' sy. Ft aaa.a Expiration Date: Expiratan Date: 6cpiraUon Date: Approval: APProval: APProval: (1) This permH was issuetl in accor0ance wipi the provisions set forth in youraDOikadon and is subjact to tha laws of Me Sbte of Cobrado and to Na Zoning RegulaNons antl Bulltling CoOea M Whaet Ritlge. Colora0o or any otlier applicabla oitlinances M the CRy. (2) This petmit shall ezpiro if (A) the work author¢ed is nol commenCeE wtthin sixty (60) Oays fmm issue daEe or (B) tha Ouiltling auMOrizeO ia auspended arabendoned far a period af 120 days. (9) Mthispe'mifexpires,anewpermftmaybeaoquiietliorafaeofon"alfNeamountnormaltyrequireE,provlCetlnochanyes have baen orwJl be mede in tlie onginal Dlans enE specifiratlonsand anysuspension orebantlonmeMhasnotezceeded ona (1)year. ifchange5have0eenori(suapenaionorabarManmentexceedsone(1)year,fullfeesahallbepei0forenewpertni[, (4) No work M eny manner shall be done Nat will ehange the rretural flow of wafer cauaing a tlrelnage problem. (5) Contrnctor shall notify the Building Inspector lwenty-four (24) hours in advance tor all inspectlons anA shall reeeive written aDGroval on Inspection card befom proceed'ug with successNe phases pf the job. (B) The issuanGe of e parmil or the approval of tlrawinps ena 6petiflceti0ns ahell not he ConeWed to be e pertnit tor, nor en apprwal of, any violation of the proviaons of the buiW'vng co0es or any other wdinenee, law, rule or regulatlon. Chief Building Official j•d L9L9999E0E saiuedwoo uosacyZeW d5E:E0 50 TO unC Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: