HomeMy WebLinkAbout3939 Quay Streetfit°C)f Wh6a Plea tf �7,� " Propedy N (please atrt: r �' M011144 Addms; (if different than propel address, S quares _ BTU' ar� .. _.r... Glory ;, " 0 Review Fee (d4M at finV of submiffaq, F t, - NAME. �. � � : v � yk ` ' Tk 'f'MMNT ~ PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 4488 "~.iDtNG iN5PEC710N DIVISiON - 235-2855 CI'f'Y OF iNHEAT RIDGE Date : 1/21/97 7500 WEST 39TH AVENUE WHEAT'RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : ~,iPropelly Address : 3939 QUAY ST Phone : 424-4860 + t;ohkractor License No. : 17557 Campany : Ted's Sheds Phone : 421 2022 004AA00,NT~2ACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT ConStructi0n Value : $1,375.00 me aemedc distancea vroposed Mr this permn appitwtan are accurate. Pertnit Fee : $46.75 ep~ pN'mancos, rulea or re9ulatfons of tM Ciry of Wheat Ridge ur . . n~s m resstrictfor,s of rewrd; mat an menu anown, and elkgaerons Plan Review Fee : $0.00 . • that 1 have readeAd agree to ~ide IrMidorn priM9d on thb ' et I aesume fuA reeponsibiJI~ r com a with the 1Nheat Ridge.8uiltling Us8 T87c : . $16.50 aR otM1er apPNcrti~4. oia s, for worlc under Mia pertntt. Tohaf : $63.25 OR) 31CiN sHeo BUILDING DEPARTMENt USE ONLY ` - SIC : Sq. Ft. : , ~ 7 AOroval : Mit 1127187 2oning : R-2 -,A proval ~P~~ 06ilparlIpy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residentia► Units : ,~_i.id9nse No : Plumbing License No : Mechanicat ticense No : Company : Company : pata ; Expiretion Date : Expiration Date : Approval : ApProval : ■ r~ ' ~A? 'I~tli' Y z was luuetl In ecoortlence wfth me Wm'fslona aet iaui In yopur aDWN~~ and ia.ubieet ro the lawa atha Staie oi CoiaaCO ana a tlie ZoMrq antl8up~ Code M WhaalRItlpe Cororatlo or enY othsr epqiude adinarwes a the Cuy. ~ F ahape~ql!!e R(A) Y~e woAc auMrorfzed b not commenced wNhln a6clY ~ irom isaue ~te a(B) Me WiMin4 autlrorited is euaperMed or fofapetlodoflRGtlays ( exWro+. a nsV+ mk~ maY be e~cQUired ta a fee W ono-haH the amamt nomWN ~eQUkeG, 4rovided ra ~ i~ave baen a wNl ha maAe in ths NEusPension or abaiMonmant ns and e aM anY~~n a.~ or abek donmeM hm not mxeedeE on (1) Ymr. f changeeare matlaM qne (7) `/0er. fidl feoe ah~tll0o pYtl for pxm . ia em! mannsr wA ae aorro ma ww d+anne the naarei nax a wa~x caualn a aiannge powem. n~ ~y e ~SuRdIni; MOeccor (w6nty-/our (24) taurs fn advanca fa all napectlais and shaN rx:Mvs wiiKan epproval on Inepwiion ard be~we iapY~ce ora a~ a+~ Avvi °oJ°~arewings aW Bpeanmeona anen na nB conswea m ne. veffnc ror, mrm aavrovm a, arry waww a ab vrovieions row codes oU»r ordMarke, lew, nile or re9ulatbn. 12W uilding Inspector "IS PERMIT VALkD ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR GALL: 234-5833 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION 41 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner: ~10{"lYl ?r'o0L3 Property Address Contrector License No. 7 Company:'l eo~ `JHL~ 5 hca OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiy that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or reshictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : 1 0 xi L) 5 iL rc'c ti. v zonilifligicamr eri"~its"; . , Approval: ' Zoning : Building C"o_mments"J Approval: P~u 61ic,1N6~K"s_Com'menfs:~ Approval : Occupancy : Walls BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Phone : 4J4 - qS&O Phone : tGl-db_-'0 Construction Value : 13 75• C Permit Fee : Plan Review Fee : Use Tax: Total : SIC : Sq. Ft. : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License Na : Company : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: im FPIIWR~y Expiration Date : Approval: M Plans:,R~ (1) This permit was issuetl in accorEance with Ne provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws ot the State o( Coloratlo antl to ihe Zoning Regulations and Building Cotle of Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicaEle orCinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire d(A) the work authonzed is not commence0 within sixry (60) tlays from issue tlate or (B) the buildinq authonzed is suspenaetl or abandonetl for a period of 120 days. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new permR may 6e acquiretl for a fee of one-half ihe amount normally required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifications antl any suspension or abantlonment has not exceetletl one (1) year. I( changes are matle or if suspension or a6andonment exceeds ane (1) year, full fees shall be paiE br a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done Ihal will change the natural Flow of water causing a tlraina9e problem. (5) Contractor shall notify the Building InspeQOr hvenry-lour (24) hours in a0vance for all inspections ana shall receive wririen approval on inspection card before procee0iing with successive phases of the )o0. (6) The issuance of a permit or the approval of arawings and specifiwtions shall not be consVUed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any viotation of ihe provisions o( the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. Chief Building Inspector ,~i Y-1 5f- For Mayor THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION ~4F, 1 (c JCMI N V tN'/~[t11r l SUlYEi04. , ,)!15 Mlii Flm,Tli6p wrlM~ • LYlrOD~ i LiICO~ouoO'~~MiM+t s~m NORTH FIRST ATIF.RICAY TITLF. C0. 1VORLD SAVINGS f, LOAN 3959 Quay Street, IYheat Ridge, Colorado. Ruvar • ADAAYC • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: • TRqCT 10, llPL\`;C .1p.^;, ~ County of .Jefferson, State of Colorado. IMPRUVEMENT L()CATION l'FRTIfICqTF. ~ 1 he•:;by c+•Oy ih.u t~..s !a.;trovmm~nt lo~:~tion [cLlicate ~v,n VrePdr.:d }or W(1Rt fl I Q^ l q ~ Permit Number Building Permit 18856 CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 6/17/2005 7500 West 29TH Avenue Wheahidge, co 80033 lnspection Llne 303-235-2855 303-234•5933 Residential Plumbing rxopERTY 3939 Quay St Unit: owivEx: John Brooks (303) 424-4860 Descriptlon IFEES I i i Uuits: Occupancy: Walls: RooE Storfes: Sq Feet: 0 1 haabY reablY m+l lhe wWat4 Ablantt, proposed bY thl. pefmit ~PPHd ^n her .aunte. mad 00 aot vbhh ~pprabk arAioevca, mW m resWtlou al1Ye Clryet Whnt HWp a' wveoenb, aeeamenLL or reatriclimu of record: tha[ c0 mea,urtmeob Showo, uW afttlbm vMe m mttonh{ Wr I haw rtaa ud apee ta ibNe by . aB eoaNHOm prluteJ on tbb vpplkmbq anJ that 1 oesume fu11 ropooalbltlry for rompWere MW Ne Wleat Rld¢e BvI1tlNL Cde (U.B.C.) SW A othd tippYMk Whnl Rid`s mdlv~eee~, for worlcunder Nb Permit. . (OWNSR)(CONI'MCTOR) SI(2HM DATL t TW.pnnllwuWUediouYnrtl.neewilhthepmvWoouW forlAlnyour~pplkxtbeud6rvbfecttolhehwe efitie5UleofCaloeWOUdbWZOmd{ . . Peeulardam uMBO1WNCCodeofWheetRitlepCalonEOOranyoNerappYMkordlemvemoffheCHy. ,t 1LbpemmkN" expirclf(A)NeworkouNOrYedianoccommeafedwi[lilnetoy(60)ftyeRvmbwetlabor(8)We baEWeavWorYM4mqmdalar ' . Wudomdforaperlodof120dry4 ....9 ItMbpermi[e:pira,a ns~vperWtwYbeccpu4edfor. (eeofooclulfthe~moovtvornulryrtqvtred' P'^hdednotuv{nWVebeaerMYEemWeloNe. prigludplem, mA epeclBwlbvs aod any euapeoalan or abandonmeal M1u eat ezeeeded one (1) year. V eiaeea ua mde or Itmepev" m Waadwsat eatted; me(1)ydqfdlfrsvhallCepddforanewpermit V Po nork otany maomr fiall be done Flhvt wN cbanee 0e natunl Mw otwn<r <autlo[ a dnhoqe Problrm. . . Captra[IaribtllmtltytheBuWlnplnrpectorMenty-four(3<)hounlndvancePortlllolMi. nddallrtetlreaeldmaPpmvalmhq[etlaeuNbefore ' pmeeediqwlNme vephuao ~jebr- - 6 '~'pa h ~pprov.lofdn ryecNSmtlov~WOOOtEemerOmMWbe~permltfor,voranappRov~l~enyHWrboMW. . p I odqy/aor rAluona, hw, ruk or rtealatlon. ~ Cblef1vitl4g IupeclorSlCdim DAT6 Ariday, June 17, 2005 Page 1 of I 5 z~ 116 & ~WU,i3 u.woM,' a~ M'O.OVS CC UX ~ ~ h Z Q Q J VyQ&R~C1 ~W~~tff~~~K u'7C~ • m 4 W~'t' W~ Jui~ Sa Y3 m~Li ~M ~ rc DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: BtiILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENiJE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) TWN Property Owner: ✓e> W--i Proper[yAddress: 3 1/j q ,aY 5 r Contractor License No.: / '7 / S- Phone : Company: P,-ec i sc tr Phone: S3 y o`S' O WNER/CONTRACTOA SIGi`IATURE OF UNDERSfANDINC AND AGRE&MENT I hearby certify that the setbaek diatences proposed by tlds pmmit application are aceurate, and do not violnte applicable ordinancaa, rvles or regulntions of the City of Wheat RiAge or covenanb, easemmds or rostrictions of rocord; Nat all meuurements shown, and allagetions mada aze aeeurate; that I have road and agree to abide by alt conditions pnnted on ihis applications and that I assume Poll responsibility for compliana wiN $e Wheat Ridge Buildiug Code (U.B.C) and nl l other applicable Wheat Ridge Ordinances, for work undet ihis pertnit. COIISt1'UCt10Il V3lUC: Permit Fee: ~L- Plan Review Fee: T Tca Tax- Total .^\t'~'E.RI~OVIRACTORi:S[ONSIJ/~~., ~L~~({~ATFi Descriphon~ r/o Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (:1 This pumit was issurA in sewiAance with the provieione set forth in ymu ~pplication and ie nbject m Ne lews oC the S4te of ColonAo anA ta Nc Zoning Regulatiou, anA Bwlding Code of Whut Ridgq Colondo or my olher sppliceble ordinmem of the Ciry. :;2j This permit shall expue if (A) the work authodzed is not commenced wilhin sixty (60) Mys Gom issue Aate or (B) the building authorized is susprnAei or ahandoned foe a period of 120 dryi. j j If ths pcnrut expam, e new yermit mry be acquired far i fee of ono-half Ne amowt namelty required, prwided no chmges have been or will bc made m :he onguvl plazu md specifiutlom and my swpension or abmdonment hu not exceeded one (1) yeaz. If cMnges heve 6een or Jsuspension or abenAonmrr.: exceeds one (1) yeu, fvll fees ehall be pud fon new pemtit. Vo work aC eny manne[ ilWl be done Uu[ will change the neNral flow oCwatv cawing a dr¢wge problem. Conhactor sMlt no4fy Ne Building Wpector twenty-four (24) houn in advmce for aII wpec4oN md shell receivc vmtten apprwal on inspec4on card befoa proceeding wiN succeseive phum of the job. Thc issumce ot a pemill o[ Ihe apprwd of drewinys and specsca4oru shall not be cmutrued to be a petmit foq not an epymval o(, anyviolation cf th-_ provisiolu of the buildvng coda or any othv otdnwma, Lw, mle or mguletion. Chief Building Inspector ~ a w ~ 0'0 1-cn Z ~ a aN O ~ W Z W ~ cl) 0 c H o Z v 2 N 0 U ~ V a+ ~ Z ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ N O ~ ~ M V L ~ L ~ V ~ N N ~ 'a ~ a a 0 ~ A ~ ~ 0 ~ m a N c l0 ~ C> a~ ~ m c a(Di a > m L ~ c 0 U M N 01 ~ N 04 U m c N tM M ~ N ~ Building Permit Number CTTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 6/23/2005 7500 West 297T-I Avenue dwneatridge, CO 80033 Inspection Line 303-235-2855 303-234-5933 Residential Roofing exorexTV 3670 Reed St Unit: owNEa: Ann Shivers (303) 423-8051 Description Remove 3 layers / Replace roofing Tamko Heritage Series laminated shingels (30 Yr.), 18 sqs IFEES r _ Fees bue I_ - LU_seTax . - _-_-I$69.39 `Permit Fee_ _ _ ___]$126.50___ ITotal Fees _ I$195.89 I jCONTRACTORS IName _ ILicense # [Andy & Bob's Roofing, Ina _119890 Ur>rrnrreirts frorr, o,ti(P.~pp f'~Q[ fYn n r , f cl, ectfy ~uo;~zng r~aterraJr vi •;c ~ ~ , ~ rsrszlred io mEer i'!~ ,'vlPHYhr~e-.cec~~" ~ 2-! `a/-d,vrnd sxtr: X ()0 Units: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: 0 I Lereb} nrtify Ihat the selbvak distances propoud by Ihis pennit epplicnliun are omunte, vnd tlo mt viohle applic+ble oNlnnnces, rulas or regulvtlons afths Ciry a( W heet RiJge or rovenmts, eaeemmrs or restriceiona of reeord; thrt all mevsuremenb shown, and nlleyvtions made nre vacuntr, [hat 1 M1eve rnd antl agree m nbide by pll condi(ions p led tM1I ppl celio d Ih j.~su f 11 esp sibil ty f omplianre xitlh tM1e Whnt R dg H'Iding CoJ (U B C).nd vll Miner ppliavble Whu[ILulg dinan etsJfew ntl. t pfrn (ONNER)ICONTRACTOR) SIGXHD DATE I TM1ispermitwaslssueJinncaordnnawilhlM1eprovieioresetfarlhinyourvOVlicotionanJiesubject[oeM1elnwroftheSleteofCOloraJOandrolM1eZOning Regulatiane vnJ Building Code of Wheat RiOge, Coloredo or vn} nther vppliavble ordinmca af floe CIt, 1 This yermi[ shall upire If(A) Ihe wnrk nnihorize0 is oo, rommeimed wilhin s(xty (fia) daye 4um Issue tvtem (U) dhe builGing aunarieeJ Is suapwtled or vbandoned for n Oenhod of 120 dmr. 3 Ifthis permit erpirts, n new yennit mey be aoquiretl for a@e ufone-M1altthe nmoum mnnaiq rcyuired, prvvided m chnnRes hrve been ur will be mvde in Be nriginvl plans vntl specifirolions md any sunpension ar vbanionmenf M1vs not e+cmaetl ane (1) yevr. lf vhanges arc mnde or if suspemian or abantlonmrnw exceeds one (1) }eeq full &cs shvll be pvitl Por a new yennil. 4 NowarkofznymannershntlbeduoetM1ViwillchmgelhenvtmalflowofwneravusingadraimReproUlem. 5 Cw¢nclor shdl rotify the IWilding Ivpeclor [wrnry-fom (Ei) M1oun in aAvnnre fnr v111ns0«tions and ehall rtceive writlen epproval on inspmtlon card bePore proceeding with aucressive phvsee of the joh. 6 Theissunnttof .}~ennitarll~pql~oviTGTdraiCingsnnJSpecifolionsshvllnotbetonslruetltobeapennilfor,norsnapprovalof.unyviohllonofthe uro'uioye~}I~buflayreoae: or,ny ome. _Saiuiruc, l.., rm: o..eguivuon. SIGN ED DATE Thursday, Junc 23, 2005 Page I of 1 bEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND bEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number: oF WHEqr 4 .p BLJIZDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 Date: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE ~o o WF3EAT RIDGE, CO 80215 -(3,y03-23p5-2p8p55~,~~rpp~ CORPO . 4~PP46[l~F~id4!$Y Property Owner: R n n Sk'I oe('S ProperryAddress: A(r40 l~eecl -S+. Phone: 30 ?3-yQ3-306-1 Contactor License No.: / `-I 890 _ _ , OPlNER/CONTRACLOR SIGNATURE OR UNDERSTAPmING AND AGREEMENT L hereby ceRify that the setback distaaces proposed by t}us pctmit appiicatioa aze eecutate, and do ¢ot violate applicable ordiaenees, rules or rogutafions of the Ciry of Wheat Ridge or coveaants, eazemea4 orrostrictions of record; that all meazucemrnts shown, aad allegatioas made a{e accucate; thatI have read aad agree W abide by all coaditions printed on flus applicatioa andthaY I assume full responsbllity-for wmplia¢ce with the Wheat Ridge Building Codc (UB.G) and alt othet applicable 4VheatRidgeOediaanca,forworkuaderthispecmit (OF/NER)(CONRtACTOR): Phone: Construction Value"3VSS, oo Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: Use Tax: Tota1: Description: ,en1GV2 3 Iaye~5//~~p~ac~ t'ec~'in4 TGer~LoYleri~agC.~riF~ ►Q,,i„~a~ed s1~~ngles (3Qyr,) 18 s~rs,~ BUII,DING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SIC: Sq.Ft.: ZONIN4 COMMENTS: Ap^y:CV2l: ' . ZOIlIIlg: . . 6UILDING COMMENTS; . Approval: ' PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: Approval: Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Residential Units: Electrical License No: Plumbing License No: Mechanical License No: Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Expiration Date: Approval: Approval: Approval: (I) Tlus peimit was issued in accordance with Ne pmvisions set forth i¢ your applicaflon and is subject W the laws of the State of Colondo and to the Zoniag Regulaflom andBtulding Codes of'R'heatRidgq Colo[ado or any othcr appliuble ordi¢a¢eu of tite City. (2) Tnis pcrmif shall expue if (A) Ne wotk authorized ia nof commeac<d within sixty (60) days @om usue datc or (H) the building authorized is suapended or 'abando¢ed for a period of 120 days. (3) If tlils permit ezp¢es, a new petmit may ba uquired for a fee of one-half tlu amount ¢ormatly required, pmvided no changes 4ave 6ee¢ or wiLL be made in tlie originalplaps and specificadoos and my amp<nsion or abaodoomenthaz not ezceededone (1) yeaz. If cha¢ges have beeo or ifsuapensionor abandoamenc ezceeds one (1) yeaz, CWI fees shall be paid foc a new pexmit. (4) No woik of auy maanec shali 6e done Nst will chaage the naNCal tlow of wata causing a diainage pcoblem. (5) ConhactocshallnoafytheSuilding7nspectochumty-fou{(2A)houcxinadvanceEorallinsnectloasandahall xeceivewritteuappcovatonmspecGOncazdbefore proceeding with sucemsive pbazes of thejob. ' (6) 'ihe iasnaace of a petmit or th: apocovil of drawingt md specificafions shall not b< consGued to be a permit for, eor an appmval of, aay violation of the . pcovuiona of che building codcs or auy other ocdinance, law, evle or regulaROa . Chief Building Inspector 7500 WEST 29tn AVENUE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 237-8944 EXT. 255 P.O. eox sae BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION ' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. PFRMIT VAi in nui... JOB ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDqESS I BY \ ~ I PHONE iI O CITV_ ) a IV ~ E Y' ZIP CODE ZIP CODE 3 3 ~ CONTRACT PRICE $ ~~~,?~CjE1; ~ PHONE S7 JLICENSE NO. I ~FSI3 1. TYPE Ground ❑ Woll❑ Proieofin0O 2. MATERIAL Othsr SorDFOa SIGN$ 3. ILI.UMINATION Yn❑ No❑ 7yps Talol Square Faef 4 SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE N__ S__ E_ yy ElKt. Psrmit No. _ (SD~ifY which is frenf 1 r'7 n _ ~ Zons_ Apprwed, 20na Inspedor 1. TYPE •-"•r'"••" Solid Mon TAan 80% Opon❑ Lmtt Than BO% Open FENCES MATERIAL 3. SET BACK F H~iQM ROM PROPERTY LINE N g_ E W Zom_ A r(Specity whieh is troM) ❑ ❑ ~ ~C a'~d,Zom Impeeta a I. . CL OTHER 2 DRAW SKETCH OR SHOW BELOW,THE FENCE,SIGN,OR OTHERSTRUCTURE (SETBACNS OR PROJECTpNS INCLUDED) STREET STATE LICENSE N0. y~C/ SMOW DISTANCES FROM THE M41N BUILDING TPADJOINING HOUSES, STREET! TYPE OF DISTANCE TO PROPERTV LINES, NOT MAXIMUM OR AVERAGE DIST4NCE. INSP. ZI/ APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING; ELECTRI INSPECTION MADE THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT TO PERFORM THE INDICATED WO PERMIT WILL EXPIRE 60 DAYS FROM pATE OF ISSUANCE !I REMARKS ELECTRICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PE - STATE LICENSE N0. 4. 7 wLu MiNUrn wiHE UNDER SIZE 8 ILI.EGAI FLOOR BSM I ST NO' WATER CLASET iola W R F . TEMPORARY METER WASH BOWL . . ORM 619 j / NEW SERVICE . - AMPS BATH TUB CHANGE SERVICE-AMPS SHOWER LIGHTING SINK HEATING GARBAGE DISP _ POWER SUB-CIFCUITS WATER HEATER REFRIGERATION SYSTEM UTILITY(RANGE,DISPOSER,ETC) AUTO WASHER Refri ronf fxoup . FIXTURES DISH WASHER pounds CMr e WIRING MOTORS 9 CONTROLS FLDOR DRAIN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM SIGNS URINAL ELEVATOR TRANSFORMERS B RECTFIERS SEWERS ADDITION TO OLD WORK OTHER MOTORS OVER I HP TOTAL FIXTURES I hereby ocknowladqe that ihia aODlico- tion is Corroct and undentand fhaf I eanno} afarf fhie projaet unfil thia oppli- eofion ie approved. I aholl comply with the lowf of the Stote of Colorodo and to the Zoninq Requlationa ond Buildinp Code offhe Cify of Wheaf RidQe. Any violafion of the above terme will cause immedia e ievoeation of t~ia permit ~I{ea ~ SiOnetun PERMIT FEE USE TAX TOTAL FEE APPROVED DISRPPRAYED_ CHIEF BUILDING AND RECEIPTED BELOW. PERMIT N0. M91#16606 OWNER r` L N INSPECTION TICKET JOB ADDflESS DATE: 3 BLDG. PERMITi1 60 H PERMITA BLDG. CONTR. ~ 4 W ( SUBCONTRACTOR DATE INSP. REQ. NOT VALID ULESS RECEIPTED 116 6-R 3 a_e) _ ~ .tf_ S/ 9 S ,City of Wheat Ridqe Dafe Issued 5- l Z^~ / CALL 237-8844 EXT. 255 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE FORINSPECTIONS