HomeMy WebLinkAbout4103 Quay Streetumber BUlldillg P V l1111 L Permi[ N 19231 CTfY OF vVHLAT RIDGE ~9/20/2005 7500 West 291TI Avenue ~ wheatridge, co 80033 Inspection Line 303-235-2855 Residential Electric PROPEx'rY 4193 Quay St Unit: p . dwNER: Ray Roetman (303) 346-0481 DescHptioa One 100 amp overhead service upgrade for duplex, new stove and one furnace circuit, one future _ 0vaporative cooler circuit. Paid for both permits (4193-97). See receip[ #C020159. . _ . ~ . I~EES - - r _ - Fee3 __iDue ~Paid - -J No Fees f 00 - - ~$.00. 7otalfees - - CONTRACTORS License Phone CoHmanElectric,lnc__ 7875_ I000420-1516_ 1 'tJuits:Occupancy: Walls: Roof: Stories: Sq Feet: o ChmrBy qrllfy tbal the selbvck tlietances propoeeJ by this permit npplievlion are aacunn, mJ tlo not vlolate vpp4anbk orAmmcee, rules m rcgulaNOns af tha Ciry af :{VbntRidp or eov<-oq eaeemcnb or restrfatlons ufncord, eM1m W measuremmtv shown, nnd vllegahom mntle vre ve<urvtq thvt I have read mtl agm ro abide by . rClNdltlompMUAOONisappLCaliaqena[hallneumefullresponlibNty fortompllmaewVM1[heWM1evlWdgeBuilJmgCode(U.PC)nntldlolAernpplicnble Whul Ridee muffousearre, for wo.k NnJe th p rmiy ; - ~ c . ; J c. +(ORT7ER)(0034iMCTOR) / SIGNED DATE 1 ThY plmlt wu Wued in attordmce n'I[h IM1e pmvisiona uf (arlb In yam appllallon vnd Is subJec[ ro IM1<Inws af Ihc Su1e af Colorado vnd to Ihe Zoning ReliabltlowandBUiltlingCodeofWhevtRide¢,Calarndournnyo[hervppliavbleurJinnnvesoftheCity. S ]Lb pe'mit Ndl expire if (A) Ihs wark culhonzed le nol rommeneed wtlM1in sixty (60) drya from issue Jvfe or (B) [he builJing auuhorizetl is suapmJetl or . . WuMOd for . periad of 120 tlnys. .3 ' IItLb po+oit ecp4ee,+ new permi[ mry be vcqmretl for a &e of ono-M1Vlf Ns amomrt narmAy rcqulrtd, proWtled m clunges hvve bem or wJl be mede mtM1e ' p1eWlphvmndepeaifiaationsnndmysuspensianorabvndonmrnt M1VanateseeJetlone(pyenclfcM1angovremvd<orifsmpcmionorabmdunmmt eiteeM ose (1) yun (ull @es sM1Vll be paltl for v uew permit. . 4 Howxkof.nymwnershnllbedone0v[willchenge[henawnlflowotwvmrcausmgvJnm~gaprobleni S Cmtracror she0 notify Ne Builtling Inspecror owenry-four (34) haun in ntlvenec tar aII InspaeNom md shdl recelve wntten approvvl an inspx2ion nrtl before propedNewlehmecesslvepheseaafflhejob. . . 6 'Re 4weee of a permit or tFe vpprovvl of dnwings vnd specilicvtions shell mt bc wnstmed to be n yermit for, nor an vpProval af, any vlobtion ahM1e provYbe. of ihe builtling codes or my olher ordinancq bw, rvls or regubtion. ' GISINiNbtloc+Pector SIGNEDDATE Tuesday, Sepcember 20, 2005 Page 1 of 1 q ,.:7N^ ez~'~i ,i'~n: ,.,~,s,',~.~St~"=',~;~ ~.~~~~i.'•~' . . u~~, '~^!+yt'°.~,¢`c~- , ,1~'t'~Sr [ . . . . . . ~ . . . ~ Building Permit CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 Weet 29TH Avenue Wheahidge, CO 80033 303-235-2855 , GqutVAuet'dde'' r Permit Number 19231 9/20/2005 /nspectlon Llne 303-234-5933 Residential Electric PROPERTY 4193 Qllay $t jJp'It: owNER: Ray Roetman (303) 346-0481 Descdptiou One 100 amp overhead service upgrade for duplex, new stove and one fumace circuit, one future evaporative cooler cucuit. Paid for both pemuts (4193-97). See receipt #C020159. Tuesday, September 20, 2005 Page 1 of 1 Sep 20 05 10:4Ea Patty Schmidt MuiLU1N~9 INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENU JVHEAT RIDGE, CO 8021 ~ Propt,rty Owner: (.l e-1i ~ Proper y Address: Lf`Gr?, Qu'-i Contractor L,cense No. : / Ie? Company : OWNERlCONTRACTOF SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDR I hereby ceniy that the seth ack distances proposed by this peimit a and do not violate applicabh ordinances, rules or rcqulations of the covenants, easements or re :trietions of record; Ihat all measuremen made are accurete; thal I hz ve reatl and agree to abide by all condd aOPlication, antl lnat I assun ie full responsiDility for compliance wRh Cotle (U.9.C.) antl all clher. ipPlirable Whea itlge ordmanc /(m ~ (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) iIGNED / Descriptfon /e al G12e -lor ~'fri~"Com~ffr~~ Approval: Zoning : Buildlfi'~d~8;~ Approval: P,ilblt~ Approval : Occupancy ; Walls Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: 103-421-1299 .-11iy renTUC ivumoer : ?35-2855 Date : APPLICNTioN ts~ p. 1 Phone : "~05 Phone : ANDAGREEMENT - ; Construction value : ly 7~J.-c` calion are accucate. of 4Vheat Ritlqe or ' ~ Permil Fee : ~D' z s hown, antl alleqations ~ pnnteE on this . USQ TdX : Wheat Ridge Building ~ ~ untler this PqrM 4~.. L Total : ~C~i ZS DATE / - Use: 'CX BUILDWG DE RTMENT USE ON _Y Roof : Stories Plumbing Licens, o : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (t) ihis pemtit was issuM in a¢ordancewlU Ihe piwisions set forth in yop Regulalione antl 9uilding 'oCe of Y.Teat Ridga Coloraeo or any other a (2) This permil5lull ex0ire H A) Ihe work authonxttl Is nol wmmenceE wi(A aEanOOnetl lor a peno0 W 120 Cays. II iNS Oertnit ezpir¢s, a nc v pemrit rtuy pe atpuireC lpr a fee ol onMaH anginal Olans and apepRC lUOm and any fuapemion or aEaMOnmm~ rya ez<eetls one (ry year, NII Kp ebaY be qq for a new pnml. (4) Na wdk of any manMr sh aIl 0e tlone ltut wi0 Uinpe Ne naNral 11ow W(5) Convaaor snall notiy Um 3uilEirq MapectM Iwenry-laur (24) hours m am poceeGiing with suxessn e pnases al IM7aC (fi) The issuanm ol a pertn4 c' Ne approval ol Enxnnqe md spWfirarions a of Ne EuilCing [oEes or an / oNer oNinance, {aw, mle ar 2quWlpn. SIC : Sq. Ft. : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: Ddintion aM ia euhjttt ro - .h c lawe ot Ne Slate of ColwaOa anE to Ne Zoning able ortl'vuncq ol Ine Ciry sty (60) Oays Irom issue tla• 11 (B) Ne buXdlnO suNonzed is suspenEeC or imount nortnelly requimd, [ r: idcy no chenqes have been or wW be maCe in Ihe i exceeCeO qw (7) year. inanqes aro maae ar if suspermion or aDsntlonmem 'r ausaiq a 6ainage poori . e fa all mspe[tions ane sA., rvrwFve mitten appmval on inspec4on prE Detow nol EG GdIShY[d (O 0!• Y p2r, nit Ipf,lpt yn ]ppIpV21 Of, 811y viOWtim 0( t71e plpvillOni V Chief Building Inspoctor