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3785 Wadsworth Boulevard
City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Demolitio PERMIT - 201700705 PERMIT NO: 201700705 ISSUED: 05/17/2017 JOB ADDRESS: 3785 Wadsworth Blvd EXPIRES: 05/17/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION: Demolition of building - 28,780 sq ft; State Permits dated 4/6/2017 *** CONTACTS *** OWNER 303-709-5106 QUADRANT WHEAT RIDGE CORNERS L GC (303)421-3366 Jim Gochis 020761 Alpine Demolition *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 147,713.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00 Demolition Fee 50.00�`� * * TOTAL * * 50.00 C �"4. � �I I �.i� *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** I, by my signature, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermit. I further attest that I am legally authorized to include alI entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date 1. This permit was issued based on the information provided in thepermit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This. permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made -be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3. If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and rocedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4. No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of this jurisdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Inspection time requests will be accepted by email only. Please email requests to insptimerequestgci.wheatridge.co.us between 7:30am and 8:00am, the morning of the inspection. Please put the address of the inspection in the subject line. �q4� 1 City of "If,�91Whea-tNdcTi- OMMCINI`i`Y DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 29" Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: perm its(a)ci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: Plan/Permit #y ,^ � ow Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highll,ghted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. "* Property Address:\\rC\ Property Owner (please print): �ar��rc.c�� �c�Q��-.�S Phone: 3o3 `IM- CP121 Property Owner Email. Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: City State Zip: Architect/Engineer: N (� Arch itectfEngineer E-mail' Contractor Q�\o�c�r� -s� �•,h\��k-��lC� Contractors City License #: Contractor E-mail Address: Sub Contractors: Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Phone: Phone: 30-3-IA21- 3-14,. so Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form �OmMaRCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESIDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ EL TRICAL SYSTEM/APP IANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT HER (Describe)a cv�a\.loan (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used,, ete.) Sq. Ft./LF Amps Btu's Squares Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT 1 hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information pro on the plication. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNS (CONTRACTOR or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Electronic Signature (first and last name): �1 DATE: 51-1 ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Building Division Valuation: $ Apr.25, 2017 12:17PM F COLO Po fi lorado Depam ment of PublicHealth A Environment 0 U U a w C C (n o 0 V; 0 u4. V o U ar Air Pollution SSP APPROVED r)AT r DPHE, x DEMOLITION NOTIFICATION APPLICATiON FORM APPLICATION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED (Notice will be mailed to the demolition contractor unless specified otherw,lse) Fee: $50 + $5 per 1000 ft= of area to be demolished a (See instruction #i on reverse sld6) Company Name: AI Ins Demolition Inc Sirool: 5790 W Shu' Ave Suite C City: Stale: Zip Coda: Arvada CO 80002 Telephone N Fax 1i 303-421-3366 303-940-0868 Project Manager: Cell Phone U Sabrina Martin 120 260-0834 1 certify that the Certified Asbeslo3 Building Inspector ha: Informed me about any remalning esbeslos-eonlalning materials (n tbD facllity to be demolished. IgnatUrp: Print Name: Sabrina Martin Landfill Receiving Building Debris; Foothills / Gl+era�l Ab la -meal Conlraelor(GAC) p �m V4 rnnrne�� - H�'sbes as Pe 111 11 Total O�nilly ofAsbeslo) Aemoved lCD Data fiVrovalpompleled Tel60 # a Type(e) of A slos Containing Materiel Removed: " Na/1 � Fri 8 With my signature below, I certify that I possess currer an Asbestos Building inspector. I also certify that 1 ha\ In the Demolition Slte block above, sampled all suspec asbestos by a NVLAP-accredited laboratory, and have facllity." I also certify that I have informed the owner/ol asbestas-containing material allowed to stay In the fact of ACM remaining, below: (check appropriate box(es Inyl asbestos floor the (VAT) ❑ VAT maslic Q TI S ra -a lied tar coatings n Caulking ❑ Glazing Sign lure: tin glue Ink) Da Flnel InspecU CO Cert k EX on oats 3 9 - o ?- I verify tial ell refrigerants from air condlUoninglrefrigera Uon appilaric 15 (for Informallon on CFC requirements call 692-3100). 1 further ver disposed of M accordance with 6 CCR 1007-1 subpart (for IN CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX; Building Owner X�ConlraUor ❑ C U Slgnalw No. 9643 P. 2 Sybmlt form lo; Pomul Coordinalor Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment APCD4E•91 4300 Cherry Creek Drive eauth Denver, CO 80266-1530 Phone: 303-692-3100 Fax: 303-782-0278 Asbeslosgslate,coms Bultding Name: Dea /e r S ilk; p B u I `d -i Souafe (oolaAe of footprint of raeillly or porlilcin of racillly to be dem street: [y1V J zip C Proposed tartOW osed Completion Dole Method/ can 01 Demolltlon: Q : recking D Burning? ❑ Impfosbn ❑ Moving 0 Other, rpeclry, WE 1Burning requlree additional autWizatlon — Pleaso call (303) 6gMI00 and ask to speak to tha O on Burning Permit Coordinator owners Name: a. 0) G , 0 street: c City State; zb code 'g Zo O O Conlacl'c Name: Telophone K r 1 AHERA accreditation and state of Colorado certification as e thoroughly inspected the facility to be demolished, as listed materials, had all samples analyzed for the presence of determined that no Regulated ACM exists anywhere In the ieralor of the facility or the demolition contractor that any Ity must remain non -friable during demolition. Specify type(s) I): r/asphalt Impregnated roofingAsphaltic pipe coatings Other, sped : k4;dA4, $J� r—LA r" Printed NNaams: t� i 4 ler( j . �D telephone ,YWl Phone e Q m have been properly recovered in accordance With AQCC Regulation ly that all luminous exit signs (containing radioactive material) have been )rmallon on luminous exit sign requirements call 303-692-3320). her Date: Lk 'rint Nafie: Sabrina Martin sir r Hand pe0very Date: H (, id �7 Approved By: Code: Z initial -310 © transfer -380 rm of Payment & #: (.G X5$'6 Iq S Pemtlt#: Record # Oate Issued: Regulated asbestos-conlalning materials means (a) friable asbestos.-cotai�nlna_ material, (b) Category I nonhiabie ACM that has become NjOA, (c) Gmaclory I nonfrtable ACM that will be or has been subjected to sanding, arindipg, ggjtjpg, or abrading or (d) Category Ii nonfrlable ACM that has a high probability of becamfng or has become crumbled, pulverized, or reducad to powder by the forces expected to act on the material In the course of demolllion or �noyeliaa operations rag ulaled by this regufaUon. Note: Asbeslos-Gontalning sheet vinyl and linoleum must be properly abaled/removed prior to demolition, Ap r. 25. 2017 12:17PM OFC (U e� v� 0 k � ri 'r le 6x lorado Department of Public HeaU lnd Environment 0 v rt G O U C 0 E d A � o o N E ` pr C 0 U `0 u CL V1 S e th O O ca to d w Q � �U Air Pollution SSP HPPROVEL) DATE r.L-'� CDPH� DEMOLITION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM APPLICATION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED (Notice will be mailed to the demolition contractor unless spr visa) Fee: $50 + $5 per 1000 f' of area to be demolished = $;Z7 (See Instruction 91 on reverse side) Company Name: Alpine Demolition Inc Slreel: 5790 W 561h Ave Sulte C Slsie: z10 code: CO 80002 2 (A Edi Fax 9 3366 303-940-0868 0 ager. Ceti Phone K rl Sabrina Martin 720) 260-083_4 _ 0 I Certify that the Certined Asbestos Building Inspector has Informed me N about any remalning esbestc5-on(alning materials In the facAlly to be D demollshed. Ignaltuw Pdnl Name: Sabrina Mahn Landoll Receiving Building Deb Foothills - General Abalamonl Contractor (OAC) I r .1 rVAffimbAe CDPHeslos Permll N Total Q41guanlll IAsbos(oa Removed rn Da; Re at Completed Telephone 9 C Buliding Name: No. 9643 P. 1 ub ' Pormll Coordinator Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Pnvlronment APCD-11i5-81 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver, CO 80248-1530 Phone! 303-892.3100 Fax: 303.782-D278 ;'i; ASbesto5Q5(aie,c0,u5 t v; Square t0013go of footprint o dlily or portion of faelllly to be demollshed -- Street: � �� 3 4�.4nOg z• Count . zip code: Praposed Steri Dia Proposed Com Ie(jon Dale LA Melhodf ens f emo1111on: x -rocking ❑Burningr ❑ Implosion ❑ Moving Q Other, opacify rBurning requires addltlonal authorization — Pteaso call (303) 692.3100 and ask (o a eak to the Open $timing Permll Coordinator owners Name: $ireeh _ City ` I State' I Zip Code_ I Types o(Asbevos-C Jolning Malcrlsl Removed: m Contacl'a Name: Telephone 0 Z e nets With my signature below, rcertlfy that I possess current AH ERA accreditation and state of Colorado certification as an Asbestos Building Inspector. I also certify that 1 have thoroughly Inspected the facility to be demolished, as listed In the Demolition Site block above, sampled all suspect materials, had all samples analyzed for the presence of asbestos by a NVLAP-accredited laboratory, and have determined that no Regulated ACM exists anywhere in the facility.'' L also certify that I have Informed the owner/operator of the facility or the demolition contractor that any asbestos -containing material allowed to stay In the facility must remain non -friable during demolitlon, Specify type(s) of ACM remaining, below: (check appropriate box(es)): ❑ Vinyl asbestos floor tile (VAT ❑ VAT mastic [] Tar/asphalt impregnated roofing ❑ Asphaltic pipe coatings ❑ Spray -applied tar coatings t6 Caulking ❑ GlazInn ❑ Other, s ec! : Gignalu : (in Blue Ink) Printed Name: 1 ".1 L, z— --'� . ;;LV' -, I X'- ,, L e (-1,4- S , Z'P e ( ve fy Uta all refrigerants from air condlUoning/refrigefaUon appliances have been properly recovered In accordance Win AQCC Regulallon h 15 (for Informatlon on CFC requirements Call 692-3100 1 further verify that all luminous exit signs (containing radioactive malerlal) have been i p c,disposed of In accordance with 6 CCR 1007-1 subpart .6.0 (for Information on luminous wdt sign requlrements gall 303-692-3320). (u eve CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX; C .�+ S: _ 1:1 Building Owner X�Conuac(or ❑ Othar Date: 4 0 O U Signature: Print Name: Sabrina Mar11n stmark or Hand Delivery Date: 6 7 0) / Approved By: Payment & #: LL �5�6 "lS Permit 0, Code: E�Initlal-310 ❑ transfer -380 Record # I Dale Issued: Reguleled esbestos-conlaining materials means (a) friable (b) Category I nonfriable ACM that has become ji-at!@, I Qatenanl I nonfriable AGM that will be or has been subJecled to sanding, gr nding, rullilan, orabmding or (d) Category U nonfirlable ACM that has a probablilly of becoming or has become crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by the forces expected to act oil the material In the course of dag,Q1UL0 or renovatttan operations regulated by this re-guiallon. Note: Asbestos-conlalning sheet vinyl and linoleum must be properly abated/removed prior 10 demollUon, 1, A City of Wheat Ridge Commercial Demolitio PERMIT - 201700248 PERMIT NO: 201700248 ISSUED: JOB ADDRESS: 3785 Wadsworth Blvd EXPIRES: JOB DESCRIPTION: Asbestos Abatement - State Permit No. 17JE0894A 02/21/2017 02/21/2018 *** CONTACTS *** OWNER 303-709-5106 QUADRANT WHEAT RIDGE CORNERS L SUB (303)534-5443 Timothy Wiser, Jeffery Behrens 160276 Peak Environmental, Inc. *** PARCEL INFO *** ZONE CODE: UA / Unassigned SUBDIVISION CODE: UA / Unassigned USE: UA / Unassigned BLOCK/LOT#: 0 / *** FEE SUMMARY *** ESTIMATED PROJECT VALUATION: 102,616.00 FEES Total Valuation 0.00. Demolition Fee 50.00 ** TOTAL ** 50.00 *** COMMENTS *** *** CONDITIONS *** All work shall comply with applicable codes and ordinances and is subject to field inspections. 1, by rn signatw e, do hereby attest that the work to be performed shall comply with all accompanying approved plans and specifications, applicable building codes, and all applicable municipal codes, policies and procedures, and that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property and am authorized to obtain this permit and perform the work described and approved in conjunction with this ermrt. 1 further attest that I am legally authorized to include all entities named within this document as parties to the work to be performed and that all work to be performed is disclosed in this document and/or its' accompanying approved plans and specifications. Signature of OWNER or CONTRACTOR (Circle one) Date I. This permit was issued based on the information provided in the permit application and accompanying plans and specifications and is subject to the compliance with those documents, and all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures. 2. This permit shall expire 365 days after the date of issuance regardless of activity. Requests for extension must be made in writing and received prior to the date of expiration. An extension of no more than 180 days made be granted at the discretion of the Chief Building Official and may be subject to a fee equal to one-half of the original permit fee. 3• If this permit expires, a new permit may be required to be obtained. Issuance of a new permit shall be subject to the standard requirements, fees and procedures for approval of any new permit. Re -issuance or extension of expired permits is at the sole discretion of the Chief Building Official and is not guaranteed. 4, No work of any manner shall be performed that shall results in a change of the natural flow of water without prior and specific approval. 5. The permit holder shall notify the Building and Inspection Services Division in accordance with established policy of all required inspections and shall not proceed or conceal work without written approval of such work from the Building and Inspection Services Division. 6. The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, an violation of any provision of any applicable code or any ordinance or regulation of thi*risdiction. Approval of work is subject to field inspection. Signature of Chief Building Official Date f i REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY 11:59PM ANY BUSINESS DAY FOR INSPECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. Inspection time requests will be accepted by email only. Please email requests to insptimerequest@ci.wheatridge.co.us between 7:30am and 8:00am, the morning of the inspection. Please put the address of the inspection in the subject line. City of Wheat jd� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building & Inspection Services Division 7500 W. 291h Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Office: 303-235-2855 * Fax: 303-237-8929 Inspection Line: 303-234-5933 Email: Permits(cDci.wheatridge.co.us FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date: CJ/z// Plan/Permit 0 / 0 Plan Review Fee: Building Permit Application *** Please complete all highlighted areas on both sides of this form. Incomplete applications may not be processed. *** Property Address: 3775 Wadsworth Blvd, Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Property owner (please print): Quadrant Wheat Ridge Corners, LLC Phone: 303.709.5106 Property Owner Email: bturnerCED-guadrantcolorado.com Mailing Address: (if different than property address) Address: 981 Southpark Drive City, State, zip: Littleton, CO 80120 Arch itect/Engineer: Architect/Engineer E-mail: Phone: Contractor: Peak Environmental Contractors City License #: 160276 Phone: 303.534.5443 Contractor E-mail Address: tim()-peakenviro.com Sub Contractors: N/A Electrical: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Plumbing: W.R. City License # Other City Licensed Sub: City License # Mechanical: W.R. City License # Complete all information on BOTH sides of this form E COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Description of work: (Check all that apply) ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ❑ ELECTRICAL SERVICE UPGRADE ❑ NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ❑ COMMERCIAL ROOFING ❑ COMMERCIAL ADDITION ❑ RESIDENTIAL ROOFING ❑ RESDENTIAL ADDITION ❑ WINDOW REPLACEMENT ❑ COMMERCIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (Garage, shed, deck, etc.) ❑ MECHANICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT ❑ PLUMBING SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACMENT ❑ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/APPLIANCE REPAIR or REPLACEMENT © OTHER (Describe) Asbestos Abatement (For ALL projects, please provide a detailed description of work to be performed, including current use of areas, proposed uses, square footage, existing condition and proposed new condition, appliance size and efficiency, type and amount of materials to be used, etc.) Sq. Ft./LF Amps Btu's Squares Gallons Other Project Value: (Contract value or the cost of all materials and labor included in the entire project) =10F11092 • ii OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify, that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this application and that I assume full responsibility for compliance with applicable City of Wheat Ridge codes and ordinances for work under any permit issued based on this application; that I am the legal owner or have been authorized by the legal owner of the property to perform the described work and am also authorized by the legal owner of any entity included on this application to list that entity on this application. I, the applicant for this building permit application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided on the application. CIRCLE ONE: (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) or (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) of (OWNER) (CONTRACTOR) Electronic Signature (first and lest name): ----- DATE: 2/15/17 ZONING COMMMENTS: Reviewer: BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Reviewer: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Building Division Valuation: $ Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division — Indoor Environment Program — Asbestos/IAQ Unit 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, APCD-IE-B1 Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 Phone: 303-692-3100—Fax: 303-782-0278 E-mail: asbestos@state.co.us This pen -nit is granted subject to Colorado Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 8, Part B, adopted December 21, 2007, and effective January 30, 2008, the Colorado Air Pollution Prevention and Control Act (25-7-101 or 25-7-501 et seq., C.R.S.) and the following provisions. It is only for the purpose of allowing asbestos abatement. ADDITIONAL PERMIT PROVISIONS: By performing work under this permit the abatement contractor agrees that the Division may revoke or suspend this permit should the Division find that the contractor: • has violated or has aided and abetted in the violation of 25-7-101 or 25-7-501 et seq.. C.R.S. or Regulation No. 8, Part B, or an order of the Division or Commission. • has failed to meet any permit and notification requirement or failed to correct any violations cited by the Division during any inspection within a reasonable period of time, as may be detennined by the Division, • has used misrepresentation or fraud in obtaining this pen -nit, or, • has committed any act or omission which does not meet generally accepted standards of the practice of asbestos abatement. As a contractor, you may be subject to other licenses and permits, depending on the requirements of the county and municipality in which the work is being performed. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division strongly suggests that you check with county and municipal authorities in order to determine any other local building/permitting requirements that must be met. THE ORIGINAL PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. Immediately notify the Asbestos/IAQ Unit of project modifications by fax (number above) or e-mail (address above) and the appropriate county health department by fax. Project modifications include changes in the scope of work or the scheduled work dates, etc. This asbestos abatement permit is valid beginning 2/17/2017 through 11:59 PM on 3/18/2017. The actual scheduled work dates are from 2/17/2017 through 3/15/2017. Approval issued on: 2/M2017 Fee paid: $400.00 Record number: 124992 Notice Number: 17JE0894A Variance: Comments: il1.O.a(i) None For the location specified below: of ,ge.a Auto Nation West, North, South exterior walls 3775 Wadsworth Blvd. W heatridge Jefferson County This permit has been issued to: Peak Environmental, Inc. 465 Santa Fe Drive Denver, CO 80204 Check number: CC 6850 Project Supervisor: Jorge Ipolito Cerification No.: 10923 Project AMS: Kimberly S. Lopez Cerification No.: 3317 Project Manager: Issued by: RWJ r 1*5"47�W F46Y;'& 66y, eooa&Ket cfel'ww; Ile 7100 Broadwav Sui(e 2-n — Denver. Colorado 80221 Demolition Asbestos Inspection Dealership Building 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 r y -#M § Report Date: December 9, 2016 ECCS Project No. 1 l 1016-1 Prepared For: Prepared By: Quadrant Wheat Ridge Corners 3765 LLC Kimberly Lopez LLC 966 S Josephine Street Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 21 IN Stadium Blvd Suite 201 Denver, Colorado 80209 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N Columbia Missouri 65203 Denver, CO 80221 December 9, 2016 Quadrant Properties Robert Turner 981 Southpark Drive Littleton, Colorado 80120 Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: klonez.envirocare! Table of Contents Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: klonez_envirocare(i%email.com Phone: (720) 390-5768 SECTION1 - Introduction............................................................................................................................. 6 SECTION2 - Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 7 SECTION3 - Survey Procedures................................................................................................................... 8 SECTION 4 - Bulk Sample Collection, Identification, and Laboratory Procedures ...................................... 8 SECTION 5 - Assumed Asbestos Containing Materials................................................................................ 9 SECTION 6 - Inaccessible Areas ..................................................................................................................10 SECTION7 - Sample analysis......................................................................................................................10 SECTION8 - Regulatory Review.................................................................................................................10 SECTION 9 - Recommendations for Asbestos Containing Materials...........................................................12 SECTION 10 - Conclusions & Recommendations........................................................................................12 SECTIONl 1 — Limitations...........................................................................................................................12 Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC— 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 •\e\�` 'mss Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: lcionez.envirocare a:f<mail.com Phone: (720) 390-5768 SECTION 1 - Introduction Purpose and Intent of Inspection: Perform visual and tactile inspection with sampling and analysis of accessible suspect asbestos containing material (ACM) to determine the presence of asbestos to facilitate demolition of the structures. EPA regulation 40 CFR 61, Subpart M, National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), prohibits the release of asbestos fibers into the atmosphere during renovation or demolition activities. The Asbestos NESHAP rule requires that suspect regulated asbestos -containing building materials be identified, classified and quantified prior to planned disturbances, renovation, or demolition activities. Date of Inspection and Testing: November 11, November 17, November 21, and December 6, 2016 Location of Inspection and Testing: Dealership Building 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Inspector Performing Survey: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) accredited inspector Kimberly Lopez. Signature: Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC — 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building lnspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 Wadsvonh Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 E' cdorado ; 5 �s EEE it and Fmrmxnm� 1 .. ASBESTOS 4r,rr CERTIFICATION' � 3 Ximberh ti. I oyez c 'fir v to d ` 4 4 flq gg m 8 t rn g � Z L ii D€ €,..I< i 1 Rs C4 t an+.��ram ReP 6. B A<mM ra':y Css g S 66 i- i 7C1 Q g¢ O _ _ cif S € y i((Z Building Inspector- rapMw lk1eC<r 13. X k Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC — 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building lnspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 Wadsvonh Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 SECTION 2 - Executive Summary Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: klonez.eiiirocare!iifLnlaiLcom Phone: (720) 390-5768 Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC a State of Colorado registered Asbestos Consulting Firm warrants that the findings contained herein have been with the level of care and skill exercised by experienced and knowledgeable environmental consultants who are licensed or otherwise trained to perform asbestos inspections pursuant to the scope of work required on this project. At the request of Quadrant Wheat Ridge Corners LLC and 3765 LLC (QWRC3765), Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC (Enviro Care) conducted a demolition specific asbestos building inspection of suspect asbestos containing building materials inside and outside both buildings located on the property. The purpose of this inspection was to identify the existence, extent, and condition of friable and non -friable asbestos containing materials to facilitate building demolition. Kimberly Lopez, an Enviro Care asbestos building inspector, whose signature appears on this document, was the Enviro Care onsite representative. Ms. Lopez was given access to the building via keys provided by Iron Woman Construction and Environmental Services (Iron Woman) at the request of QWRC3765. Suspect ACM's identified and subsequently tested included: • CMU Block; • Four types of block surface filler • Six types of ceiling tile; • Plaster walls; • Window glazing; • Four types of surfacing material on drywall; • Four Types of Tape and Joint Compound • Three types of composite asphalt roofing; • Ceramic floor tile grout and bed; • Two types of vinyl floor tile and mastic; • Grout associated with 4x4 ceramic wall tile; • Grout and bed associated with ceramic floor tile; • Two types of caulking; and • Composite asphalt roofing; This survey was requested to facilitate planned demolition of the structure. Bulk samples were collected from interior and exterior suspect materials and analyzed for asbestos content. Each homogeneous ACM was assessed for damage and friability. The inspection was performed in accordance with Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Colorado Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 8, Part B — Emission Standards for Asbestos, OSHA General Industry Standards 29 CFR § 1910.1001 — Asbestos, and OSHA Construction Standard 29 CFR § 1926.1101 — Asbestos. Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC - 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: Idonez.envirocare Lmail.com Phone: (720) 390-5768 A list of homogenous materials, description, estimated quantity, material locations, categorization, hazard rankings, disturbance potential can be found in Appendix A. The list of samples collected, material description sample location, laboratory results, and condition can be found in Appendix B. The Laboratory Analytical Reports can be found in Appendix C at the end of this report. Materials that have an asbestos content of less than or equal to I % asbestos content when analyzed PLM Point count, are not considered ACM but are still regulated by OSHA. SECTION 3 - Survey Procedures Floor plans were not provided to Enviro Care preceding the survey. Survey activities began with visual observation of the sampling site to identify homogenous areas of suspect ACM. A homogenous area consists of building materials, which appear similar throughout in terms of color, texture and date of application. Building materials which were not identified as bare concrete, glass, wood, masonry, metal or rubber are considered suspect ACM. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and State of Colorado Regulations require abatement of asbestos containing materials prior to initiating renovation or demolition activities that may disturb those materials by removal, encapsulation, or enclosure. The facility or portions thereof was visually inspected for ACM. Building materials within specified locations of the building were examined. A physical assessment of homogenous areas of observed suspect ACM was conducted to assess the friability and condition of the materials. Suspect ACM was identified and assessed as homogeneous materials. The EPA defines a friable material as a material, which can be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure, when dry. Friability was assessed by physically touching suspect materials. The survey did include exterior areas of the building. Although the inclusion of exterior materials exceeds the standard of'care for AHERA surveys, the survey would not meet Colorado Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 8 — The Control of Asbestos, requirements for a demolition, destructive salvage, de -construction, burn, destroy, dismantle, implode, knock down, level, pull down, pulverize, raze, tear down, wreck, or move asbestos survey without the exterior materials inspected and sampled .prior to demolition. SECTION 4 - Bulk Sample Collection, Identification, and Laboratory Procedures Bulk samples were collected by Enviro Care of the suspect ACM throughout the interior and exterior of the building for subsequent laboratory analysis to determine asbestos content, or assumed to contain asbestos. Sample collection was conducted in a manner that meets the destructive investigation requirements for building demolition. The collection of samples that would compromise the integrity of the building or component were not sampled but are assumed to be asbestos containing. The asbestos inspection Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC — 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 � l Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: klonez.envirocare(r%amail.com Phone: (720) 390-5768 was conducted in general compliance with the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS), the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1926.1101. The EPA recognizes materials that contain greater than one -percent asbestos to be regulated asbestos containing material (ACM). Eighty-four (84) samples of suspect ACM were obtained by Enviro Care for analysis between November 11, 2016 and November 21, 2016. Bulk samples were given unique alphanumeric identification numbers, consisting of three parts and labeled according to EPA regulations. The first letters "SM, CT, GR" designates the sample type such as surfacing material, ceiling tile, etc. The first number identifies the particular type of material set number. The second group of numbers represents the sequential sample acquired for the sample set. A description of each bulk sample and the sample location has been included in Appendix B. Based on results of the visual observation, bulk samples of suspect ACM were collected in general conformance with AHERA regulations (40 CFR § 763.86). Random samples of suspect materials were collected in each homogenous. Quality control samples may be collected at a rate of one per 20 bulk samples. Accredited building inspectors collected bulk samples using methods as applicable to reduce the potential for fiber release. Samples were placed in seal able containers and labeled with unique identification numbers. In some circumstances a material that seems to be homogenous may yield conflicting laboratory results. A return trip to identify actual homogenous sampling areas may be necessary. The EPA and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment require that a specific amount of samples be collected for each homogenous area as follows: Thermal Systems Insulation Surfacing Materials Up to 1,000 112 3 Samples Up to 1,000 ft 3 Samples 1,000 — 5,000 ft2 5 Samples 1,000 — 5,000 fL2 5 Samples More Than 5,000 ft 7 Samples More Than 5,000 ft 7 Samples Miscellaneous Materials: Inspectors Discretion SECTION 5 - Assumed Asbestos Containing Materials There are few situations where a suspect material should be assumed to contain asbestos without performing any sample analysis to determine its actual asbestos content. All assumed ACM must be treated as if it is ACM until such time as the material is sampled and the analysis shows that the material does not contain asbestos. Assumptions were made regarding asbestos content of non -friable miscellaneous materials such as duct sealants, caulking, and roofing. These materials are exempt from requirement of asbestos abatement as long as these materials remain non -friable during building demolition. Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC— 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 W adswonh Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N —Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: Iaonez.envirocare: a<alnn i Loom Phone: (720) 390-5768 SECTION 6 - Inaccessible Areas No inaccessible areas were noted during this demolition specific inspection. SECTION 7 - Sample analysis Bulk samples were submitted to EMSL Analytical Inc. (EMSL) a third party independent laboratory located at 1010 Yuma Street in Denver, CO. EMSL is accredited through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and participates in the NIST National Voluntary Lab Accreditation Program (NVLAP) as required by EPA. Bulk samples were analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) in general compliance with guidelines established by the US EPA (40 CFR Part 763, Subpart F, Appendix A). Asbestos concentrations were visually estimated and/or point counted or analyzed by composite when applicable and reported in percent for each layer of the sample. Laboratory results can be found in Appendix C. Sample Location Drawings can be found in Appendix D. SECTION 8 - Regulatory Review The EPA and The State of Colorado regulate any materials that contain greater than I% asbestos. The State of Colorado requires that an asbestos inspection be conducted prior to renovation or demolition regardless of the date of construction on a structure or portion thereof unless an accredited and certified asbestos inspector or the architect or engineer responsible for the construction of the building provides a written statement that asbestos containing materials were not used during construction of the structure or portion thereof. Renovation and demolition activities involving asbestos are covered under the OSHA Construction Industry Standard pursuant to 29 CFR § 1926.1101. OSHA regulates any materials that contain any quantity of asbestos, even trace quantities. OSHA regulations do not define a minimum concentration of asbestos as a threshold for implementing worker protection practices. Air monitoring may be required if the workers are reasonably expected to be exposed to asbestos in concentrations in excess of the Permissible Exposure Level of 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter. OSHA regulations also require adequate training for all persons handling asbestos materials. The October 11, 1994, revision to the OSHA Standard requires that suspect ACM in buildings built prior to 1981 be assumed to be asbestos or an inspection be conducted by an EPA accredited asbestos building inspector. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Asbestos Standard for the construction industry (29 CFR 1926.1101) regulates workplace exposure to asbestos. The OSHA standard requires that employee exposure to airborne asbestos fibers be maintained below 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter (O.l ucc). The OSHA standard classifies construction and maintenance activities, which could disturb ACM, and specifies work practices and precautions which employers must follow when engaging in each class of regulated work. Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC— 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: klooez.envirocareAgmail.com Phone: (720) 390-5768 The EPA National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulation requires that ACMs be identified prior to demolition and renovation activities. NESHAP requires that no friable ACMs be disturbed during these construction activities by removal, encapsulation, or enclosure. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Regulation No. 8, Part B, requires an asbestos inspection following the AHERA protocol be conducted prior to demolition or remodeling activities that could disturb greater than 160 square feet, 260 linear feet, or the equivalence of one 55 gallon drum of a suspect ACM in a Public or Commercial Building; or 32 square feet, 50 linear feet, or the equivalence of one 55 gallon drum of a suspect ACM in a Single Family Residential Dwelling. In some circumstances, point count analysis is required for bulk samples. Point counting is a more detailed means of analysis than standard PLM. Federal and State agencies define ACM as materials containing greater than one percent asbestos. The NESHAP regulation requires that if standard PLM analysis determines that a sample contains less than 10% asbestos, the material must be considered asbestos containing or be point counted. Even if the sample is less than one percent by standard PLM, the material either has to be assumed to be ACM or point counted. If the point counting analysis is different than the PLM analysis, the point counting result takes precedence. If standard PLM analysis determines that a material has no asbestos or that the material contains greater than 10% asbestos, point counting is not necessary. The asbestos NESHAP rule (40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M) regulates asbestos fiber emissions and asbestos waste disposal practices. It also requires the identification and classification of existing building materials prior to demolition or renovation activities. Under NESHAP, asbestos containing building materials are classified as either friable, Category I non -friable, or Category Il non -friable ACM. Friable asbestos -containing materials are any material containing greater than one percent asbestos and that when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Category I non - friable ACM included gaskets, packing's, resilient floor coverings, and asphalt roofing products containing greater than one percent asbestos. Category II non -friable ACM are any materials other than Category I materials that contain greater than one percent asbestos. Friable ACM, Category I and Category II non -friable ACM which is in poor condition and has become friable or which will be subject to drilling, sanding, grinding, cutting or abrading and which could be crushed or pulverized during anticipated renovation or demolition activities are considered regulated ACM (RACM). RACM must be removed prior to renovation or demolition activities. If the amount of RACM is more than 260 linear feet, 160 square feet, or will generate more than one cubic meter of waste in a Public or Commercial Building; or 32 square feet, 50 linear feet, or the equivalence of one 55 gallon drum in a single family residential dwelling, the owner or operator must provide the State of Colorado with written notification of planned removal activities at least 10 working days prior to the commencement of asbestos abatement activities. An Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC— 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop s,` 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: klonez.envirocare4W,1_,mail.eom Phone: (720) 390-5768 appropriately accredited and licensed asbestos abatement contractor must conduct removal of RACK SECTION 9 - Recommendations for Asbestos Containing Materials All friable asbestos materials or those materials that will be rendered friable during building demolition must be abated by a General Abatement Contractor (GAC) prior to building demolition containing building materials SECTION 10 - Conclusions & Recommendations Enviro Care makes the following conclusions and recommendations: • Asbestos containing materials were identified in exterior block filler (BFI), window glazing (GLI) and 9x9 floor tiles (FTM 2). Non -friable materials exempt from the regulation are assumed to contain asbestos • The building owner shall assure that all friable ACM are properly abated prior to building demolition. • The building owner shall assure that non -friable ACM materials, or materials assumed to contain asbestos remain non -friable during building demolition. • In the event building materials not discussed in this report are encountered the owner, or owner's contractor shall have the materials tested for asbestos before continuing any demolition activities. SECTION 11 —Limitations This report was prepared by Enviro Care at the request of and for the sole benefit of DPS or any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with DPS. This report addresses certain physical characteristics of the Site with regards to the presence of visible or non-visible asbestos containing materials. The material in this report reflects the best judgment of Enviro Care in light of the information that was readily available at the.time of preparation. This report is the exclusive and present property of DPS or any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with DPS to assist with evaluation of the Site regarding asbestos containing materials. In the event of any reuse or publication of any portion of this report, Enviro Care shall not be liable for any damages arising out of such reuse or publication. Any use a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made on it, are the responsibility of such third party. Enviro Care accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions taken based on this report. Enviro Care accepts no responsibility and shall not be held liable for mistakes or errors of the laboratories employed to analyze samples or their reported findings either published or verbal. Any contractor or consultant reviewing this report must draw his or her own conclusions regarding further investigation or remediation deemed necessary. Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC — 1110161 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: ldopez.envirocare;iuslna iLcom Phone: (720) 390-5768 This asbestos survey and assessment was performed using procedures and a level of diligence typically exercised by professional consultants performing similar services. However, asbestos containing material (ACM) can be present in a structure, but not identified using ordinary investigative procedures. No asbestos survey can completely eliminate uncertainty regarding the presence of ACM. Enviro Care's level of diligence and investigative procedures are intended to reduce, but not eliminate, potential uncertainty regarding the presence of ACM. The determinations in this report should not be construed as a guarantee that all ACM present in the subject property has been included in this report. No warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, is made regarding the findings, conclusions or recommendations contained in the report. The limitations presented above supersede the requirements or provisions of all other contracts or scopes of work, implied or otherwise, except those stated or acknowledged herein. This report is not to be used as a bidding document. Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC - 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop ;f 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: klonec envirocare!$:amail.com Phone: (720) 390-5768 APPENDIX A Homogenous Material Table Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC — 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 u�- 1 n O 0 Q z a� ^a tin a ea cn �- an bn oA .- on on on an on N � � .� � � •Wr x � � `s' � T Z X x �a Aa y y N wzw z L N N a 3 N E E E E N W'Cd 0_ o o s c a a o o oo Ln O 0 p � C3 O U f/] CIS L O C—i� to ti �= v U ami O O sU. Q oo O Q C by n- °' F a = Gp7iE a o 3 °° to 03 N U U X L7 ] r f• C O CION CIS X X N .— 1 n O 0 Q z 0 Q z c� wo z z O O N 73 N a N U �N -- M 3 w x'M W CIT N�I::O M C) CIS E 'o M o M a O O ~ O� O O O CG O m ti O 0�0 - i/1 a 0 0 C N C's _ 0 0 4- i' E O p O o (� a N 9 w O cd 0 Gi. Li, a- Cd �i O cd O .O 00 N ¢ 0 CA W N 'c3 ° c N O O U —Cd W E+ 00 o0 o H-� 0 0 ov o C) 0 kn LZW7 000 03 a - U - t7 O O U cn V] a D ¢„ V]..v2 O^ U al Ln �- = U U `. 03U p Z Cd U E- al 6 O '�' � o �— 3 ¢ 7 ca D ^Cao = v �•, � m� U •�� �" — 0� �C] 3 >, amu.. �F- tj > u �, A 'CZ° CIO 3wUm U a, a.. m U = 3 v 3CdM C a m E E o N 00U (� = U U v = x NU 00 x c 00 a, O N 0 Q z 0 Q z c a A a� y .� N N t'•] N z CIL kn 7,3 s N_ p N_ : o T v O o ¢ cit 3 3 r n ct3. a oz N ¢W 3 3 2p Ems^ N N a� ao N HIq id Y+ N c c- •= 1075 0 A ^ a`�i ESO- • l � cn U � � � 3 � -� cr, ;� "-' c aY E CL Ew x Ua3 U� L 3 = U w -�ecd 3 CdC E cd k N 5 } p U U L N G. U ✓ v Cd 0 Q z El ra F Q z �s 'a � a ce an cn a _ ea =� •s •� w fes, z fi. z w� 0 z x C� zCdzm m a ao 0 C~ 3 E3 C= w F o0 o� 20 a 0 a cn0 � "0 con u Q_o __ rro- O �d wa � h � U O M � Q 0 0 Q o c 3 0 0 Ya o o cd Q> E Q- Cd Q x � M � M El ra F Q z Category I non friable ACM—Asbestos-containing resilient floor coverings, asphalt roofingproducts, packings, andgaskets. Category H non friable ACM — Encompasses all other non friable ACM. Hazard Ranking: I= Significantly damaged ACM,• 2=Damaged ACM with potential for significant damage; 3=Damaged ACM with potential for damage; 4=Damaged ACM,• 5=ACM in good condition with potential for significant damage; 6=ACM in good condition with potential for damage; 7=All remaining ACM. Disturbance Potential: Low = the material may be accessible but is not likely to be damaged under most circumstances. Moderate = the material is accessible and is likely to suffer limited damage over time. High = the material is friable andlor already damaged, is accessible, and there is specific reason to believe the material will receive a large amount of damage in the foreseeable future. Condition: Good = the material had no visible damage, or extremely minor damage or surface marring (i.e., a room offloor tile has only four or five with small corners broken from the tile. Damaged = the material had visible damage evenly distributed over less than 10% of its surface, or localized over less than 25% of its surface. Significantly damaged = the material had visible damage that is evenly distributed over 10% or more of its surface, or localized over 25% or more or its surface. APPENDIX B Bulk Sample Table Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: klonez.envirocare(Wxmail.com Phone: (720) 390-5768 Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC - 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop - 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 �o z W S o 0 o 0 o 0 C EW,, z C7 C7 0C� C7 0 z N N N O x H Z Z U ri 'a r- o Q3 p J U -a i q -�A O 3 ami 3 o�o_n o ° 3t_r d a W 3 N oo 00 n iv M c W W A a Z v Cd Cd ct o w xw O O 3 Z � 0 In C C � n v a - +�. o Wy a o 0 0 0 0 0 0od L f. ru Q Q Q Q Q Q c fir, ru _ 1 U UV U U U U �n o o o mo m o m o� o'd al¢ p�¢ fb¢ �¢ :3 a CL C C C C C C U V= J t O QI/ cd cd cd cd cd 03 H O O O O O O O yam., a,v+ ? � N Q G X W W W W W W F r o W o � V1 N .i 3 v v1 O L cn E E u m II U U U U U U U 0 mr Ji 1 Z Ln v; z O O N i'J N N N M M M M M O�O U x oW� r- 'E� G FaH U o U Z Z Z CD v �a U u a A r, o Cd N cd V'j s to d W O V is c> z:rj CJ �O y'� �� Cd .ar CL a Gzi — ✓ G O O N O ` cu H W j7zN N bA ad 0 Q� O E 5 J 03 � ��, C � w Oa � 0� a x r v `' " O O O O O � O v Q a a> a� b o b O Ci �O �O to m N in C M r J= J r s -te .Y 1 1 rL W ;;7 _- O O O O O p > t 4+ Q C C � N L W Vf Li. 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W F pa E E E E E O O O O OO ° 0 0 0 C�:CIS c Msto 0EDtos x000 �� c ��a_n3 3S `max z o a O U O vii O N 0 Cd m M M N N in 4 Cd 7 � � Y � C—i C3 3 3 W W 3 � 3 � 3 ami 3 ami � -• E � � � � o � � a E E �'E °� °or E 3w3wz a 3 3w 3 3 x3 a°'2° c�Z �� ter- ,n a CA 0 0°o 2 2 U) L L 0 Q> •(D O Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd U U Ato bA bA bA to b4 to to Q cn �C� ;Ll (A °� a A c c o c L c c c U YCL X° X° i° y° Y° y°° 3 s Q O y y X X X X X 0--4 F- F E- F- F- v v '- -a v ;= W cUd cUd cd .� C cc 0 0 0 o OCd E E E E ° X -- — o_ o c Cd r 0. Q. cn cn cn O a V) s l Q1 -0 5 aLA i 7t tY 't E E ro 17 1 Z v� r 'f Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: klonezem,irocarea,:amail.com Phone: (720) 390-5768 Appendix C Laboratory Analytical Reports Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC - 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 a: ti EMSL Analytical, Inc. 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 http i!www.EMSL corn / denverlab@emsl corn EMSL Order: 221608188 Customer ID: EVCS42 Customer PO: Project ID: Attention: Kim Lopez Phone: (303) 945-0091 Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC Fax: 7100 Broadway Received Date: 11/11/2016 3:55 PM #2-N Analysis Date: 11/16/2016 Denver, CO 80233 Collected Date: Project: 111016-1 Show Room Offices and Repair Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non -Fibrous % Type CMU1-1 Exterior CMU Block Gray/Red/Black 30% Quartz None Detected Non -Fibrous 20% Ca Carbonate 221608188-0001 Homogeneous 50% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable white paint/coating layerincluded in analysis HA'1 CMU1-2 Exterior CMU Block Gray/Red/Black 20% Quartz None Detected Non -Fibrous 20% Ca Carbonate 221608188-0002 Homogeneous 60% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable blue paint/coating layer included in analysis HA 1 CMU1-3 Exterior CMU Block Gray/Red/Black 20% Quartz None Detected Non -Fibrous 20% Ca Carbonate 221608186-0003 Homogeneous 60% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable white paint /coating layerincluded in analysis HA. 1 CMU1-4 Exterior CMU Block Gray/Red/Black 20% Quartz None Detected Non -Fibrous 20% Ca Carbonate 221608168-0004 Homogeneous 60% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable white paint/ coating layer included in analysis HA 1 CMU1-5 Exterior CMU Block Gray/Red/Black 20% Quartz None Detected Non -Fibrous 20% Ca Carbonate 221608188-8005 Homogeneous 60% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable white paint /coating layer included in analysis HA 1 CMU1-6 Exterior CMU Block Gray/Red 20% Quartz None Detected Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0006 Homogeneous HA 1 CMU1-7 Exterior CMU Block Gray/Red 20% Quartz None Detected Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608186-000/ Homogeneous HA 1 BF1-1 Exterior Block Filler White/Blue 15% Ca Carbonate 2% Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 83% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0008 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA.2 BF1-2 Exterior Block Filler White/Blue 15% Ca Carbonate 2% Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 83% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0009 Homogeneous Inseparable blue paint /coating layer included in analysis HA 2 BF1-3 Exterior Block Filler Blue 15% Ca Carbonate 2% Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 83% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0010 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA 2 Initial report from: 11/17/2016 13:23:15 Printed: 11/17/2016 11:23 AM Page 1 of 8 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSLOrder: 221608188 Customer ID: EVCS42 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 Customer PO: http-Uwww.EMSL.com I denverlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance %Fibrous %Non -Fibrous %Type BF1-4 Exterior Block Filler Blue 15% Ca Carbonate 2% Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 83% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0011 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint /coaling layer included in analysis HA: 2 BF1-5 Exterior Block Filler Blue 5% Ca Carbonate <1 % Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 95% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0012 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint /coating layer included in analysis HA: 2 BF1-6 Exterior Block Filler Gray/Blue 5% Quartz <1 % Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 95% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0013 Homogeneous Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 2 BF1-7 Exterior Block Filler Gray/Blue 15% Quartz None Detected Showroom Non -Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate 221608188-0014 Homogeneous 75% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis HA:2 BF2-1 Interior Block Filler White 10% Ca Carbonate 2% Chrysotile Auto Repair Non -Fibrous 88% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0015 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 3 BF2-2 Interior Block Filler Brown 10% Ca Carbonate <1% Chrysotile Auto Repair Non -Fibrous 90% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0016 Homogeneous Inseparable blue and white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 3 BF2-3 Interior Block Filler White 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Auto Repair Non -Fibrous 221608188.0017 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint /coating layer induded in analysis HA: 3 BF2-4 Interior Block Filler Blue 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Auto Repair Non -Fibrous 221608188-0018 Homogeneous Inseparable blue paint / coating layer included in analysis HA:3 BF2-5 Interior Block Filler White 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Auto Repair Non -Fibrous 2216081880019 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint /coating layer included in analysis HA'. 3 BF2-6 Interior Block Filler Brown/Gray/White 15% Quartz None Detected Auto Repair Non -Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate 221608188-0020 Heterogeneous 75% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable paint /coating layer included in analysis HA: 3 BF2-7 Interior Block Filler Gray/Tan/Yellow 15% Quartz None Detected Auto Repair Non -Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate 221606188-0021 Heterogeneous 75% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis HA:3 CT1-1 Drywall Ceiling Tile Brown/White 15% Cellulose 65% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 5% Glass 5% Mica 221608188-0022 Homogeneous 10% Non-fibrous (Other) Initial report from: 11/17/2016 13:23:15 ASB_PLh4_0002 - i 71 Printed: 11/17/2016 11:23 AM Page 2 of 8 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSLOrder: 221608188 Customer ID: EVCS42 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Customer PO: mss,. Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 http:;/www.EMSL.com / denverlab@emsl,com Project ID: Test Report. Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non-Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non-Fibrous % Type HA: 4 CT1-2 Drywall Ceiling Tile Brown/White 15% Cellulose 65% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 5% Glass 5% Mica 221606168-0023 Homogeneous 10% Non-fibrous (Other) HA: 4 CT1-3 Drywall Ceiling Tile Brown/White 15% Cellulose 65% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous <1% Glass 2% Mica 221608188-0024 Homogeneous 18% Non-fibrous (Other) HA: 4 PL1-1-Skim Coat Smooth Plaster White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non-Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0025 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint /coating layer included in analysis HA: 5 PL1-1-Base Coat Smooth Plaster White/Pink 40% Quartz None Detected Non-Fibrous 5% Ca Carbonate 221608188-0025A Homogeneous 55% Non-fibrous (Other) HA: 5 PL1-2-Skim Coat Smooth Plaster White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non-Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0026 Homogeneous Inseparable greenish gray paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 5 PL1-2-Base Coat Smooth Plaster White/Pink 25% Quartz None Detected Non-Fibrous 5% Ca Carbonate 221608188-0026A Homogeneous 70% Non-fibrous (Other) HA: 5 PL1-3-Skim Coat Smooth Plaster White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non-Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221606188-0027 Homogeneous Inseparable paint/coating layer included in analysis HA: 5 PL1-3-Base Coat Smooth Plaster Pink 5% Quartz None Detected Non-Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate 221606188-0027A Homogeneous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) HA: 5 WG1-1 Window Glazing White 151% Ca Carbonate <1% Chrysotile Non-Fibrous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608186-0028 Homogeneous HA: 6 WG1-2 Window Glazing White 15% Ca Carbonate 3% Chrysotile Non-Fibrous 82% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608168-0020 Homogeneous HA: 6 WG1-3 Window Glazing Gray/White 100% Non-fibrous (Other) <1% Chrysotile Non-Fibrous 221608188-0030 Homogeneous Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis HA 6 SM1-1 Stomp Tex Sm on White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Drywall Non-Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0031 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint /coating layer included in analysis HA: 7 SM 1-2 Stomp Tex Sm on White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Drywall Non-Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0032 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint/ coating layer included in analysis Initial report from: 11/17/2016 13:23:15 RSB_ Pi+l?_0008 - 1 71 Printed. 11/17/2016 11:23 AM Page 3 of 8 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 221608188 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Customer ID: EVCS42 Customer PO: Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 ! (303) 741-1400 http;i/www EMSLcom l denverlab@emsLcom Project ID: Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance %Fibrous %Non -Fibrous %Type HA 7 SM1-3 Stomp Tex Sm on White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Drywall Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0033 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA:7 SMI -4 Stomp Tex Sm on White 20°% Ca Carbonate None Detected Drywall Non -Fibrous 80°% Non-fibrous (Other) 22160818&0034 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 7 SM -1-5 Stomp Tex Sm on White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Drywall Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608168-0035 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 7 SM1-6 Stomp Tex Sm on White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Drywall Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0036 Heterogeneous Inseparable paint coating layer included in analysis HA:7 SM1-7 Stomp Tex Sm on White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Drywall Non -Fibrous 80°%Non-fibrous (Other) 221608168-0037 Homogeneous Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis HA:7 TJC1-1 Tape & Joint Tan/White 55% Cellulose 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Compound Fibrous 25% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0038 Homogeneous HA: 6 CT2-1 2x2 Fissure Dot Gray/White 65°% Cellulose 15% Perlite None Detected Ceiling Tile Fibrous 15°% Min. Wool 5% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608186-0039 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA:9 CT2-2 2x2 Fissure Dot GrayNVhite 65% Cellulose 15% Pedite None Detected Ceiling Tile Fibrous 15% Min. Wool 5°% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0040 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coaling layer included in analysis HA:9 CT2-3 2x2 Fissure Dot Gray/White 70°% Cellulose 10% Perlite None Detected Ceiling Tile Fibrous 10% Min. Wool 10% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0041 Homogeneous HA: 9 CT3-1 2x2 Wormhole Dot Gray/White 45% Cellulose 15% Perlite None Detected Ceiling Tile Fibrous 35% Min. Wool 5% Non-fibrous (Other) 22160818&0042 Homogeneous HA_ 10 CT4-1 2x4 Fissure Dot Gray/White 55% Cellulose 15% Perlite None Detected Second Look Ceiling Fibrous 25% Min. Wool 5°% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608168-0043 Tile Homogeneous Inseparable white paint coating layer included in analysis HA: 11 CT4-2 2x4 Fissure Dot Gray/White 50% Cellulose 15% Perlite None Detected Second Look Ceiling Fibrous 30% Min. Wool 5% Non-fibrous (Other) 221609188-0044 Tile Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 11 Initial report from: 11/17/2016 13:23:15 6S8_P-1h! 0008 - 1.71 Printed: 11/17/2016 11:23 AM Page 4 of 8 FTM1-1-Mastic 12x12 Grey w/ Black EMSL Analytical, Inc. 100% Non-fibrous (Other) EMSLOrder: 221608188 Speckle Floor Tile Non -Fibrous Customer ID: EVCS42 Homogeneous ¢ate 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 HA: 12 < GR131-1-Grout Grout Bed 8x8 Gray Customer PO: 65% Quartz 5r Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 Non -Fibrous 20% Ca Carbonate 221608186-0047 http:,!www.EMSL.com i denverlab@emsl.com 15% Non-fibrous (Other) Project ID: HA: 13 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized GRB1-1-Mastic Grout Bed 8x8 Black Light Microscopy 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Ceramic Floor Tile Non -Fibrous Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non -Fibrous % Type CT4-3 2x4 Fissure Dot Gray/White 65% Cellulose 10% Perlite None Detected GR1-1-Grout 4x4 Ceramic Wall Tile Second Look Ceiling Fibrous 15% Min. Wool 10% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected 221608188-0045 Tile Homogeneous 20% Ca Carbonate 221608188-0048 Homogeneous HA: 11 35% Non-fibrous (Other) FTM1-1-Floor Tile 12x12 Grey w/ Black Gray/Black HA: 14 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected GR1-1-Mastic 4x4 Ceramic Wall Tile Speckle Floor Tile Non -Fibrous 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected 221608188-0046 Homogeneous 221608188-0048A Homogeneous HA: 12 FTM1-1-Mastic 12x12 Grey w/ Black Black 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Speckle Floor Tile Non -Fibrous 221608188-0046A Homogeneous HA: 12 GR131-1-Grout Grout Bed 8x8 Gray 65% Quartz None Detected Ceramic Floor Tile Non -Fibrous 20% Ca Carbonate 221608186-0047 Homogeneous 15% Non-fibrous (Other) HA: 13 GRB1-1-Mastic Grout Bed 8x8 Black 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Ceramic Floor Tile Non -Fibrous 221608188-0047A Homogeneous HA: 13 GR1-1-Grout 4x4 Ceramic Wall Tile White 45% Quartz None Detected Grout Non -Fibrous 20% Ca Carbonate 221608188-0048 Homogeneous 35% Non-fibrous (Other) HA: 14 GR1-1-Mastic 4x4 Ceramic Wall Tile White 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Grout Non -Fibrous 221608188-0048A Homogeneous HA: 14 BF3-1 Interior Block Filler Blue/Green 15% Ca Carbonate 3% Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 82% Non-fibrous (Other) 221606168-0049 Homogeneous Inseparable blue-green paint / coating layer included in analysis HA 15 BF3-2 Interior Block Filler White/Beige 15% Ca Carbonate 11% Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0050 Homogeneous Inseparable yellow paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 15 BF3-3 Interior Block Filler White/Beige 15% Ca Carbonate <1% Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0051 Homogeneous Inseparable multilayer paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 15 BF3-4 Interior Block Filler Beige 15% Ca Carbonate <1% Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0052 Homogeneous Inseparable multilayer paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 15 BF3-5 Interior Block Filler White/Beige 15% Ca Carbonate <1% Chrysotile Showroom Non -Fibrous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0053 Homogeneous Inseparable multilayer paint /coating layer included in analysis HA: 15 BF3-6 Interior Block Filler Gray/Blue 15% Quartz None Detected Showroom Non -Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate 221608188-0054 Heterogeneous 75% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable paint/ coating layer included in analysis HA: 15 Initial report from: 11/17/2016 13 23:15 ASI:?" PLl S_0008 - 1 71 Printed: 11/17/2016 11:23 AM Page 5 of 8 EMSL Analytical, Inc. Orange Peel Surf Mat EMSL Order: 221608188 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Customer ID: EVCS42 on Drywall 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0057 Customer PO: Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 Inseparable tan paint /coating layer included in analysis httpJ/www.EMSL.com / denverlab@emsl.com Project ID: HA: 16 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy SM2-3 Orange Peel Surf Mat Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non -Fibrous % Type BF3-7 Interior Block Filler Gray/Green/Orange 15% Quartz None Detected Showroom Non -Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate 221608188-0055 Heterogeneous 75% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable paint /coating layer included in analysis Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 15 SM2-1 Orange Peel Surf Mat White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected on Drywall Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 2216081880056 Homogeneous TJC2-1 Tape & Joint Inseparable tan paint /coating layer included in analysis 55% Cellulose 20% Ca Carbonate HA: 16 Compound SM2-2 Orange Peel Surf Mat White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected on Drywall Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0057 Homogeneous Inseparable tan paint /coating layer included in analysis HA: 16 SM2-3 Orange Peel Surf Mat White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected on Drywall Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 2216081880056 Homogeneous Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 16 TJC2-1 Tape & Joint Tan/White 55% Cellulose 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Compound Fibrous 25% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0059 Associated w/ SM2 Homogeneous HA: 17 CDW1-1-Texture Composite Drywall White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 2216081680060 Homogeneous Inseparable gray paint /coating layer included in analysis HA: 18 CDW1-1-Tape Composite Drywall Tan 98% Cellulose 2% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Fibrous 221608188-0060A Homogeneous HA: 18 CDW1-1-Joint Composite Drywall White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Compound NorFibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) Homogeneous 221608188-00608 HA: 18 CDW1-1-Drywall Composite Drywall Brown/White 15% Cellulose 70% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 3% Glass 12% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608168-0060C Homogeneous HA: 18 CDW1-2-Drywall Composite Drywall Brown/White 15% Cellulose 70% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 2% Glass 13% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0061 Homogeneous Inseparable gray paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 18 CDW1-3-Texture Composite Drywall White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0062 Homogeneous Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 18 CDW1-3-Drywall Composite Drywall Brown/Pink 15% Cellulose 65% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous <1% Glass 20% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0062A Homogeneous HA: 18 Initial report from: 11/17/2016 13:23:15 AS P3 P,' fo, o008 - 1 " Printed: 11/17/2016 11:23 AM Page 6 of 8 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 221608188 — Customer ID: EVCS42 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 Customer PO: http://wvfw.EMSL.com / denveriab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance %Fibrous %Non -Fibrous %Type CDW 2 -1 -Drywall Composite Drywall Brown/White 15% Cellulose 70% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 2% Glass 13% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0063 Homogeneous Inseparable gray paint/coating layer included in analysis HA: 19 CDW 2 -2 -Drywall Composite Drywall Brown/White 15% Cellulose 70% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 4% Glass 11 % Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0064 Homogeneous Inseparable gray paint/coating layer included in analysis HA: 19 CDW 2 -3 -Texture Composite Drywall White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0065 Homogeneous Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 19 CDW 2 -3 -Tape Composite Drywall Beige 99% Cellulose 1% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Fibrous 221608188-00654 Homogeneous HA: 19 CDW 2 -3 -Joint Composite Drywall White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Compound Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) Homogeneous 221608188-00658 HA: 19 CDW 2 -3 -Drywall Composite Drywall Brown/Pink 15% Cellulose 65% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous <1% Glass 20% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608168-0065C Homogeneous HA: 19 BF4-1 Interior Block Filler White 20% Ca Carbonate <1% Chrysotile Parts Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0066 Homogeneous Inseparable brown paint coating layer included in analysis HA 20 BF4-2 Interior Block Filler White 20% Ca Carbonate <1% Chrysotile Parts Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608168-0067 Homogeneous Inseparable gray paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 20 BF4-3 Interior Block Filler Gray/White 10% Quartz <1% Chrysotile Parts Non -Fibrous 20% Ca Carbonate 221608168-0068 Heterogeneous 70% Non-fibrous (Other) HA: 20 CT5-1 2x4 Heavy Crevace Gray/White 35% Cellulose 10% Perlite None Detected Dot Ceiling Tile Fibrous 50% Min. Wool 5% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0069 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 21 CT5-2 2x4 Heavy Crevace Gray/White 35% Cellulose 10% Perlite None Detected Dot Ceiling Tile Fibrous 50% Min. Wool 5% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0070 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA: 21 CT5-3 2x4 Heavy Crevace Gray/White 20% Cellulose 10% Perlite None Detected Dot Ceiling Tile Fibrous 60% Min. Wool 10% Non-fibrous (Other) 221606188-0071 Homogeneous HA: 21 INS1-1 Brown Insulation Not Submitted 221608188-0072 Initial report from: 11/17/2016 13:23:15 A4SB_PLI,1'_O00o - 1.71 Printed: 11/17/2016 11:23 AM Page 7 of 8 ? EMSL Analytical, Inc. E MSL Order: 221608188 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Customer ID: EVCS42 Customer PO_ Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 Project ID: http:/lwww.EMSLcom/denverlab@emsl.com Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous %, Non -Fibrous % Type HA: 22 CT6-1 2x4 Large Crevace Gray/White 65% Cellulose 15% Perlite None Detected Heavy Dot Ceiling Tile Fibrous 15% Min. Wool 5% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608188-0073 Homogeneous Inseparable white paint / coating layer included in analysis HA:23 FTM2-1-Mastic 1 9x9 Brown Floor Tile Yellow 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected w/ Black Mastic Non -Fibrous 221608188-0074 Homogeneous Likely carpet mastic from overlying flooring not included in sample bag HA: 24 FTM2-1-Floor Tile 9x9 Brown Floor Tile Brown 94% Non-fibrous (Other) 6% Chrysotile w/ Black Mastic Non -Fibrous 221608188-0074A Homogeneous HA: 24 FTM2-1-Mastic 2 9x9 Brown Floor Tile Black 100% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected w/ Black Mastic Non -Fibrous 221608168-00746 Homogeneous HA: 24 WC1-1 Cloth Wall Covering TanAA/hite 15% Cellulose 20% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Fibrous 65% Synthetic 221608188-0075 Homogeneous HA: 25 Analyst(s) Abigail Crock (3) Amanda Lang (22) Stuart Printz (64) J Brendon Rawlings, Laboratory Manager or Other Approved Signatory EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non -friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Denver, CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 Initial report from: 11/17/2016 13:23:15 +SL?__r: M, 00,38 1.71 Printed: 11/17/2016 11:23 AM Page 8 of 8 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Phone/Fax:(303)740-5700/(303)741-1400 http://www.EMSL.com / denverlab@emsl.com EMSL Order: 221608188 Customer ID: EVCS42 Customer PO: Project ID: Attention: Kim Lopez Phone: (303) 945-0091 Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC Fax: 7100 Broadway Received: 11/11/2016 3:55 PM #2-N Analysis Date: 11/19/2016 Denver, CO 80233 Collected: Project: 111016-1 Show Room Offices and Repair Disclatmer.Some samples may contain asbestos fibers present in dimensions below PLM resolution limits. The limit of detection as stated in the method is 0.25% EMSLAnalytical Inc suggests that samples reported as 0.25% or none detected undergo additional analysis via TEM The above test report relates only to the items tested_ This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of EMSL Analytical Inc. This test report must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the United States Government . EMSL Analytical Inc., bears no responsibility for sample collection activities, analytical method limitations, or the accuracy of results when requested to separate layered samples. EMSLAnalytical Inc., liability is limited to the cost of sample analysis.The test results contained within this report meet the requirements of NELAC unless otherwise noted. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.elinoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Denver, CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 CInitial report from: 11/19/2016 18:06:03 Printed 11/19/2016 4:06:04PM Page 1 of 2 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials by PLM via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy. Quantitation using 400 Point Count Procedure Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non -Fibrous % Type BF1-1 Exterior Block Filler White/Blue 97.50% Non-fibrous (Other) 2.50%Chrysotile 221608188-0008 Showroom Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF1-2 Exterior Block Filler White/Blue 98.00% Non-fibrous (Other) 2.00%,Chrysotile 221608186-0009 Showroom Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF1-3 Exterior Block Filler Blue 97.75% Non-fibrous (Other) 2.25%Chrysotile 221608188-0010 Showroom Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF1-4 Exterior Block Filler Blue 98.25% Non-fibrous (Other) 1.75%Chrysotile 221608188-0011 Showroom Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF1-5 Exterior Block Filler Gray/Blue 100% Non-fibrous (Other) <0.25%Chrysotile 221608186-0012 Showroom Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF1-6 Exterior Block Filler Gray/Blue 99.50% Non-fibrous (Other) 0.50%Chrysotile 221608188-0013 Showroom Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF2-1 Interior Block Filler Beige 99.25% Non-fibrous (Other) 0.75%Chrysotile 221608188-0015 Auto Repair Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF2-2 Interior Block Filler Brown 99.75% Non-fibrous (Other) 0.25%Chrysotile 221608188-0016 Auto Repair Non -Fibrous ' Homogeneous BF3-2 Interior Block Filler Beige 99.25% Non-fibrous (Other) 0.75%Chrysotile 221608188-0050 Showroom Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF3-3 Interior Block Filler Beige 99.00% Non-fibrous (Other) 1.00%Chrysotile 221608188-0051 Showroom Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF3-4 Interior Block Filler Beige 99.50% Non-fibrous (Other) 0.50%Chrysotile 221608188-0052 Showroom Non -Fibrous Homogeneous Disclatmer.Some samples may contain asbestos fibers present in dimensions below PLM resolution limits. The limit of detection as stated in the method is 0.25% EMSLAnalytical Inc suggests that samples reported as 0.25% or none detected undergo additional analysis via TEM The above test report relates only to the items tested_ This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of EMSL Analytical Inc. This test report must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the United States Government . EMSL Analytical Inc., bears no responsibility for sample collection activities, analytical method limitations, or the accuracy of results when requested to separate layered samples. EMSLAnalytical Inc., liability is limited to the cost of sample analysis.The test results contained within this report meet the requirements of NELAC unless otherwise noted. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.elinoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Denver, CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 CInitial report from: 11/19/2016 18:06:03 Printed 11/19/2016 4:06:04PM Page 1 of 2 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Phone/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 http:/lwww.EMSL.com / denvedab@emsl.com EMSL Order: 221608188 Customer ID: EVCS42 Customer PO: Project ID: Attention: Kim Lopez Phone: (303) 945-0091 Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC Fax: 7100 Broadway Received: 11/11/2016 3:55 PM #2-N Analysis Date: 11/19/2016 Denver, CO 80233 Collected: Project: 111016-1 Show Room Offices and Repair I Analyst(s) Stuart Printz (15) DisGaimer:Some samples may contain asbestos fibers present in dimensions below PLM resolution limits. The limit of detection as stated in the method is 0.25% EMSLAnalytical Inc suggests that samples reported as <0.25 % or none detected undergo additional analysis via TEM _ The above test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of EMSL Analytical Inc. This test report must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the United States Government . EMSL Analytical Inc., bears no responsibility for sample collection activities, analytical method limitations, or the accuracy of results when requested to separate layered samples. EMSLAnalytical Inc., liability is limited to the cost of sample analysis.The test results contained within this report meet the requirements of NELAC unless otherwise noted. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Denver, CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 CInitial report from: 11/19/2016 18:06:03 Printed 11/19/2016 4:06:04PM Page 2 of 2 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials by PLM via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy. Quantitation using 400 Point Count Procedure Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non -Fibrous % Type BF3-5 Interior Block Filler Beige 99.75% Non-fibrous (Other) 0.25%Chrysotile 221608188-0053 Showroom Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF4-1 Interior Block Filler White 99.25% Non-fibrous (Other) 0.75% Chrysotile 221608188-0066 Parts Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF4-2 Interior Block Filler White 100% Non-fibrous (Other) <0.25 % Chrysotile 221608188-0067 Parts Non -Fibrous Homogeneous BF4-3 Interior Block Filler White 99.75% Non-fibrous (Other) 0.25%Chrysotile 221608188-0068 Parts Non -Fibrous Homogeneous I Analyst(s) Stuart Printz (15) DisGaimer:Some samples may contain asbestos fibers present in dimensions below PLM resolution limits. The limit of detection as stated in the method is 0.25% EMSLAnalytical Inc suggests that samples reported as <0.25 % or none detected undergo additional analysis via TEM _ The above test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of EMSL Analytical Inc. This test report must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the United States Government . EMSL Analytical Inc., bears no responsibility for sample collection activities, analytical method limitations, or the accuracy of results when requested to separate layered samples. EMSLAnalytical Inc., liability is limited to the cost of sample analysis.The test results contained within this report meet the requirements of NELAC unless otherwise noted. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Denver, CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 CInitial report from: 11/19/2016 18:06:03 Printed 11/19/2016 4:06:04PM Page 2 of 2 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 httpl/www.EMSL.com / denverlab@emsl.com Attention: Kim Lopez Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC 7100 Broadway #2-N Denver, CO 80233 Project: 3765, Wadsworth EMSL Order: 221608289 Customer ID: EVCS42 Customer PO: Project ID: Phone: (303) 945-0091 Fax: Received Date: 11/17/2016 8:30 AM Analysis Date: 11/17/2016 Collected Date: 11/17/2016 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-931116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy CDW 3 -3 -Drywall Composite Drywall Brown/Pink 15% Cellulose Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non -Fibrous % Type CDW 3 -1 -Drywall Composite Drywall Brown/Pink 15% Cellulose 65% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous Fibrous 20% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608289-0001 Electrical Insulating Homogeneous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Material CDW 3 -2 -Drywall Composite Drywall Brown/Pink 15% Cellulose 65% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 20% Non-fibrous (Other) 221606289-0002 Homogeneous CDW 3 -3 -Texture Composite Drywall White 10% Ca Carbonate None Detected with Tape & JC Non -Fibrous 90% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608289-0003 Homogeneous CDW 3 -3 -Tape Composite Drywall Beige 99% Cellulose 1% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected with Tape & JC Fibrous 221608289-0003A Homogeneous CDW 3 -3 -Joint Composite Drywall White 10% Ca Carbonate None Detected Compound with Tape & JC Non -Fibrous 90% Non-fibrous (Other) Homogeneous 221608289-00038 CDW 3 -3 -Drywall Composite Drywall Brown/Pink 15% Cellulose 65% Gypsum None Detected with Tape & JC Fibrous 20% Non-fibrous (Other) 221606289-0003C Homogeneous INS1-1 Fiber Insulation Brown 99% Min. Wool 1°/Non-fibrous(Other) None Detected Fibrous 221608289-0004 Homogeneous EIM Electrical Insulating Red 15% Glass 85% Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Material Fibrous 221606269-0005 Homoaeneous Analyst(s) Amanda Lang (8) EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non -friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1% Samples analyzed by EMSLAnalytical, Inc. Denver, CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 Initial report from: 11/17/2016 10:24:46 1;[t? PLA? 000E - L?f Printed: 11/22/2016 3:33 PM Page 1 of 1 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 httpJjwww-EMSL.com / denverlab@emsl.com EMSL Order: 221608364 Customer ID: EVCS42 Customer PO: Project ID: Attention: Kim Lopez Phone: (303)945-0091 Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC Fax: 7100 Broadway Received Date: 11/21/2016 1:40 PM #2-N Analysis Date: 11/21/2016 Denver, CO 80233 Collected Date: 11/21/2016 Project: #3765 Wads Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Initial report from: 11/21/2016 18:07:55 rF,x (,,oij,', _ r, Printed: 11/21/2016 4:07 PM Page 1 of 2 Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance %Fibrous %Non -Fibrous %Type SM3-1-Texture Surfacing on Drywall White/Blue 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608364-0001 Heterogeneous Inseparable paint/coating layerincluded in analysis SM3-1-Drywall Surfacing on Drywall Brown/White 15% Cellulose 65% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 20% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608364-0001A Homogeneous SM3-2-Texture Surfacing on Drywall White/Blue 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608364-0002 Heterogeneous Inseparable paint /coating layer included in analysis SM3-2-Drywall Surfacing on Drywall Brown 15% Cellulose 65% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 20% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608364-0002.A Homogeneous SM3-3-Texture Surfacing on Drywall White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608364-0003 Homogeneous Inseparable paint/ coating layer included in analysis SM3-3-Drywall Surfacing on Drywall Brown/White 10% Cellulose 50% Gypsum None Detected Fibrous 40% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608364-0003A Homogeneous TJC3-1-Joint Compound Tape & Joint White 20% Ca Carbonate None Detected Compound Non -Fibrous 80% Non-fibrous (Other) 221606364-0004 Homogeneous BF3-1A Gray/Green 15% Quartz None Detected Non -Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate 221606364-0005 Homogeneous 75% Non-fibrous (Other) BF3-6A Gray/White 15% Quartz None Detected Non -Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate 221608364-0006 Homogeneous 75% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis B F 3-7A Gray/White 15% Quartz None Detected Non -Fibrous 10% Ca Carbonate 221608364-0007 Homogeneous 75% Non-fibrous (Other) Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis Initial report from: 11/21/2016 18:07:55 rF,x (,,oij,', _ r, Printed: 11/21/2016 4:07 PM Page 1 of 2 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 http:/lwww.EMSL.com / denverlab@emsl,com L Analyst(s) Amanda Lang (8) Patricia Wood (2) EMSL Order: 221608364 Customer ID: EVCS42 Customer PO: Project ID: EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal government. Non -friable organically bound materials present a problem matrix and therefore EMSL recommends gravimetric reduction prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Estimated accuracy, precision and uncertainty data available upon request. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Reporting limit is 1 Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Denver, CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 Initial report from: 1112112016 18:07:55 ASE_ PLP✓7,_O008 - 1.71 Printed: 11/21/2016 4:07 PM Page 2 of 2 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Tel/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 htip://www.EMSL.com/ denverlab@emsl.com EMSL Order: 221608685 Customer ID: EVCS42 Customer PO: Project ID: Attention: Kim Lopez Phone: (303) 945-0091 Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC Fax: 7100 Broadway Received Date: 12/05/2016 1:30 PM #2-N Analysis Date: 12/05/2016 - 12/06/2016 Denver, CO 80233 Collected Date: Project: 111016-1 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Tape & Joint Beige 95% Cellulose Light Microscopy None Detected Compound Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance %Fibrous %Non -Fibrous % Type SM4-1 Surfacing on Drywall White 15% Ca Carbonate None Detected Beige Non -Fibrous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) 2216086850001 Homogeneous Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis Homogeneous SM4-2 Surfacing on Drywall White 15% Ca Carbonate None Detected 60% Gypsum Non -Fibrous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) Compound 221608685-0002 Homogeneous 2216086850006C Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis Homogeneous SM4-3 Surfacing on Drywall White 15% Ca Carbonate None Detected <1% Chrysotile Non -Fibrous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) Fibrous 2216086850003 Homogeneous 22150868500060 Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis Inseparable paint/ coating layer included in analysis SM4-4-Texture 1 Surfacing on Drywall White 15% Ca Carbonate None Detected Non -Fibrous 85% Non-fibrous (Other) 221608685-0004 Homogeneous Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis SM4-4-Texture 2 Surfacing on Drywall Beige 100% Non-fibrous (Other) <1% Chrysotile Non -Fibrous 221608685-0004A Homogeneous 'Very limited amount of material for analysis' Inseparable paint /coating layer included in analysis SM4-5 Surfacing on Drywall Insufficient Material 2216086850005 Paint on Drywall paper. TJC4-1-Texture Tape & Joint Beige 100% Non-fibrous (Other) <1% Chrysotile Compound Non -Fibrous 2216086850006 Homogeneous Inseparable paint / coating layer included in analysis TJC4-1-Tape Tape & Joint Beige 95% Cellulose 56/6 Non-fibrous (Other) None Detected Compound Fibrous 221606685-0006A Homogeneous TJC4-1-Joint Compound Tape & Joint Beige 100% Non-fibrous (Other) 11% Chrysotile Compound Non -Fibrous 22160868500068 Homogeneous TJC4-1-Drywall Tape & Joint Brown/White 10% Cellulose 60% Gypsum None Detected Compound Fibrous 30% Non-fibrous (Other) 2216086850006C Homogeneous TJC4-1-Composite Tape & Joint Brown/White/Beige 30% Cellulose 50% Gypsum <1% Chrysotile Compound Fibrous 20% Non-fibrous (Other) 22150868500060 Homogeneous Inseparable paint/ coating layer included in analysis Report amended: 12/06/2016 15:23:05 Replaces initial report from: 12/05/2016 16:38:48 Reason Code: Data Entry -Change to Sample ID ASS PLM, 00£8 - 1 71, Printed: 12/6/2016 3:23 PM Page 1 of 2 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 1010 Yuma Street Denver, CO 80204 Phone/Fax: (303) 740-5700 / (303) 741-1400 http:/i'mvw,EMSL.com / denverlab@emsl.com EMSL Order: 221608685 Customer ID: EVCS42 Customer PO: Project ID: Attention: Kim Lopez Phone: (303) 945-0091 Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC Fax: 7100 Broadway Received: 12/05/2016 1:30 PM #2-N Analysis Date: 12/06/2016 Denver, CO 80233 Collected: Project: 111016-1 rest Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials by PLM via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy. Quantitation using 400 Point Count Procedure Non -Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non -Fibrous / Type SM4-4-Texture 2 Surfacing on Drywall Beige 99.75% Non-fibrous (Other) 0.25 %Chrysotile 221608685-0004A Non -Fibrous Homogeneous I JC4-1- texture Tape & Joint Beige 99.50% Non-fibrous (Other) 0.50 %Chrysotile 221608685-0006 Compound Non -Fibrous Homogeneous Analyst(s) Abigail Crock (2) Disclaimer:Some samples may contain asbestos fibers present in dimensions below PLM resolution limits. The limit of detection as stated in the method is 0.25% EMSL Analytical Inc suggests that samples reported as -0.25 % or none detected undergo additional analysis via TEM. The above test report relates only to the items tested. This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of EMSL Analytical Inc. This test report must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the United States Government EMSL Analytical Inc., bears no responsibility for sample collection activities, analytical method limitations, or the accuracy of results when requested to separate layered samples. EMSLAnalytical Inc, liability is limited to the cost of sample analysis. The test results contained within this report meet the requirements of NELAC unless otherwise noted. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Unless requested by the client, building materials manufactured with multiple layers (i.e. linoleum, wallboard, etc.) are reported as a single sample. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Denver, CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 Report amended: 12/06/2016 15:23:05 Replaces initial report from: 12/06/2016 12:34:21 Reason Code: Data Entry -Change to Sample ID Printed 12/6/2016 3:24:04PM Page 1 of 1 Enviro Care Consulting Services, LLC 7100 Broadway Suite 2-N — Denver, CO 80221 E-mail: kloner..emirocarea%email.com Phone: (720) 390-5768 APPENDIX D Sample Location Drawings Enviro Care Consulting Services LLC— 111016-1 Demolition Specific Asbestos Building Inspection Dealership Showroom and Shop 3775 Wacl w nh Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 T +°,*1 R11 10'; . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ~ BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ` 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number Date 8216 12/2/98 Property Owner : Property Address : 3785 WADSWORTH BLVD Contractor License No. : 17248 Company : Young Electric Sign Co Phone: 303-375-9933 Phone : 375 9933 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this pertnit applicalion are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are aaurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on this applicatlon, antl that I assume full responsibility for compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheat Ridge ordinances, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE Use: Description : Plan to re-skin part of existing awning install 1 new "service" cabinet, install new duraply sign, reface exisging D!F sign, remove banners BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY WW~ Approval : SM Zoning : G1 Approval: DM Approval: Occupancy : Walls SIC : Sq. Ft. : Proposal to re-skin existing freestanding signs. Banners will be removed and a new awning will be installed Any electric will require a separete permit Roof Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Stories : Residential Units : Mechanical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issuetl in acwrdance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to the laws of the State of Coloredo and to ihe Zoning Regulations and Building Code of Wheat Ridge, Colorado or any other applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authorizetl is not commenced wi[hin sinty (60) tlays from issue tlate or (B) the building authonzed is suspendetl or abandaned for a period ot 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquired for a fee of one-half the amount normalty required, providetl no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or ahantlonment exceeds one (1) year, full tees shal I be paid !or a new permit. 4) No work of any manner shall be done Ihat will change the naNral flow of water causing a dreinage problem. ~5) Contractor shall notify the Builtling Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspedion cartl before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance oF a permit or the approval of tlrewings and speci(ications shall not be consirued to be a permi[ for, nor an approval ot, any violation of the provisions the building codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. ^ J 4 ~ %1 ( ,~C~ ai/ ( Z/l Chief Building I ector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND MAYOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION Construction Value : $25,000.00 Permit Fee : $45.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : $0.00 Total: $45.00 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ECTION DIVISIO BUILDINGCNTM F WHEAT RIDGE_ 235-2855 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner Property Address Contractor License No. Company Building Permit Number : Date : 0-1 I-lIK ~7$J~ Wa(~SWot~~ N 0.-~ 1o~n ~~JAk , o~~Y k~l~~ ~-f,~ s~~h c~• OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiy lhat the setback distances proposed by this permit appliwtion are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulalions of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenanls, easements or reslrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegalions made are accurele; that I have read and a4ree lo abide bY all condhions prinled on this applieation, and that I assume tull responsibil'Ry tor compliance wilh the Wheat Ridge Buiiding Code (U.B.C.) and all other appliwbie W t Ri ge ordinances, tor woAc under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED DATE 1 ` -q S1r\C4O,n W. IA-P,hO\-(,(50v\ Description: 9~0.n ~-o YC-5Kih pa~lj- 0r- awnlh tns~at~ (t) ~ew '~sti~v~ce„ ~0.b~neY Sn;~ail new do(aply Resra~e ex~s3~r~5 0!f s~sn Reno~e bqn~.erS Phone : M Phone: Jn Construction Value : Permit Fee : Use Tax : Total : Use: ~)5-'pa0 . 9 5`6o $0.00 V BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Approval : PrwpoSd "lo ''e ~ Zoning : C -t In»,c+wt~Jicu-~ ~vv!+. $A,w~ncrs , ~ ~ U E~~ pIL ~utiU l~. ✓vtiv"~e,4 an^~' Approval: pVpta atarui~ ✓uu P_atstLegn►a~c__r~rM€n-?~ Ao) Elcc1, Approval: Ipc,r.n ~ Occupancy : Wails : Roof : Stories : ~ qFL : , A V , ~ Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval: Approval: Approval : (1) This permil was issued In accorda"a wtth the OmNSions sel lorth in yopur applicatlon aM is subieUC the laws of Ne State of Cobrado anA to Me Zo~in9 RegulatlanY aM BuiWiny Code of Wheat RIdQe, Cdo2tlo u any oUxr appliable adinances af the (2) 7Tw pemiB shall exqre d(A) ~~+'o~ e~°"Z~ ~ no1 CO~"~ ~in suty (60) days f~ luue data or (8) IM buildirp auUwrl[ed is suspeMed a abanOwiM lu a peAOC o1120 days. (3) ioA9inal Olans ar sP~fKatlo~i~ erW anY eu s~penson w abandonrt~ienl lws rwt e~ceeOeC one (tejye~. D~atpes are rt~u0e w~ usPe^s n abaeanaonmeN excceds ana (1) yeaf, lull (eea shall be pald la e new permiL (a) No woAC ol any manner shall be dme Ihal will change the natural Ilow W waler causinq a d2lnage problem. ~l m ins7~^ pb pelae (5) Conuactor sna4 noUry Ne Buildinp Insp¢qa twenry-lour (24) nouro in advance ta ail Inspec~ions anG shail receive writlen appro GroceeAiiny wilh successive dwaes o1 MC lOb. "(81 Tha issuance W a pem~M1 u the approval o(tlrowlnqs end speci(calions shall not Ee wnsWeG to be a pertnit la. na an approval 01, any WWadon M t~e Provislons . law_rule0ffE0ulaGOn. For Mayor THIS PERMITGALID CONLY ALL W 34 5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO I~N P'ECT ON ECTOR AND MAYOR I°\ N(3\3em)Le,<- o* Plann lv~ ari~ be~~.-19 ~e rnev~~ ~~~I d~hJ ~ ns~pe~hon Q~~ ~ Sio~ `1500 W es~ ave. 11~heo~~' RJ~e; , C~. ?0115~ ~VV114a N V\ 3 1 vi.SpY~'iJ_I o ~ 'V oi lsio ~ . OLrel A~ ae~vt3 o,~P tJCts+ t m3 SISnaet,. ~l 5~3VN C(l. plahs -~o re,-sl<~-~, awnlhs ov. OFron+ a~ ~'~~e sc~,l~e.s buL 4 1~5 ~-e 2,.~h5~~~ 11Yw ~\Secv~ee, C,~e+~~~~5~sh ~l,l)a~~) V`~e,4ae.e, i4v-e, ~exts+n p/F sisn n,-aA (i) n-ew dvra - P I~ s i3 ~ LI,U albJ yo\) havt' ah,7 ctues+I o ns p 6eas~ feel q~rtt 4'0 coni-ac+ m~, aI - 30S 3Z5-- 9q S3 , , S\,e, l dov\ W, N~evd,vsov~ _ _ i- - ~ ; - - - - - - - - - , - - ~ _ _ , , _ _ : : ' ! ~ - - _ _ -~-~-•J"--ti-i--~-! ,1 I i ~ i . . , . . i -L~_ :-~~-r-.-~_._~~:-_a_~_. _ ' L I . ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . ' . -._,_L__~-1- - - - i ~ - ! - - - ' - - - J_ii_ ~ l~. ~ .._~.~_i _._i.~-~.__t_~_.._: _.-.___i_- __'___"-_._i__.-._... ; . . J_. . _ _ . _ . " . _ _ ` . ~ . : ~ . . ~ ~ ~ _ • ~ . i :i-~ - --AL t-{J - ~ , Z^T~ . ~ J 1 . . ~ . . _ • _ _ _ - ~ - ~ • --3t'6-.- ~ v,._ - - - - - = I I ' ~i ~ . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ . _ . " . . . . . . ; . . . . . . I_ ' ~ .._'_i_ . _ . _ I . . . . . _ • . . . . . 5 ~ . . . . _ . . . i . _ . _ _ ~ _ ' - . 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Font Is Corel Swiss 721 Bold. • Install Location Of Sign • 21-0 If 11'-0" Panel To Be Constructed Of 1/2" Duraply & Painted To Match PMS 334 Green. Copy To Be White Reflective Vinyl. Colors For USA Logo Per Salesmen. Install Panel In Same Location As Old. • (1 Ea.) S/F Face Replacement 1/2"=1'-0" • • Install Location Of Sign • v D/r' raceReplaMment /C"=1' 0° !elaeA D/l". Sign. New Faces To Be ,150 White hexan W/1st Surface Vinyl Graphics. Vinyl Colors To Match I'MS 334 Green. Colors For LISA To Be Determined. 1G'A0~;_a p _Deface Exisa g O,T_Sign, i - New Fans 70 Be .150'A%ite Lexan W/l st Surface Vinyl Graphics, Y Vinyl Colors To Nf atch PISS 334 Green Colors . For USA T Det i B d _ o erm e ne , t~ Repaint ExL,iug Cabinet & Pole To Match E<~ MS 334 G reen. 14ofe. Need To Verify Tie Backs And Hanging Dar, cv~nrnnoCON ~A TOPt Eti ,m tool View EVJ aue e PR p. A 3AGVAL t DATE BY & €iRAMNGS OE _GAE NO. fiNEET Nt S A. t # DATE By 3 AFANAME ~IGATIONAI ESRESS [fR * __W qi~ oe ~,3-7'_a 2 Li Note_ O.~ 9 J l . a ~~n r. Forduto iatio- N EALr~ 11 DESIGN ~ t iTIMATING ENG C 1}fIS DRAvvirvw uvAS GREATt OAS`. (YttU IN VISUn,.IZING 0118 Pt,_?()5111- GI NAI. IDEAS Ncnnrv LESP"cRSON J1171fI y i~1CFjf1Ilfl ARE, r"RQPERTY Or xuJNG -E" n a. v vUPAF'i PERMISSION TO WIRY OR RN1SE iN15 DRAWING CAN {7NlY BE Oq'CAINED TNriU a VTNn (EN AGREEMENT rv PE ~CO SEE YC 1R J ALES REPREaENTATiVE OR CAL6THE. NEAREST OFFICE OF YOUNG EL-_- RIC SIGN COMPANY. Vt - I lI fr t~ } 1 1 S t ~t t H =k Repaint ixisting Cabinet & pole To Match a Fix 1'aiai„ r i ootD Cell a FMS 334 Green. * Conceptual View W/ New Face o 41-U 11 loon 111-G" * Existing Awning Re-Skin Awning W/ Cooley Green Fabric. Copy To Be The Same. COLORA O CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. 12016 Lunt Elevation Of Awning 1/6"=1'-0" ~ Re_mave Existing Awning cabrie..And Re-Skin-WY,.- New Green Cooley Fabric.