HomeMy WebLinkAbout3970 Wadsworth BoulevardDEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Building Permit Number : 95-242 Date :2/2/95 Property Owner : Praperty Address : 3970 WADSWORTH BLVD Contractor License No. : 17812 Company : Arapahoe Fire Protection, Inc. Phone: Phone: 690 8136 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certify that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all. measurements shown, and allegalions made are accurete; that I have read and ayree to bide bY all onditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsibilit r wmplia with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wh idge ordin es, for work under this permit. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) Description : RETR05+T FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Construction Value : $17,224.00 Permit Fee : $189.00 Use Tax : $258.36 Total: $447.36 Electrical License No : Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company: Company: Company: Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Expiration Date : Approval : Approval : Approval : a ` mm lom (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur applicaUon and is subjecl to ihe laws of the State ot Colorado and to the 2oning Regulatlons antl Builtling Code of Wheat Ritlge, Colorado or any oMer applicable ordinances of the Ciry. (2) This permit shall expire if (A) the work authonzed is not commenced within sixty (60) tlays from iuue tlate or (B) ihe buil0ing authorized is suspentled or abandonetl lor a penod of 120 days. (3) If this pertnit expires, a new Dermit may be acquiretl for a tee of one-haif the amount normalty require4 provided no changes have been or will be made in the original plans and specifcations antl any suspension or aban0onment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are matle or if suspension or abandonment exceeAS one (1) year, full (ees shall be paitl for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that will chan9e the natu2l flow of water causing a tlreinage problem. (5) Conlractor shall notiry the Builtling Inspector lwenry-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspeclion card before proceediing with successive phases of ihe f~ob. (6) The issuance of a pertnit or the approval of d2wings and specifcations shall not be construetl to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the builtling codes or any other ordinance, law, rule or regulation. JwL ~ Chief Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Building Permit Number : 95-242 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date :2/2/95 7500 WE$T 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : Property Address : 3970 WADSWORTH BLVD Phone : Contractor License No. : 17812 Company : Arapahoe Fire Protection, Inc. Phone : 690 8136 OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiry that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree bide by all conditions printed on this application, and that I assume full responsib or complia with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other app~icab t Ridge ordin ces, for work under this permit. ~T ATEi_ S / " FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories Construction Value Permit Fee Use Tax Total Residential Units : $17,224.00 $189.00 $258.36 $447.36 Electrical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : 29. Plumbing License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : w (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is sub1ed to the laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Buildin~ Code o! Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other apDliwble ortlinances of the City. (2) This permit shall expire d(A) the work authorrzed is not commenced within sixty (60) days (mm issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abantlonetl for a periotl of 120 days. (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquiretl for a fee ot one-halF the amount normally required, provitletl no changes have been or will be matle in the original plans and specifcations and any suspension or abandonment has not exceedeU one (1) year. It changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds ona (1) year, full fces shall be paid !or a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done ihat will change the naturel Bow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contrector shall notiry the BuilAing Inspector hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspeclions and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceetliing with successive phases of the job. (6) The issuance of a pertnit or the approval of d2wings and specifcations shall not be construed to be a permit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the provisions of the builtling cotles or any other oMinance, law, rule or regula6on. /S I JC? 4JN 'FCeC` 'C T- Chief Building Inspector THIS PERMIT VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CALL: 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION uLrAr. i iv,Lrv i(JF PLANNWG AND DLVELOPEtJ~LNT Applicauon Number : E3UILDING INSPECTION DIVISION - 235-2855 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Date : 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 Property Owner : i..elF Ar~B~r G Phone : PropertyAddress: yp Contractor Llcense No. : I-IR 1 2. GUats Z Company: AP-A.Ppi r-iak~ r-eo*Ax.-no'r Phone: 69o-brsk OWNER/CONIRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING ANO AGREEMENT I hereby ceniry mat the setback dislances proposed by this permit applicaGon are accu2te, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restriclions of record: that all measufements shown, and allegalions made are accuraie; Ihat I have read and aQree lo abiCe by all condilions prinled oo this application, and tnat I assume tull responsibildy tor compliance with the Wheat Ridge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wheal Ridge ordinances, (or work under lhis permil. (OWNER)(CONTRACTOR) SIGNED4i(~q:f~~~i DATE 1 ' 3 ~f i Construction Value : Z,yq ~ Permit Fee : llse Tax ~-83 6 Total : 6 Descnption ri ya Sp~jJKl t=c svs-~,- ,-I BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ~t~bl ~or~07onS&a Approval : Zoning : M1.diqAb!;4., e~ S~ Approval FAbjigaLVorks;:Corr~, -~„'eiitSil Approval : Occupancy : Walls : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No Plumbing License No : Mechanical License No : Company Expiration Date Approval : &J ffLlarisjRequired Company: Expiration Date : Approval . J pPlans Re,g~iiSpQq'~ Company : Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This peemd was issved in aCCardante vriN IM provisbns set bnh in yopur appliCatiOn aM is zubjeG b tlle laws d Me StateeliCobqd~ W b tlK ZoninD Regulabons and Builtling CoOe d VYheat RiOge. Cobrado or any other applicaWe adinances W the Cily. (2) This-permit shau expire A(A) the vrork aulMrizeC is not [ommencetl wilhin Sixry (60) tlays Irom issue Eale or (B) the bud7ing eNhwized k wsVUded a abantloned br a period of 120Oays. (3) It Ihis permil expire5, a new pCrmM1 maY b2 2fquire0 lor a lee o/ one-11aH Ne amount nqmtally rCQuirtd, prOVided M chan9e5 have beln Of wi7 6e nNde tithe On9ipal yrdn5 and SpCGfiC21i0l15 dOd 2Oy TUSpC/15i0O Or dOdOdOnlnEOl hd5 f1012%CfCOCO OOC (1) YfdL 11 UNOQCS dfE TdAC Of II SUSpfO51000f BbEfdOMknt exceeos one (t) year. full fees 5hall be paid for a new permd. (a) No work oi any manner shall be Oone that will change the nawral Ilow of waler wusing a tl2ire9e prodem. (5) Cnni"c:n: snaii nolity the 6uildinq laspecta hvenly-bm (.d) tiOOrS in Bdv30C21IX dll iOSPCC710115 dfW 511d11 ICCRiVP WIInEO dpPfOVdI OII IIISpCGiOO fdM 6Cfae poceeap~ svccesve phases of thepb rmil or t~e appmval o(drawings ana speoGCations snall not Ce consweC W be a perm0 for. nor an appmval o( arry vidaGOn M Ihe Mavisions (6) The ~ss~e of a pe si of Iur U.ro if (:odys or any Other orOinAnCe. law. mle prCgvlalion Chn7r1,h(duiq Inspector For Mayor PI..RMI i VALID ONLY WHEN SIGN[D BY THE CHIEF BUILDING INSP[CTOR AND MAYOR CALL 234-5933 24 HOURS PRIOR TO INSPECTION INC HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET JOB NAME, LOCATION: Building A 3970 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheatridge, Colorado CALCULATED BY: LC CONSTRUCTION: OCCUPANCY: Unobstructed Ordinary Hazard GP II - Mercantile AR,EA OF SPRINKLER OPERATION: 1500 Sq. Ft. DENSITY: .19 GPM Per SqFt AR,EA PER SPRINKI.ER: Varies 130 SqFt max. TYPE OF SYSTEM: Wet HOSE ALLOWANCE - INSIDE: None HOSE ALLOWANCE - OUTSIDE: 250 GPM @ Node 0 CALCULATION SUMMARY G.P.M. REQUIRED: 306.42 GPM P.S.I. REQUIRED: 67.81 PSI P.S.I. AVAILABLE @ G.P.M. REQ'D: 74.99 PSI "C" FACTOR USED: 120 Overhead WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION Node 0 is at a site main (8") STATIC: 75 PSI RESIDUAL: 72 PSI FLOWING: 872 GPM Flow test taken 12/30/94 ~ o74ess 6481 South Piney Creek Circle 9 Aurora,Colorado 80016 •(303) 690-8136 ~ ~ I l :r ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ h~s M wo " C ~ ~ G rT, ~ ~ ~ ' ' Q..a 0-. ~ ~ ~ , . 'nnIAIAINIIIIA~plll ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,f.~L. 'Z d C'. G-1 [ 'U ~ . t~ , ~ ~ ~ 1~ I 1 - ~ - . n ~ o. ~ =s ~ , - cv o 0 o ~n c o . ~ ~ 1(l 0 If1 1r1 CD Ir` C 1.,`l 0 1!1 C-- L'1 C Lf.` 0 Ir CD -y - ~ -ti C~ G) ~ x t l~ c.^., C: 1'i ^j r~~ nl ,n) if? O ~ooc FT ~I ' IMoc cc C, c FIREOUT SUBMITTAL CREATED 01-19-1995 11:24:51 Building A - Existing Shops West 38TH & Wadsworth Boulevard Calculated by: Arapahoe Fire Protection, Inc. Job #94-346 State Registration #95-034 FLOW TEST RESULTS STATIC RESIDUAL AT 872.0 GPM ELEVATION OF TEST 3.00 FT PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT 556.4 GPM SUMMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS 75.00 PSI 72.00 PSI 74.99 PSI ACTUAL MINIMUM SPR PRESSURE FLOW FLOW K-FACTOR 200 20.71 25.48 22.80 5.60 201 20.34 25.25 22.80 5.60 202 20.34 25.25 22.80 5.60 203 17.45 23.39 22.80 5.60 204 16.74 22.92 22.80 5.60 205 16.58 22.81 22.80 5.60 206 16.72 22.90 22.80 5.60 207 17.23 23.25 22.80 5.60 208 17.40 23.36 22.80 5.60 209 16.71 22.89 22.80 5.60 210 16.58 22.80 22.80 5.60 211 16.69 22.88 22.80 5.60 212 17.22 23.24 22.80 5.60 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 306.42 GPM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT 0 250.00 GPM TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT 556.42 GPM PRESSURE REQUIRED AT 0 67.81 PSI PAGE 1 MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS 0.054 PSI MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES 18.03 FPS FIREOUT SUBMITTAL CREATED 01-19-1995 Building A - Existing Shops West 38TH & Wadsworth Boulevard Calculated by: Arapahoe Fire Protection, Inc. Job #94-346 State Registration #95-034 FROM TO FLOW DIAM EQUIV P-LO55 GPM IN PIPE PSI/FT LEN/FT 110 210 1.0490 L Q 22.80 F=T F DR1 C120 T 112 212 1.0490 L Q 23.24 F=T F DR1 C120 T 111 211 1.0490 L Q 22.88 F=T F DRl C120 T - 109 209 1.0490 L Q 22.89 F=T F DRl C120 T 108 208 1.0490 L Q 23.36 F=T F DRl C120 T 107 207 1.0490 L Q 23.25 F=T F DR1 C120 T 106 206 1.0490 L Q 22.90 F=T F DRl C120 T 105 205 1.0490 L Q 22.81 F=T F DRl C120 T 104 204 1.0490 L Q 22.92 F=T F DR1 C120 T 103 203 1.0490 L Q 23.39 F=T F DRl C120 T 0.50 0.1658 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.1718 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.1669 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.1671 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.1735 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.1719 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.1672 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.1659 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.1674 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.1739 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 11:24:52 PRESSURE SUMMARY PSI 16.58 (210) -0.22 0.91 17.27 (110) 17.22 (212) -0.22 0.94 17.94 (112) 16.69 (211) -0.22 0.92 17.39 (111) 16.71 (209) -0.22 0.92 17.41 (109) 17.40 (208) -0.22 0.95 18.13 (108) 17.23 (207) -0.22 0.95 17.96 (107) 16.72 (206) -0.22 0.92 17.42 (106) 16.58 (205) -0.22 0.91 17.27 (105) 16.74 (204) -0.22 0.92 17.44 (104) 17.45 (203) -0.22 0.96 18.19 (103) PAGE 2 FIREOUT SUBMITTAL CREATED 01-19-1995 Building A - Existing Shops West 38TH & Wadsworth Boulevard Calculated by: Arapahoe Fire Protection, Inc. Job #94-346 State Registration #95-034 FROM TO FLOW DIAM EQUIV P-LOSS GPM IN PIPE PSI/FT LEN/FT 102 202 1.0490 L Q 25.25 F=T F DRl C120 T 101 201 1.0490 L Q 25.25 F=T F DRl C120 T 100 200 1.0490 L Q 25.48 F=T F DRl C120 T 111 110 1.4520 L Q 10.71 F=0 F BL5 C120 T 112 111DQ 22.88 1.4520 L Q 33.59 F=0 F BL5 C120 T 29 112DQ 23.24 1.4520 L Q 56.83 F=0/T F BL4 C120 T 106 105 - - 1.4520 L Q 10.41 F=0 F BL4 C120 T 107 106DQ 22.90 1.4520 L Q 33.31 F=0 F BL4 C120 T 28 107DQ 23.25 1.4520 L Q 56.56 F=0/T F BL4 C120 T 102 101 - 1.4520 L Q 0.80 F=0 F BL3 C120 T 27 102DQ 25.25 1.4520 L Q 26.05 F=0/T F BL3 C120 T 0.50 0.2004 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.2004 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 0.50 0.2038 PT 5.00 PE 5.50 PF PT 10.25 0.0084 PT 0.00 PE 10.25 PF 8.00 0.0697 PT 0.00 PE 5.00 PF 16.52 0.1844 PT 6.00 PE 22.52 PF PT 10.25 0.0080 PT 0.00 PE 10.25 PF 8.00 0.0687 PT 0.00 PE 5.00 PF 16.52 0.1828 PT 6.00 PE 22.52 PF PT 8.00 0.0001 PT 0.00 PE 8.00 PF 16.52 0.0436 PT 6.00 PE 22.52 PF PT 11:24:53 PRESSURE SUMMARY PSI 20.34 (202) -0.22 1.10 21.22 (102) 20.34 (201) -0.22 1.10 21.22 (101) 20.71 (200) -0.22 1.12 21.61 (100) 17.26 (110) 0.00 0.09 17.35 (111) 0.00 0.56 17.91 (112) 0.00 4.15 22.06 ( 29) 17.32 (105) 0.00 0.08 17.40 (106) 0.00 0.55 17.95 (107) 0.00 4.12 22.07 ( 28) 21.24 (101) 0.00 0.00 21.24 (102) 0.00 0.98 22.22 ( 27; PAGE 3 FIREOUT SUBMITTAL CREATED 01-19-1995 11:24:54 Building A - Existing Shops West 38TH & Wadsworth Boulevard Calculated by: Arapahoe Fire Protection, Inc. Job #94-346 State Registration #95-034 FROM TO FLOW DIAM EQUIV P-LOSS PRESSURE GPM IN PIPE PSI/FT SUMMARY LEN/FT PSI 109 110 1.4520 L 10.00 0.0105 PT 17.26 (110) Q 12.09 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 BL5 C120 T 10.00 PF 0.10 108 109DQ 22.89 1.4520 L 9.85 0.0752 PT 17.36 (109) Q 34.98 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 BL5 C120 T 9.85 PF 0.74 9 108DQ 23.36 1.4520 L 143.00 0.1936 PT 18.10 (108) Q 58.34 F=T F 6.00 PE 0.00 BLS C120 T 149.00 PF 28.85 PT 46.95 ( 9) 104 105 1.4520 L 10.00 0.0110 PT 17.32 (105) Q 12.39 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 BL4 C120 T 10.00 PF 0.11 103 104DQ 22.92 1.4520 L 9.85 0.0765 PT 17.43 (104) Q 35.31 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 BL4 C120 T 9.85 PF 0.75 8 103DQ 23.39 1.4520 L 143.00 0.1958 PT 18.18 (103) Q 58.70 F=T F 6.00 PE 0.00 BL4 C120 T 149.00 PF 29.17 PT 47.35 ( 8) 100 101 1.4520 L 10.25 0.0388 PT 21.24 (101) Q 24.46 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 BL3 C120 T 10.25 PF 0.40 7 100DQ 25.48 1.4520 L 165.00 0.1452 PT 21.64 (100) Q 49.94 F=T/4E F 18.00 PE 0.00 BL3 C120 T 183.00 PF 26.57 PT 48.21 ( 7) 30 29 2.6349 L 12.00 0.0065 PT 22.06 ( 29) Q 44.69 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CM2 C120 T 12.00 PF 0.08 10 30 1.4520 L 197.63 0.1182 PT 22.14 ( 30) Q 44.69 F=T/T F 12.00 PE 0.00 BL6 C120 T 209.63 PF 24.75 9 10 2.6349 L 12.00 0.0065 PT 46.92 ( 10) Q 44.69 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CM1 C120 T 12.00 PF 0.08 PAGE 4 FIREOUT SUBMITTAL CREATED 01-19-1995 11:24:54 PAGE 5 Buil ding A - Exis ting Sh ops West 38TH & Wadsw orth Bo uleva rd Calc ulated by: Ar apahoe Fire Protection, Inc. Job #94-346 State R egist ration #95- 034 FROM TO FLO W DI AM EQUIV P-LOSS PRESSUR E GPM IN PIPE PSI/FT SUMMARY LEN/FT PSI 8 9DQ 58.34 2.6349 L 12.00 0.0304 PT 47.00 ( 9) Q 103.03 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CMl C120 T 12.00 PF 0.36 7 8DQ 58.70 2.6349 L 12.00 0.0701 PT 47.36 ( 8) Q 161.73 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CMl C120 T 12.00 PF 0.84 6 7DQ 49.94 2.6349 L 10.00 0.1153 PT 48.20 ( 7) Q 211.67 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CMl C120 T 10.00 PF 1.15 PT 49.35 ( 6) 28 29 - 2.6349 L 12.00 0.0006 PT 22.06 ( 29) Q 12.14 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CM2 C120 T 12.00 PF 0.01 27 28DQ 56.56 2.6349 L 10.83 0.0144 PT 22.07 ( 28) Q 68.70 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CM2 C120 T 10.83 PF 0.16 26 27DQ 26.05 2.6349 L 11.17 0.0261 PT 22.23 ( 27) Q 94.75 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CM2 C120 T 11.17 PF 0.29 6 26DQ -48.12 1.4520 L 197.63 0.1279 PT 22.52 ( 26) Q 46.63 F=T/T F 12.00 PE 0.00 BLl C120 T 209.63 PF 26.81 5 6DQ 211.67 2.6349 L 10.00 0.1667 PT 49.33 ( 6) Q 258.31 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CMl C120 T 10.00 PF 1.67 PT 51.00 ( 5) 25 26 - 2.6349 L 10.00 0.0074 PT 22.52 ( 26) Q 48.12 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 CM2 C120 T 10.00 PF 0.07 5 25 1.4520 L 197.63 0.1356 PT 22.59 ( 25) Q 48.12 F=T/T F 12.00 PE 0.00 BL1 C120 T 209.63 PF 28.43 3 SDQ 258.31 2.6349 L 5.92 0.2287 PT 51.02 ( 5) Q 306.42 F=2E F 12.00 PE 0.00 FM1 C120 T 17.92 PF 4.10 2 3 2.6349 L 5.50 0.2287 PT 55.12 ( 3) Q 306.42 F=0 F 0.00 PE 2.38 FR2 C120 T 5.50 PF 1.26 FIREOUT SUBMITTAL CREATED 01-19-1995 11:24:55 PAGE 6 Building A - Existing Shops West 38TH & Wadsworth Boulevard Calculated by: Arapahoe Fire Protection, Inc. Job #94-346 State Registration #95-034 FROM TO FLOW DIAM EQUIV P-LOSS PRESSURE GPM IN PIPE PSI/FT SUMMARY LEN/FT PSI 1 2 2.6349 L 5.00 0.2287 PT 58.76 ( 2) Q 306.42 F=0 F 0.00 PE 7.36 FRl C120 T 5.00 PF 1.14 0 1 4.1550 L 12.00 0.0187 PT 67.26 ( 1) Q 306.42 F=E F 16.00 PE 0.00 UN C140 T 28.00 PF 0.52 PT 67.78( 0) PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT NODE 0 AT 556.4 GPM 75.0 PSI MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS 0.054 PSI MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN PIPES 18.03 FPS AYEB 2000 a Provides positive driptighi dosure against the reverse Bow of noirpomble liquids caused by a cross connection. (heck valves and shut off ualves (with tast cacks) are ' an integral part of ihe main body. The 3000ss (11/2' - ; 6') a of idenfical design ro i the 2000ss intemally, with i ihe addifion of a byposs assemWy consisfinp of a meter, small diameter douWe :i check, shut-off valves and i required tesf cocks extemolly. Smndard feaNres include: . Nontorrosive 300 series stoinless steel body . fam{heck clasure i assembly for lowest i flow losses in indushy j . BuilHn shurofl valve ? eliminates leaks (3/4"-2") i • Single bolf o-ring sealed sminleu steel occeu cover fa easy J servicing (3/4"-2") . Single two-bolt grooved sryle cover for quick and ; easy uccess and servicing j (21/2"fi") ~ . Temperature mted to j 110° F " .175 PSI rated working ~ pressure - Built ro US(FL((HR j requiremenh j a Norizontal or vefical ~ iristallafion IPiROYILLS 'ariaus approvak 6om the i ollowing organizatiom* 14 FM, ASSE, U54 IYVWA, CSq, ULC r SILYER BULLET 2000:s Double Check BackBow Prevenfion Assem6ly , Weight s t Dim ansian s (w/Sh moff Valv es) ~ z ` A B C 3 '/P 10:" 3'/e" 2" 3'/s° 316. I" 14'/2" 3'h" 2" 3'/:" 316. 1'h" 21 S" 2" 6" 151b. 2" 21 'h' 5" Y 6" 1516. io -ii -•I -•I 1/2-1- "LUUU SS frk tioe Lo ss 1 2 . ~ r a B ~ y l ; . 1 P ~ -i- z r s 1o ia so 30 Iso 70 va isol ~ ~ I FLOW IN GPM ~ Weights t Dimsnsions (2000ss) „ g A B C D E 2'/:" 23" 38" 10" 3%e" 18" 1901h. 531b. 3" 23" 38" 10" 3'/P 20'/:" 23016. SS lb. 4" 22" 40' 10" 4'h" 24'h" 305Ib. 5816. 6' 27 y2" 48'/:" 15' S y:" 321/e" 5151b. 10516 IfIOW IN GPM :mbn Nnn CuM1mW M nPOi4Mbk September 14,1991 Sprinkler 13a MIC RNKLERIC~ NIKING" S R MODEL M 'h~.a ~ ~~y~~~ ~'r,•'~`"~``,^ ~ y~~ °;"1 ~ ~.1 1. PRODUCT NAME Viking Micxomatlca Sprinkler Model'M' Sryle: Upripht, Pentlent end Conventlanal 2. MANUFACTURER THE VIKING CORPORATION 210 N. IndusViel Park Road Hastlnps, Michigan 49058 U.S.A. Fax Number: (818 945•9599 Teiephone: (816) 945-9501 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Vikinp Micromatlcs Sprinkler is a small, ihermosensiUve glass•bulb spray sprinkler. The sprinkler is available in several styles, finishes, temperature ratings and orifice sizes to meet design requirements. The small irame and rugged 8mm glass-bulb provide a pleas• Inp aesthetic appearance. Used In con- junction with one of the various cortosion resistant coatings the unit provides protection against many corrosive en- vironmenu. In addition, the special polyes[er or Teflong coatings can also be used In decorative applications where the colors are desired. During fire conditions, the heat sensitive liquid in the glass-bulb expands, causing the bulb to shatter, releasinB the pip cap and sealing spring assembiy. The water flowinp through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control ihe fire. The sprinklers may be ordered and/or used as open sprinklers (glass-bulb and pip cap assembly removed) on deluge systems. 4. TECHNICAL DATA See ChaAS (pages 13c and 13d) for list of approvals. Glass Bulb Fluid Temperature rated to -65°F (•55°C) Rated 175 PSI (1,207 kPa) water work- ing pressure Faaory tested hydrostatically to 500 PSI (3,448 kPa) Spring USA Patent No. 4,167,974 Mater(als: Frame - Brass castinps UNS-C84400 Dellector - Brass UNS-C26000 Bulb-Glass with Glycerin solution Nominal 8mm diameter Bushing-Brass UNS-C36000 Seal-Teflons Tape Spring-Nickel Alloy Screw-Brass UNS-C36000. Pip Cap • Copper UNS - C11000 Polyester Sprinklers: Spring-Nickel Alioy Exposed Screw-Brass UNS•C36000 Tin Plated Pip Cap-Copper UNS-C11000 Tin Plated Teflone Sprinklers: Spring-Nickel Alloy Exposed Screw-Brass UNS-C36000 Tin Plated Pip Cap-Copper UNS-C11000 Teflone coa[eC 5. AVAILABILITY AND SERVICE Viking sprinklers are available through a nenvork of Domestic. Canadian, and In- ternational Distributors, see the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory (listed under 'Sprinklers Automatic Firel or write to The Viking Corporation. 6.GUARANTEES Viking agrees to repair or replace goods (ound to be defeciive in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment. Fa details of warranry, refer to price list. 7. INSTALLATION WARNING: Viking sprinklers are manutactured and tested to meet the ripid requlrements o( the approving agency. The sprinklers are designed to be installad In accordance with recognized instaliation standards. Deviatlon irom the standards or any al- teratlon to the sprinkler aftar it leaves the fadory including, but not limited to, painting, plating, coating or modifira- Gon, may render the sprinkler Inopere- tive and will automatically nullify the approval and any guarentee made by The Viking Corporation. A. Sprinkiers are to be installed in ec- cordance with the latest published standards of the National Fire Protec- [ion Association, Factory Mutual, Loss Prevention Council, Assamblee Pleniere, Verband der Sachver- sicherer or other similar organiza- tions and also with the provisions of governmentaicodes,ordinancesand standards whenever applicable. B. The sprinklers must be installed after the piping Is in place to prevent mechanical damage. Before install- ing, make sure the appropriate model, sryle, orifice siza and temperature ratinp is used. Apply a smalt amount of pipe Joint compound or tape to the external threads only, taking care not to allow a buitd up of compound in the sprinkler orifice. In- stall Ihe sprinkler on the piping using ihe special sprinkler wrench only, i 5 ~ ~ a g E• `r ~ 3 m N 8 1 Form No.072788 cn: n41u• 1Qh September 14, 1991 . MICROMATIC~ NIKINEi SPRINKLER MODEL M SprINMr Nomind SprinWw Caili Tem ralun ,1 S rlnkler Fnm TompenWn TOmpSr~Wn RatInO M~ AW^l AKOmm.nd. eulb PaIM CIassHkatbn (Fusinp Point) Tamp. Albwed' AmbMntT*mµZ CWer Cow Ordhwy 1 5 C 115 4 C 100 F 38 C orange Noruit Ordinmy 7 (88 C 135 F(5 C) 100 F( C) Red None IMermeGlete 17 9 C 155 F(BB C) 150 F 6 C Yelbw White reElete 20D F 9 C) 1 W F(8 C) 150 F(6 Cj Green N'hite Intem Intertnediate 21 1 C 192 F 88 C 150 F(6 C) Green White HI h 286 (141 C) 266 F(1 C) 225 F(10 C) Blue &ue Exva Hiph 360 P(1 C) 340 F(171 C) 300 F(149 C) Meuve PeA Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Bright Brass, Polished Chrome, White (Polyester), Bleck (Polyester), and &adc TeflonD Corrosion Resislant Coetinga3: Polyestar end TeflonS in all temperatures, Wex CoateO Dreu, end Wa: over Polyester In the following lemperetures: 135°F (57°C) White Wax. 175°F (79°C) Dark Brown Waz 155°F (68°C) L1qht Brown Weu 2~F (100°C) Dar kBrown NW 1 9ese0 on Nationel Flre Preventlon anE Contrd Mminlavetion ConVecl No. 7-34860. 2 BaseO m NFPA-13. Other 14Mts may apply depend!np an Ore loadinp. aprinl0w locetlan erW olher eWxray haNnp jwiadicilon requiremwb. Reler to aperalic installatlon aterWarOS. 3 The Corrosion Resistent CostlnOs hava passed the slerMard carrosbn test requlred by the 4sled !()pfOVIf10 BQBI%iB{. 111BSB tB6tb CJIIfIOI BfIE CO IIOt lBPIBSBfIt ell pD551bIB CO!lOSWB BfIVYOfYI1Bf1t8. Pf{Of Io Install kp veNy. Wa+ph the and user, tliat the coatinps ue compa4hle a witaCle la tlw yoposeC anvirorvnerrc, Tro mennes aiamted ara apWied a the axposea ezienw wnaces aiN and mera«e mnrwt ba used as open spAnklers. Note thet the spring Is exposed on the tellonW end pWyester spinkler. while taking care not to damage the sprinkter operating parts. (My other rype of wrench maydamagethe unit.) DO NOT use the sprinkler deflector to start or thread the sprinkler into a fitting. C. Sprinklers must be handled with care. They must be stored in a cool, dry place in their original shippinp con- tainer. Never Install sprinklers that have been dropped, damaged or ex- posed to tamperetures in excess of the maximum arnbient temperature allowed. Never install any glass bulb sprinkler H the bulb is cracked or if there is a loss of liquid irom the bulb. (fhese sprinklers should be destroyed immadiately.) With the Bmm glass bulb sprinkler held horizontal, a small air bubble should be present. Tha diameter of the air bubble varies from approximately 1/16 inch for the 135°F (57°C) rating to 1/8 inch for the 286°F (141°C) rating and is approximately 3116 inch diameter tor the 360°F (1820C)rating. D. Corrosion resistant sprinklers must be Installad when subject to corrosive aVnosphares. When ins[allinp cor- rosion resistant sprinklers, care must be taken not to damage the corrosion resistant coating. Use only the spe- dal sprinkler wrench and immedi- alely replace any damaged units. E. Sprinklers subject to mechanical damage must be protected with an approved sprlnkler puard. Wet pipe systems must be provided with ade- quate heat. Pendent sprinklers in areas subject to freezing must be special dry pendent sprinklers. After installation, the entlre sprinkler system must be tested in accordance with the recognized installation standards. The test is applied after the sprinkler installation to insure no damage has occurred to the sprinkler during shipping and installation, end to make sure the unit has been properly tightened. If a thread leak should occur, normally the unit must be removed, new pipe joint com- pound or tape applied, and reinstalled. This is due to the fad that when the joint seal is damaged, the sealing compound or tape is washed out of the joint. In areas where leakage during testing must be prevented, sprinkler piping may be air tested prior to testing with water. 8. MAINTENANCE NOTICE: The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protectlon system and devices In proper operatlng condi- Uon. For minimum maintenance and in- spection requirements, reter to the Na- Gonal Fire Protection Association Pamphiet ihat describes care and main- tenance of sprinkler systems. In addi- tion, the "Authoriry Having Jurisdiction' may have additional maintenance, test- Ing and inspecUon requirements which must be followed. A. The Sprinklers must ba InspeUetl on a regular basis for corroslon, mechanical damage, obsVUCtions, paint, etc. The frequency of the in- spections may vary due to corcosive atmospheres, water supplies and ec- tiviry around the device. B. Sprinklers that have been painted a mechanically damaged must be replaced immediately. Sprinklers showing signs of corrosion shall be tested and/or replaced Immediately as required. Miaomatic0 Model M Sprinklers Viat are 50 years old shall be tested and/or replacad as re- quired. Sprinklers that have operated cannot be reassembled or reused, but must be replaced. When replac- inp sprinklers, use only new sprinklers. C. The sprinkler discharge pattern Is critical for proper fire protection, therefore, nothing should be hunp from, attached to, or othenvise obstrud the discharge pattern. All obsVuaions must be immediately removed or, if necessary, additional sprinklers Installed. D. When replacing existing sprinklers, the system must be removed from service. Reter to the appropriate sys- tem desaiption and/or valve instruo- Uons. Prior to removing the system from service, notlry all Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Consideration shoutd be given to employment of a fire paVOl in the afiected area. 1. Remove the system (rom service, draining all water and relieving all pressure on the piping. 2. Using the special sprinklerwrench, remove the old sprinkler and in- stall the new unit. Care must be taken to replace the sprinkler with the proper model, slyle, orifice size and temperature rating. A fully stocked spare sprinkler cabinet should be provided for this purpose. 3. Piace the system badc in servlce and secure all valves, Chedc and repair all leaks. E. Sprinkler systems that have been subject to a fire must be returned lo service as soon as possible. The en- tlre system must be Inspected for damage and repaired or replaced as necessary. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion or high embienttempera- tures, but have not operated, should be replaced. Refer to the Authoriry Havinp Jurisdiction for minfmum re- placement requirements. Form No. 072788 September 14, 1991 Sprinkler 13c R M ICo NIKINGC S R NK ER MODEL M MICROMATIC MODEL M 8mm GLASS BULB KEY STANDARD RESPONSE See row n ol -4 see row 3 ot i Approved A~ Approved Temp. Cnan Finisn Cnan STANDARD ORIFlCE Thread Nominal DeNector Nominal verall 2 A roval Size Orifice S le K Factor Len th PC N.P.T. B.S.P. Inches MM Descri tion Base P/N U.S. Metnc Inches MM UL ULC FM NYC' VDS ( OC) 1/2 U ri ht 048026 5.5 2.3 58 A3 B4 D7 A3 84 Ft E5 A3 B4 1/2' 15mm 1/2 15 Penden 0480413 5.5 79 2.3 58 A3, B4, D7 A3, B4 F1, E5 A3, B4 C1 A1, B6 15mm 15 U ri ht 051430 79 58 - F1, ES - C1 A1, 86 LARG E ORIFl CE 3/4' 20mm 17/32 20 Upright 048248 8.0 115 2.4 61 A3, B4, D 7 A3, 84 F1, ES A3 84 , C7 Ai, 86 3/4' 20mm 17/32 20 Penden[6 048268 8.0 115 2.4 61 A3, B4, D 7 A3, 84 Ft, ES A3, B4 C1 A1, B6 1/2" 17/32 Pendentl-s 05067B 8.0 2.9 74 A3, B4, D7 A3, B4 F7, E5 A3, 84 1/2" 17/32 U n h[5 050658 8.0 2.9 74 A3 84 07 A3 84 F7 ES A3 84 SMAL L ORIFICE7 1/2" 3/8 - Pendent 1.6 048198 27 27 69 A3, B4, D7 A3, 84 F7, ES A3, B4 - 1/2' 318 - Upright' 04878B 2.7 - 2.7 69 A3, B4, D7 A3, B4 F1, ES A3, 64 1/2' 7/16 U ri ht 04821 B 4.0 2.7 69 A3. B4, D7 A3, 84 A3, 84 1/2" 7/16 Pendent'.° 048228 4.0 27 69 A3, 84, D7 B4 A3, 84 10mm 10 U ri ht 050698 58 2.3 SB ! - C1 At, 86 10mm 10 Pendent` 05071B 58 23 58 - C1 A1, B6 CONVENTIONAL 1/2' 15mm 1/2 15 Conven6onal 050636 5.5 79 2.3 61 A3, B4, D7 A1 At, 86 3/4' 20mm Conventional 048288 8.0 175 2.4 61 A3, B4, D7 - - A7 A1, B6 APPROVED TEMPERATURES APPROVED FINISHES A- 1350F (570C), 155°F (680C), 175°F ( 790C), 1 - Brass, Bright Brass and Chrome. 200°F (93°C), 286°F (141°C). 360°F (182°C) 2- Brass, Bright Brass, Chrome White Polyester', and Black PolyesterB. B- 135°F (57°C), 155°F (68°C), 175°F (79°C), 3- Brass, Bright Brass, Chrome, Black Teflonoe, White Polyestere, 200°F (93°C) and Black Polyester8 C- 155°F (68°C), 200°F (93°C), 266°F (141°C) 4- Wax Coated Bress and Wax over Polyester. Corrosion Resistant. 5- Wax Coated Brass. (For corrosion resistance). D- 286°F (141'C) 6- Wax Coated Brass, and White Polyester. E- 135°F (57°C), 155°F (68°C), 175°F (79°C), 7- 200°F (93°C) Wax coaung. (For corrosion resistance. ) Max. ambieM temp. 200°F (93°C), 272°F (100°C) at ceiling = 150°F (650C). F- 135°F (57-C). 155°F (68°C), 175°F ( 79°C), 200°F (93°C), 212°F (100°C), 286°F (141°C), 360°F (182°C) FOOTNOTES 'Base part number shown. For complete part number, see price list. zThis Chart shows the listings and approvals available at the ame of printlng. ONer approvals are in process. Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. iApproved by the New York City Board of Standards and Appeals under Calendar Number 279-76-SA. The sprinkler frame is idenlified with the nominal orifice size and the deflector has a proVUding pintle. The sprinkler oritice is bushed. SThe sprinkler 6ame is idenfified with the nominal orifice size and the deflector has a protruding pintle. 6Refer to Sprinkler Accessories tor approved escutcheons and other accessories. 'UL, ULC, FM, NYC approval is limited to light hazard, hydraulically calculated systems. BUL ULC 8 NYC d i i , approve as cortos on res stant sprinkler. For listings and approvals tor Recessed Pendent Installations, see chart on page 13d. Form No. 072788 March 8, 1969 Sprinkler 135 NIKINMICROMATIO ADJUSTABLE ESCUTCHEON MODEL E-1 1. PRODUCT NAME ADJUSTABLEESCUTCHEON MODEL E-1 2. MANUFACTURER THE VIKING CORPORATION 210 N. industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A. Fax Number: (616) 945-9599 Easylink Mailbox: 62884145 Telephone: (616) 945-9501 Telex Number: 22-6400 3. PRODUCT DESCRIP710N The Viking Model E-7 two piece Adjus- table Escutcheon is used with a pendent or horizontal sidewall Micromatic0 Model M sprinkler to provide a low profile, decorative recessed sprinkler. The escutcheon's two piece design al- lows the installation and testing of the sprinklers prior to the installation of the ceiling. The outer cup can be removed and reinstalled allowing access above removable ceiling panels for servicing building equipment without shutting down the sprinkler system and removing the sprinkler. The slip-on feature allows for minor adjustments due to pipe or ceiling pitch. 4. TECHNICAL DATA See Chart for list of approvals. Adjustment range is flush to 3/4" (19m m) recessed. Requires a minimum 2-1/8" (54mm) to a maximum 2-1/2" (64mm) diameter hole in ceiling or wall. Material: UNS-G10080 Cold Rolled Steel Escutcheon Finishes.' Bright Brass Polished Chrome Painted White Painted Navajo White Painted Black (Semi-Gloss) *Note - the escutcheon is not coated or listed for corrosive environments and therefore should not be used for this purpose. 5. AVAILABIUTY AND SERVICE The Viking Model E-1 Adjustable Es- cutcheon is available through a network of domestic, Canadian, and international distributors, see the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory (listed under "Sprinklers Automatic Fire") or write to The Viking Corporation. ~ / ]A ~ i 7 4 APPROVED FOR USE WITH THE FOLLOWING VIKING SPRINKLERS ONLY Pendent 3/8" A' - D' A' Pentlent 1/2" A BY D A Pentlent 17/32" A Bt D A Horizontal 112" Ctt - - C}t "A"-Denotes approved in 135'F, 155'F and 175'F ratings in all sprinkler finishes. "B"-Denotas approved in 135F, 155'F,175'F and 200'F ratings in Bright Brass and Polished Chrome sprinkler tini5he5. "C"-Denotes approvetl in 135'F, 155F, 175'P and 200'F ratinqs in all sprinkler finishes. "D"-Denotes approvetl in 135'F, 155'F and 175'F ratings in Bright Brass antl Polishetl Chrome sprinkler finishas. ""-Denotes approvetl for light Hazard Occupao- cies only. }"-Danotes approvetl br use in Occupancies up to antl inclutling Ordinary Hazard Group II when installetl on wet pipe systems only. "ft"-Must be installed 4"-12" below ceiling. ~ This chart shows tha listings antl approvals available at the time oi printing. Other ap- provals are in process. Contact the manufac twer for any atltlitional approvals. ~ Approved by the New Vork City Board of Stand- ards and Appeals untler Calentlar Number 219-76-SA. 6.GUARANTEES Viking agrees to repair or replace goods found to be defective in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment. For details of warranty, refer to price list. 7. INSTALLATION WARNING: Viking sprinklers are manufactured and tested to meet the rigid requirements of the approving ~ ~ agency. The sprinklers are designed to be installed in accordance with recog- nized installation standards. Deviation from the standards or any alteration to the sprinkler afler it leaves the factory including, but not limited to, painting, plating, coating or modification, may render the sprinkler inoperative and will automatically nullify the approval and any guarantee made by The Viking Cor- poration. A. Sprinklers are to be installed in ac- cordance with the latest published standards of the National Fire Prolec- tion Association, Factory Mutual, Loss Prevention Council (F.O.C.), Assemblee Pleniere, Verband der Sachversicherer or other similar or- ganizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances and standards whenever applicable. B. Recessed sprinklers are decorative sprinklers and are generally con- sidered special service. As such, if the proposed installation requires recessing any of the heat sensitive operating element (glass bulb), some Authorities Having Jurisdiction may limit the use depending on the oc- cupancy classification. Refer to the Authority Having jurisdiction prior to installation. C. Refer to the appropriate sprinkler data page for additional warnings and in- stallation instructions then install units according to the following steps: STEP 1: Ins[all all piping and cut the sprinkler drop nipple so that the reducing coupling is at the desired elevation. m F m S ~ ~ 0 1E ~ ~ ~ 0 3 a 0 a ~ F m a Form No. 082088 Sprinkler 136 March 8, 1989 ~[IKING~ MICROMATIO ADJUSTABLE ESCUTCHEON MODEL E-1 STEP 2: Screw the center adapter ring on the sprinkler. The adapter should rest on the shoulder of ths sprinkler wrench boss. STEP 3: Apply a small amount of pipe joint compound or tape to the male threads of the sprinkler only and screw into the cou- pling. Tighten with the recessed sprinkler wrench. STEP 4: Test the system as required and repair all leaks. Note if a thread leak should occur, nor- mally the unit must be removed, new joint sealer ap- plied and then reinstalled in order to seal properly. STEP 5: After installing the ceiling with a minimum 2-1/8" (54mm) hole for the escutcheon, press on the outer ring until the flanges rouch the ceiling. Note the maximum center adapter recess is 3/4" (19mm). DO NOT modify Ihe unit. If neces- sary re-cut the sprinkler drop nipple as required. DISASSEMBLY - The outer ring can be removed and reinstalled without removing the sprinkler to allow ac- cess above the ceiling or to replace if necessary. If it is necessary to remove the entire unit the system must be removed from service. See maintenance instructions and follow all warnings and instructions. 8. MAINTENANCE NOTICE: The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection system and devices in proper operating condi- tion. For minimum maintenance and in- spection requirements, refer to the Na- tional Fire Protection Association Pamphlet number 13A, "Care and Main- tenance of Sprinkler System". In addi- tion, the "Authority Having Jurisdiction" may have additional maintenance, test- ing and inspection requirements which must be followed. A. The Sprinklers must be inspected on a regular basis for corrosion, mechanical damage, obstructions, paint, etc. The frequency of the in- spections may vary due to corrosive 5/16' (Bmm) Center AEapter Rinp/ r--~ 3I0" Maximum ~ CemarAaapair Recess (19mm) . I I atmospheres, water supplies and ac- tivity around the device. B. Sprinklers that have been painted or mechanically damaged must be replaced immediately. Sprinklers showing signs of corrosion shall be tested and/or replaced immediately as required. Sprinklers that are 50 years old shall be tested and/or replaced as required. Sprinklers [hat liave operated cannot be reas- sembled or reused, but must be replaced. When replacing sprinklers, use only new sprinklers. C. The sprinkler discharge pattern is critical for proper fire protection, therefore, nothing should be hung from, attached to, or otherwise obsiruc[ the discharge pattern. All obsiructions must be immediately removed or, if necessary, additional sprinklers installed. D. When replacing existing sprinklers, the system must be removed from service. Referto ihe appropriale sys- tem description and/or valve insiruc- tions. Prior to removing the system from service, notify all Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Consideration i-vz• (30mm) (27mm) ttL 1.i116' 24/16" ~ (53mm)~ 3-1/16' (7amm) should be given to employment of a fire patrol in the affected area. 1. Remove the system from service, draining all water and relieving all pressure on [he piping. 2. Using the special sprinkler wrench, iemove the old sprinkler and in- stall the new unit. Care must be taken to replace the sprinkler with the proper model, style, orifice size and temperature rating. A fully stocked spare sprinkler cabinet should be provided (or this purpose. 3. Place the system back in service and secure all valves. Check and repair all leaks. E. Sprinkler systems that have been subject to a fire must be returned to service as soon as possible. The en- tire system must be inspected for damage and repaired or replaced as necessary. Sprinklers that have been ezposed to corrosive products of combustion or high ambient tempera- tures,buthave not operated, should be replaced. Refer to the Authoriry Having Jurisdiction for minimum re- placement requirements. IIIB ~ Black Li htw LT all Thr g eadab/e Pipe Data and Submittal Sheet PRODUCT DESCRIPTION BLT is a black, exceptionally strong, lightwall threadable sprinkler pipe. It is designed for use in wet, dry, preaction and deluge systems. Its wall thickness and weight are less than that oi Sch-40 or Sch•10. BLT is similar to other lightwall threadable products such as XL and LS (except that BlT is black). It may be joined by threaded (in accordance with ANSI 81.20.7 grooved, welded, or plain end couplings. COATING BLT is coated with our famous Diamond Coat acrylic tinish, a feature preferred over traditional lacquer-type coatings. It is ready for paint application and needs no special preparation. The black finish on BLT eliminates the risk of welding associated with other zinc coated products. Black BLT mixes well with existing systems and causes less confusion with owners, authorities and other contractors at the jobsite. APPROVALS BLT is UL listed for wet, dry, and preaction systems, and FM Approved for wet systems. It is manufactured to ASTM A-135. It is approved for use with all threaded fittings and welded outlets up to 300 PSI working pressure. HYDRAULICS BLT has excellent hydraulics. Its Inside Diameter is larger than Sch-40 and identical to that of XL and LS. (See ID's in Data Table). NPS 1" 11i4" 1 v2" 2" ACTUAL OD 1290 1.638 1.883 2.360 ACTUAL ID 1.704 1.452 1.687 2.154 WqLL 0.093 1.093 1.098 1.003 WT/FT 1.19 1.53 1.87 2.48 PCS/LIFT 91 61 61 37 Nominels La , , • • ip-I ~ • ~ ~ . NPS 11. 11/4' 1 v2" 2 BLT 0.35 0.17 0.18 0.21 DYNA-THREAD 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 SCHEDULE-40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 XL 0 0.17 0.18 0.21